#i am sleep deprived so the former for me
eltonjohndenver · 5 months
simian and grogfunkel songlist
-me is rock
-sound of ooga booga
-only living boy left in cave
-stick over water
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taradactyls · 4 months
Trying to Tread Water: Chapter Thirty
The Elizabeth/Darcy Marriage of Convenience fic no one asked for
Chapter Thirty: Elizabeth's first ball in town - and the first official dance she is attending as Mrs Darcy - has arrived. As have the Darcy family's collection of jewellery, which Mr Darcy sent for. Of course, despite that their marriage was made to secure her safety, his love for Elizabeth means he wants none but her to wear them. They stay close to each other during the ball, and he cannot keep his eyes off her. Especially when they dance.
Read on Ao3 here
First reviews of Chapter Thirty: "Honestly when I get the email this story has updated I get very excited and it’s a proper treat! I made a coffee and sat down to read it as soon as possible." "Loved this update! Oh man the vibes during that dance were just perfect." "I'm literally so unreasonably happy that they had a nice night out😭😭 grinning in public like a lunatic rn..." "I really loved the ball in its entirety, honestly. The descriptions of the room and atmosphere, and especially the last dance, all speaks to your writing prowess. 12/10, would recommend." "This story is my absolute favorite notification and I seriously enjoy reading it so much! The characters, the world building, just so incredibly well done!"
Story updates on Ao3 fortnightly, with Chapter Thirty-One coming out on the 17th May.
Story tags: Elizabeth/Darcy, Marriage of Convenience, Unrequited Love, Not Really Unrequited Love, Slow Burn, Pining, Pining Despite Being Married, Mr Darcy thinks his worst enemy is Wickham but maybe it's himself.
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heartfulrosebud · 2 months
What if my name was Emily. Just Emily, no Mia involved whatsoever, just good ol fashioned E M I L Y
There's even nicknames ! Em, Emmy, Emma (it's literally a different name but some people use it as a nickname??), so many more options than Mia
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heartsfromia · 2 years
a helping hand — c. seungcheol
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pairing: non-idol! seungcheol x f!reader
word count: 4,872
genre: minor angst, fluff, workplace romance
warnings: reader experiences sleep deprivation, curse words, reader is a b*tch to cheol cuz of sleep deprivation and an annoying manager
author's notes: i have returned with more (not proofread) writing !
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Your eyes were practically filled with lead as you stared at your computer screen, the design you had opened on Photoshop blurring as consciousness continues to slip past your fingers. Whatever you had planned on fixing with the design in front of you was long gone with your sanity and will to stay awake. As darkness surrounds you, all you could hear is the clicking of your mouse and keyboard, your department completely empty aside from you.
Your eyes flickered to the bottom corner of your screen; 08:24 PM, it read. Everyone else in the department had gone home, at six, but because your annoying, and cutthroat new team manager was giving you so much crap for the designs you submitted for next quarter’s social media, you were forced to work later to fix the mistakes she had pointed out.
It wasn’t unusual for the design team to stay later in the office to finish up projects, but your former team manager never allowed anyone to stay past seven. Safe to say, your new team manager didn’t care—all she cared about was that you work quick, and efficient. If it requires staying overnight at the office, then better bring out your neck pillow.
“Hello? Is someone still here?” Jumping in your chair, you looked over the dividers of your cubicle, spotting Seungcheol, an employee in the Marketing division, standing by the door.
Raising your hand, you announced, “I am.”
Seungcheol’s eyes squinted, trying to spot you through the dark before his eyebrows knitted together in confusion upon seeing you in the empty room. “Y/N? What are you still doing here?” His footsteps echoed throughout the empty room, approaching you and seating himself in the cubicle beside you. “Working on something?”
You weakly nodded, sleep returning to fog your brain. “I have revisions from Hyunhee.”
“Our new team manager,” you grumbled, just thinking about the woman made your head ache in annoyance. “Since Jiha is on maternal leave, I have to handle both hers and my own projects, and Hyunhee—safe to say—” you motioned to the empty room “—she’s a pain in my ass.”
Seungcheol couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head. “And this?” He nodded his head towards your computer.
“It’s for next quarter’s Instagram feed, but Hyunhee has a completely different idea to what my former team manager had, so she hates every single thing that I’ve given her.”
“Really? She’s that bad?”
You nod, your lips jutting out slightly as you recall how terrible Hyunhee was to you since she became the team manager. “I don’t get it, though—don’t get me wrong, she’s a nightmare to everyone, but it feels especially bad when it comes to me.”
“How come?”
“It might be because on her first day, I had a septum piercing, and she called me out on that saying it’s unprofessional and that I should remove it,” you explained, the design on your computer long forgotten as you shifted in your chair to face Seungcheol. Your brows furrowed upon a realization, “Wait, why are you still here?”
“I left at six, but came back because I forgot my phone charger,” he explained, “and since the janitor was mopping up the area in front of the lift, I chose to go down the stairs and walked past here and noticed the light in your cubicle.”
“It must be nice having an overbearing manager,” you mumbled, adding, “you can leave once work hours are over.”
“Why don’t you continue it tomorrow, Y/N?” He takes a gander at your work. “It looks good, too, you can do finishing touches tomorrow morning.”
“Because Hyunhee wants it tomorrow, before she comes in,” you responded, the urge to cry out of frustration growing stronger. “And this design is the one that she rejected, all of it.” You couldn’t but chuckle at Seungcheol when he stares at you with widened eyes, shocked.
“Is this even allowed? I get staying an hour after work hours end, but it’s almost nine, Y/N.”
“She doesn’t really care, just cares that the project is complete and placed on her desk when she asked for it,” you informed him, and immediately looked away as he stares at you in pity. It’s pathetic, really, to feel obligated to invest so much time and energy for something you knew could be completed within working hours. Maybe you were scared of Hyunhee. Rumors say that she got the job as team manager because she is indirectly connected to the Chief of Operation in your company, and you didn’t want to find out what would happen if you crossed the line.
Or in this case, submit a late project.
“Do you want me to accompany you while you work on this? I don’t mind staying in late,” Seungcheol offered, and your heart couldn’t help but melt at his offer. You couldn’t lie that being accompanied by an attractive guy as the hours grow late wasn’t a bad thing—it could help keep you awake, too, but you felt bad. This wasn’t Seungcheol’s project to complete, it was (unfortunately) yours.
So, you shook your head, giving him a reassuring smile, “No need, Cheol. I might go home in twenty minutes, and continue then.”
“I’ll accompany you until then, Y/N,” he states, sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest to indicate he wasn’t going to move.
“Seriously, Cheol, you can go home, I’ll be fine.”
He only shakes his head, standing (or sitting) his ground. He then nods his head towards your abandoned project. “Go on, Y/N, move it to your USB.”
As you move the files to your flash drive, Seungcheol stood from the chair, eyes wandering around your cubicle space, noticing the little pictures you had all around the walls of the divider—there were a few of you with your friends and family, none that came off to be anything more than platonic.
Why was he even looking to see if you had a partner or not? His cheeks heated at the realization when his heart raced at the possibility of you being single.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, what?” You couldn’t help but chuckle seeing his flustered face beneath the dim lighting of your cubicle. Your interactions with Seungcheol aren’t daily, but they’re enough to have you form an interest towards the Marketing division employee. He’s also the only one from the Marketing division that doesn’t give ridiculous deadlines like the rest of his team.
“I’m ready,” you repeated, and he nodded, taking a step back to allow you to walk ahead of him after turning off your desk lamp and the two of you left the office.
“Do you usually stay at the office this long?” Seungcheol asks as the two of you stepped into the elevator, and you shake your head no before answering, leaning your back against the metal walls.
“Not really, I get really bad headaches if I stay up too long, so safe to say I’m going to have a blast tomorrow at work,” you answered with a bitter chuckle. “It wouldn’t be a problem if right when I get home, I sleep, but I still have a lot to fix before tomorrow morning, so…” You trailed off with a shrug, Seungcheol’s look of concern not going unnoticed, causing you to chuckle. “It’s fine, Cheol… I’ll be fine.”
He only nodded, not convinced enough but didn’t press on. “Did you drive here?”
“Yeah, I did.” He nodded, and that was the end of your conversation as the two of you bid goodbye before climbing into your cars and driving separate directions towards your homes. As you had told him, the moment you stepped into your apartment, you didn’t directly fall into the soft covers of your bed, knowing well enough that the second your head touches your fluffed up pillow, you’d be out like a light.
So, you placed your work laptop onto your coffee table, arranging your pillows in a way that allowed you to sit on your wooden floor without flattening your butt. You brewed up a shot of espresso, ordering something to snack on as you turned on your personal laptop for an ambience. Once you felt that you could comfortably continue the project, you put on your headphones and got to work, eyes flickering between the laptop and the sheet of paper that Hyunhee had revised, making sure that all details she demanded of were there.
It was 4:52 AM when you finally finished everything, double checking and adjusting all elements before saving and resting your head on your arms that were folded on the coffee table. Despite downing two cups of iced coffee, the caffeine could not completely erase your exhaustion and soon enough, you awoke to your alarm, indicating that it was already eight in the morning, and you needed to be in the office before nine-thirty.
As you pushed yourself up, your head immediately spun, your vision blurring and for a couple seconds, an aching feeling pierced through your skull, forcing you to have to sit for a minute to let it pass. Damn it, today was going to be difficult to get through with your obvious sleep deprivation. Not even taking an ibuprofen could aid the headache that was going to worsen the longer you stayed awake, but you couldn’t call in sick, especially an hour before the day starts. Hyunhee has always nagged about last-minute excuses, asking (demanding) all of you to inform her 24 hours before, and anything after would not be allowed.
Pushing yourself, you quickly showered, deciding to grab breakfast on the way and within twenty minutes, you were out of your apartment and on the way to the office. Upon arrival, you practically sprinted to your office, eyes locking with your co-workers as they stare at you and shake their heads, indicating that Hyunhee hasn’t arrived yet. With a sigh of relief, you tip-toe into your supervisor’s office, placing the printed results and found your cubicle, practically falling onto your chair.
“Hey, Y/N, you okay?” You glance over at Yeeun, finding her staring at you with a look of concern. “You look really pale, Y/N, how much sleep did you get last night?”
“Barely any,” you answered with a pout, grabbing your phone to see your face. Although, you couldn’t really tell the difference. You did feel terrible, but safe to say, work isn’t that fun for you to put on so much effort for a job that doesn’t pay you enough. “I finished the Youngbok project just this morning.”
“Seriously? You’re still working on that?”
Before you could answer, Hyunhee bid everyone a good morning as she entered the department, her heels clicking against the ceramic floor as she walks into her office. You could only share a knowing look with your co-worker as you sunk into your chair.
It was good twenty minutes of peace in the Graphic Designs department, the clicking of keyboard and mice, and soft murmuring of the employees filling the air before a shrill yell emerged from Hyunhee’s office, a shiver running up your spine as you realized in your sleep deprived state that she had called you.
Yeeun shared the same look of genuine fear with you, as everyone stared at you with wide-eyes. You stood from your chair, the steps you took to Hyunhee’s office felt heavy, as if the soles of your shoes were filled with lead. Dread began to fill your body to the tips of your hair as you gently knock on your superior’s door, her eyes glaring at you before staring at the sheets of printed out designs you had laid out. You entered her office after excusing yourself in a tone nothing higher than a whisper, and she glances between the door and you, signaling you to close the door.
This isn’t going to end well, you couldn’t help but think as you push the door, the clicking of the lock practically echoing throughout the department, everyone outside of where you were, were sat at the edge of their seat, fearing for what was about to happen.
There was a deafening silence as you stood in front of her desk, watching as she flips through your designs, and you felt yourself disassociating for a second, in a daze as your eyes gloss over while staring at her crossing out everything with her wretched red marker.
A slam of the compiled prints against the ceramic floor broke your daze, and you found your designs by your feet, on the floor.
If you were pale from sleep deprivation then, you were now pale from pure fear.
“What the hell is that?”
“I-it’s the revised designs you asked of me,” you stutter, internally beating yourself up for sounding so scared.
“Are you sure? Because I asked for designs, not pure rubbish, Y/N,” she insults, her words laced purely with venom as she stares you down. Not knowing what to say, you stayed quiet and she took that opportunity to berate you even more. “I don’t understand what Mr. Kim had saw in you, but it sure as well wasn’t anything good, because how is that you have worked in this department for so long, and yet, are incapable of providing compelling designs, hm?”
“I’m sorry, Hyunhee, I will work on it and fix everything I did wrong,” you quickly apologized, kneeling down to pick up the papers.
She leans forward, resting her chin atop her hands, as she glares at you. “I want them today, before you leave the office—even if that means you have to spend the night here, I don’t care.”
“I-I understand,” you muttered, ducking your head.
“Leave.” She didn’t have to tell you twice before you dipped out of her office, tossing the paper onto your desk and slumped into your seat. You wanted to cry. You wanted to cry and scream, but you didn’t want to give Hyunhee the satisfaction that she actually broke you apart. All eyes were on you, however, everyone knew better than to bother or ask someone after they had faced the devil incarnate. Yeeun found it difficult to turn a blind eye on your obvious disoriented state, from both sleep deprivation and having faced Hyunhee so early in the morning, but she knew you’d snap if she even poked you.
You wanted to leave, walk out of the office because you believed you didn’t deserve to be treated like that unwarranted, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t bring your feet to stand up and walk out that door knowing well enough that you can never come back in. You would have lost your job—all the work that you put into this job for the past year would be thrown out the window because a woman that has barely sat in that office feels that she has power over you, and your future. In a way, she did. Her words will always go against yours, and hers—backed by the connections that got her this job with minimal experience in graphic design—would always prevail.
So, all you could was listen and work on the revisions she had given. No word had left your lips since you had left Hyunhee’s office, and no one bothered you as you put on earphones and focused on the project opened. Your break times consisted of staying seated in your chair, opening YouTube to watch some video that you couldn’t pay attention to, watching it for five minutes before closing and continuing the project.
Before you knew it, shades of orange had begun to bleed through the blinds of the office, people were packing up and sparing pitiful glances as they bid each other goodbye, their wary gaze not unnoticed by you. Nonetheless, you paid them no mind, completely set on finishing everything before the day ends. You were lucky enough to gain at least thirty minutes of sleep because Hyunhee had left the office early, allowing for you to close your eyes with no fear of being woken up by the she-demon.
You were tempted on sleeping, anyway, knowing well enough you’d wake up with an ache in your neck and an unfinished assignment. Your eyes were closing slowly, your screen blurring as you felt sleep take over you, only to jump, a scream exiting your lips when you felt a hand grasp your shoulder.
“Oh my—I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Seungcheol profusely apologized when he noticed the tears brimming at your eyes from the genuine scare. “I called you earlier, but I didn’t see you wearing earphones.”
Too tired, too angry, you couldn’t muster up a comment, only shrugging off his hand as you turned your head to your computer, the jolt from Seungcheol giving you a bit of energy to work off of.
“Hey, I heard, by the way, from everyone that Hyunhee gave you an earful,” he stated, sitting besides you.
You couldn’t help but scoff, “An earful? That’s an understatement.”
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
Aggravated, you removed both earbuds from your ears, spinning with a sharp turn on your chair to face Seungcheol, your brows furrowed and fury running through your veins. All you ask is to not be disturbed until you get this stupid, cursed project done, was that so much? “Do I look okay, Seungcheol?”
Noticing your hostile behaviour, his expression mirrored yours, with a touch of worry found in the glint of his eyes. “I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay, Y/N. I don’t mean to be rude, if that’s how I come off right now.”
“Well, you do, alright?” You lifted your earphones, waving it in front of him. “If I have these on, it’s a universal sign that I don’t want to talk to anyone—you noticed them, why are you bothering me right now?”
Taken aback by your words, he was stunned—his mouth opened then closed, unsure on how to react to your sudden behaviour. He has never seen you this angry, not even when ranting about Hyunhee. You watched as his jaw clenched, momentarily looking away as if that would allow him to cool down, before he clapped his hands on his knees and stood from his chair.
“You’re obviously exhausted, Y/N, Yeeun told me you barely slept that might be why you’re being the way you are right now,” Seungcheol pointed out, “I’ll leave you alone, alright? I’m so sorry that I actually give a shit about you, and wanted to make sure you were okay.” Before you could take back all you had said, Seungcheol was out the door, leaving you in your office alone, the darkness encompassing you, seeping deep within to your bones.
The one person that genuinely was there for you, only ever cared for you, and put him on the receiving end of your shitty day. Way to go, Y/N.
Rubbing your eyes with the heels of your palm, whatever energy you had to work on the project was thrown out the window, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to continue clicking the mouse or tapping the keyboard, not with the guilt from how you spoke to Seungcheol still plaguing your thoughts. You weren’t going to get anything done at this point.
Packing your things, you quickly rushed out to your car, praying that he didn’t completely hate you as you drove to his apartment. You weren’t sure what you were going to do once you got there, but what you were sure was that you’ll grovel, and hope he forgives you for being such an ass, unwarranted. Upon arrival, you practically jumped out of your car, rushing up the evacuation steps to his floor, and reached up to knock, but paused.
What if he doesn’t forgive you? It’s not like your friendship with him was more than as acquaintances. He didn’t have anything to lose with losing you, but you felt you had everything to lose with losing him. He was the first person you got to know in this stupid company—as he mentored you during your internship in the company. Then, after you graduated college, you reached out again, and applied for the Graphic Design division. Seungcheol guided you ever since, and admittedly, you’ve grown fond of him—you admired him as a role model, and more.
He’s not obligated to forgive you, but you already came this far, might as well give it a try?
Taking a deep breath, you gently knocked on his door a few times, hearing rustling on the other side before the door swung open, revealing Seungcheol already out of his work clothes, and in a plain white tee and grey sweatpants. “I thought I said just leave it by the— Y/N?”
“Sorry, I forgot your delivery at the restaurant,” you improved, causing Seungcheol’s thick brows to furrow before he chuckled, your joke successfully amusing him.
“What are you doing here?”
“It’s definitely not to deliver your food, that’s for sure,” you awkwardly smiled, feeling your heart race from seeing him in such a laid-back outfit. You had never seen Seungcheol wear anything other than the button-ups and slacks you were used to seeing at the work, so seeing him look so… cozy, was a sight you wish to never grow tired of.
The corner of Seungcheol’s lips tilted upwards, but he didn’t laugh. Leaning against the frame of his door, he crossed his (muscular) arms over his chest, waiting for an explanation as to why you suddenly appeared at his front door.
“Look, Seungcheol—”
“Delivery for Choi Seungcheol.” A new voice caused you to jump, both your heads turning to see the delivery boy appear from the turn, his eyes looking questioningly at both you and your acquaintance. “Choi Seungcheol?”
“That’s me, thanks,” Seungcheol uttered, reaching out and taking the plastic bags from the delivery boy, the latter leaving with a tilt of his hat towards you and disappearing past the corner.
“As I was—” You turn to face Seungcheol again, but he, too, disappeared. You peeked into his apartment to find him pulling out his order, arranging them on his coffee table before sitting on the floor. He glances up at you, wordlessly waving for you to come in, and unsure what else to do, you obliged, closing the door behind you and slipping your feet out your shoes.
“I didn’t expect company, but dig in if you want,” he uttered, handing you a pair of chopsticks. It was only then did you realize that you barely ate today, too occupied with the stupid project. “If it’s not enough, we can always order more.”
“Seungcheol, I’m trying to apologize to you,” you spoke up, head tilted down at your knees. “I’m really sorry for taking my anger out on you… You of all people didn’t deserve it…”
When Seungcheol didn’t respond, you looked up to find him slurping up jjajangmyeon, eyes trained on his TV. “Are you serious?”
He glanced over at you, stifling a laugh before wiping his mouth with tissue, “I thought you were going to go on a full rant, at least three paragraphs.”
You pouted, “Me coming here was on a whim, I didn’t really prepare anything.”
He found your defeated expression adorable, couldn’t help but chuckle as he pushes a bowl towards you, adding the noodles onto the empty space before tapping the rim, gesturing for you to eat. “You’re really pale, Y/N, did you eat anything today?”
“Probably cup noodles,” you mumbled, eyes glimmering at the sight of the thickly coated noodles. “I couldn’t really do anything other than work on that stupid project.”
“Hyunhee made you stay late again?” You nodded, your cheeks full of the noodles. “Look, Y/N, I know you love being a graphic designer, but do you really think it’s alright to work under someone like her? This seems like she’s abusing her power as team manager, and overworking you.” As he spoke, he reached out with a tissue in hand, wiping the corner of your lips. Why did he look so nonchalant about it, too?
“I don’t want to quit, though, I’ve been here longer than she has, why do I have to leave?” You complained once you swallowed the noodles. “I just… I hate it, you know? I’ve just been trying so damn hard, yet nothing ever works out… Especially since she came into the picture.”
There was a brief moment of silence.
“How about transferring divisions?” Seungcheol quipped, continuing, “I’m sure if you make a letter of intent to the department manager, you could be moved to a different division where Hyunhee doesn’t exist.”
“Is that possible?”
He nodded. “Did you think I was always in the Marketing division?”
“I honestly thought you’d be a finance guy.”
“I was.” Your widened eyes caused him to laugh. “Then I moved, it was a few months before you came in as an intern.”
“Really?” He nods, and you thought about it. “You think I’d be allowed to move divisions?”
“Yeah, why not? If you give a good reason to why you should be moved, then it’s possible.” You pondered over the suggestion, the two of you letting a few minutes of silence pass while eating before you spoke up again.
“But I don’t want to leave the department.”
“Then ask to be transferred to a different division.”
“What about your division?” Seungcheol stares at you with bewildered eyes, genuinely surprised at your suggestion. “I mean, it’s less work for you since I already have experience working with you, and I won’t need a mentor—I already know the head, so that’s also less work.”
“No, not mine, Y/N,”
“Why not?”
“It’s a violation of our code of conducts, Y/N, don’t you know?”
“What about me moving to your division violates the code of conducts?”
“Employees from the same division are not allowed to fraternize with one another,” he explains, “if you move to my division, we’ll be co-workers.”
“So? It’s not like we’re dating.”
“Not yet.”
“Sure—” You froze, the chopsticks you raised to your lips dropping back into the bowl. “—What?”
“What?” Seungcheol asked, nonchalant. His tone might’ve been nonchalant and unbothered, but you could see from his cheeks to the points of his ears were flushed a bright red under the warm lighting of his living room.
“You like me?”
He shrugged, “Why do you think I walk by your office every day?”
“I thought you only did that because the janitor was cleaning the floor.”
He inhaled a deep breath, releasing the heavy sigh before standing to grab water from the kitchen, ruffling your hair on the way. “You’re very oblivious, Y/N.”
“S-so, all this time?”
“Not all this time, Y/N, I just know that I see you more than just an acquaintance,” he explains, tossing you a bottle of water. “But that’s not important right now. Right now we need to get you out of Hyunhee’s team.”
How… How is he able to continue this conversation after admitting to having feelings for you? How is he so calm?
He wasn’t. If you looked closer, the only reason why he tossed you the bottle was because if he handed it to you, then you’d most likely notice his shaking hands. The only reason why he changed the topic was because the longer you talk about him and his feelings, the redder he’ll be and to be honest, he likes to come off calm and collected to you, despite being the complete opposite when it comes to being near you.
“You’ll help me with that?”
Seungcheol nods. “Of course I would—just think of me as a helping hand now, Y/N. I help you, and you can help me when the time comes.”
“And what would you need help with, Choi Seungcheol?”
“I have two tickets to movie Saturday night, I’ll need help to make sure the other ticket doesn’t go to waste, Y/N,” he proposed, causing your cheeks to ache from the smile on your face. “But right now, I need help finishing this food. Are you up for it?”
You chuckled, nodding, “I’ll gladly give you a helping hand.”
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hotd characters comforting you before the war
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characters : Rhaenyra, Alicent, Daemon, Aemond, Aegon, Jacaerys
warning : hurt/comfort, kissing, mentioning of wounds, minor blood, weapons, alcohol, a war is comming up, no use of Y/n, reader is female , implied targaryen incest
Info : So slowly I'm comming back into hotd and cant wait for all the traumatic and hurt events so have fun with this little fluff thing :)
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Rhaenyra : Torches and lanterns were still shining in the late hours of the night for the lady-in-waiting, who was still awake. The light shining under the slit of the wooden door would tell anyone that she was still awake…awake in a time when sleep was precious. Her gaze was tinged with sorrow as she winced again, stabbing her finger with the needle as she tried for hours now to finish sewing the dress for her queen. Before a knocking sound startled her, ,,Come in" came softly from her, loud enough for the person to hear but not waking anyone. Only seconds later, Queen Rhaenyra stepped into her peer's room with a caring look in her violet eyes. ,,You're still awake, my lady?" she asked, sounding more confused than pleased to see her lady-in-waiting and the fire of her heart. The highborn rose instantly from her chair but sleep deprivation and exhaustion caused her to drop the dress and the fabric lay on the floor again, which was met with a sigh of exasperation. ,,Yes…yes my queen I am still awake…sorry I should have been quieter but-" she broke off as she looked at the dress and saw the fear in the blonde Targaryen's eyes. She immediately came over and gently took the hand of her beloved and pulled her onto the two-seater. ,,Not at all you didn't wake me my flame…you're overworking yourself" she realized as expected seeing clothes lying everywhere ready and unfinished, untouched food and only half drunk goblets even the bed sha looked unused. Gently caressing her hand, she leaned against the couch and a soft ,,I'm afraid of what's coming, powerless and without weapons" finally drew the lady-in-waiting's fear, her nervousness, her despair and Rhaenyra had to stifle a cry and instead gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. ,,Your tailoring will make my glorious time on the throne look beautiful. Let the war be fought by the dragons and the swords…but your place my love is here with me on Dragonstone and at the end in the small council," Rhaenyra assured her beloved as she opened her eyes and looked into the violets and something like hope could be found in them again. It was hope she believed Rhaenyra, saw the vision the queen had and a slight smile flitted across her lips. ,,With your grace, Rhaenyra, it will go down in a splendid section," she added, hearing as well as seeing the smirk on the queen's lips, the sweet light laugh lines and the bobbing of blonde hair as she moved. Rhaenyra drew her sweetheart and childhood friend closer, they lay in each other's arms looking at the flames that looked like small dragons until Rhaenyra was sure that their love had finally fallen asleep and their worries had been extinguished by the fire.
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Alicent : Sounds could be heard coming from the library of the castle in King's Landing. A lantern had been taken off the hook and was running through the shelves, the woman murmuring titles over and over again, looking for certain books about the houses and the Nachvolger as well as connections with covenants and blood. Her eyes tired and slightly aching from the little light, the darkness around her from the little light that was available and the fesnter further up so that the moon could not illuminate everything. She barely heard in her feverish search as another person made their way with hurried steps to and into the library. There was worry in the dark eyes and her expression was tinged with slight fear. The queen of the former king Viserys and now widow queen had been searching for her lady-in-waiting for ages. It was supposed to be a short meeting between the two women who were looking for peace and quiet and a moment to themselves over tea and books, maybe even a walk. But when the older woman didn't show up, Alicent knew something was wrong. In a time of war when blood was on the blade of her second son, you could never know what was happening to your loved ones. ,,Are you here my dear?" she asked into the library, hearing the murmur before a ,,My Queen Alicent?" came back, rather confused as to why the crown bearer had come here. The two of them, lanterns in hand, searched for each other in the great hall until they almost ran into each other and cringed in shock. ,,There you are, I was worried sick," the brown-haired one said and immediately put a hand on the arm of the one opposite her and the older one took a moment to get used to it because of the light, but she was aware of the queen's fear and her love. ,,Excuse me, my little stone, but I was looking for books on marriage and bonding…we need allies otherwise-" she was interrupted by a sigh, however, which was followed by an amused shake of the head from Alicent, who slowly took her across from her to one of the many stone indentations where they settled. ..My little stone, you only call me that when you are afraid…but this worry, however well founded, is not to be worried about…we are ready…my sons are ready please you have done enough…enough for me and for my children" the queen said to her lady-in-waiting, knight and love interest to the woman who had stood by her when she was at her lowest point here at this court. Words that made the older woman lay down the clutch she had been clutching, relieved and yet slightly disappointed. It was true that she had done a lot for Alicent, but she could have done more for her queen. ,,But if-" she began but was immediately silenced by a firm embrace and Alicent's hands closed around her, she felt the kiss on her hair and felt the hands holding her and for a moment it felt good to be hugged enough for that moment. ,,No but my lady it's enough it will be enough we can do this" the brown haired queen admonished with feigned sternness and smiled when she saw the smile on the older woman's lips. Despite everything that had happened to them both, despite the pain Alicent had suffered, her little smile was always the one thing that could calm you down. That despite the war and the fewer allies compared to the blacks, they had a chance of victory.
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Daemon : Pain ran through the troop leader's body as her gaze slid to the sky once more. Since daybreak she had been training here in the open field, smashing stone and wood, hitting man after man and being hit by sword and fist. A training that barely interrupted the importance of strength in the challenge of being one of the ladies of the allied houses and one of the commanders. Soon the sky would turn to fire and blood and war was imminent. She was skilled with the lance but so was Rhaenys with the whip, the two had practiced all noon and despite the fact that Rhaenys could have been her mother, she was much better at it, something the younger admired but the Velaryon Targaryen princess was grateful for. But now, after hours of exertion, it was harder and harder to keep herself upright. I promised him, she thought, leaning on her lance and looking up into the sky, hoping to find the red dragon and its rider, Prince Dameon. The blood wyrm and the rough prince had perhaps found something of a favorite in all these cruel times. What started with observations and the prince's teasing silver tongue soon became more. With another sigh, she took the first step back up the stone cliff to Dragonstone, hearing the shrill cry of Caraxes. The red abnormal beast emerged from behind the dark clouds and circled the large castle a few times, seeming to search for her before turning its head towards her and Dameon landed. Moments later, the ground rumbled slightly as the dragon landed and Daemon climbed off his soulmate. ,,You're still here," he stated rather unhappily, surveying her body hidden beneath a light suit of armor, but he didn't miss her exhaustion even in the low light. ,,Of course…Daemon, you promised to train, I can't just sit around doing nothing," she said and it came out more defiant and nervous than it should have. This seemed to amuse the elder as he made it the last few meters and a metal gloved hand brushed the dirt from her cheek before he swiftly knocked the lance away and grabbed her hand. Dark, slightly open calluses appeared in the palm of her hand where she had fended off the wood, the hands and the steel. ,,Inaction? You were not idle, you were foolish…foolish to start without me," he murmured, bringing the wound to his lips and placing a rough kiss on it before pulling her closer. He held her more than clearly so that she wouldn't fall over from exhaustion and pain. ,,The war will come and we'll beat the green ones you know I'll be on Caraxes above you, watching out for them and I hardly know anyone better with a lance than maybe the dornish" he quipped at the end and caught a punishing look that made him chuckle his armor rattled and caraxes squealed. He pulled her closer and gave her another kiss, ,,Whatever happens, your strength will drive the green whore son from the throne," he assured her and pulled her closer to him, pulling her closer to his heart beating with fire, which beat for her, giving her protection at all times.
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Aemond : Air whipped at her ears, the scream of the blue-scaled dragoness reflected her inner unrest. The cold wind and the rain, the cool wetness and the lightning. The storm had caught her and her dragon Tessarion and had not let go for hours. What should have been a training flight for the dragon, who was not quite ten years old, turned into a nightmare caused by nature halfway along the route, which made things difficult for both the dragon and her rider. But it was something in which they could not land or land. A war was coming and Tessarion was the fourth and last dragon they had Vhagar the oldest old but powerful, Dreamfyre second oldest dragon mother and yet not fit for battle would fall away. The third oldest Sunfyre the golden beauty and eager for war and battle like his rider. There were nine dragons and for this reason she only had to train more and more, a defeat simply could not happen. Bringing the Valyrian across her lips, the blue flames of her dragon shone through the night before breaking through the clouds and finally arriving back at King's Landing after another agonizing few minutes that seemed like hours. Shivering, cold and still not satisfied but still worried, the Lady Seed went back to her chambers. She could still feel Tesarion's restlessness and it bothered them both. As soon as she had removed her wet cloak, she felt the presence in her room and turned hastily to the fire in the hearth. ,,Aemond," she said the name of the blood-related prince and her beloved, who seemed to be waiting for her. She saw that he was more relaxed, more relaxed in the knowledge that she was here again. ,,You worry too much, my pretty," he said, rising from the chair with a slight movement, pulling the blanket with him and walking onto the dragon seed. She saw a smile creep onto his lips when he saw the sadness on her nose before he pulled himself together and in one movement wrapped her in the blanket and carried her to the chair in front of the fireplace. No protests escaped her lips, no fear escaped her but she could feel how he seemed to read her fear. Tessarion is the youngest of the dragons…the weather will be nothing compared to the power of the black party but believe me I'll take care of you," he assured her, pulling the blanket tighter around her and kneeling down in front of her to dry her further with the blankets. His fine slender defined fingers undressed her with every bad thought he kissed and caressed her cold wet skin to make her feel good. ,,But if I can't even survive the weather," she said and sighed as she heard him get up and stand by her, taking her hand and kissing it. ,,I may have lost an eye my aunt but I'll never lose you, you'll stay with me forever on Tessarion and Vhagar because we're stronger than this poor bastard," he countered and she saw how his sapphire eye seemed to light up as the flames of the fireplace were reflected in it. It was the madness of the Targaryen, the blood flowing through them, it was the madness for power, victory and love. Love that they had both found was sealed with an earnest kiss and she knew that no matter what fire the black party might bring, they would manage to win together.
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Aegon ii : Talk and metal could be heard in the dragon pit. The dragon protectors prepared the six or so dragons for the war, even if the young princess and prince's little dragons were not yet meant to be ridden, they too had to be taught to some extent. The extent of the war would end disastrously, it simply had to be enough with the power of the dragons otherwise everything would take on an even more catastrophic dimension. The Valyrian words of the ancestors had been flowing from her lips for hours now, and she kept adjusting the light armor for Synfyre until it fit, protecting the dragon and the king. But after more blows of the hammer and reassuring words, it was done and exhaustion lay on her body as she took off the scaly metal uniform and went back into the castle. Despite the exhaustion and aching muscles, such preparations had to be made, it was up to her and the others to make sure the dragons were perfectly equipped. Walking through the castle, she decided to end the early night with a bath to get rid of the smell of fire and smoke, but left the light on in her room. Had she forgotten to turn it off? Had something happened? Had the first blow already been struck? Questions of worry ran through her mind as she practically hurried into her room and was greeted with a different kind of welcome. ,,You're here at last! My lady, I was so far away to have a little feast prepared after your work on Sunfyre," Aegon said, rising from his chair with a broad smile and a goblet in his hand and walking towards his beloved, embracing her in an almost ceremonial hug that left her uncomprehending. ,,Aegon? Do you realize what can happen at any time?" she asked, shaking her head uncomprehendingly as she pushed past him to pour herself water instead of wine. She didn't see his smile threaten to disappear for a moment that the king knew very well what could happen. ,,I'm…afraid something will happen to you or the others," she admitted, gripping the goblet tighter before he put his goblet down with a sigh and came over to her. She didn't look back, but she took his hand and held it for a moment, giving her time to relax. ,,I am the king my dear it is my duty to protect you and return to King's Landing safely" he began and slowly turned to her taking the goblet from her and placing his hand on her cheek almost holding her back. She snuggled up to him for a moment, closing her eyes and taking in the sweetness of his scent through the wine and snacks, but beneath this illusion hid the tension. ,,The dragons are armed and yet? What if it's not enough?" she asked, looking into those pretty violet eyes framed by the slightly tangled short blond hair. But he smiled slightly, slightly pleased in his fantasy of the battle he had never seen before. Fights that would come with nightmares and pain. ,,It'll be enough and if not…then we'll just fly away like we should have done years ago together," he admitted and this time it was up to her to hug him a grin and sobs through the fantasy but it helped. This honesty about the situation, the affection for each other was enough to make her realize that they were one. No matter what would come, the king would protect her and his family and all his people.
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Jacaerys : The wind blew over the island as usual and around her family's majestic castle dragon stone. The dragons flew around the castle, the wild ones that usually showed themselves at night well hidden between the stone or Caraxes, Syrax or Vermax, the green lizard-like dragon of the queen's eldest prince. The dragons in the air were practicing for the battle, but were unaware of the training on the ground. The swords clashed again and again under the watchful eye of the Master at Arms and Vermax, who watched his rider with an interested look. The swords that were once wood were now metal that clashed again and again neither of them let up because they knew that when they faced their opponent, whether in the air or on foot, they had to be ready to strike first with the sword. She could see the strain in the dark eyes of Jace, who had been training with her for hours. After the death of his beloved brother, the second prince of the realm of Rhaenyra, he was unbeddable. The blood of the dragon made him neither sleep nor tare he had seized the sword and demanded that she train. ,,You strike with fury at Jace," she stated the obvious firmly, just dodging an even stronger blow, which he had in fact lunged for. A warning came from the weapons master, but the prince ignored it. His anger met her grief for Lucerys and it would not look good. One angry cry later from Jacaery, who swung his sword, Vermax roared and breathed fire. Surprised by the moment, the sword grazed her hand as she ducked to avoid the fire. Lying on the ground, she and Jace were slow to realize what was happening before a ,,Rest…training is over for today and tomorrow" came bitterly from the older man who retreated with a few guards to give them both a moment of reality. Lowering his sword and tucking it back, he hastily knelt down to her, seeing his guilt in her dark eyes, the fear of losing her, the fear of dying alone, of not being found like Lucerys. ,,I'm so sorry my love…I should have been careful…I should have kotrolled Vermax" came the reproach from his lips as he helped her up and gave his dragon a look of reassurance, at least Vermax seemed to feel reassured too. Sitting down on one of the rocks, he took out a piece of cloth and began to tend to her injury in silence and she saw how hurt he also felt inside. ,,I know it hurts Jace I suffer-we all suffer but…but you have to face tomorrow…the war" she tried to get close to him feeling him gently caressing her injury trying to take the pain away and placing a soft kiss on it. Saw how Vermax dared to approach the two of them, patting his warm muzzle on her leg and seemingly asking for an apology. ,,Vermax and I will protect you and the others, no one will die anymore, I'll make sure of that," he said as he watched his dragon and looked into her orange eyes. Before he pulled her closer he gave her a kiss on her forehead and Vermax moved closer to warm the two lovers. The warmth of the Targaryen and Velaryon bond nothing would happen to all of them as long as he lived.
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tulipsforyourlips · 4 months
✧˖°. i found you ✧˖°. (8)
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives ||
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader
WC: 3K
WARNINGS: angst, violence, blood, mentions of sex (only mentioned)
PART 8 ✧˖°.
Dream's coat pooled around the bottom of the stairs that led to his throne, while his head ached with past memories.
"Promise me"
"Hope I,-"
"Promise Dream."
"I promise."
And ached more as new joined them.
"You promised, Dream."
He had given up fighting the turmoil raging inside him long ago and let the madness consume him.
"You promised, Dream."
"I am not Hope!"
"You promised, "
"You promised , Dream."
"Boss!" Matthew's entry pulled him to the painful present.
"You summoned me?"
"I want you to keep a check on Hazel in the waking world," his voice was polished with stone as he spoke, "do not let her out of your sight unless I command you so."
"On it." After hesitating a moment, the raven asked, "she still hasn't visited the Dreaming?"
"If I may ask, what happened between you and her, boss?"
Dream lifted his head and the way his eyes glared, had Matthew realize he had gravely overstepped. Without squandering a second, he flew away.
You leaned your head on the wooden jamb of the window whose ledge you were currently perched upon. You dangled a foot below as you sucked in a breath, feeling the wind on your face against an effort to dismiss exhaustion away. Wounds from your week prior 'adventure' still marked your body. Set on your mission to avoid Dream, and stubborn as you were, you had completely forsaken sleep. Eyebags had begun painting the underside of your eyes a rueful purple that complimented the scar forming on your cheekbone. A pair of wings fluttered alongside you as your friend and raven dropped in your lap.
"You are looking cheerful," he cawed.
"Thanks Matthew. Did Dream send you?"
"What? No! What, a friend can't check up on another?"
"Sorry, I just am really not in the mood to endure him."
"You won't tell me what happened, will you?"
You sighed. "It's complicated."
"Never heard that before," he retorted. "He misses you, you know?"
Like hell he does. "I don't care."
"He needs you Hazel, I need you, the Dreaming needs you."
"Yeah okay."
"Listen! I don't know what the fuck happened to make you both so hurt but you cannot turn your back away from humanity and let it simply perish because of a feud between two emo people," Matthew gushed. "Please,"
A bitter smile gripped your lips. "I wish I could help Matthew, I really do."
But the raven never completed his sentence and disappeared into the wind.
"Did Edwin mix something in my morning coffee or were you just talking to a crow?" Charles squinted his eyes.
You were about to correct him when you realised you probably shouldn't. "The former." You swung your legs inwards and jumped onto the floor. "It's 3 in the morning, why are you up?"
"I am a ghost. Why are you up?"
"Back to my healthier sleeping schedule. Heading to bed."
Charles looked like he wanted to ask something but then apparently decided against it. There was still a simmering tension between you both, following the events from that day. Reduced colossally, but visible in the air of the room.
"Goodnight," was all he said.
You tossed and turned in your bed, pretending to be asleep as you had been for the past couple of days so as to not arouse more suspicion. The boys had relatively left you alone and you were grateful for their patience. You knew you had to tell them, you couldn't hold it off forever. Just needed some more time, you convinced yourself. Fatigue powered by sleep deprivation numbed your senses as you slowly began to lose yourself to it. No, you shook your head and tried to keep your eyes wide open. Even after your stamina dwindled down to nothing, you kept fighting sleep.
The library of the realm of christ dreams encompassed your puny figure. Oh god, you must have fallen asleep. There was no use in trying to go back, you knew the limit of your abilities. Before you could panic over the possibility of encountering Dream, muffled voices reached your ears. You approached the gates offering passage to the throne room through the library. The voices became more distinct. At the sound of Dream's, your heart skipped a tiny beat. You had missed him, despite your relentless reluctance to admit so. The second voice belonged unmistakably to a female, but you knew Lucienne well enough to recognize it if it were hers. You chased the gap between the doors and listened intently.
"I can't do it sister, I won't."
Sister? Were you eavesdropping on a conversation between two Endless?
"Dream, you have to tell her."
"She's not ready, we can wait."
"You mean you can. The world cannot."
"We will manage without her having to know."
"You cannot be serious Dream," the other endless groaned. "Either you tell her or I will."
Zero chance the 'her' was you, right? right?
"Please, I can't." The crack in Dream's voice made something uncomfortable crawl in your stomach. "I can't go-" you couldn't make out the rest. Stupid gigantic doors.
Silence haunted the room on the other side. You pressed your ear against the gateway to better understand the heated discussion when it suddenly propelled outwards. You hastily hid behind a towering bookshelf. A woman appeared in the library. From your place, you couldn't make out the details of her appearance. The doors swung shut behind her. You watched as she huffed a breath. It must be a task having Dream as your sibling. Your mind was racing, trying to solve the puzzle of which Endless was she. You stepped your foot backwards, and big mistake, a pile of stacked ledgers came undone on the ground with a rapturous noise. Brills. You peeked your head out from your poor hiding place, and with a jolt, your eyes met Death's. It seemed the puzzle was solved and your heart accompanied your mind in the sprint.
"Hi," you squeaked.
You emerged from behind the shelf, fully revealing yourself. It felt weird, being this close to the Endless, one that you had been running away from for years.
"I'm-I am Hazel."
She studied you for a moment before making any indication that she had heard you. Noticing the colour on your face whiten, she said, "Relax, I am not here to take you."
"Yeah-no no I know. It's just that-" What? Were you scared? Were you starstruck? Seriously Hazel, woman up for once in your life. "It's an honour just being in your presence. You are Death," you enunciated her name. "How does a mortal like me deserve to have that chance?"
Death smiled and in that moment you knew why she was chosen to assist souls in their departure. Who would fear Death when it smiled upon you with such kindness? "The honour is mine, Hazel."
And with that confusing statement, she walked away, leaving a befuddled you alone in the library.
"Wait!" You called. "My friends, um two ghosts- Charles and Edwin, why do you spare them?" It was a shot in the dark but you had come to find yourself in it perpetually. 
Death turned in your direction. "Question for another time, darling."
The carpet cushioned your head as you flipped through the pages of some ancient text Edwin had handed you over to decode while he and Charles talked with their client. You thought you heard a fluttering of wings and you looked outside but you were received by an empty sky. You'd told Matthew to quit following you everywhere all the time but you still had your suspicions that he hadn't listened to you. You stretched your legs up in the air and they struck against something, followed by a crashing sound as a jar tumbled onto the floor, its lid strewn away. And to your horror, the jar was very painfully familiar. It was the same vessel Charles had trapped that one demon into. Why the fuck wouldn't they dispose it of instead of keeping it as a trophy in the living room? A hideous creature emanated from it and was panting right overhead you. It reeked and a revolting uneasiness shook you to your core. You swiftly scanned Edwin's desk for scriptures that had banished it earlier and located some papers scribbled with illegible incantations. You swiftly got up on your feet and were about to grab the papers when claws tightened around your ankles, puncturing skin and dragging you back. You tried to hold on to the edge of the desk, but its brute strength was no match for yours. Your back collided against the coffee table and a groan escaped you as glass shattered beneath. The demon pushed you against the floor, and hardened its clasp around your neck, strangling the breath out of you. Your hands flailed around and you grasped a piece of broken glass. And plunged it into its chest. Blood dripped from its mouth onto your face and you grimaced in repulsion. You threw its body off you and got up. Just as you were about to clean your face, a gurgle sounded and you whirled around to see the demon back on its feet. The audacity of this bitch. It advanced towards you at a frightening speed and you closed your eyes, thinking Death would not have anticipated such an early reunion. But when the contact never happened, you fluttered your eyes open to see Dream standing in its place, a worried expression lacing his face. There was no trace of the demon anywhere, well, except the mess of broken furniture it had left behind.
"The blood's not mine," you said timidly.
He was mere inches apart from you and closed even that distance as he wiped the blood off your face with his sleeve.
"Thankyou, for saving my life, again."
"You need not thank me for it."
He stepped away once you were rid of the blood and you missed the warmth of his closeness.
"Hazel, I am sorry-"
"It wasn't your fault."
"No, it was." He took your fingers in his. "But I tried Hazel. I couldn't locate you. I opened portals everywhere while I searched for you. I am sorry it took me so long to reach you, and I am so sorry I put you in such a situation in the first place." There was a pleading in his eyes, for you to believe him.
And you did. It wasn't everyday the Dream Lord apologized to a human, or to anyone in general. "Dream, I, I am sorry I got mad."
"You had-have every right to be."
"No," you smiled softly. "I am not anymore."
Just then, the mirror glass distorted as two ghosts tumbled into the area. You dropped your hands in a flick of a second.
"Woah, which tsunami hit this place?"
"The demon escaped." At their alarmed state, you added, "but not to worry, the threat is contained."
"And who the hell is this wannabe goth?" Charles piped.
You coughed. "Hey guys can I talk to you for a sec?" You tried to holler them away from Dream's intimidating presence.
"Is he? Is this him?" Edwin quizzed.
You slightly nodded your head in the affirmative. "Now, if you both could-"
"You aren't that old," Edwin assessed him from top to bottom.
"He does have an aura about him. Personally, I dig this look." Charles motioned to his choice of wardrobe.
He was talking to a damned endless. "Guys!"
Dream whispered to you, "Should I-"
"No! Do not dissipate into thin air. You will just spook them and leave all the explaining to me," you hissed back.
"Introduce him, won't you?" Edwin raised his brow.
"Oh goodness, boys this is Dream," in retrospect Morpheus would have been a way better introduction but being the dumbass that you were-
"Who the fuck names their kid Dream?" Charles questioned.
What sins had you ever committed to deserve this? You balled up your hand into a fist, itching to punch him right in the face.
"He can hear you!" You whined to Charles.
Unbeknownst to you, Dream had never been this thoroughly amused in his life.
"Oh." Charles mouth hung open. "He can see us?"
"Yes. He's been through some pretty traumatic experiences. Don't ask."
"Sorry mate, hi, nice to meet ya," he told the Endless. "It's just that you had really taken us off guard. Because with her reluctance to ever let us meet you," As you can see why, "I thought she had just made you up. She doesn't shut up about you by the way," Charles winked.
Why would he say that? Your eyes widened and red poured into your cheeks.
"Not that I blame her, you are a decent looking fellow and-"
"Charles! Charles! Another time, we were just heading out anyways." You pulled on Dream's coat.
"Yes, we were."
"But I made coffee." Edwin appeared with three mugs in his hand.
"How-when did you even-forget it," you gave up.
"I do not drink coffee."
"Everybody drinks coffee," Charles stated as a matter of fact. “Take it from a ghost.” 
"I do not require mortal sup-" You elbowed him in the ribs. "What I mean is, I would love some coffee."
"Thankyou," you mouthed to him.
"So, what do you do?" Edwin began his interrogation.
"He works in finance, yeah, he's a finance guy."
You took a sip from your mug.
"I have to ask mate, how does a handsome rich guy like you date someone-”
You choked on your coffee and Edwin patted your back as you wheezed.
"-like her. Are you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah I am fine." You shushed him away.
Charles bloody Rowland, count your hours.
A smile tugged at Dream's lips.
"It's a lengthy story," he replied.
"We have the night."
"No, we do not. Don't you two have cases to solve?" You tried to steer the conversation to anything but this as embarrassment reddened your face.
"Unfortunately we do," Edwin admitted.
"Alright then, bye bye."
"Rude," Charles muttered.
But you couldn't care less. The boys went to the study, leaving you alone with him. You stood up, wanting to get out of here, but as you did, a searing pain shot up your leg.
"I can't make the trip down the stairs with my injured leg," you told him.
He looked at it with concern. "We could go to the Dreaming,"
"Are you-how would it look if both of us just vanished into nothingness?"
"Fair enough."
Having no other option, you led the King of Dreams into your bedroom. As you were closing the door, Edwin popped up his face in the space between.
"Don't do it in here."
"Woah okay, calm your horses."
"Don't listen to him, Haz," Charles whispered from behind him.
"I am not having sex with him!" You shouted in a whisper.
"Just use protection," Edwin advised.
"All the best!" Charles gave an excited thumbs up.
"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" You whispered.
"Okay bye!" You shut the door in their faces.
You turned around and exhaled a breath. "Sorry about them,"
"It wasn't a problem." Amusement glinted in his eyes.
You found it difficult to wrap your head around the fact that an Endless stood in your bedroom, which was littered with books and clothes. You rounded up a handful of them and shoved them haphazardly in your closet.
"Sorry about the mess. I usually-no never have people over."
"Like a date?" He perked up his brow playfully.
His question took you aback slightly. "I am sorry, it was- I needed a cover for why I was always absent."
"And so you told them we were dating,"
"I didn't mean to-"
"Relax mortal, I am simply messing with you."
You rolled your eyes. "Funny,"
A dry chuckle left his lips at that and irregardless how short lived, your ears had never heard a sound more beautiful. It was a drug, because you wanted to hear it again and again till the end of eternity.
You gazed into his eyes, which mirrored the stars outside. The same way they did when he had first turned up in your room, a stranger, that you were bound to fall for. Because your heart so carefully locked, had began thrashing against the bones that kept it safe, aching to feel the caress of the man in front of you. You wanted to hand it over to him and say, 'keep it forever, it belongs to you now. It will only beat in the warmth of your touch. Treat it gently, for it was my most precious possession.' Perhaps if you cared less, you could have spoken those words to him.
"Yes mortal?"
I love you.
Dream went stone rigid before you, his features hardened and his teasing smile gone.
You wanted to scream it to him but you just shook your head and said, "nothing."
Dream was set in statue, the only proof of his living the slight twitch in his jaw as he spoke, "you love me?"
"What?" Your heart was about to explode in your chest. Could he read your mind?
"You just said,"
What? Had you said it aloud? Oh no. Fuck fuck fuck fuck-
"Hazel, do you love me?" He lightly gripped your elbow. A sheen of glimmer coated his eyes.
You didn't respond, hoping the yearning in your eyes would be answer enough. Dream took a step back and with the next tick of the second hand on the clock above him, he was gone.
Back in the Dreaming, Dream's fingers trembled as he held his sister's sigil.
"Death, I stand in my gallery and hold your sigil. I need you."
She appeared in a moment's notice.
"What's the matter, little brother?"
He turned around to face her. His voice was hoarse with unshed tears. "She fell in love with me." A solo tear glided down his cheek. "Again."
A/N: lol i'll let you guys figure out what that means. this was funnnn I had been foreshadowing it for the past seven chapters and i finally got to write it! ps: not proofread.
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vickyvicarious · 17 days
"Do not stir," he said, "but I fear that with growing strength she may wake; and that would make danger, oh, so much danger. But I shall precaution take. I shall give hypodermic injection of morphia."
This line has interesting implications. Van Helsing really doesn't want Lucy to wake up while she is so blood-deprived. And previously, that might have been attributable merely to not wanting to scare her, but this line really doesn't seem like that's it.
This "danger" he speaks of... it seems like one of two things to me. Either he fears that a) Lucy waking up in this state could lead to her becoming a vampire, or that b) her waking and knowing she's getting transfusions could lead to the vampire preying upon her finding out and maybe taking new action.
If it's the former, then that never exactly pans out (in that she's never awake during any transfusions). But there could be some interesting implications with the way Van Helsing later says she's different from usual vampires because of the way she was attacked in her sleepwalking:
She was bitten by the vampire when she was in a trance, sleep-walking—oh, you start; you do not know that, friend John, but you shall know it all later—and in trance could he best come to take more blood. In trance she died, and in trance she is Un-Dead, too. So it is that she differ from all other.
That said, I'm not sure how much I believe this, given that we see other vampire victims also have weirdness around sleep/memory of being bitten, and the vampire ladies in the castle appear to default towards trying to hypnotize Jonathan. It's possible sleepwalking on top of that adds another dimension, but... I'm not sure if I buy it fully or not. Still, it's interesting.
I imagine the second option is more likely, though. And it connects neatly with Van Helsing's other efforts to restrict information at this point, too. He doesn't know anything about this vampire! At this point he might not even be 100% convinced that's what it is, or what lore he should be working with! He knows he can trust Jack, but it's possible anyone else could be either the source of the danger, or an informant. Not necessarily a willing informant, either - Lucy would be a perfect case of someone who wouldn't want to share any information, but who might not be able to help doing so.
Maybe this is why he's so insistent that no other maids or nurses help with this. Or at least part of why, in conjunction with not wanting people to undo his work if they disagree with it/remove her from his care. It's very frustrating as readers, because we know they aren't responsible and also presumably aren't as sleep-deprived as the doctors are already... but Van Helsing doesn't know what their deal is. Maybe one of them is a vampire. Maybe they could be hypnotized too. Just before Quincey's big hero moment, Van Helsing says:
"What are we to do now? Where are we to turn for help? We must have another transfusion of blood, and that soon, or that poor girl's life won't be worth an hour's purchase. You are exhausted already; I am exhausted too. I fear to trust those women, even if they would have courage to submit. What are we to do for some one who will open his veins for her?"
I always kind of chalked this up to a combo of his benevolent sexism and not knowing what drugs might be in their system (and those definitely still can work) but maybe some of it is also down to not knowing if they are 'infected' too. Admittedly, this theory doesn't fully hold water in that he never tries to keep them away from her during the day, and even just before that above quote, leaves a maid alone with Lucy. But perhaps he feels the danger of being bitten is only viable at night.
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the-dreadful-bard · 1 month
The Dreadful Bard Rejanis Fics Masterpost
Last Updated on Sept 25th.
Currently on a mental health break. Posts will be sporadic for the time being.
Hey! I've been writing a lot since the start of the year so I thought I'd make this post just for the sake of being well-organized. I'll update this as I write and post new things, both here and on AO3.
Adding a read more link because this is a long post. Here you're gonna find the links to all of my Rejanis works and the summary of each one.
Future works post (Please take a look at that if you haven't, I mention some stuff that's very important for you to know if you like ANY of my writing and want me to keep posting it)
TLDR: New installments of the series, new oneshots for the collection, multichapter fantasy/d&d au (summary for it on the future works post so check that out), 3 other multichapters that may or may not be written, plus a bunch of other shorter stuff as I get new ideas and inspiration.
Oneshot based on this:
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Under the blossom tree
Summary: Collection of Rejanis oneshots inspired by songs.
stuck on you
Summary: Regina gets home sleep-deprived and exhausted after a hard day at the office, but realizes she forgot her keys at work. Too tired to drive back to fetch the keys, she tries to get in through the window but gets stuck. Luckily for her, the fire department sends her aid in the form of one Janis ‘Imi'ike.
lyrics for a misunderstood mean girl
Summary: Regina hasn't seen Janis in two years because things keep getting in their way.
the one where Janis and Damian write Mean Girls the musical.
one thing I can't lose (kind of my favorite oneshot)
Summary: Janis somehow finds herself at Regina's door after the girl gets released from the hospital. Regina recruits Karen to decode her complicated gay feelings.
The one where Karen is a genius who can do no wrong, Regina is a feral chihuahua wearing a cone of shame, and Janis can't say no to her former nemesis.
feline disposition
Summary: Janis disappears and everyone is having a terrible time.
Completely unrelated to that, Regina rescues a cat from the rain in the middle of the night.
the one where Janis is a cat.
Attempt #19
Summary: Janis and Regina have been meeting in secret for six months and their communication is... not great.
Regina wants them to go public and get serious but Janis, convinced she wants to break up, never lets her say it.
the one where they actually talk after months of miscommunication.
Happy birthday?
Summary: Regina gets bad news on her birthday, which pushes her into acting like her old self with her friends. Janis won't have it. She has a plan to set Regina straight, but for that, she's going to need her to be willing to follow her lead.
lights and sirens
Summary: “Oh no…” Janis whispers, grimacing.
Regina glances at her with concern in her eyes. “What is it?”
“I think—I think I'm hallucinating. I'm looking at you, and I- and I see someone who can't- can't be real. Oh my god, I might be dying. Am I dying?” She confesses, still staring at Regina in shock, her heartbeat skyrocketing.
Maybe the pain is driving her mad. Or maybe death comes for you in the form of the person who you would most like to see one last time, to make the passing easier. She never thought Regina would be that person, but now that she thinks about it, it couldn't be more perfect.
Old stuff from 2019:
threads, oil paints, and textbooks - COMPLETE
Summary: Regina George starts a new year as one of Elizabeth T. Richmond Public School's teachers and finds out that one of the new faculty members is someone she'd been hoping to run into since leaving Illinois almost 16 years earlier. A lot has changed since then, but as everyone realizes, Regina and Janis still have a lot of unexplored feelings for each other.
The ballad of Moonlight & Solar Flare (pls give it a chance i promise its really good) - COMPLETE
Summary: Regina and Janis, as Moonlight & Solar Flare, used to fight crime together until something drove them to opposite sides, and their relationship didn't survive. Now, three years later, they realize it's not quite so easy to get rid of the love they once shared when a chain of events leads them back to each other.
you set my world on fire
Basically, it's a continuation of the canon universe, starting during Spring Fling.
Summary for part 1: After getting hit by the bus, Regina is forced to come to terms with something she'd been running away from since she was a kid.
you set my world on fire (Part 1)
there's an old song (i wrote for you) (Part 2)
timeless like you and me (Part 3)
can't help myself (when you get close to me) (Part 4)
say you'll always keep me (Part 5)
you're still the one (Part 6)
uninvited (Part 7)
one that makes me sing (Part 8)
nothing in the world belongs to me (but my love) (Part 9)
birds of a feather (Part 10)
PS: new installments in the future
Please, if you like any of these fics and want more of them, don't only leave kudos on my stuff, leave comments too! I don't care how small those comments are, just please leave some, it means a lot to me <3
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bonchobrick · 1 year
Do you have any dp x dc fic recommendations??
Hell yea man here are some
“Spilt coffee by torscrawls” - a tim and Danny fic where Danny kicks ass in a coffee shop robbery while Tim admires
“Danny phantom: dead and loving it by hyperkid” —someone suggested it to me on here and it’s reaaaallly fun
“If you give a ghost a cookie by alienzil” — the leagues can’t figure out how to summon the ghost king and a sleep deprived tim finds a way to do it
“Spooks by seasilver” — Short and really fun, league doesn’t know how powerful Danny is until some things go wrong
“I am a retired hero and my love interest is a former crime lord!? By ShyCrow” — i think it’s really cute and funny, it’s ongoing and I don’t really know how to summarize it but if you like dead on main your in for a good time
“The absolute fuckery caused by one Danny Fenton by Queen_Snakey” — A fun ride, just Danny trolling the shit out of his new adopted bag family, it is based off of some tumblr posts so you might recognize the writing/ideas
“Artificial wingman by TheSleepyKitsune” — oh my god this is so silly and wonderfully I want to hold it in my pocket forever. It’s a damian/danny fic (this r my fav pairing sorry Jason fans) which follows an unfortunate mishap with a love potion in a different dimension. Danny accidentally drugs Damian and Damian spends his days trying to convince Danny that he is very much in love and not because of the potion.
“Roadtripped by Jamieboi” — another one of my favorites, Damian/Danny face some issues with their family and run away together and it’s cute and sad and sweet
“Even when you don’t know what it is your job knows what it is by bongo_balderdash” — Billy Baston(captain marvel) and Danny Fenton (phantom) pretend to be eldrich beings when they’re really just kids and it’s hilarious.
“Forget the Christmas Spirit (Run Away with me) by halfagone (milkywxy)” — im obsessed with this fic i wanna kiss it it’s so good. Damian and Danny find themselves sharing a trip on Paris with each other a day before Christmas and they fall in love (strangers to lovers) so SO cute.
There are more recommendations if people want them but I gtg to my club in a hot minute so send an ask! I have been just scrolling on my ao3 bookmarks—these were more of my crackish fic reccs but I like my fair share of angst fics if you want them too. :)
enjoy reading dude!
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oriley42 · 1 month
long time reader, first time caller! i just read all of “adventures in polyamory” after watching approximately 3 episodes with amber in them, and it breaks my heart that you made me fall in love with her wilson-style (with reckless immediacy) while the way she’s depicted in the show is so…woman written in the 2000’s…so i’m here to shake a tin cup and ask for any amber headcanons you’d be willing to share
hello and welcome from KZ-HouseMD, the radio station for all your hatecrime-hits! ;) <3
loving Amber is so painful and so worth it; we will punch through the Noughties' misogyny together babes 🌈
headcanons and over-explanations ahoy!!
Amber's got a WASP-y background, and has spent her life both living up to and rejecting these standards. Unlike Wilson, who is delusionally attached to the idea of being Good and Normal but is unhappy living the reality, Amber recognizes that these concepts are absurd performances HOWEVER she logically recognizes that they come with benefits--and she wants those. "Love and respect" seemed impossible, because respect comes with being the best according to society's rules, and love couldn't survive that stifling environment. Now, she can hold on to the respect she craves: money enough to feel safe, wearing pearls and skirts to look proper and upper-middle-class femme, having a handsome-doctor-man-partner, an MD of her own + also still be herself, including un-ladylike cruelty, dishonesty, being part of House's chaotic evil orbit, sexual freedom, atheism, etc.
Amber has spent 110% of her life trying to get enough success to feel safe and stable and happy, so she hasn't developed interests and hobbies because who has time for that give me another coffee and another go at that medical text
Related: Amber hates everything about organized sports, but if she had the time and a friend (*cough* Thirteen) she could be one of those sapphics who gets incredibly obsessed with a women's soccer team or the WNBA
Also related: a sufficiently "productive" hobby I think she'd love is antiquing. Waking up at six AM to drive three hours and wait outside an estate sale and then barge in and make a grab for that antique bureau, fighting off old ladies and viciously snarling down the price--bloodsport for classy femmes!
Amber is a basic chocolate girlie. Caramel is a close follow-up. Vanilla is fine, and she'll pretend to like fancy amaretto or pistachio flavors etc but really she would prefer an Oreo. (Or two...) She will eat max veggies for Health tm and the spiciest food to prove she is Tough tm but really just wants a grilled cheese. A chicken nugget. A spaghetti. Food sensitivities + eating disorder, though she'll only barely cop to the latter, and will not be exploring the former thank you very much she's fine
Amber gets along well with older kids, where she can take on the role of Cool Babysitter, but I think she's secretly a little terrified of being left alone with the tiny incomprehensible, breakable ones, who don't follow the social contract yet and rely on her (!) for self preservation
Amber is naturally a night owl, but medical-land is all early bird, so she's mainly been sleep deprived for the last decade, since she refuses to have a 10 PM bedtime just because she has to get up at 5 AM to make her shift.
Amber's not that interested in fiction ("who has time for that in this reality?") but she ironically enjoys rom-coms for the absurdity, the laugh factor, and the easy comfort of a formula + unironically enjoys action movies because she likes seeing people get punched in the face repeatedly
Amber should take Taekwondo lessons so she can beat the ever-loving shit out of people for fun, and maybe she will after she realizes that the Lulu Lemons in her yoga classes are unbearable, and instead befriend some weirdos gathering at the local gym to spar (Wilson would think this is a great and very attractive idea, House would be annoyed+scared+horny because jesus now he has to wear an athletic cup full-time or she'll crush his nuts for target practice, won't she, c'mon Wilson it's not funny)
okay hitting the brakes here before this gets so long it demands a read-more! 😜 thanks for the ask <333
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racxnteur · 8 months
Incomeless; will proofread your fics! (Or anything else.)
I'm not sure how to head this with a snazzy, attention-catching image given I'm not offering an obviously graphic service like art commissions, but let's give it a go...
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Hello, I'm your friendly neighborhood disabled unemployed transgender queer on the internet. I have not posted a great amount about the details on this blog for privacy reasons, but I am currently in an untenable familial/financial living situation, which I am actively working to get out of. My primary barrier to disentangling myself from the pertinent parties is a lack of income. I've been unable to pursue traditional means of work due to being multiply disabled (slash chronically ill, slash treatment-resistant, et cetera...), but I do not qualify for SSI or unemployment, so I am stuck trying to find other ways of making money.
This is where you come in... If you'd like to help, you can:
$$ Hire me $$ to proofread your fics, essays, and more!
Click below for info! (I also may add separate posts for diversity reading and/or other writing- and editing-related services.)
For $0.00855/word *OR BEST BID*, I will vet your work of writing before you publish it, checking for mistakes in spelling, capitalization, & punctuation, missed words, inconsistencies of tense, formatting, & POV, and miscellaneous grammatical errors. Never again need you fear posting a finished chapter and discovering a slew of typos after the fact; no matter how sleep-deprived or late at night the state of writing, I will ensure your text is ship-shape. Or, if you happen to be interested in having other types of writing proofread before submission--essays, comics or webtoons, letters, transcripts, compositions of a personal nature, so on--I will happily take these on at a comparable rate.[1]
Bachelor's degree in English with a minor in writing
Initiate of international collegiate honors society for English scholarship, Sigma Tau Delta
Active member of the International Association of Professional Writers and Editors (IAPWE)
Former lit editor for award-winning university literary arts magazine
Prior employment in tutoring and teaching English, as well as copy-editing and content writing
Nearly 20 years' writing experience
Previous experience as both fic writer and beta
Incisive eye for typo-hunting and tenacious attention to detail (I have high standards and will make those everybody else's problem... now for pay!)
I will read for content of any genre and all ratings, and am broadly[2] open to any subject matter, kinks, et cetera. I'll also post more detailed guidelines (booking process, any exclusions, additional criteria) on a separate, unrebloggable post so that any edits and updates are always current.
Message me via the chat feature on Tumblr, or send me an e-mail (I will post it on my more info post) to request a quote, bid for a slot, or just to see what I can offer for whatever project you have in mind. And please feel encouraged to share or boost this post! I am in urgent need of any income I can get, and every share counts 😭🙌
. . . . . . . . . .
Proofreading Full Details · Other Services · Support Me (alternatively, Tip this post!)
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[1] There will be some exclusions to this, such as academic assignments/papers that have style guide requirements; i.e., I will not be your online MLA style checker or anything.
[2] As with anything, there will be sporadic exceptions to this as well, but I will always be up-front about such cases.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Feeling You Can't Fight - Chapter One
Moon Boys X m!Reader
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Not Beta Read - Masterlist - Pride Event Fic 🏳️‍🌈
Written for the @flightlessangelwings pride event!
After replacing the loathsome former staff manager of the National Art Gallery in London, you find yourself all too interested in one of your employees in particular. Manager and employee relationships aren't allowed, and even if they were, you aren't sure if the nervous gift shoppist would be interested in you anyway. There's only one way to find out...
Reader Inclusivity
Reader is not race coded, is a cis man, taller than MK by a few inches, British, ex military, has a big peen
Tags/Warnings (for entire series)
NSFW, writer is NOT from the UK so please be gentle, I did my best with UK terms and such, smut, anal sex, oral sex, anal creampies, cum eating, cum swallowing, rough sex, Marc has DID, reader has mild PTSD, PTSD symptoms, trauma responses, semi-public sex, praise kink, fluff, comfort, angst, romance, love, forbidden relationship (boss and employee), minor physical violence.
Word Count: 2.5k
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The front doors to the National Art Gallery in London stood before you, more menacing than you ever remembered them, even when you would go there as a child. It took a lot to shake you, you’d been to hell and back before, but starting a new job was nerve wracking for anyone. When you stepped into the lofty entryway, you were hit immediately by the smell of old books and cedarwood. There was nothing quite like the feeling of being in a museum, but it was a little different somehow when you were entering as a manager versus being a normal patron.
You remembered the phone call you got from an old friend during your time serving in the British Armed Forces. Apparently, the old staff manager of the museum was getting canned, and they needed a replacement quickly. He said that you had the qualifications they needed, and you thought it would be a good opportunity to start a new chapter in your life. You used to be so good at handling high pressure situations, but now you found yourself holding your travel mug like it was your lifeline as you walked further into the building.
You stepped up to the guest services area. There were a couple of receptionists that gave you a pleasant greeting, along with a man whose name tag read J.B. You waved, giving him a friendly smile. You weren’t usually an overly expressive kind of guy, but you didn’t want to make a bad first impression. From what you understood, your predecessor, Donna, wasn’t the nicest to the staff, so you wanted to try and separate yourself from her as much as you could.
“Mornin’,” You said, “J.B. is it?” You raised an eyebrow, pointing to his name tag.
“Yeah, are you the new boss?” He gave you a nervous smirk.
“I am. Have you got time to show me around a bit? Get me to my office and all that?” You grabbed the strap of your bookbag.
“Mornin’ J.B.!”
You turned and saw a disheveled and sleep deprived man shuffling toward you. He had a broad smile despite his exhausted appearance. You looked down at him from where you stood. The man was nearly half a foot shorter than you were. His face dropped a little when his eyes met yours, averting his gaze anxiously. You couldn’t help taking note of the way his clothes sat just a little too large on his body, and the way his curls, while unkempt, framed his face handsomely. 
“Scotty here could take you around. Considering he’s late.” J.B. scoffed, “always late, this one.”
The one called ‘Scotty’ gave J.B. a dirty look. “It’s actually Steven, Steven with a ‘V’, but no one can ever seem to remember that.” He looked at you again, expression still less than impressed until he spoke again. “Are you the–the new boss?” His brows were turned up and drawn together. If you were being honest he looked rather…cute.
“Sure am, cheers, Steven.” You reached out a hand.
Steven shook it and nodded, “cheers.”
He was a handsome guy, cheeks rosy from running into the building quickly after being late, five minutes to be exact. You mostly found yourself fixed on his eyes. They were beautiful, dark, and they seemed to glitter in the recessed museum lights. He gulped, and chuckled nervously, pulling his hand back and rubbing his neck.
“Right well, better get goin’ then,” you urged, gesturing for him to lead the way.
“Right,” Steven said in a breathy tone, prying his eyes away from yours.
You followed closely behind, and you were amazed at the man’s ability to find something to say about everything. Literally everything. While you passed the bathrooms on the way to the staff break room where the lockers were, he told you all about the time one of the tour guides got sick and spent nearly an entire day there. When you passed the meeting room he mentioned Donna, the previous staff manager, and her meetings that, in his words, felt like an excuse for her to berate the employees she didn’t like.
What really impressed you was his vast knowledge of history, particularly where ancient Egypt was concerned. There were a few times where you wondered if he was giving you a formal tour of the museum instead of a quick guide of your new workplace.
“I’m sure the patrons love you. Sounds like you really know your stuff!” You chuckled.
“Oh, well, I just work in the gift shop, m’not a tour guide. Donna crushed that dream any time I brought it up. She could be rather nasty at times…” His eyes grew wide, “sorry, shouldn’t’ve said that. S’wrong to say that about my old boss, I know it, she was just…”
He was looking at you with eyes that begged you to understand his feelings toward his former boss. You could tell he was kind at heart, not even wanting to talk negatively about someone who treated him and so many others unfairly. You put a hand on his shoulder, realizing now how much bigger you were than him. He stood at least six inches shorter than you, and you were a bit more broad shouldered.
“She was right cunt from what I heard. No need for pleasantries,” you said, hoping it would help him feel more comfortable.
He shrugged and smiled, “yeah, yeah you could definitely say that again.”
You were going to like Steven, you could already tell by the way he seemed to be a generally pleasant person to converse with. You’d almost made it to the staff room when a woman walked out. She was wearing a black dress and she smiled at Steven on her way by. You watched how Steven’s eyes changed from nervous to dopey with a slack jaw to match when she said hi to him. It was like you were watching a little boy in school nearly collapse over his crush.
“Who’s that?” You asked as she disappeared around the corner.
“Hm?” Steven turned back to you and his expression shifted back to normal, “oh her? That’s erm…her name is Dylan. She’s a tour guide. Lovely woman.”
You nodded, “well, I’ll have to introduce m’self later, she didn’t seem very interested in talking to me did she?” You chuckled.
“Oh, well I mean…yeah she’s usually really nice. I almost went on a date with her once, mucked that all up.” He looked sad when he said that. “Guess you could give it a go, she likes steak. I know that much.” He frowned at the thought. Clearly she was a sensitive topic for him.
You patted his back, “no worries with me mate, she’s not my type.”
“Yeah well, I don’t really even have a ‘type’ and I still can’t seem to get a girlfriend.”
There was an awkward silence while you stood in the hall in front of the staff lounge. Steven just nodded and sighed. You saw his eyes flick toward the mirror against the wall and then up at you. He gulped and his cheeks slowly started to turn crimson. You looked at him with a concerned expression.
“Everything alright Steven?” You furrowed your brow.
“Y-yeah, yep, yes, right let’s get goin’ then hm?” He opened the door and gestured for you to go inside.
You walked in and saw several lockers along the wall along with a handful of employees all scattered about, mostly on their phones. They all looked at you wide-eyed when you walked in the room. It was easy to forget that you were the one in charge. It wasn’t often people looked at you like that. You cleared your throat and raised up your hand in a greeting to all the staff.
“Hello, I’m…” you told them all your name. You swore you could hear crickets despite it being midday in the middle of a museum in London. “I’m the new staff manager. You can all breathe easy, I’m not here to terrorize you, just here to make sure everyone does their job.”
Your employees all hummed their greetings before returning to their own devices, both literally and figuratively.
You leaned over to Steven’s ear, “tough crowd.”
He jumped and gasped, as though he’d forgotten you were standing right there. He gave you a polite giggle before falling into his normal nervous flurry of words.
“Y-yeah, not the most friendly bunch. They’re also not used to…not Donna so…” He looked at you and nodded, “right, the lockers are right over here. Erm, I’ll just drop off my stuff real fast and then I’ll show you where Donna’s…well…” he chuckled, “your office is.”
Steven walked over to his locker and started putting away his things. You found it endearing, the way his pants were just a little too short, showing off his crisp white socks that disappeared into his loafers. He dropped something on the floor before muttering under his breath and picking it up. You sensed that this was the norm for him. He was a little clumsy, flustered, deceptively good looking, man.
That’s your employee, you reminded yourself, shaking the thoughts that threatened to course through your mind.
“Alright, let’s get on with it shall we?” He flashed a friendly smile before you nodded and let him lead the way.
Steven was a talker, that much was evident by the way he rambled on. By the time he got you to Donna’s old office, you knew everyone’s name who currently worked there, and who had ever worked there before; you’d been given another crash course in Egyptian mythology, and you’d learned that Steven was one of the most observant people you’d ever met. He seemed to know everything about…well…everything.
“I guess I should probably get to the gift shop. Those scarab jellies aren’t gonna sell themselves,” Steven rolled his eyes and chuckled on his way out the door.
Your office wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t small either. You had a nice window looking out at the front entrance of the museum. The people of London were bustling around the street, going into various shops and driving their cars. You turned when your door opened, it was John, the museum director; your good friend.
“Hey!” He said, coming up and giving you a big hug with a firm pat on the back.
He was shorter than you too. You had a tendency to tower over most people you met. He spread his arms out and gestured around the office.
“Look at you! Mr. Big Wig! How do you like your office?” He leaned on the desk with one hand.
“I like it. It’s a bit dark in here, but I’ll get used to it.”
“Good, good, listen, I’ve got to get to a meeting, just wanted to stop in and make sure you found everything alright. I sent you a memo with your job description and the scheduling and all that so if you have any questions let me know yeah?” He patted your shoulder and took his leave.
You got yourself settled in before finally looking at your emails. Sure enough your schedule and details were right where he said they’d be. It was the simple nine to five, nothing special there, except it looked like Wednesdays you were meant to come in a little later, and leave later too.
“Hm, inventory,” you muttered to yourself.
It wasn’t your idea of a fun way to spend your Wednesday nights, stuck in the museum storage room counting hippo plushies, but when you learned you would be joined by Steven, it made it not feel so bad in the end. It didn’t feel like something the boss should have to do, it seemed like something the employees should have no issue handling themselves, but you weren’t going to question it so early into your new job.
Two nights later, on Wednesday, you found yourself in the stock room waiting for the anxious gift shop employee to meet you down there. No one had shown you how to do this yet, so you were relying on him to give you the rundown. When he finally made it, he was flustered, running in and apologizing on repeat until you yelled over him.
“Steven!” You shouted in a booming voice.
He looked at you with those big brown doe eyes, “y-yeah?”
“Stop apologizing,” you gave him a friendly smirk, “I’m not mad.”
“Oh, you’re not?” He seemed surprised before letting out a sigh of relief, “well, thank goodness, that’s a first.”
“She was that bad, huh?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You have no idea mate. Meanest lady I’ve ever had the misfortune of knowin’ in my entire life.”
You watched Steven’s eyes flick over to one of the glass picture frames on the floor that had posters for the upcoming museum event. He tilted his head as though he were listening to someone. You cleared your throat, to which he jumped and looked at you again, giving you a friendly smile and a nervous laugh.
“Sorry…though I had something’ in my teeth. Shall we then?”
Steven started showing you how to take inventory of all the items in storage, and while you paid as close attention as you could, you couldn’t help getting distracted just listening to him talk. He was animated, passionate, and had an opinion about every item he picked up. At one point he looked at you and sighed.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to keep ramblin’ on. Used to drive Donna mental just listenin’ to me. She used to say it was the worst part of workin’ inventory.” He clicked the scanning gun over another barcode.
“Steven if I hear you apologize one more time, I’ll have you cleaning the toilets instead of workin’ down here with me yeah?” You looked at him expectantly.
“Yeah, right, so–damn.” He chuckled, “s’harder than you think to avoid sayin’ it.”
You were focused on Steven again, and just how good looking he was. You had a clear attraction to him, despite his awkwardness and disheveled appearance. In fact, that was part of what captivated you about him. He was effortlessly handsome, and the nervousness could be quite endearing.
“What, do I have something on my face?” He asked, face turning red under your gaze.
You shook your head quickly, feeling embarrassment wash over you, “no, sorry I was just spacing out s’all.”
That was all it took for you to start the spiral that was falling in love with Steven Grant, the tardy, handsome, gift shoppist who worked under you.
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Moon Knight Male Reader Masterlist
Moon Knight Masterlist
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here, have sum crack:
The next time she'll see Rose and Juleka, she'll gift then a basket of treats. Some of said treats will also have some beef cubes rather than bean paste as a form of payback. Because, good God, she shouldn't have listened to them the moment they said:
"It's a story about a reincarnated girl and her bully but it's really nice!"
Marinette blinked at the duo, who were holding up a set of novels. They've decided to have a spontaneous anime marathon after school and because of different reasons, Alya, Mylene and Ivan couldn't join them.
She read the title of the novels, 'I favor the Villainess' in pink lettering.
The two girlfriends insisted on watching the anime which was apparently complete and there hadn't been an akuma attack yet so she let herself get dragged into it. The story was interesting, very very interesting.
And Claire seemed very very familiar.
Perhaps she should have stopped Juleka and Rose when it was already past 10 pm and it was a school night. Maybe she could have gotten some bit of sleep before an akuma decided to annoy everyone in Paris by rampaging across the city at bloody 2 AM. Ladybug was irritated, moreso when Chat almost slammed into a building out of sleepiness. Thankfully, the Akuma wasn't much of a nuisance.
The lack of sleep, however, made up for it.
Maybe she should ask Master Fu if there's any way to recruit more Miraculous holders incase of Akumas in ungodly hours. They were still students after all, plus she doubts Hawkmoth doesn't work as well. Maybe she could ask Hawkmoth instead to create a schedule for all the Akumas. Negotiate and stuff.
Anyways, going to school sleep deprived, irritated and having an anime marathon the night before was brewing for disaster. Maybe her Ladybug luck can spare her for today.
"Well if it isn't my favorite person, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
Nope. Tough luck.
Marinette groaned, her irritation rising as Chloé's haughty voice reached her ears. Truthfully, the blonde wasn't that annoying anymore ever since she decided to get the help she needed. She's actually been doing pretty well, if her small progress at being a better version of herself was to go by.
However, Marinette was sleep deprived, hangry, and also very much a bisexual disaster.
Chloé Bourgeois, former bully turned hesitant all- wait, bully? Bully, bully, bull- oh. Aha, bingo. Didn't Rae almost made Claire back off because she kept flirting with her?
"What's with that creepy smile on your face, Dupain-Cheng?!"
Marinette smiled, her remaining braincells evaporating as she looked up at the startled blonde, "You're so pretty."
Marinette shrugged, completely unaware of everything happening around her, "I mean, if you're going to call me by my full name you can have it. Chloé Dupain-Cheng, it suits you."
Everything was dead silent. Dead ass? A voice eerily similar to Rae Taylor in her head, asked.
Dead ass, Marinette replied.
She doesn't remember much after what happened but she does remember Chloé going red in the face, sputtering something that was too fast that could give Hawkmoth's receding hairline a run for its money and Alya asking her after Chloé practically ran from the conversation if she's finally lost it.
Okay, Alya, rude.
After some explanation from Alya, a two hour breakdown and panic attack, and a three hour talk with Tikki, she was already down in their bakery on a school night to prepare Chloé's favorite treats.
Was she purposely making herself sleep deprived again to actually give the treats? Maybe. Would they talk about it? Hopefully.
Is she excited? Well.
Raise Y/our hands was playing in the background and Rae Taylor seemed to be lifting her spirits. And maybe her chances of being a masochist as well.
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oliversrarebooks · 1 year
The Rare Bookseller Part 15: Emily's Last Meal
September 1925
TW: captivity, mind control, covert brainwashing, Emily POV
Emily spent the entire afternoon curled up in a ball on her cot, wishing there were anything she could do to take her mind off of her situation. She'd like to go to sleep, even though the lights were still on, but sleep wasn't coming.
Lily had taken Oliver again, which meant the next time she saw him he'd most likely be glassy eyed and spouting pro-vampire nonsense, robbing her of the only person in the place she could at least hold a conversation with. 
Even though he was a victim as much as she was, she wasn't especially inclined to feel charitable towards him right now. She had hardly slept a wink since she'd been dragged into these cells, and the sleep deprivation had been making her especially irritable, a raw nerve that kept being poked. And last night had been the worst night at all, because Oliver had spent the entire lights-out period chanting hypnotic mantras, loud enough for Emily to hear. There had been a steady drone of "obedience is pleasure" and "no desire to resist" the entire night with only brief respites. Not only was it disruptive, but Emily had actively fought sleep, not wanting to fall asleep with hypnotic chanting softening her mind.
The vampire guards who were so quick to crack down on unwanted noises did nothing about this, of course. Emily suspected that Lily had engineered this to take down both her and Oliver at once, a two-for-one special.
It wasn't Oliver's fault, and she knew that. Her annoyance should be directed towards Lily and their vampire captors, and it mostly was. But she still very much wasn't in the mood to speak to him when Oliver returned, completely unguarded, wearing a simple white kind of frock dress and looking quite serene.
"What are you wearing, Oliver?" 
"Miss Lily gave me these clothes and let me shower," he explained. He was standing in front of her cell and none of the vampires seemed to care.
A lost cause, she thought, and hated herself for thinking so.
"And she told me to tell you that she'll be inducing you very soon."
Emily felt her mouth go dry, a cold pit of fear in her stomach. Of course, she expected this. She'd known what was coming. That didn't make it any easier.
"I know you're scared of it, Emily, but it's really not that bad," said Oliver in a tone that was probably meant to be reassuring. "She didn't take my mind that much at all. I still feel like myself, I just don't have any desire to escape, and I want to obey whatever the vampires tell me to do. That's not that bad, right?"
Oh, Oliver was such a lost cause. And she was next in line.
"Are you listening to yourself? You think that wanting to obey the vampires, the vampires who kidnapped us and are holding us in prison to sell -- you think that's okay?"
Something briefly flashed in Oliver's eyes, a spark of life. "I think it's... I think it's our reality," he said. "And if we have to be here... is it so bad if they make us want to obey? It's easier, and will help us survive. That makes sense, right?"
"I don't really care what makes sense," she said. "I don't want to be a slave. I don't want a vampire erasing my free will. I don't want some monster feeding off of me -- or did they make you forget that they were going to do that, too?"
"I didn't," he said. "You're probably not going to believe me, but Miss Lily showed me a little of what it would be like, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined. I'm not sure how to explain it without sounding crazy, though."
"It sounds crazy because it is crazy. Because you're totally under their spell now. What about your bookshop? Your former life?"
Oliver's calm facade broke a bit as he looked down at his feet. "...I'm not getting those back, I don't think," he said. "I... um. Perhaps this is an awkward question, but how hypnotized am I, actually? I feel fine, but..."
"I think Lily's gotten so far in your head that you can't even tell how much any more. I'm sorry."
"...I suspected that might be the case."
"Do you want me to try and snap you out of it?"
"No. I have no desire to resist," he said, automatically.
Oh, this poor man.
She should save him. She should try to wake him up again. But she was exhausted, and knew how futile it would be. Even if she could make a dent in Lily's influence, she'd only just take him again. He was no doubt going to keep her up again all night with chanted mantras.
She felt selfish, heartless, but she'd been running her whole life. Running from her family, from her awful, alcohol soaked father, from abusive lovers, from poverty. And now it might actually be the end of the line, and she was so, so tired, and Oliver was so obviously a lost cause.
They both were. She was going to die down here in everything but the technical sense, giving her life for a vampire's pleasure. Few would miss her or even notice she was gone.
"They're bringing dinner now, Emily. I'd better get back in my cell," Oliver said. "And... I'm sorry that I can't help you. I really am."
"I'm sorry, too, Oliver."
Dinner arrived, and it was a heaping plate of roast turkey and gravy with mashed potatoes, peas, and a slice of apple pie, of all things. Imagine apple pie baked and served by vampires! It smelled heavenly and it was the largest meal they'd served yet. She couldn't help but be suspicious. 
She knew that no matter how suspicious she was, she'd cave and eat it in a few minutes at most. She'd been hungry enough in her life that she couldn't bear not to eat hot, fresh food when it was right in front of her face, especially since it hadn't been drugged or poisoned up until now. She hated herself for how eagerly she ate the vampires' prison food, cleaning her plate every time, and that it was the best fed she'd been in ages. 
This was no exception, the kind of meal she dreamed about on nights when she'd had to content herself with half a can of beans or a single mashed potato. At least if this was her last meal as herself, it was a decent one.
The lights snapped off, and she'd barely had enough time to brace herself before Oliver started up the mantras again. "Obedience is pleasure," he said, in a thick, drowsy voice. "No desire to resist. Too tired to resist. Hopeless to resist..."
Emily furrowed her brow. That seemed directly pointed at her. Lily was trying to wear her down, she just knew it. Whatever she did, she couldn't sleep tonight, couldn't let those thoughts be drilled into her brain.
She sat, and stared into the pitch black gloom, and tried to think of anything, anything at all. Old friends. New paints. A pint of cheap beer. Fall leaves. The view from the Oak Street Bridge. 
Too tired to resist...
She was never getting out of here, was she?
She was so sleep deprived, and her stomach was comfortably full, and the cells were always kept warm...
She didn't realize it when her head began to nod, her thoughts swirling into nightmares of a vampire pinning her down and drinking from her neck, draining her energy and life, all the while Oliver's voice droned on about obedience.
And she didn't, at first, realize it when Oliver's droning voice mixed with Lily's.
"Obedience is pleasure. You're too tired to resist, Emily, much too tired," said a calm and soothing voice close by.
Emily stirred. She wasn't in her bed. She was being... held? Carried. 
"Shhh, Emily, relax. Go back to sleep. You're so tired," said Lily. "And you're already under my spell. There's nothing to fight. Go back to sleep."
A nightmare? It had to be. "I'm not..." she protested, trying to wake up. Why was it so hard? She cracked her eyelids open. Lily was looking down at her while carrying her in her arms.
"Of course you are, dear. Even the most defiant human must sleep, and even the most defiant human mind is vulnerable while sleeping," she said, as though explaining to a child. "Sleep now, go back to sleep. You're too tired to resist."
This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening now. She felt herself slipping back into slumber against her will, clawing her consciousness back from the brink.
"You're not going to have me," she said, fighting the haze that threatened to swallow her.
"Oh, pet, I've subdued a hundred girls like you and I'll subdue a hundred more after," she said. "Now hush, and go back to sleep."
Part Fourteen >> Masterlist >> Part Sixteen
Thank you for reading this story about Emily.
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@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps
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Welcome. I'm Black No.2, a- Former! -member of the International Police. At the moment I am... compromised. So, I am laying low, and as ordered, "enjoying my childhood." I was instructed to create this... "blog" as it may aid in my mission, via gathering data, securing leads, or.. simply being "fun." That's all there is to know from me.
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..Hello, everybody! It's Blue! Didn't expect to see me here, did ya? Well.. I took this sweet little guy in not too long ago! Don't you worry, I made sure it was legal.. after a little bit, teehee! Anyways.. warmest welcomes to you all! Please try to keep him out of trouble, will ya?
Hey, I'm here now. Might aswell just add myself here, since I don't plan on leaving, and have access to this blog. I'm permanent now. Get over it.
It's Solar, back again with a brand new blog! It's Blake! Slight change from the base canon... he never got reinstated. Because he definitely doesn't need that. So, following his official appearances, he went after a notorious thief in Kanto... and wound up getting adopted, under the pretense of being undercover. He doesn't care if that's made up. He's using that story, even if nobody else there wants him to keep putting himself at risk. He's still figuring out his emotions, and struggles to read people... but he's slowly getting there, over the course of the blog.
Main three muses are Blake, Blue and Silver!
Blake is fine with any pronouns, but predominately goes with he/him as a default, since it's just easier for him.
General Trigger/Content warnings for this blog! Child endangerment, violence, injuries, child abuse, child neglect, self destructive behavior, attempted child murder, police references, sleep deprivation, overworking and ableism. Ask to tag if necessary, please!
Nothing NSFW, please. Blue may be in her 20s, but Blake is twelve. And no proship. Period. If you're proship, get off ALL my blogs.
Peliper mail, musharna mail/malice, anon hate, magic anons, are all accepted and encouraged!
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I can’t really believe that I’m posting this at…
*checks time*
1:47 AM!
But, I’m tired of being silent and now have the motivation and energy to come forward!
I’m here to share my experience with Melody (yanderelmk)!
Let it be known that I could not write, draw, or even look at myself in the mirror after this happened for a good month!
Hello, everyone! Those of you from the Yandere!LMK Discord Server may remember me as Goat! In this post, I will be discussing my experience with the server and its owner, Melody. I want to go ahead and tell you all to not bother Melody or her blog, instead, go straight for the block button. This post is just meant to be a cautionary tale and hopefully provide insight and validation to those she is near or has hurt.
Here's a bit of context to the events leading up to my ban from Melody’s server. I had been stalking Melody’s blog for a little bit before I joined the server, and when I saw the Shauna situation, I felt like I needed to respond. I also have extreme bipolar disorder and ADHD, and even I didn't respond the way Shauna did. So, after making an anon emoji combination for Melody’s blog, I joined the server.
When I joined, I was a social anxiety-ridden mess, but I was welcomed with open arms. My own trauma from past friend groups clouded the already well-hidden red flags. Looking back, I noticed some things.
I noticed that when I first joined the server, everything I sent (drawings, writings, character-inspired makeup, etc.) was showered with love and praise. But the longer I was there, it slowed to a stop. Meanwhile, everyone who was close to Melody and in her inner circle got most of the attention and praise. I may be petty, but I am not jealous.
I noticed that Melody did little to talk about people causing problems and simply watched from the side. When someone was saying that their character would unalive mine because I shipped mine with the same character, Melody said nothing to stop it in the channel. But, later during a private call, she admitted she was watching it happen and didn't know whether or not to step in. As the server owner, she and her moderators should try and keep the peace when she sees something wrong.
And finally, I noticed that Melody had a bad habit of bringing up things that happened somewhere else where they didn't need to be brought up. Which leads me to my next topic: the events leading up to and the reason for my ban.
A little while before my ban, someone (I don’t remember who) had sent some Twitter fan art of the LMK characters as FNAF animatronics. And we all reacted positively, a few of us including myself talking about making it an AU.
So, Melody hosted a role play. I had used one of my OCs for this little role play, mainly her human design. We went for a few hours and when we had to stop, it was six in the morning.
Now, I had not slept for the past two days and was ready to pass out on my couch after a few after-role-play messages. I believe we had started talking about what our OCs would be like in a FNAF!AU and I had brought up one of my ocs whom I made with a group of friends and was the embodiment of lust.
Someone had mentioned and compared my OC to Asmodeus, the biblical king of lust. In my delirious, sleep-deprived state, I had incorrectly worded my message. I had said that I would say Asmodeus was a former sin of lust and my OC was the current one.
This was not what I had meant, I had meant using the name Asmodeus as a reference, not the actual biblical figure. And even then, I would have shortened it to make it even more of a reference. (ex: Ozzie, Azzy, Moudes, etc.) But, for some unknown reason to me, Melody had an issue with this.
She started an argument with me about how Asmodeus was from Christian religion and that it was offensive to Buddhism or something. I’m gonna be honest, the details are a bit fuzzy. In an effort to make me look like the bad guy, she brought up another set of OCs me and my friend group had made that were based around the Ten Commandments. (Also, I didn’t even use the biblical Ten Commandments because those are paragraphs, I used the ones from the Seven Deadly Sins anime!) These OCs were mentioned in that same private call outside the server!
Melody, being more awake than me, sent several messages in quick succession, not allowing me to get a word in or get my thoughts together. And as always, the person who could get more of a word in wins. Me, being half awake and ready to fall asleep, told Melody I was going to bed and would continue to talk about this later because I was tired and didn’t feel like arguing with her.
I woke up at around five in the afternoon and decided to go into the server and apologize for how I acted and let Melody know I was ready to talk. Only to find the server missing from the list.
Confused, I went to check Melody’s Tumblr blog to see if something happened or if I was banned by mistake. Instead, I found that Melody had made a post about banning me over a picrew I had made.
I will admit, the picrew was BDSM themed and it did include Nezha. But, I was not the first person to send it nor was I the only one who participated. Melody herself participated with one of her OC and Macaque. I will also admit that I forgot to spoil the picrew I made due to being tired.
However, I am not here to get into the ‘NeZhA iS tWeLvE’ debate. I'm here to share what I experienced with Melody and her server.
Here's what could've been done instead of straight-up banning me: talking to me about the image and asking me to spoil or delete it! I was given no warning of my ban, only waking up to it and seeing the post about it! She had made no effort to message me or inform me!
Alright, now that you have all of the info and my side of the story, time for a little analysis. I am a major psychology lover due to my own mental problems and I adore learning about the human mind.
Melody’s two nicknames in her server are ‘Queen’ and ‘Mother’. She is not either of these things.
A queen looks after her subjects, a mother looks after her children. Melody, on the surface, appears to look after the people in her server. But as someone who's seen beneath that surface and experienced people like this long before I met her, she is anything but.
Melody invites people into her server, welcomes them, and smothers them with affection. Then, when they aren't so new anymore, she winds to a stop and focuses on the people in her inner circle.
Melody watches over above, looking at everything and everyone in her server with the eye of a hawk. Waiting and biding her time for them to give her a reason.
Then, when she gains that person’s trust, makes them let down their walls around her, she sees them do something she doesn't like, and she finally has her reason. She strikes.
She removes them from the safe environment she builds around them and feeds them to the wolves. She takes mentally unwell people and puts them in an unsafe environment where they can be harmed.
She wounds them so they aren't thinking straight and baits them to lash out with posts on her Tumblr blog so she can paint herself as the victim. And once they do lash out, she links the places where people can attack them in the form of a ‘call-out’.
Have you noticed the fact that everyone Melody bans and posts about, deletes their blog? Now, I am not excusing these people's actions. But, no one should be put in an unsafe environment where they can be harassed and threatened.
In fact, I’m sure I would’ve been in a similar situation had I not gotten a hold of a close friend of mine. She comforted me, calmed me down, and distracted me from Melody. Her support and love allowed me to be the bigger person and not respond, blocking Melody and removing the problem.
But, I’m stubborn and tired of being the bigger person.
Melody is a manipulator and an abuser.
Let my story be a cautionary tale on these kinds of people. And, don’t harass Melody over this. If you do, you’re no better than her. Instead, go straight for the block button.
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