#i also loved toys that Played Sounds !! probably to the quiet annoyance of my beloved and very patient family LOL
anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
do you remember your favorite childhood toy? 🪀
oo!! this is a good question, I had to think really hard about this one... probably my much-loved beanie baby lion. her mane's become completely matted down and she's thinned out from her stuffing getting hugged and held so much but she still sits by my bed and cuddles me to sleep every night. i love her so...!!
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
Could you do #28 indruck? Or maybe OT4?
#28 was: Mermified. I went with Indruck. Hope you like it!
The rocks on the window start the night he moves in.
He writes it off as an anomaly, or perhaps kids from the town deciding to toy with the new resident.
After three nights in a row, he’s beginning to understand why this house was such a bargain. Yes, it’s a lovely houseboat for one on the Pacific coast, offset from much of the neighborhood for privacy. But every night, small rocks and shells will hit your window, disrupting your already tenuous sleep schedule.
It can’t be a human, because his bedroom faces the ocean, and he’d hear or see a boat or paddleboard or whatever else they used to get there. For awhile he assumes it might be a ghost; his last apartment was actually haunted by a miner who died from the Spanish Flu. They got along rather well, as he didn’t manifest often and Indrid was always careful to leave him offerings or tokens of respect on days like his deathaversary. 
But after scoping the house top to bottom, using a Oujia Board, and just politely asking if there was anyone there who needed to talk to him, he’s disregarded that possibility. 
And tonight, he’s made the mistake of sleeping with the window open, meaning the chunk of bull kelp hit’s him square in the face.
“Oh for goodness sake.” He sits up, sticking his head out the window to glare at the waves.
The waves glare back.  Or, more accurately, a face sticking out of the waves does. 
“Do you mind?”
“Yeah, I mind a whole fuckin’ lot.” The man swims right to the side of the house, locomotion too smooth for there to be legs beneath the water, “I mind because this whole area is under my protection, and this big fuckin house is gonna fuck up this cove.”
He knew there were merpeople along this coast, he just wasn’t expecting to see one up close. Or for it to be so grumpy.
“I’ll have you know I asked for multiple modifications to this house before I moved in. It is designed to have almost zero impact on the marine environment.”
“Uh huh, sure.”  The merman crosses his arms, “you ain’t just sayin’ that to get rid of me.” A flash of yellow light under the water. 
“Well, technically, I am. I would prefer to not have you hurling things at my window every night because you think my leaving is the only way for your patch of ocean to be safe. A strategy, I take it, that worked on my predecessors.”
“Yep. Most left after a couple of days.”
“Most probably had more places they could go. I do not.”
“Ain’t my problem. Never shoulda let them start buildin’ here in the first place; wrecks havoc on the forest.” He glances towards open water, tips of giant kelp just visible in the moonlight. He sounds tired. 
“How about this: you keep an eye on this cove, and if you notice any issues directly caused by my home, I will leave. But if not, you stop throwing things at my window.”
“Fine.” The merman turns, makes to dive under the water, then spins around, “but if I catch you tryin’ anythin’ funny, next time I’m throwin’ a shark through the window.”
The next night brings welcome silence at his window. The day after, however….
“What are you doin’ here, anyway?”
“Good afternoon to you as well.” Indrid doesn’t look up from his drawing; a benefit of being born with odd, future seeing abilities is that he isn’t startled by the merman’s appearance (said abilities don’t function well when he’s sleep deprived, which is why he didn’t see the merman’s initial appearance coming). 
“I mean, y’all can build houses wherever you want up on land. Why live on the water?”
“Because I find it peaceful. I have limited luck living in cities, and have grown used to isolation.”
“Don’t humans have to have jobs? You ain’t left here except once to get food.”
“Spying is impolite.”
“So is livin’ on someone else's turf without askin!” The merman raises out of the water, and Indrid finally gets a good look at him. He has dark hair, mismatched eyes and, just visible, a row of fins like those of a leafy sea dragon dotting his lower back. Ironically, his build is one Indrid finds attractive, a mix of muscle and fat that undoubtedly would feel nice to hold. Were it not for the complication of the tail.
“I am an artist. I draw for a living, hence my ability to live out here. And nobody told me there was a merman living around here, so I did not have the option of speaking to you ahead of time.”
There’s a huff of annoyance, and he barely moves his drawing out of the way of the splash as the merman disappears. 
Three days later, he’s once again sitting on the back deck when he hears, “You ain’t seen an injured seal around, have you?”
“No.” He looks up, finds the merman looking thoughtful as he scans the waves and shoreline, “ah, what does it look like? What color is it?”
“Smallish, speckled grey. Got caught in a net and all torn up gettin loose, but I can’t find it.”
“I will keep an eye out. Should I signal you if I see it?”
“Hmmm….yeah, that should work. Maybe hang somethin’ bright' on that line?” He points to the clothes line. 
Indrid closes his eyes, focuses on the futures.
The merman sniffs, intrigued, “somethin smells good.”
“It’s my lunch. It ended up not quite being what I wanted, you are welcome to try some.” 
The merman grabs the take-out bowl of soup, sipping from it gingerly. His face lights up, and then he gulps the remainder down.
“Damn, that was good.”
“It’s french onion soup. I can bring you more in the future if you’d like. Also, odds are good you’ll find the seal you seek on the beach about a mile that way.”
The merman blinks, “Shit, really? Thanks man.”
“You are welcome.”
The merman hesitates, a flash of white, barely visible in the daylight, zips under water, “Uh, name’s Duck by the way.”
Indrid smiles, “Indrid. Good luck with your search, Duck.”
Duck smiles, bright and friendly as the beach on a hot day, “Thanks.”
Indrid awakens with a cry of alarm. It’s only a nightmare, not even a bad vision, and yet he’s so rattled sleep becomes an unreachable goal. Hoping the night air and lapping waves might help, he drags a blanket onto the back deck, laying down with his back to the water. The nightmare pursues him still, setting off a dozen related memories and fears in his mind until he’s shuddering, trying not to cry. 
A cool hand touches his hair and he freezes for a moment before another gasp pushes from his chest, the images flooding his system too much to ignore. The hand continues down his back a ways, then starts at his head once again. 
“Why?” He says, not even sure who he’s asking it of.
“Helps the seal and otter pups when they get upset. Thought it might help you too.” Duck replies, “I was doin’ a night round and heard you yell. Came to make sure you were okay.”
He wants to say thank you, but the words are weighed down by the realization of how long it’s been since anyone did such a thing. 
“You...pet the pups? Doesn’t, doesn’t that make it difficult if they are eaten by something?”
“A little. Sharks got as much right to live as they do, but still, sometimes they need comfortin if their parents are out huntin. Not my job to protect ‘em from predators. I’m just the keeper of the forest. Means I look out for the animals, the plants. Nature does most of the work for me; lot of my job boils down to makin sure humans don’t fuck everything up.”
“It is a habit we seem to have.”
A pause, Duck’s fingers playing gently with his hair, “Not all of you.”
Indrid rolls over and Duck rests his arms on the deck, soft blue flashes coming off his tail. 
“Will you tell me more about what you do?”
Duck talks and Indrid listens until finally his eyes droop closed. He wakes up hours later, a bit chilly but with the blanket drawn around him. He wonders how he avoided falling into the water in his sleep. Until there’s a soft splash as his nighttime gaurdian slips back into the waves.
“Ta dah! No, wait, stay over here. That’s a good boy.” Duck proudly circles the large ray he’s herded near Indrid’s boat as Indrid sits down to draw. Over the last few weeks, he’s brought the human more and more items to include in his illustrations, after Indrid mentioned he was working on a pictures for a book about marine life. 
It started with brightly colored shells or seaglass left on his deck, then Duck would ask for mason jars or bowls to help place a fish safely where Indrid could sketch it. Lately, he’s taken to shepherding larger sea life where Indrid can see it; seals, otters, rays, even a shark. It’s almost as if he’s showing off, and Indrid notices that his tail flickers bright green whenever Indrid flaps his hands with excitement or thanks him for his help. 
Duck visits him every day, even on days when there is no drawing to be done. They talk, or eat together, and Indrid has even hung a hammock out so they can talk well into the night without him accidentally rolling off the deck or Duck having to watch over him until he wakes. Duck can only be out of the water a short time, but he’ll join Indrid on the deck to sun himself, tail bright green and leafy at the “V” that marks the tip of it. When Indrid asks about the lights, Duck explains that they’re tied to his emotions, something to help merpeople signal to each other even in the darkness or murkiness of the ocean. 
Indrid buys a kayak, paddles out into open ocean with Duck as his guide, the merman eagerly showing him his favorite places, introducing him to wildlife, and generally mooning over him whenever he thinks Indrid isn’t looking. 
The mooning is mutual, of course. Duck is funny and kind, easy going now that he knows Indrid is not a threat to his beloved kelp forest. He’s also painfully handsome in Indrid’s eyes, but the futures show scant chances for Indrid to admit this fact without torpedoing the relationship. 
Their laying side by side on the deck tonight, dusk creeping across the sky. In the fading light, he notices Duck’s fins flashing between white and green.
“Are you alright, Duck? You’ve been rather quiet tonight.”
“Uh, um, yeah? Fuck. Uh, you remember me tellin’ you about my friend Aubrey?”
“The one dating the human surfer girl?”
“Yep. They, uh, Aubrey said they finally worked up to kissin. I never heard of mer kissin’ a human and likin’ it before, usually we do it on dares when we’re young and foolish.”
“You seem to be going somewhere with this.” Indrid rolls over, smirking at the future he sees. 
“No, uh, fuch, uh, I mean, would, would you ever wanna try it?”
“With any merperson, or just you?”
“Me.” Duck says softly.
Indrid leans in, cups the back of his head to draw him into a kiss, salt and sun mingling on his lips as Duck moans. Sun-warmed skin caresses his back as Duck pulls him closer, and a cool, smooth tail hooks over his ankles. 
“Indrid, I, I really, really like you.” Duck whispers, kissing a line along his cheek.
“I really, really like you as well, Duck.” Indrid runs a hand along his side, watches his tail light up bright blue at the touch.
“Can, can we try bein’ together? Like Dani and Aubrey are?”
“Of course.” Indrid grins, then gives a muffled laugh as Duck kisses him once more, rolling atop him, wiggling happily as the kiss deepens, Indrid teasing his fingers along his fins to make him whine. 
Then the mer gasps, dropping into the water and coming back up panting.
“Shit, that was close.”
“You were out too long?” Indrid shifts to his stomach
“Yep. Can’t blame me for gettin’ distracted, and honestly I’d fuckin pass out if that’s what it took to kiss you again.”
Indrid bends down, kissing him softly, “no need for such drastic measures yet. But I agree it would be nice to have, ah, dalliances that can last a bit longer. I’m sure we can think of something.”
They try filling the bathtub with seawater, but can’t get Duck to it. Indrid opts to swim, but he’s not a strong swimmer, and any beaches where they could be half in and half out of the water are either too well-traveled or made out of sharp rocks that hurt them both. 
They have some success when Indrid lays on his side, facing the water, to touch himself, moaning Ducks name and telling him just what he’ll do to him once he’s able as Duck frantically kisses him, tail flashing blue and purple. 
But after night after night of longing looks, too-short embraces, and kisses at odd angles, he decides enough is enough. 
“Why have you come, young man?”
“I wish to make a deal. There’s something I need you to enchant.”
The man grins, cat-like and hungry, “Very well. But it is going to cost you.”
Duck circles the patch of kelp he’s checking for the tenth time. He can’t focus, should just go home and rest, but he needs to keep occupied so he stops worrying about the note he found on the deck two days ago.
Have a problem that needs solving. May be gone several days. Don’t worry, it will be alright.
Love, Indrid.
In spite of the reassurance in the letter, he’s terrified that Indrid might be hurt. Might have left him entirely. 
An unfamiliar shape flits in the corner of his vision, and he turns.
“Holy fuck.”
“Good afternoon to you too.” Indrid grins, swimming to him a bit gracelessly with mottled black and red tail. The red and black fan of fin on his lower back flashes bright green for a moment. 
“Indrid.” Duck says with awe, not quite believing his eyes even as his tail curls around Indrid’s own.
“Indeed. I, ah, found someone who would help me. Help us.”
“Are you, uh, stuck like this?”
He shakes his head, “No, I have a charm” he holds up his wrist to reveal a small cord, “I can go back to being human as needed. But I, ah, I can no longer see the future. I...that was the trade for this.”
“You gave that up just for me?” Duck cups his cheeks, brushes their noses together.
Indrid grins, “Yes. After all, whatever the futures may hold, whatever I can no longer see coming, does not matter half as much as the future I’m holding right now.”
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dragons-bones · 4 years
4, 15, 20, 28, 33, 35, 41 for the domesticity meme? it's a lot i'm very sorry i just Hunger For Domesticity
Domesticity is Good And Wonderful, I don’t blame you a bit, Cyan. :P Also tagging @smira-asah-xiv and @tehjai who both asked for number #15.
4. How did they start living together? Do they move? How do they choose the place?
Living arrangements were something that Synnove and Aymeric actively sat down and discussed very early on; they both had a very good sense that their relationship was It for them. Synnove was actually a little nervous about how the talk would go because she was very reluctant to sell her house; she’s owned the plot since about two or three years after the Calamity and had the house built to her specifications. It is very much her home. She loves Borel Manor, too, but she deeply loves La Noscea.
Aymeric, thankfully, was appalled at the very idea of her selling her own just to accommodate himself. Now, Ishgardian inheritance and property laws being the Byzantine headaches they are, he couldn’t sell the Manor even if he wanted to.
The compromise they hit upon was essentially splitting their time between homes. Their work being what it is, it’s easier for Synnove to still primarily live at the La Noscea house, and Aymeric at the Manor, but they will frequently come to stay with the other as time and work permits (and their friends/colleagues threaten them to take vacations). Synnove frequently shows up at the Manor during the semester to take a break from Guild nonsense or grade somewhere much quieter (while also sneaking in a cuddle or six), and Aymeric is absolutely blatant about using the La Noscea house as an escape during Parliament recesses so he isn’t ambushed at home by politicians.
15. What habits of the other drives them crazy?
The workaholism. Yes, they are incredibly aware of the hypocrisy of such, though their habits manifest in different ways: Aymeric of course hates how much Synnove mangles her sleep schedule (that he’s actually relieved when Scion business calls her away is awful, because it means she’s about to sleep like a normal person), and Synnove hates how Aymeric will get up in the middle of night to do work, or bring paperwork to bed with him.
In non-workaholic related annoyances:
Aymeric would not mind Synnove’s coffee addiction near as much if she would just use the same mug instead of constantly leaving them around the house and getting a fresh one for another cup. She is good about reusing her mugs when she’s reminded to do so, but she has to be reminded. (He is, perhaps, a little smug when she grumbles doing the evening round up of dishes and it takes her two or three trips to get all the used mugs into the kitchen to be washed.)
Synnove loves Aymeric’s voice, but he has a habit when it’s quiet enough to read his paperwork aloud, as the sound helps him concentrate. It’s not enough to be discernible, however; it’s a murmur, at best. Aymeric has no idea when he began doing it, but the lack of understandable words grates on Synnove’s nerves. Keeping the orchestrion on actually helps, since Aymeric only begins doing it during dead silence in the house, but Synnove will retreat to another room when Aymeric does paperwork and neither are in the mood to listen to music.
20. What do they watch on TV and do they fight for the remote?
(*dusts off Modern Eorzea AU ideas*)
They tend to enjoy a lot of documentaries: science (particularly fields Synnove doesn’t work with), nature, history, and certain niche interests. Cooking shows, mysteries, some comedies (they have a mutual fondness for Ul’dah 99), and historical dramas are also fun. Political dramas and a lot of action/sci-fi movies are off on the table as the former remind Aymeric too much of work and the latter Synnove frequently nitpicks for bad science. (She gives certain shows and movies a pass if they’re very blatant about Rule of Cool being the primary physical force at work.)
But there are two times of the year when the remote will be fought over: the spring and autumn months when the baseball and hockey seasons overlap. Synnove, math nerd that she is, is a huge baseball fan (and also plays on the faculty softball team at the University of Limsa Lominsa); Aymeric, as any good son of Coerthas, was born and raised playing hockey (and curling). Aymeric usually only cares about Ishgard Knights games (though Synnove can be wheedled into watching with him if they’re playing the Ala Mhigo Griffins, as the Limsa Lominsa Corsairs are, uh, kind of a joke), whereas Synnove is a devout fan of both the Limsa Lominsa Hammerheads and the Ala Mhigo Revolution. (The Ishgard Bishops are about the only Coerthan team worth a damn, but Aymeric still can’t bring himself to cheer for them after the Dragoons moved to Tailfeather.)
28. What kind of stuff can be found around their place?
Books of all kinds (science journals, political treatises, military history, fiction, cookbooks, etc.). Lots of loose leaf paper and quills (Aymeric) and chalk and graphite sticks (Synnove). Assorted mechanical contraptions Aymeric refuses to touch until Synnove confirms they aren’t explosive. The carbuncles’ toys (they are very good at putting them away at the end of the day, but please do watch your step when visiting at either home). Synnove’s goldsmithing tools and carbuncle-quality gems she cuts for the Guild. Coffee mugs. (”Synnove! Use the one in your hand for Halone’s sake!”) Feathers for fletching arrows and bottles of oil with rubbing rags for Naegling and Aymeric’s bow. A stack of grimoires wherein any of one of which could probably be used to beat someone to death (and one looks suspiciously dented already). A growing pile of unopened letters on the table next to the front door with the wax seals of various Ishgardian houses.
...I’m going to stop there because if I don’t we will be here all night.
33. How do they refer to the other in public? How do other people refer to the other? (i.e. “my partner”, “ask your father”, "dad and papa", "how’s your wife?“, etc)
Synnove and Aymeric will generally refer to one another as either “my beloved” or “my lover,” when speaking of the other; Aymeric will also refer to Synnove as “his lady.” The Ishgardian nobility will refer to Synnove as simply “the Warrior of Light” (with context making it obvious they mean Synnove specifically) for politeness’s sake; Count Edmont and the Temple Knights are the only ones who will refer to Synnove as “his lady.” The Squad will just flat out call Aymeric “her boyfriend,” even if Synnove herself thinks that terminology is too juvenile. Synnove’s co-workers at the Guild call him “her beau” or “that knight of yours.”
35. How often do they go on dates?
Not very; with how often they’re consumed by work, staying in tends to be their preferred way of spending time with one another. That being said, sometimes they both get antsy to do something; even if they’re in Ishgard when that happens, they’ll more than likely teleport to Limsa Lominsa, as it has a much livelier night life, and Lominsans are more likely to mind their own business when one of their resident Warriors of Life is meandering through the city with a handsome man on her arm.
Depending on their mood, dinner will be either at the Bismarck if they’d like something a little fancier to eat, the Drowning Wench if they’re more interested in good whiskey with their fish stew, or one of the myriad cafes for Ala Mhigan or Gridanian or Thavnairian. Afterwards, it would either be stay at the Wench to people watch and enjoy the open stage Baderon keeps for performance-minded adventurers to show off; head over to a free play or concert at the Aftcastle or Anchor Yard put on by one of the theater companies; or, if they really need the laugh, a show at one of the bawdy houses.
41. What would they do if the other was hurt?
Well, as we know on two separate occasions, when Aymeric gets hurt, Synnove gets angry. Usually at whomever hurt him, sometimes also at him if he was being “a fucking moron” about it. If it’s a combat situation, well, the enemy had better start running, because it is Dreadwyrm Protocols time.
(Raubahn is exceedingly grateful, after the first time he sees Synnove Greywolfe turn her ruby carbuncle into Demi-Bahamut during the Battle of Ala Mhigo, that she couldn’t do that during the Grand Melee.)
If it’s not a combat situation, however, Synnove is likely to fretting mother hen. Aymeric, too, though with less clucking and more soothing humming if it was something like a kitchen accident. (He is likely to be less sympathetic if it’s an injury related to an experiment, because Synnove is supposed to be smarter than that.)
For a combat-related injury, Aymeric is generally going to be less, ah, violent than Synnove and more deeply concerned, as Synnove is more than capable of holding her own in combat and has her three sisters-by-choice at her side. Most often, if her injuries are more related to aether shock and having to go all out in combat, he’ll assist in ensuring she drinks her aether syrup and recovers from depleting her aether reserves so thoroughly.
Of course, there was his reaction to hearing about Synnove’s injuries from the Battle of Rhalgr’s Reach. Lucia and Handeloup do not talk about it. Not even Rereha could get the details out of them; all she knows is that the two managed to get Aymeric to an empty salle, locked the door, and stood guard to make sure no one tried to get in, and that the repair bill was enormous.
(Big Fat Domesticity Meme for Aymeric & Synnove)
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A/N: here have a MCU drabble with one of my three-count’em-THREE fem!OCs 😅
I’m a dork 😁😁
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“Válie? You in here?”
“On the balcony!”
A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips when a quick glance at the thin curtains confirmed the hazy silhouettes on the other side of the windows. Loki exhaled, picturing the annoyance and stress of the day leaving his body with the breath as he began shucking off pieces of his formal attire. He debated whether or not to hang the layers of robe back in the great wardrobe but settled on draping them over one of the chairs in the fireplace sitting area. Having seen his wife do just that more times than he could remember, Loki reasoned she wouldn’t mind him following in her footsteps.
Finding a change of clothes, soon enough he found himself in much more agreeable wear. The simple black trousers and green tunic felt almost non-existent against his skin after the heavy, constricting state robes, and the long brown vest swished pleasantly as he moved. The feel of the cool marble against his bare feet made him smile most of all, the sound of his footsteps echoing with the many games played with his children.
A feeling of release blossomed in his senses and Loki sighed again, content. He began walking to the open balcony door.
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It was a scene that never failed to instill peace and joy in him - his two children sat at the small table, surrounded by crafts and toys and playthings, with their radiant mother hovering over them as she pointed to a page of the great book open in the middle of the table. He knew Valeriya worked very hard to ensure their children were well-taught about the two worlds they came from, and they'd quickly discovered the easiest way to build a foundation was to read to the pair.
"So what's today's book of the day, then?"
All three heads popped up and swiveled around to find where his voice was coming from. A bright smile graced Valeriya's face as she quickly straightened up and stood very still next to the table.
"Isä! You're back!" Stíg exploded out of his chair on the far side of the table and darted around his mother.
"Isä! Isä!" Somarliðr tumbled out of her own chair, staggering for a moment before she was close on her brother's heels. The pair of them bounded across the balcony and Loki braced himself. Just as they reached him, he scooped the children up, one under each arm, and spun all three around. The pair erupted with shrieks of joy as they flew.
Valeriya laughed, starting to straighten the children's school things as Loki set them back on their feet. The pair immediately spun and smished him with a giggling double-decker hug.
"Guess what we did today, Isä!" Somar squealed as Loki's nimble fingers found her side, making her squirm violently.
"What did you do, little girl?"
Stígandr squeezed his arms around his father's waist. "Mama let us try some of the training at the barracks!"
Loki chuckled as he managed to sit up with the two small things still firmly clinging to him. "Did she, now? And how did my little warriors fare?"
"We flat destroyed them!"
The sudden use of Earth-style vernacular had the man hunching up with laughter. For a second Stígandr and Somar looked at him with wide eyes, afraid they had done something. To allay their child's fear, Loki pulled them close and playfully blew raspberries against their cheeks. The pair squealed and fought to escape, which Loki eventually let them do and got back to his feet.
"Rakastan, come give me a hand and take these things back inside."
Loki moseyed toward the table as his children sprinted ahead. They quickly scooped up the two piles of supplies and books and darted back past him, swerving to avoid the grab he made at them.
"Put it all away this time, Stígandr, I don't want to see it just dumped in the alcove again!"
“Yes, Mama!”
The patter of small feet against marble faded, leaving the couple serenaded by soft birdsong and gentle gusts of wind. Valeriya puttered around the space, putting the area to full rights before straightening, hands braced against her back. Loki continued to stroll towards her, a quiet smile playing across his mouth as he took in the sight of his wife.
He hadn't had more than a few seconds to behold her when he first stepped outside. The outline of her full pregnant belly as she had turned had made his breath catch, like he'd momentarily forgotten she was with child again. Despite experiencing the event with her twice before, he still felt an overwhelming swell of pride and love and awe when he witnessed her positively celestial.
Overturning both their initial fears, Valeriya had taken to motherhood well, was crushing it, actually. Loki had found that his turbulent upbringing had not overshadowed the truths Frigga had taught him or the inherent constitution she had nurtured. It was forever a ride having both halves of their partnership be given over to endless snark and sarcasm and impish trickery, but they also bore strong spirits and balanced senses of honor. So far, both of their children showed immutable signs of good upbringing, with the flavorful dashes of mischief they were going to have no matter what. Hopefully, they could continue the streak with Child #3.
"There's about a thousand and one reasons I could guess why you've been staring at me for almost three minutes."
The soft, teasing voice jolted him out of his stupor. Loki blinked, refocusing his gaze from his wife's stomach to her smirking face, and immediately a matching look appeared on his. He took the last three steps towards her, watching as her head tipped almost fully back and to the side to keep her eyes locked with his.
"You're welcome to guess if you choose, but I would wager you already have a pretty good idea."
Her eyes immediately hooded as her tongue darted out to wet her lips. "Might it have anything to do with finding your pregnant wife incredibly hot and wanting to just take her right here on this balcony?"
His smirk followed hers into more darkly seductive territory. "... Maybe."
Wrapping his hands around her arms, he darted his head down to capture her lips in a consuming kiss. The happy moan she uttered at the action made his mouth curl in a smile even as he tilted his head to the other side, slanting deeply across her mouth. He felt Val dig her fingers into his tunic, pulling him as flush against her side as her belly would allow. The minuscule shift in position forced her head completely back, and Loki quickly slid one hand up her arm, skating across her bare collarbone before delicately cupping her throat just beneath her jaw. The sound this action elicited was much deeper, and he felt a delightful shudder wrack her body as she melted into his touch.
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As versed as they were in the art of making out, eventually the couple had to separate for air. Loki shifted his hand, letting Val's head lower to where she could press her nose against the hollow of his throat as he rested his tingling lips against her forehead. His hand now splayed across her throat and cheek, and he tenderly stroked his thumb across the smooth skin.
He waited until he felt the pulse calm in her neck to curl his fingers beneath her chin and lift her face to his for another kiss. This time he felt her smile against his mouth.
"So you're super delicious and I'd love to follow the obvious roadsigns where this would go, but you remember the bit about me being pregnant? Not like super, but like, very pregnant?"
"I seem to recall that not stopping us the first two times." He tilted her head up a bit more, pressing feathery kisses across her cheeks.
"I mean, true, but also I'm gonna be honest and say I'm not really gunning for you right now, hon. Your growing brood is only slightly exhausting, Little Stranger no exception.”
Now he left off peppering kisses as a chuckle rumbled in his chest. "I'll admit, that's fair. Not to mention our current monsters will probably be running back here in the next thirty seconds."
“At least.” Detangling her fingers, Valeriya let Loki turn her and draw her back against his chest. She reached up to anchor her hands around the arm he wrapped across her shoulders, his other hand coming to rest softly against her bump. She sighed, letting her weight rest against him, feeling a resolutely ignored twinge in her lower back dissipate slightly. As she settled, Loki rested his cheek against his wife's hair, his soft nuzzles drawing happy, contented hums from the woman. A faint echo of childish voices floated through the balcony doors.
"Hei herrani."
"Hei itse, jumalatar."
Tumblr media
(rough Finnish translations c/o GoogleTranslate cause I’m lazy)
Isä - Daddy
Rakastan - my loves
Hei herrani - hello my lord
Hei itse, jumalatar - hello yourself, goddess
and say hello to one Valeriya Harlow, former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and dear beloved wife of our favorite Trickster. 
0 notes
fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #183
“Offender Encounter and Valentine's Day Shopping”
-Time skip of a few days-
[Yaunfen] Is trying to get Doc to play as xe is harvesting the garden-
[Doc] Keeps pausing to play with them. Then shakes a potato at them in mock annoyance - I'm never gonna get this done at this rate.
[Yaunfen] Jumps up to bite the potato-
[Doc] Lets hir hand fall with the potato and the dragons snout clamped around the end. - Do you really want that?
[Yaunfen] Makes a face and spits it out-
[Doc] I didn't think so. How about this instead? - Xe offers one of the candycane cat tails-
[Yaunfen] Chirps in curiousity-
[Doc] You are way too cute. Have a taste, it's okay.
[Yaunfen] Starts gumming the candy plant-
[Doc] There you go. - Xe kneels down to hug hir baby-
[Yaunfen] Trills-
[Deer] Comes outside- Love, is everything okay?  You're taking some time...
[Doc] Ah! You caught me slacking! Darn it. Too busy playing with our baby to concentrate.
[Deer] Giggles- Perhaps I can help.  Come here Yaunfen
[Yaunfen] Runs over to Deer-
[Doc] Is watching with the most peaceful gaze, xe's so happy and seeing them both smiling warms all of hir hearts.
[CP] Lands on an outcropping on the side of the castle- OI!
[Doc] Looks up from the grass. -Hey Cp! It's a lovely day for a bit of flying huh?
[CP] - Actually, I'm heading out, do you wanna give a try at entering the real world or not
[Doc] Well yes. I need to know at some point. Do you think I'm ready to do that on my own?
[CP] - We'll find out, do you want to go to where ever your....  Friend, is?
[Doc] Maybe? But if you need to go out for something, won't that be far from your destination?
[CP] - I can just teleport us to the destination
[Doc] Ah. The beach is the usual spot, will that work? Then I won't be bugging them when we don't have time to visit.
[CP] - Is there an electronic on the beach?  Because that's kinda necessary
[Doc] I can arrange for something if you give me a minute. - pulls out hir phone-
[CP] Rolls his eyes-
[Yaunfen] Is running around trying to get a better look at CP-
[Doc] Is un unplugged Tv good enough?
[CP] - Yeah...
[Doc] Dawn says we can have it. She never watches it anyway. She'll have Mort haul it to the beach, give him like ten minutes to do it. Okay?
[CP] - Whatever
[Doc] Why the sudden itch to go out?
[CP] - There's a few things I need to get
[Doc] Really? Are we going... shopping? That's right, isn't it?
[CP] - Well...  Yes...
[Doc] Is American currency okay? I've got a paypal card....
[CP] - Yeah, it will
[Doc] Looks at Deerheart - someday my love... I'm sorry to jet off. I'll hurry back.
[Deer] - Don't worry, I'll have Yaunfen to keep me company
[Doc] And all our other cute critters. You should have seen the cuddle pile I woke up too, flopped Galvantula with Exeggcutes all snuggled on them.
[Deer] Laughs a little- And you took no screenshots?
[Doc] I was saving them for the dinner table. So everyone could see - passes her a picture-
[Deer] Laughs again-
[CP] Comes down- Are they ready yet?
[Doc] Holds up the carrot - Yeeeeee..... yes. Ready now.
[CP] Creates an opening to the digital realm- I'll help you find the screen
[Doc] Kisses hir mate and baby before following him out-
[CP] Closes the opening and concentrates before taking a determined stride towards the screen-
-The beach is as they remembered it, bright and sunny. Mort is sitting a few yards away with a fishing pole and waves cheerfully-
[Mort] Hey Cp!
[CP] Scowls before turning back towards the screen which he had closed behind him to watch and see if Doc can make it through-
-Behind Cp a rather large CRT tv is sitting with it's back against the base of a tree and the cord trailing off into some weeds.
[Mort] Nice trick-
[Doc] Is trying to make a hole but having some difficulty keeping it open.
[CP] - Well?  Are you coming?
[Doc] Jams up against the resistance and pushes with all hir might.
[CP] - Come on you fucker
[Doc] Takes a few steps back and huffs before running at the ragged slashes that are already closing. There's an unpleasant sound of space time ripping between the two realms and the doctor shoots out of the screen as a full sized dragon and barrels into Cp, sending them both skidding down the sand and into the cold shallows.
[Doc] Spitting water and sand Xe's soaked and coughing from the salt-
[Doc] Wiggles around and gets up on the beach before changing back- I did it!
[CP] - Yeah...  But turning into a dragon to get out generally won't work asshole!
[Doc] I just used my head, that's all. Ha.
[CP] Is not amused-
[Doc] Sorry I got you wet.
[CP] Erupts into a cloud of steam and is dry within a minute or so-
[Mort] Also a handy trick...
[CP] - Change your clothes fucker, you'll stand out and we don't want that
[Doc] Aw.... dammit. - Xe morosely takes off hir coat and gloves and puts them away. Underneath hir tank top is black and tight and xe has a little bit of cleavage showing from a pair of small boobs.
[Mort] Doc..?
[Doc] What?
[Mort] Uh.. nothing.
[CP] - You ready?
[Doc] Yeah... - pouts a bit
[CP] Puts a hand on hir shoulder and teleports them to behind a large shopping center, he's donned his usual sunglasses and jacket-
[Doc] Turns down hir glitch so the faint glow of hir eyes isn't visible in the sunshine.
[CP] - Come on- CP leads them around to the front of the store and inside
[Doc] There's an instant change of mood as the digital entity is overwhelmed by the fully 3-d colors and textures of everything around hir. Xe stumbles a little from the assault of unfamiliar smells and sounds-
[CP] Glances back at them- You okay?
[Doc] Holds the tail of his jacket to steady hirself- Just a little dizzy from everything...
[CP] - Grab a cart and lean against it
[Doc] Does so and walks along slowly beside him.
[CP] - What I need is in hardware, so feel free to wander
[Doc] Look at all the little toys! I smell catnip.
[CP] - No
[Doc] But I could get something for Grinny- Is picking up mouse toys and rattle balls. - And a big rawhide bone for Smiledog!
[CP] Groans-
[Doc] Shakes a soft spring happily. - LH would love this. I've never seen anything shaped like this before. Oh, they're cheap too.  I can get lots!
[CP] - Whatever...  You done looking here?  Or should I expect you to get stuff for all the pokemon to?
[Doc] I'm not sure what I could get for them... better to do that in one of their games probably. Good thinking though.
[CP] -  Come on, we also need to stop by the food section.  I did tell you I'd get you a pepper if you made it out on your own
[Doc] Are we hurrying? There's so much here. - Is drawn to a very pink and gaudy display - what's... Valentines Day?
[CP] Stiffens- It's nothing...
[Doc] It sure looks like something. So many hearts.... and they look like our kind, not the complex ones with the valves and such.
[CP] - It's a holiday that some humans celebrate
[Doc] Is it health-related?
[CP] - No
[Doc] Starts reading the cards- My dearest.... Lover, beloved.... best girlfriend ever.. oh! It's all so sweet!
[CP] Makes a gagging expression-
[Doc] Meanie. - Xe's poking around on the stuffed animals and gets to the chocolate boxes - What's in... chocolates? With fruit and stuff in them?
[CP] - Are you done yet?
[Doc] No. I'm gonna get a big one and make lots for everyone from it! This looks neat!
[CP] - It's sickening
[Doc] I think you just don't know anything about it at all and that's why you won't tell me.
[CP] - Once, I've participated in it once
[Doc] Sure you have...
[CP] - It's when I gave Lie Rosebud
[Doc] AWWWW, so you give people pink things on a special day?
[CP] - No!  It's basically a holiday to show your significant other how much you care about them
[Doc] Is quiet for a moment, and then -I love it! I'm gonna tell everyone. What a great idea!
[CP] - How about no
[Doc] Puts the huge box firmly in the cart and starts walking away- Coming Cp?
[CP] Groans but follows-
[Doc] Pulls up a partially clear object from a stand near some clothes and fusses with it. There's a hook on one end like a cane and the plastic has white scallops at the top, the while thing is wrinkled in long pleats- What IS this?
[Doc] hits a button and jumps as the object whooshes open - Ah!
[CP] - That's an umbrella idiot
[Doc] Is looking at the top, it has a cute smiling cloud at the apex of the dome and the rest is clear or white. - what's it for? It's adorable.
[CP] - To protect humans from the rain
[Doc] Puts it in the cart as well - I'll give it to Deerheart. She'll appreciate both the cuteness and the irony.
[CP] - Doc...  You have to close it
[Doc] Show me?
[CP] Sighs and reaches down, pressing in on the latch at the top and sliding the bit of plastic back towards the handle- There
[Doc] Tidy. I like it! - Xe looks a little farther afield- Must be baby stuff over there, everything is pastel.
[CP] - Could probably use some locks to keep baby dragons out of stuff
[Doc] Then lead on-
[CP] - Must I?
[Doc] You know what you want. Keep an eye out for some antiacids. I'm not sure where that would be.
[CP] - With the other medicines
[Doc] Shrugs helplessly-
[CP] Points in the direction of the medicines- I'll meet you over there
[Doc] Goes wandering a bit sullenly. Xe's still slightly afraid of Cp ditching hir again. Xe cuts through the toys and stops to stare at all the teeny Lego things before gravitating inexoribly to a mostly black display. A pack of cards is put in the basket and the Doctor moves on.
[CP] Is quick to grab some baby proof locks before looking for Doc-
[Doc] Finds the mirrors and freezes in front of a large one. Xe can't take hir eyes off hir reflection, there's just too much. And xe can feel the edges of a panic attack trying to begin.
[CP] Spots them and silently walks closer- This isn't the medicine aisle
[Doc] Mumbles - Mirror... for Splender... just a little one...
[CP] Pushes Doc away from the large one- Then you don't need this one
[Doc] Shivers- Thank you...
[CP] Grabs a small one and pushes them completely out of the aisle-
[Doc] I smell something....- Xe comes around and turns toward the garden supplies-
[CP] - Yes, garden supplies
[Doc] No...it's not just dirt. - Xe heads for a small display of plants and runs hir hands across them before taking a huge sniff. - It's this... I want this- the plant has tiny purple flowers and the smell of lavender coming off of it is nearly overwhelming.
[CP] - Really?  Lavender?
[Doc] It makes me feel... calmer somehow... Doesn't it smell good to you? You like your wife's flowers at least. I could make another and you could give it to Lie.
[CP] - It's one of the flowers she based her calming off of
[Doc] But stronger smelling... the whole plant smells, not just the flower.
[CP] - Get it if you want
[Doc] I intend too. Did you find what you were looking for?
[CP] - Not yet, but it should be in the next section over- He grabs the front of the cart and starts dragging it along
[Doc] Just puts hir feet up on the rungs and lets the cart go with Cp.
[CP] Enters the hardware section and browses the selection.  There are several things he could buy to tease Lie with, but he's looking for one thing in particular.  He smirks as he spots the small padlocks at the end of the aisle and he grabs a couple of them- Alright, that's all I need
[Doc] Is looking at a scrap of paper - where's the baking aisle?
[CP] - With the rest of the food on the other side of the store
[Doc] Wanders over to a display of garden tools - at least most of this stuff I recognize...
[CP] - Yes it's it's mostly stuff we don't need
[Doc] I didn't say I wanted it, just that I knew what it was. This may be old hat to you, but quite a bit of it is new to me.
[CP] - You do realize that Lie could probably make any of this for you, for free, right?
[Doc] What? You mean the tools?
[Doc] Don't get so mad, I'm just getting the one. Why do you care anyway? It's my money.
[CP] - Because it's more time being spent here
[Doc] Then let's get the medicine and the food and leave.
[CP] - Good- Starts turning away to head towards the other side of the store
[Doc] Just follows, quietly gawking
[CP] Walks past the body products aisle-
[Doc] Sniffs- more smelly stuff...
[CP] - For baths and such
[Doc] Nothing we need then, I deliberately keep soaps and detergents off the server. Nobody really needs them and they pollute the water and dirt.
[CP] - Even if it can make your mate and the room smell better?
[CP] Is seriously considering buying a crap ton of them just to piss Doc off-
[Doc] That would be stupid Cp. Deerheart always smells nice. I don't think she's even capable of sweating. And if I want the room to smell good I'll just pot some of Lie's oily flowers that she made for Sweet Alex. This stuff is gross and unessesary.
[CP] - Yeah but there are scents in there that we don't have in game
[Doc] Don't care. - Xe gives Cp a steady look- If I said I wanted to poison your mate for the sake of something smelling better you'd tear my head off. Let it go.
[CP] - But it wouldn't be poisoning!  You could literally just open the bottle and never actually use it
[Doc] No. And I really don't want any of this nasty plastic packaging either. I'm going to have to gather it up and figure out a way to destroy it later.
[CP] Rolls his eyes- Whatever, let's get what we need
[Doc] Quietly- You live there too you know....
[CP] - Uh, I have an entire other server to retreat to
[Doc] I don't feel like arguing with you about where your true home is. But I think Lie would say it's where her friends are. And your home is where she is.
[CP] Grumbles a little-
[Doc] Finds a display of stomach remedies and picks out a jar of antacids. - Let's get the food and go. I need a box of rennet. It should be with the yeast and flour and junk.
[CP] - Rennet?
[Doc] It's for making cheese. Some kind of enzyme. I think TLOT could do some magick with it.
[CP] - Oh joy- They reach the food and CP is looking at the signs just above to see what's on each aisle
[Doc] Spots the sugar and cake mixes and scoots ahead. Xe runs a finger along the shelf and snatches the tiny box. And a carton of salt.  - Perfect. You said something about peppers?
[CP] - Yeah, so you can learn what spicyness is
[Doc] Okay? - Xe follows him-
[CP] Walks into the produce section and starts looking for a small container of peppers.  He grins when he finds it, it has warning on it, but he hides those with his hands- Here we go, ghost peppers.  They're not the spiciest so you should be okay
[Doc] Well I'm not going to eat them now. I want to wheel click everything first so it's not lost. And grab one of those orange things too. It looks interesting.
[CP] - You mean an orange?
[Doc] Yeah. That's why I said one of those orange things. I swear Cp...
[CP] - No, that thing is literally called an orange
[Doc] Decides to just let that go as well. - Are we done?
[CP] - Well unless you want to look around and see if there's anything else you want...  There's a bakery over there
[Doc] I'll look at whatever you want to show me.
[CP] - Then go that way
[Doc] Just pushes the cart along, looking at things and people, there's only a few other shoppers right now since it's still a bit early in the day.
[CP] Notices some cream horns and scowls-
[Doc] Cheese...cake? It looks like pudding.
[CP] It's a cream cheese filling...  It can be a multitude of flavors
[Doc] Is it good?
[CP] - Depends on the flavor and if you like rich flavors
[Doc] Eh, This one has chocolate and yellow parts, I'll give it a shot. - Takes a small one with a mix of slices.
[CP] Sneaks a strawberry one into the cart as well for Lie-
[Doc] Notices- Those little red things look interesting. Good eye Cp. And it's pink! So you can give it to Lie for Valentines day.
[CP] - No, I'll think of something else,...
[Doc] Oooh. - Grins knowingly- Is there anything else?
[CP] - What do you mean?
[Doc] Anything naughty to purchase?
[CP] - Not here there's not...  Except probably lube
[Doc] We'd have to go to that black place in the mall again. They had some really fun things... Deerheart reaaaallllly liked what I bought her.
[CP] Do you really want to go to a sex store?
[Doc] Why? I thought you were in a hurry? I mean, I can put the cold stuff in my inventory and it'll keep just fine.
[CP] - Because I don't feel like making a second trip
[Doc] Shrugs- Okay. I think I have almost enough slots. If you carry three or four things we should be good
[CP] - We could put things in an end chest
[Doc] It's not nessesary.
[CP] - Fine, are we done here then?
[Doc] Yep. I'll go through the line if you're ready.
[CP] - Go ahead, I'll look up where the closest sex store is
[Doc] Resists smiling at the clerk with hir teeth showing as to not freak them out. They're also trying to disguise their fascination with the little belt that's moving the things along up to the register.
[CP] Quickly finds a store and then waits to grab the stuff as the cashier puts it down-
[Clerk] Paper or plastic or reusable bags?
[Doc] Makes a pained face - Um... none. just put them back in the cart.
[Clerk] Stares - uh..
[Doc] Left my resusables out in the car!
[Clerk] Okay....
[CP] - Told ya you were forgetting something
[Doc] Grumbles - I always forget things when you rush me, dear.
[CP] - Don't call me that, you know my wife hates it when you do that
[Doc] Smirks- I guess she should continue to not know about it then, darling.
[Clerk] Is moving faster just in case-
[CP] Looks ready to throttle Doc-
[Doc] Fusses with the machine a little bit and sucessfully gets through the menus with only one mistake-
[Clerk] Hands hir the recipt and the cash xe accidently requested. It's a ten dollar bill-
[Doc] Thanks.
[CP] Starts pushing the cart out of the store-
[Doc] No hard feelings okay? Just having a bit of fun. I am kind of a hot chick today. - struts a bit.
[CP] - Shut up, let's get this stuff in our inventory and then I'll get us to the other store
[Doc] Glances around and loads up the stuff discretely so no one notices.
[CP] Does the same before putting his hand on Doc's shoulder before teleporting them into an alley near the next store-  Alright, it's in the middle of this shopping center
[Doc] I'm all excited now. Lead the way.
[CP] Leads them into a discreet looking store amidst a few specialty shops, it is however the biggest shop in the grouping-
[Doc] Ooohhhh. So what are you going to get her? Some boots to match her corset maybe?
[CP] - The fuck should I know?
[Doc] I thought you had a plan, my bad. - Xe's looking at panties with zero shame.
[CP] Scowls an looks around, avoiding the actual toys-
[Doc] Is perusing the restraints and snags a set of wrist and ankle cuffs lined with soft fur.
[Offender] - Good choice~
[Doc] Jumps a little - You!
[Offender] Chuckles- When your done here Trender wants to talk to you
[Doc] Me? - squeaks- What did I fuck up now?
[Offender] - You wanted him to get you some stuff?
[Doc] OH! Oh yes! I thought he'd forgotten but I didn't want to be a pest about it. Thank goodness....
[Offender] - It was mostly the mouse that he was fussy about, and he didn't want the perishables to go bad
[Doc] I see. I thought that would be the easy one. I was under the impression that humans had some kind of weird stores where you can just buy live animals.
[Offender] - Oh, they do, but he doesn't like them at all
[Doc] I don't either. I think it's weird. But the mouse is to make a new mob. And one of it's copies will be a present for Grinny.
[Offender] - Oh, so that's where he went- He looks over at CP- So what's he doing?
[Doc] Looking for a gift for his wife. She's not as comfortable with her sexuality as I am with my mate. So it's difficult.
[Offender] - Then why isn't he looking at the toys?
[Doc] I don't know. I hope he isn't insecure. I've seen him naked and he isn't poorly endowed or anything.
[Offender] Grins- Lets go find out
[Doc] Nervously follows him - Just don't make a scene please...
[Offender] Sneaks up behind CP- So whatcha buying~
[Doc] -facepalm-
[Offender] - Need help finding a toy for your little mate?
[CP] - Fuck off Offender
[Offender] - With what?
[Doc] Ugh.... Offender... Cp already has some deep-seated issues because of you. Could you just...not?
[Offender] - But that's no fun, besides, you can't deny that I am a near inexhaustible source of information when it comes to anything sex related
[Doc] Yeah but you made him homophobic. That's not right. I have so many gay friends.
[Offender] - Eh, I can't help it sometimes
[CP] - Why are you even here Offender?
[Offender] - Because Trender refuses to come in here
[Doc] They do have clothes. You'd think he wouldn't mind that much.
[CP] - Trender gets very annoyed at what Offender does...
[Offender] - I just poke him with dildo's over and over
[Doc] Geeze Offender, no wonder he's mad; never go in dry.
[Offender] Chuckle- Only if they don't want me to not use lube
[CP] - Can you both just stop
[Doc] I'm going to go buy these, and this, and one of these. You two catch up. - makes a break for the register.
[Offender] - Alright, serious talk, what does your mate like?
[CP] - None of your fucking business!
[Doc] Is sort of listening in while paying, -
[Offender] - Look, I know you pretty much have no experience when it comes to actually buying things, I'm just trying to help you.  Especially since I get the feeling this is for valentines day
[Doc] Sort of calls over- So it has to be pink right?
[Offender] Looks confused- Not at all
[Doc] Dammit Cp...
[CP] - Hey, I didn't actually lie to you
[Doc] Makes a pouty face. - I'll remember that....
[Offender] - Now then, head over to the toy section CP, you'll probably have better luck over there.  Find something similar to you
[CP] - She doesn't need anything other than me
[Doc] Slinks back over with a black paper bag in tow. - What about an egg?
[CP] - A what?
[Offender] - It's a small toy that vibrates and can be used on pretty much any sensitive spot on your mates little body
[Doc] Plus you can pop it in and leave it there. Some of them come with a little remote to turn it up and down.
[CP] Is hesitating-
[Offender] - Oh for fucks sake, really?  This is what can get to you?  I've rarely seen you balk at anything unless it's major...  This is nothing!
[Doc] Has a rather loud thought- I hope he isn't afraid of competition....
[CP] - I AM NOT!
[Offender] - You re not what?
[Doc] Looks very embarassed now-
[CP] - It's nothing, go away already!
[Offender] - Nah, my proxy is looking at art supplies a few stores over, I told her I wouldn't bug her until she was done
[Doc] You could just get her some soft restraints...
[Offender] - Ooooh, she's into that huh?  Wouldn't have thought from what I saw of her...  Seemed to flighty and nervous
[Doc] Can't help hirself- That's why she likes them, she's squiggly-
[Offender] - Well, I can certainly give many recommendations on that.  Do you have any carabineers?
[Doc] Why does that sound like something that involves pinching?
[Offender] - It's a clip that you can buy at any hardware store.  Makes it real easy to release someone from a situation if they don't like it, plus they're really strong and difficult to break
[Doc] Is thinking now - That sounds handy....
[Offender] - Lots of color options too
[Doc] Goes back to the clerk and starts asking questions. - She says the gas station next door carries them with the keychains.
[Offender] - They may be a bit small, but useable...
[CP] - Can we go now?
[Offender] - No, you haven't even bought anything for your mate yet.  Even Bloody Painter knows to buy things for Judge every once in awhile!
[Doc] Offender? Do you think I'll be called upon to meet those two anytime soon? I heard they were having trouble concieving.
[Offender] - I don't think brother has told them yet, I think he's waiting to make certain that everything goes okay with BEN's child so he doesn't get their hopes up
[Doc] I'm about 98% sure the reason they can't have a child is because of the Insanity posession.
[Offender] Shrugs- Hey, I'm just the messenger in this case
[CP] Is trying to subtly make his way to the door-
[Doc] Snags Cp by his shirt and holds on- I know you are. But they should know it may be a matter of trading one thing for the other. And BENs kiddo is doing quite well so far. He's happy and healthy and ever declaimed his first word.
[Offender] And what is that first word?
[Doc] Smiles- Wa-er He's gonna be a swimmer. I can feel it.
[Offender] Bursts out laughing-
[Doc] He gets all excited whenever a bath is in the offing.
[Offender] - Even better!
[CP] - Doc, let me go
[Doc] No. Pick something. This was your idea.
[CP] - No it wasn't!  You were the one who brought it up!
[Doc] But, but... just do it anyway dammit.
[Offender] Pushes CP towards the toys- Come on, it's not fair if she doesn't have something to play with herself.  Can't you just imagine her waiting for you, already wet and wanting as a toy buzzes away inside of her?  Perhaps already bound as well?
[Doc] I know I love it when mine is like that...
[Doc] We're actually trying to though! You should be happy, I'm cooperating with one of your old housemates instead of fighting!
[Offender] - Should we just pick something out for him?
[Doc] Yes! Fuck, we'll be here all night at this rate.
[Offender] Motions towards the wall of toys- Maybe something for him as well?
[Doc] Scoffs - He'd never use it voluntarily. Trust me on this one.
[Offender] - Pity
[Doc] I told you! You're the reason he won't!
[Offender] Shrugs- He just doesn't know what he's missing
[Doc] Agreed. I like it every which ways. How about this? It's got the little clit thingie that sticks out the side.
[Offender] - God choice, but we should add a bullet just to be safe- He sneaks a tendril out to cover CP's mouth so the brine can't protest
[Doc] Wicked smile- and a plug. With a little fuzzy tail.
[CP] Growls-
[Offender] - Hmmm, CP?  How often have you played with her butt?  That will determine how large of a toy we should get her
[Doc] Did I say the plug was for you to wear Cp? No I did not.
[Offender] - Now then, how many times have you played with her butt?
[CP] Mentally- Never
[Offender] - You have never played with your mates butt?
[Doc] Just get the medium, that's safe. And lube. He can't use the slime, he's too hot.
[Offender] - Which lube?  We've got edible of various flavors, scented, oil based, water based, all sorts of types
[Doc] Something that won't harden if it gets hot.
[Offender] - Don't know, lets see what we have here
[CP] Gets his mouth free- I already have some asshole
[Doc] Oh YES, you do. The ones you took from my house that I drove myself bonkers looking for. - scowls at Cp
[CP] - It was funny from my end
[Doc] Asshole....
[Offender] - Alright, think she might enjoy edible panties?
[Doc] Why would someone want to eat underwear?
[Offender] - For fun
[Doc] Humans are weird....
[Offender] - But creative
[Doc] Not gonna fight you there. How about this? - It's an under the bed restraint with cuffs and cords.
[Offender] - Nice
[Doc] And a fuzzy collar. - It has a nice fat ring on the front, and a simple silver buckle on scarlet leather with black fluff inside.
[Offender] - What about a gag?
[CP] - Will you two stop already?
[Doc] Eh.... hard to use a safe word with a gag.... and I personally love hearing my lovers sweet moans.
[Offender] - There are some gags that are more visual than actually effective, like a bit gag.  You can still understand your lover around those
[Doc] I'm on the fence. It's Cp's money anyway.
[Offender] - Actually it's brother's money, but we have so much of it he doesn't really care
[Doc] Then I guess get it. It's up to Lie if she wants to use it anyway.
[Offender] Snags a few different types- Okay...  Anything else we can think of?
[Doc] Turns away and puts a package into Offenders hands so Cp can't see. It's a latex posing pouch and a X-shaped configuration of leather straps and buckles for a males chest.
[Offender] His grin widens-
[Doc] He won't use it without some convincing but if it turns Lie on he will.
[Offender] Takes everything up to the counter to pay for it-
[CP] Is grumbling and growling-
[Doc] Don't be like that. You like sex.
[CP] Flips Doc off-
[Offender] Returns with a couple of bags for CP-  Here we go
[Doc] Okay, lets go see what Trender has to say. We've kept him waiting long enough....
[Offender] Leads them outside after passing the bags to CP- Trender!
[Trender] Is standing by the wall watching the humans pass, but he does turn to look at them.  He has a rather large bag with him-
[Doc] Waves cheerfully. -
[Trender] - There you are, I have the rest of what you asked for here
[Doc] Excellent! Thank you! And if you need more of the fireproof stuff just send me an email, or ask Cp to go yell at me. He loves doing that anyway.
[Trender] - Duly noted- He holds the bag out to Doc
[Doc] Takes it gratefully and looks inside. - Aww... what a cute mouse.
[Trender] - I had to send Scarfy to get it
[Offender] Snickers at his brother-
[Doc] Well I appreciate it. And the copies will be appreciated too, however briefly. Grinny's getting at least one.
[Trender] - Oh, so you have Grinny, we were wondering where he had went
[Doc] He's recuperating. We're taking good care of him. Poor thing.
[Trender] - Recuperating?
[Offender] - What?
[Doc] Well... Lj purged him for us, and the sickness that was lying dormant came back with a fury. But he's clean of radiation now.
[Trender] - It took him months to regrow that fur the first time...
[Doc] He's getting fuzzier. And our friend Steve made him a nice black and green sweater to keep him warm in the meantime. Liu and Smiledog are keeping him nicely entertained.
[CP] - Can we go now?
[Trender]- That's good...  And Liu?  Wasn't that Jeff's brother's name?
[Doc] Oh yes. That's the one. He's been staying at my house.
[Trender] - I wont ask how you managed that
[Offender] Perks as a blonde haired woman leaves a store a few doors down-
[Doc] Grins- I have a friend who deals in the darker arts. All I need is a soul to dump into a minecraft skin, and I can bring back the dead.
[Offender] As the woman approaches Offender drapes himself over her- Arc! Entertain me!
[Arc] - No
[Doc] at Cp- please tell me that's his assistant or something...
[CP] - His proxy
[Doc] Ah... Does she get any weird powers to balance out the aggravation?
[CP] - Well, his roses have no affect on her, otherwise she wouldn't be able to clean her place, but other than that I'm not sure...
[Doc] Sticks out hir hand - Hi Arc, I'm Doc. Fixer of anything. Pleased to meet you. - Theirs a fair amount of pity in hir eyes.
[Arc] - Arc, this assholes proxy
[Doc] You have my condolences, if there's anything a mere Herobrine can do to ease your hearts, let me know.
[Offender] - Arc, you wound me!
[Arc] - Nah, I've gotten pretty used to him being around. He does have his uses to
[Doc] Can't resist - Like what? Just protection?
[Arc] - Well there's that, plus during the summer it gets really hot in my apartment and his skin is pretty cool so that's a bonus. Downside is unless he wants up, he won't let me out of the bed
[Doc] You can see the wheels turning-
[Doc] Xe pulls up the creative, it's not visible to anyone else and makes a saddlebag trunk before pulling it out. It looks like a squared off backpack.
[Doc] Xe spawns a few blocks of packed ice and drops them in. Before holding it out to her- Here. Just drop one of these. They never melt. Better then an AC unit and no electricity.
[Arc] - Oh! Um... Okay?- She takes the bag and throws it over her shoulder [Offender] - Aaaaaaaaarc [Arc] - What? [Offender] - I'm hungry! [Arc] - You just ate!
[Doc] Is having some uncomfortable thoughts around how it must be to babysit someone with more powers then you. -It'll hold way more then it looks like too, and keep anything you put in at the temp it was when you stored it.
[Arc] - Cool, that'll be useful- Is ignoring Offender as he pokes away at her with his tendrils
[Doc] Basically whispers at Arc- If you ever need a vacation my door is always open.
[Arc] - It's fine, like I said, I'm used to it by now, and it's not like I have to fuck him or anything
[Doc] Is trying to think of a way to express hir relief without sounding rude. - Ah, okay...
[Offender] - She's my virgin proxy
[Trender] - Speaking of proxies, Solaces seems to have started to settle in
[Doc] Why virgin? Oh! Are you an asexual? Several of our friends are. Oh... did someone wander into the woods and get marked?
[Trender] - I'm referring to the girl you convinced them to spare doctor
[Arc] - No, I'm just currently not interested
[Doc] Makes the most sincely relieved face. - Thank goodness. I was worried for her. I know you couldn't just let her go but, I'm glad all the same.
[Doc] So how are Ej's cooking lessons going?
[Offender] Starts laughing- He's almost as bad as LJ!
[Trender] - There have been a few incidents
[Doc] Awww. Well it just takes practice. And everyone should know how to cook. It's no good to be too dependant on other people for basic things. Granted it's a bit easier in our game, but he hates my guts, so it is what it is.
[Offender] - He'd rather eat them
[Doc] Shivers rather hard - I think I gave him enough of my innards already...
[CP] - Are we done here yet?
[Offender] - Awww, do you want to get home to test the new toys?
[CP] - I will stab you
[Doc] There are people around, let's not make a scene...
[Offender] - So? I can just erase their memories
[Doc] Please don't... and he's right, Cp and I have gifts to distribute. We should be going. Unless you guys need anything from me?
[Trender] - Not that I'm aware of
[Doc] Is Slender all healed up? You said something about his tentacles? My head was a bit fuzzy at the time.
[Offender] - Some of his tendrils had been cut off during that fight, they are healed now though
[Doc] Ah good. I can rebuild body parts, but it's rare that anyone ever asks for more then the usual arms and legs. It's usually a treat when they do.
[Trender] - I see
[Offender] - Arc! Let's go get cake!
[Doc] Reaches into hir inventory and copies the cheesecake- Here you go!
[Offender] - Awesome! Arc, have some with me!
[Arc] - Not right now Smexy
[Doc] Giggles at 'Smexy'-
[Offender] Continues to whine-
[Doc] Offender, you should give Arc something nice for Valentine's day.
[Offender] - I try! But she won't let me!
[Solace] -Sidles up alongside them, sipping from a cup- To be fair, most of your gifts aren't that friendly...
[Doc] I think I know you..? Do I?
[Solace] You were drunk, but yes. Solace.
[Luna] Peeks out from behind Solace-
[Offender] - What's that supposed to mean!?
[Doc] Then I'm sorry if I said anything stupid at the time.  Oh! It's you! Are you okay?
[Luna] - Oh, yes, thank you
[Doc] Sorry I couldn't take you with me. But it looks like you gained a more powerful guardian.
[Luna] - Yes, I like being with Solace
[Doc] What's you specialty Solace? The others all seem to have powers geared in specific directions.
[Solace]-cracks a smile- I'm comfort based. Sort of intersect with Splendor here and there..
[Doc] I'm glad Splender isn't the only one who gets a charge from positive things. He's going to get fat hanging around my friends and I. Haha.
[Offender] - That could be very bad...
[Solace] Huh?
[Offender] - You probably haven't overfed before so you wouldn't know this, but if our kind overfeeds we lose control of our bodies, we grow to big, sprout way to many tendrils, and we have to physically remove tendrils in order to correct the issue
[Trender] - We also have great difficulty moving or even speaking if it's bad enough
[Solace] Oh, yikes...
[Offender] - Exactly, it's pretty bad
[Doc] That's unfortunate. But then, I can make an amputation pretty damn quick and painless too. I'm here if he needs me.
[CP] - I wouldn't have called that painless...
[Doc] If you're talking about your hand, that one had complications. If you just wanted something cut off I could literally melt the pixels off and it would cauterize the stump too.
[CP] Flips Doc off-
[Doc] shrugs- Hey, if I did it you now, you could regrow it.
[Trender] - Regrow it?
[Doc] Oh yes, I can too. I gave Cp an upgrade. He's more like me now. All the parts contain the whole and then some. My digital existence is nearly fractal in nature.
[Offender] - Dude, that is weird and awesome
[Doc] That's what I meant when we were talking about genitals Offender- I've made myself in the image of my home. Anything I don't want can't be snapped off or added on to. Block by block, every pixel is moveable.
[Offender] - Cool...
[Doc] And I wanted to make up for what little Cp lost with Insanity. He's pretty much indestructable now.
[Trender] - She's still very upset about that
[Doc] Consider it revenge for screwing him over in the first place. The knife she so kindly pulled from his back might as well have been put there by her to begin with..
[CP] - Can we fucking go now!?
[Offender] - Just be careful Doctor...
[Trender] - She has her eyes on you, but we've been keeping her at bay for you
[Offender] - At least whenever your near us that is
[Trender] - But what do you mean she screwed him over?  We know some of her methods are unconventional, but not so horrible
[Doc] I thank you for the protection then. But Insanity may have had a hand in Cp's attempted deletion in the first place. His NOTCH seems unbalanced to me anyway. But Cp had and has a very powerful defender that wanted to come to his aid when the NOTCH attacked him, but Insanity kept her away and then hid him from her afterwards when Flux probably could have healed him herself.
[Offender] - Flux?
[Doc] The spirit of the server where he was made. A being of pure magick. Not quite a mother, but certainly a guardian and a healer.
[Offender] - Can I fuck her?
[Arc] Face twitches as a red mist forms in her hand and forms a battle axe which she promptly uses to lob off a tendril- NOT APPROPRIATE!
[Offender] Purrs-
[Doc] No. She already has two hopeful suiters already. Besides, she's a server. She has no experience with these kinds of things. I... I think you're missing the point.
[Trender] - He's not, it's just his nature
[Doc] I was pretty damn angry when I found out. Especially since she split up his family and we only found his real father moments before his coding fell apart.
[Arc] - Then you have my condolences
[CP] - I don't need them!
[Doc] Touches Cp's arm. - It's okay. There's nothing wrong with someone expressing sorrow for your loss. Stop trying to not feel anything. It's counterproductive.
[CP] - Shut up
[Arc] - And this is why I'm glad Smexy never took me to the manor unless he absolutely had to
[Doc] It is a bit.... gloomy. No offense. -Just trying to be diplomatic-
[Trender] - It's brother's style and his home...  Plus most things end up destroyed within a week anyways
[Solace] That's why I don't stay around for often either. It's tiring. -Sip-
[Doc] Offender, I don't think you'd like my rules much, but either of you are welcome to visit. Our server won't bend under a Slenderbeing.
[Trender] Glances at a watch- That is very generous, but currently I need to pick up Scarfy from his university
[Doc] Another time then, Cp and I need to head back. Enjoy the cake.
[Offender] - Will do
[CP] Quickly grabs Doc and teleports them back to the beach-
[Doc] Breathes a huge sigh - This diplomacy thing is exhausing. But I do feel more at ease dealing with them in daylight in a public place.
[CP] - Eh, you eventually get used to it
[Doc] Can we go home now?
[CP] - Yeah- He creates an opening with the tv and steps through
[Doc] Dashes through behind him with the bags.
[CP] Opens the way to the server and steps into Doc's garden-
[Doc] Calls out over the chat - Honey! I'm home!
[Deer] - In the kitchen!
[CP] - Let's just get this fucking over with
[Doc] Don't be such a sourpuss. We come bearing gifts!
[CP] Glares-
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