#i am TERRIFIED of the dentist
feral-and-or-horny · 2 years
Damn today really isn't your day. You deserve a bunch of women pampering you to make up for it
I do!! I can't even be horny about it because now I'm full of anxiety about going to the dentist.
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n0thingiscool · 2 years
Assurant Sucks
You spend a year paying $18 a month for device insurance and when it finally is needed they send you a broken replacement. So then you have to wait an entire three day weekend without a cell phone while ANOTHER gets shipped and when it does arrive you are too busy to attempt to check the new phone and switch over because it's Monday at 10am and you are stuck doing a bunch of other stupid ass adult shit... your car is broken and you need to go to the dentist and your job is being shitty.
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calista-222 · 1 year
Tumblr media
I am having A Time (And about to live one of my worst nightmares)
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bumblingest-bee · 4 months
can’t go to the dentist without humming the damn little shop of horrors song
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agathena · 11 months
The signs were there. Subtle yet impossible to miss. Sleeping only on the left side. Chewing food exclusively with the left side od mouth. Tensing a little when Adam kissed him on the right cheek the other day. Hisses and silent curses under the breath, unconscious stuffing out the cheek with the tongue. Adam, patient but concerned, could no longer ignore the issue.
”You have a toothache, don’t you?”
Ronan froze with a box of orange juice halfway to his mouth. He furrowed his brow, throwing Adam a grim look.
”It’s none of your business, Parrish.”
Adam's reply was unwavering. ”Actually, it is. Because it’s me who has to deal with your moods all day.”
Ronan showed him the middle finger. ”I'm fine”, he mumbled, sipping his juice, only to grimace in pain and squirm, touching his right cheek.
Adam only raised an eyebrow.
”Oh, fuck off. I said it's nothing. It’ll pass”.
”Ronan, you really should see a dentist-”
”No, I don’t!” Ronan iturrupted, growing visibly agitated, discomfort etched across his entire posture.
That's when Adam had his revelation. The urge to chuckle at his conclusion threatened to bubble up, but he swallowed it down, knowing it would only irritate Ronan even more. Instead, he approached him with a calm step, removed the squeezed juice carton from his grasp and put his arms around Ronan’s waist. In the gentlest voice he could muster, he asked: "Are you afraid of the dentist?"
Ronan tensed briefly, attempting to wriggle free from the embrace, but Adam held him firmly against the kitchen counter. Tips of Ronan's ears reddened, though Adam couldn't be sure whether it was from anger or embarrassment.
”Ronan?” Adam pressed.
”For fuck's sake, Adam. Why are you so-?”
”Just answer me.”
For a moment, Ronan only breathed deeply, and his eyes hurled thunderbolts in Adam's direction. After a long pause, he tilted his head, gaze drifting toward the ceiling. "I really, really bloody hate dentists."
Adam struggled to stifle his laughter, failing miserably. He snorted, and Ronan seemed genuinely affronted. ”Fuck you, Parrish.”
Adam shooked his head and pressed his forehead to Ronan’s arm, still unable to suppress his amusemenr. Ronan, meanwhile, attempted to explain himself:
”Dentists are the worst," he lamented. "Their offices reek of sterility, and their tools look like miniature torture devices. Those drills and chainsaws! And you can’t even see what they're doing to you! You're just perched in that infernal chair of theirs, while they prod, drill, and tinker inside your mouth. Who knows, maybe they're just putting hole after hole-,”
Adam interrupted by placing his hand on the back of Ronan's neck and forcing him to meet his gaze. "Alright, I think I understand. Do you want me to schedule an appointment for you?”
”Fuck, no!”
”Okay, okay. Fine! I’ll go.”
Two days later Adam parked the car in front of the dentist's office, an ominous silence hanging between them since morning. Ronan hadn't uttered a word, even concending to Adam's decision to drive. He remained eerily still during the entire drive, only alternating between a pallor and a sickly shade of green.
Adam could only shake his head, exiting the car and circling it to open the passenger-side door. He extended his hand to Ronan, who swatted it away with an irritated roll of his eyes.
”I am not a child," he grumbled, emerging from the car and slamming the door shut.
”Are you sure about that?” Adam retorted with a sly smile. "And now," he urged, guiding Ronan toward the dentist's office, "be a big, brave man and face the inevitable".
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dashofmonsters · 7 months
Surgery update
Well it went well sort of... No complications and I'm on a fast mend. My only complaint is that one of my meds is giving me terrible insomnia and I hate it.
I have three more doses of this stuff and I honestly cannot wait to not need it! First I was dizzy then I was super tired and now I can't sleep!
Also my jaw is super sensitive and my baby is currently in the "slap your face for funsies" stage so yeah... that's been fun. Also they had pried my mouth open so wide that the corners are a fucking mess right now and I feel gross every time I eat because they crack.
Any who, all in all aside from the post op blues, I think everything went well and I'm hoping the bone graphing takes well and fast so I can get my implants.
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lonelychicago · 1 year
i have surgery today :(( i'm scared :(( if i die, pls play louis tomlinson at my funeral
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loveoaths · 1 year
went to the dentist yesterday for a simple cleaning. staff was masked (surgical masks, so not very masked, but it was something) but i noticed my hygienist sounded kind of congested/was leaving the room to cough halfway into my cleaning. woke up today feeling like shit + full of weird vibrating sensations like i was the first time i had covid three years — which i have successfully dodged for three! years! — and if that office gave my immunocompromised ass covid i am going to be LIVID.
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sonder-moon · 4 months
dentist: wow barely any buildup here
me: i am going to get such a good grade in tooth
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fissions-chips · 1 year
tooth hurty
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corvidaecircus · 3 months
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuk I hate everything
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evanbukley · 3 months
hi there. i hope you are doing well!! <3
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lemonofthevalley · 4 months
I think it's really funny that I have such a strong sweet tooth but I hate sodas . dentists love me
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gojoest · 1 year
i will cry 😔
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munchboxart · 6 months
Thank you to all the replies for the wisdom teeth stuff, this will be my 2nd last boss
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groupalpha · 6 months
Note to everyone
Questions are gonna be a bit late today! You can send some asks in if you'd like, but it'll take me a little bit to actually get to them.
Just letting everyone know as I usually start answering asks in the morning (for my time). I can't do that today ^^'
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