#i am. fascinated by the rpg game. streams?? episodes?? i am FASCINATED
callioclops · 9 months
Woah, a pinned post
Figured I may as well start using Tumblr as an actual blog rather than a promotional tool for streaming that I no longer do and letting it just sit here and occasionally reblog something funny from my friends, so I'm making a introduction post.
Hi, I'm Calliope or Callie for short. I'm an autistic trans woman and I use she/her. My primary interests include structural analysis of TV and anime, and getting way too deep into the mechanics of various video games inevitably resulting in an attempt to flawlessly optimise whatever it is I'm meant to be doing. As you can imagine this draws me to roguelikes a lot, but also fighting games, RPGs, etc.
If you fall under any of these groups kindly fuck off: Homophobes, TERFs and other transphobes, and honestly just as a general catch-all if you harbour a hatred for any group of people for no reason besides their appearance or the way they refer to themselves.
Quick pre-emptive Q&A:
Why do you have anon asks turned off? - Simple answer is that I don't want anon hate. I think if you want to be mean to someone online you can at least have the courage to stand by what you said without hiding behind a circle with sunglasses. If you want to send an ask but don't want it to be public that it's you, put "[/p]" somewhere in the ask. If you aren't being hateful I'll respect your want to be anonymous. Obviously I'll still know but that's the best I can give.
What TV shows/anime do you usually talk about? - That's very dependant on what I'm watching at any given time. I'll try to keep this up to date (no promises) with what I'm currently interested in. At the time of writing (23/12/23) the two main ones are Rick & Morty and My Hero Academia. These two specifically I have heard are a turn off for a lot of people due to the fandoms, personally I don't really interact in that space.
What posts can I expect? - Probably not that many in all honesty. I'm writing this at 11pm and it's entirely possible that I'll just forget about this for weeks on end. But if I am to post it will likely be short rants about any of the above mentioned media. Either talks about specific episodes of a show or mechanical intricacies of video games. I like to imagine that it will be educational in a way that is completely incomprehensible in an academic capacity.
Why a cyclops? - Initially, I was attempting to 'transition' my online persona at the same time as I was transitioning in real life and wanted a pun or portmanteau based on my new name. Callioclops was the only one I could think of and I stuck with it. Over time though it really grew on me, I had design ideas for an icon (Thanks to @caeruluspirit for the profile image), I really just became engrossed in cyclopes and monocular creatures in general. I think part of this fascination also stems from an irl friend who has depth perception issues and once tried to explain it to me by saying "The sky is in front of the trees." I've been thining about that every so often ever since.
So yeah, I'm going to try and be a bit more active on here. Share a piece of my autism with a wider audience. If that interests you stick around, if not then by all means keep on moving.
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puppy-phum · 3 years
get to know me
am going to mix these two different tag games into one post so thank you a lot for tagging me @jazthespazz and @i-am-just-a-kiddo ♥
it’s somehow funny to do these same games again after a while so let’s see what I come up with:
Part I
name: real name petra but i prefer vish/vishie over here ^^ 
pronouns: she/her
star sign: aries ♈
height: 178cm (which am coming more and more proud of while i realize how damn tall every cdrama actor is lol)
time: 10:37pm as am answering this one
birthday: 10th april!
nationality: finnish 
fave bands/groups: ah well this is always a hard question but let’s go with these: BTS, DAY6, OneRepublic, Hurts, Oneus, Hoppipolla, TXT, Red, Mamamoo
fave solo artists: (forgive me if i’ve assumed any of these wrong) Novo Amor, Talos, Crywolf, Liu Yuning, SYML, EDEN, PVRIS, Joker Xue, NF, Halsey, Sleeping At Last, Nuz, HyunA, Sam Smith, Taemin
song stuck in your head: it’s OneRepublic’s Rescue Me bc of the song tag game i did earlier today :’D that one always gets stuck in my head whenever i as much as see the title lol 
last movie you watched: i think it’s The Yin-Yang Master (2021)? I haven’t watched any movies after that bc am so busy with all of my dramas haha
last show you binged: i think binged would be The Journey Across the Night! I watched that as a whole in 4 days
when you created your blog: in 2013 
the last thing you googled: ummm i think it was “what is a ball of wool called” bc of fic purposes haha as a non native speaker i always get a bit lost with words like this 
other blogs: none, i just dump everything here like the idiot i am 
why i chose my url: dates back to my intense summer of binge reading J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Vishous was my favorite of the brothers haha. i first used this username in some random game on my nintendo ds lol 
how many people are you following: 358 which somehow feels like a lot but also like way too few?? i should probably search for some new blogs with other topics than cql, bts and/or dmbj bc i do love a lot of things at once 
how many followers do you have: over 800 
average hours of sleep: i’d say around 7h
lucky numbers: i remember answering 5 previously? i don’t really have a lucky number but 5 pops into my head
instruments: nope, no. not touching those tyvm. i admire everyone who can play any instrument tho
what i’m currently wearing: black jeans, socks with foxes on them (plus my woolly socks), a gray cardigan (my fave thing ever!) and an orange/brown top
dream job: writer would be ideal but that is very faaaaar into the dream zone 
dream trip: around different parts of asia to taste all the amazing food ;; maybe a road trip of sorts through europe? or inter railing? another trip to london bc i miss that ;; a trip to the very northern part of lapland to see all the auroras etc! i’ve never been that far north :’D 
fave food: if i need to quickly name something then sushi. otherwise am pretty fine with anything spicy 
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: i remember thinking about this a lot the last time i answered this but hmm. currently i’d say dmbj still bc that world is fascinating AND i would love to talk to the characters. mass effect would be the second one currently bc i miss those games and the space stuff is super cool! and the third one would be assassin’s creed rogue bc that is my fave ac game and i like the northern sea and the places in it AND i could probably be one of abstergo’s employees instead and just test/play those simulation games haha 
Part II
Last Song: am currently listening to my playlist with just everything so i have Andrew Belle’s The Enemy playing right now (also I only just now realized that Andrew Belle also sings Pieces which is one of my fave songs? my bff linked that to me after it played in some tv series she was watching)
Last Movie Last Stream: i didn’t want to mention the same movie again or skip this question and i’ve wanted to talk about this anyway so! i watched Liu Chang’s bday live last night :’D it was so much fun even if i couldn’t understand anything. it was just nice to watch him being himself and have fun and chill with his fans. also the songs were amazing ;; i cried with Liu Sang’s character song as well as the ending. and all the while i couldn’t turn my gaze away from his eyes! he has such pretty eyes and they were absolutely Sparkling throughout the whole stream, it was so nice :’)
Currently Reading: Devotions by Mary Oliver (i adore her poems! they’re a very nice change after Siken haha) and then some uni stuff for a course about culture and mental health plus my thesis
Currently Watching: Douluo Continent, Word of Honor, The Long Ballad 
all of these are amazing and make me feel different things! i started Douluo Continent just a while ago and am now on ep 16 i think? it’s been very pretty and very chill and i watch it during the weekend while i wait for new episodes to the other two :’D it’s nice to see Xiao Zhan again and i’ve enjoyed the rpg game type of feeling in it? the group of seven is doing amazing and it’s interesting to watch them craft their team work! Word of Honor again has reached the ending and i just hold my breath with it. am not too far gone with it so i am not getting as heavy feelings about it as i probably could but i enjoy it  alot still and i do cry at times ^^ and then The Long Ballad has just blown me away! i didn’t expect to love it this much and be this invested in it but everything about it has been such a positive surprise and it keeps making me super emotional! i love the characters and the story and the romances even! it’s a great accomplishment for me. also yes i cry on the daily bc of hao du and bc of ashile sun’s hair haha
(i am also rewatching Ultimate Note kind of and been thinking about getting into rewatching Reboot bc it has been on my list ever since i finished it)
What is antipoetry to you: okay hmm i had to google this too and have to agree with Kiddo here. i don’t have strong feelings about poetry tbh, i wasn’t into poetry that much before maybe a bit over year ago? Siken has really blown me away haha. but i have always loved song lyrics which i never thought as poetry but then Kiddo said to me that they consider them poetry and yeah ok. i agree? so idk poetry can be whatever i suppose. i’ve never seen any rules in it anyway. i know there are many rules for different types of poetry but then again. i feel like poetry has always been just words put together to feel things and i guess that is the core purpose of every written type of art in the end right? 
Currently craving: a drama as good and as personal as The Journey Across the Night. that show really just stole my heart and i want that feeling back. i think about that show every day. i miss Li Jia and his two partners. i miss the vibes. i miss sitting on my floor watching it and just sobbing my heart out haha. also! craving a properly subbed, whole version of Anti-Fraud League. only the first 12 eps are badly subbed out there. wetv has... blocked? deleted? the whole show??? i need it to my life, i wanna see Xiao Yuliang being cute as Mi Ruo and i wanna know where the story goes smh 
thank you so much for these both! i had fun ^^ also am sorry this is so long but haha if you’re asking me to talk about myself and my interests then this is what you get :) 
tagging (to do which ever part you want or both!): @cross-d-a @jockvillagersonly @humanlighthouse @kholran @xcziel @minmoyu and @leonzhng ♥
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loreweaver-universe · 5 years
Tumblr media
And that’s episode 4 of Baccano!  Gotta say, I liked the second half a lot more than the first.  In that interesting things were happening, and weren’t being ranted about by a pretentious sociopath.
The introduction of this secret society is interesting.  I’m starting to see the shape of things, I think--and it’s going to be fascinating watching it all blow up.
I’m going to be saving the last couple Next Time Ons for the start of the next Baccano liveblog, so up next is going to be the final Patron Pick of the month--A Place Further Than the Universe!  I’m looking forward to a little refreshing cuteness in my life, aren’t you?  See you Monday!
Jack_dHP, a staple of the patron Minecraft server, is hosting a competition! Players will compete to make the coolest minigame in what will essentially be a games park, and the winner gets a Dragon Egg, which is used in all sorts of neat custom recipes on the server.  The competition is going to run until Tuesday, October 15th, and will be judged on or after that date.  You can check out his video by clicking this link, or look at the server map here to check out the world we’ve built!
A member of the LWU Discord Server is offering Steam gift cards as prizes to the two people who manage the most challenges in Path of Exile’s current expansion league, Legion! If I have the money to spare next month, I plan to add a little to the pot myself, but right now he’s offering a $20 card to the first place finisher and $10 to the second.  (If people complete all 40 challenges, the first two people to do so–or three, if I can add $10 to each place, adding a third–will get the prizes.)  If you want to join in, Path of Exile is a free-to-play action RPG with no pay-to-win, so it’s a fair competition–join the community Discord server and check out the Path of Loreweaver channel to get in on the competition.  I hope to see you in the community guild!
I’m planning on revamping a bunch of things about my blog–fixing up old sub-pages, hopefully re-tagging the early Steven Universe episodes, and maybe commissioning a new banner, among other things.  Stay tuned–I may also get some help reworking the blog’s overall appearance! At the very least I want to make it so the top of my head isn’t cut off on the banner.
You should also go pledge to Gio’s Patreon–our Discord server maintenance tech, creator of Rubybot, and community Minecraft server overlord deserves far more than I can afford to give him by myself.
If you’d like more of me and my content:
My Discord server, where you can come hang out with other fans, and join community gaming guilds!
My Twitch channel, where I stream variety games!
My Youtube channel, where you can check out past streams!
If you’d like to help support me financially you can use my direct donation link to put some food on my shelf, or pledge to my Patreon if you want to support me per liveblog completed, which not only allows you to vote on what shows I do next, but also grants access to the community Minecraft server to $5 patrons or higher!
It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
I may have been one of the earlier Steven Universe liveblogs, but a whole community of livebloggers has sprung up over the last three years!   I linked to a bunch individually for a few wrap-ups, but honestly, this end-slate is already eight billion miles long, so I’m just gonna link to my links page.  Click here if you want recommendations of other livebloggers, or other neat people, or webcomics and podcasts that I recommend.
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theonyxpath · 6 years
Last week, I had a great interview with the guys from the Everybody Loves Pudding podcast, and since their questions started with the early days with White Wolf and being a Magic card artist and led right through the CCP years to V5 and its several controversies, I thought this week that I’d go over a couple of questions folks have been throwing at us that relate to the whole ownership and licensing thing. And the difference between those two kinds of business deals.
(As soon as the Pudding guys are ready to post the interview, I’ll share the links with all of you. Mmmm, I sure do like pudding, Cotton).
I recently saw online somebody asking how CCP being bought was going to affect us and White Wolf and the WW game lines.
So, first, if you missed the news: CCP, the company that used to own White Wolf and who tried to create a World of Darkness MMO, but who ultimately sold WW to Paradox, who then recreated White Wolf as a company and created Vampire 5th Edition, were themselves bought by a bigger computer game company out of Korea or China.
Wow, that was still pretty convoluted, wasn’t it? Let’s try bullet points:
The original White Wolf, after years of creating great games lines, merges with/is bought by CCP, an Icelandic MMO company.
CCP licenses the rights to create tabletop RPGs for WoD, Chronicles of Darkness, and Exalted, to my new company, Onyx Path. The license means we don’t own those lines, we “just” make TTRPG books for them. They sell all the rights to Scion, the Trinity game lines, and the Scarred Lands to Onyx Path, as well, so we do own them and can call all the shots for them.
After years of trying to create a WoD MMO, and failing, CCP sells everything they have left that is White Wolf to Paradox Interactive, a Swedish computer game company. CCP at this point has no further ownership or connection to anything once created by White Wolf.
Paradox spins off a company named White Wolf that they intend to use to build the World of Darkness into the most recognized and coolest horror Intellectual Property in the world. They intend to do this by matching the right creators with the right projects via licensing.
This White Wolf continues with Onyx Path‘s license to create tabletop RPGs, but decides to create the newest edition of the WoD game lines, starting with Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition, themselves and let other licensees, like Onyx Path, publish V5 books as well.
CCP is bought by a bigger computer game company and because they sold everything White Wolf years ago, they have no connection to and their be bought has no effect on anything White Wolf related today. Or on Onyx Path in any way. Although, we do all wish them luck and a great future!
This corporate stuff does get complicated, don’t it?
      Dragon-Blooded art by Melissa Uran
    You might wonder why I can wish the crew at CCP good luck after all the upset that happened during the WoD MMO years – many of us still have flashbacks to the endless “stand-up” team meetings, and the sit-down management meetings weren’t much better – but without them licensing the WW game lines to us, Onyx Path would have had a very, very, tough time starting as a TTRPG publisher.
That gave us the boost of awareness and continuity with the old WW community that allowed us to build Onyx up and experiment on game-lines and business options that has enabled us to keep growing. So, yeah, I am grateful for that. And honestly, even with these great WW licenses, there are still many struggles that we’ve surmounted.
Contrary to some belief, and something that some other companies are learning, having a well-known and much loved TTRPG gameline is not a license to print money. Although good online gaming representation helps a lot, these days!
I used those bullet points to answer a few of the other questions, too, like “Why isn’t White Wolf doing more books themselves?” and “Did Onyx Path lose the White Wolf license? I see all these other companies involved!”.
A fair bit of the confusion, once you get past the corporate buy-outs and license definitions is just that White Wolf now isn’t functioning like we did in the first White Wolf. Which is really good, because back then, we were just making stuff up as we went along!
    M20 Gods and Monsters art by Michael Gaydos
    Now, for some quick notes from our Monday Meeting today.
First, Eddy Webb let us in on his iThrive retreat and “think tank” that he attended at the end of last week. Eddy shared a lot of notes on how to professionals and academics are viewing TTRPGs as learning, teaching, and therapeutic tools. Like I said at the meeting, it is really fascinating to hear analysis and data that confirms a lot of the ways we’ve seen kids and teenagers use games to help themselves.
Good stuff, and perhaps I can convince Eddy to put together a more in-depth blog sometime in the future, or even devote an episode of the Onyx Pathcast to the topic.
My notes from the meeting tell me that this Friday’s Pathcast is slated to be an phantasmagorical interview with the Master of Mage: The Ascension, Satyr Phil Brucato himself. With M20 Gods and Monsters and M20 Book of the Fallen handed off into the production process, this is a great time to delve deep into what Satyr Phil was thinking and went through to create those projects.
Last week’s Pathcast was an amazing deep-dive into the creation of Beckett’s Jyhad Diary, and many other things Vampire as well, with the Terrifically Terrifying Trio adding both insight and insanity to the exploration. They have stated quite clearly that it was their best look into a specific book EVAH, so it’s well worth a listen on PodBean or on your favorite podcast venue: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
Impish Ian Watson, our Community Manager, talked a bit about the LA By Night streaming V5 Chronicle from Geek & Sundry, and how at one time in the chat there were something like close to 10,000 folks chatting. Yes, that is a very good thing, even if you don’t follow “actual play” streaming. That’s a lot of potential players excited about WoD, many for the first time. Plus, I hear they did a fantastic job evoking the World of Darkness and V5.
      VtR2 Guide to the Night art by Mirko Falloni
    Finally, thanks to all of you who have been taking advantage of this week’s huge sale at DriveThruRPG.com, it has been a stunning success, and runs until Thursday morning here in the US. In case you have somehow missed it. Then, as soon as it stops, DTRPG is running the same deal, but for Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, and Mage: The Awakening PDFs, all part of the Chronicles of Darkness. More info below.
So many things are happening all over, and yet, ultimately, we are so thrilled to be creating the projects that provide the impetus for so much of all that. It’s what we do, we make worlds, in fact:
Many Worlds, One Path!
    The Dystopia Rising: Evolution Kickstarter funded in less than a day, and two sections of the Threat Guide companion PDF Stretch Goal have been added, which is a first-person guide with mechanics to the various threats facing survivors in the DR:E world, and we have opened up a Community Content site for the game! Now we’re staggering towards a fiery Jumpstart!
Dystopia Rising: Evolution is powered by Onyx Path’s Storypath system, and includes all the rules you need to play as a survivor in the post-apocalypse, including rules for creating characters for up to 24 different Strains, variations on humanity that survived the Fall. It also has details on the powers of faith and psionics, along with advice on running action-adventure stories, webs of personal intrigue, or procedural investigations. And, finally, dozens of antagonists, including a variety of zombies and raiders to use in your series.
Throughout this Kickstarter campaign, we will be posting complete previews of the Dystopia Rising: Evolution manuscript as backer-only updates. With one week to go, you can back now and get the text to find out what are the excitement is about!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
Here are the links for the Apple and Android versions:
Three different screenshots, above.
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Ages Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Ascension: Truth Beyond Paradox (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Curse of the Blue Nile (Kindle, Nook)
Beast: The Primordial: The Primordial Feast Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Masquerade: Of Predators and Prey: The Hunters Hunted II Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Poison Tree (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: The Strix Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Forsaken: The Idigam Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Awakening: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Beast Within Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: W20 Cookbook (Kindle, Nook)
Exalted: Tales from the Age of Sorrows (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Tales of the Dark Eras (Kindle, Nook)
Promethean: The Created: The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Demon: The Descent: Demon: Interface (Kindle, Nook)
Scarred Lands: Death in the Walled Warren (Kindle, Nook)
V20 Dark Ages: Cainite Conspiracies (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Strangeness in the Proportion (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: Silent Knife (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Dawn of Heresies (Kindle, Nook)
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there!
    Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://theonyxpath.com/press-release-onyx-path-limited-editions-now-available-through-indie-press-revolution/
And you can now order Pugmire: the book, the screen, and the dice! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
Ending this Thursday, DTRPG together with White Wolf and Onyx Path are having a one week massive 75% off sale on all Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, and Mage: The Ascension PDFs!
AND, starting this Thursday morning, we are having a one week only 75% off sale on all Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, and Mage: The Awakening PDFs!
  This Wednesday we expand our blank journal offerings on our RedBubble site with Vampire: The Requiem blank journals!
From Fast Eddy Webb, we have these:
Eddy will be speaking at Broadleaf Writers Conference (September 22-23) in Decatur, GA. He’ll be there to talk about writing for interactive fiction, and hanging out with other writers who have far more illustrious careers. http://broadleafwriters.com/3rd-annual-broadleaf-writers-conference/3rd-annual-broadleaf-writers-conference-speakers/
Eddy will also be a featured guest at Save Against Fear (October 12-14) in Harrisburg, PA. He’ll be running some Pugmire games, be available for autographs, and will sometimes accept free drinks. http://www.thebodhanagroup.org/about-the-convention
Monica Valentinelli will be a professional guest at Great Falls Gaming Convention in Montana the first week of October. http://gfgr.org/guests-of-honor/
Dixie Cochran will be at High Level Games Con in Atlantic City October 12-14, running a Women in Game Design panel, Eddy’s RPG Developer Bootcamp, and possibly making a surprise appearance at another event!
  And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Tales of Excellent Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel (Cavaliers of Mars)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Scion Ready Made Characters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion Jumpstart (Scion 2nd Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
  Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Fetch Quest (Pugmire)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon (Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition)
Adventures for Curious Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
In Media Res (Trinity Continuum: Core)
Aeon Aexpansion (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
C20 Players’ Guide (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Wr20 Book of Oblivion (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
  Manuscript Approval:
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Dog and Cat Ready Made Characters (Monarchies of Mau) (With Eddy)
Changeling: The Lost 2nd Jumpstart (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
  Post-Editing Development:
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
They Came From Beneath the Sea! Rulebook (TCFBtS!)
Changeling: The Lost 2e
  In Art Direction
Dystopia Rising: Evolution – KS is going.
M20: Gods and Monsters – AD’d and Contracted.
Geist 2e
The Realm
Trinity Continuum (Aeon and Core) – AD’d and Contracted.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Ex3 Dragon Blooded – Finals coming in.
Chicago By Night – KS art sketches and finals coming in.
Pugmire Roll of Good Dogs and Cats
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
Trinity Core
Trinity Aeon
Scion Hero – Putting in Neal’s changes, updating font
PTC: Night Horrors: The Tormented – Corrections over to KT.
Scion Origin – Doing Neall’s errata changes, and swapping out the font.
VtR: Guide to the Night
Lost 2e Screen – At WW for approval
Fetch Quest – Package design done
  At Press
Monarchies of Mau – Printing. Dice and buttons printing.
Cavaliers of Mars – At Studio2.
Wraith 20th – Prepping the interior Deluxe files, cover design sent to printer.
Monarchies of Mau Screen – At Studio2.
Cavaliers of Mars Screen – At Studio2.
Wraith 20 Screen – Printing.
Scion Dice – At fulfillment shipper.
Cav Talent cards – PoD proof coming.
Requiem Journals – On Sale at RedBubble on Weds!
  TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: In 1859 Joshua A. Norton declares himself “Norton I, Emperor of the United States.” I mean, if you like WoD or CofD, They Came From Beneath the Sea!, Scion, or the Trinity Continuum…this guy was just the tip of the odd history iceberg that we draw on for all those settings.
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enddaysengine · 7 years
Non-Fiction Resources for Chronicles of Darkness by Gameline
June 6th Update: It seems that Tumblr has a limit to how many links you can put in one post. As a result, I’ve moved the resources for Dark Eras, as well as the links organized by topic, to a separate post that you can find at this link. 
Much like I did for Eberron, I’m putting together some links to non-fiction materials you could use for Chronicles of Darkness. Since CofD is set in a dark mirror of our world, there are a lot of materials that could go in this post, but I will try to be selective. While I am keeping Chronicles in mind while I do this, you could use these links for any other RPG that is set on historical Earth (I’m looking at you, Call of Cthulhu!) Some links may show up more than once if they fit in multiple categories.
This post is very much a work in progress and probably will never be complete because of the broad availability of applicable materials. If you know of a resource that you don’t see on my list, please feel free to reblog/reply/DM me to say what the resource is and why it should be included on the list. I’ll do my best to add it in.
General Websites
Crash Course: It’s free, it’s on Youtube, and it’s in a ten-minute episodic format. 
Coursera: Coursera is a website where university level classes are available for free. You can also get certifications from Coursera for a fee so you can build your resume while planning your next chronicle. 
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Dan loves historical “What if?” moments, and with good reason. If you want to hear the most badass historical stories, examine how drugs, alcohol, and human stupidity impacted history, or get a sense of what it was like to live through the most brutal historical eras, this is the place for you.
edX: Another excellent site with free courses that you can upgrade for a certificate. A good place to look for courses in the humanities and religion. 
Great Course/Great Courses Plus: GC and GC+ are not free services, but they have such an extraordinarily high production value that you can understand why. History, science, culinary theory, economics, anything you can think of is covered in the Great Courses catalogue. Great Courses Plus is their streaming service, which at $15/month for an annual subscription is a killer deal.
Google Books/Google Scholar: My first goto for research of any kind, and the first place I advise my students to begin their research. Seriously, I’ve written papers, then had them published just using these two. Use them. 
JSTOR: If you have operated in any kind of academic circle for the last two and a half decades, you know JSTOR. Full access is tough to come by unless you are currently enrolled in a university, but you can still sign up for free to get access to journals on topics you just can’t find anywhere else (like the Mutapa Empire). Sign up with multiple users if you have to. It works. Trust me. 
Open Yale Courses: University classes, taped lectures, and course materials, all from one of the best educational institution in the world. Take advantage of them. 
The Vault: Declassified FBI documents. A lot more of them involve the paranormal than you may expect. An excellent source of inspiration both for things that actually happened or that people think happened. 
Writing with Colour: The best place to go to check yourself for unintentionally problematic depictions of POC in your games. Also a great read if you are looking for details and cultural beats for NPCs you don’t share a background with. They are awesome and you’d be surprised how many chronicle ideas you can get just by binging their archive. 
Mortal Chronicles
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
Maya to Aztec - Ancient Mesoamerica Revealed: Awesome resource if you are planning to run a Skinchangers game using the Aztec Dark Era. 
Medical School for Everyone - Pediatric Grand Rounds: A good place to look for ideas for Innocents 
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Beast the Primordial
Ancient Marine Reptiles: Yeah, I know, Beast is supposed to be about dragons and monsters, but I guarantee you that plenty of ancient reptiles are also stalking the Primordial Dream. Plus, aquatic reptiles are awesome and don’t get enough face time with the public, so you might want to think about your next Beast being one. 
Dino 101: The ultimate course about Dinosaurs. Very beastly. 
Early Vertebrate Evolution: What’s so scary about ancient fish, you ask? Only razor jaws and bone for skin. 
Secrets to Sleep Science
Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origins of Birds: At five lessons long, this course is pretty short, and the content matter is fascinating (says the biology teacher).
Dark Eras
African-American History: From Emancipation to the Present
The Civil War and Reconstruction Eras
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Signature Settings
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Mountains 101: If you are going to visit Kathmandu, you better be thinking about how mountains will impact your Chronicle!
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Changeling the Lost
Secrets to Sleep Science
Successful Negotiation - Essential Strategies and Skills: A very, very Changeling course. 
Dark Eras
Atlas Historique de Paris: I can’t read French, but I am assured by people who do that this is an excellent resource. 
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
Underground Atlas of Paris
Signature Settings
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Demon the Descent 
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
Crash Course Computer Science 
Crash Course Games
Digital Signal Processing
Internet History, Technology, and Security
Inventions That Changed the World
Robotics - Ariel Robotics
Successful Negotiation - Essential Strategies and Skills: Also a very, very Demon course. 
Dark Eras
Living in the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon
Maya to Aztec - Ancient Mesoamerica Revealed
Ottoman Empire
Signature Settings
Cultural Competence - Aboriginal Sydney
A History of Hitler’s Empire
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Hollywood: History, Industry, Art
Ottoman Empire
World War II - A Military and Social History
Geist the Sin-Eater
Death: Seriously, that’s all the course is called. It’s Yale, its good, the name is just to the point. 
Soul Beliefs 1 - Historical Foundations
Soul Beliefs 2 - Belief Systems
Soul Beliefs 3 - How Does It All End?
Dark Eras
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
The Great War
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Indigenous Canada
Signature Settings
The Early Middle Ages (284-1000)
History of the United States 2nd Edition
World War II - A Military and Social History
Hunter the Vigil
Introduction to Forensics
Aegis Kai Doru
Archaeology - An Introduction to the World’s Greatest Sites
Introduction to Ancient Greek History
Ahl al-Jabal (Source)
Ismaili Gnosis: Okay, breaking alphabetical order here, but this one is special. If you have a passing familiarity with Islam, you may have had the initial thought that the write-up of Ahl al-Jabal doesn’t look like anything you’ve seen before. That’s because Ahl al-Jabal are Nizari Ismaili Shiites and trust me when I say it is extremely accurate (minus the vampire hunting). Ismaili Gnosis is an excellent source for current events, history, and particularly metaphysics as it applies to Ismailis. 
Assassin Legends: The Assassin State of the Crusades is legendary, but what most people know about them is just that: legend. If you are using the Ahl al-Jabal, either in historical or modern chronicles, let Farhad Daftary bust the myths about the Nizari State for you. This link only gives you a preview on Google Books, so some pages will be missing, but it is still worth a read. 
Ama-San (Source) 
Oceanography- Exploring Earth’s Final Wilderness
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
Ascending Ones
History of Ancient Egypt
Ashwood Abbey
Wine Tasting - Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis: Are you really part of the Abbey if you aren’t a wine connoisseur? 
Ave Minerva (Source)
The History of Rome Podcast 
Azusa Miko (Source)
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
Barrett Commission (Source)
Crash Course US Government & Politics 
The Bear Lodge (Source) 
Mountains 101
Bijin (Source)
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
The Cainite Heresy (Source)
Gnosticism - From Nag Hammadi to the Gospel of Judas
Lost Christianities 
Cheiron Group
Critical Business Skills for Success
Economic History of the World Since 1400
Division Six (Source)
Crash Course US Government & Politics: Division Six may not actually be a part of the US Government, but they sure think they are, so understanding how they think they fit in isn’t a bad idea. 
The Faithful of Shulpae (Source)
The Ancient Near East - History, Society, and Economy
Habibti Ma  (Source)
The United States and the Middle East - 1914 to 9/11
Hototogisu (Source)
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
The Hunt Club (Source)
Forensic History
Illuminated Brotherhood (Source)
Addiction and the Brain
The Addictive Brain
Drugs and the Brain
Keepers of the Source (Source)
Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behaviour
Keepers of the Weave (Source)
Indigenous Canada 
Knights of Saint Adrian (Source)
Why Evil Exists
Knights of Saint George (Source)
The History of Christianity
Les Mysteres (Source)
Crash Course Mythology 
Cultural Literacy for Religion
Great Mythologies of the World
Les Voyageurs (Source)
Indigenous Canada 
The Long Night
The Apocolypse - Controversies and Meanings in Western History
The History of Christianity
Lost Christianities 
The Loyalists of Thule
A History of Hitler’s Empire
World War II - A Military and Social History
The Lucifuge
Why Evil Exists
Maiden’s Blood Sisterhood (Source)
How to Become a Superstar Student
The Modern Political Tradition
Malleus Maleficarum
The History of Christianity
Lost Christianities 
Why Evil Exists
The Merrick Institute (Source)
Medical School for Everyone - Pediatric Grand Rounds 
Secrets to Sleep Science
Network Zero
Internet History, Technology, and Security
Night Watch (Source)
Why Evil Exists
Null Mysteriis
Animal Behaviour
Introduction to Forensics
Mountains 101 
Otodo (Source)
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
Why Evil Exists
The Promethean Brotherhood  (Source)
Decoding the Secrets of Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Greek 101
Latin 101
Miracles of Human Language - An Introduction to Linguistics 
The Story of Human Language
Protectors of the Light (Source)
Indigenous Canada 
The Reckoning (Source)
Heroes and Legends - The Most Influential Characters in Literature
The Scarlet Watch (Source)
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Crash Course US Government & Politics 
History of the United States 2nd Edition
World War II - A Military and Social History
Talbot Group (Source)
Psychological First Aid
The Union
Cities Are Back in Town - Urban Sociology
Utopia Now (Source)
Great Works of Utopian and Dystopian Literature
Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit (Source) 
Introduction to Forensics
The Vault: The FBI’s online archive of popular declassified documents. Lots of weird stuff, and the perfect source of inspiration for VSCU.
Yuri’s Group (Source)
De-Mystifying Mindfullness
Healing with the Arts
How Music Can Change Your Life
Dark Eras
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of Ancient Egypt
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Indigenous Canada
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Signature Settings
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Mage the Awakening
Addiction and the Brain: Mage 2e’s theme is “Addicted to Mysteries.” Understanding that addiction is a good place to start. 
The Addictive Brain
Ancient Philosophy - Aristotle & His Successors
Ancient Philosophy - Plato & His Predecessors: If there is one course on philosophy you take for Mage, it should probably be this one. At four lessons, this is a pretty quick one to complete. 
Gnosticism - From Nag Hammadi to the Gospel of Judas
Magic in the Middle Ages
Dark Eras
Great Zimbabwe in Historical Archaeology
History of Ancient Egypt
Introduction to Ancient Greek History
Politics and Long-Distance Trade in the Mwene Mutapa Empire
World War II - A Military and Social History
Signature Settings
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Hollywood: History, Industry, Art
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Mummy the Curse
Archaeology - An Introduction to the World’s Greatest Sites: Let’s go find some Relics!
History of Ancient Egypt
Introduction Ancient Egypt and Its Civilisation
Soul Beliefs 1 - Historical Foundations
Soul Beliefs 2 - Belief Systems
Soul Beliefs 3 - How Does It All End?
Dark Eras
The Early Middle Ages (284-1000)
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
The Great War
Great Zimbabwe in Historical Archaeology
Ottoman Empire
Politics and Long-Distance Trade in the Mwene Mutapa Empire
Signature Settings
The American Revolution
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Promethean the Created
Introduction to the Biology of Cancer
Understanding Cancer Metastasis
Dark Eras
African-American History: From Emancipation to the Present
Epidemics in Western Society since 1600
Signature Settings
Antarctica: From Geology to Human History
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
National Geographic Polar Explorations: Follow the steps of Doctor Frankenstein. 
World War II - A Military and Social History
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Werewolf the Forsaken
Animal Behaviour
Dark Eras
African-American History: From Emancipation to the Present
The Ancient Near East - History, Society, and Economy
Cybele: The Great Mother of the Augustan Order
The Great War
Hardcore History - Punic Nightmares
The Early Middle Ages (284-1000)
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Signature Settings
The Civil War and Reconstruction Eras
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Mountains 101: An awesome course in general, but especially useful for Werewolf’s signature setting, the Colorado Rockies. 
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
War for the Greater Middle East
Vampire the Requiem
Animal Behaviour
History of Ancient Egypt
Introduction Ancient Egypt and Its Civilisation
Carthian Movement
Circle of the Crone
Magic in the Middle Ages
Lancea et Sanctum
Magic in the Middle Ages
Ordo Dracul
Ottoman Empire
Dark Eras
African-American History: From Emancipation to the Present
The Civil War and Reconstruction Eras
The Early Middle Ages (284-1000)
Epidemics in Western Society since 1600
The Great War
Living in the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon
Ottoman Empire
Digital Tour of Tutor London
Signature Settings
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Introduction to Ancient Greek History
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
235 notes · View notes
Attack On Titan Season two To Premiere Spring 2017
Watch Attack On Titan Season 2 English Dubbed For centuries, humanity has been hunted by giant, mysterious predators recognized as the Titans. True to Omega Force fashion, Attack on Titan two suffers from some impressively bad framerate dips at times. Titans will often rampage by means of buildings scattered all through towns and the countryside, and this destruction brings noticeable drops. Even the encounter of running through town is occasionally Where i Can Download Attack on Titan choppy. Attack on Titan 2 by no means outright crashes for me, but when dozens of Titans appear in later missions, the framerate regularly drops. There are also some strange translation inconsistencies. The Survey Corps is reimagined as the Scout Corps, and German names are wildly different from their anime counterparts. Bizarrely, the ODM gear is sometimes referred to as the ODZ gear”. Even a lot more bizarrely, this exact same products is 3D maneuvering gear” in the initial game. Meanwhile, "Attack on Titan" Season two spoilers from The Tribune Voice claimed that the sequel will concentrate on the character developments of Krista and Ymir. This is according to the series director Masashi Koizuka who also revealed that this season will center on the story more Where i Can Download Attack on Titan than battlefields. Moreover, Koizuka mentioned that there will be new Titans to be introduced in the sequel so it is going to be an fascinating and enjoyable ride for the fans of the anime. Must you be fortunate to gather a group collectively, there is a 4v4 Annihilation mode which pits teams against every single other to get rid of Titans and earn the most points for when time is up, Predator mode sees you controlling Titans and causing havoc to accomplish points, and ultimately, it is each and where i can download attack on titan every player for themselves in Expulsion as up to six men and women compete in the eradication of Titans. These could add a bit of longevity, nonetheless, in reality it is just much more of the very same gameplay that you are going to possibly be sick of after the story finishes. Attack On Titan two clearly hasn't been designed for a mass audience, and if you like your games to come in an anticipated wrapper this will almost certainly scare you half to death. Nevertheless, if you like a quirkier mix of the usual RPG components with a wonderful combat system attack on titan pc download, you could be surprised. There are just so numerous small touches littered all through, which heap more character onto what's already here. It really is a exclusive beast. Yes, Attack On Titan Tribute Game is fully free to play: it has no buy cost, and no hidden fees needed to get at the extras. The creators produced it as a labour of really like, and any users will be in a position where i can download attack on titan to jump on board without having spending anything. In Attack on Titan two, players can generate their personal character to battle titans. Take a appear at a new video below to see two diverse characters created. Which finally brings me to Attack on Titan two. You see, while undertaking the aforementioned reading ahead in the manga, this element was far and away my preferred. To me it was the series finally nailing that balance of action and horror it so desperately wanted to. I enjoyed the events prior to this portion, of course, with the Female Titan arc in distinct being very how to download attack on titan entertaining to me, but the prior parts tried to have its cake and consume it as well in regards to obtaining badass action scenes combined with dread-filled horror, with one or the other, largely the former, overtaking the other and by no means precisely receiving that balance right. That is, till this portion of the series. Utgard Castle comes crumbling down as Ymir desperately battles the Titans. Now, Christa have to fulfill the promise they produced extended ago for the duration of winter education. All three streaming platforms are expected to release the initial where i can download attack on titan episode of season 2 tomorrow (April 1) at around ten:30 AM EST. Plus, it is an anime adaptation that wouldn't fall prey to Ghost in the Shell-style whitewashing, since only one particular of the major characters is supposed to be canonically Japanese. You nevertheless can play as any of the preceding game's characters in the Totally free and on-line modes. You also get access to play as numerous important titans that, whilst Where i Can Download Attack on Titan slow and cumbersome, supply a power fantasy of their personal as they obliterate the giant mooks. Having prioritized attack on titans pc download , they are far more of an afterthought to use. On June 29, 2015, Funimation Entertainment, the same organization that distributes the Attack on Titan anime in the United States , announced that it had acquired the American distribution rights for both live-action films from Toho Funimation announced that the planet premiere of Attack on Titan the Movie: Part 1 would be held on July 14 in Los Angeles, and that both parts of the film would be released in theaters across North, Central, and South America in the fall. two FUNimation later confirmed that Element 1 would be released on September 30, although Portion two would be released on October 20. Following four years of waiting—less for me because I retro reviewed it on a lark—and numerous delays, Attack on Titan is finally back, and the hype surrounding it is inevitable. Titan has a enormous Attack on Titan pc download and passionate fanbase that has been quite patient, and I would say that these who who wanted more of season one's intense action-packed horror-drama got what they wanted.
0 notes
recentanimenews · 7 years
Three-Episode Test: Alex's Fall 2017
Welcome to the Three Episode Test, where Ani-Gamers contributors give you the low-down on what they're watching (or not) from the current simulcast season and why.
Juni Taisen: Zodiac War
Streaming on Crunchyroll
The premise of Juni Taisen: Zodiac War isn’t especially unique, but that doesn’t honestly matter. Thanks to a lineup of well-realized and fascinating characters, the series has yet to feel stale or cliché despite being, at its core, another unabashedly violent Battle Royale story.
The plot is quite simple: every twelve years, twelve warriors, each bearing a name and aesthetic from one of the animals from the Chinese Zodiac, gather together in a fight to the death. In addition to bragging rights, the victor is granted one wish, anything they desire.
Studio Graphinica’s animation is fast and fluid, and Chikashi Kadekaru’s character designs, which are beautiful and memorable, provide each of the twelve participants with their own distinct look while maintaining a sense of overall cohesion. Naoto Hosoda must also be commended for his directorial work; the story progresses at a brisk pace, while character backstories are seamlessly interwoven to add intrigue and depth. Juni Taisen: Zodiac War wasn’t even on my radar at the start of the season, but after giving the first three episodes a shot, I’m dying to find out how this bloody battle will play out and plan to watch each new episode the moment it’s released.
Recovery of an MMO Junkie
Streaming on Crunchyroll
On the lighthearted end of the spectrum we have Recovery of an MMO Junkie, a sweet romantic comedy about a woman in her thirties who withdraws from the professional world in favor of immersing herself in an online RPG.
While game-focused anime are a dime a dozen, MMO Junkie stands out from the crowd with a down-to-earth main character whose desire to escape from the stresses of reality are all too relatable. Taking on the virtual persona of a dashing male character, Moriko Morioka dives into the online fantasy world and is befriended by a character named Lily. Oddly enough, Lily is the online persona of a well-established company man who ends up having multiple real-world encounters with Morioka, completely unaware that she is actually his new online companion.
It’s a fairly basic setup for what will likely be a predictable love story, but I’m eating up every second of it. While it isn’t the most visually impressive show, especially when set in the MMO world, the excellent writing and facial expressions have me deeply invested in these characters and their relationship (be it online or in real life). In the same way that Morioka looks forward to escaping online, I look forward to taking a 24-minute break from reality every Friday morning to continue her story.
Kino’s Journey - the Beautiful World - the Animated Series (reboot)
Streaming on Crunchyroll
I don’t typically gravitate toward episodic shows, but Kino’s Journey is one of the few exceptions. The 2003 anime adaptation of Keiichi Sigsawa and Kouhaku Kuroboshi’s light novel series captured my imagination with its collection of thought-provoking tales. So when I heard it was getting a reboot, I was excited at the prospect of a fresh take on the philosophical source material.
While I’m enjoying the new series so far, I prefer the more rugged and rustic look of the 2003 adaptation. The reboot is absolutely beautiful … but in a way that’s a bit too clean and polished. The resulting aesthetic at times feels at odds with the raw and often unsettling subject matter the story of the week presents.
Still, it’s great to be back with Kino and talking motorcycle Hermes as they travel the open road in search of different countries to visit. With each episode centered around a different society, the strength of each ultimately hinges on how compelling you find the presentation of ideologies in that particular episode. While I found the first episode to be the strongest of the bunch so far, the two that followed were interesting enough to have me committed to joining Kino and Hermes each week to see what nugget of wisdom I might be able to gain from their next destination.
Land of the Lustrous
Streaming on Anime Strike
Of the shows that I’m watching this season, Land of the Lustrous is by far the most unique – both in premise and presentation. Set in a land that’s populated by anthropomorphic crystalline lifeforms, Land of the Lustrous tells of the genderless gem-people’s struggle against the Lunarians, who wish to reduce them to decorations.
The story centers around Phosphophyllite (or Phos for short) who is the youngest and, coincidentally, weakest of the bunch. While Phos wishes to aid in the fight against the Lunarians, the clumsy, albeit good-natured and very fragile gem-person, is instead tasked with creating an encyclopedia. It’s a premise like nothing I’ve seen before and lends itself incredibly well to the show’s animation style.
I’m not typically fond anime that heavily use 3DCG, but studio Orange has done an admirable job in creating an otherworldly aesthetic that marries remarkably well with Land of the Lustrous's fantasy setting. Instead of feeling like a crutch or cost-cutting measure, the use of 3DCG animation genuinely feels like a wholly artistic decision. The way in which the gem-people’s bodies fracture and splinter simply couldn’t be conveyed in the same way with traditional 2D animation. Working in 3D also allows for a more free-flowing camera, which is taken advantage of often and results in some incredibly dynamic and captivating action sequences. Topping it off is the beautiful score, which solidifies my commitment to keep up with this one on a weekly basis.
Just Because!
Streaming on Amazon’s Anime Strike
While its slow pacing and school setting may deter a lot of folks from checking it out, I’m a sucker for coming-of-age stories, and Just Because! looks to deliver on that front in spades.
The story, which centers around a group of students nearing the end of their senior year of high school, explores the experience of approaching the end of one chapter in your life as you look toward the future. With the arrival of a transfer student who reunites with some of his classmates from middle school, and plenty of teenage romantic drama, this show is shaping up to be a character-driven emotional rollercoaster, and I’m am 100 percent on board for the ride.
Studio Pine Jam (Gamers!) is relatively new to the scene, but you wouldn’t know it. While the animation can at times be a little stiff, the subtle, yet evocative facial expressions and body language go a long way in communicating each character’s emotional state. Additionally, the excellent cinematography, with captivating camera shots, makes for an engrossing visual experience, and the soothing music elevates the sentimental vibe of the show.
While March Comes in Like a Lion, which is back for a second season and has already received praise from myself in multiple Three-Episode Tests in the past, will likely be my favorite show of the fall simply because I love its characters and story so much, I wouldn’t be surprised if Just Because! ends up second on my list.
originally appeared on Ani-Gamers on October 25, 2017 at 1:00 PM.
By: Alex Osborn
0 notes