#i can now shower for 10-15 minutes if i need (and i usually don’t) instead of only 3 minutes
muwapsturniolo · 2 days
babe I need help as a fellow black girlie. My wigs only last 2-3 days 3 1/2 if I’m lucky but I see everyone else’s wigs last atleast a week or 5 days and I need know how yall do it! Please help me out
This is a long one! Prepare to be taught!!
The main reasons your unit isn’t staying on could be the glue you’re using, you’re sweating a lot, and you aren’t sleeping with the right stuff on. So let me tell you how to fix these!!
So when applying the unit (aka the wig) make sure your hair is either in cornrows or you have the slickest slick back bun of your life! Idk how to cornrow so I do a slick back bun! The gels I use for my slick backs are eco styler, the white/clear one, and got2b for my flyaways. I also make sure my bun super small or I take the pony tail and lay it flat and secure with Bobby pins (I hope that made sense let me know if it didn’t!)
Ok so boom you got your base halfway ready. Take some rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and wipe your forehead and edges off, the gel and oil can make a lace lift so you want a clean slate. After you do that, it’s time for the wig cap! Pull is all the way down like a mask, a sheisty if you will! Cut holes by your ears and your eyes! Once you cut the necessary holes, take your glue SPRAY, and spray along the perimeter of your head, using a rattail comb to distribute the product evenly.
This is the spray glue I use!
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So after that, take your blow dryer ON THE COOL SETTING, not hot, COOL, and blow dry until the spray glue is tacky/dry. The reason for blow drying on a cool setting is to stop you from sweating! You want to do 2-3 layers of the spray glue and blow drying before you cut the stocking cap. Now how I cut it goes like this. I start from the hole I cut for my right ear, and keep cutting until I get to my left ear. The stretchy band of the stocking cap I take it and pull it on top of my head.
So then what I like to do is take my wig and put it on so I can see how far up I need to cut the stocking cap. I will cut it how ever far up I need to, then I apply more glue! I use this melt spray so the stocking cap isn’t that visible.
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I do two round of the melt spray, then go back in with my glue spray 2-3 times BLOW DRYING ON COOL!! So then I take my wig, lay it on, adjust it how I need to on my head, and start placing the lace down! After I press the lace down I take a hair band and band the lace so it’s melting in! I do this for 15 minutes before taking it off and cutting the lace of the wig.
Once the lace of the wig is cut, I take that same lace melt spray, spray my finger, and dab it on to the lace. I blow dry ON COOL and then do the banding again!
That’s usually it for the application (idk if any of that is confusing😭 I’m sorry! If it was let me know! I’ll deadass make a video and post it!)
So now let’s get into the process on maintaining the installation!
To stop yourself from sweating a lot, BREATHE! MOVE SLOW! DONT BE RUNNING AROUND LIKE A CHICKEN WITH ITS HEAD CUT OFF! I HAD TO LEARN THE HARD WAY! When you shower, don’t put a band on or a scarf! The band/scarf causes condensation on the forehead because of the humidity, making the glue become tacky again and it starts to lift! Instead take a bonnet and lay it a centimeter or inch away from the hair line!
Now if you sweat in your sleep like I do, this can be tricky but I found that sleeping with no bonnet, scarf, or band is the best thing to do. You will wake up with the hair being a mess but I will take a mess over a lifting lace. When you wake up, just throw the band on for like 5-10 minutes and you will be fine!
These are all the tips I have! I hope this helped! Also I’m more than willing to put on a wig just to show you what I mean! Just let me know!!
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ttcbabymccarty · 1 year
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Ah so funny thing, the midwife knows her shit. On the way home from the midwife I took the first round of homeopathic stuff. She said it was hit and miss with people so I said fuck it and took the first round at 4pm. Went to dinner with my in-laws and the whole time had crampy Braxton hicks but I had had 3 weeks of prodromal labor so I figured theyd stop. Went home, took the second round of holistic stuff they gave and tried to put A down but he was super fussy. He heard brian get home and wanted him so we swapped out. Brian had been at work all day and then school and didn’t get home until 9:30 after leaving at 5 am and immediately swapped out for a screaming toddler. I went to get ready for bed and was laying in bed and felt a weird pop and soon after the contractions got a bit stronger. I was still in denial that it was actually labor so at 10pm I timed the first contraction because it was getting stronger instead of tapering off like usual. 10:15 Brian comes down after fighting the toddler to sleep and I tell him to rest up because it might be time. I try and sleep but the contractions are 5 minutes apart. I text the midwife and let her know and she says to keep her updated. At 11:40 they were strong enough that I felt like I needed relief so I went to the shower and texted the midwife again. I breathed through the contractions, now 2-4 minutes apart and the midwife said it’s time to come in so I woke Brian up at 12:15 and he called his parents to send one of them over to sleep over with the toddler and dog and then called my mom and told her it was go time. I stand up around 12:20 to get clothes on and the contractions that are now 2 minutes apart turn a little on the pushy side. I tell him to call our midwife and she asks if she should come to us or if we’re good to meet her at the birth center as planned. We decide to try for the birth center still 45 minutes away. Also our WiFi is out and we’re in the boonies so no reception so we tell her we’ll call her back in 10 when we hit reception again. We get out to the car and I have to stop every 2 minutes to get through contractions again and we definitely hit transition where they don’t hurt anymore but I can’t stop hearing down if I tried. That was in our driveway 😬 I get into the car, contemplate turning so I’m on my knees with my hands by the headrest but think better of it so I sit and buckle up while Brian goes 60 on our small town back roads. We hit the main road, he’s blowing stop lights and going 90 on the highway. Midwife calls back, listens through a contraction and asks if we wanted to divert to the clinic that’s 15 minutes closer and we say yes, we can always go the extra 15 minutes later if we think we can make it. We’re going 90 on the highway the whole way and I can feel his head trying to push down. He’s fully engaged by this point and I want nothing more than to be on all 4’s. We call my mom at some point in there and tell her the change in plans and where to meet us. We pull into the clinic that’s basically a series of offices with the midwife clinic at the front behind 3 doors. There’s the main door, the secondary door to the building and the third to the midwife clinic. We make it past the first two and I have to stop for another contraction and I tell our midwife I think I’m close to crowning and she checks and says she can’t see the head so let’s move further and I can get on all 4’s, music to my ears. I get in and kneel next to the couch she covered in plastic, sheets and chux pads and tuck my knees together and spread my feet out like all the stupid ig reels tell you to and with the next contraction I get his whole head out. She asks if Brian wants to help catch him and I tell him go ahead, I’m good so he does. Baby had a touch of shoulder dystocia so she has to help that a bit. Next contraction he’s born and Brian was able to catch him. From us getting to the clinic to having a baby was 4 minutes. We lay on the couch for some skin to skin and he immediately latches like a champ. He’s huge. Born 10 days overdue at 10.4lbs, 21 in in 3 hours.
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lizeng · 1 year
Tips for mom on newborn schedule
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My second boy is now over a month old. Having experience taking care of our first child, adapting to the second one doesn't feel as difficult. For around 15 days, he only wakes up once during the night. Around 25 days, he drinks more than 6 oz at night and sleeps through from 11 pm to 5:30 am, giving my husband and me enough rest to stay energized during the day. However, there are some tips I want to note down if other moms ask how I managed it.
The most helpful book I read about newborn schedules is "Doctor Denmark Said it." It's an old book, and some practices may not be well accepted by modern parents. Nonetheless, I believe in its value not only because Doctor Denmark had decades of experience as a pediatrician but also because being a parent has been the oldest role since humans existed. I'm sure parents in the older days or in cultures where moms don't get maternity leave had to raise their baby in a way that didn't sacrifice their own sleep or health.
The most helpful advice I got from the book is the four-hour feeding schedule and keeping the baby awake at night (7-10 PM) before they go to sleep around 10 or 11 pm. However, practicing the above isn't as easy as you might think.
4-Hour Feeding Schedule
Hearing a baby cry so desperately often compels moms to feed their babies right away. Additionally, babies tend to fall asleep during feeding, resulting in inadequate milk intake that cannot sustain them for four hours. In such cases, babies end up snacking and waking up within 1-2 hours because they still feel hungry. Here are my tips for moms to establish a 4-hour feeding schedule:
Don't strictly adhere to the specific times mentioned in the book, such as 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 6 pm, and 10 pm. As long as there is a 3.5-4 hour gap between meals, it works perfectly fine to feed the baby at 8:00 am and again around 12:00 noon. For instance, my baby won't sleep until 11:00-11:30 pm, and I'm okay with that.
When the baby cries out of hunger, try to wait for a little while. I usually aim for the next round hour, which helps stretch the time gap between meals gradually. For example, if my baby wakes up at 3:17 pm and cries for feeding, I would comfort him and delay feeding until 3:30 pm. Particularly at night, if he cries for milk around 10:37 pm, I make him wait until 11:00 pm, ensuring he is hungry enough to drink more.
When the baby falls asleep while eating, consider changing the diaper during the feeding session. My baby tends to fall asleep after I feed him one side of my breast. Instead of changing the diaper when he wakes up crying, I usually change it after he falls asleep during feeding. The sudden movement and exposure to the cold air wake him up, making him realize he is still hungry. When he is awake and ready for more milk, I feed him from the other side of my breast. This usually satisfies him afterward.
By following these strategies, moms can establish a 4-hour feeding schedule for their babies, promoting a more regular routine and ensuring their nutritional needs are met.
Keeping Baby Awake after Dinner
This tip plays a significant role in helping babies sleep through the night. However, it can be challenging to keep them awake between 6-10 pm if they are genuinely sleepy. Here's what I usually do:
Allow them to sleep as much as they need before dinner so that their waking hours align with the nighttime.
Give the baby a shower before the last feeding. Regardless of whether they are full or hungry, the shower will awaken them. Extend the shower time to more than 30 minutes.
Engage in skin-to-skin time or tummy time with the baby. These activities can be done right after their shower while they are still awake. Both exercises require the baby to exert effort to lift their head, making them uncomfortable and preventing them from falling asleep.
My baby tends to eat a lot at night, sometimes continuously for 3 hours or consuming 6-9 oz all at once. After feeding him the last meal of the day, he is ready to sleep and won't wake up until 5-6 hours later.
With our first baby, we were extra cautious, and he slept in the same room until he was around 6 months old. Each time the baby made a noise, it would wake me up, and I never had enough rest. For our second baby, here are the things that helped improve our sleep: always allowing the baby to fall asleep on his own without relying on being held, and placing the baby in a separate room at night.
Overall, these tips have been discovered and learned along the way. As time passes, it's easy to forget them. That's why I'm writing them down to benefit more moms who may seek help in the future.
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
DIY‌ ‌Sink‌ ‌Repair‌ ‌-‌ ‌A‌ ‌Guide‌ ‌to‌ ‌Repairing Your Sink
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/diy%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8csink%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8crepair%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8ca%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8cguide%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8cto%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8crepairing-your-sink/
DIY‌ ‌Sink‌ ‌Repair‌ ‌-‌ ‌A‌ ‌Guide‌ ‌to‌ ‌Repairing Your Sink
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Here’s how to do sink repair and get it back in good working order in no time. The following steps will show you how to take apart your sink, clean it out, fix any broken parts, and get it back in place without having to call the plumber. After you’ve completed this DIY sink repair, you can rest assured that your sink will be functioning properly once again!
  How to Fix Leaky Faucets
Faucets are a common point of failure and are usually pretty easy to repair. Here’s how. First, turn off your water supply at its source (the main shutoff valve under your sink). Then, remove your faucet’s cap (some faucets will have an adjustable screw instead), being careful not to let any water spill out—most faucet caps unscrew counterclockwise. Underneath you should see three parts: a rubber washer-like gasket, a metal or plastic disc called a flange, and underneath that, another gasket with holes in it called an escutcheon. Grab hold of each part from above and give it a hard tug in opposite directions. If they don’t budge, try loosening them with a pair of channel lock pliers. If all else fails, you may need to call a plumber.
Once you have removed these pieces from your faucet, rinse them thoroughly with warm water and put them aside for now so that they don’t get lost down the drain. Take out whatever might be stuck in there by putting on thick dishwashing gloves and pouring hot water into the sink bowl until it runs clean; once that’s done insert your tub stopper back into place again since we’ll be turning on our hot water later.
  How to Fix Slow Drain of Sink
There are two things that commonly cause a sink to drain slowly: clogs or siphoning. Clogs are typically caused by hair, soap scum, and food remnants. Over time, these blockages build up inside your pipes and often cause water from other drains in your home (such as showers) to empty into your sink’s drain. Fortunately, slow-draining sinks can be fixed with just a few tools and about 15 minutes of your time. If you find that your sink repair is continuing to drop after you’ve cleaned it, there may be an issue with siphoning taking place in your piping system.
When a sink doesn’t have good pipe support underneath it—or when it is installed too close to another plumbing fixture—siphoning may occur. Essentially, gravity pulls water out of your other sinks’ drains until they’re dry. Then, it’ll send them down into your drain so they’ll refill and repeat. While your sink will seem as if it’s draining slowly, in reality, it may just need better drainage so that any leaks don’t empty back into its pipes. To fix slow draining sinks due to siphoning.
  How Do I Get Rid Of Ugly Mildew In My Sink? 
Vinegar is a great natural cleaner for mildew stains because its acetic acid can break down mold and kill off mildew-causing organisms. Apply white vinegar to your stain using either paper towels or a soft cloth for the sink repair. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes or more (the longer you wait, the greater effect), then wipe clean with a clean towel or cloth. You may have to repeat these steps several times if there are multiple layers of mildew on your sink. Be sure to give each layer time to absorb before applying additional doses of vinegar.
Most importantly, don’t forget that maintenance is key: You can treat a mildewed sink stain once—or twice. If you like—but in order for permanent removal, regular cleaning of your sink will be needed. Mildew thrives in moist environments where soap scum has been allowed to accumulate over long periods of time. So always make sure you’re washing away soap as soon as possible and thoroughly drying out sinks after each use by blotting them dry with a dry towel rather than allowing them to sit overnight with water left inside them. Mildew will be much less likely when good habits are followed!
  How to Fix Clogged Drains
There are two kinds of clogged drains: those that you can fix yourself, and those that you need to call a plumber for. If your sink is only partially clogged, or if you can clear it using a plunger, then your sink is probably on its way out of warranty anyway—and in these cases, there’s no reason other than sink repair. The same goes for things like drippy faucets and leaks around pipes. While they’re typically a bit more serious than sinks though much less so than toilet issues. They aren’t all that complicated when it comes right down to it. Again, though: don’t take any chances with anything involving electricity or gas lines. These types of issues should always be handled by professionals. And even then, maybe don’t go as far as trying to repair them yourself. Stay safe!
  How to Remove Mold From Pipes
All sinks have small cracks and imperfections in their porcelain surface, some more than others. Because of these imperfections and places for debris to get stuck, it’s not uncommon for mold to grow on your sink over time. Fortunately, most forms of mold are easy enough to remove with a little elbow grease—if you know where it’s hiding. That’s where we come in: we are going to show you how to remove mold from your sink so that it doesn’t ever come back. In addition to removing your sink’s existing mold growth, we’ll also give you tips for preventing future mold growth.
How to Fix Loose Pipes and Leaks
Loose pipes and leaks are a sign of a faulty pipe. The best way to fix loose pipes is to repair them and prevent leakage. However, many people do not know how to go about repairing their sinks. Fixing sink pipes can be quite difficult but there are some simple steps you can follow that will help you fix your own pipe. Take a look at these six steps:
1. Turn off water supply;
2. Remove old material;
3. Cut new PVC;
4. Insert and glue PVC;
5. Clean up;
6. Test sink pipes Fix loose Pipes with these simple instructions in no time at all!
All sinks have small cracks and imperfections in their porcelain surface, some more than others. Because of these imperfections and places for debris to get stuck. It’s not uncommon for mold to grow on your sink over time. Fortunately, most forms of mold are easy enough to remove with a little elbow grease—if you know where it’s hiding. That’s where we come in: we are going to show you how to remove mold from your sink so that it doesn’t ever come back. In addition to removing your sink’s existing mold growth, we’ll also give you tips for preventing future mold growth.
  How To Flush Out Loose Debris in Pipes
DIY plumbing is not hard, but it requires you to do some preparation before you begin. If your sink or shower drain is clogged, then it’s likely because there are bits of food or other debris in your pipes. To get rid of loose debris in pipes: Remove all detritus from your sink. Fill your sink with hot water and let it sit for five minutes; after that time has passed, turn off your faucet and drain out as much water as possible. Make sure to empty any excess water down your toilet or through a floor drain so you don’t create an indoor flood.
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stonesandswords · 2 years
may my moving out posts not be forever annoying but omg
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What is Real? (Adrenaline Junkie Part 4)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: PTSD, memory loss, swearing, angst, panic attack
Word count: 3,509
You opened your eyes to the dim sunlight pouring through your curtains. You tried to move your arms to push yourself up, but strangely your right arm felt incredibly stiff. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you looked down at it. Nothing was off about it, so why was it so stiff? It made no sense. 
With great difficulty, you slowly maneuvered your legs over the side of your bed. Everything felt incredibly stiff, especially your right wing, and your head felt like it was filled to the brim with cotton. Groaning, you heaved yourself off the bed into a standing position. You wobbled slightly on your feet, but you steadied yourself with your nightstand. What was with you today?
Hobbling out of your room with a steadying hand on the wall. You let your wings thump and drag across the ground behind you. You didn’t have the energy to hold them up and your right one felt very off. You should ask Philza to brew you a potion of healing and maybe ask him why you woke up like this. Were you in for a really bad molt?
Stumbling your way down the hallway and dragging your feet, you almost fell over a couple of times. The stairs were going to be a massive pain if you could barely walk down the hall. Your body lurched forward as your foot caught the edge of a rug. You yelped as the ground quickly met your face, your arms not cooperating when you tried to move them to catch yourself. 
Feeling a stabbing pain in your nose, you laid there for a little bit hearing the door next to you swing open. Without looking at him, your scratchy, muffled voice called out.
“Wilby, thank god you’re here. Can you help me up? My legs aren’t working today for whatever reason. I think I’m gonna molt soon.”
He gently pulled you up and wrapped his arms around you in a hug, smooshing your face into his shoulder. You pulled away slightly to look up at him. He was smiling widely at you and his face looked blotchy. Wilbur never cried in front of anyone, so naturally you were incredibly worried for your older brother.
“Wil, are you crying?”
He just pulled you into another tight hug. Hissing in discomfort, you felt him push on your sore muscles.
“Wil, as much as I love you, can you please let me go? Everything feels really sore.”
He pulled away again, giving you a little confused smile. “I’m so sorry, do you want me to take you downstairs? We can get Dad to make you a potion.”
You returned his smile. “I’d appreciate that. But can you carry me? I don’t wanna move anymore.”
“Of course.”
Chuckling, he turned around and crouched gesturing for you to get on his back. A few unsteady moments later, you were successfully on Wilbur’s back and started your much quicker journey downstairs. You rested your cheek on his back and hummed in content. You found comfort in hearing his heartbeat, even if it was beating faster than usual. 
Quickly reaching the couch, he gingerly put you down on it and made sure you didn’t lay on top of your wings. They sprawled behind you over the back of the couch. 
“Stay right here, I’m going to get Dad.”
He walked outside with large strides, leaving you by yourself in the living room. You closed your eyes and pondered why today was so strange. First, you couldn’t move this morning. Second, Wilbur, your collected older brother, was crying. Third, Philza was up and outside. Usually he’s basically unresponsive in the mornings. He would never be up and about this early. 
Opening your eyes when you heard hurried footsteps rushing toward you. Why’d you get déjà vu? Why did you feel so… so scared? Your panicked eyes landed on your dad running towards you with all your brothers following suit. You relaxed seeing your family. But why did they look at you with relief and tears in their eyes? Even Technoblade looked relieved. 
Philza landed on his knees next to the couch before placing a gentle hand on your cheek. His worried blue eyes scanned you and he stared at you with a gentle smile.
“...Hey hun, how are ya feelin’?”
“I’ve had better days. I just feel really stiff, I think I’m going to have a bad molt this year.”
Your brothers looked at each other with confusion. Tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear, Philza crinkled his brows. “Hun, do you not remember what happened? You-”
Flinching back, you deadpanned. “Gremlin, I think I’d remember if I lost one of my lives. My entire body feels like shit, but I sure as hell didn’t die. That’s just absurd.”
Philza gently grabbed your wrist and pulled down your sleeve. Instead of the usual three red hearts that were etched into your skin, only two stared back at you. You stuttered as your brain processed what you saw. You... died? How? Why couldn’t you remember your own death? 
Your thoughts were interrupted as Philza spoke up. “You died, (y/n).”
“I… How?”
Philza pursed his lips together. “You were killed by The Warden. You were out mining.”
You looked at your hands. “Who’s The Warden?”
“It’s a mob that usually spawns in subterranean caves. We’re not exactly sure how you died, but… but you died down there, (y/n). You lost a life.”
You took in a shuddering breath. How could you be so damn careless? Were you falling back into your dangerous stunts phase? Did you get yourself killed? Why couldn’t you remember anything?
“Hun, do you want me to get you a potion for the stiffness?”
“...Yes please.” 
“Tommy, can you please go get them a potion of healing? WIlbur, can you get a glass of water for them?”
Without a word, Tommy and WIlbur ran out of the room, leaving you with Philza and Techno. The piglin hybrid wouldn’t even look at you. Philza ran a comforting hand through your hair as he waited for your brothers to return. 
When they came back, Wilbur helped prop you up so you could drink the potion and water. They soothed your scratchy throat and you felt your body fill up with warmth. It was always nice to drink a healing potion when you were hurt. Most of the stiffness and soreness that was previously rooted deep in your muscles was alleviated and you felt some of your nerves melt away. Now only your right wing was sore. You stretched, feeling a tugging sensation on the skin of your back around the base of your right wing. 
“That’s better. I think I’m going to go shower, I feel absolutely disgusting.”
Not giving your worried family any room to argue with you, you swung your legs over the side of the couch and shakily stood up. Philza tried to help steady you, but you wove him off. If you were weak enough to die, you thought, you needed to prove yourself to your family that you were strong. You needed to do things yourself. 
As you were shakily making your way up the stairs, Philza was following you, probably making sure you don’t kill yourself again. He was fussing over your wellbeing, you did just die and you were acting surprisingly calm about it.
“At least let me help you preen your wing.”
“Dad, I can preen my own wings. I’m 17.”
“I know hun. I just want to help you.”
“Dad. I can do it myself, I’ve been doing it alone since I was 10, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.”
Without giving him any more room to try to convince you, you closed the bathroom door in his face. You understood and appreciated that he was worried about you, but you needed to do things on your own if you were going to prove your strength to your family. You were angry that he thought you couldn’t do a simple thing by yourself. You could still hear him breathing from the other side of the door.
Peeling off your jacket, you ran your fingers along your left wing. The feathers were more out of place than usual, you must’ve gotten pretty fucked up by The Warden if they were this messy. After about 10 minutes of frustrated preening, you twisted your torso around slightly to reach for your other wing, but you couldn’t see anything. Why couldn’t you see anything? Your wings were large enough for you to completely wrap your body in them twice and then some, so it didn’t make sense to you. 
Turning around to face the wall across the bathroom mirror, you spread out your wings and craned your head around to look at your right wing. Your eyes were met with a featherless nub that matched your skin tone. An ugly, discolored scar covered the entirety of the right side of your back. Without warning, memories flashed in front of your eyes at rapid fire.
A monsterous being towered over you, standing completely still. You held your breath as it just stood there. It walked away so you started to walk away. Everything lit up as you started to run from the thing chasing you. Blood pounded in your ears as panic engulfed your entire being as you tried to fly away, but you were caught. It effortlessly swung you around as it screamed. You felt your wing rip from your body and you flew across the cave. You couldn’t breathe. What did you do to deserve this?
You reached around to feel your wing, but you only grabbed the bone sticking out of your body. You felt anguish as you realized that you just lost a limb. You watched it drag your wing into the depths of the cave, leaving you completely and utterly alone as you slowly died.
You were crying in pain as you felt everything that happened crash down on you all at once. You laid there for what felt like hours as you sobbed and dry heaved. You prayed to whatever god was above that you would be put out of your misery soon. You felt as your body slowly got colder and colder. You were drifting in and out of consciousness. You couldn’t breathe. Please, for the love of god, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it sto-
You saw a hazy figure in front of you. You felt someone’s hands gripping your shoulders in a firm grasp, you thrashed about trying to get out of it’s grip. You saw the monster that took your wing from you. The thing that killed you. You threw your arms about blindly in a desperate attempt to land a hit to try and get it to let you go. The only reason it let you go in the cave was when your wing was torn off, was it going to take your arms too?
You felt a smack as your hand collided with what you guessed was its grotesque face. It yelped and jumped back, releasing its grip on you. Its yelp strangely sounded like your dad’s voice. Your mind was probably playing tricks on you, your dad wasn’t here. You needed to get out. You scrambled up to your feet and bolted. You weren’t going to get killed again, especially by that thing. 
How did it know your name? More importantly, how was it talking to you? You were probably still in the cave bleeding out as your delirious mind turned stone into the comforting walls of your home. You were probably imagining hearing your dad’s voice in a last chance to comfort yourself as you neared your impending doom. 
Running down the hall, you made your way to the stairs. You couldn’t jump over the banister, you would probably break your legs again without both of your wings. Your vision was tunneling as you only focused on how to get out and away from the monster. When you were halfway down the stairs, you saw Tommy sprinting up to you looking panicked. No one deserves to die in the way you did, especially not him. 
“Oh my god, Tommy we need to get you out of here, it’s coming for us.”
He grabbed your shoulders and bent over to look you in the eye, “(y/n), whatever you’re seeing is not real, you-”
“We need to go now!”
He was cut off as you grabbed his hand and drug him down the stairs. You could hear the thing coming closer. It started to come towards you and Tommy. You yanked him along with you as you reached the living room and sprinted towards the front door. You could taste the freedom. It tasted sweet. 
Right as you grasped the door handle, you felt Tommy wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back. What the fuck, did he want to die?
“Tommy, if you don’t let me go now, it’s gonna get us. Please, you don’t wanna die the way I did.”
He said nothing as he turned you around and blocked the doorway with his body. The monster turned the corner and entered your sights. You’d be damned if you let Tommy die. You were determined to protect him even if you ended up dying a second time. 
You puffed up your wing and shifted your body into a stance that you hoped was threatening. Pushing Tommy behind you and shielding him with your wing, you harshly glared at it.
“You fucking bastard, ya here for seconds? Was my wing not enough for you? Well, I’ve got bad news for ya, I won’t let you kill me again. I won’t let you near my brother.”
“(Y/n), it’s me,” it croaked out in your dad’s voice and started to slowly walk towards you, holding its arms up. Why wasn’t it shambling like it did in the cave? You felt more fear well up in your gut as you stepped back.
“You’ve got a lotta audacity to use my father’s voice against me. I’ll rip you to shreds if you step any closer to us. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU.”
It stepped back, it’s mouth impossibly frowning more as more drool pooled from its mouth. Tommy wrapped his arms around yours as he bound you to his chest. Thrashing, you desperately tried to get out of his hold.
He once again said nothing. You felt your hair on the top of your head start to dampen. You heard more footsteps running to you. Techno and Wilbur appeared behind the monster. They looked absolutely terrified. Were you going to watch your older brothers die?
Your chest heaved as you looked at them with wide eyes. “Tech, Wil please, for the love of god run while you still can. It’s in front of you.”
They glanced at each other before Wilbur grabbed the monster’s arm. You screamed in horror as it looked at him. To your confusion, Wilbur wasn’t grabbed. He just gently led the monster away into the kitchen.
Your hoarse screaming was interrupted as Tommy squeezed you against his chest tighter. Techno slowly approached you, making sure that you saw his every move, and bent over to look you in the eye. Tommy’s arms tightened around you, scared that you were going to lash out at Technoblade.
“(Y/n), The Warden isn’t here. You’re home, you’re not in the cave. You’re safe.”
You studied his face. Was he even real? Was any of this real? He looked real. Then again, everything around you looked real.
“I… Tech, are-are you real? Is any of this real?”
Techno pulled you out of Tommy’s arms and pulled you into his own tight embrace. He pressed a hand on the back of your head and pushed your face into his shoulder, rocking you back and forth. Your forehead tickled where you felt the end of his braid brush against your skin. You started to sob into his chest.
“Tech, I was so scared. I… I thought I was gonna die again. Please don’t let me die.”
“The Warden isn’t here, (y/n). I’m real. The house is real. You are home. No one else is here besides Dad, Wilbur, Tommy, me, and you. You’re safe. We won’t let you die again.”
He repeated the same things over like a mantra. With each reassurance, you felt yourself calm down. Techno’s soothing, monotone voice gave you something that wasn’t too overstimulating to center your focus on. You cried until you didn’t have any tears left to cry. Even after you were done crying, Techno continued to rock you back and forth, caressing your hair on the crown of your head like he did when you were kids. 
The voices in his head have been screaming at him nonstop since he saw that they had lost a life earlier in the day. They were telling him that he was stupid for letting you go mining alone. That he was a failure for letting you die alone. He couldn’t hear his own thoughts. He could only attempt to comfort you while trying to ignore the voices.
Tommy stood stiff at the door watching you two. For the first time in his life, he didn’t know what to do. His older sibling was always calm and collected. He’s never seen you react like that. He’s never seen you so terrified. You were always the one to comfort him, never the other way around. You were there to give him hugs when he scraped his knee as a child. You were there when he’d have nightmares. You always made sure that he was alright. He was truly stumped.
Meanwhile in the dining room, Philza sat at the head of the table staring blankly at his folded hands placed in his lap. Wilbur had pulled up a chair to sit next to him, rubbing his back in small circles. The two didn’t speak to each other. Instead, they were listening to your heartbreaking sobs as Techno’s deep voice rumbled lowly underneath your sobbing. 
Wilbur didn’t know how to comfort his dad. Hell, he didn’t know how to comfort himself. His little sibling just died, forgot about it, and remembered it in the span of six short hours. Your death must’ve been traumatizing if you were reliving it. He didn’t know how to comfort you, he always was the one, besides Philza, to comfort you when you were upset as a kid. He felt completely lost.
Philza remembered how he felt his heart drop when he heard you start to scream from the other side of the bathroom door. The instinct to comfort his child overpowered his rational thought as he opened the door. He found you curled in on yourself on the ground with your only wing tightly wrapped around you mid panic attack. He asked you multiple times if it was alright to touch you, but you never responded. You just kept your eyes screwed shut. He was crouched in front of you trying to get you out of your trance before he decided to put his hands on your shoulders. That made you finally open your eyes. He tried to give you a smile, but you started to flail your arms. He dodged the best he could, but your movements were too erratic and you ended up smacking him across the face.
He felt so scared for you when you ran away from him in a panic. He thought you were going to hurt yourself when you reached the stairs. He felt like someone tore his heart out and stomped on it when he realized that you were afraid of him. You saw him as your murderer. When you started to threaten him, he saw just how terrified you were of dying again. How terrified you were of him killing you. You didn’t react when tears started to slip down his cheeks. He didn’t care that you were threatening him, he cared that his own child was terrified of him.
At the moment, you were slowly fading out of consciousness in your brother's hold. You felt completely drained physically, emotionally, and mentally. You barely registered Techno picking you up and carrying you up the stairs to your room, laying you on your bed. He even covered your wing with your blanket.
Taglist (comment if you want to be added to the series taglist): @acecarddraws   @goldenstarofthunderclan  @ravennightingaleandavatempus @dirtydiavolo  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity @bongwaterflavoredgatorade  @kakamiissad  @lifestylesleep  @speedymaximoff  @sun-shark-tooth  @camisascam  @yeiras-world  @jayistrash  
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toorusluvr · 3 years
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characters: iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
cw:  car sex, unprotected sex (please use protection if you hate kids), iwaizumi has a praising kink! mutual pining lol. if there's more let me know.
wc: 3k
crossposted on my ao3 🤍
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The gush of the sudden heatwave was unbearable, you must admit. Stepping foot in California, a foreign country with no one to pick you up at the airport, felt awkward and scary at the same time. Your only goal was to visit your best friend, Iwaizumi, at the college he was studying at. Your plan was to give him a call once you arrived at the destination soon.
Taking a cab from the airport, the beach view came into your sight. The way your eyes shimmered at the beautiful view of people surfing and enjoying themselves at the beach was enough to tell that you actually had a great start being here. Iwa must have had an enjoyable time being here.. Is he homesick? It suddenly popped into your mind. He must be having a great time being in California. The weather’s great, and the scenery is pleasant.
The cab driver helped you with your luggage, though it wasn’t as handful as the other tourists, you still need help getting your big luggage out from the trunk. You heaved a deep sigh, breathless after dragging your luggage onto the concrete pathway. Without stalling your time, you searched for your phone in the pocket of your pants. Scrolling through your contacts, you finally found his contact number.
Within the first three rings, he picked up your call. His raspy voice greeting you the first thing. You heard he cleared his throat. “Hey, why are you calling me? Isn’t it like 11 in the morning there? Aren’t you supposed to be asleep, considering your fucked up sleeping schedule?” a laughter was followed after he nagged you.
You laughed, entertained by his own way of making fun of you. “If I was in Tokyo, then the answer is yes. But I am not in Tokyo, to be frankly speaking!” you were hoping he would catch on to what you were saying. Your presence here was to surprise him, after all!
Iwaizumi had just finished training at the local gym. He wiped the beads of sweats forming on his forehead with the towel hanging around his neck. He glanced over the clock on the wall, 6:15 p.m. Don’t tell me that you are here? he thought. “What are you on, Y/N? Are you talking in your sleep right now?”
This guy, you grunted softly. He caught on but he was afraid if his instinct was not telling him the right thing. “What a dumbass. I’m here in California, you idiot. Come and pick me up at your college! I don’t know your home address for God’s sake!” you burst out. The heat was killing you and please God, can he be quick to pick you up?
He deadass laughed at you. “Are you for real? Oh my goodness! Aight, just give me 10 minutes! I just finished working out. Stay where you are, I am coming to get you!” Iwaizumi rushed to take a quick shower in the shower room. He has to look and smell nice before meeting you. Of course, he would.
“Make it 5, Hajime. I swear to God!” you said, lowkey threatening him. You looked like you were stranded in front of his college with your luggage beside you. Standing awkwardly while the passersby looking at you up and down with a questionable look on their faces.
His sinister laughter made you unknowingly clenched your thighs together. “I swear I’ll be quick. Just stay where you are! Don’t follow any strangers!”
Being the petty friend you are, you counted how long it took for Iwaizumi Hajime to come and get you. He took exactly 7 minutes and 39 seconds to come to your rescue. The matte black range rover parked in front you. Iwaizumi got out of the driver’s seat hurriedly. “Hey, why didn’t you tell me you were coming, dumbass?” he ruffled your hair. Trying to look good for him ended up being ruined by the person himself.
You rolled your eyes, “Obviously, it’s a surprise visit! Can’t you tell them apart or what?” you laughed, unable to hold your laughter any longer. “Nice car, by the way!”
“It's not mine. I had to borrow it from a friend to pick you up” Iwaizumi told, taking in your luggage into the trunk. He opened the passenger’s seat door for you -- his hand rested on the windshield, ensuring your head to be safe. You mumbled a soft thank you before he got to the driver’s seat.
“Where are you staying, by the way? It's dangerous to be out there all alone. Or, aren’t you afraid?” he asked, his right hand turning the steering wheel to drive out of his campus area.
You hummed, “There's a hotel nearby here I booked. But, if you wanted to pay the expenses for me, it’d be nice!”
Both of you burst into laughter, knowing too well both of you are joking around and no hard feelings involved! “Since you are here, let’s go to In-N-Out that you’ve always talked about” Iwaizumi suggested, his eyes glanced over you in the passenger’s seat. You looked excited to try out the fast food franchise you’ve been wanting to try.
It felt like old times, hanging out with your best friend even in a foreign country feels exactly the same. The skies were getting darker as time passed by. About half before 9, both of you headed to his friend’s car. Iwaizumi needed to send you off before midnight. It's unsafe for you to be alone, especially at this hour.
Sitting in the expensive car, both of you enjoyed talking about anything and everything. Time doesn’t seem to be passing by when both of you are together. How badly Iwaizumi wants you to be there for him every single day. He hesitated to ask you, but it’s now or never, Hajime.
“Uh, why did you come to visit me? Why not Oikawa?” he laughed, an uneasy feeling creeped into his heart. Did he make a mistake? He was just asking a question. There's no way you’ll be offended, right?
Shrugging off your nervousness, you covered it up with a lie. “Apparently, California is much cheaper than Argentina. So, I decided to visit you first before meeting Oikawa. Sounds like a genius idea, no?”
Great, now you looked like a pathetic liar. That doesn’t fascinate him, not even a bit. “Oh- that sounds like a great plan, by the way” he laughed. “You know, I am honored to be the first friend you visited!”
You smiled, trying to think of a sentence to reply. “Yeah, you should be.” Fidgeting with your fingers only made you look like a liar. You turned to look at him, both of you fell into an awkward somehow comfortable silence.
“I think I have fallen in love with you” Iwaizumi confessed. He paused for a moment, “No. Actually, I am in love with you.” He looked serious, yes he was. He had been waiting for this moment to come and it’s finally time to confess. It's about time to tell you the truth.
“Wh-what? Are you kidding or what?” you chuckled nervously. Between him and you, you’ve always thought it’ll be you who make the first move but your assumption was wrong.
“No, I am not kidding” he looked at you straight in the eyes.
Your fingers brushed over your face which is now slightly warmer than usual. You disclosed the gap between both of you, “What if I tell you I am in love with you too?”
Iwaizumi's lips formed into a smile. He didn’t know how to put his thoughts into words, but he was thankful for your presence. Closing the gap between both of you, he moved his hand to your face. His palm cupping your face and pressed his lips on your lips with a tender kiss. “Is this fine?”
With your eyes closed, you nodded confidently. You have always loved how considerate Iwaizumi is with others. “Yes, please.”
Both of you kissed for the first time ever. There was a taste of love instead of lust from two individuals who are looking for home in the right person. Brushing your lips with his thumb, he looked at you once again. “Do you want this? Are we taking things too fast?”
You chuckled softly, “It’s fine, Hajime. It's not like we don’t want this in the first place.” Your eyes looking into his green eyes, before a smile appeared on his face. He nodded, agreeing with what you said.
“Let’s get to the backseat” he whispered, nibbling on the sensitive spot under your ear while his hands caressing both sides of your face. You climbed to the backseat, adrenaline pumping in your system. Iwaizumi gently laid you on the leather seat, spreading your legs so he could be in between your legs.
He easily removed your thin top, unzipping your pants that it slid over your legs so easily. The sudden cold of the night sent shivers down to your spine. “Are you sure you’re fine with this?” he interrupted your thoughts. You held his face in your hands, “I will never regret this moment, Hajime. Trust me.”
You have convinced him to not hold himself back. He nibbled on your sensitive spot over and over again, leaving deep purple hickeys all over your beautiful neck. Clinging your legs onto his waist, you arched lewdly to his touch while your tongues clashing with each other.
Iwaizumi placed his hands on your bare thighs, brushing his fingers over your inner thighs crucially slow. You whimpered softly, your body kept on asking for him to give you more. Everything he has to offer. “Hajime, please. I need you” you begged. “Don’t hold yourself back, because I am not going to.”
Oh, how sweet you looked being under him with your glossy eyes, begging him for more. He would wreck you if it wasn’t for this cramped place. Pulling his shirt off of his toned body, he let you enjoyed seeing his defined abs and chest. “I guess I need to teach my princess one or two things about love, hm?”
You nodded your head, your voice caught up in your throat, unable to speak proper sentences. “Don’t worry, I’ll take a really good care of you. Because I love you” he whispered in your ears.
You tugged on the waistband of his briefs, the tent forming in his boxer couldn’t hide the size of his cock. You gulped, he is unlike the other guys you have dated. He is sweet and loving, sometimes aggressive. Is he aggressive while being intimate too? You wondered.
From the way he parted your legs apart, you knew he’s real good at this. Iwaizumi dragged his two digits on your slick folds, “You’re already wet, baby” he laughed. He looked at you and gave you an assuring smile before he ate you out like a starved man. His tongue laid flatly on your dripping pussy.
His licks made your back arched lewdly to his touch. Iwaizumi never thought the day he'd be making love with his own best friend has finally come. He's in love with you ever since you guys were in first year of high school. The years of mutual pining only made him crave your love even more.
“You’re doing so good for me” he said, smirking at you in a glance. Your fingers intertwined in his spiky black hair while he praised you endlessly. “You’re eager for me, aren’t you baby?” his raspy voice vibrated against your wet cunt.
“Please, Hajime” you whimpered. “I-i want you to fuck me, please.”
“Since you are doing so good for me, I guess I have to give my princess my cock, hm?” With a harsh thrust, a loud gasp filled the car. He gasped when your tight walls swallowed his cock. Using his thumb, he played with your clit as he rocked his hips slowly to build his pace.
You have never heard yourself let out a sinful moan like you did just now. You immediately threw your hand over your mouth to cover your moans. Your eyes rolled back when he pressed his thumb on your clit.
“No, baby let me hear you” Iwaizumi yanked your hand away. “I want to hear you screaming my name, because I am the only one who can make you feel good from now on, hm?” he grunted as he slammed his hips into you.
Your tears formed in your eyes, wrapping around his neck while kissing him deeply. He toyed with your clit while kissing you passionately, hips rocking slowly into you. “Ah- Hajime” you moaned in his mouth.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful” he grunted softly. "You’re doing so fucking good for me, princess. Taking my cock so well like this hm? Can you cum for me, baby?”
You nodded eagerly, “Pl-please. Make me cum, Hajime- ah!” your legs wrapped tightly around his waist when you felt your orgasm building up in your stomach. Iwaizumi bit his lips, continuing to grind against your g-spot as he eyed your fucked out face with your eyes rolled back and a single tear dropped down as you begged him to go harder.
“Fuck, you feel so- ah- good, Hajime” you cried out. “Please please please, I am so near!”
With the angle he's in right now, he managed to make you moan as if no one was there to hear. Iwaizumi was big, the tip of his cock bumping your cervix in every thrust, making your legs shaking badly and your lips quivering with pleasure and cries. It felt so fucking good, no one has ever fucked you this good. All the boys you dated were useless, never once making you cum.
Your cunt clenched tightly around his cock, telling him that you’re near. “Baby, come on cum for me” he dragged two of his fingers on your clit, flicking on it as he waited for your orgasm to break.
“Y-yes there! H-hajime, it feels so good!” you moaned, mixed with cries of pleasure. Your nails digging into his back muscle, leaving scratches all over his back.
“Here? Like this, baby?” he hummed through his teeth, flicking your clit over and over again until it made your whole body trembled. “Do you like that, hm?”
You nodded eagerly, words have flown out of your mind. Nothing can ever compare to his cock and the size of his fingers that could easily make you cum. Your throat felt dry from all the moaning and cries. You came around his cock, your cum dripping on his length.
“I need you to cum one more time, okay baby? You’re doing so good for me” iwaizumi caressed your hair gently. He placed a chaste kiss on your lips. You nodded, following his orders. He changed the angle of his thrust, pistoning his cock faster than he did before. His calloused hands playing with your hardened buds before taking one of them in his mouth and started sucking on it.
“Come on, baby” he grunted, biting his lips from cumming before you.
“I- I'm gonna- fuck!” you sobbed, it felt different than your first orgasm. Your legs trembled, “H-hajime please.”
“That's it, baby. Fuck, I'm cumming” he gritted through his teeth. “We can’t make a mess in here” he grunted softly. He looked at his cock being swallowed by your gummy walls. The mess that you made around his cock excited him.
“Fuck, just cum inside me, oh- shit” you sobbed, gripping onto his biceps as you came down from your high.
"Are you sure? Oh- fuuuck” you nodded, panting for air as he spilled his seed inside you with a deep grunt.
He laid on top of you for a moment, trying to catch his breath after spurting his thick cum inside of you. Iwaizumi kissed you on your forehead, “Let's stay like this for a moment. Can't afford messing up my friend’s seat, can’t we?” he laughed.
You chuckled, nodding your head. “Right. I have a tissue, Hajime. Don't you worry. But it’s in my luggage in the trunk.”
Iwaizumi giggled, sealing his lips with you sweetly while he tucked your hair behind your ear. “You did so good for me” he whispered in between the kisses. You giggled, “Yeah, as if we didn’t have sex in your friend’s backseat.”
He laughed, “He would have understand, right? Come on, let’s send you to your hotel it’s getting late.”
"Fuck, Y/N. I love you so much" he kissed you lovingly. You looked into his eyes trying to catch your breath. "I love you too, Hajime. Always have been."
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sapiowoman28 · 3 years
I can, I can't: Part 2 of 3
Pairing: Jaemin x female reader
Genre: smut, fluff, friends to lovers au
Warning: smut, flirting, spanking, male dom, female bratty sub
Tags: @nctlover94 @m1ss-foodi3 @heyyyun
The days that followed were hard. It was as if something had taken over Y/N, and she was perpetually horny, not from anything but from her thoughts of Jaemin doing things to her. Lucas was happy to help, but after 3 days of meeting, he was puzzled.
"You're never like this. What happened?" he asked, as they were soaking in the bathtub post sex.
Y/N wasn't sure if she should tell him. It wouldn't be nice.
"I don't know..." she lied. "I wish it'd stop. I need to focus on my assignments."
"About that, I can't meet you any more this week. I have 3 due next week and i haven't started on aything." Lucas looked regretful.
"It's ok, Lucas, we both need to finish our assignments"
She decided she'd focus on her assignments instead, and work on them in the library - where the wifi was pretty good - instead of home so she wouldn't have to face Jaemin. Not until she was sure about what she wanted to do.
So day by day, she left the house early and returned late. The boys texted her as usual, and she replied. But with Jaemin, she was reticent. Instead of her usual teasing, she provided one or two word replies. She was afraid she'd attempt to flirt with him and things would go overboard.
The good part was she made pretty good progress on her assigments. They were her best yet this year, and she was pleased. She was working through the conclusion to one of her papers when she was interrupted.
She froze, looking up. Jaemin, sitting down on the seat opposite hers.
"Hey Jae." she smiled. "Lost?"
"I study, ok? he threw his hands up. Then proceeded to unzip his laptop bag.
"What are you doing here?" she watched him suspiciously. Neither Jaemin nor Jeno were library people.
"I've an assignment to complete. And I haven't seen you for days. I just wanted to know you were ok. You haven't been very normal."
"Speak for yourself. Any updates on your turbulent sex life?" she grinned, inwardly proud at how she deflected his question.
"I got my ID back. Told him i could report him for assault AND retaining my ID. You should have seen his face." he said proudly.
"Told you you'd be fine standing up to him. He had no right to hit you," she giggled.
"Thanks." he said, reaching across the table to rub her arm affectionately. She flinched. She wished her friends weren't so touchy with one another sometimes.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I'm not in a mood to be touched." she said awkwardly. "I'm going through a phase."
"Ok. I won't touch you then" he shrugged and started getting to work on his assignment.
Y/N looked at him. He was beautiful, she thought. The lashes. The way he concentrated. Or when he frowned to himself. No wonder he was known as the handsome one.
it was hard to focus with Jaemin sitting opposite her. Her previous momentum was lost. She wished he hadn't come. But she told herself she wasn't going to let her assignment be affected. So she struggled through the conclusion and soon managed to complete her assignment.
"If you give me 15 minutes, we can go for lunch after that." he said, not looking up. She agreed, looking at the surrounding tables. She saw Renjun a few tables away with a girl. Their eyes met. He waved. She raised her eyebrows and he faked an annoyed look before turning back his attention on the girl.
"Someone's getting lucky soon." Y/N commented.
"Who?" Jaemin asked still focussed on his laptop.
"Oh. It's not going to work. She has a boyfriend."
"They can still fuck."
"Are you aerious?" Jaemin looked up half amused.
"She's not married." she shrugged. "You need to loosen up."
"You have no morals." he declared.
"I'm proud of that." she winked. "Seriously, you need to try living life on the edge a little."
"Getting caught in bed and getting beaten up not wild enough for you?"
"Well, it depends. Were you handcuffed?"
Jaemin gasped. "Censor yourself, Y/N!"
"Or was she? What position were you guys caught in?" she knew she had crossed a line but somehow couldn't stop herself.
"Yes, Mr Na?"
Jaemin brought his face close to hers.
"I said stop it." he said, voice low and gravelly. Y/N felt herself pool.
"What if i don't?" she challenged him, looking him straight in the eye.
"I suggest you don't challenge me." he said through gritted teeth.
"I'll think about it." She said. folding her ams in front of her, eyes twinkling.
"Yo! What's Jaemin doing here?" Haechan asked as he plonked down on the chair next to hers.
Jaemin leaned back and relaxed, breaking into a smile.
"Y/N thinks I'm lost."
"You ARE lost." Y/N laughed, looking at Jaemin who was still keeping his composure. "Someone needs to guide you back onto the right path."
"I don't know. Being guided isn't my kind of thing. I prefer to be the one guiding."
"Now I'm lost!" Haechan whined. "What's happening?"
Y/N sighed.
"Let's go for lunch." she said.
Things got worse from there. Jaemin began avoiding her, staying cooped up in his room as much as he could, spending time either doing his assignments or gaming. Y/N was upset, though she wasn't sure if she was upset with herself or with him.
All she knew was things were awkward now. She tried texting him but he either didn't reply or replied with one word answers. She had to do something. There wasn't much opportunity though, since there never seemed a time where they were both home alone. And the last thing she wanted was for the rest of the guys to get involved.
Then one night two weeks later, all the boys decided to head out to the clubs to party to celebrate the submission of all their assignments. Y/N gave it a pass. She wasn't one for clubs - the loud music and the lights and the smells always gave her a headache. She had previously tried of course, but it mostly turned out unpleasant for her - the same throbbing headache that progressively got worse over the course of the night and made her feel sick.
So the guys headed out and she decided to soak in the bathtub in the bigger bathroom. She dropped her favourite vanilla scented bath bomb into the warm water, and got it after removing her clothes and giving the water a few swishes. This was the life, she thought. Who wanted to be stuck in some club against sweaty bodies and wake up with a hangover the next day?
After her bath, she took time to put on a mask and applied lotion to her body. She was glad all her assignments had been submitted, and this was a good time to pamper herself after all the hard work.
When she was done, she put on an oversized t-shirt that came down to her mid thigh and wore her favourite red cotton underwear. Feeling upbeat, she headed to the kitchen to make some pasta. It was just 9pm when the front door opened. She looked up from the ham she was slicing.
Jaemin. She forgot he had not gone with them. In fact, he had been out most of the day, probably at the cafe he worked at on some weekends.
"Need dinner?" she asked, somewhat unsure if he would respond. "I'm making some pasta."
"Dinner would be good," he nodded with a slight smile. "I can open a bottle of wine after i have my shower." He knew he just had to stop behaving like a dick now.
She grinned. "Yes please!"
He went and took a quick shower before coming back, smelling fresh.
"The bathroom smells nice." he said, sniffing. "Actually you smell nice too."
"Jaemin! At least say the food I'm making smells nice!" Y/N poked his arm. He embraced her from the back.
"I missed you." he said.
She felt his chest against her back.
"Missed you too. Why were you avoiding me?" she asked.
"Why were YOU avoiding me?" he asked her back.
Neither of them said anything.
She took the pan off the stove and divided the pasta into two bowls. Jaemin opened the wine and they both sat at the dining table for dinner. The air was tense as they ate silently.
"Jae," she said, not being able to take the silence any longer. "I know i shouldn't have ignored you. But I've been struggling."
He put his fork down. He tried to grab her hand but she pulled it away nervously.
"I'm listening, Y/N," he said gently.
"I can't stop thinking of yo...."
But she couldn't finish, as he grabbed her face and brought it closer to his. She felt her heart beat faster as he looked her in the eye.
"Why are you doing this?" he asked, looking at her in the eye, his face tensed up, his voice low and trembling. "Do you know what you're doing to me?"
"I know I'm probably not your type...." she began but he cut her off.
"Don't speak for me, Y/N. Everything about you drives me nuts! Your laughter, the way you tease me. Everything! You're such a bad girl, Y/N!"
"I've never said I was good. I don't have morals, remember?" she grinned. "Maybe you'd have to teach me how to behave, Mr Na."
He felt his cock twitch. He grabbed her by the arm.
"What are you doing?" she asked, struggling as he stood up, taking her with him. Roughly, he pushed her against the kitchen cabinet.
"Bend over!" he demanded, grip getting tighter. She had no choice but to comply, yelping as she felt his hand land hard on her butt.
"Ouch! What the hell, Jaemin?"
"You deserve to be spanked for taunting me in the library." he said through gritted teeth, landing another smack. She gasped.
"That hurts!"
"Good! Maybe next time you wouldn't think of being such a tease." he said, giving her yet another smack. "3! We're going to 10!"
"!0?!" she tried to wriggle out of his grip. It was no use.
"4!" he said, landing yet another slap. She bit her lip. It was hurting more and more as the number of spanks progressed. But she didn't dislike it.
"5!" she felt her eyes watering. This was getting too painful.
"Jae, please, it hurts!"
"Say one more word and I'll make it 20!" he warned.
She gave up, whimpering as he gave her another 4 blows, tears rolling down her face. Finally he let her go. She turned around and shoved him.
"Do that one more time and watch what i'll do!" she warned. He grabbed her by the back of her neck, forcing her to look closely at him again.
"You need to get one thing right," he hissed, as he wiped her tears away with his fingers. "I'm the one in charge here."
"Oh yeah?" she challenged him. "We'll see about that."
"Listen, you're not in a position to argue with me. Do you want me to fuck you or not?" he asked. "Yes or no?"
Silence. She glared at him.
"Answer me." he said, glaring back.
"Fine." she said. "We'll play by your rules."
He let go, suddenly going back to his usual self. "The food's getting cold. Let's eat."
"No, Jae...." she pleaded. "Fuck me, now, please!"
"I'm not fucking you tonight, Y/N."
"Nobody's home now!"
"I'll decide and let you know when I'm ready," he said firmly.
She reaiised that she had to be fair and wait for him to be ready. She sighed.
"Fine." she said.
If only he knew how wet she was, from the spanking he gave her, she thought to herself.
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kittydripuwu · 3 years
hi omg i just found your blog and i just want to let you know your writing is awesome >< could you please write a scenario where reader is dazai is jealous since his s/o is very close friends with chuuya? implied nsfw at the end maybe?
hii thank u for ur request! i hope u like it <3
jealousy | dazai x reader
words - 1086
warnings - swearing, implied nsfw at the end
genre - angst?
you had been friends with chuuya for a while now, after meeting him through your boyfriend dazai.  you enjoyed being around chuuya as a friend, he was a fun person to hang out with.
it was pretty late and you were sitting at a bar with chuuya, having some wine. you knew dazai was out on a mission with the agency, and he wasnt supposed to get back till the next day, so you decided to spend some time with chuuya. dazai never really cared if you hung out with chuuya, it wasn't like him to be super possesive over you, and either way, you didn't get to see chuuya often because you were both pretty busy when it came to work.
recently, you've been off work for abit, since your job gave all employess at your level, 4 weeks off during the spring to relax. during this time, the mafia and the agency have had quite abit of work to do but you still spent as much time with your boyfriend and one of your closest friends, chuuya, as much as possible.
"hey y/n" chuuya asked suddenly, after you had zoned out for a few minutes.
"what's it like working a normalllllllllll job?" he asked, a little tipsy from the drinks you two were having.
"it's so BORING chuuya, dont EVER switch to normal work, you'll hate it" you replied.
"but you get a break! we don't get that in the mafia" he said, laughing.
"that's true but, i sit in front of a computer allllll day, it sucks" you said.
both you of you were laughing and drinking, it was a good time.
meanwhile, dazai had come back from the ada mission earlier than expected. he got home, and noticed you weren't there, so he decided to call you. your phone rang, and you picked up.
"hi love, i'm back early, where are you?"
"ohhhh i missed you baby! i'm at a bar with chuuya" you said.
"are you drunk?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
"maybeeee" you replied.
"i'm coming to pick you up" he said, and hung up.
his tone was a little angry, anyone could tell, but you. whenever you were drunk, you made everything a joke, never took anyone seriously, and sometimes, that got you in abit of trouble.
around 10-15 minutes later, dazai had come to pick you up. dazai and chuuya simply greeted eachother the way they normally do (yk saying they hate eachother, and that they'll kill one another one day, the usual), and dazai grabbed you by the hand, and dragged you all the way home.
when you got home, dazai didn't say much, you were too tired to talk to him about it now, so you both silently went to sleep.
when you woke up the next morning, dazai had already gone to work. since you were still on your break, you decided you would go out on a walk and see the city. you showered, got dressed and left. you thought about going to your favorite breakfast place first, and then you were supposed to meet some friends at a nearby bar. you got yourself some pancakes for breakfast and soon headed to the bar.
once you arrived, you realised you were abit early and none of your friends had come yet. as you sat down to wait, chuuya had walked in with a few of his subordinates. you didnt expect chuuya to be here, during work especially. he quickly noticed you sitting, and came up to talk to you.
"hey, what are you doing here at this time of day?" he asked.
"oh hey, i'm waiting for some friends, what about you?" you replied, smiling.
"apparently theres some sort of information here for something i have to find but, i'm going to have a drink first" he said. (we all know chuuya loves drinking)
you eneded up having a quick drink with chuuya before your friends arrived, and he left to do work. on the other hand, dazai didn't text or call all day, until you finally got home.
"i'm home love" you said, walking into your shared bedroom.
"yeah i can see that" he said, voice showing no emotion. before you got to say anything else, he stood up and left the room.
you had no idea what was up with him. you knew when dazai had something on his mind, he had to be alone. you've tried to talk to him about things before but it only resulted in useless fights. you thought about maybe leaving him be but something felt different about this so you decided to walk after him.
"dazai what's up with you? why do you seem so mad?" you asked, following him to the living room.
"nothing" he replied, coldly.
"why are you acting so cold towards me?" you asked.
"are you having fun running off with chuuya all the time?" he snapped. this was it. you could tell he was mad. but why? you and chuuya were just friends?
"what do you mean dazai?"
"you're on a four week break for work, its been 2 weeks already and i've barely seen you outside of sleeping here, and all you've been doing is going to bars with chuuya" he said.
"but you've been busy with work, we have had time to do anything yet!" you replied, realising that blaming him was  useless since he was always right no matter what.
"you could have asked instead of fucking running off and getting drunk with chuuya" he replied.
you understood what was happening here. he was jealous. it was your fault yes, for not asking him to hang out but part of it was also his jealousy.
"are you jealous?" you asked him with a smile on your face, while sitting down on the couch calmly. you found it kind of amusing when dazai was jealous.
he hated admitting he was jealous, he hated being vulnerable in any way.
"why the fuck are you smiling" he said, looking at you sitting on the couch calmly, and just smiling to yourself.
"i dunno, i guess i like seeing you when you're jealous" you said.
after you said that, he came up to you, to stand right above you. he tilted your chin upwards to look up at him.
"i think i need to remind you what you get when you speak to me like that" he said, eyes clouded with anger and lust.
dazai was angry, and he had to take it out on someone. and that someone was going to be you. you made him jealous and this is what you get.
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joonkorre · 3 years
How to Love Another Person
@drarrymicrofic prompt: technique
another microfic with a list?? oh the horror. ao3
A tail feather of a cedar waxwing, grind to bits. Add in when the solution has reduced to half.
Stir until the first hints of purple show, then lower the fire level by hand.
Combine with a bit of you, your dearest memory. Allow it to dissipate.
3 dried petals of waterlily tulips added every 3 minutes. The solution will weep into a rolling boil.
Don’t cry.
Control yourself. Check the Silencing charm.
10 ml of distilled water. Vanish the yellow fumes as you stir.
Mix in diced ginger root and a tablespoon of honey for flavor. Make it pleasant for him.
Let it simmer. For the next 15 minutes, clean up everything. Take a quick shower, wash away the stench of potions from your body. Wear the clothes from your bag.
Turn off the fire. Make a single cup of tea.
Don’t speed up the solution’s cooling process in order to ensure effectiveness. Once it’s room temperature, add a teaspoon of it to the cup of tea. No more, no less.
It is 3 in the morning. The world is deep in slumber, and he is no exception. Wake him up anyway.
“Hmm,” Harry murmurs into his pillow, “Draco?”
“Darling, hello,” Draco whispers against his forehead, kissing away the crease between thick brows. “I have something for you.”
Harry’s hand searches the nightstand for his glasses, almost swiping all the takeout menus and little trinkets to the floor. Draco finds the glasses first, unfolds them, and places them on Harry’s nose, careful not to poke his eyes.
“Hmm, what, what’s going on?” Harry rubs his eyes as he sits up.
Draco presents him with the freshly-brewed cup of tea. Chamomile, a dash of sugar. His favorite.
“Drink, darling.”
“What? No,” Harry pushes the tea away, his lovely eyes made clearer and clearer by the lamplight, “Draco, I’m not drinking that.”
Draco shakes his head.
“You have to.”
Harry keeps pushing the cup from his face, and Draco is getting impatient.
“Draco, stop—”
“Drink it.”
“Come on, don’t do this—”
“Please, darling, just a sip will do—”
“I said no!”
Harry bats the teacup from Draco’s hand. It flies across the room, shatters, drenching the wallpaper. The broken shards are millimeters away from impaling a framed picture. Their framed picture.
Draco can’t stop his hands from shaking. He moves to gather up the pieces, to somehow salvage the tea, but Harry grabs ahold of his forearm, keeping him in place.
There is not a sliver of sound in their bedroom but Harry’s harsh breathing.
“Why?” Draco asks, staring at the stain on the wall.
“Is this why there’s a duffle bag below the stairs,” Harry says instead. Draco can feel his gaze on him. He can’t look.
“Is that where your toothbrush is? You didn’t just throw it away since it's after 6 months like you said. You packed it.”
A shivery sigh. “Yes.”
He hears a sob. One hand on his forearm turns to two, and Harry pulls him close. He rests his head against Draco’s stomach. Usually, Draco would sift his fingers through that unruly mane of his, chiding Harry for buying conditioners unsuitable for his hair type. Now, he has no right to do such a thing. His hands stay by his sides, unworthy.
Harry clutches him more tightly by the second, burrowing his head into the soft wool of Draco’s sweater. Another sob.
“When will you accept that I’m not drugged?” Harry says.
It’s the Amortentia talking, Draco knows. He’s known from the start, for it’s impossible for Harry to be right of mind when he confessed to Draco all those years ago. He’s accepted it for his own sake, just wanting an excuse to bask in the love he’s desired for nearly a decade. And it’s been good, so, so good.
“I love you, do you know? You have to,” Harry lifts his head up and stares at Draco. His face is much too beautiful to be twisted like that. Like he’s heartbroken. “Baby, I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner. I don't usually say things like this, but you know me better than I know myself. I thought you knew, I really did. I thought after all we’ve been through… we’re it, you know? You’re it for me. You’re the kind of love that doesn’t need words. I thought you knew, baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
But things that are too good to be true, are. Admittedly, waking someone up in the middle of the night to make them drink tea isn’t the best plan, but Draco is tired of the charade. He knows Harry, the portion of his subconscious that is still awake and aware, is tired, too. He has to give his darling an out so he can move on in peace. Perhaps it’s a pipe dream and Draco can never move on, but at least he can love Harry by himself. He needs to.
“Draco Malfoy, I love you, you hear? I love you,” Harry’s hands move from Draco’s waist to cup his face. His thumbs are soft as they rub Draco’s cheeks, almost as if they mean it. “Say it back, baby, I know you feel the same. Say it back.”
Draco raises a palm, hesitant, and places it on Harry’s cheek in return.
“I love you, Harry Potter,” Draco says.
Harry gives a teary smile and leans against Draco’s touch, glasses knocking on his finger. His eyes are a sweet shade of green, bright and glistening.
“Let’s go to sleep, okay?”
It truly is alright. In the kitchen cabinet, behind cartons of tea leaves and bags of coffee grounds that Harry never sorts through, is the remaining batch of the antidote. Tomorrow is Draco’s turn to make breakfast. He won’t make the same mistake again, and Harry will be free.
He’ll make sure of it.
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Midnight Revelations - Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi
MHA Masterlist - Main Masterlist
WARNINGS: Fluff, Swearing (It’s Bakugou, so, that’s kinda a given)
Requested by @luluwiie​ :
Given your gift for writing, I'm honestly utterly surprised your box is not already full :o but this is my chance ! Kuhuhu * robbing hands *
May I request a Todoroki or Bakugo one shot (Just choose whether you feel more inspired with one, another or both) where they are just sharing some moments with reader, and like, they enjoy their time with Reader and when they come back to their dorms, alone in their bedroom, they just realize how much they care for Reader? Like, more than their close friend and partner in crimes ? Like, more in a pining way? I just love emotional epiphanies 😳❤
Tysm if you do this ! CANT WAIT TO READ YOU MORE ❤❤
- Luluv
A/N: YOU’RE LITERALLY THE SWEETEST ❤❤❤. I had a lot of fun writing this one since Bakugou is such an interesting character, so I hope you enjoy!! (Also, the song “True Love” by P!NK was playing nonstop in my head while writing this.)
Word Count: 1.9K
If it was within his control, Katsuki Bakugou would be fast asleep in his own bed by now. It made sense to him - the sky was completely dark making the stars clearly visible and it was already past 10:30 p.m., so why on earth was he awake? The short and simplest answer yielded the same result; you. How you had wedged yourself in between him and his strict sleep schedule, Bakugou had no idea, so here he was, sat with a grimace on his face as you tried to work out the last math problem on the long homework sheet Ectoplasm had assigned.
“Wait, so when it’s a hyperbola, it’s a²- b² = c²?” You ask, glancing in between the blonde-haired boy sat next to you and the sheet full of conic section equations. Bakugou just looked at you with a mixture of a tired and dumbfounded expression.
“No, idiot, it’s a²+ b² = c² because the standard form uses subtraction. It’s the other way around for ellipses.” He explains gruffly, taking your mechanical pencil and writing down the equation roughly. However, due to the sheer force of his hand on the poor little pencil, the led snapped off. You laughed a little at the outburst that followed shortly after.
“Bakugou, don’t press so hard, the lead is thinner.” You say, taking the pencil from his hand gingerly. He simply scoffs in return.
“Yeah, well, normal pencils don’t do that. Get better ones next time.” He hurumphs, leaning back in his chair and letting his head hang off the back. He remains like this for a few minutes while you scribble down the rest of your equations, ultimately coming to a solution.
“Okay, I think I got it! Is it… (y+5)²/9 - (x - 4)²/25?” With a hesitant voice and a hopeful expression, you push the homework sheet in front of Bakugou to hopefully gain his approval. You wince as he scans your work carefully, raising his eyebrows on certain occasions. Finally, he sets the paper down and slides it back over to you. “Well?” You ask, a little exasperated.
“Yeah, that’s the correct answer.” With a sigh of relief you slumped back into your chair with a smile on your face. However, that only lasted for a few seconds. “Wait, then what the hell were those facial expressions when you were looking at it?” You ask, taking the math sheet and putting it in a folder that was then shoved into your school bag.
“Your handwriting is shit.” Is all Bakugou had to say as he stood up and stretched his arms out. You roll your eyes and glance at the clock.
“Damn, it’s already 11:15.” You murmur, letting one of your hands card through your hair, massaging your head and releasing the tension that was built up by doing several pages of pre-calc. “Thanks, by the way. You didn’t need to stay this late to help me out, so I really appreciate it.” You say, expressing your gratitude to the blonde. Bakugou rubs his eyes before slinging his bag over his shoulder, letting his blazer stay unbuttoned and his tie loose around his neck. You had to admit, his somewhat disheveled look did look quite attractive on him, but if you told him that he would either never let you hear the end of it or get pissed off for commenting on his fashion. He already got enough of that from his parents, apparently. 
“Yeah, I didn’t, and now thanks to you I’m gonna be tired as hell in the morning.” He complains, opening the door to your dorm to exit.
“You know, a cold compress does wonders for eyebags.” You say, a mischievous grin on your face. He narrows his eyes and flips you off. “I enjoyed spending time with you too, Bakugou!” And with that, the door to your dorm was closed.
Katsuki felt like a zombie by the time he got to his own dorm. He didn’t even bother putting his school bag on his desk or arranging his shoes by the door like he usually does. Instead, he just let the brown shoulder bag slump onto the floor as he fumbled to get his shoes off. Why the hell had you made him stay for so long? He finished all of his homework hours before you did, and still, he had to remain stationed at that wooden low table as he had to keep himself busy while you plugged away at your own work. After about an hour, looking through his phone got incredibly boring so he moved on to looking around your room, taking in all of the things that made it up. Of course, he wasn’t doing this to try to get to know you more, he already knew all he needed to… right? But as his eyes raked over the photos and decor of your room, the more glimpses he got into your personal life, so he stopped immediately.
Bakugou did make an effort to change his clothes. Peeling his blazer from his arms and hanging it up haphazardly in his closet along with his white button up. He tugged on a random black shirt and swapped his uniform pants for pajama ones and finally, finally, clambered into his bed. And, although he tried hard to make his brain shut off and just let him enter a dreamless sleep, his mind began to wander. He blamed his delirious nature for letting his neurons take him from place to place, situation to situation, until they finally projected an image of you into his head. It was a simple display of you and a recent one, too. Just Y/N L/N, sat at the little wooden table with her head perched on one of her hands with a stupid mechanical pencil in her hand. Did her hair always kind of frame her face like that? He wondered, scrunching his closed eyes. It didn’t look as horrible today, he supposed. Bakugou let his eyes flutter open, only to see that his digital clock read a clear 12:04 a.m. in electric red. He sighed and let his gaze fall on the ceiling right above him. Why was he thinking of you this late in the evening? And, to his surprise, he realized that he felt much more at home in your dorm room than he did right now, in his own space.
“What the hell…” He muttered, turning on his bedside lamp. His room was shed in a soft light, illuminating only the nearest furniture and himself. If he wasn’t able to go asleep, he sure as hell wouldn’t let this time go to waste. Picking up the book on his shelf that he was most recently into, he flipped through the pages to find his place and started reading again. He would never admit it, but Pride and Prejudice was turning out to be a much better read than expected. Bakugou found the main heroine to be much more likeable than any others he had read about. Her charisma and wit satisfied him where other characters were lacking, and the way she refused to be phased by an arrogant and sometimes brash guy who pushed her buttons constantly… He let the book fall to the ground without so much of a care as realizations flooded his brain. You put up with him. Whenever he was acting rude or was teasing you without relent, you would just simply roll your eyes and fire back. He put up with you, too. All your unreasonable habits, like staying up way too late, he was still by your side. Why?
“I…” Katsuki forced himself to look into the mirror. He saw his reflection to be way out of the norm. His eyes were wide, his posture was perfect, and his cheeks were red. “I like her.” He let the words flow freely from his mouth. With one more glance to the clock by his bedside, he grabbed a hoodie and shoved his head through it while opening his door and heading straight to yours. He knew from all of the prior knowledge on you stored in his brain and the light that shown beneath your door that you were, in fact, still awake. With three soft knocks, your door swung open to reveal you. Clad in soft looking pajama shorts and a flimsy top, your hair was a mess and your eyes were drooping. Bakugou never thought you could look so beautiful.
“Bakugou, it’s way past your bedtime.” You quip, your voice mimicking a doting parent. Bakugou shoved his way past you into your room and began to lightly pace. Your once joking smile fell into a confused frown, your eyes starting to swim with concern. “Seriously, Katsuki, what’s up? You’ve never stayed up this late except for that one time I insisted you did because a once in a lifetime meteor shower was on full display. I mean, you complained about it of course, but I knew you actually liked it because your eyes-”
“Just, shut it!” The blonde finally says. You pull back slightly, surprised at his words. “You write your twos and sevens weird, some of your habits tend to be unproductive, and sometimes I just can not stand you, but I like you.” The two of you are silent for a moment before you take a step towards him.
“You have feelings for me?” You ask, your voice soft like velvet and your eyes twinkling. Despite all of his reservations, his hard exterior and the sneer he always wore melted.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” You shook your head and took another step forward.
“Don’t answer it like you're confirming that I correctly solved a math problem. Answer it like you love me.” Bakugou’s cheeks flamed at your sudden confidence, but he took a step forward so that your bodies were almost touching.
“I love you Y/N.” And with that, a wide grin spread across your face. Your arms wrapped themselves around the blonde’s neck and you leaned into him, your lips meeting his in a searing kiss. It was slow in pace but fierce in passion as he grew more comfortable, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you closer so that you were flush against his chest. Breathless and red in the face, Bakugou finally pulls back to see your ecstatic face. “Oi, what’s with the face?” He says, flustered.
“Nothing,” you say, going into your bathroom with a little towelette. He raises his eyebrows. “I told you before, a cold compress works wonders for the inevitable eye bags that you will have in the morning, and this is the perfect size.” He huffs in amusement and plucks the towelette from your hands. “Plus, you’ll have to return it to me. It gives you another excuse to hang out with me.” Bakugou finally earns a little confidence and his trademarked smirk spreads across his face.
“I don’t need an excuse to hang out with you. You’ll need my help again on the homework.”
“Always the charmer,” you quip, walking with him so that he was standing in the hallway and you in the doorway. “See ya tomorrow,” you smile, pecking him on the lips.
“See ya, Y/N.” His blush was still prevalent, but his eyebrows narrowed and a scowl replaced the smirk. “And throw out those mechanical pencils, they’re absolute shit.”
“Anything for you, Lover!” You joke, closing the door. Lover, he thinks. He can get used to a nickname like that.
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captain-josslett · 3 years
Broken Melody - Part Thirty Two
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 8.6k+ (opps)
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, PTSD moments
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers x Sam Arias
This Part: Two weeks before the surgery, the Danvers sisters find out something about their Mom and the Superfriends go bowling!
Surprise! Two days later! What is going on? I had a lot of fun writing this. Sorry it got so long!
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom
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2 Weeks Before The Surgery
Emma slowly wakes up and stretches her whole body while voicelessly yawning. Generally her sleep hasn’t been as disturbed as before, but Emma is still finding she doesn’t feel as refreshed as she should when she wakes up.
Her hand reaches out for Lena, but finds the space next to her empty and cold. She blinks her eyes open and silently sighs when there is no sign of her girlfriend.
Lena had warned that she may have to work on Saturday due to the volume of business piling up. But she'd already said she needed to recharge.
Even though Sam and Lena have been hiring more staff to work the caseloads and Lena has been supervising the team leaders in the labs. The workload just seems never ending for L-Corp at the moment.
Causing Emma to barely see her girlfriend this week leaving Lena to usually stumble tiredly into the apartment after Emma has gone to bed. She’d sleepily brush her teeth, flop into bed, sometimes fully clothed and make Emma jump awake by the bounce of the bed. If Lena was still clothed in her tight business clothes, Emma would carefully change Lena into her pyjamas so she could sleep more comfortably. Emma would then kiss her on the forehead due to the raven haired beauty already being asleep.
Then Lena would wake up before her alarm, leaving Emma to sleep in as Lena quietly sneaks out of the apartment to head to L-Corp before sunrise. There wasn’t even much time for them to have lunch together but Emma would savour the moments she could have with Lena.
However, last night when Lena stumbled through the bedroom door, Emma had still been awake and once Lena crawled into bed and into Emma’s arms, she had groaned that she would take Saturday off to recharge.
‘Guess not.’ Emma thinks sadly while rolling out of bed to use the bathroom. She wobbles slightly as the room spins but Emma was getting used to the sensation.
Afterwards she grabs her phone and sees a message from her Mom
Eliza: Morning Sweetheart! Was wondering if you and Lena wanted to grab breakfast/brunch/lunch with me? Depending on what time you wake up of course!
Emma’s heart warms at how her Mom always wants to include Lena in their outings, which evidently, has started to dwindle. Emma glances at the time on her phone and sees it’s just gone 10:30am.
Emma: Yes please! Although it will be just me cause Lena has to work. 🥺
Where would you like to go? Do you want me to pick you up?
Due to everything happening Eliza had decided to rent an apartment that was close to the DEO and in a location that was in the middle of her daughter’s apartments. Emma was still impressed that her Mom managed to achieve all this in such a short time. But once her Mom’s mind was set on something, she went for it and no one would dare tell her to go back to Midvale.
Eliza: That’s a shame. How about that beach cafe you rave about so much?
Emma snorts at her Mom’s text.
Emma: Mom, I rave about a lot of beach cafés…
Eliza: Is that sarcasm I detect?
Emma: Noooo
Eliza: Anyway, you choose sweetheart, I am ready when you are. Just let me know when you are leaving.
Emma: Great! Give me 15 mins!
Emma quickly places her phone on the bed and races to the walk-in wardrobe, having had her shower the night before she waited for Lena to come home.
Suddenly the room spins and warps around her. Emma closes her eyes, waiting for the moment to pass. Thankfully it does and she continues her task. Choosing blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with gold stars on and a black hoodie. She stuffs her feet into black converses and grabs her phone, texting her Mom and places it into her messenger bag.
Emma: Just leaving now.
But as Emma heads for the door she notices a piece of paper on the island. Intrigued, she zips over, banging her knee into the corner of the unit. Unknowingly cracking the hard unit slightly.
‘Mother fucker!’ Emma’s mind screams as she rubs her knee before focusing on Lena’s handwriting.
‘Good Morning my love,
I’m sorry for leaving you like this but I have to go into work. I will hopefully be able to come to the bowling alley. If not, please apologise to Nia and give her a hug from me.
All my love, Lena x’
Emma lets out a voiceless sigh, she knew Lena was not in the apartment, but seeing the proof frustrates her. Disappointment in her girlfriend starts to creep in, she hopes Lena can make it to the bowling alley, not for her, but for Nia. Who has been bouncing around like a puppy with how much she was looking forward to spending time with the Superfriends to celebrate her birthday.
Due to Lena’s connections they’ve managed to hire a VIP private room with a few lanes, meaning once they are through the doors they don't need to have any face modifiers activated.
Because of Lena’s note, Emma grabs Nia’s birthday gifts and card, just in case Emma doesn’t return to the apartment before the party.
Her phone bleeps and Emma quickly takes it out as she exits the apartment.
Eliza: Okay Sweetheart! Drive safe!
Emma rolls her eyes at her Mom’s message and resists sending a sarcastic comment back. Instead she smiles down at her phone while she enters the elevator and activates her face modifier. She chooses a face with a beauty mark like Marilyn Monroe and she can’t help but pull a sexy pout while studying the new face in the mirror of the elevator.
Soon the doors open into the garage level and Emma approaches the L-Car, while mournfully staring at her bug. She gets into the car Lena designed for her and drives to her Mom’s apartment.
Eventually she pulls up outside Eliza’s building and finds her Mom is already waiting outside, with J’onn by her side. They haven’t noticed her arrival as they continue talking. Emma watches them with interest, noticing the smiles on their faces and how close they are standing while facing each other. Her eyes lower and widen at the realisation that they are holding hands.
Emma gets out her phone and records a short video of the pair interacting, zooming in on their joined hands before turning the camera on herself and raising an eyebrow. Immediately she sends the video to her sister’s group chat and another to Lena.
Emma: Morning love! Hope work is going okay? So… Picking up Mom for brunch and I’ve come across this… I don’t know how to feel… I want to squeal in happiness and simultaneously wretch! Oh Rao… We’re gonna have to give him the shovel talk aren’t we? 😬
Suddenly there is a knock on the passenger window, making Emma jump in her seat. Looking over she realises her Mom is standing by the door, waiting to be let in and Emma unlocks the door.
“Morning Sweetheart.” Eliza says while  sliding into the car and gives her youngest daughter a tight hug.
When they part, Emma looks around for J’onn.
“Oh he’s already left, doesn't want the shovel talk just yet.” Eliza jokes as she puts on her seat belt, Emma tilts her head, wondering how he would know that. “He heard your thoughts as you were messaging your sisters and Lena.”
Emma snorts and shakes her head, of course J’onn would have heard her. She  drives the car away from the pavement and back into the traffic. The pair stay in comfortable silence as they listen to the radio with Emma tapping along to the beat. Eliza has been learning some sign language but knows Emma won’t be able to communicate while driving the car.
About half an hour later they pull into a car park by a very long beach and Emma grabs her phone to communicate with her Mom. She sees multiple messages from her sisters but decides she will look at them later. Instead opening the notes app and writing a message out for her Mom.
‘Do you mind walking 20 minutes to the café? I can see if there are more spaces near it, but they are generally full.’
Emma shows her typed out words to her Mom.
“Of course sweetheart! I know I’m old, but I’m not that old!”
Emma shakes her head in amusement. Not liking the thoughts of how her Mom is growing older, that her blonde hair is getting lighter and more lines are appearing on her face.
As Eliza goes to pull the handle on the door Emma stops her, causing Eliza to look back at her daughter.
Emma circles her face, indicating she needs to engage her face modifier.
“Oh! Of course!” Eliza quickly taps her temple and her face morphs into another.
Emma silently sighs as they both get out of the car, hoping the face modifiers can be made obsolete soon. When Emma closes the door she stumbles slightly as the world spins but she manages to catch herself on the car. She looks over at her Mom, but luckily it seems like she doesn’t notice.
“So! Which way do we go?” Eliza asks as she links her arm with Emma. Her daughter points down to the path leading down to the beach and the pair walk in sync along the coast.
Both breathe in the salty sea air and enjoy watching the waves as they gently crash against the shore.
“I’ll never get over how beautiful the sea is.” Eliza comments and Emma nods in agreement. The colours were especially beautiful today, more turquoise than blue.
“Do you remember the amount of times you’d drag us down to the beach? How you wanted to go, even when it was raining?” Eliza smiles brightly at her daughter and Emma nods. Remembering the amount of pictures showing Alex and Jeremiah sat together while Emma enjoyed being in the sea. “And then once you found out about surfing, that was it! Your Dad and Alex put their foot down when you wanted to go all the time.”
Unable to respond Emma just smiles at the memories and the utter thrill she felt when she managed to catch her first wave. How her parents cheered and Alex tried to look unimpressed, but her eyes gave her away that she indeed was impressed and proud of her sister.
Eliza continues reminiscing as they walk towards the beach hut café Lena and Emma had gone to a few weeks ago.
“Oh this looks wonderful!” Eliza says as she steps through the door and follows Emma to a free table by the window. Eliza sits and takes in the beach decor of the cafe. The white walls and ceiling with the wooded furniture and beach elements in the decoration.
Emma grabs her phone and types out a message for her. ‘Yea Lena and I love it here.’
“I can see why.”
Their waitress comes over and greets them, handing them menus for them to look over.
“What drinks can I get ya?” The waitress pulls a pencil from behind her ear.
“Oh a pot of tea for me and-” Eliza looks over at Emma who points at an apple juice and a bottle of water.
“Great! I’ll get those for you and leave you to decide on y’all food.”
“Thank you.” Eliza watches the waitress go before turning back to her masked daughter. Who sits looking out of the window and even though her daughter’s face is hidden, Eliza can see something isn’t right “So, how are you sweetheart?”
Emma picks up her phone and starts typing.
‘I’m okay, nervous about the surgery but also excited. I miss talking to you.’
“And I miss hearing your voice.” Eliza reaches out and takes Emma’s hand. “But whatever happens I’ll be here to take care of you. Even if we need to go home and get some of that mountain air into you.”
Emma smiles at the thought of going back to Midvale. She goes to type her reponse when a message from Alex pops up.
Alex: Emma answer me!
Alarmed Emma opens their group chat and starts from the beginning of the thread where Emma sent the video.
Kara: Wait what?!
Alex: When did this happen?!
Emma snorts as she reads through the continuous back and forth between her two sisters as they try to piece together their Mom’s relationship with J’onn and how they felt about it. Ranging from many different emotions, Kara seemingly being more accepting, while Alex pleads Emma for more information and her location.
“Kara and Alex?” Eliza chuckles as she watches Emma’s expressions as she reads. Emma nods and grins back at her in confirmation.
Emma: Sorry I’m with Mom atm and didn’t see your hundreds of messages.
Kara: Where?
Emma: In a café ☕️
Alex: Which cafe?
Emma: Not telling 😜
Emma places her phone back on the table as the waitress comes over with the drinks. The pair order their food and Eliza can’t help but notice how Emma’s phone keeps lighting up.
“What’s that about?”
Emma hesitates but clicks on the video she recorded of her Mom and J’onn.
“Emma!” Eliza’s eyes widen as she watches. “Did you send that to your sisters?”
Emma nods guilty.
“Oh well.” Eliza takes a sip of her tea. “I did think you all already knew something, Sam and Lena seemed to have cotton on.”
Emma tilts her head and tries to remember any conversations she had with Lena about this topic. But she comes up empty.
“Oh what a surprise!” Eliza places her cup down and smiles over at the door.
Emma twists in her seat to see Alex rushing through the doorway with her phone in hand and Kara standing right behind her.
“Look! All I’m saying is that tracking Emma’s phone feels like an invasion of privacy.” Kara whispers as they move further into the cafe.
“She’s with Mom, it’s fine.” Alex snaps back and notices the table with two blondes. One beaming at her and the other looking confused. The redhead quickly marches over and sits next to, who she presumes, is Emma. Kara drops into the chair next to Eliza and straightens her glasses.
“What a nice surprise! I thought you said you were busy this morning?”
“Plans change.” Alex quips back.
“They sure do, are you joining us for brunch?”
“Do you want us to?” Kara looks directly at Emma, knowing they are taking her time away with Eliza. Emma nods and shrugs, signaling she was okay with it. “Okay, I’ll get some menus and drinks.”
“Make mine a scotch.” Alex calls after her and turns back to her Mom. “So, how long has it been going on?”
“Alex.” Eliza tiredly sighs. “We are just enjoying each other's company and supporting one another through this time.”
“But why him?” Alex asks in frustration.
“Why not him? We’ve been through so much together and I know he views you as his daughters.”
“Makes sense.” Kara places two mugs of coffee on the table and the menus. “The waitress will be over in a second and will bring our food out together.”
The table falls silent as Alex and Kara look over the menu while Emma’s eyes glance between her family, surprised by Alex’s simmering hostility.
The waitress comes back over and the sisters order. The waitress turns to go but pauses and turns back around. “I don't mean to be rude but aren't you Emma Danvers’ sisters?”
“Erm-” Kara’s eyes go wide when they realise their mistake of not activating the face modifiers.
“Don’t worry, we won’t say anything! It’s a pleasure! Also, when you see Emma, please tell her we miss her and look forward to serving her again.” The waitress beams at them before heading to the kitchen to process their order.
Touched by her comment Emma’s eyes begin to fill with tears and she looks out of the window at the sea to hide them from her family. But she misses the knowing expressions on their faces.
“So.” Alex clears her throat and focuses on her Mom. “Is it serious?”
“I would like it to be.” Eliza says honestly, making Emma wipe her face and turn back to look at her.
“But what about Dad?” The redhead says quietly, almost sounding vulnerable, as she crosses her arms over her chest.
“Alex, in some ways, I will always love your father, despite everything that happened. But he’s gone and we had spoken that if anything ever happened to either one of us we would want the other to move on. For a very long time I didn’t feel at all able to, but I’ve finally got to the stage where I finally feel like I can.”
Emma sucks in her bottom lip and reaches out for her Mom’s hand. She nods and gives her Mom an encouraging smile, giving her blessing on the matter.
“Thank you sweetheart.” Eliza places her other hand over her daughter’s.
“When did it start?” Kara asks, blinking at her family as if trying to make sense of it.
“For me, I’ve always-” Eliza pauses, trying to find the right words for her daughters. She feels Emma gently squeezing her hand in reassurance. Eliza takes a deep breath and continues. “I’ve always liked him, in either form.” A small, sweet smile plays across her lips, Emma mirrors it as she watches her Mom closely.
“But when did it start?” Alex asks sternly, causing both Kara and Emma to give her a hard look.
“Girls, it's fine.” Eliza lets go of Emma’s hand and motions for Alex to give her her hand. But Alex keeps her arms crossed. Eliza sighs before continuing. “The truth is, our relationship developed while you all were still in the DEO. I mean, everyone had been so kind and welcoming, Nia especially made sure I always had a drink or she’d give me these little cakes from the bakery I like. Brainy, bless him, seemed at times unable to process what he was feeling. At one point I came into the lab and he was just so-” Eliza lifts her hands and motions them forward to emphasise the words. “Angry. I held him as he wept for the three of you. In some ways I fell into the Mom role for all of them. Sam likes to think she was the Mom too, but there were times I had to remind her to take care of herself.”
“And then there was J’onn. He saw the pain I was in and was the one who held me, told me that everything was going to be alright and we’d get through it together.” Eliza’s eyes mist over with tears. “For the first time, in a long time, I felt safe as he held me in his arms and the feelings we have for each other grew. We understood each other, our pain at our daughters' situations and the love between us grew.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Kara asks curiously.
“It wasn’t really the right time.” Eliza’s mind shoots back to when Kara and Alex had been imprisoned in their cells. The hatred burning in their glowing red eyes and the agony within Emma’s bloodshot ones.
“Or after that?” Alex asks, trying to process what she is feeling.
“Maybe, selfishly, I wanted to have this to myself for a while. Because I knew you’d react this way.”
Alex’s nostrils flare and she leans forward. “Well maybe if you had been honest in the first place-”
Emma’s hand on her arm cuts her off and she turns to angrily glare at her.
“No, Em! Mom should have told us.”
“You’re right.” Eliza’s words make her daughters’ heads snap to her. “I should have told you, but I didn’t. However, now you know.”
“Please Alex, Mom deserves to be happy.” Emma pleads.
“I agree.” Kara softly says and places her hand on Eliza’s shoulder.
Before Alex can say anything the waitress comes over with their food. They start eating with the tension simmering between them.
“I’m sorry.” Alex murmurs quietly, her head down as she cuts her food.
“I know.” Eliza reaches across the table and takes Alex’s hand “And I am too. I know how much you still love your Dad and that will never change.”
Emma places her hand on Alex’s arm, completely understanding what her sister was feeling but also wanting her Mom to be happy.
“Soo, talking of love.” Kara begins, trying to steer the subject away from Eliza but soon loses her nerves as three pairs of eyes focus on her. “Erm-”
“Someone caught your eye?” Emma signs and raises an eyebrow at her sister.
“Maybe.” Kara giggles shyly.
“Who?” Alex widens her eyes slightly. “That new guy working with James?”
“What new guy working with James?!” Emma signs to both of her sisters and looks at her Mom in disbelief.
“His name is Benvolio Rossi, Ben for short, he was named after his Grandpa who migrated over from Italy and Ben moved here a few months from New York. I saw him around the office but didn’t talk to him until recently. Well, Nia kind of pushed me over to him and we ended up chatting, flirting and getting coffee.” A shy, beaming smile grows on Kara’s face.
“Picture?!” Emma signs excitedly and claps her hands.
“Okay!” Kara pulls out her phone and goes onto Ben’s facebook profile. “Here he is.” She turns the phone around.
“Eh.” Alex shrugs half heartedly and shoves in a mouthful of food.
“Alex!” Kara yells at her sister.
“What I’m a lesbian! Man things don’t do it for me.”
Emma snorts and motions Kara for her phone, so she can look at the picture properly. She tilts her head as she studies his face, feeling a sense of familiarity as she looks at him.
His olive skin glowed in the sun and his face was chiseled and handsome with shiny black hair, groomed stubble and warm brown eyes.
“Em?” Kara asks, intrigued by the curious expression on her sister's face. Emma hands the phone to Eliza who also wants to look.
“Oh he’s handsome.” Eliza exclaims. “Wow!”
“Yea.” Kara says with a goofy smile. “But-” Kara turns back to Emma. “Why were you looking at the picture like that?”
“I feel like I’ve met him before. Was he press at the gigs?”
“Well he does everything but, yea, I imagine he would have been at some of your gigs.”
“Cool! What’s he like?”
The conversations soon flow onto Kara’s new crush as the Danvers eat their meal.
-- -- --
Time passes and the family realise they need to be leaving soon to get to Nia’s bowling birthday party.
“Shall we go together?” Emma signs as they exit the cafe.
“Sure.” Alex says and holds out her hand for the keys. “But I’m driving.”
Emma looks at her scandalised and backs away from her eldest sister. “Excuse me?! I’m a better driver than you!”
Alex stalks her as Kara and Eliza link arms, trailing behind them and chatting amongst themselves.
“Don’t be so ridiculous! I’ve been trained-”
“Whoop de doo!” Emma holds her hands up.
“I can’t believe you actually just signed that!”
Emma shrugs. “Are you forgetting that I had two minors on my driving test and you had fourteen?! I still wonder how you managed to convince that poor man of passing you.” Emma signs cheekily and quickly lifts her top slightly with a raised eyebrow and sticks her tongue out to the side.
“Oh now you’ve done it!” Alex yells and Emma immediately turns around and runs after seeing the spark in her sister’s eyes.
“Run Emma!” Kara yells as Alex chases after her, both laughing as Emma dodges her attempts at catching her.
“Those two.” Eliza chuckles and shakes her head as she watches her daughters jump down onto the beach, sand flying everywhere from their chase.
Eliza turns her head to look at Kara, who watches her blonde and redheaded sisters with a big grin and laughs along with them.
“So, Ben, does he know anything?”
“No.” Kara says quickly. “I mean, there was one incident.”
“Okay, maybe four.” Kara admits and quickly continues talking. “But they were completely out of my control and I don’t think he knows anything.”
“Does Alex know about these ‘incidences’?”
They both look over and watch as finally Alex manages to grab a hold of Emma while the blonde slips on a sand mound and Alex jumps on her back, wrapping her arms around Emma’s shoulders.
“Onward valet steed!” Alex yells and points at the path.
Emma blows out a breath of amusement and trots back up to Kara and her Mom, glad that she could take Alex’s weight.
“How far away is the car?” Alex asks her Mom with a grin.
“Well after you're messing about, probably ten minutes.”
“Ah kay. Peanut let me down.”
Emma answers by shaking her head as she starts walking and tightening her grip on Alex’s thighs.
“Em-ma!” Alex laughs as Emma picks up her speed and runs further down the path.
-- -- --
Soon the Danvers are pulling into the carpark outside of the massive bowling alley and Emma can’t help but feel excitement as she gets out of the L-Car.
She quickly double checks everyone has their face modifiers activated, which Emma can’t wait to deactivate when they enter their private room.
“Ready?” Eliza says, smiling at her daughters.
“Yup!” Kara bounces on her toes and grins happily.
When they approach the doors Emma winces at the overwhelming sound of the bowling balls slamming the pins.
‘Why’s it so loud?’ Emma thinks but tries to hide her discomfort from her family. The blonde zeros in on Kara who also looks slightly pained. Emma then focuses on Kara’s glasses and realises the damper isn’t turned on. Reaching over she presses the hidden button to turn them on and Kara visibly deflates in relief.
“Thanks Em.” Kara breathes out.
“You’re welcome.” Emma signs and wishes there was a similar device for humans as she can’t help but flinch when they enter the building.
“Hello ladies!” A man greets them at the desk.
“Hi! We’re here for Princess Leia’s birthday party.” Alex informs the clerk with the hidden codename, who nods and waves over one of his colleagues.
“My colleague here will escort you to your room. Have a great time!”
“Thanks!” Kara squeals happily and follows the clerk up towards some stairs that are roped off and being guarded by security personnel.
Emma raises her eyebrow slightly at Alex as they pass them. Knowing they were Lena’s doing to make sure no members of the public will intrude on the Superfriends and messing with Emma’s timeline of recovery.
The most recent post to Emma’s social media accounts were of staged physiotherapy sessions, showing Emma slowly walking between the rails. So to have any other photos of Emma moving around more freely would cause a media frenzy that no one wanted to face.
Lucy had sent strict instructions to all the Superfriends that photos can be taken but they will have to wait to be posted.
“Here we are!” The clerk leads them to the doors where another security guard is standing by. “Shoes should already be in there plus many different balls for you to choose from.”
Emma lets out two quick breaths of laughter, causing Eliza to tap her shoulder in disapproval. Which makes both Alex and Kara chuckle while they walk through the doors.
Once inside the room Emma turns around and signs with a smirk on her face. “Balls!” Making her sisters laugh louder.
“You’re here!” Nia rushes over to them and flings her arms around Kara. “Isn’t this amazing?!”
Emma looks past Nia and has to agree, the room was an upgraded version to the main area downstairs. It almost looked brand new and was filled with tables of food and drink.
“Kara, save some for later.” Eliza instructs in a motherly tone as Kara makes her way over to the feast.
“O-kay.” Kara pouts and rushes over to grab their shoes instead.
“Oh! And Emma?” Nia beams at the blonde when their eyes connect. “Please disengage your face mask immediately!”
Emma nods and taps her temple. The Superfriends cheer and immediately Emma enjoys the freeing feeling on her face when the modifier disappears.
“That’s sooo much better!” Nia opens her arms wide and Emma beams at the brunette while she gives her a hug. When they pull apart Emma notices that her family have disengaged theirs too.
But then Emma’s eyes search around the room for Lena.
‘Where is she?’ Emma worries when she can’t find her girlfriend.
“Sam said Lena was right behind her, so she should be here any minute.” J’onn answers and takes an apprehensive step towards the blonde.
‘Hi J’onn.’ Emma thinks coolly, her smile fades as she crosses her arms and sizes him up.
J’onn hesitates for a moment until Emma’s face breaks out into a grin and she holds her arms out to him.
‘Come here!’ Emma’s mind happily yells out.
J’onn laughs in relief and wraps her in a bear hug.
‘But seriously though, you hurt my Mom and I will hunt you down! Even if you go back to Mars or something!’ Emma threatens while still in his arms.
“I promise I won’t hurt her.” J’onn whispers gently in her ear.
‘Pinky.’ Emma demands, stepping back and holding out her pinky finger.
“I pinky promise.” J’onn says seriously and wraps his big pinky finger around Emma’s.
“What you pinky promising about?” Kara asks as she bounds over to them to give J’onn a hug.
“Well, that I won’t hurt your mother.”
“Yea cause if you do I will fling you into the sun!” Kara says seriously and Alex comes to stand by her side.
“Or I kill you with said pinky.” Alex threatens while drinking a beer.
“Alex!” Emma signs and rolls her eyes at the bottle.
“What?! It’s my day off and it's past lunch time!”
Emma shakes her head and goes to collect her bowling shoes. She frowns when the only pairs left are her and Lena’s.
Reaching into her bag Emma pulls her phone out and still sees no messages from her girlfriend.
“So, shall we wait a little longer or get started? We have the room for five more hours, meaning plenty of games of bowling.” Brainy asks everyone as he rubs his hands together. Allowing his feelings of glee to come through.
“Yea, why don’t we start and we can always bowl for Lena until she arrives.” Nia smiles at everyone and races over to the scoring computer to input everyone's names. Kara follows her as they debate whether to use their real names or make nicknames up for everyone.
“If she comes.” Sam mutters under her breath as she angrily pulls her phone out. Both Kara and Emma turn their heads to stare at her in confusion, not quite believing what they heard. Surely Lena wouldn’t miss this?
“Emma, have you chosen a ball yet?” Lucy asks, making Emma jump by her sudden appearance.
The blonde shakes her head and goes over to the rack where the bowling balls are kept.
Emma looks for a ten pound bowling ball, the kind she normally uses and finds a cool looking purple and black one. Emma reaches down and prepares herself to pick it up, not wanting to twinge a muscle for not lifting the heavy ball properly.
Only when Emma puts her fingers through the holes and pulls, she overcompensates, hitting herself in the chest and crashes backwards onto the floor with the ball in her lap.
“Em?!” Alex’s voice shouts as she rushes over to Emma, still sat dazed on the floor, with Sam right behind her. “Are you okay?”
Emma nods, feeling a bit shocked and embarrassed. A blush starts colouring her cheeks as the Superfriends turn to look at her in concern.
“I’m fine. Just being clumsy.” Emma signs, trying to laugh it off and goes to get up.
“Here.” Alex grabs the bowling ball and holds it while Sam helps Emma up.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sam asks, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studies the blonde’s face.
Emma gulps but nods that she was indeed okay. “Just embarrassed for causing a scene.”
“Alright.” Sam nods as well before smiling and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Ready to be beaten Danvers?”
Emma snorts and kicks her leg up behind them to hit Sam’s butt.
“Hey!” Sam yells and does it back to Emma. The blonde lets out a heavy breath of voiceless laughter.
Alex grins and shakes her head while she places Emma’s ball on the rack by the ball return and laughs at her girlfriend. “I think Em was saying no.”
“Are we bowling as teams or individuals?” James asks as he goes to pick up his bowling ball and looks up at the screen with the names on.
On team one: Nia is Dreamgirl, Brainy is Brainakins, Kara is Glasses, Emma is Stargirl, Sam is Hotmama and Lena is Irish babe.
On team two: James is He-man, Winn is Futureboy, Eliza is Aurora, J’onn is Martitan, Alex is Director of Sass and Lucy is Army Green.
“Why not both?” Eliza offers and smiles when she sees the name she has been given. “See which lane is better but also amongst ourselves in general?”
“I like that idea.” J’onn agrees.
“Of course you would.” Alex grunts before taking a swig of her beer. Only to splutter when Emma digs her elbow into her side.
“Nia? You’re first up on our team!” Kara points at the screen and everyone cheers. Emma claps her hands loudly to make enough noise. “Go Dreamgirl!”
“And remember, no powers!” Lucy orders from the stool by the computer and picks up James’ camera to take some photos.
“Yes ma’am.” Nia nods as she grabs her ball.
“You ready Dreamgirl?” James playfully taunts Nia.
“Bring it He-Man!” Nia grins back at him while lining herself up.
They both go at the same time and the game begins. Laughter, whoops and cheers fill the room as pins crash to the floor.
Kara completely misses on her first try due to the red sun dampers.
“I can put the rails up if you want?” Lucy jokes cheekily.
“No thanks, just need to get used to it.” Kara huffs out and shakes her hands. Her second attempt was much better and Emma claps loudly for her.
Next it was Emma’s turn and she makes sure not to overcompensate this time when she picks the ball up.
“Go Emma!” Lucy cheers and the blonde gets herself into position and aims.
Emma takes a few deep breaths and steps forward, releasing the ball at the lowest point. It shoots from her hand like a cannonball and knocks down all the pins.
Emma jumps up and down in excitement and the Superfriends cheer loudly behind her.
“Well done sweetheart!” Eliza pulls her into a hug. “Just how Dad taught you.”
Emma nods and goes back to sit down. Her eyes flick to the door, wishing Lena had seen her first strike. Naturally her hand reaches for her phone. She silently sighs when there are no messages or responses from her girlfriend.
Emma: Hi Lee, guess what?! I just did a strike! Your name is on the board, so you can start playing when you get here ❤️
Emma also takes a photo of Sam about to play her shot to send to Lena. Hoping this will cause some kind of response.
But her phone doesn’t bleep, causing Emma to run a hand through her hair.
“Hey, I’m sure she’s okay.” Alex notices Emma’s concern and tries to reassure her. But also looks over at Kara, silently communicating with her. Kara nods and gets up to bowl.
“Alex?” J’onn pulls the redhead’s attention away from Emma. “It’s your turn.”
“Yea! Go Director of Ass!” Sam winks at her girlfriend, causing Alex's cheeks to blush.
It soon gets to Lena’s name and everyone allows Nia to take Lena’s go and do her own.
They play seven more frames and when it gets to Lena’s name again everyone pauses.
“Kara? Do you wanna have another go instead?” Nia asks, trying not to show her disappointment.
“Er, sure! But please excuse me, I’m going to use the bathroom.” Kara squeezes out of the booth and rushes to the door leading to the restrooms.
Emma doesn't think anything of it until the door opens again and Emma turns her head to see a wind swept Lena walking in front of Kara. Emma's eyes move up and down her girlfriend’s body and takes in Lena’s fitted maroon coloured dress with black high heels.
Their eyes connect and they both feel a rush of giddiness.
“Finally!” Sam shouts as she places her hands on her hips, cutting off their moment as Lena’s eyes snap to her best friend. Causing everyone else to look over to where Sam was looking.
“Lena!” Nia squeals and rushes over to the raven haired beauty.
“Sorry Nia.” Lena apologises while they hug.
“Don’t worry about it. Contracts blurgh!” Nia gags and giggles.
“Exactly!” Lena laughs and follows Nia into the booth. She immediately sits next to Emma and kisses her lips. “Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up love.”
Emma shrugs and flattens parts of Lena’s hair that's still a bit messy from her flight over, making her girlfriend laugh.
“Thanks!” Lena chuckles and looks up at the names on the scoreboard. “I’m guessing your Stargirl?” Emma nods proudly. “Wow love. You’ve got a strike on almost every go?”
“I know?! I don’t know how.” Emma signs happily. “I even managed with a heavier ball!” Although for Emma it didn’t feel much heavier, even though it was meant to be six pounds heavier.
“Well your arms are getting more toned.” Lena nudges her shoulder into Emma’s. She had noticed Emma’s body changing and put it down to the running and weight training Emma is doing to fill her time.
A familiar twinge of regret hits Lena’s stomach at how busy she has been lately. ‘It won’t be forever.’ Lena thinks, trying to reassure herself.
Lena breaks her out of her thoughts by Emma flexing her arm and raising an eyebrow at Lena, causing a rich laugh to burst out from the raven haired beauty’s lips.
This heavenly sound makes Emma’s heart flutter and she beams sweetly at the woman she loves.
“Lena? It’s your go. Unless you want me to take it for you?” Kara asks and points at the scoreboard.
“Oh sorry!” Lena apologises and looks up at the board. “Who chose Irish Babe?” She laughs as Kara and Nia point at each other. “Right, I better get my ball and shoes.” Lena places her hand on Emma’s thigh and goes to stand up, but Emma takes her hand, stopping her from moving.
“I got them for you.” Emma pulls them up from under the bench and hands the shoes to Lena. “Also I got you a size eight ball but there is also a nine if you’d rather use that one.”
“Thanks love.” Lena places a gentle kiss on Emma’s lips. After she immediately kicks her heels off and goes to put her shoes on. Suddenly a pair of neon lime green socks appear in front of her face. “You think these socks go with this outfit?” Lena questions Emma who pouts out her lips and nods.
“I mean the shoes go exquisitely as well!” Emma signs, making Lena chuckle and puts them on anyway. Everyone wolf whistles when she gets up to bowl making Lena break out in a huge smile.
“Looking mighty fine there Luthor!” Sam hollers in a southern accent, causing everyone to burst out laughing and Lena to stare back at Sam in a mock glare.
Lena bowls and manages to get a spare. Emma claps enthusiastically when the last pin tumbles to the ground.
Lena smiles as she heads back into the booth, giving everyone high fives. Sitting down she snuggles into Emma, who wraps an arm around her waist and they watch the Superfriends bowl. Lena cheers along with everyone and takes a few deep breaths. Ridding herself of her work anxiety that had no place in the bowling alley.
They play a few more games before having a break to eat.
“Finally!” Kara yells dramatically and zooms over to the table. Emma is sure that if the sun red dampers weren’t on, Kara would have flown over.
“Kara!” Both Alex and Eliza yell in disapproval at Kara running to get the food.
“Sorry! I’m just hungry!” Kara whines while piling the food on her plate.
“Hey! Leave some for us Kara!” Winn calls across to her, making Kara squint her eyes at him.
The Superfriends get their food and sit together at a table set out for them and eat. Laughing and chatting about anything and everything. James takes a few photos before Lucy takes the camera off him to give him a chance to eat.
“Hey Lena! Em!” Lucy positions herself across from the couple and aims the camera.
The girlfriends smile widely at her and wrap an arm around each other's waist.
“Beautiful!” Lucy comments and keeps taking pictures as Lena kisses Emma’s cheek and the blonde beams at the camera. Emma turns her head and softly kisses Lena’s lips.
“Hey hey! Keep it under the R rating please!” Lucy says seriously and Emma flips her off.
A few of the Superfriends laugh and Emma smirks at Lena before pressing their foreheads together. They both close their eyes and breath deeply in.
Soon mostly everyone has finished eating and Brainy stands.
“Shall we play some more games?” Brainy asks, looking around at his friends.
“Yes please!” Nia squeals and runs back to the booth. Everyone follows other than Winn and James.
Emma and Lena sit close together and Emma goes to take a sip from her cup.
Suddenly the lights go off, causing Emma to violently jump, spilling her drink down her top.
“Happy-” Winn starts singing and everyone else joins in as he brings the cake over with lit candles. “Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Nia! Happy birthday to you!”
Emma tries to smile as everyone sings, instead she lets out a long, heavy breath. She jumps again as Lena places a comforting hand on her thigh.
“Sorry love.” Lena whispers into her ear as the lights come back on.
“Emma! What happened to you?!” James laughs as he notices Emma’s wet, brown t-shirt.
Emma shrugs and looks down embarrassed. Missing the glares some of the Superfriends send to James. Lena grabs some napkins and tries to dry the worst of it.
“Who wants some yummy cake!” Lucy claps to draw the attention away from the blonde and goes to get the knife.
“Oo me!” Kara raises a hand and bounces in her seat like a nine year old kid.
“I’m sure the question was rhetorical Kar.” Alex snorts in amusement.
“Yea, but I want cake.” Kara shrugs with a grin.
Emma tries to smile as well but she finds herself rocking slightly as she tries to calm her racing heart.
“You’re okay.” Lena's calming voice whispers into her ear. “You’re safe. You’re with me and people who love you. Nothing bad is going to happen.”
Emma nods, resting her head on Lena’s shoulder and nuzzles into her neck. Trying to seek comfort and feel safe.
If the Superfriends notice they don’t say anything about it or draw attention to Emma, leaving Lena to help Emma though her trigger as they share the cake around.
When Emma sits back up, looking less pale, Nia hands their plates with pieces of cake over.
“Thank you.” Emma signs gratefully and digs in, trying not to focus on her embarrassment at what happened.
Once the food is eaten and cleared away the bowling begins again. Although the group of friends are not as quick as before but still as competitive.
“Seriously Emma!” Lucy yells when Emma does another perfect strike. “You need to show me your technique or something.”
Emma holds her hands up in surprise and just motions her bowling.
“Nah I’m not fooling around anymore with this ‘I can’t bowl’ act!”
Emma can’t help but voicelessly laugh at Lucy’s competitive side making itself known.
“Ooo, she’s laughing at you Luc.” Alex grins at her sister.
Emma holds her hands up again in surrender at Lucy’s enraged face.
“Hey relax.” Kara tries to soothe the brunette down and rubs her back affectionately. “It’s all about the fun of playing.”
A few nod but suddenly everyone bursts out laughing and continues for a while. The Superfriends never play just for the fun of it. Mostly everyone in the group are extremely competitive.
“Good one Kara!” Winn wipes the tears from his cheeks.
-- -- --
Finally they complete their last game and Emma is the clear winner. Although she is still very confused at how she managed it but takes the praise.
The food and cake is distributed into takeaway boxes and the Superfriends say their goodbyes and birthday love to Nia. With Emma and Lena being the first to leave.
“Do you need a ride?” Emma signs to Alex.
“No, Sam is- I’m, er, going with Sam.” Alex stutters and goes a bit red as she smiles shyly. Causing Emma to smirk and shake her head.
“Yea, my director of ass.” Sam whispers into her girlfriend's ear.
This makes Emma snort and sign at her sister. “Use protection.” Emma winks.
“Protection? Protection from what?” Kara asks after watching Emma’s hands.
Emma snorts loudly again but Lena drags her away before she can hear anyone's responses.
“Modifier.” Lena yawns before they go through the door and waves farewell to everyone. Emma taps her temple, shivering slightly as the mask crawls across her face.
The couple walk down the stairs hand in hand and out into the evening air. Emma leads her girlfriend to the L-Car and opens the passenger door for her.
“Thanks love.” Somehow, despite her exhaustion, Lena still slides gracefully into the car, even with her drooping eyelids.
Emma gets into the driver's seat and leans over to plug her girlfriend in. A hum of acknowledgement leaves Lena’s lips and her eyes finally close.
Emma can’t help but smile at how cute she looks and turns the electric engine on to head for home.
-- -- --
In no time at all they are pulling into their space under the apartment building. Lena looks like she’s already in a deep sleep and Emma wonders if she can carry her up to their apartment.
Remembering how easy it was to piggyback Alex, Emma decides to go for it. She quietly unplugs Lena’s seatbelt and gets out of the driver's side. Emma quickly goes to Lena’s side and carefully opens the passenger door, hoping Lena wouldn’t fall out, but thankfully she hasn’t moved.
Leaning down Emma attentively runs her right arm under Lena’s legs and her left under her back. She manages to lift Lena and the bag of food, carrying her girlfriend bridal style out of the car. Carefully she heads for the elevator, thankfully that the L-Car locks automatically when the keyholder walks far enough away from the car.
Somehow she manages to press the button to call the elevator and again for the penthouse apartment.
‘Nice one Emma!’ She praises herself and kisses Lena’s head when the doors close.
However, once the elevator doors slide open, Emma voicelessly groans. She exits the elevator, debating what to do to unlock the door and open it.
“You know you could just put me down?” Lena says sleepily as she blinks her eyes open.
‘Of course you're awake!’ Emma rolls her eyes and gazes down at her girlfriend.
“Well?” Lena asks with a yawn, waiting to be put down.
“Get my key.” Emma mouths, causing Lena to squint up at her.
“Get your key?” Lena says back and Emma nods. “Where is it?”
Lena reacts down to Emma’s messenger bag by her side.
“You know this would be a lot quicker if you just put me down.”
Emma shrugs and grins happily, liking the sensation of holding Lena close.
“Got it!” Lena pulls it out and stretches for the lock. Emma moves a bit forward to make it easier for her. “Thanks love.” Lena yawns out again and unlocks the door, partly opening it.
Emma kicks it open fully and manages to step through before it swings back.
“Impressive.” Lena chuckles while nuzzling into Emma’s chest and closing her eyes.
Emma lets out a voiceless laugh and carries Lena into the bathroom.
“No, just dump me on the bed!” Lena whines but doesn’t complain when Emma places her feet on the tiled floor and pulls her dress up and underwear down. “Ooo kinky.” Lena says seductively while cracking an eye open as Emma guides her onto the toilet.
Emma shakes her head with a smile at Lena’s comment and goes to grab Lena’s pajamas and a fresh pair of underwear.
She hears the flush and Lena whining out her name.
‘Le-na!’ Emma yells back in her head but she quickly makes her way back to her girlfriend, who was sleepily brushing her teeth.
Emma closes the lid on the toilet and places Lena’s clothes on top, Lena watches her every move and as Emma begins to sign. “We are staying in bed tomorrow. No excuses!”
Lena clears her mouth and places her toothbrush back on the counter. “Bed all day? Lucky me.” Lena says sultry and lifts an eyebrow.
Emma rolls her eyes. “Not like that you bad girl.”
“Hmm but you’d want me to be your bad girl huh?” Lena slowly tilts her head and leans in, kissing Emma’s lips slowly and passionately. Emma could taste the fresh mint of the toothpaste on Lena’s tongue.
But Lena soon breaks the kiss, closes her bloodshot eyes and rests her weary head on Emma’s shoulder.
Emma carefully bends down and grabs the clothes so she can place Lena back on the toilet lid. She lovingly changes Lena’s clothes and kisses any exposed skin that she comes across, making Lena hum and smile.
Once Lena is changed Emma reaches down and picks her up again. Attentively carrying her over to their bed. Next she pulls the covers back and carefully places Lena on the bed and tucks her in.
Lena hums sleepily in approval but doesn’t open her eyes or makes any other movement or noise. Seemingly falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Emma smiles down at her sadly and kisses her forehead.
“Hope, dim the lights to the lowest setting.” Emma signs to the AI before reentering the bathroom to get herself ready for bed.
After she’s brushed her teeth and hair, dressed in her tank top and shorts, Emma quietly tiptoes back into the bedroom. The corner of her lip pulls up when she can hear Lena softly snoring.
When she reaches her side of the bed Emma carefully pulls the covers back and slowly gets into bed. Trying desperately not to jostle Lena.
“Hope, lights out.” Emma signs once she’s settled.
The lights slowly fade and the window dim to blackout.
Emma swallows as she turns towards Lena, listening to her steady breaths as she sleeps. Almost becoming Emma’s lullaby when her own eyes slowly grow heavy and close.
(Part Thirty Three)
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davidobitch · 4 years
Traditions | Timothee Chalamet
okay so I’m well aware I don’t ever write for Timothee Chalamet but I really wanted to write this and it didn’t seem fitting for anyone else I usually write about?? I hope you like it even though the timing is like...18 days late...oops
I didn’t proof read this so my apologies if it sounds like a 5th grader wrote it. 
anything written in italics is the past! enjoy xx
3 years. 156 weeks. 1,095 days.
That’s how long you’ve spent with Timothee. You love him with everything you have inside you but things haven’t been okay lately, not for the past year almost. Neither of you wanted this to be ‘right person, wrong time’. You both tried to fight for your relationship to work out and go back to how things used to be...but that was up until last month.
Timothee has been busy with his movies and you’ve been busy with your business. With the year coming to an end, you both and to get everything done before the new year. You tried not to think that this was the end. You kept telling yourself that it was only for this month then you and Timothee could go back to working everything out. But part of you knew that maybe this really was the end.
You were just getting home from a launch party when Timothee was getting ready to leave.
“Hi,” you said quietly, dropping your purse on the table, “Another shoot?” you kept your eyes on your boyfriend, watching him go over his mental checklist of everything he needed.
Timothee nodded his head, turning in circles looking for what was probably his keys. You glanced behind him, seeing them in the other room on the coffee table.
Passing by him, Timothee followed you with his eyes hoping you weren’t walking away from him without a goodbye. He heard his keys jingle in your shot and let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you,” he breathed out, standing in front of you. His hand lingered on yours, letting his fingers trace your bones.
“Promise me you’ll be back tonight?” your stare was fixed on your intertwined hands, not wanting him to let go.
Timothee squeezed your hand before pulling away, “Of course. You know I’ll be here.”
You and Timothee always threw a New Years Eve party, it was something both of you looked forward to each year.
He gave you a quick kiss before leaving the house, letting silence seep through the walls. It hasn’t been long since you started staying at Timothee’s daily. It’s only been a year, if that, which ironically is when everything started going wrong in the relationship. Coincidence? Probably, but you refused to believe that. Most nights you couldn’t help but wonder if you moving in was the reason you guys started fighting almost weekly.
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you started picking up around the place, wanting the house to be spotless by tonight.
You have sent Timothee countless texts reminding him what time people will be over and last minute things he needed to buy. It’s been three hours and you haven’t heard back from him. You assumed he was just getting caught up in shooting or discussing work stuff, but when another three hours passed by with no call or texts, you had a bad feeling he was bailing out tonight.
You texted Timmy again, another reminder of what time to be home and asking him to pick up the rest of the party stuff for you. You begged him not to be late tonight, or even just not show up at all. Time was slowly running out and you decided to just run out and buy everything yourself. On the verge of tears, you called Timothee and to your dismay...it went straight to voicemail. You tried holding in your cries as you left him yet another message, telling him tonight was make or break the relationship. It was either he shows up by midnight or you pack your bags tomorrow morning and move out. You didn’t care anymore as you let your feelings out fully for the first time in months.
You needed the drive home to clear your head and gather yourself before having to pretend your relationship is perfect.
It was just barely 9pm and you still had to hurry up and be ready by 10. You called a couple friends to come over early to help finish setting up so you can shower and look presentable.
“Thank you guys so much,” you said as you entered the kitchen where your friends were arranging the cups and drinks, “T’s been so caught up at work today. I just- I love you guys.”
“We love you of course,” your friend, Ashley says as she grabs a bottle of tequila and 3 glasses, “To a new year,” she says, raising her glass.
“To a new year,” you and your other friend say in unison.
The liquid burns as it travels down your throat, warming your entire body. You took another shot before going back to finish getting ready.
You picked out your best little black dress, wanting Timothee to see what he’s losing if he decides to not show up tonight. Your hair was curled, your face was glammed up, and you were ready to black out everything tonight.
You finished just in time for all your’s and Timothee’s friends to show up, letting the night begin.
You were about 5 tequila shots and 3 drinks in when the clock hit 11:45. You checked your phone seeing you had no calls or texts from your boyfriend. You were losing hope with every passing second and you didn’t care to hide it anymore.
You were on the balcony with your friends when your mouth started to ramble. “T isn’t coming tonight. Or at least I don’t think he is. He’s been gone for the past 15 hours and I’m pretty sure we’re breaking up tonight. Fuck we should’ve broken up a year ago. You know nothing has been the same since I moved in?” You took another drink before continuing, silently hoping your friends would cut you off any second now, “We haven’t had sex in god knows how long. I don’t get to see him for longer than 4 minutes a day. We tried so hard to make things work which was such a bullshit move.” You let out a shaky breath, knowing you were a couple words away from crying and that was the last thing you wanted to do tonight. Finishing off your drink, you closed your eyes and let the night breeze calm you down.
“We see more than you think, y/n,” Ashley says, pouring half of her cup into yours, “We just don’t say anything. You know we love you and we will continue to support you no matter what you choose to do.”
“And don’t give up on Timmy not coming just yet. He still has 5 minutes!” you sip on your drink, trying to remain optimistic. Olivia’s right, he still has time..but if he hasn’t showed up in the past 5 hours, he’s not going to in the next 5 minutes.
“I really thought he was the one, y’know?” you mutter into your cup, watching the liquid swish from side to side.
Your friends wrap their arms around you, pulling you in for a group hug. “Come on, let’s do a couple shots before the ball drops.” Olivia pulls you back inside and to the kitchen, placing 2 shot glasses in front of each of you.
“Cheers to 2021. A year of new beginnings and more memories than we will remember!” Ashley yells, bringing her glass up.
11:58. You knocked one of the shots back, allowing it to fog your brain.
“Cheers to y/n, for being the toughest bitch we know,” Olivia shouts as she raises her glass, you and Ashlet following her actions.
11:59. Another shot down.
You glanced around the room as there was 30 seconds left in the year. No tall, lanky, brown haired boy in sight. You wanted to cry and scream and run out of the house but instead, you grabbed the bottle of vodka and made your way to the balcony.
You caught your friends attention, shaking your head as if to tell them you’re fine but not to follow you. The glass door slid shut behind you as everyone started counting down.
“Kiss me tonight,” you boldly said to Timothee, “None of our friends are single. We’re the only losers who have nobody. So be my new year’s kiss.” The first new year’s eve you and Timmy spent together. Your first year of being friends.
“Are you going to force me into kissing you again?” Timothee jokes as he comes up behind you, almost causing you to spill your drink from scaring you.
“First of all, you can’t creep up on a girl like that!” you swatted at his chest before taking a sip of your drink, “Second of all, I didn’t force you to do anything.” Everyone around you was counting down, “Third of all,” just as the clock hit 12:00, you pulled Tim’s face to your level, gently pressing your lips to his, “absolutely.”
You had spent the entire night by Timothee’s side. This was your first year spending New Years with just him and his hometown friends. You felt lost without your usual crew bullying you into kissing Timmy for another year. “What do you say we do this every year,” Timothee nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, placing light kisses on your skin.
You let out a giggle, confused at his choice of words, “T we do this every year already,” you turned around to face him, your hands playing with the bottom of his shirt.
“No I mean as a couple. I want you to be my girlfriend,”
“I love you,” Timothee drunkenly yelled in your ear, causing a bright smile to spread across your face.
“You’re drunk, baby,” you rolled your eyes. Neither of you have said the L word before and this wasn’t the way you expected it to happen.
“Maybe, but I don’t want to spend another year not telling you every day.”
“Timmy!” you yelled over the music, wrapping your arms around his waist, “You have 5 seconds to kiss me or I’m finding another boy!” you giggled as Timothee turned around in your arms, grabbing your face and pulling you into him just as the new year hit.
You were crowded into a small corner of your friends kitchen, having been forced to spend the night with them instead of your boyfriend. Timothee was out in New York for a photoshoot and couldn’t make it home in time for your “tradition”.
“I wish you were here,” you mumbled, making a pouty face at your phone screen, “Now I have to kiss Ashley this year and that’s not fun!” You yelled, hoping she would hear you from across the way. You changed your camera to face here, showing Timothee her middle finger in the air, “See, she’s mean. And so are you for not being here.”
Your eyes wandered to the time on the stove clock, seeing as it just hit midnight.
“Happy new year, baby,” Timothee says. You look down at your phone screen to see the facetime was over. Confused as to how the call ended but you could still hear his voice, you glanced up at your friends to see them all staring at you with giddy smiles.
“Can you turn around and kiss me already?” Tears blurred your vision as you quickly spun around and jumped into your boyfriend’s arms.
“Please please please don’t hate me,” Timothee says as he wraps his arms around you. “I didn’t realize the time and I know I fucked up, but you know I wouldn’t miss this for the world, y/n” This was the first year he almost missed being your new year’s kiss and as much as you wanted to kill him for it, you knew it wasn’t his fault.
“You’re so fucking lucky you’re cute,” you said, shaking your head and pulling on his shirt, bringing his body into yours.
Another shot in your system, trying to rid the memories of the past 7 New Year’s Eve nights. Your mind started playing games with you. Timothee’s voice was echoing all around you, like he was actually with you.
“Baby,” you could hear Timmy say, but you tried to push it out of your thoughts. “Please don’t ignore me. I’m so fucking sorry,” You could smell his cologne behind you as a warm touch could be felt on your wrist. Your breath was shaky as you turned to face the man behind you, hoping this was reality and you weren’t drunkenly imagining this.
“I’m here. I’m always going to be here. For the next whatever years, I’m 100% here. No more long days without you. No more missing date nights. This is my promise to you, y/n.” Timothee says, his eyes filled with liquid.
“Happy new year!”
You threw your arms around his neck, almost falling backwards as you crashed your lips into his. “I love you, forever.” you muttered against his lips, “Thank you, T.”
“Why can’t we just spend this year at home with our friends like we always do?” you asked Timothee as he pulled you out onto the balcony with him. This year he took you to Paris for New Years Eve and as grateful as you were for this mini trip, you didn’t want to break tradition.
“Because like you said, we spend every year at home with our friends. It’s never been just us.”
Ever since he promised to put more time into the relationship, everything has been almost perfect. Of course you still had your occasional fight, but that’s to be expected and it was never over anything stupid. Well...most of the time.
“I guess it would be nice to spend it alone,” you leaned your head against Timothee’s chest as you took in the site in front of you.
The hotel room had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, dead center in front of you. You’ve seen the structure many times in the past but it was never this beautiful.
“I love you, you know that?” he whispers against your neck, his hands gently squeezing your hips.
You nodded but stayed silent, letting the music from inside fill the space around you. Timothee started to sway with you as your favorite song started to play in the background.
“I would love to assume it’s such a coincidence that Robbers is playing right now,” you smiled, teasing your boyfriend, “But I guess I should give you credit for planning this.”
Timothee takes your hand in his and spins you around into him as his other hand settles on your hip.
The two of you danced around the balcony together as your song went on and all of Paris could be heard counting down the end of the year.
“Last year I made you a promise to put more effort in. We had a hard year and I know I put you through a lot and I can’t apologize enough for that, baby. But here we are 365 days later, getting to have another new year’s kiss together. I thank you every day for forcing me to kiss you all those years ago ‘cause we both know I would have never had the balls to make the move.” Timothee’s voice was soft, barely even audible with all the other noise happening around you. “But a lot has changed since that first kiss. A lot between us but also with us separately. I never want to spend New Years, let alone any day, without you.” Timothee abruptly stopped moving and pulled away from you as fireworks were being set off all around the city. You pulled your eyes from him for a split second to watch the sky light up with different colors.
What you didn’t expect to see when you brought your attention back to him, was Timmy on one knee, with a ring being held up towards you.
“I’m making another promise to you, to love you forever, to always put you first. You’ve been my life for the past 6 years and even though we were together for only 4 of those years, I still couldn’t imagine you not being in my life. You’re my best friend. Mon amour. I want to spend every waking moment with you. I want you to yell at me when my socks are in random parts of the house. I want to have little mini versions of us running around and drawing on walls. When all my dreams come true, you’re the one I want next to me. It’s you, baby. It’s always been you. Marry me, y/n.”
Your hand flew to your mouth as you vigorously nodded your head. You didn’t give Timothee the chance to stand up before you fell to your knees in front of him, falling into his arms. “Of course I’ll marry you, T. You’re the only person I ever want to spend my life with. I love you so so much, mon amour.” You cried as you placed kisses all over his face.
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
DIY‌ ‌Sink‌ ‌Repair‌ ‌-‌ ‌A‌ ‌Guide‌ ‌to‌ ‌Repairing Your Sink
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/diy%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8csink%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8crepair%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8ca%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8cguide%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8cto%e2%80%8c-%e2%80%8crepairing-your-sink/
DIY‌ ‌Sink‌ ‌Repair‌ ‌-‌ ‌A‌ ‌Guide‌ ‌to‌ ‌Repairing Your Sink
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Here’s how to do sink repair and get it back in good working order in no time. The following steps will show you how to take apart your sink, clean it out, fix any broken parts, and get it back in place without having to call the plumber. After you’ve completed this DIY sink repair, you can rest assured that your sink will be functioning properly once again!
  How to Fix Leaky Faucets
Faucets are a common point of failure and are usually pretty easy to repair. Here’s how. First, turn off your water supply at its source (the main shutoff valve under your sink). Then, remove your faucet’s cap (some faucets will have an adjustable screw instead), being careful not to let any water spill out—most faucet caps unscrew counterclockwise. Underneath you should see three parts: a rubber washer-like gasket, a metal or plastic disc called a flange, and underneath that, another gasket with holes in it called an escutcheon. Grab hold of each part from above and give it a hard tug in opposite directions. If they don’t budge, try loosening them with a pair of channel lock pliers. If all else fails, you may need to call a plumber.
Once you have removed these pieces from your faucet, rinse them thoroughly with warm water and put them aside for now so that they don’t get lost down the drain. Take out whatever might be stuck in there by putting on thick dishwashing gloves and pouring hot water into the sink bowl until it runs clean; once that’s done insert your tub stopper back into place again since we’ll be turning on our hot water later.
  How to Fix Slow Drain of Sink
There are two things that commonly cause a sink to drain slowly: clogs or siphoning. Clogs are typically caused by hair, soap scum, and food remnants. Over time, these blockages build up inside your pipes and often cause water from other drains in your home (such as showers) to empty into your sink’s drain. Fortunately, slow-draining sinks can be fixed with just a few tools and about 15 minutes of your time. If you find that your sink repair is continuing to drop after you’ve cleaned it, there may be an issue with siphoning taking place in your piping system.
When a sink doesn’t have good pipe support underneath it—or when it is installed too close to another plumbing fixture—siphoning may occur. Essentially, gravity pulls water out of your other sinks’ drains until they’re dry. Then, it’ll send them down into your drain so they’ll refill and repeat. While your sink will seem as if it’s draining slowly, in reality, it may just need better drainage so that any leaks don’t empty back into its pipes. To fix slow draining sinks due to siphoning.
  How Do I Get Rid Of Ugly Mildew In My Sink? 
Vinegar is a great natural cleaner for mildew stains because its acetic acid can break down mold and kill off mildew-causing organisms. Apply white vinegar to your stain using either paper towels or a soft cloth for the sink repair. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes or more (the longer you wait, the greater effect), then wipe clean with a clean towel or cloth. You may have to repeat these steps several times if there are multiple layers of mildew on your sink. Be sure to give each layer time to absorb before applying additional doses of vinegar.
Most importantly, don’t forget that maintenance is key: You can treat a mildewed sink stain once—or twice. If you like—but in order for permanent removal, regular cleaning of your sink will be needed. Mildew thrives in moist environments where soap scum has been allowed to accumulate over long periods of time. So always make sure you’re washing away soap as soon as possible and thoroughly drying out sinks after each use by blotting them dry with a dry towel rather than allowing them to sit overnight with water left inside them. Mildew will be much less likely when good habits are followed!
  How to Fix Clogged Drains
There are two kinds of clogged drains: those that you can fix yourself, and those that you need to call a plumber for. If your sink is only partially clogged, or if you can clear it using a plunger, then your sink is probably on its way out of warranty anyway—and in these cases, there’s no reason other than sink repair. The same goes for things like drippy faucets and leaks around pipes. While they’re typically a bit more serious than sinks though much less so than toilet issues. They aren’t all that complicated when it comes right down to it. Again, though: don’t take any chances with anything involving electricity or gas lines. These types of issues should always be handled by professionals. And even then, maybe don’t go as far as trying to repair them yourself. Stay safe!
  How to Remove Mold From Pipes
All sinks have small cracks and imperfections in their porcelain surface, some more than others. Because of these imperfections and places for debris to get stuck, it’s not uncommon for mold to grow on your sink over time. Fortunately, most forms of mold are easy enough to remove with a little elbow grease—if you know where it’s hiding. That’s where we come in: we are going to show you how to remove mold from your sink so that it doesn’t ever come back. In addition to removing your sink’s existing mold growth, we’ll also give you tips for preventing future mold growth.
How to Fix Loose Pipes and Leaks
Loose pipes and leaks are a sign of a faulty pipe. The best way to fix loose pipes is to repair them and prevent leakage. However, many people do not know how to go about repairing their sinks. Fixing sink pipes can be quite difficult but there are some simple steps you can follow that will help you fix your own pipe. Take a look at these six steps:
1. Turn off water supply;
2. Remove old material;
3. Cut new PVC;
4. Insert and glue PVC;
5. Clean up;
6. Test sink pipes Fix loose Pipes with these simple instructions in no time at all!
All sinks have small cracks and imperfections in their porcelain surface, some more than others. Because of these imperfections and places for debris to get stuck. It’s not uncommon for mold to grow on your sink over time. Fortunately, most forms of mold are easy enough to remove with a little elbow grease—if you know where it’s hiding. That’s where we come in: we are going to show you how to remove mold from your sink so that it doesn’t ever come back. In addition to removing your sink’s existing mold growth, we’ll also give you tips for preventing future mold growth.
  How To Flush Out Loose Debris in Pipes
DIY plumbing is not hard, but it requires you to do some preparation before you begin. If your sink or shower drain is clogged, then it’s likely because there are bits of food or other debris in your pipes. To get rid of loose debris in pipes: Remove all detritus from your sink. Fill your sink with hot water and let it sit for five minutes; after that time has passed, turn off your faucet and drain out as much water as possible. Make sure to empty any excess water down your toilet or through a floor drain so you don’t create an indoor flood.
0 notes
martialstories · 4 years
Tape to tape - Intro
Coops - High School AU
All credits for the world & the characters for @lumosinlove . Truly obsessed with SW and Coast to coast so this is my shot at writing something in that world. English isn’t my first language and this is my first time posting anything so I’m kinda nervous but here we go!
Coops High School AU. Takes place in Montreal, Canada and the age difference is the same (1 year, Remus being the older one). I hope to write more parts to this but we’ll see.
I have no idea how the Canadian high school works, but I googled, so Remus is on grade 11 and Sirius is on grade 10 during this fic. (Basically Junior and Sophomore) On other chapters they might be on different grades.
Happy reading!
Tw: mentions of child abuse
”Loops! You coming?” Sirius shouted from the bench. Remus was on ice practicing slapshots in rapid sets.
”Jeez, calm down! Five more and I’ll be there with you.” He shouted back and skated over after the shots. ”Let’s go. I need to stretch before shower.”
”I know you do. Plus, we always stretch after practice. You still up for teaching me how the First World War went down?” Sirius asked while walking towards the locker room where the music was playing loudly.
”You really are hopeless at history. You know that right?” Remus turned his back to Sirius to hide his smile. He knew Sirius wasn’t stupid but most of the time hockey just came first and school second.
”Oh come on Re! Please, please, please! I’ll fail if you don’t help me!” Remus glanced at pleading Sirius in the stall next to his. He was looking back at him with wide eyes. The rest of the locker room continued to buzz in the background as the two locked eyes.
”Of course I’ll help you. Now, let’s go to the gym.” The clock was already 4.30 p.m. so if they wanted to get everything done and have time to relax in the evening they really should get going.
After cooling down for about 15 minutes the locker room was starting to empty out. Remus and Sirius said bye to the players leaving the rink as they made their way towards the showers. After stripping from their under armours the locker room was completely empty.
”Boys, you are the last ones. Can you turn off the lights and lock the door after you?” coach asked from the door.
”Of course, coach. See you tomorrow!” Remus answered for the both of them. ”Thank you, Remus. Tomorrow at 10 a.m.” Coach reminded them and left the doorway.
Immediately after the door closed Sirius grabbed Remus’s hand and dragged him into the showers startling a little laugh out of Remus. ”Pads! Are you in a hurry somewhere?”
”Yes”, Sirius answered shortly before turning around, slinging his arms around Remus’s neck and pecking his lips. ”Finally alone.” Sirius whispered with his lips against Remus’s.
Remus kissed him back for a while before pulling back. ”I know. But the faster we are done here the faster we can get home and behind closed doors.”
”Good point, Loops”, Sirius quipped. He turned around and stepped under the shower causing Remus to tense in pain at the sight of his back. Sirius turned back towards Remus, hiding his back again. ”Hurry up, Loop- Shit, I forgot about those.”
Remus walked towards him until he could wrap his arms around Sirius’s shoulders and press close to him under the spray. Carefully he slid his arms over Sirius’s back where there was a couple of purple bruises. A year before Sirius would have just laughed him off, saying that he just bruised easily from hits on ice. These days Remus knew which bruises were from ice and which weren’t.
”You could come stay at mine for a few days, you know? My parents wouldn’t mind”, Remus suggested quietly.
”I don’t want to be a bother, I was at yours last weekend.”
”You are not a both-” Remus tried to argue before Sirius cut him off. ”I know, I know but it isn’t even as bad as it usually is. Father was too drunk yesterday so it wasn’t that bad.”
Remus just hugged him tighter while letting the water fall on them.
”So when are you going to get your license Pads? Soon you’ll be 17 and I’m getting tired of being your personal taxi driver.” Remus teased the dark haired boy while they walked towards Remus’s car. It wasn’t big or new but Remus didn’t need much and he was happy with it.
”Hey! Don’t bully me, you old man! Plus, I know you really love it.” Sirius smirked at Remus before getting into the car.
Remus threw his phone at Sirius. ”Be grateful, and I’m only a year older than you! Now call my mom and tell her we’ll be there in 20 minutes.”
”Yes, sir!” Sirius pushed the call button as Remus started the car. ”Hello, Hope! Thanks, I’m fine. Yes, we’ll be there in 20 minutes. Okay, see you!” He ended the call after Remus turned towards their homes from the traffic lights. He placed the phone on the cup holder and grabbed Remus’s hand. Remus smiled at their intertwined hands and raised them to his lips to give Sirius’s hand a kiss. Sirius blushed and turned the music on louder.
After dining with the rest of the Lupin’s Remus and Sirius went up to Remus’s room to study. 5-year-old Jules wanted to come with them but after realising they were just going to study he got bored of the idea and decided to watch cartoons instead.
“If we study now for an hour and a half and get everything done, we can relax afterwards. How does that sound?” Remus planned out loud as he threw his laundry off a chair and pulled it to the table for Sirius to use.
“That sounds good. Can we cuddle afterwards?” Sirius made puppy dog eyes at Remus. “Of course we’ll cuddle! But first we’ll have to study. Now, can you tell me when did the First WW start?”
At 8 p.m. sharp Sirius closed both his and Remus’s books and flopped on the bed. He had been determined to go home for the night but he wasn’t so sure anymore.
“You sure you don’t want to stay the night? We can go get you a mattress now and if you have to get something from home we can drive through yours before morning practice.” Remus proposed softly.
Sirius let out a little huff and after pondering it a while he let out a little sound of confirmation. “I need to call Regulus to check on him but he should be okay since Linda is there. It’s Friday so my parents are out for the night so they won’t care if I stay here.”
He drew his phone from his pocket to call his brother. Regulus answered after a couple of peeps and confirmed that indeed only he and their maid Linda were at home. Sirius told him that he would stay at Lupin’s and closed the phone after wishing good night.
“Now let’s get you a mattress that you won’t need.” Remus said and helped Sirius from the bed.
“Mon dieu, I’m so tired.” Sirius said yawning as they walked down the stairs towards the storage.
“Boys? Is that you?” Could be heard from the living room. They turned towards the living room where Hope and Lyall were watching the news. “Hey, it’s getting quite late. Are you Sirius staying or do you need someone to drive you home?” Lyall asked kindly.
“I’d like to stay, if that’s okay.” Sirius answered.
Hope smiled at him, “Of course that is fine, hun! Just remember you have morning practice so don’t stay up for too long.”
“Yep, we won’t. We are just going to get Pads a mattress and get something to eat before bed.” Remus answered over his shoulder, already continuing towards the storage room.
“Okay, sleep well!” “Good night!”
After Remus and Sirius had set up Sirius’s mattress just in case someone checked on them they made their way to the fridge. Training usually left them really hungry before bed and this night wasn’t an exception.
Their successful heist to the fridge eased their hunger and they got ready for bed. Brushing their teeth was a bit messy ordeal as it included the usual elbow-knocking and the toothpaste marks on their cheeks from kisses.
Remus spooned Sirius from behind as they laid on his bed. The sky was clear and the moon shined through his window creating a soft glow around them.
“What are you thinking about?” Remus’s whisper sounded almost too loud in the quiet.
“You. I truly don’t know how I got so lucky finding you.” Sirius twisted in Remus’s arms to see his face.
Remus smiled softly and leaned forward to kiss Sirius’s lips. The kiss was broken off by Sirius yawning.
Remus chuckled quietly. “Good night.” “Good night.” Was muttered by Sirius before he burrowed his head to Remus’s chest and closed his eyes.
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pinkdoodoofart · 4 years
Why are You Here? Jotaro x Reader Pt. 1
As a twenty-one-year-old mother, you opted to become a housewife. Taking care of household chores and your newborn baby, Jolyne while your husband, Jotaro worked as a marine biologist. Life for you was like that for about eight years till you thought about doing something else with your life. So after some thinking and debating with yourself, you decided to go to college and major in Veterinary Science. As a child, you had always wanted to be a veterinarian as your interest in animals and worrying about their safety was always prominent in your life. So bringing that dream to life after twenty years brought you joy and excitement. So here you were, up at 5:00 AM, laying in your king-sized bed alone preparing to get up for your first day at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Looking to the empty left side of the bed that was missing your husband left you a little dejected. You were hoping you would have woken up early enough to get ready with him. Yawning to yourself, you get up and heads toward the bathroom to freshen up. Setting the shower to the right temperature, you stepped instead and felt more awake than ever. While inside the shower, you started thinking about how college was going to be like. 'What if it's similar to high school? That was hell enough...' you thought in distress. Sighing to yourself, you fixated on finishing your shower and thought about getting ready to distract you from your nerve-wracking thoughts. After your shower, you quickly brushed your teeth and made your way downstairs to a big surprise. There he was, your husband, Jotaro in the kitchen making a cup of coffee. Now, Jotaro knew you were going to college as he helped pay for your tuition even though you said not to. He also knew you were going to one he was teaching at as he also recommended it to you. But what he didn’t know was that she was in one of his classes.
“Oh, Jojo! I thought you had already left," you exclaimed, hastily entering the kitchen to stand next to your husband. Grunting to himself his usual catchphrase, he looked at you before slightly grinning.
“I don’t leave the house as early as you think I do you. Besides I was going to give you a ride because we are going to the same place.” Blushing to yourself, a quiet thanks left your lips before you gave Jotaro a quick kiss on the cheek. ‘Okay I need to make breakfast,’ nodding to yourself as to agree with your thoughts, you started to make your way towards the stove to make a simple breakfast of eggs and bacon for you and your husband to eat.
“Jotaro can you also make me a cup of coffee as well?” You asked, which in response you got a grunt that sounded like a yeah. After you finished making breakfast, you set up the dining room table with two plates of food while Jotaro brought the two cups of coffee. Both of you started to sit down and enjoy your meals. Even though Jotaro opted to eat in silence, you certainly did not. “Jojo, I hired a nanny to take care of Jolyne while I go to college and she will be staying with us in the guest bedroom until then.” Humming in response, Jotaro continued to eat, not knowing what else to respond with. Slightly huffing, you were hoping your husband would give you a little more attention and talk to you a little more. ‘Asking questions will only annoy him’ you thought. Realizing your attempts would be feeble, she just decided to stay silent and finish eating. Once the couple was finished, you took the plates into the kitchen to wash them with Jotaro not too far behind you. While washing the dishes, you could feel your husband come behind and hold you gently.
“Are you nervous?” He asked, kissing your cheek. Blushing again just like last time, you looked up at Jotaro with slight confliction.
“Just a little Joots. I mean I haven’t been to school in what? Eight years?” Sighing to yourself, you continued to wash the dishes. Rubbing your arms in response, Jotaro reassures you in his special way that she will be fine. After their little intimate moment, you check the clock to notice it's 6:15 AM and remembers to call the nanny. Detaching yourself from your husband, you made your way towards a wall phone in the kitchen and quickly dialed up the nanny’s number. The phone rang for a little while before the sound of the lady was heard. “Hi Anastasia, I just wanted to let you know you can come over now.”
‘Oh thank you! I will be there in about ten-fifteen minutes.’ Anastasia responded. Grinning to yourself, you quickly responded with a thank you of your own and a quick goodbye before hanging up. Turning around, you saw that your husband had left the kitchen. Confused, you leave the kitchen in search of your husband to find him sitting on the couch of their living room with papers in front of him. Slowly you walked up to him and sat next to him before latching onto his arm. “I got off the phone with the nanny, she should be here in a little bit.” Humming in response, Jotaro looks down at his wife for a few seconds before looking back at his disorganized paperwork. Noticing how unorganized the papers were, you offered to help but in response, you were given a quick no before he started to ignore you and continue organizing. Huffing slightly, you opted to make sure you had everything you needed before you could head out the door. Now noticing you left your bag upstairs, you quickly ran up the stairs to the master bedroom to retrieve it. Although before entering, you quickly checked your daughter Jolyne's room to check on you to make sure she was okay. Just as suspected, Jolyne was still in bed asleep surrounded by all you aquatic stuffed animals. Smiling to yourself, you quietly closed the door and quickly grabbed your bag from your shared bedroom. Running down the steps and looking through a bag probably wasn’t the smartest choice for you. Causing you to miss a step on the stairs and trip. But surprisingly, you didn't fall and neither did your stuff fall out of your bag. Feeling hands on the sides of your waist, you look over your shoulder, you noticed a tall purple ghost-like figure behind you. “Hehe, thank you star,” you giggled while walking down the stairs carefully. Finally reaching the living room from the stairs, you noted your husband staring at you intensely with concern.
“You alright?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. Nodding slightly embarrassed by the small situation that occurred only a few minutes ago. Looking at the pastel blue clock in the corner of the room showed that it was 6:45 AM. ‘Shit… Where is she?’ thinking to yourself with slight frustration. Although not even 10 seconds after you ’s little tantrum in your mind, she heard a knock at the front door. Blinking slightly, you quickly ran through the living room to the front door to see the one person she needed to be there.
“I am so sorry I’m late, I got sidetracked a little.” Chuckling a little bit, you reassured her and invited her inside. Giving a quick tour of the downstairs of their house. A few compliments were thrown in for the decor and a few thanks before they reached the living room that held your cold and stoic husband.
“This is my husband Jotaro. Jojo this Anastasia, the nanny.” Turning his attention to the short lady he gave you a little nod before picking up the rest of his paperwork. Blushing to herself, Anastasia hastily said hello trying to make herself look professional and also slightly seductive for the man in front of her. There was no doubt in your mind that the nanny would think your husband was hot. I mean almost every woman did. “Alright Jolyne is upstairs asleep so please wake you up around seven-seven thirty, please. There also should be a list of things for you to do in the kitchen on the counter. If you have any questions, my number is on the list as well.” Anastasia nodded taking in the information given while also taking small glances towards the big man standing up. “Alright, thank you so much again. Jojo, we should get ready to leave.” Humming in response the couple started for the front door towards Jotaro’s white SUV. Sitting in the passenger seat, bag in hands, you felt a flurry of emotions consisting of excitement, worry, and also determination. The drive to the university wasn’t that long because they live close to the beach anyway. Unbuckling his seatbelt on the driver's side, Jotaro exited the car waiting for his wife in suit. Noting that she didn’t he sighed out a ‘yare yare’ before walking to the passenger’s door and opened it for his wife.
“Hey, you’ll be fine.” Looking up at your husband, you sighed and got out.
“I know I know, just first-day jitters.” Receiving a hum in response once again, you kissed Jotaro quickly on the lips smiling,” I’ll see you during lunch?” Nodding, Jotaro reciprocated the kiss and started walking towards the university, with you not too far behind him. Entering the building, you noticed that your husband was nowhere to be found and she was left all alone. Opting to ask someone, you slowly walked up to a tall woman with fair skin and freckles. Red hair to your shoulders and green eyes that are as green as leaves on a tree. “Um, excuse me…” you asked the fair lady. Turning to the voice that called out to you she looked down and smiled.
“Yes, is there something you need?” Looking down for a second, you blushed in embarrassment,” Um I’m new here and just needed some help finding some of my classes if that won’t be a problem.” Smiling again, the taller girl agreed to help, making the shorter girl happy. “Here’s my schedule…” Looking over it the taller of the two looked very pleased.
“Ahhhh! Surprisingly we’re in some of the same classes. Looks like it’s your lucky day hehe. I’m Esme by the way.” you smiled thankfully to meet someone nice before sharing your name. “So it seems like our first class is Microbiology.” As if thinking for a moment, Esme continued to study your schedule before smiling softly. “Are you by any chance going into Veterinary Science?” Quickly looking up at her, you smiled brightly and nodded with excitement.
“Yes yes! I’ve always wanted to help and take care of animals ever since I was a little girl.” Eyes lighting up in admiration and excitement, Esme grabbed you ’s hands and jumped up and down with the excitement of a 6-year-old before saying, “Ahhh no way me too!!! Animals are just so cute, it breaks my heart seeing them injured.” you nodded in agreement before looking at a clock on a far wall of the University. Almost not being able to read it, you read what looked like said 7:36. Eyes widening, you quickly ask Esme to take you to their class before they are late. Noting your rushing tone, Esme realized they might be late. Nodding in response, Esme led you to their first-period class.
Barely making it, both you and Esme make their way towards some seats in the back next to each other. Once they sat down, you took into inventory how the lecture hall looked. Very spacious, but also very bland. Grey walls with a basic faded carpet floor. Rows of long wooden desks with a set of wooden stairs in the middle.
“Ahem.” Eyes forward you notice a man who looked to be in his 40s standing in front of the class in a nice white dress shirt, black dress pants, and nice black shoes. “My name is Mr. Brando, and I will be your Microbiology teacher this year.” Feeling an elbow jab to my side, you quickly turned to see Esme leaning over to say something, “He’s kinda hot.” Gasping slightly to yourself, you looked towards Emse with disbelief.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna try and fuck him or something.” Slightly taken aback, Esme scoffs while blushing.
“Of course not! He’s just kinda hot..” Shaking your head, you turned to face Mr. Brando, only to find him staring at you intensely.
“As I was trying to say, I’m not going to be easy on you. This isn’t high school anymore where I would take pity on you. If you don’t have your homework, it will be an automatic 0.” Still staring at you with his intense gaze, he smirked and continued, “Any questions before we begin class?” ‘Why is he staring at me like that?’ you thought with a shiver running down your back. With no questions being asked, Mr. Brando started class. Two words went through your thoughts, ‘This sucks…’ Sighing, she continued to take notes and tough it out till class was over. While taking notes she couldn't help but feel eyes on you every 5 minutes. Looking up, you noticed Mr. Brando’s eyes are on you again before going back to looking at his notes. Noting your discomfort, Esme nudged you in a way to ask if she's okay. ‘God this is such a high school thing but whatever.’ you thought before ripping a piece of paper and wrote, ‘Mr. Brando keeps looking at me.’ Passing the note towards Esme, you looked at your face for any reactions. Going from shocked to disgusted. Looking at you with sympathy, Esme flipped the small piece of paper over and started writing your response. Once she was finished, Esme handed the note back and looked at Mr. Brando with intense dislike. Different from when she was practically gushing over his looks. Looking down at the note, you ’s (E/C) scanned the paper reading, ‘Yeah we have a few of those types of teachers. If he does anything, report him immediately.’ Nodding to yourself, you continued listening to the lesson.
The class was finally over. ‘God that was boring.’ you thought before packing up quickly to leave.
“C’mon we gotta hurry to our next class,” Esme exclaimed. Nodding while giggling, you grabbed your bag and walked down the stairs towards the door of the lecture hall with Esme.
“I noticed that this is your first year of college. I hope you enjoy it~.” Freezing, you turned around to see Mr. Brando stared at you with red eyes and a small smirk on his light brown skin.
“Um, thank you, Mr. Brando...” Grabbing your arm, Esme dragged you out of the room, feelings of disgust running through her. Once out, Esme immediately gagged.
“God what a weirdo. Why do the hot ones have to be creeps,” Esme whined. You weren't not paying attention to your newly acquired friend. Instead, you were more focused on why Mr. Brando kept staring at you in such an eerie way. Shaking your head to remove the bothersome thoughts, you continued walking to your next class.
Your next few classes weren’t that bad and some were pretty enjoyable. So now, you are heading out to have lunch with your husband.
“How was the first part of the day?” asked Jotaro. Feeling a small shudder shoot through your body, you looked at your husband with a slightly disturbed face.
“Well, I have a creepy Microbiology teacher. He stares at me a lot and says if I need any help ask him.”
“Who’s your Microbiology teacher,” Jotaro asked with his grip tightening around his plastic fork. Staring at his fist, you responded with the name that your husband dreaded the most. In just a matter of seconds, the fork snapped in half and the gaze from your husband made you shrink back a little. “If he does anything, and I mean anything, you tell me alright?”. With a nod, you continued to eat and talk about the rest of your classes she had so far.
Once finished, you kissed your husband goodbye and went to your second to last class. Entering the room of organic chemistry. Sighing, you decided to sit in the front so she could get to the door faster. ‘I can’t wait for my next class,’ smiling to yourself closed and closing your eyes imagining what might happen. A few scenarios were bad and some were good. Though she was just going to have to wait patiently.
“Hello class, I am Mr. Kakyoin. I will be your organic chemistry teacher this year,” a familiar voice said. Looking up, your eyes widened at the sight of your teacher.
“Noriaki?” you asked. The said person turned towards you with wide eyes and a smile.
“Y/N! It's good to see you! Let’s talk after class.” Nodding in response, you quickly started to engage in the lesson.
'My willpower to stay awake is scampering away... this is so boring.' You thought with disinterest. "And that concludes our lesson for today. Any questions?" Mr. Kakyoin finished with a smile. Noting the silence, he looked around to see almost his whole class looked bored. Sighing to himself, Mr. Kakyoin looked towards the class and said, “Just wait for the bell I guess.” Once the bell has rung, all the students except yourself have left the room to go to their next class. Walking over to Mr. Kakyoin’s desk, you grinned widely.
“It’s been so long Kakyoin!” Getting up from his seat, Kakyoin made his way towards you and gave you a tight hug.
“Y/N, we’ve been friends for years, call me by my first name.” Chuckling to yourself, you nodded in response. “So how have you been anyways?”
“Pretty good. I’m majoring in Veterinary Science. I would have gone to college sooner, but I had Jolyne earlier than expected… But I’m happy she’s here regardless. A bundle of joy is what she is! Anyways how about you Noriaki,” you rambled. Chuckling to himself, Noriaki responded, “You still haven’t changed huh Y/N? Still a rambler. I have been well, I’m married with a child on the way.” Eyes widening, you grab onto Noriaki in excitement, “Congratulations Noriaki! I’m so happy for you! How many months?”
“She’s about 4 months in.” The conversation continued on for what felt like hours before both realized you had to leave. “Here let me write you a pass. I had fun talking to you.”
“Thank you Noriaki, here take my number. We need to hang out more. Bye bye!” You responded before rushing off to find your next to class.
Finally making it, you stepped inside and saw what you have been the whole day to see. Your stoic husband.
“Why are you here?” Jotaro asked. Giggling to yourself you respond cheerfully, “This is my last clas….”
“Why are you late?” Feeling irked by being cut off, you respond again but this time with slight irritation, “I was talking with another teacher.”
“Yare Yare, take a seat.” Listening to the simple order, you sit down in a seat next to a cute looking girl in the front. You sadly, missed the first half of the lesson meaning you were already behind. ‘Great… I’m most likely gonna have an earful after this class,’ you thought to yourself. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you turn to see the girl you decided to sit next to you staring at you intensely.
“Um, can I help you?” You whispered.
“I don’t know how you guys know each other? but I want to let you know that he’s mine.” Rolling your eyes, you nodded in response before paying attention to the lesson. ‘Damn my husband and god-like appearance.’
Another class that was a bore to be in.
“Does anyone have any questions?” Jotaro asked. Once again, a silence room of college students was what he received in response. Sighing in response, he waved them off and waited for the bell.
Once the bell had rung, everyone except you once again had left for the day. While you were still packing up, you jumped slightly to hands slamming down on your desk.
“Why the hell are you in my class?”
“Calm down Joots, I just chose this class because I need another credit…. and maybe because I wanted to see my husband at the end of the day…” Sighing in response, your husband looked at you before heading towards his desk and grabbing his stuff and heading out the door. “Waaaaah wait for me Joots!” You run out of the room only to bump into a muscular chest.
“Yare Yare, let’s just go home.”
Heading towards the car, you both get into your respectable seats and head home. The car ride was silent, but you can tell your husband is still not so thrilled about you being in his class. But knowing you, trying to change your mind to choose a different class would be feeble.
Once home, you both entered the house and was immediately greeted with a big hug.
“Welcome home mommy and daddy!” exclaimed Jolyne. Smiling brightly you hugged Jolyne back before walking towards the living room seeing Anastasia with Jolyne’s homework on the coffee table completed.
“Welcome home Mr. and Mrs. Kujo.”
“Thank you, how was Jolyne?” You asked.
“Oh she was wonderful. An absolute sweetheart. By the way, I have made dinner and it’s in the kitchen if you want to eat.” Thanking her once more you head upstairs to your shared bedroom to drop off your school stuff and sit on your bed exhausted. Hearing the bedroom door open, you see your husband standing there as exhausted as you.
“Look Joots, I’m sorry about me being in your class, but I'm not changing classe….”
“I'm not going to give you an advantage because you're my wife. I hope you know that.” Huffing in annoyance you respond with a quick yeah.
‘This is going to be harder than I thought.’
This is honestly pretty old and im probably going heavily edit it but i hope you enjoy the first part of this story.
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