#i am trying to space these out / post them befitting other time zones but this one? i like too much. have it now
muppetjohntavares · 7 months
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Only got eyes for the captain 👁
(Picture credit to Kevin Sousa)
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agentnico · 4 years
Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021) Review
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It all started with Sonic’s teeth. Ever since fans successfully bullied a studio into reanimating their titular hedgehog character after the abomination shown in the first trailer, fans realised that rallying together (on Twitter) can make a difference. So you’d think it would mean we could all come together to restore world peace and get rid of racism, injustice, poverty, war and negativity of all kind? Nope, nope it does not. But at least we get a better version of a bad DC movie that came out in 2017. I mean, baby steps I guess.
Plot: Fuelled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists newfound ally Diana Prince to face an even greater threat. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to recruit a team to stand against this newly awakened enemy. Despite the formation of an unprecedented league of heroes -- Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and the Flash -- it may be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.
I recall my younger simpler self in 2017 at the early age of 20 soon to be 21, sitting down and watching the new Justice League film with zero to no expectations, as by that point the DC Extended Universe was a trainwreck and was a franchise that was literally falling apart before out unblinking red hay fever filled eyes. However, after watching Justice League I was baffled at the fact that I still managed to be disappointed after having zero expectations! With zero expectations this film took me into the minuses, and we all know I’m not great at mathematics so boy are we in the danger zone when we hit the minuses! Looking back at my review of the film back then, I used extreme yet fitting comments like “generic”, “predictable” “messy” and plain “dogsh*t���. Which is what it was. 2017′s Justice League is exactly how I’d imagine a dog’s poop would look if it was turned into an abstract film! It was truly abysmal. After that I thought I’d never have to talk about this film again. How wrong I was. But, in a rare turn of tables, I am glad that I was wrong...
A little history lesson first. Alright, settle down kids, settle down.... Rob, put the paper plane down, do not throw it, I said DON’T THROW IT! NO! Stop! Stupid child!! Headteacher’s office right now! Also, say hi to your mother for me, okay? I’m having brunch with her on Saturday and you better not be there as you should be doing your homework watching the 4 hour cut of Justice League and questioning your life choices!! Anyway, now let’s have ourselves a history lesson. The topic is - What In The Flying Fudge Happened Behind-The-Scenes Of Justice League For DUMMIES: Condensed Edition. A really condensed version as honestly none of us have the attention span to read loads and I’m probably losing the vast majority of you due to this overlong rambling session. So anyway, to the last couple of readers left, here we go! Following the success of Man of Steel, Warner Bros. gave Zack Snyder the reigns to oversee and create a DC cinematic universe to rival the success of Marvel. And so came Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, which turned out to be a bit of a hodgepodge, receiving mixed to negative reviews and though was a box office success, earned diminishing results to what Warner Bros. originally anticipated. However, by the time Batman V Superman released, Zack Snyder was already hard at work on the big superhero team up film Justice League (which was meant to set up many characters and future films for the DCEU) with a lot of filming already underway, so Warner Bros. couldn’t particularly pump the breaks on it by that point, even though they evidently lost trust in the Snyder formula. To be honest, at that point I too lost trust in Snyder’s vision and the DCEU as a whole, but my opinion doesn’t class for a single dime, whilst the opinions of Warner Bros. executives make millions, so there aren’t any hard feelings on my behalf for them not enquiring on my thoughts. Anyway, midway through production Zack Snyder was hit with a family tragedy with his daughter committing suicide, so Snyder naturally had to depart the project to be with his family during this grieving time. Warner Bros. had the option to pause production and await for Snyder’s return, or progress at their own accord. Naturally they decided to do their own thing cause they are a business and want that dollar dollar bill baby!! So they hired Joss Whedon who was riding fresh off the success of two Avengers movies and obviously had experience in cinematic universes and such, to rework the Justice League movie by condensing it into a 2 hour film (from the over 4 hour material that Snyder shot) and reshoot scenes to fit the smaller runtime. So you cannot particularly blame Whedon for taking out so many great scenes as he had a contract to fulfil with Warner Bros, but then you look at the many forced jokes and unnecessary reshot scenes and you realise how self-indulgent Joss Whedon was during filming, as he basically was spitting on everything Snyder did and was trying to do his own thing. Low and behold, the mess that is the 2017 movie is created, where its the visions and creative minds of two director with evidently different styles clashing and not really mixing well at all, and as such we have a messy movie that doesn’t really make sense and is a bit of a middle finger to DC fans and honestly everyone and all. Also, there was that little aspect of Henry Cavill’s deformed upper lip due to the fact that during reshoots he had a moustache that he’d grown and was contractually obligated to have for his Mission Impossible role, so the visual effects team had to digitally remove it in post production and the result is, well, see for yourself...
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Yes, they made the dashing handsome my-sexuality-questioning Henry Cavill look stupid, and that is UNFORGIVABLE. Funny, yes, very funny but unforgivable!! So for this and many other reasons the 2017 film turned out horribly. Then after that many months later, Zack Snyder and cast and crew members began teasing of this mythical version of the movie that was befit of Snyder’s original vision. You see, apparently before he left the project, Snyder actually filmed everything he wanted and it was only awaiting to be reworked with visual effects and edited properly, but then Whedon came in with his scissors and cut everything mercilessly with a cheeky grin and his ginger beard. Speaking of his ginger beard, is Joss Whedon Irish? Or has Irish roots? Honestly, I would Google it, but wait, I don’t think I really care. So anyway, Snyder still had all of his filmed scenes saved on his ridiculously oversized hard drive just waiting to be looked at again. This is where the fandom did its magic by creating a Twitter hashtag #ReleaseTheSnyderCut and began spam posting for Warner Bros. to let Zack Snyder release what he originally intended to. Honestly, who would have thunk it, but this actually worked!! Warner Bros. allowed this, and not only that, but gave Snyder an additional $70 million to finish up the visual effects as well as to film a couple of additional sequences and gave it the prestigious honour to debut it on HBO Max, so as to boost the subscriber rating on Warner Bros. new streaming service. And here we are.
Honestly, I thought seeing this Director’s Cut of sorts wouldn’t bring much to the table as I didn’t believe that a film that was so broken had originally been in any way good. After finishing this 4 hour Snyder vision I must admit though that I was pleasantly surprised. Completely baffled by the studio and Joss Whedon, but really happy for Zack Snyder. The guy was fighting for it and finally was able to accomplish and bring out his true original vision, and though Zack Snyder’s Justice League has its flaws, its so much better than what we got in 2017, and in fact is a soaring science fiction sci-fi epic that literally feels epic!! It takes time establishing the characters and every single plot point as well as building out this rich mythology of this world of the DC Extended Universe, and so as you move into the second half of the film, there’s a feeling of pay off. You actually care about the characters and understand the plot points and it doesn’t feel rushed. Its truly astounding that there are producers out there who thought it was a good idea to get rid of all of that and instead bring out whatever the heck Joss Whedon did with the 2017 version. Look, I quite enjoy Joss Whedon’s work, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel to Cabin in the Woods and his work on Marvel, the guy obviously has a talent, but also he obviously does not belong to the dark and brooding style of DC. Zack Snyder on the other hand, though makes his mistakes, truly embraces the epic feel of the DC material. And it seems once you give Snyder enough time and space, he can actually bring out something like this:
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The main characters are all given so much more to do, or at least those that got side-lined in the 2017 version are given more to do here. One of my complaints with the original was how pointless the League turns out to be. Basically in the theatrical version the main team all end up being useless and only once Superman shows up he saves everyone’s asses and literally does EVERYTHING. Might as well have called the film Man of Steel 2 (feat. Justice League). However in this new version, every main character serves a purpose. Well most of them do at least. Cyborg and Flash are much more compelling characters with more layers and backstory, and in fact are a prime reason to defeating the great evil in the end. You now understand why Cyborg actor Ray Fisher was pissed at Joss Whedon, as the guy literally got rid of his best stuff. Superman strikes a cool black suit and is still powerful, however as the finale shows, he isn’t all-powerful and does need the help of the rest of the team. Wonder Woman gets a lot more to do in this theatrical cut, and in fact this is probably Gal Gadot’s best performance as Wonder Woman and she really shows herself as a powerful female superhero! Aquaman’s role stays largely unchanged, however to be honest Jason Momoa’s character was one of the only ones who didn’t suffer in the theatrical cut. That’s unsurprising seeing as Jason Momoa is such a naturally cool dude! A big panda that is friendly in real life, but when necessary can turn into a roaring bear. To be honest, the only League member that ends up a bit pointless is actually Batman. He still serves a purpose in the film in that he’s the one who assembles the team, but otherwise the rest of the group is so overpowered compared to him that in the end you do kind of think that he doesn’t really belong there. Still, Ben Affleck is great in the role and it’s a shame we won’t see much of him past Flashpoint film that will be released in the next few years.
There are a lot of characters in this film and one can still say the movie is overstuffed, but also seeing as the movie was originally intended to spring board the DCEU properly, all these teases are actually welcome. There are an abundance of cameos, and to be honest so many characters are so well cast that you do end up wishing that Snyder was given the opportunity to make his entire Justice League planned trilogy, but nevertheless at least we have this. There are truly an abundance of cool appearances here, from the menacing villain Darkseid (played by Ray Porter) to Willem Dafoe doing what Dafoe does best, only in this case underwater and I’m certain that’s gonna span many comparison memes with The Lighthouse. Joe Morton as Cyborg’s dad is given a lot more to do here and in fact is pivotal towards building up Cyborg into the important character that he is. There’s also a cameo from Jared Leto’s Joker, who in some ways redeems himself after his appearance in Suicide Squad. Also, we need to talk about Steppenwolf, who’s the main baddie in this film. In the theatrical cut the guy was the most generic one-note villain who also looked like a PS2 character. It was honestly embarrassing the way he was animated. Luckily in this version he’s been put through enough Skyrim mods to looks much more intimidating and is also given a better motivation. As we find out, the reason he does what he does is because he wants to go home. He’s been banished and he simply wants to earn his place back home, so it’s actually kind of sweet. Steppenwolf is a sweetie. I mean, yeah, he wants to destroy half of the world to fulfil his dream, but hey, haven’t we all taken something extreme measures to get what we want?
The film is far from perfect though. At the end of the day, the movie is just about a guy hunting down a bunch of magical boxes. That was the premise of the theatrical cut and its the same here too. Yes, there is more substance and gravitas to the proceedings, but at the end of the day the story doesn’t really surprise much. And with the entire thing running at 4 hours, it is definitely too long and there is the element where there is simply too much in this thing. Also visually, though the movie has plenty of gorgeous shots and Zack Snyder’s signature slow motion sequences are on full display here, there are still many sequences where the CGI and green screen are super obvious and look really fake. That being said there’s still so much visual goodness in this, and also I have to mention Junkie XL’s new music score that does reiterate the epic feel of this movie, in comparison to Danny Elfman’s weak uninspiring notes in the theatrical cut.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a massive surprise and completely changes the perception of what we saw in the original 2017 theatrical cut. It’s a sprawling massive adventure that’s a dream come true for any comic book fan. It shows how vital film editing is, and how important it is to have a cohesive plan when making a movie. Gone too are the silly forced jokes, and though there is still some humour here, it feels more grounded and fit of the setting and scenario. This is Snyder’s vision through and through, and though at times it is clunky, it overall is incredible to behold, as it’s this one guy’s mind and his love for the DC lore. It’s a credible achievement, and I’m actually sentimentally happy for Snyder that he finally managed to complete this. He even during the credits dedicates this to his daughter Autumn that passed away, and I found that to be truly bittersweet. Justice has indeed been served.
Overall score: 7/10
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Final Fantasy: At Lucis End - Ch 2
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy 
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Original Female Character(s) 
    A treaty. A light at the end of the tunnel that King Regis had been staring down for years. A proposal. A wedding that stands to save the lands. A betrayal. That could tear it all down. And a love. So strong yet so torn.
    The war between Lucis and Niflheim could come to an end, but much will have to be sacrificed along the way. And in the end, would it even be enough? Would the loss of life, love, and family be enough to save the people of Lucis? Or will it all come crumbling down in the end?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter Two
     The doors to the throne room opened and Regis shifted where he sat. He smiled at the familiar face walking towards him, who then stopped at the bottom of the steps to bow on one knee. 
     "Your Highness."
     "Araceli! It's so good to see you!" He exclaimed, making a move for his cane to stand and join her below. 
     She saw this and quickly stood, bounding up the steps, "No need, your Highness, and Ara is fine."
     "But a name so beautiful should be said in full. Araceli, altar of the sky," he said as he sat back down when she reached the top, "you know why Nyx gave you that name, do you not?"
     "He told me it had to do with a comet?"
     The king hummed and nodded. "The night he found you and took you in is a night he says he will never forget, a night that changed his life for the better. He says you brought light to his life, and befitting that saying was, for that very night he scooped you into his arms was the night the Lux Adamantium comet graced our skies with its presence."
     "The light diamond comet," she nodded, "I remember seeing it that night."
     "He named you Araceli, altar of the sky, because he believed that you were sent to him from the heavens above," Regis spoke as he raised a hand above his head, "a gift from the gods themselves, a child, a daughter." 
     She smiled, a genuine smile for what felt like the first time in a lifetime. “I'm glad it was Nyx that found me, and I have to admit, now that I know the full meaning behind it, it is a great name.”
     “It is indeed,” he patted his hand over hers where it rested on the arm of his throne, “I remember when he brought you here. You were such a small thing, stuck to Nyx's neck like glue,” he chuckled, thinking back on the memory, “You wouldn't speak, wouldn’t let go of him, and quite frankly he didn't want you to. He fell in love with you from the moment your chubby little hands wrapped themselves around his neck.”
     “Chubby?!” She mocked hurt.
     “I stand by my statement,” they both laughed this time, “but it is true, he loves you very much. And that being said, I think he's a little worried about you, my dear.”
     She just sighed and looked away.
     “I was asking for you yesterday, I had a favor to ask of you.” She closed her eyes, she already knew what it was. “But he said he had not seen you in two days. Are you alright, my dear?”
     She composed herself enough to turn back to the king, who was now staring at her with worried eyes of his own. She knew she shouldn't have disappeared like that, or ignored Nyx, because of course he would be worried about her. But still, she needed the time and the space, from everyone. “I assure you, I'm fine, your Highness. I just had to make a little side trip out of town, and you know Nyx worries far too much.”
     “Well, as your father, he's right to. I worry about Noctis all the time.” Even just the mention of his name had her stomach in knots, but she managed to hold herself together as he continued. “Speaking of, I was hoping that you would accompany Noctis to Niflheim. He will be leaving tomorrow morning with Ignis, Prompto, and Gladiolus, but as his best friend I am sure he would want you to be with him for such a time.”
     “I'd be honoured to accompany him,” she faked her best smile, hoping it would fool the king.
     “Excellent, I will sleep much sounder knowing that you and Noctis will be together while you are beyond the walls.”
     “Don't worry, your Highness, I'll make sure he stays safe and returns to Lucis. But I shall take my leave now and let you rest, Sire.”
     She moved from his side and made her way down the steps. When she reached the bottom he called out to her again and she turned back to face him, “Yes, Sire?”
     “I do wonder,” he began slowly, contemplating his words carefully, “what do you think of this arrangement?”
     “Of the peace treaty?” She raised her brows in question.
     “Of all of it,” he brought a hand to rub at his beard, “the treaty, the end of the war, the marriage. What are your thoughts?”
     She shrugged and shook her head, “If it all brings peace to the kingdom then I think it wise, your Majesty. You are doing what you believe is right for the kingdom and the people.”
     “Yes,” he nods, seemingly lost in thought, “but as a father, am I doing what is right by my son?”
     She had to take a second to gather herself before answering. There were so many things she wanted to say, so many words held in, a thousand pounds of pressure pushing against her chest at the mere thought of all this. Not just the wedding but the whole situation in general, something felt wrong. But she couldn't, and she knew she couldn't. It wouldn't matter anyways. The king had no other choice, as did Noctis, as did she. An unfortunate domino effect of shitty circumstances. So instead, she steeled herself, held in her emotions and responded with a solemn, “I stand by my statement.”
     The king eyed her with a playful look, knowing that as fierce and hardened a warrior she was, she would never go against him. In all their years together she was never one to sugar coat her thoughts or hold back because of status or rank. But when his decision was made, no matter her thoughts on the matter, she would stand by his side through whatever may come of it. 
     So he nodded to her, accepting that he would get no more from her then that, and shouted after her, “Be sure you speak to Nyx before you leave tomorrow. I know as a father how I would feel, so don't leave him worried, my dear.”
     She just gave a quick bow before walking out the doors.
     “You ready to be a married man, Noct? Noct…? Noct!” 
     He snapped out of his daze where he had been staring at the road out of the citadel, completely zoned out, and turned to Prompto. “What?”
     “I said, are you ready to be a married man?”
     “Oh…” he sighed and looked down at his feet, “I don't really have a choice it would seem.”
     “You mean your father?” Prompto leaned down attempting to catch Noct’s eye.
     Noctis just kept staring at the ground. No, it wasn't just his father that wasn't giving him a choice.
     “You guys ready?” 
     Noctis and Prompto turned, Ara coming up behind them and tossing her bag into the trunk of the Regalia. 
     Noctis just stared at her, unable to speak, so Prompto jumped forwards and answered, “Just waiting on the love birds.”
     She just nodded and turned back towards the car. Usually of all people, Prompto could make anyone smile or laugh, but today she just wasn't in the mood. 
     Just as she turned back to the car, the two love birds in question came strolling over. They placed their bags in the back along with everyone elses and Ignis turned to them, “Alright, let's get in and get going. We have a long way to go.” 
     Everyone made their way to the car and she walked over to him, “Ignis.”
     “Hello little one,” he placed a hand on her shoulder with a squeeze. No words needed to be said between them, she knew that he already knew how she felt, and more than likely knew the same about Noctis. “We still have some time. The drive will take quite a few days, perhaps we can figure something out.”
     “No,” she shook her head, “we can't risk losing this peace treaty over myself and Noct. It just has to be done and I just have to deal with it, so does he.”
     “Look, you know that I am loyal to the throne as well as to Regis,” he moved his hands from her shoulders to rest gently on her cheeks, “but I would rather see you two be happy.”
     “And let the lands continue to fall to war?” She placed her hands over his on her cheeks, “I can't let that happen. Lucis and its people must come first.”
     “There could be another way, to have it both ways,” he rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks and she leaned into his touch, “perhaps we can find a way to keep peace, end the war, and stop this wedding. So you and Noctis can be together, and be happy as you two so rightfully deserve.”
     “I don't think we can, Igz,” she shook her head, “I don't think there is anything we can do.”
     A single tear escaped her eye and he wiped it away. “I am still going to try, Gladiolus and I both.”
     “No offence, Igz, but I'm not going to hold out much hope.” He just sighed, and she knew he was still resigned to do exactly what she didn't want him to do, but she also couldn't stop him. But she couldn't talk about this anymore, and changed the subject instead, “Hey, I know you wanna head out as soon as possible, but I was wondering if we could hold off for just a few minutes? I was kind of hoping…”
     He nodded, “Well, at least you won't have to wait long for him,” she gave him a confused look and he nodded behind her, “take your time, little one, we’ll wait for you in the car.”
     She turned behind her and saw just the man she was hoping to see running towards her, flailing his arms like a mad man. She stood there with a slightly amused look on her face when he finally reached her. “I could see you, you know, you didn't have to keep waving your arms, I clearly wasn't going anywhere.”
     “Well you've been pretty flighty for the last few days,” he breathed, “didn't want to take my chances.”
     “Yeah, well,” she shrugged, “had a lot to think about.”
     “And did you?”
     She nodded, “Though it wasn’t so much thinking rather than just brooding.”
     “Did you two talk? Does he… does he know?”
     “He knows,” she kicked the ground as she answered, averting her eyes from Nyx.
     “And?” He probed.
     “And nothing, Nyx,” she looked back to him, “it doesn't matter that he feels the same, he's getting married now, king's orders. I have to let it go.”
     “But maybe there's a way-”
     “Not you too,” she whined, “I've already got Elmo and Big Bird over there, hell bent on finding a way to stop the marriage, I don't need you in on it as well. There is no way around this, there's no my feelings, or Noct’s feelings. It's just peace or war, and we have to choose peace.”
     “I don't think it's that simple, and I don't think you do either.” She just gave him a look and he gave it right back. It was obvious where she inherited her sass from. “You're smarter than that, Ara, and I know that you're thinking the same thing as the rest of us. There is something wrong with this whole situation. Libs said it himself, years of war and threats of total domination, all down the drain so that Iedolas can give all of that up just to hand both crowns over to Noctis? It doesn't make any sense.”
     “Of course I know that!” She raised her voice, though only loud enough for Nyx to hear, “But Regis already signed the treaty. All we can do is follow his orders and deliver Noctis to Niflheim to be married, and keep an eye on him after that. I know somethings up, but Regis is just doing what he thinks is best for the people, and it's really his only option at the moment, aside from continuing the war.”
     “And you will, right,” he raised a brow at her, “stick close to Noctis when things go south.”
     “If things go south,” she corrected, because there was still the possibility that this was all legit, “and of course I'll stick close to him.”
     “And after?” He gave her a knowing look.
     “Nyx-” She warned but he stopped her.
     “Just…” he held his hands out for her and she took them both, stepping closer to him, “Don't give up hope yet. I haven't spoken to Regis much since this all went down, but I'll be meeting with him today to figure this all out. Maybe he's got more up his sleeve then we know. So just trust your old man, okay? I'm not giving up on this yet.”
     “Like I told Ignis, I'm not holding out much hope,” she sighed, “and don't do anything that's gunna make things worse.”
     “Do you doubt me?”
     “Maybe not doubt,” she smirked, “more like worry. Sometimes you're a bit hotheaded.” He laughed with a nod, he knew she was right. “Speaking of worry… I'm glad you stopped by. I didn't mean to worry you over the last few days. But sometimes you do worry a little too much.”
     “I worry about you all the time,” he squeezed her hands in his, “and I always will.”
     She just shook her head with a small smile, “Well, you don't have to, you know. I'm one of Lucis fiercest warriors, and I'm always careful.”
     “I know,” he agreed with her, “but a father always worries.”
     She gave him a bigger smile and moved in a little closer.
     “But I'm sure Ignis and Gladio want to get heading out, so I'll let you go, but just remember,” he leaned in a little closer to whisper, “be careful, this is not as simple as it seems to be, I know it. And don't worry, I am going to figure everything out, everything, I promise. But until then just act like everything is normal and going according to plan.”
     “Sure,” she just gave in and agreed with him, “and I promise I'll be careful.”
     “Good,” he leaned back and returned his voice to normal volume, “call me occasionally, alright, let me know where you are, and as soon as you're back you come find me. I want to know you're safe in the walls again.”
     She exhaled slowly. She couldn't let him know she was planning on leaving after the wedding. Of course she would never leave Nyx completely behind, she would always make sure he was able to see her, but she wouldn't be within the walls, nor by his side everyday in the Glaive. He wouldn't like it but it would have to be done if this wedding did happen. She just wouldn't be able to stick around, but she also couldn't give him any hint of her plans, because he would shut that down in a heartbeat. 
     So instead she gave him her best playful smirk and said, “Don't worry, as soon as we're back inside the walls, I'll make it my first priority to find you. Damn the king and his mission reports.”
     “You know, I could do without the sass.”
     “You love it.”
     “Yeah, you're lucky I do.” He pulled her in for a hug and held her tightly. “Alright, get going then, and be safe.”
     “Yes, Dad,” she joked as she pulled back.
     “You know, you've never called me that,” he pouted his lip in thought, “but it does have a nice ring to it.”
     “Yeah, we’ll see if it sticks,” she laughed.
     “And, Ara,” she perked up, “I know that we both said there is a major chance this treaty is a farce, but… but just enjoy this time you have with Noctis. Even if it is fake and you both return to Lucis, it might be the last you get together for a while.”
     She just nodded, not really sure if she would be able to let herself enjoy what could possibly be her last days with Noctis before he was married and she left Lucis. And if they returned home to the continuation of the war, who knew what would happen then.
     Nyx could see she was spiraling inside her head, so he lifted her chin with his fingers and said, “Hey, come back to me, don't overthink it in that typical Ara way, I know my daughter.” She just rolled her eyes. “Just do as I say. Now go,” he pulled her in for one last hug and a kiss before pulling back and saying, “and one last time… you be safe, Araceli Ulric.”
     She grabbed hold of his shirt, right over his heart and gave him a light shake, “You too,” then she patted the spot she was holding, and turned to get in the car and Nyx stood in place to watch them leave.
     When she walked over, Ignis was in the driver's seat and Gladio in the passenger seat beside him. Noctis was behind Gladio and Prompto was behind Ignis, leaving the middle seat open, and she just glared at Prompto.
     He beamed up at her, like the goddamn ray of sunshine he always was, and patted the middle seat beside him. “I figured you would want to sit in the middle. You always want to sit beside Noct, and this way you can do that and we can play Dungeons and Daemons on my phone together.”
     “Prom, move over,” she said, not looking to either him or Noctis.
     “I…” he looked between her and Noctis who was just turned the other way, “You don't want to sit with Noct? But you always want to-”
     “Move over, Prom!” He startled at her sudden and unusual rise in anger, and she instantly felt bad. “Please, Prom, just move over.”
     He just nodded and shifted across to the middle, letting her hop into the car, and look in the opposite direction as Noctis. Leaving Prompto to sit between them, confused and a little afraid to move, as Ignis started the car and pulled out of the citadel.
     Regis had been spending more time than usual locked away in his throne room, alone, even going so far as to tell his Glaive and Kingscrown to leave him be. Noctis had left that morning to uphold their end of the treaty, but he couldn't help the pit that sat heavy in his stomach over the whole situation. And he also couldn't put his finger on his unease, on the hidden motive behind all of this. Peace would be a much needed relief, not just for him but for the entire kingdom, but his gut told him that even though he had signed the treaty and agreed to Iedolas’s terms, peace was further away then it ever had been.
     The doors to the throne room opened and Regis looked up to find one of his most trusted men walking in. 
     “Nyx,” he nodded.
     “Your Highness,” he stopped to bow quickly before heading up the steps to stand before Regis, “I think we have much to discuss.”
     “That we do,” he nodded, “about this treaty.”
     Nyx nodded, worrying his bottom lip between his thumb and finger, “What are you thinking?”
     Regis regarded him for a moment, before shifting and crossing his legs, “I spoke to Araceli yesterday.”
     “And what did she say?”
     “You know Ara,” Regis drawled, “as loyal as they come to me and the people of this kingdom. Had I have gotten to speak to her of the matter before I signed the treaty, it may have been a different outcome. But since the decision had already been made, she would give me no more than her agreeance. She will always tell me her opinions, but she will never dispute my decisions. Though at times I wish she would, she is a smart girl.”
     Nyx hummed, “And you, your Highness, what do you think?”
     He sighed, “This is not the end of this war.”
     “Then why?” He asked, pacing before his throne, “Why did you agree to the terms and send Noctis to marry the princess?”
     “Because it's as far away from the chaos as he could possibly be.” Nyx stopped his pacing and nodded, realizing why the king had done what he had. “If my suspicions are confirmed, and this war is indeed not over, Noctis is safest the closer he is to Niflheim, where Iedolas will not be. Any more fighting will be done closer to Lucis, if not directly inside the walls of Insomnia.”
     “And Araceli is with him,” he closed his eyes and sighed, a weight being visibly lifted from his shoulders.
     “I wasn't only thinking of Noctis's safety when I sent her with him,” Regis smirked at Nyx.
     “Thank you,” he nodded to him, then continued his pacing.
     “If this is to be the end of Lucis, I would rather them be as far away as is possible.”
     “I don't think it will come to that,” he shook his head, turning to Regis, “we're well protected even if Ideolas does plan another attack, and the Glaive are ready to defend at a moment's notice.”
     “But if it does, Nyx,” Regis leaned forwards, a serious and steady look in his eyes as he spoke, “if this should be not only the end of the kingdom, but my end as well, I want you to leave Lucis.”
     “No, Regis-”
     He stepped forwards to put an end to this kind of talk, but Regis just continued, “If I die, I want you to leave Lucis. Leave this place behind and find our children, find my son. He is the light that will bring Lucis out of this darkness. Do you understand, Nyx?”
     He took a moment before he answered, but knew there was no way he could go against his king's words. So instead he nodded and gave a slight bow as he answered, “Yes, Sire.”
     “Good,” he sighed and leaned back in his throne, rubbing a hand down his tired face, “as long as Noctis is alive, there will always be hope for Lucis.”
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A/N: Chapter Two! Let me know what y’all thin XD
Tags: of course the lovely @wisteriayamashi and @tea-time-with-devil-traps @prettyprompto @idiotflowerex
And if anyone else wants to be tagged just let me know <3
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