#i always thought it was weird that she went to his room with inosuke in the middle of the night. i wonder if another follower sent her....
kibbles-bits · 1 year
Hey, I love your AU but how does Douma eat? Does he just change diet to eating some other kind of being, still keeps it a secret, or is the lady just cool with it?
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Douma still eats humans! It's kinda messed up! :D
If she knew about it she definitely wouldn't be okay with it! One fateful night, Kotoha decided to announce herself before opening the door.
And since then, Douma has taken his meals somewhere else so she won't ever find out.
Read more of the AU HERE
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yourhangrydoctor · 2 years
If zenitsu got reincarnated into his modern self and knew everything. (OOC Zenitsu) -Part 2-
{-1 year later-}
My school year was the same as always like hanging out with murata everyday, taking late night walks, my mom wishing me well before i leave to go school, me doing chores and taking care of my mom when she is sick (Like making food) while she does the same when i'm sick.
It changed when his mom died from illness but got a peaceful send off and he mourned his mother's death and murata stayed by his side and what i mean by that he moved in. Zenitsu was glad he wasn't going to feel lonely in the house since his mom died.
"Where are you going?" He said, "Just going to take a walk and then come back", He nodded his head and went to the livling room. I twisted the knob and went out and shut the door. I took my phone out of my pocket and started walking and looked at the news on my phone, "Today something mysterious and frightening has happened",The woman said on the news, "There has been 69 almost 70 victims that has been killed over the past 9 weeks", Zenitsu becomes curious and listens, "But these lives that have been taken were only killed at night and never in the day time", "No one has any idea how or what killed them but the police are looking in on the case". Zenitsu turns off his phone and puts it in his pocket and processes the information '.....Demons....' I almost fell to my knees but knew that now was not the time then an idea perked up in my mind, 'I should buy a real sword and practice more while looking for information about where the demons are going to be next', I smirk and started heading back to the house. I closed the door and locked it then went up the stairs and closed the door but stopped, "Back already?", "Yup" I then continued to go up and stopped in front of my door and opened it and stepped in. I weaken my body and fall face front on the bed.
-Morning time-
I stretch and l rub my eyes then remember that I quitted high school when i almost graduated cause that was because my mom died and i didn't want to go to school anymore and mostly because i already almost learned everything from my past life. Murata had to restart 8th grade since he got all F's in all his classes. So he still goes to school and he said that there were new teachers, a new principal, and, new classmates. He also made new friends, "What's their names?", I asked, "I will start with the teachers and the principal.", "There is this woman with pink and green hair. Her name is Mitsuri and her husband is obanai who also works with her. There is a dude with orange hair and with red tips at the edge of his hair. His name is Rengoku. There is also this weird trio but they hang with each other anyway. Their names are Sanemi, Shinbou, Uzui, and Giyu. Then there is a guy who prays every time something bad happens in school. His name is Gyomei. We also have shinbou's older sister whose name is kanae and works with shinbou. They all respect the principal of the school. His name is Kagaya ubuyashiki", "My friends names are Tanjiro, Inosuke, Genya, Kanao, Nezuko, Muichiro, Aoi" I gap my mouth open and my jaw almost drops to the floor, "What?" He says, "N-nothing..." I ran up the stairs and closed my door and got lost in my thoughts, 'Holy shit.....' Zenitsu thinks hard about the information and stays inside his room all day but finally gets out and Murata asks if he said anything wrong, "No you didn't. But did you say anything about me?", "Not that i know of but-", "Just don't mention anything about me" I sigh in disappointment, "HEY W-WHY ARE YOU SIGHING!?", I ignored him and went over to the kitchen and started cooking.
-1 year later lol-
"Did you mention anything about me?", "Why do you keep asking me the same question every single day!? The answer is always going to be no!", "I only ask you 5 times a week", "It's the same thing!", I blankly stare at him, "Yeah...sure", A tick forms on Murata's head, "Go bother someone else or take a walk!", He then left me in the livling room and went up stairs to his room. I heard a bang so i just shrugged my shoulders and went with his idea about taking a walk like i do every single day when it's night. I then leave the house and shut the door. I took my stroll around the neighborhood and stopped to notice a bench so i sat and took a looksy at my phone, 'There is less killing than usual. Well i guess that makes sense since i decided last year that i should go ahead and kill demons on my own every now and then. I also kill demons when murata thinks i'm asleep. Oh yeah I almost forgot that i hide the sword in my room and also have a disguise when i kill demons but i always knock out the person who is about to get eaten so i don't become a big hit and earn the title "Hero" or "Mysterious hero". It's bothersome and it is also for the sake of my life and many more that i care about.' Zenitsu gets startled when he hears screams in the distance. He shoots right up and puts his phone in his pocket. He dashes and goes through an alleyway to get there faster. He stops in his tracks and sees a man with white hair with big beady eyes stepping back in fear and another one with white hair but taller and looked like he got injured but he was awaken and shivered and there's man with orange hair and red on the tips of his hair trying to help the tall injured man. There is also a woman with black hair and purple on the edge of hair on the ground scared and a man with black hair trying to help up the woman while shivering too. I looked at what frightened her and saw the demon it was growling and had saliva dripping, 'It's half of the former hashiras...but most importantly how the hell am I supposed to knock out all of them at once!?', I look down at the bloody body on the ground, 'Oh. I guess they caught the demon eating the poor girl', The demon smirked, "I bet you all will taste good", Their faces became more frightened to the point they freeze. The demon comes dashing towards them. 'Shit. I didn't bring my sword or my disguise. Ugh...fuck it....I will just kick it to the ground and put it to sleep and use the poisoned needle that's in my jacket pocket and leave.' I dash out of the dark and kick the demon onto the floor and sit on its back while restraining it so i can get the poison needled out. So then i take the needle out and grab its arm and squeeze the poison inside and the demon stops struggling. I get off the demon and face it on its back and then stand up to check the time on my watch and it said, "3:40...Not too bad...but i really need to work on my timing....Oh yeah that's cause i watching....." I smack my head but turn to the bloody body and grab a flower out of my pocket and place it beside her and then turned to the demons body and scanned his features, "Could've been hotter", I look up and see the 'peoples' blank faces, "Yo and goodbye" That's all i said and turned to grab the demons hand. And yes if you're wondering i was dragging it. I could sense the dumbfounded expressions on their faces. I ignored it and hummed, 'I think i'm going to regret doing this since i didn't have my disguise on....'
Zenitsu knew what they were thinking.
They all thought: 'What the hell just happened?'
0 notes
tt0bu · 3 years
Originally posted at AO3
Fandom: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Pairing: GiyuuTan
The first time Kamado Tanjirou met Tomioka Giyuu, he was eight years old.
His Ma and Pa came out of the back door, away from their old oven where the last batch of the shokupan was left to sit, maybe to burn, since little Tanjirou thought something must be wrong. There was haste in his father’s steps, hurried and careful. His mother’s strides were stiff, nervous, unsure. Nezuko, his little sister, was pulling on the grass where she sat, streaks of bright sunlight bouncing off her giggling face.
Tanjirou watched his parents trek up to the end of the street on that little hill in the middle of a city they call home.
He saw every adult from the neighborhood walk the same path, disappearing behind the gates of Nishida-san’s house.
Except for one unfamiliar uncle.
The said uncle, who looked too western, who looked like those uncles from foreigner spy movies his father loved watching, stood unmoving under the waiting shed just across the Kamados’ home. He was looking towards the end of the street too, where all the adults had disappeared, but made no move to follow. He was holding a black book close to his chest, and little Tanjirou couldn’t see anything aside from three blue lines on the cover of it.
New neighbor? “Uncle!” he called out to the man, jumping on his feet and waving his little palm enthusiastically. His young mind wouldn’t have noticed, but whenever Tanjirou would look back to this moment, he finds it weird how everything just disappeared – no adult to reprimand him because he was talking to a stranger, no chirping of the sparrows perched on the wisteria tree behind their fence, no sound from the nearby train station.
Maybe he dislikes being called uncle? The unfamiliar man with raven black hair and pale skin didn’t heed his call, not sparing a glance at the curious boy trying to catch his attention. Tanjirou took the man’s cold demeanor as a sign of discomfort, probably because he may be new to the neighbourhood. But it did not stop him from crossing the street, diligently looking to his left and right, twice to be absolutely sure, just like how his Pa taught him.
“Uncle,” his tiny hands pulled at the hem of the coat the pale man wore.
Tanjirou saw how the most beautiful pair of eyes, blue like the noon skies and the periwinkles he picks behind the hill where the Hashibiras live, looked down on his little self with disbelief. The man continued to gawk on him, gaping and frozen in his place. He clutched the thick book closer to his chest, tightening his grasp on its spine. The blue lines seemed to shimmer, a quick flash of shine running through the three lines, but Tanjirou thought nothing of it. After all, it’s almost naptime, his eyes may be playing tricks on him at the moment.
“You-“ the pale man with the clothes of a spy and the eyes of the sky swallowed, eyeing little Tanjirou with hesitation. “-you can see me?”
“Uhhh,” Tanjirou looked around, but neither his parents nor the neighbor uncles and aunts were in sight. “Am I not supposed to? Are you hiding from anyone?”
“How, how is this possible?” the boy heard the pale man whispered, his own burgundy eyes examining the leather shoes he wore. Those are pretty shoes, but he never saw his father wear one. Maybe, when he gets a little bigger, he will get the same pair for his Pa. “You never saw me before. Not even once, not even when you d-“ the man with blue eyes bit his bottom lips and stopped muttering to himself. “What’s the difference this time?”
“Uh-oh, no,” Tanjirou shook his head, the hanafuda card earrings swaying along his movement. “Are you new here, Uncle? Are you lost? My Ma and Pa went to Nishida-san’s house but if you’re hungry I can get you these anpans my Pa made! They sell out really, really fast and I’m lucky Ma keeps some for me and my little sister before taking them to the store-“
By the time Tanjirou realised the lost uncle was never really listening to him in the first place, he could already hear the faint wailing and sobbing from the house at the end of the street. However, before he could ask, he heard the lost uncle take a shaky breath, pinching the base of his nose in annoyance, Tanjirou wasn’t sure, before carefully opening his book to a certain page. The pale uncle traced what the little burgundy-haired boy could only imagine were words, before softly uttering the name he knew very well.
“Nishida Sora. 58. Lung disease.”
“Oh!” Tanjirou bounced on his feet at the idea. “You know Nishida-san? Are you here for him? If you don’t know where he lives, just walk to the end of the street. You’ll see a really huge wooden gate with crow carvings. That’s where he lives!”
The pale, blue-eyed uncle didn’t even acknowledge his words.
“If you want, I can walk with you. I just need to take Nezuko with-“
The lost uncle gently tugged on his collar to stop him from running back to their home. “I know where it is, tiny human.”
“Owwkay, big human!” The man visibly grimaced at his words, yet Tanjirou beamed. “Are you his doctor?”
The big human seemed to be ignoring him again.
“Grandpa? Do I look that old?” Blue eyes met tiny burgundy ones again, offended, making Tanjirou giggle on the back of his hand. The little boy just shrugged, rocking back and forth on the heel of his feet. He saw the uncle sighed once more before shaking his head. “Cheeky tiny human.”
Tanjirou pretended to know what cheeky meant, tilting his head to the side to get a proper look at the man who was ignoring him a minute ago. “Are you Nishidan-san’s relative? I can introduce you if you want?”
“No. I am here to collect.”
“Collect? Collect what? Stones? Bugs? Ohhh! I know a great spot to catch emperor beetles! Inosuke-chan always catches the biggest ones though and Zenitsu-chan’s just a scaredy cat so we don’t have to worry-“
“No, not that. Not beetles. Look-” This time, the man crouched to the little boy’s eye level, and with the close up view of his blue eyes, Tanjirou thought he was staring at the sky itself. “You shouldn’t be seeing me. You shouldn’t be talking to me.”
“I can see you though. I have eyes, Uncle. Ma said they’re very pretty.”
“That’s true – uhum.” The big human coughed to his fist, hiding his face. Tanjirou wanted to ask if he was alright and should he fetch this uncle a glass of water? But the man faced him again, gone was his coughing fit. “Didn’t your parents teach you not to talk to strangers?”
“They did.”
Little Tanjirou tapped his finger against his chin, pursing his lips, deep in his childish thoughts. “You seem lonely, and Ma said if one of my classmates smelled lonely, I should do something to cheer them up!” He tugged on the hand of the pale uncle, jumping slightly at how cold his palm felt. “What’s your name? I’m Tanjirou!”
“I don’t have a name.”
“Boo! Don’t be silly!” Tanjirou giggled like a child on a swing flying into the air. “Everybody has a name!”
“Not me.”
“But I told you mine!” Tanjirou stomped his little feet on the concrete pavement of the empty street, throwing a tantrum. His father would give him a good scolding, maybe a little spanking, should he see the burgundy-haired boy giving others troubles. Remembering his father’s words, Tanjirou decided to attack from a different angle.
“Hey, hey – hey, oh, come on.” The blue-eyed man crouched again, meeting teary, burgundy orbs and blushing cheeks. “What now? Why are you crying?”
“Because you wouldn’t tell me your name!” Tanjirou wailed louder, acting like a spoiled little kid which is nothing like him, all because he wanted to befriend this uncle who has the bluest eyes, who looked like a spy.
The big human exhaled, evidently troubled, while Tanjirou beamed. “Fine. You can call me Yuu.”
“Not Yuu-chan. Yuu. Yuu.”
“Why am I even trying,” Yuu-chan whispered mostly to himself, and Tanjirou’s grin grew wider. “I need to go. Nishida Sora will be here any moment. Is that your house?”
Tanjirou followed where his Yuu-chan was pointing. Red, wooden gates, unlit house lanterns, an old service truck with Kamado Bakery hand painted on its back. Yep. That’s their house. “Yes, Yuu-chan! I live there!”
“Come.” The little burgundy-haired boy tilted his head slightly to the side, confused. Uncle Yuu-chan seemed to understand his unspoken question. “I’ll walk you back to your home.”
Years later, when Tanjirou would look back to that moment, he would laugh at the memory of what he would always fondly call as his first brush with death. But his little self wouldn’t realize that, enjoying the coldness of Yuzu-chan’s palm against his own, celebrating his newfound friendship. He wouldn’t catch how Nezuko, as young as she was, got confused about him laughing on his own, hand raised in the air like he was holding something invisible.
Later that night, delirious from a high fever, Tanjirou dreamt of blue skies and periwinkles and spies invading Japan in crisp suits.
“I heard you spoke to humans today, Giyuu.”
“Human. A tiny human, Shinobu. So what of it?”
“You know what I’m trying to say.”
“He has the gift of Sight!”
“Just be careful, Giyuu. They may let this slip up pass, but we both know consequences are harsh. There’s a reason we never interact with living, breathing humans.”
“I know.”
“I’m sure you do.”
Tanjirou would always look out of his room’s window, ceremoniously, watching each and every adult passing on their street. He was lucky enough to have his room on the upper floor, albeit slightly hating the room during summertime when the sun would burn through the roof. But it was the perfect place, for he can spot Yuu-chan from the crossing.
He mentioned Yuu-chan one evening at dinner, and even when his Ma and Pa was glad he made the new neighbor feel welcomed, they expressed their interest in getting to know the blue-eyed man. He even overheard them talking about it when he went for a pee and his parents were in the living room watching old spy movies again.
“Tanjirou said he’s a new neighbor. But we didn’t hear anyone moving here.”
His father’s kind voice cut through his mother’s worried one. “I’m sure he’s just a passerby.”
“But what if...”
“Don’t worry, if anything, he may be talking about an imaginary friend. Yuu-chan seemed harmless.”
Imaginary? He’s pretty sure Yuu-chan is real! But even if he wanted to defend his ‘not-imaginary’ friend, he would hear his Ma’s voice reminding him to never eavesdrop at adult conversations, Tanjirou. So he let them be, did his business, and went back to sleep. He decided between dreams that he would invite Yuu-chan to his home one day.
But Yuu-chan never showed up at his street again for a long time.
It was snowing when Tanjirou saw him once more. Not the harsh, unpleasant winter, but enough to color the world white. He was clothed from head to toe, layers over layers of protective shirts, mittens and socks. His Ma had always been careful, reminding him that it would be awful to catch a cold during Christmastime.
He was permitted to accompany his Ma on her trip to the local hospital to drop their freshly baked breads and pastries, a Kamado tradition during the holidays. His parents would wake up really early to prepare for it, kneading doughs and cooking fillings because it would mean the world for the health workers if they can get savoury curry pans or their bestselling anpans in between shifts.
Tanjirou watched as his mother dropped the box on the counter, the hospital guard behind her bringing the second one. From the corner of his eyes, on the far-end of the long, white, empty corridor, stood a man who seemed too familiar to him. Before he could even think, Tanjirou let go of his mother’s dress, walking hastily to catch up, sprinting into a full run when the figure headed for the door.
Tanjirou really did his best to catch up, but his tiny legs could only do so much, the stranger who bore resemblance to Yuu-chan got further away even when he pushed against the floor with all his strength. He did not hear his mother’s faint cry, calling his name, wondering where on earth would his first born go and who he was chasing after. But Tanjirou only had one thing in his mind.
“Yuu-chan!” He pushed the heavy glass door open with his little hands, no guard to hold it for him since the man helped his Ma haul the box of pastries inside. But the stranger, with the same black hair cascading below his shoulders in a loose bun, the same crisp gray suit, the same lonely, closed off scent, didn’t acknowledge the pet name. So he tried, hoping to get a reaction, his young heart clenching in sadness because why wouldn’t Yuu-chan want to talk to him? How did his collection go? Would he know if Nishida-san was really gone? “Yuu!”
The man continued walking, past the gates, leaving no chance for the boy to catch up. Tanjirou watched as Yuu-chan turned right to the sidewalk, disappearing behind the brick wall. He wanted to run and give chase even when his lungs felt like it was shrinking in exhaustion, his legs numb from the sprint, his head aching from the lack of oxygen. But  before he could move, a gentle yet firm hand grabbed him by his left shoulder, spun him around and before he even realized, his Ma’s comforting and worried scent enveloped him.
“Don’t you dare do that again, my boy.” His Ma whispered in his hair, running her palm up and down Tanjirou’s back to let him know he wasn’t in trouble. “You scared me Tanjirou. What was that about?”
“Sorry Ma,” he was suddenly sobbing, partly because Yuu-chan ignored him like he was a stranger, but mainly because his Ma’s scent was so distressed, anguished, and he never wanted to make his Ma feel that way again. “I-“ a hiccup. “I saw Yuu-chan and I wanted to say hi but-“ another hiccup, and he reached up to wipe the snot dribbling from his nose with the back of his hand. “-but maybe he didn’t like to be my friend anymore.”
“Oh Tanjirou,” his Ma cooed, embracing him tightly against her chest, occasionally wiping his son’s face with her handkerchief. If she noticed that there were no fresh footprints on the snow, no signs of another human being around, she never said a word. Even when she saw his son calling out Yuu-chan to an empty corridor, running after a formless person, she never mentioned a thing. His son doesn’t need anymore heartbreaks on Christmastime, and doesn’t need to hear about how this Yuu-chan is only a fragment of his imagination.
Year: 1945
Month: April
Day: 26
Battle of Okinawa
Giyuu stood in the middle of the dense foliage, on the isolated island of Okinawa, as he watched soldier after soldier fall to their death at the hand of the enemy. Bombs would go off in the distance, their detonation shaking the earth. But he stood unmoving, completely in displeased awe, because this was a scene he had witnessed numerous times before.
“I will never understand humans and their obsession with war.” Makomo stepped quietly to the ground beside Giyuu, and he knew his fellow collector shared his facial expression. They were tired of humans killing each other, hurting each other, to satisfy their greed and hunger. “It hurts Them, these pointless endeavour of humans to best each other.”
“How many have you got?” He chose to ask instead, because even if they wanted to do something, they’re merely collectors. Humans and their dumb ways of dying were out of their duty; they were just sent to collect their due.
“Considering the numbers of soldiers on this island and the guarantee that not even a fourth will come out alive?” Makomo opened her book, flipping several pages. “A lot. You?”
“Thinking about the cups of tea I have to prepare for Choosing already wore me out.”
“Don’t worry, Giyuu. Kyojurou, Mitsuri, and Tengen are here too. Who knows, maybe the numbers are off and we won’t have to collect these much considering the collectors present?”
“When was the book ever wrong, Makomo?”
“Don’t ruin my optimism!”
Their little banter to pass time came to an end when a young, bleeding soldier ran towards their way, a group of foreign forces hot on his trail. He hid behind the trunk of a fallen tree, crying and clutching his jammed rifle to his chest. Giyuu only saw a part of his hair, black like his own, peeking under the helmet he wore on his head. Soot and mud dirtied his young face, but what caught the blue-eyed collector’s interest was his fierce, burgundy eye.
Eye, because his right was shut close, blood covering the half of his face.
“This is what I hate the most.” Makomo opened her book again, tracing the names under her watch. Once she located what she needed, she clicked her tongue in frustration. “Beautiful, innocent souls like him who get dragged to a war he did not wish for. Do you think he cries because he knows he’ll never see his family again? Or perhaps, because he killed another human even when he didn’t even want to fight this war?”
“I think he’s praying.”
“Should we listen to his words?”
“What? No, that’s private.” Giyuu looked at his companion with slight horror in his expression. “He prays to Them, and we can’t disrespect this young soldier’s last minute on this land.”
“I’m just kidding!” Makomo poked him on his cheek, but immediately turned when footstep grew nearer. When they saw the group of soldiers who gave chase surround the praying man, Makomo tucked her book in her arms and whispered. “It’s almost time, little soldier. I’m sorry your family will never see your beautiful eyes again.”
Giyuu decided to leave and do his part of the job too. He gave one last glance at the praying soldier, only to see one of the enemy hammer the heel of his rifle down to the wounded soldier’s forehead. Said soldier slumped against the trunk, but Giyuu thought he saw enough and turned around in haste.
A blunt force like that would likely scar, and he hoped it won’t seep through the soul. But it had been a traumatic experience for the young soldier with burgundy eyes, spending his last minutes alive surrounded by unfriendly faces. That wound would be a birthmark in most cases, but Giyuu hoped this soldier wouldn’t carry the wound to his next life should he choose to be reborn.
Tanjirou reached for the towel as he straightened his back, wiping away the droplets of water on his face. He absentmindedly traced the birth mark on his forehead as he brushed his teeth, his mind going over his plans for the day. He will meet Inosuke and Zenitsu at the latter’s grandpa’s house for a group study in preparation for their high school entrance exam. On his way back, he has to buy cough drops for his Pa who refused to see a doctor and will always counter their arguments with all I need is a good night sleep and plenty of water.
There’s nothing much to do for the day but to study, he figured, so he stuffed all his textbooks and notes into his bag and rode his bike to the Hashibiras to collect his friend. Inosuke thrashed like a bug lying on its back, complaining about why he always gets to sit and not pedal. He said he bets he’s a much better rider than Gonpachiro.
“It’s my bike, Inosuke. That’s why.”
“You’re just afraid I’m better at bikes than you, Monjirou.”
Zenitsu once told him, back when they were young, that Inosuke would actually get their name right after seven tries. I counted, his blond friend would say, because he kept yelling at me and shoving worms and beetles and acorn nuts in my face. Tanjirou tried to keep track the first few months after knowing the dumb fact, but eventually grew tired counting the wrong names before he could hear the right one.
The burgundy-haired teenager squeezed on the breaks, the rubber tires squeaking against the asphalt. He then got off, and gestured for Inosuke to take the handlebar grip. “Pedal away, Inosuke-sama.”
“Ha!” His loud friend thumped his back, with the aggressiveness that would match his excessive energy. Tanjirou had to step a foot forward to stop himself from toppling over. “I knew choosing you as my favorite friend was the right decision!”
Tanjirou shook his head with a little laugh. “Oh, what an honor!”
“Stop daydreaming and get on already! I can’t wait to run Monitsu over!”
“Don’t do that Inosuke.” Tanjirou transferred his backpack to his front, facing the opposite direction, watching the hills roll as his friend pedalled vigorously downhill. He only realised his mistake when they zoomed past the gate of Zenitsu’s home. “Inosuke, stop! Don’t go too fast –“ Tanjirou looked back to see his blond friend getting smaller and smaller until he was just a tiny dot of yellow. “ – we’ve passed by Zenitsu’s house! Turned around!” He shouted over his shoulder, closer to his friend’s ear. “Inosuke! TURN AROUND!”
Without a warning, Inosuke swiveled a hundred and eighty degrees, not knowing he had almost threw Tanjirou off. The burgundy-haired miserable back rider yelped in surprise and fear for his life. But before he could complain, Inosuke started pedalling again with the same intensity, Tanjirou thought he would die on the ride back to where Zenitsu’s home is. Good thing his friend waved and jumped, catching Inosuke’s attention, and the boy squeezed on the break so hard they almost did a cartwheel with the bike.
Never again, Tanjirou thought, as he combed back his hair. I refuse to ride a bike with Inosuke ever again.
“Wow,” Zenitsu stared at the two of them from head to toe. “I’m surprised you didn’t get into an accident.”
“He’s a walking accident.” Tanjirou pointed at his friend who wore his favorite boar shirt. “I am not getting on a bike with you again.”
“Just admit I’m better than you!”
Zenitsu pushed the two of them inside before their pointless discussion lengthened, the three greeting grandpa Jigoro along the way. Soon they fell into a series of question and answer, index cards and flashcards flying across the room. Inosuke would constantly complain about math and why did he have to learn such useless things. Zenitsu would also complain about Inosuke’s complaints, but would snatch away the problem, solve it for the boy, and explain how he got 12 as the value of X.
“Uhhhh,” Tanjirou stretched his arms, arching his back to pop the joints as he stood from their table. “I’m going for a quick konbini run. Anything you guys want?”
“Didn’t you bring any snacks from the bakery?”
“We didn’t open today. Pa’s sick.”
“Onigiri and Nissin for me, Tontaro!”
“Same, but I want tamago sando instead of onigiri.”
“Then it’s not the same, stupid butter head!”
“Bold of you to call me stupid when you’re the walking definition of the word!”
Tanjirou didn’t want to witness the inevitable wrestling match to which Inosuke would mercilessly hug Zenitsu from the back to squeeze out his oxygen, so he excused himself without saying a word. He checked for his wallet before mounting his bike. He didn’t spot any konbini on the way, so he decided to try the opposite street so see if there’s a nearby store. To his luck, he saw the green and red signboard a couple of streets away.
He parked his bike on the sidewalk as he repeated his friends’ choice of snack over and over again to make sure he wouldn’t forget. He opted for a katsu sando and a bag of potato chips, carrying all the food he picked to the counter. Just as the girl behind the register dropped the change to his open hands, he caught a hauntingly familiar figure, through the glass walls of the konbini, with the identical black book held against his chest.
No way.
He quickly grabbed the brown paper bag after throwing a hurried sankyu to the cashier , pushing the doors with his shoulder. He then left the bag on the basket of his bike, before taking off to run after his Yuu-chan. Why didn’t he take the bike instead, Tanjirou could no longer think rationally because he couldn’t believe he’s about to see Yuu’s after all these years.
Was his eyes playing tricks on him again?
Because there’s just no way the person he was made to believe wasn’t real and was just a part of his childhood imagination was actually there. He looked exactly the same; charcoal gray three piece suit, light blue dress shirt, and a navy blue necktie. Just like the spies from his Pa’s old movies he often dreamt about.
“Yuu-chan!” He could no longer contain his excitement, jumping on the back of the man when he was an arm length away. But Yuu quickly turned around, reached for his wrist, effortlessly twisting it in a quick, practiced movement. Tanjirou didn’t manage to introduce himself because his wrist hurt and was twisted in a very awkward way, he thought he might snap it any second. “Ow, ow, ow, ow! It’s me, Yuu-chan! It’s me! Ow!”
As quick as Yuu grabbed him, the man immediately let him go once recognition dawned on his face. “Tiny human?”
“Wow, you remembered me!” Tanjirou beamed, the same wide smile he wore the first time he met Yuu. He almost forgot about those periwinkle eyes and snow white skin as he tried to bury the memory of the day when Nishida-san succumbed to lung cancer. “I almost thought you weren’t real, like a story of make believe I came up with in a desperate attempt to make friends.” Yuu-chan looked away, and Tanjirou wished he could read whatever was on the man’s mind. “It’s been seven years, Yuu-chan.”
“I owe you no explanation, tiny human.” Yuu-chan continued to look away, his blue eyes never meeting Tanjirou’s burgundy ones. “I never agreed to being friends.”
“But you remembered me, big human.”
Yuu-chan flinched. “My work involves a lot of names, and a mistake would result in grave consequences.” The man tucked his book in his arm again, turning around to walk away. “Go home and stop following me.”
“You sound like you’re just making excuses!” Tanjirou continued to annoy the man, hoping to make him talk more because his voice was somehow calming. He didn’t know where the boldness came from, but before he could think, he reached for Yuu’s hands, cold as ever, and pulled him towards the empty bus stop across the street. It should have been strange, with the absence of people on the street and the silence in the air, but Tanjirou didn’t notice. “Come with me! I haven’t seen you in ages!”
“What are you doing?” Yuu-chan gently freed his arm from Tanjirou, keeping it inside the pockets of his pants this time. “This is dangerous. Please keep your distance.”
“Why do you talk so formally, Yuu-chan? Come sit beside me!”
Tanjirou watched as the man glared at the innocent bench, burning holes in it as he considered his options. All the while Tanjirou’s wide grin never wavered, choosing to observe quietly as Yuu-chan argues with himself. The man looked like he never aged at all, like the past seven years were merely a week for him.
“You won’t stop until I indulge you, would you?”
“Nope!” Tanjirou bounced in his seat, grinning triumphantly.
“Fine.” Yuu-chan finally took a seat, a meter away from him. “But you shall not cross this distance.”
“What? Why? I’m not sick!” Tanjirou whined but immediately shut his mouth when Yuu glared at him. There was no hostility, but Yuu-chan has the ability to disappear from his sight, like how he did the past years, so Tanjirou chose not to push his luck further and truly anger the man. “Alright, no need to kill me with you eyes. Very pretty eyes I must say.”
Tanjirou’s throat tightened, and if he was standing, his knees would have buckled from the intensity of Yuu’s eyes. At first he thought the man didn’t like praises, didn’t like talking to him, but he continued staring. Tanjirou, unsure on what to do, chose not to meet Yuu’s eyes as he tried his best not to crumble because the weight of his stare makes the burgundy-haired boy melt.
To his surprise, Yuu, who was so adamant to observe distance, pushed against the metal bench and stood in front of him. Tanjirou raised his head to look at him, but Yuu-chan’s cold fingers brushed against his forehead. Chilly wind blew past them, causing strands of burgundy hairs to fall, but the cold fingers were there to brush them back up. Tanjirou couldn’t help but shiver, due to the wind or the cold skin, he couldn’t tell.
“Is there something wrong?” He managed to ask even when the chill he felt crept up from his lungs to his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe.
“This,” Yuu ran the pad of his thumb over the mark, twice, before tracing the outlines. “Was this always here? I didn’t – “ He stammered, as if he couldn’t make a sentence out of his train of thought. “ – seven years ago – “
“Oh, this?” Tanjirou instinctively reached up, not expecting a cold hand meeting his own where his sturdy forehead should be. “It had been there as far as I can remember. It just got bigger as I grew older. Seven years ago, it was just this tiiiiiiny thing, you could have mistaken it for a scar.”
He heard the blue-eyed man, who was acting so strange that day, mumbled something under his breath. It was so soft, Tanjirou could have heard three different languages, because even when there were no cars, no people around, he still didn’t understand the incoherence mumbling. Tough luck, for he has lost his gift of keen nose after turning ten, so he has absolutely no idea what this strangeness was all about.
“Does it hurt?” he heard Yuu-chan ask as he pulled his cold fingers away. But he didn’t step back to create a meter of distance again, much to Tanjirou’s delight. “Does it bother you?”
“Not really, no,” he bit his lip, recalling a stupid myth Zenitsu recounted once when they were nine. “They said birthmarks were signs of how a person died in his past life, but that just sounds silly to me.”
Tanjirou looked up, hoping to see Yuu share his opinion about the absurdity of the myth. But he only saw anxious eyes which couldn’t meet his, lips flattened into a straight line, brows furrowed. “Sometimes, old stories passed down with words of mouth would hide a truth or two.”
“Are you telling me - ” Tanjirou’s voice climbed a pitch higher, trying to suppress his laughter after considering that he had a life before this. “ – that I died from a blunt force trauma to the head in my past life? Was I murdered?”
“Don’t be silly,” Tanjirou wanted to scoff because Yuu-chan dared call him silly when he was just spouting nonsense about old stories and hidden truths a minute ago. “Besides, is that your only birthmark?”
Immediately Tanjirou crossed arms over his chest, balling the shirt he wore with his hidden palms. He wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t spooked at Yuu-chan’s question, because he sounded like an honestly curious man, but his instinct pushed him to cross his arms over his chest where a different set of marks hide. “How did you know about that?”
“Know about what?” Yuu asked back, and Tanjirou couldn’t determine if he was feigning ignorance. “I was just asking.”
Tanjirou gulped the knot on his throat, suddenly feeling stupid about his fascination with his own birthmarks. Science has explanations for these, there must be, so he shouldn’t be bothered by Yuu-chan’s vagueness or Zenitsu’s old stories. He was about to ask the man where he went and why he didn’t see him again, but Yuu was suddenly flipping a page of the book he was carrying over and over again. “What are you doing, Yuu-chan? Looking for something?” Tanjirou tried to peek at the pages, but Yuu-chan pivoted his body around to keep the book out of his sight. “I can help?”
“This is strange.” Yuu flipped the page again like he was trying to see if flipping back and forth would make a change to what was already written in the book. Tanjirou wanted to laugh at Yuu-chan’s endless turning of the page, but the man seemed troubled. “How did this happen?”
“How did what happen?” He was never proud of his nosiness, but it was harmless, he thought. He just wanted to help and stop Yuu-chan from tearing the poor page out of the book. The same book, with three blue lines spreading out horizontally, he was carrying back then.
“I was here to collect, ” Yuu shut the book close, tucking it under his arm once again. “But it seemed I was mistaken. I need to go.”
Collect? Like Nishida-san? Tanjirou wanted to ask, but such things weren’t easy to explain, and he wasn’t even sure he was ready to accept Yuu-chan’s secret, if there is one. He chose not to define who Yuu is, all that matters is that he was there again, talking to him, no longer ignoring him.
Tanjirou knew Yuu was going to disappear again. To where, he had no idea, but at least now, he was sure Yuu wasn’t just a part of his imagination. He felt him, his cold touch, his intense stare. Yet he couldn’t help but feel lonely for no reason at all. “Will I see you again?”
“Perhaps,” was Yuu-chan’s answer which offered no comfort to the boy. Perhaps could mean another seven years, or never again. Perhaps isn’t a guaranteed yes, sounding more like a gentle no. “These meetings wouldn’t benefit the both of us, and could put you in danger. Think of it as breaking the law, tiny human.”
Because more spies will be watching. This he knew, after seeing crisps suits blending in the crowds, peach hair and platinum, purple and aqua eyes. Yet he pulled Yuu to an embrace, burying his face on the folds of his three piece suit. “I stopped dreaming about you. For reasons unknown to me, I kept seeing you in my dreams when I’m running a fever. But when you disappeared, the dreams went away too.”
Yuu removed his arms around his waist, Tanjirou already missing the coldness that seemed to come from every part of Yuu’s skin. He couldn’t read his expression again, but he didn’t expect anything more from the strange man. He speaks vaguely, dresses the same, never aged, so his expressionless face was the least of Tanjirou’s concerns.
“Stay healthy, tiny human.”
Tanjirou snorted at Yuu’s choice of response, turning back to where he left his bike at the konbini. He didn’t want to say goodbye, even when he knew that perhaps he wouldn’t see Yuu-chan again. So he continued walking even when he didn’t hear the man move from his place, because he has his hungry friends waiting for him.
He looked back, hoping to see Yuu watching him leave and walk away.
But like how he disappeared seven years ago, the man was suddenly gone, like he wasn’t even there a minute ago.
He rode his bike back to Zenitsu’s home in a bleary state. Thanks to the numerous trips he made to his blond friend’s house, he found his way even when he didn’t even remember pedalling. He couldn’t feel his legs, his head buzzed, his fingers numb. He recalled grandpa Jigoro asking him what’s wrong and why he looked so pale, before seeing Inosuke’s worried face rushing to him as he slumped against the nearest wall.
He black out a moment after that.
I kept seeing you in my dreams when I’m running a fever.
“That’s not it,” Giyuu sighed, finding it hard to breathe as he watched Tanjirou stumble out of his bike, pushing the gate of his friend’s house with all his strength. That was his fault, for he couldn’t help himself, even when he promised not to bring harm to the beautiful soul again. “It was the other way around. You get fevers because of your dreams.”
“Who are you talking to?” came a voice behind him, but Giyuu didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. Instead, he walked towards the gate of Kuwajima Jigoro’s humble home. He pushed it open, stepping into the other side where his office was. Sabito came in after him, shutting the metal door. “You were supposed to collect a soul today, Giyuu.”
“Who are you, my assistant? So what’s my next schedule?” Giyuu dragged a chair to the table in the middle of the wide room, the only furniture present. His office, much like the others in his line of work, was a high-ceiling room, with a tiled countertop where he prepares teas, coffees, sometimes even sodas, for the souls he brings to the Choosing.
Sabito hauled a tea bag at him, hitting Giyuu on his head, flakes of the dried leaves scattering in his suit. “I wish your brain was sharper than your tongue!”
Giyuu clicked said tongue, wanting to agree because he admits his earlier actions were not well thought out. How could he let a human touch him? How could he not say no, only because those burgundy eyes kept haunting him?
“Kuwajima Jigoro should have died today.” Giyuu pressed his fingers between his eyes, already feeling the early signs of migraine, still wondering what and how it happened because he wasn’t mistaken; he never made mistakes in his job. “I saw his name. It was cardiac arrest.”
“Were you on time?”
He shouldn’t be answering such silly questions. “You know I was never late, Sabito.”
“Were you,” His peach-haired friend sipped on the tea he brewed, holding Giyuu’s periwinkle eyes in an intense stare. “on time, Giyuu?”
Okay, so there was no use lying, and he sincerely believed the slight delay couldn’t hinder death that was already written in the book. He would be guilty if Kuwajima Jigoro’s name was there and that death had simply taken a detour due to his tardiness, but the name was completely gone. Erased, with no sign that it was there before Giyuu left his office, which it definitely was. “I may have been late by a couple of minutes. But it shouldn’t matter because the time of death is absolute even when no collector is present to – “
Sudden realization dawned on Sabito’s face that he was momentarily stuck with his jaw dropping to the floor, and a look of complete disbelief in his eyes. “You talked to a human again, did you? What were you thinking? Were you even using your head like you’re supposed to?”
“He jumped on me from behind! He recognized me-“
“Oh no,” Sabito took the chair opposite him, his shoulders sagging in defeat. He catches his head in his hand, murmuring curses at Giyuu’s stupidity. “It was the same human back then. The human with the gift of Sight. Oh no.”
Giyuu nodded, feeling incredibly frustrated with his inability to follow the rules. “Seven years ago.”
“That was already seven years ago? Yet he still remembered you?”
Giyuu nodded once again, not finding the words to defend himself from Sabito’s unabashed judgment. He couldn’t blame his friend and fellow collector for reacting the way he did, because they weren’t Divines with blessed holiness, nor humans with free will. They were just reapers, tasked to guide souls to the afterlife where they could exercise their freedom to choose one last time and help them decide what they want their fate to be.
He wasn’t human, therefore he doesn’t have the same freedom.
Even if he wanted to see Burgundy Eyes again, not only on the times he was dying, he simply couldn’t choose to do what he wanted.
The clanking of the Sabito’s teacup on the saucer shook Giyuu out of his silent dilemma. His peach-haired friend frowned, the scar on his face more prominent as he pursed his lips in frustration. He once asked the man about his facial scar, which they both agreed seemed to be a birthmark, but Sabito couldn’t recall how and when he acquired it.
“You can’t keep doing this, Giyuu.” Sabito sighed, tracing the patterned yellow and green lines of his own book sitting on the table. “We didn’t know, we may never know, how our presence affects living souls. I’m sure you’ve heard of the myths.”
“I have, but they’re just myths.” Like those about birthmarks, and Giyuu suddenly found himself with the realization that if the myths of men were real, then there’s a chance the myths of the reapers of the old were real too. “No,” he hunched over the table, burying his face in his folded arms. “I messed up. What if – “ Giyuu raised his head, the frantic look in those periwinkle eyes making Sabito flinched. “What if Kuwajima Jigoro’s death took a turn and – “
Sabito reached for his head, shaking it vigorously in an attempt to rattle his brain. Giyuu groaned at the harshness, but was thankful for the distraction. “Don’t think too much of it, Giyuu. If something was indeed wrong, you should have heard from Yorichii-san by now.”
“I swear the name was there!” Giyuu flipped his book open again, trying so hard to prove he was simply mistaken so he could step out of his door to collect the soul. But he couldn’t find the name, couldn’t find the reason why it would just disappear when death was something no one could hinder. Not even the Divines could defy death if They deemed it to be the right time to take back the gift of life They bestowed. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Tan – “
“Don’t speak of his name!” Sabito abruptly stood, his chair tripping over. His booming shriek effectively stopped Giyuu’s string of apologies. “Don’t make another mistake, Giyuu. Remember who we are, and what we bring. Don’t.”
Giyuu understood, for there is a reason souls should only see them after passing.
There is a reason he should never let Tanjirou see him again.
For he brings nothing but death.
Tanjirou should have known.
He tried to whisper, sometimes in his pillow before he sleeps, a wish to see Yuu in his dreams again. But he never had bad fevers again, never got the chance to see the man turn his nightmares into sweet stupor.
He tried to whisper, against the glass pane of the train as it whirred and swayed, words of intercession and petition, begging for a chance to see Yuu once again.
He tried to whisper his name, trying to call for him to come and explain, to let him know that he doesn’t care what he is, to finally understand why he can’t get Yuu out of his system, even after trying to make himself believe the man with the sky in his eyes isn’t real. He wanted to ask him why it felt like Yuu knew him longer than he should have, the same way he felt strangely familiar even when he only met him twice.
Tanjirou should have known that perhaps meant an empty promise, a parting word disguised as an assurance that he will see Yuu again.
For after he touched him with his cold fingers and reached for the scars he was born with, he never saw Yuu again.
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knylinphd · 5 years
Caught making out | NSFW Headcanons
gender neutral
-> Sanemi Shinazugawa, Giyuu Tomioka, Kyojuro Rengoku, Inosuke Hashibira.
-> Obviously, else Inosuke is 18+ else you’re his age since I won’t write an adult fucking a teenager???
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Were you guys dating ? Well, the both of you would say no, but all the other pillars would say ‘yes’. Some of them would even add ‘yes, even more when they’re drunk’.
And right now, you were both drunk, which ended up in Sanemi eyeing you during the whole party while you were laughing with Mitsuri and Kyojuro.
You went to the kitchen, and when you came back, Sanemi grabbed you by your waist and pulled you on top of him. As he was almost laying on the couch, you were laying on top of him when he pulled you down.
You giggled and he kissed you, already pushing his tongue in and leaving a string of saliva when he released you, grinning. At first, the other pillars acted as if they weren’t seeing anything.
Indeed, it was only kisses, so Sanemi himself was talking to the other pillars as if nothing was going on. But slowly, he started to cup your buttcheeks, squeezing them with both his hands.
You didn’t mind, as you were resting your cheek on his shoulder. However, as he started to add more friction by humping slowly your body against his, Obanai lost it.
‘’ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS ? GET A ROOM !’’ He shouted, making half the pillars jump in surprise -as they were actually too drunk to even notice Sanemi and you.
Sanemi simply groaned and pushed you a bit, before Obanai started to talk normally again. The white-haired pillar laughed and looked at you. ‘’We’ll get a room later. You’ll have to wait. It’ll be even better !’’ He said, excited.
Giyuu Tomioka
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Giyuu wasn’t fond of PDA. Well, he was fond of PDA, he just didn’t know how to do it so you were mostly the one holding his hand or brushing your fingers against his cheek.
That’s why most of the pillars thought you guys weren’t doing more than some kisses sometimes. And how wrong they were.
As Giyuu didn’t really talk to them, nobody was shocked whenever he would stay in his room for hours. And as you were dating, it didn’t look weird for them whenever you would sleep in his room instead of your own.
And tonight was no exception. You were in Giyuu’s room, talking about the mission you had just come back from. And you had missed him a lot.
That’s why you were quite touchy with him. Sure, you already were behind closed doors, but now that you had missed his touch, you had to caress his skin, to feel him against you.
And right now, he was laying on the bed, and you were sat on top of him. At first, it was just to tell him about your mission, but you eventually ended up making him horny, sat like that.
You were only kissing him as he was running his hands through your hair when someone knocked at the door and suddenly opened it -at this point it wasn’t even necessary to knock.
You were still sat on Giyuu even though you had released each other from the knock, when Shinobu chuckled. ‘’I’m sorry ! I didn’t know you were back from your mission (Y/N) ! I’ll be more careful next time !’’ She said, before closing the door. You were sure she had planned this. She would never visit Giyuu like that if she hadn’t planned anything.
Kyojuro Rengoku
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The pillars knew you guys were fond of PDA and you really weren’t hiding much neither. How many times they caught you clinging on each other !
‘’Please. Just for once, please. Stop talking about your sexual intercourse for fuck’s sake.’’ Sanemi would say whenever Kyojuro would drink too much and start being very explicit.
You wouldn’t tell as much as he would, but it would still be enough to make Shinobu pissed. And that became a game between Kyojuro and you to make the pillars mad about your relationship.
And right now, Kyojuro was in your room. He was training Tanjiro and his friends, but he had managed to take a break -well, they had a break and he took benefit of it to sneak in your room.
Time for a quickie ? It was always time for a quickie ! Kyojuro didn’t need much time to drive you crazy, as he knew every soft and sweet spots you had.
And that’s why he was already sucking at your neck, your haori long forgotten on the bed. You were still both standing, your back approaching more and more the wall.
And as your hands were starting to get in his pants, the door suddenly opened. ‘’RENGOKU-SAN ! INOSUKE THREW A ROCK AT TOKI-‘’ Zenitsu stopped, blushing.
You took off your hands quickly and Kyojuro turned, smiling at his trainee. ‘’I understand you couldn’t knock. I’m going to take care of that issue, you can go back outside.’’ He said. He was really shameless, was he ?
Inosuke Hashibira
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Inosuke thought he wasn’t acting weird when he offered you to sleep with him. The other boys weren’t here yet, so you just laughed. ‘’I see that look on your face. We won’t fuck in front of them, Inosuke.’’
He laughed when the boys actually arrived, and you rolled your eyes before waving at all of them and going to your own room. (You get to choose ; else in Genya’s room else Nezuko’s but you ain’t sleeping with main 3).
That was without thinking about Inosuke sneaking in your room while everyone was asleep. At first you chuckled, since he was only hugging you.
But when he started to pamper you with kisses, you slowed him down. ‘’Inosuke. There’s Nezuko/Genya in the room. We won’t fuck here neither.’’ He snorted.
‘’Then where are we going ? The corridors ? The living room ?’’ You chuckled at how straightforward he was, but you agreed to go somewhere else, still trying to be as quiet as possible.
Inosuke was sat on a chair, and was nibbling at your skin as you were sat on his lap. He was squeezing your buttcheeks -he really loved them- grinning like a maniac in the process.
You both still had some clothes on, but your boyfriend had slipped an hand in your pants. And suddenly, you saw something from the corner of your eye.
When you looked behind Inosuke, you saw Tanjiro and Zenitsu. They had surely awoken and when they saw Inosuke gone, they looked for him. You pushed his hand and he simply grabbed a random thing from the room to throw at their faces.
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http-kny · 4 years
May I have some hc of being the younger sister of Kotoha (by 4 year), but never meeting Inosuke until later in life because they left to be a demon slayer before Kotoha became pregnant? (I’m sorry if it’s weird ;;)
Anon how dare you read my mind. This went from headcanons to mini-scenario also she’s best friends with shinobu, perhaps even girlfriends feel free to imagine it how you will, and honestly please request more of this because i LOVE the idea of kohota having a younger sister, the things i would risk for that woman, and inosuke having a feral aunt, the idea’s been in my head since i first watched demon slayer. 
Also this become more of an oc situation, thing, she’s still got y/n, but i use ‘she’ instead of you because it flowed a bit better but ya’ll feel free to indulge as much you want! She’s pretty open for interpretation, but she’s like very feral, but aren’t we all.
Spoilers for the manga.
Headcanons — being inosuke’s aunt and a demon slayer
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⏤ Douma was always a little bitch wrong about Kotoha, because she wasn’t dumb or naive, she was perhaps even too smart especially when it came to her sister, so when the day came when she stood before her and pledged to wipe demons from the earth, the same things that had wiped their parents from the earth, Kotoha barely bat an eyelash
⏤ That didn’t mean she was okay with it, far from it, with their parents gone it was Kotoha’s job to keep her sister save and slaying demons was quite frankly the opposite of that. 
⏤ Unfortunately Inosuke’s explosive personality came from somewhere, and where Kohota was strong but gentle, her little sister was stubborn and temperamental. Which was quite funnily enough ( or depressingly depending on how you want to look at it ) the exact reason she let her go.
⏤ Her sister didn’t know about him, the man she was married to, let alone the mother-in-law, and she was certain that if she did know it would end in blood, and her little sister would get herself in irreversible trouble, and even worse, danger.
⏤ So she let her go, although it had taken an argument, the worst one she would ever have even in her short-lived life, and her sister had left, naive, young, and stubborn, never to look back.
⏤ y/n was an adult when she crossed paths with her family again, but it wasn’t her sister, and unfortunately Kohota seemed to have inherited all the braincells in the family because it had taken a while for her to figure out who Inosuke really was.
⏤ He always wore the bore mask at first, which she found weird ( but cool ), and he was almost more aggressive than her, picking a fight with her as soon as she’d walked into the room where he was stationed with the other two new demon slayers 
⏤ ( which by the way she would have totally accepted and she would have totally demolished his ass if Shinobu hadn’t told her she needed her for something )
⏤ The mask may have been weird, but when she saw his face for the first time it freaked her out. Why the hell did this prepubescent feral teenager have her sister’s face, Shinobu did you give me something? Am I hallucinating?
⏤ As it turned out she was not, but Inosuke swore up and down he was raised by boars, and that was logic y/n could just not compete with. 
⏤ “You’ve got the same surname,” Shinobu brings up one day. She catches a glimpse of something breaking behind y/n’s eyes and realizes. “It’s a common name,” y/n answers knowing full well it’s not, but she can’t admit it. If he’s here, alone, raised by boars, that means… She shakes her head.
⏤ But when she heard him hum the song under his breath one day, the one Kohota would sing to her when they were young, every little barrier she had put up over the years, every thought that maybe she should check on her sister, all of it suddenly flood in and she could no long pretend that Inosuke was just some weirdly familiar boy.
⏤ He was her sister’s son, Kohota’s son, Kohota who would certainly love this boy with all she had, who would be there through everything for him, and he was raised by boars, without a mother or father, the realization rushed on her so quick she startled Shinobu when she collapsed next to her in tears.
⏤ After crying ( and making Shinobu almost make a bloodpact not to tell anyone that she could cry ) she had to tell Inosuke, which went as well as one would expect, Zenitsu tried to listen in, but almost went deaf from the screaming and loud crying. “There’s two of them,” he muttered fearfully, “I’m going to be deaf by the end of the year.”
⏤ Well, everyone else reacted about the same way, one feral demon slayer was enough, but now there were two, and they were related, and they were so not a good influence on each other.
⏤ y/n takes about five milliseconds before she takes Inosuke under her wing and teaches him everything she knows from reading and writing to the proper way to fist-fight someone.
⏤ They never talk about Kohota during the the day, but when the sun starts to set y/n opens up, tells him small things bit by bit, makes sure he knows that whatever happened to Kohota she would find out who did it, and she’d make them pay for killing her sister, and for leaving her nephew alone.
⏤ y/n is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to Inosuke, Shinobu swears she’s unlocked some secret mother instinct inside her she never knew she had.
⏤ Zenitsu is absolutely terrified of her and it’s almost outweighed by how insulted he is she’s related to Inosuke. She’s got the Hashibira good looks ( minus the scar running along her cheek which Inosuke says is totally badass ), but she’s absolutely feral, but where Inosuke is animal feral, she’s more sword-fight behind a 7/11 feral. 
⏤ It’s been a very long time since she’s left her sister to become a demon slayer, and meeting Inosuke was the first time she’s ever felt at home again, and through him y/n slowly finds herself opening up to others, but only the ever so sneaky and quiet Shinobu was able to catch the fleeting soft smile on y/n’s face when she looked at Inosuke.
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accessfuckingdenied · 4 years
Fluff of inosuke having a niggtmare about so dying so the next day hes super protective and needy and that night the nightmare comes back he wakes up crying and so realizes why he was acting weird all day so she comforts him and pampers him the next day and that nught holds him close wth cuddles and lullabyes and he sleeps well this time curled in a ball while so hold him
I dunno if it is fluffy enough but I tried-
Warnings: mentions of blood and death
Inosuke and a painful nightmare
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Poor Ino went to bed in a bad mood, caused from his latest mission
He was utterly itrritated and injured, and lots of thoughts flashed through his mind, both bad and good
It took him too long to fall asleep, even after he was snuggled in his s/o
The experience that night was unbearable for him
He was having a dream, a really morbid dream, more like a nightmare
His loved one was so far away.. in the dark void, their face was covered in warm tears, screaming Inosuke's name to come and save them
Alas... he couldn't move nor shout back to reassure he will be there in no time
In the distance you could see Muzan's mischievous grin, right behind his s/o. His nails digging deep in their skin, causing them to scream in excruciating pain
Inosuke couldn't bear it. He was not able to shout or move a muscle, it was unbearable
Out of nowhere, they were taken away in the dark, far away from Ino's sight, only blood to be splashed everywhere afterwards
That left him in utter shock and terror, the poor boy tried to scream his lungs out, but he woke up, shouting in reality instead
He was all sweaty, panting and suffocating, thank god his s/o woke up too and immediately took him in their arms
They let Ino describe what has caused him that, and he timidly explained the nightmare he had
Of course, his s/o reassured him that this will never happen, absolutely never
They began to comfort him and caress his back, throwing him compliments how strong he is and how he will never let such thing happen
Of course our boar boy got excited from all the complimenting and his mood was boosted, he had all that confidence stored somewhere
They tried to fall asleep again, but instead, Ino was still haunted from his nightmare and was staring at his s/o, worried that something similar might happen while they are asleep
However, the recalling of his lover's compliments again raised his hopes up and he was sure he will protect them if a calamity happens
When he woke up he saw that his s/o was up already, he really got the chills, again thinking the worst. The nightmare was still following him
He needed some time to process everything and calm down. So he attempted to think positively and searched for his beloved one
Fortunately, he found them in the kitchen, probably cooking something for breakfast, judging by the pleasant smell
Their morning went well, as usual, but something seemed odd in him
He was more protective and always observed them cautiously, no matter what they did
He was afraid they will choke, impale themselves with a sharp utensil or even burn themselves with hot water
"What?? I am just worried about you, dumbo!"
He always followed them, e v e r y w h e r e like some kind of spy, without them noticing
Inosuke would always shout at them to be careful and approach them to observe how they are doing stuff, really afraid that they might hurt themselves. He was so observant and always followed them
He would also hug them fom behind and kiss them out of nowhere. Ino wanted to be near them
"I want a hug. Now."
Inosuke was so clingy it was almost weird. All these long hugs and caresses, the gentle kisses he placed every 5 minutes. Not that any of them would complain
His s/o noticed his strange behaviour. They wanted to know if what they were thinking is true and told him that they will go to the near forest for water
What Inosuke didn't remember was they had plenty of water in their house
He demanded to accompany them, but they said the spring was a few meters deep, and besides it is daytime
He didn't want to seem strange and he pretended to go to their room and "play with his swords"
He went out from the windows tho and carefully watched his lover go in the forest
Ino felt fear and immediately rushed to follow them, but he didn't know they stopped at one spot, waiting for him
He was embarrased af when his lover giggled at him
"It is not funny! I just wanted to come! It is boring to be alone there!"
When they came back they on purpose hit their hip in one of the furniture, and Inosuke took out his swords
"Are you okay? Does that hurt? Should I shred this to pieces???"
His s/o giggled at his statement and opened their arms for a warm hug and sat down, accosting him
Ino still didn't know why he was so protective throughout the whole day, but they spent the rest few hours in talking and hugging
Yep, it was true. The nightmare caused this
The very same night, Ino had trouble falling asleep, but when he did.. the exact same nightmare came again, only that after the splashed blood, he heard a guttural laugh and saw his s/o's weakened dead body
He woke up shouting and sweaty again, only that this time tears were formed in his eyes and commenced falling down his cheeks
Again, his lover woke up and their heart almost stopped when they saw how anguished he was, so they immediately pulled him closer and wrapped their hands around him
Ino buried his head in their chest, his tears still falling down
"Yes! Of course I am.. how could I not be?"
And they couldn't sleep. Ino was so scared that the exact same nightmare will show when he falls into slumber again. He couldn't stand it
He realized that very nightmare was the source of his demeanor the day before, which of course was normal, since he was able to form a steady bond between him and his lover and he will broke down if they are gone. He narrated the sequence of the nightmare, to which his loved one sighed and gently placed a kiss on his forehead
They tried to calm him down by talking to him and massaging him, it worked and he stopped weeping, but couldn't fall asleep again
Both of them stayed up the whole night hugging and kissing, without talking much as they were enjoying the silence and each other's presence
When the morning arrived, the love birds decided to take it easy this day and relax, not overthinking that nightmare Ino had
This time Ino's s/o decided to make him stay in one place and make him relax and feel loved and calm, forgetting about the dream
They cooked his favourite meals, showered together, brushed his hair and braided it, he was pampered the whole day and whatever he asked for his s/o did it, which were mostly kisses and hugs
As evening approached, they went to their shared bedroom and snuggled under the blankets. Ino's s/o decided to give him one relaxing back massage
Ino of course was being a little turd and started a pillow fight, which eventually turned into a heated make out session
They were going to sleep soon, but Ino was still somehow worried that something might happen, so he wrapped his hands around his s/o and placed his head on their chest, feeling a bit drowsy as he was enjoying the sound of their heartbeat
Ino was smiling the whole time and was so happy that he was blessed with such a divine creature like his lover, he couldn't be more happy
He curled himself in a ball and this is when his s/o began singing his favourite lullaby... he was overjoyed
He almost teared up.. their soft voice and gentle touch sent him to the heavens and mesmerized him completely
Eventually, thank to his s/o's captivating voice and the subtle caresses, he peacefully fell asleep, lightly snoring, his s/o following him after
The dream still couldn't escape his mind completely, but after that night he did his very best to stop thinking about it forever
Hope you liked it!
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dancing-fires · 4 years
Modern AU with Tanjiro uwu
Was the teacher speaking an alien language? What was he even talking about? My mind became muddled as I ran through the lesson in my head over and over again. I hated not understanding concepts. After I finished my cleaning duty, with everyone gone, I felt I could have a little bit of time for myself to study.
My books were strewn across my desk, my pencil twirling in my hand as I frustratedly tried to solve the problem again. Was it like this? No, it was more like this...?  No.. is sine not supposed to be used? Urgh, I don't know!
My head thumped down onto my desk. I can't do this anymore. I don't think I'll ever get it.
"(Y/n)? Why are you still here? It's past 4:00! Are you not done cleaning?" I turned my head to see my teacher, who was leaving his office next to our room. He was peaking into the room with confusion. I blushed in embarrassment.
"Sorry, can I use this room for a little? I'll make sure to lock up after." I smiled in hopes to look like I was fine even though my mind was invaded with repulsive math problems. He squinted at me, before shrugging his shoulders.
"Alright, but make sure everything is tidy before you leave." With that, he left me to my misery. I would have made him stay and tutor me, but I didn't want to be rude. Plus, he wasn't that good of a teacher and would have confused me more than he already did during class.
I rested my chin on my hand, looking out the window. The sun was setting, marking the sky with orange and pink. I couldn't wait for summer break, even though it was a long way away. I needed the break more than anything. I wonder if I could hang out with my friends more, or if I'll still be stuck studying over the break.
"You should hang out with Kamado more, (Y/n)! If you like him so much, ask him out." My friend Mitsuri teasingly smiled at my flushed form.
"I would never! He probably doesn't like me that way," I protested.
I sighed as I remembered Mitsuri's words. It was the last year of high school. Was I never going to tell Kamado that I had a crush on him, despite being in the same class as him for three years? I groaned and thunked my head in frustration again. Great, since my mind can't focus on math, it decided to think about something, or someone, that's just as frustrating.
I couldn't help it. My mind wandered to images of Kamado's cute smile and his cheery voice. He always had friends surrounding him, and everybody loved him. My friends always tease me, saying that he looks at me when I'm not paying attention. I doubt he did though. With so many people around him all the time, what are the odds he liked me? I snapped my head up, there was no way I was going to waste my time thinking about a boy. I mind as well leave if I wasn't going to get any work done.
With that, I packed my stuff and cleaned everything up before I left.
With a whole day to sulk in my feelings, I felt refreshed when I arrived to school. Putting my shoes away in the lockroom, I was chatting with Mitsuri on the latest anime I watched. We fangirled about the main protagonist in particular. He certainly was a looker. I was laughing at my friend's suggestive comments when she suddenly stopped laughing. I frowned at her.
"What's wrong?" I asked. She mischievously looked at me again.
"Pretty boy is looking at you again," she squealed quietly, gently hitting my arm. I blushed. "Pretty boy" was our code name for Kamado.
"Stop teasing me! No, he's not!" I squeaked out. I turned my head to see what Mitsuri was even talking about. My palms felt clammy when my eyes suddenly made contact with red ones a few feet away. His eyes widened like he didn't expect me to look at him. A small blush formed on his cheeks as I continued to look at him with confusion, and he smiled tentatively at me before quickly going back to talking to his friends. One friend, a blonde boy named Agatsuma Zenitsu seemed to see our exchange. He looked at me, and back at Kamado. He leaned over and whispered something to my crush. I obviously couldn't hear, but it must have flustered Kamado because he turned really red. He dragged Agatsuma, and his other friend Hashibira Inosuke, out of the locker room without looking back at me.
"See?!" She excitedly giggled once they were out the room. I shook my head in disbelief. I didn't know what just happened, but that doesn't prove he likes me, I tried to reason to myself. He probably was daydreaming into my face. I did that plenty of times. Mitsuri pouted at my lack of enthusiasm.
"This was the first time you finally caught him looking at you, and you aren't squealing with joy? He stares at you with heart eyes! Heart eyes, (Y/n)! All our friends know it! Why do you guys not make moves on each other? Lame," the pink-haired girl scoffed. I ignored her as we walked to class.
I'm going to the restroom, I'll be right back." Before I could offer to go with her, Mitsuri skipped out the classroom and into the halls. I sighed. I could go after her, but I felt like I should protect our lunches, which were already set out on our desks. I pulled out my phone to text my friends in other classes while I waited for Mitsuri. Kanao, Shinobu, Mitsuri and I haven't hung out in such a long time. I missed it when we used to all be in the same class.
My mind was still hyperaware at the fact Kamado was laughing on the other side of the classroom with his large group of friends. His cheery voice was talking enthusiastically, and I heard a couple of laughter from his group. I always seemed to keep tabs on where he was, although that does seem creepy saying it out loud. I always tried my hardest not to look at Kamado even when we have class together, but sometimes I let my eyes fall onto him during a lecture. Just thinking about his cute, concentrated face as he does a problem, or his face when he's sleepy, makes my heart flutter.
Kamado suddenly stopped laughing in the background, and his group seemed to have quieted down. I would look at him right now just to see why, but I didn't want to make eye contact like last time. I forced myself to continue typing on my phone. I heard footsteps nearing me, but I assumed it was just Mitsuri. I looked up, but instead of green eyes, I met a pair of nervous, red ones.
My eyes widened. What was Kamado doing here? Did he accidentally lose something around my side of the classroom?
"H-hi," he said with a friendly smile. Was he talking to me?? I looked around me, and back at him. I heard his friends giggling in the background. I flickered my gaze at them, and they were all looking at us like they were expecting something.
I felt my heart stop. He probably was dared to talk to a random girl or something. Otherwise, there would have been no other reason to talk to me. We hardly knew each other, other than us being classmates. I shook my head, beating away my stupid hope.
My focus snapped back to reality when I saw Kamado nervously shifting on his feet, and quickly looking back at his friends. They seemed to be cheering him on, smiling, and laughing. Agatsama was giggling so hard that I thought he was going to collapse. I forced a smile at him after I realized I was silent this whole time.
"Hi, Kamado. Did you need something?" I kept up a friendly tone, and I mentally praised myself for not sounding nervous.
Kamado looked back at me when I spoke. Why was he blushing so hard? His eyes barely could look at me directly.
"U-um, I just wanted to say.. that I think that y-you're... really..pre..prett-" He suddenly stopped talking and twiddled his sleeve as he looked shyly down. I was really confused now.
I smiled again to try and make him more comfortable and touched his arm. It seemed to do the opposite because he squeaked and started to visibly shake.
"Never mind, (L/n)! Sorry I bothered you." With a sheepish smile, he ran back to his friends on the other side of the room. His friends looked at him in disappointment. Hashibira slapped him on the back, yelling at him. I couldn't quite hear what he said, but Kamado covered his face with his hands like he was embarrassed.
I was so confused, but I quickly shook off the feeling when Mistsuri came back into the room.
I couldn't do this anymore. I needed help! I thunked my head back onto the desk as I tried to solve the problem. I decided to stay in after school today as well. I volunteered to be on cleaning duty so I could use this room again. If I didn't get it together, I was going to fail the test. It's all Kamado's fault! Ever since our weird interaction, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I thought he was an easygoing person. Why did he seem so awkward when he came up to me?
I shook my head again. Enough with this. I shouldn't think about him anymore. I was done thinking about a guy who probably didn't like me anyway. With a note of finality, I went back to working on the problem, full force. No more liking him. I could totally stop-
"(L/n)?" I heard a cute voice at the entrance. My eyes flickered up. I couldn't help feeling surprised when I saw a certain red-haired boy. I blinked to make sure that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. He was still looking at me.
I cleared my throat. "Oh, uh, hi, Kamado. Did you need something from here?"
He flushed. "I think I left my earrings at my desk. I wanted to get them before I left."
I smiled. "Okay, pretend I'm not here then." I went back to my work. I heard a few shufflings and then silence. I assumed he left, but I didn't look up.
"U-um, so what are you doing here, (L/n)?" My heart jerked when I heard him speak again. He was at the entrance of the door. He didn't leave.
I sighed, embarrassed. "I'm actually using the room to study. I'm having a lot of trouble with math these days."
His eye widened. "Oh! I could help! I kind of understand the concepts." He ran up to me and turned the chair from the desk in front of me so he could sit on the other side of my desk.
I giggled. Of course, he would want to help. He was a really sweet person. He blushed again and smiled at me shyly.
"Y-you have a really cute laugh," he stammered. I blinked at that. Did he just..? I couldn't think too much about it as he took out a pencil from his backpack.
"Oh, so that's what it means," Tanjiro hummed as he erased his answer. I chuckled at him.
"Do you get it now? Or do you need me to help you more?" I asked, playing with his free hand as he wrote with the other.
After helping me that day two months ago, Tanjiro and I got really close. Closer than we've ever been in four years. I don't know when exactly, but after that day, we started to study together after school. He was really bad at literature, and I was really bad at math. It was a good partnership.
"I think I get it now," he said with a teasing smile. His hand I was playing with softly held mine, and his fingers intertwined with mine. His hands were really warm. I blushed, but I cleared my throat to snap out of my lovey-dovey faze. Or else my friends will never stop teasing me!
"O-okay, good work! Let's go then." I didn't let him answer before I gently squirmed my hand out of his, and quickly packed my bag.
"Wait!" Tanjiro grabbed my wrist as I stood to leave. I looked at him, confused.
He was looking down nervously. "Can you.. um, sit just a little longer?"
I tilted my head. "We need to hurry and go to the restaurant. We ordered already remember?"
"I know.. just a little longer though.."He looked at me pleadingly.
I sighed but plopped back down.
"What is it?" I quirked an eyebrow up when he started shuffling in his bag.
My jaw almost hit the floor when he took out a small bouquet of flowers. It was crushed, but it still looked cute. And when he held it towards me, a red blush on his face, I couldn't decide what was cuter.
"Are those.." My wide eyes took in the flowers, still in disbelief.
"I-it's for you, (Y/n)..I'm sorry it got crushed.." his small voice said. Tanjiro looked at me hopefully as I took it from him.
"Thank you. They're really pretty." I smiled at him and softly smelled the flowers.
"You're more beautiful." My eyes flicked back to his nervous gaze. My heart started to beat faster as I realized what he just said. He spoke again shyly.
"I really like you, (Y/n).. I always did, but I was always too shy to ask you out. My friends always told me to talk to you, but I felt so nervous around you all the time. I'm so glad we were able to become good friends because I would have been devastated if I was not able to become close to the girl I like. So.. before our last year ends, I wanted to tell-"
He couldn't finish his sentence because I gently dropped the flowers on the desk, and leaned over to wrap my arms around him. I felt him hitch his breath when I snuggled into his neck.
"I really like you too, Tanjiro. I always did. I'm glad you told me because I was too shy to confess myself."
Leaning away, I gently kissed his cheek, and giggled when he turned red. He looked down with a small grin.
I sat up. "But we really need to leave. I hope they didn't throw out our orders yet." After we packed our things, I held his flowers with one hand and held his hand with the other.
I tried to drag him out of the school gates, but he held me still again. We were so close to leaving. Why did he stop? I looked at him, confused. His eyes looked at me nervously.
I couldn't finish my sentence because before I knew it, under the cherry blossoms of the school, Tanjiro leaned down and softly gave me my first kiss. I felt my eyes close after a split second as he brushed his lips gently against mine, and I grabbed his sleeve tightly. After a few sweet moments, he leaned back slowly.
When I opened my eyes, he was sheepishly smiling at me with that cute smile, and I couldn't help but like him even more. But we really needed to get to the restaurant.
So, I grabbed his hand, and we ran as fast as we could.
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Feelings Are Weird
What happens when you have a small group of Demon Slayers together, and let them stay at the Butterfly Estate for some well deserved rest? Well, normally the same thing goes as always, some Shenanigans of teens, and such. But, today was different, weird emotions formed from unknown reasons, or perhaps they were always been there. If that being the case, Inosuke didn’t understand what this new feeling was in the slightest.
Chapter 1 
Down at the Butterfly Estate, there was some on goings as one would think out of the small group of what you could call clowns, they had just gotten done with a mission with a group of lower class Demons from a village nearby. Though, there was a lot of them swarming around, so it made fighting a bit harder over all.Yet, they all managed to get out of there, with some gashes and bruises! Which is new, since normally someone comes out of this with a broken bone or two! While everyone was resting in their respective beds, Nezuko was gently clawing at her brother’s bed, almost in a worried dog manner as her big pink eyes stare over at his light crimson ones. Tanjiro would smile at this action, reaching a hand out to pet through her locks softly, making sure she knew that this was a reward for fighting so well that night. “Nezuko, you did so good, I’m proud of you, everyone was safe.” His tone soft, since that’s the tone he normally spoke with in general. As Nezuko made a small grunt noise, moving her head a bit more into the hand, the wholesome interaction didn’t last very long as the door was slammed open. There stood Inosuke covered in bandages around his stomach, and chest from where he got slashed at. The boar mask on his head, the cold dead blue eyes staring at the pair of siblings, and even over to the left spotting Zenitsu watching Nezuko, probably. ‘What a weirdo.’ Was all the feral boy could think before making his way over to the rest, apparently he needed different treatment due to how deep his wounds were, but nothing too serious. Quickly, he would launch himself to Tanjiro’s bed, and land right on his own chest at the end of it. Is body bends forward, letting his legs hang over his head, it looked rather uncomfortable to say the least. But, not for Inosuke, no, it felt like nothing at all. However, the other’s could not say the same, while the demon girl looked on rather blank as normal, Zenitsu started freaking out from how someone could even bend like that, and worse with wounds. “HOW ARE YOU EVEN DOING THAT!? YOU SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO BEND-YOU MONSTROUS BOAR! EVEN WITH WOUNDS!” He yelled, pointing at the other, as he would find himself tearing up from just emotions alone. That’s when a hand rose, and would be placed on the other’s snout, giving a squeeze as Tanjiro stares down with a worried look over his face. “Inosuke, you shouldn’t do that sorta stuff, you know it’s not good for your wounds. You’re still hurt you know.” That kind, and gentle tone caused a spark in Hashibira, as always. Quickly, he sits up, placing his hands on his thighs as he would find a blow up right away, raising his arms up waving them around. “I’M FINE! I CAN BEND TOTALLY FINE, NOTHING EVEN RIPPED, LOOK SEE!?” He would try to go pat at his stomach, but Tanjiro quickly catches his hand, applying some pressure so he couldn’t move it as much. “Don’t do that! You shouldn’t be messing with your wounds, it does you no good, but cause more pain!” He states yelling back. Zenitsu held his hands up to his ears, not able to understand how they both could be so loud like this, and consider it normal. “OI, OI, YOU GOT A PROBLEM TANKORO!?” “It’s TanJIRO!” Raising his voice a bit, and would catch the boar teens other hand since it was going to the same place, now holding his arms above his head. This was very childish, but what else did he expect from Inosuke? Meanwhile, in the brain said Inosuke, he would become dead silent. Only letting their breathing become the only sound in the room, under the mask, the green orbs stared intensely at the other, almost in thought about what he should do next. However, he grunts a bit from the wounds, and moving around to much and goes limp on the spot. “GAHH!! HE PASSED OUT!?” The blond yells clinging to the blankets under him, Nezuko makes a confused humming noise as she tilted her head to the side watching. All the while, Tanjiro loosens his grip a bit, and his eyes soften. “Don’t tell me...you haven’t slept at all, have you? Since getting back here, you’ve been awake..” He mutters, even though the other two would be able to hear him, that didn’t really matter. Now being focused on the knocked out boy.
“Mmnnh..” For what seemed like hours of being out, Inosuke had begun to stir and wake finally. His body felt horribly heavy at the moment of awakening, not really able to adjust as fast as he normally could have. Though, something was off, that being the boar mask, no longer hiding away his face. The soft black locks, that faded into blue would curl around his oddly soft face. His eyes flutter a bit more, taking a second to take his surroundings. “Ah, you’re finally up, I figured you would eventually.” That kind voice rings into his ears, causing a small surge of energy, he would get up quickly, and hunch over in his spot. A wild look crosses his face as he would stare at Tanjiro who was across the room from him. “Tsk, bastard, you put me here didn’t you!? What kinda plan was this to let my guard down!?” However, he was met with a small chuckle, causing him to choke out a growl and his eye twitches. “What’s so funny?? You really want to fight, eh??” Though, that oddly drained feeling took him over, and would hold onto his head when trying to get up. Even before that, Kamado would move over to Inosuke holding a bowl of water, with fresh bandages. A small smile on his face, though his eyes also held worry in them. “You shouldn’t move so much, here let me-” The wild slayer would make a noise scooting away fast, and would jump onto his feet. Now wearing a yakata, who had time to undress him!? Ghh, he snarls moving to grab the wall, and try climbing that to escape the torment of being patched up. But, that didn’t last long as the back of the yakata was grabbed and tugged back with a strong force that could only belong to a certain male. “Why are you so damn president!? This is stupid, I’m fine-!” “Inosuke, please let me heal you! I promise it won’t take long!” After that, it went into this weird silence, the dark haired teen looks over his shoulder with an unreadable expression for once before puffing his cheeks out huffing.”...Fine! But, just because you being my underling, and being so worried..” Voice trailing off for a pretty good reason, this always felt weird to get this sorta treatment from people, he’s still not used to it. Inosuke was now rested on his knees, and would stare at Tanjiro for a second, he felt no shame when slipping the clothing off of his shoulders, slowly sliding it down his form so the top half would pool around just above his waist. Showing off his upper half completely now, the look he gave was almost grumpy, uninterested. However, the red head was giving a beaming smile over his face, placing the bowl down next to him as a rag was held. “See? This isn’t so bad.” Now reaching his hand out to start wiping at the blood, taking his time gently dabbing at the marks, cleaning off the dried blood, and making sure everything was okay. “Does it hurt still?? I think they put ointment on you before, but I didn’t know if it’s still in effect or if you need more.” Even though the words, and voice came out of Tanjiro’s mouth, Inosuke couldn’t hear anything, finding himself too distracted by the other’s kind features, the red eyes, how they held different colors in them yet managed to keep this fire tone in them. Though, he’d never admit he could feel it, but the kindness and purity could be felt from the male in front of him. Causing his chest to do something weird, to tighten, as his stomach was in small knots. The rag making contact should have stung, but it seems the ointment given did the charm. Not his concern though, because now his mind was cloudy with different, new thoughts. Thinking back when Tanjiro would smile at him, obviously any other time it would piss him off, make him angry. Not this time, it was doing something weird to his body, now causing a small tinge of pink to start dusting over his face. Just thinking about how the other would help him, be kind even though he didn’t deserve it. Inosuke was getting annoyed, it made him angry, more of not understanding what this feeling even meant!! Why did it make him feel all hot, and sick without actually catching a fever. The hand on his shoulder was about all that knocked him out of his weird state of mind. “Huh?” Green eyes met red, as Tanjiro would tilt his head a bit. “You’re getting all flushed, and you smell different. Is everything alright?” Moving himself a bit closer to try to decipher what the smell might actually be, to pinpoint what he was getting. Past the Earthy tone, mixed with spice, there was a hint of sweet thrown into the mix. But, one with a confused{?} lingering, he wondered if something happened while Inosuke was dreaming, before anything else could be asked, a small hand is shoved in his face and shoves Tanjiro back away or was trying to. “STOP GETTING SO CLOSE, YOU’RE NOT THE ONE MEANT TO GET INTO OTHER’S SPACE, CUT IT OUT, YOU CONFUSING BASTARD!!” He yells, looking angry, as the skin was flushed with a darker tone of red now, his eyes widen as he looked shocked by what was going on. “I’m fine! When am I not fine, look at me, I’m so great!” He starts laughing loudly, quickly though, his mouth was covered by Tanjiro’s hands. Placing another finger to his own mouth, causing a shushing motion. “Everyone is asleep..you’ve been out all day, you have to keep your voice down.” And just like that, Inosuke does listen to the other, but prys the hand off as he sticks his tongue out a bit. “Why should I care? But, fine, I’ll do it anyways.” For some odd reason, he listens to Tanjiro a lot when he tells him things, maybe since it wasn’t that bad? Not the problem here, there was a new issue raising now. “Inosuke..your hands..” “Hah? What about them??” Raising a brow, while furrowing them too, seeming confused by the other’s actions. “You got a damn problem with my hands?!” Oof, that was a weird nerve strike for him needless to say. Kamado would blink a few times, before snickering and intertwining their fingers together. “They’re just smaller compared to mine, maybe bigger than Nezuko’s. But, small to mine..” That fade from the other’s voice, he almost seemed breath taken by this little fact, that look on his face read into so many different emotions, he seemed in a stuck state. However, Inosuke wasn’t having it, he groans shaking his head a bit, trying to pull his hand away. Face nearly on fire at this point, unable to hide this now. “L-Let me go!” A stutter, Tanjiro felt a weird twinge to his heart, he would make a small cooing noise as he would squeeze their hands. “Hehe, I don’t know, do you not wanna hold hands, does it make you nervous?” Almost sounding...smug? Ooh, that sparked the other male, stopping his struggles for a huff, an animalistic noise as a reply. “I’m not shy, nEVER IS THE GREAT INOSUKE SHY, I’LL SHOW YOU!” That’s when his other hand came up, grabbing Tanjiro’s other hand, and stares at the already busy ones. Taking him a second to figure out what he was doing, before trying to replicate. It didn’t work the first time, taking another try before locking them just right, there he gives a smug grin, with a sneer as he felt proud of himself. “See!? I told you so! I can totally do this, and it be better than what you do!” Another small laugh passes, however, Tanjiro would just stare, that feeling creeping back over. Watching how the hair bounces nicely around Inosuke’s face as he laughs, the way his lashes would flutter with every blink. Seeing him happy made the slayer feel weird things. A small blush dusts over his cheeks. ‘How cute, has he really always been this adorable?’ Before much longer, the laughing stopped. Hashibira was staring at him for now with a blank expression, realizing that Tanjiro had been staring at him in a weird way. He makes a weird noise pulling his hands back finally, and into his own lap. It felt like steam was coming off his face from this whole interaction. “Ah..I should leave you to heal, hm?” A hand reaches out petting Inosuke, scratching a bit at his head, as a bewildered look crossed his face. “W-What the hell-” “I figured you deserved some pets, as a reward for doing well today, and letting me help with your wounds a bit more.” He said, finally pulling his hand away and moving to stand up. “We should go back to the room where everyone is, yeah? It’s been awhile, they’re probably knocked out.” Inosuke had huffed and grunted getting up, not bothering to fix his yakata as he followed behind him. It was seconds before returning to the main room where Zenitsu was fast asleep, and Nezuko was curled up on Tanjiro’s bed waiting for him to get back. “G’night Inosuke, we’ll be able to recover more tomorrow.” Saying tiredly as he felt a wave of sleep wash over, noting how long he was up waiting for Inosuke to wake up. He would crawl into his own bed, and gently move his sister to the side, and pull her near him. He pets her gently, causing the girl’s body to react, curling against his side and breathing softer than before. Now clinging to Tanjiro’s clothes finally feeling easier at rest with her brother here. The wild teen was watching them for a second, wondering what it was like to have something like that, bluh, what a stupid thought to have. He didn’t want to think about pointless things, he was fine being on his own. HUFF. Inosuke moves to his bed, not wanting a lot of cover over his body as he finally shoved his face into the pillow to get some more rest. Though, it’s hard to focus on sleeping when that damned Tanjiro’s smile was stuck in his head, making this night a little rougher for him. What does this even mean, god damn it.
Author’s Notes:
This is my first time writing a fic for this series, and I’m not very far in yet! I stopped at chapter 34, but, also tried taking note and better look at the characters where they currently are at for myself! Once I manage to fully catch up, they’ll all be written better and more clear for the future, for now I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this short series! 
Extra Notes: Posting this here from my Fanfic.net profile, figuring this might be a good promotion for the lil cute series I’m doing there!
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rirururu · 5 years
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We five shippers of TanZen have to stick together! Thank you for the kind comment about my fanfics. I hope the quality of my stories isn’t dropping.
Sorry but this story isn’t an AU. I hope that’s okay with you (・:゚д゚:・)
Click here for ao3 version or go to “Keep Reading.”
When even Tomioka starts sending him weird looks, that’s when Zenitsu starts panicking.
He’s quite proud of himself for not doing it sooner, thank you very much! This craziness has been going on for two weeks (two!) and yet Zenitsu managed to accumulate everything he’s built up from his training as a pillar to his numerous victories on the battlefield to definitely and calmly not freak the hell out.
It started with the girls at the Butterfly Estate sneaking glances at him and giggling behind his back when they think he can’t hear them. Never mind that they usually make a point to stay as far the heck away from him as possible, Zenitsu wasn’t blind enough anymore to believe otherwise, they were still acting strangely.
Then there were their subordinates in the black masks. Zenitsu usually sympathized with them. With their nine to five jobs in addition to overnight shifts acting as everyone else’s pawns, the blond occasionally wonders how he didn’t end up on that side of the job chain. But when he returned to his room after hearing a rustle under his bed from across the yard only to discover one of them snooping around in his belongings- one of those belongings being a painting of Gramps’ peach blossoms, that’s when Zenitsu officially lost all sense of camaraderie for them.
There wasn’t much change in Kanao. She was acting the least suspicious, possibly due to the fact that she was the best at keeping a straight face out of everyone in their friend circle. At least, Zenitsu thought so until she came up to him after a meeting on a rainy afternoon and asked if he wanted to get his hair braided. At that, he runs a finger through a strand absentmindedly. He’s grown it out in the three years since they first met.
“It couldn’t hurt to try.” He told her then, oblivious to Kanao’s slightly increased smile.
They emerged not even an hour later. Zenitsu was not amused at the outcome. A three-strand braid hung loosely on his left side while a completely embarrassing golden butterfly clip was fastened on his right. Everyone stared horribly at him. He knew he looked ugly, okay?!  No need to rub it in-! When even Tanjirou ran out of the room without a word, red-faced and sound playing a quickened drumbeat that shook the leaves, Zenitsu vowed to never get his hair done ever again.
Genya was positively awful. Granted, he didn’t have the calmest countenance but whatever little peacefulness he reached inside of him was thrown out the window whenever Zenitsu so much as walked in his peripheral. His face would twist like he was constipated, knuckles white, and just when Zenitsu expected the guy to pounce on him in absolute rage, complete with the blond himself squeaking and cowering in the corner, all the man uttered out was a wheezy “good luck.” Then he bolted out of there. What three words described this more than what the hell?
The worst of them all was Tanjirou.
To put it simply, Tanjirou was avoiding him. There was no sugar-coating it. They’d been together for two years now. Sharing short pecks on the cheek, lips, forehead, even wrists, anywhere they felt like kissing that day in between missions was often times what kept them sane when demons were tough and losses were great. The nights that he spent curled up against him and sharing fears and hopes, drowning in the summer that was Tanjirou’s sound were plenty. When they were unfortunate enough to be sent to different towns, at least one of them always made it a point to bring a trinket or story back for the other. Overall, it was the happiest two years of Zenitsu’s life.
So when all of that was suddenly gone, Zenitsu couldn’t help but wonder where he went wrong.
Evidently, that had to be the case. He’d happily jump back into Tanjirou’s arms if the other didn’t stop offering them, so Zenitsu had to have been the one to mess up somewhere. It made sense, so much horrifying sense! Those looks everyone sent him, why Kanao and Genya had been so kind, why the girls kept gossiping about him behind his back, it had to have been pity! Pity at what, you ask…? Don’t be idiotic! The signals were all there. The targets were set and all Zenitsu could do was sit and wait for the inevitable shooting.
Tanjirou was going to break up with him.
Zenitsu did not cry. He felt like he couldn’t until he heard the words directly from the source- the beautiful and harmonious source containing all the warmth in this world who finally and rightfully decided that he was too good for Zenitsu.
So when Inosuke knocked on his sliding door at the inn they were staying at for the night, something about Tanjirou wanting to speak with him, Zenitsu took a deep breath, keeping the tears at bay. When the boar man led him outside at the dead of night, fireflies littering the garden with light, Zenitsu focused on the silent buzz of life so to not scream. The echoes of Genya and Kanao’s presence somewhere nearby so to watch the disaster that was Zenitsu unfold kept him grounded.
There Tanjirou was. Seated on a bench under the cherry blossoms, he looked and sounded as lovely as ever. Amber eyes turned to him, hair illuminated into a warm brown by the reflection of petals in the pond. With nerves frayed at the edges of a fond smile, he let out an almost inaudible “Zenitsu.”
What was that supposed to mean? “-Tanjirou.”
“N-Nice evening we’re having, right?”
“Yeah…” This was so wrong. Both of them were nervous. Their conversation was awkward, their greetings so formal that Zenitsu suddenly felt like they went back in time and regressed to before they were even friends. The thought stung. Some part of him registered Inosuke retreating back to the building with a strange gait in his walk. Zenitsu plowed on before he knew Tanjirou could pick up on the utter misery in his scent. “Look, let’s just get this over with.”
At that, the other’s face scrunched up in confusion. “What do you mean?”
God, Tanjirou didn’t deserve the guilt and burden it took to utter the words. He was too kind. Despite the context, not once did Zenitsu ever detect a hint of pity or disgust in the rhythm of his soul. He had to take the initiative for him, no matter how much each breath drove a knife somewhere inside of him.
“I know the signs, Tanjirou. I-I really appreciate it, you know?” At that, his voice broke an octave. The off tune made Zenitsu want to hide away in shame. “All this time that we spent together. Even though I clung to you and screamed and yelled so much, you stuck by me anyway.” Zenitsu blinked back tears, god what was he even saying?! Why on EARTH was he dragging it out? It took him a while to realize that he was choking on something invisible that felt like his stomach. “You en-encouraged me so much. You encourage everyone and bring the best out of all of them. Being with you-”
“Zenitsu, wait.” Seeing those golden eyes wet with an emotion that he never wanted to see, Tanjirou scurried off the bench in panic. Leaving behind the box of mochi that Genya taste-tested for him, dropping the embroidered fan that Kanao helped him sew, he made to encircle his arms around the blond only for the other to step back. The motion hurt in a deeply embedded way that had Tanjirou realizing just how much power Zenitsu had over him. “Zenitsu…?”
“Let me finish.” He breathed. If Tanjirou were to hug him now, Zenitsu knew he would break and beg for him not to leave. He had to make this easy for him despite the sobs he knew were raiding his throat. “Being wi-with you was like a dream-! It’s a dream that I never want to wake up from but that I know I have to some day.”
“What are you… saying?” Tanjirou reached for him again but failed when Zenitsu took another step back. It began to frustrate him. It frustrated him that he continued looking at Zenitsu like that. It frustrated him even more when his sound jingled a mix of worry and confusion.
“Tanjirou, for Pete’s sake- PLEASE stop playing dumb! You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?” And the cat was out of the bag. He felt it like a bucket of ice cold water when Tanjirou’s song suddenly went quiet; not silent but slowed by horror and guilt. “It-It’s fine!”
It was not fine. “I TOTALLY get it! Why be stuck with the guy who cries and complains all day, right?!”
He was even crying and complaining right now. Damn it! Zenitsu was such a virus on everyone’s skin. He wished he could just stop! “When you’re so brave and strong and willing to help everyone in your path, having me cling to you must be annoying. I GET IT! Tanjirou, you’re not wrong for wanting to cut me off and- and, it’s totally OKAY! We’re OKAY! I’M OKAY! AND-”
Zenitsu’s voice dies when Tanjirou does the last thing he ever expects. Rather than slap him or walk away or even comfort him, the sun breather plows his knee into the ground, practically attacking the grass with the force of his legs. Unsheathing a small black box from his pocket like he would a sword in battle, flames burn in his eyes and he screams at the top of his lungs. “WILL YOU MARRY ME?!”
There’s silence, nothing but the splash of koi fish next to them.
Zenitsu thinks he hears Inosuke give a whoop from somewhere in the building only to be shushed.
Tanjirou snaps out of it first, cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as he realized what he just did in an attempt to clear up the misunderstanding. “W-What- no, wait…! I was supposed to give you the gifts first a-and…! There was this fully paid dinner we had waiting inside- that’s why you were brought t-to this town. I even a-avoided you so you wouldn’t find out about the surprise because I can’t keep a straight face but… oh my god!”
“Tanjirou…” Zenitsu couldn’t think. He couldn’t see. He couldn’t hear. Everything that he dreaded in the past two weeks was magically gone from his head. All he could comprehend was Tanjirou. “Is that true?”
“Is what tr- yes. Everything I just said is true.” The boy before him, still on one knee, is flustered but not enough to mess this up any further. “I truly want to marry you, if you’ll have me…”
Could Zenitsu really be blamed for bursting out crying right then?
He thinks for once in his life, he couldn’t.
So he cries, bawls like a baby before tackling the love of his life into the floor. Inhaling the sound of his summer and life- his Tanjirou- right by his neck, fingers buried in the other’s clothes, Zenitsu feels his entire soul uttered alongside his next word.
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kamisamawrites · 4 years
Like the Sun and the Moon
Chapter 11: Love Is Bittersweet
Chapter Index
Waking up the next morning, beams of light streamed in through the window, illuminating the room. Squinting, Makoto brought a hand up to block the blinding light.
Her pounding headache was now replaced by a fuzz. She was feeling much better but found her body quite stiff and sore.
Carefully sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she ignored the stinging in her back before quickly realizing why she felt so stiff.
Shaking her head in amusement, Makoto did her best to stifle her laugh. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t help the way her lips tugged upwards or how her eyes softened at the sight in front of her.
Inosuke had taken over her futon, thus leaving her the cold, hard floor. She would have been mad if she didn’t find it so funny. His mask sat next to her things, allowing her to see his sleeping face. 
Without even realizing it, she had brushed his bangs away, causing his face to scrunch up a bit.
Chuckling, she couldn’t help but think back to the night before. 
Breathing out a deep sigh, Makoto couldn’t help but feel guilty for making everyone worry. Inosuke especially so. Not only did he believe in her when she didn’t, but he had also saved her from the frog demon, and was there when she woke up. He was always there when she needed him.
“I should… do something about that…” she murmured.
Silently sitting there, Makoto’s gaze eventually fell to her things. Staring at them, a frown pulled at her lips before hesitantly reaching over, grabbing her hairpin. Tracing the petals with her fingers, her dream resurfaced to the front of her mind. If she closed her eyes, she could still feel the way he wrapped his arms around her, or his breath against her skin. 
Breathing out a sigh, her shoulders drooped at the memory. 
Feeling soft footsteps approaching her room, her hands fell into her lap as she turned to look at the door.
Watching Aiko enter the room, she smiled at the young girl.
Aiko’s eyes widened in surprise. Opening her mouth to speak, her gaze drifted over to Makoto’s futon, only to find Inosuke sprawled out in it. Her face scrunched up at this and Makoto couldn’t help but chuckle as the young girl uttered something under her breath.
“Honestly,” she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Walking in, Aiko ignored the sleeping boy as she made her way to the other.
“How are you feeling?” she asked, placing the back of her hand to the older girl’s head.
“Much better now,” Makoto smiled.
Taking the towel on the floor, Aiko couldn’t help but sigh.
“That’s good to hear. Everyone was extremely worried when we found you. This one especially so,” she said, throwing Inosuke a glare.
“It took a lot of convincing to get him to calm down, and even then, he was practically glued to your side,” she huffed.
Hearing this, Makoto’s eyes widened as a sheepish laugh slipped past her lips.
“I-I see… I’m sorry that Inosuke’s causing you trouble,” she softly said, awkwardly smiling at the young girl. 
Heavily sighing, Aiko merely grumbled in response, brushing the demon slayer off.
“It’s fine, I get it! It’s only reasonable that he’d be worried,” she said, hanging the towel over the rim of the water tub.
“On brighter news, your temperature seems to have gone down. I think after a night’s rest, you should be good to go,” Aiko hummed.
Nodding, Makoto fiddled with her fingers before asking, “How is everyone else doing?”
“It could be going better,” Aiko confessed.
“Lord Hisakawa has been doing his best to help the demon’s victims, but it’s been difficult. Lord Jun’ichi has also been having a hard time,” she explained.
“I see… is there anything else that I could do?” Makoto asked, worry lingering in her voice.
“There’s not much anyone can do. We just have to push forward,” Aiko said.
Watching her closely, Makoto couldn’t help but notice just how exhausted and worn Aiko looked. Letting her gaze drop to the floor, shame and guilt rose inside her chest.
“There has to be something…” she mumbled.
The two were quiet after that, the room silent if not for Inosuke’s soft snoring.
Standing up, Aiko made her way towards the doors of the engawa. 
Beckoning Makoto over, she said, “I want to tell you something, but we should let him sleep in peace.”
Sitting together outside, the early morning sun shone above them.
“Lord Jun’ichi is a good friend of mine,” Aiko started, breaking the silence after a minute.
“We’ve known each other since we were little, so no matter how much he tries to deny it, I can read him like an open book,” she laughed. 
Sitting quietly, Makoto nodded. Just by looking at her, she had a feeling there was a lot Aiko wanted to say.
“But… a lot has changed since we were kids,” she said, her voice growing quiet.
“Back then, everything seemed so bright for us. We used to think things would always stay that way. Just me, Jun’ichi, and… Tamiko…”
Aiko fell silent after that, her words sitting in the air. 
“You see, Jun’ichi he… well… let’s just say he didn’t take Tamiko’s engagement well. After the wedding, he started cooping himself up in his room and refused to leave or talk to anyone,” she sighed.
“I… see…” Makoto murmured, realizing what Aiko was trying to say.
“But you know, he’s been doing a lot better after all of this,” Aiko said, her voice, hopeful despite its hollowness. 
“Seems he just needed to almost die before he stopped acting like a fool,” she bitterly laughed, rolling her eyes.
“I-Isn’t that a little harsh? Heartbreak isn’t an easy thing to overcome,” Makoto stuttered. 
Squeezing her hands together, she could feel a bead of sweat roll down her cheek. She felt almost as if she needed to defend the Young Lord’s actions, and that alone made her a little uneasy.
“I understand that, but even so! … Honestly, I should have just listened to Lord Hisakawa when he told me to stay away. I would have never been wrapped up in any of this if I did…” she mumbled bitterly. 
Despite her words, Makoto could tell she didn’t mean any of it. Behind the annoyance in her voice, Makoto could hear all the pain and worry she was hiding behind the anger.
Taking a deep breath, Aiko visibly calmed down before saying, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to ramble. I guess what I’m trying to say is… Thank you. If it weren’t for you two, I’d doubt we’d even be alive right now.”
The morning sun bathed Aiko in its light as she turned to Makoto, her childish grin catching the other off guard.
“So don’t say you haven’t done anything, or that you need to do more because you’ve already done so much,” she said.
Standing up, she wiped the imaginary dirt off her kimono.
“Now, I’ll go get you guys some food. Try and get your partner up before I get back,” she said, voice stern as she turned to leave.
“Wait, Aiko!” Makoto called out, causing her to turn.
“Yes?” she asked, quirking her head.
“Um…” Makoto stuttered, a hand rubbing the back of her neck.
Taking a deep breath, her voice was quiet as she said, “Thank you, Aiko. Your words… helped lessen my worries.”
Watching her with wide eyes, Aiko’s face lit up with amusement as she chuckled, “Honestly.”
Later that afternoon, Inosuke sat quietly on the engawa. Watching the clouds slowly make their way across the blue sky above there was nothing for the demon slayer to do.
Stretching out the soreness in his back, the sun felt nice on his skin as he bathed in its warmth. He could hear birds chirping in the distance as he went back to cloud watching. All in all, things were peaceful. 
And… he was bored.
Sighing, he felt antsy, but he didn’t want to train alone at the moment. He would have gotten Makoto to spar with him, but she had run off somewhere with Aiko.
Grumbling, he fell onto his back with a soft thump.
Letting his mind wander, the image of Makoto’s flushed face popped back into his head. She was supposedly feeling better now, but she had been so warm the night before that he just wasn’t sure. He didn’t want her randomly collapsing again. 
Not only that but he found himself feeling a little disappointed that she wasn’t around. It was strange. He just found himself enjoying her company the longer they traveled together, and was almost at ease when she was around. 
At first, he had thought it was from all her weird perfumes, but he wasn’t so sure anymore. Although her lack of presence secretly terrified him a bit, there was just something else about her. 
He didn’t get it, what was so special about her? What was she doing that made him feel like this?
“Ugh! This is stupid!” he grumbled, scratching the back of his head.
“What is?”
Snapping his head up, Inosuke found the Young Lord standing in front of him. He was looking better than he did the other day. 
Standing in the garden, Lord Jun’ichi was wearing a white and blue kimono, but what caught Inouske’s eye was the strange-looking mallet and ball in his hands.
“Is there a problem?” Jun’ichi asked again, approaching the older boy.
“That’s none of your business!” he snapped, flopping back down.
Humming, the Young Lord didn’t bother to hide his irritation. He was just trying to be polite after all.
Sighing, Jun’ichi was just going to leave when Aiko’s voice suddenly reemerged in his mind. He grimaced at the memory of her scolding him, saying how he needed to be more open with others.
“You sure? I might be able to help,” he offered once more.
“Yup!” Inosuke assured him flatly.
About to just call it quits and leave, Inosuke’s sudden question caught him off guard.
“Hey, what’s that thing ya got?” he asked, staring intently at the toy in the young boy’s hand.
“This?” Jun’ichi asked, holding it up.
“It’s… my kendama,” he replied, seemingly hesitant for a second.
“Kenda-what? What’s that? It doesn’t look strong enough to do anything,” Inosuke said, sitting up.
“What? No, this is just a toy. Have you never seen one before?” Jun’ichi retorted.
“Nope,” Inosuke’s blunt but honest answer took him by surprise.
“No way, really?” he asked skeptically.
“So what if I haven’t! I bet it’s not even that cool anyway!” Inosuke snapped, annoyed and embarrassed.
Staring blankly at him, Jun’ichi couldn’t help but laugh, flabbergasted.
“Whatcha laughing at huh?!” Inosuke barked, his mask hiding his red face.
Sitting down next to him, but still keeping his distance, Jun’ichi uncurled the string connecting the ball to the handle. 
Holding up the wooden red ball, Jun’ichi explained, “This is the “Tama”, and the handle is called “ken”. That’s how it gets its name.”
Dropping the ball, Jun’ichi easily uses the handle to flip it up into the air before catching it in one of the cups. He repeated this action, swiftly turning the handle and letting the ball swing with each toss.
“Pfft, that looks boring,” Inosuke scoffed, eyes glued to the toy.
“Really now? It’s actually kind of tricky,” Jun’ichi mused, catching the ball in his free hand.
Freezing up for a second, a million thoughts seemed to go through the young boy's head before turning to the demon slayer.
“Wanna try?” he hesitantly offered, holding the toy out for the older boy.
Scoffing, Inosuke took the toy suspiciously. Flipping the ball upwards, he moved the handle to catch it, only for the ball to smack the snout of his mask.
The two were quiet as the ball swung silently in the air. The only sound around them being the chirping of birds and rustling of leaves. 
Turning away, Jun’ichi hid his grin behind his kimono sleeve as his shoulders trembled.
“I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!” Inosuke shouted, tempted to just chuck the toy at the young boy.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh!” he giggled, doing his best to keep his snickers from escaping.
“I was really bad at first too, it’s hard. It took me years before I got to where I am now,” he tried reassuring him.
“I’LL SHOW YOU, THIS IS NOTHING!” Inosuke shouted, taking the other’s words as a challenge.
The two went back and forth like that for a while, with Inosuke trying and failing to mimic Jun’ichi’s moves. What was once a begrudging attempt to be more friendly turned into something of a friendship. Jun’ichi couldn’t help but find Inosuke somewhat endearing, or at least amusing. 
Watching him finally starting to get somewhere, Jun’ichi couldn’t help but be reminded of the many hours he spent playing with Aiko and Tamiko.
A frown pulled at the corners of lips as his heart ached at the memory.
Pulling his knees up, Jun’ichi hummed, “Tamiko was the one who got me that. She made it look so easy when she was teaching me…” 
Watching the boy from the corner of his eye, Inosuke said nothing as he concentrated on catching the ball.
“She got it for me because I couldn’t go out and play with the other kids. I… wonder how she’s doing…?” he asked out loud, resting his head on his knees.
“How the hell would I know?” Inosuke quirked a brow at him, his statement catching the boy off guard.
Taking a second to process his words, Jun’ichi laughed, “Yeah, that’s a dumb question huh?”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re asking the wrong person. Why don’t you just go and see her?” Inosuke rolled his eyes, turning back to the toy.
Jun’ichi went quite at that, shaking his head.
“I… can’t…” he mumbled behind his knees. 
Inosuke quietly watched the boy from the corner of his eye. Jun’ichi looked as if his world was crumbling right in front of him, the pain of everything crushing him.
“What? Did she move after her wedding or something?” Inosuke asked, causing the boy’s head to snap up.
“H-How do you know she’s married?” he sputtered surprised. 
“I overheard Paiko talking to Monpocho about it,” he shrugged.
The two were quiet again as Jun’ichi processed Inosuke’s words.
“Ah…” was all he said.
Breathing out a deep sigh, his face scrunched up in annoyance.
“I hope she wasn’t saying anything unnecessary…” he grumbled, eyes darting away.
“She was talking to Makataro about how you made her worry after becoming a hermit. Why’d you become one anyway?” Inosuke questioned, eyeing him under his mask.
Watching him grumble under his breath, the boy's eyes darted away bitterly. He was quiet for a long time before taking a deep breath.
“I… guess I’ll tell you…” he muttered.
“I grew up with Aiko and Tamiko, and although we were all friends, I… I was in love with Tamiko,” he said, his shoulders drooping.
“Love?” Inosuke repeated, placing the kendama down.
Nodding, Jun’ichi continued.
“I knew she only saw me as a little brother, and that she’d never feel the same way but… but I still…” he trailed off, unconsciously holding himself.
“I… Even if others say that I’m too young, too naive to understand, it doesn't change how I feel towards her,” he said, voice a little strained.
“When I saw her smile, I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest. I was so happy whenever I saw her but now… it also hurts…” he mumbled.
Jun’ichi’s words sat in the air, silence filling the void.
“Wow. Love sounds like it’s a really shitty thing,” Inosuke thought, not realizing he said it out loud.
Staring back at him in shock, Jun’ichi blurted, “W-What are you talking about?! Why would you say that when you have the Miss?”
Inosuke’s confusion must have been obvious as Jun’ichi quickly picked up on it.
“Are you two… not… together?” he hesitantly asked.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re the only one here with me,” Inosuke retorted, crossing his arms.
Realizing the predicament he was in, Jun’ichi could only sigh.
“Nevermind,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“But still… Love isn’t a bad thing,” he said, his gaze faltering to the ground.
“I don’t get it,” Inosuke growled, his irritation evident even with his mask on.
“You keep talking about how much it hurts to be in love and yet it’s not bad? You some kind of gross masochistic or something?” he demanded, causing the boy to laugh.
“Uh- no, I’m not into that stuff,” Jun’ichi chuckled. 
“It’s just… it’s complicated. When you’re in love, everything seems to be a hundred times better when you’re with the one you like but… it also makes it hurt that much more when you can’t be with them,” he explained.
Silently taking in his words, Inosuke… didn’t have anything new to say. Even after Jun’ichi’s explanation, he couldn’t help but think that the young boy was being foolish. 
He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe… that’s just what love does to people…?
The two were suddenly interrupted however when Aiko opened the door to the room. Spotting Inosuke, her eyes lit up as a grin grew on her face. Entering the room, Makoto sheepishly followed behind with a plate of food in her hands.
“Ah! So you were here,” Aiko chirped.
Turning around surprised, Jun’ichi greeted the two girls while Inosuke not so subtly stared at the food.
“Miss, Aiko, welcome back,” he said.
“I’m sorry for stealing Aiko all day, it wasn’t my intention…” Makoto smiled, clearly a little nervous.
“It’s fine, it’s like not much happened here anyway. I just hope she didn’t tire you out,” Jun’ichi shrugged.
Chuckling softly at his comment, Makoto awkwardly smiled back at him. Seeing this, the Young Lord didn’t bother to hide his heavy sigh. 
“That’s beside the point right now!” Aiko cut in, pulling Jun’ichi up from his seat.
Saving her complaints, she pushed Jun’ichi back towards the door while shouting over her shoulder, “Anyway, we should get out of your hair. Call me if you two need anything!”
After they left the room, the two demon slayers were left alone as the setting sun bathed them in its orange glow. 
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knylinphd · 5 years
inosuke x fem!reader | proper outfit [sequel]
inosuke hashibira x reader
female reader
The boys come back from their meeting with the pillars, and they encourage Inosuke to confess to (Y/N).
no warning
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I said I didn't have any idea to write a sequel when I published the first part, but I got one so here it is I love my baby boar boi inosuke...
that ended up longer than my usual stories but it's inosuke idc he deserves it
        ''She's gonna kill me, she's gonna kill me...'' Inosuke kept muttering on his way to the future pillar's house. Of course, her haori was going to get dirty, that wasn't a problem. But he had torn it open, trying to fight Zenitsu yet again, and that was something she would be mad at. ''You're the one who started it, I didn't mean to-'' Zenitsu started, but Inosuke cut him off by groaning. The boar boy knocked on the door, and a little boy opened it. ''Grandma ! Oh, no.'' He was surprised -why was she gone again ?
''(Y/N) ! It's Inosuke !'' The boy said ; not that he had seen the said teen often, he was rather young -which meant he was new in the household. He had seen him maybe 2 times ? The 3 boys entered in the house, and (Y/N) walked to them, greeting them. Immediately, Inosuke tensed up. ''Do I look that sick you're scared ?'' She asked, arching an eyebrow.
''You're sick ? N-no, I can't tell, I-I-I... tear it off.'' He said, showing the hole in the haori. The girl simply stared at it, taking it back. ''Hm, I knew giving it to you would end up in a mess. There's a reason you don't wear fucking clothes, hm ?'' She wasn't really asking him, but she just put the haori somewhere else, giving the boy his boar head back. Meanwhile, Suni hugged Zenitsu and greeted the other boys, giving them some fresh and clean clothes.
''We prepared your beds already, you just have to take a bath and eat !'' Suni said, proud of herself. ''Why are you so proud ?'' Tanjiro asked, a smile on his face -he really liked this house. ''Because (Y/N) is sick, so we did it ourselves ! Grandma isn't often home nowadays, so (Y/N) was supposed to be taking care of house.'' She explained.
When it was time for dinner, Inosuke had forgotten about the chapsticks already. ''I hope you didn't eat like that in front of the pillars.'' The girl said. ''Of course not.'' He replied. However, seeing the look on his friends' faces, she understood that he lied. But she was too sick to deal with it.
The next morning, however, she felt much better. Not enough to yell at Inosuke nor train, but enough to take care of the kids and to wake the boys up. Once she was gone, Zenitsu grinned at Inosuke. ''Are you going to kiss her today ?'' He asked. The boar boy groaned. ''I don't even see the point of it. You spent 3 whole days explaining what that was and I still don't understand why you want me to do it.'' Tanjiro giggled. ''Didn't you say you would've preferred to sleep in a room with her than with us last night ?'' And that single sentence made Inosuke groan and hide his face. Then, they got ready and put on their usual clothes.
While Tanjiro and Zenitsu spent their morning playing with the kids, Inosuke went outside ; (Y/N) was laying against a tree, reading. He put his mask on top of his head, without hiding his face ; she had some biscuits with her and he was sure going to eat some. He slipped under her arms that were holding the book, his head against her chest. ''What are you doing ?'' He said, and how he slipped made the girl giggle. ''I'm reading.'' She said, not taking her eyes off the book.
''Can I take some biscuits ?'' He asked her, trying to meet her gaze even though his back was facing her. ''Wow, you asked ! Sure, go ahead then.'' She said, laughing. She didn't have to tell him twice. Inosuke was looking at the pages of the book as well ; there were some illustrations with it. ''What's written there ?'' He asked, pointing a line. ''I'm not there yet, but 'she loved him, because she knew she was sad whenever he was gone'.'' Oh oh, maybe that line was too real.
''Did you write that ?'' Inosuke asked, which made the girl burst into laughter. ''No ! I don't write books !'' She said. But he was genuinely confused. ''But you're sad when I'm not here, so you love me, right ?'' (Y/N) coughed. ''It's not the same ! I'm sad whenever someone's gone for a long time.'' Now, she looked serious ; Inosuke had turned so he was now facing her -even though he was laying on her- and could see her expression had changed.
''You know I didn't mean not to see you and the kids. I just got hurt badly and we had to stay at the Butterfly Estate for some months.'' She nodded. ''Oh come on, you weren't that mad when you sent me to the hunter exam ! I could've died.'' He said, his usual angry tone back. ''As if.'' She simply replied, not taking her eyes off her book.
But as Inosuke kept yelling that close to her face -and was now moving too much his head so she had to move the book to be able to read- she stuffed a biscuit in his mouth. That managed to actually shut him up, and he started to eat more biscuits, leaving her alone. Finally, he slowly drifted to sleep, hugging her. They had always been close, maybe not as much as one sleeping directly on the other, but maybe the barrier between them had changed enough to allow it.
''What ?'' Tanjiro asked Zenitsu, who was frozen in place, his eyes widened. ''L-l-look !'' The blonde gasped, pointing to Inosuke sleeping directly on the girl. She had fallen asleep as well, after some minutes. ''Inosuke's sleeping on her boobs ! It's the best pillow that has ever existed !'' He said, jealous. ''How do you know ? You never tested it.'' Tanjiro said. Zenitsu groaned, but quickly ran back inside when he saw a little girl walking to their friend and the girl.
''(Y/N) ! We've prepared the food ! I don't want to wake up the scary boy...'' she whispered. But she managed to wake up (Y/N). She thanked her, and shook Inosuke a bit to wake him up -his boar mask had fallen, so she started to scratch his scalp. ''We have to eat. We slept for a long time, I'm sure we're not going to sleep tonight.'' She said. He woke up like nothing had happened, and went to eat.
''Zenitsu wants to marry every girl he sees. But he knows you're friends with Inosuke and he doesn't want him to hurt him.'' Tanjiro said, eating. The children were eating in another room, mostly because they didn't want to bother the 'big ones'. (Y/N) laughed. ''Do you even know their name when you ask that ?'' Zenitsu frowned. ''No... I don't even kiss them.'' The girl laughed again. ''Kissing is not important if you don't even know their name !''
''Have you ever kissed anyone in your whole life ?'' She asked, right after. ''... No. But Tanjiro hasn't kissed any girl neither !'' Zenitsu said. ''Maybe, but he's not trying to marry them.'' She replied. ''Have you ever kissed someone ?'' The blonde asked, grumpy. ''Yeaaaah, once ! It was weird, I didn't try to do it again.'' She replied. Inosuke threw whatever he was about to put in his mouth. ''UHHH ?! AND IT WASN'T ME ?!'' He asked. He was sat right next to her. She snorted. ''Well, obviously not ?'' He gasped. ''Who it was ?!''
''Katsuki.'' He growled. ''KATSUKI ?! ARE YOU KIDDING ?!'' Oh. The blonde was enjoying the show. ''Yeah like, we were childhood friends and when we were like 15, we wanted to know how it felt like. But it was weird.'' She said, as if it was normal. Tanjiro hummed. ''It's because you didn't like each other.'' The girl nodded. ''Yeah, I think so.''
         ''BUT I'VE NEVER KISSED ANYONE ! IT'S NOT FAIR !'' Inosuke kept yelling. ''Well I had my first kiss at 15, you're 15 too now, go kiss someone.'' The girl replied. However, the boar boy let some words slip : ''No ! Cause if I have to kiss someone it has to be you !'' (Y/N) arched an eyebrow. ''Why ?'' Inosuke simply froze, his face turning red, and started to stuff as much food as he could in his mouth to avoid answering.
        (Y/N) had to go to the other room to help the kids, and it was the moment for Zenitsu to laugh at Inosuke's blushing face from some minutes ago. ''You want to kiss her ! You love her ! That's why you don't want me to marry her !'' He said. Inosuke frowned. ''I thought you had understood that last time we were here.'' He replied. ''But she loves you back, doesn't she ?'' Tanjiro asked. ''I don't know, she let me be close to her.'' Inosuke was thinking.
          However, Zenitsu, even though he could be very annoying sometimes, was still his friend. ''She had an arm wrapped around your shoulders while you were sleeping. She must love you back.'' Tanjiro smiled at his friend's statement. Inosuke blinked a few times. ''Really ?!'', ''Yeah, you should ask her to kiss you.'' Tanjiro replied.
          The brunette knew she would be confused or even laugh if he was asking her. But he knew her, and he knew how to make her kiss him. That's why when she went to the boys' room to wish them a goodnight, he threw a pillow at her. ''Old woman ! You have to teach me how to kiss !'' She arched an eyebrow. ''17 isn't that old.'' She simply replied. ''Whatever, we're not old like you, we don't know how to do that !''
         She giggled. ''Why ? You wanna kiss each other but you need help ?'' Inosuke growled and ran to her. She had noticed he was going to run after her, so she had started to run around the house as well. At some point, she stopped, stopping him too by pushing his chest when he had caught her. ''The kids are sleeping ! The kids are sleeping !'' She whispered.
         ''I need to know how to kiss !'' Inosuke explained. ''With me ?'' He nodded. ''Why don't you kiss me then ?'' (Y/N) asked. ''Well, I've never kissed anyone before, you're the experienced one !'' She snorted at the word he used. She wasn't really experienced like he claimed. ''Okay, then !'' The girl said. Inosuke blinked. ''Really ? Like that ?'' She nodded.
        ''I've taught you a lot of things, I can try to teach you that. I don't know much myself neither.'' She explained to him how to do it. ''... Like I have to chew on your lips ?'' She laughed. ''God, no ! Please, don't do that !'' After trying to explain better, he nodded, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
          She put an hand on his chest to support herself, and grabbed his cheek with her other. Then, she kissed him -at least she tried to be better than the first time she had tried. When she pulled away, Inosuke's eyes were widened. ''Can you do it again ? I'll be better, I'll do it like you !'' He said, as if he wanted to beat her.
         Thus, she did, and this time, Inosuke kissed back, putting his hands on top of hers. He even closed his eyes ! When she pulled away, she had a huge blush on her face, because he had gotten into it, much more than she had. He grinned at her reaction. ''So what ? I was better than you ?!'' The girl nodded, slowly, staring at him. Inosuke laughed. ''AHAH ! SEE ?!'' But suddenly, (Y/N) found her composure again. ''You're going to be sick too.'' She said. ''I never get sick.'' He replied, making her chuckle.
         After a moment of silence, he spoke up. ''It wasn't weird, right ? It felt... nice.'' He said. The girl nodded. ''Yeah.'' He grinned. ''Monchiro said that if it wasn't weird it was because of love ! So I was right ! You love me !'' He said, triumphant. ''But you love me too.'' She replied. ''UH ?!'' Inosuke groaned, that usual shocked face he does. ''Maybe I do ! So what ?!'' His eyebrows were furrowed, and his head was turned to the side. Still, it was obvious he was blushing.
          ''When you'll be a pillar I'll see you more often, right ?'' He muttered, quite fast. She nodded. ''Yeah, but I hope it won't be because I have to save your ass.'' She said, which made him bite his lower lip, pouting. ''If you're stronger in fights, I'm stronger in kisses anyway...'' He said, which made the girl laugh. ''Yeah. And it's late, Inosuke. Go to sleep.'' She was about to walk away, until he gripped her hand, tightly. ''Only if we kiss again ! I'm so strong at that game !'' She giggled. ''Sure !''
         That said, he pulled her close to him, cupping both her cheeks before kissing her. ''I promise I'll see you more often, just like before I became a hunter !'' The brunette said, quite calm. He was rubbing his thumbs against the girl's cheeks, which was pretty calming, even for him. She nodded, putting a hand on top of one of his and resting her cheek against it.
          ''I can't believe he got a girl first !'' Zenitsu whispered, crossing his arms. ''Well, he has been knowing her for a long time. Maybe you have to meet a girl and in some years you'll be able to kiss her.'' Tanjiro said, trying to comfort his friend between some giggles. Suddenly, Zenitsu gasped. ''Oh, Nezuko-chan ! In some years I'll kiss her !'' The boy frowned. ''No. Not her.''
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knylinphd · 5 years
inosuke x fem!reader | proper outfit
inosuke hashibira x reader
female reader
Inosuke shows his friends a girl that used to take care of him before he met them.
warning : a spoiler abt Inosuke’s childhood but it’s in like one line only and there is no detail since a bitch is anime only and actually doesn’t know much abt it herself
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Inosuke, Tanjiro and Zenitsu had won a battle against demons. However, they had some scratches, and it was still the night. ‘’We can’t go to the Butterfly Estate for a few scratches...’’ Tanjiro said. ‘’Are you kidding ? We have blood all over our bodies !’’ Zenitsu replied. ‘’You two, I know somewhere we could go. We won’t have to call the insect girl again we can just go there. They know me.’’ They didn’t know much what he was talking about, but they followed him, anyway.
Inosuke actually knocked. There was an isolated house, and all the lights inside showed that there was someone in there. A little girl opened the door, and gasped. ‘’Inosuke ! (Y/N) is going to be happy to see you !’’ She said, excited. She ran into the house. ‘’(Y/N) ! INOSUKE’S BACK !’’ But the boar boy didn’t follow her, as Zenitsu and Tanjiro remained silent, waiting.
That’s when a girl arrived. Immediately, the two boys saw Inosuke’s body language change. ‘’He has a crush.’’ Zenitsu whispered, making Tanjiro snort. But then, the girl walked out of her house, and Zenitsu jumped ; he could understand why his friend actually had a crush on her.
But she actually hit the boy’s face, his mask falling in the process. ‘’ARE YOU SERIOUSLY SHOWING UP AFTER 6 MONTHS ?!’’ Inosuke took his boar head from the ground, and groaned. ‘’YOUR SISTER SAID YOU WOULD BE HAPPY TO SEE ME !’’ (Y/N) was about to say something back, but she noticed the two boys. ‘’... You got friends ?’’ She asked, still looking at them. Inosuke nodded. ‘’We have missions together but when we’re hurt we go to the Butterfly Estate.’’ Tanjiro said.
The two boys introduced themselves, and bowed. ‘’That’s why I couldn’t see you !’’ Inosuke said, his eyebrows furrowed. ‘’But we’re hurt so we need somewhere to go.’’ He continued. (Y/N) slowly nodded, and told them to come in. ‘’I’ll cook you something. You’re lucky we always have some food in case you show up.’’ The girl said, going in another room.
‘’She’s yelling at you but she missed you.’’ The little girl from earlier said, when she saw Inosuke sit down. ‘’I know. But she was training anyway, right ?’’ He sounded calm. And that was very weird for his friends to hear. The little girl nodded, smiling. ‘’Grandma is outside today. It’s only (Y/N) who’s taking care of us.’’ Tanjiro frowned. ‘’Outside ? That late ?’’ The girl nodded, but seeing his confused expression, Inosuke explained. ‘’She used to be a pillar. She’s training (Y/N).’’ That was another proof for Zenitsu that the boar had a crush on the girl ; he remembered her name.
‘’Suni, go run a bath for them.’’ The little girl stood up and ran to execute her order. The oldest looked at Inosuke for a moment -the food was being cooked. ‘’You didn’t wash your hair like I told you to.’’ The boy jumped. ‘’How can you tell ?! Do you know how difficult it is to find those flowers ?!’’ She rolled her eyes. ‘’I can tell, that’s just it. Zenitsu’s hair looks soft, he surely uses the same as those you’re supposed to use.’’ Oh, the mention of his name made Zenitsu all happy.
Some minutes later, while (Y/N) was still cooking, two little girls -Suni included- came to the boys. ‘’Your bath is ready ! But we had to find some old clothes for you.’’ She said. They nodded and followed her, the younger girl following all of them behind. Tanjiro had thought that the bath was just a tiny source of water they would have to share -but it was actually a whole jacuzzi-looking thing they could all enjoy until dinner was ready.
Dipping into the water, Tanjiro and Zenitsu decided to finally question Inosuke about this place. ‘’Before I became a hunter I met (Y/N). One day I cut myself so she brought me home with her. It’s actually a place where orphans are getting fostered. Demons are eating their parents, thus a former pillar takes them home with her. But (Y/N) actually really is her granddaughter.’’
Zenitsu interrupted the story by saying the girl was cute. Inosuke only threw water at him and told him not to try to marry her. ‘’Continue your story, Inosuke !’’ Tanjiro encouraged him, smiling. ‘’Her grandma healed me, and throughout time I always went there when I was hurt. But (Y/N) was getting more and more powerful, since she’s trained to be a pillar, and she was often the one taking care of me. Her little foster siblings like me too. I used to always go there even after I’ve become a hunter, but since I met you I’ve been going to the Butterfly Estate with you.’’
They knew that Inosuke had been a bit raised by a grandpa and his grandson -but they didn’t know that when he became older, he actually found another family to take care of him. After their bath, they directly went back to the dining room ; actually, the children had already eaten, so it was more comfortable for them. Inosuke pushed Zenitsu, who was about to seat. ‘’I’m the one eating next to her !’’ He shouted, referring to (Y/N).
She actually didn’t say anything, until she suddenly grabbed Inosuke’s plate. ‘’Uh ?! What are you doing ?!’’ She furrowed her eyebrows. ‘’If you want to eat with your hands, you chose the wrong house.’’ She said, calmly. Inosuke groaned. ‘’Use your chopsticks or you don’t get to eat.’’ He nodded, quite angry, but did as she said anyway, making Zinetsu and Tanjiro impressed.
During dinner, the two boys talked with (Y/N), and actually got along with her. That didn’t go unnoticed, since Inosuke got jealous and rest his cheek against the girl’s shoulder, who acted like that was normal. Suddenly, she asked : ‘’Is your demon eating something ?’’ Tanjiro jumped. ‘’Yeah. I know. You thought you could bring a demon to a pillar’s house without her noticing it ?’’ (Y/N) asked, still with an unemotional face.
‘’You’re not a pillar yet, old woman.’’ Inosuke muttered. She arched an eyebrow. ‘’I’m 2 years older than you.’’ They started to fight, but Inosuke lost quite rapidly since he still had some wounds -even if the two little girls from earlier had left some bandages and everything they needed when they ran their bath, it was quite easy to take care of.
However, the three boys’ birds arrived, all yelling. ‘’Tomorrow, meeting with the pillars ! Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke are asked to go meet the pillars with the demon Nezuko !’’ (Y/N) smiled. ‘’Nezuko ? That’s a cute name.’’ That made Tanjiro mirror her action, and of course Inosuke groaned and wrapped his arms around the girl’s waist, pulling her against him and hugging her tightly, staring at the boy.
‘’Here is your room. Tomorrow I’ll wake you up for your meeting. Do you want to take a bath in the morning, though ?’’ They nodded, and the girl wished them a goodnight. When she left the room, Zenitsu started to laugh. ‘’Inosuke ! You soooo have a crush on her ! That’s so funny !’’ The boy immediately enraged, throwing his pillow at the blonde. ‘’Shut up ! She’s been taking care of me ! If you try to ask her to marry you, I’ll kill you !’’
‘’INOSUKE SHUT THE FUCK UP !’’ They heard her yell, from another room. They also heard some laughter coming from the youngest children, but they brushed it off. The boar groaned and turned in his bed, after taking back his pillow. ‘’See ? I’m being yelled at because of you, you dumb fucking crybaby.’’ That said, he didn’t pronounce any other word and actually feel asleep.
The next morning, the girl woke them up, jumping on Inosuke’s bed to do so. He actually didn’t complain ; that was surely something they used to do when he was often there. ‘’Nezuko actually woke up during the night. But I told her her name so she didn’t do anything, she only went back to her box. I said you were sleeping.’’ She said, looking at Tanjiro. He thanked her, and Inosuke hugged her to show him that she was his, again.
After their bath, once again, they went to eat. This time, at least 6 children were with them, all of them being younger than (Y/N). ‘’Your chopsticks ! Stop eating like a pig !’’ She yelled at the brunette. ‘’UH ?! DON’T SAY I’M A PIG !’’ He yelled back, taking the most of her food he could take and stuffed it in his mouth. ‘’DISGUSTING !’’ She shouted, looking at him.
‘’Don’t do that, uh ?!’’ She warned the kids. They nodded and ate correctly. ‘’I’m sure you didn’t even try to read anything.’’ She commented, after throwing chopsticks at Inosuke’s face. He actually used them. ‘’We’re trying to make him learn. It’s still difficult.’’ Tanjiro said, and (Y/N) nodded. ‘’Why don’t you yell at him ?!’’ Inosuke groaned. ‘’Because he’s not disgusting.’’ She simply replied ; and that actually made herself laugh.
When it was time to go, however, she grabbed Inosuke’s arm. ‘’You’re going to meet the pillars in that outfit ?’’ The girl asked, Inosuke being half-naked and wearing his boar head, as usual. ‘’Why wouldn’t I ?’’, ‘’The pillars, Inosuke ! Dress properly !’’ That said, she went to another room and came back with a hunter uniform she threw at his face. ‘’Come back with that on. And without that head.’’
He groaned, but he actually executed her orders. When he walked in, she immediately smiled, and touched his chest, now that it was covered. ‘’You look so good in that ! You should wear it often.’’ She commented, while taking off some dirt from his uniform. ‘’You’re not done yet, though.’’ Inosuke arched an eyebrow, even though he was blushing furiously that she had touched his chest. Actually, she took off her haori, leaving her in her own uniform only, and put it on Inosuke.
‘’But that’s your pillar haori...’’ He said, that little face he does whenever he feels giddy. ‘’I know. And they know that next year I’ll join them. Maybe they’ll recognize it.’’ Still, Inosuke shook his head. ‘’But it’s not something you’re supposed to let people borrow !’’ But she didn’t care. ‘’So what ? I can’t let you walk there without a proper outfit. And look how handsome you are !’’ She commented, a smile on her face, playing with his hair.
‘’Inosuke Hashibira. You’re a very good looking boy.’’ A voice was heard ; it was the grandma. ‘’Kids ! The boys are going back home !’’ (Y/N) said, suddenly taking a step backward when she caught her grandma -she didn’t want her to see her that close to the boy. Immediately, all the kids from the morning came to hug all of them -and Suni especially took a liking in Zenitsu.
Grandma walked in the house and they ran to her instead, following her in the living room after she bowed at the boys. ‘’You. I want my haori back. I have your pig head in hostage.’’ (Y/N) said, looking at Inosuke. He nodded. But the girl took a serious tone. ‘’I don’t want you to not give any news for 6 months ever again.’’ He actually snorted.
‘’You thought I was dead ?’’ He mocked, a cocky smile on his face. She turned her head to the side, tsking in the process. Inosuke laughed hysterically. ‘’Like I would die before you !’’, ‘’Shut up ! If you don’t come back I burn that fucking mask.’’ He laughed, which made her pout. Tanjiro had forced Zenitsu to go outside not to interrupt them ; it was obvious they were close friends and needed some intimacy.
Noticing her pouting, Inosuke suddenly hugged the girl, without even controlling his actions himself. ‘’For once you don’t smell disgusting.’’ She commented, as to act like she wasn’t flustered. She was used of him hugging her tightly because he was jealous, but not a genuine hug, with him pressing her face against his chest. ‘’I’ll come back, okay ? I’m sorry I was gone.’’
But (Y/N) acted like she didn’t hear it. ‘’In front of the pillars, you eat with chopsticks, you don’t say the f word-‘’ he cut her off. ‘’And I bow and show some respect. I know. I listen to you, you know.’’ She gave him a toothy smile, looking at him. ‘’You don’t embarrass me wearing my haori. And I want it clean.’’ She said, suddenly getting serious.
Inosuke rolled his eyes. ‘’Yes.’’ He said, turning his head to the side. The girl giggled and kissed his cheek, before taking a step backward. ‘’Then you can go ! Bye Inosuke ! Come back with my haori so I won’t burn your boar head !’’ She said, waving. He briefly waved at her, joining his friends outside. ‘’Did you kiss her ?’’ Zenitsu asked, sounding serious. He only received a punch in his head as an answer.
yall. I know I have to write for other characters. I couldn’t help it okay it’s my little boy inosuke...
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knylinphd · 5 years
zenitsu agatsuma x fem!reader | butterfly estate
zinetsu agatsuma x reader
female reader
Zinetsu gets interested in a nurse from the Butterfly Estate, but now that he's really interested, he doesn't know what to do.
no warning
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''What you should do is close your mouth, cause nobody cares about you complaining !'' Aoi shouted at Zenitsu who, once again, refused to take his medicine. Her attention was caught by a noise of a door opening, just behind her. ''Oh, long time no see ! You're done slaying demons ?'' Aoi asked a girl. She didn't have a butterfly in her hair just like all the other members of the Butterfly Estate. However, her haori had butterfly patterns. ''I don't have any mission anymore, so I'm back.'' The mysterious girl replied.
Zenitsu had become silent when she entered the room ; another hunter ? And a girl ?! She had to be a part of their group. ''What's all that noise ?'' She asked, turning to him. Aoi groaned. ''That boy over here don't wanna drink his medicine ! He's the one who got poisoned by a spider demon and now his limbs are tiny.''
The hunter walked to see the boy more closely, and laughed. ''That's so cute ! You look like a child !'' She said, still giggling. And that made Zenitsu flutter. ''I'm (Y/N) (L/N) ! You killed one of the demons that were being a pain in the ass, thanks !'' The girl continued, bowing as she introduced herself. The boy was only able to stutter : ''Z-Zenitsu A-A-Agatsuma.''
After a proper introduction, (Y/N) went outside to check on Inosuke and Tanjiro -that she had met just before looking who was yelling like that. Zenitsu, on his side, just took his medicine like a good little boy after that. ''If you shut up whenever she's around, I'm going to ask her to always come.'' Aoi commented.
         (Y/N) stayed for a few days, until it was time for her to go back on a mission. When she finally came back, Zenitsu's limbs were grown back, but he and Inosuke had decided not to go to the trainings anymore. However, the girl was a part of those trainings. Indeed, Kanao was there for the speed, the reflexes, and the breath, but (Y/N) was here for the strength. And Zenitsu knew it wasn't his thing so he was discouraged even before starting.
           And oh boy, how jealous he got. Strength was Inosuke's thing ; so he got to train with (Y/N) the most often, and she actually seemed cool enough for him to manage to befriend him. That's when Zenitsu decided to snap and stood in front of (Y/N), determined. ''I wanna fight you !'' He said. She simply blinked and replied : ''Okay ?'' unsure of why all that theatricality.
        She actually beat him easily. Maybe it was because he was frozen to be that close to a girl he actually really liked. Tanjiro noticed it, of course -even though Inosuke was just yelling at the blonde to do something. However, after that embarrassing moment of having his butt kicked, the thought of impressing his new crush was enough for Zenitsu to train more and more, and actually succeeding in a lot of trials -still without spilling the tea on the girls.
         Throughout days, the three boys got closer to all the girls of the Butterfly Estate, that's why (Y/N) insisted on telling them she had to go on a mission, instead of them finding out she wasn't home the next morning. ''(Y/N) ? Where are you going with your katana ?'' Zenitsu asked. ''She's going on a mission, dumbass.'' Inosuke muttered, which made the girl giggle. ''Yeah. It's near the mountain you guys got hurt. But I have to go alone, so I guess it's a tiny little demon that can be killed easily.'' She commented, confident.
          ''And you're not scared ?!'' The blonde asked, shocked. Why would they send a beautiful girl like her to the mountain they almost got killed at ?! ''Why would I ?'' She asked, an eyebrow arched. But she didn't wait for an answer before waving at them and going on her mission, Kanao waving at her as well.
         Zenitsu was worried. And Inosuke couldn't understand why ; he wasn't the one being sent for once, so he should've been relieved instead. But Tanjiro knew. ''You like her, right ?'' He asked, a smile on his face. The blonde froze. ''HOW DO YOU KNOW ?!'' As if it wasn't obvious. ''You're frozen when you have to fight her, and you're always trying to impress her. Oh, and you take your medicine when she's the one telling you to.''
          He couldn't believe it. He had been obvious during all that time ? ''But how do I do to make her like me back ? I don't want to ask her to marry me, you always tell me it's not how we're supposed to do it...'' He genuinely seemed lost. Like he had really thought that asking random girls to marry him was the right way to have a girlfriend. ''Yeah, you didn't do that, that's a good point. I think she would've kicked you.'' Tanjiro chuckled at the thought. 
          ''But how do I do it, Tanjiro ?! How do I make her like me ?!'' Zenitsu shook his friend by his shoulders. ''Well, I-I don't really know ! I never asked a girl out ! I don't know just tell her how you feel ?'' The blonde gasped. ''And what if she rejects me ?! I will have to carry the shame forever ! And what if we ever come back here ?! I'll see her again and I'll be humiliated !'' Tanjiro sighed.
         However, when (Y/N) came back, a few days later, Zenitsu had actually found the courage to finally confess. He had freaked out when the girl had came back with a few scratches on her neck. He had thrown himself on her legs, hugging them and crying in her haori. ''(Y/N) ! You're back ! I was so scared you would've died and we would've never seen each other ever again !'' She had raised an eyebrow. ''What's his problem ?'' She had asked the two other boys, who had simply replied they didn't really know.
             (Y/N) was healing her scratches on her neck ; she had actually gone to other missions for all those days, the quests following each other, and that's why she was home only by now. ''(Y/N) ? Can I... can I talk to you ?'' Zenitsu asked, shy. ''Of course.'' She answered, after focusing back on her wounds. He sat on the bed in front of the chair she was sat on. ''The thing is -and that's Tanjiro's idea to make me say it like this- I like you.''
             The girl snorted ; she had heard about his personality from the other boys. ''You like every girl.'' He gasped. ''No ! No no no ! Like, I really do for you ! The other girls, I was just looking for someone to marry me, but you... I just like you for real. I don't care if you don't want to marry me. I actually care if you don't like me back, but at least I'm not yelling at you because I'm scared to die single.''
        She blinked a few times. ''Wait, you really do ? That's weird coming from you.'' She said. ''Yes I do ! That's why I was frozen in place when you fought me and why I was always taking my medicine when you were telling me to !'' Seeing that she wasn't replying, Zenitsu kept going. ''I like how you always jump from the last step of the stairs and land on both your feet, that's very cute ! I like how you always bite your lips when you're focused and how you tap your foot on the floor when you're stressed.''
           That was kinda creepy, to be honest, that he had noticed all of that. But it managed to make (Y/N) smile. ''You really like me, then ?'' She still asked, and Zenitsu vigorously nodded as an answer. That actually made (Y/N) giggle. ‘’Cool then. I actually think you’re cute.’’ The blonde mentally died at that moment. He actually blushed instantly, having some difficulties to control his breath.
‘’Awn, look at you !’’ She said, when she noticed it. ‘’So you’ll be my girlfriend ?’’ The girl looked behind Zenitsu. ‘’Sure, if you come back alive from your next mission.’’, ‘’UHH ?!’’ He turned and saw his sparrow. ‘’Oh no, we already have to go ?!’’ He yelled.
Tanjiro called him to prepare his stuff before going back on a mission. However, before actually saying goodbye to everyone, Sumi, Naho and Kiyo gave the boys some food -that Inosuke started to eat immediately even if it was for later. ‘’Girls, you’re gonna miss me right ?’’ The blonde asked, the girls not really answering his question.
But then, (Y/N) arrived to say goodbye. Of course, Zenitsu started to tear up instantly. ‘’(Y/N) ! I’m gonna miss you so much ! You’ll wait for me, right ?! You won’t date someone else ?!’’ He shouted, hugging her way too tightly. ‘’Yes, I’ll wait for you, Zenitsu.’’ He rubbed his cheek against hers, still crying. ‘’And you’ll miss me, right ?!’’ She nodded. ‘’Then I’ll survive for you.’’ The girl nodded a second time, not really showing any emotion. ‘’You can cry, you know ! I won’t judge you !’’ The blonde said. ‘’I think you cry enough tears for both of us.’’ She replied.
But he managed to make her show some emotion ; he kissed her. That earned some ‘aawn’ from the 3 girls and some disgusted noise from Inosuke, but it was worth it. ‘’Mission with the boys ! Mission with the boys ! Accompany them !’’ A crow yelled ; it was (Y/N)’s. She blinked a few times, and the blonde suddenly gasped and hugged her a second time. ‘’You’re coming with us ! I won’t die alone ! We’ll die together like cursed lovers !’’. ‘’UHH ?!’’ She groaned, angry.
‘’YOU REALLY THINK WE’RE GOING TO DIE ON A MISSION ?! YOU KILLED A DEMON THAT HAD POISONED YOU !’’ She shouted ; but Zenitsu couldn’t be happier to go with her. And that’s why he only took her hand, a big smile on his face, and started to follow his two friends without even caring about his new girlfriend yelling at him.
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knylinphd · 5 years
zenitsu x fem!reader | relief
zenitsu agatsuma x reader
female reader
Once (Y/N) comes back from a dangerous mission, she can't help but break down.
no warning
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''(Y/N) is in danger, I'm telling you ! We should've followed her instead of listening to your stupid crow !'' Zenitsu said, for once being the one leading. ''That was stupid in the first place to send her alone ! They never separate all of us ! Did they just want her to die ?!'' He kept yelling, his usual tears of fear replaced by veins appearing on his forehead, from anger.
Indeed, he had been dating (Y/N) for some few months, now. As usual, he got overwhelmed because she was a girl, even more since she was in their team now. She wasn't interested in him. At least, not until he went in sleep mode and killed two demons in only a few seconds.
        It impressed Tanjiro and Inosuke that Zenitsu managed to date (Y/N). And even more since she didn't seem to have any weakness. She was quite intimidating sometimes, and that really didn't help the blonde to feel confident about asking her out. Even Tanjiro asked him : ''Are you sure ? She doesn't seem like the type of girl to care about boys...'' and Zenitsu knew that if Tanjiro wasn't confident about something, he was fucked.
            Still, he thought it was a great day to die that Friday morning he asked her to date him. However, he couldn't help but cry when she agreed ; he couldn't believe it ! ''Wait... you agree ? You like me back ?'' (Y/N) nodded. ''I thought you were a cute boy. And then I saw you using your breath and I realized you were strong as well. So yeah, I guess ? I never hit the back of your head for a reason.''
       And she was right ; she was often hitting Inosuke's head or smacking Tanjiro's back when he was too confident over a mission. Of course he wasn't actually, but she didn't like how he would always run into the danger. But she never did that with Zenitsu. Even when he would cry and sit in order not to go on a mission, she would just push him or take his wrist and run.
          And here, it wasn't the usual Zenitsu only that was mad that she had been gone for a whole night. It was also the sleeping Zenitsu. ''If something happened to her, I-'' but he stopped. She had appeared, from behind a tree. She had blood all over her body, but she didn't seem to have huge injuries ; Tanjiro thought the blood wasn't hers then.
          Zenitsu gasped and started to run to her, but he was caught off guard when she jumped in his arms, hugging him as tight as she could. It's like she thought he would disappear if she was letting him go. ''Babe, what-'' he was cut off again, but he couldn't believe what cut him. (Y/N) was crying. And it wasn't just quiet cries, some humidity the blonde would feel against his neck. The girl was crying loud, nuzzling her head in the crook of his neck.
        It was the first time ever he was seeing her crying, and he believed it was actually the first time of her life she was crying, noticing how much she was. It was like all those tears she had restrained for years, they were all rolling down now.
         The blonde was frozen in place, he didn't know what to do except hugging her back, as tight as she was hugging him, and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. After a few minutes, she managed to mutter some words between her sobs. ''I thought I was dying. I was sure I was never going to see you again. I thought I would die.'' She was speaking so quietly, Tanjiro and Inosuke, who had walked to the couple to comfort the girl, couldn't even hear her.
         ''Is it your blood ?'' Zenitsu asked, unsure. ''I don't even know.'' His girlfriend replied, and it was enough for him to tell his friends to call Shinobu. If (Y/N) was that hurt, why didn't a pillar arrive to help her ?! He had started to carry her on the way to the Butterfly Estate, when the insect pillar appeared in front of them, her employees helping Zenitsu with (Y/N).
         When the girl woke up, Zenitsu was by her side. He was sat on a chair next to her bed, and had fallen asleep, his arms and head against her lap and lower stomach. She didn't feel like having that much bandages ; surely it was that hunter's -the demon had eaten- blood, or maybe the demon's blood itself.
        (Y/N) ran a hand through her boyfriend's hair, and the action awoken him. He immediately hugged her, crying like the crybaby he was. ''(Y/N) ! You're alive ! I'm so sorry, I wanted to be the cool Zenitsu once you'd wake up but I'm just so happy you're okay, I can't help it !'' He whined.
        But the girl simply chuckled, hugging him back, and tried to speak as clearly as she could : ''It's okay.'' Once Zenitsu released her, he caressed her cheek, looking at some bandages she had. ''I'm glad it wasn't your blood, though. But what happened over there ?'' She gulped, and looked at her lap. ''I...'' but she wasn't able to finish.
       The blonde noticed it, kissing her cheek. ''It's okay, you'll tell me when you're ready. And when you'll be able to talk as much as you want to. Okay ?'' She nodded, smiling at his attention. He smiled back, it was really cute to see her without that strong and cold facade, for once. Zenitsu would've loved to see it in  another context, but what happened had happened and he couldn't change the past.
        ''I'm sorry I didn't insist to go with you when your crow said you were alone on that mission. I should've, I knew it was weird for you to get sent alone and not without the rest of us.'' His eyebrows were furrowed, his tone was serious. He was biting his lower lip at the end of his sentence. Thus, (Y/N) cupped his cheeks, rubbing her thumbs against his cheekbones -she knew he loved that.
         ''It's not your fault. I also thought it was an unimportant and random mission if I was sent alone. But you guys went to look for me at dawn, I was so relieved to see you Itsu.'' Did she really add the 'itsu' when she was already rubbing his cheekbones ? Zenitsu lost it, it was some of his favorite things ever ! He hugged her a second time, kissing her collarbone and her neck, wherever he could reach.
         He released her when he heard a knock on the door ; it was Tanjiro. ''Food is ready and-'' he stopped when he saw the girl awoken. ''Hey ! Welcome back ! I hope you're okay ! Aoi told me food was ready, but I'm going to tell her to add another plate.'' He said, a huge smile on his face, before going out of the room.
        (Y/N) did come to eat with them, but she still needed her boyfriend's help to walk properly. He sat her next to him, keeping a hand on her back as he began to eat. The 3 boys talked to her while eating, even though she wasn't replying much more than a few words. That's why they decided to talk between them, including her in the conversation, but not forcing her to reply anything -it was surely hurting her. And she had comforted Zenitsu already, he was sure she had already talked too much because of that.
           ''So what ?!'' Inosuke shouted, before being shushed by Zenitsu. ''More quietly, Inosuke. (Y/N) has fallen back asleep. You don't want her to wake up, do you ?'' Tanjiro told the boar boy, since his friend had only shushed him without explanation. The blonde looked at his sleeping girlfriend's face ; and his friends could tell, it was the serious and strong Zenitsu sat in front of them.
          (Y/N)'s cheek was against the boy's shoulder, her arm pressed against his. ''I'm going to put her to bed.'' He told the other boys. They both nodded, Inosuke happy that he could finish the girl's food. The blonde carried her, putting her back to her bed, tucking her in. She woke up at the movement, and she looked at her boyfriend. For once, she appreciated being the weak one.
        ''Oh no, I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep, baby !'' That said, he kissed her forehead. ''I'm relieved you're okay.'' She hummed when he said it, surely melting at his adorable actions. ''Goodnight, I love you.'' He said, before turning. However, he felt her pulling at his sleeve. ''Stay. Please.'' He turned back, smiling at her ; her eyes were half shut already. ''Of course.'' He said, before slipping under the blanket as well.
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