#i am hoping and praying cause being unmedicated again has shown me the true extent of hos fucking awful this is
monty-glasses-roxy · 9 months
Welp. I've made more this year than I thought. That's neat!
I should be back on meds soon so I was thinking, maybe February would be a good month to start my Nottober challenge? With Nano 2: Tubehell Edition in April perhaps? I dunno! Just a thought. Dunno how the meds are gonna treat me when I eventually get them and stuff but January should be good enough time to find the right dose right? And with Nottober being in February, that might give me a good goal? If I mess it up, there's always March though so...
Pfft I could put a 'birthday' prompt on my own birthday if it's in March lmao
This is just a general idea/update. I have so much I want to do I'm just. Back to square one in terms of ability to actually do things, ya know? Sucks :/
But hey! Maybe 2024 will start of kind to me and this new medication will work perfectly! Who knows? I can but hope!
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