#i also like the idea of an au where instead of dying he 'dies' and is taken to Project Bullfrog
What was Overkast like?
honestly kind of a dick.
He was the star of his team, the only one who was ever really in the spotlight due to his looks, charisma, and flashy powers. Pretty cocky and self-centered, as well as impulsive and short-tempered, but cared enough about what the public thought of him to mostly keep that under wraps.
Overkast wasn't one of the superstar, highly-commercialized heroes (marketing, reality show, action figures, the whole shebang), but that was something he strived for. He had a pretty moderate fanbase due to, again, his flashy powers and good looks, but also his loose-cannon nature.
Initially, Corp overlooked his flaws, but as time went on he started to push his boundaries more and more. Going off alone when it was supposed to be a team mission, turning off his comms in the middle of a fight, etc. Titanium couldn't go too far with any disciplinary action either, because he had enough of a fanbase that it would raise unwanted questions from the public if he was decommissioned, especially if he raised a fuss about it. (Which he was likely to do).
Alexei was the final straw, though. He blatantly ignored the order to incapacitate and went right for dismemberment, while several civilian witnesses were present. Titanium set up an under the table "disposal" for him a few months after that.
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risuola · 1 year
Please hear me out!
i’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I wanted to write it myself but I can’t write for shit 😭 Here’s my idea, reader (she/her) is close friends with Satoru and Suguru. She takes Suguru’s place instead, and Suguru ends up not going insane, and decides to stick around in Jujutsu High. But because the reader takes his place in this story, she spirals and abandons the idea of being morally good. (She’s a sensitive softie at heart 🥹 the cruel reality of being a sorcerer really took a toll on her). She commits so many crimes that the higher ups urge the strongest duo to finally execute her after dismissing her for nearly a decade. She dies in their hands, and doesn’t get a proper burial. Kenjaku takes her body and uses it as vessel. When Shibuya arc finally unfolds, she shows up right in front of Satoru and Suguru, alive and well. Soon reveals that it’s Kenjaku who has full control of her body. Of course their guilts eats them alive, and the reader (more like kenjaku) rubs salt on their wounds by taunting them about how she’s a great vessel and also a waste that she had to die so soon.
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LOST CAUSE — F. READER x GOJO SATORU + GETO SUGURU, but there’s no romance whatsoever, guest appearance of Kenjaku
cw: an au where SatoSugu have another close friend; spoilers for Hidden Inventory/Premature Death arc and the very beginning of Shibuya arc, so much angst and the usual that comes with JJK – blood, hurt, tears and depression : D also, possibly inaccurate references to the original plot, reader's death — 5,5k words
a/n: I’m hearing you out dear! Thank you for the conception, it certainly fulfilled my need to write long and angsty <3
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It was stupid. All of it was stupid. Why? Which decisions led you to where you now stood, all of your mind and body filled with devastation as you stilled in time – above the piles of little corpses, disfigured and permanently contorted in a grimace of dread and suffering. A stench of blood and burned bodies irritated your nostrils, your eyes were teary from all the smoke that still was filling the air and as you looked down at your hands, they were covered in blood and purple goo. Sticky. Repulsive. And the screams. In the dead silence of your surroundings, your head was still filled with an echo of those, who were now dead at your feet. Those, who you were unable to save. The imagery of them running, begging, dying carved itself into your mind. Why were you here, again?
* * *
“Hey, y/n, you’ve lost some weight. Are you alright?”, Satoru asked, playing with pencil that just a moment ago he asked you to throw at him. A showcase of his new skills, the techniques he’s been perfecting for the last year after encountering Toji Fushiguro. You forced a smile, squinting from the blinding sun of the summer at its peak.
“Yeah, sure,” you replied, patting Suguru’s shoulder, because his attentive eyes were scanning you already for any sign of disorder; you could hear his analytic brain cranking up, his golden pupils drilling holes in your head. “I’m good, it’s just too hot you know?”
“Wanna go grab some ice cream later?”
“Always.” No, you didn’t wanna go grab ice cream with them. You didn’t wanna grab anything with anyone for that matter and already you had come up with some half-baked excuse to sell later to your two best friends.
You, Shoko, Gojo and Geto were all in the same year in Jujutsu high. You joined them a little late, but quickly found yourself inside the love triangle with the two boys. You called it love, but it truly was nothing more than just a bonding friendship that you wished will last forever; a really close one and you couldn’t imagine your world without their chaos. They were like brothers to you, the ones you’ve never had and Ieiri was like a sister, but she was smart enough to keep her distance from the mess of SatoSugu. You were not as bright in that matter, but for two years, you couldn’t appreciate enough the yin and yang that they created, the casual bickers and deep talks late at night, the cuddles and pinches, the pats and smacks, the tears and laughs, sleepovers, sleepless nights and everything between. You loved them, you couldn’t think of your future without them.
That’s until not that long ago. Few months, maybe. You felt like you’ve been spiraling slowly into something that could only be named depression, because if not that, then what else? Why would you randomly tear up nowadays, zoning out completely in the midst of sentences. Why would you spend nights, blankly staring at the ceiling instead of sleeping, isolating yourself from your friends more and more? And why would you still hear that? The screams, the pleads of hysteric, the soul-tearing sounds of pain and frighten that you’ve been carrying inside your brain since that one mission.
Everything went wrong then, and you were alone. Shoko stayed at the campus, working her way towards becoming a doctor and you, Satoru and Suguru were assigned only to solo missions since the plasma vessel failure. You were strong, it was stated that your year was exceptional, that all of you have a chance to become special grades soon, but you hated that. Being strong came with a burden that you were not ready to take, and when you realized that, most of it was already heaving on your shoulders.
When you got to that school, it was already too late and it wasn’t your fault. You rushed there as soon as you were assigned with the job, but when you dropped the curtain and looked at the building, there was already smoke coming from the window holes, that some time earlier had glass in them. And when you kicked your way inside the little indoor sports arena, the view struck you in ways you couldn’t possibly prepare yourself for and certainly, you couldn’t process it as well. The school was primary, those people were just kids, but the curses pay no mind to age of their victims. This one was particularly playful – or rather, eagerly violent – spreading hellfire around, burning these children alive one by one, causing chaos, suffering and bloodshed. When you finished exorcising it, it was over. For the curse, for your job and for the lives of all of those children. None survived. Not even one.
Not always we can save everyone, Suguru always told you, rationalizing the sacrifices sorcerers have to make and you tried to repeat that in your head when you got out. You tried to play it over the screams, but eventually, the soft tone of your friend’s voice got lost in the catastrophic cacophony of sorrow, sizzling skin and burning death. And that, maybe wouldn’t be enough for you to lose your mind. Maybe you could recover from that, but soon after the incident you witnessed the group of people that stood behind the assault. A band of grown humans, men and women, who were convinced some of those children were possessed by devils or some other shit, so in all hypocrisy known to race, they hired a curse user to fight fire with fire. Quite literally. Those people were so blinded by their fear of unknown that they sacrificed lives of dozens of little children, they shattered so many innocent lives only because they believed in something absurd. And then, they tried to push the blame on you, on sorcerers despite the fact they hired one to do the dirty job. And then, they killed the user, fearing him too. When you’ve got to see the body of a sorcerer that you’ve never got to meet, or at least you thought so, you realized that probably, you wouldn’t recognize him anyway. You’ve seen corpses barely reminiscing of humans, twisted and broken as curses often chose the most petrifying, violent ways of killing, but this? This was something you’ve never seen before – a cruel, ruthless exhibition of pure hate, evidence of deliberate torture, the picture painted in stabs, burns and bruises. All of which, caused by people, who frankly, showed no remorse nor regret as their faces were painted in pride, origin of which you failed to notice.
Those humans. Used jujutsu to commit mass murder only to blame it on your people and kill them. Animals. No. Worse. Much worse.
“Y/n, please, let’s talk it through,” Suguru tried to reason, as you stood up against the two of your friends, in the middle of Shibuya’s scramble crossing. People were passing next to the three of you, unbothered by the way your worlds were colliding right here, in the busiest part of Tokyo. People didn’t care of others, they wouldn’t react if someone next to them would get stabbed to death, only caring about their own shoes to not get them stained in the dirt of blood.
“Don’t be stupid, it’s not who you are,” Satoru raised his tone, but all you felt was nothing. The emotions you’ve seen on his face were real, you knew it. Satoru wears his heart on his shoulder, he pours everything he feels into the words he aims at people that are close to his soul, and you were no exception, but at this moment, you felt nothing. “I know you couldn’t do that.”
“Couldn’t I?”, you asked, thinking back on the last Friday, during which you executed those same people that used jujutsu sorcerers to wipe the floors of that primary school. To wipe the blood and burned bodies. You remember how they knelt before you, how the women cried begging for their lives, yelping that they have children, families and yet, those same children and families were nowhere in their mind when they ordered a mass murder in the primary school. “And why would that be exactly? Because you two think so?”
“Y/n, I get it,” Geto stepped forward, but stopped as you glanced at him. “I really do. You know me, we talked about it. It was hard for me too after Riko, I know what you’re going through.”
“I know Suguru.”
“I thought you keep his side, y/n,” Gojo threw his hands in the air, helplessly trying to find the words to dress his mind with. “I thought you believe in doing good with your powers. That people won’t understand so we shouldn’t look at them and just do what we do. Wasn’t that what you’ve told me?”
“I did, yes,” you gave it a nod and exhaled. “But it changed. Yes, they won’t understand. Anything that they can’t comprehend is pure evil for them and yet they believe in such absurd like gods. They will use us to do their dirty works and then blame us for it, because they cannot understand a single thing. And then, they will kill us, one by one and we, the strongest, cannot do nothing about it. We’ll have to go through life through the corpses of our friends. People don’t deserve what we do for them.”
“Y/n, please, let’s talk about it. Let’s get back to school-“ Geto tried, but you cut him off.
“You two, get back to school. I know I have a sentence already, there’s no point for me to get back there only to get executed. And frankly, I don’t want to get back there, to take part in what they teach us is right when we die for those people. We give our lives for them and they have no idea,” you said, taking a step back. You could tell the lights will soon switch. “Look around, Satoru, Suguru. They crawl around us unaware of our sacrifice and yet, even if they are so fragile a single blow can kill them, they think we deserve to be killed. I’m not gonna take part in this anymore. I’m sorry.”
“We can’t let you go, you know that, we-“
“Then attack me. I’m sure any of you can take me down. I’d rather die by your hands, than on a job of protecting them.”
You turned your back on them, and Satoru raised his hand, pointing at your silhouette, blue already on his mind as his cursed energy gathered in front of his fingers. Suguru’s curses sprawled out of their dimension, but none of them pursued with the attack, unable to do that. They couldn’t kill you. You were too dear to them. They loved you too much to take your life like this. So they let you go, and soon enough, they lost the sight of you in the crowd.
* * *
Nine years. It's been almost a decade and many things changed. You changed your ways completely, making a point of protecting sorcerers from people, even if that meant killing them, but care for humans was something you’ve lost many years ago, having it slowly replaced by disgust. Your once soft heart turned hard and dark and all the good in you vanished as you time after time solidified your beliefs that humans are simply not worth saving, therefore there was no need to keep them alive the moment they became useless. Over those years, you used those people to your benefit, raising money and gathering intel and then, the second their use to you has become nonexistent, so were them. Blood burned permanent stains on your hands but screams of hurt didn’t phase you at all. Have you become a monster? You might have. But for the lives of sorcerers, it was worth it.
It’s been almost a decade since you’ve been dismissed from jujutsu community for crimes, that over those years piled up rapidly and during this time, both Satoru and Suguru tried to stay out of this, whilst Yaga turned a blind eye to the corrupted path one of his students went down by. The now principal felt responsible for not doing enough, for not saying enough, for not noticing soon enough and though the rest of his students, now teachers in Jujutsu high told him that some things were inevitable, it wasn’t that easy to switch off the thinking. Same went for both the strongest, but for years, they waited in hopes for something to change.
That was until you killed someone seemingly important. A politician of sorts, high government pawn that you learned was funding a unit of so-called sorcerer killers, ones that modelled after Toji Fushiguro in cold blood were meant to take down a menace that jujutsu users were, as if it was them who were the ones to fear. Opposite to little no-one’s deaths, this one was loud, this one was medial and this one, Yaga couldn’t let slip. So, an order was given.
Kill on sight.
Almost ten years, and yet Satoru still couldn’t believe what happened. Whilst young, the three of you were almost inseparable and you, out of the whole group, were the most sensitive person he knew. You were soft and full of smiles, kind above all else and yet, you were strong enough to hold back the tears he knew were threatening to roll down your cheeks on many occasions. You were soothing, an oasis that was easily able to turn any darkness into light, and what Satoru couldn’t forgive himself was that once that same darkness started devouring you, he didn’t notice. Too focused on his own missions, on lighthearted shenanigans, on perfecting his usage of limitless and six eyes, he had no idea about your state of mind and when he realized, you have already been sentenced. Suguru didn’t notice either. Or maybe didn’t want to notice, because you talked through many nights about the doubts you both had. He knew about the utter devastation that was slowly consuming your soul but hoped you’ll overcome it, because you always were a sunshine, and a sunshine couldn’t die down to shadows. Turned out, this shadow was pitch black and no light made its way through it.
“Y/n,” they called you and the beautiful music that their voices created brought back memories of your youth. Ten years, almost, had passed since you’ve seen your best friends the last time, and with curiosity sparkling through your system, you turned to face them.
“Satoru, Suguru,” addressing them, your lips curved up slightly in a manner of soft joy. Your heart fluttered at the sight; your pulse raised just as it would for person who’s just seen the love of their life. “Long time no see.”
“It’s not as pleasurable as we would like it to be, y/n,” Suguru sighed and you took a moment to absorb the view.
Both of them changed. Suguru, still tall and broad, seemingly even buffier than he was before stood there with his hair now longer and partially knotted and partially left loose on his back. His facial features sharpened, jaw got more edge to it, eyes turned more narrow and focused, but still, some softness remained from what you remembered and probably he would seem even more familiar if not for the tough expression he had going on. Satoru, right next to him, became even taller. His white hair was now pointing up, kept by a white wrap that completely covered his eyes – something that he probably adapted during the time of usage of his six eyes. Not much of his face you could see, but with ease you noticed his features matured. Both were dressed in uniforms that you could only tie to their unbreakable bond with Jujutsu high.
“You’re now teachers, the two of you, huh?”, you asked, smiling softly, but keeping their moves in mind. “I’ve heard this year’s students are exceptional, now it makes sense. Good they have such amazing senseis.”
“You could have been one of the teachers too,” Gojo snapped.
“How could I teach anyone something I don’t believe in?” a chuckle rumbled deep in your chest as you thought of the image. Abstraction of it made you amused. “How’s Shoko? Is she a doctor now?
“She is,” Geto muttered, unsure why is he answering your questions. “Yaga is the principal.”
“Oh, is he? Look at him, climbing up that ladder,” you laughed, “so, it’s on his orders that you two are here?”
“You killed a fucking politician, y/n,” Satoru spoke, sounding calm but you could tell his blood was boiling. Both of his hands hidden in his pockets were visibly clenched in fists and even though you couldn’t see his eyes, you knew his brows were furrowed. “Almost a decade we allowed you to do whatever you tried to do, but this time, higher ups stepped in. The sentence is decided, we cannot let you pursue your goals further.”
“And why are you both here? I’m sure just one amazing special grade would be enough,” there was a certain amount of poison in your words, though it wasn’t directed at your friends and both of them knew it. “Are the higher ups so desperate to get me off the board because it’s them who give green lights to those assholes that kill us? Did you know that that pathetic politician I’ve killed was in midst of creating an army of little Toji Fushiguros? How do you think he even knew about the dude, huh?”
“An army of Toji?”
“Yeah, remember that guy, that cut both of you into slices? Yea, that one. And who’s giving away the cursed tools to said army? Well, it’s not me and I assume not any of you as well.”
 “Y/n,” Suguru made his way to the side in what seemed like an attempt on surrounding you, because in that same moment, Satoru began shifting to the other side. “I agree with you. People don’t deserve what we do. But no one else can do it. You’re killing those whom we swore to protect.”
“Tell me, Suguru… how many bodies of our friends did Shoko cut open?” you asked and the question made the dark-haired man tsk. It was the truth that hurt the most, he hated how precisely it hit the spot. “How many of our allies were spread across her metal table after Haibara was there? Well, half of Haibara?”
“That’s not the point,” Satoru scoffed and with an exhale, he raised his hand up to loosen up the bandages around his eyes. “We die just as people die. Sorcerers are not above death. You know that, right?”
“We’re not above that, but we are above people and we risk our lives, which we just like them have only one of, for them. And they fuckingstep on it. If I have to pick who’s gonna die from a curse, why would I pick a sorcerer, when a loss of a mere human will be much less tangible than the loss of one of us?”
“Because they cannot protect themselves from curses, and we can.” Geto replied and in a whiff, you felt the appearance of his curses around him. Both him and Gojo were getting ready for a fight, so you had to get ready as well.
“But can we really protect ourselves from them?”, you glared back at him; your tone calm but laced with icicles that pierced through Suguru’s mind as he struggled to see you inside of you.
All of the softness he had always equated you with dissolved into something he couldn’t quite place. Image of you killing someone just for the sake of killing somehow couldn’t materialize inside his mind and it pained him, breaking his heart to think that he will be the reason of your death. And it’s true that probably, just one of them would be enough for that fight, but there was no way they would be able to chose and no one else could do it. You were the strongest, you grew into a special grade quickly after leaving and your technique proved to have no flaws or holes. You were a threat above abilities of others, stepping down only to the two of your friends, if not being equal to them.
“Let’s do it quickly, Suguru,” Satoru sighed, tucking his wraps into one of his pockets.
“Oh, where’s your playful attitude, Satoru?”, you teased, but somehow it hurt you as well. It was your friend you were talking to. Both of them, that came here to kill you and only way for you to get out of it was to kill them.
And killing them, turned out, you couldn’t do. Even hurting them came with difficulty not physically, but mentally. But you fought them both at the same time, keeping a defensive stance, searching for an opening to vanish. From them, you wished to run away, to not make them take the burden of your death because you could see it in their eyes, you were just as dear to them still, as they were to you. But they left you no opening to run away, so you fought. Using everything you’ve got to immobilize them, because instead of taking their lives, that would give you more time.
The way you stood against them, with your cursed technique of energy manipulation, it gave them the hardest time since Toji, and considering they were both taking part in the fight now, ten years after and significantly stronger, just showed how much work you’ve put into your own development. And with pride you noticed, how strong both of your friends became as well. You countered all of their attacks, slashed away the curses and blocked the blues and reds, albeit it really was a matter of time and you knew that. And so, you pushed through, materializing in your hands weapons made from pure, solidified cursed energy, using swords and needles and creating armor around your body that effectively, shielded you from any attack. Your weapon was different from cursed tools. It was made only from energy, strong and unbendable, changing shapes and forms as you deemed it necessary, allowing you to use it in close combat and on long distances. Any curses Suguru summoned stood no chance against what you wielded, but the sheer amount of them was just short of overwhelming you. On top of that, Satoru’s constant offensive, his fists saturated in limitless abilities, the sheer strength of both bodies that were attacking you, slowly rendered you weaker. And it didn’t surprise you.
The end has come when one of the curses stopped you mid-way, engaging in a fight that distracted you enough for a hollow purple to reach your body. The blast threw you away as your body pierced through three buildings straight, through thick concrete bocks and hard steel reinforcements like it was tearing through wet paper and it’s only thanks to the full body coverage of your cursed technique, that it didn’t kill you on the spot. But it hurt. All of your body felt broken once you finally stopped, back pressed against the wall that still cracked underneath the impact of your frame hitting it. Blood covered your vision and a cough shook your body with painful wave overtaking your entire nervous system.
“So that’s the infamous hollow purple, huh?”, you muttered, leaning your head back against the cold solid behind you. There wasn’t much in your body that wouldn’t be fractured at least, you could tell without a mistake that your heart was still beating only because of the cursed energy that still circled throughout your frame.
Both men appeared in front of you, jumping from above – Suguru coming from one of his flying curses and Satoru, probably just teleported here.
“I’m sorry, y/n,” Gojo whispered, squatting in front of you and Geto followed his motion to level his vision with yours.
“’ts alright, ‘toru,” you muttered, feeling the dizziness taking the best of you. After the hit you took, you were certain not even a genius like Shoko could save you. “Sugu… both so strong.”
Exchanging a quick glance, both sorcerers sat down, on your sides, paying no mind to the puddle of blood underneath you. They took your hands, so small in comparison to theirs, now red and wounded severely, but the pain you couldn’t feel much of anymore.
“I’m sorry I didn’t take this mission for you. Back in our days. It was meant to be mine, but I was training,” Satoru confessed, squeezing lightly the fractured bones in your palm, reminiscing of the day that was the beginning of your end. The elementary. That day engraved itself in his memory as one of many days that seemingly mattered nothing. Yaga told him about the issue, the curse and fire in school for the youngest, but he brushed it off, focusing all of his mind on perfecting the last touches of his technique. He still remembers how sensei was mumbling profanities, but couldn’t care less because he was that close from teleporting.
“’ts okay, ‘toru.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there either,” Suguru added, his voice barely a whisper as you leaned your head against his shoulder, desperate to ease the heaviness. What Geto remembered from the day in question was that he had an issue with his own technique. Little difficulty, as he was absorbing one of the special grade curses he just caught. It wasn’t severe, it wasn’t even that important, he could have fix this on another time and take the god damn mission, but instead, he declined. “I thought if I don’t take the job, Satoru will, but turned out, it got to you.”
“Sugu, ‘ts ok.”
“Remember how we used to sneak out the dorms to get ice cream in the middle of the night?”, Satoru changed the topic completely – a defensive mechanism to lighten up the mood, to prevent him from crying. And you hummed in response, lowering your heavy lids.
“And how Satoru got drunk after three sips of a beer? That’s when we all knew he’s the lightest head in the history,” Suguru added and faded images of how Gojo discovered that he cannot drink to save his life rushed to the front of your mind.
You had no idea how long it took, was it few minutes or merely few seconds, but you listened to both men rambling above your head, reminiscing of your school days and everything that you did together. Of every prank you witnessed that they took on poor first years, of every little mischief and menace they performed, following Satoru’s lead, because it’s always him who stood tall in the name of chaos. You were humming softer and softer, quieter and quieter.
Until you were not.
“And then we put those cupcakes in Nanami’s bed and-“
“Satoru,” Geto cut him softly, looking down at your stilled frame. At your frozen chest and softened features, sensing no more heartbeat. And Gojo turned his eyes towards you as well, taking in the last picture of you, who he loved as his little sister, even though there was no age gap between you and him. And then they both cried in silence, spending another hour with your dead body before gathering you and taking home.
* * *
October 31, 2018
Only word that could describe what was happening in Shibuya at this moment would be chaos. Pure disorder, people frightened and running, some unconscious on the ground and some other hiding from what was happening in the Shibuya station. Most of them couldn’t see it but felt the terror, saw the blood, smelled the death in the middle of which, two men were standing.
Both Satoru and Suguru, when they came down here to fight whatever the hell was attacking people, couldn’t move; their heads void of any logical thoughts as memories rushed to the fronts of their minds. Stunned to the core and frozen, they looked into the eyes of the person in front of them, distrusting their own vision. The person that wore the familiar look of you, the energy of you and what seemed like – the same cursed technique, and voice, and face, and hair, and everything. Not one thing betrayed trickery or deception as there you stood, facing them both with a smile on your face – one of those soft ones that had melted their hearts on the spot a decade before. Your features relaxed, genuine, borderline joyous as you breathed the air around them once again.
“What…?”, Suguru snapped first, forcing his own body to move and smacking his friend’s shoulder. “How?”
“Who the hell are you…?”, Satoru whispered, voice stuck in his throat as all of the information that his senses were receiving contradicted with what his soul was telling him.
“Aah? It’s been few months, but do you not recognize me anymore?”, your voice flew through your mouth, the very same gentle and bright tone they used to fall asleep to. “It’s hurting my feelings.”
“Cut it,” Gojo snapped, now putting more pressure on his vocal cords, a groan escaping his throat in effect. “Cut the bullshit, you’re not her. You cannot be her. Y/n is-“
“Dead? Yeah, that purple really messed me up,” you chuckled, shrugging your shoulders slightly and stepping forward. “I have to admit, restoring the body wasn’t the easiest of all.”
“Reveal yourself,” Geto took the defensive stance, ready to pursue with attack if needed and his curses floating behind him on standby. “You’re not fooling us.”
“Ah, how stubborn,” another laugh brightened your face, only now more menacing, more teasing as your dainty fingers reached up to gather the lose hair out of your forehead, revealing a line of thin stitches across your skin there. “See, you really did me a favor by burying her body oh-so traditionally. Isn’t that the procedure to burn every deceased sorcerer?” your mouth was moving, spilling the words interlaced with taunt as the, what looked like, thread was pulled out of the horizontal line above your eyebrows and soon after, grabbed by the hair, the top of your head was lifted, revealing the terrifying image of a brain. With mouth of its own.
“What did you do to her?!”
“Oh, I just took what you two threw away,” you replied, slowly putting the upper skull part down on its place, matching the lines as the thread went through the holes by itself, securing the head together. “And I have to thank you for your little sentiment. If not for that, I wouldn’t have my perfect vessel. Ah, but it’s sad, isn’t it? Such a young, pretty girl had to die so early, and more so, killed by her own best friends. What a waste to jujutsu community, don’t you think?”
Both the boys stood there in shock, guilt eating them alive as the salt and acid was being rubbed into the wounds that just opened. The scabs of the past were ripped away, revealing the gushing pain and Satoru growled in anger, realizing that once again, he might have been responsible for what happened to you. This time, Suguru kept up with him in terms of fury, feeling his own blood boiling in his veins, unable to watch your body being possessed like this, used like a toy.
“Y/n, I know you’re there-“ Gojo called, but got stopped quickly by another pilfering laugh.
“Oh, but she’s not. Her soul is long gone and dead. You made sure to have her soul dead, and you have to know I nearly teared up reviewing her memories when I took the body. Such a poignant story, oh, so heartbreaking.” The teasing had no end as more and more poisonous venom spilled through your mouth, contradicting the carefree and joyful tone of your voice.
“What makes you believe that even if you take her body, you can win here? We’ve defeated her already,” Suguru narrowed his eyes.
“Oh, you’ve won but that’s because she let you two won. Wasn’t that surprising how easily you finished her? A special grade? How she didn’t even try to dodge the hollow purple, like the little curse that she was fighting with was really that much of a struggle? Oh, don’t be silly, you two. It wouldn’t be that easy if she tried.”
“We won’t let you-“
“You must understand your situation. What you’re standing in is a special grade cursed object. A prison realm, and to say it simply, you’ve already lost,” you pointed at the floor, from where the four corners of a cube stretched into a mass of flesh, with an eye – giant and bleeding, staring at its target, as the next stage of sealing began before either of sorcerers reacted. “And what’s more interesting, the prison realm can seal only one person at the time, but with the incredible technique of my current host, I was able to fuel its capacity to two occupants, by manipulating the cursed energy it used. Marvelous!”
The cursed object began enveloping both men, rendering them helpless and immobile, as their cursed energy became unavailable for their use.
“We’ll save you, y/n, you hear me?”, Satoru yelled in unison with his friend and the lone tear rolled down your face, before your hand reached up wiping it in amusement.
“Gate close.”
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sparrowsoupp · 10 months
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so a ‘swiftpaw lives’ au is nothing new here BUT hear me out:
in this au, everything happens as it does in the first arc up to the night where swiftpaw and brightpaw sneak out of camp to fight the dogs. as they are leaving, cloudtail somehow sees/hears/notices and is obviously suspicious so trails them into the forest secretly.
as they get closer to the dogs’ den he realises their plan and confronts the pair, trying to get them to return to camp. swiftpaw is defiant and argues back, escalating into a fight as cloudtail tries to physically knock some sense into swiftpaw. brightpaw looks on in horror trying to break up this fight. this is obviously not a very quiet battle, considering the participants are two bullheaded teenage boys, and so the dogs are woken up anyway.
swiftpaw leaps into action as brightheart freezes in paralysing fear. as a dog lunges at her, cloudtail notices and leaps into the dog’s jaws, pushing brightpaw out of the way in the process. in a burst of fear and strength, brightpaw notices swiftpaw unconcious and unable to move with a missing leg and grabs him to run away, escaping from the dogs and leaving cloudtail to bleed out and die (hence the main catalyst for differences in this au: cloudtail dies in swiftpaw’s place). she doesn’t realise this at the time, hoping cloudtail will understand since he is still up and fighting, and not thinking about the consequences of leaving one cat alone to fight a pack of dogs.
bluestar renames them in the same way lostface was named in the original arc, brightpaw being renamed lostface and swiftpaw being named dogleg, and fireheart is ANGRY with the pair (and himself) for the needless loss of his nephew’s life. no renaming ceremony is held, and they are made to keep their names in rememberance of their foolishness. (sidenote: i think this would also spark a major shift in fireheart’s good nature and personality, leading to MAJOR knockon effects for the rest of the series, but i haven’t thought about it too much yet and also i need to reread the books) and because cloudtail isn’t around to advocate for lostface’s warrior retraining, she is relegated to be a medicine cat and never really emotionally recovers in the same way she could in the books because cloudtail isn’t around to offer her that emotional support. she also very much blames herself for letting him fight a battle that he never signed up to fight and dying in the process, the overwhelming levels of guilt weighing on her constantly to the point where cats are a little creeped out by how empty even her remaining eye looks.
on the other hand (paw?), dogleg is left seething with anger and bitterness towards his clan. (i imagine him after the attack as a somewhat ashfur-like character, except much more extreme) a lot of his toxicity and anger would be taken out on lostface, one of the only cats he talks to anymore, and instead of brightheart and cloudtail entering a very healthy and positive relationship instead lostface ends up in a secret (VERY toxic) relationship with dogleg. she remains attached to him i think because of the trauma they experienced together. i have to think more about that, though. (maybe even kits?)
in the end something something dogleg forces lostface to start poisoning food as the clan’s medicine cat to take revenge on other cats like bluestar or fireheart. i think this culminates in dogleg turning very traitorous somehow.
that’s what i have so far! feel free to sends asks/tag with suggestions or ideas of knockon effects of this change. thanks for reading this big ol paragraph of me rambling about cats lol, appreciate y’all 🦭👍
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nocandnc · 3 months
I have a small curiosity regarding the Hoshina family, and Soshiro's place in it.
The Hoshina family, as we know, is a prominent family with a bloodline dating back to the Muromachi period (roughly 1300 - 1500). They seem to be highly traditional, continuing to practice their Hoshina-style swordplay and martial arts even in this modern age where guns and other weaponry have become far more practical.
The two Hoshina family members we've been introduced to properly - Hoshina Soichiro and Hoshina Soshiro - are also very aptly named for such a traditional family.
First, let's look at Soichiro - Captain of the Sixth Division and firstborn son of the current Hoshina family. In kanji, that would be [ 宗一郎 / sou ichi rou ] - the 'so' kanji that he shares with his younger brother has a lot of different readings (religion, sect, origin, essence etc.) but that's not the part I'm interested in today. Instead, let's look at the second and third kanji.
[ 一郎 / ichi rou ] - Ichiro is a very common, borderline stereotypical name for the first son in a Japanese family because it means exactly that - First Son.
And what about the Third Division Vice Captain we all know and love, Soshiro? [ 宗四郎 / sou shi rou ] - and of course, we're just looking at those last two kanji - [ 四郎 / shi rou ]. Shiro is also pretty basic sounding, as it means Fourth Son.
Wait - Fourth Son??
This is what caught my interest, as the traditional naming convention of these two brothers seems to imply that not only is Soshiro the younger brother, but that he's also the fourth of at least four siblings?? The strong implication would be there are two middle brothers in the family we haven't met yet. They could be sisters of course... but then we're getting into technicalities with the naming conventions, and - well, let's just say that Soshiro should have a minimum of two older siblings we haven't met yet.
I assume not all of them went into kaiju slaying of course - maybe numbers 2 and 3 were similarly inept with guns, and lacked the supreme sword skills to make up for it like Soshiro does. Maybe they just had other passions. I'd be interested in seeing if Soshiro is on better speaking terms with them than with his older brother!
I'm interested in Soichiro too of course - we know very little about divisions outside the Eastern sector in Kaiju No. 8, and I feel like that's something we could explore once the current manga events wrap up.
I also have a teensy tiny theory that Soichiro just might end up dying, prompting Soshiro to take up his role as Sixth Division Captain(?) Barring Soshiro himself dying, I feel like this would be a pretty good way to progress his character arc if things must change. Kafka has reached Mina's side (even if it's not the way he intended), and Soshiro is in a much better mind to give up that spot now that he's reconnected with his true drive and motivations beyond his role as Vice Captain. So time for a promotion...?
And, well... no better way to introduce those other siblings than at a Hoshina family funeral!
We even had Soshiro and Kafka visiting the shrine where warriors who've died slaying kaiju are enshrined - including those from the Hoshina line. It sure felt like some kind of flag... I just hope it's not for Soshiro himself though I do have an OkoNo10 AU idea if that does happen!!!
Anyways, WOW!! That was a lot of rambling. I'm a pretty new fan so I feel like someone's probably brought this stuff up already, but I wanted to talk about it so here you go ^^;;;
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b1adie · 2 months
i saw smth once and i cant remember where (BUT IF ANYONE RECOGNIZES THIS IDEA PLEEEASE SHOW ME) about like, how xueyi and hanya both suffered from mara and killed others before dying themselves, but they were brought back and pardoned in exchange for being part of the ten lords. thats all just canon ok but the IDEA i’d seen was like. an au where that was what happened to yingxing. like if the blast that made him immortal had stricken him with mara too and he didnt need to be killed 10000 times for that to happen. and instead of executing him, he was hired to work for the luofu like with the sisters. i guess jingliu took him to the evil woods before they could offer him a job
idk i jsut like xueyi’s parallels with him. parallels being “destruction character whose homeworld was destroyed by the abundance and has died in the past and went crazy killer mode with mara and has died a hundred thousand times since then but keeps coming back Also their hair used to be white but its dark with red and blue now”
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louissatturi · 4 months
Do you guys know those modern bingyuan au's where shen yuan sees modern lbh and just stalks him because he looks identical to his blobo luo binghe from PIDW?
Sooo imagine a cumplane au where shen yuan see Airplane in a convention running to do some odd job there and sy is just dumbfounded how almost identical that random is to luo binghe (at least how he imagines him)
Now that random ofc has alot of diferences to how lbh is mostly depicted, first of all the random is fully human so no demon features, the guy instead of being tall and lean with some muscle he is a shorty (he is not short he is 172/5'8 he is avarege) that is kinda chubby and his hair is not abyss black but a shitty dyed brown hair and him being a normal human he has very prominent eye bags and some acne scars but besides those diferences he was basicly identical to how lbh was depicted in his fanarts even having some of his headcannons that ware extremely unpopular on the fandom! (Frackles) he wasn't as scary as the beloved cruel demon emperor but he had hit all the boxes to be the perfect luo binghe in his white lotus era! And like any normal pidw fan he just really wanted to protect and take care of him
And like any normal person he really tried to find him but it was really hard to stalk someone when you didn't even got the name of the person, frustrated he decided to do the next best thing and just decided to take care of airplane, it's the best next thing right?
Airplane after getting the weirdest and shadiest dm from one of his haters, perless cucumber, to be his roommate and in exchange he would have to write "actually good chapters" and since if he died he wouldn't have to pay any bills, he accepted this offer
After they decided to meet at a random Café shen yuan has a closet gay crises over airplane being the white lotus binghe clone and airplane has a gay crises over his biggest hater being almost his type (especially cucumber-bro being a tsundere and airplane being a big masochist) and then they settle being weird roommates together!
This au would basicly be shen yuan trying to be a good bro and being a bunch of red flags but luckily for him Airplane bro favorite color since he is lbh og source and the au is a comedy so it's okay to be creepy lol
Also footnote, airplanes name in this fic wouldn’t be shang qinghua (because I enjoy the idea of sqh being very diferent then irl Airplane in appearance and name) his name would be
洛冬快 Aka: Luo DongKuai because I wanted to mix shang qinghua's name logic with Luo binghe's lol (with 冬 dong meaning winter, and 快 kuai meaning speed, this is what my limited Chinese could come up with lol)
Also other footnote because I noticed a weird trend of country's with low fertility rates just decide to just put babies in brazilian woman and because I am brazilian, Airplane bro is part brazilian by his mom's side! I just think it's neat!
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breedtheseed · 4 months
Adam is charlie mom, oh that would be a good angst idea
For example, maybe before heaven found out, adam had a baby. For the first couple of days, adam would spend every waking meal with charlie. Like singing her to sleep
Years later at the hotel at
Adam humming a song on the outside balcony
Charlie: Hey adam
Adam: charlie what are you doing up?
Charlie: couldn't sleep
Adam: oh okay
1 hour later they both still awake
Adam thinks I haven't done this in a while, but I remember correctly . She fell asleep in minutes: Hey Charlie, you want me to do a tick for you to go to bed
Charlie: sure
Adam started to hum and sing a bit in minutes, charlie fell asleep
Adam: still works like a charm
This AU hurts my soul and I was writing it with someone in a server so some of these parts are theirs and some are mine. Also I just copied and pasted the texts so it’s gonna have some grammar mistakes on my end. (Their Twitter)
Discord idea
(Adam is Charlie’s real mother)
So running on the idea that Lucifer and Adam used to hook up a lot at the beginning of Adam joining heaven eventually they had a hard falling out when Adam found out Lilith and Lucifer were getting married and chose Lilith over him once again.
But Adam found out he was pregnant he hid the pregnancy with eating more and hiding his body.
When he had the baby he was completely alone and if Heaven found out it was Lucifer’s who knows what they’d do, especially because the baby looked just like Lucifer.
He swallowed his pride and gave his baby girl one last kiss before leaving her at Lucifer’s castle to which Lucifer adopted Charlie immediately, especially since Lilith liked the idea of kids but not the idea of having them, part of the reason her and Adam didn’t work out.
So with this AU Adam still falls in a similar way but instead he falls because of Lilith back stabbing him and stuff
And Charlie hates Adam because Adam lead the exterminations
And Adam is just in pain because his kid hates him and he can’t even talk without her looking at him like he’s a monster
When he first saw Charlie the air caught in his throat because his baby girl was all grown up, she looked just like Lucifer. Poor Adam having to deal with the idea that Charlie grew up without him and doesn’t see him as anything more than just Adam the Man in charge of the exterminations
Wondering if Lucifer knows. He couldn't NOT know, Charlie looks EXACTLY like him, and who else would be the mother? Unless Lucifer was fucking around with others too, which only depresses Adam worse.
Poor Adam knowing deep down no one wants him but little did he know Adam realized Charlie was Adam’s but it was only after Lilith had pointed out how similar Lucifer and Charlie were despite “not being related”
Just...he had no way of bringing it up without it being awkward
And especially because Adam never acknowledged it too
Adam may have gone to that last Extermination drink off his ass just to get through it. Getting lost in the role he had to play. He wasn't actually going to kill Charlie, but he had to pretend. He's always had to pretend.
He especially had to pretend to Heaven
And when Lucifer showed up...instead of just ending it, Lucifer mocked him all over again. Fine. *FINE*. Adam wouldn't even ENTERTAIN the notion of talking it out. Just go scorched earth on this bitch, he was DONE
Just having so much pent up anger that he lets everything happen because he couldn’t man up and say something sooner
And then he was stabbed. Like 26 times, Great. Now he's dying. And no one will know the truth.
Sobbing not cuz he’s dying but because he died lying to everyone, *Sigh* 😔 I know it makes sense to kill him but imagine Lucifer saves him
Now he's alive. But practically a prisoner. Fuck, he might as well have kicked it
Being numb to everything and just accepting his fate as a loser
Even when Lucifer shows him the door opens. It's unlocked. He can come out.
He doesn’t even try just stays where he is holding his arm feeling like shit and Lucifer has to coax Adam. Only then does Adam follow Lucifer but still keeps his distance behind the king
Adam keeping his distance. Last time he got near, Lucifer beat the shit out of him and would have finished him off if not for Charlie
Imagine Lucifer was angry because Adam had the audacity to abandon Charlie and then almost kill her, not knowing Adam was drunk and at the time Charlie reminded him of Lucifer. The one who knocked him up and got away
Adam definitely not welcome at the Hotel so he's stuck at Lucifer's palace. His bedroom might be open but he's locked in when Lucifer is gone. Which gives him ample time to raid Lucifer's bar and get drunk enough to forget how every time he hits rock bottom, life keeps handing him a pickaxe
The first time Lucifer had come home to a very drunk Adam asleep on his bed he was annoyed especially because Adam smelled like too much alcohol.
however one day he had come home the usual, Adam drunk and laying on his bed. Lucifer sighed and walked to his closet only to hear Adam start sobbing and mumbling something that sounded like an apology.
It left an uneasy feeling on Lucifer not knowing if it was the alcohol talking or Adam was actually apologizing, he found out when he saw the man dead asleep with streams running down his face.
In his sleep, Adam had his arms curled like he's holding something
Whimpering and a cry woke him up, Adam’s eyes snapped towards the sound but the room was empty there was no one in his room and no traces of the cry actually being there.
The sound was unforgettable, he heard it in his nightmares or in his dreams. It was Charlie’s, he engraved it in his mind when she was born and he had to shield them in his wings as he held her close and cleaned her off. He remembers how small she was in his arms, how the girls pipes were the same as his other children.
Adam winced at the migraine he had, his skull was throbbing. He must have gotten back into Lucifer’s stash again. Though Lucifer never really seemed mad when Adam would go on his drinking sessions when he was away
Which was good. He wasn't going to stop. He just avoided Lucifer when he could, didn't mess anything up, and resigned himself to being the ghost that haunts the place halls. Because that's what he was. A ghost. Avoiding the north wing because that's where the big fuckoff portrait of Lilith and Lucifer were. He could spend hours glaring at it, remembering how Lucifer said he was marrying Lilith after all this time, and then just days later finding out he was pregnant.
Sometimes he’d debate fucking the picture up or he’d end up curled under it crying, it was best to just avoid it as much as possible.
At some point Adam found Lucifer’s Alcohol storage empty, and he panicked because without it he felt he couldn’t function. He couldn’t even be near Lucifer or even in the castle being sober. There was too much too much Charlie and too much Lucifer. How could he avoid it or even confront it without breaking down.
“Adam that’s enough,” Adam froze as he was throwing things around trying to look for something anything that could take his thoughts away from Lucifer. “Adam this is just sad, you can’t keep running away from me,” Lucifer stepped close too close and Adam found himself trying to get away from Lucifer despite being in a corner. “Adam I told Charlie about your behavior and she’d like to help you in your recovery,” Lucifer’s words weren’t registering in Adam’s head, he was only hearing bits and pieces.
He shakes his head, covering his ears with his hands. His head was pounding and he needed a hair of the dog before the migraine really kicked in. He couldn't process Lucifer, he DEFINITELY couldn't process Charlie.
Despite Adam’s protests he was dragged to see Charlie, and he was fucking sober. He hated it.
Charlie wasn’t too pleased about it either but from what her dad was telling her, maybe Adam wasn’t as bad as she originally thought. Especially after seeing him in person, he looked horrible and Charlie was sure that her dad was the one who dressed him because he did not look capable of doing so. Adam looked his age despite also looking young, he had lost weight in his face making him look like death. The guys hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks maybe even months, Charlie actually felt sorry for the guy.
Adam on the other hand was out of it, his mind choosing to disassociate and go on autopilot which didn’t last long because Lucifer kept bringing him back.
Husk immediately recognized the issue, making up a bloody mary despite Charlie's protests and giving it to Adam. "Look, I've seen the different levels of alcoholism, and if this fucker wasn't an angel, he'd be dead already. He needs to come down gradually, not cold turkey!"
Husk gives Lucifer a look of disappointment before giving Adam the drink, though Adam looks to the other two before drinking. Waiting for their approval before drinking it.
“Look Adam you can join me instead, but I ain’t going to talk about my feelings with you got it,” Husk made clear as they made their way to the bar. Charlie feeling guilty for telling her father to get rid of all the alcohol
Husk being careful to give Adam mixers, preferably with real fruit muddles or puree
As the sessions continue Adam started to associate a little more managing to make conversation with husk and angel, them both managing to find common ground despite not knowing what’s actually going on in his head.
They were both like small anchors that kept Adam from drifting off into his thoughts, eventually Angel managed to convince Adam to join a session of Charlie’s friendship exercises. It was a simple one or at least Charlie thought it was, it was to have everyone say one good thing about everyone.
Adam was doing good, even managing to compliment Alastors cooking. However when he got to Charlie suddenly Adam started to back track, he tried to skip her but her and Lucifer were the only two.
The panic sets in. He had SO many good things to say about Charlie, but every one of them sounded like poison coming from his mouth.
He wanted to tell her how proud he was how she grew into a wonderful person, but he couldn’t, he didn’t deserve to. He abandoned her his baby she deserved to hate him he didn’t deserve this.
Charlie started to panic now, this wasn’t supposed to happen like this. If it wasn’t for angel dust getting Adam to focus on him and to give him another compliment she was sure Adam would have had a full blown panic attack.
The fact that Adam would panic when it came to her or her dad made her think it had something to do with the exterminations but she scratched that when she say Adam and Vaggie talking about music together. There was something going on.
Lucifer too thought the same as Charlie, neither of them knowing the first man as well as they thought
Adam just leaves the room after that. He can't do this. He gets another drink and just sits in the corner waiting to go home
Angel dust followed behind him, husk had given angel a couple of bottles of booze. He hoped it would help.
Adam had become accustomed to going to Angels room for some comfort it helped that fat nugget was a sweetie. And despite Adam it felt nice to hold the little pig and just imagine he was back in heaven, with Charlie before he had to give her up.
“So do you wanna talk about it?” Angel asked softly as Adam sat on the floor so fat nugget could crawl into his lap.
“If I do it’s cuz I’m not sober,” Adam sighed out and Angel waved a bottle in front of him
“That can be arranged”
Lucifer and Charlie had a pit growing in their stomachs Adam had been in hell for about a year and still wasn’t on talking terms with them aside from small talk every so often.
A part of Lucifer wanted to get closer to Adam, it had started after he heard Adam apologizing in his sleep. It had reminded him of when he fell with Lilith and how for years he would mumble apologizing to her whether he was asleep or awake. It took a long time for him to get out of that mindset and if he was being honest, the visits he and Adam made really helped. Though Lucifer knew better, he knew those moments between him and the first man were only driven by lust and nothing more. Or at least he thought that, it wasn’t until he was actually married to Lilith did it all come together, him and her they were perfect. Their relationship was amazing up until Charlie arrived on their doorstep, it was like a switch for Lilith. The woman had begun taking care of the girl though it wasn’t as motherly as Lucifer hoped. Maybe because Charlie wasn’t hers, or maybe because she just like Lucifer realized who’s baby the girl really was.
Lucifer knew Charlie was Adam’s, he hadn’t slept with anyone other than Adam and Lilith. It wasn’t like Eve to just leave a baby so it had to have been Adam’s, at first Lucifer was angry with the idea. However those thoughts were starting to shift now that he was living with Adam
Angel was at a lose for words as Adam was in a drunken fit, the man was going through all the emotions
“It was the first time since I entered heaven that I actually felt happy,” Adam gave a shaky smile as he looked at the bottle of alcohol “it fucking broke me to leave her here,” Adam sobbed again, “looking at her now all I want to do is tell her how proud I am,” he bit his lip “but in reality I should be fucking dead, I am horrible I don’t even deserve to live with Lucifer,”
Angel pulled Adam into a hug and just let Adam sob for a good while until Lucifer came to get him. However angel wasn’t about to just let Adam go with the king in fact Angel felt the need to say something or at least give the dumbass a hint. Since whatever Adam was doing was definitely not working for anyone
That’s what we had and honestly idk what to add lol 😂 sorry for the sudden dump
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theladyofrosewater · 2 months
If any of you guys have read my fic "He Never Did" on AO3, then you might be familiar with this idea but I've decided to expand on it with a new au.
(More art at the end by the way)
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The first big difference between this AU and canon is that Charlie never died, she never got locked out of her party and William never killed her. Her parents divorced when she was around 10 and her mom took Sammy in the divorce while Henry got Charlie.
Also side note but like standard FNAF content warning because I know a big chunk of my followers dont care about fnaf.
Basic backstory is in 1982 William gets springlocked but survives which sets him on the path of searching for some form of immortality, after this incident he starts acting colder to his family which causes Michael to start acting out and later leads to the prank that goes wrong and kills his younger brother in 1983 with the bite. This leads to the family further falling apart, especially when William starts his experiments which of course leads to Elizabeth's death and the Missing Children's Incident in 1985. Unfortunately, just like how we see in Sister Location the animatronics and the ghosts inside of them are mistreated terribly and without the Puppet being there to calm them down or at least direct the anger towards just adults. They start behaving a lot more dangerously and maiming and evening killing a few people, with the Bite of '87 instead being an incident where several people were killed instead of just a brain injury (don't worry even though he's not featured in this au Jeremy was relatively fine besides the whole frontal lobe thing). Henry is freaking out over all of this while getting most of the blame, while William uses this opportunity to do more experiments. Henry then closes Freddy's for a few years, with the promise it will reopen in a few years once everything has been resolved. William gets pissed and they get into a huge argument afterward Henry kicks him from the company and William opens Circus Baby's Rentals to continue his work. After a few years he gets a breakthrough with remnant but ruins into a huge problem.
In my AU remnant isn't exactly a cure all. It's absolutely TERRIBLE at de-aging someone unless you literally have gallons of the stuff, and even remaining at your current age take a lot in addition to the fact that until you wait for it to disperse into your bloodstream and get absorbed, a person becomes highly flammable and you have to deal with bouts of nausea and vomiting unless you find a good doner match if you consume large amounts. Something important to note is it's similar to blood in my rewrite with a WAY longer regeneration time, like 6-12 months compared to blood's few weeks, but killing someone violently or drawing it out gets you a higher yield
So, William hits a wall in terms of his research that until remembers that he still has (at least in this AU) two kids left alive, Michael and Vanessa. Now right now Vanessa is about 5 and William tested both her and Michael and found that Vanessa would be a terrible match for him but a decent match for any of her siblings, both the live one and the dead ones, so he notes that down but basically ignores her. Not Michael though, he unfortunately could provide a similar enough template to William that any experiments performed on Michael would roughly have the same outcome if performed on William. So, like in canon he convinces Michael to work at Circus Baby's so he can experiment on Michael in secret and if Michael dies, see if he can be brought back. Unfortunately, while William is out of state dealing with investors and some of his other testing grounds, Michael gets scooped and after Ennard leaves him for dead, he wanders around until he finds his way to where Charlie lives because Michael thinks he is well DYING and A. needs someone to know his sister doesn't have anyone to take care of her and B. This is a Marlie AU and if Michael is going to die, he's at least going to tell the girl that he likes how he feels before he kicks the bucket. So, he does and then immediately falls into a coma because he's like super weak and Charlie is freaking out because oh my god what else would you do. She's freaking out on her porch when who shows up but William. What happens next is basically what happens in the fic I wrote. He basically tells Charlie "Hey Michael is basically going to be a suffering mess in constant pain forever unless you help me murder people so we can fix him and if you say no, I may just murder you instead" So Charlie agrees and after about two months, they have hypothetically "fixed" Michael, but he still hasn't woken up yet. William then hands Charlie a case of remnant and tells her to use it on Michael until its gone and then he'll wake up. William then disappears! and yes, he does abandon 5-year-old Vanessa, but don't worry she still has Charlie. So, Charlie does as she's instructed but here comes the issue. Michael never wakes up, no matter how much Charlie waits, in fact he stops even breathing and goes in a rigor mortis like state. Charlie is heartbroken and one night during a thunderstorm she gets a really fucked up idea.
She needs more remnant.
Specifically, she saw and read Williams notes about remnant compatibility and knows that both William and Vanessa have a high compatibility with Michael. Now she's obviously not going to hurt Vanessa, so Charlie goes to the Afton house to try and get answers from William but again he's not there, what Charlie does find is a taunting note and some VERY unsettling records of all the child murder, so Charlie then decides to hunt him down. Obviously, she can't just abandon Vanessa alone with her comatose/possibly dead brother so she heads home to plan. The first thing she does is empty out a freezer in her garage and she sticks Michael in there after giving him another dose of remnant just in case and gathers up all of Vanessa's things and drops her off at Jessica's house, She tells Jessica she has to be gone for a little bit but promises she'll be back as soon as she can and even puts a wad of cash into her best friend's hands as she runs off. Jessica is a little pissed but mostly worried, so she waits exactly a week before she decides to go check on Charlie. Instead of finding Charlie however, she finds an equally confused and concerned Henry because he'd been calling Charlie's house phone and there had been no response. After Jessica tells him how weird Charlie the last time was she saw her, the two decide to enter the house and grow increasingly more concerned as they see that the house is a mess and find more and more concerning notes and papers. Side note Jessica took Vanessa with her because she wasn't going to leave the kid alone. The tour of the house gets worse when they end up in the garage and when Henry is freaking out and little baby Vanessa asks him to be quiet because "Mikey's sleeping right now" and points to the freezer. Que the abject horror of Jessica and Henry as they open the freezer and find what they think is Michael's corpse, which looks like someone has performed surgery on and he's missing an arm which was replaced by a modified endoskeleton hand. Henry and Jessica then rush out of the room, with Jessica dragging Vanessa out with her. They then start freaking out and due to shenanigans Vanessa somehow manages to electrocute Michael because "that's what they do in cartoons." and they start freaking out even MORE when Michael actual wakes up very confused to why he's not dead. Eventually once everyone calms down and talks it out, they realize they need to find Charlie and probably also William.
The main plot of this AU will follow Charlie hunting down William while she frees the spirits she finds along the way. Henry, Jessica and Michael with little Vanessa tagging along have to find Charlie and William to prevent any future possible murders.
If you've made it this far down, Congrats! feel free to send in an ask about the au if you're curious about anything!
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dandylovesturtles · 8 months
Does the movie still happen in SideLines AU? \
Yes! Though it would be radically different and I haven't thought much about how exactly events would play out. Leo already got his character development, though, so someone else would be the driving force of the story. Probably Raph, or maybe Mikey?
Ooooo, actually, idea for a very Raph and Mikey centric movie plot: Mikey wants to prove himself but Raph keeps trying to protect him (because he has even more ptsd about not protecting his brothers with what happened to Leo) that they are the ones fighting in the beginning, and Raph's inability to trust Mikey is what leads to the key being stolen. And the way to win is for Raph and Mikey to reconcile their differences, with Raph acknowledging that Mikey is as strong as the rest of them and he needs to trust him, and Mikey acknowledging that his brother's help isn't meant to be a sleight but is there out of love.
I'd have to think about this a lot more to give you, like, a chain of events. I actually had a completely different answer ready for this and then thought of that while I was typing lol.
As for what I was going to say, while I'm not sure exactly how the movie events go down in Sidelined AU, I do have some idea of how it changes the bad future timeline.
By the point where the timelines diverge, Leo is recovered as fully as he ever will, able to walk around the lair most days and even go out on missions, provided he's careful and knows his limits. He still uses a range of mobility aids, given how he feels on any particular day, including the wheelchair for bad days or days where he knows he would be walking more than he could otherwise handle, but he's still relatively active.
The Krang invasion reverses a lot of this. As supplies dwindle, Leo starts suffering from malnutrition and a lack of sleep, and doesn't have access to medicine to help with the pain and fatigue, which takes a big toll on his body. Also, he really overdoes it and pushes himself too hard in the early days of the invasion, which accelerates his decline. By the time Casey is old enough to remember things, Leo is entirely wheelchair bound and doesn't often leave the base, only using his portals when he needs to to evacuate members of the resistance or help civilians.
He is still very much Master Leonardo - he's highly respected in the resistance, and anyone who wants to look down on him for his disability (or for being a turtle) either learns quickly or dies. However, he's not Casey's teacher in this timeline, instead leaving that to Raph and sometimes Donnie and Mikey. So Raph is Sensei now, and Leo is Master Leonardo or just Uncle Leo.
Leo takes over most of the care of Casey after his mom dies, since he's always at base, only sometimes sending Casey to Donnie or another adult when he's particularly busy (he's still the guy in the chair here, and also handles a lot of the day to day running of the resistance). Sometime early on, Donnie builds Leo a new chair that either hovers or has some other way of mitigating rough terrain (spider arms maybe?), and he frequently lets Casey ride on it. Even as Casey gets older, hanging off Leo's chair as they move around the base is second nature to him.
Casey was so used to Leo only being in his chair he was a little shocked on coming back to the past and seeing that Leo walks fairly frequently. He also grabbed onto Leo's chair sometimes out of habit, which made younger Leo tense up initially; something they eventually work through as they get closer.
Though all four turtles make it longer in the invasion than I usually headcanon (since I usually think of Raph as dying while CJ was too young to really remember him), they do still die, and Leo is the first to go. Casey is about 11 or 12 when this happens. When the Krang finds their base while the others are gone, Leo tells Casey he loves all of them and then portals him and the other non-combatants to safety, giving his all to hold the Krang back and give them a chance to escape. After that, Raph (who was already close to Casey anyway as his teacher and another of his uncle-dads) took over as the main adult looking out for him, and started taking him out on missions.
I'm not sure what happens next but I think it's Donnie who goes next, and then Raph and Mikey's deaths playing out the same way Leo and Mikey did in the movie. Especially since that goes with what I was saying above: Raph in the future comes to see and accept Mikey as an equal rather than someone to baby, foreshadowing what their relationship will become under happier circumstances.
Thanks for the ask!
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symphonic-scream · 16 days
I have an au concept but no idea where to take it after. Like, an idea and a starting plot, but no idea for how it would resolve
It's got a bit of angst, some moderate body horror, and of course, themes of self discovery and queerness in there cause it's me
The idea? The thieves have all been part of a program where they've been in a facility and taking part in tests for years since they all showed potential, in the Persona way
They could leave for four days a month with permission, and had their own rooms they decorated, and were taken care of by Wakaba and Sojiro, with Tae Takemi on the med team
The program was about studying how having control of their persona affected them compared to those without the potential, and if there were ways to use that knowledge to impact society positively. The government promised each child in the program that once it was done, they'd be supported for life. School? Free. Expenses covered, for sacrificing their youth. Their parents or guardians also got a little bonus
Some had been there for years. Akira has been 2, Goro arrived at 4, Futaba 3, and Makoto 7. The last ones to join were Kasumi and Sumire at 11, and Haru, 13. They all get close over the years, and their rooms are covered in photos and stuff from their little excursions to malls or museums when allowed
The experiments were rarely painful. Mostly brain scans and other weird psience stuff. Then, they got word they were finally wrapping up with their group. Two others had ended recently, and them, Facility 5, were finally getting their final round of tests before being let free
Now, the range from 19 to 16. They're all so excited to be able to leave. Their lives are waiting for them, their families, their futures
So if course shit hits the fan. Someone messed with the tests, and a huge accident occurred. Instead of allowing them to see into the shadow world beyond, the two worlds were crushed together in the lab, for an hour. The lab techs' own shadows raged forth, some dying. Sojiro and Wakaba struggled to shut the power off, all the while the group of teens, well
Their bodies are forcefully fused with their personas. Changed, in painful ways. One of them didn't make it, and one of them, due to the violent nature of the second persona that had lurked behind his main one, lost control and wrecked part of the facility
The government decided to evacuate everyone besides the subjects, and sealed the facility for good. Sojiro, a weak Wakaba, and Tae fight them on it, and are trying now to get back in
They werent told the gov poured some kind of gas in there before sealing the place. So, the remaining subjects all wake up, forever changed, without a memory in their heads
So, that leads us to the main plot I have. They all explore the abandoned facility, gradually piecing together what happened, uncovering who sabotaged everything, and finding out who they all used to be. Remembering through photos, and slowly, as the effects of the gas leave them, memories resurfacing, and regaining themselves
They'd all have the golden shadow eyes. They have their persona's abilities, and some physical changes to resemble their persona
The one that died in the accident was Kasumi, and Goro lost control. He's not with them when they all wake up in their old living area.
That's all the ideas I have?? Like, of course I have mini blurbs for this bit, and some stuff like Makoto and Haru were lined up to move away together and get married. Akira and Goro were going to go to uni together, share an apartment. Ann was going to live with Shiho. Ryuji was excited to take his ma on a vacation, and Yusuke was going to travel for art inspiration
But, no idea where the plot would go after they start figuring out what happened and who sabotaged everything. Idk. Anyone interested in this??
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presidenthades · 3 months
May I start off by saying that I love that you created a master list because I like to go and reread your thoughts while I wait for your next update(when I'm not rereading your other works of course).
In a world where Jace/Aegon elopement plan wasn't successful or other stuff down and miraculously war doesn't break out on Visery's deaths and Rhaenrya is able to ascend the throne peacefully. But Jace and Aegon are married off to other people, mostly because Rhaenrya believes her daughter needs a stronger consort than Aegon would provide and Aemond and Lucera have eyes for eachother so she can't use him.
How long is Aegon able to control itself before he ends up inadvertently starting a minor war/uprising/rebellion when he murders Jace's husband in order to become her second husband. Because as mentioned before Aegon would 100% try to murder Aemond if he was betrothed to Jace. I think he would go full on Yandere/insane if someone else got married to Jace(especially if he sees how much Jace does not want to get married).
(also rhaenrya repeating her fathers mistakes for added bonus of angst)
Thank you!! I will say there’s a tumblr character limit (I think?) so I wasn’t able to make a comprehensive masterlist. I had to pick out what I deemed were the highlights to include, and I might have to rotate which posts I link in the masterlist as I continue to write more metas.
Regarding your “what if Jace and Aegon marry other people”: I have a similar fic idea that I forgot to include in the masterlist previously, so I’ll just repeat it now and add this post to the masterlist later. It’s another spinoff AU of my Main Timeline, like how Lavender is a spinoff AU, and the premise is “what if the Dance happens…kinda…but nobody actually dies because everyone is too horny to function, and the genre is romcom instead of tragedy.”
Aegon and Jace don’t elope, so Aegon marries Helaena but it’s unconsummated because Aegon continues harboring delusional hope he can marry Jace somehow. Fast-forward to Viserys dying, and Aegon is more readily persuaded by the Greens to take the throne because as king, he could have the Faith annul his marriage and leave him free to remarry someone of his choosing. 🤔
Rhaenyra sends Jace and Luce as envoys to represent her interests/claim to potential allies. Luce encounters Aemond at Storm’s End, and they argue so much that Borros kicks them both out of his castle. Then they keep arguing outside, and Aemond has the brilliant idea to just…kidnap her. 💡
Aemond brings Luce to the Red Keep, and Aegon’s like “that’s not fair, why does Aemond get to kidnap his wife.” Then the bros find out from Luce that Jace is supposed to go North after the Vale so she can marry Cregan Stark. Aegon panics, and he and Aemond kidnap Jace too while she’s in transit. New Targ tradition, you have to kidnap your wife before you marry her. 😍
So both Jace and Luce are (pampered) prisoners at the Red Keep. Luce says to Jace, “hey I think Aegon is still really into you, you should take advantage of that and seduce him.” To which Jace replies, “fine, but you have to do something about Aemond so he doesn’t take Vhagar out for mass murder.” 🤝
And uh. That’s how you stop the Dance of the Dragons, I guess.
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huntingrays · 2 months
Jason revival fic ideas poll (starring valgrace)
i have several revival ideas but don’t know which to work on after my current long wip. i saw someone else doing it with their wips so i decided to do it for all the revival fic ideas i have, to see if there’s one ppl rlly like. so… i suppose vote for which one you all like best! no promises but wanna hear people’s thoughts
oh also if you wanna snatch any of these ideas, go ahead! well, you can take any except for the first, that one is my baby, i’m attached to it. but all others are free game. i just ask to be credited for such a cool idea 😌 cause i’m so cool and awesome /j
(some of them might be kinda nonsense… but it’s about the vibe yknow)
1. Flames of Fate.
one of two that’s currently a wip (but hasn’t been touched for so long). basically, leo is staying with piper cause his mental health tanked after jason’s death. he’s having a good time until they run into rachel who gives them a prophecy. leo, piper, and thalia are part of the prophecy so they all go together. during it, leo gets a power where he basically becomes a jack of all trades. basically, if he knows the name and godly parent of any living demigod, he can borrow their power. there are drawbacks since using the powers of someone else drains him (think shadow travel level draining) and the powers don’t always listen to him (since he isn’t a kid of that god). also, he can’t use his powers during until he swaps back to his own. during the end of the quest, he panics and summons the power of jason, the last person who made him feel safe and loved. to his surprise, the powers come, are as easy to use as his own, and his own powers stay. while recovering at chb, he summons the powers again and they come. as he watches the sparks and lighting dance up and down his arm, he realizes this means jason is alive (since he can only summon the powers of living demigods). on the quest, they went to get a dangerous box left by the fates, one that would kill the person who opens it. leo opens it and finds a string aside, one that attaches to his pinky finger the moment he touches it. he realizes he has to follow this string and he sets off on his own, not wanting to put his friends in any danger. basically, in this au it’s a thing where like jason was never supposed to die and the fates intended for leo to use the cure. originally, jason and leo’s lives got connected after his death, and they were supposed to die at the same time. however, their fates were messed up due to apollo and the whole mess he made, so jason died when he wasn’t supposed to. their solution was the string and sending three people who would be desperate to get him on a quest (his ex and best friend, his sister, and his best friend who loves him). however, the string doesn’t lead him to jason but instead to increasingly dangerous situations. eventually, he winds up in tartarus and dies. suddenly, jason is revived bc like this wasn’t their fate. and he panics bc dead leo and becomes a human defibrillator. and yay! leo is revived! emotional reunion! but… they’re still in tartarus and now have to escape together. not much plans for that, but after they escape leo is slowly dying (he can’t catch a break) so he uses his last remaining strength to shadow travel them somewhere… which isn’t the best idea since he’s shit at it. last time he did it was on the quest where, in a dangerous situation, he shadow traveled them out of it. he meant to go back to piper’s new cali home (apollo helped them out a bit) but instead brought them to percy’s closet at his college dorm (coming out jokes ensue). so, he only things that he needs to get them somewhere safe… which winds up being sally jackson’s apartment. poor sally, she just wants to celebrate the holidays with her family and her son’s gf when suddenly a boy who’s supposed to be dead comes stumbling out of her bedroom with a boy who looks like he’s dying. and basically after that jason iris messages will cause he’s the only doctor he knows. yeah, this one is like… the most thought out. i think it’s the only one that’s been seriously plotted out. so, that’s why it’s so in depth. I took rick’s habit of tossing couples into tartarus and applied it to valgrace (this may become a theme).
2. Red string of fate (that kills you)
basically, in this one the fates go to the seven (plus nico and reyna) and tell them there’s been a situation. jason’s soul never went to the underworld. his soul is missing and they have no idea where it is or how to get it back. they made a way to track him but they need a demigod to take on the job. basically, it’s a red string that will lead the demigod to his soul, attaching the two. however, there’s a draw back. it’s incredibly dangerous to attach two souls. if they die while on the quest, both of their souls will be destroyed. basically, permanent death, no after life or second chance at life. despite loving jason, everyone is hesitant, not willing to take on the risk of destroying not only their own soul but jason’s as well. no one… except leo. he volunteers for the job. in his eyes, an afterlife isn’t worth it if he has to spend eternity without jason. he’d rather cease to exist than to never see him again. he won’t abandon jason, to leave his soul to wander wherever it is lost and alone
3. Werewolf Jason
jason comes back but like… comes back wrong. he’s a werewolf now awoooo. he hides it from leo bc he doesn’t want him to think he’s a monster. however, leo finds out and doesn’t care bc he adores jason. wolf shenanigans ensue.
4. Nyx fucks around
basically, in this one if nyx takes a life due to a broken promise in the styx, she gets their soul. so, she gets jason’s soul. she remembers the prophecy about one of zues’s sons overthrowing him so she decides to revive jason and train him. she wants to have fun, to fuck around and find out. also, everyone hates zues anyway. it’s a win-win. she won’t allow jason to visit his friends until she decides that he’s done. however, she does allow him to have dreams about them. meanwhile, leo is going on a quest with his friends on a rebuilt ship. it’s not as cool as the argo II but still p cool. while he’s talking to percy on the deck, percy gets possessed by eidolons. they force him to fight leo. leo is fucked since he isn’t a great fighter, they’re right next to the ocean, and he doesn’t want to hurt percy. percy tries to fight them off but there’s two of them and every time he fights one off, another takes its place. eventually, the fight results in percy being forced to kill leo. oh also he gets like stabbed through the back like jason :) possessed percy pushes leo into the water to drown him, ensuring he dies. while underwater, with hands around his throats, leo mouths “i’m sorry” to percy since he knows his friend will blame himself. before leo dies, his last thought is that he will get to see jason again. also, percy is suddenly knocked out somehow. when poor percy wakes up, he ofc asks “where’s leo?” bc that’s the classic heartbreaking question. poor percy get escape guilt. nyx is watching and she kinda needed an alive leo for her plans (since jason went on long, love sick rants to her) so she uses her powers to just pluck his body to her place (which is why his friends couldn’t find his body). jason wakes up from having a dream about that and rushes to nyx and finds leo’s dead body lying there’s. he’s ofc devastated and breaks down into tears, holding leo’s dead body and sobbing his heart out. jason’s grief results in his powers going wild and nyx thinks he’s strong enough. she says that she can’t revive leo, but that there’s somewhere jason can go and ask for a favor from the gods. perhaps, one of them will make a deal with him and bring him back. she places a spell on leo so his soul will stay in his body and his body won’t decompose. so, jason sets off on a journey while carrying dead leo’s body and he’s very emotional. when he appears at the place, eros shows up cause he wants to have some fun. he says he’ll revive leo is jason makes a deal with him. i have like… two thoughts for the deal. one is that he admired achilles and how crazy he went after the death of his lover. the deal would be that if leo gets hurt, he’ll be filled with the ‘rage of achilles’. the other idea is that he wants to punish jason for how his father is, not wanting him to follow in his steps. that deal is that jason has to be loyal to leo, even if they aren’t dating. if he dates or is romantically with anyone who isn’t leo, he’ll slowly die. jason doesn’t care and would be willing to agree to anything to get leo back. (if achilles curse he sees at as a better way ti protect leo. if loyalty curse, he would rather remain single than live in a world without leo. also, if he and lie ever dated, he’d NEVER cheat on him). whoo leo is revived and they’re happy! but also they have to track down their friends and finish the quest (there was a line in the prophecy about seven demigods and reuniting the seven. he now realizes it means the og seven). shenanigans and gayness ensue
5. Valhalla
i died and ended up in the afterlife of an entirely different pantheon?! yeah jason in valhalla. basically, his soul is kinda just… around after his death, no afterlife. sam finds it and brings jason back. confusion comes when he says that he’s the son of jupiter. now, they have to find out how a roman ended up in the nordic afterlife. also jason befriends the gang and copes with his death. they go on a quest and at the end of it, magnus asks his reward to be jason getting revived, getting a second chance at life. magnus also decides to help his pining ass by calling annabeth and asking where her friend leo lives. he tells jason and jason goes there the moment he gets his life back and has an emotional reunion with leo
6. Monster Jason
basically, hera decides to sneak around. she takes jason’s soul and makes a new body for him. however, around fall time, jason’s soul gets restless and she’s worried about the gods finding out. she goes to echidna, wanting help to make a new body and hide him. she can’t make exactly make humans so she makes him a human body with monstrous qualities (my idea is just like… very tall and crazy strength with wings, claws, and a like feathered mask around his eyes). hera asks where they can keep him while she works on finishing his human form (so he can switch between the two forms). echidna’s solution is to just… throw him into tartarus. so they do. and he’s down there… for MONTHS. so he’s very changed by his time there. he’s more ruthless. one day, leo falls in while on a quest. when jason hears about a human, he investigates and is shocked to see leo. he hides from him but secretly watches and takes care of him (by giving him food and protecting him). he doesn’t want leo to see him and think of him as a monster. even if leo sees him and doesn’t think so, he’s been with his thoughts. he knows he’s lost some of his humanity. it’s easier for him to hurt, to kill. eventually, leo sees him when jason protects him from a sudden monster attack. he is just happy to see his best friend again. by now, the time hera needed to make jason a new body is up so they escape tartarus together. jason gets a new body and leo gets a tall, strong bird bf.
7. Psyche and Eros
current has a short wip. same as last one, but they decide to rebuild the eros’s palace. basically, nobody can see his face or say jason’s name. if they do, he won’t be hidden and the gods will know what hera did. also, he wears like a skull to hide his face. however, he has like a mirror that shows him his friends. he sees leo in danger and goes to save him. he… goes a bit crazy and takes leo back to his palace (while he’s unconscious) to heal him. however, he decides that leo will be safer there and decides to keep him there. when leo wakes up, he’s ofc very angry about being kidnapped by some weird bird man. he’s even angrier when the guy won’t let him leave and instead gives him a mirror so he can still see his friends. jason hates leo being upset with him (and that he can tell him the truth) so he says that leo can ask for whatever he wants and he’ll make it for him. he also makes a whole room in the palace where leo can invent it his heart’s content. eventually, leo warms up to this nice bird man who gets him what he wants and is more than happy to hear him ramble about his inventions. eventually, against his better judgement, he confesses his feelings and he and jason get together. despite jason’s warnings, he’s curious about the bird man. so, when jason is sleep, he lights a flame in his hand to see and takes off the skull mask. he’s shocked when he sees jason. his flames accidentally go out of control due to his emotions and he accidentally burns jason. jason wakes up and is upset that leo didn’t listen to his warning bc now his life is in danger. so, the palace crumbles and leo is left with his regret while jason flies off to go hide. what happens after this? idk haven’t planned that far
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wat3rmelonskies · 4 months
HEY EVERYONE!!! I’ve been thinking a lot about thh chapter 3 because i genuinely like it alot, but i also like Taka and think he was a wasted potential and could’ve gotten Fuyuhiko style development. So I came up with an idea for if Kiyotaka survived ^_^ the following content contains spoilers for Chapter 3 of Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc so be warned!! ⚠️
This is an AU where Hifumi gets the 6am & the 1am letters mixed up and ends up drugging & Framing Taka but Killing Hiro.(For context in the original version Taka gets murdered by Hifumi at 6am, and his watch breaks showing that he died at that time too, Hiro got drugged and framed in the Robo Justice Suit at 1am). But during the trial I don’t think they’d be able to tell when Yasuhiro died exactly because he doesn’t have a watch, but they could estimate with the letter he had been given. And also I don’t know how they’d end up figuring out Celeste is Taeko Yasuhiro if Yasuhiro is already dead (context: When Hifumi is dying in the original he says Yasuhiros name, Makoto thinks it’s Yasuhiro Hagakure but Hifimu only calls people by their last names, meaning if he was talking about Yasuhiro Hagakure he would’ve said Hagakure). Also in this AU Celeste would tell Taka that it should’ve been him, and he probably has a panic attack due to the fact he shouldve gotten killed, instead of Hiro. He could’ve prevented another murder but didn’t because of Hifumis mistake.
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artemisia-black · 4 months
If regulus didn't die in the cave, at that point he obviously wouldn't be a voldemort fanboy anymore but he would likely still agree with the basic principles of pure-blood supremacy. Do you think sirius would be willing to work together with him to defeat voldemort in a "we have common goal and that's enough for now" kinda way?
In an au where regulus gets a genuine redemption arc, could sirius ever forgive him for siding with their parents at home and for becoming a death eater later?
Tangentially related but do you think sirius harbours guilt over how his little brother turned out? (I don't think he's actually responsible for his brother's decisions just to be clear!)
Would love to read your thoughts 💞
So I have this meta detailing my thoughts on Sirius about Regulus' being a deatheather: https://www.tumblr.com/artemisia-black/680979524287135744/the-world-isnt-split-into-good-people-and?source=share
But to quote myself:
I’ve previously discussed my interpretation of the tapestry scene in the linked post. And the way Sirius’s minimises Regulus’s agency and lays the blame at his parent’s door (thus santitising his actions).
I just want to summarise this post using Sirius’s opinion that,
'..... the world isn’t split into good people and Death Eaters,” said Sirius with a wry smile.’
When coupled with his views that Reg is a ‘stupid-idiot,’ indicates that Sirius has held space for nuance when it came to his brother. He doesn’t claim to outright hate him (the way he does with the rest of his family), instead he is very measured about it.
To go back to his quote about Voldemort, his belief that Regulus died because he defected also probably added to Sirius’s desire to fight him (indeed his issue with Voldemort is very personal). That is why he seems to truly believe that fighting Voldemort is a thing,
‘ ….worth dying for…..’
As both his blood and chosen brother did.
I do see Sirius forgiving Regulus. Actually, my initial idea for Dog and Deer was to have them hunt Horcruxes, but I realised I couldn't deal with writing them realistically (it would feel like I'm a mother of two feral toddlers).
Sirius has a massive tendency towards guilt and self-blame, so I think he defo blames himself (unfairly) for Regulus. This is exemplified in how he clearly takes pains to find out what happened to Regulus and also leaves his bedroom untouched despite throwing out sellable valuables.
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oksurethisismyname · 6 months
Hiiiii as a queer person living in the Bible Belt of the USA, I’m envisioning a “Christian trauma AU / general theology AU” because you know my main focus is always Sanji. This assumed that we’re in the USA, modern era, and I guess maybe a college or post grad AU for how they meet each other? This is a lonnnnnnnng text post so scroll at your own risk. To keep it from being toooo long I’m also sticking to east blue crew.
Hear me out:
There are a million different sects of Christianity so we’ve got a ton of angles to use.
Garp is catholic (but think FRENCH laïcité instead of American Amy Coney Barret Supreme Court justice weird catholic cult), Dragon straight up rebels against the strict structure and goes about his atheist ways. Neither of them really raise Luffy anyway so 💁🏻
Luffy ends up being agnostic. It’s not that he doesn’t believe in a higher power but he knows he needs to take action and that he can’t rely on a higher power to fix the problems of the world. Very Albert Camus, revolting against the absurd and holding himself to a higher responsibility in life
Zoro comes from a Shinto or Buddhist background. He’s not judging anyone’s religious beliefs unless they’re harming others.
Nami has religious trauma from the Baptist church that set up in her town and made it impossible to be herself. Belle Mere is so clearly queer and she’s harassed and dies at the hands of some zealous bigots who were emboldened by the words of the local Baptist church pastor (Arlong)
Ussop comes from a chill Protestant background (maybe Presbyterian?) But he’s more of a CEO (Christmas Easter Only) in terms of actually attending any sort of church. Honestly, with his dad out of the picture and his mom dying, he just had bigger things on his mind like living every day.
Finally, Sanji. Oh boy, Sanji has major “Quiverfull movement Christian” trauma from Judge. For those who don’t know, quiverfull is a Christian extremist movement where the idea is to have as many kids as possible and adhere to very strict purity rules and gender roles. Contraception isn’t allowed. Women wear long skirts and non fitted shirts to hide their womanly form (ew), and most of the time these parents homeschool there kids to avoid the “temptation” or “impurity” of modern society.
Judge had these 5 kids who he’s raised in this faith but Sanji never liked how Judge treated his mom. Why was Sora supposed to be “seen and not heard?” Why was it ok for his brothers to use scripture to bully and hurt and spread hate? Why would a loving god create women just to subjugate them? Judge wouldn’t like this, and once Sora passes away (probably because Judge wouldn’t let her seek medical care post birth of the quadruplets, so her health deteriorated for years), Judge locks him up and makes him do all sorts of horrible “prayer” and “repentance” practices, which are really just abuse.
Sanji would maybe escape when they go into town to get something mundane like a printer or a new wifi router (which only judge is allowed to use the internet). He’d probably bolt first chance he gets and when he meets Zeff, Zeff can recognize the signals of abuse. He takes Sanji in and even though Sanji never believed women were less than men, he still has years of trauma and gender roles beaten into him that he has to unpack.
His choice to cook? That’s a huge rebellion. Wearing tight fitting suits that look sinful? That’s a middle finger to his dad. He always treats women like goddesses because he feels so much guilt for the sins of his father. When he finally joins the Strawhats, he’s so overwhelmed with how free and nonjudgmental they are (of important stuff, obviously they’ll still poke fun at small stuff) that he feels comfortable dropping little comments here and there, opening up.
Ussop will be comforting Nami about something and sanji will tell him is so refreshing to see a man be so nurturing. He goes to Ussop often, asking how he’s so confident sharing his emotions.
Nami will be ordering them around and he’ll do everything she says with a smile, just happy to see her free to do what she wants (which is be a bossy bitch)
Zoro will talk about Kuina one night and Sanji will sob, overwhelmed with joy that she got to have all that strength and a friend like zoro even when faced with hurtful gender expectations.
Luffy above all is the most jarring for him. He grew up hearing about sin and sinners and temptation and evil but when he sees Luffy doing his thing, taking down bad people, fighting for the underdog, he knows that if there is a God (he she it they? Who cares), Luffy is doing their work.
Bonus Gay Cherry on top is that Sanji meets Iva and gets into drag, starts performing, does some events, and through that gender liberation is able to find some peace in who he is, tucking away all the hate he was born into. And he ends up with zoro the end bye
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theramusen · 7 months
This was sorta just for fun while I do school and what not! AU idea where Henry and William are BOTH evil and work together!
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This screenshot redraw is what started it all!
Thats William’s remnant in there btw hes sorta michael-mode rn but theyre gonna put it back in him once theyre done posing all cool- He JUST survived being springlocked for the first time
Now lets get into ref sheets! (There will be a page break after and all lore/info about the au will be down there!)
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OK SO!!! The au def is similar to canon a lot and so
The MAJOR plot changes would be:
-Will and Henry BOTH get springlocked
•this fucks over Cassidy and CC being in Fredbear already though, so to solve this issue Cassidy, CC, and Charlie, will all share the puppet.
-Henry now occupies Fredbear instead, and so we now get Springtrap and Beartrap.
-William does NOT have time for the wife murder subplot, so Mrs. Afton (Clara) gets to live fully, she replaces Henry now. Diving into the duo’s blueprints and creations so she can one day stop them. She works with Michael.
-Henry’s wife is ALIVE! Her name is Dorothy and she returns to Hurricane after receiving a call from Clara. She also becomes a Henry replacement.
-Because of Clara and Dorothy’s new role, the pizza sim speach is now WAY more female rage style. This is the wrath of scorn mothers. UCN will be 100000x worse.
-Oh and no disks- William tries to push them but Henry 100% shuts them down and thinks theyre dumb.
-So fnaf 4 is JUST cc’s dying nightmare and eventually michael DOES get gas drugged and sees the nightmares but thats NOT fnaf 4 thats just a bad trip!
-Also, with William not being able to run rampant with random robot murder (Henry keeps him in check) we DO see the base finale in pizza sim.
-When we get into help wanted, ar, security breach, and ruin that follows a SECOND plot line fully separate from the first, where we see a surge of copy-cat killers (this is where we get characters like Vanessa and Jeremy, and Gregory will also be a part of this, being the main villain in Ruin now bc the Mimic was never made)
-William and Henry are a good team here, mutual bond and gain.
-William is far more explosive and emotional, his drive coming from CC’s death sorta setting off a domino effect of underlying mental health issues. He just kinda loses it. This team gives him the delusion that he may one day see CC again.
-Henry is in it bc hes a capitalist. And hey, turns out unlike electricity, theres NO remnant bill. So making all his robots run on human souls is cheaper! He doesnt really care much about charlie after like 3 months of her being dead. He knows it was William. He doesn’t care.
yeah theres genetics-
not gonna draw out the punnet squares but the colors of the characters ARE genetic traits!
Henry’s grey is a rare recessive trait. So it was EXTREMELY unlikely to pass onto Charlie. Which it didnt.
Dorothy’s green is a common dominant trait, Charlie ended up green like her!
William and Clara are BOTH purples. William is a more blue-purple, Clara is a more red-purple (commonly mistaken for pink!)
Both purples are dominant traits, so it is a 50/50 with their offspring to produce a blue-purple or red-purple.
Michael and Elizabeth both ended up red-purple!
Michael is VERY red-purple, very much almost mistaken for pink like his mom.
Elizabeth is closer to true purple than michael, but still red-purple!
CC is the only afton child to end up blue-purple! If he hadnt died he wouldve ended up being Williams favorite child!
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