#i am NOT a pro shipper nor anti
bookishfeylin · 2 years
Ok so I'm actually not done talking about this. My unpopular fandom opinion is that while no one should be harassed, ofc, people are ALWAYS going to hate characters and ships and even works themselves, and y'all just. Really need to grow thicker skin and accept that. And for this reason I think the existence of an anti TAG isn't bad, because it allows people who have negative opinions on a character or ship or work or whatever to post their opinions freely. It makes it very easy for people who like something to avoid negativity by blocking that tag and people who don't like something to find others who share their grievances. The existence of an anti tag actually really helps with curating your own fandom experience.
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goresuki · 8 months
my thoughts on Charlastor and Alastor calling Charlie "the daughter he never had"
this will be a very long rant/vent/whatever. also, a kind of... agressive one. if u wanna read, read it, if u don't, don't, idc and idm. I don't know if some antis take things for convenience (that way) or if they really are naive, because the fact that a manipulative guy like Alastor, whose intentions are unknown, tells Charlie that he sees her as "the daughter he never had" DOES NOT SOUND as CUTE to me as many DO seem to think it does.
I don't know if they don't realize the relationship Charlie has with her parents and how Alastor seems to take advantage of her.
From the pilot we realize that Charlie has no contact with her mother. In the series it is established that they have not seen each other for 7 years.
The first episode JUST talks about Charlie having so called "daddy issues" as her father, Lucifer, is an absentee father.
Charlie appears to NOT have had a close relationship with ANY of the two for some time (or quite some time).
The only person Charlie has is Vaggie, to protect and care for her (here's why Vaggie is so "boring", as some people call her, as she is acting as a guide/parental figure for Charlie, even though their relationship is romantic).
Where am I going with these points? That I think it's complete nonsense for people to take super-literally what Alastor has said: "you're like the daughter I always wanted to have".
Isn't it convenient for the most feared overlord (not the strongest) to approach Charlie and find that she's not as vulnerable as he thought (because Vaggie is there)? Isn't it convenient for Alastor to make a very absolute polarity between Vaggie and him in the pilot, where Vaggie comes off as the "bitter one" and he as the "fun guy"? Isn't it convenient for Alastor to PROVE to Charlie over and over again that HE knows what SHE NEEDS by pulling his tricks? And, oh, surprise… Isn't it even more convenient that when Lucifer arrives, who has a lousy relationship with his daughter, Charlie, Alastor rubs it in his face that he is doing everything that he (Lucifer) is responsible for, and furthermore, hits him right where it hurts, manipulating Charlie so that she seriously BELIEVES that Alastor REALLY sees her that way, and thus making her STILL not have a GUIDE other than HIMSELF?
I'll make it simple for you. You know how narcissists work? They will make you believe that YOU are special, and at the same time, they will ALIENATE you from your loved ones to keep gaining whatever they need from you. Charlie is, literally, his supply.
Alastor is a psychopath and narcissist. Do you really think that someone who can't genuinely empathize and love is literally going to feel affection for a grown woman who is very naive and doesn't even have power over her kingdom because she is so immature? Don't you think it is VERY OBVIOUS that he has literally said to her face: "I'm going to manipulate you in my favor because thanks to me you have all these upgrades in your stupid hotel"?
Alastor hasn't as such made a deal with Charlie, but he's winning her over in HIS way.
And I don't know who's crazier: charlastor shippers like me, who don't give a damn about canon and want to enjoy shipping WITHOUT bothering ANYONE (and don't come out with the stupidity that it's a "proship". Proshipper doesn't even mean "problematic ship", it means that you are FOR shipping whatever you want, living and letting live, without HARASSING others. Let's remember that Hazbin Hotel characters DON'T. FUCKING. EXIST. Alastor is not going to come out of the screen to say: "omg, user, thanks for defending me from those evil shippers uwu", or Charlie to say: "thanks for defending me, you're so good, user…. You're such a good person". Pro: "in favor of", shipper: "shipper, ship", however you want to call it. Don't modify terms to suit yourselves because you can tell that many don't even know how suffixes and prefixes work in words. Neither Charlie nor Alastor are going to die because someone shipped them. They are FICTITIOUS characters. The FANON is not going to change the CANON. Learn to sepparate stuff, ffs. Go out and touch grass once in a while) or antis who put on a pedestal what Alastor said, believing it as a justification to ATTACK people in the fandom who shipped something different, according to them, "problematic".
There they do forget that Alastor is a manipulator, that he is a person with a LOT of arsenal to get his way. There they forget that he IS a guy Charlie should NOT trust. There it DOES count because IT CONVENIENTS THEM. That's when the canon MATTERS to them. There it COUNTS. It doesn't matter if Charlie gets hurt because of trusting Alastor, they only see what they want to see. If you guys are going to humanize this fucking characters, at least be a little bit logical. Got me? Remember what Viv said?: "ship whatever you want, JUST DON'T HARASS ANYONE". These people say: "fuck what Viv says", but on this occasion, since she DID say something convenient for them, it DOES matter what Viv says now, doesn't it? Hypocrites.
Charlie has no one beyond Alastor, and I don't remember where I read that theory, whether it was here or elsewhere, where they talked about Alastor looking for a way to alienate the hotel itself in one way or another. That's why he doesn't use very flashy technology (Vox can travel through the latest electronics, and the hotel has an old box TV), nor does he go out of his way to provide anything of good quality (like the video camera). The hotel has its own power supply (we see this when the blackout occurs during the song between Alastor and Vox).
Alastor DOES NOT WANT Charlie as his daughter, he's just taking advantage of her to get whatever he needs to get out of her.
Charlie doesn't even seem to know exactly how her powers work, and the only person who can teach her is Lucifer, her father. And if Lucifer is out of the equation, Alastor can do whatever he wants.
He's hit Lucifer right in the jugular, and Lucifer knows that all the power in the world can't make up for the wrong he did to Charlie.
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roturo · 1 year
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# dni if you’re a racist, transphobic, anti of any of my likes, or a hater, -17, homophobic, xenophobic, pro-shippers, “”twt (bad tags obv), kinkshamer, fatphobic, sexist, cannot sperate fiction from reality, or any kind of disrespectful behavior towards others, this is blog is made for my horny reader and enjoyers. (basically basic dni)
# i have my taste in music, and it won't change just bc you tell me, if i don't want to do a request just bc of the song, i won't.
# minors get blocked. do not interact with my blog nor my writings if you’re not over the age of 17. literally it’s not difficult just putting some numbers on your bio and i’ll accept your interactions with my blog, even if you don’t believe i check most of the blogs who interact with mine.
# this is my blog, i write with what am I comfortable and have rules if you ever want to submit something, you just have to follow the things i won’t write for, act nice and mature. i want my safe space to be safe for anyone else to be part of and interact with eachother nicely.
#it may take a while to get to your ask/request. i have a life outside of this app.
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#dub/non-con, cnc, necro, vore, r^pe themes, mommy/daddy kink, watersports + p!ss kink, domestic abuse, brainwashing, mental health problems, furries, butt plugs, scat, cbt, snowballing, race play, knife play, m-preg, bestiality, eating disorders, sacrilege, kidnapping, drugging, character x character, somno, pegging, rim jobs, age regression, lolicon, ddlg, foot fetish, bukkake, non-con recording, g^ng bangs, stuckage, period s3x.
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→ we don't kink shame here! but I write everything based of how comfortable I am. most of my writings are unprotected-sex, don't be dumb and wrap it, take care of yourself!. everything is FICTIONAL, for all series & animes. if you want me to write smut for a real persona, then leave. this isn't the right blog for that. i'm okay with fluff and random images, and to find the masterlist, click soobin’s name!
→i won't write requests that i am not comfortable with. don't rush me with works/requests since i'm also a human and have a life outside my online persona. i also don't write for amab/male readers. my writings don't have an specific body type, race, skin color, sexuality of reader unless is stated otherwise.
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turnstechgodhead · 7 months
Le sign... speaking of the server,
dirk is encouraging me to be more firm on my own thoughts for my comfort
i've seen ppl talk about it in stream a lil which im always like I Don't Care when it pops up but i've had Enough and i want to talk about the topic bc it's itching at my brain follicles.
since we're pretty strider-oriented, this had to happen at some point: strider cest/strilonde cest/in cest wont be allowed in the main server. if other people don't care, i might make a separate server.
-"hey why is that ^ something you would allow? pretty insane." / "are you a pro shipper then??"
"so you're an anti?"
also no
i dislike this argument as a whole bc i don't 'get it' i guess because im audhd. neither side is fully correct nor fully wrong.
"fiction affects reality." and "fiction is not reality." are two different thought processes that can and should coexist in the same space.
look. fiction can affect reality, but it IS also possible to separate from it. you can para or whatever responsibly. tag it. try to make sure people who don't want to see it don't have to see it. and if minors are getting sent your shit, make sure its clear that this should NOT be happening in reality. if you're a child, keep that shit blocked. it's NOT for you and you should not be actively consuming it. (please listen to this advice bc i grew up on the internet barely supervised, from a very unhealthily early age [7-8] and then developed into a fucked up hypersexual.) (seeing something fucked up and being like AUGH my eyes! is normal because that just. happens. thats life. you deal with it afterwards in some way. talking to someone you trust etc. you do not go back for more i am begging.) (if someone is showing you these things on purpose then please read this website all the way through for me ok?)
you should not be looking at an adult exploring/enjoying fucked up shit
videogames are not going to make you or me more violent by having violence, gore, and murder in them. but videogames DO make some people violent. those people should not have access to these things. but we (you and i) cannot control that beyond making sure content is labelled and set aside. i like playing games where i assassinate people. i am not an assassin. someone could play the same game and get terrible ideas they act on. this is not my fault for playing the game.
and, if you're an adult who likes fucked up shit (me too) tag your shit or have it listed somewhere on your about that it's something you post about frequently there. and maybe reiterate that it's not real. its just toys. and should never be followed irl. yeah, it fuckin sucks that we gotta do this shit, but kids are unfortunately on the internet, with the inability to differentiate grey from black and white. your shit might be the first exposure. which sucks!! so it's our responsibility to try and mitigate harm on both sides unfortunately until we can convince parents to start parenting their children again. which sucks. i just wanna post shit in peace but the buzzing around from very loud teenagers makes me anxious. i get it.
it fucking sucks!!! but we can't control other people, especially if theyre malicious
but you control what YOU see on the internet. block anyone. (i blocked someone back in the day for disliking johndave. be free.) and help people do that (control what they see) by making it very clear. you aren't evil for not wanting to see it, and other people aren't evil for enjoying fucked up content.
also some of yall on BOTH SIDES do some truly vile shit in the name of this argument when your energy could be spent elsewhere doing shit you like or even doing things that are actually. Helpful.
so i don't like either label i dont want to be associated with either of the sides but if you want to call me one or the other then . Whatever i guess? thats your business, not mine. just know you are not a failure or a freak for not constantly reinforcing and reassuring everyone that you think adults doing their own thing in fictional spaces with little toy dolls (that theyve been doing since the 70s-80s) is gross. you can just think that like. in general and look away because the dolls are dolls. but don't go posting doll horn-knees untagged. that's rude as fuck.
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anti-radqueer-zone · 8 months
Fucking surprise! The anti radqueer is just using being anti radqueer as a cover to be a shithead to other minorities. Fuck your opinions man.
What minorities do you speak of? Pro-shippers? Considering I don't interact with them nor really talk about ship course nor are they minorities I'd disagree. I'm actually genuinely confused as to what minorities you could be talking about lol, but I'll entertain you, send me another anon explaining what you mean. Please I am dying to know lol
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gummy-axolotl · 6 months
Bringing it up again because I'm sick and tired of the confusion.
I am not a comshipper nor do I have any "pRobLEMatiC" ships. I am pro ship because I believe that everything has a right to exist in fiction without being censored. There is a terrifying amount of internet censorship these days, with demonization on youtube and the weird tiktok words like "seggs" and "unalive." I think that artists have the right to draw whatever they like as long as it is tagged correctly to avoid triggers. And I believe that viewers have a responsibility to filter out the things they don't like. The morality of com shippers is not any of my business, but I will stand up for their right to create. I block comship tags like incest and pedophilic ships, I am not a consumer of that content. But that doesn't mean it should be erased from existence and have the artists be dictated by others. Pro ship is anti-censorship. Don't like, don't look. Dead dove, do not eat. Simple as that.
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(I've no idea if this ask fits with your blog theme, so I'm sorry if not. It's fairly rambly.)
So I'm personally someone who does not identify as anti nor pro; rather I'm someone who looks at what's presented and decide for myself if I wanna mess with it or not.
I'm sending this ask because this is a fairly new opinion I've decided upon? And all my friends are anti and therefore I'm too cowardice to talk to them about this because their friendship isn't worth such a thing. I've always been anti-censorship by default but never partook in a fandom where a large piece of its people love what's typically taboo - most notably incest and pedophilia.
Initially I was in shock about this?? Because oh. Okay. But I saw it more and more and I slowly got why some people shipped some things. Didn't personally like it, but if I also won't throw a fit if an artist I like makes something of that caliber because it's their account. If I grow sick of it I block and move on.
But what I haven't mentioned yet is that I'm a system, and.... Two fictives of the same media, particularly the one I'm talking about now with a fandom that's highly fond of incest and pedophilia, are actually severely interested by it?? The source of two fictives are shipped by the fandom and account for incest. It's been a few weeks and we've all started to notice the two flirting and the system is torn between "oh no" and the actual pro-shippers of the system who genuinely just don't care because they're their own people. It's stirred up an argument that we'll all deal with in time.
I'm not certain if there's a point to this ask. I guess I wanted to showcase how opinions change overtime and how as a system these things because increasingly complicated.
All that aside, I am new to your blog, and I highly respect the fact that you seem to showcase either stance, which is something not everyone does and would rather stay in their little echo chamber. Hats off to you.
Thank you. So long as the conversation remains reasonably polite, I feel that everyone deserves a chance to hop up on their soapbox and speak for a bit. After all, hearing opposing opinions is the best way to re-educate yourself or reinforce your current stance.
I hope that you are all able to sort out the argument nicely, and wish you well going forward.
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finnmash · 7 months
I never did a proper intro so
HI!!! My current names are caelus or elías . my pronouns are he/hymn and i always want masculine + nonhan terms used when talking about me ^_^
Im a gay transman AND i dont have a gender... :3 ,,, Im also taken by my AWESOME boyfriend liam!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH HISTORY!!!!!!!!!! (23.02.23)
(bolded are obsessions) mashle, raamh (run away assistant manager ha), cardcaptor sakura, fnafhs, cookie run kingdom, & fnf (kinda...) freakazoid i fear...
umm byf
I talk about mashle like A LOTTTT i LOVE yapping about it
I go insane about my interests... like craaazyyyy...
I dont use tonetags, nor i want them used on me!!! Ask me for my tone or ill ask u for ur tone!!! Thxxxxxxxxx
dni.... gulps....
rayne x mash , finn x carpaccio luo-yang , delisaster x rayne , orter x famin , (cant believe i have to say these) finn ames x rayne ames , orter mádl x wirth mádl shippers
u make nsfw of the mashle chars that r minors ..
basic dni ( homophobic , transphobic , racist , etc etc )
pro - israel , anti - palestine , " neutral "
vivziepop supporters (i honestly dont really gaf if you like hazbin but if you support vivzie dni )
wilbur soot fans
i think. Thats all. Okay bye
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Whoa, your answer to that question about referring to yourself as a Pro-Shipper, is amazing. Not only you made it clear, but you provided very helpful information! I've got something I'd like to know, what is to be considered "Pro-Ship"? I usually see the term very loosely used and I might not really know about the term itself. For example, I personally (*and secretly) enjoy JayTim (HAHAH yes I actually do, I adore them so much.) would I fall under the term "Pro-Ship"?
I am afraid of being called disgusted for that, I just simply enjoy them so much.
i'm happy that my post explaining my positive stance on proshipping was well received!!!!! i've found that fanlore is a very good source for anyone looking to read about or see impartial views and definitions on a lot of fandom terms and i agree with their description of proshipping which is as below:
"the general concept of a pro-shipper is that they believe "fiction is not reality" and often see every ship as valid, regardless of the opinions others may have towards the ship. For some pro-shippers, this includes incest, non-con, underage, and other forms of relationships that are called unhealthy or problematic."
a ship can't really be labelled as a "proship" ship because proshipping is more for the person doing the shipping like you or me or anyone interested, involved in, or consuming fandom material.
you not wanting to be harrassed or bothered over enjoying a simple ship like jaytim would be a proship desire.
it would likely be an 'anti' who is doing the harassing and bothering. they're essentially the ones who only want to ruin people's good times because they believe (despite all evidence against it) that they're right and have some moral, legal, or religious right to preach, shame, and "punish" strangers on the internet.
if anyone tries shaming or trying to bother you because you're enjoying a ship i highly encourage you block as well as to report them if they're sending threats (because if they're doing it to you they're likely doing it to others)- to whatever social media site you're on!
jaytim is a ship i also greatly enjoy!! and its often described as "problematic" despite more than 50% of the fics on ao3 being labeled as 'general audiences' fics which means nothing explicit such as violence or sex occurs, etc. the reason jaytim is looked down upon is because it's an "incest" ship. this is, however, incest on a technicality because both of them were adopted by the same man: bruce wayne.
but aside from the legality of it (which is dubious because jason is also legally dead so one could argue that tim can't be brothers with a dead boy) neither of them ever occupied the same house, lived together, they don't have a severe age gap, nor do either of them share dna (as far as we know). in terms of 'problematic ships' jaytim is incredibly tame and is the third most popular ship in the Batman- All Media Types category on ao3, right behind dick grayson/jason todd and clark kent/ bruce wayne. by numbers alone jaytim is more popular than every single other canon ship in batman.
no matter how antis may try to spin or portray it- the numbers speak for themselves. the reality is that people who don't like batcest slash fic are in the minority of batman fans because 2 of the 3 largest ships with the most fics written about them are batcest.
your interests aren't disgusting. they're harmless. i'd say that liking an "incest ship" and reading about it for a hobby is one of the most harmless hobbies there is.
there are always worse things people could do in their spare time so i think reading fics of a couple you genuinely enjoy seeing together is a nice way for people to enjoy spending their time.
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sanityshorror · 1 year
r u proship
Please touch grass if you consider yourself proship or anti ship, because if you do, you are so severely terminally online that you've forgotten about reality. Do I think some shit is nasty in fictional ships, such as pedophilia and other obvious shit? Yes, I think it's fuckin gross. I don't look at it nor want anything to do with it. I don't want nor interact with it -- why am I going to invest time in it?! I have real shit to concern myself with. Real responsibilities. A career. A life that doesn't center online, about fictional characters and their relationships. I'm concerned with advocating, speaking out, and actually actively helping real victims in the real world.
I'm pro-fucking go touch grass and reevaluate your life if you think shipping discourse should be a fucking priority.
If you care about victims, then help real world victims. Go volunteer in shelters for them. Advocate for them. At the very least, create fiction that portrays the true suffering a victim experiences. Don't fucking talk about it, go do something real and meaningful.
As far as free speech is concerned, you know who censors speech, art, writing, etc? Fascists. You allow one single censorship on freedom speech - and you've open the floodgates for the fascists to take over. I'm anti-fascist. I certainly hope you are, too.
Does that answer your question? 🙂 Please, go fucking touch grass. 💀👍
To both pro-shippers and anti-shippers:
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fandomsoda · 4 months
Do you have a shorted version of your DNI and blog rules because I'm fucking stupid and can't read all that. So sorry if there was a shortened version and I didn't see it :(
Pardon, but I don’t shorten my DNI, what’s on there is on there. But I can try to summarize it/put it in an easier to read format.
Do Not Interact if you are any of the following:
-If your primary blog/the blog you interact from is nsfw/kink related -A racist of any kind -Anti-Palestine -Bigoted against certain religions -Queerphobic in some way/exclude any part of the LGBTQIA+ acronym -Against neopronouns and/or xenogenders -Against “contradictory labels” (mspec-mono identities, lesboys, etc) -MAP/zoo/supporter of acting on any harmful paras -Against non-harmful paras (objectum, etc) -Pro/com/dark ship or a supporter of those things -If you police/bash non-abusive ships or try to label people as pro/com/dark shippers when they aren’t -Pro-harassment antis, I’m antiship myself but this behavior is incredibly unproductive and harmful -Being pro-harassment of any kind is honestly reason enough for me to ask you to leave -Ableist -Against educated self-diagnosis -Stigmatize Cluster-B disorders (NPD, BPD, ASPD, etc) or any disorder for that matter -Against otherkin/fictionkin/therains/any other alterhuman identity -If you’re against and/or sexualize age/pet/animal regressor/dreamers -Fakeclaimer of any kind -If you’re outwardly and vocally against all endogenic systems (you can have your opinions but keep them to yourself, this is a safe environment and fakeclaiming is NOT tolerated. I WILL fight you.) -If you deny or invalidate anyone’s good-faith identity in any other way
Basically: be appropriate, don’t be a bigot, don’t support abuse, don’t be a dick, that’s it. I hope this was more succinct. If you have any questions or need any definitions, feel free to ask.
As for my blog rules/pinned I’ll try to sum up the more important things here:
Ask permission to use my art.
Do not put my characters in tournaments/polls, especially without my consent. (And no, I don’t participate in nor host art competitions, they make me uncomfortable.)
No inappropriate comments towards myself or others on my blog will be tolerated, there’s a difference between joking and being creepy.
If I upset you/I fucked up, please let me know since I can guarantee it’s not on purpose. I can’t promise a response if you just send something in on anon, but if you send me a DM or something I’ll do my best to talk if you’re willing to converse. I make a lot of mistakes and I wanna know about it so I don’t make them as much, I am bad at self-awareness and have a lot of issues.
That being said, please be patient and understanding with me. I’m trying and I am not in the best situation yet, but I’m growing. Aggression only causes a shutdown so please try to be careful, I have a lot of BPD symptoms (not certain if I actually have it yet but I’m looking into it) and struggle with confrontation and abandonment.
While this is an art blog it is also a personal one, and I do vent. It is usually tagged and under a “read more” though.
I consume media critically and I assume that most others do the same.
Be nice about my favorite ships please, they’re also mostly queerplatonic because I’m arospec.
If I ship something then that means I have reason to believe that it is not pro/com/ship, at least not immediately or inherently. It’s dumb I even have to say this, but apparently I do.
That’s basically it. I know this was still kinda long, but I hope it was abridged enough for it to be easier for you to understand, like I said follow up with any additional questions you have if you need to.
last updated (mm/dd/yy): 8/23/24
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rnp5324 · 4 months
Stuff about ME!!!
-={ WELCOME }=- Hey there! I’m rnp (He/Him), a Graphic Design student whose focus is in comics and character work. I am a huge nerd with a wide range of interests, and apart of various different projects, some of my own! -={ LINKS TO MY SOCIALS 🔗 }=- rnp’s deviantArt rnp’s ToyHouse rnp’s YouTube Channel rnp5324 on Discord -={ THIS IS A SAFESPACE }=- My page aims to create an inclusive environment for any and all marginalized groups, some of which I am apart of myself. You are welcome -LGBTQIA+🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ -Neurodivergent -BIPOC -Pro-Palestine 🍉 ‼️THIS PAGE IS 18+‼️ -={ 🚫 DNI LIST 🚫 }=- If this applies to you, I ask politely that you quietly leave. I do not wish to engage in discourse nor debate stances, attempts of which will be met with a swift block. ‼️HARASSMENT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED NOR CONDONED‼️ DO NOT INTERACT -TERFs -TRANSPHOBEs -MAPs -ANTI LGBTQIA+ -PRO SHIPPERS -ZIONISTS -BIGOTS OF ANY KIND -MINORS -={ PERMISSIONS }=- -Feel free to reblog my posts! -If you draw/write my characters, TAG ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE— -I am open to various opinions as long as they are civil! -DO NOT REUPLOAD MY WORK W/O MY EXPLICIT APPROVAL AND CREDIT.
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fancy--that · 1 year
Rules for thee and not for me, classic hypocrite anti response. You have no idea what you're talking about or what any of the words you're using mean. You get to write what you want because you're only doing it in the good Christian God-fearing Way but no one else can. You're a joke and very uneducated. Proshippers who created Ao3 and fight for anti-censorship regulations paved the way so you can write and share your stories, and you're shitting all over their hard work.
Ao3 is a proship website. Proship is the default anti-censorship stance. You cannot and will never be able to tell what is going on in someone's mind when they read or write, nor are thought crimes real. Your dead dove fiction is not any more or less moral than anyone else's, you're not special, you're not the messiah. And you definitely don't have the right to pass judgment on anyone else. Your self righteousness is truly disgusting.
wow. First of all thank god i'm not religious in any way shape or form but i'm sorry that someone talking with some sense made you think that theres no way an actual human being with morals and opinions could write this no they must be religious theres just no way a non religious person wouldn't condone rape, pedophilia and incest!!! get real
Also i never said i'm the only one who could write that kind of content, many people have and i've read my fair share of dead dove fics that touch on those dark topics, the point a lot of you seem to be missing is the CONTEXT portion. its part of a broader story, it isn't romanticized, it isn't normalized it isn't treated as something cute or funny or romantic. It's just written with mindfulness and within the right context. It's treated as the traumatic, disgusting, depraved thing that it is.
also like i'm not telling people to not write it in the first place at all? Yes ao3 was made by pro-shippers but also like you have to be mindful of what you're consuming out there on the internet. I would never read a pro-ship fic that deals with these topics but also i'm not going to go bashing it in the comments or anything, i just keep scrolling however i find it very telling of your character that all i did was make a post saying that i don't agree with pro-shipping and therefore won't write these certain requests given to me by pro-shippers and suddenly i'm the bad guy for having an opinion. "What do you mean you won't write my father x son fic? You stupid anti you're such a hypocrite" i mean get real.
Also my original post wasn't particularly mean in any way i just said i didn't like pro-shippers and wouldn't write that content, additionally i also gave personal reasons on why i wouldn't write that type of content. Again am i supposed to ignore my own reasons for why i won't engage in it just cause the pro-shippers might get mad at me? I don't think so.
Proshippers made ao3.....thanks proshippers i owe you my....life ig? idrk what i'm supposed to say? should i bow or something??? "hey so we like problematic ships and problematic and often dark undertones in our fics but we romanticize it and we made this website to share those stories and then we're gonna get mad when people mention that these ships are problematic"
You're right i don't know whats going on in someone's mind when they write. What I do know is I have personally seen a lot of adult pro-shippers writing and drawing content of minors and adults who still interact with minors on their platform. I know that if someone were to tell me "read this fic i wrote" and it was romanticizing incest and abuse i'd be uneasy that they were so proud of it. And i know as someone who again has a partner who age regresses, who has a community of people whose ages i don't know, someone who regularly interacts with children for work and likely pre-teens and teens online because ofc people who aren't 18+ are going to look gor this content, i couldn't write it. Not with all of those factors. My own personal reasons for not liking proshipping and refusing to write proship content is not less important than your need to justify why shipping things with rape, incest and pedophilia is okay.
also i would never want anyone to treat me like some savior here to bless the internet. I used my own story as an example of writing these heavy topics in the right context, i never said i was the only one whos ever done it right or whatever, im explaining how i know someone will say "well you've written it before look at this story!" that isn't proshipping so your argument is invalid.
also i can judge as i please its called being a human and if you romanticize rape, incest and pedophilia i will not consume your content, i will not make new content for you and yes i will judge you.
best regards
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sigmadolos · 2 years
Anonymous said: Proshippers aren’t drama hun, they’re vile pedophiles using RP to whack off to. If you are okay following people like that.I’m gonna warn all my bsd moots to block you asap for condoning nasty shit
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  In all my years on Tumblr I’ve never had to deal with this sort of bs and I don’t like to give voice to hate, but alright here we go. Although I am fighting the flu and is like 5 a.m. so maybe not my most coherent post.
Anon, I don’t see you posting hate about Kafka Asagiri? You know, the man who WROTE BSD and the characters? The one who allows for child soldiers to blow themselves up? Who blew up a bus full of orphans? Who has Dazai abusing the shit out of Akutagawa? Or Naomi and Junichirio (esp Bones for this one) ? That’s problematic my friend. MOST media is problematic. But people LOVE Fyodor, they LOVE Dazai, but heaven forbid someone like’s Mori or some of these other characters. You can like a character and not condone what the character does. Dazai kills, Fyodor kills, Chuuya kills, Sigma kills. Does that mean I condone killing because I write a character that kills? No. Nor do i condone the religious extremism of Fyodor, or the torture Nikolai puts people though, or a million other things in media that I like. Also, I like mythology and let me tell you. That shit is problematic as fuck but funny enough, a lot of people even anti’s are like well no, THAT’S okay! Which.......I genuinely do not understand. Like...why is THAT okay? I do genuinely want to hear an explanation for that.
I don’t deal with the whole pro/anti shipper drama that goes around these days. But if I don’t like something? I block it. Be it a person, a ship tag, a character tag, whatever it is. YOU are responsible for curating your space. There are ships I loathe, ships that disgust me and I never ever want to see, and so I block those tags and that’s that. Easy, drama-free, and now my space is free from it. At the end of the day, it’s YOUR (well my in this example) responsibility to curate your online space. And that’s what blocking is for. I can recommend Tumblr Servant as an extension, you can write a URL or tag or whatever in it and have it so it’s not just blocked but just never appears if the URL is mentioned anywhere in the post. There’s a lot of subjects that need to be handled VERY carefully like abuse and mental illnesses and such, and I for one would never ever write certain topics in RP or ever, like pedophilia or rape & so on and so forth. And I don’t follow those who do because it makes me uncomfortable to see in RP. If your issue is DazAku and DazAtsu (which doesn’t?? even apply to me??) in both cases they’re 2 years different and both are 20+ ? And if its something about it not being perfectly healthy, boy do I have news for you because Soukoku, Fyolai, Fyozai, Shin-Soukoku, a lOT of those aren’t healthy from where they stand in canon. Not fanon, but canon. I will never, ever send death threats to someone, least of all over fiction. Because let me tell you, a lot of the real life authors? Very Problematic by today’s standards and sometimes their own.  
Also, frankly, i’ve been in the Hunter x Hunter fandom and there’s way worse there. Like...canonly. FYI since I know the blog sending this or at least one, KuroKura isn’t underage (though far from my cup of tea for many other reasons) , Kurapika is 18/19 in that arc and Chrollo is somewhere close to 24/26 ish. Not my cup of tea for many reasons, but figured I’d point that out for you so you might want to delete that post if you’re trying to make that blog a good ‘evidence’ source.
While I’m at it. You can LIKE a character and despise what they do and who they are. There’s characters i HATE, but I can appreciate how they’re a good hero, antihereo, or villain, or how they move the plot forward. Characters are (optimally) vehicles for the narrative. A character can be WELL written and despicable, some are written PURPOSEFULLY for the audience to hate that character as a character. 
Anyways, there’s my stance on things. If you want to soft or hardblock me, that’s fine. I’m not going to hate you for it, or stalk you over it, or whatever else people do. Please do whatever makes you comfortable. I will not perpetuate this circle of hatred. If I write with someone you don’t like, either block their tag (i tag it all) or if you need to softblock, that’s fine too Your health matters.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
Heeeyy, it’s the anon who sent in an ask a while ago about shipping Alicent with others out of spite. Feel free to ignore this ask if you’re tired of ship asks (I see you’ve already received more than enough lol) or if it’ll start any unnecessary discourse you’d rather avoid.
Just wanted to pop in and say that most people on Twitter are not okay. I had no followers nor was I following anyone and I had people screenshot a very innocuous Alicole tweet (it was literally a picture of a lady and her knight, basic) and talk badly of me - apparently I am lesbophobic and Cole is misogynist with anger issues 🤷‍♀️. Newsflash: Rhaenicent is not a healthy ship either, none of ASOIAF ships are.
I then came out as a Larycent shipper. I got ratioed (as much as, again, someone with no followers can).
Anyways, I got bored and deactivated but before I did, things got messy. There was group chat drama, people were saying pro-shippers deserve to be bullied etc.
All this to say that I am frustrated with the performative activism this fandom participates in, though I’m sure the same can be said for other fandoms. What’s the point of defending a celebrity by insulting another celebrity, or worse, another user? (Sorry but I’ll sympathize with a “regular” person over a celebrity any day. Imo, they don’t really care about bullying, they just project onto their favorite character or celebrity.) What makes one inherently morally better by being an “anti” but turn around and shit-talk people’s appearances or character? Real people with real lives and issues. Characters are fictional they do not exist, it comes off as disingenuous and self-righteous. I need people to do better.
Thanks for entertaining this ask, hope you’re doing well!
welcome back, anon. i hope you're doing well, too; don't allow this pointless drama more headspace beyond it being a funny anecdote. also, by this point, you guys should check-in using stage names. :)) or serial killer names. or maybe racing horse names ?? (those are always funny)
I had no followers nor was I following anyone and I had people screenshot a very innocuous Alicole tweet (it was literally a picture of a lady and her knight, basic) and talk badly of me - apparently I am lesbophobic and Cole is misogynist with anger issues
wow, how did they even manage to find you out in a sea of accounts with no followers or following anybody? i can understand the logic of dogpilling on a popular account, because they're visible in the fandom, but this? don't these people have, idk, jobs? do they not have to go to the grocery store or smth? what kind of lame-ass surveillance state? 😂
Newsflash: Rhaenicent is not a healthy ship either, none of ASOIAF ships are.
this is why shipping wars are even stupider in asoiaf-verse. what exactly moral high ground do you think you're defending here? i keep hearing "at least it's not an inc3st ship" well ok congratulations they're fucked up & unhealthy in a different way then?
I then came out as a Larycent shipper. I got ratioed (as much as, again, someone with no followers can).
ohhhhh anon you're a brave one with larycent there! i gotta say i was into it at the beginning bc he was super fucking yandere about it to the point of it being hilarious and, also, who can resist murderous puppy dog eyes ??? but the latter part of the season, esp. ep 9, put me off and i fed myself on the green family dynamics crumbs
Anyways, I got bored and deactivated but before I did, things got messy. There was group chat drama, people were saying pro-shippers deserve to be bullied etc.
group chat drama? is that a discord thing? i feel like it's a discord thing. this is so funny to me bc the only way "group chat drama" leaks is if you have traitors in your midst who screencap and then spread it around. so who are these conspirators? these subversive agents? these freedom fighters? who watches the watchers? 😅
What makes one inherently morally better by being an “anti” but turn around and shit-talk people’s appearances or character? Real people with real lives and issues.
they end up appearance-shaming and have zero self-awareness about it? oh me oh my 💅
performative activism is a very good word for what the moral panic that has taken hold of this fandom, at least on tumblr/twitter. another thing that makes me laugh is when people write page-long essays saying "ofc you can ship whatever you want, BUT..." followed by an entire diatribe on why shipping said thing (even if it's within the confines of fiction and decidedly not irl) puts a stain on your moral character and you should basically be ashamed of yourself 😂 so which is it? can people ship in peace or do you just want a pat on the head for being a good trooper?
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iiroiiros · 1 year
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a reminder if you haven't read/skimmed my rules
i am very much proship-which, by the way, stands for pro-ship and let ship and NOT problematic shipper-so if that bothers you then you're welcome to unfollow/block. i don't condone harassment of others over fiction nor do i condone censorship of fiction, which is what being proship should mean. not the bullshit definition anti-proship people have spread that i automatically think rape/pedophilia/abuse in relationships is okay. if you are anti-proship and you're following me still? leave. i don't want anyone who's okay with sanitizing fiction around me.
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