#i am halfway delighted by this image nonny
Does Will the Kitman want to take dating Jamie out for a spin or is this a teammates-only kind of thing?
We already know that Will would like to take Jamie (and Roy) drinking, so I have no doubt whatsoever that he’d jump at the chance to go on a proper date with our number 9. Jamie, having seen whatever it is he saw on Will’s phone in 3x08, is quite eager at the prospect too! (I mean, in this utopian crack scenario, Jamie is happy to go on dates with any and all members of the team as well as team adjacent people; absolutely nothing happens that he doesn’t want to happen!)
Potentially it’s initially a little awkward because in terms of their professional lives, there’s quite a big (if informal) power imbalance between the team’s star player and the kitman – but then again, Will has shown willing to (attempt to) breach that distance before and Jamie is easy going enough these days, so once things get going, they go great. Will isn’t the least bit shy about taking Jamie out to things that perhaps no one else would think to take Jamie out to, for fear of it not being cool enough or whatever. He brings Jamie to meet his mum on the second date; Jamie, who knows all about being mad close with one’s mum, is charmed.
Also, I’m calling it, Will is absolutely a dom waiting to happen. He’s not quite ready for it yet, perhaps – he’s still got a rather distinct puppy energy – and it’s very possibly he hasn’t even recognized the potential within himself yet. But I recognize it, Will. In my heart, I know what you could be.  
(For reference, this asks refers to my reply on another ask, which I received after speculating about Jamie being ready to be part-time boyfriend to everyone on the team who wants him to.)
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