#i also think this is kind of something between Badass Normal and Death From A Thousand Cuts but i am not very well versed in tropes
sarcasmiclife · 1 year
Light Bringer spoilers ahead tread lightly
So this has been wandering around in my head non-stop since I started the Iron Gold tetralogy. It has been foreshadowed, lampshaded, cited and referenced multiple time in all the three books of the tetralogy.
The Rat War.
First mentioned when Dancer and Darrow talked about not being able to sleep. It lasted three years and Dancer fought in all of it. Everyone who fought could never forget it. No one bragged about those victories, no one mentioned those nightmares.
That was all given to us in Iron Gold. We forgot it. It was a step in the ladder of freedom.
Then Dark Age. Darrow, his few Howlers and the Free Legions, The Heart of the Republic military, are stranded in Mercury, cornered by Atalantia and fated to a hopeless battle. The Rat Legion, best of those who fought in the dreaded Rat War is among the Free Legion. We get so many references it is thrilling.
When the first battle on Mercury was won by Darrow, after a lot of casualties, the Rat Legion was the only one that seemed to have enough energy to help with relief efforts. Even while they were put on R&R, they were out helping the wounded. And all that after they had held Heliopolis for half a day against Ajax, who is a nightmare himself to half the Republic navy. Even after that, they are purging the Gorgons, without anti-rads, and still being the sturdy pillar of the remaining Free legionnaires.
There are absolutely none in the Republic who don't respect and admire them to the ends of the worlds. And none in the Society who doesn't dread having to fight the Rat Legion. Not in the tunnels, not on the surfaces.
It is without question the most fabled legion in the Republic, right after the Howlers and the Pegasus Legion. And it is all Reds. All Red soldiers from Mars, arguably the lowest Colour in the Society.
The Rat War, lead only by the Reds and Obsidians, the weakest and the dumbest according to the Society, is a tale of horror almost a decade after. And it will always be.
The Fear Knight, undoubtedly the scariest motherfucker alive in the whole Solar System was haunted by the Rat War. It was extreme how even the memories of it can chill the veterans to their bones, that is not to even think about the second coming of it.
There are so many Red veterans and Obsidian heroes from the Rat War, though not more than the casualties. And not one of them not eternally haunted by the deeds they did in the mines.
And then, finally, finally, we are given a brief description of how the Rat War was fought, followed by a short demo in Light Bringer. It was enough to chill the readers, especially after the Minotaur and Cicero were straight up whipped out of the tunnels after that. And then to see how just the threat of it was enough to make grown Golds pale. Those who have fought in it, and those who haven't.
In the end it wasn't the Golds or their ships or their artillery or their legions of trained gray soldiers who broke the chains completely from Mars. It was the Reds, in their own mines, with Obsidian braves. All by playing with darkness, sounds, temperatures and fear raised by the war chant of Obsidians. It was what made the Society's Golds shake in their limbs even years later.
And if that isn't the peak of strategy and psychological fear and the genius of Pierce Brown, I don't know what is. The Golds could smash Reds like ants but they wouldn't fight the Rat Legion in their own lifetimes.
I am personally so amazed by it I don't know if I crave a short Rat War spin-off, or just want to live in mystery for the rest of my life after reading THOSE little vague stories.
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Okay. Let's go through the thoughts of this latest update. There's a lot so buckle up buttercup.
1. Kravitas is literally so based. He's willing to spare Albus the suffering of long travel just because he's bored when typically he would enjoy Albus suffering.
2. Only Albus would risk insanity to spite a demon. Ever heard of cutting off your nose to spite your face, Albus? Seriously, these dude shot himself out of a fucking canon to stop Devlin from touching this hella cursed sword, but in typical Albus fashion when it's his safety and emotional welfare at stake common sense flies out the gods be damned window.
4. Is Kravitas really a demon or was his statement last episode about being more than that the truth that Albus just chose to call bullshit on?
5. Kerano, sweetie, if you don't like the sweater you don't gotta be nice to me and lie. Tis okay
6. Dad is back with his video of a casual demon attack. A normal Thursday. You'd think violence could slow enough for Faithful to get some groceries but I guess not.
7. AN ADULT TALK? EXCUSE ME? also yes now shoo child.
8. Guess I'll just go in a bunker and braid some hair or some shit. Whatever.
9. Don't you love it when the father figure of your child is so obsessed with transformers that he turns into a robot? (Yes I know he didn't turn into a robot. It just sounded kind of robotic in my head and it was funny.
10. What's the song called? It was kind of a vibe.
11. Oh my God we're raising a menace, thief, AND a liar. Where did we go wrong? 😭 Also can Faithful read minds? She was able to hear Kerano's mind about a key or something before Kerano had it, and was able to read the thoughts after that.
12. Move aside, Faithful is coming through like a badass. Hold the child
13. Oh neat. Both Albus and I have yelling voices in our head. 🥲
16. Are... Are you seriously gonna make me choose between my two husbands right now? WHERES MY POLY OPTION? (Albus and Devlin in strictly familial relationship with each other. No condoning incest here)
Albus Route:
- yeah u tell him Devlin! How dare he try to reject us after saying it was our choice. Bitch
- daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry
- HOW MANY ROUNDS? Albus let her BREATHE before you fuck her to death omg
- I thought we became a bio mom to half demon children. But nah turns out we became a slutty saint
- YOOOO another thing in common with Albus! We both don't like kids. For different reasons but the point still remains
- Awww. He misses Devlin.
- Kerano is wholesome but I ain't forgiving her for snatching that key
- wait does anyone remember when he said he wouldnt tap faithful with a ten foot pole? Does that mean he tapped her with an eleven foot pole to stay true to his word?
- Devlin Route -
- that's what your brother said to me in an alternate reality when I chose him too.
- Albus back with the orgies. My angsty brain McThinks it's some copium since that's his whole "nothing hurts me!" Mask
- "HES A ROCKIN SPACE AGE BACHELOR MAN" I hope he gets his dream of being a monsterfucker
- Faithful got that holy rizz sheeeeeeesh
- astrology 🥰
- wait nevermind. Just some brotherly love
- you can call me darling any day of the week baby. I am living for it.
- Awww starry kiss. 🥹
Update: I keep forgetting there's a high chance that GBA will see this... BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?! I STAND BY WHAT I SAID (/lh) 😤😤😤
Update #2: for those asking about the third route thoughts, that's a secret that I'm saving for a fic.
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nightmares-voicemail · 11 months
Nocturknight Sylvana what do you two think of each other
The two superheroines stare at each other with a hint of confusion as they’re suddenly pulled into the same continuity, but then their minds adapt in a moment.
“Nice hat,”
“Nice hat,”
they speak at once then they both giggle.
“Seriously though,” Nocturknight clears her throat. “I’m not living anywhere near to Achefall City, but of course I saw lot of the Akuma fights on television and the internet, and she seems really cool. There were multiple times when it was up to her to save the day while the other Heroes were out of commission, and she managed to turn things around on her own. She beat King Sting and retrieved the Bee Miraculous from him, then she also managed to save both the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous from falling into the villain’s hands when fighting Repetition. The fact Maris Stella and Tenechat relies on her so much should tell everything, given how good they are doing.”
“Well, thanks.” Sylvana turns away a bit, not sure how to handle the compliment. “To be fair, I got the Miraculous of the Goat which is pretty OP… I mean, all Miraculous are pretty OP I guess, but this is the power to create anything. I can make any weapon or defensive gear or tool to handle the situation, which is pretty crazy when I think about it. Like, it can be only mundane things, so if I asked for a time machine it probably wouldn’t work, but I could make a jetpack. Does that mean that I could make a whole spaceship if there was a need? I try to resist the urge to experiment, I know how dangerous Miraculous powers can be if misused.”
“Magic is confusing,” Nocturknight agrees. “Our Enchants allow us to summon items from thin air too, as an expansion of our transformation, but it’s not very clear what are the limits of that. I’m pretty sure that making flying vehicles would be beyond it, but Ruthen can summon their scarf, so who knows, maybe it depends on personal affinity. They seem to be getting the hang of it better, I feel safer relying on more well-defined powers, like my Singularity. Even though, being able to create things other than blades would be admittedly useful sometimes,” she chuckles.
“That didn’t prevent you from kicking those warlocks’ butts back then,” Sylvana smirks. “Talking about being badass… guess you really sticked to them for thinking you guys were some amateurs to play around with. You fought all three of them at once, and at the end they had to turn their tail and run! That must’ve shown to your city that they’re in good hands.”
“It was a bit more… complicated than that, but thanks. I should add, even though I prefer Singularity there are other Enchants we can rely on, so it’s not like I’m limited to a single power. And there’s also…” Nocturknight fidgets with something on her hand for a moment. “… let’s just say I still got help in that fight.”
“Uh, yes, I know Ruthen showed up to help, but I’m normally not alone either,” Sylvana shrugs. “Actually, I got a much larger team to back me up than you do. Other than some occasional help, like when Sandstorm helped you, it’s usually just you and Ruthen. When I’m called in, Maris and Tenechat are usually already on the case, and there are many others. Sure, sometimes I had to manage on my own, but also there were many occasions when I was saved by other heroes, or it was someone else who turned things around at the last moment. We all do our part. You two, you seem kind of like when Maris and Tenechat started it all, mostly on your own. That must be a lot sometimes.”
“I guess,” Nocturknight said uncertainly. “I mean sure, more backup would be nice when things get dangerous but also… being on a big team, it seems to have its own challenges? I… I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. Guess teamwork comes more naturally to some people.”
Sylvana laughs.
“If you knew me, you’d know I’m really not a natural team-player, or anything like that. People are… difficult. But when it’s them between you and almost certain death… guess that builds up trust quickly. My teammates were there to take action when things looked bad for me and I felt helpless, so I want to be there for them as well. Sometimes I wish I knew more about who they really are, but that’s dangerous… still, I think I understand what drives them, and even if I don’t know anything else, that’s enough for me to trust them.
Nocturknight smiles.
“Yeah… guess I get how that works.”
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0w0 · 1 year
Thoughts on beta trolls houses or as individual characters. mostly due to the themes or personality, rather than direct parallels with the plot.
Aradia, 5th house. Abigail or Coronabeth. Of course because she is tied to spirits in the comic. She's also got a whimsy about her like Abigail does. She's also more than people think she is, regarding Corona and her lack of necromancy and how Ianthe condensends her, and how Babs 'protects' her. There's also some themes in here relating to Dulcinea, How she's actually dead and those who loved her feel distant from her.
Tavros, 4th house. I see both of the teenagers in him, he's capable of more than he thinks he is. Always nervous, but rising to the occasion when it comes.
Sollux, 9th house. Sollux Is an analytical little piss ant of a man. He would remind me of Harrow if not for the fact that he's much more apathetic, and she cares way too much. But there's really something compelling about comparing the two, I'll reblog this with more thoughts if I think of how to specifically word it.
Karkat, Gideon/Kiriona. Being trapped on a planet he doesn't want to be on, seeing service to the military as a way out. Being disillusioned in realizing he doesn't want to be a cohort fascist. Self-sacrificing because he loves his friends, deep down.
Nepeta, Nona. It's so obvious in my head that I don't even know what to say. She's badass, sweet. Autistic.
Kanaya, 7th house. Citherea? I believe she'd be about the beauty of a slow death. Before realizing it's utter bullshit.
Terezi, 2nd house. Alecto. She's a weird little freak full of fealty.
Vriska, 3rd house. Ianthe or Harrow. She's slimy and will do anything to prove herself. Deeply lonely and traumatized. Lots of treasure under her belt.
Equius, 8th house. Silas? At first I definitely thought about it because of the hair. But also because of his slow change of heart, his prejudice against the other houses before slowly coming around. Being a bit of a hypocrite also. Maybe even Ortus by way of being a poet and not actually wanting to hurt anyone.
Gamzee, I'm split between so much for him. Sober Gamzee is like... If Ianthe was 8th house. Or he's 2nd house, subjugatiing in mind. 9th by virtue of being a cultist, but not serious enough... Maybe if Augustine was a 9th.
Eridan, 6th house. Naberius or Palademes. He's so hauty like Babs, but has always been into history and the facts.
Feferi, 1st house from the 7th. Mercymorn or Dulcinea. She's sweet but also kind of like a fake sweet. She really does want the best for everyone, but also thanks everyone is... not stupid, but not not stupid.
Hot take on vriska being more harrow than Ianthe-- I always thought of Mindfang as more Ianthe.
Beta kids,
Rose, 9th or 7th house. An occultist with a fascination for the morbid. Would see beauty in everything.
Dave, Gideon if Gideon was 4th. He tries to hide how he feels behind shades, and is relaistsllt deeply anxious despite being a badass.
Bonus: Dave and Rose as actual necromantic twins. Pilgrims from the 6th to the 9th.
Jade, blood of Eden. Nona, loves dogs and is also rather innocent, but kicks ass. A bit of amnesia. Well she wouldn't hate the idea of necromancy because it's so normalized to her, I feel like disturbing something that's resting would be upsetting for her. In the way that a construct is different from a 'hideous corpse'.
Jegbert, 5th (mostly because it seems like the most laid-back house). Magnus: Silly jokes, a deep sense of responsibility. Also the goodest. Jod: The narrative ultimately revolves around what s/he has done and what will result from that.
Alpha kids,
Jane, 5th house. She reminds me of Abigail, especially because of bringing the group together. Being there for her friends, cooking, being generally great.
Jake, 5th house. Magnus, also because of silly jokes, his manners, but also being kind of nervous all the time. He has more potential than he realizes.
Dirk, 2nd. Maybe if Harrow was 2nd. Stoic, kind of because he has to be to protect himself. Testing others by offering them necromantic hurdles to pass. He expresses any emotion by giving you trauma.
Roxy, 9th. Camilla maybe? She's badass and would do anything for those closest to her. But I'm like Camilla, I believe the 9th house suits her because of how forgotten she feels, and how she tends to keep to herself when reaching out to her friends fails.
Speed round, alpha trolls & ancestors therein
Damara, 1st, from the 4th.
Rufioh, 4th, appendix to the 2nd. Cohort.
Mituna, 4th, pilgrim to the 8th.
Kankri, 8th house but not the Perfect paladin.
Meulin, 5th house.
Porrim, pilgrim from the 9th to the 3rd.
Latula, 2nd. Cohort.
Aranea, pilgrim from the 3rd to the 6th.
Horuss, 6th. Eventually blood of Eden.
Kurloz, 9th.
Cronus, 8th, he fucking hates it. Wishes he was 3rd.
Meenah, 1st house, from the 2nd (theif of life). Then, blood of Eden. Mercymorn sort of. She's fed up with this duity bullshit.
If anyone has thoughts I would love to hear why you agree or disagree :3
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wee-miss-noone · 1 year
For the Choose Violence ask game - Discworld 12, 17, 18, 22
Hello! And thanks fro the ask <3
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Igor from the Monstrous Regiment. It's not that she's unpopular but she's not as talked about as other Discworld character, which makes sense since she's just a minor character in one novel, but I just wish I could see more of her. Igors are such interesting family/species (are they an idependent species? not sure) but most of the ones which appear in Dicsworl novels are men and it would be very cool to see how female Igors operate. also Igor was such a badass - just sew her own scalp on, can switch her face however she wants - would make for a great undercover agent and I really want to see that kinda story
Also Letitia Keepsake. The girl starts as the stereotypical shallow fiancee of a man Tifanny may or may not fancy but then proves to be such empathetic caring girl with incredible potential to be a witch. She gives a Teddy bear to a wailing ghost! And a pumpkin to a headless rider spectre so he could carry it around instead a head! Her mother is this awful bosy judgy woman and it would be easy for Letitia to be just her mother's brainless lackey and I mean she is under her mother's thumb in a way, but she also does her own things and is curious and kind and brave and frankly a bit too good for Roland but I digress. Anyways I want more of her.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
There should be more art of the entire Monstrous Regiment regiment. Most art is of Poly and Maledicta but all regiment members are so cool. Also more Angua fanart.
As for fics I think every fandom should have *insert character that dies in canon* meets Death (or Susan bcs Death is on the vacation) fic, just for fun and to help deal with the trauma
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
I feel like I don't see people talk about the discworld trolls that much. Which I feel is usch a shame because they are such an interesting species… I mean they get stereatyped as being big and dumb but they're actually quite clever only they are constantly in an enviroment which does not allow their intellect to be shown.
Also idk if this counts but I find it said no one is discussing paralels between Lavender Jack the webcomic and Captain Vimes (specifically in Nightwatch). I know it's random and most people do not talk abt it bcs they just have not read the Lavender Jack. still I think it's be cool
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I'm basic bitch so I don't think I have a bit which only I appreciatte. But as soemone who studies psychology I have great fondness to that one bit where Vimes explains that you cannot deduce someone's entire life from one time you pass him on the street because many things can have different meanings like a tattoo can mean the man spent time with navy or that he made a drunk decision to get tatttoed when he was a teenager. And that's rings so true becuase in psychology there are a lot of symptoms and behavioral patterns hwich can mean certain mental condition... or another condition which is completely different or it can be normal behavior given the right circumstances - and that's why diagnozing is so hard, even though I met a lot of people in my life who think that just because someone acts certain way they have to be *insert diagnosis here*. which is according to these people *bad*. My point is basically that I like the aknowledgement that things are not always striaght cut becuase HUMANS ARE COMPLICATED
Also, but this is more of a language barrier thing and technically not and issue relating canon - something I really love but a lot of people have no chance of experiencing are the joys of czech tranlsation of the books. The translator Jan Kanturek did absolutely masterful job and he often adds his own translator notes to make some interesting comments (not like adding to the Discworld lore, but like to explain certain real world references or highlight soem hilarious parts) and I mean if oyu like disworld footnotes from Sir Terry I can guarantee these ones are also great. (There was this one where he explained the czech/slovak word "kurva" (meaning wh*re) used to be an archaic term to refer to girls in general so about a century ago a proud parent somewhere in Moravia may proclaim something like "we have two little boys and a little wh*re" and idk but I still remember that one to this day and like to quote it on people to show how the language changes)
Also also - unrelated but ever since I read I Shall Wear Midnight my dream wedding ceremony invovles jumping through fire and while the officiant calls me and my significant other profanities XD.
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 13: Sunshine! Sparkle!
The next morning I woke up feeling like I got run over by a car.
I hate life.
Maybe the Goths are into something.
I roll over, away from my window, grabbing Ursa tight.
Need more sleep.
Before I can fall into sweet bliss again, I hear how I get a notification on my phone.
I want to ignore it…but I could be Tammy. I ain’t let hanging my best girl.
So I check my Facebook message.
Oh…it’s Kyle.
Emergency meeting at the Elven Forest.
Like a slap in the face, I remember what happened yesterday.
Clyde and his army of darkness.
The perverted Underpants Gnomes.
With I shout I run into the bathroom and throw up. God, I didn’t need to remember that so vividly!
After I’m done leaving my guts in the toilette I brush my teeth, I need to get the taste away. Then I decide to take a long shower and maybe cry over my lost innocent.
Yeah sounds like a plan.
When I’m freshly washed I get dressed in my room in my Dark Magician Girl Cosplay. I fix my hair up with brown extensions and with hairspray. I form the spiky hairstyle of the original Dark Magician Girl. I grip my wand, which is of course the same that the original uses.
I’m ready for the day!
I go down the stairs, pointedly don’t look at my parents and ignore their question if I want breakfast.
I mumbled something that I’m not hungry.
Then I’m out of the house.
I can’t right now be close to them.
“Morning, N.K.!”, greets Tammy, also in her fighter armor.
“Hey, Tam!”
We hug each other.
“What you doing here sis?”, I ask her after our hug.
She takes my arm and we start to walk.
“You surely saw King Kyle post on Facebook I thought we could go together to the Elven Forest.”, she explains.
I smile.
“You thought right.”
We chat about random things on our way over. Ah, that’s what I need to not think about THAT.
It feels so normal.
It’s a good feeling. Something I terribly missed this last days.
Finally, we reach the Elven Forest.
King Kyle takes note of this.
“Ah, Dark Magician Queen N.K. and Lady Tammy have decided to bless us with their presence. Let's get started.”
Tammy sits between me and Stan. Cartman sends me an evil look as I sit down beside him, while I just give him the middle finger.
I won fair and square the throne. Even if Clyde took my power away in a puff. It’s still awesome that the others recognize me now as the queen of Kupa Keep.
Also, I will change the name later, I will not let my kingdom be called KKK anymore.
The elven king has prepared a PowerPoint Presentation for us with a projector and a screen fabric.
“Humans and Elves of Zaron, a great evil has descended upon us.”, he begins. “After researching last night, I believe we are facing a threat to our entire world.”
He shows us Clyde’s evil yet badass fortress on the screen.
“Clyde's fortress of darkness is over four stories tall. So far, he has recruited at least fifty warriors to be on his team, and he-“
That’s when Cartman decides to do his job as the local asshole/bastard, whisper-shouting to Leo: “Teehee, leave it to Kyle to tehehe...”
“You have something to say, Wizard?”
“Oh, nothing. Just think it's ... kind of funny how Drow elves in the Middle Ages can use Powerpoint.”, Fatass snickers.
“Oh my god, can you please shut up!”, I command. “This is important.”
“You may have gotten my throne bitch, but you aren’t my queen!”, he hisses back.
I fix him with my best death glare and hit with my fist into my hand.
“You wanna go again, fat boy? I will kick your ass for all eternity!”
My glare must be really terrific since Cartman looks ready to shit his pants, also all humans who see it are shaking too. Even Kenny and Leo!
I hear something about red eyes.
“Queen N.K. I thank you for trying to keep order, but right now kicking Cartman’s ass, will not help us.”, tells King Kyle.
I look at Tammy, who gives me a nod. With a sign, I stop and cross my arms.
“Please continue, King Kyle.”
“Thank you as I was saying…Clyde is attempting to raise an army of darkness. I believe he is messing with something he cannot control. He has recruited many of our friends and so... our only hope is for our two factions to join forces.”
My subjects are shocked, while Kyle’s people seemed already to have accepted this idea. Maybe he told them before.
“FUCK. THAT.”, shouts Fatass. “WE do not team up with fucking ELVES.”
“You got a better idea, Wizard fatass?”, counters Stan.
“After what you elves did to us at the Battle of Wormsly Woods?!”, even Leo joins in. “You think we'll ever trust you?”
Having enough and before it escalates I stand up and stand before my people.
“Enough!”, I shout loud and clear. “I know I’m only been queen since yesterday, I don’t know what past our kingdom has with the elven one, but guys, see the bigger picture here! I agree with King Kyle. We need to join forces against Clyde. It will not help us to still fight each other if fucking Clyde takes over the world with his Nazi Zombie Army! I’m making myself clear?!”
Again I see how my friends and subjects shake. I’m really that scary? Tammy is giving me a proud thumbs up, while the elven try their hardest not to laugh.
“I’m making myself clear?!”, I repeat again, waiting for a response from my subjects.
Princess Kenny is the first to answer: “If the queen thinks this is for the best I support her.”
Shocked gasp from our people sound.
“Of course, you would say that Kinny! That bitch sucked your dick!”, accused Wizard Fatass.
Me and Kenny send him death glares.
“If I did or did not is not relevant and also is non of your fucking business, fatass!”, I shout and point my wand in his face. “I’m thinking about how to save our kingdom! This is the most important. If an alliance will help us so be it! So shut up and be the grand wizard we need for the fight and not a bastard for once in your life!”
I hear damn sons and approving whistles from Tammy and the elves. I can see that my subjects looking at each, whispering, and then all nod, besides Cartman of course.
“If you think this will be for the best, big sis…then we will follow your lead.”, speaks Leo for all.
I nod at him and sit down on my chair. I wave at Kyle to continue with his presentation.
The red-haired boy is looking at me…I would say in an admiring way. I blush and play with my wand. Tammy giggles softly in my ear. I blush even more. She will soooo tease me later, I feel it.
“Again, thanks queen N.K. I’m glad we are on the same page with this.”
“I don’t want to be a party pooper.”, begins Stan. “Even if we JOIN forces we don't have enough warriors.”
“So we recruit more factions to join us. The Pirates. The Federation. And... the Girls.”
Tammy and I deadpan at how all the boys are shocked about this.
“The GIRLS?!”, shouts Leo.
“Kyle, the GIRLS are not gonna fucking play with us.”, seems Cartman to remind him.
“Yeah, dude, we can't convince girls to do this.”, surprisingly Stan agrees.
“No, but maybe Queen N.K. can.”, counters Kyle. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at all the looks the boys send me. Only Tammy isn’t staring like a cow. She is deadpanning at them too. “Queen N.K. has a power we have yet to understand. She makes friends on Facebook faster than any we have seen.”
“She is really good at getting Facebook friends, I'll give her that.”, admins Wizard Chubby.
“And that I’m also a girl is totally irrelevant?”, I can’t help but point out. “And Lady Tammy here too.”
Kyle turns adorable red like a tomato.
“Erm…of course this too, queen N.K. I bet since you are their elder the girls in our grade will consider playing with us if you ask them.”, tries Kyle to save his face.
I giggle softly.
“It’s okay, cutie, I was just messing with ya.”, I flirt.
He turns red as his hair and is at a total loss for words. I hear a few snickers. Cartman opens his mouth to say something, I just hit him over the head with my wand.
“You be quiet. If you only talk shit, you will get hit.”
Grumbling curses under his breath Fatass rubs his hurting spot.
Now nearly everyone is snickering. I bet they all enjoy me putting Cartman in his place.
“Now that this is out of the way, please find a way to get the Girls to side with us, queen N.K. I'll deal with the other factions.”, promises Kyle. “The rest of you return to your stations and prepare for war.”
With a loud huzzah, we collected the chairs to put them away.
“Any idea where we could find the fourth-grade girls Tam?”, I ask my best friend, since the boys will surely not know it.
“Well when I was in fourth grade we had a secret base.”, she tells me. Huh, interesting. “It’s kind of a tradition here in South Park. But the only problem is that any new generation changes the location of the base. I think we need to find a fourth-grade girl to lead us to them.”
“Awesome! This means we can walk all day long if we don’t find someone!”, I groan annoyed, and let my head rest against her shoulder.
Tammy cooes and pets my head.
“There, there, N.K.”
“Erm, big sis?”
Surprised I look up.
Leo is standing before us.
“Hey Leo, what’s up, little bro?”
“Do you remember Annie, the one you helped against the bullies? She is a fourth grader and owes you a favor.”
I blink.
“Oh…I totally forgot! Thanks, Leo! I will send her a message.”
I ruffle his hair, while he smiles cutely up at me.
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I choose to take Tammy with me to the fourth-grade girls. Having two elders and no boys will maybe sway them faster in agreeing to help us.
“So…you like King Kyle?”, asks me Tammy with twinkling eyes, as we make our way to City Hall, where Annie is waiting for us.
I blush red.
I know she would tease.
“I’m in a goddamn love triangle, Tam!”, I bemoan my faith to her. “I hate it! It’s the most stupid cliche ever! I like Kyle and also Princess Kenny.”
Now Tammy is blinking rapidly at me.
“Princess Kenny? Huh, that’s kind of funny, my ex-boyfriend was named Kenny too.”
“I think, the princess and your ex are the same.”, I wince. “In real life, she is Kenny McCormick.”
We walk in silence for a while. This is a really awkward situation.
Tammy is the first to find her words.
“N.K. don’t feel bad, you meet Kenny earlier than me. How should you know that he was my boyfriend once?”
“It feels still so…awkward.”
“Listen, me and Kenny ended our relationship as friends, and…you are my best friend, even if we have known each other for such a short time.”, she takes my hand in hers and squeezes it. “What we have is so more…. potent than whatever I had with Kenny. So if you want him, get him. I just want us to stay best friends.”
“Me too, Tam, like sis, I think you are my soulmate!”, I confess to her, squeezing her hand back. “I don’t wanna lose you. You are more important than my two crushes.”
“That’s the sappiest thing anyone ever said to me…I dig it!”
I plant a soft kiss on her cheek, which makes her blush adorable.
So cute.
“I have more of that, but…you really okay if I go for Kenny. If I go…there is still Kyle.”
Now she kisses my cheek and I turn red.
“Yes, really don’t worry.”
At least my relationship with Tammy is safe.
What I should do about Kenny and Kyle is a whole other house number.
Why I’m in a stupid love triangle?
It doesn’t need to be a love triangle, girl…polyamory!
My face turns into a pepperoni.
Where did this thought come from?
I was always monogamous in my relanteship. I never felt the need to date different people at the same time.
Why know?
…Because I can’t fucking decide and thinking about having both Kyle and Kenny as boyfriends turns me so fucking happy.
Uha, better stop now.
There is City Hall and Annie waiting for us.
“Hello N.K. and Tammy, right?”, she greets us.
I nod, while Tammy greets back for us.
“So what can I help you with?”
I explain in short words what shit we are currently dealing with and that we need more girl power to kick Clyde’s ass.
“I see.”, frowns Annie. “I can take you to the fourth-grade girls. But I don't think they'll be very willing to play with boys. Do you wish to speak to them now?”
“Yes, time is a wasting.”
“Then please follow me, N.K. and Tammy.”
And we do just that.
Tammy and I are impressed with what the fourth-grade girls did with the girl bathroom in the playground.
Yes, their secret base is there.
How did they manage to paint it, bring these tables and all this other shit like posters here, I wonder.
A pretty black-haired girl with a lilac barret seems to be the head of the girls since she is the only one sitting at one of the higher tables.
“The four hundred and twelfth meeting of the girls is hereby called to order. Sparkle, Sparkle.”, she proclaims like we are in a trail, even with a little gravel.
“Sunshine!”, responded all the girls.
“Sunshine sparkle, Millie Larsen has the floor.”, says a brunette with a hairband.
This Millie Larsen starts right away: “If it pleases and sparkles, I move that we vote IMMEDIATELY on the urgent matter involving Monica Ryland.”
Agreeing sound from all the girls.
I look at them with fascination. That is so straight, I could nearly puke. But still fascinating. Since I’m bi I have no idea how straight girls think.
Tammy whispers nostalgic to me: “I’m having so many flashbacks.”
I grin at her.
“Excuse me, I'm sorry but I have an urgent matter that I believe needs to be addressed first.”, calls Annie for attention.
“The chair acknowledges Annie.”, says barrett girl.
“Sunshine, sparkle, Annie Knitts has the floor.”
“If it pleases and sparkles, two of our elders from the fifth grade are here to talk with us about a request from the fourth-grade boys.”
Like the good straight girls their age, they play their role of being sick hearing boys nominated. I bet at least half of them already had boyfriends.
“What request do the boys ask of us?”, wants the head girl to know.
“Sunshine, sparkle, I’m Tammy and she is N.K., little sisters.”, answers Tammy for us. “We came here since we are playing an RPG with the boys, but it has gone so out of control that we need more players. You.”
“Erm yes, sunshine sparkle, did I say that right? I’m currently the queen of one of the fractions and I need some Amazons in my kingdom. You pretty and powerful girls wanna help us beat up a stupid boy?”, I add.
“That…is interesting.”, admins the head girl. “I’m Wendy, pleased to meet you two. How did you manage to become queen of the boys?”
The other girls are interested too.
“I beat up Eric Cartman like the little pussy he is.”, I explain.
Awwing sounds all around us.
Wendy smiles nostalgically.
“Ah, reminds me at the time I beat up Cartman. Good times.”
Okay, I already like this Wendy! Anyone who shows the fatass his borders is amazing!
“So you girls wanna be my amazons?”, I ask again. “Anyone who fights against fatass is my type of girl.”
For that I get confused looks…only Wendy seems to get what I mean and blushes.
Oh…someone isn’t as straight as they present themselves?
Right, my black-haired beauty?
I wink at her, which makes her blush more.
“What?! We don't have time for that!”, shouts Millie. “Something VERY big happened and we MUST do something!”
“I know, I thought maybe they could help.”, answers Annie.
“Oh, that's not a bad idea.”, means a cute blond girl with long locks. “I glitter Annie's idea.”
“Sunshine, sparkle. A motion has been glittered to have queen N.K. and?-“
“Lady Tammy.”
“And Lady Tammy help with Monica Ryland.”
Now I’m curious what this could be.
“Well spit it out, girls?”, I tell them, while Tammy nods in agreement.
“All right, your Highness and Lady Tammy, look - there are TERRIBLE RUMORS going around town that our good friend Allie Nelson was spotted at the abortion clinic.”, explains Wendy.
I frown and Tammy gasp shocked.
“I have NEVER been to the abortion clinic! I'm not a whore!”, calls this Allie Nelson into the room.
Tammy looks at her with sympathy and I purse my lips.
I don’t really see the problem with either things.
Like abortion is our right and being a whore is a stupid concept. I mean I call myself a thirsty hoe, but how Allie says whore implies for me she means it in the patriarchy way that girls can’t even kiss two boys without being labeled as dirty and whores, while boys can fuck 50 girls and are the kings of the world.
Did I mention that I hate the patriarchy?
Now, you know.
“We aren't sure, but we think the girl spreading rumors about Allie is Monica Ryland.”, reveals Wendy.
“And then she has the gall to act all nice to me!”, adds Allie.
“We have to know for sure if Monica Ryland is a two-faced bitch or not. If one of you had been a boy we would have done this: we would send Monica a Facebook page with YOUR picture then told her that you're Bebe's boyfriend from Lakewood, and you want to meet her and ask her what the best thing to get Bebe for her birthday would be, and see if Monica tries to hit on you at all because THAT way, we can see if Monica is a manipulative bitch.”
“Right.”, comes from the golden locks’ beauty. So her name is BeBe.
Tammy nods in understanding, while I can just stare at them.
I think I’m going to have a rash from all this straightness, bitchness, patriarchy-infused mind thinking these little fourth-grade girls have going on.
Once again I want to thank the Lord that he made me bi and I don’t have that kind of mindset.
I can’t even comprehend that.
It’s so stupid.
Like we girls should ALL stick together and kick the patriarchy in it’s non existed balls!
The future is female and all that!
Wendy’s voice drags me back from my thoughts: “But since neither of you is a boy, we don’t know what to do.”
“Well, N.K. could dress up as a boy!”, suggests Tammy. “The boys thought for a while she was a boy as she was walking around in her Link Cosplay.”
I turn to Tammy and mouth what the fuck to her. She just shrugs her shoulders.
“Oho really, but you are so pretty!”, compliments me Bebe, but I see the envy in her eyes.
Oh no, I don’t have the nerve for this bullshit.
The other girls agree with her, yet their looks spell the same as Bebe one.
“I can put my Sasuke Uchiha cosplay on, that’s the only other male cosplay I have.”, I grit out from behind my teeth and wish to be anywhere else than here.
“Is he good-looking?”, wants Bebe to know.
Wordless I show her a picture of me in my Sasuke cosplay.
She nods.
“Yes, that will do.”
…I’m going to kill someone. I can’t with this shit.
“Do this task for us, and we will consider your request.”
Thanks, Wendy that you will consider it! And here I thought there was another one who wasn’t straight.
My Bi-Fi needs calibrations.
Wendy hits her gravel and says Sparkle and all, even Tammy, answer with sunshine.
I don’t even wait that Annie accompanied us to the door, I get out alone.
I need to watch/read some Yuri to get away from all this Heteronormativity/Patriarchy/Anti-Feminist I experienced.
Also, I need to change cosplay.
Why do I have a feeling this will be not easy as it seems?
0 notes
jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
You're Grounded Pt. 2
Summery: Smiley and Angry's little sister is still grounded, only this time...things go differently.
Part One Here
Rating: SFW
Pairing(s): Platonic!Nahoya Kawata x Platonic!Little Sister Reader x Platonic!Souya Kawata
(Still no incest my dudes)
Also spoilers for episode 20-21!!
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One week had passed, and ever since you were stuck in your room, only allowed to come out to go to school, to eat, and bathroom breaks. Other than that, no luck getting out from your little prison. And you were warned to not sneak out again, or another week would be added. You didn't bother trying, as much as you hate to admit it, your brothers were smarter than they looked. They knew every move you would make and would do everything in their power to stop you.
However, you were allowed to have your phone back. They were s confident that if you were to try and call for backup, they would stop it from happening. You made the best of it though, at least you had someone to talk to now. Emma wanted an explanation as to where you had disappeared to lately and you told her you were grounded, well, double grounded now. When she asked why, you hesitated to tell her. But you did, after she promised not to tell Smiley and Angry of course. She did say that you should tell them why you started that fight in the first place, but...it was a bit more complicated than that.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
So, here you were, in your room looking blankly at your door. Every now and then Smiley or Angry, or both of them, would come and check to see if you were still there. Speaking of, your door opened, Angry walked in this time. "Right on time, big brother." You mutter, not bothering to look at him. "Smiley had to run out somewhere real quick. So, I'm gonna stay here until he gets back." He leans against the door after he shut it.
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes. The silence between you two was heavy with tension and awkwardness.
"...Sorry about before. But you really shouldn't have tricked us like that." You didn't respond. "Come on. You're acting childish."
"I am a child dummy. And so are you, so stop acting like your our mother." You glared at him. "Oh, and you wanna talk being childish? You two get into fights every fucking day, and you two rarely ever get punished for it! So how come I get double grounded!?"
"You get double grounded for sneaking out. And you shouldn't be getting into fights at all. As for us, it's different." Angry explained as calmly as he could. "That's bullshit and you know it!" You snapped. "You wouldn't be saying any of this if I were in the same gang as you two!"
"You won't be joining any gangs of any kind!" Angry finally snapped back. It was rare that he would ever raise his voice at you, so you were at a loss for words. Once he saw your shocked face he toned it down. "Just...don't do it again. Please Y/n, you shouldn't be fighting."
And then came more silence. You and Angry never liked whenever there would be a fight between all three of you. But tension had build up ever since you got into that stupid fight. And honestly, you knew that it didn't need to happen but after what happened...after what those jackasses said...What choice did you have?
"Why did you do it anyway?" Angry asks, making you look up from your bed. You opened your mouth to answer, but shut it before looking away again. "Does it really matter?" You asked. "It's done. Nothing I can do about it now."
Before Angry could respond, Smiley walked in. "Heeey, she try to get out again?" He asked. "No..." Angry shook his head. "But she's hiding something." You shot him a glare. "Oh, so we're telling lies now?"
"I don't know, are we?" Angry turned to his brother. "When has Y/n ever started a fight? She rarely gets into fights, and normally she isn't the one to start some shit." Smiley nods his head at his brother's words. "That's a good point. So, wanna talk to us like a big girl?"
"No. Get out." You tell them sternly. "Too bad!" Smiley hopped on your bed and sat beside you. "Better start talking sis."
"Or what?" You challenged. Smiley's grin deepened. "Or else your double grounding will turn into a triple grounding." He tells you. "What!? How's that fair!?" Smiley shrugs. "Just is. Now spill." You resisted the urge to slug your annoying peach hair older brother in the jaw before sighing heavily. "You really wanna know? Fine. I started that fight because some asshole was talking shit about you two! Happy?"
Smiley and Angry looked at each other before turning back to you. "You started a fight because of that?" Angry asks. You furrow your brow in frustration. "It's more than that...they called you guys a smiling freak and a whinny crybaby. They also talked shit about Toman. And when I confronted them about it...they said I couldn't do a thing without my brothers there to protect me...that I was just a weak little girl who needed to stay out of other's way...So, I punched their lights out." You didn't notice you were crying until the end of it.
"I wouldn't have hit them if they would have just apologized and kept their mouths shut." You say with a sniffle. It was quiet until Smiley started laughing. "Man! You went and defended ours and Toman's honor? You really are the best little sister." He pets your head. "Huh?" You look up at him confused. "That was nice of you Y/n, but you didn't need to get hurt over us." Angry made his way over to you.
"W-well they were hurt way more than me." You told him. "I handled it didn't I?"
"Yes but, still. You're safety matters to us way more than a few insults thrown at us. Next time that happens, tell us."
"Yeah! We'll beat the fuck out of them so you don't get in trouble like you did." Smiley added. "Don't be like your dumbass older brothers Y/n. You're going places you know? Don't waste it on fighting like a gangster."
"But you guys are in a gang..." You mutter. "Don't get any ideas Y/n." Said Smiley, despite his smile, he was serious. "We wouldn't know what to do if you were hurt or worse. Just be our tough little sis outside of a gang ok?" You pout slightly but nod anyway. You did consider joining Toman, somehow. Your brothers inspired you in more than one way, and being in a gang was one of them. Not just any gang, a real gang. "The new age of delinquents" as Mikey put it.
It sounded so cool when you heard about it, and you wanted so desperately to be by your brothers side when it finally happens. But it wasn't always cool and badass, after Darken nearly dying and Baji's death, it dawned on you just how dangerous joining a gang could be. And Smiley and Angry be damned if they let their little sister be murdered and they couldn't prevent it.
You didn't know Draken and Baji on a personal level like everyone else in Touman did, but they were so kind to you whenever you were around. Baji even joked that you were like Toman's little sister. His death left a hole in the hearts of Toman, including yours...
"I won't get into anymore fights, but you guys have to promise me something too." Smiley and Angry waited for your word. "Promise me...that you'll be careful and promise me, you guys won't leave us like Baji did..."
The next thing you knew, your brothers were enveloping you in their embrace. "And leave you all alone? No way in hell." Smiley said softly. "We're not going anywhere." Said Angry. You sniffled but managed to smile. "Good. I might say I don't want you around, but you guys are all I got. So ignore me whenever I might say it again, ok?"
"Sure thing." Smiley chuckled. "Oh by the way, you're ungrounded."
You perk up. "Double ungrounded?"
"Yep. Double ungrounded. But you better not go start shit with anyone again, got it?"
"Got it." You giggle.
"Good. Now let's get out of here. I bet you're bored right?" Smiley asked as the three of you left your room. "Bored as fuck."
"There's a new arcade that just opened up. Should we go there?" Angry asked. " Hell yeah!" You and Smiley say in unison.
You still have no idea how you got so lucky as to get ungrounded like you did, but you had a feeling your brothers were never going to punish you as harshly as they did before.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(So I was thinking of making like a little kawata sister series? Idk how well that would play out or how it will be done/written but yeah, stay tuned if that interests you)
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rise-deepseamonster · 2 years
Why do you hate acotar so much??? It was a pretty good series...
Sure the last two books weren't really good but the original triology was great
Ah I've been waiting for someone to give an opening question to my inevitably long discourse on this topic.
Here we go.
Firstly, the plot.
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Too many holes, too many unnecessary things put together in trying to give “romantic” circumstances for the characters. Besides, if more than one character gets resurrected per series, u know the author is trying to overdo the sentimentality thing and its gets kinda tiring. Like cmon, give Death some sanctity.
Next, a lot of the terrible things that the main characters do are being portrayed as good deeds. I love it when the characters make terrible choices and regret them or feel ashamed and want to take them back or something etc etc but blatantly doing something terrible and not really giving it a second thought and showing it under good light as though people really deserve that kind of thing... I love badass girls but they’re only badass when they do things that are actually badass in defence of things that are either morally correct or enabling the public and basically heroism is badass, not just doing something cunning and petty for the sake of revenge or because you can’t think of a better way to do things. (Im talking about trying to hoodwink Tarquin by “seducing” him and trashing Spring Court for petty revenge and not thinking of the bigger things like war and the people and Rhys condoning it and not thinking it bad at all. Is it really love if you’re going to be blind to all of one’s mistakes? I think its obsession)
Also whats with the constant seduction technique shown by all the women? Really? Is there no other way to practice deceit than with lust? This is the sign of an unimaginative narrative. It’s stupid and it is blatant objectification and also plain boring. Not to mention, cringe-y. Not only do they practice this seduction method for getting what they want from allies and enemies, they use it as a “distraction” and a “show” for their own people in the Court of Nightmares. I can’t even begin with how sick it is to even think of portraying one self as rulers of a place and just... is it just me or does no one see something wrong with all the sexualization of women in this book? Is it just normally accepted now to have sex left and right as though sex is the bedrock of a relationship? 
Which is what I’d like to come to next. All the relationships in this book are built on lust and sexual tension with literally no other element. From the very beginning whether it be Nessian or Feysand, both are just pining over each other sexually. Maybe thats just me being demi or a prude or whatever but really? Is that what people want for themselves these days? What people idolize as a perfect relationship? 
Next, Lucien. He’s is basically the nicest character in the entire series and he’s ill-treated by everyone always and when he goes on to find friends in another circle Feyre looks at him as though its a betrayal. The Inner Circle is a friend group which is basically just 3 lusty bachelors, their girlfriends, their sisters and Amren, who joined mainly because she saw the power offered by that court and the vision of a better world there. (Maybe if she had met Tarquin and maybe if Summer Court had been closer to the Prison maybe she’d be there) 
Next, the relationship between Feyre and her sisters. We were robbed of a true healing between them. The author made it look as though Nesta was merely healing from her trauma of her mother dying. Oh so there was nothing else to heal? Years of resentment between the sisters on both sides? You save a baby and miraculously all is ok? That is not how feelings work. Thats not how relationships work especially with sisters who had a mother who showed favoritism. Trust me when I say there is always a scar left behind for that and it can only be healed when you actually work through it together, not go on a sex binge with your sister’s brother-in-law. (seriously there is no other chemistry from Nesta’s side though; even Cassian looks at her at first cuz shes pretty...ugh im just frustrated with all of these lusty relationships with insubstantial chemistry). There is also a prevailing sentiment where people are defending Nesta’s actions towards Feyre during their years of poverty as a result of her trauma. Just so everyone is clear, trauma is not an excuse to do terrible things like letting one’s sister go off on her own to defend the family from starvation all the while putting her down. So yes, Nesta was traumatized but no way in hell is that an excuse. Elain is also at extreme fault. And their father. Seriously what kind of a family lets the youngest daughter go out to feed them and treats her like shit when she comes back? That isnt just trauma thats just complacency and superiority born of supreme arrogance and indifference. There is no way in hell you actually care about your sister in ANYWAY one should care about their sister if you’re going to let her hunt for food AND do everything else around the house all while you insult her and sit and listen as your other sister insults her. And all that was offered as an apology was “Yes we are both equally at fault”. Pathetic. I would’ve been ok if there had actually been a proper healing arc. Hell I would’ve been ok if Nesta never reconciled and went to live off on her own and lived happily ever after. But what I cannot accept is this half-baked shit as though healing from her trauma is making things up to her sister. I might sound cruel in this but girl, trauma is UR problem, not ur sisters’, she deserves a fucking apology at the fucking least.
Lastly, the ending feels like a hastily made, over-ingredient-ified porrige-cross-stew. Literally, she just went like oh look I got this terrible monster I met, oh guess what I got this terrible monster too. Without even damning consequences. No consequence at all, these old as hell creatures just came and did your bidding? For releasing them from their prisons and asking them nicely? The entire book, you’re going on about how the world is cruel and terrible and suddenly all the big bad monsters are actually puppy dogs without a price? Feels incomplete to say the least and unsatisfying.
The other things are very minimal representation (also Mor bores me. 500 years is a damn long time to keep somebody constantly pining. She doesn’t have to come out. She just has to let him down. But then again, Azriel has to have gotten a hint over the past 500 years. He’s a fucking spymaster. I mean just think about it. You pine over a girl and the girl knows you like them and she has been constantly ignoring it for 500yrs and I think at one point it goes from persistence to entitlement. Remember when Mor says he gets confused now and then over the fact that she sleeps with men and women? Does that mean he thinks theres a chance for him just because she sleeps with men? Even if she did, she has rejected you for 500yrs! It’s time to let it the fuck go.)
I’m sure I can think of more reasons but honestly the more I think of this series the more I feel this savage instinct to deck someone. I think the main thing that aggravates me is that I honestly feel its a good start but it has been supremely messed up in the writing and the character representation. Like bad plot? Just drop the book. But good start to the story, you like it and then suddenly all the characters act so damn weird and sick and artificial and the plot goes off the rails. Thats like constantly picking a scab and trying to see all the places it unsettles. Terrible for the mind. So I hope that whoever reads this series next actually thinks about what kind of content they’re letting live rent free in their mind. If you’re still with me, thank you for reading my rant till the end!
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tuliharja · 3 years
Possible spoilers concerning Bleach's 20th-anniversary one-shot and those who haven't yet read TYBW arc.
So, after I saw the sketches about current Gotei 13's captains and lieutenants, I couldn't help but think few things and also notice some things. Let me share some of my thoughts about some of them:
I think each person's individual styles are showing now more than before and I get the feeling it's thanks to Kyoraku. If we think back to the time when Yamamoto was Head Captain, most of the captains and lieutenants' uniforms were mostly always in their standard state, if we don't count few exceptions. (I'm looking at you, Mayuri.) There might have been few tattoos or piercings, but mostly there wasn't anything that gave off the individual's personality. Now, those seem more personalized -at least most of them.
I think it's very cool Kubo decided to highlight some details and how some outfits, hairstyles, etc. work. For example how Nanao's hairstyle works. That detail might seem very random, but considering the fact, her hairstyle would work in real life, kudos to Kubo about that.
Also, what I find interesting is Nanao's glove: that glove style reminds me of those archery gloves that we've seen used in archery. (At least in every manga/anime where there is an archery club, the characters usually wear such a glove.) It kind of made me think of Nanao using a bow and arrows...
I can't help but wonder why Soi Fon has that additional red ribbon around her waist... My one friend suggested it was probably a gift from Yoruichi.
Omaeda...he looks just...hmm, ever seen those anime series/movies where are those school bullies that try to act all tough, because their parents have money? Yet in reality, are weak? Yeah, Omaeda. Gives me that classical Japanese Gansta school bully vibes with his too many accessories.
Rose looks like some Victorian-era gay vampire... I'm actually digging his all-frills. Like, so many frills!
Izuru's looks are cool. I like that Assassin's Creed-type hood he is sporting. (Also, is his other hand now permanently black? Or, was that just a long glove he is wearing?)
Isane is just super-duper cute and soft-looking. Uwu. Makes me want to give her head pats and cheer her up, even if she would get all flustered! Precious baby.
Shinji's style is even more crooked if possible. I bet Death the Kid from Soul Eater would have a meltdown if he saw him...
Momo gives now this old-lady vibe because of the hairstyle she is sporting and that hair accessory. ^^'
I wonder why Renji has that army-type of vest under his normal shinigami robes... Also, kind of makes me want to see if something would hit (or shot) Renji's upper and if the vest would rescue his life like we see in cop movies/tv-series.
And did you notice Iba has miko bracelet? (I'm pretty sure it's miko bracelet.) And where he got that face scar on his face? I don't recall it at all?
Also, Iba's lieutenant Atau Rindō has that healer-type apron while he uses a high collar shirt which is cute. All in all, his looks are too very soft, yet sophisticated I'm also totally on board about that, he acts as a communicator between Iba and Komamura.
I bet Lisa's style got full marks from Kyoraku... I can imagine her just going to Kyoraku's office and be 'can I wear a mini-skirt and top?' while Kyoraku gave her thumbs up.
Also, I bet Lisa asked if her lieutenant could dress up.
Speaking of her lieutenant Yuyu Yayahara...she is just cute! I love her gyaru style~. Though, I wonder if she has a fake tan...? I mean, gyaru's usually had, but her skin color could actually be dark. Either way, she still looks super cute! I loved her girly badass appearance. The fact she wore cute nail polish, accessories, etc. yet was all badass? Yes, please.
Kensei gives this big biker dad energy... while his son (Hisagi) is too wild.
One thing that I marked was the fact Kubo hadn't sketched Mashiro. In fact, she didn't appear at all in the one-shot. While I didn't at first think that much about it, but the fact Kubo sketched Genshirō Okikiba (Kyoraku's other lieutenant), yet not Mashiro was odd. I mean, in TYBW Mashiro told Hisagi she is super-lieutenant (co-lieutenant) and it's obvious from the sketches we saw Kubo sketched just captains and lieutenants (plus Yumichika. Then again, he and Ikkaku are a set, so yeah), so leaving Mashiro out felt just...weird. Maybe Kubo forgot her?
It appears Toshiro's sheathe now scatters like Senbonzakura? As far as I remember that didn't happen at least in the manga.
It seems Rangiku healed from her broken heart as her hair is once again long. Good for her! Also, she has now tied that pink cloth around her waist, which is actually very cute.
Yumichika is as stylish as ever. I especially liked the feather details in his sketch.
Mayuri's additions to his robes make me think spotted jelly. Sorry, but especially the captain's robe's ones make me think that.
Akon's necklace-thingy looks just...odd...but I suppose it's handy? I mean, it looks sturdy and it should be because I can imagine a lieutenant's badge must weigh at least a little bit. It also appears he has some vitals in his necklace...
The funny thing with Rukia is that, if you would remove her ponytail, she would have basically her old hairstyle -just uneven.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 3 years
inarticulate thoughts on archon quest pt iii
Major spoilers for archon quest pt iii ahead.
Okay. Okay. Holy shit. I'm still reeling. I really don't know how Genshin's writing and lore just continues to get better. I was honestly thinking that at some point, the writing quality would drop off--and I didn't think the writing was all that stellar to start with. But the writing for Inazuma is absolutely fucking immaculate.
Just to get this out of the way, I have a singular issue with Genshin's writing that is unavoidable: that it can get kind of trite sometimes. But I don't begrudge the game its cliches about friendship and loyalty and hope in the face of insurmountable odds because, even if the writing can get almost childish, it's spectacular for the vast majority of the game. And I don't mind that the game is inherently hopeful. The world is awful enough without needing to play games about just how awful other worlds are.
This is going to be disorganized. So I'm going to start with what made me go oh, clever, and that's the Raiden boss fight at the end.
Demanding a Rematch with Ei
I had an essay about how well Inazuma does game design and a section was on the boss fight in pt ii specifically, but I never got around to posting it. Here's what I wrote:
I want to talk specifically about the Baal boss fight in Archon Quest Part II Electric Boogaloo. If you haven't played it yet, it's a two-part boss fight. Until you've smacked Baal down to 75% HP, it's basically a normal domain battle--a 1v1 match between your team and Baal. But then at 75% HP, Baal decides you know what, no, you don't get to use your Vision, and every member of your team who isn't Traveler gets their E and Q locked for 1 minute.
Your job for that 1 minute?
And Baal does not make it easy for you.
But if you make it for that 1 minute, does that mean you get your E and Q back? No, a cutscene plays instead where Baal uses the divine judgement smite and smacks Traveler in the face with it. Yes, you survive. Yes, you and Thoma get to run away to see another day. But there is no way for you to win that boss fight.
The Baal boss fight is the first time Mihoyo has used a "you can't win this fight" mechanic where you will lose and it does not matter what you do.
And it fits pretty damn well with the narrative and thematic components of Inazuma as a whole. You aren't a fairy tale hero who defeats all the bad guys. Hell, you aren't even a leader mounting a glorious resistance. You are not that guy, at least not for patch 2.0. You're just a scrappy traveler from out of town, out of their depth and needing to rely on people they can barely trust in order to survive.
This country is fucking hostile, and the Baal boss fight is one of the best ways that Genshin hammers that into players.
I stand by this. What makes the Baal boss fight even better in pt iii is that it mirrors that first and utterly disempowering fight. You cannot win that fight by yourself, and that remains consistent. She's simply too good at her job. What wins you the fight in part ii, however, is the fact that you are not by yourself.
And I'm not talking about Yae. You're backed by the hopes and dreams and ambitions of the people of Inazuma, crying out to their ruler in the hopes that she will hear them. It fits Inazuma's general theme--you're not the hero, Traveler. You're the messenger. Hell, you're the vessel. And I thought that was particularly powerful.
It's just good writing, that you still do not win that fight on your own.
The Kazuha Scene
I don't know how to convey the amount of sheer shock I had during The Kazuha Scene. Genshin does not pull its punches and this scene is no exception. Kazuha dual-wielding Visions to Electro swirl and clash blades with the Raiden Fucking Shogun was the single most badass thing I've ever seen in this game.
It's also left vague if Kazuha himself, bearing his friend's ambition, was the one who reactivated it--or if, reaching beyond the veil, it was his friend himself. But in that moment, Kazuha reawakened a dead Kami no Me and that, that says a lot. Visions are tied intrinsically to the person they belong to, and despite being from the gods, they're also somehow the most inherently human thing. Kazuha, carrying his friend's will, woke one back up. I can't articulate this in essay form--might have to save it for a fic--but this has me in my feelings in a way I simply am unable to describe.
As an addendum because this doesn't quite go anywhere else, I really do enjoy the way Sara was written and the way you can see the bodies of the guards she leaves in her wake--not dead, but clearly flattened. Very badass.
Yae Dropping Bombshells
Yae. Yae Miko. Yae Miko really went "Oh, Scaramouche is a protoype puppet built by Ei ages ago. The Fatui fiddled with him a bit, though," with a completely straight face.
Yae Miko please.
Listen, I don't think anyone expected that to be Scaramouche's backstory at all.
And Yae's explanation of the story of Ei and Makoto makes Baal's 2D cutscene make vastly more sense. I was like ?? Why is she holding herself?? Is this a metaphor?? The answer is yes, it's a metaphor, it's also just Ei holding her sister, and it's a dramatic parallel to Traveler, who also lost their sibling somewhat during the cataclysm.
Will forever also be in my feelings about Makoto being the gentler of the two, thanks.
Speaking of "[insert teased thing here] when?"...
Alright, Signora's death, in and of itself, didn't make me feel all that bad.
That's a lie, sorry. It did make me feel pretty bad. Just the card Signora...is slain got me. Because Signora is the first casualty, and Signora's death is an escalation, and Signora...god, Signora is dead and Traveler killed her. Sure, it was Baal who made the finishing blow, but the moral consequences of that action lie on the Traveler's shoulders.
What does this mean for the future? Either Childe will kill us or send us a thank you card, I suppose. And it also means that Genshin's storyline may take a turn for the darker. Traveler killed someone. Traveler challenged Signora for a duel before the throne knowing damn well what that meant. The part afterward, as you walk out of the throne room, tells you everything you need to know about how Genshin is going to treat death.
It's fucking horrifying.
Traveler is getting unexplained headaches. They don't speak. The word is fuzzy, glitching out in reds and blues. They walk slowly, like they're in shock, like they can't walk any faster. Paimon begs you to say something because Traveler, you've gone quiet.
And sure, chalk this up to the fact that Baal was piggybacking off of Traveler to try and smite them as they left, but you don't know that as you walk down the stairs. You can only walk, and press space bar when Traveler feels woozy, and there's this feeling of confusion and panic you have to reckon with because Genshin's not a horror game, is it? But damn if it doesn't feel like one for a brief, terrifying stretch of time.
You killed a woman. And Genshin treats that action with the weight it deserves.
At least we all know the answer to "Signora playable when?" now.
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I Am Not Starfire, And That's Okay
I recently read I Am Not Starfire and I had lots of thoughts, which are under the cut. It is spoiler-heavy and an analysis of the main character, who I find to be a charming, flawed, and incredibly human character.
Mandy is a fascinating character and a great look at a teenage girl who feels ostracized by the people around her and who feels disconnected from her parent. Mandy is by no means flawless, and that's what makes her very interesting. It also makes her relatable.
Mandy starts by talking about how she's noticeably different from her mom, being the "Anti-Starfire". She's a regular kid, can't fly, and doesn't own a swimsuit, while her mom is a superhero, can fly, and always wears bikinis.
On page 11 she mentions "her mom hasn't liked how I looked since I was twelve. She wears less than a yard of fabric every day, yet somehow, I'm the one who's dressing weird". While I understand people who call this slut-shaming, and I'm inclined to agree, but I think it's a little more nuanced than that. The next page reads, "My friend Lincoln convinced me this is the cultural divide that happens between family generations born in different countries or universes. His parents were born in Vietnam." This tells me that the authors intended to point out the difference in dress more as another difference between Starfire and Mandy, and less as a reason to blatantly slut-shame Starfire. I think there's absolutely a conversation to be had about why the authors decided to use this language instead of conveying the point differently. I also think it speaks to how Starfire has more or less been sexualized from inception, and how people look down upon her character because of that. In the context of this book, though, it's one of Mandy's character flaws that I think fits her both as a character and reflects what I've seen from actual teenage girls. Our society coaches us to view women who dress a certain way as less than women who don't and unlearning that takes time and effort. I don't think this comment about her mom should have been put in there by the authors, but I do think it fits in with the values American society in particular teaches about women.
Page 15, 16, and 17 all point to a far more complicated state of existence than Mandy points out within the first few pages. For one thing, Mandy has to deal with people who love her mother and only want to use her to get information about her mom and the other teen titans. This is shown by the "Titan groupies" who ask her to tell Starfire what they say about her. Another thing she has to deal with is the expectation to be a superhero and have powers like her mom, and the questions about who her dad might be. She gains her first real friend, Lincoln, because he tells the people asking about her parentage that they are assholes.
It is revealed that Mandy has a crush on Claire after she gets assigned a group project with her. Mandy is in denial over the crush. She thinks about the fact she's meeting Mandy at the end of the day throughout the rest of the school day, causing her to explode something in Chemistry Class. I find this to be highly relatable and gives her character a softer side to the edginess she desperately tries to portray herself as.
While talking about the project with Claire, it is revealed that Mandy ran out of her SATs and didn't complete them. While Mandy tries to paint this as a cool badass moment, the way the comic artist portrays the scene makes me think Mandy had an anxiety attack. Mandy didn't run out of her SAT because she's some kind of alternative badass who doesn't need to take them. Mandy ran out because she got overwhelmed by the sounds of people chewing and the pressure of the test. While she frames it differently, it's clear to me that Mandy is avoiding taking the SAT again because she doesn't want that to happen again.
When Claire invites her to hang out with her friends, Mandy gets treated like she isn't there, or as some kind of unwanted outsider. The topics they discuss seem to be specifically made to make Mandy uncomfortable, like mentioning how stretchy jeans are only made for fat people, and asking if aliens don't go to college. Jaded by this, Mandy makes up that aliens actually have to go through this huge blood right and battle to the death, but tells Claire's two friends she was joking before leaving. This tells me that Mandy deflects her pain by using humor to cope and has no issue clowning on people who are trying to belittle her for being an alien.
Starfire tries to bring up going to college after this, and Mandy just flees to her room. She hasn't told her mom she didn't take the SAT yet or that she isn't going to college. She feels distant from her mom, which is explained further through a montage of birthdays where she never got her powers. Her mom expects a lot from her, and Mandy thinks Starfire is disappointed about her lack of powers.
Later, Mandy invites Claire over to her house to complete the project they are working on. The Titans are still there when Claire arrives, but she seems to ignore them, as they leave shortly after. Mandy and Claire bond as they continue the project. Mandy reveals to the reader that she's never had a girlfriend, except for one time at sleep-away camp where she kind of dated a girl for four weeks. She didn't tell her who her mom was because she was tired of living in the shadow of a superhero. But the relationship ended because Mandy had lied about who her mom was, and the girl she was dating didn't understand why she would lie. I think this really shows just how much Mandy actually wants to be a normal girl like everyone else, to the extent that she'd lie about who her mom was. Her edgy demeanor at school and around town where her mom is known to be her mom is a defense mechanism to having lived under the shadow of a superhero her entire life.
When it's revealed that Claire took a photo with the Titans at Mandy's house, Mandy is understandable heartbroken, and furious. She thought she had been making a real connection with Claire, but this photo makes her think she's been used, again. Claire seems genuinely baffled by Mandy's reaction to this, thinking little of it. But to Mandy, it is a breach of trust from someone she thought cared about her. I think her angry reaction to Claire makes sense because of this, even if it might have been disproportionate to the offense.
On top of this, Starfire has discovered that Mandy walked out of the SAT and doesn't plan to go to college. After a heated conversation, she runs away, but her mom finds her. And then Blackfire finds her. Turns out the fake story she told Claire's friends earlier in the story was actually true, even though Mandy didn't know it.
Since Claire actually cares about Mandy, she tracks down Lincoln who explains to her why Mandy reacted badly, and that she should probably apologize for taking the photo. Claire also admits that one of the friends from earlier, Deb, actually dared her to take the photo. Claire is a good person at heart, but this action shows that she can still be influenced to do something that would hurt another person. And while she might not have known it would hurt Mandy, Deb probably did.
Starfire and Blackfire fight since Mandy has no powers, but Starfire gets injured causing Mandy to realize just how much she loves and cares about her mom, even though they don't see eye to eye on most things. This finally unlocks her powers, as she's let go of most of the resentment she's held against her mom. She even gets asked for an autograph by someone in the audience after the battle.
The story ends with Mandy training her powers, studying for the SAT, and reconciling with Claire, sharing a kiss, and becoming girlfriends.
I've seen a lot of discourse that frames Mandy as being "not like other girls". I don't believe this framing actually fits Mandy very well. The only girl Mandy ever says she is not like explicitly is her mom. She is the only woman she compares herself too, and the only person who she seems to have a lot of resentment for, aside from people who use her to get to Starfire. Additionally, Mandy falls for someone who is what a stereotypical, normal popular girl is often portrayed as. She's preppy, wears makeup, gets good grades, has friends, and runs a fairly popular Instagram account. If Mandy was extremely into the "Not like other girls" rhetoric, she would've made fun of Claire for all those things. Instead, she admires her for them. Mandy is fat, has acne/freckles, dresses goth, and wears a nose ring. If this is the reason people are identifying her as a "Not like other girls" girl, then they don't understand that trope. Simply dressing differently from your peers, being fat, and hating your mom does not make her the "not like other girls" trope. It actually makes her like other, real-life girls who dress and act similarly, because that's who they are, not because they somehow think they are better than other women.
I'd also make the argument that, fundamentally, Mandy IS different from other girls on the account of having a superhero mother and potentially a superhero father. Her life is completely altered by Starfire's existence as her mom and is likely only relatable to the children of other superheroes and celebrities. She is not like other girls because of her mom, and that still doesn't make her someone who falls in line with the conception of being "not like other girls".
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and hope others do too. I read Mandy as a flawed character who was trying to figure out how to exist outside the Shadow of her mom- and eventually succeeds, by learning to embrace her mom. I would've preferred if Mandy had a slightly darker skin tone, as her features seem black-coded to me and Starfire is also often black-coded. Otherwise, I do think this was one of the best DC Graphic Novels for Young Adults I've read, alongside Teen Titans: Beast Boy and Teen Titans: Raven.
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dracowars · 4 years
Hiii can I request an imagine where Draco and the reader are old now and they work together (healers,maybe) but Draco used to bully her and be rude to her during Hogwarts years but she’s like this total badass now and he apologizes to her .
heal me | draco malfoy
pairing: healer!draco x healer!reader
word count: 2,7k
summary: where y/n has to work with the person she hates the most
a/n: paragraphs completely written in italics are flashbacks! i hope you enjoy it <3
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of blood
universe: harry potter
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"Don't worry. Tomorrow everything will be fine again", you explain to the younger patient and his parents while taking notes on your clipboard. "Thank you for helping our son", his parents thank you before you get up and leave the room with them, the little boy already much happier than a few minutes ago when his parents brought him here.
At the reception they wave their goodbyes at you and you have a short chat with one of the assistants before you make your way to the laboratory where you have to get new Skele-Gro. Entering the laboratory you immediately go to one of the cupboards in which all kinds of potions and medicines are located and search for the Skele-Gro.
At first you do not even notice that you are not alone in the room and quietly swear to yourself when you just cannot find the medicine. A low chuckle sounds to your right and you flinch in shock, turning around only to see the one person you actually prefer to avoid at all times.
Draco Malfoy.
The son of one of the richest and most influential pure-blood families, the Malfoys, the biggest asshole at Hogwarts back then and now unfortunarely also your colleague at the St.-Mungo-Hospital.
On your first day here you were so happy to finally be able to fulfill your dream and leave your past behind you. You were finally away from Hogwarts, the place where so many terrible things happened and you could finally live a normal wizard's life. At least that is what you thought.
Until the very moment you ran into Draco on your first day. And not as a patient, no. He was also dressed in the green smock with the sewn on crest of a crossed wand and bone. The one boy that made your life at Hogwarts a living hell every single day was also working as a healer now. Just like you.
Rolling your eyes, you turn away from him and continue searching for your potion, ignoring the fact that you have to endure his presence. "Can I somehow help you?", his voice suddenly sounds close to your ear and you let out a startled gasp. "No, thank you. I do not need your help. I can manage this quite well on my own", you hiss at him, giving him a look that could kill. His hands shoot up in the air in defense and he takes a step back. "Okay, okay! No need to snap at me like that", he claims offendedly, crossing his arms over his chest.
Nevertheless you notice his gaze on you while you keep searching around in the cupboard and you begin to feel really uncomfortable. Why can't he just leave you alone? You have been working at the hospital together for several months and until now you kept your conversations to a certain extent only if it was related to your work. But otherwise you do not exchange a word with him. Because you do not need or want to.
"What?", you scoff, turning around to face him again, a slick smirk on his lips that makes the blood in your veins boil. "Nothing", he shrugs nonchalantly, keeping his gaze focused on you. "Do you not have anything better to do than annoy me, Malfoy? Do you not need to rescue some lifes?", you confront him, keeping your posture as you give him your most annoyed expression.
"I have my break right now."
"And then you sneak around in the laboratory?"
"What about you leave me alone and let me do my work?"
"What about no?"
"Merlin, you are annoying the hell out of me right now", you sigh while massaging your temples with your fingertips.
"Sorry that I am alive", he replys with a shake of his head, causing you to stop what you are doing in an instant. Alive.
"You are a shame to Hogwarts, Y/L/N", his evil laugh rings in your ears as he forces you onto the ground, your books all over the cold floor. His goons kick them further through the corridor, destroying most of the books that your family spent so much money on. Quickly you get up on your feet again, your knees shaking in fear.
"Leave me alone!", you furiously yell at them which is why they pause for a moment before starting to laugh out loud. "Why are you even on this school if you are not even able to protect yourself, Y/N? No, wait. Let me put it differently. Why are you even alive?", he giggles and his friends join in, pointing their disgusting fingers at you in amusement.
Tears start pricking in your eyes as they keep laughing at you. Completely alone you just stand there and let them have their fun, your head hanging low. Draco withdraws his wand out of his pocket and points it onto one of your books. "Incendio", he conjures and your beloved book immediately catches on fire.
"You will be sorry for that!"
"Uhm, hello? Y/N? Are you still there?", Draco waves his hand in front of your face and you blink a few times before slapping his hand away angrily. "Get away from me!", you tell him off and bring distance between both of you. With a confused expression on his face, he looks at you as if you have gone completely crazy. "Bad day?", he asks, wanting to seem sorry for you. He did not feel sorry for you. Not now, not then, never.
"I do not have a bad day. I just hate you profoundly and do not want you in my life, Malfoy", you explain with no emotion in your voice and shut the cupboard close loudly, making him flinch. With these last words you leave the room, even though you did not succeed in finding the potion, and slam the door shut behind you. Why are you the one being punished again?
Taking a long deep breath, you look down the empty corridors, straighten your uniform and set off to pursue your job. The one and only thing that can distract you now. Unfortunately, you do not get very far, not even out of the corridor, when you abruptly feel a firm grip on your wrist and get pulled back roughly. "Y/N! Wait-"
"What the hell, Draco?!", you yell and only get angrier when he does not let go of you and you have to free your hand from his grip. "What do you want from me?! Have you not done enough damage already?", you angrily bark at him, but he just sadly looks down at his feet. He lets you shout at him how much you want without uttering a single word. You stand in front of him, angry and breathing heavily. He has never seen you like this before.
For him you always seemed so strong and invulnerable, but now he sees your real self and how much he and his actions broke you. He has been watching you for all these months and how you thrive in your job as a healer. You were so strong and helpful and kind. He made many mistakes back at Hogwarts and he perfectly knows it. But he had enough time to rethink what he has done. The guilt has eaten him up as he never had the opportunity to apologize.
Yes, he did terrible things. He not only bullied a lot of students, but also doomed the headmaster to death and had to join the Death Eaters. Something he never wanted to. Just as he did not want you to hate him this much. He cannot explain why he did what he did when he actually liked you back then and probably still does. He loved how you would always run around with your books, how you would twirl a strand of hair around your finger when you were concentrating in potions or how you would speak up to tell the teachers every answer.
He knows what he did was wrong. But he lacks the words and also the courage to explain it to you. You would not understand him anyway and would loathe him even more.
"We are grown up now, Y/N. Can we not just forget what happened?", Draco pleads, but your reaction immediately makes him realize that he has chosen the absolute wrong words.
"Oh, so that is how it works for you Malfoys, huh? Great, when you are that grown up as you say, then why don't you just act like that and keep your distance from me, you damn asshole!", you scream out loudly and at this point you do not even care anymore if anyone else hears you. This man just makes you so incredibly angry when he thinks everything can be clarified with a few words.
"Listen to me, Y/N", Draco tries again, but you shake your head in disbelief. "You know what? I really thought I could not hate you any more. But I was wrong", you huff, turning around on your heel to finally get rid of him.
"I let you yell at me, why don't you let me explain it?", he desperately reminds you, his eyes basically begging you to give him a chance. "Do you really think that you can ever make amends for what you have do-", you start scolding him again, but get interrupted all of a sudden when you hear a very loud noise. The noise that an emergency patient has just been delivered.
Without wasting time you sprint off and towards the energency room, Draco following closely behind you. You spot how a man is being pushed through the corridor on a lounger in front of you right away and quickly run there to help.
"Oh! Good that you are here, Y/N!"
"What happened?"
"Serious Quidditch accident. He was badly battered by a bludger. Several broken bones and high blood loss."
"Take him to the treatment room immediately!", you command and you bring the injured player there together. Groaning in pain you lift him onto the hospital bed and you do everything possible to put an end to his pain. "Quick! We need some Calming Draught", you state and look around, but only a few seconds after your utterance the potion you asked for is already laid in your hand by no other than Draco, who has apparently thought ahead. You quietly thank him under your breath and give the patient the medicine so that he calms down.
Injuries in the wizarding world are often quick to heal, but there is still a lot of pain associated with them. That is why you do everything to make your patients feel better as fast as possible. "We should stop the bleeding from his wounds", Draco suggests while you are busy pulling out your wand.
"We need Blood-Replenishing Potion", you say at the exact same time as Draco and look at each other a little bit shocked. You turn back to the patient and continue to calm him down. You point the tip of your wand at his torso and cast a spell to to mend his broken bones.
"Brackium Emendo", you mumble and the spell works instantly, taking away most of the patient's pain. Just to be on the safe side, you also use Ferula to spare his newly generated bones while Draco is already holding out the Blood-Replenishing Potion to you. You take it and use it on the man, the other healers at your side to explain the next steps to the poor man.
After you have successfully healed him, you leave the room and let the other healers take care of the rest. Treating an emergency patient is always exciting but scary because you never know what to expect.
And what you also did not expect is that Draco follows you again and stops you by shouting your name. You heavily exhale and collect your thoughts before you turn to face him. "What is it now?", you ask, visibly annoyed.
"You did a really good job back there", he smiles, pointing behind him to the room you just left. Suspiciously, you look at him and raise your eyebrow. Then you sigh, putting your hands on your hips.
"Thanks. You were not bad either", you compliment him which he seems to be quite surprised about because his eyes widen for a moment. He smiles uncertainly to show you his gratitude and then scratches his neck in embarrassment. "So.. About earlier.."
"Draco. I really do not want to hear anything about it anymore."
"Please, Y/N. Just give me this one chance. At least let me explain! Afterwards you can still hate me as much you want to", he persuades you intensely.
"You have five minutes", you finally give in and drag him into an empty corridor to prevent anyone else hearing you. "I am listening."
"I know my behavior was wrong back then and I want to deeply apologize to you for that. It was not okay to destroy your supplies, to make fun of you, or to harm you physically and mentally. I just- I did not know how to deal with my.. feelings and the best way to get rid of those wrong feelings seemed to be to bully you. I have done terrible things, Y/N. And yet this is the reason why I cannot sleep at night. Because I am so sorry for everything and I know that you will never forgive me", he explains to you honestly, in a heartbreaking voice and although you try your best to fight against it, tears brimming into your eyes.
"I was in love with you, Y/N. Well, I still am", Draco suddenly admits and you could swear that - against your will and common sense - your heart just stopped beating for a moment.
Because what Draco does not know is that you actually had feelings for him as well. But that was before he even started any of this, when he was still watching you across the Great Hall and you would catch him staring. From one day to another he destroyed your hopes and suddenly started bullying you. It got worse day by day until your feelings for him turned from love to pure hate.
You loved each other, but one did not know about the other's mutual feeling and vice versa. And so two people hurt each other even though they were in love.
"D-Draco- I don't know what to say", you stutter out and do not dare to look at him, in fear that you will give in immediately.
"You do not have to say anything. Thank you for listening to me. I am sorry", he softly smiles, a comforting and especially real one, and lowers his head in defeat.
"It is really not easy for me either, Draco", you sigh, blinking your tears away. "I am not sure if I can ever forget what you did to me."
Draco nods dejectedly, understanding and accepting your decision. After all, he cannot forgive himself for what he did either.
"But I am ready to forgive you", you add and Draco's head shoots up immediately, locking eyes with you, not sure if he heard you correctly. "As you said: we have grown up and that means we can also learn to forgive", you give him a gentle smile.
A big and thankful smile spreads over his facial features. "I love you so much, Y/N. No- Not like that.. Well actually..", he babbles to himself. You gently put your hand on his shoulder to calm him down a bit, suppressing a giggle.
"Don't worry. I will see you later, alright?", you grin and and pat his shoulder softly.
"Y-Yes! Of course", he answers, not quite sure what to do with himself. He feels such an incredible joy inside of him, but just as strongly he feels fear. The fear that he might screw it up again.
While he is still deep in thought, you walk backwards and away from him. When he notices that you are retreating, he briefly shakes his head to get back to the here and now. "Thank you!", he calls after you, unable to move.
"See you later", you wave before you turn around and disappear into the next corridor, your heart almost jumping out of your chest.
Maybe this is the beginning of something new, of something more. The next chapter in your life.
A restart.
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hellyeahheroes · 3 years
Robin(2021) #1 Review
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Opening this comic with an assessment of a character that I have no choice but to agree with is a cheap way to score points with me.
Anyways, we caught heat for being unfair to this story since it was announced because all of us wanted it to be a Cass story since forever. And it became yet another thing Damian absorbs. I mostly ignored it because I’ve always been open about my disdain for the character and his fandom for nearly a decade. I never liked Damian because put these characteristics on a non-white passing character, they’d be dead inside of year. Then again I hate almost all of Grant Morrison monstrosities.
Regardless, new story who dis is in full effect here. We open this bad boy up with Damian gone missing and the Batfamily searching for him. Nightwing tried asking Damian’s old Teen Titans team and they obviously don’t know and probably hope Damian is dead. Tim checked Arkham Ruins(???) and Damian wasn’t there. I honestly don’t think Tim was trying to find Damian. Steph and Cass checked Damian’s farm and Steph concluded Damian has been there at least because while Damian may be a little shit, he loves his dog and pet bat dragon. Barbara checked facial recognition pings and his transactions and dude is an IRS nightmare.
Damian is missing. Bruce is worried that maybe making a violent murderous preteen Robin raised in a cabal of killers to be chief murderer was a bad idea and is worried. Barbara ensures him that they will find his son and we cut to Damian fighting Snake guy in some musty ass fight put somewhere. Because of course it’s a musty ass fight pit because while the story is well drawn, it never claimed to be not cliche.
Damian hands the scrub his ass and it turns out Damian is trying to earn a marker to participate in some tournament. I liked this panel.
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Not because of the artist flex of changing the art style, but it establishes Damian with a relatable hobby, reading manga. And not just a Shounen as you expect him to read but a slice of life manga which kind of puts his life in perspective. Also the lesson in the manga is reflective of what happens in the comic. Damian’s mastery is reflective of how he sees Hana. Hana decides to go beyond what her masters taught her. She decides to innovate and make her art her own. And that’s indicative of another flaw of Damian: Damian leans of the prestige of his teachers. He is the student that replicates the style 1:1. He wants to inherit Batman’s mantle, but doesn’t want to shed his teachings that he is proud of. And it comes down to this idea that Damian refuses to innovate and adapt because he is hiding behind his masters.
This panel saved the story so good job.
And after a talk with dead Alfred, it’s revealed that Damian is on this journey as a way to mirror Bruce’s journey into becoming Batman. It’s his way to iron his resolve without a catalyst to find a need to. It highlights his naïveté. He thinks that he can just simply copy the steps and get the same results.
Regardless what happens next simultaneously undermines the story or the impact of it.
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Okay, when you think of Martial artists in DC, you immediately think Batman, Shiva, Deathstroke, Black Canary, Bronze Tiger, Richard Dragon, and Shiva. Why I said Shiva twice? Because Shiva is the pinnacle.
So to reveal that three premier martial artists in the universe are not only not participating but they were paid off to not participate, cheated out, or were subbed in as an entry replacement, it undermines the promotion. It’s like going to a Beyonce Concert only to find out that between the words in small print Beyonce and Concert was ‘s Sister’s and now you are watching Grammy award winning Solange. Sure, it’s an unique experience but it ain’t Beyonce.
And also, there is no amount in the world that would keep Shiva away from this tournament if it’s as prestigious as it’s led to be. Let’s be real. If anything, it’s far more likely that she saw the roster of scrubs and decided to make some scratch.
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There are two characters that I recognize: Connor Hawke and Rose Wilson. I am not familiar with Connor so I am not sure if he is out of place. Rose is fine but y’know, scrub. I’m sorry Rose Wilson got her ass handed to her by Cass in the previous universe. There is no universe where I take her seriously in a fighting tournament to crown greatest fighter because the ass stomp was so thorough that Cass was beating Slade’s ego by proxy.
Back to the comic, Damian interrupts the host and basically is the fighting tournament trope of overly confident disrespectful guy with too many accolades which he will proudly tell you about them. What I like about this is the nice nod to the previous manga panel. Damian is not a great fighter. There I said it. Damian’s ability hinges on the idea that he was trained by the greatest killers and Batman but the issue is that name prestige doesn’t make great fighters. Too many times, comic books overly rely on this idea of fighting being a what you know and not being a game of not getting hit and getting hits in. It does not matter if Damian is trained by the League and Batman and it’s questionable as to how much Batman taught him in the first place. Hence why we see Damian with a sword or staff to compliment his lack of range. Damian can’t read muscle twitches like a Cass or Shiva so he has a normal reactive response and comics never highlighted his ability. The most impressive thing I’ve seen Damian do is catch a Batarang which is something I’ve seen Tim do. Damian overly relies on the idea that his teachers taught him to be the best when they simply taught him to survive in a fight.
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“But why does Cass get away with it?,” you ask. Cass has this broken hax that is reading muscle twitch and immediately knowing the instant of what you are going to do before you do it or decide to do. Cass doesn’t need range because to her, you are screaming your intentions. She doesn’t need to block an attack when she can just parry. She doesn’t need to step back when she can just step forward while slipping all attacks. She is an autistic savant at fighting with an absolute defense. Damian is just another badass teen in a world of badass adults.
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And the humbling of Damian begins...again.
-Damian’s new costume. I like that he is branching out and starting to own his own colors. It’s nice.
-Using a character flaw to make it a theme. I like Chekhov’s gun via teachable moment. In tournament arcs, what separates the good ones and the bad ones is the idea that the hero simply must overcome their opponents and not their own self. This is why Yuyu Hakusho is awesome.
- Great art and nice continuity. It’s nice that Damian’s past wasn’t ignored for once and they didn’t just throw his Teen Titans characterization down the tubes. Say what you want, but it was arguably Damian’s longest run in spite of his fans hating it. And contrary to what they believe, it was very much in character for him. My fear going into this that Damian would not face any fallout and lo and behold he ran away.
- it’s a good start for a Damian story. Say what you want, but it’s unique in that the little shit gets his comeuppance immediately. And not that just by losing, but by dying. Damian has killed before and readily justifies it because he never realizes the weight of taking someone’s life. He’s been killed before but those were painted in a way that he is valiant. Here, this is death caused by his own arrogance. He mocks a fighter for talking shit and gets murked while talking shit. He spouts names of his own teachers and expects people to care or be weary as if Rose Wilson and Connor aren’t there. It’s a tournament sponsored by the League of Assassins, Damian. They have been taught by the league too.
-Look I get promotion. No promoter is going to undermine their product but the fact that this tournament reeks like ABA is killing my interest to give a shit. It’s a convenient caveat to say that, “Well, a character won this so they can have the title but the title doesn’t mean anything.” I know of regardless of whom wins this, they aren’t the best. Go ham or don’t at all.
-not enough emphasis of the importance of this arc. Why even have this tournament? What’s the prize? What’s even the point?
-While the art is nice, the action is framed poorly. I like physical action like this to be nearly choreographed in a way I can see and piece movement in my head. The two fight scenes we get are somewhat disjointed in that it’s just poses. For example, Flatline’s first kick makes no sense at all and I don’t get her follow up. Trying to picture the movement hurts my head and in an action concept like this, it’s best to frame action scenes as more than doing poses. Here is a good example:
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This only emphasizes the action and gets the reader to acknowledge that this a tournament of great fighters or at least a great fighting story.
All in all, do I think this story is off to a good start? Yes. Is it going to change my opinion on Damian? Hell no. My reaction to Damian getting his ass handed to him was this.
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The issue is that it never sticks. Damian can learn and be a better person but the development never sticks. It becomes a cyclical series of events because whoever writes him next will just keep writing him as this shitty entitled murder rich kid who never learns anything and gets validated somehow. It’s been over a decade and I’m tired of the same excuses of his shitty behavior. I am tired of writers validating it or excusing it.
Damian losing isn’t an outcome I care for because it’s wasted on him. Honestly I am more interested in Connor and Rose being there. I have no faith that it will stick nor does it undo the shitty idea of the character. I have never wanted to see Damian fight. It’s never been fun to read about nor has the impetus of his character emphasized the ability or style. Placing Damian in an Enter the Dragon style tournament lacks the pizzazz of Cass doing the same thing. For example, let’s try Marvel.
Let’s say someone pitches an idea of a tournament arc styled after Game of Death. Immediately you think Martial Artists non-powered. Danny Rand, Daredevil, Elektra, Shang-Chi, Pei and Colleen Wing. Okay, instead of giving those characters the honor, you give the story to Black Cat. Honestly, I’d read it because Felicia could sell me a documentary on grass and I’d buy it but the point stands, why does Damian have this Bruce Lee inspired Martial Arts story versus the actual Chinese or East Asian Martial Arts focused member of the Batfamily, Cassandra Cain?
But this has nothing to do with what could have been. It’s a fun beginning of a possibly fun arc. In that regard, it delivers but what’s the point?
Like I said, fun story.
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motherjoel · 4 years
last cup of coffee (spencer reid x reader)
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summary: you and spencer are the famous frenemies of the BAU, but one day he goes too far in a fight and the team decides to force you both into the same car to make up. little did you know, the check engine light isn’t just a suggestion.
a/n: this is on my ao3 but i wanted to post it on here too! let me know what you think :)
wc: 2.6k
tw: brief mention of suicide
“Triple A says it’ll be a few hours before they’ll get here,” Spencer sighed, shutting off his phone and shoving it in his pocket. The car engine had stopped working about 10 minutes ago and you cursed yourself for your terrible navigation skills. It may have been your fault that you had no idea where you were, but you'd never admit to it- like many other things you’d never admit to. Your extreme sense of pride led you to blame Spencer for not doing anything about the check engine light. It was this same sense of pride that hid your real feelings for this man- feelings you would never admit to even yourself. Instead, you shielded yourself from these emotions in the form of daily bickering matches with Mr. Genius.
The two of you had ended up in the same car on the way back to the hotel, which was insisted on by the team. You could feel the tension in the air- the tension that had been there since you stormed out of the break room earlier. You both normally never went for blood in these arguments- nothing behind either of your words were to be taken seriously, even the team knew this. Everyone knew that you and Spencer had a bit of a love hate relationship- today, however, was focused on hate. Ever since he went a little too far during one of your bickering matches, you had been icy with him. The team couldn’t take the tension, so they figured a long car ride would solve the issue, except, what was meant to be only an hour of awkward silence was now an indefinite amount of time.
“Well that's just great,” you huffed, going to check your phone to see that it was dead. You dropped it into your lap with a sigh and leaned your head on the window to gaze outside. The cold glass felt nice on your forehead- a contrast to the flushed hotness you had been feeling whenever your mind drifted to your fight with Spencer. The pent up anxiety from this case had really weighed on you- the unsub was killing teen girls and was framing the deaths to look like a suicides. This struck a chord with you, but you tried your hardest to not let it show. You thought back to your argument earlier, where your icy exterior had faltered slightly.
Most of the team was in the break room of the police station you were working the case at, fueling up on the coffee you all so desperately needed. You were the last one to fill your cup, or so you assumed, so you decided to fill your mug to the top with what was left in the coffee pot. Spencer was the last to walk in, and when he saw you holding the empty pot he immediately started in on you.
“Wow, I'm not surprised Y/N took the last of the coffee. Predictable,” he said with a huff, slamming his travel mug on the counter. You winced at the noise, your stress headache was back and you didn’t feel like dealing with his temper.
“You know what Reid? Maybe if you weren’t shitting around with that pretty receptionist over there, you would’ve gotten here on time. Not my fault men think with their dicks,” you said the last sentence under your breath, but he definitely heard it from his flustered reaction.
“I was asking her to bring me some files!” he yelled, seemingly defending himself to the room of your teammates who had stopped in their tracks to watch their daily entertainment. “You know what, Y/N, you’re just insufferable,” he said, turning to the coffee machine to fill it up. Your eyes widened, but you tried your best to mask your expression or to come with a response- when both failed, you stormed out of the room and went to the bathroom to ground yourself, not hearing Morgan whack him on the back of the head once you were out of sight.
You had both been silent for about 20 minutes when you decided to look back at him for the first time. He was shifting in his seat, trying to get comfortable for a nap. You couldn’t stand to sit here in silence for what could possibly be hours, so you tried to break the ice.
“Tired?” you asked him. Simple, but enough to get the two of you talking. Or so you thought.
“Yeah, someone took the last cup of coffee,” he said sarcastically, not daring eye contact.
Groaning, you opened the car door, stepped out and slammed it, deciding to walk down the street you had stopped on until you reached the dead end. It had begun to snow as you walked, and you cursed yourself for forgetting your jacket. At this point, it didn’t matter- the icy coldness of the outdoors was better than the coldness coming from Spencer's attitude.
 After walking for a few minutes, you had come across a cliff with a view overlooking the city below. The sight was enough to make you forget about your dead phone and the genius, who had, unbeknownst to you, quietly followed you to this spot. You spotted a green wooden bench overlooking the city and took a seat. It wasn’t long before your tears began to flow. They were wet hot tears of embarrassment, of anger, and of sadness. For years working in the BAU, you had tried to keep up your barrier, being the badass in the black boots (Garica’s loving nickname for you). Your past weighed on you, however, and you kept everyone at an arm's length. All of these people you so desperately wanted to be closer to, and one person in particular who uncharacteristically gave you butterflies. Letting these people in, however, meant vulnerability. Getting close to someone just meant that losing them would inflict great pain on you, and you didn’t think you could survive any more loss in your life.
After crying for a few minutes and wiping your tears on your sleeves, you felt a sweater being draped around your shoulders. The sweater smelled like him. He made his way around the bench and sat next to you. You hastily wiped the last of your tears and scooted to the edge of the bench to stay as far away from Spencer as possible.
“So, why'd you follow me? I thought I was ‘insufferable’” you quoted him from earlier, the sentiment that struck a chord. You hugged the sweater tighter to your body, ignoring that it belonged to him because the chill of the night catching up with you.
“Listen, Y/N, I'm sorry about that. You know how I get when I'm having difficulty with a case, and it's not like we have a great track record with each other,” he defended himself, and he was right. Neither of you really expressed outward kindness for each other, but you never knew why. “But… I didn’t think today was any different,” he finally looked up at you. 
“You’re right, Reid. Today isn’t any different,” you sighed, avoiding actually telling him what was wrong- although your splotchy red post-cry face was telling enough. He flinched at your use of Reid- although you two were “frenemies,” you always called him Spencer, sometimes even Spence. The team teased you for it but you shrugged it off- “Spence” was just easier to say, or so you told yourself.
“Then… why did you storm off?” he asked softly, looking back down at his hands on his lap, fidgeting with them slightly. You avoided his gaze, knowing that you were about to tell him something that only Garcia knows- she did a bit of research on you because she wanted to know why you were so cold, and when she found out that your parents had died at a young age, she was nothing but kind to you. She also kept everything to herself, which you were grateful for.
“When I was in high school, I was in a really bad place,” you started, fighting back the tears. Spencer scooted closer to you, urging you to continue. “I wasn't very well liked. When I was 15, my parents both died in a car crash and I transferred schools to live with my aunt,” you confessed. Spencer's expression saddened greatly, and he rested his hand on your arm as a form of comfort. You gave him a look that said “oh, and that's not even the half of my trauma” before you continued.
“At this new school, I was bullied a lot. Like, a lot a lot. People told me I was a waste of space, I was… insufferable,” you said, ignoring his pitying expression. “I started to believe these things. Spence… I tried to take my own life,” you said, finally breaking down in tears. Before you could continue, he wrapped his arms around you and you buried your face in his chest, letting your messy tears stain his shirt without thinking twice. His hands stroked your back, soothing you. You had melted into him, finally feeling vulnerable for the first time in years. For some reason, you were no longer embarrassed of your vulnerable side. You bore your heart and soul to this man and were greeted with nothing but kindness. Pulling away for a moment, you continued telling your story.
“I’m doing a lot better now,” you said, wiping your tears with your sleeve as he maintained eye contact, showing his full support. “I don’t have those thoughts anymore, and if I do I know to get help. It’s just difficult to get close to people because I'm afraid… that if I lose them, I’ll be right back where I was when I was 18,” you finished, realizing his hands were grabbing yours.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. This case probably affected you differently and I was such an ass earlier, god I'm terrible,” he criticized himself, putting his head in his hands. You reached over and took his hands in yours again, resting your entwined fingers between you. This was the most physical contact you had ever had with him, but for some reason it felt more right than anything- you never knew what you were missing until now.
“Spence, there's no way that you would have known,” you soothed, looking into his eyes and rubbing his hand with your thumb. He looked down at your hands and sighed, before returning his gaze to you, but there was something different about his expression. Rather than his usual contempt, or even the pity from a few minutes ago, he now looked almost amazed. Like you were some celebrity or a superhero who had just saved the world. Before you even knew what you were doing, you started to lean in, Spencer mirroring you. Soon enough, you were inches away from his fluttering lashes, you could feel his breath on your lips. You pulled away suddenly, apologizing profusely for your out of character actions.
“Oh my god Spence, I'm so sorry, I think I'm just emotional right now, and you're being so nice to me, I didn’t mean to make things weird,” you avoided eye contact, face flushed with embarrassment.
“Y/N, it's okay! I leaned in too…” he blushed. You looked back up at him to see his eyes were already on you. Simultaneously, you both leaned in and crushed your lips together, his arms snaking around your waist and yours resting on the sides of his face. Your lips moved in perfect harmony with passion as you leaned your back against the bench armrest, him leaning forward to keep your lips connected. There was a hunger between you two- like these years of bickering and sexual tension (that apparently everyone but you two had noticed) had built up so much, it finally spilled and manifested itself as a makeout session with your once enemy.
You didn’t know how long you stayed like this, entwined with each other, before you both came up for air. He pulled away from you, still leaning over you but his face was now a couple inches away, and smiled. You both sat up and started to laugh uncontrollably. It was ridiculous, really- the two of you having an intense makeout sesh only seconds after you bore your soul to him. But he was Spencer, and you were you. 
“That was…” you started.
“Amazing,” Spencer finished for you. You both sat in silence for a minute, his hand touching his lips, before you scooted closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder, curling your legs under you. He wrapped his arm around you and your hands met, resting between the two of your warm bodies.
 “What are you thinking about?” he asks you. You sigh in contentment, the cold air biting your nose in the right way.
“I'm thinking that this is one of those moments that are so... perfect. It’s just so wonderful, you almost feel sad because... nothing will ever be this good again,” you confessed. He took his arm back from around your shoulder and faced you, looking in your eyes.
“If you’ll be my girlfriend, I can promise you that we can have endless moments like this,” he told you, taking you by surprise. You looked at him, smiling widely as his face broke into insecurity.
“Your… girlfriend?” you asked, still in shock. He started to fidget a bit in his seat.
“Obviously, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, I know this is really sudden but I don't know… I'm sorry, I know we're supposed to hate each other or whatever, but I’ve just… I’ve liked you for a while now,” he blurted. You laughed at his shyness, it was really adorable to see him flustered like this around you.
 “Spencer, I really like you. I’ve liked you ever since you spilled your coffee on me on my first day,” you recalled fondly, he smiled. “I even liked you when you tried to clean it up but accidentally felt up my boob,” you laughed at that memory, he blushed profusely. “I think these little arguments that we get into were just fueled by my ‘keep everyone at arm's length’ rule- it was you that I was afraid to get close to, because Spencer Reid, you are dangerous. You have the capability of shattering my heart into pieces because I just like you so damn much,” you confessed to him, his face was in awe. You studied his expression, lips parted slightly, eyebrows raised. His eyes held pools of adoration, and rather than be scared and shy away from it, you finally wanted to dive in and soak in it. His expression softened as he leaned in, tilting your head up by putting his hand on your chin.
“Y/N,” he whispered. “I swear to never shatter your heart into pieces if it's the last thing I do,” he said softly before closing his eyes and pressing his lips to yours. This kiss held less intensity, but more soft passion and caring. You felt safe in his embrace, safe for the first time in years, and you knew this is where you were meant to be.
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@uselessundertalefacts replied to your post “@uselessundertalefacts replied to your post “Where is Walter White, Frank? Do you think he can be forgiven?” You tagged this...”
Jimbo sounds pretty cool! Can you tell us about him?
Sure thing. Here's a bit about Jimbo.
He is very big. He has a lot of muscles, and wears a lot of clothes. Often, he wears a coat and a hat.
He is very kind to a lot of people, but is sometimes very rough with people who are bad. He does this because, being a drug kingpin, he needs people who can do dangerous things to protect his drug empire and himself from rivals.
In the original story, he made an enemies-to-friends relationship with Walter White, in which Walter does stuff for Jimbo without being paid, in order to feel safe and cared about, and Jimbo protects Walter by killing people who want to hurt Walter or Walter's family. Jimbo is kind of a badass.
Later, Jimbo gets into a rivalry with a drug kingpin named Howard, who is a lot like Howard Hamlin from Homestuck. The rivalry is called a "cabala" (which, I think, means something related to the Kabbalah in Spanish or Yiddish, but it could also be "caballad") and Jimbo and Howard each kill each other in a showdown which leaves no survivors.
Then Jimbo meets a woman named Nacho "Nazuna" Hernandez, who is a very tough, badass woman who is kind of Howard's girlfriend. The rivalry between Jimbo and Nazuna is what will eventually get Howard killed (possibly by Jimbo in a shootout? who knows). Jimbo gives Nazuna drugs to help her beat Howard in a bar fight (which Howard then loses).
(When Howard recovers from his injuries, he says something like: "The worst thing about my injuries is that it took away my chance to kill my biggest enemy, Jimbo Garcia.")
Nazuna takes the drugs that Jimbo gave her and uses them in order to kill Jimbo, by making him lose control and start to murder some innocent people (or do something more evil). The drugs make him very strong, but also very scary, and they make him a lot rougher and more bloodthirsty than he normally is. Jimbo is now in a very bad place, and dies, and his death is the start of something very bad for the people around him.
Jimbo, after dying, tells his daughter a story about being the king of a small country, named "Nuevo México." He also asks his daughter to tell the story of how he met the woman who would become his daughter's mother, a woman who was named "Fringilla." He tells his daughter that he and Fringilla died together in an apocalyptic fight in which he used drugs which had been given to him by someone named "Walter White."
(Jimbo was probably named "Jimbo Garcia" because of the drug kingpin thing, and then the story got adapted into the world of Walter White and the Breaking Bad story and people started calling it "Walter White" because they wanted to make him a superhero.)
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I've never met ANYONE who actually likes the Chibnall era. Would you seriously say that it's objectively good?
Brace yourself for unpopular (albeit positive) opinions.
Objectively? I don't know, I tend to feel like media is very much subjective and down to opinion. But on the whole...yeah. I'm gonna say yeah. I think the Chibnall era thus far is every bit as good as the Moffat Era and Davies Era were. It actually blows my mind to see the fandom come together and almost universally agree that the show has gone downhill. It's part of the reason why I kind of stepped away from the Doctor Who fandom because there's something very demoralizing about re-watching clips from Season 12 and seeing literally every comment just talk about how the show is ruined. And if I re-watch old clips, very often I come across comments that talk about how the show "used to" be good, and should have ended with Twelve, etc. I know a little reluctance toward the new Doctor can be part of the transition process, but normally the fans are over it by now.
Things haven't really changed.
I've been re-watching Twelve's era, and found a new appreciation for him. But I re-watched Thirteen's era right beforehand, and you know what? It holds up. Season 11 is remarkably strong. I can't think of a single "bad" episode in that season. It focuses on the characters, and thus it doesn't have nearly as strong ambitions, compared to one of the Moffat seasons, which were clever but often convoluted. They couldn't always stick the landing. (Looking at you, Season 6) But every has it's good parts and it's bad. The same man who wrote The Wedding of River Song and betrayed the entire season's storyline in the process...also wrote The Doctor Falls, which is probably my favorite final episode of any season ever. The Chibnall Era is the same way. The Tsuranga Conundrum isn't really a bad episode, it's just kind of forgettable, apart from the Pting. But then it is immediately followed up by Demons of the Punjab, which is an exceptional story in every way. I want the Thijurians to return for Thirteen's regeneration, I'm saying it.
My point being that even if there are episodes you can't stand in the new era, is that really exclusive to Chibnall? All the way back in Season 1, they had The Long Game, which I remember disliking, but it was sandwiched between Dalek and Father's Day, which are in my opinion, the two best episodes of that season. A lot of people don't like Orphan 55, for example. But it's followed up by Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror. Does anyone really dislike that episode? You're valid if you do, but I think it's really good. Ask me about any episode in the Chibnall Era, and I'll find something to like about it. (Except maybe Arachnids in the UK...and that one's not even bad, just kind of weak.) Because like I said, there is good and bad in every season...and I do think that the fandom has overblown how "bad" the Chibnall Era is...though that may be in part because I think this era is generally good? Incredible companions, solid episodes, a great Doctor, and hey...this era actually made the Daleks scary again. That is impressive. Even most of the hated episodes, like Orphan 55 as I mentioned...I enjoy them.
I stand by that. I think this era is great. If anything, I don't like that they reduced how many episodes we get, because some of these stories, like The Witchfinders and It Takes You Away especially Fugitive of The Judoon, are just begging to be two-parters. Spyfall is the only real two-parter we've had, in my opinion (Ascension of the Cybermen and The Timeless Children feel like two separate stories to me) and the episode was much stronger for having the extra time. If I have one genuine criticism with the Chibnall Era as a whole, it is the stark contrast between Seasons 11 and 12. I love Season 11, I thought it was beautiful. I like it far more than most people. I also truly enjoyed Season 12. But they are worlds apart, with Season 11 feeling so standalone and Season 12 picking up with a big storyline that really hadn't been hinted at all in the previous outing. The tone is also different, with The Doctor and "the fam" having a distance between them that seems to have developed offscreen in between seasons. It was as though Chibnall wanted to give everyone a breather from big overarching plots after the Moffat Era, but then after one season he decided "break's over" because he wanted to tell his story. And that's okay! It is. But it's jarring. Anyway, let's talk about Chibnall's storyline. You know where this is going.
"That" episode.
I meant what I said before. There isn't a single episode that I actively hate as much as say, Listen. Now let's get very controversial, because I know what y'all are thinking. "Not even The Timeless Children?" And I'll just get this out of the way right now: I don't think The Timeless Children, or it's twist, ruins Doctor Who. I don't think it gets anywhere close. I mentioned before that I was demoralized reading the comments on a clip of Doctor Who...to no one's surprise, it was this episode. Now, I may just be biased...after all, I didn't even hate Hell Bent. But while I have my criticisms of Season 12, The Doctor's revised backstory accounts for exactly none of them. You want to know what really bothers me? That we had a seven season buildup to Gallifrey's rescue, a nine season buildup to it's return...only for the show to do nothing with it, and then just destroy it again a couple of seasons later. As someone who loved The Day of The Doctor, I'm mad about that. Among other reasons, destroying Gallifrey is the kind of card you can really only play once.
So no, I don't think The Timeless Children is perfect. The Doctor had a seven season character arc culminating in them learning the lesson that using The Moment would be wrong, and that it was never okay to do something like that. To hear her even consider using The Death Particle, that "Or, a solution" line in response to Ryan appropriately reacting in horror? Yeah, that upset me. I don't like that Gallifrey is gone again, and even if The Doctor wasn't the one to do it, she almost did, and she left someone else to do it in her stead. That bothers me more than The Timeless Child ever could. That being said...the Timeless Child doesn't bother me. Seriously, it blows my mind that people act like this twist ruins Doctor Who. It...really doesn't, guys.
It does not insult the legacy of William Hartnell. He is still The First Doctor. It's not like there isn't a precedent for secret incarnations from The Doctor's past. We didn't start calling Christopher Eccleston The Tenth Doctor after we found out about John Hurt. Nothing can change The First Doctor's status or take it away, nor do I think Chibnall is trying. He is doing what I've actually wanted Doctor Who to do for a while. Give us a story about The Doctor's childhood. (Listen doesn't count, I don't care, that was all kinds of bad.) Let me ask you, what does this really change? I've seen people complain about the revision of The Doctor's history...but there's a precedent for that too. We could play bingo with how many times Clara fundamentally altered or influenced the show's history. She is the reason he started traveling, the reason he chose his Tardis, and the reason he saved Gallifrey. Why doesn't that bother people, if this does?
I also understand it if people dislike this change because they feel as though it makes The Doctor a kind of chosen one, compared to them having just been an average person who wanted to make a difference. I get that. However, this is down to interpretation, and there are so many ways to interpret The Doctor. Some people love it when The Doctor goes dark, other people cannot stand it and view it as out of character. Some people love it when The Doctor is heroic and badass, when they save the day...others would prefer that they take the backseat, teaching the humans how to save the day themselves. "The man who makes people better." And which interpretation you get, where it falls on the spectrum...it will vary from writer to writer. Moffat loved to make everything about The Doctor, and Davies frequently compared him to an angel or a god. This is not the first time that the show has portrayed The Doctor as a godlike being. It's not even close to the first time. And honestly? I don't think this makes The Doctor special or supernatural. I think it makes them a victim, nothing more. A victim of child abuse.
People also disliked this episode for removing the mystery behind The Doctor...but I fail to see how it did that? There are so. Many. Questions. That this finale opens up. Where did The Doctor come from? How and why did they get to our universe? What exactly is The Division? What went down between them and The Doctor? Where is Tecteun? (No, she's not Rassilon...) As the Masters asks, "What did they do to you, Doctor? How many lives have you had?" Amid all of the comments that made me sad, I did see a great one about how the original creator of Doctor Who actually didn't like it when they introduced the Timelords, because she felt that it boxed the show in and removed the mystery behind The Doctor, and how "She would have loved this episode." I agree with that. (Still salty that they destroyed Gallifrey though...) You know, I am genuinely interested in this story and where it's going to go, especially with the sixtieth anniversary approaching. But it depresses me that they might scale it back now, after how much the fandom has risen up against it. Not that I'm saying the fans shouldn't be happy, but...it's clear that a story is trying to be told here, and I think it should have that chance.
To each their own, of course. But I will never understand why this era is so hated.
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