#i appreciate the incorporation of my hc where annie and tako hate veronika but WOW.
seffien · 1 year
(finally getting off my ass and writing this out)
Mwahaha fool. Ask the devil and they shall answer. (So it doesn't look like I'm just torturing your oc's without YOUR permission)
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Here is how The Suffering plays out.
I've gone back and reread some lore and came up with a few things. First, what has Miko's(8) greatest fear been?
A: Being a soldier. Or rather, becoming like those she grew up around. A hate filled octarian trained to be let loose on the enemy.
So she leaves Alterna. A bag on her back with the few remaining possessions she has, her phone, and the charger. All she has to do is check Squitter™️ to find Veronika(n3), and wow. What a nice friend group she has. (The promo kids)
She had friends once. She only got Squitter because Masu(4) egged her and Jun(3) to keep in touch while they were away in Splatsville. She scrolls their dead accounts. The most recent photo is Koko riding her squee-g.
She trembles, then remembers. "She's safe." Jun had left her with Callie before...
She gags. She has to push forward. They'll be avenged soon enough. She starts by friending the two crazy ones. They seem to have some sort of beef with Veronika, but regardless. She's found a route in.
Annie loves her. Finally, the anti-ronnie squad is 3 strong!
But Tako is IMMEDIATELY put off. She knows crazy, sees it in her bestie, but the look in Miko's eyes isn't that. It's calculated. Analytical. She wants something from them.
After maybe their 3rd hangout Tako finally confronts her after Annie leaves. "You don't just hate her, you loathe her."
They bicker back and forth in an alley until Tako finally sees it. The ragged clothes, her bag hidden behind a dumpster, The dead look in Miko's eyes as she tries to keep it together. 'She's psychotic'.
Tako threatens to out her intentions, tries to run out the alley, but Miko acts instinctually. The sickening crack of the charger piercing Tako's helmet shakes her, as she watches the girl fall limp to the floor.
Her medical training kicks in. Checks vitals, assesses the wound. She knows it's fatal before she even touches the body.
She sits there for hours clutching herself. Rocking back and forth trying to close reopened trauma, all while whispering "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." to the body in front of her.
She knows she can't be caught. Not yet. Successfully shoving her emotions in a bag, she gazes down at Tako's body and picks up their phone, and what appears to be apartment keys. 1 down, 7 to go. She's smart, she'll figure something out.
Days later, the garbage truck finds Tako's slowly dissolving body in the dumpster. By then, few remain.
The news of a deliberate murder is shocking. Deep cut, unaware of what happened, go back to Alterna. The graves. The demolished equipment. Slowly, Marie & Craigs cover up slowly unravels.
Marina calls Callie, for once she answers. Miko blocked both her and Pearl's number, and they don't know what's happening. Guilt-ridden and desperate to spill everything, she confesses about Masu's death.
Both Deep cut and Off the Hook converge on the Squid Sisters.
Hiro doesn't know why his friends are being targeted, but he's scared. He made his way to Ronnie's apartment because now she wasn't responding. He knocks on her door, but after no response he breaches his way in.
Horrified and on the verge of taking her own life sits Veronika on her bed. Tears streak her face, her heroshot tightly gripped in hand. Hiro desperately tries to comfort her, but can't make sense of what she's rambling about.
Her fault? She deserves this?
Concerned, he offers her to stay over at his place. "You don't deserve to be alone right now." As he helps her pack to leave, she screams. He swiftly turns around.
Standing and glaring them down through the broken doorway is Miko. "I found you."
ANYWAYS tune in next time where I try to write a happier prompt~ :DDDD
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