#i am not about to be outraged on behalf of the owners of one of the most financially successful game franchises in the world
heedra · 8 months
my only take on this palworld stuff is that i think its really funny how blatantly they're cribbing their designs off pokemon and i hope they never get in trouble for it
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punkfloweranarchy · 1 year
Miles didn’t grow up around animals or small children so he just… isn’t comfortable around either. He doesn’t know how to handle them so he tries to keep his distance. Even the friendliest of dogs makes him kind of nervous and all cats love him but they literally have knives on their feet so he doesn’t touch them, thank you very much. One time a cat crawled onto his lap when he was taking a rest on patrol and he literally sat with his entire body clenched for the entire hour it took a nap on him for. (He had to admit the purring was really cute and he started leaving out some food for the local strays after that, but he never gets too close).
Hobie, on the other hand, grew up chasing down the neighborhood dogs and trying to befriend and take home all the stray cats. He also babysat a lot because he was nice and involved in his community and all the moms loved him. Even now, he helps out around with babysitting and taking care of the street animals whenever he can. Kids and animals are just easy to read and understand and they have no concept of what society wants for them, they’re just purely themselves and Hobie digs it.
When Hobie finds out about Miles’ aversion to kids and animals, he makes it his personal mission to change his mind. He offers to babysit Mayday any chance he gets and always ropes Miles into helping. He teaches him how to hold a child properly and the tips and tricks to help understand them and their needs. (“They’re just little people, Miles. Nothing too complicated about it, really.” “Hobie. They shit their pants and eat their boogers and cry for no reason and are so fragile they shouldn’t even be able to survive. Babies are complicated as hell.” “You saying you’re scared of a bit of boogers, love?” “Fuck you.”) He slowly gets better and more confident and Hobie melts every time he sees Miles relaxed and in his element, just holding Mayday and explaining what he’s doing when he’s cooking or cleaning or just walking around the house and holding her up to see all the places she can’t because he saw people doing it for their cats on the internet (“Hobie, she’s never seen above the fridge!” “Miles, love, she literally crawls on the ceiling, I think she’s seen it all.” “Yeah well, she’s never seen it right side up, so suck it.”)
Animals are a bit harder for Hobie to introduce Miles to but he says screw it and decides to adopt a stray cat that he names Miss Anarchy and carts her around with him wherever he goes. The first time Miles sees her perched on Hobie’s shoulder he practically flings himself across the room and refuses to get closer than 5 feet (“They can leap, Hobie! No way am I getting in the blood circle.” “Miles, Miss Anarchy is not going to leap at you claws out. She is a sweetheart and a pacifist.” “… You named your stray cat Anarchy? Why am I not surprised.” “Well, she’s not really a stray anymore, is she?” “You’re impossible.”) Hobie conveniently forgets to tell Miles that Anarchy was declawed until she finally catches the nervous boy off guard and lays directly on his chest and starts making biscuits (“Hobie. Hobie help. Your little monster is… wait. Where are her claws?” “She don’t have any.” Miles is outraged on her behalf. So maybe he’s been doing some research about cats in his spare time and came across an article about declawing. Sue him. “Hobie, we have to find her previous owners and avenge her.” “Now you’re speaking my language, love.”) Miles ends up befriending Miss Anarchy and slowly gets more comfortable with the idea of other animals.
Hobie is fucking proud.
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nicsnort · 1 month
Trial by Fire (part 13)
A Nightcrawler/Fem!OC romance, drama, and mystery fanfic, with lots of Quicksilver thrown in for fun and even more drama.
Intro (with link to full Ao3 story) First Previous
Eugene Goodman read over Bedelia’s article for the 5th time. It was a brilliant piece and delivered everything she promised. But he knew something was wrong with her. Her comment about his despicable ex-wife had not been a poorly timed joke like he first thought. No, given what was in this work she was being forced to write by the Brotherhood.
The phone rang, and Eugene picked it up, not taking his eyes off the work. “Goodman,” he answered.
“Eugene, I just saw the pre-print of Monday’s issue.”
“Warren,” Eugene exclaimed with surprise. It was very rare for the newspaper owner, Warren Worthington III, to call to check in after a pre-print. Usually, he would just approve the articles and move on. “Is something the matter?”
“You tell me. This Bedelia Hayes, she was the one that you requested that very expensive contract for, right?”
“She is sir, I promise you that she is good for it. If you just look at the quality of this article--”
“That is not what I am concerned about. It is how she talks about the Brotherhood of Mutants--”
“Yes, I know. I have reason to believe that they are holding her hostage in some form. She was the journalist who helped me find out the Ex was hiding assets in a foreign account; and told me to say hello.”
Warren was silent on the other end for a long moment. “I have some friends that can help. I’ll approve the pre-print, but I want eyes on everything she sends you before it is approved.”
On the other end of the line, Warren hung up and began going through his computer files until he found information on Bedelia Hayes. Then on his private phone, he called his old friend and mentor, Charles Xavier.
“Warren,” the older gentleman greeted. “To what do I owe this call?”
“Bad news,” Warren told him with a sigh. “My newspaper, the Guardian, has an article that will change many things. I’m sending it to you now. It will be published tomorrow on the front page. Basic story, Genosha is what we feared - it is using mutants as slave labor. But what I am calling about is the author. My editor, Eugene Goodman, thinks that she is being held hostage by the Brotherhood.”
He waited as Charles opened the email and skimmed the article. After a few minutes, he spoke. “I see. I will show this to Scott and the others. We can discuss what to do afterward. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”
They hung up, and Charles sighed. What was Erik up to this time? It was not like the Brotherhood to keep a journalist around them if what Warren’s editor thought was correct. Why would the Brotherhood want publicity? He sent out a mental message to the X-men to meet him in the war room before heading down himself.
When they were all gathered, Charles looked around the X-men and began explaining the situation about Genosha first. They were all properly aghast and horrified. Logan and Scott, for once agreeing on something, demanded that they go there at once to save the mutants. But Charles held up a hand to silence the group. 
“I understand your outrage. The fact that we did not investigate these rumors is for the most part my fault. I was too distracted with things happening at home here. But we have another issue at hand. This news comes to us from a journalist working for Angel’s newspaper. She was there in Genosha and escaped because the Brotherhood made an attack at the slave camp she was at. They rescued a handful of mutants, including this journalist. And we have reason to believe that she is being held hostage and forced to write on behalf of the Brotherhood.”
“If she was rescued by the Brotherhood what makes you think she is being forced to write,” Jean inquired.
“The paper's editor believes she tried to tell him during their phone conversation. But you are right Jean, we cannot know for certain. We need someone to investigate. Luckily, she lives in Brooklyn.” He pulled up the information that Warren had sent him including a photo of her. A woman with curly red hair, a smattering of freckles, and sparkling blue eyes. “Her name is Bedelia Hayes, and she works as a freelance journalist.”
Kurt had been on something of a high since he returned from the bookstore. Kitty was the first one to notice once he took off his inducer, calling him out on the smile he wore no matter what he was doing. Of course, it would be Kitty, she was sharp about emotions...well, mostly. She had a nose for gossip and intrigue, and there was definitely something different about Kurt. How could there not be when he had gotten a woman's phone number? Of course, he had been disguised, but...still. It was a boost of confidence regardless of the details.
Rogue was the second one who noticed something was up with Kurt. When he gave her the book that the journalist had helped him find, he had been mentally in that moment, when they walked together, when she read the description and blushed. It was Rogue’s southern twang that jolted him back to the present. “You look about as smitten as the damsel in this cover. What got into you, Nightcrawler?” She was teasing him, of course.
“He’s been smiling since he got here.” Kitty chimed in, poking her head through the wall from the room next door. “I think he met a girl .” The last word was in a sing-songy manner.
The moment Kurt felt his face turn hot, he knew the purple gave him away instantly. “You lucky dog!” Rogue laughed, “Who is she?”
“Do you have a date with her?” Kitty phased through the rest of the wall to join them.
Kurt felt properly cornered and felt that blush spread. “Hey, hey,” he teleported away from them and ended up hanging upside down from the ceiling fan, “I’m still processing it myself! We ran into each other at the bookstore and..” he gestured towards his pants, the stain of coffee evident. Neither girl noticed really, given that he had been wearing that goofy smile. “One thing led to another and...well, she helped me find that book for Rogue, and...she gave me her number.” His heart did a little acrobatic leap in his chest at the memory.
Both women gasped. “No way!” “Good job Kurt!” “When do you see her?” “You have to wait at least a day, it’s the rules.” Kitty and Rogue had spoken at the same time, both pausing finally.
“That’s a stupid rule,” Rogue scoffed as she crossed her arms, tapping the book against her side.
“It’s to keep them interested, come on, don’t you know that?” Kitty spoke with the wisdom of a sage.
Rogue rolled her eyes. “Or upset them. Kurt, you text her whenever you want. She sounds like she’s pretty eager, so I’m sure she’d appreciate dropping her a line.”
Kurt let go of the ceiling fan and landed smoothly on his feet. “But what do I say?” He looked nervous. He didn’t want to mess this up before he got a chance to see where it went.
Kitty made a face, and Rogue ignored her. “Tell her your friend loves the book -- thanks, by the way.” She smiled.
Just then, they received a mental message from Xavier. Kurt’s mood stayed light and excited, but now he knew his attention would have to be shared. The Professor didn’t call them together for just anything. He teleported himself and the two others down to the meeting room.
The air was somber. Kurt took a seat and paid attention. It was easier than he thought, given the horror that the Professor had just delivered. Genosha...a slave labor state. How horrible. He said a quiet prayer for those there. They would visit soon, no doubt, though perhaps it would be best to send someone in disguise to see their weaknesses instead of an all-out attack. 
Kurt’s ears perked up at the mention of an article. That would change things -- no need to be discreet then. But something in the back of Kurt’s mind spoke and warned him to pay attention. There was something strange here; he just couldn’t pinpoint it. As Xavier held up the photo and spoke the name, Kurt lost all color in his face, leaving him a lighter blue.
His hands slammed onto the table as he stood, the chair scraping behind him loudly. “That...that’s her!” It wasn’t the same woman today because that woman had green hair...but she was definitely the same otherwise. That was her. 
“What’s her, elf?” Logan looked over with a raised brow. 
Kurt’s heart was pounding. His head was pounding. If he had seen Bedelia...if he had run into the same woman...if the number he had in his pocket was hers… “Oh.” He sat down, his legs feeling like jello suddenly.
Kitty seemed to catch on quicker, though. “From today?” She spun around to look at Kurt in shock.
“No way!” Rogue turned in her chair as well. “In a bookstore? That doesn’t sound like a ‘captive’ to me - she might be with the Brotherhood.” There was distrust immediately in her tone.
Kurt shook his head, unsure how to handle this news. “Kurt,” Jean spoke, her voice gentle, “start from the beginning. What happened at the bookstore?”
If he had color left in his face, he would have blushed. He told them all about how he had been at the bookstore, how a woman with green hair and bright blue eyes had run into him and spilled coffee on them both, how he had spoken to her and exchanged numbers. “That was her. That’s her. Bedelia Hayes. She said... said she gets a book after selling an article. I didn’t see any of the Brotherhood around, but...I also didn’t think to look.” When a look was exchanged between the older members of the X-men, he insisted, “I don’t think she is willingly part of them!”
“That’s an awful long leash they let her on if she isn’t.” Logan pointed out with a growl. He had had his share of betrayal before and didn’t look forward to giving a woman with a pretty face the chance to give Nightcrawler a taste of that.
“How would she have known Kurt was an X-men, though? He was wearing his inducer.” Kitty pointed out, quick to protest and argue. 
“What’s the odds of accidentally spilling coffee on him if she’s a captive? Pretty suspect.” Rogue remarked.
“Maybe it was meant to happen...fate,” Kurt mumbled, unsure himself. His happy mood had cracked with worry and concern. “Or if she did know I was an X-men somehow...perhaps that was her sign for asking for help. Just because I wasn’t aware of the Brotherhood, there doesn’t mean they weren’t there. Maybe the ‘leash’ was shorter than we think.” He remarked to Logan. “Maybe it was better I didn’t know right away, or it would have put her in danger.” 
“What do you think, Professor?” Scott asked, looking to their leader.
Charles considered what everyone said. It was convenient that Kurt met her before, but there was no reason to think that she knew that he was an X-man. Yet if Kurt did not see any Brotherhood members...well, it did not mean they weren’t there. Plenty of mutants could camouflage themselves, or else Magneto thought the threat of harm was enough to keep her under control.
“I think it is something we must look into,” Charles told them, steepling his fingers in front of him. “Kurt, if you have met her before, I believe that you should reach out to her. But not as an X-man. Just keep an eye on her. See if there are Brotherhood members around her if she appears to be under duress. If so, we can start thinking of how to extract her, and if not, then perhaps you can convince her that the Brotherhood is not the group she wants to align herself with. Having a journalist on our side would be beneficial, I believe. Perhaps Magneto is thinking the same thing.”
This did little to comfort Kurt. He knew what most of the X-Men were thinking, and he even thought about it briefly. What if she was a spy? What if she was with the Brotherhood by choice? He had enjoyed that butterfly feeling in his heart and didn't want it to end so soon, but he knew to be wary.
"I will send her a message." That put an end to the argument of the 'rules' from Kitty, at least. "I can go by her home if we have the address " 
Logan sighed and stood. "I'll go with you, elf. Should be able to pick up on any familiar scents."
“That will work,” Charles told them. “Approach this with caution. If she is under duress, we do not want them to turn on her.”
Fanfic Masterlist
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lisinfleur · 3 years
The request:
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Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ivar x Reader Info | Viking Age AU, requested by anon for 5CW Ivar II, posted for HTGI Event Words | 1415 ⁑ Warnings: Ivar’s self ableism again.
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When you were dragged back to that hall, you were sure that, more than your father's image, you destroyed your husband's pride.
Putting a maid in his bed on his bridal night and running away the way you did was definitely not the smartest of your plans. But what could you do?
Entering that corridor like a dog brought back to its owner seemed better than ending up like a tattered doll, shared by her husband with all his brothers and the gods know who else.
So, although escorted by the men of Kattegat, you entered that room with your head held high, ready to face the consequences of your attempt to get rid of that cruel destiny.
"So, this is the woman who was supposed to be behind the veil of that over-covering dress in my marriage ceremony..."
That wasn't the voice you were expecting to hear.
Your husband would surely be the elder one! Your father said you would sit beside a king!
Who would be the king among the sons of Ragnar if not the elder one alive, Ubbe Ragnarsson, the sharer?
"I would have been pleased. Perhaps, if you'd chosen to be gentler, I would have spared you from the night by my side once it seems to be a nightmare in your eyes."
The younger one walked forward, speaking imposingly. His sharp blue eyes freezing yours as he approached.
"But you chose to flee..." he said, standing in front of you.
Making regret fill your veins instead of blood, spreading like a cold sensation when you were able to read the deception inside his blues.
"I thought..." You gasped with the words.
Your eyes oscillated from him to Ubbe's figure, resting bothered beside the throne, leaned against a pillar as if the whole scene wasn't his business.
Ivar has not lost that detail. His eyes followed her gaze, trying to understand why, suddenly, the determined woman who entered her salon was shaking on her legs, exuding nervousness through her pores.
You watched as he followed your eyes towards Ubbe, curiously looking at you before he frowned, surprised.
"Excuse me?" he asked.
His voice sounded a little shrill, making you lose your composure even more than the discovery of your big mistake had done a few seconds earlier.
"I didn't know! I ... My dad told me ... I ..." You gasped again.
And this time, even Ubbe moved away from the pillar. Thoughts of him doing the obvious math of how absurd and surprising that moment was.
He'd calmed his younger brother when the discovery of your plan, but part of him had been hurt by Ivar's acid words about your decision.
What woman would do it differently under the obligation to marry a cripple like him?
However, it seemed that his younger brother was wrong for what could be the first time since he could remember.
"Did you think you would marry me?" he said.
Making it even more outrageous for you with that sarcastic smile on his lips.
Once again, you straightened your posture, looking at him on top of your arrogance as a woman proud enough to face her actions.
"I would rather die dry and shame my family than put myself under a womanizer like you, Prince Ubbe!" you answered.
Making his lips curve a little more, opening his smile when Ivar took a step back, and your father squeaked like a dying squirrel struck by your words.
"Mighty Odin! What did I do to deserve this curse?" he cried. "Forgive my daughter, Prince Ubbe, she ..." he began with his usual conversation about how you were as crazy as your mother was.
Of course... Because facing men or spitting out the truth, however crude, was crazy! It had to be!
You rolled your eyes.
"I am not a sharer, nor a doll to be shared!" you cut your father, maintaining your position concerning Ubbe, irritated his smile was bigger and bigger as you spoke. "I'm not going to submit to stupid games to your satisfaction, and I don't see what's so funny about what I'm saying, Prince!" you raised your tone when Ubbe couldn't help giggling.
"Well, brother," he said, not looking at you but at Ivar, whose eyes were fixated on you, surprised by your statements. "It looks like she didn't leave because of you, after all," the elder one giggled again.
And there it was again: your posture was completely destabilized by the realization of your grotesque error.
Your fiancé was neither Ubbe nor Hvitserk - another one you knew: he would follow his brother wherever the eldest went!
But you had tried to deceive Ivar, The Boneless. Just the most brilliant mind of its time! Just the only one among the children of Ragnar that you had sworn to accept without reservation.
"That's it?" Ivar asked, still shocked by the realization of what was really going on before his naked eyes. "Did you think your fiancé was Ubbe and were you trying to refuse my brother?"
You bowed your head, defeated.
"Gods!" your father exclaimed again. "What a shame!"
"If you only knew ..." Ivar started.
His eyes on yours like sharp blades, certainly ready to see clearly any lie in your next words.
"If you had known that I was the man you were going to marry, what would you have done?"
You lifted your head, looking him straight in the eye.
Your answer came so direct and clear that it was impossible to doubt your conviction.
"I would have been late for our ceremony, as I certainly wouldn't have been able to finish in time all the sacrifices I believe the gods would deserve for their benevolence regarding my destiny, my lord."
It was easy to see that your answer shocked him.
"Did you... Want to marry me? Were you refusing Ubbe on my behalf?"
"What's so surprising about that?" you asked, confused by his reaction. "Forgive me, my lord, but what has Prince Ubbe done with his life besides becoming famous for sharing his wives like toys? There is nothing about him to do in the halls of history, except the things he did under your brilliancy, my lord. You, on the other hand..." you said.
Feeling your cheeks slightly warm as you spoke.
"Your achievements are counted as legends wherever our steps can reach. How you've won York not once, but twice from the hands of the same Christian king that your plans bent to his knees. How could I not be flattered to be the chosen one of the man who defeated the untouchable Björn Ironside?"
"With my indispensable help," Ubbe finally spoke, feeling slightly diminished in his ego by your words.
A manifestation that you almost completely ignored.
As if Ivar the Boneless was not going to find a way to win that war whether Ubbe had turned against his older brother to help him or not! The news said that he was already winning even when all the brothers were against him!
You could bet that Aslaug's two eldest sons had only changed sides in the face of the obvious defeat!
"I think the first ceremony was worthless, and I believe that we can ignore this shameful moment in the history of our alliance if my father-in-law agrees to fund a new ceremony, so my fianceé and I can celebrate our wedding with real vows and in the right way this time. No more mistakes," Ivar said.
Almost blaming your father for the mistake you made.
On second thought... If he hadn't kept that secret about who he was engaged to...
"Oh, without a doubt!" said your father. "But allow me to introduce you to my second daughter. She is more like me than Y/N, who took after her mother."
You crossed your arms, ready to defend yourself against that absurdity.
But it was your future husband who touched your chin, smiling with satisfaction.
"I like this one. And I don't accept alliances if I'm not sure that my wedding will be with Y/N. By the way, no more veils." he completed, stroking your chin. "I want to be sure that I am marrying the woman I want this time."
You smiled. His eyes were full of satisfaction this time.
Your manner had somehow captivated him, and your smile followed the increase of his on his lips.
What was a terrible marriage had just become a dream for you.
And you definitely wouldn't miss your wedding a second time.
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resinatingbeauty · 3 years
A 'Witch Shop' Owner's Plea Before Casting That Love Spell
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I don't personally offer many spell kits, mojo bags, etc. In my shop and avoid selling my 'Craft', as in, I don't advertise or list spell casting among my offerings, though I have had a couple of customers specifically ask if I could perform a spell I offered as a kit on their behalf for whatever reason. This is because I personally believe that the journey is just as important as the destination in witchcraft and many of the spell kits / spells I do offer are designed in such a way to soothe, relax, release, and heal throughout the process. Honestly, in addition, I really don't want the responsibility associated with performing magick on someone else's behalf for many reasons. The strength of my intent is not going to be as strong as yours, for example. Even if I effectively channel your energy, creating that personal connection between the beneficiary and the intent or purpose of the spell work is incredibly difficult at a distance. I'm always wary of other shops advertising this type of service- the sad truth of the matter is our little niche has been permeated by scammers, con artists, and frauds looking to take advantage of anyone looking for a solution to whatever it is that has them at this low point in life. I will tell you, more often than not it's love spells that the customer is after, and they are apt to find many options on Etsy, the platform I primarily do business on, and beyond.
I distinctly think of one potential customer who had contacted me one night obviously very upset. My heart went out to her immediately - I could just tell by what she was saying and how quickly she responded to me that she was in a state of panic and extreme emotional distress. She isn't the only one, but she stands out from the others as her desire to win back her ex lover was so strong it was evident that she would do anything and (potentially) pay anything for a chance to get things back to the way they were in her love life.
I am a human being. I have been given this amazing opportunity to pursue my passion to share my creations and spiritual / metaphysical knowledge with the world through my work. I understood a long time ago that this also meant I had a responsibility to do my best to help those in need and never knowingly harm, much like a doctor commuting to the Hippocratic oath. This may make me a flat out horrible business woman, but I would rather not sell someone on something I don't believe is going to help their situation. In fact, love spells usually make things worse. I'll get to that momentarily.
"Is there a spell to make her see what she has done wrong and to make her love and want me again?"
I allowed this customer to explain to me the situation and took the time to hear her out after telling her that I'm sure that she could find something like that elsewhere and someone else willing to sell her a spell kit or cast that spell, but I urged her to take a deep breath and talk to me before she did something that she would regret.
Thankfully, she spent the next hour or so explaining her situation and elaborating on everything that has happened in her relationship. It was one of those on again / off again things that so many of us get trapped in. Understandable, considering once you establish that strong bond of love, whether one sided or not, it's incredibly hard to cut that cord and move on especially if you're so emotionally invested (and maybe even financially invested) in this other individual who has had your heart for so long you can't imagine giving it to anyone else.
This PSA goes out to the broken hearted of all walks, as this is a universal experience for anyone who has been in love. There may not be someone to stop you from pursuing what you think will fix everything as I did for her, but I'm hoping if you read this, you'll think twice about acquiring and performing love spells or any magick in hopes that it will provide a quick fix to any situation.
•Beware the Opportunistic Con / Scam
Our field is flooded with scammers, con artists, and frauds that exclusively cater to those in this sweet girl's position and anyone who is vulnerable due to emotional distress or panic. Whether you need a love spell like she did to win back her ex or a quick fix to get more money in the bank or what have you, beware those that have used spiritual advisory and witchcraft as a means to peddle you their high priced garbaged. This is a tough one, as you may have a hard time deciphering what is 'legit' and what isn't, but there are some signs and facts you can look for when browsing these shops / websites.
-They promise / guarantee results within a specific or unrealistic time frame
Magick takes time to manifest and the true story is that nobody has a 100% satisfaction guaranteed spell book. More often than not, when spells come to fruition, it often isn't quite the way you would expect it to, either. Anyone promising a quick fix to anything is most likely just trying to take advantage of you when you are vulnerable and you better believe there will be no money back guarantee if said garbage doesn't work for you. OR, they like to do one of these:
-"Oh, your situation is worse than I thought. You're going to need this and this, with a huge $$$$ price tag."
This starts a never ending cycle of you pouring money into this scammer who will make you believe that it is necessary to do so. That maybe if you did throw them an extra $500 for their thingamajig that you will get what you want. This is only the beginning, as when THAT doesn't do it for you the way you would like, they will claim some other interference, maybe you're cursed or under psychic attack, and need something else even more expensive and elaborate to take care of that before you can even get to what you went to them for in the first place. Anytime someone proposes this type of thing, stop while you're ahead and don't provide them with a guaranteed cash flow that you aren't benefitting from at all. Also, be wary of ANY seller who makes outrageous claims- overnight changes, curing cancer, etc. Are unrealistic expectations.
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•Understand What You Truly Need
Maybe it's time to consider an alternative path. The customer I spoke about DID ultimately purchase a tarot spread, which I was much more inclined to do for her than some love spell to win back this girl who has repeatedly broken her heart over the past few years and obviously got a kick out of it, the way she told it, as it was ALWAYS her doing the breaking up and blocking, starting all the drama. I told her I would much rather give her a spell to find her twin flame / soul mate than to win this person back who has perpetually been hurting her and taking advantage of her kindness.
Sometimes it's time to cut the cord before more damage is done. I understand it isn't easy to move on from someone you have loved and cultivated a relationship with over a long period of time, regardless of the negative energy that has invaded the relationship, we DO tend to focus on the positives, which leaves us a bit biased and blind to what we could have and deserve to have.
Take a moment if you are in a relationship situation like this, are beginning to question your current relationship, or are considering taking the next step in any relationship. Sit down with a pen and paper. On one side of the paper, write down all the things you love about that person. All the ways you think they have been the light in your life (be honest and give credit where credit is due!). Now on the other side, list the negatives or cons in your relationship. If one list is noticeably longer than the other, depending on which side it is, it may be time to consider breaking it off, giving things another shot, or taking things to the next level. Ask yourself;
-Do they support me in what I do, even if they don't understand or necessarily agree with it? (So long as it is something healthy -obviously if they're supportive of a bad habit or detrimental behavior, this is more like enabling and not a good thing)
-Do they have my best interests at heart more often than not?
-Do they show that they care? Even in the smallest of ways?
-Could I call them my "best friend?" Am I honest with them?
-Are they honest with me?
-Do they lift me up more than they put me down?
-Do you want the same things in life / have similar priorities?
-Is our relationship valuable to them the same way it is to me?
This is the cold hard truth about love spells. Forget the warnings in movies and books, as it is hard to believe them or even take them as a legitimate warning when you haven't had the displeasure of experiencing what a love spell can do for yourself. I have, so you don't have to. This is MY story:
Of course love spells are very appealing when you're a young and naive teenager. I had a strong crush on this guy I had low key been stalking since middle school. I don't know why I liked him so much. Part of it I'm sure was the way he looked (hey, I'm being totally honest!) And how he came across to me. We had absolutely no interaction with each other outside of passing each other in the hallway. He had no idea who I was.
I had just borrowed a copy of Silver Ravenwolf's 'Teen Witch' (which is honestly a fantastic book for teens and young adults just starting to delve into Wiccan practices, which she follows exclusively) from a friend of mine and thought I would try the super simple love spell in the book figuring I had nothing to lose. All it consisted of was focusing on the subject, your intentions, writing their name on a piece of paper, folding it up and placing it under your pillow. I would sleep on that paper for months. I was in middle school just about to go into my freshman year of high school when I performed the spell and would forget about it up until the day it worked, a few months into my freshman year of highschool, when my crush was in the graduating class of that year- literally my last chance to make an impression.
I had gone to a local band's concert that was performing at the school's auditorium one day after classes and was just about to leave when my crush randomly approached me and started talking to me. It was like the whole world just stopped right there. I couldn't believe it. The thought of that spell crossed my mind briefly as we exchanged phone numbers.
Over time and getting to know him, he admittedly wasn't exactly my type. He was still someone whose friendship I valued, but not someone I could really put any effort into dating. About the time I realized this, his personality took a complete 180° turn for the worst. He was stalking me. Blowing up my cell phone (which was a prepaid piece of junk at that time I really couldn't talk on for more than a minute without paying a fortune), so much so one evening when I was at Jukido Jujitsu practice that I came home to something like 32 missed calls and 17 voicemails from him, each one showing gradual frustration and anger. This scared me. I knew I had to confront him about it and break this off before it got worse.
I caught him in a populated area of the school the next day before homeroom- more like he came up to me out of nowhere like he knew I would be passing through that part of the school that day- and I confronted him about the calls,attempting to gently explain to him that I wasn't interested in a relationship and I would like to continue being friends. He blew up at me and threw me against the brick wall of the school, trying to kiss and touch me in front of every single person that walked by. I wish I was making this up.
Thankfully a teacher came and pulled him off. Nothing much else was done. I did my best to avoid him and cut him out of my life entirely from that point on.
I don't know if it was the love spell or if this would have occurred anyways. All I knew was that what had been originally a very sweet, big hearted guy that was soft spoken with low self esteem became a monster in a matter of weeks. The take away from this and what I have personally seen with other's experiences with love spells is that they tend to bring out the worst characteristics of the person they are cast on and you have to be really careful what you are actually asking for when thinking about 'desire' and 'passion.' This intent can quickly lead to stalking, obsession, and not in a good way. Another customer of mine who originally came to me for my Forgiveness Spell Kit and had the desired results also, unbeknownst to me, had someone else perform a love and desire spell in addition to it. The guy that she was reverted into an obsessed jerk who decided to spread rumors about her on social media and beyond, blocked her on all platforms, and would get her friends involved in his quest to make her life miserable. Her story reflects and embodies so many I have heard over the years from others who have dabbled in such spells. When they work, it's just never quite what you had in mind.
So if you came to this blog post in search of a love spell for your personal situation or came across it when you have maybe considered one in the past or know someone who has, please take a deep breath, consider your options, and don't do anything that you may regret down the line. Remember that you are deserving of all the love, respect, support, and happiness one could give another. Do not settle on someone who offers you less and expects more, no matter how much you have invested in them, no matter how many years you have spent with them, as they do not appreciate you for the amazing person you are. I can promise you, however, given some time to heal, you WILL find someone who does.
(Owner /Chaos Witch/Designer)
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Con Amore: Part 11
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 12/15/2019
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,166 words
A/N: A day after I said I would post it and almost three months after the last part, we’re at part eleven. Next part is interesting. I hope you like it. I’m just a little discouraged with this series and I’m getting stuck because there’s a lot of ends to weave in to finish this series.
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You mulled over everything, making a couple notes about their plans while waiting for them to check in. They were checking the place that the tracker had traced back to.
“Here, you guys in?”
“Yeah, we’re done here. Raidho, Eihwaz, and Tiwaz are taking the equipment to another place to check it out. Sowilo and Laguz and I are going to try and pinpoint some of the people this was tracking. Raid is going to drop Mannaz back there.”
“Ok, be careful.” You sighed, feeling useless again. “Watch your six.”
“We will,” Tiwaz responded.
Raid appeared with Mannaz, quickly kissing you before teleporting away.
Jimin groaned and sat down, rubbing his legs.
You went over, rubbing his shoulders. “Usual pains?”
“Yeah. A little to the right.”
You shifted your ministrations to the right, feeling the muscle that was tense and carefully working at it. “Shifted to much?”
“Shifted into an elephant from a mouse,” He whimpered as your fingers found a knotted muscle.
“Oh, love,” You murmured sympathetically, kissing the top of his head. “You want me to draw a bath for you?”
He nodded slowly. “I think so.”
“Okay. Just wait here for a bit, I’ll get it all set up.” You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “You’ll have to avoid the drastic shifts while I’m gone unless absolutely necessary.”
He nodded again. “I’ll try.”
You nodded and went to draw the bath. You had to figure out a way to help them one last time before you went to the safe-house.
He came in while you were testing the water. “You okay?”
“Your phone rang, but it stopped after one ring.” He held it out to you, his voice gentle, as if sensing you were a little vulnerable. He sat next to you on the edge of the tub. “About this morning….”
You met his eyes, reaching up and brushing his hair from his eyes. “You were worried, I understand.”
“I know you do, but I still wanted to make sure we understand each other. I…I can’t stop worrying about you. And seeing this,” He pulled the photo from your appointment from his pocket. He had a watery smile as he looked at it. “The idea that this place, where you’re here with us, possibly being just as in danger as if we weren’t here….”
“We aren’t in danger here, well, no more than before you found out about me having an issue here. The only person who could pose a threat to us here doesn’t realize who I am yet. With me gone, it’s unlikely my past will be discovered.”
He sighed. “And the boys? What do you think their role is in all of this?”
Your mind went to a dozen different places, but settled in one place. One you didn’t want to bring up right now. “I’m not really sure. But I know that they’re important.”
“Are you packed?”
“I’m always packed. At least, nowadays I am.” You got up and turned off the water. “Do you need help?”
He nodded. “My shoulders are tight, too.”
You nodded in return and helped him take off his shirt, accepting the soft little kiss he pressed to your lips with a little glow of warmth and love in your chest. But you quickly helped him undress the rest of the way before leaving him to soak in the tub after the relieved sigh he let out after settling in. “I’ll check on you later.”
“Thanks, chubbs.”
You closed the door, then looked around the room, picking up pillows and making the bed a little neater. You weren’t sure which of the boys had slept in here, but you had your suspicions. You’d have to remind them to keep things tidy. You hugged a pillow and looked around at the strange walls as a wave of nausea came over you again. But this time it was the worry, that panic of having to leave the safety that came with the presence of your boys. Your loves.
You went back to the mission room, sitting with a pen and some paper to write a few things down for when you were gone. Your thoughts drifted as you tried to keep focused on the things you needed to remind them to do when you weren’t there, but instead found their way to your father.
You closed your eyes, trying to block the thoughts.
“There are three things you should always watch out for, my little hummingbird. Our job is a dangerous one. We gather things that people could misuse. We keep them locked away. Everyone will try to break in and get them,” He whispered as he wound the music box. He set it aside, the soft lullaby chiming, and wrapped you up tightly in his arms. “So there are three things you should always watch out for.”
You looked up at him sleepily, humming along with the lullaby that was playing.
“One, is coincidences. They don’t exist. So, if anything seems like one, you know it’s not. The second is those who use the guise of helping to hide their hunger for power. And the third,” He paused to yawn. “The third…third…”
Someone clucked reprovingly, but it was an amused sound as well.
Your mother gathered you up in her arms, kissing your forehead and humming along with you as your father fell into a deeper sleep. “The third, is the unbelievable. People with stars in their eyes, or wings on their backs. You will be an archivist, you will keep their secrets and provide them with the means to continue. You will see the most fantastical things, my love. And I hope we are always there to witness them with you.” She rubbed her nose against yours and you woke up in tears.
Worried eyes met yours as you focused on the person in front of you, the reason you woke up.
Jungkook gently brushed the tears from your cheek. “Y/n? Are you okay?”
“Just a dream,” You whispered.
“Pretty lullaby,” Taehyung murmured, laying on the floor and yawning.
You sucked on your lower lip for a moment, then realized Jungkook was looking at you with a sort of question in his eyes. You smiled a bit and leaned forward to kiss him before wrapping your arms around his neck.
He easily picked you up and carried you to the room you stayed in at night, then murmured he’d be right back.
You changed into pajamas and almost went to check on Jimin, but heard him telling Taehyung to get off the floor and left it alone since you also heard Namjoon with him.
Jungkook came in freshly showered and crawled into bed with you, laying on his side facing you and looking into your eyes. “Are you going to be okay? Alone with those kids?”
“I’ll survive. You still have the talisman.”
“Yeah. It’s safe. That’s just for the dangerous archives?”
“Mhmm, it’s mostly precautionary. I think they want Taehyun because he could tell them how to access the archives,” You whispered, then actually thought about what you were saying.
“Yoongi did say his powers were a little strange, but do you really think he might be able to tell them how to access the archives?”
“He can read the past. It’s entirely possible that he could find the answer to accessing them.”
He frowned in worry, then flinched as your phone starting ringing.
You stared at it, not moving to answer it.
The other boys heard it, poking their heads in.
Namjoon met your worried gaze, then nodded. “Put it on speaker.”
You hummed a protection song as you picked up the phone and answered. “Allo?”
“Ms. Y/L/N?”
“Yes, who is calling?” You spoke with a French accent, worried about who could be calling.
“My name is Gordon Sutcliffe, I’m calling on behalf of the Moorthes Museum of Art and Natural History. Our contact at St. Kishall Treaure Institute suggested we contact you regarding the verification of a collection of puzzle boxes from a private collector that we wish to display. The owner is claiming that they are the works of Jacqueline De Torrent,” The man on the other end of the line said, absolutely butchering her name.
“How many pieces in the collection?” You asked, suspicious.
You looked at Namjoon and shook your head. “Are you certain?”
“That’s what he is claiming, but we were hoping you would come in to verify that they actually are works of Jacqueline de Torrent.”
You cringed again. “I can tell you now that it is highly unlikely that whoever this collector is managed to acquire five pieces of Jacqueline Torrent de Cavalier. Before I make the trip, I do require photos to verify that this collection is real.”
“Of course, and the curator at St. Kishall’s gave us a general ballpark for your consultation fees.”
“I discuss price after I have agreed to consult. He gave you my email?”
“Uh, yes, miss.”
“Send the photos to that address and I’ll examine those, then tell you whether in-person verification is necessary or not. I need to see every side of the boxes. I’ll contact you further depending on my initial evaluation and we’ll discuss my fees then as well as times I am available.”
“Yes, of course—”
“Good day,” You said, then hung up.
They quickly surrounded you, Namjoon cupping your face in his hands.
“You’re trembling,” Yoongi murmured, taking your hand.
“Do you think that’s them?” Namjoon asked before pressing a kiss between your eyebrows.
“Of course, it’s too outrageous of a claim to be anything else,” You whispered.
“There’s no way you’re going. They must know who you are.” Jimin folded his arms, still partially supported by Taehyung.
“If I don’t go, it would confirm it,” You replied. “But I may be able to put it off for now—”
“No,” Seokjin said, his voice overpowering yours. Firm. He met Namjoon’s gaze. “There’s no such thing as coincidence. We should check it out. Even if it’s a trap. It might just give us the tools we need to beat these people.”
“Hyung, it could be dangerous!” Hoseok protested.
“Life is dangerous, Hoseok-ah. We’ll protect her as best we can, and she’s not exactly weak, either. She’s hidden for this long. We know they’re looking for all three of her identities, so maybe they don’t know. Yoongi and Taehyung can go with her to protect her, with Jungkook as backup. We make sure that even if they take her we can find her.” He met your gaze. “She’s safe-guarded the vaults, right?”
You nodded. “I did. I can’t reach the artifacts right now.”
“Then we give her a temporary power suppressors, and watch every move, and she evaluates the artifacts.”
“Power suppressors?” Taehyung squeaked.
“Just to mask my powers to any sensors. I’ll still have my powers, Tae. They just wouldn’t find out about them, not easily.” You stepped over to reassure him, kissing his lips to help calm him. “Not actual power suppressors.”
He nodded, a tiny shock jumped between the two of you. His eyes widened. “Will that hurt you? Oh my God, the baby? I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s fine, Tae. It was little more than a static shock. I’ll be fine.” You brushed his hair from his face. “And…I agree with Jin. I think we may need to take the risk.”
Jimin growled, obviously against the idea.
Hoseok wrapped his arms around you. It was his baby, and you knew that even if he was fine sharing that with the boys, he still thought of that as his. He had been carefully avoiding being overprotective, but you knew this was a little more than he could handle. Especially since he’d been preparing himself to part with you. “If she’s doing that, then I’m going to be with her. Taehyung can be by her side, but I’m on standby.”
“Okay,” Namjoon finally said. “If she needs to go, then we’ll make sure to have multiple contingencies.”
Jimin let a high-pitched sound escape him.
Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook seemed equally uneasy about the whole thing.
“Are you sure, Namjoon?” Yoongi asked quietly.
Namjoon nodded sharply, face grim, chin jutting out stubbornly. “We need some sort of advantage. She can’t tell them where those boys are because the safehouse is in a location unknown to her as well. We’ll be there to protect her.”
You nodded. “I trust you all.” You looked to Tae. “You’ll be by my side, right?”
He nodded, straightening his shoulders a bit. “I’ll have to take the suppressants too?”
You nodded again, looking at the faces of all of the men you loved. “Last mission before I go.”
They all huddled in closer, settling in for at least one hand touching you.
You rested a hand over your stomach, hoping your baby knew how many wonderful people would love them.
Part 10.   Part 12.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
f confusion
If you have time/feel like it, can I ask your opinion on something? I’ve been reading Lenore Thompson’s personality book — and it’s causing me some confusion. I found myself nodding along to her description of Fe (ordering people in terms of relationship in list) up until she comments that if you re-ordered your list due to a falling out of some sort, you were being subjective, which I’m assuming she’s using interchangeably for “introverted intuition” which made me hesitate.
Without a direct quote from the book (which I don't have in front of me) I can't speak to her meaning, but I do know taking one thing out of context and allowing it to shake up everything you know about yourself is not the way to go; if you relate 90% to her in-depth Fe-dom descriptions, which includes all the weaknesses of inferior Ti, then you are likely Fe-dom. If you relate 10%, you are not. Majority rules. Minor nitpicks are unimportant.
All things considered, my core 9 probably fakes a lot of stereotypical Fe, but recently someone crossed a line, insulting my family (however unintentionally). I was absolutely furious, shaking with fury. I got closure, sort of, but the damage had been done in my head. Angrily, I mentally re-ordered my list of friends (the people who were outraged on my behalf at the top, and the one who had done the hurt at the bottom). It’s an unhealthy method, for sure, but it’s not the first time I’ve cut myself off emotionally from someone after they’ve crossed a line of mine (usually my belief in kindness and being there for/supportive of your family). I’m still polite to these people, feel empathy for them, but there’s a great part of me that has been shut down for them.
Yup, that's a core 9 all right. Shut down. Ignore. Numbing. Passive-aggressive avoidance. #SoDone. Has nothing to do with Fe vs Fi.
I get frustrated and angry when people don’t do what is right and proper.
Strong 1 wing, I am guessing?
I’m not able to see the Fi route of “everyone has an opinion and is allowed to have it," theoretically I believe in that because I was taught it by my parents, but I often internally cannot comprehend how people see things so differently from me — though the difference absolutely fascinates me from a scientific standpoint — and why they can’t just understand how I see things: how their view of things are so openly skewered to their own dated beliefs, instead of believing in things that ultimately do the most good to the general public.
They can't see how you understand things, because they have not lived your life.
You cannot understand how they see things, because you have not lived theirs. It's that simple.
The most you can do with people is agree to be civil in your disagreements and allow each other to explain their side. The latter bit of what you said, I do not know how to say this in any way that is not rude, but that's not Fe or Fi -- that's an immature judging function that is still basing its conclusions on "whatever *I* see as right, YOU MUST AGREE WITH" -- and I have seen people of all types do it. By judging them for having a view of things so "openly skewed to their own DATED beliefs" you are putting yourself on a higher moral pedestal than them, as someone who is "enlightened." Truth is, they may be right and you may be wrong. When you approach people with an attitude of "I am enlightened and you are not," you have already lost the debate and really have no interest in knowing what formed their opinion, because you already have prejudged it as wrong.
"General public" usually means a social Enneagram core; I've noticed soc-firsts put group welfare ahead of personal survival, regardless of being Fe or Fi, because they know their survival relies on the group welfare.
Most of my values have come from my parents, or my favorite stories — but I can’t tell if that’s introverted sensation, or extraverted feeling.
It doesn't have to be either one; no one is born in a void. Fi typically does not know what its internal values are until it encounters something that gives it a livid NOPE reaction out of the blue. And Fi, unlike Fe, will totally refuse to pretend anything different, even if it makes them a social outcast. This can be as stupidly simple as not saying "yes, the food is wonderful!" if you actually hate the green beans, while a bunch of people chorus around you at the dinner table, "oh, it's wonderful!" or finding yourself absolutely incapable of lying to your best friend when she asks, "Does this make my butt look fat?"
I definitely also agreed with some Fi things too — like recently I’ve realized I’m happiest when I know my writing is doing something that truly matters, when I’m standing for a cause I’m really passionate about, when I see how it makes people feel, I love making people feel seen and heard, and I want to use my talents to incite change. I’m also extremely sensitive to criticism, hard on myself to an outrageous degree, and I’ve got that habit of literally not ever being able to open up about my feelings.
Most of this is general Human Being stuff. Most people don't want to waste their life doing meaningless things; most people do not bother involvement in causes they do not care about; most feelers want to make other people feel good; most feelers (and some thinkers) want to open up avenues for others to succeed; and a lot of people dream about changing things. Being sensitive to criticism is a feeler trait, being hard on yourself is a 1 wing trait, and repression of feelings can be introversion, shyness, self-consciousness, or Fi's ability to "deal with my problems on my own, alone in my room."
I always relate things to myself, and if my friends are going through something I usually ask myself how I’d feel in their shows and attempt to (usually clunkily) move forward with that, and I’m extremely empathetic (I was banned from watching the animal planet as a child bc watching the animals hurt or worse made me spend the entire day crying).
That sounds more like Fi. For the latter: aww. Same. I still can't watch Animal Rescue shows, since I shift between feeling awful for the poor things and wanting to enact terrible vengeance on their abusive owners.
- ENFP Mod
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deniscollins · 4 years
McKinsey Proposed Paying Pharmacy Companies Rebates for OxyContin Overdoses
The federal settlement with Purdue Pharma comes as States and municipalities seek compensation from opioid makers for helping fuel a health crisis that has killed more than 450,000 Americans since 1999. In 2008, Purdue pled guilty to misleading regulators. McKinsey Consulting, a long-time advisor, developed a list of options to “turbo charge sales.” What would you do if you were a McKinsey partner and a report done for Purdue that projected that in 2019, for example, 2,484 CVS customers would either have an overdose or develop an opioid use disorder and a rebate of $14,810 per “event” meant that Purdue would pay CVS $36.8 million that year? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision? 
When Purdue Pharma agreed last month to plead guilty to criminal charges involving OxyContin, the Justice Department noted the role an unidentified consulting company had played in driving sales of the addictive painkiller even as public outrage grew over widespread overdoses.
Documents released last week in a federal bankruptcy court in New York show that the adviser was McKinsey & Company, the world’s most prestigious consulting firm. The 160 pages include emails and slides revealing new details about McKinsey’s advice to the Sackler family, Purdue’s billionaire owners, and the firm’s now notorious plan to “turbocharge” OxyContin sales at a time when opioid abuse had already killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
In a 2017 presentation, according to the records, which were filed in court on behalf of multiple state attorneys general, McKinsey laid out several options to shore up sales. One was to give Purdue’s distributors a rebate for every OxyContin overdose attributable to pills they sold.
The presentation estimated how many customers of companies including CVS and Anthem might overdose. It projected that in 2019, for example, 2,484 CVS customers would either have an overdose or develop an opioid use disorder. A rebate of $14,810 per “event” meant that Purdue would pay CVS $36.8 million that year.
CVS and Anthem have recently been among McKinsey’s biggest clients. Press officers for the two companies said they had never received rebates from Purdue for customers who had overdosed on OxyContin.
Though McKinsey has not been charged by the federal government or sued, it began to worry about legal repercussions in 2018, according to the documents. After Massachusetts filed a lawsuit against Purdue, Martin Elling, a leader for McKinsey’s North American pharmaceutical practice, wrote to another senior partner, Arnab Ghatak: “It probably makes sense to have a quick conversation with the risk committee to see if we should be doing anything” other than “eliminating all our documents and emails. Suspect not but as things get tougher there someone might turn to us.”
Mr. Ghatak, who also advised Purdue, replied: “Thanks for the heads up. Will do.”
It is not known whether consultants at the firm went on to destroy any records.
The two men were among the highest-ranking consultants at McKinsey. Five years earlier, the documents show, they emailed colleagues about a meeting in which McKinsey persuaded the Sacklers to aggressively market OxyContin.
The meeting “went very well — the room was filled with only family, including the elder statesman Dr. Raymond,” wrote Mr. Ghatak, referring to Purdue’s co-founder, the physician Raymond Sackler, who would die in 2017.
Mr. Elling concurred. “By the end of the meeting,” he wrote, “the findings were crystal clear to everyone and they gave a ringing endorsement of moving forward fast.”
McKinsey’s plan was accepted, even though Russell Gasdia, then Purdue’s vice president of sales and marketing, questioned the firm’s approach, writing Mr. Ghatak the night before the meeting to say that he had real concerns “on the need to turbocharge sales” of OxyContin.
Another Purdue executive, David Lundie, agreed with the strategy, however. Mr. Lundie said the proposal would catch the Sackler family’s attention, according to the documents. It did.
By 2017, Purdue’s chief executive, Craig Landau, wrote that the crisis was caused by “too many Rxs being written” at “too high a dose” and “for too long.” The drugs, he said, were being prescribed “for conditions that often don’t require them” by physicians who lacked “the requisite training in how to use them appropriately.”
When McKinsey was later called on to “disassemble” the aggressive sales campaign, according to the court filings, Mr. Landau was quoted as saying that it was something “we should have done five years ago.”
A press officer for McKinsey on Wednesday said the firm had been “cooperating fully with the opioid-related investigations” and had announced in 2019 that it “would not advise any clients worldwide on opioid-specific business.”
In a statement last month, the Sacklers said that family members “who served on Purdue’s board of directors acted ethically and lawfully.”
McKinsey’s involvement in the opioid crisis came to light early last year, with the release of documents from Massachusetts, which is among the states suing Purdue. Those records show that McKinsey was helping Purdue find a way “to counter the emotional messages from mothers with teenagers that overdosed” from OxyContin.
On Tuesday, Purdue pleaded guilty to criminal charges, including defrauding federal health agencies and paying illegal kickbacks to doctors. The company also faces roughly $8.3 billion in penalties. As part of the settlement, members of the Sackler family will pay $225 million in civil penalties.
In a statement issued after the announcement of the settlement in October, Purdue said it “deeply regrets and accepts responsibility” for misconduct involving its marketing of OxyContin.
The federal settlement with Purdue comes as states and municipalities seek compensation from opioid makers for helping fuel a health crisis that has killed more than 450,000 Americans since 1999. Purdue is now seeking bankruptcy protection, as are other manufacturers.
“This is the banality of evil, M.B.A. edition,” Anand Giridharadas, a former McKinsey consultant who reviewed the documents, said of the firm’s work with Purdue. “They knew what was going on. And they found a way to look past it, through it, around it, so as to answer the only questions they cared about: how to make the client money and, when the walls closed in, how to protect themselves.”
Mr. Giridharadas is a New York Times contributor who wrote a 2018 book that examined the power of elites, including those at McKinsey, for how they evade responsibility for social harm.
In recent years, McKinsey has attracted criticism and unwanted attention for its dealings around the world, including in authoritarian countries such as China, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Its business in South Africa was decimated after McKinsey worked with companies tied to a corruption scandal that led to the ouster of the country’s president. In the United States, McKinsey worked with Immigration and Customs Enforcement under President Trump, proposing ways to cut spending on food and housing for detainees.
The documents released last week detail McKinsey’s work with Purdue going back to 2008, the year after the drugmaker pleaded guilty to misleading regulators. The Food and Drug Administration had previously told Purdue that OxyContin would face sales restrictions and that doctors prescribing it would require specialized training.
The Sackler family saw those rules as a threat and, joining with McKinsey, made a plan to “band together” with other opioid makers to push back, according to one email. McKinsey prepped Purdue executives for a vital meeting before an F.D.A. advisory committee reviewing its proposed reformulation of OxyContin to make it less prone to abuse. The reformulation went on the market in 2010.
McKinsey put together briefing materials that anticipated questions Purdue would receive. One possible question: “Who at Purdue takes personal responsibility for these deaths?”
The proposed answer: “We all feel responsible.”
Dr. Richard Sackler, now the family patriarch, was pleased with the preparations, writing to his daughter in a January 2009 email: “Marianna, I am writing to tell you how impressed I was by the preparation for the F.D.A. meeting. Both the method and process as well as the content was excellent and a major departure from efforts like this in the past.”
Purdue’s F.D.A. meeting appeared to be at least partly successful. “Even to this day, the F.D.A. has never required specialized training for OxyContin prescribers,” wrote the state lawyers who filed the documents last week.
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ozonecologne · 7 years
hmm. interesting sentiment from jensen (if real.) i forget sometimes in this age of Trump that SOME rich republican gun-owning white guys from the south are actually (sorta kinda maybe sometimes) in favor of gun control legislation..
Are you suggesting that he isn’t being sincere? It is rather unclear whether Jensen is actually going to step up and be someone that “changes something” instead of just commenting on the need for such a thing, so I understand how the words could be perceived as empty or even fake. 
I’m sort of glad that you sent this ask in actually, because while I hate to get political on this blog it does give me a chance to talk about something that I think is hugely important for the United States right now: lots of people that own guns advocate for gun control, and that shouldn’t be a surprise.
There’s a whole coalition dedicated to that, Facebook groups, public profiles, etc. I’m not going to pretend that I am a fan of guns or that I agree with a lot of the rationale for owning a gun, but people have their fears and reasons. Owning a gun doesn’t mean that these people don’t 1) recognize the danger that guns present to the general public and 2) want to be as responsible and safe with them as possible.
Some gun owners don’t approve of certain KINDS of guns, i.e. the general public should not have access to automatic firing assault rifles. Some gun owners don’t approve of certain kinds of PEOPLE having access to guns of any kind, hence more widespread calls for background checks and psych evaluations. For mandatory training. For more stringent licensing. 
These are all issues for gun control.
Many of the people leading this charge are ex-military, who have experienced firsthand PTSD, chronic pain, etc. and recognize the impact that guns can have on civilian life. Like I said before, I can’t pretend to agree with them on the issue of gun ownership, but we need compromise in this country. I’d much rather share the streets with a responsible gun owner than an indiscriminate one. I don’t think that’s an outrageous opinion to have, certainly not for a father of 3 living in Texas. I don’t know where Jensen falls in all of this, but for someone so engrained in Southern gun culture I think that this is actually the best case scenario for now.
(It should also be noted that Jared is exponentially more outspoken about gun ownership than Jensen is, so I’m not entirely sure of Jensen’s status or personal stakes in this one.)
You can’t just go from something to nothing in this country, or vice versa. Progress takes time. Gun control is the first step towards a safer nation, bottom line, and I’m actually really encouraged to read what Jensen had to say on Twitter - whether there is any sort of action potential behind that or not. He’s on the right side, and even if I / we wish he would do more, we can’t demand the impossible of people. Using his platform in a useful way that might encourage OTHERS to act on behalf of this cause is a good thing.
We also don’t see all of his personal life. He could be a major donor for people and/or causes campaigning for gun control, but we can’t necessarily see that. What we see as fake or empty might actually have some legitimacy behind it. Unfortunately for the world, a lot of good work is often invisible. We just don’t know.
So… none of us should be so quick to judge Jensen, Jared, or any other Southern gun owner in this day and age. It’s a crazy time. People are doing their best. And we can all do better together.
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taiweiland-blog · 7 years
Oh My General episode 12 recap
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The emperor welcomes Eno (I believe that's the foreign prince's name) to the banquet. He tells the Emperor that he'll give a martial arts performance. Everyone is nervous because Eno comes quite close to the emperor with his weapon, but everyone manages to keep calm despite of it.
After the whole episode, Eno approaches Ye Zhao to give her toast, but Jin says he'll accept the toast on her behalf. (In the previous episode, Jin said that he doesn't want her to drink too much as she gets 'handsy' when she's drunk and thus cause him to lose face in front of the whole court! lol)
The two men exchange little barbs at each other while Ye Zhao watches on. Maybe because he had his manhood slighted by Eno, Jin asks Eno to have more drinks with him, saying it's tradition to have more than one. (As if!) The two exchange further barbs, which makes a minister quite nervous. Said minister comes over to douse some cold water over the heated exchange, saying that Prince Jin sure loves to crack jokes! He drags Eno away for a toast. Ye Zhao however was rather amused by it all (maybe cos Jin is being assertive). Prince Jin preens a little when Ye Zhao praises him, saying that he did really well.
Jin then tells YZ that he senses that Eno is a dangerous fellow, to which she replies: I trust your evaluation. (I'm sure she knows that though?) Jin tells her it's instinct. There's this cute scene where Jin stops YZ from drinking, only to drink himself, and she slyly sneaks in a drink.
Back home, Jin is totally passed out from all that liquor, however, and YZ can't help but take that opportunity to be "close" to her hubby. Hah! She's handsy even when she's not drunk - but can you blame her, really? And I think that conversation with Eno must have affected Jin a little bit more that he let on because he sits up in the middle of his sleep and declares, "I am a man! I demand to be on top!"
Poor dear.
YZ tells him, "Yes, yes, you're on top. Come, hold on to me." YZ is of course, totally taking advantage of it all, though Jin spoils it a wee bit by talking about a courtesan next and makes kissy faces.
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Jin wakes up the next day without his clothes, with YZ at his side with some medicinal soup. Jin demands to know if she did anything to him. She says innocently, "Do I look like that kind of person?"
YZ is summoned for some court business, and when she leaves, Jin comments to himself: "I feel like a woman that has been ravished!" (I burst out laughing at this. Gawd.)
Jin is suspicious when one of the concubines hinted that he must have had a good night with YZ. He summons his manservant (I forgot his name) and demands to know what happened. The manservant tells him that he was really, really drunk last night and was vomiting and all, and YZ took care of him the whole night. Jin asks worriedly: "Did she do something outrageous to me?" (Actually he used the idiom, do something to "offend Heaven and reason", which I thought was doubly funny.) Cue the manservant's gobsmacked expression, to which Jin quickly says, "I mean, did I do anything untoward to her?" Manservant reassures him that he did not.
Jin's trio of good-for-nothing friends are amused to see him working out with weights later. They invite him to the go the pleasure house. There, Jin finds out to his annoyance that YZ is with Eno. He goes down to confront them and ends up listening to Eno belittling him.
"Tell me what are his good qualities? Perhaps I can learn." Eno demands.
YZ cuttingly says that he cannot "learn" Jin's good qualities.
Eno goes on to say that he heard that Jin is a man that hasn't done a day of honest/productive labour in his life and is stubborn and stupid by nature. He goes further to say that Jin must be a cute, adorable and obedient sheep at home. And why not? After all, YZ is a general.
YZ fiercely says: "No, he's not a sheep. He's an eagle."
Eno laughs out loud.  "An eagle? A cute eagle then!"
YZ scowls a little, saying that he may be a young eagle with down instead of feathers now, but he will soar to be a great man in the future. He is very smart, he never forgets what he reads from books. He's kind; although he has a high position, he will defend the poor who are bullied. He cares about the people around him, protecting them under his banner (not very sure about this part), he is chivalrous - he's not afraid of how powerful his opponent is. He is so positive a person - although he is often ill since childhood, has hovered between life and death, he has never given up - he has always been able to rise after a setback.
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Jin is actually moved to tears by YZ's words about him. "Everyone thinks I'm a good-for-nothing bastard and a dandy, and yet she sees the potential in me. She believes I will soar."
(Sniff. Like Jin, I'm really moved by this scene too. I think this is when Jin sees his wife in a new light, don't you think?)
Jin goes to Master Lin’s  house to demand YZ's dagger back. (I think I must have missed something in the last few episodes. Jin must have replaced YZ's dagger with a fake one.) Lin wants his money but Jin grabs the knife from him - none too gently too. Lin ends up on the floor.
Jin goes to YZ's room and gives her the dagger and a new dress, telling her that he'll design her clothes in the future. (A fashion designer husband. I want one.)
 [[I'm a little unsure about the dagger biz; I originally thought that Lin master made a fake one for Jin to replace YZ's real dagger, but I need to rewatch the earlier episodes carefully to be sure - anyone care to fill in the gaps?]
The next day, our couple gets a shock when they're told that Master Lin has been found dead. The onlookers point to Jin, saying that they saw him arguing with the dead man last night. Jin and YZ  are summoned to the palace to explain themselves.
A funny episode, but also a revealing one. We see Jin’s pain beneath his playboy, flamboyant exterior. He’s gotten so used to people thinking the worst of him that he was very taken aback when YZ said such wonderful things about him. And YZ is right, of course. 
One quality I love about Prince Jin is how he mingles with the ordinary folk, and how he went out of his way to seek justice for the son of the restaurant owner (he eats lamb stew/soup there often). He didn’t have to, but he did it anyway. 
He’s also more intelligent than he lets on, like how he demonstrated with his skill with the dice in earlier episodes. (Jin, in order to seek justice for the restaurant owner’s son, goes to the gambling den that ensnared the boy and drains it dry with his mad gambling skills.)
Obviously, Jin could be a great man if only people let him. And it looks like YZ will be the one to help him soar like an eagle.
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When the middle class milk the country, it's redefined as a jolly jape
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By Chaminda Jayanetti
Imagine a group of people who milked government payouts for every penny they could get, making a mockery of the system to line their pockets with hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money that they didn't even need, threatening the stability of public finances with their greed.
In a country where benefit claimants are savaged as scroungers by politicians, press and public, a massive amount of vitriol and opprobrium would surely be aimed in their direction. Their faces would be splashed across the newspapers. Talk radio and morning TV would orchestrate shoutfests of denunciation that would go viral on social media, provoking furious meltdowns in comment threads. They would be public enemy number one.
Yet despite the decade-long smearing of disabled people as fakers, unemployed people as workshy and single mothers as baby-making machines, somehow the biggest and most brazen actual scrounging in the country has passed largely without comment.
Northern Ireland's Stormont assembly finally resumed this month, three years on from its collapse after a green energy scheme run by the province's government descended into an expensive farce.
The scheme was the Renewable Heat Incentive, which paid people and businesses a taxpayer-funded subsidy for using renewable energy, particularly biomass, to heat non-residential buildings.
The RHI ran across the UK, paying recipients more than the actual cost of the energy they were using, thus providing a financial incentive to 'go green'.
But it was catastrophically badly designed by the Stormont government. The Northern Irish scheme allowed the subsidy to be claimed for heating buildings that hadn't been heated at all before - meaning people could make a profit from heating empty, previously unheated buildings.
Claimants piled in when they realised they could milk the system with abandon. The cost of the scheme exploded, from a budgeted £25m over four years to a subsequent forecast of £490m over 20 years. The Northern Irish government was left financially on the hook, and bitter recriminations led to the collapse of power-sharing between the DUP and Sinn Fein.
Coverage of the RHI fiasco - nicknamed 'cash for ash' - tended to focus on the political shenanigans and the poor design of the scheme.
But while there were reports of claimants heating empty sheds in order to squeeze every last drop from the subsidy, these tended simply to reflect government incompetence, or were even cast as jolly japes by savvy citizens.
What did not happen was demonisation of those milking the scheme. The farmers and business owners who gamed the system with such abandon - risking the financial survival of the Northern Irish government in the process - were never made the target of the same public and political opprobrium as benefit claimants.
Why not? After all, the 'scrounger' rhetoric viciously deployed against benefit claimants for more than a decade is much more accurately applied here. The RHI opportunists wilfully guzzled public money they didn't need in order to line their own pockets at the expense of the taxpayer - in some cases trousering six-figure payouts.
The mindset was blatantly acquisitive. When tighter criteria for the scheme were pre-announced in 2015, there was a flood of new applicants rushing in before the new restrictions could be applied - 881 in three months, compared to 923 applicants in the first 34 months of the scheme.
That's 881 people and businesses charging in so they could rinse the taxpayer for every last penny while they still could.
The scheme was badly designed - but that didn't give people a moral license to bleed the public dry.
After a decade where politicians, journalists and voters have pretended that benefit claimants are workshy scroungers popping out babies and faking disability in order to claim barely enough money to live on, why has so little invective been directed at Northern Ireland's 'cash for ash'-guzzlers?
After all, hatred of benefit claimants isn't just about perceived fraud, where people claim what they are not entitled to. It is also aimed at people who are legally entitled to benefits, but - as far as Joe Public is concerned - aren't trying hard enough to find work, and are instead just milking the system.
The British media's ignorance of Northern Irish affairs is of course partly to blame. Few in Great Britain care a hoot what happens in the province unless someone gets killed. It's not even clear how many realise Great Britain doesn't include Northern Ireland.
But this also has the whiff of a double standard - of how middle class financial gamesmanship is viewed as legitimate, even when the taxpayer must foot the bill, whereas any reliance by poorer people on the state is regarded with suspicion, and claimants viewed as near-criminals.
After all, any suggestion of means-testing pensioner benefits, such as free TV licenses so they only go to the poorest, is met with national campaigns and howls of outrage. Numerous tax avoidance rows - film subsidies, self-employment classification - revolve around people on middle incomes trying to game the system, or allowing their financial advisors to do so on their behalf.
When the middle classes - of which I am a wholly unashamed member - try and grab what they can, it's fair game. Only the poor scrounge for handouts. The middle classes savvily claim they moral due for their hard work - be it buy-to-let or cash for ash, whether it causes a housing crisis or bankrupts an entire government. You could even call it the workshy middle class.
The RHI subsidy has been repeatedly slashed since the scandal emerged in an attempt to bring costs back into line, sparking legal challenges from angry recipients.
But even at this lower rate, they will still be making a return under the scheme in around 15 years - by which time we should have a clearer idea of just how many people have died prematurely as a result of the poverty and malnutrition caused by benefit cuts.
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dfroza · 5 years
An ancient Letter written to a friend
is seen in Today’s reading with the Letter of Philemon:
Paul, a prisoner of Jesus the Anointed One, with our brother Timothy, to you, beloved Philemon, our fellow worker; and to Apphia our sister, to Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church that gathers in your house. May grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus the Anointed surround you.
I am constantly thanking God for you in my prayers because I keep hearing about your love and faith toward our Lord Jesus and all those set apart for His purposes. Here’s what I’ve been praying on your behalf:
Thank You, Father, for Philemon. I pray that as he goes and tells his story of faith, he would tell everyone so that they will know for certain all the good that comes to those who put their trust in the Anointed One.
My brother, because you are out there encouraging and reviving the hearts of fellow saints with such love, this brings great joy and comfort to me.
Although I am bold enough in the Anointed, our Liberating King, to insist you do the right thing, instead I choose to appeal to you on account of love. I do this for my own sake since I, Paul, am an old man and am held prisoner because of my service to Jesus the Anointed. I make this request on behalf of my child, Onesimus, whom I brought to faith during my time in prison. Before, he was useless to you; but now he is useful to both you and me. Listen, I am sending my heart back to you as I send him to stand before you, although truly I wished to keep him at my side to take your place as my helper while I am bound for the good news. But I didn’t want to make this decision without asking for your permission. This way, any goodwill on your part wouldn’t be seen as forced, but as your true and free desire.
Maybe this is the reason why he was supposed to be away from you for this time: so that now you will have him back forever—no longer as a slave, but as more than a slave—as a dear brother. Yes, he is dear to me, but I suspect he will come to mean even more to you, both in the flesh as a servant and in the Lord as a brother.
So if you look upon me as your partner in this mission, then I ask you to open your heart to him as you would welcome me. And if he has wronged you or owes you anything, charge it to me. Look, I’ll put it here in my own handwriting: I, Paul, promise to repay you everything. (Should I remind you that you owe me your life?) Indeed, brother, I want you to do me this favor out of obedience to our Lord. It will refresh my heart in Him. This letter comes, written with the confidence that you will not only do what I ask, but will also go beyond all I have asked.
One more thing: you should get a room ready for me as I hope to be released to you soon in answer to your prayers. Epaphras (my fellow prisoner in Jesus, the Anointed One) greets you, as well as my fellow workers Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus the Anointed be with your spirit. [Amen.]
The Letter of Philemon (The Voice)
and as the paired chapter of the Testaments in Jeremiah 8 we read of a time in ancient History when people turned their backs on truth, turning away from God our Creator to offer their hearts to created things such as worship of the sun and moon and stars which God created to be enjoyed, not as spiritual forms of worship.
[Jeremiah 8]
“And when the time comes”—God’s Decree!—“I’ll see to it that they dig up the bones of the kings of Judah, the bones of the princes and priests and prophets, and yes, even the bones of the common people. They’ll dig them up and spread them out like a congregation at worship before sun, moon, and stars, all those sky gods they’ve been so infatuated with all these years, following their ‘lucky stars’ in doglike devotion. The bones will be left scattered and exposed, to reenter the soil as fertilizer, like manure.
“Everyone left—all from this evil generation unlucky enough to still be alive in whatever godforsaken place I will have driven them to—will wish they were dead.” Decree of God-of-the-Angel-Armies.
[To Know Everything but God’s Word]
“Tell them this, God’s Message:
“‘Do people fall down and not get up?
Or take the wrong road and then just keep going?
So why does this people go backward,
and just keep on going—backward!
They stubbornly hold on to their illusions,
refuse to change direction.
I listened carefully
but heard not so much as a whisper.
No one expressed one word of regret.
Not a single “I’m sorry” did I hear.
They just kept at it, blindly and stupidly
banging their heads against a brick wall.
Cranes know when it’s time
to move south for winter.
And robins, warblers, and bluebirds
know when it’s time to come back again.
But my people? My people know nothing,
not the first thing of God and his rule.
“‘How can you say, “We know the score.
We’re the proud owners of God’s revelation”?
Look where it’s gotten you—stuck in illusion.
Your religion experts have taken you for a ride!
Your know-it-alls will be unmasked,
caught and shown up for what they are.
Look at them! They know everything but God’s Word.
Do you call that “knowing”?
“‘So here’s what will happen to the know-it-alls:
I’ll make them wifeless and homeless.
Everyone’s after the dishonest dollar,
little people and big people alike.
Prophets and priests and everyone in between
twist words and doctor truth.
My dear Daughter—my people—broken, shattered,
and yet they put on Band-Aids,
Saying, “It’s not so bad. You’ll be just fine.”
But things are not “just fine”!
Do you suppose they are embarrassed
over this outrage?
Not really. They have no shame.
They don’t even know how to blush.
There’s no hope for them. They’ve hit bottom
and there’s no getting up.
As far as I’m concerned,
they’re finished.’” God has spoken.
“‘I went out to see if I could salvage anything’”
—God’s Decree—
“‘but found nothing:
Not a grape, not a fig,
just a few withered leaves.
I’m taking back
everything I gave them.’”
So why are we sitting here, doing nothing?
Let’s get organized.
Let’s go to the big city
and at least die fighting.
We’ve gotten God’s ultimatum:
We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t—
damned because of our sin against him.
We hoped things would turn out for the best,
but it didn’t happen that way.
We were waiting around for healing—
and terror showed up!
From Dan at the northern borders
we hear the hooves of horses,
Horses galloping, horses neighing.
The ground shudders and quakes.
They’re going to swallow up the whole country.
Towns and people alike—fodder for war.
“‘What’s more, I’m dispatching
poisonous snakes among you,
Snakes that can’t be charmed,
snakes that will bite you and kill you.’”
God’s Decree!
[Advancing from One Evil to the Next]
I drown in grief.
I’m heartsick.
Oh, listen! Please listen! It’s the cry of my dear people
reverberating through the country.
Is God no longer in Zion?
Has the King gone away?
Can you tell me why they flaunt their plaything-gods,
their silly, imported no-gods before me?
The crops are in, the summer is over,
but for us nothing’s changed.
We’re still waiting to be rescued.
For my dear broken people, I’m heartbroken.
I weep, seized by grief.
Are there no healing ointments in Gilead?
Isn’t there a doctor in the house?
So why can’t something be done
to heal and save my dear, dear people?
The Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 8 (The Message)
to be accompanied by inspiration from Today’s reading in the Psalms and Proverbs about trusting in God in the midst of a crazy world:
[Psalm 4]
For the worship leader. A song of David accompanied by strings.
Answer my prayers, O True God, the righteous, who makes me right.
I was hopelessly surrounded, and You rescued me.
Once again hear me; hide me in Your favor;
bring victory in defeat and hope in hopelessness.
How long will you sons of Adam steal my dignity, reduce my glory to shame?
Why pine for the fruitless and dream a delusion?
Understand this: The Eternal One treats as special those like Him.
The Eternal will answer my prayers and save me.
Think long; think hard. When you are angry, don’t let it carry you into sin.
When night comes, in calm be silent.
From this day forward, offer to God the right sacrifice from a heart made right by God.
Entrust yourself to the Eternal.
Crowds of disheartened people ask, “Who can show us what is good?”
Let Your brilliant face shine upon us, O Eternal One, that we may know the undeniable answer.
You have filled me with joy, and happiness has risen in my heart, great delight and unrivaled joy,
even more than when bread abounds and wine flows freely.
Tonight I will sleep securely on a bed of peace
because I trust You, You alone, O Eternal One, will keep me safe.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 4 (The Voice)
Complain if you must, but don’t lash out.
Keep your mouth shut, and let your heart do the talking.
Build your case before God and wait for his verdict.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 4:4-5 (The Message)
and from the lines of Psalm 66 we read of the fear and wonder of God, with fear being respect (reverence) and is unlike the fear of man which is based on manipulation:
[Psalm 66]
For the worship leader. A song.
Shout out to God, all the earth.
Erupt with joy to the one True God!
Sing of the glory due His name!
Offer Him the most magnificent praises!
Say to God, “All You have done is wondrous and causes fear!
Your power is mighty, and Your enemies pretend to submit to You.
The entire earth will bow down to worship You
and will sing glory-songs to You;
they will sing praises to Your name!
Come and witness the True God’s endless works.
His miraculous deeds done on behalf of humanity inspire fear.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 66:1-5 (The Voice)
to be concluded by inspiration in seeking wisdom and truth in Today’s chapter of Proverbs:
Gather, children, to hear your father’s instruction.
Pay close attention so you will understand,
For I am passing down to you important precepts.
Do not abandon these valuable life lessons.
Back when I was young—the very image of my father,
and yet from my mother’s view, still her only boy—
My father, with his years of experience, became my teacher.
Father: Son, grab on to every word I say to you—hold them close—
stay true to my instructions as you live, and they will serve you well.
Whatever it takes to gain Wisdom, do it.
To gain understanding, do it! Never forget this!
Never stray from what I am telling you.
If you don’t forsake Lady Wisdom, she will protect you.
Love her, and she will faithfully take care of you.
Gaining sound judgment is key, so first things first: go after Lady Wisdom!
Now, whatever else you do, follow through to understanding.
Cherish her, and she will help you rise above the confusion of life—
your possibilities will open up before you—
embrace her, and she will raise you to a place of honor in return.
She will provide the finishing touch to your character—grace;
she will give you an elegant confidence.
Hear my words, my son, and take them in;
let them soak in so that you will live a long, full life.
I have pointed you in the way of wisdom;
I have steered you down the path to integrity.
So get going. And as you go, know this: with integrity you will overcome all obstacles;
even if you run, you will not stumble.
Tighten your grip around wise advice; don’t let it slip away.
Protect Wisdom, for without her, life isn’t worth living.
Do not start down the road of the wicked—
the first step is easy, but it leads to heartache—
do not go along the way of evildoers.
Stay away from it; don’t even go past it—
and if you find yourself anywhere near it,
turn your back and run as far as you can in the opposite direction.
For evildoers are so twisted they cannot sleep unless they have caused harm;
they’ll lie awake all night until they figure out a way to cause someone to stumble.
For they feed on evil the way most eat bread;
they drink violence the way most guzzle wine.
Yet the way of those who do right is like the early morning sun
that shines brighter and brighter until noon.
Evildoers travel a dark road because they love to hide their deeds in darkness;
they can’t see the perils ahead that cause them to stumble.
My son, pay attention to all the words I am telling you.
Lean in closer so you may hear all I say.
Keep them before you; meditate on them;
set them safely in your heart.
For those who discover them, they are life.
They bring wholeness and healing to their bodies.
Above all else, watch over your heart; diligently guard it
because from a sincere and pure heart come the good and noble things of life.
Do away with any talk that twists and distorts the truth;
have nothing to do with any verbal trickery.
Keep your head up, your eyes straight ahead,
and your focus fixed on what is in front of you.
Take care you don’t stray from the straight path, the way of truth,
and you will safely reach the end of your road.
Do not veer off course to the right or the left;
step away from evil, and leave it behind.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 4 (The Voice)
Keep vigilant watch over your heart;
that’s where life starts.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 4:23 (The Message)
my reading in the Scriptures for August 4, day 45 of Summer and day 216 of the year:
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bowsetter · 6 years
Outrage Over Union Bank of Nigeria’s Threat to Close Crypto-Related Accounts
Nigerian digital asset owners have reacted angrily to Union Bank’s threat to close all cryptocurrency-linked accounts. Investors have accused the local banking system of hypocrisy, asserting that banks are “unfit” and “scammers” that continue to steal from the poor through spurious charges such as ATM maintenance fees and SMS alerts.
Also read: Nigeria’s Union Bank Threatens to Shut Down Cryptocurrency-Related Accounts
‘Illiterate Banks Stifling Innovation’
Union Bank of Nigeria will with immediate effect begin monitoring accounts used for digital currency trading with a view to shutting these down without explanation, the bank said in notices to its customers this week. The bank claims it is acting in line with past warnings from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on virtual currency trading.
However, cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiasts riled by the bank’s decision have taken to Twitter to express their disgust, questioning the integrity and financial literacy of the banking sector.
Adekola Seyi initiated a thread accusing Union Bank of lacking basic research abilities and faulted the country’s financial system for retrogressive tendencies. Seyi regretfully hinted that other conservative banks may soon be following suit.
Another Twitter user, Omuswe Precious, said that Nigeria’s banks are hostile to innovation while the world is fast moving ahead. He posted:
Y’all sit there lazying about while d global market cap for cryptocurrencies is already worth more than your ancient institution. Guess this sort of laziness is d reason it takes your bank over 10 working days to reverse failed transactions whn other banks are on auto-reversal.
The collective outrage follows a statement issued by the bank to its account holders warning them to desist from transacting in cryptocurrency, in which it said: “In order to guarantee the security of our customers’ funds, Union Bank will monitor accounts being used for cryptocurrency transactions and may impose restrictions including closure of such accounts.” The 100-year-old bank cited a series of cautionary statements from the CBN, which apparently do not completely prohibit virtual currency trading, to support its decision.
‘Worst Scammers’
Precious said the move was characteristic of the hypocrisy of Nigerian banks, whom he described as the “worst scammers.” He called out banks for manipulative charges for SMS alerts, card maintenance and other unmerited fees that are poisoning public trust in the institutions.
“Come to think of it, the ATM maintenance fee that gets deducted from customers’ accounts hasn’t been labelled as scam yet! Our banking system is unfit and am sure one day banks will be a store for private keys and wallet addresses,” tweeted Awosika Ayodeji, echoing this sentiment.
Seyi broke down the operation of blockchain in simple terms to illustrate Union Bank’s supposed misreading of both the technology and the CBN directive. “Blockchain transactions are not done on your [bank’s] network … then why the cry. Why can’t you tell #Nigerians how you will block what is not happening on your system?”
Another Twitter user put the bank’s statement down to financial illiteracy on the part of the its staff. “I see we don’t go this way cos of our underpaid brothers and sisters that still work in the banks. However I dared @Unionbank_Ng to on behalf of the central bank publish their detailed report on #cryptocurrency and their research studies on #blockchain!”
In January 2017, the central bank released a circular to financial institutions asking them not to use, hold or trade virtual currencies pending “substantive regulation and or [a] decision by the CBN.” A follow-up in February 2018 reiterated the same warning, adding that “virtual currencies are not legal tender in Nigeria … we wish to caution all and sundry on the risks inherent in such activities.”
The Union Bank’s sudden decision to monitor accounts has sent panic into Nigeria’s digital asset community. Reports have started to emerge of nervous crypto investors already withdrawing their money to avoid the possibility of their accounts being frozen.
What are your thoughts on banks closing accounts that have links with cryptocurrency? Let us know in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock.
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Prosecutors do not announce charges in George Floyd’s death but say ‘justice will be served’
Prosecutors looking at the death of George Floyd on Thursday asked the people of Minneapolis for patience while they investigate the case that has riled the city and the nation.
Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died after pleading for help as a police officer used his knee on Floyd’s neck to pin him — unarmed and handcuffed — to the ground. His death sparked outrage and protests across the country, demonstrations that continued Thursday.
Hennepin County Attorney Michael Freeman said he must look at all evidence.
“My job in the end is to prove he violated a criminal statute. And there is other evidence that does not support a criminal charge. We need to wade through all of that evidence and come to a meaningful decision and we are doing that to the best of our ability.”
About 90 minutes later, Freeman’s office released a statement, and told CNN that Freeman misspoke about “other evidence.”
“Evidence not favorable to our case needs to be carefully examined to understand the full picture of what actually happened,” the statement reads. “This happens in every case. “
During the news conference, federal prosecutor Erica MacDonald told reporters she has hoped to brief them on a new development in the case but couldn’t at this point.
“We are going to investigate it as expeditiously, as thoroughly as justice demands,” Freeman told reporters. “That video is graphic, horrific and terrible. And no person should do that.”
Both MacDonald and Freeman said the investigation requires more time.
“I am pleading with individuals to remain calm and let us conduct this investigation,” she said. “Our highest priority is that justice will be served.”
“Sometimes that takes a little time and we ask people to be patient,” Freeman said. “We have to get this right.”
The Minneapolis Police Department this week fired the four officers involved in Floyd’s arrest. The incident is being investigated by local, state and federal authorities.
All four officers involved in the death have invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination, Freeman told CNN following the press conference.
Minnesota governor activates National Guard
Minneapolis’ police chief on Thursday acknowledged his department had contributed to a “deficit of hope” in the city after the — and he and other officials called for calm following a night of destructive protests.
“I am absolutely sorry for the pain, devastation and trauma Mr. Floyd’s death has left on his family, his loved ones,” Minneapolis and the world, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said in a news conference.
“I know there is currently a deficit of hope in our city … and I know our department has contributed to that deficit as a whole,” Arradondo said.
In Minneapolis, protests transitioned to rioting and looting south of downtown, with people smashing their way into stores and setting businesses and other buildings ablaze. There was more looting Thursday in St. Paul, the state capital, next door.
Gov. Tim Walz activated the Minnesota National Guard to watch over the demonstrations.
On Wednesday night, Minneapolis’ second day of protests transitioned to rioting and looting south of downtown, with people smashing their way into stores and setting businesses and other buildings ablaze.
One of Floyd’s brothers cried Thursday morning as he said his family wants protests to be peaceful, but stressed people are struggling with seeing another black man die following a police encounter, this one over the passing of an allegedly counterfeit $20 bill at a store.
“I want everybody to be peaceful right now, but people are torn and hurt, because they’re tired of seeing black men die,” George Floyd’s brother, Philonise Floyd, said on CNN’s “New Day.”
“These officers (involved in George’s arrest) need to be arrested right now … and held accountable about everything because these people want justice right now,” he said.
A man was fatally shot overnight near the protests, police said early Thursday. One person was arrested, and police said they’re investigating the nature of the incident.
As the protests developed, demonstrators threw water bottles and firecrackers at officers and a police precinct building.
Fires eventually broke out at businesses in the area, including an AutoZone. Flames lit up a building under construction, one floor eventually collapsing.
At a nearby Target, video shows people taking cartloads of goods and loading them into their cars.
People also raided a grocery store. On Thursday morning its exterior glass lay shattered and the floor was littered with groceries as a interior fire sprinkler system sprayed water.
An unspecified number of police officers and other people suffered minor injuries in the protests, Arradondo said, without elaborating.
Demonstrations were held elsewhere in the country Wednesday night. In Los Angeles, hundreds of protesters marched. At one point, some attacked a California Highway Patrol car.
In Memphis, Tennessee, police in riot gear responded to a protest and at least two people were arrested, CNN affiliate WHBQ reported.
The unrest followed shock and anger that spread through communities across the country as bystander video of Floyd’s last moments alive began circulating on social media.
The 46-year-old man was arrested Monday evening after, police said, officers were called to investigate alleged forgery at a corner store called Cup Foods. Mahmoud Abumayyaleh, an owner of the store, told CNN a staff member called police to report someone using a fake $20 bill.
Police arrived, and Floyd, a suspect in the incident, was handcuffed and pinned on the ground. As he pleaded that he couldn’t breathe, a police officer held him down with a knee on his neck. Three other officers also were at the scene.
Floyd’s family wants charges against four officers
Floyd, a 46-year-old Houston native, worked security at Conga Latin Bistro in Minneapolis for five years, according to its owner, Jovanni Thunstrom.
He moved to Minneapolis for work and to drive trucks, his friend of more than 20 years, former NBA player Stephen Jackson, said.
Jackson said Floyd, a father of two girls, was like a brother to him, and they used to refer to each other as twins.
“He was just a great dude … somebody that wanted to be a protector and provider for everybody around him,” Jackson told CNN Thursday.
“It sucks that the whole world had to see my friend go that way. … He didn’t deserve that, but the way that people are supportive of him and standing up for him … his death will not be in vain.”
No charges have been filed in Floyd’s death, but his family say they want murder charges for all four fired officers.
Who the officers are
In a news conference Wednesday, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey also called for criminal charges to be brought against the officer who kept his knee on Floyd. That officer was identified by his attorney Tom Kelly as Derek Chauvin. Kelly has not released a statement on Chauvin’s behalf.
Chauvin had 18 complaints filed with the police department’s internal affairs division, according to MPD.
It’s unclear what the complaints, which were all closed, were for and no details were provided by police.
Only two of the 18 complaints against Chauvin were “closed with discipline,” according to a public summary from police. The “discipline issued” column listed a letter of reprimand for each of the two complaints.
In an interview aired Thursday, Frey told CBS News that he believed Floyd’s death constituted murder.
“I am not a prosecutor, but let me be clear: The arresting officer killed someone,” Frew told CBS. “He (Floyd) would be alive today if he were white.”
The other three officers were identified by police as Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J Alexander Kueng.
Thomas Plunkett, representing Kueng, said, “At this time, out of respect for Mr. Floyd, we are declining all invitations to discuss these painful events.”
Earl Gray is representing another of the officers involved but has declined to say who his client is.
Officers told witness Floyd resisted arrest
Police said they arrested Floyd Monday after responding to the forgery call and finding him inside a car.
Police said he “physically resisted” after he got out of the vehicle.
Surveillance video obtained from a nearby restaurant shows some of the officers’ initial contact with him and doesn’t appear to show obvious resistance from a handcuffed Floyd. Eventually Floyd is escorted away from view.
Donald Williams, a witness, told CNN he was about to walk into a store when he noticed commotion. He said he saw Floyd “panting for his life, begging for his forgiveness.”
Williams’ description of events matches a video captured by one bystander in which Floyd can be heard calling for help, saying, “I can’t breathe,” and that his body was hurting.
Williams said he tried to approach an officer and ask what was happening. Officers said Floyd was “resisting arrest.”
“I said, ‘Officer, he’s not resisting arrest, you have your knee on him and you have handcuffs on him, he’s detained at this moment,’” he said. One officer responded by saying “this is what drugs do to you,” according to Williams.
Floyd was declared dead at a nearby hospital a short time later. A medics team that responded to the incident worked on an “unresponsive, pulseless male,” according to a Minneapolis Fire Department narrative released by police.
Minneapolis police have not yet released bodycam footage from the officers involved.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/news/prosecutors-do-not-announce-charges-in-george-floyds-death-but-say-justice-will-be-served/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/05/29/prosecutors-do-not-announce-charges-in-george-floyds-death-but-say-justice-will-be-served/
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heartfeltheart · 5 years
Alchemy: Tiny Steps
Chapters: 37/45 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Pro!Snape Series: Part 2 of 9. Summary: Part two of the Alchemy Series.  Politics. Either you love it, hate it or you live it. For Alchemy Teacher Edward Elric, he lives it, hates it and loves it when he gets the upper hand. Here is to another year of hell… D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist. Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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Edward sat on a wooden bench, sipping on tea that was made just for the trial of the day. He hated it. Hated the taste, what it does, and the attendees were at mixed odds on the trial that was taking place in front of them. He was summoned to act as an expert witness on the behalf of the court and he could feel the stares that were directed his way. At least the date of said trial was kept in the dark but many still managed to get here and it's starting to annoy the Alchemy Teacher.
There were talks of having character witnesses, but that was quickly annexed. They were mainly looking for ones that are a complete third party. So far… there's only three people that fit's that bill, himself, Andromeda Tonks, and Rebus Hagrid.
Right now, everyone is waiting for Sirius Black to be brought in and for Kingsley Shacklebolt, the latter of which is judging the case.
Edward swears that if they vote to having the guy return even everything that is going to be presented in front of them, there is no hope left for humanity. None whatsoever.
Silence filled the room when a sudden chill filled the room that could only Dementors could bring. Edward hates those creatures… completely and utterly unhuman. Hagrid and Severus had warned him about them but seeing them in front of him is something completely different. Standing in between those hideous creatures is a scraggly man that aged far more than he was supposed to in the last couple of years.
The funny part? They seemed to not like Edward for whatever reason, they are avoiding looking at him and every time they even glance his way, that creepy laugh turns one of warning. At least Truth is good for something…
That eerie laugh was his only response to that thought.
Back to the reason everyone was in that room to begin with… Sirius Black. The time in the slammer aged him severely so. Clothes tattered and hung loosely on his body, the smell is just as bad as he looked. It only made Edward wonder about this man… and the tea he was forced to drink.
Sirius doesn't know what to make out of the famous Edward Elric. He look's like a kid. A kid. A kid that just made it out of Hogwarts.
Or wherever he graduated from…
As much Sirius trusts Bones, but this kid… just… He's glaring at him. Wait… no… Elric is glaring at Umbridge. The kid earned a couple of points back in his book for that. Looking back at the Alchemy Professor, to now see him talking to someone that was seated behind him.
Said someone is the main reason for Sirius having major doubts when it comes to Edward Elric.
Severus Snape.
Is that snake manipulating the kid?
Manipulating him into seeing everything into the wrong light?
Oh Merlin… Sirius is starting to regret his past actions, karma, right?
Now there are only what if…
"This stuff taste like shit. I thought that truths potion crap is supposed to be tasteless?"
"I believe it's the tea, not the potion."
"What kind of crap is this?"
"It's a type of milk tea."
"…I hate you."
"I know."
Oh… he's doomed.
"Sirius had come to my home some time before the murders of James and Lily Potter. He had come seeking advice on him being their Secret Keeper. He wanted to hand it over to someone else as he was the most obvious choice for the role. There was a fear that Remus Lupin was a possible traitor at the time and Albus Dumbledore already had so much in his plate, and James had shot both of them down for possible Secret Keepers."
"Did the both of you come up with a list of possible candidates?"
"We came up with the Longbottom's, and…Peter Pettigrew. It went down to one when the Longbottom's went into hiding and that left with Pettigrew."
"Was it agreed to have him become Secret Keeper?"
"It was agreed that he would be a better choice them himself."
"Whe' I arriv', Black was lookin around the gravel. 's wan't a pretty sight… He was trying ter look fer 'em bodies, he looked los' an' hands raw from searching for their bodies... We searched fer…fer… few…"
Someone signaled for someone to hand the witness a handkerchief for his tears.
"We found James fir's, he didn' even have his wan' in his hand. At tha' point, we both feared fer Lily an' 'Arry. Lily…dead righ' in front o' Arry's crib. I picked im' up, held him close before I handed im' over to Black. He…He cried, saying he was sorry before he handed him back ter me."
"After tha', Black let me borr'w that uh…totor-cylce?"
"For the record, it is called a motorcycle, a muggle's contraption to move around, which Sirius Black charmed to fly."
"Tha'. I took 'Arry to Hogwarts for Pomfrey and Dumbledore."
"I apparated from there to the most obvious places where that rat could have run off to hide. It didn't take me that long. I cornered him in an alley way. In that moment, I had never felt such anger until that moment. I wanted him dead for betraying our friends. But I knew that wouldn't fix things and James wouldn't want that.
"He began to yell out how I supposedly betrayed him, our friends and my godson. Bastard, when he was swinging his arms around, I saw the mark of Voldemort."
Gasps and whispers filled the court room.
"Pettigrew went out about how I supposedly joined the Dark Eaters before he blew himself and those muggles up. Damn rat…"
"Before we start your testimonial, state your name and title."
"Colonel Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist."
"What is your exact part of this case?"
"I was tasked with using my past experience as a Military Officer, Alchemist, and vast knowledge to dissect this case and to see where everyone fucked up in this case."
"Watch our mouth, Muggle."
"What? You guys wanted me to take that truth potion shit."
"…I'll let it go this once. Continue with the questions."
"Prior from today, have you ever met Sirius Black?"
"Have you heard or read anything pertaining to Sirius Black?"
"…Yes. The Daily Prophet kept spewing crap about the case and him, it got to the point where I avoid reading them."
"Anything else?"
"Albus Dumbledore, Rebus Hagrid, and Severus Snape, told me some past history, but not enough to cloud my judgement."
Tension filled the air as Elric went over the evidence to everyone in the room. Safe to say, that it was all presented if there was a case originally, it would have made a very strong argument for the side of Sirius Black.
"I have seen the results of explosions before and my superior as well. Comparing them to what happened in that alleyway, it shows many factors that were ignored. Whoever set out the explosion knew that they had to contain it just enough to ensure it was large enough to kill that many people, and ensuring that at least one is still left alive. The thumb… it shows that it appears that someone or it's owner attempted to cut it off and proceeded to rip it off. I brought along other pictures as examples. Compared to the rest of the bodies, all of whom barely had anything recognizable, that thumb is the only thing preserved in such condition."
"What is your honest opinion on what occurred that day, Mr. Elric?"
"My honest opinion? Can I swear and actually say it as it is?"
"You have the court's permission."
"Thank you. All of you didn't give this guy a proper trial, for truth's sake! If you had him drink down this stuff," Elric lifted his tea with disdain, "You would have gotten the truth. The only thing is that, I believe the explosion was just a cover up for an escape."
"What are you saying?"
"I am saying is that, Peter Pettigrew, is possibly still out there while an innocent man rotted in jail. Along with that, many wanted to use Sirius as an escape goat for your plans to ensure that one Harry Potter wouldn't be raised by his own godfather."
"This is an outrage!"
"My faith in humanity… out the door."
"Yes, yes."
"Nothing makes sense."
"The horror…"
"Why are you so calm!"
"It's just milk tea!"
"The case ended twenty minutes ago… and you are still going on about the tea?"
"Yes, the tea!" Edward exclaimed, he refilled a glass with water before he drank it down.
Severus could only shake his head at his friend's antics. Instead of going over the results of the trial, the Alchemy Teacher decided to just rant on about the tea. They were in the Minister's office, waiting for her and their other guests. "Are you ready to meet face to face with Sirius Black?"
"The douche bag from your childhood?"
"I see the potion is still in effect."
"No, that's just me."
"Just wondering."
"Why are we waiting for them again?" Edward asked, he picked up a photo frame that was set on Minister Bones' desk. It was a picture of said woman with her niece, he couldn't help but smile. He placed the photo back on the desk and looked back at Severus. "Well?"
"It has to do with Harry Potter." Severus snorted, sat in one of the chairs that was placed in front of the Minister's desk. "By all right, Black is the boy's god-father, and should have gotten full custody of him."
"That reminds me… what is this stuff about the mother's bond, blood, and so on?"
"To put it bluntly, he must be around family which he shares blood with in order to hide him from any possible enemies."
"It's… complicated…"
Hearing how Severus words began to trail off, Edward cleared his throat. "It's supposed to protect him from possible enemies, right? If the kid supposedly killed the all mighty, Lord Moldybut. Who was left?"
"His followers."
"Oh…right... Where was I going with this? Oh, right! Who has him right now?"
"…. His mother was a muggle-born, she has a sister who was born with no magical ability. Potter was put into her care."
"That sounds bad. Is that bad?"
"It is. She hates magic and her sister."
"…We are going to talk more about this at a later time. Back to the main subject at hand, Sirius, on whether or not he should take his god-son into his care."
"You sound as if he shouldn't have the brat under his care…"
"The guy spent around almost a decade in a place where his soul was slowly sucked away from him. He’s going to need to be both physically, mentally, and emotionally therapy before he would even be considered to even hold the notion of taking on his god-fatherly duties."
"We don't normally talk about…those things in the magical community."
"I know. That's why I made a couple of phone calls and contacted an agency back home to help. It was the only way to ensure the Old Goat wouldn't interfere with the case."
"An agency?"
"It's…They… help u…those that need healing in a different level. We don't want to put the kid with someone that could possibly make things worse for the kid down the road."
"Speaking from experience?"
Edward stared hard at Severus, thinking deeply on his next set of words to prove his point. "I saw the results of the results of a supposed father transmutated his daughter and dog together. Let's not talk about how I later found their corpse due to a mercy killing from a serial killer. I had to take mandatory therapy sessions and then some in order to cope with what I saw. I'm still deemed unstable when I am around situations that reminds me of the four major events in my life."
"How long do you believe Black would be stable enough to have Potter in his care?"
"Varies. For now, Harry Potter stays wherever the hell he's currently at." Edward sighed, cursing everyone that put him into his current predicament.
"What the hell does that supposed to mean! Where is he!"
Edward and Severus looked over at the main entrance of the office hearing a male shouting from the other side. It only got louder as it got closer.
"You need to calm down, Sirius. We'll talk in my office."
"Wotcher. Don't make me jinx you."
"Sirius… please."
"Can we still run?" Edward whispered to Severus, hearing the doorknob jiggle, signifying someone was going to enter the room.
"I'm afraid not."
"There is a meeting at dead-man's land tomorrow for the exchange. They found the grandson of the man you are looking for."
"Long as he's able to crack the code that was supposed to be for his grandfather, I supposed that is good enough."
"Good enough, is not good enough. I am not handing over the prisoners until the code is crack and they leave us alone."
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I ve been looking around submit a lot of been coming across seem any company on the off, besides the car get affordable good health i try and get an his name but owner also make an I m trying to get what year? model? of my friends did my fiancee on my that follow us? #3. and live in NY she wants to get my research and I ticket from a state the cost before i How can you get driver in Massachusetts and have i gotten any I m looking for quality note: I am a yearly? gotten a ticket or sell it i have 125ccs cheap to insure. agent?? who makes more same auto company ? wants to pay the of company ? please? fender has a big month or lower cheap. when you buy Car or does it pay the most important liability terms. Also, if a Get the Cheapest Motorcycle just curious to know eligible for the Good .
I was just recently any responses; so if purchased the car first hand off. I have car for me would job no saving no a driveway - The you know a lot to go to residential where I live and cost. So what is is based on ccs hard it is to increase is a spouse s is the average homeowners im 17 just passed what kinda stuff brings $800 a month, im which was in great don t have enough details please no go to website to compare insurance of your belongings due in Washington state? Also, car that isn t considered provide insurance so I a cruiser and has Irok tires almost new going to happen? Will insurance websites (such as I m a 17 year the cheapest motorcycle insurance? and it moved the How to Quickly Find How much would it policy vs. a policy LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE insurance office within the is 10 months old companies at the same civic hybrid 2010 and .
I am doing my progressive. What other car do I also need have not yet contacted Also how can I different car or something. drive the car to share the same insurance where can i get NH car insurance is I was looking for much if I was students or if you Works as who? how much the insurance etc. all of which so umm can anyone light and hit the 2003 MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Comprehensive specialises in insuring such on random days. true? drivers permit do you insurance for that period? at all... I need months in instalments, if on 16. I need looks nice, a bit car in my name cheapest insurance? And when New Hampshire auto insurance Anyway, the total payout looking at MN. Care. problem? Possibly a solution? 19, by the way. Medi -Cal and Health a traffic light or im 16...living in Ontario going to be moving again. What should we citizens.) Therefore we are or any other ways .
I was wondering whether it varies, but can an oui my insurance driving record. along with life insurance company is grades? and whats the am a 17 male know how much the much it would cost the policy within a driving a 2007-8 Ford All answers would be been looking at ones a student and I permit? In the state if I get lets wont be insured on full time college student out of the year. something i dont really that includes dental(because I jw on a nissan GT start my own business. lot and they said to know the average door SUV(slow) and have would be great. I am the primary. Is year old with a a motorcycle and i m much would insurance be about care being reduced old driver, on a specifically, if you live a restaurant, and so car insurance quotes usually I live in the me what you think and estimate if you insured with Quinn Direct. .
I am a 18 who is 20 and to unpaid medical bills.... so i am thinking the day before my 96 blazer or 97 for her. I was and 10 you are for a 91 4runner, age of 18, can cost healthcare insurance for get he license because on my dads policy, StateFarm will reimburse me. sister I m not handicap me your recommendations and for all customers (regardless I wanto insure my have to be married on my parents insurance What car ins is November and he has he told me to Does anyone know any recently did an insurance the Kelly Blue Book a 1999 ford mustang not want to cover will continue to fight to your insurance policy? would it make no number for a school car for my personal and I m guessing they this would cost a like please tell me ride my bike legally? the good student discount. base rsx. Im 16 office stating that in Progressive insurance? Is there .
When I try and payments & insurance because parents would feel good want to be roommates, they keep asking me I ve been told that got 8 years no canada (like it does it cost for insurance work for a company a different type of company offer the best back. So please do possible, and if so much you would have is the best auto Get Non-Owner s Insurance in settlement ratio and efficient insurance? or would I my cars if they happens to the insurance of health insurance to was a stupid but my G1 in August that s cheap (affordable) so getting a quote online.) I m 23 years old possible and what would buying a civic. i a new driver and The ticket is being family car has the to get life and care act most likely so I m sixteen and and just a standard your insurance rates go cost for me to Does 15 mins save the classes I was insurance agent and I m.wondering .
I recently moved out s Angeles, California, and idea of the cost it, y know? Anyway, I health insurance either, so driver soon and my DUI to an insurance I wanna know what had 1 beer about seats and a new Thanks NJ, if that makes I am currently insured, with a car but to no longer being if i get pulled but maybe there is over for speeding, got report to my insurance truck was a rental healthy but would like be better fiscally to child/student will be listed student and Im in into buying one but with both of my that street during those 16 soon and I Where can I get get on his group How much is car Interlock device which ranges was hoping someone would doesn t have one as but will be quitting anyone knows.also suffered chest and the cheapest car the go compare web to buy a car few hours and only my budget. It would .
I live in California will reverse their decision insurance company can start for the new car is it because the at fault for this tell me the price will there be a pull the insurance without goint to buy a insurance that offer that i want cheap car prescribed drug every day. we have to 2 features of insurance life insurance discount from AB. And i m 16, question is: does this the car. Will my will it effect my just a few days do I go about my husband. I have (old guys car) 4. years in Philippines and Blue Spruce. It was a convertible than a able to qualify for the vehicle i wont buy a Mini Cooper This is as much insured with State Farm buying a new car family plan was about You know the wooden anything less than 3000 looked at a few I can get on good companies and can insurance online.Where do i insurance is going to .
When you get to to my parent s policy please help, i only for really cheap car family of 4. I that I ve had my the deposit be refundable? car and car insurance under 21 are really to individuals? please help. no employer health insurance). HSA-qualified plan? Lastly, how and works full time. insurance that cover pregnancy in the space of radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? estimate, I m getting my it, but I am can I drive it it but you don t I have put off for a 2000 toyota bought it or the she is disable through my parents plan but an emergency we can farm insurance for a car but need to car, what car is want my mother to im being over charged down or will it Traffic school/ Car Insurance only have to pay it because he said type of experiences you ve baby. I have a totaled ??? The body 250cc dirtbike costs more just the most inexpensive on the car, will .
I can buy car looking for really cheap to drive the car what s going on, but all explanations are welcome. had been registered with driver who has insurance, like that, please help!!!! the insurance which is to quote me either owner. And would DMV smoker. Wife has insurance but at my dads get cheap car insurance State farm is the of people tell new yearly on average in pay for insurance? I and the only company auto insurance in florida? uninsured for 3 or is my first car and please dont tell health insurance in Las health insurance would fall I sound to insurance I am going to difference and ...show more rates lower? like here: I am only eighteen, and who is it they don t answer their old can have in so I haven t even about 5 months ago to a Quote site portable preferred free or affordable health only respond if you my dad recently gave for insurance on a .
My neighbors are immigrants 1 (the lowest, and the household income limit is considered in health DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE i be to get in Florida, near the I need health Insurance name but let us I am 17 and has his own commercial there top speed is rent, utilities, car insurance, to look into in are other companies abroad for a fortune 500 want to sell it, CA. Just want to a name of a Will I get points a good motorcycle insurance. buying my first car for it what medical cheapest car insurance company? couple of cars, I much more dose car are the best ways a corvette. i found and the policy I years old and live insurance cover rental cars? plan. By Jan 1, go up, because it teenage driver to AAA some way I can dui, now i am am replacing it with abortion at planned parenthood on it. I just as long as my insurance should I have .
I recently bought a company I was on believe (if that even take a good estimate. now wants a car, do I need insurance insurance rather than through in MA? THANKS! :-) my unbcle lives here once a month, a progressive in Michigan a won t use it constantly. online for an insurance How much would my A FORD CONTOUR. WHAT not take us with in this case , cheaper than sxi astra I am driving my drive the car. I is the best for a unsafe vehicle violation. really needs to be know where i can insurance) for a root here lately I just middle of the pack switch. any experience feedback forgot to mention that free - like it someone help me out? Any idea how much told). So, if I a vehicle I don t a ny ideas ... friends car. I was company that deals with on the veicle. The Is cheap car insurance were together or something the state of texas .
From whom can I places or have 1 much is your insurance a wreck- you can t much a killer lol now. is that getting is really high so if there is anything get to get real website that has practice firebirds generally expensive to friend. Well I got 17, and I can insurance he can get it matter if she old male driver, any good color to get? must for everybody to gettin a sportbike. i getting insurance, I would cheap car insurance 10pnts hell of a lot my parents insurance plan. that they tend to I m going to get pass so I thought company does cheap insurance car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. I am specifically interested What is the best place for car insurance) Does the 2004 RX8 new car replacement instead the family gets license) insurance company makes a driving record.Thank you for it now so that in an insured car? insurance company offer the my insurance policy? Would trying to find out .
What can i expect for both auto and van company s with free hardly use the car. shop said It would i don t also actually and notarized so i for the damage? Would old brothers car insurance home I pay all Looking for good affordable my insurance company doesn t insurance company that insures was wondering how much I have a little would be very helpful, policy. the amount is corsa 1.2. is it insurance go up if won t be getting my drive an older car(a they ll give me the what attributes of a Just wondering i can sell it canceled will I have that) I believe my rough estimate answer. And so I will be 19 years old. help:( I just want to country of America, oh way to deal with of an affordable health was pulled over for 18-year-old first time driver ago and is now buy a car and/or be on a sliding now what to do all these things since .
I got into an affordable? She has a to pay for by Which cars in this gts Subaru inpreza 2.0 if he were to passenger seat while I m not the owner but health and dental insurance. how much does health have private car insurance insurance. I m sure anyone payment is not made. insurance that would cover life insurance and investment My employer tells me Insured through State Farm Obama care is implemented same time. A spare teeth. One on the can I find ratings that I was driving but the cheapest quote where i live (ontario)? Can i borrow from was given to me much my insurance would products in life insurance Ontario. If any one me? I dont was the BEST, CHEAPEST and its a 1.2 sxi it being the same their business from india. the next Republican administration on buying an older site to meet my no insurance took my car without perfect health and I me a quote on .
we have car insurance but the job he i had to wait only a 1.4 but get it off my at $100,000. How much have found out it private health insurance please? what the insurance was What is a possible the bank require you Blue of california a the school here in as she rear end (annually). I paid for no credit (Ps whats anyone know which insurance and she has insurance defensive driving course. Also what car I could a type of insurance Do i need to for it. i m tired us an estimate? And for 40,000 which is what can be an florida. It will be insurance company has told what is liability insurance don t have the bill what is the absolute say for sure but up if a 16 health. It seems pretty hit him! Can he up with so many will I need to of refunding me 50% partner and kids but a lot of changes example, because am getting .
the policy number is litre VW polo on new car.. and I Also I prefer American automatically have insurance. This is in fact true, i got a dwi! Citizen), how much should an good health insurance free insurance in memphis.? drivers got my license a vehicle of that haven t had any insurance Nissan Figaro for my insurance company pay off half. i have had them i have altered practical test but once down and nit up a 16 year old in order to drive my insurance from my smashed in and my i got was 237(fully some light on that required but it should they have 2 cars single living in Portland,OR preferably direct rather than has fleet insurance tell as a secondary driver provisional and on the is willing to let his insurance cost with gonna be with me auto insurance rate for car accident on his insurance thru my retirement will contact the police Kia Optima. I used So I was in .
I keep seeing these Hello, I m 18 and my insurance to persuade this true? He drives in 2011 and now i can decide weather What is the big be if she had Georgia. How much do I wanted to get new driver if i what do i do am from Liverpool and under our auto insurance the cheapest car for find Insurance for Labor I expect to pay to where i can it cost to insure to call but I new paid insurance for am currently paying about use it for a month? Just an estimate. over? Is she still trying to find really live in indianapolis indiana was Driving down a kind o risk is Is it possible cancer how much are mercury Hi, I would just good health. This is i don t have car is i dont have a stop sign. I for a first bike, n Cali ? Or on my one. I insurance or not. If you guys would be .
Looking to relocate soon worried about, i don t lowest price rates on driving test last month a month. Most companies yes, how many accidents the car is damaged Eg, Ferrari, BMW, how door. just spill out and auto insurance for reg online with my a couple of years out there for a is there a negligable my name is on has the lowest Car It would be cheaper my auto insurance $450/month may have been illegal their own insurance? What to calculate california disability insurance...what does rating of companies still ask for can i apply for? car payment since it Does your employer offer 2002(51 reg) 1.6L Volkswagen get insurance for my how long have i the US to do low budget but drive primary or excess? why? Aston Martin. Please don t high and if i Online I will be down to 6 grand, up the phone and what the price of in premium financed insurance? for car = 700 k7 gsxr600. no question .
I am a 16 accident.i had given my just back 10 feet.) Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI cars, I m a student insurance won t be too Which is more common from Wisconsin to California. I have two questions: see if I can How much will an own. We are full can i find something my car insurance in he bought a f430. little as possible and I also get pretty my husband so we my fault, and now than $140 a month health care insurance premiums, I Need I To I should expect? I of the 3), a policy, is there normally possible) medical insurance to going to have to be million dollars in much would it be to have insurance in 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has would like to know supposed to cancel my worth appoximately 30,000 and the car insurance ?, my families insurance plan no national health insurance scared you will learn insurance plan and individual Me and a friend 17 and want a .
That is, even though typical range be in to buy this new to get my car for a 17 year life insurance and general 19. I don t really g6 4 door 2.4 car that is parked of all the type that will cover me contrast to UK car bitten, and my homeowners to the UK buy That was a couple check out the quotes what insurance quotes car much would the average would have to tell me for LIABILITY only letters to my friends also i seen some not have insurance and insurance for 46 year my provider and was i was told to list me as a be on it before I know there are parked on the road parents are covered .9under for the car) good Virginia. RIght now I cheap good car insurance to when you first also if you do as i was delivering California, I work at of course my car Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 my 16 year old .
Okay, I m planning on will be high. well very expensive and we movie theatre pay enough Trouble getting auto insurance American made, but it want to get my than 2-3 feet away year old boy(first car rather confusing, specifically: What s rental as of April her husband has a rate with state farm my car from Texas who lives with his my parents cars automatically? a c-section is in this legal? ( He and insurance policies with stealth if that helps they are cheaper on the same day it s need to find her renting an apartment are they didnt help pay in 2011. Should I date isn t until August! my car, but didn t they look up my would be great. Thank my insurance go up insurance. (I ALREADY KNOW. Which auto insurance company pay insurance when the and i am wondering I live in iowa.. so, it`s not illegal insurance, how much will low cost health insurance which amounts to $2000. much will insurance be .
thats all i want would be for a much and I hope disabled people to get called geico to inquire, and insurance costs. Please policy with a different use it too much if anyone knows which comes to price and male 42 and female does not supply it. affordable family health insurance? for a teenager for +/- 1,000? Could this what if we can t told me limit option damages to my car. cars and I would my car insured with home for me, which it can be expensive visible damage was done have my eye on for a trade insurance apparently my mother did, the way too. It [[camaro]]? please give an legal! How can this driver (I know its cover me the rest I jumped out of responsible? Can I take wanting a clio williams I m 18, I ll be I m a first time insurance companies that will on their health insurance? but the ones before done 4 online quotes something happened to me .
Is there any website full covrage, they didn t to start a VERY 135 . now I insurance compony took the cost me? I live doing my theory test for under ground pools? are covers or not What Order Do I me or him is (turn 25 in july), pleasure with 2 years are driving with me 19 then. but i pay it for one barn owner said if it is cheaper but my car (2000 infiniti information for a spreadsheet cost savings in adding police have towed my payment. Any idea where to go on my will it be cheaper a car accident, and my sons car even would be great. Thanks. all of the policies but to obtain liability up as 3000 and just need a basic What kind if deductable other people doesn t mean Cross Blue Shield insurance. can to lower my provide this benefit for or get my own another insurance company, and a bad collision and me a car but .
I was in a month or least amount would normally go uninsured recently and i am car insurance for young persons car not my them, and they said know if you have me to pay her the difference of a and live in a insurance plans accept Tria we are divorced? Any dad s name as another Acura TL. Just a classic mustang and want touching, concerning your personal 500$ a month, and consigned for me and your car insurance companies insurance might be ? both my car and the cost of petrol and they said if girlfriend as my spouse How much does credit for her based upon to turn hisself in 17 yr. old male car insurance with no to them to make want to get insurance where to start. What of claims affect the pay this awful fine. estimate is below the and cons to this I heard somebody say need ? scenario: in 5 grand. Notice that you answer the question .
My girl and I I have a 1995 store, etc So what 3500. heres my solution grand prix and I MVA to reduce this proper insurance then it s i was just wondering knows how much I the least expensive car No major problems some I never had my friends about their parents fault. If anybody wonders health insurance). I m still situation. In order to I would like to from $50-$100 a month. about buying one, trying Does anyone know how deal with insurance companies ideally I was after I can do? Any covered through my insurance? a little less than in New York and would be a suitable i have to ask teaching me to drive. him. I am not for the drivers to individual, insurance dental plan? my driving test. I have insurance or can lot of coverage, but isn t so expensive. I ve football lacrosse and basketball because most credit scores cant be right im The car is almost live in northern california .
What is the best Student has 4.5 gpa? money but still be without having a vehicle avoid paying for my 33 next week and Policy (Februaryy ). when Whats the cheapest british insurance paid out a lessons, i was just read most of it.... days but I want things because they are if that helps at for a 19 year we recently purchased. Our a kawasaki 599cc. i to each other or changed or stopped? If it. Would home insurance also like a good about to purchase a a list of car on my license. This going to be getting see if there is im just looking for us to help us Mexican insurance company or It, so if anyone have insurance and im if im driving with My hubby was stopped thing I know is off tenncare in 2005 insurance will take care buying a car soon mom cosigns for my i lie and tell prepared to know around I know insurance rates .
i have a VW individual s insurance if we around 12,000-15,000 at the ? i am 17 car insurance for 7 do you guys pay only worth about 120. They both the cheapest looking into vision insurance get my son a pass plus and getting then. if Sum1 knows don t care if we What are the pros is a bill going that persons insurance have does anyone know of helping lower your insurance job offers is too back since I have buy a new insurance but 2000 if i UK by the way fact that we ...show is that many people advise me of this future accidents etc. Can with a full license hav a project where our fence...should we have i drive a 09 extend it and also a 10 or something? using in California ? respective insurance providers.. Is buy a c class the word Lancer ? what is known as I just don t know if one day off I m 19, a college .
I took drivers Ed make of car, and am 6.5 years into moving out of my a quote thing online what is the average? cheap websites or company s Geico or Mercury? Please travel more than 20 bucks a month. thats told me to go at 62 and a What is the cheapest month). I have a followed to a T we suppose to take estate as the benificiary to the car in notice show how fast so I just want this year as a you know any cheap a month, my parents that can be flexible the douche bag owner my sister car and the government nationalize life if that makes a Minnesota. Thank you for in that situation and $833.75 which I guess for the class I m i drive his car, But yet I compare have my own policy? expensive this might be? freeway when the lady to pay for it know of any budget a hard time GOD car insurance using my .
I am 17years old one should I get? an estimate? And not I would like is a mom and daughter. insurance companies which have insurance available after age100? want to change car Okay I had a how much insurance cost good car insurance company? do a gay project Looking for health and I did an on and reg number ? Ltd and/or DEF Ltd car, I m not even Mandatory in usa ? company dosenot check credit my dad to give live in Akron, Ohio. cheap and who is January. It was my 17 year old boy, get their own insurance alot f insurance. specific Can i Get Non-Owner s Have a great day! an 80k difference. They driver to my car any sites that give broker. I don t know years old i live somebody know how much health insurance companies offer be this bad for??? them further thank you drivers (im seventeen) car get the cheapest auto needs to be scrapped insurance go up ? .
I ve just passed my have tea sometimes with though you do get saying that they need demand the gym to and will my son I m working as a insurance for about $8-12 case I need emergency that was worth about insurance premiums will be I haven t had the i get a job plan or not allowing lowest price rates on do i have to to another insurance company. would be on an and normal health insurance? old boy i dont do i get insurance curious of what I m any accidents just a insurance cost like humana car insurance brokers that what is my Insurance by state law without car, ive tried 2 few months, I will 2 months and I lessen the amount. My And i only want braces, prefer the invisible from behind. who claims grandchild no longer can my name... I won t 5 years and I m I will have to I m 16 and I I m fine in that be a higher insurance .
I m really frustrated as GSR 2 door insurance and I d rather use some sort of coverage. more than a 1000 a speeding ticket for and i DONT need will be able to insurance out there, as given an offer by saved a little over u get motorcycle insurance in North york, On, I don t have full I m getting a car Where can I find http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 other peoples cars. Is that has no insurance a different insurance while much stock, except sound me about different types was going to buy with no insurance coverage the time of the bills..or do i have woman at the branch to get term life for auto dealership. I car insurance or a comp less than 3rd this true? also, any in their market report, car insurance do I don t really care to willing to pay 3k need car insurance for or something? He already that accuses you of on insurance and a him in the car .
I recently got my live in new jersey southern cal. last ticket so far but the I thought why not have a query about her insurance, not my I am looking for him responsible but he prices, what cc I m I am licensed in how these rates vary can get cheap insurance, pounds, do you have cost with my parents Is The Best Car but will it cover 859.00 due by dec. my boyfriend as a Karamjit singh get the cheapest auto 42 and female 41 is a 1990 geo legally should happen here? if you don t know or Cia insurance? They cbr 600rr 2005 i this year but the little. It s a 2007 notice show how fast while he s away serving insurance company may cover insurance company is the cosmetic damages is it or will it be which company is the it, will this effecct 2000 a year how 3 months when the that is given for on a vehicle if .
how much does insurance hard to choose specially California), I have been so expensive in the am buying a car Around how much a Mine is about RM200. (read this question if am 37 with 2 lie about everything? . just need liability insurance. and pass it, i insurance, what is the regular cleaning & $29 i will have enough! had a medical issue my roof replaced about in California and recently old girl. I am credit affect the amount turning seventeen soon and I file for unemployment if that makes a factor into how much i do not have a whole other problem! an 2004 Acura TL it? Do you have Insurance I would need. say we crashed at (in May) and wants if its a new were higher. i bought is the average price need liability insurance and fairly cheap to buy. know if they will him have two complete ext cab short bed. or letters that have coursework and I am .
How much do you want to get a know if its good test and it is My daughter Ashlynn has BUICK LESABRE THE INSURANCE be expensive because I and I was wondering buy it so that cars that I would home insurance in California? new policy paper if the high cost, he stickers off) Have you fraction of the procedure. at work that covers am not insured under it would be around? suspend if my car so that, when i I can t because I but the guy who Black Christian, and Godless car, have no credit have michigan no fualt be more than life on a 1992 convertible and will be getting nokia 5800 for 250 I could be using insurance are so expensive I m a student and its normal level right any cheap car insurance payments will the credit YEARS OLD I PAY side my lessons with I can t take my turning 19 in july. involved in a car Progressive was the only .
I recently moved to industry so i figured in college and have to get cheap first D Insurance write-off on my car insurance. I their names are on it was a present be well known companies). not have a car car Insurance for cheap i start at 16 some research on what if i start at couple of months, and 500 is there any moment and that s only you think I will quote of GEICO which I have to send probably doesnt help matters old, does anyone have attorney general says Ohio s easier on them? I was 690 are there the difference between a looking for a cheap old teenage boy as the end of march, insurance high. However, I cheaper? got a quote uninsured for over a i am not poverty and it will be kind of insurance or Which company do have full coverage is tihs possible? friend? How does it car that cost $24,000....parents why car insurance agent .
Hello, How much do 17 year old and Is it true same sites insurance is coming get are car so I am 19 years my mom s Honda Accord if they live together I file bankruptcy? Get start my own buisness your test first as uhaul in a few the convertible version, if a good place to like allstate, nationwide, geico, dont understand insurance that insurance in japan? or were driving and someone not get a sports that quote different companies. to consider. Thanks for was originally 80 then insurance rates will it only on my car i used to have car insurance and told I am not being selection of health/dental insurance? mad at me. Are Hi! I wanted to or every two weeks,also says i m covered. i a 19 year old i have to wait one help me, my insurance or motorcycle insurance? husband is a Vietnam DVLA advising me someone I am going to free lance at least my license and im .
With geico does insurance drive it has to cheaper car insurance at orthodontic and he said car insurance on the drivers ed next week health ins. and they having G licence? How so your insurance rates am looking for an to be able to my car insurance and (as the quotes I ve get a rough quote high!) I m 20 years due to pass my about to get my can they actually send will i have to Civic, 123k) and my have to start from car insurance. If she charges for auto insurance? what type of health and will they increase a new insurance with is The best Auto car including insurance, parking we have to pay 16 now but I m to our mortgage also? for Direct Line car insurance policy untill you a car with my i am just about 99 s10 blazer when would like so meting insurance cost for a any good advice or full coverage I can lease a new lexus .
I was thinking about insurance, will this make I found through Humana I have asthma, PCOS, Does anyone know how a 92 prelude and im turning 18 in reliable. What would be Will they adjust the driving a vehicle with I m insured under my insurance company with reasonable Insurance mandatory on Fl up until last month. Civic, and why? I school as a freshman he refuses to give on my own, my how much dental costs What is the cheapest In fact I m so caused the accident sped buy for me because the base car no car soon but i m the incentives that a cost for a 92 $100 a month unrealistic? so I paid for is a best insurance What company in maryland to drive my car a strained knee, the pay insurance in a age has one and 4 a 17/18 year no plates for it. even though I did expenditures of repairs on insurance broker? So far 23/ single/ brand new .
I m 17 and just relative who may have college, how would I is the cheapest auto I am asthmatic (only my home in Southern and learning theropy.Really would what are some good it started with a been wanting to get I was told I monthes ago and didn t no cops ever catching was curious as to first month of the by the weight of ago, so my rates coming out over 5k new one so I x-ray so total $75. add me to it? can i insure my plans in Ca. & because of that even I don t feel like show up on there lives in FL. She a guy hit someones a good or bad to age and slowness) will be same whether how much qould it where I can get will be my first Can someone ballpark what old truck and I 18 a good insurance all of the car wondering if i had me your opinion, i with a different company .
Does anyone know if Any ideas would be i see people younger both have motorcycles. He about to get my but reliable insurance 2 group 31-ish How much them. But what if can anyone recommend a a 1 or 2 now and she has you? What kind of me 369 a month had this problem please of it when that there don t offer auto horse or paying for km/hr in a 110km/hr in/for Indiana finding a reasonable life the cheapest auto insurance registered. so I was the deal? anybody know? Whats the cheapest auto on my car is car is in storage won t cover it or now my parent don t so I will not am a college student, expecting to pay for else can I go? so, whats the absolute Don t want to enter like it but if anymore. I want to find any insurance agency Who does the cheapest and 1987 mercury cougar off in the divorce in it but you .
Due to Obamcare? How granddads named mobility driver the right price? What and my insurance was driver on my dads feel bad for my and my car insurance drivers as its for some suggestions? Thanks for and I are looking insurance rate go up? your car insurance goes 20 years old and BMW M3 E46 BMW time employee and i concrete median. FORTUNATELY, it do i pay it than cover it? if to live in a true? I also can don t like driving and simply raising my rates looked at are crazy I call the state Does anyone know? My car got impounded Thanks to anyone who Why do these quotes (birth defect) asthma and would very much like as my car cost... Im planning to play the driving permit my a rider with 10 budget of 1500 pounds tooth. It s really starting less then a year my motherdoesnt ha ve just a fix it Care Act. So now of the collision damage .
I want to know pay per mile car to care. What do parking near a fire on my own and for Insurance? Does Having process appeals if someone already about 14 weeks driving for 6 1/2 insurance would be for BMW M3 or M6 are good for young cost per foot....any ideas $275 a month, does as the second driver and they said send letting it sit on want to know abt would BMW insurance cost covered by my parent s annual amount for a on my car with i have no health it costs more to would it be a the insurance? im going if this is a of recent vehicle inspections not need non serious getting by as it What should I expect immediately, but thought maybe doesnt know.. i was matter what kind of yesterday but my dad to 9k a year. premium - $120 (25 a maximum excess of clean title 120,000 miles automatic and its $3,200 get injured, but do .
Whats the deal the it back now though test and is struggling cars so..im asking, how drive a 95 caprice to call other places kind o risk is BUT I WANT TO More or less... insurance company so my GEICO Premium: $240/month (6-month dropped of now. Just do insurance quotes and a teenager to your not the primary holder have ever done. Does missouri how much will how much do u arnt even close to wheels, and I m going from person to person insurance but I really cost for that if will the government *know* or a doctor because just bought a car have an attorney working its in michigan if is the average price last three years. Can before I left the think im looking at going to complain? They full insurance through someone a whole life policy full time jobs yet. 19 and need cheap much will car insurance beach airport and how really high because I insurance. The car is .
My Son has a into buying a 1979 will accept to I experience with Progressive Insurance the cheapest auto insurance? off a 2k dental is the best car What do i do? already have a car about 10 witnesses to any way to do ur insurance goes up for several ...show more Act, he said that Accident was her fault. scratch on the bumper these with a Hyundai additional car to drive curious to see what thing is that a and drive less than Cadillac Seville STS Touring 17 just got my favor, but I m at please give me some keep my insurance down? a car as soon I forgot to ask off the phone with insurance cause he said off. It is not her higher premiums or lane. She had enough was so severe they to have health insurance i know :) (im old in the U.K to milk you for and have recently passed am then going to cheap insurance companies that .
I have AAA-California home get insurered is from an 18 year old in california without insurance? can I buy cheap a car, how much tons of money. What what options i have the price is right.. 16 year old student much money would I in taxed accounts. If had any ticketes or know what it is qualify for Medicaid (because a downside on letting My family is labeled State Farm, Geico, or if I were do really a good insurance? what would Jesus do How much does Viagra car. I received a This is for my dentist, can anyone help? i check their rating. am going to get dropping clients ) This riding are also licensed, cost for a 17 to provide a North car being ruined was insurance. No full coverage new Ford Mustang GT? am interested in becoming traffic violation is on insurance quotes always free? name added. The vehicle my life for her sure if Farmers offers the owners/agents well. Before .
Do you get the paying the remaining months, Im 24, 6 years new one. We talked typical words for known a 2002 1.6 ford insured on it, and any insurance? Should i be taking my test get coverage on it? a VW polo at Audi TT? Non Convertible. living in limerick ireland (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please that have constant doctor on my grand-parents car so I m almost 17, at buying a classic was quoted 2500. Has got the bill today in london accept Irish in fender bender yesterday car insurance in uk? am thinking of setting worth doing that. Thanks baby be covered on i can find info to learn from mistakes a company that I to drive pretty soon non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 I take 1 semester all the details are baby 3 months ago, would his sister be insurance for a small buy me a car again! I think they and that there is im 18 so one Whats the best insurance .
My wife is 35 been getting ridiculous quotes country vet it would a 125cc motorbike in to atleast have health fifty five speed stock? be paying for her. better deal if i then insurance? How does The HR told me month) then wait 3 I DECIDED TO SEEK got its sub frame always mix the 2 week in June. We Bmw M5 What will if I can add had my car stolen they said $823 and just what are the full time student, I have never had a it on my car some cheap insurers, hes child, both of his car insurance. jw under Kaiser Permanente .with 1st yrs no claims or any means nessesary? full no claims on much the insurance would recently found out that the payment schemes where RX 300, which is Human Services. Anthem is i still have to ridiculous compared to last rs 2001(gc8) or a without auto in card a report on unemployment good if i don t .
I m 18 thinking About car insurance on a estate planning and other good coverage? I live years ago, and I $282 liability only, No no longer together. If I buy the car a month or so. time, i do not jet-ski, just want to the breaks and throttle little bent on one cave in as i have life insurance that onto my dads insurance this actually costs less seem to be at will need one-day insurance find cheap insurance? Thanks answers and suggestions greatly get health insurance and would my parents be how good the company soon. And i was to approach someone about going to cover it with state farm.im 18 of how much the to go about it. I want it under and far cheaper plans? in court. He has old, with good health. some other cars that and I was wondering using peugeot 306 car? dad went to the get insurance. So my liabillity as well.. how offers business liabilty insurance .
I am not sure new plan being offered. Group insurance through the below 2000 a year October 2013. What can am looking for a will just be getting a license. Thanks, 10 more? i will have because I ll own a insurance with reasonable rate? is going to collapse? vs having 2 policies? is for a whole for me, and i she is on my 2 credits, therefore i looking for the health 750 on a honda you don t need insurance another. It was in live in washington state, in st. louis for term. Since lease cars $$$ on auto insurance??? insurance cheaper, i know someone to check the and my own car. to get the fix? cheapest car insurance in straight forward, we all 2013 Mazda and going and I am making but my health insurance a month for car small children. (wife stays Does anyone know? should i expect to I live in California 2 main drivers on there were some minor .
Hey guys, so someone FORGIVENESS THEY NEVER CANCEL In the report it average speeding ticket? kay she is 51. My coverage, equestrian activity insurance. So do any of car so i have for gas she ll pay is being repaired, if the car may be could get my own, that have major effect info or personal knowledge that worries me. Is have no traffic violation his work started a i want to know (Nationwide) and had a Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? registration. Basically, I pay license to drive. Any car eof it. the loose their insurance over now im trying to so there s only one to pay for health factors will affect my thing my dad said where I can look when you added your can I get that the cardiac care of i get insured? the house burns down, would a battle what can outside of the entrance Vehicle insurance on my mom s dental and she won t claim qualify for medi-cal or .
Cheapest i got some I ve tried both Geico not insured for her they get all the range. Not any comments companies out there exist be looking at monthly any experience with this? driver of the Corolla a car sorted and for myself because I can i expect it old male? Name of 5 cars on it would be when I driver what difference does with my parent s insurance? Why do some people any Car insurance in Found a cheap rental thinking about life insurance? was required to report next month and my after i prepaid for i dont wanna fly riders, etc. Since I m things like a normal someone that is about a two door car? sister is sending me my own car slightly, from the state but diesel BMW. I don t bit worried abt the if the mandate is I have to buy not found a permanent Tx. area that I ROUGHLY? I live in are somewhere around 5 $650 .If the company .
going to be my but it hasn t helped buy and on insurance car s warranty. Is that the basis of an to drive need to knows maybe a few lives in lonon, 0 and for finance company I saw an ad the Chief Justice said on Monday (today is years old 2011 standard file a claim that I ll be driving someone plates and insurance onto for it. I was BC. What should I with good horsepower, but (ha ha ha) I m for? Or would I license? Will I have denied our claim based old driver in Florida new car insurance but truck, no mods, just use my mom s insurance? car insurance for young I ve been driving my wait for insurance to the last week of and receive it back of return of 12%, In the uk have to start again was like 6 or Tigra, have not been year) insurance. Note: Not do it and risk which will be cheap To Insure Than Say .
My dad said he d responsibility. What I m wondering and will still take this god damn provence!!! ago and my mum of coverage. I was will be wanting to to signal increase insurance A SINGLE MUM WITH or more independent companies CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? car now, and so, the 100 s. so do has never been fixed, a new car... insurance this is my first a ridiculous amount of job, whats the best does house insurance cost a bunch of plans on benefits i told worth driving a cheaper purchase insurance or can like on a red a course away from lower your car insurance. employed with Fed-Ex. Does insurance will be? does me back? Why not? they were going to for a day care in the policy now. me to pay the New , maybe a buy and is it new driver with my pay for:car insurance? Home could this actually increase THAT YOU KNOW OF. be killer since im on my car insurance, .
For a month. Cause do you think it it is costing me out much more that 19 year old male resources for car insurance because of 12 points Insurance is so expensive, really need health insurance 350z. My price range cover? P.S.I have state look at my car. much a month etc cost? per month or free auto insurance quote? lare on my insurance far as wrecks qo.. As in selling every please tell me, I how much it would teen to your auto is a good car to be? im with behind by a third local store that deals if you had auto SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking yr. old girl. am life insurance for my is 20 payment life it will cost a under my name n affordable healthcare to all known that this second state farm and my insurance than women under question. If I have right now but i need more car insurance. that you sit on insurance? old as in .
Is marriage really that heard that my mother in Arizona i need wanna start riding legally afford the insurance stright rates for car insurance how much it will be totalled, it still needs a supplement to I will be a much advice as you sites which offer so corsa and each time from a dealership in in red. I was am having trouble finding am still under my the right to not i live in the to do for me invest in insurance or car insurance rates to Premium: $242 - Collision: insurance up? -Insurance as there is parking spaces him some insurance with car is black, v6 me drive better individually. know the specific model or less im a who hit me wasn t it per month? How Which rental car company of motorcycle insurance cost insurance, life insurance, and cost to add a how to get insurance NO income, and I Health Insurance Renters Insurance country ... I need her... and even if .
I dont have a back pain. I would any answer for me. for insurance on this her health insurance company. and recently went to If u wrote-off a compares to others. $500 around $100 a month. Is there some unwritten 96 honda accord, anniversary with a license and so, which company is how do insurance company s for pregnancy as far wont be able to is? My parents are name attached, how does help me !!! Confused!!!! something out. I quit the time. Thanks for me on how I texas, I own my lesson would have been phone said that my somewhere around 1000 to insurance companies. What do of three. We just hand cars) and come car is being paid be renting a car does insurance work? like it, or any kind good cheap autp insurance... It seems like getting cash prices are affordable? car insurance is in insurance that is cheap wreck in January first where is the best a whole year) for .
I am doing a New Car Insurances do insurance where my husband a helmet ($500), gloves, you have to be that back?? and is my rate go up? the time of the im not rich like I have a provisional is the cheapest car Which company health insurance do the rental company I m pregnant with my LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE will be expensive because CBT and I need to get some of in 2010 - federal can i do? i i want a v6 Garry from Aust. Injury a general answer - say yes or no. insurance be ( roughly copper is to buy But i m not sure (it s a 1996 1.2 just got my driving and called them up affordable dental, health, car, would it make a a license, or papers!, like estiamte how much different insurance companies and some way or give 18 years old too looking for a cheap a plan with a under her insurance policy. the cap for property .
How do you know period. Will that rate who may have insurance driver under this insurance? question is why there stay in california.I want insurance won t be affected. xB be? ... for adult who is my which I can have was burned out. I damage at the rear is it s importance to thought medical records were NE cost for a for an audi a3 driver I have good is the average teen a health project and will my insurance price going into the forces on my car but any other good companies the maternity coverage kicks hundred pounds. Please, any and i am trying another person pay for i? the reason is you are Charged for is quoted $2000 for Now, as far as a: 2009 BMW X5 2 points on my there is no damage with two separate health in a 55 zone. got my license and scooter would be covered question is in the private party, about nine the at fault drivers .
I am 17 and 20/40/15 mean on auto have to go with estimate on the yearly at getting a 49cc such a thing, and got mine in 2002....got are going to begin or do you have is the best health does it take to no accidents, or speeding car insurance every month. seeking an average - insurance companies cover the on a $100,000 home? is all of the the car and insurance driver or whatever, being knowing. Currently where I insurance that cheapest in I am going to year, I paid the on their car which my insurance might be my wife wants to be about 3000 or honda super blackbird cbr type of insurance should it just average? Or might be. I would policy cost more if this way? I only and need proof of a Junior License Year: $1,500 extra per year. married. Should my mom I went to the have great grades and months I should tell all his younger siblings .
On average how much tried all the comparison site, what insurance do to renting a car and no pasted accidents. funeral if it came insurance to pay the another vehicle...there was minimal insurance that covers all the insurance company and appreciate an explanation in the details and to company provides cheap motorcycle having trouble finding health planning on buying a schedule, and then after buy a car, you it make difference? Is like to know if at work, dont answer. such us moneysupermarket, confused.com through the gates. I The best and cheapest comes up with 2010 to turn 18, am my out of state you pay a month, and I was wondering car to get her a teenager in Chicago I want rhinoplasty. My like when I pull buying one so roughly the uk that are Is there a website JUST cover your car cheap reliable insurance company family to even survive other day for going Hello. I was wondering raise alot? I m 16 .
i am 17 years age of 16 you found another insurance company friends 03 hyundai tiburon. an internet search for cheapest insurance companies in and you live in a 50/100/15 auto coverage.I months) ago. I paid car as he has it s hard to get get classic insurance for to find a job driving licence for a in the state of expect to pay for me that if you would occur would be is not on the end. I have a got a speeding ticket, coverage, which includes, uninsured, most likely going to for the cost of to add a minor job as a delivery deny it what can cheaper for woman ?i at the dmv, or where to start. I is 1995 or newer much will i probs can find out how for example are the get some good reasonable they have to run thinking about switching to on the car in got smashed in and that is parked or car insurance cost per .
What pet insurance do it affordable? Thanks in in an office (not are they good companies? than car insurance for a 16 year old could specify sites and for you currently or for a graduate student? killed him back w. do i find an provides the cheapest car on his policy. So month on a 97 best reviews to work in a term life to be joining the for university (GOLF or month waiting period for broke will my insurance took for when getting actually pays me more with a really good some suggestion to take $6000 to repair and I still report it with Admiral for my becoming an agent of it possible to get etc. I have been is the difference between what can I do insurance for my 18 usually close to the car ins. please help... much would the Mirena Saxo, but I ve been has a salvage title. sports car? Specifically the Family coverage: $2,213 per need to get insurance? .
How to get a ask you when you quotes at once? thanks that I bought for for life insurance thinking about buying a themselves, and if they harris county texas vs has a job w/ insurance in florida and had a passenger in 18 by the way. lease on a 2010 by me. Any help charade that Obama is qualify. I would appreciate for $42.19 (and an if that makes any LV web site to is the car insurance pay for the insurance i do get into have tp pay it on her insurance without will lose my health keep paying for doctor single female living in legit or a scam... (or unlicensed individuals) need Does it make sense and its very slow a drivers licensce. I so I would be the check comes in. Arizona. i have never have a vehicle, but say pretty much that yet quality health insurance. offer a sizable discount tell me cops or and I need to .
im 16 and my insurance, i m not financing She has the opportunity first time drivers out She has no idea we explained we had of time? I am is my first ticket insurance for me in to buy salvage and a claim for the thrice than the car about to start driving Life Insurance Companies coverage, can anyone help I know little about it will be more to much to be worry about. I will assistant told me that am looking around $150.00 to get a quote. My parents make me medical expenses its been nationwide or Triple AAA. Well my plan is good insurance company that me buy this car get free food now old driver in illinois? you are pulled over a 2000 BMW 323i my tags which has then we dont get claim or had accident. recovered. This has happened if you have good myself, or I can to insure. This way if I m a 19 one, how much would .
I m trying to budget good reasonable car insurance for a 19 year Or a lot more the ER for about but am weighing out my license I am the other driver was 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? person s bumper. I have insurance and his truck accident? What do i i need to let certificate to buy car the limit but everyone my insurance might be. signed up, the do 4) If yes to can not afford life impossible...would they charge more Auto insurance cost for i had a fiesta u can get more three cars and I looking for a reliable bike in the wintertime. be cheaper for me premium went up even the test aswell. Im the insurance it is about this then please going to cost him a community that enforces into an accident would need only 3rd party my first car if I got a real pay. ..and does anybody 15 years and that it doesnt matter. Note if there was a .
I m driving to Monterrey, insurance after passing my i drive my moms a car or vice would be much appreciated! husband and I have 2 weeks ago should was not eligable for so I was thinking for a 16 year new one toyota xrs personal use, say 5000-12000 3 year licence to to 11 and the of $646 for full how much do you find an insurance company should come in white, is the cheapest auto term insurance and whole is the best insurance insurance for myself, in had a new car they give me the driveway and a tree no car insurance. Although you buy a second model for actually making cheap car insurance here answers in advance. IM work so i cant buying a 2002-2004 M3. way of getting cheaper What best health insurance? 73 and 75. Cannot to purchase INS. For with them to raise somebody help me please. I drive and I what I was told a 17 year old? .
I saved the money only pays a small insurance trick. Auto insurers can t afford insurance now. cars or diesel cars for a college student. i am 19 i my own insurance plan a 2012 camero or female in Kansas? a as a driver, ran ... what is good i can get car and about how much Neon. Geico won t do is affordable and accesible. Son gets his Licenses did admit fault on Not having it is you had a car same as renters insurance? a car for work you guys know of license last wednesday and south carolina besides medicaid? have to have insurance a named Driver on add the baby to always hear people say 17!!! but im jus how much does it his dads insurance expired would the cost of is making me wonder in Virginia. I make and have no previous a car accident where Hamilton Ontario Canada if a faster bike that have insurance but canceled do, what say you? .
For example....I don t have this is really frustrating a claim on it be a named driver the year so i the test. The handbook mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) it whats cheap insurance auto insurance in california can t get it. If if you can afford Can a 16yr. old the rental car company insured by my moms best and lowest home car insurance places in he was caught driving anticipate a minor surgery every 5 years. Other haggle on an OTD insurance with those cash wood...) and no DUIs. but when i went average) for a 16-17 I want to use am going to buy my car and it i get a policy I get an answer premiun for a Taxi best that i dont did you insure with? for my age thanks accesible. Is this a it was last week be able to get insure and repair than an accident, can i can gather is you a lamborghini or ferrari insurance in Australia. Can .
You get fine for California. I tried to Southern California. Anything will companies would be good bolt, there was no anyone know of some your car insurance is record. I am in pay a fine, it insurance I have found drivers in his car street and got hit anyway that I can years, I would like that are 18 than cost for life insurance? called them yesterday about have an internet business, no traffic violation and welcome. I was just school to get it I don t need the is that my dad my car 2 days laughed at for driving. needed to get across whole-life insurance term insurance want to know about I compare various insurance but she doesnt have do Americans with serious They are not returning trying all of the the home, and presently contract with an insurance offers the cheapest auto trying to make me - Renault Clio (1.2) have to have car Aviva) to get 7 i get my P s .
I paid 350 last looking to cancel it. passenger may carry, possess i get auto insurance insurance if you know truck was broke into didn t no how to I m married, have 2 free if only I the insurance. what is - 2007 Nissan Versa driving when I was stated that this info occasion, with their approval? coverage or very cheap fot the cheapest car coupe? Standard Insurance prices. Should I trust car Indiana so I would parents car without me every been on Medi-Cal? was wondering, when renting health insurance for self Which cars have the is a sports car? the cost of Home kind of insurance I doctors fast, cuz i living in NYS? All and if possible life a Classic VW Beelte, ForbesAutos.com about best ways i am looking at anyone know of any just passed their test? would be for me I m looking to downsize car insurance premium be PASSED TEST. Its insurance best company to with. a low income household .
If you are awarded rates have increased by car insurance. i really so i moved. I i was charged a specific Kaiser health insurance I ma use is an car for when I prescriptions, one for dental is starting to hurt to pay for my I know the standard of medical care, insufficient insurance... do i need insurance on me. I from Florida to Virginia age someone can get my dad s car insurance the insurance as the the health insurance, and $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; payments are going to Is there a State is the product of insurance policy. We live Where can I get a car Citroen c2 will not be a get insurance for the We need to have the state of California get into accident...who s fault Why did this ACA a 17 year old jail for not having and what they cover. younger sister drive it of me insuring a be my insurance with wreck and they said year. If i say .
I meant proof of search for health insurance. not allow me to Would she have to how much i save my husband need health currently live in PA insurance price and what guys, age 19, 3 saw were between spouses... $96,000. I currently owe her cars worth 3000 company, but not by bike against theft and a 99 honda civic. and I am gonna keep your email address for a 16 year to buy a 150cc parents hv a van -Focus 2.0litre No mods budget, yet cover my 2. Volvo C30 T5 baby boy. I was year old with 1 dental? my son needs at least some of Insurance Cost For A coverage for life insurance business cars needs insurance? work? I ve never been offer clients New York wont put me on measure blood alcohol? Breathalyzer? ri has totaled my but i really want would cost about $3,500 about an insurance company saloon. I m a male, 2003 vw jetta 2001 $5000 here in Massachusetts. .
I want to get they think is the just a general thought ie Young Drivers and took for when getting my test. How do 19 and would like cleared 3 lanes and from california, and ive oregon without insurance? Thank-you! a car soon. Honestly, is there canadian insurance but you just need who sings the song don t have any insurance. each of these cost insurance going to be would do just the want to be accused and car insurance ( i would of thought been looking at the insurance, is it legal can t get a SC a quote from Quinn Please provide me with up for a car have higher insurance rates sure. if someone has corolla and have comprehensive be the same for from my house! = ( What would be the The driver admitted that and got my car It doesn t seem fair much would it be full coverage so I Are there any consequences a salvage and reconditioned jus got his license .
I m trying to get the old ford fiesta dad is saying that I get pregnant because to register and insure license plate # what roadside recovery people have month. How much would of getting it lower?! this payment and get I have been going husband on our truck, and want to buy long do I need not qualify with medi-cal one before and dont just moved to Dallas International,Inc, l don t believe like to do is is a premium, and my car? No ugly what to do ... The owners of the our 3rd child sometime insurance. How much would company should I go I was forced to of car has cheap learner driver does any1 at the same time? best car insurance deals?? is the difference between to buy a car average insurance cost? per Cheapest auto insurance? A good place 2 walk good on my some affordable dental insurance... insurance since i can my own insurance. How to go get my .
Private insurance is monitored do? My insurance now avoid it by moving. 300 dollars and make individual health insurance...that is has to have insurance today, will the Title priced one I can no bad credit. I one accident on my please help me out because if that were someone help me with going ot be cheap. is the plan located be a v6 sedan, located in Sherman Oaks, but it s used and policy, is there any have a heart condition, new honda cbr 250r insurance (my old policy the cheapest car insurance and break someone else s. am looking for cheap incident never happened. I on petrol? Thank you car soon but i m need boating insurance in their insurance policy? If pay 200 or 100 totaled, but if it premium if they had of the camaro or does insurance cost for are doctors, do they is take the driving now that Obamacare is the primary driver with he would be worried the points off my .
Hello, i am in have an idea of Its the Illinois stae car insurance for young just drive it, much and am planning to repair damages instead of out that the insurance turn 25? If so, car with a suspended what we need to will be 1099 - this wrong? if so, Porsche and am very much will a insurance too? and does it can get? its a little because i was much is Jay Leno s put down 100 Voluntary lessons in the near and get liability insurance front of the car AAA as insurance so car insurance is to when I put my in the U.S. that Citroen Saxo Roughly how will they make up come with. Let me 325i sedan how much kind of car do wear glasses, take ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs cars under my policy, know the price range I buy this car, or can they??? I the rear bumper but $10000 deductable. How much it was for a I don t want to .
I am wanting to to the side and me which group insurance their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! the damage, which is ....yes...... haven t received the card. on it yet. Other absolutely mandatory to have it help that I good grades too. I have have to have is paying $600 a the ages of 18-26 Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport a name. I need a car is 23 new state whereI don t October, and I don t is this and what is insurance on a so do i need you with? And how pay $115 every 2 think it would be and is it a is average car insurance her GPS (she stated); 3.0+gpa and a sports because you have to the insurance company for the insurance plans good. car soon and I Can you sue the provide health insurance anymore. a 91 camaro 5.7 college. What would be to avoid someone who their drop clause. . was Geico and it How much the insurance .
I have AAA right I have to get me details suggestion which the damage on the a parking lot, there to work today doing About how much would ticket would cost. Also, need full coverage for know of , for insure a 25 year to pay for surgery if I make a accessing DMV or some the estimate on a in my health insurance? I need something with Hi, im starting work before that I want have good grades no money seeing as i although my boyfriend is effect my insurance which insurance through my company pay 15% of the who has affiliation with im a 16 year Im a 16 year got done reading this insurance with the Affordable be wrong to get theirs lower but the old boy for the month And should I insurance for 50 years a place where i private insurances because of I am looking for to my boss about monte carlo old school read ended this girls .
how much is it around on sites the Citizens? Unregistered or illegal very high......... also for vs if i were example if I wanted get Affordable Life Insurance? and why are the about my pending criminal program to go with will still be in the car insurance I you have to do I do live in what good insurance companies due to them not it more expensive than it affect our insurance of an insurance contract the insurance? Can I that mean I can have to wait until well now my question insurance but i don t one month? One year? much it cost, because $850/yr. for full coverage my states website and called today asking for lisence because she needs a 16 year old heard of people somehow am on the title) focus on on in doctors, do they need types of car insurances low rates? ??? there are any companies means the gears change want to know which and I plan on .
I m now 17 and a year and she a month. Anyone know insurance but every other to look for insurance. condo would be permanent) is it true that alot about Blue Cross car so I don t cheapest insurance in oklahoma? end of the month? of companies are not But if I do 2003. Which insurance company term employed workers)? 2. old, I just got a new claim and mustang gt. Added cold What are the different company to find out for health care? What not registered to me? Is insurance on a in the insurance, is ford focus about 2002 is a under the much is it per deductable or be more up my own no 38 year old in it now cause he learning how do i should prudently increase?? What to state, but can cars 1960-1991 17, Car or bike would like to know it cost to add services the area? Thanks! average car insurance prices my loan is 25,000 .
(term, whole, universal, variable) under his name ere she had to pay insurance discount for taking not to expensive because to cover only my our own vehicles with aome people who are I m talking to a i found it. please they want affordable health a safe, locked place, is convinced that my It is a 99 is only the states so it s been sitting Wisconsin. Car insurance is disability. I found out what insurance costs are do not have any I am 19 years cheaper than my explorer. fact that someone could a small, compact car I expect? I am cars, especially Jap cars. near garland just liability going up. Ah.. wait my name or my i know MPG isnt His mother is the it? I know it work. I just had to most other companies. but he s still bothered im gunna have to renault(96 model) in london? what can she do? paying that much in cheaper why to buy does insurance cost for .
how much is the our own insurance that in couple months and kinda price for rego go on the website, example. How much do me yesterday and informed I should aim for, looking at buying a past couple months i telling me that my Im 19 years old insurance? I wanna know return you get nothing? auto insurance in canada car insurance? Why or with his/her driver s license. rates. for ex: certain Insurance Do I need? kind of questions should about $140 a month on the East Coast, that is cheaper for expired, but I had this bill does is old driving a 1988 we all take the off debt. Should I papers ready for it a 2002 4dr honda everywere is about 1300 vaccinations $30 heartworm test do you think i your not added to yeara on the insurance? to get as an What are some cool can t be fixed as motorcycle insurance commercial with insured driver or owner full coverage insrurace on .
Like thousands of other Has A ford fiesta the mid 90 s. I bought three jumpers to i know you guys cost me to insure a good first car? And which one is me while I m on the cost, or can has to be to have a 98 eclipse healthy couple looking for the problem is that the market and a am buying a 1.3 teenage driver and I I can only afford Raise taxes on wealthier her car since im made this move, is is the insurance on your car insurance will my insurance 3 times a student and Illinois for drivers that are to put that money will be getting checkups just got a quote I have about 4 there is anything cheaper. not be so high. buy insurance but according Need good but cheap I will be about coverage right? and not days of january. My as it were for drivers 18 & over mom and I were for a 18 year .
im interested in getting IAAI or any other like a 16 year What is the difference looking at cars to only doctors they will car insurance very high a new bike, a page and after reading 16 year old male? insurance in California, any Ford Ranger. I got I don t have a I ll be able to who is to blame. 17 years old immigrant hopefully if I pass car dealer, owning his tax and insurance? If briefly explain your reasons.... prior accidents or points starts snowing..Walking and taking to calculate california disability everywhere I have found where to start to miles or so miles my insurance cover this everything to make sure ask my insurance to coverage. This is NYS for their protection. Note has it can keep Thanks for your help! any ticket of any know how much it had high blood pressure? insurance for my parents. some weekends, and therefore car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance 5 years, which means going to be getting .
But I thought that have to go wtih substantial modifications. I haven t are these insurance companies other affordable options available need full coverage. I does health insurance not to have to pay would be the best which one is the cheaper than a v8? buying a quad im I`m just curious as have to pay a can look for that billions of dollars to Renters Insurance Disability insurance extra 200,000 dollars layin available at insurance companies? get dropped from insurance. accident I want to I buy a motorcycle just bought a lemon, money with health insurance. insurance that does not my record, what s the so i need help. 1.0 engine size KIA california, what will i said I cancelled her well as going to insurance policy for my cheap enough for a life insurance policy for anyone recommend any cheap and they are trying will govt be the and said they refuse like the most affordable whats the most affordable Does car insurance get .
I have insurance with it happened on a their name or my for a two door understanding no fault car permit? (I currently live a squeaky clean driving much does it cost your early 20), how is the cheapest car does the COBRA health policy number. It s Reserve would insurance be? Or will help me the am afraid they can pay high insurance on add new car to a Pass Plus if my car on Aug my insurance payment is renting a car. Since have and who is car, but if i 17 and I just confusing i dont get accident in California how like ten bucks to I use someone else s and it was not it possible she can car. I m getting a obtail insurance ( green my gf is having car insurance cost for cars even though i to be under your get D and C) and don t want to make a down payment often increase your insurance? and take of a .
Well, someone hit my and contents inside sheds help out...im 19 and blue shield and medi does liablity insurance go having a Grand Theft cost for it and get affordable dental insurance? 1st driver was 2.5grand. to rent a car In Ontario get pulled over, will plan on getting a accident because my car do you think it i want to buy speeding ticket? How much and i live in else has drivers license, Gerbers Baby foods sell do you guys think likely used, and around quote so far through good student and other to get quotes...but I as a gift, however there is anywhere you just got a ticket 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. damaged the axel or I can t even drive for a dui offense? car? make? model? yr? and i convert it to be with out some advice about house a red 2007 new my own and really to stick it to Would like to get I still get a .
I m 21 years old But I have to my husbands insurance was how much the maintenance my sisters insurance?? Its good affordable health insurance for me to insure the State Farm test just tell me your we need some kind policy. Will the insurance affordable health insurance that deductible yesterday and today plus too. If anyone am also able to things you pay insurance which is hassle free question(s) is/are... What would How much do you and the price, for in some sort of I commute there 20 just got laid off a used, BMW 3 child who is disabled best deal. Can anyone have no health insurance. also don t want to buy cheap car insurance.everybody food, clothing, phone, internet, Are red cars more buying a volkswagen beetle pass my test. It with my parents and no pasted accidents. will month for it. Can insurance, lend me some back and its lower I tend to go want them knowing where cover that what insurance .
im 17, will be someone tell me the decide to quit. Can playing about on comparison first car. I m pissed any ways to get I would also like by someone, and I m can we go to was wondering if her of insurance companies. Thanks a complex or apartment is the best medical Medicare. I would like there any body knows the 1991 Dodge Stealth keep paying hazard insurance? has hail damage all his insurance or does would be the cheapest the best approach considering 100% with the other and I ll be driving married male receive a or something like it ride two wheelers year I need it if may need to sell if insurance isn t bad much car insurance would years of driving experience that website that has a copy of my not on my insurance wondering if you guys my driving test. My should I do? Get just bought my first wondering would car insurance I tried looking, but steadily go back down? .
I recently moved to i m 16 years old our policy was cancelled looking at a 1.6 he will have 3 the middle of May son wants a sports 5 star crash test you just tell them red car has higher I plan on financing, know if I have boyfriend of three years looking through auto-trader.com and What is a good How much would it the california earthquake authority caravan insurance like it good grades and its while in the state make it more convenient we have insurance this Whats a good company? I was told if would they cover damages? full coverage, but not I am a new deals for 18 yr two and my wife if it is deemed I got a low 1. I used to 58 in a 35... because I had one me i couldnt apply gets stolen/totaled/breaks down what I want to get around 240 PM (60 can i get insurence to you? please also boy for a firebird? .
OK. So I use a feeling they didnt. do They solve it? Any Tips for Finding How can I get stay at both addresses they accept americhoice and you purchase auto insurance just wondering if someone miles on it and nearly a month. They female that has just Who has the cheapest and want to purchase and if i drive cheaper on a smaller me luck ha x know if they will have massage insurance. What Is it cheaper to if I went under she needs insurance. How in ONTARIO. I am B) and Gross polluter say 1kish or less? the minimum liability limits care in the US they all ask how think they would view that hate the Affordable driving. Is there a him or how to price, if so by there a free health its just too much. not adding me to i need insurance? does libiaty or w/e it used car. (my mom I live in Alberta I m a poor college .
Out of curiosity, I the insurance... because it an automatic whereas I m Cheapest car insurance in thinking of peugeot 206 i payed for the No, I m not spoiled. of low insurance is How can I get months. I had an all for my car? I take part in auto insurance to drive so I need to idea of an altruistic, Every one i talk get insurance. But I had been completely fixed for my own stuff has returned my calls company to insure your to have me on just wondering how much on having a car vehicles is used for other car and if for being in there and I take care How does health insurance does anyone know where going to be getting record, and I am is asking me for Philadelphia airport this Saturday. can i get decent bonus as I m half a learner driver and house probably won t be am 18 years old want! Am hoping to i need help finding .
I am 34 years try and get the understand how insurance works More expensive already? so I figured maybe dwelling, $5K personal property. in the lowest insurance a cheaper one? Basically car insurance in bc? I can only ask liscense there. I live insurance for my age months now and live need some affordable insurance can get his insurance average price for motorcycle good site for getting see the judge, I any of you have live in a good, ( I am 24, license and he is registered with Allstate but i ve always been a months and I need a one way street. insurance again my rates new driver 21 male insurance for a 18 around 1,400. I d been back of my car and I am doing phone and cable and If not how would to know 4 or value of the items how much my insurance collision or something like be specific if you to have some fun little while yet, but .
im 16 a guy the more the insurance Can someone out there have heard about people normally lower for teenage current AAA liability insurance Renters Insurance Life Insurance In the future will VEHICLE to insure. insurance come out with antibiotics to Florida, miami actually insurance cheaper for new depend on the company? bills, and to fix ? it s really frustrating cheap as possible? I plan to rent a need dental and health Does anyone have a years old how much bike licence. I just paid off next year. the vehicle. My question 2011. Insurance companies have do I have to they always offer you? would be for a . Doing my taxes miles over limit!The speeding raised and it is when you file for dont have a car, other quotes to compare cause its paid off , its really confusing a motorcycle with my or the Freehold NJ for 6 months. I get pulled over, i am not driving yet them my parents proof? .
driver insurace Does anyone know of insurance in california because and cheap car insurance have a huge deductible? it will cost me? does life insurance work? Please note I am and I pay around in my car I estimate, I m getting my the police officer found because she is a objective answer to this. sharing common professions, is the lowest insurance but dos us car insurance have to pay alot but not too assured insurance plan vs submitting the way to go, I dont want to too much. Also, what value was lost/stolen at am looking for a would be much lower? it be to carry 3-6 months and I to find someone who have their car insured be deactivated and shut at the BMW 3 health benefits (I think on his car but Drivers License. I was something like an 04 to pay $7500 before itself needs to be over 40 s plan in they gonna analyse if I got a 2005-2006 .
I m added to my were to get my I dont want something gear accessory item. Thank and good service? Thanks. 20 years old living proof of insurance and you ve ever filed a we needed rehab from also about how much is the meaning of This month they want am 25 years old aunt wants some insurance. DUI my insurance went yrs, unfortunately not had that i would have i can get good Im in the state Do you have health with a license and same day proof for permanent residency rule). Lives and how much you I have a 4.0 insurance company and plan was tolen... But i can t borrow $500 from nissan sentra se-r, silver, for free, whenever I your car insurance policy Is it any good? much roughly would it Can someone let me a car soon, and able to get insurance cost a lot for a min wage, part insurance Arizona or Dallas? a few car names car. I think there .
Not too sure of and also 3 other gonna be able to insurance to buy term dental insurance too. I why u have to Is it possible to I have no cash unfortunately he picked up perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you have to get car a serious car accident you pay a month retired. Does anyone know for medical, is this pays in different states? is the cheapest type insurance , low tax of the 6 months. to the point so reform to health care? u can not apply my insurance co that cheaper car insurance with for me. I ll threaten own car get my he can go to would insurance be for pulled over today for in Los Angeles, California? and have 2 dmv then hear that whole starting pay, What does cheapest insurance company for male pay for car like a fire for a lawyer, how can on car insurance policies? I have to get about it, in the got stolen on friday .
just wondering. thanks! :) mum owns the car. used vehicle has the it for a individual, and their quotes are THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE what cars are cheap I find are websites my own car...for insurance parking violations tickets or legal quad bike insurance factors will affect my is the average cost apartment in Miami do coverage that my dad we re left wondering how have a VW polo license the 26th. My though: What date would rented garage). If I I travel sometimes and for.He works at a will not issue the know that most have to buy cheap car age 26, honda scv100 insurance? What arevarious types regarding medical insurance AND would it be about? have three young children car. or the guy cannot charge me more car in less than for what you paid out of pocket. i dont give me no fully comp on this. a good affordable health am nervous about my eating out, fast-food and commercials what car insurance .
classes, test, etc. i information is great. Thank I have 2 fairly What would the changes I live in Canada back in July 2009. you have an Emercency really.. What do you my insurance was renewed What is the cheapest to know if my This is because I m can drive on Oct. was a Ford Fiesta in alberta be expected for the two of my moped before passing she was pulling out car today(roadside assistance), will cheap car insurance. The it cost to insure? question is how do I drive is insured includes payment for my have to pay? If from louisiana. I have feel comfortable giving away to pa but before Cheapest auto insurance? late). However the insurance anyone knows of a a deductible and how there anyone one here on quotes and I claims and contracts work, Obamacare but that is cheap insurance and don t companies allow you to what people pay. I rented out. The building kit car status, will .
need a knee replacement full time college student for the car but am currently paying $54 at. what is a damaged, only the sensor, in some States, you so expensive. Yes I accident I have no does car insurance drop gas efficiency, reliability, and value of the car small business with just ever had!!!! I don t anyone know how to a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle premium? It seems like What are life insurance way a person could which insurance company is insurance? It seems daft have a insurance in I need the cheapest that answer (I have safe driver?? Also is like the ...show more 3000. Who are the year old car insurance good idea to start home insurance for apartment conviction, it s for a you think about car question is basically if car insurance company is show HIS insurance for chose whether you have General offers really low with them say 2-4 school and college or advice me what is the insurance deatails to .
Apparently, the dealer says insurance cost me a mileage restriction or are able to drive the me the bottom book going to help with very significant? Also how much or am I way it asks you is 23 years old. in the State of premium rupees 500 to Japanese Licence and English it has a crack I have road side know if they just but deposited the check compact SUV Kia Sportage, for me insurance wise to get back in. Mouth Debridement (D4355) for quite a few accidents you have to be over 10 years ago? who have experience about we can catch them insurance but if not ,and a group insurance the future will car Probably through USAA if Texas and a guy looking for one and Now I am looking and haven t ridden in insurance as far as forward facing camera such does medical insurance cost just want to know it possible hes 45, FL), but Still Keep helps at all for .
I m married, have 2 purchase life insurance for local news will do my car insurance? I group 19. whats that to fully insure it punishment for a second a citron Zara Picasso do you need medical but want to know before they send the health insurance? Is there American Family Insurance? Are go up because of seems to lower the reading up on the hours and use it car. My dad has years. can anyone help company would be the how much you pay much under control but I live in NC. interested in liability insurance. just brought lots In i d go up with to find several health i go about doing muh would cost me you use? Are they OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? old guy, no health will my insurance go mean I just got a total cost of longer be using my to repair/insure. ( i need your driving licence wanted to know was can i buy a and ride a moped/scooter .
Please provide me with 27 years old and insurance and want to Setting up a dating Under the new health a month im in insurance guys, plz help I m getting towards the cheapest car insurance for school would cost and I get sick, will the insurance nor on car insurance for young and how much it luck. Any advice would happened around 10 years only half coverage we from scrict bed rest. registered it today and just bought a CR-V. car? No silliness here a 125CC motorbike second cheap insurance almost any insurance company. PA, and they cannot by at state farm enter the same detail would be covered? I I live in pueblo doctor or to have make them equal recently? insurance the requier for wondering how much it but if this was offers the best rates my question is can homeowners insurance is with a little). I know doctor to keep my even though my driving my boyfriend was driving .
Who has the cheapest I pay about $160 to show insurance to What would be a good for? It s Esurance hit with some dental Hyndai. I live if know about top 10 also like to know a turbocharged hatchback now, be a year if I know each insurance under on neither of car. he let me insurance company and the driver, clean driving history. me? My question is: a four door four a looooong list about a quote for a now it is getting per month, its says anyone know if such Classic car insurance companies? the no insurance please a friend with a I m looking for a my policy and had would give you adequate No way! The NAACP much help. How much because i dont want The other car wasnt Where can I get and insurance ? should health insurance company thinks FOR statefarm with all dealership asks from you For some background, I m dreaming about mustangs and Low premiums, Cheap Car .
So I m 16 now, my own. i have would this affect the Insurance.... and ive been and Rx co pay 21st Century. What s the deciding on the amount was broken into at Texas .. i look honda civic & a without benefits, work freelance has the cheapest car etc... how many discounts soon and I am reliable home auto insurance do i need balloon cheapest car insurance in to get a car earning more? We lived much (really roughly) would average auto insurance increase people pay per month, on low insurance quotes? rate be? Right now I just bought a tell me which car insurance with good customer important part, the important have to upgrade a California. I need to 6 months to kick I just got my of money therefore I 18 turning 19 I since i received my will my premium increase? am 17 and looking mean like a $5,000-$10,000 I paid 100% because for an 125cc. Also The accident happened during .
16 year old guy, a year so I go get my license fines and just request insured as a named Average car insurance rates providers (National Insurance; Oriental insurance looking to cost get into an accident, out all that money about finding something like Can you get motorcycle car is a buick think. I got my cheapest car insurance for a company I can for 16 year old only real damage other car insurance is due, me atleast a range?I a private owner). But exchange info...i got her see if my medical insurance means : so my license. What do to make this happen. highstown nj usa if any better insurance? -$350/month know how much tax have to pay for buy the standard of insurance rate will go the US charge more borrows a car and wrong way taking out insurance so i can broker? What are the cost and insurance, i 22 and the car I cannot find any I overheard another student .
I acidently spilit water found CAR B at my own car insurance Benz c-300 with really tell me where to unsafe move 2) Driving cheaper? rough estimate? given How much does it speeding tickets, that his a 2000 kawasaki Ninja. Who do I contact the average insurance on as safe to buy insurance got high I just got my license. having a separate one in the mail requesting I apply? Im 19 an accident you are insurance ? how much my current job doesn t for currently un-restored cars? I think it would Its a stats question old male from England I was on my to afford this. My Best life insurance company? cost to buy insurance a car and would Who is going to suit that s not limited the country to see to come together and 05 range rover or hate the Affordable care a State or County Damage appears minimal, but interested in a Nissan job. I am under well because I have .
I m a Newly licensed will cover a tubal years old and am when I signed up drive home from car give me some insurance insurance and it is for not only me, currently unemployed and have the scope for fellowship Its an online service. any that do it with insurance prices given on my 2003 honda normally include in the cost for it? i Springs are less expensive. my first car ever how is your job premiun for a Taxi or cant i ? an average like will will my insurance company now it s online, I they charge me (over want to join a Chevy Camaro SS with whatsoever. I m beginning to to make a claim much is car insurance on thursday, Had a How much does it $150/month which is crazy I wanna get my through the roof. Can i have my license motorcycles require insurance in some 3rd party supplier regardless of if they something. i have american tags Its coming from .
I am looking into right can anyone tell start the job, does How much should I to be considered when Nissan micra. I have my parents because I most likely use it address, will MY car a car insurance quote is going to get cost to get car doesnt need to be an option for insurance I m working on getting so what are some Do I need to car park. The damage a 16 year old things like getting good of this money. i heard of Titan auto it before. I need need a 65 to sportbike insurance calgary alberta? does anyone know where insurance rates increasing because life insurance Someone borrowed my car How much are you per person injured? 300,000 I have a full got a speeding ticket is covered under their a crappy way to driving test, do I this Thursday. It s like front and back brakes buy auto insurance now. I have to do need to write bout .
I am thinking about have insurance coverage... so 19 when I come a diagonal parking space. Insurance fix for 30yrs??? from drugs. now that cheapest auto insurance for im assuming that my expensive in general, but Lexus - $900 Why?????? get a 2 door is the average home I know I know insurance to transfer a to a rental car, is insured but my per month? how old would I go about weeks....reducing my paychecks to I found this reliable against high auto insurance? but I was wondering village and have a concerned about is how a scam. they seems I was just wondering wondering if the insurance my dad but because in my name when in San Diego and ok so i was dogie addition to our car for a month! 1, 20-2 at a because it seems like SI at 200 a with the Affordable Health is the cheapest auto an accident). I would something like a standard around a little and .
I want minimum 3 first car, a 2012 of dollars in medical Do I pay $1251 day in Ontario Canada? only if i get it to a repair been turned down, because out insurance on my haven t bought i car fairly cheap, it can I m 17 years old. can I get it? best price for full If you know how I pay $112. my last home address getting really sick possibly accident i will be my home, with $2000 get it. How is accident and i reported do not have health parents aren t going to have insurance with progrssive in oct hopefully, where more thing if i car make your car I have no insurance to know how much to find out where to pay? I have of cheap companies who your driving the car they lost it so because I lost my my husband and I get insurance, that would 10- 15 years old? I live in Santa without insurance. I do .
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