#i blame you all for like 4 hours of work haha
fratboykate · 1 year
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The FBAU visuals are hereeeeee.
I've mentioned in the story/in our conversations quite a few times that Derek basically spit out clones of himself when it came to Kate and her siblings and thanks to AI...I could just...do it??? It's a whole thing that they all look alike. Now you can see what I see in my head :)
The three kids are AI combinations of Kate & Yelena. Well, except for Maks. Maks kept the Bishop Gene Juice™️ cloning power alive and well.
Will I do this for all eleven (so far 😮‍💨) of the AUs we've got going on right now? I can't promise that I will. But I at least started a tag for visuals so it's not out of the realm of possibility that it could happen at some point. We'll see.
[NOTE: Click on the images to see the full res versions. Tumblr makes them look shitty and small if you don't.]
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runningfrom2am · 8 months
chapter 15:
1. the first thing she asks about the games being coryo’s prize is heartbreaking and sweet at the same time. also love that she doesn’t even react to his task for the prize, she’s tlred.
2. she’s trying to defend her answer and speed in her own mind because she’s not only scared but a little ashamed too.
3. coryo being jealous of sejanus is everything to me. he gets to have it all for all his life and on top of that, r trusts and likes him more? lucy gray is really the one for seeing through coryo.
4. lucy gray shown as a best friend is all that i needed apparently.
5. well, you didn’t think she was labeled as the weird one, did you coryo? a mother who named her son “lennox” certainly knows enough about tragedies just like a girl who is named after a poem.
6. it’s so funny and sad at the same time that coryo is there only for her and she’s talking about seeing him around sometime. long way to go for them.
7. i hope the fact everything bad about coryo having happened at night doesn’t cause problems because that would be even worse.
8. “that he jumps on the next Capitol bound freight train to do something you would never forgive him for.” in lennox i trust.
9. i just know that she didn’t tell anyone about the things she did and it’s eating her inside.
🤭🤭 many thoughts on this part i tell you WHAT
1. i think in a way she’s so focussed on him and his prize so she can allow herself to believe that the games had more of a good outcome than they actually do. it has to be good for someone, right?? and also, yeah she is so not shocked by how twisted that is after she went through all of that. she’s like “oh ofc they want us to be likeable- it makes it more awful to watch. why wouldn’t they want that.”
2. oh for SURE she is. is she just scared of him, or is she scared of his perspective of her changing?? who knows (honestly? not even me)
3. YEAH AND I FEEL BAD FOR HIM LOWKEY,, he’s trying his best to be so normal about her and it really isn’t working. he’s giving that normalness up though in bits and pieces- but he couldn’t ever blame her for a thing
4. i just know she is such a good friend
5. HAHA YES. i think also a bit of that confusion comes from the place of r being declared as “his” and she was immediately so different from anyone he had ever met, it’s hard for him to fathom that people treated her so ordinarily when in his mind she is so extraordinary.
6. yeah 🥲 imagine he’s just sitting there waiting at all hours for her to be free so he can see her again while she’s going about her life as normal (as normal as it can be right now) lol
but i don’t want it to get twisted, it’s not that she doesn’t want to see him. i think she really does, she’s just… hesitant. for an array of obvious reasons.
7. well- i, uhm, well- uhm, see that’s funny because…
8. AND AS HE SHOULDDD (but not according to r)
9. ahh bc she TRIED to tell lucy gray but she was like “no you had to do what you had to do and that’s not your fault” and r is clinging to that for dear life
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Saturday :) Thank you to everyone who commented and liked/reblogged the last review. I was nervous to take on such an epic episode and it got well received. Thank you all truly you have no idea how much it meant to me. ❤️ We move onto post 2x11. The healing process. Or start of. This episode is an incredible follow up.
It shows why I love the Harper/Lucy dynamic so much. Their amazing scene in the shop wasn't gif'd so found a site that'll do easy gifs. So took video with my phone and made a few. So those be mine lol They are no where near the status of the ones I use from the library, but wanted it to have some sort of gif for it. So apologies for it not being as pretty haha Anyways The growth is unreal between Lucy/Harper and I’m here for it. Off we go.
2x12 Now and Then
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We open our episode with Lucy putting concealer on her DOD Tattoo. She’s using her beautiful mirror to cover it up. It’s obvious she’s trying to cover up more than just the ink. Poor thing. I can’t even imagine the recovery mentally for something like this. We then see the guys talking about her over coffee in the kitchen. Jackson telling Nolan she had him run out at 6am to grab more concealer for her. Such a good friend. Says she does it every morning. John asks when she can have it removed?
Lucy comes out says ‘4 weeks, 2 days and 9 hours’ not that she’s counting... It’s her first day back she’s been cleared by medical and psych. Lucy asks that they don’t clap for her during roll call. I can’t blame her I hate being the center of attention in a public setting. Also its very obvious Lucy just wants to shove this into a box and move on. Sadly not how trauma healing works my dear…
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We join Nyla and Tim at the station and she’s asking what he has planned for Lucy? I love her immediately wanting something in place for Lucy. Wants to see what he's doing to ease her back in. Tim explains he wants to do input overload. Forcing her to push through dynamic engagements. Hone in on her fight or flight responses. Nyla says so basically get her into a bunch of fights? Tim says he wants to remind Lucy she’s a cop not a victim.
Nyla is not even a little on board for this. Tells Tim she knows she isn't a victim. What she needs is to make peace with the voice inside her head. The one telling her she’s never going to be safe again. You can tell Nyla unfortunately has experience in this area. Tim fights back says he’s been training rookies a lot longer. He knows what she needs. (yes babe but not in this instance…) Harper tells him that’s ego talking right now and he concedes. (Look at him so proud.)
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Nyla goes on to say what happened to her is every woman’s worst fear. It really is. I know it’s one of mine. Tim says he’s very aware of that. Her retort is perfect. ‘But you have never lived that fear.’ Harper is on it with the logic and good points. This is an excellent scene between them. They too have grown a lot in their interactions. Tim wouldn’t be giving her opinion on this time of day early on like he is now.
His face below when she tells him he can’t understand. It’s crushing. If he could undo her knowing this fear he would. He would do anything for that. Harper continues on trying to give him a little balm for his wounds. Says she knows he has her best interests at heart. Harper wants him to consider letting Lucy ride with her this week. To let her be served and guided by someone who’s been there. Tim looks sad and defeated but says 'And that Someone is you.’ She nods with tears being held in her eyes. Trying not to think too much about why she fits the bill so much.
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This scene is outstanding. Both Eric and Mekia showing so much with just their expressions. You can see he feels for Harper too when she reveals this. It couldn't have been easy for her to do so. Also just adore her stepping in like this to take care of Lucy. By letting Tim know this piece of her history in order to convince him. Tim is throughly persuaded by Harper's plea. But also looks so very sad he can’t be the one to to guide her through this.
Especially when she’s done it for him so many times. I’m sure it’s killing him he can’t be her emotional support during this. As we all know that’ll come towards the end of this ep. It’s huge for him to step aside. Let Nyla take the reins like this and with Lucy of all people. His personal growth never ceases to astound me. Honestly this scene is that for both of them. Their arcs arcs are my favs. (Other than Lucy’s ha) They are my top 3 fav characters for a reason.
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We start with roll call. Lucy apprehensively entering trying to avoid the clap. It happens anyways and she anxiously scurries to her table with the guys. Nolan says say he tried. Lucy says he’s dead to her LOL Grey announces she will be riding with Harper this week. This scene is another example of that incredible silent communication of theirs.
Lucy looks back to double check with Tim. Wanting confirmation this is true. He nods sadly at her like 'Yes you are and It’s ok.' Her face is a mixture of sadness/hurt but also trust. She knows he’s going to do what’s best for her. Even if what’s best isn’t him. I think she’s also a little confused as to why but doesn’t have time to question it any further. You’ll find out soon enough my girl.
Tim gets saddled with a ride along he didn’t approve. It’s too funny. Harper approved it knowing he would be stuck with it haha She’s grown a lot but she’s still Harper LOL Her satisfied face as she walks away is everything. Tim asks who it is? Cause he's not interested in tame calls today. (We know why) Nolan says his future daughter in law Abigail. That he actually wants to take high risk calls to scare her off. Tim smiles for first time says that’s his speciality haha
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Lucy immediately asks Nyla why the switch? Sure that’s been burning a hole in her pocket since roll call. Harper gives her a simple answer. 'Tim thought she would’ve better served riding with her.' Lucy questions this. Goes off on a mini tangent saying this has to be a Tim Test. (Oh honey no. This is actually cause he cares about you. Not that your brain would think to go there honestly.)
Nyla bites back a little saying 'Do you think I would allow anyone to rope me into something like that? Especially Bradford?' haha Lucy says fair enough hehe Already their dynamic so much different this time around. More confidence on Lucy’s end. She asks again why the switch? Nyla lets her know due to her own experience she would have better insight for her. To help reintegrate her back out onto the street.
Lucy asks snarkily ‘Did you go on a date with a serial killer? ‘. Harper stumbles and says ‘Well no…’ Lucy cuts her off and says then she can’t help her with this. I think she’s still a little grumpy she’s not with Tim. She wants to take the Tim approach that she normally scolds him for. To push her emotions deep down in a box never to be opened. She then starts ranting off psychological exercises she’s been doing. Harpers face above says it all LOL Not even a little convinced that’s all she needs. Lucy finishes off with a shaky ‘I’m fine.’ Sure you are…
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Harper and Lucy return to the station after helping out Angela out with an arrest. Nyla god love is her trying so hard with Lucy. Complete opposite of last time. Asks if she wants her to do paperwork? Lucy says no. Harper tells her she did a good job out there. Trying to commend her performance out in the field. Lucy is one worded again says ‘Thanks’ Harper smiles and says 'You're not gonna let me help you at all are you? Lucy reiterates that she doesn't need it. She’s fine. (You’re really not though..) Harper says ‘We’ll see.’
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Lucy spots Abagail when Tim and Nolan are bringing in an arrest. She hugs her and thanks her for the basket and flowers. Tim like a moth to a flame flits over to them. Makes a classic jab at her. Says he lets her ride with Harper for half a day and now she’s hugging people on shift?
This scene is such a marriage moment. From her giving Tim crap about Abigail not buying his tough act, to him biting back that her fate isn’t in his hands like Lucy's is. (that one a little heavier for him than usual) Lucy is giving him the most wifey look as she knocks on him for his lack of bark. Damn I just love them sfm it’s insane. Look at these two clueless idiots haha Abigail ducks away to use the bathroom leaving them alone.
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Tim instantly softens for her once Abigail is gone. Takes off his tough guy act to check in with her. Says he heard she dodged some bullets. Lucy asks if he’s keeping tabs on her? A smile on her face. You know she’s actually really hoping he’s doing that. It would prove to her he cares. More than you know Lucy far more than you know. He continues his marshmallow trend letting her know if she needs anything he’s there. Look at this man's face. He would do anything she needs. He's trying so hard to keep his bounds by letting Harper help her. But can't help letting her know if she does need him to just ask.
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She asks for a Time Machine. His face. Sucker punch to my feels. If he could deliver that you best believe he would. What I love the most about this scene is Lucy's vulnerability. She's been fending off Harper all shift. Trying to convince her she's fine. Holding her cards very close to her chest. Two minutes with Tim that wall comes crashing down. She immediately confides in him that she isn't ok yet. That a time machine feels like the only way to fix how she is currently feeling. The sadness in both their eyes.
Her's seeking comfort from his and him wanting to fix it so badly. Trying to relay how much he wants to be able to do that for her. The immense amount of trust and comfortability they’ve built shines in this scene. She gets a stolen moment with Tim between calls and is more open with him than she’s been the entire day. Nolan and Jackson included in that. He is her safe space in so many ways. This scene truly showcases that. The emotional pull between them with those final looks. *heart clutch*
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Lucy is getting changed in locker room and we see her run her fingers over the fading concealer. Wanting to cover it up it as soon as possible. She covers it up quickly when someone walks by. Harper and Angela ambush her and says she’s not going home but out with them. She’s so confused.
I love Nyla enlisting Angela on this. Says they’re gonna have a girls night. Lucy gets defensive at first and says she can’t believe Nyla is not convinced she’s ok. They do little white lie and say it's just to hang out. But if she doesn’t want to….Lucy jumps on their plan after that. Saying they've never hung out before but she's in. She asks where they’re going? A a bar? A club?
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They lead Lucy to speed dating LOL It’s got some solid logic attached though. She's instantly uncomfortable. Nyla starts with saying Lucy was right. She had never gone on a date with a serial killer. Angela jumps in and adds ‘That would make anyone question their judgement.‘ Harper tells her she’ll never truly know she is fine if she can’t trust her judgement again.
That in this controlled environment she can get that back. By going through all these guys and sharpening it again. Also the song choice for this scene is perfect. 'Shaking off the rust'. Exactly what they’re trying to get her to do. She makes them do it with her. Haha They tell her that's fair enough. Angela pulls out a flask. LOL I love her.
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Lucy gets started and grills the hell out of these guys. Asking if they’d submit to a full background check? If not why? Haha omg. This scene is really funny watching all their reactions. Harpers dead pan face as these guys say stupid crap is so funny. Their plan is going successfully until the final guy touches a thread on her sweater near the tattoo…
Lucy blacks out and he’s on his ass in seconds. Harper rushes over and tells Lucy it’s ok. Angela escorts the guy out quickly. Telling him. 'Maybe don’t touch a woman’s sweater without asking.' LOL How he doesn’t need to make a thing of it as she leads him out. I love them protecting her when she has a clear PTSD reaction. Harper asks what happened? Lucy doesn’t reply just looks mortified she’d done it at all. She takes off without a word. Poor thing.
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Tim is none to pleased when word gets back to him about it. He asks Angela 'What the hell is Harper doing?' He took a huge leap of faith by letting Nyla do this. Angela backs her and lets him know Harper is doing this to help her. His instinctual fierce protector is coming out. Angela has to ground him a bit before he goes after Nyla. Says not to go all ‘Tim’ about this but thought he should know. He relaxes and softly asks ‘Lucy’s ok? ‘He is an absolute squishy marshmallow for her in this one and letting it show. I love it so much. Angela reassures him 'She will be.'
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Lucy starts off her day saying she’s fine. It's like if she says it enough it'll be true. Smh. Harper reiterates she is not. Lucy continues on to say she was only doing what she was trained to. React quickly and subdue the threat. Harper disagrees. Replies that all the guy did was pick a piece of thread off her. That she was triggered. Lucy snaps and says ‘Yeah well what do you know about it?’ Oh Lucy. So very angry and barely keeping it in. Nyla sighs and knows she needs to share why she took Lucy on.
Just her word of being her best option isn't going to cut it. It’s here we finally find out why Harper decided she was the best option. Why sadly she could relate. The absolute sass on Lucy's face above when Harper starts her story. Like she thinks she will gain nothing from this other than a lecture. How wrong you will be. Harper begins with telling her UC you can never let go. Not even for a second. That it is physically and emotionally draining. Because you are reading through every glance.
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Lucy continues the sass and replies ‘ So what you slipped up and someone figured out you were a cop?’ Nyla disregards her comment and continues. She takes a deep breath and you can see how hard this is for her to share, but she’s going to do it anyway. Tells Lucy she used to meet her case officer at a bar. It was the one place she could let go and truly be herself. Take off the mask of whoever she was at the time.
Tells her one night one beer turned into two and then she lost count. Says if it was any other scenario she would sobered up and cut herself off. But she wasn’t with the crooks she was with another cop. That she trusted him. She should’ve been safe. You can see the defensiveness from Lucy fade away as Nyla gets emotional. It’s inferred just by their looks what happened to her. Clearly he took advantage of her being drunk and violated that trust deeply. Realization washing over Lucy with tears in her eyes.
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Nyla says it was a long time ago but the point was she shut down. Didn’t even tell her husband. Kept pushing her feelings down. Thinking she would just deal with them when she was ready. Lucy interjects ‘But with each week it only got worse…’
Nyla admits maybe she pushed her too hard last night, but she knows what it is like not to face things head on. Lucy takes a deep breath her words getting through. Looks like she’s holding back tears. Nyla is so sweet and supportive. Tells her she’s going to get through this. She promises. Such a good shot of them both. I talk a lot about Eric's expressions. Melissa too is incredible good at conveying so much with just a look. Written all over this scene.
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Lucy NEEDED this moment. As much as Tim wanted to be this person for her he couldn’t be. Not in this capacity anyway. Nothing hits home more than someone who’s been through what you have. I commend and respect Nyla so much for doing this for her. Lucy asks what happened to her case officer? Best reply ever above. Note to self. Don’t mess with Nyla Harper. I love this woman SFM. One of the best female role models Lucy could’ve gotten post Capt. Anderson.
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We roll back to Tim and Nolan in their shop. They’re ride-along free. So Tim decides to ask about Lucy. The concern just seeping out of his body. The way he grips the steering wheel while he does. Asking how she’s doing? Like really doing? Nolan tries to pass off a generic answer. Telling him she's good. Tim is deciding if he wants to call him on his BS or not. It’s written all over his face.
John sees the genuine concern on Tim’s face. Picks up on him feeling like that wasn’t enough of an answer. He amends it by saying 'Really.' Tim relaxes a little but not enough that he seems convinced. John decides to add more. Saying how once tattoo is off things will better. Like that’ll be the magical fix to all this. I mean it’s a drop in the ocean of what’s she dealing with. Tim knows that.
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Why his reply schools Nolan. Questioning him on his POV of the whole thing. Asks him if he think's because its physical it somehow makes it worse? That tragedies always leave scars only some you can see. He knows that all too well. Not that Nolan will ever get an inch into that window. He gets her struggle so much more than Nolan ever would. God love John he sure tries but falls short. Just another reason why Tim is her person and Nolan never been could’ve been.
Anything that emotionally damages you leaves deep scars that take a long time to fade. I can relate to this all to well. Why I relate to Tim so deeply. I had that relentless emotional abuse growing up. Its not something you walk away with scot free. It stays with you whether you like that or not. It’s almost worse when you can’t see the scars, because people understand it less. Because there is no physical marker. Why Tim is so defensive when John pops off that the tattoo being gone will fix everything. It’s a start but nothing more than that.
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We start this incredible moment with Lucy in the training room. Punching the hell out of a punching bag. Such a good parallel to the last time we were in here with 2x02. Roles very much reversed. Lucy uses her shirt to wipe her face exposing her tattoo. Tim sees this and respectfully looks away. Lucy awkwardly says ‘Hey...Hi 'His opening line is classic. Telling she’s got no quit in her does she?
He says it with so much pride though. The way he speaks about her with such reverence. I’ll never get over it. This entire scene. The pride he holds for her and this entire situation. Lucy tries to defer that to being around him. Says she gets it from him. Tim refuses to take any credit for that. Says she walked in the door that way. It’s what caught his eye in the first place. Wouldn’t be surprised if he heard about her arrest on the way in and requested her.
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Here comes one of the most beautiful parts of this scene. He was about to walk away after their mini chat. Even says good night then stops himself. Hesitates for a moment before jumping into it. Some may think the best part is towards the end. When he’s telling her about her tattoo. Now that is one of my fav parts as well. It’s iconic. But I like to point out the parts that aren’t brought up as much. Tim decides just like Harper did to carve out a piece of his past. Share a piece of his soul and history with her. With the hopes it’s going to help heal her present.
Decides that is more important to do this than walk away leaving her to stew. Tim so badly wants to empathize and relate with her. God how far he’s come. The impact she’s had on this man. For him to even think to do this for her. Imma cry. I just love their development so much. Their slow burn is so well written. It’s such a beautiful thing to witness. Lucy had no idea with all her sunshine ways, empathy and understanding for his things, that she was teaching him how to be there for her emotionally. For Tim to show up for her like he does in this scene. She has awoken this portion of him and its showing.
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Never be over Tim sharing a little piece of himself by telling her about his past traumas. Letting her know about the physical ones and more importantly the ones you can’t see. Telling her how they’re apart of who he is whether he likes it or not. They made him who he is now. Lucy tells him she appreciates it but it isn’t the same as what she went through. A sadist etched her day of death into her skin. S1 Tim might’ve backed off at this point. Seen her resistance to his help and tapped out.
What’s so great is he doesn’t deter from his course at all. Only strengthens what he’s going to tell her. He does what he does best. Adding some logic to his empathy. I love how fiercely he’s says his 'But you didn't die' line. So desperately wants her to understand what’s she’s overcome. How incredible he finds her resilience. How she fought to stay alive. You can see Lucy getting mad like he’s not getting it. He continues and says he’s in the ground and she isn’t. Her final words to Caleb came true. He died. She lived.
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Tim backs it up with saying he isn’t telling her what to do. Which is huge for him. Also to quell her anger a bit. You can tell she is still trying hard not to continue defending her anger. He just wants her to have some perspective and possibly some peace. Which she has so earned at this point. Tells her his iconic line of how he views her tattoo. That she may choose to see it as her greatest failure. I would feel that way for sure. To have your security ripped away from you about something you felt confident about. Not only that but to have a reminder of that failure etched onto you. Never letting you forget.
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He knows that she may see it as a massive failure. That she may also be worried that he views her as one because of it. Which is part of why Tim is letting her know his POV on this. Needs her to know that isn't what he sees in her at all. What Tim sees is bad ass survivor. The tattoo is proof of that. (Just like when she saw his kinesthetic learning as a strength and not a weakness) She survived something incredibly traumatic and came out the other side. Not a damn person can take that away from her. He is her fierce protector and sometimes that means protecting her from herself. Which is exactly what he's doing in this scene. She is beating herself up so much over this and he won't have it.
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Her teary ‘Thanks’ is a mirror to his back in 2x02. I love it so much. He couldn’t be any cuter putting his hands in his pockets. Asking her if she’s riding with him tomorrow? Like a nervous boy asking his first girl he likes out. She laughs and smiles replies yes sir. That beautiful smile of his he reserves just for her comes out.
She needed Harper a majority of the ep no doubt. But she needed to finish strongly with a moment with Tim. To really seal the deal towards that healing. To have a deep convo with her person. Tim finally getting to be there for her the way he wanted to be the entire episode. Wonderful moment to end the episode on.
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He then tosses her the ring that saved her life. (My shipper heart trying not to explode with how long he's been carrying that in his pocket.) It’s then we see the change in Lucy completely. That smile he’s been working towards this entire scene. She's in awe he kept it and returned it to her in this moment. The way these two look at each other. Said this before but if you had no context you’d think they were together already. The in love looks this scene ends with. My shipper heart is gonna implode. The heart eyes are out of control in s2 and I love it. Perfect way to end this episode.
Side Notes-Non Chenford.
Not really anything. Jackson had his own SL separate with Angela. Otherwise it was a pretty intwined episode.
Thank you to everyone’s continue likes/comments (oh how I love the comments) and reblogs. They make every ounce of effort for these worth it. Shall see you all in 2x13 :)
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takadanobaba · 1 year
I have a few :>
1. Do you plan to reference Hisui in any way? The events before or after Ingo disappearing or perhaps even foreshadowing?
2. The question probably on everyone's Minds: will you be able to marry/date both of the twins? Will there be special heart events for both of them as well?
3. Will the other townies make reference to the twins in their dialogue or will we have special events with one or more characters with the twins in them? (e.i: the joja cola commercial with Shane, Clint and Emily).
4. Will he be able to go inside the train station?
5. will we see Emmet's giant horde of joltiks?!
6. Will other people be allowed to make portraits of the twins?
You don't have to answer every one of them
I'm sorry asdfghjkll I'm just really excited about the mod,
i've played over 600 hours of stardew valley and I also adore Ingo and Emmet
Thank you for the ask!! This is quite long so I'm putting them under a readmore.... I hope I answered your questions well enough!!
1. Just a bit of foreshadowing! We do intend on making a Hisui expansion later down the line, but we are currently focusing on just making their pre-Hisui storyline for now!
2. Of course the twins will be datable! I started making the mod because I couldn't wait for Pokemon Masters EX to add them in and decided to just make the submas dating simulator myself haha... Stardew's base game doesn't allow for marrying more than one character at a time and currently there are no references to dating both at the same time (we still have a Lot of dialogue to write in general...). I do know that there are mods that allow you to marry multiple characters but I personally have not tried them myself (I read that your spouses would kiss each other and and quickly departed.... please do not try to make them do that. This is a no blankshipping zone. If anyone deliberately tries to use the mod for incest purposes, you will be tied to the tracks and promptly ran over). For now, the heart progression will assume that you are only going to date/marry one of the twins. If there is enough demand (or if someone else wants to write it....) another "route" could be made later on that has them acknowledging you dating each other? It would be difficult to implement since daily dialogue is tied to individual heart levels and there's not much I can do about having them acknowledge you dating the other in the base mod.
Up until you officially date them, they will simply just be very good friends with you (and a bit obsessive... they're quite lonely in Pelican Town and you're one of the few people who don't turn them away! Can you blame them for becoming so attached?). Emmet's heart progression will consist of him not quite knowing how he feels other than that you are verrrry important to him and will be verrrry similar to Nemona's friendship in scar/vio (if you know... you know) until you decide to date him. Ingo will suffer from his repressed feelings of love and write secret admirer letters to you to cope, all while ensuring that you can he is very much grateful for your friendship... he is a gentleman and wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable with his feelings so directly!
3. The other townspeople will acknowledge their existences! We are still working on specifics, but they will interact with them. Most characters are wary of them and their pokemon, so it will take time for them to warm up, but they are liked by Jas, Vincent, and Granny Evelyn (who will mention having a Bellossom long ago...).
4. The train station will be enterable! Still working out the details for that too, but we intend to make it sort of like the Community Center... We do also want to add quests to improve the exterior of the train station too (there's so much.... dirt.... it's so ugly....)
5. Most likely?? I still have a lot of spriting to do!! There will be joltiks though!
6. You are more than welcome to make your own portraits! The portraits that I drew up are too big to fit inside the vanilla game dimensions (64x64 pixels... tiny...) so I have to use portraiture to load them in (otherwise it loads the resized versions I have implemented... which are quite blurry ^^;). If anyone wants to make vanilla sized portraits to be added into the base mod then then please let me know! If you also make your own portrait mod, I would be happy to link to it when I release the mod. Though... do be aware that the portrait sheets this mod has the dialogue coded for are quite long. Here are the full portrait sheets:
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grumpycakes · 11 months
DAY 4 • October 20, 2023 • Third Vote, bye bye Jordan
< Previous (Day 3 Oops No Vote)
So for some reason they planned this vote at 10am (cause they hate the west coasters??? Oh. Oh wait yeah, they probably wanted to make it more inconvenient so people want to get it done.)
Also C-Span hecked up??? And didn’t come on till a bit into ten and while the ALTERNATE CHAPLIN WAS ALREADY PRAYING.
This guy is NOT NICE CHILL LADY CHAPLIN. He sounds chill, but he said shit about "We need more of you (God)," and "[Lord] Lead us in your will." which again AGAIN. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. AT LEAST nice Lady Chaplin asks god to lead us for what is best for the people. WHERE IS OUR NICE LADY CHAPLIN.
They do the pledge and then do their "Call of the House" (head count buzz in to make sure they have a Quorum/majority of the reps). This also serves to find out what the total number is to base the needed votes for a majority. This is why they let the timer lapse around as long as it was going, to make sure they have all the votes possible for better chances at getting majority.
C-Span actually had journalist/reporters going today??? Which they hadn't all week. But good info was had that I'll add in the takeaways. Made me jump tho during roll call rofl.
We hear that one Republican is out on a """Fact Finding Mission to Israel""" and he is one that votes Jordan so, not great for that. Apparently NORMALLY there are 435 seats for a majority of 218 votes needed, but there's been 2 vacancies so that's why it's been 433. 2 Democrat Representatives are out (V. Gonzales and Payne, no word why but not really an issue). Roll ends with 427 Present (Which would mean 214 to have a majortiy but by final vote it was 429 votes, so really only 4 ppl MIA instead of 6 and 215 needed)
lolol So McCarthy gave this nomination speech for Jordan and like, I know they don't hate each other but I hope that hurt.
Says, contrary to Dem talking points, Jordoran is an effective legislator (WHICH GETS FUCKING LAUGHTER, AMAZING)
Continues that the Speakership is about compromise and working long hours to get it done (implying Jordan can and has done these things) GETTING MORE LAUGHTER AND CHATTER and McHenry even fucking calls us to order about it lol
"Democrats are attacking Jim" because they don't want secure borders (my dude it is YOUR PARTY not electing him)
Called Jordan selfless (DOUBTFUL)
Quotes people who worked with or under him (stupid and ofc only the good ones)
Goes into an example of Jordan and like, man I hate the way McCarthy speaks/tells stories/way he talks. Grates on my nerves
We've got a job to do (yeah, yet you seem incapable so far)
Does more Jabs at democrats cuase he's exhausting and desperate to blame anyone but his party
BLessedly not the longest but still annoying
Clark, Rep of Massachussets is here to give us a speech (OOOooo she's new to me)
Blah blah 212 consistently, we rock and are united
Republicans are disconnected from the people
Pointed out Jordan voted against healthcare for Mothers, chlidren, elderly and Veterans (haha which got angry dissent noises, sucks to suck)
Also notes he voted against lowering the cost of insulin multiple times
That he's a reproductive healthcare extremist
Reminds us Jordan's an election denier, misinformation spreader, and a threat to our democracy
American people want us to work for them and re-open the house, but the republicans keep fighting each other instead
blissfully short and with a good pace and snappy delivery, I like you Clark
The fucking dems started chanting Jeffries name again and this time McHenry tried to gavel them back to order but tHEY STARTED CHANTING LOUDER FASTER TILL THEY DEVOLVED INTO CHEERING. and Honestly, go off since you have to keep coming back to this bs
VOTING COMMENCES 429 Present • 215 To win •
Jordan can only lose 3 votes
NOTABLE VOTES (key: *change in voing, + same as last vote)
Bacon - McHenry * (Voted for McCarthy last vote, AND WE'RE OFF)
Bilirakis - Jordan +
Bost - MIA/Votes Jordan on recall
Buchannon - Donalds + (-2 votes)
Buck - Emmer + (-3 Jordan can't lose any more votes)
Chavez-DeRemer - McHenry* (-4 murmuring from crowd cause Jordan has lost)
Cohen - "For the 18th time Jeffries" (gets laughter about it)
Conolly - Did his long sentence for Jeffries
D'Esposito - Zelden + (someone tried to clap about it rofl)
Diaz-Balart - Scalise +
Elllsey - Mike Garcia +
Ferguson - Scalise +
Fitzpatrick - McHenry* (NEW DEFECTOR WEE WOO WEE WOO)
Fox - MIA/Votes for Jordan on recall
Garbarino - Zelden +
Gimenez -McCarthy + (loll one of the few that doesn't switch to McHenry)
Gonzales (T) - McCarthy +
Gonzales (V) - MIA/does not vote on recall
Granger - Scalise +
Hunt - MIA/does not vote on recall
Isa - Votes for Jordan but is standing in the democrat side, so the house is temporarily confused at a vote for jordan coming from there, laughter ensues)
James - Donalds* (Voted for Candace Miller of MI last time)
Hearty cheers when Jeffries votes for himself, lack luster cheers and polite clapping when Jordan votes for himself
Kelly PA - Scalise* (Oh we decided against Boehner this time???)
Kiggans - McHenry* (haha i'm loving all these people dropping McCarthy for his bud)
Kilde - gets claps for voting Jeffries, unsure why
LaLota - Zelden +
LaMalfa - Jordan + (sticking to it)
Lawler - McHenry* (voted for Granger last time)
MccCarthy - Jordan (gets none attention haha)
Miller-Meeks - McHenry* (Voted Granger last time)
Molinaro - Zelden* (NEW DEFECTOR WEE W-)
Payne - MIA/does not vote on recall
Pelosi gets claps for voting but they're not crazy
Rutherford - Scalise +
Scalise - Jordan +
Spartz - Jordan +
Stauber - Westerman +
VanOrden - MIA/Does not vote on recall (out)
Vargas - yells Jeffries and gets laughter for it
Womack - Scalise +
Recall happens and McHenry does the normal, talk to vote talliers if you missed voting or need to change ur vote.
429 Voted • 215 to win
Jordan - 194 votes (HE LOST 3 MORE PEOPLE)
Jeffries - 210 votes (2 dems missing)
Scalise - 8 votes
McHenry - 6 votes (McHenry laughs as he gets cheers for it and does gently call for order)
Zelden - 4
Donalds - 2 votes
McCarthy - 2 votes
Emmer - 1 vote
Garcia (M) - 1 vote
Westerman - 1 vote
NO MAJORITY, NO SPEAKER CHOSEN McHenry immediately calls recess
The thursday closed meeting was 4 HOURS and Jordan had a SECONDARY MEETING with the holdouts for 2 MORE HOURS after that. DURING that meeting Jordan was REPORTEDLY told "He'd never be speaker."
Spartz had said that she'd back Jordan one more time, but if he lost again she would vote for someone else.
Jordan supporters said something to the effect of, It's not Jordan's fault Republicans who don't vote for him are getting death threats, it's their fault for not voting for Jordan. (AND LIKE HELLO???) Another Republican lady was like, I get death threats all the time, and I'm sorry for them but suck it up, so .. a lot of sypmathy.
Gaetz and the other 8 repubs that voted to ouster McCarthy (sealing his fates as none of the dems would vote for him) have come forwar offering themselves if that's what it takes to get Jordan nominated. Offering that they'd take sanctions and removal from the conference (basically getting kicked out of the party though they're saying they'd still be repubs??? and it would kick them off of their committee seats... so could we do it anyway??? llol). Gaetz says that he thinks this BS is actually GOOD GOVERNING (sure Jan) and tHEN ASKS, What else do they want, except a pound of our flesh?" (Which like... they want NOT FUCKING J JORDAN AS THE SPEAKER)
Jeffries did a Press conference and offers bipartisan stuff but like, man am I sicsik of that being kinda empty cause the Repubs will never and the Dems wont sacrifice human rights, so it's a moot point.
A lot of Republicans were defending this BS by pointing out how may times McCarthy had to run the vote but like THAT WAS ALSO BAD AND A SHIT SHOW
It was PROJECTED that Jordan would lose 5-8, 10max, voters, he only lost three but still
Brian Tyler Cohen made a interesting correlation of Jordan being an election denier making sense as he was refusing to accept his losses.
The Republicans held another closed door meeting (THEY'VE BEEN CALLING THEM ""FAMILY MEETINGS"") where they held an anonymous vote as to whether or not Jordan should continue as the nominee. HE FUCKING LOST in his OWN PARTY'S MEETING.
HE HAS removed himself as a nominee. We are back to square one.
McHenry announced that they were taking a 72/weekend break and would be back on monday to do a candidate forum (to some dissent, and many lawmakers just WANT THIS DONE WITH)
The repubs that have offered themselves as tribute
(With the assumption that they are boilerplate Repubs. over LGBTQ+, Abortion, Taxes, Immigration, etc etc. *Election denier means they have made statements, did not support the ratifying of the electoral college votes, voted against impeachment and investigations.)
Tom Emmer - not an election denier at minimum, current GOP Whip (assistant leader)
Kevin Hern - Already tried before Scalise got nominated and dropped out (election denier)
Austin Scott - Was close to Jordan in numbers for the repub speaker nominee (didn't argue electoral college shit and has said USA voting is solid, but didn't go after Jan 6/trump)
Byron Donalds - the dude the Fuckaround 8 kiiinda backed against McCarthy in JAN. (election denier)
Jack Bergman - apparently wanted to challenge Jordan but didn't, JUMPED when jordan was out (election denier)
Jodey Arrington - only said he was considering, but apparently others have brought him up as an option (election denier)
Mike Johnson - has been calling around to see if ppl support him as speaker (election denier)
Pete Sessions - ALSO jumped when jordan was out (election denier)
So ends our sordid tale of Jim Jordan. May he feel stupid about this for the rest of time.
No Republican speaker is going to be good but jfc can we not have literal government destroyers????
I guess the pass on the budget was for 45 days, we have spent 18 (to be 20) of them on this bs.
SHOULD I KEEP NAMING THESE VOTE 2, DISASTER BOOGALOO since it is still technically the 2nd speaker vote of this congress, or should I name it something else now that Jordan is out?
Next (Starting Over) >
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snwusberry · 10 months
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warning(s): language
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♧ beomgyu's point of view ♧
okay this isn't that bad, he's playing a prank on me like he usually does. haha.
"what do you mean he lost the ring?" i calmly ask jongho who just shrugs.
"okay before you kill me it wasn't my intention in the slightest bit."
"what the fuck were you intending on doing with it anyway?"
"let me explain."
"i'm waiting..."
"so basically..."
♧ san's point of view ♧
ohh this is nice.. all the fancy lights, the music, the sealed business deal. i'm feeling lucky tonight.
well there's only one logical thing to do.
"hey, count me in." i say to a random man who's dealing out cards and i sit with them, a glass of whiskey in hand.
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not only am i feeling lucky, i literally am considering i've won 4 consecutive games and one thing about me? i work in multiples of five so i have to go for another round right?
my veins are pumping with adrenaline... or is it the alcohol? either way, i'm more than excited for the next round.
"so what you betting pretty boy?" a man with a cigar hanging off his lips that are loosely keeping it in place asks me.
i look at everything on the table and right in front of me. someone's watch, loads of cash, it's all just luxury. i just need this one last game before i leave so i reach into the pocket of my blazer that's hanging off the back of the chair i'm sitting on and retrieve a box. the box that my dearest brother trusted me to pick up for him on my trip here.
i've already won my other 4 rounds so i'm pretty confident in opening the box and taking the gorgeous ring out, holding it in front of everyone.
"a 4 carat diamond ring. let's go."
we're dealt our cards and i slowly feel my confidence slip but i can definitely turn this around.
"YOU GAMBLED AWAY THE RING??!?!!!?" beomgyu yells.
yeah i couldn't turn it around.
okay he sounds pissed but he can't be that pissed right?
"lower your voice a little, mom might hear." i try to reason, sheepishly smiling a him.
"let her hear. i was gonna propose today you know. like in the next couple of hours, I ALREADY MADE PLANS!"
"what's the yelling about?" yeonjun asks, running in, his shirt wet in one side and a white cloth in his hand.
yeah no. fatherhood looks so rough on him, i'm not even gonna lie. i will pass on that.
"ask your brother." beomgyu tells him, staring daggers into my head. i can even feel them.
"i may or may not have lost the ring-"
"you gambled it away." beomgyu interjects , emphasizing the word gamble.
"talk about everything going to plan." soobin comments in the corner but at this point he seems puzzled and doesn't even know what to do so he just walks out.
"san what the fuck??" yeonjun asks, clearly mad too and i don't even blame him.
"look it's not like i'm too happy with myself right now either."
should i even talk to him? should i give him space? all i know is i need to profusely apologize.
"shit miyoung is home." jongho, who has been quiet tge entire time finally says, standing up and leaving the room we've all decided congregate in.
"fuck hayoon is home." yeonjun says, bolting out of the room too.
"get married they say." soobin said sarcastically and i look back at him.
"bad timing?"
"the worst."
beomgyu walks upstairs without another word leaving soobin and i alone in the living room.
"yeah i'm fucked." i say and soobin nods a little too enthusiastically.
"where is everyone?" miyoung asks and i walk out to greet her and there stands hayoon who's talking to yeonjun and kaya looking around.
i need to HIDE from her asap.
"hi san."
"kaya. how've you been?" i ask her, smiling a little too widely at her.
"i've been good. uhh... is gyu home?"
shoot me. throw me off a bridge. literally ANYTHING.
"he's probably in his room."
"thanks." she runs up the stairs and i'm left feeling horrible.
"you good there san?" hayoon asks, now with minji in her arms while yeonjun fixes up her blanket.
"that's a good question." jongho comments earning a nudge from soobin.
"i'm good. i just... yeah."
♧ kaya's point of view ♧
i jog up the stairs with my shopping bag in hand and make my way to beomgyu's room.
"knock knock."
i peak in and she the man sitting on the bed with his back resting on the headboard. he's looking up at the ceiling with his eyes closed.
is he asleep?
i walk in, closing the door behind me and tip toe to his side of the bed, waving my hand in front of his face.
he opens his eyes, moving them to where i'm standing but he doesn't react.
okay rude...
"okay if you want me to like... leave, just say." he just blinks, closing his eyes again.
okay he's acting weird so i just walk back out and downstairs where hayoon is cooing a crying minji, trying to feed her and soobin is in the living room, watching tv.
"did something happen while we were out? beomgyu is acting weird."
soobin chokes and starts coughing, hitting his chest a little too hard. man why is everyone acting weird.
"yaya, can you quick hold minji? i gotta take this. thank you." she hands me the crying baby and her bottle before i can even react and runs off.
i frown looking at minji, her arms flailing around as she cried loudly.
i put the bottle to her lips and she starts drinking, wide eyes darting around.
"you also feel the weird energy?" i ask her while she quietly drinks from her bottle? "first christmas is gonna be dramatic, i can tell you that much. uncle san is always the life of the party. you know, last year when your grandparents were asleep he went to the convenience store to buy some things to make punch for christmas but we ended up drinking it all and got so wasted."
i look down at the baby to see her eyes closed her breathing steady as she lets out the cutest sounds.
"damn, is my story that boring minnie?" i smile at her, keeping her in my arms in case she's not fast asleep and wakes up the moment i put her in her crib. she's got tendencies.
i feel a presence behind me and i turn to see beomgyu standing there awkwardly.
"and you?"
he makes his way to me, hugging me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder.
"you look so good holding a baby." he whispers in my ear.
"woah now... don't get any ideas."
"i'm not. you know i don't want kids either just stating my observations..."
i hum as we sway side to side together while i hold the sleeping baby.
"i'm sorry for how i acted earlier." he says softly.
"it's okay i guess. i just don't like being ignored."
"i'm sorry."
"it's fine, just tell me what's bothering you, okay? you know i'm always here." i tell him reassuringly and he nods. "now... about our date? are we still going?"
"mhmm. feels like it's been forever since we went to that boardwalk."
my eyes light up like an alcoholic being given a free drink.
"i got the perfect outfit."
"go get ready first, i'll take care of minji, alright?"
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freyafrida · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by @librarylexicon!! ty ty ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Anne of Green Gables and Midnighters. i've also dabbled in some other fandoms but haven't written for them in a while, or i feel like i've written all i want to for them, so i don't count them.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Come Back Home, by faaaar (252). following that, How Certain the Journey (160), Arco Iris (144), but i don't know who you are (105), there's another, not a sister (73). all aogg fics!
just for fun, top non-aogg fic by kudos is you're my unforeseen, a kenzi/hale fic from back when i watched lost girl. (also canadian content......sensing a theme here.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to! i always really appreciate them and ofc if there's a thoughtful comment i do want to respond in kind. (kind of funny, i think i'm better at replying to comments than i used to be solely bc i have an email job now so i'm always like "ah yes gotta turn around a reply to this in 24-48 business hours.")
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm...i don't usually end on an angsty note! i like to leave things hopeful or peaceful, at the very least, if not outright happy. i guess it would be leave me the way i was before, which ends on an ambiguous note -- even though the characters come to an understanding and no longer hate/blame each other, they know they can't stay together and help each other heal.
(oh yeah i just re-scrolled through my fics and i guess but i don't know who you are is kind of a downer, bc walter realizes he loves una but he's already in the trenches and the ending implies it's too late oops. i was counting it as a happy one since hey, at least he realized it! lmao)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Come Back Home, pretty obviously -- canon ends with walter dead and una forever alone, so having walter live and return her feelings and both of them finding some peace/their place in the world after WWI is pretty happy i think!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
never gotten full-on hate, fortunately! wayyy back in the day on FFN, when i wrote a rarepair or unpopular character, i'd often get 1-2 passive-aggressive comments like "uhhh your writing is ok i guess but i don't think you understand canon because OBVIOUSLY you wouldn't have written this if you did", but those seem less common/acceptable now thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
occasionally, yeah. i've never written anything super explicit, but there's a...middling amount of detail? lol. i like writing romance and intimacy and vulnerability and simping and i've gotten more comfortable with portraying/exploring those themes via sex scenes.
10. Do you write crossovers?
no, never have -- "characters from X and Y fandoms meet" isn't my cup of tea, although i do like "AU of characters from X fandom in Y fandom's plot/setting", provided, you know, i find the latter interesting haha.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
uhhhh...🫣 not outright stolen, but i did once stumble upon a fic that seemed to have lifted a scene from one of mine. the fic was already abandoned by the time i read it and the author seemed pretty young, so i didn't want to like call them out, but...welp. hopefully they quietly learned their lesson. also yeah pretty much all my fic has been scraped and reposted to random knockoff sites.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah!! my rebelde way fic, Comfort Zones, was very kindly translated into russian by Alice_Bolognini.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! i don't think i ever will; seemingly like a lot of my mutuals, i am kind of a control freak over my fics lol. i also am a super-slow writer so i imagine a co-writer would get really fed up with me after a while!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i...guess walter/una? haha that's really hard to pick, i love romance and have a ton of fave ships and i like them all in their own special ways! but walter/una has had me in a chokehold for almost the longest* and i think maybe has the most ~scope for imagination~ for me -- i still get ideas for what i want to write for them and bits of their characters that i think are interesting and how it would affect the dynamic between them. (tangent, i think the fact that anne's kids have several gaps in the narration of their lives is what makes me so interested in them, versus anne herself? like i never feel the need to write anne/gilbert fic, and i very rarely get the urge to read it, because their canon story is so complete and perfect to me. anyway.)
*honestly, in terms of pure "years i have spent thinking about them" numbers, it would probably be...david/shay from uglies. or james/sarah from liberty's kids lmao lmao /o\
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
no such thing, i am determined to finish everything i post! (see also: coming back to How Certain the Journey after 9 years). the WIP that will probably take me the longest is the clocks are black, a Midnighters fix-it fic that i ran out of steam for a few years ago. i still tinker with it and plan to finish it, but it's unfortunately slow coming.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think characterization and language (word choice, sentence flow) in general -- at least, those are the things people point out the most, so i'm rolling with it! the latter is probably what i pay attention to most while writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am not great at writing action scenes for sure. also i'm not great at coming up with zingers, so writing witty/snappy dialogue is rough for me (not that i write very many snappy characters...i probably am subconsciously avoiding them for this reason lmao).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
full on lines of dialogue, no -- it feels unnecessary; at that point i'd rather write it in english and indicate elsewhere in the text that they're speaking another language (or write "so-and-so said something in [language]", if the POV character wouldn't understand it.) i don't mind using an occasional word/phrase when necessary, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
a series of unfortunate events! in the dark depths of fanfiction.net, under a different username, you can find a ton of my klaus/isadora fics with evanescence lyrics for titles. good times.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Come Back Home is the fic i'm proudest of. it's the fullest and most complete thing i've ever written, in terms of being the longest and having the most plot (not that it has a lot, still) and actually being completed. that does make it my favorite in some ways -- it's still the only longfic i've ever finished and i'm still just like. eternally pleased that i managed to write all my wish-fulfilly walter/una thoughts into something coherent and give myself something to reread when i want to ignore canon. buuut it's also 11(!!!) years old and there are parts i think i could write better now (although i wouldn't touch it either, too many war flashbacks to authors taking down completed fic to rewrite it, and then never completing the new version ;_;)
my actual favorite fic at the moment is the more that you say, the less i know, which is a david/shay fic i wrote a few years ago! i just always had a lot of feelings about shay's story arc in uglies and how she was treated by the narration/other characters, and i feel pretty happy with how it was all distilled and portrayed in the fic. it's also recent enough that i'm not embarrassed by the writing yet. also i wanted to keep it fairly concise and not write 20+ chapters for it, so i'm happy i managed to keep it to 4 haha. it still took me a whole year to edit chapter 3 tho
tagging @jomiddlemarch @gogandmagog @noneedtoamputate! ofc feel free to not do it, and anyone else who wants to do it can consider themselves tagged :D
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sibillascribbles08 · 2 years
Decided to do the TMNTVDAY month because I need to spread more propaganda for this ship (I see y’all liking all the posts for it on my blog I SEE you)
1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
Rise, mainly because it’s the only one I’m still familiar with haha
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
Hi it’s Jasonnie, I’m predictable. Jason and Donnie (”Who the fuck is Jason”) He’s the little purple dragon guy. I literally can’t blame you if you don’t remember he’s in THREE episodes ! (Would he have been in more if the show hadn’t been cut off? I can hope) Anyway my brain has a terrible habit of looking at underdeveloped background characters and saying “it’s free real estate”, so lets be very clear the only reason I love his character so much is cause I made like 89% of it aslkjf.
3. How did they meet?
According to canon, when Donnie was helping April in the computer lab where he tried to show off and then got all his shit stolen lmao.
4. How is the relationship now?
Depends how long it’s been. The few stories I have with this ship always take the route of enemies to friends to lovers, and some move much slower than others haha.
But I suppose to give more details and elaborate on how I picture their dynamic, although the two come to adore each other there’s always an antagonistic streak between them that never goes away, it just becomes more playful rather than mean. Affectionate insults are a regular occurrence, and neither of them have an issue with calling the other out when they do something stupid. You’d think it’d lead to more arguments, but generally their combined blunt nature causes them to communicate more often (not that there aren’t still snags that come up).
Also like, nerds, in more ways than one. Sure the tech stuff is obvious but while Donnie adores Jupiter Jim, Lou Jitsu and Atomic Lass, Jase is over here with tons of gundam and transformer models and will watch any film that features a giant robot. More than one date is spent with one or the other talking about something for an hour and a half straight.
5. What is each other’s love language?
Donnie’s main one is gift giving, which sometimes goes overboard. Jase has to be careful mentioning he ever wants anything because there’s a good chance Donnie will show up a week later having either bought it, stolen it, or built it from scratch. He also likes to give things when he makes apologies, often cookies or snacks.
Jase’s is actually touch, though it took some time for him to be on a comfort level for that to be obvious. You wouldn’t expect it either, for how often he complains if Donnie ever picks him up, but he enjoys almost any form of contact. For the days Donnie’s overwhelmed and isn’t up for it, he’s also content to just sit in the same room (Quality time being his secondary language).
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
I may never write about it but yes asldjf fun fact tho, Donnie names their daughter Holly (after Holly Blue).
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? (Gush as much as you want!)
Listen part of it is just “I built one of these characters from the ground up so I can make this whatever I want” but I really enjoy how their dynamic evolved into keeping each other in check. Jase not eating properly due to anxiety? Donnie brings him his favorite snacks and will stare at him until he eats some of it. Donnie working almost non stop for twelve hours ? Jase snapping at him and possibly even wrestling a device out of his grip until he goes to lay down.
Oh also uh, height difference. Yeah I hc that Donnie gets up to freaking 6′11″ when he’s fully grown and Jase is stuck at 5′3″ sooo
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Thank you @tennisprojediphilosopher and @rafasbiscuits for tagging me! Sorry it took me a while to answer, I am still a bit sick :\
Are you named after anyone? Does a fictional character count? If so, I'm named after the princess of Mars from a Soviet sci-fi novel.
When was the last time you cried? This Monday when I was very sick AND had to work for 11 hours AND watched the Good Omens season finale. Can you blame me?!
Do you have kids? No.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Me? Never! (In all seriousness though, I don't talk to people much outside of work so not really.)
What sports do you play/have played? I am exceptionally bad at any sort of sport. Of course, I did play the obligatory volleyball and basketball at school, but those mostly resulted in me being hit in the face by the ball. I prefer to leave this to the professionals :)
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Depends on the person :)
What colour are your eyes? Ooooooh I only recently found out that my eye color actually has a special name, it's called hazel. Yes, I am very quick.
Scary movies or happy endings? Definitely happy endings. If I want to be scared I will just turn on the news, thank you very much. I grew up in Ukraine so you can imagine what it's been like getting news lately.
Any special talent? I can pretend that I know a language better than I actually do by emulating the accent and using common parasite words.
Where were you born? Haaaaa ha. USSR. Now you know I am very old >_<
Do you have any pets? I have a hooded crow and 4 parrots (cockatiels).
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How tall are you? 162 cm (5'3").
Favourite subject in school? French (what is wrong with me?), math, physics, and computer science.
Dream job? Either a CEO of my own startup or a professor at a university. I know these are pretty much polar opposites haha but I am weird like that.
I... don't think there's anyone left to tag! Feel free to copy this though :)
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shadowsong26fic · 8 months
Coming Attractions!
Yes, I'm aware it's Tuesday not Monday but shhhhh XD
Just a quick one this month. Not even going to split it up by fandom as I usually do, just kinda blitz through.
So I ended up...essentially taking January off from writing, apart from a scattered few sentences here and there. Which on the one hand was probably good for me but on the other hand I'm behind on projects lol. Ah well.
Priorities for this month: 1. SWBB I'm picking up the project I had to step away from last year. Anakin was not found at age nine and never became a Jedi; we're handwaving that TPM ended roughly the same way anyway because Padme and Obi-Wan are very good at what they do and one of the other pilots got lucky on the droid control ship. Fast-forward to like a year and a half/two years into the Clone Wars, Ahsoka ends up briefly stranded on a planet that's neutral mostly because it's a black market hub. They click pretty quickly, hang out for a while, stumble into a Separatist plot to test a chemical weapon and blame a limnic eruption for the deaths, and Deal With It. Hondo and Bo-Katan are briefly involved because I said so XD 2. P&J We're getting to the part where Ari actually finds stuff out, lol. Getting to Europe and talking with other researchers, etc. There's some interesting stuff in Marseille, and Calais is important. And Ari and Phil continue to be cute in the background. 3. The Other Battlestar Baltar ends up on Pegasus; there's a bunch of stuff built up around the two OCs who fill the plotholes he left behind...I need to get more text down in general, lol. And also figure out how I want to structure it? Like...I do need to establish the new people (including a few on Pegasus, like the senior medical officer, a marine officer, there will also be a Four who gets pulled from the civilian fleet...) and also clarify why Baltar ends up in a different position (and why Helo doesn't because he and Athena still need to meet). And it would probably make the most sense to just go linearly and handle all the miniseries exposition in order. But then again would that actually be Interesting; or would it be better to pick up later and jump back and forth in time...yeah, you see my problem lol. 4. Acheron Javert Groundhog Day fic; looping the last 36ish hours of his life. (from right before he heads to the barricade to his death). 5. Maybe get back into Precipice or write some origfic if I have time/brain.
Longer-range projects: 1. Percussive Maintenance is still hanging out in my head, so I'm tentatively planning on that for GBB (aka the one where the at least two concussions Sam gets during Downloaded unlock Enough of his memories) 2. Or maybe I'll jump back to The Blood of Angry Men, we'll see. (aka a Zarek character study; looking back on his life (and the allies/friends/tools that he's led to their deaths) from the night before his execution) 3. What I'm definitely not doing is any of the crossovers floating around in my head; either the Star Wars ones or the WoT ones. (the one I talked about the other night; and a fusion is actually sort of building in my head because of course it is. Mostly because of the Kara-as-Mat thing I pinged onto the other night; but also Baltar would be an interesting Logain; possibly Zarek as Taim? I think I'd leave Rand as Rand and just fill in the roles around him. Lee also lines up really well with Perrin...and since this would derail pretty early on I feel a little more Flexible about love interests/etc. lol. For reasons of Tuon, Moiraine, and Lan, mostly. Also Faile. Also I'd still want Caprica as a sul'dam, I think, but Logain doesn't have a canon love interest IIRC sooooo that's easier to sort out XD ...although now that I think about it, Athena as Nynaeve and Helo as Lan could work...) 4. Incinctus/other Castlevania things. 5. I'm doing pod_together again once signups open. I need to refine my fandoms list, haha. Not that I haven't had interesting times the last couple years, but it'd be nice to get matched based on something that Isn't a very secondary/tertiary fandom for me again. 6. AtLA may come floating back into my head enough to pick up some of the projects I wandered away from there, we'll see.
Not writing, strictly speaking, but there's some admin/modding stuff for this year's GBB that I should get a move on, especially since the event is moving to May-October, plus helping out with SWBB the way I do every year.
...yeah, that's pretty much where things stand. Hopefully I'll hit a nice groove this month!
What about you guys, what are you working on?
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jocrude · 9 months
God, I can just see it. I can’t write it at the moment, but if Beat becomes En Vogue and has a revival in this Serpent-eating-its-tail we must for lack of a better meaning call Contemporary Culture…
(Author’s Note: First as tragedy, then as farce, then as farce, ad nauseum...The serpent of culture has been eating its tail until it has become sick, and irony/post-irony is our collective acid reflux, “as a dog returns to his vomit”[1] joyously hollow, exhaling from the nostrils with more oomph than usual, we do not holler with glee anymore but are now hollow with glee “like the bizarre euphoria after an hour’s vomiting”[2], but this too is a topic I must think on at an unspecified later…)
Anyways, the story I would’ve wrote went like this:
(Hang on, I should just note to you real quick that this sketch is, well, a sketch—as much for the artist’s future use as for the public’s consumption.)
Ahem. Anyways anyways, the story I would’ve wrote went like this:
You’ve read Deleuze, haven’t you? Postscript on Societies of Control?[3](If you haven’t I can’t blame you, he’s terminally French and not in the good way.) The whole inspiration for this thing was that a transgender mate of mine sent a link to a news article on a Discord server I (also transgender, and fresh from the Dandenong Mental Health Care Unit with Wellbutrin and a grudge,) was on. It was from Gamesradar, about an Autistic Savant for hacking being hospitalised for life after he leaked something or other related to Grand Theft Auto Six.[4] The text, unaltered, from my transgender mate, is as follows:
The autistic 18 year old responsible for the GTA 6 leaks will be locked away in a secure hospital for an indefinite period of time Because he wants to continually commit cybercrimes as soon as possible
He's an autistic savant of hacking and cybercrime
I reposted it to another Discord server, with the following commentary:
So apparently there's an 18 year old autistic savant for hacking who has hacked Nvidia and Microsoft in the past and he's being hospitalised for life after leaking GTA 6 stuff. This is so bizarre it's funny but it's also shit like this that perfectly outlined why I'm anti-psychiatry. It's a prison system for crimethink. Also, read Deleuze's "Postscript on Societies of Control", I know he has a reputation for being incomprehensible but this is a short and easy-to- understand read. Dividuals being punished in anticipation of crimes they may possibly commit related to unauthorised transmission of information. [Link to said text on The Anarchist Library.]
(Author’s note: We’re pretentious! Yes, haha! Young and irritating! I’m noting this with glee as I write.)
Now, enter a third transgender online mate:
he's friends with maia of hacking the no-fly-list fame[5]
i think i once joked that congress will put us all in mental hospitals if this keeps happening, so this tracks
And, Quoth I, like some fateful Cassandra: (the thought that started all this bother you’re now reading about, drumroll please…)
God I can see a dystopian future where the Republicans are like "trans people need to be killed" and the democrats are like "God that's too far, but look at the correlations between gender dysphoria and autism, depression, adhd, anxiety, etc.. Let's just hospitalise them." Trans people crowded into sanatoriums working on a shoestring budget, those few who wear the mask well enough to become outpatients too disillusioned to have hope of getting well and unsure if the answers they give are a mask or their real face, new neuroses springing from that... And a society of very concerned moderates debating to what extent the hospitalisation scheme could be improved.
I’ll need to develop that! That’s a very golden idea! I’m a good writer because I am developing this idea, and you’re not. But I’m not that good of a writer. So! I make sketches, so as to help me practice and that.[6] Our hero is a Transgender just like me. She’s the wrong type of transgender (unlike me), the cringey type, not so much Bigger Thomas as Blahaj Thomas[7], painful as the pun just there. She will be an outpatient in this stratified system of liberal compromise, one of the shining examples of the Utopian Solution to the Transgender Question.
(Author’s Note: As I’m writing this, I think back to how I told the psychiatrist at the Dandenong Mental Hospital that I couldn’t quite remember if I was diagnosed Schizoaffective. I think back to when I watched “Conspiracy”, a BBC docudrama made using the actual minutes from the Wannsee Conference[8]. I think of Croissants, another French invention with too many layers. I think of watching a video on my phone at Marie Bashir[9], another hospital, Plastic Pills (a youtuber) on Deleuze and Schizoanalysis[10]. Lines of flight between layers. I think of pretentiousness, using words and concepts you don’t have a right to know. I think of when I learned about Zen Koans, riddles you unravel to a solution you know but can’t explain because it just feels right.)
Anyways, anyways, what was I saying again? Oh yeah. In this dystopia our heroine will inhabit, the Republicans and Democrats have worked together rather like a Caduceus[11] to create a society of control, of prevention, of compromise, for the Transgender infection. The Transgender,(Capital T,) whom Nick Land rather astutely called the “jews of gender,” presents an exciting new problematic in the deaf-dumb-and-blind machine of Capital’s social controls. I vaguely remember Wallerstein talking about a “fuzzy border” theory.[12] Jews, in Wallerstein’s analysis of Antisemitism as-I-vaguely-remember-it, are capable of being absorbed into the “White” racial category when societally convenient. Yet there are signifiers remaining upon them that mark them as an “eternal outsider” ready to be scapegoated in times of social distress. I remember Wallerstein or Balibar or one of those bloody Continentals furthermore saying that the sociological function of bigotry is more or less to rank and stratify class society into a more modular, flexible, “fuzzy” collection of groups that can be ejected or absorbed; as ballast for the floating, headless, decomposing corpse of Capital and the blind and desperate ecosystem that feeds upon the corpse-wax. I might have added that last bit myself.
But Jews beget jews. There is a clear, unbroken line of matrilineal descent. The reason this problematic is so exciting is that nobody really knows what causes one to become transgender. It is abhorrent to say, but, in theory, “the jews” as an ethnic group could be wiped out. “Exterminate all the brutes”[13], the Nazis hoped, in theory if they were able to sever that line of matrilineal descent the jewish race would cease to be. (Reality interjects of course and says that genocide on such scale is so anti-human as to not be feasible, but genocidaires don’t really care much about what Reality says.) The Transgender cannot be wiped out permanently, pulled out at the root, it is an enemy/ally/thing-to-cry-over that has various manifestations and suppressions throughout the history of gender expression but always exists, at least as far as we know. A perfect enemy, a punching bag that always pops back up.
Anyways, anyways. The Republicans wanted to kill all Transgenders but this, like most genocides or genocide-adjacent-things, was unfeasible. The Democrats, concerned moderates that they are, saved the day and created a social welfare scheme. Recognising the correlation between Gender Dysphoria and things like Autism, Depression, Suicide Attempts (41%!), and maybe Schizo-spectrum disorders that the author is not quite sure she has, the Democrats set up a Bureau of Psychiatry that, in that typical strange American way, was instated for the good of the Gender-Diverse. I remember a fourth online transgender mate of mine sent me a copy of Fanon’s Wretched Of The Earth, and Black Skin, White Masks, as a Christmas present, that I read while staying at Marie Bashir Hospital and sadly left behind when I moved to Melbourne. I think I remember Fanon talking about how re-education was a particularly nasty form of torture, because one would be left unsure whether what they were saying was what they needed to say to get out of the torture, or what they honestly believed.
We observe things from the point of view of a concerned moderate looking in. Like an odd ant in a terrarium, our heroine has been detected to be infected with gender dysphoria, and autism, and is funnelled into the Bureau Of Psychiatry. They talk in a despicable and cringeworthy way about bits of very online transgender culture that they have absorbed; they are a simulacrum of woman, not woman itself. But as they are funnelled through the Bureau of Psychiatry they learn to answer various questions in so accurate a manner as to move to the top levels of the sorting algorithm of mental deficiency, and learn to put on an act to be as close to an ideal functioning human being as someone who has been marked with a mental disorder can be. Along the way, they become more and more removed from the vague psychic-emotional signifiers of womanhood that implanted their dysphoria to begin with. They wear the mask; the mask wears them.
[1]Proverbs 26:11
[2]A quotation appropriated from the TV series “Brass Eye”(1997)
[3]Gilles Deleuze, “Postscript on Societies of Control”(1990)
[5]Maia Arson Crimew, high-profile transgender hacker who was put on trial for cyber-crimes; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maia_arson_crimew
[6]Pronounced “An’nat”, an affected Commonwealth vocal tic. Useless Information.
[7]Bigger Thomas, the thuggish, antisocial black protagonist of Richard Wright’s anti-racist novel “Native Son.” Blahaj, a blue plush shark sold by Ikea, stereotypically associated with “femboys” and a certain very online milieu of gender-diverse people that other transsexuals regard as “cringeworthy.”
[9]The Professor Marie Bashir Centre, containing a mental health unit where the author was confined for a period of four months because they lacked a home to return to.
[10]Refer to the YouTube playlist Deleuze by Plastic Pills “All of the main Deleuze content from creator Plasticpills assembled in one place. Alongside the video intros, listen to some of the world's foremost experts in Deleuze studies advise how to approach these difficult texts. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx5jMl5-m5ZSyaYg7hTBynO6iDFlrDUtr
[11]Not to be confused with a Rod of Asclepius, the symbol of medicine. Quoth Wikipedia: “Although the Rod of Asclepius, which has only one snake and no wings, is the traditional and more widely used symbol of medicine, the Caduceus is sometimes used by healthcare organizations. Given that the caduceus is primarily a symbol of commerce and other non-medical symbology, many healthcare professionals disapprove of this use.”
[12]Etienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein, “Race, Nation, Class:Ambiguous Identities”(1991)
[13]Joseph Conrad, “Heart of Darkness.” The Unlucky number.
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new-dawn-au · 1 year
Am I going to make Apis and Saki canon? Hell yeah, they're too cute not to! Don't blame me, blame the little demon pulling my heart to make this happen X3
Bold = texting
"Italics with quotation marks = thinking"
This was not good.
It was supposed to be a normal day, but of course, something had to go wrong. The thunder was too loud, too near, too…. Familiar. And Apis was not a fan.
He could feel tears building up in his eyes and his own grip on reality or any sense quickly slipping away as he tried to find somewhere to hide from it all.
He had stupidly forgotten his house keys, and Adonis was working that day so he couldn't unlock the door for him, leaving him in a bad situation of having to wait for hours to go home. And it sucked.
But just as he was about to break down, he heard a voice he had grown fond of over the past few months. "Apis? Are you okay?" Saki asked her friend, visibly worried about him.
Apis looked to his friend and tried to muster a smile but miserably failed, letting tears fall as he clung onto her.
"Please… don't let them hurt me again. I can't go back, I can't, they'll hurt me, I just know it. I'm dead if they find me, please don't make me go back… help me, please." He mumbled through his tears, he couldn't control himself when he was like this. He felt embarrassed, embarrassed that he was breaking down like this and having a breakdown in front of someone he considered a good friend.
Surprisingly to him, Saki had not pushed him away, instead pulling him closer and taking him to her house. Despite her knowing little to nothing about what he was talking about, she still comfored him. "It's okay, I won't let them take you. You'll be safe here."
By the time they had both entered her room, Apis had fainted from panic, leading Saki to lend him her bed and pull the covers over him whilst she went to get something for the both of them to eat and drink.
Nobody was home today so it left her to watch over her friend without interruptions. Suddenly, his phone received a message.
Adonis: That thunder is really loud isn't it? Hope you're ok❤️
Yikes, it was going to be complicated to explain that Apis wasn't actually seeing this message and that he had passed out. But Saki did it in the best way she knew how to.
Apis: this is Saki Tachibana, a friend of Apis from school! He's at mine rn bc he got scared by the thunder and he's sleeping thru it srry do you want me to wake him up? :)
Adonis: no, it's fine. It's nice to know that he has many good friends now. Or maybe you're more than friends🤨? Jkjk
Wait, what?
Was Apis's dad trying to suggest that they were… dating?! Saki had never even considered dating him! However..
She did find him very kind and cute. And it was so fun messing with his hair, it was always so soft and he always reacted so cutely when she accidentally touched his neck when playing with his hair with his little giggle and nose scrunch followed by his insistence that he was most definitely not ticklish on his neck despite him obviously being so. And his face was attractive as well, she had thought of kissing him before…. Wait, kissing?!
Okay, so she might like him, but there was no way that he felt the same!
Apis: omfg no💀 were not dating but Im flattered that you think I cud end up with sum1 like him XD
Adonis: uh huh, sure thing lol. If he isn't up or still at yours by half 4 then give me your address and I'll come for him.
Apis: will do.
A few hours later, Apis stirred awake and looked around before seeing Saki and realising what just happened. "Ah, Saki! I'm sorry for falling asleep in your bed, it won't happen again!" "Haha! It's fine, you were scared and you needed it, I don't mind." Saki smiled, handing him a rice ball.
"I assumed that you'd be hungry when you woke up so I made some rice balls for you, do you like it?" Apis took a bite and smiled back at her, blushing slightly. "Mmhmm! It's really nice, thank you."
There was that look again, that smile and those rosy cheeks. And those eyes… it made Saki truly realise her feelings for him.
She loved him, she actually loved someone again. She didn't even think she could love like this after her last relationship, but here she was, basking in Apis's presence, loving his existence, loving being around him.
Nope, she had to stop herself there. She was supposed to be looking after him, she could crush over him another time! "Hey, are you thirsty? I have some apple juice downstairs that I can go get if you want." Apis nodded and followed her to the kitchen, holding her hand to keep his balance stable
Saki could just feel herself overheating, his hands were strangely soft in comparison to her rough ones up, they felt like heavenly buttercream to her and she adored it.
But all of a sudden, she heard whimpering coming from him as he pulled his hand back, covering his white eye. "It must be that scar again! But how can I help him?" Saki thought, coming to a reckless conclusion.
She held his wrists gently so as to not hurt him, leant near his face and placed a gentle kiss on his white eye and scar, gaining a squeak from him. "E-Eh?! Saki, what are you doing?.."
"Oh shit! I am so sorry, I didn't know what to do and I thought that if I kissed it then the pain would go away! That was really stupid, I'm so sorry again." Saki apologised profusely before Apis interrupted. "You don't have to apologise! I… um.. actually kind of liked it.. it made me feel safe, and warm and fuzzy inside and I don't know why.. is there something wrong with me?"
Saki widened her eyes, could he feel the same thing towards her as she did to him? She had to test it.. "Hey, is it okay if I try something? You can stop if you feel weird or uncomfortable."
Apis nodded his head. Granted, he didn't know what was going to happen, but he put all of his faith and trust in Saki.
She leant near his face again, kissing his lips as she closed her eyes. She was taken by positive surprise when she felt Apis kiss back slightly, so he did feel the same way! His lips were just as soft as the rest of him, it was clear that they had been bitten out of anxiety and overall stress,but it wasn't unpleasant, it was kind.
Apis pulled away to catch his breath, his cheeks now a bright red. "I.. enjoyed that… a lot. I think that I… love you."
Saki smiled wide, her cheeks the same as his as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him I to a hug. "I love you too, Apis."
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1d1195 · 9 months
My week omg it’s been so DRAINING!! And yeah I know it’s like the first week back and all but it’s just so much lol I have two courses in which both require for me to do a research project but I didn’t even know one of them had a research portion in it!?! And I do not enjoy research at all :( I was really only planning on taking one this time around but I GUESS NOT! And I guess everything else is just getting back into a routine and stuff! Truly I think one of the highlights of this past week was finding out one of my professors is like so hot!?!? HAHA anyways I will now be respectfully admiring from a far lol
I did miss chatting with you though this week🤧! But reading part 4 really did feel like a reward lol and eldest daughters have to stay strong together so I don’t blame you for writting her sister that way!!
And I LOVE a slow burn story!honestly I think I will kinda always prefer it like that lol and I TRUST THE PROCESS SO I KNOW THE STORY WONT BE AFFECTED NEGATIVELY!!!
How are you doing?!-💜
OH NO!!! I feel you on that, research is one of my least favorite things as well--at least formal research. Like someone else already figured it out, why do I have to try? 😭😂. Especially because I chose math as the academic love my life so it feels next to IMPOSSIBLE to do research for it. It stinks that you have two projects in one semester, I'm sorry. That's so frustrating. Any chance you can use the same research for both? Otherwise, I think you just have to take it one day at a time! Also, I'm a NERD and it took me a while to figure out college--basically was a senior before I realized the value of office hours, so TOTALLY take your professors up on them. I swear your grade gets bumped just because you use them. (sorry if this is unwanted/unhelpful advice; the teacher in me can't turn off sometimes, totally ignore me if you're like "this lady has no idea what she's talking about")
ANYWAY! WE LOVE A HOT PROFESSOR 😍 that'll break up the week for sure! Keep me up to date on that front, I will DEFINITELY write a story about a certain somebody being a professor if you have some ideas to share 👀
I hope this week gets a little easier! Don't worry about not chatting, I know you've got a whole life and a busy schedule! Happy to hear from you when you have the time! 💕
I'm doing pretty well! I've had a super productive weekend so far, had a game night with friends, did all my chores, pilates, etc. Only need to do a little bit of work. I've also finished 2 books in 2024 so off to a good start! Hoping to finish up Part 5 of Dolcezza so I can post tomorrow 😊
Thanks for asking!
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hottie0 · 2 years
pov: your ig if spencer reid was your bf (pt 2 bc these are rly fun to make)
y/u/n = your username
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y/u/n that jawline is the reason i don’t get any work done
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ahotchner Do your work.
| drspencerreid Yes, sir.
| y/u/n sir yes sir 🫡
2 hours ago
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Liked lukealvez and others
y/u/n can’t remember who’s wedding we went to…
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emprentiss you both had an insane amount to drink so i don’t blame u
| y/u/n had a blast tho
jjareau rude.
| y/u/n happy wedding jj 🥳🥳🥳🥳
| drspencerreid I had a great time. Thank you for the open bar.
7 hours ago
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Liked by derekmorgan73 and others
y/u/n squad slay moment
View all 16 comments
jjareau we ate
| emprentiss no crumbs left
ahotchner When was this taken?
| y/u/n u were busy flirting with rossi
| derekmorgan73 #powercouple
5 hours ago
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y/u/n when will it be my turn
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bbygrlgarcia AHH what I would do to have cute little genius babies !!!!
| y/u/n thats what i’m saying girl
drspencerreid Then let’s get to it.
| jjareau omg spencer making a dirty joke on y/n’s ig??
| y/u/n he’s come out of his shell 😍😍
2 hours ago
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Liked by mattsimmsfbi and others
y/u/n if your name is aaron hotchner please scroll
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📌 y/u/n glad you’re all enjoying this
derekmorgan73 PRETTY BOY GOT GAME
emprentiss this is shocking
jjareau what is GOING ON
alexblakee When is this from?
| y/u/n my first year at the bau 🤭🤭
drspencerreid I hate you for this
| y/u/n you love the attention don’t lie
6 hours ago
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Liked by ahotchner and others
y/u/n shoutout derek for cutting my head off in this pic rly appreciate it buddy
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derekmorgan73 you’re too gorgeous, girl i wouldve been doing the kid dirty
| drspencerreid Save it for Garcia
| y/u/n go spencer!
| derekmorgan73 ooh pretty boy packs a punch
emprentiss ew a loving relationship so gross totally not jealous
| y/u/n this is the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me
4 hours ago
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Liked by emprentiss and others
y/u/n i love watching you be smart
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📌drspencerreid Creep
bbygrlgarcia so cute!!!!!!
ahotchner I still don’t understand why you two insist on taking photos of eachother on the job.
| y/u/n you’re too ugly to understand boss man
drspencerreid I love you more than anything in the world.
| y/u/n haha take that bitches
51 minutes ago
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Liked by jjareau and others
y/u/n 🤍
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emprentiss throwing up so hard rn
| y/u/n ur welcome
drspencerreid I didn’t know I could look like that.
| y/u/n you’re so sexy and hot and sexy ilysm
| emprentiss freaks
8 hours ago
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Liked by bbygrlgarcia and others
y/u/n he said he knew a place
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jjareau put the dogs away, spence
| y/u/n you know what they say abt big feet 😍😍
| jjareau wish i didnt 😍😍
5 hours ago
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Liked by alexblakee and others
y/u/n pov spencer reid tries to seduce you
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davidrossiofficial I’m traumatized.
| y/u/n ROSSI!!! YOU’RE HERE!!!
| davidrossiofficial I regret letting Penelope teach me about the internet.
| bbygrlgarcia ugh so rude
derekmorgan73 damn reid no wonder you’re a virgin
| drspencerreid Am not
| y/u/n definitely not
| emprentiss gross
7 hours ago
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semischarmed · 3 years
I love him so much. God I love him. And he’ll never know. Maybe it was a curse from a past life or something. To live like this, tantalizingly close to him but unable to act. I knew he didn’t see me that way, but that didn’t help any in my situation. 
Take today for instance, he just came back from the gym today soaked in the lingering smell of sweat. It was probably residual perspiration on the clothes he was carrying back or some other thing in his bag. Still. The smell. Goddamn. I could have died and gone to heaven on the spot. I tried to sneak a whiff of Connor, but all I could pick up was whatever soap and cologne he used. It was earthy, woodsy. Like cut cedar and fresh rain. It’s the Connor I always smelled, since he did always keep himself quite clean, and it’s a wonderful scent in its own right, forming the basis of my idea of Connor and the scent I associated with him. But damn. This paled in comparison to the hints of musk and workout sweat I could glean from his clothing. He reeked of pure man and it’s such a shame he covered that up. God I hope he doesn’t do laundry anytime soon.
He must have picked up on something, cause not a moment later I got a “Oh dude! I’m so sorry, this stuff probably reeks haha. I’ll get it washed up so it doesn’t stink up the place” he laughed politely. Fuck.
“Sure, you do you” I stated back, mentally cursing at his propensity for cleanliness.
You’d think the ROTC guys wouldn’t give two fucks about their smell but I guess Connor was an exception. Then again I don’t really know what they did, so maybe it was normal for them. In any case, he definitely did laundry tonight, and I definitely lost out on a good jack off.
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So, weird thing happened last night. Connor looked tired as fuck, but he went out. The man must have been running on sheer willpower alone cause he had some kind of training day earlier today too. He collapsed in his room at like 8. Yet there he was an hour later- eyes bloodshot, hair tousled. Maybe he wanted to let loose or something? Still pretty weird. I mean, the guy was practically a saint. It’s odd enough that he went out for drinks, but even odder that he went out dressed like he did. Still I could definitely get used to a more experimental Connor. 
He was also a little looser when he came back. Gave me a pat on the shoulder and a wink. Something about “keeping the room safe” or something. I couldn’t concentrate enough to tell what he was actually rambling about. His breath was drenched in alcohol. I feel like I almost got drunk off the fumes alone when he spoke. No surprise when he had no recollection of any of it after he woke up from his nap. 
Total guilty pleasure, but the messy look was kind of hot on him. Never seen my friend so disheveled like this, he was always so prim and proper. It’s kind of nice to see him knocked down a few pegs. 
Connor let out a cute yawn before scratching his pits. He gave his scratching hand a quick sniff before settling into a satisfied smile. My dick jumped a little. I feigned ignorance when he regarded me, asking me if I saw that. “I… uh…no. Definitely not.” 
“Sure dude.” Now fully aware of my stare, Connor continued scratching at himself. “You’re seeing this now though, right?” He ran a hand over his stomach, gently feeling through his defined abs. I kept replaying the event in my head, drooling the delight I just witnessed and at a little daydream of me coming up to to feel this new side of Connor with him. In my daze, I barely noticed my roommate inching closer.
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Plus, did he seem… bigger? Though I can’t say I’ve ever seen the guy without a shirt on so I guess I just never noticed. Regardless, this version of Connor was fucking hot. Looks like he’s got a tat too. Hot. 
“Baby if you’re gonna keep looking, you might as well have a taste.” He laughed warmly. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. In my stunned state, I couldn’t do anything beyond stare at him in disbelief as a vascular hand that seemed larger than it should be guided mine around his perky ass. God what a nice ass. I still recoiled out of the sheer absurdity in the situation. Try as I might, I couldn’t wrap my brain around the idea of this Connor. It’s like he was two different people. Well, I definitely liked this version of my friend more. I’m still drooling over what just happened.
“Another time, then,” he chuckled before walking to his room. 
Weird. Connor never really shut his door other than to sleep. Guess he was tired or something. 
Well shit, I totally misread all of that. Today, I thought I saw that same glint of intrigue in his eyes and decided to risk it. Conner was just sitting in his boxers eating cereal and I was just standing there, a few feet behind. I couldn’t help it. My hand instinctively reached out and the cupped the outline of his ass. Perky. It was cute and compact and plump but definitely had a bit of muscle behind it. I regretted the action immediately. 
“…The fuck dude?” He gently whispered. It was more bewilderment than anything. Fuck. He was incredulous and I couldn’t blame him. Anger raged inside him, I could tell. But neither of us knew what to do in the situation. We stood there, staring at each other for what felt like hours before I relented.
In shame I could barely stammer out a shameful “s-sorry” before I slunk back to my room, bright red. 
I fucked up.
Okay. Scratch everything I just said. Connor is fucking with me. He’s got to be. He strode around the apartment half naked, humming a quiet tune to himself. Sure. Fine, I guess. Whatever. But as soon as he noticed me on the couch working on an essay, he walked over and gave me a hug from behind. Oh my god that hug. Connor was a lean dude, but I swear his muscles were fucking bulging, like they were barely contained in his skin. He wrapped those thick pythons over my shoulders and chest and I just about melted on the spot. I’m pretty sure I moaned a little too. Who wouldn’t? Wrapped in his warm embrace, surrounded by this man- I was his for that moment. I tensed up on the spot. I knew he didn’t swing that way, so I don’t know what he was trying but there was no way I would fall for what I could only assume was some kind of trap. 
He spoke in a tone laced in sex. It set me off in a way I didn’t expect. This was a side of Connor I’ve never seen, a tone of Connor I’ve never heard- an experience of Connor I’ve never had. It was a Connor I never knew I needed.
“I’ve seen the way you look at this body. You’re not very subtle.” In the faintest of whispers, he leaned in until his lips were barely touching my ear. My dick was already rock hard in anticipation- I was practically bursting at the seams and I’m sure he had a great view of it. “Just say the word and ‘Connor’ is yours”. 
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With a control and a willpower I never had before, I refrained from kissing this boy- from putting myself all over him on the spot. I mentally cursed at my friend. ‘What the fuck are you playing at Connor?’ 
His hot, damp breath caressed my ear in its own embrace as I stood my ground, unmoving like stone. “Got to hand it to you, bro, you put up a really good fight. It’s okay. I love a good fight. Makes victory taste all the more sweeter.” The feel of Connor’s thick, defined fingers running through my hair and wet, slimy tongue across my cheek. He rolled his body forward, so the pulse through his abs would be felt across the back of my neck. From this spot, he was downright imposing. His guns went in for another caress- this time wrapping across my cheeks and around my chin.
“You know I love you bro… This body’s straight as an arrow. But it’s my body- I’ll go gay for you if you want”. What the fuck. Oh god I got a bit of his sweat on my cheek too. My eyes fluttered, body entrapped in a spell of my own hormones reacting to my friend’s advances.
Connor broke me. I shivered on the spot, leaned up to the man, moaned an “Oh fuck…Connor I-I need you. I-” before he cut me off. “Well bro, kind of looks like you still got some work today- you have fun with that.” He laughed coldly. He was fucking with me.
That whole exchange was really fucking weird, cause just a few hours later, it was back to pure awkward silence between us. Like a flip of a switch, the every energy he exuded around me could only be described as “uncomfortable”. I wanted to talk to him, to speak with him about earlier, to tell him I wanted him the same way. Something about those eyes read differently though. They read the same Connor I had been used to until recently. I decided to hold my tongue. Something about this situation wasn’t adding up.
Also I’m pretty sure this kid needs to see a doctor or something. I swear the guy doesn’t sleep- he’s out every night and then I see his tired ass drag himself to class every morning. Rushing a frat? Weird drugs? Could have been a host of things. 
Now 4 days since the incident last week. Thankfully he hasn’t brought it up- nor has he brought up whatever the fuck yesterday was. If it was even real. I sweat and stumble over my sentences in every conversation I make with him. I flash back to what he said to me. God, this was all too much. Every time I try to focus myself, focus on whatever he was talking to me about, I couldn’t help but think of the Connor that visited me yesterday night. 
Maybe, maybe it was just a hallucination. Maybe I dreamed it all up. I was working on an essay for hours. The whole encounter could have easily been a dream. He’s been going out every night too, so it’s not like he could have been speaking to me that coherently. Still. That didn’t make it any better. Whether or not he knew it, Connor was a demon in my life. 
I shamefully admit I totally jacked off to that little exchange from yesterday after he left. Grabbed some used Connor-scented garments off his hamper and exploded all over myself in a Connor-themed session. Nothing like the exquisite gym-soaked clothes from a week ago, but it was enough. It was still Connor. My eyes rolled up to the back of my head in pleasure as I took a breath, basking in the afterglow and the scent of forest and earth and faintest lingering musk of Connor in my nose. Connor was everything to me and, hallucination or not, I committed yesterday’s events to memory. 
-Still Tuesday-
Shitshitshit. Definitely not a dream. I caught the son of a bitch. In the dead of night, I caught him sneaking in from a dark corner of the room. Like a figure manifest from the shadows itself. He was holding some silver figurine in his hand, reciting some odd words, before he lunged at the sleeping Connor. He gave my roommate a quick sniff before scoffing. “Bro you have to stop cleaning all your nice smells away… With that the stranger pulled at the corners of Connor’s mouth. I watched as my roommate’s skin was forced to accommodate the man’s muscular calves. 
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I watched as the stranger pulled Connor every further up himself. Damn, even in the dark I could tell the man was ripped. When his head finally slotted into where Connor’s skull would be, and Connor’s face was stretched being pulled, I saw the immediate change in my friend’s demeanor. This was the guy who’s been fucking with me recently. This was why Connor looked so buff lately. I couldn’t see the man who jumped inside my best friend, but I could never wipe that smug smile he wore through Connor’s face. 
The smell that originated from inside Connor, the same smell I experienced a week ago. God I loved that scent. It permeated throughout the room. Best friend concentrate. Like a humid, musky, grime that clung to the very air and decorated my nostrils. I never wanted his scent out of me again. I felt like I was inhaling Connor himself, regarding a newly discovered private part of my friend.
My stomach churned in a mix of anticipation and horror. Sweat beaded at my temples. Gotta admit, this was kind of hot. I had to figure out what I was gonna do about this. Self-preservation kicked in and I fled to my room, taking special attention to ensure I did not alert the man inside Connor. Not like he’d notice anyways- dude was feeling himself up almost immediately after he slipped inside. 
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It’s like clockwork at this point. The “other” Connor came back early in the morning from a wild night out, before passing out on our couch as I was finally able to speak with my friend. Impossibly tired eyes looked back at me. He gave a weak grimace. “Must have passed out again….Uh.. can I help you man?” My heart sank. Could I really tell him this? My poor roommate. “No, uh.. do you want any breakfast?”.
I could tell he had meant to say yes. He motioned as much, before staring at my face and turning away. Fuck. He was definitely still put off by last week’s advance. I honestly don’t blame him. “N-no. I got it. Thanks.” 
I grimaced awkwardly before shrugging and walking to fix myself some breakfast. This would complicate things. And I couldn’t do that to Connor. I needed to find a way to fix this without him knowing. Evidently, his body being used and worn out like an evening jacket was taking its toll on him. Despite whatever we were going through, he was still my friend. And I couldn’t in good faith add more to that burden. 
“Hey, one of the guys from the gym’s coming over for dinner, that cool?” 
“Yeah man, I’ll just order some extra pizza,” I said back, sighing internally in relief at some semblance of normalcy.
-Still Wednesday -
I met Connor’s gym friend. To be honest, already forgot his name. He gave me a wink when he shook my hand and I couldn’t stop staring all dinner. I think even Connor picked up on it. He looked almost jealous with all the attention I usually gave him being directed at the stranger. The stranger asked to use the bathroom, and I wanted to let him know how to get to it, but he seemed to already know the path.
“Hey bro, is it cool if I stay the night?“ I nodded automatically, lost in deep thought.
There’s something peculiar about the Connor’s gym friend. And I didn’t notice it until I was already in bed. Then hit me like a brick. 
That fucking smirk. 
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If anyone knows who this guy is, please let me know… for.. uh.. research purposes.
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