#i bought 1 on bandcamp and it’s so good
beyond-a-name · 1 year
Top five music albums of the 2010's :3
Oh god I have to actually think about what came out in the 2010s. Uhhhhhhhhhh
1. Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino by The Arctic Monkeys: This is one of the first times I really excitedly bought an album and listened to it as a cohesive artistic piece, rather than just as background music or something I got with family. It is one of the few albums I let take up the very limited storage on my phone, and it is the first album I was interested in enough to research its meaning and concept. 10/10
(Uhhh okay I gotta go look up some other albums I'll be back.) [Exit stage right]
[Some time passes.]
Okay I'm back and I have reviewed albums.
2. Unearthing the Sentience by Beyond Flesh: So first off, I discovered this album this year through a friend of mine, and I absolutely love it. It's a technical death metal producer duo that released this and another album (the other one came out in 2020 and so doesn't count for this :/). It is entirely instrumental, but each song is so distinct. It'll introduce a concept, put a few spins on it, then tie it all together in a beautiful conclusion. The songwriting methodology honestly reminds me of Super Mario level design (as laid out by GMTK on youtube) in its expressive focus. Half of the duo, Juan Carlos Hernández, has genuinely become one of my favourite artists of all time. I have not yet had the pleasure of exploring his whole discography, but what I have thus far listened to has been extraordinary. Every piece is an imaginative journey that I delight in being swept up in. If you want to enrich your musical tastes a little more, you can find more of his work spread out across a few different bandcamps (his dungeon synth/ambience/fantasy works, his doom metal project, and his other works) or check out the occasional work posted to his tumblr at @imsobadatnicknames2. The works are entirely prolific and delightful, and this album in particular has been one of few that's started me getting into more metal. 11/10
3. Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me: I also found this one this year, and it was recommended through another friend. Amazing punk music about being trans (and other topics, of course). I had shown great interest in punk culture and aesthetic approaches, but this was a really good deliberate foray into the music itself that resonated with me personally (I'm a trains). The album was released after the singer and frontwoman came out as a trans woman, and it heavily centres her experience in doing so in a way that is really provocative and heartfelt. Some of the songs seem, I guess the word is insecure? In a way I don't really resonate with, but I guess that's the point, isn't it? The first two songs, Transgender Dysphoria Blues and True Trans Soul Rebel, have been permanently etched into my heart. I also really like Paralytic States. Really good to listen to as a full album. 10/10
4. Morning Coffee Chillhop Lo Fi Electronic Mix by Various Artists: "But wait!" I hear you exclaim. "That's not an album, it's just a youtube lofi mix!" Yes. Anyway, this mix has been my absolute favourite since I first heard it, and it really kickstarted my exploration of lofi. Like before this I was checking it out, but upon hearing this, I was well and truly hooked. The first song overlays audio from a tv scene (I think it's twin peaks?) about rewarding yourself every day, ("Every day, give yourself a present,") and it's a lovely sentiment to begin an album a mix on. the use of additional audio throughout is typical for lofi, but it is used to great effect here to elevate the music it's played over rather than obscure it while rendering each song distinct. It was also the first time (or at least most memorable time) I heard something like that. I do not know the name of a single song on this mix, and if I ever lose access to it, I will kill everyone within a five kilometer radius. 10/10
5. Starbomb's Self-Titled Debut Album: This is a comedy album around video games composed of several Game Grumps members, and I bought it as a teenager and listened to it front to back maybe more times than I got a good night's sleep. I'm not really into Game Grumps anymore, and now I kind of tend to skip NSP (other Game Grumps-adjacent band) when it comes up on older playlists of mine. But like, I couldn't un-memorize this thing even if I wanted to, and it is somehow one of like 6 albums still on my phone (Tranquility Base was unwittingly bought on Google Play Music and did not outlast its end) even since getting a new phone. Even the Caravan Palace album, while it's still on my device, didn't soundtrack my teenagedom nearly as pervasively, and it does not stand out as much as the other entries here (you should still listen though). I can sing along flawlessly to every track, and it is lovingly catalogued by that dorky teenager I carry in me as I keep growing through adulthood. It's my alarms sometimes. I want to rate it lower, but I have loved it too entirely for too long. 10/10
Surprise Bonus Play!!!!!!!! (Woa!) (Honourable Mention)
6. Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 by The Flaming Lips: This one is maybe cheating a bit as it's a greatest hits album, but whatever. I initially bought this on impulse as a gift for a friend for his birthday (I bought myself one as well), and I fell in love with how silly the song names and premises were. We all loved it, and had a blast listening to it via his playstation, then later in the car when we went camping together. I genuinely did not realize that it might be a somewhat well-known band before I saw the inclusion of one of their songs in the game Hi-Fi Rush. (Hint: They are very well-known. They have many awards and a long history. Their discography has its own wikipedia article seperate from their main article. I didn't know any of this until I came to wrote this.) I especially like "She Don't Use Jelly," which aside from being very funny, also implies a delicious toast recipe which I wholeheartedly recommend everybody try. 10/10
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malevolentcast · 2 years
ᕕ( ᐛ ) ᕗ dances into your ask box once again with some more questions cuz you've been kind enough to answer all my previous ones. (Thank you for that btw!) 1) There are certain interactions that have incoherent whispering behind them. As well as some phrases with slightly comprehensible words underneath them. Are the BG whispers significant to anything or are they just for atmosphere? 2) In s1 when John claimed to not have any memory, were there times where he purposefully kept information from Arthur as things started piecing together for him? Or did he genuinely not remember anything and was learning it along side Arthur as they had all those crazy little adventures. 3) I've bought all your instrumental songs on bandcamp cuz they are lovely and sad. I was wondering if there's any chance you would be able to add Faroe's song from the music box as well? I love a good music box melody. 4) Will we ever find out in more detail what happened to Arthur's parents? 5) And finally, will we ever find out what caused Arthur to open John's book or will it forever remain a mystery open for interpretation? Also, to go along with my compliment last time of your voice work being fantastic... I'd also like to say, your emotional voice acting is some of the best ive personally heard in a podcast and gosh does it hurt but it's so very good. (Expect another ask from me as i go through this podcast for a 3rd time within like...2 weeks)
Some whispers are significant, others are not! I can't tell you which ;)
He kept stuff hidden but not the big reveals
Oh wow thank you! That's Faroe's Lullaby! Should be there...
Over time, I'm sure
All will be revealed in the end... Thank you so much! Oh wow! I don't see myself as a voice actor so that means a lot!
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golikehellmachine · 2 years
thanksgiving playlist extravaganza, pt. 1
i got busy last week with work and with life, and didn’t get around to putting together a friday playlist, which bothers no one other than myself, and doesn’t bother me that much, either.
but, since thanksgiving is coming up this week in the united states, and i’ll be spending a lot of time in the kitchen, i thought it might be fun to make a larger list to keep you company while you mash your potatoes or stuff your turkey or just stock up on wine and order takeout. 
this is part 1 — tumblr limits you to ten bandcamp links per post, which seems reasonable, so i’ve broken it up into three lists with the occasional youtube link when bandcamp fails me. next edition on tuesday, final edition on thursday. 
charlie megira | tower of tongues
CHARLIE MEGIRA has always seemed a little tragic to me; he was always a man out of step and out of time. he’s hard to pin down, genre-wise, because he jumped around a lot, which wouldn’t have been a problem today, but in the pre-streaming era, could make it tough for people to discover and stick with you. this particular song is from his post-punk era, and until listening to this record for the first time in months, i did not realize how much of modern post-punk (e.g., soft kill) you can hear in this. 
creature party | digital addiction
CREATURE PARTY are locals here in portland who we caught the other night, playing in the basement of the shanghai tunnel bar, which may (or, as it turns out, mostly like may not) have been the site of countless abductions, a gateway to a dangerous and unpleasant life of servitude at sea. in reality, most men who were sold into servitude were just drugged and then defrauded. 
i don’t have a good transition here, i just wanted to clear up a common misconception.
creature party were a delightful riot live. sound-wise, they’re very definitely a pacific northwest band, and you can hear the usual indie influences there (sleater-kinney is probably the easiest and laziest reference i can think of), but there’s plenty more to like here, because there’s just as much weirdo, lo-fi, fuzzy B-52s in this sound as there is pacific northwestern indie. 
laura jane grace | lolo 13
approximately 5,700 years ago, i lived next door to AGAINST ME! in a triplex across the street from gainesville punk greats BITCHIN’ and caddy corner from former floridian lumberjack and all-around man of bellows, CHUCK RAGAN. the late 90s were a pretty wild time to live in gainesville, florida. i would not have predicted LAURA JANE GRACE would’ve become who she’s become at that time, but i’m not sure i would’ve predicted anyone from that time would be doing anything they’re doing now — caroline from BITCHIN’ was in RUSSIAN DOLL! 
i haven’t really kept up with LJG in recent years because i’m just not huge into acoustic folk-punk anymore, but this record has a lot more depth than i thought it was going to, and i consider myself corrected and reminded to stop writing things off just because i think i know what they’ll sound like. 
surface to air missive | rosy
these folks (or, well, this folk) is new to me, but i really enjoy SURFACE TO AIR MISSIVE. there are plenty of influences you can hear here, and plenty of influence-influences you can hear, as well — not only can you hear some of THE SMITHS or even NEUTRAL MILK HOTEL here, you can hear the bands who influenced them. i don’t know much more about this band beyond knowing that it’s a one-man show, which is impressive. normally, one-person bands tend to fall apart when it comes to drums, but these are solid throughout. 
katie morey | trial by fire
i bought this record earlier this year, and keep coming back to it as a recommendation, even though i have a hard time pinning down exactly what i like about it. it’s got a specific sound which i nonetheless can’t quite put my finger on, but it definitely comes from the early 1970s. lots of heavy reverb, electric piano and quietly competent drumming. it’s a fantastic sunday morning record all the way through, which i can’t recommend enough, even while being unable to explain what, specifically it is that grabs me. 
kid congo powers | peanuts
KID CONGO POWERS is a legend who has played with so many underground greats and who it’s nice to see is finally beginning to get a little more recognition. he just released a book, which is on my christmas list, documenting his time through THE GUN CLUB, THE CRAMPS, NICK CAVE AND THE BAD SEEDS and more, and anyone who comes out alive on the other side of a history like that is definitely worth listening to. further, kid congo’s got a unique perspective as a gay man who was out and proud from very early on, even when the punk and underground scenes were nowhere near as tolerant as they’d eventually become. you can definitely hear his CRAMPS years in this track, but kid congo’s got his own thing going on that’s worth considering on it’s own.
sea power | be gone (demo)
SEA POWER (formerly british sea power) have picked up a lot of new fans in recent years because of their score for disco elysium, which is undeniably great, but, for me, open season is always going to be the record to beat. the original release is pretty unassailable, but, as is their way, sea power also tends to release their demo and early versions, and they’re always a delight to pick through. this version of be gone has the lovely melody of the original, but is quieter and doesn’t have the same bombastic, big sound that the initial release did. if you like listening to how songs can evolve for a band from when they’re written to when they’re recorded, this one’s a great example. 
lee fields | i should have let you be
of course, he didn’t go anywhere, but we’ve lost so many soul and R&B greats in recent years that it’s always a relief to see one continuing to put out great work. fields got back together with daptone records this year to release this, and the whole record is fantastic. this song has his signature sound with a really interesting, almost beatles-esque bridge right in the middle of it. the whole record’s fantastic and a well-welcomed return and i can’t recommend it enough. 
reigning sound | falling rain
i’ll never not be bummed out that cartwright called an end to the REIGNING SOUND before i got the chance to catch them live, though cartwright’s an industrious and restless guy who’ll have something new and exciting to check out soon enough. this one comes from shattered, which wasn’t my favorite record when it came out, but has really, really grown on me. i mean, i recommend literally every single one of their records, but if you’ve got to start somewhere, shattered isn’t a bad place to start. 
murder by death | my evergreen
given that it’s a thanksgiving playlist, a few christmas songs are bound to find their way in, and, well, would you look at that, here’s one of them! MURDER BY DEATH are one of my all-time favorites, and it’s entirely in character that they’d put together a christmas record. all of it is fun, but this cover of the SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS my evergreen manages to take what was, originally, a good-enough christmas effort and elevate to something profoundly nostalgic, bittersweet, and lovely. my partner and i have a hard rule about not playing this one until after thanksgiving, but i feel like we’re close enough that you should get to start working it into your holiday playlists now. 
that’s it for this list; i’ll have another one up on tuesday to continue the thurday cooking extravaganza. 
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wwwdlabrie · 2 years
Tumblr media
As a kid I had dream to get out hood, make music, use art and voice to change the world , travell the🌏🌎🌍 & help friends & fam+ community improve situation. I imagined, hustled hard,day dedicated myself to my passions, ignored doubters, endured the obstacles ,10,000 hrs,but naturally in my desperate conditions growing up in #Oakland believed odds were against me making it to 25... This Audio/Visual Album #MrNETW3RK named after my given alias, nickname, alter ego was not beginning of career but opening 1/3 of my crazy life story. Gotta 👀👀👂🏽👂 it to believe This start of healing ,my 1st masterpiece , blood sweat & tears, my Global tribute to #HipHop from Unique perspective of #TheTown Some got it,Some didn't,Some ignored,Some picked it a part, Most overlooked naturally because there was NO major machine behind. Im positive w/ lots of support me & @infinatepro created a timeless project, mark on music , history, rap & culture. Legacy will be understood soon enough as we plan to complete the trilogy in 2023 As @rdv_promo prepares final stages of Sequel. Wanted to reflect on my biggest project to date and give every1 a chance to #FollowtheJourney Thanks to everyone who bought/listened to album or singles for watched the connected Visuals. Helped promote, DJs /Radio who played it, Graphic designers & directors who helped create this story & all fans who talked about it good or bad.. If you haven't got to check it out, no hard feelings but interested in your feedback. True supporters if you #Proudtopay Go purchase all of these albums & matching singles @bandcamp + Watch the Videos @youtube Album will back on #Streaming soon. Lookout for part 1.5,2,2.5, 3 all coming soon + related Book , Documentary , Film #Bandvamp Scroll thru graphics each single & accompanying visual is like a chapter or episode or puzzle piece. "I can rhyme & sell, cosigned by Del, designed in hell, im lost Let me find myself I remember hungry nights on the grind for Delf And no label F' wit me So I signed Myself" ~ DLabrie (song title) #DLabrie #RonDavouxRecords #RDV #RDVpromo #Bandcamp #Youtube #Applemusuc #Spotify #Tidal (at Bandcamp) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl4wCVJSVux/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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metalhead-brainrot · 9 months
[Album of the day] Weeping Coffin - F.B.I.
Ravenloft, USA // 2022 // Grime Stone Records
[Genres] blackened skate punk
[Themes] I'm nostalgic about gothic horror strip malls of my youth
[FFO] dungeon synth/black metal, Abysmal Specter, D.R.I. with corpse paint, vampire anything/everything
[Thoughts] I don't have a ton to say about this particular release, just that I fucking love it. Both ds/bm and skate punk give me nostalgia for my mallrat youth, their union is something I wouldn't have considered but feels so right.
Abysmal Specter is the ghoul behind Weeping Coffin and about a dozen other projects, including: Bloody Keep, Curta'n Wall, and ds/bm CLASSIC Old Nick* (vox). He is an incredibly prolific musician and one of the bigger names in the contemporary dungeon synth scene. And for good reason: everything AS puts out is creative dungeon synth music. Whether it's raw black metal, punk, ambient dungeon synth, or ds/bm, Abysmal Specter's music is full of humor.** They're mostly solo projects, but you can always count on AS to throw you something catchy and twice-cooked in aesthetic.
This feels as good a time as any to talk about Grime Stone Records, one of my favorite independent record labels, considering they host all of Abysmal Specter's music.*** GSR does an impeccable job curating all things ds/bm, simply stated.**** I subscribed to the label on Bandcamp about 2.5 years ago, so for $3/month I get all their releases; usually GSR strives for 3 releases/month, so that comes out to about $1/album, which I know will be an excellent indie pick. Consider subscribing to GSR***** and other Bandcamp labels, it's the best way to sustainably support indie music. At the very least, consider "Following" a label on Bandcamp to get notified of their new releases.
If you like any of the music on here, feel free to add to the conversation. I'd love to chat about Abysmal Specter, GSR, or anything else I've mentioned.
o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::>
* Did you know that the guitarist for Old Nick, Sentencer, is Abysmal Specter's sister?
** And usually vampires, like all good black metal.
*** In my head AS is the one who operates GSR, but I don't know if I simply made that up as head canon.
**** What follows is an unabridged list of my favorite releases on the label, many of them recent.
Jacc - Cathartic Sorrow and Jacc - Melancholic Bliss; just really solid black metal that dropped on the label recently.
THEE KHAI AEHM - Samhainia! and THEE KHAI AEHM - Parrier; black metal stylings with garage punk and fuzz rock ends. Really interesting, I haven't heard anything like this before.
Piyakdu - Visionnes ov Naeku the'e Plowmanne; might look ridiculous on first blush, but this dungeon synth release is objectively high art. From the Bandcamp page: "The album seeks to view the contemporary Bharari lore under the 14th century Middle-English lens of theological allegory, dream-vision, and pastoral lyricism, all the while presenting a cohesive sonic journey tying these elements of the past and of the present together. The tunes are ripe with summertime nostalgia and visions of a time long forgotten."
Dungeon Crawler - Gotta Go Dungeon Crawling; blackened chiptune, the official 2023 soundtrack to getting really high and turning on your PS2. "Blackned Nintendocore Manifesto" is maybe my favorite mosh track of the year. Only wish it were longer so I didn't have to keep hitting play.
Curta'n Wall - Siege Ubsessed!; yes, I already linked to this album, but what can I say: I'm siege ubsessed (I even bought the shirt). Some silly ds/bm to bring home the wanton destruction of the medieval era. FFO: Renaissance Festivals, Monty Python.
Dein​ó​ssa​û​ros - Tyrannosaurids; some people are going to write off this release, but I think it's high art. Black metal is all about rejecting colonial structures and reverting to primitivism; this album captures the savage spirit of black metal through realistic dinosaur audio. Best served with a psychoactive; my preferred are amanita muscara mushroom chocolates.
Zhmach - Karyta Dzieda Platona; raw black metal with above-average production and avant-garde interests. I really liked Zhmach's first release, and I feel like Karyta Dzieda Platona is a true hidden gem. An truly uninhibited exploration of synth music.
SPECTRAL SPECTRUM - Strange Souls Vol. 1; a candlelit ritual from a dusty tome summoned the catchiest black'n'roll ever found, a genre that is best when it doesn't take itself too seriously. You'll listen to this and write me off as a fucking idiot, but I only grow in power every time you sing the chorus to "Haunted Wood" (it's a black metal multi-level marketing scheme, call it a bmlm).
***** I have no fucking idea where the subscription page went for GSR and it's driving me mad. You could always try contacting them.
0 notes
tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 11 months
Round-up of new stand-up I’ve seen/heard in the last week:
Hari Kondabolu – Waiting for 2042 (2013), New Material Night Volume 1 (2013), Mainstream American Comic (2016), New Material Night Volume 2 (2012-2018)
This completed my Hari Kondabolu collection, which I should have done ages ago. I really liked him from The Bugle, so a while ago I watched the things by him that I could find for free (his Problem with Apu documentary, his 2017 Netflix special, his 2023 special that he put on YouTube). He also had all this other stuff on Bandcamp, which is great and I absolutely believe in buying things on Bandcamp if they’re available there because it’s the best way for the biggest proportion of your money to go to the artist. However, I’ve had lots of stuff in my Bandcamp cart this year and I’ve been spreading out my purchases, and hadn’t gotten to Hari Kondabolu. I’d love to say I finally decided to pay for his stuff there, but actually, my mother found an iTunes gift card in her basement and gave it to me because I’m the only person she knows who still uses iTunes to organize my music. So I bought it there, which is less good for the artist than Bandcamp and it supports Apple and everything, but it also benefits him way more than it would if I streamed it on Spotify, so it’s not that bad.
Anyway. This was overall really good, and made me think it should have come higher on the list. The is a weird thing for me to have started noticing, but I think Hari Kondabolu is one of the comedians who’s closest to making the type of jokes I’d like to make, in my own illustrious comedy career (a career that so far consists of four six-minute open spots, three of which have gone relatively well and one that was a disaster, and I’m booked for my fifth spot this Monday, so obviously I’m ready to compare myself to Hari Kondabolu). That’s a thing I’ve started noticing, as I’ve started trying to write stuff myself at the same time as listening to this stuff.
Weirdly, I think the only other person who’s made me think “this is the approach to comedy that I’d like to take” as much as Hari Kondabolu does is Pierre Novellie, and those two comedians are quite different from each other, so I’m not quite sure what makes me think that about both of them. They have no similarities in topic or even style, but there might be something in common in the mechanics of the jokes, if you take them apart to see how they were made. I love how well they all fit together. It’s fortunate that Hari Kondabolu’s topics are about what it’s like to be an Indian-American man living in New York City, so even if I want to do what he does, I couldn’t steal his actual jokes, even subconsciously. Pierre Novellie, meanwhile, talks about what it’s like to be a pedant with what was once called Asperger’s Syndrome who used to be really into reading fantasy novels, so… I’ll just have to use willpower to avoid repeating those ones.
Anyway. The point is that I love the way Hari Kondabolu writes. He’s not writing Edinburgh-style themed comedy hours or anything, but he’s still got a lot of structure for an American, I think. I love that he released the two new material albums; they feel genuinely, to use to term that I feel slightly cliché for using, raw. There’s one bit where he makes a joke about his girlfriend and then gets upset when he realizes she’s in the audience because he’d thought she’d be somewhere else that night, which of course gets bigger laughs than his actual jokes, and I might assume that was staged, except that it did significantly derail the conclusion to which he’d been methodically building for some time. You’d think if he'd planned it, he’d have planned it better than that. So I’m pretty sure he really was just recording a night no matter how chaotic it turned.
The first new material album is all from one night in 2013. A bit of that material ended up on his 2016 album – little enough so it doesn’t feel like you’re paying for the same stuff twice by buying both, but enough so it’s interesting to hear how it developed within a few years. His second new material album is his favourite jokes of all the stuff he recorded at this comedy club in Seattle where he worked stuff out between 2012 and 2018. Obviously that one’s less coherent, as it wasn’t all part of the same night. But there was some quite good jokes in there.
I love how carefully planned a lot of his jokes seem. Also, when listening to them in chronological order, you can see how he gets more confident in it. He tries for more ambitious structure, lets himself go longer in between punchlines for the sake of a bigger payoff. On his episode of the Comedian’s Comedian podcast, which I think is one of the best I’ve heard, he talks about how he learned that you can do this from Stewart Lee, and got better at slowing down and planning out his sets after getting into Stewart Lee’s stuff. A statement that sounds trite if made in a British accent, as British comedians trying to imitate Stewart Lee are a dime a dozen. But Americans could maybe use a few more people trying to imitate Stewart Lee, and it works really well for Hari Kondabolu.
He does not actually sound like Stewart Lee in any way, I wouldn’t recognize the influence if I hadn’t heard him talk about it in an interview, but now that I have, I can see how he drew his jokes out more and more as the years went on. Also, the breadth of subjects of his references are almost Lee-esque, though Hari Kondabolu has a fair bit more pop culture in there alongside the more obscure stuff.
Anyway, I’ve gotten unnecessarily technical about this, so I think I should also mention that the shows made me laugh. Content-wise, it’s about what I’d expect from Hari Kondabolu. Mainly political stuff, about race in America and racism in America and gentrification in New York. The occasionally story about his life. A breadth of references from highbrow to lowbrow, humour often coming from the oddness of combining the two. Occasionally making the structure of a joke part of what’s funny, which I always enjoy.
More references than I’d have liked to Tumblr, not because I find them offensive or anything (they were all jokes about how he doesn’t want to get shamed on Tumblr for the way you could take something he’s said out of context and wildly misinterpret it to be politically incorrect, which is fair enough because Tumblr has absolutely been known to do that, though I’d say these days you’re less likely to see that sort of thing here than on Twitter or elsewhere), I just don’t like famous comedians knowing Tumblr exists. It’s okay though, because all his mentions of Tumblr are from pre-2015. Everyone knows Tumblr used to exist, they all just think it died in 2015, and I would like them all to continue to believe that. And by “them”, I mean all celebrities, and also everyone else besides the small number of fucking nerds who hang out here. Like I’ve said before, I don’t know how people do Twitter. Make posts about James Acaster or whatever while knowing James Acaster might actually see it (terrible example because he famously quit Twitter, but imagine I’d said anyone else instead).
Dan Rath – Cockroach Party (2022)
I listened to this one because this Taskmaster season has kicked my level of Sam Campbell fandom up a couple of notches, to the point where I’m willing to check someone out based on having read that they may be vaguely similar to Sam Campbell. I read that about this guy, also saw he was recommended by Daniel Kitson this year, and that was enough for me to find his special that’s on the ABC Comedy Podcasts thing (which people should check out if they’re interested in Australian comedy, there are a few good ones in there, my favourite by far being the Alice Fraser one).
I see where the comparison comes from. He’s a bit Campbell-esque in that he throws joke after joke at you in fairly quick succession, they seem unconnected and largely are but then there will be underlying connections and sometimes he’ll stay on a subject for a while, and despite this he’s not a one-liner comic. Not a long storyteller, not a Milton Jones-like one-liner guy, just a whole bunch of observations in a row, some grounded and some more surreal. Sam Campbell and Dan Rath both do that, though based on this one special, I’d say Dan Rath goes quite a bit darker. Seems less big on props and things, but bigger on jokes about death.
I’d also compare him to Sam Campbell in that it’s kind of a fun game to try to work out where he is at a given moment, in the space between reality and a character. A few times he went on a rant for a quite a while, and I assumed we’d left reality behind ages ago, but then he’d connect a few things and say something that sounded sincere and I’d think I could maybe see the little bit of his “real” personality on which he based this. It seems like keeping you guessing is part of the fun.
He had some really good jokes, and at times they change direction so fast that it’s hard to get complacent about expecting them, which means he can make me laugh on an impressive number of new instances in a fairly short time. I enjoyed it. I recommend it to anyone who likes… whatever that sort of thing is.
Greg Larsen – We All Have Bloody Thoughts (2023)
I went into this one thinking it would be similar to the above, as I had once seen someone mention that Greg Larsen is another Australian comedian who’s a bit like Sam Campbell and Dan Rath. And he made a couple of mentions in this show of how he has done stuff like that before, so maybe this one was a departure for him. Because it was different from what I expected – more storytelling-based stand-up, more of the conventional themed hour. But fortunately, I very much like a good storytelling-based themed stand-up hour, and this was a good one of those.
It was really well put together, I thought. A bunch of funny stories in a row, getting increasingly serious in their topic (but not in the way he told them) as they went along. I said recently that all the comedians are scrambling for a USP that hasn’t been used before, and I think he’s got one. I haven’t heard a hundred other comedians tell stories about their days as a goth metalhead teenager. I haven’t heard a hundred other comedians before tell stories about – I don’t want to spoil too much about a show that’s touring now, but he’s got a sexual orientation that you don’t hear about much.
And the topic that he picked to tie it all together was one I was surprised to realize I don’t think I’ve heard done much, as it’s such a common part of life. Maybe I have heard it done, but not from this perspective. I’ve heard comedians tell stories about how it sucks to work in customer service. Haven’t heard many tell those stories while pointing out something deeper behind them, how capitalism interacts with mental health and physical health and fucks everything up, how a shit low-paying job makes people quite justified if they want to engage in a bit of class warfare. He brought in all that stuff, adding layers to what could otherwise be really run-of-the-mill “working a service job sucks” stories, and the result is something with depth and everything, but it’s also really funny.
Then he builds on that, in ways I guess I won’t detail because I’m trying to have a vague policy of not getting to spoiler-y about still-touring shows, but it gets deeper and better as it goes along, it gets personal and also gets political and also ties the personal and political together, and I’ve said before that any show that does all three of those things and does them well will become a favourite of mine. I liked this one a lot.
Natalie Palamides – Nate: A One Man Show (2020)
Fucking hell. I went into this one with no expectations – I’d just heard she was a very good American comedian, so I thought I’d try it without looking her up. I… I should maybe have looked her up. It was very good, certainly. But I should maybe have gone in prepared for what I was going to get. I’d expected conventional stand-up, and then she rode in on a motorcycle in drag, so I thought, okay, it’s character comedy and there are props. That’s fine. I’ve gotten into Zoe Coombs Marr recently, I can enjoy a female comedian doing stand-up while dressed as a male caricature with a physical injury and a lot going on on stage.
It turned out to be quite a bit more intense than a Zoe Coombs Marr show. And quite a bit more theatrical. I looked it up afterward and learned that it’s won a bunch of awards for theatre and stuff, I think it’s a lot closer to physical theatre than to regular stand-up. Is this what people mean when they say “clowning”? I’m never sure what people mean, this might be some of it. It also got fairly x-rated, and pointing that out makes me feel about 100 years old, because obviously cool people who actually go see theatre like this are used to that and would barely notice. But I am not one of those people. I wasn’t offended by it or anything, I was just surprised and distracted by the novelty of it, because I am cultural philistine and/or 100-year-old who is not used to seeing people remove their clothing and wave around facsimiles of genitals on stage.
It also got intense in terms of tackling some stuff about the intricacies of sexual assault in a pretty full-on way, which I think was good as a bit of art, but did make me sort of wish I’d done enough research to read the trigger warning. That wouldn’t have made me avoid it, would just have made me expect it a bit.
Having said all of that, I think this was really good. The character was very funny, The acting was very funny. The themes were good. The points were made, probably, somewhere in all the waving around of things on stage. At one point she brought out a mat and wrestled on audience member, so that’s fun. The interactive elements looked like lots of fun. The costumes were good.
I definitely recommend this one to people who like whatever this is. Which I believe is feminist physical theatre/drag/interactive performance art. But also comedy. Comedy can be anything. Comedy can be melting ice cubes, or so I've heard. Comedy can definitely be wrestling an audience member while wearing fake chest hair and a moustache, if someone wants it to be.
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behindthenerd · 1 year
🎶✨when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Sorry I took forever to answer this. Been busy and music is not something I'm normal about so I wanted to actually sit down and do this right. WANNA HEAR ABOUT MUSIC I ACTUALLY LISTEN TO!?
I'll take you down the latest five songs that have been added to my Spotify playlist "Songs That Live Rent Free". This is a playlist I add a song if I happen to have it still playing in my head to the point of me asking it to stop.
Added five days ago was Waste My Time - Scandroid X Celldweller!
This song came out a day before my birthday. XD I was soooo hyped and it delivers! Klay is both Scandroid and Celldweller, but they projects have very different styles. So when he makes something that mixes those style, he puts both names. This song is kind of has a... punk rock? Vibe? Which is new from Klay! So I really love it. This was originally going to be a song with someone else, but things fell apart and it seems he got to repurpose it for something else!
Next on the playlist is As Above, So Below - Essenger x Cryoshell
So, big bionicle fan that is Essenger... got to collaborate with THE CYROSHELL! For Bionicle day!!! That's so coool!!!! I love both of these artists, so for both to get together and make a banger? Oh my gosh I'm not normal about it. The way Ess mixes both his style with Cyroshell? Chef kiss... AND ESSENGER SCREAMING? Like these are brand new vocals from him. Apparently he has been training with someone to get those distortions.
Next we got Fight Me, Erebus - Rabbit Junk.
So this is going on the new FiXT Radium collection. I honestly need to listen to Rabbit Junk more. This song is sooo good. That intro gets me every time. So good. I don't have as much to say about this one but it is sooo good.
Next we have Static Eyes - Nouveau Arcade
From their new album, Dead Hearts, we have Static Eyes! It's a very fun song. Synthwave vibes for all your needs. Len always kills it with those vocals. You should go listen to Dead Hearts right now... honestly... You can listen to it most streaming platforms, and buy it off Bandcamp. The guys in the band are super nice.
Now I'm cheating a little... the next on the playlist I don't listen to on the regular. (It is Zydrate Anatomy btw) so I'm going to the one after it, which I actually listen to SO FREAKING MUCH. Like... I listen to it so much I just went ahead and bought it off Bandcamp because the song means so much to me now.
The Last Day of The Universe - Raizer
This song makes me feel things dude... It captures the scene of space so well with just the instrumentals... Anton's vocals makes me want to cry... The only right way to listen to this song is on full blast so the music wraps around you...
And it had a story that wasn't shared in many places? and I think it wasn't translated the best? But from what I remember (take this with a grain of salt) it's about a man and women (I don't remember their names) who fell in love, changed over time, (the man into a robot, the woman into an AI) and they embark on a mission... to witness all of time and space. I just... I feel so many things about it man.
So yeah! Those are my songs. ALLL OF THEM ARE FROM THE FIXT LABEL BLAH BLAH BLAH YEAH I SIMP FOR THE LABEL. But that's because I am on the FiXT Discord! Which is a very fun place. If you wanna talk about the music I linked here, that would be the place. (or my dms lol)
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keytaryourheart · 2 years
Brett Thoughts
I am keytaryourheart so it is time for some key talk. Not Tim Key.. the keyTAR.
I haven’t been blogging about BD lately even tho this technically started as a BD blog. Also my latest hyperfixations have been absolutely bonkers so BD as been put on the back burner so to speak.
So I’m gonna start by recapping the releases of late last year and maybe a little bit of the TikToks.
I’m a Werewolf (Unfortunately)
Solid. I haven’t listened to it much because ehhhhhh. Unfinished business will always be my #1 for halloween and Spook Me Up has the “Please feast on me” line which is CRAZY plus it had the keytar solo. I’m a Werewolf was a little too Tom Cardy for my liking and I do like Tom Cardy but this just didn’t really do it for me unfortunately. UNFORTUNATELY!
Everybody Needs to Know it’s Christmas
This was a revamp, remake, remix, rendition whatever whatever of the how to make a hit christmas song or something and I don’t know the exact name because I believe he’s PRIVATED IT! Goodness gracious. Anyway, the new version is really good so I get if he wants this to be the Final.Version.mp3. Although the original Pinocchio still very much holds up even with the 2020 version out. Oh well. The only thing I didn’t like about this 2022 version was the child choir. One of my biggest musical pet peeves. I just don’t get it. The figgy pudding line makes up for it though.
The Right Side of History
I like this. Like it’s good you know? Yeah.
TikTok has been interesting. He’s having fun, he’s getting views. Good for him.
NOW we can get onto the mother flipping Patreon.
Around 73 people expressed interest in subscribing to a Rob J Madin Patreon and apparently not all have followed through. I know there was a BDT Patreon a while back but that’s defunct.
So the Patreon will give you 1 new single everything month and this month it’s Lola (4-Letter-Word-Song) the sequel kinda to Bin Guy. It’s good. I like it a lot. I never thought I’d hear Brett say the phrase “hits diff” ever in my life. It’s a lot of fun and I got into it immediately. It go me really excited for all the BD stuff to come this year. I’m on the highest tier (I believe) but the first one is still really good and definitely worth it. I’m just a crazy fan which is why I’m forking out.
For the middle and high tier you get stuff from the archives. Which is pretty exciting given how much has been fucking archived LMAO. There are also some sick as discounts for Bandcamp and Vinyl. I’ve already bought mostly everything I want from Bandcamp so that’s not really useful to me. I also normally buy stuff for more than the minimum pay what you want anyway. I also already have the Keytar Your Heart Vinyl. Maybe I get one for playing and one for displaying. I’m only joshing that would be unwise.
The highest tier is the T-Shirt tier because guess what, you get a T-Shirt! Keep in mind you need to be in that tier for 3 months in order to be eligible to get the shirt. It’s got the Steamroller pineapple but with ROB J MADIN on the pineapple spikes. It looks like the pineapple is going to be the Patreon symbol which I totally dig I think it’s really nice.
I’ve just realised that the Bandcamp discount also extends to the merch. I highly highly highly recommend the Home Studio tote it is fucking massive, fits all of my shit and just looks so cool. I’m from Melbourne where we take totes very seriously and my god I secretly think I have the best one in the major metropolitan area.
So that’s it! That’s my spiel. I’m beyond estatic about this direction. I hope RJM gets what he was looking for out of this Patreon (lots of money) and we get some amazing lovely tunes spanning from Brett Domino all the way to Ironwood. Cheers RJM! Here’s to 2023 🍻
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paulisded · 2 years
The Ledge #549: New Releases
 I'm sure plenty of veteran Ledge listeners are confused right now. A new release episode at the end of the month? Aren't those shows scheduled for the first Friday of the month? What's going on here?
Well, here's the deal. I've come up with a sub-theme for 2023. This will be a yearlong theme that will affect every single show, and I have a main theme set up to introduce this next week. So 30 hours before 2023 begins, I started broadcasting the first 2023 new release episode as my final episode of 2022. Make sense?
There's really not much difference between airing it now and in seven days. Yes, there would inevitably be a few new tunes worthy of inclusions, but I'll make sure the February episode is jam-packed. And, honestly, I was really excited to present to everybody a bunch of tracks from a brand new Replacements tribute album. Graduate Unskilled - Un Tributo ai Replacements, which can be found at this bandcamp site , is an intriguing nineteen track collection of Replacements cover tunes that I'm sure my Ledge listeners will love.
Along side those tunes, there's the usual mix of new power pop, garage, punk and indie rock tunes. As usual, there's a set devoted to our friends at Rum Bar Records. There's even a track from a concept record devoted to an old Scooby Do episode!
I would love it if every listener bought at least one record I played on either of these shows. These great artists deserve to be compensated for their hard work, and every purchase surely helps not only pay their bills but fund their next set of wonderful songs. And if you buy these records directly from the artist or label, please let them know you heard these tunes on The Ledge! Let them know who is giving them promotion! You can find this show at almost any podcast site, including iTunes and Stitcher...or
1. The Reds, Pinks and Purples, Saw You at the Record Shop Today (Electric)
2. The Junction, Bastards Of Young
3. The Crooks, I'm In Trouble
4. L'Armata Delle Tenebre, Kiss Me On The Bus
5. Lowlands, Left of the Dial
6. Panamas & Massilanciasassi, Shiftless When Idle
7. Edward Abbiati, If Only You Were Lonely
8. Dust, Rock N' Roll Ghost
9. Lester Greenowski, God Damn Job
10. The Whiffs, Tired of Romance
11. Phil Yates & The Affiliates, Secret Decoder Ring
12. Dany Laj and The Looks, You Should Know
13. THE JACKETS, Pie in the sky
14. Ford's Fuzz Inferno, My Reality
15. Galore, Jackpot
16. M Ross Perkins, The New American Laureate
17. The Chrysanthemums, Fred Is Colder Than Death (Fred's Lament)
18. Andy Place and the Coolheads, Lucid Girl
19. Sharp Class, Each And All And Everyone
20. Fuzzbubble, Can't Wait to See You
21. Tuff Talk, TV Eyes
22. Department, Back Again
23. Friends of Cesar Romero, (I've Met the Knife) Mega Impaler 2022
24. Inny, A Cold One
25. Johnny Hunter, Want
26. AlterModerns, She's Not Yours
27. Jenny Dee & The Deelinquents, Fox On The Run
28. Jenny Dee & The Deelinquents, At My Worst
29. The Gravel Pit, The Wreck of The Triple One
30. The Shang Hi Los, Takes One To Know One
31. Doctor Explosion, El Día Que David Bowie Murió
32. Bazooka, Dikia Mou Alithia
33. The Maharajas, Rock'n'Roll Graduates
34. The Melmacs, Good Advices
35. Thee Headcoats Sect, The Baker Street Irregulars
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sirdwindl · 2 years
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Trait doodles
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solradguy · 2 years
Any artists you recommend on Bandcamp? :D
SO many
Kin by Whitechapel (deathcore; I bought this one today after having listened to it like a million times)
The Work by Rivers of Nihil (prog/death metal with SAXOPHONES; another one I listen to a LOT)
Leather Terror by Carpenter Brut (synthwave but for evil people who like driving at night and wearing pointy leather jackets)
Keepers of the Flame by Greyhawk (power/heavy metal; the bassist for this band stopped a shooting at a concert by tackling the shooter and taking a bullet to the leg. these guys are SO good 10/10 become a jacked wizard by listening to greyhawk)
You can buy Dance With the Dead's entire 11 album discography for $10. They're instrumental synthwave but use a lot of guitars so they border on metal. B-Sides Vol. 1 and their latest album, Driven To Madness, are my favorites.
CVI by Royal Thunder (female fronted heavy doom/prog metal. chuggy and like a pound of bricks; very good)
Gates Ajar by Sabire (traditional 1980s style modern heavy metal; I've rec'd this one before, it's good)
Perturbator's entire discography is pay what you want too. I like his older stuff the most, which is similar to Carpenter Brut in that it's like "evil" synth/retrowave, but his newer stuff isn't bad either. Dangerous Days is my favorite album. I DIY'd a patch of its album art for my purple vest lol
These are all albums I listen to the most but if you wanna go through my collection to see what else I think is good, you can over through this link
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I was tagged by @shimyereh to share the last few albums I’ve listened to - thank you!! This is a fun one!! My cd player has no soundbar/speaker at the moment so I’ve listened to these as mp3s on my phone or on spotify. (Hopefuly I will be going to Best Buy soon...) Plus a bunch of these are new to me, so I’m a bit biased towards my new cds!
1. Concrete Flower - The Roop: Most of The Roop’s singles are unavailable for purchase in the U.S. so I was pretty darn excited when they released a cd. I pre-ordered this so it’s signed by all three members! :D I really like some of the new songs on here, and I’m so glad it includes “Love is All We Got” as well as both Eurovision songs and “Ohmygodable.”
2. Juniper - Lisa Lambe: Been listening to this one a lot lately because the temperature has slowly been dropping and I’m trying to enter into an autumn state of mind (because I am over this summer nonsense.) This is a good one to listen to at work.
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Complete Recordings (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King) - Howard Shore: I’ve listened to all three recordings lately (I’ve been playing a lot of LOTRO so I’ve been in a Tolkien mood) but since that’d be half the post I’m only showing one. And The Two Towers is my favorite!
4. Folkesange - Myrkur: I think a song off this got recommended to me by spotify and then I went and listened to the whole album and loved it. Then I found out she was selling the cds on Bandcamp, so that was an easy purchase.
5. Meyerbeer: Grand Opera - Diana Damrau: Another recent purchase. I love Diana Damrau and I read a book on grand opera earlier in the year, which was when I added this cd to the list of cds I wanted to buy. I finally got around to it. I think there’s one or two Meyerbeer arias on here that have never gotten a recording before.
6. On n’enferme pas les oiseaux - Barbara Pravi: Bought this cd on a whim last year without having listened to the album at all. It turned out to be really great - “Voilà” is on here, but the songs “Saute” and “Le jour se lève” are really good too.
This was so fun!!! Tagging @carmysberzatto, @sofiyaalexandrovnarostova, and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it.
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theshootingraistar · 3 years
OK I know literally NO ONE asked but i'm going to give you at LEAST 5 reasons why CDs are still better than every digital media in the year of our lord [current year].
1: Real Ownership 2: Support Your Favorite Artists 3: CD Releases Have More Things To Look At 4: It's Technically Retro 5: It's Just Nice To Have Something Physical 6: One Time Payment 7: They're Still Being Sold 8: Interesting Shit In The Lyric Booklet 9: I Like CDs, Okay?
I go into more detail in the read more if you care, but there's your basic overview.
1: You actually own the bitch.
In digital media, and EPECIALLY streaming, you don't actually OWN the music. (You don't with CDs either, unless you made the songs) You just own the right to listen to them when the service decides you get to. Did that song get removed off of that streaming service? Did your hard drive get wiped? Whoops, guess you just lost the right to listen to that song! With a CD, all the songs are on that CD. The only way they're going away is if the CD gets destroyed.
2: You can give an artist you support more than a fucking quarter of a cent for thier work.
Streaming notoriously gives artists a terrible fucking cut of the money. Every million streams is, like, a cent tops. You buy a CD from a record label for $10, a majority of that goes DIRECTLY to the artist. And if you buy it from thier website of bandcamp, it goes COMPLETELY to the artist! That's, like, 5 decades worth of streaming money!
Yes, I'm aware you can also buy digital media from bandcamp, but that's why this isn't the ONLY benefit to CDs.
3: Pretty...
Digital media can really only show you what the album's cover art looks like. Which, yeah, that's nice. But there's SO much more to look at on a CD release! See what cool design they put on the disc! Check out what they did with the lyric booklet! The style guaranteed to be appealing! Maybe it's secretly a poster as well! Check out the BACK cover art! The inside art is cool, too! Maybe it's in a case that isn't just a basic jewel case! They put a lot of effort into that case, y'know! There's SO much more to look at and admire about a CD or physical release!
4: Be a retro bitch with this shit.
CDs are the next Vinyl. Or Cassettes. In a few years, this shit's gonna be STUPID retro. Back in MY day, music came on a 120 millimeter disc you had to pay $20 for! I mean, think about it: CDs are technically ALREADY outdated ever since we all moved on to digital. All the new kids are fuckin' prancing around with thier $3000 iPhones packed with every song ever fucking made on a free app they can shove in thier goddamn pockets. If you really wanna be old school, you'd get a CD. Because, honestly: Even Vinyl is so old and retro at this point that you'd have to be REALLY retro to even give a shit about vinyl, honestly. Although...
5: Physical media go brrrrrrrr.
Take that CD. Or Vinyl, Or Cassette, or whatever. Hold it in your hands. ...Feels nice, right? Honestly, as someone with autism, owning something physically makes my brain smile. I can hold it in my hands and go "i own this!" and i do! i do own it! i bought it with my own goddamn money, and the proof is that i have it here in my hands right here! Sure, this may not be the same for a neurotypical, but you still have the ability to hold it in your goddamn hands and maybe feel good about that fact.
Lightning Round Time!
6: CDs are a 1-time payment, and you don't have to subscribe to any bullshit and waste $20 every month just to listen to "Barbie Girl" on repeat. 7: There's still a demand for CDs, which means that OBVIOUSLY the format isn't DEAD. People still want new albums in CD form. 8: That booklet has other good shit in it, too, like who the band members are, who produced the album, and who the band members thank! Stuff that you might want to look up on Wikipedia if you care that much about it, is usually right in the booklet for curious listeners. and 9: Fuck you. I like CDs, okay? Get off my ass.
Thank you for reading if you got this far. have a cookie. 🍪
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trekkiepirate · 4 years
TOP FIVE The Amazing Devil lyrics!
1. Welcome to the storm/I am thunder/welcome to my table/bring your hunger (it was my gateway lyric, the one I listened to a bajillion times in a song I listened to a million times until I finally bought the album so Bandcamp would let me listen without limits and started down the path of being a TAD nerd/Dear Heart) - The Horror And The Wild
2. It’s like all the wallpaper inside my heart/is slowly slowly peeling off/and I’m showing all the stains and things/they wrote on the wall before (I mentioned this a bit in the songs list, but when I was very sick, like sauntering vaguely towards literally dying, all I could do was lay and stare at my wallpaper in my childhood bedroom, so I built this image of my heart, covered in wallpaper to hide the pain I was in and the heartaches I’d had, and the dark parts of me, slap some pretty floral wallpaper on it so no one would see how very much I was hurting and wanted to give up already and die. When I heard this line, I had to pause the damn song and cry. Like, pause the song, slowly get up from my work desk and make my way to the bathroom in the building and just go into a stall and lean on the wall a bit and cry. How Joey Batey could write something like that, speaking so completely to a very private part of myself, cracked me open enough for the absolute LOVE I have for TAD to come flowing in) - Two Damn Minutes
3. I promise you I’m not broken/I promise you there’s more/more to come, more to reach for/ more to hurl at the door/goodbye to all my darkness/there’s nothing here but light/adieu to all the faceless things that sleep with me at night/this here is not makeup it’s a porcelain tomb/and this here is not singing I’m just screaming in tune (basically all of Farewell Wanderlust is utterly fantastic, but this part is so good for just singing at the top of my lungs, it’s hopeful and dark and emotional and gorgeous and if I ever meet Joey Batey, I may have to kiss his forehead just to get close to kissing the beautiful brain that came up with it, well with all these lyrics, well just because it’s a cute forehead on a perfect, stupid face and I wanna kiss him) - Farewell Wanderlust
4. Though some would harm you/none not one no none/would raise to you a hand nor thumb/not while by you I stand and hum (1. I am GONNA write the fic that needs that last bit as a the title one day; 2. it’s just utterly gorgeous and the rhythm of it and the way it feels when you sing it, this whole bit is *chefs kiss*) - Not Yet/Love Run
5. Burying her head into his chest and clinging to the moment, ‘where have you been?’/She’ll whisper ‘I’ve waited oh so long for you to come’/And as the stars above them hum and hear them/he’ll turn to her and say ‘that’s what she said’ (1. I really think the entirety of Fair is the best love song I have ever heard in my life and I want to find someone who makes me live it but this bit is so funny and cute and perfect, 2. when I read a comment to Dandelion/Jaskier in the books: “maybe the ability to go from touching lyricism to obscenity so easily is a talent” I thought of this line and just yelled IT IS AND JOEY BATEY GOT IT IN SPADES HE WAS BORN TO BE JASKIER) -Fair
5. And they’re telling jokes/tell ‘em that one about two men in a tent/laughs out loud at mine/do you like my accent, like my accent? (mostly because telling the joke this references is always fun and I got to tell it to Jason Ritter and it was one of the best moments of last year for me when he chuckled a bit) - Pruning Shears
6. Could be ghosts or monsters or a robot vampire I dunno (It’s just silly and fun and I love it muchly, also hella fun to sign) - Wild Blue Yonder
7. Pray for me cause I won’t pray for you (this just speaks to the former Catholic school kid I was, and also I would 100% not be surprised if Joey grew up in a Catholic/Christian school too because this whole song seems just FEELS like someone who grew up in that world and had a few too many questions about it for the other people to be cool with, like I did, but I may be projecting) - Pray
8. Sing me awake with a song about pirates (Grabs the lyrics to “Shipful of Monsters” JOEY I CAN 100% DO THIS IF YOU’D LIKE *wink and eyebrow waggle*) - Not Yet/Love Run
9. I am above you, And I love you, don’t you know/That I’ll be with you all along, as long as you are kind/To those who are not strong and cannot find their scarlet welly boots (this line has been comfort and pain and fire and balm to the soul wound left by my beloved grandma’s death) - Welly Boots
10. Every moon in the sky/Every promise and lie/all hell and its fire waits for us (I just love the rhythm of this 10/10 would recommend tossing your head back and sing-screaming this at the sky)
Honourable Honourable mention to the way Joey Batey growls “No, no, not I” in That Unwanted Animal and single-handedly claimed all the tiny fragments of sexual attraction my gray-ace ass was allotted for the next decade
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sangennaro · 4 years
today I pulled out the Wacom i bought 2-3 years back off a craigslist guy who lived way further away than I expected, and then worked for almost infinity hours trying to make a map of ye olde Rodinia. I have like a half of a piece of a thing that might maybe with a bunch of work could become a thing that is usable. I also have a new fear of not understanding how rivers work. Before I got all mappy I actually wrote a dozen or so good verses and I probably should have kept doing that instead of overlaying and rotating different images of maps I was thinking about stealing aspects of. I seriously spent like all of the hours from 9pm-midnight moving a little letter A and a pink line segment around, trying to figure out where Arkez should be.
I did also wash my clothes and hang some pictures on the wall of the Couch Room. Tomorrow I'm going to try and put up another set of fairy lights on the wall where I put the pictures, and move a little table there, to try and make a new place where I could sit in a chair with a little table and write. The desk in The Book Room (where all the music gear is rn) has too much music gear on it to be good for writing.
Yesterday I mostly worked on a script for the bandcamp subscription advertisement video aka "MFPCCPSA-1" and made a list of all the outfits I could wear in it. Tomorrow I really should go to the post office.
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arklart · 4 years
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I designed this album cover for a compilation featuring music by some extremely talented artists. It’s called Waiters and Writers Vol. 1 and it’s available on Bandcamp now with ALL profits being donated to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Today (June 19th) Bandcamp are also donating all their shares from sales to the same organisation, so if you buy the album today, every penny will be helping the cause. All the songs sound REALLY GOOD, I can’t stress that enough. It would mean a lot if you bought it. You get some great tunes and you’re helping the fight against racial injustice at the same time. Win-win. Black Lives Matter, always. 
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