#i can hear shibisu squealing in the background
deiaiko · 2 years
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Two Sides of the Same Coin will be back around March-April!
First thing first, thank you to everyone who sticks around in this journey until now, to everyone who reblogged and left replies in their tags, and to those who participated in the QnAs. I didn't know what came after me when I decided to start making this comic, but it's been fun, more so than I anticipated when thinking about being a comic artist myself.
Season 1 is finally over. So far I have 4 seasons planned, so that means we're a quarter of the way. Unfortunately the story still needs some refining, so I will take a small break to think it over. (Also because I miss doing full-colored art haha.)
Oh boy I'm very excited for Season 2. Look forward to it <3
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