#i can explain about the hearts and who Elizabeth the Third is if you want!
dev-nxbody-h3re · 2 years
i am unable to make a coherent thought right now. i need another au to think about. i need to create lore. how do i satiate this feeling.
With a new AU of course.
So have you guys seen *cough cough* The My Little Pony Equestria Girls movies? No? Yes? Well it doesn't matter. Because I'm going to explain my MLPEG AU.
This one actually starts with Evan. He's Princess Twilight Sparkle. Or, well, Prince Evan. He's the Prince of Childhood Innocence or something, idk.
So the before part doesn't really matter, but Elizabeth (who takes the place of Sunset Shimmer) steals Evan's magic crown. Obviously big no no. So Evan goes through the portal and is human and not pony. Helpy is Spike.
There, Evan meets Gabriel (taking the place of Applejack), Jeremy (Rainbow dash), Susie (Fluttershy), Fritz (Pinkie Pie), and Cassidy (Rarity). He does his friendship thing and Elizabeth takes the crown and transforms into Scrap Baby.
The MCI pony up and beat her ass with friendship, turning her back into Lizzy. They have a heart to heart and Evan goes back to Ponyville.
And then the second movie :)
My favorite movie :)
So, Elizabeth is the outcast of the school now. The MCI are doing their best to help her, but it's difficult. Then, just like in Rainbow Rocks, we cut to a small cafe. People are arguing, and there's a faint green mist on the floor. We pan up to find four teenagers sitting in a booth, singing.
"Ugh, are you sure this is worth it? I hate eating fast food." One of them pouts, flipping their hood back to reveal black hair, dyed blue at the front. This is James.
"We take what we can get, James." Another flips their hood back, and they're Taylor, their hair coiled in a long braid. "We can't be picky."
"Doesn't mean it's good. It's just not enough anymore." A third pulls their hood down, and brown hair reveals Matthew.
The last opens their mouth to talk, but the friendship beams from Equestria Girls is shown in the background. All four of them gasp.
"Equestrian magic.." The last pulls their hood down, and they're Michael Afton, eyes shining with hunger.
He turns to his fellow Sirens and opens his mouth, the screen cutting to black.
Blah blah blah, boring band things. Anyway, the Sirens are defeated in a cool ass song. Their Siren forms are just their representative masks (Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, and Foxy respectively).
But their gems aren't destroyed, so Michael pulls them back and they run off.
And then the Friendship Games!
Instead of SciTwi being here, Crystal Prep's star student is one Jeremy Fitzgerald. Because I can't not have him.
He's wanting to pursue a higher education, but needs a scholarship to do so. He discovers magic and becomes enamored with it, trying to understand it with the help of a little doohickey circle thing.
He finds the portal, and sucks the magic right out of it and Elizabeth. He gets scared and gets on the bus.
Throughout the movie, their magic is depleted one by one.
They're all getting desperate. They need to win the games and everything is going wrong, and they can't even contact Evan. Elizabeth makes a decision, and during an intermission she goes out from the school.
The games continue on. The magic Jeremy has is getting harder and harder to contain, and Unleash the Magic happens. He releases the magic and turns into (wait, can you guess) Nightmare Mangle. What a shocker. Look, when there's only one thing the guy is known for you gotta use it.
He becomes obsessed with magic, and starts destroying everything a la Midnight Sparkle.
Everything is almost broken, until someone shouts.
"HEY!" It gains Nightmare Mangle's attention. "What do you think you're doing?!"
It's Michael. He looks different- more mature, bolder, more confident, whatever. But it's undoubtedly Michael.
Nightmare Mangle cackles. "Who do you think you are? A hero? Why even try when the world is breaking at my very presence?" He gestures to the gaping holes in the ground and in the air, which are slowly but surely growing.
"This isn't the right way to get what you want. Trust me, I'd know." Michael chuckles, clutching at the gem worn around his neck.
"What do you know of ambition? Is all you have to say meaningless words and promises of redemption?"
He clicks his tongue. "Well, I certainly know whatever the hell you're doing is giving off a lot of negative energy. And stop talking so poetically, you're not that kind of villain."
"Oh? Then, pray, what kind of villain am I?"
Michael doesn't look impressed, kicking a stone into the vast sky of the portals. "A lousy one."
This sends Nightmare Mangle into a rage, flying at Michael. The Siren hums a little tune and a giant fox is barreling into Jeremy.
All this time, Elizabeth is searching for the magic circle thing. Eventually she finds it while Michael distracts Jeremy, and does the Sunset Shimmer Friendship Games power up to try and talk down Jeremy.
Michael is eventually knocked out by Jeremy, and Elizabeth gains his attention.
They start fighting, and start beam attacking each other. Jeremy almost wins were it not for a blue rabbit kicking him away.
Nightmare Mangle growls and looks at James, who's standing over Michael's unconscious body protectively.
"You didn't think he came alone, did you? You're a fucking moron!"
While he's distracted with James, Elizabeth seals up the portals. The magic circle thingy is laying on the ground, and Taylor picks it up. They whistle, gaining Lizzy's attention, and they throw it up to her.
"Take his magic back! It's corrupting him!" They yell, narrowly dodging a beam.
Lizzy opens the pendant and points it at Jeremy, who claws at himself to keep the magic but is drained, falling in a heap on the floor.
She depowers and goes over to him. He's barely conscious, but shivering and shaking.
Matthew comes up to them, staring down at Jeremy thoughtfully. "He almost died, you know. That much magic in a person who hasn't had any before is dangerous."
Elizabeth sighed. "I know."
Jeremy is taken to the hospital for examination, and the MCI reconvenes near the school doors. The Sirens are with them too.
"Thank you for helping us, Mike. I think we would've died without you guys." Elizabeth brings Michael into a hug.
The MCI is confused. They tried to enslave the entire world last time they saw them and now Elizabeth is treating their leader as her brother?
"It's no problem. Just a thank you for helping us out."
Turns out Elizabeth had been visiting them and talking with them, and apparently had even convinced them to join the good side. They hardly ever used their Siren powers for anything malicious, usually just saving them for party tricks or real emergencies.
And then we get to Camp Everfree. The Sirens have re-enrolled in Canterlot High, and Jeremy has kind of joined their little clique. Turns out that having the magic of six borderline pony gods in a dude at once has some lingering effects, so Jeremy's learning to control his new magic. He's terrified he's going to slip back into Nightmare Mangle, but the reassurance from his ten (10!!) new friends can only go so far before he breaks.
Michael is determined to give his friends the most normal field trip of their lives. No magic weirdness, no powerups, no Siren junk, no nothing. Just being teenagers out in the woods.
Of course nothing can ever go to plan and Jeremy's magic starts misbehaving. The others are also having trouble with their powers, and the only people who know how to control it are the Sirens and Evan. So Cassidy finds a way to contact Evan, and he shows up.
"Hey, weren't you.."
"Yeah, trying to enslave humanity? That was a couple months ago, keep up."
So, they try and work on their magic, but a being known as Vanny Everfree shows up and wreaks havoc. (It's just their camp counselor, Vanessa A., using magic rocks she found in a cave.)
They have to power up to save the camp, but Jeremy's terrified. They try managing without him, but they are quickly overpowered.
Jeremy is forced to do a magical girl transformation, and it goes better than he hoped.
The Sirens are pretty useless here, so they're tasked with keeping people safe.
They do power explosion beams, raise money for the camp, and go on their merry way.
And they live happily ever after, fighting pony magic and being awesome.
That's it
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aranict · 2 years
A, D, R, W!
SO glad you asked this @lehdenlaulu :D
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Well, as the latest reblogging spree can attest to, my latest obsession is Maura x Eyk from the 1899. Like, where to begin with this one. The pain. The longing stares. The slowburn from distrust to the tension literally being thick enough to cut with a knife . The last time I thought chemistry was so off the charts was in North and South. :) This is the last place I thought I’d find an OTP tbh, as a literally went to see the series without having seen even half a teaser on what’s it about :D
Besides this, I’ve recently picked up the Emperor’s Edge series - which is wonderful by the way and I highly recommend them- and . Um. A certain assassin with a certain quirky lady stole my heart :) Enemies to lovers you said? Check. Angst and slowburn? Check. Making each other better but not expecting the morally ambiguous character to literally change in one night due to the power of love and shit ? Check :D
And of course Im still not over Aleksander and Alina , though I do tend to stay off the fandom in general, godamn the potential of those two *frustrated noises*.
    D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Hmmm. There are a LOT of pairings I dont like, to be fair , so this can be kinda a broad question. ( I’ll refrain from mentioning games/iffs where you just dont pick the route that doesnt suit you). But the first that comes to mind is Will and Elizabeth from the PoTC series.  I mean , I dont get me wrong,  I loved ( the first few at least) films. I wanted to like Elizabeth and Will as a power couple and all, but it just ...doesnt stick? I suppose I dont see the chemistry between them. And that made the whole on-screen romance kinda painful to watch :)
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Ok, so I think this might cross the boundaries between platonic and one might interpret it as more than that - but since its referred as platonic in the books I’ll stick to that : Damien and Gerald from the Coldfire trilogy. The emotional bond that those two form over the course of the books is just heart breaking . Whats even better is that  Gerald does not stray from his ‘’evil’’ nature - having embraced the role of the condemned soul- but he does change due to Damien’s influence. And I just love how Friedman took the archetype of  the ruthless, immoral sorcerer - and put against that someone who should by all means hate everything that he represents, and yet , he doesnt . What I love even more is how Damien- who is the equivalent of the paladin essentially -  ends up changing on his own - and question his own morality due to Gerald’s influence. The driving force of the book is the dynamic between the hero and the villain - and the impact each one has to the other.  Generally, its something that its quite refreshing to see in the genre :)
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Alright, two ship tropes that I literally want to hit with a broomstick till they are dead:
- Person A hiding things from Person B , for no apparent reason, other than to force unnecessary tension in the relationship  :)
-Person A learning something about Person B’s past  - by a third party usually- and instead of talking things though and giving them a chance to explain / discuss like the proper  adults in the room- instead deciding then and there that they betrayed/lied to them/etc. I hate this so much because its just forced drama ; people usually talk things through - and they can still end up hating each other guts if needs be, but then at least its believable. :)
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Half Love (Ch.3) - Beneath The Surface
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader ; Katie McGrath x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Y/n's relationship with Lizzie has been in a rough situation and goes downhill. What should Y/n do when there's no choice left to say and new future opens up with someone new in it?
Warning: This is a collaboration book with my co-writer / friend @stonemags it’s an 18+ series. Angst, angst, fluff, smut, and swearing words. I do not own any pictures, GIFs, name, brand, song titles and anything I use in this story.
A/n: Hello.. welcome back to this series! This chapter is one of my favorite I wrote for this series so far. "I Love You" by Billie Eillish and "Beneath The Surface" by Dream Theater inspired me on writing this chapter. Happy reading!
Series Masterlist
Three months since the last time you saw Lizzie, the woman who loves you and crushes you at the same time in the past one year. The woman whose acts gave you heartaches then soothe it all over again only to hurt it again without even realizing it that made you want to be free from it yet you stayed because you love her and you know she loves you. She does, she just doesn't realize how much her acts hurt you. Does she really? Well at least that was what you have been telling yourself until you can't take it anymore.
You finally left her and everything you both had, everything you both have built together for four years that has collapsed slowly in the last year. The steps you took three months ago leaving her for good were the most painful steps you could ever imagine even though you know it was the best thing to do. You didn’t know it would hurt you more leaving her than staying in the loop of pain. You loved her too much and you could never see her cry, especially if that was caused by you leaving, you wished you could’ve ran back to her to comfort her and voluntarily dive back into the relationship but what about your tears? What about the suffocation you have been struggling with by yourself? What about yourself that you are slowly losing? These questions keep you walking that day on the painful path to find yourself again and to let her find someone else who is willing to love her the way she wants them to and don’t mind losing themselves, and you know that person isn’t you.
You thought after you left, it would be easier for you. Yes, you finally feel better from all your pain. Yes, you slowly gain yourself back but like a powerful magnet pulls, it keeps dragging your heart back to missing her and everything you had with her. No matter how hard you try to tell yourself that you have to move on, you can’t lie that you still love her, and you still care about her. You thought taking a break from your theater job and staying in a different state will make it easier, you were wrong and you hate that it doesn’t help at all.
It has been nice to live with John in the last three months. You were involved in John and Emily’s engagement, you were happy for them but as Emily moved in, you don’t want to be their third wheel. You decided to find an acting job in theater. As luck would have it, you found one in New York’s Broadway, it has been your dream. So without hesitation, you told John about your plan to move there.
“Are you sure? You will be there by yourself, no friends or anybody you know. I mean, I can always ask my friends’ help if you need anything urgent.” John asks and his protectiveness over you shows. “Yes, I’m sure. I have always wanted to have a chance to work there. It’s my dream. Don’t worry, I’ll be okay. You both need your space here, I don’t want to be in your way.” You explain.
“Oh no, you are never in our way, y/n. I love you, we love you. You are like a sister to me too.” Emily’s broad British accent tries to give you assurance to make you stay.
“I know, Emily. I love you guys, I appreciate all the help from both of you but I think this is the best way for me to distract all my mind so I can move on from Lizzie faster and easier, I need to move on from her.” Sadness written all over your face.
“Okay, if you say so but promise me you will call me if anything happens, okay?” The brunette actor agrees with you with a condition. “I promise.” You nod. “We will miss you, y/n. We’ll come visit.” says the blonde woman in front of you as she holds your hand and gives you the warmest smile.
You quickly settled with your job in New York, great pay, great coworkers. You live in a cozy decent loft by yourself. Things start to work out, and it has been a year and a half since you moved here. Emotional and mental wise, you made a lot of progress too. Less and less pain or brokenheartedness. You even think that you manage to slowly but surely move on from Lizzie. You feel light as a feather in your life right now. You feel that the universe is with you, and pave a great path to your new life. You couldn’t even believe that you got a big role in a movie that will open the door for you to a bigger cinematic career .
Today, you have to attend a cast bonding meeting party. You are excited to meet the whole cast and crew. It’s the first meeting, you haven’t got any details about who plays who in the movie. You only know about your character. You try to look your best to give the best first impression. You arrived quite early. Thanks to your great social skills, you have talked to some people there.
Lizzie arrives with Scarlett. “Dang, how many casts and crews are gonna be for this movie?” Scarlett comments in a whisper as soon as she sees the crowd. “It’s very crowded, I already feel uncomfortable.” Lizzie answers to her friend’s comment. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Take a deep breath. It will be fun.” Scar tries to comfort her best friend next to her and they walk further into the party.
As if the universe has something planned for both of you later on, both you and Lizzie keep missing on finding each other in the party. You mingle from one person to another, so does Lizzie or when you walk away from one spot to another, Lizzie comes to the spot you left and misses you just by a few seconds.
Once or twice, Lizzie notices your perfume. The scents that she loves but mostly the scent that she misses. It even caught her brain in a short circuit when she smelled it. Her heart instantly wishes that you were here, but her brain quickly beats the wish your heart makes and replaces it with some common sense that it’s impossible for you to be here.
Those quick brush of your perfume to her nose bring rapid flicks of memories in split seconds followed by pain and sadness in Lizzie’s heart even though her mind is multitasking talking with people. Her smile disguises the knot of sadness that forms suddenly in her stomach when the tiny bit of your scents barge into her nose.
An hour into the party, for endless mingling and introductions with the casts and crews, she is separated from Scarlette who is also busy doing her part in this cast bonding meeting party. She pulls herself aside from everybody and stays at the bar alone having an apple martini for a break from everything. And the scents of yours that were left in her brain makes her mind now start to wonder how you are, where you are and what are you doing.
Her heart aches thinking about you, thinking about how much she misses you. She feels empty inside even though she is in a room full of people.
All of a sudden a voice calls her name and quickly gets her attention. She turned to the voice, it was the director, Ben. He comes to Lizzie to ask her to follow him and she obliged. “Liz, I want to introduce you to the person who plays the other main character.”
“Sure. I’m so excited to meet them.” She answers as she follows him. As she walks closer, she hears Ben call your name. “Y/n. Come here.”
You turn around facing Ben...and Lizzie. The smile you patched on your face when you hear him call your name, quickly drops into a frown and surprise face. Lizzie’s breath softly hitched. Her green eyes widened in surprise and lit up. Her heart jumps up to her throat leaving her speechless, meanwhile your jaw drops. Your heart almost stopped.
You clear your throat. “Yes, Ben? What’s up? I thought you were going to introduce me to the other main cast?” You try to ask in a cool and calm tone to cover your shock hoping that it wasn’t Lizzie. “Yes! Here she is, Elizabeth Olsen but everybody calls her---” Ben excitedly introduces her to you as you interrupt him. “Lizzie. Everybody calls her Lizzie.” You said as your gaze automatically locked on hers, you tried to look away but her warm green orbs kept pulling you in.
“Oh yeah, everybody knows that everybody calls her Lizzie. Stupid me.” Ben misunderstood you. “So Liz, this is---” Ben tries to introduce you to her but Lizzie cuts him off. “Y/n.”
How your name slips out of her lips in her voice, it doesn’t help you at all for not being awkward and mostly surprised. “Wait, how did you know? Do you know each other?” Ben asks cluelessly trying to put two and two together. “Yes, we do. She is someone from...my past.” You tried to talk but it was hard for you.
Hearing you calling her someone from your past felt like a knife to her heart. She tries not to crumble inside, but she is. Her lips slightly open, she tries to say something but she couldn’t, leaving a chance for Ben to talk more. “Well that’s awesome. It will be a great reunion for you two! Well, I’m gonna leave you both alone, so you can catch up and find the bond again.” Both of his hands pat your and Lizzie’s shoulders as he leaves.
A weight settles on your heart and hers as well. Your heart wrenches. Your throat clenched. You swallow the lump in the back of your throat. Her eyes are glistening and she is trying hard not to blink to keep her little tears in her, tears of happiness and pain from the past. You look down for a few seconds, she can see your eyebrows are furrowed as you take a deep breath. You put your hands in both of your pockets and you secretly clench your fist in it.
You can hear her shaky breath, her bones ached. She feels numb all over and she could barely move. “Y/n.” Oh how your name floats in her voice, you forgot how much you love hearing it but now you remember. It still gives you soft yet strong electric-like waves that make your heart skittered and weaken your knees.
“I’m--I’m gonna go for a smoke.” You quickly turn around and walk away from her even before Lizzie gets the chance to say something. She quickly tries to follow you but she fails because she gets stuck with some people who try to talk with her. She talks to them but her eyes, her mind, her focus and her heart are with you.
You quickly walk outside as if you are trying to save your life. Technically, you are. It was getting harder for you to breathe. You try to hyperventilate and as soon as your heartbeat calms down, you smoke for a little bit. You try to gather yourself and put up a stronger foundation and a bigger wall for Lizzie later. You hear a soft voice with a thick accent. “Hi. Are you okay?”
You turn your head searching for the owner of the voice and you find a beautiful grey eyed woman with pretty black hair. all tied up to a high ponytail, letting her bold jawline and striking cheekbones show. Her lips are covered with a deep red lipstick that shows a stark difference from her light skin color. All the beauty she has right in front of you makes you speechless and not blinking for a few seconds. She waves her palm in front of you to bring you back from your daze as she giggles. “Are you okay, dear?” She lays her hand on your right shoulder.
You blink a few times and realize she asks you a question. “Uh y-yeah. It was just--” She finishes your sentence. “Overwhelmed? Sometimes it happens to me too, you know, mingling with too many people for hours, trying to do small talks. I’m Katie.” She smiles and offers a handshake. “Katie? As in Katie Mcgrath?” You nervously ask as you accept her hand, dumbfoundedly looking at her holding her hand and forgetting to shake her hand.
She giggles. “Guilty. Yes, I am Katie Mcgrath. Nice to meet you and you are---” This time, you take your turn finishing her sentence. “You wouldn’t know me, I’m new. I’m--” You are surprised with her interruption. “Y/n Y/l/n. Nice to meet you.” She shakes her hand shortly after she mentions your name and you realize and you follow her handshake rhythm.
“Nice to meet you too, Katie but how do you know my name?” You ask with a confused face but this time you feel calmer and have your confidence back with you. You feel her soft hand brush yours as both of you let go of the handshake. “Well, I was talking with the director and I saw you, a very attractive new face so I asked Ben, and he told me about you. I have been wanting to introduce myself to you but you have been busy talking with others too so I’m glad I have you to myself right now to talk with you.” Her red lips curve a smile once more as her vague flirt sparkling in her grey eyes.
You laugh. “Thank you, and you are attractive too, beautiful actually. I’m sorry, pardon my ‘too early’ compliment. Well, now you know who I am.” You smile. “You are sweet, thank you. I don’t think I know enough about you yet.” She answers.
“Well, I assume that we will work together, so you will know me more.” You smile as you answer her. “Ah yeah, right. From work but what about maybe from a coffee, someday?” She asks in a soft tone with a hidden flirtatious vibe in it. “Even better.” You patch another smile for her. “Uh-I think I better get inside. Are you coming in too?” You ask.
“I will stay here a little longer. I’ll see you there, y/n.” She answers. You nod. “See you, Katie.” You walk back in.
Meanwhile Lizzie, her eyes can’t stop searching for you while she is talking with other casts. Ten minutes goes first, then fifteen and twenty minutes finally pass. She starts to get anxious and wonders if you have left the party. She excuses herself and she makes finding you as her mission right now. After a few minutes anxiously looking for you, she finally found you in the crowd. Her feet have a mind of its own and quickly lead her to you. She stands behind the person you are talking with and you see her as soon as that person walks away from you.
Both of you didn’t say anything, your eyes took over all your words. Both of you look at each other as if your eyes are talking to hers. She hesitantly took her step closer to you. You took a step back and she saw it and that stopped her step for a little but she is longing for you and she moves closer to you and this time you didn't move, you couldn't or maybe you didn't want to move away from her. You want her to get closer to you. What is wrong with you right now? You thought you had moved on for good.
"Hi." She greets you nervously almost in a whisper. "Hi, Liz." You return her greetings, you clear your throat. “H-how are you?” She asks nervously. “I’m good.” You try not to ask her back. “Th-thats good.” She looks nervous, she rubs her own arms awkwardly up and down and something on her hand catches your eyes , she looks away every now and then. “How about you? Good?” You finally ask her.
Every word you let out feels like a bunch of little knives stab to your heart. It feels like a sledgehammer hits straight to your stomach when you see her still wearing her promise ring. You don’t know what to do. You want to jump to her and hug her? Yes. You want to run as far as you can from her and everything? Yes. Oh everything is killing you right now.
“I-I-uh I’m good, never been better now that you are here.” Her eyes lit up in excitement and glistenned in pain at the same time. Her jaw tensed. You can see her swallow hard as she takes a nervous deep breath.
“Are you---happy?” You can’t help yourself to ask. “When? Right now? Or the past year?” She answers you with a question. “Why does it matter?” You throw back a question to her. You want to know both answers but you don’t want to show it.
“Because it will be two different answers, y/n.” She answers you nervously, her voice is shaky. Her left hand fidgets with her necklace, her right hand folds in front of her chest supporting the left hand by the elbow.
“Oh, okay.” That’s all you try to say while holding back yourself to ask more and trying your best to show her that you don’t care, opposite from what you feel inside. Yes, your heart is screaming telling your brain that you still care and it only gets harder for you when she lets down her left hand only for you to find she is wearing YOUR promise ring in her necklace. Yes, YOURS. Your throat is thickening with your emotion. Your chest feels suddenly painful.
“That’s all you are gonna say? Oh okay?” Lizzie looks at you with very sad eyes, pain screaming in her eyes. You try to look somewhere else to avoid her gaze that has been trying to catch yours. You press your lips, then you let out a harsh breath.
“Well, my question was ‘Are you happy?’ not ‘Were you happy?’, Liz. So I'm sure it was pretty clear.” You steal a glance to her sad green eyes. The green eyes you miss. You miss the feeling of getting lost in those green eyes, the eyes who used to show love for you a long time ago before it changed, filled up with anger to you the last year before you left her.
“So are you--happy?” You internally curse yourself for stealing a glance at her green eyes, making you feel the care that you thought was already long gone, making you ask her one more time if she is..happy..without you.. Yes, that was what your heart wanted to know and you can’t lie about it, not to yourself.
Her gaze bouncing back and forth between your eyes and your lips. She is looking for that sparkle that used to be there in your eyes when you were looking at her, admiring her or the smile you patched specially for her every single time after you told her you love her. She missed your voice saying that to her, whispering it into her ear. She feels the air gets too thick for her to breathe when she sees your ring finger isn’t wrapped with your promise ring. Oh she wishes, she really does wish you still wear your promise ring with her that will loudly tell the world that you are hers and she is yours, instead it’s hanging on her necklace chain and it hurts her and frustrates her at the same time.
She gathers herself to finally answer you. “I--I don’t know how to answer that, y/n.” She stutters as she tries hard to hold back her tears. “Well, then I don’t know what to say either, Liz.” Flat and cold, the tone you give her when you answer her as the result from fighting your own eyes not to keep looking back at your promise ring in her necklace. You are betrayed by your own eyes and your heart right now. Your heart suddenly feels homesick, not to your New York apartment, nor your childhood house nor John’s place but to your home with Lizzie that you both used to share, or perhaps you miss her because she was your home.
All both of you can do right now just standing there looking at each other, fighting the intense pull between two of you, fighting the huge urge to fall into each other's hugs. As soon as Lizzie’s lips are slightly open to say something, Ben announces that the meeting is starting soon.
You clear your throat. “Uh, well, I’ll see you inside, Liz.” You walk into the meeting room. She quickly tries to follow you but she is slowed down by the other casts and crews that are walking in as well in front of her. Scarlet catches up to Lizzie as they are walking in. “Liz,I’ve been looking for you. Was that y/n you were talking with?” The blonde asks her best friend.
“Yes, it was.” She answers quick and short as her eyes aim for the seat next to you. She grabs Scarlet’s hand and walks quickly to the seat but it wasn’t quick enough. She halts her steps as soon as she sees Katie take the seats next to you. “Is this seat taken?” The black haired woman asks you with both her hands holding drinks for you and her.. “No. You can claim the seat.” You answer her as you smile. Lizzie sees you answering her with the same smile, the smile that used to be hers and for her only.
“What happened? Let’s go sit over there.” Scarlet pulls her to walk with her to the only seats that haven’t been taken yet, across you.
Her heart is burning watching you sitting next to Katie, how you smile at her and how she looks at you. She even notices her hand sometimes slightly brushes yours and you are okay with it. Her heart beats quickened at an uncomfortable pace, heat crawls to her face. She unconsciously clenches her fist. She can’t focus on the meeting, she barely listens to any words. Scarlet notices and tries to comfort her, rubs her arms gently. “I’m sorry, Liz. I know it’s hard, but try to ignore it.” She whispers.
Lizzie doesn’t answer anything, she lowers her head then closes her eyes for brief seconds to get her focus back to the meeting.
The meeting is finally done. Everybody goes out to get their car and go home. Lizzie searches for you and finds you smoking outside. She rushes her steps to you. “Y/n?” One more time, you heard her voice calling your name and it still has the same impact on you. You take a deep breath then turn your head to her. “ Yes?”
“So uh, where do you live here?” She asks as she tries to open a conversation to catch up with you. “Oh, I live at Brooklyn, Ocean Hill actually" 
"Oh okay. I live a block from there. Maybe, if--if you are okay with it, maybe we--uh--we can practice our scripts together?” Lizzie asks as she shyly tries to look at your eyes then look somewhere else. You try to keep it cool in front of her, try to disguise your tiny bit of excitement yet nervous as well. “Yes, sure. I don’t see why not.”
“Great. Uh, what's your plan after this?” She pushes her luck for this question, her stomach turns as she anxiously waits for your answer, hoping that you have time for her today. It’s ironic, really, how the table has turned, you used to hope and ask for her time and now she anxiously asks you and hoping that you will give her a little bit of your time.
Then comes Katie. “Y/n, the car is ready. Are you ready to go?” She asks you with a smile, lays her hand on your shoulder. “Uh yeah, hold on a sec, Kat. I’ll see you in the car.” You answer. “Sure, okay.” Lizzie watches Katie’s hand slide down slowly off your shoulder as she turns around and walks to the car.
"I'm sorry, Liz. I already have a plan after this. I'll text you. See you." You explain then you walk to Katie's car and Lizzie's question stops your steps.
"Do you still have the same number?” She asks and you turn around to answer. “No, but I have yours.” You answer. Confused with your answer, she quickly explains before you walk away. “But my number changed.”
You stop after you open the car door, standing there looking at her shortly before you answer “Yeah, I know.” Then you get into the car and leave with Katie. Lizzie was left perplexed with your answer. As she watches Katie’s car slowly disappear in the distance, she is thinking about how you told her that you know her number changed. Her mind ponders on how do you know? It means you know her new number but how did you get her number and most importantly why did you try to find her new number? Does it mean you still care about her? But if you do, why are you going out with Katie?
Questions and thoughts are bouncing around like crazy in her thoughts in such a short period of time until Scarlet’s voice stops everything in her mind.
“Did y/n just leave with Katie?” Scarlet asks. “Yes. Fuck.” Lizzie answers and swears under her breath, knowing how complicated things have become for her to win your heart back.
Ch. 4 - Fitting In The Memories
A/n: Welp, that was today's dose of ANGST from me, peeps! Let me know what you think. Reblog, like and comments are appreciated! Follow me for more! Thank you and see you in next.
Taglists: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @silver-lotus @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @srtamercurio @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @selfwrotevision @emptysince18x @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd (Let me know if you want to be tagged)
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Can I request a celebrity AU with Elizabeth Olsen and Female Reader? Where R is Vision in the MCU. And like throughout a series of interviews and behind the scenes shots, you can see how the two actually fall in love in real life. And in like the final interview they ask “Are you two dating?” And this time they can finally say yes
Hello darling, how are you? I hope well. This took me a while, and i’m not sure you’re even going to like it. But i hope you do. It was honestly kind of strange to write for Lizzie, i kept mistaken the name as Wanda. Also, i changed your idea a bit, because i could find the right way to write the interviews. But anyway, here it is. Good reading.
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Elizabeth Olsen x Reader - Love is outside the screen
Summary: The one where Reader plays Vision in the MCU and she falls in love with her co-worker Elizabeth Olsen.
Warnings: None.
Words:  4.308 words  //// Read on AO3
Marks:  @wandamaximoffpuppy
Part. 2  || Part 3
Eight years ago
Your agent was calling you for the third time, and you thought you should answer before you lost your contract.
Letting out an impatient sigh as you reached for your cell phone, you left it on speaker.
- Hello, Sara. - You say with a slight irony as you relax your body in the water of the jacuzzi again.
- It's not polite to ignore someone who keeps you employed. - she said irritated, making you laugh.
- Sorry, but I told you I was on vacation. - You reminded her. - And what did you keep doing? Oh yes, calling me.
- Don't be so grumpy, woman. - She replied with a light humor in her voice, and you could hear the clatter of keystrokes, suggesting that she was working. - I have an opportunity for you.
You raised your eyebrows in curiosity, but said nothing. And by your silence, Sara kept talking.
- Tell me, have you ever thought about being a superhero?
You let out an incredulous laugh, thinking it was a joke. 
- I'm not going to make any weird latex movies, Sara. - You warn her, and she lets out a laugh.
- Actually, honey, it's Marvel.
You blink in surprise, and then turn to rest your arms on the edge of the jacuzzi and look directly at your cell phone.
- What are you talking about? 
- Ah, caught your interest, huh? - She remarks. - You actors are all the same, one famous name and you fall to your knees.
- Sara...
- No, it's okay. - She giggles. - They want a openly queer actress to play a lesbian heroine, I think. And then they called me.
- Wow, Marvel doing something like that? - You comment. - It sounds like a lie.
Sara giggles.
- It pays well anyway. - She says, and then a notification pops up on the screen. - I just sent you the script. Let me know if I can confirm your audition.
You let out a sigh before saying goodbye and hanging up, grabbing your cell phone to read the script.
It is the scene description of your character's appearance, and there is also a note for the chemistry test. You bite your lips thoughtfully. You were known in the media for roles in international, indie and cult films, mostly lesbian romance. You had a few academy nominations, and had been awarded twice by the critics. Superheroes were not really what you were looking for. But then you remembered how much you missed having a lgbt reference in media like this, and then you are sending a message to your agent confirming your audition.
You are twiddling your thumbs in your dressing room. It must be the ninth interview in less than two weeks. Letting out a sigh, you stand up, momentarily looking at your appearance in the mirror. The make-up team did a good job, you look well. And then you are walking outside, to the dressing room next to yours. 
You knock on the door, and are soon answered. But Elizabeth doesn't smile when she pulls you inside.
- Hey, Lizzie, what's up? - you ask worriedly as you close the door. The next second she's hugging you tight, and you sigh. - You're anxious, aren't you?
- I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my mouth. - She grumbles and you start stroking her back, trying to calm her down.
- Remember that exercise we practiced, okay? - You ask her tenderly as you move your feet so that you move together toward the sofa in the living room. You break the embrace slowly, to sit Lizzie down on the couch as you kneel in front of her. She looks on the verge of tears, and you place your hands on top of hers. - Breathe with me, okay?
It will take you many minutes to calm her down, but you don't care. And then she smiles, and brings your foreheads together.
- Thank you. - She whispers before kissing you. She walks away too quickly in your opinion, but you can't say anything because the producer is calling you next, announcing that the interview starts in two minutes. You smile at Liz before getting up.
Seven years ago.
You had just finished filming your last scene in Age of Ultron when your agent called you. Scrolling your finger quickly across the screen, you answered while your cell phone rested on the table in your dressing room, and you kept your hands busy trying to pin up your hair.
- I'm leaving the studio, Sara, what's up? - you told her.
- I wanted to congratulate you on the affair, although I'm surprised it happened so quickly. - She says and you frown in confusion, finishing up with your bun. You pick up your cell phone next.
- What are you talking about?
Sara giggles, and sends you an attachment. You pull your cell phone away from your ear to look at it. It is a photo of you and Elizabeth, your teammate and romantic partner in the franchise, taken the same day you discovered Liz had social anxiety and took her out for coffee with you to take her focus off the celebrity world for a while. The paparazzi managed to capture the exact moment when you kissed her on the cheek in farewell. 
- This is all over the gossip sites as Marvel's mysterious romantic couple. - Your agent commented, and you rubbed your fingers across your forehead in irritation.
- You want me to publicly deny a relationship, is that it? - you ask, walking around the dressing room and gathering your things.
- What? No! This is great for advertising. - she says with slight excitement in her voice. - Especially after the movie comes out! Fans love couples who fall in love behind the screen.
You roll your eyes, switching your cell phone to your ear.
- I'm not going to make a relationship contract if that's what you're thinking! - You say with irritation and can imagine Sara rolling her eyes on the other end of the line.
- Yes, yes, we've been over this, Miss Morally Correct. - She scoffs lightly. - But I really called to talk about the premiere. We have details to discuss.
Sighing, you ask her to wait. Then you finished putting your things away, and grabbed the phone as you walked out the door.
Six years ago, California
Interviewers can be motherfuckers when they want to be, you thought as you bit the inside of your cheek, trying to keep your face impassive as you watched the woman in front of you list the "missed moments" from the Avengers set. You knew that your agent had talked to the show's staff about the authorized questions, and yet here you were on live television, having to declare whether the timely photos taken on the Avengers set meant that you had a secret relationship with your best friend Elizabeth Olsen.
A slideshow was playing on the screen behind you. There were pictures from the footage, many where you and Liz were laughing together, or having lunch together. There were some where she was sitting on your lap, or vice versa. Your expression softened when you noticed one where she was looking at you adoringly. It was so strange to be an artist sometimes. You smiled politely at the presenter.
- Come on, Ellen, you know how these things are. - You said. - Things are different on camera, Lizzie and I are friends.
The audience let out a chorus of displeasure, and Ellen laughed lightly.
- You know that many of the fans would like this rumor to be true, especially since you two play a couple and you are openly queer. - She says, and you wiggle your fingers in your lap, uncomfortable with where this conversation is going, but you nod in agreement. - Furthermore, you say that the paparazzi cameras are deceiving, but what about the stories you post on your personal networks?
She asks with a chuckle, and then other videos are playing on the screen, and you force yourself to smile and watch.
The vast majority are harmless, and platonic. You spend a lot of time at Liz's house because when she moved in, you were her reference and tour guide, and so you got into the habit of checking up on her. And then you became friends and you spent more time at her house than at yours.There were many videos and pictures on yours and her instagram where you two were tending a garden, playing board games, cooking together, or watching sports.  You bit back a smile as you watched the memories through the images. 
- See?It's hard to believe that this is just platonic. - Ellen insisted again, and the audience laughed.  You tried to cover it up with a smile. - But since you claim to be single, we're going to play a game now. It's called "Who Would You Rather?
The audience applauded and you giggled, straightening your posture in your chair. And then the studio screen had a sign with the name of the game.
- It's very simple, you just have to choose which of the artists you would rather. - She explains, and you blink.
- Rather what?
Ellen lets out a giggle, and you understand, nodding in embarrassment. The audience laughs. The picture changes to two pictures.
- Who would you rather, Scarlett Johansson or Chris Hemsworth?
- Wow, that sounds like a trap. - You comment awkwardly, making the audience laugh. And then you bite your lips. - I think Scarlett.
Ellen gives you a suggestive look, and the audience chuckles, you force yourself to imitate them. The picture changes again.
- Scarlett or Sebastian Stan?
You laugh, smoothing your hair slightly.
- I don't know, I think Seb. - You answer. And then the picture changes again, and you want to run away when the audience gives a chorus of excitement.
- Sebastian Stan or Elizabeth Olsen?
- There it is the trap. - You comment clumsily, causing the audience to bust out laughing. You swallow dryly and look down at your lap before saying. - I'd say Elizabeth Olsen.
You played for a few more minutes, and then the game ended with you choosing Elizabeth at the end, which got the audience cheering and celebrating. When the interview was over, Sara was calling you, and you were massaging your forehead when you answered.
- I thought you said you two weren't dating. - She teased, and you grumbled in irritation. 
- I thought you had discussed these matters with the staff. - You retorted, slightly irritated. - She only asked me about Lizzie and dating the entire interview.
- Honey, you're America's sweet couple. - She sneered. - Ellen wants viewers and will ask the questions that the audience wants to know.
- That's ridiculous. - You said and then sighed. - Why did you call me anyway?
- I have your new shooting location, so get your coats and jackets ready.
Six years ago, Berlin.
You are laughing at Anthony's imitation of Robert. Sitting in the shared dining hall, you were having a good time over lunch with your other colleagues while you were recording Civil War.
And then you were in scene again, many minutes later, and you found it strange that the nervousness was crossing beyond your character during a specific scene in which you were counteracting with Elizabeth. 
You saw her laughing at a comment your character made, and you should have this expression of surprise and embarrassment, but you didn't even have to act it out. Your cheeks reddened naturally at the image of Liz laughing. And then the director said cut when you were done and you were rushing out to clean up your makeup.
Later that day, after the shoot was over, the team wanted to visit a local pub, and you accepted the invitation, ignoring the previous event, and smiling when Elizabeth touched your arm to get your attention.
- A toast to the Avengers! - shouted the camera crew chief when you were all gathered at the bar, you thought maybe he had had too much to drink, but you joined in the toast. 
You stood next to Lizzie and Chris at a table while sipping a dark drink that might have been craft beer, or something German.
Your cell phone vibrates with a notification and you choke in surprise at the content of the message. Sara had sent you a note from TMZ, stating that your secret romance with Elizabeth Olsen was threatened because you had been seen leaving a coffee shop with Katie McGrath. 
Chris and Lizzie look at you curiously, and you just lay your cell phone down on the table for them to see while you turn the entire glass of beer in your mouth.
- Wow, so your type really is super heroines. - Chris commented with a smile, and you laugh, pushing him away slightly. 
- I swear, I can't be seen talking to any woman that she is automatically my girlfriend. - You say irritated as you put your beer glass back on the table. Your gaze returns to Lizzie, who has picked up your cell phone from the table and is reading the news. Then she hands the phone back to you, and gets a strange look on her face that you can't read very well, but she forces a smile.
- At least you cheated on me with a pretty girl. - she says and you frown in surprise. Chris laughs at the joke, but before you could have any other reaction, the rest of the team is joining you.
Five years ago, California.
You gave up fighting the questions about your relationship with Elizabeth. They would happen anyway, whether your agent talked to the teams or not, so you just smiled politely when you told people you were just friends and remained truthful in your statements. 
Usually the interviews with Lizzie were easier, because you went into protective mode and your brain was ready to give sharp, snappy answers to keep Elizabeth from being embarrassed. 
So here you were on the Night Show, with one of your favorite interviewers, and your best friend by your side. Jimmy was asking good questions, and he was funny. You hoped he wouldn't ask anything too embarrassing.
After many questions about employment, and worldview, which was refreshing, he finally asked you about the rumors of your secret relationship.
- Girls, you know that the public wants to know. - He began with a smile, and you laughed lightly, exchanging a look with Lizzie. - And actually, we have arguments this time.
- Here we go. - You commented with light irony which made the audience laugh. 
Your latest posts on instagram were visible on the big screen.
- Last Tuesday, both of you posted these stories on your personal accounts. - Jimmy started with excitement. - And it rocked the internet completely, because the location was visible on your instagram, Elizabeth.
Lizzie let out an embarrassed giggle.
- Well, if the public's doubt is whether we were together there, they can confirm it. - She said, and Jimmy let out an excited exclamation. Lizzie waited for the audience to stop their celebratory chorus before speaking again. - But this was a special celebration, since it was my birthday. 
- And I took her on a trip to Mexico. - You completed the story with a slight smile. The audience let out a chorus of happiness and you looked at them in confusion. - Guys, friends do this!
Jimmy and the audience laughed for a moment and then the image came off the screen.
- Come on girls, you're giving us material. - He remarked with a smile. - And you're still going to deny the relationship like you always do, I imagine.
You and Wanda exchange a short chuckle.
- Look, Jimmy, all I have to say is that Lizzie is amazing, she really is. - You saw yourself confessing. - Anyone would be lucky to date this brilliant, spectacular, sweet, fun-loving woman. But that person is not me.
Jimmy lets out an exclamation of sadness along with the audience, but then they applaud your words, and you smile wryly. You risk a glance at Lizzie for a second, and she has slightly flushed cheeks, and looks surprised at your words.
You ignore the nervous feeling at the pit of your stomach, and decide to keep your posture polite as you answer the next questions.
Four years ago.
You had to kiss Lizzie. And then you shook your head. No, not you. Vision. Your character, Vision, had to kiss Lizzie's character, Wanda Maximoff. And you repeated this like a mantra as you walked from your dressing room to the set.
The day you read this scene, you smiled politely at your agent, and disguised any apparent nervousness. And then you spent the last few weeks pretending that if you didn't think about it, eventually the director would make a change and the scene wouldn't even exist. But here you were, trying to have one last drop of professionalism.
You weren't even recording the scene officially, it was just the rehearsal of lines and marking, and you had sweaty hands. 
As you walked through the studio, the staff smiled and greeted you, and then you spotted Lizzie and ignored the uneven beating of your heart.
- Let's get started girls. - announced Russo as soon as he caught sight of you. He signaled for you to follow the team's prearranged schedule. You smiled at Lizzie as you took your place. - We can test the order of the scene directly. I need to know which angle is best to have Vision ask Wanda to stay with her.
And then you started recording. And now you were Vision. There was no time to think about how naturally your hand fit into Lizzie's, or how good it felt to feel her hugging you. And then Russo shouted cut again.
- That's pretty good. - He commented, looking at the monitor. - Let's shoot the stone scene okay, then the action scene.
The scene started, and you said your lines the way you were supposed to. And then you were looking at Lizzie, and she kissed you as the script said. You held the sigh in your throat, and pulled away. Vision doesn't sigh, so you shouldn't either. And then you are smiling as written, and the director closes the scene again.
You were getting pretty good at hiding how affected you are by Lizzie the more you kiss her onstage. And then you wrap up the day's shooting, and you are mentally exhausted. You want to sleep in your dressing room, but you decide to go home.
And as you are walking back to your car, Lizzie calls out to you.
- Hey, partner. - She greets me by walking beside you. - Don't you want to go for a drink tonight?
You let out a sigh, ignoring the urge to shout that you would go anywhere with her, and thinking about how tired your body is.
- I'm exhausted, Lizzie. - You tell her, and she looks upset, but you add with a smile. - But I'll take it if it's something at your place.
Lizzie's face lights up quickly, and she nods, and then says she'll leave something in her car. She returns when you are already in yours.
- All set? - You ask to confirm, and she smiles and nods. And then you start the car and drive out of the studio.
Lizzie turns on the car stereo a moment later, and you begin humming the song.
- You've been distant lately. - She comments distractedly as you drive away. - You know you can talk to me, right?
You smile, ignoring the feeling in your stomach.
- Yes, Lizzie. - You say without taking your eyes off the road. - I'm just busy, that's all. It's nothing.
Lizzie makes a noise of agreement and looks away. You think maybe she believes you're not telling her the truth, and you feel guilty. So you decide to change the subject.
- How are things at home, Liz? Are Mary-Kate and Ashley well? - you ask, and she looks at you quickly.
- Everything's fine. - she says, and then she bites her lip. - Did I do something?
You frown, glancing quickly at her before looking down the street again. The light was red. And when you turn your head toward her, she lets out a sigh.
- You don't talk to me anymore. - She says seriously, looking at you. - Since Berlin, you're just distant. Always busy, and with ready-made answers. And now you try small talk, even though you hate it. I wish you would tell me what I did wrong.
Your heart is racing at the accusations, because she is absolutely right. And then you swallow dry, and prepare to speak, but then Liz is pointing ahead, the headlight has opened. And you have to drive, and she crosses her arms and looks away to the window.
You drive the rest of the way to her house in silence, and when you park the car in the driveway, she mumbles a goodnight before getting out. 
Squeezing the steering wheel in your fingers, you take a deep breath. And then you get out of the car, and the noise of the door opening surprises her because she turns to look. But you are walking toward her, and raising your hand to the back of her neck, bringing your mouths together. Lizzie chokes in surprise, but in the next second she melts against you as she kisses you back.
You part breathlessly, holding your foreheads together.
- I am in love with you. - You confess. - I'm sorry I was a complete idiot, but I was terrified.
Lizzie giggles, kissing you again quickly before hugging you. And then she is breaking the embrace to look at you, a shy smile on her lips.
- I'm in love with you too. - she says. - I'm glad that's the problem and not something else.
You laugh, and kiss her one last time before entwining your hands and walking toward her house.
You decide to take things slow, so naturally, two weeks later, you ask her to be your girlfriend over dinner. Lizzie smiles all night, but you know that if this is a secret, she can't wear the ring.
Public relationships mean contracts, and agents, and unwanted questions, and lots of opinions about your lives. And you two wanted to keep that to yourselves for the time being.
So when directors comment that your onstage chemistry is amazing, you two just nod and thank them. When the interviewers ask if you are together, you deny it as before.
The first time you sleep with Lizzie, you almost break the bed. And it's all right, because you two are laughing with happiness and pleasure, and she pulls you in for another kiss. And you entwine your hands, the commitment rings on your fingers.
A year and a half later, you are getting very busy with your participation in a youth series, and there are many rumors that you are dating your co-star, so Lizzie is jealous and you can't blame her. 
You decide that the secret cannot go on any longer, at least not to your friends and employers. So you talk to Lizzie, and you both call your agents. Sara laughs for ten minutes when you tell her, but she is happy to talk to Lizzie's agent. You are not public yet, but it is important that all parties are in agreement. You hate bureaucracy, but you don't mind as long as Lizzie's hand is in yours. Your friends are very happy, and the other cast members tease you constantly about it.
When you shoot the last movie, you think you are going to be fired because your character has died. But then you and Lizzie get a series together.
You try not to overthink how you will deny the rumors on television, but Lizzie kisses you on the cheek and tells you that you will face it together. 
It takes three more months for you to propose. You think your chest will explode with happiness when she accepts.
And then you are calling your agents again, and Sara almost faints when you tell her that you got married in secret at some registry office in the Caribbean and she needs to get the paperwork sorted out. When you get back to California, there is a small ceremony with your family members.
You and Lizzie are sitting side by side in the interview. The questions about WandaVision are over, and now you know from Jimmy's expression what he is going to say.
- The last time you were here, I had only an instagram post as an argument for your secret relationship. - He says, making you, Lizzie and the audience laugh lightly. - But now I have talked to the production and they prepare a presentation.
- My goodness. - You remark, making him laugh. And then he waves to the big screen, and you try to disguise your nervousness.
A presentation of images began to play to the audience to the sound of "honeybee" by the band "The Head and The Heart". There are several studio shots, from photo rehearsals to behind-the-scene moments. There is a picture from the day you met, from the first cast test, from the Avengers taping, paparazzi shots of you laughing in the parking lot, or in the open areas. There are pictures of you walking around Los Angeles together, pictures of your rides, or your travels. There are clippings from instagram stories where you spend time together, laughing and hugging. The presentation ends with the BTS photo of WandaVision from the first day of recording where you have your arm around Lizzie, and the two of you are laughing.
You clear your throat away the emotion, but Lizzie wipes her eyes lightly.
- That was very beautiful. - She comments as Jimmy hands her a piece of tissue paper. The audience bursts into tears of excitement.
- I guess we can get to the part where you deny everything now can't we? - Jimmy jokes and you smile and straighten your posture.
- Actually, Jimmy, we have something to announce.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
just like magic with marvel cast, the vibe is----- a perfect song for a lil b*tch with a good heart and a sarcastic mouth
just like magic is the song we ALL need for 2020😌 Start manifesting ya’ll🖤 Also thank you sm for the request I am so so sorry this took so freakin’ long😭 Love u, happy reading🖤🖤 Tried to add my own lil twist to your request:)
(A lil different from the request, but I tried to make the reader have a bit sas.)
just like magic
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Growing up within the Marvel Cinematic Universe was probably one of things you were most grateful for. When you first started out you weren’t that social. You were new to the business, you didn’t know anybody and you were intimidated by every single actor you crossed paths with.
At first you didn’t feel like you fit in. You felt as if you were a burden to everyone else. You barely talked to anyone which made the others approach you out of force by the Russos. Everyone around you was talented while you were just some newcomer who had jack shit as experience. The first few years you were insecure of yourself mentally and physically. You weren’t as pretty or fit as the other women in the MCU nor did your skills live up to theirs. Which led to some unhealthy habits. Plus there were haters and movie critics who would say horrible things about you and your acting.
You had a rocky start unlike Tom Holland and even Lexi Rabe. Until one day when you realized that you had to change how you were thinking. It took you a while but all that negative thinking you were doing was only bringing you negative energy. So when you had a break from filming movies, your number one goal was to improve yourself.
Wake up in my bed, I just wanna have a good day (Mmm, ah)
Think it in my head, then it happens how it should, ayy
Twelve o'clock, I got a team meeting, then a meditation at like 1:30
Then I ride to the studio listening to some shit I wrote (Oh)
You woke up with smile on your face in a sense of calmness. The sun shined bright hues into your room as you got up from your bed. Today was the first day back on set. You guys were finally filming Civil War and you were honestly so excited. As you did your morning routine, you went over how the day would go in your head. You’re genuinely excited to see the entire cast. It has been almost half a year since you’ve seen everyone and you couldn’t wait to be back.
You took one last look at yourself in the mirror. Compared to the previous year, you looked and felt healthy. Your eyes shined and you looked well relaxed. You know like one of those face cleanser commercials? That’s how you felt. You felt like a breath of fresh air.
The ride to the studio took a good 30 minutes but it felt like seconds. You entered the set with a new sense of confidence and pride. The energy was practically radiating off you.
“(Y/n)?” You hear someone call from behind you. You turn around and see Scarlett looking at you.
“Hey!” You greet her as you approach her. You pulled her into a hug, startling her.
“Oh! Hello to you too, honey.” She laughed as she wrapped her arms around you. “How are you?”
“I’m doing great! Life’s been good.” You answer as a toothy grin graces itself on your face. Scarlett’s eyes are filled with shocked. From the previous times she’s talked to you she’s never seen you so loud or open. You were always shy and closed off from everyone on set.
Good karma, my aesthetic (Aesthetic)
Keep my conscience clear, that's why I'm so magnetic
Manifest it (Yeah), I finessed it (I finessed it)
Take my pen and write some love letters to Heaven
Eventually everyone on set caught on to your new attitude. Though they tried to be discreet about their reactions and shocked expressions, you could still see how they were caught off guard by your sudden change of nature.
Anthony watched as you conversed with Elizabeth and Scarlett on the couch in Robert’s “village” . You were probably the most smiliest person in the room beating Evans, who was eating his lunch.
“She’s like different. But in a good way. It’s like she’s bloomed.” Anthony thought out loud to the men beside him. Chris (E) and Sebastian look in your direction.
“Bloomed?” Chris snorted as he swallowed his food.
“Yeah, like she’s growing into a woman.” Anthony hummed proudly as he went back to his own lunch. Sebastian smiled at you, “I think she’s gained some confidence in herself and finally realized how good of a person she is.”
“If she’s finally realized that, I’m glad she did. She’s like a ball of sunshine, it’s adorable.” Chris smiled proudly at you as your hands move around animatedly while explaining some story to the two women in front of you.
“Y’all think it’s a boy?” Anthony wondered. Sebastian rolled his eyes at his friend. Before he can even respond Anthony is calling you over. You approach the men with a smile and take a seat beside Sebastian.
“What’s up?” You greet them. Chris nods at you as he chews on his sandwich. Sebastian greeting you with a quiet “hey”.
“So who’s the lucky man?” Anthony asks teasingly. Your brows knit together head tilting to the side.
“Yes man, or boy, whatever. Who’s got you feelin’ yourself, (y/n).” Anthony wiggles his brows as he shimmies closer to you. Sebastian, who’s in between you two, cringes at the man to his left.
You didn’t take any offense to the question, knowing that everyone was curious as to why you were so unlike yourself.
You chuckled before smirking at the older man, “Anthony, honey. I don’t need a man to be feelin’ myself. I did this on my own.”
Chris and Sebastian’s mouth drop at your answer. Chris laughed as he pointed out Anthony’s face. Sebastian slung an arm around your shoulder bringing you into a side hug as he laughed with Chris.
“To be fair” Chris began to say but started to laugh, “To be fair, you deserved that.” Anthony’s face went flushed as he nodded to himself. You suddenly felt bad that you put him on the spot.
“Alright, stop laughing at him.” You playfully glare at Chris and Seb. You poke Anthony’s arm, “To answer your question, I’ve just been working on myself. Thinking more positively, I even tried manifestation.”
“You know what, that’s good. You’re taking care of yourself mentally and physically. I’m proud of you for doing this for yourself, we all are.” Anthony tells you as he motions to the two other men.
You look at all three of them, all of them looking at you with pride, “Thanks guys.”
Just like magic (Baby), just like magic (Oh yeah)
Middle finger to my thumb and then I snap it
Just like magic (Yeah), I'm attractive (Oh yeah)
I get everything I want 'cause I attract it (Oh)
As the months passed, the more you evolved into another version of you. You walked with determination, carried yourself with such grace and you’ve gained confidence in your career. You didn’t let your insecurities get to you, instead you faced them and overcame them. You were tired of letting them control you.
Your change in attitude and perspective on life has definitely affected your life in many ways. Manifestation was one of the things that have helped you the most. Writing about your goals and putting that energy out to the world has helped you persevere in your job. You’ve only faced good karma; sending out positive energy and receiving it back from the universe.
So far you’ve been casted in two new projects and have a campaign lined up with Gucci. If you were told a year ago that you’d be working with big time directors and freakin’ Gucci, you wouldn’t have believe them. Life has been unreal ever since you decided to change your life around. But of course you had to thank your Marvel family, without them and their support you probably wouldn’t haven gotten to where you were today.
Looking at my phone, but I'm tryna disconnect it (Oh yeah)
Read a fuckin' book, I be tryna stay connected (Yeah)
Say it's tricky at the top, gotta keep a slim ego for a thick wallet
Losing friends left and right, but I just send 'em love and light (Oh)
As many people recognized your success many people still tried to pull you down. Some fans on social media have noticed your change in behavior and have even praised you for practicing self care. While others still tried to push you off the mountain of success you were currently on and drag you across the ground.
These were the reasons as to why you were barely on your phone anymore. You used to be invested in your phone but after realizing how much negativity it brought you, you’ve decided to slowly disconnect from it. Which led you to becoming more interested into books.
Chris (E) had even brought some of his favorite arts of literature for you to borrow. You were currently on your third book of his, Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. You were sitting outside your trailer in a fold up chair under the shade. Your peacefulness was interrupted by Tom (Holland) who had a worried expression on his face.
“Have you not seen it yet?” He asked you as soon as he was in front of you. Being the two most youngest actors on the current set, you guys were closer to each other than with the adults.
“Seen what, Tommy?” You put a finger in between the pages you were reading to save your spot. Tom pulls his phone out and began to type. He tapped on his screen and turned the screen to you.
“She’s been talking crap about you for days.” You read the article and saw that one of your “friends”, Sabrina has been speaking out about your success and how it’s changed you as a person.
“She’s going off about how the more money you get in your wallet, the more bratty and arrogant you become.” He grumbled as he turned his phone off.
“I could care less, honestly. I know I haven’t done anything to her and if I did I was unaware of it. Plus, she stopped talking to me after I said I couldn’t get her a part in a movie.” You shrugged as you placed a proper bookmark in the book.
“You’re not upset?”
“I mean it’s sad that she’s acting so two faced. But if that’s how she wants to roll, then be my guest. It’s her loss, not everyone has great taste.” You flicked a piece of hair away from your face with your hand.
“You’re not gonna release a statement against her?”
“No, probably just wish her well with her life and move on with my own.” You answered much to Tom’s dismay.
Redesign your brain, we gon' make some new habits
Just like magic (Just like magic), just like magic
Filming has officially ended a few months ago and now you guys were doing press tour for Civil War. Before you were the new and improved version of yourself, you dreaded press tours. Some interviewers were nice and respectful, but there were those who would ask inappropriate questions and were just rude in general. All you could remember during those past tours was wanting to leave those rooms as soon as possible.
The q&a panel at New York had a packed room. There were many journalist crowded in the room shoulder to shoulder. You were sat in between Elizabeth and Scarlett, two of the women who have been guiding you and teaching you about life as a woman in the business. They were also like your older sisters.
The panel had been going smoothly for the first half hour until a man with a snobby face and cocky demeanor approached the mic.
“Hello, I’m Keith and my question’s for (y/n).” He began. You nodded in his direction, motioning for him to continue.
“I think everyone’s noticed how you’ve changed and developed as a person. Obviously something’s changed in your life. So I want to know if you’ve had any intimate relationships with any of the men in the cast?” You were surprised at the man’s question. First it was bold of him to ask such a question and second it was just disrespectful to you and the others on the cast.
“I mean someone’s gotta be fucking you good to make you crawl out your shell.” The man finished shrugging nonchalantly. Robert was about to interject but your mouth was quicker than his. The men of the cast were disgusted at the man while they sat at the edge of their seats.
“Well last time I checked my contract, my job was to act, not sleep around with the men who are part of these movies.” You spoke into the mic. All the attention was on you while the room was at a standstill.
“It’s also very upsetting that you think a girl needs to be fucked in order to be confident in herself. I hate to break it to you but women are completely capable of turning their lives around without the help of men and that says a lot about you, sir. So if I were you, I’d take myself back to my seat and rethink my life because if one of us has to redesign our brains it’s you.” You finished as you placed your mic on your lap. The room was silent until the cast began to clap. This was your first time standing up for yourself, usually Robert or Scarlett would swoop in and save you but this time, you were saving yourself.
You shook your head as you blushed, shoving your head in your hands. You felt some pats on the backs and cheers from your dysfunctional family. You look up and see Scarlett and Elizabeth smiling at you proudly.
“Isn’t she amazing?” Robert asked the crowd as he hugged you. The crowd cheering you on.
Just like magic, your life felt like a dream come true, knowing that you were worth it and enough for the people around you and for yourself.
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sourholland · 4 years
A Royal Convenience || Tom Holland
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| Series Masterlist |
Part Two
AN → You might all be wondering where I’ve been, I honestly just needed a bit of a break for my mental health! I’m sorry, I’ve missed taking to you all <3
Summary → When an alliance is made between England and France, you are sent away to marry the crown prince and heir to the British throne. Except both you and Prince Thomas despise each other at all odds, subjected to the hand of the monarchy and unable to stand each other.
Pairing(s) → Prince!Tom x Princess!Reader
Warnings → None
Word Count → 2.0k
“Could one of you run off and find out if my son is planning on gracing us all with his attendance.” Nicola’s voice was assertive, dripping with irritation at the Prince’s tardiness.
A man holding a closed box with an assortment of rings stood off to the side of the drawing-room. He was stiff, awkward even, in the presence of not only the Queen, but the Princess and future Queen of England. His eyes were trained on the freshly polished floors, clutching the velvet.
Behind you stood your newly introduced ladies in waiting, there were three: Lady Eloise, Lady Charlotte, and Lady Andrea. They were very young, pretty, and had very clearly come from aristocratic backgrounds. Each of them held a title, meaning they’d soon enough marry. You’d planned on meeting them for tea, but Queen Nicola figured it would be better to bring them in before you chose an engagement ring.
“Apologies, mum,” Tom came through the double doors, his hair skewed and his shirt disheveled. He bowed, taking a spot beside his mother and averting his eyes from you.
“Thomas, wonderful of you to join us,” she drawled. “Do begin, sir,” she said, motioning towards the man.
He opened the box a bit shakily, dozens of diamonds gleaming. They ranged from color to carrots of gold, each holding a different and more interesting background. You couldn’t help but to reach out and pick up one with a deep sapphire.
“That was once worn by the late Queen Elizabeth l,” he droned on, continuing to tell you about the long history of where the ring had come from and what it signified.
“What do you think, Thomas,” Nicola asked. She was practically beaming at each ring you slid onto your finger. Like no matter which one you chose, none would be the wrong choice.
“It is not I that will have to wear the dreadful thing,” he replied shortly. “Therefore, I should not be the person deciding which one she chooses, though I wish you’d quicken the pace a bit.”
“Since you’ve made it clear that you have no intention on weighing in on the decision, I ask you kindly, Prince Tom, to please refrain from commenting,” you quipped. He took a step back irritably, pulling at the collar of his undershirt.
You reached into the box once more, pulling out a large European cut diamond ring. The several diamonds displayed at the golden band left you lifting your hand, staring at your ring finger absentmindedly. It was classic, yet had too many diamonds to be considered simple. A royal staple, much like the tiara you’d eventually choose to wear on your wedding day.
“This one,” you said. “This is the one.”
The Queen drifted towards you, biting back excitement as she assessed the ring. It was clearly too large and would need to be sized, yet still had the same effect. She held it up as you had done, clutching your hand and motioning towards your ladies to come and look.
“That’s absolutely darling,” Charlotte mused.
“It’s stunning,” Andrea agreed.
The Prince soon enough took his leave, slipping out of the room before Nicola could notice his absence. She looked disappointed when she looked over and was met with an empty space where he’d just stood.
“He’ll come around soon enough,” she said, this was less reassuring to you and seemed more comforting for herself.
“Do tell me about yourself, Andrea,” you murmured on, arm in arm as you both perused the large gardens.
“Well there’s not much to know, miss,” she replied swiftly.
“Please, I wish you’d call me Y/N in private company,” you laughed a bit. “I’ve never had much of a thing for titles.”
“Her Majesty would simply chastise me.”
There were blooming flowers and the grass was slowly becoming more and more green. The air was a bit brisk, the cloak draped along your shoulders thinner than you’d like. The soft breeze felt nice, though. Andrea was simple looking, pulled back brown hair and a heart-shaped face. She explained that she was one of three girls, the third daughter of an earl.
“I must admit, I do wish we’d have met under different circumstances,” you mused, plucking a lily from the shrubs.
“I’m not sure what you mean, miss,” she looked over at you a bit sideways.
“I just mean—well under the circumstance that I wasn’t being pawned off on the Prince.”
You fumbled at your skirts for a moment, pressing at the fabrics of your afternoon dress. It was ivory, beautiful, really. Though, much different from anything you’d have worn in France.
“I’m sure His Royal Highness will be as pleased as everyone else once you are both wed.”
“That’s hard to believe,” you chuckled. “He has hardly said a word to me since I arrived in London.”
She looked nervous, like she was afraid to say the wrong thing. Her cheeks flushed lightly, the glint in her eyes a bit brighter. Andrea just looked over to you and gave a soft smile, as if to say everything would be alright.
“Do you think that Prince Thomas is handsome?” You asked, curious of her opinion. You watched her cheeks redden, an awkward laugh escaping her lips.
“That is not for me to judge, miss,” she answered almost immediately.
“No—but, I just want your opinion, do you think he is handsome?” You asked once again.
She hesitated for a moment, “yes, I think the Prince is certainly very handsome.”
You thought for a moment, of his brown hair that had been swept back and so carelessly skewed about earlier in the morning. The way his freckles scattered lightly across his nose like a constellation, you’d only known this from when he’d pulled you in so closely the night before. He wore his signet ring proudly, this amongst what looked like another ring with a crest on it.
“Yes, I suppose he is quite handsome. Though, if I’ve learned anything, it is that looks count for almost nothing when you’re forced to spend everyday with a person.”
The quiet clattering of silverware sounded throughout the large room, beside you sat Prince Tom. Down the table were the two older princes, assuming the youngest, Prince Patrick, was still too young. At the head of the table was King Dominic, at his right was Queen Nicola. Occupying the rest of the table was an assortment of dukes and duchesses, earls and ladies.
It had been too late to join everyone for dinner the night before, so tonight was the first time you’d been in everyone’s company. The room was large, grand even, gold trim and deep royal red walls filled with paintings dating back centuries. Candles burned while you ate, attempting to steal a glance at the Prince while he spoke with his brother Harry.
It had taken you weeks studying the British monarchy to completely grasp their political and traditional protocol. You had to learn who to curtsy to and who not to, and then in what order, how to determine the sovereign and whether or not to address someone with a title or not to.
“Tell us, Y/N, how are you finding England?” The Queen chimed, staring at you from her seat across the table.
“Well, ma’am—I haven’t seen much of it, I do hope to see more. It is far different from France, though.”
A quiet murmur spread across the table, “I’ve always found the French quite curious,” a duchess, whom you could not recall the name of, said lowly.
“Curiously dreadful,” Tom laughed to himself in a whisper you were sure only you could hear.
“I’m sorry?” You turned towards him, the sound of your cutlery against the plate louder than you’d liked. “I thought you said something, sir.”
The King looked up at you, the scornful way in which you looked at Tom, seething at his teasing words. You felt the heat in your face spread when you noticed an almost surprised look from a majority of the long and stretching table.
The rest of dinner you kept quiet, avoiding the looks from the prince at your side. He seemed quite bothered, you put your head down and braced yourself once the King stood. Once the King finished his meal, everyone else was finished as well. He stood soundly, the paleness of his skin off-putting, the deep purple crescents underneath his eyes prominent in the candlelight.
You stood with everyone else, retiring to your chambers in a fleeting moment once it was appropriate to get away. The long, narrow halls were ages older than you, the artwork clearly showing that. You recognized past monarchs, the kings and queens of the years earlier. The twists and turns reminded you of a labyrinth, easy to get lost in.
Once you reached the double doors to your chambers, you pulled at them quickly, shutting them behind you soundly and sinking against the wall. The room was still filled with burning candles, the servant at your vanity looking at you curiously.
She curtsied quickly, motioning you off of the floor in a maternal way. You said nothing, letting her help you slip out of the evening gown and undo the tight lacing of your corset. You breathed deeply as she slipped the white nightgown over your head and took down the silver pins from your hair.
“Are you alright, miss?” She asked, the look on her face a bit concerned.
“Yes, just tired,” you excused. “I can put myself to sleep, thank you.”
“Are you sure, miss? I really do not mind,” she trailed off as you waved her away laughing stiffly.
“I am sure, thank you, Anne.”
You stared at yourself in the mirror, brushing through your hair as you sat. Anne had long left, the doors shut tightly and the guards posted at them for the night, however, you turned quickly at the sound of them creeping open.
“How thick in the head must you be?”
Prince Thomas.
“You should not be in here,” you warned. “It’s bad enough to be caught alone in the daytime without a chaperone, but at night—in my bedroom!” Your tone was sharp, your arms wrapping around yourself. His eyes scanned your bare ankles, the curve of your legs underneath the thin material.
“You need not be concerned about your virtue, not after what you decided to pull at dinner tonight, before mother and father! I mean seriously, it’s like you enjoy humiliating yourself in front of the whole family!”
His cheeks were flushed in anger, his eyes fixed on you. You hair was undone, your eyes stuck on him. The silence was deafening, the space between the both of you closing when you stood up and marched over to him.
“I have been here a day. A day! And you cannot allow me the luxury of my own chambers, parading in here like you were not the one who provoked me!” You rammed a finger into his chest, gaze not faltering as you looked up at him.
“I told mother, I told father. You are nothing but a child, a little girl with no clue what she’s getting herself into,” you flinched at his voice.
“I will be your wife—”
“You will be the Queen of England!” He shouted, “the way you acted tonight was not that of a queen, but an eighteen year old girl in way over her head.”
He grabbed the hand that had jabbed into his chest, skewing it to the side. “Do not forget yourself, Y/N. I can promise you this, if you cannot at least act like you have any idea what you’re doing, this engagement is off. I will not tarnish the name of my country, nor title or reputation for a French princess that I had no desire to wed in the first place.”
taglist- @justapurrcat @witchyartemis @keithseabrook27 @clara-licht @dummiesshort @username2002 @imaginationisgrowth @nova-sup3r @jeyramarie @the-avengers-assembling @veryholland
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erule · 3 years
The frat party | t.h.
Title: The frat party
Pairing: Frat boy!Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1823
Warnings: frat boy Tom, angst, nakedness (nothing sexual though, no smut in this chapter), mention of sex, implied smut, cliffhanger at the end, jealous Tom, language, OC Oliver, violence (one punch), blood, plot twists.
Summary: Tom and the reader met at a frat party, but a year later they broke up because of some reason. Now, rumor has it that the reader is dating one of Tom’s friends and he gets jealous.
A/N: Hello hello, I’m back! Have you seen Tom’s recent pics in Monaco?? He looked amazing! Anyway, I don’t know why, but I just had to write a fic with frat boy!Tom, so enjoy!
If you wanna be tagged in my Tom Holland fics, just let me know in my ask box! You can also find me on AO3 and Wattpad. Feedback is always appreciated by a writer!
Main Masterlist
Tom Holland Masterlist
Peter Parker Masterlist
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Chapter 1
Break up with my ex girlfriend
Frat parties. Am I right? Worst part of college life. A lot of people drink to forget about their grades and how their lives went wrong, while someone’s just hoping to have some fun with them (if you know what I mean). For the first year, I hated them with passion, but it was before I met him. At a frat party. Oh, the irony! And then, frat parties were the only chance I had to actually talk to him. It didn’t take us long enough to start dating. I think that adults tell you fairy tales to make you grow up with a hope, the hope to find your real happy ending, your true love. Well, I wasn’t used to believe in them, but the year I spent with Tom… that was close to the definition of happy ending. The problem with happy endings? They don’t tell you what happens after them. And that’s because they’re a nightmare.
“Tell me that now or you’re not gonna find me in this bed tomorrow”, he says and there’s a part of me that wants to die right here and right now. I shake my head. I don’t want to do that. Not because I don’t feel anything for him, but I’m scared that this will complicate things between us and it’s the last thing I want. “Are you serious, Y/N? You really think that saying something like that during sex doesn’t count? Calling someone on the phone means something, even if you’re drunk as Hell. So tell me what you really feel about me right now or I swear, I’m out of this room. I’m out of this kind of weird relationship that’s going on between us for years,” Tom says and the veins on his arms draw a beautiful map on his body, in which the moles are cities and his eyes are volcanoes. They’re burning, unlike my skin, that is freezing because I’m not wearing anything at the moment. Except for my shame, perhaps. My insecurities, that never leave me. Even in front of Tom.
“You don’t mean that,” I try to say, my mouth dry. But he’s insanely angry. In another situation, it would be hot.
“I do, Y/N,” he replies. I swallow. His expression softens, like he’s in pain. He comes closer to me, brushing my cheeks with his hands. My eyes are full of tears. His words feel like a prayer on my skin. “Please, tell me”.
And even if I don’t wanna do that, my hands are tied. Even if that’s a lie. I remain in silence. One second after that, he’s gone. Tom always keeps his promises, after all.
2 months before
Harrison sat down with a strange look on his face. It only meant one thing for Tom: trouble. He sighed, throwing away the third cigarette of the day. Jacob raised an eyebrow, trying to get rid of the stench of smoke with one hand.
“I thought you wanted to quit smoking,” Jacob said.
“Relax, I only smoke before finals now,” Tom said. “What’s up, mate? Come on, talk”.
Harrison raised a corner of his lips in a smirk.
“Rumor has it, that Oliver’s got a girlfriend,” he said.
“No way!” Jacob exclaimed.
“Oh, fuck me,” Tom said, laying on the grass with his hands behind his neck, glancing at a couple of girls who were passing by.
“I haven’t said the best part yet, though,” Harrison continued. Jacob urged him to speak further. “He’s gonna throw a party for his birthday and he’ll introduce her to his friends. But since we’re his friends, I was wondering why I haven’t told us anything about this gal in weeks. So I played Sherlock Holmes for a couple of hours and I found out that… we actually know this girl,” he said.
“I bet she’s someone of the campus,” Tom joked, as if it was obvious.
“I bet she’s someone’s ex girlfriend,” Jacob replied.
Harrison remained quiet, but he was smiling.
“You gotta be kidding me,” Tom said, astonished, while sitting on the grass again.
“I won!” Jacob yelled.
“Who’s she? I hooked up with…”
“Ex girlfriend, Tom. It’s not some random girl you hooked up with. She’s someone you remember very well,” Harrison said.
“So we’re talking about me, uh? Well, let’s see… is it Janine? We lasted two weeks, I wouldn’t be mad about her,” he shrugged. Harrison swallowed.
“It’s someone you would be mad about,” Jacob guessed. “And there’s just one person that you would be mad about”.
Tom’s eyes widened at the realization.
“He’s fucking dead”.
Two days after that conversation, here they were: the three of them were laying with their backs on the wall like they were sustaining it from falling down. Tom had threatened Oliver with a Dare to explain, mate?, but his answer was just an I’m sorry Tom, but she’s just your ex. I don’t have to ask for your permission. Or does this mean that you’re still not over her? So, since Tom values too much his pride, he said that he was over her and that Oliver was right, he didn’t have to ask for his permission. Oliver apologized for not telling him that before and then walked away, leaving Tom to smoke the whole pack of cigarettes. Tom was watching Oliver talking with Elizabeth, one of your friends, when he saw you and Zendaya arrive at the party. In his opinion, you were stunning. You immediately caught his gaze. You just never failed to amaze him, even after a year. His heart ached at the view, but it ached even more when you greeted Oliver. You gave him a kiss on his cheek, clenching your hand in a fist. It seemed like you were uncomfortable. So, he came up with a plan to save you.
“Wait for me here,” he said to his friends, then he walked fast to reach you. “Hey mate, happy birthday!” Tom said to Oliver, who hugged him.
“Thanks, Tom. I think that you already know Y/N, Lizzie and Z,” he said and you smiled along with your friends, even if you looked more surprised than happy.
“Of course, I do,” Tom said, looking directly at you. You looked down. “Could I please talk to Y/N? We haven’t been in touch for quite some time and I’d like to catch up with her,” he asked.
“Sure!” Oliver said, while Zendaya seemed looking at you with a concerned expression. You winked at her.
Tom made you move away from Oliver by brushing your back, walking to the next exit. He lowered his voice in order to talk with you only, speaking to your hear: “You look ravishing, darling”.
He noticed that you closed your eyes for a very long second, but you didn’t say a word about that.
“Are you here to show that you still own me or something?”
“I don’t own you, darling. You’re absolutely free to do anything you like,” he said, lighting a cigarette outside the building.
“Z said you wanted to quit smoking,” you said, furrowing your eyebrows.
“I only smoke before finals”.
“Finals were yesterday,” you replied.
“Are we here to talk about me or you? I noticed that you were uncomfortable with Oliver, but I thought that you were his girlfriend. Wouldn’t it be weird?”
You smirked.
“Oh, now I get it. You’re jealous”.
“Nah, If I’d be jealous, you would know, trust me,” Tom said, with a playful tone.
“What would you do?” You asked, curiousity eating you alive. You wanted to know so bad if he still had feelings for you.
“Don’t play with fire, darling. You’re gonna burn your pretty hands, otherwise,” he replied, running a finger over his lip. Shivers ran through your spine, but you hoped that Tom didn’t notice it.
“Don’t try to seduce me, Holland. You’re not gonna win this time,” you said, chuckling. “And for the record, we’re not dating. He’s just insistent,” you explained.
Tom looked inside and saw Oliver staring at the two of you. An idea came up into his mind and he couldn’t quite get rid of it. It was smart, but also terrifying. It was very dangerous, yet he had to try.
“We could be in a fake relationship. It could fool everyone,” he proposed.
You turned to look at him, astonished.
“Even after what happened?”
Tom’s eyes were locked with yours, but his facial muscles didn’t move at all. If he still was hurt by the reason that made you two break up, he didn’t show it to you.
“He’s coming here,” he said instead, glancing at Oliver.
“Tom, this is insane,” you kept going. “You said you couldn’t forgive me after…”
It happened all too fast. All the lights went out at the same time. Tom's lips were on yours in an instant. Everything was on fire, every inch of your body. Every cell your flash was made of exploded like a dying supernova. A moment later, someone snatched him from your hands, leaving you in the cold.
Oliver hit him. Tom laughed, nervously, but then he grabbed the collar of Oliver’s shirt and slammed him against the wall, angrily. You pounced on Tom, trying to pull him away from Oliver. At first, Tom looked at you confused, thinking that you just wanted to keep Oliver safe from him, but your eyes told him another story: you prevented him to be kicked out from the campus.
“I told you, you’d know,” he said, while wiping a trickle of blood from his mouth, pretending to be the tough guy he wasn’t.
“Guys, I think we should leave,” Jacob said, while Harrison was taking Tom away from Oliver by his arm.
“I thought we were friends, Tom,” Oliver said, an inch of hurting in his voice tone.
“That was before you came after the only thing I care about,” he said harshly. And then, he left with Harrison and Jacob.
That night, while Tom was cleaning himself of blood in the bathroom, Jacob was staring at him worried, while standing with one arm against the door jamb.
“You never told me what happened, you know, with Y/N last year. Haz doesn’t want to tell me, he thinks it’s up to you. You said that you were over her, but I don’t think you are, since what you did tonight,” he said. Tom kept wiping away the blood from his shirt, ignoring Jacob’s words. “Why have you broken up with her, Tom? It seems pretty obvious that you’re still in love with her”.
Tom gulped, while looking at himself in the mirror. He had tried to bury all of his memories deep down, but it seemed that now the demons wanted to come back and play with him once again. Maybe it had finally come the time to confront them.
When he spoke, his voice was low and hoarse: “Because she cheated on me”.
Read chapter 2 here!
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You're A Spoiled Brat (Step Dad! Jumin Han x Spoiled! Step Daughter! Reader)
❉Fandom: Mystic Messenger
❉Summary: You wanted to throw a party but your new stepdad wouldn't let you. You were going to have that party, one way or another and Jumin will punish you, one way or another.
❉warnings: Step-cest. Daddy Kink, Spanking, dirty talking, humping, fingering, 18+ content, cheating, age-gap.
❉Rated: 18+
❉Words: 3,507
❉Admin Harmony: Did I just write a whole ass story about Jumin as a stepdad punishing his stepdaughter? Yeah, I did, and do I kind of feel ashamed? A little bit but you know what? I write what I want on here and I have no regrets. So if you like this stuff then enjoy it!
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You weren't the slightest bit happy when you found out that your mom was dating Jumin Han. You never thought in your life she would ever find someone who she adores completely. It wasn't like you completely loathed him, there was no reason why you should, in fact, you couldn’t completely deny the fact that Jumin was very attractive and responsible. Your mom’s side of the family owned a business that partnered with Jumin’s company over the past few years, which was how your mom and he have met. There was still something about him you just didn't quite like about him, he tried to act like he was your dad even though he isn't your dad and will never be one to you. Was it because your real dad passed away? Or have you grown all the way up to where you think you don't need any father figure in your life? It could be both, all it really mattered was that your mom was happy with being with him and that's it. Your mom was the type of person who was very down to earth, sweet, and kind to everyone, some people would even describe her as being too nice, especially to all the people that she loved most which would include you. Your mom was considered a pushover which would be the prime reason why you were so spoiled. She would give you everything and anything with a drop of a hat. New car, fancy jewelry, accessories, anything your heart desires and you enjoyed it, you love getting nice, new, shiny things and throwing extravagant parties with all of your rich friends. But ever since your mom married Jumin everything had been more complicated.
"No." Jumin plainly said, continuing to read his newspaper not caring about anything else you had to say. You couldn't believe it, Jumin actually said no to you no one has ever done that before."Yeah, you're joking, you have to be joking!" You screamed at him, Jumin shook his head, his face stern and unforgiving. "No, I am not. You are not throwing a party at the penthouse.”
"You mean to tell me you are can go and buy a 30 million dollar gold and diamond crusted collar for your stupid cat but I can't throw a small get-together with all of my friends?" You can see his eye twitched with slight annoyance; he had always hated it when you called Elizabeth the Third a stupid cat.
"I am allowed to buy whatever I want for Elizabeth the Third because It’s my money, Besides, I know when you say a ‘small get together' you mean throwing a huge party. I am teaching you how to be a humble and thoughtful young lady, due to the fact that you are acting like a rude, spoilt brat, you were clearly never taught that." You have got to be kidding...
"What gives you the right to tell me what not to do? You're not my real dad so I don't have to listen to you and I won't ever will." You rolled your eyes at him, turning your heel to exit the room.
"We are not finished with this conversation young lady, get back here, right now,"  Jumin said sternly clearly not pleased. "No! Go bother that stupid cat of yours and leave me alone!" You yelled at him, storming off in anger.
Ever since then, whenever you wanted something, you would ask your mom instead of Jumin, and she would give it to you until you were caught by him.
“What is this about a party you are planning on throwing?” You smirked at him, before innocently explaining to him, “Oh! Since you said no about having a party, I just asked mom. She can spend her money however she wants on me and if that is spending money on me and my party then she has the right to do so." Jumin sighed, before stating, “It doesn’t matter, you went behind my back and talked to your mom about having that party. You know how...thoughtful she can really be. You shouldn’t have done that.” You simply shrugged before stating, “Yeah, well, now I get to have a party. Now if you excuse me, I have to plan my party whether you like it or not~.” Before you gave him a chance to react, you left the room, feeling like you won the battle.
That was until your mom gave you your very first no.
"Mom, you're joking!"
She shook her head, "I'm sorry sweetie but me and your dad talked and I have decided that you shouldn’t have the party.”
“But you promised that I get to have it!”
“I know I did but It is time for you to become more responsible. From now on if you want something, you will have to get a job and pay for it first. You're starting college this fall, surely you can get a job for the summer and save up money before attending college.”
"No no no this can’t be happening! You always ignored dad when he says crazy things to you before. Now that you are married to that asshole, the way that I feel means nothing to you!" Your mom crossed her arms, she was not taking any of this anymore. "Your real dad was a drunk, abusive, selfish dickwad. Jumin is a smart, sophisticated, caring man and he is only looking after you and frankly, I agree. You are spoiled, selfish and you need a reality check. The answer is no and that's final." She turned her heel leaving you standing there, alone. You had no idea how to express your anger.
This was all his fault.
A few days later your mom and Jumin both had to leave for a business trip, leaving you alone in the penthouse to watch Elizabeth the Third. You were still angry that Jumin had somehow convinced your mom to betray you, you had to get revenge and what way to get revenge than to throw that little get-together they told you not to anyways.  You did just that, you used your "emergency card" to buy everything for the party and took all of the alcohol that Jumin had collected throwing them on the island of the kitchen along with fancy snacks. You even bribed the guards to leave early for the day. You texted all your friends about the party, and they spread the word about the party. too. You grinned to yourself, excited for what's to come next.
Throughout the night Jumin had received several notifications on his phone about you spending money on the emergency card, at first, he was too busy to really care about it, but that changed when he went on Twitter and saw pictures of you and your friends at a party. He scrolled through countless pictures of you kissing various different people on the lips, drinking loads of alcohol, and just having the time of your life. Jumin’s anger rose, his hands clenching the phone that he had. He exited twitter, immediately calling you at once. It took several rings until you picked up. He could clearly hear loud background music and voices full of people singing and yelling.
"y/n. What are doing right now?” He asked calmly, trying not to let his anger get the best of him.
You stood there, heavily breathing for a bit, trying to form coherent words. “W-wht d’ya mean? I’m herrr!” You laughed out loud. You were clearly wasted and this made him even more annoyed.
"Are you having a party?" He asked, then a crash and a clear oops! could be heard from the background of the phone,
"wwwwhhhattt? Noooo! I’m fern! Heehehe.”
You were lucky that you couldn't see him right now but you could somewhat tell in his voice that he was pissed beyond belief. " Didn't I make to clear to you that there would be no parties while we were gone? And where is Elizabeth the third? If she is harmed in any way-"
"R-Relaxxxx dadddy! Eliz'Berth fiiinnneee! She’s... shit...somewhere? Fuck..."
" I'm coming home immediately and once I get back you will be in big trouble."
"ooh, I’m so scarreeeddd daddy! Pleaaassseeee don’t purnish me! I hate it when sexy, rich, older men pnish me! ~." You teased him, hanging up the phone immediately afterward.  Jumin clenched his fists in anger, but there was a little part of him that was a bit flustered that you called him sexy.  He called his pilot, requesting to leave this instance. It was a 24-hour flight, and with each hour he would be thinking of many different ways to punish you.
The next day after Everyone left, the whole apartment was a complete mess. Everything fragile was broken, food, decorations, and everything else were sprawled across the floor of the living room. It was a disaster but that was what you wanted, it made you feel something whenever you see Jumin angry, it was hard to really explain why all you know was It was fun seeing him like this. The only thing that you can really think of that sucked was the massive hangover that you had. So for the remainder of your time, you laid on your bed, exhausted.
Several hours later Jumin entered the penthouse, it was much worse than he thought. ‘Y/n!" You heard Jumin scream from all the way from the living room. You finally sobered up, so the effects of the hangover were way better than several hours before. Out of nowhere, the door slammed open to reveal Jumin himself with a clear look of frustration. He looked around the room, making his way directly towards Elizabeth the third, "Elizabeth, are you okay?' He crouched down making sure the cat was okay. You couldn't believe it; with all the mess you made the only thing he really cared about was the damn cat.
"Are you serious? After all, I did and you STILL ignored me and went straight to that stupid cat? You're obsessed with that thing!" He slowly turned to you; your body froze completely, you were scared but also a bit turned on by the look of anger on his face. He took Elizabeth, putting her back in her cage and placing it outside of your room. You watched him, in awe about how attached he was to that stupid cat.  "Where do I even begin? You planned a party you weren't even allowed to have. You threw away your responsibilities into taking care of Elizabeth the third and now I have to spend even more money on cleaning the whole living room up. What else is there to say? You're nothing but a spoiled, irresponsible, annoying, little brat. So instead of getting the maids to clean up everything. You are going to clean up instead."
He went silent, his anger building up.
"...What did you say?"
"You heard me, Dad. I'm not cleaning up anything, what are you going to do about it?" You grinned, crossing your arms, waiting to see what he would do next.  Before you knew it you were thrown onto your bed, face down, ass up. He then took his strong hands, dragging you so you could lay down on his lap.
"What the hell are you doing?!" You screeched, trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp and off of his lap. He took his arm, firmly holding your legs down so you could stay in place. "I'm giving you your punishment. You clearly never been punished properly before and now, I'm doing just that. " He flipped your skirt over revealing your plump tush and scantily clad panties. He gently grazed his fingers to further tease you right before sliding your panties down and smacking you firmly on your right cheek.
"Ow! That hurt, asshole!"
Jumin tutted, rubbing his hands over the same cheek. "It's a punishment for a reason. Now, you better count and no back talking or we will start over, understand?" "You're joking! You're not supposed to spank me! I'm eighteen and about to go to college you can't spank me like I'm a little girl!" He then spanked you on your left cheek, a bit harder this time. "Ow stop hitting me!"
"I'm just giving you the proper punishment. You're acting like a spoiled little brat and I am going to punish you just like one. You better not make another sound or else, Now count." Then, he began to spank you on your right cheek. You stayed silent for a bit, contemplating on saying anything. You knew he was a stern and stubborn man, there would be no use mouthing off to him at this point. "O-one..." you stuttered biting your lip. “Good girl but next time you better count in a timely manner.”  He then continued to spank you, hitting each cheek harder until you counted to 20. By the end of it, both cheeks were very red and sore and You were a crying, sobbing mess by the end of it. You were too distracted to even notice the bulge that formed through Jumin's trousers. "Happy? Now leave me alone." You whined, still struggling to get out of Jumin's grip. "What makes you think we're finished? A few spankings and you think you're off the hook?" He gently rubbed your rosy cheeks, sliding his hands into your soaking wet cunt. You gasped, was he actually touching you down there? His touches were light but somehow, they affected you in a certain way. "You're such a slut, aren't you? You do know that those spankings were supposed to be punishment. Now you soaking wet for me." He used his pointer and middle finger to open both of your lips, inserting them inside of you, using them to explore your slick folds.
"J-jumin! A-aaahhhh~." You moaned out, biting your lip to try to conceal your moans. " You really are desperate for Daddy to finger you, aren't you? Say it." You shook your head, clenching your toes as he continued to finger you as much as he please, adding another one into you. "N-no I won't admit it! I hate you." All he could do his scoff. "If you hate me so much then why are you dripping wet for me? Is that why you wanted to act like such a brat for me? You wanted all of Daddy's attention to be focused on you?"
“N-no that’s not it! That can’t be it!” You protested, why in the hell would you even admit to saying such things to him? His fingers began to move at an agonizingly slow pace, barely touching your clit to further tease you.  You began to whimper; you could clearly tell that he was doing it to coax you into admitting that you were attracted to him.  You felt embarrassed and ashamed that he was treating you like this...but you couldn't help enjoy him teasing and pleasuring you just like this. "Y-you're right..." You mumbled to him, looking the other way to try to hide your blush. His movements slightly quickened, "What? Speak up for me. I couldn’t exactly hear you, sweetie." He said sternly, he wasn’t going to budge until he heard exactly what he wanted to hear. You let out an exasperated sigh before saying, "You're right. What else do you want? A fucking cookie-Ow!" You screamed midsentence as he randomly slapped your already bruised left cheek, hard. "Watch your tongue young lady, keep in mind, this is a punishment and you better follow my orders." You felt your cunt clenched around his fingers once he smacked you again, causing you to whine out in pleasure. "Yes, Daddy." You pouted before letting out another sigh. He lifted his hand from your wetness, making you cry out in desperation. "W-what, J-jumin please I-I want you! I-" "Shh." He stated sternly, letting go and placing you directly on his lap, now facing each other, only a few inches apart. "If You really want to come then you will have to hump my hand." He placed his soaked hand under you, laying it palm upward, no fingers or anything for you to get off from. “W-what, how am I supposed to come with just the palm of your hand? That's not fair!-Ah!" You felt a sudden harsh slap on your cheek as retaliation. " You will take what you can get, this is a punishment, and you will do as you are followed or you don't get anything at all." You couldn't believe this at all, you never would have thought that you would be getting off to the thought of humping Jumin’s hand like some sort of horny, desperate animal.
It was embarrassing, it was degrading but it was also pretty hot. “I-I'm sorry daddy I will do it!”  You meekly comply, wrapping your hands around his neck as you begin to grind your soaking wet cunt against his hand. You begin to rock your hips in circular motions trying, to experiment with how to exactly get off from his smooth, soft hand. “That’s my girl, you look so gorgeous getting off like this. I bet you are enjoying this too.” He chuckled darkly, clearly enjoying the view of your breasts bouncing each time you grind against his hand. Your movements began to become more erratic and desperate, your moans revibrated all throughout your room as you fucked yourself against his hand. Your arousal began to leave vigorously from your cunt onto his hand, eventually dripping all the way down to the leg of his pants, causing a clear wet spot to form onto it. He gave you a sarcastic, dramatic sigh, before taking his other hand and spanking you again, which caused you to yelp. “You’re making such a mess. I never would have thought you would become this wet just by humping your dad’s hand. You enjoy it don’t you? You just love getting all of this attention from me.” He began to grind his hand against your cunt back, adding even more friction for you to get off of. You begin to whimper desperately, the erotic ache growing with each grind. Your fingers dug deep into his shoulders as you roughly fucked his palm, desperate to get any kind of friction you could get. You needed his fingers inside of you, you needed that stretch and most importantly you needed him.
"J-jumin, please! I need you!"
“What makes you think you deserve me to get you off completely? I was kind enough to let you get off with the palm of my hand which is making a complete mess. Shouldn’t you be grateful for my generosity? Don’t you think I should only finger good little girls? And what you did yesterday was the exact opposite.” He took his pointer finger, slightly entering you with it to further tease you. You began to pant, grinding hard against the tip of his finger, using all you can do to finish yourself off. You begin to sob, which made Jumin chuckle, "Now you're crying?  I don’t think you have the right to cry and plead since you disobeyed me. Only good girls deserve to come don’t you think? Answer carefully.”
You were a complete mess, you felt like you were going to explode with frustration, you sobbed louder, "I know I don't deserve it...but I need it please Daddy! I’ll be good for you, I promise!” Jumin thought for a second, but he decided that he was still not satisfied with your answer.
"Apologize to me."
"I'm sorry for being a spoiled little brat, I promise I will be good for you Daddy!"
You sounded like you meant it, you were completely broken and that was what he wanted most from you. "I accept your apology." He inserted his fingers aside of you, causing you to moan out in pure pleasure. He began to finger fuck you, his fingers expertly dancing inside of you, causing you to instinctly grind against his fingers. You finally reached your peak, causing you to moan out in ecstasy as you rode out your orgasm all over his already messy hand. Several seconds later, your grinding dissipated along with Jumin's fingering. Afterward, you leaned your head onto his shoulder, panting in his ear. He gently laid you onto your bed, leaning over to whisper in your ear, " Rest up because in an hour, you are cleaning the living room."
You raised your head up stunned that he was still making you clean up after everything you two had been through.
“You’re joking, right? You mean to tell me you want me to clean the living room after-” He turned back to you, crossing his arms and glaring at you.
You bit tongue, not daring to say another word, “I-I mean...yes sir.”
For once you saw a genuine smile appear on his face, closing the door right behind him.
You sighed as you laid back down in your bed, you could never catch a break with that man.
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actualbird · 3 years
I got distracted reading 4-04 and 4-05 i totally forgot the actual thing i was supposed to ask you today, what are your thoughts on the kinds of shows the nxx team wouldve watched as kids growing up. MC and Luke have apparently watched animes and even dressed up as characters but i have this need to know the finer details. LIKE. WHAT DID YOU WATCH SPECIFICALLY?? And i remembered you said luke was the one who probably understood most of the terms zangr was saying so like?? Luke do you like these kinds of things?? -Marsh
MARSH, thank you so much for this ask and for the SPECIFIC WORDING "watched as kids growing up." because that makes me have to go back in time and thusly uncovering by far my favorite yet most under-utilized and never-brought-up detail of tears of themis:
the story of this game takes place in the year 2030
DO U HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FUNNIER THIS MAKES SHIT???? AND ALSO HOW MUCH MORE SENSE STUFF MAKES??? let me explain myself by going thru all the boys one by one
luke pearce
YEAH HE SAID HE AND MC WERE RLLY INTO ANIME AS KIDS. luke pearce who is 24 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2018-2021. this period of time, anime started getting more and more accessible, most notably getting on netflix and stuff like this. so like all the anime on netflix rn? yeah luke's watched them.
though because i kin luke, imma say that his fave is fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood. ive got no characterization proof for this, i just want to give him this honor
additionally, luke is a HUUUUGE fan of the original Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle novels (ACD Sherlock) and i think this would have pushed him to watch like, just every popular sherlock media adaptation there is. he personally liked Elementary better than BBC Sherlock. he generally just gravitates to the adaptations that dont forget about the heart of all of the characters.
also also also, luke likes action movies ranging from "hey this is "good" to critics" to "this is a shit movie but MY GOD IS IT FUN!!!"
artem wing
artem wing who is 29 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2013-2016. but also artem is a MOVIE SNOB LMAOOO, hes That Guy with the Opinions On Film and you bet that his analytical ass was into just the most extra shit to watch those days because no teenager is chill, every teenager has some kind of ego, i dont know what movies he would have watched at that point to be the Smartest Teenager About Movies, but he sure did watch them
though artem also is very into sci-fi literature and 2013-2016 had a BUUUNCH of huge sci-fi movies. Pacific Rim, Gravity, Interstellar, Arrival. Arrival is deffo artem's fave, dont fight me on this, i can explain further but not in this answer bc it will get LOOONG LOL
artem also is into "classics" which uh. wait artem what do you Mean by that, what is a "classic" for somebody born in 2001??? i dont really know exactly what he means by "classics" so i just take it to mean he's a slut for period dramas which leads me to my closing point
"Once upon a time, when [Artem] was younger, around 17 years old, he pondered identifying as asexual or as one of the subsets under that term, but he put that aside after he first watched Pride and Prejudice (2005). He had then acquired a recurring fantasy in which he would be sensually accosted by Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in a secluded study after months of furtive, charged glances, lingering, split second touches, double entendres classily and subtly masked but still implying a repressed yet voracious—Moving on." -an excerpt from my comedy smut fic where artem goes thru a crisis. yeah. yeah. Pride and Prejudice dir. Joe Wright was his bisexual awakening.
vyn richter
vyn richter who is 27 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2015-2018 but honestly that doesnt help me AT ALL LOL BECAUSE VYN IS A TOUGH NUT TO CRACK.....
like honest to god i cant even imagine vyn as anything other than an adult KJBSJKFS (which is depressing, if i think about it more... but also what vyn would want, i assume he would hate for people to have known him as a child, imperfect and shunned.....which is ALSO DEPRESSING. VYN, U GOOD???)
okay yknow what im not studied enough in Vyn Richter Studies so i will come back to this once ive gotten more of his story and know more of his (what im theorizing to be a SHITASS TERRIBLE) childhood history. so vyn, i guess ur safe from me....ur safe FOR NOW, THAT IS....
marius von hagen
marius von hagen who is 21 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2021-2024. good fucking lord, marius was born in 2009 and that makes him so young that his Important Media Ages arent even DONE HAPPENING IN OUR CURRENT TIMELINE, JESUS....
2021 is an interesting era of entertainment because it is getting steadily more and more apparent that corporate greed is trying to swallow up good storytelling; movies and shows are made as fast food products to be consumed immediately and thrown away just as fast. there are smarter posts and articles talking about this, but my point here is that marius "believes SO MUCH in art and art's capability to make a difference" von hagen would HATE THIS SO MUCH and, through spite, get into a lot of indie medias that dont necessarily sell. smaller movies, tv shows that got cancelled way before they should have.
oh, hey, MARIUS WAS 12 YEARS OLD IN 2021, yeah he could have watched The Owl House and threw a fucking FIT when disne/y nerfed the show's third season. he has not forgiven and he has not forgotten.
regardless of his age, marius, at some point in his teens watches Vincent and the Doctor (s5 e10 from Doctor Who). for those who dont know this episode, it involves Vincent Van Gogh and a bunch of sci-fi stuff but, at the end, a scene where Van Gogh is taken to the future and shown the impact his art has made on people. please watch it, if you havent it, it's very good and no words can do the experience justice.
anyway yeah marius watches it and it makes him FUCKING SOB
yeah so these are my takes kdjbfdsjfs
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | chapter twelve
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Chapter Twelve
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: spencers mom has a bad day at the doctor's and so spencer thinks he's going to have a bad day too but he ends up having the best day of his entire life.
talk of pregnancy, celebratory sex, oral (female receiving), grinding, no penetration, serious deep talks after sex about their most depressive episodes, sharing trauma and making sure they know the other is loved regardless of what goes on in their mind. it's a rough one so read with caution
word count: 4.5K
from the beginning <3
He was up before Amoreena, awaking for the second time that morning to the sound of his alarm, kissing Y/N on the forehead before leaving their bed, she simply laid there and watched him get ready.
Most of his clothes were here now, every time he was near his apartment he brought more and more things home with him. Because that wasn’t his home, it hadn’t been for a long time, even when he lived there it was just a trove of books and a bed he slept on occasionally.
They were probably going to move all his stuff over in the summer, after the second wedding… after the girls meet Taylor, and hopefully when Y/N’s actually pregnant and not too sick or tired to help.
“Come here,” she whispers before he can slip out of the room, “kiss your wife.”
He can’t help but smile as he bounds towards the bed, jumping in and wrapping her up in his arms. He smothers her face in kisses, making her laugh, still half asleep as she let him manhandle her.
“I love you,” he reminded her.
“We love you too,” she replied with a smile, answering for Amoreena even though she was still asleep down the hall, “don’t wake her up yet, she needs all her rest for today.”
“I’ll be quiet,” he responds with a smile, kissing her again before he finally gets out of the bed, if not he would have stayed there forever.
He tiptoes down the hall and into Amoreena’s room, kissing her sweet little forehead lightly before exiting just as quietly. It was like he was never there.
He snuck down the stairs quietly, locked the door behind himself on the way out, and took off down the driveway in his old blue Volvo amazon, paying extra attention to the path for any kitties or Rufus out on their morning strolls.
It didn’t take long for a happy day to go sour when he was in a doctor's office with his mom. Those were the worst places he could go with her, especially on a bad day. Her mind was playing tricks on her, she really didn’t like hospitals or government buildings, even lawyers' offices stressed her out.
Today she was convinced he wasn’t really her son, Spencer, and that he was actually leading her to be a government experiment. It was hard to see her struggle, especially on a day they needed to ask her serious questions while she sat still. It was the fact she had to stay awake for 24 hours that triggered the episode, the EEG requiring her mind to be deprived of sleep. It was rough, she barely knew him. They wouldn’t have the test results for a while but he already knew it wasn’t good.
He dropped her back off at the home as quickly as he could, not able to deal with the verbal abuse any longer, he didn’t even say goodbye. The woman he dropped off was his mother on the outside but not on the inside today. It was really hard to look at her and know her, but not see that same look in her eyes.
By the time he’s returning to the farm, it’s 11:45 and he’s exhausted.
He finds Y/N in the bedroom, lying in bed in just a t-shirt and her underwear, completely sound asleep with the blankets thrown off the bed. She looks so beautiful, he slips out of his clothes to match her, sliding into bed beside her and just looking at her perfect face.
He presses a kiss to her shoulder that startles her awake, “oh god, Spencer!” she places her hand on her heart as she calms down.
“Sorry,” he smiles, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in closer.
“How’s your mom?” Her tired words meet his ears and his smile dies.
“Not great, really don’t want to talk about it yet,” he was honest with her, snuggling in closer as she hummed in agreement to drop it. “How was Amoreena’s morning?”
“I told Amoreena I wouldn’t tell you, but I don’t need to you to freak out in front of all the kids or cry or pass out in front of all them, but there’s a positive pregnancy test on her all about me project,” she explains it like she’s about to say it’s just Amoreena’s from 8 years ago…
He pulls back slowly, looking into her eyes as she smiles wider and wider, “you’re pregnant?”
She nods her head as her smile gets bigger and toothier, she’s wrapping her arms around him so tight it’s like he can’t breathe for multiple reasons.
“We did it, Spencer, I made you a daddy again,” the words carry from her mouth in a beautiful tune.
He’s holding her back so gently, afraid to squeeze too hard and hurt her and the tiny little life that’s starting inside her. He’s silent, overjoyed but absolutely dumbstruck at the fact it’s real. A month ago he thought about walking into traffic after work and just seeing what happened, now he was a father of 2 with a wife and a happy farm and a life that was good.
A life he deserved.
All thanks to a beautiful little girl with an interest in dinosaurs and making new friends. Amoreena was an angel sent from heaven, improving both of their lives greatly, and now they were making another.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, oh my god yes, I’m just,” he didn’t know what words to say and it was evident. “Amoreena knows?”
She nodded softly, “she now knows girl parts make eggs, boy parts make sperm, and that adults have sex but you can only make a baby at 25, she really didn’t seem to be all that interested in the science, but she’s excited to be a big sister.”
“Wow,” it all caught up to him then, he placed his hand on her stomach softly, “hi little one.”
Y/N laid back against the bed, pulling her shirt up so he could see the barely-there bump, “It’s mostly leftover’s from Amoreena, but yeah, there’s another one in there.”
He couldn’t help himself from running his hands over the curve of her stomach, thinking about Amoreena being in there once upon a time and how tiny she must have been. It was even weirder to think that a part of her was once even in him.
“It’s strange to think that I jerked off into a cup and you made the most perfect kid on earth with it… it just feels like it doesn’t add up. She’s so perfect I can’t believe she was once a part of us both,” he can’t help but let his inner monologue seep out, she didn’t mind it, she loved hearing how his mind worked.
“I can’t wait to see you holding this little one,” her hands joined his on her stomach, the shape of her forefingers and thumbs making a heart over her bare belly.
Spencer leaned in and kissed right in the middle, beside her belly button, in love with whoever was in there already.
“Amoreena had a dream last night too,” Y/N cuts into his little moment, “guess how many sisters she said she had.”
“8?” Spencer can’t help but smile.
She nods, “I don’t know what it is about this house but the good dreams always come true, who knows how many babies are in there right now.”
“I hope just one for now,” he says in all honesty, “I really want time with just one little one, you and Amoreena. A family of four for a bit and then the twins, that’s how it was in the dream.”
“Did they have names?”
“You called them Elly, Junie, tho and Cordelia, and you said there were 3 sets of twins, two after Cordelia,” he remembers it all as if he was really there, whispering all the words against her stomach, his cheek resting on the band of her underwear as he laid between her legs with his arms around her.
“Amoreena, Elizabeth, Juniper, Theodora, and Cordelia were all the options I was choosing from last time,” she says with the widest smile, “how the heck did your mind know that?”
“It felt very real, which is why I was so worried about where I was, I don’t know how I could have missed anything but now I know that part was just my anxiety,” Spencer rationalized it. “Amoreena probably had the better version of that future in her dream last night.”
“I was having a great dream before you came back,” she teases him, running her fingers through his hair as he continues to kiss her stomach.
He loops his fingers around the band of her underwear, sliding it down just low enough to really kiss where that baby of his is hiding out. She lifts her hips into the contact, letting him slip them down her legs and completely off, she spreads her legs even more.
He takes his time pressing a kiss to every single inch of her, her skin is soft, her leg hair is prickly on his hands and his cheeks but it’s nice, he rubs his face against her like a cat marking his territory as she continued to scratch his scalp.
He spread her open with two fingers, he presses a soft kiss to her clitoris and all the way down to her opening before licking a wet stripe up the sensitive skin. The moan she releases is the loudest one he’s heard on her yet, it was really the first time he’s been allowed to really enjoy her.
“It’s important for your partner to help with the stretching in the third trimester,” she teases him, “but they don’t mention anything about starting too early being a bad thing.”
“I don’t want to disrupt anything in there,” he worries aloud, letting her decide if it’s okay.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” she laughed, “I don’t think you’d reach them, but if you’re really worried there are other ways to help.”
“Such as,” he asks, lowering his face back down to her wet heat, continuing to explore her with his tongue as he expects her to talk.
“You, um you can, shit, wow,” she props herself up on her elbows to get a better look at what he’s doing as she stalls for a few minutes, “just rub yourself over me, Spencer please, I want more of you.”
She grips him by his cheeks and pulls him up into a kiss, both of them rushing to push his boxers down and off his legs, she spreads her own once more so he can press against her.
His hard cock resting flat against her, rubbing back and forth as he spreads her wetness around with him. The head gliding over her clit just the right way as she held him close to her body, kissing down his neck and sucking marks all over his chest.
She was desperate for him and who was he to deprive her, so he rocked into her more, grinding down harder against her body and making her shaking lightly. It felt better, more intimate, more euphoric than any other sex he’s had, just being close to her had him on the edge faster than he expected to get there.
She’s chanting his name then, head tossed back against the pillow as she digs her fingers into his asscheeks, holding him so close to him he can feel her orgasm rush through her. She stills, bucking up into him one last time as he finishes all across her stomach.
His hands are curled around her cheeks then, holding her perfect face in his hands as he hovers over her, using everything in his power to not crush her or the baby. He’s trying so hard to steady his breathing, so is she, they just smile at each other, laughing lightly at how in love they are.
“I love you,” he says on impulse, “you’re so good to me.”
“Look at all the good you’ve given me,” she whispers, “it would be wrong for me not to love you for everything you’ve done for me, whether you were aware of it or not.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not going to tell you about my depression while your cum dries between us like glue,” she laughed at how crude it sounded.
He laughs lightly too, rolling off her to see just how much of a mess they made. “Tell me in the shower?”
“Seems appropriate,” she agreed, taking his hand and following him into the bathroom.
He loved the old feel of her bathroom, the green linoleum and floral wallpaper, the pink towels and bright orange shower curtain, it was happy and bright and the perfect place to laugh for half an hour as they washed each other.
She has him pressed against the shower wall then, water trickling over them gently as she stares into his eyes, “I don’t know how to say it without it coming out really scary,” she finally resumes the conversation they were about to have in the bedroom.
“I’ve probably been in the same mental state, I’m not going to judge your method of choice,” he explains it in a way that she’ll know he really, really gets it.
“I had a few suicidal thoughts when my grandma went to chemo before I chose your sample and before I did all the hormones, I was thinking why should I stay and bring another life into my misery when I could just die first and not have to see her go through that anymore,” she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth as she stops, letting him digest all the words.
“Did you try anything?” He’s not sure why he’s asking.
She shakes her head, the best no he’s ever seen in his life. “My grandma noticed on my birthday when I wasn't coming down for breakfast like normal, I was really depressed and so we went out and talked and had lunch together for the first time in forever cause she wasn't feeling sick, I’ll never forget it. It was the best and worst birthday of my life.”
“I’m the worst husband ever,” he says, taking her by surprise, “I don’t even know your birthday.”
It makes her laugh, taking her out of the sadness as she realizes he really doesn’t judge her, he gets it completely. “January 16th, 1986, three minutes after Evan,” she manages to say it with a smile.
“That’s the date Maeve died,” both of them stare at each other in shock, wondering just how many other coincidences they had out there to figure out.
“How many days after did you donate?”
“On the 19th,” he confirmed without taking a breath, “holy shit.”
“We both were suicidal on the same day,” she covers her mouth with a wet slap, laughing at the worst thing she’s ever said, it’s the shock and the emotions of everything catching up to her right then and there.
“Oh my god,” he laughs in response, both of them laughing as they hugged in the corner of her green shower. “we are fucked up.”
“Soulmate things,” she shrugged, holding him even tighter.
He wished she could see his face then, the looking that overcame him as he heard the word soulmates. She just called him her soulmate. He licks his lips, taking it all in and almost hyperventilating, she can feel the way his breathing changes as she looks up with concern.
He shakes the thoughts out, swallowing sharply as he makes eye contact with her, “nothing.”
“No, I know that look Spencer, what did your brain say to you this time? I will go in there and kick its ass,” she pokes his forehead then, threatening his anxiety to fuck off.
“I never thought I’d get to hear someone say that to me, it’s stupid,” he felt too vulnerable suddenly, sky and closed off.
“Who hurt you?” She asks in complete curiosity, wanting to know why he can’t imagine someone loving him.
“My parents,” it slips out before he can catch it, “I love my mom. I always have to preface that, she did what she could but it was nowhere near enough. I don’t hold anything against her, I just hate that that’s how it was, that she had bad days at all because they always shine brighter in my memory than the good days.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed you,” she worries this time, seeing the hurt on his face and feeling like she fucked up, he can read her micro-expressions easier than anyone else.
“I would have told you soon enough, my dad left because of my mom's illness and he made sure I knew he didn’t want me. I don’t care that he kept up with me on the internet, the fact he didn’t even care to let me know he lived 10 miles from me my whole life makes me feel sick. I was 14 point 6 miles away from Amoreena this whole time and I would give all my fucking organs to go back in time and be with her from day 1, I don’t get how he could just not love me?” The rant comes out of his mouth for the first time ever, the same thoughts that have been there building for 40 years bursting at the seam.
She reaches behind them to turn off the water then, stepping away from him while he cools down a bit, “Yeah, no I get it, I hate him too now. That's so fucked up, honey, I'm so sorry.”
It makes him huff out a laugh, “I’m sorry, you’re not my therapist you don’t have to deal with all that.”
“I’m your wife, I deal with that regardless. In sickness and in health remember?” She reminds him, “depression is just as real of an illness as cancer. I don’t want you to keep these thoughts from me. I want to know about every paper cut, every splinter, every bad thought that crosses that beautiful mind because I love you.”
“As long as you always remember that too,” he makes sure that she knows he feels the same. “Don’t keep anything from me thinking it’ll ruin the happy atmosphere of this kingdom, Amoreena would tell you that a castle is only as strong as its weakest brick. If you crack we all tumble.”
“My foundations are strong, if not Derek’s a renovator right?” She raised her eyebrows, making another joke. They were always going to be okay.
“Speaking of, how are we going to house all 12 of these children you plan on having?”
"We, smartie pants, we are having," she tosses the shower curtain out of the way then, stepping out and wrapping herself in a towel, “I was thinking we add a few more rooms, nanny and pop were always adding on to this place, it would be nice to fix it up a bit.”
“I can see if Derek wants to help, or we can find a contractor?”
“Well, Alli still has another 8 weeks till her baby comes, so you might as well do something with Derek here in that time,” she agrees with a smile, “my nanny left everything to me, so I have a decent amount saved still for whatever you guys think the house can handle, I just want it done safely, and it has to match.”
She was bossy, he loved every second of it. “Yes ma’am,” he smiles as he steps out, drying off beside her.
Y/N couldn’t stop smiling at him as she watched him fluff his curly wet hair in the mirror, “how would you like to go out and get our first kid a big sister present before the graduation?”
“We never had a chance to read on Saturday, would you want to get her a big sister book and read at the tree?” Spencer suggests, making eye contact with her reflection in the mirror, even backwards she’s beautiful.
She nods with a smile, “sounds great, daddy.”
He wraps his arms around her before she can leave the room, kissing her neck and shoulder as she squirms, trying to get away from him but failing on purpose. “Spencer, seriously we have to go.”
“Then don’t call me daddy,” he whispers in her ear, and he can physically feel the way it excites her.
“We will revisit this later,” she says with a stern look as she pulls away finally, dropping the towel on purpose as she walks towards her new closet.
She was going to be the death of him, and hopefully, that wasn’t for a long time. Hopefully, he thought right then and there, that the moment he finally does die, he dies is beside her. Happily in his sleep, as they’re in their 90’s, and in a perfect world she’d slip away with him.
“Can I ask a dumb question?” He rushes the words out, taking her up on that offer of hearing all the bad thoughts.
“Always,” she smiles.
“When we get to heaven, stay with me? Pick me instead of Stephen for the forever part?” He’s not sure why he’s crying, or why he’s thinking about it. But it’s where his mind went and she said she’d always follow.
She tilts her head to the side, dropping her shoulders as she sighs, “we can set Stephen and Maeve up with each other.”
It makes him smile, she always knew what to say. “Who knows, they could be the reason all this happened.”
She nods then, “I like the thought of that, they deserve to be happy together, I’m sure they would like each other.”
He really believed they were soulmates then, that something bigger set up all these dominoes and he was so excited to watch them fall. To see where they landed, the beautiful pattern that they would reveal. The wonderful world he was creating with her was always going to be amazing because something greater than them said so.
She looked more beautiful than he’s ever seen her as they rolled up to the school. She was physically glowing, her hair was perfect, her dress laid over her stomach in the right way that he could see proof she was with child, even if she called it leftovers from the last one. It was his favourite part of her, it was where she made the best person they knew.
They walked around to the back gate, hand in hand, smiling wide as they walked into the little classroom. There were balloons and streamers everywhere, they had little cupcakes all set up and all of them were in matching blue caps and gowns.
Amoreena waved at them when she saw them, not allowed to leave her seat from where they were practicing their ceremony. It was unbelievably adorable, Spencer couldn’t help but be that Dad who took a million photos on his cellphone. He was never going to miss another moment.
JJ wrapped her arm around him sneakily, startling him as she hugged him, “hello Spencer Reid, father and husband,” she teased him. “Still weird thinking of you as a dad.”
He wanted to tell her, but she’d know soon anyway once she saw the all about me project, “shit,” Y/N says from behind him as she realizes too. “Tell her.”
“We’re having another one,” Spencer whispers in JJ’s ear before she can even react.
She smacks his side as she pulls back, staring at him with her mouth wide open. The same face Henry made when he saw Y/N for the first time, completely shocked and nervous, “oh my god?”
He nodded, “we’re not telling anyone, I was supposed to find out on her all about me project but she didn’t want me to pass out in front of all the kids.”
It made JJ laugh, shrugging as she agreed with the idea, she pulled away from him and wrapped Y/N up in her arms, hugging her ever so softly. Y/N closed her eyes and pressed their cheeks together as she accepted the thank you, knowing JJ was just happy to see Spencer succeed.
She placed a hand on Y/N’s tummy before pulling away fully, “I always hoped I’d see the day where Spencer made a little genius, I still can’t believe Amoreena is his sometimes, that hasn’t really hit me yet, but this… this is real. I’m so happy for you.”
Y/N cried a little, wiping her eyes as she laughed it off, “okay, sorry this is a big day for me, my first baby is graduating, this baby is trying to grow a heartbeat, it’s all a lot.”
“I get it, believe me,” JJ agreed, placing her hand on Y/N’s lover back and holding her close to her side. Bonding in that moment, making Spencer’s heart swell.
“Where’s the cowboy?” She changed the subject, looking for Will.
“Oh there’s a case in Kentucky, I missed Henry’s graduation, so I’m here for Michaels while he’s on the case, it’s only fair,” she explained with a smile, content with how their life and relationship worked.
“Do you want to sit with us?” Y/N offered, pointing at the folding chairs, taking a seat with JJ in the front, sitting between her and Spencer so she could talk to both of them before the ceremony.
It was lovely having them become friends, his first love and the last one he'd ever have.
They passed out tissues (thank god) before the ceremony, Y/N and Spencer both using at least 5 as they watched Amoreena get her tiny scroll of paper, move the string on her hat to the other side and then wave at them. Spencer took at least 100 photos of her, unable to stop how proud he felt that he made her.
What Amoreena failed to mention was that she was chosen to be the class valedictorian, surprising them with a tiny speech at an even tinier podium. It was so cute, both Spencer and JJ recorded it to remember for later.
“My class chose me to talk to everyone because I’m the oldest, lots of my classmates like to think of me as an older sister,” she smiled right at her parents, hinting at the fact she knew when she thought Spencer didn’t yet.
So he played along, looking surprised at the word choice.
“I’ve had the best two years with all my friends in this classroom, Miss Kennedy was the nicest women they could pick to make sure we learned everything we need to before grade school starts,” her words were definitely chosen by her, possibly reworded by her teacher but definitely from her heart.
“My mom taught me the alphabet, she taught me how to spell and count, she taught me lots of things that miss Kennedy taught in here, at first it was hard being the kid who knew more, but then it was fun getting to help everyone else learn,” she continued with the most enthusiastic voice, going off-script as she thought of more. “My dad, though, he’s taught me how special our family is. How special it is to get to meet new people and learn about the world with them, I’m so glad my parents made me so I could learn with all of you these past 2 years.”
All the parents were crying, she was able to touch the hearts of everyone around her. At the age of 7, she was more well-spoken, more understanding and grateful than any of the adults in that room.
“I’ll see you all on the big kid yard next year!” She cheered, jumping up and down and clapping, all her friends rushed to the stage for a big group hug.
His little girl was so unbelievably loved, the way she deserved.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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mysmegrace · 3 years
Hii! Could I request “why is it so hard for you to believe me?” “I love you” prompts with Jumin, Zen and Saeran? Thank you!
hello~ omg anon you are giving me too much fun with these prompts lmao. i’ve decided to split them up in a fanfic style. i’ll post jumin’s here, then later zen’s and saeran’s. i’ll leave the links to them here once they become released but i’ll also have the links in my masterlist. have a great day!
summary: jumin comes across a text notification that flashes on mc’s phone. being curious, he reads it. things don’t add up to him and he accuses mc of cheating. mc is heartbroken, as the text was nothing more than a friendly conversation between cousins. it’s only until later does jumin realize his mistake.
topics / tw: cheating, angst, pregnancy, death, wrongfully accused individuals, car accidents, drunk driving, definitely not spoiler free. 
words: 5.3k
*reminder: you can check out my masterlist to see which requests i am currently working on!*
just wanna put out there that the title is a lyric from shin yong woo’s (jumin’s VA) song. i plan to title saeran’s fic and zen’s fic the same way, just with different songs. here’s a link to the song if you’re interested.
Sad Endings Stay Sad
october 5th marked the birth of one of south koreas brilliant billionaires. and of course, there were ups and downs to that kind of life. living the rich lifestyle while working your life away for your young years. however, birthdays were supposed to be exemptions for the hectic ways of that life for just a day.
jumins birthdays consisted of four main concepts. birthday presents from people he’s only spoken to once, being met with “happy birthdays” whenever you turned the corner, parties being held in his honor (four-to be exact), and his favourite part, time spent with you and elizabeth the third.
he could endure the day as long as you were at home, safe and secure, waiting patiently for his return. knowing that made his struggles a little more bearable. he had all he could’ve asked for in his possession, things money can’t buy.
hence why he always asked you to refrain from giving him birthday gifts. he already had everything he needed, he could buy anything should he desire it, they took up unnecessary space, and they were pointless to him.
so when he arrived home that night to pick you up alongside driver kim in order to attend the han family birthday dinner, the look of confusion on his face once he laid his eyes upon the birthday gift left for him on the kitchen table was understandable. 
had you forgotten his wishes, or were you simply teasing him? he knew his wife liked to play around from time to time. perhaps this was just another one of your silly “i love you” gifts. he decided to give you the pleasure of watching him open your gift, seeing your face light up playfully as he received a small plushie or tiny confetti canon. 
little to his knowledge, you had planned something different to gift him. something incredibly more significant that you both were expecting to happen in the near future. after five years of marriage, you were excited to be sharing this news with him.
facing the mirror, you had heard the door open and close, signaling his arrival. meanwhile you were still getting ready for the dinner. so you allowed him a couple minutes to himself, taking in the foreign object greeting him.
with the last flick of mascara, you reached for the door handle, preparing how to answer the questions he was bound to ask. walking out to greet your husband as you weakly closed the door behind you, he turned his head to the sound of your heels meeting with the floor. 
giving you his typical smile, the one that made you want to melt into the expensive floor tiles, he walked to greet you as you made your entrance in the living room. his beautiful wife was always a wonderful sight to see at home.
regardless, he knew you both had a place to be and he needed to hurry the conversation up. the last thing he wanted to be was late. so he questions,
“love, i thought i told you not to gift me anything this year. having you with me is more than enough.”
a modest giggle left your lips, those beautiful lips he would kiss every morning before work. you made a small gesture to the present, telling him to open it. yet as he picked the gift up, you noticed you didn’t have the birthday card on you. you couldn’t have a birthday gift without a birthday card. everything had to be perfect. 
after all, it wasn’t everyday that you would announce you were expanding your small family. so you quickly exclaimed, “one second, i forgot something!”. he stopped, taken aback but respecting your wishes. he watched as you ran off to the bedroom, leaving your phone on the table.
as you were off scrambling through your shared drawers, he was examining his surroundings to pass time. the clock seemed to be forward by five seconds...strange. he’d deal with that later. yet suddenly the ping of your phone caught his attention.
you had a text message. he bent forward ever so slightly to read the contents of the text, not daring the move the phone from his original spot. you two trusted each other, no way would he consider this a branch of your privacy. despite that, he felt the need to read the previous messages with this person after reading what was shown on your scree.
he could feel his heart drop as he read, “okay see you then, love you”. he had never heard of this man you were texting with, but why was he texting you using that language? the language of a lover that should be reserved to coming from him towards you, not from anyone else.
and from the looks of things, you had made plans to meet this man beforehand. you had never made any mention of him yet you made plans with him? his heart was racing, he wasn’t sure if it would remain in his chest at this rate.
swiping up to investigate further, he was met with your password screen. thinking nothing of it, he inputs your password. the same one you had for years and shared with him, even when you changed it. however this time he was met with an innocent password notification.
surely this was a mis-input on his end. re-entering your password with a slower, more accurate, finger aim. the outcome was no different, “incorrect password”. why had you changed your password and why hadn’t you told him?
things were not adding up. all rational thoughts were leaving his mind as everything he had never wanted to happen might have been happening right in front of his eyes. 
meanwhile you were continuing to search for the card in the bedroom, you couldn't find it anywhere. yet your attention directed to the hallway, hearing the voice of driver kim throughout the house, yelling “you’re going to be late, hurry”.
crap, you thought. things would have to wait, on your side and jumin’s. he had no time to question you about the text, silently deciding to recluse into a reserved state for the rest of the evening, from everyone, including you.
walking out of the bedroom, you met jumin in the hallway as he picked up the umbrella sitting beside the door to shield the two of you from the downpour of rain outside. opening the door, he left, barely leaving it open for you. that was nothing like jumin. perhaps he had rushed because of the time, you thought.
through a slow car ride, you felt an overwhelming sense of awkwardness. he wasn’t acknowledging your presence, which was quite unlike him. his face just remained with the same blank expression facing forward. 
this behaviour continued all throughout dinner. only talking when expected to, turning his shoulder everytime you walked towards him, and disregarding any words you spoke to him. you knew this man like the back of your hand, there was 100% something bothering him.
what took a prick to your heart, however, was how he hadn’t told you what was on his mind yet. you understood the concept of privacy, but you had promised each other to always confide in the other through anything, so why was this time different?
who knew two hours could feel like two days as you waited for the event to come to an end. that way, you could finally confront him about the situation. it was killing you. 
in the corner of your eye, you watched as a few of the associates started to clear up the area. you could feel the breath you weren’t aware of holding release as you began thinking about the next course of action. knowing your love, he doesn’t make sense of things unless they’re said blatantly. 
finishing up with respectful goodbyes, jumin lightly signified for you to join his leave. boarding the car, nothing was changed since the car ride to the event. just the presence of jumin, driver kim, and yourself. now you had to encourage yourself to sit through another awkward car ride with your anxiety consuming you.
you found yourself at a slight ease once driver kim had pulled up to the home you and jumin shared. it wasn’t long before you found yourself alone with jumin in the comfort of the familiar walls. just as you began to get your words out, you were interrupted by your husbands deeper tone of voice.
“explain the text on your phone from earlier” he said, almost as if he were making a statement. the feeling of your jaw slightly dropping didn’t catch your attention, but it caught jumins. taken aback, you start rethinking all the texts you had received from that day. however you couldn’t come up with any results that would warrant his question being asked.
taking notice of your face, he continues, obviously not expecting a response from you anytime soon, saying “i saw the text you received earlier from a male saying he’d see you soon, even referring to you as love, what is that about?”
you couldn’t reply. you didn’t know what to say. were you really being accused of cheating right now? did his trust for you fall that much..? yet you hadn’t seen such a text. truth be told, you haven't even looked at your phone since you left to grab the card. 
your thoughts were suddenly interrupted, hearing “not to mention that you’ve changed your password to your phone and haven’t told me. haven’t we agree to rely this information to each other?”. at this point, you weren’t sure if you were in shock or dreaming. surely this wasn’t real, you would never cheat on him. the only texts that were kind of similar to what he said to have seen were the plans to meet up with your friend and close cousin.
other than that, nothing he was saying was making sense. yet how come you couldn’t respond..? you didn’t want to hurt him, but you couldn’t let him go on another minute thinking you had cheated. with your phone now in the bedroom, it wasn’t like you could walk away to check what he was speaking of from the living room.
“are you cheating on me?” he asked, clearly not wanting to waste anymore time before deciding his next move. mustering up the little willpower you had left, you mumbled back “no”, leaving space to continue, but not knowing what to continue with.
a sign escaped his lips, before they parted to speak, “you’re not very convincing. you have nothing to say for the text message and sudden password change, this is very unlike the mc i know, or used to know.” those last few words sparked something in you.
perhaps it was because of the shock of the situation or the emotional imbalance you were currently dealing with, but you started to fill with many negative emotions, more so than before. betrayal, anger, and defeat were beginning to run rampant. you knew that you could not prove your innocence to jumin in this state.
giving it a go, you start to confront his accusations, saying “i don’t know what you’re talking about. i have never, and will never, cheat on you. why don’t you believe me? i love you! how could you think so little of me? are you that insecure to think every man i talk to is someone i’m trying to persue?”
oh no, you thought. you hadn’t meant to touch on his insecurities like that. you let them slip in a fit of hurt, but didn’t think about what you were saying in detail. you felt incredibly guilty as soon as the words jumped out. maybe, a night apart would be good to calm the both of you down and think rationally. 
therefore, you followed up saying “i’m sorry, i’m going to leave for now, i can’t do this tonight”. quickly looking down as to not be swayed by any expression he makes, you nearly run to the bedroom.
pulling out the backpack you had since you were 18, you unzipped it to prepare for everything. you would only take essentials, such as your phone and some cash you had earned on your own, securing the items before turning the door.
walking out to the hall, you saw from the corner of your eye how jumin had left, leaving the area empty. yet one thing caught your eye, that being the present you had left from earlier.
not thinking about it much, you ran to grab it, shoving it in your bag as you left through the front door. in your unusual luck, no security guards were around. giving you the perfect chance to left without bringing yourself anu attention.
reaching the outdoors, you begin walking. to where, you haven’t decided yet. after all, you had a lot to think about. refocusing your mind after a few disappointing seconds, you pulled out your phone, being met with the lockscreen of jumin and elizabeth the third taking a nap together.
oh how things have changed in such a short time. looking through your notifications, a message from you cousin had crossed your eyes. “see you then, love you” it read. oh god, how would you explain that to jumin tomorrow.
 you hadn’t introduced him to your cousin yet, mainly because he lived half way across the world. the two of you had always been close however, being there for each other when your immediate families weren’t. saying “i love you” was normal, because as children the only time you would hear those words were from each other.
never have you even thought that it could be interpreted as a romantic relationship. for many reasons, the biggest being that you were biologically related and he didn’t have a romantic attraction towards women.
thinking about it, you could understand how jumin could have taken it. as for the password, you had only changed it because of the employee who had taken your phone without your knowledge correctly guessed the password, attempting to become closer with the chairman. 
coming back to your senses, you find yourself looking down the empty road with only the streetlights and moon providing you any sense of sight in the late night. you began looking for hotels nearby, coming across an affordable one for the night.
only problem being that it was 30 minutes away by car, and in your tired state you were not willingly to walk for so long. so off to booking a cab you went. finding the cheapest option, saving some money for anything you may need later, you promptly requested a ride. 
with the cab puling up 10 minutes later, you began your journey to your  residence for the night. the wind hitting your face from the open window as you were riding provided you with serenity, reminding you that you were still living in this moment.
as the minutes passed, you started noticing some questionable things about the driver. sure you weren’t an expert driver, but you were fairly certain cars weren’t supposed to be driving over the white line dividing the lanes. you weren’t oblivious to the cars unnecessary fast speed either. was this driver okay, you thought.
as time went on, you could only feel the car getting faster and faster. you tried getting the drivers attention, but to no avail. now they were driving completely in the opposite lane. only to switch over, then back, then over, then back.
you would be lying if you said you weren’t scared. you could feel your heart racing, almost like it were about to jump out of your chest, with your gut telling you something horrible was about to happen.
everything happened so fast. half way through the trip, a car driving towards the vehicle as the driver was driving in the wrong lane again, crashed into you head on. you started grabbing onto random things in the car as they flew around, just now noticing the several empty vodka bottles in the trunk. you felt yourself spinning inside the car uncontrollably.
glass had pierced through several parts of your body, deriving from the mirrors. with no warning, the car had fallen off the road, down through the wooded hill on the side.
with the driver now passed out on the stirring wheel, you were at a lost on what to do. the only option was to relax and pray you’d survive. suddenly, you shot forward in your seat as the car collided with one of the many trees. you felt a piercing pain throughout your body, yet your brain had no time to reregister where the pain was coming from as you passed out with your head on the drivers seat.
yet jumin was completely unaware of this. he had walked off to pour a glass of wine, and saw that you left not long after.
being left alone was nothing unfamiliar to him, but it became an extremely unpleasant circumstance after he had formed a relationship to you. he always thought you would be there with him 24/7, but now that wasn’t the case.
he couldn’t wrap his head around the events that just took place. of course he trusted you, but he couldn’t ignore the text. needing clarification as soon as possible, he contacted seven.
knowing his hacking abilities, he could only rely on him to give him peace of mind. he knew it wasn’t right, but he felt the circumstance was understandable enough. hence why he asked seven to hack into mc’s phone without giving him too much detail.
seven hesitantly agreed, it was her husband after all. if there were any affairs going on, though he doubted it, he deserved to know. getting to work, jumin got his results quickly. he was sent dozens of screenshots containing the conversation between her and this man. 
it was only an easy job for seven, hacking into phones was nothing for the genius. while reading through the text messages, jumin became overwhelmed with guilt.
he read as they reminisced over their childhoods, talked about what the future held, and even planning to meet each others significant others. he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. had he really driven her away because he assumed the worst of her?
the sooner he could find where she was staying, the better. apologizing was his first priority, he would answer to his work later. being wrecked with remorse, jumin sat facing the window overlooking the city, preparing for the worst as he became increasingly more drunk as time went on.
he didn’t want to live a life away from his soulmate because of one stupid mistake. the years you had spent together meant too much to be thrown away so effortlessly. calling seven back, he asked for him to track you down.
there were many ways he could go about this. he could track her phone, follow cctv footage, or go looking around himself. whichever way he choose, jumin would give him the resources possible to do so. it made his heart break thinking how you might be spending the night alone, crying to your pillow instead of him.
upon tracking your phone, as seven had chosen to do, he had to do a double take. things weren’t adding up. were you sleeping down a hill? deciding to get clarification before taking the wrong moves, he decides to follow you along cctv footage as well.
that way, he’d be able to directly see what you were up to. following along carefully, everything seemed normal. well, as normal as the situation could get. however it didn’t take him long to catch onto the drivers horrible driving. just like you had thought, he knew something bad was going to happen.
as time went on, he watched in horror as he witnessed the car getting hit, spinning off the road, smashing the windows, and ending up in the ditch as it aggressively hit a tree in the wooded area. seven hasn’t been speechless many times in his life, but he couldn’t say anything at this moment in time.
after a minute of sitting with his face close up to the monitor, he recollects himself as he dials jumins number. the reality of the situation kicks in. how would he be able to tell him that his wife had gotten in a serious car accident? one that definitely killed the driver, there would be no way in hell they would’ve survived the impact.
“jumin, she got into a car accident. she’s besides the road outside of the city. we need to call somebody” he said, his voice slightly raising as he begins to panic. his friend was in a car accident, how could he not panic? 
jumin didn’t give his mind time to process the situation before calling driver kim to take him to the scene of the accident. everything else could wait. he couldn’t find himself caring about the cheating accusations at the moment, his wife was possibly dead.
god, that broke him. his soulmate might be dead. no, she couldn’t be. she’s survived so much in her young life, a car accident wouldn’t take her that easily. but in case of the worst scenario, he needed to be prepared.
on the way to the scene, he arranged the best doctors to treat her in the nearest hospital. even if she were to end up depending on him for the rest of her life, he would be there everyday. 
he could hear the sounds of sirens as they approached the scene, increasing his anxiety more and more. practically jumping out of the car as they arrived, he laid his eyes upon a box of metal extremely crushed, what he assume to be the car.
it was horrendous. the windows were completely gone with glass everywhere, the hood was shriveled up towards where the front mirror was supposed to be, and two tires had rolled off of the car.
what was of more concern to him was his wife, who was being lifted onto a stretcher. there wasn’t much he could see over the paramedics, but what he did see wanted to make him crawl up into a ball and pretend like it never happened.
like this was all a dream. like he didn’t make her want to leave their safe home, resulting in her injuries. wasting little time, he spoke to the paramedics as they examined you. careful to not direct their attention off of you, but still asking questions.
“is my wife okay? what happened?” he asked. he knew the answer to a certain extent, but he needed someone to give him the facts. not moving an eye off of your body, a male paramedic responded “we don’t know for sure. we will give you the results at hospital once we can conduct a proper exam. what i can tell you is that she’s alive, though looks to be in critical condition. the driver has passed unfortunately”.
with all due respect, he didn’t care about the drivers life in this moment. they had almost taken your life with theirs, so why should he feel sorry? the paramedic continues “as for what happened, we’re still actively investigating but this is very likely to be a case of drunk driving due to the empty vodka bottles and the drivers blood alcohol levels.”
he had to pause and compose himself, because he nearly had a heart attack hearing that information. how could someone put their passengers life in danger like that? did they not know how special you were? perhaps the driver was lucky to be dead, because if they had survived, they would be living the rest of their life behind bars.
he would get you justice for this one day, he promised himself. with jumin being allowed to ride with you in the ambulance, he quickly hopped in as you were being loaded in. 
now he was given a clear view of your face right in front of his eyes. a face so beautiful given so many scars. the glass in your face, the bruises, the blood leaking from your head, they were all staring at him. 
he could do nothing but stare at you the entire ride. he was worried you would give up on him if he were to turn his back. the shallow breaths you took in reminding him of your living form. 
the sights around him blurred as you entered the hospital, only focused on you. he followed until a nurse told him to take a seat in the waiting room as you were rushed into surgery upon further examination.
hence why he found himself surrounded by white walls on the night after his birthday. staring straight ahead as to live fully in his head for the time being. now was when he could truly feel himself becoming tired. most likely the alcohol had worn off on him, leaving him in a haze.
3 minutes turned into 30 minutes, which turned into 1 hour, which turned into 2 hours, which turned into 3 hours. all extremely drawn out times, the only interception being the visit from the paramedics.
they had given him the things you had brought with you, many bent or broken. there laid your essentials as well as the present you have given him earlier. he could try to open the present, but it would be no use. it had already been deemed unrecognizable just by the packages damage.
exactly 200 minutes, over 3 hours, later, he was greeted by the main surgeon. mentally preparing himself for the outcome, he listens as the surgeon speaks, saying “mr. han, we tried everything we could..”
no, this wasn’t happening. he knows how this goes, but he doesn’t want to accept it. if there is a god out there, please make this be a big nightmare, he thought. yet he knows, he knows. this is real, too real.
the surgeon continues, “...unfortunately she had succumbed to her injuries. she fought until her last breath...” he blanked, being left speechless. this couldn’t be real, you can’t leave him like that. you can’t. you were supposed to grow old together.
he could feel as every structure and thing with significance fell in his life. hell, he didn’t know if he still had a life outside of you. how would he go on..? you had showed him the path to true love, accepting him like no one else ever had.
his company flourished with you present, people being grateful you were there to convince him to be a tad more human and give some laid back time. you had lightened up everyone’s life in many ways.
“...the baby unfortunately did not survive either..”
cutting off his thought process, he was now faced with confusion. the baby? what was the surgeon talking about? “what baby?” he asked.
“the baby, as in the baby you two were expecting in around 7 months?... were you not aware?” the surgeon responded. she was pregnant and hadn’t told him...? there’s no way this was actually happening. maybe they got her confused with another patient. he would know if she was pregnant, wouldn’t he?
his thoughts were cut off by the surgeon pulling up her medical records, confirming his previous statement. everything was there. he couldn’t believe, there was too much going on.
he first lost his wife and now he lost his unborn child, one he didn’t even know existed. sensing the agonizing energy in the room, the surgeon leaves with his best wishes. now left alone, he was stuck. 
he had no idea what to do. he felt like crying, could he even cry...? everything just felt so numb as he realized he was on his own again. allowing his face to drop and relax, he stared at the floor thoughtless. 
somehow his father knew and showed up at the hospital. had jumin called him? he couldn’t remember if he were honest, everything was going in one ear and out the other. he doubted if he was even seeing things right.
later, as he was invited to give his last goodbyes before her body would be taken to the morgue, he spoke to his love for the last time.
“i’m so sorry i couldn’t protect you...thank you for giving me the life i’ve always wanted. i never meant to hurt you like i did, please give me your forgiveness through the afterlife. take care of our child up there, my love for you won’t stop until my heart does. rest easy darling”.
grabbing a hold of your delicate hand for the last time, he placed a kiss as he left. letting you go like the princess you were. eventually he found himself outside your room door, standing in the narrow hallway. was this it for him? nothing else mattered to him as much as you did.
finding himself at home once again, the sun being awake at this point, everything hit him like a truck. only this time, he could feel his tears plaque his face. last night you were breathing, this morning you weren’t.
how could the universe do this to him? hadn’t he proved himself worthy enough of you? in the back of his head, he was reliving the event every second. he would never forgive himself for what he said to you the night before your death. he would blame himself for the rest of his life.
he could only hope you would have forgiven him by time he meets you again up there. the next week was nothing but a blur, the only thing he could remember was your funeral.
how you laid so beautifully down, now at eternal peace. being laid to rest with the child he never got to meet, but already loved so much. everyone said their goodbyes, as your friends wept for hours. 
finding himself at home again, he really started to hate the place. he wasn’t meant for only him. yet at the same time, he couldn’t leave. you had lived here with him for years, your mark was stick. 
as advised to do so by many, he cleared out the drawers and closet of your clothing to save in a box. one he would take with him to the grave. amongst the pile of clothes occupying the top shelf, an envelop met with his head. standing in confusion for no more than a minute, he opens it.
he could feel his eyes swell with silent tears as he read the contents of the envelope. it was a card with a picture of an ultrasound. things were making sense, you were planning to surprise him for his birthday. he couldn’t believe what he had done.
he couldn’t go on. it all hurt him too much. stopping the cleaning process, he went to lay on his bed. observing the photo of the unborn child, he couldn’t control as the tears fell, clouding his vision in seconds.
he laid there for the following evening hours, fantasizing about a life with you and the little one. wondering which parent they would’ve taken after most, innocently hoping it would’ve been you. imagining them getting married, having a happy family of there own.
but he would never experience that while on earth now that you were no longer under the sky. over time, he let fatigue overcome him, drifting off with the ultrasound photo held to his chest.
that night, he could’ve sworn it was you how had embraced him and whispered “i love you” quietly in his ear. anyone might call him crazy, or say that he’s going crazy despite his usual rational nature.
no matter what anyone else thought, he knew it was you. there was no doubting that.
01:32 AST - 07/28/21
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thinking1bee · 3 years
When It Reigns Part 10
Requested by Anonymous
Pairings: Kara Danvers x Reader
Tags: Angst, Kryptonian!Reader, Parent!Reader, Parent!Kara, Estranged Parent, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Humor, Bad Dreams, Memory Loss
Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068 @reginassecretlover
“God, I remember everything,” you murmured as Lena stuck sensors to your forehead and chest.
“What do you remember?” she asked as she worked methodically.
“I remember visiting Elizabeth and finding out I’m an alien. I remember finding out that I was adopted. I vaguely remember being in the desert for something.”
You squinted as you tried to remember specifics, but nothing was coming back.
“I do remember a cave of sorts. It was some sort of large structure, but I don’t remember where it is or what it’s for.”
You were quiet as your thoughts consumed you. “I don’t remember my time as Reign. M-maybe it’s for the best.”
Lena nodded as she turned on several machines. She was quiet as she thought about what to say next.
“Y/n, I need to isolate and identify what exactly is causing the change. I know that pain and extreme stress triggers it, but I need to find the enzyme. What I have attached to your head are electrodes that are going to send electric shocks straight through your brain. If my hypothesis is correct, then it should trigger Reign.”
You stared directly at the ceiling, you mind surprisingly blank given what Lena said to you, but you were exhausted. The last several months had been wearing you down without you consciously realizing that they were, and now that you did, you could feel the weight of the stress and fatigue sit heavily on your shoulders.
“Is it going to hurt?” you asked numbly.
Lena cleared her throat as she fiddled nervously with her tablet. “I’ll be here with you every step of the way.”
“That isn’t want I asked,” you interjected. “Is it going to hurt?”
Lena sighed and nodded. “Yes.”
You closed your eyes as you took a deep, steadying breath. “Everyone will be safe. Safe away from me.”
“Angel is completely safe. She’s at-”
“Don’t!” you yelled, your fists clenched by your sides. “Don’t tell me where she is.”
Lena nodded. If you knew, then Reign would know. She could possibly do something to hurt her, and you wouldn’t forgive yourself if that happened.
“Are you ready?” she asked as she prepped the machine to the correct voltage. You nodded.
Lena steadied herself as she flipped a switch. You heard the hitch pitch whine of the electricity milliseconds before a bolt of it was zapped into your head. It hurt. The lightning hot, concentrated energy passed through you, ripping the sensitive tissues of your brain apart.
Kara hadn’t seen Reign in hours. She all but disappeared into thin air during their last fight. To make matters worse, she couldn’t get a hold of you. She saw the texts from Lena. Why was Angel with her? Where was her wife? What was going on???
The moment Kara landed at the DEO, she called you again, only to be disappointed when the call went straight to voicemail.
“Hey baby. This may be my third or fourth message in like 20 minutes, but please give me a call back. I’m worried.”
Kara sighed as she ended the call, her finger tapping her phone nervously as she thought about what to do.
“Kara? Is everything alright?” Alex asked her. She held a stack of paperwork in her arms and she happened to be walking by.
“No, I need to talk to you.”
She didn’t give Alex a chance to respond. Kara dragged her by the bicep and pulled her into the nearest room, closing the door behind them.
“Okay?” Alex said as she placed the papers down. “What’s going on?”
“Okay, I don’t know if I’m going crazy, but have you ever reached that point in your relationship when you know something is wrong? I mean the word itself is an understatement, but something is going on, Alex. I know it.”
“Yeah, sure, we’ve all been there.”
“No, Alex that isn’t what I mean. I mean like something is going on with Y/n,” Kara elaborated as her hands flailed wildly in the air. “I have no way to explain what’s going on, but I know it’s something.”
Alex looked at Kara, really looked at her. She had never seen her sister like this. She was exasperated and unless it was incredibly serious, she wouldn’t even bother talking to her about it at all. Alex knew that Kara would just handle it herself if it was an easy situation.
“What has she been doing?”
“She been disappearing at random times and wouldn’t remember where she’s gone or what she’s done. She’ll forget things that she’s either said to me or Angel. I know that she knows that something is up because I can hear her lying to me. She’s keeping something from me and lies about it even though she knows when I can tell when someone is lying. I don’t want to be insecure or anything or come across as a distrustful spouse but she’s making me nervous.”
Alex nodded. That was a lot but, in her experience, the most logical approach was the direct one.
“You might have to be direct on this one, Kara,” she said, and Alex watched as Kara blanched. Despite being a literal superhero, Kara was very soft spoken and hated confrontation of any kind. So, Alex sympathized with her, pulling her sister in for a hug.
“I know but if something is going on, address it. And if I were you, I would do it sooner rather than later.”
Kara nodded. Alex was right of course. She usually was but there was the slight issue of not knowing where you were. She would have to pay Lena a visit instead.
“Thanks Alex. You always know what to do.”
The moment Lena zapped your brain, you were transported somewhere else. It was like being violently thrusted out of body. Your soul was ripped from your chest, the act painful within itself. You lost all feeling and all sense of self, and by the time you could comprehend what was happening to you, you found yourself in a dark, foggy forest.
You sat up. The twigs and debris of the forest floor poked into your skin painfully. You could practically feel the mugginess of the atmosphere on your skin. Wherever you were, it was very real, and you knew that you weren’t alone. You could feel eyes on you, watching your every movement, honing in on your every breath. You heard a twig snap a little further away than where you were, and you were on your feet in an instant.
You were being cornered so you speak. You could tell that for every step back that you took, something was taking a step forward, closing you in. Would it be sensible to stay? Or would it be smarter to run knowing full well you didn’t have a place to run to? Whatever answer you would have come to, it wouldn’t have mattered. Reign appeared out of the darkness, super speeding to you and grabbing you by the neck to hoist you up. You choked on her steely grip, the terror rising inside of you as you saw the monster that wore your face. Reign looked at you at you could see the cold apathy in her eyes as she regarded you neutrally.
“You, human, are the only thing keeping me back. Eliminating you is the next step.”
You watched in horror as Reign’s eyes, your eyes, glowed red and all you could do was scream as you struggled in vain against her strength.
You woke up screaming, your scared cries echoing in the lab as Lena struggled to calm you down.
“Y/n! You’re okay!” you heard her say to you, but you shook your head rapidly.
“I can’t go back there! Lena, please don’t make me!”
Lena froze as she absorbed what you said. “You went somewhere?”
You nodded as you sat up. Sweat dribbled down your forehead and you swallowed air down by the mouthfuls as you tried to calm your racing heart.
“Where did you go?”
“To some forest. It was too dark to make out anything else, but she was there.”
You nodded. “Please tell me you got what you needed.”
You were dismayed when Lena shook her head. “We need to go at it again.”
“I can’t go back there, Lena. I can’t.”
“I haven’t isolated the cause of the transformation. You went under and came out of it so fast. We have to try again.”
“You don’t have a Worldkiller scratching at the walls of your subconsciousness! It felt like I was dying, drowning! And she’s too strong. I can’t go back there!”
Lena stood by your side, and she took your hand. “Y/n, listen to me. You’ve seen what Reign is capable of. You’ve seen the damage. You’ve seen what she’s willing to do to accomplish her goals. If we don’t do this, there’s no telling what will happen, or who would survive her.”
You closed your eyes as you thought of Angel and Kara. They were all that you had, and you needed to protect them, even if you had to protect them from yourself. You were terrified of going back to face Reign, but you were terrified more of the thought that they would get hurt more because of your cowardice. That’s what solidified your resolve. All the world was important, yes, but they were your center. Kara and Angel were the two reasons for why you kept going. Without them, you would be no one. So, you took a deep breath and lied back down.
“Okay,” you whispered. Lena nodded.
She stepped back and powered up the machine. “In 3, 2, and 1.”
You gasped when you felt an electric shock rip through you.
Kara had just stepped foot into L-Corp and found Lena in her personal lab when she stopped in her tracks. She knew all about the extra room and a long time ago, Lena had given her access to it in case Kara needed to find her.
Lena still didn’t know her secret identity as a superhero so before coming over, she changed into civilian clothing. It would raise questions if Kara showed up as Supergirl to thank her in person for taking care of her daughter, and that’s what she was here to do. Except her words of gratitude fell of her lips, and instead shock filled her body. She saw you, her wife, laying on a medical bed while Lena, her best friend, was standing by while your body shook for a second before going lax.
“What is going on??” Kara demanded as she stepped into the room.
Lena yelped before turning around, her eyes wide with surprise as she struggled to provide an explanation.
Part 11
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Everything I Wanted (Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 2,700 + Warning: Adult language, adult situations Premise: After all this time, her social media posts have a way of captivating him...until he turns the tables on her.  Part 3 of Lovely and Ocean Eyes.
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________________ Ethan walked down the corridor on a seemingly normal workday, far too aware that his steps were lighter and the smile he fought so hard to conceal made its appearance more often than not. For the sake of his reputation, he schooled his features into his usual unwelcoming and severe expression, though part of him worried that he was fooling exactly no one. 
Perhaps his face betrayed the way his pulse picked up pleasantly at the memory of the shy smile she offered him every time they crossed paths. The simple gesture was enough to brighten his mood, no matter how stressful his day. Somewhere down the line, Ethan had surrendered to the effortless way Dr. Lilac Allende drove him to distraction.  
His good mood quickly soured, however, when he walked past the locker room on the third floor. Typically, he studiously blocked out all the mindless conversations that drifted out into the hall, but a particular name caught his ear.
“Damn,” a tall, burly intern was saying as he glanced at his phone. “I knew Dr. Allende was hot but.. just wow.”
His friend closed the locker door and walked over to glance at the screen, nodding in approval. “What's her deal? She single?” 
The first intern scoffed, almost derisively. “Thinking of asking her out, Reyes?” 
Reyes looked unabashed, maintaining an easy grin that was almost arrogant. It made Ethan want to punch it right off his face. “Can't blame a guy for trying.”
“Is she still with Lahela? They were a thing a while back, I think?” 
Ethan had the mad urge to step in and correct the false statement, but he abstained. The two morons before him had no right to Lilac's personal life. 
Reyes stared at the phone screen again and gave a low whistle. “Her Pictagram is a work of art. The things I'd do–” 
“The things you're going to do, Dr. Reyes, are your actual job duties,” Ethan said through girt teeth, stepping into the room. 
Perhaps it was his sudden appearance or the downright murderous glare the older doctor was sending their way, but the pair of interns fumbled, the first one almost dropping the phone. By the time they straightened up to face Ethan, they looked far too rigid, uncomfortable, and downright terrified. The verbal lashing he unleashed on them was one for the books. In the end, there was no trace of arrogant smirks as both interns walked away, pale and with the extra workload Ethan assigned. 
Finally alone, he exhaled a sharp, steadying breath. At least there were a few guarantees in life, even if things had changed: he could still reduce grown men to tears and these damn interns were going to drive him to an early grave. 
Considerably calmer, Ethan produced his phone from his pocket and opened the too familiar Pictagram page. One glance at her latest picture and the two idiots' reactions made sense, even if they were still not justified.
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Fucking hell. 
Just like his moronic predecessors, Ethan almost dropped his phone, stifling a cough. Any trace of gentlemanly thoughts vanished as his eyes took in her bare shoulder, exposed so intentionally and coyly. All he could think about was running his lips along the curve of it, his fingers slowly tugging the black robe lower until it pooled on his floor. 
Before his primal mind could add his teeth and the moans she'd reward him with to this fantasy, his eyes fell on the caption. 
Ethan could hardly fight back the grin the single word inspired. The previous morning, as she had stopped by his office to use his coffee machine, he pointed out how useless Pictagram was. Lilac was quick to remind him that he seemed to be enjoying it, referencing the reaction he'd had to her previous posts. Determined to save face, Ethan had blurted that he might even delete his account.
A smug smile over her shoulder had been her reply along with a sultry promise. “I bet I can make you change your mind.”
She had accomplished just that along with taking root in his every thought. The need to see her became so acute, that he sought her out in every hallway he turned into. Finally, he found her in one of the break rooms, laughing and chatting with her intern, Dr. Ortega. 
 “This coffee machine is the worst,” he heard Ortega complain. She rattled the cup as though the action would force it to hurry. “I can't believe I'm going to be late because of shit coffee.”
Lilac laughed. “Shit coffee is better than no coffee.” 
“Spoken like someone who has a mysterious coffee source.” 
With another laugh, Lilac mimed zipping her lips shut. Dr. Ortega snorted with laughter, which was a rare enough sight. 
“At least rounds are not with Dr. Ramsey this morning,” Ortega continued as she sniffed disapprovingly at her cup. “I'd be dead meat for being even two minutes behind.”
“And that's considering the guy's mellowed out in the past few months,” a nurse chimed in from his place at the loveseat. “He was far grumpier before. Something or someone is putting that man in a good mood every night.”
Ethan felt his neck flare up, his eyes solely on Lilac, looking as lovely as ever and utterly unfazed. 
“That poor soul,” Lilac commented so convincingly, Ethan almost believed it. “Whoever that is.”
The nurse had no reaction, invested in his newspaper as he was and Ortega threw a hesitant smile at Lilac. 
“I always kind of thought you two had a thing,” she confessed. 
Lilac did not even react, taking a sip of her to-go cup. “Because I'm his so-called favorite?” When Esme nodded, Lilac shrugged. “Being on his radar comes with its cons.”
At this, Ortega nodded solemnly. “Yeah, he's harder on you, for sure.”
That was his cue. With absolutely no preamble, he marched into the breakroom, startling the three occupants with his mere presence. 
“Allende, if you are done with your morning gossip session, I'd appreciate you getting me those labs I asked for.”
Lilac pushed herself off the counter at once. “Yes, doctor.” 
They stared at one another, neither betraying a single emotion. 
“Now. It's not like lives depend on it or anything.”
Ortega shot Lilac a sympathetic look, no doubt reconsidering her previous thoughts of their involvement. Without another word, Lilac followed Ethan out of the break room. Once they were alone in a deserted hallway, Lilac raised a brow at him. 
“You didn't ask for any labs,” she said at the same time Ethan blurted out, “'That poor soul'?”
Lilac laughed and he joined her with a chuckle soon after, their bodies comfortably gravitating closer to each other. His hands throbbed with the raw, poignant need to touch her and the blinding disappointment of being unable to. The way Ethan longingly looked at her then, drinking in every one of her beautiful features, he imagined he looked like some yearning nineteenth century gentleman straight out of an Austen novel. 
“Mine was more believable,” she pointed out, that witty, playful challenge in her eyes. An Elizabeth Bennet to his hopeless and bewitched Darcy. 
“Not remotely,” he returned without missing a beat. “No one would deem the person having sex with me every night as 'poor.'”
“They would when said person could barely walk the next day.”
That made Ethan pause, the bravado slipping as his eyes fell on her rosy lips. His breath caught audibly at his throat. 
They were standing so close together now, eyes locked on each other with palpable magnetism. If anyone walked by they would be found out without a doubt. Even more so if Ethan gave into the burning urge to kiss her right there and then. 
Lilac gave him a coquettish smirk. “Did you like my post?” 
Ethan found his voice again. “It was…”
There was no appropriate word to describe the delicious, sinful perfection of it. 
“Nice?” she teased. 
“Dr. Reyes and his idiot friend definitely thought so.”
Lilac snorted. “That explains the DM that sits unopened in my inbox. Jealous?” 
“Not even a little bit.”
“Good. They're not the ones who have me in their bed every night.” 
Ethan almost stuttered like an imbecile. He fought back all indecent thoughts and returned, “You forget I have you against multiple different surfaces, Rookie.”
She paused briefly, eyes dark as they traveled down his body and back to his eyes again.
Fuck, she had him. He knew the look too well. 
“Or against no surface at all, as you proved on your birthday.” 
Ethan cursed. 
Everything in her expression suggested that she fancied herself the victor of their Pictagram debate. Matching her smug smirk with a dashing smile of his own, he decided then to give her a taste of her own medicine.
Ethan, ever the prophet, had predicted the board meeting they were both required to attend would be pointless. 
He had been right, of course. They both sat in the boardroom forty minutes into it, listening to Dr. Cyrus drone on endlessly about something that had little to do with patient care. Listening was a generous term because Lilac remained focused on her laptop, diligently updating patient files. Ethan, sitting across from her, was doing much of the same, the glare of his screen reflecting on his glasses. 
Soon, the buzzing of her phone on the table pulled her away from her concentration. Her heart leaped when she saw it was a notification alerting to his latest Pictagram post. Confused, Lilac glanced up at him but he was too invested in his work to notice. 
After ensuring no one was paying her any mind, she opened the app and regretted it at once. 
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One quick glance at artfully sculpted muscles and Lilac was reduced to a coughing mess. Dr. Cyrus stopped mid sentence to glare at her. Everyone else in the room followed suit to stare. 
“Dr. Allende, are you alright?” Naveen asked with concern. 
Ethan wordlessly handed her a bottle of water, his lips quirking ever so slightly, his fingers brushing hers. After a quick sip, she mumbled, “I'm fine. Sorry.”
Convinced, they resumed the meeting. 
Lilac, meanwhile, attempted to catch Ethan's eye to throw him a glare, but he remained laser focused on his screen. Having no other alternative, she returned her attention to the picture. Soon, she was texting him. 
Your one follower approves. 
Her phone dinged almost immediately after with his reply. Her pulse spiked with excitement, which was ridiculous because she slept with the man every day. 
I am aware. We all saw. 
Cheeky bastard. 
That was a low blow, Ramsey. And with a picture I took too. 
He almost smiled when he read that. 
Pay attention, Rookie. 
She bit her lip, glancing up at him. Ethan was the perfect picture of professionalism, his stoic expression betraying nothing as he worked. Her eyes returned to the picture, her cheeks flushing. 
Oh, I am. 
To the meeting. 
Oh. Dr. Cyrus has my undivided but unwilling attention. 
Liar, he returned at once. For a man who claimed to hate texting, he was a master at sending them without anyone's notice. 
I can tell because you actually look interested in what you're doing. 
Lilac almost laughed out loud at that. She quickly turned her head away from the front of the table to avoid suspicion. 
I am studiously taking notes. 
Unless you're jotting down all of Cyrus's brown-nosing remarks to Naveen, I highly doubt that. 
This time, a small squeak of laughter escaped her. Luckily for her, she was able to mask it perfectly with a dainty cough. No one at the table gave her a second glance, except for Ethan. Handsome as ever, his mouth quirked ever so slightly. 
I don't need to take notes on that, she replied. I already know how to get on my boss's good side. 
She watched as Ethan imperceptibly read her text, having no visible reaction. 
Time to go in for the kill. 
And the best side to get on is under him. 
This time, it was Ethan who sputtered slightly and coughed. A furious blush started to color his neck and ears in a way that was entirely too satisfying. Unfortunately for him, she wasn't finished yet. 
Although he actually enjoys me on top of him too. 
Those piercing blue eyes found hers instantly, so dark and smoldering that she was struck motionless for a second. A familiar, molten heat pooled in her belly as Ethan's lustful gaze remained on her, unwavering. The longer they stared at each other, magnetized, the more evident it became that he would take her right there and then if it weren't for the company surrounding them. 
When the meeting was adjourned for a break twenty minutes later, Lilac was assured that her texts had the intended effect. The tall, hard body of her boyfriend pressed hers flush against the door of his office the second it closed. A second after that, his full lips hungrily kissed her neck, his powerful hands gripping handfuls of her hips. 
“You're determined to kill me,” he muttered darkly against her skin. 
“But what a way to go,” she said in a whisper that gave way to a moan at the last word. 
He agreed in the form of a husky groan that resonated deliciously against her throat. With almost lazy effort, he turned her body to face the door, strong hands guiding her backside to press urgently against him. 
“The way you tease me, Lilac,” he whispered hotly in her ear, sending a powerful shiver through her. His hips began guiding her toward the nearest table with ease, his fingers slowly skimming their way up her thighs and under her skirt. 
“You like it,” she challenged breathlessly. 
Ethan hummed against her shoulder, pulling her blouse down in a perfect rendition of her post. 
“It's torture.” Another searing kiss. “Seeing the way you look at me and not being able to take you against the nearest wall.”
Lilac had a witty response ready, but at that exact moment, his thumbs hooked around the lacy fabric of her underwear. 
“Are these for me?” His voice was nothing more than gravel. Lilac's legs quivered, every sense proudly dominated by him. 
“Yes,” she moaned, eyes fluttering closed in a heady rush. He had her bent over the table, her skirt bunching to indecent heights around her thighs. 
Without another word, he removed the garment skillfully, sliding it slowly down her legs and bunching it in his fist. Lilac pressed herself further against him, aching painfully for him. 
“Use them to tie me up,” she suggested in a ragged whisper. 
Ethan cursed. 
His hips jerked against hers, sliding the thick, hard column of his body against her. Lilac was so overcome with maddening need that her arms almost gave out from balancing her on the table. 
She never found out if Ethan was delirious enough to take her whispered advice because both of their pagers went off with infuriating insistence.
 “The meeting from hell that never ends,” he groaned. “Break is over.”
Lilac straightened against his chest, smirking when he made no movement to let her go. “To be continued?” 
Ethan leaned in to kiss her neck. “Your bed or mine?” 
Lilac swiveled in his hold, facing him with a smile that made her cheeks hurt. “Doesn't matter as long as it's you next to me.”
He matched her smile with an unfairly charming one of his own. 
Though they were needed at the Board meeting, they stole another minute together in each other's arms. Lilac studied his handsome face briefly, feeling her heart restart as it often did when she realized he was finally hers. Perhaps he was hers in secret for the time being but he was hers nonetheless. The thought that after all the strife and hardship, she still found herself where she belonged, in his arms, made her smile grow wider. 
“What?” he asked, genuinely curious. 
“I love you,” she told him, not for the first time. 
It was his turn to give her a smile so incandescent that it stole her breath. “That's a relief,” he said, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “Given that I am madly and desperately in love with you, Rookie.”
Author’s Note: Are we okay after those two new OH chapters?
I’m not! I have some ideas for future fics but we’ll see if the writing gods are in my favor. 
Thank you for reading this senselessness. I love you for it.
Please let me know if I need to add/remove you. You might have asked me already but I can barely keep track of my life atm. Sorry!
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Elizabeth Olsen x Reader - Love outside the screen II (Special)
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Gif is not mine, and honestly I think I fell more in love with her when I saw it.
Summary:  The one where Reader plays Vision in the MCU and she falls in love with her co-worker Elizabeth Olsen. 
Notes: Many people have asked me to continue this work, and here I am, releasing a special part. There will probably be a third part, but I wanted to share these new moments that I wrote. Let me know if you want more, or this was enough. Also, sorry for any typos, translating is a pain.
Words:  8.562k (This chapter) // Complete Work on AO3
Warnings: Smut is here guys. Dom!Reader, brief/slightly mention of slapping during seggs,  sub!lizzie, kissing, teasing, fluff. 
Marks: @abimess @mionemymind @the-havana-club​
Link for part One || Part Three
You had a mild migraine. 
Your phone had been buzzing with new notifications for the last few hours, and you had just been approached by about ten very insistent journalists as you walked towards the Marvel studios.
It had been two days since you and your wife, Elizabeth Olsen, announced to the world that you two were married, and well, things have taken on a significant proportion in this period. You were both still slightly startled by the giant air balloon that came circling near the Hollywood sign with your ship name and a heart that had the phrase "it's finally canon" on it.
The only notification you read was a message from Lizzie with a heart emoji, wishing you good luck at your meeting, which has already improved your day considerably.
- You are here, great. - Said James Gunn, as soon as his secretary took you into his office. He looked excited. - I have news about your contract.
You tried not to look so anxious as you entered the room, and smiled at the Russian brothers, who were already inside.
After they greeted you, you sat down in the empty chair.
- Before we start, I wanted to congratulate you on the wedding, my wife was so happy when you announced it on Jimmy's show. - Anthony Russo exclaimed with a smile, and you felt your cheeks flush, but thanked him.
- Well, as you know, your character is technically officially dead now. - Joe said, and you nodded. - But, now we have the White Vision. And there are other projects in which your character will appear again, mainly in the Doctor Strange movies.
You blink in surprise.
- That's great, actually. - You say. - I was beginning to think I would be fired.
The men laughs.
- Believe me, we still have many plans for the Vision. - Joe comments. - By the way, now that you and Lizzie are officially America's power couple, any mention of Wanda and Vision will be great for business.
You swallow dryly, uncomfortable with where the conversation is going. You had no intention of using your relationship to make money. But the Russo Brothers quickly change the subject, starting to explain what the future plans are for your character in the MCU, and you are excited to learn that you will be participating in the next Doctor Strange, working with Lizzie again.
As you leave the office, you ask Lizzie if she would like you to bring something for dinner.
Eight years ago
Although you have done it so many times before, you are still nervous as you wait your turn at the audition for the role of Vision in Avengers.
You text Sara, your agent, to confirm that you had arrived a few minutes ago, and she sends you a "good luck, you can do it" text. 
In the end, Sara was right. You read the text as rehearsed, and the interviewers were pleased with your performance. You made it through the initial assessment, and they were excited to work with you. But you had to pass the chemistry test with your romantic partner, so you would be back the next day.
It was Tuesday, and you were up early, too anxious to do a good job. After getting ready, in a comfortable outfit for the auditions, you had coffee at your favorite bistro, and drove to the building where the auditions were being held.
Mentally going over your lines, you got distracted, and as you entered the building you bumped into someone.
- Damn, I'm so sorry! - You asked worriedly, looking at the state of the blouse of the girl you had bumped into. You had hit the coffee she was carrying with your hand and now there was a stain on her clothes. She didn't look angry though, the emerald orbs looking at you in surprise. You were relieved to know that it was iced coffee.
- No problem. - She comments, shaking her arm to clean the drink. - I hope the producers don't mind.
- My god you have an audition? - You asked feeling very guilty, but the girl laughed at your expression, assuring you that it was no problem. - No way! Wait here, I have a change of clothes in my car.
You hurried back to your vehicle, and grabbed the sweatshirt set that you always kept with you. Then you went back to the girl, and signaled for you two to find a restroom. She seemed surprised by your willingness to help, but smiled. In the end, you gave her the shirt you were wearing while changing for your sweatshirt.
- Hey, I think we're decent. - You comment smiling at yours reflection in the bathroom mirror, and the girl laughs as she puts the stained clothes in a bag.
- You really didn't have to do all that. - She says as you leave the bathroom, and you shrug.
- No, it was my fault. I spilled the coffee. - You retort. - And besides, I'd hate to have an audition with a stain on my clothes.
The girl laughs, shaking her head.
- Actually, I don't have an audition. - She clarifies. - I'm just here for a final adjustment.
- Oh, right. - You say. - Still, it was no problem at all. You can also keep the shirt on if you want.
- What? No, that's asking too much. - She refuses, smiling. - I think I'll be there for a while, but I can leave it at reception if I don't see you again.
- Okay then. - You accept, putting your hands in your pockets. You stare at her for a second, finding her very nice, and then blink, remembering your appointment. - Eh, I guess that's it. Good luck on your non-audition.
The woman laughs nodding her head before wishing the same for you. You think you are smiling even after she leaves, but then you reach for your watch and head back to the reception desk, trying to figure out where your chemistry test is going to take place.
Fifteen minutes later you are directed to a room, and you let out a surprised expression when you find the same woman as before sitting in the armchair next to the Russo brothers.
She looked in your direction as surprised as you were. You gave her a little smile that said " that's weird".
- I'm glad you had no trouble getting here. - Said Joe, smiling and greeting you with a kiss on the cheek. - I want you to meet Elizabeth Olsen, she's Wanda Maximoff in the franchise.
- Hey. - You greet her with a kiss on the cheek, and she smiles awkwardly. 
- Hello again. - She says softly in a playful tone and you smile, pulling away. 
- We're on a tight schedule, so let's get started. - announced Russo next. You both nodded.
Elizabeth was impressively easy to act with. It was like talking to a friend. The Russos tried out several different scenes, and you were so completely involved that they had to say cut a few more times to get you two to listen. And then you were laughing together, as if you had known each other for years.
When you finished, the brothers had happy expressions on their faces.
- How did you do that? - he asks, laughing lightly. - We had already tested some actresses, but none came out this naturally.
You shifted the weight of your feet, slightly embarrassed. Elizabeth laughs.
- Well, technically we've already met. - She says, and Joe looks at her curiously. - She sort of spilled iced coffee on me.
Joe laughs.
- Wow, I guess we'll use that as a technique then. - he jokes. - Have the actors knock each other over with drinks before the auditions.
- Oh, you'll get a reaction out of them I'm sure. - You complete with mild irony, making him laugh.
- Anyway, thank you very much for today, girls. - He says straightening his posture. - I think we can make it official with your agent, Y/N. Oh, and welcome to the Avengers.
He smiles, hugging you. And then Anthony does the same. You hesitate slightly before hugging Elizabeth, but you do, and ignore the nervous feeling that settles in your stomach.
As you are driving home, there is a notification from Sara saying "congratulations, you are officially a futuristic lesbian”.
You stumbled into the house as you responded to Lizzie’s passionate kiss.
You had just returned from dinner, between giggles and stolen glances, you noticed the tension building as you drove home, and her hand kept stroking your thigh. As soon as you opened the door, and gave her room to enter, Lizzie dropped her purse on the floor and brought her hands to your shoulders, kissing you hard.
- I've missed you. - She remarked breathlessly when you parted your mouth to take off your jacket. You laughed lightly.
- You saw me this morning. - You teased before kissing her again. 
And then you let your tongue wander over her bottom lip, begging for passage, and Lizzie smiled lightly against the kiss, sighing when she felt your tongue on hers. You felt a familiar warmth at the pit of your stomach, and tried to keep some clarity in your thoughts to at least make it to the bedroom, but your wife was absolutely breathtaking. When she slipped her hand into your pants, you let out a surprised exclamation.
- Wow, are you in a hurry darling? - you joked, making her smile and flush. But then she was twiddling her fingers, and you couldn't say anything else.
Many hours later, you awoke to the sound of your mobile ringing. At some point, you and Lizzie had taken the playful mess into the bedroom, and she was peacefully sleeping next to you in your bed. You grumbled lightly, scrambling upright on the bed with the minimum of fuss to reach the device lying on the floor in your pants pocket.
- Yes? - You answered as soon as you reached it, getting up so that the noise wouldn't wake Lizzie.
- Sorry about the time. - asked your agent's voice on the other end of the line. You ran your hand over your face, trying to wake up. - But it just happened, and I wanted to talk to you as soon as possible. You quickly put on a T-shirt as you stumbled out of the room.
- What is it Sara? - You asked walking downstairs, slightly concerned by the seriousness of your agent's voice.
- Just... don't get so angry, okay? I can work around it. - She says and then there is a notification noise and you pull the phone away from your ear to read what she had sent you. When you open the attachment, a news report appears on the screen.
The report was about an interviewer giving homophobic statements publicly and live on television, insinuating that you, due to your already known history of queer roles on television, were contaminating the Marvel environment and tarnishing the legacy of the company. It also had very negative comments about your relationship with Lizzie, and how you led her down a path of no return.
Sara had to call your name twice for you to ignore the boiling anger in your chest and put the phone back to your ear.
- What the fuck is this? - You grunted with anger.
- I know it's horrible, but it happened tonight on channel 32. - Sara explains with annoyance in her voice. - Your lawyers are already involved and...
- I don't care what he said about me. - You retort, clenching your fingers on your forehead and closing your eyes. - I just... I don't want Lizzie to be upset about it.
- Look, I'm not going to get involved in your relationship, but... - Sara paused, probably thinking of the right words. - You both knew what a public relationship meant. It is not your obligation to protect her from these rumors.
- I'm happy to do that, Sara. - You retort, slightly irritated. - If I have to take all the hate, I'll carry it. Lizzie doesn't deserve that.
- No one deserves it. - She says and you hear noises in the background. - I have to go, but I want you to be sure to share things with your wife. I don't want to do divorce papers.
- Good night, Sara. - You answer impatiently, then hang up. 
You decide to make yourself something hot to drink, and head toward the kitchen, hoping that your problems won't be so overwhelming in the morning.
Seven years ago
It was already your last week of recording Age of Ultron at Marvel Studios, and after a particularly exhausting day of action scenes, you dragged yourself back to your dressing room, shortly after waving goodbye to Chris and Scarllet.
You had met the other cast and crew members a few weeks ago, and they had been recording together for many months. Everyone was absolutely amazing, but you couldn't help thinking that your favorite person was Elizabeth, or Lizzie, as she insisted you call her. You hadn't really talked yet, but you hoped that now that you were colleagues, you would eventually become friends.
But then as you walked towards your dressing room in the parking areas, you heard a noise that caught your attention, it sounded like someone crying.
Frowning, you walked over, looking around, and then you found the source, someone is crying among the trailers, and your heart raced as you realized that it was Lizzie.
- Hey, what happened? - You asked quietly, approaching her, but not getting too close, for fear that she might think you were invading her space. But Lizzie barely heard you, trying to wipe the tears away quickly, even as new ones kept coming. - Lizzie?
- I... I don't... - she tried to say breathlessly and disoriented, and then you understood. You have seen this happen before, she was probably having an anxiety or panic attack. You took another step toward her.
- Is it okay if I hold your hands? - You asked apprehensively and waited for her to nod before moving closer. Interlacing your hands together, you made a point of making your breathing louder. - Lizzie, see the way I'm breathing? Try breathing along with me. - You guided her, and when she did, you gave her hands a gentle squeeze before moving them up to her shoulders. - Good, dear. Now relax your muscles, and keep breathing with me. - Lizzie continued to shiver, but her breathing was coming into rhythm. - How are we doing, Lizzie? Do you want to hug me? Or is this good?
- Hug. - She asked breathlessly, and you circled your arms around her shoulders, feeling her hug your waist.
- You're here with me, Lizzie. - You told her, trying to get her out of her own head. - It's okay, you're safe.
It takes a few more minutes, as you stroke her hair lightly, until Lizzie calms down completely. She gradually lets go, and her face turns red as she thanks you.
- It's no problem, really. - You assure her with a smile, your gaze wandering over her face, making sure she was better. - Would you like something to eat or drink?
Lizzie nods slightly, and you smile to comfort her, which seems to work, because she smiles back. You can't help but lift your hand to her face to wipe away the remaining tears, and watch her blush as you do so. 
Then you walk side by side to your car, and you try to keep her distracted with a bit of small talk so that she doesn't overthink things while you drive away.
It doesn't take long to reach the small cafe however, and Lizzie is laughing at your story about the day you spent an entire day calling a colleague by the wrong name because you got confused with the identifiers and no one seemed willing to clarify for you, when you sit down at the first empty table.
- I guess I owed you a cup of coffee after all. - You remark with a smile, and Lizzie chuckles.
The waitress takes your order, then as she leaves, Lizzie is starting to get distracted again, and you don't want to press her, but you find yourself asking.
- Not that you need to tell me, but if you want to, I'd like to know what happened?
Lizzie looks at you biting her lower lip clumsily, but she smiles when she looks at the table.
- It was stupid really. - She starts with a dry laugh. - It's been a hard day, and then my brain decided it was a good idea to check the instagram messages, and I know I shouldn't have done it, but I did it anyway. - She tells you with an annoyed expression, and you feel your chest tighten. - I just... People have so many opinions. So many people dictate the things that I'm doing, and I just... When I realized I was suffocating.
You nod in understanding, reaching out your hand to reach for hers on the table. 
- I never know what to say in these situations, but I think you'd better uninstall your instagram. - You say and she giggles, squeezing your hand lightly. - Lizzie, joking aside, we can't listen to everyone. The kind of life we have, there's just no way. You're going to get free hate, and you can't believe those things you read or hear. - You say and Lizzie looks away, knowing that you are right. - Hey, I'm not repressing you. I know how hard it is to ignore. If you want, I'll stick around and make sure you don't forget that you're one of the most amazing people I know.
Lizzie laughs shyly, her face flushing. And then the waitress was approaching and you let go of her hand.
You drink your coffees in silence for a few minutes, and then Lizzie is telling you about her family, and you do the same. You discover that she has had social anxiety for a long time, and she doesn't bother to answer your questions. So you talk about your childhoods, and dreams, and tell each other fun stories. You don't want Lizzie to talk about fame, especially since she has just become overwhelmed with it, so you make a point of guiding the conversation to topics that make her laugh. Maybe you like the sound of her laughter too.
After you paid for the drinks, Lizzie mentioned that she had an appointment, so you said goodbye. You kissed her on the cheek, and hugged her by the shoulders, saying that she could call you if she needed anything. She smiled with flushed cheeks when she agreed.
Neither of you noticed the paparazzi across the street, a perfect view from the restaurant window.
Seven years and four months ago.
You let out a laugh when you felt Lizzie's arms around your waist. 
- Thank you. - She grumbled, and you just wrapped your arms around her shoulders.
- My pleasure, neighbor. - You tease, making her laugh slightly before letting go.
You are in Lizzie's new house, a property that you helped to find, since you live on the same block. Your friend was looking for a permanent place to stay in LA, since Marvel had plans for a long shoot at the studios, and she had better find a place soon. 
You had a contact, and got Lizzie an excellent house. After a short tour of the place, where she let out an excited exclamation at every room, you went back to the kitchen, and she jumped on you, hugging you in appreciation.
- Let's order something to eat, I'm starving. - Lizzie said, reaching into her shorts pocket for her cell phone. You made a agreeing noise, leaning against the kitchen counter. And then Lizzie sat down on the countertop, and you scolded yourself for looking directly at her legs, but she didn't notice. - Pizza or Japanese food?
- Don't tell my coach, but I want pizza and a Coke. - You reply, making her laugh.
You talk about the neighborhood, and what it will be like to live so close to each other until the pizza arrives. And then you sit down on the living room floor, and while you put the pizza on the table, Lizzie turns on the television.
Between the second and third commercial of the game that was playing, you record some stories for your instagram, just moments of the two of you laughing and eating together. Lizzie posts a photo with the caption "new house" on the main feed.
And then you both call it a night, and she insists that you sleep in the guest room because it’s late, and you don't argue that you live only three houses away, accepting when she pulls you by the hand upstairs.
Six years ago
"I heard that you chose me as the champion of "Who Would You Rather". I am flattered." You smiled at Lizzie's message as you did your morning exercises.
She was teasing you about your interview on the Ellen Show the night before, and you imagine that one of your friends must have commented that you picked her as the person who, well, you would rather have. It was an innocent flirtation, you think. 
With the end of filming Age of Ultron several months ago, you were working on a new project. A temporary appearance in a television series called Supergirl, which would fill your schedule until the next film. 
You had already shot some scenes at the Warner studio, but you had a flight scheduled to Vancouver, where other parts of the season would be filmed.
The distance was tiring, but at least it was fun to shoot the action scenes, and you also liked the people in the cast.
After finishing your exercises, you went to get ready for the trip. Replying to Lizzie's message quickly with a heart emoji followed by the text "don't get too cocky, but I'd do it again". Then you blocked your cell phone and went to the shower.
Six years and four weeks ago, Canada.
Maybe you drank too much. But it was your farewell cast party, and they wanted to have a little party. And after a lot of drinking and laughing, you were stumbling around the corridors of the hotel where the celebration was taking place. And you are not alone. 
Stumbling along with you is your scene partner, Floriana Lima, who is laughing as you try to keep your balance toward your room. She was staying in the room next door and when you both reached the door, she struggled against the lock.
- I can't do it. - She whined and ducked slightly. You laughed and reached over to take the key card from her hand.
- This is sad. - You scoff humorously, ignoring the fact that your hands don't respond very well to your command either. Then Floriana is leaning against you, trying to see how you are opening the door, and starts laughing when you don't succeed. 
You are ready to tell her to shut up, but then the door opens and you both stumble inside with surprise.
You almost fall to the ground, feeling her hands on your waist. You laugh, finding the whole situation amusing, and she follows you. But when you turn around, extremely intoxicated by the alcohol, you move forward, kissing her on the mouth.
Something just doesn't feel right when her hands start roaming your body, and you fall into bed together, but you can't tell what it is. 
When she touches you intimately, you bite your lips, swallowing a moan of a name that doesn't sound like hers.
The next day, you have a massive migraine. So does the naked woman lying next to you.
Neither of you freaks out about last night. Casual sex is a very ordinary thing in celebrity life. You take some aspirin from the bathroom, and leave a pill on the bedside table for Floriana to take when she wakes up again.
You left the room afterwards, wanting to take a shower and put on some more comfortable clothes.
When you were ready, you grumbled as you looked at the time on your cell phone. You missed breakfast. But when you got downstairs in the lobby, you were happy to bump into Katie McGrath, your other cast mate.
- Please tell me you also missed breakfast. - You mumble as you meet her and she smiles.
- I'm going to eat at the cafeteria we saw on the way. - She says, looking at you with mild curiosity. - May I ask why you missed breakfast?
- I'll tell you my reason if you tell me yours. - You playfully retort, and she laughs as you walk to the car area.
- Let's just say your farewell party had an interesting conclusion. - she says mysteriously, making you laugh.
On the way to the cafeteria, while you are sitting in Katie's passenger seat, you check your cell phone. There are several generic notifications from your social networks, but then you are scrolling through your feed, and you see a picture of Lizzie in a photo essay and a smile escapes your lips without you realizing it.
- You're not sharing nudes in my car, are you?
You laugh without taking your eyes off the screen.
- Of course I am. - You joke, making Katie laugh.
- That explains the worshipful look. - She replies wryly and you blink confusedly, feeling your cheeks heat up as you block the cell phone screen.
- I don't know what you're talking about. - You deny it clumsily, and Katie makes an agreeing noise with her mouth. - I'm serious.
You say it, but it sounds like a joke, so Katie laughs lightly, but doesn't press the matter, so you don't either.
When you arrive at the cafeteria, you sit down at a table outside. 
- Now will you tell me who gave you those lovely marks on your neck? - Katie asks humorously a moment after your coffees arrive on the table. You choke in surprise, looking down quickly at your exposed collarbone.
- Oh my god. - You mumble clumsily at the reddish marks, and then you are quickly buttoning your shirt all the way up, while Katie laughs. 
- Don't worry, I don't think anyone will really notice if you keep your shirt buttoned. - She jokes and you groan in dissatisfaction, sipping some coffee.
- It's a good thing I'm done recording. - You comment. And then Katie gets an expectant look on her face and you sigh. - I slept with Floriana.
Katie lets out a surprised exclamation.
- Wow. - She comments with amusement. - I'm impressed, really.
- Shut up. - You retort clumsily, seeing her expression.
She laughs and then bites her lips.
- I guess it's only fair that I tell you to who I was with... - She starts, and you rest your face on your hand and your elbow on the table, waiting. - Melissa.
- No way. - You exclaim with excitement and surprise. And from Katie's flushed cheeks, you let out a giggle. - God, I worship you.
Katie laughed, sipping some of her coffee.
- Look at your face, you're in love! - You continue as you notice her shy posture, and Katie looks away, blushing even more. - McGrath, I'm impressed! Just don't forget to call me for the wedding.
Katie chuckles, shaking her head, slightly embarrassed by your enthusiasm. It takes a moment for you two to talk again.
- So you and Floriana. - Katie begins with a hint of a tone that makes you frown as you bite some toast. - Was all that smiling at your cell phone because of her?
You let out a dry laugh.
- As if. - You say, but regret it, swallowing hard. Because you remember what picture you were looking at. But you decide not to dwell on this thought right now. - Floriana is amazing, but it was just a one-night stand.
- So there is a second someone? - She asks curiously, and you feel your heart race, quickly denying it with your head. Katie smiles at you. - You are a terrible liar for an actress.
You laugh awkwardly, sipping your coffee. Katie is your friend, you trust her. But you don't know if you're exactly ready to have this kind of conversation at eleven o'clock in the morning. So when you don't say anything, she doesn't push. 
You eat again in silence for a few moments, until the subject turns to small talk. You leave the cafeteria together, and she drives you back to the hotel, commenting that she would miss working with you, and you joke that Melissa would keep her busy and distracted.
You were waiting for the water to boil, while scrolling through your cell phone feed. You knew you shouldn't have, but you were reading the news about the homophobic interview that took place, and it wasn't hard to find many other journalists and even fans who agreed with the statements. You were frowning in anger and concern as you gnawed your thumbnail as you scrolled through the news, a bitter feeling in your stomach.
Distracted, you startled when you felt hands wrap around your waist, but your body relaxed completely afterwards, leaning against Lizzie's embrace as you quickly blocked the cell phone.
- Sorry did I wake you up? - You ask tenderly, turning your body to face her, and she has a sleepy face that makes your heart race.
- You didn't make a sound, but I missed your body in bed. - She clarifies by sinking her face into your neck, and you smile as you slip your arms around her shoulders. - Why are you awake?
You sigh softly. Sara's words spinning through your head. She was right, you needed to talk to Lizzie about this. It was something you two would go through together. Your hesitation made Elizabeth frown, and she pulled her body away only to raise her head in your direction. You smiled, breaking the embrace to put your hands on her face and caress her cheek.
- Let's have some tea and I'll tell you about it, okay? - You asked, and she looked mildly concerned but nodded, and then you walked away, back to the stove. 
When you both sat down in the living room, you took your seat next to her on the couch, entwining your hands as you told her what had happened. Lizzie frowned in surprise and disbelief, and you swallowed dryly, assuring her that she needn't worry about it, and that you would deal with this sort of thing together.
- There was also a stupid comment about how I'm going to ruin your career, so I'll understand if you think that's too much and…
Lizzie shook her head in disagreement, interrupting your monologue and reaching for your cup with her free hand. She placed hers and yours on the living room table, and then sat down on your lap, her hands on your cheeks.
- Don't say such things. - She asked seriously, but her eyes were kind. - You make me so happy. - She says with a smile and you let out a sigh of relief. - I'm not going anywhere, we'll face this together. Like you said. - She assures you, and you look at her adoringly. - I love you.
- I love you too. - You say with a smile, letting your hands enfold her in an embrace, which she responds to.
You stay like this for a moment, and then Lizzie pulls away to kiss you gently on the lips.
- You are still thinking about the things you have read, aren't you? - She asks next, and you sigh, agreeing with a nod. But then Lizzie advances to your mouth, kissing you briefly before biting your lip and letting go, causing you to moan softly. - Shall we focus on something else then?
- Yes, ma'am. - You answer half breathlessly as you let your fingers invade the fabric of her shirt, as you kiss her again. Your hands move up as you let your tongue wander over her lower lip, asking for passage. You both sigh as your tongues touch, and Lizzie runs a hand through your hair as she deepens the kiss.
When your hands reached her breasts, Lizzie gasped lightly against your mouth, and then you let your fingers caress the stiffened nipples, and she forced her hips down, breaking the kiss with a pained moan.
- You are so sensible, babe. - You teased softly, putting a little more pressure against her breasts. Lizzie bit her lips, making a sound with her throat as she shifted uncomfortably in your lap. You let out a cocky smile, feeling her heat on your lap. She was also wearing only a long shirt, and you could feel how wet she was against your thigh, the sensation giving you chills. - What is it, babe? - you ask, noticing the way she moves against your thigh trying to get some friction. - Do you want to be touch?
- Yes. - She moans softly, moving her hands to your shoulders, as she rubs herself against your skin. You groan, resisting the urge to close your eyes. You absolutely love it when Lizzie wiggle on top of you. 
You take your hands off her breasts to remove her blouse and then move forward, capturing the left nipple in your mouth, while playing with the other one using your fingers. Lizzie arches against you, closing her eyes tightly as she opens her mouth in a long moan.
You let your tongue circle her stiff nipple, and then suck, causing her to throw her head back as she rubs against you. You smile when you feel her lift a hand to your hair, her fingers stroking the back of your neck and forcing you against her.
But you move up your kisses, licking the skin as you make your way to her collarbone, picking out the spots that you know that leave her breathless to bite and suck.
Lizzie moans and whimpers next, and you hold her hips, making her movements more coordinated against you. She is dripping down your thigh, and she is so hot against you that the sensation leaves you breathless, but you kiss her anyway, enfolding her tongue with yours as you move your hands down to her ass, squeezing the flesh and drawing out a shuddering sigh from her.
It doesn't take long for her movements to run out of rhythm, and her body to start shaking in spasms. She separates your mouths to moan breathlessly, and you sigh, squeezing her ass to keep the rhythm against your thigh. 
- You feel so good babe. - You whisper against her ear. As her orgasm nears, and she can barely keep rubbing herself against you, her own body refusing to obey. You don't want her to stop though. So you use your right hand to slap her ass, and Lizzie lets out a loud moan as she buries her head in your neck. - Don't stop. - You command, and she whimpers, her body trembling, but she obeys with difficulty, her wet pussy vibrating against your thigh.
Once her body begins to betray her again, you slap her on the other side, the sound echoing in the room, and it’s all it takes for her to arches her back, throwing her head back as she screams your name in a sultry moan, cumming against your thigh. - You did great, baby. - You tell her tenderly as she falls back against you, the intensity of the orgasm leaving her bewildered. She smiles on your skin as you let your fingers caress her back.
- I like the slapping. - She confesses against your collarbone next. 
- Yeah, I noticed. - You play back, laughing lightly, and she follows. - We can try other things too.
Lizzie straightens up to look at you, her cheeks flushed, but her gaze curious.
- Really?
- Honey, we are married. - You tell her with a smile. - We have all the time in the world to try anything we want.
She smiles, and kisses you. Just as you are about to be carried away by the sensation, she pulls away, a mischievous smile on her lips.
- How do you feel about blindfolding?
Five years ago, California.
You are in love with Elizabeth Olsen. The realization took a long time to happen actually.
But here you were, sitting in one of the V.I.P boxes at San Diego Comic-con, listening to the announcement on the new Captain Marvel movie, while exchanging messages with your best friend.
And then Lizzie says something about having a date with a musician, and you are staring at the screen of the device, not answering for long minutes. A bitter feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
You should tell her that you were excited for her. That this was great, and that you hoped it would all work out. But none of it is true. And you swallow hard when you realize why. Blocking your cell phone immediately, you put it away in your pants pocket, running your hands through your hair quickly. You need a drink.
Many drinks later, there are very pretty girls in your dressing room. You think one of them looks like Lizzie, so you kiss her. The box is yours anyway, you don't have to worry.
Scarllet is calling you. And the insistent ringing of your cell phone makes you grumble as you wake up.
- It better be important. - You mutter in annoyance when you answer, and she lets out a giggle on the other end of the line.
- It's my birthday, so yes. 
This is how you show up hungover at a party a few hours later. All your cast mates are there. And you adjust your clothes and hair, trying to look more presentable. 
- Wow, you look incredibly well for someone who has only had three hours of sleep. - The redhead comments as soon as you hug her to wish her a happy birthday. After she called you, and you whined like a whiny, drunk child who had barely slept and is in love with your best friend, she insisted that you come to the party, and have a little self-love, as well as aggressively reminding you that you were still one of Hollywood's most eligible singles, and that you could meet someone else.
- I'd curse you, but you're the birthday girl. - You mumble with a smile. You then let her go, and signal that you need to drink some water. She pats you on the ribs as she goes to greet the other guests.
The hall she has found for the party is quite large, and there are several tables of appetizers throughout the place. You soon find a bottle of water.
You choke slightly as your gaze wanders around the room, and you see Elizabeth arriving. Absolutely stunning, the way that makes your heart race and your cheeks redden at the image of her exposed legs. But your mood quickly changes when you realize that unfortunately she is accompanied. You want to dig a hole in the ground, or maybe go back to your bed. This must be the musician she talked about. 
You really considered running away from the party, and dealing with Scarlett's irritation afterwards, but then your cast mates were greeting you afterwards, and you forced a smile. Despite being hungover, you accepted the drinks that the waiters offered you.
There is a notification on your cell phone that makes you lock your jaw. You loosen the knot of your tie, feeling suffocated as you rush to the bathroom. After splashing some water on your face, you take a deep breath. 
- I'll take care of it. - Sara says as soon as you send her the photo you received. - Don't make any statement about it.
You hang up the phone after thanking her. Taking one last look at the attachment, a picture of you blacked out in your comic con box, lipstick marks on your body and many bottles of booze beside you. 
Being famous was a shitty thing sometimes.
When you left the bathroom and returned to the lounge, your gaze wandered over the room, and you decided that your day couldn't get any worse. Lizzie's date had an arm around her shoulders, and was kissing her cheek tenderly. You kept your face impassive, walking over to Scarllet.
You thanked her for the invitation, and said that you had enjoyed the party, but that you were tired. After wishing her a happy birthday again, you left, without saying goodbye to anyone else, including Elizabeth.
That same night, when she texted you with mild irony that you had forgotten about her, you sent an emoji and lied, saying that it was the hangover's fault.
Five years and four weeks ago, backstage of The Tonight Show
- You were sweet back there. - Lizzie comments with a smile as you leave the interview and walk back to your dressing room. You frown in confusion, and she looks away, blushing slightly. - The compliments, I mean. It was nice.
She was talking about how you told Jimmy that she was amazing, and that anyone would be lucky to date her, but that person wasn't you. You shrugged.
- It's just the truth, Lizzie. - You shot back without looking at her. You didn't want to talk about it. Not when she doesn't feel the same way.
You've been distant. And you know she can tell, but you don't want to talk about it. And Lizzie doesn't press you, and so you nod slightly as you make your way to your dressing room, ignoring the longing you feel for the times when you used to come back from interviews with inside jokes and banter, or how you used to go to each other's dressing rooms. You need to forget those things, because as long as you feel this way about her, you can't have that.
Four years ago, LA.
You let out a satisfied groan as you feel Lizzie's hands run up your back, her nails scratching your skin. She sighs when you bite her neck. 
Maybe you are moving too fast, because it has only been three hours since you confessed your feelings, but technically you have been in love for two years so time is relative.
You suck on a sensitive spot on Lizzie's neck, and she digs her nails into your skin, moaning softly as her legs close around your waist. She is sitting on the kitchen counter. You both ended up in this position after you two entered her house, and after you talked for a while, and watched some TV, you thought about preparing something to eat. But then Lizzie sat down on the counter, and you thought she was irresistible. And here you were, about to cross an important line in a fairly new relationship.
You let your hands rest on her thighs, enjoying the warmth of her body. Moving your kisses up her jaw to her mouth, you let your tongue wander slowly across her mouth, trembling slightly at the sensation.
When air was needed again, you let your forehead rest on hers.
- Maybe we should slow down. - You comment breathlessly, with your eyes closed. Lizzie bites her lower lip, pulling away.
- Yeah. - She agrees in the same state, her pupils dilated.
- I wouldn't want to rush things and ruin everything. - You explain managing to reason better when the distance is greater. She smiles, nodding in agreement. The next kiss she gives you is more innocent, though just as good as all the others.
You end up cooking for both of you next. And you don't mind when Lizzie is recording for her instagram.
The object in your pocket weighs all the way through the restaurant, and you try not to think about it too much.
It is during dessert that you take out the velvet box, ignoring the trembling of your own hand as you hold it out to the woman sitting in front of you.
- I know we are taking things slowly. - You start with a shy smile, feeling your heart racing. - But I would like you to be my girlfriend. Would you?
- I thought I was the romantic in this relationship. - Lizzie teases, her eyes filling with tears, and you laugh, shrugging your shoulders. - Of course i would, Y/N. 
It is a very beautiful and discreet ring. You eventually decide that she will not wear it on her ring finger so as not to generate unwanted attention. 
You have some wine to celebrate, and on the way back you feel your face heat up when your chauffeur exchanges a complicit look in the rear view mirror with you just after Lizzie lets out a loud sigh when she feels your hands inside her blouse. You and she giggle as he lifts the window of the limo to give you some privacy, and then you are kissing again.
You're not sure if "puppy dog eyes" is in the script, but you know that's exactly how you're looking at Lizzie right now.
She was absolutely irresistible when characterized as Wanda Maximoff, and you couldn't look at her any other way. Which was a good thing, because your character was just as much in love as you were.
- Girls, that was amazing! - congratulated the director as soon as the scene was over. You and Lizzie exchanged embarrassed glances. - I understand why people say that you are America's sweet couple, the previous shot is perfect. That look you gave Lizzie, Y/N, is flawless.
You just thanked him for the compliment, smiling shyly. When you returned to your dressing room, your girlfriend accompanied you.
- Flawless look eh? - She sneered with a cocky smile, and you laughed, throwing yourself down on the couch. 
- Don't get so full of yourself. - You replied as you lay back down and closed your eyes. Footage was tiresome. - It was just Vision looking at Wanda.
- Oh yes. - She pretended to agree as she walked over to you. You let out a surprised exclamation when you felt her sit on your lap, opening your eyes and smiling. - And how does Y/N look at Elizabeth Olsen?
She teased, with a challenge in her gaze. You bit your lips, letting your hands move up her thighs to her waist.
- That's a tough one. - You commented with a mischievous smile, as you moved your hands to unbutton her blouse. - Like she owns my life, probably. - You joke as you open a button. - Or maybe as if she has me in the palm of her hand, as she does. - Elizabeth looks at you with dark pupils, holding her breath in anticipation for your hands undressing her. - Or as if she were the woman of my life. 
Lizzie makes a noise of agreement, smiling at you.
- And what else?
You smile, unbuttoning another button, and letting your fingers invade her blouse, caressing her breast over her bra, making Lizzie bite her lip to hold back an moan.
- As if...
A ringing noise at the door startles you. Lizzie quickly starts to button her blouse as she stands up. You let out a grumble of dissatisfaction and also stand, making sure your girlfriend is properly dressed before you open the door.
- Honey, we need to discuss some details about... Oh, hello, Elizabeth. - Sara looks surprised to see your colleague in your dressing room, and you're just surprised to see your agent. She smiles at you both as she enters without waiting for an invitation, a sharp look on her face. - Should I come back another time if you're busy?
You feel your face heat up at the hint of Sara and do your best to hide it, shaking your head. Lizzie hurries to smile good-bye, and resists the urge to kiss you when she walks through the door. Sara doesn't notice the closeness of your faces when Lizzie leaves because she’s walking over to the sofa.
- What do you want to talk about? - you ask as you close the door.
- I brought you your new contract, dear. - She says, smiling cheerfully as she opens her purse. - I hope you're looking forward to it.
You let out a sigh, sitting down in the armchair across from her, and reaching out to grab the item she offers you. 
While you read the text superficially, Sara informs you that with this contract you can retire in style. Famous series pay very well. You bite the inside of your cheek, resisting the urge to reject. You would spend at least six months recording around the world. Without Lizzie.
Your lack of animation doesn't go unnoticed by your agent.
- Honey, it's Game of Thrones. - she recalls with excitement. - There is no better opportunity. I don't understand your face.
You force yourself to smile, running your hands through your hair.
- I'm just tired, Sara. - You lie. - Of course I'm happy.
She looks at you suspiciously for a few seconds, but then shrugs her shoulders, believing you.
- I know the recording time is long, but you will have almost two years to prepare. - She says while tapping on her cell phone. You make a nodding noise with your mouth, not feeling the least bit excited about the story. But work is work.
After Sara leaves with your signed contract, you bury your face in the sofa cushion.
Lizzie is happy for you, even though she knows she will miss you. 
You told her that in a year and a half you would be traveling for months to shoot Game of Thrones and she was impressed and proud. You simply wished to be with her.
Moments like now, sitting on the couch sharing a bucket of popcorn while watching trashy television are simply amazing.
After the newspaper was over, you suggested that you watch a movie. And you put on this stupid action thing, and were enjoying the plot when you were surprised by a hot sex scene.
You felt your face heat up slightly, because you and Lizzie had not yet crossed that line in your relationship.
It was understandable, since you were taking things slowly. And well, in a week you would have been dating for a month. You had a reservation at a nice restaurant, and a separate outfit. You weren't actively planning a first time, but you figured that you simply couldn't resist much longer as your make-out sessions got hotter and hotter.
And now, with Lizzie lying on your lap while you're on the couch, it was hard to ignore a scene like that and not feel anything, especially since your girlfriend was stroking your hand intertwined with hers that was resting on her belly with her thumb.
And then, as if guessing your line of thought, Lizzie dragged your hand down to the hem of her shirt. You held your breath, keeping your eyes on the television.
She kept her hand on top of yours as she reached into her own shirt, and let out a sigh as she moved your hand up to her breast. You just rested your hand there for a few seconds, licking your lips in anticipation. And then you straightened your posture slightly, using your other hand to pull Lizzie's hair out of her back and forward, while you moved your face closer and kissed the back of her neck. You couldn't see it, but you knew that her eyes were closed.
And then you squeezed your hand on her breast, and she moaned. The sound made your core vibrate. 
- Are you sure? - You whispered against her ear, letting your free hand rest on her waist.
- Yes. - Lizzie answered hoarsely, and then you were pulling your hand away from her breast.
- Bedroom. 
You clarified and she nodded frantically. You didn't even bother to turn off the television, stumbling out of the room toward the stairs, holding hands but not kissing, you didn't want to take Lizzie for yourself on the floor. Not on your first time.
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mrs-han · 4 years
@mrs-mc-han: Hiiiiii! Can I please please please request an MC who is super loud an extroverted! She doesn’t mean to or really even notice. she tends to yell when excited and use a lot of hand motions and laugh loudly. and she was never aware of it until she heard one of Jumin’s employees gossiping in the bathroom at C&R and goes to Jumin in tear apologizing for making him seem unprofessional. If you do this I will be so happy🥺🥺I love your work! Thank you💕
Gurrrl! I went through three different drafts because none of them felt right! But I finally settled on one! Here we go!
"Ow!! Don't -!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Jumin carefully sat you up, his hand on your lower back. "I added too much pressure this time... I'm sorry, darling."
"No, don't apologize, Jumy... it's so nice of you to help me to begin with," you smiled forcibly, gripping his hand.
"It wounds me to see you in so much pain," Jumin sighed, his fingers lightly trailing over your shoulder blades. "How long do you need to rest?"
"Six weeks," you moaned, turning and burying your sulky face against Jumin's neck. "Which is impossible, by the way. What am I supposed to do for six weeks!"
"Rest, obviously," Jumin jested, poking your cheek.
"... Rest, obviously," you imitated. "I mean! What else am I gonna do? Huh? What, I can't do anything except rest?"
"Calm down," Jumin cooed, winding his arms around you. "I'll tell you what. How do you feel about coming to work with me, hm? It's remote, quiet, and you can stay in my office."
"And do nothing?" You pouted.
"I have plenty of board and card games that will keep you busy. Or, you can bring your tablet and play the games you have on there. What do you say?"
"That sounds like... a reason for you to spy on me," you smirked.
Jumin batted his eyelashes. "So what if it is?"
"That sounds like a plan," you giggled, kissing his cheek. "To coming with you to the office, not to the spying."
"Drats," Jumin said stoically, lifting you from the couch and placing you on the bed. "Did you take your medication, love?"
"I did," you blushed, realizing for the millionth time how lucky you were to be reminded. "Come here, hubby. Cuddle close."
The height of C&R's structure never failed to frighten you. You stood dumbfounded as Jumin gathered your things and grabbed your hand.
"Are you all right?" He smiled, tightening his hold.
"Did you guys expand somehow? The building looks ten times larger than when I was here last!" You smiled, throwing your arm out and flinching shortly after. "Ow! Ow..."
"Be careful," Jumin uttered, rubbing your back. "The building hasn't gotten any bigger... it seems my proposal for cat tree extension has been denied."
"You made a proposal for a cat tree extension?!" You laughed.
"Oh, look. I'm going to be late. Let's go," Jumin mumbled hastily, leading you delicately to the inside of the building.
The sights and the interior sounds were more or less the same since you had last visited. Hurried footsteps and the sound of passes that approved access mixed with the familiar smell of citrus - your senses were overtaken and overwhelmed.
"Why do you look so shocked? You were here just last week," Jumin chuckled, easing you past the security booths.
Before you could respond, you heard a familiar pair of heels making a beeline towards you. You turned and glowed as Jaehee, folders in hand, stopped and bowed towards Jumin.
"Mr. Han -"
She straightened and smiled as you crashed against her, hugging her. She tucked her folder under her arm and gave you a reassuring pat. "How have you been, MC? All Mr. Han talks about is how you injured your back."
"Even during meetings?! Jumin, shame on you!"
Jumin turned his head, hiding his flushed expression.
"Don't be too hard on him. It's a rarity to see how much he cares for someone other than his cat," Jaehee quipped under her breath.
"We're going," Jumin blurted, grabbing your arm and leading you to one of the many elevators.
"Yes, Mr. Han," Jaehee said quickly, fixing her glasses and her posture.
"What happened to your office?!" You shouted.
Jumin pursed his lips and blinked quickly. "I felt the need to redecorate."
You rushed into the office and threw your arms open. "Jumin, there are pictures of me everywhere!! OW!!"
"Don't strain yourself by yelling, darling."
Jaehee quickly closed Jumin's office door behind her. "Forgive my sudden intrusion towards this heartwarming conversation, but Mr. Han?"
"Ah, yes. The meeting."
"Jumin, you are -"
"Silly? Adorable? Quite the catch?" Jumin crooned, massaging your back.
You faltered and wrapped your arms firmly around him, giggling as he peppered kisses to your face.
Jumin hummed gently, his fingers curling over and into your hair. "I'll be back, my love. And when I come back, I'll give you the massage you deserve. Don't miss me too much."
"Impossible. I miss you already if only you knew -"
"Mr. Han," Jaehee spoke more pointedly.
"All right, all right." Jumin sighed, the stars in his eyes now replaced by businesslike determination.
"Be strong, my brave man," you grinned.
Jumin grabbed your hand, planted a firm kiss on your palm, and turned quickly, lest Jaehee fire another warning. You closed the door and bit hard at your lip as you observed Jumin's gallery.
Photos of you sleeping, smiling, holding Elizabeth the Third - even pictures of the highly publicized wedding day - were scattered with the finesse Jumin naturally possessed.
"I love you so much, you silly man," you said under your breath, running your fingers over his desk and finally settling yourself on his seat.
You managed to keep yourself busy for half an hour, drawing hearts on Jumin's notepad and playing a round or two of virtual Uno. Boredom was a hell of a demon, so you figured there was no harm in walking around.
Opening the door to his office, you peeked your head through and slid out. You were greeted with polite smiles and inclined heads as you walked through the floor, making you feel... oddly uncomfortable. No doubt, everyone was polite to you because they knew who you were - if you were to make one complaint, Jumin would take immediate action.
But you pushed your suspicions of trivial matters aside and smiled widely towards the ostensibly friendly employees.
Your brows furrowed, and your shoulders tensed the longer you were outside of Jumin's office. You understood what Jumin meant; that feeling of suffocation seemed to hover over your person and only caused more stress to your back as you unconsciously hunched.
You traveled to the café, desirous for some breathing air - there had to be some sense of normalcy where people ate. Still, heads turned as soon as your footfalls could be heard, and more disturbingly flashy smiles were shined your way.
Cramped and in agony, you retreated quickly to the nearest restroom, rubbed your neck, and yanked your phone out.
Hey, honey! Are you almost done?
Jumin usually answered you immediately, but his response still hadn't come your way. Pushing a stall door open, you slumped into the toilet seat and continued to try to work the knot on your back.
"Jumin, shame on you ~!"
Laughter reverberated through the restroom, and you froze in place.
"She's so tacky!"
"And so loud. Could you hear her from accounting?"
"Yes! No offense to Mr. Han, but the least he can do is put her in her place."
"Ha, no offense to Mr. Han, but he chose poorly. My daughter would be a much better candidate."
"Isn't your daughter twelve?"
"Well, Mr. Han does seem to go after those with a... childlike... disposition!"
Earsplitting laughter echoed through the room, through your ears. You pulled your knees to your chest and brought your hand to your mouth to muffle any outbursts of emotion.
"Considering how serious he is, you would assume! That he would choose a practical, serious woman!"
"Where is she from, again?"
"America, from how she behaves."
"That explains the lack of discipline."
You closed your eyes.
"How long would you give them?"
"Six months."
"Ji-Yu! That is far too generous! I give them! Three months!"
"Ladies, ladies. She can't live in a world as glamorous as Mr. Han's. They will divorce as quickly as they met. A country bumpkin will always return to the landfill they came from."
"Are we still on for dinner tonight?"
"Are you paying?"
Another bought of laughter resounded... then, silence. You stood slowly, legs shaking and back aching more than it had that morning.
You went from wanting full transparency to wanting the false reassurance of superficiality.
"So stupid," you murmured.
"What's next on the agenda," Jumin demanded as he walked straight to his office.
"A meeting at 1430 with Amorepacific," Jaehee answered, easily keeping pace with her boss.
Jumin slid his sleeve up, checking his watch. "Good, I have time to eat lunch with my wife."
"Enjoy your time with her, Mr. Han, but please be in Boardroom D ten minutes before the meeting."
"Yes, yes, fine." Jumin pushed the door open and was greeted by your swollen red eyes and dripping nose.
"Welcome back," you sniffed, forcing a smile.
Jumin's nonchalant expression immediately shifted to one of anxiety. His brows creased, his eyes grew, and he flew to your side. "Darling, what... why are you crying?"
Your voice quivered. "Can I go home?"
"Talk to me," Jumin urged, grabbing your hands. "Is your back hurting you? Did anyone try to come in?"
"No, no... I just... I want to go home," you cried, pulling your hands from Jumin's and covering your face.
"All right... all right, darling," Jumin cooed, grabbing his phone from his back pocket. "I'm calling Driver Kim right now -"
"No," You blurted. "I want to go home. Where I came from."
Jumin paused... then quickly snapped into action, carefully grabbing your chin. "Speak to me. Darling? Why are you saying these things."
"Who am I kidding, Jumin? I can't... I'm not cut out for this life. I'm not cut out for you, you...! You deserve way better than me. You need a woman who's mature, demure, graceful... that isn't me, and you'd be much better off if -"
"Stop," Jumin boomed.
"You just told me to talk to you!" you babbled.
Jumin's anxious eyes eased. "Is that what this is about?"
You closed your eyes. "I heard a gaggle of women talking while I was hiding in the bathroom... Jumin, they're right."
"Are they?" Jumin asked.
"Well... yeah, I mean... they even attacked you, saying how interested you were in childlike women..."
Jumin wiped your tears with his thumbs. "Mmhm. Complete strangers weighing in on the depth of our relationship... it never occurred to me that I should take their opinions to heart."
You hiccupped. "All I'm saying, Jumin, is... I didn't realize how ridiculous I made you look... I didn't consider it."
"What is there to consider?" Jumin asked gently. "You would rather take their words to heart over how happy you make me when you smile? How fast you make my heart beat when I see how eager you are to explore different things? How, in a sea of millions, your eyes are the only ones I will ever look for?"
Your lip quivered.
"Others will have our opinions of us, but you will always be my wife. No matter what is said, I will always come to you. I want you to realize this, that you may finally lean on me... that you will irrevocably trust that my love for you is infinite.
"... Jumin!" You sobbed, tears streaming down your eyes. "You weren't supposed to make me cry more!"
Jumin roughly tugged you in and held you fiercely, kissing the top of your head. "No more talk of you leaving me... don't go anywhere. Stay by my side, and rest assured that I will stay by yours."
"Forever?" You squeaked.
"And ever," Jumin whispered vehemently. "Ah... your back -"
"Don't you dare pull away from me, Jumin," you half-joked.
"... Ha. I wouldn't dream of it, my dear. What do you say we grab some lunch, hm? Your choice."
"Sure... fifteen more minutes like this, first," you replied, your mouth pressed against Jumin's chest.
Jumin laughed and rested his cheek atop your head. "Excellent plan."
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sweeethinny · 4 years
Still Into You
''Pack your bags, we are going to travel on Friday.'' Harry informs her as soon as Ginny enters their house, carrying a good amount of folders and papers that will help her better understand what to write in the next report on fraud in the Quidditch.
‘’Hm… what?’’ She sent everything upstairs, taking off her coat and shoes, with each move followed by Harry, who looks very much like a child who just knew he was going to get a gift.
''Let's travel. I got a portal key for us. Let's go to Tuscany.’’
‘’When did you decide that?’’ Ginny leaned over him on the couch and kissed him, affectionately and with a longing that didn’t even seem like they had lunch together a few hours ago. The silence that followed for the minutes they were clinging like two teenagers, was strange and, at the same time, good. The kids were all at Hogwarts less than a month ago, but they hadn't had quality time to enjoy the silence and privacy they had lost almost 15 years ago.
‘’This afternoon.’’ Harry pulled her onto his lap, his arms around her waist as he spread kisses along the side of her neck, intoxicated with the scent that danced in his nostrils. It had been so long since they had a moment just for them, that Ginny was slow to relax and enjoy the caresses, without fearing that any of the children would invade the room demanding attention.
‘’And what made you schedule a trip to Italy, may I know?’’ She let herself be graced and lying on their soft gray sofa, which they had bought a few years ago, on a trip to Spain. They never got to have sex there, just a few kisses, but today Ginny felt ready not to go up to the room.
''Let's enjoy our time alone,'' Harry said, his head hidden in the curvature of her neck, kissing and nibbling at her skin, while his hands roamed her chest, belly and waist, opening the buttons of the off-white shirt she was wearing it, and taking it out of her pants, to then open the pants that Ginny was wearing. ‘’We’re going to travel, see other places, wake up late… have sex in peace.’’ He smiled when he felt his wife tremble under his hot, heavy body.
‘’I thought you were going to participate in the training of the new Aurors, over the weekend.’’ She reminded him, smiling at the memory of when she snooped on Harry training; sweating, without a shirt, with a red chest and hair. It had been a sight she used a lot, when they spent a lot of time away from each other.
''No, I let Joane deal with them, she has a lot more patience than I have.'' Harry tossed Ginny's shirt away, lowering his head and kissing her freckled bust, both hands wrapped around her breasts hidden by the beige bra, which wasn’t even that pretty, but that Harry seemed amazed at the view.
''For those who have three kids and a godson, you're a guy with little patience.'' Ginny laughed at the tickle when he nibbled her breast gently, taking a hand behind her and undoing it the button with the mastery of someone who has done that for years.
‘’My children don’t give me even a third of the work that the new Aurors do. They are always so dreamy and annoying, and they hate it when I tell them that in real work, it's a lot less field than school makes it seem, and more boring and paperwork.'' He looked up, emerald green eyes the same color as the stone Ginny chose for their wedding ring, shining in her direction, while the  sun bathed their bodies through the huge windows facing the back of the house, where the sunset painted the sky with shades of orange, pink and purple. ''Besides, between staying with more than 50 young people who have just left school, who can barely look me in the eye, stuck in the training shed, stinking of sweat, and being with my lovely wife, having a good wine and enjoying Tuscany... I already have my choice.'' He winked.
‘‘You’re an idiot,’’ She laughed, messing up his hair even more and taking his glasses off Harry’s face, lifting her hips so he could take off her pants more easily. ‘’I’d love to go to Tuscany. Elizabeth can cover my schedule.’’ Ginny would never get used to that look of happiness that Harry gave her every time they agreed to do something kind of stupid. Like when they ran away to get married alone on the beach, or when in the middle of the night, they bought an old, abandoned house near Godric’s Hollow, and started planning what is their home today.
Sometimes they were just two impulsive adults, which explained why their children were impulsive too, most of the time.
After that, the two were more silent, enjoying the sensations of being alone but not yet so used to the idea of ​​being able to make noises. Ignoring the always-regulated dinner time, and letting the night and the starry sky wash over them, while enjoying each other's bits, licking, sucking, making them come.
It was intoxicating how Harry knew exactly what to whisper in her ear, where to put his hand, his mouth, his speed. It was always better than the last time, it seemed that they never stopped getting better and better at what they did, sweating as if they had done the gym at the highest level, without the strength to stand, just lying next to each other, naked, in the dark and almost totally silent house, except for Sir playing in the garden with the new toys that Lily had bought for him before leaving for Hogwarts.
‘’I love you.’’ Ginny said, turning to look at him, running a hand over Harry’s face, which already had some small wrinkles. The beard she liked so much tickled her hand, while he had the best  and disheveled look he had when he trained. But now, it was just for her.
‘’Me too,’’ Harry smiled, kissing her forehead. ‘’Today when I thought about going to Tuscany, I thought about how many times I imagined us living it together. Traveling, raising a family, being adults…’’ He laughed nasally, also turning to look at her, in the same silly passionate way he always did, which made Ginny’s heart melt through her ribs. ‘’I wanted to go back in time and tell that Harry to be patient, that we were going to live it all.’’
‘’But it wouldn’t be funny.’’ Ginny snuggled into his chest, listening to his heart beating at a slightly faster pace, but seeming to gradually decrease. ‘’If you knew what was going to happen, you’d try to do it differently and maybe we wouldn’t end up here. Together.''
‘’You can be right… Do you think we did everything right?’’
‘’Definitely not.’’ She looked at him, smiling in the corner and ignoring the tightness in her chest that those thoughts generated. ‘’But we’re trying every day. James has been behaving better, Albus has managed to be less headstrong like his father,’’ Ginny laughed, ruffling Harry’s hair and wrinkling her nose in a frown. ‘’Lily… well, we don’t know yet, but we haven’t received a complaint yet, which is something to celebrate.’’
‘’And with us? Did we make the right choices?’’
‘’Are you doubting about marrying me, Mr Potter?’’ Harry denied, holding Ginny even more tightly to his chest, closing his eyes and seeming to relax.
''Never. It’s the happiest thing that’s ever happened in my entire existence,‘’ Harry opened his eyes again. ‘’But maybe we could have been more understanding with each other on some points, don’t you think?’’
‘’Any human relationship will have ups and downs, it’s life.’’ This time, it was Ginny who closed her eyes and relaxed against him. ‘’But I wouldn’t change nothing in our history.’’
‘’Not even to make me fall in love with you earlier?’’
‘’Not even for that. I needed that time to understand who I was, who I was not, and who you were.’’ She kissed right on Harry’s heart, now calmer, so relaxed that she could risk sleeping right there.
The two were silent, enjoying each other, holding each other and being bathed in darkness. Ginny felt her body fall into a sleep spiral that seemed so much more serene than anything else, that it was even a little scary. She did not sleep peacefully when the children were in the house, always ready to wake up and help one of the children or stop a fight. It had been years since she had known what silence was.
''Will you marry me?''
‘’Yes.’’ Harry sighed. ‘’This time, I promise to be able to speak my vows without starting to cry.’’
‘’But it was so beautiful.’’ Ginny smiled, kissing his chest again. ‘’Yes. I accept.’’ She didn’t need to look at him, to know that her husband was also smiling.
''Great. Maybe on this honeymoon you can swim naked.’’ They laughed, the memory of the two 22-year-olds, invading their minds.
‘’So I hope.’’
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