#i cant afford to draw anything till i actually learn to draw
livinginpool · 6 months
im literally throwing up i cant stop drawing random shit in ms paint what even was i trying to say here
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Why many Misha fans want haters and non fans to kill themselves.
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I was scratching my head for awhile wondering why Misha's fans behave the way they do.  Now I think I might be starting to get a partial clue about that.  He is like a cult leader, because unlike Jensen and Jared who just want to be known for the work that they get paid to do, Misha has more time on his hands and uses it to constantly stay in contact with his fans so that their attention is never diverted from him.   I found a Psychology Today article that made me smirk.  The article is written in the context of a dangerous cult leader but Misha is not that.  He doesn't use aggression.  He uses sympathy.  He puts him in victim mode so that his fans will feel the need to protect him.  Remember that mockumentary that made his fans feel sorry for him?
He has also put himself in the position of an authority figure who has an opinion about charity, the LGBT, slash fiction, feminism and politics amongst other things.  He rarely speaks about the canon aspects of his character and the canon of Supernatural.  And yet he was a director.  His sub group of fans, especially destiel fans, would not have gotten any attention from him, had he been a normal, agenda free individual.  Because he does something as unusual as giving slash fans attention, they latch onto him because they are not going to get that attention elsewhere.  Hellers and minions identify with Misha because he presumably cut himself on the thigh as a ''fat'' child.  I have seen some of his childhood pictures.  He was not fat.  Quite a cutie actually.  Cutters will therefore identify with him even though, he has told many lies about his childhood. 
These are some of the traits that Psychology Today listed.  I had to remove some that fit a dangerous cult leader more than the sympathy junkie that Misha is.  There are some that don't have additional information in bold, because although they feel like Misha traits, I don't have a pinpoint example.  Or there are too many examples.  If you wish to contribute to the updating of this list, please let me know. 
He has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he can achieve. [He refers to himself as an Overlord]
Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, or brilliance. [Used Gish to break Guinness World records] 
Demands blind unquestioned obedience. [calls his fans minions.  A minion are a servile or unimportant follower or underling of a powerful person] 
Requires excessive admiration from followers and outsiders. [Expected fiction authors to write stories about him for free]
Has a sense of entitlement - expecting to be treated special at all times. [wanted to be in the TVGuide graphic despite having no right to be on it]
Is arrogant and haughty in his behavior or attitude.
Has an exaggerated sense of power (entitlement) that allows him to bend rules and break laws. [wants NASA to do Gish related things for him in outerspace.  Admitted to stealing passes from the White house]
Takes sexual advantage of members of his sect or cult. [pandering destiel, and asking Gish participants to do half naked challenges despite knowing that there might be underage participants]
Is hypersensitive to how he is seen or perceived by others. [During the Giving Back Tour, a con headed by him only and not J2, he pitched up only on the Sunday, the way that the leads do for their cons, perhaps to be percieved as a lead himself.  They have a valid reason.  They are working till the last minute.  He had no reason to not be present from Friday evening.  He wants to be like J2.  That con flopped. - thanks for reader inputs because I didn't know this.] 
Publicly devalues others as being inferior, incapable, or not worthy. [calls destiel shippers perverts]
Makes members confess their sins or faults publicly subjecting them to ridicule or humiliation while revealing exploitable weaknesses of the penitent. [pointed out the lap dancer, while she was asking a question and showed the butt plug for no reason even though he could have reported the lapdancer and refused the butt plug]
Has ignored the needs of others, including: biological, physical, emotional, and financial needs. [no support for J2 during the Nolacon scandal, or for Jared during various heller attacks, but spoke up for Danneel because it secures heller sexual fantasies - I have an inkling that HatersOfDanneel might be minions which is why he stopped them, to show her how supportive he is.  Who knows, maybe he set up to do this, so he could rescue her.]
Is frequently boastful of accomplishments. [the receipts can fill a book]
Needs to be the center of attention and does things to distract others to insure that he or she is being noticed by arriving late, using exotic clothing, overdramatic speech, or by making theatrical entrances. [like the chair gag at Comic Con which garnered sympathy from fans, and constantly drawing lewd attention to himself during panels where he is with others.  He didn't like sharing a panel with Sebastian Roche, because Sebastian can out-crass him, and is obligated to sit through a Jared panel because Jared can also be provocative if he so wishes, but enjoys being in a panel with the sexually restrained Jensen, perhaps because it puts him in a powerful position.  And he seldom just steps on stage.  He must say or do something first:  like an accent or something similar.  Once he wore a severely torn T shirt under his jacket and made sure he showed everyone on stage.  The man cant afford a T shirt?]
Doesn’t seem to listen well to needs of others, communication is usually one-way in the form of dictates. [called Jensen a motherf*cker, for speaking unfavorably about his scenes with Cas being decreased] 
Haughtiness, grandiosity, and the need to be controlling is part of his personality. [constantly waving rules set by the CW and CE, for example telling people about the ''I love you'' line, even though he was told not to.  He doesn't follow the rules that others are humble enough to follow.]
Behaves as though people are objects to be used, manipulated or exploited for personal gain. [asked Dean and Cas cosplayers to make out for his leery pleasure]
When criticized, he tends to lash out not just with anger but with rage. [there is a gif somewhere of him telling a critical con guest:  I don't appreciate your tone when she told him he was queer baiting.] [Edit: A wonderful fan sent me the pictures - Thanks]
Anyone who criticizes or questions him, is called an “enemy''. [calls non-minions haters]
Acts imperious at times, not wishing to know what others think or desire. [smashed a Boba Fett cake in Jared's face, without notifying him that the cake was from a fan and was painstakingly made for Jared's birthday.  The cake was inedible after that, and Jared profusely apologized to the fan.  How hurt she must have been.  Misha took the cake on stage, when he had no business to - Edit: thanks to an awesome reader for this input.  I forgot about it, even though it had ticked me off when I learned the truth] 
Is superficially charming.  [Sometimes he cant even muster up a smile at his photo op, unless it is a Cockles one.  He cant even pretend to like his fans]
Habitually puts down others as inferior and only he is superior.  [again minion and pervert.  Jokes that Jensen and Jared got their jobs on the basis of their looks.]
Has a certain coldness or aloofness about him that makes others worry about who this person really is and or whether they really know him. [when he hugged JDM, fans in the background cheered, and Misha looked at them, shook his head in a fed up, irritated manner before focusing at JDM]
Is deeply offended when there are perceived signs of boredom, being ignored or of being slighted.  [told off a fan who said she wasn't supposed to be attending his panel.  She was supposed to be asleep.  She was called because her name ended up on the question line up.  He was so angry, he didn't let her speak.  That transcript is difficult to read.]
Treats others with contempt and arrogance.
Is constantly assessing for those who are a threat or those who revere him.  [SPN Anti-Bullying Twitter is the most communist thing I have ever seen.  It only seeks out Misha critics and does away with them.  Its like communism, fandom style.  Misha is in close contact with Emily Cleghorn who runs this page and participates in Gishwhes.]
The word “I” dominates his conversations. He is oblivious to how often he references himself. [With Misha it might be the opposite.  He tries to project a kicked puppy personality.  Watch his body language carefully]
Hates to be embarrassed or fail publicly - when he does he acts out with rage.  [Just drink your effen water and get off the stage - could be a joke, or could be something else.  Its was said to Jensen who laughed about it, but you never know how he perceived this outburst.]
Doesn’t seem to feel guilty for anything he has done wrong nor does he apologize for his actions.  [Didn't apologize for slavery or roofie joke]
Believes he possesses the answers and solutions to world problems.  [Gishwhes is more about his ego, wasting food and stripping down to nothing, for his enjoyment more than anything else.  But he thinks it will solve problems.  Other than creating a spectacle, and reaching the attention of Larry King, it doesn't seem to do any good because what good could the Record breaking largest number of people dressed as French maids do to better the world.  And he waste food, whilst taking part in a marathon to end child hunger.  He doesn't realize how hypocritical that is]
Believes himself to be a deity or a chosen representative of a deity. [Haha, I don't know if bragging about being accused of being the anti-Christ counts, because what decent person brags about that.  Just added it here, as a laugh.]
Rigid, unbending, or insensitive describes how this person thinks.  [Made Jensen tell the story, during their Jib panel, that made Jensen break down earlier - bashed the Bible]
Tries to control others in what they do, read, view, or think. 
Seems to be highly dependent of tribute and adoration and will often fish for compliments.  [wanted fiction writers to write a story about him for free - this is worth a second mention because of how arrogant it is]
Uses enforcers or sycophants to insure compliance from members or believers.  [Has journalists in media outlets like Geekiary, Hypable and possibly others doing his bidding, including attacking the leads on social media, for saying something contradictory to what Misha is saying.  Natalie Fisher of Hypable is more notable for doing this.]
Sees self as “unstoppable” perhaps has even said so.  [With regards to Misha, he might say it about Random Acts or Gish because he want to project being 'humble'.]
Conceals background or family which would disclose how plain or ordinary he is.  [Lied about being poor to garner sympathy - lied about only receiving elite education, because he has never been to public school, and says he lived on his friend, Darius's handouts, including meals, which makes me wonder how trust worthy Misha's friend is. Because don't elite private schools provide meals and uniforms - lied about being mugged]
A gazillion thank yous to my awesome friend, whom I will now refer to as Sam the researcher, because this is the second obscure piece of evidence that she found for me.  I have been looking for it, for too long, fruitlessly.  Also thanks for the second and third ones. 
@iamacynic seems to think non-Misha fans were born without the faculty of thinking.  So this person accused me of being non-empathetic to the fact that Misha was poor and living in a tent.  Do you think nobody knows that?  When Misha first told the story of being poor and having a druggie for a mother, he got a lot of sympathy, which is why over the years, the story has become more and more elaborate.  The Overlord had found his niche.  Misha was poor from birth till age 3.  Mom married a guy who was loaded and who took over responsibility of Misha and his brother.  From 4 till now, Misha has been a rich man.  The elite private schools Misha attended cost more than $50 000 per annum.  Misha attended Greenfield Centre and then Northfield Mount Herman.  He has never attended a public school.  And Misha doesn't remember any of that?  All he remembers is the first 3 years of his life?  Realistically, person will only remember a smidgen of the third year of his life.  Unless someone out there remember age one.  Raise your hands.  Tell us about your extraordinary memory. 
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