#i am really really worried im sticking my foot in my mouth with this but i just... want to understand fdsjkl
piplupod · 7 months
okay hang on i am dissecting this in my head still and also a little bit with a friend on discord lol. but I think where i'm getting tripped up is that I'm not understanding the harm in any of this. who is it hurting exactly?
if it's hurting lesbians by muddying the definition of lesbian, WHY is that hurting lesbians?
(im going to put this under a cut because idk if anyone actually cares about all of this LMAO but i'm just trying to figure it out and if someone wants to chime in then they can read this and get back to me fdsjkl)
,,, okay we have to take a step back here to look at the big picture, stay with me fdsjkl. so. the queer community, as a whole, to my understanding (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong), exists so that anyone who is not strictly cishet+perisex+allosexual/alloromantic can have a community where they are safe and accepted and loved for who they are, even when the wider world does not accept us. we are all fags and freaks to the queerphobes who want to see us dead, etc etc.
so... why is there an issue with a label being muddied a bit? why is this hurting people? are we really that different that we need to keep our individual labels pristine like that? <- genuine questions (also this only applies to the queer community, do not try to draw comparisons to other communities because I am not talking about those and I do not think comparisons work here, but I suppose if you have something then let 'er rip and I'll let you know if I think its comparative at all)
the people identifying as mspec lesbians or lesboys or whatever else are obviously not cishet - I feel like if they were they'd just... not be labelling themselves this way - so why is it such an issue that they find community here? why are we trying to tell them they are wrong to make the labels fit their individual internal experience (that nobody other than themselves can fully see and understand)?
also i'm only speaking on this one label right now, I don't know what to think about other labels because those have other considerations to take into account (but maybe i'm missing some for this topic, lmk if i am lol)
again! all these questions i am asking are genuine questions, i'm not just putting question marks at the end to try to sound all hoity toity or anything LMAO I am genuinely puzzling this out right now and will gladly hear people out if they have insight or thoughts or anything !!! i am only one person (well. technically speaking anyways LMFAOOO) with this one brain with its one set of life experiences, so I could easily be missing something or not thinking of something!!
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mooooonnnzz · 25 days
HIIII I THINK REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN! in that case can I have something about celebrating your birthday with the pines and co :3 LOVE YOUR WRITING!!! It inspired me to start writing my own gf things, thank you!
Mable's Surprise Birthday Special
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Platonic! Pines Family x Reader
★ its funny cuz u requested like a day after my bday and then a day before the twins bday like what a perfect timing!!
★ tw: fiddleauthor im kidding i love them sm i had to put fiddleford here
★ 4,5k words
★ gn!reader
★ a silly cute fic!!! i hc soos is a really good baker
★ req r still open!
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“Welcome to Mable’s Birthday Special!” Mable noisily raved directly into the camera that she set up on a stand. “Now, I know what you’re thinking. Mable, it isn’t your birthday! And you’re correct on that. But it’s a special someone's birthday!” She plopped herself on her pink chair, pulling out a large colorful book from below and slamming it on the table. Clouds of glitter powdered the air, a fit of coughs spewing out of her mouth. “Agh, glitter attack!” She croaked out, swatting away the sparkling glitter with her hand. 
Now covered in rainbow glitter, she broadly smiled at the camera. “Now, what was I saying?” She pondered out loud, tapping her chin as she looked up. “Oh!” She jumped up, looking back down at the book that was labeled ‘[Name]’s Birthday Ideas’. 
“My siblings birthday is today!” She opened the book, flipping through an assortment of pages before stopping and striking her hand down on a certain page. “Believe or not, this is all the data I collected on [Name] so I can properly throw a birthday party extravaganza!” She leaned forward, passion flowing out of her. “And today, we are going to throw the best party ever.” 
The footage unexpectedly cuts to another shot where she, Dipper and Wendy were decorating the living room and kitchen. “Hello, my fellow Mabelins!” She feverishly waves at the camera. “We are in the living room!” Dipper peeks his head into frame, his eyebrows furrowing. “Mabelins?” He repeats slowly. “Yeah! Mabelines. That’s what I call my fans.” She motions to the camera. “Mable, no one is going to see this.” Dipper blankly said, rearranging the party streamers in his hand so they wouldn’t get tangled. “Dude, don’t say that. That’ll totally ruin her spark!” Wendy tittered, taping individual letters one by one on the wall. 
“But it’s true. Who’s actually going to sit down and watch Mabel’s videos?” Dipper remarked, taking a measured step up on the chair then onto the table. “[Name] is definitely gonna see this after the party.” Mable leaned in closer to the camera, whispering: “Brothers, am I right?” 
Grabbing the camera, she aimed it at Dipper who was jumping up from the table, trying to stick up the party streamers on the ceiling. Zooming in on him, she spoke in an Australian accent. “And now, we have an orangutan in his natural habitat.” 
Dipper grumbled, stomping his foot down on the wobbly table. “Mab–Ahp!” Dipper fell, taking the table along with him. Mable howled out in laughter, running towards him and capturing him twitching painfully on the floor. “Woah, dude. Are you okay?” Wendy got on one of her knees, helping up Dipper from the ground. Dipper quietly fussed under his breath, sending a deadly glare to Mable who wasn’t even paying attention, too wrapped up in her laughing frenzy. 
“Yeah. I’m fine. Thanks, Wendy.” He dusts himself, picking up the discarded party streamers from the floor. “I’ll hang these up for you, dude. Don’t worry.” She takes the streamers from Dipper’s hand, much against his protests. “I can do them, Wendy. It’s okay!” He watched enviously as Wendy grabbed a chair and stood on it, taping the streamers randomly around the ceiling. “There!” She hops off the chair, putting her hands on her hips and admiring her work. “Now Dipper won’t have to be sent to the hospital on [Name]’s birthday.” 
Dipper sighed out, grabbing a bowl of confetti and sprinkling it all over the floor to make a confetti runway. “Thanks so much, Wendy.” A glum look fell on his face and Mable couldn’t help herself and zoom in on his face. “Poor Dip. Too short for his own good.” Bringing her hand in front of the camera, she waves at it. “I’ll see you in the next part!” 
The footage cuts off to Ford in his red turtle sweater and black jeans, an apron that says ‘Kiss the Chef’ adorning his waist. She aims the camera up at his face. “Say, Grunkle Ford. What are we making today?” 
Uneasily smiling at the camera, he hurriedly stirred the batter. Some splattered out of the bowl and landed on the counter. “We are making a cake!” He tried to sound chipper but he couldn’t hide the distressed look on his face. Oblivious to his stress, she backs up, showing the messy countertop. Batter dripped from the counter and onto the floor where a little goopy pile had been ever so slowly festering. And upon further inspection, Ford had clumps of batter and flour stuck to hair. The white powder was dusted in streaks on his face and clothes. 
“And who’s we?” She spun around for dramatic effect, making her own drumming effects. “Pumpkin, what are you doin’?” Stan walks in, walking past the spinning Mabel and peering his eyes over to the cooking cake in the oven. She stops nowhere near Stan and has to turn back around to show Stan in the frame. “This is my Grunkle Stan! Twin brother of my Grunkle Ford–,” She zooms in on their faces. “--If you couldn’t tell!” 
“Ford, the cake isn’t risin’.” He grabs a mitten and opens the oven. A blast of black smoke wafted into his face. “What?” Ford drops the bowl onto the messy counter, walking over to Stan who was coughing like a maniac while waving the mitten around to disperse the cloud of smoke. “How is it not rising? We added baking powder into the cake, didn’t we?” He snatches the mitten from Stan and slips it on. Grabbing the steaming pan, he placed it on the counter. “Is it supposed to be that color?” Stan grimaces at the muddied charcoal black cake. “How is the consistency still the same an hour later!” Ford scooped the slimy goo and watched it grossly plop back down on the pan. “Who’s taste testing the cake?” Mable curiously asked. Ford and Stan looked at each other before sticking their hand out, yelling, “Not it!” 
The clip cuts to Ford and Stan violently spewing out the cake into the sink or trash can. “What are we doing wrong!” Stan forced out through gags. “I don’t know!” Ford heaves out into the sink. “What’s goin’ on?” Fiddleford saunters into the chaotic kitchen with Soos following behind him. “Hey, dudes!” He waves at Ford and Stan who are still coughing into the sink and trash can. “Hey, Grunkle Fiddleford! Hey, Soos!” Mable turned the camera over to the newcomers. 
Fiddleford stepped into the kitchen, careful with where he put his feet down and went over to Ford’s side. He put his hand on Ford’s back and moved his hand up and down in a comforting manner. “Darlin’, what in the hell happened here?” 
“Me and Stan tried making cake.” The mention of cake has Ford’s stomach churning once again. “Oh, yikes.” He breathes out, teeth bared. “Hun, why don’t ya sit down with Stan? Me and Soos can handle this, right Soos?” Soos’s head perks up at hearing his name. “Yeah! We can make a pizza cake out of real pizza with like, ten layers!” Stan cringes. “That doesn’t sound right.” 
Stan sweetly smiles at Fiddleford. “Thank you, my love.” Fiddleford matches his smile, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. “Ewww!!” Mable shields the camera with the palm of her hand. “Cover yer eyes, Mable!” Fiddleford laughs. “You don’t have to ask me twice!” 
Another clip plays and it's Mable marveling at a beautifully made and decorated tall 8 layered cake. “Now this is how you make a cake!” She dips her finger towards the cake to snag a bit of frosting when she was scooped up by Stan. “No, you don’t!” He moves her away from the cake, placing her back down on the floor. “I feel like out of all the people here, I thought you’d be so strict on not letting anyone touch or eat cake.” 
“I just grow weak in the knees when I see a cake as beautiful as that one.” Mable stared at it starry eyed. “Alright, that’s enough of that.” His hand flop around the camera as he attempts to find the turn off button. “Okay, so how can I turn this o–” 
The next clip is Soos delightfully munching on cake with Mable beside him. “We just couldn’t resist!” Mable says with her mouth full of cake. “I just wanted some cake, dude!” 
Footsteps approach the kitchen and both Mable and Soos look at each other with fear stricken on their faces. Jumping off the chair, she grabs her plate of cake and shoves it into her sweater. Soos shoves the whole piece into his mouth, smearing the frosting and cake crumbs all over his mouth. 
“Grunkle Ford, have you seen my–” Dipper stops dead in his tracks, eyes wide at the marvelous cake. “Is this the cake I heard Grunkle Fiddleford talk about?” He whispers, his eyes looking over to Mable and Soos who were rigid statues. 
“This thing?” Mable jabs a thumb in its general direction. “I have no idea what this is!” She nervously laughs out, pieces of crumbled cake sludge out of her sweater and plops down on the floor. “Righhhtt…” Dipper takes a step back. “I’ll leave you two alone.” He sends a cautionary glance at Soos and Mable before walking out. “Phew!” Soos wipes his forehead with his forearm. “That was close, wasn’t it?” 
“Super close.” She grabs on a piece of cake that was in her sweater and munches on it. She offers one out to Soos who happily takes it and shovels it into his mouth. 
The clip choppily jumps to the entrance door to the gift shop. “Stan went out to grab [Name] cause we kinda left them alone in the mall. Sorry not sorry [Name]! But he’s getting them over here, so any minute they’re going to come in here!” Mable whispers to the camera. She’s hiding behind a can of monster eyes, the camera very obviously on top of the canisters. “Dipper is hiding in a box full of plastic peanuts. Soos is behind the counter with Wendy, they have party poppers in their hands. Fiddleford and Ford are in the living room. They’re act two.” She brought up two fingers and wiggled them. 
Distance voices could be heard coming from outside the shack. “They’re here, they’re here!” She loudly whispers. 
“Who’s idea was it to leave me in the mall?” Mable you ask. She snickered quietly and pointed at herself, the culprit of the idea. “We didn’t leave you at the mall? We were there with you.” Stan terribly lied and you saw right through it. “Grunkle Stan, I don’t know why you lie so much.” 
The knob of the door jostles a bit, altering everyone that they were here before it opened. “Why is it so dark–” 
“Surprise!” Popping noises came from Soos and Wendy and clumped up colorful strings fell on top of your head. Dipper tripped out of the box full of peanuts, running over to give you a self-Mable made birthday sash. “Oh!” You grab the sash, slinging it around you with a chuckle. “What is all of this?” 
“Happy birthday!” Mable popped out from behind the cans, camera in hand. “Say hello to the camera [Name]!” You gave a shy wave. “Was this the reason why I was left behind at the mall?” You remove the colorful strings off your hair and throw it at Stan who sputters in surprise. “Yeah! And there’s one last surprise.” 
“Happy Birthday!” Ford and Fiddleford jump out of the living room doorway into the gift shop, blowing a party horn into your face. 
“OH MY–” 
The frame freezes on you midway screaming for a second before it switches to a whole new piece of footage where Ford is covering your eyes, blindly leading you into the kitchen where your eaten cake resides. “Okay, ready?” Ford looks at you, a huge excited smile playing at his lips. “No, not really.” 
Ford ignores you and peels back his hands and bestows you the beautiful sight of your unnaturally tall wobbling cake. “That’s a really tall cake.” You watch it dangerously wobble to the side. “Is the cake supposed to be wobbling?” You ask, looking around to see everyone’s mortified faces and two stray guilt stricken expressions. “What? That’s ain’t supposed to be happenin’…”  
Fiddleford approaches the cake and oggles it, his eyes landing on a certain spot on the backside of the cake, a wave of fury flashes on his face before he calms himself down and very sweetly smiles at the little crowd gathered in the kitchen. 
The camera catches Mable’s nervous gulp. 
“Who was takin’ big chomps of the cake me and Soos made?” His voice betrayed his sweet smile with how snappy he sounded. 
“Wasn’t me. I was with Dipper decorating.” Wendy coolly said. “Y-Yeah! We were.” Dipper solidifies his alibi, eyes locking with Mable’s anxious ones. “You can’t point any fingers at me! I was real busy gettin’ [Name] back from the mall.” Stan lifted his hands up defensively. “Again, out of all the options, why mall?” You grumbled under your breath. 
“I was with you the whole time, Fidds.” Fiddleford smiled at Ford, his voice sickeningly sweet when he spoke to Ford. “I know, hun.” Then he changes back to finding the culprits who ate his cake. “He’s really serious about that cake we ate.” Soos spoke into Mabel’s ear loudly. Fiddleford’s gaze locked down onto Mable and Soos.
“Mable, sweetheart. Could ya quit recordin’ just for a quick second.” 
The footage cuts to a somber Mabel sitting in a cold desolate corner with Soos on the other end. “I got put in the naughty corner! What is this joke!” Mable threw her hands up in the air dramatically, having them flop down to her sides with a loud melodramatic sigh. 
“It’s only just for a bit, pumpkin! After we set up the table you’ll be back here! Same goes for you, Soos!” Stan’s gruff spoke from the kitchen.
“Okay, thanks Mr. Pines!” 
“Ugh, we shouldn’t have ever eaten that cake.” Mable dragged a heavy hand down her face, pulling at it. Soos’s stomach roared in hunger. A laugh leaves Soos, his attention turning to Mable. “Do you still have some of that cake in your sweater? I’m kinda hungry.” 
“I think so? Let me check.” She digs her hand into her shirt and pulls out a clump of cake that had strands of hair and sweater fuzz on it. “Our last one.” Mable whispered dejectedly. 
“Mable, do you have your camera?” Ford peeks his head out of the kitchen to see Mable handing a mysterious ball to Soos, the camera in front of her. “You’re not supposed to have this, missy.”
“I know.” She frowns deeply when Ford snatches up her pink glitter camera. Ford fumbles with it a bit, the last shot before the scene switched was Soos taking a hearty bite of the ball of cake.
“Is this thing working?” Stan’s voice spoke from behind the camera. “Yeah, it’s working.” Wendy confirmed, tapping at the blaring red light to signal its recording. “Today is [Name]’s birthday! Right, sweetie?” He accidentally shoves the camera right at your face.
“Woah, okay!” You giggled, carefully pushing Stan away from you. “It is my birthday. I think you all are more excited about it than me.” 
Wendy walks over to you with a party hat in hand. “It's like you’re asking for us to forget it.” She hands you the hat. “If any of you ever forget my birthday, you will not hear the end of it!” You glared at everyone, pointing at them in a smooth motion with your party hat.
“They’re not kidding, guys.” Dipper’s eyes have a distant traumatized look to them. “I have seen it firsthand.” Stan added, flipping the camera to his traumatized face before flipping it back onto you. 
You snap the party hat on you with a smile. “I feel stupid being the only one with a party hat.” You walk over to the box full of party hats and grab an armful of party hats. “Tune in and find out if I’m able to put party hats on everyone!” You make a swooshing noise as your hand descends on the camera, palm covering the lens. 
“Stan, that’s when you stop record—“ 
The next set of footage had everyone, even the ones who were grounded for a short while, all huddled up in a group, party hats on. “I got them to all wear party hats!” You cheered, picking up Waddle’s who innocently trudged into the kitchen. “Even Waddles has one.” You cooed at the pig before putting him back down on the floor. “Okay, everyone disperse! Time to start singin’ happy birthday.” Fiddleford announced. 
Everyone surrounds the decorated table with the wobbling cake. Each shove and push to the table had Fiddleford sucking a nervous breath in.
“Okay, ready?” Ford held up three fingers and started counting down by three. 
The whole room erupted into singing the second all of Ford's fingers were down. “Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to [Name]! Happy birthday to youuuu!”
“Make a wish! Make a wish!” Mable thrummed her hand against the table. The cake shook and trembled and everyone watched with bated breath. 
The cake stills and everyone lets out a sigh of relief. “Welp, wasn’t that close? Am I right?” Stan laughs, slapping his hand on the table. “Stanley!”
The cake plunges down, splattering everyone with its frosting and filling. Silence filled the room. 
Waddles squeaks happily at the delicious treat, feasting on the piece of cake on the floor. You lick around your lips, grabbing a taste of the cake. “Mmm! This is good. Fiddleford, Soos, you guys really did a good job on making the cake!” 
“Thanks [Name]!” Soos is wolfing down a piece of his own cake that had showered all over him. “Glad ya like it, sweetheart..” Fiddleford sighed out, plopping his head on Ford’s shoulder. 
“My camera!” Mable cried out, darting over to her camera that was weighing down from heavy frosting. She fortunately caught it in her hand, wiping off the icing with the sleeve of her sweater and accidently turning off the camera. 
The footage clips to the last video Mable took of the day. You were sitting down on a chair, a table full of gift bags and hand wrapped objects filled the table. “We are now opening presents!” Mable exclaimed, chucking a fist full of glitter in the air. “Ah, my eye!” Stan screeched out, sprinting into the kitchen to run water over his eye, bumping into the camera in the process. “Grunkle Stan! Be careful.” Mable held the camera stand, keeping it still. After a few minutes of hearing running water, Stan walks out with an irritated eye. “Open, open!” Mable chanted. 
You pluck a gift from the table, flipping it on its back to read the name sharpied on it. “Okay, the first gift is from…” You squinted, reading it out. “Grunkle Ford!” You show the mysterious gift to everyone. Curious questions left their mouths as you opened the book shape gift. Shedding the last piece of gift wrapper, you saw what you had gotten. “A book on quantum physics?” You let out a pensive ‘hm’. 
“You could never go wrong with math!” He proclaimed, sticking out a finger into the air. You awkwardly laugh. “Yeah, thanks Grunkle Ford.” You look under the table to see Waddle’s resting on his belly. “Here, Waddles. I got a new toy for you.” You whisper, waving the book in front of his face. He brings his snout to the book, sniffing it before letting out a snort. He grabs the book with his mouth and places it down on the floor, he pads around it for a minute and flops down on the book, snuggling into it. 
“Next gift!” You pop your head out from under the table and grab the next gift by its handles. You stuck your hand inside and latched onto something. Pulling it out, you came face to face with a Mystery Shack coupon. You didn’t even need to guess who this was from. “Really Grunkle Stan?” 
“Oh, shut it. There’s one more thing left in there!” 
You place the card on the table and dig your hand back into the bag. You grabbed onto a bottle and took your hand out, your eyes widening at the wine bottle. “Um?” You warily look at Stan whose jaw is dropped on the floor. “Who put that there?” Stan marched over to you and took the bottle of wine from your hand. A few quiet snickers came from Dipper and Mable. “That’s my bottle. You get your own.” 
“Uhm?” You look back down in the gift bag and flip it upside down. A wad of neatly folded cash plopped down on your lap. Your eyes brighten and you look over to Stan who’s smiling proudly to himself. “Is this real cash?” You grab the cash from your lap and inspect the dollar bills. “How in the world would I ever give ya fake money? Put some more faith in your Grunkle!” 
You gleefully put the cash back into the side and place it beside you. “Up next is…” You grab a hold of a large square wrapped in Christmas wrapping. The name Soos was elegantly written on the wrapping paper. “Soos!” 
“Yes!” Soos pumps his fist in the air. “You are going to love it, dude!”
Peeling off the wrapping paper revealed the gift to be your favorite music artist vinyl. “Soos! These are expensive, how did you get this?” 
Soos glanced over to Stan and looked back at you. “I have my ways!” He smiled. 
You put the vinyl in your bag with the cash and moved to the next present. Fiddleford’s gift was next and he had given you a beautiful heartfelt note accompanied with a photo of you, Fiddleford and Ford. You thought that was it when he told you to shake the envelope with a wink. A few couple hundred bucks fell out that had you gasping for air. 
“There’s no way you just copied me, Fidds.” Stan pointed an accusatory finger at him. “We just had the same idea, Stanley.”
“Grunkles, Grunkles! Please, no fighting.” Mable stood in between them, her hands flat against their stomachs. “My gift is next and [Name] needs their full attention on it!” 
Mable’s gift was a conflicting mess. You couldn’t decide if it was cute or oddly weird. She had given you a scrapbook, innocent at first, but opening the book showed that she had been harvesting everyone’s hair and gluing them in the book, crudely making a heart full of hair with your name spelt in cursive on the inside. The pages following had copious amounts of glitter, stickers and the strong scent of glue, but they were pretty normal enough, sharing memories of you, her and Dipper in some pages and then others had the family all together. Then there was a page that had you sit back and question your sister's mental wellbeing. She had a whole page dedicated to candid photos she had snapped of you while you weren’t looking. 
She had a photo of you sleeping, brushing your teeth, talking to Stan, playing ddnmd with Ford and Dipper, etc. And to make it a little more weirder, she had made everyone write little comments of what was their favorite thing in the picture. At least what everyone wrote was normal…
“Mable, thank you very—“ 
“—Go to the last page!”
You flip to the last page that was blank. A puzzled look formed on your face and you opened your mouth to ask Mable what was this when you were pelted with a wave of confetti, glitter and sprinkles. A drawing of everyone holding hands launched out of the book and harmoniously started singing happy birthday. Mable started singing along, busting down her own moves, satisfied with the gift she gave you. 
You were coughing up glitter and confetti for the next few minutes. Stan came up behind you to pluck the stray sprinkles that got caught in your hair. Waddles made the gracious effort to clean the floor by eating the sprinkles and a bit of the confetti.
Dipper’s gift was more sentimental. In a rainbow colored envelope, made by yours truly Mable, was a letter that Mable and him collaborated on and wrote together such a nice letter that you doubted if your younger siblings really had made this themselves. With teary eyes, you opened your arms wide and they didn’t waste a moment to run up to you and jump in your arms. 
“That really sweet, thank you guys.” 
You held them in your arms for a minute or two before they let you go and went back to their spot. 
Wendy’s gift was a nice way to top everything off. Seems like she had roped everyone in it and made this whole poster board full of their favorite moments that you had shared with everyone. Branching from embarrassing ones that some were unfortunately captured by Mabel’s trusty camera to unforgettable beautiful memories.
“Who came up with this idea?” You ask with a laugh, looking at a pinned photo where you were mid horrified face when Stan was cannonballing into the pool. He was halfway in, water already sprouting out and ready to splash you and drown Dipper and Mabel. 
“It was a mix of Grunkle Ford and Mable. They’re surprisingly creative when put together.” Wendy said, jerking a thumb over to Mable high sixing Ford. “You guys really went all out for this, didn’t you?” You smile softly. A mix of playful scoffs and ‘of course!’ filled the room. “Who wouldn’t want to go all out for you?” Stan wrapped an arm around your neck, pulling you in a side hug. “I think we might need to drill that into yer head. Yer jus’ full of sugar, who wouldn’t want to give ya such an amazin’ birthday?” Fiddleford affectionately ruffled your hair. 
Ford hugged your other side, slipping a note in your hand. “Is this another sappy note that’s going to make me cry?” Ford chuckles, nodding. “Group hug without us? What is Mable going to say?” Wendy joked. “She’s probably going to kill them.” Dipper laughed. “Who’s killing wh–” She turns around and gasps loudly. “Group hug!” She grabs Soos’s hand and practically hurls herself into the hug. “Dipper, Wendy. Get in here!” They join in on the hug. 
“Happy Birthday [Name].” Dipper tried his best to at least give you a slight hug but everyone was so jumbled up together, all he could do was pat his head against your upper stomach. Everyone else joined in and told you happy birthday. Snuggling further into the hug, you smiled. “Thank you guys.” 
A warning beep rings in the air. “What is that?” Soos asks. Another final warning beep. “Oh my god! My camera!” Mable shuffles out of the hug and darts over to her camera. The frame freezes on Mable reaching out for her camera with everyone staring at the cameras with wide owl eyes. 
Pink glitter mixed in with blue plain text faded into the screen saying ‘Happy Birthday to the best sibling in the world!’ and the video ends. 
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Taglist: @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @lovexsage, @teddycricketdream, @theilluminatidragonqueen, @raventeen @cedarmoonzz, @katharine3000
dm or comment if you want to be added/removed!!
i also posted my first fic on ao3!! it's a fiddleauthor drabble cuz i just love them sm. so if anyone wants to check it out the title of it is Amore Mio Aiutami (Main Theme) n my username barbatoz!! :p i'll only post fiddleauthor and billford over there :3
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here have a little something also im queueing my posts bc lol going on a trip not gonna tumblr from my trip
“Ah ain’t saying you’re crazy, Rarity,” Applejack uncertainly assured her friend, “but ya do have to admit you can go a bit overboard at times when it comes to fashion and prettifying people.”
Rarity pulled out the most hurt-looking face she knew to make and mimed being terribly offended to the point of fainting with only her wrist, since her arms were full from carrying dozens of colors of lipsticks and lip gloss. She quickly laid them down on the table next to the salon chair where Applejack was sitting and then finally laid herself down on her zipping fainting chair with a theatrical, pained, sigh.
“Oh, darling,” she pitifully whined, “you’ll absolutely ruin my reputation in this town with these false accusations…!” She put on her best sympathy-garnering pout and looked about to shed a tear. Even the lipsticks on the table looked like they might burst into tears from secondhand exposure to Rarity’s woe.
Applejack did not look impressed. Scratching at her head, she said, “Look, all Ah’m saying is—ow!” In a flash, Rarity jumped up from her lying position with the harsh thud of heeled boots on hard wood and smacked Applejack’s hand away from her dangling golden locks.
“Don’t—!” Rarity hissed and hurriedly snagged a brush to put Applejack’s errant locks back into place before giving a relieved sigh. At Applejack’s glare she added sheepishly, “Sorry, dear. But I would be most appreciative if you wouldn’t touch your hair at all in this part of the process.”
Several sticks and vials of Rarity’s veritable lipstick collection had sadly fallen over from Rarity jumping into action—though none, thankfully, broke into tears. Picking them up to rearrange them into a more pleasing pattern with her deftly delicate fingers, she calmly explained, “Dangling hair can smudge lipstick so terribly, and I ever so want to make sure that I can model you perfectly to my creative vision for this one day I have such power over you.”
Applejack squinted suspiciously at her. “Now that there is why I want to put my foot down on this whole mess.” Rarity waited patiently for an explanation, and Applejack gave it to her. “I’ll be honest. You may have been kinda ‘fashion-crazy’ before at times, but Ah’ve never seen you so like… this. Yer like a whole different person! Mmm.”
As soon as Applejack stopped talking, Rarity got to work applying a vibrant red lipstick onto her mouth. She was done in seconds—no smudge, no mess—giving Applejack’s lips a vibrant crimson hue, not entirely similar to her choicest apples.
“Sorry, AJ, but I had to make sure you weren’t talking before I put this on. I think its color suits you to a tea!” Rarity swept all the other unused lipsticks off the table and onto the floor with many heart wrenching clatterings before taking out a red nail polish bottle from her apron. “Now hold out both hands and keep them still—oh, and make a kissy with your mouth to put the lipstick all there.”
“Mwah. Now like Ah was sayin’...” Applejack started.
“Oh, don’t worry about all that, darling. I’m just rather excited to finally have you two as my models after all this time! You two have really wonderful figures that I’ve been waiting ages to try my wardrobe on!” she gushed, swiftly brushing the scarlet nail polish perfectly onto all of AJ’s fingernails. Casting aside the nail polish bottle and taking in hand the blowdryer, Rarity then cooled over Applejack’s fingernails until they shone red, gleaming almost like the apple in the sun but with a deeper, more meaningful tone…
“Why, what a wonderful shine! Now if only I had my glittery scarlet nail polish, we could go to the red carpet later today… goodness, don’t glare at me like that, Applejack! I’d be less worried about how excited I am and more worried about how silent Rainbow Dash has been,” she threw out there to desperately throw attention off herself.
Rainbow Dash just sat there sulking and even more silently in her metal chair to the side.
Applejack looked up to the heavens and sighed. “Eeyup. ‘S a darn shame she went and died of a broken heart after losing the bet for us!” she called out.
“HEY!” Rainbow Dash jumped up, fury evident on her face.
“Ah can almost hear her now.” Applejack shook her head sadly, a smirk hidden behind her hand. Rarity also had some troubles restraining herself from tittering as she went to get some makeup brushes from a cabinet.
Rainbow Dash stomped forward. “You got something you wanna say to my—AUGH!” Rainbow Dash tripped on some of the lipsticks still scattered over the floor and fell onto her face. Getting up, she gave a dark look to the cowering lip products on the floor and kicked them away none too gently.
“Careful, darling,” Rarity worriedly remonstrated, waving a case of brushes, “be gentle with those! I don’t want any of them to break, after all.”
Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity like she was growing a unicorn horn. “You’re crazy. You know that, Rarity? You’re crazy! And you!” She turned her wrath to Applejack. “You’re the one who lost the race for us and made us have to go through all this!” she said, waving her arms to gesture to all of Rarity’s living room.
“Oh, don’t worry, it really isn’t either of your faults, dearies,” Rarity reassured. “It’s just that—well, I maaaay have been planning for the perfect eventuality to make a bet like that and win it for years now in a top secret master plan requiring the involvement of Vice Principal Luna and most of the student body,” Rarity explained with a look of bemusement.
Rarity took out an eyeshadow brush and a mascara brush from the case. “Please close your eyes and don’t flinch, AJ. Thank you! Frankly, Dash,” she muttered, focused on the task at hand, “I’m surprised that you even got so close to beating me…”
Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped, and she just stared at Rarity as she darkened the area around AJ’s eyes with the tickling mascara brush, delicate stroke by delicate stroke in a grand curving motion sweeping across AJ’s orange face. Next, Rarity added some nice purple accents to the eyelids with the feathery eyeshadow brush, adding some shading in the middle of the pools of blackness to give them some life and contrast with her natural colors delectably. Predictably, all of this caused Applejack to sneeze. Thankfully, it was after Rarity finished up the eyeshadow.
“Bless you,” Rarity said heavily, going to the counter and picking up the piercing gun, “Dear, now it’s time for you to get pierced so I can put some absolutely wonderful earrings on you. I caution you that this will indeed hurt, but I will make absolutely sure that the whole process is completely sanitary.”
Applejack winced, opened her mouth like she was gonna say something before closing it, and wavered on what extremes she would allow Rarity to go to for a few more moments before finally relenting with a sigh. “Shoot, sure, poke a few holes in me. Not gonna be anythin’ worse than what happens around the farm,” she weakly mumbled.
Rarity advanced, a case of earrings from her apron grasped firmly in her left hand and the rapidly approaching piercing gun in her right. Right before Rarity got to Applejack, Rainbow Dash snatched her right hand and arrested her from getting too close to the farmer’s ears with that piercing gun.
“Woah, woah, woah. AJ, did you even hear what Rarity just said?” Dash exclaimed, and shook her head incredulously. “She’s gonna give you a piercing! You hate piercings! You wouldn’t even get a nose ring when you lost that bet we had at the Running of the Bulls!” 
“That’s different, Rainbow,” AJ interjected lamely. “Ah just didn’t want a nose ring because… because Ah didn’t wanna look like one of them cows!” she justified.
Rarity looked uncomfortable. She struggled to get out of Rainbow Dash’s grip, but the other woman was just too strong for her. “Um, excuse me, Dash, but I need to give dear Applejack some earrings now, please,” she whined. “You know… for the bet I won against you girls fair and square,” she stated, gathering more confidence in her eyes the more she spoke.
Rainbow Dash looked between Applejack, looking torn, in the chair and Rarity, looking with fiery determination while struggling against Dash with the piercing gun in her grip.
Finally, Applejack sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, saying ”Fair and square, Dash. Fair and square. Let ‘er do it.” Rarity, for her part, restrained herself from attempting to jump on Applejack for almost disrupting the beautiful mascara and purple eyeshadow art on her face.
Rainbow Dash released Rarity and slowly backed up, careful to not trip on the devastated lipsticks and even more cautiously tracking Rarity’s every more. She backed up into the metal chair before sulkily dropping into it and taking one of the sports magazines from the coffee table to read, glancing up suspiciously at Rarity at intervals.
Applejack sighed yet again. “A’right, Rarity. Poke those holes into my ears, or whatever…”
Rarity just started in shock and then calmly swabbed at AJ’s ears with disinfectant. “I already have. Goodness, didn’t you feel the piercing gun poking through your ear. You should probably get that checked out, Applejack! It’s not healthy to not feel the pinch of getting pierced,” she sagely advised.
AJ just shrugged and Dash mumbled something.
Rarity, humming a jaunty tune, then took the earrings out of their case and set to putting them into AJ’s ears. “Now remember dear,” she said, “you’ll only need these for today, so if you don’t want to keep them you should just take them out tonight. Otherwise, you’ll have to flip them every day so the skin doesn’t grow over them.”
“Eugh,” Applejack opined. As Rarity put the left earring in, Applejack glanced to the side at the case and her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the earring’s shape. “A crescent moon…” she mumbled, temporarily lost in her own world as she continued to stare wistfully at the earring in remembrance of an event from her childhood…
But, that is not the story we are here to tell.
Rarity took stock of Applejack’s features as something nagged at the back of her head. Something’s missing, Rarity mused. What could it be? Let’s see… crimson nails, scarlet lipstick, quite the beautiful job of eyeshadow that really brings out her orange skin, and the crescent moon earrings— “Ah!” she exclaimed, diving into her cabinet to take out a case with a necklace in it.
Gingerly, she removed the necklace—gold with a ruby inset in the shape of a thunderbolt—and gently laced it around Applejack’s neck.
“Perfect~!” she gushed. Then, turning to Dash—”What do you think, dear? She’s absolutely stunning, isn’t she?”
Rainbow Dash boredly glanced up from an article on Soarin’s latest scores, snorted, and shortly devolved into a heap of giggles on the floor at the sight of Applejack. Collecting herself up from off the ground and brushing off a few tears, she said, “She’s hilarious! Those earrings and that necklace! Bahaha!” She took out her phone and took a few quick snaps. “I gotta post this to the groupchat next time we have a bet!”
Applejack looked miffed from her reverie being broken but was ultimately resigned to her fate. Rarity, on the other hand, was doing her best to not pop a stray lock of hair as her eyes twitched from her friend’s words.
“Why—why what’s wrong with it?!” Rarity demanded.
Dash snorted. “She looks like a punk wannabe! Applejack, a punk! And a necklace with a red thunderbolt on it! Bahahahaha! Who would wear a necklace with a red thunderbolt on it?” She laughed some more. “Apparently Applejack would! Why not an apple or something?!”
Rarity scoffed defensively. “An apple necklace would be just tacky, my dear!” Ignoring Applejack’s disappointed look downwards, she continued, “And what’s wrong with a little punk fashion? It’s so in these days! Just look at Applejack’s friend Coloratura! Such panache! Such pathos! Mark my words, punk and scene girls are gonna make a huge comeback in just a few years, and then I’ll finally be ahead of the curve!”
Dash threw a flat look at Rarity. “I really doubt that,” she said, throwing down the magazine and crossing her arms. “Anyway, you still won’t get me to put any of that purple eyeshadow on or anything...”
“Oh, don’t worry, darling, that’s most definitely not the vision I have in mind for you,” Rarity reassured, chuckling warmly. “But you’ll just have to wait and see~!”
Dash rolled up the sports mag and stuck it in her bag before standing up and walking to the door. “Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, I’m just gonna go, actually,” she said guardedly. “I appreciate the enthusiasm, Rarity, but you’re just not cut out for Team Make Rainbow Dash Look Awesome. Nuthin’ personal.”
“I beg your… mfrlgnpardon?” Rarity exclaimed, her face scrunching up in disgust.
AJ’s own response was growled out as she stood up and walked towards RD. “Woah there, Dash! You’re not thinking of just leavin’ after seein’ me getting all dollified without gettin’ made up yourself, are you? Ah mean, Rarity won the bet! Fair and square! You can’t just chicken out of it because you don’t want to do it!”
Dash thought seriously for a moment (a first for her) and cheerfully gave AJ her answer. “Hmmm… Nope! G’wan, call me chicken! I’d gladly be made fun of and called a wimp if it means I can stay true to who I am. I learned that lesson earlier this year and I’m not gonna forget it. Besides, what would my fan club think?! So I’m sorry, Rarity, but you’re off the Team,” Dash concluded gravely.
The lipsticks broke into wails of pity for a stunned Rarity at this proclamation. Rainbow Dash took a look at them with a raised eyebrow, shrugged, adjusted her bag, and put her hand on the doorknob to leave.
“Hold it!” Rarity yelled.
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technowoah · 3 years
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THESEUS - a dsmp story ( DreamSMP x Queen!Reader)
Chapter Summary: Wilbur makes a proposition, Tommy finally gets his fight, warning shots are fired and the bomb that was planted finally went off.
pairing: c!wilbur x queen!reader
an// tbh im not that happy with this one, I hope yall like it! but hopefully Ill like chapter 6 lol
⚠︎ swearing, dsmp spoliers(?), angst, fighting, minor blood mention, not proofread. Y/N/N = your nickname
word count: 5.1k
"Are you sure you want to do this because Tommy is a good fighter!"
"He's also good at being annoying, so you'll die either way."
Currently Tommy and You were by a small lake in L'Manburg facing each other with swords and guns. Fundy and Tubbo were belittling Tommy on the sidelines. Tubbo was trying to convince the both of them not to do this so they wouldn't get hurt badly before the actual war begins. Wilbur was standing in between the two and Eret nervously standing off to the side with Tubbo and Fundy.
When You arrived you explained to the three people who were there, Tubbo, Fundy, and Wilbur, that Tommy and you were going to fight that day. Tubbo and Fundy were not for that idea at all, but Wilbur approved it. After a while of thinking and conversation of course he agreed. 
Eret and Tommy arrived at L'Manburg as well and apparently Tommy already told Eret that he was fighting his wife.
"You know what Eret? I'm gonna fight your wife today! Yeah it'll be a good fight, don't worry I wont hurt her that badly."
Of course Eret did not want this duel to happen and tried to convince Wilbur to not let the two do this to one another. He was concerned about the task and hand yes, but You getting hurt or even worse, killed was not a thing he wanted not needed. Tommy was a loose cannon, he worked on impulse. You were basically fighting a bull while wearing all red.
Wilbur had pulled You aside for the second time this week and started to have a conversation with you again. It was a needed conversation so when Wilbur grabbed her arm.and pulled her away you didn't hesitate this time. As the two talked in the distance you heard Fundy yelling at Tommy about the dangers of fighting You at a time like this. Your mind was all over the place at this point.
"You know how this works?" Wilbur looked at You and Tommy.
"Yes I do"
You knew what was going to happen. They both had 6 bullets in their gun, if they use all of their bullets they can use their swords instead. You were in your head at this moment. Wilbur was explaining how this duel would work to Tubbo, while You contemplated whether to waste youshot by shooting in the sky or aiming at Tommy's foot. you didn't want to hurt him at all, they had a war coming soon so hurting Tommy would not help L'Manburg. Then again, when was helping L'Manburg a part of your mission?
You snapped out of your mind and saw Tommy glaring daggers at her. He looked harmless.
"I am going to beat you." Tommy said in a voice that can be only compared to a robot.
"You wish!" You scoffed and smiled, smiled which made Tommy scoff and look away.
Wilbur spoke over the two, "ALRIGHT! You two will be back to back facing away from each other, then take ten paces. When I say "fire" you two will fire and shoot and fight until one is damaged and cannot battle anymore or until I call a draw. Understand?"
"Yes Wilbur!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Of course." You calmly said.
"Alright" Wilbur agreed and motioned for the two to turn away from each other. 
They had both touched backs and You had taken a huge deep breath. 
The dilemma in your head was still spinning. Whether to shoot him or to shoot into the air. you would be a coward wouldn't you?
"You scared?" Tommy taunted you.
"No. Just getting ready to beat your ass."
"HA! That's not gonna happen. You're all talk." 
"We'll see about that." Wilbur spoke, inserting himself into their conversation.
Wilbur had stepped back towards the group of men who sat and were watching the whole duel. There was tension in the air, they all could feel it. They all thought this was a bad idea, You thought this was a bad idea. What if this tore the whole plan apart will they ever get to-
They both took a step.
Aim to the sky or aim towards Tommy?
Where would you aim?
What would happen if Tommy ended up dead?
Would Dream be happy?
If you aim towards the sky. Tommy might shoot. you would be an open target.
It would be over right? If you aim at the sky?
Up in the air.
How can this end?
The sky? Tommy? Where does the bullet go?
Where do you go?
Tommy's eyes widened and You stood my ground.
"She shot her pistol towards the sky?!" Tubbo shouted.
Wilbur stood there with a smirk and Eret let out a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed. Tommy didn't shoot his gun at all; he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. This was the right way.
"I want you to shoot into the sky." Wilbur had taken you to an uninhabited part of the wall to talk.
Wilbur had sighed and looked over to where Tommy was gloating to Eret about dueling his wife.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Tommy is rather impulsive. He does things without thinking or with any concern for consequence. He says things without thinking too, as you've seen firsthand."
You nodded and laughed before Wilbur kept talking.
"I want him to hesitate. I want him to think for once. I know he wants to fight right now, he's riled up because of the battle. I expect him to shoot, but I hope that he won't. He won't." Wilbur seemed to be convincing himself this was a good idea.
"That's reassuring." You replied sarcastically.  
Wilbur rolled his eyes, "I believe he won't kill you nor harm you. At least that's the plan. I care for him. He's a good fighter and he should be able to see his opponent before going all ape shit." 
"I get it. I want to do this, but you said he works on impulse. What if he shoots?" You continued to worry.
"I'm here. And uh- Fundy is great at healing. We have healing potions in the van as well. You will not die on my watch. We need you for the war."
You nodded and continued to stare into Wilbur's brown eyes waiting for another comment from his mouth.
"Do this for me please? For us?"
You opened your mouth to speak, but Wilbur sighed before continuing his statement, 
"You don't have to do this. I should've said that first. I understand that death is scary, believe me I don't want to die either. So I can figure out another way to get to Tommy if you are uncomfortable with this."
This time it wasn't a forced situation. He was literally giving you a huge way out, an open path, but you already agreed to fight before. It wasn't like you were put into this without paths to take. you had options. Now that potions were involved and there are spectators that can act as doctors eased your nerves just slightly. you can do this.
"Or were you planning on shooting Tommy anyways?" 
You looked towards Wilbur and smiled warmly at him and he returned your same smile.
 "I didn't even call it a draw yet Tommy. You can still fight-" 
"It's clear that my opponent doesn't want this. If I did, I would be more of a bad guy than I already am now." Tommy dropped his gun to the green grass underneath his feet. 
You followed suit, dropping your gun onto the grass below you. You walked towards Tommy trying to find the right words at this moment. He had his head hung low looking at the gun that laid in the lush grass in front of him. You had walked towards him and put a hand on his shoulder and he began to tense up at the friendly gesture.
"Tommy, you're not a bad guy. You did the right thing at that moment. You're neutral really, if you would've shot me then yeah you would be considered "the bad guy". But in reality, there is no such thing as good or bad, there are just people with different morals." You whispered that last part and Tommy seemed to reluctantly understand, still sticking to his main idea of him being a bad guy. 
He was really stubborn, which made it harder for you to make him feel better.
"This is what I wanted Tommy! I wanted you to hesitate before you shot her." Wilbur tried to pick his spirits up by revealing his plan.
"you would've been fine. Plus you weren't going to brutally damage or kill Y/N right?"
Tommy stuttered a little bit before speaking, explaining himself.
"No I wasn't! My goal was at least to scare her, or graze you with my bullet." Tommy rushed.
"What if you slipped up and hit Y/N instead?" Tubbo came into the conversation leading Fundy and Eret with him.
"Then I would feel incredibly horrible that I hurt an ally." Tommy said while hanging his head. "I understand, Wilbur, I understand what today's duel was for." Tommy continued.
"To be honest, this was a last minute decision! I talked to Y/N before and we both decided it was a good idea for you. Especially when a war is coming up."
"Mhm. I am okay now. I've learned, and I just hope that I can transfer this into the war." Tommy seemed relieved, but also not wanting to learn his lesson. It was bad to assume, but it sounded like he wanted to get this lecture over with.
Wilbur humed while turning away satisfied with what happened today. He walked towards the HTO van with Fundy following suit leaving Tommy and you standing next to each other still recovering from what just happened. Eret and Tubbo were standing a few feet away from them making small glances to the two making sure they are okay.
"I still hate you." Tommy grumbled.
The five citizens were sitting in the meeting room making potions with the brewing machines or doing their own thing at the moment. Wilbur didn't have anything planned for today except for making many potions for battle. You were helping with potions as well. you were more skilled at potion making than battle. you can hold yourself down and maybe kill someone, but you don't recommend for herself to do that.
"Wow Y/N/N you're making potions so much faster than I am. Teach me your secrets!" Tubbo exclaimed.
"What did you call me?" You asked The boy softly.
"What do you mean? I called you Y/N/N." Tubbo said, confused.
Has Dream ever called you Y/N/N before because it seems like you've never been called that before. Tubbo was still looking quizzically at you waiting for an answer.
"I don't think I've been called Y/N/N before." You answered.
"Y/N might be uncomfortable with that." Wilbur joined into their conversation.
"Oh! I'm sorry! If that made you-"
"I'm okay! You can call me Y/N/N'' You said while waving your hands to dismiss the situation.
"Good! I thought I was being a creep or something." Tubbo laughed.
"Y/N/N HELP ME OUT WITH THESE POTIONS WILL YA?" Tommy shouted from across the room.
"Okay you don't get to call me Y/N/N." 
Tommy huffed, "If my best friend can call you Y/N/N I will too!"
"Okay children settle down." Eret said while looking up from the book he was writing.
There was another pause until Fundy had spoken.
"Today seemed like a good day huh? Even though it isn't over so far, so good eh?" Fundy tried making conversation after writing whatever enchantments in his book.
"Yes it was so far! Very surprising today." Tubbo agreed with Fundy.
"Tommy and You gave me a heart attack today. I wouldn't consider this a good day so far." Eret exhaled jokingly. He seemed in good spirits today.
"I'm sorry I gave my husband a heart attack." You taunted.
"But seriously that scared me. Thank goodness nothing happened to the both of you. I wouldn't know what I would do." Eret continued.
"You would live." You said bluntly, staring at him. 
Eret nodded at you, sending a small smile your way.
"You would've been a good fighter. Have you fought before?" Fundy inquired.
"I have fought before! I've been trained as well, I'm more into the sneaky side of things, and making potions like I am now." You cheerfully explained.
"Sneaky things?" Wilbur asked.
Your eyes widened slightly before maintaining your composure. you forgot that Wilbur was still on youtail. He thinks that You is still suspicious, so of course when you said that he would jump on the opportunity to interrogate her.
"You could be a spy for us! Maybe spy on Dream and George!" Tubbo exclaimed.
Oh the irony.
Wilbur hummed, "Maybe, that would be interesting. We could get information and they wouldn't turn her down."
"It would be too late anyways if they've seen you here so it would be a major red flag if you showed up there trying to join their team." Eret spoke up, still concentrating on writing enchantments with Fundy.
Thank God that Eret was here, You would be stumbling for the right words and then eventually blowing their cover. you had this happen too many times. They are almost to the end you have to pull back.
"True. You're right!" Wilbur agreed. "Plus we've been more productive since you two came back."
Eret and you both nodded in agreement and went back to doing their tasks.
Tubbo and You were standing together on one side of the room making potions and talking to one another until Tubbo made a quiet gasp. 
You looked at him and followed his line of gaze until you saw them again. It was Sapnap and Dream on the top of the new, enlarged L'Manburg walls. Dream pulled back his hand and whipped something toward the van. It looked metal and shiny as it bounced harshly in the grass. 
Sapnap then pulled out a bow and arrow and Dream had set it on fire. Sapnap launched the arrow into the walls and it landed by the machine that Dream had thrown. The grass around the arrow caught on fire as well, not making a huge fire but enough to scare the two.
"WILBUR! You have a gift!" Tubbo said as he rushed out of the van and You watched carefully through the window so the two wouldn't do anything to the boy.
"Where did he go?!" Wilbur yelled.
"He went outside to grab the metal thing Dream and Sapnap threw." You said keeping an eye on Tubbo as he came back into the van.
Wilbur rushed towards the window where Aryia was stationed and looked towards the top of the wall where Dream and Sapnap were. Dream took one last final glance at the two in the window then turned away to jump down the wall with Sapnap following suit.
"Guys you might want to take a look at this." Tubbo said while placing the metal thing, which was an old answering machine, on the table.
Wilbur sighed, clearly exhausted with everything that had been going on. He sat down on the edge of the table. Tubbo pressed play on the machine and the recording started.
"Tommy, and Wilbur, and the rest of L'Man-child-burg. We are at war. There is no mercy. We have burned down Tubbo's house, we have planted TNT cannons around your land, we have cobblestone walled the outside, we have shot one warning shot inside your walls. WE HAVE NO MERCY, NO MERCY FOR YOU! We will burn down your houses! We will kill everything inside your walls and we will take back the land that is rightfully ours. If you do not surrender I WANT TO SEE WHITE FLAGS! WHITE FLAGS OUTSIDE YOUR BASE BY TOMORROW AT DAWN, OR YOU ARE DEAD!"
There was a long beep until Tubbo shut off the recorded message. Everyone was silent looking at each other for the next move. Everyone either had a face of anger or one of concern. Eventually everyone turned to Wilbur who had his head down, his hair slightly covering his eyes in a thinking pose. We were waiting for a response from the leader, but it didn't seem like anyone had a response to this situation.
"Hey lets just-"
"Grab me a book and a pen" Wilbur spoke.
It's been about an hour since we last received the message. The sun has gone down and they are all still sitting around the meeting table. 
"What do we get? What's the report?" Wilbur asked.
Tommy started, "Okay so here's the situation, the ‘Dream boys' they're on the roof, they've already killed me and Tubbo once, they feel like they got their power. Their egos are up-" 
"They've taken it all." Tubbo added.
"I don't know man, what do you think we've got to do now? Ultimately you're the leader here." Tommy asked the older man.
Wilbur paused before speaking, "I think, the element of surprise is needed. We can't go in just guns blazing."
"My son, how are you doing?" Wilbur asked Fundy.
Fundy stuttered before speaking, "I could've been better."
Wilbur smiled then opened the book he had been writing in for the past hour.
"Before we go into battle though-
"WORDS OVER WEAPONS MY FRIEND!" Tommy interrupted Wilbur
"My gents and m'lady, may I read you the Declaration of Independence?" 
Wilbur had started to read through the Declaration complementing the writers who wrote lines in the book. He began reading the main parts of the book.
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for-"
"Wilbur" Tommy interrupted Wilbur again
"Yes what, what?" Wilbur asked annoyed
"They're surrounding us, Wilbur." 
Tommy stood up looking out of the window at the many fiery arrows making their way towards the van and making the grass around the van catch on small fires.
From inside the van it looked like rain from hell. All the fears you once had came flooding back into your mind. you put herself right in front of the greatest fighters, and assassins in the kingdom and you might not make it out alive. 
Wilbur started to head out of the door trying to face his opponents. They all were putting themselves out there exiting the van as fast as they could like a huge target. Speaking of target, an arrow shot by Sapnap landed too close for comfort next  to Wilbur. He seemed un phased at this.  
"They're not the best shot." Wilbur turned his back on the archers and stood in the doorway to the group inside.
Wilbur began to yell at the archers, "Gentlemen how are you!?" 
"Good!" Dream replied bluntly.
Surprisingly they could hear both of each other. 
"Do you like the view of our nation!?" Wilbur asked as he smirked.
"Oh God!" Tubbo exclaimed, worried because of the taunting Wilbur was doing.
"We might be a little out gunned here gentlemen." Eret said softly to the others while placing a hand on your shoulder in a comforting way.
"I thought this was a trailer park!" Dream shouted back. 
"Very funny, listen. It seems like you've gained the upper hand in people! We will meet you in the field, but on our own terms!" Wilbur concluded.
"YEAH!" Tommy shouted at the archers hyping Wilbur up.
The rest laughed at Tommy's antics trying to keep it together.
"Please stop making things worse!" Tubbo laughed.
Another arrow was shot at Wilbur's feet. He was clearly stunned by this, turning to the rest of the L'Manburgians he spoke to them.
"We armor up gents." Wilbur said, walking away.
Just as he walked away Tommy followed Wilbur outside of the van and then an arrow was shot into Tommy's bicep by George. Tommy yelled in anger and in pain, and the rest followed suit yelling in shock. Tommy clutched the arm that the arrow had found its way into, he tried to keep it together as he fell to his knees. You rushed to Tommy's side trying to take the arrow out carefully and heal him. He kept on shielding his arm away from you and kept babbling incoherent nonsense about “leaving him alone” too.
"It's okay! I'm fine! I'm fine! Don't worry!" Tommy kept shouting.
"You're not fine Tommy, let me help!" You yelled and he finally succumbed to you.
You slowly pulled out the arrow and used bandages that Eret had rushed to give you to wrap around his arm carefully. Throughout this whole process Tommy had a face of discomfort and pain until you had successfully bandaged his upper arm so no blood would seep through. Later on you would have to tend to his wounds more delicately.
"Just stay inside!" Fundy yelled in a hurried tone and was angry at the fact someone had already gotten hurt.
This would've been the outcome of the duel if you hadn't followed Wilbur's orders. Either way he would've been injured. Of course they would go for Tommy. Wilbur's right hand man. It was bound to happen. 
You and the rest of the men were clad in netherite or diamond armor and they surrounded Wilbur waiting for another order.
"Tommy I'm putting you in charge of this army." Wilbur said.
Your eyes widened. Didn't Wilbur just say he acted on impulse. This was a bad idea. you were going to die at the hands of the people who gave this opportunity to you.
Wilbur continued, "No matter what happens during this war, no matter who wins and who loses. Just remember that we're on the right side of history."
You have heard that before. What side of history was you on? They have rubbed off on you of course, but with different morals coming from both sides, whose morals do you fit with? If you die, will you be painted in the wrong manner? Are you on the right side as you stand with Eret and Fundy in L'Manburg? Is there even a right side?
"Up the walls we go!" Tommy exclaimed as the group climbed the ladder over the walls.
Your heart was pounding as Tommy led the way towards their next destination. This was going to be very interesting.
Tommy led us to the destination where the other warriors were on top of a small tower looking down on the L'Manburgians.
"God- whatever we do, don't go up the tower." Tubbo exhaled. 
"We have to get them down to our level. We have to get them to come down on their own accord." Wilbur commanded.
"Those bastards." Tommy said as an arrow made of fire was shot precisely onto the ground.
The floor began to rumble as the ground cracked and smoke began to rise beneath you revealing the red, fiery TNT that blew up from beneath them breaking the very ground and dirt they stood on making everyone lose their balance. Everyone started screaming, scrambling to get away from the constant chain of TNT slipping and falling on the debris, and the crevices that formed. You had started to run faster,and faster, sometimes you fell to your knees because of the ground shaking and breaking underneath you. You couldn’t look back but you heard screaming and you could only hope and pray no one fell into the big canyon the TNT made behind you. Your mind was not catching up your feet as you blindly followed Tommy into his own home, cutting around the whole kingdom. The rest followed close behind making their way into the house. 
Their clothes were tattered and dirty, singes from the fire were on their war uniforms and armor. As they scrambled for safety the arrows kept coming, hitting the house and the ground outside of it. You felt like this was it for you, your first friends, your enemies shooting arrows of fire at you through your so-called enemies house. You had to stay alive though, keep up the act, but right now you didn't really have to keep an act up because you were actually scared for your life.
The grass in front of Tommy's house was burning while the men gave Tommy all of their arrows. Wilbur commanded them to hail them with arrows. Arrows began burning through the walls breaking into their safe haven. To escape this situation Wibur had told all of them to scatter and make it harder for the archers to shoot them. They all did just that, playing on the defensive dodging the arrows that were hurled towards their way. 
Eventually the archers jumped off of the tower retreating towards a nearby river. The L'Manburgians currently had the high ground and You started shooting with arrows purposefully missing so you wouldn't hurt them.
"They are heading to Ponk's tower!" Tommy shouted.
You looked up to one of the highest towers in the kingdom. Damn.
"In that case we need to start heading towards Ponk's tower!" Tubbo yelled, ceasing his arrows trying to get the rest of them to follow his lead.
The men followed Tommy through his shortcuts to get to the base of Ponk's tower faster. Fundy went forward shooting at the others at the base of the tower. You, Eret, Tommy and Tubbo followed Fundy and started shooting and dodging as well. 
For now they have retreated towards the walls of L'Manburg hiding slightly below the top. Wilbur was there at first then the rest of the groups followed. The arrows couldn't reach them and the boys cheerfully pointed that fact out. Soon they had started slowly retreating as the sun went down in the distance. You sighed and cheered with the rest of the men that they finally stopped fire. Your heart still beating fast you looked behind you towards Eret sending each other a knowing glance.
The rest were cheering and complimenting each other until Eret spoke up.
"Gentlemen, I think we need to go back to our home." Eret said.
"I think you're right, Eret." Tommy agreed happily.
They made their way back to L'Manburg into the night with Tommy leading them for the last time tonight. Tommy and Wilbur were playfully bickering through the whole walk back to L'Manburg. It was a fun time filled with laughter and it was much needed after that whole war. Even though they all were beaten and tattered with burn marks and scratches, they kept smiling. It's crazy to think about.
The fun ended for you as they reached their destination. The extended walls of L'Manburg were in their sights and your heart rate picked up even more than it had before. This is the end. 
"Gentlemen in L'Manburg I have a secret weapon." Eret says, sparking a new conversation.
"What is it?" You asked playing dumb. 
"What is it?" Wilbur asked asked as well
"A secret weapon!?" Tubbo exclaimed.
"I feel like Eret is just going to pull out a giant missile." Fundy joked around and your breath hitched. If only they knew.
"But seriously, what do you mean you got a secret weapon?" Tommy spoke fast.
"I've been grinding for equipment, I've been grinding materials." Eret said not to give it away.
"Show us please!" Tommy exclaimed as they all entered L'Manburg once more today.
You joined in as well, "I haven't seen any of this show us Eret!"
You hated lying to them.
"This is the final control room for you too!" Dream yelled with excitement showing the beautiful dark room. 
The chests were empty, there was a button on top of a podium, and there was a secret room where Dream and the rest would be hiding after the war. The plan was simple enough on paper. The two countries would fight until sun down and then Eret would lead the L'Manburgians to the final control room where he would press the button and then The citizens of L'Manburg would be killed and a life would be taken from them.
Dream has taught You about the life limit. Everyone in the kingdom had three lives and if all three lives were taken, there is no coming back. you felt weary taking away someone's life.
"This is where the battle will end." Dream said calmly
Currently it was just Eret and You with Dream. Dream kept explaining the mechanics of the room while they both listened. You kept slipping in and out of your mind at the moment.
This would be the end, he said. It will all come to an end and you will finally find your place in the huge kingdom. you can finally have closure. It will all come to an end.
"You two are on the right side of history, don't worry. Cause if you do this you'll be doing the kingdom a huge favor."
"This way." Eret led the group into the final control room.
The men were astonished about the huge tunnel entrance to the room. They continue to rush down the tunnel to catch up to Eret.
"I'm excited to show you!" Eret cheerfully said as he walked. "They will never suspect a thing!" 
They all ended up in the final control room. You made sure to stand next to Eret making sure that they stayed together. you knew where to leave and when the button was pressed but you had a few minutes to play it off.
"This is so cool!"
"What is this place?!"
"There's nothing in the chests." Wilbur said bluntly, as he turned to us still crouching because he opened the chests.
"Eret?" Tubbo asked.
Eret pressed the button and then the wall behind Wilbur opened and revealed Dream, Sapnap, George and Punz. The men started to scream in shock. They were getting attacked. Blood was being spilled and fire was burning down the whole final control room. Eret grabbed your hand pulling you to a secret wall, opening it to reveal stairs that led out of the final control room trying to protect you from getting hurt.
The L'Manburgians fought anyone they saw, but the others knew who specifically to kill. As the L'Manburgians fought for their lives you heard Wilbur yell out over all of the chaos.
Were you a traitor? Yes you were. They died. The fire around their bodies began to calm as their murders stood over their bodies breathing heavily. There was an orange and purple tint to the room. It looked unreal. This was it. Their bodies began to glow a light blue color and disintegrate showing that one of their lives was taken that day. This was the closure you wanted, but why did it feel like an unfinished symphony? Like it reached the climax of the song then ended.
It's over
Eret saluted to their disintegrating bodies and you followed suit.
"Down with the revolution boys! It was never meant to be."
Wilbur's POV
"Eret how could you?" We sat on the burnt grass of L'Manburg waiting for one another to show up from being killed. 
This was what I suspected from the beginning. Sadly this is what I suspected from the beginning.
"Hey where's Y/N?!" Tubbo whipped his head frantically looking for her.
"They were a traitor as well." Fundy said sadly.
Tommy and Eret were facing each other. Tommy in L'Manburg's walls and Eret standing a few feet outside of them. It was a beautiful picture at this moment, very symbolic. 
Tubbo was talking to Eret in a distraught voice before Tommy had interrupted him. "Eret listen to me! And I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fucked up." Tommy said harshly to Eret.
Eret only smirked at this like the madman he is and spoke around him, "farewell gentlemen." And he left us in our ruins.
I had such high hopes for the two of them. Especially Y/N. I knew they were trying to find their home, their place in this huge world. Maybe they'll find it with Dream. That's not what I would've wanted, but they might want to stay there. they'll be back, they'll find their home soon.
"We'll meet again. I know you."
taglist: @hi-imuwu​
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kieraelieson · 4 years
Logic Still Needs Comfort
A fic for @im-a-creepy-cookie as a part of @sanderssidesgiftxchange! I did your touch-starved Logan prompt!
Warnings: detailed sensory issues, joking mention of death
Logan disliked being touched.
It had been known for years. They all knew it. Surprise hugs or claps on the shoulder startled him unpleasantly and even made him upset sometimes. Touching his hand to get his attention made him jump and frown. He himself had compared the experience to having a bug or an animal suddenly landing on him.
And so Roman and Patton learned not to touch him aside from the occasional celebratory high-five. Which was fine. Everyone was fine, and happy.
And then came Virgil. And accepting anxiety as a valuable part of Thomas. Which changed things.
“Hey, um… L?”
Logan turned to see Virgil fidgeting but staring at him with an intent look. “Yes?”
“So, um, well you know I told you how Remus is practically a leech, and there wasn’t any getting away from it, but I’m not saying Patton isn’t great! But just Roman is… Roman, and just, but Patton really is great but I kinda don’t want to get turned into a teddy bear, and you’re all calm, and I’m, well, I’m sort of missing the calm and….” Virgil looked down and huffed out an annoyed sigh. “Oh, this is gonna come out awkward any way I say it. Can I sit next to you? I just wanna play on my phone and maybe stick my legs over your lap or something.”
Logan cocked his head to the side just slightly. “You wish to stick your legs over my lap while sitting next to me? That seems like it would involve terrible posture.”
Virgil gave a little breath of a laugh. “Any way I sit involves bad posture.”
“Actually, occasionally when you sit you replicate what is sometimes called the ‘primal squat’ which is reported to be excellent for your posture.”
Virgil gave him a lopsided grin. “Ok, you got me there. Maybe. But anyway, would you mind? It’s totally fine if you don’t want to, I’ll head back to my room.”
Logan considered it carefully. It was true that he did not enjoy touch. But this seemed as if it would be relatively calm, and would not require much, if any, reciprocation on his part. “I do not ‘mind’,” he said, utilizing Virgil’s turn of phrase.
He was currently standing, reading a book he had taken from the bookshelf he was standing in front of, and had not yet decided whether to stay with this book or choose another. He quickly pulled out the other two he’d been considering, and tucked all three books under his arm before seating himself on a couch.
It was a pleasant place, the memory library. Calm and quiet, with almost a heaviness to the air that Logan found enjoyable in a way. It was also rather dim, however, at least in this area, where the memories were older, and Logan found it necessary to summon a side table with a lamp on it so that he would have suitable light for reading.
He’d momentarily forgotten about Virgil until the couch cushion dipped beside him. Virgil pulled off his shoes and glanced at Logan.
“You really don’t mind? I mean, I know it’s kind of invasive to your space. You don’t have to say yes.”
Logan nodded. “I am not opposed.”
Virgil very tentatively put one foot up on Logan’s lap, leaning back against the arm of the couch. Logan felt again that sudden unpleasant ‘something touching me’ feeling, but it passed surprisingly quickly, and by the time Virgil had fully settled himself, laying on his back with his knees up over Logan’s lap and his feet on the other side of Logan, the feeling was gone entirely.
Logan propped his book against Virgil’s knees and began to read.
He was a little surprised, when Patton called for dinner, to find that they had been there for close to two hours, and that the unpleasant feeling had never returned. Instead he was feeling warm, and comfortable, more than he had in quite a while. He attributed this to the couch. And perhaps the warmth was a slight raising of Thomas’s core temperature, due to stress at having Anxiety so close to the old memories. Perhaps they ought to have sat down somewhere a little further away.
Regardless, he was about to comment, as they got up, at how pleasant the experience had been. Except that as soon as they both stood up, he found he was suddenly and extremely unpleasantly cold. This alarmed him, and he left without discussing anything with Virgil, concerned that the warmth and sudden cold was a sign of sickness, perhaps only his own but perhaps a symptom that Thomas was sick as well.
He went straight to the miniature control center he’d set up in one corner of his room, pulling up all of Thomas’s vital signs as well as a recording of where he’d gone that day. But everything was normal.
The cold seemed to be fading somewhat, though it was leaving a concerning ache behind. And it seemed to be concentrated on his thighs and forearms, of all places.
Logan looked through his list of sicknesses, sensible and nonsensical, that he had somehow contracted over his life, and found nothing similar. Still, this must be a sickness of some kind. Most likely a nonsensical one, as he hadn’t noted similar symptoms before. Perhaps he would discover some absurd idiom Thomas had latched onto that was causing him to experience physical repercussions. Something similar to ‘brain freeze’ perhaps.
A soft knock at his door caught Logan’s attention.
“Logan?” Patton’s voice asked. “Are you alright? Virgil told me what happened. He didn’t realize how much you don’t like being touched, and I think he’d like to apologize, but he’s really worried that you’re upset with him.”
“What—“ Logan had left rather abruptly, and without expressing to Virgil that he’d enjoyed their encounter. It was very possible, with Virgil’s anxiety, that he had misinterpreted Logan’s abrupt departure. “Ah. I see.” He waved a hand to open his door. “I am not in the least upset at Virgil. There seems to be a misunderstanding.”
“Oh, good.” Patton said, concern all over his face. “But you should probably tell Virgil that, and there’s some dinner saved for you yet.”
Logan nodded, the ache in his forearms and thighs rather distracting. “Thank you, Patton.” And then it hit him. If it really were an odd turn of phrase Thomas had attached to, Patton would certainly know it. “Have you happened to notice any interesting phrases recently?”
Patton frowned in confusion, indicating that Logan had changed the subject too rapidly for Patton to keep up. But then he grinned a little. “So today, I saw a baguette in a cage at the zoo!”
And then it was Logan’s turn to be confused for a moment, before he realized. “Ah, I didn’t mean a joke-“
“It was bread in captivity!” Patton smiled brightly, nearly laughing at his own joke.
“Yes, thank you, Patton,” Logan said, allowing the tiniest bit of an amused smile to show.
Even that slight encouragement made Patton beam. “Well, I told Roman that I would watch Disney with him tonight, so I’ll have to go, but don’t forget to talk with Virgil before you eat, and don’t forget to eat either!”
“I won’t forget,” Logan promised, a softer smile showing.
But as soon as Patton left he clapped a hand over his mouth. Why was he so… easily swayed? He prided himself on keeping a straight face, and yet now he’d smiled at Patton’s pun! What was wrong with him?
And now, with Patton leaving the room, it was as if the heat had been sapped. He was again very uncomfortable, aching and cold and he didn’t understand why. Was he perhaps experiencing some strange and extreme form of separation anxiety? It had set in both times as another side had left, though in different ways. But he didn’t feel anxious.
It was all incredibly strange.
But it seemed that Virgil was under a rather upsetting misconception. It could wait. He would speak with Virgil first and then look into this strange sickness further.
Logan crossed the hallway to knock on Virgil’s door.
The door opened almost immediately, Virgil looking as though he’d been waiting on someone to knock, and that Logan had not been the one he’d been expecting, based on the wide eyes and generally startled appearance.
“L, I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have asked if I’d known, I wouldn’t have wanted to make you uncomfortable—“
“Virgil, I assure you, I was perfectly comfortable. I would have expressed discomfort if I needed to.”
Virgil blinked, and the deep black of his eyeshadow faded somewhat. “You aren’t mad?”
“Not at all. I enjoyed the calm company you provided. I left abruptly upon discovering symptoms that indicate possible sickness.”
“Oh.” Virgil was silent a moment, gaze flickering away from Logan as he processed. “Wait, sick? Who’s sick?”
“I may be, though it is odd, and perhaps not a sickness at all.”
“Well, what is it? What’s going on? Are you ok? Is it contagious?”
“I do not know. I am experiencing a strange cold, and aching.”
Virgil’s eyebrows creased in concern. “That doesn’t sound good.”
Logan nodded seriously. “That is why I left, trying to discover what it could be.”
Virgil nodded in an encouraging, ‘go on’ kind of way.
“I haven’t found anything yet, but Patton informed me of the misunderstanding between us and reminded me to eat dinner. I intend to do more research afterwards.”
Virgil nodded. “I could rubber duck for you, if you want. Maybe I could help a bit.”
Logan stared, trying to remember what the phrase was meant to convey before revealing his confusion. He was certain he had it on a flash card somewhere, but he’d left them in his room.
Virgil rather obviously quashed an amused smile. “You tell me what happened, and then we see if we can figure it out together. Repeating the details can help you connect them better sometimes.”
“Ah. Yes. That does seem useful. Thank you.”
Virgil gave him a lopsided grin, pulling up his hood and closing his door behind himself. “So when did you first notice the symptoms?”
Logan explained his symptoms and research to Virgil as they went downstairs and sat down at the table.
“And I still have very little of an idea of why,” Logan admitted. “I believe it possible that it’s another of those idioms that we sometimes experience physically.”
Virgil nodded very slowly. “I actually… might have an idea. I have an experiment I’d like to try, but if I explain it fully it’ll bias you and it probably won’t work.”
“Go ahead,” Logan said, opening the Tupperware container of spaghetti. “What is your experiment?”
Virgil reached one hand across the table. “While you’re eating, give me one hand.”
Logan considered, reaching out to hold Virgil’s hand. “Does this have something to do with checking pulse? You would be able to do that more easily with my wrist than my hand.”
Virgil shook his head. “Just eat, and when you’re done we’ll see how it goes.”
Logan frowned slightly. “Do you believe this has something to do with how recently I’ve eaten? Or that it could be influenced by the focus needed to do something with only one hand?”
Virgil chuckled. “I’ll explain once you’ve eaten.”
Logan was far too curious to wait patiently, and ate quickly, pushing away a not-quite empty container. “What is it?”
“Are you feeling warm again?”
Logan took a moment to assess, and realized that yes. He was feeling warmer. The ache as well was completely gone. “I am. Is it the food?”
Virgil offered a rather sad smile. “Alright, now let go of my hand and tell me what you feel then.”
Logan let go, and almost immediately the cold rushed back. He frowned. “But why? Why do I suddenly seem to have my physical temperature tied to the proximity of you and the other sides?”
His hand ached, and he held Virgil’s again, relieved, but utterly confused when the unpleasant feelings faded.
“I’ve had something like this,” Virgil said. “But not quite the same as yours, based on what Patton was saying. I think you’re probably touch starved.”
Logan considered this silently.
“But I don’t like being touched.”
Virgil gave his hand a slight squeeze. “You don’t seem to mind this.”
Logan nodded, very slowly. “You’re right. I… I don’t mind this at all.”
“I think we should talk to the others,” Virgil suggested.
Logan nodded slowly. “I suppose so.”
“You’re what?!” Patton practically wailed, throwing himself at Logan in a hug.
Immediately Logan felt like he wanted to crawl out his skin. This was miserable. In no way what he wanted. It didn’t feel right at all. It was like a whole hive of insects were buzzing just below his skin.
He pushed Patton off of him, more roughly than he would have intended. “Get off!”
Patton stopped immediately, staring in confusion and hurt.
Logan couldn’t handle it. He was freezing, and his skin was crawling, and his mind seemed filled with static. It was terrible. He just couldn’t.
He barely understood the words directed at him from the other sides as he sank out.
He locked his door and shuddered, hands repeatedly making and releasing fists. He shuddered again, trying to dislodge the crawling feeling. It didn’t leave.
He’d been right, he didn’t like touch. Not at all.
He got into the shower, running the water hot and scrubbing the disgusting feeling away. It helped warm him up as well, which felt way better. He bundled into his bed, pulling the weighted blanket that had been a gift from Virgil over himself.
A while later, finally calm and comfortable, he conjured a note to stick on the door.
I am not upset, but please leave me alone.
Logan spent the next several days figuratively buried in research. He investigated touch starvation as well as touch aversion, and a host of other possible clues to his situation.
He also gradually became more uncomfortable, holed up in his room.
He came to the conclusion that he did, in fact, have a kind of touch starvation, awakened to a roaring hunger by that pleasant afternoon sitting with Virgil.
But he also certainly had an aversion to being touched in certain ways. And he suspected, looking into it more, that surprise was a large factor, as well as the amount of him that was being touched, and perhaps the way in which he was touched.
He was basing this largely on his own reactions to Virgil’s method of touching, as compared to Patton’s or Roman’s, since he highly doubted that it was something inherent in them that he was averse to.
Finally his findings were all put together into one detailed, though as of yet hypothetical, presentation. Armed with this, and a determination not to touch anyone until he’d presented his findings, he opened the door to his room.
As he’d suspected, there was something attached to his door that made a noise as it was opened, and he was soon nearly mobbed with the other sides. They didn’t touch, or come too near, or say anything, but all came very quickly to stare at him, worry in every gaze.
He raised his folder. “I have a presentation. Please gather in the living room.”
It didn’t take long. Not at all.
Logan opened the folder and set it on top of the tv, so that the images could be seen.
“I believe Virgil was correct in suggesting that I have a degree of touch starvation.” He flipped through a few pages, supporting this statement with both facts and personal experiences.
He paused. This was the part that was likely to hurt feelings. Even he knew it, and he wasn’t usually adept at understanding feelings. But it was necessary.
“However, in satisfying this hunger, I will need to be ‘picky’. I have boundaries outlined in this section, and I need to keep them rigidly. This will mean that I will not be open to surprise touch, and likely not to hugs either. I would like to have support from each of you, support in accordance with what I’m capable of handling.”
“Absolutely, Logan,” Patton said. “I’d really like to be able to help you in the right way.”
Both Roman and Virgil nodded very solemnly and enthusiastically.
Logan smiled, more moved by this expression of support than he’d expected to be. “Thank you, Patton. And thank you two as well. I will be very much in need of your assistance.”
He cleared his throat, more in an attempt to gather himself together than any really obstruction. “I’ve laid out a number of methods of touch that I believe would be helpful to me, and arranged them by likelihood of success, and also divided by which I believe each of you would be more inclined to enjoy yourselves.”
Logan was seated on his bed, organizing and updating his flashcards, when there was a knock at the door.
“Come in.”
“Hey,” Roman said, peeking in rather shyly. “Um, can we try one of those things now? I brought something to do.”
Logan considered, a slight curl of worry in his stomach. “Yes. I believe now would be a good time.”
Roman fully entered the room. “So I can sit behind you, and do my thing, and I won’t bother you while you do yours.”
Logan smiled slightly. “That sounds pleasant.”
Roman grinned, a bit of pride evident in his expression. He sat behind Logan on the bed, facing away from him, and leaned back slightly, so that they were each leaning against the other.
For about thirty seconds, Logan was uncomfortable, but gradually, warmth spread out through his body, and his mind was able to return its focus to his flashcards, and soon he found he was quite comfortable.
“Hey, specs, what do you call a little tiny shovel? Like the ones for kids. Or I guess not for kids, or not all the time.”
“That would be called a trowel, though perhaps a more recognizable, less correct term would be a spade.”
Logan could hear the smile in Roman’s voice, and smiled himself. This was genuinely pleasant.
Even after he had finished with his flashcards, Logan didn’t move. He just soaked in the wonderful warmth, answering whatever questions Roman had, and occasionally listening as Roman gushed about a particular sentence or paragraph he was especially proud of writing.
Logan walked beside Patton, enjoying the false nature of the imagination. He was familiar with much of the flora and fauna, even a decent portion of those entirely invented within Thomas’s mind. And Patton seemed to enjoy Logan’s rambling as much as Logan enjoyed the rambling.
A hand bumped gently against his, and Logan hesitated a moment, before linking his pinky finger with Patton’s.
Patton’s smile grew even brighter. “And you were saying the seeds of that tree are special? What kind of special are they?”
Logan smiled proudly, launching into an explanation. Patton swung their hands back and forth gently as they walked, and Logan felt something within him fill up. He felt pleasantly full, as if there was a cup inside him that had been long empty, and was now trickling over the rim, full enough to even spill.
Logan and Virgil laid out on the roof, looking up at the night sky. They were side by side, with Logan’s left leg tangled up with Virgil’s right.
It was calm. And warm. And peaceful.
In a reverse of the usual pattern, Virgil was the one telling the myth, this time of people who had lifted up the sky.
Logan felt himself drifting off, more comfortable than he could remember being in a very long time. He was figuratively floating on soft, warm clouds. Drifting into a summer night. He was safe, and content. Comfortable.
“Patton,” Logan said slowly.
“I would like to attempt a hug.”
Patton turned all his attention to Logan. “You sure?”
Logan nodded. “Yes. Just— slowly. And gently.”
Patton nodded solemnly, reaching his arms out.
Logan slowly leaned into the embrace, and Patton gently wrapped his arms around him.
And it wasn’t bad.
Logan hugged Patton, squeezing lightly before letting go. “Thank you.”
Patton’s eyes were all shimmery, and his smile wobbled. “You’re welcome, Logan!”
The door burst open dramatically and Roman ran in, flopping over the arm of the couch and letting out an even more dramatic groan. Then he peeked his eyes open, and moved to just as dramatically flop onto Logan’s lap.
“I fought dragons.” He announced, his voice a whisper as if he were inches away from death.
Logan, for once, was hit with a burst of mischievousness, and patted Roman’s face in an intentionally awkward way. “I will be sure to mention it at your funeral. I’m sure you’ve written an extensive ballad, and I’ll force Virgil to sing it in your honor.”
Roman had a sudden grin before resuming his ‘dying of exhaustion and probably wounds’ act. “Make sure you do,” he croaked out. “And have Patton put flowers in my casket.”
“Of course.”
Roman went limp, closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out.
“Patton!” Logan called. “We’re going to have to put on a funeral.”
“A what?!”
Logan leaned against Virgil’s side, his empty cup of coffee set beside him, as the second movie began to wrap up.
“If they start another movie, you can lay in my lap and go to sleep,” Virgil offered quietly.
Logan, who despite the coffee was beginning to nod, hummed an affirmative.
He was woken up a good deal later by a lack of sound, and found that they’d just finished what might have been the third, but could’ve been the fourth or fifth movie of the night. He was laying on a pillow in Virgil’s lap, and his legs were up in Roman’s lap. And judging by Patton’s smile, pictures had been taken.
“We’re finishing up now,” Patton whispered. “And setting up to sleep out here. Do you want to stay in here or go to your own room?”
Logan yawned. “It will be far better for my posture to go to my own room… but if you were to turn on a sound machine… I would not be opposed to remaining here.”
Soon, something between white noise and rain lulled him back to sleep.
They all found a marked improvement, both in Logan’s mood and even in Thomas’s clarity of mind, as they continued experimenting with touch.
It was discovered that Roman, while not starved, was also touch-hungry, and was practically a giant dog in that he would accept any and all kinds of petting.
And as Logan regulated, he found he was even more ready to give touch than to receive it. Roman flopping onto him after ‘terrible and glorious battles’ became a regular occurrence, often ending with Roman falling asleep, Logan gently scritching at his scalp.
Walks with Patton became something they both greatly enjoyed and looked forward to. Sometimes they could only link pinkies, sometimes holding hands, sometimes even walking arm in arm.
And Virgil was always ready to do something of his own near Logan, a limb draped over him or pressed up against him.
Logan found himself repeatedly thinking back to that one afternoon in the memory library, incredibly grateful that Virgil had asked, and that he had said yes. He could see so much in his life that was better now.
And he was really, truly happy.
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asunshinepuff · 4 years
That’s Our Coach!
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🏒So some of us on the SW discord were talking about Remus now that the final chapter of SW had come out. And we came up with the headcanon idea that Remus had figured out a way to continue his summer coaching despite now being spoiler alert if you haven’t read it (but why would you be here if you hadn’t? GO READ THE FINAL CHAPTER!!) the newest player of the Gryffindor Lions. Naturally, I got inspired and thus had to write this fic. Honestly this is the longest work I’ve done in a while and I am so excited to finally be posting it.
Course, credit is due. This wasn’t just my idea. Thank you so much to @whataboutmyfries, @im-oknutzy-trash, @bkfstclubmember and @fadedgreenmittens for coming up with the details for this idea! I couldn’t have done this without you four!
Just a heads up, despite being an ice skater and knowing hockey terms, I have never ever written hockey before. So I apologise profusely if something doesn’t seem correct. As always, full credit goes to @lumosinlove for her amazing characters!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy! 🏒
One Month Ago
Remus stopped at the boards smoothly, letting some of the ice spray as he hopped onto the boards of the bench. “Great practice everyone.” He exclaims with a smile, “Boys can you come over here for a moment?”
Fifteen boys, ranging from ages eight to ten skated quickly over to their coach, sliding into a halting stop - some less graceful than others which causes Remus to chuckle lightly under his breath before addressing the boys.
“Now boys, this is the end of our summer session. The next season is going to be a little different.” He explains calmly, trying to get a handle of his nerves yet excitement for what the Cubs’ reactions will be.
Naturally, this caused a chorus of assumptions all ranging from horribly bad to hilarious. 
“Are you leaving?” One boy, the loudest despite being the youngest exclaimed tearfully, and this caused a collective gasp before a chorus of the same comments. “Don’t leave Coach Remus!” “Yeah! You’re the best!” “Stay with us!” 
“Calm down, calm down. Don’t worry, it’s nothing like that.” Remus repeats a few times before the attention is back on his words, “I’m going to be playing for the Lions.” He finally announces with a smile, “And I’m inviting you guys to the first game at Hogwarts Stadium.”
He watches as his words resonate in each of the kid’s minds as they all collectively gasp, once again, with wide eyes and erupt into cheers. Most likely the smartest decision for him to currently have been seated upon the boards of the bench or else he might’ve been tackled to the ice by the Cubs.
Smiling, he watches as the boys skate off the ice and rush over to their parents, yelling “COACH REMUS IS ON THE LIONS!!!”
The locker room was buzzing with excitement and it seemed to emanate through every player. Leo and Logan were somewhat geared up already, making some sort of competition out of a play fight by tasing the other’s side with their fingers.
It was interrupted by Finn who came sprinting from his stall and jumped onto Leo, and Logan broke down laughing at the sight. Kasey was on the floor of his stall, in the midst of stretching out his legs in the splits while he was in a three-way conversation with James and Talker.
James sat leaning forward as he was lasing up his skates, and Talker was drumming on the walls of James’ stall as he sat somewhat in the middle of the room. Meanwhile, Olli, Kuny and Nado were also set in a pretty energetic conversation in full gear. Dumo sat watching the boys with Sergei by his side, and finally, Remus and Sirius were the last ones to enter the room to get geared up.
Remus stopped for a moment, staring at the stall that was now his. Lupin #6 was written on the back of the brand new Lions jersey. It felt so surreal, yet, strange. Normally he’d be here early in the morning, setting up all the stalls exactly the way each team member preferred in order to not mess with superstitions. 
But now, here he was. Coming at the same time as the others, with Sirius by his side. He made it. And yes, he loved his job as a PT, and in some ways will miss it - he cannot deny the excitement that fueled the spring in his step. The urge and want to prove himself was here once again. 
He sent Sirius a smile before they part to their stalls. On reflex, he sat at his stall and fell easily back into his old routine for stretches, calf stretches before thigh, and then when he felt ready he began gearing up.
“Mon Loup, are you nervous?” A familiar voice says by his side, as Remus was beginning to lace up his skates. He looks up to see Sirius in just his under armor, as always before games, leaning against his stall and he cannot help but smile in return despite his nerves. 
“A bit more now that we’re actually here. But I’m excited.” He admits. Spotting the paper in his fiance’s hands, his eyes widen ever so slightly. This was really happening, he’s here. He’s on the Lions about to play his first game with his love and family by his side.
It still felt so new yet so right to call Sirius his fiancé, everytime the reminder comes to his mind he has to smile. He was just so happy. “Is that the starting line-up for the game?” 
Sirius nods, giving him a fond smile in return. Most likely assuming what was on his mind before he asked the question. However, there was some mischief, and pride within his eyes, he most likely read the lineup already. “Wanna join me for the read off?” 
The couple makes their way to the center of the locker, in the midst of the chaos, and Sirius lets out a loud whistle before yelling, “Alright! First game of the season! Let’s kick the Habs’ asses tonight yeah?” That caught the attention of the team, as a series of answering shouts of approval, all of which amplified when the team caught sight of Remus in his jersey. 
“Let’s go Loops! Rookie up!” Finn yells, laughing as he rushes forward and gives Remus a high five. 
“Coach gave the line-up for tonight’s game.” Sirius continued over the noise. He looks to Remus with a smile before he turns to the team and starts off the line-up, “Starting tonight, in the cage, we got Kasey Winter!”
Remus leans over at the paper with a grin on his face as he takes Sirius’ hand as he decides to steal the next call, “On the left, we got James Potty-Mouth Potter himself.”
“On the right, we got the fastest on our side - Remus Lupin!”
“Loops on the ice!” Logan calls out, forming a chant followed by James, Talker, Finn, and Leo. Remus couldn’t help but laugh at the antics, this was really happening. In an effort to drown out the series of chants, he takes the next announcement. 
“We got Talker and Olli on defense!”
James, in his excitement, quickly stole the paper from Sirius’ grasp, yelling above his protests, “And of course on center, we’re making the power front line here. We got the man, the myth, the legend - Sirius Black!”
A chorus of cheers rang out for those announced in the lineup, progressively dying down as Coach Arthur came into the locker room, and then it was really business time. The last of the gear and jerseys were finally dawned, laces were laced up, and the team was getting into the right headspace for a game.
Remus stood at the end of the tunnel with Sirius by his side. “Gryffindor!” boomed Frank’s voice, which echoed down the tunnel in addition to the crowd’s loud cheers in response, full of excitement for the Lion’s entrance. “Are you ready?”
Ten... Nine... 
“Re? You okay?” Sirius asks, placing a gentle hand upon his own, that was tightly gripping the pole of his hockey stick. He gasps lightly as he lets his grip slacken, not realizing that his nerves had increased since entering the tunnel.
Eight... Seven... 
“I’m... okay. Just nervous.” Remus replies honestly, trying to give a reassuring smile at the concerned look upon Sirius’ face. Taking Remus’ opposing hand in his own, he runs his thumb comfortingly across the top and squeezes it lightly. “Breathe Remus, you’ll be okay. You’re not alone out there.” He says, as they walk hand in hand down the tunnel. 
Six... Five.....
“Right... Breathe. Just Breathe.” He repeats over and over momentarily, getting himself out of his head. “It’s just the first game.” He sees Sirius nod, out of the corner of his eye.
“You’ll be okay. And you’ll play so well.”
Four... Three... 
The camera crew within the tunnels, displaying the entrance on the jumbo screen within the stadium begin rolling the cameras as the team gets closer. Distracted, Remus gasps as he’s suddenly pulled back from following the team and pulled flush against a familiar chest. 
“What is it?” He asks, looking up at Sirius with a slight tilt of his head in confusion. 
It was strange, Sirius’ eyes were shining bright as he looked back at Remus. Probably trying to gauge how nervous he actually was at the moment he assumes. “Hey, Re?”
Sirius glances briefly to the cameras that were now focused on them since they were the last two remaining, before he tilts Remus’ helmet upwards slightly, and kisses him softly. As if they have all the time in the world.
Two... One...
As they pull away, he briefly lets go of Remus’ hand, only to gently place it on his cheek. “I love you. So much.” Sirius comments with a smile.
Remus can’t help but smile in return, leaning into the touch, feeling his nerves wash away as he looks into the eyes of the man he loves. “I love you too.” 
“Your Gryffindor Lions!” Frank drew out the words and the lights within the stadium went crazy as the team appeared down the tunnel. The order was the same as usual, Kasey came first, goalie mask propped on top of his head as he skated out onto the ice.
Then Timmy, Finn, Leo, Olli, Logan, Evgeni, Nado, Sergei, Dumo. The only difference was that James came out right before Remus, who was now second to last, and it was his turn.
It was exhilarating, hearing the cheers as Frank called his name and he skated onto the ice, right foot first. It was smooth beneath his blades, bringing him to a sense of calm focus.
There was a sea of red and gold throughout the stadium, in addition to rainbow flags, his nickname was being shouted by multiple fans and as he skated to a section, there was a chorus of a different nickname being yelled which made him laugh. “COACH REMUS!”
Stopping at the glass he waves and pounds on the glass in return to some of the boys close up to the boards. “Hi boys! Enjoy the game!” He yells up, not fully expecting to be heard but nonetheless felt the need to.
When he turns to skate off and find Jules in the stands, Finn skates by, looking at him with wide eyes. “Loops, you have a lot of children?” 
“What?” He responds in confusion, turning back behind him to the team before looking back to Finn. “Oh… No. Finn, that's my cub’s team from summer.” He says, laughing.
“Gotcha. Hey, let them back after the game!” Finn says with a smile before continuing the loop around the rink, while Remus takes off once again, reaching close to the middle of the rink before he goes back to the glass, stopping in front of where his family has a front view.
Smiling, he watches as Julian rushes from his seat to the glass with the biggest smile on his face. Julian had his Lions beanie on as usual but for once, he wasn’t dressed in a Black jersey.
Instead, he wore the Lupin jersey that he had just gotten a few days prior, turning around briefly to show his older brother. The brothers place a hand on the glass on both sides, smiling at the other as they mouth to one another.
I love you Re!! Good Luck!!
Love you too Jules!
With a quick wave up to his parents in the stands, Remus took off once again, passing by his fiancé who was already at center ice with the ref who held the puck and the Habs’ center. Stopping at the boards, he was met by James who smiled at him.
Rolling his eyes, he quickly grabbed the gatorade blue he had put on the bench prior next to two bottles of water, not wanting to mess with his friend’s superstition despite him not needing to be in charge of it anymore. He flips the bottle towards him, earning a grin in response, “Blue.”
“Always blue.” He replies with a wink before he skates off to his position on the right. Sharing a look with Sirius, he smiles before looking to the Habs’ right winger in front of him. James joined them shortly after, and the six crouched, eyes on the puck. The ref dropped the puck shortly after, and the game began.
The first period went by in a flash. With the Lions being up 1-0. James narrowly managed to score a breakaway up the ice off of a clean pass from Remus and managed to break through the Habs’ goalie. However, the Habs’ defense was strong. The Lions needed to be at the top of their game.
In the midst of the second period, the Habs managed to tie the game 1-1. So, Remus decides to push a little harder. Puck in hand, he races through the defensive line of the Habs and manages to score. With a hat trick.
His hands up in a cheer and laughing to himself, he was suddenly slammed into the boards by Sirius and James, and there was a loud chorus of young shouts yelling “THAT’S OUR COACH!” that made the three players laugh.
In the stands, there was no one more excited than Julian, who was practically jumping up and down as if he was on a sugar high. The nine-year-old wasn’t even playing himself yet he felt adrenaline for his older brother. He was just so happy!
“Yeah Loops! You’re on fire today!” James says on his right, smacking his shoulder playfully as he pulls away, heading off to the Lions goal to give Kasey a high five, then heading off to Olli and Talker.
Sirius stayed behind, having the biggest grin as he watched Remus laugh with glee, kissing his cheek briefly before he speaks. “You got a hat trick!” 
“I did!” 
Remus is freed from the board, however, his laughter and excitement has not diminished in the slightest. Joining James and Sirius back at center, the second period continues. 
🏒Hey you guys! 
Thank you so much for coming this far. I don’t usually like to put author's notes at the end of my works but this is an exception. And I have to admit, this one-shot took me a lot longer than I initially thought but I adore it so much.
Now, I have a question for you all.
I’m thinking of writing a second part to this (and possibly more than just another in the future), and making Lions Player/Coach Remus a regular au on my blog. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments, a reblog with your answer or shoot me an ask with what you think!🏒
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kyovtani · 4 years
im late to the party but,, soft dom bakugou<3333 my heart CANT TAKE IT honestly he’d be so sweet and so full of body worship and praises for his baby girl :(( he’s always so snappy at everyone else but when it comes to you, he can’t help but be the softest for his best girl🥺🥺🥺
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i lit love baku so so so much you guys dont understand how in love i am woth him like higoshi and shoto are always going to like- be my firsts but he just hits so different, especially soft daddy dom katsu 💔💔
— cw: pro-hero!baku, daddy kink, praise & spitting!!<3
whenever you and bakugo arrive anywhere, be it the monthly agency dinner or one of those famous prohero balls or just at your favorite restaurant for lunch with your best friends, people always wonder how the two of you have even found each other. and right after that they want to know how you stayed together for so, so long.
because, to put it simple, bakugo isn‘t really a people person. he just doesn‘t like anyone else besides the ones he feels close to like deku or kiri and even for them and his other friends he runs so, so low on patience it‘s kind of worrying.
but with you, and that’s exactly how the two of you work out so well, bakugo is just soft.
whenever he sees you, he can‘t help but smile; the sight of your pretty eyes looking at him as if he was holding the world in his rather dangerous and deadly palms, is a sight bakugo won‘t ever grow tired of. in fact, it‘s the one thing he looks forward too after every single long and hard day at the office.
he knows that when he steps his foot through the door, you‘ll be standing right in front of him, waiting for your daddy to finally come home to you. and that‘s what usually keeps bakugo going.
when his days get too difficult, too exhausting, he sends you a quick text to please be ready, knowing you know exactly what he means, just so he doesn‘t even have to take care of anything else when he comes home but only your cute little cunt.
most of the time you wait at the door, your beautiful body completely bare to baku’s hungry eyes, your lips stretched into a soft smile and your eyes sparkling with so, so much love and affection for him and him only.
"welcome home, daddy", you say and wrap your arms around his neck, your hand softly rubbing the trimmed back of hs undercut while the other one caresses his soft cheek.
"oh, baby", katsu sighs and takes your chin into his hand, his cock already rockhard as he presses it against your thigh and groans softly against your lips, "been thinking about you and your perfect body all day. it‘s been a hard one", he explains and before he can even think about the next one, you nod with a big smile and part your lips.
bakugo groans at the sight of your tongue sticking out, your eyes focused on him as he softly wraps his fingers around your throat and spits into your mouth with a loud, lewd sound.
you‘re quick to swallow it all, wanting to be nothing but good for your hardworking daddy and baku knows.
you lead him into your shared bedroom, making him undress and sit against the headboard before you straddle his lap and slowly start rubbing your bare cunt against his big cock.
"i didn‘t stretch you out, baby", katsu groans, mthrowing his head back as he digs his fingers further into your hips and easily guides you to move faster.
"it‘s okay, daddy", you smile and press your forehead against his before you grab his thick cock and line the tip up at your tight entrance.
"my perfect baby", bakugo grunts, his voice breaking at the end of his praise as you slowly sink down on his fat cock, easily suppressing your pained squeaks to make him focus on his own pleasure because even though you know you wont be able to walk for the next few hours, the sight of the usually so angry bakugo katsuki becoming all soft and needy, blushy and excited for you and you only is more than just worth it <33
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megalony · 3 years
Teacher’s Pet- Part 18
Here is the latest part of my dad! Ben Hardy series, I know my updates are staggered and slow at the moment but I love this series and am trying to keep updating it when I can. Feedback is always lovely to have.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogermeddow @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh
Series taglist: @im-an-adult-ish @gwilymleeisbae @k-k0129 @haileymorelikestupid @glittrixvibe @youngpastafanmug @ultraviolencezs @kdatthecastle​ @darlindolan​
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) teaches at the school Ben’s boys go to and they soon start a relationship. But they have their ups and downs with the problems Ben faces with his boys and how quickly the relationship progresses.
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"What the fuck happened?!" Ben's voice echoed around the room the moment he ran in and slammed the bedroom door shut behind him. It felt like the whole room was shaking from his presence that was definitely unnerving to everyone in the house.
His wild eyes scanned around the room, taking in the situation that had been playing on his mind from the moment he got the phone call from Gwilym. He had heard (Y/n)'s agonised sobs down the phone and Gwilym's panicked voice which was a tone Ben never normally heard from his friend. He had barely managed to tell his colleague that he had to leave for an emergency before he had made his way to his car and drove home quicker than he should have.
All the drive back Ben had been praying that this wasn't as bad as it clearly was. He had hoped that (Y/n)'s water hadn't broken and that when he got here she would be calmer and say that she wasn't in as much pain anymore. Or that he could take her to hospital and find out that this wasn't serious and they weren't going to be going into labour eight weeks early.
Ben went down on his knees beside the rocking chair (Y/n) was hunched over in. He scanned his eyes over her, taking in her state that was very worrying to him right now. (Y/n)'s hair was falling out of her ponytail and sticking to her forehead as her skin was prickling with sweat. Her eyes were coming in and out of focus rather a lot and her breathing was hard and laboured in a way Ben had heard many times before. But it was the way she was cradling her stomach that was making his heart clench because he could see how much pain she was in.
"She tripped and blacked out for a few seconds, I think she landed on her stomach but her water's definitely broken and I called the hospital, they said she has to go in straight away." The panic in Gwilym's voice matched the frantic look in his eyes that were darting between Ben, (Y/n) and his phone that was clutched tightly in his hand.
The moment Ben hung up on him Gwilym had rang the hospital to get advice and they were very clear that (Y/n) had to be brought in and assessed straight away. The fact her water had broken didn't definitely mean she was in labour but this was very early to be happening and her water breaking could mean (Y/n) could get an infection. And the added fact she had hurt her stomach meant the baby could be in distress or harmed and that could push labour into happening.
"How badly did you hurt yourself?" Ben's eyes darted back to look at (Y/n) and his voice was a bit softer around the edges. He didn't want her to think he was angry at her in any way but when he panicked like this he got angry and he couldn't help it.
(Y/n) could feel her stomach tensing and her chest quaking as she slowly straightened up so she could pull up her shirt to let Ben see the bruising that was starting to form.
Ben shuffled round so he was in front of (Y/n) rather than at her side but his hands started to shake when he lightly placed them against her stomach. Her skin was very dark red with a tinge of purple adding into the mix and Ben was sure it felt like she was starting to get some swelling. But when his palm pressed a little harder against her stomach (Y/n) winced at the same time Ben felt the baby moving which seemed to make (Y/n)'s pain escalate even more.
"Shit, baby..."
"I'm s-sorry-"
"No! Don't you even say that, this isn't your fault. We're gonna get you help, let's get you in the car and I'll take you to hospital now. Gwil, could you wait with the boys for a bit until I can get my mum to come stay with them? James will be back soon."
Ben ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling the strands and pushing them further back on his head as he tried to think.
James was due home at any time now and someone had to be here when he got back and none of the boys could be left alone. Ben would much rather have Gwilym coming to the hospital with them but he needed someone here with the boys. His mother would have no problem coming to look after them, especially when Ben told her the situation and that she may have to have them overnight if (Y/n) really was going to go into labour. But for now Gwilym was the only person at hand that could look after the boys for them.
"Yeah, yeah that's fine. Right let's get you up then." Gwilym's voice shook as he spoke but he was trying his best to remain calm. He was good with Carter and was fine with settling him because it was very clear that once Carter realised he couldn't go with his parents to hospital he was going to have some sort of meltdown. He was good with Finn who would be panicking and James was fine with Gwilym so it was the best option right now. There was no way Ben could stay home with the boys and let Gwilym take (Y/n) because if (Y/n) went into labour Ben had to be there.
(Y/n) tried to take in a deep breath but it was hard when all she wanted to do was take quick, shallow breaths to get more oxygen round her system. Her watering eyes darted between Ben and Gwilym who both leaned down, ready to try and get her onto her feet.
Gwilym and Ben took one of her hands each and rested their other arms around her waist to support her weight between them, knowing she wouldn't have the strength to stand on her own. They took things slowly, gently pulling (Y/n) up between them but it was clear the moment her left foot was on the ground it was too painful to stand on from how she landed when she fell.
"You okay baby?" Ben leaned his head down to look at (Y/n) properly, knowing she was in a lot of pain with how much pressure she was applying to his hand and how she couldn't even stand up straight. (Y/n) managed to nod her head, biting her lips so hard that she could feel blood welling up in her mouth. "Let's get you to the car."
Gwilym ran his hand up and down (Y/n)'s back as Ben took most of her weight and the three of them slowly started shuffling out of the room. They had all been friends for a long time but Gwilym had never seen (Y/n) in pain and distress like this before and the most panicked he had ever seen Ben was when things took a bad turn with Lucy. This wasn't the kind of situation any of them wanted to be in, when the baby was born it was meant to be surprising but happy and a precious moment. It wasn't supposed to be frightening and catastrohpic with the worry of their baby not being okay.
"I need to s-sit down." (Y/n) buried her face into Ben's chest, tightening her hand around his own as she couldn't surpress a groan from leaving her lips. She couldn't make it down the stairs without stopping and sitting down first because the pain was becoming distressing.
Ben nodded his head, looking to Gwilym before he moved round in front of (Y/n) and went down onto the next step of the stairs. He moved his arms so he was holding (Y/n)'s waist as Gwilym stood behind her keeping her steady and upright before they both helped her to sit down. (Y/n)'s hands dug tightly into Ben's arms as she started to shake the moment she was sat down. The pain started to bolt up her spine and course through her stomach the moment she was sat down but it still felt better than when she was moving.
"I don't want to do this, Ben... w-what if she's not okay?" (Y/n)'s voice trembled and she could barely see Ben through the tears flooding her eyes but she couldn't help the way she was thinking and feeling.
They were nearly two months early, (Y/n) couldn't have their girl now something could go wrong, she would be too small and under-developed. (Y/n) had to wait a few more weeks to make sure their girl would be okay, the hospital would have to delay labour so that everything would be alright.
"She's a Jones, she'll be just fine baby. Both Carter and Finn were born early and they're perfect and she'll be looked after if we do have her now but we don't know if that's gonna happen."
Ben remembered clearly when he'd had all of his boys and it had only been James who was past his due date which had upset Ellie who had been uncomfortable and in pain, wanting the pregnancy to end. Carter had been two weeks early and Finn had been almost four weeks early which had scared everyone. But Finn had only needed to be in ICU for a week and he had no problems before or after that point unlike what they had thought.
"Are you ready to get up?" Gwilym rubbed his hand over (Y/n)'s shoulder, trying to force a smile when she nodded in response.
Ben stayed in front of her, moving down the stairs a bit ahead so he could keep hold of (Y/n) and guide her. Especially in case she tripped or had to sit down then he was there to catch her or help ease her to sit down and Gwilym was behind her so she couldn't fall or hurt herself.
"Alright baby, let's get you to hospital."
"Is she okay?" (Y/n) sunk her teeth into the skin of her thumb that was pressed between her lips as her eyes switched between focusing on the monitor and the midwife stood next to her. The moment Ben had brought her to A&E someone had come to their rescue and brought them straight through to an examination room.
The nurse they saw had confirmed that (Y/n)'s water had broken, her pulse was very high and she seemed to be going into labour. The next step was to get her into a room and do further tests to see what could be done.
The best outcome the couple were hoping for was that labour could be prevented, but the worst outcome was that labour happened now. They had been told that if the baby didn't seem too distressed and if there were no problems or complications then (Y/n) could be given medication to try and prevent labour from happening and they could wait and see if it stopped. But if any problems were there or there were issues with the baby then either labour would have to happen or a C-section might be needed if it was severe.
Blood tests had been taken, (Y/n) was on an ECG to monitor her pulse and now they were having a scan to check everything with the baby. But (Y/n) couldn't be given any pain medication until all the tests and checks had been completed.
"Well, I can't see any damage done by your fall, the placenta is in tact and hasn't moved and your baby's head isn't lower down meaning she isn't ready to be born just yet."
"So you can prevent labour?" There was a tiny glimmer of hope in Ben's voice as he clasped (Y/n)'s hand in both of his, pressing his lips to her knuckles.
"Her heartbeat is rather high which is what we'd expect after a fall which has caused her some distress but she is relatively fine. But I'd like to wait a few hours before giving you the medication to prevent labour. You've lost a lot of amniotic fluid which will distress her even more, once her heartbeat calms down and we're sure she's stable I think in two or three hours you can have the injection and then we can keep you in for monitoring."
"But her water broke, won't waiting mean we could go into labour?"
"We see this a lot, (Y/n)'s water broke because of the fall, it means her body isn't prepared for labour and the loss of fluid doesn't mean she is in labour yet and she hasn't even started to become dilated which is a very good sign. We can give you some painkillers and the wait will help the baby settle down and then the medication will stop any contractions from happening so labour won't occur. The only problem we will face is keeping you stable for the next few days or weeks with the fluid you've lost. But let's just see how you go with the wait for now."
"Okay, thank you."
When (Y/n) turned to look at Ben he could see the hope sparkling in her eyes as she tightened her hand around his own.
Her body wasn't ready for labour yet and if she got the medication to prevent labour it would stop any contractions and her body would calm down and continue to look after the baby instead of trying to evict her. As long as (Y/n) and the baby calmed down and continued to be stable then everything would swing in their favour.
If it did work, (Y/n) would just have to be very careful and be on bed rest because the lack of ambiotic fluid would make the baby unsettled and also push her body into going into labour. 
But right now it was just a waiting game.
"Okay (Y/n), how are we doing?" Josey walked back into the room, checking her watch before she looked at the couple in front of her with a kind, comforting smile. She had left (Y/n) and Ben for two hours after giving (Y/n) some painkillers and it was time to check on her and the baby and decide what the next step was going to be.
"I feel a bit dizzy but I'm okay."
(Y/n) could feel a headache slowly starting to form behind her eyes and her head was becoming a bit fuzzy and lightheaded but she couldn't tell whether it was from the fall and stress of the day or the medication they had put her on. Either way, the striking pain in her stomach had gone and the baby wasn't wriggling half as much as she had been which she had been told would be a good sign if she settled down.
"That could be the medication but I'll run a few checks just to be safe, but right now let's see how your little lady is getting on."
Ben slowly tangled his fingers with (Y/n)'s as he turned to look at the monitor when Josey set it up. He had been sat on the edge of the bed with (Y/n) for the last half an hour after ringing both his mother, (Y/n)'s mother and then Gwilym to inform them all of what was happening. It looked like for the next day or two Ben was going to be here with (Y/n) and either way she would be in hospital for up to a week at this rate. The boys were going to have to switch between staying at their grandma's house and seeing Ben when he left the hospital for a few hours.
"Has her heartbeat levelled out?" Ben smoothed him thumb over the back of (Y/n)'s hand, smiling at the image on screen of their baby girl.
"I... I'm afraid her heartbeat has increased, it's much higher than it should be and in this situation that is a bad sign."
"C-can't we wait a little longer, see if she settles? Couldn't the medication settle her if I'm not at risk of going into labour anymore?"
"Giving you the medication isn't safe when she's clearly distressed, it could make her state worse. I can't give you any stabalising medication for her either because it's too dangerous and it could case her heartbeat to become too low. (Y/n), the best and only option I think we have right now is to start labour for you. If we wait you are at risk of getting an infection and she's clearly distressed, the lack of fluid will make that worse."
"No... no I can't have her now." (Y/n) shook her head as her lips wobbled even though she tried her best to stop herself from crying but it didn't work.
Her hands started to shake causing Ben to grip her hand tighter in his own as his other hand scratched at his jaw in a harsh motion (Y/n) knew was to try and calm himself down. They had been praying that they could hold off on labour and wait a few days, possibly even a week or more to give their girl her best chance. Being born now wasn't going to help her.
"Your lack of fluid and how distressed she is means you will go into labour within the next day or two but waiting is too risky with her state. I'm going to check and see if you're starting to dilate or not and if not, I'll set everything up to start labour. A natural birth is the best option for you both but it has to start now for both of your sakes."
Josey waited a moment for (Y/n) and Ben to both nod and agree with what she was saying before she busied herself writing a few notes and putting on her gloves before she sat down on the edge of the bed. A sympathetic, sorrowful look came onto her features showing she knew and understood how bad this news was for them but it was their only option.
But the moment Josey moved the cover draped over (Y/n)'s legs, her chest tightened and her eyes darted to look at Ben.
"(Y/n), the dizziness you're having is because you're starting to haemorrhage... you seem to be starting to dilate which is good it means I don't have to start labour for you. I'm going to give you some clotting medication and get a doctor to check you over and stay to assist during labour."
Ben turned his head so he could look between (Y/n)'s legs, torn in two minds because the blood loss didn't seem to be major but any blood loss at this stage wasn't a good thing.
This wasn't going to go smoothly.
"Okay (Y/n), the legs are born, a few more big pushes and she'll be here." Josey's voice was encouraging and calm but it didn't make (Y/n) feel much better.
Her lower body had gone numb hours ago, her thighs were burning especially since she was sitting on the very edge of the bed with her legs dangling off the edge and her back was pressed into Ben's chest. He was holding onto her like he was afraid she was going to fall forward into Josey who was kneeling in front of them both. It hadn't taken very long for the doctor to sadly tell them that their girl was going to be born breach and that made labour a bit harder. Sitting up in this position was the easiest way to help their girl be born.
Ben pressed his lips to the side of (Y/n)'s head, noticing how her skin was burning up like she was on fire. Josey and a doctor had been here with them for the last seven hours and another midwife had just entered the room ready to help when the baby was born.
They were predicting with how premature she was that she would have to be taken straight down to ICU when she was born.
"Shoulders are born, one more big push for her head (Y/n). We're almost there, just keep doing little breaths for me now."
(Y/n) nodded before she pressed her chin into her chest, biting down on her lip as she let out a scream with the last push. She could tell the exact moment their girl was born, it felt like a sudden weight was dropped from her stomach that seemed to pull her insides down with it. She leaned her head back onto Ben's shoulder, trying to catch her breaths back but it felt like her lungs were collapsing and her insides and stomach were shrivelling up into nothing.
"I-is s... she okay?" (Y/n)'s voice trembled almost as much as her body was shaking from the shock of what she had just done and gone through. It felt like her body was being shaken back and forth like someone was trying to wake her up or violently gain her attention.
But it was clear Ben had dealt with this kind of situation before with the way he started humming in her ear to try and ground her and give her something to focus on. He kept his arms lightly yet firmly wrapped around her middle with his fingers gliding up and down her arm like feathers tickling her skin. He had to keep her calm and try to give her something to focus on so she could forget about the pain and the shock and so she didn't pass out like he was afraid she was going to.
(Y/n) could barely manage to get her eyes to focus enough to look down in front of her legs to see Josey. Her gaze loosely followed Josey's arms passing their baby girl over to the doctor who gave the couple a calming smile before he set to work on their girl.
Her skin was a mix of very light pink and pale grey underneath the blood and fluids coating her fragile body. And her lips were light blue with hints of grey dabbed in between showing she wasn't breathing and didn't have much oxygen in her system. Ben hated how she looked so limp and lifeless in the doctor's arms, she looked like she was made out of jelly and about to flop and fall out of place at any moment.
Even though Josey was trying to focus on (Y/n) and delivering the placenta, her eyes kept flitting back to glance at the doctor to check on the baby.
Ben watched intently as the doctor placed a small tube down his baby girl's throat after checking her pulse which clearly had to be there. Almost instantly, a murky brown, cloggy fluid started to fill the tube and splutter from the newborn's lips. The doctor turned the newborn onto her side before he removed the tube and started rubbing his hand up and down her back to try and clear the fluid from her lungs. But the noise the baby made was something that made Ben shiver and caused (Y/n) to moan in agony.
It sounded like she was drowning.
She was trying to form her first cry, the first sound of her new life but all that came out was a strangled, croaky noise mixed with the spluttering of the fluids leaving her pale lips.
"Lisa, take her down to ICU get her stabalised and cleaned up please." Doctor Mills turned his attention to the other midwife who was on standby to help when the baby was born. She nodded instantly, watching him place the baby into the incubator and fill out a quick form before motioning for her to take the newborn out of the room.
"Ben...?" (Y/n) turned her head a little so she could look up at him, her eyes pleading for him to find out what was happening.
"(Y/n), your baby's okay but she has to go to the intensive care unit straight away. She's tried to breathe whilst still in the womb and inhaled fluids and she's going into a state of shock. Once the nurses have managed to stabalise her and clear her lungs they can get her washed and you can go and see her, the important thing right now is that she's being cared for and now we need to help you."
Doctor Mills was caring and kept his words slow because he could see (Y/n)'s attention was dithering because of the state of shock she was in. But when he knew she understood and accepted what he was saying, he smiled before he looked down at Josey to know (Y/n)'s progress.
"(Y/n), I need you to push again for me, the placenta is nearly delivered then we can get you sorted and settled down, okay?"
(Y/n) nodded but she could barely feel herself pushing before Josey said the placenta was suddenly delivered and she could relax. All (Y/n) wanted to do was lay down and collapse into a state of sleep with Ben at her side but the thought of their baby was preventing her from sleeping. She wanted to see and hold their baby and make sure she was okay. (Y/n) couldn't sleep in case something happened and no one told her. She had to be awake for any news about her baby.
"What's wrong?" Ben looked over at Josey when he could see the worry in her eyes and the metal dish in her hands containing the placenta.
"(Y/n)'s got a retained placenta, it's broken and some of it is still in the womb."
"Okay honey, we need to lay you on your side and give you some medicine to start some more contractions, that placenta piece has to come away quickly." The doctor's voice was calm as was the look in his eyes but Ben knew his words showed that this wasn't the best situation. If the retained piece of placenta stayed in the womb for too long (Y/n) could get an infection and she had already been prone to infections from losing the amniotic fluid before having contractions.
Doctor Mills helped Ben to shuffle off the bed and then move (Y/n) around. They gently turned her before slowly shuffling her further up the bed until her head reached the pillow. Both men carefully held onto (Y/n) and turned her onto her left side so she was facing Ben to help with her blood flow before Doctor Mills moved her legs. Josey got the medication ready and injected it into her stomach ready to start a few more contractions.
(Y/n) didn't hold the strength to keep her eyes open anymore so she just let them close, she could feel her head sinking into the pillow that was making her already fuzzy head feel like it was floating on air.
She could feel Ben's hand tightly holding her own and when a contraction started she could do nothing but moan and squirm, her muscles were pushing and contracting on demand without her having to concentrate anymore. Everything was spinning, (Y/n) just wanted Ben to lie down with her so she could go to sleep and wake up to have this all be some kind of warped nightmare that ended.
"Okay (Y/n), the placenta's delivered now- doctor she's haemorrhaging again."
The moment Josey took the last piece of the placenta and placed it in the dish beside her, it was as if a tap had been switched on and the bedsheets started to turn red instead of white.
"Post-natal haemorrhage in room four, assistance please. Right, (Y/n) honey you just relax now, we'll get you fixed up so you and your partner can rest." Doctor Mills rubbed (Y/n)'s shoulder for a moment to try and calm her down as a team came into the room.
Ben dug his nails into the back of his head, stretching his arms behind him as he backed up against the wall when kindly gestured to move out the way. He watched the five doctors and nurses flutter around (Y/n), seeing them attach an oxygen tube under her nose and around her ears. One nurse started to gently massage her stomach to try and stop the bleeding as doctor Mills gave (Y/n) another injection into her thigh. And another nurse started moving the sheets from beneath (Y/n) to swap them out as Josey started to clean (Y/n) up and check if she needed stitches or not.
Doctor Mills slipped his arms under (Y/n) enough to lean her up so she could throw up into a bowl when she made a slow, weak movement to signal she was going to be sick. Ben also noticed a nurse upping the dosage of painkillers in (Y/n)'s drip to help calm her down and take away any shock and pain she was going through.
It took about ten minutes of getting her meds sorted, making sure she was breathing enough and finding blankets and heat pads before the panic in the room seemed to die down enough for Ben to stop having a panic attack in the corner. He watched them put (Y/n) onto an IV drip and a blood transfusion, keep her laying on her side and check her heartbeat and her oxygen levels before everyone slowly left the room seeing that she was stable now.
Doctor Mills approached Ben when he was certain (Y/n) was out of immediate danger and was now calm and settled.
"Are you okay?"
"Hmm, is (Y/n) gonna be okay?"
"She's lost some blood but the transfusion will help with that and it will stop her from going into shock and she will be happy to know she doesn't need stitches. She needs rest and monitoring but she will be fine. I'm going to go and check on your baby and when she's also stable, I will find you so you can see her."
(Y/n) didn't look alright to Ben, she was too pale, hooked up to too many drips and machines and she was passed out but as long as she was going to be okay then Ben would stop panicking.
He just wanted his girls to be okay.
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HASO, “It Can’t Hurt to Try.”
My brain wanted to write this today, and so this is what I have written. I hope you all enjoy :)
I realize I have sort of Neglected Adam’s past, though I am not sure how I did that, so today I wanted to write some more.
More than three years ago.
“Mom, you don’t have to really…. I’m ok.” Martha turned to look at Adam  and the expression on her face shut him up instantly. He slid back in his seat slouching against the car interior. Off to his left side, his new service dog, who he had named waffles, was lying politely across the seat, her head resting on his thigh, her service vest bright red in the noonday sun streaming in through the window.
The car rumbled under them looking out of place in a city of sleek hover cars. Their tires rolled to a stop at an intersection, as a crash nexus wove itself into existence before the waiting line of cars. Running red lights was a near impossibility in the city and had reduced vehicular accidents by 25%.
Marha turned to look at him over the back of the seat, “Adam let your father and I worry about finances, you just relax.”
He sat up in his seat again pushing his crutches to rest against the window, “But mom do you know how much those cost, I looked it up and….” “Shhhh.” Martha held up a finger, “Just sshhh, your father and I own the house and the car. We could make ends meet if your father was working at the Burger Barn, and I was sitting at home twiddling my thumbs.” 
Adam’s usually Laconic father grunted his agreement, “Besides, this is why your mother and I have a separate account for medical emergencies.”
“But what if YOU have a medical emergency.” he protested thinking about the farm and how easy it would be for his father to get caught in an accident with the massive farming equipment they used.”
“Im old.” his father said, though he wasn’t very old at all.
“What does that have to do with-”
“Boy, just shut up, you’re mother and I have made a decision because we love our kids, and if that means selling the damn house and living in a tent we are going to do it.”
Adam lapsed into silence again. His father’s tone broached no argument. A whimper came from somewhere below him, and he looked down to see that Waffles had scooted so her paws and head were resting on his leg, her tail beat against  the car seat, and she looked at him with big golden eyes.
Her paws were a might bit large for her, but that was because she wasn’t even a year old yet, but even so she was still the best girl. She whimpered again, reminding him to relax and he took a few breaths.
Adam wasn’t so good at dealing with stress these days, though Waffles turning up in his life had been a marked improvement. The doctors said he had finally turned a corner with his mental health, though they suggested he look into getting a real prosthetic if he wanted to recover any further.
They said it would be good for his morale.
He glanced down at his current prosthetic, no more than a black rod of metal with a spring loaded joint and a fake foot at the end. It was army issue, so complete garbage, and he still had to use crutches when wearing it with the amount he tended to trip. He imagined being able to run again…. To really do anything again, and looked down at his body, which had grown thin and skeletal over the past few months of PTSD recovery.
He hadn’t been eating all that much, and his desire to workout had faded with it, instead he had spent most of his time in a hypervigilant state of alertness that left little time for things like eating or working out. When waffles came along, that had morphed into him lying in bed for days on end sleeping on and off while listening to music or listening to his collection of old Star Trek movies on Repeat.
It had been a hard transition to being functional again, which just meant that he was eating now, and went on walks in the morning with waffles. 
He was determined to make it all the way, though he couldn’t say he approved all that much of his parents throwing away so much money on a fancy prosthetic. An older model would have done, but they insisted that they wanted the best. 
The car ground to a stop in the parking garage outside of the Elmridge University robotics lab, and his mother walked around one side to open the door for him as he adjusted his crutches and stepped out into the musty underground air. Waffles leaped out behind him, sticking tight to his left side.
“You good?” His mother asked, and he nodded limping his way after them as they made it towards the doors.
Students at this university had been working on prosthetic technology for the pat fifty years, and their minds had spawned some of the greatest breakthroughs in medical technology the world over. Now, they were asking for people like him to come and test their machines. However things didn’t always come cheap and you had to rely on being rich, or getting some kind of funding from a wealthy benefactor. 
Adam Vir, who was not rich and had no wealth benefactors was instead relying on his parents and their medical savings, which they had been squirreling away for the past twenty years or more. He estimated that the account would be completely drained by the time they were done here, and the thought made him sick to his stomach.
Waffles touched his hand with her wet nose, reminding him to breathe again.
They made it all the way to the doors and into the university hallway. Adam looked around with some interest. He had what might be considered the equivalent of a masters degree or higher in aviation, but he had never stepped foot inside a university.
He thought he would have liked it, and had to brush away the regret that he had never gone for real.
The flight academy had been enough though.
Though it was likely he would never fly again. Waffles whimpered and jumped up on her back paws seeing his distress and working to keep his mind off of it. He took another deep breath. She was right, he just needed to relax.
Together with his family they walked down the hall and into the waiting room of room 125 where they made him rest in one of the hard plastic chairs as they went up to the desk. He rubbed Waffle’s ears, and she rumbled at him lightly.
“And you all must be with Adam Vir.”
They nodded in agreement.
Adam looked up as the girl came out from behind the desk. She had long black hair tied up in a messy ponytail and wore a band T-shirt over a striped long sleeve shirt. She wore glasses, was his age, and was very cute.
He had to look down at the floor.
She knelt next to him, “Can I?” She asked 
Still looking away he untied the rubber band holding the pant leg closed and pulled it back so she could see the stump of his leg.
She pulled something from her back pocket and pressed it up against the old wound. It was cold and soft and he grimaced as he looked down. When she pulled back he realized she had been taking a mold of his leg. She smiled at him, “Just twenty more minutes and we can have you come back.”
He nodded and they let her go. His parents sat on either side of them, his mom took him by the shoulder and shook, “Isn’t this exciting.”
Adam gave a weak smile.
His father picked up a robotics magazine and began to read, showing Adam things of interest as he read them. Adam’s stomach churned with nerves.
After less than fifteen minutes, the girl skipped back into the room, “We’re ready for you.” She announced, and slowly, he moved to his feet limping ack behind the desk and following her down a short hallway and into a large open room.
Here there was a small indoor track, some obstacles, and even a physical therapy table.
A cluster of students sat around the table waiting for them, headed by an older heavyset professor with a short grey beard and a lanyard hanging around his neck.
He reached out to shake their hands as they approached.
Adam glanced at a sleek silver case sitting on the PT table next to the man.
The old professor grinned at him, “Are you ready?”
The students clustered inward eagerly. This was likely the first time one of their creations was going to be used.
Adam nodded nervously, and the man reached forward, snapping the case open and in to reveal….
Adam muttered in slight surprise. The leg looked, good, something straight out of I-robot. It was sleek and elegant with silvered matt titanium and plexiglass casing to fill out the shape of a leg. He could see the fibrous strands of rubberized metal that acted as muscle underneath the plexiglass.
“Do you like it? My students worked very hard on this project, and the best part is the neron interfacing net that cradles the leg in place and suctions it onto the skin. All across the plexiglass fronting there are microsensors built to detect heat, cold, pressure and vibration. The entire foot is designed to work like a human foot and all the tooes can flex individually. He picked up the leg, reached down and grabbed the foot, behding it around the ankle with a movement as smooth as ice, “The ankle joint can rotate in all the proper directions, and the most revolutionary part, the interface, should collect signals being sent through your neurons to your missing leg, pick those up and interpret them to move the leg just as your own brain would, and better yet send feedback signals in the reverse direction.”
He clapped Adam on the shoulder, “In other words, it will FEEL like a real leg, how does that sound.”
Adam’s mouth opened and then closed and then opened again, “Um…. amazing but…. Impossible if I am being honest.”.
“Well, moment of truth isn’t it.”
He nodded sitting down on the PT bench and rolling up his pant leg again. He tried to ignore all the people watching him, and listened to the professor as he instructed him on how to put it on. It socketed right over his  old injury and as it did he felt an immediate and sudden vibration run through his body as if the leg were whirring to life.
And when it did he froze.
He stared down at the leg, and slowly, with all the memory his brain still had, he flexed the toes.
The sensation was instantaneous and glorious. He put his hand over his mouth fighting back tears that began welling into his eyes.
His parents gasped in delight and an overabundance of emotion as the others at back in silence. His mother hugged him tight as did his father, all three of them staring at the machine, which moved on his command. 
Before he knew it he was grinning, turning to look around at everyone even as he had to wipe tears from his cheeks.
He could feel again!
The relief was so complete and so overwhelming that he couldn’t pick between laughing or crying
“Take it slow.” The professor said, but he hardly heard him, and with a wobbly step he slowly climbed to his feet. He began to laugh and his parents laughed with him hugging him and shaking him with excited exceleration as he took his first step. He closed his eyes in near ecstasy as the foot bent under his weight, the ankle flexed,and the toes splayed out over the ground.
He dropped his crutches to the floor ignoring the urging of the professor who was only half heartedly telling him to slow down.
He took another step, and then another and then another, slow and wobbly at first but then muscle memory took over after that.
His brain remembered, it remembered and despite months with a missing leg, it woke up the part of his brain charged to deal with that movement, and despite what must have been atrophy after months of misuse, it began to fire again.
He broke into a jog, as his father ran next to him, and then the jog turned into a run, his father fell behind as he broke into a full out sprint around the small indoor track. Laughing the whole way as the leg matched him. The students here cheering and clapping and hugging each other as they watched him interact with their creation excitedly shaking each other and screaming.
Adam, forgetting momentarily how to stop running, ended up tripping on his good foot, flailing around for a moment and falling to the floor.
He didn’t stop laughing though, and crawled back to his feet, with all the ease he might have had when he had both legs.
Waffles  barked and wagged her tail furiously as she ran to join him, hopping and bounding over the floor as he played a game of chase with her immediately forcing the leg to its full potential as they made quick turns, stopped and started and leaped into the air. He ran up and down stairs and jumped over their obstacles feeling the shock through his feet and ankles.
Unfortunately for him, months of sitting on his ass hadn’t exactly made him all that athletic and he came to a stop eventually panting like waffles only to grab every one of the students in turn and hug them in an embrace so tight it might have fractured ribs.
He was so excited, so grateful, and so unbelievably relieved.
It was an incredible moment, for him, for the students, for his parents, and for his professor.
He limped into that building but skipped out on his new leg.
Getting in the car its as if he had taken a one eighty in personality. His quiet sullen demeanor from before was replaced with something his parents hadn’t seen in ages.
The ability to not shut up.
He talked a mile a minute in his excitement yammering fit to talk their ears right off, and they let him. It was good to hear him back to his old self for once. His father was smiling more than he had in a long while, and on his left side, facing away from his son and his wife, a tear rolled down his cheek.
He wasn’t overly sure what he was doing. 
He didn’t have high hopes that they would even take him back. After all, He was set to be honorably discharged later that week, seeing as the UNSC had finally gotten around to dealing with the men and women injured during operation Steel Eye, but he had decided not to do that. He wanted to go back, and he had the paperwork to prove he was mentally stable enough to do so.
Now it was just down to whether they would let him work with a missing leg.
He nervously made his way onto the fort Harmony base where he had been stationed so long ago. Off in the distance he could hear the dull roaring of jet engines as they readied for takeoff, and watched as columns of other soldiers marched in the early morning sun. Light was spilling across, warm and yellow over the dw colored grass as he made his way towards the central building.
He stepped inside and passed a couple other officers  in the hallway as he walked up to the offices.
He looked down at the paper he held in his hand.
He had only meant the captain once, and that was very briefly, but he hoped that the man would be willing to hear him out. He paused outside the man’s open door, and then peered inside. The captain was sitting at his desk frowning at the papers stacked before him, tapping his fingernail against the counter. Light glittered off his completely shaved head and dark skin.
He knocked quietly and stepped inside.
The man looked up frowning at Adam without much recognition.
“Um, Lieutenant Adam Vir, sir…. I was hoping to speak with you.”
The man sat back in his seat and frowned again, “Adam V-”
He paused, “Wait.”
He rummaged in his desk and pulled out a set of papers, glancing at the name at the top before setting them down, “Ah yes, Adam, I was just getting to your discharge for-” he glanced down at the paper again, and then back up at Adam, and then back down again. Adam stood politely behind the single wooden chair and waited.
When the man didn’t speak Adam awkwardly cleared his throat, “About those papers sir….I…. well I was meaning to talk to you about those.”
“Yes I was going to si-”
Adam shook his head cutting the man off, “No sir, I…. I don’t want you to sign them.”
There was a pause, “You don’t?”
“Yes sir.”
He set the papers down on the desk.
“You have the opportunity to be honorably discharged for services rendered and you…. Want to stay?”
He saw the incredulity on the man’s face as he spoke.
The guy must have thought he was stupid. 
The man looked over the desk at him <”Says you lost a leg during the Drev war kid.”
Adam shifted uncomfortably, “Well yes sir.’
“Then by all rights we HAVE to discharge you.”
“No, I got a new one.”
“A new one what?”
“I have a new leg, sir, just as good as the old one. I can pass all the tests, physical, mental whatever you want me to do sir, please, just give me a chance.”
The man stared at him, Adam stared back, “You’re missing a leg kid.”
“Not anymore I’m not. UNSC regulations say that people who have had stem cell organs from their own body transplanted don’t need to be discharged, well this is similar to that. I didn’t have a leg, and now I do, and one that works just as well as the old one therefore it shouldn’t matter.”
He didn’t mean to argue with the Captain, but well that’s what it kind of turned into.
The argument must have been loud enough to attract the attention of some of the other officers and a voice from the door behind them had both of them pull up short, “Is everything alright here.”
Adam turned and his eyes went wide, “Captain Kelly!”
She stepped into full view and his eyes grew wider. He saluted sharply, “Oh, sorry, Major.”
SHe looked at him with her head tilted, “I'll be damned, lieutenant, what are you doing back here.: She looked him up and down, “And in one piece or so it seems.”
“Advanced robotics ma’am…. Maybe you can help us?”
She frowned, “Go on.”
The Captain cut in, “The boy doesn’t want to be discharged. If anything that proves he must be smoking crack.”
Adam frowned, “No Ijust….” he trailed off, “I loved my job…. Before the, losing my leg, bit.” he turned to Major Kelly, “Please Ma’am i’ll prove it. Better than I was before, honest”
She frowned, “It is…. Unprecedented, but…. There aren’t really any rules regarding advanced robotics that I can think of. We will have to talk it over.”
Turns out talking it over meant months of arguing semantics with bureaucrats and even more months of testing and proving that he was, in fact capable of operating like normal. They tested everything, including his prosthetic’s ability to handle G forces…. And he finally got to fly again. It was only by a small margin that he managed to convince them to let him back in, and even then he was relegated to guard detail on what the human medical core was calling an oxyclinic, where a couple of enterprising humans learned that spooning aliens actually helped to treat some mental disturbances in other species like the alien version of depression.
Turned out it was pretty good for him considering he had developed a small fear of aliens since his last encounter. When he wasn’t guarding the clinic, he volunteered to work for them in order to overcome his fear.
He was slowly getting back to normal.
Major Kelly sat at her desk looking at the schematics for the new ship under construction. The UNSC Enterprise had been completely decommissioned after engineers determined her to have too many fatal flaws to allow her to fly again. Kelly had only been captain for a little over a year before she had been pulled, and this was her chance to get back on the horse. She looked down at the papers, the schematics and then the second letter from the UN which offered her a second alternative.
A promotion to Admiral, and control over what would soon be a rising fleet of UNSC ships.
It was a hard decision to make. Every fiber in her body wanted to fly again, to see the stars again, and she was halfway to writing her agreement on the captain’s contract when she stopped. She had to think about it, if she took the promotion and gave up the ship, she would never fly again…. But she would have control over the rising UNSC fleet. Under her control she was sure she could help those rising captains avoid the bureaucratic bullshit that was sure to come after them.
In essence, they had one chance to do this right, 
And more chances to get in good with the GA. If she took the position, she could fill it with someone she trusted to back the men and get the job done.
herself .
She stared at the two papers torn between her own desire and the path she knew that was right.
It was a matter of milliseconds that allowed her to agree to the promotion, and leave flying behind. It hurt every fiber of her being and even as she sat warm tears dripped onto the schematics of the ship that would have been hers if she had asked for it.
However, her decision made, she was promoted in short order as Admiral of the UNSC rising fleet, and thus had the power to make suggestions for who should take the ship in her stead. She made a decision pretty early on, and reached out a hand to the GA in helping to come to their decision. It was all about making a good impression on their newfound friends, and lending them the UNSC’s first operational ship under new fleet command would, not only give the captain of that ship the opportunity to school themselves in the ways of alien races,  but it would leave the GA with a greater inclination of friendship.
She was right in her assumptions, and the GA was more than pleased to have some say in choosing the human captain who would be lent out to them on a probationary bases, as a PR move and as a tactical manuver for the UNSC to learn more about these alien races.
Now she had to compile her list of possible candidates.
There were ten names on that list.
All of them had to be capable of flying the ship, at least and all of them had to have some experience with interacting with alien lifeforms.
Looking at her list, however, she realized that not many people on that list had those capabilities. Sure they could fly but most of them only ever met an alien in passing.
It was sitting in her office late one night agonizing over the names that one popped into her head. She sat up in her chair and stared past her desk lamp and out the window into the darkness.
It was a strange idea.
Crazy almost.
Probably ill advised, but, out of all the people she knew, he was certainly CAPABLE of flying a ship…. And he WAS the most experienced person hse knew with aliens. Perhaps THE most experienced person in the galaxy. 
But no…
He was so young, far too young.
But…. why?
It’s not like he hadn’t proven himself, he was loyal, unstoppable and personable, which goodness knows they needed when it came to alien interactions. Looking down at her paper there were more than half of those men and women she wouldn’t trust at a birthday party let alone at a GA diplomatic event.
She added his name to the list. It couldn’t hurt, could it?
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princessbb · 4 years
I can’t lose you
Disclaimer : This sucks and I am drunk . But I love whoever reads ❤️
Eddie looks over at Buck concerned as he’s driving them to the fire station. Buck has been quiet lately and thats very unlike him , so naturally Eddie is worried for his boyfriend.
“ bebé what’s wrong guapo.” Eddie ask turning down the angsty music Buck was blasting. Buck looks at the radio and back at Eddie and shrugs.
“Nothings wrong.” He says matter of factly
Eddie sighs “You’re barely talking to me and that’s never a good sign.” He says reaching over to grab Bucks hand . He lifts it up and presses a kiss to it . “Did I do or say something”? “Because if I did please tell me.”
Buck smiles faintly .
“It’s silly and I don’t want to start a fight for no reason.” Buck says
Eddie frowns pulling into the fire station. “Just tell me , I’m sure it’s not silly.” They grab their things and hop out of Bucks jeep. Buck didn’t feel like driving so Eddie being the good boyfriend he thinks he is took over. Buck really doesn’t want to be annoyed before their shift starts .” Can we talk about it later? I just want to start today and be done .” Buck says walking away leaving a confused and slightly irritated Eddie behind. “ whatever dude.” Eddie says under his breath and follows him inside.
“EVAN ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND.” Eddie finds himself screaming at the younger fireman as he approaches him . The crew received a call about an apartment building that set ablaze with a fire that was spreading rather quickly . All of the tenants were removed safely by the 118 team , but when Buck was pulled aside by an elderly woman screaming that her cat Thomas was still inside Buck took it upon himself to save the cat. This is why Eddie was upset because once again his boyfriend is risking his life unnecessarily.
“Eddie don’t . I got the cat with no issue everyone is safe !” Buck says
“THIS TIME , THIS TIME EVERYONE IS SAFE . NEXT TIME YOU MAY NOT BE SO LUCKY . “ Eddie screams , “You know , I swear you just don’t THINK sometimes .” He says scoffing in disbelief.
“Boys we need to clean up this mess . “ Bobby says walking over to them to stop them from further arguing . But the boys did not listen .
“Wow Eddie tell me how you really feel, so far according to you I’m stupid and reckless.” Buckley says not backing down. “I’m just doing my job.”
Eddie shakes his head in disbelief and sarcastically laughs “ Maybe this was a mistake. “ He instantly regrets the words as they come out his mouth. Buck feels like the wind has been knocked out of him. “ What did you say “. He asked squinting his eyes and forcing himself to blink back tears
Eddie instead of explaining himself finds himself sticking his foot in his mouth even further. Eddie was always scared to death on each call that Buck would do something wild and get himself killed.” I’m constantly worried about you at each call, it’s distracting .” , “Look this isn’t the place or time .” He says noticing Hen , Bobby and Chim staring at them argue . The whole crew were aware they’re a couple . But this was far from the typical lovey dovey couple they usually seemed like .
“Fuck you.” Buck says walking away . “Don’t we need to get this cleaned up ? “ He screams at the crew including Eddie . Chim and Hen nod slowly . “Okay so what the hell is everyone looking at .” He says angrily walking in the opposite direction.
“Where the hell is he .” Eddie wonders out loud . It’s 10 pm and Buck is no where be to be seen or heard . After their embarrassing argument that day Buck asked Chim for a ride home leaving Eddie to drive himself to pick up Christopher from school. He hadn’t heard from Buck since and Chim wasn’t answering his phone . Just as Eddie was about to call a search party , his phone began to rang with Chims name on display.
“Where is Buck. “ Eddie says quietly so he didn’t disturb his sleeping son.
“Well hello to you too. And I don’t know , I dropped him off at the park because he said that’s where he likes to clear his head.” Chim explains.
“What fuckin park Chim.” Eddie ask about to put on his shoes and wondering who he could call to sit with Christopher while he searched for Buck.
“Dude the park...” Chim trails off as Eddie hangs up on him . He hears keys jangling outside and watches as Buck drunkenly stumbles inside . Relief washed over him , but anger instantly replaces it .
“Are you serious “? “I’ve been calling you for hours , why didn’t you answer .”’ Eddie says pissed .
“Phone ... died .” Buck says and starts laughing throwing his keys on the floor and his body on the couch .
“Buck ..” Eddie starts
“No no no Eddie I don’t want to be lectured you’re not my dad. Hell you don’t even want to be my boyfriend.”
“Buck what is this really about ? You were mad earlier and wouldn’t tell me why . Did you go get drunk because we argued ?”
“I went drinking so that maybe I could forget about what you said Eddie . Because that shit hurt . I have actual feelings and you shitted on them . “ Buck says tearful
“Baby..” Eddie starts
“No ! Don’t baby me Eddie . Do you know why I went back for that cat Eddie ?” Eddie shakes his head and swallows hard .
“Because Eddie I wanted , no I needed you to pay attention to me again . We used to go on dates every Friday no matter what happened that day . For years you couldn’t keep your hands off of me , like I was your drug. Everyday you would tell me how beautiful and perfect I was, even if we fought or argued you made sure you loved On me.” Buck is crying at this point. “ I’ve been trying to convince myself that you still loved me, and that I’m being silly. But it bothers me Eddie.”
“ You risked your life because you think I don’t love you?” Eddie says without judgement. His breathe caught in his chest . He sits down next to Buck and pulls his close . Eddie can tell Buck is hurting and there’s no point of doing anything but trying to show him the opposite of what he is thinking. “ You risked your life because you think I don’t see you”?, “ oh nena lo siento mucho” He says , grabbing the younger man into his arms , Buck sobbing into his chest . “Baby I am so sorry .” He repeats but in English . “You’re right , things have changed . They have . But the way I feel about you has never changed . My love for you grows stronger and stronger . Today I was so got damned scared , you gave me a fuckin heart attack .”
“Im sorry .” Buck says with a drunk voice and through tears as he looks up at Eddie .
“Evan . “ He grabs bucks face and looks him in the eyes.” My beautiful Evan . I am the one who is sorry . We were both wrong but I am so sorry for not making you feel my love . “ he whispers “ You are the love of my life and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.”
“Baby you make me happy. You , Christopher and being apart of your family .” Buck says “I can’t lose that , I can’t lose you.”
“Sweetheart we can’t lose you , I can’t lose you . You are the what we were missing , the glue that holds us together . “ Eddie replies “I promise I will spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me Evan , but you have to stop making reckless moves like you did today . Please promise me .”
“I promise . I’m sorry .” He childishly says and ducks his face back into Eddie’s chest .
“Good . How about we go to bed . I’m sure you’re exhausted .” Eddie pulls the love his life off the couch , managed to get him to the bed and undresses his so he can sleep comfortably. Thank god they are both off tomorrow. Eddie climbs in beside him and Buck wraps his arm around his torso putting his face in his chest instantly falling asleep in Eddie’s arms .
Eddie presses a long kiss to the top of Bucks head saying a silent prayer for the couple . There’s a lot they need to discuss when buck is sober . In the mean time he was going to hold on to his boyfriend for as long as possible where he knew he was the safest and protect him as long as possible.
@evandiaz-buckley @buddiecaps @911edit @911confessions @sparksfly-buddie @deanette89 @bamfbuddie
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gingerwritess · 5 years
What would Elliot's first word be and how would Loki react? Btw love your writing❤️
nobody move or you’ll scare the content away
ugh i am so sorry i haven’t been able to write much! thank anyone who stuck around! i’ve been having to focus mostly on my school related writing (plus got a job so woo!) and its definitely not slowing down anytime soon, but here’s a little something i did manage to get out.
i don’t think i’ll ever get over the idea of Loki being a dad
A light that isn’t supposed to be on is on in the kitchen.
Every night, you turn out all of the lights in the house but a dim lamp by Loki’s bedside, so this one is foreign enough to rouse you from your rest and wake you to the point of realizing that your husband is gone.
Grabbing your robe off the floor, you slip it on as you pad down the hallway, stifling a yawn. Not only has your baby on a strange, reversed sleep schedule, but Loki doesn’t seem to need sleep either. This isn’t the first time he’s been up and about in the wee hours of the night.
Maybe another nightmare, maybe just a messed up inner alarm clock…you never know.
Shadows dance across the walls before you even reach the doorway, and Loki speaks in a hushed little baby voice.
“I love you, Elliot! My little blue baby, I love you!”
You pause in the doorway before he can see you.
On the floor with his back to a cupboard, Loki, gloriously jötun and clad in only a pair of loose silk pants, sits crisscross and holds your tiny son in his hands out in front of him.
Elliot is cooing happily and squirming in Loki’s hands, his hands large enough to comfortably take the place of the little baby’s bed, and he brings him closer to place the gentlest kiss on his delicate forehead.
You peek your head in through the doorway for a better look.
Oh. Elliot’s blue, too.
The golden kitchen light softens Loki’s jötun skin to a sky blue and his eyes to almost pink, and if you didn’t already love him, he’d be terrifying. But in your kitchen murmuring to his son how they’re going to help each other and saying I love you like a prayer, he’s a work of art.
Blue and etched with markings, cold and blood-eyed, you know your son will look like him, too, all sharp angles and structure and untouchable as a knife.
Dangerous but beautiful as the winter.
“I love you, Elliot.”
He gurgles in response and kicks a chubby foot in Loki’s face, three of his tiny toes the same blue as his father.
Loki catches the little foot and kisses it, bending his knees to rest the baby against his thighs. “Do you think I’m getting better at this?” he whispers. “We can keep having these little rendezvous, I think they’ve been helping.”
Tugging the robe tighter around you, you fight back another yawn and lean as close through the doorway as you can manage without interrupting.
“I love you,” he repeats, holding Elliot up and running the tip of his finger along the four marks on his left eyebrow, curving softly above his pinkish-red eye. “Don’t worry, I have those ones, too.”
You watch him shift back to his aesir form, Elliot following suit when Loki kisses his chubby cheek—then he shifts back to jötun, resting his forehead against his son’s until the two of them are blue again—or at least, splotched with blue.
There in the dim light, Loki does it again, murmuring how he loves him and switching back and forth between their two forms.
“You are a very pretty colour,” he whispers with a small smile. He sounds like you do whenever he’s in this form, trying to convince him of his beauty. “Your mother thinks so, too. She’s very strange.”
Elliot gazes up at him with those big red eyes and sticks his toes in his mouth.
“That’s very insightful of you, Elliot.”
The baby giggles. “Ah-loo.”
Your heart stops and Loki’s voice dies in his throat.
Loki scrambles to pull himself off the floor, a beaming grin spreading over his blue face. “What, Elliot?”
Your son keeps giggling and still half asleep, you don’t think to run to them before Loki’s running into you in the doorway, crashing into you while Elliot’s first word bubbles from his throat.
“Loki, that’s his first—”
“I was just coming to wake you,” Loki interrupts excitedly, landing a kiss that doesn’t quite follow through to your cheek. “Shh, shh, listen—who’s the cutest bluest baby?”
Held out in front of you in Loki’s hands, Elliot sticks out his tiny tongue and blows a spit bubble. “Ah-loo!”
“Loki,” you laugh, and wrapping your arms around his waist from behind him, you can’t think of anything more that needs to be said; right now, Elliot is the only one with something to say, and he does.
“Ah-loo,” he giggles again, more than thrilled to see his mother watching him over Loki’s shoulder at this hour. “Ah-loo.”
Loki’s lips settle into the gentlest smile, gazing down at his son, and he leans his head against yours.
“Well, it’s not dad or ma,” he says and you know he’s still thrilled, “but I’ll take it. Whatever he means by ‘ah-loo.’”
The sound leaves Loki’s mouth and is immediately followed by another little gurgle from Elliot, and the two of them go back and forth a few times, ah-loo-ing each other until you can’t take the cuteness anymore and steal a thorough kiss from each of them.
“I’m so glad we didn’t miss this,” you sigh, following suit as Loki lowers himself back onto the kitchen floor, still crooning over your baby.
“Me either.” Loki sounds starstruck, red eyes glittering and blue skin absolutely freezing when you snuggle up against his chest so you can stare at Elliot, too. “Ah-loo, hm? What is that supposed to mean?”
Tiny hands reach for the both of you and he gives a happy little squeal. “Ah-loo.”
“Maybe he’s saying hello,” you whisper and run a hand over Loki’s chest. “Maybe he’s already developing your accent and says hello like an old British man.”
“An old British man,” he repeats with a frown. “And here I thought you liked my voice.”
Not liking that frown one bit, you dig your fingers into the soft bare skin of his side and Loki squirms, biting back a shout of laughter.
“I love you,” you huff and tickle him once more for good measure, “and every little thing about you. Especially your voice.”
Loki laughs, bops a finger gently on Elliot’s tiny nose, and turns to press a kiss to your forehead. “I love you, too.”
Little chubby arms reach for you again. “Ah-loo!”
The three of you huddle there on the kitchen floor until you get too cold against Loki’s icy skin and convince him to come back to bed—bringing Elliot with you, of course.
Loki eventually shifts back to aesir form and you gratefully cuddle up to his chest, right next to your little son, who has finally stopped squirming and seems to be settling down on Loki’s chest as well for the last few hours of sleep.
“I love you,” Loki murmurs, one hand on Elliot’s back as the other gently traces down your cheek.
You mumble it back and grab his chin to steal a kiss, and Elliot gurgles one last “ah-loo” into Loki’s chest.
You’ve barely started to consider it a kiss when your eyes fly open in shock.
“Ah-loo,” you gasp and break away from Loki with a smack. “I love you.”
“I love you, too?”
“No,” you laugh, and Elliot opens his eyes once more to beam up at you. “He’s saying I love you, Loki.”
Loki falls silent and you think that may have broken him, but then he wraps his arms around the baby and hugs him as tight as he possibly can without hurting the little guy.
“I love you,” he says again, this time hesitating, curious if that’s really it—
That’s better than any variation of “ma” or “da” that you and Loki could’ve hoped for.
―   ―   ―   ―
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424@fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas
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@doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15
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@mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney @anxiousamandapanda @padmeisgay @authordreaming13 @lokisironthrone @theunknowinglys
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tigerdrop · 4 years
Hfbbfbhbbbbff stumbles in here. Listen. Uhhhh hl gordo topping the absolute shit out of vr gordos like, fingers shoved in so far in his mouth and Benrey "accidentally" stumbling in to find them and just seeing vr gordos become such a fuckinf mess under hl gordo..... idk it's on the brain now thanks to you and honestly thank you very much
thank you very much for this fantastic idea i took it and ran way too far with it
vr gordon on his knees with a hand in his hair tilting his head back, hl gordon in the HEV suit with 3 fingers fucking his mouth so you know he got those gloves on, just looking him right in the eyes while he does it, vr gordons got his hands wrapped around hl gordons forearm and his thighs spread wide, hes fuckin droolin and flushed and moaning around hl gordons fingers
and then benrey walks in and vr gordon Flips and is like "mpphh mhmhpph" trying to get those fingers out of his mouth and be Normal but hl gordon just grabs his hair tighter and plunges them in deeper and turns to stare right at benrey. doesnt say anything. just gives him an intense, totally unreadable look
gordon getting cucked by hl gordon and not letting himself join in b/c he is emotionally and sexually repressed as all hell is great. but i think it would be really fucking good if hl gordon wordlessly invites benrey to join in. just jerks his head to the side like "get over here"
well, first benrey just stands there, eyes wide and surprised as all hell while vr gordon slaps at hl gordons arm until he takes those fingers out of his mouth. then he starts bitching like "fucking-- go away, benrey, wait a fucking minute here--" until hl gordon leans down and whispers something in his ear that benrey cant make out. but whatever it is, it has an Effect on vr gordon thats kind of like watching a glass of water be poured over his head - his mouth snaps shut, and his face turns a dark, dark red, and he swallows hard as he looks back at benrey. and then back to hl gordon. and then he says, real quiet, "uh. okay"
and then benrey gets another Look from hl gordon and hes like "uhhh. cool. yeah. this is cool" and steps into their circle like his legs are on autopilot cuz hes still like what is even going on, never fuckin seen freeman like that before, this is craaaazy ha ha
(like, okay, in this scenario hl gordon already fuckin knows that vr gordon is into benrey and hes just being a little emotionally-constipated bitch about it. thats the whole reason he nodded at benrey to let him join in anyway. so what hl gordon is whispering into his ear is something along the lines of, like, this is what he wanted to do anyway, right? hl gordon already knows. so why dont u be good for the both of them, gordon?)
then before he knows it, hes standing in front of vr gordon on his knees and casting a shadow over him and vr gordon is so fucking embarrassed right now. but, like, hl gordon wasnt wrong, and he really, really wants to be good for him. (and, you know, for benrey, but if he admits that to himself he might actually fucking die.) hes sweating as he looks up at the both of them, like, "uh, okay, hey. uh. what am i supposed to--"
hl gordon interrupts him by making a fucking obscene motion with his (still spit-slick) fingers, indicating that benrey should do what hl gordon was just doing a second ago. (please note: hes still got his other hand in vr gordons hair.) and benrey looks between the two of them with his hand raised halfway into the air, like, yo, is this cool? is this actually happening? hl gordon gestures at him like, go ahead, bro. and when his hand approaches vr gordons mouth and his fingers alight on his lip, that mouth parts just enough to let him in, even if vr gordons having a really goddamn hard time meeting his eyes.
and benrey slowly starts feelin him from the inside, feeling the slick surface of his tongue and teeth while hl gordon gives benrey encouraging gestures and shows him how best to do it. how to get vr gordon to whimper and drool around his fingers just like he was doing earlier. not that vr gordon needs much help getting there - the humiliation of copping to his feelings like this, on his knees and fellating his frenemys hand, combined with hl gordons fingers gently stroking and scratching his scalp and stroking his ear and jaw as if to say, youre doing good, is getting him 12 different kinds of Fucked Up. hes still too embarrassed by all this to really get back into Whoredon Freeman mode so easily, but the embarrassment is.......really fucking cute. its doing it for benrey. and soon enough, hes got 3 fingers in gordons mouth and is feeling those low noises gordons making just as much as hes hearing them
i just......i think hl gordon is neat......hes just......a really quiet guy that projects this air of almost total confidence just by virtue of not speaking that much (and therefore, never sticking his fucking foot in it) and talking with his hands comes a lot easier than speaking aloud.......and hes a nice guy who doesnt have a problem showing it when its necessary/appropriate but he doesnt abide bullshit b/c bullshit gets people killed, which vr gordon unfortunately has in spades........literally all just fucking made-up personality traits but i just see it very clearly in my head
in my mind he is the polar opposite of vr gordon. like. vr gordon is so desperate to maintain control over his peers and his environment and he mostly just......yells ineffectually and runs around like a big loud rooster trying to peck everybody into place. and clearly that shit dont work out too well for him. so in comparison hl gordon is just......effortlessly confident in what he does and how he acts and people are just naturally inclined to listen to him/take him seriously. or at least he appears that way on the outside - i imagine the guy still has some self esteem issues, both about himself as a person and in his own abilities to Do What Needs To Be Done. just.......being so quiet all the time projects that air
i also imagine that like......his smiles are a bit of a rare thing, too. especially for vr gordon, who spends most of the time rubbing him the wrong way. so when vr gordon does earn one of those smiles, or a thumbs up, or basically any kind of positive attention, it hits extra hard
still thinking about. hl gordon basically......teaching benrey how to fuck vr gordon. in so many words. starting with the fingers.....hes also quietly being encouraging towards benrey, too, communicating that hes doing good at this. (is hl gordon domming both of them at the same fucking time?? youre goddamn right he is.) and benreys tenting the absolute hell out of his slacks by the time hes got vr gordons hand wrapped around his wrist to keep him there, and by the time gordons whining around his fingers and spreading his legs open wider instinctually and jerking his hips a little against the arm hes got shoved down between em for just a little friction
and then hl gordon stops benrey and makes another obscene motion and-- oh. yeah, benrey would like to take care of his boner issue like that, thank you. benreys a little dumbfounded, like, "yo, uhhh, you really wanna suck my dick? friend?" and vr gordons like "oh my god, you didnt have to say it out loud! jesus fucking christ, do not say anything-- not another fucking word--" but hes cut off by hl gordons hand tugging his hair hard enough to make him hiss. "okay, okay, jeez!"
vr gordon shimmies closer and looks up at him, still red, still sweating, drool running down the corner of his mouth and trailing in a translucent string from benreys fingers. still embarrassed. but daring benrey to do as he was told. so benrey unzips himself with shaking fingers and pulls out his dick. hes fully hard already and hl gordons there to guide the both of them how to do it - takes vr gordons hand and curls it into a fist with his thumb tucked inside, guides vr gordons head with the hand still in his hair. pushes him onto benreys dick. and theres something decidedly fucking weird about hl gordons role in this, but hes clearly getting off on it, and so are the rest of them, so theres not a lot of room left for any of them to worry about it
i cannot rightfully allow myself to keep fucking writing this when i still havent finished writing gordon freeman coming untouched but im just fucking frothing thinking about hl gordon showing benrey exactly how to push vr gordons buttons. shows him how to finger vr gordon, which angle he should push gordons legs back to so he can hit just the right spot, guides him to take just the right pace and shows him how gordon likes his hair to be pulled
and benreys so obedient! its a marked difference from how much shit he gives vr gordon at any attempt to control him. vr gordons honestly a little miffed about it, but on the other hand, hl gordon is really good at jerking him around and getting him off and hes a very good teacher. he cant complain
Anyway. See Ya
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goeymoey · 4 years
What if you tricked me?
A BBS short! (Part 1/??)
Hope you enjoy :) !
Nogla’s mic popped as he sat down in his chair. The signature black headphones already perched on his head.
“ Okaay, what we doin’ today boys?”
Miles away, in a different country, Tyler sighed. “ You really gotta get that mic fixed, man.” He turned on his web cam for emphasis and gave Nogla’s profile picture a frown. “ It sounds like shit.”
“ What do ya mean?” Nogla faked a whine. “ It sounds great! everybody loves the sound of my voice through this here mic! Am I rights boys?”. While turning on his web cam as he talked, Nogla leans back in his chair with both arms spread wide open.
“ I sound like a god!”
A neon green light highlights around Brian’s box as he snickers. “ Yeah...the god of shit!” Brian flicks his web cam on but, instead of being greeted with a smiling Irishman, he shows his middle finger.
Nogla sticks out his tongue. “ Shut yer fuckin mouth, traitor.” He crossed his arms with a pout. “ You’re the one who gave me the mic in the first place!”
Tyler and Brian lock eyes on the screen as the later smirks widely.
“ Why do you think that was?”
Nogla shrugs. “ I don’t know! I thought it was because you were being a good friend but-“ He gives Brian a hard stare through his screen “-OBVIOUSLY I was incorrect in my assumption! Hmpf!”
Another mic pop echos through the others headphones after Nogla’s shout, and it makes the two begin to snicker.
“ Sorry for trying to be a GREAT FRIEND and give you something of mine!” Brian says through a laugh. “ I guess I’ll go fuck myself next time!”
“ Shut yer cunt mouth you dirty-“
Nogla’s mic pops as it cuts off the final word to his sentence.
“- Next time I see ya, I’ll make sure to stick my foot up your dirty arse!”
Tyler bangs on his desk with a closed fist before taking off his head seat and walking away from the screen.
His faint laughter can be heard even as he walks out of his office and down the hall.
Brian smiles wide at the echoing laughter of his friend. He hunches over his keyboard, to be closer to the screen, as if he was about to follow Tyler himself.
“ You made the man leave the room, Nogla! how do you feel?”
Nogla scowls. “ I feel nothing towards any of ye cunts now...fuckin hate y’all...”. He mumbles. “ Especially-...Hey! Brock!”. Nogla cuts himself off as the discord ping of someone joining the voice call rings in his headset.
“ Just the man I wanted to see!”
Brock sighs and turns his web cam on. He stares at Nogla with a slack face of indifference.
“ Hey Nogla.”
The tall Irishman smiles wide. “ Did ya miss me?”
Brock scratches at his chin. “ No.”
“ What? Come on, Brock! I’m giving you all my love right here and you just-“ Nogla exaggerates his movements while shaking his hand in front of his face. “-give me this!” He slouches back in his chair. “ You give me nothing.”
Brock smiles. “ Okay...Hey Brian.”
The other Irishman smiles at the acknowledgment and tips his head. “ Hey Brock. How’ve ya been?”
“ Oh, y’know...” Brock holds in his laughter at the sight of Nogla giving him a deadly stare through the screen. “...same old things everyday, every night...the use’.”
Brian stretches his arms behind his back causing the bottom of his shirt to ride up a bit. “ Oh the woes of a single man in he early twenties. Never having any fun.” He rests back into his chair with both arms laying in his lap. “ Bet you wish you would have taken me up on that trip to Ireland, huh?”
Brock rubs at the back of his neck. “ Kinda...but not really.”
Nogla has given up trying to get Brock’s attention back and is now glued to his phone.
He mumbles something under his breath, but the other two males don’t catch it.
The door to Tyler’s office shutting muffles in the back ground of everyone’s head phones as the tall man comes stalking back to his chair. His attention is also focused on his phone, but his face is a mix of confusion and frustration.
He doesn’t reciprocate the others greetings and instead hastily shows the screen of his phone to the web camera.
“ Did any of you guys get this message from Evan?” Tyler’s grip on the blue cases phone tightens as he asks the question.
“ It says he sent it to me a while ago, but I left it down stairs.”
While listening to Tyler speak, both Brian and Brock brought out their phones.
“ Ummm...Yeah...” Brian starts awkwardly. “ I got a message from him too but...but it’s just a link with no url...” He mimics Tyler by holding up his phone to the web cam. “ It’s just a grey box...is that what you got?”
Tyler nods and sets his phone out of view from his camera. The screen facing up at him...just in case.
“ Yeah...it’s weird...How about you, Brock? Nogla?”
“ I got the box.” Brock shows the two his phone.
From his slouched position, Nogla mumbles. “ Same here.” His eyes stay glued to the screen. “ I already clicked on it, and it doesn’t seem...weird.”
The three watch as Nogla sits up and exposes his screen. “ I think it’s just a new game, or something like that.” He faces his phone towards him and then scrolls up on the screen. “ It’s like asking for my email and stuff like that so, I’m just guessing that’s what it is.”
Brock puffs out his cheeks. “ But what if it’s a virus?”
Brian shakes his head while tapping on the link. “ Evan wouldn’t send us a virus. He’s too smart for that.” His eyes shine against the brightness of the phone.
He flips up and down on the screen and then nods with a hum. “ Yeah, I think this might just be a new game for us to play. It all looks that way.....you wanna check it out togther?” Brian looks up from his phone. “ It says it’s multiplayer.”
Tyler purses his lips in an unsavory frown. “ I don’t know...it still seems a little sketchy.”
“ Aww, please, Tyler?! Please!” Nogla clamps his hands together in a plea while bowing his head. “ I’ve already set up my account and made my avatar! It’s too late to back out now!”
Brock huffs. “ Maybe for you.”
Nogla points at the screen with a strict finger. “ You shut yer fuckin mouth you god damn short prick!”
“ Hey! Don’t call me short!”
“ But you are!”
“ No I’m not! I’m 5’9!” Brock glares with his arms crossed. “ It’s like the average height.”
Nogla makes a ‘pft’ noise. “ That’s just what short people say! Now-“ bouncing up from his seat, Nogla waves his phone around dramatically “- hurry up and make y’all’s profiles before I start without ya! I’m getting bored!”
The others sigh at Nogla’s childish behavior, but fill out the link anyway.
It takes a few more minutes then Nogla would have liked- since Brian couldn’t decide whether he wanted his character to have blue or brown hair- but he refrained himself from succumbing to his impatience.
Brock was the last to finish his avatar with a worrying smirk as he tapped the ‘save’ button.
“ Okay, I’m ready. Who’s making the game?”
Nogla pipped up with shimmering eyes. “ I will you slow cunts! I’ve been waiting forever, let’s do this!”
Tyler rolled his eyes. “ It’s been like five minutes.”
“ Well, it felt like a long time!”
Brian scoffed at his friends whining. “ And yer just making it longer by complaining about it.” His arms sit across a wide chest as he laid back with the black cased phone sitting on his desk.
“ Just make the game already, jeez.”
Nogla huffed. “ I’m going I’m going....Okay, what are your guys usernames? The same as always?”
All three nod in agreement.
“ Yeah.”
“ Mhm.”
“ Weirdly, yes. I didn’t even have to change the ‘s’ in ‘Terroriser’ to a ‘z’ or add a 0.”
Brock hummed. “ Same here, and usually my names the first to go.”
Nogla rolls his eyes. “ Whatever, boring. It should be sending you an invite riiight....now.” He points to the screen just as three simultaneous dings pop in the others headphones.
“ The game won’t be able to start unless we all accept so, hurry up!”
Tyler looks down at the acceptance button suspiciously. “ I still don’t feel good about this...but fuck it! Let’s do this!” He taps the button and waits for the others to join.
Brock nods. “ Yeah, it might actually be fun!” He accepts the request.
Brian hesitates as he reads the short paragraph of rules before accepting.
“...this may be too much for some audiences...viewer discretion is-...I think this might be a horror game!” Brian exclaims with glee.
Brock’s face turns pale. “ A horror game? Does it say what it’s about? I didn’t read the warnings!” Brock looks down at his phone with worry as his free hand fiddles with his hair.
“ I wouldn’t of accepted if I had read that...”
Tyler snorts. “ Quit being such a pussy, Brock. It’s a mobile game. No mobile games are scary.”
“ Except for Five Nights at Freddie’s.” Nogla interjects.
“ That’s different.” Tyler responds.
“ How is that different? It’s a mobile horror game?”
“ It’s different because FNAF is based off of real life human things...like the fear that toys are alive or...yeah.” Tyler bites his lips in thought. “ Stuff like that.”
“ That sounds dumb.”
“ You’re dumb!”
“ Shut the fuck up, Nogla.”
“ No. You shut up.”
Brock sighs in irritation. “ Brian, hurry up and accept the invite before I blow my brains out from listening to these two.”
Brian absently nods as he reaches the end of the paragraph. “ Yeah yeah...im almost done.”
He taps the accept button.
“ I was just-“
“ Ooh Shit-“
The world turns black for all four men as their bodies slump down into their chairs. Phones slip carelessly from hands as headphones ride up on their heads and chairs creak beneath pounds of dead weight.
Tyler’s web came shakes as his head slams down on the desk in a dead black out. The door to his office jiggles behind him, but stays shut.
Brock’s head rolls back over his chair as his jaw unhinges to let his mouth hang open freely. The top of his headphones slide forward onto his forehead while his shoulders rise up on the chair.
Nogla’s arms simply drop dead and hang off the armrests of his chair while his head props up, unmoving, on his shoulder.
Brian’s body fully slips out of his chair as all dead weight transfers to the front of his seat and sends the furniture flying backwards. His camera also shakes as his body slams against the ground without trying to catch himself.
Then everything is still.
A green highlight appears around Tyler’s web cam as a bird chirps outside, but nobody moves and nobody talks.
Soon, their chests stop rising.
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I’m so sorry || Daniel ||
dartlovingbre asked: Just came up with another request if you are okay with doing it. Takes place when Andrew and Daniel meet Abraham and the reader is there and she reveals that Carver is the evil instead of Andrew saying it and Daniel gets angry. When the group hear what happened they get angry at her and yell at her, causing her to run off, and when Daniel remembers the bible with the scribbles in it, he tells the others Y/N was right, they feel guilty for how they treated her and they go to find her and maybe they find her severely injured maybe falling into a ditch near the road and when she wakes up they apologize to her.
A/n: I just love all of the boy’s and Taylor. Like I like Angela but it took so long for her to be likable when everyone else is already likable.
Pairing: Reader x Daniel \\ Hinted Andrew x Reader.
Warnings: Blood, injury, swearing
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Everything happened so fast, one moment you, Daniel and Andrew were looking over a few things in one of the old houses. The next you three got pulled into the past. It was eerie staring into the face of a man that looked so much like your best friend. Your stomach was in knots, the look a like was talking about that he was going to have to speak to the judge about the little girl.
It did not make sense, how could all of this be put on one little girl. But that’s when it hit you. What the Priest said to her, the things he whispered to her. This just could not be her, she was being infused. 
“Wait...you can’t just put all of this on her...it’s the priest that’s the one that’s driving it.” You stated stepping close to the look alike. Andrew looked relived, that he was not the only one who thought so though Daniel, now that was another story.
“Hold on Y/n! That’s way off. We gotta stop the kid.” Daniel snapped. Trying not to flinch at his voice you wanted to hear what Andrew’s Doppelganger had to say.
“Reverend Carver is a man guided by god.” 
Then everything went back to normal, it was still dark out and the firefly’s dancing in front of the door. Though one thing was for certain, Daniel was pissed.
“Bad move y/n....sticking up for the kid is probably gonna do us all in.”
Shaking his head, Andrew stepped forward, his body shielding you from Daniel. “Maybe so, but I think y/n made the right call...though I hope your’e wrong...for all our sake.”
Your mind was spinning, you didn’t even register the other three walking over. Daniel telling them what you did, the whispers turned into yells as Andrew did his best to calm everyone down but soon they were yelling at you.
“What the fuck y/n! Now we’re dead because of you!.”
“You think someone who’s going for their bachelor’s degree you’d be smart enough to not mess everything up.”
“I thought we had something special y/n, though whats the point of having this relationship when we’re going to die anyway.”
“Y/n! this is bad....very bad! You should have told him that the little girl was to blame!”
Pushing back the tears that threatened to fall, your fingers tightened around your flashlight. “It didn’t feel right to condemn a child! I’m sorry that I’m not some monster.”
“Y/n!” Andrew stepped closer to you.
“But apparently you all think I am!” Rubbing your eyes you took a few step back before taking off into the fog, the dim light from your flashlight fading away as the others screamed your name.
Gritting his teeth Andrew took another step forward before he spun around giving the group a harsh glare. “What the hell is wrong with you people! we just got everyone back and now Y/n is gone...and for what! for telling my look alike that the priest is the one pulling the strings! Now she’s gone....I mean what if something happens to her.” 
Daniel could already feel the guilt eat away at him, he did not mean to snap at you. To take out his anger on you but he was scared, he nearly lost you in that bus crash. He had to watch your doppelganger self get burned alive so that just added to the list of his worries. What if you were wrong? what if that thing came after you and now they couldn’t stop it...but then again...what if he was wrong and now you were in more danger because he had to open his mouth.
Digging his nails into his palm, what Andrew said really hit him and now your words were ringing in his head were starting to make more and more sense. “Y/n...I..I think she was right.” Frowning, Daniel shifted his body ignoring the eyes on him. “Back at the museum...I found that Carver guy’s bible and it had a bunch of weird symbols drawn all over it and they...well now that I have a clearer head...they looked more satanic.”
Taylor frowned, already regretting what she said to you. “So are you saying...that its our fault if anything happens to her.”
“We need to find her.” Abigail states. “Who know’s what could happen, it’s really dark and the roads.”
“They’re not safe.” John states though Andrew let out a sigh of relief as he started to walk off. 
“Well what are we waiting for....let’s go.”
Catching up to Andrew that was leading the group he did not know why he hated the thought of you and Andrew being close.
“So and you and y/n...are you a...thing?” Daniel bit his lip, he didn’t mean to sound so rude. 
“Are you high, or did that blow to the head knock some sense out of you.” Andrew snorted. “She’s like a sister to me, besides y/n likes you idiot but I’m sure you blew your chances.” he muttered as the others called out your name.
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You never meant to run off on your own, but you were hurt by the things they said...by what Daniel said. How could they have been so cruel? Wasn’t it obvious that it was Carver who was the problem. Sniffling, you wiped more tears away from you eyes.
“Stupid jerks” You whispered though walking your foot got caught in a hole due to a missing chunk of asphalt. Dropping the flashlight your held your hand out to break your fall but that did nothing. Scraping your hands, you could feel your pants getting ripped in the process as you continued to fall. Your body seeming to hit every rock as you rolled down the hill.
Letting out a cry, you finally came to a stop.Blood oozing out from all the new cuts on your body, red now mixing in the dirty water you were lying in. You were sure your arm was broken but everything hurt. You could feel your conciseness fade in and out.
Was your name being called? 
Looking up one last time you could sworn something passed in your vision before you blacked out.
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“Y/n! come out now!” Daniel ignored how panicked his voiced sounded, how scared he was. “Come on....this isn’t funny.”
Taylor sucked in some air as she rushed forward, her hands grasping a broken flashlight. “It’s y/n...what if.”
Andrew shook his head as his eyes glanced around. “Don’t think like that! she could be around here somewhere.”
Daniel swallowed thickly, he hoped so but that’s when he saw it. Something or someone rushing by then a flash of light. Something was glinting in to moonlight. Panic rising in his chest he quickly made his way down the ditch and that’s when he saw you.
You looked so broken, dead. This couldn’t be happening, you couldn’t be dead...not when he never got the chance to tell your how he felt.
“Y/n...come on....this isn’t funny...open your eyes.” He was scared to even touch you but that’s when he saw it. Your chest rising and falling, that put him  a little at ease though he was not going to feel better until he got you to a hospital.
Daniel did his best to ignore the others, they did not matter right now you did. Gritting his teeth he slowly let his arms wrap around your body as you let out a pained whimper. Looking over at the group he did his best to hold you gently as he could with out causing you anymore pain.
It felt like hours getting to some burnt down house, those things chasing after them did not help at all. Still holding onto you he watched as Andrew and Taylor make their way up to the second floor. Feeling himself nod off the young man did his best to stay awake.
It felt like hours ticked by though he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as the sun came up and whatever that was chasing after them was gone according to Andrew.
You both were right and thanks to your help along with Andrew’s the rightful person was persecuted. The whole group left the house, you were still unconscious in his arms by the time they got to that diner though you finally woke up when you were placed in the ambulance.
Biting your lip his hand clutched yours gently. “I’m here y/n...and..Im sorry for being such an idiot...all are and I.” closing his eyes, he slipped into the ambulance after a talk from John. “And I wanted to tell you...that I love you.” He blurted out.
Letting out a laugh, you winced as the EMT’s spoke to you. “Isn’t that funny...I love you too and...I’m sorry for running off.” Closing your eyes you could feel the anaesthetic taking it’s effect. 
Sighing his finger ran over the back of your palm. “You have nothing to apologize for Y/n...I’m the one that messed up but I’m going to make it up to you...I promise.” Leaning over you he pressed a small kiss to the top of your head.
After the hell you went through, he was going to make sure everything is going to be better here on out.
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pressedinthepages · 4 years
Resfeber (Chapter 2)
Swedish. noun. The restless race of the traveler’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Lambert x Reader
Word Count: 2643
Rating: E
a/n: i had a couple of people ask for a continuation/part two to this, and because of who i am as a person, i made it h*rny.
Tags: @whitewolfandthefox​ @havenoffandoms​ @MishaFaye @criminaly-supernatural​ @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely​ @magpie343​ @queenxxxsupreme​ @belalugosisdead​ @persephonehemingway​ @hina-chans-stuff​ @theawkwardpedestrian @a-stumpsexuals-world​
(There is a link on my page where you can be added to my taglist :D)
Warnings: smut, touch sensitivity, touch starvedness, but using it to our advantage ;), come marking, little bit of dirty talk, but im not very good at that so not much XD
You awaken in Lambert’s arms, and you find each other’s touch to be so much more than just comforting.
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    Dim light peeks through the windows, little birds chirping the call of a new morning. It’s just enough to rouse you, letting you slowly become aware of the body that you’re wrapped around. You welcome the warmth, a sweet noise falling from deep in your lungs as you shift against your companion. The memories of yesterday come back like honey, lazily filling in the blanks as you wake.
    You shift a bit, dragging your leg along his as you lean to look up at him. Lambert is already awake, peering at you through half-lidded eyes as he smiles.
    “Morning, gorgeous,” he mumbles, his voice rough and tumbled with sleep. You blush, reaching up to brush some hair from where it falls in his eyes. It sticks out wildly, mussed from where he had rested on the pillow. 
    “I’m glad you’re still here,” you whisper, not wanting to bend the comfortable quiet that a lazy morning brings. 
    “Hmm, me too…” he hums, his eyes falling shut as you feel his hand on your back tracing light patterns through your shirt. It’s soothing, you find, the gentleness he gives with just the lightest touch. “Is this alright? I didn’t want to move you and wake you up…”
    You hum, running your own hand down his cheek and following the line of his jaw. “It’s nice, I like feeling your hands on me.”
    You see Lambert’s eyes widen a bit before he tilts his head to the side, not unlike the wolf from his medallion. He lifts the hand that isn’t around your back to your cheek, stopping just short of touching you. 
    “May I?” he asks and you nod, leaning into his touch and letting the sparks fly under the surface of your skin. You shiver a bit from the sensation before you scooch yourself up, nosing into the hollow of his neck as his hand drifts down your arm. Lambert’s fingers intertwine with yours where they rest on his stomach. 
You gently place your lips against the skin of his neck, feeling his breath hitch under your lips when you do.
“I thought you didn’t like to be touched,” he breathes, raspy and gritty with want. 
“Hmm, never said I didn’t like touch,” you whisper, your lips just barely brushing against his ear with every word. “Only that I was sensitive to touch. I’m sure that there are spots that are sensitive on you that are quite pleasurable…”
Your hand slides down the plane of his stomach, finding him hard and straining against his undershorts. You hear Lambert hiss at the faintest glance of your fingers along his length. On your next pass though, you grow bolder, pressing your palm against the thin fabric that just barely conceals his cock.
“Oh, fuck,” Lambert bucks into your hand, clenching his jaw with a grunt. You smile against his skin, lightly kissing down his neck before his shirt gets in the way. Suddenly, you’re struck with an idea, and you are weak just thinking about it. 
In the space of a heartbeat you lift off of Lambert, flinging the blanket from the bed and letting the chill of the morning air run across your skin. Lambert lets out an annoyed groan that quickly turns into a choked-off moan when you move to straddle his hips. You let your weight rest on him as he sets his hands on your waist. Lambert is a vision like this, bathed in gentle sunlight and desperate under your fingers. 
He sits himself up, pulling your chest against him as he catches your lips in a bruising kiss. It’s full of teeth and need and hunger, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You feel Lambert’s hands bunch the fabric of your nightgown in their grasp. You can imagine him ripping through the soft material as if it were merely made of thin parchment, and that sends a dizzying wave of arousal straight to your core. 
“Ah, wait,” you murmur into his mouth, pulling back as you catch your breath. You slide your hands under the hem of his undershirt, feeling the taught muscles of his stomach jump and twitch under your fingers. Just before you can lift the shirt over his head he lunges forward, catching your bottom lip between his teeth before he nips and bites along the slope of your neck. 
“Gods, I want you,” Lambert’s stubble scratches along the delicate flesh with his words, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. 
“So do I, dear-” your words cut off with a low moan as you feel him sink his teeth into your pulse point, licking and sucking to soothe the forming mark. “I’d much rather have you naked, though.”
You feel his cock throb against your core, clearly agreeing with you. You move backward, lifting yourself from the bed just out of Lambert’s reach. The wooden floors of your cabin are cool under your bare feet, grounding you as you reach for the hem of your nightgown. You swiftly pull it over your head, letting it float to the floor behind you as your fingers drift lazily over your bare chest.
Lambert’s eyes burn with their intensity, chasing the path of your hands as you openly tease him with your newly exposed skin. The peaks of your breasts are stiff, rolling between your fingers and drawing a breathy gasp from your lungs. You let your eyes rove over Lambert, really wishing that his clothes were literally anywhere else instead of on his body.
“You seem terribly overdressed, darling,” you smirk, lightly thumbing the waist of your underthings. He’s blatantly palming himself through his shorts, a truly delicious grin dancing over the glint of his teeth when he catches your eye. Lambert reaches up, taking the neck of his shirt and lifting it, shucking it from is arms onto the floor. You bite your lip as you take in the new sight, the muscles of his arms swelling as he twists his broad shoulders, the brutal strength of his torso dusted with dark hair and more scars than you can count. 
You hook your fingers into your underthings and slide them down, leaving them where they fall as you step back towards the bed. Lambert moves to touch you but you hold out a hand, stopping him before he can. 
“Can I try something?” you ask, and you see a brief flicker of worry through the lust in Lambert’s eyes. He is at his most vulnerable, and this would be the perfect time for someone to get the upper hand on him and betray his trust. You have no intention of doing that though, pouring as much kindness and comfort into your gaze. You watch as the lump in his throat bobs as he swallows nervously, leaning back to lay on the bed.
“I trust you,” he whispers, barely loud enough for you to hear. Your heart swells with the knowledge of his trust, knowing that it is not something given easily.
“Do me a favor, love,” you walk to the foot of the bed, peering down at him with a lazy smile, “take those off for me, nice and slow.”
Lambert looks up at you then and inhales deeply, a pretty flush decorating his chest and traveling up his neck. You see his eyes darken, leaving only a whisper of gold around a void of black. A naughty smirk dances over his features as he lifts his hips, leisurely sliding the undershorts down his legs. You watch unashamedly, biting your lip as, inch by inch, Lambert becomes bare before you. 
“You’re beautiful,” you sigh, your eyes trailing over the swells of his thighs and up to the length of his cock, aching and weeping with arousal. 
“May I touch you?” You reach out carefully, stopping just shy of his leg.
“Oh gods, please,” the Witcher lying on your bed whines, pulling a giggle from your lips at the frankly ridiculous noise. You let your fingers just barely fall onto his calf, tracing a swirl of lines back and forth up past his knee. Lambert arches into the touch, desperate for more, harder, impatient as you predicted he’d be. 
You tut, pulling your hand away as he tries to increase your pace. “Please? Humor me?” You put your hands on your hips and give him your best chiding look. He stares back at you for a moment, testing you, but when you only raise your eyebrows a little higher he relents, relaxing back onto the pillow. 
“Thank you, just be patient dear,” you murmur, your fingers drifting back to their place at his knee. Lambert hums in acknowledgment, not terribly happy about having to exercise his almost nonexistent patience, but he thinks that he would endure waiting until the day that pigs sprouted wings and flew across the sky if you would just keep touching him. 
You bring your other hand to rest along his other leg, moving your hands in time with one another up towards his hips. You can feel Lambert tremble beneath you, gnawing the inside of his cheek to keep from rushing your exploration. When you continue moving up, avoiding his leaking cock in favor of running your hands through the hair on his chest he huffs, clenching his eyes closed and fisting his hands in the blanket below him. You climb back over him, hovering your hips over his and leaning down, sliding your hands up to the nape of his neck. 
When you let your lips brush against his, Lambert’s resolve finally breaks, his hands flying to your hips and pulling you close. You moan into his mouth, letting him deepen the kiss as you feel his hips rock frantically against you. His hips stutter and a sudden warmness spills over your stomach, slick and heady on your skin. 
“Oh, oh fuck,” Lambert sighs back into the pillow, throwing an arm over his eyes. “Gods, I’m so sorry, I tried to wait, let you lead, but then it was just too much and I couldn’t-”
You silence him with a kiss, knocking his arm away as you cup the sides of his face. His hands find your hips once more, but they are gentle, reverent in their touch as they sweep up and down your sides. 
“I know, I know,” you murmur, smiling down at him as you pull back. You push yourself up to rest on his thighs just below his hips. You can see where Lambert’s seed spilled on the both of your stomachs, a wave of arousal coursing through you at the sight. His cock is still hard where it lays against his hip. You reach down, taking him in your hand and squeezing lightly at the base. 
You run your hand up and down a few times, his fingers tightening on your hips as he grunts. 
“Please, can I-oh fuck, can I just-” Lambert writhes in your grasp, his pupils blown out and a vein in his neck straining against his skin with how tightly he is clenching his jaw.
“Go ahead,” you smile, gasping when he shifts beneath you and flips you both, switching your positions so that he hovers over you. He leans down to kiss you as he slowly pushes himself inside of you, swallowing your moans as you lightly scratch along his back. You can feel him shudder under your nails, hiding into the crook of your neck as he seats himself fully. 
You can feel Lambert everywhere, his teeth glancing along your neck, down your chest to suckle and prod at your breasts. His hands, kneading the plush of your ass where he holds you down to the bed. His chest, pressing against you, and the heat of his breath that drifts lazily over your skin. And the length of his cock, filling you so completely that you’re worried you’ll spill over with want. The burning stretch of your cunt, fading into an ache that can only be quelled by the man above you.
“C’mon, love,” you murmur, threading your fingers through his hair, adorably mussed by sleep and your other activities. Lambert perks up at the nickname, a flash of confusion and denial shrouding his features. You cup his face again and bring him down to you, pulling him out of his spiraling thoughts as you clench your walls around him.
“Fucking shit, holy hell,” the curses continue as he begins to move, slowly thrusting his hips into yours. Soon though, his words become a little softer, resting his forehead on yours as his thrusts quicken. 
“Ah, gods, you’re so tight, it’s like you were made just for my cock, I’m not sure I’ll ever be satisfied with anything else, not after you,” his words punctuated by gasps and groans, pulling you oh so close to the edge of your climax. His hips snap relentlessly into you, each time sending a cascade of warmth through your cunt. 
You cant your hips in time with his, chasing your high, and Lambert gives an impish grin before capturing your lips once more and bringing one hand to your heat. He rubs quick, tight little circles around the peak of your core, his hips moving wildly and faster than humanly possible. You can feel his chest rumbling against yours, almost as if he were purring as he fucked you into oblivion. 
“C’mon, c’mon, let go for me, my dove, let go, yessss…” his words carry you over the edge, your hips jerking wildly in his grasp as you lose yourself in the all-encompassing climax. You cry out, low and lusty as your walls clench Lambert’s cock like a vice, squeezing and pulling him to his own release. He pulls out at the last second with a drawn-out groan, rapidly fucking into his own hand as he spends thick ropes of his release above you. He paints you with it, some of it coming as far up as your lips, letting you eagerly dart your tongue to taste him. 
You fall back into the pillows, releasing a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. Lambert sinks back onto his heels, his cock still spilling over his fingers. 
“My gods,” you whisper in awe, “is it like that every time?” 
Lambert laughs, finally relenting as his cock starts to finally fall limp in his grasp. “Well, it’s always a lot, but not usually this much. I may need a minute…”
“Oh, fuck, I may need a bit longer than a minute, dear,” you chuckle, reaching out to pull him next to you. Lambert only takes your hand in his and places a light kiss to the tips of your fingers before dropping them, climbing off of the bed on only slightly wobbly legs. He grabs his undershirt that he had been wearing and lightly dampens it, bringing it back to you and wiping away the evidence of your joined releases before they can get sticky on your skin. 
He lets the now soiled cloth fall to the floor before climbing back into the bed, falling next to you with a dramatic ‘oomf’ when he hits the pillow.
You turn over so that you’re on your side, facing Lambert where he mirrors you. He’s wearing a goofy smile that only acts to make him that much more adorable, especially considering how rare that grin probably is.
“Will you stay? At least for a little bit?” you whisper, gently running your hand along the edge of his jaw. He hums noncommittally in response, relaxing into your touch and letting his eyes fall closed. Lambert is suddenly exhausted, and he’s glad for the comfortable space that he feels safe enough to be so exposed in. You let him sleep, content to hold him close for as long as you can until he leaves, taking your heart with him.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
the three b’s izzy stradlin x reader
+++++++++ V protective Izzy over insecure plus size reader that is being made fun of by the other girls that hang around the band. *im still not doing requests right now but i hope you guys enjoy these updates!*
Am I projecting? Yeah maybe. Do I care? If you've read my other plus-size!reader fics you would know: absolutely not!
(three b's: big beautiful bitch)
Song: king for a day by forever the sickest kids
tag list: @cynic-spirit @slashscowboyboots @smokeandmirrorz +++++++++
I stood in the group and sipped my drink, trying not to make eye contact with any of them. I didn't really fit in with the crowd of girls standing around axl, slash, and Steven. Sure I was friends with the guys but I couldn't joke with them like I could with duff. and Izzy being my boyfriend made me more comfortable but he was nowhere to be found either. Not only that but I felt a little more insecure than usual. Of course I knew I was hot, but still, there's always that thought in the back of your head that thinks 'what if?' These girls were like models after all.
"You still having a good time over there?"
Steven asked, grabbing my attention away from the condensation slipping down the backside of my hand off of my drink.
I asked, wide eyed.
"He asked if you were having a good time, are you fat and stupid?"
The girl slash had his arm around squawked at me, her voice high and pitchy. I winced at the sound of it, I noticed slash kind of did too.
"Yeah I'm doing great."
I said unconvincing, shifting my weight to my other leg. I looked back around the club, noticing people grinding over each other.
"You sure?"
Axl asked. I nodded before taking another drink, not looking at him. I felt warm under the color changing lights.
"Why do you guys hang out with her?"
The girl Steven was standing with asked. God her voice was just as annoying as the other one.
"You're not even paying attention to them, what's the point of keeping you around?"
Axl's girl said slyly. I sent her a stern glare.
"Unless you're the circus act, cause that I could see. The clown, here for a good joke. Someone to gawk at and make fun of."
She said with a laugh. I could feel my body burn at her words. The guys could probably all see it on my face, I was about ready to murder.
"She's cool."
Slash said, sending me a reassuring smile. I sent him a quick look before staring daggers at the woman.
I said through gritted teeth. I avoided their gazes again, looking across the club to the DJ. He was bumping to the beat of the song, much like the others on the dance floor. I wanted to think about something else. Something that wasn't these women making rude remarks because I didn't look like them.
"I have another question."
Stevens girl said. I rolled my eyes and looked to her.
I asked annoyed. She snickered, looking to the other girls.
"Are you standing over here cause you're worried you'd shake the ground if you danced like that?"
She said pointing to the people jumping up and down on the dance floor. The three women laughed, the guys looking visibly uncomfortable, each of them dropping their arms from their shoulders. I saw red in that moment, wanting to snap at them for assuming the worst about me. I went to open my mouth when,
"Excuse the fuck out of you?"
I heard from behind me, making me turn. Izzy was standing there, fuming as much as I was. He walked to me, taking my free hand in his, never moving his murderous gaze from them.
"You have no right to say those things. You wish you were as amazing as her. She's beautiful. She has a rocking body and amazing personality. And you wish you were half the person she is."
He said loud and quick, defending me perfectly. I half awed at him, like their words just melted away as soon as he had appeared. He finally turned to me, his features softening visibly as he looked down at me.
"You're everything I could have ever dreamed of."
He said softly before leaning down and kissing me passionately. I was a little stunned at first but moved along with him. His hand rested against my cheek as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.
"Get a room."
Axl yelled, laughing. I smiled into Izzy before he pulled away.
"Sounds like a plan to me."
He said, smirking at me. I could feel a blush creeping its way into my face. he went to walk away with me but i stopped him.
"not here."
i said in a whispered voice. i looked back to the women who had lost the interest of the guys. he looked to them too before looking back at me.
"what do you want me to do?"
he asked genuinely. i sighed.
"lets just stay, i wanna finish this."
i said motioning to my drink. he looked down at me in defeat.
he said reluctantly, draping his arm over my shoulders.
"what? you arent leaving?"
one of the girls said, snobby and unrelenting.
"no, but i think you should."
slash said, looking at her like she was crazy. her mouth dropped and i couldnt help the snicker i let out. she looked at me with a fire in her eyes.
"im not leaving without them, you cant make me."
she said, crossing her arms over her chest. steven cleared his throat.
"thats okay, i think its for the best that all three of you leave."
the other twos mouths dropped, the one in the middle stomping her foot.
"why is it that we have to leave and the laughing stock gets to stay!?"
i drew my brows.
"because unlike you im not expendable. i have a place in this group and its called being a loyal girlfriend who isnt money grabbing or just looking for a hook up."
i said sternly, lacing my fingers into izzys as he kissed the top of my head. she looked around to the guys and they all kind of agreed.
"they can find other girls like you. better than you."
i said, making her madder.
"but we cant find another girl like her."
izzy said endearingly, making me smile up at him. the woman groaned before stomping off away from us, the other two solemnly looking to us before following her.
"thanks guys."
i said before taking a sip of my drink.
"hey, like you said, we can find other girls like them; besides, we'd rather you stick around for a bit,"
slash said, raising his glass to me. i laughed a little bit, all of us connecting our glasses in cheers.
"youre much more fun to hang out with."
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