#i am just sitting here like…… hiiiii so do you guys still want me to work there or not
plexivie · 2 months
hi, I don't know if you take request but if you do can you write a crack fic between Denki kaminari and the reader having a waterbaloon fight
ty >_<
OMG YESS!! (i DO take requests so never be afraid to ask :))
8:36 am
"Oh my god." you say as you checked the time. Unfortunately, you were 'blessed' with dorm arrest after cursing out another student in the hallway. Not your fault they were making fun of... someone. Luckily you weren't alone! Denki was with you for ONE second before Mr. Aizawa came so he was suck with you.
10:00 am
By this time, you were still stuck in bed bored as HELL. Today was the day that the class planned to go out together. All of 1-A is going, EVEN BAKUGO. So, it sucks that you were stuck in the dorms, until you realized there are some fun things to do.
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10:30 am
Right as you texted Denki you made SURE to get ready to swim. (what else was he going to do today?) *Knock Knock* You rush to the door and open it to see Denki all ready to swim. "Finally, you're here. Come in I have a plan." He walks into your room and sits on your bed. "What's the plan sparks? I'm hella bored today. Dorm arrest has been driving me crazy." You roll your eyes at him. "Denki it's been two days AND we had classes yesterday." "Well duh I know I'm just saying it's horrible being cramped up in my dorm." You go to one of your drawers and grab a shopping bag. "Last time we were supposed to swim with our class i bought something for fun." You pull bags of water balloons out the shopping bag. "Wanna play?"
11:15 am
You guys chatted a bit before making it out to the pool. "Come one Denki lets fill these up."
11:30 am
The fight has begun. All the balloons were filled up and you and Denki were standing on opposite sides of the pool. "Oh, you're going down sparks" "DENKI I NEVER SAID START-" he makes a hit on your face. "OH, DENKI YOU"RE GOING DOWN!" You start throwing many balloons and making PERFECT hits at his face. "Sparksss be a little gentle please!" You laugh at him "NOPE you started it Denki!"
A/N: HIIIII‼️ thank you soo much for requesting this🤗🤗 I want to make sure you all know I DO take requests but I will not be able to answer everyone as fast as I answered this one! Hope this lived up to your hopes‼️‼️🤗 thank you guys for all the likes on my miniseries 😓 make sure you go follow shigarak1sbigfan on tiktok to see my exclusive posts‼️
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localsmg34shipper · 2 months
hiiiii!!!! is it possible for me to request SMG4, SMG3 and mr. puzzles (separate) with an autistic reader? maybe a scenario where reader just gets overwhelmed by how many things r going on around them so they just shut down, basically a comfort fic? only if ur comfortable writing it though!!!
HEYO Anon!! Thanks so so Much for requesting and of course! I'll (Try🥲) to write this! :3
I'm sorry it's not as good as you want I'm still relatively New to writing things like fanfics so I'm going to start out with short fanfics- Anygays into these silly short fanfics! >:3
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SMG4, SMG3 & Mr puzzles
W/ an overwhelmed Autistic Reader
(Again the Reader Is GN and is also going to be Referred to as You)
(Ps: I include some of my head canons in theses)
༺ S m g 4 ༻
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(Warning: Badly planned plot- I'm trying 🥲 I slightly based this off of our sensory issues)
It had been a good day You, and some of the Crew are relaxing watching some random meme compilation on YouTube, things where going good until Mario runs into the room and explodes everything causing everyone to freak out.
With everything suddenly out of nowhere getting Really loud and You suddenly being thrown into the wall by Mario Flipping the couch making all your senses go into over-drive which starts making You overwhelmed and overstimulated.
Smg4 Noticed this And walked over to you after dusting himself off. "Hey.. Um- You okay?" Smg4 trying to figure out what's wrong slowly realizes that You are overwhelmed with every thing going on, smg4 kneels down slightly to help You up "hey let's go somewhere more.." Smg4 looks at the crew meggy seems to have gotten Mario calmed down with some spaghetti. "Calming..? Oh! I know! I found a Really pretty spot in the woods if you'd want to go!"
You just wanting to go somewhere else to calm down Nod while Grabbing Smg4's Hand To Stand Up. "Follow me!" You start to follow smg4, Holding smg4's hand.
You and smg4 have comfortable silence while walking through the woods it was beautiful, the way the sun shines through the leaves making the forest floor glow in all the right ways, how the trees and vines dance together so prettily. As you and smg4 continue through the wood the trees part in a small flower field with a Weeping willow in the middle its leaves swaying in the wind softly.
"Here it is do you like it! I find it very beautiful"
You smile at smg4 and walk over to the tree and sit down leaning against the trees trunk, smg4 smiles and sits by You "Can I hug you? Only If you aren't as overwhelmed!"
You lean over and rest you head on smg4's shoulder, smg4 wraps his arms around You as you guys sit there talking about whatever crosses your guy's minds (mostly just smg4 ranting about memes and recent adventures you didn't get to go on)
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I am so so so Sorry it took so long just for this I have been dealing with IRL stuff along with mental health so I just didn't have the motivation to finish this request-
but I managed to finish smg4s part maybe in the future I'll come back to this and finish it for you again I am deeply sorry I couldn't do the full request and for it being to short-
even with that I hope you enjoyed it!
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dailyspnpolls · 2 years
hiiiii, could u make a poll about different dean fits? (like early seasons daddys leather jacket, lumberjack(tm), cowboy dean, dean in 1944, insurance guy dean with the glasses, corporate dean, demon dean and yea idk the possibilities are almost endless) love the idea of this blog!! <3
Hello nonnie!
I don't know if you're still lurking around, but I wanted you to know that I have not forgotten about this brilliant idea! It was the very first idea that got sent through, and I love it so much I want to make sure I do it justice, so I have been sitting on this for far too long.
I started listing out all the different Dean outfits that I have seen to be fan favorites, and there is far more than 10. This just means I might need to split it over several polls. Maybe I could even do a showdown with multiple rounds! 🤔
I think I'm definitely going to need help with this though, so I am finally publishing your ask to appeal to all the followers of this blog.
Please let me know which of Dean's many wonderful costumes, outfits and roleplays you would like to see in the Ultimate Dean 'Fit Off.
Some inspiration to get you all started:
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I will schedule this post to reblog a few times over the coming week, and then get to work putting it all together.
If we can get this showdown working, then we might be able to do them for other things too!
I'm excited! I hope you guys are too! As always, I'm here and reading all of your thoughts, so fire them my way! And make sure you're checking out the other polls!
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legolasghosty · 2 years
AU ask game thingy: "i work at a movie theater and i’m trying to clean up but you’re still here ugly crying" for willex?
Hiiiii!!!! Thanks for the ask!!!
Okay, theater employee!Alex.
So the theater where Alex works is doing this thing where they do big, late-night screenings of old classics. It's a cash grab and everyone knows it, but people come so...
Alex hates cleaning duty, cause people always leave a giant mess and there's usually at least one gum-related mess per movie. The sweeping and stuff isn't too bad though.
He heads in after the midnight showing of Old Yeller. He thinks the theater is empty, so he starts sweeping up popcorn as the credits finish rolling. It's like 2 am, he's exhausted. But he has to finish this before he can go home.
As the movie turns off and the theater goes quiet, Alex hears someone sobbing. He wants to feel bad for them, but it's late and he just wants to go home, so unless this person is seriously injured or something, he's kicking them out.
And finds this guy sitting on the floor in the back row, sobbing. Is he pretty? Yes. Is Alex too tired to care? ....mostly.
So he's like, "Hey dude please leave." And Willie is just like, "Wow, heartless much? Have you even seen Old Yeller?" /t while still sniffling.
And Alex is like, "Uhhh no?"
To which Willie responds by informing him that he had to come over to their apartment to watch it. Like right now. Alex points out that he's working and Willie agrees that it can wait till after his shift, But he's not getting out of this.
They're both kinda flirting by this point.
Alex is pretty sure it's a terrible idea, but he finishes up his shift and follows Willie home.
They watch Old Yeller again and both fall asleep on Willie's couch about 20 minutes in. When Alex leaves the next morning, he gives Willie his number so they can set up a proper date sometime.
(Send me an AU and I'll give you 5+ thoughts/headcanons about it!)
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
Hey~~ for the Redacted Ask Game - Freelancer, Starlight, D.A.M.N. 💞
OMG HIIIII- (I literally was not expecting anyone to ask me anything💀💀 but I'm so happy people are :D) thankies for the ask!!
Freelancer (what is a skill you'd like to learn and be good at?)— I've bounced around interests quite a bit, and I know some stuff and can do that stuff decently, I'd like to think^^; the thing that I've been hellbent on recently is bass! I've been playing guitar for a few years now and I'm hoping that gives me at least a little but of a buff when learning how to play bass :)
Starlight (what is your favorite constellation and/or planet? What's your zodiac sign?)— My favorite constellation is Orion. I'd like to give a super detailed reason as to why, but I don't think I can. I don't know very much about the constellations—though I'd love to learn (I love learning about anything I don't know or understand tbh-)—but Orion is one of very few constellations I can see right from my backyard, and every time I look at it, I just feel kind of comforted? Little hard to explain and kinda dumb, but I'll stick with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
D.A.M.N. (how did you get into Redacted?)— This is a really funny story to me actually- it's pretty long so I'll put it under the cut.
I've gone most of my life being subject to my older sister and her incessant obsession with all things vampires and werewolves, so I grew to hate the whole genre altogether. Not to mention, as I got older and was still being forced to sit down and watch The Vampire Diaries with her (otherwise she'd cry and accuse me of not loving or caring about her and make me feel kinda shitty, so I just sucked it up lmao) I came to realize that it was just... horribly written. I'd say horribly acted, but I don't think I can fully blame them for the god-awful teen angst that was poured into that show by the tons. Anyway- when I got into the whole asmr rp thing, I was mostly just listening to normal boring domestic stuff (and comfort for trauma and all that blah-blah-bull). One day, I stumbled across a recommended video from Mr. Redacted ASMR (at the time) and was... less than interested when I saw it was an audio of a "feisty werewolf boyfriend" so I kinda rolled my eyes and continued with my boring normal human stuff. Then, few days later I'm hit with another Redacted recommendation, but this time it was a "nervous air elemental" I was still a little iffy bc this was the same guy who had the werewolf bf stuff, but I went ahead and added it to my playlist of "listen to later" anyways. And then proceeded to forget about it and never touched it.
Couple days after that, I was hit with yet another Redacted recommendation! And this time around it was "a flirty vampire," so now I was like "jfc, why am I getting this stupid vampire and werewolf crap in my recommended??" Scrolled twice, came across another "nervous air elemental" audio and shrugged as I added it to my list, but then promptly forgot all about it yet again.
It was a month and a half. I was still getting this "Redcated ASMR" guy sprinkled generously throughout my recommendations on the youtubes, so I finally said "fuck it, what the hell is this dude all about." Took a gander through his playlists, rolled my eyes again at all the werewolves and vampires in his most popular audios and decided to still steer clear.
Then, as someone who was evidently a sucker (no pun intended) for a good injury comfort, I was suddenly struck with an offer I was admittedly hesitant to take: "Vampire Tends to Your Injuries." I saw it was by that same Redacted dude. Finally, I said "fuck it" and gave it a shot. And now, here I am; one year later stuck in this rabbit hole I don't think I will ever want to climb out of.
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❤️tell me facts about yourself and I’ll ship you with a HP character (I’ll do you justice I promise)
hiiiii :)
something about my appearance - i'm a tall girly, have a skin condition (psoriasis) , have blue eyes and brown hair.
annndddd i'm an ambivert - like im extroverted with the people that i feel comfortable around, but i do also need my alone time or like i sometimes just rather sit and absorve (not in a creepy way tho, hahaha)
i am an hoples romantic, but i don't want my relationship to be all lovie dovie, like i want some angst too, but like not ALL THE TIME, because i am sensitive.
i like to draw and dance and sing (my voice is terrible btw) and i also luv reading books and listening to music. i luv the night time, beacuse i enjoy the stars and i would luv to go stargazing with my significant other some time. i also luv the ocean. and i love to sleep and eat (who doesn't)
i'm a kind person and i have a big heart and i have so much love to give, but i also can be mean (when i have too). i'm not good at talking about my emotions, but i'm learning too :) i trust too easily, even though i don't really trust people, because u never know what can happen, but like i do trust my friends, but still u never know what can happen. I HATE PEOPLE MINDS, because like if you think about it, you never know what the other people is thinking... they can say that they love you, but in reality they think that you are worthless and stupid, so that's why i'm saying YOU NEVER KNOW. i'm afraid of failure, and one thing that i hate about myself is that i want everybody to like me, and i care about people's opinions, but i'm working on that too.
Hiii, thank you for taking time to write this!
So first things first, you want someone passionate- not cheesy. You want to feel excitement in your relationship, you don't like it when things are too planned out.
You want someone passionate and romantic enough to take you stargazing (🥰). Maybe someone to take initiative, be the one to take you out.
Also, I am sensing a few trust issues, so the ideal guy for you would be someone who speaks their mind. Someone loud about what they want, how they're feeling. Definitely not someone closed off. Someone trustworthy, who would never ever let you down, because that's the worst thing, isn't it? When you trust someone, blindly, but they turn out to be not who they seemed. You want someone loyal and fiery and honest. Not secretive or quiet.
So, in my humble opinion, your ideal man, is our dear James Potter!
A little bit more. He is adventurous and would take you camping in the beach, were you would look at the stars together, you would know more than him, and you'd show him everything and he'd look at you, completely whipped.
Also, he is a Gryffindor and an Aries, so heated fights, definitely not a boring relationship; but also, if he has a problem with something he would be the person to tell you about it. He wouldn't be passive aggressive, leaving you worried about what you did wrong, or if he likes you.
He would reach out "Let's talk and fix this.", he would 100% say. He is a team player after all. AND a very loyal person.
I am definitely sensing a light grumpyxsunshine trope here- and I love it.
Also, don't care about others, live your life to the fullest and keep your head high and middle fingers higher!
I am sending love!
Also, please tell me what you think of this!!!
(and sorry for any typos!!!)
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Gotta love how staff induction is in a week or less and I still haven’t heard if I’m supposed to be there or not 🙃
#i say ‘a week or less’ because i don’t even know if it’s the 30th or the 31st. those were the days i was told induction could be happening.#i am just sitting here like…… hiiiii so do you guys still want me to work there or not#like. i’ve given them everything they asked for and it’s not like it was easy. i was on another continent for 2 weeks and i STILL managed#to track down all the documents and contact details they needed. (by asking my mom to go through my stuff mostly.#i bought her a bunch of fancy italian coffee as a thank you but i digress)#maybe there’s been some sort of delay with my academic references but like.. do they really think a college professor is going to answer#his emails in AUGUST??? there’s a reason i suggested they contact my current mentor instead. but no they insisted.#i just have so much anxiety because i want to get in and get started already. like if i can’t attend this induction the next one won’t be#until october which will mean no one will be teaching my classes and i won’t get paid and i also won’t be able to go and get settled in#and do all the things i need to do. like. if i don’t get to attend induction this month i’m pretty much up shit creek#for the WHOLE academic year#and the really annoying thing about it is NONE OF THIS IS MY FUCKING FAULT. I WAS FIVE THOUSAND MILES AND EIGHT TIME ZONES AWAY AND I STILL#GAVE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS EVERYTHING YOU ASKED FOR AND MORE. i’ve even been doing the online training for god’s sake!!#i don’t have to do that until or just after induction but i’m so bored and anxious that i’ve done two out of the six courses already#i just find it super fucking unfair that i’ve done literally everything in my power AND MORE to get all this sorted out; yet my start date#is probably still going to be delayed because HR is incompetent. yet I’M the one who faces the consequences of their incompetence. not them.#I’M the one who doesn’t get paid. I’M the one whose students leave because they can’t start classes until october & all the other colleges#start in september. I’M the one who gets thrown in the deep end on day one because she had no time to prepare#like how the fuck is that fair? shit makes me want to walk into the ocean i swear to god#should i email HR tomorrow and be like ‘hey. any updates?’ i feel like i should. maybe everything is in order and they just like..#don’t know that i don’t know when induction is. idk. i’ll email them#something like ‘hi; just wanted to check the progress on this; i’m really anxious to get started in my job and meet my students.#can you confirm what induction date i should attend? thanks’#i’m also sort of stalking my boss’s teams profile to see when her out of office message will go off. then i can call her and be like ‘hey’#‘so i did literally everything i was asked to do and HR has still gone radio silent on me. cause for concern?#and btw should i come in for induction and if so when. please help. thanks’#i’m ngl i wish something would go normally for me. just ONCE in my life. i want to do something without feeling like i’m doing it all wrong#and everything is going to come crashing down around me for absolutely no fucking reason#personal#rant
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (One)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader, slight Taehyung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack
Word Count: 10.2k (yikes, I know) (I will try to shorten future chapters, ya girl is sorry)
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, puking, reader is a drunk cry baby, reader is kinda embarrassing, jk is kinda jelaous, mentions of sleeping around, reader and jk are pretty affectionate, jk’s thighs are mentioned—that’s like, a warning in itself right?
Notes: hiiiii, the first part is here! Once again, really nervous about this so please go easy on me but mostly, just enjoy! :) also sorry for any typos!!!!
© taestefully-in-luv
The sun is a magical thing. It lights up and warms the Earth, it enhances your mood, it helps plants grow, it literally provides for life. Without the sun, life on Earth would cease to exist. What the sun also does? The sun also shines down on us and lights up the most beautiful things. The sun today, however, is especially highlighting the most beautiful thing. The way the glittering rays gleam through the windows you can see how todays sun focuses on him.
That’s right, you guessed it. Kim Taehyung. His skin is absolutely glowing in the rays, his eyes sparkle in the light that shines down. Yes, Kim Taehyung is an other-worldly being. The way he just stands there and shimmers you can’t help but stare but also like, shy away because his beauty is so god damn blinding. Wait…was this dramatic? This might be dramatic. You’re too far gone to care though. His boxy grin, the way his hair falls into his eyes, the mole on his—
“I just want you to know, you are fucking drooling.” You hear the scoff of the man across from you, Jeon Jungkook, also known as your best friend.
You lazily shake your head as the two of you sit nice and snug in the booths of your favorite coffee shop. It’s one of the colder spring days, the breeze biting at your skin when you were outside but now, you have Jungkook’s scarf wrapped loosely around your neck and hot coffee in your hands.
“I mean, I get it. He’s gorgeous but do you really have to go this far?”
You bring the white mug full of black coffee to your lips. It’s hot and burns the tip of your tongue, but not anything you’re not use to.
“Yes.” You state plainly. You know exactly to what he is referring to. You don’t usually come here at this time, in fact you are usually a creature of habit and come at the same time on the same days… Tuesday and Thursdays in the evening but its Friday and like 1pm. But you knew Kim Taehyung was going to be here when he snapped a picture of the famous white mug with the shops logo on it and posted on his story. You bring your hand up to your forehead, saluting to the sky, “Thank you Snapchat.” So yes, naturally when you saw he was at this coffee shop you hurried to make sure you were too. Maybe it is fucking desperate. Okay it is. But could you blame a girl? He was one of the hottest guys you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.
“This is ridiculous,” Jungkook huffs into his own mug, “You could just talk to him…”
Now it was your turn to scoff.
“As fucking if!”
Jungkook smirks into his mug, taking a sip of the burning hot coffee. “That incapable, hmm?”
“It’s not that I’m incapable JK,” You blow on the drink nonchalantly, “I am simply just not worthy.”
“You are so stupid, I swear.” He huffs into his mug again.
“What do you mean?”
Jungkook breathes out slowly, biting his lip as if contemplating what to say.
It’s like, what can he say? He wishes he could tell you a million things that would ease your mind, that could possibly give you the confidence you need or maybe just slap the reality on you that Taehyung doesn’t deserve you. But then he will get asked ‘why’ and he can’t have that.
“What?” you whine into your cup before setting it down.
“You’re really cool and also pretty?” he says quirking a brow in question. Because apparently that’s all he can come up with.
“That’s a question? Also am I dying? You’re complimenting me?” you tease, giving him an exaggerated look of satisfaction.
“I just mean…” Jungkook runs a hand through his messy dark locks, “You have nothing to worry about, ya know?”
Nothing to worry about he says! What does he know? He can literally get any girl—or guy for that matter—that he wants. You dip your head, frowning at the idea.
Jungkook has been your best friend since your freshmen year and there’s nothing you treasure more than his friendship. You bite your lips and tilt your head trying to recall his first presence in your life…oh! That stupid frat party freshmen year…you met at a frat party during your first semester and totally hit it off. Did he try to get into your pants? Okay, yeah maybe. He offered a room just up the stairs that night, but you refused…seemingly too shy. But Jungkook was nothing but understanding. He pat your back and said he knew a better place, and that was the 24 diner down the street. And the rest is history
“Obviously I don’t know and oh my god don’t look but—” You try saying before Jungkook is completely turning his head around to look. Classic Jungkook.
“Oh hey Tae.” Jungkook says in The Kim Taehyungs direction. Taehyung walks up to your table, you thought the sun only highlighted his beauty but up close he is the sun. You knew it was a magical thing.
“Hey guys! “ Taehyung stands there as bright as a fucking light, waving at you and your best friend. Oh yeah, did we forget to mention Jungkook is also friends with said Kim Taehyung? Okay, so maybe talking to Taehyung shouldn’t be that hard, since you share the same fucking friends. And you guys are technically friends too.
“Sup dude.” Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly, picking up his coffee mug once again. His long fingers wrapping around the porcelain, warming him up. You watch as Jungkook takes a sip of his beverage with his doe eyes on you, he nods his head towards Taehyung and winks at you as he gulps down the drink. Of course, he’s teasing you.
“Hey y/n!” Taehyungs smile shines so brightly you want to actually kill yourself. What is up with this dude and being so blinding?
“Hey Taehyung…” you gulp your coffee awkwardly, giving him a small wave of the hand.
“y/n I told you to call me Tae!”
“Right…” you chuckle into the coffee creating bubbles of the liquid like the fucking pathetic lil thang you are.
Yeah, talking to The Kim Taehyung is not your specialty. Never was.
2 years ago
Your head is buried in books on the table of your campuses library with Jungkook fast asleep next to you. Statistics shouldn’t be this hard but it fucking is and you are groaning into your book, on the verge of pulling your hair out when a deep voice that rumbles your insides interrupts you—actually fuck it, you don’t feel like getting into a flashback. Just know that you met Taehyung (officially through Jungkook) and he ended up calling you pretty and you’ve thought about it every day since. Because you are pathetic. What’s new?
And that was it, that’s all it took for you to gain a massive crush on the boy.
“What’s up dude?” Jungkook asks again. He is now scrolling through his phone, probably swiping through Tinder, if you have to guess. And you’re right because he’s turning his phone towards you showing you some random girl, his wide eyes asking for your opinion. You roll your eyes and nod your head ‘yes’. As you can guess, this happens quite often.
“Ummm…” Taehyung runs a frustrated hand through his hair, you slowly tilt your head to soak him in when you notice he looks almost…panicked? “I need help with something actually,” but he isn’t looking at Jungkook as he says this, no. He’s looking at you.
“You see that girl at the counter over there? The one with long hair, not the other one.” He nods his head in the general direction while still remaining discreet.
You tilt your head to steal a glance at the counter and yes you do see the girl he is referring to. She’s got long brown hair that reaches her waist and man, she is gorgeous. Big, bright eyes. Full, pouting lips. Long legs and yeah, the works. Taehyung sure knows how to pick them. Did he need help to get her number of something? Like a wing woman? You mean, does he really need the help?
“Yes, I see her.” Is all you say to him and you expect him to ask you to go over there but instead he says,
“Great. I need you to be my girlfriend.”
You blink lazily at him as you process his words while Jungkook chokes on his drink.
“You want her to be your what?” Jungkook is the first to speak.
“My girlfriend.” He says again before his eyes go wide, “Like, like my fake girlfriend.” Taehyung turns a wonderful shade of red before his hand is reaching to scratch the back of his neck, chuckling to himself. “This girl—Anna…she is a bit obsessed? Ya know? Won’t leave me alone type thing and …and I have tried saying I have a girlfriend but she followed me to this coffee shop when she heard I was here. Like, who does that?”
Now it’s your turn to turn red, because you. You would fucking do that.
“That’s horrible Taehy—” you begin to say before Taehyungs large eyes pierce into your own, “Please y/n.”
“Anna???” Jungkook cuts in setting his phone on the table. “Like Anna Anna?” Jungkook squints his eyes at his friend before scoffing. “...She’s not doing it.” his eyes go between Taehyung and this girl Anna. “Don’t involve her in whatever game you—"
“I’ll do it.” You say, even surprising yourself. “I mean, it’s just pretend and for this moment so why not?” you begin to explain yourself. Plus for a few minutes you can pretend you’re really his girlfriend and your delusional mind will thrive off that.
Tae is quick to straighten his back and smile widely before he is ushering you to scoot over in the booth to let him in. “Scoot scoot” he whispers, grinning from ear to ear.
“Tae, you can’t be serious—” Jungkook is quick to say something, anything. His hands scrambling to grab his phone and hands it to Taehyung from across the table. “Here. Call up some other girl to do this. Don’t involve y/n.” Taehyung gives Jungkook a look of panic before Jungkook speaks up again, “Plus, y/n would be the worst fake girlfriend,” And that’s it. That’s all it takes. Jungkook’s constant negativity pisses you off so much that it drives what you say next.
“No need Taehyung.” You snatch Jungkook’s phone and shove it back in his hands. “Why don’t you call up one of your girls yourself and leave us alone?”
Jungkook looks at you shocked, his brows furrowing so deeply you are almost concerned for his face and the wrinkles that might set in.
“y/n…?” his stupid doe eyes look at you with so much confusion.
“I just mean, I can do this Jungkook. Don’t have to be so concerned.”
At that, Taehyung lights up.
“Great!” and his long arm wraps around your waist and when he was sure Anna is looking he leans in to plant a soft kiss to your cheek. “Thanks for doing this…” he whispers in your ear before placing another kiss.
Your eyes meet Jungkook’s shocked ones. He looks like he just saw a ghost, all the color drained from his face as he watches you and Taehyung.
“Uh….” You don’t have any words for Taehyung—or Tae as he likes to be called.
You don’t even have the balls to glance his way, you don’t even have the balls to breathe in his direction.
“Look at me?” Taehyung’s finger is on your chin, guiding it towards his face.
“No…” Jungkook spurts out, “I mean, y/n don’t we have to go?” Jungkook looks at you with a look you’ve never really seen before. Maybe it’s desperation but you don’t really care.
“We don’t actually” you respond nonchalantly.
And with that you turn to face Taehyung more properly. His face is so close to yours it’s almost suffocating.
“What is it…Tae?” you try out his nickname for the first time. His cheeks flush and he scoots back just an inch.
“Thank you for doing this but…” his eyes slide to the side, eyeing Jungkook. “I was thinking we could do this for a couple of weeks, at the least. Ya know, to make it believable.”
Surprising you and Taehyung, Jungkook rises from his seat at the booth,
“y/n let’s go.” He simply states, not even looking at you. Taehyung looks panicked as you look between the boys.
“Tae…” you started to say before Jungkook reaches over the table to grab your wrist, “Come oooooooonnnnn” But you are quick to yank it back.
“Stop Jungkook, you’re being childish.”
Taehyung tightens his hold on you, “Yeah Kookie, sit back down…please.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes at Taehyung, giving him a look that screams ‘are you serious?!’
“Childish? Okay.” He gives you a look of disappointment before grabbing his phone and his bag and walking away from the table. You watch in disbelief as Jungkook’s figure disappears from your view. What was up with him?
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s going on with him…”
“Right…” Tae responds quietly, his grip on your waist loosening up. “He’s just really protective over you, huh?” Taehyung bites his lip in contemplation, “y/n. I’m serious, let’s do this. I’ll pay for your coffee for the next month if you do this with me. Please, I am quite literally begging you.” He breathes out through his nose in an attempt to laugh. “She won’t leave me alone otherwise.”
You bite your lip in deep thought, your brows pulled together. Taehyung couldn’t help but find you cute.
“For a month? What happened to a few weeks?” you ask, a playful smirk gracing your features.
Taehyung couldn’t help the grin that made its way on his face.
“1 month.” He breathes out. “Unless you fall in love with me during that time and beg for more time….” He pokes his tongue out, his teasing tone going straight to your lady bits. If only he knew.
“Fine, but we should set some ground rules…don’t you think?”
“Okay. Like what?”
“Oh…I don’t—”
Taehyung raises a brow, “Don’t say something stupid like ‘no kissing’…because we want to make it as realistic as possible, don’t we?” he leans in just a bit more. Without Jungkook around Taehyung seems a bit more confident.
“Oh, you want to kiss me then?”
“It’s just for show. We don’t gotta think too hard about it.” His face inches closer and closer.
“Love…” you say, in a complete daze. Too lost in Taehyungs big brown eyes.
“What about it?” he doesn’t blink, just continues to stare into your eyes.
“We…would if one of us catches feelings? Then we should stop it, right?” You choke out.
Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut as an impossibly cute giggle escapes his lips, “You’re so cute. How many romcoms have you watched to come up with that line?”
“I’m serious.” You push your head back, “This could become hurtful if one of us falls in love…” You say this knowing it’s you. Well, obviously. Just because Taehyung called you pretty 2 years ago doesn’t mean he likes you.
“Okay, sweetheart.” Taehyung gets close again, “I’ll tell you.” And then he leans in, just an inch from your face. His lips hovering over your own and you can see his eyes still on you, like he’s silently asking for permission. You can’t help the nod of your head and you, yourself don’t stop yourself from leaning in.
Taehyungs lips are just as soft as you had always imagined. His lips only peck yours, the kiss is short but sweet. Once he pulls back you see his eyes slide to the counter where that Anna girl stands, and a look of relief washes over his features.
“Thank God, she bought it. She looks pissed,” he laughs loudly, “She saw us and is totally storming out!”
Oh, right. This is all for show.
“Oh, good.”
“Thanks y/n!” Taehyung’s smile is so wide it takes up the entire booth. He goes in for a quick hug, pulling back he smiles again before reaching his hand to pat your head.
“You’re a good girl.” He says and slips out of the booth. Welp, you wish those words didn’t go straight to your vagina.
“Uh, thanks.” You sputter out, not entirely sure what just happened.
“See you later?” he asks then his face lights up, “I’ll bring you a coffee.”
“Well, that is the deal.” You shoot him some pathetic finger guns.
You stare down at your now cold coffee, and look across from you at the now empty booth where Jungkook once sat.
“I’ll text you with more details later!” he shakes his phone in his hand,
“Bye bye…girlfriend.” He finishes off with a wink and skips, yes fucking skips away.
You are left alone at your table, with an empty seat across from you and a cold coffee. And now a fake boyfriend with the guy you have a massive crush on. This couldn’t possibly go all wrong, could it?
“This is definitely going to go all wrong, you realize that, right? This is a bad idea y/n and you know it.”
Jungkook’s legs are swung over your own as he lays on the couch, his focus on his phone in his hands. He wears his gray puma sweat suit you love so much and smells exactly the same as always—clean laundry and his own musk. You can’t help but eye him over, his dark strands of hair falling into his eyes as he bobbles his head to rid himself of the stray pieces. You aren’t blind, Jungkook is like, crazy hot and sometimes your staring can become a problem.
“Like, ‘we can’t fall in love with each other’” he mocks, “What sort of bullshit? You already in love, aren’t you?” he peeks over his phone to get a look at you waiting for some sort of rejection of his words.
“It’s just a crush, Jungkook.”
“Sure.” His eyes go back to his screen. “You’re pretty dumb for doing this.”
“Did I mention we kissed?”
“Only 100 times now you sicko.” Jungkook rolls his eyes and you can’t help but giggle.
It’s no secret that Jungkook is against this—whatever this is. He always has been…ever since you mentioned it 2 years ago sophomore year.
“What do you mean ‘no’?!” you ask in disbelief.
You just confessed your little crush on Taehyung to Jungkook, the two of you sitting across from one another in the library when he rolls his eyes, obviously annoyed.
“Can you not yell? We’re literally in a library. And I don’t feel like getting kicked out this week…again.” He rolls his pen between his fingers as he speaks.
“Okay one: that’s your own fault for getting caught with your hand down some girls pants. And Two: what do you mean ‘no’?”
“Taehyung is off limits for you.” He says, totally unbothered.
“What the hell does that even mean?”
“It means, he’s my friend for one so gross, and also he’s kind of like…emotionally unavailable.”
You chew on your pen, wondering what that could mean. Like, he doesn’t date? He doesn’t ‘do’ relationships? He’s already in love with someone else?
“I’m not telling you.” Jungkook’s pen slides against his paper as he writes, “His life.”
Oh, you asked that out loud.
“Whatever Jungkook, it’s just a crush.”
It feels nice to have a crush on someone other than…
Your phone goes off and you hurry to check it. What? It could be Taehyung wanting to go over the details of the ‘plan’. But much to your disappointment it was just Jimin.
Jimin 9:42pm
Where are you guys? Party has BEEN started girl
Y/N 9:42pm
We’re about to leave babe, see you soonish
Jimin 9:43pm
You guys fuckin? *smirk face emoji*
Y/N 9:43pm
Did you just…write smirk face emoji instead of putting the emoji itself
Y/N 9:44pm
Also how many times do I have to tell you JK and I aren’t like that
Jimin 9:45pm
Whatevs, see you soon babe xoxo
You set your phone down in your lap, your fingers going to massage Jungkook’s calves as you sneak a glance at him, he closes his eyes in satisfaction as you continue massaging the muscle.
“We gotta get go—also, that’s now what you’re wearing right?”
“Not going tonight. But have fun.” Jungkook sets his phone on his chest, letting out a long breath while folding his arms behind his head. He looks comfortable like, you almost believe him that he’s really staying in.
“Yeah, okay.”
“I’m serious.”
“What do you mean?”
“Y/N why don’t we just stay in tonight?” He whines, he unfolds his arms and reaches for your hand. “Let’s go buy a 12 pack, get fucked up and just ya know, stay in.” Though this doesn’t sound like a bad idea, it also sounds like every Friday night with the two of you and you want to do something different tonight. But it would take some convincing. You interlock your fingers with his and he melts at your touch, his dopey smile growing.
“It’s a good idea, right?” he says, blinking up at you.
You smile back, tilting your head just the slightest before your smile drops altogether.
“Ugh!” Jungkook throws his head back on the sofas armrest, “Why are you like this?”
“You still love me.” You chirp swinging his legs off yours and standing to your feet.
“Now get dressed and I promise that I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the weekend and you can bring whatever poor girl back to the apartment.”
Oh yes, your best friend is also your roommate. You’ve been living together for the last year—it just made the most sense. He was always over at yours or vise versa. So it made the most sense to save money and just room together. It worked out almost perfectly—almost. He paid his half of rent on time, he cleaned the dishes, he did laundry. Wait a minute, what the hell did you offer? That’s beside the point, the best of all he was always there when you needed him. The one downfall…the girls he brought over.
It got so bad that you couldn’t even sleep. You get it, your best friend is obviously…gifted. If the girls whines and moans and screams were any indication. So you had to set some rules for your sanity! For one, the other must always warn the other when bring home a person for the night. And two, its best if the other is already like, not home. Jungkook quickly agreed…something about how he doesn’t want to hear you either.
So, offering to be gone all weekend so he can have as much sex in his bed as he wants is probably going to be convincing enough.
You study Jungkook’s features, his brows pinched together almost comically, and his lips formed into the cutest pout.
“All weekend?” he asks, kicking imaginary rocks with his feet. “Like, no interruptions?”
“No interruptions you absolute whore.”
“Fine, deal.” He looks into your eyes and something flashes across them that you cant pinpoint. “I guess I’ll get dressed…but wait, where will you stay?”
“Probably with Jimin.” You shrug.
“Hm, okay.” Jungkook walks towards his room while lifting his sweatshirt over his head and throwing it behind him, the article of clothing landing on the floor. “And you’re doing laundry.”
“Brat.” You say rolling your eyes but you can’t help but smile.
You don’t take long to get ready yourself, you settle for a casual look tonight…okay, semi-casual, meaning you’re wearing jeans but you are wearing a nice, low cut blouse that shows a generous amount of cleavage. It’s your go to titty shirt. You aren’t really looking to get laid tonight or anything but you do want onlookers to wish you were.
You bounce your knee up and down while sitting on the sofa as you not so patiently wait on your bff, you call out for him but he only yells back that you need to like, chill out. After what feels like forever, the creak of his bedroom door opening can be heard and you quickly stand to your feet to face him.
“Woah.” Is all you manage to say as Jungkook walks out of his room, his cologne filling the air around you. “You look…” you can’t even finish your sentence without Jungkook’s stupid smirk already on his face. His pants are skin tight, the material practically melted on to his thick thighs that are deliciously exposed thanks to rips and holes. His plain white tee is accompanied by a fine leather jacket and his hair is split down the middle, the waves adorning his face. He looks damn good. And you both fucking know it.
“I look?” he teases, walking closer to you. His cologne suffocating your nostrils but you aren’t upset about it.
“You look…fine. You look better than before at least.” You choke out. It’s not that Jungkook is capable of making you nervous but sometimes he has this aura about him…no, you don’t even want to get into it. Those are thoughts you’ve trained yourself to push away.
“Whatever.” His eyes skim over your body shamelessly, “You look fine too.” He winks, walking past you.
“Ready to go?” he calls out over his shoulder. You can’t help but watch his tight ass walk away. Did you really say tight ass? Well it is!
“Yeah, lemme grab my purse and uh, uh we can go. You’re driving.”
“About fucking time, sluts.”
“Hello to you too, Jiminie.” You crack a smile as your friend goes in for a quick but tight hug.
When Jungkook finally introduced you to all his friends the one you hit it off with the most was good ol’ Jimin. He immediately became one of your closest friends.
“Yo Park.” Jungkook’s eyes are all around the place, not even sparing Jimin a glance. No doubt looking for his girl for the night already. What? It’s a safe assumption.
“Jeon.” Jimin rolls his eyes playfully. “You guys took forever, too busy fucking?”
You hit Jimin’s shoulder with your own, giving him a look that says you’ll scold him later.
“She wishes.” Jungkook finally puts his attention on the two of you, a wide smile growing on his face.
“Shut up.”
“What? It’s true! Oh my god Jimin, you should of seen her face when she saw me walk out in this fit.” Jungkook stands tall, hands grabbing onto the material of his leather jacket,
“She was like “oh my god Jungkook you look so go—” You go to hit his stomach with your fist but thanks to his rock hard abs you only end up hurting yourself. “Fuck! Ow! What’s under your shirt?” you yell over the music.
“Oh baby, you can find out. Should we go upstairs? I know a room.” He says with a wink.
The words ring a bell of familiarity in your head, each syllable echoing softly. A small smile forms on your lips and Jungkook gives you the softest smile in return. Did he just say the same line he used on you 3 years ago when you two met?
3 years ago
The music is booming so loudly you can’t even hear yourself think. This isn’t your first frat party and probably won’t be your last but you just can’t get use to it. You let your dormmate drag you to this stupid party only for her to ditch you in the first 10 minutes. Great.
You weave through the crowd trying to locate the kitchen to get your hands on the strongest drink you can find, lord knows you need it.
The kitchen is just as crowded as the rest of the house unfortunately. So many bodies. Bodies doing shots. Bodies doing shots off other bodies. Bodies playing games. Bodies grinding against other bodies. So many fucking bodies. It is honestly overwhelming. You walk towards the punch bowl, reaching for a red solo cup when another hand bumps into yours.
“Whoops sorry, go ahead.” The hand is attached to this boy—or man? Should you say man? He sure looks like one. He eyes you up and down before smiling down at you.
“Freshmen?” he asks.
You slump your shoulders, “Do I really look that outta place?” you pout.
“It’s not that…I just have a way of knowing.” He laughs. “I’m Namjoon, by the way.”
Namjoon, huh? He is cute that was for sure. “Y/N.” you say placing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Pretty!” he smiles, then his eyes look behind you. “Ay! Jungkook! What did I say?! No more Keg stands!!!!” Then Namjoon’s eyes are back on you, “Sorry Y/N gotta go, gotta take care of this brat.” Then walks past you to this mysterious Jungkook person.
Your eyes follow Namjoon as he rushes to whoever this Jungkook guy is. Namjoon pulls him to the side obviously scolding him for apparently doing too many keg stands. Jungkook looks like a small child who is about to get grounded, and you can’t help but giggle. Unfortunately, this caught Jungkook’s attention. He looks straight at you, his eyes narrowing. Wait a minute. You recognize him! He definitely looks like the same guy from your Lit class on Tuesday and Thursdays. Yup, you get one long good look at him and he is definitely the same heartthrob of a dude from your class. All the girls go crazy for this guy, you mean, you guess you get it. He is really hot. He’s got on a black t shirt and some ripped jeans, and tousled hair.
Jungkook looks at you again with furrowed brows then smirks. Fuck, you were staring. And got caught. You see Jungkook pat Namjoon on the shoulder a few times then walk past him, much to Namjoon’s annoyance.
And he’s walking towards….you. FUCK. In a total panic, you twirl around to face the wall, yes the fucking wall when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“’Scuse me?” a voice says from behind you. You’re not going to play dumb, you know who the voice probably belongs to. You stay facing the wall, like a fucking weirdo.
“Wanna turn around?” his voice is light and teasing and you can’t help the long release of breath before turning to face him. Wow. Up close he’s even more handsome….
“Hi?” you sputter out, completely unaware of how lame and shy you sound.
“Hey, like what you see?” he nods his head in the direction he just came from, clearly amused.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Apparently playing dumb is how you decide to go about this. You stare at him with a blank expression, swaying from side to side. Lucky for you it’s in beat with the music so you look kind of cool. At least that’s what you’re telling yourself.
“I mean, you kept staring at me so.”
“No, its…it’s not like that”
“Then, what’s it like?”
“I just…I thought I recognized you so…” you wipe your sweaty hands on your black denim skirt. “That’s all.” You finish, still looking at him like you haven’t done anything weird tonight.
“Anderson’s Lit class right?” he asks with a pointed look. “I recognized you too.” His smirk does things to your lower half but you shouldn’t be admitting that right now.
“Oh?” is all you manage to say.
Jungkook studies you for a few moments, his gaze so dark and intimidating and you feel so flushed with his eyes on you. Then he groans with fingers rushing through his messy hair,
“Do you understand this week’s assignment?”
He…he wants to talk about school?
“Yes, I do. Because this assignment is wack as fuck.”
OH. You must of asked that out loud.
“Yes, you did.”
Oh, that too.
“Umm, yeah. What aren’t you understanding?” you finally say something relevant.
“It’s just more like, I think it’s a stupid assignment.” He chuckles, “Oh, you got something—” he reaches his hand forward to your hair, his fingers brushing through your long strands, pulling back with a piece of string. “Got it.” He says with a sly smile.
HOW CHEESY!!!! But like, it still made the heartbeat in your vagina go boom boom.
“Ya know…” he begins, his eyes never leaving yours as he talks. You actually don’t even know what he is talking about but his lips move so quickly you try to follow them. Your eyes on his lips the whole time, you don’t even realize it.
“…and that’s why I think it’s stupid.” He finally finishes with an obnoxious laugh. “Hey—hey are you even listening?” he says, his lips in a pout. You would know because they are all you’ve been staring at.
“Huh?” you blink lazily up at him, “Oh. Yeah. I totally agree.”
Jungkook stares at you seriously for a second before breaking out into a cackle, yes a cackle like he’s some hysterical witch. Which sounds really unattractive but honestly you’re digging it.
“It’s okay, you weren’t listening. I guess I’m not that interesting, huh?”
“No no! You are!” You’re quick to say, your hands waving frantically in front of you.
“Oh? So you do find me interesting?” he smirks, folding his arms across his chest.
You scoff at his words, appreciating his moves on you with a sly smile.
“Are you always this smooth?” you ask, a light teasing tone laced in your voice.
“Oh baby, you can find out. Should we go upstairs? I know a room.” He teases back.
Feeling so at home lost in your memories with Jungkook, you finally break free from the flashback. For some reason that’s a flashback you don’t mind reliving.
“Smooth.” You grin at Jungkook, you can’t help the blush that paints itself on your cheeks.
“For you? Always.” He grins back. You two just stare at one another, basking in the memories of your friendship.
“Okay, enough.” Jimin cuts in, his hands on both yours and Jungkook’s shoulders, “Either actually get a room and finally fuck or get on with your nights.”
You and Jungkook exchange awkward glances before turning towards the living room to join the party. Jimin is left at the houses entrance by the front door, totally dumbfounded. “these two idiots…” he scoffs under his breath, his eyes rolling so far back into his head.
Hours pass and you know what? The party isn’t as lame as you thought it might be. You are lost in the music on the living rooms dance floor with a red solo cup in one hand and your phone in the other.
“y/n!” you hear the call of one of your closest girlfriends.
“Trina!!!” you stumble towards her with a lopsided grin, you reach for her bringing her in for a long hug.
“Woah, someone’s drunk.” She laughs her loud laugh that you love so much. “And damn, the titty shirt is out tonight? Nice.”
“Not drunk” you giggle, and then continue to giggle again for no apparent reason.
“Right…” Trina slaps your back enthusiastically, “Where’s…” she then lowers her voice with a smirk, “lover boy?”
“who? Jungkook?” you ask with the tilt of your head.
Trina’s head pushes back with a confused expression, “What? No! I’m talking about…” she lowers her voice again, “Taehyung!”
OH. Right. You had texted Trina as soon as the whole ordeal with Taehyung unraveled. She knows of your long time crush and totally supports the idea of fake dating because as she puts it:
“Girl! This is your chance! Show him what a great girlfriend you would be, he would totally fall in love with you for real for real.”
And you have to say, you like where her head is at. Complete opposite of what Jungkook is always saying.
“Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t see him around.” You sway side to side, your lit up phone catching your attention.
Jungkook 1:22am
Don’t come home tonight ;)
You can’t help but roll your eyes. How is he so quick?
Y/N 1:23am
Alreadyasydy tslked 2 Jiminie, staying w hum toniteeee.
Jungkook 1:24am
y/n…you’re not too drunk right?
Jungkook 1:27am
You are back to shaking your ass with Trina by your side, the bass of the music thumping so loudly you can feel it vibrate your whole body. Body after body pushes into you, causing you to stumble every few seconds. But your grip on your refilled solo cup doesn’t loosen, not as you chug back your drink.
“Gonna grab another!” you slur, nodding your head towards the kitchen. Trina only gives you a thumbs up as she continues to dance with some random girl.
The walk to the kitchen feels like it’s taking forever, the way the walls swirl around you makes you feel sick. You stagger through the kitchens walk way when you feel two arms wrap around your middle.
“My girlfriend!” You hear the slur of words in your right ear, loud and clear.
You turn in the man’s hold with squinted eyes,
“Oh hi Tae.” You giggle, encasing him in a hug. Drunk y/n is way more confident. For some reason seeing him like this you don’t feel as nervous or awkward. Then you feel it. The weird, uncomfortable pang in your chest. Why is that? You look up at Taehyung when the sensation of guilt begins to surface. You remind yourself of the mission you’re on, completely ignoring the inner truth that tries to bubble over and smile at him.
Taehyung looks down at you with a goofy grin, his fingers digging into your waist to keep you steady.
“Oh, you’re drunk drunk.” He teases.
“Am not!” you shake away your confusing thoughts and giggle some more. “wanna take a shot with me?” you excitedly ask him, nodding in the direction of the liquor bottles.
“Hell yeah girl!” he says, taking your hand and leading you towards the counter.
“Y/N are you okay????” Taehyung voice is laced in concern as he holds you. Yes, the Kim Taehyung is holding you. “Shit, I shouldn’t have let you drink this much….” But like in a totally pathetic way.
“You…” you lean back, hitting his chest with your pointer finger, “Don’t tell me how much I can or can’t drink!” your voice buzzes as you fall forward but Taehyung catches you again.
“Right right…” he chuckles but then he looks concerned again. “We need to get you home…let’s call Jungkook.”
“No! we caaaannnnoottt do that…” your words are all jumbled together, Taehyung has a hard time understanding you.
“Where’s your phone?”
“Back pocket.” You wink. Like a fucking sleaze.
Taehyung looks conflicted, but in the end he reaches around for your phone and turns it on.
“Holy shit y/n… you have 8 missed calls from Jungkook. And whole lotta texts.”
Jungkook 1:30am
Are you okay??
Jungkook 1:40am
y/n…Youre a big girl so ill just assume youre okay.
Jungkook 3:02am
Just talked to jimin and you aren’t with him?? where are u??
Jungkook 3:18am
Answer your fukin phone
Jungkook 3:23am
Are you still at the party?
Jungkook 3:41am
You aren’t with Trina either? y/n where are you?
Jungkook 4:00am
Don’t make me go back there….pls just answer your phone so I know if youre like, idk fucking alive
Jungkook 4:10am
Fine im going to look for you
“Fuck.” Taehyung hisses under his breath. “I gotta call him…I’m gonna call him okay?”
Your eyes go comically wide at Taehyungs words.
“too late” he says, the phone to his hear.
“Hey man, no its me…Taehyung, yeah…yeah….she….” Taehyung eyes you carefully as he speaks on the phone, “She’s fine. She just has had maybe too much to dri—” Taehyung drags a hand down his tired face, “No for fucks sake I didn’t do anything to her. Really dude?”
You lean into Taehyungs space, trying to put your ear to the phone as well and Taehyung can’t help but laugh.
“I read all your texts to be honest…if you have a girl over…what? No, I’m saying y/n can just stay with me…”
Stay with Taehyung? That should make your heart race but—
You think all the alcohol is catching up to you at once and the world becomes even more blurred and a spinning mess. You would give anything to be cuddled up in your blankets with Jungkook taking care of you—wait, no. You don’t need Jungkook to take care of you. You have a perfectly good Taehyung who just offered his place to you.
“I swear man, I’ll take care of h—” Taehyung rolls his eyes, “she might be too drunk to talk….okay, I’ll ask her.” Taehyung lowers the phone and faces you.
“Hm?” you blink lazily, swaying into Taehyungs chest. Oh no. You feel it, you feel the nausea building up in your tummy, making its way up your chest. On a scale of 1 to 10 how dead would you die if you threw up on Taehyung?
“Do you want Jungkook to come pick you up?”
Jungkook? Like, your Jungkook? Unfortunately for you, your eyes gloss over and probably also unfortunate for Taehyung as well as he looks at you with an alarmed expression . You feel sick. You want to go home. You want to sit on your bathroom floor and throw up in the toilet with Jungkook sitting next to you while he hums a soft tune to soothe you.
“Y-Yes.” You murmur shyly, you begin to sniffle and Taehyung begins to panic.
“Okay man yeah come pick her up.”
“want Jungkook…” you say as a few tears spill over. You are trying your hardest to keep the puke down but its threatening to exit your poor drunk body.
“I think she’s gonna be sick so please hurry…” Taehyung rushes to say over the phone before hanging up.
The next few minutes are a blur, you know Taehyung rushes you to the bathroom. He is overly sweet the whole time you see nothing but blurred, spinning images. He holds your hair back as your body threatens to release tonight’s dinner and says comforting words but nothing makes you feel better. The puke won’t make its guest appearance and your whole world is spinning at a inhumane pace. You’re about to give up on life and fall to the bathroom floor of this gross frat house and try to sleep when you hear him.
“Lemme in dude.” It’s Jungkook. You stir from your sleepy state and turn your head towards the door. He barges in, his eyes landing on you and they soften. He immediately falls to the floor to caress the back of your head and you immediately begin to sob. The tears are out of your control as they slide down your cheeks.
“Don’t...don’t...feel good.” You say between wails, gripping desperately onto his shirt.
“I know baby, I know.” He pulls you into his chest, his hand soothingly running up and down your back. “Has she thrown up yet?” Jungkook looks up at Taehyung with expectant eyes. Taehyung is so caught off guard while watching the two of you.
“uh, no.”
“Okay, can you leave us alone for a while?” Jungkook says somewhat harshly then his features soften as he whispers “She will probably be embarrassed later if you saw…”
“Right.” Taehyung says, his worried expression not going unnoticed by Jungkook. Then Taehyung is on his way out, but he turns one last time to get a look at you.
“feel better y/n” then he is out the door, shutting it behind him.
“Okay y/n…remember what you gotta do?”
“finger?” you slur.
“Yup. Put your finger…yes like that,” he says as you begin to push your finger down your throat to get yourself to throw up.
“I promise you’ll feel better.”
You begin gagging on your finger as you finally throw up in the toilet, Jungkook rubbing your back the entire time giving you words of encouragement.
“Good girl, good girl.” He whispers.
Your face is a fucking mess. Your makeup smeared beyond belief. The black streaks from your tears marking your cheeks in the most horrific way. Jungkook watches you as you cry into his lap on the floor, his heart breaking at the sight. He hated when you drank too much and got like this. He should of never left you alone tonight.
“Jungkook?” you choke out, your tears still spilling from your dark eyes.
“Hm?” he responds, his fingers brushing back your hair.
“Did I ruin your night? Or did you still get some?” you chuckle pathetically.
“Don’t worry about that.” He brushes more hair out of your face, he lifts your head up and places it on a towel. He stands to his feet at the sink, reaching for a towelette and running it under warm water.
“Gonna clean your face okay?” he warns softly.
“kay…” you close your eyes when you feel the wet warmth of the towelette on your cheek. Jungkook is careful to clean you delicately, wiping away the makeup and leaving you spotless.
He’s back under you, your head in his lap and his hands back in your hair.
“you told me you were going to be with Jimin tonight yet you were with Taehyung…”
“It just happened like that” you whisper, sleep beginning to take over.
“I was…really worried about you when I didn’t hear from you, stupid.”
You smile at his words, his touch making you melt.
“Ya know, you’re not the only one allowed to get some Jungkook. I can be like you and have sex too if I want.”
“What are you talking about?” his hand stops in your hair.
“Would if I was getting some? That’s why I didn’t answer?”
“Were you?” his voice is low.
“Well, no—”
“Okay good.”
“Why is that good? Hm?” you open your eyes just a little bit, taking in the hazy world. “Wish it was you I was getting it on with?” you say quietly.
“You’re drunk.”
“I wanna go home.”
“take a nap first, okay?” his fingers begin playing in your hair again, “I’ll wake you up in 30 minutes.”
Your eyes are already closed when he says this, sleep already welcoming you in its warm embrace. “Kay” you murmur.
Jungkook plays with your hair as you snooze in his lap, he watches the rise and fall of your chest and wonders what it would be like to lay his head on it and sleep too.
Bbrrrr bbbrrrrr bbrrrr brrrrrr
A phone call. The most horrifying buzzing occurs next to your face as you sleep peacefully in your bed. Wait, how did you get home last night? You remember drinking and dancing the night away, you remember hanging out with Taehyung…oh no, you remember Jungkook coming to the rescue. Oh no...
You try to open your eyes, but the light from the sun is too damn blinding. You squint at what is in view. Right in front of you, you see black locks of hair poking out of the blanket, a dark blue blanket. You recognize this blanket. Jungkook’s blanket. You are in Jungkook’s bed. With Jungkook. This isn’t so surprising, you imagine you had refused to sleep in your own bed last night—
Bbbrrrr bbbrrrr brrrr brrrrr
Right. Your phone.
You fumble the phone trying to pick it up and answer it when Jungkook groans next to you,
“Hurry up and answer it” he says, sliding deeper under the covers.
“Hello?” you croak out, your voice hoarse and honestly? Disgusting.
“Hey y/n!” This voice is way too damn chipper for whatever ungodly hour it is.
“Good afternoon sleepy head! Did I wake you?” Afternoon? What time is it? You pull the phone away from your face to check the time.
Holy shit, you’ve slept the day away.
“No no,” you lie, “Just in bed…” you say sitting up from where you lay.
“Great! Do you think maybe I could…come over? We can discuss the whole fake dating thing.” He chuckles into the phone. COME OVER? Immediately you begin smoothing down your hair with your free hand and start to peel back the covers to get out of bed.
“Umm, when?” you glance over at sleeping Jungkook, his face mostly hidden behind the blanket.
“Maybe around 6? I could cook you dinner? I know you had a rough night…”
Fucking great. You don’t want to think of last night, you will die of fucking embarrassment.
“yeah…listen, you don’t have to do all that—”
“I want to!” Taehyung is quick to cut you off, “As your boyfriend—fake boyfriend it is my duty to take care of you!” you feel like you can see the boxy smile on his face. It makes you motherfucking swoon.
“Okay then, 6.” You smile into the phone. “Bye tae.”
You bring the phone down into your lap, clicking the end button. Dinner with Taehyung? Like a date? You can’t help but feel internally giddy at the thought. You squeal for a second before Jungkook speaks up.
“What’s at 6?” he peeks from under the covers, his voice husky and groggy.
“Oh… nothing” you sing, a bright smile on your face.
“Something with Tae?” he begins to sit himself up as well.
“We’re just going to have dinner and talk about the whole fake dating thing.” You beam.
“You’re still doing that shit?”
Automatically you go from super excited to annoyed. Only Jungkook can do that to you.
“It’s harmless, Jungkook. Plus…”
“plus what?” he raises a single brow.
“Trina says this is a good opportunity…”
“y/n I have told you not to get too involved with this guy, but you don’t listen to me.” Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest, then bows his head down in defeat.
“But whatever, learn your fucking lessons by yourself.”
You can’t help but feel like Jungkook is once again looking down at you, like you aren’t good enough for Taehyung. Your breaths become unsteady as you just stare at your best friend like he isn’t constantly hurting your feelings on the matter.
“I—I will be fine. I want him, Jungkook. And this is—this is a good opportunity to show him I can be a good enough girlfriend ya know—”
“Just stop.” Jungkook cuts you off in a harsh tone. “I never said you weren’t good enough? You’re just not what he wants.” Jungkook can see how his words break you further. “Fuck. Forget I said that, y/n…”
“Why can’t he want me?”
Jungkook hates just how quietly you ask that…he hates how defeated you sound, how defeated you look…your head hanging low with no attempt to even look at him.
“He’s just…”
“No, it’s fine. Don’t answer that” You stand from the bed and begin walking towards his door. You look down to see you’re wearing nothing but Jungkook’s t shirt and some panties, you groan at your own shamelessness when you hear the rushed ruffling of the comforter behind you and the plop of feet landing on the ground. Jungkook stands behind you, his fingers wrapped around your wrist.
“Just move on y/n…”
I’m fucking trying to, is what you want to say but instead you opt for a harsh ‘leave me alone’ as you exit his room.
You spend the next couple of hours pampering yourself, you had a rough night and you totally deserve a piece of cake, this bubble bath and face mask. You want to feel relaxed but you can’t get the image of Jungkook out of your head. You hate it when the two of you fight. You mean, to others this would hardly come off as a ‘fight’ but you and Jungkook never really have negative energy. So, yes. It’s a fight. He’s the last person in the world you want to fight with. Yet here you are.
But then the image of Taehyung cooking you dinner enters your mind and somehow you feel a little more at ease. Was this a date? You giggle to yourself, blowing bubbles that reaches your lips as you sink deeper into the tub. You have an hour before Taehyung was to arrive at your apartment…your shared apartment. God, you hope Jungkook takes a hint and goes and hangs out with Jimin or something.
You finally rise from the tub and dry off your now freshly cleansed body. The scent of lavender fills the air and you feel satisfied with how your bath turned out.
You read the clock…5:30pm and you know it’s time to get dressed.
You settle for some high waisted shorts and a white tank top with a purple bralette where the straps are generously shown. Looking into the mirror, you decide to do light makeup and tinted lip balm. You don’t want to try too hard for the boy you’re trying to woo.
And bam. 6pm right on the dot you hear the door being lightly knocked. You begin walking towards the front door but stop to see if Jungkook is in his room or not. He’s not. Relief washes over you as you continue to walk towards the front door. But where did he go? You’re relieved he isn’t home but feel anxious that you don’t know where he could have gone. Maybe to Jimin’s? Maybe to some random girls? Somehow this makes you feel more anxious. You shake away those thoughts and swing the front door open.
“Hey there.” Taehyungs boxy grin is enough to get you pregnant. Like, god damn. He looks amazing. He’s got dress pants and some floral shirt and his hair looks slightly wet. That’s not the only thing slightly wet. You internally cringe at your thought.
“Hey Tae, come on in.” you open the door wider to let the boy through. He walks past you and makes himself comfortable in the kitchen, setting down a bag of what you assume is probably groceries.
“You like spaghetti?” he asks excitedly, almost like a child.
“Who doesn’t?” you smirk walking his way and sitting down at the breakfast table. “Need any help?” you offer.
“Not at all.” Taehyung begins unpacking his things and gets to work in the kitchen. You watch in awe, your head nuzzled in your hands as he does his thing.
“Dinner was amazing Tae.” You go to compliment the chef. It really was. The noodles were long and soft and the sauce was very flavorful. Did you really just compliment the length and softness of fucking noodles? Wow, you are whipped. You almost wish Taehyung was your roommate and not useless in the kitchen Jungkook. Oh. Jungkook. The thought of him enters your mind and it has you hurting. You may be having a blast with your crush but you and your best friend are still in the middle of a fight. About said crush. But this really is your chance. You can get Taehyung to like you, maybe even fall for you. And you need this. You need this. So you can’t give up, no matter what Jungkook says.
“Not as amazing as you” Taehyung winks but then his face drops, “Sorry that was cheesy, wasn’t it?” he drags a hand down his handsome face. “I suck at flirting.”
You look up at him, completely intrigued.
“You’re trying to flirt with me?” you can’t help but to smile slyly.
“Of course I am!” Taehyung laughs loudly then reaches for his backpack in the chair next to his and pulls out a notebook.
“So I wrote some ideas for this whole fake dating thing.” He becomes just a tad more serious as a nervous grin lights up his face.
“Oh really? Should I have a look?” you say reaching for the notebook with grabby hands, “Gimme!”
Taehyung chuckles while pulling the notebook to his chest, “No! Miss Greedy.” He teases. “How about I just read them and we can discuss?”
“fine.” You pout, “Whatever you say.”
“Whatever I say? I like the sound of that.” He smirks then his eyes fall to the paper in front of him. “First, we should go on dates…like all the time. The more time we spend together the more believable it’ll be. Ya know?”
“Okay, makes sense. Makes sense.”
“Second, we should attend all parties together and leave together too.” Then his eyes go wide, “I just mean—like don’t worry, I’ll make sure I get you home.”
You can’t help but giggle, nodding your head to his words.
“Third, we should post each other on social media! For example, I can take a picture of tonight’s date and post it on the gram.”
“Tonight was a date?” you ask, a delighted smile making its way on your face.
“Well, yeah…” he answers shyly.
“anything else?” you question, leaning your head in your hands as you look into his big brown eyes.
“Well….. there is one more thing I wrote down….” He answers awkwardly. His eyes sliding to the side to avert your gaze.
“oh? What is it?” you try to take a peek at the paper, curiosity getting the best of you—as usual.
“I’ll just let you read it…” he then pushes the notebook on the table in your direction, you excitedly pick it up and skim the paper. You look at all the things he wrote down, smiling because he even added his own tips.
Buy her flowers.
Movie dates?
Netflix and chill
Cook her dinner
How cute. He even added little doodles. Your eyes continue to skim the page as your smile grows at how much thought he has put into this. Your heart is beating out of your chest…you know this is all fake and for show but you cannot help how happy its making you feel. You continue to smile and hum as your eyes skim lower and lower until you see the last thing on his list.
No Jungkook.
Huh? Your smile begins to falter. No Jungkook? What does that even mean? You look up to meet Taehyungs eyes. He’s already anxiously staring at you.
“I don’t understand?” you breathe out, “What does that mean?”
“No Jungkook.” He half whispers.
“You—you realize he is my best friend? Why no Jungkook?” you pinch your brows together in confusion.
“It’s just…” Taehyung begins to explain himself, “You two are awfully close. And people already get the wrong idea about you two. Like, all the fucking time. Even I think sometimes…that’s not important. It just means for one month, you’re mine. And I don’t want people to get the wrong idea if you’re always with Jungkook.” He pulls at the hair at his neck. “Is this making sense?” Taehyung looks flustered trying to get out all of his words.
“It would make me look pathetic don’t you think? That my supposed girlfriend is always with some other guy? I mean, y/n it’s just for one month…”
One month without Jungkook? Would you really choose a boy over your best friend? Even if only for a month?
“Tae… I don’t know.” You look down at your hands as your breathing begins to pick up.
“I can’t just abandon my best friend for an entire month…”
“I mean, you guys live together so it’s not like you won’t be seeing him. Just in public…ya know?”
Taehyung has a point, you try to reason. If you have a boyfriend it’s only natural to spend most of your time with them. But it still felt wrong. But… a part of you feels like this is a good idea, actually. You’ve always been meaning to put at least some distance between you and Jungkook, ya know, for your own sake. But this feels wrong. You’re about to decline his request when you hear the front door open and Jungkook’s shuffles in. He has his airpods in and doesn’t even spare you a glance. He walks straight to his bedroom and slams the door shut.
You feel embarrassed in front of your guest that your roommate and also yeah, your best fucking friend didn’t even acknowledge you.
“Uh, he’s in a mood” you try covering for Jungkook. Then you feel the buzz of your phone and you go to check it
Jungkook 8:02pm
Watching you fawn over him is just pathetic, but like, good luck.
All you see is red. Jungkook once again shitting on your love life and raining on your god damn parade. You know what? This is your chance with Taehyung and you aren’t going to let your bratty best friend ruin that for you.
“You know what, Tae?” you say setting your phone on the table.
“You’re right. I agree with your list.”
“Wait—you do? Even the Jung—”
Taehyung tilts his head to the side as a wide grin makes its way across his face, “should we shake on it?” he asks with his hand pushed out in front of you.
You take his hand in yours, squeezing tightly before you pull him in and seal the deal with a quick kiss. Taehyung’s shocked expression makes you giggle, “Thought that would make it more official”
“I like having you as a girlfriend already.”
One month without Jungkook? Bring it on.
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shirtlessfelix · 3 years
I was wondering if you could write Trickster x male! Killer! Reader. And maybe with like subtle enemies to lovers akdnajdjsjs
HIIIII THANK YOU SO MUCH UR LITERALLY AMAZING ❤️I most certainly can do that!!! And, um... well, bribes aren't necessary, but *cough* if you WANT to, I mean—
You're His Way Out
1113 words | definitely not subtle btw oops
Jiwoon Hak has hated you since the moment you walked into the Realm with an air of confidence that he's never had. The Entity brought him in as weak link, and they all knew it; some pitied him for his inability to hold a chase more than a few seconds, and some thought he was just wasted potential. His life before the Entity got him made the Realm much too boring for him, but when you came along, that all changed.
Every trial of yours ended without a single survivor, all of the Entity's playthings in her nasty claws. You would overhear him complain to the other, more experienced killers about how much more powerful you were than them, and didn't that make them angry? "You just need more practice," the Spirit told him. "It will come."
And now, once you've grown tired of his childish fussing, you decide to confront him when you return from yet another merciless slaughter. He looks away so as to hide his glare; what right do you have to provoke him like this? Well, Jiwoon is civil and listens to you anyway. His heart races behind his yellow overcoat. He grips harshly onto his bat.
You say, "I know why you don't like me, Joker. But--"
"Trickster," he responds in a heavy accent. You raise an eyebrow; he repeats himself. "Trickster, not Joker. Please get my name right at least." When you apologize, he looks surprised, like he figured you thought you were too good for him. "Why are you bothering me?"
You tell him that to bother him isn't your intention. "I don't understand why we can't get along, you and I. Are you that jealous?"
"I'm not jealous!" he spits, and his fist clenches harder around his weapon, and he stands to hold at least a modicum of control over you. "You come here to make a fool out of me, bastard!" He's angry, but he knows that he is nothing compared to you. It might be fun to entertain him.
"I'm sorry," you tell him again. "I don't want to be on bad terms." You look deeply into his eyes, and he stands back, fearful of what you might do even though he doesn't want to show it. What to do when he's pushed to the bottom is lost on him.
"I spent my life mastering the art of the blade, and you ruin it. Why? We're on bad terms the second She brings you here. I'm here for what when She has you, huh? Don't lie to me."
"Trickster," you say quietly and touch your fingertips to the back of his hand, which he jerks back and almost threatens his weapon over you.
"What are you doing?" he asks, face going bright red at your touch. You can tell his guard is down. He wasn't expecting your intimacy. "What, are you a weird guy?"
You shrug. "You're weird, Jiwoon Hak. Sit down and listen to me, will you?" He hesitates but does so anyway, and when you touch the tip of your knee to his, he doesn't budge. "You're a skilled bladesman, Trickster... but so am I." A smile creeps over your lips; he's growing on you. "I'll teach you a thing or two if you'll let me."
Your thumb rubs over Jiwoon's hand, and he scoffs but doesn't pull it away. "You think there's something left for me to learn."
"There is. It's okay that you're jealous, but you don't want to be forever, do you? Not when there's no way out of here." He looks down at his bloody boots and shakes his head, and you stand up to take him somewhere away from the camp to practice with him. "Do you want to stay angry, or are you gonna come with me?"
You bring Jiwoon to a clearing in the forest far from the other killers. He's still timid now that you're actually talking to him, and he can't look you in the eye. "Hit the tree," you tell him and stand against one, staring into its woody patterns and knowing full well that he won't succeed entirely. You hear the knives as they fly through the air and hit the bark above your head and between your knees, and the grass around you.
Once he's out of blades, you evaluate his messy work and tell him to stand against the same tree, facing you so he has to make eye contact. Staring into his fearful look, you outline him perfectly with lines of your blades that stick out of the tree with perfect spacing. But you don't give him the chance to stand back, instead walking closer to him and keeping him against the tree.
His face is an even brighter red than before, but this time you know it isn't out of anger. Jiwoon anticipates what you'll do, but he can't quite expect anything. "You're a weird guy too, hm?" you ask him with a smile, and he blinks rapidly just trying to convince himself that he isn't terribly attracted to you, and that he hasn't just been yearning for you this whole time. He's never hated you. He's wanted to, but he never has.
"You're gonna use this against me now too, are you?" You shake your head, and his guard falls even further to his feet, letting you take his hands in yours and intertwine your fingers. His heartbeat is so powerful, it pulses through your whole body, and he leans his head back in a feeble attempt to remain composed.
"Is this what you really wanted, Trickster?" you ask, and he gulps hard. "Few get so close to me, Jiwoon. Enjoy it."
Then he completely loses himself, his lips unexpected against yours in a rough kiss fueled by frustration and envy. How badly he wants to be you and be with you has been driving him out of his mind, and now might be his only opportunity to indulge in it.
He lets go of your hands and moves his to the back of your head, keeping you against him so he can have as much of you as possible. This few minutes isn't nearly enough to satisfy him, but unfortunately, the Entity is calling out for him. He dreads another trial, especially now that he's experienced something much more enjoyable.
You pull away and leave him panting as the fog creeps in at your feet, wrapping around his ankles and taking him and his blades away to the trial grounds. You laugh all the way back to the camp, certainly hoping you'll get more time with him—assuming he won't be so feisty next time.
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Trips (part 2)
Eddie Munson x fem reader
Author’s note- Hiiiii everyone I’m back for a part 2. I don’t really know how long this story will be or how long I want it to be but I’m gonna aim for a part 3 at least!
Warnings- mentions of drugs and drugs use, fluff, mention of abuse, foul language I think? Like one bad word I’m pretty sure, bad writing possibly, tension if you squint hard enough.
Summary-After tagging along with hellfire on their adventure will y/n risk their reputation and go full in on being in the hellfire club?
After getting home from Eddie fixing your truck you sit in your truck parked in your driveway. What the hell were you thinking? Staying out all night getting high in your driveway with some guy you barely know and then giving him your number to do it again? But there was just something about him. About the way he talked and the way he just existed that was slowly pulling you in. Ugh stop that you can’t sit in your driveway forever.
As the day continues you run your usual weekend errands of getting the groceries and picking up the mail and just generally going about life until you get home to do homework in your room. But usually the homework you could have flown through any other time isn’t getting done. Why? Eddie. He’s in your brain on repeat. His wide smile as he told the story in the hellfire campaign, his hooded eyes as you smoked in the back of his van. It’s driving you crazy until finally the phone rings, snapping you back to reality. For a moment you hope it’s Eddie calling until you hear Nancy’s voice on the other line.
“Oh hey Nance”
“Where have you been y/n? You never answered the phone last night or even this morning?”
“Oh sorry Nance I was uh…..out”
“Out? I thought you were going to go home after Hellfire”
“Well Nancy I was going to but uh my truck kinda broke down in the parking lot and Eddie offered to give me a ride home….and we ended up getting high all night in the back of his van and then he helped me fix my truck this morning”
“Y/n oh my god”
“So did anything else happen in the back of the van or?”
“No Nancy nothing else happened in the back of the van. Eddie was a gentleman”
“Well, did you want anything else to happen in the back of the van?”
The line stays quiet for a moment cause you don’t quite know how to answer that. I mean you just met the guy obviously you weren’t going to hook up with him right? Right? Oh god you’ve been quiet for so long Nancy definitely knows something’s up.
“Y/n? Hellooooo? You still there?”
“Yeah yeah sorry I’m here Nance. What did you say?”
“I asked if you wanted anything to happen with Eddie in his van but I have a feeling maybe you don’t wanna tell me”
“Nance it’s not like that I just…well I hardly know the guy Nancy I mean sure he’s been really nice and charming so far but I can’t make any sudden judgments till I know him better”
“Know him better? Soooo does that mean you’re officially joining hellfire?”
“You know what Nancy I think I am”
Nancy didn’t say anything for a second once you said this and it made you slightly nervous. You know that doing this is going to plummet any sort of social status you have.
“Nancy? You’re not gonna stop talking to me if I join hellfire will you?” You say with a slight nervous chuckle.
You hear Nancy laugh over the phone giving you slight relief.
“No god no y/n but I was just thinking…since you’re actually doing it…maybe make it a statement.”
“What do you mean?”
“I meannnn walk in there with that hellfire shirt on and make it the most sexy badass outfit to let everyone know where you stand”
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?”
“Y/n you’re always saying how tired you are of all the people who pretend to know you anyways. Might as well walk in there and show them that they don’t”
You and Nancy stayed up talking about what outfit you were gonna wear when you walked in tomorrow. Obviously the Hellfire shirt would be the center point and you were really hoping Eddie didn’t mind you were wearing it on a Monday instead of Friday for their meets but since you’re making a statement you hope he doesn’t mind. You don’t end up finishing your homework that night but hell your grades will be okay without it. You just can’t wait to give ‘em hell.
Monday rolls around and all Eddie can think about the entire day, is if you meant it when you said “see you Monday”. Did it mean he’d see you in the hall and just get a wave or would you actually speak to him. You guys actually have last period together for English (which he wasn’t entirely sure you knew you guys had a class together cause either he didn’t show up or he was in the back with his head down) but he didn’t want to wait until last period to see you.
It was the end of fourth period and the bell rang for lunch and Eddie was still disappointed he hadn’t seen you at all today. Hell he didn’t even know if you were at school today. But he made his way to the cafeteria and sat down at the usual hellfire table as the rest of the club made their way in and to the table. They were all discussing aspects of the game and just making general small talk while Eddie was lost in thought scanning the cafeteria. You weren’t at the table with the party people, you weren’t with the jocks or the band. Maybe you just really weren’t here today.
That was what he thought until the cafeteria doors opened and you casually walked in amongst a sea of people. Eddie’s eyes immediately landed on you and he’s sure many other people are now looking at you too. Walking confidently with your head held high as you stride in wearing the Hellfire shirt paired with these skin tight black jeans and platform combat boots. You had the hellfire shirt tucked in and there was a black corset belt wrapped around your waist but still careful not to obscure any of the hellfire logo. The outfit also had chains at your thighs paired with plenty of rings on your fingers to match. Eddie was in awe. You looked like a rock and roll goddess to him. A goddess that he just realized is walking to his table.
You walked in the room and could tell that many people were staring at you. All the people you would sit with or have hung out with looking at you like you’re some kind of freak. And it made you a little happy. You’re not sure why but seeing them stare at you like you’d kicked their puppy or something made you more confident. You ignored when you walked by the jock table and very clearly heard Jason and your ex say something snide about your appearance but noticed out of the corner of your eye when Chrissy elbowed Jason.
You finally reached the hellfire table and sat down next to Lucas and Will across from Dustin and Mike. Meanwhile the entire Hellfire club is just silent and staring at you shellshocked. Nobody says anything and it’s making you nervous. Maybe you should have asked them beforehand? Maybe they didn’t actually want you here. You’re about to say something or apologize when Lucas finally is the first one to speak.
“See guys y/n finally realized who the real cool kids are”
You gave him a slight smile thankful for him trying to break the tension. But still nobody else speaks and although you haven’t looked at him directly you can feel Eddie’s eyes practically burning holes into your skull.
“Sorry I didn’t ask beforehand…but is it okay if I sit with you guys?”
Once you said that Eddie sort of snaps back to reality but his eyes are still laser focused on you and he slowly says
“Yeah yes of course that’s totally fine. You can sit with us whenever you feel like..”
You finally look up at him and make eye contact giving him a slight smile. And he gives a nice smile back.
“So uh Gareth as I was walking up I heard you say something about the next campaign. Are you guys planning another one?”
This seems to be what snaps everyone back to reality and they’re all ready to discuss D&D but they all get a little excited that you’ve asked about it and all begin talking over each other and it’s a bit overwhelming you can hardly keep track. Your eyes flick back to Eddie and he meets your eyes holding eye contact as everyone else continues talking and you both seem to zone out for a second until you hear Will saying your name.
“Y/n? Helloooooo earth to Y/n”
“Sorry what did you say. You were all kinda talking together and I think I got a bit lost”
“Well basically we said we’re starting another campaign this Friday and we wanted to know if you were coming”
The team expected some sort of hesitation or an “I’ll think about it”.So when you just immediately responded with “Sure I’ll be there” they all kind of sighed with relief. Finally Jeff had the courage to ask what nobody else was asking.
“Sooooo Y/n are you like officially in Hellfire now or are you just jumping in for a game or two?”
You looked around the hellfire table for a second and you said
“Well Id love to officially be a member” and then you looked back to Eddie and said
“If you all will have me”
The boys all erupted in cheer and laughter which I’m sure got the attention of the lunch room again.
“Of course we’ll have you in hellfire y/n this is awesome” Dustin said with a wide smile.
You spent the rest of lunch talking and laughing with the hellfire gang and had a really good time. You were actually excited to be a part of the next campaign from the beginning so now you’ll get to be fully invested. The bell for lunch rang and everyone was slowly making their way out of the cafeteria when Eddie called you back to the table.
“Hey Y/n wait up!”
“Hey Eddie what’s up”
“I just uh wanted to give you a personal welcome again from the hellfire club leader….and I wanted to say I really liked your outfit today. Think you really shook up the student body with that one”
Hearing him say that definitely made you blush and you were about to say thank you when he said
“For future reference though we do tend to wear the hellfire shirt on fridays” he said looking at you with a wide smile.
“I know…but I figured I’d just wear it twice this week and make a statement” you said sitting back down at the table. You were definitely going to be late for sixth period.
“Ah so you were trying to get everyone’s attention…..” as he said this he looked down and looked a bit sad even as his voice got quiet.
“Was I not supposed to?” you say with a bit of an awkward laugh.
Eddie looks back up at you and he looks a bit worried as he begins to speak.
“Y/n I’m really happy about you joining hellfire and all I really am…..but making a statement like that and hanging out with us…..it could affect you in bad ways….I don’t mean to sound overly dramatic here but…it could ruin your life” as Eddie said this he looked down at his hands and fidgeted with his rings.
“I know Eddie.” Is all you said and he looked up at you. You smiled at him and he smiled back and you sat there for a moment in silence.
“Well Eddie I’m very sure we’re both late for class now but I’ll see you in seventh period alright?”
And as you got up to leave the cafeteria he thought about what you said. You made a statement that you knew would make you a target along with all of them. Why? Why do that to yourself? Maybe you just didn’t understand the extent of how bad it could get. Would you regret this? Regret joining the hellfire club? Regret hanging out with them? Hanging out with him? Despite all of this Eddie knew one thing now. He was definitely not skipping seventh period today.
Seventh period rolled around and Eddie made his way to English and he wasn’t quite sure what he expected but he definitely did not expect to walk in and see you sitting at the desk next to his in the back of the class opposed to where you normally sat near the front. Eddie walked to his desk and sat down and tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention.
“Hey y/n” he half whispered because the class was pretty quiet.
“Hey Eddie” you whispered back.
“So uh you decided to abandon your front of class friends for me?”
“Pretty much…but the only reason I sat up there is actually because I can’t see the board from back here” you whispered through a laugh.
“Oh well then shouldn’t you go sit closer?”
Sure Eddie was stoked to have you sitting next to him but he didn’t want to be the reason you possibly start failing English because you can’t see.
“It’s fine I planned today pretty well so I’ve decided I’ll just have to start wearing my glasses when I actually need to see” and that’s when you pulled out a pair of red glasses and put them on. Eddie didn’t know how to describe it but how could you make wearing reading glasses so sexy? He wasn’t sure but you were pulling it off. His mind was immediately thinking of sexy librarians and the song hot for teacher when looking at you. He forced himself to stop thinking about that and made himself look towards the front of the class for any sort of distraction. That was probably the first day Eddie Munson paid attention in that English class because the entire time he was trying to pull his thoughts away from you.
Finally the bell rings and Eddie stands up to leave class and you realize you have to ask him now before he manages to run out of the building entirely. “Hey Eddie wait up”
“Oh uh yeah what’s up”
“Well I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my house and uh” realizing you’re in a classroom where the teacher could hear you, you improvise.
“If you wanted to come to my house and take a *trip* tonight” Eddie seemingly caught off guard said nothing for a moment. Just processing.
“Uh sure I’d love to but are you sure? I mean you want me to come over and take a *trip* on a Monday night?”
“Yup” that’s all you said with a wide smile and it made him laugh.
“Sure I’ll be there”.
You both walk out of class talking to each other about how boring that English class was as you walk down the hallway. Nearing the doors to the parking lot you both stop in your tracks at the sight you see. It’s Jason, Chance, and Patrick trashing Eddie’s locker. As you stand there stunned the guys finally turn away from Eddie’s locker and look at the two of you. Upon seeing you and Eddie, Chance looks at you and all he says is “oops”. The three boys go to walk away but you can’t help yourself from what you say next.
“You guys are such assholes” upon saying it you realize now might have been a good time to keep your mouth shut.
Chance walks up to you very close and in your face say’s “I’m sorry baby what was that. I didn’t quite hear you”. You never could help yourself when it came to you and Chance fighting. These guys are all the same trying to intimidate you and force you to back down.
“Fuck you Chance” you spit in his face and the second you do that he’s holding your jaw in a vice grip.
“Say that again bitch”. Upon saying this Chance is immediately shoved back hard by Eddie. Jason and Patrick catch him and Jason starts talking some sense into Chance.
“Not here man, not here. If anyone sees anything you could get benched or kicked off the team let’s go” Jason grabs Chance and Patrick and they walk away towards the opposite end of the hall.
As soon as they’re out of sight you turn around to see Eddie collecting the bits they destroyed from his locker. You go to help him clean it up realizing they purposely destroyed a bunch of his hellfire plans and sheets.
“Eddie, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I had considered them treating me differently for joining hellfire but I didn’t consider they’d take it out on you. I’m so so so sorry Eddie” you felt so guilty holding all his destroyed hellfire plans in your hand. You’d been in the club for not even a full day and managed to get Eddie’s campaign plans destroyed.
“Hey don’t worry about it. Those guys are the ones that did this, not you. Hell even if you hadn’t joined those guys would have found some excuse to do this to me anyways” he said looking at you and now he noticed the tears in your eyes. He realized just how guilty you felt about it. He leaned over and wiped a tear from your cheek.
“How’s your jaw? Looked like he had a pretty tight grip there” Eddie said as he lightly and carefully traced his fingers around your face. Tilting your face slightly to check and see if you were hurt.
Forcing back tears and trying your best to not have a shaky voice you said
“Yeah I’m fine. Believe it or not I’m pretty used to it” you said with a quiet and somewhat sarcastic laugh. You hadn’t quite thought about what you said before you said it. Now looking back up at Eddie you realize what you’d just admitted to him and he looked devastated.
“I’m fine really trust me… anyways Um if you still wanna come over later, which it’s totally fine if you don’t but if you do we can work on rebuilding some of this campaign stuff and redoing the sheets…I mean I’m no D&D expert but I’ve got some of the books and Will made me quite the binder for it so I could be of some help” as you said this Eddie realized you were changing the conversation because obviously you didn’t want to address what you’d just said before.
He really wanted you to and hearing you say that devastated him. Everyone in the school knew you and Chance used to date. Everyone also knew you two were not a good happy couple but he never would have guessed that was a part of it. Maybe that’s why you two broke up last year. Thinking about it made his blood boil and he hated those assholes even more. But Eddie wasn’t going to pry and make you talk about something like that unless you wanted to or needed to.
“Yeah I think we can do that. Getting high and writing D&D. It’ll be pretty fun. And it doesn’t have to be the exact same you know y/n we can mix and match ideas if you want” he gave you a reassuring smile and he finally saw you relax and you let out a relieved chuckle.
You two finish cleaning up the mess they left from his locker and even went with Eddie to the office after school to get him a new locker and combination. One that hopefully wouldn’t get broken into this time. You headed your separate ways for the afternoon, each going to get ready for the evening you’d had planned.
You got home and did some homework and made sure to tidy up the house a bit. You debated on what food you should cook but since you’re a terrible cook you decided to order pizza cause it would be a shame to give Eddie food poisoning after getting his locker destroyed by your ex and his asshole friends. The pizza arrives just a few minutes before Eddie does. You hear a knock at the door and immediately go answer it, finding Eddie there with his own pizza box in one hand and D&D binder in the other. You haven’t let him in or greeted him yet but you’re already almost in tears from laughing.
“Y/n? What’s wrong” Eddie says in a very confused tone.
Through laughter you ask“Eddie why did you bring pizza”
“Oh well I thought since you’ve got the weed and the house that I might as well grab the food and be a nice guest” upon saying this you grab his wrist and drag him inside and bring him in front of the coffee table that has 2 unopened boxes of pizza on it. Eddie begins laughing as well.
“Well there’s no way either of us is going hungry tonight” Eddie says as he sets the third box down.
Eddie sits on the couch and opens up the two boxes of pizza you got. One was half of a sausage and meat fest while the other half was just plain pepperoni. He opened the second box to see that it was half Buffalo chicken and the other half was plain cheese.
“Are you a mind reader or something?” Eddie says, still looking at both pizzas.
“What are you talking about?”
Instead of responding Eddie just spins around the box of pizza he brought to reveal a half sausage meat fest and a half pepperoni. A little stunned you go to speak in laughter again.
“The sausage meat fest and Buffalo chicken are my favorites I got you the pepperoni and cheese just to be safe cause I didn’t know what pizza you liked”
“I did the exact same thing” he says and you both just start howling with laughter again as you sit on the couch next to him.
Eddie quickly realized how much you’d actually done to prepare. The couch was covered in pillows and blankets so it was comfortable. There were plenty of VHS tapes sitting out in case you wanted to watch a movie. And just the pizza situation alone told him that you both had been thinking about this a little too much and that made him smile.
“Oh shoot, how could I forget the most important part” you quickly got up and ran downstairs to a basement before Eddie got the chance to ask what was wrong. You came running back up with a few bags in hand and Eddie immediately realized what you’d forgotten. It was the weed.
“Y/n should we really be smoking that here in your living room. I mean I know that’s why I came over but really I don’t wanna get you in trouble or anything. We can just hangout if you want” as much as you think that’s sweet of him you think it’s funny that he’s worried about you getting in trouble as if you don’t already have a past reputation as town party girl and druggie.
“Trust me Eddie I’m not getting in trouble for this” you say as you sit back on the couch and start rolling a joint.
“What about your parents? What if they come home and see you getting high on the couch with the town freak?”
“I mean nothing bad happened when we sat in that very driveway the other night and got high in your van?”
“Yeah but that was different I’m actually in your house now”
“Trust me Eddie nobodies coming home anyways. My mom’s not around anymore and my dad’s so busy all the time and never here. I promise no parents are coming to kick your ass tonight Eddie you can relax”
And so he did. He sat there and watched you roll the joint and eventually you two started smoking away passing the joint back and fourth and just making stupid little small talk until you two started to feel the effects of your high.
“Okay Munson I think now is as good a time as any to start replanning that campaign”
“Oh yeah a great time to plan a campaign when my thoughts are up in space”
You two get to working on the campaign and planning it out and you guys get so into it you haven’t even realized that it’s past midnight and you’ve already gone through 2 1/2 out of 3 of the pizza boxes.
“So once they get this artifact what happens then?”you say trying to write as fast as you guys are talking.
“Well then they have to return it to the nobleman and the lord before the queens forces get the artifact”
“Ooooooo I really like that. What if on their way back they encounter a maze they have to fight through some puzzles before they can reach the nobleman or the lord” as you say this you look at Eddie and look around the room and finally see the time realizing just how late it is. And Eddie sees you do this and does the same.
“Oh shit sorry y/l/n I didn’t even think about the time I should probably get out of your hair” he doesn’t even get the chance to stand up because you’re already talking.
“Well why don’t you stay the night? I mean we’ve already made it this far and we’re both high as shit and I wouldn’t want you to have to drive home this late when you’re high. We can stop working on the campaign if you want and just watch a movie” you watch Eddie lean back into the couch and figure he’s taken you up on your offer.
You handed him the stack of movie options just deciding to let him pick one. You had all the scary movies cause horror movies were your favorite. You probably sounded crazy but they always made you laugh. You watched as he looked through the movies you had. Nightmare On Elm Street, The Thing, The Shining, Alien and Aliens, Day Of The Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Gremlins and Friday the 13th. Finally he landed on Night of the Living Dead.
You both sat there and watched it and ended up laughing together. It’s like it wasn’t even a question. Usually when you watched horror movies and they made you laugh the people you were with looked at you like you were crazy. But with him he seemed to just laugh with you. You’d both been so high and tired after working on the campaign that you managed to fall asleep together on the couch.
You woke up sometime Tuesday to find your feet propped up next to Eddie’s on the coffee table while you were nestled against him in his arms on the couch. You could feel him breathing heavily beneath you and realized he was still asleep. And you tried as calmly as you could to stand up without disturbing him in any way but the second he started to feel you move away from him he began to open his eyes and he realized what had happened. And then his eyes shot open really wide
“Shit shit shit y/n what time is it?”
“I have no idea here, let me check. You leaned over and looked at the clock across the room that read 11:15 am” upon seeing it you realize that it’s Tuesday and you’ve both slept in and missed school.
“Well Eddie I think it’s safe to say we definitely missed first through third period…probably a bit of fourth”
“Oh shit I’m so sorry y/n I should have just went home I didn’t mean to make you miss class” upon hearing him say this you realize that’s why he was panicked and you start laughing.
“It’s fine Eddie missing a few classes isn’t going to kill me” you say as you sit back down on the couch almost leaning back on Eddie the way you had when you were asleep but now you’re realizing that might be weird. So instead you opt to just lean straight back on the couch.
“Well if we leave In the next few minutes I’m sure we could make it before lunch at least?” Eddie says as he starts to pack up the D&D stuff into the binder.
“I mean if you want to Eddie that’s cool but I think I’m just gonna skip today since I’ve already missed this much”
“Are you sure cause I could totally get you there before lunch if I speed a little bit?” he says laughing. And looking at how quickly you’ve melted into the couch.
“Well then y/n is it cool with you if I stay and get high a bit more. I kinda wanted to watch nightmare on elm street too last night but we uh fell asleep before I got the chance” What Eddie really means is that half way through night of the living dead when the movie hit a slow point you passed out on him and you looked so cute that he didn’t have the heart to wake you or move you when the movie ended so he just stayed like that until he fell asleep too.
But Eddie doesn’t tell you that. He just sits back down on the couch as you start the movie and you two get high as can be while you watch movies together and laugh for the rest of the afternoon. Part of Eddie hoped that you would fall asleep on him again but you didn’t. He did however sneakily yawn and put his arm around you once he’d plucked up the courage after the third movie you guys had watched.
Throughout each movie Eddie found himself becoming more transfixed by you. Everytime something horrible would happen on screen that made you laugh he just wanted to repeat that scene forever and find a way to keep your laugh in a bottle to hear all the time. And when the evening rolled around and you came down from your highs and it was time for Eddie to go home you walked him to the door. Eddie had expected you to stop there at the door but you didn’t. You walked him all the way to his van. And you’re not sure why you did it. But as you said your goodbyes and he went to step into his van you gave him a light soft kiss on the cheek. Eddie smiled at you and got in his van and waved as he drove away.
It’s all Eddie thought about the entire way home and his cheek tingled as if he could still feel the kiss you left on his cheek, and he was pretty sure it’s all he was going to think about until he saw you again.
You walked back inside and immediately called Nancy to tell her every detail of what had taken place that day. At first Nancy was a bit concerned about you missing school but quickly got over it upon hearing the rest.
“So do you like him then?”
“I don’t know Nance, what if it’s just some silly little crush?”
“Even if it is some silly little crush Y/n why not give it a try”
“I don’t know Nance. I mean I really enjoy the time I’m spending with him but what if I’m not ready for something like that? And even if I am, what if he doesn’t feel the same?”
“Y/n after what you just told me I’m sure Eddie would be willing to give you a chance. Hell I’m sure most guys in Hawkins would be willing to give you a chance”
Hearing Nancy say that made you laugh. You guys talked about it for a bit longer before Nancy said she had to go work on some stuff for an article. This left you alone with your thoughts. All swirling with Eddie. Just dying to know how he felt about the time you guys had spent together. You laid in bed thinking about it for so long and you were sure you were going to be exhausted at school tomorrow.
That’s when the phone rang and you figured it was Nancy calling back after finishing up her article.
“Hey Nance” when you say that you hear a cough mixed with laughter on the other end.
“I’ve been called a lot of things in this town y/l/n but I don’t think I’ve ever been mistaken for Nancy before”
“Eddie?!? What are you doing up this late?”
“I could ask you the same question”
The line is silent for a moment but it doesn’t feel awkward at all.
“So why’d you call me Eddie?”
“Oh well I was looking over some of the stuff you wrote for the campaign and I was just thinking about this one aspect of the maze puzzle you wrote down about the 3 way stop”
Eddie was totally lying at this point. I mean he had looked at the campaign when he got home and he was genuinely asking you this question but he’s asking you about it now because he’s been looking for any excuse to call you since the moment he left your house. The moment he got home and all he could think about was that kiss on the cheek you gave him. He knew he had to talk to you at least. Hear your voice at the bare minimum.Cause let’s face it any question he had about the campaign, he could just ask you tomorrow at school with the papers in front of you guys.
You both start talking about the campaign over the phone and you both find it calming. Just listening to each other’s voices further and further into the night. It’s like the phone is pretty much sewn to your hand. Eventually you two stop talking about the campaign and it’s obvious how tired you two are because you’re just babbling about things that you both know you won’t care about or remember in the morning. But neither of you consider or even think of hanging up. Instead you both just fall asleep peacefully on the phone. Hearing the sound of each other’s breathing and listening to it like a lullaby.
Both Eddie and yourself are woken up abruptly by the sound of your alarm clock. Although you’re so groggy you haven’t quite realized you fell asleep on the phone until you hear Eddie’s morning voice talking to you.
“So I guess this means I’ll pick you up in 20?” Hearing his voice startles you but also makes you happy.And you can’t help but find the early morning rasp in his voice attractive. Upon actually registering his words you’re suddenly very confused.
“Wait what?” Is all you manage to croak out.
“Last night, we agreed I’d pick you up for school that way we can just head back to my place after school and we can get high and finish the hellfire campaign together?”
You’d been so tired on the phone you had completely forgotten he’d asked you over to his house for that but the prospect of it makes you happy.
“Oh yeah totally” as you say this Eddie is completely unconvinced and just chuckles deeply.
“You forgot I asked you didn’t you?”
“Okay I might have forgotten BUT that totally doesn’t mean I don’t want to I promise”
“You pinky promise?” Him saying that forces an amazingly beautiful laughter out of your morning voice that makes his heart tight in his chest.
“Yes Eddie I pinky promise”
The line is quiet for a second before Eddie comes back to reality.
“I guess I actually have to hang up now and get ready if I’m gonna come get you”
You guys hung up the phone and you quickly got ready. You don’t think you’ve ever been so excited to get ready for school in your entire life.
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spiritunwilling · 2 years
hiiiii yen you have intrigued me, what is up with the divorce blorbo inlaws? whats happening and could they perhaps mail their marriage licenses to these- these three guys i know. who i hear want to get married soon. if they dont want them anymore i mean
okay so the day that feyre archeron gets a divorce in canon is the day pigs fly and stuff but i want her to get one so bad
feyre is from the book series a c /ourt of thorns and roses and i do not recommend and probably discourage anyone from reading the books because they are bad and have a lot of weird sex scenes and very questionable choices made by the author and while i really like some of the character concepts, sjm has dropped the ball on execution every time and nobody who gets more than a few sparse paragraphs of writing stays likeable. but at some point a few years ago you figure that ok ive read enough of these books by now and i like some of the minor characters enough that i might as well hate-read the other ones. and also bc i want custody of some of her characters so i can rewrite them. i have a different version of feyre in my head that diverges from canon right at the beginning of the series (usually i j call her feyer lmao) and in this ideal world she never gets fucking married in the first place
but the version of feyre that i am divorceposting abt is her and all the shit that's happened to her as of the latest and worst book, a/cosf. and well a lot has happened.
she got married (and got mated to, ick. im still 90% sure it's just plagiarised omegaverse but anyways it's like. soulmates. i guess. sjm herself can't seem to decide what it is if not a reason to force characters into relationships and have sex) to this guy named r/hysand, who has such a terrifying long list of red flags and Bad Shit He's Done that i cant sit here and list all of them because that would take too long and i'd probably miss quite a few but both the series and the character have very active crit tags. a lot of it is played off or ignored or excused away by the actual book bc in the series theyre supposed to be , like, a perfect couple. :|
and yeah the series only spans like. 3 or so years and feyre is 19 at the beginning of the series and 22 and full of trauma and she fucking died once and there was a whole war and the author decides that the best ending 4 her is to have her stay home and. have a fucking kid?? babygirl go get therapy go reconcile with your sisters go travel the world literally anything but this. also the pregnancy subplot is so incredibly fucked up. ummm basically r/hys gets overprotective to a disturbing and v controlling level and also when he realizes the pregnancy threaten's feyre's life he withholds this information from her so I need her to GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE RIGHT NOW
in my head it's maybe a year or two or three after the ending of acosf and feyre realizes how bullshit everything is and starts trying to figure out how to leave the night court (the faerie court that r/hysand rules over) with her kid and reaching out to her estranged sisters and old friends (also estranged. jesus) and getting her picture of my dress moment figuring out where she goes from there. sigh.
i don't think the night court has marriage licenses. or divorces? but in spirit it's a divorce.
and like. i like feyre. well, no I dont. [see: "nobody who gets more than a few sparse paragraphs of writing stays likeable"] but there's like these tiny moments in the first book that hint at some rlly compelling character traits that are unfortunately completely drowned out by the rest of the shitty romance. she keeps her oath to take care of her family even when it's easier to break it, even at the cost of her own life and her own happiness and she has a strained relationship with her sisters and feels like she's responsible for everything and has a complicated understanding with gender roles and her hunting and her capability for violence.
but canon doesn't touch on that.
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Pairing: Natasha x Fem!reader , Avengers x Platonic!reader
Words: 2364
Genre: Angst at first, Fluff ending.
Warning: Being dumped. I think I’m not cursing in this one. Lmk if there are any.
Note: Read as Natasha pov
Y/n and I are fighting. Wait. No, not fighting. More like screaming, at each other. For the first time in a long time. This is not a funny or jokingly screaming. This is a serious scream. Why?
   “Are you sure about this, Natasha?” Y/n turn around to look at me with her red teary eyes.
“Yes, and I have to leave before you love me.”
  “Well, I already fell for you, Natasha! Can you not see it?! Deny it how you want but you do feel the same. Trust me, I know!”
“I’m sorry that you did. I don’t want to mess or hurt you any further. ”
  She looks down for a moment before looking back at me, wiping her tears. “I don’t want your apology.” She sniff and force a smile while I just looking at her. “You have never hurt me, Natasha. Ever.”
I move closer to hold her hand “Y/n...”
  She tilt her head to look at me one last time “Goodbye, Natasha Romanoff.” And just like that. She walked out of the compound. She’s right. I do too have feeling for her but this is what the best for her and her own safety, or we’re just not destine together. Or, that’s what I thought.
The team and I are having breakfast like we’re usually did every other morning and of course Wanda have to ask about her other friend. “It has been almost two months I think since Y/n is here.” I just look down on my plate.
Tony interrupt “Yeah, where is she? I miss her coffee. She made the best coffee ever! Not gonna lie.” Clint kind of sense that we have something going on. “You can buy the whole Starbucks store Stark. Get over it.”
“Get over it?” Steve looks at Clint and Wanda ask again “Something happened?” Tony interrupt again “Yeah, there must be something. Y/n is always here. Except when she have field trips or camping with her students. We like her here, she’s happy when she’s here.” Steve try to stop him but God knows even Pepper can’t stop him. “Tony. Stark.” Tony continue “That doesn’t seem weird to you?”
I finally speak. “What Stark? Huh? I am asking the same question too! Where is she? I wish I have the answers for you guy. I’m sorry but I don’t!” They all been quiet for a minute until Tony open his mouth again. “Jeez. Did you guys broke up?” I look at him “Broke up? We’ve never together.” 
Steve smiles “I maybe old school but I don’t think I’m that fool.” Clint turns to talk while Wanda drinks her coffee. “You guys been doing all those things. Even blind people can see it.” “What things?” I ask and Steve answer “All the things that lovers do.” “Want me to specify it for you?” Tony ask and Wanda told him to stop. “I think she understand, Stark. Let her speak. Or not. It’s her choice. She’ll tell us when she’s ready or want to.” I’ll excuse myself “ Thank you, Wanda.”
Few hours later, I go to the kitchen and Wanda is there. Making lunch for everyone. “Oh, hi Nat.” I grab a glass and pour water in it “Making lunch for everyone?” Wanda chuckle while stirring whatever in that pot “Someone has to.” “Yeah.” I sip my water and just stare at my glass for a couple of minutes. Wanda breaks the silence. “Okay, I know I said that you will tell us what happened between you and Y/n when you’re ready or want but, I can’t take it. You’re killing me.” I look at her “I don’t think you know-“ She cuts me before I finish “Yeah I know that you know I don’t know what you don’t want me to know but your thoughts are too loud. You are battling with yourself. There’s war inside your head. I can’t fully control my power and I don’t mean to invade your privacy. So, can you help a sister?” I just stare at her, she turns off the stove and sit next to me. “If you don’t want to tell the boys, you can talk to me.”
My eyes still glued to my half empty glass “It was my fault. She walked away the last time we had a movie night together. I, we had a fight after that. Your best friend walked away and it is my fault.” I turn my head to face her, didn’t even notice I that I’m crying until a few drops fell down on my lap. “I’m sorry.” Wanda stay silent and I go on “You guys thought that we were an item but we aren’t. Well she wants to but I didn’t.”
 “You’re scared.” Wanda said.
I nod. “Yes.”
 “Of love?” she asks.
“Of losing her.” I said. “So I ran away. I make her cry. She’s being expose. Every time we go out either with me or any of you, she’s expose to danger and threats. I don’t have a clean past, Wanda. Someday, my past will corrupt me. Besides, our line of job makes me worrier. Enemies everywhere, they can take and harm her anytime.”
 “Does she know?” Wanda asks.
Shaking my head. “No. I didn’t say much that night. I said that I’m sorry, but she doesn’t want my apologized.”
  “You’re a jerk! No offence.”
“I deserved it.”  
 “Of course she doesn’t want your apology. She wants answer and you didn’t give her a damn reason to leave or stay. She’s upset. Trust me, that girl is willing to die for you, Nat!” I look at Wanda, she never raises her voice at anyone, except Sam, Tony and her late brother, Pietro. She continues. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you but she’s my best friend and you’re too, and my mentor so, I have to be the one to knock some sense to you.”
“What do you want me to do?”  I asked.
 “Stop being scare and push people out. I mean it’s almost two months and you just keep it to yourself. You are not alone, Nat. You can talk to me or us.”
I smile a little. “You already know did you?” “That’s why I asked you about her this morning. I’m sorry, I should have just talk to you personally.” Wanda said and brush her off. “You didn’t know the whole story. It’s okay, the boys are her friends too. Tony’s right. Her coffee is the best.” I look at Wanda and smile. “And your food is the best.” Wanda smiles big “Now, that’s the spirit! Don’t worry Agent Romanoff, we are going to get you your person back. Now, save your tears and let’s have lunch.” I nod. “I’ll get the plate.” Wanda nod and stand from her stool “And I’ll get the boys.” She moves two steps forward and yell “BOYS! LUNCH TIME….!!!!” I look at her weirdly “What? They know their ways.”
I park right in front of Y/n work place. She a kindergarten teacher. Wanda look at the kids outside and smiling really big. Turns out they are having Fun-Day today. “How do you know she’s here? What if she quit the job and move to another country?”
“Wanda, she’s your best friend. You should know her better. She loves those kids to quit her job. Plus, I tracked her phone. She’s here. Look.” I show her the tracking apps.
 “You knew her whereabouts THIS WHOLE TIME?!! And do nothing?”
“Of course I know. I love her. Should I buy her flowers?” I changed topic.
“Teddy bears or animal stuff?”
 “No. No. And no. You know she’s not that kind of girl. Just present yourself, it already means the world to her. She’s your crush. You should know her better.” Wanda smirking. There she is! School over. Go! I’ll wait here.”
 When most of the kid already out of the school, I approach her at the gate where she’s busy waving at her students. When I’m about to say hi, some kids notice me behind Y/n and call their other friend. Y/n turn around to see where her students running to and sees me.
 “Jake, Caleb, where are you guys going? Your parents waiting over there. Katy, Mila, where are you-“ She stops and just standing there. I know she wants to run but she can’t leave her students unsupervised. Let alone with an Avenger.
I look straight at her eyes and smiles a little. “Hi. Y/n.” “Hi.” That’s all we’re manage to say because we’re busy gazing at each other until the students pulling my legs and hands.
 “You are an Avenger!”
“Yeah! The Black Widow!”   “Can I have a picture with you?”
 “I’m your fan!”     “Me too!”
“You, might want to say hi to your little fans.” Y/n said and I look down. “Wow, that’s a lot of them. Hi little person. Okay, they have a lot of questions too! No, I’m not here to kill somebody. No, not killing an alien too. Yes, I ate vegetables. No, I’m not kidnapping your headmaster. What’s up you guys with murdering and kidnapping?” I turn to see Wanda and luckily she sees you. “Wanda. I could really use your help right now!”
Y/n see the situation is getting heated, she helping me out a little. “Okay calm down guys. Ms. Romanoff will answer your questions one by one.” Right on time, Wanda’s arrive. “Did I see Agent Romanoff being attack? By children.” Y/n looks up at her. “Wanda?” Wanda smiles “Yes and I’m here to save my best friend relationship and my mentor’s butt from children attack.” Wanda looks at the children “Hiiiii.... Good evening children of kindergarten!”
 “Scarlet Witch!”   “Look, it’s Wanda Maximoff!”  “You’re so cool!”  “You can fly!”
“That was fast.” Y/n said looking at Wanda entertaining the children and catch their attention so I can talk to Y/n. “Yeah, she has ways with children.” “I know. I’m her best friend.” Ouch that’s cold.
I talk to her. Hopefully she’ll listen. “I want to talk with you.”
 “You’re talking. Actually, my work time has ended 10 minutes ago but if you wanna talk about donation or social safety talk about this school, you can come again tomorrow morning. I’ll let the headmaster know about your approach.”
“I’m not here for any of that.” I said.
 “You’re to join our today activity then? Fun-Day, students, teachers and parents doing some fun activities together once a year.  You’re kinda late for that you know.”
“Am I too late to say sorry?” I said and Y/n just quiet. “I made a mistake. I really am sorry.”
 “I told you, I don’t want your apologies. And you made it crystal clear that we don’t have anything to do with each other.”
“Give me a minute to explain. Please.” I move closer to her but she move a step back. “Y/n, please. Just a minute. I promise.” Y/n look at me; her eyes are about to drop tears. She’s looking at her watch and counting “60, 59, 58….”
“You are right. I do have a feeling for you Y/n. I’m a coward. I’m scared that one day I’m gonna lose you. My job and my past put you in so much risk. A risk that I’m so scare to put you in. You know the world can see us, in a way that’s different than who we are. Wanda knock some sense to me and for once I listened and I really regret of what am I doing.”
 “You creating space between us. You know that our hearts feel the same but you separated it.” Y/n said looking anywhere but me.
I step beside her. “I want you to be safe Y/n. I want to protect and won’t let anyone hurt you. But those will not happen if you are with me, you understand what I mean. You deserve someone’s better. I don’t deserve you. I don’t –“
  My word was cuts by Y/n “That’s the problem! You don’t think you deserve something so you ruin it. You think you don’t deserve to feel happy?! You think I don’t?! You think you’re fine to let go of something that you really want in your dear life?! Well, I don’t. I don’t think you deserve all that, Natasha. I think you deserve all the joy, all the happiness in your life. Yes, you have a broken past but, you should not have a broken future too, Natasha." Her tears dropping heavily now.
I take her hand; her face softens while looking at me. “Let me redeem my mistake. I’ve learn my mistake and regret it with the rest of my life is you didn’t let me. I want us back together. I’m sorry I didn’t say this sooner. I love you. You are the best miracle that ever happened to me.”
 “What’s make you so sure I want us to back again?” She asks. Her face shows that she wants it too but afraid that I let her go again.
“I’m not Iron Man, I’m not a God, I can’t take your hand and fly you wherever you want to go. I can’t read your mind like Wanda and tell you everything you wanna hear but I’ll be your hero. I can be everything you need and if you are the one for me, like gravity, I’m unstoppable. Now I believe in destiny, I maybe just an ordinary human without her soul but if you’re the one for me, I’ll be your hero. Like the one you tell Wanda.”
Y/n let out a soft laugh “Could you be the one?” I laugh with her “Yeah, I’ll be your hero. When it’s meant to be, I’ll be one. So, I’ll wait for you. Whenever you want, whenever you’re ready.” Her left hand cupping my cheek and her right hand hold my hand. “Your world is my world. Your fight is my fight. You make me happy. I know where I’ll be Natasha Romanoff.”
“The last time you call me by my full name, I was in trouble.” I wrap my arm around her.
 “You will always be in trouble. You already commit to it, Agent Romanoff.”
“I won’t waste it. I promise. I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N. Or Y/F/N Romanoff. I guess that sounds better right?”
 “Shut up and kiss me.”
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junhuiste · 3 years
break the code (ex-wip)
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pairing: soonyoung x fem!reader
wc: 1900
tags/warning: basketball!soonyoung, college au, slightly suggestive language, cursing
a/n: this was something i started way back in 2017 when i was 15 lol and i tried going back to it and finishing but i just can’t seem to continue it!! but i don’t want it to just sit in my drafts so i’m just going to post the unfinished wip! i might do this with a lot of wips i’ve had collecting dust over the years (and they’re like 99% svt lol); if i ever do find some stroke of inspo to finish it i might but for now enjoy the 1900 words i wrote when i was a sophomore
“But babe, you’ll sit on my side, right?” Soonyoung continued to pester you with countless little questions to which he knew the exact answers to.
You pursed your lips at your boyfriend; mild sorrow and guilt clouded your eyes. In return he pout your favorite pair of plush pillows to kiss, with dull bleakness and dismals fogging his irises. It was hard, really, to resist the pull of a magnet, who was trying every trick in the book to coerce you to sit on his school’s side of the bleachers for the upcoming basketball game on Friday.
Had it been that both of you were just your run-of-the-mill university couple, tachycardia would’ve caused you to blurt out “yes” instantaneously just by being gazed upon by Soonyoung, but alas, the big guy upstairs made it to be so that you technically couldn’t through the rulebook of the sibling code.
A flushed palm extended to your denim-covered thighs, with the utmost desire lacing his fingers.
“Pretty please? With a cherry on top?” His digits creeped towards your inner thigh, getting closer to the actual cherry he wanted on top.
“Soonyoung, no matter how well you do me, I’m still obligated to sit on my side of the bleachers.”
None of Soonyoung’s coercions could persuade you to decide about where to sit. You really would’ve preferred to sit on his side, but with your current situation, none of that was possible. It was a precarious oscillation between blood and water, and neither did you want to drown in with regret for embracing one over another.
“Fine. If you can’t cheer me on–which is a pitiful shame–let me take you out to eat after the game. And we can make out in my car or something so he won’t have to know.” Soonyoung’s gaze no longer held flashes of fervor, but rather a decadent gleam of sheer admiration.
“It’s a done deal, but you better promise me to dunk on him, or be prepared to get dunked on by him. As of right now, however, you owe me some kisses for making me wobble continuously back and forth between your side and his before I go,” you taunted, “come here you little rascal.”
Soonyoung gleamed at you piercingly, yielding you to lean forward against him as a shock of joy sparked up your back. His hand feathered along the back of your thigh, brushing it so longingly, with a tinge of impertinence here and there. You could feel the urgency radiating from him as he struggled to press you even closer to him, as there were no more gaps to be filled. He grasped your chin gingerly, before connecting his lips with yours, wanting to revel in dire coalescence he’d been awaiting upon your arrival.
Soonyoung is the warm bath you dip yourself into after constant exhaustion, the meager yet compelling and needed breeze as the sun beats down you, the red mark that’s actually relieving and boasts “A+” on a hard worked assignment, the last basket shot as the clock dashes away with the snickering seconds, and he is what has you torn on where your loyalty stands, but you can’t thank him enough for that strife.
You pulled away first because getting you two to separate would be a long ass haul, and maybe it was also getting late, just maybe. Your eyes glimpsed at the badgering hands that indicated 11:35 PM, and nothing but a sullen sigh managed to escape your lips.
It wasn’t fair, how time sashayed away, but there were no seconds left to spare to sulk about it, so you caressed the tranquility Soonyoung’s face possessed and left a lingering peck upon it. Knowing him, you’d expected him to grip your waist and pull you down with him into the waters of his joyous yet yearning ways but the coal haired boy enveloped you in an enticing embrace and with his lips hovering slightly above your ear, whispered, “Tell him to get ready.”
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“I swear to God, I hate basketball,” your brother exhaled out in utter annoyance, to which you furrowed your brows at.
You always shifted in your seat restlessly, your heart palpitating at an ungodly speed of McQueen, eyes sought frantically to avoid meeting your brother’s, upon the dreaded word of “basketball” ringing in your ears. It wasn’t that you abhorred it, no, not at all; you absolutely appreciated the art of dunking and the pleasing note of swish through the hoop, but just not the people you knew personally who partook in it.
There’s always a Montague and Capulet narrative happening somewhere in the universe, always, and it just so happened that you were struck with the curse by some godforsaken entity of destiny of landing a role in your life as the fresh faced, ever so naive, youngest member of the Capulets–Juliet. And you dreaded the direction your supposed fairytale was headed the first time your boyfriend asked you to watch his basketball game, which oddly enough, was the same one your brother requested you to “bring all your hot friends” to.
As strange as it sounded, it wasn’t your brother’s undeniable libido for your friends that irked you and made you hesitate going to a basketball game, to which you’ve never thought twice about before, but it was the statement of, “God I am going to crush number 10’s ass.”
Number 10. Number fucking 10. Of course, it had to be the player that sweat through blue polyester and nylon, donning number 10 in white on the front and back. It could have been player number 13 or 17, for God’s sake it could have even been a negative number sported on the jersey, yet it all had to align in the cosmos to be player number 10.
You didn’t certainly deem ESP to be something legitimate, but on that day you swore to god your mind fucked you royally in the ass and placed you in Soonyoung’s dorm room the night before. It was nothing out of the ordinary, really, nothing but the sight of a teenage boy’s niche, because a lot of basketball players had to have chosen the number 10 for their jersey, right?
The environment malfunctioned instantaneously with the repetition of “I am going to crush number 10’s ass” circling about a short circuit in your mind. From that moment onward, the sight of the jersey was unquestionably more radiant that it could have ever been, with the blinding, white number ten atop Soonyoung’s chair cackling obstreperously at your oh shit moment. Tuning in to your brother slander your university’s rival, Soonyoung’s school, was always such a joy (not) to participate in.
Every “basketball” here and there snagged you by the ear and dragged you to hell and back with it, provoking the cracks of your palm to drench in sweat and legs to quiver more than you had felt around Soonyoung before dating him.
“Yeah I mean it’s not like you’ve worked your entire ass off the past 4 years or so to even set foot on the college court you've been dreaming of since you were 13!” Diverting your brother’s mental debate on his love of the sport, it was a necessity to pluck something else from thin air to talk about, and not your school’s rival when they had games against each other, which was seemingly a bloodbath in their perspective.
Trying to escape your brother’s trash talk of Soonyoung’s team was walking through an eternal, pitch black, underground tunnel, no goddamn escape.
“They only got us last time because of number 10’s foolery. Jesus Christ, the kid better slow down or he’s wasting stamina. Can’t believe he holds the title of captain, like me. I motherfucking swear to God if I have to listen to his loud ass winning chant–” yadah yadah, number 10 this, number 10 that.
You would have dozed off to your brother’s lovely lullaby of scorn towards your boyfriend had it not been for a text…from your boyfriend.
hii hiiiii heyyyy hello bby Hhhii babe i miss youuuuu hi!
i can tell u’re tired :( don’t be
he's going to crush me dang flabbit
so ur nervous ??? bby it’s just a game istg,,both of you treat it like warfare
[incoming call: spoonyoung]
Shit, what the hell? This bitch, right now? In this economy, at this time?
Inside your chest was a drumline pounding, giving it their all, threatening to burst out and announce to your brother that “Hey, your rival is dating your sister! They’re probably going to fuck later but you don’t know about any of it!”
You would plummet into poignancy if you didn’t pick up his call, because there was no chance you could see him everyday, so honestly fuck that you guys attended different schools, and resorting to calling each other did bring both of you to ease, but not at this goddamn, forsaken time, with one you love phoning you with 17,000 vibrations per second, and the other idiot you were practically forced to love, perched next to you, indignantly gripping the wheel with such force you couldn’t decide which one generated more turbulence within you.
Tensely clutching what was now a scorching piece of metal, you held it up conscientiously to your ear, and forced yourself to breathe out calmly and collectively. Every single mention, tidbit and strand, bob and fragment of Soonyoung that was mentioned around you when you were with your brother grabbed your trachea in its firm hold and forced the wind out of you.
“Hey, Hoshi,” you managed to choke out in a level headed manner.
Hoshi. That was what you and Soonyoung agreed to nickname him if you ever picked up a call from him around your brother or his teammates, but god forbid you were actually allowed to have a life of any sort!
“Babe,” Soonyoung mewled out from the other line, “I actually can’t do this. Don’t tell him, but your brother is really good...of course he is.”
Frowning because of Soonyoung’s lack of usual mirth and brimming confidence, you sighed, “If you let it get to you, then your thoughts affect your actions, and you don’t want that to happen right? You’ll be fine...and I’m not just saying this to say something, but you’re really good too, and you can’t let one person bring your entire mood down...even if...you know…”
“Will you at least come with me to my dorm after the game?”
“Oh you know I’ll be doing more than that,” giggling into your phone, trying to sound as enticing as possible, completely engrossed in this very conversation, as it was all the time talking with Soonyoung.
Both of you had a habit of drastically turning your talks from upside downs to those of obvious elation. They were conversations sometimes needed to be kept in the comforting privacy, selfishly not wanting to let anyone else in on the baby i missed you’s and the do you need anything from the boba shop’s and literally you don’t have the right to look this good’s.
Startled by the grunting and hacking oh so wonderfully expired by the total jackass to your left, you contended to the third degree, with the patience that was never really there starting to thin out, “Do you need something?”
It wasn’t uncommon for Soonyoung to call coincidentally at the times you were with—more like right next to—his rival, probably because his
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An Unforgettable Halloween | Luke Patterson
Requested by anon:  hiiiii! can i do a jatp luke x reader imagine where it’s halloween and reader runs into Luke and they spend the whole day making Luke forget he’s dead? thanks! <3 love your writing by the way
A/N: Thank you for this request, anon! I really enjoyed writing it! I hope you like it!! Idk why I always need to have the reader and Luke/Charlie singing together, but here ya go anyway. The song used is Favorite Place by All Time Low. :) 
Pairing: Luke x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff
Words: 4,447
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Halloween. It’s never been my favorite holiday. My poor, feeble heart can’t handle all the scares and creepy stuff. And besides, it’s over commercialized, in my opinion. Capitalism just needed another reason to exploit a holiday. My best friend, Ava,  tells me I hate the holiday because it reminds me of two years ago when a Halloween party traumatized me for the rest of my life. “Just because Brent made that day terrible, doesn’t mean the day will forever be terrible, Y/N,” she’d always say. Though that might be true, I still like to believe that’s not the only reason why I  hate the holiday. “Just come with me to the party tonight, and you’ll see it’s not as bad as you think it is!” We’re on FaceTime while I’m doing homework and she’s trying to figure out what to wear to the annual Halloween party at Charlotte the popular girl’s house. Another reason to hate the holiday. Charlotte Parks is the typical popular girl trope in this story. Pretty, popular with the guys, a cheerleader. The cliché. “I don’t think I’m gonna do that, Av,” I say whilst tucking my pencil behind my ear and staring down the phone in front of me, balancing against my backpack on the end of my bed. “You know Charlotte and I don’t mix well together.” That’s true. Charlotte has always despised me, God knows why. For some reason unknown to me, she always has to find a way to ruin my life. “Her house is so big, you won’t even see her!” Ava reasons from her walk-in closet before walking back onto the screen, another dress in her hand. This one is a black bodycon number with a white collar at the top and fringes at the sleeves. “How about this one?” “That’s very Wednesday Adams!” I exclaim with a wide smile on my face, to which I receive a very impressed nod from my best friend. “You know Bobbi’s coming tonight, Av. Can’t cancel on her!” Roberta’s my cousin of 13, and she’s one of my best friends, no matter how lame that sounds. We’ve always been pretty good pals, since we’re the only girls in the family. We kind of had to stick together against the testosterone of our other cousins. She’s not actually coming tonight, but I needed a good excuse to get out of this party. “Take her with you!” she yells both excited and kind of desperate at the same  time. “Ooh! How about I wear my pleather pants with, like, a black body and cat ears?!” She disappears into the wardrobe again. “She’s 13, Av! I’m not going to take her to a high school party!” I yell back whilst shaking my head in disappointment. “Wear whatever you want, Ava. I’m sure you’ll look amazing.” She appears into the picture again, her pleather pants halfway her butt and her bra on show. “Hey, is that my bra?!” I recognize that black lace with the gold detailing down the bust anywhere and I’ve lost that bra three weeks ago. “What? No! This is mine!” she says, but I can tell she’s lying. “You are unbelievable, Av!” I shake my head, grinning at my best friend. “I’m gonna have to go though. Send me a snap of  your outfit once you’ve chosen!” She nods her head in response, walking up closer to her phone, which she had balanced somewhere on her drawers. “I really can’t convince you to come?” Her expression has suddenly turned serious. She really is bummed I don’t want to come out, but I don’t care. I can’t care. This is for my own good. At least then, I don’t have to see Charlotte. Or Brent. “I’m really sorry, Ava.... Maybe next year, yeah?” She sighs mournfully before nodding her head. “Have fun, okay? And be careful!” A smile appears on her face again. “I will, babes. Have fun with Bobbi!” She offers me a wave, which I return before yelling ‘bye’ and pressing the red button on my phone screen. Lying to my best friend is not my favorite thing to do, but she wouldn’t shut up when she found out what I’m actually gonna be doing. With a sharp exhale, I crawl off my bed and head downstairs where my parents are getting ready for their little get-together with their friends. Dad’s dressed in a pin-stripe suit, a fake mustache stuck on his upper lip and his hair gelled back tightly whilst mom’s wearing a black dress with a deeply cut V-neck and a large slit down the side. Gomez and Morticia Addams. Very spooky. “Don’t you two look dashing,” I compliment, watching them from the middle of the stairs, sitting down. Mom shoots me a kind smile as she fixes her slick hair. “What are you gonna do tonight, sweetie?” Dad asks, tightening his tie. “Probably gonna go get some food and watch some movies,” I shrug, placing my head in my hand, my elbow resting on my knee. “You know, the use.” Dad exhales sharply, smiling sympathetically. “Don’t give me that look, dad.” “I’m sorry, sweets. But I just wish you would act like a seventeen-year-old instead of an eighty  year old.” I scoff at his statement. We had this discussion last year too. Both of them know what happened and why it’s so hard for me to enjoy this day. But they still give me shit for it. “I’m gonna have plenty of fun by myself. Even more so than if I did go to the stupid party,” I reason with him. He raises his hands in defeat before turning to his wife. “Just make sure the kids get their candies, yeah?” mom says instead, climbing a couple of stairs to press a kiss to my head. “I love you,” she whispers and heads down again. “Love you too. Have fun, guys.” Dad comes up to kiss me too before heading to the door with mom. With his hand on the doorknob, he looks back at me. “You know we only want you to be happy, right?” he says. I nod my head, offering him a smile. “I love you, sweets.” He walks out and shuts the door behind him, leaving me alone in the empty house. I sigh deeply before heading down and grabbing my Vans. Once they’re on my feet, I grab my wallet and exit the house. The cool October air hits my sweater-clad arms, sending a chill down my spine. As my feet tread down the pavement, my mind wanders to this day two years ago. Around this time, everything seemed normal. I was happy and excited to get to the Charlotte Parks Halloween extravaganza with my boyfriend Brent. We’d picked out a great couples’ costume. He was a wolf, and I was dressed as Red Riding Hood. I’d even taken the liberty to go all out with makeup and put a slash near my eye as though I’d been attacked by the wolf. Ava was a fan of that costume, more than Brent was. But when we neared the end of the night, everything crumbled down into shreds of sadness and anger. The residue of that anger wells up again until it’s knocked out of me when I bump into someone, making me stumble backwards. I would’ve fallen on my ass if it wasn’t for the hands capturing my arms to keep me from doing so. “I am so sorry, I--” I stop in my tracks as I look up into the gorgeous green eyes that belong to the attractive brunette that saved me from landing on the cold pavement. “A-are you okay?” he asks, letting go of me. “I--wait…” He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “You can see me? And you can touch me?” That’s the weirdest question I’d ever gotten. My eyebrows knit together now too, trying to figure out what’s happening and why this boy is so confused about our entire interaction. “Uhm, yeah? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do with people?” “No. I mean -- yeah, but I’m not a person, technically,” he replies in a mumble. He cautiously looks up at me again. “I’m a ghost, actually.” I let the words sizzle through my brain until it decides to send me into a fit of laughter. “Right, yeah, it’s Halloween. Ghosts. I get it. Good one,” I say between laughs, patting the boy’s shoulder, which only sends him to more confusion. To be fair, he doesn’t feel like a normal person. His arms don’t feel like they’re made of flesh and blood, but rather something light and airy. He gapes at me with this inquisitive look on his face, which calms down the laughter abruptly. “You’re not really a ghost, are you?” I ask, just to be certain. “I am, actually…” he mutters and jams his hands into the pockets of his black jeans. “Me and my bandmates died in 1995 and this girl, Julie, brought us back as ghosts… She’s the only one who could see us… Until now,” he looks up at me with hope and confusion written all over his face. “But she can’t touch us… Are you sure you’re not dead either?” I snort at his last question. “Kinda wish I was today,” I blurt out. My eyes widen after the words left my mouth. “That sounds way too dark…” I chuckle, and the boy does too, but I think it’s more out of awkwardness than finding it funny. “Are you okay?” he asks. At first, I think about answering it superficially, but there’s this look on his face that makes me want to spill all the beans. He, too, seems lonely and distraught on this Halloween night. “I’m not actually,” I glance down at my feet, finding his feet are clad in the same shoes. I then let my eyes glide from his shoes all the way up to his face. He’s urging me to continue by tilting his head a little, shooting me a questioning glance. “Halloween isn’t my favorite holiday…” I clarify. The boy nods his head understandingly. “That explains the lack of costume,” he says, which makes me glance down at my doodled-on mom jeans and oversized sweater before chuckling. “You don’t do the dressing up either? Or is that not something ghosts do?” I query, pointing at his ensemble. He’s wearing black jeans with a shirt and long-lined jean jacket. “I mean, it’s not like anyone would see,” he jokingly says, which lets a giggle escape from my mouth. His smile widens upon hearing this ridiculous sound coming from me. “Where were you going so determinedly before I smashed into you?” he asks after a few beats of silence. “Oh, I was getting some food from the place on the end of our street. They got pretty decent sushi, and since I’m home alone tonight, I thought, why the heck not treat myself, right?” I curse at myself for sharing this much with a complete stranger, who is a ghost, nonetheless, but the chuckle that reaches my ears comforts me a little. “No parties to go to? Back in my day, Halloween parties were always the best.” I feel the smile on my face fade away at the reminder of the Halloween party I’m not attending tonight. “Yeah, no… I haven’t gone to any Halloween party in two years… Like I said, Halloween isn’t my favorite holiday.” He offers me a sympathetic smile. A silence then falls over us as we stand in the middle of the street, looking at each other, debating what to say. “So… I’m gonna go and get my sushi. Uhm… Sorry for bumping into you,” I apologize and lift a foot to start walking away, but his voice stops me. “Would you mind if I tagged along?” he asks, which renders me surprised. “I don’t eat, so you don’t have to buy me sushi, but I think I could use some company tonight… If you don’t mind, of course.” His eyes are filled with hope, and some sort of desire to hang out with someone other than those bandmates he was talking about. “Uhm, no… Yeah, sure. You can tag along. It might be a nice change from that lonely Halloween I always have,” I chuckle, and he does too. “I’m Y/N, by the way,” I say as he turns and falls into step with me. “Luke,” he introduces himself with a smile. “Why don’t you go to Halloween parties, Y/N?” I inhale sharply at this question. I was hoping he wouldn’t ask too much about it. But I guess I can never get out of that question anymore. Halloween is a big holiday around here. “Two years ago, I went to one with my boyfriend. It’s the party where I found out he was cheating on me with the one girl who always had it out for me.” It rolls off my lips with ease. Normally, I’d choke or start bawling my eyes out. But Luke’s aura is so calming and reassuring that I can’t help but feel okay telling the story. “I haven’t been able to go back since, much to my best friend’s dismay.” I roll my eyes amusedly thinking about Ava and her desperate attempts to get me to go each year. “That sucks, I’m sorry,” he says as we enter the sushi place. “You better grab your phone now if you wanna talk to me. People tend to give weird looks at people talking to themselves.” I get my phone from my back pocket and pretend to dial a number before pressing it to my ear, glancing up at Luke with a smile on my face. “Hey, how you doing?” I say into the phone, which makes Luke giggle. “Just know that your ex-boyfriend’s stupid for ever cheating on you,” he tells me before looking down at his feet. “I would never wanna hurt someone as pretty as you.”  I can feel a blush creeping its way onto my cheeks, but decide to conceal it by jokingly saying, “Aw, you think I’m pretty.” He rolls his eyes, an amused smile on his face. “Next!” the guy from the sushi place yells. “Oh, hold on,” I say into my phone before placing it on the counter and facing the employer. “Uhm, the Halloween surprise box, please,” I order politely. The man nods curtly before getting into action. I grab my phone again and press it to my ear to continue talking to Luke while we make our way to a couple of chairs and tables set up for waiting customers. I let my eyes wander around the room. It’s decorated to the max with spiders in spiderwebs, pumpkins, skeletons, ghosts,... The lot. Then, my eyes fall onto Luke. He’s glancing around the place, letting his eyes wander until they find their way back to me. A shimmer appears in them when he finds me already looking at him. “So, you said you were in a band?” I ask, pretending to talk to the person on the other side of the line. “Oh, yeah! Me and three of my best friends were in this band called Sunset Curve. Three of us died on the night we were supposed to play the Orpheum,” he explains, and my eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets upon hearing the name of the venue. “The Orpheum?! You’re kidding, right?” He shakes his head, smirking. “You would’ve been legends.” The words come out in a whisper, hoping it wouldn’t upset him too much. “Yea, we would’ve been,” he sighs, then suddenly perks up again like an excited puppy, “But the girl I told you about, Julie? She can make us visible whenever we play with her! We’re now a band with her called Julie and The Phantoms!” I giggle at his endearing enthusiasm. “We would’ve had a gig at this really cool party in the Bel Air, but Julie got sick and had to cancel.” My eyes widen upon the words ‘party’ and ‘Bel Air’. Charlotte Parks lives in Bel Air. “That would be the party I’m not going to tonight,” I tell him, chuckling. “So, we would’ve met tonight either way.” He adds with a cheeky smile, “Some would say it’s fate.”  I shake my head at him, but can’t help the smile on my face either. I want to add something to debunk his theory, but my name is called out by the sushi guy. I get up and take the box of sushi from him, shooting him a quick thank you before leaving the joint with Luke in tow. “Where do you wanna go?” he asks, bouncing up and down. “Oh, I was planning on watching some movies at home, but if you have a better idea to spend tonight? Anything is better than going to that Halloween party.” He purses his lips in ponder, his eyes darting up to the night sky. “Ooh! There’s this park I like to hang out at sometimes?” I raise my eyebrows at his suggestion, popping a piece of sushi in my mouth. I’m way too hungry to wait until we sit down to eat. “You haunt children’s playgrounds?” I ask after having swallowed the seafood. His eyebrows knit together at this as he narrows his eyes at me. “I don’t haunt children’s playgrounds. I hang out at them,” he corrects me. “You’re a ghost, sweetie. That’s haunting.” “It’s not!” he shouts. “It is so!” I laugh loudly, throwing my head back. “You’re lucky the kids are all trick or treating tonight, so we can go there. Might be a little more secluded for me to talk freely to you without worrying people will think I’m crazy.” He nods his head agreeingly. Once at the park, we take a seat in the grass. I have my legs crossed whilst Luke’s are spread out, his hands supporting the rest of his body behind him. “So, what do you do in life, Y/N? You know, besides avoiding parties,” he asks with a little smile plastered on his face. I look at him for a moment, chewing my sushi. This gives me the time to really look at him. He has really great bone structure. Sharp jawline, chiseled cheekbones, fine nose, deep-set, dreamy eyes. “Eating sushi,” I reply jokingly after I’d swallowed the piece of deliciousness. Luke lets out a laugh too. “I’m still in school, so I’m spending most of my time studying. And I like to think I’m a pretty decent writer.” He stares at me, giving me his undivided attention with the cutest smile plastered on his face. “What do you write?” he asks curiously as I pop another sushi in my mouth. I lift my hand to my mouth, and reply, “Poems,” before continuing to chew quickly. “Kinda like songs, then?” I shrug my shoulders. “They could be, but I don’t play any  instrument, so I haven’t tried,” I reply and place the half-eaten box of sushi to the side, pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. “Do you write your own music?” He nods his head. “I wrote most of the songs in our band and now, I write with Julie for the new band,” he answers. As I’m thinking how much I’d like to hear him and his band play, he cuts those thoughts in two by asking, “Can I see your work?” I open my mouth, then close it. Then open again. I must look like a goldfish breathing. “I’ve never really shown anyone my work…” I trail off, debating whether or not I should show him. “Besides, my notebook is at home.” Luke suddenly gets up from the grass and reaches out his hand for me to take. I hesitate. Am  I really going to take a complete stranger, a ghost, to my house to show my poetry, only to find out he hates it because it’s nothing like his songwriting? The answer is yes. I place my hand in his and let him pull me to my feet. Without letting go of my hand, he grabs the box of sushi and then guides me out of the park and lets me lead us towards my house. “Wait here,” I tell him as we’re in the foyer. He simply jams his hands into his pockets and nods his head curtly. I run up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and then go to grab my notebook from my room, quickly storming back downstairs where Luke’s still waiting. I make my way to the living room and sit down on the couch. The boy cautiously trails behind me, and only comes to sit down after I pat the spot beside me. “It’s not that great, but… You know, it’s fun to do and a great outlet for anything I may be feeling.” I hand him the notebook and let him flip through all the pages. He stops on a few, reading it a little more thoroughly. It’s building some suspense in me. What if he doesn’t even like them? What if he, a songwriter, hates them? “Ah! This one!” he exclaims, and suddenly, with a whoosh, there’s an acoustic guitar on his lap. “One of the perks of being a musician spirit,” he tells me with a grin before strumming the instrument a little. He abruptly stops, looks at the page in my notebook again, and then softly tickles the strings. A beautiful melody pours out of the instrument before his melodic voice joins in too with the words I wrote. “I saw your face in the fire again I touched the flames and burned down everything I hear the sirens west of 8th now” He looks at me with a questioning glance as if asking for encouragement of some sorts. I offer him a smile, unsure of anything else I could be doing right now. His voice has rendered me silent. I think I could listen to him sing for hours.  “Wonder if you're hearin' them too And I know you don't belong  Know you don't belong to anyone” He focuses on the instrument again, making sure he’s still playing the right chords.  “No you can't be tamed love Maybe I was wrong  Maybe I was wrong for this But you feel like the perfect escape now Just like the sun on my face” His voice grows a little stronger, almost sounding raspier and more like a growl as he looks up again. I always thought it’d be cliché to melt when an attractive boy sings to me, but it’s actually happening to me right now.  “So can we close the space between us now It's the distance we don't need  Yeah, you're everything I love about The things I hate in me  So come on, come on, come over now and Fix me with your grace 'Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place” “You sing this last part,” he tells me, pushing the notebook towards me before going back to playing his guitar.  “I can’t sing, Luke,” I tell him, slightly panicking.  “Sure you can. I’ll sing along, don’t worry,” he offers me a reassuring smile before putting more power behind his strumming while also leaning closer toward me to read the words.  “So come on, come on, come over now and Fix me with your grace 'Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place” He now quits playing, placing his hands flat on the strings, and for a while we just stare at each other in disbelief. Disbelief about the song we just made together. Disbelief about how beautiful a voice he has. Disbelief about how attractive he is.  I cough, breaking the eye contact, “That’s a great song, Luke… You can have it if you want,” I offer with a smile to try and hide the blush from heating up my cheeks.  “No, Y/N, I couldn’t. That’s yours. Those are your words. Your words made this a great song.”  “They’re just words without a melody,” I mutter, folding the edges of the paper nervously.  “A song is quite boring without words though, isn’t it?”  For some reason, I’m starting to think all of this could be a metaphor for us. Him being the melody and me being the words. I would be a plain and simple poem without him, and his life -- though I doubt it -- would be boring without me.  “It would still be a song though,” I add, looking up at him again. One corner of his mouth curls up into a smirk, which makes me think he caught onto that metaphor I was thinking about. He suddenly grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. Before I can even register what’s happening, the front door suddenly opens, revealing a distraught-looking Ava. I let go of Luke’s hand and get up to help my best friend.  “What’s wrong?” I ask her as she stumbles inside. I grab her just in time before she can hurt herself. She looks up at me, her makeup run out all the way to her chin and blood trickling down her nose, though I’m not sure if it’s real blood or part of her cat costume.  “I punched Brent in the face and Charlotte punched me back,” she get out through sobs and hiccups. My eyes dart over to Luke, who’s watching this from the sofa. I almost forgot she can’t even see him. He offers me a small smile.  “Why?” I ask and guide her to the couch. She nearly sits down on top of Luke, but I’m quick enough to guide her next to him while he vanishes. He pops back behind the couch, looking down at the drunk girl lying down on the sofa.  “Because he was boasting about how he even managed to wrap the prude around his finger two years ago and got her to anything he wanted,” I swallow, remember those times people called me a prude because I covered up unlike girls like Charlotte who wore short skirts and plunging necklines. “I really don’t get what you saw in him, Y/N,” she mumbles while cuddling up to the pillow and letting her eyes flutter shut. “I hope you find someone that looks at you like I look at pizza.” I giggle at her drunken words before looking up at Luke to find him already looking at me. Kind of the same way Ava looks at pizza. A smile then finds its way to my face. Maybe Halloween isn’t as bad as I always thought it was. 
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon @caitsymichelle13 @calamitykaty @parkeret @lukeys-giggle @gingerxarmy @lovesanimals @lolychu @perfectlywrongformend3s @luckylouiebug @camiladelrio98 @myfriendscallmebeans
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elytrafemme · 2 years
hello!!! this is the same tired annon from before (who also has a bland pallet and sent an ask earlier today)
this might be my last ask sent considering i just got caught up on cough syrup but who knows i might get attached! 
okay so for starters i’m here to say holy crap i love how you write tommy and i keep forgetting to say that! you do him more than justice, you do his character like double justice. (now i’m wondering what double justice would look like in the justice system…. probably lots of paperwork)
next i’m here to say holy moly macaroni you write dream so well. (i just realized i haven’t put !cs before things so i’m doing that now. i’m a bit tired and stuff so whejsmshfjd)  cs!dream gives me the heeby jeebies and i literally wanted to shake cs!ranboo by the shoulders the entire time he was interacting with cs!dream but i was also like hashtag relatable so oh well! you’ve just done the whole dynamic really well! (i know its not much but the fact that cs!dream was planting the ideas of “i’m your only friend/your friends want to hurt you” thoughts into cs!ranboo’s brain was an excellent touch! it was something i’ve learned about in a class about abusers and stuff and how they try and isolate people and yea c!dream did this so idk maybe i’m making a big deal out of nothing but. i thought you wrote it really well! like really well)
can you tell words are not my friend because oh boy they’re not
and of course how could i write this without mentioning cs!fundy! you wrote him so well and i’m intrigued by his character! i also really like how you wrote his dialogue while being all panicked! very nice to see that kind of stuttering written so well!
i also want you to know that, often, i find when you’ve said you feel like you’ve written something not well, you’ve actually done a real suburb job! maybe i’m not the best judge as i’m not much of a writer myself, but i feel like you don’t give yourself enough credit! you’re doing wonderful work here  
and some final notes
-i’m in love with the pets and their inclination of the story! am i biased cause there was a cat sitting on my lap while i read the majority of cough syrup? yea, maybe… but hey i still really have enjoyed the pets!
-loving the trans rep 
-i adore how tubbo will try and prompt ranboo to ramble on things! it’s so sweet and also i think it’s good for each of them in respective ways
-cs!jack manifold (do i need to say more?) (i will say more, i find jack to be perfectly characterized while also being in the background like yess pop off king even thou idk what he’s been up to)
-cs!beeduo are my little queer blorbos and i will hold them dearly till the day i die. here’s to hoping they realize one day how much they mean to each other (poor things think that they have all the issues and then look at the other and go “ah yes a wonderful human being” and honestly mood)
okay sorry for sending such long asks i just wish i could give you more praise (which i will do in following chapter comments i suppose) i was also going to talk about my ideas of house layouts but that’s a bit much, i’m just a fan of house layouts ehajdkjdjskf
but yea thank you for writing it, it’s been amazing to read (i’m also tired again so sleepy time!! good night!)
anon would u like to have a little name to go along w u bc i keep just thinkong of u as tired anon and idk if thats the brand u want /lh /nf
but HIIIII!!!! im so sleepy rn we're gonna get thru this together im like half alive ok ok ok
double justice is just an odd manner of double jeopardy ruled unconstitutional unless you can manuever a case so that you press different charges huh. srry im studying for ap gov rn. and double jeopardy is rly interesting to me. YES but im so glad u like cstommy!!!! hes my guy most specialist guy ever <333
im also glad u like cs!dream-- another thing im working on is not making antagonissts flat and i worry a bit w how ive done cs!schlatt and cs!dream thative failed at that so im always glad to hear what i did good what i can improve etc-- yes the isolation is a big thing w/ cs!dream and a massive thing w abusive relaitnships overall.
thank u and doubly thank u again <33 kind 2 me. im glad u like cs!fundy & yeah i always have weird standards with writing and yk i def pick fave chapters but its always interesting to see ppls thoughts on them
hope ur cat is doing good and yeah admittedly i kind of fucked up how i handled the plot of the pets but i promise at least 1 of them is plot relevant :> also im glad u like the trans rep!! and YES these two are ramblers much love to them <333 csjack WILL be getting more plot involved i have so many plans for him hehee. they are blorbos!!! yes yes
okay gn one of my posts ither got big or ive got a spam liker back in the notifs so im gonna check ont aht write more and sleep gn hope ur well anon
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deanandthephantoms · 3 years
We're a Perfect Harmony PT.4 - Reader x Charlie
A/N: Sorry it took so long for this next chapter to be posted i really struggled with this one. Thanks for the advice and encouragement to keep me going @julie-thefatones and @happinessinthedarkesttimes you're both gems <3. - Hopefully you'll all enjoy this new part!
Summary: Charlie and Y/N meet again in real life after a year of face timing.. Will it be just like last year or will thing be different? How will Y/N deal with her feelings for Charlie? And what happens when Emma is suddenly around all the time? We’ll find out in this chapter..
Wordcount: About 5700
Other Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3
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Playing pretend..
A year had passed and summer came around again. There however was one major difference with last year. Around this time last year I felt scared and anxious because I was about to go on this camp with all those people I didn't know. Now I felt super excited cause I was about to see all of my friends again after such a long time. Madi was the only one I had seen a few times cause she lived somewhat close to me. I had talked to the rest regularly and had of course seen Charlie almost every day over Face time. There however was this tiny voice in my head, a voice that was telling me things would be awkward. I was afraid things would be different, afraid they suddenly wouldn’t like me anymore and possibly the biggest fear; afraid that Charlie and I would not have as good of a time as we had last year, I for some reason was afraid our real life click had vanished. Even though I knew that would not be the case and I desperately tried telling myself that, I couldn’t help but feel nervous on my way over there. The fact that I had developed feelings for Charlie didn’t help either. I didn’t want to like him like that and I would do everything in my power to deny the fact that I did. I was so lost in my own anxious mind I didn’t even notice the fact that we had arrived on camp..
Once I got off the bus there was the same big crowd as there was last year. This time however my eyes instantly fell on the boy I was most excited to see. I felt my heart jump a little and butterflies emerged in my stomach at the sight of him. At the same time he seemed to have noticed my bus arrived. And as soon as our eyes locked he dropped everything he was holding and came running towards me. “ NUGGEEEEETTT!!” He picked me up from the ground and spun me around while giving me the tightest hug “ YOU’RE FINALLY HERE!!” i wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him as tight as I could. Being in his arms made me feel like all my doubts and fears were never even there. I just felt calm , peaceful and happy. ”It's so good to finally see you again Charlieee” he then put me back down to look at me with the brightest smile “ what do you mean? you literally saw me last night, you dork.” he says playfully. “ yeah, I know. But you know Face time is nice and all but it doesn’t beat seeing someone in real life right?” “ oh I get it, I definitely missed doing this” he says while pulling me in for another tight hug. “ Me too” I mumble into his shoulder. We let go of each other and I start to gather my stuff from the bus, when Charlie sees me struggling with a big and heavy bag he comes over to me and laughs “Let me get that for you.” and without allowing me to even say anything he takes the bag from my hands. He then walks me and all my stuff to my bedroom and when I open the door I see Madison is already there. I see a grin appear on her face when she sees me and Charlie who’s still carrying all my stuff. “HIIIII Y/N and Charlie!” she greets us. “Maaaaads!” I say while pulling her in for a hug, trying my best to hide the girl’s stupid grin from Charlie. Not that he would think anything of it, but I wasn’t gonna risk it either. I then let go of her and finally take my stuff from Charlie’s hands. “Thank you” I just tell him with a smile. "No probem" He smiles at me before pulling mads in for a hug "Goood to seee you mads!" He then leaves us alone suddenly remembering he had literally dropped all his stuff for me.
“Sooooo remind me again how there’s nothing going on between you two?” Madison says the moment Charlie left the room. I let out a groan causing Madison to laugh. “I already told you. We’re just friends Mads, Charlie was just being nice.” “Just being nice? Really Y/N? Me and Charlie have been friends for years. He has never dropped everything for me or Sav or Jadah or basically anyone.” I wasn’t even gonna fight her on this.. I knew nothing would change this girl’s mind. So instead I just said “Look Mads, whatever it is that may or may not be going on, can we not talk about this when he’s around?” “Don’t worry. I won’t mention anything. Even if I wanted to I can’t. Emma is in our group this year so..” I know I told Emma I would like to get to know her better this year but I’m not sure how I felt about the fact that she was in our group now.. Super selfishly I may be a bit scared it would have it’s negative effects on the time I would get to spend with Charlie. I couldn’t think like that though, she was his girlfriend if there was anyone deserving of his time it was her. “Oh wow, I didn’t see that one coming. I bet Charlie is very excited about it, I know he tried to get her into this group last year but back then she didn’t want to..” there's a short silence “Charlie didn’t tell you?” Mads seemed genuinely surprised by this fact. “No.. I bet he just forgot about it or something..”
There was no time to think anything of it because Savannah and Jadah came bursting into the room, we all just screamed gathering in one big group hug in the middle of our room. Mads couldn’t help but tell Jadah and Savannah about how Charlie had carried my bags for me which made them once again tease me. But once I asked them to not do this when he was around they promised me they wouldn’t and I trusted them. We talked and giggled while unpacking our bags and then our last roommate came in.. “Hello Girls” She said. She sounded and looked somewhat shy and or uncomfortable I couldn’t tell for sure. But I did know she could use a hug. I got up and embraced her into a warm hug. “Hi Emma! I heard you’re in our group this year. That’s cool!” and I wasn’t just saying that to be nice.. The way she came into the room reminded me of how I had felt last year. I felt for her and wanted to make sure she actually felt welcome. My gesture seemed to have taken her by surprise “Hi Y/N, I eh I am yeah. Thank you.” She smiled at me. A genuine one. Who know maybe Emma and me could actually become friends after our rough start last year..
When I was done unpacking I decided to go out and see if Jeremy and Owen had arrived yet. Emma came with me so I took this chance of getting to know her a bit better. I learned that she had an older brother and that she had a great connection with her parents. She loved baking and wanted to work with small kids in the future. That was gonna be something we could bond over. That’s when is saw the boys. “JER , OWEN!” I yelled all excited before running up to them and pulling the both of them into a hug. “Y/N!” they both yelled back “You actually came back!” Owen added. That’s when Charlie threw himself into the conversation. “Of course she came back Owen. She just couldn’t miss us any longer.” He said clearly teasing. i shoot charlie a look and he just sticks his tongue out to me. “Glad to see you two getting along” He then said to me and Emma before throwing his arm around Emma and giving her a quick kiss. Oof.. I was gonna have to get used to this. I’m sure I would have to see a lot more of this now Emma was in our group. It’s not that it bothered me that much, I mean I expected to see them together. It was fine. But I couldn’t stop myself from hoping they would not be stuck together like that the entire week.
Just like last year we were placed into smaller groups and during our first activity we met this new boy called Sacha. He was kind of cute and on top of that he seemed really nice. That’s when a plan started to form.. The girls were pretty sure about the fact that I liked Charlie heck i was convinced everyone could see it.. I needed a form of distraction, something to keep everyone from obsessing over how i actually felt. And that’s where Sacha came in.. What if I just started casually telling people I thought Sacha was cute I mean he had blonde hair and blue eyes I had once mentioned that was my type.. Surely that would get their minds of me and Charlie? Since Sacha was new to the group I decided to invest some time in genuinely getting to know him, making sure he felt welcome and all that. Just like the rest of the group he was into music and loved playing the guitar and had the ambition to become an actor. I couldn’t help but think this guy was gonna get along with Charlie quite well.
As if I had summoned him Charlie came up to us and sat down beside me. – actually, he couldn’t sit closer to me if he tried..- “Hey guys!” “Hi Charles” I said to him with a big smile. – I really had to stop reacting to him that way..- "Sacha and I were actually just talking about how he loves playing the guitar.” “Oh? Awesome! We should totally jam sometime!” and just like that I was sat between two boys fangirling over guitars and guitar players I had admittedly never heard of.. “Aaalright” I interrupted the two. “I’m gonna go find the girls.” I give Charlies leg a quick pat before getting up and walking off.
I find the girls outside on a bench “heellooo, what are we talking about?” I say while joining them. “boys, actually.” Savannah says with a grin on her face. “Jadah was telling us about this dude she met.” Boys? Great. Time to put my Sacha plan to action.. “ahh I wanna hear all about it Ja!” “Soo.. since we’re on the topic of boys.. What do we think about Sacha?” I ask nonchalantly. We all seem to agree on the fact that he seems nice and pretty cool. “I was just talking to him. That’s until Charlie interrupted us.. I think he’s kind of cute actually..” Madison looks at me with a suspicious face. Then Emma speaks up “ohh, You like Sacha?” “well I mean.. I’ve only just met him. But he is totally the type of guy I would usually fall for..” “Who is?” I hear Owen ask behind me. Before him and Jer join us. “Y/N likes Sacha.” Emma just happily replies. “Ohhh does sheee?” Jer says and I instantly see two boys with a teasing smirk looking at me. I had not expected it would be so easy to convince people.. Although I could tell Madi was not convinced at all, but she promised she wouldn’t say anything so it was gonna be fine.. I think.
Later that night our group was chilling by the campfire. Charlie and Sacha both had brought their guitar and were jamming away. Emma was resting her head on Charlie’s shoulder and was actually engaging in our conversations. I found myself taking in the scene and being completely fine with it. I felt happy and at peace it was only the first night and i was already wishing it would never end again. That’s when almost everyone of our group decided it was bedtime. “You coming too Y/N?” Madi asks me. I shared a quick look with Charlie before replying “Yeah, I eh, I’ll be right there.” Apparently Madi got the message loud and clear and wished us a goodnight before leaving with Sav and Jadah. Emma shared a kiss with Charlie before quickly following after the other girls. I hugged Owen, Jer and Sacha goodnight.
And then it was just me and Charlie. Suddenly I was not completely sure what to do.. so I just sat there just looking at the boy I very secretly liked. That’s when he scooted closer to me and just casually threw his arm around me before breaking the silence “I’m glad we still have our little late night moments together..” I felt myself relax at his touch and automatically just melt into him. “Yeah me too. I was actually feeling really selfish for wishing we still would have this..” I admit. “How is that selfish? We both agreed that last year the late nights were our favorite part.. Hoping that would happen again this year isn’t a bad thing Y/N.” “Yeah.. I don’t know. Now that Emma is in our group I thought she would be around a lot more and that would maybe mean the end for our late nights. But you know she’s your girlfriend so wishing for time alone with you felt wrong? You must be happy with the fact that she agreed to join our group though? ” “ yeah.. I get that.. and honestly it totally could have been that way. She can be a bit clingy and sometimes has some trust issues when it comes to me and spending time with others.. but yeah I’m happy to see she seems to be pretty chill and trusting this week. I hope she’ll open up more and really become friends with my friends you know. Would make it all a lot more fun for the both of us.“
“Well.. I guess, for us, maybe it helps that she thinks that I like Sacha.” I blurt out before even realizing it. I had become way too comfortable with telling this man everything.. “oh.. Do you?” I swear I heard a change of tone in his voice but that might have just been some diehard wishful thinking on my end.. “I.. I don’t know. I’ve only just met him Charles.” “I mean i get it, he’s a pretty cool guy. He’d be lucky to have you Nugget.” “Oh stop it. I really am not as brilliant as you still seem to think I am. ” “Eh. YES YOU ARE Y/N. and getting more and more brilliant every day actually.” “Well, that’s all on you then. Since you’re the only thing that has been in each and everyday over the past year.” He laughs. The sound of that fills my heart with even more love for him. “I’ll gladly take that credit. I’ll make sure to tell Sacha you’re only this awesome because of me.” “Ah yes greeeeat plan Gillespie! Maybe he’ll date you then.” I laugh. “Oof imagine the great music that would come out of it! But no. He’s all yours “Y/L/N.” Charlie and me joke around like that for a while before deciding it’s time for bed. When we arrive at my door Charlie pulls me in for a tight hug. “So good to finally not have to do this virtually.. Sweet dreams Nugget.” “Sweet dreams Charles.” He holds onto me a little longer just hugging me in silence before he lets go. “goodnight” he says and with a smile walks off to his own room. That smile was one day gonna be the death of me.. good thing the owner of that smile didn’t know that..
The next morning I woke up to the sound of my roommates chatting away. “Morning sleepyhead” I hear Madison say as I open my eyes. “Morningg” I groan which makes the other girls laugh. “It got that late already huh?” Savannah says teasingly. “You guys know me.. I don’t need a lot of sleep.” “uhu. Sureeee you don’t.” Sav says again. I just sigh as a response and get myself out of bed to get ready. As I get out of our room to freshen myself up I bump into Charlie who is standing in front of our door. As I’m about to say sorry he just wraps his arms around me ‘Good morning Nugget!” every bit of feeling dead and grumpy instantly disappears . I rest my head against his chest for a good second. “Good morning, Charlie.” Realizing the fact that the other girls may soon get out of our room I wiggle out of his grip and just smile at the always happy look on his face. “I was actually about to go freshen up, I’ll see you at breakfast okay?” “You look perfectly fine to me you know. But okay, I’ll save you a spot at the table.” “Thanks, Charlie” I smile at him before making my way to the bathroom.
Once I’m done the other girls are done as well and together we make our way to breakfast, and as promised Charlie saved us all a pot at the table. Emma sat down next to him giving him a quick good morning kiss. I find my old familiar spot across from Charlie and Sacha sits down next to me. “Morning Sacha!” I greet him. I instantly feel multiple eyes on the two of us. Pretending like I’m not noticing that but happy with the fact people are apparently believing that I like him, I continue my conversation with Sacha and soon enough the others join in.
Later that day we had some sports activities. It’s a very hot and sunny day so the minute the activity was over our group made it’s way to the shadow under some trees. Charlie was the first one to fall down into the grass and I was quick to follow. I don’t know what took over me but I decided to use him as a pillow. I sat down next to him only to slowly fall back and let my head rest on his stomach. Surprisingly no questions were being asked about this and no comments we’re being made.. Emma lies down on the other side of Charlie resting her head on his chest and Owen lies down next to me , using my stomach as a pillow causing me to giggle at the tickle of his hair. Before we knew it we we’re just one big pile of people using each other as a pillow.
We just chilled like that for a second not saying much. I felt every breath Charlie took under me and I noticed that was a weirdly calming thing to me, without even trying my breathing matched his. Never had I ever felt as at peace as in this moment so i couldn’t help but feel just the tiniest bit sad when we had to get up to freshen up before dinner. There really was no denying this man had an influence on everything I did, liked and felt. There was no denying that I liked and possibly even loved this boy. I was gonna have to be careful with my actions if I wanted to make sure no one else knew about that.
Later that night Emma came up to me "Hey Y/N? Can I talk to you for a second?" I feel myself getting nervous, what could this possibly be about? "Yes of course. What’s up Emma?" I follow her towards a quiet place on the campground. ‘I..I just wanted to talk to you..’ she sounds sad. I sit down next to her putting my arm around her shoulder “Are you okay Ems?” “Honestly I don’t know. I’ve been feeling insecure and Charlie is not making it any better at the moment. “ “oh.. I’m sorry. Do you know where the insecurity is coming from?” I say hoping to kind of avoid discussing Charlie with his girlfriend. “Well. I’ve always been a bit anxious and insecure.. I’ve been bullied a lot as a kid but even at home it was always about my brother and it’s like I almost don’t exist? Don’t get me wrong you’ve all been super nice. And I know you’re all Charlies friends and he hasn’t seen you all in a year and so obviously he’s gonna be excited to hang out with all of you but I guess I just feel a bit left behind?” I had no idea about the fact that Emma had somewhat of a same life story as me. I know what being bullied can do to a person.. ���Wow. I’m sorry you had to go through that Ems.. and I get that, that all makes you insecure and anxious I’ve been struggling with that as well.. But this is a safe place, you don’t have to feel insecure or left behind. You’re always welcome to hang out with us. I’m sure Charlie wouldn’t mind either.” “Yeah you say that now, last year we got into a fight over me jumping into a conversation between you and him and during the last year we’ve gotten in a few more fights that come down to the same topic of me not wanting him to do something or me wanting to come along to something he’s doing..”
I wasn’t aware of the fact that there had been more fights between them.. Apparently Charlie had not been telling me everything, not that he was obligated to do so but I just thought he did? “Oh.. I did not know that.. sorry. But can I be honest with you Emma?” “No you couldn’t have it’s okay. and yes. Actually please do. “ I take a deep breath before speaking again “ Well.. I of course have not been there for all the fights.. I know of the one of last year cause Charlie told me about it. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to join us. It’s the way you did it.. If you would have just joined us everything would have been fine. But I got the feeling you we’re trying to make very sure that I knew Charlie was taken.. and that’s what he didn’t like. I think ,and you can correct me if I’m wrong, maybe you’re scared of losing Charlie? If so, don't be.. I know Charlie really loves you. I think all he wants from you is trust that he will be faithful to you and maybe some space sometimes to do his own things. But I also know for a fact that he wants to spent time with you and he wants you to spent time with his friends so you can all hang out more.. Maybe just have a good conversation with him about where you’re coming from and what you would like and / or need from eachother?”
“yeah.. You may be right there. I know I was acting horrible last year, I just really thought you were on your way to steal Charlie from me.. Sorry about that. You and Charlie both did not deserve that.. I don’t know though.. I believe that he loves me and all but if you’d ask him to name a list of things he loves most in this world I’m pretty sure things like food and music would come first and then maybe at one point he’ll be like oh yes and Emma of course.” I can’t help but smile just a little at the amount of love this boy indeed has for food and music but quickly compose myself again. “ I’m not sure Em.. Sure he loves music and food and stuff he makes that very obvious. But from things he told me I know you’re so so important to him.. Just talk to him about all of this okay? You really gotta be honest about your feelings with him..” “Yeah.. Thanks Y/N. I appreciate you listening to me and actually giving me advice on all of this.” “ yeah no worries. Any time. “ I say while giving her a smile. We fall silent for a second and I stand up holding my hand out to her “ So are you ready to get back to the others?” She nods and takes my hand. We make our way towards our group and once we get close I share a quick look with Charlie, a look that tells me he wonders if everything is okay. I just give him a reassuring smile and the smile I get in return is the end of that small silent conversation. After playing some fun and very competitive boardgames with our entire group, it in the end is just me and Charlie again.
We end up finding a quiet spot in the middle of a field and just like earlier that day he lies down in the grass and I lie down next to him with my head resting on his stomach, one of his hands now reaching up to softly play with my hair. We just lie there in silence for a while looking up at the stars admiring the beauty of it all, and in my case very much enjoying this warm and fuzzy feeling this boy was giving me right now. I feel Charlie taking a deep breath underneath me before he breaks the peaceful silence “Soo.. was everything okay? That conversation with Emma I mean..” I take a second to consider my options, should I tell him? It doesn’t feel right to hide something from him but at the same time it is not my place at all to talk about Emma’s feelings.. I decide on keeping our conversation private.. “Yeah. No eh she just needed to get a few things of her chest. Don’t worry about it. It was nice getting to know her a bit better actually. She even apologized for last year..” “She did? I’m really glad to see you two getting along.. I’m happy she found someone in you she can open up to. I sometimes feels like even I can’t be that person for her..” I sigh. “I’m sure that’s not true Charlie.. at the very least I know she wants you to be that person. And for what it’s worth.. You are that person to me..” Not my very best line when it comes to hiding how I feel but this boy needed to know it wasn’t his fault at all. I can feel him let out a small silent laugh. “For what it’s worth? Really nugget? You do know that hearing that means a lot to me right?” “Does it? I mean you’re just so easy to talk to, and you’re always so nice and understanding. I would quite literally trust you with my life, Gillespie.” “Well for what it’s worth Y/L/N, I trust you with mine as well.” I can’t help but smile at that.
“Hey Charlie, can I ask you something?” I say softly, not being mad about it if he wouldn’t hear it. but he does.. “Yeah, anything. You know that..” he says still playing around with my hair. “Why didn’t you tell me about the whole Emma coming to camp and being in our group thing? Not that you had to! I’m just curious?” He’s silent for a while.. “Charlie..?” “Honestly? I guess.. Seeing how things we’re last year, I maybe was afraid you wouldn’t come if you knew?” he says and I let out a little laugh. “It was not that bad Charles.. She just didn’t like me very much.. But that did not bother me enough to not come here.. I’ve missed all of you too much over the past year..” “I missed you too much” I barely even whisper. “Good. cause I really need you here. “ I could not deny that hearing that made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. He needed me? I reach up with my hand to grab his free hand and give it a light squeeze. “Well, I’m not going anywhere. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Although maybe I should be going to sleep..” as I’m about to get up and let go of his hand he grabs mine tightly and pulls me back down “Naaah-aah. You can stay here a little longer.” He says teasingly.
“You really think you’re teasing me by doing that? Gonna have to try harder than that Gillespie. “ I laugh. “Is that a dare? Cause I will. But in this case no. I’m not teasing. I Just would like us to stay up a little longer.” I lay my head back down on his stomach and he instantly finds his way back to my hair. “Fine then. I’ll stay. And yes, maybe that was a dare..” He starts to laugh as soon I said that. “What?” I ask him. “You have no clue what you’re getting yourself into Nugget. I’ll have you know that annoying someone and teasing them is actually one of my talents.” “uhhu. Right. I think you’ll soon learn that I’m not THAT easy to annoy.” “Oh it’s so on now.” “Bring it, Gillespie.” We just lay there a little while longer talking and teasing each other. My head never leaving his stomach and his hand never leaving my hair. Until Charlie notices I’m getting more and more silent.
“Really Y/N? You’re falling asleep on me? You could have just told me that I was boring you , you know. “NO THAT’S NOT…” “HA! See. Already got you there.” He laughs. “You’re the actual worst Char.. but no. I was actually just very comfortable and that made me sleepy. You make quite a good pillow you know.” “Well thank you Y/N.. I trained long and hard for that. We’re gonna have to get you to bed now though." he starts to sit up causing my head to slide towards his lap but I don’t plan on moving any time soon. When he’s fully sat up he just looks at me and my head that’s now in his lap. “Come on nugget. Time to go!” “Naaah-aah. We can stay here a little longer.” I smile up at him mimicking his words from before.
“Are you sure about that?” He leans forward a bit his face now sort of hovering above mine with a suspicious smile spread on it, and I feel a slight panic grow in me. What is he doing? What is he thinking? When I don’t move but also don’t say a word he continues. “Well alright then..” and that’s when he starts to tickle me making me laugh uncontrollably and as soon as I get the chance it roll away from him. “Fine. You win, we’ll go to bed” I say while getting up, offering him my hand to help him up as well. He takes it and I pull him up. “Good decision nugget. Good decision” he says teasingly and I playfully hit his arm “Oh shut up Charles..” when I’m in bed my brain is racing. What was happening between me and Charlie? I mean we were just friends obviously.. but I couldn’t deny that we were in someway getting a whole lot closer? And why did it feel like I was in the middle of the relationship between Emma and Charlie? I was gonna have to figure out a way to get out of that position.. and I was gonna have to try a whole lot harder when it comes to hiding my feelings for Charlie as well. I basically told him he’s my person and I like laying on top of him? COULD I BE ANYMORE OBVIOUS? My mind keeps running like that for a while before I get, 3 hours of sleep at most.
The next morning I am the last to join everyone at the breakfast table, somewhat surprised to see my spot across from Charlie is saved for me. “Good morning” I greet everyone feeling more dead than alive. A bunch of happy and cheerful good mornings are being thrown my way while I sit down. I can hear everyone talking but what they’re saying isn’t even really getting through to me that’s how tired I am. At this point I’m just staring in the distance trying to stay awake. That is until I literally get slapped back to reality by Charlie. I just look at him, mouth wide open in pure shock. Not that it was hard or painful but I never expected him to do that.. “WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!” He just laughs, which normally would make me feel all better but in this case made me more annoyed which apparently was showing cause the laughing stopped. “So you are alive! Had to make sure since we were talking to you and you were not responding to a single word we said. ” “I’m Sorry..” he adds after noticing the fact my facial expression has not changed one bit. I relax my face even though I’m still shocked by the fact that he did that. “It’s okay. Sorry guys I just really have not slept the best last night.. But I’m here now, what we’re we talking about?” Glad no one asks me about why I had a bad night we just fall right back into the conversation they we’re having beforehand.
The rest of the day was, lucky for me, pretty easy-going we were just chilling in the sun and Charlie and Sacha had both gotten their guitars out and we were all singing songs together. I could not stop myself from thinking that the whole guitar playing thing somehow made Charlie even more attractive. Sacha wasn’t bad either though.. maybe I just had a thing for guitar players? That’s until out singing gets interupted by Charlie’s phone ringing, he gets up and walks away from us before picking up. When he gets back though I can tell something is wrong.. my thoughts being confirmed by Charlie who picks up his guitar and gives us a quick “excuse me for a sec..” before storming off..
Continue reading in Part 5 :)
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