#i am determined to have my instagram posts
kindlythevoid · 5 months
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Part One, Part Three, Part Four
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Hi, I am making this post on behalf of my friend, Sarah, who is just 16yo and struggling to survive with her family in Gaza. Please request to follow her on instagram @ sarah3.9031, for various reasons she cannot download tumblr. Below are pictures she has either sent me or has posted and shared
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Her brothers Suleiman (12) and Mohammed (7)
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What was once their home
A video Sarah sent me of her and her brothers thanking me for donating so they could have food😭 (my name is Geena)
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Screen shots from her story on instagram
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Thank you for sharing but pleeeeease donate anything you can they need $ so they can actually eat. This campaign is verified https://www.tumblr.com/determinate-negation/758932609139163136/general-post-with-some-fundraisers-i-have-been
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schoolhater · 2 months
Help a Palestinian college student rebuild his home!
As you know, I and my mutuals frequently post about Siraj @/siraj2024, who is trying to rebuild his home in Gaza. We stress that rebuilding in Gaza and resisting ethnic cleansing is just as important as evacuating to safety. One of the things we are all fighting for is for Palestinians to have the right to return to their homes. With that, I have another campaign I'd like to bring to your attention.
Mahmoud Hamam (@ma7moudgaza2) is a web designer and college student. He and his family have been displaced by the IOF several times and now live in a tent in al-Mawasi, Khan Yunis. He cannot stay there much longer.
Here's what studying is like for him now:
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Due to the recent massacres there, he has been unable to come online. He also had his previous account terminated by Tumblr, in an act of genocidal censorship. This is why we must help him.
He is only at $2,238 of $25,000, and he has been campaigning for a month as of right now. He has a long way to go but I beliveve it is possible to get him to his goal soon! We have seen people raise this amount in record time, I really do believe in all of us.
Despite all he has endured, he has not given up hope. Lets help him rebuild.
I am Mahmoud Hamam from Gaza, in the midst of destruction and bombing. I am writing to you that our morale is still high and that determination is present. After all the harsh circumstances we have been through, horrific events, but they will not destroy us, but rather they will make us stronger..
[verified by el-shab-hussein]
[link to his portfolio!]
[recent post by him with artwork you can repost on instagram for more reach]
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pickingupmymercedes · 6 months
Hi! I love your account. Sm. Like a lot. Would you be interested in writing something for lewis where he casually mentions in his gq interview that he has a longtime gf or wife. Or he recalls a memory of them introducing roscoe to her dog or cat?
Thank you so so much for the ask bestie! I drabbled something short, hope you like it ❤️.
PS: I'm still not over that interview btw, he's such a complex person and I'm so glad he's letting us see this side to him (a LVFH type of thing is something only someone like him could pull it off)
Lewis Hamilton’s drive to continually innovate and push the boundaries of his sport stems from a dual motivation. Firstly, he is determined to challenge and break the often conservative and traditional norms of Formula 1. Secondly, he is laying the groundwork for the latter part of his own illustrious career.
“I went through this phase of understanding that I can’t race forever,” he says, prompting him to cultivate those other passions. “Because when I stop, I’m gonna drop the mic and be happy.” “The difficult thing is I want to do everything,” he says, laughing. “I’m very ambitious. But I understand that you can’t do—actually, I take that back because I don’t believe in the word can’t. To be a master at something, there’s the 10,000 hours it takes. Obviously, I’ve done that in racing. There’s not enough time to master all of these different things.”
As our conversation progresses, Hamilton discloses that he has a kindred spirit who shares his compulsion to explore a myriad of interests. “I’m fortunate to have someone in my life who encourages me to embrace my spontaneous ideas and give them a shot. She might even be more adventurous than I am,” he chuckles. “She’s a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, and always so sure that you can dive into anything and learn as you go.” His eyes light up with admiration and affection as he speaks of her daring spirit.
The usually private Hamilton, who has been discreet about his long-term relationship, contrasts their differing approaches to life. “I need some more time to think things and really plan out how I want them to go. But she’s a jump now, ask later, so she’s most times hyping me to just try it. We balance each other. Sometimes I’m the strategist, and sometimes she’s the one taking the first bite.”
As for his future plans, apart from his endeavors in fashion and film, Hamilton prefers not to rush into anything. “She still has dreams she wants to pursue, so for now, I’m happy to be her supportive sidekick whenever I can. Perhaps in the future, when we both have more time our own family might be on the horizon, but not while I’m still racing.”
He quickly corrects himself though, referring to his bulldog, Roscoe, as his son, and introduces the adorable dachshund who frequently graces Roscoe’s Instagram posts. “My partner’s parents gifted her the little sausage dog a few years ago. Introducing them was a bit tricky as Tete is quite territorial. She wasn’t fond of me at first either, so Roscoe has a head start in winning her over. But now, Baguette gets along with everyone, and we can’t imagine our lives without her.”
Eager for more personal insights, I probe for updates on his personal life. However, when his response to my inquiry is, “Time will tell, when things happen we’ll make sure to update everyone when it feels right” I gracefully pivot to our next topic of discussion.
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focaccia-nose · 11 months
I love how one of my favorite artists just posted that Israel literally faked a terrorist attack and murdered their own civilians, which is just Holocaust denial but in a different font.
One of my favorite creators just posted about how a valid "solution" is for every Israeli to deport themselves and go back to where they came from. We already tried that. We continued to get killed. This whole thing proves that we are not safe anywhere.
I love how white leftists have determined that all of the media/narrative is controlled by Israel (cough sound familiar?) and are refusing to vote.
People I know and love are still regularly posting dog whistles on their Instagram stories.
Former friends still dm me accusing me of being a zionist for allowing room to grieve for all the civilians that were lost.
These tears are not "crocodile tears" or "white tears." Not only are we going through a huge collective trauma and watching genocide occur in real time, but somehow it's every Jewish person's fault for purely existing.
I'm not sleeping. I'm not eating. I'm so angry and so fucking sad and now my forms of escapism aren't safe anymore either.
I don't know how I'm ever going to recover. I have been fundamentally changed while people are posting purely to vertue signal and feel better about themselves. I just hope that I can learn how to trust people again. I hope I can learn how to be soft again.
I refuse to be a "good jew." I'm so proud of who I am and I will never shut up about it ever again.
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umseb · 2 months
The Day Sebastian Vettel Decided To Retire From F1 — Then Annoyed Aston Bosses With Climate Campaign
Two years ago, Sebastian Vettel decided to bring an end to his glittering F1 career, so picked up the phone to Matt Bishop, then Aston Martin comms boss. He details the ensuing scramble and Vettel's increasing determination to speak out
Just over two years ago, on Wednesday July 27, 2022, I was forced to do something that I really hate doing: at the eleventh hour I had to cancel a long-standing dinner arrangement with my husband and two of our dearest friends, who live in New York and were on holiday in London for a week. The reason was that, at 5 pm that afternoon, I received a phone call from Sebastian Vettel telling me that he had decided to announce his retirement from Formula 1 in the Hungarian Grand Prix paddock the following day. I was Aston Martin's chief communications officer at the time, and, when something as big as that is sprung on a Formula 1 team's most senior comms/PR operative, he or she has to drop everything and focus on briefing colleagues in confidence, writing press releases, planning social media content, arranging press conferences, and formulating comms/PR strategies designed to optimise the management of a tricky news narrative that in this case would surely unfold rapidly, and perhaps also trickily, over the next 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours. I have written above that Vettel had "sprung" his decision on me, but, although the imminence of his announcement was a surprise, its content was not. Four months earlier you will recall that he did not travel to Jeddah for the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, since he was recovering from a bout of Covid-19. His place was taken by Nico Hülkenberg, who, despite race-rustiness caused by his not having competed in F1 the previous year, did a typically excellent job.
Seb had made no secret of his disapproval of the Saudi regime when we had all gone there the first time, in December 2021, and, not surprisingly, in March 2022 rumours soon began to spread to the effect that he had invented a Covid-19 diagnosis so as to avoid racing there a second time. The truth was that he had indeed had Covid-19, and that he was indeed still unwell; however, was he disappointed to have had to skip the 2022 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix? No, he was not. Two weeks later, in Melbourne, he was back. On the Thursday before the Australian Grand Prix, in the Albert Park paddock, I gave him his comms/PR briefing, as was my habit on the Thursday before every grand prix. We discussed media matters of moment, including his not having raced in Jeddah. "The truth is that I was ill, honestly," he said, "but I admit that I don't like or approve of the country, so if I was going to have to miss a race because of Covid-19 that's probably the one I'd want to miss." He paused, smiled, and added, "I'm pretty sure I'm never going to race there again." Then and there I realised that 2022 would probably be his final season as an F1 driver. Not only was the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix going to be a fixture on the F1 calendar for years to come, but also one of Aston Martin's principal sponsors was Aramco, Saudi Arabia's state-owned national oil company. Missing that particular race without a 24-carat excuse would henceforth therefore be impossible for any Aston Martin driver. So, axiomatically, it followed that the only way he could make sure that he would never have to race there again would be to retire from F1 at the end of the year.
On the morning of Thursday, July 28, 2022, having worked until 3 am the night before, my comms/PR team and I issued a video in which our much loved four-time world champion announced his F1 retirement in his own words, and he posted it on his then brand-new Instagram channel at the same time. It included the following sentences, which he spoke with his usual eloquence: "I love this sport but, as much as there's life on track, there's also life off track. Being a racing driver has never been my sole identity. I want to be a great father and a great husband. I believe in change, and progress, and that every little bit you do can make a difference. We all have the same rights, no matter where we come from, what we look like, or whom we love. I'm an optimist and I believe that people are good, but, in addition, I feel that we live in very difficult times. How we shape the next few years will determine the rest of our lives. Talk is not enough. We can't afford to wait. I believe that there's still a race to win." The race to which he was referring was his growing and accelerating commitment to doing whatever he could to leverage his fame and popularity for the good of the inhabitants of planet Earth. That may sound grandiose, but it is also entirely valid. In the two years during which I worked with him, 2021 and 2022, we won awards for the inspirational way in which he did just that.
Just before the 2021 Styrian Grand Prix, helped by local schoolchildren, he created an F1 car-shaped 'bee hotel' at the Red Bull Ring. Three weeks later, straight after the British Grand Prix, in which he had raced hard for forty laps until his Aston Martin's Mercedes engine had terminally overheated, he led a group of volunteer litter-pickers to clear the Silverstone grandstands of the trash that irresponsible spectators had left behind. A month after that, in Hungary, infuriated by that country's new anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, he wore rainbow-coloured sneakers in the F1 paddock, and he donned a similarly hued T-shirt bearing the legend #SameLove as he took the knee on the grid before the race. Throughout the weekend he had talked to journalists and TV crews intelligently, thoughtfully, and compassionately on the subject of LGBTQ+ rights, equality, and inclusion. In May 2022 he visited and spoke inspirationally at HMP (Her, or now His, Majesty's Prison) Feltham, a young offenders institution in a suburb of west London, formally opening a new workshop in which the teenage inmates could learn how to become car mechanics as part of their rehabilitation. Immediately afterwards he and I took a South Western Railways train to London's Waterloo Station, sitting among regular commuters, so that he could spend time with the pupils of Oasis Johanna Primary School, which is in a disadvantaged part of inner London, and after that we went by Uber taxi to a church in Hackney, in the East End, where the BBC's prestigious political television talk show Question Time would be filmed. As the TV cameras rolled, he conversed fluently on the subjects of Brexit, the UK's cost of living crisis, the then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson's 'partygate' shenanigans, and even Finland's desire to join NATO, consummately out-arguing one of his fellow panellists, Suella Braverman, who was then the Attorney General for England and Wales and the Advocate General for Northern Ireland.
In addition, as the months went by, he continued to speak out in support of what he saw as humankind's collective global responsibility to address the climate crisis, doing so with increasing regularity, vehemence, and fearlessness, with the result that he began to irritate the very most senior people at Aston Martin, even though what he said tended to please most journalists and fans. "I don’t care," he said when he learned of his big bosses' disquiet. "I must do what's right." Behind the scenes what he did was perhaps even more admirable. F1 teams receive communications from troubled people all the time. You try to do what you can to help them, but sometimes their difficulties are of the type that human kindness alone cannot resolve. I am thinking of recently bereaved people, terminally ill people, profoundly disabled people, people with debilitating mental health issues, etc. Sometimes all you can do is send them a team cap signed by a driver. It is not much, and it breaks your heart that you cannot do more, but it is better than nothing.
Yet Vettel always tried to do more. On one occasion, I had been contacted by a young man who was deeply depressed. I told Seb about him, and he said, "Let's do a Zoom call with him." So I arranged it. I had thought that Seb might speak for five minutes or so, but no. He chatted animatedly for more than twenty minutes, with touching humility and heart-warming empathy, and I feel confident when I say that those twenty-odd minutes were significant in expediting the lad's mental and emotional recovery. A few months later, Seb hand-wrote the boy a four page letter. He gave it to me at a grand prix-I cannot remember which one-and he instructed me to post it on when I returned to the UK. I read it before I did so, and the tenderness and beauty of Seb's prose brought me to tears. There are many other examples of his remarkable generosity and sensitivity: too many to mention, in fact. This column has been about Vettel the man, not Vettel the driver. He was fast and clever in the cockpit, and I may well write about that side of him one day. I could write much more about Vettel the man, too, for I have dozens of stories that I could tell on that subject, because I worked very closely with him for two years and, more importantly, because he is a truly great man. In my long career I am lucky enough to have spent time in F1 teams with four world champions-Seb, Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso, and Jenson Button-and they are all fantastic guys in their own, very different, ways. But, in my 61 years on this planet, I can state with confident and emphatic certainty that Sebastian Vettel, from the small town of Heppenheim, south-west Germany, is one of the most impressive people whom I have ever had the pleasure and honour to know, whether that be inside or outside F1. As he is fond of saying, "You can't always be the best, but you can always do your best." As a maxim to live by, it is hard to beat.
article by matt bishop
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nadvs · 5 months
we need a second part of imperfect strangers where he actually comes and visits her for the weekends🤭 (random but i can so see them at chipotle being all cutesy)
aw tysm 💘 wrote a blurb and rly leaned into the goofy fluff but it’s NEEDED with zach imo!!
continuation of this fic
Zach acts like a four-hour drive to your college is nothing.
You know he’s tired every time he pulls up in front of your dorm. You can see it in the bags under his eyes and the yawns he tries to hide from you.
But matter how many times you tell him he doesn’t have to come visit you every weekend, he won’t hear it. He’s determined to show you how badly he wants to see you, refusing to take the risk of hurting you again.
When you mention to Zach that you’re craving Chipotle the night before his visit, he finds the closest one to your campus while still on the phone with you.
The second you get into his car the next day, he kisses you before you can even get a chance to put on your seatbelt.
“Missed you, too,” you laugh when he pulls back.
After he buys lunch, you sit in a booth by a window in the restaurant, feet bumping beneath the table. He always wants to find a way to touch you, no matter how minor.
“This is a masterpiece,” he says, holding out his bowl, ridiculously competitive as usual. “I don’t know what that is.”
You gasp as he points at your meal.
“What makes yours so perfect?” you ask. He loves how you always play along with him, that you’re as much of a goofball as he is.
“Look,” Zach says, his delivery deadpan but his motive silly like usual, “I got the protein - the steak, of course…”
“Of course,” you echo amusedly.
“And brown rice, great for lowering cholesterol,” he says.
“You take one nutrition course and suddenly you’re a genius,” you sigh, recalling how he told you about one of his elective classes on the phone a few nights ago.
“Babe, I’m being serious here,” Zach says, the smile curling on his lips telling you he’s not being serious at all.
“Continue.” You take a bite of your lunch.
“Corn, a vegetable,” he says, raising his eyebrows, “salsa, extra cheese-”
“I think you’re cheesy enough,” you interrupt, putting a palm up. Zach laughs and nudges your knee with his.
“You love it,” he says. You smile, confirming it.
“Is this who you are now that you’re a local celebrity?” you tease. “All ego?”
A few days ago, a photo of him playing soccer in a home game was posted on his college’s Instagram account, celebrating the team’s most recent win.
As you expected, the top comment was by a girl who wrote what’s his @ i’m asking for a friend (i’m the friend).
“Afraid so,” he responds.
“I noticed you changed your profile picture on Instagram,” you say. It used to be his athletic headshot, but now his profile boasts an image of the two of you smiling outside of a café.
“Yeah,” he says plainly.
“What do you mean? Am I not cute in it?” he jokes.
“Zach,” you laugh. “Was it because girls were messaging you?”
His cheeks flush pink. He pulls out his phone and sets it in front of you.
“Yeah. I changed it so they know I have a girlfriend,” he says, gaze fluttering away. You know him so well. “And I didn’t message any of them back. You can check.”
“You’re so sweet,” you giggle. “I trust you, but I kind of want to look just out of curiosity to see what they’re saying.”
Sure enough, he has a few messages from pretty girls sitting in his inbox, some simple hi’s, others much more flirty.
“Can’t blame them,” you reply, sliding his phone back to his side of the table. “You’re hot.”
“Are you only in this for my looks?”
“I thought you knew that,” you say. “This is awkward now.”
Zach grins, bumping your knee again before sliding out of his side of the booth and settling beside you. You can smell his cologne, clean and gentle.
“Yeah, we’re the kind of couple that sits on the same side of the table, so what?” he mumbles, planting a kiss on your temple. You smirk, kneeling against his shoulder before sitting straight again.
“I’m sorry if that made you jealous, babe,” Zach says after a beat. At times, it’s hard to believe how sensitive he is. “I can ask them to take the photo down.”
“Oh,” you say with a laugh. He has a bit of a jealous streak stemming from insecurities, but you never felt it yourself, knowing how loyal he is. “I have a cute boyfriend. I can accept that it comes with a little competition sometimes.”
“There’s no competition,” he says resolutely, blue eyes hard on you. You squeeze his bicep and smile at him and he dips to kiss your fingers, right above the promise ring he gave you.
“You know that goes both ways, right?” you tell him softly. “You’ve ruined all other men for me, MacLaren.”
Your words send butterflies swirling in his stomach.
“Good thing we’ll be together forever then,” Zach says, a glint in his eyes.
“Good thing,” you agree.
(continuation blurb)
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calcahro · 5 months
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Explaining Resonators Part 1 - Overview
This is my first time using Tumblr, please bare with my posting habits lol. I decided to make one of my Twitter threads into a format suitable for Tumblr, Instagram and Tiktok.
THIS WILL BE VERY LONG. This is a rework of my Twitter thread explanations from a few months ago, pages I created for Fandom Wikia (I'm bureaucrat as of April 21 thanks to the inactive owners yippee), and a somewhat recent post I made for the r/wutheringwaves and r/wuwa_lore (please join it and the WuWa lore Discord linked to it!) If this reaches non mutuals: I am a long time Kuro Game fan! PGR since launch and WuWa since it was initially leaked and unannounced in 2022. I am a part of two lore teams for the game and make guides for it in my free time, mostly on Twitter @ mortefii. For those that already know me I'm putting it here too just to store it so smd.
The Lament changed the laws of Solaris-3, and unique frequencies are now attached to various things. The Lament's power causes destructive anomalies, such as the Tacet Fields, Tacet Discord Outbreaks, and the mysterious matter named Tacetite. These are collectively known as the Waveworn Phenomenon. The Waveworn Phenomena is believed to have altered matter, information, and energy by converting them into vibrating frequencies.
Individuals with the ability to resonate with things in existence and manipulate their frequencies are known as Resonators. These individuals exhibit a Resonance Ability through a symbol, known as the Tacet Mark, on their bodies.
They have unique Resonance Spectrum Patterns that determine their abilities and relates to their Attributes.They are classified by their Rabelle's Curve into one of the following: Natural, Mutant, Congenital, or *Artificial.
According to experts on Solaris-3, a Resonator's abilities are often influenced by their past experiences and subconscious mind.
Every Resonator has a Forte Examination Report that evaluates their status as a Resonator. It consists of two parts: a Resonance Evaluation Report, and an Overclock Diagnostic Report. 
They WERE available on Kuro's website as Profile Reveals and Inspection Reports used to promote/introduce a character, but they can all be viewed in-game after obtaining the character if you did not archive them.
Click to go to Part 2
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marlenesluv · 1 year
hii! could you do a max smau where his gf takes him to nyc for christmas, but he doesht usually like christmas, but this time he loves it
Christmas Is Better With You. (MV)
hi!! aww, bye, this is so cute🥹 i can 110% do this! i’m a sucker for a cute max smau. he gets way too much hate, he’s just a sweetheart, ugh.
pairing: max verstappen x fem!nyc born!reader
fc: ruby lyn (one of my fav instagramers who actually lives in ny!)
warnings: none!
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
your instagram story:
december 19th at 10:42pm
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seen by: maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, and 845,024 others
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liked by: lilymhe, maxverstappen1, and 723,109 others
y/n.user: first day of turning max from the grinch, to buddy the elf 🎄❤️
view comments…
maxverstappen1: i am not the grinch
↳ y/n.user: babe….
↳ maxverstappen1: just bc i don’t like christmas, doesn’t mean i’m the grinch
↳ y/n.user: that’s exactly what the grinch would say
supermaxfan1: max cooks??
↳ y/nfp: y/n has said his cooking has gotten better with her help LMAOO
user6: girlie, i don’t think you will be successful..
↳ user1: y/n is very determined. she’ll crack him
alex_albon: good luck!! you’ll need it
↳ y/n.user: thanks, alex!
↳ maxverstappen1: wowowow. thanks alex🙄
f1wags: our wag takes on a challenge this christmas
yourbsf: have fun babes!!
*liked by creator*
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liked by: y/n.user, christianhorner, and 792,499 others
maxverstappen1: i guess nyc has good food and pretty decorations (and i’m with the best tour guide, my gf, if you can’t figure it out)
view comments…
y/n.user: aww, i really am the best tour guide, arent i?
↳ maxverstappen1: of course
user5: y/n is looking absolutely stunningggg
↳ user2: nyc makes her glow bc it’s her home fr
user0: she’s wearing ferrari colors?
↳ ferrarifans: oh pls. christmas is red and green. plus, there’s red in REDbull😭 ffs💀
y/nseditpage: she’s looking sooo beautiful
maxandy/nfp: need me a max fr🙄
user7: my fav couple, deadass
ferrarifriends: okay. we get it. you guys are in love. gag me (i’m so lonely pls)
francisca.cgomes: she’s a stunnnnaaaaaa
↳ y/n.user: kikaaaa🥹🫶
↳ francisca.cgomes: 🫶🫶
your instagram story:
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seen by: maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 789,129 others
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liked by: y/n.user, charles_leclerc, and 881,194 others
maxverstappen1: christmas is, in fact, better in nyc with your girlfriend
view comments….
y/n.user: yayaya my personal buddy the elf!
↳ maxverstappen1: only for you, though
danielricciardo: hes so whipped
↳ y/n.user: as he should be. i’m whipped for him
↳ danielricciardo: so true
maxiel4life: i may be a maxiel fan, but i’m a y/niel lover
user9: the market in nyc on christmas day is soo real
changeyourcar: mmk best couple, slayyy
paddockgirlie: the home alone movie on the projector?? this is so cute
landonorris: i want a nyc christmas, wth??
↳ y/n.user: next year, max wants the whole grid to come over🤞 soooo hehe
↳ oscarpiastri: omg i’m coming
papayafp: a nyc grid christmas next year??? sign me tf upppp
lewishamilton: y/n’s apartment looks so nice!
↳ y/n.user: thank you, lew!!
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seen by: maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, and 801,277 others
reply from @danielricciardo :
↳ he could never love my gifts too much, i’m an amazing gift giver ☺️
replying to @danielricciardo from @y/n.user :
↳ whatever 🥲🙄
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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mohamadabujbara · 17 days
**🚨 Urgent Appeal for Assistance 🚨**
📍 My family AbuJbara in Gaza has been devastated by the ongoing war, losing everything we owned. We live in a single building with separate apartments for my parents, my sister, and my family—**_my wife and three children_**—along with my brother Ali, his two daughters, and my younger brother Anas. **Our family consists of 14 members, including six children under 10 years old.**
Our homes and businesses, which were our livelihood, have been destroyed.
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We owned "Mohammad Ali Optical," a 13-year-old family business run by my brother Ali and me .
My father and brother Anas managed _“Karmoush Toys & Gift,”_ **a business over 20 years old.**
I also had _“Adam Kunafa,”_ **which was less than a year old.**
All of this has been wiped out, as shown in the photos and videos from our earlier posts.
**⚠️ We are now homeless and without work, struggling to survive. ⚠️**
I have reached out to several individuals to document our campaign, but our turn has yet to come.
We urgently need your help to document and achieve our goal.
I am ready to provide all necessary documents to verify our situation.
My social media accounts, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, are linked here, as well as the pages for **_"Mohammad Ali Optical"_** and **_"Adam Kunafa,"_** and my father and brother's account linked to **_"Karmoush Toys & Gifts."_**
**🙏 We appeal to you for financial assistance: 🙏**
**To help us with travel costs, securing shelter, and providing basic necessities like food, water, and medicine.**
Your generous donations can help us survive and rebuild our lives. Please don’t leave us alone. Help and share this appeal as much as possible. We have exhausted all our resources.
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Please don’t leave us alone. **_Help and share this appeal as much as possible._**
We have **_exhausted all our resources._**
🙏 We appeal to you for financial assistance: 🙏
**To help us with travel costs, securing shelter, and providing basic necessities like food, water, and medicine.**
Your *generous donations* can help us **survive and rebuild** our lives.
We have *exhausted all our resources.*
💸 Donate now through this link: 💸
Thank you for your *kindness and support.*
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bekkathyst · 5 months
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Current Shop Offerings
Hello everyone! We narrowly avoided having to close our shop a month ago, but thanks to your amazing support, we're slowly catching up on everything and getting back on our feet. We're also in the delicate position of having to maintain a sufficient income so my partner (husband/business partner) can continue to stay here in Austria, which is why we are always so deeply appreciative of your support! When you purchase from us or even just share our posts, you're supporting our family and allowing us to stay together here in Austria. The move here has been a really difficult transition for the shop, but I am so determined to work out all the kinks and keep this family business of 10+ years running.
I thought I'd make this post so those who wish to support us know how to do so! First of all, reblogging and sharing posts is such an amazing help.
Here's what I have in the shop right now:
My latest handmade jewelry collection, a large assortment of crystals, and prints and journals made and shipped from the US with our original photography!
I also had a little discounted crystal set sale here on Tumblr recently, which you can find here.
I am currently in the process of launching my Patreon, which will have a wider range of content, and I will be restarting my email news letter as well.
Other places you can find us: Crystal Instagram | Jewelry/Art Instagram | TikTok | YouTube
Thank you so much!
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taekooktimeline · 1 month
Hello 👋🏽
I’ve completed uploading episodes 1-4 of “are you sure” 🥳It goes without saying, but this is a Taekook focused blog so all of these posts, just like all my other posts, highlight Taekook and their bond (or in some instances, my posts archive important pieces of information so others can’t distort facts).
I wanted to upload episode 3 as one post, and episode 4 as one post, but Tumblr wouldn’t let that happen due to their sizes. When I shrank photos to make each episode one post, text and images became blurred and my OCD couldn’t stand it. I hate that they each have 2 posts, but I preferred it to the alternative of unreadable pieces.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever gone in depth about the uploading process? It’s quite an undertaking for long pieces. I first draft the posts in Google docs. This can take days as I rewatch things, chat with friends and gather what people have noticed from my timeline. One episode can take 3-4 hours to watch, as I draft as I go and then go back through and fill in further, then tighten it all up.
After this, I upload the draft into Word Press. It’s not straightforward anymore. When I copy and paste the draft into WP, only the text follows. I have to then go back to Google docs and copy / paste the pictures one by one, and then add the timestamps and hyperlinks under these pictures.
Once that’s done, I convert the post into HTML code. I can’t simply hit “select all.” I have to drag my finger down the entire post and carefully hit copy, or else I erase the whole post (which has happened). I then copy / paste the HTML code into my email and email it to myself.
From there, I copy / paste the code and upload it into Tumblr. Tumblr won’t let me post more than 30 photos a post now, sadly, which means splitting posts up. I have to read the HTML code and decide where to break things up.
I upload the post, then reblog it to its respective year, so you can read the post in the “main” timeline, but also in chronological order in the year it happened. When it’s reblogged to its year of occurrence, I have to scroll to events that happened around that date to determine what backdate to make that piece, so it lands in the correct spot of the timeline.
Uploading these posts took me all morning. Factoring in drafting, I spent at least 2-2.5 days on these episodes.
I’m not sure why I felt like sharing that today, except that I wanted to really take a moment and sincerely thank anyone who stops by to read my blog and let you know it’s so appreciated. Even if no one read this blog, I archive Taekook’s moments as one way of supporting them. I really enjoy preserving their moments - we have so many! - and looking back fondly.
So I’d do it no matter if no one read this, but knowing people do read this blog and treasure it as much as I do means so much to me. I’m thankful for the friendships formed, the people I’ve been able to talk to and some I’ve been fortunate to meet in real life, and it’s all thanks to this blog.
Not only that, my anxiety gets the best of me. I greatly admire those who tweet on Twitter, or post on Instagram, without giving much thought. I can’t do it. I wish I could. I will sit on posts, get anxious, bail out of posting, or post then mute because I’m so tense. I’m not sure why that is. Sometimes I wish my accounts were smaller so I could maybe feel more comfortable freely speaking my mind. But I also think I’d be anxious no matter what because social media is so toxic and dark and my energy can’t stand it. It doesn’t help I’m still trying to figure out my medical mysteries, and that’s been such a drain on my energy. I can’t find it in me to do much more than lurk on Twitter and IG right now.
Here on tumblr, I feel like I’m in my little safe space. It’s quiet here, I post my pieces and show my support, and my support is measured in a more meaningful way for who I am as a person (in addition to streaming, buying their merch etc). I really am so grateful for this space. We all support in our ways and though I wish I was bolder on TW and IG, I appreciate those who are and I also appreciate that we are all here to equally love and support Tae and Jk. That’s what matters.
So if you’re reading this, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here and reading this blog💜💚
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
have you seen the super blurry video of the 4 of them at the Oliver awards?? I what really gets me is Michael stepping into the person behind him.
Yes, I have indeed seen the blurry video that's been going around this afternoon. I know some folks were having difficulty seeing it, so I will post it here:
I think probably the first thing I thought was that this video is too short to really draw any full-on conclusions (to quote Buffalo Springfield, "There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear..."), and to wonder where the heck it came from. (It was posted as a story on a fan page on Instagram, but there's no indication of who recorded it or why it was publicized to begin with.)
Beyond that, though, and because we do not have a context for what is happening (although given the folder David is holding, it looks like it was filmed around when the group photo was taken), I am just looking at the things that are most plainly visible. One of which is what you mentioned, with Michael jerking back suddenly into the woman behind him. It's been suggested that Anna touched Michael's arm to guide him to move because the other woman was trying to pass through. When I watched it again, though, it looked more like the order of events was Anna reached for Michael's arm, he visibly pulled back right when she made contact, and then the other woman moved to keep from colliding with him. That is my interpretation, at any rate.
It also looks like a conversation is happening (possibly between Michael and Georgia, with David in the middle), and Michael seems to look somewhat agitated. Georgia, who is on the right of the frame, appears to then slap her hand to get their attention. This very well could be because it was loud, there were a lot of people talking, and it was difficult to hear. Given how close she is standing to David, though, Georgia could have also just put a hand on his arm the way Anna did with Michael, but she didn't, and I'm a bit perplexed as to why. The hand slap actually reminded me of a school headmistress, or something Judge Judy would do, because those are the only two people I think I've ever seen do a gesture like that.
Whatever her reasons, it seemed to work, as David's head snapped up right away. I did notice though that Michael continued talking (perhaps possibly determined to get whatever point he was making across), and it gave me the feeling that he and Georgia were having a bit of a back-and-forth/fighting for David's attention. (I guess that means the answer to the question of, "Can Michael fight?" is "Yes, if David Tennant is involved".) It could also be that AL was trying to sooth him/get him to be more agreeable to whatever Georgia was saying, but it doesn't seem like that really worked.
Again, it's a very short video and without context it's hard to say anything definitive, but that is my interpretation. I'd still like to know where in the world this video even came from, especially because it seems to cut off so suddenly, giving the impression that there was more. Strange days indeed...
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kremlin · 11 months
An earnest call for your support: Help me determine if there is a gas leak in my house.
for a long time now, I have been reading and hearing about This Guy on the news, and have been reading all the articles and stories about him:
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Above: Sam, tenting his weird-ass fucked up fingers like a real Wall Street Guy might do in a movie he saw
Yep, you already know this guy, his name is Sam, I'll be referring to him as Sam, as that is his first name, and not by his initials, which is what I imagine a pod person might do in an attempt to emulate human behaviour. Whatever. You already know him and what he did, I won't waste your time. Listen. Pay attention. This is not a post about this guy or what he did. That shit is boring as fuck. This is a post about a potential gas leak in my house. We'll get to that in just a bit. Remember.
I've read all the articles and all the op-eds and everything. About Sam. Let us explore the entire spectrum of media coverage of Sam and Sam's Big Ass Problem, starting from the bottom, with the worm-food-tier jackasses: What do people like Jim Cramer and Shark Tank Guy have to say about him?
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Above: CNN's "Mad Money" Jim Cramer also doing a weird hand gesture while he tells your alcoholic cable-news-addicted uncle to put his money in some dumbass shit
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Above: I think this is the Shark Tank guy? I don't remember his name. Could have sworn his suit had dollar signs and not question marks (?)
I'll summarize their conclusions: "Sam is a boy genius who is super duper smart and can move objects with his massive brain due to knowing about Tech, FinDom FinTech, and computer money, specifically Money Coding. Unfortunately Sam committed massive fraud and will get his ass fucked in federal court".
Moving on from the worm-food-tier to the mediocre-tier: The totally nameless basic bitch journalists at the New York Times or Bloomberg. What do these assholes have to say?
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Above: Jim Fuckface, associate financial correspondent for Bloomberg. Jim enjoys winding down on a Friday afternoon by sipping a Bud Lite Lime and wearing his baseball cap backwards, which bears the logo of his local professional sports team.
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Above: Kate Fuckface, columnist at the New York Times. Kate enjoys spending her time chatting and interacting with her friends on Social Media Platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as well as purchasing items on Etsy
I'll summarize their conclusions: "Displaying the characteristic awkwardness of incredible technical and financial genius, it was clear to me during our interview that Sam's depth of knowledge truly knew no bounds. Unfortunately Sam committed massive fraud and will get his ass fucked in federal court."
Finally moving on to the people that might actually have a clue about what they're talking about. Sam Levine and Michael Lewis:
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Above: Matt Levine, author of a comedy email newsletter named Money Stuff that is 95% financial information by weight and somehow still usually funny as fuck.
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Above: Michael Lewis, author of a bunch of really good books you haven't read that were made into pretty decent movies you have seen: Moneyball and The Big Short.
I'll summarize their conclusions: "Sam sure is a smart kid and seems to know a whole lot about economics and this digital currency, and I mean a whole lot, and even more about business, accounting, and finance. Bright kid! Unfortunately Sam committed massive fraud and will get his ass fucked in federal court."
A pretty goddamn clear consensus across the board on both counts.
I listened to the interviews the entire spectrum of people listed above conducted with him -- the ones during which they unanimously concluded how smart he is. I listened to many hours of ad-hoc, unscripted Twitter Space calls he participated in, where he fielded questions about his fraud and his business with complete strangers. I listened to them very carefully. And here is my problem! I came to a different conclusion!
Sam is a fucking moron. I am not talking about solely his intellect, or solely his decision-making abilities, or any specific criteria. I am talking about all of them.
There are two possibilities:
(A) I am correct and, somehow, literally everyone else is incorrect, most of whom know vastly more about these topics than I do
(B) There is a fucking gas leak in my house and I have completely lost all cognitive abilities, suddenly and unwittingly, and exist in a cartoon reality inside my skull that would allow me to reach such a wildly different conclusion from the same evidence.
The likelihood of (A) being correct is very nearly 0%. I mean, come on. I am not fucking around when I tell you how troubling this is for me. I wrote earlier that this isn't a post about Sam or his bullshit. This is a post asking for your help in determining whether I have lost my god damn marbles.
I'll give Sam one thing -- he has some nominal ability to bullshit. If he's writing a Tweet, or making a short statement, he can finesse his words that, on some level, mask how much of a dimwit he is. He absolutely can't do that through about six hours of unscripted interviews. Listen to that shit. Listen.
I am going to go check all the joints in the gas lines in my house as well as the ports on my stove and heater. I'll come back and write a follow-up post on outlining exactly why I think homeboy is an idiot. While I do that, please, go listen to the interviews and tell me what you think.
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screaminglygay · 1 year
third time is a charm, right? (part four)
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader, wanda maximoff x fem!reader, natasha romanoff x wanda maximoff
summary: getting to know wanda and natasha must be wonderful, right?
warnings: swearing, bad flirting once again, hints of sexual themes
word count: 2.4k
an: hi! hello! im back, hopefully my wifi will work forever from now on. thank youuuu for all of your support, i love you guys so much!!! so sweet!  💞 💕 💞 
(italica = your thoughts)
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In the last three days you checked your phone like nine billion times, still nothing. Being frustrated is a weak word to use in this situation. You were furious, screen time on your phone went up by 89% as it almost hit the number of 13 hours per day. You could make a bet that you´ve seen every Instagram post, every latest information on twitter, in the second it was posted.
I am going to die, I swear. Did I just get ghosted again? Again?  
You let out a big sigh, looking around your room makes you go back to reality as you notice the mess. Not just in your head, but also everywhere around your camp spot, for the past days. Seeing this doesn’t make you very happy, but you're really not in the mood to clean up this bomb situation.
Your phone buzzes.
Every thought bothered by the junk in your living room is now out of your mind at the same speed as it came in. Jumping for your phone wasn’t the smartest idea as you stab yourself with something, you grab it.
What the fuck? A fork?  
The fork is being thrown away, landing somewhere between your box from take-out and dirty sleeping shirt.  
Your phone buzzes again.
Finally, you took it and looked at your messages. Your eyes quickly scan who texted you. It´s Natasha.
Oh my god! It´s her! Yes! Celebrations!
You smiled to yourself as you did something like a cheerful winning dance. Knowing you´re alone, you went fully in with that dance moves. Clicking on the message so you can get some satisfaction makes your heart skips a beat.
Hey sweetheart! We´re at town, would be okay if we came to yours for a bit?  
To talk of course 😉
Your cheeks immediately turn to a shade of pink. The heat makes you take off your hoodie, but it does not help at all, you stand up and start to walk around the messy room, dodging everything that lies on the floor. Looking back at the phone, your fingers quickly type your agreement.
They did not ghost me, nice.  
Your phone buzzes one more time.
20 minutes and we will be there! xx
You look around and a sigh of relief escapes your mouth. Typing quick “okay” as a reply must be enough, your brain can't type more than that as you're already smiling. Only happy thoughts in your head, the two gorgeous women are actually sent from heaven. Sitting back on the couch did not last long, you got back up as you noticed that the mess was still everywhere, and you had 20 minutes to clean it.
You cursed yourself for being gay mess, literally. Being the clumsy you, it took you seven slip ups on your own clothes and three times spilling the same coffee cup to understand that you have zero chance of cleaning this in time.  
Okay, come (Y/N), you’ve got this.
You look at the floor where the spilled coffee is slowly rolling to you.
Maybe I don’t.  
The more you look around the more you feel trapped, the chaos on the ground surrounds you. You don´t even know where most of the things came from. Papers and books are scattered across the coffee table, empty snack wrappers the floor, and a pile of laundry has found its way onto the couch as well as on the ground, chair and somehow even on the kitchen counter. Taking off your rings sounds like a good first step.
Determined, you grab an old towel and luckily you find a bucket, so you fill it with soapy water, ready to clean it all. As you kneel, you can't help but wince at the sticky sensation as your hands encounter the wet mess. You start scrubbing aggressively, hoping to remove every trace of the many accidents. But the coffee spill is just the beginning. Your eyes dart around the room, searching for the next task. You spot the papers first, and you quickly gather them up, trying to sort them into some order.
Burger king coupon? Where did i even get this?
You aim it from a distance, thinking you won't need to take the extra five steps to actually put it in the trashcan. Unexpectedly, your aim is much better than you thought it was possible. You grin with pride, quickly forgetting that you have work to do.
Okay, what´s next? Oh.
Rushing to the couch, you scoop up the pile of laundry, quickly folding and stacking them in a corner. It's not perfect, but it will have to do for now. Time ticks away, urging you to keep moving. The once cluttered floor now starts to regain its sense of space, giving you a glimmer of hope that you might finish in time.
But the clock continues to tick faster and faster, and there's still work to be done. You dart around the room, dusting off surfaces, straightening cushions, and rearranging misplaced items. Your hands move swiftly, almost instinctively, as you strive to restore order to your living room.
It doesn't look that bad. It looks like my old apartment... kinda-ish.
It's not perfect, but it's significantly improved. The spilled coffee has faded, the papers are neatly stacked, and the floor is no longer a minefield of wrappers and clothes. You take a moment to catch your breath, wiping sweat from your forehead.
Quickly running to the bathroom, you take the first perfume and spray it in the living room. Breathing faster than you should you start coughing at the way too sweet perfume hitting your nose.
With only moments to spare, you make a final sprint to the front door, checking your appearance in the mirror. Taking a deep breath, you steady yourself for your angel's arrival, hoping that they will see it as a normal apartment, despite the recent chaos that had occupied you and your living room.
Ding ding.
Oh my god, they are here! Okay, it´s happening. Everybody stay calm. Everybody stay calm down! Haha, office reference.
You giggle at your own thoughts as you peak at yourself one more time in the mirror, winking at yourself.
That was cringe.
You shake your head a little bit, trying to gain confidence you once definitely had somewhere. Quickly opening the door was one way ticket to gay panic once again. Your heart skips a beat as you take in their presence. Natasha, with her confident stance and piercing gaze, smiles as you open the door.  
Beside her stands Wanda, radiating an otherworldly aura. Her expressive eyes hold a mixture of sweetness and authority at the same time.
Speechless for a moment, you find yourself in the presence of two ladies who probably have the superpower of looking heavenly in any circumstances. The gravity of their presence fills the room, and you can't help but feel hotter than from the world record cleaning you did just a minutes ago.
“Hello, pretty girl.” red head said.
“Hi! Hello, welcome!” You move to the side so they both can enter your apartment.
Welcome? What am I? A bellboy or something?
Closing the door, you let out a big sigh, trying to get your brain cells together to work as a team.
They both walk in, looking around the place you're living in. Trying to take small details about you, Wanda immediately looks at the pictures you have on the wall. Bunch of meaningfull and meaningless pictures together.
“Aww you look very cute here, is this your dog?” Wanda asks with a wide smile as she turns to look at you for a second and then she looks back on the pictures.
“Uh no, that was... Uh my friend´s dog.” You stutter a little bit, that caused Natasha to look at you straight away.
“Friend´s?” She comes closer to you. “I don’t like lying, sweetheart, do you love?” She tilts her head, and her beautiful eyes look at her girlfriend.  
“Nope.” Wanda smirks already knowing what´s about to come, but still pays more attention to the pictures.
Natasha's eyes meet yours, her gaze steady and observant. Swallowing hard was another indicator for the older woman that you're not telling the whole truth.
“Technically it´s not a lie.” Your eyes squint a little bit.
Hearing Wanda let out a very adorable chuckle didn’t help you at all. But you don’t dare to look at her, you're still fixated on Natasha, who is watching you like a mother who is waiting for your explanation after being at a parent - teacher meeting.
“But practically we were uh more than friends...” you squint your eyes even more, biting the inside of your cheek as a replacement of fidgeting with your rings as you took them off while you were cleaning.  
“You were?” She was playing with you, it was obvious, you knew it right away. Simply nodding wasn’t the answer here, but you suddenly lost your voice. It was like she caught it and with her big, muscular fist and didn’t plan on letting go any time soon.  
You clear your throat, hoping it would give you few milliseconds to think of an answer.
“That´s why the picture is ripped. He was uh also there, but I cut him off. I love his dog thought.” You try to laugh it off, but Natasha maintains the same face expression. “I call it my straight era.” another joke that actually worked this time. 
All of you laughed at that statement.
Bingo. Mrs. Joker is back in the game. Oh gosh. Cringe, extra cringe. Calm down. Please and thank you.
“We all had that era.” Natasha added, while Wanda came back and nodded.
“I get it though, that dog is very cute.” she chuckled.
You smile at Wanda but hearing Natasha´s comment made you turn back to her.
“Oh, you did? Tell me more!” You smirked looking at Natasha, hoping she will tell you something about her “straight era”. “Pretty please!”  
“Aw you have such a nice manners, darling. Okay, alright.” Natasha giggles. Wanda was already sitting down as she almost broke your arm dragging you with her as well. She pulled you towards her, so you were sitting on her lap.
“Oh... um I-” you blushed already feeling the warm feeling in your stomach.
“We need to train this a little, baby, you're just sitting in my lap now, can you imagine other things? You would explode.” Wanda winked at you, wrapping her hand around you, squeezing you a little tighter. As Natasha finally sits next to you on the couch, watching your interaction with Wanda.
After two hours of talking from your first boyfriends to your favorite episode of Scooby-Doo, you figure out both of them are not so different from you. Maybe Natasha owning a big motorcycle company and Wanda owning architectural corporation makes them richer than you, but besides that. You three are pretty similar. You have lots of things in common, reading, watching movies and shows, cooking, going on walks, cuddling.  
Wanda and you were having the longest conversation about why Emily Dickinson is the best poet, while Natasha only knew she was very fruity and wrote a poetry, but she was admiring how you and her girlfriend were understanding each other so effortlessly without speaking like a normal human being. When the new topic finally came in, Natasha took the lead and asked you a bunch of questions about your favorite music. When she showed her playlist, you had to let out a big laugh.
“Taylor Swift, really?” you look at her, while you shift at Wandas lap to get a better look at her playlist.
“What? I don’t look like a Swiftie?” She acted like she was hurt by your words.
“Uh, no?” you laugh even more. “You look like a Nirvana kind of guy, Blink 182, Pink Floyd, but not a Swiftie, no.” you admit.
“When we started seeing each other I told her I like Taylor Swift, since then she is listening to her non-stop.” Wanda explained.
“See? That makes sense. Wanda...” you nod towards her “the ray of sunshine is a Swiftie and it make so much sense.”  
“So just because I wear black that means I can't listen to Taylor?” She fights playfully back.
“I didn’t say you can't, I just meant that you... a motorcycle company owner who wears leather even as a pj´s won't just play Shake It Off in her shop.” you try to make your point.
“True. Because I think Shake It Off is a song that gets too much credit, just because it´s a simple pop. But something like Eyes open or Better Than Revenge would be great to play in there.” she smiles “Also I don’t think people would mind if I played anything like Lover, because sometimes you much rather hear a song that speaks to you, other than something that just sounds okay and has a lots of drums in it.” she finishes you off.
You don’t say anything at all, you just nod.
“It was your game and you still lost, baby.” Wanda teases you a bit.
“Okay, fine. Fair points, you won.” Even though you don’t want to, you admit it.
“Like I always do.” She moves closer and kisses your cheek.
You tense in Wanda´s arms.
“Relax, detka. We got you.” Wanda whispers in your ear, slowly moving her hands to your stomach as Natasha comes closer to you.
“Yeah, (Y/N). Relax, baby.” Natasha finally connects your lips together as she makes your mind empty. The gentle pressure of her lips against yours sparks a surge of warmth. Her touch evokes a tingly sensation that makes your heart skip a beat. The warmth and softness of her touch imprint upon your senses, etching a memory that you know will linger long after the kiss is over. But for now, her lips are in the perfect place, on yours. If this wasn’t enough, you feel other lips on your neck. As Wanda´s lips trail along your neck, a shiver dances down your spine, electrifying every inch of your being. The gentle press and release of the younger woman kisses unleash pleasure and vulnerability at the same time, leaving a mark, both physical and emotional on your neck. 
Your brain is now overtaken by these two goddesses, leaving it empty as the first time you saw them.
That empty you don’t even realize that they didn’t need you to text them your address to find out where you live.
an2: let me know your thoughts on this and what should happen next! If i didn´t tag you, let me know as well and i´ll add you!!
taglist: @arualdcg​ @beholdagaywriter​ @snowdrop1026​ @itsdoni@newawakening9​ @aliherreraaa @zzswiftyzz​ @lesbiantothemoonandback​
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National Coming Out Day-October 11th! *this* part of Alex's speech is so important-the whole speech is-both versions-in the movie, and in the book.
"The truth is every queer person has the right to come out on their own terms, and on their own timeline. They also have the right to choose not to come out at all. The forced conformity of the closet can not be answered with the forced conformity in coming out of it.
This isn’t about shame. This is about privacy and the fundamental right of self-determination which are exactly the principles on which the struggle for queer liberation has always been fought."
this is history being made-this speech-in a movie that is so famous worldwide? and i believe there are quite many people who left the room when this speech was on, or some people who were too distracted by his eyelashes to actually hear what he was saying and it shows. damn, it shows.
so many public figures have been put through it-what Alex and Henry have been put through both in the movie+ the book-UNACCEPTABLE. and so often it's done by queer people, our lgbtq+ community doing this shit to others? THIS CAN'T KEEP HAPPENING.
Becky Albertalli, Kit Connor (just to name a few), and so, so many others. What makes you even think you have a right to know this about ANYONE?
This National Coming Out Day, if you're queer and scared and not "out" yet, I want you to listen to this. Alex's speech. (later on I will post pictures of both FULL SPEECHES(movie +book), it's okay if you don't want to come out, whatever you feel is alright. You don't owe anything to anyone, not your friends, family or co-workers, or schoolmates, no matter what the world around you makes you feel.
you matter, you're important, you're loved, and whatever you decide it's okay.
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+we need MORE bisexuality in media!!
+ also queer history/facts from RWRB(Alex engaging with queer history)(thank you SO. MUCH. CASEY MCQUISTON!!)-GREAT POST here on tumblr!!-many links here, lots of information! (Waterloo Vase, Stonewall, SCOTUS decision 2015, Walt Whitman, Laws of Illinois 1961, The White Nights Riots, Paris Is Burning, THAT David Wojnarowicz photo 'If I Die Of AIDS-Forget Burial-Just Drop My Body On The Steps Of The F.D.A' https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/757305651356729344?source=share (I encourage you to research more about David!!) , Thisbe & Pyramus, The V & A, James I & George Villiers and MORE!!) https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/757308307835895808?source=share (Learning about things referenced in Red, White & Royal Blue, thank you @ elipheleh)
+ https://www.queeringthemap.com/
bi ig highlight : https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18280848235083086/
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BOOKS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BISEXUAL HISTORY & ACTIVISM:https://www.tumblr.com/ruimtetijd/686000390089621504/list-of-books-about-bi-history-and-activism-from &https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/139102124?shelf=bi-bisexual-characters-done-well
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