#i can't look at these images for too long because it makes me feel emotions that don't have names
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pow pow - still from the arbor vitate video, thanks to @frankenswine
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dadsbongos · 3 months
5 times laios almost says he loves you + 1 time he does
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2 k words / warnings - momentary lead up to smut (foreplay/roleplay), modern au w fantasy elements
summary - laios wants to tell you he loves you, but keeps getting interrupted.
When Laios was a kid, he'd imagined a tri-headed beast crossbred from reptiles, mammals, and birds attacking all his problems. Recently, that image has been… tweaked…
Now when he's afflicted by demeaning nightmares or stiff social situations, the power he summons to crush all which is dark sided is, surprisingly, a human.
A mere person.
His partner.
Every time you appear in his dream, Laios wakes up in a massively good mood. Whenever Laios pictures you over the unpleasant sight of strangers, he can suddenly bear unwelcome conversation. Whenever Laios so much as spots you, his whole day elevates -- swirling into something brighter and sweeter. Misery to melon juice, he’s absolute goo as soon as you’re in the room.
And everybody except him knows what his deal is. Similarly, they know it’ll take a miserably long while before he can spit it out.
the time where you’re naked
“I wanna learn human anatomy, can you pose nude for me?”
You choke on your water, trying to laugh off the awkward question with a couple chest-pats, “Can't you just look at porn for that stuff? I don't mind, you know?”
“Nah, I wanna draw you.”
“Oh! Uh, okay…” you cross the floor, drawing the curtains to your living room before stiffly beginning to disrobe, “Like… right now?”
“Mhm,” Laios nods excitedly.
“‘kay then.”
Sweat practically oozes down Laios’ forehead, shoulders knotted towards his jaw as he obsessively studies each roll and dip along your body. Trying to copy you down on sketch paper that’s now marred with charcoal and eraser strokes. Drawing has never been something Laios cared to prove himself for, he knows what he’s skilled with and doesn’t fret over what he isn’t. Until now, now he feels the utmost need to prove himself.
To prove how devoted he is to perfecting your body on paper because how else will his adoration be known?
Because trust: he does adore your body. So pretty. And tender. And so very welcoming to him, just like you. Laios adores your personality more than your body -- you’re nice and funny and understanding and, most importantly, you like him. You seriously like him. His rants about monsters, his social ineptitude, his shameless nature: you’re verily into all of it.
And, in turn, he’s into you. He’s so into you it makes him want to choke himself in excitement whenever you lock eyes.
He’s so into you he thinks he loves you.
Laios pauses mid stroke on your thigh: it’s a little skinnier than the fleshy counterpart. So he erases again and lets the realization fizz over him slowly.
He definitely loves you. Unfortunately the sudden thought makes him so emotional he’s tearing up.
the time you’re on a date
Flickering overhead fluorescents are hideously unflattering to customers and staff alike at the diner. Not you, though. Somehow you make them work, even though everytime Laios catches his reflection in a window he looks absolutely ghoulish. The pale wash of sickly light almost makes you seem like a varnished painting.
You’re not even aware of his obsessing, too busy scanning the menu, “I’m looking at the breakfast for dinner options, but I dunno what I want…”
Laios wants you, and he figures the best way to get it out is just saying it.
“I lo- !” he’s silenced by a woman cheerfully greeting the both of you.
Her broad grin tackles him like a personal slight.
“So, what can I get started for you guys?”
Laios swallows his frustration with a wash of chilled water, letting the rhythm of your voice soothe him. Now the mood is ruined. Too stuffy with this onlooker.
Oh, well, he sighs quietly before ordering his own dish; paying no mind to how the server silently questions his moody demeanor.
There’s always more chances.
the time where you’re naked pt. 2
When you’re genuinely asleep, your lashes consistently flutter against your cheeks with each jerk beneath your eyelids. Your lips are parted to let air puff between, and usually you’ll curl your arms towards your chest -- which Laios finds so cute it makes him want to bite you. Sweetly, of course. Not enough to draw blood, unless you say he can.
Either way, he’s fully aware you’re not really sleeping. Which he considers preferable since the secondary act of roleplay doesn’t work if you aren’t awake.
Suddenly, you roll onto your stomach and stretch along the bed -- perking your ass up with a faux drowsy mumble. Laios can register you’re trying to spur him on, a more emotional exhaustion gnawing your spirit the longer he goes without touching you.
Laios has never been able to fanatically explain Incubi mating before he met you (well: he skimmed through it with Kabru, but that didn’t feel impactful), and furthermore, he’s never been able to act it out. Nobody before you seemed the type to accept his interest in portraying a sleeping body about to be bred by an Incubus.
Nobody before you is even worth remembering, Laios steps forward with fingers trailing up the bed and teasing your ankle. Mouth opening, he’s gearing up to confess when suddenly a voice not his own breaks the scene first:
“Laios, please,” you mutter, pouting so adorably he feels like his chest is about to explode, “I don’t wanna be mean, but I need you to hurry it up.”
“Now we have to restart,” Laios steps back until he’s pressed against the bedroom door, “Okay, I’ll go faster this time,” then he grins, “That’ll be even more realistic if I rush in! You’re so smart!”
By the time Laios re-enters the room, his confliction of pure love has been stifled in favor of lust.
the time you’re out with friends
Earplugs are snug in Laios’ ears, cushy and pressing against every crevice of his ear, as he slouches into the booth across from Senshi. He’s sliding a mug of beer from hand-to-hand, leaving a condensation trail along the shiny veneer of the table. Beside him is a gaping hole he laments, belonging to you, as does the margarita saucer. Melting ice chips and an olive Laios promised to eat are the only remnants of your drink.
Otherwise, it all seems to be pumping through you like hot blood. A beaming grin alight on your face as you and Chilchuck bounce around each other on the dance floor. You’re holding hands in the cramped throng of guests so as to not lose each other, and Laios shocked Marcille by not getting the least bit jealous.
“I trust them,” he reasoned, “It’s not like I’m the only person allowed to touch their hands now.”
Not that he’d like to be, either. Laios thinks everyone should touch your hand at least once: it’s soft and warm and you’ve got the perfect grip strength. Just holding your hand makes Laios want to be a better, more upstanding citizen that votes and volunteers. That sort of inspiring spirit is something he couldn’t dream of caging.
You’re like a human morphine injection confounded with pure sunlight, and Laios is already a baked sucker.
“Don’t wanna join?” Senshi slides along the black leather seat until he’s squeezed out from their booth, “You won’t be so young forever, you know? Best to take advantage while you can.”
Laios can barely make out what his friend says, combining muffled gibberish with the shape his lips made and praying he’s assumed correct, “I like just watching them.”
Senshi’s gaze follows Laios’ pointing, he nods slowly and pitters off with another few mumbles.
Laios cannot handle anything outside the safety of your group’s booth. Music too loud and air too hot the further he crawls along the dance floor, so he leaves that to you. And Chilchuck. But mostly you.
Life has many opportunities for him to sway with you to music: in your shared apartment, at friends’ weddings, and fairs. He can handle not taking this particular once to dance with you, and besides just watching is enough.
He whispers affection into the club, naturally you catch none of what he says.
the time where you’re naked pt. 3
Your nails scratch over Laios’ scalp, rinsing bubbles from between sandy strands of hair. His head is tilted, neck beginning to ache from the angle as you finish scrubbing his hair clean. Fingers snatch him by the chin, forcing his head back until water is trailing down his spine and shaking out his head with finality.
“There,” you push onto your toes to kiss his cheek, making him hurry to stabilize you by snagging your hips, “All clean!”
“Thanks,” Laios fails to release you, instead letting you spin in his hands towards the wall for your body wash -- the brand he bought you for your birthday once and you always kept going back to.
“If you’re gonna keep groping me, wash my back, yeah?”
“I’m not groping,” Laios protests weakly, frowning at the perverse accusation. Though he doesn’t pause before uncapping your soap and squirting a heap into his palm, then yours when you hold your hand out expectantly.
You scale down your legs, from the inside of your thighs to your shins as Laios lathers your back. He shifts a step aside to let water coax soap foam down the curve of your spine. Then he’s stepping back entirely, eyes lingering inappropriately. If he was able to die staring at you, then he’d take that certainty in a heartbeat.
Now, right? Now is the perfect time for him to get it all out there. Nobody else is in your apartment. It's domestic and quiet and so, so peaceful.
“Hey,” he calls over the thrumming showerhead, and you hum sweetly in reply, “I lo- !” he bravely takes another step, a lost bar of soap slotting perfectly under the arch of his foot, “Fuck!”
“Huh?” you turn in time to gasp as Laios tumbles forward. Yanking down the shower curtain in a feeble attempt to catch himself before his skull thuds loudly against the tile wall, “Oh my God, Laios!”
His body collapses against the wall before limply sinking into the shallow tub. Your petrified face blurring out in favor of deep,
+1 - the time Laios had a head injury
“Can you see straight? How many fingers am I holding up?”
Laios smiles at your flagrant concern, enveloping your shaky hand with his own and bringing it toward his thigh -- still damp from the shower and barely covered by the boxers you hastily dressed him with, “I can see fine. Let’s leave the doctors to do the testing stuff.”
“I thought you were done for! I was so scared,” you don’t fare much better than Laios in the clothing department: shorts he knows are his wrapped around your waist, and shirts clinging uncomfortably to both your wet bodies.
“Aw,” he coos, leaning closer to peck your cheek, “I wouldn’t go down from a hit like that. My head’s a lot sturdier than some shower wall.”
“I know, but still! How terrifying, you just- !” you slap a hand against your thigh, “Boom!”
“Well, you got me to the hospital pretty fast,” Laios squeezes his hand around yours, “So even if I was dying -- which I wasn’t -- I definitely would’ve lived with how fast you were going.”
“I almost didn’t dress us, and then I spent the whole time you were asleep wondering if I got you killed by wasting the time.”
“Like I said, I wouldn’t die like that,” he shrugs, “I can’t die before I tell you I love you.”
“I love you, by the way,” he sighs, a hand splayed over his chest with apparent relief, “Now I can die.”
You laugh, head throwing back in glee before you can catch your breath, then patting his thigh with a smile, “No, you can’t die. Because I love you too, so you can’t just die on me.”
Laios’ cheeks flush, he nods curtly, “Cool.”
“I spent so long trying to get it out that I never planned what to say when you told me you loved me back.”
Laios is so cute you want to bite him in half, and you’re unbelievably relieved to hear he feels the same.
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mewguca · 2 months
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this is a rather personal piece; it's primarily based on my own struggles
It probably could've been executed better (like having more of the interaction she's agonizing over), but I really wanted to focus on that visceral reaction of shame, guilt, and self-criticism
here's a long ramble I wrote while starting this ...
I realize, perhaps much of the reason certain depictions of moon trigger me so much is due to my own overwhelming shame and guilt. It's a defense mechanism crafted because I yet lack the strength to accept myself. I suppose that's why characters like Five Pebbles are so appealing to me — he is someone I've given the room to express his faults, his flaws, his hatred, his despair, his pain, and all his imperfections... For him to be mean or angry is natural and expected, so it's not as scary to express my negative feelings with him as the instrument. He's not a "good person", after all, so it's fine if he is "bad." His standards aren't as high.
Conversely, because I idealize LTTM so much and connect her to myself, I deny her the same things I deny myself. I do it without even thinking, really...
I've often thought, "but this sort of emotion doesn't really suit her... isn't this sort of projection too self-indulgent? If I made this, it'd be too obvious that my own emotions are bleeding through onto the canvas..."
So, I wonder if she's experienced that same sort of emotional repression. It'd be cathartic, in an unfortunate way. To see someone else struggle to grapple with such things, because they want to be pure and virtuous and not upset others...
It's harder when you spend so much time shaping that perfect, faultless, virtuous sort of image, especially when you do it reflexively. Unconsciously. You're making the pressure for yourself worse, but you can't stop... I'm actually not a very friendly person. I'm actually quite afraid and irritable, and I push people away when they get too close. I don't want to hurt anyone, and I don't want anyone to hate me... I don't want to cause suffering or strife. Sometimes, I wish I could just be a completely passive observer.
But I suppose I'm a human being instead, so I have to accept that. Thanks for reading, I guess. I'm not really looking for emotional support here... I just want to be understood.
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buccini555 · 1 year
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𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬: 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲
★ You found out you were pregnant, but were afraid to tell them, but they ended up finding out
★ H e a d c a n o n s !
★ 𝑭𝒕. Manjiro Sano, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Kakucho Hitto, Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Kokonoi Hajime and Takeomi Akashi
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tw: unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms, bad words, abandonment, a little angst but a lot of fluff
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𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
Manjiro began to notice the change in your behavior, having the impression that you were hiding something, he knew, at that point he was almost sure that you were expecting his baby.
"Don't lie to me..." He held you, making you completely vulnerable, tears came down his face, Manjiro was really scaring you.
"M-manjiro, stop, please..." You just closed your eyes, expecting the worst and fearing for your son's life, but, unexpectedly, Manjiro let you go, giving you a hug full of affection, you remained silent, watching him place his hand on your belly.
"A-are you... pregnant?" Your heart beat faster, a feeling of despair took over you, but it was too late. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry but, it's true, I-I'm expecting your baby." Silence took over the room, being broken by Manjiro's inconsolable crying.
"Thanks." He said through tears. "Please take our baby away from me, I don't want to hurt you..." That was the last thing you heard from Manjiro before he told you to leave.
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𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨
You tried to hide all the symptoms so that Haruchiyo wouldn't notice, until the day you were having dinner together and you felt sick, as soon as you got up and went to the bathroom because of nausea, at that moment he already knew that you were pregnant.
"Love? are you ok?" He walked into the bathroom, seeing you sitting on the floor crying.
"Be honest with me... You're pregnant, aren't you?" Haruchiyo said as he helped you get up, your crying only intensified at that moment, confirming Sanzu's question, he remained silent, looking at you and stroking your face, it was definitely not the reaction you expected from him.
"Were you scared to tell me? I-I'm so sorry." Sanzu hugged you, then he walked away and at that moment you expected the worst possible reaction.
"I'm really angry that you're making your mother sick, we have to take care of her together, do you hear your father?" He said hugging and placing a small kiss on your belly, giving a smile of relief from you, later getting up and giving you a long kiss.
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𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨
Kakucho was always very attentive to you, for that reason, it didn't take long for him to suspect that you were pregnant, his doubts were only confirmed the day you ended up in the hospital because of a faint.
As soon as he found out about your hospitalization, he went to visit you, but as soon as he arrived in the room you were in, he saw you doing an ultrasound and listening to your baby's heart, as soon as you noticed his presence, your heart accelerated, Kakucho was standing at that door crying with a smile on his face, he went into denial for a moment, his emotion upon hearing your baby was so great that he couldn't even contain himself.
"Y-you're really pregnant, our baby is so small, so fragile... We're going to have a baby, I can't believe it!" He approached you, holding your hand and telling you through tears, he was shaking and couldn't even look away from the image of the baby.
"That was the best gift you could have given me, thank you darling! Now you're no longer the only love of my life." He kissed your hand, his reaction left you completely in love, you were sure at that moment that despite everything, you chose the right father for your baby.
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𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
Rindou and you were in the room listening to some songs together when you started to feel sick, as much as you were trying to hide your pregnancy, Rindou had already noticed at that moment.
"Shit, aren't you going to tell me you got pregnant?" He said in a serious tone, looking directly at you, you looked at him scared, but you would have to tell the truth. "I'm sorry Rin..." You just confirmed his question, Rindou was completely shaken by the news and you could only hope for the worst.
"I'm not going to be a good father..." He said in a low tone, shaking his head in denial and trying to hide how disappointed he was. "I'm sure you'll be a great father, Rin." Everything suddenly became silent, almost as if time had stopped, Rindou hugged you, then placed his hand on your belly and caressed you with a smile on his face.
"I'll do my best for you, you and this little one boy... Or little one girl! Ran will love knowing he's going to be an uncle."
𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
Ran You definitely won't find out about your pregnancy that easily, but as soon as he saw you feeling sick in front of him, something in his intuition made him realize your pregnancy.
Holding your hair as you finished throwing up, he couldn't help but ask you.
"You are pregnant?" He asked the question with a worried expression, seeing you feeling sick and thinking about the fact that you were carrying that weight alone made him completely sensitive, fearing for Ran's reaction, you just nodded your head.
"You should have told me earlier!" He shouted at you, making you even more scared.
"Forgive me... I didn't mean to yell at you." Ran hugged you, being careful in his embrace, he was already getting used to the presence of your baby, knowing that he would have to change his behavior for you.
"...My angel, my girlfriend and future wife, you made me a complete man!" He said, still hugging you, Ran proposed to you at that same moment and promised himself that regardless of anything, he would be the best father your baby could have. "Rindou is going to spoil this child so much..." Ran said with a smile on his face.
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𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞
Kokonoi had already made it very clear previously that he did not intend to have children, hiding the pregnancy from him would definitely not be a good idea as it didn't take him long to realize it.
"Do you have something to tell me?" He would ask you, already knowing the answer, Kokonoi didn't want to believe that that had happened.
"N-no." You said, trying to deny the obvious, but he interrupted you.
"You are pregnant." Koko stated, taking a long sigh and shaking his head in denial, you expected the worst possible reaction, but the tallest just burst into tears, soon going to hug you.
"I would never, ever deny our baby, I love you and I will love this baby, in fact, I already love him... or she? I don't know!" He said, or at least tried to say in the midst of so much emotion, he hugged you tightly, you just felt how much he was shaking, Koko was scared and just feared he wouldn't be a good father to your son. "I will take care of you, I will protect you! You are my most precious one, you and our baby."
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𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢
Takeomi already knew about your pregnancy, he paid close attention to your behavior and it didn't take long to notice the changes.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Where were you thinking when you chose to hide your pregnancy from me?" Takeomi said placing you against the wall and holding your face aggressively, at that moment you could only cry, fearing for your baby's life.
"You were just another slut, you should have thought about that before showing up pregnant." He said, releasing you, despite all that violence, Takeomi was honestly moved by the fact that you were expecting his baby.
"... I'm so sorry." Takeomi looked at you, helping you sit down and sitting in front of you.
"I won't be able to move on with my life knowing that I left a child behind, so I will take care of you and these children, but know that I'm not happy at all with this mistake I made." He got up and left.
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thebearer · 1 year
omg the part in that one blurb where reader makes a joke about being able to skip a meal and then carmy’s just like tf did you just say is so important to me as someone that has a long (and uneasy) history with body image and healthy eating habits
i was wondering if you had blurb/general thoughts/ideas on how carmy would react to the reader having a harder than usual time with body image for whatever reason
maybe they make one too many jokes or little comments about feeling insecure and carmy’s just not having it lol
carmen, with every ounce of love i have in my heart for him, would not be good with handling that. simply because he understands not liking yourself (like the idea of it, he can't fathom why you don't) but he grew up where food was kind of an act of love. he'd never hear an "i'm sorry" ever in his life, but his mom would very much so be the type to say "i have dinner ready for you" and that was as much as an apology as he'd get.
the first time you're kinda not eating, carmen's like trying to joke with you. "the food not good? don't like it?"
and you assure him that's not it. "i just... i'm not really hungry."
carmen's confused bc you've been together all day and you only had an iced coffee in the morning. "no way." he shook his head. "you haven't eaten all day. if you don't like it, baby, it won't hurt my feelings, i promise. nothin' you can say that a chef in new york didn't say, they said worse too. just tell me what you want and-"
"-carmen, it's ok. it's really good, i'm just not really hungry." you smile. "i need to not eat today anyways. my jeans are so tight-"
"-what?" carmen thinks you're joking at first, brows creasing with a small grin. until he sees your face. "you're-you're being serious?"
"well, kinda..." you mutter.
"that's... don't say that." carmen shook his head. "please, don't-don't do that, that's insane."
your face falls at his tone, you know he doesn't mean to be so hard about it, but you can't help but feel worse, like carmen's mad at you. in a way he is, but not out of anger, out of love. out of not wanting you to hurt yourself like that.
"i just... i feel gross, and i'm starting to look it-"
"- i think you look beautiful." carmen mutters. he sounds hurt, genuinely hurt by what you're saying, like you said them to him. "i don't... i don't like that you do that to yourself." he admitted after a moment. he'd been going to therapy, working on channeling his emotions out when he felt them instead of bottling them in, leading him to an anxiety attack.
"i'm sorry." you whisper, unsure of what else to say.
"no, it's not... i don't want you to apologize or- or feel bad, i just... i felt like i should say it." carmen's eyes lifted to yours. "that you don't need to do that."
you can't help the way your chest rushes with heat, anxiously picking up the spoon in front of you. you're not sure what to say, most of the time, most guys kinda brush it off. act like it's nothing or ignore it- some agreeing. no one ever got... hurt by it like this. like you were hurting them too.
maybe it was the guilt. maybe it was the fact that carmen looked so sad. whatever it was, you weren't sure, but you were fucking hungry- and the pasta was good.
you hesitantly took a bite, ignoring carmen's eyes tracking you. "it is really good." you hum, trying to break the obvious tension in the room.
"you don't have to eat it, i-i don't want you to feel pressured to." carmen shook his head. "but i'll make you something else? could i make you something else? whatever you want."
you blushed, looking down. you knew what he meant. he was trying to help in the only way he knew how to, by cooking. "carmen-" you sigh.
"no, it's... it's not good to not eat, ya know?" carmen looked up at you. "you have to eat but-but if you don't want pasta, i get it. i'll make you whatever if that's what you want." he looked at you pointedly. "but don't ever think you need to do anything like that f'me. i think you're perfect no matter what. love you no matter what. you know that, told you i'd still love you even if you were a worm."
you snorted lightly, his reference to the tiktok trend you'd done on him a while ago. "thanks, bear." you mutter, grabbing his hand lightly. "i-i would like, if it's not too much and you have all the stuff, that greek goddess salad sydney was testing the other day? i've been craving it."
"heard." carmen nodded, standing towards the fridge.
"if it's not too much trouble-"
"-c'mon." carmen scoffed, looking at you sweetly. "it'll take me fifteen minutes max. sit down f'me, alright. i got it."
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wonwoonlight · 1 year
when jeonghan realizes he's in love with you
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friends to lovers (??), fluff, i'm not sure there's even a plot lol. just got this sudden, random urge to write bc i was listening to dream (kor ver) earlier. not sure the wc bc i wrote it on tumblr but it's Short 🤍 not proofread. enjoy!
Jeonghan has always claimed he doesn't think he can date a friend.
It's weird.
And he's pretty emotional (romantic?) of a person, so if there's no spark from the beginning, it's likely that his brain has categorized that person as a friend and nothing else. No chance whatsoever that he'd develop romantic feelings in the future.
Though he's also realistic, so he admits that there might be a 0.1% possibility that he might suddenly like a friend romantically. Who knows, right?
But not you.
Not because he thinks you're lacking, but because you've been friends for too long that Jeonghan was sure that if, and only if, there was a possibility that he'd fall for you, it probably had long passed.
He's seen almost every side of you, so have you his. Hell, he's pretty sure he even treats you almost the same way he treats Seungcheol and Joshua; surely, there's no way, right?
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you glare, annoyed.
Jeonghan blinks owlishly; has he been staring at you? His eyes dart to your eyes and then down to your lips for half a second before he searches for your face, both intrigued and curious.
He doesn't register whatever's coming out of your lips, but is it just him or do you actually look flustered the more he stares at you?
"Jeonghan. Stop it."
"The right question is why are you staring at me!" You reaches out to turn his face elsewhere, your palm centimeters away from his cheek when he catches your wrist, his eyes still refusing to look at anything but you.
He sees you pout, and his mind suddenly thinks back about a talk he has with Seungcheol a few years ago, when his friend asked if he'd ever consider dating you because he thought you'd make a good pair.
You had pouted in disgust, told Seungcheol that it's gross to paint that kind of image between you and Jeonghan when you're clearly nothing but friends.
He didn't take that too personally, he remembers, he had simply laughed and agreed. But he also remembers glancing at your lips then, wondering how they'd feel against his, quickly removing the thoughts out of his mind because you're not supposed to think about friends that way.
"Will you be mad if I kiss you?"
Your eyes widen comically, and he would've teased you if he's in his usual mood. But he's not. And he wants to find out if there's a reason behind why he's been adamant about seeing your smile and wanting to stay close to you as much as possible.
"What? Are you drunk?"
"Will you?"
You pause for a second, your eyes searching for him, biting your lower lip before you shake your head no.
His thumb reaches for your lip so you'll release it from your teeth before he places his lips upon yours, his heartbeat ringing in his ears and the tips of his ears burning red.
The kiss (peck?) lasts for a short three seconds (or was it 3 minutes? He doesn't know, he can't think straight with you in this proximity). And when he pulls away, your breath warm against his face, he presses his lips together as if to see whether he can still feel you there or not.
"If you're making all that fuss just to kiss me." You whisper, avoiding his eyes despite the usual teasing tone Jeonghan's used to hear from you. "At least kiss me properly, will you?"
Jeonghan grins. If this is what being in love with your friend is like, perhaps it's not as bad as he thought it would be.
For the first time, he doesn't mind at all being wrong as long as he gets to be with you.
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
HIIII I'm a big fan of your work and I really love it your writing is amazing , this may be a weird request and if your uncomfortable you don't have to do it , it's fine I completely understand, so it's like merlin and Arthur and the reader and they are all soulmates and it's there first time meeting each other . Thank you in advance
Modern! Reader Gets Transported to Albion
idea : modern world! reader gets transported to Albion and meets Arthur and Merlin. unbeknownst to you and the prince of Camelot, the three of you are soulmates.
type : imagines
word count : 0.7k
pairing/s involved : Arthur x Reader, Merlin x Reader
warning/s : almost drowning, panicking
here is my masterlist!
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Note : MY FIRST REQUEST! Whoever you are, thank you for reading my works and I might've changed a little bit in your request. Also, I apologize that it took so long, school has been keeping me busy. I hope you like it! 😊
You've always been a fan of BBC Merlin so when you had the chance to take a trip to Europe, you did.
You went to all the locations where they filmed the series like Château de Pierrefonds and Chislehurst Caves. The last destination is where the Lake of Avalon is; Forest of Dean.
Luckily you are alone, giving you the chance to fully enjoy the beautiful sceneries and serene atmosphere.
It made you feel a deeper sense of nostalgia and melancholy— how the precious characters you loved dearly died and were 'buried' there.
With one last selfie, you were about to walk back to you car when you hear it. A faint voice, filled with sorrow and longing.
"(Y/N)... Save us."
It's coming from the lake.
Something glimmers on it's shore, a sapphire drop necklace with golden chain. When you attempt to pick it up, the world begins to spin.
Suddenly, you were underwater.
Panic builds in your chest not because you can't swim, but an unseen force seems to harshly pull you down no matter how hard you try to stay afloat.
"Help me! Please, someone—"
Air runs out from your lungs when a pair of bulky arms grabs your body and begins to swim you to safety.
"Don't worry, I got you."
I heard that voice before.
The stranger easily carries you to ground, draping a large cloak on your shivering body. Rubbing your eyes for better sight, you look up...
Bradley James?
"Are you alright?"
No. You're certain that Bradley doesn't look that young anymore, keeping up with his latest activities online.
"I told you to be careful, Arthur!"
Turning your head, you see Colin Morgan run towards the two of you with a worried expression on his face.
He looks younger too.
"Ah, Merlin. Fetch the horses, she might need medical attention. May I ask for you name, my lady?"
Arthur? Merlin? Wait... Oh my God.
Realization hits you hard when both men stare at you expectantly, waiting for your answer.
The way they speak, their clothes, their appearances... it's exactly the same in the show you binge-watch every Christmas season.
Am I in the show? That's not possible...right?
"W-Where are we?"
You expect someone to go 'You just got punked!'; that would've been better than two men (who you have a huge crush on) staring at you, confused.
You waited for a moment but nothing happens.
This is real. I'm actually in Albion.
Fear and anxiety creeps into your system, as many questions form in your head. Did I die? What's going on? What season is this? How can I ever get back?
Due to the overwhelming emotions, your breath shortens and keeled over.
Bradley, or Arthur (You have no idea anymore), quickly catches you and gently carries you to his horse.
"We must make haste!" was the last thing you heard before you blacked out.
Merlin, on the hand, knew this would happen. In fact, he dreams of you.
He sees you in vague images, like old memories— happily kissing his cheek, witnessing him use magic, encouraging him to do another trick, etc.
He already etched in his mind your pretty face, your melodious voice, your playful grin— everything about you.
Then Arthur shares the same experience, dreaming about a woman who's description mirrors yours.
Kilgharrah told him that the woman of their dreams will arrive soon from faraway land and will play significant role in the prophecy.
However, the dragon didn't specify how. He only said—
"(Y/N) is your soulmate, Emrys. She sees you and Arthur in a light no one else ever will."
Soulmates are uncommon, even for druids. Only a few were blessed, to have something so wholesome and pure.
So when he heard your cry for help, he is ecstatic. You have finally arrived. His soulmate... and Arthur's.
He wryly smiles at this. Funny how he shares, not only his destiny with the prat, but also you.
The trip to the castle was faster than they anticipated. Arthur told him to call Gaius and meet them in his bedroom.
It caught the attention of everyone. The prince carrying an unconscious woman in his private chambers will surely stir gossip.
But Arthur didn't care, and Merlin didn't know if he should be proud or worried.
The court physician said you are healthy, they only have to wait for you to wake up. He left to attend other matters; leaving the three of you alone.
"This is her." The prince laughs in disbelief, incognizant of what Merlin knows. "The girl in my dreams, I can't believe it!"
Merlin tries to hide his smirk, Arthur can be so adorable when he's clueless.
"Nor can I, sire."
501 notes · View notes
chiharuhashibira · 7 months
What about a shorts featuring your fave Kimetsu No Yaiba teacher?
But make it Professor X Student 👀
Hey guys~ As promised! I am here again in one of my... favourite masterpiece 🤭
Thank you for answering the poll we had before~
So this will be the plan for the NSFW Series, I will finish our Special Class: Chemistry with Obanai then proceed with one chapter of the Tsugoku X Hashira and one chapter of the Oiran X Hashira.
Hope it works with y'all. Love yah hoho
Honestly I am so happy that I writing for this series again 😍
Anyways, let's start. You are very quiet 22 yo graduating-student. Obanai is 29.
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒚
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
Content Warnings: ProfessorXStudent/Age Gap/Suggestive/Curse Words/Matured Content/18+/Sexually Explicit/Mentions of Death/Angst/Tragedy
Minors DNI.
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🌸𝑶𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒊 𝑰𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐🌸
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(Images are not mine, credits to the rightful owner)
"Is that all you've got?"
Your chemistry professor, Obanai Iguro, spoke, his voice slicing through the air like a blade. Feeling the biting pain of his apathy more than any harsh criticism, you grimaced inside as you heard his remarks. His intense scrutiny pressed down on your already fragile self-assurance, forcing you to look downward.
"I... I'm trying my best, Iguro-sensei." You felt your insides tremble as you spoke with a low voice, which could barely be audible under the quiet hum of the fluorescent light inside his classroom.
You're usually the jolliest and most active student in all science classes, particularly chemistry, because you want to be a chemist. But then, everything changed four years ago when the woman you regarded as an older sister passed away because of her dedication to science and education.
You hated science. You barely make an effort at it right now because it triggers you so much. But, of course, you don't want your professor to know that. Especially because of the rumours about his "allergy to women" and so on. Of course, he wouldn't understand your pain.
With his visage frozen in place, Obanai studied you dispassionately, as if you were a specimen in an exhibit. He repeated, "Your best?" He spoke with an acidic undertone of doubt. "Well, Y/N-san..."
You gulped.
"Your best? It seems severely lacking," Obanai added, his comments cutting through your delicate self-esteem. "Perhaps you should reconsider your actions before I end up failing you this semester. Chemistry's not for the faint of heart."
After saying that, he looked away, shifting his focus elsewhere, leaving you to grapple with the aftermath of his heartless disregard. However, one could not help but detect a hint of warmth and longing concealed beneath the academic dispassion that adorned their facade of indifference.
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"I heard another student cried at Shinazugawa-san's classes earlier."
"I know, right! Someone also cried at Tomioka-sensei's. What's wrong with these professors?"
"I don't know. There's another professor, though, who is a terror. That... that weird face mask guy."
"Oh, Iguro-sensei."
"Yes! I'm glad I'm not in his class."
"Yeah, me too. We're lucky that we're in Rengoku-sensei's classes all day. I wouldn't ever complain. He's a ray of sunshine!"
"Uzui-sensei too... He's handsome, too. We're so lucky!"
You watched as Shinazugawa-sensei stepped out of his class to yell at those two talkative students. You gulped, feeling scared that he might yell at you too. But fortunately, he didn't. You can't bear having additional stress today, especially after hearing Obanai's words earlier.
But then, you clearly remembered your earlier encounter. Looking into his enigmatic eyes, you can't help but wonder about that sudden flicker of emotion that he showed you. It's hard to believe, but it seems like there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Obanai. And yes, you're kind of curious to know what that is.
You didn't know that Obanai was secretly watching you on the corner. He's used to hearing students complain about him, so it's surprising that you didn't escalate the situation after hearing them. Especially considering what he did earlier.
"Am I too harsh again, Kaburamaru?" He asked the harmless snake, who was just busy slithering on his shoulders. No answer came, of course, so then Obanai just went back to his lonely classroom.
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In the days that passed, Obanai's harsh words still haven't left your mind. But yes, even if you wanted to do your best, his subject is just so hard to deal with, not because you find it hard, but because of the sad memories that it brings you.
As you sit and listen to him in his classes, you can't help but find yourself grappling with a tumult of emotions. So one afternoon, you were astounded to feel a presence beside you, only to discover it was the chemistry professor. You were startled to see his heterochromatic eyes fixate on you with an intensity that took your breath away.
"Y/N-san," he said, his voice more muted than you'd ever heard before, but with an understated strength in its tone. "May I have a word with you?"
Your heartbeats were quickening at the unexpected invitation. "Of course, Iguro-sensei," you replied, your voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.
Obanai led you to a secluded corner of the hallway, away from prying eyes and wandering ears of the other college students. As you both stood there, bathed in the soft glow of afternoon light, you couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Obanai's demeanour—a concern that belied his usual stoic composure.
"I've been watching you, Y/N." Your chemistry professor began with his heterochromatic eyes, meeting yours with unwavering curiosity. "You seem to be more lost than when I first talked to you. Is there anything you need to tell me?"
"As far as I know, there's none, sensei."
Obanai raised one eyebrow at you and crossed his arms, only to reveal Kaburamaru, who was hiding beneath his oversized lab coat. You blink in confusion at what you are seeing right now. You have heard the students talk about Iguro bringing his pet snake to the university a lot of times. However, you regarded those as purely rumours.
But seeing the white snake right now, you can't help but be amazed. You also had a pet snake in the past, which you and your best friend used to take care of. "Oh, what's its name?"
"I see. It looks beautiful..."
"Oh? You're not afraid of him?"
"No. I'm not. He reminds me of the snake that I used to see on our garden before."
"Yes, sensei. Hmmm, when I was just 5, I used to see a white snake in our garden. I even tried to touch it."
The oozing tension and unwelcoming aura that Obanai used to blanket himself with seemed to fade as his eyes widened with what you said. He looked amused right now, and that kind of calmed you down. 
"I see..."
It looks like he wanted to ask more, but then nothing came. So, you decided to get straight to the point.
"Iguro-sensei, I've got to go. I'm so sorry if I always disappoint you in class. I really do."
You said you felt guilty for letting your emotions always take hold of you. But before you could go, Iguro handed you something.
"A notebook?"
"Yeah. Try to study with those notes. Perhaps it could help."
You took the white notebook from his hand and gave him a small smile. "Thank you, sensei."
You swear that before Obanai turned around, you saw his cheek turn pink. That left you dazed, but then, it's none of your business.
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Despite the amusement that you have felt for knowing Obanai has a soft spot, you can't help but not believe yourself for what happened. Why did he give you this notebook? Why is he observing you in the first place?
It kind of made you shiver, as you felt like one wrong move and bad things would happen with Obanai. Interpreting that moment as a sign of his concern for you, you chose to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps...
After showering, you sat on your study table and looked at the innocuous photo in front of you. It was your best friend and non-blood-related older sister, Shinobu Kocho, who had passed away. How you've missed her and the time when she's just there for you. You loved the girl so much that you wanted to be like her.
You never would have thought that one day you'd end up hating something you love for taking someone away from you.
"Shinobu-san, I'm sorry for being a failure. I... I'll try my best to bring back my passion."
You whispered in the air, realising that, yes, if the woman is still here, she wouldn't want you to fail.
With that sudden flame igniting inside you, you opened the notebook Obanai had given you. Goosebumps formed on your body as you traced his handwriting. He has good handwriting, and you can't help but smile because of it.
It reminded you of Shinobu's wonderful handwriting, which you have always adored but also sort of didn't, as Obanai wrote in cursive.
And with that, as if by magic, time passed. You didn't realise that it was actually two in the morning when you finally stopped reviewing. Yes. It has been the first time again that you have let yourself get too absorbed in anything related to science for more than an hour.
It kind of felt overwhelming. Yes, it is overwhelming, as suddenly everything started to make sense again. All the things that you studied before came back. And perhaps it is due to the simplicity with which Obanai explained things in that notebook.
It seemed as though he had specifically designed it for that purpose. To make chemistry simple, which is too different from how he explains things in class.
For some reason, you felt a bit happy. Even if Obanai may appear nonchalant and harsh, he seems to really care. This simple gesture unlocked so many memories.
And even your promise to Shinobu before came back to you, pushing you harder to do better this time.
This is all because Obanai has made an effort to kind of talk to you at the uni this afternoon. And yes, he is cold but that gesture had gave warmth to your frozen heart.
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A few days had passed, and one Saturday night, you found yourself sitting in a public library, reading the notes from Obanai's notebook. After the night of your realisation, you felt your passion for science spark again. And yes, it reflected on your grades.
However, Iguro still didn't speak to you after that day. No praise, not even a bat of an eye. You're just there again, invisible, despite doing your best.
Feeling a bit low, you decided to ditch the library and head towards the nearest coffee shop. All you wanted now was to chill and perhaps let your mind rest for a while.
But before you could reach the coffee shop, you accidentally bumped into someone. Without wasting time, you bowed down to apologise, and there, a familiar voice came into your senses.
Your eyes widened, and then, when you looked up, you met those familiar and enigmatic eyes. "S-sensei?" you asked, wondering why in the world would fate bring him to you tonight.
You were trying your best to forget him and his nonchalant attitude towards you, which is really weird after he gave you that notebook. Yes, you were expecting him to be a bit nicer, but he became colder.
"What are you doing here?"
He's still wearing his mask. I wish I could just see his face. You thought as you proceeded to take in his presence. Clad in a striped hoodie and black pants, Obanai could pass off as a university student. He looks young for a professor in the first place.
"Hey, I'm talking to you."
"Oh sensei. Sorry, I was—"
"Spacing out. I know. It's okay. I know it's surprising to see your professor around here."
You were astounded when he talked casually to you. He never did that at school. Oh well, that's because he's apparently your professor. You wanted to slap yourself for your foolish thoughts.
"What's up with you?" Obanai added, which made you blink in surprise. He wants to know what's up with me.
"Nothing much sensei... Just—"
"I'm going to cut you there." He said, and suddenly leaned in on you, which made you blush. His voice went out as a whisper as he told you,
"We're outside the university. It's Obanai, okay? I don't want the people around getting the wrong idea."
"Sorry sen— Obanai-san..."
He straightened up and crossed his arms, piercing you with his fierce eyes once again. "So you were saying?"
"Oh, I was just reviewing. Just heading to the coffee shop now to grab a coffee. How about you?" You said, trying to hide your nervousness from your casual tone. Obanai scratched his chin and shrugged his shoulders.
"Nothing much. Just another Saturday night in the pub, I guess."
WHAT? HE DRINKS? You couldn't hide the flabbergasted expression on your face as you heard those words coming from his mouth. You never thought of Iguro as some guy you'd see in pubs. So this information is shocking to you.
Obanai saw this expression and raised an eyebrow. "Is it weird to hear a grown ass man going to a pub? Why are you looking at me like that? Prick..."
"Sorry... I'm just... weird sometimes. Don't mind me."
"Okay. So, you heading towards the coffee shop? Want me to come with you? It's quite dangerous to walk alone in these streets at night."
This night is definitely getting weirder... in a nice way?
Obanai, asking to walk with you? The stern and cold-hearted chemistry professor, caring for you? You bit your lip and felt a bit flustered.
Yes, he's your professor, but he's also a guy. And it's the first time that a guy has ever offered you this. You know that it isn't too much. It's most likely lower than the bare minimum, but then a part of you started to flutter. You know it's wrong, and it's weird... but... For some reason, you just didn't care.
"Are you sure I'm not going to be a bother with you and your pub appointment?"
"No. I'm kind of thinking to drop the pub thing tonight, actually. Can I join your coffee appointment instead?"
"I don't know. I just want to? Is that an enough reason?"
"Yes, actually."
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You found yourself sitting face-to-face with Obanai in your favourite coffee shop, wondering why he was here in the first place if he wouldn't order at all. Feeling a bit conscious, you fixed your braids and decided to take a sip of your coffee.
"Why didn't you order anything? If you want to go to the pub, it's okay."
"I just... don't eat much. And I hate coffee."
"Then why did you go with me here, sensei?"
"There's no one around. And you're my sensei; we can't hide that fact."
"You're pissing me off."
"I'm not trying too, though. It's just..."
"Why did you stop? It's just what?"
Obanai's voice suddenly sounded a bit offended and sad. You gulped and looked down, stopping yourself from saying that this looks weird because somehow you wanted the company.
"You can tell me directly if you don't want the company. I just came here to... to make sure you'll be alright. But I guess trying to be nice doesn't always pay off?"
You felt guilty as you watched Obanai stand up from his seat. So then, letting your intrusive thoughts win, you grabbed his hand and pulled him down. "Stay." You didn't care if his allergy to women would be triggered by this contact. All you wanted to do now was kind of comfort him.
Obanai looked at your hand and back to you with question marks almost becoming visible on his face. "Y/N..."
"It's okay. I'm used to it."
"I want the company. So stay, Obanai."
The facade of emptiness in Obanai's eyes was shattered after hearing your words. It seems like a memory has suddenly been unlocked inside of him. But then, no words came out of his lips. So you spoke up once again, trying to lighten up the mood.
"So... where are you going after this?" You asked innocently, which made the guy shrug his shoulders again. Obanai isn't speaking again.
You realised that he was looking at your hand, which was still holding him, so you pulled away and tried your best to hide your blush.
After you had let go of his hand, Obanai finally got the strength to speak up. "Walk you home."
"You're not pissed off with me anymore?"
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And there... Again, you found yourself ending the night with Obanai walking you home in silence. Yes, it was awkward, but for some reason, it felt a bit warm. And you kind of felt happy.
Yes, he's your professor, but for this night, he made you feel like a normal girl. And yes, it is special, as you haven't felt that in a long while.
Actually... you have been feeling this for a while. Wanting his attention and care so bad and you didn't know when it started. It just sparked again after he lent you the notebook.
But you know you shouldn't feel this so, you forced yourself to stop. And you'll do it again this time.
On the other hand, Obanai found himself slithering back to the pub, letting his loneliness get a hold of him. Yes. He's lonely. And yes, he regretted what he just did. Just because you reminded him of something so important before doesn't mean that he should be as vulnerable as at that time.
You're his student. And yes, he reminded himself of that. You're just his student now. And it should stay that way.
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Days have passed, and here we go again. As if that night never happened, Iguro didn't talk to you that way again. It kind of hurts because even if you wanted to hide your feelings so bad, you still wanted him to look at you and speak to you, the same way as that night.
But you have no choice. Even if you had the urge to bring up how confused you are, you didn't. You can't speak to him that way again. Like what you said that night, he is your professor and you cannot hide that fact.
So, you just did your best in his class, trying your best to focus on your promise with Shinobu, trying to fix all your mess.
Little did you know, but the chemistry professor has noticed how you've changed since the day he lent you those notes. You've turned the tables, as if suddenly you were his star student.
He had grown fond of seeing you answer his questions correctly. Especially when you started leading chemistry projects and stuff.
And beneath those observations, Obanai can't help but also adore how beautiful your confidence looks on you. Yes, he was dying to talk to you. But he can't bring himself to do so. He just can't say it but there's tonnes of things that he had been wanting to tell you.
"Iguro-sensei. Thank you for this notebook. I've finished studying them all, and it helped me a lot. I will return it to you now. Sorry if it took me too long to do so."
Obanai was astounded by your voice and presence. He looked up at you with an empty stare and simply nodded. After putting the notebook on the desk, you were about to go when, suddenly, Iguro spoke up in a soft tone.
"No worries. You actually started to do well."
With his words, your face lightened. Feeling your heartbeat race, you fought the urge to smile as you knew that things would not end with him praising you. You still need to pass the class. You need to make Shinobu proud, even if she's gone.
But then, cutting off those thoughts, Obanai stood up from his seat and walked in front of you. You were astounded by the sudden closeness, but of course, you didn't move.
The chemistry professor's heterochromatic eyes pierced within your soul, forcing you to look away. Heat crept up on your face, and you felt that the atmosphere had become a bit more intense.
A sudden, foolish thought had managed to escape from the cages of your mind.
Is Iguro-sensei going to kiss me?
Yes. Rising again from deep within your frustrations on his subject and the pain that it causes you is this feeling. And it is slowly burning you into ashes.
That's why it hurts more when he tells you you're not good enough. That's why you didn't get angry at him when he did so. That's why you hated those people who spoke badly of him.
That's why you wanted his attention again like that night when he made you feel like a normal girl.
Yes, Iguro can be so difficult, but he somehow brings this comfort to you. You have no idea why, but it's like you've known him forever, and you've been longing for his presence.
He feels familiar, but he also does not.
Obanai's hand felt warm on your cheek. The chemistry professor suddenly found the courage to caress your cheek, which made you blush. But then, his next words killed those flusters in just a blink of an eye, rubbing salt on your scars.
"You did well, Y/N-san. Keep it up, okay? You'll make Shinobu proud."
Those words. That name.
You almost found yourself shutting down. Now, all you can think of is: How did he know her? And if he has known her for a long time, why is he just telling you this now?
Turning to look at him with wide eyes, you've witnessed how Obanai took off his face mask. Yes, this is the first time you've seen him without that.
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And yes, for the very first time, he looked so familiar that seeing his face now brought back your old memories from the foster home to haunt you.
"Shinobu-san, who's that boy with Mitsuri-san? Is he new here?" 
"Oh, I don't know his name but yes, he's new. Don't approach him, though. He seems to be afraid of girls. I don't know why, though."
"Afraid? That's weird. He seems to be okay with Mitsuri."
"I know, right. Enough questions. Let's just study inside. Ne-chan told me that you'll be a Kocho soon! So you'll need to learn lots about science!"
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"Hey. That snake will bite if you hold it that way."
"Oh! Sorry— Um, you're Mitsuri-san's friend, right? You're not afraid of me?"
"Anyway, don't hold it like that. Aren't you afraid of it?"
"Hey! Why are you playing with a snake?!"
"Oi Shinobu-san! Mitsuri's friend was—Oh, where is he?"
"Huh? That boy? He's not supposed to be here... Perhaps he ran away. I heard he had been adopted. But you know what? Let's just go inside. Leave that snake alone."
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"Shinobu-san! I know that guy..."
"Yep. He's that kid from before. He's all grown up too. I guess, we'll be co-workers now? He'll be volunteering here as well to teach science with me. Anyways, Mitsuri's also here, she'll be teaching art. You should meet with her soon!"
End of Flashback
"Iguro-san? Y-you look... familiar..."
"Yes. You've met me and Kaburamaru before."
"You are kidding right? You can't be that boy from the foster home. Mitsuri-san's friend? My sister's co-worker? You died... You're already dead... Like them..."
It seems like your words have stunned Iguro. Regret started to paint on his face as he looked away from your wondering expression.
But here you are now. Answers. You need answers. If he had known you all this time, he must have known the trauma that you experienced when you saw the foster home getting burned with Shinobu, Mitsuri, and that unknown lad, who is apparently him, as they tried to save the children that they had been teaching science four years ago.
Why is he here now?
You shove Obanai away and glared at him. "This must have been a sick joke, sensei. You can't be that boy with my sister... No one has escaped that fire that night."
"I did, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to save your sister and Mitsuri."
"It's all too much for me now. Can I go?"
Tears suddenly escaped your wide eyes, and there, Obanai felt his chest tighten. He had expected you to react this way, but no matter how he practiced it, he could never prepare himself for the real thing.
Just like how he wasn't prepared to see his first love get burned to ashes before.
"Y/N, I'm sorry." Obanai tried to touch you, but then you swatted his hand away and gave him a glare.
Your passion turned to anger as you felt betrayed. All you can think of is why. He should have been honest. What other things is he hiding from you, then?
"Y/N, I never knew at first that you were Shinobu's sister. I heard she has siblings, but I didn't even know who they were. I and your sister barely had any encounters before except when we were teaching the kids at the foster home. How could I know?"
You didn't speak. You wanted to hear more.
"I mean, it just dawned on me when you told me about your memory back when you were 5. That's the only time I managed to fit in the pieces."
"What do you mean?"
"You're that little girl I saw when I was 12. The girl whom Kaburamaru almost bit. You had Shinobu's surname, so you got adopted by them. So that's also why you were gone when I came back to visit. Y/N... You were here with me all the time. It was all late when I realised it."
"Then why didn't you say anything?"
Obanai's eyebrows creased in frustration. "What should I say then? 'Hi, I'm Obanai, the boy from the foster home who also didn't manage to save your sister from the fire. How are you?'"
Sarcasm was obvious in his tone, which offended you a bit, so you decided to just leave. Perhaps this conversation shouldn't be happening right now. You want to move on. You're moving on, for goodness sake!
And now you're back to square one again.
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𝓘 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓲𝓽'𝓼 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓿𝔂 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓠𝔀𝓠
But I swear, it'll be sweeter soon!
And yes, this will be in two-chapters as it is too long and too heavy than I anticipated XD
So see you soon on the next chapter!
Feel free to reblog, comment, and send a request! Will appreciate that my loves~
Wuvyouuuu! Just be on the lookout to our next series and of course, the ending of 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮!
Ja ne~
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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riririnnnn · 8 months
It's a follow up post for this, but this post makes sense on its own too.
I have always been the younger sibling, so I can't understand an older sibling's feelings, but I wonder if Sae gets glimpses of what things used to be; if he sees Rin when the younger one isn't paying attention, and just reminiscences when they were kids.
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Way too many things are going on during the U-20 arc, so it's not uncommon for the readers to miss something especially if they are binge reading it. That's why, I never actually saw people talking about the fact that we DID, in a way, get a reason why Sae chose Shidou out of all the Blue Lock-ers.
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However, we didn't get this from a Narrator's POV or Sae's POV, that's why we can't FULLY trust it, so it makes me think if Sae chose Shidou because he couldn't choose Rin. Sae might've thought that there wasn't a better way to test out Rin until and unless he went against him instead of alongside.
Which brings me this panel again:
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Rin in that panel just.. I don't know how to articulate it. "I saw what I came for, and I'm satisfied." Was Sae talking about Rin?
Further, I think Sae got fired up when he heard Shidou was going to play too because he wanted to rub it on Rin's face like, "Look, I'm siding with him. I'm passing to him and not you. He is better than you that's why." And I believe that he was doing it purposely.
I'll explain why, look here:
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The above panel was before Rin went berserk, and you can clearly see that he was still trying to be like Sae. Like his Nii-chan.
But when he got free from this thing that was holding him back as he says, he went into his flow and ho, ho, ho, look what he said:
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He became himself instead of being someone of somebody.
Also, during the time he was going into his flow state, this is what his inner monologue said:
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Him going batshit crazy actually stole the spotlight from everything. It's clearly a new perspective of that flashback, and after that Sae was completely attentive to Rin. It was almost as if Sae WAS expecting this to happen, yet the intensity of it caught him off guard for a while too.
After that the focus of the game just became Sae Vs Rin, and the older Itoshi continued to rile the younger one by saying, "You still don't get it? You can't be the best in the world," and lalalalalalala.
This thing low-key took off the attention from the fact that Sae didn't pass to anyone during that time. He went along with Rin in their 1V1, and this thing was also pointed out by the news article where it said something along the line of, "The internet says Sae held the ball for too long and he should've passed." (Chapter 152)
It has to be purposely.
It was Rin who stole the ball from him and Isagi got to hit it.
Further, this:
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It's giving new perspective to everything now. Also, he says, "Nii-chan." It seems like a trivial thing to point out, but if you know, you know.
That's why, I kinda think that Sae knows that his words affects Rin a lot. That's why he praised Isagi, so that Rin wouldn't forget/lose his Ego. It makes more sense since in the same chapter (152), Rin says like, "In that moment, I won against Nii-chan." Which is true, he stole the ball, but his ending words of that monologue was, "But Isagi gained everything. He (Sae) recognised him and not me."
But what if Sae had recognised Rin verbally?
I bet Rin would've lost his new found real Ego, and would've ended up like Nagi did when he scored against Isagi in the BM Vs Manshine City match.
So, I think Sae wants Rin to be Rin. Not Itoshi Sae's younger brother Rin, but the real Rin because Sae didn't want him to be a mirror image of him since he wasn't enough in world stage of soccer.
Personally, I'm sorry for mixing my own emotions, but I have went through what Rin went through. No, I wasn't completely starstruck by my older sibling like him, but I indeed felt really humiliated, and that humiliation actually helped me improve. Everything is fine now, we got more trauma in our life, so we bonded over it and we are chill af now, but, deep in my heart, a little girl will always be present with a mild, gentle resentment for being treated unkindly.
That's why I think that Sae did what he had to do to help Rin improve which sadly, costed them their brotherhood.
I know I'm slightly backtracking from this post.
But I do want to believe that whatever Sae did, he did it FOR Rin and NOT for their shared dream to be the best striker in the world.
For a sports animanga, Rin-Sae relation is actually way complicated and deep. I hope Kaneshiro-san will do justice to everything.
But in the end, they are fictional and their realities will become whatever the author wants it to be.
Till then, we can only speculate.
It'd be funny if they go into therapy together and their trauma is just:
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tennessoui · 8 months
so i've been thinking about this premise for so long but it wasn't working for obikin (which of course i took as a challenge) and i think i finally got it where i want it so
au where 35 yo obi-wan is a music sensation across the world but he's recently divorced and going on tour again after releasing a very cutting, personal, and well-received album
and 19 yo anakin joins his tour with his very small band of two other people (ahsoka, padmé) to be his opening act - they have a small but loyal following, a pretty big social media presence, and there are even people who ship anakin and padmé which you know means these are die-hard fans
anakin has definitely looked up to obi-wan and his music for a good portion of his life and he's like. beyond excited that he's going to tour with The Obi-Wan Kenobi - this is big, not just for his music career but also for himself and the little boy he was listening to obi-wan's music for the first time!!
i'm just imagining like....obi-wan and anakin meeting after a few days of rehearsal for opening night, and it's not the most auspicious start because obi-wan's going through like 20 different emotions at any given moment (he's on tour, he's divorced, he's tired, he loves the music, he can't be the person he was in his twenties when he was first on tour but that's a whole different matter, he has all the media training and charismatic instinct to cover up these less than savory emotions with flirtatious empty words) and anakin is just like. sorta starstruck sorta shy sorta eager sorta awkward so:
"i'm uh, i'm a singer it's nice to meet you. hi yeah. hello. i'm on tour. as well. with you. actually." "ah no, are you one of my backing vocal artists? we can't have that - you're much too gorgeous and my ego is much too dependent on the audience focusing on me." "um 😳"
so it's a relationship that begins with a lot of flirting and being flustered and progresses through moments of vulnerability and honest emotion which turns into mutual affection which turns into anakin's celebrity crush becoming very real....meanwhile obi-wan googled anakin and the opening band after the first show/introduction and finds all the stuff about him and padmé being together and that's. that's fine. young love. how sweet. any sort of disappointment obi-wan feels is because he's recently divorced and bitter about it and he's going to have to spend at least half his tour watching the lovebirds snuggling up together.
and even when all the misunderstandings about relationship statuses have been addressed and the pretense has fallen away to leave just attraction, both have to think about their careers - it's all well and good for obi-wan to date someone sixteen years his junior, post divorce, but that's an image he's never wanted to deal with or be associated with. and this is the biggest shot of anakin's career - his best chance to make it in the music industry. in the words of his bandmate, is he really, honestly thinking about risking it for a chance to sleep with The Obi-Wan Kenobi?
but what his bandmate doesn't seem to really understand is that for anakin, obi-wan hasn't been The Obi-Wan Kenobi in a long time. he's just been obi-wan. and that makes a world of difference.
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celestialprincesse · 6 months
I’m just wondering if you’d write something…? It’s okay if you don’t want to!
I was wondering about ghost or könig….maybe soap with a crybaby!partner? Like, I’m a very emotional person, I cry easily and I have really bad anxiety and self image issues. So I was just kind of wondering if like, they did something, maybe like touched them or something and then the reader bursts into tears because it feels good or they’re self conscious…?
I’m so sorry if I make u uncomfortable, it was no intention of mine :(
This is so me pookie💕 I loovelovelovelove confused buff military men X total emotional wreck partners 🤭🫶 not self indulgent at all
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You've gotten really good at working out when you're going to have a bad day. That heavy feeling weighs heavy on your shoulders from the moment you sit up in bed. The sickly lump in your throat chokes you up - makes you swallow down the glass of water left on the nightstand last night to wash it down. It's become so predictable, so routine.
Even your comfiest clothes feel too tight today. The waistband of your jeans constricts you, and the sleeves of your sweater are just short enough that you can't pull them comfortably over your hands. The lights in the grocery store are too bright and the crackly loudspeakers play some catchy new song you hate. All of your comfort foods are out of stock. You even work up the nerve to ask an employee if they've moved around the baking section (which they very clearly have, seeing as your safe haven of cookie cutters and chocolate chips is no longer on aisle four) only to be met with a dirty look and a shrug.
By the time Simon gets home, you're practically at breaking point. None of your go-to self soothing methods had worked, and the day only seemed more intent on breaking you with every attempt you'd made to ease yourself down from the emotional cliff edge you'd been teetering on. You'd hoped that you would've sorted yourself out by the time his car rolled into the driveway - prancing into the hall with a smile and a kiss to greet him - not slumped on the couch watching some rerun episode of Real Housewives. Your lack of enthusiasm only serves to make you feel even worse.
He's so quick to drop his work bag, striding into the lounge to capture your cheeks in his palms and press a long, loving kiss on your lips. The moment he feels wetness on his cheeks, he stills. "Hey." Simon coos, keeping your face in his grasp as silent tears dribble down your cheeks. "Hey hey hey. Wha's wrong?" The soft concern in his tone only makes you sniffle quietly, trying to avoid his eye. "M' sorry." You murmur, feeling less like something to be worried about, more like a burden. "Why're you sorry? No reason to apologise t'me."
Simon settles on the couch beside you as he gives you a minute to find your words. "Just.." It's impossible not to lean into his palm when he wipes the salty tears from your ruddy cheeks. "Dunno, just overwhelmed today I guess." You shrug defeatedly as Simon scoops you up, pulling you into his side. "Tha's alright." He reassures, stroking his fingers through your hair. "Nothing wrong with having a bit of a day, yeah? We all do." "You don't." You grumble, huffing at how good he is at bringing you down. "Yeah I do. Only difference is that you actually let people see it." "Don't wanna be a burden." The sound of your voice is muffled by the soft, worn cotton of his hoodie. "You're not a burden. You're fucking lovely. Jus' have big feelings sometimes is all."
The comforting rumble of his words has you melting into him, zoning out into the comfort of his presence. "You want a takeaway?" You hum absently in response, finally allowing your shoulders to drop and your mind to wander as he pulls out the menu from your favourite Thai restaurant.
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achillesuwu · 28 days
Au where merlin magic get link to arthur so he can use it too... HOWEVER 👀 the most unexpected change isn't so much that Arthur does magic when he experienced big emotions but that everything is just so loud.
And I don't know about you but I sleep with my gerbils in my room and sometimes they make a LOT of noise. I noticed that the more annoyed I get about it the more it fills me with anger but if instead of doing that I tried to calm down well... I don't notice the sound anymore. It actually felt kinda weird when I lost my firsts
All of this to say that it's actually a very strange but deeply smoothing sound (maybe a bit scary like that https://youtu.be/RL25kplyilM?si=AbCx-HNLUuRY63Re or like the sound (1:31) of that pulsar https://youtu.be/ZKkIfDUzaQ0?si=LLEnWlBKvaQPL6x7 or even the one of the eskimo nebula https://youtu.be/rvOw5p5mxzk?si=ZUtsCDF8Po7jZwAB ) but Arthur can't help but get very mad about it on top of being (sad) mad at merlin for the lying. Just the image of arthur tossing in his bed, trying to put his hand on his ear but it does not stop the sound it's everywhere. Spreading right into his bones.
After one hours, Arthur gave up and walk (angrily) to merlin chamber so he will. make. it. stop. And well, Arthur and Merlin start to argue (because Merlin simply does not understand. The world is not louder, it's as it had always been) until Arthur says something along the line "I will not leave until you resolve this" and Merlin reply by "Fine! I don't care!" and goes right back in his bed.
Of course to piss him off, Arthur goes lying on it and steal 2/3 of the bed by being on his back while merlin is on his side (and arthur is on the right side which is not his side of the bed so he is very unhappy >:( ). They stay in silence for a long time, Arthur looking at the ceiling and merlin looking through his window. Until they aren't even that mad anymore, they just stay like that because it would be awkward to move now (and they are both very stubborn)
Arthur, suddenly feel very tired from all these fights and he can feel himself melt into the rough bed until his head loll on merlin's back. And…
That's the sound of merlin heartbeat.
It's not the only sound, he can hear one of a regular heartbeat too but there is another dancing with it. One big and all-encompasing. Something so far beyond anything human. Another, small and mortal. Both equally merlin's heartbeats.
And, if suddenly Arthur feels very sleepy, well it isn’t anyone business is it ?
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Ep. 16: The Happily Ever After
Hello! =D
I can't believe this is my last We Are post wow- It feels like just yesterday I was here typing out my first one because I had one too many Thoughts about it. Anyways, not to get too sentimental on main, here you go:
Warning: not a very long post, actually 😊😅
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The result of long-term exposure to his boyfriend and his extreme levels of cheesiness hehe
Seriously though, I love how Fang is slowly but surely opening up to loud gestures of love (I think previously, he just wasn't used to loving loudly, he was used to loving with his whole heart but keeping it to himself because he never felt safe enough to express it).
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I love how they're from absolutely different faculties and are still studying together like yess go besties who are in love with each other but are too oblivious to realise it!
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Peem with Phum usually: *swats at Phum at the slightest sign of PDA even though he really enjoys it*
Peem when others say something about their relationship: So, Phum, what do you say, want me to kiss you senseless right here right now?
(And we all know what Phum's answer is gonna be hehe)
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Hasn't even been two minutes in the room and they're already breaking into the bed 😭😭
(I really love this scene btw, the simple fun of it, and even though it's not sensual, it's intimate and very them.)
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This pair of besties is gonna kill me istg
They keep hitting me with banger after banger of emotional lines and my heart is already weak don't do this to me 😭😭
Frankly though, I like this scene very much, the "I loved you no matter who i knew you as" and "I have always loved you" of it all really got to me.
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Poor Tan 😭
That's why you never brag about something before it gets over Tan-
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I love how Fang not only lets him lie on his lap but also scratches his hair hehe
And how Peem doesn't hesitate one bit to give Tan a good smack upside the head 😭
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I adore this scene a ridiculous amount, but I love even more that it was Phum who planned it like yess he's been wingman-ing his phi and friend since Day 1 and he never stopped.
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Others have gaydars, PhumPeem have faen-dars: they know when their faen is looking at them or coming towards them.
Not a bad power to have, honestly. I approve.
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THE OG 5 (note how Peem is sitting at the centre? It's indicative of how he's the centre of the group and if I had to make an educational guess, probably the reason why they're all together in the first place).
This made me cry.
I have nothing else to say about this except this is one of the best damn shots of this show, which is saying something cause the cinemtaography up till this has been ridiculously good.
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Of course. <33
And I'll be writing about how they spill the tea about their respective faens
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Tan: *tries to be slow and sexy*
Fang: no. We're doing this now.
Honestly though, this kiss was amazing, as were all their other kisses. Hats off to AouBoom, they absolutely slayed.
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Et tu, Toey? T~T
Also another very nice scene.
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I knew where this was going (how could anyone not after all those 15 eps) and I think Phum would have definitely gone over to sit on Peem's lap (@Peach thank you for that mental image btw 😭) if not for the structural instability of boats on land (I did sit on once with and trust me, those things maybe super sturdy or whatever in water, but they do NOT belong on land, especially not on the beach).
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I'll be right there in the corner sobbing my eyes out if you need me.
The way he kept saying his name, like he was actually tasting it, trying out all the different tones, and the way Phum kept replying, all smiles and soft voice, I-
I can't with these two. They're too damn much for my poor heart.
This also inspired another smut fic but SHUSH
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No, nope, not doing this-
Okay, so see how Phum says "Thank you for being a good story in my life?" For Phum, having Peem in his life really does feel like a story, something out of the books he read (headcanon) and something too good to be true. But he's starting to realize that this is true, that Peem is here to stay.
Peem says "Thank you for letting me step into your life" because he knows all the issues Phum has, that it's hard for him to really let people in. But he let Peem in to love him, and Peem is grateful because it gave him someone to love and be the comfort zone for, but also gave him someone who loved him.
In this essay, I will-
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Also, no kidding, I got a mental image of Fang and Peem sitting and sipping at their drinks while Phum and Tan argue and compete like children, and when they go too far, Fang and Peem let out this long suffering sigh while they try to pull apart their husbands.
Did I say husbands? Oops-
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I didn't see you denying anything, Fang~
got another fic idea but we don't talk about those
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Okay, about that dinner scene. I actually kinda liked it. The awkwardness of it, the halted conversation, the prompted actions. As with the rest of the series, they kept it real, and I'm glad for it.
A lot of BLs, especially Thai BLs forgive the parents too soon too fast, and I really like they did not do that here.
Phum just (sorta) started on this path of being on talking terms with his dad (not forgiveness, or forgetting what he's done, mind you) and I'm going to be carefully neutral about it. If Phum likes it, well and good. If the father does something Phum doesn't like well *looks at two of my wips specifically* I always keep back-ups.
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Peem is never letting that go hehe
(I don't think Phum minds all that much now, because he did end up with Peem, fuck you Kluen)
Also I'm two eps behind on Wandee Goodday and I hear Title finally got a nice boyfriend role? Good for him!
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(...should I change my header again? Nah, I'm happy with what it is rn)
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I love how even if it was never explicitly shown beyond Tan, literally everyone and their pets know about Chain and Pun except Chain and Pun 😭😭👍🏼
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We Are probably has the most kisses out of all the BLs I've watched and somehow the very last kiss gets the Best Kiss award. Surprising, but well-deserved. The kissed like they were dying and Chain tried to climb Pun like a tree, and I was gleefully watching and cheering them on.
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You're covering his eyes, when you've literally made out with him naked, that's some hypocrisy there, Q *raises eyebrows*
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One word: roses.
(Did Peem ever tell him? Did Phum figure it out? Does Phum give him roses for every single occasion now? Hm... guess we'll never know... Fic writers, this is your cue-)
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'HAPPY' has it's special place 🥺🥺
I now know for sure that the simplicity and boldness of this painting was absolutely on purpose. The other paintings in the gallery are stunning.
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Friends. <33
Also, due to Tumblr's restrictions, I couldn't add the last pic, but Peem's/Phuwin's face looks hilarious in the very last shot 😭😂
That's all! See you ne- oh, right. Well, see you the next time I get brainrot so bad about a BL I have to write smut about it hehe.
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have 🍛 (imagine it's your favourite dish)
All my We Are posts.
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thecherrytarot · 1 year
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭.
how will they heal you?
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pile 1 → pile 2 → pile 3
Pick the photo you feel the most drawn to and please remember that this is a general reading so take what resonates!! 
listen to: love me like that by Sam Kim
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏:
"you see the world in colours i view it black and white. paint me a picture, out of the lines that i live in all of the time"
They will heal you by letting you shine in your feminine energy, regardless of your gender. With them, you feel in touch with your divine feminine energy and your creative side will shine. They will help you gain strength and for some of you, it could even mean that they give you the strength and confidence to be vulnerable and show emotions. You no longer have to pretend that you are some cold-hearted person that isn't affected by anything. I just saw someone crying alone and then heard a voice say "It is okay, let it out, I am here with you" so take however that resonates. They will help you by showing you the world through a new and better perspective. You will stop looking at life through illusions and negative ways. I feel like in some way or the other they will remind you of your past self, the one that you had to leave behind in order to move forward. They will bring that version of you back and make you believe in a 'magical world' once again.
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐:
"sunshine left today, got caught in the rain, all alone. can you come and pick me up from my blues? or am I late to ask you?"
This might be someone who is a foreigner and/or a long distance and for some of you, you might meet them when studying abroad (either you or them also could be both) I keep thinking about the movie "Like Crazy" where an American guy falls in love with a British student but yours is with a much happier ending. They will heal you by being there for you, life will feel less complicated and you will feel like all that you have been through was worth and now no matter what happens you will rise because now you have someone that has your back. You will get out of your bubble with them and be more sociable and childlike (i keep imaging a bunch of friends driving in a car late at night, listening to indie/alt songs and singing out loud, laughing and having the time of their lives) also instead of how will they heal, I'm getting the message of the connection feels like. There will be a strong psychic connection between you and them, the moment your eyes meet you will know and they will know that this is the "warmth" that you both have been searching for. Like when Lana Del Rey said it in her poem called The land of 1,000 fires, "I have never really fallen in love but whatever this feeling is i wish everyone could experience it."
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑:
(this pile has a similar message to pile 1, so make sure to check it out in case you felt drawn to it)
"i get defensive and insecure my own worst critic behind a closing door, i'm fragile and fractured, that's for sure, i burned myself down to the ground. oh, can I ask of you to treat me soft and tender, love me hard and true? keep my heart from building walls so high, you can't get through, treat me soft and tender"
They will heal you by helping you love yourself and how you need to give importance to yourself first and that too in a healing manner instead of selfish (your old pattern) You might have thought that you knew how to take care of yourself by prioritizing yourself but still found yourself being stuck in the same old negative cycles, they will help you understand the true and the raw meaning of self-love. They help you by providing the stability that you always desired. I feel like a lot of you were abandoned in the past and after that, you put your guard up and pushed people away from you but then you come across them, and it takes you by surprise because you didn't expect to catch feelings for someone so fast. You found yourself in a dilemma because you have such strong feelings for them and yet, you feel afraid cause you don't want them to abandon you. Don't worry, they will help you get out of your old and no longer-needed mindset of resisting the change that you know will set you free.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Headcanon time! (*crowd cheers as confetti blasters go off*)
Time and Warriors have a very close bond because of the whole War of Eras thing. This means that it's usually Time who comforts Wars when he has a breakdown (also because Wars always tries to be the Older Brother in front of the Chain and therefore doesn't allow himself to be too vulnerable)
HOWEVER sometimes Wars simply can't stand human contact at all because of his past trauma. Twilight stumbles upon this fact fairly early into LU and suddenly Wolfie begins "randomly" showing up whenever Wars needs an emotional support animal to cuddle with.
Wars is very startled to learn Wolfie=Twilight and they have a little talk about it after the Wolfie reveal. But ultimately it only makes their friendship stronger :)
(That fic prompt is on my list haha)
Also, I think it would be really interesting if Twilight was unconscious or something while Wars had a breakdown. Then Legend could grab the crystal and turn into a bunny and comfort Wars while Two is unable to
(Probably also gonna write a fic about that, I have way too many prompts like always)
Anyway this turned into a pretty long ask, sorry abt that. I've been following your blog for a while now and have actually sent a few anon asks before (mostly abt how much I love your works on AO3, they're amazing /gen), but I'm trying to start interacting more with people in the fandom, so this probably won't be the last you hear of me (hope that's okay)
Either way you're super cool and I hope you're doing well! /gen
YES YES YES I SO AGREE. I’m actually working on a scene in a fic right now where Wolfie is the only one who can really get physically close to Wars because he’s ‘not a person’ (like, yes he is a person, he’s Twi, but he’s not person shaped and he’s soft n fluffy and doesn’t feel like a person (in the physical sense), and that’s what matters in the moment alsfjdjgfd). Plus Wolfie cuddles are probably life changing, like a big floofy warm dog that WANTS to cuddle with you because he actually understands your complex emotions and recognizes how you need help? Probably better than therapy /j
I love the idea that bunny Legend would go comfort Wars oh my god! I now have this mental image of Wars just crying and then just being absolutely shocked speechless by bright pink bunny Legend opening his mouth and sayin’ something like “one comment about the color or the vest and i kick you in your face and leave”
also i’m glad you like my silly stories alkhgdjgfd :) REMEMBER TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND GET SOME WATER 🫶
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killiru · 2 months
What do you think about Korn and Tonkla's relationship? I've seen posts about how Korn doesn't care about Tonkla but I disagree...Korn was way too affectionate with him and the fact that he kissed him before leaving as an apology for leaving abruptly makes me think that Tonkla is possible a "side chick" and since Tonkla wasn't fazed by Korn lying to his dad about being with Fasai makes me think he knows about Korn's gf but now wants to be Korn's main.
Omg Annon!!! I love it, I'm getting an ask! And then about my current obsession too, I'm excited! Thank you.
But well, anyway to your question: hard to say!!! I don't think he doesn't care about Tonkla at all, but I can imagine it started casual and then became more, especially on the part of Tonkla while Korn opportunistically accepted it because having his boytoy and being able to mie the perfect, straight son is the best outcome for him. Textbook-like. But I can't say how much emotion Korn has behind it… Sure, he's very gentle and tender with Tonkla, but at the moment when his father makes it clear that he needs something from him, he also pushes him away quite roughly and Tonkla is totally torn out of the moment.
So I'd say Korn has a thing for Tonkla, despite the relationship which CLEARLY has a financial component to it, but it's not enough for him to break his image and he obviously doesn't feel obliged to take Tonkla's needs into consideration, when he lied right in front of his salad, even though he has very positive feelings for him. At first Tonkla seems just a little bit offended by this, but then he also seems really desperate because he doesn't feel like he can do anything about it. I think you can see that when he strokes his eyes at the end of the scene.
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He might even wipe away a tear. And where that can come from: I think he's very lonely. At the end Tonkla seems so small, as if he's collapsing into himself a little and of course, when he sees the cat, he's scared about it, but I think that he is, also shows that he doesn't want to be alone.
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Like look this boy looks empty inside.... So even more than the way he's clingy during sex, I think you can see here how much he doesn't want to be by himself and this is underlined by the fact that he always says "its alright." to everything Korn does, so I wonder how long the arm is that Korn is holding him by and what his social circle looks like outside of work.
But well, that's far too long an answer to your question…. I should stop, sorry. This show has now occupied my brain for the next few weeks.
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