#i can talk about my realization im demi with mal if you want just
blind-radio-waves · 2 years
6, 10 and 31
6. What made you realize your current labels fit you?
I don't know, honestly. I never labeled anything until I actually became Host, not even gender wise despite living as a man from like... the age of eight. I knew I was Bi, that one came pretty easy, I don't know if there was a Moment, or I just looked at the past I remembered at the time and went yeah that seems right. Demi was harder. I already spoke a bit on how being Ace was never a thought in my mind while being Author, with unhealthy coping and all that, but it was even a bit hard recovering as Host. The Jims and I didn't talk to much then, and even then, I didn't know they were aroace. I mean, I did, but they didn't tell me, so I pretended I didn't. I do that with a lot of things.
But it was one of those moments of researching, and came across something, I don't remember what, I do know it was something in the library, not too old, but old enough that it brought me question, and it had essentially definitions of various sexualities, and ace caught my eye, simply because I hadn't heard of it past the Jim's being aroace, and even then, I wasn't entirely sure what that was either.
And then it just kind of clicked. I didn't experience that sexual attraction. When I sat down to think, properly, of the people I found attractive, it was never really sexual? It was aesthetic, it was romantic, but in the initial thought, the one moment that sparked the attraction, there was no thought of anything sexual.
Until Mal came into my life and threw a curveball at me. THAT oh boy, was THAT a moment. I then had to do more digging, but if you want that story, this is getting long enough already, and I have two more questions to answer. Essentially, found Demi, realized it fit the new information I had (thanks Mal you bastard) and switched it over. I still call myself Ace a lot, since it's also an umbrella term, and I spent so long with it that I'm still a bit attached.
My gender is an enigma even to me, I just flung the label trans man onto myself and called it a day to be completely honest.
10. When did you realize you weren’t cishet?
I realized I wasn't cis when i was honestly really young, something about being the youngest daughter in the family didn't sit right with me, and I ended up talking to the Jims, and they were honestly really good about it, as good as they could be in the great depression with very little resources or understanding about that kind of thing. I also never really had a Aha moment with my sexuality, it was one of those things that just happened. Author ended up wandering into one of the random bars, got hit on, and was like Well Alright This Is Happening Now. That happened... at some point. The timeline of my life is quite confusing to try and pinpoint things on.
31. A trope about your identity that applies to you?
I mean... I guess for trans man, just, being generally small? I dunno, that's the only one I can think of.
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planned dynamic of Mal/Hades/Hadie
okay so this is just me writing my thoughts out so if you don't want spoilers don't look below the cut
so Mals planned relationship with Hades; her entire life she's been told her father is a weak human being who was banished by maleficent to never show his face around her or Mal again, so Mal aches for her father who was forced to leave her until around 7 years old because she is beaten into the belief that ‘if he truly wanted her, he would have tried to see her’. so when she discovers her father is hades...she's really damn confused, angry at her mother for lying to her (again) and the most intense feeling “hurt”. why? why had Hades never try to see her? unlike her “father” who had been banished and probably to scared to see his daughter, Hades didn't care about her mother, didn't fear her, so why did he never try to see her? to care for her? he was decent father to Hadie so why couldn't he spare a few moments of his time for Mal? 
she was told by hades and Maleficent that she was an accident (her mother told her she had a moment of weakness, Hades said he got black out drunk and found out she existed 9 months later when Maleficent demanded her take Mal for a month after losing sleep and was sick of her child) 
Mal denies her relationship with Hades,(though she does tell her friends about her discovery) she refuses to believe that her ‘father’ was a powerful god that could less of a rat tooth about her fae mother, she would rather have a banished father who couldn't afford to see her than a coward who didn't care to see her. Mal doesn't say it, but she’s wanted her father to be around her entire life, and now she suddenly has him and she desperately wants to accept him, but she wont. she deserves better then him and only wants to get the ember for Hadie to use, and leave. and then never talk to her ‘father’ again.
this is her internal struggle through out the story, she has three actually, i think i dunno im still kinda brainstorming (my brain; you’re in the middle of writing this damn rewrite and you’re STILL thinking of Mal’s plot? ME; IM IMPROVISING) the first is her slight identity crises from losing her mothers magic due to Audrey zapping it, she's been the daughter of Maleficent all her life and now she's just, nobody. the second is her dilemma of her father, for so long she's thought her father was a human who wanted her, but couldn't see her due to the threat of being killed, but now her father is a god who didn't want her (or at least that's what she thinks) so she struggles to accept her parentage of both sides and deal with the heart ache of knowing her father didn't even try to see her. the third is dealing with the long coming consequences of her actions from her past, dealing with Audrey's sudden turn to Evil due to her mother possessing Audrey, dealing with the biased and bitter views of Leah, and then dealing with her friends getting fed up with her lies and rash decisions. Mal has gotten better as a person and has apologized to her friends for her actions on the isle, she’s apologized to Audrey and Ben for her choices of evil back when she first arrived at Auradon.
but just because she genuinely regrets her past selves actions and has been better as a person in both words and actions, it doesn't mean it all wont come back to bite her in the ass. (this turned into talking about my plot for Mal but eh)
Hades planned relationship with Mal; Hades didn't lie to Mal in saying she was a mistake, he, being under the barrier, had lost his god strength tolerance for alcohol and got black out drunk, did the do with Maleficent and ended up with a baby Mal at his lair when she was a half month hold. he took care of her for about...three months lets say, and then Maleficent took Mal back, realizing the potential of having (owning) a demi god fae child. Hades tried through out the years to see Mal, but was either forcefully turned away by Maleficent’s goons or Maleficent herself forced him away from their daughter.
Hades did want a relationship with Mal because he missed out on his first daughters life, he has his son but he aches for his daughter Melinoe and decides he will attempt to raise Mal to make up for not being able to raise Melinoe, but unfortunately he never gets the chance and by the time mal is 5 years old, he figures she doesn't want him around because every time he approaches her she just looks at him hostility, and while he thinks its because she doesn't want him, its actually because Mal only knows him as a enemy for her mothers territory. so Hades respects Mals ‘wishes’ and leaves her be, checking u on her once and a while (and sneaking her food on nights Maleficent punished mal with no meals)
Hadie’s planned relationship with Mal; so Hadie is that half brother who denies caring about anyone, and he’s kinda meh about Mal, he’s known she's his half sister since she was delivered to Hades because he was already 3-4 years old when Mal was born. but he’s kinda like “well she exists?” he keeps an eye on her because well, instincts, but doesn't go out of his way to protect her or anything because she’s already “protected” by Maleficent's reputation as well as him not really giving a fuck about Mal. he doesn't really start to see her as his little sister until after his mother, Persephone, basically goes “hi yes you’re mine now” after she learns of Mal’s parentage from Hades (Persephone is a little peeved with Hades after leaning of his accidently affair but he makes it up to her) 
Hadie’s relationship with Hades; its pretty good, Hades is a decent dad, though he’s a little emotionally unavailable but he does his best to raise his son the way he thinks Persephone would’ve raised him. they don't really say ‘i love you’ to each other but that's less to do with any type relationship strain but more with the isle. all in all, Hades does his best with what he has and Hadie appreciates that and hopes he can see his parents back together one day so he can see his dad be happy again.
all in all, Hades isn't the worst father in the world, and is really not the best to Mal because of circumstances, if he had helped raised her Mal would be more well rounded and would’ve had access to her Hades magic a lot sooner (she would also look like him a bit more (through her hair n eyes, like how she looks in her 2nd hair & eye color change in D3 rewrite, the purple to blue fade i designed for her with yellow-green eyes)
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Daughter of the Honorable Thief - Harry Hook x reader - part 6
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Harry Hook x Daughter of Robin Hood!Reader
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 clothing reference:
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  ---(y/n) POV---
Ahhh, lunchtime, one your favorite times of the day. Breathing deeply through your nose as you entered the cafeteria, your eye caught the baked macaroni and cheese, just calling your name, along with the cornbread and chicken legs near it.
Oh!! (favorite beverage) sounded good too.
Erza skipped next to you, babbling about what she was going to eat. “im in the mood for something strawberry~ oh!!! Strawberry shortcake yum!!”
You snorted at her antics, “erza, real food before dessert, remember?”
Erza pouted before nodding, following you into the line of meals, glancing wistfully to the desert line. You rolled your eyes, patting her shoulder “don’t worry erza, it'll still be there when you're finished.”
The amber-eyed girl huffed, following your lead of the food choices, mac&cheese, cornbread, but getting sliced mutton thigh instead of chicken.
You turned, looking around for seats, before spotting gil waving you over, you smiled, bumping Erza then making your way over to the corner table.
“Hey guys” you cheered, sitting next to harry, erza plopping next to Uma, “ hows it going?”
Uma hummed, dipping a fry in her ranch, tossing it in her mouth. She shrugged, not really having anything to say.
“notin mush” she talked through her food, you snickered, the teal haired girl blushed and swallowed her food “hated goodness class though, it's nauseating.”
Erza snorted, “I would think so, I full hour stuff with FG and her baby talk? Just kill me now”
Uma sorted, looking down at her food. Erza wiggled her brows at you, you huffed and tossed a crumb of cornbread at her.
“Ewwww?!?! What the fuck!?!?!” Mals voice screeched, across the mess hall, Uma, gil, and harry jumped when she screamed and turned, seeing mal making a disgusted face at her oreos. You and Erza glanced at each other, before covering your mouths to prevent Mal hearing you laugh.
Harry blinked, surprised, what the heck? Glancing at Uma, he raised his brow, confused.
“Uma?” he mumbled “wha’ the hell is goin on?” Uma snicked, finally realizing what happened.
“(y/n) and Erza played more than one prank” Uma whispered, not wanting Mal to figure out anything or accuse her of the pranks.
“they also replaced the filling in Mals oreos with blended up baby wipe jelly beans~”
Harry was lucky he wasn’t drinking anything because if he was it would have squirted out of his nose, he snorted loudly, luckily not loud enough to overpower Mals screeching.
Uma reached under the table and low fived you, grinning as Harry began to wheeze. Gil was biting his lip to stifle his laughter, and you giggled, glad they enjoyed your prank so much.
“well,” Uma smirked looking at her boys, “I think that’s a good enough prank for her to be into our group, right boys?”
Harry was still wheezing, so he just gave a thumbs-up as tears ran down his face. Gil nodded, you would be a great addition to the group, you were fun!!
“thank you~” you hummed, taking a sip of your (favorite beverage), eyeing Evie as she turned to look at Harry confused, she raised a brow at you, you just shrugged, the blue-haired girl huffed and turned back to her food.
“what the hell happened’ and why is Harry wheezing?” Harriet had arrived, and she is baffled by Harry's laughter, raising her brows at her little brother.
Uma snorted, shaking her head, “Mal got pranked” Harriet nodded, slapping her bother on the back, she made her way to the food lines.
Harry finally regained his breath, “I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, lassie, yeh just keep surprising meh”
You giggled and gave a small mock bow, seeing Harriet returning and sliding to the side slightly for her to sit.
Harriet hummed thanks and glanced around the table, raising her brow at Erza.
“who are yeh?” Erza’s eye twinkled and she leaned forward towards Harriet, you rolled your eyes, dear god erza is such a disaster lesbian.
“me~? Erza, Erza Scarlet, pleasure ta meet ya.” Erza gave a flirty grin and Harriet huffed through her nose, looking down at her food.
“sorry lassie, I got meh eye on another lass”
Erza pouted but leaned back, respectful of Harriet.
You turned to look at Uma, seeing her glance between Harriet and Erza. She locked eyes with you confused.
Ah, she's confused by Erza’s obvious gayness. “Erza’s gay, she's known that since we were kids, big ol gay crush on wonder woman as soon as she saw her”
Erza turned to you, unbothered by your easygoing outing of her sexuality as she had given you permission to do so before, “bitch don’t lie and say you didn’t have a crush on her either,  you literally said you want her to crush you between her thighs”
“I’m not denying that” you teased, still grinning “I’m just saying that she was your sexual awakening”
“true true” erza nodded, Uma looked at her boys shocked, they looked back, shocked as well, they didn’t know sexuality was not really bothered with, accepted without a thought, they thought it would be like the isle.
“well,” Uma coughed, gaining yours and Erzas attention. “since we seem to be announcing our sexuality, I feel like I need to get this off my chest” you quickly interrupted, not wanting Uma to feel pressured.
“ you don’t have too, Erza and I are just comfortable with ours and pretty much everyone at the school is chill with that kinda stuff, but you don’t have to feel obligated to share your sexuality, that’s your business, your privacy.” Erza nodded rapidly, wholeheartedly agreeing with you
Uma stayed silent for a moment, glancing at her boys.
“well,” she mumbled, your mini-speech actually making her want to tell you guys even more “im okay with telling yall, as you seem to be people I can trust with it.”
You nodded, Erza grinning along, Uma softly smiled, Harry and Gil following her lead
“um alright okay…” Uma took a deep breath “Im Bi”
“sweet” you grinned, making Uma’s shoulders relax “im demi”
Uma raised her brow, “what does demi mean?”
“oh!” you didn’t know that on the isle, there were few known sexualities on the isle, I mean they were known, just not by the VKs “demi is the shortened term of demisexual, its when a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.”
“ah” Uma hummed, that made sense
“I think im demi too them” Gil spoke through his fries “I've never really been super attracted to somebody till I've known them for a while”
You hummed “well if you don’t know then you don’t know, there are lots of people who don’t know where they are on the spectrum and that’s okay, you don’t need a label for what you feel”
Gil brightened, wow you gave really good pep talks.
“im pan” Harry blurted, blushing slightly as you giggled, Erza joining you “wha’? why yeh laughing?”
“be-because,” you snickered “because you must have a fucking time with being attracted to anyone regardless of gender!”
Uma groaned, along with Harriet, “Oh my fucking god you don’t know the half of it!!! He's such a fucking disaster!!! He flirts with anything and everything that moves!!!”
Harry was turning scarlet, slamming his head on the table, covering his face with his arms. “oh really~?” you laughed, feeling slightly bad for Harry.
“yeah,” Uma groaned, “he's flirted with Carlos, evie, jane, Audrey, ben, everyone!!!” you burst out cackling but calmed down quickly when you saw Harry glaring at Uma.
“sorry” you coughed, Harry just nodded pouting, face still red. Uma was about to go on but you flicked her shoulder, causing her to realize she was making harry slightly uncomfortable.
“oh, sorry har” Harry just hummed, his face finally cooling down. “Is alright’ “
“well” Harriet hummed, stealing one of Harrys apple slices, he growled and swiped at her, she just snickered and brushed him off.
“That was an interesting conversation, but I’d rather we stop talking about Harrys fanatics and just go back to normal conversations”
The rest of the group agreed and continued on talking. From classes to sword-fighting styles, the six of you were quickly gaining a bond.
Then the bell rang
“well,” you stood, gathering up your tray, Erza following your lead, “time for the next class, see you later guys”
The four pirate teens nodded, standing as well and tossing their trash away.
You bumped fists with Uma and walked off with erza at your side.
“sooo~” Erza hummed, a shit-eating grin on her face “Uma's bi~”
“yep” you mumbled, tapping on your phone, texting your mother. “that means you have a chance, don’t fuck it up”
“I won't I won't”
“that’s what you said last time when we were taking the history test, and look at your score, 25 out of 100”
“fuck off hood!!!”
---end of part 6---
Comment or message me for part 7
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