#i can't even work on comms asap i have to slow them down i feel awful
smitemeister · 1 year
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Hi all, I've made an emergency ko-fi goal in regards to a really sudden move I have to do in such short notice 🏠
I'm on a tight schedule at the moment and doing my best.. but if anyone would like to help out I appreciate anything, thank you.
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assembletheimagines · 2 years
I have an idea for a one-shot😳 and I was wondering if you would write it! I adore your work so much!
Here's my idea:
You and Bucky have been put on a hydra mission with Steve and Sam and bucky doesn't want you to go on the mission because he knows how bad hydra can be. After the meeting briefing, you and Bucky go back to Bucky's room and you both have a massive arguement about the mission and Bucky comes out and says that he can't concentrate on the mission and look after you even though he knew you can look after yourself. So that night you slept in your own room, you and Bucky didn't speak at all for days and even when getting ready for the mission you guys didn't look at each other. While on the mission you got paired with Steve, due to the atmosphere between you and Bucky, while scoping out the place with Steve you get separated and you get losted and end up getting ambushed by hydra and you fight off as many as you can but you end up getting injured badly and Bucky can hear the pain in your voice as you are talking over the Comms and then he hears Steve call for Sam to get you back to base asap because you are hurt badly. After Bucky hears that he feels his heart drop into his stomach and his whole world comes crashing down. Once Bucky gets back to the base he doesn't even change he comes straight to find you and he eventually finds you and you are in the hospital bed with tubes and wires attached to you and wounds covering your chest. He breaks down and sits beside your bed and holds your hand, apologizing about what he said and about what happend, how much he needs you and how much he hated not hearing your voice over the past couple days and he stays by your bed refusing to move till you wake up and once you wake up you feel him holding your hand and you look down and see him with his head on your bed sleeping with tear stained cheeks and you remove your hand from his and gently stroke his hair and he jumps awake and looks at you in disbelief and starts crying again and you raise your hands to him wanting a hug and he climbs on your bed beside you and wraps his arms around you, telling you how much he missed you and how much he is sorry
ugh, angsty, I'm here for it lol
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Warnings: angst- Bucky can't live without you
Tags: @whiskey-barnes @elle14-blog1 @potatothots
Summary: Bucky can’t lose you or the one where a hydra mission goes wrong
That is what Bucky thinks when Steve finishes the meeting. 
His fingers curls into clenched fists, the metal plates in his arm whirring as he looks over at you and then to his best friend. 
“She’s not going,” he grumbles and all three heads turn to him. 
Your eyes narrow at Bucky before you close your folder giving Sam, Steve and then Bucky a tight-lipped smile. “She,” you hum, “makes her own decisions.” You say sweetly you’d almost miss the burning behind it. “I’ll be there, Steve.” And you’re out the door before Steve and Sam can move. 
“Buck-” Steve begins but the super soldier is right out the door and hot on your trail before Steve can finish. 
Sam whistles low and slow, shaking his head. “This will be fun.” 
It didn’t take long for Bucky to catch up to your fiery steps, his metal fingers circling your wrist and twirling you into his apartment for more privacy. “I said no,” he says once the door is closed and turns to see you glare. 
“That funny,” you laugh with no mirth behind it. “And I thought I said I make my own decisions.” You counter, arms crossing as you tilt your head at the soldier before you. 
“I’m not joking,” Bucky says your name like a warning but you are already shaking your head. 
“First of all, how dare you speak on my behalf to Steve or Sam about my job.” You grumble as you watch Bucky stand broad and protective in front of the door, your exit. You had nowhere to go. “And secondly, you’ve never stopped me on a mission before, you have no right to start dictating any choices now.” 
Bucky’s frown deepens, his arms mimicking yours by crossing them over his chest. He says your name again, but you hold your ground. “This is hydra,” he says it like it enough to make you change your mind but you’re still standing off against him. 
“Okay?” You shake your head like it means nothing. “And I will be going.” 
Bucky’s fingers pinch the bridge of his nose as he shakes his head. “You’re not going.” 
“Why? Huh, why not?” You’re pushing his buttons and he’s cracking. 
“Because why?” You’re getting closer to him and now he feels like he’s the one cornered. 
“Because,” his chest puffs out and when his eyes meet yours, you stop. “I can’t concentrate on the mission and look after you.” 
Your anger dims slightly, knowing what Hydra did to Bucky. But it only lessens slightly because it’s the exact reason why you want to go and will be going. 
“I can look after myself.” 
And then you’re out the door, leaving Bucky alone in his apartment. 
Sam exchange looks with Steve as you walk onto the jet. You walk right past Bucky, not giving him a glance, before sitting down and buckling.  
You look over to Steve and he feels like he’s just burning up from your gaze as you address him. 
Steve clears his throat and notices when Bucky’s fingers dig into the top of his thighs as he doesn’t look at anyone. 
“Bucky you’re going to be going through the west side of the base.” Steve instructs after informing everyone that Sam is look out, using red wing to scope and be the eyes for any blind spots. When he gets to you, he can hear Bucky’s arm whirring, tensing as he lets you know that you’ll be with him. 
Steve hopes that would make Bucky a little less apprehensive but one look with Sam, he knows it doesn’t even matter. 
Your hand holds your gun, pointing it to the ground, as you walk down the corridor. You peak your head into any room that had the door open as you walk a little ahead of Cap. You are looking for anything that may be dangerous but you can’t focus. Your thoughts on Bucky who was on the other side of the base. 
Stupid. You think, the fight you two had. You were so irritated you couldn’t even go back. Choosing to sleep in your old room at the compound. Which only irritated you further, you had grown used to sleeping next to Bucky, that you barely had a wink of sleep. 
Steve said your name, bringing you from your thoughts and you hummed. Just about to turn and answer him when a rumble went through the floor. 
Your mouth dropped as the biggest man you had ever seen emerged from a room, coming out into the hallway. He was tall and wide, his arms looked like the size of your leg and his lips showcased a sinister grin. Your name was yelled again but the man before you was quicker than Cap. 
The man pressed the remote in his hand and you had turned just in time to see the ceiling crumble, trapping you as Steve tried to throw the shield. The debris piled separating you from Steve and leaving you nowhere else to go. 
“Hello, Little Birdy.” The Australian accent from the huge guy grabbed your attention again. You shivered as the man licked his lips like you were prey and he was the predator. 
Bucky heard a curse over the comms as he held his gun up on the west side of the compound, his footsteps quiet as he walked down a hallway. Bucky recognized the voice being Steve. 
Before he could ask, Sam’s voice came in. “Cap? What’s going on?” 
“Bucky-” Steve choked out, “I’m so sorry.” 
The blood in Bucky ran cold when over his comm a blood curling scream sounded. 
“Sam, Sam, I need you to find,” Steve instructed Sam to locate you informing both men that he had gotten separated from you. But to Bucky, Steve’s voice sounded muffled, nothing compared to the screams you let out over the comms in everyone’s ears. 
“Bucky, I’ll get her.” Sam’s voice tried to sound in his ear but Bucky couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t feel anything. His knees buckled and he fell to the ground as the world fell from underneath him. 
“Bucky? Where are you?” Steve tried and Bucky could hear him grunt as it sounded like he was throwing his shield at a wall. 
“I got her,” Sam’s voice rang over the comm. You had stopped screaming a while ago but it sounded clear on repeat in Bucky’s head. 
“Was there a man?” Steve asked panting as he ran. “Big, metal helmet,” he continued and Sam cursed softly. 
“No, Steve I-” Bucky had never heard Sam’s voice sound so broken. “I got to take her back right now.” 
When Sam said it, Bucky felt a hand on his shoulder. Without hesitating, he snatched the hand twisting as he placed the gun to the man’s head. 
“Bucky,” blue eyes met his pleading. “It’s me, Steve.” Steve looked at Bucky, hands raised in surrender as Bucky breathed. He looked like the Winter Soldier again. 
“We’re out, heading back.” Sam’s voice sounded through the comms and Bucky finally lowered the gun. 
“A man with a metal helmet?” Bucky growled and Steve nodded his head silently. 
Bucky closed his eyes, inhaling, and when his eyes opened again Steve flinched back only seeing death behind them. 
Bucky and Steve were silent the entire flight back. 
Steve couldn’t look over at Bucky without seeing the red that were left on the walls at the Hydra base. He shivered, hands tightening on the handles as he lowered the jet on the ground. 
Once the wheels touched the ground, Bucky was out of his seat. Heading straight to infirmary. 
And when the nurse gave him your room number his eyes met Sam’s who was currently slumped in a chair right outside your door. Sam was quick to jump out of his seat. Mouth opened to speak but Bucky shoved past him, walking into your room and shutting the door before Sam could follow. 
When his eyes landed on you, his breath left him. 
You laid on the bed, a sheet covered up to your chest. Bandages were wrapped around your arms, chest, and neck while a tube was attached to your wrist, pumping blood into you since you had lost a lot on the field. 
Bucky crashed to his knees again, his hands shaking as he kneeled at your side. Your eyes were closed and your breath shallow, his heart twisted in pain from the sight. He let out a choked-out sob as his fingers shakily took your limp hand into his. “I’m so sorry,” he gasped, his head bowing as his shoulders shaked, tears falling faster down his face. 
You didn’t respond, and Bucky slumped further, “I’m so sorry.” His apologies stuttered out between tears as he held onto you like if he let go you may disappear. “Please,” he begged to you. The only noise besides his broken sniffles was your heart monitor. “Please, wake up, I can’t live in a world without your voice. Without your smile, without you.” 
The door opened and closed quietly. 
“She has three fractured ribs, stitches on her left thigh, minor cuts on her arms, and bruising on her neck from him...” Sam couldn’t finish the sentence. From him choking her. 
Bucky didn’t turn as Steve and Sam stood by the door. His eyes only focused on your face as you breathed slowly. “They medicated her so she’ll be out for a while.” Sam mumbles but no one moves. 
“I’m not leaving.” Bucky voices quietly, his hand still shaking slightly as he tucked some of your hair behind your ear. 
When you wake up, you gasp, feeling your whole-body ache. You blink a couple of times as you slowly come to, remembering everything. You shiver, a whimper falling from your lips as you remembered the man at the Hydra base. 
The machines connected to you beep softly in the still room and you feel warmth on your right hand and wrist. It hurts, but you turn your head to look and your eyes meet Bucky’s slumped form. His hand gripping yours as his head rests on your arm. 
You smile softly and wiggle your arm from under him, running your fingers through his hair as he slept. He was seated in the chair beside you but half of his body was leaned forward onto your bed. Your smile grew weakly, that could not be comfortable. But your smile doesn’t last as you stare further, seeing his wet eyelashes resting above his cheeks that had clear stains of dried tears. Your heart broke. 
You didn’t even realize you had let out a noise from the sight but it was enough to wake Bucky. His eyes meeting yours before he jumps up, fresh tears already flowing down his face. 
The sight alone makes your own tears well as you open your arms, you needed him. 
Bucky doesn’t hesitate in climbing into your bed beside you. Carefully moving himself around so he didn’t hurt you any further as he pulled you into his warm embrace. 
“Thank you,” his voice shakes as he holds onto you as tight as you hold him. “I’m so sorry, baby.” He apologizes and he could feel his shirt dampen where you rested your head on it. “Missed you, missed your voice, never letting you go.” He mumbles and you whimper, burrowing your nose into his neck. 
“I’m sorry,” you cry softly and his heart twists in pain again. 
“Never letting you go.” 
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