#i am still getting hate on being a kimi fan as if it has anything to do with max
captain-astors · 2 years
01 Tokis Ghoul :)))
Awful takes ahoy
Favorite character:
It changes frequently but Takizawa has permanent residence in at least the top 3. Recently I've been liking Shikorae.
Least Favorite character:
I've mentioned that the worst offense a character can make is being boring. So I probably don't remember them at all, but of the ones I do know :re Touka. She's so sadly bland and it just feels like her personality hasn't been developed just taken down a couple notches. I like her so much! I don't like what was done with her.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Oh god, in no particular order:
If I had to pick one of the big three kaneki ships: Shuuneki. shuunaki because I read a couple good fics, utaren's very interesting to me romantically and platonically, I heard of Eto Itori and Rize once and it's lived in my mind since. And then one of my many rarepairs that will seem weird or outright nonsensical is furushuu. I won't bother attempting to explain, I'd get nowhere, but if you were me it'd seem so interesting I promise. My favorite genre for all of these except for itorizeto (of which I just think they should conquer the world, the way their names connect so easily makes me happy. They're entirely there if you look at them individually, but as a whole they also overlap with each other!) is one-sided affection. I'm a fan of pining.
Character I find most attractive: 
I've never really sat back and gone "wow that is a pretty person" while reading Tokyo Ghoul. The closest I've gotten was seeing an Ayato cosplayer just pick up a person and carry them, matsumae for a moment, and when I first got into the series, Shuu.
Character I would marry: 
Character I would be best friends with:
Kanae, Kurona, and Nishiki seem cool but they'd hate my guts! Anyone that comes to mind first as an interesting as a friend would probably want me dead, So Hanbee or Koori. They could learn to tolerate me.
a random thought:
When tumblr starts being thirsty over “that old man” I do think of Kureo Mado (Akira’s dad) I Am Sorry. I will not change.
An unpopular opinion:
This fandom is too dead for me to know what a popular opinion is so: Kaneki isn't that interesting after the tsukiyama extermination arc, and Touka's speech to him when he came back to Anteiku did literally nothing. Touka and Hide's influence gives Kaneki brief moments of clarity before doing something stupid that'll hurt people, and then he does the stupid thing that'll hurt people anyways but we should root for him anyways because he's thinking of them... Is suppose.
My Canon OTP:
This is a funny one because I am either neutral or outright annoyed by most canon ships. I guess Nishikimi, they support and love each other and Kimi’s character couldn’t be assassinated to love a man because it was a quality of her personality from the beginning, and even if :re doesn’t devote too much time to her she’s still an influential and decent character.  
My Non-canon OTP: 
I kind of ship almost anything that drifts my way a little bit and nothing passionately. You could give me any of the ones I've mentioned and 50% of those I haven't and I'd go "yeah sure that one"
Most Badass Character:
ETO YOSHIMURA MY EVERYTHING, I don’t care how many times Kaneki changes his hair color she is unmatched.
Most Epic Villain:
Furuta and his weird methods. It’s unfortunate we never got a real idea of how strong he is because kingneki got a final form complete with religious imagery to crush the sinner! And barely took a scratch that entire fight. Seriously if the early confrontation with an aggressive bisexual with a poorly thought out plan trying to eat your main character is more intense than the final fight of the series with a character who’s a living manifestation of all of the issues that characters in this series suffer from, both on the receiving and giving end, I feel like it’s all gone off the deep end.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
The two weirdly-prevalent-in-the-old-fandom cousin pairings. Yes the one-sided attraction is canon, they’re still cousins and I don’t like it when that obsession is romanticized even when rewritten to be “ethical” otherwise. Unhealthy pairings can be interesting if handled well but they’re also related. But if you want my petty "nothing wrong with this the vibes just aren't it" answer, Hinami and Ayato.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Is all of them an option. Mostly joking but really, so many of them never got a good resolution or were straight up abandoned by the narrative but it's okay because look! Main character got a happy family! Not sure how because from the state we saw him in earlier I don't think he's fit to have a stable friendship let alone a wife and two kids but alright I guess kisses cure issues. I feel the worst for Takizawa, Furuta, Shuu, and Mutsuki currently because I'm thinking about how they never got a good resolution.
Favourite Friendship:
I’m making it friendshipS because there is no way I could limit myself to just 1, Chie and Tsukiyama, Shikorae and Takizawa, the clowns in general, the quinx squad in general, and I know it's not nearly canon but Furuta and Eto were made enemies BECAUSE GOD WAS AFRAID OF WHAT THEY WOULD ACHIEVE IF THEY WERE FRIENDS. I like to ponder the mischief and mind games that would ensue they're so awful.
Character I most identify with:
Oh I'm not self aware enough for this one assign me a person if you wish! I've been made to take quiz things a few times and I believe my results from those have been taki, kuki, and furuta but I don't trust my reading comprehension skills, the quiz makers opinions, or my own answers enough to trust that.
Character I wish I could be:
If we're just talking abilities, Shikorae. If you mean "You literally have to become them", unfortunately how fun it would be to play their role comes hand in hand with trauma, Touma Higemaru perhaps. Bikakus are my favorite kind of Kagune, and he's a pretty blank slate. I could do a lot, anyone with more intrigue ends up dead or completely alone.
I had a lot of fun with this one.
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8 years of Mercedes domination, 4 successive years of LH's, their 2020 car that was ridiculously dominant, the Brazilian GP 2021 rocketship.... But no, it was very entertaining, right?
Just because your fav is no longer winning it doesn't make it boring automatically for the others. Your singular experience with the sports is not universal, so stop acting like that's the case. You only look funny.
When it is your team, everything is legal. But when it is other team, there has to absolutely be something illegal going on since they are winning this time. Yes. So, in your wise team boss' words: "Then the other teams should simply make better cars."
When your fav is driving the rocketship it is all due to his godly talent that he wins, but when it is someone else, it is just the car. Funny, the Seb fans are also saying this, as if the side they are standing with have not been saying how it is thanks to Adrian Newey and how it is making the sports boring.
When your guy uses his team mate like such a doormat that it has turned into a meme, it is good team work, but when a guy passes his team mate while lapping 1.7 secs ahead of the whole field, it is UwU he can't pass even his own team mate without team orders UwU.
Also, the claim that the TDs and all the rule changes were made so that their fav's domination would be stopped, because wow r*cism, doesn't apply if another white guy had been winning as long as his name wouldn't start with M. Selective much? Or just pure bullshit?
Why are you still watching this shit if you think it should die and/or get lost? Ah, sorry, forgot most of you either don't watch it or watch it with your some other organ because you absolutely don't use a smidgeon of "reason" while doing that. That's why you just reblog hate, since it must be giving the dopamine and serotonin more easily that way.
And finally, how much free time do you all have to come to this side and send similar nasty anons to all the blogs that like/reblog a post just because they debunked your claims?
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blackheartheroine · 4 years
I'm slightly annoyed so I'm gonna rant a little.
I can't believe the F1 fan community and how far up in their own rightneousness they get when it suits them. What do I mean? Yeah, the recent talks about Kimi Räikkönen and "cancelling" him. (fyi, I fucking HATE this damn cancel culture we live in, it's ridiculous) And here's why:
First, the whole Iron Cross debate. I often forget how much younger the majority of people here are but from time to time it shows. If you were around at the turn of the millenium, you would have seen the Iron Cross a LOT. You saw it in jewellery, you saw it in clothes. To this day, I own a pair of shoes with big Iron Crosses on the sides and they are the coolest shoes ever. I spent years wearing a necklace with an Iron Cross. Want to go and cancel me too, for wearing nazi symbols? Go ahead then. But maybe first realize that it is not seen as one, not where I'm from. It was not invented by the nazis, its roots are in the cross pattée used by the Teutonic Order in the 13th century. Want to cancel a few hundred years of history, because the nazis slapped a swastika on a medal they did not come up with? A medal that had been around for ages before them. And to top that, the Decorations of Honour of the Bundeswehr, a military medal that is currently in use in Germany, is still based on the cross pattée and the Iron Cross can also be seen in at least some modern time German military aircraft. Want to go and cancel all that too? So maybe, just maybe, you should take a second and consider it as something else than a nazi symbol.
Second, that IG post. Yeah, I am not saying it was the brightest of ideas, but neither did I see it as blatantly racist as people seem to. Not necessarily a great idea, sure. But I do think people are reading a little too much into it, I don't think it had anything to do with race. Which also brings me to my next point. Here you are, all cancelling Kimi for this, while totally fine with shit other people do. Leclerc for example has a get out of jail free card for his unbelievably ignorant comments regarding BLM, but hey, he's the cute new golden boy. It doesn't matter that he doesn't kneel, that he publicly shares his opinions that a five minute research could've pointed wrong, it's Leclerc. He's just young and naive, and gets to do stupid shit without people being bothered by it for more than two seconds. So double standards much, or are you ready to cancel him too?
And also, the people going after Kimi now are the same bunch of people who, a few years ago, were ready to crucify Lewis for the "boys don't wear princess dresses" incident. But now everyone stands behind him, as they should. Which goes to prove that just because someone does one thing wrong, it doesn't mean that they are bad people. Everyone does stupid shit, it just how people are. So why the hell do some think they have the absolute moral highground to judge everyone else for their mistakes. Glass houses and so on.
So basically what I really want to say is, get your hypocritical heads out of your asses and realize that everyone can make mistakes. And for the love of god, in the golden age of internet where knowledge is a few clicks away, read up on stuff before screaming nazi all over the webz.
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Review: Down With Love (2010)
I felt a little nostalgic this week and decided to rewatch Down With Love, a romcom out of Taiwan featuring Ella Chen (from Hana Kimi) and Jerry Yan (Meteor Garden).
This is more of a brain dump as opposed to a real review. More below the cut.
Let me just start with the fact I love dramas with tomboys, gender benders, and gender non-conforming women and girls in general. I'm a 40 yr old gnc bi-woman, so some of these storylines really resonate with me - despite the trend of making those female characters glaringly stupid and pitiable.
Tags: Nanny, Love Square, Tomboy, Male Chases Female First, Sismance, Rich Man/Poor Woman, Pretends To Be Gay, Single Parent, Sisterhood, Boss/Employee Relationship
Our girl Ella Chen plays tomboy Yang Guo. Yang Guo works, has friends, and a shitty boyfriend of 5 years. She acts naïve, but she actually has a lot of life experience due to a *tragic backstory*. After her mother died, her father ruined the family business. Their family plunged from riches to rags and their father abandoned them. Yang Guo is 6 when this happens and it falls on her older sister Yang Duo to raise them both while homeless, starving, and navigating the homeless camps in the parks of Taipei.
Yang Duo (Kelly Huang) has raised her little sister by herself, beginning from poverty and homelessness to having a house and making a life for themselves. They bicker good-naturedly, but Yang Duo is very protective and supportive of her sister. She's managed to earn a job at a prestigious law firm as an admin assistant with strong accounting skills. She is seen as frugal, clever, and competent. Several characters make comments throughout the series about how it was a shame that she didn't go into certain careers because she's so accomplished despite not having a formal education. It's obvious that Yang Duo has put her own dreams and happiness on hold to make sure that she and Guo have financial security. Yang Duo is my favorite character btw. She is a supporting character that is multi-faceted and has her own character arc. I really like seeing her growth in this drama, and she gets some cute side couple action later in the series. Skip the last episode.
Due to growing up in poverty and scrabbling to lower-middle-class, the two girls work nonstop. After Guo is fired from her job waiting tables, Duo gets Guo a job as a nanny for her boss Xiang Yu Ping by lying and saying Guo is a lesbian.
Xiang Yu Ping (Jerry Yan) owns his own law firm and is seen as cold and overbearing. He is raising his dead brother's kids and none of the nannies he's hired have lasted either due to being chased off by the kids (a la the Sound of Music) or by trying to seduce him because he's a rich handsome lawyer. Relieved to have found a nanny who definitely wouldn't seduce him (because he thinks she's a lesbian), he just pays an unreasonably huge salary to keep her there with the kids despite their abuse.
Supporting characters: Amanda Chu as the best friend Yan Ling with the messy dating life is also delightful, but I've enjoyed all her roles. I may rewatch Lion Pride for her, now that I'm walking down memory lane. The office of 'just some lawyer dudes being dudes' are funny. I love when they gather around to watch drama and place bets on what's happening. They're also slackers. I would love/hate to work with them.
So that's the setup.
Honestly, I hate the 'pretends to be gay' plots. It's typically really offensive and this was no exception in a lot of places. (It's not at the same level as Personal Taste, but it's bad.) One of the cases Yu Ping takes on is unlawful termination and blackmail of a gay teacher and he asks for Yang Guo's advice to help the man. Taiwan was trying in 2010, but it wasn't exactly good representation to have a fake lesbian help an actual gay man faced with employment discrimination and blackmail over his orientation. When I compare this with Love is Science (2021 twdrama) that has two out lgbt characters employed in their office with significant roles, I'm just so happy that lgbtq media representation is still progressing.
I don't care about Yu Ping's best friend Qi Ke Zhong or Yu Ping's ex-girlfriend Ding Hui Fan because they're both terrible people that don't deserve forgiveness and their only purpose was to drag out our leads getting together. Since this was a rewatch, I knew how much I hated their scenes and skipped them as much as I could. You're not missing anything. Someone on YT needs to just make a Yang Duo/Xiang Yu Ping cut, tbh. Also? Go ahead and skip the deadbeat father.
The nanny bit only lasts three episodes (the kids are adorable), but it's long enough for Yu Ping to catch feelings and think his lesbian nanny is cute. He actually is not cold and overbearing as episode 1 makes him out to be. Yu Ping is supportive and tries to be a good friend to Guo. When he thinks her 'girlfriend' is cheating on her, he absolutely flips out because he feels she deserves to be respected and loved in her relationship. He learns about her family. He learns about her friends. He knows where to look for her when she's upset. He knows how to cheer her up and later, he knows how to make the perfect date. When he finds out she lied about being a lesbian, he's not even mad. He admits it was his fault for making certain demands in the employment contract. He's just upset that he's lost chances to flirt and court her.
Listen. It's a dumb premise in this drama and the misunderstandings suck. But it's so refreshing to see male leads be decent to women that are romantically and sexually unavailable to them. The bar is so low, in RL and in dramas, that Yu Ping belongs in the top tier of male drama leads. This dude was just going to continue in a supportive friendship for an undetermined time, both when he thought she was a lesbian and later when his shitty weasel of a best friend dated her under false pretenses. He didn't burden her with a confession until her relationship was over. And whenever she asked for space, he gave it to her. And when she confronted him on instances of jealously, he apologized and gave her space.
Yu Ping never tries to change Guo. He doesn't give her a makeover. She has a makeover scene that is instigated by another character and all he does is try to make her comfortable when she's so obviously uncomfortable. Then he cheers inwardly when he sees her overcome her awkwardness and have confidence. But by the end of the drama, she is still dressing and acting the same as in act 1. It honestly reminded me a little of Coffee Prince in that the fancy male lead is still just as enamored with his gnc woman by the end and the way she presents herself doesn't have an effect on their romantic relationship. Again, this is content catered to me as a bi & gnc woman in a relationship with a cis-het man. I often am mistaken for a man when I go out with my spouse and he's still super into me so let's normalize gnc people with gc people already it's 2021.
Anyway, if you watch romances for kisses, there's really only a couple of pecks and one nice passionate kiss and they're all in basically the last 3 eps of the series.
The last episode sucks. Stop at episode 15. Seriously. Don't watch episode 16. Why oh why do you let terrible people back in your life? Qi Ke Zhong and Ding Hui Fan are toxic and should but cut out of their lives. The end of ep 15 had a happy ending with a family-style breakfast for our two sisters with their boyfriends. Ep 16 threw in some more misunderstanding, jealousy, and separations followed by a time skip for no reason and brought back my two least favorite characters.
Anyway, I will live in my little world with Yang Duo and her sweet lawyer boyfriend Liang Zhi Hao (Ian Yim/Cyran Yan/Yan Yi En yeah, this actor has three stage names) that supports her interests and self-determination while they save money on mass transit by using his motorbike. And they build her dream home that she designs. Perhaps they put aside funds for her to pursue a degree in what she's passionate about.
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animegenork · 3 years
Fruits Baskets Final Season Episodes 2 & 3
What? No, I didn’t watch these on the Fridays of the weeks they came out. No, I wasn’t dying from school---
Anyway, back to the grind.
Episode 2
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I swear the gif search function HATES me and what I’m trying to do---
I would like to make this very clear. Shigure is a little bit evil. A little bit. But it’s mostly from being twisted by the zodiac curse and his strange form of love. So if you wanted to punch him this episode, that’s good. He needs to be punched. A lot. Like a lot. God, he’s so evil. Moving on.
So the episode begins with young Akito asking Shigure if he loves her. This is, as we’ve seen, something that Akito fixates on, mostly due to her father accidentally warping her with the idea of being eternally loved by the zodiac members. He responds with a very earnest love confession that sort of explains why they spend so much time together, but it also confuses things a bit, at least at first. What with the zodiac spirit, it’s unclear how much of Shigure’s love is real and how much isn’t up to him. That may factor in to whatever the hell is up with him now.
Cut to Tohru working on graduation ceremony flowers and nearly asking Shigure about breaking the curse. Of course, she can’t, because it’s hard to bring up, and she’s only seen 2 sides of Shigure at most. Naturally, he already knows what she’s thinking about, because he’s Shigure. He’s just that good.
Tohru continues to struggle even at school, when she realizes that there’s so much she knows that she probably can’t talk about with Momiji or Haru or anyone else. And since the curse is this ever-present thing to them, she’s not even sure if they’ll believe her or how they’ll react. Rin is the exception to this, of course, since she was already looking for information on it.
There are some shenanigans with the Prince Yuki Fan Club, and Tohru and Kyo are left alone (probably on purpose) by Hanajima, Uotani, and company. But I’ll get back to that in a sec.
Yuki tries to help out other classes with things, but they won’t let him because... well, uh, they think he’s too busy... and he... isn’t... I’m sorry, that’s just so funny to me. So anyway, he runs into Machi, who is being all adorable and stubborn because she wanted to say hello and chased him all over the school to do so. It’s cute, because Yuki’s not used to that much effort being put in to something for his sake. I love Machi like that UwU
Back to Tohru and Kyo, they’ve been waiting for HOURS. Tohru decides to tentatively try out her Kureno talking point, but as soon as she brings up the curse maybe being broken, Kyo tells her that hypotheticals like that are pointless (this is implied paraphrase). He does this mostly because he’s in that pit of despair of “I’m never getting out of this” but also because he doesn’t want to give himself a false hope that might never come true. Tohru, however, becomes sad, because of course she wants to save him from having to be locked away like the previous Cat. So there’s a bit of moment where she’s about to cry.
And then Kyo *sniffle* gives her a flower to make her feel better. *sobs*
Technically speaking, this scene should’ve been in the last season or SOMETHING, I honestly thought they WEREN’T going to put my FAVORITE scene in the anime, and then they did. What’s cute about this scene is how torn up Kyo is from hurting Tohru’s feelings, and how almost desperate he is to make her feel better. It’s a sweet moment, if slightly awkwardly animated, but it’s a rare Tohru and Kyo moment where they don’t even say anything and you can SEE everything they want to say. Of course, they’re interrupted, because they always are (HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT LIKE NEVER HAPPENS WHENEVER YUKI AND TOHRU HAVE A MOMENT?), but hey, I got my fluff, I am fed.
There’s brief mention of Rin and how Tohru hasn’t seen her lately, and I hate it because I know where she is.
Anyway, now on to Shigure being Shigure.
He’s torturing his poor editor again, and he walks away from what appears to have been a heated conversation with... HIS PARENTS. THEY EXIST. I dunno what it is with rarely seeing zodiac parents (besides the obvious cases of Kyo and Momiji), but there you have it. We see then that there’s a big Sohma dinner outing with Akito there, so clearly Shigure planned that. His skills of perception and foresight are serious scary, and I really wonder how the hell he developed them.
There’s a flashback to before Tohru and Kureno’s revealing conversation, and we see that Shigure hates Kureno for being so close to Akito. Of course, Kureno makes it clear that Akito doesn’t love him, that she’s always wanted.... well, he doesn’t say, but I think all of us are familiar enough with how this anime works that we know who he means. But Kureno basically wants Shigure to stop being so cold to Akito, and this is because of how much he wants to keep her happy more than any personal feelings about Shigure.
This is where it gets a bit dicey. I’ve actually got a strange fondness for this scene, if only because it sort of but also not really gets to the heart of why Shigure is the way he is.
Shigure appears in Akito’s room, and she’s basically jealous that he was out with another woman. Then she brings up his sexual relationship with his editor (nonexistent), which is rather petty, but then, when was this duo not about pettiness? The implication Akito makes is that he sleeps with every woman he meets (explains a lot). She then mentions that Shigure slept with Ren, Akito’s mother (I’m not going to touch on how screwed up that is), which is why he’s living in a house away from the main estate. Shigure acts all cool and says that was a long time ago, he’s been punished, but Akito points out that he almost wanted to leave. Which... he did, but not for any lack of love on his part. And he says that. He recalls the conversation we see at the beginning, in which he tells her he cares about her more than anyone else. Understandably, she’s frustrated, and she asks why he always tests her.
It’s because she slept with Kureno. Petty, I know.
The phone conversation comes back. Everything you need to understand about Shigure is in one sentence: “I love her so much that sometimes I want to spoil her rotten, and sometimes I want to crush her into a pulp.” This is nearly verbatim of the manga translation I read a long time ago, and it’s always stuck with me. The thing is, Akito was always told she’s special and she can do with the zodiac as she pleases (which she says directly in this episode). It seems a part of Shigure didn’t like that that extended to those that weren’t him (Kureno), and his love for her warped and twisted into this kinda toxic relationship. (Kinda, she says, as if it’s not very.) This makes him want to be kind to her, but at the same time, he wants to be mean to her and show her how much pain she’s put him through, too. It’s pettiness at its extreme, but it’s somehow more believable than other forms of petty jealousy I’ve seen.
Oh yeah, and then they have sex.
Once again, there’s brief mention of Rin, perhaps she’s in the hospital, we don’t really know. But the main part of this all is Shigure remembering that before Akito was born/in his life, he had always been sort of waiting for her, which is mostly the zodiac spirit talking but is also interesting nonetheless. How much of Shigure’s love is influenced by the zodiac curse? How much of it is him? I don’t know if we ever find that out, because frankly, the curse did a lot of things to everyone involved, including him.
I still love Shigure, don’t get me wrong, but this is SUCH an interesting episode.
Episode 3
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Precisely the gif I wanted. Hehehe.
Still pissed about Kyo’s screentime being so awful lately. ads;fkjsad;fklsda
Some student council shenangians occur as always, and it’s revealed that Nao has a crush on someone, which is why he declared Yuki to be his rival on day one. Also, Kimi is a golddigger.
Some girls come in and gossip about Machi making a mess again with one of her outbursts, and they mention a rumor about her trying to kill her brother, which is why she lives alone. Kakeru looks quite displeased to hear this, and Machi walks in on the conversation and runs away, with Yuki wanting to go after her. 
Kakeru tells Yuki later that the rumor is “mostly true”--that is, that’s the story he’s been told as well. Of course, he’s wary to believe it, because while they’re not terribly close, he knows her a little better than the parents do. He then tells a story of seeing Machi making footprints in the snow, almost obsessively, and he’s not quite sure why she did it (but Kakeru has a Shigure streak, so I wonder if maybe he does know?).
So Kakeru decides to pull a sort of jerk move and visit Machi while with Yuki, and she tries to turn them away to no avail. Of course, Yuki isn’t put off by the mess, since he and Shigure used to live that way, so he’s all cheerful about it while Machi is dying in the corner. I will not talk much about the bra incident, but that was honestly the most hilarious few seconds.
Finally left alone, Machi asks why Yuki is there, assuming it’s about the rumor her classmates mentioned. She says she’s done trying to correct everybody, since no one ever seems to believe her anyway. (That is all too relatable, especially in high school.)
But Yuki doesn’t even mind. He asks something else instead: does she hate perfection? And she says yes. TEN POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR.
Wait. My bad.
Anyway, Machi has a flashback to what I believe I’ve mentioned before, which is Machi’s mom forcing her to be perfect so that she could beat Kakeru in the succession war (England?) with her family. When that was called off, her mother would say right in front of her face (jerk) that Machi was boring. Machi asked her why she would say that when she was just trying to do what she was told. Her mother has the gall to be offended by the implication that it’s her fault (IT IS, YOU IDIOT--) and then turns around and says maybe she raised Machi wrong.
Here’s a hint: that’s not what you say to your CHILD.
Poor Machi didn’t know what to do with herself. What is she supposed to do if she’s just a “mistake” her mother made?
Yuki, in his cute way of knowing precisely what she means, tells her she’s worked hard to get where she is, and that he’s glad she’s here. She’s not used to compliments like that, and it’s a very sweet moment. That’s when she admits that she was just trying to take care of her brother, but her parents wrongly and automatically assumed she was jealous and trying to kill him (which says a lot about how god awful they are). And she’s finally able to let it out and cry with Yuki, who offers to go leave footprints in the snow with her.
My heart might’ve burst during that, not gonna lie--
I think my favorite part of the episode is the next day, during a student council meeting. A new, perfect box of chalk is placed in front of Machi, and you can see in her eyes that the perfection is about to make her snap. Yuki, knowing this, calmly reaches over and breaks a piece of chalk, ruining the “perfection” of it. It’s very sweet of him and a very cute moment for both.
Then we cut to Tohru handing Kyo a flower, which is whiplash to the previous episode I’m glad we got.
The next sequence was a bit confusing at first, as I thought we’d sort of covered this already in season one, but we get to see Motoko. She’s called Yuki out in order to tell him that he made her high school days happier, and that she truly loved him. Motoko also hopes that Yuki himself will find happiness, which I think is a nod at her recognizing Tohru’s influence on him. It’s kind of cute, because even Yuki seems to appreciate her words, and we get to cut to a nice graduation song that actually kind of made me cry.
Motoko is still in a classroom when someone finds her. It’s Nao, and it appears that she was the girl he was in love with, which I LOVE. I HOPE HE OR SHE OR THEY ARE HAPPY TOGETHER OR EVEN APART, JUST THAT HE EVENTUALLY GOT TO TELL HER OR SOMETHING AND AHHHHHH. He tells her that goodbye is not the end, and it always leads to “nice to meet you,” which is sweet for both of them, considering her graduation and his being left behind.
Then we get to meet Hiro’s baby sister, Hinata, a true cutie pie. I think I cried here, too, for different reasons.
Finally, we see Kagura having picked up Rin’s diploma (YAY SHE GRADUATED YAYYYY), and wondering where she is despite her mother’s warnings not to investigate. Hatori and Shigure are a bit suspicious, too, and we see Akito with a pair of scissors.... OwO
[I know what happened and I hate it.]
I’m glad I could finally do these, it’s been a couple of weeks of hell, to be honest. Hopefully, Fruits Basket will be back at it again and I’ll have something more to wax poetic about, haha. Thanks for reading!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Do you take lessons for anything? No. I’ve done so in the past, but not at the moment.
Has something really heavy ever fallen on you?  Other than siblings or cousins from when we played together as kids, I don’t think so.
If you wear makeup, what colors do you usually wear?  I never wear makeup but whenever my friends have used my face as a practice stage (lol) they’ve usually just used natural or nude-ish colors, which I find look okay on me.
Does your shower have curtains or a glass door/wall? It has a sliding door. I’m not sure what material it’s made out of, but I can tell you it’s at least not glass.
If you have more than one pet, do they ever get jealous of each other?  Cooper does tend to bark and/or whine when he sees me giving more attention to Kimi, but not always. Kimi couldn’t give less of a crap, but this is also because he is 13.
Is there a room in your house that you don’t like going in? I used to not like being inside my bedroom, especially after the breakup. For a long time it was a place I only associated with crying and breakdowns, so when I was doing the arduous task of starting over I haaaaated staying there because it only hurled me right back to square one. But I’m happy to say that I eventually got better, had enough strength to change the narrative for my room, and now I like being here again :)
Do you remember the last question you were asked? What did you answer? My mom just asked me to watch Cooper because he was having the zoomies.
Besides salt and butter, do you put anything on your popcorn?  Not a big fan of popcorn but if I had to pick a topping, I’d go with cheddar cheese.
Are you lonely?  I’ll feel it sometimes, but it only lasts for a moment or so.
What’s your favorite magazine to read?  Wow I haven’t read a magazine in years.
Do you like pineapple?  I hate it. In all forms. The pizza debate doesn’t even matter to me lmao, I just think pineapple downright sucks.
Have you ever seen fireflies? They used to be common in our village when we first moved in, back when there were only like 3 houses in the neighborhood (we were one of the first to move in here). As more houses were built and the place got more occupied the fireflies gradually lessened until they disappeared altogether.
Have you ever trespassed?  I very vividly remember taking multiple trips to the school cemetery back in grade school (I went to Catholic school and ours had a cemetery below our chapel, where all our deceased nuns were housed...I really shouldn’t be talking about this at 10 PM...). I am 100% sure that was an off-limits area but we went there anyway because we were a naughty group of kids and because no one was guarding the area.
Do you tell your parents where you are going? Yeah; if I live with them, they have the right to know. < Ooh, I’ve never even thought about it this way before but this is a very good point. I’ll second this, haha.
Do you agree with the notion that all people were created equal? Yes.
Do you raise your hand or participate in class? God never. I hid as much as I can and only recited if I was called on purpose.
Do you like visiting the mall? Why or why not?  I like the malls that we have. But then again, malls are the only decent public spaces we have - we don’t have public libraries, parks, playgrounds, etc. – so it’s not like I have a choice on where I can go if I want to go out. 
Have you ever purposely hurt an animal?  Yeah I kill bugs when I see them. Soz, I have no feelings for them whatsoever.
Would you ever see a therapist?  I planned to finally do this last year but it just fell through haha and eventually I was able to care for myself too. Now that I’m doing a lot better for the most part, I feel like I’d have no clue what to talk about once faced with one.
Are you afraid of heights?  Only if I had to jump all the way down. But if I ever found myself staying at an extreme height simply to enjoy the view, or if I was ever in one of those towers where the top floor’s floor is made out of glass, I think I would enjoy that.
Are you afraid of the dark?  I always say I’m usually not afraid of the dark, and will only be if I was in a situation that was intended to scare me. I would definitely be afraid of the dark if I was in like an abandoned cave or a haunted house, but I would also find the darkness in my room comforting.
Are you a jealous person?  When I am it’s mostly been in a playful sense and rarely serious.
When is your birthday? April 21st.
What are you listening to right now? My very very old aircon doing its very very loud whirring thing. It’s become a running joke in the family because it is literally SO FUCKING LOUD hahahaha Have you ever been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing?  As a goody-goody, I can only ever do this to my mom; but yeah, she’s caught me many times.
Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?  Sure, but I’m not ~close friends with any of them. Just chummy enough to like their photos on social media once in a while or greet them happy birthday. My oldest friend was from Grade 1.
What is the most important thing to you?  Being happy with myself and making sure I don’t miss out on life and opportunities.
Do you like whipped cream?  I can take it or leave it.
Are you close to your mother?  We get along but not close.
Are you close to your father? I’m closer to him in the sense that I would be more comfortable around him, but we’re also not physically or emotionally close. 
Do you walk around bare foot when you're at home? Or do you wear socks?  I am Asian hahaha what do you think?
Do you like chocolate popsicles?  Sure! One would sound lovely right now, actually.
Would you ever be your school’s mascot who wears that costume?  Both of the schools I’ve attended don’t have mascots.
Would you rather see the Great Wall of China or Big Ben?  Great Wall for sure. Sorry but I can’t see myself getting excited over a giant clock, and I’m sure there are other lovely spots in London I’d much rather visit. 
Have you ever written a poem?  Always unsuccessfully. It’s never been my forte.
Would you ever be a tornado chaser?  That’s a thing? Uh...no way??
What is your favorite thing to eat with bbq sauce, if you even like that stuff?  Pizza. And anything, I guess. Barbecue sauce is the bomb.
Your parents tell you that this summer, you get to pick the vacation. Where do you plan to go?  Covid notwithstanding and budget permitting, probably New York City.
What do you think is a good theme for a prom?  I could not care less.
Have you ever had to do a class in summer school? Thankfully, never.
Do you get nervous when you go to the doctor? About what?  You know, I’ve always thought going to the doctor was no sweat until I realized just how nervous I was when I had to book a telemedicine consultation once as part of my job (PR can make you do the most random, out of context things sometimes, I swear haha). I surprised even myself with the reaction I had when I found out I had to do it, and how I felt like declining the offer...I guess I was scared about the possibility of underlying health issues suddenly being unearthed. Your whole life can always get turned upside down in the blink of an eye with just one diagnosis.
Have you ever been to the rainforest?  I’m pretty sure the climate I live in is called tropical rainforest, so I guess yeah.
Have you ever created a website?  Not from scratch. I had always made it under an umbrella website, like Blogspot.
Ever thought about writing a book?  Sure, as a kid.
Have you ever had a dream where you killed someone?  No. Whenever I have dreams of that nature it’s always me or a loved one being killed, but never me doing the killing.
Do you ever make up stories in your head and wish they come true? Yes.
Which is worse: stuffy nose or runny nose?  Stuffy. It sucks not being able to breathe freely.
Which is worse: Sick to your stomach or sore throat?  I super hate sore throat. I already get stomachaches frequently, so even though I know how sucky it can be I feel like the discomfort would be bigger with a sore throat.
Do you think your last relationship was a disaster?  The way it ended was, but it wouldn’t be fair to myself to invalidate the genuine happiness I felt when I was in it.
Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube?  Never.
Who do you think is the easiest to talk to?  Angela.
Would you consider yourself to be emo?  No.
Do you have a favourite metal band or do you not like metal?  Not really, no.
What is your current desktop picture?  It’s just one of the provided desktop photos on my Mac.
Thick or thin blanket?  Thick.
Who are your favorite bands?  Paramore, Coldplay, and Against Me!
How do you mark through your word search puzzles?  Depends on my mood. Sometimes I’ll strike through and sometimes I’ll go ahead and encircle the entire word altogether.
Have you ever sewn something?  I’ve done embroidery...does that count?
What did you eat for dinner last night?  We had breakfast for dinner, actually hahaha so my dad made an omelette, hotdogs, and tapa.
Ever been grounded? If so, for what?  Continued from last night. Yes, I was caught cursing all over Twitter when I was like 11 so my parents cut off my access to all my gadgets for a year or so. Which, in retrospect, is an acceptable consequence for my actions, but we’re also talking about a time when schools were starting to view the internet as a necessity in doing homework and research. I missed out on nearly all my homework for a while, and my mom didn’t buy it when I kept telling her I needed to do my research over the internet. At the same time, she kept demanding why my grades weren’t doing so well when she was the reason they kept being pulled down...so yep, not a very fun time.
Have you seen all of the Jaws movies?  No and I don’t really have the desire to. Doesn’t seem like my kind of movie.
When was the last time you played cards? (not on the computer)  Maybe 2 or 3 years ago.
Have you ever drank Cherry Coke? No, I don’t drink any soda.
Have you ever had a black eye?  Nope.
Have you ever eaten a bug?  Not to my recollection, but I would love to try cooked crickets and whatever bug can be prepared and eaten.
Do you like pranking people?  Never; the idea makes me cringe since I never know when it’s considered going too far. I’d rather watch people prank other people.
Did you ever take a cooking class in school?  Yeah, but we were required to take it. We also had some baking sessions, which to me was a lot more fun. I remember having to make macarons and rainbow cake which are both right up my alley, heehee.
Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?  No, idk what that is. I just know people turn everything green on that day lol.
Do you use Skype?  I’ve never used Skype on my own. That’s where I used to talk to my dad for video calls maybe around a decade ago, whenever he was abroad; but I never had my own account. These days I alternate among Microsoft Teams, Google  Meet, or Zoom.
Have you ever participated in local magazine cover girl searches?  I don’t think so, but I did join a few contests on some of those kid’s magazines we used to have...none of which I won.
Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress?  No.
Is your ex sexually attractive to you still?  I haven’t seen her in 5 months, which helps...that said, I simply feel nothing. I’m neither sexually attracted nor not sexually attracted to her.
Describe the most romantic moment you’ve ever had.  I can think of one but I don’t see the point in still raising it, considering where I am in life right now.
Have you ever cheated on a test?  Yes, once. I hated it.
Have you ever been to couple’s counseling? Nope.
How often does your employer ask you to work overtime?  A few times a week. Sometimes I’ll do it willingly as well just to get the task over with or to save myself some deliverables the next morning. I’m fine with OT-ing tbh; since I work from home, I feel like my time is a lot more flexible.
Did you often read for fun when you were a kid? I read A LOOOOOT as a kid. I was a total bookworm. < Yeah, same. You could always find me bringing a book to school and reading during breaks, even though they technically didn’t allow us to bring any non-academic book. My spark for reading died when I was around 12, same time as when my depression started to kick in, and it never really came back.
When was the last time you were scared?  Someone from the media called me up yesterday VIA LANDLINE to ask a question about a press release I had sent out that day. I usually read up on the materials we have, but I honestly didn’t give a shit about that particular story and didn’t really make an effort to know more about it, so I found myself stumped when he dropped the question. I ended up stalling for a bit before I was able to stutter an answer, so that was scary, but at least he was nice. Also, I hate phone calls.
What’s your favorite song by Rihanna?  KISS IT KISS IT BETTER
Can you speak binary?  No, I never understood it.
Would you rather live somewhere that had hurricanes or tornadoes?  I already do, at least for hurricanes. I imagine I’d be terrified of tornadoes.
Have you ever had a pet that you disliked?  Nooooooo, never. I was never close to Arlee but I still did my best for her to like me, and always fed her whenever my sister would be in her dorm.
When was the last time you saw hail?  Never. Doesn’t happen all that often here, and when it does it’s always in the provinces.
What is on your mind right this second:  I want to spend my remaining time awake reading fanfic (I’m into them again, omg) but I also wanna finish surveys...so I’m doing my best to breeze through this so I can finally look for something to read hahahahaha.
Have you ever given a nickname to your pet(s)?  Cooper is Cooperino to me. Sometimes I’ll call him Cooperino Cappuccino. Kimi is Kimchi, Kimmerl, Kimberly, The Kimster, and sometimes Lolo, which is grandpa in Filipino heheh.
When was the last time you shaved your legs?  Like 3 or 4 days ago.
Do you ever try free samples at the store?  Nope.
Do you like boys with long hair?  Physical traits don’t matter much to me.
Do you like rootbeer?  I’ve never tried it but I don’t really want to either haha. It smells weird.
What is the best fast food place, in your opinion?  KFC or Taco Bell. Or Jollibee.
Do you have faith in yourself?  Starting to.
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weraceasone · 4 years
Hi Elle,
Something that has been bothering me for a long time and I don't know if you've already talked about this, (I see some parallels with the piece about the toxic community within the world of F1) but do you know what is hidden in the brain of a person who likes to post hate comments about the drivers? I know this happens in other sports too, but as I am a fan of F1 I only focus on this sport.
Yesterday I took a look at Lando's Instagram and I saw someone make a mean comment under a post and I immediately wondered “why would you say this” because you are literally wasting your “precious” time that you never get back to respond to someone who you don’t “like”. I just don't understand that. If I don't like someone - Kimi Raikonen - then I won’t look up about that person because I simply don't care. It's weird that people find it necessary to go out of their way to bring someone down.
Fun fact: I'm Dutch but I typed this in English so most of us can read it. First I typed my ask in Word then I used Google Translate, because I'm too lazy to translate it by myself. Have a good day Elle.
hey Anon!
honestly, I just feel as if people being hurt, or angry with something else is the only reason why a person would do that. I mean, I can even muster the empathy to understand it. sometimes life gets tough and a wave of sadness rolls in and all you want to do is just get rid of that hurt and get back at anyone who dares to show the opposite of what you are feeling. the sad thing is though, there’s no point. the angry comment will make another person angry, and then angriness will just spread around until someone dares to break the cycle. it’s the same with anonymous hate here on Tumblr, isn’t it? you’re not going to get anything out of it, other than a fiery answer that’s spit back at you. there’s no point.
it’s okay to be angry and sad with the world. I fully believe that. I am very angry too, sometimes. sometimes I spend hours trying to find the word for it. how angry I am at some people. I know that doesn’t seem like me, but it’s true. sometimes I even give my angriness a number. on some days I tell myself; “it’s a three today”, and on some days it’s a seven. I know that’s a weird way of handling things, but I guess it’s comforting to know it’s never been a nine, or a ten.
with the rise of social media, opinions have become such a huge part of our society. they are everywhere. sometimes I don’t know a whole lot about a topic, and I say “well, I don’t know anything about that so I can’t say anything” and it automatically makes me feel dumb. which is just… why am I made to feel that way? I hate being touched. by anyone. it has nothing to do with anything that happened in my life (I hated being touched when I was four, I hated being touched when I was thirteen, I still hate being touched now that I’m pushing 21), I just hate being touched. anyone touching me – whether that’s my arm or my hand or my neck, it makes me deeply uncomfortable. all the people close to me know this, and they show me love by not touching me. they show me they respect my boundaries and my preference to not be touched, by not doing it. and this might be a comparison that has you thinking, what does that have to do with anything? well, maybe sometimes it’s okay for us to just look at something, to either love or hate something, without trying to leave our mark on that. sometimes it can be selfish to want to hold something that is not meant to be held. maybe sometimes we should just look at something, not form an opinion and move on with our lives.
it is hard to be kind. I still struggle with it sometimes, when I get a hateful anon (that I always delete, by the way), sometimes all I want to do is be like “that’s NOT true, that’s NOT who I am and that’s NOT what I meant!!!” but like I mentioned before, there’s just no point. hate makes people hard and creates fear and will hurt people. kindness does the opposite. but they both spread.
(I am truly the queen of going off-topic. does this even make sense? I have no idea. I do salute you for typing everything in Dutch and then putting it through Google Translate, Anon. I hope you’re having a good day! 🧡)
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theoi-crow · 5 years
Don't worry. Take your time with me. I am a piece of work. X,D Last Saturday, my mind suddenly filled with the idea of religions and all of that stuff. I reminded when I feel the (Catholic) God touching me when we let them into us. I remember I saw my mom speaks in spirit language, I have known all of the good priests in my church. But despite all of that, I still feel nothing with my own religion. I still fill empty. I feel horrible because I can't believe what I already felt, see, and hear (1)
But when it comes to Greek Gods, I feel something. I feel warmness and happiness when think about them. I feel like I can to relate to them more than with my religion. I feel like God and Jesus in my story is really hard to relate to, and maybe that's why I can't really love my religion as I am suppose to. I still always pray to Catholic God and go to church, but that is mostly all out of habits, never because I enjoy it. (2)
But then when I think about it again, I also realized how much I really hate rituals. But now that I think of it, maybe I'm not...? But I just can't imagine myself pray to my Gods using sacrifices and scented candles. Maybe by doing that, it makes feel like there is no difference with doing catholic? I don't know myself. But I hate myself for hating the idea of rituals. My selfishness probably makes me want to see the Gods as a friend, not.. as a God..? I really don't know and it saddens me. (3)
I guess the point is... I don't think I am a  good believer. The way Im doing things is wrong, I don't like following certain rules, and I want to do things my way. I am selfish with my belief and doesnt want to follow the correct thing. Or maybe I just  dislike commimtment, which is bad... Sorry if I confuse you. I never good at saying the right things. I guess I just want to know if Im right or wrong or else. (4)
I know this feeling too well and it's one I felt every time a religion like Catholicism or Wicca tried to dictate how I was going to be practicing.
The "proper" way to do it. No. 
I'm not someone who likes being told what to do and I'm a big fan of doing what feels good.
This is why I'm a revivalists and not a reconstructionist. And I try to avoid working with gods that are very strict about insisting you refer to them as "Lady" or "Lord." This isn't a slight against anyone who does have this kind of relationship with the gods but like you, it feels too formal. 
You don't have to do anything you don't want to do and the gods don't want you to do anything you don't want to do because that "ughhhh I don't like doing rituals but here" energy gets carried to them. This dosent mean you should learn to like doing those rituals.
Find ways to honor them on your own terms. 
Do you like video games?
Play them for the gods. They love a good story, Final Fantasy or Assassin's Creed Odyssey is what I play for them but they love anything that has a good story. 
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You like movies?
The gods do too. "Kimi no nawa (Your name), Howl's moving Castle, Birds of Prey (2020) are movies I watch that the gods enjoy. 
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What about music?
Yes! Any song that you like that you feel reminds you of the gods. I keep a picture of BTS on Apollo's altar. He loves them!
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Comics? Manga?
Because I read Batman comics for Athena, Ares and Apollo. Hermes loves manga and so does Aphrodite so I read it to them.  
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You are a great believer you just have to do things your own way. When you do these things for the gods imagine them with you. Imagine what they'd say when they watch these movies with you. 
There are so many other things you can dedicate to the gods. Just think of the things you like and think about which gods would like that and talk to them while you're doing that activity, listening to music or watching TV or shows.
Here is an example of how I honor the gods: (LINK)
Do not let others try to tell you how to worship or honor your gods that's between you and the gods.
I hope this helps! 
Make your faith yours. Look at what you already love and share them with the gods. They want to experience life with and through you. 
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astharoshebarvon · 4 years
I am just so disappointed and sad by what I read in a shoujo manga. I couldn’t understand what the characters were saying but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what the author was insinuating.
I thought there was serious homophobia going around in it before but I thought maybe I was overthinking the whole thing. I know I wasn’t I was just trying to make myself feel better.
But now it seems like I was spot on with my observations.
Never thought some shoujo mangakas are going to sink so low as to make a character who seems/is gay try to break up the marriage of the main straight couple. Like seriously, you ran out of all cliché, lame ass bullshit that makes up most of shoujo manga plots that you had to drag a gay character into the mix.
God, just say you hate gay people and get out. No need to make them villain like in your story. Take lessons from Clamp if you really want to write same sex relationships or a lgbt character. Or maybe from the author of Hana Kimi. Because you are doing a shit job of portraying them the way you do. How can anyone even write garbage like this in 2020 and get away with it?
If you don’t know how to write lgbt character just write them out, do not include them. It’s annoying, highly disrespectful and gross.  
No wonder many fans of shoujo/shonen are also of mind : same sex relationships can be used for humor or comedic effect. We don’t want any real, serious relationships. We don’t like them.
Why are there so many shonen ai, yaoi, shoujo ai anime? Where are straight fucking anime?
Just shut up! Literally all animes are straight! Are you being willfully blind or stupid? There are so few shonen ai, yaoi anime. What the hell are you on to write such horrendous lies?
Ugh. I am still so disgusted by these comments.
Are writers really that upset because more and more people are liking shonen ai, bl, yaoi manga that they have to resort to these petty, horrible tactics in their manga to insult a genre that badly?
I was of mind to buy the manga because the art was very pretty, but now. No way in hell I want that homophobic trash in my collection. Pretty art will only go so far.
This behavior isn’t even surprising if I am being honest here. I have come across a lot of FM stories/fics which literally use derogatory words, slurs for gay people. And, yes, it’s mostly for MM relationship not FF. There is also apparently selective homophobia going around too. FF is fine, it’s MM which is wrong.
FF is fetishized like anything by straight story writers. It’s just so gross to read the straight guy fantasizing about two females as if they exist to make your gross fantasies true. Eww.
Then you have the real winners, the so called writers who want change, diversity in MM ships by turning one character into a freaking girl.
Just say you want straight sex, tons of babies and the dominant male spouting how much he wants to fuck the OFC and  see her round with his babies or some other cringe worthy dirty talk.
There’s the hard core truth which will never change, the genderbent characters are OFC. They are just self-insert to live your fantasies with the other guy. At least admit the truth.
Harry is a boy and will always be that. No amount of fem harry bullshit will turn him into a girl. Some even have the audacity to give the oc a brother who is exactly like Harry. Just say you hate Harry and same sex relationships and get out.
I sigh every time when I see the crack stories appear in my pairing, HP/TMR, tag. Just be brave and list them as oc fics. They are that and always will be that. Stay deluded forever thinking fem Harry exists. Why are they even part of the real, slash ship tag? Who the fuck is femHarry?
I wouldn’t be surprised if in said shoujo manga the male lead humiliates the seemingly gay character, or makes fun of him or does something equally loathsome. After all he has made his braindead, stupid, completely garbage of a wife cry, insecure. He deserves to be hurt.
The fem lead is just so stupid it’s not even funny. Most people read it because of the handsome guy, that’s the truth. The girl is so weird and dumb that I am surprised someone even came up with her character.
Then again most shoujo heroines don’t have anything between their ears. They are the ultimate Mary sues, doormats, crybabies or bamfs like anything. They share quite many features with the cracky ofc/genderbent females in fics.
Thank God for mangas like Akatsuki no yona! I would lose faith in shoujo genre if it weren’t for such good stories.
Since we are on the topic of bias, let’s talk about that too. I wouldn’t even be surprised if that weird as hell thing happens in that fanfic sequel anime. Straight ships get away with any bullshit, no matter how weird or strange they are.
There would literally be opposition if the same was shown in any same sex relationship.
Giving the example of Twilight to justify yourself, seriously? Bella tried to kill Jacob after she realizes what he has done. It was weird that he had feelings for Bella then all of a sudden his whole world is Bella and Edward’s daughter. Does that not sound strange at all? (VK has same bull. Ai was first after Zero, then became fixated on his daughter who also returns her creepy affections. Zeki and airen are just so bad. I’ll take Zero/Kaname any day.)
I read a very good post once and it may have been a joke post but it was so freakin true. Why didn’t Jacob feel any attraction towards Edward? Why only Bella? Renesmee was part of both of them or am I supposed to think Bella somehow made her on her own?
Not to mention it’s hilarious as hell when one self insert creepy ship tries to tell another self insert ship we are better than you. Nah, you are both trash of different varieties. One is a pedo ship, one is gross as hell. Thinking the only logical choice for someone is that person’s brother’s wife is amazing. They are both garbage ships who shat on every other ship of this disgusting pedophile.
These shippers vile, gross comments are all over deviantart and other sites. 
Not to mention the blatant disregard these assholes have for Inu no Taishou’s legally, wedded wife, Izayoi, Inuyasha’s mother. It’s truly shocking how vile people can be. We get it, you hate Touga/Izayoi because you all wanted what these two lovely people had, a marriage full of love and devotion which you all never got.
Lady Izayoi was no ones mistress, Inuyasha was never ever a bastard. Inu no Taishou/Touga married Izayoi, he loved her and his child so much that he died for them.
Die mad insulting them, they will always always be one of the best couple in this series. Pedo ship, sister in law /brother in law ship can only wish they were like them, they will never be like them. They are both vile.
Certified pedo’s mom was either a one night stand, or had friends with benefits relationship with Touga. He didn’t commit any infidelity, he didn’t betray her, he didn’t two time her. Her ass is chilling in her palace and has absolute no animosity towards him. The greatest disservice to her character will be if they were to make her a creepy pedo enabler too. I hope she never shows up.
Mates don’t exist in inuyasha, she was no one’s mate. More likely, youkai have no such things as bastards. Because that’s exactly what the certified pedo would be if that were not the case, Inu no Taishou and inukimi were never ever married.
I just hope they won’t bring back Touga and Izayoi in this disgusting and vile sequel, they are the only two people left in this series who are not goddamn pedo enablers.
No wonder they called the creepy woman, Zero. She is a fucking loser and a jealous bitch. Touga didn’t owe anyone, anything. He and Izayoi were good, happy, couple who loved each other and people can stay mad about it. She is wife, she is his wife, his only wife who he loved so much he died for her and their precious child. Inu no Taishou adored his wife, Izayoi, and their precious child, Inuyasha.  
I always thought Touga loved his sons equally and all the trials he put his first son through were so he realises he is wrong about many things. But now, it’s more likely he made as many plans as possible to humiliate him because he knew somewhere in his heart he was gonna turn out to be a fucking bitch. 
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foreverformula1 · 4 years
How much would I like to work for each F1 team:
Well payed for any position I have whether I am a driver or not, I can take home all driver trophies so it’s ‘fun’ even if I get 2th behind Lewis(frustrating too) and don’t forget that they are currently 2th-3th on the social media standing on WTF1 ,it has a good team overall.
8/10-Anything else
Well payed for any position I have whether I am a driver or not, the team looks fine overall except for the principal and others ‘in power’ like Helmut Marko or head engineers,basically anyone who has a power over the drivers. Anyway, I would have to think a bit before getting one of the leading positions next to Helmut or Chrisian Horner since they are pretentious and Horner made fun of Gasly on Drive to Survive.
The officials get to have fun interviews,meetings and experiences but they’re treated horribly(and that’s why I don’t give them 7/10 + because of the fact that the drivers don’t get to keep the original trophies).
10/10-stunts only
I would LOVE being the stunt driver way more than being the official driver,like I already mentioned before,they officials obviously still do more experiences but the stunts are the most exciting part of the team that drivers did only some times, so I’d say 10/10 as an official stunt driver(they don’t seem to have an official one but I’d try to be that one anyway) also,it’s not as demanding in time as an official driver contract. Here’s the link of what I am talking about.
I don’t have any information about how much non drivers get paid and I don’t have enough videos of the rest of the team but until now every driver seemed satisfied to be with that team and the interviews are nice. Anyway the mechanics haven’t had the best first impression from me since they also made fun of Grosjean on ‘Drive to Survive’. Anyway,now that it’s becoming ‘Alpine’, the car and colours already motivate me even more.
McLaren is one of those teams who keeps their drivers’ trophies and even though they have a successful history, it’s not successful enough for me to become their driver with that condition. Anyway, some say that one of the reasons why Lewis left that team is because of the trophies,indeed he only has his first one from his days with McLaren. Although they seem to often have fun experiences.
They also seem to have fun in their own way and I really liked the video of McLaren about how their staff’s maintained their mental health during quarantine. I don’t know if they are payed enough or not though,but I have seen that they travel in groups:They have a private jet for the rest of the staff only and a private bus so I guess that even if they are payed averagely,they don’t have to spend money on transportation which is pretty much expensive if you are not one of the main figure of the team. Anyway the mechanics and principal haven’t had the best first impression from me since they also made fun of Grosjean on ‘Drive to Survive’ (yes,them too).
Racing Point
After what’s happening this year, I would just feel a little bit under pressured,hoping not to loose my seat especially after what Perez has done for the team. They don’t seem to have as much fun or experiences as others and I wouldn’t feel 100% comfortable to work for a team that has ‘stolen’ another team’s engine. There’s also the whole drama of the unreported Covid case. Basically,there are too many controversies caused by the leaders that have you in in social media and tabloids as one of the possible main faces. If you asked me last year, I wouldn’t have decided such a low mark.
I guess that they are payed averagely or enough at least from what I have seen happening in Drive to Survive, I also heard that if it wasn’t for Perez ,half of the team would have been dismissed because of the lack of money. I think that they are simply OK now that they have money coming in. I don’t know much from the team overall but they are dominating the social media team standings (on WTF1 on YouTube). But like on the driver’s case,it isn’t amazing working for a controversial team,even when you are not the face of it. Just earing this and that about your team makes you want to part away. Especially if you are one of the mechanics who had to build the car,you’d just feel insecure about the whole copycat thing. There’s also the fact that the mechanics made fun of Grosjean and Sainz for crashing on ‘Drive To Survive’.
Because each one of them has their own particular experience which can go from very well to simply good: Even when you don’t leave as the most satisfied driver,your time there has been memorable and it’s literally a honour being associated with the first and most successful (not anymore...) team ever,which also has most fans out of all teams. Ferrari also has a thing for traditions and strikes back at whoever talks badly about them,so I would have to pay attention to what I say but that’s not a problem for me since I am a private person and I don’t talk much. Many fun/media experiences guaranteed whether it’s for Ferrari’s social media presence or not. A lot of money for sure,not only from Ferrari but from the sponsors too. Be aware that getting famous has a lot of cons too,especially during this digital era that has a lot of haters and misunderstandings. But if you are a calm and cautious driver,everything should be fine. But on the other side,Ferrari has ‘ruined’ many drivers in past (that’s what most people say,I believe that even if they weren’t as fortunate,like I already said,they had benefits from it).
In Ferrari even mechanics are well paid and if we are talking about 2020 I’d say that it’s ever better being with Ferrari since I am Italian,although they don’t have races in Rome. Saying that you work with Ferrari even if you have a small role will always put a good impression in everybody.
Alpha Tauri
Another Italian based team,so it’s a good preference for me. The whole team seems good for now. They also have some interesting experiences but not many.Though now that they are with RedBull, I don’t know if the drivers get to keep their trophies.
Alfa Romeo
The last Italian team,like I said, I have a slight preference for them in terms of comfortabiliy.The environment seems overall fine and they had to have something to convince Kimi to move from Ferrari OR he wanted to keep being in the business but had small problems in Ferrari want convinced him to move away. Whatever happened he seems happier than when he was during his Ferrari days and remember that’s he’s being paid A LOT LESS than before(37 millions from 2014-2017 to 8 millions in 2020). I just hope that they can succeed in future.
6/10-Driver and leaders
Even thought it was fun hearing Gunter Steiner on Drive To Survive with his accent, I am anti profane and I couldn’t tolerate being around him all the time as a driver or other big image of the sport. They don’t have many any experience and that’s makes the team a little boring.
I like that the team does its own thing and it’s sad that this year’s car starts good but the farer you go,the worse it gets. Good team so far. But I didn’t feel comfortable when they laughed at Gunter’s joke on Grosjean at the gathering,still,maybe they felt obligated. Here’s what I am referring about regarding the car:
It must be sad being the very last team,especially when you’ve had such a successful past. Not to talk about how the whenever they are on points ,something happens .🥺 But all these years they seem to have a good environment. And as in 2020,they showed me that they ALL have at least a little bit of happy sometimes,on and off YouTube and they are currently 2/3 on the Social media team standings on WTF1. Speaking of,I like how they laugh at their condition. The drivers are fairly paid and maybe the rest of the team too but it’s sad that they don’t even gain points,so they probably haven’t seen additional money for years.
Percentages from bottom to top:
Racing Point-160
RedBull-280 (non classified stunt position)
Alfa Romeo-320
Renault-360 (to revise because there’s almost no information about the rest of the team)
Final 3,tie lineup adjusted from least to top pick.
Alpha Tauri-360
Still under RedBull leaders. I am not sure about that but they may or may not keep my trophies because it’s what RB does. May be obligated to give space to rookies or RB drivers and move to RB or another team.
Mercedes -360
Fun experiences but not fun enough for me.
Actual fun experiences. I can stay close to home.
My thoughts on this:
Honestly I didn’t expect to give McLaren such a low mark , they’re a good team overall but it’s off, same for Haas but I kind of expected it on them.
Pay attention:
Every team worker except drivers, gets paid a certain amount of extra money depending on how much they score after each race. For example Mercedes P1 and P13 ,they gain 5 thousands each for the P1 an 0 for the P12. Another example is Ferrari P2 and P3,they gain 3 thousands each for the P2+ 1 thousand each for the P3. It’s called Prize Money and it’s given from CVC,not the team. Drivers don’t get it because they already have the amount of it decided on the contract with the team.
When I say ‘fun’ experiences, I don’t mean that they all have to have fun all the times. I mean that people or enjoying their time on work and being productive and proud at the end of their day. Not everything that is fun means people laughing, I went trought this: People thought that I hated my time there just because I wasn’t joining and unconditionally enjoying them all the times and that mindset made them annoying and annoyed by me so I didn’t feel wanted anymore and felt even more uncomfortable than before. That’s why McLaren had 9/10 on ‘Other’: The fact that they talked about mental health made them more likable as a team because it’s not blind or unresponsive towards their crew’s state. I hope that they learned from when they made fun of Grosjean on DTS. RB drivers and engineers also have interesting experiences but considering but considering the other cons I didn’t rank them higher on ‘Driver’.
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vettelcore · 5 years
so what do you think about Mark Webber, Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel? :D
thank you for asking anon!! those are some good choices lol 
MARK WEBBER: all I can remember from him was from the years that he was teammates with Seb at redbull so you can imagine how much I liked him back then lol
but nah, I think he’s the typical solid midfield driver that can win a few races from now and then (*ehem* val *ehem), a good driver but definitely not championship material imo 
definitely not a good number two driver, but I think that was just for Seb since he had no problem helping Fernando out on Brazil 2012 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
nowadays i think he’s a nice guy, he realised that his rivalry with seb was stupid because the bad ones were always Christian and Helmut, not his teammate, although those were really fun days ngl i would have loved a netflix series to be a thing during those seasons lol
LEWIS HAMILTON: hands down the best driver in F1 currently (im sorry seb but its the truth lol) he barely makes any mistakes, he’s fast, consistent and idk if anyone here has watched kuroko no basket??? but theres this thing in that anime where the REALLY good players got in the “zone” and they were practically unbeatable??? like out of this fucking world shit. Anyways when Lewis gets in his “zone” I bet he even gets the sparkly eyes with lasers coming out of them like they do in the anime lmfao 
I think the guy gets WAYYY too much shit because of his more personal side, like idk to me he just seems like an easy going person who just wants to be nice, hence the “you guys are the best crowd ever!” meme from a few seasons back lol
lewis has had so much shit thrown at him being the 1st and only black driver in f1, I remember when he was teammates with Fernando, during a GP in Catalonia, some “””fans””” dressed up in blackface, he was constantly called the n word equivalent in spanish by fernando’s fans, and afaik this racism wasnt only from non uk countries, like even in his home country he was still getting racist attacks bc he “wants to be from the hood” and shit like that, only because he likes to do other things outside of f1, it’s honestly insane
like idk i’ve always had a soft spot for lewis, i have never been his fan, but I can appreciate him as both a driver and a person
also my appreciation for him went up when he went vegan, and from a social issues pov, he’s probably one of the most decent guys in the paddock, even though he says a lot of dumb shit sometimes lol
SEBASTIAN VETTEL: if I say he’s underrated, will anyone kill me?? but let me explain
he won his 1st race and pole on a rainy weekend in monza in a TORO ROSSO, people love to downplay this because “well to be honeeeeest the STR was a really good car in 2008 so it wasn’t that much of an achievement
he became a world champion on his 3rd full season in f1, becoming the youngest WDC in history, on a season where 5 different drivers could have won the title and it went down to the last race, people still love to downplay this bc “well to be honeeeeest only him and fernando could realistically win the championship and the ferrari was a horrible car”
he went on to destroy every other driver in 2011, obviously only thanks to newey
he beat fernando fair and square in 2012, again, obviously only thanks to newey and because the ferrari that season also was a really bad car
once again he went on to destroy every other driver in 2013, “thanks to the car”
4 championships in total, on a row, and beating drivers like Fernando Alonso who many consider even a better driver than Schumi
but no, he never deserved any of them because he won only because of the car, of fucking course
when he moved to ferrari, SO many people think he did it because he was “afraid of Ricciardo” and was only running away, and they all ignore the fact that
1. it was always seb’s dream to emulate what Schumi, his idol, did in Ferrari, his all time favourite team
2. he had a precontract since early in the season and he had been talking to ferrari for Y E A R S  before anything was made official
and now since he moved to Ferrari, he gets shit because “LoL vEtTeL bAd He SpInS”, I could go on a whole different rant over this lol 
Overall, I have NEVER seen a fucking four time world champion get as much shit as he does, be doubted as much as him, and be so fucking underrated as him, it’s fucking insane
like... I was gonna say “you’re only as good as you’re last race”, but I dont think that even applies to Seb because when he has a good race, so many people still say shit like “well duuuh, his team threw his teammate under the bus to let him win”
you dont fucking win 4 world championships if you’re not a fucking good driver, for fucks sake, how is that so difficult to understand??
on his personality, him and romain are the two sweetest and most caring drivers in the paddock lmfao 
hes the king of dad jokes and no one else can beat him at that you can’t change my mind
i also see so many comments on reddit saying that “they used to hate him back in redbull because he was so stuck up and a crybaby, but since he moved to ferrari he’s become such a funny guy” like??? no??? what the fuck???? he’s always been a really good and funny guy? did these people watch any of his interviews or press conferences back in 2010-2014? what??? how the hell do you think he’s the only driver to have had befriended kimi lmfao like just say that your bias against him made you not see how fucking funny he is, it’s fine
at the end of the day, no matter what seb does he is doomed
if he wins, it’s because of the car
if he loses, it’s because he’s a shit driver
if he moves teams, he’s just running away from his teammates
if he breathes, he’s wasting people’s oxygen 
if he doesn’t breath, he’s a dumb idiot because he’s gonna die
also he cares so much about his team and the sport, is super down to earth and will jump to any journalist’s throat if they ask something inappropriate to other drivers or to himself
I just fucking love sebastian so much why am i like this dhldsjhdkjghdfg 
oh my god this post is so long sdhflsdhfsjk 
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anagraves · 6 years
I was tagged by @brenli , thank you so much! I don’t think I’ve ever done anything so long on this page :D So, here we go! It will be a little messy, ‘cause I’m constantly overtired and feel slightly rusty with my English, and also withholding some facts, ‘cause I’m paranoid. Sorry. 
1. how tall are you?  158 cm, which means I’m usually the tiniest person around. I don’t mind, though. 
2. what color and style is your hair?  Natural color is pretty mousy and I hate it, so I’ve been dying my hair since junior highschool, I guess. Till last year I always dyed them claret, but last holiday I changed it to something that starts as black and finishes as plum.  I used to have them shoulder-length, but four years ago I cut them really short and since then I am a proud owner of very little hair on my head. I do envy people with long hair, but well, I know what I have now fits me better. 
3. what color are your eyes?  Green.
4. do you wear glasses? Yup, constantly since the end of elementary school. With myopia that goes to - 6 I really do not see much without my glasses. I’ve never used contacts nor do I intend to, I can’t imagine having to touch my eyeballs or anything.
5. do you wear braces? Not anymore, thankfully! But I did, for 7 years!!! I still have to wear some stuff at nights and I have one element left on my lower teeth, but that’s all. 
6. what is your fashion style? I don’t think I have one. I mean I don’t like fashion, so I just wear whatever I feel like wearing. My clothes are diverse, but they are usually dark and with something interesting on them (imprints/spikes/other metal things). I have a lot of T-shirts/sweaters with skulls and animals (especially cats and owls). I love warm sweaters, hoodies, jeans and leather jackets. I am obsessed with high heels, my favorite shoes are a black leather ones that reach well above my ankles and have like an 8-cm-long heel. I don’t own a single skirt (like... no) and I have only a few dresses which I wear only if I’m forced to (big dislike for these ones as well). I’m an all-trousers girl. I definitely prefer my style casual; when it comes to elegance I like to wear black in general - black smooth trousers and black suit. 
7. full name? Sorry, I don’t feel comfortable disclosing it online. 
8. when were you born? July 12, 1994.
9. where are you from and where do you live now? I was born in a small-ish town in southern Poland and now I still live in southern Poland, but in a much bigger town. So not much of a change, just a few hours of travel by car. 
10. what school do you go to? One Polish university, four months to go and it will be the end of any school for me! 
11. what kind of student are you? Up till university, I was an excellent student, always the best at everything. I was definitely a geek who learned too much. And I always wanted to be at the top. University changed it completely; even when I’m trying hard I’m just average. If I like a subject it shows and I’m having good grades, but generally, I’m all for passing, not excelling. I’m learning a lot and it still isn’t enough right now, which is frustrating at times, especially when I compare myself to my colleagues. On other occasions... I simply don’t care. I just want to pass.
12. do you like school? Well... It depends on the period of my life. I think I didn’t mind elementary school, I hated junior high school and liked actual high school. About university... every year is different, so there were good ones and there were bad ones. I’m not a fan of it in general, though. 
13. what are your favorite school subjects? Pre-uni: Maths and Chemistry, mostly, but Chemistry was my biggest and most unexpected love during my time at school. When it first started I had no idea what it was and I was terrified with it, plus I was behind the whole class because of some disease and I was honestly so nervous about it. Then, a month later, I kinda... fell for it and stayed infatuated with it till the end of junior high. And that’s mostly how I found myself on medical studies a few years later. My teacher from junior high was so amazing she made me love Chemistry more than anything, but sadly, my teacher from high school ruined it all. I had a great Biology teacher then, though it didn’t make me love Biology. It just enabled me to get into the uni I wanted to get to.  I almost always liked my English classes as well, because I had some really amazing teachers and I loved English. I still do, languages are amazing. 
Uni: Histology, Pharmacology, Surgery. The first two are the only ones I excelled at. Surgery - not so much, but I still did well on the final exam. 
14. favorite TV shows? It is both an easy and difficult question. Easy because I do have one TV series I consider my ultimate favorite, and it’s Angel from Buffyverse. The best thing about it is the most amazing character development I’ve ever seen, and trust me, I’m a sucker when it comes to character development. My favorite character from there is one of my ultimate faves (if not THE one) and his path is one of the most epic ever. Plus it has an amazing material for shipping and some great acting, it’s dark, depressing and hopeless, and that’s what I love. It’s also one of the few examples of TV series when I actually LIKE the main character; he’s actually one of the people I like the most. It almost never happens; usually, I’m very anti-main characters (e.g. LotR, HP).
The question gets difficult because there are also such shows as Chuck, Firefly or Code Black, amazing and mostly flawless (apart from the ending of Chuck), but are they my favorites? At times, maybe. In general... I just don’t know. Bones and Castle fought for my undivided attention for years (most of the times Bones was on the winning side) and they’re both in my top 10, though probably not top 3. Plus, there are some gems that had such amazing potential, but were cut short and had too little time to develop; apart from Firefly, it would be, e.g. Monday Mornings, Perception, Black Box.
There were also a lot of amazing TV shows I loved dearly during some of their seasons, but almost always something happened and they got ruined. PLL, TVD, Grey’s Anatomy (I feel like I’m watching it now for one pairing only), OUaT and so on. House was my first American TV series and I’ll always have a place for it in my heart. I love GoT in its very early and very late seasons, but what comes in between? Nope.  
(I watch way too much TV.) 
The honorary mentions should go to some non-American shows (honestly speaking, I’m kinda tired with the general trends of American TV at the moment). I’ve started my adventures with TV with Polish soap operas that I completely adored; when I discovered American TV I stopped watching them entirely and don’t intend to come back. I love some good English dramas, but BBC tends to get a little bit overdramatic or too dark even for me (Ripper Street ripped my heart from my chest). Speaking of ripping hearts, let’s not forget about the Japanese ones, as @brenli mentioned! They are something completely different, they have amazing plotlines and characters, and - sometimes - Hiroyuki Sanada who is just everything (and I get to analyze the shows with @brenli, which makes them even better). Koukou Kyoushi will stay with me for years to come, probably Konna Koi No Hanashi as well. Considering my current Asian phase I expect to see much more of Japanese (or maybe Korean) dramas in the future.
15. favorite movies? There are a few movies I could watch on constant repeat and they mean so much to me. Let’s categorize them in genres, shall we?  Animation: How to Train Your Dragon (especially the first part, the second one breaks my heart too much), Ice Age 3; plus the tales of my childhood I could watch five times a day - Pocahontas, Mulan, Spirit: Stallion of Cimarron. Period: Pride & Prejudice 2005. Rom-com: Holiday; Love, Actually. Adventure: Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3. Sci-fi: Matrix 1 & 3.  Plus a few honorary mentions that are equally important, but I just wouldn’t have them on constant rewatch: LotR, SW, HP, Indiana Jones (not every part for every one of these series), National Treasure. There are also a few amazing anime movies (Spirited Away, Kimi No Na Wa, Wolf Children) and among them some masterpieces I think were wonderful, but too heartbreaking to ever watch them again (Grave of the Fireflies, Princess Kaguya). 
16. favorite books? Most of my favorite books are cycles that I grew up with - LotR, HP, Inkheart Trilogy, the Vampirates series, Artemis Fowl, Jeżycjada (a Polish series about a multi-generational Polish family), Felix, Net i Nika (kinda Polish version of HP with science and technology in place of magic), some books by Ewa Nowak. Also, Pride & Prejudice. I’ve loved a lot of books since, but does any of them deserve to be called a “favorite”? I’m not so sure about it.
17. favorite pastime? Writing, from the moment I’ve learned to write (4 years old, I believe). Second best would be watching TV series; when I was younger I’d much rather like to read a book, but that kinda changed. Though, if I’m being honest, at the time being it would be watching ski jumping competitions or anything BTS-related. These past two weeks (yup, I’ve been writing this post for two weeks) has been an interesting journey of interchanging obsessions, some revisited (sj) and some I’ve never expected to develop (BTS).
18. do you have any regrets? Sure, who doesn’t? I’m trying to live by the rule “regret doing something rather than not doing it”, but well, it can’t always work. 
19. dream job? A writer, for sure, always and forever. That is the one thing that has been with me my whole life. Apart from that? Well... Some time after I started my studies I developed a strong dream of becoming a neurosurgeon one day, but this dream faltered this year and now I’m not so sure anymore. Now I feel like I made a completely wrong career choice those few years ago. 
20. would you like to get married someday? Marriage has never been one of my dreams or something I HAVE to do in the future, but I definitely want to have someone by my side, and if they want to get married, then sure, we can do that. Not necessarily though. 
21. would you like to have kids someday? No, no and once again no, and there are so many reasons! First, I do know my body would not be physiologically okay with pregnancy (and after studying Gynaecology I do believe pregnancy is one of the worst things - if not THE worst - that could ever happen to one’s body) and I have no intention of doing such a thing to myself. Second, children scare me; my whole life I’ve been doing my best to keep my distance and avoid contact at any cost (which kinda worked as far, I’ve never even held a baby). Third, I have no maternal instinct and I do know I would be a terrible mother, so what’s the point? 
23. do you like shopping? No. Since I was a child, when my parents took me shopping I always had a book with me and just followed them around while reading (somehow I managed not to collide with anything throughout all these years :P). I still do the same thing if someone makes me go with them to the mall, only now it’s more often my phone, not a book. I love buying books, though. I used to go to the bookshops and buy five books at a time. I don’t do that right now, because a) money b) I have tons of unread books already, but I could still go there and spend hours just looking at the books and reading their covers. 
24. what countries have you visited? Only one, and I’m not even sure it should count. I’ve been to Slovakia twice, but both times only like 50km from the border, and I’ve spent there max few hours. So... it definitely wasn’t even remotely close to this “going abroad” I’ve been always dreaming about... 
25. what’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Hmm... There was one in my adult life that left me absolutely terrified; I remember waking up and feeling paralyzed with fear. I had a feeling someone was standing in the doorway, but I was too scared to turn around and see, so I was just lying there with my eyes wide open, waiting until the fear passes or something else happens... What was the dream about? I only remember it took place in some fancy mansion near the beach that was either mine or one of my friends’. I think it wasn’t actually a nightmare until the very end when something bad was about to happen to someone who was standing in the living room. The other person was creeping in the dark or something like that, and the character in the dream had the same kind of fear I woke up with. I didn’t actually want to remember more details. 
26. do you have any enemies? I did have some, on every stage of my education, but they are no longer in my life. Nowadays I think I’m too irrelevant to be anyone’s enemy. There are some people with whom I share a mutual dislike, but “enemies” is probably too strong of a word in these cases. 
27. do you have an s/o? Nope. Never had. 
28. do you believe in miracles? Well... not really. I believe in luck and destiny, but miracles? I definitely don’t believe in them in any religious context (I’m completely anti-religion). When it comes to some other kinds of miracles, like medical ones - I know things happen, wonderful things that have no logical explanation, but I do believe that deep down, even though we don’t know it, they have some logical explanation. We just can’t see it. 
Finished! Finally! :D Hopefully it isn’t too chaotic, I don’t really have time to reread it and check for mistakes, Family Medicine is waiting to devour me... 
I’m tagging: @frombothofmyhearts @thesilverrqueen @mis4nthropy and anyone who wants to do it! Just be warned - it takes a lot of time to answer all of the questions :P 
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"If only we can see him in a car like this year's top 3, we'll see how his environmental speeches will all of a sudden sound empty/hypocritical in some ppl's ears and how his lgtbqa support will get him hate and side eye. This guy used to be a kind person in the past, too. Where was this admiration and support then? Oh but he was winning, then, I forgot 😱.bThe moment he'll race ppl for wins, all this shipping crap will evolve back to its original form: hate. "
This, exactly, anyone who has watched Monza 2008, with the English comms, would remember Brundle saying how Seb is going to make the other F1 drivers look bad because he is smart, friendly, polite and smiles alot, got nicknamed the Smiling Assassin when he joined RB in 2009, and every single time people would talk about him, they'd mention how nice and respectful he would always be to everyone, from the people in the paddock to his own garage, and then the same media twisted his image when he first properly dominated in 2011, and then just got worse and worse in his time at Ferrari, the only difference being, atleast the tifosi loved him, for everyone else he was always the threat. When I see Merc n LH fans take the higher ground this year in the championship fight, I can only think of all the times they shit talked Seb, Kimi and Ferrari lol, like man went around discussing Ferrari's strategy while depending on team orders to move in front of his team mate, like have some iota of shame. And it's so fun watching RB not pull any punches and play Merc the way they played Ferrari while Ferrari kept quiet and did their thing.
One thing, the F1 page never promotes any of Seb's social messages, so they clearly won't do it even later on, but the media constantly keeps asking him the same questions over and over again, instead of about his races, even though they are all so spineless, they stick to only the environmental causes. Like even after he announced his contract extension, the first question was what will he do after 2022. They have been doing it for so long, so long it actually effing hurts, never gave him any credit for his talent, no ones career has gotten questioned the way his has been, even before last season, when literally everyone else has dropped stinkers of a season. I so wish AM do something, but the way they are working I don't see anything good to come out of it.
And the same people who love him, we're at his throat for Canada 2019 lol, the tractors of 2020&2021 have just made everything worse.
And as for success, Seb was definitely not losing a championship to his teammate, be it Nico or LH himself. 7 years of the most dominant cars, and someone is yet to break many if the individual season records, I don't consider Seb to let go of opportunities to set some more and maybe break his own, knowing his only competition is going to be his teammate. He is extremely temperamental, and that's his biggest flaw as a driver, even this year, it's like if it's not the top 5 he is racing for, he just loses concentration. Man's really is addicted to winning only, lol
And the situation with Kimi has always been annoying, the F1 account actually thought it was a good idea to post a meme compilation, instead of hi best drives on the announcement of his retirement, like please respect the guy who went up against prime Ferrari Michael in a ticking time bomb of a car, and is still Ferrari's last WDC and probably the fastest driver in terms of raw pace since Senna, and I don't think anyone on the grid Kimi has raced with is close to the pace he possesed when had started out in F1.
I guess it's also about how people see the sport, for some the sport itself is important, so knowing the history and the data is fun, for some it's just watching cars go around and enjoying and basing opinions on media narratives.
But it's still annoying af lol
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chibalein · 6 years
Kalafina Live Review - 10th Anniversary
Finally it’s available and I watched the whole 10th Anniversary Live (again and again), so I thought I’d give a review on it. Here is my original Live Report -> click. My opinions didn’t really change much, though, so I’ll be repeating myself here and there :p Here we go!
Ring your bell ~ in the silence
I love that intro, especially with those flags opening
other than that, boring entrance -> the 9+ONE intro would have PERFECT for that occasion
Ring your bell
fuck that song
However, I like the performance, surely one of their best, I love their bright smiles and movements
 BUT it gave me reminder of why I don’t like this song: the final “ring your bell”s, Wakana always makes me cringe
Quick opinion: I really came to hate Keiko’s dress. Not the colors or the golden/black pattern, that’s pretty cool: it’s those lace shoulder pads and the leather corsage. They make her chest area look super bulky and the chest part of the dress is not form-fitting at all. She has such a beautiful body but this dress just doesn’t support it.
Fuck that sooong and everyone who voted for it
But even I have to say, I have a lot of fun watching them perform, they move around, interact with the audience, it’s lovely and more carefree
Definitely one highlight of the night
I realized for the first time that the Strings are actually plucking their instruments lol I thought it was a background sound by the manipulator
I barely hear Hikaru in the chorus, is she singing high or low? xD
Keiko is the best here, so deep and dramatic!
Booooring stage show. No movements by the girls is one thing, but no special light show or anything? They could have been so creative with this dark piece..
OMG some choreography
Wakana is greeeeeat
Yane no mukou ni
First performance where I almost cried during the actual live, perfect and emotional
Still don’t like Hikaru here, she sounds like she is shouting which kills all emotions she might have had while singing
Cool plucking violins at the end, never noticed they do this
Hikari no senritsu
OMG light dude, DO SOMETHING
Best flute solo of all time
Quick opinion: all the performances where I criticise the lack of creativity, movement etc. look actually great on the DVD, because we have the cameras. Changing angles, focus on each girl, their faces, the audience and the band give variety and it makes it look a lot more interesting. But sitting in the actual audience is absolutely tiring, because there is just nothing happening on stage. It’s just like you listen to a CD, especially if you had a seat in the far back and could only rely on the screen. Such a shame and waste.
oh god no
their steps in the middle part are all over the place XD
fun and good performance
Quick opinion: almost all songs by now have been completely or partly illuminated in blue light. Uncreative? Yes.
Natsu no Ringo
Hikaru again sounds strange and shouting, she definitely was edited
Other than that super beautiful performance, Wakana was in top form that night
Another big highlight, one of the best performances Kalafina ever did
Actually a nice, refreshing intro by the accordion, but I personally find it kinda dominant throughout the song, which was a bit distracting and which I didn’t really feel in the actual live
Hikaru sings lower and I like it a lot, although they definitely enhanced her voice to sound a bit “prettier”
she did such an emotional and sad performance, you could see that is not struggling as hard as e.g. in Red Day
that Keiko hug
finally some action on stage and interaction with fans!
super fun to watch and OMG Keiko is using the pedestal
still bad place in the setlist
great AMV and surely also a highlight, sadly this is the only special treatment for their debut song, should have been celebrated more
Poor Hikaru gets always ignored during WaKei duet lol
Great performance, I adore that song
Keiko’s voice a bit too cute for me here
Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaeteyuku
Keiko’s stupid cutesy voice
Very emotional and those sad faces at the end kill me every time
I just realized that they have sung all Kara no Kyoukai songs in a row XD
Quick opinion: It’s like they only have red, white and green filters, all while the light technician’s finger is apparently stuck on the blue light button. This is BUDOKAN! This is ALL you can deliver?!
I honestly wonder why this song made it into the setlist. Hyakka Ryouran sure, being their most recent single, but why this B-side song (and e.g. why not Tombo?). Since fans couldn’t vote for it, it makes me think that the girls just really love this song and wanted it included in their last recorded live performance.
Wakana is simply perfect, Hikaru... well... she’s there. Where has her “neverending” voice gone to?
Where is the second violin dude? Toilet break?
This song becomes so much better when the Strings join in the last part
I still hate Keiko’s dress
omg girls, please move around or something
good and nice performance
Red Moon
finally SOME DARK SONG and finally something for the eye with the video
Hikaru still sounds kinda weak, but during the actual live she was barely audible, so I guess that’s a plus here
Keiko is amazing, you can hear her so clearly! Wakana too! Epic performance
Waaaaay too much blue for a song called Red Moon
Flashback to After Eden with Red Moon -> Adore xD
Wakana is suuuper!
What the hell is wrong with you Hikaru? What happened after After Eden? She’s sooo shouty, this is definitely her weakest performance of the night
Great violin solo
OMG they use the pedestals FOR THE FIRST TIME and they use it for GODDAMN 12 SECONDS
And I noticed they actually played some video -> good!
To the beginning
finally after way too long, an upbeat song since Sprinter (which is 6 songs ago)
It took me years to realize that they sing “down to zero we go”, however Hikaru sounds suuuper strange singing that line
finally some light action, took you long enough, eh
That Keiko punch at the end xD Not enough of those cool shots
also one of the best performances of the night, I love Keiko here, she’s moving so much and having so much fun, it’s infectious
Hikaru killed it and that very last line is awesome
Aaaaw that hug in the beginning
of course, Ongaku is a must, I still think this would have been a better entrance or encore song
look at this power, fantastic
those band solos are the best thing of the whole concert, honestly I love them so hard
however, accordion solo is so out of place and unnecessary beyond belief
Bongo duuuuuuude, LOOK AT HIS FACE I can’t even xD
KONNO HITOSHI VIOLIN EPICNESS!!!!!!! With great justice he got the best reaction from the audience
They edited that Keiko jump/hug, it took her much longer to reach Wakana xD
The interaction between the girls is gorgeous, something we have been missing overall a bit
they included the flute at the end too, very nice (I suppose the accordion too, but fuck that)
that was the best Ongaku performance they ever did
Heavenly Blue
they still should have gone to MC after Ongaku
other than that, good performance I guess
Into the World
well hello there blue filter, it’s been a while
is it just me or has Keiko been made more dominant than she is supposed to be in the beginning?
Nightmare Ballet
come one, at least do that Zaregoto BGM THAT SOME ASSHOLE CUT FROM 9+ONE!
Great intro by accordion though, her duet with Sakurada is so cute
I feel I should take that blue spotlights to a date by now, because I have spent more time with them today than with my boyfriend
Great performance by the band, though too late into the concert in my opinion
Hikari Furu
best performance of this song of all time
Wakana kills it so hard, I feel bad for the others
fantastic mix of normal and acoustic version
that epic pause, THAT EPIC PAUSE
Quick opinion: I am not the biggest fan of those white “wedding” dresses. While their “final” version is pretty cool, I don’t like the veils, simply because they serve no purpose, especially since they’ll be thrown away immediately afterwards.
Hyakka Ryouran
nice flute intro
Red-Blue-Red-Blue-Red-Blue FUCK YOU
Ah, that middle HiKei dance, now you finally can see what I was talking about in my live reports. Wakana would have been better standing on the middle stairs though... #needless nitpicking
the flags are waving, that’s admittedly pretty cool
great performance of everyone, good that this song made it into the setlist
this doesn’t have many live recordings I think, so I am really glad that Alleluia made it as the last and most popular song of the night
definitely a marvellous farewell song for Keiko
look how powerful she sings, she knew this was her last big performance and she delivered
- Why is the manipulator celebrated to heavily? Is he particularly popular or something? XD
- Ehm, Wakana’s dress are actually pants? Do I have that correct? XD
- They should have thrown in “snow falling” as a surprise encore, just for the joke
+ the musicians brought in so much variety and creativity even in highly overplayed songs, they made this truly a special concert
+ very good camera work, some great and cute shots and not so many cuts like in 9+ONE for example
- apparently an intern did the lighting here, I can’t explain this amateur work otherwise
- it’s a pity that there wasn’t any extra content included like some kind of Making Of or something on the Commemoration Lives. Sure, they reserved it for the movie, but still, at least something would have been nice
I really love this Live, although I had a lot of criticism. Kalafina delivered and they gave some of their best performances of their career. It was worth it all and it’s simply sad that this is their last concert. They deserved better treatment for this and it should have been even more special, with more effort and creativity by the staff/the agency.
Oops, that became longer than intended, sorry! Thanks for reading!
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psycho-alchemist · 7 years
Hi so first of all you seem really awesome and your blog is amazing, I always love seeing what you've reblogged on my dash. Second, I was wondering if you had any anime recommendations of like your all-time favorite animes or series you think everyone should watch? I just finished a Fullmetal Alchemist rewatch and I'd love to find some new shows to get into. Thank you!!
Oh wow thank you, that’s so sweet of you!!
Three anime everyone should watch (not including FMAB, since that’s a given and you’ve already seen it):
Steins;Gate - Not many people talk about S;G anymore, but the people who have watched it pretty much unanimously love it. It’s about a man named Okabe and his friends who discover how to send messages to the past. But in doing so, they start to change their world too much, and suddenly all of their lives are in danger. Okabe has to undo the mistakes he made to save his friends’ lives and change the world back to the way it was. It’s a really cool time travel show! From what I have seen, most people who dropped it did so because it seems to move pretty slowly at first. I actually nearly dropped it too during my first watch, but upon rewatching I noticed that there are a lot of subtle hints dropped during the “slow” episodes that something horrible and tragic is about to happen. There’s this very faint, ever-growing feeling that something isn’t right, and suddenly it’s too late to fix anything.Time travel is a very very tiny theme in media, but I love it because it’s a great opportunity for pseudo-science and angst. The helplessness a main character feels as they try to fix things in a fucked up world when no one else around him even realizes how fucked up it is? 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 Steins;Gate handles the angst and plot twists really well, and it also manages to avoid all the plot holes that often come with badly written time travel stories. I am usually of the mindset that if I need to wait more than 4-6 episodes for an anime to “get good,” then it’s not worth it. Steins;Gate is a very rare exception to that rule, and I think everyone should watch it!!
Barakamon - I am not a fan of children, so an anime about a misanthropic twenty-something-year-old spending a summer on a rural island with a bunch of country kids is not something I would typically even glance at. When I originally saw it on the Summer 2016 roster, I wrote it off instantly. But during the first week of the new season I had finished all my other anime, so I watched it out of pure boredom. And boy, was I FLOORED.Barakamon is a surprisingly charming and hilarious story. Handa, the main character, is relatable to the average dramatic grump like me who would prefer to stay indoors during the summer, away from the bugs and sunshine and nature in general. The children are actually realistic, unlike a lot of the children or children-passing lolis we often see in anime. They’re a tiny bit bratty and very mischievous, but it’s actually really refreshing and endearing. The situations they get themselves into are ridiculous and hilarious. And despite Handa avoiding them at first, he ends up getting very very attached to them, and them to him.I was very reluctant to like Barakamon, but the first episode completely charmed me, and every episode thereafter. The humor was rarely an overdone punchline, it was situational and felt very authentic. I still laugh a lot just thinking about some of the scenes!
Psycho Pass (season 1) - This is only regarding season 1. Don’t bother watching s2 or the movie. But Psycho Pass was a special show for me, not just because of the very fascinating world-building but because of the way it makes you think about how morality works. How do we decide what is good and what is bad? How do we determine if someone is guilty or innocent? How do we make the judgment on whether someone deserves punishment or forgiveness? Psycho Pass made me think about those questions in a way I never really had. It actually made me agree with the psychopathic villain for once, which had never happened to me beforehand. (I’m pretty black-and-white so I usually side with the good guys and hate the bad guys without questioning it.) I understood and agreed with the villain’s philosophies, and it was really intriguing to consider that anyone could become a villain if they twisted their thinking the wrong way. In addition, Psycho Pass also brings up an interesting point of what would happen if humans didn’t go through any kind of stress or hardship. It suggests that perhaps stress and trauma are...not good exactly, but perhaps essential to the human experience.In short, Psycho Pass made me think about humanity and morality in a way I never had before. Again I am only speaking for s1, since s2 and the movie fell off that trend, but s1 was a fantastic watch and perfectly fine as a standalone series.
Those are the two I recommend to everyone, regardless of what genres they prefer. Here are my other favorites: 
Haikyuu!! - If you’re a fan of sports anime, or would like to watch sports anime but don’t like the overdone sports moves, Haikyuu!! is a great watch. It’s funny, it’s inspiring, and the sports actually don’t defy the laws of physics. The characters are all very lovable and have a great dynamic.
Hunter x Hunter - If you’ve been looking for a fun action series, HxH is definitely worth it. It’s got great action and really cool storylines, and it has a fun shounen feel without being overbearingly so. It’s a pretty long one at 148 episodes, and I definitely understand how intimidating that can be, as someone who hesitates to watch even 2-cour series. But Hunter x Hunter was worth every single minute, and I cannot stress that enough. It’s so much fun to watch, the characters are so unique and interesting, and the last two arcs are Angst Central if that’s what you’re into. It’s got someone for action fans who love fluff and those who love angst, and I am so so glad I decided to watch it despite its episode count looming over my head. 
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! - If you love a good rom com, definitely check out KWMS! The animation is done in a way that brings out each of the characters’ charm and really adds to the energetic, cute feel of the show. I’ve rewatched it more times than I can count, and it never gets old!
Kimi ni Todoke - If you love rom coms but want a slow-paced romance, KnT will do that for you. It’s still really funny (first anime that made me laugh so hard I couldn’t breathe!), but the romance is slow and steady. Some people have complained that the romance is too slow, and while I won’t disagree, I think the show still did a great job showing a very shy girl slowly establishing deep relationships, both platonic and romantic, with kind people. 
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - Technically a rom com, but don’t expect too much romantic development! It’s more like a comedy anime with a side romantic plot. But there’s nothing wrong with that! I love the characters; they’re all super eccentric but go together perfectly. And don’t get me started on Brain Base’s gorgeous animation and the lovely soundtrack! Overall this is just a really pretty, aesthetic, feel-good fluff show. Perfect for casual laughs!
Hopefully this helps you! :) If you would like recs from one particular genre, just let me know and I’ll tell you what I like!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by dishwallafied
WHO was the last person...
you spoke to, in person? I think it was my sister, like earlier at 1 AM. She was the last person apart from me to head upstairs for bed.
you called? I tried calling our internet service provider’s hotline to inquire about our lost connection last weekend, but all I got was a useless automated message saying they’re on top of all concerns and will be addressing ours soon, which did not make any fucking sense because I didn’t get to report my issue anyway. Their social media was virtually useless too, and my dad had to physically go to one of their offices last Monday to settle the issue.
that called you? My phone’s not near me at the moment (omg a rarity) but it was the delivery person for Reggy’s croissants. GPS has always hated our street and has never been able to identify it, so whenever anyone in the family makes a purchase for delivery we’re bound to get a call or two from the rider assigned to our order to ask for directions.
you texted? It was the same delivery guy. He had tried to call me but I was in a meeting that I couldn’t get out of, so I explained to him I could only text. I also gave him a Waze link containing the exact positioning of our house so that he could set it up on his phone.
that sent you a text? I think it was just my mobile services provider sending out some random promotional text. Idk, I never open those.
you kissed? Gabie.
that kissed you? Also her. I don’t plan on kissing anyone new any time soon.
you yelled at? I haven’t recently been in a situation where I’ve had to yell at anyone...I do slightly raise my voice a lot on video call meetings just so I’m sure everybody on the call can hear me. That’s the closest I’ve got.
that yelled at you? My mom, when she was being a real drama queen about MY money a couple of weeks ago.
you watched a movie with? I watched it by myself, but I remember calling my ex for comfort because the movie was a little scary and creepy. I also remember how bothered she sounded that I was calling her, as if I was a huge burden, so...there’s that. Y’all do me a favor and be with someone who gets delighted when you call instead of making you feel like you’re a waste of space okie?? Good
you ate dinner with? My family. My dad laksa for dinner, which was perfect because I had been watching 2 Days 1 Night yesterday and the cast members kept eating ramyeon, which made me develop a serious craving for noodles all day.
you were in a photo with? I think it had been a family selfie. My family and I were about to leave the accommodation we stayed at in Tagaytay, and my mom wanted a final photo in the living room before we stepped out.
you took a photo of? My employer sent out heart-shaped red velvet cakes for all of us for Valentine’s Day, so I took a photo of it with Cooper in the background to share to the work group chat. I definitely did not expect any goodie sendout considering I never viewed Valentine’s as a special day even when I was still in a relationship, so it was a nice surprise to receive. 
you went to a concert with? Oh my Paramore show was a solo date. Gabie did come to the arena with me and I also drove Denise, Erycka, and Leigh, but the three of them settled for a different section somewhere farther out given how they already did VIP seats for Paramore’s previous concert in 2013. It was my turn to have a front-row seat and since I didn’t know anyone who was as big of a fan as I was or was willing to shell out ₱7,000 for a VIP seat, I went by myself.
you lied to? I think it was Bea, my manager? She scheduled a quick call last Tuesday just to do a check-in with me, and she was asking how I was. Of course I had to tell her I was doing fine, which is never completely true for a lot of people, I think. I didn’t want her to ask me to open up anyway, so saying I was fine was the easy way to go.
you invited somewhere? I recently saw a music clip of a certain song that’s played a lot in bars, so I tagged my entire college barkada telling them we should go back to TK soon, at least when the lockdown and the pandemic subside considerably.
you dated? Gabie.
you dumped? It worked the other way around.
you rejected? I mean, I guess I technically rejected the girl Mik told me was interested in me. We never met since Mik refused to tell me her name or show a photo, but I informed him I wasn’t planning on talking with anyone soon so she can stop thinking I’m available.
you held hands with? Angela.
you hugged? Andi, before they got out of my car since we were parting ways for the evening.
you let cry on your shoulder? This hasn’t happened in a very long time. Most likely Gabie, but this would’ve been around at the start of 2020 when we could still see each other regularly.
that let you cry on their shoulder? Figuratively, Angela and Andi.
you bought a gift for? I got a weekend accommodation for my family, but it was really meant for my dad for his 50th birthday.
you wished a happy birthday? Hans.
that disappointed you? I was more annoyed than disappointed, but it was some random Fil-Am who was being ignorant at the Subtle Filipino Traits Facebook group. That community gives me a huge migraine most days because of Fil-Ams who continue to romanticize the ~beauty~ of the country whilst completely ignoring the socio-political trainwreck here, but the group is kind of the place to be for Filipinos so I can’t see myself leaving it either.
that stayed over at your place? They didn’t stay over for the night but Angela and Hans did a surprise visit to my house a few days after Christmas.
that let you crash at their place? Gab. I used to always crash at her place when I’ve had a few drinks.
that made you angry? Idk man, can I give Mark Zuckerberg as an answer? HAHAHA I went on Facebook first thing today and the first thing I saw was a Facebook Memory, and it was a photo of me and Gabie at Athenna’s birthday party four years ago. I got irritated at first until I remembered that we were both tagged in the post, which means it would most likely show up on her feed as a Memory as well. Just to humor my petty ass, I kinda hope the memory would make her sad, wherever she is; but otherwise seeing the Memory pop up didn’t make me sad or bothered anymore so that’s a win for meee.
that complimented you? Leah, my employer’s CEO. She did a check-in call with me recently to get to know me better, so one of the first things she asked was a list of the clients I handle. I happen to be in the team that works with the company’s more big-league clients, so once she heard the brands she told me I must be a good enough worker to be assigned those clients. It meant a lot and it still does.
whom you complimented? Bea. I just let her know how helpful she’s been with me considering I’m a fresh graduate on her first job in a work-from-home setup in the middle of a global pandemic.
you thanked? A supplier I’m currently in contact with, for work.
that thanked you? The said supplier thanked me back.
you saw, in person? My sister.
that bought you something? Dad bought siopaos for us yesterday.
that made you laugh? The cast of 2 Days 1 Night, from when I was watching the show last night.
that you said you loved? I don’t remember. I think it was Kate since she helped me out with a favor.
that said they loved you? Hannah.
you flipped off? I haven’t whipped out the finger in a while, come to think of it.
you made a silly face at? Not a person, but Cooper.
that drove you somewhere? Dad was the driver for our Tagaytay trip.
WHAT was the last thing you...
touched? Aside from my keyboard, my vape pen.
threw? Cooper’s bowling pin squeak toy. He’s gotten a lot better at catching things with his mouth, so I’ve been throwing it a lot at him to continue training him.
ate? A caramel croissant.
drank? Coffee.
found stuck in your teeth? Haven’t had this happen to me in a while.
cooked? I’ve never tried cooking anything.
baked? Idk, maybe cookies 873984732842 years ago.
threw away/tossed out? The packet for the sauce that came with the siopao my dad bought.
bought? I made a purchase for 20 bags for a work thing, but only because I was assigned to do the whole correspondence with the supplier. My manager was the one who sent over the payment when the purchase was confirmed.
sold? I don’t think I’ve ever tried selling anything before.
took a photo of? Cooper hahaha. I had been dancing to a song and he was staring at me.
were frustrated with? Our internet provider when they cut off the connection last weekend.
broke? I’m not sure if I can say I broke it, but the adaptor for my phone charger finally gave up on me the other day. I’ve taken to borrowing my sister’s for now, since she says she “doesn’t use it a lot” anyway.
spilled? Some drops of coffee spilled out of my mug when I dumped several ice cubes in it.
tripped on? Kimi. He follows me evvvvvvverywhere, so I bump into him at least once a day.
kicked? I’m not really sure.
put batteries in? Haven’t had to use batteries in a while, either.
turned on? The Bluetooth on my laptop.
turned off? The electric fan last night since I found it loud.
wrote? Other than my answers to this survey, I’ve also been talking with Angela this morning over Messenger.
wrote on? Other than my phone/laptop, my journal.
cleaned? My glasses.
stuck up your nose??? My finger when a nostril itched recently.
WHERE was the last place you...
dined at? Ramen Nagi.
ordered something to go? I don’t do takeout deliveries, but the last thing I got for delivery was banh mi and iced Vietnamese coffee last week.
bought something? Facebook Marketplace.
cried? In the living room. I came across that viral video of a guy proposing to her girlfriend at a Taylor Swift concert, when he knelt at the exact moment Taylor sang “He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring” from Love Story. It was such a sweet, classy, non-cringey public proposal and I allowed myself to be swept away by the cheesiness of it all, haha.
felt uncomfortable? Dining room table. I was sharing a story to my parents about work involving a guy and my mom asked me if I had a crush on him. My dad kind of snorted and said, “Her? Crush on a guy?” which told me he knew something was up re: my preferences lmao. They’ve never heard anything from me yet, so that made me feel awkward and I most especially didn’t want my mom to catch on to the question and suddenly put me in the hot seat.
drove to? Other than back home, I last drove to UPTC.
had an appointment at? Google Meet, hahaha.
went on vacation? Tagaytay. 
hung out with a friend? Andi and I went to a Korean barbecue place at UPTC (again), but we also drove to UP after just to revisit the good old days of being in campus.
bought clothes? H&M in Feliz.
spent more than you had planned? Ramen Nagi. I had a couple of add-ons in my meal and I didn’t know their service fee was going to be quite high, so my final bill ended up being slightly more than the budget I planned out for that day.
saw a band/singer/musician perform? Late 2019. My ex and I stopped by a jazz bar and there was a live band playing.
WHEN was the last time you...
told someone 'I love you'? Last Friday.
cried? Last night.
laughed? This morning. Cooper was being silly around me and my dad, as always. This time he was unusually behaved when we let him out, and the bizarreness of it all made us so unsettled we ended up laughing.
left your home? Last Sunday. I might go out later, too.
drank a soda/pop? Early last year. There was Coke being served at an org event, and since I felt thirsty and there was no drinking fountain around I just said fuck it and drank the soda.
made your bed? Last night when I left my room to settle in the living room.
visited a doctor? May last year.
went to the emergency room? Other than when 23 years ago when I was born, I’ve never been brought to the emergency room.
kissed someone? September.
hugged someone? Mid-January.
prayed? Six years ago. Or maybe five; I can’t really tell when exactly I made it a point to stop for good.
worked out? Around a week ago. I’m thinking if I should keep at it or if I should just stop, seeing as I’m not willing to give up my favorite foods anyway lmao.
made a phone call? I tried to make a phone call to our internet provider last weekend.
answered a phone? The other evening when the landline rang.
had an argument? Two weeks ago, instigated by my mom as usual.
played a video game? I think 2-3 weeks ago when I got in the mood to play the Switch.
played a card game? Safe to say at least a couple of years ago.
played a board game? November when we suffered a power outage for two days and had nothing to do at home.
rode a bike? LOOOOOOOOL March. The lockdown had just started and I made plans to learn how to ride a bike, but those plans fell through as soon as they began.
fell on your butt? This doesn’t happen often.
took a shower? Last night.
took a bubble bath? I can’t even remember anymore; this is a rare occasion for me.
watched TV? I last watched a TV show in general last night, but I last watched something on an actual television last Sunday when my family watched a Sunday mass livestream.
saw a movie at a theater? December 2019.
ate fast food? I got Bonchon for my family last December, if I remember correctly. My dad had done a huge favor for me and I asked what I can do to repay it, and he said to just buy dinner for the 5 of us for that evening.
ordered a pizza? Last month.
made someone laugh? I’m not sure if I had made her laugh in real life, but Angela and I had a humorous conversation over chat earlier this morning.
sang? Few minutes ago.
played a musical instrument? Absolutely no clue.
read a book? Couple of weeks ago when my employer sent me this book on PR that I was asked to read in preparation for my meeting with Leah.
drove a car? Last Sunday.
went swimming? Think it may have been my Nasugbu trip with Angela, Sofie, and Gabie back in August 2019.
got a sunburn? Idk man, when I was 8? I stopped getting sunburns as I got older.
went to church or temple? The last Sunday in March before the lockdown started.
went shopping? I did my final around of Christmas shopping last month for friends I still had to give presents to.
drank alcohol? Sometime last month after my work shift, following back-to-back meetings with my least favorite client.
smoked a cigarette? Feb last year, I think. I don’t buy cigarettes of my own and I’m also a lot more watchful of my cigarette usage, so I haven’t been able to smoke since I haven’t been around a crowd who does. I mostly vape.
threw up? I last felt like throwing up back in May, but I haven’t actualy thrown up in at least a couple of years now.
had a headache? Just this Thursday.
had a cold? No idea.
had the flu? It wasn’t strictly the flu, but I was last sick in May.
had your hair cut? March last year.
dyed your hair? Never done it.
laughed so hard that you cried? It’s happened in at least the past couple of weeks, I’m sure.
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