#i am in eternal agony about this btw
syn4k · 1 year
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history doesn't repeat itself but it sure does rhyme
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parisiterileymoon · 3 months
Yoo i just read your angel dust x reader in the 40s and it was great! If you ever need to write something in italian i'll gladly translate it for you (i am italian)
Btw are your requests open? If so then can i ask for a sort-of follow up to your aforementioned post? Reader goes to hell after getting shot by angel's dad, some years pass and angel dies too but they don't know they both went to hell and assume the other one is in heaven and one day they meet again out of luck and recognize eachother after having a conversation in a bar or something like that (btw if you could refrain from calling him anthony too much it would be greatly appreciated, nothing against that it's just that my dad is named antonio and it feels kinda weird to read a fic with my dad's name lol, but if you want to call him anthony anyway i don't mind at all), thanks for reading!
If my request violated any rules please tell me so that i won't make the mistake again
You are incredible! I adore how detailed this request is. I will use as little “Anthony” as possible lol.
Angel dust x reader (1940s follow up…or part two?)
C/W: cannon typical violence, grief, loss, mildly suggestive, survivors guilt, regret, crying LOTS of emotions.
70 years. 70 years is how long it’s been. 70 years since you have seen him. It was startling at first. You never thought you would see him again. For a while you just held eachother. You sat there, your face nuzzled in his fluff. “Oh my god I have so much to tell you.” He smiled down at you. He began to talk about the family. You didn’t listen. You just stared at him. At how beautiful he is. You held his bottom set of hands and rested your head on his chest. You’ve never seen him so happy. This beautiful man you have been waiting for him for what it feels like an eternity and he’s finally here. You are in his arms at last. “Hey are you listening?” “No. I’m not. I’m sorry but…you look so happy. I can’t help but think…I mean it’s like- my whole brain is occupied by the thought ‘holy shit…this is it. This is what I have been waiting for. What I have been wanting.’ I’ve waited seventy years, my angel.” Tears well up in both your eyes. “Oh…oh my god.” He grabs your face and pulls it up to his. He kisses you. Not a kiss full of heat, but not with any less passion. A kiss filled with love and adoration. A kiss from a man missing the love of his life for 70 years. 70 years filled with pain and agony. For a moment, he forgot his pain, suffering, trauma, and tears. You are his everything. You are the reason he wanted to hang on. The shred of hope that you might reunite. “I thought you went to heaven” he said after he pulled away. You shake your head. “Why?” You laugh pitifully “I’ve done terrible things…” he sighs. “Because you regretted it. Every time. Every time you shot or stabbed you felt horrible. You brought flowers to their graves. You cried, tha-that can’t mean nothing!” He looks confused and angry. How dare they deny the love of his life entry to paradise? You are the kind of person to cry when Bambi’s mom died every time. Without fail. You put a chocolate smile on his pancakes once! “You’re too good for this shithole, (____)…too good.” His voice shakes as he said your name. You kiss him. Comforting, passionate, painful, sweet, and loving. “If I went to heaven I would’ve never seen you again.” You looked into his eyes. There were so many emotions swirling between the two of you that night.
I think the moral of this story is that…I don’t know hold on to the people that love you.
I cried well writing this. Any feedback is encouraged. Thank you for reading🫂
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
like. any ship combination of Illiaster’s Four Stars of Ruin in 5D’s im like “alright, this rules” but my god. my GOD, z-one/aporia sends me into a FRENZY. they make me EXPLODE. the ups!! the downs!!! this absolute grandpa marriage-divorce-catostrophic-fireball of a relationship!!!!!!!!
something something about these last two old old men alive on earth, the “You’re going to leave me by myself?”, the “I am your eternal friend”, the ongoing promise Z-ONE makes to him to regain hope for the future, the fact Aporia is so absolutely dedicated to his friend and gives him everything, literally everything he has--he only gets hope blasted back into the forefront of his brain after Jack points out to Aporia that he fights for Z-ONE the way Leo fights so desperately and fervently for Luna, with the same intensity and emotion (and the unspoken part: with love, with so so much love.)
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^ throwing myself into a river btw
And then!! THE FUCKING APORIA VS. Z-ONE DUEL. HOUUGHHH Aporia tries SO HARD to remind Z-ONE of the hope he once had, tries to get him to see hey Team 5D’s is good actually, maybe they can help us, but Z-ONE is so far gone, so caught up in his god complex and kind of mentally deepfried after years-decades-centuries of existing outside the timestream, that he’s stopped seeing the android copies of his dead friends (his dead family if i am being HONEST!!!!) as actually those people anymore. He just views the situation as one of his robotic minions acting out and Z-ONE takes it upon himself to bash the hope Aporia JUST rediscovered out of him with his own two giant claw hands. LIKE JESUS CHRIST!! he was your FRIEND, Z-ONE! he fully believed himself to still be your friend even in this form and you didn't even care! he wasnt a person to you anymore just a means to an end!!! and when Aporia tries to help him have hope again z-one LITERALLY EXECUTES HIM IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. LIKE IT WAS NOTHING.
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(this duel makes me insane. i could talk about it So Much. so much!!!)
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gardenswell · 15 days
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i've decided to collapse Garden's Well series into Slaughterhouse's Bell and keep Garden's Well as my overarching project. it's all set in the same universe and the meaning of it is judgement day and thus apotheosis. the evil witch puts a curse on the entire universe when she combusts herself as the inverted womb of Binah and all hears it. it's the start of judgement day. she has judged herself already, and so she spends an eternity until the culmination, aka apotheosis, getting annihilated by fire, until she finally becomes it when apotheosis is reached and all is released. the start of judgement day is the cusp of virgo into libra when everything has been broken down and the result is ready to be weighed. the evil witch announces the start of Judgement. she has separated herself from the earth to the absolute and thus hers is swift, she cannot get back in. the evil faggot from Chalice has also been immediately judged, he is too heavy to ever move, he is the beast dressed in lamb's skin. the world is frozen in time, in winter. everything halts. the gears have caught in the crux.
everyone gathers up the harvest from the year, aka their entire existence, weighing up their own result. this is all they have to work with now. this is their last life. no more reincarnation, no more chances, the universe has said "no more". they are being slammed in the face with everything they are, which is a unique experience for each individual. this is literally happening this year btw. 2024 is the end. the literal cusp between virgo and libra is judgement day, as the sun moves into it.
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like the start of aries is the beginning, the start of libra is the end.
we all crave this but we're scared of what it means. we want the bullshit to stop. we want everyone to face themselves. well, now we have it, to its absolute. virgo is mutable earth, the breaking down of the bread, the body, the end of summer, to its barest elements. then we have ourselves, right in front of us, to face. to eat. once time stops time is irrelevant. we are trapped in "winter", in the end, until we culminate and move into the beginning, the dawn, spring, aries again. this time for the final time and the first time. that's what Slaughterhouse's Bell is about. i'm going to depict this process perfectly from the highest viewpoint possible. i am afterall the thing at the top and bottom of existence, the most polarised consciousness, and you are my shadow, little bitch. same in reverse. we're the twins, gemini, and our story will be literally depicted in Gingerbread.
there are no coincidences or mishaps. we learn as we go along. i made no mistakes with planning Garden's Well because it prepared me more for Slaughterhouse's Bell. now i have more insight to what i'm doing.
i am so fucking tired of justifying my existence to others. i don't have to justify my existence to anyone but myself. same as all others.
we cannot stop what we've already set in motion, we have to let it hit us. imagine we've been standing on traintracks creating a train that's gaining density and momentum with each time we resist it, knowing that upon apotheosis, climax, release, it will hit us. that's what we've been doing with everything we've ever caused. we will experience the effect of it. we can transmute it through embracing it, we can't stop it. the halting of time means facing it. and we don't control time, we don't control the external. we simply have to stand the test of it. let it hit us, let it through, let it destroy us, so that we can release.
as each one's creation is entirely unique, each one's apotheosis is entirely unique, and the ultimate apotheosis is our physical death. ego death is the key to transmuting our physical death into something more preferable. we don't want to experience the agonies of our creation that we're currently resisting. we want to let it through now and become lighter so that the train that will hit us is less painful on impact. but that train will come, for everyone - there is no escape from self or self's creation.
i am going to systematically put myself on the chopping block via Slaughterhouse's Bell. i'm stepping into cause rather than being at the effect of what i've already caused. i'm transmuting myself. i'm doing this ultimately for me, and for you, isaac, because we're one. i am Rose and you are Scythe, i am Ruby and you are Axel, etc. if i give up i will become the inverted elements and i will suffer unimaginable agonies. writing this out precisely will give me the keys to unlock my apotheosis rather than getting hit by a helltrain at the point of death.
it will also garner me insane levels of attention, good and bad, and make me a lot of money, i know that already. i have everything i need to be "the next JK Rowling", plus resistance, and all i have to do is undo the resistance. some people are destined to create albums, some people are destined to paint paintings, i'm destined to write books. as Slaughterhouse's Bell crystallises for me in my mind i'll start to feel better and my fear will dissipate. something that has caused me a lot of pain is knowing that i'm supposed to do this but doubting myself and resisting it "in case i get it wrong". i can't get it wrong, it's all trial and error, leading me to the inevitable, which is to write myself out as fiction. people can't attack artists like they can attack "serious people". if you write something awful as fiction, you're an artist. if you say something awful as statement, you're a criminal. i am not designed for this world of bullshit, i am supposed to create something better, and the only way i can do that is through allowing myself to see myself as an artist. then others will too.
say i don't succeed in writing and publishing 33 books - so what. the point is that i plan it completely so that i have it in me, and i can express it wherever i am, however i can. if i crack the code of the universe and UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOING ON then every step i'm taking is deeper into myself rather than resisting myself. right now i'm just terrified. my mind feels like a swamp of disjointed concepts that i haven't yet clicked into place to make it all make sense. it's coming together but it's an uncomfortable process, and it has been this way since i was born. i shattered myself to come into this world of separation, we all did. we were whole and perfect and we took a massive risk in incarnating as a human at this time. it could end and begin very very very badly for us. especially you and i isaac.
the "curse"/"prophesy" that Acacia hears as she jumps into The Chasm:
ascend the snake tower to the mirror star burst the clockwork moon feel the bell sun
at the moment of Judgement everyone in existence, except two, the personification of the sun and moon, Mad Hatter (i'll explain his name situation later) and Acacia, hear the evil witch's curse, and thus the prophesy. there's a chasm at the centre of all things, the rabbit hole, which has less and less gravity as you fall down it. the moment Acacia jumps into it she is in Wonderland, the physical Underworld/Tartarus, and so is no longer on or above the earth, she's below it. many people have chosen to jump into The Chasm when they feel hopeless, either to commit suicide or to see what's down there, and none have ever returned. Acacia is actually the one who "triggers" Judgement by jumping into The Chasm.
she falls fast at first but gradually slows down until she gently hits the bottom. she is standing on a massive chequerboard made of onyx and opal stone squares. the room is perfectly lit, as though lit by natural light, and all 4 walls and the ceiling are whole mirrors. she is standing in a giant cube, and she sees herself in all directions infinitely. a voice suddenly booms out from seemingly nowhere. it's Mad Hatter. he tells her that she is now in The Underworld, the precursor to Hell, and that if she wants to be initiated, she must pass all 33 tests. he explains there is a trapdoor underneath her, and that there is nowhere to go but through. this is the first test. she must jump once and it will collapse. she does, and falls through the onyx stone trapdoor.
Mad Hatter is Helios, the sun, and also Tartarus, hell, and also Hermes, mercury. he's The Beast at the core of The Labyrinth. he's the omnipresent light of the sun, the mechanical torturer, the trickster. this wonderland is a slaughterhouse. he resides at the core of The Labyrinth, initiating people into Hell who jump into The Chasm. when they don't pass his tests, and no one has ever passed the 32nd test, they become phantoms and guides, transformed into their most primal natures, apparitions essentially. they can't touch anything, they just appear, speak and hear. Acacia meets various spirits along the way, as you might imagine, like Cheshire Cat (haven't decided on his name yet).
in each book there are 12 chapters, the first chapter in each i'm using to establish the time before Judgement. first chapter is aries, which is the soul's creation through free will, choice, christ consciousness. between the first and second chapter is Judgement (each book will have its own uniquely decorated page with the evil witch's curse/the prophesy on it, except Acacia's who will have the "curse"/"prophesy" she hears when she jumps into The Chasm - i'll explain Mad Hatter's version of the "curse"/"prophesy" later). the first chapter of Onyx is Acacia feeling an increasingly painful pull to jump into The Chasm. she NEEDS TO go in. she is a wanderer, she has no family, she left and they don't care. she sleeps under the moonlight because she is the moonlight. she's Alice, All-ice, metaphysical feminine. she is the lightest being in existence. nothing can contain her - except Hell.
Mad Hatter's 33 tests become increasingly more sadistic and cruel. in order to get to him at the core she needs to pass them, otherwise she'll fail, die and become a phantom. at least that's what she thinks! she can't fail because she's the moon and he's the sun. it's inevitable that she passes every test and reaches Mad Hatter at the centre. anyway, where before she was in The Underworld, now that she's fallen through the onyx trapdoor she's in Hell. Mad Hatter instructs her through each test as she makes her way through The Labyrinth. he psychologically tortures her and makes her physically hurt herself with various instruments and objects. he tells her that he's going to eat her alive if she reaches the core. Acacia gets off on it somewhat because she knows she's trapped forever and there's only one way through which is forwards, so she can't get it wrong, she's in The Beast's hands.
Mad Hatter doesn't hear the evil witch's curse because he hears nothing but himself, he is God. he is infinite and eternal expansion from the core. he is untouchable by all. he gives, he does not receive. he is perfect, and everything he chooses to do is justified, regardless of how "bad" it is. if people didn't want to get tortured by him, they shouldn't have jumped into The Chasm. he sits on his throne at the core of Hell, laughing at people's pain and suffering that he's prompting, because he's God, so he can do that. no one can stop him. but when Acacia triggers Judgement by jumping into The Chasm, she is the final and first being that he will ever love, except himself. he knew she would come - the moon. he has been drawing her to him since the beginning. but she had the least weight, so it took the longest. that is why Judgement occurred when she jumped in, because it was the end. he now has everything.
after Acacia passes the 32nd test, which was the hardest of all... she is feeling very humiliated, exhausted, physically hurt, and scared... she is told to take off all her clothes. she walks forwards and is met with a door. he tells her to push it open. she does, and there is Helios, sitting naked on his throne at the core of The Labyrinth! he is so perfect in all ways. wow. Acacia is shocked by how amazing he is. she is suddenly very shy, and realises this man in front of her right there has been watching her do all those crazy things for all eternity. but she is so relieved! he tells her that her final test is to come sit on his lap facing him (as in straddle him), let his cock slide into her pussy, and move three times. she does. those three movements are the "three raps on her door". she has passed the test, of course, so he kisses her, true love's first kiss, and grabs her hips and moves her the fourth time, and now she explodes, he explodes, and apotheosis occurs. Slaughterhouse's Bell rings out forever and all is released. she has ascended the snake tower to the mirror star burst the clockwork moon and now she is feeling the bell sun.
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the devil is the card before the tower.
i know i minimised it before but the degree of terror Acacia feels while moving through The Labyrinth to The Beast who is psychologically torturing her, and forcing her to physically torture herself, is almost unimaginable. he tells her he is going to literally eat her alive, burn her forever if she reaches the core, otherwise she will be a phantom, forced to watch but never interact with anything, never interact with him. the degree of relief she feels when she pushes open the door to his chamber is sickening. all her terror and desire to "get through" causes waves of energy to surge through her, and she is already about to burst before he tells her of her final test. he has been watching her, commanding her, feeling her, for all eternity, and he is ready to burst also. he does nothing but sit there and speak and all his power comes to fruition, and he has his moon, and he's inside her. he acknowledged and celebrated her free will and autonomy, he can't take it away, all those who were trialed before failed because they gave up, because they were always going to. she was always going to succeed in reaching him physically.
at the same moment as Acacia passes the final test, Scythe raps on Rose's door three times with his scythe, and the fourth time shatters it, which is the moment of apotheosis. Scythe knew how much he was scaring Rose in those three hits, but it had to happen, because the door is made of Acacia wood, tailor constructed to protect Rose, and is extremely hard. he manages to destroy it completely on the fourth blow, which he always would, of course. the door is shattered the moment Helios shatters Selene. Rose sees Scythe and starts sobbing uncontrollably with relief. he goes and comforts her, and she "bursts in bloom".
Scythe's father, The Snake, the most feared King of all the Kingdoms (like The Queen from Chalice is the most feared Queen of all the Kingdoms), does not react well to the evil witch's curse/the prophesy/Judgement. he gathers his army over time to conquer The King's Kingdom in order take resources and to murder Rose so that the dawn can come and they can have spring. The King's Kingdom has the most fertile lands and is responsible for growing and selling most of the food to the rest of the world. Scythe is The Snake's only son, like Axel is (have now decided on his name) The Merkabah's only son, and has trained him in secret to be a prime and unstoppable weapon since he was a child. Scythe is gentle and kind in nature, very sensitive, and despises The Snake's brutal and exploitative endeavours and way of being. Scythe has been kept away from all others except his father, no one knows that his name is Scythe except The Snake. upon hearing Judgement, The Snake has an unbreakable scythe made of opal forged for him, and tells him that he must be the one to murder Rose, because it's in the curse/the prophesy.
The Snake gathers his army and The King prepares his. as resources run out, lone thieves and organised groups from the rest of the world come and try to steal from The King's Kingdom. The Snake doesn't care about resources, he already has enough because he's The Snake, and he doesn't care about his people because he's an asshole. he cares about power and domination and conquering The King's Kingdom so that HE is considered The King by all. in contrast, Sapphire's prince, named Henry (Prince Charming from Cinderella)'s father is called The Tyrant, he's a fat selfish bastard who gives nothing and eats everything because he has the most money. his Kingdom produces fine objects that he sells. he is arrogant, and sits on his throne doing nothing while the rest of his Kingdom starves.
as "harvest" approaches, The Snake organises his army to conquer The King's Kingdom, and prepares Scythe to murder Rose. The War is bloody and terrible. The Snake is on horseback, leading his army along with small armies from other Kingdoms who chose to join forces with The Snake. as The Snake was rallying his forces, Scythe was publicly announced as the one who will murder Rose. Scythe is also on horseback, and they all ride/go to The King's Kingdom. The War ensues. Scythe has been ordered to go straight up to The Tower and murder Rose. scythe in hand, he ignores his father completely, now free, and jumps off his horse, slashing at anyone standing in his way. he enters the castle and ascends The Tower, where The King is standing outside Rose's acacia wood door, a sword in hand. there are many bodies on the winding staircase, all dispatched by The King. The King points his sword at Scythe and time stops completely (parallel to the moment when Ruby and The Queen stare at each other from across The River) (have changed its name from The Jordan River to The River). Scythe stares at The King and The King stares at Scythe, then The King screams and lunges at him and Scythe dodges it. Scythe commands The King to put down his sword. The King, startled that Scythe isn't attacking him, is then disarmed by Scythe and The King's sword falls down the staircase, impotent. The King asks him what he's going to do to Rose, and Scythe replies "Nothing", smirking gleefully. The King looks at him in disgust. his mind is completely fucked.
Scythe raps increasingly harder on Rose's Acacia wood door three times and then slams it the fourth time and it shatters. without looking at The King he shoves his scythe at him and The King, enraged, descends the staircase to go find The Snake. The Apotheosis occurs, as i said earlier, on the successful fourth blow, which Acacia triggers when she cums. The King is full of fire and fury. he is burning alive with hate. he finds The Snake at his castle's front door, screams at him, and with one swift blow decapitates him with Scythe's scythe, then cuts up his body into pieces. The Snake has been "released", The King and The Snake's apotheosis occur (remember time doesn't exist anymore and each one's apotheosis occurs individually to them, Acacia and Mad Hatter - again i'll explain his name situation later -'s apotheosis occurs first and is total, in contrast the witch and the evil faggot's apotheosis take the longest time to reach, because they were judged immediately, and were separated from the earth, so had no grounding, so had to go through an eternity of fire and ice respectively in order to release - time is physicality, it's the measure of one thing vs another. at Judgement the evil witch was immediately isolated in fire so lost the test of time, and the evil faggot was immediately isolated in water so lost the test of time - they experience the worst agonies of all the characters because they are aries and scorpio inverted respectively, and aries and scorpio are "at home" in mars - inverted it's total separation of fire and ice).
so, The King hears Rose sobbing and screaming in joy and orgasms all throughout his journey to The Snake. his only harvest is this vile man, who he has to prevent from coming into his castle, through his own door, through himself.
Henry, The Prince from Pumpkin's books Carnelian and Sapphire, is regal, fair and giving. he wants all his people to have everything they need. mars is exalted in capricorn, Henry, and fallen in cancer, Claudia. Claudia lives in The Mansion with her evil mother, named The Matriarch. she isn't a princess at all. she is forced to do manual labour for her evil mother, and is abused constantly in all ways by her. she isn't allowed out of the house, except into the garden which has very high walls, and her "bedroom" is The Dungeon. Claudia feels like she's in a boiling pot. she has so many desires to go out and see the world, but she is a slave to her evil mother's tyrannical whims.
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cancer is cardinal water and capricorn is cardinal earth. my mars is actually in cancer and so is yours isaac. mars is "masculine" energy (spark of creation, while venus is "feminine" energy, expression of it) and when fallen and contained in cancer it boils, since unless energy is released it becomes "too much". this is both good and bad, because energy means power, but trapped energy becomes pain.
The Dungeon is the boiling pot, the brazen bull, where the evil faggot writhes and burns for all eternity in the lake of fire, which is ice. poor Claudia is kept there physically, but because she is pure, she does not burn. she is not boiled alive in her own blood like The Queen is in The River when Baphomet, and thus herself, stops her from moving through. everyone meets their own materialisation/version of Baphomet at the moment of the "three raps on her door" - he is the final obstacle, the pain point, moving into the release. The Queen's apotheosis therefore occurs in The River, and she is trapped there, along with The King at the door to his castle after slicing up The Snake, for the second longest time out of all the other characters. therefore, the evil witch and the evil faggot suffer the longest, getting annihilated by fire and ice respectively, and The King and The Queen suffer the second longest, getting burned and boiled respectively in themselves (dark as fuck i know). there are three stages for all characters - Judgement, Weighing (the end of which each one is met with their own version of Baphomet, the hardest point), Apotheosis. it's the cycle. cardinal-fixed-mutable. and of course afterwards is the dawn and "paradise" essentially, but paradise is physical, and standing the test of time means integration with self and self's creation.
however, The Snake, The Tyrant, The Merkabah (Axel's father from Chalice), The Matriarch (Claudia's mother from Pumpkin) and all other inversions of the elements, aka the parents of the elements, suffer a similarly long process of retribution. i haven't completely figured it out yet, the timeframes and events, i'm still developing them as characters. Acacia and Helios (again, will explain his name situation in Chequerboard's section later because it's complicated) are the only ones without parents/inversions of them. and The Tyrant has no wife, and therefore Henry has no mother, because The Tyrant had her murdered. and The Matriarch has no husband, and therefore Claudia has no father, because The Matriarch murdered him.
upon hearing Judgement, The Tyrant immediately organises an extravagant masquerade ball "savouring his harvest". all "beautiful young women" from throughout the world are invited so that he can choose who pleases him the most. he commands Henry and His Men to "spread the word". so they do, and before long everyone in Henry's Kingdom knows about the ball. there is to be a massive feast (with most of the food being imported from other Kingdoms, primarily Rose's Kingdom, because The Tyrant's Kingdom is built on top of others, and is thus not fertile - he steals, eats, constructs, and sells, he doesn't grow), one like has never been seen before. The Matriarch hears of The Feast and prepares for herself to go, but unfortunately she's gross, so yeah. Claudia, after hearing Judgement, knows intuitively that The Tyrant is going to be hosting The Feast, and that she's going to be eaten during it. she starts panicking. she does not want to go to The Feast but she knows there's no escape, no matter what she does or doesn't do. someone is going to take her there. The Matriarch assumes Claudia doesn't know about The Feast because no one has told her, because the only person she is allowed to talk to is her mother. on the day of The Feast The Matriarch gets all dressed up without seeing Claudia and leaves to go there.
Claudia has locked herself in The Dungeon and feels like she is boiling alive with terror. she "hallucinates" the inevitable, she knows what's going to happen - a man and a woman, The Beast Split In Half, are going to come and haul her to The Feast. before Judgement Henry was once on his horse making his rounds, tending to his people, and peered over Claudia's wall while she was in her garden. he was transfixed. she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. but she didn't see him, she was locked inside herself and daydreaming. he continued on, but he fell in love in that moment, and knew he'd meet her someday, and they'd be together. Henry knows what The Tyrant is planning to do - rape, murder and eat the most precious woman at The Feast after the masquerade ball, and get away with it. he also knows it's going to be Claudia, because she is the most "delectable" thing in existence. Henry makes his way to Claudia's house with a dress and mask for her to wear. he climbs over the very high gate, walks down the path to the front door, can't open it because it's locked, so smashes a window open instead. he steps through her house and knows she's in the dungeon, so goes down there. he calls to her to open the door, he won't hurt her, he's there to help her. Claudia is panicking but can't hear a woman's voice with him, is confused. she decides to open the door.
and there he is, Henry, the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. he reassures her that she's safe now. he allows her to dress (not looking because he's a gentleman) and they walk hand in hand to Henry's castle where the Masquerade Ball/The Feast is taking place. Claudia's mask covers her beauty and he's wearing one too, they both look spectacular. as he swings open his castle's double doors everyone stops and stares, and bows, knowing who he is. he walks through the centre of the room to the throne, The Tyrant's throne, and pulls Claudia onto his lap. everyone gasps in disbelief. this is a clear sign of dissent and disrespect. before Henry and Claudia got there they were all having orgies and eating and drinking and going insane, and now they are all shocked to silence. meanwhile The Tyrant has selected his victim and is in his bedchambers with her. Henry knows this, and his voice booms throughout the room, announcing what his father is doing, and why he threw The Masquerade Ball/The Feast - so that he could rape, murder and eat Claudia. but he has failed. Claudia is to sit here on HIS throne, no one is to touch her, and he is to go and rescue the woman The Tyrant is assaulting. Henry gets up, picking Claudia up with him, and places her gently on His Throne, kissing her forehead softly, smiling at her, staring deeply into her eyes. Claudia has felt safe since the moment she unlocked The Dungeon's door. she trusts him completely.
the crowd is frozen in place, in shock, some watching Claudia, some watching Henry walk to The Tyrant's bedchambers. Henry slams his fist on the door three times and on the fourth busts it open, such is his power. The Tyrant's victim is screaming, getting raped by him, and Henry steps swiftly into the room and pulls her out of his grasp, carefully throwing her towards the door. she runs out. she is the woman that Claudia was so scared of finding her, half of The Beast Split In Half - she is but an innocent and exquisite young woman, second only in beauty and purity there to Claudia. The Tyrant screams at Henry but Henry isn't listening, he informs him that he will rape, murder, and eat himself. with that, The Tyrant's blood runs cold, and he collapses. he has hit the hardest point. it is the start of his apotheosis. his body is eating itself alive with him trapped inside it, unable to do anything but writhe in physical agony. he is The Beast Split In Half itself. while The Huntsman from Chalice EXPERIENCED it but was physically unharmed, The Tyrant LIVES it but has no context. he has no idea what's going on. he is physically in the brazen bull, in The Dungeon, for all eternity. he is too heavy to move, but he must move himself, so he starts physically eating himself, splitting himself apart, embroiled in his own flesh. he physically experiences himself splitting himself into eternity, experiencing the lake of fire, that is ice, until each cell in his physical body has separated and he is goo on the floor. then he releases. dark as fuck i know.
Henry closes The Tyrant's door and runs back to the ballroom and sees, as he knew would be the case, that Claudia is still sitting on their throne, untouched. he beams at her and picks her up, sits down, and puts her on his lap again. everyone is stunned to silence and fear. they all hear The Tyrant's screams of agony. Henry gently moves his hands in front of Claudia's face and takes off her mask. a scream of shock, horror and pain is heard from the crowd. it is the start of The Matriarch's apotheosis. her blood runs cold. she starts going insane, screaming at Claudia, calling her a whore, screaming at Henry, calling Henry a bastard, hitting people, etc. Henry and Claudia simply stare at her. there is no place for her but the water, the well, the boiling pot. they know what the crowd will do, and they let it happen. she is taken to the kitchen, the pot is prepared, and she is thrown into it, boiling like a crab. her blood is boiled physically for all eternity until her flesh dissolves into the water and she releases. dark as fuck i know, sorry. when her screams stop (though of course she is still in hell, like when The Huntsman is dropped down the well by Ruby and Axel) Henry asks Claudia to stand up and look at him. he takes off his mask for her, the second time she has fully seen him, and they look into each other's eyes, and they have found eternity. it is the equivalent of true love's first kiss. Henry's eyes are shocking blue, the colour of the sky, the throat chakra. Claudia's are almost white they are so silvery grey. like the sky and clouds within the sky. Claudia gets down on her knee and bows low, and then on both knees, and undoes his pants, and pulls out his cock. it's very hard. he strokes her hair, she stares into his eyes again, opens her mouth a little, and he shoves his cock down her throat. he pushes it in three times. those are the three raps on her door, the hardest point. she pushes herself down, he holds her in place, screams, and cums in her throat. Claudia cums because she's so happy and satiated. Henry has been eaten, and Claudia eats herself, because they're one :) so cute.
capricorn, as i've said before, is the devil in the tarot. exalted it's the purest manifestation possible, because it's cardinal earth, earth in its creative state. the throat chakra. the beast itself. pure sound. cancer is the chariot in the tarot. it's duality, movement inwards, compression. the womb. Henry produces the purest water for Claudia to cook herself in.
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everyone at The Feast suffers during their apotheosis in direct proportion to how much they desired to get raped, murdered and eaten by The Tyrant, and therefore Henry. people are jealous of Claudia, but because The Matriarch is the most jealous of all, she is the focus of their hate. they do to The Matriarch in them, physically, what they want to do to Claudia in them, thus boiling alive their own goodness, physically. there is carnage, screaming, awful scenes everywhere - it's The Feast, afterall.
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your-local-vamp · 3 years
Ahhhhh!! It’s my very first story! I’m so excited and nervous at the same time lolol. I had a creepy stalker vamp idea the other day and here we are! I usually write stories with male vamps and female humans, but boi on boi action got the best of me this time. This is also (I think?) the first story that I don’t use actual names for the characters. I actually prefer it like this, it just adds more spookiness! Anyway, I rly hope that someone will read this and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :3
Btw this story contains some explicit themes (knives, blood, stalking, etc) so make sure to check the tags before reading!
“Sup, bro!”
I can already see my two friends waving and yelling at me from a distance. I haven’t been out much lately, but they happen to be very persuasive. So here I am, running towards them, thinking I’d be late otherwise. I finally reach them, gasping for some needed fresh air. “Dude, why were you even running?” one of them decided to ask.
“I’m-Sorry-Missed-Bus-.“ I can barely breathe, but try to utter some words regardless. “Yeahhhh, whatever you say man. Anyway, you ready to take off?” Air has finally returned to my lungs and breathing seems to go smoother now. I smile at them. “Yes, let’s go.” We continue our way forward, but something makes me look back over my shoulder. Not this again… Nothing’s there, but I can’t help but look anyway. “Hey, are you okay?” My friends have walked back to see why I stopped.
“I-I’m fine. Let’s just go.” I won’t hesitate to walk away from this feeling. The same feeling I’ve been having for a month, if not more. I can’t really explain it. It’s just like some dark aura is around me all the time. But whenever I look back, it’s like it was never there in the first place. I don’t dare tell anyone about it, what if they think I’m insane or something? So, I just forget about it whenever it happens. I will have to do the same now.
*a few days later*
There’s nothing else on TV, so I decided to watch some stupid show. It’s at season 8 and I honestly have no idea what’s happening, but I’m on the verge of falling asleep anyway. My eyes get heavier by the second. I hear a loud sound coming from the kitchen. I instantly get up, any sign of sleepiness now long gone.
While my heart is rapidly beating in my chest, I quietly walk towards the kitchen and prepare for the worst. Ready to throw hands, I jump in the doorway. But there’s nothing there. I could’ve sworn that the sound was like someone was in here with me. I check every single room in the house, but to no avail. No-one seems to be here. I really need to chill down. First the weird feelings, now this. I sigh deeply. I should probably just go to sleep.
*several weeks pass by*
Heavy plastic bag full with groceries in hand, I walk back to my apartment. Grocery shopping is one of the many things I hate in life, but I need to get food one way or another. Thank god my house isn’t that far from the store. I tend to get very hesitant about going outside most of the time, but the aura hasn’t been around at all the past few days. I was a bit confused at first as to why it had stopped so sudden, but I decided to just take it by heart and go on with my life. I’m glad that I don’t have to worry anymore. Ah, I can see my apartment already. I walk a bit faster, being a little too excited about the microwavable instant meal I get to eat when I get there.
Now upstairs, I open the front door and close it behind me. I quickly walk to the kitchen and drop the heavy bag on the counter. Phew, I made it. I quickly put the meal in the microwave, being unable to wait any longer. “Guess I’ll wait for it in the living room.” I say to myself.
“What the fuck?!” Going to the living room was a terrible idea. I nearly got a heart attack, seeing that a complete stranger is sitting down on my couch. Any person in their right mind would probably get out and call for help right now. But I can’t for some reason. It’s like I’m frozen in place. “Quiet it down please, Darling. We don’t wish to alarm anyone, now do we?” the stranger calmly says.
The man still remains seated on my couch. An emotionless expression present on his face. He seems to be around mid twenties, about the same age as me. I can’t help but take an observing look at him. Pitch black hair, the brightest blue eyes, clothed in all-black. His charisma is piercing through the tense atmosphere. He seems to be totally unbothered about his presence here. I, on the other hand, am not so happy about this entire situation.
I’m not sure whether his intentions are good or bad, but I’ve got a funny feeling that he’s not here to drink a cup of coffee with me. I need some kind of protection just in case he decides to attack me. The knife! I remember having left a knife on the counter, after opening the packaging of my food. I’m thinking about what’s the best way to get to the kitchen, never losing eye contact with the stranger during the progress. Alright, just run there, grab it, and be ready to defend yourself.
I take a short sprint towards the kitchen, knife already being in my sight. I reach out to it, but something unexpected happens. The stranger, who was seated in the couch just a second ago, now stands in front of me, holding the only object I’ve got within my reach to protect myself with. “H-How…?” I look at him, being shocked out of my mind. How did he get here so fast? That’s impossible. “Oh, Darling. You disappoint me ever so much.” the stranger sighs. What could possibly disappoint him right now?
“Why are you here.” It’s more of a statement than it is a question. “I get to meet you at last, but you seem to be unhappy about that.” he responds. At last? The gears in my brain finally catch up. It was him. That feeling, the aura. It was him following me all this time. Confusion mixed with a lot of anger take over my body. “Ah, my Darling gets it now. What a beautiful sight this is.” He really needs to get rid of that stupid smile of his, or I’ll wipe it off for him. “Why? Why the fuck have you been stalking me?” I spit. A dangerous glint of anger appears in his eyes. However, I will not back up now. I want answers. “I thought that you were different.” he says, through gritted teeth. “From who?”
“The other humans.” He’s comparing me to other… ‘humans’? “You see, you wanted to grab this knife here. To ‘protect’ yourself, I presume.” He brings the object close to my throat, now obviously dominating me. I gasp when the sharp blade touches my skin ever so slightly. “But not once did you give me a sign that you wanted to grab it. The others always showed that they wanted to make a run for it. How very foolish of them.” he says with a smile. “And you’re disappointed, because…?” My comment carries a lot of sass with it, but at this point I don’t care about the consequences. The stranger didn’t seem to mind, on the contrary, it made him burst out into laughter. “You have asked the two most infamous questions. ‘Why?’ and ‘how?’. It pisses me off.” he says, while still smiling. I seriously can’t read him. He’s exceptionally happy, even though I know that he’s very angry at me.
“You never answered.” I say. The stranger finally drops the knife on the counter, but doesn’t hesitate to take a step closer to me. “This is why I like you. You’re afraid, but trying so hard not to show me.” he says. “Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with?” He grabs my chin in between his thumb and index finger and lifts it up, forcing me to look at him. His eyes, which once were a beautiful blue hue, have now turned into the most spine-chilling dark red. Not to mention, he has now bared his teeth as well, showing me 2 pointy fangs. I’d be lying if I said that he doesn’t look extremely intimidating. “You know, the movies are all wrong. We don’t coexist with you humans. We kill you without mercy.”
“Y-You’re a v-vampire…?” I can’t help but stutter, fear is taking over me at last. “Obviously.” The stranger is glowing with pride. He probably loves scaring his prey like this. “Vampires aren’t real.” The air grows even more tense than it was before, if that’s even possible. “Trust me, Darling. I am very real. I can hurt you in more ways than you can imagine.”
“Then answer me this. Why me?” I really don’t want to piss him off even more now that I know what he’s capable of, but I have to know why. “I wonder why you’re so desperate to have an answer to that question.” I gather up all my courage to respond to him. “Like you said, you can hurt me in many ways. And that’s ultimately what you’re here for, isn’t it? You’re going to kill me. So my last wish is for you to answer me.” It’s quiet for a while. He just looks at me. After what seems like an eternity, he smiles. “I see.” Is all he decides to say. The smile never disappears. I feel like what I said provoked him even more.
“You know, now that I think about it, I have a much more fun idea in mind.” My unpleasant gut feeling seems to have been proven right. “Sorry, Darling. This is going to hurt.” I can’t say or do anything, or he has already taken yet another step towards me. He leans my head back and buries his fangs deep inside my neck. His actions are quick and eager.
I try to get him off me, but his grasp on me is too strong. These powers are definitely something inhuman. “Ngh!” Sounds of pure agony escape my mouth. A huge amount of blood is getting sucked out of my body. I can feel that I’m staring to lose consciousness. I reach for the knife on the counter, but it again fails to protect me. The man violently grabs my wrist to prevent me from harming him, and applies a good amount of pressure to it. I can’t help but drop the knife. It falls on the floor with a loud metal clink. He raises his head and looks at me. His red eyes are clearly visible.
“Tsk. Did you really think that you could do that?” He smirks at me. “You’re not going to get away with this.” He nonchalantly continues sucking my blood. “S-Stop it. P-Please…” I use every last bit of strength I have left to resist him, but soon after, my body gives up. My eyes shut themselves, but I can still feel the stranger lifting me up and exiting my apartment. It doesn’t take long for everything to go dark.
“…has been missing for 5 months now. He was last seen walking towards his apartment after being at the grocery store. The police has released pictures of blood drops and a knife on the floor in the victim’s apartment. ‘There is an obvious sign of struggle.’ one of the policemen states. They are currently investigating the crime scene and the blood samples are being researched at the laboratory. A highly praised detective is on this case as well. ‘To the people who did this: turn yourselves in, before we have to come find you.’ the detective said during an interview. If you have seen the victim or know someone who has, please call your local police station. Any information about the victim or the culprit is much needed. That was it for today’s news. We’ll be back tomorrow at 8 PM. For now, good evening everyone!”
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megan0013 · 4 years
Chuckin’ a ⭐️ your way.
Sorry this took so long to answer! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share or not, but then I realized VARIABLES is never going to get to this point anyway (though I’m halfway done with chapter six) so I might as well write out my thoughts and send them off into the universe.
That being said - this is more of a 1,350 word abridged and super self-indulgent ending than a “Director’s Cut”.
Jim goes into the Darklands months after he does in canon; thus, Gunmar doesn’t take over Trollmarket until Barbara is near the end of her pregnancy. And, unfortunately, she happens to be in the middle of an appointment with Vendel (who does not die) when the coup takes place. She’s recognized immediately as the Trollhunter’s mother and is taken captive after Otto tells Gunmar that Morgana would be most interested in a human/changeling hybrid. Gunmar considers it for a moment, and then appoints the poor polymorph as Barbara’s keeper. Which is how she’s able to stay healthy(-ish) throughout her imprisonment.
Fast forward a couple weeks, and Morgana is finally freed. One of her first orders of business is to go goad the Trollhunter’s incarcerated mother. She walks into the medical dwelling (where Barbara has been kept), monologuing, and then freezes.
“Uhhh… No. My name is Barbara Lake.”
But Morgana is convinced Barbara is the reincarnation of her long-lost love (I think they used the same character model, so that’s what this is based on) and decides that, as the mother of all changelings and Gwen’s lover, she’s entitled to keep/raise this baby.
Team Trollhunter is freaking the fuck out.
Especially when they���re in the middle of planning a rescue and Strickler’s face suddenly scrunches, and - oh, holy shit - the baby’s coming. There’s a fun scene in which Strickler is in absolute agony and, somehow, Toby winds up holding his hand.
“Omigosh! Breathe, Strickler! Breathe! You’re having a baby!”
“Do I look like I have the equipment to give birth, Domzalski? Fuck off!”
“I’m hurt, Strickler. Wounded.”
Abruptly, all the pain stops.
But then a feeling of fear, and exhaustion, and unparalleled love overwhelms him as the bond moves from a physical connection to an emotional one.
“It’s too late,” he says. “We’re too late.”
They’re not too late, and within twenty-four hours they (Strickler, Claire, and Aaarrrgghh) manage to infiltrate Trollmarket. Strickler finds Barbara. They have a very panicked reunion - “Oh my. That’s  my daughter, and I’m so happy but we must get you out of here right fucking now.” - before Claire portals them to the hospital, where Nik and a very specifically picked team are not-so-patiently waiting.
Morgana is pissed.
Anyway. There are a few complications but, ultimately, both mom and baby are okay. Barbara is sedated to help her heal (which is probably not something that happens irl, but let’s pretend - ok?), so Strickler is able to get some good bonding time in with his daughter while trying to keep up with Jim’s persistent, panicked texts.
At one point, Nik tells Strickler to go home for a few hours. He does, but only stays long enough to shower and pack a bag before heading back to the hospital - with Jim in tow. There’s a lovely brother/sister moment, and then Barbara wakes up and there’s an even lovelier brother/sister/mom/dad moment.
Jim goes home and instantly agrees to Merlin’s terms, while Strickler tries to talk Barbara into leaving town with the baby. She’s not having it. At all.
“Have you forgotten I’m the one person Morgana wants alive?”
Toby texts later that evening to see if they’ve heard from Jim. Barbara freaks and Strickler goes to join in the search for him. It’s a very tense day, followed by a very tense evening and a super awkward conversation in Barbara’s hospital room at 3 am wherein Jim starts gnawing absently on a stethoscope.
All this happens while Morgana is plotting out how best to bring forth the Eternal Night, betray Gunmar, and get her little ‘family’ back. She summons Otto (the changelings aren’t slaughtered, btw, and some of them are pretty sympathetic toward Strickler after seeing him around town actually living what they thought was only a fantasy life) and instructs him to kidnap the baby.
“You want me to… to steal Stricklander’s daughter?”
“Were you not listening? No, I want you to bring me the child that is rightfully mine. Her mother will surely follow.”
He’s hesitant but goes to do as he’s told.
Only, he doesn’t get a very good look at Nik when they pass in the hallway and winds up getting a few of his features wrong. Which probably wouldn’t matter if he were trying to trick anyone else, but Barbara and Nik have known each other since 8th grade and she calls him out almost immediately.
“You’re the polymorph. Otto, right? Walt’s told me so much about you.”
“He has?”
“Of course. He said you two used to be close - like brothers. In my book, that makes you family. Would you like to meet your niece?”
And, just like that, the Lake’s adopt another changeling.
Something Strickler is most skeptical of when he returns to the hospital a few hours later to find them chatting about some dumb stunt he’d pulled back in the early 1600’s. Nomura meets up with them, too, and the four manage to hash out a stupid, harebrained scheme to keep Morgana distracted up to, and during, the final showdown with Jim.
(I haven’t quite thought out all the specifics yet, but the plan includes Nomura in a glamour mask and Otto squeezing into a teeny, tiny little shape - so, you can guess where that’s going)
Barbara and baby are released from the hospital after three nights (might be two, idk, we’re playing fast and loose with the timeline here). They get home, entertain a few unexpected guests, host some impromptu strategy sessions, and then settle in for a small family meal that Strickler prepares in the hopes of bridging the gap from Jim’s old human palette to his new troll one. It goes over way better than canon, that’s for sure.
Later, after Jim has left to prepare for battle and the baby is finally down, a teary-eyed Barbara asks Strickler if he’s willing to stay with her that night. He jumps at the chance, because…
They still aren’t together.
They’ve ‘shared a bed’ once or twice since he moved in, but those were moments of passion and need that had only ever manifested into miscommunication and more. mcfreaking. yearning.
(They were roommates, anyone?)
And now? Well, this is definitely one of those moments. But with sex off the table, and a newborn two feet away, and the end of the world looming - maybe he should just tell Barbara how he feels about her?
“If something happens and I don’t come home tomorrow, I need you to know… My feelings for you haven’t changed. I’m still hopelessly in love with you.”
Of course, she feels the same.
Vows are made, kisses are exchanged, and they manage to get a few hours of rest before their daughter starts grumbling in her sleep.
The next day dawns bright and beautiful, and before Strickler leaves for battle Barbara wishes him good luck. He kisses her, then the baby, and says:
“This is all the luck I need.”
Or something like that.
(Because I think this kid’s name is Felicity [meaning ‘happiness’, and derived from felicitas meaning ‘luck, good fortune’]? Though, I might have just left it as Rory for consistency’s sake. Fun Fact: Rory is short for Aurora [Goddess of the Dawn], which I thought was a fitting name for a changeling to give their daughter.)
Ok, back to the story.
Everything, surprisingly, goes according to plan. Morgana is sufficiently distracted by Merlin and Aaarrrgghh, then by Otto and Nomura long enough for Jim to vanquish the Skullcrusher once and for all. But then she catches a whiff of the changeling magic surrounding Otto and Nomura. Everything sorta goes to hell after that.
True to canon, however, Team Trollhunter wins in the end by trapping Morgana in the Shadow Realm.
But only after Strickler sacrifices himself to save Jim’s life.
They all live happily ever after.
(Until, ignoring Wizards altogether, Morgana breaks free a few years later and kidnaps the one changeling who isn’t a product of her magic, and is thus impervious to her mind control. Hijinks ensue. Morgana is rather pleased when the kid’s parents show up to rescue her.)
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pearlplusau · 4 years
Chapter 6 - Part 3, The prophecy
Back at the temple, Rose was not doing well.
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She was struggling the entire night, trying to figure out the pain in her after the event. However, she couldn’t keep on with the pain while pacing the endless room forever. At some point, she got so tired she decided to try the “meditation” exercise from Garnet, “Meditating can help you relax and clear your mind, especially my mind when im a new fusion” She once said.
Behind the gem, the room decided to show a visual representation of a memory, the problem. It showed a figure on a pink working desk with a giant mirror, a giant bowl of pebbles, along with equipment such as tweezers, containers and a dropper filled with pink fluids.
Behind the gem, the room decided to show a visual representation of a memory, the problem. It showed a figure on a pink working desk with a giant mirror, a giant bowl of pebbles, along with equipment such as tweezers, containers and a dropper filled with pink fluids.
Pink was testing out her essence on the newly arrived pebbles in her experiment chamber, but that day, she was out of her game.
“These pebbles should be emerging right now! Why isn’t this working like how I planned!?”
Before she barged in her chamber and tried to distract herself with work, she was rejected, yet again by Blue and Yellow of getting her own colony. Blue repeated it hundreds of times, “You’re not ready, you haven’t achieved your full diamond powers yet, without that being taken control, you could potentially destroy your own planet without starting the colonization!”
She was filled with more rage than ever! Yellow didn’t even blink an eye when she stormed out of the pool chamber, “We’ll let you know when you’re ready.”
“UGHH!” The smallest diamond frustrated and full of built up energy, the yet to emerge pebble was not helping her calm down, she tightened her fist, she stood up from the desk, and BAM! Where the working station was, stood a pile of rubble, with the giant mirror the only thing still intact.
She was surprised, taken aback, she noticed her slight glow from her physical form and her gem, which returned to her normal tone when she finally calmed down. She got down to her knees and speculated the damage in front of her.
The working station was in a state beyond recognition, the tools and essence containers are all in shambles, the pebbles were all scattered about, some chipped while some cracked, with none in good shape.
She was examining the pebbles with little damage, but then she heard something from the pile…
“Help…me…” A small, newly formed pebble was stuck under the piles of debris, “I can’t…get up…” The little thing tried to reach out...
The pebble’s face was covered in cracks, she was not going to make it.
Pink was mortified, it was very hard to believe, was this all from the new power? Was this all her fault?
How can she love, when the people she loves suffer around her?  
She composed herself, dried off her tears and sadness, and did what was best for the new gem in pain.
Outside of the chamber, pink pearl was just clearing up the toys lying around, until she heard a thundering crash from her diamond’s workplace at the other side of the wall.
The pearl wasn’t keen on entering the experiment chamber of her diamond, but her diamond was taking a comparatively longer time than last time.
She stowed the toys away and knocked on the chamber door.
Knock knock
“Yes Pearl?” Her diamond responded from the inside.
“My diamond, is there something wrong? You’ve been in there for an awfully long time, is there something I can do for you?”
“Why yes pearl, there is. I need you to bring me one of my rare sapphires, there is something I need to consult…”
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“Of course, right away my diamond!” Pinkpearl scurried off the room and went in
Realizing her destructive powers are getting out of hand, She asked Coral to invite a competent sapphire and leave them be.
The pink sapphire entered the room in a little dress with various heart designs, her gem located at the side of her dress.
“Sapphire, I am concerned with a certain...force of destruction in the upcoming future, can you tell me anything about it?
The pink sapphire spoke to her diamond, “My diamond, I foresee something that is not in your liking. If the destructive force you spoke of is not tamed, someone you cherish, someone close to you, someone dear to you, will endure eons of pain and suffering for the rest of their gem life, and it will never be healed.”
Pink diamond made a small but unrecognizable “gulp” sound, but she kept her composure.
“Anything else you can tell me? Maybe an…alternative to…prevent that specific outcome?” Pink questioned nervously, gritting her teeth, trying her best not to speak from her mind.
“I can try...my diamond, but my ability of predicting another outcome comes in…a different  form.” The sapphire tried to look further into the future, and she found something, but what was spoken out of her mouth was not to her diamond’s liking.
“To lessen the pain of the one you hold dear,
Another must endure, it must be a peer,
Instead of one in sole pain and agony,
One shall hurt, but it will be an irony.”
Pink diamond was not pleased, she opened her mouth and tried to say something, but for a while she was speechless, moments passed and she was able to blurt out, “What…what was that?”
The sapphire slightly gritted her teeth, as if she was embarrassed of her extra special ability. “Apologies My diamond, but that is the only way to showcase glimpses of another outcome, you would have to decipher it, and come to your own conclusion.”
Sighh, “Very well, thank you sapphire, that will be all.”
The sapphire left the room, back to her duties.
Pink diamond became nervous after what the gem said, she thanked the gem and dismissed. After some thinking, and some anxiety, she realized the gem that would be hurt forever would be her own pearl!
“Nononono, I…I can’t risk losing her! She's the closest gem I have as a friend! I can’t…”
As she covered her face with her hands, she went through the poem one more time.
“Wait, it must be a peer?
She turns her attention to the edge of the working desk, a little diamond shaped pink box with three ribbons in white, yellow and blue wrapped around it. She gently lifts the box, and sighs, “If it can help me save pearl from eternal damnation, I’ll do it.”
Pink brings the box outside of the experiment chamber, and was met with her pearl.
The small gem salutes her diamond, “My diamond, is everything alright?”
Pink went to the centre of the room, placing the box in the midst.
She opens a gift from the other diamonds, they thought having another pearl might help her organizing her stuff, she wasn’t keen on opening it, until now…
The ribbons were unwrapped, the box was opened, and out comes a glowing shell with a pearl levitating from the box, “Please identify yourself.” The voice was rather different than pinkpearl.
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“Pink diamond.” Pink stated while pearl observed from the other end.
“Greetings Pink diamond, please refer customization options.” The gem announced.
Pink was trying to not shove the gem back into the back, regretting her choice of opening the box in front of pearl, she also didn’t want her to think the new gem was replacing her. Moments passed by, and she didn’t say anything.
“Default setting selected, please stand by.” The gem floated with grace, rising to higher altitudes and glowed into a form of a pearl figure. Multi Color palettes were the design for the default setting, so when she walked off the platform, she was the only figure not entirely pink.
Pink reached her hand out to pinkpearl and said, “Pearl, come meet the new pearl from the other diamonds.”
“Ohh, a new friend! Hi! I’m pearl! What’s your name?”
“Greetings pearl, I am Pearl.” The multicolour pearl politely greeted, but it left Pink confused in how to differentiate the two.
It took her a moment, but she quickly came up with a solution.
“You know pearl, since she’s also called Pearl, why don’t we give you a nickname? You know, so it won’t be confusing.” Pink suggested to pinkpearl.
“Why of course! Another nickname! What will it be?” pearl said excitedly.
“Yep, and this time, it's gonna be different! How about…Coral?”
“I love it!” To be fair, pearl would have loved any name she was given, so she never thought of it once whatever Pink suggested.
For once, Pink was able to sigh without the need to worry about something else, everything was going well as the two pearls stood within her sight, facing one another, smiling bigger than the other.
The view glitched, and everything turned different, Pearl and Coral, pointing weapons at each other instead of the first smiling version
The images paused and dissipated all around the room. At the last moment, Rose gasped, lying sideways and waking up from her deep slumber.
The last image she saw, imprinted on her mind, bothered her even more.
“I… I need to find them and set things straight before anything terrible happens!”
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She got up, rushed out from her room and immediately ran into the future seeing fusion, Garnet.
“Oh! Garnet! Hurry! I need to know where Coral and Pearl are, do you see them anywhere?” Rose unintentionally demanded while shaking the fusion by the shoulders.
After the intense shaking, Garnet pointed to the warp pad and said, “Pearl said if anyone needs her, she would be at the sky arena with Coral, they should still be there.”
“Ohok good, I’ll just, go check up on them, hopefully nothing’s going on. Haha…ha…” and immediately rushed to the warp pad,
End of part 3
(A/N: heyho! If you read till the end, you get some additional information!
At this point (If you did the bingo card that is) you should have a bunch ticked, but there doesnt seem to be a complete line? If it is, then congrats! You’re getting close! 
BTW the next part is the last for the chapter! BYE!)
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back-on-my-bucky-bs · 4 years
911 for the in depth fandom thing !
Oh hell yeah! Thank you for the ask btw! I’m doing all of them since you didn’t specify, which was probably been done on purpose. 
Send me a show/fandom and I’ll answer:
Top 5 favorite characters: 
Evan “Buck” Buckley
Athena Grant
Howard “Chimney” Han
Maddie Buckley
Henrietta “Hen” Wilson
Other characters you like: 
I loved Abby when she was on it, I’m glad she came back even if it was or a short time.
Least favorite characters: 
Honestly fuck Shannon, she was awful, selfish, whiny, like who cares how shitty your marriage is, don’t fucking abandon your child. 
Basically all the canon ships lol.
I’m pretty sure that’s it lol.
Favorite friendships: 
Chimney and Hen are amazing!
Buck and Christopher are so sweet.
ANd of course, Buck and Eddie are bro-goals!
Favorite family: 
Grant-Nash Family is so wholesome, I wish my divorced parents got along as well as Athena and Michael did, my mom would rather die than tell my dad she loves him. 
Favorite episodes: 
Can I say all of them? 
lol but really, the tsunami episodes were fucking amazing. 
Favorite season/book/movie: 
Season 2 and 3 are pretty great seasons. 
Favorite quotes: 
Maddie: Maybe you should stop talking now. Chimney: She had a meet-cute over an open chest wound! That's not right!!
Eddie: You want to do a rope rescue? Of course, you do.
Musical moment: 
There hasn’t been one yet, but I want it to play out like how it did in Grey’s Anatomy where someone is in a coma, and whilst in the coma, the musical happens. It would be beautiful. 
The moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: 
When Ms. Buddie Shipping Elf was like “you two have an adorable son” and baby Buck got all blushy and skipped away without correcting her
When it really disappointed you: 
Bobby you fucker, why the fuck did you not think Buck was ready to come back after his injury? Also, holy fuck Buck why SUE THEM?
Saddest moment: 
WHEN BUCK WAS TRAPPED UNDER THE LADDER TRUCK! I was a fucking wreck, especially when the crowd of people ran to help the team lift the truck to help save him. 
Most well-done character death:
Shanon because she died and I was fairly happy with it.  
Favorite guest star: 
When Abby came back! 
Favorite cast member: 
Oliver Stark, he’s baby.
The character you wish was still alive: 
Michael, in case the tumor kills him in season 4. 
One thing you hope really happens: 
Most shocking twist: 
When during taking back the dispatch it turned out the girl was the mastermind the whole time, she was fucking badass I kind of wish she and her bf got away with the paintings. 
When did you start watching/reading?: 
2018, Thanksgiving break, my mom was catching up with her DVR recordings, I was on the couch on Tumblr and she was watching Hen Begins and I was so intrigued with Hen’s story and the show from then on. 
Best animal/creature: 
Buck’s future cat. 
Favorite location: 
Athena and Bobby’s house is GORGEOUS!
Trope you wish they would stop using: 
mmm, I got nothing right now. If the show was still like season 1 with all the religious shit in it, I’d say to cut that down some. But they already did so we’re Gucci. 
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: 
Found Family actually being a family is one. 
But like my beef with a similar she, Station 19, everyone things with their dicks and the characters drama is solely sexual/relationship related and I hate it and yet 9-1-1 is a firefighter drama that doesn’t do that crap that Station 19 does and I’m eternally grateful for that. 
Funniest moments: 
Chimney and Karen getting drunk together was fucking hysterical! 
The couple you would like to see: 
Buddie of course, the hints alone are killing me, but I love a slow burn so I shall suffer in agony. 
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: 
For the future Buck Begins episode, I have my fan-cast for Buck and Maddie’s parents. 
I really enjoyed Tricia Helfer in Lucifer, so she would make a great Mrs. Buckley (even if she and JLH are like the same age lol, mostly because I hc that Maddie and Buck have different moms but Maddie never knew her birth-mom because she died when she was really young). 
As for their dad, I really love the idea of, Vincent Irizarry, playing him, especially if Mr. Buckley is as bad as we all think he is because Vincent knows how to play a bad guy.
Favorite outfit: 
Anything Buck wears tbh.
Favorite item:
Uh...I don’t know if there’s a significant item in the show lol. 
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: 
Nope. These types of shows don’t really have merch, though if Box Lunch has Grey’s Anatomy stuff it's only a matter of a time for there to be an overpriced Team 118 t-shirt in sizes that don’t fit me at the store lol. 
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: 
No clue, could I be in a poly ship with Buck and Eddie? Christopher needs a better mom and I am a great mom. 
Most boring plotline: 
I can’t really think of anything? 
Most laughably bad moment: 
Just when the elevator door was closing after the scene with the lawyer, and it was just awkward with buck on the outside looking it, kind of cringey too.
Best flashback/flashforward if any: 
Athena Begins was AMAZING and young Athena was gorgeous!
Most layered character: 
Buck for sure. 
Most one-dimensional character: 
I guess Bobby since season 2 he’s not changed much, which isn’t a bad thing because he’s a good guy. 
Scariest moment: 
When Athena was getting attacked. 
Grossest moment: 
Face Maggot
Best looking male: 
Best looking female: 
Who you’re crushing on (if any): 
Favorite cast moment: 
When Oliver Stark was doing the watch-live and Rafael Silva showed up and Oliver was like “Hey Rafa!” all cute like.
Favorite transportation: 
Riding in a firetruck would be cool lol.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): 
The scene with the tsunami wave, it was amazing!
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: 
Best promo: 
The season 3 promo was pretty epic.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book:
When I first saw the show with Hen Begins. Though I was really confused when I started the show from the beginning since I thought the whole show was about taking the story of one firefighter and doing a flashback of them becoming a firefighter. Which is dumb now that I think about it lol.
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cinnbar-bun · 6 years
Do you know about the hanahaki disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. How about mc having this condition because she thought that it was a one sided love from her to jumin.
A/n: I LOVE HANAHAKI DISEASE (btw,anon who sent in a similar ask for a certain GBF character, I got it and I’ll try to do it another day) !!! MY FRIEND I AM SATANIC AND LOVE ANGST A LOT, YOU KNOW ITS ON THE TOP OF MY LIST!!!! Also, sorry, I’m gonna put these in headcanons cuz I’m lazyyyyy!!
Hanahaki Disease (MC x Jumin) 
Hyacinth (Purple)- I am sorry, Please forgive me, Sorrow
You don’t know when it happened, you don’t want to know why
You want to turn back time and wish you never could’ve received that message, never accepted that dumb request, never would’ve met him. 
But then you wouldn’t have met him…and that thought hurts you more than the damn flowers ever could
With a voice as smooth and rich as chocolate, an appearance of sophistication and regality, not to mention a weird sense of humor that seemed to always make you smile, he was perfect. 
So perfect, so unreachable
Why would he- a successful son of a businessmen, ever look to you, someone so plain, so ordinary, so uninteresting? Everyone wanted a piece of him, so why were you any different? 
When he called you your heart sped up but your lungs felt as if they would collapse. 
“Hi, (Y/n), how are you this morning?” 
Coughing, coughing, coughing. All he hears is a loud sputter and choking sounds as you gasp for air. 
“Haha…I’m fine, allergies and all…” 
“Are you sure? That sounded extremely uncomfor-”
“Yep! Perfectly fine!” 
Why can’t you accept me?????
You want to scream, you want to cry, you wish to DIE if it meant this horrible aching would go away. 
You wondered if he ached as bad as you did. You wondered if he suffered as much as you did, but hearing him all those times… he sounded fine. He was fine. 
Only you were struggling with the thorns in your lungs. Only you were left coughing up purple hyacinths, a reminder of how unloved you would be. 
Saeyoung tried to comfort you. He tried to console you. But you both knew, it was spreading too much. The vines suffocating your chest would snap it in half soon. 
You requested one more thing from him. If you could not be loved by Jumin Han, remove the damned thing. If all his efforts to match you two up and make a relationship failed, then take it out. Take out every reminder of Jumin from your body, starting with your heart. 
He complied, albeit hesitantly. You getting surgery would mean you would not feel love anymore. You would not get the chance to experience the fated feeling when it happened. 
You assured him it was for the best. After all, you were chosen into the RFA to do a job, not fall in love. Might as well make more parties and focus solely on the job. 
He wants to fight back and tell you that you’re more than just the party planner, life is more than a job, but he knows you’re unrelenting. So he accepts. 
Jumin notices how you avoid him now, how quick you are to end calls and discussions, and how close you’ve gotten to Saeyoung. 
There’s a feeling in him he can’t quite pinpoint, but he hates it
He hates it so much
He doesn’t understand. What did he do wrong? What did he do to make you despise his presence? 
You wish you knew. You would’ve told him it was not because you hated him
But because you loved him too much
So everyday you both suffer in silence, reveling the love both of you crave but cannot obtain
You want to apologize to him
You want to say how sorry you are for doing this to him
You want to say sorry for how he’d suffer because you couldn’t contain yourself
You want to apologize for falling in love
He had not felt love before. Elizabeth may have been his prized friend, but what he felt for you went beyond a simple business relationship. You were no mere acquaintance. 
You were his first love
And now, as they spread even further into your lungs, you wallowed to yourself once again
An idea formed
It’s your last love, why not just let it out in the open now? Why not get through the pain before you get rid of it entirely? 
So you picked up your phone. 
“Jumin, I have something important to say to you.” 
He was confused. What was so important you had to share, especially in front of the others? 
“I’m listening. I’m rather shocked that you wish to speak to me after you ignored me for a while.” 
“I need to tell you this. I need to get this over with before it gets worse.” 
“I love you.” 
You put down your phone and wait, recollecting your thoughts. 
Jumin is speechless…he had no idea how to speak and respond. He had no clue how to tell you what he was feeling. 
“You love me?” was all he could text back. 
Nearly all the RFA chimed in now. 
“Yes…yes I do. I wanted to let you know so I could remove it without any last regrets.” 
“It? What’s it?” He asks
You don’t say a word, instead sending a picture of purple petals you just coughed up, dyed and stained in crimson red blood. 
No one can say a thing. Zen is the first to express his disbelief, wishing he could’ve helped you. Yoosung is sobbing, Jaehee is concerned over your wellbeing and practically crying for you to see a surgeon, and Saeyoung apologizes. 
Jumin struggles to breathe. 
“What if I…” 
“What if I said I love you back?” 
“But you don’t mean it, Jumin.” 
He sends a picture of his own bloodied flowers, feeling a sense of relief wash over him at how he finally could say something. 
You are surprised. Jumin…Jumin Han…Jumin Han loved you? 
Jumin Han loving you…you thought it was some far-fetched dream. 
But it was here, it was in your grasp. 
You could only sob in response. 
He sends half-thought out sentences, too emotional to articulate himself like his usual self. 
The days from then on started of slow, before your romantic life could begin. 
As days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, and months turned to years, you remember the agony of unrequited love. You remember the horror of seeing the petals for the first time. 
But those days have long since passed, and you woke up to receive a bouquet of flowers from none other than your lover himself. 
White, blue, and pink hyacinths
White- loveliness
Blue- constancy
Pink- playfullness
No longer were you haunted by the flower, and you could finally embrace it in a better color and meaning. One that was significant to both you and Jumin. 
A love that would bloom for eternity
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chrysolina · 6 years
Backstory to Steve not going into the ice headcanon
Before y’all go and read the actual headcanon itself, I highly suggest reading THIS BIT as it fills you in pretty well on what comes up in the actual headcanon!!! 
- Backstory? You met Bucky and Steve via a friend Bucky was dating way back when and caught the eye of a stubborn, little blonde-head who didn’t exactly want to be there at this dance.
- From the moment he saw you in that beautiful dress, laughing away to something Dot had told you, he just heart-eyed for you. Period.
- But then he took a look at himself and then at you.
- and realised he’d never get to be with anyone as beautiful as you.
- You’d probably go for someone like Bucky, so he thought.
- But was more than pleasantly surprised when you showed no interest in Bucky and went straight to Steve.
- Over and over and over again.
- Whenever Dot was with Bucky, you were almost 99.9% of the time right next to lill’ Stevie.
- And when you weren’t, you were either in the toilet or buying stuff like drinks etc.
- It wasn’t until a cool Brooklyn winters night that IT happened.
- No you guys didn’t bone, not yet at least.
- But Steve was feeling brave that night as you sat out on the steps of the apartment building he lived in.
- You were just radiant under the twinkling moonlight and he just couldn’t help it.
- So when he came back out to join you with a blanket in hand, he did it.
- He called your name so you’d turn to look at him and placed his slightly roughed lips to your warm wet ones.
- And to what he thought was you refusing him move when you didn’t react, he was more Han ecstatic when you grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into you further.
- And yes, after that you did go inside and fuck.
- Of which was freaking magical for the two of you.
- It was slow, sensual and meaningful; just like your relationship.
- It couldn’t be denied from that point on that you two were an actual thing.
- And god was Bucky proud of his bestie.
- Skip ahead two years of being together, Steve heard the news that war was raging over Europe and that days may be limited until war would end up on the streets here.
- And that danger came with war.
- And since Steve didn’t wanna die regretting not doing anything, he decided that now was the time to ask you THAT question.
- The ‘will you marry me?’ question that scared the fuck out of him the whole damn evening.
- It wasn’t until you were both snoozing in bed after giving Steve a good and thorough blowjob that he said it.
- Well, sorta.
- He was spooning you (as best as he could) from the back and more or less just said it.
- “Y/N?”
- “mm yes sweetie..?”
- “Marry me.”
- “uh...what?”
- “I said; marry me - please.”
- After telling you his thoughts about the imminent dangers spreading across the Atlantic to home and the regrets he’d have, you planned that following weekend to get married.
- And you did.
- It was only a small affair; you in white, him in a rented black, Bucky the best man, your sister your maid of honour and your family being there in the tiny Catholic Church Steve and his family used to visit.
- It really was magical.
- Although your honeymoon consisted of staying at home in your shared apartment and no/little work, it was still a time you could never forget.
- And the ‘honeymoon’ you two had was also pretty darn amazing, full of love, kisses and softness.
- You two really were in your own bubble.
- Until it came.
- War was here and with it came the inevitable, the drafting's.
- First Bucky and then a little later, your own Stevie of all people.
- It really was a worrying time for you, a nurse now sent to work on ex-veterans who were coming back on leave.
- And the stuff you’d see made your stomach turn tenfold.
- The wounds, the cries of agony in their sleep; your husband and best friend had just gone out to face that.
- And all you could do was sit in the main infirmary in Queens and Brooklyn, twirling The Sarah Roger’s wedding ring out of fear as the radio blared the horrific news day by day.
- You’d seen some things in that infirmary over the short month or so you were there but that was yet to be beaten.
- You remember it vividly, it was a cloudy day in New York and as one of the more experienced nurses you’d heard news that there could be a brief power-cut today.
- Which was weird because when do you plan a power-cut?
- And it really was weird.
- Due to obvious reasons, you couldn’t turn off the lights that were being used as other nurses like your mother and sister sewed up torn wounds
- So all you had to do was watch them flicker as if a freight train was funnelling down a track above you.
- You thought that was it for the weird and strange, but you were wrong. So so wrong.
- Like everyone tried to do, letters were regularly sent between you, Steve and on occasion Bucky too during their time away but it wasn’t until a weeks mail had gone by and you noticed no letters from Steve.
- Which could only mean one thing, you could very well be a widow by now. And he couldn’t send any letters because he was dead.
- So for what seemed like an eternity, you prepped yourself over and over for that day a mournful Bucky or fellow soldier would knock on your apartment door and tell you the worst.
- This cycle kept on going and going until one morning you arrived in the infirmary and found THE Mr Howard Stark talking to the nurses in the room, all looking to you as you stepped in the room.
- “You’re nurse Rogers, right?”
- “..Yes that’s me? How may I help you?”
- “I’m so sorry to barge in on you like this but you’re coming with me ma’am.”
- “Wh-where am I going?”
- “London, tomorrow morning. Pack your bags and be ready for 9AM - i’ll come and collect you.”
- Yeah, talk about a whirlwind twenty-four hours.
- You didn’t know what to expect really as you walked through the various male and female officers in bottle green, black or white shirts and uniform under that yellowy orange light.  
- Until Stark showed you into this sectioned-off room and to wait until ‘someone’ came.
- Btw you were wearing something like this X
- And then you saw him emerge from the shadows, a man with the exact same eyes, same hair, same face, same smile and same voice as your Stevie’s.
- It wasn’t until he spoke, you knew exactly who this man was.
- “Y’miss me baby-doll?”
A C T U A L   H E A D C A N O N
Chris / Steve rogers tags - @patzammit @tacohead13@youreahandsomedevil @thisismysecrethappyplace @fanfic111
Permanent tags - @multireality @its-a-pretty-interesting-wall​ @coffeebooksandfandom​
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atopearth · 6 years
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Part 8 - Someday the Dream will End
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(Thought it’d be a great title since the above is my favourite soundtrack and this is my last post on FFX! XD)
Yay! I got Lulu’s Venus sigil! I was hesitant to start the dodging lightning thing since you have to dodge 200 in a row, but omg, after going on YouTube and knowing that there’s a ditch where you can easily gather the rhythm to do it 200 times, it only surprisingly took me like an hour and a half after getting distracted a few times and failing lmao. Gotta say though, much easier than the stupid Chocobo race for Tidus!🙄 Next thing you know, I try the butterfly catching game for the Saturn sigil and start to contemplate whether I really want to be a perfectionist lmao. I totally forgot that I hate the butterfly game the most, like THE MOST. It’s literally frustrating me more than the Chocobo and lightning combined, I don’t know why everyone on the internet says it’s the easiest of the mini games😣😣 Okay, fine, after another half an hour with trial and error, I finally got the Saturn sigil too, not that bad I guess….
Finally got all the celestial weapons too yeee~ I’ve never gotten everything before so I’m pretty happy right now hahaha! So Yu Yevon is the one that’s been constantly causing this all for a thousand years, hiding within Sin using him as an armour, and then when people defeat Sin with the powers Yunalesca tells them about, he merges with the Final Aeon to continue this cycle of life and death. I guess when everything works out, it’ll be good, but once they defeat Sin, the Fayth will stop dreaming and Tidus will disappear… It’s kinda funny how you used to be all concerned about Yuna dying and now near the end of the game, you instead have to be concerned over Tidus disappearing instead. Why can’t they just be happy together sigh..
Well! I legit spent a day farming sphere levels for Rikku and Tidus to finish off the sphere grid getting all the strength and agility nodes but omggg, can I just say that having triple AP instead of double AP is like the biggest difference ever? LOL. And omg overdrive -> AP is like the best thing ever. So easy to level lol. Funniest thing was when Don Tonberry did 83k damage on my Tidus though hahahaah, did I really kill that many monsters with him🤣 But yeah, it’s cool that I’m progressing with my sphere grid but I’m kinda sad that I’m one hit KOing everything lol. I mean, this is the first time I’ve ever gotten so far in FFX so I feel like I’m killing my experience haha! But I really want to fight nemesis and penance and all the dark aeons so oh well. Btw, it’s because I OHKO Seymour in Sin and didn’t get to see him do anything with his cool music hahaha. At least Yuna finally sent him to the farplane lol. Anyway, back to farming monsters, just need to finish Sin and Omega Ruins and I’m doneeee!
GG though, Omega Ruins took sooo long (I guess Sin did too) but dang was it annoying lol. So anyway, after much leveling with Don Tonberry again, and getting all the strength, defence, magic, magic defence, agility, luck and fortune spheres, I am legit done with the whole sphere grid! I’m honestly not dedicated enough to do 255 everything, so since 255 luck = 255 accuracy and evasion, I am not going to bother lolll. Agility maxes out at 170 as well so yayyy, don’t need to farm moreeee. I’ve legit been spending my week doing all this lmao, watching TVB and farming, that’s been my life hahaha. It’s kinda crazy seeing myself finish all this though. It was super time consuming but it’s nice to see my characters deal 99,999 damage haha. Coolest thing was defeating all the creations by the Monster Arena guy and then beating up Nemesis! Yesssss! It could have been easier if I set my overdrive mode to Comrade (charges overdrive when allies are hit) since he dealt so much damage lol, but silly me left it on Warrior (charges overdrive every time I attack), so yeaaaah, that took longer than I wanted hahaha. Btw, Nemesis is ugly but yay! I’ve completed another goal of mine! Oh yeah, I also beat Omega Weapon, of which, he was so underwhelming, especially with the random monsters you have to fight along the way, FFVIII was so much more annoying and challenging imo with the Ultima Weapon and other guys. I guess we’ll see how I feel once I defeat all the Dark Aeons and fight Penance hahaha.
The Dark Aeons were relatively easy! Especially if you have ribbon/stoneproof, not being petrified and shattered is like the most important thing imo lol. Dark Bahamut kept killing me and pissing me off because he kept petrifying my guys and killing them lol, I had to put stoneproof on my armour to survive, worked out well since I needed it for the Magus Sisters too haha. And yes, I was lazy to fight them altogether so I separated them and fought the sisters one by one to save myself from the agony lol. And what do you know? Dark Yojimbo was actually the one to bring the most trouble! It’s not even because he was hard, it was because I had to fight him 5 times to defeat him and initially, I didn’t know and just defeated him four times and was like wth, why isn’t Penance appearing?! So then, I googled and realised that I had kept missing the true third battle in the green room, so yeah, that frustrated the hell out of me because I legit defeated him 10+ times because I went to the wrong place, didn’t understand etc, yeaaah I was raging lol. I really wanted to finish the game and defeat Penance in the same day with the Dark Aeons so yeah, I was annoyed that I was not on schedule lolol. Oh well, more time to prepare for Penance I guess.
So…. I tried Penance and I died hahahah. Gotta revise my armour lolol. I think ribbon, auto-potion (with only x-potion), auto-haste and auto-protect might be the best combo. I’ll try that and see. Or not lolll! My biggest problem with Penance was not surviving his immolation attack that does a lot of HP damage and sucks all your MP too. Well, anyway, after much googling etc, I revised my armour again, luckily I had 6 million to spend bribing monsters for stuff lmao. I used auto-potion, auto-haste, auto-protect and defence +20%. This accompanied with Rikku’s Ultra NullAll mix (lasts the whole battle as long as you don’t die!) gave me enough defence to survive the whole battle (yay!). After that, it was really rinse and repeat of destroying the arms and then hitting the main body whenever I could. It probably legit took 20-30 minutes. Crazy for sure. Not sure whether it’s really worth it since I didn’t feel very accomplished LOL, I just felt like a robot constantly using quick hit (throwing a three stars so it doesn’t cost MP), dispelling after every immolation attack and thankfully, I had auto-potion because it would have killed me if I had to heal myself every turn. So yeah, after that, it was really just a waiting game where I just kept doing the same thing for 30 minutes, yeah it was pretty boring. I liked the optional bosses from previous games more.
And now I can finally fight Sin! Honestly, seeing Tidus finally open up to Jecht a bit more and be a bit more honest, I felt happy for Jecht. He’s always loved Tidus. Too bad it wasn’t meant to be for them to ever be able to hang out together like buddies. Since I maxed out my stats, last boss was so easy, I barely did anything. Kinda feel like I should have let him do something so I could see it lol, but I was too fast hahaha. Pretty devastating to see Yuna summoning every single summon for Yu Yevon to take over and then we kill it to stop Yu Yevon from having anything to take over anymore. It was heartbreaking to see all the Fayth go like that. But at least, as they said, they can now stop dreaming… Auron always has to be cool doesn’t he lolll, even when Yuna sends him to the Farplane. It hurt when he told Yuna that it was okay to send him. I really liked Auron. It was also saddening when Tidus was like, this is his last battle with them because he’s going to disappear, I guess at least he told them. Slack to Yuna when she wanted to hug him but he was disappearing. Especially when at the end, she kept whistling, waiting for him to come back.
Never even know the Eternal Calm video or whatever existed. Kinda feels weird though because it’s set two years later where all Yuna has been doing is being something like a counsellor to people until a sphere of someone who looks like Tidus (Shuyin~) is found by Kimahri, given to Rikku and then shown to Yuna and then she decides to go look for other spheres like it and soon becomes a sphere hunter. Considering that FFX-2 is set two years later which I assume is not long after this, her personality sure changed quite a bit after getting some freedom haha. I guess it’s true that Yuna has never truly lived for herself until now so it is nice that she can do that now, but how did she learn to use a gun so fast? Lol.
Overall, I enjoyed FFX, but honestly, it’s not one of my favourites haha. It’s one of the first I played as an adult probably but yeah, if I had to really choose, I prefer the previous much more. But I do like FFX because of how much more, simple it is? It’s simple, straightforward and emotional. Rikku and Yuna will always be my favourites. Wakka being silly is also a highlight. Cool Auron will always be the dream guy though hahaha. Happy that I can finally say I’ve finished it completely! Now on to getting 100% completion for FFX-2! I got like 98 or 99 on my first playthrough with the help of a guide every now and then but now I’m gonna use a guide for the whole thing and hope I get the 100% this time around hahaha, wish me luck~
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drnikolatesla · 7 years
I wonder, what Tesla thought of Thomas Edison? I know some stories from when Nikola was working for him, but later? Was he neutral towards him? Btw I learn so much from your blog! Thank you! :)
So after Nikola Tesla resigned from Thomas Edison’s company, he hit a low and had to resort to digging ditches for practically nothing. But, he was able to begin his attempts to share his new rotating magnetic field discovery, which Edison had no interest in because he was using a direct current system. Tesla struggled to find backing until an Alfred Brown, and a Charles Peck agreed to financially back him. Tesla was able to start his own electric company, with Brown and Peck promoting him. This is where Tesla’s story really started to move forward. The story goes, Tesla develops a working alternating current induction motor, patents it, gives a lecture and demonstration about his new AC system before the engineering society, this sparks interest in George Westinghouse who buys Tesla’s patents, then from here on out begins a war against Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse.
There’s a movie coming out about this war, so you can wait for it in November, or check this link to read up more: War of Currents
So to answer your question about how Tesla felt about Edison after all this, he definitely wasn’t neutral. Edison and his associates did some heinous things to try and defeat Tesla and the Westinghouse Company during the war, and even after. Things Tesla refused to respect coming from such important figures in US history.
Here’s a blog I posted a few weeks ago showing how I really feel about Edison and his associates: http://drnikolatesla.tumblr.com/post/165258512933/drnikolatesla-4-electrical-engineers-who-history
But here’s 3 quotes on how Tesla really felt to answer your question:
1. “One of the great events in my life was my first meeting with Edison. This wonderful man, who had received no scientific training, yet had accomplished so much, filled me with amazement. I felt that the time I had spent studying languages, literature and art was wasted; though later, of course, I learned this was not so.”
–Nikola Tesla
“Making Your Imagination Work For You.” American Magazine, April, 1921.
2. “To the Editor of the World:
“Permit me a few words of comment relative to The World editorial of Oct. 21 in which I am directly concerned. Edison’s work on the incandescent lamp and direct-current system of distribution was more like the performance of an extraordinarily energetic and horse-sensed pioneer than that of an inventor; it was prodigious in amount, but not creative.
“The lamp itself, consisting of a carbon filament in an exhausted globe, was well known and even patented years before. Crookes had employed incandescent conductors with leading-in platinum wires seated in the glass and obtained extremely high vacua: the multiple-arc arrangement was frequently shown at institutions of learning, display windows and exhibitions with Geissler tubes; electric generators had been constructed, means for regulating current and voltage described and canalization of electricity was as obvious as that of water, gas, compressed air or other commodity.
“Irrespective of this, however, his primitive scheme of lighting was subject to fatal economic limitations and could have never proved a commercial success in competition. Indeed, during the past thirty-five years it has been almost wholly displaced by a more practical and efficient system based on my rotating magnetic field, a discovery which even hard-headed engineers and patent lawyers have declared to be “one of the greatest triumphs of the human mind.” To convey an idea of the extent of its use I only need to quote Dr. B. A. Behrend, one of the foremost electrical experts, who in his book on the induction motor says: “Were we to eliminate from our industrial world the results of Mr. Tesla’s work the wheel’s of industry would cease to turn, our electric trains and cars would stop, our towns would be dark, our mills dead and idle. So far-reaching is this work that it has become the warp and woof of industry.”
“Edison and his associates bitterly opposed the introduction of my system, raising a clamor against the “deadliness” of the alternating current, which proved very effective and led to the adoption of a commercial type of machine in electrocution of criminals, an apparatus monstrously unsuitable, for the poor wretches are not despatched in a merciful manner but literally roasted alive. To the observer their sufferings seem to be of short duration; it must be borne in mind, though, that an individual under such conditions, while wholly bereft of the consciousness of the lapse of time, retains a keen sense of pain, and a minute of agony is equivalent to that through all eternity.
“Had the Edison companies not finally adopted my invention they would have been wiped out of existence, and yet not the slightest acknowledgment of my labors has ever been made by any of them, a most remarkable instance of the proverbial unfairness and ingratitude of corporations. But the reason is not far to see. One of their prominent men told me that they are spending $10,000,000 every year to keep Edison’s name before the public, and he added that it is worth more to them. Of course, in all that unceasing and deafening shouting from the housetops any voice raised to apprise people of the real state of things is like the chirp of a little sparrow in the roar of Niagara. So it comes that very few have a clear idea of the situation.
“In truth, my system has not only provided energy for all purposes throughout the world but also revolutionized electric lighting and made it a great commercial success by reducing the cost of power and increasing enormously the distance of transmission. The greater part of the $60,000,000,000 which, according to President Hewer’s statement, represented the value of electric business, can be traced to my system and its effect on the lighting and other industries. In view of this I feel that I also have done much to dispel darkness. Surely, my system is more important than the incandescent lamp, which is but one of the known electric illuminating devices and admittedly not the best. Although greatly improved through chemical and metallurgical advances and skill of artisans it is still inefficient, and the glaring filament emits hurtful rays responsible for millions of bald heads and spoiled eyes. In my opinion, it will soon be superseded by the electrodeless vacuum tube which I brought out thirty-eight years ago, a lamp much more economical and yielding a light of indescribable beauty and softness. The technical resources of that time were inadequate to make it a practical success, but most of the difficulties will be overcome when cheap quartz glass becomes available.
“No amount of praise is too much to bestow upon Edison for his vigorous pioneer work, but all he did was wrought in known and passing forms. What I contributed constitutes a new and lasting addition to human knowledge. Like his lamp, my induction motor may be discarded and forgotten in the continuous evolution of the arts, but my rotating field with its marvelous phenomena and manifestations of force will live as long as science itself.”
New York, Nov. 5
“Mr. Tesla Speaks Out.” New York World, Nov. 29, 1929.
3. “If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search. I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety percent of his labor.”
–Nikola Tesla
New York Times, October 19, 1931.
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aimandmain · 6 years
I got a message the other day
Okay so when I was younger I had an enormous crush on the lambo twins, still kinda do but it’s more chill now, and I started writing this horrible self-indulgent fanfic called Being Human.
I got a message on it a few days ago asking me to update it despite it’s been abandoned for a small eternity!!!...and I kinda looked at it and, it was actually a pretty good idea... I was kinda starting out as a fanfic writer when I wrote it and let me tell you that it shows but people were so nice to me and encouraging and a part of me still likes the story a lot...
So in the memory of Being Human, I have decided to just give a “quick” outline of the story xD
A quick outline meaning all my plans for the story and several parts that were never published.
The story is about a human, Danni Elm, who finds an Allspark fragment and the Decepticons and Autobots are kinda fighting to get to her first to get their hands on the piece. 
Gets along very well with Wheeljack, is a little unsure with the terror twins. But is not allowed to leave the base, until her family is attacked.
(Oh yeah she’s a totally smart inventor too, coughMarySuecough. It was actually this fic that taught me not to write main characters who are waaaay smarter than I am because the amount of research I need to do to uphold credibility is insane.)
The Autobots gets to her and takes her to their base but when the Decepticons attack her home she convinces Optimus to let her come along.
Things go to shit and she’s taken by the Decepticons and while trying to escape she end up having the Allspark fragment fusing with her when she gets stabbed with it.
She actually dies and without the Allspark fragment she would have stayed that way but now she’s...she’s not entirely human anymore, and the more time pass the more it starts to show.
I actually got the death scene written out and it was pretty alright considering I didn’t know what I was doing:
Vaguely she managed to look off to the side, Sunstreaker came running towards her with a look that made her want to cower in fear, the feeling of relief spread through her when he jumped over her to tackle, Barricade? Was that Barricade? He tackled him anyway.
But her eyes were drawn back to the sky. Everything seemed too bright, and the sky was so blue, but what was that light that came down towards her? Her eyesight was getting blurred and she couldn’t feel most of her limbs.
Am I dying? Somehow, it wasn’t as frightening as she had imagined it would be, she felt at ease. The light came closer and she could finally make out its form. Wait that was the Allspark! She tried to yell but could only gasp as the stone cut through her skin and bore its way into her body. She tried to look down at her chest where the fragment had disappeared into but there was too much blood, she could only see blood everywhere. But the hole in her chest was very visible and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from it.
Tear flooded down her cheeks as the pain returned to her and she screamed in agony as the hole began to close. 
This wasn’t possible.
The last thing she saw was Ratchet rushing to her side and she could feel someone pick her up but the pain was too much and she finally fell into the emptiness as she lost consciousness.
So since this is a romance fic, of course, I’m going to include my awful, totally cheese romantic feelings for Sideswipe and Sunstreak.
So, she actually met the terror twins first, managed to get a really good impression on Sunstreaker. (She jumped on his hood he was not impressed.) This happened while she was running away from her ex-boyfriend and his boys, it’s very cringy for me to read this but at the same time I can’t stop laughing xD
Okay, okay so what happens after all that (I never got this far in my fic btw) is that Bee gets appointed to guardian, like always, but Danni and Sides get along so well that it should probably have been him. Sunny still doesn’t like her but his brother insists. 
Gets pushed into the lake at school, rides with Sides home, she stinks.
Some time passes and she gets to attend school again and be “normal”. Nothing is normal though and whenever she gets into trouble she ends up calling Sides. Because of how much responsibility Sides takes Optimus goes out on a line and appoints him to guardian after a while. Sunny is very mad and is “forced” to get involved because: “Sides you’re going to get the human killed and what will the others not think of us then?!”
Danni and Sunny start to grow closer. It’s all fun and games until the poor girl finds out she’s head over heels. Also, I had plans for like a lot of humans to start hanging out with the Autobots too and Danni getting a nice little friend group, also Sean was supposed to become a Decepticon pet but I don’t have any notes on that apparently.
“You have got to help me Sunny! They are all trying to kill me!” the panicking blond said as she ran into the room. Sunstreaker was immediately over her, lifting her onto his shoulder for protection. 
Danni sits down, leaning up against his warm neck and sighs happily “So what’s really the matter?” asks Sides and smirks at how easily his brother was tricked.
“Oh nothing big, I just got tired of walking myself”
At this point, the main point of the story is building relationships and fluff and fun time with the Autobots. Idk, I never actually planned much here... But she also starts to see small effects of being fused with the Allspark.
Danni walked into the rec room with the twins close behind, they all chattered about nothingness. Most of the Autobots were in there and only one table was left. Danni walked over to the human-sized one, which was placed off to the side. “What’s up?”
“Nothing much, we were just talking about the knife game” answered Kayle and flashed her a smile. Danni lifted an eyebrow “really? Yeah why not I guess” she shrugged it off.
Michael was smirking widely “do you even know what it is?” the silence was ear deafening for a moment as the two rivals stared at each other. Danni broke into a smile and crept closer.
“Do you trust me?”
“No,” said Michael.
“Good! Then this will be fun” Danni smiled encouraging as she picked up a knife and sat down in the boy’s lap. “Hey what are you-“ before Michael could get his hand off of the table, Danni had trapped it beneath her own hand. “Let’s see if I remember…” she trailed off and started stabbing the knife in the table in between their fingers. Very slowly and unsure.
“Uh close one eh?” she said teasingly as the knife hit millimeters from their hands. She clearly knew what she was doing but enjoying scaring the boy a little too much.
She nearly hit her own hand once and frowned. Michael had started screaming, and tried to get his hand away, but the girl sitting on his laps wouldn’t budge. “I will advise you to sit still, or else I will miss,” she said demanding not looking up at him, but staring concentrated at their hands. “And stop screaming like a girl, you’re giving me a headache”.
Some of the Autobots had risen from their seats to see what the fuss was all about; a few of them sniggered at Michael’s expression. Danni started up again, slowly. “Where did you learn that?” Kayle asked unsure if she should stop it. Danni caught on to it and smiled “don’t worry, I have done it a million times and as long as Michael here sits still I won’t miss.”
When the blond got to a steady tempo she took all the people and bots by surprise. She started to sing.
“Oh, I have all my fingers, the knife goes chop chop chop And if I miss the spaces in between, my fingers will come off Aaand if I hit my fingers, the blood will soon come out But all the same, I play this game, cause that’s what it’s all about”
She could have sworn she heard the twins' jaws hit the floor if it wasn’t for Michaels increasing screaming in her ear. She increased the tempo and moved on to the next verse.
“Oh, CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP I’m picking up the speed And If I hit my fingers then my hand will start to bleed”
She then jammed the knife into the table and got up “What’s for lunch? I’m starving!”
Michael stared at his hand in disbelief inspecting it slowly; Kayle ran her fingers over the new holes in their table and blew a whistle. Some of the Autobots started to laugh while others shook their head in disproval.
Listen i thought the whole knife game thing was insanely cool.
There are occasional fights with Decepticons but a lot of the time is downtime. More Autobots and Decepticons start to show up and among them are Elita-one, and here she’s like an icon, a beacon for the Autobot cause.
Sneaks out with some of the others who want to race. Upon getting home, they get busted. Sides and Sunny are furious! .. but also kinda jealous.
When Danni has gotten super close to the bros and everything is good and they’re kinda courting I guess? I wanted M.E.C.H. to get involved and create some angst and I had a long thing written out like a songfic, it was pretty good if not incredibly cringy xD
“What? You love them?” he asked laughing. “You can’t love them! They are robots! “
“So? Love doesn’t have a form, you jerk!” the girl snapped at him, repeating Optimus’ words in her head.
“Danni, they are transformers, do you really believe that you can give them what they want?” he asked lowering his voice to whisper to her.
“In case you have forgotten, your human, or wait, no you aren’t even that, have you any idea what you are?”
Danni looked angry but lowered her head, that thought had pushed its way into her mind before, and she didn’t know.
“How can you make them happy? How are you supposed to have a life together? What about the next step? How are you supposed to pleasure them? Through their holoforms? Aren’t you more of a pet to them?”
“That’s none of your business!” she shouted, feeling how the bubble that had kept her safe from these questions slowly started to crack open.
“Can you really take that happiness that they deserve from them?”
She whipped her head up, looking at him; the pain was visible in her eyes and the tears threaten to roll. “I-I…” she didn’t know what to say, she didn’t know what to answer. She could feel how her walls came tumbling down. Crushing down from the secure heights they had been at.
The man was still laughing at her. Danni backed away slowly, before turning to run. The roads were wet and slippery, but she managed to stay on her feet.
“He’s lying, he’s lying!” she yelled.
Her tears blinded her and she barely missed a lone car in the dark streets. She kept running passing a club that played extra loud tonight.
“You're automatic and your heart's like an engine, I die with every beat. You're automatic and your voice is electric, Why do I still believe? It's automatic, every word in your letter. A lie that makes me bleed. It's automatic when you say things get better. But they never...
There's no real love in you. There's no real love in you. There's no real love in you. Why do I keep lovin' you?”
She felt mocked, humiliated and foolish. She had truly believed that there was a future for her, for them. But they were a completely different species. Heck, they were from another planet! And they were robots! Mother-fucking gigantic robots! Not the holoforms she used to spend time with.
“It's automatic counting cars on a crossroad. They come and go like you. It's automatic watching faces I don't know. Erase the face of you. It's automatic. Systematic. So traumatic. You're automatic!
There's no real love in you. There's no real love in you. There's no real love in you. Why do I keep lovin' you? Automatic. Automatic. Automatic. Automatic.”
She ran past the school, the rain whipped in her face, hitting her like tiny, ice-cold stones. “Why are you against me!” she yelled to the sky. She jumped the fence to her shortcut but slipped in the mud.
“Each step you make.”
The blond felt the stones cut in her skin, but forced herself up. She needed to run, to get away!
“Each breath you take.”
She felt the darkness creep closer, she cursed herself for being so foolish. For falling for that pretty little lie.
“Your heart, your soul.”
They loved her, and she loved them. But it was just not meant to be. She would never be able to make them happy.
She was but a human; there was nothing she could do. She reached her house and ripped the door open, startling Carly, who was on her way upstairs. “Danni? What are yo- are you alright?!” she was on her way down but Danni didn’t want to talk to her.
“This life is so sick. You're automatic to me!”
She ran over and went into the basement, locking the door behind her almost tripping down the stairs.
“There's no real love in you. Why do I keep lovin' you?”
She threw herself at her bed, crying into the pillow. Her body hurt but that wasn’t the cause of the pain. Her heart was broken.
“Hey ,sweetspark, Sunny and I was wondering if you would like to come over so we coul- are you crying?” his faceplates moved slightly up in a worried expression. “What do you mean you want to be alone, what happened babe” Silence filled the room Sunny looked confused at his brother. “What’s wrong?”
“Woah woah babe, calm down what’s wrong?! No! no, no, no, don’t hang up on me, babe I-“ Sideswipe turned to his brother with a sad expression “She hung up on me” he simply said.
After this I wanted Danni to distance herself from everyone. She needed to figure everything out. Who she was, what she could do, what she was.
“Come on Carly, look at me! I’m a walking corpse, playing human! I’m not even sure if I’m alive… actually… I know that I’m dead! It’s this cursed fragment that is keeping me alive; I’m not supposed to be here!”
Everything is very angsty as you can see xD
I’m laughing so hard honestly like this fucking Mary Sue is having such a hard time and everything is about to get so much worse! Like the worlds revolves around Danni if you haven’t noticed!
So under a devastating attack from the Decepticons, Elita-one dies. Everything turns a lot more hopeless at the base. People are either very quiet or even more quick-tempered than normal.
The tension is rising and the battle for Earth is about to reach its peak.
Remember this was one of my first fics, this had LOADS of drama.
So, the Autobots are losing to the Decepticons, Danni has to do something. She awakens Elita-one with the powers from the fragment, but is super exhausted afterwards. Almost drained completely and can barely stand. They show up on the battlefield and the tables turn.
Danni loses consciousness and wakes up a week after. Optimus decides that she can't do that again since it’s too dangerous. But even though nobody’s encouraging her to play god again they’re all happy about it.
She also finally gets to talk with Sides and Sunny about their “thing”. Everything is pretty good.
Decepticons are leaving Earth and Earth turns into a Autobot base! Hurray! Even more Autobots lands on Earth now, Sentinel being one of them.
Danni tells sentinel Prime off after he mocked her. “Human! Come on we don’t have all day!”
“What is your problem?!” She shouted. Her voice echoed in the room, which had gone completely silence
“My name is Danni! Not human, and stop thinking you’re so much better than anyone else, for sorry to pop your bubble, you’re not!-“
“Danni please sto-“Carly tried
“You can’t just go around telling me what to do, I mean, who the fuck do you just think you are, you might be bigger than me but that doesn’t mean that you are better than me! I might be human, but at least I’m not a complete jerk!”
But of course the story doesn’t end here, no no no no, not even close. Yikes.
Being pretty much like: “Well if we can’t have Earth then you can’t either!” the Decepticons makes preparations to just destroy Earth and all the Autobots on it. Because sometimes the solution to a problem is the easiest.
Somehow, I honestly didn’t plan how, Danni once again saves the day. She sacrifices her own body though, whoops. However, the Allspark fragment in her, indestructible, keeps her soul alive inside it.
And this is where the story gets even more complicated, because we’re STILL not done! M.E.C.H. enters the scene again, they’re the ones who find the Allspark fragment and since they have been studying Cybertronians they’re able to build a simplistic transformer. Not quite the same but you get the idea. 
The Allspark kicks life into the vessel and alters it slightly, Ratchet and Wheeljack are also gonna do some adjustments.
She is sent out to seek out the Autobots. She doesn’t remember anything after she “died” but she finds the base and explaining to the Autobots that she is who she says she is was gonna be a bitch.
Things are very…awkward and she’s kinda placed in containment for a small while.
She starts having nightmares and runs to Ratchet and makes him take a diagnose of her entire system when she tells him something is wrong. Everything is as it is supposed to be and Danni asks him to keep it between them. Ratchet says it’s just her getting used to her new systems.
Danni is having big trouble getting used to her new body. Gotta learn everything in no time. How to wash, feed, recharge, walk, talk. Can’t get used to the taste of energon. Gets ironhide to teach her some moves and is starting to get the hang of moving around, when his shift starts. The twins are very distant with her and stand-offish so she tries to get them to help but they’re not really doing anything.
Then one day she turns off the security system of the base. Letting M.E.C.H. in, they are controlling her body when she sleeps and that’s why she’s been having nightmares. She is ordered to kill Sunny, but she wakes up.
Then there’s a long while where Ratchet and Wheeljack practically rebuild her body.
Ratchet tells her she needs to go find and scan a vehicle before being able to transform. She leaves base along with Bumblebee. But all he finds is just not her. He goes back to base and she finds a jet. She always wanted to fly. The others think she’s a decepticon, maneuvers around in the crowded hallways and when Optimus stands in her way she transforms, catching herself with her boosters.
People are not impressed.
Sunstreaker and her finally talk and they get into a major argument, mostly because he’s coming to terms with that he has actual feelings for her and she died, so that’s pretty fair to be angry about. He is so sad that he won’t listen to her, she can’t talk to him. He sends her away. Sides grabs her arm confused as he sees her running from their room, she jerks away and runs away, won’t let them see her tears.
Sides manage to get them paired up for patrol so they can try and talk things out.
They don’t.
They don’t speak to one another at all. Gets attacked by seekers. Both gets hit and seek refuge in a mountain cave, the cave collapses, they are in there for 2 days, Sunstreaker has almost no energon left and Danni panics, transfers some of hers to him, he wakes up and she is exhausted, sits beside each other. FINALLY TALKS LIKE ACTUAL ADULTS.
Danni has more and more trouble staying awake and slowly falls into recharge, just as the others get through the rumbles. Danni is in the med bay another 2 days before Ratched lets her go. Sunstreaker and she have a talk and they romance part of the story is finally back on track!
So much back on track that the twins ask her if she would consider bonding with them. They think she is rejecting them but she simply doesn’t know what it is, resulting in more miscommunication and DRAMA.
I named her Bluebird btw. because I suck at names and am super unoriginal.
Also, I wrote another cute scene:
“When is Sides getting here?” Bluebird asked impatiently.
“He should be here any minute now.” The yellow frontier said cupping his femmes face and kissing her lightly.
“And then we can go get some energon, right?” Sunny kissed her again and nodded.
They were sitting on the couch, or rather lie on it since Sunny had decided to fill all of it, leaving Bluebird to lie half in over him. Sideswipe was on patrol and would be returning shortly, or so he had said. The two lovers still didn’t know who his partner had been since it used to be Sunny. So instead of being just Bluebird waiting to go get some fuel, now it was both Sunny and her.
“I’m so tired.” The femme stated and rested her head against his chest. “Prowl has been at keeping his eye on me all day, making sure I had something to do, all the time.” She sighed and traced the seams of his outer armor with her fingers.
Bluebird asked about his day and he asked about hers while they waited, they started on trivial subjects to pass the time. It had only been an hour when they ran out of things to talk about and simply sat and enjoyed each other’s company.
The small femme stretched her arms; she rested them on his shoulders and moved up so she could nuzzle his neck. “You wake me when he gets here, right?” it was a grouchy question and Sunny himself yawned tiredly. “Yeah, sweet dreams so long sweetspark,” he said enclosing her in his embrace.
As a fully fletched Autobot, Bluebird had to do the same duties as everyone else. Since she wasn’t used to the non-stop activity it kept leaving her exhausted. And how her nights used to go down she probably didn’t get rest she needed.
It took another hour for Sideswipe to finally show up. Sunstreaker had also drifted off into recharge by then; Bluebird had woken up due the time and was watching the yellow bot sleep soundly. 
“Hi,” she said and flashed the red one a smile. Sides immediately frowned and walked over to them “I am so sorry baby”.
The blue bot shook her head with a smile and sat up, giving him a hug as he walked over to them. “Don’t worry about it, how was your day?” she gave him a quick peck on his cheek and the older bot sat down behind her with a sigh. “It was okay I guess, but Prowl is giving me a hard time”
“You and me both,” she said with a huff and a small smile before leaning in over Sunstreaker again.
“Sunny~. Sides is here let’s go get some energon.” She said nuzzling his neck again. The yellow frontier groaned tiredly before onlining his optics. “Yeah, yeah,” he said and kissed her lazily.
That’s actually it tho.
Like I never got to plan an actual ending for this and honestly, I’m glad I never got very far with it because it would have been hell to write!
Like actual yikes!!
I hope you enjoyed this rambel if you managed to read it all, and if you’re here at the end, I’m so sorry xD
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