#i am shutting my eyes and deciding to stop editing this. it's a ramble but it is what it is
loveofdetail · 1 year
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@sigilmint oh friend this comment made me so 😍
Short version: As far as in-game actions, really all you need to do is initiate his romance, betray the grove, roll to convince him to stay in the party, then continue his romance, roleplaying the situation however you want from there.
Long Version beneath the cut—this has a lot more to do with how my own out-of-game decisionmaking got me here, and how I interpret the macro-arc of my party/character.
My first bg3 campaign is a co-op game where we are mostly trying to do Good Route Things. Gale has been stuck in camp permanently because I was dead set on playing a wizard myself.
So I started my solo campaign with the vague notion of doing a Full On Evil Run. My character, Vuei, is a disillusioned and broken oathbreaker paladin. I was planning to romance Minthara because if she's only available in the evil route, might as well go all the way.
But I recruited Gale and immediately had a category 5 "Ohhh I can't not fuck him" moment.
Now, at the time I thought that betraying the grove would straight-up lock you out of his romance. Tbh I'm not sure why I thought this? But somehow that was the impression I'd gotten, so, I promptly jettisoned all my Evil Plans in favor under Get Under Gale's Robe ASAP.
I got all the way into Act 2 like this. Defeated and looted the whole goblin camp, made it to Last Light, all that.
Then one night I wanted to play but I was feeling too mentally wiped to make real progress and real decisions, so instead I loaded a save from right before saving the grove. I figured I would see what it was like, get to hear some Minthara dialogue, that would be that.
Instead I got one of the most immersive emotional rollercoasters a video game has ever given me.
I failed some rolls to deceive Minthara and started spinning a narrative where Vuei, who has recently lost everything and everyone they thought they valued, just... panics. Doesn't see a way out other than bending to Minthara's demands. Goes reflexively numb and nihilistic because apparently this is just the way the world works.
From there, the entire sequence from the combat itself, to Karlach (who was in my party) leaving me, to the reactions of various people at the party... it was just Moment after Heartwrenching Moment. I'm leaving some details out here because they really deserve to be experienced first-hand but at the end I was like. Staring at my ceiling processing all the implications for the characters.
Gale specifically delivers one of the Verbal Smackdowns of All Time to you afterward. You have to persuade him to stay.
But he does stay.
This was the point when I started getting the feeling that maybe his romance flag was still active? And the implications of THAT... my mind just ran wild with them. Who was this guy who would bitterly, righteously tell you that you're making him worse, then give you a second chance, secretly thinking maybe he's Not Actually So Different, then fall in love—ACTUAL love, not just 'I don't deserve better' resignation—with you despite it all?
I never reloaded my original save.
The game doesn't actually let you have any additional decompress-and-discuss dialogue after persuading him to stay, but in my imagination what I filled in was: a really painful heart to heart where Gale and Vuei agree Never Again. Where they are both at a loss as to how they can even go on from this. But they have to. So they will. At least they know the other feels just as guilty and ashamed as themself, and that counts for something.
It also made me think, why the pure black and white Evil Run/Good Run dichotomy? I really, REALLY latched on to the story structure of a party that makes One Huge Ruinous Fuckup at the very beginning that colors all their further attempts to Do Better, and that's how I RP'd going into act 2.
For instance: we couldn't rescue the tieflings but maybe we can extend the same grace to Minthara that we hope might be extended to ourselves.
In terms of game mechanics I actually took quite a hit here. Karlach took a bunch of great gear with her when she left (this may not happen in the current patch? unsure) and I decided my characters would not have it in them to go back to the goblin camp just to completionistly gobble up loot.
It felt like penance. The very beginning of the tangible consequences of the thing my character will regret most, for the rest of her life.
I felt closer to my remaining companions. Bound by atrocity. The last ones standing. By the gods it shouldn't have happened this way but after that we will NEVER doubt that we have each other's backs. I put Astarion in my party for the first time ever and this is when I began warming up to him as a character. Eventually when Shadowheart killed the Nightsong, it was like Vuei (and Gale) deeply disapproved but couldn't bear to cast judgement. The only thing to do is be there for her and hope she does better next time. We are all just hoping we'll do better next time.
The morning after our lowest point, we trudged resignedly to Rosymorn monastery. The stark, sublime grandeur of the landscape was a slap in the face. It was wrong that such beauty could still exist as though the world was indifferent to what we'd just done. It was wrong that we could literally climb above the ruins we made and in the distance they're just... another part of a breathtaking view. But here we are, standing on this cliff, somehow still able to feel wonder.
The new dawn imagery was both a lash and balm.
We carry on. We find a way.
OH ALSO I gave Gale Volo's eye and continued making Alterations to him as things progressed. Being vague because that's quite a bit further in but yeah, Gale Undergoing Changes is another big part of my vision here. It's All Connected.
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ladykailitha · 10 months
I am frustrated with technology at the moment. Windows 11 decided that it was going to save my stories in two places. And with two stories (I almost put twice, it was way more than twice) it only showed the versions that were from before I got my new laptop.
So like with Royal Pain's epilogue, the version I sent @duraffinity for Exit Eddie Pursued By a Steve was the version I posted here and not my edited copy (I at least try to do a SPaG read before I send it to her so it's not too bad).
So I'm struggling with leaving it as is on AO3 or trying to send the version I had worked on for her to get the right on edited and posted on AO3.
Version 2.0 in all its 4882 word glory under the cut:
Eddie had been on his way to the choir room for his weekly “meeting” of the Hellfire Club. They had to have in there this week due to the unfortunate fact that the school musical was currently being preformed and they actually needed the drama room closet.
Suddenly a gaggle of people came tearing out of the stage in a hurry. The last of which was someone in a large red wig and bright yellow dress. But Eddie knew those hazel eyes anywhere.
He let out a low whistle. “Looking gorgeous there, Harrington.”
Steve skidded to a stop in his kitten heels and turned to see who had cat-called him.
“Yeah?” Steve said to him under half-shut eyes. “You like what you see, Munson?”
Eddie gave an appraising glance up and down. “I do indeed.”
“Too bad I have to change out of it,” Steve teased.
Eddie shook his head sadly. “Now, why would you want to go and do a thing like that?”
Steve laughed. “Because I’m in the next scene, and I ain’t wearing this!”
Eddie laughed, too. “Damn shame.”
Steve looked around and then hurried over to him. “If you like it that much, meet me after the play.”
He winked and then gathered up his skirt and ran for the changing room.
Eddie was still standing there when Jeff, Gareth, and Brian came up behind him.
“Who was the broad?” Brian asked.
Eddie licked the top row of his teeth. “That was no broad, gentlemen. That was King Steve in a ballgown.”
“Wait, what?” Jeff asked, his face screwed up in confusion. “No way.”
“Oh yeah,” Eddie hummed. “And I’m pretty sure he just asked me backstage after the play for a little action.”
All three other boys turned to him in shock.
“Ain’t no way,” Gareth hissed. “It’s probably some prank to have the basketball team jump you or something.”
Eddie grinned. “Come on, boys. We’ve got dragons to slay before they kick us out of the choir room, too.”
They all followed him to the choir room, a little confused on what just happened.
Steve waited nervously after getting one of the band and orchestra geeks to help him back into the dress. The wig and makeup were gone, as were the shoes. Those things pinched.
His dress swished back and forth as he paced wringing his hands.
Steve stopped in his tracks and turned to the open door. Eddie stood there with an expression that Steve couldn’t quite make out.
“I have to know before we do this,” he rambled. “Are you wanting to do this because you thought I was beautiful as a girl in a dress? Or because you thought I looked beautiful in the dress?”
Eddie paused for a moment. “That is a very important distinction and one you are right in asking, sweetheart.”
Steve blushed deeply.
Eddie crowded his space and lifted his chin gently, “You look beautiful, Stevie.”
He gasped and Eddie dived on in, pressing their lips together. Instantly, Steve’s tongue tangled with his.
Eddie pulled away reluctantly. “We are definitely doing this.”
Steve nodded. “Just try not to get anything on the dress itself, otherwise I’ll be murdered by the drama teacher.”
Eddie chuckled darkly. “You’ve got it, babe.”
When Eddie walked in the room, Steve appeared coy. Shy even. And then when Steve asked why he was interested in fucking him in that dress, he suddenly got it.
“Anyone ever take care of you, Stevie?” he murmured, slowly pulling up the folds of the dress to get at those delicious thighs.
Steve shook his head. “I’ve only had sex with girls. They tend to expect you to do all the work.”
“Oh, darlin’,” Eddie cooed. “I’m going to make you feel so good, baby.”
Steve threw his head back and moaned as Eddie caressed the sides of his thighs.
“That’s it,” Eddie purred, mouthing along the expanse of Steve’s neck, “you sound so good.”
He pushed down the pantaloons Steve was wearing and tucked the dress behind his beautiful cock and sank to his knees.
Steve’s hands immediately buried into Eddie’s hair, pulling him all the way onto his cock.
Eddie lifted one of Steve’s legs and tucked it over his shoulder. He took the spit and slick from his blowjob and coated his fingers. He pressed one finger into Steve and the boy let out the most delicious sounds.
Eddie wished he could swallow them up, but he would have to settle for swallowing Steve down entirely. He continued to open Steve up and suck him off. Suddenly Steve was coming in ribbons down Eddie’s throat.
Eddie stood up and kissed Steve dirtily, mouth still slick with his cum.
Eddie gathered up the skirt of the dress and pressed into to Steve’s hands. “Hold on tight to that, darling. We don’t want to get anything on it, right?”
Steve nodded. He let out a low whine, taking in as much of Eddie as he could.
Eddie lined himself up and slowly pierced Steve’s ass.
“Eddie!” he cried. “Oh god!”
Eddie took that as encouragement and slid all the way to the hilt.
Steve wanted to grip the back of Eddie’s shirt and fist his hair, but his hands were occupied by the skirt of his dress. He held on tight, barely holding on as Eddie fucked him wildly.
Soon Eddie was coming into Steve, in rough, hopeless waves.
Steve let out a breathless sigh. “God, oh fuck.” He moved to bring his hands down but Eddie stopped him.
“We need to get you out of this dress first, darlin’,” he murmured into Steve’s ear, “then you can lower your arms, all right?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
Eddie giggled at how far gone Steve was. He removed the dress and hung everything up their proper places, while Steve panted for air, pressed against the crates Eddie fucked him against.
Once Steve was able to catch his breath, he asked, “How did you know where everything went?”
Eddie turned back to him with a grin. “This is where my club meets for D&D. The Hellfire Club, ever heard of it?”
Steve nodded. “I’ve got these kids I babysit that love that game. It’s all they’ve been talking about when it comes to picking out classes and clubs for next year.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow and sat down to watch Steve clean up himself and get dressed. He wondered where it was all going to go from there. Would Steve throw him out? Punch him? Mock him?
“I think you’ve ruined me for anyone else,” Steve muttered darkly as he ran his hand through his hair. He stood there in sweatpants and ratty old yellow sweater, looking every bit as beautiful as he had in the dress.
Eddie grinned. “Yeah, big boy? How’s that?”
“I don’t think I’ve come so hard in my life.”
Eddie cackled. “Right back ‘atcha, sweetheart.”
Steve blushed and walked over to stand between Eddie’s legs. “We’ve had dessert, what would you say to a late dinner?”
Eddie smiled up at him and then pulled him down for a kiss. “Sounds perfect, Stevie.”
“I call bullshit,” Brian said the next morning at their lockers when Eddie told them. “There is no way you sucked Harrington’s dick.”
“Did a slight more than that, Bri,” Eddie crowed.
Jeff frowned. “Prove it.” He jutted his chin across the hall to where Steve was at his locker getting stuff out for the next class. “There’s ‘your boy’ as you say. Go get him.”
“And even if it is true,” Gareth growled. “There is no way he’d associate with you in the middle of the whole fucking school. He’s going to break your heart and we’ll have to pick up the pieces.”
“Watch and learn, boys,” Eddie said flippantly.
He strutted across the hall to Steve and placed his hand on the locker next to him by his head.
Steve turned around, closing his locker. “Oh, hey, Eddie.”
Eddie smirked. “Morning, princess.”
Steve leaned against the lockers and laughed. “I’m the ugly step-sister, remember. Not the princess.”
“You were as pretty as one last night,” Eddie teased.
Steve grinned and put his arms around Eddie’s neck. “Hmm...that kind of talk is what got us in that position in the first place.”
Eddie grinned right back, putting his hands on Steve’s waist. “You saying flattering works on you, sweetheart?”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “I’m saying it doesn’t hurt.”
He pressed his lips to Eddie’s and they both melted into the kiss.
“Am I going to see you at lunch?” Eddie asked pulling away and pressing their foreheads together.
Steve shook his head. “You have first lunch and I have second.”
“So cruel,” he murmured, his thumb rubbing a patch of bare skin between Steve’s jeans and where his sweater had risen up because of his arms around Eddie’s neck.
“I’ll see you after school, okay?”
Eddie nodded. “It’ll be torment until I see you again.”
“For me, too,” Steve breathed.
And then Eddie was digging his fingers into Steve’s sides, tickling him.
“Eddie!” Steve protested, laughing.
Eddie leaned forward and kissed the smile off his face. “Later, Princess.”
“Later, Eds.”
Eddie turned and walked away.
“Eddie!” Steve called out. “Catch!”
Eddie managed to catch whatever it was on sheer instinct. He looked at it to see that it was Steve’s varsity basketball ring.
“Hold on to that for me,” he said with a smile. “It’s special to me.”
Eddie saluted and practically skipped back to his friends.
Steve laughed, shaking his head fondly.
“Holy fuck,” Jeff said. “He laughed at an Eddie-ism and not mockingly either.”
“His varsity ring,” Gareth replied numbly. “He gave Eddie his varsity ring.”
“That possessive draping his arms over Eddie’s shoulders...” Brian muttered.
Eddie just chewed happily on his pretzels as he watched his friends repeat all the things that Steve and he had done that morning.
“So...no broken hearts this fine Friday morning, is there?” he said into a brief lull in their retelling.
All three heads snapped his direction.
“How the hell did you manage to convince Steve Harrington to be your boyfriend?” Jeff asked.
“I really don’t think you want the play by play,” Eddie teased.
They all made gagging sounds.
Suddenly their table darkened. They stopped talking and they looked up.
There, standing above them were Tommy H, Carol, and about half the basketball team all glaring at Eddie.
“And how I can I help you gentlemen and lady today?” he asked, grinning around chewing on a pretzel.
“What did you do to Steve?” Tommy asked. “What spell did you use, man?”
Gareth snorted.
“This is serious!” Carol shrieked. “You tell your friend to undo whatever it was that he used to curse Steve.”
“Hon,” Jeff said with a raised eyebrow, “if Eddie could do magic don’t you think he would have magicked his way through school and not had to do a second time at being a senior?”
They all kind of looked at each other a moment before the muttering started.
Eddie just shook his head. “Or maybe, just maybe Steve needed someone to take care of him the way he takes care of everyone else.”
His flicked around the room and he could see Nancy and Jonathan inching closer to hear him.
“Because,” he continued a little louder, “if you lot had given as much of damn about him as he did about you, maybe I wouldn’t have had to adopt him like have all my other little sheep. So fuck off. And maybe ask Steve why he abandoned you lot.”
He waved them off and went back to eating his lunch.
Steve was showering after gym and could feel the eyes on him. He looked up to see that half of the boys showering were looking at him and the other half was avoiding his eye.
“Did theater turn you gay?” one of the guys asked.
Steve had give it to the kid for actually having the balls to say something. He sighed and turned off the water. “I like dicks and hard chests, sure. I also like soft breasts and wet cunts. It’s not always an either or thing.”
Some of the guys started covering their junks and he laughed.
“Oh god, I don’t care about your dicks, for fuck’s sake,” he said rolling his eyes. He turned the water back on. “I’ve never looked at any of your scaly dicks. I know how fast you shower. I don’t need to look at your dick to know you didn’t wash it.”
Some of them ducked their heads as they knew he was talking about them.
“And don’t think for a second that I’m the only queer in this shower room either,” he continued. “You lot aren’t as slick as you think you are. Plus, what would I want with any of your dicks? Have you seen Munson’s? Take it from someone who has, it’s far superior to you lot.”
Steve finished up rinsing his hair and got dressed. The second he was out the door, the locker room erupted in a cacophony of gossip. He just shook his head.
Steve walked out to the parking lot where Eddie was waiting for him. He strolled right up to where his boyfriend was lounging against the driver’s side door of his van.
“Hey, honey,” Eddie greeted with a big smile. “Miss me?”
“Always.” Steve kissed him soundly.
Eddie pulled him closer to deepen the kiss, hands buried into Steve’s gorgeous locks.
When they finally broke apart, Eddie licked his lips. “Damn, Stevie, if you kiss all the girls like that it’s no wonder they’re after you all the time.”
Steve draped his arms around Eddie’s neck. “Only you, sunshine.”
Eddie tucked his hands into Steve’s back pockets. “You got the play again tonight?”
Steve hummed. “And tomorrow, too.”
Eddie chewed his bottom lip. “I want you to meet my Uncle Wayne. Is it too soon?”
Steve shook his head. “I’d love to meet your uncle, baby. You just don’t want to meet my parents.”
Eddie pursed his lips. “You won’t get into trouble by dating me so openly, will you?”
Steve shrugged. “I don’t honestly know. But it wouldn’t matter if I did. I’d pick you over those jackasses that haven’t been around much since I turned sixteen.”
Eddie hummed. “Okay, baby. I just want you safe.”
Steve kissed him. “Thanks for that. But I’ll be fine.”
“So I’m coming to the play tonight,” Eddie said, “all proper, with a ticket and everything.”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “You hoping for a repeat performance after last night, Eds?”
“And if I was?” he growled in Steve’s ear.
Steve giggled. “I have an outfit that I’m actually wearing at the end of the play that I think you’ll enjoy a little more than the ballgown, baby.”
Eddie’s nostrils flared in want. “Yeah, honey, we can do that.”
Steve kissed him deeply. “Can’t wait.”
“What time do you have to be here tomorrow for the play?”
“About three o’clock, why?” Steve asked, rubbing his nose along Eddie’s.
“My uncle has work at two,” Eddie explained, “so why don’t you come over tomorrow for lunch and meet him.”
Steve kissed him fiercely. “Okay, sunshine. I’ll bring pizza, is noon okay?”
Eddie nodded. “I’ll see you then, princess.”
They finally broke apart and Steve walked back the school.
Jeff shook his head and clacked his tongue. “Dude that was the most disgusting display of affection I’ve ever seen. And you’ve met my parents.”
Eddie cackled. “Just wait boys, I have feeling we’re about to get so much worse.”
Eddie sat in the back of the school auditorium and grinned when Steve came out in a yellow robe over just a corset and pantaloons with stockings and kitten-heeled shoes for the scene with Cinderella trying on the glass slipper.
Eddie ran his tongue over his lips slowly. Steve had been right. The ballgown had been a treat, but this? This was the fucking main course.
He waited until all the other guys had filed out of the drama room to enter. He nearly growled when he saw Steve draped against the sofa dressed as he was in the play minus the silk robe. Which was fair. That was a lot harder to keep out of the way.
“Like what you see, beautiful?” Steve murmured. He rand his hands down the corset and Eddie growled. And then pounced.
Sex that time was different. Now that they both knew that they were on the same page, it was both more tender and a lot raunchier.
When they were getting dressed, Steve hummed.
“You know,” he said. “you really are good at making sure there isn’t anything on the clothes.
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “That’s because if you’re sneaking around and don’t want people to know, you learn real quick the art of not letting it show on the outside.”
Steve stopped what he was doing and walked over to him. He lifted his chin and gave him a deep kiss. “You’ll never have to worry about that unless you want to. Like tonight and last night. This is just a bit of fun, but...” he held up Eddie’s right hand that held Steve’s varsity ring, “this is a full on declaration, okay? I won’t ever hide that I’m yours.”
Eddie nodded. “You’ve got it, sweetheart.”
“Good,” Steve murmured. “I’m starving and Benny’s has pancakes on special on Fridays.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, baby, it’ll be my treat.”
The next morning Wayne found Eddie pacing the living room.
“What’s got you around the twist?” he finally asked after the hundredth sigh.
Eddie wrung his hands. “So you know how I don’t introduce you to the guys I sleep around with?”
Wayne snorted. “I figured they just liked leaping out of windows when I came home.”
Eddie giggled. “Well, this one wants to meet you.”
Wayne raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
Eddie chewed on his bottom lip. “He’s really good to me, Uncle Wayne. And I mean, really good.”
Wayne hummed. “What do you mean?”
Eddie started pacing again. “It’s like every time I think, ‘oh this is it, this the part where he gets embarrassed by me’ he does something super sweet and cements that he’s with me for the long haul. It’s like he’s inside my head reading my insecurities and coming up with things that would allay those fears.”
He stopped in front of his uncle and handed him the ring.
“He gave this to you?” Wayne asked before really looking at it.
“In front a large crowd of people so that people wouldn’t say I stole it from him.”
Wayne’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously? Wasn’t that dangerous?”
Eddie nodded, close to vibrating out of his skin. “But he wanted people to know he belonged to me and no one else.”
“It doesn’t look very expensive,” Wayne said with a chuckle.
“No,” Eddie agreed. “It’s a chintzy thing, but it’s important to him so...”
Wayne actually looked at the ring, like really looked at it. “Ed. This is a varsity basketball ring.”
Eddie nodded again. “That’s the other reason I’m nervous introducing you to him. We were both targets of jock bullies in school until we became untouchable through admittedly very different ways. You with auto body and me with metal.”
He sat down and then back up again. “And I won’t lie and say he wasn’t like that, but after getting a concussion he started to realize popularity wasn’t all it cracked up to be so he joined drama, ditched his asshole friends and–”
“Who are you trying to convince me or yourself?” Wayne interjected gently.
Eddie blushed. “He’s just so good, Uncle Wayne.”
“So why are you trying so hard to convince me?”
Eddie gulped and sat down on the sofa, hard.
“Because it’s Steve Harrington.”
Wayne stared at him for a moment and then moved to sit next to him on sofa. “We’ve talked about him before, what so different this time?”
“He wants to meet you for a start,” Eddie said furrowing his brow. “Like even the boys that were out when they were with me didn’t want to do that. He bitched out a bunch of boys in the locker room for ragging on me. And I didn’t hear that one from him by the way. I overheard a couple of guys from his gym class talking about it. When I asked it about it later, he brushed it off like it wasn’t a big deal.”
“It wasn’t a big deal to defend you against bullies?” Wayne asked, eyes wide.
Wayne licked his lips slowly. “All right, let’s meet this boy of yours. When is he coming over?”
“Today at noon?” Eddie said with a grimace.
Wayne looked around at the newly tidied trailer and simply said. “Ah.”
“He’s bringing pizza for lunch,” Eddie said sheepishly, “if that helps.”
“Depends from where.”
Eddie pushed him playfully. “You are such a pizza snob, God!”
There was a knock on the door and Wayne looked at his watch. “Looks like your boy is a little early.”
Eddie blushed.
“I wonder if I can have him teach that trick to you,” he said rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
He got up to get the door and had his hand on the doorknob before Eddie came to his senses.
“Don’t you dare open that door, old man,” he said scrambling to the door. “I won’t have you to scare him off because of his pizza choices.”
Wayne laughed, but let Eddie open the door. On the other side was a grinning Steve.
“I hope Carlos’s Pizza is good enough,” he said holding up the two large boxes.
Wayne took the boxes from him and peeked into the top one. “You’ll do.”
He wandered off into the kitchen for plates.
Eddie grabbed Steve by the lapels of his stupid Members Only jacket and hauled him inside to kiss the daylights out him.
Steve yelped in surprise, but went willingly into his boyfriend’s arms.
“You brought pizza from the only Italian pizzeria in town,” Eddie breathed. “He is going to love you.”
Steve laughed. “I have an Italian grandmother and rich parents, we only have ever gotten pizza at Carlos’s.”
Wayne stopped short in the small area between the kitchen and the front room, pizza shoved in his mouth. He swallowed roughly.
“I hadn’t thought about that,” Wayne said a little sheepishly. “Of course he brought good pizza.”
Steve couldn’t help feel like that had lost him points.
“I’ve set some plates out for you two,” Wayne said, jutting his thumb behind him.
Eddie and Steve went to kitchen. The plates didn’t match, but Steve couldn’t find it in him to care.
Eddie opened the top box and grimaced.
He went to pull out a slice, but Steve slid the bottom box out and opened it for him.
“Cheese?” Eddie asked looking into the new box. “You bought me a cheese pizza?”
Steve smiled. “Sure. You always pick off the pepperoni off your pizza when we had it at school.”
Eddie opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before snapping it shut to kiss Steve senseless.
“I didn’t know you noticed that,” he admitted shyly.
Steve laughed. “Dude, you used to throw the pieces into Tommy H’s hair.”
Eddie giggled. “Oops!”
They went out to the front room and Eddie sat on the sofa, and Steve sat on the floor between Eddie’s knees.
Wayne raised an eyebrow at Eddie’s meatless pizza, causing Eddie to blush.
“So Eddie tells me you’re dating now,” Wayne said after polishing off one of the slices he picked up for himself.
“Yes, sir,” Steve said, curling one hand around Eddie’s calf and rubbing it soothingly.
“You’re not worried about what’s gonna happen to two boys out in Bumfuck, Indiana?”
Steve looked up at Eddie and then back to Wayne. “Not really. I probably should. I know it’s dangerous. But I’m tired of hiding who I am to be palpable for other people.”
“You aren’t worried about what your parents are going to think?” Wayne pressed.
Steve shrugged. “They’d have to actually be home to do shit.”
Eddie and Wayne shared a glance over Steve’s head.
“What do you mean, baby?” Eddie asked softly.
“They started taking trips together when I turned sixteen,” he explained, picking at the crust of his pizza, tearing off little chunks. “The trips have gotten longer and longer the older I’ve gotten. Some days, I don’t think they remember they have a son.”
Wayne wanted to poke that statement a little bit more, but Steve was already shutting down.
“They will find out eventually,” Wayne said gently. “It’s not as though they aren’t completely disconnected from the Hawkins rumor mill.”
Again Steve rubbed Eddie’s calf, a move Eddie was starting sense was about Steve’s comfort and not his own.
“They didn’t come home when Billy Hargrove bashed my head in with a plate for stepping between him and a black fourteen year old kid for daring to hang out with his step-sister.”
The glance between Wayne and Eddie was far more concerned the last.
“Is that why you came to school after missing a couple of days with your face all black and blue?” Eddie asked softly, not sure he could say it louder. Not with Wayne nearby.
Steve nodded. “Quit the basketball team after that. That got my dad calling let me tell you. Hurt and in the hospital in the second major concussion in two years, fucking crickets. Quit the basketball team, on the phone screaming about wrecking my chances to get into a good college.”
“That’s more reason to be concerned, you realize?” Wayne asked.
Steve sighed. “Probably. But when I turned eighteen, I opened my own bank account and have been stashing away money to get out if I needed to.”
Eddie bristled at that. “You shouldn’t have to.”
Steve shrugged again. “I’ve been wanting to get out that house for a while now, and I have enough saved up to do it. Which probably why I outed myself, I guess. I knew I could walk away if I needed to.”
“So why Eddie?”
Steve blushed. He looked up at him with a dopey grin. “I’ve had a crush on him for years. Hell, my first major girlfriend was essentially fem!Eddie. Beautiful, dark curly hair, deep soulful eyes...” He ducked his head in embarrassment.
“Years?” Eddie asked. “Seriously?”
Steve stroked Eddie’s calf again and hummed in agreement. “Yeah. Ever since I started high school. You were so unapologetically yourself standing up to bullies, making sure the weirdos, freaks, and outcasts were taken care of. God, how I wished I could be one of your sheep. But I had to have the right friends, date the right people, take the right classes. So I watched you from afar.”
He looked up at Wayne. “Did he tell you how we got together?”
“Yup,” he said, sucking on his teeth.
“All of it?”
Eddie laughed. “Sorry, sweetheart. I tell him everything.”
Steve shook his head. “That must be so nice.” He scratched his cheek. “When Eddie told me he was into me, that it wasn’t just about having sex, I wanted to make sure everyone knew how much I was into him.”
Eddie leaned down a kissed the top of his head. “That’s because you love loud, Stevie. And I wouldn’t have any other way.”
Steve kissed Eddie’s knee as a thank you.
“Ed said that you seemed to recognize the doubts in his head,” Wayne said, “and take steps to combat them before they took root.”
Steve blushed. “Oh, I didn’t even realize I was doing that. I just knew all the fears I had and what I would have liked my partner to do to allay them. And then did that.”
“You’re so sweet, babe.” Eddie ran his fingers through Steve’s hair and he leaned into the touch with a sigh.
Steve laid his head on Eddie’s knee, soaking up the comfort. Eddie kicked Steve’s thigh with his foot.
“Eat up, Stevie,” he murmured.
Steve straightened up and began to eat. The rest of the meal, descending into a comfortable silence.
They cleaned up and Steve let them keep the leftovers.
Steve said goodbye to Eddie and Wayne and him walked out to their vehicles together, Wayne for work and Steve to the final practice before the last performance.
Wayne patted his shoulder. “You’re a good kid, Steve. And if you ever need a place to run to, run here.”
Steve blushed for what felt like the hundredth time that afternoon, but nodded. As he got into his car and pulled away he shook his head fondly. In the space of two hours, he had found himself a home.
The last two days had really changed his life. He had someone who loved him for who he was and a place to run to if things got bad. The ugly step-sister didn’t need a prince to happy, all it took was one earnestly sincere metalhead and Steve would take that over Prince Charming anyway. Especially since the prince had been played by Tommy H.
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enneamage · 2 years
so idfk critblr ask etiquette because i dont go here also i was supposed to have left the fandom a year ago but what can you do, right. i'll just throw my shit at you like a monkey and hope something sticks???
my interest is billzo, esp how endlessly trauma informed all of his actions are, ever. I watched his recent video about his expirience with disassociation and content creation and all that. Have you watched that? Do you have opinions? I have opinions. I am not gonna type them all out because rambling that much in a random ask would probably be rude (?). But still, anything on Billzo would be neat my brain is in overdrive figuring him out.
One thing i find interesting about him is how much and how well he lies. Like he does it for fun all the time, to the point where i almost want to pathologize it (mans having a bit too much fun with it ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ). Also normally i am very good at telling when people are lying but he catches me off guard regularly... And im kinda of stuck between putting the lying into his trauma informed actions or just calling him a Pathological Liar (which seems harsh). Also VERY possible some of the stories other anons said he has told on stream are bs, just saying.
Another thing is this (trauma response?) he does where he wants to say something, believes it would be offensive to his fans or people around him. Then, he does this weird thing where he gets pissed at shutting himself up, gets defensive over something he hasn't even said yet, decides offense is the best defense, and usually it comes as the original thing that he wanted to say, but defensively and rude-ish. He does it multiple times in the misfits "do all streamers think the same" video, if anyone is interested. Its SUCH a weird behaviour and i want to dissect his brain like a frog (Joke). I dont know a lot about that number wizardry you do, but yeah anything is aprechiated at this point (i am desperate)
physically have to stop my rambling here or i will look even more insane. Goodbye
Hello and goodbye anon we love the transparency.  
He seemed fairly normal in the video you mentioned, but I do broadly get what you mean by playing the defensive-offensive; the way that Bill’s people-pleaser traits can get run through an aggressive filter is fascinating. It’s hard to be edgy while also staying on peoples good sides, but he’s compelled to do both, and it seems to make him act strange sometimes. I’ve seen behavior like that a few times before, it’s like witnessing a negotiation where one person is really pushing for their side, with repressed anxiety feeding the pseudo-agression. I would put it somewhere between angling for his input to be given a chance (helper streak comes out strange for him sometimes) and unconscious worry around rejection. The video mostly seemed like him being mindful of not pissing off The Mob, though, which is a skill that most public figures need to master in some way.
Technically lying due to trauma could fall under the “Pathological liar” umbrella because it would have that deep psych component, but I haven’t seen enough to make that call. (Edit: I got cold feet on this line since sources were mixed, it's just not something that people get diagnosed with outside a bigger condition so it's an umbrella term.) I also haven’t seen enough / caught on to enough of these moments to spot if there’s a pattern in what he says and when he says it, but that’s something to keep an eye out for. Is there generally an effect/emotion that he’s looking to create, or is it the simple fun of fooling people? Who does he lie to the most? He might just be a trickster, but these things are sometimes layered. (Things I would keep a special eye out for is lying to make others more sympathetic to him, that can sometimes be a form of asking for help without having to ask or risking rejection in unhealthy Twos.)
The dissociation is interesting because on one hand Bill suffered with it uniquely in the way that it affected him, but it could be both his psyche and the situation together. It wouldn’t surprise me if more cases of people blowing up quick going forward had that feeling of unreality, where the sudden lack of adjustment period knocks people off balance and they don’t have the time to steady themselves again. It’s common to hear “It was an out of body experience, it didn’t feel real” in kind of a passing way when people talk about big changes, but if you think about it those are dissociative concepts, people not integrating the new reality fully. If he was already predisposed to dissociation, it might have thrown gas on the fire for him.
I feel like I come off as harsh on Bill because of the ways he usually comes up in conversation, but I think a lot of people share the sentiment of not only liking him but wanting to like him. I'm hoping that he'll be able to get his feet underneath him in the new year because I do want him to do well.
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baekguuuuu · 2 years
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Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: TimeTravel!au, angst, romance, mature content
Word Count: 17.7k (don’t even ask)
First Part: Doing Time
Summary: Do you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time? I never did but it happened. And we started redoing the past to welcome our new reality. 
Relationship is not easy. Love isn't as well. It requires a lot of forgiveness and accept the fact that you and your partner are not perfect. 
You're going to hurt each other. Disappoint each other. Upset each other. You just have to decide whether or not you're willing to go through to the ups and downs with them.
Because that is love is all about.
AN: Hellooo! It’s been two years since the last time I’ve written something so please go easy on me lol if you haven’t read the first part, please do before starting this one to understand the plot better. Please excuse any mistake as I edit this while I was working - I’m still working right now so I have to go lmao. Thank you and I hope you’re all staying safe!  🤍
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I could feel how anxious Baekhyun was when he hit the brake of the borrowed minivan in front of our house. I was eyeing him with judgment, though my lips formed a smile with a hint of teasing.
“You look like you’re about to piss your pants,” I couldn’t help but snicker, receiving a glare from the male sitting in the driver’s seat.
He shook his head after letting out a trembling sigh. “I don’t think I could face your father for a while.”
That made me furrow my brows, and I turned to him with a scowl. “What—why?”
He looked very serious—almost helpless that I didn’t expect the next words to come out of his mouth. “His youngest—and only daughter, if I may add—just sucked my dick, rode my dick, and came on my dick—oh, my God, baby. What if he finds out? He’ll skin me alive—”
I laughed out loud upon hearing him rambling, clapping my hands like a seal and clutching my stomach as I continued to cackle until it turned into a fitting cough. It took me a good minute to calm down, exhaling heavily as I tried to catch my breath. “What,” I sneered, “you think I’d sit down with my father at one in the morning and talk to him about my sex life? Geez, Baekhyun. Calm the fuck down.”
“But baby—”
I shushed him to the extent that I placed my index finger on his lips so he could stop his mouth from rambling. “He’ll skin me alive before he could skin you alive from forgetting to use protection, so—”
“Oh, my God. Yes—we forgot about the condoms!”
I sighed, “well, did you even bring some?”
Baekhyun shook his head, jutting out his bottom lip dramatically. “I just honestly wanted to bring you on that hill to spend time with you when I discovered that place a few days ago. I didn’t expect things to get escalated.”
I playfully cooed at his expression and sincerity; cupping his cheeks with my hands, I gave his lips a loud smooch. “I appreciate the thought, bubba. That’s so sweet.”
Baekhyun gave me the stink eye, though not hesitating to pucker his lips, and I leaned to kiss him again. “You’re just teasing me, aren’t you?”
I giggled, playfully pushing his face away from mine. “You got me there. But seriously, that’s sweet of you. Always thinking of me, huh? Seriously—get a life, loser. You’re so obsessed with me.”
Baekhyun kept his mouth shut, contradicting what I expected him to do or even say. He looked like he was genuinely bothered by something.
“Okay, what’s going on?” I placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to make him look at me when his focus was on anywhere but my eyes. The Baekhyun I’ve known from this timeline was talkative; he always knows what to say, even if it doesn’t make sense most of the time. “Was the sex that bad? Am I that bad?”
His neck almost snapped out of place from how quickly he turned his head in my direction. His eyes were wide as he vigorously shook his head. “What—no! It was amazing, and I honestly can’t wait to do it again with you.”
I rolled my eyes, though a sigh of relief escaped my lips. “Okay, horny ass. But care to tell what’s going on?”
Baekhyun sighed; his shoulders looked dejected. “I may have or may not have had a conversation with your father about respecting you as a woman.”
I scowled, “and you didn’t?”
Baekhyun didn’t answer my question, so I continued, “I am not aware that having sexual intercourse with your partner means not respecting the other based on gender.”
Baekhyun seemed offended, his eyes looking at my face with judgment. “That’s not what I meant. Your sarcasm is getting out of hand.”
I couldn’t stop myself from scoffing, “You should’ve seen that coming before asking me to be your girlfriend.”
“I didn’t even ask you.”
Like a fish out of water, my mouth opened and closed several times—too shocked by his words and, at the same time, hurt that he didn’t even hesitate to utter his answer to my remark.
It was evident that he was also surprised by how his eyes widened in panic, hands reaching out to hold my hand. I immediately scooted away from his touch, blindly opening the minivan door and getting out, even with my knees feeling like jelly.
My steps were harsh, the sole of my sneakers crunching against the steps to the front door when I heard my name being called, followed by a vehicle’s door slamming closed.
I exhaled through my nose, turning around and pointing my index finger to Baekhyun, standing merely a meter away from my figure. “I know I’m not the best at talking, but I have never and will never disrespect you with my words. I can’t believe you’d say that. If that’s what you think, then fine, let’s forget what happened—” Baekhyun tried taking a step forward but instantly stopped when he saw I took a step back away from him. “Don’t worry, I won’t take it against you. However, I would appreciate it if you won’t reiterate this.”
I knew I was getting dramatic; I knew this was too much—but it was late, and I was tired and sleepy. I thought it was the start of seeing how beautiful life was, that I finally got the chance to start over again with the guy I used to loathe with every fiber of my body.
At the same, I heard my name being called behind me. I peeked over my shoulder and saw my father holding the door open, looking at us with his brows furrowed. “Everything okay?”
With a tight smile, I forced myself to nod. “Yes, dad. I’ll be there in a second.”
My father’s eyes observed my face as if looking for a sign that I was in trouble. This time, I flashed him a genuine smile, “I’ll be fine, dad. I promise.”
He finally agreed, not before giving Baekhyun a glare, muttering, “Remember what we talked about, young man.”
Baekhyun tensed on his spot, nodding before bowing his head in respect to my father, who was closing the door behind him.
I let out a sigh, facing Baekhyun once again. “Look. It’s been a long day, I attended a lecture all day, and it’s late. You should go home.”
“My sarcasm would only offend your ego if you let me speak more than I already had.”
I did not even wait for his answer and turned on my heels to get inside the house. His tone was begging as I closed the door gently, not wanting attention from my family.
It was not the first fight I had with Baekhyun—we had so many verbal arguments from when he was Jisoo’s fiancé ten years from now, but this was the first for him.
I had to turn my phone off to avoid the constant call I was receiving from the guy. Despite my rage that night, I fell asleep when my head hit the soft pillow.
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I had to endure another day at the University. It was getting so repetitive that I often just wanted to yank my hair out of my scalp. But I had no choice. It was this or nothing.
I wasn’t the smartest, but I remember the things I learned from building and starting a business, so I raised my hand when my professor said something and had to explain what businesspeople taught me.
He could’ve dismissed what I said if he disagreed with my statement, but he had to laugh in my face, making everyone in the lecture hall follow suit. “With that mindset, it’d get you nowhere in life.”
My heart was heavy as I walked my way out of the campus. I wanted to throw myself to my bed and bury my sorrow away in the comfort of my duvet. I didn’t expect my so-called college friends to laugh with our professor as if mocking me. That did hurt.
I had a lot of things in my mind that the incident with Baekhyun didn’t even cross my brain for the day until I felt a hand wrapping my wrist gently. I was walking with my gaze on the ground; hence, I had to look up to see the culprit.
“Baby…” Baekhyun sighed, his eyes pleading as he looked at my orbs, not minding the other students whispering as they passed by, “You were not answering my calls or texts, so I’m here.” he explained even though I did not ask.
I nodded, though I snatched my hand away from his hold. He looked hurt by my actions. “Not today, Baekhyun. I’m having a really, really bad day.”
“Are you okay? What happened?” Baekhyun inquired, attempting to hold my hand, but I hid it behind my back.
I shook my head, giving him a tight smile, “Not today.”
I was about to walk away from him, but he managed to take hold of the tote bag from my shoulder. I sent him a glare, a warning that I was this close to losing my shit. But he beat me to it. “I know you’re angry at me; you have all the right to be. But I won’t let you go home alone at this time of the night.”
It was late; my class ended a few hours ago, but I decided to stay behind to calm myself down by reading random books in the campus library. I liked the silence and the smell of old pages of the books—they always managed to soothe my nerves.
I was seated in Baekhyun’s sedan while he drove. My eyes were focused on the window, yet I could feel how he kept glancing in my direction.
“What do you want?” I mumbled under my breath, leaning on the windowsill as I briefly looked at him. “You’re making me uncomfortable.”
“Sorry,” he immediately said, chuckling nervously. “I’m just really worried… and want to apologize. But I know this is not a good day, so...”
“Why not try today?”
He snapped his head to look at me before returning to the road. “I—”
“One thing I’ve learned from your father: If you never try, the answer will always be a no. It doesn’t matter if it’s today or tomorrow, but giving up without trying will fail you.”
Baekhyun was silent for a moment, and then he swerved the vehicle to the side of the road, pushing the hazard button. “I like you. Like, I really like you. I’ve never been attracted to anyone like I am to you, so I beg for your forgiveness if sometimes my mouth runs before my brain does.”
Baekhyun slowly reached out for my hands, but I didn’t push him away this time. He took it as a good sign as the corner of his mouth quirked up. He lifted my hand to his mouth, giving my knuckle a peck. “You know I’m a spoiled brat—I know that, too. Not getting what I want, not winning an argument, and things not going in my favor, I’m not used to it, but I’m willing to do better than that for you.”
I looked away from his intense gaze as I let out a sniff. I removed my eyeglasses for a second to wipe the tears that escaped from my eyes.
“Come here.” Baekhyun gently placed his hand on my cheek, making me turn my head to look at him. He leaned forward to kiss my cheek. “I’m really sorry for what I said. I swear that I didn’t mean any of it.”
I nodded, puckering my lips, wanting his affection that I hadn’t gotten for almost twenty-four hours. His smile widened, placing his lips on mine, sighing as his soft pillow finally touched mine.
“I missed you,” I murmured. “But you’re still an asshole.”
I couldn’t help but sigh dreamily when Baekhyun laughed huskily. My attraction to the guy was unbelievable. He nodded his head, agreeing with my statement. “I am, baby. But you forgive this asshole, right? Because this asshole won’t be able to function knowing that you’re mad at him.”
“I’m still mad, though…” I looked on my lap, picking on my jeans. “But I really want to be with you.”
“I want to be with you, too, baby. So much. That sometimes your brother was this close to throwing up whenever I talk about you.”
That made me smile. Kyungsoo did mention how Baekhyun would ask their circle of friends for help or advice whenever he was getting out of ideas for stuff.
“He’s just jealous because he’d probably be single all his life.” I snickered, earning a laugh from Baekhyun.
“Baby,” Baekhyun cleared his throat. I hummed, pursing my lips, waiting for his next action—or words. “Can you be my girlfriend?”
I bit my bottom lip, trying not to squeal so hard. I was genuinely embarrassed from acting like a teenage girl getting a confession from her high school crush when I already lived in my almost-thirty-year-old self, but not when Baekhyun looked very attractive with his university hoodie under his (also) university padded coat.
“I’d love to.”
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Dating Baekhyun was easier than I thought. I was honestly scared when we started going out, knowing how things turned out ten years from now—when he was Jisoo’s fiancé.
There were fights, of course, but it wouldn’t take long before we made up. Mostly, he would apologize, but that’s because sometimes he would act like a toddler and throw tantrums whenever things did not go his way or his ego would be stepped on.
I believed I’d never been that angry with him. I would ignore him, but only to make him realize how childish he was. He would always try; I could see that, and I truly appreciate that he did.
Baekhyun was also a very, very jealous man.
He was not possessive; no, he was not. But he does show that he’s upset whenever he sees me being too friendly with the opposite sex. Often, I find it endearing. However, there were times when it could get a bit annoying.
“You know I wouldn’t do that to you,” I told him once when he ignored me throughout the drive to my house.
“I know that.” he would say, and then go on a silent treatment for a whole day.
There was a time when he got distraught because I went out for a drink with my partner in the project. We both aced the presentation and got compliments from our professor, so we thought celebrating our success with Korean barbecue and a couple of soju was worth celebrating.
“I told you so many times that I hate it when you drink with a guy! And this time you went with someone you barely knew! What if he made a move against your will? What will you do? Ask for my help?”
I cried so hard that night. I called my brother to pick me up because Baekhyun, apparently, was too mad to drive me home, asking me to get out of his car and leaving me on the side of the road.
The following day after that incident, my brother talked to Baekhyun, grabbed the shirt collar, and gave him an earful about leaving me on the side of the road by myself at midnight.
That was also the first time Kyungsoo made me sit and discuss how my relationship with Baekhyun was becoming toxic. “You lost a lot of weight, and I’ve never seen you so insecure.”
You see, Baekhyun is an attractive man. He was a senior at his university. He was funny, intelligent, and came from a good family—though not many people know about this. He plays the piano and can sing well.
A lot of female students would bluntly show their attraction towards my man. They were much skinnier, prettier, and dressed up a lot better than I do.
However, Baekhyun did not give me any reason to feel insecure; it came naturally. He was friendly, that was given, but he never went overboard.
I limited my food intake, saved money from my allowance to buy better clothes, and started wearing make-up; however, the make-up phase didn’t last long because it was expensive.
It took me a few days to contact Baekhyun to meet up and talk. He did apologize for what he did, but I asked him to break up.
I told him about my insecurities and how it was starting to affect my mental and physical health. He was surprised and asked me to think about it, not before promising that he’d do better, but my mind was made up at that time that I needed a break from him.
That was the first time we separated.
It took a couple of months before I could meet other people. Not to date, but just to hang out. I did not hear anything from Baekhyun for months until I went home from a night run and saw a white Bentley parked outside our house. Thinking it was just a visitor my parents probably had, I shrugged and went to the door.
I stopped in my tracks, and with wide eyes, I peeked over my shoulder and saw Baekhyun standing beside the expensive car. “W-what are you doing here?”
“Can we talk?”
We did talk—did more than talking, actually. Please do not judge me. I missed the guy. But he did show how he missed me.
I thought we were fine after that, so anyone could imagine the anxiety and heartbreak I had when there was no call and zero text messages the next day.
Kyungsoo was mad at him and me, of course. He discovered what happened that night, but I had no idea how. He completely stopped talking to Baekhyun, blocking his number and on his social media.
It took a whole week to hear from Baekhyun. Not directly. But on the television. I was sitting in the living room with my family, watching the news, when the head of the Byun clan announced the next-in-line heir of their group of companies.
Kyungsoo and I thought our mother was having a panic attack and that my dad’s favorite mug had slipped from his hold upon seeing Baekhyun’s face on the screen.
I had to clear my throat and smile at my parents as they looked at me with worried eyes when it was said that his future partner would be the prim and proper, a prestigious ballerina, Mina Kim. The only child of Kim Corporation. I’ve met her on my timeline; she was nice but quite clueless about the world—she thinks life is a fairytale.
Nobody knew how much I cried that day.
To divert my attention, I focused on my studies and decided to build relationships with investors I remember working with before. It was challenging since I was still a college student in their eyes, but it did eventually work.
Before my senior year started, I invested all my savings in the stock market. I did what I’d done before. Work, work, and work.
My mom was surprised when I showed her the fruit of my first trade, and I cried when I realized that it had been my longtime dream to celebrate my success, even the little ones, with my family.
My father was so proud and bragged to his friends that I bought them dinner from a good restaurant with the money I earned from trading.
Kyungsoo hugged me, whispering in my ear how he was so proud of me. That he always knew that I’d still make it—achieve what I had before.
I have not heard anything from Baekhyun for almost six months. I was doing well and would intentionally stay away from his radar. That was until I met the head of his clan—his father.
It was when an investor invited me to their family house for a simple dinner and to meet another potential investor. I was so nervous about meeting the old man again. He made sure to make me feel like I was just lucky from my first trading experience.
He was there, Baekhyun, smiling at me as I looked at him blankly. I promised myself I would never fall for this person again. A hand was hooked on his arm, following who it belonged: Mina Kim.
“Say, child. How old are you again?” Chairman Byun wiped the corner of his mouth with an incredibly expensive napkin.
“I’m turning twenty-two in a couple of weeks, sir.”
“And you think you’d make it out there?” I know he was referring to the business world, where business tycoons’ world revolves. “What is your major again? Was it IT?”
“Computer Science, sir,” I answered politely, not minding all the eyes on me.
“Ah… what’s the difference?” He laughed, and people around him followed his suit, even Baekhyun. My chest felt constricted, but I did my best to hold my ground. “You focused on what? Stocks… creating and selling software… that’s not how it works, child. It’s not easy money. You have to find your flaw and work on it—”
“Flaws aren’t real, sir, we have differences.” I interrupted his speech, making Mrs. Choi, the investor who invited me, hiss my name. “Let’s not continue to perpetuate the degradation of our culture by accepting this mindset. There’s no such thing as a flaw when perfection doesn’t exist.”
It turned quiet; all I could hear was the buzzing sound of the house's central AC. Everyone looked nervous; even Baekhyun subtly shook his head in my direction as if asking me to stop talking.
Regardless of how fast my heart beat, I tried my best not to break eye contact with Baekhyun’s father. His eyes didn’t leave my face, eyeing me like a hawk. Then, he laughed. So loud. That my shoulders jumped a little, and I believed everyone did.
As human beings, they also started laughing when the wealthiest man in the room did.
“I like this child.” Chairman Byun declared. “What was your name again?”
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It was the night before my birthday when I heard a tap on the window of my room. I ignored it, thinking it was just a branch of the tree planted on the side of the house. But when the knock came again, a bit louder, I grabbed a mechanical pencil, holding it like a knife as I walked to the window to check what it was.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
To say that I was shocked was an understatement upon seeing Baekhyun’s figure on the window, asking me to open the window.
“Fuck you!” I hissed angrily, raising my middle finger to let him know how I felt.
“Baby—please. I’m this close to falling,” he begged, knocking on the window again.
I made a face, scoffing at his words. “What makes you think that I care if you fall and die? Man, that would be a dream come true.”
“Don’t you fucking baby me, you fucking moron.” I roared, then remembered that my parents and Kyungsoo might hear me. I stepped forward so he could still clearly hear what I was about to say. “You fucking lost that privilege when you made me come several times, then went on with your life like nothing happened and got engaged to your kind as if I was nothing in your life.”
Baekhyun looked lost and surprised by my outburst. I cursed; he had heard me do it before, but not like this. Not angrily nor towards him. “I—I’m not engaged.”
“I fucking don’t care.” I threw my hands in the air. “Can’t you just leave me alone? Get married or something. Have sex with other people—I don’t care. But do not fucking associate me with your pathetic ego ever again.”
That made Baekhyun lose a footing on the ladder he stole from my father’s garage and fell on the ground. The unfortunate event caused him a broken leg and fractured left wrist.
I spent my twenty-second birthday sitting in the waiting area of the hospital while Baekhyun was treated for his injuries.
That was the first time I met his mother. She was the most soft-spoken and kind-hearted woman I’ve ever met. Please do not tell my own mother.
She was seated beside me as we waited for Baekhyun. She told me that her husband, Baekhyun’s father, didn’t even bat an eyelash when he heard that his son was sent to the ER. “But don’t worry, his father has no idea about the two of you.” She assured me when she noticed how I panicked at the mention of Baekhyun’s father.
I apologized for being the reason his son got injured, but she shook her head and said, with a gentle smile, “My son really loves you.”
I had to excuse myself to the bathroom upon hearing her words. Baekhyun and I had been together for a year, but I had never heard those three words from him. I did tell him once, expressing my love for him when we were making love. But he just smiled cockily, thrusting his hips faster.
I watched in the distance when he was rolled out of a room in a wheelchair, his leg in a cast, and his wrist wrapped in an elastic bandage. His mom immediately checked on him, asking him how he felt and why he would do such a thing.
“Happy Birthday.”
My gaze was lifted from the ground when I heard his voice. It was more of a whisper as if he was scared of my reaction. If it wasn’t for his mom, who was looking at our little interaction with a smile, I would smack the hell out of him.
But I couldn’t. So, I just nodded my head and gave him a tight smile. “Thank you, and get well soon. I’ll get going now.”
“Wait—baby!” Baekhyun called when I turned on my heels to hail a cab to go home. He turned to his mom, who was helping him in a wheelchair, “Mom, can you leave us alone for a moment. I just need to talk to her.”
I didn’t want to upset his mother; hence, I had no choice but to sit down and listen to him because I honestly didn’t have anything more to say.
“I’m really sorry you had to spend the morning of your birthday at the hospital.” Baekhyun started. “I wasn’t thinking when I decided to visit you and planned to be the first to greet you on your birthday.”
“Yeah, I honestly didn’t appreciate it.”
“I’m so sorry. For everything.” As usual, he tried reaching out to hold my hand, but I was quick to swat his hand away, not remembering that he twisted his wrist.
“Holy—shit, I’m sorry!”
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip, groaning in pain, yet he just shook his head, telling me that it was okay.
He cleared his throat before starting again, “I wanted to fix our relationship when I came to your house that night. But my father found out that I was seeing someone against his will.” I nodded my head, urging him to continue. “You see, when I started attending university, my father promised freedom; in return, I’d marry someone he’d choose.”
“Mina,” I mumbled, nodding my head.
Baekhyun looked at me with sad, begging eyes. “I do not have anything going on with her. I swear.”
I sighed, this time shaking my head. “It doesn’t matter.”
“But it does!” Baekhyun raised his voice, gripping my arm to stop me from walking away from him. “I love you.”
There. He said it. I should be happy, but I felt the opposite.
“Do you still love me?” he croaked, tugging on my arm so I could look at his eyes.
I let out a sad smile, “It doesn’t matter.”
“Look at me in the eyes, tell me you don’t love me, and I’ll leave you alone just like you asked me to.”
It took a lot of strength to look him straight in the eye, but I could not find any courage to utter any word.
“But if you love me, still, I’ll leave everything behind. I promise to be the man you deserve, who will give you the world and grow old with you.”
I whimpered upon remembering the timeline where he was Jisoo’s fiancé. They would always have an argument every day on how Baekhyun could not choose her rather than his family. Always taking his family’s side. Always choosing his family’s happiness over his fiancée.
But here Baekhyun was. Promising that he’d leave everything behind without any hesitation. Just to be with me.
He looked so broken when I shook my head, “You don’t have to leave your family for me. I—”
“But I want to start my own family with you.”
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 It took a few weeks of thinking it through, a lot of text messages of his declaration of love, and it took a lot of effort for me to say that he only had one more chance; after that, it’d be over for good.
My mother was disappointed but did not say anything.
My father was mad and didn’t talk to me for days.
Kyungsoo ignored me for weeks and only answered my calls when I texted him that someone was following me while I was leaving the university. No one was following me, but I was desperate for his forgiveness.
Baekhyun wasn’t allowed inside our house for a few months of getting back together. And whenever we were together, I needed to be home before ten in the evening.
Although I wanted to argue that I was already twenty-two, I didn’t want to add fuel to my father’s rage towards the guy I was dating.
Baekhyun was very patient. He’d send me home before ten and respected my father’s request to not show himself in front of him for a while.
We were ecstatic yet nervous when I received a text from my father telling me to invite Baekhyun for dinner. It was awkward at first, especially when my father had to bring up the “don’t get my daughter knocked up, or I’ll knock you down.”
Baekhyun eventually admitted to his father that we were together before meeting me during Mrs. Choi’s dinner event. The old man wasn’t happy since Baekhyun’s life was already planned, but Baekhyun was firm when he declared, “I’m willing to give up the position, the asset—everything. But not my girlfriend.”
Baekhyun lost his position in his father’s empire. He did lose the title of being an heir. He also chose to get out of their house and would find an apartment of his own. But in the meantime, I begged my mother to let him stay with us while he searched for housing.
“What makes you think I’m doing this for you? I’m doing this for me.” Baekhyun joked when I cried about how he should’ve not turned his back on his family.
“I love you.” He hugged me tight that night; his duffle bags filled with his clothes lay on my room's floor. “I’ve never been so happy in my entire life.”
That night, we tried to keep our mouths shut as we expressed our love through action. His thrusts were gentle and intimate; his mouth was on mine as he moved. His lips whispered love as he came inside of me.
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It took almost a month before Baekhyun could find a studio apartment that fit his budget. I can’t spend it all, he says. I tried to make fun of why he was so eager to leave our house.
“My love, your little gasps are cute, but I miss your moans,” he answered shamelessly, not even bothering to lower his voice that the real estate agent had to clear his throat and excuse himself for a quick smoke break.
I had to hit Baekhyun on his chest, but the guy didn’t budge. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, “He’d be gone for five minutes. Do you think we can make it work?”
My eyes widen at his scandalous suggestion, hitting his arm this time. “You’re so embarrassing.”
“Come on, love. It’d be our first in our new place.”
That made me blush, and he obviously noticed that. With a subtle smirk on his lips, he dived on my neck and worked on the button of my jeans.
One thing I’ve learned from dating Baekhyun for years is he's ready for intercourse almost every time. He would never say no to one. I remember one time, I was needy, blamed it on my hormones, and he was so tired, but when I asked if we could do it, he immediately pulled his pants down.
“Shit—Baekhyun, there.” I gasped when he hit the spot.
It took less than ten minutes for the both of us to finish. We were both satisfied, but I knew that Baekhyun wanted more. He would always ask for another round whenever we did it.
The agent looked so shy when he noticed our flushed skin when Baekhyun signed the lease. I was so embarrassed when my boyfriend had to ask the agent, “Do you smell that?”
I had to punch his arm for being so playful. The small apartment smelled like sex. The agent sniffed, and his eyes widened upon realizing what Baekhyun meant.
“I fucking hate you.” I pinched his side when the agent went to answer a phone call.
Baekhyun laughed, wrapping his arm on my shoulder. “No, my love, you don’t. You were like, ah—yes, there. Baekhyun, yes. You’re so good. Faster—”
My fist started to hurt from throwing punches his way, but I couldn’t stop the smile from forming on my lips.
I couldn’t wait to start a life with this person.
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Baekhyun’s love for music made it easy for him to find a job he truly enjoyed. He started by teaching kids how to play the piano and getting a contract from a music school to be an official music teacher.
“Love!” he shouted over the phone.
I walked out of the library, knowing how loud he could be. “Yes, babe? How was the interview?”
“I got the job! I got it!”
I intended to treat him to dinner, just the two of us, to celebrate his little win in life, but he said he wanted to visit our house since he missed my mother’s home-cooked meals.
It was over dinner when he asked my parents the unexpected question. “Sir, ma’am, I’d like to ask for your permission to marry your daughter.”
I was drinking a glass of water when he said those words, so it wasn’t surprising that I fell into a coughing fit. My brother dropped his jaw, his chopstick falling from his hand. My mother’s eyes were wide while my father froze in his spot.
“I know she’s in her senior year, so I’m just asking in advance,” Baekhyun explained, saying that his usual playful self was wiped out during this conversation. “I do plan to marry your daughter. I promise in my life that I will respect, treat, and love her the way she deserves. And I would highly appreciate it if you could give your blessing.”
My mother cried, nodding and thanking Baekhyun for respecting them as my parents; my dad did the same—minus the bawling.
After dinner, I spent the night at Baekhyun’s apartment. Telling him that we can’t afford to be quiet, knowing we would be up all night and expressing love in different ways.
“I love you.” I gasped when I felt his wet muscle on my bud, my fingers curling on his locks, scratching his scalp, as he devoured my private part like his life depended on it. “So much.”
Baekhyun hummed, vibrating my body and making me roll my eyes from the sensation. He pulled away for a while, not before sticking his tongue out, making sure I was looking when he licked a stripe on my lower lips. “I love you, too, baby.”
We constantly remind ourselves to be careful because even though we love each other, we know we are not ready for another life that could enter our lives. I honestly hate the feeling of the barrier, so I asked him to stop using condoms. Hence, we opted for after-pills.
“You taste so good, you know that?” he groaned, nipping on my private part, sucking the soft tissue until it went further in his mouth.
“Oh—shit.” I exhaled before giggling, “I’m not flexible enough to have a taste.”
Baekhyun laughed, pulling away and leaning his head on my thigh, “Damn, love. You and your smart mouth. Here—” he leaned to my face, placing his lips on mine, making sure I got to taste of my own. When he pulled away, his eyes were watching me as I licked my lips to analyze the taste of my own arousal.
I couldn’t help but to make a face. “That was weird.”
Baekhyun scowled, and when I said he was scandalous, I meant it. He stuck his tongue out, shamelessly licking the substance off my lips. “What do you mean? You taste good.”
I had to roll my eyes at his cheesiness, grabbing his head and pushing him down between my legs again, “Okay, mister. Get back to work.”
And he did. He was so good at it. I lost count of how many times I reached my peak that night with his tongue, fingers, and shaft.
“I’m so sore,” I whined when he pulled the covers up my shoulders.
Baekhyun chuckled, wrapping an arm around my stomach and then smooching the side of my head. “I told you to take it easy.”
“But it felt so good.”
Baekhyun started kissing my neck, licking the bites he left a while ago. “You and your mouth.”
“Ah—no, Baekhyun. I can’t,” I tried to pull away when I felt how he guided his member on my slit from behind as we lay down on his bed. “Can we do it tomorrow?”
“It’s almost morning, baby.” Baekhyun pushed his tip, and it made me close my eyes from stinging pain and pleasure. “I’ll be gentle this time, I promise.”
He was true to his word. He moved slowly as if he was afraid to hurt me. I even asked him to go faster as I felt a knot forming, but he persisted in taking it slow.
“We have all the time, my love. I’m yours forever.”
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It got busier when I had to start my internship during my senior year; simultaneously, I continued trading and working on software for my portfolio.
I managed to sell a few programs and earned quite decent earnings from them. I met people with whom I’ve worked before, and I used the information I got from living my life in the year 2020 to my current time.
My father scolded me one night for overworking myself and staying with Baekhyun in his apartment instead of going home.
“I know his plan of marrying you, but at this point, you’ll get pregnant before a wedding.”
I tried explaining to him that his apartment was close to the company I was interning in. However, being the Asian protective parent he was, he stood his ground, shaking his head in disagreement. “I’ll pick you up if you need me to. You don’t always need to stay with your boyfriend.”
“But dad, I’m old—”
“Let him come over if you want to be him,” he interrupted, “not the other way around.”
I was having dinner with Baekhyun in his apartment when I received the phone call. My boyfriend was eyeing me with concern when I ended the call with a sigh.
“Are we in trouble?” he asked in a small voice. I feel bad because I know how much Baekhyun respected my father.
I put my chopstick down, not finding the black bean noodles we ordered appetizing anymore. “I love him, but he acts like I’m twelve.”
Baekhyun pursed his lips, nodding as if he had decided on the best thing we should do. “Come on, I’ll drive you home.”
My eyes widened in panic when he stood up, grabbing the takeout bowls from the table to put them in the fridge. “What—no. I want to stay here…” I had a very long day; I only wanted to eat good food and cuddle in bed.
“I know that, baby. I want you to stay with me as well. But—” he sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
He closed his eyes for a few seconds before rubbing his face tiredly. “He’s your father, and I—” he suddenly snapped his fingers, and an imaginary light bulb appeared above his head, “what if you move in with me?”
“W-what?” I gawked at him, totally not expecting his suggestion.
“I have my own place, car, and a decent job. I’m pretty sure we can make it work.”
I let out a fake sob, shaking my head at his proposal. “My father will kill me—and you.”
Baekhyun held my hands with him, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand when he sensed that I was in a panic. “Do you love me?”
“What kind of question is that?” I scowled.
“Do you?” he pressed.
With a deep, trembling sigh, I nodded my head. “I do. You know, I do.”
That made him smile. He then cupped my face with his hands, placing his lips on my forehead. “That’s all I need to know.”
The drive back home was nerve-wracking. I bit my nails and looked out the window, but when Baekhyun reached to hold my hand and kissed my knuckles, I felt how it soothed me.
I was surprised when he got out of the car when we arrived; I thought he’d just drop me off. “You’re not actually serious about moving in stuff, right? Right, Baekhyun?”
“I want to have a word with your father.”
I chuckled at his words, though I sounded so nervous, “Why are you talking like you’re going to give my father a lecture?”
When I opened the front door with my keys, my father immediately raised his head as he was seated in the living room with my mother. His focus then traveled to Baekhyun, who was standing behind me.
“Sir,” he greeted, bowing his head as my father approached us. “May I discuss something with you?”
My eyes widened in panic as my father led Baekhyun to his office—a small storage room in our house that he turned into his abyss.
I sat with my mom in the living room, I even asked her if we had done something wrong, and I was so glad when she shook her head. “No, honey. You have done nothing wrong. Your father is just being protective over nothing. I talked to him about this, but he didn’t even bother listening to what I was saying.”
“He sounded angry over the phone,” I whispered to my mother, who sighed before shaking her head. At the same time, Kyungsoo got home and saw us in the living room. Without saying anything, he sat beside me on the couch as if he sensed something was wrong.
“Your dad doesn’t want you to get pregnant before you graduate. I told him you’re not irresponsible, but we have nothing to say about your life decision if it does happen. You’re in your 20s, honey. I believe you already know your responsibilities.”
I nodded, though my shoulders couldn’t help but visibly deflate. “I do, mom. And actually, Baekhyun and I talked about this, and we agreed that we’re too young to get pregnant.”
I heard Kyungsoo exhale loudly, throwing his back on the couch and putting his feet on the table. “Geez, I thought someone died.”
“You will if you keep putting your feet on the coffee table.”
My mother’s words made me laugh while Kyungsoo immediately retracted his feet from my mother’s beloved antique.
She shook her head at his oldest son’s action before returning to me. “Did Baekhyun tell you anything about what he wanted to discuss with your father?”
I bit my bottom lip, contemplating telling them about Baekhyun’s brilliant plan. “I—uh, he, you know—”
Kyungsoo nudged my arm to just tell them what I had to say. “Stop stuttering.”
“He wants me to move in with him,” I said in a small voice, too abashed to even say it out loud, especially to my family.
My mother’s jaw slacked, and my brother’s eyes went bigger than they already were.
“Oh, shit,” Kyungsoo exhaled, covering his mouth with his palm. “That serious, huh?”
I didn’t get the chance to respond to him because as soon as I opened my mouth, the footsteps down the hall could be heard. We all whipped our heads to the two males walking in the living room.
Baekhyun’s face was neutral; he didn’t look happy or sad; he just nodded as if asking me to come with him. I instantly walked to him, and he extended his hand for me to hold. He bid farewell to my parents with a bow and a nod to my brother.
“That bad?” I asked under my breath when I closed the house's front door. We sat on the porch as I waited for him to answer.
“He agreed.”
“What—how?” I shrieked, grabbing his arm to look at my face as he kept his gaze in front of him. “Why do you look worried and petrified?”
“Not before you graduate.” he finished his sentence, a sad smile on his face.
I sighed in relief, holding a hand on my chest. “That’s a few months away. We can make it work, can we?”
“You’re not allowed to stay in my apartment till then.”
“Huh—wait, why?”
“He wanted to make sure you get your diploma before anything happens…” his voice was gruff as he spoke, “I told him we are careful, but he insisted. It’s that or none at all.”
I huffed, “I’m not a teenager, so I really don’t get why he’s so adamant about the whole pregnancy thing.”
But then I remember my mother getting pregnant with Kyungsoo while they were in university. I closed my eyes, mumbling an apology to my parents as if they could hear me.
“My dad told us my mother couldn’t get her diploma because Kyungsoo came. They have no regrets; Kyungsoo was a blessing to them back then, but now he’s a nuisance.” I laughed, crinkling my eyes to Baekhyun, who also smiled. “She had so many dreams and plans that she wanted to achieve right after university, but then the pregnancy happened.”
Baekhyun nodded his head, also understanding where my father was coming from. He wrapped his arm on my shoulder, pulling my head to place it on his chest before kissing my head.
“When we were kids,” I mumbled, closing my eyes as Baekhyun played with my locks with his fingers, “Dad promised that he’d do anything to help us reach our dreams and finish our studies. I feel bad that I forgot about this information. I shouldn’t have judged him.”
“It’s okay, baby. He just really loves you and your brother. I do not have any resentment about his decision. Though, I admit, it will be lonely sleeping alone at night.”
I chuckled, pulling away from his chest to give him a stink eye. “You’re not allowed to stay a night here?”
“Your father said I can, but—” he shrugged, “you know I don’t have self-control. They might hear us.”
He groaned in pain when I hit him with my fist on his chest. Hard.
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I was a few weeks away from graduating when Baekhyun grew distant. A couple of months ago, I noticed he’d spent much time at work, not even bothering to send me a message if he was done or had already gone home. He, of course, apologized for it and did try to send me a message or call me in his free time, but that didn’t last long.
He rarely stayed at our house, so I stayed away from his place to keep my promise. I was going crazy about his whereabouts, but I tried to keep my cool and be the understanding girlfriend he wanted me to be. We haven’t been together physically—in bed for over a month now.
When the graduation ceremony did come, right after my parents took a picture of us, he informed my family and me that he wouldn’t be able to join us for celebratory dinner.
“I have to go back to work.”
I didn’t smile nor kiss him back when he placed his lips on mine before the need to run back to his car. He noticed my sour mood and whispered in my ear, “Please understand.”
I was hoping for an apology, but there was none. I tried to keep my smile with my family and friends during dinner; however, as soon as I jumped to my bed with my pajamas on, I bawled my eyes out, not realizing until then how I was trying to stop myself from crying the whole time.
Out of anger, I grabbed my phone and texted him.
“Remember the time I said that you only have one more chance? You had it, and I think I’m done for good.”
I turned off my phone, throwing it on the ground. I grabbed my comforter and pulled it over my head. I was still sniffling like a child, but today was a long day, and it didn’t take long for me to be lulled to sleep.
I was awoken by soft knocks on my door. I groaned, telling whoever it was to go away before tightening the covers around my body. My body jumped out of shock, and the knob twisted violently, trying to get inside my room.
“Love, please let me in.” I heard Baekhyun’s voice from the other side of the wooden door. I squinted my eyes on the bedside table's digital clock, which read 2:07 AM.
“What do you want?” I croaked, sitting up on my bed. “I thought I was clear when I told you I’m done.”
“Can you open the door? I’ll explain.”
“I’m not interested in your explanation,” I grumbled childishly, “tell that to your other woman.”
“What?” The knocks went louder this time. “I don’t have—I’m not cheating on you!”
“Honey?” My eyes widened when I recognized my mother’s voice. “Please let him explain. I assure you, there’s no other woman.”
Embarrassed that my mother heard my childish outburst to Baekhyun, I immediately jumped out of bed and swung the door open. The curse I wanted to say sat on the tip of my tongue when I saw my father and Kyungsoo, who looked like he was about to laugh out loud, standing behind Baekhyun.
“What… are you guys doing?” I bet my face was red from embarrassment.
My father shook his head endearingly with a slight smile before returning to their bedroom, while my mother grabbed Kyungsoo by the collar of his shirt when he refused to move, with a teasing smile on his face. “Tell that to your other woman.” he mimicked my voice, though exaggeratedly.
“I’m not cheating on you.” Baekhyun declared as soon as he closed the door behind him. I sat on my bed, looking everywhere but him. “Love, look at me, please?”
After weeks of pent-up frustration, I broke like a dam when my tears started flowing out from my eyes endlessly. I hiccuped while sobbing violently. I cried a lot during our relationship, but never like this.
And that made Baekhyun panic. He cradled my figure in his arms, whispering his apology that I had been craving. “I’m so sorry, my love. Please—please stop crying. I swear on my life I’m not cheating on you. I will never do that to you. I love you more than anything. Please, please believe me.”
“Then why?” I choked up. “Why, Baekhyun—why?”
He grabbed my face between his hands and audibly whimpered when he saw how I was crying so hard that my face looked like a mess. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he kissed my tear-stained cheek, “I—I’m working on my promotion. It was supposed to be a surprise because I’ve wanted to get a place much bigger than my studio apartment when you move in with me.”
I tried pulling away from his hold, but he didn’t even budge; his grip went tighter—though it was nowhere painful. “We could’ve done that together, you fucking idiot. I have my own money, and I could’ve helped you. But no—you insisted with this stupid surprise of yours.”
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he pulled my face to kiss my lips. When I didn’t reciprocate the affection, he pulled away. “I was the one who asked you to move in with me. I must give you a better housing—”
“Your obligation? Where did that come from? We’re not in the 1960s, Baekhyun! We share the same responsibility. I don’t even care if we’d live in a basement.”
Baekhyun looked so sad at my answer; he looked at his lap, shaking his head. “I know what I did was wrong, and I’m truly sorry for it, but please understand that I want to give you what I can.”
“You can do that by actually showing that you are here. That you’d be here. It doesn’t matter what you have; it’s about being here. And you haven’t done that for quite some time.” My lips trembled, releasing the emotion I had held back for weeks. “I was so excited to finally graduate, thinking you’d be here to celebrate my achievement, but you were not. We haven’t been together properly for months! And here you are, thinking that I’d forget all the anxiety and pain I went through for weeks you were away? Are you serious?”
He opened his mouth to say something, but I wasn’t done. “To think we’ve been together for years, you’d think I still care about material things? You should know by now that I’m not materialistic, Baekhyun. I don’t care about those things. How could you—”
“You think I didn’t notice you shiver in the cold in my apartment because the heater is an old crap?” he had to literally cover my mouth with his palm when I wouldn’t stop talking. “You think I wouldn’t know how you would boil water directly from the stove whenever the boiler acts up? How would you be out of breath from using the stairs every time the elevator of that old building gets repaired repeatedly? Your fingers were hurt from washing clothes with your hands every time the laundry room at the building’s basement was complete—and to think that I’d let you go in there just to wash clothes gives me a nightmare.
“You are the love of my life, and I promise to give you and provide you with a good life. I’m not letting you suffer when I was the one who asked you to live with me. I know what I did was out of line, I should’ve told you, but I’m stupid, okay?”
He finally removed his hand from my mouth when I resumed my sniffing. He pressed his lips on mine again, and this time, I didn’t hesitate to pucker my lips, kiss him back, or even circle my arms around his neck.
When he pulled away, his eyes danced around my face, a small smile on his lips. “I saw this two-bedroom apartment, a fifteen-to-twenty-minute drive from your parents’ house. The unit has its own washing machine and even a dishwasher; the building is relatively new, so the lifts are in great condition—yes, there are a few of them, so if one is under repair, it won’t be a problem. The heater and boiler are monitored daily, so you won’t have any problem.”
Baekhyun had to kiss the tip of my nose when I whimpered at how he considered everything. His thumb wiped my cheeks, which were soaked in tears.
“The rent was reasonable—we can totally manage, but a family was also looking into it, so I talked with the agent about how I can secure the lease. And that’s through promotion. I need to have a better job title than the other potential tenants—and voila!” he pulled away, pulling out a paper from the inside pocket of his coat.
I didn’t read all the contents, but I managed to catch the Music Director and his name on the letter. I squealed, throwing myself to Baekhyun, who immediately caught my figure, but not before falling to my bed. I sobbed on his shoulder, burying my neck on his neck, “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”
“No—I’m sorry for not telling you. I’m sorry that I made you feel that way. I promise I will never keep anything from you again.” his arms wrapped around my back, tightening his hold. “I’ll make it up to you.”
And he did. All night long.
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Living with Baekhyun was chaos. When I stayed with him in his studio apartment before, he was tidy—he would wash the dishes and put his clothes in the hamper properly, though he really did have a habit of not closing the toilet seat after he used it.
He only tried to fix his laziness when I went home from work, totally exhausted, just to see a pile of dirty dishes in the sink, the bed unmade, and when I opened the fridge to look for a drink—only to find an empty gallon of milk sitting there as if mocking me.
I did try to understand that he came from a prestigious family and grew up having someone to do things for him, but it was becoming too much to handle.
“I’m your girlfriend, not your maid!”
I remember throwing the empty gallon of milk on his chest as he lay down on the couch, watching some variety show that I’d never understood the entertainment.
I locked myself in the bathroom as I heard the plates being washed in the kitchen, then a trash bag being tied, and the front door being opened and closed, which I assumed he also decided that it was best to finally throw the trash out.
When I left the bathroom, I caught him changing the bedsheet and pillowcase. I watched from the door how he struggled to pull the fitted sheet on each corner of the mattress.
“That gallon of milk woke you up, huh?” I muttered when he was done making the bed.
He jutted his bottom lip out, “That did hurt.”
I waved my hand to him, asking him to come over, and he did with open arms. He wrapped his arms around my back, nuzzling his nose on my shoulder. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”
And I was pretty surprised that he actually did.
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Living with Baekhyun has its pros and cons. Of course, the freedom and the sex were great—as always, the cuddle and affection after a long day, and down to small things like the trip to the grocery store, watching TV series together, deep conversation at three in the morning when both of us couldn’t sleep.
However, seeing each other and being together constantly, we couldn’t stop noticing one another’s shortcomings.
Most of the time, they would turn to petty arguments, but there were times that they did turn to huge fights that included shouting, cursing, and slamming the door.
The most remarkable one was when Baekhyun met Jisoo for the first time. It was an accident. We were in the grocery store; I looked at the list while Baekhyun pushed the cart, following my steps.
I heard my name being called and getting tackled with a hug. “It’s been a while!” Jisoo squealed directly on my ear, making me wince.
“Is this your boyfriend?” She didn’t fail to notice the guy who was watching our interaction.
I didn’t know why, but my heart felt like it would jump out of my chest when Jisoo extended her hand to Baekhyun, introducing herself as my friend.
I didn’t fail to notice the surprise and recognition on Baekhyun’s face when Jisoo said her name. He plastered a smile, too wide for my liking, before shaking Jisoo’s hand.
My mouth was shut the whole ride back home. I didn’t even help him with the grocery bags on the way to our place. I wasn’t the jealous type of person I had never been, but in the life I lived before, I watched how Baekhyun and Jisoo were together.
I felt so insecure, my self-esteem stomping low, realizing the possibility of them being together in this timeline was not impossible.
But Baekhyun didn’t know that. He couldn’t read what was going on in my mind. He was beyond pissed when I didn’t even hold the door open for him. I heard the bags getting thrown carelessly on the kitchen island, followed by the door’s fridge being closed loudly.
When I left the bathroom, Baekhyun gave me a glare from the kitchen, hands on his hips. “Are you going to help me put these away, or do I have to do everything myself?”
Baekhyun rarely gets angry, but when he does, he really shows it. And he’d be pretty scary every time it happens.
“I’m getting sick dealing with your hormones,” he mumbled under his breath, and I had to use all my strength not to break down in front of him because that shit did hurt as hell.
I put all the frozen items in the bottom freezer in silence, not even glancing in his direction, and then I went to the pantry to store all the dry goods. When everything was done, I went to the second bedroom, and we turned into our combined office to pretend I was busy.
I did get some work done, but I didn’t notice the sun had set and it was time for dinner. I closed the door behind me, ready to apologize to Baekhyun for acting like a child and admit how his words hurt me.
But I didn’t expect to see him in the dining table, eating his dinner alone. I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he knew I was upset, or he was upset, so he didn’t call me to eat and hoped that he ordered food for me, at least.
Because that’s what I did every time we’d argue. I’d still prepare his food to make sure he had something to eat, ignoring the urge to strangle him.
Except for the fact that there was nothing on the table but his food alone. I glanced around to see if he thought about my hunger and needs, but none. There was nothing.
I pursed my lips, my eyes stinging from the tears threatening to fall. I took a deep breath before turning on my heels to wear my coat and grab my keys. I was done for today.
It was almost three in the morning when I received a phone call from him. I was sitting in a convenience store an hour away from our place. An empty cup of instant ramen and the plastic wrap of rice rolls I had for dinner in front of me as I stared at my phone continuously vibrating with his name flashing on the screen.
I didn’t want to go back—at least not yet. The peace of being alone soothed my nerves. It was the first time I doubted my relationship with Baekhyun. If I had made the correct decision to choose to be with him.
It was also the first time I felt that returning from the future wasn’t a good idea.
Despite my situation back then, I’ve never felt this helpless—I’ve never felt that I just want to end everything. It was that painful for me.
Around five in the morning, I received a text message from Baekhyun. I didn’t mean to open it, but the preview showed: If you’re going to give me another break-up threat, just do it because that’s what you do all the time. And I’m honestly getting tired.
I left him on read and turned off my phone.
It was around eleven in the morning; I booked a room in a motel in the countryside. It was small and old, but it faced the ocean.
I remember the last time I went to the beach, been on the sand, and all that stuff when I was eleven. My grade school friend’s family invited me, so I begged my parents to let me go with them. They did agree, but not without Kyungsoo.
I was walking with my feet bare and my shoes dangling on my fingers. I let my feet touch the waves and felt a smile on my lips. “Things won’t get better, aren’t they?” I mumbled.
That night, I prayed so hard just to let this time travel be over with and to send me back to the year I came from. But when I woke up seeing the crooked ceiling of the motel above me, I knew it didn’t work.
Three days. It took me three days to decide to drive back home. It was already late at night when I arrived.
For the whole drive, I decided that this relationship was going nowhere—everything was going in circles.
Baekhyun hated my guts, and I couldn’t stand him as well.
I did not see the point of staying any longer. It was sad, but it is what it is.
“Holy—fuck! Where have you been!?” Baekhyun jumped from the couch when he heard the door being opened.
He looked at me like he was expecting me to say something to him, something smart to say, “like you always do,” he’d say.
But his eyes were wide when I shook my head, removing my shoes and going straight to the bedroom. “I’ll get my other things next time. I’ll bring with me what is necessary for now.”
He quickly followed my steps, grabbing my arm when he saw me pull out a duffel bag from the closet. “What—” he snatched the bag from my hold, throwing it to the other side of the room. “Can you tell me where you have been!? I was worried sick and even called the police!”
I sighed, “I went to see the ocean. I haven’t seen it since I was eleven.” I walked past him to grab the bag again and pack some clothes, but Baekhyun blocked my way to the closet.
“What the hell are you doing!?”
I knew he was upset by being worried and unable to call him about my whereabouts, but the panic in his voice was audible.
“Baekhyun,” I looked him in the eye, my voice gentle yet void of emotion, “I think it’s best if we go on our separate ways.”
He exhaled shakily, “w-what?”
“I’m just—I’m tired of these constant fights. We say hurtful things to each other, and I can’t take it anymore. I may not be as strong as I thought because I can’t longer swallow your offensive words and actions. I know I’m too much to handle, so I won’t blame you. But I just can’t—I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore.”
Baekhyun was frozen on his feet, not moving a muscle, so I continued packing my things until I closed the bag's zipper and heard him exhaling, his bedroom slippers shuffling on the floor.
“Love—no, wait!”
He grabbed my arm to stop my movement; he searched for my eyes and saw how it was red and puffy from crying for days.
“I—” he choked on his words like he was on the verge of crying. “Your phone was unreachable after I sent that text. I tried calling you to say that I didn’t mean it, that it was sent out of frustration. Baby, please—”
“That’s fine, Baekhyun.” I smiled at him, though sadly. “I’m not mad at you. But I still think that it’s time to end our relationship.”
That was the first time I saw Baekhyun cry. I’ve never seen him cry, even after years of being together. He went on his knees, hugging my lower half as he begged me to not leave him. “Please—please, I’ll do anything—just don’t leave me, please.”
I asked for time alone. That was all I needed. Time away from him. “I need to think,” I told him.
“But you’re not breaking up with me, right?” his eyes were pleading as he watched me put on my shoes. “We’re still together, right?”
I gave him a smile, though it didn’t reach my eyes. “That’s what I’m going to think about.”
It was embarrassing, but I went to my parents’ house. They didn’t ask further questions when I told them I needed a break from Baekhyun.
I cried that night when I turned on my phone and read Baekhyun’s follow-up message right after he sent me the last text I had read.
“Please don’t believe the last message. It wasn’t me. It was my alter ego. I’d rather die than let you go. I love you. Please don’t forget that.”
It took Baekhyun ten days to visit my parents’ house to see me. I was at work when he came over. My mother called me saying that Baekhyun called in sick and was in their house at the moment—he wasn’t ill, my mother assured me before ending the call.
He begged me to come home when I brought him to my room that night. “Please, baby… You asked for space, but I can’t take it anymore. I’m sorry—I’m really, really sorry. Just hit me, punch me in the face, kick my ass—whatever you want to do, but not this. Please—anything but this…”
I did slap him on his left cheek, but I did not use that much force; I just wanted him to know that I was hurt but willing to try again. He was so happy that he cried once more, hugging me tight as he sobbed on my shoulders.
For the first few days I came back home with him, he noticed that I was still hesitant to be with him, to the extent that sharing the same bed bothered me.
“I can sleep on the couch if I need to,” he proposed the first night I came home when he noticed that I lay down on the farthest edge of the bed.
I didn’t miss how his lips would turn down whenever I ate before or after him, not wanting to sit at the dining table with him.
“You eat first, I’ll get ready in the meantime,” he said when I finished preparing breakfast and was about to walk away.
Baekhyun also noticed how quiet I had been ever since I came back. Whenever I sat down and watched TV with him, he would say some remarks and wait for my reaction like always, but I would just smile and nod.
He had been sleeping on the couch for days, and noticeably, his back didn’t agree with the choice of his bedding. I felt terrible when I saw him stretching and moaning in pain, so I told him he should sleep in the bed and I’d take the couch.
“Please tell me you’re joking,” he frowned, arranging his pillow on the couch to prepare for another night. “I’m not going to let you sleep on this couch.”
“Why not?” I dared to ask.
“It’s uncomfortable as it is.”
“Then sleep on the bed with me.”
I had to bite my lip to stop smiling because Baekhyun moved quickly, jumping on the bed and groaning in satisfaction.
As I lay on the other side of the bed, I heard his movement shuffle against the sheets, arm carefully wrapping on my middle. I sighed before placing my hand on his arm and then on his hand, intertwining our fingers as I held his hand to kiss his knuckles.
I heard the male exhale like he was holding his breath, and then he sniffed to let me know he was crying, scooting much closer to nuzzle my neck. “Thank you, my love.”
Since that incident, Baekhyun has been way more careful with what comes out of his mouth. He made sure he wasn’t going overboard every time he said or did something he thought was funny.
I also did my best to control my mood swings, tried my best to control my sarcasm, and told Baekhyun what was happening in my mind.
“I still can’t believe you said I was engaged with your friend—what was her name again? Ji…”
“Jisoo,” I finished his sentence, lying on the couch, my legs dangling on Baekhyun’s lap while flipping the TV channel to find something worthy to watch. I had just got home from work and immediately changed into my sleepwear when Baekhyun offered to massage my aching feet and legs.
“Yes, Jisoo.” he pressed his fingers on my muscles, making me close my eyes. “You’re waaay prettier than her, to be honest.”
I hit his head with the remote, “Flattery won’t get you anywhere.”
“Damn, here I thought my dick would get sucked tonight.”
I laughed out loud, poking the side of his stomach with my toe. “If you wash the bowls you used, I might reconsider it.”
I’ve never seen him bolted to the kitchen so fast.
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 Baekhyun finally fell on his knee two and a half years after I graduated from University. A ring was adorned between his fingers as he asked me to marry him.
“I was about to think you wanted to ask someone else.” I cried when I remembered how he acted so distant a few days before his proposal. I honestly thought he found someone else.
Baekhyun wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly as he buried his face in my hair. “I had to build an act, my love. It was your brother’s idea. The last time I surprised you, he had too much fun, and you thought I had another woman. I’m really sorry.”
I need to set a reminder to strangle Kyungsoo.
“I will never do that to you.” Baekhyun cupped my face in his hands, looking at my eyes intently. “I love you, and the only person I will love as much would be our child—or two. Whatever number you want.”
I laughed at his statement, biting his shoulder as revenge for making me worry for days. He groaned in pain as I bit his skin harder. I leaned on his ear, not wanting our friends, who were cheering so loudly, to hear what I was about to say. “From the frequency of sex we had, we probably would have made a soccer team already.”
I heard Kyungsoo groan in the background. “We do not need to hear that!”
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To our surprise, Baekhyun’s father contacted me one day while I was working. I was preparing for a presentation when someone knocked on my office, “Chairman Byun is looking for you.”
He wanted to be included in the wedding preparation. He wanted to be the man who would stand beside Baekhyun at the altar. More importantly, he wanted to congratulate both of us.
“Chairman…” my eyes were wide upon opening the envelope he handed me. “I can’t accept this. Baekhyun and I had enough savings to cover for the—”
“This is the least I can do.”
Baekhyun went to their house to give back the money his father gave. I specifically reminded him to be respectful to his father and to provide them with the invitation to our wedding.
We both wanted a small ceremony where our close friends and family would gather to celebrate the day Baekhyun and I would vow to spend our lives together—for better or worse.
Both of us opted for a garden wedding. “I saw this cute garden wedding on Pinterest; maybe we could look into it?” I told him one night as we lay on the bed, resting our tired bodies from working all day.
“Let’s do it.” Baekhyun agreed immediately, not even bothering to look it up online. “Garden wedding it is.”
Baekhyun went home with a smile after meeting his family after a long time. I was lying on our bed, reading a report on my laptop, when he tackled me with a hug.
“I love you.”
His words automatically brought a smile to my face. I kissed his temple, rubbing his back over his dress shirt. “I love you, too.”
We stayed in that position for a while. My back was lying on a bunch of pillows as I scrolled through some documents on my laptop that were placed on the side, while Baekhyun was on his stomach between my legs, his head on my chest as I played with his locks with my other hand.
“Let’s make a baby.”
My fingers stopped moving on the keyboard when Baekhyun suddenly spoke. I pulled the strand of his hair to let him know that he was being too playful. “What a way of asking your fiancée for sex.”
“No, I’m serious.” Baekhyun raised his head from my chest, and his brows furrowed, a gesture that he was not kidding. “Let’s have a child together.”
He saw how I hesitated for a moment, and then he shook his head, getting up from the bed. “Right—career first.”
“I just want them to have a comfortable life, Baekhyun.” I tried to grab his hand, but he quickly retracted it.
“We can give them that—”
“And I honestly don’t think we’re ready financially, but emotionally.” I cut him off, shutting the laptop off to let him know I was ready to have this conversation with him.
“Parenthood is a commitment, Baekhyun. It’s not just having a dog you’d feed, bathe, play fetch, and take for walks. No, it’d more than that. Both of us are not ready yet.”
Before he could repeat anything stupid, I beat him into it. “Of course, I want to have a baby with you. I want us to have kids running around the house, throwing tantrums like their father would, but baby,” I got up from the bed, wrapping my arms around his waist and nuzzling his neck. “We’re still young. I’m barely twenty-six. We’re a few months away from our wedding. We have yet to enjoy our honeymoon phase.”
I wiggled my eyebrows at him at my choice of words, making the man groan, dropping his head on my shoulder.
“Why do you always know what to say?”
“That’s because I think with my brain and not with my dick.” I sneered.
“You don’t have a dick.”
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The wedding was perfect. It wasn’t extravagant, but more than enough for us both. Our parents finally met for the first time and, surprisingly, got along quite well, especially our mothers, who share the same love for home-cooked meals.
As a vengeance to my brother, who asked Baekhyun to distance himself from me before his proposal, I gave him the bouquet of flowers instead of throwing it to the ladies.
Everybody laughed in their seat, and my mom fished out her smartphone, capturing the moment with a fond smile. “My babies!” she cried.
Kyungsoo’s eyes were wide, nostrils fuming in embarrassment. “I’m going to kill you in your sleep.” he threatened under his breath.
I could only stick my tongue out to him, grinning like a happy child, “As long as you get yourself a girlfriend, I’ll die happy.”
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 Being with Baekhyun for a little over six years, from the petty fights and arguments to the things we’ve learned from each other, I could say that it made our marriage life more straightforward than we both initially thought.
Nothing changed with our setup except for the rings on our fourth finger and the framed wedding photo proudly displayed in the living room.
We did have fights, but they weren’t anything serious. I told him I’d choose to love him daily over anything, which made him cry. He promised me he’d do the same.
Unlike before, problems weren’t shouting, cursing, or slamming the door; we would sit down and talk about how to find a solution together rather than siding with the problem.
Baekhyun became much sweeter than he already was, still holding on that night when we fought, and he didn’t order me anything to eat. Now, he’d buy food from my favorite fast-food chain right after work, buy street food when he passed by a stall, order my favorite dishes—or even attempt to make them whenever I was having a bad day.
He even asked me to teach him how I did the laundry because I apparently do it better than he does. Made an effort to know what fabric conditioner I used and to monitor our household items for our next grocery trip.
My husband became much clingier, not in a suffocating way, but in the most endearing way. He would always ask me if I wanted to go with him whenever his friends invited him for drinks.
“It’s a boys’ night out, no?” I’d ask.
He would look sad, like a dejected, cute little puppy; he would exaggeratedly pout and stomp his feet on the floor on his way out.
The first time he went home a couple of hours later, I was surprised when I thought he’d be home late because I knew he hadn’t seen his friends for quite some time. “I missed you,” he hugged me tight when he saw me on the bed, reading an email on my phone.
Since then, I’d expected him to come home not long after we went out with his colleagues or friends.
It was a different story whenever I’d go out with my friends or coworkers. He’d be spamming my inbox, no, not the: you need to come home, yada yada. The messages usually consisted of pictures of his face, food, and the series he’d be watching while I was away. It was cute, at least to me.
“Please call me when you can’t drive, okay? I’ll pick you up.” he texted me one night when I told him our growing team initiated to go out for a drink.
When Baekhyun became conscious of his health, he started eating healthy and ditching our favorite chicken nuggets from a fast-food chain. He also started working out, resulting in his body being bulked up a little—or maybe more than just a little.
I remember giving a death glare to the server when we went out for dinner when he fetched me from my office. He removed his coat, resulting in his dress shirt showing his broad chest in a good way.
She visibly sighed dreamily when my husband recited our orders and gave her a polite smile.
However, before I could react further, Baekhyun immediately raised his left hand, wiggling his fingers to the server. She looked confused for a second, but her eyes widened in shame when she recognized the white gold band on his fourth finger.
She bowed her head to apologize, more specifically towards my direction, and I didn’t know what to do but to give an awkward smile. “No worries.”
“No worries.” Baekhyun mocked, shaking his head. “You looked like you were going to pop a nerve from how she looked at me, baby.”
I squinted my eyes at him, kicking his shin under the table. “And you let her? In front of me—your wife?”
He groaned in pain before pouting his lips. “I did show that I’m happily married.”
That made me smile like an idiot for the rest of the night.
I could never ask for more, especially the night he went home from work, hugging me from behind while I washed the dishes. “Hi,” I smiled when I felt his lips on my neck.
“I love you.”
I couldn’t imagine how my lips could stretch wider from smiling, but it did. “I love you, too. What’s up?”
He hummed, arms tightening around my waist. “Remember the penthouse you said you lived in before?”
He asked me to turn around, so I did, not before wiping my hands with the kitchen towel. “I checked and saw that it’s available for sale.”
My eyes widened from the information I just heard. I almost forgot the penthouse that I really loved from the first timeline I lived. I may not have mentioned the Baekhyun location when we passed the building. I thought he wasn’t paying attention because he only nodded when I excitedly pointed to the building.
“It was too goddamn expensive,” he chuckled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, “but I checked with the bank, and they advised that we could apply for a mortgage from our joint account.”
“Though we still have to wait for approval if we decide to apply, they told me our income and credits are good, so we wouldn’t have to worry that much,”  Baekhyun explained, his fingers caressing my cheek as he spoke.
I was still in awe, and it showed as I kept gaping at him. “You—you remember?”
Baekhyun playfully rolled his eyes before scoffing. “Of course, I remember. I’m in love with you.”
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Five months after we moved to the penthouse, we found out we were pregnant. My menstruation was not on a regular cycle as a result of taking after pills for a long time and stopped when we decided that it was time to take the next step of building a family.
I was at work when I felt nauseous and dizzy all of a sudden. It was my secretary who asked for the log of my intercourse and all that stuff. It wasn’t awkward when she suddenly asked upon seeing me run to the toilet for the fifth time in the day because I knew she had units in nursing back in college.
“Have you taken a test?”
When I shook my head, she excused herself to the drugstore and returned with a few boxes for me to use. I was convinced I was pregnant by the third test—the first two also reflected with two lines.
Baekhyun was confused when I handed him the three sticks when he came home that night. He stared at his palm with the pregnancy test for a few seconds before exhaling shakily. “Pregnant?”
I didn’t even notice that I was crying when I nodded my head until Baekhyun cupped my face, smothering my soaked cheeks with kisses.
We were so delighted that we immediately called our parents to deliver the news. Baekhyun couldn’t stop crying until we went to bed, to the extent that I couldn’t stop the laugh from coming out of my lips.
He showed me love in the gentlest way he could possibly ever do.
“Thank you,” he exhaled when we both finished, gently leaning his weight on my arms so as not to squish me too heavily as he hovered above my figure, “for everything. I promise to be the best husband to you, and father to our child.”
But the joy didn’t last long.
It was a quiet evening when it happened. I was watching the TV while waiting for Baekhyun to come home. It was getting late, and he texted me that he had to finish some paperwork, but he’d be home before midnight, so I decided to wait for him.
I felt a cramp in my stomach and thought I needed a drink, so I went to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water. It was when I went back to the living room and saw the blood-stained spot where I was sitting moments ago.
I immediately called Baekhyun. He was in a panic, and he instructed me to wait for him and not move a muscle. He arrived within fifteen minutes, and I didn’t even dare to ask about his driving speed.
Our baby was ten weeks old when his heart stopped beating. We didn’t even get a chance to determine the gender, but Baekhyun and I decided to address him as he. There was no apparent cause, as we also monitored my pregnancy very carefully. It does happen, my OB told us.
I hugged Baekhyun to sleep for days, apologizing for not being good enough to carry our child. He was upset when I told him my sentiments, telling me it was never and will never be my fault.
“Don’t you ever blame yourself,” Baekhyun kissed the top of my head when I lay on his chest, tears soaking his t-shirt, “I’m really going to be mad at you if I hear you say it one more time.”
Our family and friends were very supportive. They all sent us get-well messages, flowers, and a food tray. My mother and his mother even spent time in the kitchen to make side dishes we could keep in our fridge.
Even Kyungsoo, who rarely visits us at home, decided to hang out and play console games like we used to when we were kids. But Baekhyun was the one who played on my behalf because I refused to get out of bed.
For two weeks, I just stayed inside our home. Not daring to step outside the door. Hence, it was expected when Baekhyun was surprised to see me stepping out of the bathroom, freshly bathed.
For days, he was the one who washed my hair, helped me clean my body, and prepared my clothes because I was too depressed to function. But I heard over the phone that he had to return to work soon as his leave would end quickly.
I heard him pleading with the headmaster for more time as he didn’t want to leave me alone. That was when I decided to do things by myself.
I smiled at his surprised face, walking in his direction to hug his waist. “I’ll be okay. Thanks to you.”
Guilt was eating me when I realized how I ignored Baekhyun’s emotions while grieving for our unborn. We were in the grocery store when I didn’t receive an answer from him when I asked if he had any requests for dinner.
I searched for his eyes, who kept his gaze on the toddler sitting in the cart. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying and embarrassing myself from people who were clueless about our situation.
Baekhyun was surprised to see the amount of food I cooked that day, gaping at me when he realized that all of them were his favorite.
“What’s the occasion?” he inquired.
I just smiled at him, telling him to eat up. He eyed me suspiciously and picked up his utensils to appreciate my food.
One Saturday morning, I decided to walk around the area to get some fresh air. I knocked on Baekhyun’s office to inform him I was heading out. He hesitated and asked me to wait for him since he needed to attend a virtual meeting.
I assured him that I’d be fine and would not go that far. He still insisted to go with me and to wait for him, but I promised him that I’d call him if something happens, and I won’t be gone for long.
“Keep your phone with you, love. I’ll call you once I’m done here, and we can eat out for brunch.”
I was mindlessly walking when I reached a corner where our favorite cafe was when tiny barks caught my attention. I whipped my head and saw a lady holding a leashed corgi, which I assumed was her puppies.
I didn’t hesitate to walk in their direction and asked if I could pet the dog. The lady agreed, thrilled that her pets were accommodating a stranger.
“Sorry—but are they for sale?” I inquired when I noticed the three baby corgis in the pet stroller.
The lady immediately said, “I’m sorry, but they are unavailable. We’ll keep the other two, and I’m just waiting for my friend to rehome the other one.”
I nodded in understanding, though I couldn’t stop sighing in disappointment. “My husband has always wanted a corgi since he was young.”
“Husband? You look so young—I didn’t mean to offend you, but I thought you were in your early 20s.”
I chuckled nervously, quite abashed with my decision to wear my old university hoodie and leggings. “I’m turning twenty-nine this year, but thank you.”
The lady was still gaping when I turned to the puppies to pet them. “I—” she cleared her throat when her voice cracked, “I know a breeder who could help you find a corgi—”
“Oh, no—” I instantly declined her offer, “I actually do not appreciate breeders of any kind, but thank you for the offer. It’s been rough, and I just want to make him happy.” I have no idea why I started opening up to a stranger.
The lady looked so concerned as if waiting for me to continue, so I did, and I was grateful that I did. “We recently had a miscarriage.”
“Oh, gosh,” she gasped, her hand reaching out to squeeze my arm. “I’m so sorry.”
I gave her a smile, though it didn’t reach my eyes. “He was ten weeks when his heart stopped suddenly. I know my husband is miserable as I am but decided to put his emotion aside to cater to my needs.”
We were silent for a good minute until the lady asked, “Can I hug you?”
My smile was much more genuine this time when I nodded my head. “Of course.”
I was about to bid farewell to the lady when she grabbed my arm. “You know what—” she picked up a little corgi from the stroller, his tiny legs dangling as the four-foot creature was handed to me. “Screw my friend! You can give this little one his forever home and surprise your husband.”
I texted Baekhyun to tell him I was already in the cafe and waiting for him. I couldn’t stop bouncing my legs in anxiety for the surprise I was about to give him.
He was confused when I asked him to bring his car since the distance of our favorite cafe was only a five-minute walk away from our place—but we needed to have our little puppy checked. The nearby vet was at least a fifteen-minute drive from here, and I didn’t even want to think about the distance by walking.
I jumped on my seat when a hand caressed the back of my head, and when I turned, his lips were immediately placed on mine. “Hello, my love. Have you ordered yet?”
I had to clear my throat before answering him. “N-no, not yet. I was waiting for you.”
He nodded and was about to raise his hand to call for a server when our fury companion decided to bark. “What was that?”
I chuckled nervously, “I—uh, have something for you…?” I picked up the corgi hiding on my lap under the table, showing his cute little legs to my husband, whose eyes looked like they’d come out from their socket.
“W-wait,” he stood up from his chair across mine and walked to my side to carry the puppy. “Hi there, fella—whose dog is this? You didn’t steal someone’s dog, right? Baby—I love you and would do anything for you, but that’s—”
“He’s ours.” I cut him off, asking him to sit beside me instead. “A lady gave this little guy to me when I came over to pet her dogs, this guy included. I asked if they were on sale, but unfortunately, they weren’t. I may have told them our situation, and she decided to give him to us.”
“Wait—you serious? Like, he’s really ours?” I had to shush him from the way his voice rose from excitement.
“Yes, baby,” I patted his cheek before leaning to peck his lips. “I remember you showed me your journal on how you wanted a corgi growing up.”
Baekhyun gasped, “You remember?”
Mimicking his words to me before, I added my signature dramatic act as my husband named it, flipping my hair over my shoulder, “Of course, I remember. I’m in love with you.”
That was how we got Mongryong.
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We celebrate our wedding anniversary each year. However, Baekhyun and I celebrated the first time we met—at least in this timeline, at the house party where I went with Kyungsoo.
My husband said that it was a special day because that was the time we had to redo our relationship.
Every year since we got together, we celebrated the day—whether it was just a simple dinner or a late-night movie date, as long as we were together.
For the ninth year, I ordered Baekhyun a baby grand piano that I saw from his browsing history—please don’t judge; I wasn’t snooping; his Mac was left open, and I just happened to see it.
Unfortunately, it wouldn’t arrive till the following month, so I improvised by printing the order receipt and putting it inside an envelope.
When I went home, though, Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen. We opted for a simple dinner at home. I kissed Mongryong on his head before looking for my husband around the place.
I saw the guy struggling with clipping Polaroid shots on the wall near the living space. With my brows furrowed, I silently walked to his side, inspecting his artwork. “Wow, you actually keep these?”
Being dramatic as he was, he jumped and screamed loudly, holding a hand on his chest. “You scared me! When did you get home?” he kissed me before continuing his work. “This was supposed to be a surprise. I didn’t expect you to come home this early—can you at least pretend once I’m done?”
That made me laugh out loud. Nevertheless, I agreed, saying I needed to shower and change into comfortable clothes.
Thankfully, Baekhyun was done when I got out of the bathroom. He looked at his artwork with a proud smile on his face. He clicked his tongue when he noticed I was in the living room, telling me to act surprised.
I had to take a few steps back until I was hidden in the hallway; I waited for five seconds before walking into the living room, gasping dramatically. “Oh, my gosh, baby boo, did you make this for me?”
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, though an amused smile on his face was present. “You’re such a bad actress.”
This time, my eyes scan through the Polaroid shots we took of each other; I smiled at one photo we took with Mongryong when he got his first shot of vaccine at the vet—our first family photo, Baekhyun says.
“Oh, I think it’s missing something.” I quickly ran to our bedroom, pulling out an old shoe box where I kept letters and all that cheesy stuff Baekhyun gave me throughout our relationship.
When I found it, I ran back to my husband, who had the biggest grin when he saw what I was holding in my hand. I grabbed an extra clip and hung the photo we took the first night we officially got together. Our feet with socks on and the view of city lights behind us.
The night went on with boxes of pizza, pasta, soda, and laughter. It was almost two in the morning when we decided to go to bed.
Baekhyun had to go to the bathroom while I was half asleep, too drowsy to wait for him. But then, my husband decided it was a good idea to call my name loudly from the walk-in closet.
“Huh?” I literally jumped out of the bed to see what he needed.
“Oh—shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were already sleeping.”
“It’s okay,” I croaked; I squinted at the box he was holding and recognized what it was. “Where did you get that?”
“Oh, this?” Baekhyun tipped his chin on the closet I forgot to close earlier. “It was nearly falling from the shelf, so I grabbed it. You didn’t tell me you have a vintage camera.”
I smiled when he opened the box; pictures were lying beneath the old device. “It was my father’s. He gave it as a birthday present when I turned eighteen.”
A photo caught Baekhyun’s attention, picking it up from the box for a good look. “Ah—your family dog. How could I forget him? He nearly bit my head off the first time I visited you in your parents’ house.”
I peeked over his shoulder to see the picture he was holding. It was a photo I took when I was twenty. Our family dog was lying on the grass as my father rubbed his belly.
I remember grabbing the box from Baekhyun’s hand and setting it down on my bedside table to reminisce about the shots as soon as I slept enough.
When I woke up the following day—or noon, Baekhyun had already left, leaving me a note that he’d be home late due to multiple meetings and conferences he had to attend for the day. I felt terrible remembering how we stayed late, not even remembering that it was still a weekday.
I decided to work from home when I realized it was too late to go to the office. At five in the afternoon, I finished all my tasks for the day, took Mongryong for a walk, and decided to have my dinner at the new restaurant nearby I saw on the internet where dogs are allowed inside.
I took a picture of Mongryong sitting across from me at the restaurant before sending it to Baekhyun. He didn’t respond or read the message, so I guessed he was still busy.
After dinner, we returned home and took a long, relaxing bath. My silk robe was tied to my body when I sat on the bed.
With a smile, I reached for the box on the bedside table. I scattered the Polaroid shots on the bed, smiling at the memories. But then the picture Baekhyun held caught my attention: the image of our family dog and my father.
Then it hit me.
It was the photo I was holding and crying to before I came to this timeline. My fingers were getting numb, and a lump started to form in my throat. Dizziness began to hit me, gravity seemed to be failing on my legs, and voices could be heard in each corner of the room.
All I remember was the blood coming out from my nose before passing out.
When I gained consciousness, I was in a panic. Everything felt surreal as I walked around the penthouse.
I had the weirdest dream.
Or so I thought.
Ten years. Ten years had passed before I realized this life is now my new reality.
“Welcome back, baby.”
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
Hey !! i love ur writing style <3 i wanted to ask you if you could write a loki x reader where the reader and loki have been best friends for a long time now and after he faked his death in tdw he knocks on their door and the reader and loki have an argument and then they kiss?? maybe like the scene in crimson peak “you lied to me” “i did” “you told me you loved me” “i do” smth similar? :)
The Greatest Deception | loki angst fluff fic
Summary: After Loki reveals himself to be alive, Y/N has some choice words to say. Loki has a question.
Authors Note: Thanks for requesting! Also, I want to say that I fully support and acknowledge that Loki is genderfluid. Seeing as this fic was requested with Loki having he/him pronouns, I will use those pronouns. (Also, I didn’t know which pronouns you wanted me to write since you mentioned they for the reader but typically I use she/her, so lemme know if you want that edited)
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 |  Main Masterlist 
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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“Lady Y/N?”
The voice was muffled through the door and the one in question rolled from her side and onto her stomach as she laid in her bed. A low groan emitted from the creature whose limbs were tangled in the blanket and sheets.
. . .
“Lady Y/N?”
A short knock-knock accompanied the repeating words, and Y/N had a feeling of that the lovely woman who she’d love to talk to at any other time wouldn’t stop until she replied.
She pulled herself into a sitting position, smoothed over her unruly hair, and finally pulled the covers up so her pajamas wouldn’t be seen and called out, “Come in!”
The woman opened the door and sent her a sheepish smile. “The All-Father has requested your present, ma’am,” she informed her.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “Do you know the reason as to why?” She quizzed.
The woman spared a quick, darting glance at Y/N’s window. “Well, the All-Father has requested all of the palace’s royals and higher-ups to gather in the courtyard. He is gathering local citizens for a, ah, play, and more would like, in this words, his ‘most esteemed confidants to enjoy,’,” she answered, subtly bouncing her weight from one foot to the other.
Y/N thought for a moment. This was the first time she was hearing that the King was holding a play — not to mention, the fact that the last play (if you could even call it that, because by Heimdall’s recounting it was horrific) was held before any of the children of Odin were born.
Just thinking about that caused a twinge to hit her stomach and for it to twist up. Loki. Odin’s youngest child and the one that had most recently left her, as he sacrificed herself to save his vaillant brother, Prince Thor. It had been weeks, maybe even a month, since Y/N had heard the news and had been resorted to a lonely, saddened version of herself. Loki was her best friend, the person she trusted more than anything and—no, no, who was she kidding? He’s more than that, and he deserves to be remembered as more than that by her.
He’s also the one that she loves, and has loved for at least the past year when she realized it.
Nonetheless, she had taken many steps to get through the grief of Loki’s dead — as had his father — and she wasn’t going to let all her hard work crumble down on one, singular thought.
“Very well, then. Please inform the All-Father that I will be there shortly, thank you,” she said.
The woman nodded and bowed her head before exiting.
Once the door had been fully shut and she could hear footsteps no more, Y/N crossed over to her window and drew back the curtains, not having missed the look at said window.
The sunlight poured into her room but the stage was indeed sent. Rows of fine chairs sat with rows of fine people in them. In front, Odin stood with a red curtain drawn closed behind him. His arms were gesturing wildly and he had a big grin on his face as he gave his speech.
Despite the curiosity that itched into Y/N’s face, she pushed it aside. She had never seen the King conduct himself in such ways, but alas, everyone grieved differently. So, she closed the curtains and got dressed for the day ahead.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
The moment Y/N stepped outside, she could’ve sworn that there was already long beads of sweat trailing down her skin. She let out a huff but journeyed on towards the courtyard, as this formal royal wear was necessary and she had no intention of pissing off Sir Snotty-Dickhead — as she called him (he had some fancy and long name she couldn’t remember, in her defense) — who was Odin’s right hand man.
By the time she got there, Odin was still rambling on with his speech, but his sudden notice of Y/N saved the guests from boredom.
“Aha, the guest of honor! Lady Y/N, herself,” Odin announced, bringing his hands together in a clap and gesturing for her to come toward him.
She betrayed herself and her cheeks involuntarily reddened as all eyes laid on her. She approached Odin and curtsied out of respect, but her mind was full of wonderings of why she, of all, would be singled out.
“I’m sure you all know who Lady Y/N is, yes?” He began, briefly pausing before continuing. “If you sadly do not, let me tell you. Lady Y/N had been a friend of the royal family, specifically my child, Loki’s—” the name caused her to suck in a sharp breath, “—and she was granted the title of Lady to uphold the image of the palace and to complete very important Asgardian duties.”
Once he stopped talking and the crowd clapped politely, Y/N took the opportunity she was presented before it’s door could close and quickly went and sat in her seat, the only seat not occupied yet, in the front row.
Odin then began speaking against whilst he walked to the side, “Speaking of my dear child Loki, this play that has been put together is one designed to honor him and his heroic sacrifice. Without further ado . . . ” He let his words trail off, and the red curtain pulled open.
Y/N’s face contorted into surprise at the words, not expecting this to take place. Again, she reminded herself, everyone grieved differently, so she decided to give it a chance. However, as the play went on, she was quick to realize that honoring Loki wasn’t the intention here. The horrid acting could be excused but Odin himself allowing this mockery of how Loki died? Of how he sacrificed himself? Well, with every second that passed, her face heated more and more — and not due to the sweat — and she grit her teeth, just barely refraining from yelling.
The worst part for her came though when the actor who played Loki did a dramatic reenactment of his sacrificed and the actor who played Thor did the worst fake crying ever. Y/N turned to the others, expecting them to be just as enraged as she was, but was floored to find that no—they were laughing. And not just that, but Odin was having himself a chuckle as well!
Her fingers tightly gripped the edges of her chair and she forced herself to look straight ahead, just about able to hold in her tears until the play was over and the actors bowed.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
Afterwards, while everyone was standing and giving Odin rounds and rounds of praises, Y/N stayed rooted in her seat. She couldn’t just let this go by as if it were nothing, but she was struggling to compose herself to confront him.
After a couple minutes of going back-and-forth, she decided, screw composure. She didn’t have to be composed. She was allowed to be angry.
So, she stood up and marched straight for him.
“All-Father,” Y/N said through grit teeth, forcing herself to curtesy, “I request your company in private, if I may.”
It took Odin a moment to tear himself away from accepting his latest comment, but the way he quickly glanced over at Y/N, she knew that he had not noticed — or perhaps he did not care — the state she was in.
“My apologies, Lady Y/N, but should I depart now, I fear I shall upset my comrades!” Odin said, ending his comment in a boastful joy, which resulted in laughter and cheers.
He didn’t wait for her response before engaging in another conversation, and Y/N’s lips remained tightly shut until she decided to just go forth and let her stuffed-up emotions out.
“Fine. I will say it in front of everyone, then!” She said, firmly and loudly, gaining everyone’s attention. “That was a pathetic excuse to remember Loki . . . It was an insult! You mocked him, your own child! How could you even— I . . . I just don’t understand . . . He sacrificed himself for your son and for Asgard and this is how you repay him? God. I expected much, much more from you for him because I . . . Let’s just say that we both love Loki, in our own ways, and I-I . . . I am very disappointed.”
Wanting to flee from the tears that were now streaming down her face and from the silence that was pounding, she turned around and she walked away, the realization that she had just confessed her love in front of everyone hitting her.
“Lady Y/N!”
Odin’s words stopped her in her tracks, but she did not turn around. Just stood. Waited.
“He told Thor, before he passed, that he, uh . . . He loved you, too.”
Y/N stared straight ahead, her hand jutting out to grab the pillar next to her to steady herself.
Loki loved her?
She didn’t stop the tears from coming this time. She let them, and the sobs, overwhelm her.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
“Lady Y/N?”
The voice and the knock were much more stiff than they were this morning.
“Come in.”
Her response was devoid of emotion, much more curt than it was this morning.
The same woman turned the door’s knob and opened it, sending Y/N, who was curled up on her bed, head nestled into her knees, a wary look. “The All-Father has requested your presence at his quarters,” she said.
Y/N let out a small huff, in no mood to talk to the King after what had happened. She forced her head up and gazed boredom at the woman. “Is it an emergency?” She deadpanned.
The woman looked around the room and by her lack of response, Y/N knew that either she didn’t know or didn’t want to say.
She sighed. “I will be there shortly,” she said.
The woman nodded and wordlessly left.
After she did, Y/N stood up and went in front of her mirror, taking in her appearance. Her once brushed hair was now frizzy and in knots and her eyes were puffy and red. Angrily, she practically tore the hairbrush through her hair and dabbed at her eyes with makeup until the red could be seen no more. She had no intention of letting him see her this way.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
Screw formalities, Y/N thought, as she walked straight into Odin’s quarters which composed of a small living room, a bedroom down the hall, an office, and a bathroom. She didn’t bother to curtsy or announce her presence.
When he finally and gradually turned around from whatever he was doing, a slight look of shock crossed his features, before he replaced it with a warm smile. “Y/N!” He said, but quickly corrected himself, “Lady Y/N.”
Y/N frowned and crossed her arms. “I hope that you have called me here to apologize,” she said, an icy edge to her voice.
Odin nonetheless looked at her kindly. “In a way, yes,” he vaguely said, before a magical transformation underwent before her.
His wrinkles disappeared, his beard disappeared, his grey hair turned jet black, and his clothes transformed into his usual wear.
No longer was the All-Father standing in front of her, but her best friend. The one she loved.
Taken by utter shock, Y/N instinctively stumbled back, her jaw dropping and her eyes widening. “What the hell is this?” She gasped out, not wanting to believe it at first. It was a cruel trick — it must be! There was no way.
“It’s me,” the mischievous deity said, a rare softness to his voice and in his eyes. He took a step forward, but then stopped himself. “I never died, I only impersonated my father.”
Y/N stared at him, angry tears coming to her eyes once more. “How?” She forced out, thinking that maybe she was dreaming. “Why?”
Loki looked around, slightly dumbfounded, as if he hadn’t expected anyone to question him. “I wanted the throne,” he answered, as if it were obvious and a perfectly acceptable reason.
Y/N stared at him as if he had grown two heads. To her, he might as well have.
“Oh, really? So you take over your father, trick everyone - me, your brother - into believing that you’re dead, you banish Sif . . . All because you wanted the goddamn throne?” She cried.
The cluelessness left his eyes and replaced itself with guilt, regret pooling inside him. He looked down, shoulders falling with a sigh.
“I’ve felt guilty tricking you ever since it had all went down. I wanted to tell you but, honestly, a part of me didn’t think you’d be that upset over my death. But you were really, so upset and I . . . I was lost. I didn’t know what to do. All I wanted to do was hug you and tell you that it was fine, that I was here, but I thought I’d screw up your emotions and hurt you even more,” he admitted.
Y/N just looked at him, her frown growing deeper. “That’s an awful excuse,” she hissed out, words laced with venom.
Loki immediately snapped his head up to look at her and his gaze held desperateness. “It’s not an excuse,” he said quickly. “It shouldn’t be. I’m . . . I’m so sorry. The last thing I ever wanted to was to trick you, and . . . I did. But today was the final straw. I couldn’t continue like that.”
Y/N took a step forward, having an inner battle in herself on whether or not to forgive him. “You lied to me,” she reiterated bluntly.
Loki nodded guiltily. “I did,” he agreed in a small voice.
She took a pause, taking in a deep breath. “You told me you loved me,” she added.
There was a brief moment of silence before Loki said, in the same small way but a little more firm now, “I do.”
Y/N kept walking, not even fully sure or convinced of what she was doing, but knowing that she needed to do it, until she was standing just inches away from him. They looked at each other for a couple moments, neither saying anything, until Y/N wrapped her arms around Loki. He returned the embrace.
“Never do that to me again!” She yelled through the tears that were now coming. God, was she tired of crying. Especially today.
Loki hugged her tighter, his own tears falling. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, and repeated that over, and over, and over again. “I’m an idiot.”
Y/N leaned back and cupped his face with her hands. The love she had for him overwhelmed her pain, and more than anything she needed him now. Besides, she could see his guilt. She could see the truth shining in his eyes. He wouldn’t do anything like this again, because he loved her. And she loved him.
“At least you’re self-aware,” she whispered through a sniff, taking a page out of his book with her joking remark. Before he could quip back (and she was sure he’d have an excellent one), she leaned forward and captured his lips in his a kiss. Loki smiled against her lips and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @big-galaxy-chaos @cc13723things @ycfwmalise14 @unexpected-character  (could not tag)  @passionswift
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egcdeath · 4 years
act natural
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pairing: steve rogers x reader
summary: sometimes, you just have to share the bed. 
word count: 2.4k
warnings: fluff, sharing a bed, idiots in love, cheesy
a/n: this is really just an excuse for me to write a lot of self indulgent bants, but it’s also a part of @stargazingfangirl18’s soft!dark challenge, and i decided to write something soft and use the prompt of only having one bed! (p.s. i like did not edit this at all so if a few words are used a lot pls forgive me) 
Dinner at the safehouse was finally wrapping up after a long day of getting your ass beat by an angry android and a few enhanced teenagers. You and everyone else around you seemed to be more than exhausted from the extensive day of revisiting deeply repressed traumas, and petty arguments between teammates over who was truly at fault for every predicament you found yourselves in.
You took a long and final swig from a beer bottle, glancing up to Bruce and Nat as they stood up and pushed in their chairs, retiring for the night. 
“Thanks for hosting us, Laura,” Natasha offered, grabbing her plate from the dinner table, and dropping it off in the dishwasher.
“Of course, guys. Any time,” she gave a half smile to her friend, then looked back at the table, where everyone else had taken the memo, and found themselves somewhere in the process of leaving the table, or grabbing their dishes, “but before you all go, I wanted to warn you that someone else is gonna have to share a room tonight.”
You glanced over at Steve, who was on your left, and Tony, who was sat at the head of the table. You and Steve shared an awkward chuckle at the thought of being in the same bed, not even considering the similarly uncomfortable situation of sharing a bed with Tony. 
“I think I’ll be rooming alone. These two lovebirds can share,” Tony chided before either of you even had a chance to think of a response. You looked back over at Steve, whose cheeks were currently dusted with a light shade of pink, and the bigger man quickly looked away from you.
“Tony, you know we are not- you know what, nevermind,” you huffed, deciding the argument was not worth it. 
Tony shook his head as he dropped his dishes off in the dishwasher. “So no objections?” he asked teasingly, eyeing you both with a smirk on his way back from the kitchen. “Why am I not surprised?” You could’ve sworn you heard Clint and Fury laughing to themselves before excusing themselves from the table, and dispursting though the house.
Besides the slight humiliation of being teased for your situation, you weren’t too concerned about the act of spending the night, or next few nights with Steve. You and Steve were friends, or something like that. Just a few pals with crushes that you refused to admit to each other (or yourselves).
Pushing this thought aside, you grabbed the neck of your empty beer bottle, along with a few pieces of silverware and marched off to the mechanical cleaner yourself. You dropped off the things that needed to be cleaned, tossed your bottle in the recycling bin, then went to turn away when Steve grabbed your arm, automatically catching your attention. 
“Is this okay with you?” He asked, letting his vice grip on your arm go.
“It’s fine. I’ll see you upstairs,” you muttered before speeding off, and heading upstairs where you strolled into the only vacant room, with the door wide open, and both your own and Steve’s duffle bags on the floor. 
You made a mental note to thank whoever brought them in (probably Laura), and dug through your bag to find something even slightly comfortable to sleep in, eventually settling on an oversized shirt and your favorite cotton shorts. 
You had just barely finished changing in the tiny closet when you heard the soft click of the room door, notifying you of Steve’s arrival. You slid open the closet door, and made a beeline for the bed, flopping onto the left side, and reaching for your phone as a distraction. 
“Do you want me to sleep on the floor?” Steve asked, searching through his own bag until he found the only clean comfortable pair of pants he had in there, that just happened to be a jokey Christmas gift donned with a red white and blue color scheme, and graphics of mini shields on it.  
“What the hell, Steve. Of course not,” you set your phone down so that you could get a better look at him. “We probably have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” You could live with that excuse, especially considering that it would not be very becoming of you to tell your crush that missing an opportunity to sleep in the same bed as him feels like a federal crime. 
He stood up from his squatting position, squeezing into the tight space of the closet so that he could change into the corny pants, and finally get out of his clothes from the day, “I just didn’t want to make things weird.”
“Well, they won’t be as long as you stay on your side, okay?” You said petulantly, setting two pillows across the middle of the queen sized bed and attempting to ignore the excited butterflies in your stomach. 
“I will,” Steve responded, exiting the closet slipping into the right side of the bed cautiously, and looking at the wall that was facing him.
You glanced over at Steve, and when you caught wind of his shirtless torso, you couldn’t help but to look away with a warm face,“this is so awkward now,” you said after a beat. “Why couldn’t you have roomed with Tony?”
“Tony is the worst bed mate ever. Total blanket and pillow hog,” Steve chuckled, attempting to ease up some of the tension.
“You’re no saint either. I’ve heard you’re a cuddler,” you bantered back, allowing yourself one more glance at the man. Steve seemed to be having the same thought as you at the same time as you, as your eyes briefly met. 
It was uncomfortably silent in the room once more, and you reached over to your nightstand to turn off the bedside lamp, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Steve,” you turned your back to the border of pillows, fell into a fetal position, and squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that you’d be able to find some sort of peace after such a bizarre day. You tried not to dwell so much on the horrors you’d been forced to face earlier, and instead relied on the rhythmic breathing coming from the man next to you to ground you.
You weren’t sure when exactly you fell asleep, but a jolting of your bed, and a bit of a commotion coming from somewhere in your room pulled you away from your unsettling dreams.
Blinking yourself awake, you uncurled your body, and rolled over to look at Steve, whose legs were thrown over the edge of the bed while he panted heavily.
“Steve?” you slurred sleepily, “you ‘kay?”
“’m fine,” he yawned.
“Well you woke me up,” you mumbled, throwing your head back against a pillow.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I was having a shitty dream anyway.”
“Really? I was too,” Steve refused to look at you, staring blankly at the wall.
“So tell me about it,” you hummed.
“It’s just… I keep thinking about how I missed out on so many things from the past. I could’ve been happy, living out my days in a semi-peaceful and familiar world. Not anything like this.”
You sat up as you listened, pushing aside a pillow from the border you’d constructed to move closer to Steve and set a reassuring hand on his back.
“I guess I just wish that I was there. With everyone and everything I used to know.”
“But it’s not all bad, right?” you offered, and Steve shrugged before looking down. 
 “I’m sorry. I really am. I know that I’ll never truly understand that, but there’s nothing any of us can do about it now. You’re here now, and you have no other choice but to make the best of it. I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but if you spend all of your time in the present lamenting about what things could’ve been in the past, you’re just gonna be miserable forever,” you rambled sleepily, words slurring occasionally. 
“Your experience is so unique, so I could be getting this all wrong, but there are plenty of good things here in the now. I mean, a world without the internet? I don’t know if that’s a world worth living in,” you chuckled softly, and were joined in your quiet laughter by the man on the other side of your bed.
“Seriously, though. I know you can’t control your dreams, but maybe your subconscious is letting you know that it’s okay to let go. Of like, the past. It might just be time for you to move on and be happy. I’m sure that Peggy and everyone else from your past would’ve wanted that for you too.” In the dark, you saw the silhouette of Steve’s head nodding. 
“You always know what to say, huh?” he asked, kicking his legs back over onto the bed while you scooted back over into your previous space. 
“I’m like half asleep right now, Steve. If you asked me to repeat half of what I just said, I would not know what to say,” you giggled. 
“You wanna talk about your dream?” Steve asked in a concerned tone. 
“Mmm, I actually just wanna go to sleep. As crazy as that may sound,” 
“Is there anything that I can do to help you not have another bad one?”
“Hmmm,” you pondered, becoming a bit more lethargic by the moment. “Spoon me?”
“As you wish,” Steve happily obliged, grabbing one of the pillows from the middle of the bed and adding it to his stash of pillows. 
You threw a pillow from the border between your knees, and received a strange look from Steve. “What? I heard it’s good for your back.” He still didn’t seem convinced. “Stop being so judgy and cuddle me already,” you murmured, turning your body so that you could lay on your side.
Steve scooted closer to you, and you pressed your back to the front of his chest. He tossed an arm over you and somehow managed to pull you even closer to him. You swore you hadn’t been this comfortable since you left the womb, and you nearly purred in response. 
“Can I make a request?” he asked.
You simply nodded.
“Can we just… talk until we fall back asleep?” 
“That’s really cute,” you mumbled into your pillow. 
“You just have a relaxing voice!” he defended playfully.
“You are such a dork,” you giggled. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Just tell me about… I dunno, anything.”
“That was so helpful, Steven.”
“My bad. Tell me about your favorite… mission?”
“Mm, probably that one time you and I had to go undercover for like a month to bust that arms dealer.”
“Which one?”
“Some dude in the Midwest. Can’t remember his name.”
“Oh yeah, yeah I know who you’re talking about.”
“It was fun being your life partner for a month. We were really good at being domestic.”
“Hmm, now that I think about it, we really were. Do you remember that cookout?”
“Of course I do,” you laughed at the memory. “Everyone else was getting so drunk, but you just… couldn’t. They were like Joseph, you’re such a beast, and shit. And who would’ve guessed that you, the old timer would be such a beast on the grill.”
“Well, who would’ve guessed that you were so good at cornhole?”
“Was I really that good? Or were you just really bad? Like really bad, especially for someone whose skill set revolves around having good aim,” you teased.
Steve scoffed and laughed, shaking his head at you. 
“How didn’t those people recognize us? I just don’t get it.”
“You’d be surprised how much a beard and dyed hair can change your look.”
“I guess,” you sighed softly, and set a hand on top of Steve’s. “Does this feel counterproductive to you? We’re just sitting here giggling. We’re probably getting less tired.”
“I guess I am less tired. But I’m also not thinking about the impending robot apocalypse.”
“Well now that you brought it up, I’m thinking about the impending robot apocalypse. You better fix this, Rogers.” Emboldened by what must’ve been the butterflies in your stomach falling asleep, you began to roll a bit in his arms so you were facing each other, kicking away the pillow between your legs in the process. 
“How can I make it up to you?” Steve asked, raising a brow.
“You’re the man with a plan, right? Think of something,” your lip quirked slightly in a smirk.
Steve leaned in just the smallest amount, before a lightbulb seemed to go off in his head. “I got it. We can do one of those one word stories until we fall asleep.”
Well, that’s not exactly how you thought this moment was going to go. 
“Okay, I’ll start then,” you nodded, pressing your head down against a soft pillow, and looking up at Steve, “once.”
“There,” Steve added.
“Death-bot,” you giggled. 
“Okay, Y/N. No. No more stories. We can just listen to each other breathe now until we fall asleep like before since you wanna ruin the mood.”
“What mood? And you listened to me breathe?”
“What else was I gonna listen to?” he furrowed his brows, “it’s too late for this anyway. We can talk in the morning.”
“All you had to do was tell me that it’s way past your bedtime, and I would be understanding. But goodnight anyway, Stevie,” you cracked him one last smile, not budging from your position as you closed your eyes. 
It was silent for a few minutes before Steve whispered up out of the blue, “you still awake?”
You slurred something into the pillow, much more asleep than awake. 
“Well, I really like you a lot. Maybe one day I’ll get the guts to tell you that when you’re not completely out of it.”
You grunted as a response, and Steve couldn’t seem to wipe the grin off his face, not while he was falling asleep, and certainly not during his rather pleasant dreams.
You just couldn’t seem to catch a break with your wake up calls. While you and Steve seemed to sleep through the rapping against the door, and the door itself opening, you both seemed to become aware after the artificial shutter of an iPhone camera flooded through your ears.
“You guys just looked so cute, I wanted to archive this moment for the rest of time. And I’m sure the team will be glad to see that you got along well last night,” Nat teased as your eyes widened and you shot up. “Breakfast is ready downstairs, by the way.”
Well, you two were going to have a great time explaining this one. 
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Play Me A Song
Paring: Tom Holland x fem!reader
Summary: This is based off the video of Tom playing guitar that he posted on Instagram:) Tom facetimes you to help brighten up your day.
Warnings: none
A/n: Not me using fan fiction as a coping mechanism for my stress, yet ONCE AGAIN.
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
“Hellooo, gorgeous girl!” Tom cooed as his face popped up onto your phone screen.
You let out a nasally giggle, the side of your face snuggling deeper into the pillow Tom would use when he was over at your house.
Tom tilts his head at the phone, a hint of a smile on his blush colored lips. The action caused his mop of chocolate brown curls to slightly bounce, catching your attention. You longed for the feeling of running your hands through his soft hair. You missed the way it felt between your fingers and how it would make Tom nuzzle closer to you.
“How was your day? You sounded a bit upset on the phone.” He checked in, voice soft and sweet, yet full of concern. His brows furrowed, causing a wrinkle to form between his brows.
You breath in, smelling the hints of him on your pillow. He was miles away, FaceTime allowed you to see and talk to him, though it wasn’t the same as him being beside you. If you were together right now, he would probably envelop you with his protective arms, pull you into his warm chest, and press kisses all over any bit of your exposed skin. His curls would tickle against your neck while he buried his head into the small space between your neck and shoulders—though you wouldn’t mind the tickle because it would remind you that he was there with you.
You sighed, “Today was a rough day. My professors have been piling work on us and I got called into work on my day off. I haven’t even gotten to start that research paper for class—I’m just so burnt out. I’m tired of trying, Tommy.”
Tom pouted, bringing the camera near his face to feel closer to you. He only felt the heat of his phone screen against his face, but he could still feel the light vibrations of your voice through the phone’s speakers. He placed the speaker of his phone slightly atop his chest, so he could feel the rhythm of your words against him. It reminded him of the days you two would cuddle after the both of you had long days at work. You would tell each other about your days and bask in the feeling of being in each other’s arms. He missed the feeling of being close to you.
“I know you have a lot of work to do, but you need to give yourself breaks, darling. And don’t tell me that you don’t need a break, you’re human (y/n), there’s only so much you can do in a day.” He began. Tom knew how you could get when college got overwhelming. Sometimes there were weeks where you would throw yourself into work, with no sleep, minimal food, and too many cups of coffee. He adored the diligence you had for your education, he wished he could’ve had that when he was still in school, but he wanted to make sure that you were taking care of yourself.
“Listen, you got this, I know you do. You’re the most intelligent and hard working woman I have ever met in my life. There’s nothing you can’t do, because I know, one way or another, you’re gonna find a way to do it. You always do. I just don’t want you to forget to take care of yourself. I know your education is important, but so are you.” He finished, a small smile forming on his lips. You hum in response, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of myself Tommy.”
What you say seems to reassure him, his shoulders visibly loosened up and the smile on his face grows a bit wider. Your own lips turn up on their own, reciprocating his smile.
“How about you, how was your day?” You ask him. Tom sits up and leans against his headboard.
“Well they’re still renovating the house, so Harry and I decided to rent out a place not too far from mum and dad’s. We actually had lunch with them, I got to see Tessa—gosh, I wish you were here right now. Tess was bouncing all over the place and giving everyone kisses, you would’ve loved it. And Paddy! He’s gotten so much taller since I’ve last seen him, and his voice keeps getting deeper, it’s actually embarrassing for me to be beside him because I’m older and I sound like I’m the one going through puberty.” He rambled, one of his hands making gestures and his face making expressions as he spoke. You loved the way he could just go on about a certain topic, especially when it came to his family. As sad as it was to see him leave for the UK, you were also happy because you knew he’d get to see his family.
He continued to talk about his day until his leg bumped into something, causing a hollow thump to emit from the object.
“What was that?” He leaned forward, the sound of his sheets rustling as he moved to grab the object filling your speakers.
“My guitar.” He grunted, holding the instrument up. “Remember, you got this for me for my birthday!” He proudly reminded you. You had gotten him the Ed Sheeran edition Martin Guitar after he had been going on and on about wanting to learn how to properly play the instrument. At the same time, he had a little obsession with Ed Sheeran and his music, so when you saw the guitar in the shop, you thought why not? You knew he would love it.
You fondly chuckled at him, “Yeah I do! You even promised to write me a song one day after you opened it.”
The last part of your sentence caught his attention, “I will write you a song one day, I’m very serious about that promise, love.” He pointed at you.
“Oh, are you?” You tease him.
“Yes, I am. In fact, ever since I’ve gotten back home, I’ve been practicing again and I’m doing much better.” He confidently told you.
“Can you play me a song?” You softly ask him.
“I can play you ‘Grow as we Go’ by Ben Platt. It’s the song I’ve been practicing.” He placed his phone against a pillow, using it as a stand. He placed the guitar in his lap, positioning his fingers on the frets and strings of the guitar.
“Yeah, play anything. I just wanna hear you play.” You mumble, your voice coming out in a muffle against Tom’s pillow.
“Just a warning, it’s probably not that good.” He mentions, shooting you a playful look.
“I don’t care.” You smile. He starts to softly strum the opening of the Ben Platt song and you couldn’t help but smile. He looked away from the camera, trying to focus on the notes and giving you a good look at the side of his face. The light shines part of his face, leaving the features you can see dark in the shadow, though it didn’t stop you from making out his gorgeous brown eyes. His long fingers move fluidly along the strings, creating a sweet melody on the guitar.
He stumbles a bit, making him whisper “Bollocks.” The little hiccup didn’t stop him from playing and so he continued to strum the guitar. You decided to stay quiet, letting him be in the zone. He messes up again, this time saying “bollocks” louder than the first time. You see him slightly shake his head as he regains his focus and places his fingers on the proper strings again.
You fondly watch him as he play, admiring the man you call your boyfriend. His fingers twitch on the string causing him to pause. He sucks his teeth, a bit of a frustrated grin on his face.
“Mmm.” He looks at you before turning away, “Okay.” He plays again, brows furrowed together in concentration as he tries to play the part of the song his keeps messing up on. You couldn’t contain the giggle that came out of you when he cringed at the sound the guitar made when he tried to play past the note. He pauses looking at the ceiling and tries to figure out the next notes.
“Alright, last time.”
“You’ve got it.” You encourage him. Your words give him some confidence and he shoots you a sweet smile. He readjusts the guitar in his lap, this time keeping his eyes on the strings as he plays. He strums the song again, starting off slow then slowly getting faster. Though his pacing was off by a bit, the song still sounded great nonetheless. You were thoroughly impressed.
He stops playing sitting back against the headboard, “I don’t know why I speed up though. I don’t know why I decide to do it so quickly.” He says into the camera.
You laugh, “It still sounds great though, I really enjoyed it.”
Tom tilts his head at you, teasingly squinting at the camera, “Even with the amount of times I kept stopping?”
“Yes, even with the amount of times you kept stopping.” You laugh, adjusting your phone. Tom puts the guitar aside and grabs his phone. He lays back on his bed, his head resting on his pillow and his curls sprawling out on the cushiony white surface. One of his hands rest behind his head as he stares at you.
“I’m gonna keep practicing. So the next time I see your beautiful face I can serenade you with a song and my guitar.” He muses, a lazy grin on his features.
“That sounds like something out of a chick flick.” You snort. He shoots you a playful glare, “Shut up, you love it.”
Tom knew you were a sucker for chick flick gestures. Kissing in the rain, watching the sunset, you name it.
You sigh, scrunching up your nose, “Yeah, I do.”
“But only from you.”
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migilini · 4 years
Not So Secret Anymore - Charlie Gillespie
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summary: It’s hard to hide a relationship from the public, particually when both work on the same show.
words: 2.5k
warnings: fluff
a/n: not my fave but i still somehow like it.
Requests are open :)
"When do we have our first interview?" you asked the boy whose head was in your lap. He looked up from his phone and your eyes locked with his green ones "Hmm, my calendar says in about 30 minutes."
You groaned at that and stopped playing with Charlie's hair which earned you a grunt and whine from him. "Sorry babe but I think I have to go, so I still have time to get ready and set up." You muttered and gave him a small kiss on his brown hair.
"Uhh fine." The weight lifted from your legs, you stood up and before you knew it you were thrown over his shoulder. Laughing, you slapped his butt and back repeatedly. "Babe! I mean it" you tried to press out between giggles, "we both decided to keep us a secret." He sat you down on the kitchen isle and cornered your body in between his arms, standing right in front of you, you're back hitting the kitchen cabinet.
"I know... come back later?" he asked and tilted his head, looking at you with big puppy eyes. "You know it." After a swift kiss, or rather a little make out session, you were on your way back to your own appartement. Just in time to change your top and put on a lip-gloss before opening your laptop and joining the interview.
"Hello everybody! I'm here with the cast of Netflix' Julie and the Phantoms that came out on Thursday. How are you guys?" the interviewer asked and smiled into the camera of his laptop. The whole cast chirped in with a good, great, or amazing.
"That's fantastic!" he clapped his hands "Now, Jeremy, how would you describe your Character and the show in general?"
"It's a show about ghosts from 1995 who come back 25 years later and join a band with Julie who didn't sing a note after her mother died. Reggie, the character that I play, is one of those ghosts and he is a loveable himbo. Did I use that word correctly Maddie?"
Maddie smiled and the interviewer changed the topic "Madison and y/n, birds have told me that this was your first ever acting job is that right?"
You nodded and signaled Maddie to speak first "Yes, and it was both amazing and traumatizing! I was so nervous, but the crew really helped to calm me down, especially y/n who just was in the same position as me, so we freaked out together most of the time." She smiled and the interviewer waited for you to answer. "Except, Maddie had a least some acting training at school, that's why she is the best. I more or less walked into the whole situation." You said laughing.
"I love this story." Jeremy exclaimed, making you slightly blush at his words.
"Would you be so kind and tell us?" the interviewer questioned and smiled at your little nod.
"Yes, yes of course. Well, I was on vacation with one of my good friends from back home..."
"She means Germany." Owen interrupted with a smile on his lips. "Yes, Owen. Thank you for adding important details. Anyways, we saw that there was an Open Audition nearby and though why not? We don't have anything to lose or to do on that particular day. And here I am, my friend sadly didn't get in."
"That really is an amazing story, I can see why Jeremy likes it so much. So, Charlie how would you describe y/n's and Luke's characters, she wasn't supposed to be in the script and was later added in right?" Charlie quirked up at the mention of your name and stated proudly. "Indeed, she impressed Kenny so much that he wrote a character just for her. He thought that Sunset Curve, the band name before we died, needed a female to handle their chaos or well... at least tries to. Y/N plays Allie, who against common speculation isn't any of the boys' love interest which is a very nice turn of events. She and Luke bud head a lot because Luke only thinks about music and the band and she tries hard to make him take breaks every now and then." 
A lovesick smile sat on your face while you listened to your boyfriend of nearly a year, once you realized your expression you quickly shook it off. Hiding this relationship was definitely going to be harder than expected.
The Interviewer asked some more questions before the last and dreaded question was thrown your way. "So, most of your fans are wondering if any of you guys are in a relationship." You and Charlie had discussed a million times before what you guys would say in such a moment, the two of you shared a look.
Jeremy's eyes switched from Charlie's box on his screen to y/n's before answering "I have a lovely wife! The rest of us are happily single, right guys?"
"100%" Maddie added, while Owen only shrugged, his dog conveniently jumping into his lap.
"How about the other two?" he eyed up the last remaining.
"Very single" Charlie laughed, and you agreed "Totally."
As time went on it was harder and harder for the two of you to hide the relationship, as you two spent nearly every day together and therefore did the same activities. Particularly after your social media accounts have gained over a million followers and people started to ship actors and tv show characters. But you two loved the little secret bubble you've created, there was no pressure to take good pictures together, or to post stories, to be asked a thousand questions about your relationship and no hate towards any of you.
It has been 4 months since the show released and the hype it got definitely was way more than you ever expected. It blew your mind. Currently, you are on Charlie and yours one-year anniversary / Christmas / good deeds vacation. Charlie and you found a good mix, that made you both happy, between chilling and doing adventurous things.
It was Christmas eve and Maddie wanted to do a 'guess the song Christmas Edition' with the main cast. Eagerly you agreed and hurried from the beach, where Charlie currently took the quiz at the bar you both sat on just minutes before, to your shared bedroom. You shot Maddie a quick text that you were 'out of the relationship zone' and ready when she was ready.
"Helloooo. How did the others do?"
"Not the worst but I still have faith in you to win this. ARE YOU READY?" she screamed the last part.
“I’m going to read you the lyrics of a christmas song and you have to guess the next line. There are certain cards that give one point and others give two. Whoever has the most points at the end…”
“Hopefully get your earrings” you asked with a sly smile and your shoulders raised.
Maddie laughed but shook her head “Sadly, no. I haven't figured out the price yet, but I for sure will! I like your backdrop by the way.” she added and you quickly looked behind you. You sat crisscrossed on the hotel room floor, you used the coffee table and a water bottle as a phonestand and used a white checkered wall as a background to try and hide the fact that you didn't sit in your living room.
“This should be the last box.” you cheered into the empty hall and shut the front door with a light push from your hip. Charlie popped his head out of the bedroom and walked over to, dropping his head on your shoulder in exhaustion. Nothing was set up, boxes stood randomly all over the apartment, the fridge stood there still empty and a lonely mattress covered the bedroom floor.
“The walls look a bit bare don't you think?” you said about a week later, standing in the middle of the now a bit furnished living room. Strong arms sneaked their way around your waist and a head dropped on your shoulder.
“Hmm… you're right. What do you have in mind?” Charlie said and turned you around so you were facing him. He smiled at the spark in your eyes “I was thinking, a yellow akzent wall with random secondhand pictures and some pictures of us, all in frames of course. So it's gonna have this homey and creative atmosphere.” You rambled on for a while longer, telling him where you think his instruments could go, the pillows you saw online and thought they worked perfect with the colour of the couch. Charlie just stared at you, a dumb smile on his lips with his arms around you.
“Do you not like it?” you noticed that he hasn't talked for a while and got worried. “I love it. We could live in a dumpster for all I care, as long as I have you by my side.” You fake gaged at his romantic words and gave him a kiss.
The first time people got really suspicious was the time you accidentally walked in on a live he had on Instagram. He sat in front of his instruments, phone propped up before him. You thought that he was already finished but you were wrong.
“Do you think this…” you walked into the room, a shirt in your hand that you just took out of the dryer and lost your words the moment you saw him sitting in front of his phone. He looked at you with wide eyes, his brain clearly searching for a good excuse. 
“Is that y/n?” he read outloud from the chat, gesturing you do sit next to him. “Yes it's her! We’re hanging out and she helped me with my washing because I somehow still don't know how to do it.” he laughed nervously, his hand grabbing yours out of the frame.
“He promised me food and I live really close by, so I thought I'll help this poor man out.”
Looking back at this moment now, you and Charlie weren't sure why you just didn't come clean. You didn't mean to hide the relationship this long, it just kinda happened and at one point it just got too awkward to tell. It was fairly easy to hide most of the time, you didn't most that much on instagram and Charlie only showed parts of his daily life.
The easiest was the time you filmed JATP Season 2. You were expected to hang out and live together. Back in 2019 you already lived with Owen and Charlie. This time poor Owen had to live with a couple instead of just two friends. (You were already dating for a while back then but didn't tell the cast, to not make a fuss.)
It wasn't like the fans didn't suspect a thing, especially after Owen posted a video of you two fooling around. 
Everybody sat outside, enjoying the everwarming sun on their skin. Half of the cast was already in costume just waiting for the break to end. In typical Allie (your character) fashion you wore an overall with a tight tank top underneath, your makeup stood out from the others with the heavy blush, freckles and black eyeliner. 
Charlie, in his Luke wardrobe, thought that it was funny to stand in front of you to shield you from the sun.
"Stop that" you whined and tried to shove him away, which was harder than you thought considering he stood before you and you sat on a bench.
"Make me." He flirted and stood even wider before you, puffing out his chest. Raising an unimpressed eyebrow, you stole his beany with a swift motion. His expresion quickly changed from cocky to shocked, snickering was heard from Maddie who was used to this type of behaviour.
"Ups… heavy wind blows in the shadows." You explained nonchalantly and pulled the beany on your head, sticking your tongue out at your boyfriend.
"Oh it's on my lady" he growled "I'm giving you a three second advantage. One…" your eyes widened and your heart rate picked up. "Two…" you got up and scanned the place internally making a good running line. "Th-.." you began sprinting across the lot. You heard the laughing from your castmates behind you as you and Charlie ran in circles. 
Unfortunately, he was still fitter and faster than you and about a minute into the running he had you thrown over his shoulder.
"Surrender!" he screamed as you tried to wiggle out of his grip.
"Never!" You screamed back and wiggled even harder.
"Surrender or i'll have to tickle you" he warned and those were the last words Owen was able to film before a producer yelled that the break was finished.
“Baby, if I would believe this News Article, you have a secret girlfriend, but it's not me.” you showed him your phone screen.
“I’m not cheating on you. I would never, i'd die rather than…” his frantic expression made you snort. “I know. Oh my god! People saw you with Lia.” you held his hands comfortably.
“Lia as in your best friend Lia?”
“The one and only. People noticed the hickeys... At least they’re getting closer now. So are we still on for the masterplan? You by instruments and I'm gonna sit in the bedroom?" He nodded and smiled at the sight of your equally plastered neck. 
Eventually, before you even were able to execute the as you'd like to say 'masterplan' your relationship got outed. I mean it was time, the two of you getting lazier with the hiding as time went by. 
Fans noticed that you wore a lot of Charlie's things and that you and him always seemed to be at the same place at the same time. It was actually one of your lives that spilled the secret. 
"That's a really nice akzent wall" you read outloud from the chat "oh thank you! It was a long process to get all the pictures but it was actually Charlie's idea to not only have pictures but also plane tickets, date memories and so on hung up on that wall. It really makes it homey. I think to get that wall this crowded it took us...what? About well since we moved in…" you didn't even realise what you said you just babbled and then it was out.
"Charlie actually is home! I could call him. Babe! Come here for a sec- oh my god!" Your hands flew up to your mouth in realizion. 
From that moment on you were public and your social media exploded once again. However the two of you were happy to finally show each other off.
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Can we get a Ishimondo fic please? Maybe lee!Mondo but its up to you lee!Taka is fine too. May we a tk fic with ishimondo is all I request if its ok friend.
I mcfricking love these two dorks so much-- I had a blast writing this so thank you so much for requesting It friend!
Words: 2746
Characters: Lee!Mondo, Ler!Taka
Pairing: Ishimondo
EDIT: Part two Is here!
Part two: Lesson Learned
The library was normally vacant at this hour, as most sane people were In their beds sleeping at three In the morning. Not Kiyotaka Ishimaru though. And by proxy, neither was Mondo Owada, whom Taka had pulled out of bed at this ungodly hour to help study before classes started for the day.
Mondo propped his face up with his hand, His eyes half open as Taka droned on about biology. Was he listening? Well… An attempt was certainly made. But that was It.
The biker hadn’t even had time to fix his hair or throw on real clothes when his boyfriend came barging In- Something he normally didn’t mind but found a bit much today.
He had time to quickly throw on a zip up jacket and throw his hair up into a messy bun, a look he didn’t particularly care to sport. At least his pajama pants sort of matched his jacket…
“Mondo! Are you even listening to me??” Taka stopped his lecture suddenly, whipping around to face his half asleep boyfriend.
“Huh? Yeah, Totally.” Mondo mumbled, sitting upright and rubbing his eyes. 
“Repeat back what I just said.” Taka challenged, folding his arms as he sat down across from the other student.
“You were talking about bones and stuff.” He yawned and stretched.
Taka sighed, resting his arms on the table. “Yes but you aren’t taking In anything I’m saying.” He responded in a softer tone.
“I’m sorry, I’m trying It’s just…” Mondo felt his face flush with embarrassment. “It’s too god damn early In the morning!” 
He tried to put on his usual annoyed or angry tone, But he failed miserably. This didn’t go unnoticed by the energized student.
“Is something else bothering you? Is It me? Do you not like studying with me?” Taka rambled anxiously. “Because I-If so, I can ask someone else to--”
“No! No, It’s nothing like that.” Mondo interrupted, He reached across the table and grabbed Taka’s hands, holding them in his own slightly trembling one’s. “I-It’s just… I’m sorry.” He sighed, Looking away.
“What Is It? What’s bothering you, Bro?”
Mondo flinched, internally shoving his feelings aside as he refused to look at Ishimaru. “Don’t worry about It.” He replied in a softer tone.
Taka knew Mondo quite well by now, as they had been dating for several months. He knew that something was definitely troubling the Biker gang leader, And that he would sooner convince Leon that baseball was fun than he would get him to discuss what was troubling him.
That’s why he needed some... Encouragement.
“Fine. I guess we should continue then.” He pulled his hands away slowly, he didn’t really want to break the hold but it was required for this to work. “Perhaps I need a more direct teaching method.”
Mondo quizzically studied his face. What could he mean by that?
Taka got up and went over to Mondo’s side. “What are the bones in your spine called?”
“Wha? That’s not In the…”
“Answer my question.”
Mondo narrowed his eyes as he looked up at the raven haired student. What Is he up to? “Vertebrae.”
“Very good. How many are there?” Taka walked around him, Standing behind him now.
“Fuck If I know, That’s not even on this upcoming tes--” Mondo clamped his mouth shut as he felt a finger slowly trailing up his spine. He arched his back away from the strange sensations as he stifled a giggle. “What the fuck are you doing?!” He snapped.
As he tried to turn around In his seat to fix Taka with a glare, He felt Taka place his forearm against the back of his shoulders near his neck, and pushed him down against the table, pinning him there.
“How many Vertebrae make up the spine?” He repeated the question calmly, As If this were totally normal.
“Get the hell off of me!” He complained, struggling. Taka was surprisingly strong, able to hold him in place with relative ease.
He felt fingers begin to lightly scribble around his back, paying special attention to his spine. He tried to suppress his giggles, But found he was unable to due to being so tired. “T-Tahahaka! What the hehehell are you doing?!”
“I’m helping you study.” He answered without missing a beat. “How many Vertebrae are there?”
“Thihihihirty threehehehehe!” He giggled tiredly, Relieved when the tickling stopped momentarily.
“Correct. See? You did know! It Is The Cervical, The Thoracic, The Lumbar, and The Caudal vertebrae that make up the spine.” He informed him. “Where on your spine Is the Cervical?”
“The neck.”
“Good. How many of those thirty three are Cervical Vertebrae?” He asked, Smirking.
“I-I don’t know!” Mondo stammered, feeling butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.
“That’s not an answer, Kyoudai.” Taka teased, fluttering his fingers lightly against his neck. 
This action drew an actual squeal from the tough biker as he tried to turn his head to protect his neck. “Tahahahaka! Stahahahap Ihit!”
“As soon as you answer my question!” The Ultimate Moral Compass couldn’t help but chuckle at the not so manly sounds coming from Mondo-- who by the way, was giggling quite adorably at the moment he might add.
“I dohohohon’t knohohow!” He tittered, squirming around to no avail.
“Think about It, how many does it feel like?” Taka hummed. Adjusting his hold on Mondo, he was now able to use his other hand to tickle his neck. He used his other hand to press into each vertebrae in his neck carefully. “Count out loud, How many Is It?” 
Mondo decided that Taka was enjoying this waaaay too much, and he was so gonna get it later. “Onehehe, Twohoho… Threehehee, F-Fohohour…”
Taka suddenly leaned forward and smothered the side of Mondo’s neck with raspberries, Causing him to shriek in surprise.
“Oh, Whoops, Looks like you lost count. Guess I’ll just start over for you.” He smiled, starting over at the top of his neck. “Don’t lose count this time~”
“I swehehear to gohohod, You’re sohohoho dead after thihis!” He giggled, sending his best glare over his shoulder at his evil boyfriend.
“You’re not counting, Kyoudai~” He sang teasingly, speeding up the tickles to his neck.
Mondo began laughing now, complying with his demands and counting aloud once again.
After some very s l o w movements down his neck, most likely to extend the tickles and make him suffer, he finally arrived at the last vertebrae. “Seheheheven! Ihihihit’s seheheven!” 
Taka relented, pulling back and releasing Mondo from his hold. “Very good!” He beamed.
While Mondo was leaning back in his seat catching his breath, Taka thought about his next attack. He reached around the chair, pinning Mondo’s arms to his sides as he unzipped Mondo’s jacket. 
“The fuck are you doing now?” He panted, too tired to struggle.
Taka leaned down and rested his chin on his shoulder, smiling as he glanced at Mondo’s flushed face. “How many ribs does a person have?”
Mondo’s eyes widened as he nervously thought about it. “T-Twenty four?”
“You don’t sound too sure, Mondo.” Taka continued to smile as he spoke. “Are you absolutely sure?”
Mondo went over his previous biology classes in his head, thinking it over as quickly as he could. “Yeah.” He replied carefully, not liking the smile on Taka’s face one bit.
Taka hummed. “Okay… If that’s your answer.”
“W-Wait! H-How many Is it??”
“I thought you were absolutely sure?”
“I-I am! I just… want confirmation.” 
“Well, If you insist.” Without another word he dug into his ribs.
“TAKA! I mehehean’t verbal confirmaaaation! HAhahahahahaha!”
“You weren’t specific, And since you’ve had trouble taking in my verbal teachings thus far, I feel like my hands on approach Is much more effective!” He grinned, clearly enjoying himself. “Worry not, Kyoudai! I’ll count for you this time!” 
“Dohohohon’t you fucking dahahahare!”
Ignoring the empty threats and string of curses Taka began massaging circles against the sensitive bones, starting at the bottom and working his way up. “One, Two, Three…”
“Shuhuhuhut the fuhuhuhuck up!” Mondo barked out through his laughter, his face was hot with embarrassment at the teasing.
“That’s not a very nice thing to say. And you made me lose my place!” Taka frowned, pausing his ticklish attack.
“Y-You deserved It.” Mondo mumbled between small gasps for air.
“I don’t know why you’re so upset, I’m simply trying to help you better your grades!” He said innocently.
“Bull fucking shit.” The Biker retorted. “You’re just having fun tickling the hell out of me, You’re fucking merciless!”
His cruel boyfriend let out an amused laugh, Mondo could be such a drama king sometimes… “Please, Mondo. I--”
“Just you wait until I get my hands on you, Kiyotaka Ishimaru. You’re gonna scream so loud with laughter that you won’t be able to talk for days.” 
“Oh? Is that a threat?” Mercy? We don’t know her anymore. Taka has now woken up and chosen violence.
“Well, In that case, I suppose I should take it up a notch… Wouldn’t you agree, Kyoudai?” The red eyed man whispered in his hotheaded boyfriend’s ear.
Mondo Is now as good as dead, Like please sign your last will and testament by the x on the dotted line.
“W-What are yo--”
“How many nerves are In the human body?” 
“How am I supposed to know?! No one knows an exact amount!”
“Maybe not an exact number, But there is an approximate. So what Is it?” Taka asked. “How many horribly ticklish nerves do you have?”
It was at this moment he knew, He fucked up. “T-Taka wait I--”
“Hmm. Well, Perhaps I can help you figure It out.” Taka smiled mischievously as he shoved his hands under Mondo’s arms, wiggling his fingers with reckless abandon.
Mondo screeched and threw his head back in hysterics. He thrashed around with newfound energy. “SHIHIHIT! TAHAHAHAHAKA NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE!”
“Well? Do you want to wager a guess? How many nerves does it feel like?” Taka’s sweet smile deceived his cruel actions. “I would imagine It has to be quite a few! You wouldn’t be laughing this much If there weren’t a lot of ticklish nerve endings everywhere. Especially In this spot.”
Mondo doubled over as much as he could, laughter wracking his body. He did this in an attempt to break Taka’s bearhug-like hold on him, but he held strong. “I DOHOHOHON’T KNOW!” 
“Not even a guess? Okay, I’ll give you a hint then. It’s not a million or a billion!” Taka laughed at the squeal that erupted from his boyfriend when he started tickling faster.
“Yes! But how many trillion Mondo??”
There was no end In sight, Nor any escape. He even tried throwing himself out of the chair but the merciless assailant wouldn’t allow him to, since he had his arms locked around the back of the chair as well.
After what felt like forever, The Biker sank back into the chair, his head resting against The hall monitor’s shoulder as he laughed. His body felt like jello at this point from a mixture of laughing, struggling, and just not getting a lot of sleep the night before.
Surprisingly enough, Taka relented and withdrew his hands, though he kept his arms around the still giggling man before him. “The answer Is over seven trillion.” 
“Fuhuhuck… That was evil…” He panted.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have threatened me.” the raven haired man hummed in response. “Besides, I learned from you.”
Okay, so maybe we do know who Mercy Is, It seems like things are finally calming down between these two and-- 
“It wasn’t a threat… It was a damn promise…” Mondo growled.
Taka sighed. “You never learn, Do you?”
He unceremoniously released his hold on Mondo as he had started to struggle again, causing the biker to tip his chair over to the side and hit the floor with a yelp of surprise and an ungraceful thud.
Taka was quick to follow him to the floor, straddling his legs and grabbing both of his wrists in one hand to hold them in place. “Are you ready for your next lesson?” He asked, Energized again.
“For the last time… Get the hell off of me!” Mondo yelled, flailing as much as possible. Though that wasn’t a whole lot.
“Don’t worry, It’s the final question!” Taka responded with a mischievous smile. “Ready?”
Mondo eyed him cautiously but said nothing.
Taka leaned down near Mondo’s face, His smile widening into a grin as he spoke in a calm tone. “How many raspberries can your stomach take?”
Chills shot down his spine, that had to be the most unnerving question he’s gotten In a while. “T-Taka, Don’t you dare. I swear to God! I will kick your ass!” He tried to sound angry, but It came out panicked instead.
“Well? How many? One? Two?” Taka pondered aloud. 
“None? I’m sure that’s not true, Kyoudai! Don’t be modest, You’re quite tough... I think you can handle at least five!” Taka beamed, giggling.
“FIVE?! Do you want to kill me!? I’ll fucking die!”
“But Mondo! We must find out, For science!” Taka declared, wasting no more time he dipped down and blew a raspberry against Mondo’s quivering belly.
The Ultimate exploded, Laughing rather uproariously as his back arched out of reflex. “NAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! TAHAHAHAKAA!”
“One~” He sang teasingly before blowing another raspberry.
“Two~” and another one. “Three~”
“Hmm? What was that?” Taka asked, halting his ‘scientific studies’ for a moment.
“I-I’m sohohorry… for threheheheatening you…” The giggles still poured freely past his lips as he gasped for air. “I wohohn’t… Get revehehenge on you… Just stohohop…”
“What If I don’t believe you?” Taka asked cautiously.
“I promise…” Mondo mumbled. “I won’t seek revenge on you If you let me up right now.”
“I’ll let you up on one more condition.” Kiyotaka said, His face  turned serious for the first time since this started. “Tell me what was bothering you earlier.”
Mondo flinched. “L-Listen man… It’s kind of embarrassing…”
“Why? You know I don’t judge you, Kyoudai.” Taka frowned. “You can tell me anything.”
“N-Not this I can’t.” Mondo stuttered, Looking away. “Just trust me, It’s better you don’t-- GAHAHAHAHA! TAAAHAHAHAHAHAKAHAHA!” He shrieked with laughter as Taka blew another raspberry.
“Four. Sorry bro, But those are my demands. If you do not comply then I’ll be forced to--”
Taka smiled and moved off of the tough student, sitting next to him on the floor. “What was bothering you?” he asked after giving him a moment to collect himself.
Mondo sat up, his face burning with embarrassment as he spoke. “It’s just…” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “When I’m tired, I wanna find somewhere comfortable to rest… And…”
“And?” Taka asked, perplexed.
Mondo took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “W-WELL, I KEPT ZONING OUT BECAUSEIWANTEDTOCUDDLEUPTOYOUANDSLEEP-- There! I said It!” 
Taka’s face turned pink and his eyes widened a little. He knew Mondo was telling the truth, because he yelled. Which meant he was nervous. 
“S-S-See? I told you that you didn’t want to-- ACK!”
Mondo opened his eyes just in time to get tackled back down to the floor by Taka, This time In a hug. “Why didn’t you just say so earlier!? I was worried you didn’t like spending so much time with me or something!” He mumbled into Mondo’s shoulder.
“Wha?? Why the fuck would you think that?! Of course I like spending time with you babe!”
Babe... It has a nice ring to it. “B-Because... Most people get tired of me.” 
Mondo frowned and gently pulled back from Taka’s hug to look into his eyes. “Hey, Listen. I will never get tired of you. I love spending time with you!”
“Even today?” Taka looked up at Mondo with a hopeful look on his face. 
His cheeks turned red again. “Y-Yeah… Even today… J-Just don’t get used to using that teaching method!” He tried to pick up the shattered pieces of his tough exterior, but alas, they were gone.
Taka giggled with amusement. “Deal. I’ll only use it when you really aren’t paying attention.”
Mondo flinched, Making a mental note to try to always pay attention from now on.
Taka went to pull away from him, but Mondo pulled him back against his chest. “Where do you think you’re going? This Isn’t over.” Mondo smirked.
“B-But Mondo! You promised you wouldn’t--”
“Uh-uh~ I promised no revenge if you were to let me up at that exact moment. Which you did not.” The biker reminded teasingly, positioning his fingers over Taka’s sides. “Any last words, Kyoudai?”
“W-Wait, M-Mondo-- NOHOHOHO!”
Let’s just say, Not a whole lot of studying was done for the remainder of their session. The library filled with laughter once more.
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise of the Demon King ~ Chapter 8
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so..., Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously:
His brothers would always know whenever he went to see her as he’d always come back with a content smile on his face. Deep down, he wished that Y/N could’ve met Cynthia. They would have made great friends as they were the only 2 people who could make him smile like this. Mammon may not have been able to save Y/N, but he swore that he would protect Cynthia, no matter the cost.
CHAPTER 8 - The Great Pancake Debate (2261 words)
It’s been almost 6 months since you arrived in the Celestial Realm. Needless to say, you are quite certain that these last 6 months have been the craziest and stressful months of your life! When you told Simeon and Luke about you staying here, to say they were ecstatic would be an understatement. Luke jumped for joy and wouldn’t stop rambling about all the fun you were going to have. When you told them about God appointing them to help teach you about the Realm, Luke practically did a double take and it took an hour to calm him. Now you have Simeon teaching you about politics and Luke about how to use your wings and powers. On your second day there, Michael woke you up, or well came to get you as you didn’t get any sleep. Turns out, while the Devildom is constant at night, the Celestial realm is constant day and thanks to the floor to ceiling windows, there was no way for you to stop sunlight from coming in. You were introduced to the council at breakfast. Note to self, the brothers breakfasts are QUIET AND PEACEFUL compared to Archangels off duty. The first thing you saw were 2 angels passionately arguing over which pancake topping was the best, strawberries or blueberries. At some point a third angel cut in claiming chocolate chips were the best and all heaven (would you replace hell with heaven here? idk) broke loose. As for me, I just started chuckling in disbelief while making my way over to pick up a pancake of my own when the angel arguing on behalf of the strawberries saw you.
“Hey kid, what topping do you prefer, strawberries, blueberries, or chocolate chips? It’s strawberries right?”
“Actually, I prefer them plain with maple syrup. Although if Satan was the one making it, I’d go for the one with poison berries. Contrary to their name, they’re not actually poisonous and quite sweet.” All the angels present looked at me with a mix of shock and disbelief, save for Michael who just sat there eating his breakfast hoping to leave soon and get to work.
“Kid, did you say Satan?” The angel arguing on behalf of blueberries asked. “Yeah… Blond hair, teal eyes, Avatar of Wrath, Luci’s son? Ring a bell?” Turning to Michael, blueberry angel asked,
“Micheal, who are they and why are they wearing Lucifer’s old get up?” “This is Y/N. They will be staying here and taking Samael’s spot on the council until their agreement with Father ends and they return to the Devildom. Father has asked us to teach them about how our Realm operates and how to successfully fulfill Samael’s former position flawlessly, unless they want to return now and leave heaven early?” Michael turned towards you with a smirk on his face as he asked the last part.
“Very funny Mike. You and I both know I won’t do that no matter how bad you want me to.”
“What did I say about calling me that?!” Micheal’s smirk turned into something short of a snarl.
“Well, if you won’t take me seriously, neither will I. You want me to call you by your name, earn it and stop being an butt… I meant an butt… Why can’t I swear?!”
“This is the Celestial Realm Y/N. Angels don’t swear.” Michael said smugly over the rim of his cup of coffee.
“God Dang it! Argh! Fudge!. Dang it! Ya know what, forget it, my entire mood is ruined. Thanks Michael!”
Shooting Michael one last glare, I sighed and turned to the rest of the baffled angels in the room.
“Yes, what Michael said is true. Stuff happened in the Devildom which I will not get in too-”
“The demon king made Samael kill them.”
“Ok, Mike, first off, he didn’t, I ordered him too, second, I thought I said I didn’t want to talk about it. What gives you the right to tell them huh?”
“I felt like it.”
“You son of a beach.” I turned back to the rest of the angels. “Not a word about it. Anyway, due to some personal issues, I made a deal with Father to stay here on the condition that I take over Lucifer’s spot on the council until he either kicks me out or until our agreement has ended.”
“If I may, when will this agreement of yours be over?” The blueberry angel asked.
“I will be returning to the Devildom once Lord Diavolo has been crowned king and his father is 100% out of the picture. Now if you don’t mind me asking, could you introduce yourselves?” “Oh how rude of us, I’m sorry, I am Gabriel.” Gabriel had chestnut brown medium length hair, reaching shoulders. His eyes were a dull green. He wore a white turtleneck and had a light green shawl with golden tassels. He pointed to the strawberry angel. “This is Raphael and he’s Uriel.” He pointed to the chocolate chip angel. Raphael had long reddish-orange hair put up in a high ponytail. His eyes were a stormy gray. He wore a simple light gray half sleeve with an off the shoulder white cape and little decor. Uriel had short gray hair and golden eyes that almost seemed to sparkle. He wore something that reminded you of an off white scholar's robe with gray accents. “These are Saraqael, and Raguel.” He pointed to 2 of the quieter angels who didn’t participate in “the great pancake debate”. “We make up the Archangel council and we’re happy to have you Y/N.” Gabriel finished off with a smile. You were just barely able to make out a little “Not all of us” from Michael. You decided to ignore it, and then, like all the decisions you’ve ever made, it was the wrong one. Sitting back down you asked,
“So, quick question. What started The Great Pancake Topping debate?”
Breakfast ended 2 hours later with upset angels, and pancakes, everywhere…
In the Devildom. After they lost Y/N
Levi went straight to his room as soon as they got home. As soon as he closed and locked the door he went straight to Henry’s fishbowl, picked it up and sat in his bathtub, hugging the bowl as he cried. ‘Why do I feel like this?! I only like 2D characters and Ruri-chan, not 3D people. How do I miss them?... Why did they leave me? They were my player 2.’ “Well it makes sense, no one would want to stay with a worthless shut in of an otaku like me” he said to the empty room. Henry 2.0 glubbed a bubble in response. “You wouldn’t leave me, would you Henry?” *Glub* “No you wouldn’t… I miss them.” Levi stayed in his tub hugging Henry 2.0 until he fell asleep.
It was another late night, Levi was bingeing a new anime ‘I fell in love with a 3D girl but I’m afraid she’ll leave me after finding out that I’m an otaku who rarely leaves their room’ . He was halfway through the 9th episode when he got a notification from Mononoke Island. One of his raid mates was stuck and needed some help. He paused his marathon to help his fellow mate and stayed up until the early hours of the morning switching between playing Mononoke and watching his anime. Stumbling into the dining room for breakfast the next morning, he was met with complete silence. Lucifer had left early, Belphie was asleep, Beel was too absorbed in eating, Satan in his book and Asmo on his phone to even notice him enter the room. Mammon was busy in the human world helping out sone witches. Levi sat down in his normal spot, taking whatever was left as he mentally prepared himself for the day. As soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day at RAD, still dressed in his uniform, Levi left as quickly as he could. There was an anime expo happening in the human realm right now and there was some ultra-rare limited edition Ruri-chan merch being sold there. He had gotten Lucifer’s permission to attend the expo so long as he was back by 11. Existing the portal and making his way to the expo, Levi thought about the last expo he attended with Y/N. They cosplayed as Erin and Levi from Attack on Titan and spent the entire day surrounded by fellow anime nerds. They had also booked a room at a nearby hotel. It was 3 days of bonding time for them. Entering the expo, Levi decided he would get something for them as decor for their headstone put in memory of them in the backyard of the House of Lamentation. Nearing the line for Ruri-chan merch, Levi noticed someone staring intensely at him. He decided to ignore them but keep a loose eye on them, just in case. He got to the front of the line and purchased 4 of the Ruri-chan collection kits. One for use, one for display, one to keep and sell in the future, and one for Y/N. He decided to wander around a little more to see if anything else would catch his eye while he was here. He spotted a Black Butler station and remembered the jokes he and Y/N would crack about Barbatos and Sebastian. He passed a Fate/Stay Night stand and remembered their conversations on which heroic class they would belong to. Levi would have been the perfect Lancer. He passed countless other stalls, each of them holding a memory he made with Y/N. Distracted by his trip down memory lane, Levi forgot all about the person stalking him. He went and purchased some dinner from one of the stalls before sitting down and pulling out his DDD and looked at some pictures of Y/N and him at their last expo. He didn’t look up from his phone until he felt someone sit opposite of him. Levi looked up to see some middle aged man just sitting there on his phone. He didn’t have any food, merch, or even look like someone interested in an anime expo. Feeling an uncomfortable aura emitting from this man, Levi got up and left. He took a quick look over his shoulder and saw that the man wasn’t following him. He left the expo and went down an alleyway to open up a portal back to the Devildom when he accidentally bumped into someone dropping his purchases.
“That’s quite alright.” The stranger extended a hand out to let him up. “Say, I’d love to know where you got your uniform from. No schools around here have uniforms like that one.”
Looking up, Levi saw the same man that was watching him with a twisted smile. Masking his fear, he mumbled an excuse about being in a rush and tried to dash around him. Before he could get 2 steps down the alley, the man grabbed him and pushed him further into the alleyway. Levi’s head struck the wall hard leaving him dazed for a moment.
“I didn’t think my intel about finding a RAD attendee at the expo would be true but whaddya know? Seems I caught myself a demon.”
Levi, now more aware of his surroundings, realized he was cornered by a demon hunter. Despite being in an alleyway, there were too many people around for him to do anything rash. Without missing a beat, the hunter pulled out an enchanted dagger aiming straight for Leviathan’s heart. Levi rolled and dogged last minute before colliding into someone’s chest. That person in question wrapped his arms around Levi’s chest and put their own dagger to his throat.
“I know you’re there! Come on out and I might spare your friend's life!” The hunter holding Levi yelled. When no one stepped out, the dagger held by Levi’s neck began pushing on his skin. Levi felt a flare of pain and against his better judgement, transformed. His tail wrapped around hunter 2’s leg and flipped him over while the first hunter charged at him, only to be blown to the ground as a powerful gust of wind knocked him over.
“Jeez Levi, you’re lucky I was here. Seriously, why didn’t ya do somethin’ earlier? Maybe then I wouldn’t have ta save yo ass.” Mammon stepped out from the darkness with a bored look on his face.
“Come on, Lucifer’s waiting for ya back home. LOOK OUT!” Levi turned around just in time to see Hunter number 2 taking a swing at his neck and managed to duck just in time. Mammon then charged over punching the hunter square in the face, knocking him out cold.
“T-thanks M-mammon.”
“No problem. Come on, let’s get ya back home before any more of them show up.”
Stepping through the portal, a question plagued Levi’s mind.
“Mammon, how did you know I was in trouble?”
“Some witches summoned me. I overheard them talk about some hunter group getting a tip about a possible demon being at some expo. Then I realized that it was the same one you were going to, so I decided to go there myself to make sure ya weren’t followed. I’m glad I did too.”
“Th-thank you Mammon. Really.”
“Of course, what are big brothers for. Anyway, about my payment, maybe you can forget about the money I owe ya?”
Groaning, Levi started walking faster, leaving Mammon and his whining behind as he made his way back to the safety of his room.
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gwynrielendgame · 3 years
Gwyn x Nesta
This is not as edited as my other fics but I was just too excited to post. I would like to comment that I pretty much think every character is bisexual unless stated otherwise lol. I also recognize this piece could come off problematic (ppl thinking this is fetishization) I personally don’t think it is, but I welcome constructive criticism. I am bisexual and a SA survivor so I felt comfortable writing about those topics considering I have personal experience with both.
Thank you for the idea: @mercurianbisous @genya-berdara
“Hey Nes.”
Nesta jumped from her spot on the couch, closing her book as she did so. A small smile graced her face as she realized Gwyn was standing at the entry of the House of Wind library.
“Hey Gwyn, you scared the shit out of me.” Nesta chuckled as she put her book away. She patted the spot next to her, beckoning for Gwyn to join her. Gwyn knew she looked awkward standing there, twisting her fingers. Gwyn hesitantly took the spot.
“I have a favor to ask.” Gwyn managed to spit out. She needed to start somewhere and knew that Nesta would never judge her for what she was about to ask. She might turn her down, but she would never laugh.
Nesta simply raised a singular eyebrow at Gwyn. She leant back on the couch and flourished her hand as if to tell Gwyn to continue.
“I am only asking you because I know you are not interested in women, which is precisely why I cannot ask Emerie-“
“You are interested in Emerie?” Nesta asked nonchalantly. Gwyn felt relief at the lack of judgement, but annoyed at the interruption. She needed to get this out now or she never would.
“No. Listen to everything before you answer.” Nesta gave a shrug which Gwyn took as her agreement.
“I want to practice kissing, but there are no males that I trust enough to ask and I cannot ask females from the library. I figure if I practice enough it will not be so anxiety inducing for me. With everything that happened to me, I think it might be easier to start kissing females and work my way up to males. I think once I can kiss a male then I will know my trauma does not have that power over me and this is my really convoluted way of asking you to kiss me.” She snapped her mouth shut the second she finished rambling. She searched Nesta’s face for any emotion that might give away how she feels about the matter.
“ I did not think you fancied women.” Nesta said plainly.
“I suppose I have not paid much attention to any romance. But I would say I value the person over body parts.” Gwyn shrugged but her face was bright red from embarrassment.
“Okay, lay one on me.”
She gave a startled look to her friend, who was handling this much better than Gwyn was. The ease with which she accepted this made Gwyn inherently suspicious.
“Do you fancy women?” She looked at Nesta through narrowed eyes.
“Not particularly. But I love you Gwyn, and Cass won’t mind especially if it is to help you.” A very rare, coveted soft look blessed Nesta’s face. Gwyn found herself wanting to cry. She had not felt this type of companionship in years.
“I do not want you to feel obligated as my friend. I understand if you want to say no.”
“Do I appear as someone that feels obligated often?” Nesta asked with raised eyebrows. It made Gwyn giggle a little. Nesta grabbed Gwyn’s hand, forcing her to look at Nesta.
“Lay one on me, love.” Nesta’s face was beautiful as she smiled. It made Gwyn start to feel a little nervous. They were really doing this.
“I am going to start with my eyes open. It is easier to remind myself who I am kissing.”
“Okay.” Again, a soft smile graced her face as she used a soft voice. Normally Gwyn hated pity, but she appreciated Nesta being sensitive to the situation.
Even though her heart was beating out of her chest, she set her hands on Nesta’s shoulders and focused in on her lips. They were a standard set of lips. Medium sized, and smooth. Gwyn took one last deep breathe and shoved her lips against Nesta’s. They both could admit the kiss was awkward at best. Gwyn would take awkward over horrific any day though. She kept her eyes wide open while Nesta’s were closed. One may not even call it a kiss, really just two pairs of lips not touching. Neither of them moved a muscle. Gwyn realized it was because Nesta was letting Gwyn have complete control over the situation and that made her smile through the kiss. Once Gwyn was certain that no unwanted memories were waiting to overwhelm her, she puckered her lips and actually kissed her before pulling away.
“How was that?” Nesta asked.
“Terrifying.” Gwyn said with a grin. “Let’s try again.” She gave a sheepish look after a moments thought. “If that is fine with you?”
Nesta rolled her eyes before closing them and comically puckering her lips. Gwyn once again giggled before going in for a second kiss. Once again she started with her eyes open, but once her heart calmed down and she stopped worrying about the past, she closed her eyes. There was something comforting about kissing Nesta, it was not attraction or chemistry. Perhaps, love though. An intimate expression of platonic love that squeezed at Gwyn’s heart. It was easy to ignore the past when the scent of Nesta and books were so overwhelmingly comforting to Gwyn. When the feel of Nesta’s hands were so familiar. Or when her even breathes were so recognizable. Gwyn knew there was not a safer spot in the world than right by Nesta’s side. Gwyn decided to be bold and flick Nesta’s bottom lip with the tip of her tongue. It caused Nesta to squeak and open her eyes for a second before settling back into the kiss. Slowly, they both started deepening the kiss. A swipe of a tongue here, a turn of the head there. It was a nice kiss, mostly exploratory. Simply, Gwyn discovering her boundaries, deciding what might be too much. Gwyn lifted her hands to grip Nesta’s face, so that the kiss might be less awkward. Nesta kept her hands in her lap which Gwyn was grateful for.
The doors to the library burst open with an exuberant Cassian. Gwyn all but threw herself against the opposite side of the couch.
“Nes, I was thinking for tonight-“ he stopped abruptly at the sight he just walked in on. Gwyn thought his brain might be malfunctioning from system overload based on the expression on his face.
Gwyn suddenly felt very guilty. This must have looked much worse than it actually was to him. Gwyn briefly glanced at Nesta. While Gwyn was stiffly sitting on the sofa, Nesta was nonchalantly leaning against the arm of the chair from her spot. A small smirk rested on her lips. Cassian’s head had been comically bouncing back and forth from Nesta and Gwyn before resting on the latter.
“Are you trying to steal my mate?” He was trying to muffle a laugh and failing. Gwyn hid her face behind her hands as it flamed a brighter red.
“This is not what it looks like!” Gwyn muttered into her hands. Cassian sauntered right over to the couch and plopped himself between the girls.
“Do explain.” He nudged Gwyn with a smile on his face. She was glad he was not angry, but the last thing she wanted to do was explain. She looked to Nesta for help who ended up sighing very loudly.
“I was helping Gwyn with some intimacy problems.” Was all she gave as a response. Cassian dropped the smile and looked at Nesta with such a serious look that Gwyn wondered if she misinterpreted Cassian’s emotions. Maybe he was mad after all.
“Is Gwyn a better kisser than me?” He said it so seriously that all Gwyn could do was groan. Nesta giggled, which did not happen often, so Gwyn knew Nes was highly amused by the situation while Gwyn was mortified.
“Gwyn is the best kisser.” Nesta said earnestly.
Gwyn rolled her eyes as that as she continued to try and press herself as far into the couch as she possibly could. Cassian’s wings were still almost touching her and all she wanted was to disappear from this mortifying situation forever.
“Damn, now I want one. What do I have to do to get a Gwyn kiss?”
The teasing was too much for Gwyn to bare.
“Stooooop.” Gwyn whined as the mated couple tried to mask their laughter.
“Please, Gwyn?” He even puckered his lips at her. She knew he was joking, but she wanted it to stop and knew exactly how to get him to stop. Besides, this is the next level up on the intimacy scale for Gwyn with Cassian being a male and all. She quickly pressed her lips against his and pulled away just as fast.
A second later she realized how impulsive it was. She began forming an apology to both of them when she noticed they were both smiling genuinely. Gwyn rested her hands on her burning cheeks and looked away.
“I agree, Nes. She is the best.” Cassian replied as he threw both arms around the females shoulders.
“You two are the worst.” Gwyn whined as she realized they had teamed up against her to get her to kiss Cassian.
“I think this is means for celebration Gwyn.” Nesta ignored her complaints and continued smiling. “You kissed two people today and one was a male. Big accomplishments.” Gwyn huffed but could not stop the small smile that spread her lips.
“That is good.” Gwyn relented. Secretly she was glad that neither of them were upset.
“Before you know it, you will have made out with the entire night court inner circle.” Cassian joked. “I bet you could even manage to steal a kiss from Azriel’s shadows.”
“Well, they do like me.”
“Everyone likes you Gwyn. You are awesome.” Nesta held Cassian’s hand as they all sat on the couch.
Gwyn felt a punch to a stomach as she looked at their hands. It was longing, she discovered. She wanted to sit on a couch holding someone’s hand. She wanted to be so comfortable with a person that every move they made was in sync like Nes and Cass seemed. She sighed. One day she would get her happily ever after. There really was no rush.
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kzuhadovey · 4 years
i love you
character: miya atsumu x reader
type: angst
warnings: fuckboy!atsumu, no happy ending
song recommendation: i love you - billie eilish
this may seem like a happy lovey dovey fanfic but i think it’ll stab you in the guts aha- anyways sorry if this is too long, i got in the zone <3
edit: so someone requested for a part 2 to this story, so i wrote it! to read it, click here.
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You were undeniably, so deeply in love. With who, you may ask? Miya Atsumu, of course. He was Inarizaki’s playboy- more like a cheaper version of Oikawa.  He was deemed Japan’s best high school setter, and many girls confessed their love to him daily. You and Atsumu were close friends- you were the manager for their volleyball team so you were surely close to all of them. But there was something about him that made you realize- you were so utterly in love. The way you would laugh a bit too hard at his jokes, and the way you stared too long at him, and the way your heart would pinch at the sight of him with other people. You hated that you felt this way- it would ruin everything if you confessed. So you suppressed these feelings, even if you knew they would all spill out eventually. 
You yawned as you walked into the Inarizaki Volleyball room, they were just about to start practice. “Good morning Y/N.” A familiar voice says, slinging their arm over your shoulder. “Good morning to you too… Atsumu.” You mutter back, zipping up your backpack. “Sorry we made you attend this early, Nationals are coming up,” Kita says. You nod and try to ignore the loud thumping of your heart as Atsumu attaches himself closer to you. “We should start practice. I’ll get your bottles ready.” You say, trying to wretch Atsumu’s arm from your shoulder. “Go practice, Tsumu. Don’t get distracted.” You manage to mutter out quickly before walking away. You can just feel the stare that Atsumu’s giving you- you’ve been ignoring him for the past week or so- a mere attempt at hiding your feelings. 
“Oi, Y/N. What are you gonna do about Atsumu?” Osamu asked nonchalantly as you stuffed a pile of celery down your throat. “What do you mean by that?” You ask, your cheeks warming up by the second. “Well shit Y/N. You blind or something?” Osamu asks, rolling his eyes. “He has an obvious crush on you.” You almost choke on your food as you process what he just said. “Crush? Me? Pfft- how?” You ask, a bit embarrassed. It wasn’t possible… or was it? “He’s touchy, he talks about you a lot, and-” “And what Osamu? He’s touchy with everyone. I bet he only says that I’m kind and all that bullshit but he doesn’t actually like me because he’s Miya Atsumu.” You snap and Osamu chuckles. “Okay geez- don’t have to get defensive,” Osamu says, a smug smile plastered on his face. “You’re so mean.” You say, a small pout on your face as you start eating your food again. Was it really that impossible for Atsumu to like you? 
atsumuu~ oi y/n. psst. y/n :0 huh what atsumuu~ you wanna sneak out? rn? y/n :0 -_- it’s like 2 am atsumuu~ yet you’re still not asleep my dear come on I’ll meet you at the park if you wanna y/n :0 you crazy bitch.
You sighed heavily- you couldn’t help but comply to Atsumu- it was something that happened every time he asked you for something. You blew softly at your cold hands as you made your way to a famous park you and the team liked to go to. The night air stabbed through your lungs as you took a deep breath and jumped over the gates, hoping that no one you knew was there. “Y/N!~” Atsumu’s voice was heard from across the small garden section, and you squinted your eyes. He looked half-asleep, but his eyes still shone as bright as ever. “Tsumu. Hey.” You said, shooting him a small smile as you made your way to him. “Look! We can sit on the swings- it looks especially pretty at night.” Atsumu said excitedly as he pointed to a pair of swings. You chuckled at his enthusiasm. “Alright then.”
You were sat on the swings, thoughts quietly running through your head as Atsumu rambled on and on about volleyball. “Y/N. Oi. Are you paying attention?” Atsumu asks, a sharp tone in his voice. You shrug away from your thoughts and smile sheepishly at Atsumu. “Sorry. I was daydreaming.” You say fixing your sitting position quickly. “Oh? Daydreaming about what, my darling?” Atsumu asks, leaning in closer. Your breath hitches at that nickname- he’s dangerously close to you- you’re pretty sure you’re about to faint at the proximity he’s in. “Nothing in particular.” You decide to mutter out, a feeling of warmth creeping in your cheeks. “Are you sure?” Atsumu asks again, and this time, his face is right above yours. You can smell him- he smelled like honeycakes and cologne. His breath is warm against yours, and if you lean in a bit more, you’re kissing. “Getting nervous, Y/N?” Atsumu chuckles lightly before pulling away, making you sigh in relief. “Shut up.”
y/n :0 tsumu tsumu tsumu are you ignoring me YOU’RE ONLINE ON IG BRO tsumuu read 
You huff angrily at your phone. So he was on Instagram and clearly texting in the team group chat but he’s ignoring you? Piece of shit, you think to yourself as you head over on Instagram in an attempt to contact him again. You’re about to click on the DM icon when something catches your eye. Atsumu posted something new. A girl clinging on his shoulder. They’re… kissing. 
“me and my girl ^__^“
Your heart nearly stops as you read over the caption again. Me and my girl. He surely meant as a friend right?- wait, they were kissing. Was this some kind of dream? Was this a joke? You choose not to like the picture and you shoved your phone away from you. Was he just playing with you? Was this all a sick, stupid game to him? You hiss quietly as you feel tears prick your eyes. You surely remembered having a connection- that night at the park. Was that nothing too?
You managed to get a bit of sleep last night- but you were still sleepy as fuck. It felt as if someone was stabbing your head over and over and the walls were closing in on you. Your eyes were still slightly red and puffy and splotches of foundation on your under-eyes were a shitty attempt at you covering up your dark eye bags. You tried your best to make it through class- it took almost all your willpower to not just flop asleep right then and there. Worse, you had volleyball practice with the boys. Today was the worst day to have volleyball practice, considering your… situation. You walked into the room with a heavy sigh and immediately sat down on one of the bleachers. Maybe Coach Kurosu could let you catch a wink of sleep. “H- Woah Y/N you look like the nun!” Osamu says once he’s seen you. You sigh, a hint of annoyance in your voice. “Just- warm-up or whatever. I’m okay.” You mutter, leaning back and snuggling into your backpack. 
“Y/N~ You look ghostly my dear.”
Your eyes shoot open at that voice. The one that’s caused you pain, agony, and the voice that made you reconsider whether you were worth anything or not. “Hey. Hello.” Atsumu called out again, waving his hand in front of your face, trying to catch your attention. “Atsumu.” You could barely speak- all of the memories were rushing to your head, and you were definitely pissed off. “Come, let’s get you some water-” “Stop, Atsumu.” He was definitely surprised at the sharp tone of your voice. “Woah- what’s got your ass today?” Atsumu asks, chuckling. “Just stop it. I’m not a game for you to play- do I look like fucking Jumanji to you?” You say, standing up. You’re fuming- an indescribable feeling coursing through your veins. “Huh? What did Osamu do to you, heh-” Atsumu reaches out to touch your shoulder but you flinch. “Stop it. Why are you doing this? Acting like you care for me and shit.” You said, packing up your bags. “But Y/N, I do care for-” “No you don't! You flirt with me all the fucking time but you don’t actually make a move on me. And don’t you think I know about your little- girlfriend?” You snapped, glaring at him. “I’m so tired of this shit.” You say, tears finally pricking your eyes. “Y/N- I- I didn’t mean it like that,” Atsumu says, panic settling in his eyes.
“No, because you meant it like that. You wanted to flirt with me, to try and confuse me, and it’s so fucking tiring because I love you!” Atsumu freezes, and the whole team’s attention is diverted to you. “It’s so tiring, trying to love you because I know you won’t love me back. Instead, you play these stupid games with me and I fucking hate it!” You shout, fresh tears rolling down your cheeks. “I love you, and I don’t want to.” You say quietly. Atsumu is baffled- he has no idea of your feelings. “Y/N-” “Please, Atsumu. Don’t talk to me anymore.” You say, heartbroken.
In the end, he complied. You’ve seen him around in the halls, and once in a while, he would glance at you. You, of course, have moved on. He wasn’t important anyway, right? You’ve seen him stare at you- for an abnormally long time, and sometimes, you’ve seen him laugh more at your jokes. He’s in love with you. But he knows, because of a simple mistake, he’ll never have you. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll end up together in another life.
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mochi-marie · 4 years
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author’s note : thanks so much to @.kuroosweakness for allowing me to use the concept ! please go check out their content !
perspective : gender neutral
characters : midoriya izuku, bakugo katsuki, todoroki shoto
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♡ . . . keeps a journal! it may sound strange at first, but hear me out! midoriya kept journals logging pro-heroes and their quirks, heck, he even logged information down about his classmates! so, who’s to say he wouldn’t do the same for you? he does it almost without thinking about it. you told him your favorite color? he has it scribbled down on your page. you mentioned in passing that you’re fond of ___? don’t worry, he remembers!
          —     midoriya murmured to himself softly as he quickly scribbled down your favorite snack, you watching in slight confusion as right after you mentioned so at the table, he quickly fumbled for his notebook and began to furiously scribble. Iida rose a brow at his friend’s eager writing, “Midoriya, what are you writing?” …he only seemed to freeze as he quickly shoved the pen and notebook under his arms, caging his limbs over the table as he giggled nervously, blush apparent on his face. “N-nothing!  I just…I just forgot to w-write something down from class!! that’s it!” 
♡ . . . the first to offer! honestly doesn’t realize he’s been jumping at any chance to help you out until someone mentions it. he will perk up at the sound of your disappointed or frustrated sighs/huffs, asking what’s wrong, and then offer quickly with a pink tint to his cheeks. and while even if it means that he might be left without a pencil, he’d do it a thousand times over just to see the little relieved smile pull at your lips as you whisper a quiet ‘ thank-you ’.
         —     his gaze looked to you out of the corner of his eyes as he watched you lean back into your seat with a huff, fingers reaching infront of himself to fiddle with the pencil in his heads before deciding to speak up; “(name)-chan? what’s wrong?” “oh, i just…just forgot my pencil in my room, ‘s all.” you whispered back quietly, not wanting to interrupt the rather loud lecture (could you even call it that?) by Present Mic. Suddenly, a pencil rolled onto your desk, and you looked back to him, confused. “i have an extra, you can use it for now, i don’t mind!” he said, smiling softly. in reality that was the only pencil he had, but seeing the thankful smile curl onto your lips made it easy for him to forget. 
♡ . . . talks a lot ! we all know how he tends to mumble to himself, so i don’t see this being too far out of the normal for him! he slowly finds himself wishing and wanting to talk with you more, and so the speed starts to pick up — he just doesn’t want you to be bored with him! or worse, he doesn’t want you to think he doesn’t want to talk to you! D:
        —     midoriya looked over his shoulder to Iida, who had his hand firmly placed their with a small smile adorning his lips, “maybe you should give them time to respond, shouldn’t you?” he tried joking, uraraka giggling she leaned up against you, watching as midoriya’s face exploded in a burst of pinkish-red as he waved his hands in front of his face, embarrassed; “i-i’m sorry! i just love talking to them and-”
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♡ . . . quite observant! i think it’s safe to say that bakugo doesn’t seem like the sweet and romantic type, neither is he necessarily flirtatious. one thing i do see in him though is that he is very observant with his crush. he has an inclination to learn more about you, and that may throw you off in the beginning when he reminds you of something you completely forgot about, or when he might speak up for you, knowing what you like/think/want/etc (and then get defensive embarrassed when someone calls him on it). 
         —     “here.” he said firmly, confronting you after the last class of the day. he had his arm outstretched, one of his notebooks opened on a page as he held them out to you, offering while looking to the side. “wha-” “you didn’t finish the notes on the last lecture, didn’t you?” he asked, though the tone in his voice clearly wasn’t really questioning as he forced the notebook into your hand. “just get the notes back to me when you finish. and don’t take all night!!” he added sharply, shoving his hands into his pockets, waiting for you to confirm your understanding before making a small “tch” sound and walking off. 
♡ . . . the food though! i am very much in love with the overall head-cannon that bakugo is amazing at cooking, and i could see him doing this for the person he likes! i feel that if he started noticing you not eating at lunch time, or if he overhears you skipped breakfast (hah me), the next day he’ll come over tapping you on your shoulder just outside of the classroom and silently shove a small bento box of food into your hands with a stone-cold face with the excuse of “i had extra”. (kaminari’s whining in the background cause he had asked bakugo if he could have the food and was denied so quick lol)
        —     the box dropped onto your desk as the class just before lunch ended, looking up to meet bakugo’s eyes, already adverted as he gripped his bag’s strap tightly, hiding his face though anyone could see his red tipped ears. “j-just take it, okay? i had extra and you were the first person i saw!” he exclaimed defensively, seeing the questioning look on your face. kaminari pouted in the background, muttering something about “favoritism”. 
♡ . . . defends you! it may just be the serotonin kicking in, but imagine him defending you?? i can definitely see him jumping into a conversation if he hears any smack talk about you or your abilities/quirk, and you can bet he will slap whoever said anything about you over the head if they don’t immediately shut their mouths. 
       —     “what? do you expect me not to yell at them when they’re saying stupid shit like that?!” he yelled, rolling his eyes after kirishima told him to cool his jets. “you can’t just-” “i can, and i will!” “bakugo, how do you think (name) would feel if you beat that kid up?” “who cares about what they think!” kirishima just looked at him with crossed arms, a knowing look on his face as bakugo scoffed, looking away in defensive embarrassment. 
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♡ . . . walks you to and from classes! mostly for when the dormitory system is installed! ever since you both found out you were dorm neighbors/buddies, every morning you were met with soft knocks on your room door, and there stood a calm, collected todoroki — “shall we go?” 🥺 and then he waits for you at the end of every class as you pack your things into your bag.
        —     he stopped at the edge of your desk, patiently waiting for you to bag your notebooks and pencils quietly as other students started to clear out of the almost empty classroom, everyone already heading off to lunch. he could only look on, content, at seeing your hidden gleeful smile as he waiting for you to walk you to lunch, a flutter in his stomach. 
♡ . . . keeps track! i have a feeling that once he comes to terms with his crush on you, he might observe you silently (and respectfully of course) and figure out your schedule. he’ll end up reminding you of little things a few minutes before hand, and eventually it just becomes the daily “norm”. 
       —     “you’ll need this notebook for the next class, don’t forget.” he reminded softly, catching you right before you left as you had mistakenly left a notebook on your desk in your clamor to head to the next classroom. your smile and embarrassed “thank you” was enough to make the corner of his lips quirk up, even for a fleeting moment as he nodded in response. 
♡ . . . pretends! it sounds weird, but please, hear me out! i feel like every now and then, he might ask you the meaning of something or a subject that he found out you like a lot just so you can rant to him about it. he isn’t much of a talker, so he’d enjoy just watching and listening to you rant on something that you love. 
      —     “what’s ___?” he asked softly, looking to you for explanation. he watched the grin grow on your lips as you broke out into a conversation, mindless rambling until it evolved into full-blown ranting about the questioned subject, one of your favorites. in fact, todoroki already knew. he’s heard you speak of it before, he knew the general basics, but something about hearing you speak endlessly about the small subject with a wide smile on your face and hands flying around for gestures made his heart swell with an emotion he wasn’t sure he recognized. 
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© — mochi-marie.tumblr 2021 ⊱ please do not plagerize, repost, reproduce, edit / alter, or claim any works as your own.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || He Says Something Mean To You [Request]
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A/N: I’ll give someone a huge hug if they know the song referenced within the middle of Taehyungs….Hope this is okay for you ✨🌷💜
Being away from Jin was hard, you both loved each other very much so when you finally saved up enough money you decided to fly out and surprise him on tour thinking it would be a nice surprise but you were wrong. Jin was stressed out on tour, he was worrying about everything happening around him and now you were there adding to his stress levels, all he wanted to do was cuddle you and spend time with you but the schedule just wouldn't let him which led the fight in the middle of the hotel room,
"Jin I just asked what time you had to be there." You said as he paced around the hotel room, running his hands through his hair as he turned red in the face.
"I'm busy! I'm fucking busy to get used to it!" You jumped back as he raised your voice at you and nodded, knowing it was time to shut up and not talk to him. You knew when he was in a bad mood or stressed out it was best to stay out of the way and so you sat on the bed and waited for him to leave but he was still rambling on.
"I get it Jin," You whispered and he snapped, it was as if someone had replaced your boyfriend with someone you didn't recognise anymore and now he was blinded by anger and stress,
"You don't get it and you never will. You're not used to this lifestyle, just go home! No one wanted you to come and see me least of all me." He yelled and you felt your heart shatter at the bottom of your stomach, without another word he walked out of the room and you rushed to get up from the bed, packing up everything you'd brought with you and began looking for your passport if that's how he felt you couldn't be around him anymore.
Jin came back to the hotel room after practise expecting to find you still laying in the bed but he noticed all of your things were gone, nothing was in the room except for his clothes, he began calling your phone but it was going to answerphone.
"She's at the airport," Jungkook said as he looked at his phone to see Jin rushing out of the hotel, you'd told Jungkook that you were going home and not to tell Jin but he wasn't about to lie to the man that had helped raise him.
"Thanks!" Jin yelled as he reached the elevator doors and got inside, not giving up on your phone number and leaving messages for you.
"Thank you, please enjoy your flight." You began walking through the terminal when you heard someone screaming your name, you ignored it thinking you were going crazy when a hand grabbed your wrists and was attempting to pull you back out of the terminal, you followed the hand up to the face and Jin was standing there panting and sweating.
"Where are you going?" He asked as you got out of the terminal and stood near the side of the door, being watched by people who were boarding the plane.
"Home. I know when I'm not wanted." He thought back to that morning and felt bad,
"I didn't mean it-"
"Yes, you did. You never say anything you don't mean." You told him as you pulled your carry on bag over your shoulder, you were being watched by everyone who was passing by.
"We'll talk about it when you're home from tour." You told him but he shook his head,
"We'll talk about it back at the hotel." Your name was called out by the stewardess and you knew you had to get on the plane.
"I have to go." You told him but he wasn't letting go of you and you knew Jin would stand his ground all night if he had to.
"I won't hesitate to carry you back to the hotel." He threatened and you stared at the stewardess who was now shutting the terminal door, it was too late to get on the plane and you were going to have to go back with Jin.
"I'm swapping rooms with Namjoon." You said as you began walking with him in the direction of the car he'd taken to come and get you in,
"No, you're not," He mumbled to you but you ignored him, both of you could hold a grudge which in this case wasn't the best thing because you would hold this against him forever if you had to.
"You have to know I didn't mean it...I'm just tired and stressed." He explained as you got into the car, you wanted to believe him but he'd never shouted at you like that before.
"It was a mistake, I'm sorry, I promise." You bit on your lip and nodded at him, going to apologise for running away like a child instead of talking it out like the adults you were.
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You and Yoongi were having the same fight you'd been having for the last week, it would stop and start because neither of you liked fighting with one another. You both loved each other a lot but it was just hard sometimes, this week it was because he wasn't talking to you. He'd been too busy in the studio to spend time with you or text you back and you were starting to get upset by it, especially when he decided to stay over at the studio instead of coming home to your shared apartment. That morning you woke up without him by your side and you had enough, you wanted you boyfriend to come home, he didn't have to talk to you he just had to get a decent nights sleep. You wanted to make sure he was looking after himself even if you were bickering, you still cared about him a lot and you weren't going to let a small fight get in the way.
"Are you coming home tonight?" You asked as you stood in his studio, his eyes didn't lift from the screen and you knew he wasn't listening, he did this a lot when he was working, he would get lost in it so much he forgot the world around him. You stared around the studio and it looked like he was living on instant noodles and water,
"Yoongi?" You questioned and he turned around to look at you before turning his attention back to the screen,
"What do you want?" He grumbled at you as he began editing something on the screen,
"I want to know when my boyfriend is coming home." You answered him but again he said nothing, and you groaned starting to clean up the studio you didn't understand how he could work like that. Your hands were about to take a bottle from his desk when he pushed you away and started yelling about how he needed the space.
"For fuck sake! Just leave me alone," You looked at the floor not knowing what else to do with yourself all of your fights with Yoongi had been the same, there was never any yelling but now he was yelling at you.
"I was just trying to help-"
"Well don't! Stay out of my way and go home!" He was reddening in the face as he spoke to you,
"Yoongi I just want to know when you're coming home-"
"I'll come home when I come home! God, you just don't understand how this works! I need to stay here and finish this job Y/n! I can't just leave anytime I want because my girlfriend is feeling needy all of the damn time!" That one hurt, you nodded in agreement trying not to cry in front of him and you slowly made your way out of his studio, coming face to face with Namjoon and Hoseok who'd heard the yelling and came to see what was happening, you tried to hide your tears but Hoseok saw them as you sprinted away from them.
Yoongi walked through the front door of the apartment and noticed all of the lights were off which meant you were up in bed, he snuck through the living room and into the kitchen as quietly as possible and went to grab something proper to eat thinking about what Hoseok had been saying to him earlier. He told Yoongi you'd been crying but Yoongi knew it wasn't true, you never cried over anything. He walked back into the living room when he noticed your sleeping figure on the sofa, you were laid under a blanket and you had mascara running down your cheeks.
"Y/n?" You woke up as soon as his cold hands came into contact with your skin and you stared at him, he was studying your face as he took note of everything. Your eyes were bloodshot and you looked like you hadn't gotten changed, you were still dressed in the same clothes as earlier.
"If I'd have known you were coming home I would have cooked you something." You said as you noticed him holding another instant noodle pot in his hand, all thoughts of him yelling at you were gone from your mind but not his. Everything he'd said to you earlier came crashing back to him and he felt terrible, he said nothing but sat next to you and pulled you into his chest.
"I didn't mean a single thing I said to you....I'm just stressed and I know that is the dumbest excuse in the book but I am, the new comeback and everything around us has me stressed and I-" You shut him up by pressing your lips against his to stop him from ranting so much.
"Shut up." You mumbled as you pulled away from him, you were just happy he was back at home and talking to you again.
"Next time just...Just tell me when you're stressed and I'll stay out of the way." You yawned at him and he agreed to talk to you next time everything was getting too much for him at work, you nodded over to the stairs.
"Are you coming to bed though? I've missed falling asleep to your heartbeat." You admitted and he blushed at the comment, you'd always loved falling asleep with your head on his chest while he played with your hair and he did too, though he would never admit it to anyone but you.
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It was Hoseok's idea to bring you on tour with him so when he started to pick fights with you for seemingly no reason you got confused. You had no idea how the one you were currently having started, one moment you were sitting in the front row talking with Jungkook while Hoseok was practising on stage and then the next moment you knew Hoseok was yelling at you after that Jungkook made himself disappear and you were left being screamed at by your boyfriend of two years. You fought sometimes as all couples did but you didn't fight a lot so when you did it was as if a volcano had been dormant for a while and was finally letting everything it had inside of it spill out, destroying everything in its path. You stayed silent throughout his rant but that only seemed to make him madder at you,
"You're always complaining that I'm never spending time with you! Fuck! I never should have brought you along." You stared at him before the words sunk into your mind, you'd had enough of him yelling at you like that so you stood up from the chair you'd been sitting in and you looked around,
"If that's how you feel maybe I'll go home?!" You weren't yelling but you weren't talking, your voice was raised just a little so he would know how much he was hurting you by talking that way but it was as if he didn't care. The bright and bubbly boyfriend you had was gone and replaced with a cold Hoseok you didn't know or want to know, you scoffed at him and walked out of the way. Going to find someone that could take you back to the hotel where you could either leave or wait for Hoseok to come to his senses.
Hoseok came to his sense shortly after you left to leave for the hotel but he didn't have time to chase after you so he prayed you would wait for him in the hotel room, the whole concert his mind was somewhere else. He kept staring out into the crowd for you but you weren't there, he looked backstage for you and the staff said they hadn't seen you since you left hours ago so he rushed to the hotel, straight into your shared room to find nothing.
"Fuck...Call me when you get this Y/n, please. You know I never meant any of it, I love you." He said to your answerphone, he was frantically trying to reach people you would go to when the en-suite door opened and you walked out wearing one of his baggy shirts, checked some shorts, and your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth as you stared at him as he stared back at you hanging up his phone. He walked up to you and took the toothbrush from your mouth, wiping away the toothpaste that had dribbled down your chin he began to rant out an apology to you. Once he finished he watched you race into the bathroom,
"I didn't think my apology was that bad." He joked knowing you were spitting out your toothpaste that had been sitting in your mouth for an uncomfortable amount of time,
"It wasn't...But you still owe me." You told him as you came back out of the bathroom and over to him, he hummed in response and wrapped his arms around you.
"What would you like?"
"I would like extra cuddles tomorrow morning." You giggled and he agreed to that, knowing he had tomorrow off and he could spend the entire day with you to make up for everything he had said that morning, he knew it was wrong for him to rant on at you like that over something that wasn't your fault.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you." He said again as you got into the bed together, you shook your head at him. You understood that he was under stress and the tour was going to add to it so you wanted to drop the subject, but Hoseok didn't. He wanted you to know he didn't mean anything he said earlier, but he couldn't talk to you because as soon as he looked down you were asleep against his chest.
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You knew dating Namjoon was going to be difficult, the distance, the schedules and then there were always the rumours. Nothing played harder on your relationship with Namjoon than the multiple dating rumours that always came out about him, normally you could push them to the side and ignore them but it was getting harder when you were out on tour with him and he was being distant with you. Taehyung and you were sitting in the changing room watching Jungkook play some video game when Namjoon walked through the door, you waved at him but got no response so you stayed seated with the boys and continued watching Jungkook when you heard Namjoon and Yoongi talking about the rumours. You'd already seen them that morning and you knew they weren't true, of course, they weren't true. You and Namjoon were always together so unless he was sneaking off in the middle of the night they had to be lies. Namjoon must not have noticed that you were in the room because he and Yoongi began to joke about the star he was supposedly dating that week and he let something slip he shouldn't have,
"Maybe dating her would be better than dating someone normal." Jungkook paused the game as soon as the words left Namjoon's mouth and you scrambled to your feet to try and leave as quickly as possible but it was too late, Namjoon was staring at you and Jungkook was staring at Namjoon.
"Hyung I can't believe I just heard that." Jungkook said to Joon who was watching as you made your way out of the room, he didn't know what to do so he chased after you,
"What?" You asked as he caught up to you in the hallway,
"I didn't mean it- I was just joking."
"Sure, sure. I can take jokes Joonie, what I can't take is my boyfriend wishing he was dating someone that isn't normal." You yelled gaining attention from members of staff who were all stopping and watching you fight. It was something you and Namjoon rarely did, you'd maybe had two fights in the whole of your one-year relationship and one of them was over mint ice cream.
"Whatever. I'll be at the hotel." You turned into a sprint before Namjoon could stop you and he raced after you to try and stop you leaving the venue.
When Namjoon got back to the hotel you were in the bed pretending to be asleep, you didn't want him to know you'd spent the rest of the afternoon crying into the hotel room bed.
"Baby are you asleep?" You stayed silent and kept your breathing level even after he crawled in next to you and wrapped his arms around your body,
"I know you're not." He whispered as he kissed your shoulder blade, you rolled over to face his chest and he sighed running his hands through your hair and trying to think of a way to talk about it when you spoke up,
"Can we forget you said it? I know it was a joke...I'm just-"
"Upset that I can't deny the rumours?" He finished for you and you nodded, it always upset you that you couldn't scream from the tallest building that you loved that man but you understood why and it made it a little better until rumours came out about him.
"You didn't know I was there-"
"There or not I shouldn't have said it Y/n, I love you for you and I shouldn't have said it would be easier because she wasn't normal." You nodded and he sighed holding you tighter, he wanted to lay there like that all night but he hadn't showered after the show and he was starting to cling to his clothes,
"Come and shower with me." He whispered in your ear before you both sat up in the bed.
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Jimin had been having the time of his life on tour, he'd gone out drinking with the boys and came home to an empty hotel room with no girlfriend telling him what to do and not do which is why it was such a shock to him to come home from tour and have it all back all at once, you always being there. He walked through the living room door one night a week after getting back from tour and you greeted him as you normally would when he got home from the studio, a hug and a kiss before making him something to eat and he loved it, he really did but he just wasn't in that mood that night.
"I thought we could do something tonight," You said as you brought him some food but he wasn't listening he was too busy on his phone to even notice that you'd been talking to him.
"Jimin?" You asked but he shoved you off him and went back to his phone, he was looking through videos on his phone of him and the boys getting drunk in a hotel room and laughing. He missed being able to just let go and have fun like that.
"I think I'm going to go out with the boys tonight." He said as he got up from the sofa and looked around for his keys,
"I was hoping we could spend time together tonight-"
"No, you should go and hang out with your own friends. I bet they miss you." He said as he found his keys and headed to the front door,
"Jimin I don't want you to go out tonight."
"Why are you being so needy tonight?! You're always so controlling!" He yelled before he could even process what he was trying to say, you just nodded and then looked at your phone,
"I'm going to stay out tonight at Y/f/n," You lied going upstairs to pack a bag for the night and find somewhere to sleep later.
You woke up the next morning to Jimin laying next to you, you moved away from him. How did he get into the hotel room you'd rented out for the night. You looked around the room and he was dressed in jeans and a shirt, he'd clearly not meant to fall asleep next to you. Deciding not to wake him up you went to have a shower, trying to wash off everything he'd said to you the night before, questioning everything you'd ever done with him. Were you controlling or was he just in a mood last night?
"You look like you're thinking too hard." Jimin's hoarse morning voice called out, you turned off the water and got out from the shower.
"Are you ignoring me now?" He asked as he followed you into the hotel room, you didn't want to ignore him but you had nothing to say to him,
"Why did you stay here and not at Y/f/n's place?" He questioned and you looked over at him, he was standing shirtless between the bathroom and hotel room,
"We're not on talking terms." You told him not wanting to go into the details right now with him so he just nodded,
"Do you want to come and join me in the shower?" You shook your head and he groaned, he knew he was going to have to say sorry for everything he'd said to you but he was hoping you would just know he was sorry.
"What I said was wrong I know, but you have to know I didn't mean it right? It's just me being an idiot." You watched him as he unbuttoned his jeans, you knew what he was trying to do and it was working, he was going to strip in front of you to distract you from being mad at him.
"Am I really controlling though? I don't mean to be, I just want to spend time with you." You whispered, he came over to you and tilted your head up to look at him.
"You're not controlling, you never have been and you never will be. I was just being a dick last night." You watched him as he kissed your nose and pulled you in the direction of the bathroom.
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Taehyung just wanted to come home and relax after a long day at the studio but he came into the apartment to find you blasting out music through the TV and typing away on your laptop, you were working on a final essay and music helped you a lot with it. Taehyung knew this so he just asked you to put earphones in,
"Sure, how was work?" You questioned as you continued typing up your essay and he ignored the question going to have a shower and to try and unwind a little. You knew what he was like after a rough day so you let him to his usual thing and continued writing away on your laptop with your earphones slid in so you wouldn't bother Taehyung after his shower.
Throughout the night Taehyung kept complaining to you about your typing, telling you it was too loud and he couldn't relax so you left the room, going up to the bedroom to stay out of his way. Normally if it wasn't important you would put it off but the essay was due soon and you had to finish it no matter what that night. Taehyung came up later and laid down on the bed, you'd gotten so lost in the words on the screen you'd forgotten he was there until he slammed the laptop shut cutting off the music you'd been listening to,
"You're so fucking annoying tonight. I just want to relax and you're just being so loud." You watched as he rolled over in the bed and faced away from you, you got off the bed and made your way down the stairs to the sofa instead.
Taehyung woke up in the middle of the night and rolled over when he noticed you weren't there he was confused and went on the hunt for you, finding you on the floor of the living room surrounded by bits of paper, the only thing illuminating your face was the light on your laptop and next to you was an instant hot pot that you'd cooked up for yourself but never ate. He shut the laptop after making sure your work was saved before he picked you up and started moving you the stairs to the bedroom,
"Tae?" You questioned as you woke up, he grunted as he laid you down on the mattress you wondered what he was doing as he covered you up with the covers and got back into the bed beside you.
"I can't sleep without you." You nodded and he tried to wrap his arms around you a natural sleeping stance for you both but he felt you tense up as he did and he remembered everything he'd said to you earlier in the night,
"I don't mean to be annoying Tae, I just really had to finish the assignment." He sighed as he heard you sniffle, he hadn't meant a single thing he'd said to you. He'd been having a rough day at work and he didn't want to come home to more typing sounds when that's all that Jimin had done in the studio with him.
"I didn't have to be so rude about it." He whispered to you, he felt you relax in his arms as he kissed the back of your neck and you smiled to yourself.
"I am really sorry about what I said." He told you as you rolled around to face him, your head laying on his chest as he played with your hair, you hummed and he began to tell you about his day. You weren't paying too much attention because you were tired from writing your essay but once Taehyung knew you were asleep he kissed the top of your head and closed his eyes so he could sleep as well.
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Another day, another rumour about Jungkook. Normally you were able to ignore them all, you and Jungkook were in love and no rumour about him cheating on you was going to change that but lately, he'd been getting distant with you and acting strangely whenever you were alone together. You'd tried to ignore it but it was getting to the point now where you couldn't simply ignore the way he was acting. He came home from a long day that night and he found you on the sofa with a book in your hands, he leant over the side of the sofa and gave you a quick kiss on the head, something he hadn't done in a long time,
"Whoa, the great Jungkook has blessed me with a kiss." You tried to joke but he didn't find it funny, in fact, it pissed him off so much that it started a fight between you both. You were both stood yelling at each other from across the room, things about him being away too much, not giving you enough attention and then he threw down that he was one of the main people that brought money for the household which you knew and he knew was the biggest lie. You worked a lot just like him except he got more pay since he was famous. You bent down to pick up the book you'd been reading to leave the room when the magazine that was underneath fell onto the floor and in front of you both, you stared down at the photoshopped image fo Jungkook and another pretty celebrity and then back up at him.
"I bet she'd get off my back about not seeing her if we were dating." He joked just like you had before except this one hurt more because you'd told him about how insecure you were about the woman in the magazine. She was perfect for Jungkook while you felt like someone he was ashamed to be around, you picked up the magazine from the floor and shoved it against his chest.
"Maybe you should phone her up then, I'm sure she'd love to put up with the rumours I do." You grumbled storming out of the living room and in the direction of the bedroom where you slammed and the locked the door to stop him from getting inside.
You woke up to the sound of a vase smashing and Jungkook groaning, you sat up in the bed and reached for the light switch. As soon as your eyes adjusted to the new light source you saw Jungkook sitting under the open bedroom window and staring at the broken flower vase.
"Kookie?" You questioned as you stared at him on the floor, he looked up and then at the broken glass.
"I'll buy a new one." He mumbled getting up from the floor and walking to the bedroom door to unlock it,
"You locked me out." He told you as if you didn't know that already, he made his way over to the bed and sat down beside you,
"It was supposed to keep you out." He laughed nervously as you stared at him and he sighed,
"I didn't mean it..." He told you as he sat back against the headboard taking you in his arms and dragging you back there with him.
"And you know the rumours are fake. I would never do anything, intentionally, to hurt you." He reminded you as you laid your head on his chest listening to him apologise to you, you hummed in response
"You've been so distance I just though-"
"I've been distant because I'm working on something for you, it was supposed to be a surprise but I guess it's not anymore." You stared at him and he sighed,
"I won't go into details but I promise we won't have to hide our relationship much longer." You smiled up at him softly and he kissed the top of your head,
"Let's go to sleep." He whispered to you, leaving the broken vase on the floor for tomorrow morning instead.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @yourguessisasgoodasminemate​ @kpopfanfictionhoes​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​
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damn-stark · 3 years
I stumbled on a tiktok about jean’s ova and couldn’t help but think how would cherry be in it. Do you think she would’ve been team jean or sasha? And how she would’ve beat his ass over how he treated his mother?😭😭😭😭
Well first she would’ve been in neither team, she would’ve quietly watched from the back with Marco. But she would have a reaction about how Jean treated his mother….
(I know these might annoying, but these are so fun, especially when the ideas just come to mind!) (I’ll edit later)
“A cooking contest,” you snicker and cover your mouth so as to not spit your water out. “Do you even know—” you look up and see Jean glaring at you, causing you to cut yourself off and lose your smile whilst you take another sip of water. “You’ll do great. We’re totally rooting for you.”
“You two better.” He pointed at Marco and you in front of him.
“I do got to say though,” you smile and glance at Reiner at the other side of the room. “Rooting against you is tempting.”
“Pft.” Marco scoffs.
You shrug, “he’s gotta know that I’m supporting him.”
“You’d betray me to be with him?” Jean snaps bitterly.
“Betray?” You queried. “I’m not betraying anyone. But five years from now who am I going to be dating? Not you. Him.” You look down at the table and smile. “He’s gotta know that I’ve been faithful from the start.”
“How are you going to date the man if you don’t tell him?”
“Well,” you continue with a smirk as you meet Jean’s gaze. “At least I talk to the person I like in complete sentences.”
Jean’s gaze burns into you and he scowls before snapping. “Why don’t you shut up you dork!”
You set your cup down and pinch your eyebrows together. “What’s up your ass today?” You stand up and collect your stuff. “Come on Marco, we still have things to do.” You spare a last glance at Jean and scoff before walking away. He doesn’t look or talk back to either of you and just glares at his plate as he gets lost in thought.
Just as you’re about to go out albeit you stop as an older woman in regular clothes comes in behind a soldier, her eyes instantly fall on the crowd of cadets below and the man begins to direct the crowd. “Is Jean Kirstein here?”
You stay by the railing with Marco to watch what will go on below.
“Sir! That’s me!”
“Your mother is here.” The man says, making Marco and you share a quick look before watching the woman walks down the stairs and makes a beeline towards Jean.
“Jean-boy! Jean-boy why haven’t you come home?! Thomas Wagner visited his, you know. You’re such a silly boy.” The woman kept rambling on.
The longer you looked at Jean the more horrified he looked. People around the room also began to whisper about him and their curious stares didn’t depart, making Jean look even more embarrassed. Which was understandable, your mother wasn’t in your life, nor was your father, but if this happened to you, you’d share Jean’s feelings over a mothers surprise visit.
“Maybe we should go help him,” you suggest to Marco who doesn’t hesitate to agree. Yet as you both begin walking back down the stairs Jean’s mom begins wiping the stain on his pants, causing Jean to finally react, only he snapped and tore his moms hand away and began to shout at her, making Marco and you stop in your tracks.
“Forget it! Just go home!” He pushes her back, but she seems unaffected. Marco and you share another look and stay in your spot, deciding to not help as you intended and continue watching, this time though your sympathy wasn’t there. Not as you took note how harsh he was, or that some cadets here didn’t have mothers like Jean’s. Sure it was embarrassing, but his harsh manner wasn’t needed.
“But I brought these for every—”
“Nobody wants it!” Jean cuts her off, shoving the apples off the table.
“Jean-boy!” Jean’s mom exclaims. “Everyone.” She begins to direct to the group. “I hope you’re getting along with my poor little son.”
Jean’s eyes lift and meet Marco’s and yours, and his face grows even more red.
“Jean-boy, I made your favorite.” His mother continues, beginning to pull something out from her basket. However Jean just explodes and tells her to get lost as he drags her out of the room.
Tsk. How rude.
Once again Jean looks between Marco and you, expecting some sort of comment, but you just look at him with a disappointed look before you walk out of the room with Marco in tow.
“So what do you guys say?”
You tilt your head and narrow your gaze, you spot Marco about to open his mouth and you knew it was to help out of pity because you knew he felt bad that Jean didn’t have anyone to help now that Armin and Annie left his team, but after how Jean treated his mom, you couldn’t be so forgiving.
“No.” You cross your arms over your chest and lean back on the box you were sitting on. “We’re not helping you. One, we can’t risk being caught stealing, Levi will have my head if I did. And two, well no. We didn’t like how you treated your mom.”
Jean clenches his fists and his lip curls. “That’s none of your business.”
“Perhaps not, but you should be considerate.” You scold him, letting Marco speak his mind.
“We’re still friends with you Jean,” Marco assured him, “but y/n is right. You were harsh. We’ll watch the contest though.”
“Whatever,” Jean spats, “I don’t need either of you.”
You huff but stay put as Jean storms away—“it will pass.” Marco mutters.
From then on you continued with your work until the contest, that’s when you did as you told Jean. Marco and you watched the contest and witnessed Jean win, which shouldn’t have been surprising, but considering that he won against Sasha’s meal It must’ve been something. You only hoped he’d at least speak with his mom before you left for camp again.
“Marco, y/n. You’re here.” Jean says quietly as he approaches you after the crowd began to scatter.
“Well we wouldn’t miss it,” Marco assured him. “You’re our friend.”
“Even if you can be…mean.” You mumble.
Jean drops his head and his cheeks grow pink. “I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have snapped at either of you. And I think agreeing not to help me was the best thing, I was being an asshole.”
You offer him a small smile and walk toward him to pat his shoulder. “Just be more considerate, yeah? I mean things happen from one day to the next, I can’t tell you how to do things or how to get along with your parents, but just be…”
“Considerate.” Jean finishes for you. “I know. You’ve said that already. I’ll talk to her tomorrow. After all it was her recipe that let me win.”
“I was going to say appreciative, but as long as you understand.” You begin walking out of the stage grounds and grin. “Hey, what about making us some of that omelet you made? I want to see what all the fuss is about.”
“That’d be great,” Marco agrees.
“Fine,” Jean smiles, “just be ready though. I’m amazing at cooking!”
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koocycle · 4 years
if not forever | jk drabble
pairing. jungkook x reader
summary. “i wanted to be with you for a long time, if not forever. you ruined that. you ruined many things.”
wc. 1.6k
warnings. none
a/n. kinda messy post break up drabble. wrote this in one go and did not (!!) proof read nor edit ahaaa my sincere apologies if this is the worst thing u ever read
“what’s so funny?”
your voice comes out a little harsher than you had officially intended to and for some odd reason, you had hoped to throw him off guard with it. however, the same beautiful yet forced grin keeps its place on his face. the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes yet he makes no effort into erasing it, maintaining his gaze on the plates of seafood in front of him.
“i’m sorry, i don’t mean to laugh at you,” he speaks with his mouth still stuffed with the fried shrimps you ordered earlier, showing you he kept his old habits you always told him to get rid off. “but it’s kinda funny to me.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you lie as you reposition yourself in your seat. he doesn’t need to see it, but he knows your fingers are nervously fumbling with the edge of the table cloth.
“you do, though.” the man in front of you places his chopsticks neatly back in place whilst speaking, still not making any eye contact.
“you don’t even like the dude. you’re making him look ridiculous sitting here.” he dares to state out loud, chewing on the last remains in his mouth.
the urge to roll your eyes at the man is getting stronger, and at first you decide to not give him the satisfaction of an answer. you have better things to do, you keep repeating to yourself. you don’t have time for such childish acts, you decide. that until he speaks up again.
“what even was that story about? dude keeps talking about his art galleries and shit. as if you could care less.” he snickers cockily into the warm air.
“drop it, jeongguk.”
“oh and don’t get me started on when he began to show off his paintings.” he huffs, “he was literally fishing for compliments. couldn’t be more obvious.” he continues on, taking another sip of his sparkly water. “he thinks he’s the shit because he owns a pair of designer shoes and a gucci bag.”
“excuse me, taehyung is a very fine man. thank you very much.” you snap at him, not taking his harsh words any longer.
“sure.” he holds his hands up in the air. “i’m just saying, he isn’t what you’re looking for.”
“and what am i looking for, jeongguk?” you ask almost immediately, fed up with his attitude and big ego. “since you know me so well, tell me everything about it.”
“i’m not trying to invade your life, since you decided i shouldn’t be a part of it any longer-”
you hold your finger up in the air, shushing him mid-sentence, “give me a minute to take notes, yeah?”
a beat of silence passes through the both of you, each of you way too stubborn to break the intense eye contact you are sharing. bubbles of laughter erupt on the tables beside yours, happy couples and families making the most out of their night, the tense atmosphere on the table next door going completely unnoticed by them.
and for the first time this night, you and jeongguk are actually, sincerely looking at each other. the previous hour before taehyung excused himself to the bathroom was filled with awkward small talk and tacky glances that didn’t last any longer than a second.
you didn’t plan to find your ex in this restaurant this exact night. fuck, you didn’t plan to see him ever again, you assured yourself it was better for your own mental health. and when your tinder date decided to meet up at his favorite restaurant? what would you do then? you’d go nonetheless. because what were the odds of seeing the one person you didn’t bet on seeing tonight? the chances were small, that for sure, but with your luck, you should’ve seen it coming.
and what would you do when your ex introduced himself to your new date as an old friend of yours? of course you’d sit down at his table. of course you would, because your prince charming for the night was a beautiful social butterfly. as talented as he is, as breathtaking as he looks, it wasn’t enough and he just had to be social enough to accompany this so called old friend on his table.
“i just don’t get how you can date him.” he sighs into the air, leaning back in his chair with a huff.
“he seems like a cool person to be around, whether or not he reaches your standards,” you say, slumping down your own seat now. “and we’re not dating.”
“you’re going on dates with him.” he corrects himself. “and you bring him to places i’ve been bringing you to the past three years?”
you hate the sharp edge to his tone. you hate the desperate search for answers which is evident in his voice. you hate it. you caused it, you’re aware. and the pang in your chest grows each second of taehyung’s absence.
“how could you throw us aside like that?”
his voice is booming loud and clear through your ears, and even though you had been expecting this question sooner or later tonight, you still hadn’t figured out a solid answer for him. you wish you had.
“did those three years mean nothing to you?” he has so many questions bottled up inside of him, so many questions he has collected over the past months, unable to form any solid answers himself - so now that you’re in front of him, he has to take his chances, no?
the sight of you not making any eye contact is irritating him, though. he doesn’t see, but he knows you’re staring at your fumbling fingers under the table, folding the edges of the napkin placed on your lap. your pretty lips are shut tight, the beautiful toothy smile he was once able to appear on your face, has disappeared. your silence is killing him.
“did they mean nothing to you?” he asks again, his voice slightly cracking halfway.
you feel his stare burning on your face, you hear the way he holds his breath for a few seconds. and it pains you. “they did. they still do.”
“then why did we stop? we were perfect together.” his voice lowers a few octaves, “we were perfect.”
“i planned to stay with you for a long time, if not forever.” he says, unable to keep his stares away from you. he hates how you’re able to stay so silent, proving all the assumptions that had been swerving in his mind to be right. he wants to yell at you for being so calm, he wants you to know how he’s been feeling the past couple of months. like total shit.
he loves you so much. he loves you so much that it hurts. he loves you so much that he wants you to go through the pain he’s been going through. he may know it’s selfish, but the way you’re sitting there, slumped onto your seat, giving him answers filled with silence - he doesn’t care no more. doesn’t want to care.
“don’t say stuff like that, guk. you don’t mean that.” you rub your temples in a tired manner. “we both know that wasn’t going to work with the way things were going between us.”
they way his name leaves your lips in such an unfamiliar manner makes his head spin.
“you thought it wasn’t going to work.” he snaps, and loudly so, making a few heads turn in your direction. “you thought so many things and you made a rashed decision that isn’t better for neither of us.”
he continues on, “i wanted to stay with you for forever. you ruined that - you ruined many things. you ruined the beautiful things we had.” he rambles, and you can feel your heart beat against your ribcage now. “i bet you didn’t even think twice about the break up. bet you just went up and left. probably for this guy too. you didn’t care - you don’t care about those years. you’re selfish.”
“you gotta stop it, guk.”
“i have to remind myself to not be sad when i go home to an empty house when i leave work.” he says, an accusing finger pointing your way. “i loved you and you didn’t give two shits. i have to wake up and go to bed with a shit feeling whilst your out here going on dates with guys you barely know?”
you catch your breath in your throat. you want him to know how much he meant to you - how much he still means to you. how you’re going through it as well. you’re not sure if he’d still believe you, considering the circumstances you were in.
“i’m going through it as well, jeongguk. i swear i am. just as much as you.” you reach for his hands resting on the table, needy for some contact.
he pulls himself away from you, though. so your hands fall on the wooden table in defeat. “this is as hard for me as it is for you. but i had to do this. what we had wasn’t healthy.”
he nods as if he understands you. he doesn’t. his lips purse and his glossed eyes are the last thing you see before he tears his gaze away and grabs his stuff on the chair next to him.
“you don’t understand.” he mumbles, right before he goes up and leaves.
you call out for him a couple more times, but he’s not listening, so you watch him from afar, just until you hear the heavy door of the restaurant go to a shut.
and you cry.
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