#i cant believe -this- is the first thing im publishing?
twopercentboy · 7 months
god I'm devastated about almost 6 year old drama about a relatively mediocre show 😭 like they had options to either continue the show w the actors who actually cared about the project or at the very least give Riggs a happy ending and they chose neither ???? I'm devasted at the ending they gave Riggs, after all that character arc buildup for him to finally get his happily ever after and they do THAT like are you fucking with me right now 😭
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m00ngbin · 2 months
I do have a few questions about it. How long did it take you to write it? Which scene did you write first? Did you have any inspirations or people you’d recommend? Were there any last minute decisions that you made? If I think of more I’ll send more asks :)
Oh also: I wanted to know, are you ever going to write again? I know it’s the only fanfic you’ve ever written and I can’t imagine how hard writing them is, but I really love your writing style and if you ever did write again I would freak out
And I’m sorry you’ve been getting harassed by anons today
OH WOW HI OH MY GOD? ARGAJSIFHWKDJ YOURE NOT BOTHERING ME AT ALL, I CANT BELIEVE YOU REALLY THOUGHT IT WAS THAT GOOD?? I'm really really glad you liked it, you have no idea how happy this is making me. :DD I was on call with a friend when I got this ask, and she can confirm that I SCREAMED when I saw the notification. I'm glad you thought Shou was realistic, I was really worried about that ajekehej. AND OMG. THAT WAS MY FAVORITE SCENE TO WRITE!! IM REALLY GLAD YOU LIKED THAT ONE
1. It took me maybe two weeks? I'm not 100% sure because it's been a couple months, but that's my best guess. 2. I (shockingly) ended up writing the beginning scene first. Sort of. It was originally a narrative practice I was doing for a class I took last year, but it evolved into me wanting to actually do something with it. 3. Yeah, I did. I'm almost a little embarrassed saying who I would recommend or who inspired me, so I'll comment them after I post this or something like that. 4. Adding the kitten was a last minute decision because I had completely forgotten that the Suzukis had one until LITERALLY the day that I published it
Hopefully I will write again, because I do really like writing. I do have a couple ideas right now, but they're only half-baked outlines and I haven't been able to start on anything because I've been worried about the quality of my writing ajalsifnsk
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blood-teeth · 1 year
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TMITAWH is 2 years old????!!!!
i cant believe i missed it that sounds so ridiculous to me! in my defense, i was driving for two weeks straight
i don't have anything planned for celebration; i'm so sorry! but i do have some updates!
for those that missed it, tmitawh is now a novel and will no longer be told in an interactive fiction format. this has upset a lot of people. i've lost a lot of followers over this announcement. and i can understand this to some extent, but largely i have to continue to be unapologetic about my choices.
this story is one that has, in every meaning of the phrase, saved my life. writing in this little world has gotten me through some of the darkest times and carried me through to the next day. at some point, IF stopped being a media that was capable of telling the story i wanted to tell.
i'm disheartened by a lot of the anons i've received. some are hateful and unkind. others are upset that they no longer will have the opportunity to pursue Cain or Ezio, and a few mention that they're not interested in reading a lesbian story and will not be reading the book if it ever makes it to publication. i've disregarded the first, but the second cuts the deepest i think.
i have never, ever been shy on this app that i'm a lesbian. i feel as though i've talked endlessly about it. being a lesbian is a huge facet of my identity and being told that, in so many words, a story written for myself, with other queer people in mind, is not for them seems like such a stupid thing to say. like, i didnt write it for you. i wrote it for me. i wrote it for the lesbians who love so violently that they have to hide it away under their clothes, in between their teeth. i wrote it for the lesbians who have been told their love is disgusting, or wrong, or sexy and for a male's pleasure only. i wrote it for the lesbians who are told their love is okay as long as they never show it- as long as they only hold hands at most but never kiss in public. i wrote it for the lesbian who sits in pews and breathes over their hands and wonders if God loves them still.
i'm not sorry to not have written a story catered for you when the whole world is for you. leave me out of your self-absorbed, hateful little orbit.
please know, this blog does not tolerate hatred, bigotry, or harassment in any shape or form. and if you're going to fuck around with me, you sure as hell are going to find out with me.
on a more positive note!
i want to thank you all who have been overwhelmingly positive and supportive of my endeavors!! it means the absolute world to me!! i sometimes hold myself at night and think of all the kind words y'all have sent over these past two years and just sob. never in my life before this could i have imagined sharing my work with people who give a shit and care. it warms me in ways i cannot begin to describe. i love you and i hope you are well as always. my inbox/dms are open ANYTIME if you just want to chat, catch up, rant to me, or tell me about your pet. actually, please tell me about your pet.
Some quick publishing updates:
I'm 20k words out of 90k into draft 2. and i think this is going to be the last draft before i query (?????) i'm really very happy with the muscles and bones of the manuscript. now it's just some meticulous line editing i have to work through.
after this, i'm off to the query trenches. (im scared) if anybody has gone through this process before and has any tips, i'd love to hear them!
here's a little excerpt:
"She grabs hard enough to make sure of her presence, not enough to bruise. Some sick part of the Traveler’s brain says, Yes. Please. More. Press deeper. Press harder. Bruise me. Hurt me. She delights in the heat that blossoms from where the Reverie digs her fingers into skin. Eyes earnest, stubborn disposition to her jaw as the thick muscle there flickers in an implication of anger. “I will find you,” she’s shaping her tongue into a dagger at the Traveler’s throat. “I will find you again, and that is a promise.” The Traveler gasps, tilting her head higher. She blinks and— The Reverie’s mouth is on hers, hot and aching, and the Traveler blinks— Want flavors the Traveler’s tongue, the Reverie’s hands pressed tightly against her collarbone, teeth at her jaw. She blinks and— Is this Before or After?"
i also, stupidly, have officially started a twitter that i want to start working with. i know twitter is dead, but it remains to be very useful for publishing. if you'd like to follow me, im there on @ morganhollow25. i dont know how to use it. im scared to use it. but if you have a twitter maybe follow me there too! i absolutely plan to be on tumblr primarily. i love it here and have grown a tiny home in these webs.
i'll have more updates coming soon regarding FTMTB and other works. thank you all again <3
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cmncisspnandmore · 11 months
I just need to tell you about this amazing little writer,@cordeliawhohung.
I stumbled across this account by total accident okay? Like 100% had no intention of reading the fanfictions she wrote for. I had only ever heard of Call Of Duty from my husbands late night gaming escapades. But yet, i took a chance, I googled "Simon Riley" and was like "oh okay, bet, military man who wears a skull mask. Lets give it a try," So i did.
I read her fanfiction series called Soft Spot, with basically ZERO context. I googled more in the hour it took me to read her work than ive ever googled in my life. But i was NOT dissapointed. Did i have to reread scenes to figure out who was talking because i was clueless on their names? yes. Did it discourage me one bit? no.
BECAUSE. this girls writing is something else. it captivates you, throws you right into being the main character which is EXACTLY what you're looking for when you read these things. Without fail Core had me hooked. So i did the thing that most anyone does, I left a little ask/message for her. Explaining how this piece of UNPAID, UNOWED work left me on the edge of my seat. How the wrods jumped off the page to try to become reality. Because thats what they did.
And this percious little bean, offered to message me about the characters, to help me understand the things i didnt. She not only eagerly, but kindly informed me of the beautiful characters of Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2, but she also showed me how beautiful her very soul is.
She became one of those people i wanted to talk to all the time. (I probably annoy her with how much i message her, and Core i am sorry, but i cant help it.) We started talking more regularly, and in the few weeks we have been talking, i've come to consider her one of my friends.
Although we dont get to talk a lot, due to her work, time differences and life just being hard. ANY time i see her username pop up in my notifications im thrilled.
I could go on for hours about her, i should. Because there are so many amaizng things i could say about her.
Her writing is next level, if we could all legally publish fanfiction without the whole legal rights thing, Core's story "Soft Spot" would be a best seller. I firmly believe that she would be NYC Best Selling Author her first year. Her way of writing hooks you from the first few words. I honestly get a little jealous of how well she writes, but she was quick to tell me that if we all wrote the same then the world would be boring. Which is true.
So to conclude this post. If you havent, check her out. send her an ask, and get to know the amazing person who runs @cordeliawhohung. You won't regret it.
Also be kind to your fanfiction writers, they do this without pay. For YOUR entertainment. Reblog, like, share, interact with them. They write 100+k fics because they love the same characters as you. They write the works that some people need, that they crave, all on their own time. Be appreciatve and understanding when they do upload and when they can't. They're humans too. Be kind to them. Dont demand things from them.
Core, i appreciate you. I care for you. I will agressively love you from hundreds of miles away. Take care of you, take whatever time you need. And NEVER apologize to anyone for feelings like you aren't doing enough. Because just being you, babes, thats enough.
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valkyrie-8888 · 7 months
the wilbur soot situation
im not a very big person on social media, nor do i post often, but i just want to get this out of my system. this post is just going to be a little rant and my take on the current situation. to anyone who is not yet caught up to the situation, i hope this can help a bit.
TW: discussions of abuse, domestic violence, death threats, etc
when i first saw a video about wilbur soot's allegations, i thought it wasn't anything that bad. things like this happen to cc's all the time.
a while later, it kept popping up. i still thought it would go away eventually. i'm not proud of it in hindsight, but i cant change the past.
recently, i realized this situation was serious, and decided to catch up and investigate. what i was not prepared for was having my view of the world absolutely shattered. this will not go away. it will not be silenced by fanatics who believe their favourite cc can do no wrong. this is extremely serious.
a bit of backstory, so that my reasoning can clearly be understood:
i started getting into dsmp in around the start of 2021. i was immediately drawn to the dynamics of sbi as a group and started watching mainly their pov-s of things. the three quickly became a part of my daily life. i have been watching them ever since. went through some really bad times, especially after technoblade's death. after that, i started watching wilbur and phil more.
wilbur soot, i highly doubt you will read this, but if you do, i want you to know that I am disgusted by you, your behaviour, your response to said behaviour coming to light, and your sheer cowardice. you are a disgusting human being. there is no justification for your actions. no apology can undo what you have done. and from what i have heard and seen, shubble might not be the only victim.
as of my writing this, wilbur soot has not given any more responses besides the emotionless and frankly disgusting apology published on twitter/x
an overview of everything, my take on this situation, and just a little vent:
wilbur soot is an abuser and a manipulator. he ignored consent and a set safe word. as someone who heavily believes that consent and respecting it is common sense, i am disgusted, to say the least. i recommend reading more on the situation and watching an unbiased and neutral video
i looked for any possible justification, any way this could be misunderstood or redeemed. i have found none.
this man was my idol. i looked up to him, respected him, and admired him deeply. he was my comfort streamer and one of my favourite musical artists.
because of this, i will find it extremely difficult to cut him out of my life completely. however, i do not support him or condone his behaviour in any way. i don't think i will be able to completely sever all bonds to him. that's what abusers do, isn't it? they worm themselves into your life, make themselves irreplaceable, and, once their toxicity is discovered, they guilt trip you into staying, or make you think it's your fault or just paranoia.
the people who try to justify his behaviour, belittle or blame the victims of his abuse, or frankly any abuse, are absolutely disgusting. karma is a bitch, and i hope it hits them hard.
wilbur soot, it seems, has blown up his own career just like he did to l'manburg. i hope to never hear about him again, except to see him be brought to justice. domestic abuse is a felony.
my message for shubble:
you are incredibly brave. to speak up at all about anything like this takes a lot of courage. i despise the fact that the obsessive fans are threatening and blaming you. it is disgusting. but i am happy to see that you are still standing strong. your story has inspired others to come forward and take this man down once and for all.
EDIT: Insight a few days later
there have been more people telling their stories. the 'allegations' can no longer be referred to as such. i now add 'rapist' to the many words one uses to talk about this horrendous man.
i personally feel a bit gaslit myself. this person so many praised and referred to as this perfect man turned out to be an absolute incel.
one thing i noticed after looking through old clips is that there were in fact signs that seem obvious now. niki also mentioned the biting a few years ago. however, we all laughed it off as a bit. because we thought it was. because we were lead to believe it was. in one clip, wilbur tells niki to 'tell them how horrible i am to you,' and proceeds to start fucking hoovering. and everyone laughs it off. because that's his thing.
there are also signs in some of the songs in both ycgma and those released separately. especially your new boyfriend, soft boy, and the nice guy ballad. the last one is the most chilling. there are also some lyrics in ycgma, like 'abuse those i love/while i ostracize the ones who love me back'.
to end my little rant/essay, if wilbur soot is a manipulator, what is to stop him from (consciously or subconsciously) applying these behaviours to his online presence?
i genuinely hope he can get help and improve as a person, but that does not excuse his past behaviour. neither does his bad mental state during said behaviours.
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thefringespod · 10 months
A year ago today I released the first episode of Tales From the Fringes of Reality. It was one of the scariest and most exciting things I've ever done in my life and it turned out better than I could've hoped. This show started in my dorm room in the middle of the pandemic and it grew and changed with me. It's the first piece of work I've ever published with the name I *chose* on it. I got my name from writing this show, stealing it from my main character and taking it for myself. I've poured all of myself into this show and love it so much
Then this year I was able to invite more people into this world I've built and ended up with the most wonderful cast I could've dreamed of. I couldn't imagine a better group of people to bring this story I wrote to life and im so grateful for them. To my phenomenal cast: thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for gifting my writing with your voices and for taking such great care of these characters I've created. I truly couldn't have done this without you and cannot wait to share what you've done with everyone
I also need to shout out Tay and Tot specifically for trusting me with their voices and letting me pack bond with them and drag them into even more podcasts. I cant believe how lucky I am to know yall and to get to be your friends over the course of this show <3
And I'd be absolutely nowhere without my friend Percy who has been my biggest fan through this all. I wouldn't have been able to do this without his support and will pepper in that fact whenever I can. Thanks for everything, Percy <3
And of course thank you to everyone who has listened to this show! When I started publishing episodes I wasn't sure if anyone would listen or care but people did and im so incredibly grateful to each and every person who's listened
Season 2 started yesterday, almost exactly a year after this show started. I'm so excited to keep sharing this show with y'all and for everything that's coming for the Fringes moving forward.
Happy birthday to the Fringes! It's my absolute pride and joy <3
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francis-writes · 2 months
That's totally okay man i don't mind, i like to rant about my theories and observations of characters and i like to see a rant back instead of few words lol it feels like we are writing a goddamn thesis about ramsay and his behaviour haha only if i think and talk about my visas and finals that much i would have a 4.0!
A yes! The thing is I think Ramsay is the type of person who is addicted to attention, any kind of attention really, I think that in the books you can see that his behavior is yeah, kinda because of how he was raised (and made lol) and his sadistic tentacles but also trying to gain his fathers attention and approval. Because you see, his father doesn't actually give a shit about him when he goes away and even when he is with him, but when he does something bad, like killing his Lady wife with starvation, he can capture his fathers attention a little bit, and his father usually insults him and degrade him but hey, attention is attention. So he is kind of an attention whore in some perspective, he is a bastard but people notice him if he is a vicious bastard, so, he is a sadist yes but i think he likes and craves attention, and i dont think it would be so different with a partner, i think him as someone who gets mad and demanding if got ignored by his partner. I think him as a switch depending on the person so if he is in the dominant role he would demand and gets attention with force but if he is in a more submissive role he would get himself in trouble, misbehave and try to gain attention (doesnt matter which type, can be a hug or slap on the face)
And about good attention (like playing with his hair, hugs or soft kisses), i think he would be like the " +the fuck is that? -affection! +disgusting!.... Do it again" meme at first but then he get used to it and want it constantly lol not that i dont think he would be caught asking for it more like when he wants a hug would follow you with a frown until you do it yourself lol
I also think kind of same about OG reek, he was actually sent as a servant, but i think that he saw him as a friend (in this own way) since he didn't have one. And i cant help but think, in the books it is heavily implied that ramsay raped theon, but i dont really remember it was implied for him with other men (correct me if im wrong), and since he was making theon a second reek (he also forbid him to bathe and change clothes because og reek was naturally smell horrible), did he had some sort of sexual relationship with OG reek, i dont know. Damn i ranted too much sorry lol
Don't be sorry! I am actually very happy that i finally have someone to talk about Ramsay with, especially that I started thinking that I got into fandom too late, after his death in TV show and after last publishing book, because I barely could find anyone posting for Ramsay. Blogs focused on him were either inactive or practically deleted so I just thought that I post for myself and maybe a few people, liking my post but not responding. I mean, some of my classic old posts Ramsay x wimpy maid type were still liked, but it seemed that no one wanted to discuss or explore his character further. (like, honestly, i don't even require serious psychological analysis. I love authors who did fanarts like "Ramsay living in the 1980s", "Ramsay having a youtube channel" - here i loved that all the other characters had channels named by their formal names while Ramsay had nick like xxflayedboixx lol. If i remember i saw these on @ivansbadart ; i can't remember where but i also saw "Ramsay if he had only fans". Yeah, i love all the ways of exploring character).
About his father... yeah, at first I somehow believed that when Roose was away fighting, he knew about Ramsay's plan to take Winterfell, but then I realized that Ramsay had no chance to inform him. So Roose was actually like "oh, my only remaining son is dead. Good.". But tbh there was later something about Roose that "he does not love. he does not hate and he does not grieve".
In the topic of good affection, I wrote somewhere before about this, but I considered that he might have a mommy kink. I don't know if my arguments are logical or am i just pushing my kinks on favourite characters lol I'll just put in the screen of that rant:
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Also, never worry about ranting. You are saving my boyfriend from hearing my monologues. I recently said that he may make tier list of my fictional crushes, but he would put everyone under F. And he was like "no, i would put them under H, like >get help<"
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thewolfwarriors · 7 months
The Impossible Task
Chapter 1: Part 1
First / Next
About: Madguts wants to have a proper relationship with his love, Mewgull. Unfortunately there's an Impossible Task he needs to complete in order to win her hand. Set by her mischievous late brother, she doesn't trust it. Madguts must go back and restore her old home but the last thing she wants is anyone to go back there.
If you're not familiar with Wolf Warriors yet, feel free to explore the tag on my page.
Music: cinq by zeal and ardor
Bandcamp link
I cant believe Im publishing this but Im so excited that I did it. I started Wolf Warriors when I was 12 but Im sure gonna go full 2000s wolf fanfic with it. Prepare for mysterious illness that wipes out my very special mains family and life. If you dont like overly, almost unnecessarily dark, gory plots, this may not be for you. Im even going to use music I imagined this with over a decade ago. I remember acted out fight scenes on the trampoline. Goodness.
Anyway, Chapter 1 is done and Ill upload the other part probably tomorrow. I've got a lot done with this so expect regular updates. My asks are also open.
This time I used Zeal and Ardor for the music. Please support their music. They rock.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 8 months
So im the anon who asked when you'll publish again cuz I missed it and I just wanna say sorry im so late but i jus saw ur post. BESTIE i dont even know where to begin. so first im gonna say i just read the new fermin fic and it was INCREDIBLE. SO CUTE. AND I LOVED IT. second, i want to give you my complete understanding. of course im not a writer but it takes very little empathy to understand why a lack of engagement would make you demotivated to write. im so sorry and im sure others here too that we dont give u the appreciation u deserve. for me personally, its the fact that im afraid to come off on anon and comment with my account, but i realize even i can give feedback through anon. whenever you are ready to come back, even sporadically, i will talk to u more here because u deserve to hear what we think of the fics u so cutely write for us to enjoy. let me just tell you for now that i have never found someone that does non smut in such a mature way. i cant even explain what i am thinking so bare with me i hope you get this. often i just want to read reality and what a real relationship with these boys are like. that's the stuff that makes me kick my feet and giggle fr. but you are one of the only ones that can do that in a way which is perfectly descriptive and realistic. your fic with Gavi for the fight after he waves a sandwich in your face??? BBG. i cant believe i never told u how much i loved that detail. of course it was a shit thing for his character to do but that is the kind of stuff that realistically happens in a relationship fight and leads to a silent treatment and argument -> discussion -> solution like in ur fic. i was reading it with my mouth covered like damn she got it JUST RIGHT. i legit read ur fics over and over they are so SO good and SO well crafted. i really feel like i am in these stories. and i know it wasn't your intent so please dont feel bad for your well deserved post to my anon note, but i feel so embarrassed that i never gave u the credit u deserve. please dont look at this anon and let it pressure u into writing again because that is nowhere near my intention. i just want to say take your time, relax and also GET READY. cz im gonna talk to u more and more like i should and all ur followers should. te queremos!!!!!!!!!!! i even learned some slang from ur culture clash fics
Hello dear anon! I hope you're doing great! :) First of all, I'm truly glad you liked the fermín fic and thank you for taking your time to write this lovely message, it means a lot💖
Thank you for also understanding my point of view, I don't really want to come off as rude or ungrateful, that's not my intention and it will never be. It's just really hard to come, write for hours, wanting to do something enjoyable for others and not get any feedback (I know it is not mandatory but it would be very nice for me and I can take constructive criticism to improve in new writings), but it's also something that it's going to the point where I reblog any ask game or tell you guys that I'm bored and wanna chat with any of you and only two or three asks pop up in my inbox (And I don't even know if those two-three asks are from the same person😭🤷🏻‍♀️) however when I post that my requests are open, I can assure you that my inbox can be 0 but once I come back +20 asks are in there and it makes me kinda feel like I'm just here to write. write. write. write and write😭
I also understand you, if I wasn't a writer here I would also go to my favorite writers inbox and tell them my thoughts as anon but like you said you're writing on anon, which means I don't know your account (or anyone who writes on anon) you could be also commenting on my post/reblogging/etc and I wouldn't even know it's you! Either way I respect that🙏🏻and I appreciate the fact you'll be on my inbox more often either if it's to rant about your day, talk about a fic or anything, even if I'm not as active with writing as I used to be, you can still sent me an ask and I will gladly answer you!🌻✨
I try my best to do the fics as realistic as possible, obviously I don't know the guys (sadly😭) but I try my best to imagine how they can be outside the pitch and insert that into a real life couple with ups and downs but gurrrllll you even made me go back and read the sandwich fic 😂lol. Anywho, I'm really glad you like my fics and go back to read them again when I'm away for a bit. Slang🇻🇪 is very chevere, hopefully I get to do once again Latina!reader😌 Once again thank you for your message and once more I don't want to be rude or ungrateful. 💜 yu guys too, hope you're having a great day/evening/night!
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So, I usually read acotar on the bus and during class and then I come home and write these posts but I had a Certified Mental Health Moment and couldnt go for the entirety of last week and I didnt feel like reading during that time, so yeah
Anyway, Ive made it through chapter 30 I think (sry i forgor and i dont feel like taking the book out of my bag rn to check) so Ive just gotten to the point where Feyre arrived UTM through that weird interdimensional (?) shortcut and then a hand grabs her and then the chapter ends. That means Ive finally had my proper introduction to my literary mortal enemy, the man, the myth, the legend, Rhysand Nolastname, and also Feyre's sisters as actual characters instead of the weird caricatures they were previously
The stuff with Nesta and Elain is honestly baffling to me, like was there not an editor to suggest maybe adjusting those first few chapters when she decided to flesh them out more? One of the acotar critiques I watched before reading was this one by a podcast called Unresolved Textual Tension and one of the hosts kept remarking that sjm "couldnt go back to change things" in reference to her constant retconning of characters with very little elaboration, but like, why? First of all, I dont think thats literally true; to my knowledge (which is admittedly limited so feel free to correct me here) sjm had her start on fiction press with the first throne of glass book, posted serially chapter by chapter, which got really popular and was then traditionally published in 2012, but every book after that was always intended to be published as a whole work went through the whole traditional publishing pipeline with editors and whatnot. So the issues with ACOTAR cant come from it being a serialized story that wasnt properly planned out and then wasnt fixed up in editing, right? And the only other thing I can think of is that she just didnt have an editor (or atleast not a very thorough one) which, people say that a lot of her more recent work (CC series, ACOSF) feel unedited because of how they drag and how often the prose seems to repeat itself and by this point shes popular and influential enough that Im pretty willing to believe that, but was she that popular back in 2015 from TOG alone? Idk if anyone can tell me anything about this I would appreciate it
I already have a lot of thoughts about Rhysand (spoiler alert: none of them are positive) but I think I'll save those for when we get to Those Scenes UTM. For now, I just wanted to ask all the Feylin girlies who read this book before ACOMAF came out or who went into the series without spoilers: didnt it feel incredibly weird that Rhysands beautifulness was so emphasized when, as far as you were aware, Feyre and Tamlin were meant to be endgame? Like, I think Feylin is cute and all but Im not really too invested in it because I dont find either of them on their own or their dynamic together that interesting, but it still felt a little disrespectful if thats the right word. Like, I know love triangles are a Thing in YA and I know they tend to be incredibly clear-cut and its usually very obvious whos gonna get the girl from the getgo, but in those cases the protagonist generally has some kind of actual relationship with The Bad Boy to justify a weird attraction to an obviously dangerous guy, in ACOTAR Rhysand has talked to Feyre exactly one time and then he sent over a head on a spike and here she is, talking about how indescribably beautiful he is while hes making her friend and the man she will claim to love in the next chapter go down on their knees to beg for her safety. Idk man it just feels so weird
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franciskirkland · 1 year
so i have finally had it this time. not posting for attention but screaming into the void bc its all i can do. please don't click read more unless you're willing to hear some deeply gnarly/personal stuff. and please don't unfollow just bc you didn't heed my warning. this is a personal blog and there's a real live human woman behind the deranged hetaliaposting.
i now know for sure that i intend on ending my marriage. i can't leave yet, but i need to start planning for it. im done. its not worth it.
our first wedding anniversary is in a few days. i have always had thoughts in the back of my mind about us not lasting, but i didnt think it'd end like this, so soon. im embarrassed frankly.
we have had our share of problems both major and minor. but the final straw is that my husband has more or less assaulted me.
so there are more details below but i've been pretty sex repulsed (by irl sex) for the past... 10 months or so? we are not completely sexless but it's usually coercive, with my husband guilt tripping and pestering me for sex. usually i manage to get out of it, even if i do wake up to him rubbing up against me - that doesn't bother me too much.
but yesterday he was being particularly forceful and threatening me if i didn't start having sex with him again whenever he wanted. so he initiated the act. i kept saying no. no i cant. please stop. i dont want this. im gay. and he said no you're not. and he forced me to give him head while also grabbing my breasts and making me undress. i hate being naked. i nearly vomited. i feel disgusting and violated.
the thing is, that part about me being gay wasn't a joke or an excuse/defense. that was me refusing him. i have told him that i am attracted to women so many times and he doesnt even believe that's possible. like, that bisexuality is real. yeah. that hardly scratches the surface of his terrible beliefs and opinions. but i digress.
i don't know if i'm only sex-repulsed due to him getting me pregnant and the subsequent loss, (ruptured ectopic, almost died) which affected me permanently in a physical way and im undeniably also psychologically but i have yet to process that in its entirity.
i am definitely at least bisexual, if not gay. and possibly asexual/gray-ace or whatever. the only men i really feel attraction towards are fictional/purely ideas. seriously. i'm deeply affected by comphet. growing up i knew i was queer but i was also abused by many men as a teen so i guess i internalized it. somewhere down the road i also became really attracted to the idea of settling down and having a family. (i still am, but my priorities have changed the more i see older moms. im only 24, my friend didn't have her first until 34.)
anyway, regardless of my sexuality or lack thereof, aside from our numerous other problems (incompatible personalities, different ambitions, lack of common interests, him being an abusive controlling manbaby, overbearing MIL, living situation, etc.) i am repulsed by him and i cant be around him anymore. i hate him.
the mistakes i have made for/because of this relationship are of a devastating magnitude. i've burned a lotttt of bridges (not my mom, thank god) but with other family, friends and previous employers.
i'm a dummy. yeah. i'm not going to lie. i have invested almost 3 years and over $10k of hard-earned wages into moving to australia for a man who doesn't respect me. i have no income, no privacy, little irl support, because he's isolated me to the point where i'm not me anymore. the most i can hope for is to get a full time job, and/or write some more original stories and possibly get a book deal or self publish. it'll all go into a divorce fund. it'll likely take over a year before the prospect of leaving is financially viable. but i'm not even sure where to go from there. the economy is a disaster in america too.
i would really appreciate some company, i don't necessarily want to discuss what happened but it'd be nice to have someone to talk to as i navigate this. i love you all my friends and followers and readers <3
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Can you please speak your thoughts on the Fifty Fifty situation? I remember you saying they were putting out good music and now this huge chaotic lawsuit is going down seemingly out of nowhere.
Ask 2: BPP have you heard about what’s going on with Fifty Fifty? I honestly thought their company was really competent with how they had been promoting them, but I guess there was a lot going on behind the scenes. I feel really bad for the girls and I hope everything works out, but the situation seems so messy. It also made me really think about how much I appreciate BigHit, because I can only imagine how wrong things could have gone for BTS if they had been with some of these other companies instead.
Ask 3: What is up with kpop companies this year its like a shitshow one after another… wasnt the Pmega X group abuse this year, then theres SM doing fuckall to keep their legacy acts and now with fiftyfity… like is it usually this messy? Cuz i feel like before you had only 1 company being messy , each year. But now they decided to do it kne after another even simultaneously lmao cant decide if this year is a success for kpop with the multiple hits -im guessing nj will dominate again with their comeback- or the lowest of lows for the idols themselves
Hi @jiminsthighsfr and Anons,
The short answer: yes, this is fairly normal for k-pop. A lot of companies are shady and mistreat/underpay their artists. A lot of people are unscrupulous. All the stereotypes about the k-pop industry didn't come out of thin air. It's more likely for a company to not pay their idols fairly than the other way around. In fact, this is what JTBC was banking on when they came out with the false lawsuit story for BTS in December 2019. By that point, nearly every major and minor agency had idols who had filed lawsuits alleging abuse and extreme coercion, except BigHit with BTS. So I can see why the executives at JTBC thought this was a situation of 'just write the story and the truth will come' - basically, assume that BTS was mistreated and underpaid like many idols and publish on that basis hoping that having the story out there will give the members courage to simply confirm what was 'fact', while banking on the fandom to believe the story right away (which was typical). But we both know that's not how things worked out, ARMYs were the last people to believe it and were asking for receipts because the fandom knew that despite the extremely rigorous lifestyles the boys had endured like most idols, by 2019 it was extremely clear BangPD valued each and every single one of them.
And for people asking for my view on the tangentially related discourse of JK getting his song 'Seven' sent to radio, my view is that I don't think this has changed. I think BangPD still fully values each and every member of BTS, and I don't think any member is being mistreated, abused, or grossly mismanaged. But BangPD is not their father, and his motivation to produce profit is more agnostic/cynical than a lot of ARMYs want to admit. But at the same time, you either trust BTS to handle their business as capable adults, or you don't. It's really that simple for me. More than anybody else, they know their own situation, and are certainly capable of handling themselves.
Like I said when I first mentioned Fifty Fifty, the group has been cashed up from the jump, with CEOs well established in the industry, despite deliberate messaging/omissions about the unusual financing / structure behind Fifty Fifty re: the formation and management of the group. Also, it's normal for players in the industry to try poaching a successful act (BangPD was approached shortly after BTS debuted to sell BTS, he refused), so it was only a matter of time before Fifty Fifty was approached, and Attakt's unusual structure was bound to cause friction. From an accounting POV, it's smart because it minimizes each company's tax outlay/payments, but from an M&A POV to secure IP, The Givers/Attrakt partnership has very obvious weaknesses, which Siahn and Fifty Fifty are capitalizing on. I have no idea how their case will turn out, but I doubt it will end Fifty Fifty. They still have potential so I hope it's channeled well regardless of the outcome of this mess.
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genesisarclite · 7 months
I started replaying ffxiii trilogy in a fit of nostalgia and it reignited my passions for cairai like no other. Decided to go back to ff to reread the fics there since the fandom is kinda dead, and now that im over a decade older than before at 24, i finally have the brainpower to read longform fics 🤣.... and i just wanted to tell you that i have read all your cairai fics in a span of a week and a half. Like, being behind in work paperwork kind of fic devouring. Like, the kind where i have a tab open the entire workshift and quickly minimize it when my bosses walk past. Like, the kind where i go back on tumblr for the first time in like 5 years only to tell you how amazing your writing is to me and that i cant believe the devs didnt reach out to you to write LR instead. If you ever write more cairai i will be FULLY SEATED— fully prepared for you to have me giggling and kicking my feet over their slowburn all the way to staring at each line in terror as you traumabond them through the horrors woven into your worldbuilding.
Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us!
This put such a smile on my face. "Traumabond", oh my goodness. XD Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy my work so much! It sounds like you read Final Fantasy Suscitatio XIII, and you'll probably be glad to know that I'm completely rewriting/redoing it and publishing it on AO3 as a "Definitive Edition". All the works on my AO3 require an account to view due to the proliferation of AI scraping, but I do plan to release it soon!
(also, I am obligated to say, I hope you're still getting your work done and doing it well! My work will (most likely) always be there, but staying working in this economy is important! I believe in you!)
And being a "decade older"? I feel that. My entire perspective has changed on pretty much everything about writing since the last time I touched longfic, and I've gone from drenching all my romance in melodrama to being able to deal with subtleties. Caius and Lightning's relationship actually benefits quite a lot from subtlety, and being able to use that in this new version of the fic has done a lot to improve its overall structure. I'm glad to hear you have more "brainpower", because you'll need it! I also hope to write some very self-indulgent Cairai nonsense in the near future that has nothing to do with Suscitatio. Hmm... perhaps I can become a prolific writer once more? One can dream...
Also, I love worldbuilding, so seeing you mention it? LOVE IT. Happy to know I still got it! *tired cheer*
ANYWAY, I'm so glad my work still brings enjoyment, and thrilled to learn there's still folks out there who get their feels all twisted up in knots reading it. One of the best things I writer can hear, I think.
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kurtsascot · 1 year
fic writer 20 questions
was tagged by @spookyklaine !!! thank you for the tag
tagging @daisyishedwig @bitbybitwrites @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @wowbright and anyone else thats interested seriously!!!! tag me in your answers i want to read them all
1. how many works do you have an ao3?
four !! but ive written around 10 in my life
2. whats your ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
just glee <3
4. top 5 fics by kudos
not applicable
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do !!! sometimes i just dont know what to say;; i am terrible at keeping secrets and sometimes i know if i reply i will spoil something
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
treading water- the fic itself is angst heavy so the ending is naturally not all sunshine and rainbows.
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
also, treading water. hoping to create something cute and really fulfilling c: it will have the longest ending just due to length so i think that helps default it to the happiest, no?
8. do you get hate on fics?
i havent yet thankfully
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
mhmmhm …and i dont really have a limit on what i would write? what can i say, i like steamy romances . whatever i want i write
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
i dont write them or read them, really. alternate universes though? ill eat that shit up every day
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yes actually!!! years and years ago but i dont remember what story.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i havent. on one hand it sounds like a lot of fun, but on the other hand i know myself and i have relinquishing control over my writing. i wouldnt be opposed to it, i think, if i was close with the person i was writing with!
14. fave all time ship?
klaine ; no past ship can rival klaine brainrot <3
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
succession!klaine au
16. what are your writing strengths?
its so hard to pick out your own strengths. i feel like dialogue is definitely one- i try to make everything thats said sound believable, and, ngl, it take me a while. dialogue is the first thing i write and last thing i edit.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i dont have a great vocabulary. emotional moments can be hard because i only know few words and i wantvto communicate so many things….im always googling synonyms
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
i love it when other people do it, but i am not multilingual- i don’t feel like i could do it justice.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
hetalia- they are still up on fanfiction.net and at 13 yrs old, my prose was not something that should have been published on the internet. i cant take them down, though, so i go to my profile whenever i need a laugh
20. fave fic youve written?
treading water- my wip!! biggest thing ive ever written, most challenging, most fulfilling and the best ending (even tho the endings not posted yet teehee)
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cypreus-and-willow · 8 months
2, 8, 29, 43 For the fic asks if u wanna
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
Honestly, just from random places. I tend to theorize a lot. But sometimes the theories border on headcanon and are kinda whack (hence my other name 'The Crack Theorist') even tho they're mostly based on actual observations. For example, my Digimon Survive Highschool gang came to me when I was wondering abt the job of Shuuji's dad - is he a doctor? A politician?
Then i remembered his dad tells Shuuji he doesnt have the 'qualities befitting a Kayama son'. So I thought well what are the opposites of Shuuji's natural qualities? Possibly strength, ruthlessness, cunning, blah blah. And the stupid area of my brain concludes that his dad works for the mafia. And thats how the Gang AU was born.
As for my non AU fics, I try to stick as close to canon as possible... but they're still centered around some headcanons.
29. What's something about your writing that your proud of?
That they're self indulgent. Ive spent a lot of time, worrying abt word count thinking that its only good if its 1000+ words every chapter.
But now, esp w/ my shorter fics, i try to just write whatever feels right for the story. To let a story end at 300 words because its what feels right to me. Sometimes I sit down to write one memo and 2000 words come out and its fantastic but Ive stopped trying to force that feeling every time I write.
(And also that I can somewhat effectively mix purple and biege prose together even tho ive never heard of those terms until recently)
43. Is there a trope or idea that you'd really like to write but haven't yet?
Coffee Shop AU? Or maybe the florist and tattoo artist? Lol
Im mostly an angst writer. So sometimes I get curious abt what its like to write the cheezy cliche stuff. It doesnt have to be romance, I just want them to be happy.
(I cant believe Pet Shop AU is canon in TokRev - I feel blessed)
Oh, I was watching the first Pacific Rim the other day and wanted to write something on that. That drift compatibility is really something huh?
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip
CW mentions child death
The boy of red hair and twenty years looks up to the sky as a creature of thundering swords swoops down from the heavens. The strike of his blade cleaving the ground in two. From afar, he watches Ifrit crawl with the last of his strength towards the open ground bubbling with grief's plague. Raindrops hang on the tips of red eyelashes. Refusing to blink as the water falls over smouldering rock. There he sees the body of his keeper burning atop the lifeless earth. And remembers the day they drowned his mother. Fire is the essence of life in Solheim. In the temple of Ifrit, his mother taught him the ways of fire. Of healing warmth. Water. Rain. Is the herald of death. “Tianna.” “Yes child?” Though now his height inches over hers, she calls him child all the same. And it gives his heart comfort that some things remain the same. Even in this strange new world where fire burns under the rain and children are taken from their beds to their graves. “Stay with me.”
From the first ever fic I wrote in June 2018 but never published. I wrote like 3000+ words in one night. Also based on a crack theory.
Tho maybe I misunderstand this question...
Spoiler: Aoi slaps Shuuji’s brother while saying "How f*cking dare you"
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taegularities · 9 months
🐼✒️anon here
Just read cmi11.5 and im dying internally, literally im so fucking jealous of these dorks, i want what they have so badly😭😭😭
theyre so fucking cute, and jk is so whipped wbk but it was so refreshing to see things from his perspective. god bless you and your golden brain and hands rid✨️
but seriously, do men like this exist irl? im so desperate for this kind of love, so pure and raw, unconditional, healing, and so so heartwarming. these babies are healing each other slowly and building something so beautiful, im so jealous fuck😭
and a special note for your writing skills rid. you're a fucking poet. you amaze me everytime literally. the way you use words to express something so abstract is beautiful and admirable, you seriously are so talented and so hardworking. just curious, hope its okay to ask this, but have you considered pursuing a career in writing? have you ever thought of publishing your work? i genuinely believe you're meant for this, no pressure or anything, i just think you're brilliant and very deserving of more recognition
anyway, i saw your reply on my cmi11 review and i rlly appreciate your words, i get so happy when you reply to my messages🥹🫶🏻 i hope you're resting well and taking care of yourself. im very excited for entertainer as well, i love stories that portray jk as a menace, cant wait to read it :") in the meantime, again, take care of yourself, eat well, sleep well, drink water and love yourself🩷 sending you lots of love and positive energy🫸🏼💥✨️💖❤️‍🩹🌻🌟🌈🫂
babe, why are you literally so cute and wholesome 🥹 as i always say, i am manifesting such a love for all of us, so it'll be us and our loves that people will be jealous of one day hehe!! i promise you that relationships and men like these can exist!! i know bc there are emotions and dialogues in cmi that i've taken from my own past experiences. like, the line in cmi4/lights, "I think you're seeing the same stars as I am" is something someone i loved once said to me. keep holding onto hope hehe 🤍
and the note you added for me. panda pleaseeee 😭 i will sob, it's a threat!!! i've always wanted to publish a book, and maybe someday i will (would y'all buy it hehe 🥹), but i also find the thought so scary like oh my gosh putting myself out there!!! for now, i shall be writing my lil brainfarts, but perhaps someday. thank you, love 😭🤍
HEHE yes entertainer jk is more than just a menace, and we might not even notice at first >:) very excited for it as well!! hope you've been well and happy, too, babe. take care of yourself or i will!! 💕💕💕
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