#i can't stand my siblings (/j)
livesworthlivingau · 2 months
Behind the Vale Chapter 24
Spoilers for ISAT/Two Hats below the break as always. CW: Some slight mental spiraling but hey that's to be expected at this point.
{You walk along with Bonnie sitting on your shoulders, gently but securely holding their legs to keep them from falling. Mirabelle and Odile joining you through the market as well. You smiled so brightly as Bon went on and on about their journey with the other saviors, listening intently to every word, so happy to have them back and know they were so well taken care of while you were frozen.}
{After a while, Isabeau finally returns, catching up to you all with a big smile.}
"Woah! When did you get so tall Bonnie?!"
"Hah! I'm taller than Za now! I'm unstoppable!!" {Bon proclaims with their fists confidently raised into the air. You can't help but chuckle heavily at that.}
"Thank y'all so much for taking such good care of Bonnie for me..." {You can't hold it in anymore, you're so grateful for everything they did, all the stories you've heard. Isabeau gives a bit of a nervous smile, rubbing the back of his head.}
"Thanks but... Sif's really the one you should be thanking the most." {You perk up at that, glancing at the others curiously. Mirabelle looks away with a shameful look. Odile has her arms crossed and doesn't want to meet your gaze either. You peek up at Bon, who's got a sad, pouting look on their face.}
"Did something happen Bon?..." {They look away as well, not wanting to talk about it, clearly.}
"There was this sadness once..." {Isabeau begins to explain.}
"None of us were close enough, and before we knew it it was about to get Bonnie... Sif's the fastest out of all of us, and suddenly he was there, in between them... He took the hit for them, lost his eye in the process..." {You're shocked at first, looking back up at Bon again, they still don't want to make eye contact. You pat their leg lightly to try and comfort them.}
"Well... I'll just have to thank them with the biggest hug I can manage when I meet them then~!" {You cheer, trying to lighten the mood for everyone. You're used to being an emotional rock for your sibling, it's almost comforting to get the chance again.}
"Y-Yeah! J-just be sure not to sneak up on him!" {Mirabelle chimes in, happy that that didn't ruin the good time you were all enjoying.}
"Heh... Don't want him to suplex you either Nille." {Bon teased with a grin. You roll your eyes a bit with a playful pout.}
"That was one time Bon!... Okay twice but still!" {You two have a little pouting stand off before you both break out into heavy laughter.}
"HAH! Not used to touch either then?"
"Not exactly, more just, easily spooked. Don't like things sneaking up on me, liable to get a hammer to the face that way."
"I'll do my best to stomp around as loud as possible." {Isabeau says with a grin. Bon giggling heavily at that.}
"That's what I had to do!! She even got me in a headlock once when I tried to surprise hug her!!"
"You knew not to sneak up on me Bon! I can't help what my body does when it gets surprised like that!"
"Perhaps it may be best to keep that hammer of yours by the door when we're in a safe place." {Odile chimes in with a light smirk, you're glad to hear she has a sense of humor, chuckling back a bit before responding.}
"Yeah that's usually the rule at home too." {Odile smiles at that, before her face turns more serious... studious maybe?}
"I apologize for the sudden shift in topic but, could we discuss your 'traveling companion'?"
"Hmm? Vale? Oh yeah, uhhh.. Y'all knew them as someone else I guess?" {You noticed they all called them Loop earlier, you don't want to expose too much since you aren't sure what they know versus what Vale told you.}
"Yeah, with a star for a head and everything, they were with Sif during the-" {Isabeau quickly claps a hand over their mouth.}
"Oh, Vale told me about the loops already actually, if that's what you mean."
"Oh!... Uhh... That makes things easier I guess?" {Isabeau looked relieved bit also pretty thrown off by that.}
"Including the new ones?" {Odile chimes in.}
"New ones?"
"I'll take that as a no then. What did Vale tell you about exactly?"
"Well... They kinda got really personal about a lot of stuff, I don't know what I'm allowed to talk about or not, y'know?"
"Yeah, we shouldn't be prying too much behind their back. How about your travels together then? You said they saved you from a sadness?" {Isabeau starts to shift the conversation.}
"Yeah! They must have been walking for a week straight or something, they passed out right after."
"Did they look like they do now, or?..."
"Oh, no, they were the star head you mentioned. My 'knight in shining face' as I called them." {Isabeau lets out a heavy belly laugh at that, you follow it up with a proud little chuckle. Bon even gives a little giggle at that.}
"We stuck around after that since they mentioned knowing y'all. We did some random busy work for coin, and they blew it all on some 'fancy outfits'." {You explain with a little smirk, it was difficult to even pretend to be angry about that, remembering the look on their face after trying on their first one. Isabeau watches your face curiously, smiling a little himself.}
"Heh, sounds like you two got real close already, huh?"
"Huh? Oh yeah I guess, just uhh... had a lot of bonding time together! Went through a lot in these past weeks." {You start to explain, a light blush across your face. Isabeau just gives you a knowing grin. Why does he keep looking at you like that?}
"O-Oh?! I hope your journey wasn't too difficult! What did you go through?" {Mirabelle chimes in nervously.}
"Oh! No no not like that kind of... Again, it was mostly personal stuff, I can't really talk about it much, but I've been helping them deal with some things."
"You mean like... Feelings buddies?!" {Her eyes beam brightly with excitement, you let out another laugh.}
"Yeah! Feelings buddies! That's a good way to put it." {Bon makes a gagging sound above you playfully. You lightly slap their leg before they giggle again.}
{You all continue sharing stories about your separate journeys, catching up while they gather supplies, doing your best to avoid any information that Vale might want to hold close to the chest.}
"So, have you told them anything?" [You ask, breaking the somewhat comfortable silence you both sat in.]
"Huh?" [Stardust perks up, confused by your sudden question.]
"About this go around, about the new loops... about me?"
"N-No! Nothing about you! I promise!" [They shoot up in a panic.]
"This isn't an interrogation, Stardust... I'm just curious where they're all at." [He settles back into his chair after a moment.]
"... I told them it's been 30 years, and some stuff related to that... I think that's it." [He ponders for a moment, trying to remember everything.]
"What have you told Nille?" [Your gaze drifts to the side, letting out a heavy sigh and taking a moment to speak.]
"Damn near everything..."
"... She knows I was you, and what I went through, and in turn what you went through. Sorry for telling your secret, it's not exactly easy to only tell my own."
"Th-That's okay!... Wow..." [They look absolutely dumbfounded by this bombshell.]
"I'm just as surprised as you are, I didn't expect to be spilling my guts about that ever, let alone to someone I've only known for such a short time."
"She really is special like that, huh?" [They ask with a bright smile.]
"She really is..."
[There's a knock at the door before it starts to peek open.]
"Hey! Sif, Vale, we're back!" [The Fighter calls in cautiously, taking a moment to open the door as to not interrupt so suddenly. You visibly tense up as they arrive, taking a deep breath or two to try and still your nerves.]
"Ack-Hey!" [He shouts as the Kid squirrels their way between him and the door, rushing up to Stardust.]
"FRIN FRIN FRIN! WE FOUND NILLE! NILLE'S HEEEEEERE! THE STAR WOOORKED!" [They yell at the top of their lungs in excitement, practically jumping on him and trying to tug him towards the door.]
"I heard! Hold on Bonbon!" [They protested in vain while the Kid kept pulling them towards the entrance. The rest of the party spilling inside, along with Nille.]
[Stardust finally gives in, letting themself be dragged along, giving a little wave hello to Nille before she suddenly envelops him in a massive, tight, warm hug... You look away as you feel your face heat up a tad. Please tell me that didn't make us jealous...]
"Thank you so much for what you did for Bonnie!"
"Agh! C-Can't... Breathe!" [You peek back over as she loosens her grip, still holding them close.]
"Sorry! Sorry. Just... Truly, thank you... thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to them."
"Yeah, of course..." [The look on their face says it all, they'd do it again a thousand times, without any hesitation. But no one wants to say that around the Kid.]
"What was that star anyhow?"
"You can thank our well dressed friend here for that!" [Nille proclaims, gesturing to you. You force a light smile.]
"I made a little wish, a gift from the universe… It seems it's not quite out to get us all the time after all." [The researcher continues to examine you curiously, it's incredibly unnerving. Stardust seems to take notice.]
"Odile, please let Vale relax at least before you interrogate them with your piercing stares." [They comment with a playful chuckle.]
"Ah, my apologies. You have me curious about a great many things, Vale, but that can wait til later." [Why did that feel like a threat? You do your best to shake that off, letting it be a problem for later.]
"Yes, well, I'm sure it's been a long day for all of us. Why don't I go figure out where I'll be staying for the evening and you all can get acquainted properly!"
"You're not staying with us?" [The Housemaiden chimes in.]
"Oh no, I couldn't possible impose!"
"But we've got plenty of room here! As long as someone doesn't mind taking the couch!" [She continues her insufferable insistence.]
"P-Please, I really couldn't interrupt just a lovely reunion like tha-"
"Vay, you're staying and that's final~." [Nille says plainly, as if it were a simply fact of the universe. You think for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh.]
"Fine… But I'll be taking the couch, I won't let anyone else suffer it for my benefit."
"Deal!" [The Housemaiden finally agrees, why must they all be so insufferably kind… You glance back over at Stardust. He has a bright smile plastered on his face, so glad you'll be staying. You let out another sigh, still so unsure about all of this. At this point, you've made your bed, somewhat literally, and now you must sleep in it.]
[You lie on the couch, blanket over you, forearm resting over your head, the other over your chest. You stare blankly at the ceiling while sleep eludes you, not that you expected it to come easy this night. With everything going on it would simply be a miracle to get a wink of sleep that night.]
[You perk up as you hear a door open, a stifled cry, and footsteps down the hall. You peek over the couch to find Nille leaving the hallway, wiping the tears from her eyes and heading over to you quickly.]
"Nille?! What's wrong, why are y-" [You begin to ask before you're suddenly enveloped in an incredibly tight hug. You blink in confusion, but slowly bring your arms up to wrap around her as well.]
"Sorry, sorry, just got emotional thinking about Bon and... Thank you so crabbing much for protecting them..."
"What? But... that was Stardust, not me."
"You mean the one who used to be?" [She asked like the point wasn't even worth refuting, slowly bringing a hand up to move the hair out of your face and behind your ear. She then rests it on your cheek, looking into your eyes. Her rough, calloused hands still managing to hold your face so gently.]
"I always wanted to ask about your eyes being different colors... I noticed you were blind in one a while ago but didn't want to bring it up... You lost it for Bonnie, didn't you?"
"... That... That was Stardust, I can't take credit for it..."
"Vale... That happened before your wishes, right? And your eye is still affected. That means it happened, and you saved them. So thank you. Thank you for making sure me and Bon got to see each other again..."
[You look away, you still don't feel deserving of the thanks. Even if it was technically you back then, that's not you anymore. Would we even make the same choice?... Would we be strong enough to do so?]
"Well, I just had to get that out of my system." [She explains, sniffling and wiping her eyes again, trying to get a hold of herself.]
"I better get back before Bon wakes up... Thanks Vay, for everything, and for sticking around." [She says, her touch slowly leaving your form, in spite of your desperate, internal wish that it would stay... No... no we can't trap her, we can't trap anyone ever again... She heads back to her room, closing the door and leaving you to yourself once more. You simply stare at the ceiling again until the sun begins to beam through the window.]
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starsaroundsaturn · 9 months
why do we accept the way that men (and yes, women too) act towards their partners in the romantic genre?
in this post, I'll be discussing sarah j maas, colleen hoover, the pretty little liars franchise, twilight, the vampire diaries, and many more.
many of these I happened upon as a teenager. even as a teenager, I saw some of these as overdramatic and even problematic, but I could see the appeal.
the love interests, all men in these instances, were obsessed with their partners. they were distracted about them.
regardless of the novel, the protagonist can be the stand in for the reader--I am almost certainly not the only one who imagined myself fighting the white witch in Narnia, eating at the Redwall feasts with my companions, dancing with a special someone at a ball, or saving the world with the spy kids. protagonists are made to be relatable, to be appealing, to be somebody we'd love to be or at least like to listen to throughout the story.
and in these romances, the main character is super special. she is the obsession, the person who drives others distracted, she is so, so wonderful that the love interest cannot resist her.
we all want to be that kind of special. we all want to be seen and known and loved and admired. it's not just human, it's human instinct. we want to be accepted, we want to be loved, because that's family, and family means we survive. we need people.
so this is a really attractive premise. this person who we can see ourselves in--she or he is irresistible.
I think that's where we fell into this pit. he can't resist her. he wants her so much he loses control over himself.
it sounded super romantic.
till it didn't anymore.
she is so special and irresistible that he ignores it when she says no (hoover). he's lost control so much that he obsesses over her and watches her when she sleeps and stalks her, because he wants to be with her all the time (twilight). she's so special to him that she's his (soul)mate, and he can't help it if he acts possessively over her all the time and can't bear men looking at her, because she's just that important and irreplaceable (maas). she might be his student, but that doesn't mean they don't belong together! (pretty little liars).
when you say it like that.
but the thing is, if you don't think about it too hard--like a smaller me might not have--it sounds exactly like the dream. it sounds like Mr Darcy falling in love with Elizabeth against his better judgement--but then, when she doesn't want him, he leaves her alone, takes the advice she gives, helps her family when it's needed because he wants to take accountability for his mistakes. only when she initiates does he tentatively bring up his interest in her again. when he's accepted, he's overjoyed, and grateful for her love for him.
huh. crazy.
the fact is, I think we've gotten to be so used to the idea that love is madness that we don't realize when it really is unstable, unhealthy--and awful.
we want people to do great things for us. we want demonstrations of love that often we've lacked in our lives. we want somebody to be willing to drop everything to help us and make it better when we're lost. we want a pair of solid arms around us (and I include myself, uninterested in romantic relationships, in that population). (there's a reason I'm obsessed with friendships and father figures and siblings).
we want passion and adventure and excitement.
and I think romance novels, and those who still romanticize these relationships, look in the wrong direction. they take the phrases madly in love and irresistible in the direction of unstable, passionate desperation rather than steadfast care and devotion.
I loved the phrase madly in love when I was a kid. not so much anymore.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 11 months
Sibling quarrels—
Request: We need a blurb or a fic about Sunny and Jack not speaking to each other…certainly not surprised that Jack would sleep with her best friend.
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Au Masterlist!!
Sunny stood quietly just around the corner of the hallway leading to all the Hughes children's bedrooms. Her jaw dropped as she peered around the corner to see Jack leaning in to kiss Evelyn, the girl dodged his romances, her hands pressed against his chest, trying to push him away before she did something she regretted
"I can't," she said weakly as Jack's face dropped, his grip on her hip tightened as his free hand tucked her hair behind her ear, "I can't do that to Sunny J, not again," the girl's tone was on the edge of giving in to the urge, her eyes tracing over Jack's lips as she chewed on the inside of her cheek.
Sunny's vision blurred as her hand covered her mouth to stop her jagged breaths. It was like watching her worst nightmare unfold right in front of her eyes, Jack's hands all over her closest friends, staring at her with not even a hint of guilt or care that he was putting a wedge in her friendship
"She doesn't need to know," Jack whispered as his forehead rested against Evie's, "I won't say anything if you don't, I really enjoyed it the first time." Sunny's stomach turned, as she closed her eyes to stop the burning of the tears welling up in them. How long had this been going on for exactly?
His lips chased hers as he tilted her head to kiss her gently, deepening it as he bit down on her bottom lip, her hands moving from his chest up to his curls before falling again to push him away. "It was a bad idea the first time, it was wrong, and it should never have happened," Evelyn detached herself from the boy's hold. "It didn't feel wrong to me?" Jack smirked as she shook her head embarrassed, her cheeks warm from the memories of the whole affair that had taken place only mere days ago. "It feels wrong lying to her Jack."
Evie straightened out the bottom hem of her party top and brushed off the centerman's almost convincing comments as she found her way out of his room and into the hallway where she saw Sunny standing with teary eyes and furrowed brows. Jack walked out hot on her tail to try and convince her one more time, but his eyes widened as he saw the streaks of tears that had rolled down Sunny's cheeks.
"Fuck," Jack whispered as Sunny clamped her jaw shut, shook her head and headed back down to the little party that Ellen was throwing in celebration of her two sons being home during their off-week.
Quinn knocked on his little sister's door and slipped in as she gave him the go-ahead to enter. A sad look on his face as he stood in the door frame and watched her for a second, soaking in the sadness that she was radiating.
"Mom said you were upset," he said sitting in her desk chair, as she readjusted the way she was sitting to face her oldest brother. "I'm mad at your brother," she said with a frown. "He's only my brother? What did Luke do now?" Quinn laughed at what he assumed to be some petty fight between the two, the usual Sunny and Luke narratives.
"Jack slept with Evie," she blurted out causing Quinn to go wide-eyed, nearly choking on his spit as she crossed her arms over her chest and collapsed back down on her mattress. The oldest Hughes was at a loss for words as he stared at his little sister who was now staring at the ceiling with tears in her eyes before looking at Quinn.
"She was the one person who was completely separate from you guys," she cried into her hands, "my whole life has revolved around you guys and hockey and your careers, and that's fine. But that's all people seem to want me around for, you, and Luke, and Jack!" choked cries left her lips as Quinn moved to lay down on the bed next to her hugging her into his chest as she cried even harder. "Evie was way beyond all of that, she was my only real break from being the Hughes' little sister, I was just Sunny to her," she whispered as her face buried itself in his chest, crying as he held her.
Quinn had no way of consoling her, no words were gonna fix her fragile state, tears soaking his shirt as she slowly lulled herself to sleep.
The house seemed tense that morning, everyone could feel a shift in the air, but no one exactly knew what was about to be unleashed as Quinn quietly left a sleeping Sunny and headed down to where the rest of the Hughes family found themselves relaxing. Quinn smacked Jack up the side of the head, a gasp leaving Ellen's mouth as she placed her mug down on the coffee table, "Quinn!" "I can't believe you did that," Quinn said sternly to Jack who stared guiltily at his hands, not daring to look up, praying that if he ignored Quinn's glare just enough, he could shrivel up into a ball and die without having to have to talk about this in front of his mother and father. "Can we talk about this somewhere else?" he asked looking around the room at all of the Hughes family members except for the youngest.
Quinn let out a laugh at the embarrassment creeping up the middle brother's cheek and then looked at the confusion on his parent's faces, "I'm not saying anything, but you need to apologize to her," he spat before walking out the back door to take a breather.
Jim sat up, brows raised at the middle son, surprised at the anger coming from his normally reserved oldest child, "What did you do, and to whom Jack?" Jack shrugged as he looked at his younger brother whose eyes widened with realization, connecting the dots to all the things that had occurred over the weekend, the tear-eyed Sunny who swore to Luke she was never talking to Jack again, the disappearance of Evelyn early into the previous nights party, and now the guilty Jack.
"holy shit!"
Ellen and Jim found out a week later after Jack and Quinn flew back to their respective towns, and Luke returned to Ann Arbor. Sunny moped around the house, which raised some major alarms for both of her parents, at first Jim thought it was just cause Sunny was lonesome without her brothers, but to Ellen, it all seemed deeper than that.
"Hey Sunshine," Ellen said knocking on her daughter's door with a snack plate in her hand for the bedridden girl, "you feeling okay," Ellen leaned forward and felt her daughter's forehead to see if maybe all of the melancholy had been due to an illness. "I'm fine," Sunny shrugged as she patted next to her, ushering her mom to sit down with her on the mattress. The girl leaned her head against her mom's shoulder as she took the plate of fruit and little snacks and started to eat the apple slices with peanut butter, smiling as she looked at the little heart-shaped cookies on the plate.
"Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can fix it." Sunny frowned as her mom pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, "it's not really something that can be fixed." "Why don't you invite Evie over for the night? You guys can go down in the basement and binge-watch reality TV shows like you do with her when she's upset," Ellen suggested, not picking up on the way her daughter's brows furrowed at the proposal. "I can't," Sunny sighed, "she slept with Jack," Sunny shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant as she continued to eat the fruits in front of her.
Ellen's face dropped as she sat up, "I'm sorry what?" "Y'know what's funny, Quinn had almost the same reaction, but with fewer words," Sunny smiled at how motherly her older brother was. "Evelyn and Jack are seeing each other?" "No, Jack just had sex with my best friend because he can't stand the thought of me having something that isn't his," Sunny smiled and placed the plate on her bedside table as she got up from her bed to grab the remote to her TV from atop her dresser.
Jim chose the wrong second to walk in as Ellen sat with her jaw dropped and Sunny ranted about her inconsiderate brother. "what did Jack do now?" Jim joked as Ellen looked at him, an angry look resting on her face as they filled the man in.
Evelyn reached out a week later, tears in her eyes as she showed up at the Hughes' front door after Sunny's ballet practice. "I'm the worst," the girl muttered as she stared at her best friend, "I don't even know what I was thinking, I've always seen him as a brother, it was just a lapse of poor judgment," Evie cried as Sunny stood in the doorway. "You slept with my brother Evie, it's not poor judgement, you had sex with my brother and then lied to me," Sunny was not in the mood to deal with this anymore.
She was trying to pull together everything that had upset her over the course of the week and put it out on the table so that Evelyn knew just how badly this had hurt her.
"I forgive you," Sunny said calmly as Evelyn let out a sigh and leaned in to hug her best friend, Sunny's hand stopped her quickly, "I forgive you, but right now I'm mad at you and need space, I will reach out when I'm ready to talk about it," she said calmly as Evelyn nodded and sunny shut the door in her face, the girl returned to her car teary-eyed as Sunny watched her through the living room window.
Sunny stood at the bay window, watching the downpour of rain that hit the panes, arms folded and brows pulled together as she just stared numbly. Ellen softly said Sunny's name as she lifted her blanket up to offer her a spot next to her, so they could snuggle and watch movies instead of dwelling around the house The girl sniffled as she curled up next to her mom, Ellen pressed a kiss to the crown of her daughter's head, "I'm proud of you for setting that boundary," Ellen whispered as Sunny cried even harder, "It'll all pass Sweetheart, just give it some time."
"Has Jack called you at all?" "I haven't talked to Jack in like two weeks," she mumbled into her hands as she wiped away her tears, "and he told Luke he wasn't going to apologize and I needed to get over myself," Sunny's lip quivered as Ellen ran her fingers through her daughter's hair as she let out a huff, "Your son is a bitch" "He is," Ellen mused as she pressed her cheek against the crown of her daughter's head and took a deep breath, "your brother isn't the brightest, he'll come crawling for forgiveness soon enough,"
"I'm thinking about renting a car for when we are home for Sunny's grad, do you wanna split it with me so we aren't stuck stealing Luke's car all trip" Quinn rambled as Jack placed the phone to his ear, as sighed. "I don't know if I'm going," Jack said, his tone was almost shameful as Quinn's brows furrowed at the stupidity of his answer. "You're not going to our baby sisters grad?" Jack's lips formed a straight line as he found the words to make his excuse sound less stupid than it sounded in his head, "we haven't talked since February, I don't know?"
"You haven't spoken to her since All-Star week? did you even try to apologize?" Jack rolled his eyes "She said she didn't want to talk to me, what was I supposed to do?" Quinn could feel the headache settling behind his eyes as he abandoned his calm composure, "You were supposed to call her and fix what you ruined, like fuck jack, I don't know if you forgot but you slept with her only friend and then left without apologizing, she's dealing with it alone!"
A moment of silence crept up on the brothers as Quinn returned back to sitting in front of his laptop, "figure your shit out, you're embarrassing yourself," Quinn spat angrily as he hung up the phone to deal with the rented car on his own, leaving jack to his thoughts.
Sunny smiled sadly as she hung her graduation dress and gown on the back of the door, humming along to the Hozier playing over her record players as she flattened out the puffy sleeve of her sage green dress. She maneuvered her way around the room to rummage through her jewellery box, looking for her favourite hoops and rings to complete the look.
A quick knock at the door startled her as she walked over to open it, Jack stood on the other side, an awkward smile on his face as Sunny opened it with a shocked look. "I thought you couldn't make it?" "I wasn't gonna miss your grad Sunny, I'm still your big brother, I'm gonna be here for all of your accomplishments," he sighed as she looked at him with tears now welling in her eyes, his arms opening to let her pull him into a hug.
"You've been a shit big brother this year," she mumbled into his chest as the tears now started for him. "I know," he cried as her hands gripped the soft fabric of his shirt, "I'm so sorry Sun," he mumbled into the crown of her head as she cried harder into his frame.
"What took you so long?" she asked pulling away to wipe the tears from her face as Jack pulled her back in for a second longer, soaking in as much Sunny love that he could for its absence over the past five-ish months Jack shrugged, finally letting her out of his grasp so she could pull herself together, "I don't know, you've never been mad at me so I didn't know how to apologise." "That's such a bullshit response J," she glared and sat on the edge of her bed, ushering him to sit next to her. "I was embarrassed at how bad I fucked up, so I thought if we ignored it, it would go away," he said honestly. Sunny smiled, "you're a fucking idiot," she said as she leaned her head against his arm.
Jack took a shaky breath as his arm wrapped around her shoulders, the guilt in the pit of his stomach slowly lifting as silence took over the room. The last song on the Hozier vinyl ended as Sunny got up to flip it, "What about Evie? Are you guys okay?" "We are okay," Sunny said with a content smile, "I'm still unsettled that you two-" she cringed and shook her at the topic, "but we are okay," she mumbled as Jack nodded.
"I should probably apologize to her," Jack mumbled as Sunny nodded. "Probably," Sunny grinned as Jack hopped up from her bed to go back to greet the rest of their visiting family.
Jack hugged Sunny one last time, "I hated not talking to you," she mumbled Into his chest as he nodded. "Well it's never happening again, I'm gonna do everything in my power to annoy you for the rest of my life, so don't worry," he said swaying her back and forth. "Please do," she said reaching up and ruffling his hair as he squeezed her one last time.
I don't know how I feel about it :/
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zegrasdrysdale · 10 months
Hey bae I have another request for Jamie. Reader goes home for thanksgiving and Jamie wasn’t able to go with her. Long story short he ends up surprising her at her family home, and proposes
[ your last name ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie surprises (Y/N) for Thanksgiving, in more ways than one
warning(s) : none :)
author’s note : happy thanksgiving my loves ! grateful for every single one of you ! don't forget to fill out this form if you want to be added to the taglist !
Thanksgiving this year feels different because Jamie isn’t coming with her to dinner at her parents’ house.
Jamie said that his family wanted to see him so he flew home to see them two days ago. He didn’t know if he would be back in time to go to Philly with her for dinner. They've been together for four year now and this is the first Thanksgiving since they started dating that he won't be with her for dinner.
He told her to go without him because it's one of the only times during the year that she gets to see her parents, her siblings, her in-laws, and her nieces and nephews. She wishes that Jamie could've come with her but she understands that he can't be with her this year.
(Y/N) loves her family, but every year they ask her when Jamie is going to marry her. Especially after the second year she brought him with her. This year, she gets to face those questions all by herself.
She Ubers from Philadelphia International to the Fishtown section of Philadelphia when she flies in the morning of Thanksgiving. She's staying only one night so she has a duffel bag with her.
Traffic on 95 is insane, which is understandable considering people are traveling. It takes her nearly an hour to get from the airport to her parents' house. She's texting back and forth with Jamie the entire time to make the ride go faster.
jd ♡ - 10:23 am i know. i wish i could've come with you too. tell everyone i say hi and that i wish i could've been there. i'll see you when we both get back to anaheim, okay?
i love you
She writes back an "I love you too" as the Uber pulls up to the house.
There are already a bunch of cars parked in the driveway and up the street. Some she recognizes and some she doesn't.
(Y/N) thanks the driver as she gets out with her bag. He drives off to pick up another person and she stands outside of the house with her bag over her shoulder. She sighs and walks up to the front door.
Footsteps sound on the other side of the door after she knocks. Her mother stands in front of her when the door swings open.
"(Y/N)!" she exclaims as she throws her hands around her daughter. "My youngest baby. Come on in. Everyone is already here. They're all very excited to see you."
Almost on cue, her oldest niece comes running to the door. "Aunt (Y/N)!" she yells as she wraps herself around (Y/N)'s waist. She looks around her body. "Where's Uncle Jamie? Is he coming?"
She frowns and shakes her head. "Not this year," she tells her niece. "He went to go see his family up in Canada this year. He sends all his love though and wishes he was here. He misses everyone."
"Okay," her niece sighs. "Can we call him later though? So we can say hi to him?"
"Of course we can," (Y/N) tells her. "Wanna help me unpack my things? You can get your cousins too and we can all go upstairs to my room to unpack."
Her eight-year-old niece happily nods and goes running back inside. She yells the names of all her cousins that are in the house. (Y/N)'s mom still stands beside her. "It's going to be weird without him here," she comments. "Will you see him tomorrow before his game?"
"I don't know," she admits. "I hope so. It feels like he's been gone for a while when it hasn't even been a week. It sucks when he isn't around but it's his job and he never gets to see his family so I get it, I guess."
"It sounds like it's starting to get to you," her mom tells her. "Him not being around a lot, I mean. Especially during the season."
"It doesn't matter if he isn't around a lot," (Y/N) sighs. "I love him and he loves hockey. Jamie and hockey come as a package deal, and I knew that going in. Sometimes I just miss him, especially around the holidays."
(Y/N)'s mom rubs her arm. "It'll be okay," she says. "Go get settled. I'm going to start making the cake soon and I know you like helping with that."
Her heart falls into her stomach. She and Jamie always make and bake the cake when they get to her parents' house. It's the reason they fly in extra early on Thanksgiving.
Without another word, (Y/N) heads upstairs to her bedroom.
Over the years as she's grown up, her parents have updated the furniture in her room but have kept the same decorations. The bed got bigger right before she moved to California for college. They got her a bigger vanity while she was in high school because she decided to wear makeup starting in her junior year.
She adds a few pictures to her wall collection every time she comes home. Mostly of her and Jamie, but her and her California friends and her and her friends from home are all over the board too.
This year she adds two pictures of her and Jamie on their four year anniversary. They went on a little vacation together to celebrate since it was during the offseason. She took a lot of pictures but the selfie she took of Jamie kissing her cheek and the selfie of Jamie kissing her make it onto the wall. She smiles a sad smile and wishes he was here to watch her put the pictures up.
As she's unpacking the toiletries she brough with her, a child's voice downstairs yells, "Uncle Jamie!"
His name immediately catches her attention.
(Y/N) drops her hairbrush after the shock wears off and runs out of the room. She nearly slips down the wooden stairs to get to Jamie.
When she turns into the hallway that leads to the foyer and front door, she sees Jamie in a black Ducks hoodie and grey sweatpants. A suitcase sits at his side and he's bent down as he hugs the children that went to the door to greet him.
He has the biggest smile on his faces as he says hello. She can't help but smile behind her hands, which she brought up when she saw that he was here. Her eyes burn with tears that threaten to fall at any given moment.
"You're here!" (Y/N)'s oldest niece says. "Aunt (Y/N) said you weren't going to be here."
Jamie glances up at her and replies, "I wanted to surprise her. Can I go say hi to Aunt (Y/N)?"
Her niece nods and all of the kids back away. Jamie stands up and walks over to (Y/N).
The tears fall when Jamie wraps his arms around her neck. She buries his face into his chest and lets out a quiet sob. (Y/N) wraps her arms around his torso. "I didn't think you were going to be here," she tells him. "I thought you were still in Canada with your family and I wouldn't see you until tomorrow when I got back into Anaheim."
"I'm here, baby," Jamie says into her hair. "I'm always here."
She looks up at her boyfriend and smiles. Jamie uses his thumbs to wipe away her tears and dry her cheeks. "Sorry I'm such a mess," she says. "It's been a few days since I've seen you and I've really missed you."
Jamie presses a long kiss to her forehead. "I've missed you too," he mumbles. "Let's go make that cake, yeah? You think I'd miss out on doing that with you?"
She laughs and walks into the kitchen with Jamie. Their fingers are laced together when they walk into the room. Her mom is standing with her back to them with all the ingredients on the island counter and says, "(Y/N), did you want to make vanilla or choco- Jamie! I didn't know you were coming."
"I wanted it to be a surprise," Jamie says as he wraps an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders. "We can take over baking the cake, if you don't mind."
Her mom smiles at the two of them before nodding. "Not at all," she says. "I know this is the thing the two of you like to do together so I'll keep the kids busy so you can bake away."
Without another word, (Y/N)'s mother leaves the room with a smile on her face. "Let's give Aunt (Y/N) and Uncle Jamie some time alone since it's been a while since they've seen each other," she says to probably the kids.
(Y/N) goes over to the counter where the cake ingredients are lined up and looks over them to make sure everything they need is ready to go. She's making a note of everything they have when Jamie comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.
"Missed you," Jamie mumbles against the swell of her ear. "My family asked about you the entire time I was with them. I told them that you send your love and that we'd visit them over the All Star break in a few weeks."
She smiles when he begins to press soft kisses to her jaw. "I do miss mama Drysdale," she tells him as she leans back against him. "I can't wait to go see your family."
Jamie lets out a light laugh. "Let's get this cake done so I can go get a shower and get ready for dinner," he says. "I don't think your family would be very happy if I sat down at the dining room table for dinner tonight smelling like airport and dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants."
The (L/N) family sits down at the dinner table a little before six that night. (Y/N) sits between her older brother and Jamie, who has since changed into a button-up shirt and one of his suit bottoms that he'd wear as part of his arrival suits. She's wearing a short black wrap dress with a pair of matching heels.
The thing about (Y/N)'s family is that there are a lot of them.
(Y/N)'s parents had four kids, and she is the youngest at 22. Between her three older siblings, they have eight kids and three spouses together so there are nearly 20 people at the table.
There is also a lot of food because of how people there are. The cake that she and Jamie baked is sitting in the kitchen and even that is big because of how many people there are in the house at the moment.
They say grace before they start passing bowls and plates around the table so everyone can grab a serving.
The kids all sit at one end of the table while the adults sit at the other end. (Y/N)'s mom sits at the head of the table since she was the one that mostly cooked. She helped a bit when Jamie was showering and changing.
Jamie takes a bite of the turkey and groans. "Mrs. (L/N), the turkey is amazing like always," he tells her when he swallows his bite. "Thank you for cooking."
"You say the same thing every year, Jamie," her mom laughs. "But thank you."
She looks over at Jamie as she chews her bite of stuffing, who shoots her mom a smile. "I mean it every year," he replies. "It's really good."
(Y/N)'s siblings and their partners nod in agreement. She just smiles and takes a bite of her turkey then a sip of her wine.
Small conversations break out as the food begins to disappear from the plates and bowls. (Y/N) treats herself to several servings of the stuffing and mashed potatoes. The kids eat up all the mac and cheese that was made specifically for them. A couple of them even dabble in the turkey.
Jamie is laughing at something (Y/N) said when her mother decides to ask the looming question that is always asked at Thanksgiving.
"So, Jamie," she begins to say. "Have you put any thoughts into putting a ring on my daughter's finger?"
Her eyes widen and she scolds, "Mom! If Jamie is going to propose to me, he'll do it on his own time. I'm 22, he's 21. There is still so much time for us to get married."
Mrs. (L/N) blinks at the two of them and says, "You've been together for over four years, (Y/N). You live together and travel together when you can. He traveled probably overnight to surprise you at your family home for Thanksgiving. If you're going to spend the rest of your lives together then you should know by now, shouldn't you?"
(Y/N) opens her mouth to say something when Jamie puts a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, (Y/N)," he tells her before turning his attention to her mom. "You'll be the first one to know when I do put a ring on your daughter's finger, Mrs. (L/N). We promise."
She seems content with that answer so she goes back to eating what is on her plate. (Y/N) lets out a soft sigh before she takes a bite of her mashed potatoes.
"Actually, I do have something for you, (Y/N)," Jamie says after a quiet moment. It gets the attention of everyone at the table. "I mean, as long as you don't mind if I gave it to you right now."
A surprised (Y/N) swallows her bite and nods. "Depends on what it is," she tells him.
He smiles and says, "It's actually why I was a little late today. I wanted to be here before you got here but I had to go pick it up so ..." He digs in his pocket for the gift he has for her.
Her jaw drops when she sees a little velvet black box in the palm of his hand. There are several gasps from around the table and the smile on Jamie's lips grows when he sees what must be shock on (Y/N)'s face.
"Jamie, what are you doing?"
He slides down off his chair onto one knee beside her. "Putting a ring on your finger," he tells her. "(Y/N), you have accepted every part of me and my chaotic life, including me being on the road for over half the year because of hockey. I know it's rough but you have loved me through every single second. Nothing. including distance, can get in our way. I want that for the rest of my life, and I hope you want too. I want to love you every single day until I die. So, (Y/N) (L/N), will you do me the biggest honor and marry me?"
The box is pulled open and a beautiful diamond ring sits in the center of it. A hand flies to her mouth and tears prick her eyes. Her eyes don't leave a kneeling Jamie Drysdale.
She can't believe this is happening. She thought she was years away from a proposal, yet here she is. Jamie is on one knee in front of her entire family with a ring in his hand.
It is rough loving Jamie when he's so far away, but knowing she is the one he comes home to makes it a little easier. She loves that he has included her in his hockey life, and even gets her to a handful of away games every year. He doesn't try to separate her and hockey like she know a bunch of players try to do.
With tears rolling down her face, she moves her hand and says, "Yes. I will marry you, Jamie."
The entire room breaks out in celebration. Jamie takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto her left ring finger. She looks at it for a second before she cups his jaw and presses a long kiss to his lips. He breaks it and wraps his arms around her waist.
(Y/N) looks at her mother, who is holding her father's hand and crying. There are smiles all around the table as she pulls back from the hug.
"I was very worried you were going to say no," Jamie admits. "I know I'm away a lot and I hate that I'm away from you all the time but coming home to my fiancée after a roadie sounded really nice."
She smiles and runs her fingers through his hair. "Wearing my fiancé's last name on my back while he's on the ice sounds really nice," she tells him.
"It's going to eventually be your last name," he replies. "That's kind of hot."
She laughs and kisses him one more time before everyone begins to hug the two of them and congratulate them on their engagement.
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mins-fins · 11 months
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SUMMARY . . . it's really easy to just say "i'm fine" and go on with it, anton doesn't take it, though.
PAIRING . . . anton lee x male!reader
GENRE . . . fluff, light light angst
WARNINGS . . . mentions of sleep deprivation
WORD COUNT . . . 0.7k
NOTES . . . *taps mic* hi anton lovers, hi again riize fandom, i love anton hes just so 😢 anyway i didn't willingly make this the demons stole my computer and typed it out for me 🙏 *crowd cheers and applauses and fire alarms go off and the place explodes*
. . . my beloved mother (aka the best and only elif i know) @jinkiseason asked to be tagged so here you go (you better read this 😡) (i made it in your wc range/j)
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said boy startles, almost hitting his head on the counter. he groans, covering his face for a moment. once his eyesight registers, he looks up to see his roommate, whose eyes are focused on the textbooks set on the kitchen counter. "shit sorry, what time is it?" he asks, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"it's two am" y/n swears he almost gasps out loud when he hears. two? as in two in the morning? that can't be.. "i— i'm sorry did i disturb you? i didn't mean to fall asleep i just—"
"no no" anton cuts into his sentence. "your not disturbing me.. i— why are you sleeping on the kitchen counter?"
how long did i doze off for?
"i was.." y/n pauses as he catches anton's gaze, he recognizes that gaze. he's seen it from his parents, his older siblings, his ex lovers, his friends, and just.. strangers. anton already knows how he's going to respond. "studying".
anton closes his eyes, sighing, and y/n feels that recognizable shame curl in his gut. "y/n.. what time did you start studying?"
y/n goes silent once again, disappointedly looking down at the kitchen counter as he begins to drag his finger up and down it, trying to distract himself. he feels another curl of shame in his gut when he hears anton sigh, again.
"i know i know, i'm sorry" he immediately says, feeling like he did something wrong, anton's tone of voice was really stressing him out, he hated that tone of voice, he hated the way it was so recognizable and how anxious it made him feel. "i didn't mean to upset you".
anton simply blinks, then shakes his head. "it's not your fault" he whispers, walking up to y/n and rubbing a hand up and down his back. "y/n i worry about you".
y/n musters up a smile, but he's so tired he can't even keep it up, frowning immediately. "i have so many exams this week.. this is my best bet—"
"no, you need to sleep".
y/n chuckles sleepily, his eyes barely able to stay open. "it's okay, i can rest after my exams are ove—"
"do you really think i'm gonna let you do that?"
y/n pauses, biting the inside of his cheek. he almost laughs once again, but he stays silent. anton looks at him for a moment; then closes his textbook. "come on".
"come on where?"
"your going to sleep" anton states, he doesn't ask or even wait for an answer, he just says it like he knows what he's doing. y/n looks at him like he just said something crazy, but anton doesn't budge.
anton looks at him for a split second, sighing. "i don't want you to disagree with me, your going to sleep whether you like it or not".
y/n scoffs; "i'm not even tire—"
"its two in the morning, you studied all day, you are going to sleep".
anton grabs his arm, helping him stand up and dragging him away from the kitchen counter. y/n lightly yelps, but it's quiet. "anton, seriously, i don't need sleep, i'm fine i don't—"
"you need to stop trying to argue with me" anton mutters, turning on the sink and handing y/n his toothbrush. "i care about you, and your going to sleep, whether you like it or not".
y/n finally sighs, he stops trying to argue with anton, which makes the other smile. he grabs his toothbrush, hoping he's not that tired and can successfully do it.
"when was the last time you even got a full eight hours?"
y/n gives anton a look, not being able to respond because he's brushing his teeth, he lightly shoves his shoulder and anton laughs. that's pretty ironic considering anton barely gets sleep himself.
"your talking about eight hours?" y/n says, rinsing his mouth before looking back up. "you barely get sleep yourself".
"yeah but this is about you is it not?"
"i hate you".
anton deadpans for a moment, snickering. "no you don't" he easily responds, smiling. "now chop chop, you need to sleep".
"don't rush me".
"i will if i want to! come on, sleep!"
y/n sighs, yawning, but follows.
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diagonal-queen · 2 years
No worries HHH I'm the one who requested 😭😭 the Sibling one,,maybe Dazai's sibling with Fyodor and Chuuya??
hi! of course i can do this for you <3
They find out you're Dazai's sibling
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara, Fyodor Dostoyevsky x Dazai's sibling!gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do Dazai's (arguably) biggest homoerotic enemies react when they find out that their S/O is his sibling?
♡ cw: Mentions of violence, Fyodor is a lil toxic.
note: Imagine reader seeing their brother and Fyodor in prison talking in code and they're like...you can speak Chinese Osamui?? Apologies for errors, hope you enjoy x
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So...he's...not okay for a while. He speedruns the five stages of grief in like two hours and then immediately begins quizzing you lmao
He's mostly just shocked because he would never have anticipated it. If he'd known he'd have already began treating you differently /j
Chuuya is probably constantly mentally comparing you two, like 'oh my god Dazai's so much more insufferable than them' and wondering how you two have such different energy
Also constantly asking you questions about how you deal with him (assuming you're on good terms/see each other often) and makes a lot of sarcastic remarks about it probably
You two like to spend designated times planning ways to break it to Dazai that you're together, but unfortunately this never gets anywhere because he's gonna burst a blood vessel no matter how you tell him lol
You both have semi-regular Dazai-related complaining sessions and they can literally sometimes go on for hours
Sometimes you tell him stories of when you and Dazai were younger and he actually finds them really endearing and funny
Even though Chuuya can't stand Dazai he would never discourage you from maintaining a good relationship with him if that's what you want. In fact he might even try to be civil with Dazai sometimes, just for your sake though <3
So he mostly just wants to know all of Dazai's secrets. Jokes on you Dostoy- reader doesn't know any of them either!
He's also rather surprised he hadn't figured it out sooner either. He asks you why you didn't tell him and you're like...'babe 😐'
Fyodor still loves you. He gets that you don't choose family, but at the same time he's a tiiiiiiiiiny bit concerned that you might betray him so he doesn't tell you any super important DOA stuff (though if you're dating Fyodor you and Dazai probably aren't that close anyway)
You both agree to just not let Dazai know about this arrangement no questions asked (at least for the time being). He'll probably figure it out on his own but at least you didn't have to break the news yourself!
If Dazai ever did find out and get upset, Fyodor might even reverse uno the trope of 'big brother who threatens sibling's partner' and threaten Dazai himself lmao
If you manage to persuade him (or nag him enough), Fyodor MIGHT just be a teensy bit less sadistic towards Dazai. MAYBE.
That being said he isn't lenient like Chuuya and would prefer if you actively chose him over Dazai
Can he get over it? Ultimately yes he can, but is he secretly very highly disturbed by such information? Yes. Wait for it to hit him that if you two get married then he and Dazai are brothers-in-law...
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aeruia · 6 months
So for Tokyo revengers I was thinking of this idea where its a Fem! Y/n with short hair and who yk a little bit tall. She's very close to Emma, so one night they go to the shrine where the gang meets up and they think that this "guy" is bothering Emma so they attack him but, here's the thing, Y/n isn't aggressive so she fights back only when necessary, so she doesn't really fight back, she just dodges really well, until Emma blurts out it's a girl not even a guy. and their js like ...fr?
Y/n is calm and rarely loses her temper or show any signs of outbursts or nothing, she's very neutral. She's constantly getting mistaken for a "pretty boy".
That's only the beginning because later on the story, EMMA IS ACTUALLY BEING STALKED, BUT SHE DON'T KNOW. She encounters some dangerous situation (I'll leave those to you) but Y/n saves her every single time. so near the ending of the story, they were going another gang meeting to tell Mikey what's been going on, so he can put a stop to it. THEN Y/N GETS HER HEAD SMACKED, I MEAN SOMEONE REALLY BOPS HER ASS and knocks her out. BUT, someone ( I was thinking mitsuyai) find her passed out near some random grassy area BUT SHE'S ALONE. EMMA GOT SNATCHED. So when Y/n wakes up and finds herself in the shrine (Mitsuya carried her there) AND EMMA IS NO WHERE TO BE FIND. SHE FLIPS THE FUCK OUT.
So lets js jump to Emma's POVS after she got snatched, so to summarize it basically, Emma accidently witnessed a murder crime and she's the only one that has proof (like a selfie or sum picture) but she doesn't realize it. SO THE KILLER GOES OUT FOR HER BEFORE SHE CAN REALIZE AND GO TO THE POLICE. so yeah,
Now this can't end like this, OBVIOUSLY
Y/n ends up finding where Emma is, so she goes by herself and BUSTS UP IN THERE AND BEATS HIM UP, Im talm about some real ass beating, like Y/n loses her calm nature. and Y/n saves Emma. So after, Y/n feels hella guilty bcs she couldn't keep Emma safe, and then Mitsuya comforts her and they kiss in the end.
we need more badass Y/n tbh w you bruh.
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the ask is the summary :3
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pairing/s : mitsuya x fem!reader (implied)
warning/s : mention of kidnapping, knives, about murder (?), not proofread !!
word count : 3,014
note : this took me long and i think all of my brain juice is gone /j i might probably post another one if i finished it :3 and also i kinda rushed this 🙁 I can't think of a title and my friend helped me w/ it !
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you were just casually hanging out with emma near the river as you kick rocks while emma tells you about the gang her brother has. she tells you everything about it and how it was made. it really piqued your interest since you really love it when you discover new things about emma and her siblings.
emma was your very close friend, you two are inseparable, she was the bestfriend that you could ever ask for. she's always there for you whenever you need her and you're grateful for that of course, you pay her back by being there whenever she needs you too. you and emma always got each other's back.
“ oh i also almost forgot to tell you the gang will be gathering in the shrine tonight, you wanna come with me? ” you stopped kicking the rock you have been kicking as you looked at emma with your eyebrow raised. “ you don't have someone to come with you? ” you asked, emma’s shoulder dropping as a frown came into her face.
“ you don't wanna come with me? ” her question made you laugh as you put your hands on your hips. “ i’m coming with you, i can't leave you walking alone or something might happen to you. ” you answered her as she just smiled in reply.
the night arrives and someone knocks on your apartment, opening the door to see emma standing there ready to go when you're still not even ready. your hair disheveled, clothes still those comfortable shirts you always wear whenever you only stay at home.
“oh, you’re early. give me one minute” the [h/c] haired girl said and smiled quickly closing the door making emma sigh. “ you always do this, [y/n]! ” she shouted as she patiently waited for you to get out of your apartment.
you closed the door of your apartment and locked it double checking if it's actually locked. you can't risk losing another thing from your apartment.
“ finally, took you long enough and you're just wearing the outfit you had when we were hanging out earlier this afternoon.. ” she said and blinked as you just laughed.
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the walk from the shrine didn't take that long but you were tired from walking as you whine about how the walk was so long and that you feel you're gonna collapse every time you take a step.
emma dismisses your exaggerated complaints and goes to where the gang is. everyone noticed that emma was walking towards them as they were about to wave at her when they noticed someone was following her, thinking that it was a guy bothering her again.
they quickly took action, of course. draken quickly pulling emma away, making you lift your head up and seeing that the members were about to launch at you, making your eyes wide like they have seen something they shouldn't have. your first instinct was to look for emma and you saw her with a tall man. he was hugging her but you couldn't careless at least she's not here.
the members were throwing punches and kicks at you, making you dodge all of them one by one. you were only dodging the attacks they throw at your way, blocking some of them if necessary.
emma was still a bit shock when draken had pulled her close to him as she needed to blink a few times before actually seeing the scene in front of her. she blinked a few times again to see if she's actually seeing was real.
the guys were trying to beat your ass up but here you are just avoiding and blocking their attacks as she remained from her position stunned. “ you know him? ” draken asked as emma looked at him with a confused look.
“ what? him? ” she asked in confusion. ” yeah, him. ” draken answered back making emma put her lips into a thin line.
“ she's a girl. ” she blurted loudly enough for the members to hear. as they freezed in there spot and slowly turned their heads to look at emma. “ she's a girl..? ” they all said in unison as emma could completely hear the confusion in their voices.
emma nodded. “ yeah, a girl.. i would never bring a man in here. ” she answered. “ what? i don't see a girl, i’m seeing a boy with feminine features here. ” a black haired boy said with sassiness, his eyebrows furrowed.
that made you raised your eyebrows and chuckle by how sassy his voice sounds.
“... yeah, stop talking now baji or you might embarrass yourself.. ” a blonde boy whispered at his bestfriend earning a smack from the head making him wince.
“ remember someone mistook you as a girl? yeah, you don't have a say in this. ” he said making him remember that someone had mistaken him as a girl once too. baji’s face turned into annoyance, smacking him in the head again as the two started bickering at each other, emma pulling you away from the group of guys sighing in relief.
“ thank god, i thought i would be dead by now. ” you said as you wiped fake tears from your eyes making emma roll her eyes. “ you always exaggerated those things! ” making you laugh when she said that.
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everything went well except for when they tried to beat you up.. they apologise and that's enough for you knowing people mistake you as a boy well a pretty boy when they look at your face. sometimes people even doubt that you weren't a girl.
“ aren't they nice? ” emma strikes a conversation with you while you two walk back into your apartment. you shrugged your shoulders and nodded a bit. “ i guess? i still can't move on to the fact they tried to beat me up ” you said, slouching making emma snort as emma bid you a farewell when you both reached your apartment’s door as she walked away to go home.
you felt bad for making emma walk you from your apartment and making her walk alone in the night. you could've let her stay in your apartment for just the night but her stubborness isn't one to fight. she will keep insisting on going home alone that you caved in and let her walk you home.
opening the door from your apartment as it made a little sound but you closed it again as you looked back and shouted “ text me when you get home! ” as emma just gave you a thumbs up making you put your lips into a thin line and shrug, going inside quickly laying on the couch not even bothering to take your shoes off.
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it's been a few weeks since the last gathering at the shrine and noticing emma has been looking pretty tired lately. ever since you and emma hang out with a few people around some bad thing happens, luckily you know how to defend for a little bit and buy some time for both of you to leave.
you asked emma about this but she had no idea what's going on too. “ you really didn't tell anyone that you're getting stalked? ” the [h/c] colored girl said as she put her lips into a thin line. ” yeah… but hey! i just told you? ” she said and smiled awkwardly at you making you facepalm as you can't help but sigh.
“be thankful i always tag along with you..” she mumbled and huffs, making emma stifle a giggle as you think of how to tell her brother mikey.
after that you couldn't help but keep thinking about what emma just said to you. there’s not many people in the park, no families, friends or kids playing in the wide park. only a few couples here and there having cute or sweet picnics in some areas.
emma stopped in front of a bench as she sat there, patting the left side of the bench signaling for you to sit so you did. “ this week is tiring! ” emma said as she sighed loudly, leaning back to rest her back on the bench. you can't blame her for saying that since she had been getting followed by some creeps.
“ it really is, you want some ice cream so your day isn't that bad? ”the [h/c] girl said as the wind blew, their hair swaying from the wind as emma nodded. “ ice cream can solve anything for us, so, yes i want ice cream. ”
laughing at her reply as you stand up from the bench, putting your hands in your jacket’s pocket. “ alright, i will buy some ice cream for us, you can rest there just wait for me. ” you said as emma thanked you.
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you thanked the vendor as you gave her the money, walking away with two ice cream in hand as you tried to walk faster to not make the ice cream melt further.
“ one little bit of melted ice cream for you! ” you said and smiled sweetly at her, her ice cream kind of melted and got some on your hand. emma's yellow eyes look at the ice cream and on your face back and forth before accepting the ice cream.
“ you should wash your hand first. ” emma suggested making you agree as you left her again on the bench, going into the nearest bathroom to wash your hand.
you hummed, finished washing your hands as you shake your hands to dry it before leaving the bathroom.
you heard a scream, not the scream someone would do if they are playing tag freeze or something, your eyes widened the one who just screamed was familiar. it was emma! you were taking your sweet time in the bathroom washing your hands completely forgetting about emma being alone.
luck wasn't on your side today. where emma was sitting there's not that many people when you left and they had probably left the park. the only thought you have was you hoped she was safe back to where she was sitting but you couldn't see the familiar honey blonde hair you always see.
frantically looking around scanning your surroundings carefully. still not seeing your best friend. you were about to run to tell mikey but someone hit you in the head hard enough for you to get knocked out.
you let out a grunt as you did your best to look back to see whoever it was but as soon as you were about to look back your eyes felt droopy as you couldn't help but close them as you fell from the grass.
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mitsuya was out in the park, walking to relax for a bit when he was nearing a certain field he could make out a figure laying on the ground as if unconscious. he was concerned for whoever was that as he quickly walked faster than before to check it out.
his eyes widened when he saw a familiar short haired girl. he was thinking that maybe you fell asleep here but emma was nowhere to be seen. that made him more worried as he quickly picked you up with ease. luckily mikey’s house was a bit near the park. (just imagine it 😞)
gently placing you down on the couch as mikey looked confused as to why you were unconscious in the park. “ did something happen? “ was the first thing that came out of his head when he saw you.
” what happened? ” mikey asked the lilac haired boy as he took a deep breath before answering him. “ i don't know, i was just strolling through the park when i saw her and emma wasn't with her. ” he couldn't believe what mitsuya told him as he looked at him “ what? what do you mean? “ he asked again, trying to see if he didn't just misheard him.
mitsuya sighed and explained everything to mikey hoping he understood since mikey just kept nodding his head when he was talking, thinking he's trying to process all of it. “ let’s wait for [name] to wake up then she can tell us everything. ” mitsuya nodded as he removed a few strands of your hair away from your face.
a few minutes later, you started to move as you squinted before opening your eyes. still feeling a bit of pain in the back of your head where you got hit by a metal or something. you groaned as you sit up, rubbing your forehead as if to lessen the headache you were feeling. a shadow covered the light was passing through the entrance as you looked up to see mitsuya and mikey standing.
“ hold up.. since when did i get here? ” you asked, completely confused as mitsuya chuckle. “ i carried you here since you were unconscious in the middle of the park and I didn't see emma around. where is she? ” the question completely made you sigh in disappointment.
you can't really hold it a secret now since emma is missing, you don't where she is so you told mikey and mitsuya about emma’s situation in the past week. noticing the change of mood and the silence was too awkward when you finished telling them.
“ i’ll find her. “ you said seriously, standing up to start searching for emma but mitsuya stopped you. “ be careful, alright? we'll tell the gang about this ” nodding at his words as you waved them goodbye before starting to search everywhere.
they probably hadn't hide somewhere far since you didn't notice any bikes or vehicles. that's when some randoms started talking about an abandoned house near the river and that there's probably dangerous people staying there.
[name] raised and eyebrow as she thanked them in her mind before running towards the opposite direction where you and emma would always hang out. that's supposed to be where they held emma captive. you were always curious about the abandoned house there but emma would always tell you to don't mind it so you didn't.
the place wasn't that heavily guarded since you're in front of the door in no time. taking a deep breath as you kicked the door open knowing that if you just knocked and tried to talk politely they wouldn't open it and just escape.
and there it was, you saw your best friend tied into a chair as you can't help but feel happy that she isn't hurt or there are wounds in her.
“ not so fast. ” someone said, throwing a knife directly at you making you dodge and backed away from emma not wanting for her to get involved. ” ah, you're that murderer huh. you're not good at it. ” you said putting a hand on your hip.
the murderer just raised an eyebrow and laugh. ” that's funny for you to say. i guess you're looking for a death wish here? ” that made you laugh out loud as you shook your head. “ you're the one wishing for death here. “ the [hair color] haired girl said with venom.
she felt angry but she doesn't know why. iko ( the murderer’s name let's just say that so I won't keep repeating the same words.. ) launches towards her as [name] tries to predict what will be his move. he wasn't even trying to hide what he's about to do as he grabbed a pocket knife from his pocket and runs pointing it at her.
it was pretty predictable, making you just stand there, jumping if he was too close before kicking him on the back while he fell on the ground, sliding a bit before [name] started beating him up, punching him here and there or even kicking him.
letting out a sigh as she stopped when she feels that he won't stand up as she walks from where emma was tied up and unties the ropes easily, emma hugging her tightly.
you hoped that the cops will be coming in this house or else, he might be on the loose again.
“ i’m glad you're alright!! “ emma said as the [hair color] haired girl raised an eyebrow as if she wasn't just the one who got kidnapped. “ girl, what? you're the one getting kidnapped here. ” emma laughed and released the hug as she smiled.
you both left that abandoned house as if nothing had happened there, quickly going back to their house, mikey sitting on the entrance looking like he was waiting for someone to arrive. you and emma weren't even that near in the house but mikey was outside quickly.
“ emma! ” mikey said, his voice filled with relief when he saw you with his sibling by your side. emma quickly runs into mikey’s arm hugging him tightly as a familiar lilac haired appeared behind mikey as he made his way to you.
“ we’re gonna let you two have time. ” mitsuya said as he grabbed your hand and intertwined it with his, his thumb rubbing at the back of your hand.
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mitsuya drived to the beach as he dragged you in the sands, never letting your hand go as he sat on the sand while you did the same, leaning your head on his shoulder.
” i know it has been bothering you, tell me all about it. ” he said, as you sighed. you can't really hide what you're feeling when you're around him. he can read you like a book.
“ it's not bothering me. i could have kept her safe but i didn't even did that. it was a simple thing but i can't even do it properly. ” she explained, making mitsuya nod, feeling his head move up and down.
“ look at me, ” he said, making you sit straight back up and look at him. he was already looking at you. “ don’t worry about it, what's important is that emma is now safe. ” he added, you were about to say something but he stopped when he suddenly kissed you. it wasn't that long kiss but it felt long to you since you were taken a back.
he laughs at your cute reaction as he pinches your cheeks. “ you're so cute, you know that? ” you pouted at what he said as he just kept laughing.
maybe he was right, you should think too much about it now that emma is now safe.
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04.09.24 // ©aeruai
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
Hello and thank you so much for your service for all this years! My question can be a little too specific so if fic strike at least some of points it's still cool. I'm looking for human au with heavy accent on Aziraphale and his angelic siblings. It can be something nice and family fluffy, sure, not all in his family is a dicks, but I'm thinking more about something like Aziraphale dealing with years of family abuse and finally relearning how to live without shame and fear; Crowley getting to look at Aziraphale's family close after years of "they are nice we just don't get along" and being utterly terrified; Crowley helping Aziraphale to learn to stand his ground and being all proud when he got it; Crowley and Aziraphale bonding over familial traumas; etc. Also can be with hints of season two, like Aziraphale trying to reconnect with family or saving Muriel (or even "Jim") from same abuse and being all gentle and understanding (and making Crowley proud again). Absolutely no to victim blaming (I mean from Crowley or author pov, from Aziraphale's or family pov sure), preferably without heavy fatshaming, preferably older Aziraphale and Crowley (no to kid and teen aus, meh to college/young adults, yes to 30+ and absolutely YES to 40+). Great if it's longish and kind of plottish fic! Super great if there would be autistic Aziraphale, not cis Aziraphale, in any way disabled Aziraphale, religious trauma, cptsd and did I mentioned supportive Crowley? Btw it can be not Aziraphale-centric fic, if it's just romance or even Crowley-centric but themes are there, I'm interested. Anyway as I said it's probably too specific so anything that "kind of close" will do. Thanks in advance!
Here are some adult human aus in which Aziraphale's family are Not Nice...
The Long Road Home by TawnyOwl95 (E)
Aziraphale Heavensby only knows about love from books. So when he's given a chance to experience romance first hand he grabs it as hard as he can. Even if it can't last. Even if Aziraphale’s father has very definite plans for his future. Plans that certainly don't include Anthony Crowley.
Drink You In by FinnsKeeper (G)
Aziraphale Fell owns a rather popular bar in Soho London. His life is relatively calm and predictable until he meets Anthony Crowley one fateful night. When a first date goes wrong, Aziraphale has to take measures to protect his newest patron. Anthony's gratitude quickly morphs into something deeper, and Aziraphale has to battle his own demons to determine if those feelings are true or just a product of his impromptu rescue.
Someone by Diminua (M)
This was a kinkmeme prompt and as usual I can't do better than to paraphrase the OP : Aziraphale is a frumpy, middle aged man, who's closing in on 50 : he's spent his entire life alone, mistreated by his family, and living like a modern times hermit in his familiar, reassuring bookshop. He thinks it's too late for passion. But he hopes that, maybe, he could find a companion for his latter days. Crowley has spent his entire life having a wild time: parties, sex, rock n roll, all that jazz. He flew through the 80s, the 90s, the new millennium like a car on fire. He thought he had time, thought he'd be young and surrounded by people forever, thought with fling after fling after fling, someone would find him. Someone would look at him and choose him. But no one ever did. To paraphrase (again) - they turn to an arranged marriage company. And they fit..
Dating in the Dark by miraworos (E)
Anthony J. Crowley, owner of a failing joke-shop, and Aziraphale, bookshop proprietor with an overbearing family, meet as contestants on a blind dating show. They form an instant connection as roommates but soon find themselves at odds as they compete to win the top spot, and the favor of the same lady.
The Ghost of Husbands Past by A_N_D (E)
Az always knew that he’d be thrown out the moment his father found out he was gay. He hadn’t expected to be declared dead though - or for his husband to believe it! But their marriage had been a foolish teenage impulse (not to mention invalid in America), so when Az moved to a small town far upstate New York to start his new life, he moved alone. The kindest thing he could do was let Crowley mourn and move on, not be shackled for life to a now disabled partner. Tony Crowley never recovered from losing his best friend, his childhood sweetheart, his better half. He’d been drifting ever since; no plans, no hope, no money - and now, just before Thanksgiving, no job either. Given the stark choice of freezing to death or accepting his sister’s invitation to join her upstate, Tony reluctantly lives out the Hallmark cliche of Recently Unemployed Person Moves to Small Town for Christmas. It’s a time of hope, love, and family. It’s time for Az and Tony to find each other again.
love like yours (will surely come my way) by CCs_World (T)
Dr Zira Fell is a new professor of theology at St Beryl's University. His first day there he meets the mysterious and enchanting Dr AJ Crowley, an art history professor and a painter. They almost immediately become friends, and spend most of their time getting lunch together, talking, drinking wine, making art, and falling slowly in love with one another. Featuring cameos of everyone's favorite (and least favorite) characters, gratuitous descriptions of paintings, long text messaging conversations, and one cranky cat.
- Mod D
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Pffft Baije's reaction
This whole time, he's had the image of some Savage monster, a party animal who causes problems on purpose, and it turns out Wukong was just a huge nerd! He'd thought that even if he had to go on their stupid journey with a savage monster, at least Wukong knows how to party! Baije wants his money back.
Tripitaka, meanwhile, is both confused and kind of fascinated. He hadn't known much about his most troubled student, not even why he had chosen to return after he initially escaped (turned out it was to briefly visit home and make sure Luzhen was OK, and then let him know that he was going on the journey. Wukong made a promise and he keeps his promises) so he can't help but be curious about Wukong's previously unknown siblings.
The only one to suspect it was Ao Lie, actually. Not because of his fancy nose or anything... he's just got a bunch of siblings himself, so he knows how to recognize the signs. That and it had been Luzhen and Wukong both who actually went to get Ringu Jingu Bang. Luzhen had been the one to break all the weapons, claiming they aren't suitable for his brother and then demand a proper kingly outfit for him that isnt just leaves, while Wukong had been with Ao Guang's wife and been the one Ringu Jingu Bang had called for. The reports had just gotten mixed up and made it seem like there was only one monkey. Ao Guang villager goes on record after the misunderstanding is cleared up, to say that while he doesn't really like either, he much prefers dealing with the elder twin. That younger sibling is just too wolds for his tastes. Wukong is also the one to want to go to Sinodhi's school, the but nerd.
I love the idea that the immortality pill incident was just an accident, and Wukong had thought they were painkillers. The show made it seem like they were only three to begin with, and I would be lying. I'd j never take three pills when I had the worst of my migraines, so it's reasonable to think Wukong may have done so on accident. Lao Tzu honestly has no leg to stand on when it comes to being angry since he never labeled them, left then out in the open, and hadn't bothered to let anyone know he wasn't going to be in. Wukong had taken one look around, saw Lao Tzu wasn't in, and thought that he could use his own alchemy training to properly dose himself without realizing the pills he took were NOT ibuprofen after he immediately noticed the facts.
+from @booksfromthestars
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Bajie is disbelieving and disappointed all at once. He thought he was going to be travelling with a party-animal, not a lightweight who'd rather read medical books and paint!
Tripitaka is an only child, so he doesn't really understand the habits one forms when you grow up with another person occupying your personal space. Things he considers selfish on the surface turn out to just to be a habit from living where your sibling is liable to steal the peach you were just eating. He is pleasantly surprised by Wukong keeping his promise and returning to resume the Journey after checking in on his little brother - Triptaka had assumed he was lying, and was too slow to warn Wukong not to put his hat back on. Wukong is *furious* when he feels something magical tighten around his skull. Tripitaka is still super guilty about that one.
Guanyin doesn't regret the circlet one bit - it's mostly an insurance for Luzhen rather than Wukong to behave himself.
Ao Lie is the younger of three brothers + a sister, so he can identify a fellow sibling from a mile away. The way Wukong protects his favourite foods when sitting with others, but also goes out of his way to pick up at least one piece of the others' faves while he's foraging. That's a sibling habit built upon mutual sharing and theft of each other's food (source; sibling). He also notices how Wukong acts around children they encounter, and it reminds him so much of his big brothers.
I love the imagery of Ao Guang's palace being broken into by two whole little monkeys. XD Well technically Luzhen broke in, Wukong politely asked at the door if the Dragon King or Queen could spare a weapon so that they could defend their people. Wukong's calmer/more respectful attitude endears him to Ao Guang and the Queen, though Luzhen still does bully the other dragons into giving his big bro full battle armour. The dragons accommodate these demands from a mix of fear (Wukong is a strong little monkey and his brother is unhinged) and amusement - they're all brothers too, and think it's sweet that Luzhen only wants the Best for his big bro. Guang wouldn't invite Luzhen into his house again though XD
Wukong is the brother who went to college while Luzhen stayed home. XD
Wukong took two pills thinking that they were painkillers, only to realise when he sobered up Immediately what they truly were. The third pill he pocketed and gave to Luzhen since whatever was about to happen, he didn't want his brother to not have a layer of immortality to him. Lao Tzu was still pissed, but to be fair he canonically doesn't label his stuff good (both in Jttw and LMK), and the "Makes You Immortal/Invulnerable Pills" look an *awful* lot like his patented Hangover cure so popular with the celestial soldiers.
Wukong took the full blame for the Havoc, no matter how much Luzhen tried to plead that it was mostly his doing - but the celestial host had assumed that Luzhen had been the one trying to cover for his older brother/was just a clever clone.
Luzhen screamed as his brother was dragged to the Furnace and the flames from the crucible fell upon their Island. He didn't have time to try and save him or the rest of the Brotherhood while their kingdom was burning to ashes - he had to protect their people.
Macaque never blamed Luzhen for his choice, the younger monkey was suffering enough knowing that his older brother was hurting. But Luzhen certainly roared in Macaque's face when him and Wukong had their fight under the Mountain. Depending on how things go, Macaque might take Luzhen's words to heart and return to Wukong's arms to apologize. Whether or not Wukong will be as forgiving is to be seen.
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lovinbarzal · 2 years
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jack hughes x fem! zegras sister! reader
summary: in which jack and y/n break the only rule that trevor gave them.
a/n i love hockey. and the players. also ava doesn't exsist in this </3 sorry ava ily i swear!
masterlist part two
I found a love, for me. Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
"Jack's gonna be here so I need you to be gone." Trevor blurted. The three Zegras siblings were watching a movie in their living room.
"What the hell?" The girl exclaimed.
"I can't have you here, you're so embarrassing!" Trevor was quick to defend himself but was doing a shit job at it.
"Trevor, I live here. Where the hell would I go, you stupid fuckhead?" Y/n looked to her twin brother with her arms crossed.
"Anywhere but here." Trevor shrugged.
"Trev, you can't kick her out." Griffin stated making Trevor let out a groan. He, as well as Y/n, knew better than to argue with Griffin.
"Fine but you better not make goo-goo eyes at him." He turned to Y/n, "I'm serious."
Y/n scoffed before they all turned their focus back to the movie. What the hell was supposed to be so special about this Jack?
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
"I'm apologizing in advanced for my weird-ass sister." Trevor turned to Jack. The two teenage boys sat in the back of the 'Zegras Mobile'.
"Trevor Zegras, do not call your sister weird and don't say ass." His Mom scolded.
He held his hands up in defeat before turning back to Jack.
"And if you don't find her weird, you can't have her. She is off-limits to my friends." He said as Jack nodded.
"Trust me, Trev. This week is supposed to be about us not about your sister." Jack reassured.
"Good but I'm still serious. Do not fall for my sister." Trevor said seriously before Wildest Dreams came on. Trevor sang along...loudly.
If Trevor was weird like this than his TWIN sister would have to be way worse? Right? Jack thought to himself.
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Y/n rubbed the sleep from her eys as she walked down the stairs. She was wearing one of Griffin's old shirts that fit oversized as well as a pair of Trevor's pj pants.
She didn't notice the extra boy sitting at the table until she went to sit in her spot that had been taken by the mysterious boy.
The two made eye contact and it was almost instantly that they felt something. The moment was quickly interrupted by Trevor.
"Jack meet my gross and weird sister, Y/n. Y/n/n meet Jack." Trevor introduced as he poured himself more cereal.
"Hi." Jack said as Y/n stood awkwardly.
"Are you just gonna stand there like a loser all day or...?" Trevor questioned with a mouth full of cereal in his mouth.
"He's in my spot." The girl said looking at Trevor in disgust.
"Go sit next to Griffin." Trevor dismissed.
"Oh no. I can move." Jack said trying to move from his spot.
"No!" She exclaimed a little too loud, "I mean, it's ok. I can just go eat my breakfast in the living room."
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before stealing the box of Fruit Loops from in front of Trevor. Who tried to snatch them back only to be to slow. Jack watched the whole thing go down but he kept his gaze on her.
Maybe not falling for his brother's sister was gonna be harder than he thought.
But darling, just kiss me slow. Your heart is all I own and in your eyes, you're holding mine
Y/n was currently in the living room watching TV when Jack came in to the room.
"Hi." He breathed out with a smile which she returned.
"Hey. Uh, where's Trevor?" She looked up at him from the couch.
"He's taking a shower and I got bored in his room." Jack answered honestly. Trevor was showering and he was bored but he was also hyping himself up to make a move. He told Trevor and himself that he wouldn't but his stay was coming to an end and he needed to get it off his chest.
The two stayed silent. Not an awkward silence but more of a who was gonna make the first move silence. It was Jack.
"Look, I'm gonna be honest. You're so beautiful and perfect. I've only known you like 6 days but they've been the 6 days of my life just because you've been in them. I know Trevor told me and probably you that we weren't supposed to fall for each other but what the hel-" He was cut off by Y/n standing from the couch and placing her lips on his.
I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect
She looked perfect was the only thing going through his head when they pulled away.
"I like you too." She said with a sly smile before yet another moment was interrupted by the one and only, Trevor.
"Jack?" Trevor called from up the stairs. The two stood with wide eyes as they were brought back into reality.
They kissed. How were they gonna tell Trevor? They won't right?
They can't.
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fangirlanxiety74 · 2 months
TELL ME ABOUT TED. Headcanons you have for him, anything... Can be silly or serious.
In actuality, I did genuinely make a google doc. But it's not ready to be shared yet, so I'll share the highlights.
First off, the game manual lies. He is NOT 44. He's 33 at OLDEST. I kind of consider him more like 29/30. Just barely.
He grew up in South Carolina hehe, farm boy
Bisexual disaster but I think this is kinda just obvious.
He is the oldest between him and his 5 siblings!!! And adding onto this, he is SUCH a good older brother. I don't care if everyone else disagrees, he could be the worst man alive but the one good thing someone could say was that he took care of his siblings.
If you know Ayano from Kagerou Project, I think he's a lot like her when he's younger. Like 8/9 years old. He tried so hard to protect them all from their parents and keep them happy. He'd sacrifice so much for them, it's why he kinda,, went into the extreme of being so,, entitled as a grown up. Ykwim???
Just imagine. With the ice caves, moving without thinking to save the others before himself? His brain subconsciously doing what he knows best; sacrificing what he has for others.
Selflessness as a core trait for Ted, please.
Another thing relating to his siblings: He knows how to do ballet!! And he's REALLY good at it. He actually has a lot of fun doing it. One of his sisters wanted to, but she was too afraid to take lessons alone, so he went along with her in secret. Didn't get caught for years. (She stopped lessons once he got forced out of them)
He talks a little like a New-Yorker, or at the very least, that transAtlantic accent (yk like from the old movies?) to try and play off as that kind of guy like Great Gatsby.
His actual accent is Southern. Sometimes it slips out when he's like, extremely flustered/angry, but it's such a rare thing.
He can't stand the sound of someone crying, it immediately makes him angry. Take that, and yk, Ellen or Benny constantly crying... Yeaaaah. (This is also due to his siblings).
This is obvious, he forces himself into doing a lot of masculine things that he doesn't like to appear older/wiser/better, insert whatever word you wanna use that translates to "I am insecure about myself" lol
Okay this last one is really important to me and like. It. Needs its own special paragraph. He is a creative person in his soul. He loves to learn, he loves to write, he loves to read and dance and sing and draw and he has such a huge imagination and love for creativity. You can see it in his psychodrama with how it plays out like a full-blown Grimms Fairytale, the monster he imagined that no one else could see, the line in the radio drama "Am I the last storyteller, telling the last story...?"
He's a storyteller. He has so much to say and share, and he would've done something creative with his life if he had the option, but the abuse he faced and the societal expectations placed on him forced him to,, give it all up. Made him realize he could never have that. Which is why, at least in the game, AM chose him. Ted had so much potential to create, and just... gave it up. For seemingly nothing. Why wouldn't that make AM mad, who can't create, can't even imagine or wonder?
AKA Theatre Kid Ted canon, let it be known
I have like, also. I have a somewhat-AU of Omori for the ihnm cast, and Ted takes the role of Basil. I think Dream Basil vs RW Basil fit a lot of what he is as a kid vs an adult, or at least aspects of both due.
I also have a Hadestown AU of him with my self-insert where he takes the role of Eurydiceeee.... Like. Guys, Hadestown fans, hear me out. Ted singing "Flowers." AM singing "Hey Little Songbird" to Ted. PLEASE HEAR ME CAN YOU HEAR ME??? ARE YOU LISTENING??? /J
There's so much more I can say but this is getting so long I will definitely share more if people want nfjkdc bUT THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
"O Capo! My Capo!" (Yandere Mafia!Cyno, Tignari, and Alhaitham/Reader)
A/n: This township is turning into a real clownship– I definitely do NOT dedicate this to my irl friends, ya jerks /j.
Unreliable Synopsis: The Innamorati Familia might have lost almost everything, but their Capo stands tall. Just how long will you survive under 3 pairs of scrutinizing eyes? (Mafia!au. Visions do not exist.)
CW: yandere, (some) religious themes, possible major character deaths, mentions of recreational drugs, guns, etc.
Next Chapter
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[Year 192X]
At first, you were convinced you were living the Khaenri'ahn Dream. With your youthful yet crime-greased hands, you have fought hard to earn your keep as the Innamorati's current Capo– to earn yourself a family for yours to protect inside Teyvat's ruthless underworld. And family you did keep. Until candles waned like silenced hostages. Until a conspiracy pursued what little faith in humanity you had left.
Until you held your underboss' charred face and lifeless body. Until his sizzling arm burned your hand. Until flakes of Dimitri's skin powdered your fingers like charcoal pencil shavings.
The Innamorati Headquarters burned. And so too did most of your men.
"(Y/n)! Stand back– Think about your men! Would they want you to do this?! You won't save anyone there– not like this!!!"
Looking back, the Khaenri'ahn Dream lied. There was no joy in hustling but you did live an empty yet freeing life. Khaenri'ah preached about humanity and its opportune happiness, yet spoke none about how fleeting it could be once the curtains caught fire. Perhaps that very notion fooled you into believing that your idyllic lifestyle won't be snatched away easily. 
The ghosts of those who perished in the manor's basement have sought their final repose on the embers that incinerated your endeavors.
Everything was terribly loud. Many people fled into the murky haze. The square was virtually deserted as people fled for their lives, but you refused to leave. This trait used to be a quality that helped you survive the syndicate, but those damn fascist conspirators turned it against you.
Tartaglia pulled you close.
You stilled, and a single heavy tear left your eye. 
This is more than a mite unfair. Everything you labored for, every drop of blood you shed, every vice you committed, what was it all for? Visconti Diluc was right. You're a liar and a murderer undeserving of joy. Maybe this was the retribution he ranted aimlessly about.
You took fast and drastic measures in your rise to the top, and your opponents rightfully did the same to pull you back down.
Tartaglia watched as you writhe in agony knowing that you couldn't escape from his restrictive embrace. He never thought he'd see you appear more pathetic than when Pulcinella first picked you off the streets. Nonetheless, he felt your pain. You both led groups under the same parent organization. You are family. 
To him, this was worse than accompanying his widowed sibling to their spouse's funeral.
"… My men, they're…"
You fell into deep thought.
Lyudochka, Kazari, Teppei, Viktor… 
You gritted your teeth.
That damn brat didn't even get his chance to shift jobs… That brat still hadn't left this hellhole…
Based on the Khaenri'ahn Dream, all citizens must have an equal opportunity to achieve success through determination and pure grit…
You bit your lip down, drawing blood. In truth, you can't discern whether or not the blood came from your lips or your throat.
Your white-knuckled hand shakily punched your thigh, feeling morbidly powerless.
Viktor said he wouldn't allow himself to die as a lowly servant… 
What happened to those dreams now…?
You were so close. You were so close to taking all those fascists down. So why now?!
Tartaglia frowned. He had never seen you act like this– your anger is usually impulsive, but sharp and silent. Your fury simmers until you slice the catalyst open. Never come a time you lashed out like a feral animal as you do now.
Tartaglia shot you a piercing stare as he slapped you, and you finally reigned yourself in.
This is too pitiful. 
Fire surrounded everyone, but you remained frozen by your own dialed-up emotions.
Slowly, he trusted that he could let you go.
"... Ekaterina, send in our men. We'll try to extinguish this mess as much as we can."
"Of course Capo, right away."
You held back your sobs as your knees fell to the floor, where your right-hand man's corpse lay as if he did not struggle in his miserable death.
The last time you talked to him, you called him a worthless coward who couldn't make choices without you. Pain seared through your chest. No one wants that to be their last conversation with their closest confidant. 
A bloodcurdling scream rang out across the square, but you scarcely moved from your seat. You're too numb to notice who was behind that familiar voice. It was just another body that couldn't be mourned.
Your eyes focused on Dimitri's corpse instead.
You were planning to apologize after you cleared your head this morning, but what use are words to those who have already left this world? He's gone.
Fallen, cold and dead.
This is by no means the first time you've seen your men die– you had some of the deceased's blood wet your Sunday clothes– but you hope this unforgettable foul scent of burned flesh will be the last time you'll breathe it in. You're already acclimated to the metallic stench of blood; you don't need to ingrain this into your mind as well.
You passed out.
It was only when you closed your mouth did you realize, it was you who cried your lungs out the whole time.
The church bells rang. 
It was 10 AM, and the mass was inching to a close but the priest passionately ignored the echoes of the bell and the mafiasos' groans.
"Is it too early to booze?" Tartaglia whispered in your ear. His yawning proved that he was bored to tears. You did your best in stopping your eyes from rolling.
Unlike Tartaglia, your aura exudes dignity, something he needed the most. When you two sit together, you both appear akin to a comedy act. The usually bloodthirsty Tartaglia transforms into a guileless little brother and your all-forgiving eyes turn endearingly annoyed when paired together. The same scenario was applied this morning.
"Tartaglia, look around you. Does this look like the right time?" You vaguely gestured at the ongoing sermon, not meeting his gaze.
"Geez. Why do we even bother with this?"
"Because even though we are nothing but lowly sinners, we must honor our Tsaritsa's benevolence."
There are 6 Archons revered by the church, and they correspond to six different regions and cities inside the nation of Teyvat. You're an immigrant from outside the country– an agnostic nation– but you're smart enough to pay respects.
"Right, right. I guess even if I asked that ten more times you'd still reply with a generic answer."
You passive-aggressively whispered back. "Maybe if your questions were worth my time I'd elaborate on my answers as well."
You and Tartaglia turned around. The Fatui mob, one of yours who just got there, nervously sat up straight.
"Capo (Y/n)."
Tartaglia sank back to the pews, no longer caring. The second capo's lack of attention eased the grunt's audience-based apprehension. Their sheer trust in your credibility made you smirk. While you seemed cold, everyone in Snezhnaya knew you weren't.
You recalled how back then these words sounded alien to you but these terms are salient in the scenes. Having recruited predominantly Snezhnayan workers, you had to get used to their way of living. You wanted to foster good interpersonal relationships with your men, and there's no better approach to reach their hearts than religion in the 1920s. And by the looks of it, they seem to trust your carefully crafted sterling reputation.
You always do your job as if you're running out of time, and they put your faith in you like a farmer would a fleeting summer. With some effort, everyone was convinced they'd fall apart without your guidance.
The grunt looked at you with respect.
"Boss Dimitri delivered one very confidential info."
"I see…" You steadied yourself. "Excuse me then, Tar–"
He snatched your sleeve. Tartaglia considered removing your iconic stovepipe hat, but you don't wear it to church. He opted for the second most annoying choice.
"Hey, you can't leave me here. Don't I have every right to be in the know? Gaaahh, cut me some slack. We've practically been siblings for more than half a decade now, (Y/n). Can't you tell your fratello anything?"
"Why are you interested?"
"Cause I'm curious if it's finally time that your familia will collaborate with other factions for once."
You shook your head and sat back down. He's right.
Three major criminal organizations control the small nation of Teyvat, namely the Fatui, Akademiya, and the Adepti. You and Tartaglia are Capos or Harbingers of the former, which had the most control of Snezhnaya. 
Based on your history, you don't mingle with other organizations outside Snezhnaya a lot. You had dealings with Ningguang and the Qixing before, but never their parent organization overseas which resides in Liyue. 
It just so happens that Tartaglia is bolder than you are. The kid has his headquarters stationed in another province, Liyue. That province isn't far from his hometown since Teyvat is a small country but he complains like a confederate soldier. Most of what Tartaglia talks your ear out is about missing home despite finding fuses of excitement in Liyue enticing anyways. You've heard many stories from him regarding how ruthless Adepti's Prime leader, Morax, is, but that's not your problem. 
The Akademiya, however, keeps to themselves. You know close to nothing about them. Snezhnaya may be the heart of trades, but the Fatui cannot tap into Sumeru's supply of canned knowledge. And you quite frankly don't give a shit about what they do. They're not the best at masking their spies.
"Capo, the underboss wanted to inform you that he had already figured out who the mole is."
"Oh?" You and Tartaglia spoke simultaneously.
You'd been looking for a spy among your ranks for quite some time. This mysterious mole was sending information back to Focalor, the self-proclaimed Hydro Archon better known as "Il Duce" around these parts. The braggart with a God complex promised the public that she'll drive mafiosos out of Teyvat, and she's working everyone to the bone for it. Politicians either play yes men or get on your nerves. She's the latter.
Nevertheless, you did not expect Dimitri to deliver results that fast. Bitterly, you thought about how apologizing for him later would look less genuine now that he proved himself worthy. You didn't mean to call your underboss useless– you just couldn't control your temper.
May the Archons forgive your transgressions.
You hope he'd forgive you once you get back.
"... Carry on, Felix."
"Yes, of course. The fascist conspirator is Professor Tighnari, the informant."
You snapped your head back to meet the grunt's face, bewildered.
"... What?"
One of the church's orphans– Barbara– was screaming by the door, frantically stripped of breath and her chords sounded hoarse, unlike her singing. Her weak legs barely counted as a support for her body as she toppled on the marble tiles. The groceries she carried splashed down, and some fruits rolled in your direction. Your people helped her stand up while some picked up her things for her, but the poor thing shivered like a leaf.
Barbara had always been a sister to you. Having been separated from your family at a young age as well, you two link like two peas in a pod. She relied on you like a quiet strong big sister while you protected her and the other children from street conflicts.
You stood up and calmly patted her shoulder, squeezing lightly. You gave her a gentle smile.
"My dear Barbara– take deep breaths."
She yanked your chest.
Barbara began to tear up.
"It's your mansion, Capo!!! YOUR MANSION IS ON FIRE!!!"
You jolted up drenched in cold sweat.
"You're awake…"
You don't know whose voice you were expecting, but that voice was intuitively not one of them. The barren room you woke up in wasn't yours, and it's certainly not Tartaglia's manor. Considering the unfortunate events that just took place, it's foolish to think you'd wake up inside the safety of your manor. Instinctively, you reached for your holster and found it empty. 
The man stepped into the light. You have a hunch on who this was. He wore a black-purple stole, vest, and strap combination, an attire you'd often see on a Sunday, yet donned a shabby brown hat on top of his silky white locks. 
The stranger stared at you blankly. 
"You're a disciple." You claimed.
Aside from the three mafia organizations, the Church had the superior upper hand when it came to crowd control. Nothing moves Teyvat's heart like guides and philosophies. That being said, the Church isn't afraid to get its hands filthy. They are fully aware that conversation will not solve all problems, and there is an unsaid fact that their relationship with the Fatui is far from antagonistic.
And as Capo, you're one of their most devoted patrons. The organization you belong to is filled with devotees, and have often carried out whatever mission the church wishes. Honestly, you think that the Church's fondness for the Fatui should already be a telltale sign that the Archons are nothing more than a statue made of ice.
But you shouldn't think this way. It's peculiar– romantic, even– that what saved you from the fire was your near half-hearted devotion to attending Sunday masses. To be honest, you attend partly because you want to dress to the nines. You don't know how to feel about that.
Their Holiness saved you from the embers, you can atone for your sins by suffering. And that's what this stranger is here for.
"That's correct." He said. "I work for the Sumeru Church. I was instructed to look after you until they help you renovate your manor and the panetteria beside it. That is, of course, assuming you still pass the requirements of being Innamorati's Capo."
This person did not bother easing you into things, and instead bluntly reminded you that your house and men– your home is gone. 
You breathed in shakily.
Dimitri is gone…
"...You have my gratitude."
On the bright side, at least your go-to place for lunch will be back after a while. That is if Signorina Xiangling survived and the church won't abandon you.
"Don't worry, we flame to please. I'm sure our architect Kaveh was stoked to receive such a large-scale commission."
"I'm sorry– were you joking at a time like this?"
"Was it not funny? Hah. I think it's hysterical. Oh, would you like for me to explain it?" He didn't ask in a patronizing tone, he spoke as if you didn't have the mental capacity to know what a joke is. Which was honestly more insulting.
You didn't laugh, and he didn't apologize.
You've heard about how church officials have a clear lack in the humor department before, but you didn't take into account that they may very well be this socially inept. Which is rich, coming from you. Your transgressions weigh more than a bad joke executed at a funeral.
With a mastered poker face, you pretended that his slights did not affect you.
He extended his arm out for a handshake.
"Cyno, the former Aaru Village priest. I now work as an inquisitor." Cyno coughed, cheeks turning slightly red. "I didn't change your clothes i-in case you find it uncomfortable."
Sounds like he finds it uncomfortable instead.
His behavior perfectly lines up with his claims. The way he dressed alone encapsulates the aura of a man who used to devote himself to holy sanctums. Some minor details made it clear he's no longer part of the main clergy– that being his choker and numerous ear piercings. 
You took his hand. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm (Y/n), the Innamorati Familia's Cap–"
You cringed.
"I'm… I'm just (Y/n)."
"Humble, just (Y/n)." Cyno nodded solemnly.
"No, not humble. Defeated."
"I know."
"Feel free to cry. I won't pass judgment over people expressing normal human emotions."
You laughed humorlessly. "Sure you won't."
Cyno grabbed the plate on the table and passed it on. "Calzone?"
You scoffed.
Admittedly, the food looked appetizing and its rich fragrance made your stomach perceive its emptiness. You trust the church, but no. Your pride would kill you for chewing food down with abandon. The only person you could eat savagely with was Barbara, and Lord knows how the poor girl is holding up. Thankfully your stomach didn't make any noise despite the pain of hunger being a treacherous one.
"I guess not." He awkwardly put it back down.
You inspected your clothes. Your once proud Prussian blue polo shirt reeked of ashes and sundered threads. Still, in a bit of a daze, you squinted.
"... Where's my coat?"
Cyno's gaze sharpened. 
"I disposed of it." He spat. "You should be more alert. Someone planted a recording device on your person."
Cyno spoke in a tone that implied he knew who this person was personally, and you're inclined to think the same. You bit your bottom lip at your own seemingly minuscule mistake, opening a minor wound.
It's possible that Tighnari was the one to plant it. You let him hold your coat for a moment when you changed into your Sunday attire. That audacity of that fucking bastard.
He must've set the bomb off when he heard Nicola.
"Testa di cazzo– quel fottuto figlio di puttana." You cursed lowly.
Professor Tighnari. That man will soon find his skin flayed and draped on the walls of your basement chambers once it's rebuilt.
You'll kill everyone that fox ever loved.
You'll find his family and wave their heads on a pike right in front of his chained weeping face. You'll claw the skin off their faces and rip their fingernails and limbs apart–
You can no longer comprehend your emotions. Inside, you are a cacophony of both forced indifference and uncontrollable spite– a contradictory pair yet one that matches how you felt towards the loss of your men and the professor's betrayal. 
Slowly but surely, you saw red.
Not expecting that you would stand up, Cyno pushed you back to bed. He looked both worried yet unimpressed by your foul mouth.
"You're not supposed to leave yet."
You tried to gently pry him off, not wanting to offend the church's lackeys, but he was stronger than expected. Cyno planted you back down on the mattress. His left hand was beside your head and his face hovered above yours.
This irritated you. 
You don't have much time left.
He continued. "Tomorrow, you work. Today, you rest up. Your people are with Capo Tartaglia and they're not going anywhere. If you need anything– food, water– anything at all, be sure to ring the bell. My ears are sharp. Remember, the Military Police are tailing you and the last of your men."
The Military Police? So it's Focalor's people, huh? That damn governor just won't let up, won't she? If you had nothing left to lose you would've painted her office wall with her brain matter, pronto. But you still have some reasons to continue living.
The last of your men… 
Hah. Of course. You have to live for those that survived. After all, if you weren't an incompetent fucking boss you'd still have everyone in one piece.
You're so sick of this.
"May I ask who exactly reached out to help? I doubt the church would waste church funds on a low-ranked Fatui Capo such as myself."
The inquisitor averted his gaze, his brows furrowed. Cyno hid his face behind his hand, murmuring the response meekly. You don't have the best hearing—the sounds of gunshots were bound to dull your senses—and you imagined he gave a monosyllabic response.
"My apologies, mind repeating that?"
Cyno stiffened.
"You don't need to know who. What matters is that you're safe now, and an official willingly went through signing paperwork for your manor."
"And based on your tone of voice, I assume that that official is you."
He turned his head indignantly.
"Believe what you want to believe."
Cyno's reply was a telltale sign that this conversation will go nowhere. You sighed.
"... I don't need food, but do you have cigars?"
He scrunched his nose. 
"No wonder your breath smells awful nowadays." He muttered before pulling away.
Despite his insulting observation, he pulled out a box of Cuban cigars from his pocket. Quite hypocritical that he complained about bad breath when he had some too. He lit up your cigar.
"Thanks, but last time I checked this was our first time meeting." You have no particular opinion on Cohiba's cigars but this is the best you'll get at the moment. Beggars can't be choosers. "Thanks again."
Cyno ignored you both times and he was already by the door. "Please rest up. I've left some calzone, water, painkillers, and tissues for you on the table. Try not to leave the vicinity."
He exited the room.
You closed your eyes as your hand reached for your bleeding mouth. You're relatively unscathed from the incident, which means Cyno knows something about your "condition." 
You chuckled.
Painkillers and tissues, huh? There's no better cure than that, and your time would run out before the world would find a better one.
Cigars were not enough. 
Inquisitor Cyno likely already knew that he can't keep you here for much longer, but he didn't do anything when you escaped. He did say "try not to leave" and not "do not leave", didn't he?
Cyno claimed his ears are sharp– so you guess he just didn't care at all.
As a result, you left your room and went for a walk around the neighborhood. That doesn't mean you can leave Sumeru City, but a stroll is always pleasant. The room Cyno offered was neither spacious nor cramped, but if you started digging holes in their ugly wallpaper, you doubt the church would take it lightly.
You staggered out of the chapel and entered the slums, reminding yourself that Dimitri is dead. You need to find someone worthy enough to become the next underboss. The church will not recognize you as the Capo without one, therefore they won't help rebuild the manor should you fail this task.
Hungry and out of breath, you leaned against the unscrubbed walls of an abandoned antique store, arms folded, taking in your surroundings. You were exhausted, arms sprawled against the wall.
The people behaved too jaded to be Natlan yet too reserved to be Snezhnaya– hence, you safely assumed that you were in the Avidya-Rainforest district. This place, despite lack of funds, was still under the church's watchful eye. A holy sanctum of sorts. This meant dealings are prohibited and no one would want to be caught with a glint in their eyes.
It's fascinating how much their cultures differ for a country as small as Teyvat. The same cannot be said for Khaenri'ah. Your compatriots have only known a capitalistic grind in search of an unattainable dream. A money-obsessed country does little to preserve its customs and culture. And you were the same empty machine till La Signora took you in.
You yawned while covering your mouth, appearing vulnerable.
But of course, you didn't charge into an unknown location unarmed. You knocked out one of the Inquisitor's soldiers and seized his pistol. "For security reasons", you'd argue. Once again, Cyno likely knew about that but didn't bother acting, again. You're too tired to judge his work approach, and you could barely keep your eyes open.
Till you caught a sliver of green pass you by.
"Oh! You smell funny. Are you the Capo, (Y/n) (L/n)?"
You lazily looked up.
"Umm, hello?"
You gazed down. 
It's a kid. Hunger is starting to take its toll on you as you mistook her high pitch voice for an adult your size. The child, around age 5, had green hair and scraped knees. 
You're certain that she wouldn't snitch about how you left your room unguarded.
"Need something?"
"Yeah, um, I just wanna say my condolences."
You ruffled her hair. "Thanks, bambini."
She beamed.
Sadly, the kid must've mistaken this as a go signal for her to continue talking. She balled her hand into a fist and nervously cheered for you.
"I-It'll be alright, Capo. You can always make new friends! I believe in you!"
"I never thought I'd ever be able to make friends but I did last month! I also met my master that time and maybe I can share some of my good luck with you!"
"Are… Are you listening?"
"J-Just a little fatigued." You stifled a yawn. "Why don't you play along with your new friends, little…"
"Oh, right! I'm Collei!"
"Little Collei." You coughed, and you skillfully wiped the blood away without her knowing. "Bambini, you shouldn't talk to people like me, it's dangerous. Why don't you run along and go back to your friends now?"
"Well, I can't yet because he told me not to because he's busy right now."
"Who told you that?"
Collei smiled widely.
"Professor Tighnari!"
You froze, slowly recalling your resolve. 
It felt like the world froze for a brief moment as if the few people in the vicinity halted for you to catch up on what the little girl confessed. 
"Hmm, hmm!"
"And you're close to him?" You muttered.
You'll kill everyone that fox ever loved. 
Your fingers subconsciously slithered to your holster. 
That's what you decided moments prior. 
You glared down menacingly.
But a kid?
"... Is something wrong?"
You turned your apathetic gaze back at her. You're not even sure just how much this child meant to Tighnari. She might as well just be as insignificant as a pebble on a shore. But–
The gun you stole from the church guards is with you. It's light in your hands.
The light in your eyes dimmed.
It has three bullets loaded.
There are only 2 other people outside the streets, both of which are teenage civilians. Taking her out would be as easy as–
"Hey, please cheer up!!!"
The child shook you, dragging you out of your trance. Little Collei appeared distressed because of your lack of reactions. You blinked a couple of times, making yourself mentally present, before pinching your forehead. Her lips are curled downward and her eyes match her cute frown, and you were grimly reminded of what you had tried to commit.
You cursed under your breath.
You're disappointed in yourself.
This is a child. A child of the church, no less. She likely had nothing to do with whatever it is Tighnari had planned. 
"You're thinking of sad thoughts too, aren't you? Don't do that! You'll only feel bad–"
"How many friends do you have?"
"Oh. I have two!" 
She cheerfully raised three fingers. 
"I have two friends! Amber and Tighnari!!!"
Because of her clear enthusiasm, you refrained from correcting her hand. Instead, you patted her head with a heavy conscience.
But are you wrong for thinking this way?
An eye for an eye…
You knelt at her height.
Your strained smile reached her ignorant eyes. "That sounds wonderful. I have– I had two best friends too. Can I be your third friend?"
"Of course. I think optimistic people like you are reeaaally cool!" You lied between your teeth.
And one kid's death won't satisfy a worthy tribute for your fallen men. One child is not enough. 
You need to find more just like her.
"Hehe, thank you! But Amber's the coolest! I want to be like big sis Amber when I grow up!"
"Is that so? Well– I hope to hear more from you as you grow older. I'm sure you'll be the girl you always wanted to be, and I'd like to be your friend as you get there."
Collei awed.
"W-Wow, thank you! I've never gotten a compliment like that before too…"
The child never saw the sadness in your eyes, or maybe she mistook it as fondness. You continued patting her head as she melts in your touch. Fakely, you gave her a big smile.
"Then let's get to know each other." You grabbed her hands. "Why don't you show me around town, fratella?"
You can't kill this girl yet.
She nodded eagerly.
Not until you find out just how much this child means to Tighnari.
Besides, you didn't miss the flash of purple in the alleyways. Cyno was observing you from afar. You can't make haste.
You grabbed her hand.
You'll get your revenge, someday but not today, even if it arrives at your dying breath.
Someone else is watching you. A second stalker.
It's not paranoia born out of the tragedy that occurred yesterday, but a fact. 
As you were greeted by an angry Candace (Cyno's coworker) who gave you a firm yet fruitless sermon about leaving the parameters, you heard the bushes rattle by the gardens. You offhandedly mentioned it to her, and it placated her fury. 
Candace agreed that she heard it as well, and she promises to take care of it as soon as you go back to confinement– "your room." Collei awkwardly bid you farewell and you promised you'll see her again in a few days. She probably thought that you were her new troublesome sibling. And speaking of troublesome…
Snatching the small glimpse of metal from the table, you pivoted your heels.
"You can't hide from me."
Masterfully, you hurled a butterknife and it landed just a few centimeters above the trespasser. He grunted almost inaudibly. Had you been any less precise that aim would've killed him, but the man had the guts to trust that you wouldn't be so foolish and kill him off without a proper interrogation. It's one of many reasons Tartaglia envies your dexterity and wit.
You glared. This man wore dark clothing yet his luminescent akasha terminal betrays any hope for a successful undercover mission. The stranger promptly calculated his response as you grabbed your remaining utensils. This time, you had a sharper blade in your arsenal.
"My name is Alhaitham. I'm an Akademiyan spy."
No shit. He's wearing an akasha terminal. What else could he be but a pain in the neck?
You laughed sardonically. "Oh my, a bold one, are we? Think you can take me down just because of my manor?"
"I'm not here to fight you– I'm here with a proposal, (Y/n)."
And he had the nerve not to address you as Capo.
The stranger didn't see you throw a fork in his direction until he heard the metal ring beside his ear. Some strands of his hair got caught between the points, yet he feigned an unphased disposition.
"Get out."
"Alhaitham" didn't listen. He knew you'd insist until you could drag his cold dead body into the garbage chute for Wednesday's pickup. So what did he do?
State his proposal anyways.
"I want to become Innamorati's next underboss."
Your grip on the knife loosened slightly. Alhaitham watched your serious face loosen up, but not in the reaction he hoped for. Instead, you laughed at him.
Him? Replacing Dimitri? Hilarious.
"Now that's comedy! What made you think I'll hire you? I don't know your face but I know your name."
You proudly grabbed a glass and poured yourself the wine Cyno bought that you previously insisted on not drinking. 
"Ahh, this should be entertaining. Alhaitham– the Akademiya's slaved accountant. Maybe I would've taken you in if you didn't reveal that you're a spy. Would've enjoyed dragging you around till you're drained like hell. You know, if you already told me that you're here to spy on me you might as well spill who ordered you to do so."
"Khajeh." He replied immediately.
You drank half a glass. "Hah! Figured. Barely ran into any scholars but that old man is as nosy and obnoxious as they come."
"In addition, he gave me permission to try and apply as your next underboss."
"Keyword here is try."
"The Akademiya had been spying on you for a long time–"
"I know. I'm not dumb enough not to notice your men skulking around. They're practically built like an elementary school's skeletal model." You clicked your tongue.
"–But if you take me, I am at your full disposal. I will work simultaneously for the Akademiya and you, so I'd let you in on canned knowledge trades. I'm not as weak as the others. I've been a member of multiple training corps with exceptional gra–"
He stopped abruptly when you placed your glass down. It's empty.
Alhaitham met your gaze and silently noted your unamused expression.
You have never once tried getting into any supply of canned knowledge, but that doesn't mean you'd dive into this shady business after the opportunity presents itself pronto. You've seen how Dottore handles his wares, and you know how it functions similarly to heroin.
You're not letting your men go through the same addiction as you had before.
"Are you done?" You cut him off, clearly aware that he barely started with his fluffs. Realizing that all he had done was brag, he changed topics immediately.
"I know a lot of things about you, Capo." Alhaitham's lips quivered for a brief moment. "I'd dare say I found all the dirt I could find."
"Is that so…" You replied, rather uninterested. These buzzwords have always been around since the day you became Capo, not once had they piqued your interest.
"You killed La Signora to inherit her title. You announced that she died bravely against Khaenri'ahn soldiers, but it was you whom she dueled with– and now you have her authority and more."
You laughed, once again sounding wholly bored.
"Should've known Akademiyan freaks like you are into conspiracy theories." You replied in an attempt to seem like you care. You're not sure if it worked.
"You neither confirmed nor denied my statement."
Cause he's half-wrong. You're not a brute. If you want something done, then it must be swift. There's no way you could've won a match against your old Capo, everyone would agree with that. 
It's much easier to kill her in her sleep and frame your fellow countryman's fault for everything.
"Do you need me to?"
There was no need for you to tell him that this information is useless. Many similar-sounding theories had spread during the first few months of acting as Innamorati's new Capo. Snezhnayans are very strict when it comes to blood relations, and they're not easily convinced when you told them that it was Rosalyne's final wish to instate you as their new leader. 
It was partly thanks to Viktor that the familia grew to welcome you in. He had an apparent dislike for the old capo and when you promised he'd be off guard duties his mouth started rambling. Viktor's not one to shy away from leaking the information you puppeteered him to say. You've ensured many methodologies to spread a positive campaign about you, and people began naturally supporting your cause.
All done with minimum effort.
You smiled at him sweetly. Should Alhaitham attack your reputation, you have no doubt you have the capabilities in mending it quickly despite your situation. You're loved by the Church and most importantly the masses. Now that many of your men have passed, the public would view you as a staggering symbol of mourning. Poor (Y/n).
Alhaitham didn't react. Instead, his expression dimmed, more solemn this time.
"That's just the appetizer." 
He continued. 
"The truth is, you barely have 2 years left to live because of Eleazar, isn't that right, (N/n)? That's why you always act like you're running out of time."
Your eyes widened.
Now he's not half wrong. That's the whole truth. 
You laughed again.
"Is that your best attempt at a death threat? Don't have specialized canned knowledge to teach you when to shut the fuck up?"
"I'd be happy to let you know that I'm not the only one who has conducted some… research, Capo." He digressed and walked closer. "Inquisitor Cyno, Professor Tighnari, and I know about it. It's quite a well-kept secret, really. You ought to be thankful."
Alhaitham pulled out a tissue from his pockets.
You squinted and paused.
Oh, no wonder. So that's how he came up with that conclusion. 
"You've been coughing up blood way before you joined the mafia– and it's a miracle that no one noticed your weak constitution. None except the three of us, I mean." He continued. "I had someone from our forensics team inspect this, and I'm not surprised to hear that it's from you rather than your enemies."
"Then why."
"Why haven't you leaked this yet? Isn't this a good thing for you Akademiyans?"
Alhaitham smirked.
"I believe I should be the one to govern my actions– why else would I stalk these dilapidated rooftops?"
"Then how long have you known?"
"Trust me, the three of us knew longer than you'd imagine. I knew about your secret ever since you sold matchsticks for a living."
Your eyebrows furrowed. 
"That was five years ago…"
"So? Doesn't change that you've been diagnosed for well over six years."
"I was barely anyone back then– I was just a beggar hustling on the streets– why make such an idiotic claim?" You rolled your eyes. "I've heard enough. Leave, while I still allow it."
Alhaitham's face softened.
"So you don't remember me…"
He handed you the tissue, and you reluctantly accepted it.
As your hands met, Alhaitham pulled you close to his chest. His face looked down on you, smug and condescending.
Alhaitham caressed your cheek, and then your lips. You flushed at the sudden contact and quickly tilted your dagger near his neck.
He whispered into your ear. 
"What a delicate flower you are, tesoro. But I will not lie, you're far from youthful– you're wilting, and I loathe watching this all unfold from afar any longer."
The Akademiyan gently pushed your dagger away and kissed your wrist. Your eyes sharpened, hastily aiming for his neck but he swiftly changed trajectory. He knew this was just a reminder that he could die in your hands if you will it. Alhaitham is not blind. He saw the way you curved your hand at the last second to prevent a lethal blow.
He stood a few feet away, no longer at arm's length. Alhaitham pushed the curtains aside with one foot already out the window.
"I'll meet you again here, 6 AM sharp. Tell me whatever it is that you decide then." He said before confidently adding "I look forward to working with you soon, (N/n)."
In the same fashion he entered, he left the room quietly. Deciding that you don't care enough to watch him leave the premises, you locked the windows shut.
You sighed, exhausted, and pulled the curtains closed.
Life won't let you catch a break…
Now, what's your schedule for tomorrow?
Note: this is an interactive fic! The underlined word will lead you to a google forms link to decide what happens in the next chapter! Have fun voting!!!
Deadline: October 20, 2022 October 16, 2020
Next Chapter
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underdark-dreams · 1 year
Hello! I would first like to thank you for getting me into the Rolan boat, this arrogant emotionally-constipated (affectionate) wizard has taken over my mind and he is all I think about now.
That being said, I was wondering if you would be able to do a rolan x tav like a few years or even a decade into their relationship? Does settling into Sorcerous Sundries and becoming a better mage make Rolan softer? How is he connecting with the rest of the magic community (I am personallya Rolan and Gale rare books reading club supporter) What would be some of the major long term disagreements in their relationship and how do you think they would work through it? What would this man's ideal 'happily ever after' look like?
Thank you so much!
This was great food for thought! 🖤 Thank you so much!
I kind of want to work on future Rolan x Tav as its own little standalone fic, because that idea is so sweet—but here are some headcanons on that & all these other what-ifs. Apologies that they're a bit jumbled, I can't concentrate when Rolan
Rolan loves his tower! He definitely feels the weight and responsibility of being the new steward for all this collected research and knowledge. But he also loves that he can go through his books and satisfy his curiosity whenever he wants, after so long yearning for someone to teach him and nurture his magic. He learns to do that for himself
I think the big thing that will soften and kind of humble him over the years will be once he accepts that personal growth will never stop. There is not a mystical point X where he could stand and say, did it, I have reached the pinnacle of archwizardry. He learns how to stop rushing forward and enjoy other things in life, most of all his relationship with Tav.
Once all the Absolute business is finally settled, Rolan will definitely want to lock that down. It doesn't need to be a legal marriage per se, but he is extremely committed to the relationship & wants the same from them. If he had his way Tav would have moved in yesterday. He's ready to wake up next to them for the rest of his life. Buys a house in the city right beside his old place where Lia and Cal still live & can't wait to merge his found family with his new family. His happily ever after is being surrounded by the people he loves and watching them thrive, especially when it's because of him. Having the capacity to care for Tav and Cal and Lia makes him incredibly fulfilled.
Some big potential sources of conflict in his and Tav's relationship:
Jealousy and insecurity. Rolan has some deep abandonment issues from his past, so if he ever felt like Tav was straying emotionally or making him jealous on purpose, that would really hurt his trust. Deep down he needs to know they love him, and hear it once a day preferably
Control issues/willfulness. Older brother mode activated. Rolan likes to do things his way and is very stubborn and proud about conceding to others. He does see Tav more as his equal, unlike his little siblings, but it's hard for him to translate that into actions. There will be a lot of fights over any big decisions where he & Tav disagree. Part of working through it would probably mean Rolan confronting why he needs to control things so badly (growing up without much control over anything in his life maybe? Hmm). He would genuinely benefit from therapy & from learning how to translate all his feelings into constructive words. Being with someone who would stand up to him would really benefit Rolan in the long run, though.
In the magical community: He's got a reputation as a rebel amongst the wizarding community, because 1) he's very much self-taught which is pretty unusual, and 2) not everyone approves of how freely he hands out information about the Weave, casting, etc to the curious younglings who visit his tower. Of course he'd never let anyone get into anything too powerful unsupervised, but after his experience with Lorroakan and realizing that this famed so-called archmage was actually just an idiot who stole everything from more powerful mages, he's like. The strict apprentice system can kinda get fucked honestly. He just doesn't agree that the basics of magic should be kept behind lock and key. Becomes a sort of magical literacy advocate. Let the children read
You might be surprised at how patient this man can be with children by the way! Lots of little magical prodigies hanging around Master Rolan's tower whenever he lets them. He'll kind of scowl to intimidate them into behaving themselves, but inside he loves to see curious minds reading and learning. As a primarily self-taught wizard, he also has an excellent grasp of pedagogy and how to describe concepts in a way a beginner would understand. He puts together his own beginner's magical textbook over the years. Holding the first printed copy in his hands is probably one of the proudest moments of career
To Rolan, Gale's reputation definitely precedes him at first—even before the events at the Grove he knew the name Gale of Waterdeep. Rolan is younger and admires Gale's skill a lot, so in the beginning of their professional relationship he's a bit intimidated. But you know Gale, he is friendly and endearing from the get go. Rolan often thinks if he'd had a teacher like Gale in his youth, he could have nurtured his magical skills much earlier.
Definitely, definitely also subscribe to the Rolan/Gale book club! They become kindred spirits in that regard over the years. Gale makes a visit to Rolan's tower to inform him of this fascinating manuscript that has just surfaced in Evereska, and Rolan is like "Really? I thought the Fae destroyed that centuries ago…" and the two of them just sort of wander off in conversation. Not to reappear for hours. Probably plotting like naughty children over a bottle of wine about how they are going to get their hands on the Ancient Forbidden Book without Tav finding out
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coff-in · 4 months
AAAAHHHH I'm the devious baby sis requester and coff-in you make my heart flutter :))) Your thoughts on Decay route fed my thoughts oh my god you genIUS 1. All I can think of is baby sis reader finding her siblings dead (or at least close to dying) in the murder-suicide route and being like "D: Why didn't you take me with you????" Which kind of brings me to an interesting question, do you think either sibling would ever be compelled to kill her? Like for example Andrew clearly meant to go meet Ashley in the afterlife, does he ever have "ah hell just bring the whole family" thoughts and goes to find baby sis reader? I just think of him gently comforting her, talking her down with a knife to her throat because it's for their own good, he promises. 2. Alternatively, baby sis reader *pretending* to lose it when she loses her -not- favorite sibling because, yk, that's what normal people do when the lose their siblings. It's still a plan though because if she freaks out about it, whatever sibling left will freak out that this will cause reader to leave > they become even more possessive > yeah that's exactly what reader wants. In the case of Ashley, reader's crying over Andrew while Ashley is half-insane herself and frantically telling her that "I'm good enough for you, right? You don't need him, WE don't need him (coping very hard right now)! You have me, you have me!" and she completely misses the look on reader's face when she finally gives into Ashley's embrace. If it's Andrew, reader backs away from his knife and bumps into Ashley's body and screams, trying to run, but he catches her (as always) and tells her that "I'll take such good care of you, it'll be like she was never there. Isn't that fine? I've always been your favorite older sibling...and now you can have all my attention. It'll be better with just the two of us... (he is also coping very hard right now)" and reader "reluctantly" gives into him because of the knife, but she's secretly delighted. She hopes he doesn't put a hand over her heart, because it's fluttering. Sorry I feel like I just word vomited all over the place, I just wanted you to know that your thoughts are so DELICIOUS mwah I love you too :DDD
notes from coff-in: I JUST SAW THIS!!! i'm at work rn but i can't wait, i'm just too impulsive. and omg "devious baby sis" that's so good! we should actually kiss each other /j
[fem] reader-insert, follow up to "younger sister [reader] who just as bad as the graves", talks/mentions of incest, murder and suicide
i would think that andrew would most likely kill baby sis [reader] in the decay route. he killed ashley out of his resentment for her (but he joins her later because he still loves her you know?) but he also loves [reader] too, so he'd kill her too so they're all together forever. in an afterlife where there are no consequences their actions! there's also the possibility that he doesn't kill her and GRRR THAT'D BE SO ANGSTY!!! [reader] coming across their dead bodies and trying to cope with the fact that her siblings ("soulmates" because we're delulu) are dead and they didn't invite her to go with them. she'd have a full mental breakdown before killing herself.
(this is completely unnecessary but i see devious baby sis [reader]'s weapon being a pair of scissors, the blades are supposed to be symbolic of her siblings. every precise cut and stab is made with her love for them ♡)
oh oh oh!! her getting to live with her favorite sibling would be fucking hectic. i definitely see the siblings loving each other like a cute little incestuous polycule but having [reader] live with her fav sibling would be sorta chaotic. ashley would maybe use [reader], not as a replacement for andrew, but maybe some sort of stand in? [reader] for the most part does everything ashley wants her to do and only really choosing to step in and veto ashley's feelings when they (or ashley specifically) are in danger. there's also hella toxic yuri incest, you gotta trust me on this
"i'll take such good care of you" GOD I WANT ANDREW!!! I WANT ANDREW TO BE REAL!!! THE DEVIOUS ONE HERE IS YOU NONNIE FOR WRITING THAT LINE 🔥 ✍️ i think andrew would try to put all that happened in the past but he's coping and [reader] can see that. they'll leave ashley's body buried somewhere and ditch town and try to live a normal life... as boyfriend and girlfriend :3 but sometimes andrew slips up, you know? maybe he almost calls [reader] ashley or maybe he's brushing her hair one night and puts it up in a ponytail like ashley did. but [reader] doesn't mind, of course, but she has andrew with her :)
or maybe andrew and [reader] continue going about their murder and cannibalism after ashley dies when they steal her dream talisman, who knows, who knows.
i'm curious about what would happen if her favorite sibling died but she couldn't kill the survivor. would she leave? would the living sibling be mad at her? i'm like growling and barking in excitement in my mind I LOVE THIS!!!
you and your wonderfully devious brain, 'nonnie, thank you!!! ur like a head chef in the kitchen, just know that i'll always eat your cooking ♡
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emeraldtart · 6 months
TWST X No Straight Roads (ft. 1010!Yuu)
After the whole Rock Revolution fiasco, Neon J decided it's time to introduce a new member to 1010. Also because his twins (Eloni and Haym) wanted a baby sibling.
So he made Kaw*. The crew's newest member, rapper, and the mysterious one. Since they're recently made, they're as sentient as MK-I androids, but it doesn't stop their fellow troops and captain from trying to indulge them.
Unfortunately, an incident involving Kliff messing with Neon J and DJSS's newest equipment caused them to be pulled to Twisted Wonderland to everyone's horror.
Facts about 1010!Yuu
Their name is a pun on two things 'kau' which is one of the ways to say 'you', which is in a more casual way as opposed to 'awak'. And also 'kaw' which means strong tasting beverages.
They're not sentient (yet)
They are made as a foil to Rin, from their colors (white vs purple), roles (leader and loner) and 'age' (oldest and youngest).
Their weapon is a gun, and they have a sniper gun installed in their arms. Think of Lady Nagan from MHA.
They haven't met Bunk Bed Junction. Their siblings were planning to meet with them until the incident.
Throughout the prologue they're just standing there like ._. while the chaos is happening around them. Nothing in their programming make them equipped with this situation.
Flirt with the first years + dorm leaders because they mistake them as a crowd of fans.
Their base programming/personality can be summed up as: quiet.
Shroud brothers are equal part excited and confused. Excited because holy crap, an idol robot!? That's cool! Confused because who installs weapons inside a idol robot!?
They're waterproof, as they are a navy robot.
Idia realizes he's a hypocrite because he did the same thing to Ortho.
Kaw is mostly expressionless until they see a large enough crowd and they suddenly flirts with them.
They can sing and dance, and sometimes sings the last word of a sentence.
Neon J made Kaw more durable, as he had learnt from his encounter with B2J during the Rock Revolution. They won't explode from people screaming, and they also have a sort of mini-Qwasa in their body that they can charge by listening to Funky House and Dance-pop/Europop music, which they can do simply be performing a song in that genre.
They're also charged by cheers like their brothers.
Since they came from a world that revolves around music, their body occasionally moves to an invisible tempo, even when they are standing still.
Started to show signs of sentience during Heartslabyul when Riddle insulted Neon J. They began to insult him back in a way only robots can, and everyone who heard their words were scared of what they said.
In Savanaclaw they started to 'have fun' playing a magicless form of Magishift with the first years and Savanaclaw.
Octavinelle was when they became fully sentient. They suddenly cried when the Savanaclaw students tried to pick a fight with them, as the stress finally catch up with them.
Everyone freaks out because 1) They can cry!? and 2) Oh shit, they're crying.
It also happens that at that moment Neon J managed to connect with Kaw's hologram projector + communicator, sees his metal child crying with an awkward Savanaclaw gang and Grim trying to console them, and began to threat the ever-loving daylights out of the students.
After all is said and done, Kaw explains everything and Neon J starts making plans on how to take out Azul.
Kaw: Dad. You can't do that, that's illegal.
Neon J: I know. But just so you know, your older brothers are not going to- wait. Did you just call me dad!?
Kaw: Wha- I- I mean SIR! *salutes*
Kaw: DAD, NO!!!
Savanaclaw looking at Neon J and thought: Oh Sevens, they weren't kidding when they said their captain(dad?) has a sonar for a head.
Jack may or may have not taken a picture of Neon J's hologram and send it to ADeuce (the picture got photobombed by the rest of 1010)
Let just say that Crowley's on NJ + 1010's hit list when they found out what he made their youngest member do.
The list of people increased when Neon J brought it up to NSR meetings.
B2J found out through 1010 who were hanging out with them.
Crowley is on sight in Vinyl City, beaten only by Kliff.
When VDC rolls in, they join in the training as emotional support.
Kaw managed to find a loophole in Vil's Unique Magic so they sneak in some sweets for the VDC team.
Trein noticed Kaw's disappointment at not being allowed to join in on VDC, being a 10-feet 10-inches tall robot and all. He pulled some strings with Crewel and allow Kaw to join in on the closing ceremony with their brothers.
Let just say that Kaw aced both history and potionology as a thank you gift.
As for Malleus, he was interested in this tall robot. A being made of metal, that sings and dance and powered by music? Very interesting indeed.
Their talk at first is very brief because of Kaw's lack of sentience, but then they started to become more human and eventually Malleus pointed out how they have become much more than what they were born for; a living being.
Kaw calls him Abang (Big brother/older brother).
Rin felt that his status as the eldest brother is being challenged.
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howlingday · 1 year
tragic backstory (tm) au) ozpin finally gets to show up merlin as the wizard mentor to a inspiring king who is also a symbol of hope. granted jaune has no real authority since the council does everything nor does he wish to take over but ozpin knows exactly what jaune needs.... no not actual training in the basics of combat to act a a foundation to his greater feats, that's rediculous! no he needs PHENOMENAL ACTING TALENT!!!!!!!
time for everyone's favorite cinnomin role to come back and help jaune decide on a persona and how to play it!
Original Cin-Cin
Ozpin: How was your mission, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Uh, great! Really great! Definitely didn't say or do anything wrong.
Ozpin: I'm glad to hear it, since Springtime's current headmaster is a dear friend of mine.
Jaune: O-Oh, really?
Ozpin: Yes. In fact, I was just in contact with him recently, and he said-
Jaune: (On the floor) I'm sorry! I didn't know that the microphone was on!
Ozpin: ...You caved much faster than I thought. Is that really how a king should present himself?
Jaune: Again with the king stuff? (Stands up) Sooner or later, people are going to figure out I'm not a king.
Ozpin: Indeed. Just someone who got extremely lucky and famous.
Jaune: More unlucky...
Ozpin: And infamous. As I recall, that was how you referred to yourself when being introduced.
Jaune: Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess I did do that.
Ozpin: Indeed you did, and it was enough to get people talking. To get people thinking. Everyone now knows who you are, or has at least heard of you.
Jaune: Yeah. And now my family's getting harassed every day and I can't do a thing about it.
Ozpin: Sadly, no. It is one of the many flaws of being famous, and infamous. But the people need leadership, Mr. Arc. As the adage goes, sometimes you have to fake it until you make it.
Jaune: What about after I make it?
Ozpin: Then you'll be on your own, in a way. You'll be in a position where your faking no longer applies, and you'll have friends you can rely on to help you however they can.
Jaune: So I just have to keep pretending I'm someone I'm not? Just this... fake king guy?
Ozpin: Well, if you'd like, I can assign you a... shall we say "outsourced tutor" to help you build your confidence?
Jaune: An outsourced tutor? What do you mean?
Yang: You sure you don't want to come down and see Cin-Cin?
Blake: I'm sure. From what Jaune's told us, she's still nervous around Faunus, so I'd prefer to not do anything that would upset her while she's visiting.
Yang: Alright. I'll try to record as much as their sibling bonding as I can. Just for you.
Blake: (Smiles) Thank you.
Weiss: Ruby, what do you think? Blue earrings, yes or no?
Ruby: Wow... You're asking for my opinion?!
Weiss: Don't make me regret asking you.
Ruby: No, no! You can trust me! Um, uh, well, uh...
Nora: I dunno why you're so concerned about her. Doesn't she already not like you?
Weiss: Which is exactly why I'm trying to show her my better qualities!
Emerald: But wasn't one of the reasons she doesn't like you is how superficial you are?
Weiss: ...
Weiss: (Crouches in a corner) I just can't win, can I?
Ruby: Ah! B-Bestie!
Ren: Nora, are you upsetting Weiss again?
Nora: Maaaaaybe?
Mercury: Nice goin', Em. Brutal honesty wins again.
Emerald: Was it really that brutal? I was just asking a question.
Jaune: So it's just the four of us, huh?
Yang: Almost like we're our own team, huh?
Ruby: What would we be called? R-Y-P-J? Rip J? Uh, R-P-Y-J, Rippage? R-J-Y... Uh, what was the other one?
Yang: P.
Pyrrha: ...Were you talking to me?
Yang: Nah, I was answering Ruby. Also, pretty bold of you to assume you'd be the leader, Rubes.
Ruby: Why not? I like being a team leader.
Jaune: That makes one of us. I was already barely scraping by as a team leader, and now I have an even bigger team to take care of.
Yang: He said, already months into his role as super leader of his own super harem team.
Ruby: Yang!
Yang: I'm kidding! ...Mostly.
Jaune: What are you- Oh! There she is! Cin-Cin! Over here!
Cin-Cin: ...Hi, Jaune.
Jaune: Hi.
Ruby: ...So, was the, uh, flight okay?
Cin-Cin: It was fine. Can we hurry up and go to the headmaster?
Jaune: Oh, uh, sure.
Cin-Cin: (Walks ahead)
Jaune: (Following behind)
Yang: Wow, she's...
Ruby: Kinda mean?
Pyrrha: Distant?
Yang: I was going to say, "she's not happy to be here," but I guess those work, too.
Velvet: (Reading)
Fox: Hey, Velvet?
Velvet: Hm? What's up, Fox?
Fox: Uh, just wondering, but are you and Cardin... y'know?
Velvet: (Blushing) W-What do you mean?
Fox: Well, it's just, you and him are getting along and actually talking to each other, so I was wondering...
Velvet: We're just friends, Fox.
Fox: Oh, okay. Just friends. That's good. Good, good, good.
Velvet: ...Is there something wrong with us being friends?
Fox: No, no, it's great, but, uh...
Velvet: ...Did Yatsuhashi put you up to this?
Fox: ...No?
Velvet: Coco?
Coco: He did, Bun-Bun.
Velvet: (Sighs) Why is he so against me and Cardin being friends?
Coco: You mean besides the obvious?
Velvet: He's changed since his first year!
Coco: Which ended a few months ago.
Velvet: (Pouts)
Coco: (Sighs) Fox, could you give us the room, please? And tell Yats I wanna talk to him, too.
Fox: Sure. (Walks out)
Coco: Velvet, listen, I know you like the guy- And before you start, yes, I know it's more than just being friends, but you can't expect your closest friends, us, forget about all the crap him and his cronies put you through. The teasing, the ear-pulling, (Lowers glasses) the comments?
Velvet: I... I didn't forget, but...
Coco: We're all just worried about you, okay, Bun-Bun?
Velvet: ...Okay. But can I please stop having you all mother hen me?
Coco: Only if you stop making us worry. Oh, and don't forget our trip to the mall coming up this weekend.
Velvet: I won't.
Coco: Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got me a gentle giant to talk to.
Cin-Cin: Again. Who are you?
Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc.
Cin-Cin: Who are you?
Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc. I am the new king of Vale.
Cin-Cin: Who?
Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc. I am the King of Vale. I am the hero of Mallet.
Cin-Cin: I don't know who you are, but you're not convincing anyone. Who are you?
Jaune: My name- Cin-Cin, do we have to-
Cin-Cin: Stop! If you want people to believe you, you have to believe it yourself. And if you want to believe it yourself, then you have to know what you're talking about. So who are you?
Jaune: Who am I? I'm Jaune Arc, the only son of the Arc family and the older brother of Cinnamon Arc. That's who I am.
Cin-Cin: (Turns away, Facepalms) I can't believe you said that with a straight face.
Jaune: (Thinking) Ugh, I probably sounded lame to her.
Cin-Cin: (Covering her cherry face, Thinking) He sounded so cool and confident!.
Pyrrha: Do you think it's going well?
Weiss: Hard to tell... Then again, this is Jaune we're talking about.
Pyrrha: What do you mean?
Weiss: Ever since we learned about his past, he's been adamant about denying it, and yet everything he does contradicts what he says. And that's not including the specifics on what he does.
Weiss: One evening, he's embarrassing the Schnee Dust Company, and the next day, he's besting the leader of the White Fang, only to then go on to lead an amalgamation of two huntsmen teams with no confidence, and emerge from the first joint mission with a massive internationally observed Grimm kill near single-handedly! Nothing about him makes any sense!
Pyrrha: Well, for as long as I've known Jaune, I've found the easiest answer is the most simple one.
Weiss: And that is?
Pyrrha: He's just Jaune being Jaune.
Weiss: Hm... (Looks to Ruby)
Ruby: You can do it, Jaune! Here, try this! (Pulls out paper crown) It's not real, but it'll get you in the right mind thing!
Weiss: I think... I know what you mean.
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