#i brought in my sister whos never heard any of these to help me decide
are you voting in the poll? if so and if you'd be okay with sharing, whats the hardest poll for you to choose in so far?? (either out of the ones currently uploaded or including whats GOING to be the hardest poll to choose a song in out of the unreleased ones)
I've finally voted (+ decided how I will vote next round!) So I can actually answer this now! Never Be Alone Vs. You Belong Here KILLEDDD MEEEE I was NOT expecting that one to be so hard but when you play the songs back to back to vote??? Holy shit
Our Little Horror Story Vs. Fazbear Family was ALSO very difficult for me. Stupendium knocks it out of the park every time but Our Little Horror Story is SOOOO GOOOOD AAAAA
Surprisingly, Side B was WAY easier for me to vote on than Side A. I'm not sure what went on there, I was super torn on a few before going in, but I guess actually listening to them made my decisions pretty easy. I am just INCREDIBLY biased towards a bunch of the Side B songs <3 the only exception was the TLT match up in that one. It's Been So Long Vs. I Got No Time was a MEAN battle and I knew it the second I made the brackets
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b00kdiary · 8 months
Could I request Azriel and Plus Size reader where they’re both new to the mate bond and she overheard Azriel and Rhys’ conversation about the “Cauldron being wrong.” She left before she was able to hear Azriel call himself a fool for even believing it for a second, knowing that he’s already kissing the ground his own mate walks on. She starts comparing herself to Elain and then starts lashing out, going to Rita’s every night and avoiding Azriel whenever she sees him.
Cauldron Blessed | Azriel
Azriel (ACOTAR) x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Mature themes (18+), swearing, body-image issues, angst, and eventual smut.
MASTERLIST - 1 and 2
'The Cauldron was wrong, so wrong.'
Those words played and replayed in my mind again and again, all day, every day, for the last week.
He said that the Cauldron was wrong- about us, about me.
Me, his mate- wrong.
It had been an accident, me overhearing them that night, a coincidence I had decided to come home early from my girl's night with Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie. Though with the Cauldron, there was no such thing as an accident, no such thing as coincidence.
I'd waded through the House of Wind, tipsy on wine and giggling softly to myself as I banged into the walls, thumping clumsily against the art pieces hanging and tripping over my own two feet. Giddy, I had been giddy, stumbling through the halls in search of him.
Azriel, my mate.
Only a few hours apart and I missed him, yearned for him, I felt the distance as if it spanned miles and the more I drank, the more I craved him. That's all I had been thinking of when I trekked through the empty halls, closer and closer to the lounge- just of my mate.
And that's when I heard it.
"The Cauldron works in mysterious ways," Rhysand's laugh drifted out to me in the corridor, and I came to an unsteady halt at the sound. "Feyre was my salvation; I didn't expect anything good to come to me Under the Mountain."
I smiled to myself, my hand coming to my mouth, shielding any sound that threatened to slip past- Az always teased that my lips loosened when I drank too much. Instead, I lean against the cold wall, warmth filling me as he gushed about my High Lady.
They were Cauldron blessed, that was clear to see.
"I think five hundred years of waiting for her was enough, brother," Cassian snorted, and I heard the faint sound of liquor pouring into a glass, wings rustling as one of the powerful males moved. "I know I never imagined my mate as a twenty-five-year-old human female, with a bite worse than mine."
I bit my lip as Cassian laughed, a loud, bellowing sound, so full of joy, so full of content, the mere memory of Nesta, human and utterly indomitable against him something that still brought him to his knees.
"The Cauldron must have a sense of humour," Rhysand teased, and I could practically envision Cassian rolling his eyes, a vulgar gesture thrown between the two males. "Connecting people in the most unexpected pairs, in the most unexpected ways."
"Like Elain and Lucien," Cass scoffs, loudly chugging back the remnant in his glass, "There's a pair I could never have foreseen, not in a thousand years."
"Proof that the Cauldron isn't always right," Azriel muses for the first time since I arrived, and my body almost croons at the sound- low and rough, moving over me as sure as if it were his hands. "She deserves better than any male friends with Tamlin, that's for sure."
She deserves better.
It was silly I knew, for the mere mention of her, the thought of her to make me feel nauseous, make my smile instantly fade, but I couldn't help it. It was hard for me to see a female as lovely as Elain Archeron and not feel inadequate by comparison.
Another who was blessed, so lovely that she had been gifted her seer abilities by the Cauldron itself as if her beauty and delicate demeanour weren't gift enough.
"Brave words, Az," Rhys whistled, and I had to force myself to blink away the picture-perfect image I had conjured of the middle Archerson sister, forcing myself to focus on their conversation instead. "Openly opposing the Cauldron."
"Brave or stupid?" Cassian counters tauntingly, and I knew he was drunk just from how loud his voice was, practically bouncing off the walls. "You think the Cauldron makes mistakes?"
"I know it does," Azriel challenges and it was that voice, that sure, quiet demeanour that I adored and desired so fiercely. I inch closer to the door, grinning at the idea of popping out and scaring them- but then he says it.
Says the thing that makes me stop dead in my tracks, makes my heart stop dead in my chest.
"Look at me and Y/N," Azriel sighs, and there's no joy, or adoration or yearning in his voice in memory of me, not like Rhys or Cass- no, there's dread. "The Cauldron made us mates... the Cauldron was wrong, so wrong."
There's a loud crack that echoes through the room, and it's that sound, and the feel of sharp debris against my palm, that pulls me from my memories. I blink through the tears, looking down at the crumbling marble sink, the corner pieces breaking off into my hands.
I sob through my teeth at the sight, small cuts leaking stark red blood down my fingers as I bring my hands to my chest. I can't see the looking- glass before me, not through the haze of tears, tears so strong it's as if I were made of them.
As if they had become a part of me.
It was all I had done the past week, cry and cry and cry- and avoid Azriel.
Every morning I skip training and breakfast, feigning fatigue or a full stomach, just so I wouldn't see him there. Each afternoon I'd get lost in the stacks and stacks of books in the library, so vast and endless that Azriel never stood a chance of finding me in the maze.
And at night I'd find solace wherever I could find a drink- Rita's, taverns, the Music Quarter, anywhere. Anywhere but at home, anywhere that I didn't have to see him.
I couldn't bear it, couldn't bear the sight of his face, even now the thought of his tilted smile, the beam of his soft hazel eyes, the touch of his scared hands and wild shadows, it made my whole body wrecked with sobs.
I couldn't bear any of it anymore- because none of it was real.
Every smile and touch, every kiss and moment where our bodies joined as one, where he confessed his love and devotion to me, it wasn't real. Azriel thought we were wrong, a mistake, a confusion, just wrong.
My hands shook as I wiped the tears from my cheeks, rougher than necessary, blood-smearing, but I was tired of tears, I was tired of crying, of feeling so unworthy. I was unworthy of him; he was beautiful inside and out and deserved so much better than me.
I sniffed as I lifted my gaze to the looking glass before me, and my heart hurt at the reflection, knowing that this was what Azriel saw, that this was why he knew the Cauldron was wrong. Every curve and roll and inch of flesh that I had, all of it, it was all wrong.
And I hated myself for it.
Wrapping my arms around myself, I take a step back and then another step, away from the reflection that taunted me, and mocked me, before forcing myself to look away. I swallowed against the dryness in my throat as I moved across the cold floor of my bathing suit, my body desperate for my bed.
And as I step over the door's threshold, and back into my old room in the House of Wind, I know it's not the same as when I had left it ten minutes ago.
He was here.
"Azriel," I gasped, halting at the sight of him- sat on the edge of my bed, his broad shoulders and powerful wings rising sharply at the sound of my voice, those hazel eyes meeting mine and filling with something honeyed and warm. "Wha- what are you doing here?"
He rises from the bed, elegant and still, his shadows dancing around him at the feel of my presence, the scent of my skin, and I shiver as he watches me, keen eyes gracing my stiff figure.
"Y/N," He sounds almost relieved as he says my name and my breath is caught in my lungs as I stay rooted to my spot, and he seems to sense my unease, as he doesn't move any closer to me. "You've been staying here for a week now; I missed you at home."
Home- the apartment we shared in town together, a cosy space that we had made our own.
Another thing I couldn't bear to face.
"I've been catching up with the girls," I say quietly, ripping my eyes from him and walking forward on numb legs. I tug at the hem of my nightshirt, his nightshirt I had stolen, feeling too bare before him and his eyes narrow at the movement. "It's just easier to sleep here when we have plans every day."
As spymaster it was Azriel's job to scrutinise, to observe and I felt every single part of that slot into place as he watched me now, watched as I moved toward the bed. I wasn't looking at him, I couldn't hold his stare- and he couldn't figure out why.
His shadows dance through the room, through the distance between us and I jolt, biting my lip when one brushes against my bare thigh- before scurrying back to Azriel in surprise. He inhales a sharp breath when his shadow whispers to him, telling him that something is wrong, I was wrong.
"I know you've been spending time with the girls," Azriel continues slowly, his voice tentative and soft as I move to the other side of the bed, furthest from where he stood. "I just feel like I haven't seen you at all... I miss you, sweetheart."
A sob threatened to rip from me at the name, so soft, so endearing on his lips and it took everything in me to not fall apart at that moment, to not crumble under the weight of it all. I shake my head, my back turned to him now and he watches as I tug back the duvet, my actions angry now.
"It's only been a week Azriel," I breathe through my clenched teeth, my tone so at odds with his and my body locking tighter at the sound of his impending footsteps. "Sometimes space can be good, it can be eye-opening, show us things we don't want to admit but know deep down."
My words hit him head-on, like a slap across the face- I don't need to see him to know it, I can tell just from the stillness in the room, the silence, so strong that even his shadows have withered.
I clench my eyes at the feeling, at the touch that strokes against my soul, him reaching out to me through the mating bond- and me slamming up every wall I have to keep him away.
"What does that mean?!"
I don't hear him until he's right behind me and when his large hand touches the small of my back, I jolt, stumbling into the bed to get away from it. I turn on shaking legs to face him, and I'm pressed into the mattress to keep the distance.
"What? Y/N-" His face pales, and I see the pain in his eyes, unlike anything I had ever witnessed from him before. It was raw, vulnerable as if five hundred years of existence couldn't hide the hurt, knowing that I had flinched from his touch, flinched from him.
A rejection- something he feared the most.
"Sweetheart, please, I don't understand," He shook his head, his beautiful face twisted into an agonised frown, and his voice trembled, weak, as weak as the hand that now reached for me, shaking as if scared to touch me. "Why won't you let me touch you? Why are you pulling away from me, why-"
He stops, and for a moment I think it's because of the tears steadily leaking down my face, the way my bottom lip trembles with the effort to hold myself together- but it's not. His nose flared, and the hazel in his eyes turned dark, narrowing down upon my hands.
"You're bleeding," He mumbles hoarsely and the pain in my chest triples when his scarred hands inch closer, my eyes fluttering shut the second he touches me, holding my palms in his and examining the small cuts. "What happened, sweetheart-"
"Don't! Don't- don't call me that, don't touch me," I croak out, my voice breaking and Azriel flinches at the cry in my voice, wings rustling when I yank my hands-free from his hold, as if his touch burned me. "Stop pretending, stop making me think you care, just-just stop."
"I don't understand, what do you mean pretending-" He pleads, his voice splintering, and I can see him thrumming with emotion, desperate to reach out to me, to hold me, but trying to respect what I had asked him. "I don't understand, help me understand what I did wrong-"
"I know how you feel about me, a-about us," I sob, my weak hands coming to my face, and I cry into them, so loud that nothing can muffle them, and I feel Azriel's' helplessness down the bond, still reaching for me, "It was cruel, to make me think-to make me think you loved me-"
"I do love you!" He snarls and my eyes snap open when I feel the familiar roughness of his hands against my wet cheeks, his grip unrelenting and needing as he draws me to him- and I don't have the strength to fight him. "Of course, I love you, why would you say that?"
His thumbs brush away the tears that won't stop leaking from my cheeks and somehow my fingers have found purchase in the material of his shirt, nails digging desperately, clutching him as tightly as he held me.
"You said it was wrong," I whisper, the words slurring in my throat, and I force my heavy eyes to his, force myself to look into those teary hazel eyes and confront him, with the burden I had been carrying alone this whole time. "You said that we were wrong, that the Cauldron was wrong."
His forehead creases, lines forming between the thick, dark brows as he peers down at me, and his hands don't release me, if anything they draw me closer.
And I see the moment realisation hits him, like ice-cold water seeping through his veins.
"I heard you talking to Rhys and Cass, you said we were proof," I gasp, feeling his shadows curl and wreath around my wrists and fingers, as if afraid to let go, as if trying to comfort me as I sniff. "You said we were proof that the Cauldron could be wrong, so wrong."
"I didn't mean you, Y/N, I would never mean you," He beseeches, his breath caressing my face, my lips and his eyes are so intense, so vibrant that I can't look away, "I didn't mean you, I meant me, I'm wrong!"
I suck in a harsh breath at his outburst and I feel it then- the self-deprecation, the vulnerability, the fear, it was all aimed at himself, it was all about him.
The silence stretches on as we stare at each other and my face must hold every ounce of my surprise and confusion, because he sighs, his forehead resting against mine. I see his wings sag behind him, as if defeated.
"I don't know how much you heard but I did not mean that the Cauldron was wrong to pair you with me," He mutters, his words unsteady, and my eyes flutter shut at his words, "I meant that the Cauldron was wrong to pair me with you- the Cauldron has blessed me but forsaken you."
"Azriel-" I gasped, and it was now my hand that lifted between us, my hand that cupped his stubbled cheek, forcing his eyes to mine. "That's not true, I'm not forsaken, I'm blessed, I'm Cauldron-blessed, Mother-blessed to have you-"
"Y/N you deserve the world, the sun and the moon and the stars," Azriel's voice breaks, a sob gurgling in his throat as he nestles against my palm, now wet with his tears. "I have spent five hundred years being unworthy of anything, and now that I have you, I will spend the next five hundred being unworthy of you."
He felt unworthy of me, he thought that he did not deserve me.
"Don't say that don't- you've given me the world and more," I shake my head, forcing every inch of surety and strength into my voice, "I love you, so much, so much that the thought of you thinking we were wrong, it killed me Az, because you're all I need."
He shakes his head against my hold, but his hands slip down my back, down my waist and to my hips and thighs, fingers digging into my flesh, holding onto my meat for leverage and pressing my soft body against his firm one for dear life.
"Not once did I ever think you were the problem, I thought it was me," His brow furrows deeper at my words, and I see the denial in his eyes, in his face, "I see a male who is beautiful inside and out, who is powerful and skilled, who has been a saviour to this Court in so many ways and I can't come close, I can't ever be equal to that Az."
"Y/N, no-" He growls, nails carving crescent moons into my flesh.
"I'm not a warrior like Nesta or a ruler like Feyre," I continue, and I open up the walls I erected to keep him out from my soul and mind, letting the mating bond flow freely again- to let him see all I had thought these few days. "I'm not beautiful like Elain... I'm not enough."
"You are everything," He hisses, and I can feel his overwhelming pain as sure as if it were my own as he graces over my feelings and thoughts- as he takes in every disgusting, horrific thing I had thought about myself, about my body. "You are everything and more to me, Y/N."
Power flashes through his eyes and then his head ducks toward me, capturing my lips in his.
Time seems to slow when his lips meet mine in a gentle collision, the kind of impact that steals the breath from my lungs, the kind I can't get enough of. Azriel grumbles at the taste of wine on my mouth, his tongue lapping at mine as if devouring the sweetness.
"Azriel," I sigh, like putty in his capable hands, and like always, he's skilled with how he handles my body, so easily turning us so my legs hit the mattress, my body weightless as he lifts me to sit on the edge.
"I have seen you navigate politics and arrogant High Lords in a way that has us all on our knees," He mutters against my lips, and I croon at the feel of his hands languishing up my thighs and hips, squeezing the flesh, his eyes dark with desire now.
His nose brushes against my cheek, so bare, as he kisses and trails his tongue along my jaw, moving down my neck and I can't do anything but moan softly as he lies me flat on my back, his powerful body towering over me, covering me wholly.
"I have seen you cut down soldiers triple your size as if they were little more than weeds in a field," His canines scrape against the racing pule-point at my neck and my eyes flutter, neck exposing for him and back arching when his hand cups my breast over my shirt.
He settles between my thighs, and he groans when his hard length brushes my wet core, the smell of arousal heavy in the air, the kind of stimulation that made us both dizzy with need. I arch my hips up to meet him, needing to feel something, anything from him.
"And I have seen males and females alike marvel at your beauty, at your body, desiring to see you without a scrap of clothing on," Azriel's voice turns furious, dark, as if the mere thought of someone else seeing me naked made him violent, honed to kill.
"Az, please," I mewl, fingers clawing at his back, feeling the muscles ripple under my touch, his shadows in a frenzy, caressing and dancing and wreathing around my body, feeding off every moan that escaped me. "I need you Az, please."
He presses long, wet kisses against my jugular and I sigh in relief when I feel his body shift, hips lifting and the sound of a belt clinking as he unhooks his slacks, freeing his hard length from within.
"I love you, sweetheart," His head lifts, face tight with sincerity and I can feel the thumping of his heart against mine, those intense eyes capturing me wholly. "I love all of you, I love all that you are-"
"Body," His fingers hook into my underwear, and I gasp as he tugs the wet material to the side, fingers brushing my clit.
"Mind," Our sounds meld as he rubs the tip of his cock against me, parting my folds, spreading my arousal from my entrance to my clit, and his breathing deepens as I whimper.
"And soul." He pushes into my entrance, stretching me just from the tip and automatically, my thighs clamp around his hips and my back arches at the feeling of him.
"I love you, Y/N," He pushes in until his long, thick length hits my cervix and my cunt is stretched thoroughly, throbbing around him. I trace my hands up his arms, nails scratching along every muscle, every strong, lean plane of him.
"I love you too, Azriel," I whisper back, and when my eyes flutter open, I see him above me and I know that nothing else, no one else could feel this right.
He doesn't move, merely staring down at me, his eyes burning like embers- feeling the thought as intensely as I did.
The Cauldron was right, so right.
@mis-lil-red @hyemishii @assaultsofthought @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @loveareum @infintyfandoms @sarawritestories @eerievixen
Comment to be added to the tag-list >3
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joedirtymadre · 7 months
The Cake
MASH X READER (Taking requests 📲 pls send some!) **SMUT
“Come on, spit it (Y/N)!” Lemon groaned as she shook me. “Spit what out Lemon?” I asked, while continuing to be shaken up. “Have you and Mashle… done anything intimate yet?” She whispered the last part. “Did you forget that I’m right here?” Finn sweat dropped. “No, but I mean you’re one of the girls, Finn. Plus it’s either this conversation or the guy’s one where Lance and Dot argued over the cutest girl, and Lance’s only option is his sister,” Lemon explained. Finn and I sighed, she’s got a point. “But still Lemon… that’s a little too private to talk about…” I blushed. “So you have done it!” Lemon screeched. “How was it? Was it nice or was it bad? I heard if I guy is a good bowler then you know… and Mash is… well he’s just strong so he can take down all the pins,” Lemon said. “And the alley,” Finn added. “Nevermind that! Details, (Y/N)! Was it romantic? Freaky?” She asked. “No… well none of that because we haven’t done anything,” I said softly. “Oh…” Lemon said. “Yeah, well I don’t know Mash has never seemed too interested in that kind of stuff, I don’t know,” I shrugged. “What do you mean, have you tried hinting at it?” Finn asked. “Sort of? One night we watched a movie in my dorm and a… scene came on! I thought it would spark the mood a bit so I scooted closer to Mash and I decided to… place my hand on his thigh,” I blushed, covering my face from Lemon’s sly smile. “You go girl, show him who’s boss!” She laughed. “But… he then asked if I thought the muscle was softer than usual. I guess he noticed a difference between the two and my hand placement confirmed his suspicions,” I sighed. “Jeez,” Finn winced at the comment. “I mean we all knew Mash was dense but I didn’t think it was that bad,” Lemon frowned. “So maybe it’s for the best that we just hold off,” I smiled. “Have you thought of talking to him? I mean Mash probably wants to do stuff like that too, but since you never brought it up he doesn’t see the reason to either,” Finn said. “You’re probably right Finn, but… it’s embarrassing… We’ve been together for almost a year and I’ve given a couple of hints already. I was hoping he would’ve caught on by now,” I sighed. “Well why don’t you give him a love potion? It’ll probably boost his spirits, if you know what I mean,” Lemon whispered. “I don’t think drugging my boyfriend without his consent is really the best idea!” I shouted. “Kidding!” Lemon smiled. “I don’t think she was…” Finn sighed. “I’ll just keep things the way they are. Plus he has to catch on one day right?” I asked them, both of them shrugging at the question. “Oh I have to go to the library! I told a friend I would help her with her project!” Lemon shouted and ran off. “Bye!” She yelled and we waved back. “I should probably get going too, we left the group in my room… I just hope they didn’t break anything…” Finn cried and walked off. “See ya (Y/N),” he moped. “Bye,” I laughed and headed back to my dorm.
I laid on the bed thinking about the conversation with Lemon and Finn. “It’s almost been a year… and I think I’m ready, but maybe Mash isn’t…” I sighed. “Oh well,” I shrugged. I can’t be upset that he’s not comfortable with engaging with any of the hints I’ve given him. “Why don’t you give him a love potion?” Lemon’s words are repeated in my head. I quickly shake my head. No. No. No. That’s a crazy idea, plus super wrong. “I think I’ll just nap all this off, get my mind off all this stuff,” I sighed to myself and got ready for bed and quickly fell asleep.
I woke up later to a knock on my door and got up to answer it. I opened it and saw Mash on the other side holding a bag. “Hi Mash,” I said sleepily. “Were you sleeping?” He asked. “Yeah… I felt stressed so I thought I should just take a nap,” I explained and stepped aside to let him in. “Then Lemon was smart to give me these things,” he said as he walked in and dropped the stuff on my desk. “What did she give you?” I asked as I shut the door. “She gave me cake and tea,” he said. “Cake and tea…?” I thought suspiciously. She wouldn’t… “Can I just have a quick look?” I asked and snatched the cake box. “Uhh…” Mash mumbled. I opened the box and… it looks fine? Well the box is from a local café and it seems like an average cake made at the shop. “(Y/N)?” Mash asked, peering over my shoulder. “Haha, sorry. I just got so excited to see the cake,” I said awkwardly. “Ah… well there’s also some tea-“ he said and I swooshed over to the prepared tea and opened it. I mean it looks ok… or does it? Don’t all potions look like regular tea?? “Oh well… I think this is Jasmine tea… and I’m allergic to Jasmine tea!” I said and headed to toss it. “Oh, but I’m n- oh you tossed it…” Mash said disappointedly. “Sorry Mash,” I apologized. “It’s fine, you’re just having a stressful day,” he said and patted my head. “I just… I just had a weird conversation with Lemon earlier so I think I’m just being paranoid. Let’s just enjoy some cake,” I smiled. “Conversation? What was it about?” He asked. I blushed, “Nothing! It was girl stuff, don’t worry about it!” “Oh… well ok,” Mash shrugged.
We cut the cake and luckily I had some strawberry milk saved. “That was a good cake,” Mash said. “You only had a bite…” I sighed as we sat on my loveseat together. “Yeah, but I had a lot of cream puffs earlier, and I only worked out for 2 hours today. Don’t want to eat to pass my calorie intake,” he explained. “Just 2 hours?” I laughed. “Yeah, Lemon stopped me to tell me you were having an off day,” he said. “Ohh, well sorry for interrupting your workout, but thanks for coming over and the cake was delicious! I almost ate the whole thing,” I said and kissed his cheek. “It’s fine,” he smiled. I think I'm getting hot..? “Hey Mash, mind if I open a window? It’s getting hot in here,” I said and quickly opened my window to let in some fresh air. “It is?” Mash asked. “Yeah it’s super hot… and the fresh air isn’t helping!” I huffed and stuck my head out the window. “(Y/N) are you ok?” He asked and placed a hand on my lower back. I winced, his hand was hot to the touch. “Yeah, w-why do you ask?” I responded and looked back. “C-C-Cause it’s f-f-freezing in h-here,” he chattered from the cold. “O-Oh, I’m sorry!” I closed the window and sat back down. I felt my body beginning to feel like it’s on fire, but not sweaty but burning… “What’s wrong with me…?” I whispered. “Hey, it’ll be alright,” Mash said and pulled me into a hug. God the hug was burning me even more, but in a good way. I want more. “Mash, touch me more,” I said desperately. “(Y/N)?” Mash said, confused. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, my body's on fire. Even you touching me makes it burn more, but I want more…” I whispered before pulling him into a kiss. “Mash…” I gasped when we pulled away for air. “Y-Yeah?” He panted. “Why haven’t we ever done anything… more?” I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up even more. “M-More? I don’t know. You never asked or talked about it so I thought-“ I interrupted him. “I always gave away hints, it’s kind of embarrassing,” I laughed nervously. “You did?” He asked, shocked. I nodded shyly. “Well… then let’s try it,” he said and pulled me into a rough kiss. God my mind is going blank.
Mash carried me to my bed and laid me down softly. I watched as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Exposing his bare chest, and god-like body. “N-No compression shirt?” I blushed. “Not today,” he said and got on top of me, quickly pulling me in for another kiss. He pulled away and quickly went for my neck, licking, sucking, and nibbling every inch. “M-Mash,” I said, feeling dizzy. “Let’s take our time,” he whispered into my ear, causing goosebumps to crawl over me. All I could do was whimper in response. “I never knew you could make these kinds of noises,” he said against my skin. “Let me hear more,” he said in a demanding tone, and began biting my neck a bit harsher. “Mhm!” I let out. He finally pulled back and stared at me. I took the chance to try and catch my breath. “Sorry about this (Y/N)…” Mash said, and before I could ask he placed his hands on the buttons of my shirt and ripped them apart. Exposing my bra, “Mash!” I blushed, and tried to cover myself. Before I could Mash pinned my arms above my chest. “Don’t hide them, please,” he pleaded. “M-Mash…” I gasped and relaxed. “Good girl,” he said deeply, but keeping his hand pinned against mine. With his free hand he traced his thumb from my lips to the tip of my waistband. “W-Wait! I don’t want… to be the first one…” I bit my lip, too embarrassed to finish my sentence. “Don’t wanna be the first one naked? Alright then,” he said and slowly got off of me. I watched as he quickly removed his belt, allowing his pants to fall. Leaving him in only his boxer shorts, I gulped and wanted to follow his lead. I slowly grabbed the hem of my skirt and slipped it down, Mash helping me throw them off. Now we were both left in nothing but our underwear. “You’re so sexy,” he said as he pounced on me again. I moaned and gasped at each nip or kiss he would leave, my body still feeling like it’s on fire. “M-Mash, stop teasing me,” I said desperately. “Someone’s impatient,” he chuckled. “But that’s fine, I don’t think I can hold off any longer either,” he said as he placed my hand over his bulge. I blushed and pulled him in for another kiss, I felt bad that he was the only one taking the initiative. “Lay back,” I said. He nodded and sat back and I slowly got on his lap, he placed his rough hands on my hips. I began to reach for my bra and removed it slowly, I finally unclasped it, letting my breasts fall. I watched as Mash stared at my body, letting his eyes roam over every inch. “Do they look n-nice?” I said awkwardly. “They’re perfect,” he said as he cupped one of them with his right hand, surprising me.
Before fully reacting he pushed me down, “Ma- Ah!” I moaned, feeling his mouth swallow my breast. I grasped onto his hair tightly, and covered my mouth with my other hand, not wanting my neighbors to hear us. As soon as I muffled myself, Mash looked up looking disappointed. He pinned my arms again with one of his hands, “Don’t do that again,” he demanded. I blushed and nodded shyly. “Good,” he said. “Mash, I think I wanna do-“ before I could my sentence Mash ripped my underwear off. “H-ahhh?” I laid there in shock. “Me too,” he said and pulled down his shorts. I looked up and saw his cock ready to go. “A-Ah,” I let out. “Let me prepare you,” he said. I nodded and spread my legs a little wider. I gasped when I felt a finger slide inside me, “Mm!” I gasped. Then another. “Ahmm!” I moaned, quickly biting my lip trying to muffle myself. “It’s so hot and wet,” he said, huskily. I looked up and saw his eyes staring down at me, hungrily. “I’m gonna move now ok?” He asked. I nodded, and felt Mash slowly insert his fingers in and out. Oh god I’m gonna go crazy, he’s going so slow! I began moving my hips slightly, trying to increase the speed. “Too slow for you?” He chuckled, as his eyes glowed in amusement. I suddenly felt the increased speed, “Ahh~! Mashh~!!” I cried out. “Is this better now?” He asked and continued using his two fingers to thrust and occasionally widen my pussy. After what felt like an eternity I was done! “Mash!” I huffed. “What’s wrong (Y/N)?” He smiled slyly. “I’m ready now, please?” I pleaded. “Please what?” He asked as he slowly removed his fingers, causing me to whimper to the sudden loss. “P-Please?” I repeated. “Come on say,” he said as I felt something hard begin to rub my lips. Oh god this man is making me crazy. “Just fuck me already!” I practically shouted. “Whatever you say, princess,” he smirked and thrusted himself deep inside. I quickly felt full and needed a minute to catch my breath. “H-Hold on…” I gasped. “Tell me when you’re ready,” he said softly and dropped down to kiss me softly. After another minute or two, I nodded and allowed Mash to start moving. He went slow at first, but after a few minutes he quickly began thrusting faster and harder. “Ma-aash…” I drooled as I gasped with each breath. “Fuck (Y/N)… you’re pussy feels so good,” he grunted and let go of my pinned hands. “MmMM!” I moaned in response. I quickly arched my back, feeling an overload of ecstasy as I felt a thumb brush over my clit. “I really liked that reaction,” Mash panted and continued to rub my clit at an intense speed. “W-WaiT!” I cried, feeling a knot in my lower stomach grow bigger and bigger. “I think I’m- maSH!” I let out and threw my head back as I felt a wave of pleasure rush through my body, but I quickly threw it back up as I realized Mash wasn’t stopping. “Ma- Sensit…ive!” I moaned and grilled onto his shoulder tightly. “I wish I could, but someone’s pussy won’t let go of me,” he smirked and continued thrusting me at the same pace and began rubbing my clit again. I quickly placed both hands over my mouth and again Mash quickly pinned them above my head. “Nice try,” he grunted. “Ah! Mm! Mash~!” I moaned, filling my room with the sounds of my moans and Mash thrusting in and out of my pussy. “Fuck… I’m close,” he said in ear. “Cum! Cum!” I begged him. “Not before you do, one more time,” he whispered in my ear. He unpinned me and returned his hand to my clit, playing with it again, bringing me closer and closer. “Mash… I’m-“ I choked and threw my arms around him. “Me too,” he grunted, thrusting deeper each time. “Mashhh!” I cried and dug my nails into his skin, once again my body flowing with ecstasy. “(Y/N)…!” He moaned with one final thrust, filling me before pulling himself out and falling next to me. We both took our time trying to catch our breaths and Mash soon pulled me in for some cuddles. “That was nice…” he said sleepily, before I heard some light snoring. I giggled and snuggled into his arms before falling asleep as well. Before I forget… make a mental note to thank and also kill Lemon tomorrow.
The Next Day
“You guys did it? Well… you did skip classes today, so it all makes sense now,” Lemon laughed. “Yeah, the cake sort of did the trick,” I blushed. “Cake?” Lemon asked, confused. “Yeah the cake and tea you gave Mash because I wasn’t feeling too good. You put a love potion in it didn’t you? Well… it’s fine cause I’m the one that ate it so I’ll forgive you this time-“ I was quickly interrupted. “(Y/N) what are you talking about? I bought that cake at the café we always go to. I went with my friend after we finished the project. I remembered you said you wanted to try the red velvet,” she said. “H-Huh?” I blinked. “Y-You thought I put a love potion in it!?” Lemon laughed. “Y-You didn’t?” I blinked again. “Girl… you must’ve had a placebo effect or something…” Lemon said. “Oh…” I said, speechless.
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the20thangel · 3 months
The Dragon and The Raven
Chapter 5: The Dragon Princess and Her Raven Lord.
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Chapter Summary: Jacaerys did not believe that the Lord of House Blackwood was the best for his beloved sister. It is too bad that Aemma has fallen deeply for the Lord of Raventree Hall, and nothing will stop her from getting her way.
Please let me know your thoughts :)
Keep track of the story: masterlist
Word count: 3215
Jacaerys looked at the lord, to whom his sister insisted on being betrothed. Lord Blackwood looked like he had just come out of a duel. Sweat dripped down his face, his hair was messy, and his clothes were wrinkled and muddy. Benjicot knew that even though he had Prince Daemon’s blessing, getting Prince Jacaerys' approval was just as important. 
Benjicot bowed and addressed the prince, “Prince Jacaerys, let me be the one to welcome you to the Riverlands and Harrenhall.” 
As Lord Blackwood made his statement, all the men from House Blackwood followed their lord in bowing, leading the North and the Vale men to bow as well. Grinding his teeth, Jace couldn’t help but admit that the lord was respectful and was a natural leader. Not wanting to seem rude but also not wanting to give the impression of approval, Jace merely nodded his head. When this happened, Princess Aemma was frowning; she did not need a Daemon 2.0 to try to intimate her betrothed. Aemma turned to Baela, who winked while shaking her head. Ugh, Men, they both thought.  Thankfully, before another awkward moment passed, Daemon cleared his throat. 
“Jace, Baela, come, first unpack your things at the tents before we start making any…foolish decisions.” Commanded Daemon as Jace frowned at his stepfather, but he knew better than to argue with the Rouge Prince and followed him to the tents where they would be staying. 
As people began to leave, Aemma walked to Benji, smiling at him. She took his arm and kissed his cheek. Benji returned the smile as he led them towards his tent. 
“Your brother doesn’t seem to like me…” stated Benji, as they entered his tent, leading the princess towards the bed. 
“Jacaerys is a dragon, and dragons are very overprotective with what they love, but he will come around, I'm sure of it,” stated Aemma as she unraveled her braids. 
Benji hummed as he decided to sit next to her and help the princess undo her braids. Aemma couldn't help but close her eyes. His fingers were like magic, easing the tension she had. Before she could stop herself, a slight moan slipped from her lips as she whispered.
“ You truly have a talent with your fingers…” Aemma stiffened, as did Benji once those words were spoken. The phrases had two meanings, and Aemma didn’t want him or anybody who might have heard them to misinterpret them. 
Benji huffed with laughter as he finished undoing her braids and kissing the top of her head. Which in turn made Aemma huff and turned to glare at him. 
“It is not funny, Ben!” she exclaimed as she lightly slapped his chest. 
Benji laughed even louder as he pulled the princess to his chest and brought them down on his bed. 
“Oh, I thought it was hilarious, my dear Aemma.” 
Aemma leaned on his chest, staring at his eyes as she playfully glared at him. Benji looked down and could not help but feel warm inside. He never thought his life would be played out like this, being betrothed and falling desperately fast in love with a dragonriding princess. Aemma sighed and placed her head on his chest, drawing small circles on his chest, the two peacefully enjoying their silent company. Soon, all the events that had happened the last few days finally caught up with them as they lulled themselves to sleep with the sound of breathing. 
Once Jace set himself up with his tent, he quickly checked on Baela, who told him she wanted to take a quick bath because she reeked of a dragon. Then he went to his sister’s tent only to find it empty. Before he continued his way to look for her, he was summoned by Daemon. Walking into the tent, Jace saw his stepfather sitting behind a desk, reading some letters with a cup of wine. Daemon looked at the restless boy, giving him an unimpressed brow as he waited for Jace to sit. Once Jacaerys noted that his father would not speak until he took a seat before him, he sighed, sat on the chair, and tried to raise a brow back. 
Daemon chuckled, “Now, son, what brings you to Harrenhall and away from your beloved mother’s side? Hmm.” 
Jace blistered, “I came here to convince my sister out of her foolish decision to get engaged.” 
Daemon shook his head; his little dragons were an overprotective bunch, each taking the creed of his father Baleon and protecting each other fiercely, sometimes a little too much. Which was more than he could say his brother Viserys ever did for him. Daemon took a swing of the cup before answering his stepson. 
 “Our Aemma can be many things, but she has never been the one to make foolish decisions. The boy is a fierce fighter, and his armies will greatly benefit your mother’s fight for the iron throne,” explained Daemon, watching Jace's face turn sour with each word. 
Jace knew this path would be long, especially since his stepfather seemed to approve of the Lord of Raventree Hall. It would be harder to separate Aemma from him because whatever Aemma wanted, Daemon provided. 
Jace sighed. As he stood, he faced his father. “I will see for myself, but if I don’t like him, my mother has permitted me to break the betrothal if I am not impressed.” Jace bowed before turning to leave, only pausing once he heard Daemon call out. 
“Do what you must, but remember never at the expense of potentially harming your sister.” 
Jace nodded as he continued walking, determined to find his sister even more. Daemon sighed as he rubbed his face. His children would be his death. 
Jace continued walking, looking through the sea of gray, red, and black, trying to find a princess and lord but having no luck. While wandering, he found Cregan Stark as he was speaking to a woman wearing House Blackwood colors. When both noticed his presence, they paused and gave a quick bow. Jacaerys laughed and hugged Cregan, who was like a brother to him. 
“Cregan, it's good to see you again. How was your journey south?” Jace asked as he grinned at the Wolf of Winterfell. 
“Long and humid Jace. I’m sorry, lady Aly, but the Riverlands are much too humid for my taste,” stated Cregan as he stared at Aly Blackwood, who laughed. 
“No harm done, Lord Stark. I sometimes find the Riverlands too much. Good day, Prince Jacaerys. I’m Alysanne Blackwood, but you may call me Aly.” Aly introduced herself to the dragon prince. 
Who in turn smiled, wondering how close she was to Benjcot Blackwood. 
“Yes, it is pretty humid for my taste as well; I prefer Dragonstone’s winds to this,” Jace answered before turning to Aly. “Well Met, Lady Aly Blackwood, pray tell me who you might be to the Lord of House Blackwood?” questioned Jace. 
“I am his lady aunt, my prince,” explained Aly, confused about where the conversation would go. 
Jace nodded and looked around again, searching for a sign of his sister, but again, to no avail. Cregan and Aly turned to each other, guessing who he was looking for. Jace noticed their questioning stare. 
“Have you both seen either the Lord of Raventree Hall or the Crown Princess?” questioned Jace, staring at the two. 
Cregan and Aly shared a secret look, both shaking their heads no, 
“No, but let me look for them, my prince; I will bring them to you once I have found them,” replied Aly as she turned and walked away from the prince. 
Alyssanne walked towards the main Blackwood tent, chuckling at the sight before her: her nephew and the princess warmly embraced. As much as she hated to wake them, she knew Prince Jacaerys would blow a fuse at the current sight. Aly walked to them and quietly shook the princess awake. 
“My princess, you must wake up quickly….please, princess,” Aly loudly whispered, feeling relieved once the princess opened her violet eyes. 
Aemma sharply gasped, seeing Aly in her face, and accidentally dug her elbow into Benji’s stomach, causing the young lord to groan and wake from his slumber, then also sitting up, noticing his aunt. 
Aly shook her head; these two would be the death of her. “Princess, you need to go to your tent. Your brother is looking for you both and will not be pleased seeing what I saw. Go on now quickly from the back.” 
Aemma nodded as she stood, quickly pecking Benji in the space between his cheek and lips, and walked out. Benji sighed, fully waking up as his aunt glared at him. 
“I would rather not have my nephew turn into dragon food, Ben; you must impress Prince Jacaerys as much as you did with her father.” Explained Aly as she asked a maid for a bath to be ready. Alysanne walked towards the entrance before turning to her nephew. “Take a quick bath and meet us outside, please.’” 
Aemma quickly walked toward her tent, making sure no one noticed her, when Baela walked out of her tent, giving her a mischievous grin.
“Well, well, dearest sister, where are you coming from in a hurry? Hmm, from a certain lord who happens to wear a house color similar to ours?” taunted Baela. 
Aemma playfully rolled her eyes, pushing her away and walking to a steaming bath awaiting her. Aemma turned to her sister in thanks as she began to undress and walk in the tub, sighing as she felt the boiling water ease her sore muscles.  Baela sat behind her and began to wash her hair. 
“Jace was looking for you..” started Baela as she reached for the perfumes. 
“Yes, so I have been told,” whispered Aemma as she began to wash her body. 
“You need to be more careful, sister. Our father may have given his blessing, but Jace has special permission from your mother to reject the union if he doesn’t like Lord Blackwood. He already has a closed mindset, thinking that you should marry Lord Stark instead.” carefully explained Baela as she finished washing Aemma’s hair and walked to the main room to take out a beautiful, lightweight red dress with black accents. 
Once Aemma came out, she took the dress from Baela and began to dress herself, letting her sister tighten the corset laces. Baela paused, analyzing her sister. Luke’s death took a toll on everyone but more on Aemma and Rhaenyra; both women had dark circles under their eyes. But now, Aemma looked glowing, her skin and hair shining, bringing out the true Valyrian beauty bards loved to sing about. 
“So tell me of Lord Blackwood, what did this lord do that many others couldn’t?” asked Baela, noticing Aemma’s blush. 
As Aemma spun her tale from the first meeting at his hall to Sliverwing, allowing him to fly on her and the duel, Baela began to see that her sister was falling for the young lord. 
“You are falling in love with him…” stated Baela as she went in front of Aemma. 
Aemma sighed wistfully, “Earlier this week, I would have denied it, but now, I truly believe I have fallen, and he is with me.”  
Baela was glad that, as much as this union would be best for their family, having Aemma find love in it was the best outcome. Baela embraced her sister. 
“I’m glad… Jace will try to find faults, but I can tell there are none. I will support you in enlightening him.” Aemma grinned but noticed Baela wanting to say more. 
“Have you told him about you and Aegon?” 
Aemma inhaled sharply at the words, walking away from Baela.
“There is nothing to tell; it was a stupid promise two naive children made, nothing more; Benji has nothing to worry about.” 
Baela sighed; she knew bringing up Aegon would upset Aemma, but she also knew how far the greens would risk believing in their delusions. 
“ I still think you should tell him. You know how cruel Aegon is, and he will probably try to cause a stir once he finds out about your relationship,” explained Baela, taking hold of Aemma’s hand. 
Aemma sighed; she knew what Baela had said was true, but she did not want to worry Benji. Young Aemma didn’t know about the vipers of the court or what kind of monster her uncle would have become. She couldn’t love someone who enjoyed tormenting servants and her poor aunt Heleana. Furthermore, she definitely couldn’t love someone who celebrated her brother’s death. The Aegon that Aemma made a promise to was an illusion, an idea, and not reality. Benjicot was ten times the man that Aegon could only hope to be, and truth be told, Aegon never had her whole body sing like when she was with Benji. 
“I’ll think about a way to explain it to him; for now, I need to focus on Jace accepting Benji and making sure our betrothal continues.” Aemma decided as she and Baela walked to the feast hall. 
Everyone stood when they noticed the two princesses walking in, Baela sitting between her father and Jacaerys. Jacaerys had Cregan next to him, and a spot opened next to Cregan. Aemma noticed this and rolled her eyes at her brother’s blatant plan for her to sit next to the Stark. Noticing Benji farther down with his aunt, Aemma grinned and walked towards them. Jace, in confusion, watched as his sister whispered something to Alysanne who then stood and walked towards Cregan and took the seat next to the winter wolf. Aemma turned, smirking at her brother, and sat next to Benjicot, keeping eye contact as she kissed the Blackwood lord's cheek. Jace huffed in annoyance, much to the amusement of everyone else.
 As the feast continued and more wine was consumed, people joked around and made numerous toasts. The hall quieted once a brave and drunk Blackwood knight stood, swaying a little as he raised his cup. 
“A toast to the Sea Dragon Princess, The realm’s pearl, Crown Princess Aemma, for nearly beating our lord and showing us the true power of the dragon. Our House will thrive under you and our lord’s rule!”
All the men started cheering, whistling, and cracking jokes as the princess blushed at the words spoken to her. Benji smirked and whispered something into her ear that had caused the princess's blush to darken. Jace sniffed at the sight and was surprised once he saw Cregan stand up, raising his cup. 
Cregan grinned at the couple making the toast, “The greens will have a hard time with the likes of Princess Aemma and Lord Blackwood on our side. A toast to the Dragon Princess and her Raven lord; may they strike fear into our enemies' hearts!” 
Everyone cheered at the words of the Winter Wolf as Jace stared at his friend in shock. As the feast ended, everyone went on their way. Jace, noticing his sister leaving with the young lord, followed them, asking Cregan to accompany him. Aemma led her betrothed to where the dragons were resting, wanting to spend time with Sliverwing. As Jace watched, he was surprised to see how welcoming the she-dragon was to the lord. 
Cregan looked at Jace and sighed, “Jace, I think you should give it a rest; Benjicot is a good lad, and he will make a fine husband to your sister.” 
Jace glared, “So would you, Cregan; my sister should have at least considered you before making her rash decision. 
A joyous laugh broke their conversation as both turned to see Aemma laughing and trying to move Sliverwings' snout from Benjicot’s chest, who was laughing on the ground and being knocked down. 
“I love Aemma but only as a sister. Besides, Benjicot has expressed how much he will give up for her. Your sister runs too hot for my taste, and I don’t enjoy my feet leaving off the ground. While I run too cold for your sister, she loves to soar far too much to be stuck on the cold floors of the north. Benjicot fits with your sister; he doesn’t get burned from her heat but welcomes it; he took flight like his ravens. There is no better man for her than him.” explained Cregan, hoping Jace saw what he saw. 
Jace, staring at his sister, knew Cregan was right, but still, “We could have been brothers had you married my sister.” 
Cregan shook his head, chuckling,” We are brothers. We made the blood pack, and nothing can change that, but forcing marriage on your sister would not bring us closer. Give your sister your blessing and let her marry her lord.” Cregan clapped his hand on Jace’s shoulder as he returned to his tent. 
Jace sighed; he knew everything everyone had said was true; as Baela made her way to him, he kissed her hand and walked towards his sister. Aemma, noticing her brother, quickly helped Benjicot stand. 
“Brother, I hope you are not here to sour my mood,” questioned Aemma as she raised her eyebrow. 
Jace shook his head, “Not at all, dear sister, Lord Blackwood, I want to express my blessing to my sister's hand. I will send a raven to my mother, letting her know my decision, and expect her in a week for your wedding.”
Aemma was shocked, “a week? I’m not complaining, but isn’t it way too fast?” 
Jace explained what their mother said: because of the war, it was better to have a fast wedding just to be safe. Aemma nodded while taking Benji’s hand and leaning into his side. Jace stated that Baela and, hopefully, Lady Alysanne would help with the maiden and marriage cloaks. He also noted that the day would have three separate ceremonies: One in front of a weirwood tree in the ways of the north, one of the faith, and the last being a Valyrian one. Aemma scoffed at the faith ceremony but knew it had to be done. They could not risk the Greens declaring her marriage invalid. As the group separated, Aemma and Benjicot walked to the princess’s tent, stopping at the entrance. 
“As much as I wish for you to stay with me, I don’t want to risk the ire of my brother or father,” whispered Aemma as she stared into her betrothed eyes. 
Benji smiled, understanding; Jacaerys barely gave his blessing, so it was best not to push it. 
Aemma reached up to give a sweet kiss before asking, “Are you truly fine in marrying me in a week?” 
Benji caressed his beloved's face as he returned the kiss before placing his forehead onto hers. “I would be willing to marry you tonight. You have taken my heart, and I don’t wish you to return it.” 
Aemma’s heart felt like it would explode because of how much love she felt. “And you have mine, my love, my raven.” She whispered, kissing him once more, letting him feel all her love through the kiss. She separated herself from him, wishing a goodnight as she entered her tent. 
“Sweet dreams, my dragon,” whispered Benji as he stood outside her tent for a while before walking to his tent, hoping to dream of a loving princess.
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inc-ch-ident · 7 months
Meeting her | F1 x child!reader
Paring: Charles Leclerc x child!reader/ Daniel Riccardo x child!reader/ Formula 1 x child!reader.
Trope: Platonic
Warnings: grammar
Trigger: none
Genre: fluff
Summary: in which, Charles accidentally bumped into a child and decided to keep her accompanied since the paddock isn't the best place for a child to wander around.
Request -> here
Series / next part
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Today was practice day, Charles was in his driver' room, looking for his cellphone before going to the garage. He was distracted zipping his suit to notice the tearing up child in front of him, it was until he bumped into her. His eyes widen and immediately rush to help the kid back to her feet.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." Charles said, crouching down to be the same height as the girl, dusting off the dirt on her legs.
The girl just nodded and continued looking around, hugging her toy tightly as her teary eyes looked back to Charles. He smiles at her reassuringly, staring at her back kindly as he ignores the tug on his heart.
"Where are your parents?" Charles asked softly.
"I...i don't know" she said, looking around, "I...i lost them.."
Charles nodded a little before noticing the paddock pass around her neck, "Yours?"
"No, from my daddy. He told me to keep it." the girl said as Charles nodded and pointed to the pass.
"Can I?" He asked, not wanting to make the girl uncomfortable, smiling softly when the girl nodded and let him take a look at the pass. His eyes widen as he stare at the name and picture on the pass, Daniel Ricciardo.
He didn't know that Daniel had a child or his sister having another kid. Charles smiles gently at the girl, letting go of the paddock pass.
"How about you stay in the Ferrari garage for the time being? Then we can look for your daddy later after?" Charles told her, wiping the dry tears on her cheek.
"Daddy told me never to go and talk to strangers." the girl replied, hugging her teddy bear tightly.
 "He taught you well but it's better than standing here alone. Here," Charles pulled out his phone and look for a picture with him and Daniel.
"See. Your dad and I are friends." He said softly as he showed pictures of him and Daniel. The girl's posture relaxed as she stare at the picture, knowing the man she had been chatting with knew her dad.
"I'm Charles and you are?" Charles looked back at the girl.
"Y/n," she whispered and smiled a little.
"Well, I guess we're stuck together for the time being then. Want a small tour around the garage?" Charles chuckles a little, not looking anywhere other than her and her eyes.
"Really?" Y/n looked at him as she tried to contain her excitement.
"Really." Charles grins at her excitement, standing straight and held his hand out for her. Y/n holds his hand while hugging her bear on her other hand. He knew from the moment he looked on the paddock pass, that he could've guide her back to Daniel but something within him prevented it, and want to spend time with her or get to know her.
Charles looked back down to Y/n, "How old are you?" 
"Three!" she proudly said, glancing up at him with a smile. Charles chuckled and nodded as they approach the garage. Some people looked confused as to why Charles brought a kid into the garage but they just smiled and waved when Y/n greet some of them.
"I didn't miss any chapter in your life, did I?" Carlos voice was heard behind Charles, patting his back as greeting while looking back and forth between the girl and Charles.
"Oh, no. This is Y/n. Daniel kid" Charles told him, chucking at Carlos shocked and surprise face. 
"He has a daughter?" Carlos ask him as he crouched down and smile warmly at Y/n who hid behind Charles while waving a little.
Charles told him how he met Y/n as they started walking again, showing the garage to Y/n who listened carefully. Carlos couldn't help but observe Y/n as they chat, seeing some similarities between him and her.
He laughed a little at what Y/n said when Daniel walked inside the garage, letting a sigh of relief when he saw Y/n with them.
"There you are, n/n." Daniel sigh and smile at Y/n who rush to him.
"Daddy!" she squealed happily, wrapping her arms around his neck when he picked her up. Carlos looked between them, not seeing any resemblance between them unlike with her and Charles.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to lose her." Daniel glances at Carlos and Charles. The Ferrari drivers just smile at him.
"It was all on Charles. He found her." Carlos told him.
"Still, thank you both." Daniel insists, faking a smile at y/n babysitter as she takes y/n from him and acts like she just didn't abandon his daughter alone just so she could take pictures with some drivers, continuing to glare at her as she walks out of the garage. He, himself always wanted to fire her since she always abandons his daughter every time but can't since Y/n likes her sitter.
"You didn't lose her, did you? It was her." Carlos spoke up after seeing Daniel glare at the sitter. Daniel sighed deeply, nodding.
"Yeah, can't remove her as Y/n nanny since she likes her for whatever reason."
"We didn't know you have a daughter," Charles said as the three of them walked out of the garage.
"Daughter?" The three turn around to see Lando, Pierre, Max, Alex, George, and Oscar catching up with them.
"Yeah, apparently our Daniel here has a secret daughter." Carlos gestures to Daniel beside him as the three of them chuckle at the surprise look from the others.
"We also just found out today," Carlos added and grinned at them, interrupting Lando when he pointed to him and Charles.
"No one knows other than Yuki, Kelly, some AlphaTauri, a few others, and of course my family," Daniel told them, smiling a little as he waited for their reaction to change. 
 The other driver shares a look before glancing at Daniel, asking simultaneously, "Yuki!?" "Kelly!?"
"Wait, Kelly as in Max's girlfriend?" Lando asked, pointing at Max beside him.
"Yeah," Daniel replied like it was not a big deal.
"How? Why?" Max blinked a couple of times, rubbing his temple.
"Who do you think Penelope plays with sometimes?" Daniel informed him, thinking that Kelly told him.
"It was your daughter" Max's eyes widen, finding out who was the girl Penelope sometimes hung out with.
"Wait. Yuki knows too?" Pierre remembers, crossing his arms.
"What about me?" Yuki asked before gulping when the drivers turned around and faced him.
"Oh, I don't know," Pierre walked toward him and put his arm around his neck, "Daniel's secret daughter."
"Oh. OH! Y/n." Yuki nodded.
"And you didn't tell me?" Pierre dramatically said as he grabbed Yuki's shoulder and shake him.
"Question though. You and Y/n don't look alike. At all." Carlos glance at Daniel.
"Yeah, we don't. Y/n is my adoptive daughter." Daniel answers, receiving a collective 'oh' from everyone except Yuki.
"That makes sense. Where and when did you adopt her?"  Charles asked, scrolling through his phone.
"Around 2020. A woman approached me and handed the baby over saying she'll be back and that she's going to the store to buy some food. I waited and looked for her but it was like she vanished into thin air." Daniel told them as they listened carefully.
"Then I went to the nearest police station but they didn't find her so they suggested putting y/n into an adoption center. I was about to agree but, when I looked at her in my arms sleeping. I just couldn't let her go, so I decided to adopt instead. And it's one of the best decisions I made in my life." Daniel continued with a wide smile, even the others smile at what he said but felt bad for Y/n.
 "How old was she when you took her in?" Oscar wonders, tilting his head as he looks at Daniel while ignoring the cameras that are pointed toward them.
"When I brought her to the hospital. They told me that she was around two weeks." Daniel waved to the camera, smiling at them. Charles moves flatter as he listens to Daniel.
"You okay, Charles?" George asked beside him.
"Yeah...yeah. Just still couldn't wrap up the fact that Daniel has been a father this entire time." Charles excuse, telling half a lie and a truth.
"Neither am I" Lando chuckled, believing Charles but Carlos and Max shared a look, neither of them believed him.
After introducing the drivers to Y/n who immediately catch their hearts. As their bond grew, some even place a bet on who was the better uncle. 
As time went on, news about Daniel being a father and Y/n being his daughter spread like wildfire in the media.
"We should get going," Daniel told them, rubbing his sleeping daughter back. Some driver groan, still wanting to get to know y/n but stop when they realize the time.
"Are you going to bring her next time? In Belgian?" Charles asked him not noticing the look Carlos, Max, and Pierre gave him.
"Don't worry. You'll be seeing Y/n more every race." Daniel chuckle, not taking his words as negative.
"More time to show her that I'm the better uncle," Lando stated confidently, receiving complaints from everyone.
"Shhhh!" Daniel hushed them when he felt Y/n stir a little as they all mouthed 'sorry'.
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slyscoutess · 5 months
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I think we're all chronically online enough here to know what's going on, and rightly so, on TikTok right now, but don't worry, if for some reason you've been in a cave the last few days and haven't heard , let me explain everything with such precision.
In recent days, the Met Gala 2024 was unveiled, and with it celebrities from all lists came together with a single cause, to put themselves in the spotlight with exaggerated clothes and a ticket more expensive than yours and my life. Among these was the influencer hayleyybaylee, an American influencer who thought it would be wise to record, edit and publish a video with her exaggerated clothes, heading to a dance that only the elite within the biggest elites have the right to go to, in the audio of the video? a line that is certainly historically excruciating.
while Rafah, the only theoretically safe place, or at least that was what had been promised to the Palestinian people, was being completely bombed, Hayley was publishing a video with the audio of Marie Antoinette: “let them eat cake”. If you, like me, are a history lover, you know well the episode in history that the French people lived from then on.
With the memory of this audio, we reclaim our power as the people in control, we gave these people the platform and from these people we can take the platform away at any time we want. If the government and the rich are not giving their time to those in need, we will need to force their gaze in the direction we want.
Here we have a term: the people for the people.
because it's literally all we have.
with that, we brought our guillotines outside and decided to take from them what they don't know how to use; their voices and their platforms. blokout2024 is a line that anyone can participate in, the best way to help is to share lists and that includes your own, but it was bothering me how there were names that never appeared there, the formula 1 drivers.
These playboys who spend the year doing Vrom Vrom don't pay attention to anything that doesn't affect them and this was seen with the whole Christian Horner harassment case and some of the reactions to this case. It's time to demand some responsibility from them, they are not babies, they are not children, they are men who are always ready to defend harassers and say that they respect racists and criminals.
“but love, boys can't talk about it” Sir Lewis Hamilton, as always and once again, proved that they can. the man continues to publish links and news about Palestine, and this is not recently, and we know that when Lewis makes donations, he is not in the habit of taking a stand on them, just as he recently did for the Brazilian people with the case of Rio Grande do Sul, the other pilots and their partners just don't care. not to mention the teams and their bosses. This even affects the Formula 1 Academy, with Charlotte Tilbury as a sponsor and frequently in the paddock, for those who don't know, Charlotte recently fired Bella Hadid, a Palestinian woman, for protesting and continuing to speak about the country of her blood and family.
remembering that there are convinced Zionists within the paddock, such as Lance Stroll's girlfriend, sister and brother-in-law, the latter is also Daniel Ricciardo's best friend. Tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are.
I'm not here telling you to stop liking your favorites, I'm not here telling you to stop watching the races, I love some of these and it will hurt me to block them, but not as much as it hurts me to know that they close their eyes and remain quiet in all their luxury, I'm here saying that we need to demand a position from these men and women, we were the ones who gave them the platform, how many people in Palestine can be fans of these people who ignore their suffering on a daily basis? so keep writing fanfics, follow the gossip pages, but the officials need to take a stand
If even the swifties are doing it, why can't we do it?
Let’s Start Big:
LN4 |
LN Rancing Kart |
Lando JPG |
Lando Movie |
Quadrant |
Max Fewtrell |
Lec |
F1Academy |
Nico Rosberg |
Romain Grosjean |
Jenson Button |
Kimi Räikkönen |
Sebastian Vettel |
Mick Schumacher |
Magui Corceiro |
Ollie Bearman |
Liam Lawson |
James Vowles |
Bianca Bustamante |
Sky Sports F1 |
Zak Brown |
Christian Horner |
CS55 Racing |
Arrow McLaren |
1 paper cut doesn't really hurt, but 28 million paper cuts can kill you. Let's fucking hit the pentagon, only follow trought fan accounts.
We, the damned of the earth, have only each other. And that will be enough.
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mybeautifuldelirium · 2 years
Hi there ♥️ could U do a aemond x dothraki slave fanfic in where she works as a Maiden and aemond Takes and Interest in her because He has never Seen a dothraki before💕 thankyou love
The Wildflower From The East || Aemond Targaryen x Dothraki!reader part 1
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A/N this is my first Aemond fanfic so please go easy on me lol
but I hope you like it. It turned out longer than I had expected, but I really wanted to include some backstory and character build up, so lmk if you’d like a Part 2 xx
Summary: Aemond is so captivated by his sister’s new maid that he makes her help him bathe, just so he can hear the fascinating tales from her foreign lands, will he be able to take her out of his mind?
Part 1/?
Warnings: none
Y/N couldn’t remember how long it had been since she last saw her homelands of the Dothraki sea, oh how she missed riding through the mazes of tall thick grass while having the burning Essosi sun gently glaze her skin, she even missed all those ruthless conditions that no lady from the west would ever imagine surviving.
Alas here she was, miles away across the narrow sea in a foreign land. What a cruel fate she had, being sold by her own kin to the slavers of Yunkai only to be brought to King’s Landing as an exotic gift for the Targaryen princess Helaena.
Queen Alicent wasn’t keen on the newly arrived maiden, a filthy savage, she thought of her, unfit to serve her royal daughter. However much to her disapproval, the princess quickly grew close to her new companion indulging in her stories from the foreign lands.
The sun had just risen moments ago and the refreshing scent of the morning dew still lingering in the air. It was hauntingly quiet during this time of day, the only noticeable sound coming from the clashing swords in the courtyard, per usual the Targaryen princes were training with ser Criston. That was when Aemond first saw the foreign maiden.
Y/N was following closely behind his dear sister, who perhaps was once again looking for one of her dreadful creatures in the courtyard. Unlike his brother, the one eyed prince, never paid attention to the maids, however he couldn’t take his eyes off Y/N, she looked nothing like any Westerosi maiden he had seen, there was something striking about her, something so intriguing.
“Ahh the savage girl, a pretty thing she is” smirked Aegon making him turn with a puzzled look.
“Haven’t you heard? They say she’s a Dothraki, sold as a slave at that. Can’t imagine how mother allowed her to serve our beloved sister” he laughed.
‘A Dothraki?’ Aemond thought to himself, he had only heard vague stories about them, from the old septas, but she looked nothing like the images of the ruthless barbarians that these stories had portrayed.
Over the following days the younger prince would secretly throw glances at her every chance he got and although he wouldn’t admit it to himself he just couldn’t take her out of his mind.
The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky with bright colors. Y/N was wandering through the long corridors as princess Helaena had granted her the permission to go bathe herself. Y/N however had decided to use some of the time to explore the castle, indulging in the silence. She has never liked the feeling of being constrained by walls, even the lavish house of her master in Yunkai repulsed her, oh how she missed roaming free on the back of her horse. Consumed by memories of the past, she bumped into something, or rather someone.
As she slowly lifted her head, her eyes were met with a glistening violet gaze that was piercing right through her. The man had long flowing silver hair much like the one of her princess, he had a patch covering one of his eyes but it was unable to overshadow his handsome face .
“Ah so you are the Dothraki maiden” a cunning smirk was lingering on his lips. “Do you speak the common tongue?”
“Yes” she confidently replied, trying not to stare.
“Yes, your grace” he corrected her with a stern expression. “Well then, you are a maid, aren’t you? Go, draw me a bath” he pointed to his chambers with his smirk reappearing.
“I can’t do that, your grace” she answered, mocking his use of the title.
“You do realize, you’re speaking to the prince, how dare you disobey me” he said, now annoyed, but his smirk still apparent.
This nevertheless did not intimidate Y/N “I only serve the princess Helaena my prince”
This response however, only further angered Aemond, he grabbed her by the arm, now his eye staring directly into hers “You’ve heard of dragons, I suppose” he slyly grinned “I happen to be the rider of the largest one there is, all it takes is one of my commands” he twirled a lock of her hair without looking away from her eyes.
Y/N sighed, slowly entering his chambers, as she heard the heavy wooden doors closing behind them.
Quickly she went to fill in the tub, feeling the prince’s gaze never leaving her. Once the tub was filled with warm water and the alluring aroma from the herbs she had placed filled the room, Y/N finally stood up and faced the prince, no longer trying to hide the irritation in her voice.
“May I go now, your grace?”
Aemond locked eye with her, devilish grin playing on his lips “do you expect me to tend to this myself?” He motioned to his attire, covered with filth and dirt, or was it blood.
This time Y/N didn’t even try to object, she knew there was no point in doing so. She mumbled something In Dothraki to herself and cautiously began helping him rid himself of the dirty clothes. Despite her pride and stubbornness Y/N couldn’t deny the otherworldly beauty of the Targaryen prince. He resembled no other man she had ever seen, be it in Yunkai or in the Dothraki hordes. Targaryens were closer to gods than to men, she had heard.
Only when Aemond was left in his breeches did Y/N finally revert her eyes, waiting until she heard the splash from the water. She then kneeled by the tub and started scrubbing his pale skin, desperately trying to escape his gaze. Aemond however kept his eye on her, closely examining her features. Something about this Dothraki girl was drawing him in, he wondered what her story was, how did a savage girl find herself all the way across the narrow sea as a maid to the princess. Aemond could tell she had been taught basic manners and some etiquette along with the common tongue, but even those could not fully conceal her wild upbringing. Her untamed hair was cascading like a waterfall down her back, with several complex braids on top of her head as per Dothraki traditions. She looked rather uncomfortable in her dainty silk gown, he wondered what she was used to wearing.
“What happened to your eye?” Y/N suddenly broke the silence, now examining the leather patch that covered his eye. For a moment, the bluntness of her question caught the prince off guard.
“Curious, are we?” His smirk once again reappeared. “One day I might tell you, but first you owe me a story Wildflower”
“A story?”
“You think I’m unaware of the captivating tales you’ve seemed to tell my beloved sister?” “Don’t you think me worthy of hearing them as well” he gave her a challenging look, their faces now only inches apart.
“Ok then, my prince, as you wish” it was now Y/N’s turn to smirk. She loved telling stories of her lands, they made her feel close to her home, evoking memories of the time when she was free.
Aemond became so enamored with the way the young maiden was narrating her stories, he didn’t notice the water getting cold.
Suddenly Y/N dropped the rag and got up “I must go! The princess!” She rushed to the wooden doors, all manners long forgotten. The prince wanted to stop her, but his pride didn’t let him.
About to get out of the tub, he then saw something glistening under the murky water, it was a gold pendant shaped like a delicate flower, a simple, yet striking piece of jewelry. ‘She must have dropped it’ he thought.
That night Aemond couldn’t get her image out of his head, why was he - a dragon prince so preoccupied with the thoughts of a simple maid from the far eastern lands, he couldn’t explain it to himself, but even if he wouldn’t admit it, he knew that he had to see her again.
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
if you wanna know how i think philip and benoit ended up married, well- blanc always introduces philip as his “partner” everywhere they go and philip doesn’t like it. it confuses people, you see! do you know how many times people have met him and turned to blanc and said “i thought you worked alone,” or asked philip condescendingly if he’s sure he isn’t jealous at all that his partner gets all the credit for their cases while his name’s not even in the articles about them? but blanc doesn’t like the term “boyfriend” (and, frankly, neither does philip- they’re too old for that), and philip can’t help but cringe at the word “lover”, so there aren’t many other options.
he doesn’t mention this annoyance of his to benoit, of course. the man’s a semi-public figure who’s in the news fairly often- it’s not for philip to decide how much the public knows about blanc’s personal life. five years into their relationship, though, they’re at a dinner party hosted by an uncle of a friend of a sister of benoit’s, and after a few introductions and a few misunderstandings, philip says mildly to blanc that he wishes he’d stop introducing him that way. doesn’t he see how it confuses people?
blanc chuckles and points out that philip’s affectation for calling him by his last name doesn’t exactly make it easier for people to figure out the nature of their relationship. philip rolls his eyes. “well, i did ask you,” he reminds blanc. “i asked you if you wanted me to stop calling you that on our first date, and what did you say? ‘no, no,’ you said-” his imitation of blanc has an even more ridiculous accent than the real thing- “‘i don’t think i could get used to you callin’ me benoit all the time.’”
the real blanc grins. “that’s cause i heard you say benoit once when we first met and you pronounced it- now, how did you pronounce it? say it with me: be-noyt.”
philip does not say it with him. he looks down at his plate and frowns, humbled slightly. “i took one french class for a semester and dropped it,” he mumbles. “all those damned tenses. it’s a miracle they know when anybody’s doing anything. look, this isn’t about your name. i just- well, i just-”
he just- what? it’s silly anyway. he spreads his hands as if searching for the right words, then drops them in defeat. “never mind. whatever. whatever. partner’s fine. you know what, forget i said anything. how’s your steak?”
blanc just looks at him, blue eyes inscrutable. god, his eyes are the bluest philip’s ever seen. you have to try not to lose yourself in them. philip gave up on that a long time ago. right now, there’s something in those eyes that makes him worry he’s brought something up that blanc’s going to fret over and not let go, terrified of hurting philip’s feelings. 
a week later, blanc comes home from work with a satisfied, almost smug look on his face. “you’re right,” he says simply, arms crossed, smiling impishly. “you’re absolutely right, philip. i’m tired of calling you my partner. and not just because you would be completely useless in a murder investigation, bless you, sweetheart, but because i’ve finally thought of something else i’d like ta call you better.” he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a small box, and it doesn’t take philip any detective work to realize what’s in it. “so, my darlin’, if you’ll have me, i’ll make sure everyone i meet knows you’re my husband. maybe you can even take my name- then i can call YOU ‘blanc.’ wouldn’t that be somethin’?”
and just like that, philip remembers why he puts up with it all.
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arc852 · 2 months
31. Eepy
Definition: tired or sleepy
Summary: Joel and Jimmy get back from break. Grian is there waiting for them, wanting to make up for his two weeks without seeing Jimmy.
G/t: Grian and Joel are normal-sized, Jimmy is a borrower
Word Count: 1218
AO3 Link
This is it! The last day of G/t July! I want to thank you all for reading! You guys made me so excited to share all of these with you, I'm glad you have all been enjoying them!
I'm finishing off this G/t July with another installment in the BBBCAU! But this definitely won't be the last you see of this au. In fact, I already have almost two more slightly longer stories written and a lot more planned. So look forward to that!
Also, I will probably make a seperate post here in a little bit about this but feel free to send me prompts, asks, or anything about any of these aus and fics!
And with that, I hope you guys enjoy!
 It was late when Joel and Jimmy finally entered the dorm room for the first time in two weeks. Jimmy was sitting on Joel’s shoulder, the college dorms quiet enough that once they entered the building, Joel deemed it safe enough to have Jimmy out of the pocket. And even if someone had passed by, the hood of Joel’s hoodie was enough to hide Jimmy from any prying eyes.
 Immediately, once they entered their dorm, they both saw Grian already waiting for them. Grian stood up from his bed as soon as the door opened and walked over to Joel with his hand out, eyes determined. “I get Jimmy for the rest of the night.”
 “Wow, not even a greeting? What am I? Chopped liver?” Joel said but he was already reaching up and grabbing Jimmy off of his shoulder.
 Grian rolled his eyes. “Oh Joel, how was your break?” He asked in a monotone voice. “Good? That’s good. Mine was good too. So nice that we both had good breaks.”
 Joel heard Jimmy chuckling at that. He ignored the borrower though, in favor of staring at Grian, frowning. “You’re terrible.” Joel said, matching Grian’s tone.
 Grian’s lips curled up a bit. “I know. Now, Jimmy please.” He waved his fingers in anticipation and Joel sighed.
 “Yeah, yeah.” He brought the hand holding Jimmy over Grian’s hand before opening it and dropping Jimmy onto Grian’s awaiting palm. He honestly couldn’t blame Grian for wanting to see Jimmy though. Joel figured he’d be acting a similar way once he was the one who had to spend two weeks away from Jimmy.
 He turned around and decided to just focus on unpacking.
 As soon as Jimmy was in Grian’s hand, Grian brought him close to his chest, to the point that Jimmy was feeling a bit smushed. But not by much, never by too much. Grian was still gentle despite their time apart. Not that Jimmy expected anything to change in that regard.
 Jimmy just briefly saw Joel put on some headphones before Grian fell back into his bed, Jimmy still held close and protected from the brunt of it. A small sense of vertigo still washed over him briefly, but it was gone as quickly as it came. Again, Jimmy was used to being moved every which way so he quickly got over the dizziness that came with that.
 Grian moved Jimmy away from his chest and turned his body so he was laying on his side. Jimmy was moved so that he was sitting on the bed, cupped from behind by Grian’s hand. Jimmy used this as a backrest, leaning against the fingers to make himself more comfortable. 
 “So, how was your break? For real this time?” Jimmy asked with a slight laugh, deciding to be the one to break the silence between them. Grian shrugged, at least, as best as he could while laying down.
 “It was fine. The river rafting was fun and I got to see my sister since she also came home for break.” Grian said.
 Jimmy smiled. “That sounds fun! Glad you got to hang out with your whole family.” 
 “Yeah…” Grian said but he sounded like he didn’t quite agree with Jimmy. The borrower looked up at him quizzically and Grian sighed. “I had fun, yeah, but I couldn’t help but think about…you know, how you were doing and stuff.” Grian’s cheeks held a hint of red and Jimmy’s eyes widened.
 “Wait…” Jimmy grinned. “Are you saying you were worried about me? Aww, Grian!” Jimmy teased, only to receive a gentle but sudden nudge from one of Grian’s fingers. 
 “Oh shut up,” Grian said with a huff. “I was just worried Joel was going to lose you or something. Nothing else.”
 Jimmy’s teasing smile turned softer. It wasn’t everyday Grian showed the softer side of himself. Even if he was trying to cover it up with jokes and a bit of teasing. “Well, I appreciate being thought about either way.”
 Grian’s blush deepened. “Yeah, yeah.” Grian sighed again, eyes turning softer. “I…I did miss you though. It was weird not having you around.”
 “I missed you too. It was weird only having one human hovering over me.” Jimmy joked but was touched by Grian missing him. He figured he would be missed but he hadn’t been expecting Grian to be like this over not seeing Jimmy for two weeks. It was kind of nice, knowing he was that big a part of Grian’s life. That he was that big a part in anyone’s life.
 Grian snorted. “I bet. Well, it’s back to normal now.” Grian said and then brought Jimmy just a little closer. “And next break we get, it’s my turn.” 
 Jimmy nodded, smiling, though his smile soon turned into a yawn. He opened his eyes back up just in time to see Grian rolling his eyes. “You’re tired already?”
 “Hey! It’s been a busy day. We got up early to have breakfast and then Joel had to pack, which took a lot longer than it should have, honestly. And then, right before we were about to leave Joel’s parents dragged him, and me, to go shopping. And then after all of that, we still had to drive 3 hours back here!” Jimmy said, trying to explain his tiredness.
 “Yeah…but you weren’t the one driving.” Grian retorted back and well, that was a fair point.
 “Well, Joel and I were either talking or Joel was blasting the music so I didn’t exactly have any time to rest.” Jimmy said with a huff and a cross of his arms.
 “Right, of course, talking to Joel is tiring.” Grian joked and Jimmy couldn’t help but laugh.
 “That’s mean.” He said, despite his laughter.
 As Grian himself chuckled, Jimmy couldn’t help but lean further into Grian’s palm. Talking about how tired he was was honestly just making him even more tired. And Grian’s hand was so warm. It would be all too easy for Jimmy to fall asleep just like this.
 “You’re really that tired already?” Grian asked, this time the question was more serious.
 Jimmy hummed, head turning to the side. “Hmm, yeah…”
 Grian frowned as he realized Jimmy really was about to fall asleep. “Come on Tim, you haven’t even told me about what you and Joel got up to yet.”
 Jimmy looked up at Grian with a soft smile. “Grian, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll tell you all about it in the morning.” He would love to talk to Grian more but he was tired and he could see that Grian was too. “I think we could both use some sleep though.”
 Grian was quiet for a moment. “Fine.” Grian’s fingers curled in a little more. “Are you okay sleeping here?”
 Jimmy nodded. He trusted Grian and it wasn’t like this was his first time sleeping on the same bed as one of his humans. “Yeah, besides I don’t think I could move even if I wanted to.” He made his point by further leaning against Grian’s hand, going limp in a comfortable position. He heard Grian chuckle.
 “Alright. I’ll…I’ll see you in the morning then.” Grian said tentatively. Jimmy nodded and smiled.
 “See you in the morning.” And with that, surrounded by the warmth of Grian’s hand, Jimmy fell asleep.
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damn-stark · 7 months
Chapter 29 Birthday surprises
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Chapter 29 of Sugar
A/N- One more chapter before we get to the angst 😆
Warning- Swearing, angst, talks of death and grief, FLUFF, cigarettes, spoilers!! long chapter, talks of well I don’t want to spoil it hehe….
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Takes place during-
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
Perhaps she just betrayed her best friend by calling Gojo, perhaps she also just betrayed you in some way for giving away Geto’s location, but she isn’t going to sway. She isn’t going to break her head deciding who’s wrong or right, she knows what she needs to so she made her choice and if someone doesn’t like it well that’s too damn bad.
Albeit, Geto doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to leave to avoid being caught—not like she believes Gojo will do anything against Geto, Gojo loves his best friend too much. But Geto is still hanging around her without a cigarette in between his lips, or without another word to say about his beliefs, or about anything else actually.
He’s just beside her in silence and that raises her suspicion, but then again she doesn’t have to think too deeply about what’s keeping him there.
“She was taken by her family,” she reveals as she assumes he’s going to ask about you. “They came in the morning and took her. That’s why she probably hasn’t tried reaching you….that’s what you were going to ask about right?”
Geto sighs softly and nods. “We agreed to meet up to talk. She never got there.”
Shoko takes a drag from her cigarette and after she blows out smoke she continues to try and defend you. “Yeah, they surprised her. Used their techniques on her and took her. I haven’t heard from her since, but Satoru said she’s okay.”
Geto’s head slowly turns and his thin eyebrows slowly knit together. “He didn’t take her with him?”
Shoko scoffs. “No. He came home recently without her. Her parents probably didn’t let her come back.”
“No,” Geto quickly counters. “Even if that was it, they listen to him. He could’ve brought her back to the school if he wanted. He left her there. My guess is so she doesn’t talk to me.”
“You really think…” she trails off as she realizes the answer to her own question.
Gojo did seem to never come around to accepting Geto and you, but was it really that bad? She always looked at it as him being overbearing and overprotective for his little sister and for his best friend, but did he really dislike the idea so much as to leave you in your family home with a family that finds ways to scrutinize you when they can?
No. That can’t be it, she knew Satoru. He wouldn’t leave you just to prevent you from talking to Geto. He’s just being too overbearing, he still sees you as his little sister, not his sister who can make her own choices and conjure up her own thoughts about everything.
And this is why she’s glad she’s an only child.
“Shoko,” Geto calls out softly and pushes away from the railing to face her. “Could you do something for me?”
Without hesitation, she nods and interjects. “Depends what the favor is. I won't help you burn a village if that’s what you’re going to ask.”
Geto doesn’t find humor in her comment, so she wonders how it is that you make him laugh with your terrible puns.
“It’s about y/n,” he clarifies.
She lets out a deep breath and turns off her cigarette before stepping forward to stand before him. “Sure,” she assures her friend. “What is it?”
“It’s doubtful that she will get her phone back when she gets back to the school,” he begins to explain. “So when she goes back without her phone could you please let her borrow yours and have her call me.”
Shoko nods, but she brings up a possibility that pops into her head. “What if she doesn’t want to talk to you?”
Suguru’s eyes flicker down and an upset look flickers on his face before he faces her with nonchalance. “Then just tell me…” he trails off and reaches into his back pocket to pull out a folded paper. “And whether she wants to talk to me or not, give her this.”
Shoko takes the paper and lets curiosity take control and opens the paper, causing Geto to explain what all the words mean. “It’s her favorite poem.”
“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.” She reads the title in her mind.
“It could’ve been something inappropriate,” Geto remarks.
“I need to know what I’m smuggling to her,” she shrugs him off whilst she folds the paper back before putting it away—“anything else?” She asks.
Geto’s eyes fall to the ground and he nods gently. “If you see her, if she doesn’t want to talk to me, tell her I understand. Tell her to not stay in that school, if she wants to leave then she should tell her to do everything that leads to her happiness. That’s all that matters. Her being happy…” He pauses and draws out a deep breath before meeting her gaze with a small but hurt smile.
“…she deserves to be happy. Tell her that she’s…no…just tell her that if she ever changes her mind I won’t be far, I’ll be there waiting for her. And,” he says with a sweet and adoring smile he only has reserved for two people with the same family name. You and your brother.
“Tell her I know the answer to her question.” He laughs softly.
“…we have to put a hard structure to their training. With the battle…”
You tune Utahime out and yawn into your hand. Even if you got plenty of sleep last night, meetings like these have a way of draining you. They’re so boring!
But…you have to pay attention.
This is like being back at school all over again though. When you’d have strategy meetings with your family they were never this boring. There were drinks and food! All you have here is the temptation to walk out since everyone chose to come over to your house and do anything else like, maybe take a horse ride, tend to your garden, read, or even help your daughter with some of the homework you left her.
Alas…here you are…with Satoru watching you?
You drift your gaze to the corner of your eyes and you can’t see what his eyes are pointed at because of his blindfold, but you can see that his head is slightly shifted your way, and tilted slightly down.
Is he sleeping?
You slowly churn your head his way and tilt your chin down. This makes Satoru swiftly tilt his head up to meet your gaze behind his blindfold, letting you know he is awake, and he was looking at you, so you shoot him a pointed look that conveys your sass.
“You wish,” he whispers sassily and finally looks away.
“You wish,” you mock him, and that makes him counter by pinching your arm.
“Ow,” you hiss and try to swat his hand away, but even if he’s choosing not to have his infinity on, he still swiftly pulls his hand away with a stifled snicker.
“Real mature,” you murmur and hit his thigh with your foot.
Satoru moves to react, but he’s interrupted by the woman leading this gathering, Utahime. “Are you two listening? I know this might be above you Gojo, but this is in regards to your students.”
Satoru reclines back with his hands pressed on the floor and glances between you and Utahime. “You need to use first names Utahime, there’s two of us here once again. It’s confusing,” Satoru only says all that to annoy her.
“The both of you are being scandalous,” she grumbles. “Did either of you even listen to a word I said?”
You nod. “There needs to be structure,” you repeat what she just said. “Training is too chaotic with all the students under one roof, yeah, yeah. I mean,” you sigh and fold your arms over your chest. “If only there were such a place where there was structure for teenage students.”
Utahime grinds her teeth, and Shoko interjects. “Says the high school dropout.”
“I’m surprised you remember what high school is,” Satoru bounces in and leans over. “Considering your professional career eats away at your brain by just looking pretty and letting flashes blind your eyes.”
You slowly turn to look at your brother with a threatening glare, but don’t give him the satisfaction of responding to his stupid untrue comment, you just pierce your glare at him before you look back at Utahime and address her.
“What is it that you were saying?”
Utahime lets out an exhausted breath but has no choice but to repeat herself. “Besides your own students, you will help other students in controlling their technique. You have experience and…you are good at the fluidity of your cursed technique.”
You smile at her smugly because you know she was dreading saying all that to you.
“Don’t worry,” she adds. “You’ll only need to help these students while we prepare for the battle. I’ll tell you who later.”
You respond with a nod and intend to continue listening this time, but this idea you thought of last night comes back around and you have to share it before you forget to before the group breaks apart.
“I have a suggestion,” you interject and bring the group's attention back to you once again. “Regarding the students.”
The parlor room doors open in the midst of you talking and soft patters hit the floor. Before you can see who it is, a little arm wraps around your neck, long black hair drapes over your shoulder, and a math and handwriting worksheet falls on your lap that has your daughter's name on it.
“I see that team morality could use some work, especially between Kyoto and Tokyo students, so I thought why not go on a trip,” you finish sharing before you pick up the worksheets and multitask.
“A trip?” Utahime asks unsure.
You nod and spare her a glance. “Yeah. A beach trip. I have a beach house, it should be large enough. And it’s not like we have to stay long. A day trip would be nice…it’s just to help them build trust between each other, don’t you all think?” You ask.
For a moment though the group of adults stays quiet as they think of your proposition and debate whether it’s an actually good idea, or an excuse to be lazy.
“Well,” Kusakabe is the first one to share his thoughts. “That doesn't sound like a terrible idea. We can’t just depend on them to bond on the battlefield.”
“It’s a terrible idea,” Kashimo pitches, making you look up from the math sheet to look at him with a pointed look.
“Why are you in this meeting again?” You quip.
Kashimo doesn’t get offended by your question, he in fact just meets your gaze and shrugs. He doesn’t even give a reason as to why he disagrees, he just declares it is and leaves it at that.
He’s weird.
“It would let us newer sorcerers have a chance to get to know you all more too,” Takaba shares excitedly. “I think it’s a great idea.”
You offer him a smile before you hand Satori her math sheet. “Good work,” you praise her. “You got them all right. And your handwriting can use practice, but we have time. You can go play now.”
Satori beams at you and snatches her papers to zoom off.
“Let me do your hair,” you yell after her over your shoulder.
Satori reaches the door and even if her hair gets in her eyes and all over her face as she dramatically turns her little head, she still shouts back, “No!”
You groan, but leave it be and just return your attention to the group.
“As long as all the expenses are paid then I think it’s a great plan,” Mei-Mei’s response doesn’t surprise you whatsoever. “Besides staying in one place for too long won’t do anything to help them improve either.”
“Very well then,” Utahime hesitantly gives in. “All those in favor?”
She offers a vote and no one opposes, so you win.
“Okay, then when do you want to do this?” She asks you now.
You glance at Satoru and share the rest of your idea. “December 7th? That is if you don’t mind Satoru?”
He likes to celebrate his birthday, especially if it’s with friends and those he loves. So you thought why not celebrate his birthday at the beach with his students and friends?
“No, of course not,” he assures you with a smile. “I don’t mind at all. I actually like the idea of my birthday at the beach.”
You flash him a grin and pat his shoulder. “Good,” you whisper.
And just like that a beach day on the 7th is added to everyone’s schedule. It might be winter, the air is bitter and the water is freezing, but it’s the beach! And when you’re playing sports you won’t even feel it so you won’t mind the cold then. It will feel weird going back to that beach house without your family though. Especially without the twins, and Suguru; the man who gifted that beach house to you.
Will the memories of them haunt you? You have to wonder to yourself.
But it’s not because you feel guilty for going there with a boyfriend, Suguru wants you to be happy and you’re following that. It’s just the thought of going back there with everything so different…hurts to even think about.
You slow down your pace on your trail to Choso and when you peer over your shoulder you see Shoko coming after you.
“Baby,” you greet her and halt in your tracks to wait for her. “What’s up? I thought you didn’t want to come outside.”
The moment Shoko falls by your side you continue towards Choso who should be teaching some blood manipulation techniques to Itadori.
“I forgot I needed to tell you something,” she says, piquing your interest.
“What is it? Is it about that bag I let you borrow 11 years ago? Because if so it’s yours.”
Shoko shakes her head and looks at you nonchalantly. “No, I accidentally burned a small hole through that.”
Your eye twitches and a pang hits your chest at the horrible, terrible news.
It was so cute and so expensive too.
“I will pretend you didn’t say that,” you mutter between gritted teeth before you let out a dramatic sigh and rewind to what she needed to say. “What is it, Shoko?”
Yet just as she took a breath of air to speak, you come to an immediate halt as you catch Satori letting Choso do her hair, while her friends watch.
“Look at that,” you muse happily. “She’s warming up to him again.”
And or, Satori also had enough with her hair being in her face. But does she want your help? No.
“After I told her that Choso and I were dating,” you let Shoko know as you keep admiring the way Choso is neatly braiding your daughter's hair—“Satori got sad. She doesn’t want Choso to replace her dad, so she got upset, but now look at them,” you laugh breathlessly as your smile only widens with glee and admiration.
“Hey, can you braid my hair too?” One of Satori's friends stands up and asks Choso.
“He’s doing mine first!” Satori hisses at her friend as if they were going to take him away at that exact moment.
Should you give her some advice about her not getting upset about something so small? Yes. Will you? No, no you won’t because you’re happy she’s coming around.
“Wh—what were you going to say?” You redirect your attention back to your friend. “Sorry, I got distracted.”
Shoko’s gaze drifts for a second, but you don’t follow her line of gaze since you keep your eyes fixated on her as you wait curiously.
“Oh,” she sighs. “It was just about an idea I have about giving Satoru a present together.”
Your eyes brighten and you quickly nod in agreement. “That’s a great idea. I was breaking my head over what I should buy him, but this will help. What do you have in mind?”
Shoko shakes her head and impresses you by the way she swiftly pulls out a cigarette.
“That was my first step, telling you, I’ll think of ideas,” she says, making you laugh softly.
“Well,” she adds and steps back. “I’ll let you be now. If you need me I’ll be around.”
You blink in confusion since this all seemed too abrupt, but she doesn’t let you ask any more questions before she walks off.
Then again if it was important she would have told you. You’ll talk to her about it later. For now, you turn to face your beloved with your little beloved and can’t help but grin as you catch him twisting her braids up in two buns, just the way she likes it.
It warms your heart—No, seeing that she’s not being so distant, and asking Choso for help with something she doesn’t let you help her with makes your heart feel like it’s bursting with pure bliss. You’re so enamored.
Choso catches your lovestruck gaze and his cheeks turn a soft shade of pink, making you tempted to go over there and join them to be a part of a memorable moment. But, you don’t want to ruin their little moment so, you stay where you are and grin at him with bliss and love clearly expressed in your fire-colored eyes.
Choso can’t help but smile back at you with a proud and also loving gaze, making it seem at that moment that only the two of you exist in a world full of people.
“THE BEACH!” You exclaim and throw your hands out as you draw in that salty air. “Do you smell that Satori?”
“It’s cold,” she complains and hugs her jacket tighter around her. “Can I stay inside watching TV?”
Luckily it isn’t that windy today, it’s chilly, but it’s bearable. So you take your coat and shoes off before you answer your daughter as you tilt your head down to swiftly make your sunglasses fall over your face. “No. We’re all going to be out here.”
“But I can’t even play, I’m too little,” she brings up.
You peel your eyes away from the calm water ahead and see her pouting. “You can be With Ui-Ui and keep score, hm?” You try to advise her while you pull small sunglasses off your shirt and put them on your Worm that rests on Sarori’s shoulders as of now. “Looking nice buddy.”
The Worm smiles and you grin back before you refocus on your daughter and continue offering suggestions. “You can build a sandcastle, or play with your kite.”
Satori tilts her head away and groans, but she doesn’t continue to argue. You then take advantage that everyone else is slowly filtering out, and walk to the shore, but stand behind the waterline to just watch the waves roll in and darken the sand it runs over.
You look up and admire the gray-blue sky and catch winter birds diving in the water to catch food. In the distant horizon, you see an endless body of water that makes it look like you’ll reach the end of the world.
You then draw in another deep breath, but this time you can feel the water. Not on your toes or any part of your body, you feel it inside you. That’s a beautiful aspect of your technique, if you concentrate deep enough, you can feel your connection to the air all around you, the flowing water where you find it to be, the earth beneath your feet everywhere you go, and especially fire of course since you do produce it. It’s calming to feel their company. It helps you relax.
It seems that since last year you haven’t been able to find time to just relax, but now as you hear the soft crashes of the water rolling in, as you remember that you’re accompanied by those you love, you finally feel like you’re relaxed.
It's dangerous now though. Considering what has to happen in a few weeks, feeling this relaxed makes you want to live in this state forever and not attempt to fight.
But you will fight to see a future with your daughter, with Choso, and your brother. And especially to get justice for the twins who were killed by Sukuna, and justice for Suguru whose body is being used by Kenjaku. You’ll fight for that even if it means you finally stay with death and not escape its grasp.
“Y/N, please put on a long-sleeved shirt or a jacket or something,” Choso interrupts your silence.
You look back and see him carrying your jacket and shoes you discarded to run over here. “I can’t play a sport with a jacket,” you explain. “And I’ll get hot with a sweatshirt on.”
Choso knows not to argue since you won’t go anywhere, so he just throws your jacket over his shoulder and falls by your side instead, he then follows your line of gaze to the dark blue ocean.
“Your head isn’t hurting anymore is it?” He asks.
You shake your head. “No, it's gone now. I’m good, I think I was just excited.” You grin.
“It’s the third time this week you’ve had a headache,” he mumbles. “Maybe you should ask Ieiri to check on you.”
You smile at him and wrap an arm around his shoulders to swing around in front of him and hug him to bask in his warmth. “I’m fine Cho. Really.”
Your boyfriend returns your embrace and starts caressing your back. “Your brother keeps avoiding me. I tried to say happy birthday, but he never let me approach him. I thought he was fine with me, but I’ve noticed that he’s started avoiding me since a couple of weeks ago. He doesn’t like me does he?”
You rest your chin on his shoulder and glance ahead, catching the man you’re talking about playing with a ball as he talks with his students.
“Just give him some time,” you try to assure Choso. “I wish I could say more, but that’s all I can offer you.”
Choso nods softly. “No, I understand. It’s just getting worse instead of better.”
You meet Choso’s gaze and offer him a pitiful frown. You wish you could comfort him and say it will get better, but your brother is being immature about this situation and refuses to understand that Choso is a good man.
You could say you’ll talk some sense into him, but he’s quite stubborn when it comes to accepting your relationships. So you’ll just have to talk to him to tell him to at least be nice.
“Just let him be, okay?” You offer the best advice. “He doesn’t hate you. He’s just being…protective.”
Choso nods softly.
“Hey,” you smile and pull back just enough to meet his gaze. “At least Satori likes you now. That’s the only person that matters.”
A soft proud smile tugs on his lips. “That’s true,” he says.
You hum softly and raise your hand to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear before you share a quote that seems fitting for the thought that grows in your mind. “Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove, that valleys, groves, hills, and fields, woods, or steepy mountain yields.”
Choso's eyebrows knit together and you can’t help but giggle softly before you explain yourself to the poor confused guy. “It’s part of a poem. My favorite poem, it’s about a Shepherd trying to convince his lover to come live in the countryside with him.”
Choso’s eyebrows unravel but he still seems confused as to why you said it. Even if he did love the way you spoke the poem.
“I know I make all these plans for after our battle, and I do plan to see them through, but how about I add one more?” You clue him in. “How about we come live at my beach house in the summer? We’d be pretty secluded, we’d be under the gleaming hot sun, and find comfort at night by hearing the waves crashing against the sand.”
Choso glances out at the water and sighs deeply. “I suppose it is relaxing here. Even if it is cold.”
You chuckle. “Just for now. But it’s nice in the summer. The turtles hatch their eggs, so you get to see the little ones diving into the water for the first time. You get to see dolphins, and most importantly you get to see me training in the water, which can get cool.”
Choso didn't need much convincing, you just needed to share your plan and he’d be ready, but he did like hearing you try to convince him. “Well, it sounds fun. How can I say no?” He quips.
You smile brightly and press a kiss on his cheek. “Yay. Now,” you change the subject and drop your arms to your side to turn away. “Let’s go start our game!”
You run to join the others, and before Satoru can turn to look at you, you jump and slam your hand down on the soccer ball to try and shove it out of his hands. Albeit you got too cocky, he heard you approaching and gripped onto the ball, so all you do is slap your hand on the ball and throw sand everywhere when you land on your feet.
“Fucker,” you grumble and he starts to laugh manically.
“Too loud,” he teases between laughs. “You can’t outsmart me.”
You pout and roll your eyes away from him to address the group. “Everyone huddle up!”
The different conversations die down, and those who were apart from the group walk over, whilst those who were close just turn to face you.
“This is how it’s going to go, we’ve made a raffle of what game we can play and Satori here will pick one out,” you explain excitedly. “All right? So no whining over what we get. And remember these are all team sports to build our bond with each other. Especially to build the relationship between you students because we won’t win if we’re strangers and fighting a battle between each other, so…” you trail off and look around at the quiet group of students, and grow a bit bashful.
They’re all just looking at you. But you go on nevertheless.
“Chipmunk the cup please,” you tell your daughter. And even if she’s still upset that she’s on the sidelines, she walks between Satoru and you with excitement—“It’d only make sense if the birthday boy chooses, so pick the game, brother.”
Satoru holds the ball against his hip to reach into the cup and mix the pieces of paper before he pulls out the answer.
“Drum roll please, Satori,” he points to your daughter, and she happily obliges.
Satoru chooses to be overdramatic and prolongs announcing what he picked, filling the silence with Satori hitting the table.
“Come on,” Maki rushes him.
Satoru chuckles and opens the paper, causing Satori to stop and stand up on the chair to peek over.
“Volleyball!” Satoru shouts.
“Yes!” You celebrate and make the water in the distance splash up.
“Here’s the deal,” Satoru continues and throws the paper back in the cup. “We will split into teams, Students against adults.”
The students share perplexed glances before Kirara raises their hand.
“Yes, star student,” you pick on them.
“It’s a bit unfair, no?” They point out. “You’re all older and stronger.”
You scoff and share a knowing look with Satoru before assuring them. “And you have Maki and Itadori. Heavy hitters. you'll be more than fine. In any case, we might lose.”
“Impossible,” Kashimo interjects. “I won’t lose.”
You side-eye him before you ignore him and clap. “Let’s set the net up and get started.”
You turn away to pretend to be busy, and from the corner of your eyes, you see Satoru picking up the volleyball and aiming it at you.
“Think fast!” He quickly blurts and throws the ball toward your face, but you manage to catch it in time.
“You suck,” you grumble and throw it at him, but he catches it of course, getting you annoyed.
However, you quickly grow mischievous and form a ball of sand on your hand with your technique to hurl it at him.
Nevertheless, of fucking course Satoru puts up his infinity so the sandball just crumbles and sprinkles back on the ground.
“You suck,” you murmur with a glare.
Satoru snickers and drops the ball to bend his knees and put his arms out. You immediately catch what he wants to do so you start backing away.
“No,” you warn him. “Don’t you dare. You're 29.”
Satoru snickers and matches your pace, so you make a sharp turn and run toward Shoko. Satoru of course chases after you in an attempt to catch you and throw you in the water like he liked to do, but you’re faster, you reach Shoko and throw yourself on her back.
You cut her off by spinning her around so she can face Satoru’s wrath.
“For heaven's sake,” Shoko grumbles as she picks up on Satoru’s intentions. “Have you not grown out of this?”
“It’s my birthday,” Satoru throws out as if that’s a magic excuse card.
“Don’t you dare,” you hiss at him and turn Shoko as he steps towards another side. “Stop it.”
Satoru chuckles. “Where’s your husband now?”
You gasp. “Low,” you snap at him with amusement.
Satoru digs his heels and darts for one side, but you let Shoko go and sprint away, catching the attention of the others setting up the net, and your daughter.
“Go Uncle Satoru!” Satoru exclaims.
You’re going to pretend she didn’t just root for the opponent and make another sharp to try and evade your brother.
Albeit he’s faster now and catches you at that turn
“Haha!” He taunts like a psycho and sprints toward the water.
“Satoru let go of me! Don’t you dare throw me into that water!”
Your warning though goes through one ear and comes out the other because he only seems to pick up his pace. You try to hit him, but your punches do nothing. You kick him, but he just laughs. And before you know it, without even avoiding the water himself, he turns around swiftly and throws himself back to dive into the water first before he yanks you down in the cold fucking water with him.
Cheering goes off above water and it’s not hard to guess who encourages such stupid behavior; your students and your daughter.
But whatever, you’ll get them back for encouraging him. As of now luckily he didn’t run in too deep so you manage to immediately find your footing and throw your head back after you stand to your given height.
“You fucker!” You sneer at Satoru as he can’t stop laughing. “You’re a grown man.”
Satoru flips his wet hair back with his hand and shrugs. “You’re still my little sister.”
You discreetly manipulate the water to wrap it around his ankles and yank him down before he can put up his infinity again. And even if you know that doesn’t bother him, you find pride in getting the last laugh.
“Refreshing,” he teases you when he sits up on the sand.
You roll your eyes and just slap some water on his face before you stomp out of the water. Choso being the good boyfriend he is, meets you halfway with a towel, but you find an easier way to dry yourself off; using the wind, you pick up its speed and blow it over you.
After a couple of seconds, you’re all dried up, leaving Choso impressed, and leaving you still annoyed.
“You okay?” Choso asks.
You huff as you stomp back towards the setup you have on the sand. “Peachy. I’m just seconds away from melting my brother's eyes in his sockets.”
Choso laughs softly and reaches over to rub your shoulder. “You have an odd relationship.” He pokes fun.
You groan and sulk on the chair until finally the net is set up and everyone is ready to start the game.
“Remember everyone,” you interject a lot more excited than you were seconds ago. “No techniques! If Satoru catches a whiff of it that’s an immediate out!” You grin and throw the volleyball in the air. “We can’t stop using physical ability, but besides that, it’s a normal game!” You catch the ball and hurl it back to your setter, Utahime.
“A little warning next time,” Utahime grumbles under her breath.
You turn to face your group which you now realize is very large. You’re so used to playing with your family which didn’t consist of too many people so the teams were small, but now there’s three rows on both sides to fit everyone.
“Sorry,” you tell Utahime. “I totally thought we were all coordinated. Anyway! So, how are we setting up? Just a heads up,” you smirk and turn smug. “I can hit a wicked spike.”
“Because of your technique,” Kashimo is quick to spat.
You put a hand on your hips and shoot him a glare. “Nuh-uh. Remember how I exploded the earth beneath you with fire? Well, that’s how. All that training made my swings super powerful. So I can go to the back or the front, whatever floats your boat.”
“Well,” Utahime sighs. “Obviously Satoru is in the Center since he’s the tallest. Ino you’ll be the libero since you are the youngest. Takaba and Choso will be in the middle row, and Mei-mei will be in between both. Y/N, you’re on the left so I’m trusting you.”
You shoot her a wink to assure her.
“Shoko you’ll be the right wing, and Kashimo,” Utahime continues. “You’ll be at the back, in the middle. Did I get everyone?”
You all glance at each other and when you don't see that anyone is left out you awkwardly break away to get into position.
“Good luck, lover,” you pat Choso’s back. “And if I am ever mean during this game, don’t take it personally, I enjoy winning. I’m competitive.”
Choso snickers. “All right well should I prepare to comfort you if you lose?”
You tap your bottom lip and hum. “Are you saying you’ll give your brother the game? If so then yes.” You tease and flash him a smile.
“Well that’s where I’m conflicted, should I make it easy for him or you?” He says back with a faint smile.
“Well if you let me win I can give you something,” you bribe him with a flirty smile.
Choso snickers. “You know I can’t resist you, but well, we’ll see how you play. You have a wicked spike, no?” He taunts with a smirk.
You chuckle and grab his jaw to press a big fat kiss on his cheek before you turn and run to your spot before you can spend all your game flirting with your boyfriend. But now as you face the opposing time you realize you’re really in trouble, Itadori, Hakari, and Maki are in the front. Momo, Miwa, and Inumaki are their weakest players so they’re in the middle. But another powerhouse is in the back with Kirara, the student Noritoshi Kamo, and Okkotsu.
This game could go either way, fast with how specialized everyone is, or slow for that same reason. Either way, it’ll make for a fun game. The games with your family were a lot more tame that’s for sure.
“Ready?” Utahime signals everyone before Ui-Ui blows the whistle and once and for all initiates the game!
Up first Utahime serves the ball with a loud bam. The ball flies over the net and a shadow casts over the middle.
“Miwa!” Maki exclaims so serious-like which is kind of scary. Then again she just kind of scares you. She probably—no she could win against all of you single-handedly. She’s that impressive.
Regardless, Miwa moves forward and raises her hands, but instead of hitting the ball, like a flash of lightning, Itadori and Maki zoom back, they both jump up at the same time and end up clashing together, but Itadori manages to hit the ball over the net instead.
“Y/N!” Gojo warns you. But just as the two of you jump to block it, the ball whizzes past the tip of Satoru’s fingers and hits the sand behind you so hard the sand implodes everywhere.
“Damn,” you murmur and look over at the boy completely starstruck.
That was fucking faster than you thought. They got a score in the first few seconds! And it was probably at their worst too!
“Come on birthday boy,” Shoko scolds Satoru. “Get your head in the game. You’re a giant for a reason aren't you?”
You look away from the students passing each other smiles and tease Shoko right back. “Oh someone’s getting grouchy. I forgot how bad you get when you play sports.”
“She’s also a few shots in,” Satoru whispers in your direction.
“Come on Okkotsu break these old fuckers backs,” Kusakabe cheers on the boy from the sidelines with a beer in his hand.
But you’re not even old…you’re only 28. Tsk.
Yuta gets the ball, he reels back his hand; and even with your conflicted feelings for him you know he’s not to be messed with, so you prepare to block. Yet the ball flies over and falls towards Takaba’s direction. He seems to panic, but he manages to smack and manages to hit it hard enough to get it across.
“Nice,” you throw over your shoulder while you keep your eyes on the ball, seeing that it gets close to Kamo.
When he jumps to meet the ball, he’s smart enough not to hit the ball with too much power behind his swing, he taps it just hard enough to get across, with hopes it’ll catch you all off guard and get them another point. However, a shadow casts over Mei-Mei, but it’s not near her range, so Kashimo runs ahead and jumps to return the ball to the other side.
Itadori receives the ball and passes it to Hakari without as much as an eye signal. They’re coordinated more than you thought, but you know Hakari more than Itadori. You know how hard he can hit and how far he can jump, so you prepare to counter.
As to not give it away though, you don’t bend your knees, but you do prepare your hands. When he hits it over, Satoru passes you a knowing look he could’ve passed on earlier, but whatever, you still catch him, and see him lazily stretch his arms out to do a fake, letting you jump over, reel your arm back, and slam the ball down with all your force.
Hakari and Itadori try to catch the ball, but it whizzes down and you hit a spike.
It’s now a tie match, but you don’t care, you still throw your fists in the air.
“Good job Mommy!” Satori exclaims from the sand a few feet away from the court.
You throw her a thankful thumbs up and focus back on the game. You wish you could say the rest of the match was smooth, that it was an easy win for the more experienced adults, but as awkward and quiet as the students were with each other, they’re strong, faster, and they don’t let your team get ahead. It’s a tie match all the way until the last minute, but now this is where it gets more intense. Even if it’s the first round, this last moment decides the first winner, this can decide how the rest of the game can go. So you focus.
You’re at the front again after some rotating. You aren’t confident about the back row as of now, but you have to make do with what you got, so you narrow your eyes. You don’t give your move away and just watch the ball fly across the net with a focused gaze. Ino and Kashimo act as decoys, while you hastily hop over, reel your hand back, and summon momentum to your palm to slap the ball with all the force you mustered. Maki tries to block it, her fingers reach for the ball. But she miscalculated her jump, she misses and the ball slams on the ground with an explosive thud that sends sand everywhere, setting your team as the winner for the first match out of five.
Which isn’t really something to celebrate over, but you still do, you throw your hands up and shout. “That’s how it’s done!” You beam and spin around to run to Choso.
Your boyfriend is unaware of your actions, but the moment he sees you running to him he prepares himself and manages to catch you when you jump on him
“Ahaha!” You laugh whilst you wrap your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist.
“Nice game,” he doesn’t miss the chance to say while he tightens his hold around you.
“What can I say?” You gloat and slide off him to face him with a grin. “I have a wicked spike. You surprised me though. You make good serves.”
“Yes, but I can’t say I’m good at much else,” he says.
“You just need to call who you want to pass it to,” Shoko interjects as she walks over to return to her initial spot. “You’re not giving anything away so don’t worry.”
“All right.” He takes the advice and then narrows his gaze. “Ieiri I thought you gave up sports because of a man?”
You snap your eyes to Choso and shoot him a warning glare since he’s not supposed to know about that guy. She told you not to tell anyone she dated that man, especially not in front of Satoru because he’d never stop teasing her. Yet your sweet man doesn't understand.
“Oh,” Shoko laughs awkwardly and shoots you a pointed look. “Well, this is harmless fun. Besides, the guy is old news. He’s long forgotten.”
“Good.” You nod slowly and ignore her shaking her head at you. “Well we still have four more rounds so let’s get going.”
Shoko turns away first so you grab Choso’s arm and pull him to you. “Choso, you weren't supposed to know that. I over-shared, so please don’t repeat it in front of anyone else, okay?”
Choso blinks in confusion but he doesn’t argue. “Oh, all right. Sorry.”
You scoff softly and flash him a smile before you let him go and return to your spot.
From then on the match's duration decreases as both teams start to get more comfortable with each other, silences fill with shouts of desperation and excitement, and laughs are born after a powerful hit, or a quick point.
Adrenaline and excitement rushes through all your veins as you’re swept up by a competitive high, (some more than others), so you all end up forgetting that it’s winter and the weather is far from friendly; especially some of the guys.
Satoru and Kashimo slip their shirts off and don’t get bothered by the cold winds embrace. You want Choso to take his shirt off, but even if he doesn’t get cold easily he just keeps on a tight short-sleeved shirt and you’re left just drooling over his abs stamped through the material, and his sweat gleaming over his face and biceps. He does take his shoes off though and wraps his feet, but that’s it. Sadly.
You will get him to take his shirt off later though. Just for you to see.
On the other team, Hakari takes his pants off to be in shorts and takes his shirt off to leave his torso bare, no one else on his team follows his lead though. His team, however, does seem to work just like you wanted; like a team, a united front. Their teamwork improves and their communication skills are speechless but tactful.
Their stars are almost always the same, Harkari, Itadori, and Maki, but they give the rest of their team a chance. They work on their mistakes and you, Satoru, and Utahime couldn’t be prouder.
Even if you aren’t a teacher, you are the mentor to some, so you get happy to see them working together. Just like it’s meant to be. Just like Suguru dreamed of.
If Suguru was here he would be proud, he’d be over the moon. Out of the many goals he had, seeing sorcerers getting along and working as a team was the most important. So even if this is a playful setting, he still would be happy. You’re proud you could see a part of his dream come true.
“Y/N!” Shoko warns, but It’s just a tactic.
You’re on the last match, just like many times before you’re neck to neck. With 3 points left on each team before the ultimate winner is decided.
You are getting increasingly more tired, but you jump and throw your hand back. Albeit the ball doesn’t reach you, with a soft but swift tap Satoru hits the ball and scores before any of the students could dive to counter.
“See!” Satoru exclaims and runs past you to fall on his knees and slide forward. “That’s how it’s done!” He shouts and throws his arms up to thrust his fists in the air.
Takaba being the man he is is the only one who celebrates with Satoru, the rest of you see that you have 2 more points to go so you wait for him.
Once he’s done he grabs your shoulder and shakes you.
“Ugh,” you groan but can’t help but smile anyway.
Satoru laughs and when he returns to his spot he bends down to put his hands on his thighs, and smugly stretches from one side and then to the other.
Now you hope you lose.
“Ready?” Utahime warns everyone before she sends the ball flying across your side toward the middle row.
Now unlike before, their weak spots are fortified. Inumaki catches the ball and passes it to Hakari, who hits hard and far. Yet Kashimo is fast, he runs back, and as he’s reaching for the ball he meets your gaze to send you a signal.
“Mine!” You give away your move and immediately hop up when Kashimo sends the ball you're way. Itadori, Harkari, and Maki get ready to block your fast hit, but you outsmart them. They thought you wouldn't go with a soft hit back-to-back, so they’re unprepared when you end up softly pushing the ball down directly behind their line of defense.
“Come on now!” You bellow happily and skip to the end of the court to high-five Kashimo.
“Not bad,” he manages to say in a not-so-grumpy tone. He tends to always sound annoyed, but that's maybe because he’s an old man in spirit.
“Careful old man you almost smiled at me,” you interject with a laugh before you twist around and run back to your spot whilst giving a high five to Choso and Takaba.
Once you’re in place Utahime hits the ball directly towards Maki’s grasp. Yet just as Shoko and Satoru prepare to counter or block, Maki drops her hands and lets the ball pass to Momo.
Now Momo might be smaller than the others, but she has a mighty swing. Once her hand hits the ball it goes flying. You move to try and block it, but first Itadori hits it with all his might. Choso and Takaba dive to try and make the team miss, but the ball carves a hole in the ground when it lands inches away from the grasp of your teammates.
“It was a nice try honey,” you assure Choso as you help him to his feet.
“Not good enough. I’ll try better,” he redirects, making you grin.
Now with the other team serving they have the advantage. And they use it. They trick you and once again tie the match by soft tapping, leading to you and your brother almost crashing together.
“We need one more point and we win,” Satoru says as he grabs your shoulders and pushes you back to your spot. “Let’s win this and show the students who’s the best!” He smirks.
You faintly mirror his gesture and roll your shoulders back.
“Come on Yuta let’s make this our last serve,” Maki interjects and bends her knees to get ready for what could lead to the winner or not. Neither of you know, but you both intend to make this the last round. All your hearts know that as they begin to pound during the anticipation. You were all sweaty too, but as you watched Okkotsu get ready to serve it’s like you feel the thick beads of sweat streaming down your face. You feel every muscle in your body burning, and your exhaustion is draining you, more than usual, but you stand your ground and glare at the opposite team to intimidate them.
The moment Okkotsu hits the ball, it flies directly toward you. Satoru can’t help you block or counter, so you summon all your strength behind your swing. And when the ball gets close enough you hit the ball with the tip of your fingers and push down.
That can be your winning point, the ball gets close to the ground. Albeit Itadori swiftly reacts and dives down to pass the ball.
“He blocked me?!” You whisper sharply and huff.
Hakari follows by jumping up to strike, but it’s a trick that Satoru and Shoko don’t fall into, they move to block Maki. But her swing is swift, hard, and powerful, you can’t even see how fast it moves until it smacks hard on the ground and you’re hit by sand.
You don’t realize you lost until Kashimo complains. “What the hell was that?! Where were your heads?!”
You slouch in defeat and watch the ball while the students on the other side shout, jump up and down, and huddle together.
“Well,” Satoru sighs in defeat. “That was a good game.”
You blink and fall on the ground to pout. And yes you should be proud, the students won with all their teamwork and blah, but you lost!
“Good game,” Choso pats your back.
You wave his hand off and sigh dramatically. “Yeah, yeah.”
Choso chuckles and tries to sit down next to you but you meet his gaze and smile at him.
“Go to Itadori, I’m just catching my breath and sulking. I’ll get over it.” You assure him.
He’s hesitant, but he presses a kiss on your head before he walks away, letting Shoko sit next to you.
“We used to be a damn good team,” you mutter in defeat. “What happened?!”
Shoko snorts. “We got old?”
You drop your head on your knees and actually try to catch your breath now as you still sulk.
“Do you need water?” Shoko asks with concern.
You nod. “Yeah, but I’ll get up in a second. I’m thinking about my life now.”
Shoko chuckles. “You’re so dramatic.”
You tilt your head up and flash her a smile, catching at that moment Satori wandering over to you.
“Maybe you can build a sandcastle or fly a kite?” She redirects what you told her. That snarky little girl.
“Ahaha,” you feign a laugh before you genuinely grin at her as you watch her walk up behind you. “Was it fun?” You ask.
Satori blows out air and wraps her arms around your neck as she presses herself on your back. “No. My tiger and I flew my kite instead.”
You narrow your eyes, but Shoko asks your question for you. “How do you fly a kite with a cursed spirit, little one?”
“Easy,” Satori answers casually. “He made himself big so I could mount his back, and he ran for me.”
You giggle and praise her critical thinking skills. “Smart.”
“Now I’m soooo bored,” she groans and slips her hands off your neck to twist around and drape her head over your shoulder.
“Ah, well since it is Satoru's birthday, why don’t you help your auntie Shoko and I bury your uncle in the sand, Hm?” You suggest, making her beam at you.
“Great idea! Let’s go!” She exclaims and pushes herself off you before she yells out for her uncle. “Uncle Satoru coming over here, quick!”
The rest of the evening everyone seemed to forget how cold it really was outside, including you. For that entire day, no one remembered the tragedy that awaits everyone on the 24th of December. And maybe that’s why no one let the cold weather bother them, because of what awaits you. Everyone wants to enjoy one day without worry.
Sure Satoru is fighting Sukuna first, he has the chance to end the fight, but you can’t plan for a hopeful outcome. As negative as it sounds, as much as you hate it and feel a pit in your stomach, you have to also plan for what if Satoru loses. You also have to plan to fight Kenjaku, which as of now the first runners-up are you, Okkotsu, and Takaba.
For now, you hope that’s enough, but time will only tell. Time knows everything that will happen. It’s wise, and it taunts you for not knowing ahead. You could wish to know the future all you want, but you can never peek ahead and know what’s going to happen, whether to celebrate a good outcome or avoid a bad one.
If you could, wouldn’t everything be different?
You don’t know that either, you only know the past and what’s happening at this very moment. Which is a gift amongst itself. You can recognize that. You’re happy—no you’re grateful to be alive and get to watch your daughter carrying out Satoru’s birthday cake. You’re proud that you get to see Satoru aging yet another year. And most importantly you are happy you’re not alone.
“Happy birthday Satoru!” You cheer and clap.
Satoru passes you a faint smile before he focuses on recording Satori bringing out his cake like a proud parent recording their child’s dance recital.
“You made it to 29!” Shoko exclaims as she helps Satori set the cake down in front of Satoru.
“Someone tell him to take his infinity so he can taste his cake,” one of the students shouts from the crowd gathered around the birthday man.
“Come on Sugar, let's take a picture together,” Satoru suggests, and your daughter happily obliges.
“But don’t do bunny ears,” Satori warns him. “You always do them.”
Satoru raises one hand. “I swear,” he assures her, but you see him crossing his fingers on his other hand under the table.
“Mommy quick take a picture before the candles melt,” Satori yells at you impatiently
“Okay, okay, I was getting ready anyway,” you comfort her with a soft laugh before you walk around the table to stand across from them. When you point your camera they both end up giving each other bunny ears without knowing. How cute.
“What about one more,” you let them know after you snap the first picture.
Neither party complains, but this time instead of just them, all of Satoru’s students jump in for the picture.
“Nice,” you muse and put the camera down, hearing them all laugh, and seeing Satoru grin softly.
“Blow the candles now!” Satori tells her uncle before she looks back at Hakari and giggles, letting you know that they’re up to no good.
“Come on make a wish,” you encourage your brother with a smile that you can’t let go of, it even starts to hurt your cheeks a bit.
“All right,” he breathes out before he flutters his eyes shut for a few seconds before he shows off those bright blue eyes of his, puckers his lips, and blows out the candles decorating his cake, causing the room to erupt in cheer.
“Yay! You’re halfway old now Uncle Satoru!”
You snort at Satoris' boldness and can’t help but laugh with everyone else while Satoru grabs his chest and acts hurt.
“Thanks, Satori for that insight.” He mutters and leans down.
Satori notices and her eyes widen with excitement. She once again looks over at her partner in crime, and he gives her a nod and offers her a thumbs up. Now you should come in between whatever they're up to, but then again what’s the harm in what they want? So instead you start recording and smile as you watch Satori put her little hand over Saroru’s head. Before he can move she slams her hand down and tries to push his face into the cake.
Satoru had noticed what her intentions were, she wasn’t really discreet even if she thought she was. So since his big fat head is heavy he actually helps her out and basically shoves himself in his own cake and gets what he wanted; Satori laughing and happy.
“Nice job little one,” Shoko praises Satori with a smirk.
Kirara and Itadori shove past you to steal a quick picture of Satoru’s face covered in frosting.
“Excuse you,” you grumble and squeeze past them.
“Now you!” Satoru exclaims and swipes some frosting off his face to wipe it on Satori’s face.
“Hey!” She chuckles. “That’s no fair!”
They both end up laughing at each other and you can’t help but tear up just a little as you watch them. Not for what you could’ve had if you reunited sooner, but over the unknown future. You don’t want Satori to lose yet someone else she loves and looks up to. She’s lost too many people already at her young age, you don’t want her to lose Satoru either. You didn’t want to lose him either.
“Okay everyone come get cake no one is serving anyone!” Shoko announces before she backs away from the gathering crowd.
You sigh and let out all your gloom and doom, instead you keep trying to make the best out of this day.
“Hey, Uncle Satoru,” you hear Satori interject. “When do you think we’ll go out and exorcise curses together?”
Satoru turns his head with his mouth full of cake and snickers, making her slowly pout.
“Don't laugh,” she says sadly. “I train. I’m strong. and my mommy says I will make a great partner. I just want to go on a mission like you and my daddy would.”
Satoru’s breath hitches softly at the mention, and you…smile down at your hands. A part of you wants to cry just thinking about it, then again you have been more emotional than usual, but that’s beside the point, you don’t cry. You feel joy hearing Satori bring that up.
“My daddy always told me cool stories,” Satori continues trying to presuede him into accepting. “I just want to have a cool story of our own.”
Satoru swallows thickly and laughs softly. “Is that so? Well, maybe after all this is over we can go on an easy mission, okay?”
Satori's face immediately changes and she beams at him now. “Yay!”
Satoru scoops up more cake with his spoon and wonders out loud. “What else would your dad say?”
Tsk. Of course, he’s going to probe her about Suguru now. He did it every chance he got.
Anyway, you let them be and find Choso in the living room talking to his brother. You put a foot forward to sit next to your boyfriend, but you’re then hit with a realization so you step back and pull your camera out.
“Uh, Itadori, Cho,” you interject and immediately gain their attention. “Would you mind if I took a picture?”
Itadori and Choso look at each other, and as nervous as Choso got out of fear his brother would reject this simple request, he answers for him and his brother. “No, not at all.”
You smile and whisper excitedly, “great!”
As you lift your camera, Itadori scoots closer to Choso and wraps his arm around his brother before he offers the camera a wide happy grin. Choso first looks over at Itadori with a smile before he shows off that same smile to the camera, letting you snap a picture that triggers the flash to go off.
“Perfect,” you say cheerfully. “Thank you boys.”
With the inability to stop smiling at Choso’s new milestone, you sit down beside him and lean into his ear. “See I told you I could get it.”
Choso looks at you with awe and interjects. “Now all we need is the Christmas portrait.”
You chuckle, making him proud that he’s getting a lot better at making you laugh with the little things he says.
“Itadori come on, we’re going to start,” Panda whisks Itadori away with the other students outside.
“Do you want to watch the fireworks with me?” You ask Choso and bat your lashes as if he isn’t going to agree right away. “Hakari and Inumaki found some in the garage and they’re going to pop them now it seems, so do you want to watch the light show with me?”
Choso watches as you press your hand on his chest and draws in a deep breath before meeting your pleading gaze and giving in without a fight. “Yes, that sounds fun.”
You grin at him and first grab a throw blanket that was on the couch, and then grab his hand to take him outside with you. Albeit you don’t go too far out where the students are, you decide you’re too old to be huddled around them, so you keep your distance, and plop Choso on the cold ground before you follow and snuggle your back against his chest.
He then grabs the throw blanket you took and hooks his arms around your neck to wrap the both of you in the warmth of the blanket. While you wait for the students to start you lay your head back on Choso’s shoulder, and watch the star-littered sky. He on the other hand sighs softly in satisfaction and watches you.
“How about tonight we do face masks together after we take a shower, hm?” You suggest and drift your eyes to meet his gaze. “Maybe we can also watch a sappy movie tonight. Do you like that idea?”
Choso nods. “Yes, I don’t mind.”
You smile at him and only lift yourself a little to give him a fleeting kiss on his chin. He offers you a soft lovestruck smile and that reminds you of something.
“Oh, and by the way the secrets I tell you, like the one about Shoko, are supposed to stay between us. You’re not supposed to know,” you remind him before you could get into trouble.
“Oh,” he gasps softly. “Sorry. I forgot.”
You laugh softly and tilt your head down. “Don’t worry about it, just remember that the gossip I tell you is not shared.”
“Right,” he mumbles whilst he rests his chin on your head. “What about the stuff I hear? Do I tell you?”
You pull away from him and twist around halfway to meet his gaze with a pressing look. “Did you hear something?” You probe.
Choso chuckles. “I suppose that’s a yes. Well when I was helping Satori build her castle out of sand, I heard your brother and Ieiri talking about uh, Mei-Mei trying to “make a move” on a Higuruma when they were on their way here.”
You gasp and turn completely to grab his arms. “What else did you hear? Because I heard she was talking all sweet to Kashimo.”
“Uh, your brother said that she has a way to scare off men.” He says.
You scoff and turn to lay back against him. “That's so not it. That’s how you know he doesn’t know her. She just figures out if they have money or not, if they don’t then they’re not worth her time.”
The corner of your lips tug to a half smile. “She most likely found out that neither men have money so she just didn’t bother getting to know them.”
“Hm.” He doesn’t say much but he still absorbs everything you tell him and always recalls what you have mentioned in the past.
It’s another reason why you love him. He’s a great listener.
“You know,” you add and drop your gaze to watch Hakari finally light a small firework. “I think Kashimo is warming up to me.”
Choso drops his head and mutters quietly. Oh?”
You smirk and drop your hand to start caressing Choso’s knee. “I think he’s okay for an ancient sorcerer. He reminds me of my middle school boyfriend,” you lie and follow the firework to the sky. “Except he had red hair.”
The firework is small but it’s still loud and bright overhead. The white light lets you see Choso’s bothered pout when you glance back at him.
“And his hair was straight and shorter. He had green eyes, and he gave me good gifts,” you list things off and see Choso’s eyebrows pinch together, making his nose wrinkle all cute-like.
“And…” you roll out, and he finally glances at you, so you start to laugh—“and I was just kidding. I just wanted to see you pout my love.”
Choso sighs deeply and glances away, causing you to giggle and throw your arms around his neck to pull him down to slam your lips on his. All while another firework goes off, this one brighter and bigger, a deep red instead of white that paints both of your faces with its light.
“I was just teasing,” you coo when you pull back just an inch from his lips.
Choso holds your gaze with a hardened look for a moment longer before his face eases and a smile cracks on his face.
“I like your smile,” you make him blush. “Where else could I see a smile like yours, Cho?”
Choso scoffs and shows off a softened look full of adoration.
“You know,” he adds softly before he looks away to watch more of the light show that continues to paint the sky. “Living by the ocean isn’t bad. I…like it.”
You lift your gaze to the sky and smile softly.
“It’s calm, quiet,” he continues with a smile you immediately recognize as a timid one. “Most importantly you’re happy here. I think it’s a good place for our family.”
Family? What does he mean by that? Like for the family you already have? Or to add on to it?
You part your lips to ask but you’re interrupted by Satori calling out for you as she runs outside. “Mommy!”
“Over here,” you drop the subject for now and drop your eyes to watch your daughter run to you.
“I want to watch the fireworks too;” she says when reaches you.
Your eyes and smile brighten, and you can’t help but answer giddly. “Okay.”
You then open the blanket, and she sits herself in front of you to let you embrace her with the blanket too. When she’s all snuggled up, Choso shifts his arms and his legs away to get ready to move and give you and your daughter space, but you grab his hand and yank him back against you. Because if Satori was bothered by him cuddling with you then she would have not accepted your invitation to snuggle with you under the same blanket, she would have kept her distance, but she didn’t so she doesn’t mind, therefore he can stay.
You want him to stay so you could be sandwiched by the people you love the most, and find comfort in their warmth on such a chilly night.
Unbeknownst to you though, while you watch the fireworks paint the sky like you watch the rain with Choso, in a comfortable silence, Satoru watches the three of you from a distance. He tries to remain neutral for the sake of you, and for Satori, since he sees that she likes Choso now. He also tries to see Choso in a better light, but no matter what, he can’t come to agree or like him with you. Now more than ever.
All the rooms were occupied, so Satori had to come sleep with you for the night, making Choso decide that it would be better if he slept on the couch in the parlor room. So now you’re sneaking downstairs to sleep with him like a teenager forbidden to go out.
Albeit on your way to the parlor room you notice Satoru in the sunroom all alone watching the distant waves through the window, pondering over who knows what.
Now you’re presented with a choice, go to him, or ignore him and go to Choso.
You are tired, so you move a step forward.
However, that’s the furthest you get because then you think to yourself that you can’t actually ignore your brother all by his lonesome. If you want to mend your relationship you have to try. So what’s so wrong with staying up a bit longer?
Thus you walk over and when you reach the door you knock first out of courtesy. Once you’re walking inside nothing is spoken, the silence carries on. Not because you made it awkward and uncomfortable by interrupting him, but because you both just basked in the white noise of the waves in the distance. It was soothing.
You almost want to leave the silence as it is. You could actually fall asleep where you are, you already have so many times in the past, but Satoru is out here for a reason, and you have to be sisterly and worry.
First, though, you start off slow.
“When Suguru and I found out we were expecting,” you fill the silence and keep your eyes on the ocean reflecting the night on its clear surface—“since we didn’t want anyone to find out we were going to have a baby, we came to live here for the entirety of my pregnancy. When…” you trail off as your voice breaks and fiddle with your nails.
“When,” you sigh and continue. “I started getting bigger Suguru and I would spend a lot of our evenings here and he would read Satori books. That was his favorite thing to do.”
After being basically frozen in place, Satoru shifts in his seat and then drifts his blue eyes to you, which is hard to miss because of how bright they are.
“This is my first time coming here since he died,” you murmur and meet his gaze. “This is my first time being in this room without him.”
Satoru hums and instead of looking sad or simply bummed out by what you said, his gaze slowly starts to harden.
But you don’t take it as anything bad though, you finally ask the question you’ve been building up to. “Are you okay?”
“Besides now,” he breaks his silence and only looks at you with what appears to be conflict. “Do you ever think about Suguru?”
You blink repeatedly in confusion and fail to answer because you think he’s somehow joking. When he doesn’t say he is, or ease his glare, you draw out a deep breath and nod stiffly as you drop your gaze.
“Everyday,” you share quietly. “When I look at my daughter living day by day without her father. When we talk about Kenjaku. And those moments when it’s quiet, when it’s just me and I have something stupid to say about my day…” you pause and look at him with a sorrowful look. “Why?” You ask.
Satoru drops his gaze and swallows thickly. “Because I can’t stop thinking about him and how it hasn’t been a year yet but you’ve already moved on.”
You blink with surprise and slowly the sorrow in your eyes turns to conflict, and that sad frown curls into a scowl.
“Have you thought about that?” He throws at you sharply as if he’s the one you’re hurting.
“I think about it,” you mutter while you ball your hands to fists. “But why are you? What does it matter to you?”
Satoru’s eyes snap up and he counters back quickly. “It matters because I don’t think you know what you’re doing. I mean saying you love this new guy after what? It hasn’t even been a month since you met him. You got with him and said you loved him after like three weeks.”
You lose all the initial worry you had for him and get fueled with anger. Hot anger you had for him before you forgave him. That resentful anger you bore for years.
“I told you why I love him, I told you how it all came to be,” you argue and defend the man you love. “I gave you hundreds of reasons why it shouldn't matter how many days it’s been since we’ve known each other, and he’s given you thousands. So why does it matter how long I’ve known him for? Why is it so important for you to tell me how long it’s been since my husband died? My husband, not yours, the father of my kids, not yours, the love of my life, not yours. Tell me, Satoru, tell me,” you sneer.
“Is it because you don’t like Choso?” You don’t leave him room to respond as your anger starts to burn hotter and begins to blind you. “Because you don’t want me to be happy? You want me to be buried in my blankets grieving Suguru? Because trust me I’ve been there, I was there. I grieved Suguru, I felt like dying every day since I lost him. I wanted to stay that way for the rest of my life because living on without him felt pointless, but I stood up, I fought to live on every day. It felt so dreadful,” you spat with tears of anger and anguish filling your eyes, with every word your voice filling with more rage and sorrow. “But I kept living because my daughters needed me. I moved on because my daughters needed me, because they didn’t deserve to have an empty husk of a person as a parent, because my students brought the light back to my life.”
Tears slip down your cheeks, and you expect him to cut in to apologize or argue, but he stays quiet, letting you continue with your rageful rant.
“Or are you just saying all this because you can never be happy for me and the people I chose to be with? First, it was Suguru, and now it’s Choso. So tell me brother, why do you have that need to always act like such an asshole? And don’t give me that big brother bullshit, it works only for a little bit, but we both know you never liked Suguru and me together. So tell me,” you whisper and try to sound angry but it comes out shaky more than anything.
“I want you to be happy,” Satoru interjects with his look of conflict not lost, it’s still showing, but now you see anger too—“but I’m looking out for you too, you may not like that answer, but that’s it. We have parents and other family, but you are the only part of that family I care about…”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you feel your head hurt as you don’t know whether to stay upset or not.
“It’s always been that way,” he continues with a hint of softness in his voice. “You are my home. Suguru was my home too…that’s why…I was always hard on you when you were a couple. I didn't want my home to break apart, with you two being together, there was a risk. Do I regret being so harsh? Yes, that moment when you were saying your goodbyes last year I saw that I was wrong for being upset, and I’m sorry for that.”
Well, when he puts it that way it’s hard to stay angry at him. You understood things not wanting to change, but that doesn’t explain Choso.
“What about Choso?” You bring up with that anger lost completely now. “He isn't your best friend so why are you against him?”
Satoru clenches his jaw as he sighs deeply. He continues to stay quiet and hold your gaze for a moment before he speaks up without a hint of losing his anger. “Because of who he is. You may see him as human, but I don’t.”
Oh, and just like that your anger returns
“He’s half a curse, y/n. Please tell me you know that.”
You stiffen and respond without hesitation. “I do, but why should that matter? He’s still human too. He’s more human than some people I know. There may have been some problems with him in the beginning, but he turned himself around. Itadori can vouch for that, Satori can vouch for it, my students and Shoko can, you would see how great he is if you gave him a chance.”
Satoru scoffs and rolls his head away before he brushes his hands through his hair out of frustration. “Of course you would say that,” he mumbles. “Why should I be surprised given…” he trails off, leaving you puzzled.
“Given what?” You ask sharply.
“Don’t. I know.”
Your eyebrows furrow and your glare turns to a puzzled look. “Know what?” You quip.
Satoru’s eyes drift to you and he glares before he rolls his eyes away sassily.
“What?” You press with frustration. “What do you know?”
Satoru stands up straight and snaps his head towards you to narrow his glare on you. He has yet to answer you so you raise your eyebrows to press him.
“You don’t know…you’re pregnant?” He asks unsurely.
And without saying a thing you answer his question with a shocked gasp.
“Oh,” he whispers and sucks air through his teeth as he feels guilt for revealing that the way he did, but he doesn’t regret anything else he did say.
“I,” is all you manage to mutter as your disbelief heightens and clears your mind.
“It was faint at first,” he adds on as if that would help your shock. “I thought it was just your cursed energy since it’s like a dancing flame, but as these weeks have gone by I started to see that it wasn’t just you, I was seeing two other bundles of cursed energy growing inside you—oh, damn,” he catches what else he revealed when it’s too late.
“Twins?” Is all you can say now with a smile wanting to tug on your lips, but you still can’t believe what he said so you’re still a bit paralyzed.
But you are starting to realize that all your headaches, your erratic emotions, and your exhaustion make sense. But since these days are around the time you get your period you haven’t been given the chance to find out for yourself.
“I don’t know,” he says. “For all we know they can be curses.”
You snap out of your shock as his terrible words travel in your ears, and snap at him. “How could you say that?”
Satoru’s face contorts with frustration and he’s quick to argue back. “How could you not? That guy is half a curse, y/n, remember? For all we know those things growing inside you could be full-blooded curses that could kill you.”
You glare at him and shake your head. “No. I would know. And him being half a curse doesn't matter. He has a human body, he has human blood. He’s human, why can’t you understand that?”
“Because as long as he has any potential to hurt you and Satori, I could never forget that,” he says from the bottom of his heart. “That’s why. And if that mattered to you you would get rid of…them before they have a chance to kill you.”
You grab your belly and hear his mean words echo in your head for a moment before you finally react in anger. “You are being cruel, Satoru. I don’t want to talk to you.” You turn on your heels and storm off.
Once you’re in the hall that leads to the parlor room, and far from your brother you stop to take in what he just said. He was so mean, so negative. It all catches up to you and those emotions you’ve been trying to hold back all day finally escape you, but this time it’s not because you’re happy, or reminiscing about the past, this time it’s because of what Satoru said.
In your heart and gut, you know Satoru’s fear isn’t true, they’re babies. They're yours and Choso’s babies. You want to be happy about it, but the way Satoru spoke with so much malice found a way to ruin the moment and fill you with anguish.
You almost want to take back your forgiveness, but you don’t. You can’t. He’s just…worried. You understand. Even if it pisses you off now, you understand deep inside that he’s worried. You just need a moment to sulk in your sadness and frustration. Just a moment.
Just a moment, you repeat to yourself and take just that to wallow in your anguish before you let out a deep breath and wipe away your tears to enter the parlor room.
Perhaps you should have returned to your room given the news you were just blurted out, but the only thing that helps you feel at ease, especially in your current mood is Choso. Besides, when he sees you walk in he greets you with a smile.
“What are you doing down here?” He whispers as if he is accompanied by a third party, but it’s just him and you.
“I wanted to come sleep with you,” you tell him and thank the cover of the night because he can't notice that you were crying.
“Is that okay?” You ask as you find your way to the couch he’s on.
“Appreciated,” he assures you and lifts his blanket to welcome you to his side, which you quickly take so he won’t see your face now that you’re close.
When he wraps you with his blanket you wrap your arms under his arms and snuggle your head against his chest without saying a word. Which is a small mistake.
Choso knows you enjoy your silence, especially when it comes to falling asleep, but he can also pick up when something is wrong when you’re quiet. He has suspicions of that now because of the way you averted your gaze.
“Is everything okay?” He asks whilst he wraps his arm around your neck and cups the back of your head to massage your scalp.
“Mhm,” you hum in agreement, and in that second you want to tell him the good news you just found out, but there’s also a chance Satoru could be wrong. Those babies he saw could be spurts of erratic cursed energy, and if that’s all it is then you don’t want to get Choso excited or upset over nothing. So you’ll have Shoko double-check for you before you say anything.
Thus for now you hide your news and your sadness.
“I’m fine,” you assure him. “I just wanted to come sleep with you, that's all.”
Choso doesn’t believe you, but he also doesn’t press because if you were ready to share what was upsetting you then you would. He lets it go for now and just presses you closer against him.
“I love you,” you whisper as you try not to cry more now that you’re in the comfort of his embrace.
Choso presses a kiss on the top of your head and says it back fondly. “I love you too.”
A/N- The ending Is so twilight coded 🤩 guys we’re gonna have two little rumpelstiltskins! (Please tell me you get it 😂😭)
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest @natakina
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Mending a Family 17/?
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Jason woke up with the feeling of wrongness deep in his chest (core).
Rage, rage, rage.
Jason knew he had to calm down, but he couldn’t. He knew; he just knew someone uninvited was in his haunt. Jason sneered; they could harm his family. He called a bit of ectoplasm in his hands and got the knife from under his pillow.
Whoever had decided to invade his haunt was going to regret it.
Jason opened his door in time to see Jazz and Danny leave their rooms, their eyes glowing. (If he had looked in a mirror, Jason would’ve noticed his eyes were glowing, too.)
Jazz held a green and white staff while Danny held a ball of glowing ice. That wouldn’t do.
“Danny, stay here with your sister.”
“Jason, I’m not staying here while we’re under attack,” Jazz said.
“No, not you, with Ellie,” Jason knew he needed all the help he could get; there were too many invaders in his haunt. “Danny, if anyone either than me or Jazz come in, leave with Ellie.”
Danny scowled, angry.
“What, no! I can help.”
“Danny, I won’t be able to fight as well if you’re in danger. I need you to be safe, or I’ll be distracted. Just, please, listen to what I say.”
Danny pouted and crossed his arms. He stared into Jason’s eyes.
“Fine, but I don’t like it.”
“Thanks, chum.”
Jason and Jazz went out and looked into the woods that surrounded their house. They didn’t see anyone, but they knew the intruders were there. Jazz and Jason stared at each other before nodding and going in their direction. Splitting up wasn’t ideal, but the other could still get the children out if one fell.
Jason brought up an ectoplasm ball to his hand again. He looked around but saw no one.
It was years of experience that had him dodging. Soon he was being attacked.
Jason fought back and noticed that he knew the fighting style. It was the League of Assassins. Fuck.
Why were they here? He had left the League a while ago. Were they here because he had left the League? In the end, it didn’t matter. He had to get them away from his family, even if it meant killing them.
Jason fought hard, incapacitating three, but five more showed up. Even with his ghostly powers, he had trouble fighting this many opponents who knew what they were doing. They dodged ectoblasts and took his intangibility in strides. He hoped Jazz was doing okay. Just as he was about to attack again, a woman’s voice rang out, “Enough!”
Jason groaned. Talia Al Ghul stepped out of the shadows wearing a black body suit. She had a sword strapped on her back, a gun on her side, and knives strapped on her thighs.
“Talia,” Jason acknowledged, resigned. He would have to move. Fuck, Talia would never stop hunting him. Why was she even here? She hadn’t contacted him when he was in Gotham (he would never admit how much that hurt.), and now that he wants to leave his past behind, she shows up.
“Now, habibi, is that any way to greet your mother?”
Jason gritted his teeth because she was right. She gave birth to a new him (via Lazarus pit), cared for him during his catatonic stage, and taught him how to walk, talk, and fight. In every sense of the word, Talia was a mother to Jason. A fucked up, assassin mother, but a mother nonetheless. A mother who abandoned him in Gotham after his failure.
Jason was taken out of his musings when he heard Jazz being dragged, loudly by her part, through the woods.
“I approve of her, habibi; she’s a strong fighter.”
“Who are you people? Let me go, now!”
Jazz had trouble breaking free from the assassins holding her, even with her augmented strength. (Jason noticed it was the bigger, muscley ones holding her down…and there were four of them.)
“Let her go, Talia.”
Talia nodded toward the assassins, and they quickly let Jazz loose. Jazz came to Jason’s side, staff ready to attack.
“Do you know these people, Jason?”
“Jazz, meet Talia, my assassin mom. Talia, meet my sister, Jazz.”
“Hmm,” Talia hummed, “are you going to invite me to your place, habibi?”
No, Jason wanted to say, but if Talia was here, she knew about Danny and Ellie. She already confirmed she knew about Jazz. Besides, Jason needed to know what Talia wanted and why she was suddenly back in Jason’s life.
“They stay,” Jason pointed vaguely toward the assassins. He didn’t want them anywhere near the kids.
Talia gave a hand gesture, and the assassins melted into the shadows. Jason could still feel them in his haunt.
The walk back to the house was silent. Jason was hyperaware of the intruders in his haunt and of Talia walking by him. He couldn’t help but imagine the worse. Why was Talia here? She didn’t seem surprised by his powers. Was it because she was good at hiding her emotions, or was it because she knew? Did she know about Danny’s power? Ellie?
Sometimes he understood Bruce’s need to know everything and make plans around them. Then when things come back to bite in the ass, at least there are ways to combat it.
Jason sat down in one of the chairs when they reached the house. He looked at Talia and gestured toward the other chair. No way in hell he was letting her in the house.
“I’m going to check on the children so you two can talk. Excuse me.”
Jazz entered the house.
Talia raised an eyebrow toward Jason. Jason crossed his arms. He knew Talia wanted to go in the house, too. He refused. She sighed and sat on the chair opposite him.
“What are you doing here, Talia? Hell, why did you even look for me? I left the League a while ago, and you didn’t care to contact me when I was in Gotham.”
“Your father is worried about you.”
“Oh, so now you’re Bruce’s messenger? When did he even contact you?”
“My Beloved didn’t contact me. It was Damian.”
Jason was surprised. He hadn’t had much contact with the newest Robin. He had only seen Damian in passing in the League, and the Bat and his birds kept the kid as far away as they could from Jason. He didn’t blame them after what he had done to Tim in his green-tinged raging mind.  
“Why would Damian care if I’m gone?”
“Your departure has…unsettled your father and family.”
Jason snorted.
“What, they’re waiting to hear news how the black sheep of the Bat Family has gone on another killing spree?”
Talia’s expression could almost be described as soft.
“Your father misses you.”
“He misses a boy that died. He misses having me under his thumb, not me. Not this Jason Todd.”
Silence reigned for a few moments.
“Come back with me. I can protect you and your son. I can keep Jasmine and Danielle safe.”
Jason sneered, “You mean so you can have new weapons to use? What will you do, brainwash my son like you brainwashed me? Are you going to keep Ellie and Jazz under your control? Give us over to Ra’s?”
“All your actions were your own, habibi.”
Jason turned away from Talia and stared into the woods. Somehow, he was able to see the assassins this time around. (He didn’t know his eyes were glowing. He didn’t know Talia was watching his eyes with interest.)
“I don’t want my family in that environment. Danny deserves to be a child, not a weapon.”
Talia inclined her head, “If that’s what you wish, Jason. I only wanted to give you the option.”
Talia rose from her seat, “You won’t tell Bruce, will you?”
Talia smiled, “No, habibi. Your father won’t learn of your location from me. You must know, though, that Bruce will learn sooner or later of your whereabouts. He won’t stop looking.”
“I think once he finds out I’m not killing people, he’ll stop looking for his greatest failure,” Jason traced his scar.
Talia looked up sharply, following Jason’s finger.
“Did Bruce do that?”
Jason’s silence spoke volumes.
“Bruce rarely acts foolishly, but he makes grave mistakes when it happens. Like letting that clown live.”
Jason’s Adam’s apple bobbed at the mention of his murderer.
“Please, don’t tell him.”
“Your secret is safe with me. Do expect me to keep in touch, though.”
Jason nodded, knowing there was no point in discouraging Talia Al Ghul. She gave him a peck on his cheeks and walked into the woods.
Talia raised her hand to halt her assassins. She was being followed.
“Show yourself.”
A little boy with black hair and glowing green eyes suddenly appeared before her. He was sneering.
“Hello, Daniel.”
“It’s Danny. You better not hurt my daddy, or I’ll make you regret it.”
Daniel’s eyes glowed stronger with the emotions behind them.
“I wouldn’t hurt my son.”
“Parents hurt their children all the time,” Daniel balled his little fists.
Hmm, interesting reaction.
Talia approached the little boy and put her hand on his shoulder. His little fists started glowing Lazarus green.
“Jason has a strong and precious son. I’m glad that my son has found you, little one. He needs more love than his father, or I can ever give him. Thank you.”
Little fists unclenched in surprise.
“I won’t call you ‘grandmother’ if that’s what you’re fishing for.”
Talia smiled, “I don’t expect you to.”
Then she disappeared into the night.
Damian picked up his phone.
“Mother,” he greeted.
“Damian. Jason is fine. He doesn’t want to be found by your father and his little brood. I won’t tell you where he is; he’s been betrayed by his parents more than enough.”
Before he could answer, she hung up.
“Ugh,” he yelled, throwing his phone against the wall and breaking it.
“Baby bat, what’s wrong?”
Richard walked into Damian’s room. He was visiting the family with little Mar’i.
Damian hesitated momentarily before confessing, “I asked mother to look for Todd. She found him but refused to tell me where he is.”
Richard exhaled sharply.
“Did she tell you anything?”
“Just that he’s fine and doesn’t want to be found,” Damian answered bitterly. He never thought his mother would do this to him.
“She said enough parents have betrayed Todd. I didn’t even know she viewed herself as Todd’s parent.”
Why had she never mentioned it? Damian hadn’t seen Todd many times in the League, and he had been behind Talia the two or three times he had. Grandfather would sometimes complain about his mother’s pet project, but Damian would have never imagined that his mother saw Todd as a son.
His brother had been kept from him by both of his parents. He wondered how different things would’ve been if he had met Jason in the League.
Richard sat by Damian, “What’s wrong, Dami?”
“Do you think father will ever stop feeling bad if Todd never returns?”
“He’ll come back. If not, we’ll find him and tell him how much we miss him.”
“But if he doesn’t want to come back, what then?”
Richard didn’t have an answer.
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reevesdriver · 2 years
Spilled Wine (NSFW)
Word count: 2756
Character(s): Bronn of the Blackwater
Reader: Female Lannister reader
Warning(s): NSFW / 🔥🔥🔥 / Eventual Smut / Age Gap (Reader is of age) / Oral Sex (M & F Receiving) / Drinking / Vulgar Language
Support Me: Kofi
(AN: I literally cannot find that many Bronn fics so I decided fuck it I'll write my own. Also I can’t remember exactly how it all went when Tyrion made it back to kings landing, cause I watched that ages ago, so just ignore any mistakes in the plot 😂)
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News of Tyrions arrival back at Kings Landing was music to your ears, you’d spent more than enough time trying to converse with your older sister Cersei but it wasn't the same. The banter you had with your younger brother Tyrion was far more interesting than whatever twisted drama Cersei had to offer.
You got on with Cersei yes but when you heard Tyrions voice passing by your door as your Handmaiden helped you get ready for a great feast at his return you couldn't help but grin and hold back your urge to rush just to go and see him. When you were dressed you dismissed your handmaiden and quickly headed to the hall with your assigned guard in toe to try and catch up to your brother before he was bombarded by the rest of your family and friends.
As you enter the room you see a small crowd of knights stood with your brother, along with a man you’d never seen before. Quickly approaching the youngest Lannister you clear your throat. “How rude of you to pass by my chambers without saying hello little brother.”
“Ah here she is, this beautiful creature is my older sister. Lady Y/N.” Tyrion says making you roll your eyes.
“Oh Tyrion how I’ve missed your compliments.” You say with a smile. 
“I’m sure you have sister. Let me introduce you to this handsome man. This is Bronn of the Blackwater, he is the one who helped me on my travels.” Tyrion says motioning to the dark haired man who was currently eyeing you up and down as though you were some rare creature.
“Well Bronn, I’d like to thank you for bringing my brother home safely. Though I'm sure his endless talking made you want to throw him out of a window.”
“Aye my Lady, it had its ups and downs. Though it’s nice to see his tales of your beauty are true.” He replies and you feel the heat rising to your cheeks turning them a nice shade of red.
“Well my brother may be a liar at times and spin a false tale or two but I’m glad to look as you expected.”
“If you two don’t mind.” Tyrion interrupts. “I am starving and in need of some food and wine to fill my belly.”
“Of course brother, will you be joining us Bronn?”
“Aye, I could do with a drink.”
Instead of sitting at the main table with you and the rest of his family Tyrion sat amongst the crowd of knights with Bronn at his side. The pair shared tales of their travel to anyone who would listen whilst drinking and eating though Bronns chatter seemed to falter here and there as though he was distracted.
Tyrion looked to his new friend when he drifted off mid reply to some trivial question and gave a knowing smirk at the sight of the Sellsword gazing over to you. He knew that after the countless stories he’d shared about his older siblings Bronn would most definitely be eager to see you in person.
“You like her.” Tyrion said nudging Bronn almost making him spill his wine.
“She’s nice.” Bronn replies quickly.
“Nice enough to bed?”
“She’s your sister.” Bronn replies sharply. “And a lady. Doesn't she have some rich lord waiting for her hand in marriage?”
“That normally wouldn't stop you.” Tyrion said with a laugh then continued. “She was intended to be wed, though her future husband was killed in a battle so now she waits until our father finds her a new suitor. I’m sure she won't mind having her bed warmed for the night by the man who brought her beloved little brother home safely.”
Bronn laughed nervously and downed his wine before signalling for the cup-bearer to fill it up again. Throughout the night Bronn watched from his seat next to Tyrion as you ate, drank and then stood and chatted to your Handmaiden and some of your friends at the back of the room.
“It’s getting late, why don’t you escort my sister back to her chambers? I’m sure she could do with being rescued from the other lords in the room.”
“If that’s what my lord wishes.” Bronn finishes his drink and stands from the table which he has to hold onto momentarily as all the wine he’d drank hits him. When Bronn walked towards you and your friends he looked around nervously when he saw the small group of women looking to him before they muttered something to you. “My lady-” Bronn began as he approached you but when you turned and your eyes met his you grinned and interrupted him.
“Oh Bronn, come dance with me. I’m tired of hideous lords wanting to spin me round the room.” You say and refuse to wait for an answer. Instead you take hold of one of Bronns calloused hands and drag him through the crowd to the centre of the room and pull him towards you as you hold his hand and rest your other on his ribs.
The rhythm is uplifting and you can’t help but giggle as Bronn fumbles to keep up with you. “My lady. Your brother has asked that I escort you back to your chambers.” Bronn says when he finally finds his footing and dances with you in time to the music. His hand is holding yours tightly whilst his other is resting on your waist.
“Is that so?” You ask with a slight slur and quickly shift your gaze to your little brother who smirks and winks at you before downing the rest of the wine in his mug.
“Yes m’lady, he said to rescue you from the stuck-up cunt lords trying to ask you to dance.” He says in annoyance making you laugh at his choice of words.
“I assume some of those are your own words and not my brothers.” You say and he shrugs. When the song finishes and switches to that of a slower rhythm you stop dancing. “Escort me back to my chambers then. If my brother commands it.”
Bronn immediately turns and releases your hand allowing you to slip your arm around his and hold his bicep as he walks you through the crowd of lords and ladies that littered the room. You slipped out of the room, managing to avoid the prying eyes of your sister and her children, and walk down the corridor away from the loud music and chattering.
You walked with Bronn in silence down the corridor and further away from the celebration. The night air hits you both as you pass by the open windows of the corridor. “You’re a quiet one aren't you.” You say breaking the silence as you near your chambers.
“I’m a better listener than a talker.”
“A good quality for a man, I can’t tell you the amount of times I've been approached by lords who can never shut the fuck up.” You say and Bronn laughs.
“I imagine it’s more times than you can remember.”
“Most likely yes. All part of being an unmarried woman I suppose.” You sigh as you reply though Bronn does not add a comment. Soon you were standing outside of your chambers and looking up to the taller man as you relate your arm from around his. “Would you like to come in for a drink, as a thank you for returning my brother back in one piece? I think you deserve to try a more expensive wine than that served at the feast.”
“If that would please you m’lady then I will share a drink with you.”
Opening your door you step inside and head over to your table where a fresh jug of wine sits in the centre along with some goblets and lit candles to decorate. Bronn sits down at the table opposite you and watches with intense eyes as you pour two cups of wine and slide one over to him before taking a sip from your own.
“What do you make of it?” You ask watching as Bronn takes sip after sip of the liquid.
He gulps down the rest of it and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before putting the cup down on the hard surface of the table. “It’s the best wine I've ever tasted.”
“I’m glad you like it. Care for some more?” You ask taking the jug into your hands as you re-fill your cup. Bronn nods and watches as you move around the table towards him, bending at the waist ever so slightly to pour the expensive liquid into his cup. Your breasts threaten to spill from the top of your dress and Bronn can feel his breaches growing tighter as he blatantly stares at your chest.
“See something you like?” You ask when you catch Bronn staring. His eyes don’t move from your chest as you expected that they would, if it had been anyone else they would be fighting to look anywhere but your exposed skin but Bronn continued to keep his gaze fixed on the area at the top of your dress.
“Aye, I see two things I like.” His eyes flick up to your face and he smirks before taking a sip from his cup.
You place the jug on the table and swallow down a mouthful of wine before putting your cup down and moving over to the Sellsword. Bronn watches with eager eyes as you lift your dress up to straddle his thighs and plant yourself on his lap with your chest directly in his face. His hands quickly move to your waist whilst your own wrap around the back of his neck. You can feel the twitch of his cock pressing through his trousers and against your pussy.
“You’re a bold lady aren't you?” He questions making you smirk as his blue eyes look up to catch yours.
“I’m a lady who knows what she wants.” You say and before he can reply you press your lips against his. Bronn grabs your ass and pulls you closer against his body as he stands and slams you down onto the table, the force causing the jug and cups to fall and shatter on the floor below. “That was expensive wine.” You complain after hearing the pottery breaking and rich wine spilling onto the concrete.
“Fuck the wine you can buy more, there’s something else I'd rather taste anyway.” Tugging your dress and under-garments up Bronn pushes you down onto the table and kisses the insides of your thighs that are now hooked over his shoulders before diving his tongue between your labia. The Sellsword works his tongue like magic, licking and sucking exactly how you like it which has you clawing and arching against the table as you cum.
Giving a rough tug to his hair you pull him away from your privates and jump off the edge of the table to kiss him, your juices were coating his lips and dampened his facial hair and the thought that your scent would be embedded in his moustache for days drove him mad. Bronn unsheathes one of his knives from his belt and turns you around so he can slice the intricate lacing on the back of your dress. The sharp blade cuts through the knots with ease and the tip of the blade delicately grazes your back until Bronn returns his knife to its holster.
Turning back around you kiss Bronn again and the pair of you fight to undress one another whilst crossing the room to your bed. You can hear the ripping of fabric as he tears the dress from your body before pulling his own shirt over his head whilst you unlace his breaches to free his cock. Pulling away from his lips you quickly drop to your knees despite Bronns grip trying to stop you. “A lady shouldn’t be kneeling for a Sellsword.” He says with panted breaths.
“A lady can kneel for whoever she pleases.” You reply with a smirk as you unlace his trousers and free his cock.
Bronn looks down at you as you take his cock into your hand and begin to stroke it until it’s standing fully erect. Gathering saliva in your mouth you wrap your lips around the tip and suck it making Bronn groan and push a hand through your hair. The girth of his cock makes your mouth ache as you stretch your lips around the shaft to accommodate him. 
“Never had a noble lady on her knees for me before. Think I can get used to this.” He sighs with a lazy smile as he watches you with hooded eyes whilst you suck his cock. When Bronn is close to cumming he begrudgingly drags you up from your kneeling position and throws you onto the bed against your pillows with little to no effort. You lay with closed legs watching him as he removes his boots and trousers to join you in the centre of the bed.
Bronn kisses one of your knees and slowly pushes his hands between your legs, opening them just enough so he can kiss his way up to your thighs until he reaches your pussy again. “Best cunt I've ever tasted, better than any wine I've ever tasted too.” He says between lapping deep strokes against your clit with his tongue.
You moan as he sucks your clit causing jolts of pleasure to hit you. “Come here.” You say grabbing at his sculpted arms and Bronn happily moves to kiss you once more as he hovers over you. His dick is thick and dripping with pre-cum as he grinds it between your folds and against your clit. “I take it you’re not a maiden.” He says taking ahold of his cock and tucking it at your entrance.
“Unfortunately no, though I hope that’s not off-putting.”
“Never, means I don’t have to be gentle with you.” He pushes into you, the stretch his cock gives makes you fight back a scream of pleasure. He continues pushing into you until his cock is fully sheathed in-between your sopping walls though before you have time to adjust he begins pounding into you.
“F-Fuck.” You stutter as you dig your nails into his back making him grunt. Bronn watches with pride at how your face contorts with pleasure while he hammers into you at a brutal pace. His hips slam against your body and he reaches a hand up to hold your face and kiss you whilst his other is braced at the side of your head to keep him from collapsing on you.
“You ever been fucked like this before?” He asks whilst pressing his forehead against yours.
“No, never.” You moan. “Best fuck I've ever had.” Your blissful smile makes Bronn smirk with confidence and soon he has you cumming around his cock. Your walls constrict around him and he knows he has to fight the urge to pump his cum in you. Instead Bronn opts to pull out and plaster your belly and tits with thick white ropes of his seed.
With a moan and a grunt Bronn jerks his cock until it’s drained. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down to your lips where he eagerly kisses you as he had done before. “Let me get a cloth m’lady. Can’t be leaving you in this state can we.” He says and moves from on top of you to go to your attaches washroom and retrieve a damp cloth.
Bronn takes his time wiping his seed from your body as well as delicately cleaning between your legs before wiping himself and returning the cloth to the other room. When he re-enters he sees that you’ve turned onto your side and pulled the covers over your naked body. He crosses the room and leans over to kiss you once more. “Goodnight Bronn, thank you again for saving my brother.” You say softly, voice clearly full of exhaustion.
“Goodnight m’lady.” He smiles, revelling in the fact that he knows you’re going to be struggling to walk in the morning. Bronn dresses quickly and leaves your chambers after peering out of the room and checking that the hallways were clear from any prying eyes. Unbeknownst to him Tyrion had been passing the end of the corridor when he saw the Sellsword leaving your chambers, he smirked at the sight of his friend closing your door and taking off in the opposite direction.
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imagines--galore · 1 year
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Two
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. A little mention of blood and fighting.
Previous Chapters - Part One
A/N: A little explanation on the myth for The Thread of Fate. If you have any confusions let me know : ) I hope this helps understand the lore a little better.
Also I am now taking requests so go ahead and send me stuff. You can find my rules here. Please send me stuff to write!
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- shame to the family - dishonored us - humiliated your father - a disgrace - I no longer have a daughter.....
The words still echoed in her mind. Replayed over and over until they became background noise. It had bothered her at first, but not anymore. She had gotten used to it. Staring at the wooden ceiling above her, Orora sighed to herself, turning to her side in her hammock and clutching her blanket closer to her body.
Her father had been less then pleased when she had said she would be healing soldiers on the battlefield, but the moment he had learned that she had engaged with the enemy in a fight, he had been downright furious.
All her life she had kept her fighting abilities a secret. Like any water bending girl from a respectable family, Orora had been sent to the Healing Huts when she came of age, while her brothers went to train with Master Pakku. She had been upset about the unfairness of it all, and when she had voiced her opinion, all she received for her trouble was a sharp slap across her face. From then on she had stayed silent.
The scrolls were a parting gift from her grandmother, who had decided, on her death bed, that her granddaughter should learn how to fight given the world they lived in. Her parents would never have allowed her, and she had never told them her secret. Stealing the scrolls her grandfather had written, from the attic of her home, Orora had trained herself from the age of ten. 
She would sneak away in the middle of the night and train in the Spirit Oasis. The place had become her sanctuary, and despite almost being caught on more than one occasion, Orora had been steadfast and determined.
Presently she was on a boat alongside the Avatar, his companions, and other people from the Northern Water Tribe, who had decided to travel South to aid their sister tribe. Since she had been disowned by her father, and nothing was left for her back home, she had volunteered when Master Pakku said he needed people to go with him to the Southern Water Tribe. The man had been hesitant at first, but it seemed one of the Avatar’s companions, Katara, had managed to wear him down, which had led to her packing up whatever she needed and leaving the Northern Water Tribe behind.
It was bittersweet. On one hand, Orora was excited for a chance to explore the world, and go beyond the freezing landscape she had known her entire life. On the other, she couldn’t believe how her family, her own father, just threw her out like that. She had been trying to help. To save lives. It seemed he had never loved her enough to allow her even a little slip up. Her brothers were the ones who received all the praise and love. They would carry on the family name and legacy. Her? She would be carted off the minute her parents found a suitable husband.
All that time of being treated as a second thought, had taught Orora to stay aloof, for it was the only way she could ensure her survival.
So, here she was. Lying on a hammock, on her way into the world unknown.
Her train of thought was broken when she heard footsteps of someone coming down. It was Katara. The girl gave her a small smile. “Here. You didn’t come up so, I brought some food for you.” Orora sat up, the hammock swinging as she did, eyeing the bowl of stew the girl held out to her. She hadn’t felt like eating an hour ago, but now her stomach was in knots from trying to keep the hunger at bay.
“Thank you.” Reaching out, the other girl took the bowl and cradled it between her palms, enjoying the warmth of the stew against her skin. Katara moved to sit on the hammock opposite to Orora. “So, I hear I’m not the only girl who managed to learn how to fight in the Northern Water Tribe.” She said, giving the other girl a smile as she began to eat. Orora gave a dry chuckle. “Sure, but I’m the only one to be disowned by my family for it, so thank the spirits your family is proud of your accomplishments.” She spoke with such carelessness as if it didn’t bother her at all.
Katara’s reaction was immediate. The girl’s features settled into one of sympathy and concern. “I’m sorry they did that. Maybe one day you can come back and show them just how strong you’ve gotten. I’m sure they’ll be proud of you.” Orora gave a little chuckle, before taking another sip of the stew. “You don’t know my father and brothers like I do Katara. They’re set in their ways, and extremely stubborn. I doubt they will change their minds.” The other waterbender hummed in disapproval. “What about your mother?” Orora shook her head. “My mother won’t ever go against my father. She’s always been too scared and intimidated. Its not her fault.” The girl was quick to add. “Thats how she was brought up. Its what frustrated my father so much. He always wondered why I wasn’t like her.” The girl winked at Katara. “Jokes on him, I inherited his hardheadedness, and he never realized it.” Katara giggled at her words, while Orora took the time to finish up her stew and gave a small sigh of relief.
“Thanks for bringing me food. I didn’t feel like going up.” She admitted, prompting the other girl to shake her head. “Its alright. I wanted to get away from the boys for a little while anyway. My brother was starting to get on my nerves.” She said the last part with a roll of her eyes, and an angry huff, yet Orora was certain there was no malice behind the words. “If you don’t mind my asking, how old are you Orora?” The girl continued, curiosity coloring her tone as she regarded her fellow waterbender. “I’m sixteen.” Came the short reply. Realizing that perhaps she was being a little rude, she gave the other girl a smile. “What about you? I’m sure you’re younger then I am yet here you are, traveling the world with the Avatar no less.”
Katara returned the smile. “I’m fourteen and yeah I suppose it is amazing. Never thought I’d be destined for something like this.” She admitted, glancing upwards to where the open sky could be seen through the entrance.
Orora could see the girl was getting lost in her own musings, which prompted her to glance down at the now empty bowl she still held. She wondered what was she destined for? Would her life be just as adventurous as Katara’s? Or would she live out her life as a simple healer?
And then there was the matter of her soulmate.
Her icy gaze flickered to the invisible thread around her finger. Since the Siege she hadn’t felt the tug again. At nights she would often lay and replay what had happened in her mind. It was frustrating. All she could come up with was an outline of a person, shrouded in white, with a dark shadow across their face.
What she was certain of, however, was that she had seen fire. Fire coming from that figure when her finger had given that sharp yet insistent tug.
It was right before she had lost consciousness, and given the extent of her injuries and just how exhausted she had been, perhaps her mind was confusing things. Orora pursed her lips, letting out a sound of frustration. Sometimes she wished she had someone to speak to about these things. No one had ever really explained the concept of the Thread of Fate to her. There were legends and half-truths, yet she had never been able to find someone who could.....
Her train of thought trailed off as she glanced up at the ceiling.
Maybe the Avatar knew?
This was torture.
Pure and utter torture.
Sure both him and his Uncle had managed to wash ashore on an area owned by the Fire Nation, but that didn’t stop Zuko from being on guard. His Uncle was taking full advantage of the facilities that were being offered to them, free of charge of course. They were Fire Nation Royalty. And it did help that his Uncle had been there before after the failed attempt at capturing Ba Sing Se. Zuko made a mental note to ask the older man about it later.
The banished Prince, however, was not enjoying his time like his Uncle was.
He had lost his ship. His crew. He had lost the Avatar. Again. And with that, lost any hope of ever going back home.
He doubted his father would ever give him new resources for his efforts to capture the Avatar. So, for now, all he could do was sit and brood over the fact. Uncle had tried to include him in the many relaxing activities, yet Zuko had refused each and every single one. Choosing to, instead, sit under the blooming cherry blossoms and let his mind wander.
Once it had tired itself out from thinking of his pitiful conditions, his subconsciousness strayed to the thought of that young girl he had saved. Zuko could still feel that phantom tug at his finger when his mind conjured the image of the girl. His golden eyes flickered to his finger, thinking that perhaps it had been some sort of mistake on his part, that he had assumed the entire thing.
Yet even thinking along such lines felt......wrong.
He had been educated on everything there was to know about the Thread of Fate, yet it had been all direct and to the point, as most of his schooling had been. As a Prince, he had been made aware that finding a soulmate for royalty was difficult. Not only because they were mostly arranged to be married, like his father and mother, but also because what if their soulmate turned out to be a mere commoner? Or worse! Someone from another Nation altogether.
And here he was. A banished Prince who had felt that tug while rescuing a water tribe girl.
Life had a cruel sense of humor.
Still, he couldn’t deny his curiosity. Glancing towards the hut he shared with his Uncle the boy frowned.
Maybe the wise old man could shed some light on the topic.
“Course I know about the Thread of Fate. I am the Avatar after all.”
The reply was cheerful and light, holding no hint of that condescending tone she had always associated with the males in her life. The Avatar was unlike anyone she had ever met. It surprised her that someone so bright, cheerful and full of life had defeated the Fire Nation Navy all on his own.
Not to mention he was just a kid.
“That and the Monks told us all about it when we were really young, in case we ever ran into our soulmate.” He added with a sheepish chuckle.
Sitting beside him on the deck as everyone shared breakfast before the Avatar was to leave, Orora gave a small nod. “Could you tell me about it?” She requested, ever the polite lady. It was instinct for her now, to be polite and courteous. The years of lessons that had been drilled into her had a lasting impact.
“Uncle! What can you tell me about the Thread of Fate?”
Blunt and to the point, that was his nephew. Iroh threw a surprised look at the young man, frowning slightly at him. “That is a rather strange question to be asking Prince Zuko. What brought it on?”
His nephew did not bother with a reply, though Iroh’s keen gaze did pick up on how the little finger of Zuko’s right hand twitched slightly. A moment of silence followed, before the older man sighed and gestured for Zuko to sit in front of him. Once he had done so, Iroh met his nephew’s fiery yet determined gaze.
“What is it you wish to know, Prince Zuko?”
Sitting cross-legged on the floor, the Avatar, Aang she told herself, turned his attention towards her.
“You know I’m surprised your parents didn’t tell you about it. Weren’t they soulmates?” The boy asked, to which Orora shook her head. “Oh.” An awkward silence followed before the boy seemed to bounce back. “Well don’t worry, I can teach you everything about it.”
By now Katara and Sokka had turned their attention towards their conversation as well.
“Well we all know the basics right? How the little fingers of our hands have an invisible string tied to it.” He held up his right hand for emphasis, the little finger waving in the air. “For boys its the right hand, and for the girls the left hand. It appears at birth and connects us to our soulmates. The string only breaks when one soulmate dies. And it may tangle, or twist up but it never breaks.” Orora blinked. Aang’s grey eyes, that had been playful just a few moments ago, now bore a twinkle of wisdom in it that she had not detected before.
“The person that is connected to the end of that string is the other half of our soul. They are a part of us, as we are of them. A picture of completion if you will. Yin and Yang.”
Zuko gave a small frown. “How would two people, who have never met know that they’re soulmates?” He asked. His Uncle gave a small smile. 
“Well most people have admitted to feeling a tug at their finger, a pull that never lets up until they’re either close to their soulmate or so far away that the thread loosens.” Golden eyes blinked, briefly dropping to the finger of his right hand, before shifting back to look at his Uncle.
“A person’s thread will glow and be visible when they fall in love with their soulmate. And the color of that glow, matches the color of whatever Nation they belong to. Grey would be the Air Nomads. Blue would be the Water Tribe. Green would be someone from the Earth Kingdom, and red would be Fire Nation.”
Aang dropped his hand before continuing. “The thread may connect us to our soulmate, but it doesn’t mean that they will fall in love.” Orora blinked. She certainly hadn’t heard about that part. Aang gave a sympathetic smile at her confusion before continuing. 
“It is rare that something like this happens, but if one person rejects the bond, the thread looses its color.” Iroh spoke with a hint of sadness in his gaze, prompting Zuko to wander if perhaps his Uncle had experienced something like that happening.
“What happens to the other person?” He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. The retired General sighed. “Sometimes they accept it and move on. But if they are not strong enough they die.” He admitted.
“Thats a little extreme isn’t it?” Orora said, frowning at Aang. The boy shook his head. “I actually saw it happen one time. A young boy was brought to the Western Air Temple by his family. His soulmate had rejected him because her parents did not want her to marry someone from another Nation. He came to the Temple to heal, but the pain of loosing her was too much for his heart.”
A breath of silence. “He died a week later.”
“How many have you seen die from being rejected by their soulmate Uncle?” The sadness was overwhelming in the older man’s eyes as he fixed his nephew with a stare.
Zuko knew the reason behind that answer. His Uncle had been at the front of many battles for the Fire Nation. Had watched soldiers give their lives for their cause. Iroh had been one of those Generals who went to the grieving families himself to give his condolences. He wandered just how many children had lost both their father and mother because one could not bear the thought of living in a world where their soulmate did not exist. 
Shaking the thought away, he opened his mouth to ask another question.
“How often is it, that your soulmate might be from another Nation?” Orora asked. The Airbender hummed under his breath before shrugging. “Its pretty common. At least it was a hundred years ago.” He glanced at Katara and Sokka for confirmation.
“Its still common I guess.” Sokka finally spoke. “I had thought that maybe Yue was my soulmate but my string didn’t glow.” He glanced at his hand before looking up at the sky. “If she wasn’t my soulmate, how is it that I fell in love with her?” He asked, frowning at Aang.
The boy pursed his lips before replying.
Iroh admitted. “Just because fate has partnered us up with someone, doesn’t mean that we will end up with them. We still have the freedom to exercise free will.” Iroh admitted. “The most common reason for a person to be rejected by their soulmate is because they are in love with someone else.” 
Zuko nodded. “So, I can choose to reject my soulmate? If I were in love with someone else, or if I wanted to.” A troubled look overcame Iroh’s features. “Prince Zuko, you should know, rejecting a bond such as this is painful for both the people involved. One must be very careful before taking such a drastic measure.”
“Why would you reject your soulmate though?” Katara wandered out loud. “They are your other half and being with them makes you feel whole.”
Orora, ever the morbid thinker voice her thoughts. “If your soulmate was from the Fire Nation, you’d probably reject them.” A chilled silence followed her words, where everyone glanced at one another in silent agreement, yet it was Aang who broke it.
“Not everyone from the Fire Nation is a bad person Orora.”
“The entire world is against the Fire Nation Uncle, against our vision to unite the world under one banner. I doubt anyone from the Water Tribes or the Earth Kingdom would accept someone from the Fire Nation as their soulmate.” Iroh tried not to flinch at what his nephew spoke. He prayed to the Spirits his nephew would see the light somehow, yet for now he simply replied.
“Love is a powerful thing Prince Zuko. I have seen what it can accomplish. What power and determination it can give to a person. Do not underestimate it.”
Zuko just sat there, unable to meet his Uncle’s gaze for fear he would discover his suspicions about the reason he was asking all these questions.
“One final question, Uncle.”
“Does everyone find their soulmate?” Orora asked, petting Aang’s lemur, Momo, on the head from where he had cuddled into her side. The boy shook his head.
“Sadly no. Sometimes one soulmate might die before meeting the other, though it doesn’t mean the other dies as well since they never accepted the bond.” He clarified. “Other times the world is simply too big for one soulmate to meet another.”
His grey eyes turned to gaze out upon the blue waters surrounding them.”But it is comforting isn’t it? Knowing that there is someone out there who thinks about you and cares for you without even knowing you.” He chuckled. “Sounds almost magical.”
Zuko let out a snort of derision. “I wouldn’t go so far as calling it that.” He stood up, straightening his clothes as he did. “Thank you for answering my questions Uncle.” He gave the man a bow before turning to exit the hut.
“Prince Zuko? Did you feel it? Did you feel the thread going taut and tug at your finger?”
Orora sat there frozen in place momentarily. Aang’s eyes seemed to widen as a glimmer of excitement shone in his gaze. “No. I’ve never felt that.” The Waterbender said firmly, squashing whatever feeling of guilt she felt at lying.
“Of course not Uncle. Besides, I doubt anyone would want to be bonded to a banished and scarred Prince.” With that Prince Zuko walked out of the hut, leaving his Uncle to look on as he did, sorrow filling his eyes.
The moment she could, Orora managed to escape the inquisitive eyes of the resident Airbender and catch a moment alone with her thoughts. It would seem a lot of her questions had been answered, and yet she was still confused. What purpose would a soulmate serve in her life? Would they help her be happy? Help her live a full life? One thing was for sure.
Her soulmate was from the Fire Nation.
Soulmates. Other half. Utterly ridiculous. Yet he could not deny the tug he had felt when he had rescued the girl. Could she be her soulmate? He was a Prince. He could not be bonded with a mere commoner. After listening to his Uncle and from what he had experienced he could not deny it any longer. One thing was for sure.
His soulmate was from the Water Tribe.
There was no way she would ever accept him as her soulmate.
There was no way he would ever accept her as his soulmate.
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redactahoe · 11 months
Tank centric shaw pack headcanons
Tw:// this is unorganized brain rot shenanigans, there will be mentions and talk of Quinn, tanks shitty parents, etc. but it will be mostly fluffy shenanigans also mention of my personal tank headcanons, this also is unedited
Tank was and still is freakishly huge (like bigger than David) in wolf form but kinda “tiny” in human form. And this caused a lot of health issues and social issues. But Mr Asher “I befriend everything that breaths” Talbots(is that his last name??) decided at the age of 14 that he was going to befriend the impossible(or that’s how he puts it)
Asher is one of the few people that could touch tank without them flinching
Tank was born half deaf(like they hear next to nothing without hearing aids) and a little blind in the left eye, so b/c of this Asher with the help of David forced ever single pack teen to learn asl(American sign language) so tank could feel included
Tank also didn’t even realize that they were deaf, they thought that everyone heard like them and struggled for the first few years of life to learn how to read lips (they got to learn sign language w/ everyone else :) )
That is until it was Milo that noticed that tank was deaf and brought it up in the next hang out the teens did(tank wasn’t there cause they were taking care of honey they’re baby sib)
Then the word was passed on to Gabe who decided to take tanker to get some hearing aids
Asher likes to greet tanker by shifting and tackling them to the floor
Asher was the one to introduce tank to music and movies and shows when tank got they’re hearing aids at 15
Asher is a very touchy person and (other than Sam) knows that tank is very touch starved and cuddly
B/c of this Asher used to scare the shit out his mom and dad by jump scaring tank
Most of the pack except for Gabe, David, Milo, Marie, Asher, and a few others are afraid of tank b/c of not only their abnormally sized wolf form but also b/c tank was and still is very instincts based person and more animalistic in nature
Despite the fact that Asher is a giant goofball he still very protective of his pack and mate
The most protective of them all goes tank, David, then Asher. Everyone else is normal
Asher had to be physically held back from running down to the d.u.m.p facility that Quinn was in so he wouldn’t tear Quinn apart
The pack didn’t know the full extent of abuse tank went through until after Quinn was arrested and it’s safe to say that a lot of the pack(including our non werewolf members) had some pretty violent thoughts they wanted to enact on Quinn
When Asher’s parents started traveling and his sister moved tank regularly checked up on him b/c they know what it’s like to feel abandoned
Soon after tanks meeting back in daliha, they had a heart to heart with David explaining that Quinn would’ve only attacked the pack if they were “in his way”. And that the only reason tanks friend was attacked was because that friend consistently called Quinn out and tried to keep tank from falling to deep into Quinn’s manipulation. The said something like “ Quinn is a coward, he would never attack Shaw pack without a sure fire way of getting away with it or if he’s was running out of ways to manipulate me and the pack had too many connections for him to do anything that wasn’t a desperate last attempt.” This is really when it clicked for David that tank really knew what they were doing when they kept everyone away. Sure it was self sacrificing at its finest but tank probably didn’t see many other options
This was even more solidified for him when tank was going on for hours trying to get a rise out of Sam and he said that if tank kept “acting”(whatever that meant) they would’ve forced him to “hurt those precious little humans the Shaw pack keeps around”
Out of spite of what Quinn said about darlin being his last sight before death, darlin, David,angel, sam, Milo, sweetheart,Asher, and babe stayed inside and had a sleepover at the pack house and actively avoid Any thing regarding the execution
Around the time tank and babe started getting close(they’re besties b/c I said so) bab started to work for a research facility they focused on bettering vampires lives and was able to get in contact with William and DUMP to start a experiment to see if they could find a way for vampires to be in the sun by using Quinn as experiment fodder
Babe went ask tank for permission and tank asked why keep him alive babe responded with “Quinn has hurt to many people to just simply die, he deserves so much worse, and hey maybe he could be useful for once in his pathetic life :).
Tank obviously agreed because there was just something so ironic about how Quinn’s want for power and eternity(he use to go on and on about how vampires are superior and how powerful and old he was) would be the cause for his suffering
On that same note babe despite being kinda small can be quite scary
I’m gonna end it hear. I’ll make a part two sometime later
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sirianasims · 7 months
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As I stood there, surrounded by moving boxes and the lingering smell of fresh paint, a mixture of excitement and trepidation coursed through me. This space was all mine now, a place to prove that I could succeed on my own terms.
And I simply had to succeed. My sisters had graduated years ago, Hailey and her husband would have a baby any day now, and Ivy was opening a dance studio in Windenburg. Liam and Kieran were doing great in high school and were definitely both planning to go to university as well.
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I was always the odd child. The only one who wasn’t interested in any sports, the only one who wasn’t top of my class in anything. And now I was the only one who wasn’t going to university.
My parents were a little surprised when I announced that I wasn’t going to Britechester as planned and that I wanted to try and make it as a content creator, but they were supportive. I guess they always expected me to be different in this too.
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I posted an update to my followers, but felt restless. Maybe I was deluding myself. What if I failed? What if I couldn’t grow my channel, or if I couldn’t even make enough money to pay for food and utilities? I wandered around the apartment aimlessly for a while, putting away a few things while I tried to silence the doubts creeping into my mind.
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It was quiet, but not really. I could hear the traffic outside, people talking, and somewhere, someone was playing the violin. There was so much life out there compared to the empty apartment. A sudden need to get out overwhelmed me and I grabbed my jacket.
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San Myshuno was so different to Copperdale, bright lights and colours everywhere. Even though it was still early spring, it was less chilly than I was used to up north.
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A street vendor was yelling and the most delicious smells came from her stall. Street food hadn’t really been a thing in Copperdale and I was pretty excited to live in a city where I could go out and buy food this close to midnight.
My mother had made sure to stock my kitchen but I decided to celebrate my first night in San Myshuno by treating myself. It was a brand new feeling. Freedom!
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I ordered some Bhel Puri. The smell brought me back to dinners at Myra’s house, her dad cooking the most amazing things while her mom helped us with homework.
Back when Myra was still my best friend.
I shrugged off the nostalgia. I was making new friends now, and if Myra didn’t want to talk to me, that was her own decision.
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I took a quick selfie with my food and posted it, making a mental note to set up my equipment first thing tomorrow so I could get back to streaming. Most of my university fund had been spent on the apartment and while I did have some money left over, it wouldn’t last forever.
I couldn’t afford to lose momentum.
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As I posted one last update before bed, the silence struck me again. No brothers yelling and running up and down the stairs, no parents laughing in the kitchen. I suddenly felt very alone.
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I stared into the darkness, refusing to cry. All I heard was the faint buzz of the city outside the heavy brick walls. And then, something else. The violinist was back.
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I smiled as I felt myself starting to drift away on the soothing tones. You’re never truly alone in San Myshuno.
beginning / previous / next
42 notes · View notes
Can I request an Aemond Targaryen x Reader fic where reader is from some other noble house(preferably a dark haired one, but anything is fine) and catches his eye? Like he thinks she is really pretty and attractive and Aegon kinda doesn't notice his brother's interest and flirts with her, and being a social butterfly, she flirts back, though it doesn't mean anything.
Aemond feels insecure but then he observes her and notices she is like that with everyone so he carefully approaches her, leaving her stunned, because she has never met someone that beautiful? He takes it in the wrong way, but then she shyly assures him that it is not what he thinks and tells him the truth?
lots of comfort for my war criminal poor little meow meow?
thank you!
(Sorry I am being to specific, feel free to modify the idea as you wish)
A Wolf Amongst Dragons
Hi! So this is my first time writing for Aemond, I hope it’s ok. I think I did maybe a little bit off the request you asked for, so if you want me to change things, or write a new request for you, I’m happy to do so. I think I could’ve upped the comfort and Aemond’s point of view of things.
Sorry, it’s a bit long, especially at the beginning, but I felt like it was important to add for clarity. Just for some context, I made it a Stark reader, the sister of Cregan Stark, to kinda help with the plot. The Starks, at least before Ned, weren’t as noble I’d say, so I’m kinda framing the reader as on the good side, but still with a bit of cunningness and antihero energy, which I think fits for Aemond, he’s also kinda in that in between area. 
I’m mentioning characters from the book, and then also ones briefly mentioned in the last episode of HOTD. You don’t need to know anything from the books, I’m just bullshitting all of this for this fic, so sorry if anything doesn’t make sense. I’m not basing this off any particular plotpoint, but it's based around the time Aegon is crowned King, and Rhaenyra is looking to the other Lords for support. Anyways, I hope you like it, let me know what you think!
(Warnings: swearing, insecurities, mentions of war, aegon being creepy, let me know if i missed anything)
You walked alongside with your brother, Cregan, speaking in hushed whispers as you navigated the halls. It was late into the night, and the castle slept soundly. He had barely given you any time to get dressed before he sent a collection of handmaidens into your room, who swiftly packed up your necessities and brought them to a carriage. In your confusion, you went to find him, only to be dragged by the wrist out into the cold, headed for the stables.
Cregan explained to you that the Maester brought him news of Lucerys Targaryen, who had been killed the evening before, seemingly by Vhagar, the younger Prince’s dragon. Lord Baratheon had immediately sent the news to their allies, still remaining neutral for the time being.
House Targaryen was now at war, dividing the kingdom. House Stark, never one to break an oath, was to receive Jacaerys Targaryen, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen’s first born son and heir. Winterfell was to play a key role in the following weeks, and Cregan had decided you were to leave, and head for King’s Landing. He had already sent a raven, alerting King Aegon of your impending arrival. He gave you no time to explain himself, tugging you along.
“Brother, I don’t understand! Why are you sending me away?”
Cregan didn’t slow his pace. “Because! Father would roll in his grave if he thought one of my first acts as Lord of Winterfell was to keep you directly in the path of harm's way.”
You caught his wrist, planting your feet and stopping his advance. Cregan turned to you, eyes sharp as he met yours. You, after all being your Father’s daughter, didn’t shrink under the pressure. Instead, you stood tall, demanding an answer.
“Explain, right now, or I am turning back. You can’t send me to the capital! The very people you’re saying killed Lucerys are there. You’ve heard the whispers about Aegon’s pervasive pleasures. Do you really think that usurper of a King would gladly welcome a member of a house pledged to the rightful Queen?”
“They don’t know our position–”
“Spare me, brother,” you interrupted. “I know you’re backing Rhaenyra, the whole realm knows it. Have you ever known a Stark to break an oath? We’re too noble to do the wrong thing. Gods only know why we’ve all collectively decided to put the men in charge, who can’t cast away their precious pride and honor. You’d think living up here in the cold would’ve hardened your resolve more, made you learn to chip away at the moral high ground you’re so content to stand on.”
Cregan’s eyes narrowed, and he took a step forward, catching you off guard. He looked you straight in the eye, finally pulling his wrist from your grip. 
“I would never risk your safety, sister. Don’t mistake my unusual choices for foolishness. I’d break every oath I’ve ever made if it meant keeping you and our house safe.”
You kept walking towards the stable, seeing that your efforts to stay were most likely futile, and you might as well accept your fate with a semblance of grace. 
“Then explain it to me,” you scoffed. “What’s your big plan?”
You couldn’t see Cregan’s face, as you were walking ahead of him, but you could feel him roll his eyes. 
“How kind of you to finally shut your mouth and give me the floor, sister.”
You groaned, waiting for him to continue. He let out a chuckle, before catching up with you to meet your stride, now walking alongside you. He continued explaining. 
“You have the right idea. Why send you if they think we’ll back Rhaenyra as Queen? Because they don’t know that, not for sure. However, if we keep you here, and all of the heirs here, it will certainly seem like it. Aegon will–”
“You mean Hightower? You know this must be his doing,” you interrupted. 
“Yes, that may be so, but he’ll deliver Aegon’s terms either way. The King will be expecting all the houses to be making a decision soon. He knows Rhaenyra will have sent word out to all the Lord’s who swore oaths to back her during her coronation while King Viserys was alive. I guarantee those gutless southern Lord’s have already declared for the King, but the North won’t be so easy to gain. Lord Baratheon said they sent Prince Aemond to deliver terms, along with a marriage pact, should they choose to back the King. That is a desperate act. Bold, but desperate. I expect something for us will be coming along soon as well. We’re going to beat them to it.”
You nodded, slowly understanding. “And what does this have to do with me? What is my purpose in all of this?” 
“We will receive Jacaerys, just as the King expects we would. But we’re sending you as an envoy of our house, to receive their terms in person. As much as I hate to admit it, you are a much more likable person than I.”
You laughed. “Yes, although I suppose that it is partially credited to me being a woman. A pretty face is the least the Gods could do for us in a world like this. We might as well learn to use it to our advantage.”
“So you do have some intellect rolling around in that brain of yours, glad to see you’ve finally caught up.”
Cregan dodged your attacks, narrowly missing a slap to the face, chuckling as he watched you nearly trip over the hem of your skirts. “Don’t do that in front of the King.”
“Oh, piss off. Get on with it, it’s freezing out here.”
“As I was saying before I was so rudely attacked,” Cregan continued, ignoring your glares.
“You’ll charm the court. As long as you are a guest of the Crown, especially with Queen Alicent likely still largely in control, you will not be harmed. They may be usupers, but they haven’t stooped so low as to betray and kill allies. So here’s what you do. You are to play the fool, as if you hardly understand what’s at stake. Don’t actually make a fool of yourself, but try to act passive. Uninterested in the fickle politics of war. You won’t be perceived as a threat, on the contrary, actually. The Crown may actually believe that you’re easily manipulated, and a good way to get to me and my backing for the war effort. You will be out of harm's way from here, and you won’t be harmed there, since you’re of some use to them. Additionally, you may be of some use to me. If you are able to, without risking exposure, write to me about what you see and hear, anything that will be helpful. I trust you’ll be discreet in the matter. Do you think you can do all of that?”
You finally reached the carriage, all packed with your belongings, along with two horses, and a squire acting as a driver. It was the best your brother could muster in the few hours he had to come up with a halfway decent plan. 
You turned to Cregan, grinning. 
“I must say, brother, I am quite impressed. One would think you almost have the mind of a woman, coming up with a plan like that. You didn’t even need my help.”
He playfully shoved you, rolling his eyes. “Alright, alright, stop it. I may have taken a page or two from your book, and tried to think how I thought you would. Hate to admit it, but it actually was quite useful.” 
You grinned wider, pleased with his praise, and he groaned, before pulling you into his arms to shut you up. 
“We don’t have time for this, Y/N. This is serious. We cannot afford to mess this up. Please be careful, and please, for my own sanity, try your best to not get killed. Or worse, engaged.”
You let out a chuckle, but it was weak, you suddenly realizing the gravity of the situation. You wrapped your arms around your brother’s waist, giving him a tight squeeze. You swallowed your emotion as he held you for a moment, before letting you go and helping you up into the carriage. 
“I believe in you, sister. You can do this. I’m sorry it came down to it, but it's for the best. We’ll see each other again soon enough. I love you.”
You nodded, letting him close the carriage door. You stuck your head out the window, waving and calling out. “I love you! Please be careful. Don’t make me come back here and kick your ass for getting yourself in trouble. Be smart, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
You could hear his soft laughter, but the carriage had gone too far to warrant a response from him. He just nodded, blowing you a kiss, before turning around and heading back into the gates of Winterfell. 
You settled into your seat, biting back emotion. You willed yourself not to cry, determined to make this journey a success, not only for you, but for your brother, for your house, and for the realm. 
It was a grueling journey, not stopping more than a handful of times for provisions, and having the carriage run throughout the night, but you had made it from Winterfell to King’s Landing in just over a week. 
It took the better part of the first day to have an audience with the King. A guard that had been introduced to you as Ser Criston led you through the castle halls after you had settled in, bringing you to meet the King. He led you to the Great Hall, opening the doors and allowing you to step in first. 
“I present the Lady Y/N of House Stark, sister of Lord Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. She is here on behalf of her house.”
You tried to keep your head held high, and your face stoic, while Ser Criston announced your arrival, but as you glanced around the room, you couldn’t fight the uneasiness settling in your stomach. 
The Iron Throne was empty. 
The King was nowhere to be found. Instead, to the left side of the throne, sat a woman in a green dress, who you could only assume to be Alicent Hightower, the Queen Mother. On the right side of the throne stood an older man, who you pieced together as Otto Hightower, father of Alicent, and Hand of the King. 
The rest of the Great Hall, except for a few Kingsguard, was empty. Neither the Prince or the King were in attendance, or the Princess who was now called Queen. Not that you expected to meet the entire family, especially on the first day, but you were told your audience was specifically to be with the King, which is what you spent the better part of a week alone in a carriage preparing for. The King’s Mother and Grandfather was not what you were expecting. 
“Come forth, Lady Y/N, don’t be shy. Ser Criston, assist her down the steps, if you will.”
Otto gave Ser Criston a command, and Ser Criston held out his arm for you, which you cautiously took. He guided you down the steps, all the way across the Throne Room, leaving you in front of the steps that led to the Iron Throne. 
You looked at the throne in wonder. You had heard stories of the chairs creation, how a thousand swords had been melted down and fashioned together to create a throne fit for a King. You had seen illustrations of it in books the Septa’s back home made you read as a child, but they paled in comparison to seeing them in person. 
“Would you like to take a closer look, My Lady? I see you’ve taken an interest in the throne,” an unfamiliar voice called out, dragging you from your thoughts. 
You turned to see the King himself, Aegon, entering the room from a back corridor. Your eyes widened as you took him in, and you suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to throw up. This was going to be harder than you anticipated.
“Your Grace,” you curtsied, trying to keep your composure. “It’s an honor. Thank you for agreeing to an audience with me on behalf of House Stark, it’s such a pleasure.”
You mentally cursed yourself for sucking up to such a pompous ass of a King, but as your brother said, you had to play the part. And if you were going to play the part, you were going to commit to the role. Your words seemed to be enough to charm him, making him smile as he approached you. 
“The pleasure is all mine, My Lady,” he said, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. You internally groaned, but kept a fake smile plastered on your face. You registered two more people entering from the corridor, but you didn’t dare take your eyes off the King’s.
“You must tell me, how are you liking the city? I confess, I’ve never seen Winterfell myself. I’m not fit for the cold, I’m afraid.” 
“I’m enjoying myself, thank you for asking. I am especially enjoying not having to wear a winter coat. They’re dreadfully heavy.”
Aegon looked you up and down, grinning. “Yes, I doubt that coat is doing you any favors. I can say with the utmost confidence that I prefer you without it.”
You felt sick to your stomach under his gaze, but you managed a giggle, feigning over his words. “You flatter me, Your Grace. You’re too kind.”
“Such a lovely Lady as yourself deserves some flattery. You’re welcome here, My Lady. Enjoy your stay. I expect you to come to me specifically if you need anything. Anything, just ask, and if it is within my power, it’s yours. I can be quite persuasive when it comes to getting things I want.”
You heard a scoff off to the side of the room, and you spared a glance to see the younger Targaryen, Prince Aemond. 
You had heard tales of him and his appearance. A ghastly scar, an eyepatch fit for a pirate, with a personality that mimicked that of his dragon. You only glanced briefly, but from what you saw, the accounts of him were entirely wrong. He was quite handsome, at least from the distance and quick glance you viewed of him. 
Aegon ignored his brother's antics, giving you another warm smile, before excusing himself. Half the Kingsguard followed him out, the rest hanging back for the remaining family. The now Queen, Helaena, walked up to you, looking at you quizzically. 
“A wolf amongst dragons,” she murmured. “A seer and a watcher. The waltz of frosts and flames.”
She spared a glance at her brother, Aemond, before turning back to you. 
You smiled at her words, glad to be around an inquizical mind. You got the feeling that the Queen’s intelligence was dismissed as an oddity, underappreciated and neglected.
“Your Grace, it’s a pleasure. You’re as beautiful as the tales tell.”
The Queen’s cheeks flushed. “Please, call me Helaena. I do prefer it.”
“As you wish, Helaena,” you nodded. “But I must say, ‘Queen’ has a nice ring to it when it’s referring to you. I do hope you come to see that.”
You snuck a glance at Otto and Alicent, who seemed to be exchanging amused glances. Whether you had peaked their interest, or you actually managed to impress them, it didn’t matter. What mattered is that you’d successfully somewhat charmed them, which would work to your advantage for the following days when you'd try to report back to your brother. 
You spent the following days mostly around Helaena, who was surprisingly delightful to be around. Her storytelling abilities fascinated you. She often murmured variations of what she had first said in the throne room to you, about a wolf amongst dragons. It didn’t take much for you to figure out she was referring to your presence in the castle. What did strike you as odd was her wording of “the waltz of frosts and flames,” but you found that questioning her hardly ever resulted in a clear answer.
You also spent a lot of time with Alicent, who seemed to follow wherever her children went. More often than not, though, she was with Aegon, who you tried to avoid like the plague. You did your duty of making small talk, trying to keep his interest in you positive, but his advances on you were getting harder and harder to ignore. 
In truth, the only member of the family you rarely saw was Aemond. Although, that was not entirely true. You actually saw a good deal of each other in passing, but words were hardly exchanged, rather than stolen glances. You didn’t know what it was about him, but you couldn’t get yourself to look at him full on for long. It appeared he was the same, as he’d turn his head away from you often when you looked his way. 
You spent one evening with Helaena, going on a walk around the courtyard. She took you to meet her dragon, Dreamfyre. On the way back, you saw Aemond, soaring through the sky on the back of Vhagar, before finally landing. You watched him from a distance as he dismounted, heading into the castle. 
Helaena cleared her throat, bringing you out of your thoughts. “You look at my brother quite a lot, you know.”
You quickly turned to her. “What? Aemond?”
“I suppose it’s normal. He does the same to you.”
She spoke like it was the most nonchalant thing in the world, not even bothering to turn to you as she talked.
“I don’t understand,” you shook your head.
“I’ve hardly seen the two of you speak, but I see the two of you stare. The day you arrived, I came in with Aemond. You were speaking to Aegon, so I assume you didn’t notice us come in. Aemond looked at you differently than I’ve ever seen him look at someone. You’ve certainly captured his attention. It’s clear he thinks you're beautiful.” 
“Is he not betrothed?” You asked, seeming to recall your brother mentioning a marriage pact with Lord Baratheon. 
“Not to my knowledge. Mother is very particular about him. I suspect she would want to personally approve a match for him. My brother isn’t suited for the average Lady. Mother will want someone who knows how to be with him.”
Your brows furrowed. “So, what did you notice? The day I arrived, I mean. How does he look at me differently than any other woman?”
Helaena pondered the thought for a moment. “You’re a wolf amongst dragons. That may have already been enough for him, but it’s not all. He’s a watcher. He prefers the corner of a room, rather than being the center of attention, unlike my husband. He watches people, like he’s analyzing them.” 
You nodded, slowly understanding. “What does that have to do with me?”
“You do the same. You’re a seer. You see people for who they are, not for who they want you to see. I know you saw through Aegon’s words the day you arrived. You see him for what he is. And I think you see Aemond for what he is. I think his fascination is in your ability to do that.”
“Truthfully, I don’t think I see the Prince for what he is. I haven’t been close to him for long enough to really know.”
Helaena offered a small smile, turning to head back for the castle. “I think you’ll see the waltz begin soon, Y/N. It’s already started for him.”
Helaena was right. You saw more and more of the Prince, seeming to collide paths with him frequently, if only for a fleeting moment. You found yourself stuck on him, and your thoughts often drifted to him. It puzzled you, what his fascination with you was, and you wondered what he was thinking about when he saw you. He was one of the few men you couldn’t immediately get an accurate reading on, and it troubled you. 
You began finding reasons to cross paths with Aemond, just so you’d have a few extra seconds to try and figure him out. You still rarely spoke to each other, only in passing, or in group settings with other members of the family. 
It was becoming a tedious process, for the both of you, although you were unaware of his own ambitions towards you. One of you was going to cave and approach the other, it was bound to happen. It turned out to be Aemond who pushed the boundary. 
One evening, after dinner, you took a walk to the courtyard. You sat, watching the stars, when you heard a voice you knew all too well. 
“Looking at the stars, My Lady?”
You quickly turned around, shocked to see that he actually approached you. You cleared your throat, nodding. 
“Yes. Are you familiar with any, My Prince?”
He nodded, moving to stand beside where you were sitting. 
“I’ve studied them quite a lot, actually. May I?”
You nodded, scooting over to make room, and he took his place beside you. You were tense, not used to being that close to him. He pointed up into the night sky at a cluster of stars. 
“That’s the constellation Aquila. It’s an eagle. See the V shape? That’s the head. Where it expands and the line of stars that goes down is its wings.”
You nodded, but you weren’t even looking at the sky. You were taking it as your chance to get a good look at him, for what felt like the first time. 
His features were sharp, those of a royal. His cheekbones were prominent, and he had a strong jaw. Despite the hardness of his face, he still had a soft elegance to him. His hair was shining under the moonlight, almost reflecting silver. The scar covering his eye was now a faded white line, with the faintest hints of pink in the cracks of it. It was one thing to possess one or two of those traits, as the Targaryens often did. But his features were striking, each complimenting the next. 
In this light under the stars, he was nearly ethereal.
He must’ve felt your gaze on him, because he turned to meet your eyes, catching you staring. 
“My Lady?”
You quickly shook your head, clearing your throat. “I’m so sorry, that was rude of me. I got distracted.” 
He looks unsure of himself, cocking his head to the side. “By what?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, unsure of what to say. “You? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone like you before. Not very many people look like you.”
He turns his head at your words, like he’s trying to shield his face from your view. His shoulders slump, and he looks down at his lap, and you know you’ve said something wrong. 
“It’s the scar,” he finally says. “Isn’t it? The Gods must’ve found it amusing, adding it to the collection of some rather unappealing features. It’s not pretty, I know. Believe me, I know.”
Your breath hitched, and you're unsure of how he could’ve twisted your words into knots so tight. You wondered what kind of torment he could have possibly endured to consider the scar a punishment from the Gods, as if the rest of him wasn’t already punishment enough.
“You’ve misunderstood me, My Prince, that isn’t what I meant at all–”
“Savor your words,” he interrupts. “I don’t need you to spare my feelings.”
He stands up brushing himself off. “Goodnight, My Lady.”
“Wait,” you start, trying to get up before he dashes off somewhere. You can see him, looking for the best escape route, like a cornered animal. You’re muttering apologies, and he’s brushing them off, trying to find a way to leave you. He turns to go.
“Wait!” You catch his wrist, and you can feel his body go rigid. But he stops in his tracks, slowly turning back around. His full attention is on you, and you're afraid you’ll crumble under the pressure of trying to find the right words to say. 
“Please sit back down,” you ask, pleading with him. He looks unsure, like he’s seconds from saying no.
“Please, Aemond.”
That’s enough to get his resolve to soften, and he finally relents. He lets you lead him back over to the spot where you were sitting. You take a seat, and look up at him expectantly, until he finally relents. He takes his place beside you, quiet. 
“You misunderstood me, Aemond. I meant no offense, and I’m sorry if it came off that way.”
He’s quiet, not meeting your eyes, seemingly very interested in his lap. He doesn’t stop you, though, and you take it as your cue to proceed.
“You know, sometimes I find it hard to look at you.”
You can see the slightest hint of a flinch at your words, and you’re quick to recover.
“I find it hard, because when I look at you, I’m quite literally rendered speechless, and that’s a rare occurrence for me. You just…you have such striking features.”
You watch him as you speak, and it's almost as if you can see the gears turning in his head. 
“I know it comes with being a Targaryen. The silver hair, the sharp features, you all look like royalty without even trying. But you…you’re more. You’ve got this etherality about you, and I can’t quite place why that is.”
You’re scanning his face now, looking at all the little nooks and crannies that you’ve somehow just now noticed. 
“And your scar, it's a part of you. There’s no shame in it, Aemond. It’s proof you fought a battle, and won. Wear it with pride. I don’t know what people have said to you about it, or what you’ve been told over the years, but they’re wrong. Every single one of them. They’re wrong.”
You almost don’t do it, but you can’t stop yourself, reaching a hand up slowly to cup his cheek. He’s still, it being his turn to watch your face now. He’s scanning for disgust, or pity, or any other emotion that he thinks will make you think less of him. 
But then you’re running a thumb across his cheekbone. And you're ghosting a finger down his scar. You’re being so gentle and careful with him, and you have nothing but adoration and genuine awe on your face as you take in his appearance, like you’re really seeing him for the first time. You could look at him for hours, and not grow tired of it.
And he’s melting. 
You reach up to tuck a stray strand of silver hair behind his ear.
“You’re beautiful, Aemond. Don’t let anyone make you feel any different. I’m sorry I didn’t say it before.”
You can tell nobody has ever talked to him like this, or been this genuine with him, and he doesn’t know what to do or say. 
“What you said, about the constellation. It’s fascinating, that out of all the stars in the sky, you picked the eagle. The watcher. That’s what you are. Funny, how I’m just now seeing it for the first time. It feels like I'm really looking at you for the first time, too.”
“It seems the Gods have reconsidered,” he says, finally looking at you, with pink cheeks and a small smile on his face. “Or, rather, Helaena was right.”
“About what, My Prince?” You smile, unable to stop yourself when his smile is so pretty.
“The waltz, My Lady. It really has started. And it only took a couple stars.”
A/N - Hi! I hope this wasn’t shit, I feel like I started off strong and it got weaker, but I’m still figuring out how to write for Aemond, so bare with me. Let me know what you thought :)
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