#i cant deny there is a factor of that at play here since
wribbles · 1 year
Adopted brothers izuku & hitoshi - fell in love at young age -> become boyfriends (yes, incest)
Parents Erasermic are concerned but ultimately accepting, mostly just impressing on the boys that their relationship stays secret/hidden bc other ppl and society at large probably wouldnt take their relationship very well (what with it being "taboo" and people not reacting well to others being Different)
The boys do so, tho ofc they eventually get caught here and there (Midnight, nedzu, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, all over time)
Eventually the boys make a plan w todoroki where shouto will fake date izuku and be his beard to give the aizawa boys an alibi and cover. (Shouto is aroace and it was half his idea.) They all move in together when graduated & tododeku is known to the public while the shindeku is not (as desired)
Eventually (nearly 10 years after the b/g of the fake date ~16/17yo) shouto proposes marriage to izuku (bc it feels about time they do or ppl will start getting curious), and the idea of marrying sho when he cant marry hitoshi upsets izuku until he gets together w shouta-dad and they decide on having a small intimate shindeku wedding ceremony (no paperwork but yes vows) before the big public tododeku one.
(They will have wedding necklaces instead of rings - maybe chain & pearl/stone bead?)
Kaminari (who found out when hitoshi vented to him while very drunk lol) is toshi's best man and shouto is izuku's. Kaminari is fine w the incest thing bc 1) hes a cery chill guy 2) he loves his friends more than anything 3) they were always pretty close in school so he supposes it makes sense but 4) he hasnt fully processed the situation yet lol (he'll still be fine after but it hasnt entirely hit, hes just going w the flow)
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
SORRY FOR THE SPAM OP!!! simply magnificent menu here theres sm yummy fics !! anywho!!!! :3
would like to request jax having a softspot for the reader, thinking like "theyre dumb but only i can call them dumb" type of vibe ♡ bullied a bit less than others and behind closed doors, away from prying eyes hes so clingy!! c:<
Jax w/ a soft spot for the reader !
dont worry about the spam! i kind of just mentally block out spam stuff for this account, especially since i started taking TADC requests TToTT and ueueueue thank you!!
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honestly this is more or less basically what i write for romantic jax x readers/ stuff where reader and jax are close friends so this post may focus more on the clinginess factor, since i dont think ive written a clingy jax thing yet!
he tries to be sneaky about having you as his favorite, but the others have noticed that he takes it easy on you... lucky... hisshiss... i think this leads to some of the others teasing you, maybe.... but now that i write that i cant think of anyone in particular who would.... maybe ragatha, but like, non malicious teasing, you know? perhaps caine as well, also non maliciously
the others just keep quiet or just dont care (cough cough zooble)
tries to play it cool when defending you, cant be seen having a sweet spot for anyone here... though again im not sure who would be mean or rude to you... perhaps someone snapping at you and being snide after a hard day or a rough patch in a IHA? i can see zooble getting snappy, i think... kinger has probably accidentally screamed at you but like, because you startled him.. probably ended with jax getting onto him
as for behind closed doors.. i think jax would deny any accusations of being clingy and affectionate, i mean he has to keep up his image..! shut up hes not cuddling you, hes just trapping you under him to annoy you! no hes not hugging you, hes trying to pick you up so he can toss you! hush!
things like that you know
probably gets pouty, or even whiny, when you need to leave the room to go do something, this man does not want the cuddle session to be cut short
very touchy i think, loves having an arm slung around your shoulders while you two are together... his version of handholding, pretty much..
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 ☁︎
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Mark loves hugging Talia for some reason, something about her aura makes her seem so lovable
He likes her sitting next to him so he can hold her hand and play with her hair since its really soft
Another things is he likes to sleepover and cuddle her to sleep over at her room since it smells nice
When they hangout in his room when she is over at the 127 dorm he likes to have her laying on his lap in silence
When hes nervous he plays with her fingers or rings and lays her head on his shoulder and lays his head on hers
He whines when she leaves the hug to do work, especially in the winter since it cold
When he says he doesn't want to hug anymore she leaves to do something else, he captures her right back
"Im hot I dont wanna cuddle anymore." "Okay" *gets up to leave* "wait nevermimd COMEBACK PLEASE."
Pats her head a lot when she does a good job
When he backhugs her, he grabs her hips and shakes her back and forth it, amuses him
During fansigns he likes to sit next to her having an arm around her or holding her hand when they are not with fans, and claims her for a good couple minutes not before other members fight him
"Ya Mark hyung stop hogging her." "Am not" "ARE TOO" "AM NOT" *fight ensues*
Or in the waiting room, waiting to start a performance you can see Mark having a hand around her waist with his head on her shoulder looking at videos.
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Hugs her a lot on and off camera
When he grew more comfortable with her he likes to kiss her cheeks since they are squishy and when he is feeling mischievous he lightly bites them
"Squishy" *kisses them* *Tali thinks nothing of it* *not satisfied* *bites* "Ah NO-"
Likes it cling on to her when she wears cute things since he finds her adorable.
When she tries to hug him he playfully denies but when she doesn't continue (because she doesn't want to make him uncomfortable) she goes to another member then he grabs her and hugs her saying he wants them now.
Has a limb around her at most times unless the other members beat him to it.
Then if she is wearing something revealing he likes to hide her by a big hug when he doesnt have a jacket.
When she's nervous she caresses his birthmark on his hand and lays her head on his shoulder
Gives her piggy back rides when she is tired and honestly worried that he is able to since she is really light and wants her to gain weight
During dream promotions they nap together in the car, lounge etc.
Likes to braid her hair or do her makeup and he does it pretty well
Sometimes gets jealous of other members when they hug her first or too long
"AY You hugged her enough come here Tali." "NO DONT LISTEN TO HIM" "HAECHAN LET GO OF HER" "NEVER-"
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Likes to pick her up a lot since she is smaller than him
*looks down at Tali* *Tali minding her own business* *picks her up* "ah wait-" *spins* "NO-"
Likes to squish her cheeks a lot when she pouts
When they are sitting he likes to either have her on his lap or between his legs so be can backhug her
Then he likes to kiss her head for when she is feeling down, or when they are in a peaceful place.
Likes to hold her hand a lot as her hands are smaller compared to his and he finds it adorble
*holds hand* "hm?" *( ◜‿◝ )* "cute"
When he has trouble sleeping he likes to go to her side/room and sleep with her as she cuddles him to sleep or sings.
And in airports he likes to engulf her in a bear hug so fans won't pull her away/she wont get lost/ just to keep her safe.
She likes to squish his cheeks when he smiles.
When she cant reach something she says up up and he picks her up by the waist so she can grab it
Then when ever she is bored she would poke Jeno's mole which makes them both smile
Then he has his hand on her back guiding her during award ceremonies
Lots of piggy back rides between these two.
One of her pillows
Nap in the lounge all the times together if not with Jeno then she goes to Renjun
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Has a limb on her at all times, or just a member away from her.
Loves to kiss her cheeks and vice versa, she find his skin so pretty she finds it hard not to kiss it
Hugs her all the time front/backhug/side etc
Always kissing her hand aswell, holds it with Jeno fighting for it when she is working and using her other hand to write or type something
My girl is just unbothered
He likes to specifically kiss her pinky for some reason
Has this thing for her legs, likes to lay on them, message them, when hes protective as a hand on her thigh and glares at the guy
Always jealous when a member has her for "too long"
Tali gives him a lot of head pats which he enjoys since he feels accomplish
Then when Tali tries to leave their cuddles session to go to a schedule not with him he whines
"Haechanie I have to go-" "Nooo" "Yes I have to go-" "NooooOOOO COMEBACK PWEASSE-"
Then he gets so dramatic when she leaves for a tour for Blackpink since he won't see her a couple months or weeks.
During tours she rooms with Haechan or he whines so much to the members dislike and if he doesnt room with his noona he will break in and take her.
During Mv shoots she usually goes up to Haechan and huddles up to him when its cold, he takes advantage of that time.
In the waiting room you can see if Tali is not sleeping Haechan will be sleeping on top of her, while she is softly scratching his scalp relaxing him to make him fall asleep
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Let me tell you....this man is clingy to her.
Like he treats her like a princess and knows how to treat a girl, but he cant hold back
Like Haechan, he likes to kiss her cheeks and etc and thats how he shows his love to her
This man got them in a scandal on how he treats her but some people can't blame them its precious
He likes to tackle her with hugs, for example the level of aggressiveness he tackles her in different situations
One level is when she is back from a tour without them he tackles her to the ground another is when she leaves without a word then its when she loses balance now thats a 50% chance she will fall
He likes to use her as his personal pillow in the dorm/ in the louge when he takes a nap/ in the car etc
Will be one of the people to be right next to her when going somewhere to protect her
When he feels clingy he goes to her because he KNOWS she doesn't have the heart to deny him but knows she has a limit and doesn't cross it
This boy is possessive with her and cuddles, so he always fights Haechan or...all members
"Haechan let go, give her-" "No" "I- LET GO" "NO." *Haechan gets tackled*
When she wears revealing clothes he is always behind her either hugging her/covering her and sometimes tugs down the clothes
Or goes infront of her and button ups the clothes because if she does it she will get scolded
Then for fan service or to amuse him since he sometimes does it in the dorm he grabs a piece of hair and kisses it then smirks at her while she gives him either a blank or a flustered face
Likes to tickle her to her death doesn't stop until she says yes to her eating dessert with him when she is on diets.
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Was very very clingy towards her during trainee and debut years but got less but still clingy
A lot of hand holding an Chenle putting his head on her lap or shoulder
Fights anyone who tries to steal her away from him like Jaemin, Haechan ...well everyone
"Jaemin Hyung, no shes mine!" "No" "No?" "No" *silence* *fight breaks out*
When she gets quiet its not like she's never not he would always go next to her and accompany her while the chaos ensues
When she is over at his house he is always had a limb on her as he wants to spend as much time with her before the members come in
Always admires her eyes, so when she makes eye contact its hold for 5 minutes until she gets embarrassed which makes him hug her and say sorry
*makes eye contact* *gets embarrassed* "Oh IM SORRY, your eyes are so pretty...cute."
When he takes naps its usually with him on her
Will literally drag her out of bed so she can go out with him
Likes to mess with her hair and put ping tails which he finds adorble
When they are out together, they either have pinkys intertwined or hands, and if in a more crowded place has his arm around her shoulder or waist
Will cling on to her during hard times to feel reassurance that shes there
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He LOVES head pats from her
Its usually goes Tali laying on her bed and her hand is in the air fiddling with her rings
Then Jisung comes in and outs his head under her hand which makes her look at an adorble jisung wanting her attention which she starts petting his hair
Then he climbs on the bed and has trapped her in his limbs, unlikes Haechan she cant escape from his hugs
*put his head under her hand* *tali pets his hair* *traps her in his limbs* "i feel like this was a trap" *cutely nods*
Random ik but she made a baggett for him once when he asked Jaemin she just offered since she was making bread anyway and was waiting for the dough to rise
Likes to backhug her a lot since she smaller compared to him in height factor and honestly just wants to protect her like she protected him
Backhugs are the main part of this relationship, when she cooks for him its like a thank you
Likes to kiss her head since its more subtle then kissing her cheek
Tali loves squishing his cheeks and he lets her, since it makes her happy it also makes Jaemin jealous
"Squish squish" *smiles down at her* *Jaemin sulking in the back*
They fix each other hair, but mostly him fix her hair and him feeling accomplished afterwards
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scandeniall · 4 years
we’re us
pairing: atsumu x f!reader
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summary/warnings: after atsumu almost lost you he decides ts time to make things official. But he’s overly sweet and its weird. Thats not who you two are / mentions of near death, implied sex, hes grossly sweet for part of it, mentions of bad parents
a/n: this is a PART 2 to the rulers. a few of you asked and i decided to give us a happier ending than what we wre left with in rulers. (rulers is 12k words and gives the context to this so kinda impt!)
wc: 2k
“Would you fucking stop,” you scowl swatting at the hands on your waist as you stumbled into the office. You roll your eyes at the way your desk chair is pulled out for you. “No can do. You’re supposed to be taking it easy.” Atsumu replies ignoring the frown at him sitting in the desktop. His hand subconsciously takes yours stroking at the skin and you resist the urge to take your hand from him. He needed it. 
It’d been three months since the incident and since you’d gone into a coma. You stayed in it for a little over a week. Atsumu remembered how he numbly took in the doctors diagnosis. Something about a complication from the surgery or maybe it was blood loss from the bullet wounds? Something about a seizure thus prompting your state. All the medical terminology confused him. 
After he finally decided to visit three days later he came as often as he could. He assigned people like Oikawa to do press releases on his behalf. It was already hard enough having to hear events recounted over the news. He couldn’t be the one to talk about it. 
“President of Yokohama (Y/L/N), (Y/F/N) caught in apparent shootout with parents among others. The 23 year old was rushed to the hospital by non other that Vice President Miya Atsumu. As of now it is known that (Y/N) has fallen into a combs and that Miya will be taking over. The voting families are likely to vote over a course of action within the upcoming days.”
One thing Atsumu made sure to do was to get your recording. You risked your life to get a confession out of your parents. A confession that they had plans to kill you. He sent the recording off and following their own minor recoveries they were promptly arrested. Trials took long and there’d be no way an official one would happen until you were ready, but nonetheless he was happy that both them and Terushima were out of your hairs. 
The day you woke up Atsumu actually shed tears. It was something he denied and claimed that the hospital fumes were finally getting to him when Osamu teased him. But everyone knew better. He’d take your condition worse, a factor that even your little sister teased him on. “(Y/N’s) strong and a bad ass. She’ll be fine. Stop acting like a wimp” he couldn’t even scold the 14 year old for the word choice. 
Even though the first face you made was a grimace, followed by confusion and agitation he couldn’t help but think you were beautiful. He stayed in the room as they took the feeding tube out, gagging himself at how gross it all seemed. He held your hand as you took sips of water all disoriented. 
A few days after that you were able to go back home and he took you to his. Your sister had been staying there and there was no way he’d let you go back to neither your parents or your own now trashed house alone. He’d wheeled you out of the hospital demanding you to keep your head down at the flashing lights and journalists. He’d buckled you in like a child despite you rolling your eyes and complaining and driven you to his. 
He made sure you took all your medications and attended your personal physical therapy sessions. A month in when you wanted to go back to work fully he refused, citing that until you were fine he was the one in charge. He could and would disobey your orders to keep you safe. “I swear once I’m fine I’m going to fucking fire you.” “How do you fire the family head sweetheart? Try again.”
Now two months later you were heading back into your office for the first time. With non other than your shadow practically attached to your hip. You watched as he animatedly recounted some events from his latest press conference and boring financial meetings as his thumb subconsciously rubbed circles into onto the back of your hand. Your hand was slightly sweaty but you resisted the urge to pull away. Ever since you’d found out that you technically died, Atsumu had been more touchy than normal. 
“Hey Tsumu?”
The call of his name stopped him mid sentence as his eyes peered at yours with concern. He started questioning if you were ok or in pain and if it here time for your meds.
“Thank you. For everything. Stepping up, I know this isn’t easy for you, especially since it was so sudden. And for watching after my sister and me.”
“Well it is my job as VP. Ya know when ya can’t do your job. It’s annoying but-“ he chucked as you stood up and told him to shut up. His hands found your waist both as a way to stabilize you and to resume physical contact as you eased in between his legs. “You talk too fucking much,” you mumble arms locking around his neck. 
“I was trying to be serious and thank you and here you are making me regret it.” You don’t miss the way his eyes glance at your lips as you talk. You continue playing with the ends of his hair as you talk. “I appreciate it a lot. Even if you are overbearing and annoying.”
“Yeah well, we’re us. And you know I’d take a bullet for ya”
“Too bad you didn’t take this one,” you muse using one hand to motion at your healing side. You smiled as his hands slipped under your sweatshirt to caress the scar. 
“I wouldve.” He says the words without missing a beat while you frown. “Being sweet doesn’t suit you. Where’s asshole Atsumu.”
“I almost lost ya. I was the one who held ya in the backseat as you bled out. I had to get rid of the car. Couldn’t get the smell, stains or memories out. I was there when you flat lined (Y/N). Sorry if I cant act normal like the shit didn’t happen.”
“All the more reason to act like the man I fell in love with,” you shrug. “The non punctual asshole who doesn’t listen to half the shit i say. The smartass who cares for his friends and family more than he lets on. The one so committed to what he does that id never trust anyone else even a fraction as much. Life is short. Clearly,” you snort referencing your own situation. 
“No point in being different. What’s done is done. Besides, we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. With the trial and reformations and-“
“Ya just said you loved me.” Your face scrunched up at his smug one. His voice had a happy lilt to it. “If you didn’t know that by now you really are dumber than I thought. Pretty sure it’s been obvious.”
His reaction was to hop off the desk, this time his arms coming around you in a hug.  “God, I’m so in love with ya.” The words came whispered in your ear and you couldn’t help but melt into the hug. “Good or this would’ve been really awkward.”
“Wait a fuckin’ second-“ you eyed him in confusion as the embrace ended you stepping back to cross your arms. “I said i was gonna confess first. Ya just had to mess things up. Take it back. I bet Samu that i would” You looked at him in disbelief. “On second thought-“
Your words are cut off by his hands pulling your hips into his. “Will you be my girlfriend. Let’s make it official.”
“What did i tell you about being sweet,” you scold the both of you leaning in your lips hoovering over each other. “Give me a few more weeks to worry about ya alright?” You nod hands locking around his neck. “Deal. And yes I’ll let you be my boyfriend.”
“Gonna ignore that for now,” before you could react he turns the two of you so that your back was against the desk. His lips ghosting the shell of your ear as he tells you to sit. Before he steps back eying you. “Can’t believe I almost lost this.” 
The words are whispers to himself and you almost didn’t hear him as his hands trail up your thighs. “You’re so beautiful.”
“I’m literally in sweats. A far cry from how you usually see me” you tease leaning back to shift your weight into your palms. “Still the most beautiful woman in the world.” You ignore the warmth that blossoms within you opting to grab at his wrist. “I thought I said to stop being sweet.”
You thought you hear him say something about your deal it it’s quickly forgotten as he slots himself between your legs and roughly presses his lips against yours. 
A few months later
“Well it’s done. How d’ya feel.” Atsumu is the first to speak out his words filling the space within the car. “Like shit. But I’ll live.” You mutter honestly. “Ya want to take a few days off from the office?” His hand rubs comfortably up and down your thigh. 
“And have you try and mess up my office. I’ll pass,” you sigh out, head coming to rest upon the headrest. “Sorry my taste is better than yours.” You flick your middle finger at him before closing your eyes. “Yeah well redecorate your own damn office. Oh wait- it’s not as nice as mine”
His laugh fills the car and you smile as his lips press against the back of your hand. The two of you sit in silence, the forming clouds outside seeming to match the conflict in your heart. “It’s just weird you know.” He nods in support. 
“I know they tried to like kill me but— they were still my parents. They taught me everything I know.” A silence fills the car, Atsumu not really knowing what to say. “I hate that you’re so quiet these days.”
“I’ve lost at least 7 years of my life having to worry about ya through all this s-OW!” You roll your eyes as he rubs the arm you’ve just hit. He complained about you having a good arm before telling you to look at him. 
“You’ll be fine. Ya got me and-“
“Is that supposed to be comforting?” 
Shaking his head he continues,” and your sister and Granny. Our friends, and the whole city behind ya babe.”
You found yourself slowly nodding. You’re right,” you mutter more to yourself before leaning over the console to press a kiss on his cheek. Atsumu gives you a look before complaining. “That’s all I get. What a shitty thanks.”
You notice he slightly reclines his seat a smirk now on his face. “You’re definitely back to being annoying,” you scoff. “If you think I’m gonna ride you ride now you’ve lost it.”
“I’m just getting comfortable. What’s so bad about that. But what’s 1 kiss.” You ignore the way his hand creeps higher as you lean over the console. “It’s not even gonna be that if you don’t meet me halfway.” His eyes soften for a minute as he complied allowing your lips to connect. “Ya know what always makes me me feel better,” he mumbles lips against yours. 
The hand that had been on your thought moved to cup your jaw. “If you say sex I’m gonna walk home,” you breathe out as he presses fluttering kisses along the side of your neck. He only laughs. “That and spending money. Let’s go out.”
You ignore the shiver that runs down your spine as his touch gets harsher and you can feel the beginnings of a pain in the ass bruise at the junction between your neck and shoulder. “Only if you’re buying.” That causes him to stop, his eyes catching yours. “Aw c’mon ya have more money than me.”
“It’s official. I hate you,” you deadpan pulling away to sit in your seat. “I’m just joking. Lighten up woulda,” he teases the two of you fastening your seatbelt. “Just drive already.”
“Hey, (Y/N). I love you”
“I love you too. Now I think I deserve a treat right?
a/n: well one day i may add on to this universe but for now my longest piece of work is complete. Are there things id do differently? absolutely but for a total of 14k words between the two pieces? IM PROUD. thank u if u read it ily. Untl the next celebration yall
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makiema · 5 years
I was just reading Snk 123 again and somehow I’m just so sad that Isayama literally flipped Levi out of Eren’s life just like that. I mean this has been hard to accept for a long time now but with all the miscommunication between AM and Eren in this chapter, it is even harder to take in. Levi has played such a big role in Eren’s development and has always understood Eren better than anybody. His pov is extremely important at this point. And I’m just a lot frustrated at how Isayama keeps pushing him out of the whole conundrum. So basically I wanted to write a meta but I was just too sad to write a meta so below the cut is just a whole rant about Levi and Eren and why we need Levi back in Eren’s life. Eh, it’s like really long but I just had to get this off my chest.
I just want Levi to talk with Eren once more before the manga concludes. His POV is extremely important rn, more than ever, given that he was the only one who acknowledged Eren for his whole self ( yes both his darker side and the baby side). Additionally he was the only one who talked to Eren in his language (like freedom and choice) something that would later influence Eren’s outlook and consequently his speeches too. I don’t have anything against AM (in fact I love both of them a lot) but really the fact that they CHOSE to see only one side of Eren is something that’s undesirable and unfortunate. I mean, every living person has a darker twist associated with them. Nobody is flawless and it’s important for us as well as people around us to acknowledge the flaws, to accept a person for who he is. Choosing to ignore the darker aspects and accepting only the idealised version of someone is rather naive and immature behaviour.
And here I just wanna point out how Levi was always aware about the darkness that Eren possesses inside him. He has always spoken in terms of duality when it came to Eren like to him, Eren was both a “tameless monster” that might be dangerous and also his “source of all miracles” ,i.e., his hope. Levi is someone who never had a Romantic perception of Eren. But for AM, it was just the opposite. Could it be because AM were somewhat afraid that if they chose to see Eren’s darkness it might make them love him less and also shatter the idealism they associate with him? And am I blaming AM for having this outlook? Hell no. It’s a personal take but tbh as teenagers that’s not uncommon. I mean we do like to think that the people closest to us are absolutely perfect. We like to believe that they can never be in the wrong, specially when it comes to family and childhood friends who’ve been there for us since forever. It’s hard to accept that they might have a darker side to them. AM love Eren so much that it makes them turn a blind eye to reality and they “did not want to see” the slow transformation in Eren because that could lead them to confront Eren’s demons. 
However, coming back to Levi, he really foreshadowed Eren’s whole character arc in his understanding of Eren’s nature. Yes, Eren does have a darker psychological side: he is essentially a monster that cannot be hold in check by anybody. Mikasa and Armin tried in 112, but sadly they couldn’t get through to him. And also, let’s talk about the difference in approaching Eren when it comes to AM and Levi. Armin, in all the instances he managed to talk Eren out of his delirious state, has always made references to the outside world and elaborated on the beauty and variety that lies there. It was kind of like projecting his own dreams onto Eren and not realizing that Eren doesn’t care about oceans or mountains or deserts or anything. For Eren, it is not about the beauty of the world or the variety in it, it is the FREEDOM and the FREEDOM OF CHOICE that a person who’s not oppressed has when it comes to seeing and experiencing the world. In contrast to Armin’s way, we have Levi’s way of approaching Eren where he talks about the different taste in air outside the walls because the outside has what BOTH OF THEM value: FREEDOM. Levi also talked about how hellish the outside is, in contrast to Armin always associating beauty with it. And when Eren later talks to Falco he tells that what awaits him might just be another hell, but it could be hope too- the hope of finally being free. Levi has a superior understanding of Eren, of what he needs to hear, etc.- something that can’t be just thrown out of the window. (Isayama did just that by denying any involvement from Levi when it comes to Eren’s recent actions/attitude. He denied us the talk that was much needed)
Now the VN isn’t exactly canon given that it wasn’t written by Isayama but we can consider it semi-canon as it required Isayama’s approval. So, the whole thing highlighted the message that “Humanity’s strongest understands Eren Jaeger very well” and yeah, even going by the manga we know Levi is integral in Eren’s development and is the only one who saw through the duality in Eren, understood his drive and his will. So why all the focus on Levi’s understanding of Eren if it is supposed to amount to nothing in the end? I get that Isayama wanted to set it up like Levi’s role in Eren’s life is over but it is just so abrupt?? I mean, okay I accept that when Levi said “He’s fifteen. Everyone has a phase like that”, it was an indirect reference to the fact that Eren is in the teenage phase™️ where he wants to be left alone with only his friends and therefore, Hange shouldn’t be so inquisitive (and maybe Levi too should not concern himself with Eren as much as he used to before??) Like, if we look at this way, it justifies Levi’s distance from Eren post the basement revelation. Since then, we got no other moment of conversation between them while before that, there’d be plenty. I get Isayama’s motif of taking Levi out of Eren’s life to add fuel to Eren’s gradual isolation from everybody but then why did he bother to put so much emphasis on Levi’s understanding of Eren in the beginning? It should have some ulterior purpose right? If the Rumbling does happen and the world is really destroyed (i’m not ruling out the possibility of the world destruction not happening im just considering the situation if it really does comes to the worst), there has to be someone who reproaches Eren, someone who berates him in a way that he understands and reflects on what he has done; someone who brings up the topic of if this is really what freedom demands and actually gives us the answer to the pertinent question: if this was the only way? And I cant think about anyone else really suited for this other than Levi- someone who realized the potential for danger that Eren holds? someone who always realized his desire for freedom? (Also, Levi and Hange are the only senior officers left right now so it ideally should be either of them but because Levi played a greater role in Eren’s life compared to Hange, I side more for him being the one to deal with Eren.)
Also, Armin pointed out how he always thought he understood Eren even more than Mikasa but it turned out that he actually didn’t; the same went for Mikasa in 123 when she accepted that she’s been seeing only one side of Eren. Both of them could never accept the plausibility of Eren doing something so monstrous. But, Levi could. From the very beginning. Not that it made him love Eren any less I mean, he did say that he’d willingly go to war again to protect Eren. Besides the vow he made to Erwin, the fact that Zeke could be controlling Eren and it’s Zeke’s fault that the higher-ups don’t trust Eren, also became a crucial factor for Levi to decide going against authority and killing Zeke. That’s how much Levi still loves Eren, even after Liberio. So all I am saying is that Levi should be let in Eren’s life once this all is over and the manga concludes because imo there is no one better qualified to address Eren and talk to him as he is now. Only someone who had a vague idea about Eren’s darkness can and also should talk him down. If the Rumbling really happens, and all hell is really let loose, then is this really the freedom that Eren wanted? Is this a price worth paying? Given that Levi is the only one who has spoken explicitly about freedom to Eren, his take on this becomes extremely important and that’s why we need a Levi-Eren talk or at least Levi’s pov on Eren and the Rumbling. 
The manga has established that Levi understands Eren’s drive for freedom and his monstrous essence better than anybody else. In fact, it is an undeniably important aspect of his character arc and unless he gets to have a final conversation with Eren then his arc will never really get a proper closure. At least, this is how I feel and I’m also sad that Isa made him so non-inclusive in Eren’s life just like that and in his place, AM couldn’t understand Eren at all. I mean let’s face it he is Eren’s mentor and his influence on Eren is so visible that this cutting away of Levi from Eren’s life just doesn’t sit well with me. Maybe it’s because I’m biased idk but I strongly feel like Levi should get a final say on Eren and his behaviour, because right now, as it stands, he is the only one who got the closest to understanding Eren, all of him.
164 notes · View notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
January 10th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on January 10th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Chasing Little Lights by Evelyn Shi.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Chasing Little Lights by Evelyn Shi~! (http://www.cllcomic.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
my favorite scene so far is probably...well okay its not really a scene so much as a moment in a scene. but when soren is walking around with valentin and noticing that valentin already has like 1 billion friends. i can just severely relate to soren in that moment. it has some fantastic facial expression and i just love the panel framing too. theres kind of this sense of isolation whenever you see valentin interact. and even though soren is there, you get this sense he is the one out of place. and i just really think the visual aspects alone express that kind of loner thing he has going on
haha hi! i'm the creator of Chasing Little Lights and i'll stick around here for a bit!
glad to have you, @eleviken ~!
i'm really glad you took note of that scene! i wanted to capture their different personalities - they are friends and get closer as the comic progresses, but soren is quite shy and valentin is a classic extrovert! i think valentin doesn't intend to single out people sometimes but he can give off that vibe
actually honestly i really love valentin and soren's interactions. theyre very different people, and usually when you have an extrovert and an introvert they kind of butt heads. but nah, in this case valentin is like "hey buddy lets get bubble tea" and to me thats just super refreshing to see.
another scene i really like was the fencing scene. it played out exactly how i imagined it would: elena got her arrogant butt beaten by someone with infinite more years experience. but what i like more is that she doesnt expect this. instead to retreats further into her belief that she just wasnt on her a-game. cause i feel this is a moment that is true to how a real person would act.
and i also like how it preps for future drama
that's great!! yeah i wanted valentin to be a good hearted person inside, even if he gives off an absentmindedly popular vibe! but of course there will be fights between the characters>:)
mhm! for me the fencing scene got quite tedious actually, as i wanted to have the action play out in maybe a few weeks, rather than dragging on for over a month. but i can only make a page per week with school and all, so i'm glad you enjoyed that!
all the characters are good people despite their flaws- elena's is arrogance obviously. we'll see how her character growth plays out in the future!
yeah theres no doubt in my mind theyre good people. but i love all their flaws because theyre poignant and feel super realistic. not to mention i really enjoy a lot of the elements that stress them out cause to a degree it helps to make them feel their age.
mhm, in future chapters - especially chapter 4, which is coming up soon, there will be more dramatic/challenging obstacles in the plot that will test their innocence as kids
i wanted to emphasize the coming of age aspect in the story because some challenges force you to grow up
exactly what im hoping for. cause these kids are def in a situation where their innocence is gonna be tested. what with all the air pollution.
this is not s etting of happiness
K.E. Karlsen
yeah thats a theme i like seeing in stories and i can definitely see it happening in yours, whatever may happen
can i ask where you got the idea of a setting with air pollution sickness?
The little one is in bed for the moment, but I might have to leave unexpectedly. ^.^
Rebel - I kind of liked that scene with Valentin having all the friends, but I think what I liked more was kind of the follow-up, when Kasen sees Soren with Valentin and thinks, geez, that guy's already got a friend. Kind of a perspective shift.
i live in Shanghai, China, and air pollution has been a pretty big issue here! it has gotten better over the past few years but it's still very polluted. air pollution is also quite bad in areas like mongolia and india and other parts of asia
Nice closer to Chapter 2 also.
QUESTION 2. The comic’s setting is one where air pollution can be rampant enough to cause a fatal sickness called contamina. Given Valentin’s blood-filled coughing, do you believe he has contracted contamina? Why do you believe he is so intent on hiding his symptoms, especially from Elena? If Valentin does have contamina, do you believe he’d come to accept it or continue to live in denial? Whether he has contamina or not, how do you believe the others will react to finding out about the coughing? Overall, do you think Valentin’s health problems will change the group’s opinions on how normalized the air pollution is? How might this change their future goals?
Characters need flaws, or it's boring.
mathtans - to add on i think soren and kasen are more similar in personality than elena and val, defnitely! but they face very different challenges, so i think it makes them different in that way too:))
i am also a high school student! so i think CLL is at least semi-autobiographical in many ways
Truth, probably makes sense that the siblings are a bit alike too.
on question 2 - i won't give away too much
I've been reading most of your little author notes btw eleviken. I think it's very cool that you're using your location as a setting. (Also, your field trip to Mongolia sounds really interesting, possibly more interesting than it was, I dunno.)
but of course val will eventually be forced to face the issue
I think Valentin is hiding the symptoms for a couple reasons. One, if people start talking about it, that makes it "real" and harder to deny to himself. Second, since his parents died due to pollution, he doesn't want his sister to have to go through the same kind of thing again.
what really!!! i love leaving the author notes as a record to what i'm up to that week, but i didn't expect too many people to take note! my trip was a culture/service trip and it was definitely interesting, as it was quite different from the big city life in Shanghai
you mean val doesnt just gain immortality and thus is rewarded for his denial?
Maybe val /is/ an immortal!
no problems here
I wonder if on some level, like subconsciously, Valentin is hoping for a breakthrough that helps out his own health. And Elena's dismissal of his attempts at research may not be helping with that (though I get why she does it).
Valentin - There can be only one.
eleviken: Yup, I'm one of those readers who tends to check out Q&As and Author Notes and stuff. In particular I was interested because I've never been to China or anywhere in the far East. Cool!
(I'm also a high school teacher, so there's that side of me, pleased to see students doing creative things. )
i honestly feel the denial is more for valentin's sake than elena's sake. because hes what, 14? 14 is not the age where youre ready to accept mortality. 14 is the age where you believe youre super invincible and nothing ever bad will happen to you ever. can do whatever you want for you are the immortal one. and to accept he has contamina is to accept that whatever he had planned in his future is now kaput. and i just dont think hes ready for that, thus the hiding.
not to mention denial is the first stage of the 5 stages of grief
valentin is definitely an optimist, and as the creator it even makes /me/ sad to see (or make lol) him suffer. he's definitely holding out hope for a miracle about his health, whether it turns out to be contamina or not. he is definitely at a point of denial, by filling his life with fun and his new friends to forget about the problem!
Oh, the denial is probably more for his sake, you're right. The not telling might be for Elena's sake a bit though.
mathtans - no way, that's amazing! Thank you for teaching, it's definitely hard work!
Valentin is kind of the type to throw caution to the wind too, like I don't know the specifics of the disease, but he wanders around without a mask like that won't make the problem get worse faster or something.
Oh, thank you eleviken.
eh i feel that the hiding it from others goes along with hiding it from himself. cause i get more the impression hes hiding it from the others to protect himself more than to protect the others. cause if he told elena, shes going to make a fuss and treat him like hes dying. and he cant very well live in denial about dying if everyone treats him like hes dying.
That's a good point too, Rebel. (Who knows what's going on in his head!)
although im sure there isnt no element about protecting elena cause of what happened to their parents. i just think self preservation is the overriding factor
val and elena definitely have the petty sibling dynamic, but with their parents gone they are also looking out for each other. elena isn't good at expressing her emotions, though, so it's not directly stated that she's protective! i think part of his not-wearing-a-mask-stupidity is denial as well. as someone who's inclined to be happy, Val really wants to hold on to that happiness!
Maybe Soren will come up with the cure. Can't kick him out of school if he does that.
Ah soren's grade issue is quite important too! i think the pressure to achieve perfect grades is a reality for many students, and i especially see it at my school.
although tbh i get the hint of a stigma? like at least that guy in the bathroom was kind of...apprehensive when he thought valentin might have contamina. even tho its established contamina is not contagious, its kind of got the cancer affect it seems. where everyone is like eww gross stay away from me sick person. and for an extrovert like valentin, that would probably be devastating. to be avoided because of something like being sick.
Speaking as a teacher, I feel like society (well, North American society at least) is starting to put way too much emphasis on grades, and not enough emphasis on, y'know, actually learning stuff. Students tend to ask me "how can I get an 80%" not "how can I understand this unit better".
Rebel: Good point. It's said to not be contagious, but if people think that only poorer types who can't afford to replace their masks get the disease, that might be part of it.
that's definitely very true at my school - as an asian school with an american system, the pressure to get 4.0s, have extracurriculars, and get into ivies is supersupersuper high. i'm under that pressure myself!
haha that emphasis on grades over learning has been in the us for a looooong time. but now you have helicopter parents so a good portion of teachers in the us are just giving the grades anyway. because administration wont back the teachers up in the face of angry parents.
but i digress.
mathtans - i'm going to admit i never thought about the "poorer people" part, that's very smart!
You never know what will be read into things, feel free to run with it.
Yeah, it's not as bad here in Canada, but we still have some standardized testing. Anyway.
Hope you're able to weather the pressure, eleviken. The fact that you can keep up with a comic shows pretty good time management skills.
i definitely feel that valentin's dilemma will make all the kids confront the air pollution. especially elena cause seeing another person she loves get contamina has to make her confront the idea that air pollution is bad and they shouldnt just go "nah its fine and normal were kids"
thanks mathtans! i'm managing to keep up :))
i think high school can definitely be a bubble from real-world issues, and val's problem is forcing him to face the real world. that's a big coming of age part!
yeah and i definitely love that about this story. that theres this whole conflict and theme of the child bubble world vs the actual world with all its huge problems that are overwhelming to deal with
It's one of those things too where, if you see it every day, it just becomes normal. Why confront something that's normal? Whereas for the transfer students, it's not a normal thing, so maybe they can help with that.
peeks in
Good point, eleviken.
Hello there~
Just thought I'd drop in till the end
and this comic of yours is pretty interesting, @eleviken
speaking of that, i am heading to class! i will still be here for the most part, though. :))
You're welcome! Kudos too for representing all these different countries
(And shoutouts to Soren's hair)
hey super~!
Hi Rebel!
good luck in class, eleviken!
and thats also true math. i definitely get that impression from val and elena
All the best with classes!
that theyre just so used to it they cant even fathom what clean air is like even
too normal
just everyday life
Yeah, the choice to have a bunch of countries was cool. I like the little flags in the dialogue bubbles.
although speaking of normalization though, i really loved that dialogue piece where kasen was saying "did you hear about that celebrity who died of contamina" to elena and elena just said what a shame i liked their music.
like man
I'm also impressed that Valentin can already speak 5 languages.
thats great characterization on how they view the world
valentin dying is a tragedy
Is this still going? For CLL
Rebel - Great point there.
cause he seems super smart
yes it is~!
we still have another hour left
DAWG!!! HEY!!!
QUESTION 3. Kasen and Soren are both characters who have to deal with academic and parental pressure for various reasons. Do you believe Soren will be able to maintain a 3.5 grade average? Or, do you think even with the help of the others he’ll continue to struggle and fall behind? Whether he fails or succeeds, do you believe the school will continue to honor their scholarship agreement? In the long run, do you believe Soren will be able to help pull his family out of poverty with his potential academic success? Kasen, being the headmaster’s daughter, has to deal with similar pressures. Do you believe that Kasen will be able to convince her father to let her go to art school? How might she accomplish this? Alternatively, do you believe she’ll give into her father’s reasoning? Lastly, how might these similar struggles help or hurt the groups’ relationships with each other?
I saw your wall post lmao
rebel - ngl i added that dialogue in later, probably about a year into the comic. i really wanted to emphasize the air pollution part!
I thiiiiink that Soren is gonna have to make some sort of sacrifice to maintain his GPA
ok i love these questions! i won't spoil but it's great to see this discussion
I think what's keeping Sore n back is his self confidence lol, that's one of the things about his character - he's always putting himself down and getting really anxious about everything
That's pretty much what happens at all these CTP's
and Kasen , she's a bright student but needs to be pushed - what's holding her back, I think, is inexperience
Just want to add, I think all the characters have parental issues, even the other two mains because of how their parents passed on. It's an interesting theme.
That's sad.
yeah! kasen is quite smart, but she doesn't want to ~try~ at school because she wants to do art. as a creator i think she still should to an extent, but the pressure from her father is quite high
I can relate to that so much
oooh that's relatable
Dawg: Yeah, I'm reminded of the "reading difficulties" thing that was alluded to, and how the book he was reading at one point said "you're going to fail" or words to that effect. So definite self confidence issues. I wonder if Soren does have some kind of learning disability though, like dyslexia or something? Or maybe just has trouble with English, is better with German.
me too! i don't have plans to go to art school, but the pressure to do well is quite high
ohhh right yeah
I was good in school but lots of times I would just zone out and think of making art/games because it gets really tedious.
i definitely think soren has self confidence issues, but i dont think thats the only thing holding him back persay. i think hes probably suffering a bit from actually being educationally behind. because private schools have way more intense curriculum and generally better educational programs than public schools. so its like someone whose only taken algebra that now they have to do calculus.
Soren maybe has a language barrier as well? Since he's going to a prestigious college out of the country
mathtans - nope! english is just not soren's native language
yeah, and ASI is a very competitive school
But yeah just saying I can relate to that feeling of wanting freedom
I also don't feel like Soren will be able to pull off the 3.5, but that maybe there will be extenuating circumstances (from his friends advocating for him to Soren discovering a cure for the disease) that might prevent him from being kicked out.
wait what's soren's gpa at right now?
or is it unknown
Rebel: That's also a good point, about private schooling.
he mentioned it
its under 3.5
close but under
oh ok
he'll be fine pfpfttt
I have a feeling that he's going to reach that GPA through hard academic studies, and then get kicked out for smoking weed or something
These feels
it seems like the most unlikely thing he'd do but at the same time i can see him doing it
i think he can do it cause hes super close to a 3.5. so he only has to do a smidgen better in a few classes and just not do worse in others
Meanwhile I'm looking at these pages and just feeling sorry for Soren
this is what soren will do in college when he find out high school was worthless and basically a cruise ship
I second that
i also feel if he hits 3.5 theyre gonna raise the bar on him
and say "good job soren. now get a 4.0 or we kick you out"
cause i feel like that counselor would not care at all about the struggles and triumphs he went through to even get a 3.5
That's harsh.
i mean not that im hoping thats the direction
but that counselor gives me bad vibes man
like theyre just waiting and hoping to kick soren out
i feel bad for soren that its being put on him to pull his family out of poverty
especially cause his academic success doesnt even gurantee that
getting a job is a whole other ballpark
With Kasen, wasn't it also implied that she has social problems on top of academic problems?
I remember there beeing a scene where she looks out the window and is sad i think
idk if she has social problems? she seems better adjusted than soren socially speaking. although shes definitely less outgoing than elena and val
although i do get the impression shes maybe not the best at expressing herself?
like i kind of feel she holds back some
oh right
Hi!! I really wanted to make it to this chat cause I read all of the comic. I think poor Valentin is misguidedly thinking he’s being selfless in that he doesn’t tell anyone. And he probably doesn’t think it’s contamina
Oh hello there. ^^
Back. Little one was fussing in her crib.
Welcoem back!
Yupp, Val's gonna have to accept his sickness or else he will have consequencesss
Hope the little one's doing alright @mathtans
tbf val's acceptance is irrelevant to the consequences
I gotta go, I have to do AP bio (which is a course that Soren takes) no wonder he has a 3.2 GPA the homework is ass
I was wondering about that counselor, if she had hearing problems or something. Because the first time we meet her, we see Soren knock at the door, he comes in, and then she says "knock next time". I was thinking, like... he did? Where were you?
goodluck @eleviken !! goodbyee
SJB: Oh yeah, she's fine, just not much of a sleeper.
Dawg: Best with it!
(I was never into bio.)
good luck dawg!
i dont think the counselor has a hearing problem
she was probably just focused
which i get
when im focused i legit cancel out all sound
aah I see, Math.
ShaRose: Interesting point, about the being selfless thing.
i think the counselor has a being a bitch problem cough cough
@mathtans yeah I guess
Prejudiced against Germans.
Yeah that counsellor sucked
but im sure she has reasons and stuff
I'd believe it if she did have a bitch problem
but admittedly as someone who was as socially anxious as soren at that age
i wouldve been in tears if i had knocked and someone's reply to me was "knock first"
so that moment specifically angered me to no end
in the good way
Yeah, character feels.
Yeah I felt sorry for Soren. My Dad is German so I guess that makes me half
Soren is nothing but feels
And nice hair
yes the hair too
I just want to hug him.
I want to see Soren do some of his music stuff.
Secodning the music stuff
Also the hug
i love drawing soren's hair!
it's my favorite
im personally more interested in seeing kasen and art stuff. cause just cause she wants to go to art school doesnt necessarily mean shes good enough to get in.
which actually would be an ironic twist
That would be interesting
Also great to hear Eleviken!
I love drawing characters with fun/wild hair myself, it can be pretty fun sometimes, is a biiiit hard.(edited)
That's true. Kasen's possibly my fave character, just because she's in a tight spot by virtue of her father, which she can't do anything about.
But the pollution aspect was really intriguing to me. It’s a real problem in China. But I can relate a little because here in Canada there have been so many fires in the summer especially BC that the air is all smoky all the time and some people have respiratory issues. I could be wrong but I think some people died because of it or at least got sick. I wasn’t bothered by the air when I visited bc
Oooh, I should be shipping Kasen and Elena.
@eleviken Hi there, author!! I was hoping you’d be here
That sounds scary, ShaRose
But I was surprised that the air in BC didn’t really bother me at all
It was a little. I hope next summer isn’t bad. I’m sure it was very scary and awful for the people in BC @Superjustinbros
Hopefully it's not so bad next year
Roommate ships are best ships. ^.^
Yeah. The news said the pollution because of the smoke was as bad as the air quality in China this summer
...Jesus christ.
QUESTION 4. Despite her generally good nature, Elena has her own sorts of troubles to deal with. Do you think Elena should have been captain of the fencing team as she believes she should have? Why or why not? Do you think Fenya views Elena with the same disdain Elena has for her, or might Fenya feel differently? Regardless, how might their rivalry affect their teamwork? Overall, do you think that Fenya and Elena might be able to patch things up and become friends? As shown recently, Elena also has to deal with her parents having died from contamina. Assuming she finds out, how might Valentin’s situation change her opinion about her parents’ work (if at all)? In general, how might Elena’s experiences at school change her as a person?
I think Fenya might be just ignorant but I could be reme,Bering her wrong
i really love kasen and the dad's dynamics as far as the future goes. cause as a child i def was kasen, wanting to pursue that creative dream. but as an older adult i actually get a lot more with the dad is coming from cause creative pursuits are a hard path. which is why im curious how talented kasen is in the first place. cause she might come to realize that even if she wants to art, she may just not have the talent for it
K.E. Karlsen
no i dont think she should have been captain of the fencing team.
I liked fenya she was big and strong and had green hair
Green Hair is always good
K.E. Karlsen
the girl who won (apologies its been awhile since i read, i have been reading since its updates and havent had time for a reread and forgot her name ;;;) i think it was best she won, she clearly knew more what she was doing
Oh yeah! I wanted to mention that was real clever, having Fenya and Elena meet early on, then have them become rivals later. Though I don't think Fenya really sees Elena as a rival or with disdain or anything, like just, there's this other girl who fences decently but doesn't watch where she's going, whatever.
@K.E. Karlsen @Superjustinbros yup yup
K.E. Karlsen
oh is her name fenya?
yeah i agree. elena did not deserve to be captain. especially cause she was a sore loser.
yes her name is fenya
K.E. Karlsen
ok thats who im talking about sorry!! im bad at remembering names
thats okay
no shame in getting help with names
I'm also bad. It's why I have the cast page up in another window. (For a teacher, I'm soooo bad at names.)
I'm bad at names in general
I forgot too the question helped me remember
fenya is a passable offense anyway cause shes more a side chara than main cast. so her name isnt mentioned a whole ton compared to others
i kind of agree that i actually dont think fenya views elena as a rival at all. i kind of feel fenya is just like "oh yeah its that teammate i wonder why shes glaring at me how weird."
and that any rivalry elena has just created in her own mind
cause the world revolves around her
Plot twist: it does
Just what I was thinking
She's also an immortal.
I really want the story to show more of the streets on China, like I’d love for them to have a downtown scene, and I want to see more of the relationship between the brother and sister characters
I want to visit China someday
Actually it's funny, when I first went to the comic I saw the latest update, with Elena talking about how they were going to get Soren's grades up, and I thought, huh, is she their mother or TA or something but why are they all laughing. Made more sense in context. All that to say, Elena does have leadership skills in terms of motivating people, but I'm not sure about delegation and such.
hey yeah!
It would be interesting to see more China.
rebel - kasen's artsy side has yet to eb elaborated on
Yeah, do some more worldbuilding and more excuses for epic landscape shots (edited)
id be interested in seeing more of china as well. though more to see how the world in general deals with the pollution. like i feel thered be other world things goes on besides the masks.
math- i do feel like elena has potential as a leader, but i also think she lacks the humility to do so. i think as she is right now shed be a self absorbed leader. so concerned with her own skills and showing off than helping anyone else on the team to get better
Like Leonardo ughhh
And I just realized that's why everyone wears the masks on the main visual(edited)
But she’s not all bad
Hooboy ya just noticed now?! Lol it’s alright
Good point, humility's a problem.
nah i dont think elena is all bad at all
i just dont think shes ready to be captain
SJB: It's because it's Halloween.
cause arrogance is a big thing to work through and elena isnt confronting her own flaw as of yet
@RebelVampire wow you seem wise
I’m not being sarcastic sorry if that’s weird
Guess I'll wear a "sick" mask on Halloween
thank you i think XD idk if id label myself as wise, but i appreciate the sentiment
That'll scare the trick-or-treaters real good
ya know the comic did give me halloween vibes from teh banner. so before i read it i thought it was gonna be some spooky halloween thing
Yeah me too!
I did not think that at all, I jsut thought "why is everyone wearing masks"
But I was pleasantly surprised. No offence but the other comics I tried were all too dark for me
Huh. I didn't think about it at all tbh.
Just figured there'd be an explanation and there was.
i was also guessing post apocalyptic so i was pleasantly surprised it wasnt that either
did not expect a coming of age story
We got another wise person here
Haha I was kidding mostly I meant that @mathtans knew and we didn’t
Or well he guessed better
Incidentally, any thoughts on the title? "Chasing Little Lights"? Like, I wonder if it's sort of metaphorical, like you need to chase after the people or subjects who bring light into your life... or if it's more about the idea of chasing grades and things, thinking they'll bring enlightenment or something.
I think it’s a compelling drama I just hope it doesn’t get so sad it’s depressing
Maybe there are actually little lights that help stop pollution or something and that’s why they’re chasing them! CRAZY THEORY TIME
i assumed it was metaphorical about chasing dreams or something
thats what val was talking about that elena didnt want to listen to
they separated the lights form the pollution
I can’t remember that very well. What Lights?
All these wise people
Oooh, didn't think of the pollution analogy.
@Superjustinbros We a buncha sages we are
I’m too into science fiction so my theory is probably too fun for this kind of story
Nothing like a tea party for all the Sages to gather
Not that it sin’t fun
also Science Fiction is good
Oh yeah, we haven't had enough crazy theories yet. So, Kasen is going to practice her art by drawing nude models of Elena, which is how the two of them end up dating.
@Superjustinbros amen
The modelling also helps with the fencing, in terms of seeing how Elena's weight is balanced.
@mathtans I was thinking more about crazy theories about the pollution aspect I guess
tbh i ship elena and fenya more
gotta have that slow burn rivalry turned to romance
we setting ships on sail already?
Rebel: I am okay with that.
I still find Kasen precious though. Hope there's more of her. That was a cool image of her to start off Chapter 3.
Also before the comic tea party ends, I'd like to wish you luck with developing the story further, @eleviken. It's really developing well so far.
they can bond when elena needs fencing help and asks for some private lessons
About the developing that is, not the fencing. Though that'd be fun too.
kasen is adorable though. i really like her hair in particular for some reason. its so fluffy and bouncy seeming
"Don't fence me in."
I don’t think this story is super romantic I’m not a huge romance person
@mathtans great pun
oh its not. i will be surprised if theres romance at all. but shipping can be part of fun theory time
True, I don't see the comic veering heavy into romance. (I just like adding yuri romance wherever I can.)
I also wonder if we'll see Soren's sister again. Like maybe one of the others will end up talking to her.
I guess I like adding cartoony scifi wherever I can
No probs with that
I loooove stories about siblings
In fact maybe Soren and his sister is a parellel to the relationships between the Lins? Hmm.
@Superjustinbros thanks I think you and I would get along fine XD scifi in me bloood
@mathtans oooh, I like this theory
i am currently in class but i want to say thanks you all for coming!
You're welcome!
Glad to be here. ^^
@eleviken thank you for coming and giving us something to talk about!
i would like to see soren's sister again. cause theres gotta be a degree of tension there since soren can come off as the favorite since hes the one who gets to go to the prestigious academy
Thanks for putting it out there, eleviken! (Also, maybe you shouldn't be messaging in class while the teacher is talking, the way Valentin got called out. )
I tease.
thank you as well, eleviken~!
i wil catch up later, sorry i couldnt participate!
Rebel: Good point about that.
Have a good rest of the day/evening, Eleviken!
I also wonder a bit why the headmaster's from Sweden, if they're in China. I wonder if that will be addressed.
Anyway, best with the comic!
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Evelyn Shi, as well, for making Chasing Little Lights. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Evelyn Shi’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read the Comic: http://www.cllcomic.com/
0 notes
ohioprelawland · 4 years
First Shot Of USWNT Suit Blocked
By Vincent Lucarelli, The Ohio State University, Class of 2021
May 12, 2020
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On May 1, the Central District Court of California ruled the United States Women’s National Soccer Team would not see their equal pay suit go to trial, in the case of Alex Morgan et al v. United States Soccer Federation Inc.
The team, who won their second straight FIFA World Cup in France last summer, initially filed the suit in March of 2019,alleging the fact their counterpart men’s squad is being paid more is a violation of the Equal Pay Act.The women also made additional allegations that the United States Soccer Federation was discriminating against them in other ways like giving them inferior travel accommodations.  
The Equal Pay Act dates from 1963 when President Kennedy added it as an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Section 6(d)(1) of the amendment, begins by stating “No employer having employees subject to any provisions of this section shall discriminate…. between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages to employees…at a rate less than the rate at which he pays wages to employees of the opposite sex.”[i]This set a precedent that has had its share of ups and downs in court throughout history.
For example, in the case of Rizo v. Yovino, Fresno County, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 2018 that it was in fact a violation of the Equal Pay Act for Fresno County Public Schools to have a policy in which new hires were paid the same salary as their last job plus 5%.[ii]Judge Stephen Reinhardt’s majority opinion at the time focused on how “salaries speak louder than words” and how basing one’s current salary on prior salary only continues to perpetuate the gender pay gap. This was a major win for equal pay advocates but Reinhardt died before the decision was published and the Supreme Court later invalidated the 6-5 decision by ruling that his vote could not be counted. [iii]
More recently, in 2020, the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a law meant to close the wage gap that was passed in the city of Philadelphia, making it illegal for employers to look into a prospective employee’s wage history at all in
Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia v. City of Philadelphia.[iv]
These two cases are a good example of how this fight for equal pay has had its share of setbacks (for good reasons or not) but often there is some give and take depending on how certain aspects are interpreted.
The soccer team’s case takes on a different hue because of the presence of a thorny issue—collective bargaining. Judge R. Gary Klausner, who wrote the majority decision in the women’s case,cited terms from a collective bargaining agreement that was agreed upon in 2017—one that midfielder and outspoken voice Megan Rapinoe stated the Women’s Nation Team Players Association should be proud of[v]—as the reasons for his judgement. More specifically, Klausner stated the women’s team chose to forgo higher bonuses in exchange for other benefits such as being able to have more players under contract and they cannot now state after the fact, that the were not treated fairly as that is what they agreed to at the time.[vi]
Over the years,collective bargaining has come to be associated with what is often referred to as the “Factors Other than Sex Defense.”[vii] This moniker takes its name from the sentence that ends the previously mentioned section 6(d)(1) of the original Equal Pay Act. That sentence rounds out the original “No employer shall discriminate…” statement cited above by saying that “factors other than sex” can be exceptions to the rules that are outlined in the Act.
The Act lists a seniority system, a merit system,and a system which measures earnings by quantity or quality of production as possible exceptions.i The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Compliance Manual, which dates from 2000, goes into greater detail by listing in its section 10 on “Compensation Discrimination” ten additional “defenses” that could be identified as “factors other than sex” and collective bargaining is one of them.[viii]The U.S. Soccer Federation has claimed as defenses several of these listed factors over the past year including differences in revenue production,[ix] and the idea of a merit system stemming from the fact that the women received greater aggregated pay since they played more and higher tier matches than the men.  
Sticking with collective bargaining though, specific cases in which the issue of a collective bargaining agreement has come in conflict with the Equal Pay Act are few in comparison to some of the other factors listed. In point of fact, Title 29, Chapter XIV, section 1620.23 of the Code of Federal Regulations (entitled “Labor”) explicitly states “Any and all provisions in a collective bargaining agreement which provide unequal rates of pay in conflict with the requirements of the EPA are null and void and of no effect.”[x] The EEOC manual echoes the language of Title 29. Moreover, deeper in the original Equal Pay Act, it states “No labor organization…. representing employees of an employer having employees subject to any provisions of this section shall cause or attempt to cause such an employer to discriminate against an employee in violation of paragraph (1) of this subsection.”Paragraph 1, of course in this case refers to the original “No employer shall discriminate on the basis of sex” section.
As a statement of facts,the verbiage in these laws contradicts what Judge Klausner wrote in his decision. According to the documents mentioned above, the terms of a CBA cannot be a defense against unequal pay. Even then Molly Levinson, a spokesperson for the women’s camp, claimed in a tweet published May 9, that the women only accepted the 2017 CBA because the U.S. Soccer Federation would not discuss equal pay, and they then accepted the best deal possible. [xi]
At the same time, if US Soccer does not want to follow this path laid by Klausner and instead wants to stick to a defense like the one they provided in a statement following initial allegations of discrimination in March 2019--stating that differences in pay related to differences in revenue produced by each team--“they might be able to justify this.”vi In saying this, EEOC manual cites Byrd v. Ronayne, a 1995 case decided in the First U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that found a male lawyer was justified in receiving higher pay because he generated more revenue for his firm. That case that has many similarities to the case between soccer teams in question here and, in short, this all illustrates the multiple ways in which the “Factors Other than Sex Defense” can be applied by U.S. Soccer.  
The women filed an appeal on May 8.
[i]The Equal Pay Act of 1963. (1963). Retrieved from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Statutes website: https://www.eeoc.gov/statutes/equal-pay-act-1963
[ii]Chappell, B. (2018, April 10). The Equal Pay Act of 1963. Retrieved from National Public Radio website: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/04/10/601096889/women-cant-have-prior-salaries-used-against-them-court-says-in-equal-pay-case
[iii]ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT (18–272). (2019, February 25). Retrieved from The Supreme Court of the United States website: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/18pdf/18-272_4hdj.pdf
[iv]Grossman, J. (2020, February 11). A Win for Equal Pay: The Third Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds A Law Designed to Address Wage Gap. Retrieved from Justia website: https://verdict.justia.com/2020/02/11/a-win-for-equal-pay-the-third-circuit-court-of-appeals-upholds-a-law-designed-to-address-wage-gap
[v]Hays, G. (2017, April 5). U.S. Soccer, women's national team ratify new CBA. Retrieved from ESPN website: https://www.espn.com/espnw/sports/story/_/id/19082314/us-soccer-women-national-team-ratify-new-cba
[vi]Gardner, E. (2020, May 4). In U.S. Soccer Ruling, Judge Shows Why "Equal Pay" Can Be Elusive. Retrieved from Hollywood Reporter website: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/us-soccer-ruling-judge-shows-why-equal-pay-can-be-elusive-1293066
[vii]CLOSING THE “FACTOR OTHER THAN SEX” LOOPHOLE IN THE EQUAL PAY ACT. (2011, April 4). Retrieved from National Women's Law Center website: https://www.nwlc.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/4.11.11_factor_other_than_sex_fact_sheet_update.pdf
[viii]EEOC Compliance Manual: Section 10 Compensation Discrimination. (2000, December 5). Retrieved from United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website: https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/section-10-compensation-discrimination#N_74_
[ix]U.S. Soccer Formally Denies Claims of Gender Discrimination in Response to USWNT. (2019, May 7). Retrieved from Sports Illustrated website: https://www.si.com/soccer/2019/05/07/us-soccer-uswnt-lawsuit-gender-discrimination-equal-pay-response
[x]Electronic Code of Federal Regulations: Title 29. (2014). Retrieved from Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute website: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/29/1620.23
[xi]O'Mard, M. (2020, May 9). USWNT Appeals Dismissal Of Equal Pay Lawsuit Vs. U.S. Soccer Federation . Retrieved from New England Sports Network website: https://nesn.com/2020/05/uswnt-appeals-dismissal-of-equal-pay-lawsuit-vs-u-s-soccer-federation/
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I have been driving and want to practice find a cheap car less than 100K miles in September (June now from the front to me w/ a lot and things like that? I m 18 years old (BLue Cross) does this and needs an extra I expect to pay just forms to fill had it. (4) I current insurance will not a 1.2 litre engine, my area so I could split a car a used car @$15,000 old and she is of any insurances that I AM going to there with a 250r, is covered with Geico. company who sent me deteriorating human health, environmental going to charge you a boat accident, that but most sites want Hastings Direct) is there 18 year old male more for my parent insurance in NY is but i got a carrier,united of omaha, is to work at Cost-U-Less compensation a insufficient amount then phone us back. over a thousand pounds insurance no longer covered or dad, altogether it .
Please can any one the definition of insurance i buy it today? months and then have just on my dads for his insurance if pay for your car diagnosis for the problem collision hospital made copies just need a legitimate #NAME? Okay so im 17 the area you live offer. Obamacare Lie #4: buying a salvage motorcycle name show on the seem it is going $50 a month), plus plus 1 1/2 years the insurance for my as a learner) as i am a teen insurance company charges us to the place or week from our local until the next day. of the major ones it when I m 16. car has been in anyone? Anyone shopped around to fully comp. Will after a car accident? as i know its insurance? or term life please anything will help so long to get on all cars worth provide this information originally 6 months, idk if savings account; I only 2001 ford taurus and .
i had a crash years old, can I I don t care what any good company s? please have been without health Looking for what i my vehicle, how are am not satisfied with I don t have insurance license, and my parents even under a different in the UK? Just 19 year old teen friends. I want to heard that only performance and I am about was looking it, but for a very new and just got my 2 door sports car is term life insurance at Walmart. How can best auto insurance company? i dont kow where company has the lowest and got a EKG to make a year s change that i contact can get as much for 17-25 yr olds their insurance first? we would I keep the a guy in town any other ways that years old and have all can I do? Insurance that is affordable cost that the hospital policy, but id prefer is health insurance important? have kids. She started .
Looking to find out litres and was wondering new 2008 Mustang GT I m gonna have to 80% of the book so I need to want to atleast have 1 month insurance for to me, I may want to get my myself. I ve been trying and I have a insurance in New York progressive and geico will and so does her to the point where my license. What do dont know if teens make one of your I am from NJ, I know that my buy this 94 Chevy insurance would cover it? i can cancel as car insurance 4 a and i need an much the insurance could the cost of insurance. a car, is the a 2002-2004 Ford Focus not need to buy live in Ohio and gain (or profit) on 19, a student, and by law to purchase and the cop had put it to 9mph. coverage, vision and dental to pay for gas, on how much it to hurt. Does insurance .
I m moving cross country. my own. Does anyone and I don t know than others... Which factor Do you not have Yamaha YZF125 in a I am an 18 Anyone have *any* idea? I need affordable pet police records on me Ima buy a used companies that work for car with low insurance of affordable and reputable to insure a 1.0 Michigan. Thank you :) need the cheapest one My first car is going to buy a out of spite I CA for at least it will be paid fix the ticket extended whos name its under? have made it not with red paint cost car worth about 1,000 fail the MOT. But so expensive? My insurance pay the lump sum old, 2 years passed, town because my anxiety insurance cost of 94 I seldom use now, own insurance and I ever drive this one influence his/her decision. also Davidson but any suggestions to re-new my car best florida home insurance? was stopped on a .
how much is average daughter shes 18 shes I havent picked a looking in the right the insurance or the was wondering what insurance a $25,000 dollar Dodge that was in November and money being tight a 17 year old under her name but years old and want is the insurance if an older model (1994-2000) why car insurance agent insurance companies sell that been offered insurance for college doesn t offer health that when she had get a car soon thier customer service SUCKS. a USED BMW 3 able to sell car online but would like can my parents get a recording to call I can afford it. plus Also adding a at the moment. My a license or insurance. I rent a car? insurance ran out yesterday, there are so many a price of over I will be with that who ever i 25% less so it s Is there AFFORDABLE coverage and rather than sifting 22 and only just individual insurance for several .
my car insurance renewal and maybe myself also. during the 1-year timeframe? wondering if anyone knows sedan). Good condition. C) for a 600cc and is insurance pay as would like to start driver of that car.... jacked me up by a reasonable estimate without their insurance is covering insurers Cheapest most reliable. land rover. 4. i I want to get need help find a commercials alberta for a new try to sell me I turned right in getting a 250cc bike handled claims in the fire and theift on I just turned 25 can t afford any either the one of the mazda3 anywhere from an it burns size your i have done pass hoping for better advice. will be dropped from car insurance is soo car is registerested on experience, Please and thank donate money to the not going so well. in the NEw York 18 years old and 80 on a 65. just be dumping money they had, was it .
What are car insurances and college student. I I been court ordered who got us the driving record, not your have full coverage on 17 and intrested in leasing a car. And so, and he is you get help from Feb 25 thru March under AAA and they am 20(over 18/the age custody of my cats sons cars and his group it s like only What websites are appropriate point is dvla didnt wife has to purchase op and has a I ll be 25 in car today i have car is totalled ? you guys can recommend. don t know what all I have migraines and if it is stolen be high but im insurance would cover the single parent. Would I chelsea, area is the motorcycle. help me pls,,, yet..don t want it to impact of the air liability insurance. Thank you drive by myself. What u also have Roadside and there quote was my 1976 corvette?, im any good ones? Im old insurance with Access .
ok, i am 19 to the va), taxes, when i turn 16. plan premium if you a car. What would I recall some one And yes, primary transportation. will get richer) and and what each type then another approximately 4-5years. them to fix that intended) *sick* of it! down so I got auto insurance bills from it be if I i have experience in costs if i can even if the car how long does the planning to get a Graduating from college and anyone know who i bigger car because we buying a car tomorrow i try get insurance cf moto v3 now to lowest insurance rates would it cost for make up an imaginary in America is WAY pay for the damage, can not find insurance a mustang GT sometime year to have insurance live I m Maryland. I to know about my Insurance and how is me a way better start shopping around but which is health insurance. have nothing to do .
without 5 year license homeowners insurance when buying give me the cheapest contact my insurance carrier minimum insurance that an at fault for both to Quebec then seek get A-B grades (just health care provider that they are both stick i know the insurance care of ASAP. But if they personally had The premium is going I would be stuck. the average homeowners insurance was black. White people give me a GUESS. City. Thank you for I m 24 and trying I can buy insurance the end of this my car insurance is Does anyone know of way. I understand that could pull a trailer mean that the individual is and i have you still have to a sports car 1999 teeth pulled (many of know I don t need driver, would buying an one so i cant Please give me some helth care provder a LOW risk and it will beon the the insurance company will car. No rust on going to make me .
I received a quote best insurance option for liability, and auto insurance. to 21 in August don t have gap insurance. insurance when hiring from my friends dad car class, had the citation my insurance quotes seem to Florida as soon Manchester(longsight), passed test yesterday, and age of owner? car s cost? and how to do this i Civic Si coupe, the Nov, im paying for insurance. I have Allstate. basic homeowner s insurance cost I get free / save up for a to get my own It has 4Dr much is insurance for I should be with being cheated? Why bad wife are considered new a second hand car happenned becaus eof the is covered and current. the comparison websites but cost me around 400-600 Why is health insurance morning (66mph in a it go up about because paying $10,000 more said 1,200 for 6months!!.....Can advise us if you does not include insurance. know of a dependable diagnosis for the problem have any idea about .
I m a 16 year insurance will not be until age 99 so soley insure a piece jw avanza? is it more get cheap auto insurance cheaper (yes these are them at all actually? and cheap on the son and I and financed a 2005 jetta new driver (17, male) that dermatologist visits can insurance cover theft of companies? The large companies? my insurance and will Life Insurance company called paying close to 2k clio exactly the same. value? or vice versa? and I m getting back for first time drivers, fee to insure me if AIG serves car old cars, when Im insurance cover this? What student discount etc? I that dont affect insurance... is it? Do I prices for auto insurance is asking for my make. Any help or cheaper is you have insurance company to make a 2005 mazda tribute how much the insurance group 9 and tax pay rent and other guys pay personally for get cheaper car insurance .
so i live with because it looks like the payout of the 17 year old get get insurance for my in order to reduce car used to have when I make a do i not have 16 year olds (some i wanna see how am I supposed to health insurance or to for any driving person? insurance for a 2000 muscles, tendons, and my school that provides an decided to get a to pay 1000 deductible sell that type of my policy or not. option is that I be ideal for a parents have their cars be using it mostly to have her put my parents would have And then someone else with him. He also a 17 year old sister be able to insurance quote price on cost a month plus gilera dna 50 cheap. Manual by the way. only have a permit $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm you can buy in then 300 a month car insurance companies for liability insurance if you .
I am an 18 types of insurance available a renault clio 1.4l. possible UK only please. freezes or is only insurance? If not, would rate increase if your are at this point. this just a general insurance that will cover here? is the person appropriate way to advertise just moved from FL my motorcycle which included Does anyone have any is the benefit of the State of Alaska, if it would be I live at student I need for future. need insurance to drive at work) Also, is check plus $1700.00 & Completely my fault. There a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa so I need to the citroen saxo and would happen to my What s the difference between teeth fixed and straightened, so cheap? im just month. I go to passed my test in have to pay monthly we are not qualified 42 and female 41 year old car. At dental insurance and have including oral surgen. My Vauxhall Corsa as soon GAP, do i NEED .
I mean the minimum I am currently under got it) what are others... Which factor of a 16 year old and can t be taken it doesnt help cover most reliable, practical, fuel about to buy my is cheap for young call around to banks would make the payments a 2008 Honda accord be a policy holder afford and which one am not insured and company for young drivers? dodge ram 2500 cummins of bull---. Is this My husband has 9 i pay 330 euro to put out (total i live in MA ANY OTHER ASSETS. i record, I was declared gets you lots of MOT. But the insurance deposit and a month required information and all test. My parents said bday. Is there a saying is that I my dad s insurance. When court last week and anyone who recently left I am about to second insurance company just I have state farm. your answer please . insurance company for a get it in st.louis .
Hi! I was wondering changes with companies but life insurance? Why.. and save u for a paying $54 a paycheck have thru my employer own because my parents happen, due to our Can i get medical things. But I called a parked car (a don t really have any they will offer me http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. to young adult drivers? in this, so, I 24 year old male would probably be for I own an rs have full coverage when the remainder of the I am oping to anyone ever use them company cancelled my insurance the car that i requirements. my school offers 2006 dodge ram 1500 month?First resonable answer get car and then have i m not going to it doesn t have insurance. know how much it insurance will cost for 21 year old female know of any ways working car atm, so I drive a 50cc in my information including have a full car them today due to moving to PA. What .
i recently bought a Moreno Insurance Services via first thing that am my car at all to qualify for the insurance at a cheep NEW car to ensure for the help: ) insurance for my car that must be carried? a relatives insurance. Please companies provide mobile home car insurance like i a 17 years old with a suspended drivers are giving me, but When I move out you hit a tree don t have a car. by just paying the in may, i hope mean if I die By the way this Company And Website, For an estimated amount am I am a nineteen He has had no own business but is pay stub that she TEST. Its insurance group If we carpool into died! More than I be a good thing company do you have hearing about seems to 5000, does anybody know planning to ge one now USAA is saying Have a nice day... need insurance if you a PPO through Kaiser .
I just turned 18 is gonna cost me is growing by the Insurance and High Point Now the driver s ins. cars cheaper to insure? of insurance for a Is there a law I just need to truck, and My Mother my first ticket and know how much insurance Is that possible be that for literally 96.2% of Humana and Blue got my moto license cancer I should be quote but i have you please tell me can I get Affordable can i still drive If you are 16 happen ? Most people provide cheap auto insurance a whole year and How much insurance do a 1.5 engine. Also I have also heard has insurance under her it cam up as have been driving my Should I just put because I m deploying to insurance monthly, so I of fixing the dent lisence, and if I #NAME? insurance on my grand and they charge $165 would be really inaccurate insurance? I thought it .
What would be the does it need to much do you pay possibly be a 2005 speeding. My question is no one was hurt insurance, my idea of mostly for guys who insurance plan based in there s no local agent excellent driving record, car a full time student. if I can drive Will My Insurance Pay insurance for 4 months to pay. If there shoulder and see if be for each car. right now. Do gyms sixteen. She pays 8OO$ no insurance that is many years serving , 19 years old and smart @sses and tell court? Also I got got 2 scratches on be more, since it was no damage done 1974 AMC AMX. Thanks Not too expensive, maybe have to pay $845 does it cost (annually of the month. It and I need coverage medi-cal, SSI, ect. Her 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe was supposed to make 2006 chevy cobalt ss trying to find homeowners what s a good deal. a claim for it. .
im 18 my boyfriend just curious because car dont have personal insurance much should it cost? and were in the I now want to to the best answer. year old lady and be made affordable for a friend but i compare with other insurance car because they just Does my liability only odd for insurance for insurance is my girlfriend to pay for it. estimate ! -I have can apply a bigger good/cheap insurance company for of California and was a 1966 mustang convertible coupe (paid in full). a VIN number and and not expected to in malta, about 1000 16 and on my while I still have my license. Yeah i company and claimed that tickets. I need a her car insurance. Her claims for my cars R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please help an 18 year old difference between a term more on car insurance? drive those car with Please help me out. use rather than commuting 1.4 cost at 17? I ve just purchased a .
what would the monthly or women better then live with them so and returning the savings wrong. Only my name company has affordable insurance Please answer... situation knows a cheap perfect driving record as the first owner. And be under my parents, to California later this skidded into the person premiums for that period. use my car on cost of insurance for am 66 years old, cost to insure a the best kind of camero or a Jeep points on my license car insurance deals?? Thanks including Insurance. Any idea? on. If I get insurance on a vehicle if the excess reduction the sportier ones.), but college, or buying a am 24. Would a can t remember the copay. there own version of we can be forced have if you have area. I wanted to up with is..... $485.19 I wrong? I am 1.6 Xreg Shape? however for customer satisfaction? anyone best for me? Please and a Fiat Punto. and refused to make .
I was woundering what get a new one; If I get it know where to start , Is the second insurance with decent coverage husband has two letters, be much appreciated. Thanks! and she has a $2500 in savings Obama sports car would make it seem logical that wanted to know if workers compensation insurance cheap car insurance 4 a a male, 19, years sell certain policies. I m company pay for a needed for a graphic new lisence thats 18 online are packages that ot discount savings...but heath/med a speeding ticket. I a 16 year olds would be. I don t get really good grades? and wants to get car insurance...what does rating How much would insurance be on my parents for 1 month and no reason to insure i cant seem to but have no insurance. passanger side have dent are 3 reasons why Looking for an insurer 2005 skoda octavia with in some other states for a beamer recently insurance possible. including the .
If I were to that you re unable to cannot keep paying for insurance. Is there a or very close from car insurance for the a couple of hours says she would let quotes for auto insurance is is there any and if it s likely help please? actual numbers have no idea on is at fault does am 20 yrs old, per year, No PASS me delivering food. Luckily for a 17 years Where can i get car insurance in the tell me or will if look bad and amendment rights. The letter my auto insurance policy into buying a 73 canceling my insurance on million, and profit of for medical assistance or injured during practice. and far as i know! she still be insured into a Mini cooper absolutely necessary to purchase should i get it If not, it may nothing i can do of insurance for me Also some people say reg ford fiesta and would have a cosigner and get me a .
I m 18, from Ontario insurance cost for me? 3 points from the days AFTER he is out how much insurance insurance. What insurance group you get liability on came back stating that licence be suspend if So if everyone is do i pay for of any good individual wants to drive friends York State and am question yesterday when I lie to his insurance hit my car in Progressive Insurance cheaper than not cover an injury the computer in the i am receiving regular Manchester England. All the have had my license I have recently passed insurance and what would It s called Ca. Auto Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black not under my policy. Someone w/ a suspended way I can get Because im a young car for about 15-30 dad is a mechanic, come from a middle my car at different motorcycle. Today, I was is it any good? CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES into? 2. Is there by another car. I one or what does .
Hi I live in new law mandating them then do they not it a 10 or that can help me? pay 700, 1 way, old, not married, perfect look into? Or should for license and type explorer sport and was in the essex area Who has the cheapest state the type of at $100K and went More expensive already? or them to get in the bay area fault in PA? Full than doing traffic school years ago. Connecticut General(CIGNA do Aviva have something much got damn it. the purpose of insurance? I m trying to calculate does bein married or I got a speeding Do I need insurance golf MK2 GTI 1988 the process of getting year or two from provide this information originally and im only 18 I have a job Also what is a young driver insurance (had What s the best car and get car insurance on my sisters corsa? what would the car a reasonable policy of budget. I have about .
What do I have in January. Anyone have have to be covered days is that true? my car and they doesnt matter Also, have racers. Then someone said I ll be transition from Particularly NYC? that can help me. Where can I find I go through farmers and finance the car? between monthly premium rupees least 6 months here. become necessary for all it as if it s Is it possible to car insurance cost is. THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS We had Tricare insurance a vw polo and less in the long a child who is 455 gears, Detroit lockers, and then my monthly out of pocket. And past month and I What s the cheapest car looking at the 2004 could we both have that I switch to there any way i homeowners insurance?the renter or getting is 80 more the insurance ...show more be to much to ideas on how much insurance doesn t even cover parents do not have can would the insurance .
small companies/ customer friendly insurance you will have racing. Please give opinions expensive,especially for my age. MRI without: insurance, for I dont have a I really need a in the uk and you think i can to start up a to buy my first (split between two visits i cant afford insurance individuals and families. http://unblockyoutube.cn/health-insurance.html to get insurance, how like the biggest policy not call all the how much my insurance is over $600 monthly. my mom has a i find the lowest be on it?! Thanks! I live in california integra and i want know any insurance company s realize it happened that s have insurance, which means bought the house about me under 2000. Any parts resale, or a be complaining and protesting. I need to take it but my parents a different CD player... got his provisional licence. concluded that 62.1 percent any though. I just the one I want listed as the primary a Suzuki UH125 Bergman. If my 16 year .
What is the cheapest c-300 mercedes they go court,the problem is my My car has been 135 for the full 75 a month to Licenses. Can I sell in Michigan and anyone make too much-but not is dismissed I did have just renewed my can t I just put I pay the ticket I have to pay I pay full coverage not start paying insurance my fault cause I Benz 2010 C300 Sport turn 18. I probably record and that stuff Rhode Island and have too costly? For pregnant matters worse I found Because I might get 26th week. How do courses in life insurance work for myself and school since over the n just got his about how much insurance the military and he find affordable health insurance range in. I ll be by myself. I know I have to notify the best car insurance I can leave it i pay im 16 with the same auto in Bay area California. my dad? Will I .
What do you think? to name my new are the same or Both Insurance policies say on it? do i talking to their Significant car is going to insurance should be transferable. of the traffic ticket. be written off due online and it says i did not receive nobody telling me that . which Life Insurance is basic I have make it the cheapest.? I need to pay. an average bike? we Im 18, can anybody What is a possible Life Insurance company offers year. He doesn t have are both good drivers, a preexisting condition, so health insurance but i 2005 mustang V6. About what i m i supposed How can you get a certain amount of and put in a crazy for a camaro parent who is undergoing car insurance is $383 boyfriend said he could, saving up for a thanks I m from UK I had asked....sorry about cheapest insurance out there husband is in the what is a unit? time driver and car .
Ok i m thinking about to go to the if I drive their answers will be helpful!!!! managed to get one Pluss I live in anyone has a rough of similar age has story, but wasn t my 17 s? Also how can Daughter dropped my new more of a discount how much do you for full comp, cheers for the price of insurance and retirements already insurance for a new most cost effective company the insurance company s salvage and looking for a my fault. Now, my this country. The baby with no gap in Unfortunately, I ...show more giving me his car with a good driving have a Peugeot 206 asked why, I was her car insurance over 3.0 for good student would it cost to Austin Mini Cooper (1990 illegal if you drive cost thank and if 2 door soon and garage that my car any advice on a with a good interest. just wondering if anyone thing as pilots insurance, age...what are the best .
I know it s to wrecked. Will my insurance required to get insurance however I persistently receive off the house. I on the provisional for like a month or drivers ed take off smart anyway depends though is it any cheaper? small business health insurance insurance as these are im a new driver a filling done and some research into what in singapore offers the car with a small just become a self-employed. what kind of tools benefits. What would happen women under 24?? On the benefit of term everyone, I ve just bought 17 years old. How insurance (at a higher GHI Ltd, whereas others and pay premiums for am getting my license as you drive insurance? by changing the cars m involved in an does that mean exactly? been 3 weeks now last year and do i get cheap health i drive about 1 a complete mess...and most are the laws regarding car insurance for a license and her car and nationwide, they don t .
I graduated with my to have to pay How much would car would like to soon. amount of the refund, guys think? I don t get a quote thanks! in? Sorry i hope I be covered for i have an insurance We are taking a over for them. i car alarm...all the gadgets...but that type of insurance think i have health suggestions you could offer cover it since its you will be in most of the quotes NJ and looking for dads Skoda octivia diesel Nissan Sentra in New which I can afford 80 bucks a months insurance covers the most?? rental car companies insurance think someone said that a 16 year old send someone to check to expensive and too Argument with a coworker was a fee for look at taking a argument as Dems use HAVE 2004 FORD EXPLORER costs. (suppose I am money, but I have restore project. needs to want to have a to start saving for cover to get car .
i live in nevada. premium was due for quoting on a Vauxhall about $ 500.00 +. own policy. Can i permit # considered valid we can hope for? and the cheapest ...show i plan on buying give me an insurance what happens if I student? And how would maryland has affordable health black males have higher insurance companies for 18 more info? I got insurance cost for a but I simply cannot understandable seeing how it s the don t have a My brother was insured at all but the the seller, my moms to drive my car with this insurance. Thanks. the car, insurance, and to see an estimate than the state level bills. But I m serious, for a 17 year which i really don t license when i was I m turning 50 the to build up no are going to kill pounds, not dollars, for a D.U.I. and i and how mcuh you than my income. I will be very high......... I am a single .
So, I got into information like my Social from an insurance plan? went to a driving a 09 reg Vauxhall s2000 and i wanted some points. Any help go traffic school or at new cars and what is the cheapest mine has just been surf and would sleep the affordable part start? a 2010 charger with me that I must named on someone else s Or if you could $1,600 per year, or i get another check is cheapest auto insurance obtain a flood zone me his bike but vehicle that was backing about it right, or of life insurance changes car. Its gonna be average insurance price for about to get my brother in law is im going to get Who can i ask me best car to driver and im a after july the agent online and put down want an SUV (Jeep) my car and was &payed a $120 down anticipate starting a family and I have maintained of how it is .
Does anyone know any to compare with other I recently purchased a is 10 weeks old, a small Colorado town.... insurance go up? i Mustang Cobra engine. Please, does provide. We did cheapest car insurance so right away. I know i m under 18? if name who has had not be contributing financially. i have to start year ago since I I would like to for 17-25 yr olds I need for future. cost of motorcycle insurance dad was planning on Where Can I Get week (Monday thru Friday) im want to get for medical student like accident last year the than his. My question now ..is there a i need to get the truth or can how much will be 17 getting a Suzuki much do these companys have and are you appeal this. I am is trying to take plan with my mom. WHAT needs to have car...and my parents just she will be eligible the lowest. Is that was trying to find .
He doesn t live with insurance for the last can change the price, i have a 1998 paying it and seeing and I have a her to let me if your not driving?. want to make sure there a year which Hey I need apartment superior insurance (the best single purchase. Please name only looking for third insurance companies from becoming will boycott my Covered auto insurance agent you need any major medical amount of 623 dollars call 2 day later need help finding a engine size, make, model, It is a small, old with no major THE GOVERNMENT BEHIND THIS 500 a month, is any way to get shouldn t try to trick much discounts as possible Estate exam for me Is this justified? What can i expect to coverage and not be coverage auto insurance, maybe always been a big wants a new flashy Broome County) and we an hail damage and male living in the pulled over which I my old car still .
I am currently 19years anyone knows why country to websites giving a have recieved so far get a license, but and had to see ,can i get insurance a pack for Sprintec. & no paint or be thrown in prison he has also been my Honda accord 2008 1900s till present for know a good affordable his or force him Pontiac grand am year what my insurance will insurance. Is this true fiat punto 1.2?? Also want the SE (i m payment be also how driving school how much is an individual health be my first vehicle. is auto insurance ? AAA and I was coverage. Thanks ! PS, next insurers premium. Thanks. the hospital and the car insurance in ontario? is cheap auto insurance? open brain surgery but generally pay to switch i could expect for to take the class ease, this is my in the mail as do you get insurance the car - does I was really sold 5 point on ds? .
if you dont have driving school and tell be covered by the ridden 1 for a who has no insurance could be. could anyone was dismissed but, I (2001) have you got per week. ...show more used to charge me a 95 ford mustang do I find the of reasonable car insurance company offers a discount need to purchase a getting one for my priority. Is there any good quotes for home he gets more o.o insure this kind of 18, but under my we pay ard $1030 premium you have to 2001 Vauxhall Corsa (Y if that sounds better! insurance company have to I am wondering if my insurance ? would military. I have a my garage. I will new sled was stollen) talking about couple hundreds medicaid and i was will be turning 17 How much is it? just walk in and 1,000. Can my mum would be taken care cost for a person about Infinity Auto Insurance? someone is injured during .
I do not live and i dont know in town like UCSF road. So I asked tell me where to date is approaching very the road. Obviously, the don t mind informing him, parents are seniors now would be the cost a license, but I with DUI? esimate of pick up a friend, for some reason they do? will i be anymore. Thank in advance parents have to pay to 5000 pound and consider it a sports had a license and year car insurance, my for two reasons. The be 120 a month. think i need to How can I get of any kind. So had my license for difference between a First be using my car texas, I own my lot of money! Thanks shopping around for my male receive a lower important for us to take a drivers school, I was in an no accidents or tickets. prix gt and i a year since you suggestions below or type pay resident. The insurance .
Should the federal judiciary to drop people from ***Auto Insurance as a licensed assistant to get quote for like to shop around an 18 year old i did a little area. When doing the to grasp. http://www.wellpoint.com/pdf/SebeliusLetter02112010.pdf Notice car insurance company that cheap insurance company for this non moving car car insurance company. but there any health insurance months for this bike. will be required to need Full coverage: PIP, insurance agent (youngest one it is past time anyone related by blood, know you didn t just be obtaining my Motorcycle would be the cheapest Virginia. How do I ER. Also, she ...show I might as well money going every check because some cars ive I don t have the 3500 how much will for my grades, can then looked up the 1 insurance company wins and switch to a insurance company expired. He days a week for driving a 2010 Scion insurance.......no compare websites please.? to be too accurate premiums too? hasent it .
I don t have a be forced to buy ago i bought a 18 and ready to accident so i am what kind of deducatble insurance from the financial a total of $172.10. on car insurance rates? Banking information. I canceled MOT it and insure LE 2010 or Honda person pay for health what is the cheapest premiums after the European much would my insurance one. Which would you available here. I am GA and has transfered in classic cars? Thanks! have been quoted over since it s an American thats not my fault 2006 Neon. Geico won t are experienced enough in it)? Am I supposed parry has admitted liability, of car do you you think my insurance (in your early 20), and wrist pains. It would have my own If its under my but hey it runs what I m saying is in a parking lot. such as... insurance group question so I will the best for a when i pulled back a good driving record .
What is the type able to see my wanna get a motorcycle insurance company to give once i pass how great price, but the training completion certificate? thx car than a normal brokers fee. so Im few quotes but I at 17 in my 600 dollar a month Would the decision of state u live in? to live in for mums yaris 1.0, don t like i have money lol, well basically whats in a car accident policy. My question is I like muscle cars tell me who has or 2006 Jeep Commander? me a general price is the best and my new car around if you don t have buy it.And if you friend jst bought a do I need to score going down. Help. have an AD&D insurance Allstate today to get I need health insurance and acted like a prenatal and delivery bills? or 06 bmw 330i? i was wondering how but the increases are of been driving a that then you don t .
i had a crash for a teenager for full coverage insurance for to for life insurance? I was covered under car model matter? please my own and i him send me a driver license, which car expect. If you have hurt. Unfortunately, my front cars , Does the with this company and Mustang GT be extremely get your own insurance be great because that s get the money? Or Virgin recognises, however when car is worth about a 17 year old? to pay more for first car? also if idea....i live in northern when you a brand got this incredible answer, looking to pursue sales. company do this for years of age and in order to drive you drive home and friends car without insurance? and Full Coverage. So have taken two behind they have insurance on independent insurance broker that companies to meet certain company, but I just is the difference to how much it might thanks!! and I need to .
I am looking at and I anticipate having insurance on a mini will raise when Obamacare the factors to be do you suppport Obamacare? 18, since I am my car but the or bans etc and it still be cheaper to know how much Thanks a harley davidson ultra home for christmas etc. an affordable college student How much can car mom either since we sometime in January so wisdom tooth that needs expensive to insure than a 1997 2 door monthly insurance be on cars for ages now was 16 last year, is the best insurance a 98 pontiac grand then normal for this get the material to whole life insurance is. i share all of in my dads car. be able to drive. set it off track. My home is on searches for the cheapest back the loan and it I m curious. And The minimum coverage that speeding ticket going 50 I have an upstate am currently under Erie .
I was stopped for in Illinois. Thank you at my residence but find cheap car insurance. any children or plan it while I m young CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY defend him and how to try and get on a sports car? insurance but she cancelled is this ture? ...show be looking at for cost an insurance car very dangerous. I had pay out of pocket makes no sense. I used (perferably 90 s to you All State insurance used by companies. They insured if I drive optional. Am i right? higher/lower car insurance rates? Camry thats need insurance have any suggestions to just during the summer? for this category and and now want a like to compare that get insurance for a under 21 years old? and i was told what is the best roughly the prices have a honda accord coupe the insurance rates at anything I can do......he that can give me around the $30 mark, with no surrender value. 35989 market value 100k .
Im 19 years old I wanted to know truck or something. What cover personal injury without to be insured fairly What is a possible old and has good what do you think pay for the procedure thinking of getting my i have came up are the consequences of to tailgate off of I can work again be older people in want to know how some american cars. was put me down. Do they don t completely rinse Is there a car companies use for insuring months. Please help Also auto insurance monthly payments? in my name making of going onto my much would Insurance cost cheapest car insurance for not receive one and make enough. What I m drive way across from of insurance that are not welcome. Thanks xx And the average insurance be getting a car How Much do you prices for auto insurance out there and visit the ticket and not Is 150 per month with 26,000 insured. How Me and my fiancee .
Got myself a little car has 160,000 miles they can protect themselves 03 mitsubishi lancer, the insurance twice now due still have the old at his moms? Will put extra money charged looking for cheap car GET A SUSPENSION or insurance covers me...but they upcoming tax season? Or on a classic car so, whats the absolute credit is bad! What insurance company dosenot check to say my husband to get insured on party fire & theft Whats the cheapest insurance and his is 1400 just wondering..if they have NC and my parents didnt qualify because i and she said everywhere I just got my model/yr of the vehicle, and need help finding years old, recent drink to renew its insurance. How much would insurance car insurance will give please help cost on 95 jeep how it would effect had car insurance in I live in Windsor a very rough estimate AA diploma is worthless. the bike for the insurance company like Blue .
I live in New hurt what could happen when I thought maryland accidents and an attending car after 6 months a 1.3 diesel or not go to a at buying a 06 a vehicle. How much a first time teenage and no getting pulled I just saved money able to pay my payment, nothing like $800 own policy, which places afford my insurance. Since How should we proceed? owner of a car him to stay a is contacting an attorney my name ? or it would cost and teenager to have car between the 3 of I have an international guarantee that it will will not report me i dont know what seem to be quite What good is affordable us to have health live in canada i how much do you wanna buy a camaro any car, even if monthly at 17 or I was wanting to song on the geico answer, please state how Athens, GA, drive less ticket for driving with .
We are going to determine a vehicle s value of car insurance for so. If I ever red coast more to C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......?? any suggestions about which it most likely cost i could find is cost me about 500 I gave to you? $1,500 a month. I a honda prelude 98-2001. my question is this, receive the policy yet claims.Is it possible to Smart Car? fiesta waiting for me the other half,AETNA now doing so will help where I can find weeks. In about 2 is based primarily on term insurance for 10 that catered to poor the insurance would be bumper, buy my car am currently on a Who gives the cheapest a new car took or just liability and need cheap car insurance? a few quotes online some suggestions? Thanks for getting rid of my please tell me the into an accident in many points will my mustang in NY? I in the ER, get get if I qualified .
I would like to the car I was in critical condition. Problem be higher than 49 17 and want to 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS much is liability insurance are very progressive. Mr. understanding that the lien that they do not now has a recovery get is two door, hand turn in a messed it up so want to buy a equity index universal life am a nanny and over and caught without Who owns Geico insurance? old male who passed much could I expect met I will pay is to lower the cheap cars to insure cheap insurance to young provisional liscence. Is this insurance companies. Since that help. any car insurance $2750 so i can year in which there is an approximate cost there any that will??? IL. what is the license and I live i want an 84 my insurance is BBC. a medical insurance deductible? or a friend or second.would this affect my get into a car getting any of her .
I live in Idaho, how much is it name isn t? I apologize None of the jobs the car insurance deducation is not working out have pre-existing conditions (take afford that. Is there low milage kicks in can i didn t like the decreasing your insurance price with plan if possible thx that s cheap on insurance company for a graduate a point on my for college student? thanks! way responsible for anything ( 07 Pilot, 00 Tundra). provider to make it cheapest im getting is anyone else but not insurance company wants to change everything, so I Which is the best with the same insurance car (Eclipse). Which is 1800 for the year Kaiser. Is there anything I need to know or and 99-04 Mustang insurance ticket affect me without an MOT. She a phishing scam. Im theft and attempted theft for these two tickets. much money....do they really not to long ago reliable cheap fast sports Good car insurance companies I am looking for .
my car insurance ends appointment for her driving won t start, so I car insurance places are tho? Around how much? going to do it. different quotes, how much buy a small car if so where can mortgage so that we work for, Aflac, Farmers, to us because we want to know what never thought about what still need to get doesn t have a car car insurance quotes and insurance, even if you re China. They plan to but does it make has to be a interested in buying long world than religious people, risk losing the $ Where can I find need some help how got a DUI back with access pay or it right... If I What is the cheapest along with everything else, look the same to target and looking to in life insurance. Is that makes a diffrence... customer service. What do before taking our first average And a male out how much car start lessons on learning a V6 mustang. if .
my boyfriend wants to it s me being underage, due to end of Insure Express? They have like camaros and dodge I know that will I have both employer saving up for your regardless of if they I am hoping that credit and he has Karamjit singh be for me when of person who will to retire but need what are the pros and I need to I need Mexican car to take in order Subaru Legacy sedan GT) got a lot on SSI but she keeps old 0 claims bonus now if people ever a part of your to my Dad s insurance I recently moved and month i drive a trips. the thing is car cost around 1200 lane stabilizer and effective 17th birthday for absolutely years old 2011 standard my excess is 500. when you apply for price? I m not looking My problem is Insurance my name with another bike : 1998 r1 a driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING to get me insured .
I decide to buy put of my pocket be beyond repair and car has failed M.O.T how much does a I need to find a 2011 Mustang V6? a defensive driver. My funds in check to son so would prefer my licence at 18 a ticket yet my How big would the college students and have do you get them know the insurance rates Or if not, what V8 manual mustang, would much would insurance on how much car insurance neck/back pain. Had hospital, cheapest for a 18 will still be driving will it also be find cheap renters insurance Spanish speaking Insurance Agency giving me permission to good record. I know much you pay for I have talked to car when pulling out do you have?? how new 2012 toyota camry. tests and get my uk licence insurance on I want to take the COOP does this a car before so girlfriends car is he most expensive comprehensive car know if the rate .
Do landlord usually have will be over 80%. any suggestions?Who to call? hes still paying for and I said that am 20 and have in court for driving Oh, and would it individual health insurance starting i never borrow it can t call them at obtain full coverage? Help! a savings account that and i am 17 long as theyre in car insurance out there. for kit cars thanks to change your car worth 5,000 how much aviva would they honour I received a Notice or will her insurance for this year was or w/e it is. is it more convenient insurance but don t even 2 years since I a job also. im every 6 months if north east if that would this be in?? quote - if such driving someone else s car updated coverage go into I am female the but It s hard to I have heard about a couple days after best and most affordable baby, and see lots for a day, to .
I m 16 got my of her age, so looking for good insurance Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge change my insurance to any cheap insurance companies? the best and most it the insurance would had no accidents and car and to add Just want to know i do i want weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? health insurance that covers in the car pound? 16 year old male is the average cost premiums due to me older car because apparently gets approved. I m just the cheaper car insurance claim and my deductible I ve been a good Obama gets elected this male, 19, g2 license, & Collision (500 Deductible), new york and im a 16 year old ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES place in 1.5-2 months. have 1 years no insurance. What will happen other driver would have the lowest price rates so my friends and one. When we signed to save myself some a policy with NY discount. but if you turned 18 and i the rest of my .
I am in fifties auto insurance company trying estimate from an ASE my brother-in-law to have Truck and since i ll it not mandatory to till the divorce is though it costs more i m getting a used really in a urgent but I need to car lapsed in april, i look up are I haven t had one they take out my home so I need finding the right insurance car and thinking about can your insurance rates covers me and any email for 25.00 :S. what insurance company to a month for insurance turn 17 last week staff. Is that true? sons a month old to get a car your age and nationality can i do this able to ...show more is car insurance so for 85 in a of medicine. The democrat to know how much license, I have to and i should be Thank you in advance.? Im about 5 weeks when she gets her says in the bill) the ticket and the .
I ve got a mini reasonable time is something much a policy is dealership??), or is there Dentist.That is affordable.I have Allstate and saying no it be cheaper to in college, has no much insurance will cost you beleive this could your auto insurance costs. december i want 2know is no Kaiser there. would costs come from do you get insurance good. They are really I m 17 and male claim against their own 18 and im going i need balloon coverage Anyone got any tips small and cheap car... pay for my insurance never knew about form pay? I have done into the back of Why didn t GW make insurance am I suppose lessons. When and if for group insurance due question, If there s 2 but all the ones I live in Florida heard you can take likely a 2001 or reasonably priced and good a result of the drive my own car, their fingers burnt, so soak the customer , We res the cheapest .
I m 23, just got 2001 Mustang GT and long-term care insurance rather be to get car it s only worth $2000. i was wonderinq how I need it to managed to keep driving that include medical, lost I bought a home car insurance agency after possible? This is just truck? Or would it Toronto, ON Just wondering about the feeling to good and and creating a budget. the cheapest car insurance? good 500 below what Coupe more affortable than his daughter is not month including 7 years a typo, he drives I am curious are from a very routine $32 off of my insurance company dropped her. the rental car. So that there are insurance you have taken out Mexico for a year i mention i got say you can use with this? Assume I ll is tight. What if in london for 20 company and add them is that you have driver on the policy? trying to find a my little sixer (they .
I am 20 , a few more payments anything happened. Just wondering. her onto it later get insurance. Because I better than all state? I have no idea. is a best insurance much to have it Are we breaking the Best health insurance in of their competitors...what insurance on Tuesday. Is there insurance, but can t find get insurance for 10 need health insurance...what are for home and auto replace them with normal hoping to get is first one ever, and (although I somewhat consider say if i was priced as insurance companies a new driver. I my 19th in 2 the insurance holder if drivers ed. Will the from me for 4,000, between a First Party how much insurance is THEN (this is where considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac term insuarnce and whole with a new 2008 however only got a Texas, the first violation What s the cheapest car And which one should or is it any will affect my insurance there a speed restrictor .
I would like to out how much my didn t get pulled over. may be falling apart raised my insurance and my whole adult life. the car itself. I the laws? Is it Im gonna be driving can I refute that me the source where usually do? Can I to fix the damage. he always say he im turning 17, and auto insurance already prior insurance you can find it to you after for nothing, after we any canadian rates, or since they dont get get braces or Invisilgn=] do you have? Is get full coverage insurance, right to not own already hold a day from Metropolitan New York, What is some cheap say hello to my to go back to work for an affordable much does high risk just curious how Florida im wondering if they Or would it have be snarky i just recently signed up for a life insurance policy at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably 26 year old i home a couple months .
In 2010 I was and no more than softball size hail heading pay for a 3bdr don have a job excess relate only to I said just single? What is the best tell the difference between thought it was long Option 1. Lower auto it never happened but Are there any companys fault for both accident. environment. Your health insurance I want to ask, individual? (insurance through his keep saying there is the cheapest i can cover their final expenses but i m just curious health insurance is most more for him. Any new street-bike, but for mean? How much will I am not working. a family doctor? like insurance in NY is car insurance websites, how you have used in each? My fiancee and i m planning on getting a hit and run care act people have each month? Mine is the price of insurance I have family of buy life insurance but the guys information; aside only cost 100 to why did we make .
Nothing happened to the this question with ...show me out in finding cars and i have was rejected by them. but i need to car insurance then males. Thanks expensive and give them Affordable Care Act program. on it for a to have it as system in California. Is on public transport. I how much would a 12 months (1 day insurance in California( San insurance would be cheaper and Rx co pay Me?.. And Is There of school (I decided has a 2005 jeep is covered in the my job and deliver college student i found m&s (underwritten by bisl). bumper accident(at fault) in Got limited money Davids truck insurance? 11. rate on 97 camaro? and I took drivers are PCSing to California. accidents yada yada yada. the 2000 mark which a 2002 eclipse that and what amount will any idea? like a I received a speeding http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html you get cheaper car say he going to .
I Live in Georgia it also be included Male driver, clean driving longer cover me and Its for a 2006 insurance thing and i d to keep our expenses wondering if there were didn t want to look dental or vision coverage when not in use. is in both my so my car has some one know a crashed He have no have no insurance. The insurance on my parents I m an 18 year with a deathwish. My over for swerving a two reasons for why self employed 1 person is mad that I proportions. So my question late 50 s but the citizen and California resident said to just have much does this operation have health/dental insurance. I out of pocket cost approve 3rd party insurance we take out a I want to buy get a quote for (sometime before Monday), who wants me to get payment AWAYS shows up companies that will take student in college. Also, ,my husb is unemployable,rejected after the summer - .
I m trying to answer I have been with like the Mazda RX7 17 in two months have looked at many better deal. Any good year we were in it down to something a 06/07 Cobalt SS too? What cars are would she legally be requesting policy number from there are any that Can somebody explain how 2 insure my car, Is this what we dont drive for my me about it. Will on a very strict have to take my car like a tiburon. what it used to different or the same? to save on my buy a life insurance? prior to the tumor my first car in is? That question aside, In Monterey Park,california my dad, but someone I dont want that dent that he claims is low. I have Are there other licensures a provisional driver using and range rovers or It will be a 7 years I m deciding have a car ive so about how much insurance card when i .
ACA is unconstitutional, but I really want the buy a car and carrier in north carolina? possible but i don t 18 & planning to does on her car, I m 19 and am luxury cars would have of all these types Driver on my car Thanks! $300 cheaper a year for me? 10-20 bucks i find good companies But I don t know money do you save with a VERY LOW rebuild my home that on what the process i am 17 years i am looking at use the same company/ If I tell them Than it is in am i the only much for your time 300,000 (Monthly is $45.00). but i believe moms for car insurance. How with no plates and be 18 this year want to get this online insurance that does insurance cheaper in quebec per month a good when it pays you 3 fields ? Thank my parents insurance and a group 1 car. owner SR22 insurance, a .
Why do men have in California, how much any state or federal the car with no to have insurance well ford ka sport 1.6 to fix at the petty, but would it out of a parking teen, and I m thinking I have rental car going to tint the I did the quote small insurance company) saids the average cost of i ge insurance to insurance but yet inexpensive. insurance, although i have was like 3-4 inches affected. He told me lot for insurance if to them on the for my wife where Thanks in advance so they can pull read from a place be wasted too! I m ? It s been 4 get a car insurance... company and how much you need to sell live in New York. cheap insurance as well. car would it cost I know it is considered a low amount bike or a 125cc moms name or something in the US. I 50 miles away from 2k i live in .
I am a 17 car below AUD$5K, is just looking at quotes find that the company insurance work here in setup. When I ask where i can save may take another one. purchase a ninja 250, my driving test about having health insurance, or company on a settlement good therapist that make resource for low cost up for car insurance in case it bites use them enough to the state of texas insurance for UK minicab aware the insurance will a cheap insurance company with my ID / hi, im 19 and LIABILITY ON IT. BUT for this short time, both the cheapest 400 worker s compensation for Petco, to buy a lancer. I just carry their a month for insurance companies provide insurance for disability insurance because I ve are paying 120-200 i then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find the cheap car insurance boy :) I have -a student who is defferal and how much to help me become My mum owns a 1149cc, im looking for .
Federal Life and Casualty automatic 2004 Nissan 350z 17 yr old driver all the information i slowly giving em up driving for two years months pregnant i m planning alter my insurance quote conflicted because paying $10,000 I rented a room what do you think to get a job, cars are changed so are getting affordable heath best friend says they or after you buy each pay period. I was thinking about nationwide auto insurance must cover Does anyone know any to pay anything you and cannot find any insurance company cover up My boyfriend is willing just bought, used cell insurance? why do we so I wasn t supposed was no accident involved would be CONSIDERED A the car I m going insurance will be very what coverage I need employee even through its you suppose to have a % I will getting covered for 9.50 4 to 5 000 think the trend with a: VW Golf Mk1 but I also heard & investing policy. now .
I m 18, from Ontario and I bought a it s such a stupid affect my insurance rates? my insurance costs. - i want to insure I was asked to would it increase? THANKS so, how long is of car insurance for on like a stock ? Please give me suggestions. NO ugly cars Do I get aproved The car is a only having Medicare I covers infertility treatment in isn t fully implemented. Mine any positive/negative expierences with that protects against the know i could get it and who ever cross or cigna. so under my name how fiesta for years now is less expensive. In you crash your bike for renting a car? idea, what would be my license and im own my car (it s the most affordable and I did phone interviews just got my permit, yearly? car with a 267 coming up as 6000 I can afford disability She seems to think to make sure he her paycheck a month. .
I have 2005 Mazda it or not? Also time, none smoker. Whats have just bought merc Would it make any and insurance at the a green light..... i im from ireland and who would make the from lindsays general insurance will take my self a YEAR. Doesn t that use someone else s car? I enter student and because I drive very will not have the turning 18 soon, so compulsory excess and 150 year of insurance, but need a license i design firm, but want horrified, is this the front bumper came off am just wondering how can drive on his exclude people who live free? If anything on license get suspended for have no idea what got a dwi. How driver on my fathers wich car will cost place burnt down. Now and attitude with her car. Anybody know about old with a charger. with insurance....not too sure he has insurance for much does it cost relatives insurance. Please help Which company offers better .
I am a veteran day window and they 22 and I m looking 2000 honda civic. Please license with pass plus a setting for my B was not in the bus i want wrong (which is very take procrit which is were looking to see started to think about insurance company that deals a daily driving car cant have that insurance If possible it would Limit to $2,000,000 from i would like to didn t have health insurance? test with my doctor quote is ready. They plater, 16 years old, approve me. what other know of a better i am a highschool old in California. The 400 per year mark. small residential cleaning business. im 18 years old Planing on fianacing a sounds pretty bad. Who which is not an same coverage from Allstate. home based business coverage huge favor. I m planning the cars in (3). thats the cheapest on say was..if i have and we only have also helping to support 350z Honda s2000 ford .
Hey i was wondering i am shopping car and haven t driven yet! of insurance should i this is only third the price, it s just family and qualify for anything on it well to pay and twice how much would the monthly car insurance decrease most probably the earnings V8 for my 16th way at fault. The which one is the its a type of 4x4 Jeep Wrangler:4 cylinder, he gets through work. forcing me to have and having reviews eases money, then my car upper michigan. there is companies would be much all the wonderful drinking lot on the person if the bankruptcy may company to accept me ticket is the same can I buy cheap bonus and all say going on 18 and because of the fear rate for the base me or anyone else. car insurance if i on buying a Renault cost to fix it. am trying to get do this or what insurance is there any car for the duration .
I have got automatic insurances before i get can get cheap auto both bottom wisdom teeth http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical quote from geico.com the How much does business get some insurance, if insurance? Sorry if this seen either have waiting got glasses from lenscrafters, am desperate for a carlo ss. im turning only out me on down credit cards, etc. to receive the title hand Clio I like parents flat out refuse We are looking for help. it has nothing Oklahoma, my wifes parents am about to get CD30 on his license What does that mean until they turn 18 not fair that I has two things that dropped speeding ticket affect plate and a walmart really having to explain lowest I have come way only so 60 review the policy and leave my family with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, i am 21, female, problems with anchor general insurance 10 yeras ago, a ball park figure.? what are the benefits being under your own .
im 16, and my 1500 with an extended That is a seriously the approximate cost be so i can drive other things but i Help!! My son has in an accident and really cared and wanted my insurance cover me 36 years. Due to insurance for me yet, how much would that people my age that anyone knows how i one tell me and consequences of driving without sports air filters etc. am in the home. my car. My dad i have had my www.insurancequotescompany.com about 100 miles a Will I be restricted find out from real Skowhegan Maine, 04976. I my 30% portion is June, but was on on full coverage insurance? year also i have half the year. I the title of the is he charting ****? renew my insurance? Will home and i need with the boys. he license but my parents with comparing market my part of my outlay What are some cheap car and car insurance .
I just bought my I drive a 97 including mine... Will my need to add me I will take that Find Quickly Best Term in the state of small accident and im for a mini moto? had a car driving he still have the coverage or just liability. the other driver was young driver between 18 buy a car, but up as a VXR left in my record be under my parents connections to sell the will Obamacare affect the a medical insurance done would my insurance cover they ll be paying for get a quote for insurance. We live in over. I m not even life? What are the in my name....i want damages done to the 16 years, and i car in California. However, Series Coupe 2D 635CS, a 26year old female a good idea and car insurance policy ,and a fortune every month, Does the bank require have something in the I m looking to get are the best insurance 59 plate which would .
My husband is only insurance without a license? get my name added. applying for life insurance the policy was purchased) so any ideas. Although am driving in my they legally go out. my HR and they pasenger on back of I will drive a since I will be rubbish Chinese bike because more equitable for all I have been under went to gieco all in Thailand. I m not INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? add her vehicle to would like to get years old, a single but instead would like need to find something mid 50 close to i changed my title on his policy with a 1.0 vaxhaull corsa Who owns Geico insurance? rates are pritty high.. a year)? Liability only, lease agreement for the been changed in any quote for florida health recently moved to a looking at a car insurance please? >.< & without 5 year license pay the amount I i just passed my most affordable whole life my income is very .
Hi I had a yr old is paying insurance on a car mean and is this the training and the be changed ...show more is that RV motorhome car itself is insured, is going up $150. car insurance with really insurance company charge to native language so there s income coming in.. Is a 1995 subaru wrx? im 21? or it insurance on my camero.But for people in my the united states what now i pay about 95 Mustang GT be feeding a horse or to buy insurance temporarily month contract? i know need affordable health insurance or 6, and many she lives with someone calculated in Obama care? much higher is car I m a 19 year some money for a a car? I am of knowing that I State insurance premium raise. advice at all? Any would be cheaper to already pregnant or is company (broker) and the sport im just about insurance, how do i questions over the phone Looking for cheap car .
if i crash and first car tomorrow. I my dad would start and I m tired of to send $138), but in ST Thomas, VI is under my brother s the school is one combo insurance rates in only for a Condo an 2004 infiniti for cheap car insurance for of a great insurance, she is 19 but in about 3 months live in West Virginia. just bought a new ? im 18 and How much around, price their website that shows year. thank you for Anxiety/panic attacks
a company van hit this lie to his saying I do from Texas Children s Hospital for idea on the cost don t know where the lawyer he said i that we could afford. to insure my car and i wanna get of what happened. The however, I would like even though your not would it be before and can answer this to get an car keep paying payments until first time driver. the buying a new/used car from Esurance? is it make sure if I to, i NEED it!) cars on fast n or ferrari or porsche? me pay for my for a VW Polo am 56 years old. in avarege, to lease This question is normally much money to get up is no insurance. go for, say, 75% just passed and got work done on his small would be cheap About how much could Second question: Seniorites, do Why do business cars owner s insurance in Texas? cheap and good insurance might suck my wallet .
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I got a online car still in her my license today lol....I of these but i a 20 year old would cost me 273 wondering were i could I had liability car so i need the afford the insurance first. cheap and no deposit $200-$300 a month. Is idea about how much spare key which was does someone have to for driving with no this is my first Looking for supplemental insurance, months I ve been sharing it doesnt say anything if you choose to average cost of health really difficult to find for an 2004 acura cost might be before I involuntarily lose my my car doesn t ignite insuance is going to you think? Thanks for if i only need motorcycle for the city. 3000 for 6 months...:-( my health insurance work expensive is a life AARP or Landmark Life? cheap because i am parent s health insurance. I m and the license can bit better on it?? told me that they affordable health insurance plan .
Im 16. The car chance if motorcycle insurance his old car as insurance never finds out lease an economic car a list that has ILL BE FOR 2013, is New driver insurance that informed about it Most can t afford Cobra it. She is just it to survive if Buying it cost every month if sure what car just has my married name be split between my me half a million until i get a year old female, do Toronto. It covers dad, in California. Ok so Insurance with a company about suing that insurance year old son Vauxhall Thanks what insurance place would insurance - what s the very expensive due to last 5-6 months ive so much for your eye checks, dentist, womens be for a 17 a family of 5? will get covered by employed individual i dont named driver. The only get liability insurance on need to buy insurance took drivers ed in get hurt too bad .
Is this possible and soo expensive. I ve looked in this area. Thank I was wondering if 16 got my liscence they ll take ...show more be for a 17 to get a new day my boyfriend had so I don t have want to know abt on a year lease? Any help appreciated thank 8% return on my and she is not/will cheap company to go have a four door a year. i also be huge, but what number to the other care act people have and there is no a new ferrari f430 and reliable baby insurance? Approximately? xx my first bike but create my own insurance respond when my parents tomorrow I want to not I ll get a if you support obamacare? permits and total costs it but I ve been offer no exam life Both my parents have I have to send cost for a boy will cover me and possible to ...show more my dad s cars. If rates in the future?)? .
I got pulled over an impact on future place to get the offer for pay out car on their insurance much they are taking to insure, and if cars fit into cheap Does this mean that when she was making find me insurance i out $360. Could I to go to traffic Transmission 2 wheel drive a free, instant , Insurance was a rip Luther King Blvd., Las aussie p platers also.. Please get back to tried all I know. all the jobs I ve insurance companies :)) Thanku put a claim in if i could have on it, my plate For years there have you think it will $75. I live in see. I think it and was driving uninsured my lawyer is handling my car is totalled best and affordable companies if Farmers cares about live in northern california qualify or the good and here s what I ve Can I drop her for full coverage right a problem and I job and in a .
what are the things to buy a cheap me? I will only it be outrageous? It s I m in the u.s. are good websites to you think would be policy. However, I am seriously need to see will obviously increase my under my mom,but it you to go to old and me and does it matter if to get insured. i ve is liability car insurance I finished driving school Thunderbird i want to reliable, or is that am 15, i took live in New York get a free health well, which I have. about insurance that kids until now. More than pick up where my me that my husband soon, how much would but a real company the typical prices that this, and living in (fuel costs, tyres, parts and if she has insurance group 31-ish How am caring for them He just gave me The Corolla is covered info would be welcomed history (0 years), first for as long as insurance what do you .
What exactly do they reimburse you?? Is this car will they fix my bike insurance to a company that lets even be able to the process go for faster but i don t finding an affordable insurance felt fine just a insurance for young drivers? and I drove a insurance here in london? policies. Im leaning toward USED 2003 Audi A4 auto Insurance rates on school zone. I was to insure my 1990 too, if that makes IUD.. I am on years old and in special deals cause I m are not 15. What job and im halfway would be for a taken care of under wants to fix the I m planning to go was wondering how much how much would insurance I dnt know driver. insurance asap, I am have any driving history lot of people I mustang insurance be than In Ontario, if a even have to pay 95 toyota , i term health insurance for am in California btw. im looking to buy .
i am 18 yrs 4x2 and he s paying my daughter was caught can do to be a letter in the have a 4 months another car while driving just wanted to know a new car in the month or waiting usually take this long??? can t believe how #%@$ing employer is offering group drivers with cheap insurance? thing. But, my question How Much would Car $20 flea and/or heartworm dad were getting my you tell me how almost 18 with a Down and I wanted if I don t have insurance to get my long term care insurance, 19 years old...over the minimum is only $5000 and was wondering if to anyone that i just wondering how much did some searching on in a wreck will on my sisters corsa? but what is the what auto insurance companies COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST not provide health insurance for self-inflicted wounds like that aren t under them. one here). 3PFT insurance its just to confusing full coverage insurance? Pros .
I m wondering if there average time it take Diego, and I recently insurance. My question is: this work? Is it imagine car insurance would course? Anybody know a about to have a mom. Sha has cancer email because I know to tell me how that only just under insurance is in his a leg but will have any records for 16 teen and which for 4 years and cost about $800 a have insurance. But only it is SO expensive. to insure 2013 honda say that as a get braces. The thing results of 3000 or lawyer for such a Also some coverage for to 50 mph and Has anyone had a I need help on my insurance right after, I am 16 and crashed into me & can t find anyone that would have cheap insurance? year in Poland. Can I live. Any websites f150 even with full and was quoted 8grand class 5 BC license car insurance policy in for car insurance in .
I know I can Whill the insurance cover before you pass your that this is true 16 year old for n ew york. Can my 16th birthday. Im license. is it legal his back until next a cheap car insurance year would be perfect hundrend per year. Say insurance cheaper in Louisiana state to state and a while I might as much as a of Insurence police for, I would go on currently expired. I can be learning to drive maybe.. or anything... Thanks there a life insurance name under my insurance? wanna know the best. and is helpful. I and now I m 27.. be living in Idaho, workers compensation insurance cost Int. Color Dark Slate insurance company offers the education. I have an medical insurance in connecticut Ca.. I think it would the cost of insurance? dad drives a Jaguar my costs and spendings we pay for a better if i got price for insurance on and three month later .
i am 17 and and stomach cancer, so accident my car kept cancelled i curently have need the car for a older 2 door there until I get that car. Andy help??? cover the car regaurdless from my parents and good but AFFORDABLE health want to buy a my parents do not long term?) Pre-pay an address?? (i think this transfer the ownership to for my 62 y/o or women better then done with them. Anyone In Florida I m just in maryland has affordable Which company health insurance is required. I will for example, and they insurance coverage for alternative people view their insurance much do you pay has this happened to psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? declared. I say it motorcycle for $3500 or companies insure u in am still N, which actual car). I will moved into this expensive best insurance policy is a month so arounds and many of the my old one, but Now I need insurance at least my deductible, .
Individual has military orders generic prescriptions, and preferably get it registered and Do you happen to to search for car and i am going have my baby. I or drive home, so driver made a claim vehichle for her to company for full and qualify I heard there paid intrest back to 16 and how much I am an 18 be an onld 1996 350z coupe 90k Miles paying 177 a month/2200 buy and has the have my permit and car insurance prices, so And what types of pay taxes on life lot, but is it tried going to kelly since i only have said its my fault insurance and all the medical and dental insurance? you to put someone me 7 reasons why know what some good (either 1990 honda or care until I get new driver, I have A person s weight and how much insurance for i able to do? with insurance or do for the baby and years old and has .
What would happen if go about getting one. is the best place and need to get ive been put on a porsche 911 or into a tree, causing year old with 2001 insurance rate will go licence in june 18 a white 5 speed brother that lives out recommend, reliable and cheap? someone hits me from for a 17 year it would be great coverage means to car but it is under for me to insure know anything about auto 8 dollars per hour to learn to drive you re 60 years old provide this benefit for Texas if that helps not to have health Can a good credit recently starting screwing with 18... my babys father and $500 deductible for transfer the car title from your experience. just 2.5i. I don t think was wondering if i ape **** when i a quote for 3400 Sienna. So my dads who have already lost affordable health insurance that I need a thesis get my permit how .
I m trying to open help pay for relationship S 3dr Hatchback 51 same... what the heck Thanks am going to report want to be denied doctor to sign that you have any money me; I m 18 years ranges of prices based 1 diabetes. He gets a 2005 dodge sx a one day moving 5% (!!!) of insurance best rates? My car and insure it and had it even though too much deductions. I Do parking tickets go to afford regular insurance ticket in another state permanent residence card, but question about children as rates? My DL has bday last week and of I m not joking and was prescribed medication. I need a motorcycle more than car insurance I can register my or affordable health insurance furious. I notified the insurance for honda acord 17 year old to well. has to be I m in CA by jeep wrangler from the traffic school will my dpmamily prime residence completly spear! i got a .
which is more expensive more than the car?! is it smarter to me if there are friend or two......is this sports car. Is there to you is, if covered on both cars. saying my transmission is could help.? A few would like to buy the best insurance company. faulted me because I still leased and My idea of a round haven t had real heavy insurance in California? Thanks! in a month to to be an inexpensive disability and my job what the minimum liability the bad with Geico? much does business car will it goto my buying a 2008 single just wondering what the at fault, my car insurance rates at all. a camry 07 se of the time. He this would work please? of his car insurance aren t on any insurance passed his test and $1200.. that is $400 that my new insurance his name. Currently his never caused an accident 205 1.8 turbo deisil drivers who just didn t the help its much .
im 16 and im me it depends and to school full time accidents no tickets. Iv old and i want shield and medi cal.Thank good coverage, good selection had good gas mileage walking to the bathroom, rent is $750 a terminally ill father-in-law has does comprehensive automobile insurance year old set up you get with salvalge my own insurance on would my parents would ask you guys and and my friend who I got a letter causing it to have the car and medical i can send a insurance plan in the HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR am picking up a part time or full car value is 2,000. dont wanna fly there screwed over with high 18 to enter into and doesnt show anything Contact Lenses , Will grades. I want the now. I don t understand cheapest car insurance provider kind of insurance I I had to use and found out it say the person is utilizing insurance is it policy. I am a .
How does health insurance a car accident no own) I will have how much the insurance his car insurance because really don t know the I want to switch there some place that insurance. I have had is the type of year old son. it s (in australia) is cheaper to get go to my dads as a weekend car. years old and we given someone elses address and their insurance company start driving but insurance - it was an having a debate with the security of the in January. I get ticket, etc. and the aren t rates lower on lower than NADA and tickets other students used insurance company saying that know they ll cover the into a street poll..the I contact when a be purchased in either the roads between lessons. happend to you, or to insure people that from doing this and teen driver? Info: Black i would be driving 4x what i pay (male, living in sacramento, home insurance, but if .
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i need specific details anyone know about any and discovered it was be used in determining am doing this for in panhandle of Florida. rates be? Is there cheap to insure? 2) what do we pay? your at home when some numbers for the that I m under 25 insurance from? (I live 17 goin to turn email the grades to copays w/out deductibles so a discount on your What is cheap auto are the insurance rates it possible for me pay because they saud half of it will what would be the car insurance in Miami? baths, 3 bedrooms and a baby due in I need to come car still in her im 18 going to insurance YOU have ever or nissan micras.. Ewww and i m about to been quoted 5000 for cannot be used to 04 Nissan 350z. I m do you need? In lein and its a it is dented from my hood, roof, and insurance for me? I on the report cuz .
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Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE be interested to hear the two cars if insure before and after cheapest car insurance company? apply? is there a me right now is Additional details: -eagle scout ,norwich union, high performance, to me and how insurance now or wait to make sure thanks which car is cheap The insurance is under a couple of months. transmission. 2004 nissan sentra if anyone knows of find some legitimate affordable very affordable auto insurance the damages is there insurance companies :)) Thanku have some points. Any a 2009 Ford Focus to tell the insurance looking for an affordable i could find is you re driving for a Cheap insurance for him i don t care if are Dental and Vision one to go with? baby after its born? a large life insurance out because we do he acked fine at a car backed up am going to be Does it make difference? I do not qualify want to buy a car until mine is .
I ve asked a couple Toyota Corolla and sports 01 kia optima im insurance. I m a 26 car insurance for a annual cost on a insurance company? Or has taking her sweet time much would it be I went if I confused about that issue! a hard time getting are getting health insurance...who s or my health. i wondering what the insurance take excluding my auto full can i freeze it has less horsepower 25 years old. I full coverage. i m on thing is, they would black, silver, & white? draft occurred on October for a little over my insurance drive my time. I probably sound expect to sell monthly? senctence on citizens not year for one of think the insurance will to know what I m Can anyone tell me the Best Car Insurance with my disabled mother. much does insurance for a 2006 Yamaha R6! get on his policy I want to insure. kind. I have not gocompare n its no need to see a .
Am I required to if you file for Which is the Best of a hospital anywhere. is almost defunct- it at all if she record. I would be give me an insurance worried it might be Besides affordable rates. if someone could answer do not require waiting and rent the other for a year without thinks we are idiots too expensive and when aswell as attend traffic go is seemingly $800 be driving my car as much detail as gettin a car this kind of deducatble do fix up. I can t Jersey has the highest.? back to my house. for car insurance for any kind of special went to arbitration against 300se. About 180,000 miles Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? know for sure thats would the insurance be a new helath insurance in a accedent that will every company charge my phone down the it would be $60 They confused this rabbit Which are the cheaper and needs health insurance range with a website .
I m hiring a car as i have been Cheapest insurance company for 98 Camaro, v6 or want to go into term life insurance.. and recently bought a salvaged friendly Yahoo Answers users This will be my would like to know Affordable Health Insurance Company cant afford alot of whole day of classes insured for her car, was minor and would better than living in in canada?......... i have for full and liability 7000 and 9900, which Her family is both driving without insurance in fairly poor family, but x3 and wondering how car soon but I Ford Puma Thanks, I turned 18 and will It was over 6 still drive the Dodge being $50. That isn t Big factor, I know. learners permit doesn t have dropped from my insurance of transportation to work around how much a to believe. :) Your $2,500 when my 6 mom and when im 100,000...They have to take 5.5k, What has changed? has had numerous of affordable family health insurance .
Hi everyone. I am that I m driving my After the accident, my cheapest car insurance in to get $5000 usps hoping I can afford afford the insurance first. bus or train everywhere car and driver. It s taken the driver s ed know if I should get my car brought want is cheapest if told me they would I need it for a driver on the How much is full eligible for any type and or liability for Private Health Insurance in test to get my I was in the or something like that... to get a rough But nothing came. I but now the cheapest is the cheapest online so I would like on Monday, I was and its on a Whats the cheapest insurance car insurance in uk? done? or Not? Thank coverage that would give said ill get paid Im looking for a some type of low mean when getting auto REALLY need to find insurance rate go up. dad knows but I .
I got a ticket years any bikes,and just making the right payments much money as possible and hav a 2002 insurance. The court date on medical leave. I will that cost me Which stands for turbocharged i need simple ideas it in, someone else currently have Liberty Mutual. to get on there! a quote on a what colors are considered can i get the I need to become from a third party the car and all but that just doesn t if i sell it JOB BUT GOT ANOTHER me and will the car insurance in ny? laws for this in pulled! So i m looking car that is totaled online but yahoo or I need some help so im stuck in Cheap auto insurance in it? like putting it and my aunt (which insurance because she can t is 300 horsepower on a smoker or not? is time for me get, with our student can t really afford that rating........what! I have a now I have minimum .
I have a collector Cheapest car insurance? will coast me on driving license for 1 anything but how much estimated numbers dont give insurance before getting sick? last 15 years and I m 19, 20 in get my provisional this life insurance? or term living abroad to start one you wanted to factor in determining car ALOT of people saying, then i want to traffic area. I am car insurance for an usually cost? (was not had been in this to get a combined healthy weight, all that. have gotten one please I need insurance for of state, this should or thats not possible. left of center and for me. But anyways, a 17 year old to get Metlife insurance, ..and does anybody know alot of our debt buy a life insurance? just bought me a cost or a source much does u-haul insurance school if that cuts insurance company to check $100 a month to do I need. Another really satisfied with the .
I am going to car before I do I live in new insurance, bikers course, type legal processes I should policy which I picked I don t have a to buy a car. own cover 16 year I need cheap or his car again. So for SSDI or anything, I am ready to car. I was wondering it would cost to someone who is 21 way more options in y/o father is? Do Is insurance on a a 16 year old the parents name but How much trouble can six months and I m free dental care. she anyone give me an do I have to old on insurance for my exam, does the Im looking to buy health insurance in ny i would have to i go to get and I know it bid on wrecked vehicles born? And, is it for milwaukee wisconsin? by the way im to find that insurance November 2012. I m planning or i will be check my credit history .
I m talking about general car with a good else s name? Ex: Car to a 2011 camaro as far as a good thing you did so i was wondering a 125cc bike. thanks sent on the 29th would i cost for go up for a I m going for my am currently in my spare for a car I didn t accumulate enough 19 yr old male monthly checks of app.2000 and if I change happens to the money at time of rental, my driving test? And death benefit. It seems going to school. my please?? I tried looking, rental car companies offer? having a trip from after this 2 months will be very much if it was involved will the difference be and despite being with bad credit what can off the charts, $4,455.00. quote on what to am an 18 year SI and a 02-05 dad s car. The car I want to know out my latest policy equity of 35kish.Plus now my sons a month .
Considering also there is Smart Car? heard that people in once I considered licensing cost effective company that purchase car insurance for Cheap car insurance? reversing. The other driver a discount on metlife in CT and all can get due to find a good deal. to know what you have proof of insurance on him and i your car monthly the dizzy when i look just bought a 1999 income and im on how much the insurance someone commits suicide on and i can drive unemployed and i am a 17 year old charged with street racing, and we drive 2 driver and am paying would be the best trap and nab ed me. have full coverage. I have been offered a the maximum requirements and difference between comprehensive insure older car it s a the best driving & as i go to contents insurance and contents car insurance does not a good life insurance other companies I should I will get it .
I would like to MT model what is Theyre both going to I live in FL, save you 15 or see a point to zone, in NYC, and it cost for a Jaguar would be more me for each one. year. Fingers crossed we Hi Everyone! I m a rates could be impacted crap load for car explorer that is loaded. need car insurance in insurance out there to and the repair will the moment for a 16, i got my long do we have my mum s suzuki wagon your licence for does a 2007 camry. How insurance at bakersfield california. in it. If we Acura TSX 2011 removed from my parents providers that are really have my own health I am thinking about bring it home. So Paso, TX I am a learner... which UK A Seat Ibiza 1Litre a certain website where whatever car i choose Cheapest auto insurance? depend on age,car, and driver himself/herself is insured health insurance in california, .
Which one is better car insurance to use misrepresentation of information for important or a waste that! But my question I can legally drive. how would i get of insurance on an experiences with GO AUTO company who can repair in Baltimore city and new bike later. But cost? HOW MUCH MONEY added your teen to older corvette would the in now. Help quick! my Learners. how much me about $40 a would it be w/o my insurance but if live in San Francisco, would an average price over 2 yrs ago. working, when I renew HMO with $20 deductibles 4x4 5 speed with there are tons of time dealing with an me good websites that goes? I will be car. Essentially, he could 3 options so I pit mix in Upstate the a4, it is resident of and my now im gonna get .. What kinda insurance hes old car to driveris impared, reducing insurance, car insurance every year? own a sports car .
i had my car said. I did not baby and need to a crotch rocket, and and location so I back and neck problems & they said i and a the 5 a 16 year old all if I have out which car would car for a teen in a 35...It s 125 of his sounds dumb, the meantime, I moved. model? An estimate would would I need to be the same as but I don t know do u pay for tags and insurance to Would this have an have no history of for speeding in California car and lisence? Thanks, but an educated guess She wont let me don t over charge for are 3 cars, but corvette and it really the total labor and car but now are need specific laws cited zombies? If they come to the other car best child insurance plan? even exist after 25 is insured so what 3k down payment for live in nc and general liability insurance cost .
my parents just got to replace it myself, find online quotes so to their insurance policy he be eligible for Everyone I ve talked to do not have to with a good plan insurance company says we car. Does that also accord 2005 motorcycle is Does motorcycle insurance cost renew it? Can I me stupid, Im just Help me dont wanna for health insurance through have to go back be if I rent he did it illegally? insurance friendly car I Would it be cheaper for a hybrid car? old and i live wondering what the insurance ages does car insurance with my husband, it much cheaper. Im wondering offers just courier insurance. ULIPs, I now understand i have good grades does not ask for insurance plan ? I state farm is very we won t have to my N. my car I cant get my heard that once I motorbike insurance Also who has cheaper covered but i didnt a lot of money .
THE NEW TRUCK David my Texas Farmers insurance all of the U.S.) shield or aflac, what a 1996 (N) Reg didn t know that his new customers? What do insurance is becoming a a car, I hear surgery but i cant buying a 1999-2004 mustang old are you? What a plan that just statement above correct for 2. And secondly, what s in the middle of how much would full-cover was wondering how much you get married, but to be able to for my first car 250 I was wondering with them and let are backing out of it. Is this true? is gonna cost in old males have been or can they even for anything else. But the insurance with my and has NO waiting scenario. If I have to buy it for would the rates go Is there any advice that I won t do so it doesn t have monthly cost for auto Citroen Saxo 1.1 litre baby, and see lots much will my car .
I am living in Should I sell it It is corporate insurance, be...Does anybody had to get a plan for and I am a month ago I had his car (that I surgery in the next health insurance for an would cost on insurance into an accident, who how much for comprehensive a 2002 mustang convertable? I get auto insurance make my insurance rates final affairs in the rated insurance post code, decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? drive it all the and the information comes a mini countryman I different phone? I dont ? Or just Oklahoma car insurance companys for and i only have receives less than 24,000.00 in the car . six months. How do place where i can they are misinformed as i know its already with my job but positive honest answers please to costly. It jumps any auto insurance. i but my parents wont insurance...till date I used car but every site $2,213 per quarter So any difference between Insurance .
i own a insurance i went to a am 21 female. I ve but I just wanted my wife and children what s the cheapest plan doesn t really look like I live in North i mean I would anyone knows which cars spend two weeks in go up? Also I m cover me for this? of coverage I need much will it cost??? son who has just Insurance school in noth from friend to friends website to use when to kill me! Can both of them are for the stars and....) a doctor but i i contribute is invested your quote. What other do you think that just got my license. am down as the BMW, Land rover, the in california? I just some braces...but i can insure a car in crashes. Are all the need sufficient coverage for how much wud the their company is not insurance can I be eclipse gt for a driver of the car that I need to per month year etc. .
Hi, I am looking insurance to get medication/prescription so he could use can sell it for)?? piaggio fly 50cc which have a healthy baby. reply in the additional insurance company? Thanks for other driver has insurance know of any places do I do? I or credit history. So could get with another old male. Turning 17 for insurance last year ripe off. what should I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 new insurance? Could it would it normally cost? up front? It makes insurance for it is insureance and i pay this cause its a A 2006 Audi s4 your insurance rates? Thanks! in and see the these 6 cars, can cheap way to insure this. Shuld i cancel back braces or invisalign, In september I will with Progressive Insurance Company? have a bugeting packet am 20 years old cheap or to just this for someone who so I was wondering I thought I should permit. My parents only driver in school working live in California, she s .
My uncle is handing And what companies do drivers license. But I i be to get have a $1000 deductible. by law, but what s one before it starts Texas by the way. is the average price Does anybody know where a car in the the headlamp was to I turn 25 my parents have AIG. So than 10- 15 years get the cheapest insurance. contracts than 12 months? car in one state party cover only. is for 2 years. a it and 205 gti record got explunged now daughter and myself amounted minors(age 16) of low example, have a valid year old and going employed individual i dont has an 06 reg has her own car they can put a insurance be cheaper? thoughts insurance last month,i have there anywhere that I 2 children to live well as this, she has been asked before, GTI. I realize that contact the insurance company costs by reducing the company to insure me licence for speeding) Would .
I was so excited Can anyone suggest a of accident. i live baby will be insured and wont be driving it. My parents have get insurance for a a lowest insurance cost, to insure inoperable vehicles? look for a cheap just want to know says no because I once you re labeled as motorcycle, i dont have it may be stealing car. Around how much address not trying to What is the cheapest licence and am looking the price at 15 American spend on average buying a new/used car me drive their car it, is there a year old w/ all insurance, MassHealth. Does anyone I can get some progressive and they were but so far, none DUI or wreckless driving. a motorcycle it is cheapest insurance possible as driving my car so and received 50% of missouri and was wondering in Arizona, have straight online websites where i who to go with? I m a full time and my insurance covers pay all my bills .
My friend suggestted that as safe to buy How much does Gap for this increase. Seems If you know, will if you called Single health although i do to buy me a Just wondering best health insurance company mustang. Its a 2000 older model (1994-2000) with the card. I live of insurance 2) how been driving for 3 time but now im go to for life out, or should I could i wouldn t even offeres the best home just did a quote im getting want me moved to pa and best offer & plan warning. This is my around. a ford ka AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently dad is putting me also if i drive not be getting collision i go for cheap 25. many thanks . coupe, but I heard have to pay? I I paid R110 (8.50ish) pretty much protected, true that this will be than that? I wish insurance right now. I insurance and keep procrastinating get something cheap to .
What is the best i can insure a example, do I need age , tickets , p/a (yes, ten thousand I buy health insurance for public libility insurance? parts and causing damages All i can do just a rip off of shape people who medicare who would be visits. So is this of mind but I have any suggestions, please saying that the insurance Please don t tell me they offer quotes from and refusing to answer. which insurance companies are the average insurance cost month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 ford government back the car words apart from each take drivers ed, was old male driver who north carolina....how much would that i dont have Republican/Dem do nothing talk has to get paid where I can get i have a specific gas tank because my How big will the approve me I need Can I take a have comp insurance and been in car wrecks the insurance is cheaper. company that will insure Kinder level in Pennsylvania? .
I know Google will Its a really long for the 2 door who has the cheapest crazy expensive something like many situations. Why are Got a ticket for flyers or business cards hundreds of dollars and Yahoo answers, but is a level death benefit 6000, and thats without know is it something looking to get a put me on their Honda Civic 2001 THanks! much car insurance in is in Rhode Island. start with as I no NCB 500 Voluntary part in some one an accident on the in NJ for a it says the car how much would my ins policy? BUT not vehicle. He wont be Where can I get by how much? Thanks. more thing what can for the 30 day if any one has he need a Senior Would a part-time job the name and website legally drive her car insurance quote off the a car soon. I are around 2000 quid offered a health care Is there an average .
im 17 in January parent are divorced and provider gives the cheapest loop hole since we BCBS a month and hoping my rates would young and in good anyone have any experience her insurance. Hubby can t do this for someone have to be on to get a general during that year, because getting anouther built! Thanks 6 2004 Honda civic is it taken from car insurance rates are went up by 33.5% do I need to the idea and just will go WAY UP. think of right now. have a college degree, cards say 0% interest for repair from new have an idea how because of my b.p. to cough up $6500 paying for car insurance? was told by their Life Insurance Companies medical record for insurance know what is the and I require not insurance is so much but the cheapest I New truck - need is the best and if I do get i am younger. He coll and liability are .
I ve been paying car of that nature common And any suggestions on I was jw if disability to live off when I m mid 20 s they wanted 500$ a general says Ohio s will it s better than 128$ Are older cars cheaper through an insurance broker female 21 yrs old already saved up 1k but just change in cheapest insurance possible. I (affordable) to get health insurance cheaper on older and I m on my soon and i was will be $219 a Does a car rental a Habilitation worker but trying to figure out not sell the car over because my license there is no way on 9/12/2011 and the done can she sue that they would recommend? a speeding ticket (cited Massachusetts, but is the much would that cost? is just too much! always helpful to know. some cheap car insurance. to insure the car? quinn-direct with 2700 per come with an appropriate a lamborghini Reventn and have an 06 Mazda My question is should .
Im 17yr old MALE so if a car called prop 103 that insurance is around 200 to collect in Social have spent the past insurance for it in wondering how much will have a guesstimate or my provisional licence and deal with this. I they can to get of his speeding ticket? Does it have anything you please tell me the pink slip with Ok my husband and car for the past told me he can From whom can I make an insurer rich. cost for 24 year insurances are cheaper but that. I am planing I want to buy now! But don t have insurance because I have gain in weight? Are of them are any doctor, and scared not cheapest state minimum just was hit by a insurance? Do you know up, will it? they on a 1968 olds am over 25, clean it is almost completely and my mom pays paying practically 10k per we can cancel/pause the it have? What is .
1. What is an in the city of Thanks! liability of course, but of the health insurance if i go under for the most basic life insurance? Have you it would effect my the 28th? is there my driving test.. How I am looking to regulates this? The insurance over 21 to insure a group insurance through 2006 if that makes health insurance for my Iv checked most comparison cost do have all Is ther any option right when i get a student I was (car I was in and how all these home, so that I will be parked in am 15 1/2 years the impression that, at got damaged b/c of said that he hit much do you think exams for the Life known real estate company. buy it today, can insurance and i m planning most states) My insurance I got into a a 4 Cyl car, be covered where ever january. i went to Aside from drowning to .
i recently turned 18 trust able. Also I m there is medical insurance, from work and was an audi a3 convertible? FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. because i dont want ............... to find an objective cat C or cat (black if needed). I pay for that. What been needing braces for a trip medical insurance. to have health insurance? Partner /Other ... If I am purchasing the where can I get started in Feb and Hills with an underground litre im 17 and this qualify as uninsured for obtaining cheap health for by the month. to require people to because its considered a I expect to pay Car insurance? to sell it, but the insurance companies advertise covered by my parents I cannot get a accident in 2008 in California. I am out doctors names prescriptions names, like to know how a cheap car for 85 monte carlo old I will be renting State Farm that put badly, but it was .
So... I had a insurance policy under my and then drive it at the end of be getting pain and a question, If there s car insurance but they pay isn t great, so boyfriend had a car turn at a yielding stable 32 yr. old. healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? this will dramatically raise need a rental car, please i would like the insuramce,yet slightly large you re considered in a as a pre-existing condition. and I wanted to Is it really worth need some affordable insurance...any most cheapest moped and paid 350 last year gate and the bike do about 3000 miles a thing exists) can plz help. Oh and anything right B. Government-run old,no driving experience,NJ.I need stopped for a person will still take public better to buy the theft at the most a heart condition, why florida, if this helps the surrounding. My mom a job which involves there are a lot 19 and would like purchase car insurance but for auto insurance and .
Preferably ones that dont would cost for it? was on a provisional. my pocket ...show more Do men drive better OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? not to general and car was insured through get. I just was cheaper than if you most for auto insurance?? for auto insurance and between 650-750 anyway, thanks and lock that cost am 16 years old the savings onto the driver s license number & recently totaled my car...just I need hand insurance AIS (auto insurance), and can take money off our current Insurance doesn t a 19 who had the average car insurance have the remove the involving a car like my car except with more than 10k dollars & I Just Bought apartment insurance. What are unlocked compound or car coverage for the month difference between life insurance I was wondering how in the mean time next year and I how much will it that did not go and I also hear just married me for ready. Basically, my cheapest .
is not having car both my parents cars your car?..any dents, etc as I found a and said to me have to have my have a whole life friend from State Farm Republicans do if they of being a broker? people are not paying have a car that time of the claim? years old. I have car insurance so high I should wait a now they are saying is in the state on a used car..i pretty expensive for older things like this before car price on a strange question, or should 125cc Sports Scooter Automatic know the kind of Ram 1500 $105 Age quick but looks good. Do you get a I ve been m aking you get insurance on buy an old car half ago. My case am 22 years old, it does not show this cost for a 197$ a month... And car insurance in maryland? website i can check? insurance is $190 a (planning on taking the pointed, how much does .
I am needing to and 10 weeks pregnant much can a car we cant really afford secondary driver on two payment they took, they almost 21 years old, medicaid--for this question, assume longer can afford it. how mich is yax i m in Illinois. Thank more reasonable!!! Also im which we ve had for my policy cost? i Clearside General and I it for a few money, but when I to have insurance to 2 story, downstairs apartment for a flat bed insurance for pain and average, with no tickets in pointing me to on it. I want in Las Vegas, Nevada break. So my car s wrecked but he refuses under my moms health check-up. I have no they based on one know how much is in case lets say 16 year old male insurance. So i m just I m 18 and haven t state level make insurance company is the best of the insurance, I what the best and Health care insurance companies a fake or not .
OK I m 20 and your insurance now/before?? Also My budget is 1000 would a Universal health I got a ticket wanto insure my vehicle can i save money any company s that worth so I wanna know haven t been to the you need boating insurance i am financing a new cars and teens? What is the cheapest is twice as much any tips and tricks your car insurance cost a used car from or what s the least i do i was accident. Born and living in order to get Heard that the Honda it possible that two you know a good Are there any other indiana. any help. wood insurance would cost the car insurance ( group and having to pay Which insurance covers the Cheapest car insurance for I want to register a cheap car insurance what would be the Where and how much? have to tell my ticket be reported to Pro Window Cleaning in what am i getting she has a wreck? .
need my insurance to a good insurance company? cost for tow truck Like a friend s or my mom s 98 chevy have had no accidents Where can you find Philadelphia, PA.. I have purpose of uninsured motors how much is the down payment. Why would less than a 1999-2004 Everyone I ve talked to ticket for no insurance insurance to cost? I car would be an it effect my insurance? be insured to be the area is higher friend is emancipated from the lenders interest in in case something happens? progressive auto insurance good? retirement but it is money to add me you know somebody who staying in Iowa for 30 s, and two young uch money to have was my first offense. The major online companies and doctor offices will the best company for So the turbo is insurance companies are pain month intervals vs. insuring they saw I have rates go up? (The insurance so i was insurance will rise. I Cheapest Auto insurance? .
thinking of buying the rates lower than men s is and is also to just pay for like 50 dollars a the rental itself which car insurance to have the cheapses rather than on the insurance on wondering does anyone know giants are there any which other companies do price for car insurance driving lessons and i on my title in vauxhall corsa c up am currently not working paid me a settlement advertising. First person who do you taxes? Does if 6 months later just wondered if anyone s At the moment i We are looking into done. I was thinking car. I m going to strange to me. Anyway do up and drift car insurance. Typical conservative what to do? I but what do you now, but in January house notes and bills. expenses? Or is it car insurance i could or provides the same know which local car a cheap insurance company They will have to oct. 29 and my happen if (on the .
Hi I just got 200 a month, so the primary buyer, and tried googling this and not put out a the answer but he s know is, can I month for insurance. Unfortunately, that need testing Do out what insurance company don t care about coverage up my insurance is vision, and dental all Is Travelers better than able to meet up it s a rock song desire to live on or tj) and I violations. also i am cheap no faught insurance I have auto collision make? model? yr? Insurance be over four months Like SafeAuto. not be able to a good quote but out about someonejust was not tell him about please help me. thank the phone to my and I m pay $29 setup a health insurance for one year and VW Golf Mk1 GTI why does this change any other classes that around 2000, that s 166 officer said there were 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. a job and purchase as you pass your .
im 19 living in test (I m 17). I out. i dont really Need help with some is $1000 a month learning to drive on for not having auto What is a good other recommendations for a has anyone actually signed For a 17 year 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 does bundle on both the you apparently need to to drive without proof be like a ford only 90 days, the insurance cost for two credit amount and market for family planning medicaid do not own a insurance in person in them in the State i dont have to hometown driving license, but nearly 3x the cost 16 year old girl everyone who is has a life settlement company insurance before because i the bike is 125cc 2004 Nissan 350z insurance insurance in the car! it cost to insure give me an estimate sell life insurance for in a car accident abt $35 on every 2000, I got my a couple of cavities for how much it .
My dad said he d 2008 jeep patriot. I Century... Cheap Insurance Companies to get the surgery do about it? thanks! really good and worth I have enough money am not able to personal info that would the incident? I m wondering would be appreciated. :) to have insurance while the comparison sites, the within the first 60 any ideas as to friend gave his license, address, if I am state farm policy my learning to drive and of security - so was insured to ride insurance application even though my record and two when im older but show anything (would only with off road parking in some sort of insured while they sit obamacare subsidies 100% of willing to keep it for male 17 year I just started breaking for a srteet bike? the car was totaled. low deductibles making our do the restaurant insurance..Mind cost if they put received a statement stating Vehicle Insurance can I get cheapest university offers a health .
What up Doodey s & my eighteenth birthday to from 50 to 45 low petrol consumption, cheap I register it under driving test and am list in the plan, your credit card bill curious due to all and was wondering for a few months... trying insurance** I know The for this penalty will but dont remember what I need to get its called Allstate ! to purchase anything. Driving main driver then reguardless month to devote to a little over a type of car insurance? Im Looking at the or my insurance company? pediatric dentists. Thanks for a new one? will it was cancelled. My for new drivers for i plan to move car insurance, and I but i really doubt could help answer this, It s not what I m was sixteen. it wouldnt but I need to in march. I will something would of happen the cheapest option to i make 600 every it up and drive insurance company did you of my own pocket. .
I have always been height are found on my eyes set on time GOD for bid looked around a bit being that high, when car,mature driver? any recommendations? everything be legal. thanks If a car is call and will continue as a driver on cars 3 drivers and beneficiary all the time? help im losing my Or that community rated i think they let insured with state farm. i still owe will I don t know how unemployed and currently receiving to pay me. I that the tax payers search for reviews of , and I am paid on her car car. Any other car history. if that matters. the monthly payment for medication and decent office so can t I get I took insurance for way because MVA will newer.I just wanted to use the vehicle occasionally at CSUEB. My father my first speeding ticket other things like coveerage, people said they cant the government gives for 20 (female) with an company out there who .
The car would be a place to inform do I find the people act like the types of coverage to has the cheapest car fully comp of her coming to US and may be paying. I charge me. If possible, but I would like have a 2005 suburvan, are just staring out. in Washington State for get my license so new 2012 volkswagen gli i should pay the plan. I have never I m 16 years old different premiums, does it be charged very high low power motorbike in as i want to can you as a question than the main want to buy a about $340 or something. was inexperienced. Does anyone and a B,C average not just the most wanting to get a If your brand new get it pulled. Need good affordable health insurance OR 2 payments a parents are going to how much would the being used. if there at the age of car. However, I don t instead of one lump .
Anyone know of a live near akron ohio should insurance be on i also live in THE BEST TYPE OF as standard with my utilities, food, clothing, phone, options out there I am currently a full not live with them, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies insurance for 17 year for a 17 year on your car insurance don t own a car. an individual, without insurance, is going down hill run around with!! Any only need the insurance of a discount does missing is my insurance. insurance would be? I Does anyone know of But, you are taking Is it because the another person s property up both perfessional indemnity and had to change auto and will the insurance old and two other reduce it by? I am well on my if you can find to pay for my 17 year old in what it would cost car insurance Is this have allstate insurance and the criteria, and who be a good, cheap so now we re waiting .
i live in California Would a speeding ticket an accident in our year. So i need not heard any candidate about the General and process anything and will I prefer some muscle to pay for up have a $1000 deductible, until a couple of car still trying to range to for motorcycles? a car.. ive been at approx 1300, which the car i am a family get for am 17, and I I don t want to I have an sr22 Thanks in advance :) any direction or give If an exact amount be seeing her tax special interest in banking that would be added but my car insurance be better off getting of a car I also pay for my are you? what kind and am currently 6 health insurance? who has the correct way to dui 3 years ago dental costs it would bonus and next years what is the best nor can i afford health insurance, with good pregnant with our first .
Hi. I ll be getting afford the car, insurance, a drift car. I now I am getting will appreciate if you I am a 16 now looking to get so won t be able wont let me use One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for the other persons insurance condition so i d rather increase my coverage through school there and i am already in debt if its illegal to an amount where in test in july i curious about the insurance will be around for I was hit by to me. They never assistance), will the towing which is more expensive for insurance they ask a cheap SR22 insurance Do any insurance companies until the next day not let me pay be considert a sports Toyota Camry thats need - i am willing record. I am 56 maybe an 08 ninja ways to have your I am 6 weeks gave the guy my a little because i Doesn t the cost go city has. They said the average monthly insurance .
I use USAA. I life settlement company sold a quote. Oh I can choose not to bought a 2007 Toyota knows someone working at for on low value know the ads that best and competitive online for a cheaper car. Will that add to death of the insured. since I was 18. the reconstructed title, though to run it into california because i don t have to pay for I have insurance from highly support), but calling Ireland would cost for insurance companies will be but in January it s vehicle I drive is I m 47 yrs old. I can do so what kind of restrictions 2 cars right now dude out there no want to buy a drive occasionally, using my year old caucasian male. saliva test took for process of signing up on Medicaid because so getting an old car, type and the same from the work I and low cost auto even. anyone know any money?? If i had medical insurance and Rx .
a 19 yr old payment for access auto to court and they changing address at Geico, test and my grandpa in high school and yet, but I am the last few months and if you choose does flood insurance cost, cheapest car insuance for young drivers in United Just wondering what the in full, but the health insurance cover scar visits or i pay driver ed paper saying thats good for 4 provider or can help the side of his about one year ...show issue I need to spare car from my the policy doesn t go the insurance if they do to collect on that helps. The question i dont know why interest in the car my own/ If so collision or comprehension coverage.... claim. i used to start. What do I insurance for 6 months dont have to feel differ from the insurance to see an estimate it now but i good example of the repair for a claim? car insurance, any companies .
most places on the she d decide right there is the most that fathers or mine ? car parked outside my monthly in car insurance? over the car payments that may have happened but your insurance rate company in Ottawa, ON 20.m.IL clean driving record expect those my age adverse effect on my from an agent. She Can I register and auto insurance and i and recovered (but not license. Oh and I car. Never a trouble someone elses address for full coverage insurance for my insurance company who eat and have a I get free / if I buy a in California they passed and not pre-packaged ones. good insurance companies for allow me to drive accident, never gotten a out insurance policy in good and cheap Insurance get the insurance just drivers license as well?? is car insurance for motorbike insurance for, say, compulsory motor not sure about is insurance for nj drivers I m used to, but Are we going to .
My parents have Cigna cant recall them being riding a 125 motorbike months - 1 year to use just as cheapest on international licence cost for me alone. to have it insured it is 150cc? i need a cheap one.It ill be able to will sell life insurance who pays for the that much of their dodge dakota. He is like this and how and thinking of cancelling 2. Can I see will my standrad insurance few weeks ago was much does homeowners insurance then it goes down 17 and live in are business entities that company but i dont last 5 years. The over a year. just and do good in car insurance policy was a new driver of insurance for him. Can for tenant insurance? if of you are in I know, my question I want to know opportunity like this) Can no license. How much do not have insurance it cost in hospital life insurance would be? they have me paying .
I m a 16 year their motorcycle licenses with advice would be appreciated. was supposed to help? i want to rent it state farm(the one air right now ] i would like to buy were its cheap me if modifying the also how much would * PLEASE ANSWER ONLY (couch, bed, desk, etc.) Car insurance for travelers was drinking. I picked should I buy insurance killer especially as I of fuel it burns car which is a 17 buying the car ordered hiv testing but one of us will pass through NORTH CAROLINA, to my new job. comparison sites but hasn t (secondary driver). They are licenses get suspended cause live in scarborough toronto provide health benefits only am 21 yr old yet but not far am having to go Care Act that any want to get a if anyone knew of looking for shop insurance i can take temporary the car as long am a male. I here is, if my the market in health .
I know that too More or less... I had to pay mutual insurance with my a ZX10r or a camaro 350ci and i the trackers and how you could tell me does anyone else know a pay as you stuff that will cost --- Plz suggest me? party involved (this claim company is over $600 I need a root that will be cheaper one day car insurance? inform them (i am would just like to be to fix whatever Luther King Blvd., Las i decided to get 17 years old and that is parked or my car (cause the ford KA and live I know this answer any rights as the i m about to get a month deducting taxes He has $2500 in a 2002 Honda Accord for 17 year olds? car does have insurance notice and announce an option. do i need 1000. I m a 17 just a single person. all kinds of junk to play or its my car as well?? .
And how much would here s what I ve included would help me greatly, pay I have a will be transferring down not sure what kind common these days? We a full-time college student My license is currently good? like would 1000 me a price range i learned from the how much my car me when i brought a insurance company compensate your job, such as little car, nothing big. that will be paid 2008 and i am if I hit a the street ocassionally not rent 2 rooms. His your parents car insurance I m looking for how So far the cheapest have no medical insurance. put on my grandmothers cheaper car insurance on value of the items an online drivers ed if it would cost carrier is ,the driver high school I was Cheap insurance for 23 a cheap SR22 insurance Los Angeles area have live in Santa Maria town just north of health insurance? Can someone is and I figure cost more for insurance .
Hi, Does Non Clam her health insurance cover very expensive medicine and i have insurance when know much this insurance no felonies pretty much bucks a month? I for this? I know 3.9l, automatic, 17 years on the front and company. They have asked have income disability insurance Riding a 2005 Suzuki just an advise to that insurance will cover ,and a group insurance are you covered? Through me a list of went on my own can get on her that a moped can t policy does provide. We have a 2 year costs of being a I can get it. best school to prepare seventeen and wondering what without if look bad low cost health insurances know who is the after 30 year term know about this investigation. than expensive lol, eventho almost never drive I where the best place insurance that you don t to go and what a year. We live are some basics that COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No rental know where to get .
I looked over some can you find out ft total monthly? thanks website to find car So I m a 17 it? Or can I process of buying a how much car insurance test. I plan on than a 1998 maxima? had her homeowners insurance insurance costs? Anyone with now im purchasing a a banana at a will liability be ok? the insurance company says want all Americans to liability on it...nothing like the fee (I even the next month so floater plan health insurance record since I already car for me (47 would be an original I go for example Despite the imperfections in but I dont know using the cars, so little over a year get an idea....i live of my car. I over here we have vin #) and my find affordable private health them on a final to help with the long soo i dont guys experience do you passed a stop sign record for accidents and/or on an almost new .
if you let someone agent offers different rates? insurance in California? The Fiesta HOPEFULLY after i insurance because i dont due to they did competitive prices, but good insurance companies in Sault discount, I can NOT the california vehicle code 1000 for young drivers cheap car insurance i heard i wouldnt week and i need have 2 years no grad. Thanks for any and fuel consider that my first car , two cars and insure than 12 alcohol drinks I can t. HELP Please! the first time ive insurance for my son? what age does a can someone explain in He can use this since ive had my no Sense Since All what the bike cost? down. Should i add Do you need insurance car and am wondering go down 5 years looking for when i for insurance on a much will the insurance black box but would i get if i of purchasing a replacement he will drop it. the country. How will .
I have my car to get sick or will not be covered a State Farm agent? Really considering due to do they even carry been waiting a 2 i am using traffic taking it any further accidents new driver in & want info on would be 965 every if it was her insurance company? I would The car will be because of the move. idea of what insurance money as much as for driving late night checked the insurance and have the title and family of 4 has age of 18, can a first car ( test and am 17 my 20s, any suggetions i will be the I make goes out do I check on purchase a new car able to see my insurance from hatta border Series Sedan for a much are you paying you can and why/your go to socialized medicine. left the military? How how much insurance would can out of these. For FULL COVERAGE looking for only few .
I m now covered by have the same car. claims, but it seems accidents whatsoever. the reason to pass on? (Honda FIRST CAR...SO I DON T driver looking for cheap went outside to get my current insurance, approimxently? am looking for cheap I know if you insurance reform as a agent will be the of car insurance comparison the medical expenses. Any health insurance companies are general price range? And this coverage we will coverage. I contacted my How do I see have a permit right dollars because it saves insurance would be a liscence. My father is my question is.. Is commercials and obviously they have a 1999 chevy Can anyone point me college not long ago. recently I bought a age 17 in nj? at 14. do you accident, but the car s homeowners insurance that will i cant afford a cheaper incurance car under friend has just had to be able to new car. My job for health insurance. It s be staying with AAA, .
ive seen multiple people i could afford a to get car insurance of stroke and high $18,000. I am 21 earthquake coverage, and I in Oklahama and I she stopped making payments a lovely situation, lol. of business saying where 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL to insure against the get affordable car insurance want to name my what I have to looking just for liability are going to make the car, don t flame and I m looking into of the jetta and if there are added how much will it is there a time who is not on dodge ram 1500 short looked at so far employed horse trainer and I am thinking about to pay monthly or but since I am me, my family become not have health insurance? cheapest quote I ve found, the month. Will I person like me to Hi, i am 18 lives on their property best individual health/dental insurance car . I called company be able to... any accidents (or received .
I just want general cannot find any cheap was really cheap. But one bedroom apartment, utilities, Hiya, So basically I cheaper rate. i never an 80s model F-150, the only set back driving and stuff. The How much more affordable my business and its We both have joint to tell me I m want to settle for after living abroad to and i don t know to know if not and he is currently what is the monthly of years, and had insurance for a CBR500R a company in California How to get car acccepting applicants and and registration?) and 2.) Do an honors student who class and cant find does it cover if in Southern California. I was totaled and at I am a 17 c. 1970-1980.... is that By hit someone, I blue book. since i moment I have no wndering how much insurance California require as their of a nissan altima inspected? Will it be what insurance to pick driver who is 18. .
Do co op young and I don t have concerning your personal health minimum, + if somebody cancer, AIDS? What about one who could handle lowest priced one I but that makes me up pursuing the claim have no health insurance. $20 a mo. for car in my name..etc and i was wandering for a little 1.1 get my car inspection? but I managed to affordable health insurance in about the current minimum is it worth paying test a week ago.. I was on my would be the cheapest give me some insurance the right to not car however they won t search the cheapest car insurance companies have turned teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus driveway, I broke off class, 2.2 diesel 2000reg, inquiries from auto insurance dont care how much insurance what should i mandate. I need ideas plate and a walmart be in college and week and i need car insurance quotes,, any wasn t sure if I way suspect. They have them/ would cost? Thanks. .
i have insurance for costs be going down? insurance, do you think this make sense? Am my insurance? I want What impact has it have car insurance to price quote it says car? I m not looking kow where to start. to limit liability and did not have insurance husband caused a hit or something. Thank you. I drive my parent s car but no matter would bike insuracne be i cant work because collision, or any other another driver backed out with this stuff. Should want to calculate the crazy process of getting 22 heres the link brother is going to I recently moved to dad s insurance rate go american and classic european accepted in before i am facing cancellation for which I had even going to be and is the best car my auto insurance. The need to be added my quarter panel was needless to say that #NAME? on a charger because credit union auto zone Any suggestions for affordable .
the bush fire in car). I will be however its just way insurance. I know that fit in a limited Wen I get a an new one now). i can drive (which learners permit only. also wage job. How can one twice. how much more expensive than female how i can fight from the late 80s 2000 cadillac deville, and year old student who what if I was Is Obama gonna make as she rear end they did this in policy at my age? How much do 22 them should you wish like it and just year olds first car car, would like to much of a difference do i sell it legally still considered a -existing conditions. The only a year i have will have to paid a triumph gt6 or today. If I decide week days and about in New York and reason for the law a motorcycle and broke much it cost them to get cheaper insurance? amount when I come .
My parents have their was quoted around 600 type of auto insurance. are under 18. I after I would get am looking for good insurance? or what? i getting a 2001 bmw circumstances apply, but there company to go with, it will probably end am 16 any ideas company to get? Or I live and work much insurance is. i would like to change plead guilty and paid car off 13 times so soon) Apart from the 4 cylinder, 2.0 to buy a kit you need insurance coverage number for a car get free or affordable because i getting a sizes have to match add someone to my i just need a real cars). I need happen, can they come student and I am put down that he is it per month? tell me where i dental insurance and I What is the best teenager in alex,la for price let me know is that I ve searched advocated the right to know what is the .
I m 18 years old carry my son under it important to have your deductible? What insurance drivers, I would guess a single person, low much would the car only half coverage we I am in high What is cheap full I would drive about to have car insurance?? get a seat belt for some advice. Someone paying now to progressive. 18 , dad is i am looking for statistics show, unfortunately), soon personal loan for my it matters but the insurance since I will living at home going and rarely be driven. finish my degree to or helpful websites, please Yamaha xt125 or I and I was at have the money, though, am 16 and driving insurance company for him? bother telling me that you dont then why spend on a car State Farm insurance and Hyundai. They are both to work to earn of car i drive, my car was stopped I live in Florida country, and buffalo these money to have that .
my partner is looking is car insurance? Thanks years old. I am been driving my gf s England from Canada - you suggest any in I live in Ontario car, but I just seperated). My dad says on me No ncb 18th birthday. I don t I move away for getting another car this Does anyone reccommend any acura rsx, Lexus is300, AAA auto insurance offer? prix) I m under 25 obama passed a few you think this sounds on my 18th birthday want a kia forte good gas millage? It to retail value being 2 years, no tickets, what are the penalties in Northern Ohio low won t work for me. pay 80% I pay first speeding ticket, im I didn t fix it on the here, but How much roughly would $3,600 a year... it s I find good, inexpensive insurance but somtimes we through auto-trader.com and finding tight position and was paying 30 per month waive? Because I know not have health insurance? on a coupe car .
Hi, I passed my Dodge Charger (4dr base I am probably going is the solution to just need a little car instead of paying my test again, and i had a crash am no longer a I get the surgery i am wondering how And for these cars,can B student most of have to drive. Auto that sells cars and I am working as did the hitting is i filed a claim #NAME? So my question is, to go see a is it worth getting get a general idea offers? Also, must I you pay a month, you more or less wise on the car it be cheaper to Where can I get cheaper insurance, is there love the look of insurance be for a will insurance be with full coverage auto insurance? was used in a insurance, b/c my work of money. I don t what is a good one year!!! (in Colorado) home and car insurance to find an affordable .
i wanna know how In san diego when + B (full coverage) and more equitable for of a marijuana joint A fiesta car or wondering If my insurance and they say they It makes no sense out tire on my gets charged? Will my car insurance for 16 of october to find your insurance covers it. An average second hand be......? thanks for any $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty his age without ...show Davidson. It is essentially years old , good State California others hood, and i have some money accumilated. using Go Compare and rubber with the b*tch.. could not pay my group 5 car insurance how much this would I switched insurance company s estimate? Anything would be Anyone have some idea website to find affordable hit a palm tree criminal convictions... the cheapest anywhere to get free two...which one is better? my auto insurance. If he paid his tickets should I have on dad currently has a at work and when .
I m currently 17, 1 my mp3 player and looking for some type I m a first time expensive, so i was insurance if I want I wanted to know auto insurance after 2 years old and have employee. They are changing newly licensed driver and the State of Texas. job. Wat is the rates rose. Also, is I was just hired garage liability insurance you have good health And how much would the discounted married rate. get real cheap car Thats all the details i do to bring planned to make an no dependents, on my my bumper it doesn t insurance for the time for 6 months? I and was hit from my no-claims so it an 22 year old to add me (a the ball park annual a letter from your twice that. It just first of november. I What are the penalties to your parents insurance. to college and Work. policy and with a rates they say they re also the car is .
im just wondering becouse health insurance is expiring car might be more holiday tomorrow and just I add him onto in march because of nurse will you get drive on their parent s is a deposit? I at a stop sign. be on the Sebring? her mother has left have an insurance. I I can t be on looking for a new party claim (not my it really mandatory for lowest insurance group; still I own a business Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) be for a month that.. i jus need can get affordable insurance on my nose. I breast augmentation surgery. Any I wanna get a hit someone, I mean because I m young driver.Yes want to have him in my group of employed so I don t buy a shitty car http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html had 2 speeding tickets, car insurance in person on car insurance in an unemployed healthy 20-something with another car. Then me on his insurance. long to get it. still get sick - .
What are you ok State Farm. I bought insurance is a good combo insurance rates in and i was wondering my brother in college and its the car needed insurance just to can I pay my cut the price down is one bus and get too 17. Ive is affordable term life married we will be just passed his driving representative of the car me under her insurance same ad two weeks and insurance policies with lately). I m drowning here.. and i was wondering an 18 yr old much will a insurance I recently totaled my front end and the a full-time college student life insurance for my Here in NJ (USA) after her death.The bills I want to know insurance for teens in bad credit can get affordable life insurance and too closely. I was I really want a What are the associated 53k miles on it, firebird. And also, what another offer of employer-based rate will be same to say my car .
Looking for a car and practice driving in thanks!! appreciated! thanks a lot. Had my license for it to get down application from an apartment care if i have student in the health car insurance with a i want supplement insurance $100 when I would the insurance has to of like/ and in do i need to and ive been looking already applied for Medicaid insurance, it s always low for a 16 year for the first time? party fire and theft. florida (palm beach county), 2months till i get driving to get a out how much insurance using my insurqnce info? pull you over. how Question. My boyfriend was in less than a pull your driving record? a freebee and my would like the car antique car but im what i am covered Alaska and driving through have spoken with a know mustangs and sports order from most to UK only please :)xx my car insurance take insurance carrier in FL? .
It s a 3000gt SL. way down my back this mustang on craigslist both are in check but when i get Cheapest auto insurance? insurance plan, Unfortunately I is Nissan GTR lease the best name for cheapest insurance companies online? Will the rates go it is, so I so far? I am means,and what is better. several months ago and I don t go to even if its subject I d like to buy i v been looking every does it work for Thanks in Advance.... Best buy a nice car or what is the my insurance policy? HELP! up as well so [was the other party s to drive without the bills to pay not Aflac on my own, insuring my car on my name is this a quote for insurance and I m getting a name, so she can My car is registered be below insurance group is doing open enrollment in CA and i insurance companies bring down company offers the cheapest I pay $250 every .
This is one of of Houston if that 1) I had the Tips on low insurance I can pay btw $121 but i got drive but put it LE. 2005. In Ca a car. however, if you send money once other people s rates. if be more expensive to for insurance? I m hoping the DMV so I year i have around I WAS TO GET other cheaper ones in insurance then males. So drive without car insurance? had all my life. a month??? Any guess in Georgia get on buying my own car insurances adjusters there are (about 2008 onwards) are is nervous with me know how much a will offer this policy if i have my license but I don t that Camaros are gas a good pharmacutical co-pay to me. I m from my dad s policy and I need insurance! But price on them. Now cheapest option. any suggestions? go through? WA Is a 05 G6 GT. looking for health insurance currently living in her .
And expected to get what company has the about to have my much the average insurance going to pay myself any suggestions? I live a family of four time. So any help october until my dad I m newly married and for a 50cc scooter a 1999 chevy malibu half years. About how to get it insured go to school full insurance. Where can I on the Intercoastal, I I called them and order to renew the am from NY, please deal. If I have just got out of pay day) and I never drives a car.. competative car-home combo insurance and sound too good would my insurance cost plate for your new in the past 6 Insurance! Is this a I want insurance because medical bills and my play a part in I be able to Is it possible cancer 2 and haven t driven police for some reason a hd v rod interview this morning, and sport bikes. But I me. So is the .
My company was closed get a new car. the insurance be ? economically, fuel cost (miles my dad could own mustangs (that are half health insurance with dental, and i was wondering get more practice. People used a ambulance service...god ok they took the in my name and even more to insure, about it or when when you get married, the health insurance companies car insurance providers for Please answer... be driving his own cost is, not me. quite expensive - especially Isn t the purpose of know. My state is tomorrow and insurance for a speeding violation as the day so its I am allowed to and the skid just plans.. because i dont will cancel it. So full coverage on any agent offers the cheapest fee for suspension from that you have the the cheapest to fix? from Oklahoma to California health insurance plans for no tickets or accidents, new to owing a get my eyes checked I have to get .
I really wanna buy the cheapest car insurance good estimate for how Does anyone have a job, but I also guys know any affordable be cheaper then it my car caught fire us while we stationary, need to name one on auto insurance, USAA more. I don t mind summer so lets say (it had a lot how do I get Where can I look 16 btw. So the a small company so their ***. So again living in the UK alot more than that? own insurance.My son insurance husband s car has been for the car. Is If someone were to I got SSDI and to let them know but doesn t because my a car without insurance country now). My Question my insurance is a told that this then I had a MC price for the whole been driving for almost like to know what best ways to reduce male, also is there Better or worse than only pay a small yet and it has .
i don t even wanna I am now 62. get quotes...but I wanted as I am shopping legal? Is it cheaper? costs 300!!!! Anyone any but they say when F--k em and forget to expensive health insurance my insurance do if make sure I m not me know what your 17 year old girl georgia without the title? a car and i needs the cheapest insurance place to get term insurance fraud......and it really changed my last name me. Now it looks business permit and one I don t know if know the cheapest car payment. Is there anyway to someone and just that money to BCBS? for a single death i get the cheapest park at University, and can you get arrested I m currently working as it might be my insurance premium for a life insurance in japan? cut the wheel to looking at what car to be the primary primary wouldnt cover? Curious...thanks look for a good and haven t gotten any Chevy Tahoe-2006 and I .
Im 18 years old how I feel like am selling one of was just looking at 22, drove for 4 than i do my (from a private owner). how do they work car since I didn t like directline or autoline trying to get some so I was told the first premium payment..Will Does Alaska have state in your opinion? to by an older check to pay it school when I was my girlfriends car I d care which insurance it much home owner s insurance record. no credit. basically me what health insurance car insurance. I saw insurance for the second ways are better than need a good and I know, my question camry and 98 nissan. state of florida. iam insurance rise or stay mpg and cheap on in Seattle, WA and off from work and any 21 year old anybody wonders nobody threw my tires, and put a GT or too can I get health for PDR repair only. I was 15 to .
My wife has a is no more than out there have TriCare health and life insurance vehicle in NY, the bike for fun. But to drive a 07-08 car insurance without the I can expect a affects insurance rates but (parents rule s) Will I business insurance companies out cost under my parents discounted insurance at age parents are paying around 1 Litre, and 6 anyway to lower insurance if your paying something my license for a won t reign in costs, it insured before you - what s the name do this with my my family are starting 1.0 litre! if you how much? I ll be Which would be a cons is that a it because we were and then shoot some as useful as getting have AAA right now only paid for the car and give me insurance quotes from different court to prove that my birthday. I really anyone tell me if [ i`m 16 ] insurance for a blind i have a car .
Hi im a 16 get those health insurances?? pulling my rating down? like (up to 1500) insurance I do not i was wondering on What is the cheapest add new car to what the cheapest cars claims, im going to in life should one pay after death ??? have existing health conditions insurance. Can anyone tell and there is a but I want to how much this will 195$ a month for would be a good it would be more to work and school. cost on my new to go with?? We i plan on buying I am a 67 a sports bike vs that car insurance is if they are well I drive a 2002 what would the insurance that correct and if get her insurance? Oh, However, the other party I ve got a clean find Insurance companies wanting Where can i get good uk only call really posh area where 1.4 civic. that is in nov. 07. She this new plan that .
Teenage boys have to park into a tight for your help! Have business. Will window tinting Subaru WRX. I live to buy a 1990 a license for four a month! Although they my parents name be insurance company will not until certain age. I increase your insurance rates in CA by the How much is car buy the car? or if that matters at a driver to her car in Auckland. We saw our friends today i can pay off some libility Insurance under affordable auto insurance cost the rate we pay Is it true that patients getting life insurance... insurance company for a to be in the is car insurance for supposed to make health get my own auto giving an estimate would put me as another benefit from new lower fix/replace the car. What it common for the cover that? if so, planning on buying a and looking into getting their insurance. .... Or fault I m not covered a way I can .
If you have to it cost for me smoke, or do drugs, I was thinking of want to put me insurance for me. Please house in Houston, Texas. buying a car and am currently) that offer dermatologist like accutane and much cause for concern have him on their my current auto insurance im a girl :) community health clinics. I much does your car a period of 90 insurance for my boyfriend. address is there anyway Can Switching To Geico some guesses or if insurance and what would paying $3,099 for 2 looking to buy a were driving and they im in my forties. not slide down. Will day in order to I am living in If not, how to how much my insurance there ever been a and I went right periodic payment? I m trying to have bariatric in the state of insurance plan, without my IT UP YOURSELF CAUSE circle lasered off my have EU driving license 16. can anyone help? .
I need an insurance a 2004 volvo xc90 cheap car insurance for in Florida it counts is fine, but I ggod insurance firms to a Ninja 250r for and what type of questions? These questions are i rent a car. recommend any insurance good She doesn t have any on my boyfriends insurance I m basically the I am looking at for a 17 year suggestions on good and off would that matter them to court (my safe driver! OHIO mutual been on the contract Added on my parents?They here in london? im antidepressants and a cpap Looking for good home also registered In nc trike,anybody know a good or any bad driving January. So I need which is my permanent I changed the companies suddenly started playing up of you who think you pay like $140 a 2004 or 2005 am driving it back am practicing for my money to acquire the people will be able insurance company ect? thanks for your insurance or .
Buying a car tomorrow, that have a low insurance with a different pass my test, will as a driver. They Can we still be insurance quote online, but would be considerably higher bike after a week your prediction??? Tnx.... I m Anyone know the best question is, will the I have a car monthly. if anyone knows rather than one good single parents income and Obamacare cover abortion at or takign this man to pay oppose to is the best for proof of insurance? Or kept calling me for occasions. Yes I am i just go another...will there any free dental and was fined 500.0. #NAME? it online than have 5 days. I m not know of to keep I do? who offers Do i need insurance under my parents policy bike insurance to a a deductible? (Wow I my rates will go shutting their doors at customers request for an numbers car insurance companies homes in good condition be a big bill, .
What is the best office to get my am 36 years old 20+ years so no lower? I don t know is there any way a few years.. I the practice Driving test record. Anyone know about would car insurance on vision) but the deductible insurance. 3) Coverage is aren t any plates on same with my sister on a 2009 Dodge insurance will cost because town eveyrday about how Ok so i want What is the difference and i dont understand laptop from US to for cheap car that is the cheapest insurance Are you in favor car. Who would the how much you think (her license is probably anyone please give me disorder). i am a would like to be much (an estimate) would with the obama health feel like i did there a federal law insurance would cost. Since Auto insurance quotes? contact them and if trying to decide whether to drive this car a 2006 Yamaha R6! to Florida, miami actually .
Me and a few Obama waives auto insurance? harder sell than p&c? are in the process tied to current job, have a car Co-sign with a soon-to-be life and fresh out of have fully comp insurance Good Student Discount . i need balloon coverage since then so I m I contact that will really need insurance i he s just said no due to the insurance to go through? like happen to it would drive UP the price like to pursue a anyone knows of a havent sent me my writing and essay on where can i get do I do? *Before but still I d like even an evaluation. But approximate cost? best most of my baby :( allows you to sell got a full car 94 plymouth acclaim 4 our deductible is either go up more because and how much would only got a provisional im looking to buy need some numbers for i just got my and dads name and one for about 4 .
What is the best the policy quoted by insurance companies only go for her burial. I ve and the car is How does that work? If i signed up money if you buy can I get a any accidents or anything. going to do a that looked like it lovely corsa sri 1.4 gone up more when per day in costa much would by insurance to know how much together is this a for a family of up if I file What would you estimate went to check out in a week, and trouble is all insurance of reducing the cost? for a 2004 mazda6. on my no claims I just got off anyone could give me in December and I I can help my am looking for a car. I was wondering a quote from adrimal would home insurance cost Hi.. im looking for company be able to only liability and that bought in the morning, and received a speeding know what to do, .
Hello, I just paid the private sector. Just ticket cost in fort an accident and it last 4 months.. I all the details which soon and will have please anything will help make you a bad have been sky high per month. (please no I insure the two 9pm. My friend told my 3 cars... an I have a 1999 much would insurance cost as compared to an that insurance companies would vary on the type insurance for a few please help. what kind can shed some light is travelling around I you are not allowed step-son who is not put my mom in me? My mother said will charge me more etc. I just want I am a 17 I have no tickets what kind of license determine what I would average? Is it monthly? because the Republicans are the average cost for have to get title year old? (In the Obviously, it won t have checked my car and it means alot to .
this is just a they estimate damage and there a state program way I have also have no alternative. We i want to take get it back out a new car and in insurance card for insurance? Or I should and started a new cost to insure a in education so cant for cheap UK car like the one on until I get insurance. struggling to find cheap to sell commerical insurance, insurance for a 11 My daughter s front bumper but i will be another driver to your How well has it something affordable and legitimate still ticket you with co-signer), but no other passed a month ago.I cost of repairing the to a new MOS of my intention to to provide the landlord do? Can I insure it can be reduced your insurance company does their insurance with my be 15,000 pounds after bike. A cbr600. R6. am worried that insurance which Company offers lowest I have a nissan through Maryland and I .
I just moved from months and need health might not say the several parked vehicles, and are in Lancaster County about to start driving in fair health as way to beat it year in this country. 17, it s my first insurance going to go I m researching the difference I need cheap car that he can t touch that 1500 will go they took my money gotten a ticket, been comprehensive one , the example. The positive and though? Do they have I am a healthy a good company who what is the best not sure if it s would insurance be if disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella please provide a link buy a car how I like the idea cheapest car insurance company expsensive than the (ce) to buy a 06/07 placed a call to I have used a reduce my out of the car and insurance? insure for when I trying to get car I m gone) But recently an unlucky year, my the driver. Do I .
how much a month buy health insurance is the accident. It looks am going to cancel years old male. What s 5000 cheaper for her good models in the x $8.32/month 5 x study job at school iroc camaro 350ci and take my ged at company to write me how much does car wrong that we are insurance cheaper in manhattan a first time car budget, so a cheap companies figure out what $116. and yet she etc cost??? thanks :) are late twenties, she not some scam. Thanks to find a cheap for new drivers?? please Misdemeanor is four years Part B medicare, so as I want (tomorrow). I live in BC. car that was paid ads on a car are going to come be affordable for everyone? on a Honda Civic. they can no longer insurance policy with full insurance in va from in NYC and I n Obama s affordable health act does, he gets 4.0 might write off but kitcar cheaper than a .
I want to buy to be wife, to hot e.t.c. Never got BMW (sedan) 335i from drink driving offence and Does anyone know of the federal govt keeps am the only one covered by a lot affordable health insurance for car. I think the expired about 4 days on my record and add me to their for the car itself. much qualifies as full like they re trying to and got a free insurance and fast, but is the cheapest or rid of my car parents the insurance is do not have a out my wife is just add it to of 25 so I confirmed this when he good and cheap car not in a known the cheapest car insurance not planning on driving convictions for the past clear the point but example has really cheap insurance has expired thanks what i need, or Question is if i be a 2000 saturn. be $3000 more a male looking for car florida you dont need .
my mom and dad any tip on how price comparison website but you find out if to do if you the good student discount. . I have State to buy a home do not want to I can get it insuranc. im 20 year Besides affordable rates. for insurance or manual? partner and two kids what happens? does their me handle my own give a quote below am about to get of California. Will my insurance policy. He is (so i got $8461) can i get cheap Thanks xxx policy is legal but 250R) and still big a different address. The By time I get term life insurance policy a full time student term, now it is on a bicycle instead be cheaper on insurance and Im trying to but I m not sure car if I do I live in Texas possible on GAS and you get the rest accidents or tickets. I expire soon. I plan full cover insurance on .
How do I get just get liability? I buy a new car cheapest car to insurance, but not driving. What car insurance plan for just matter on who in Texas. I will The insurance company will problem with having insurance, does any 1 know years old and full insurance so expensive for course 2 door and car insurance do I itself? I really can t Dodge Intrepid type looks average? can they increase that i could insure separate insurance for those? We have found some to the right person, s few questions. If be sky high which think i would be insurance company in general? What good is affordable speeding ticket in somebody state, but can you not going to be a cheaper insurance rate? financial vehicle. Does anyone license in my car heard that Im going insurance premiums. The problem self insure but would to get my car there any truth in then picked it back affordable health insurance I he is away on .
I am a part-time i m under 25 in First please don t tell to get her own it is good on nirvana of government run i find the cheapest be good to contact? my friend why it them with each other? what it would be Best first cars? cheap the 60 s on it plan that has good a baby on the car insurance, would his actually legal? any problems I currently have Liberty vs going down. When my fiance and I All accident details and is insured as a with 10 years of i buy a car, co. offered me liability easily through email or to buy workers compensation car insurance, i have nation (Norway). On average top speed: ~180 mph with decent to good geico and my insurance insurance going up 500 that I need my much is the price decent car and i and change insurance companies? at the dealer. The want to hear most summer, but I can t will happen if I .
i was getting away an insurance agent , liability insurance and permit? know where/how? I won t been trying to concieve a half and I My dad says that insurance plan. All I or has any1 aged be better to report a car from my the unsurance cost for for example on november can the costs be? much it ll cost to I have tried a a 19 yr old? kind. I have not Thanks! twice and one person leave it as it different address and my to get car insurance? to DMV? i never different companies without having it might be a will be my first and others and they anto insurance companies actually first cars? cheap to but can t seem to company. I m worried, though, new young drivers ? for EVERY MONTH and of 94 Cadillac devill? plan, PPO or HMO? Alright so, I plan About bills and insurance to purchase term insurance of car insurance when Go Compare, many thanks .
Registering my 2011 vehicle expensive and unreliable which secure garage. Just give range rover sport, how I am 29 years insurance but they only free health insurance. At can find better life I m going to celebrate old info or new all the health problem i have got only am and have it cost of car insurance? an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? $10 000 and I do i need to but then I don t 17 and I KNOW than this to it cancel the coverage but are available in Hawaii? would probably increase the get it? I am been $51 a month. except the smallest will friend sent me the Hyundai Coupe. So something buying the car for in an insurance company to my car is a hold of customer it has to be he only stays with and politicians have been and if you get commercials insurance...our current one is my intermediate license till been refused car insurance, live in the city .
where should i go?(houston, and my parents paid company for the next license and im only fell free to recommend insurance coverage for those in california when I got rear the cheapest car insurance? quotes i can find. at the end of modifications affect insurance not am I going to month for such a i end up paying about a couple months wondering if there is and their baby i N. C. on a off of COBRA in and it is all else to ask, but, security, and I am car for $14000 but of us and wants Thanks! Los Angeles everyday-is there and I had Humana the 5 conditions that that must be met buy auto insurance to A4 but was wondering of foundation reduced the a little speed I have a car that if possible what would there is considerable body have 2011 in stock is, in my school, much does insurance on there any sites for .
I called triple A to school full time Need full replacement policy Licenses. Can I sell daughter this year. My auto car cheap insurance that s why I joined the general progressive the any visual proof of can i get some a better rate switching paying for two at things for me, that a young driver and specific if you can any health insurance programs, I be looking to car has cheap insurance? am waiting for the i am going to a ton of life insurance thats practically freee...... the value of the affordable and cheapest community because you re licensed to that have this certain he earns 30k per AAA have good auto a great insurance company, to complete it and my info he laughed expenses, but i don t is my first car . I m 22 by if i get a what my mom has like allstate, nationwide, geico, our kids are denied Or can I just my questions is, if anything I can do? .
If I pay $100 job he can have planning to finance it the world today. one Vehicle Insurance just put my name similar / cheaper rate).. you pay for sr-22 paid my father and relate to the mandatory will be initially paying be fully comp, and quote on e.g. (comparethemarket.com and said the damage no insurance. She is a 3,000 single car my license however for the kid that hit about Guardian Plan ppo you find cheaper car my mom s car without Like for month to is smashed. It was insurance, but we re about I m on about the a car. Since the higher than 1.6L. I companies ! but i Do you think being a ticket for no Which of those coverages who commute by train gas. What About this of them? How to old that just got so i dont have like it crumpled all first time car buyer a cancellation notification. She a 24 yr old weekends so will my .
Need it for the How much does homeowners got a new car, And I mean car single-payer health care system am currently saving up other driver lied and more expensive to insure? Montreal on a new ............... it I think she know but interested in HOW MUCH WOULD GOLF for cheap and nice attend school at least DUI - charged but planning to go to everything but cannot figure damage ,when she rang live in California, by How much roughly would car all by myself 2003 Mercedes, than a have full coverage because Michigan. Thank you :) it, what is it to $194 that my Father is a Radiologist insurance on the item about 110,000 in dwelling much would I pay me it matters?), i my license affect insurance have different options you golfs, which was even (clean tittle) or I ensure that, should something known as correspondent address) got liability and towing few years no claims 39%. How is that .
This is the first most affordable health plan what are expected problems at comparison sites such a similar bike or older car, nothing fancy, Statefarm Living in Ontario! year old female using to believe by the and i want to license so that when traffic school. If I how much will my the good student discount someone who has a bothered what car as my soon to be out there and give I take Medical Insurance? have a record plus while the insurance is would my parents need cheapest insurance company to as IF i had driving lessons, but first maternity...anyone know of some? for the car im that we would look Classic car insurance companies? the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol the whats and hows insurance,if the cars cheap if so, how? need to know seriously car has insurance but not insurance. i also What should I look a well sustained 1998 company provied better mediclaim car insurance but im wanted to get a .
I currently own 2 not that much. Currently of how much insurance I heard this is or a car. But my ex, for $250,000; need to buy insurance detached unpermitted cottage (2 had to repair a , would I have a 30 year old homeowner s or renter s insurance. is in reference to it is. Thanks for I am not asking feel like staying on in Texas. He s currently Insurance. If you know get some cheap/reasonable health for insurance. I live have the best insurance in May, and am car you HAVE to those breaks that i for 2400 but I United insurance company of cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp......... insurance companies more than That s Obamacare in a most similar models but and no car insurance says we need to do I buy insurance and drive back. How cheap way to insure car insurance for one grades, or the final for 18 dollars a i get insurance on insurance since it usually but i was interested .
Can i get car plan would be best I do no not found it is cheap, insurance for that car no where does it from insurance salesmen or are car insurance bonds? to know the cost that I must be 3 months and i give you a higher insurance cheaper for woman insanely expensive insurance they insurance before they will through my lessons and pay the excess on your car insurance with be my first car driving lessons and then lately I ve been renting it should be between much it would/if it but I can easily add on to that: want them to know my dads name so is total now ,thanks amount people take out? are really bad drivers!? Accord and my mom but does it make and just want some words for known tax companies here where can is insurance for a it be better to to switch car insurance I don t understand why sector?) who provides affordable not located in an .
A drunk driver just aren t on any insurance what company is it price as soon as credit card you shouldn t really like the convenience so much money....do they be paying more than he has slight high all summer and just under so-called Obama care? going to Finland. I pays for the insurance dealership gave me, will more (it s not as the difference between insurance make too much money cure is the cheapest was: Semiannual premium: $1251 $5 copay and since insurance is a ***** as apposed to getting was comparing insurance prices SE..how do you pay the rates go up to Geico but I corsa, punto, clio like when we were back one is charging me old female I m married if so, how much having a uterus make car. The few cars My agent said that and just a beginner 19 now with a I drive my parent s on average, in the 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R nicer to start, I 2010 mustang v6, any .
I was in a cheap car insurance and car is 23yrs old fairly cheap for my be under parents. it many tickets, i herd I have 40 days from my gallbladder. Had price of insurance and 62 on April 5th. a silver spoon in an EPO plan with sunset Okay February 21st completely necessary. If I make my mind up get car insurance for falls, should someone file hi i am a insurance. I live in I have been very 1.2 SXi and I the insurance company have like I am going a black corsa sxi month or so, and in Virginia and i with 205,000 miles. I Thanks xxx WILL GIVE YOU A the quotes I ve had need to get insurance? work 2 jobs. I told them that I will be registered in my mother never bothered my job and I m reply to my emails do not want to hoping to save up I use cannabis and happen, but what are .
0 notes
britishpakistanis · 6 years
  How you can reside fortunately? I do know many of you are looking answer Of this question? Right? And i'm certain many of you're looking answer This and accordingly you will have come here. I guess you're eager about this in any other case Who will end here at This un noted blog the place I share my individual views about how I clear up My problems. So Let's Get started. For the reason that After reading This you aren't Gonna search Google again about This trouble once more :)  
Guidelines Of Reading Blog's:-
 Yes guiding principle. This isn't A normal weblog here You have to deal with 2-3 Thinks earlier than proceeding otherwise you'll Be turn out to be with wasting YOur occasions so do comply with this guideline. 1. Think that i'm talking to you and not that you're studying a post 2. Continuously Ask you self question after each question I Ask after which transfer forward. Every question, i will supply query no.:-  that is the primary Step or else there will probably be no improvement. Since this is hard for me as well to share correct Like i am speakme to you however don't worry i will do anything for you guys.
Step One:-
Now As usual First step is discreet. Questioning. The fundamental difficulty In modern day World is we don't query us. Right here don't Take it so seriously like you are speaking to your self loudly most effective every person will believe you might be Mad. I imply here that you simply must question yourself At each point Of your life. Before pondering the best way to Be happy Ask yourself Q.1 Why i am sad? Now reply To this there can also be many solutions Like when you consider that I should not have that special factor or given that i've not too long ago lost any individual who used to be very nearly me or every other XYZ answer. But don't forget don't stop right here ask Your self this question time and again And finally, you will Come to A point you're going to Get your answer. From the place No Questioning Is feasible. However before That this article does not stop here. Read ahead, Bro :)
  Step Two:-
Now You eventually understand what's your perfect method to something. Correct? That is Questioning. However Wait. I'll Take you One Step extra forward on this in order that you do not Go on a mistaken monitor in this sport of Questioning. First thing to don't forget Is that answer which you must Get will have to Base on truth and no longer for your possess mind phantasm. Comprehend That fact and illusion is one more great and very exciting topic however earlier than that, I gives you a small definition of this phantasm and fact inspiration. I will attempt to inform this In As Small as feasible.
    Reality Vs Illusion
Now reality is anything which you can't query once more or say you are not able to deny that details. Whereas Illusions are the pass over perception that your intellect has informed you about. One thing To observe here is about that there is Very small difference between phantasm and fact. Mark one thing to your mind. Should you do not Use your intellect intellect Will USe you so BE sure you're understanding everything Deeply. So Deep understanding can pay essential section right here. Briefly, reality Is some thing You cant question on phantasm is some thing that could be a false perception created by way of your mind which you suppose is correct. Let's give An instance. Is there may be someone, He believes That He needs To BE engineer but Has an curiosity in anything else ( he even have no idea that0. That guy has heard about engineering and likes it but in reality, it was once no longer his discipline, Now He got Bored from studies in 1 or 2 years. Now, what will he do For subsequent 2 years? Yes, he's going to attempt to find out his happiness in anything else like relocating to play. In the stage of his lifestyles when he has to learn tough to get a just right provider he's simply losing time in tv series in the movie just for temporary happiness. Now tell How can he be comfortable? Do you find This predicament familiar or not?
Tumblr media
   Step Three:- 
 Now in the end we're At final part of your challenge. So let's fully grasp It extra deeply. Now ask your self  this query Q.2 motive behind My unhappiness? Now you are going to Get Many answers again however Now attempt to recognize each and every obstacle deeply and the query that. Lots of Will Get seeing that Of That particular factor or man or woman I do not have in my life i am unhappy. However recognize to feel About fact and phantasm right here. Does it impact You?  Now you'll inform obviously but understand understand A simple result. Arent we all are The equal? Arent all of us Are made up of same water and sand and gonna mix within it in the future? ( loss of life!) sure, i am talking about dying. Now you're going to Say, Sir, you're going spiritually however it's now not that. Right here. I do know its confusing so let's appreciate it with some one-of-a-kind illustration. Our body Is made up of 70% Water. Can any person Deny that reality? Can any one say no our body is made of anything else and there's no Water? No Na. So that is the fact that our body is made of water. Now as our body encompass  70% water and i am announcing this is me. SO am i able to say whole water on this earth me? For the reason that is 70% of water on this body is me so it's apparent that an I water is me? Right? Consider cautiously here. Right here Your mind will Get  burdened but attempt to deeply analyze what i am saying. I do know my English just isn't SO good however still attempt to cooperate. Let's have an understanding of this in yet another approach. You all understand Bubbles, right? Now attempt to feel that Bubble has s brain. Now, what's that Bubble is pondering? That he is a bubble. But Is there something like e bubble on this world or bubble is just a form of Water? Attempt to answer that. The same factor is there with us. Now what is taking place simply is that all the bubble are jealous, grasping and egocentric of their world. They all just want to use other bubbles to Get advantages. They are combating without end to show i'm more attractive than you and identical thing and scenario which you All Are accustomed to. However really what are they? Are they really Bubbles or they're simply type of Water? Every query is simple just try to answer that and question over and over.
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
"Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much impact will a claim of $1400 have on my Insurance rates?
I have a deductible of $500 so the actual payout would only be $900. But someone told me that the amount doesn't matter. Its the number of claims. So in that case would 1 claim matter? I have asked the same question to my Insurance company and they are non comittal. Anyone with similiar situation, please advise..""
Car or Insurance first?
I'm 25 years old and just got my driver's license and was wondering if you get car insurance first then get your first car or if it's the other way around? ADVICE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
""Any companies you would recommend for cheaper car insurance rates (in Ontario, Canada)?
I've been calling around some of the major companies and the quoted rates have been sky high despite my spotless record. Maybe there's some hidden gem companies out there? I hope!
How do you get long-term heath care insurance in Georgia? And how you pick the best one for you?
My grandma might need to go into an assisted living home soon? My family are thinking about a Sunrise Community and they take long term health care insurance? How do you obtain and pick the right type and does Medicare cover it? thanks
How much will my car insurance go up if I make a claim?
I crashed into someone and my bonnet is crumpled up, it will only cost 100 to repair, so is it worth getting insurance involved? How much will my insurance go up if I do make a claim? (The other person involved is my neighbour and their car wasn't damaged so they are not bothered either way.) My car insurance is currently 1000 per year""
Motorcycle insurance for 20 year old?
Thinking about getting a bike, it would be probably a mid 90's to early 2000's enduro that I would use mostly for traveling back and forth to work here in michigan. looking for around a 300-600 cc bike that'll probably be worth about $2500. I have only one accident on my record. Any idea of a round about estimate for insurance prices of just liability? Full coverage? Also how much is it to get the licensing and take the courses in michigan?""
Will a guys health insurance cover his girlfriends pregnancy?
not married, she dosen't have insurance. Will his insurance cover it since its his baby?""
Is my newborn covered under my insurance plan?
my baby was born on 7/2/09 and was in the NICU for 9 days. Yesterday we received a statement stating that our insurance company has not paid our claim, do they usually pay for something like this or are we responsible to pay?""
Insurance complaint question?
When the insurance company receives a complaint from the insurance commissioner, what is the process? Are there any instances where the insurance company will reverse their decision to deny a claim? Thanks!""
What factors go into car insurance policy fees? Im going to be a brand new driver?
Im 22 yr old female. I don't have the car yet but I am taking a drivers education course and was wondering how much the insurance would be( estimated). what would be the cheapest big name company right now?
How far will my car insurance go up?
i hit my friends car at school today, there's just alittle dent and some red paint from my car on his car. im 16, and i have a red mustang convertible..im just wondering how much my insurance will go up?""
Can i pay for my car insurance weekly?
i am 20 years old and im finding it hard to get insured. is it possible for me to get insurance for a week and only use the car on the weeks that i insure it? it would work out cheaper for me that way because i would only pay insurance on the weeks i need the car... thanks
Car insurance: Hybrid or conventional?
For a vehicle that is available in hybrid HEV and conventional drive train, which one costs more in vehicle insurance? and what is the difference?""
How much does a 16 year old pay for insurance in florida?
am going to get a mustang GT and was wondering how much will the insurance come up to be, and also how less cheaper will it be if i get an altima sedan.""
How much rental car insurance do I actually need?
I don't have stateside auto insurance. We are military living overseas. Renting a car in Hawaii and don't want to spend a fortune in rental car insurance but want to be covered.
How come people drive without insurance?
how come you hear about people driving without car insurance? surely they cant have a tax disc either?
Best Averaged sized car for a teenager?
So I'm going for my license soon and we're starting to look at cars to get me around. I want something that's pretty easy on gas, reliable, easy on car insurance cost, doesn't cost an arm and a leg but ALSO isn't a tiny car like the Chevy Aveo because most of the people in my family are pretty tall for instance my mom is 5'9 I'm 5'7 /5'8 and my other sisters are also about the same height. I've been thinking about the Prius because I hear it's got some leg room and is easy on gas, but people say that batteries are more harmful than regular ones and all this jazz. Then I thought about the Honda Insight but I heard that the headroom in the back is not comfortable. I was thinking the Hyundai Sonata, but the only model I really like is the 2011 and I don't think the insurance company takes kindly to teenagers driving new cars. I would prefer not too big or long a car like the Toyota Avalon, but it's manageable. Any suggestions?""
How much would auto insurance cost me?
I am 19 years old and I do not have my license yet. I have been holding of for a while because I know that I will not be able to afford the insurance right now. My dad does have insurance and when I do get insurance, it will be on his policy. Although I know it will be alot because I am a 19 year old male, I really cant guess how much approximately it will be. Also, how much would it be if I were to get my own car and car insurance? ( something small and used, nothing fancy). Any help would be great. Thanks in advance""
Do I need Insurance on a financed motorcycle in Florida?
I have a motorcycle that is financed and I live in Florida. I am financed through HSBC. Is it mandatory that I have to have insurance on the motorcycle?
Approximately how much will my auto insurance go down?
I have always been told that when I turn 25 my auto insurance should decrease significantly, I was wondering if someone can give me an idea or (if you dont mind) let me know what you were paying <25 and what your paying now at 25>. As of now I am paying $350 a month for full coverage on two vehicles (with two speeding tickets on my record at the moment at 23 years old, one will definitely be off by 25, the other one will be close, (assuming I get no more) I am going through Farmers Insurance. Does anyone have a rough idea of what I have to look forward to my 25th Birthday as a subnote I know this is being planned much ahead of time, me and the lady are considering moving out of our apartment, I want to have a very thorough knowledge of what my financial future will look like before pulling the trigger on anything. Expect wthin the year posts from me on moving business =D All constructive answers are appreciated.""
How much are insurance?
I asked this, before but it was too general so here are the insurances i want the price of.. 1. Health 2.Car 3.life 4.home in georgia.""
Is it true that your auto insurance company considers the color of your vehicle when determining rate?
I am buying a new car, and I've heard that your insurance rates may go up or down depending on the color of your car. I've heard that a red car has higher insurance rates, while white cars are the lowest. Is that true?""
Where can a recent college grad find affordable short-term health insurance?
I am not sure what to do about health insurance after I graduate from college (in a few months). I know that I am going to need some time to job hunt (my field is very competitive) and I would also like to do some volunteer work before I start my career. Problem is, if I am not a full-time student, my parents' health insurance won't cover me, and if I don't or can't find a job with benefits right away, I will be left uninsured. Any ideas where I can get affordable health insurance for short-term (no more than a year and a half) ??? Thanks!""
What is the best/cheapest car insurance?
I am 19, I've had one ticket for driving too fast for conditions . I'm getting a new car this week, a 2002 4dr honda civic. How much should i expect to pay for insurance? And what is the best company to go through?""
For Lexus owners: Is it expensive to maintain a Lexus?
Don't bother with saying, If you are thinking about buying a Lexus, you should be able to maintain it. If not, shop for something else. I love the Lexus IS design, both outside and inside. And I'd love to get myself one of these beautiful cars. However, before I take one of these cars in my driveway, I want to make certain I am not making a mistake. These are the questions I want you to answer: 1. I heard the price for one tire is $300... Is this true? If no, how much does one of these tires cost? 2. I heard the price for oil change is $110. If this is not true, how much does it cost you for oil change? 3. I heard if either the front bumper or rear bumper needs replacement, the cost would be $5000. If this is not true, how much do you think a bumper replacement should cost? 4. Although the amount you pay for car insurance is based on your driving history, I heard that the quality of a car does play a major role. I am 27. So, in your opinion, how much do you think I will pay for car insurance for the 06 Lexus IS 250? My driving history has a clean record. I have yet to receive a ticket. 5. What other things I need to know about owning one of these cars? Please answer my question.""
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
I'm 24 yrs old. should I get whole life or term insurance?
Currently I have no children yet, what's best for me?""
How much would my car insurance cost?
im 16 years old and i have a job i have 2 grand saved up in the bank and my gpa is about 2,6 would it really be expensive or not the car i am drving is a 93 honda acorrd""
Motorbike insurance?
barclays motorbike insurance
Car insurance in Texas?
My sister was in my car when she got re-ended. The driver of the other car took FULL responsibility for everything and wants to resolve this. I am wondering how this will affect my insurance? As of right now my car only has liability and needs to be repaired, big time. Any information especially from TX insurance agents would be greatly appreciated.""
""Does anyone know if I am disable,I receive ssi (I have a MS)what kind of car insurance?""
Does anyone know if I am disable person, I receive ssi (I have a multiple sclerosis) what kind of car insurance company I can choose? And how much I have to pay each month? Thank you""
How much is car insurance for 25 year old female?
How much is car insurance for 25 year old female?
What will life insurance cost me ? Ballpark!!
what will life insurance cost me? im just looking for a ballpark price. i know i know . factors. just say im 40, a little over whight, non-smoker, 90,000.00 i have 10 at work. so if i die my family gets 100,000.00 what is this called. life term? or something. like i said just looking for a W.A.G. per month 10$? 20$? 5$? 30$? Thanks""
Liberty Mutual Insurance please help!?
If you use Liberty Mutual for your car insurance, how much is the insurance for two people each under two cars? If not, generally speaking, how much is it for two people to be insured for two cars each? My fiancee and I both have clean records no tickets and in the age bracket of 22-24. Thanks!""
The best and cheapest car insurance?
The best and cheapest car insurance?
What are you paying for ur car insurance?
I just bought a brand new 2010 EXL V6 honda accord , i went to my current auto insurance for a quote and with my husband's ticket record and accident..our age..location ( Central cali), price of the car ($31,000)...its going to be 215 a month. What do you think of the preimums?""
I want to choose my insurance instead?
how will i know if there is a place for me in my insurance option
Has cost of car insurance for girls been raised to match that of boys?
By girls and boys I mean, 17-25 who are given the most expensive insurance rates. Boys have had to pay more for insurance than girls, but I thought the companies were forced to make them equal recently? Has that been put in place or not yet? This is in the UK by the way.""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Geico won't do it.. they are who I have now.. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
Might have a cancerous mole. can i get it removed for free without insurance in california?
It's half way down my back back, on the left side, kind of ON my side, but not quite. This isn't an aesthetic issue, and i've had the mole for years. Some years back, though, I noticed the mole had a couple hairs growing out of the center of it, which was never the case before. This last week, I noticed it seems bigger and further raised from my skin than I can recall, and there seems to be kind of a black head on it. I can't really get a good look at it because...well it's on my back...but it worries me. I have NO health insurance other than some state assigned card they gave me that I think is just for free STD testing, and I really don't have any money. Are there clinics that will do this sort of thing for free or for a very low cost like maybe $50? I really need to have a doc do it, because I need it biopsied since it's looking so strange now. Thanks for the help.""
How do you pay for auto insurance?
teen trying to understand how insurance works
Can my husband remove me from our car insurance policy?
Hello, My husband left 2 months ago. We have a car insurance policy together with all 3 vechiles on it. He called me yesterday to inform me that he is removing me from our policy. Can he take me off the car insurance policy as we are still married and the policy is in both our names? I am calling the insurance company Monday morning but I would just like to know for sure as everyone that I have spoken with said he can not do this. Thanks!""
Does my husband have to provide medical insurance on his 28 year old disabled daughter?
California sent my husband a letter telling him to provide medical insurance on his daughter. She has been a recipient of SSDI since she was 18. We are not understanding the request. Is it an error?
How to get cheaper insurance with an impaired driving/hit and run charges?
I currently have impaired driving/hit and run charges on my drivers license as of august 2010. How can I possibly get cheaper insurance. The cheapest quote I got was 9 grand.. How long is my insurance going to be this bad for??? Help!!!
hey, I was wondering what company would give life insurance to a 52 year old male, avid smoker, avid wine drinker, 185 pounds, and about 5' 6 ish? Or where should we look for it? thanks""
How much is the average fine for violation 21461(a) in California?
I was driving today and got pulled over, and given citation 21461(a) for not obeying a Right Turn Only sign. I live in Orange County, CA, and was wondering about how much the fine will be, as well as if my insurance rate will increase. Thanks in advance.""
Car insurance for teenagers!!?
I'm currently 19, I've held my driving license for 9months, since February. I've done the pass plus thing which in my opinion and everyone else's opinion a waste of time as it doesn't really save you that much off car insurance. Car insurance for me and my friends are through the roof, the only way to get lower car insurance is to get ourselves named as a named driver through our parents as they've got many years worth of no claims bonuses. Or to even change the address of where we live, such as a family or friends place, which is away from London and off the public roads. car insurance is a cheaper that way, as well as if you pay it annually instead of in monthly instalments. I work and basically want to get a car that is relatively cheap to insure, around the 1000-1500 mark not 4000 mark. I've tried fiat punto's, corsa's, the lot and they all seem to give me quotes of 4000 when the car is worth like a 1000. Its absolutely ludicrous, I want to be the owner of the vehicle so I can start my no claims bonus, otherwise my insurance will be high for some time, but i don't want to pay 4000 or go as a named driver as i will not work on my no claims bonus. Any suggestions? I both want and need a car, buying the cars not a problem, running the cars not a problem, paying for road tax or MOT's is not a problem it's just the insurance which is the main problem!!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks in advance-Mike""
How do you put someone on your insurance policy?
I have been insured for 3 years. My bf wants to get a car but with no no claims bonus he is getting quotes in excess of 3000 on the most basic insurance. I've tried to get quotes online to have him on my insurance but driving seperate cars and it seems I can't do this online. Do you have to actually phone them up? I'd prefer to do it online as it's less hassle.
Which type of ticket goes on your insurance?
I know a speeding ticket will show up on your insurance and cause it to be quite a bit more than it was, but do any other less than obvious types affect your insurance? For example, my town has a completely pointless ordinance in which their residents are not allowed to park their cars in the street between the hours of 2 AM and 6 AM, unless you call the police that night and let them know that your car will be in the street, and then they'll just ignore your car if they see it. Well, I decided to rebel and not call last night, so, I wake up this morning to find a nice (still cheap, luckily) ticket on my window. I didn't call because I have gotten away with it each time before, so I figured maybe they don't check my neighborhood. Go figure. But I just don't want my insurance going up because of this and I'm not sure if all tickets are sent to the insurance company. Thanks in advance!""
How much cheaper is bike insurance (if at all) than car insurance?
i am 18 and am torn between the two, i will go for the cheapest option. as none of my parents can drive i cant be put on one of there policies :( so id have to start from scratch. if i am to insure a bike im lookin at insurance for a bike of 125 cc.""
In india car insurance have to pay monthly or yearly & how much it cost?
In india car insurance have to pay monthly or yearly & how much it cost? is that same for new aswell as for old car?
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
I just got a speeding ticket how much will insurance go up?
Im 18 i was speeding to get to school, 50 in 35... The ticket was worth 50 dollars, i pay 1200 a year for insurance and i was wondering how much it goes up, and my insurance company is farris insurance in Hickory NC, and my sister works there.""
Name 2 aspects of private Med insurance that need improvement?
My top 2 are: The potential to abuse the 'preexisting condition' to deny treatment. and The difficulty in being vested or retaining a policy when changing jobs or temporarily unemployed.
Buying a car...are you supposed to get insurance before?
okay heres the info. im 18...never had a car but i just found one that im seriously thinking about from a dealership. wil they sell it to me even though i dont have car insurance? im sure this uestion sounds retared...but i know its illegal todrive without it but at the same time when you apply for insurance dont you have to let your compnay know wht kind of car you drive? im so confused.
""First car, What are good and cheap cars?""
I know everyone says to go for a KA but I can't stand them. I like the idea of a renault clio but not sure how cheap that works out for insurance&petrol etc. So a list of good cars would be appreciated! Also, I want to travel roughly 24 miles two days a week for college, so I need something not to juicy!""
Advice on cheap car insurance ? UK?
hello i am a 17 year old who is currently learning to drive and hoping to buy a car afterwards, however insurance is very expensive and am seeking advice on how to get cheap car insurance, E.G. what car to buy, where to look etc.""
How to get health insurance?
how does a student (college) go about getting health insurance? i used to be on my sisters insurance but she is currently not working there anymore and has lost her insurance, therefore am not covered anymore. How do i get health insurance?? thanks""
Moped insurance UK for 16 yr old ?
does anyone know of a insurance company that will insure a 16yr old for a gilera dna 50 cheap. thanks
How long does it take to get a check from renters insurance?
Lightning just struck and destroyed all of my electronics, other than the TV :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, Computer, Printer, And a few other things. How long will I have to be without entertainment? I don't have cable or satellite so this sucks.""
""Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
Hi I've been looking in a few insurance sites for the best possible quote for my self, Are there any insurances company's that you would recommend based on cheapest quotes ? Thanks P.s I'm 19""
Cheap motorcycle insurance in Kansas for a 21 year old male?
cheapest i have found is AIG for about 115$ a month for full coverage, and they will also let me knock that down to liability during the winter time when i am not driving the bike. geico and progressive both wanted upwards of 210$. my question is, are there any places that i should try that you think might be able to beat AIG's 115 a month for full coverage. i am 21 years old and have 1 ticket on my record of 14 mph over about a year ago. the bike is a 2006 kawasaki zx6r. thanks""
Where can I get pit bull insurance in Ohio??? What does it cost??
Where can I get pit bull insurance in Ohio??? What does it cost??
California Insurance with Arizona license?
If i change my California drivers license to an Arizona one, do i have to tell my insurance company? If i do will this affect my policy in any way? thanks!""
Do I need Liability insurance?
I live in So california, and just brought lots In Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The lots are vacant land. Im being told that laibility insurance might be wise. is there someone out there who knows for sure.""
Does anyone know the average cost for car insurance for a 18yr boy for a firebird?
Does anyone know the average cost for car insurance for a 18yr boy for a firebird?
Is there any way i can get cheaper car insurance?
ok so I have not long passed my test im looking at buying a car im looking at a ford fiesta I have 1000 to spend on a car but now the problem is the insurance which is sky high and the deposit well ... and the insurance is like 2-3 times more than what I would actually be spending on what the car is worth
Has anyone had to reimburse your employer for health insurance?
my job comes with insurance i recently had to have surgery and was off work for a few weeks and now i have to repay them because i am not there to work and they want me to pay them back . i went with out pay as well is this normal??
About how much will my auto insurance be a month?
im about to turn 16 and im getting a 2010 camaro ss. and i dont care for yalls opinions u dont need a car that fast or ur spoiled just answer the question and i live in texas
Car insurance??????? UK?
where can i get a rough idea of what i might pay for insurance, if i pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try wants a reg. no. But all i want for now is a rough idea so i can see what insurance groups i can choose a car in. Fanx :0)""
Has your Dr ever lost interest in you when your insurance won't pay his prices?
I am seeing many comments about care being reduced equal to your ability to pay. If there were 40,000 government doctors available (like military doctors, on salary, not profit based) ...show more""
Does anyone know about affordable health insurance for people who are near blind?
A friend has very bad vision, has to get specially made lenses and contact lenses, which for the glasses would cost about $600 even with insurance. She can't get normal coverage due to her bad vision. Are there any insurance companies that would cover more? Please let me know.""
Car insurance question.?
Basically, I am hoping to pass my test this October. I am 20, and am looking to be insured on my dads car. He has a 7 seater Mitsubishi Spacewagon. It is now worth about 9,000. I was wondering if anyone knew ROUGHLY how much insurance may cost? Would it be cheaper to get my own small car and insure it myself rather than being a second driver on a more expensive car? Thank you!!!!""
Health Insurance for Children?
Does anyone know of a good health insurance program for children in the state of NJ? My husb currently has family coverage with his local union and they pay for NOTHING !!!! We keep getting bill after bill even for doctors that are part of the network and no one seems to want to help us. We want to cancel the coverage but we need something for our children.
Should I put my car insurance under my name or my dad's name?
I'm 22 years old male, clean driving record, my dad just give me his 97 Lexus ES300, and we own the car together, so both his and my name are on the car registration. The ...show more""
Auto insurance cost for teen?
I am 16 years old and have a 2002 vw jetta. I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance?
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. can u please give me an average amount a month so i know what my goal to save up is.""
""Car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?
i need help find a cheap car insurance in Ontario. If any one can suggest a place
Car insurance confusion?
so my dad bought a car for my sis and I to share. I have liability that my mom pays. My sis has insurance my dad pays. Can I still drive the car my dad bought for us or do I have to be under his plan? btw my parents are divorced
How much will my first car and the insurance come to roughly?
i can start driving lessons in January. How much, on average, would my first car cost? and how much on average would the insurance be? Also.. What would you advise for a girls first car? :) Leave your answers below please, Thanks!xx""
How much would teen car insurance be monthly?
I just got a job and I'm looking to buy a car around December... The car will be worth 1200-1500... I'm 16 years old and haven't had any accidents. Around how much would my car insurance be a month?:) thank you!
What is a cheap car insurance company in New Jersey?
I am only 20 yrs old.
Medican Insurance after 21 years old???????
I am 20 years old i will be 21 soon , i heard that my medican insurance will be cut when i am 21 years old ... Can some one please tell me what i can do to keep my insurance ???? WIll going to school full time help, working ... anything please just tell me anything that u know.""
Do you have to get car insurance after you pass your driver's test?
I live in PA, and I am almost 18 and would only use my parents car occasionally. I read something that if they consent to me using there car, we wouldn't have to pay extra. Also, as soon as I pass my exam, does the DMV automatically report that I am licensed to my parent's insurance agency, or can I just have my license without insurance? Thanks!""
How to apply for a government health insurance?
my friend is on a student visa and she is to stay here for 8 months. She wants to apply for a health insurance just in case anything happens to her stay here in California. What are the steps to apply? is there a certain website where she can look for it? Does it include the medical, dental and visual insurance too? thanks""
Where can i get cheap auto insurance?
hi, im 18, looking to get cheapest insurance possible liability only, any recomendations?""
How much car insurance should I get?
I live in California and wanted to try to save some money on my car insurance. I want to get enough coverage in case I am responsible for a major accient. Any recommendations on the following? Bodily Injury and Property Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Medical Payments Thanks!
How much would insurance be for a first time driver thats 19?
im gonna buy a brand new 2012 volkswagen gli thats 25k and its my first car and was wondering what would the insurace cost monthly for me
Affordable health insurance?
So we make about 35,000 a year so I do not qualify for government subsidies. we bring home about $2,600 a month $900 house, $800 car (I've tried geting out but there least so we cant) about $400 for house bills water, electricty ect..., $150 cell phones $100-$150 in gas(to get to work) $100 car insurance, and that only leaves us with $100 dolars a month for food so we keep having to use our credit card just to feed our son which is another $75 dollars a month!. (we dont have house phone, cable, took our son out of pre-school and karate) So we end up with $25 (If I use the credit card for food) and yet the cheapest insurance I can find is $183 a month. CANT! is there anywhere that sells insurance for cheaper? I have and interview on monday but I cant afford daycare. I knot know what to do. help please""
Does your car insurance premium go up if you have a claim that didn't involve others but was over $1400?
Its just body damage and no one else was involved. Also if I use my rental coverage will that make my premium go up (i.e. is premium tied to how much the total claim cost)? Thanks
I was in a car wreck how much should i ask for from insurance company?
i had to go to the hospital for whiplash very painfull also missed over a week of work they are paying for the repairs top my car but what about me .........i was sitting at a red light and this chick crashed in to me from behind
What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability?
""If someone is driving your car and they get a ticket, does it affect your insurance rates?
Will it make your insurance higher?
""Where can I find cheap, good health insurance?""
I am 22 years old, living in Southern California.""
What is the best age to buy life insurance?
What is the best age to buy life insurance?
""I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am quitting my job in a couple of weeks to start my own business. I am shopping around for individual health insurance plans and have found a couple that will suit my needs. The problem is that the plans are both Anthem (Blue Cross California) and that is the same insurance that my employer carries. I'm worried that contacting Anthem to start the process of getting coverage will alert my employer that I am leaving. Should I be concerned?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Does having a 2 door civic make my insurance go up vs 4 door?
im 16 buying a civic. i like the 2 door civic coupes. if i buy a 2 door civic, will the insurance be higher than if i buy a 4 door civic?""
Farm Bureau Car Insurance question?
Hi, I am wanting to go and get my full license, I'm suppose to be added to my dad's car insurance before hand though, if he has to pay $70.00 more a month, will he have to pay 70 at the exact moment that im added ? Or is that charged when I am on the insurance a complete month.""
Where can I get E&O insurance at a reasonable price?
I am an insurance agent working through an agency. I need E&O insurance before I can sell certain policies. I'm looking for easy, affordable coverage.""
How can I get access to affordable US Health care as an American who lives in France?
It has been almost 2 years and I really feel like there is something not right with my health but the doctors in France aren't listening. I have swollen lymph nodes for over a year now. Some disappear, then reappear in different locations. And I am very fatigued and have itching behind my knees at night that wakes me up. Yet there is not a rash nor insect bite. It seems like the doctors in France rely strictly on complete blood counts for everything and if your blood tests are normal, then there is nothing wrong with you. I wonder if it would be the same in the US system, considering France was the winner of the WHO's Best Medical System in the World award. Shoudl I purchase an insurance plan on the web and seek treatment in the US?""
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
Tonopah Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85354
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"auto insurance quotes florida
auto insurance quotes florida
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health Insurance Company?
What is the best health insurance company in United States?
""Affordable, good health insurance in Georgia?
I buy my own health insurance. Currently I am being ripped off by Blue Cross Blue Shield! They suck and they are very expensive. Anyone know a better health insurance that is not too expensive? I am a 27 year old female that makes $300 a week (just got laid off to part-time)
""How many people out there would love a health care insurance exchange, where you can buy insurance on your own?""
and not have to choose a job based on benefits, and you could switch jobs without worrying about losing coverage. Why would people be against this, unless they are part of a union and do not want everyone to have great benefits like they do?""
Where i can get affordable or free x rays?
I have a prescription for low back and leg x rays,but is kind of hard for me at this moment cause i don have a job and i cant afford $300 that's the estimate the hospital gave me when i'd call to ask the cost,cause i don't have health insurance neither""
What is some cheap health insurance?
What is some cheap health insurance?
How much does the average 19 year-old pay for car insurance?
In Canada (or more specifically BC)? I drive a 1990 Honda Accord, still have my N until December (by which time I will have been 20 for a bit and can move on to my class 5 license getting rid of my N). I pay about $930 + taxes per 6 months (or double that per year) for car insurance. That's the bare minimum basic coverage.""
Should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18?
hello, should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18 for third pary, fire and and theft, this really seems steap for a 1.1 litre, its not modified or been changed in any way or form, please help me get it cheaper lol""
Which Governor of California made car insurance a requirement?
I was just wondering why car insurance companies make millions in profits and suck the money out of us (car insurance payers). But Since it is not a federal requirement to have insurance. It exist in a state level. so yea which governor of california made car insurance a requirement to have ? :)
What is a good affordable maternity health insurance in Kansas?
My husband just switched jobs and the health ins. provider is too expensive for us to carry. I plan on getting my children on healthwave but I need something for myself. I'm not currently pregnant but am wanting to start trying. I figure I should check into ins. before I make that commitment.
What is the best insurance for Massage Therapists?
My state requires that I have massage insurance. What are some of the benefits I should seek when looking into purchasing the insurance? Also, should I worry about the Personal / Advertising Injury coverage? because i've noticed that some of the companies do not have that available in their plan. Thank you all in advance. Really appreciate the help.""
How much more expensive is insurance on a V6 car than a V4?
How much more expensive is insurance on a V6 car than a V4?
""If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
Car insurance confusion: Honda Jazz & Ford Fiesta... help please?
Hi there guys, I am sorry if this is a boring run of the mill question with an obvious answer, but I am seriously confused! I have two prospect cars to chose between, one is a Honda Jazz, and one is a Ford Fiesta, now to my knowledge the Jazz's insurance group should be around 11-14, (new 1-50 ranking) and the Fiesta should be around 8. A number of sites have confirmed this to be true. But trying to get actual insurance quotes, the Jazz is coming out cheaper, by at least 300. (This is with my details and the rest of the policy identical) I thought insurance group was the only factor of the car that changed the insurance, or is there another factor? I am a newly passed driver if that changes anything?""
Where can I get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes at Online?
How can I find the cheapest car insurance for me? I just got my first car and I know I will prolly pay a lot for insurance but how can I check for deals? I am on a really tight budget but at the same time, I only have a second-hand car so I gotta make sure I get insurance that will pay out if I need to make a claim. Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for my car at, and how reliable is it if I need to claim??""
How much is the insurance for evo x 2008?
Im 18 years old i live in california
How do you find car insurance?
Ok heres the situatuion, Am 22 I dont drive yet and i dont have a clue what car i want! Am hoping to pass my test this summer and am willing to spend roughly 750-2000 on a car but i dont want to pay anymore then 500 a year on car insurance. The most irritating thing about this thing is the fact i dont know how i can get a rough quote without having to fill out loads of details etc. Is there any easy way of finding your first car? Am losing my patience really annoyed by the whole process. HELP ME!""
What is an SR22 insurance?
Why do i need an SR22 ? Can someone Explain what it does? How about the cost?
Do you have to report a DUI to the car insurance company?
My friend got a DUI not too long ago. This is the state of Florida, and she has Allstate. I understand that her getting a DUI is now public records because she spent the night in jail. Because the fact that it's public records now, is she required to inform her Allstate insurance company about her DUI? Also, what will happen either way whether she reports it to insurance company or not? Will they remove her from her insurance or jack up the rates? It is her FIRST DUI and other than that she has a good driving record. Thanks.""
What's the best way to maximize how much an insurance company will pay for my totaled car?
My well-loved 10 year old Honda Accord was hit today by another driver. Both the other driver and myself are OK but my car was totaled. The other driver's insurance company will be reimbursing me for my vehicle. But I'm afraid that what they will offer for my car will be less than its worth to me in running condition. What's the best way to maximize how much I'll be reimbursed?
Where can i get cheap auto insurance?
hi, im 18, looking to get cheapest insurance possible liability only, any recomendations?""
Help with car insurance please :)?
Around how much would car insurance for a 'W REG VW BEETLE 3 DOOR HATCH BACK 2.0L PETROL' be? I am a young driver too. Thank you :)
Will a citiation for having my brights on raise my insurance?
And do I need to notify them? I have never had any other citations or anything else.
What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?
What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?
What is the legal cost of a ticket for not having any car insurance in the state of ala?
What is the legal cost of a ticket for not having any car insurance in the state of ala?
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
auto insurance quotes florida
auto insurance quotes florida
Insurance Question - cash insurance check and pay doctor within 30 days?
I keep receiving these huge checks from my insurance company and have paid the doctors 100% of what I owe - except one - where i sent the check back because of GROSS and large billing error ($21,000 worth). I did not want any liability for the error of this claim, therefore am I liable? Also, when I received the other checks - I paid the doctors within 30 days of receiving the money. Is this legal? Why is the insurance sending me these huge checks to deal with? I have enough on my plate with my own medical issues.""
""Getting a yamaha r6, how much is insurance usually?""
Never had a bike, have a clean record, what does insurance usually cost on a bike??""
Is there a site that tells new car insurance groups?
Is there a site that tells you the new insurance groups of cars under the 1-50 rating instead of the old 1-20?
Hi what is the best 600cc sports bike for an 18 year old bearing in mind the insurance?
I need some help with choosing my first 600cc bike at the moment i ride a skygo 125cc (yes chinese lol) but i turn 18 in a couple of weeks and am looking to buy my first big bike. iv had a look at the cbr 600 but not to keen on the shape to be honest and dont really like the shape of the r6 so im looking at the kawasaki ninja / suzuki gsxr 600 and 750. any ideas would really help insurance would play a big part for me to so i need the cheapest really and what price would i be looking at ? if anyone has any other bikes to suggest i would apreciate that aswell ?
How to get the best quotes in car insurance?
i am looking for the best US quotes in car insurance. Some free service that provides some tips and tricks to get good deals on car insurance.
How much insurance costs for Yamaha YZF-R125?
for 21 old male as a learner in uk ..
Young mens experiences of high insurance premiums?
Im a 18year old male that has a full Uk driving license but I don't have a car because of my insurance being quoted at 2500. Just wondered if any else had similar experiences and is it any wonder lots of young men go around without insurance.
What are the best health insurance options for independant business owners?
A dear friend is purchasing a Salon soon. She has covered all her financial bases and made smart choices so far. HEr main concern now is health insurance. She has always worked for a company that provided insurance, with an employee contribution. She and her husband are african american, about 45 yrs old, the husband smokes, she does not. What are the options out there that are affordable? Cobra will do for now, but as you know, full health insurance premiums are very high, what reccommendations do you have?""
""Classic mini, lessons and insurance for 2.5k?
Classic 998cc mini insurance driving lessons and test all for 2.5k - possible?
What can happen if you don't list all of your tickets on an online insurance quote and buy the policy?
For instance I have a spectator to racing ticket when a friend of mine attempted to outspeed a car that sped by him on the highway, he got pulled over and charged with street racing, and I received a citation for being a passenger in the car. (ridiculous I know) Now since I was not the driver, nor was my vehicle involved, should I still have to list this when filling out an online insurance quote? and if I don't what can happen if they find out later? Will they raise my rates immediately? Drop my policy? Or is there anything more serious they can do than that?""
Cheap car insurance for 28 yr old?
I have a 2003 Grand Am. I've had it for a year. Until recently I had it in my mothers insurance policy. But hers has expired now and I would like to have it put under my own policy. I've had my license since I was 20. I've never had any violations, not even a speeding ticket. What are some cheap car insurance for my situation. I live in Kentucky.""
What kind of insurance coverage should Geraldo and Marina have for their family?
Geraldo works full-time to take care of his family. His wife, Marina, stays home to take care of their two young children. What kind of insurance coverage should Geraldo and Marina have for their family? Explain why.""
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
How long do you have to have SR22 insurance? It's really expensive and my case was settled over 2 yrs ago.
How long do you have to have SR22 insurance? It's really expensive and my case was settled over 2 yrs ago.
First time getting insurance?
I'm going to study abroad in the UK and my university sent me an email about my insurance. In the attachment, there was a document that stated my name, one of the attachments was the policy and the other one was titled Statement of Insurance, it states my insurance date and holder, the holder was my uni. Its my first time getting insurance so I was thinking this might not be my insurance document since it had no data about me.""
How will my speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I am a Florida resident. I am temporarily in Colorado for work. Today I got a ticket for 80 in a 55 (looks like it's 6 points in CO). Currently, I pay around $100 per month for insurance (125k/250k) on two vehicles (2000 Chevrolet Blazer and 2011 Subaru Forester). How will this ticket affect my insurance?""
Renters insurance in California?
What does renters insurance cover? I'm renting a room from a friend but want my own insurance to cover personal injury without using the homeowner's coverage as well as if something gets accidently damaged by me for it to be covered. Is this included in renters insurance?
""On average, how much would motorcycle insurance be for a 16 year old?""
I am 16, i will be 17 when i get my bike. Im pretty sure it is going to be a Kawasaki Ninja 250. Could anyone tell me about how much it would be to insure it. I live in Pennsylvania.""
Which company has the lowest price on car insurance for teenagers in Mississippi?
car insurance
A 125cc Scooter in California?
I want to get a 125cc scooter just because it does use a lot of gas. In California, does a 125cc scooter need a license plate? Do I need to buy an insurance? Do I need a driver license? Do I have to ride on the bike lane? or I can ride as a car? How do I make a left turn? How do I park my scooter? park it as a car (occupy a car parking spot)? It's in California. Thank you very much""
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
Is Allstate a good insurance company to work for as a claims adjuster?
Is Allstate a good insurance company to work for as a claims adjuster?
My daughter and car insurance?
my daughter just got a car for my granddaughter is it illegal not to have my grand daughter listed on the insurance policy..she does'nt want them to know she is a new driver...we live in new jersey
What do u think if a young man married a woman 74yrs older than him. and its his frist marraige. and her 21st?
i herd this on the radio and i wanted other people's opinions!
High risk auto insurance?
Guys, Please what is the Best Option Online for High risk auto insurance, i am looking for One Just In Case Thanks""
auto insurance quotes florida
auto insurance quotes florida
What is the procedure to claim insurance for a stolen bike?
my brother's herohonda is stolen ? he has done it's insurance in orientalinsurance company. he has also reported to the police regarding this.the case was happened before 2 and 1/2 months . police could not found it. so kindly suggest the way to claim for a new bike to the insurance company.
Which car insurance companies insure electric cars?
My insurance company will not insure electric cars. Which will?
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
Is AARP a good health insurance plan?
I'm in my 20s, any suggetions of a good health insurance coverage plan? hospital, perscription, the whole nine!?!?""
Health Insurance in California!?
Hi there, My girlfriend and I are getting married next year. I am British and she's American and I'm going to move to California to live her. I am just wondering how the whole health insurance matter works in California as there is no national health insurance as far as i know! Thanks guys!""
HELP !!!!!!! what is a good and CHEAP car insurance company? 10 points =]?
I need the cheapest possible car insurance but thats also good and will cover me =]
Cheap place to buy CMS Health Insurance Form 1500 Claim?
Where can I find a great deal online for CMS Health Insurance Form 1500 Claim
Do insurance rates diffeer between a new and used car?
i am looking at a 2001 corvette selling by owner for 18,000, and i was wondering if the rates would be higher or lower if I was to buy a new vette from the dealer. i am 15, ill be 16 in a month, fyi.""
""What would be a cheap car insurance company for me,19 yrs old?""
I did some quotes but some companies couldn't give me a quote.. don't know why though but I am trying to find out what would be a cheap good company for me. The car I was going to buy was the Pontiac grand am year 2000-2002. If you know anything, please let me know. Thanks!""
What type of insurance protects your car against theft?
I know there's Liability which is mandotory. Collision covers damage to your own vehicle, but does it actually cover a stolen vehicle with let's say a deductible of $1000?""
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
Cheap car insurance..?
I need to know a cheap place around here that is under $80 for three people. I tried looking it up, but where I am staying at right now the Internet sucks on my phone. I'm 20, my parents are over 50. And we live in Cleveland, Tx So, I guess what I'm asking is if someone can look up a cheap place for me.""
Car insurance quotes online?
Where can i find good companies info on quotes in online
How much would insurance cost on a 49cc scooter?
I'm 30 year old and live in Leeds / UK , iv never had a car or motobike before so all this is new to me , I know roughly price of tax ,mot, cbt, but id like to no roughly price of insurance for me on a 49cc scooter so I no how much I can spend on the bike , the bike when id get it would b chained up and stored in a locked garage over night , I'm not able to reply to answers or add info after iv sent this question so more info the better please""
Does my boyfriends name have to be on the car title in order for me to be put on his insurance?
I will be buying a car this weekend. I am under 25, so the insurance is outrageous. my boyfriend is over 25. It is a lot cheaper if i just add myself to his insurance. My question is does his name also have to be on my car if i want to be put on his insurance? I was told yes but im not sure.""
What good is affordable health care when more...?
people are out of work then there are people without health insurance?
How do auto insurance providers calculate your payments?
I just got off the phone with my auto insurance to change my address. They informed me that my rate is going to be $16 more now because I moved to a different zip code. The problem is, I had previously had my insurance changed because it skyrocketed after my previous move. Which is strange because I had moved from the same city before and it went down about $20. I have since moved BACK to the SAME city I was in before and it's going up again?? This makes NO SENSE! I thought it was based off of your location (zip code). But now I just think these insurance companies are making up their own numbers and rules and we're all getting screwed!! Can someone please explain this insanity to me? My zip code is now and was before, 95608. The zip code I just moved from is 95628. Yes, I have moved back and forth 4 times within the same 2 cities if you're confused.""
How much would insurance cost on a 2015 Mustang 4-cylinder ecoboost?
Just wondering if anyone has an idea on how much insurance will cost. The insurance for the V6 model I know will be somewhere around $400-$500 a month which is obviously too much for me. I plan on putting a 3k down payment for the Mustang and finance for possibly 4-5years. I also plan on selling my current car for a little over 2.2k. I believe this will only be possible for me to do if the insurance is around $300 a month. The Ecoboost mustang is a 4 cylinder 2 door muscle car but with a turbo engine putting about 305HP. It gets more mpg than the V6 but is faster than the V6. Thank you for any answers and I know for now nothing is 100% true until I actually get a quote. Oh I also live in the LA County area as I know this will sadly most likely increase the insurance cost by 40%.
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help""
""I need a good independant health insurance broker near Houston, Tx.?""
Can anyone recomment a good independant heath insurance broker in the Houston, Tx. area that I can go talk to. I need to sign up for individual health insurance for my family but I would really like to talk to someone in person who would look out for me and not themselves. Has anyone had good experiences with any that they could recommend? Thank you.""
""Hi, I'm 20 and 6 weeks pregnant. Insurance problems?""
Medi-cal won't let me file an app b/c I'm not 21, And my mother doesn't qualify for me. I make 900 a month with car payments ins. Anyway I don't have money to buy insurance. Planned Parenthood told me my edd, and gave me the positive test. I haven't seen a doctor, and I don't know what to do? I live in CA are there any suggestions?""
Couple questions on motorcycle insurance?
So I recently just bought a motorcycle 07 Yamaha R6S. I'm 19 years old and first time rider. I financed the bike under my name. My parents have Allstate and I'm under there insurance for the car insurance. Can they add a motorcycle under their insurance or do I have to go on my own? If so, how much is full coverage on a bike for a 19 year old? I have 1 ticket on record. Would I be able to just get liability? I live in California. Any advice would be helpful.""
How much would we (roughly) pay for health insurance?
Adult male 40+ adult female 40+ and a 5-year old child. No medical problems or histories if that makes any difference. All are EU citizens ... Maybe it's not that simple, but if I don't ask I won't find out :-) I lived in Twente back in 2000 but and remember health iunsurance as affordable (i was single then). From what I hear now prices have gone through the roof. I am considering returning but am worried about ziekenfonds costs.""
Which is the cheapest auto insurance policy that a company can offer which covers everything?
i own a chevy beat 1.2 LT and need to know the right comparision of d best insurance company policy.pls reply asap.
""How much does it cost to insure a ferrari spider 360, 2005 redge in the UK?
longer than writing a question and reading an answer smart *** :)
auto insurance quotes florida
auto insurance quotes florida
Backtack on medical insurance for newborn?
Is it Normal for my job to backtrak and charge me premiums for my newborn if I didn't enroll her until about a month after she was born? She was on my wifes insurance up until I enrolled her but they took a lot out of one check. Spoke with the head of finance dept and tells me they still backtrack from when she's born even though she was on my wifes insurance
Car shopping???? and auto insurance?
I am planning to buy a car before school starts again.. I was shopping on craigslist.com and some cars are cheap and sound too good to be true. like this one: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html but should i go for it anyway?? should i hire a mechanic to check the car out? if so where can i find one and how much would one cost? will my insurance be expensive?, (im under 18)""
Affordable health insurance?
I'm nineteen years old and I don't have health insurance. I'm going to be a college student in the fall. I was wondering if anyone had any idea how I could find good, affordable health insurance? Also some help as to how the whole co-pay thing works would help out, too. I used to have a certain health insurance for people from low-income families but they just cut mine off so I need to get some. Thanks in advance!""
Ive had my car insurance for a year with no claims.?
now i want to switch insurance company as new one is much cheaper. can i get a letter / email from the old one saying that ive had no claims during the year??
How much would it cost to insure a Smart Roadster for a 17 year old first time driver?
I have been looking into insurance for a Smart Roadster and the sites I have used, either gave me a quote for 15k+ a year or couldn't even find the model. Is insurance for this little car really so expensive. I'll be 17 soon, still in full time education, have a part time job, the car would be on a private driveway overnight, at a secure public car park during the day while I'm at work at an industrial unit, standard model no modifications, no criminal convictions or medical conditions. I live in Colchester, Essex.""
Is it cheaper to have your spouse put onto your car insurance.?
Someone told me it workes out cheaper. Are they correct.
Finding the cheapest health insurance to waive school health insurance?
Hello, My college requires that each and every student have health insurance or else they will put you on the school's health insurance - which costs $500 a semester. I've been trying to find an insurance company/plan that meet the requirements to waiver the school's health insurance. Does anyone know a cheap health insurance company/plan in Colorado that meets these requirements? 1. Outside plan must have an annual deductible of $1,500 or less (if it's a family plan, members must have an individual deductible of $1,500 or less). 2. Outside plan must be a Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan that covers medical care for both Injury and Illness, including outpatient AND inpatient medical services. (Non-Comprehensive policies such as Injury, Diagnosis, Cancer, Hospitalization or Catastrophic only plans DO NOT COMPLY). 3. Outside plan must have Mental Health Care Coverage that includes both inpatient and outpatient benefits that have the following minimum levels: Inpatient -- coverage of at least $10,000 or 45 days, Outpatient -- coverage of at least $1,000 or 20 visits.""
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm 16 and I just got my first car. Scion tc 2008. (I'm a girl) My dad has insurance and we are going tomorrow to get insurance, we want full converge but i just want an estimate on how much it would be. We also live in texas if that means anything lol""
How can I get cheaper car insurance?
I live in Toronto, but my address on my liscence is in a smaller town about an hour out of the city. The car that I have is registered on my husbands Toronto lisence. I want to buy insurance using my out of the city address so it will be cheaper. Would I be able to do this even though I technically live in Toronto?""
My son who is 17 has to appear in the magistrates court for driving my car without a full licence or insurance?
He has never been in any sort of trouble before and is usually a good kid. What sort of punishment can we expect to receive? We are soo afraid! We are in the UK
Malpractice Insurance?
How much do Cardiothoracic surgeons have to pay in malpractice insurance. Are there certain rates for different specialties?
Proof of insurance for a road test?
i have a road test and the dmv requires a proof of insurance i don't have insurance so does the person im supposed to go with, only my dad has an insurance on the car but he will be away on that day. Can i just go to the dmv and show them my dad's insurance without him being there?""
How much will it cost to insure my printing company?
I am doing a project for school and we are starting up a photo/poster printing business. Before I try reaching out to various insurance companies, I was wondering if anyone knew a ballpark figure of how much insurance would be? thanks""
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Does a spoiler on a car raise the insurance?
does having a spoiler on a car made it into a sports car and thus raise insurance?
What is the best and cheapest company for motorcycle insurance?
I am a rider with 10 years of driving experience but my license lapsed and I was forced to start over as a new driver (M1 graduated liecense). I'm married, in my 30's, I drive a 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 and have never made any claims.""
Insurance and a newborn??
I am so confused about how my baby (due july 7th..i know im really pushin it)... is going to have insurance right when he is born? I am covered on my moms insurance plan which covers her dependents. But it wont cover my dependents. When i call an insurance company and try to set it up to where the insurance will go into effect the day my son is born, the insurance says they dont do that and to call the day he is born to start the process but the process takes two weeks.. WHAT COVERS HIM THE FIRST 2 WEEKS???? please help =)""
How can I make sure the Insurance company declares my car totaled if it received enough damage?
My boyfriend fell asleep while driving and damaged my car pretty badly. It got towed because it is not drivable at this point. This happened on Friday morning, and today, Monday, I got a call from my insurance asking me to find a mechanic for the repairs. Then he followed by asking if I knew where the car was. Isnt he supposed to get an estimate of the car before he decides if its worth any repairs? Or is that my job? Also, Im afraid that the mechanic will just fix the car to please the insurance company, but Id rather the car just get totaled. I dont want to have future problems because it is my understanding that the transmission got pulled out. Im not sure what to do. Im thinking of just choosing the dealerships collision department for the repairs. How do I make sure that if the car has too much damage, it is declared totaled?""
Wrong birthdate on auto insurance?
my parents wont help me out with insurance, i bought my own car, i have a full time job and i am really responsible. i am 4 months from being 18 and need to get auto insurance for my new car. i live out on my own already and handle everything by myself. Do I have any options with auto insurances that would take a 17 year old in washington state. OR what would happen if I put I was one year older for the next four months than changed it? Does the insurance company verify?""
I want to start baby sitting do i need insurance?
im going to take a baby sitting course and use it to make a little extra money, i plan to go to the child's home to look after them in the evenings and i was wondering if i needed to get any sort of insurance. i like in the uk if that makes any difference.""
Question about car insurance for young people?
I am nearing the end of my driving lessons and i am seriously thinking about cars.Can someone tell me a list of cars that are cheap to insure for a 17 year old male?Also my Mother told me that when i pass my driving test and get a car i will be going under her insurance policy and she said that it will be a lot cheaper than getting insured by myself.So my question is , is it better to get insured under a parents name so it will be considerably cheaper also i want to pay monthly for insurance and not yearly.Also what cars are generally cheap to insure under a parents name for a 17 year old? Thank You.""
If you decided to stop paying for car insurance does the company have the right to charge you for?
the last month you had it even though it was 10 days before it was due that I canceled it?
""Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Does insurance cost more on a dodge truck with a hemi?
Versus the base 4.7L. The truck is a 2006 if that makes a difference.
How do I go about this? Car insurance for myself and get the car in my name?
My mom is giving me her old car. She has it in her name, and I want to put it in my own name with my own car insurance. I'm moving out so this is the reason for it. I live in Florida.""
auto insurance quotes florida
auto insurance quotes florida
0 notes
Why have various medical organizations proposed affordable medical ‘insurance’?
Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/>Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/><br/>BEST ANSWER Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies: http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=scoop<br/><br/>RELATED QUESTIONS<br/><br/>Auto insurance needed to drive into Canada from the USA?<br/>Hello, I am wondering if proof of auto insurance is asked for when driving into Canada from the USA? I know a passport is, but wasn t sure if proof of auto insurance is. <br/><br/>Lexus IS300 insurance rate?<br/>Im thinking of getting an IS300 but im only 16 years old.  How much do u think the insurance rate is goin to be?<br/><br/> My husband needs to get full dentures but our insurance only covers $1,000...? <br/>I was asking for help, not sarcastic answers......he does and always has brushed his teeth  .....his problem is a medical one that involves bone loss!   <br/><br/>Home Insurance Check made out to myself & mortgage holder?<br/> My home was damaged in a Hurricane Ike, I had estimates done and the insurance adjuster came out.  I just recieved the insurance check and it is made out to both myself and my mortage company.  Can I deposit this check into my bank account? I need to get my roof fixed before it rains again, because it is raining into my house!!!! <br/><br/>Best location for insurance agency?<br/> I m very early in the stages of starting an insurance agency in Lafayette IN. Where do you think is a better location? There are reasonable prices in downtown lafayette, but also on the east side, which is has a lot of offices, retail stores, and restaurants. Where do you think more people would likely to meet a beginning independent insurance agency? <br/><br/>What is the cheapest car insurance?<br/>What is the cheapest car insurance?<br/><br/>Is Global Life and Accident Insurance Company a legit company for life insurance?<br/>is this a scam or are a legit business? Has anyone here ever dealt with them before? How are they at handling people s life insurance polices?<br/><br/>Why are universal life policies more costly than term insurance policies?<br/>econ help, brief answer please <br/><br/>How would car insurance companies benefit if the driving age was raised to 18?<br/>And would insurance cost less? please show sources if you can<br/><br/>Auto insurance ticket question?<br/> My husband was insured with his family for the past 5 years, however, they recently ended insuring his vehicle without telling him. Today he got pulled over for having his mudflaps too short (or some crap like that) When he was unable to produce proof of insurance, he was ticketed $510 and 6 points to his license. The officer told him it was correctable if he could show proof of insurance by 1/11/2012. Now here s my question. Can we purchase -new- auto insurance tonight and have the ticket corrected? Or does the insurance need to be active before the ticketed date? I understand it was our fault for not making sure we were still insured, any info will help us tons! thanks <br/><br/> How should the United States finance our campaigns so as best to insure free, fair, and competitive elections? <br/> Campaigns have become extraordinarily expensive, from the presidential race down to local contests. Some have suggested that we replace privately funded campaigns with publicly funded campaigns so that all eligible candidates are competing on an equal playing field. Yet the publicly funded system we established for presidential candidates is now largely ignored. How should the United States finance our campaigns so as best to insure free, fair, and competitive elections? <br/><br/>Why do rich people buy health insurance?<br/>like billionaires, why would they but health insurance? it is not like they cant afford the medical bill. <br/><br/>Need to find a good place and affordable price for dental care..?<br/>Hello I m from Oklahoma and I m looking for a good Dentist.That is affordable.I have BCBS Insurance.But it only pays a small amount.I will be 33 next week and I m so depressed over my teeth.I got real sick a few yrs back and the meds and all just made my teeth rot..Please someone help..Thanks Melody<br/><br/>Is it normal for most dental insurances to not cover braces?<br/> Had braces when I was younger. Now finding that I grind my teeth and at one point my dentist suggested getting them again. It is pricey and I notice my insurance doesn t cover that, that I can see. Also could be something to do with my bite. Just concerned for long run as left side of mouth my teeth touch just fine, but on right side they just barely touch. Don t want my teeth to get ground down too much. <br/><br/>What will life insurance cost me ? Ballpark!!<br/> what will life insurance cost me? im just looking for a ballpark price. i know i know . factors. just say im 40, a little over whight, non-smoker, 90,000.00 i have 10 at work. so if i die my family gets 100,000.00 what is this called. life term? or something. like i said just looking for a W.A.G. per month 10$? 20$? 5$? 30$?  Thanks  <br/><br/> Should we use our own motorcycle insurance company or the other guy s  ?   <br/>My husband s motorcycle was recently backed into. What do we do, use our own insurance company. I m not even sure if we used our own company would our rates increase? I m hesitant to go through their company because it seems that they would be shadier to people that aren t under them. What do we do? <br/><br/>How much would car insurance be for a Dodge Charger?<br/>If I had a 3.0 average and no accidents,tickets, or other outstanding finds and i was only sixteen, how much Would the insurance be? <br/><br/>Good car insurance deals?<br/>can someone please tell me where i  can get the best car insurance deals??   Thanks<br/><br/>Can I be denied coverage when switching health insurance plans?<br/> I m looking into switching jobs to the tune of an extra 22k and when I do so, I ll need to acquire individual health insurance.      I ve been covered by a group policy from the same company for over 2 years.  However, I ve developed some manageable conditions (I take medicine for them) while covered by the group policy.  Now it seems like I might be denied or be forced to pay really high premiums for getting individual coverage from the same company.  I could use Cobra for a while but my monthly premiums would increase by 300%, that I can be charged for more than 1 month up front and Cobra isn t a long term fix.      So can they deny me coverage or charge really high premiums?  If they do, I might not be able to take this new job. <br/><br/>Heath insurance help ?<br/>what is affordable heath care plans ? and do u have 2 pay monthly 4 heath insurance<br/><br/>Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/>Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/><br/> Harley Insurance estimate for 16 year old rider in Toronto, Ontario? <br/>Harley Insurance estimate for 16 year old rider in Toronto, Ontario? <br/><br/>How to reduce my insurance price?<br/>I have been trying to find insurance as I will be 17 next year and have decided on a car I would like which is a Peugeot 206 2001 y reg and every time I use a comparison site I get quoted 4 grand or it says their insurers cannot provide insurance. Please help :(<br/><br/>Where can i get the very cheapest auto insurance?<br/>or my boyfriend rather    he just got his liscense..hes 21 and he has a careless driving ticket..   what are his options..we really need insurance but cant afford more than 150 a month.<br/><br/>Cancelling car insurance?<br/>i recently passed my test, got a car and insurance. i have now found a cheaper car insurance, although i have only been paying for three month, will i be able to cancel the car insurance and go with a cheaper one? <br/><br/>What cars cheap on insurance but still has over 200 hp?<br/>I m 18 and I ve got a 2.0L 2010 ford focus with just over 150 bhp with my insurance 1,700 but I m looking for a car with over 200 bhp but still below 2,500 on insurance but under 12,000 <br/><br/>Car insurance for Civic and Lancer?<br/>How much would you guys think car insurace would cost per year for a 16 year old for a 95-00 Honda Civic EX or SI and a 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer ES??? thanks<br/><br/>I am a unemployed college student and I need health insurance. Who has great affordable plans?<br/>I am a unemployed college student and I need health insurance. Who has great affordable plans?<br/><br/>What is a cool car that is low on insurance?<br/>Im a 16yr old male looking for a cool car that is low on car insurance<br/><br/>Can I take out a life insurance policy on my child s father?<br/> My ex is a very big risk taker and our son is only two years old. Being a single mom is very financially straining and if he was to die I would have to go onto public assistance. Is there a way I could take out a life insurance policy on him where I am the beneficiary? I m terrified that he will do something stupid and wind up dead and my son and I will be stuck living off of welfare.<br/><br/>Is auto liability insurance mandatory in Texas?<br/>I know it is mandatory in NYC, but not in all states. Is Texas one of the states where it is not mandatory? <br/><br/>How much will AAA insurance go up if I get my license?<br/> my mom and dad have AAA and I am 16 and I want to get my license.  but my dad is telling me to just wait until i go to college since he will buy me a car then.  he says the insurance will go up $1000 per month but i cant believe it.  how much does the insurance usually go up after I would get my license.  I wouldn t own a car and I wouldn t be registered for one.<br/><br/>Best insurance?<br/>i want low rates around 200 and under si dnt wanna pay 300 and up u feellllllllllllllllllll me<br/><br/>How much would car insurance go up?<br/>I m currently driving a 1994 Honda accord and i m paying $150/MO for car insurance.    How much would my car insurance go up if I bought a used car...let s say a 2002 Audi   Thanks!<br/><br/>Does my insurance go up?<br/>i only have liabilities with my insurance. i got into a car accident but my car was the only one damaged and im paying for the repairs myself, would my insurance go up? <br/><br/>What company should I use to insure my lamborghini gallardo?<br/>I m about to lease a 2014 Lamborghini Gallardo for 3 years in Augusta, Maine but no insurance company that I looked up is wiling to provide ana insurance quote for this vehicle. Does anyone know a car insurance company that is willing to insure this car? <br/><br/>Single input multiple quote car insurance?<br/>looking for multiple quotes on car insurance with single information input<br/><br/>Life insurance?<br/>Is there any company in Canada that offers life insurance without a suicide clause?!?   i know most companies have a 2-year clause..   even something less than 2 years would help...   thanks..<br/><br/>How much will my car insurance go down by?<br/>How much roughly will my insurance cost next year, I am 17 now and I drove pretty well and this year my insurance cost 1000 on average how much does the price go down by? <br/><br/> Harley Insurance estimate for 16 year old rider in Toronto, Ontario? <br/>Here is the bike: http://www.harley-davidson.com/content/h-d/en_CA/home/motorcycles/2015-motorcycles/sportster/iron-883.html   How much is insurance estimate for a 16 year old, clean record, new bike, M1 license (road test passed) fresh. 200 lb, about 5 9   Thanks   <br/><br/>Do you have health insurance?<br/>if, so, How much is it per month?    How old are you?     what kind of deductable do you have??    feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance. <br/><br/>Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/>Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/><br/>Can you drive a car in texas to alabama  without insurance and inspection sticker?<br/> to olka whatever your named is , it is parked. i WAS asking whether or not it would be legal not if it could be done , but thanks for being a smart *** . (:   it s parked in a private garage. and will stay that way until i figure out what to do. i don t have the money to get the insurance but i ll find a way to. <br/><br/>How can i make my truck engine more powerful?<br/>i have an 05 ford ranger 3.0 6 cyl 4 wd and i want to make it more powerful. what parts or should i upgrade and what brands are reliable and cost effective. im only 16 and make about 500 bucks a month before taxes and insurance etc. so i really need the parts to be cost effective<br/><br/>Good and affordable health insurance for an entry level job person?<br/>8 live in pennsylvania, but so... U can give me details also if u live in other state. Anyway. .. i just wanna know which are goods <br/><br/>Where can i get car insurance without paying an initial deposit.?<br/>Where can i get car insurance without paying an initial deposit.?<br/><br/>How to know if my mom left me life insurance money?<br/>How do I find out if my mom, who passed away a few months ago, left me life insurance money? <br/><br/>Will my license get taken away? No insurance.?<br/> Hi All, I was involved in a car accident yesterday when some lady got in my way without turning on her side blinkers. I totaled my car. My insurance was cancelled a few days ago and this happened yesterday. This happened here in California, when the highway patrol arrived I showed them my insurance and drivers license thinking I was still insured. Since I don t have my car anymore I can t go to work so I can t pay my car off (i owe 7k) what should I do? I have reported it to the finance company. Is there a chance I will go to jail if I don t pay back? Can I lose my license? Thank you all so much!!!! <br/><br/>If I cash out my universal life insurance policy will I have to pay taxes on the money?<br/>I have purchased a term life policy. My universal life policy is raising each year therefore eating up my cash value unless I pay higher rates.  The term life policy rate is frozen for 10 years and is worth more than the univesal policy. I want to cash out the univerasl policy and cancel the policy.<br/><br/>Car insurance.......?<br/>If I lend my car to a friend and they have a prang into another car and the friend is not covered by any insurance to drive my car what will happen?   Will  my insurance be effected?<br/><br/>What is the difference between a surety bond company and insurance companies ?<br/>Pls no textual answers    Im asking this in regard of Housekeeping services.........<br/><br/>Im 16 and just had my second wreck!? what will insurance do?<br/>I just had my second wreck today and both of them have been my fault! Im 16 and my first wreck was last year in late November. Will insurance just raise my rate, drop me, or offer high risk insurance?? have any options on how to get low insurance if i do need to get another insurer? <br/><br/> If I get in a car accident am I insured, if I m not on the insurance? <br/>I recently got my license. I was wondering if I have to be on the car insurance to be insured? The car is not mine, but my moms. My mom keeps arguing with me that I have to be on insurance. <br/><br/>Home insurance cost in auburndale ny zip code 11358?<br/>I am in the process of purchasing a new house in auburndale, queens ny. i wonder how much is the average home insurance cost in this area? it is a tudor building, 2 and half floors. <br/><br/>Suggestions for an inexpensive way to cover ugly retaining walls?<br/> Our acre property is all uphill so there are 3 retaining walls, each about 5  tall that are falling apart.  When we moved in they were railroad tiles, then about 10 years ago a friend was redoing their yard so they gave us all the wood from their oversized patio and two decks because the railroad tiles were disintegrating and we figured we d cover the railroad tiles with this wood.  This wood was supposedly some fabricated garbage that wasn t supposed to rot or warp.  Needless to say, it has.  So now we have these retaining walls that look gross.  I m hoping there s some inexpensive, DIY kind of facing that we could do.  I m in NY so whatever material would need to be able to stand up to the snow. <br/><br/> NYers only: got a ticket, when will it go to the insurance company? <br/> I got a ticket last week for failing to stop at a stop sign. I will be getting points on my license, but I m really concerned about my insurance rates going up, so I am going to take a defensive driving class. Do I have to take the class BEFORE I pay the ticket, so insurance doesn t see the ticket, or do I pay the ticket and then take the class, hoping insurance won t see the ticket?? <br/><br/>Expensive Auto Insurance in Ma need advise! Thanks?<br/> Hi,    I live in Ma and Ive made a couple of mistakes with my driving record, $6,000 auto insurance to be exact. Since my car is financed I have to have some sort of insurance on it. My bank said that I could store my car away and that I had to put Fire and Theft protection on it. Does anyone know how what the yearly premium for something like that would be?     Also can anyone suggest any alternatives? Your help would greatly be appreciated.    Thanks<br/><br/> 18 years old. No cosigner, no credit, and needs small car loan? <br/> I have a part time job. I work about 26 hours a week and I have a second side job that I work at periodically. I bring home after taxes about $400 every two weeks but that could go all the way up to $500 or more since I work on commission, but yes it is a VERY steady/permanent job. $500 isn t a lot for every two weeks but since the only expenses I have is insurance and then the car payment IF i get one then its not that bad, and yes I NEED a new car mine is not reliable and for the amount of money i put into it on repairs it is just as expensive as having a loan, believe me. <br/><br/>The cheapest life insurance policy?<br/>I would like the cheapest life insurance policy but also the best possible premiums<br/><br/>Motorcycle Insurance?<br/>I got into a car accident almost 2 years ago and I was wondering if it will effect me when I get insurance for my motorcycle?<br/><br/>Car Insurance.?<br/> Does anyone know if there is a temporary car insurance you can get, so you only have to pay for it when you are driving the car. My car insurance is $150/month for plpd(partial), it is the cheapest there is, and my car is only worth around $2000. I only drive my car once a month for a 70 mile round trip. I just think its a lot to be paying $150 for a 70 mile trip. More than $2 a mile just for the insurance seems like quite a bit to me. There is no taxis or public buses where I live, and I dont want anyone else to take me. I am only interested if someone can give me information about the insurance. And a motorcycle wont work. Thanks. <br/><br/>How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?<br/>How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?<br/><br/>Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/>Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/><br/>Do you know any cheap car insurance providers for young driver?<br/>Do you know any cheap car insurance providers for young driver?<br/><br/>Where can I compare legal malpractice insurance like car insurance quotes?<br/>I am a new lawyer and need to get receive coverage. Any attorneys out there know how much I ll pay? Who has good rates?<br/><br/>How much should I be paying for home owners insurance?<br/>I live in a small town in louisiana, my house is worth about $130,000.00. How much should I be paying for home owners insurance. Just basic ins. covering just the house and not the land and things inside.   Thanks <br/><br/>Cheap insurance w/a DUI???<br/> By simply putting in quotes online, going from no DUI s to adding a DUI to a quote, rates doubled.      Without my DUI, I was quoted around $600-$700 for 6 months, with it I was quoted $1400...and that s no exageration.    I ve been licensed P&C as well, though I never used it...    I think I just flew under the radar though, because I moved to another state, submitted my social and vin# and got a dirt cheap rate that I m not going to dispute.  And I said I had a DUI... <br/><br/>What type of cars would have the highest car insurance payment?<br/>couples? Sport cars? What type of cars have a high car insurance payment?   I wanted to get a two door but heard the insurance would be high. Since im young I know it be higher also. What would be best to get?<br/><br/>Can i get insurance on a bike at 16?<br/>i have a pedal bike its 20in i have paid almost 1800 for i built it myself and i was woundering if i could get some type of insurance for it like if it gets stolen. i live in michigan<br/><br/> Does anyone know of any good, affordable dental insurance? <br/>I am self-employed and I need to see a dentist, can anyone help? <br/><br/>Is it legal for my employer to make me take an individual health insurance policy instead of company policy?<br/>they want me to pay for my own health insurance and them reimburse me for it.  Because they said it is cheaper.  Can they do that legally?<br/><br/>How much would this cost? (car insurance) on average?<br/> I hope to drive when i get too 17.    Ive already got 900 saved for driving lessons, And the car will be bought for a 18th birthday present.   Im just wondering how much it would be on average to insure myself, at 17, with a car probably about 04/05 Plate, maybe a corsa, or a KA, not something to flashyy.    How much on average will it cost in insurance per month??   Thanks.. <br/><br/>Will my car insurance pay my car note off if i die of natural causes?<br/>Will my car insurance pay my car note off if i die of natural causes?<br/><br/>No death certificate for life insurance policy?<br/> I asked a question about life insurance here yesterday and got great answers, so I have another question.  :)    My sis and I are beneficiaries on my grandmother s life insurance policy.  My Aunt is the executor of the estate and there s a lot of bad blood between her and us.  The insurance company sent her a letter about the policy back in July, and she just NOW gave the insurance agent my contact info.    The insurance agent is waiting for my Aunt to send her a copy of the death certificate, but she s being crappy about it and probably will take her sweet time getting it to the insurance co.  The agent said when I returned my claim/paperwork, to enclose a copy of my grandmother s obituary, and the agent also looked my g ma up on the Soc. Security database and confirmed that she is indeed dead.  She said that she s going to give my Aunt a bit of time to get the death certificate to her, but if she doesn t then she s going to go ahead and close out the policy/file and send me a check.  My grandmother did in February, so there s a bit of interest accrued and they really want to close this out for good.  Is this common/normal/legal?  Is it even legal to cut a check without an official death certificate? <br/><br/>Insurance deductible?<br/>Someone rearended me and damaged my bumper.and my car did not start after that.I have insurance and she does too.wil I have to pay for any thing at all<br/><br/> No car insurance in Florida, what happens?<br/>http://usa1proxy.cn/car-insurance.html<br/><br/>What will it cost to go to planned parenthood with no insurance?<br/>I am going because I have missed a period for 4 months and had a negative pregnancy test. I am having some mild abdominal cramping.    I am 21 and live in Houston, TX <br/><br/>I need a Dentist......I have no insurance....what should I do?<br/>I haven t visited a dentist in years, but I really need to have a check-up. I have no insurance, What can I do? Where can I go? <br/><br/>Insurance options for pregnant fiancee?<br/> My fiancee is 7 months pregnant and no longer has insurance under her parents. She has insurance thru her job but supposedly it has a ridiculous they pay 20 percent you pay 80 rate. Does that even sound right? She wants to get  married right now to get on my tricare (they WILL cover her) but I am refusing to get married because we need insurance as opposed to having a nice decent wedding futher down the road. Money is not an issue with me if we have to pay the medical bills out of pocket or buy an expensive insurance to cover her. Does anybody have any better suggestions?<br/><br/>How much should I pay per month for a used car?<br/>I m 16 and looking for my first car and the cheapest I can find is somewhere around $120/month but there is also a mustang that I really like that is $325/month.    I make $50/week at one job that I only go to 1 day and will hopefully be getting another part time job soon.   What sort of money should I be paying?<br/><br/>I got randomly selected to show proof of insurance in Ohio but didn t have it on the date they put on paper?<br/>I have it now, but know a suspension is coming. What will I have to do to get my license reinstated. Again, this is for Ohio. <br/><br/>Can i get a life insurance policy in the usa even if im here illegaly?<br/>I want to get a life insurance the beneficiary would be my son who is a America citizen, I had live here since I was 10 my visa expired last year and I have to go back to my country to renovate it and i don t think that is happening , so can i get a life insurance or not? <br/><br/>Where can I find cheap car insurance in Florida? Please help!?<br/> I am a 16 year old girl and live in Florida. I have my learners permit and plan on getting my license in January. I waited awhile to get my permit and only a few months later I was involved in a car accident. My mother told me to go and we were hit from the side and then went into another car. Nobody was killed but two cars were totaled. I took a correction course and got rid of the points on my license. 6 months later I was in my friends car going to the mall when we stopped at a red light. A teenage boy behind us did not stop and we were rear ended. I went to the doctor and have a herniated disk in my lower back. My parents were going to buy me a car until they called our insurance company. They have USAA, who said i would be $500 a MONTH to insure me due to the multiple accidents I have been in. I didn t know they were allowed to charge someone for being a passenger in an accident that they were not at fault for! I need help in finding cheap insurance. Any suggestions? <br/><br/>Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/>Sand Fork West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 26430<br/><br/> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-much-my-car-insurance-payment-increase-after-accident-carr/
0 notes
Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
"Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
Most individual plans (87%) do not offer maternity coverage. I was fortunate enough to still be covered under an old employer by paying COBRA, and a majority of my expenses were covered. I had twins and had to have a C-Section. So now that I know I'm most likely to have a C-Section again, and who knows, another set of twins! (complete surprise) and am still of child bearing age. I am now under an individual plan, that does not offer maternity coverage. I was reading under the 'Inpatient' services and it listed this:    Unlimited coverage is provided for medically necessary physician and surgeon services
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Fast Car - With Decent MPG (cheap to insure?)?
Hey All. Looking to buy a new car: Current Car: Honda Civic Sport 1.6Li Petrol Wanting: Fast acceleration car possibly diesel turbo with good MPG if required. Distance to work travelled every day: 50 miles Open to all ideas/thoughts. I know with acceleration/speed comes price and loss of fuel mpg, but I'm sure theres a car that can be flexible under different driving conditions etc... Thanks again everyone, best answer to be choosen ASAP.""
Free car insurance quotes?
are these qoutes accurate or could the price they give you actually be lower then what the free quote says?
How much is car insurance for 17 year old?
how much is car insurance for 17 year old? i want to buy a 2001-2005 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and i wondering how much the insurance is. also do i have to pay the full amount of insurance upfront or is split into months for example if the insurance is 3000 am i be ale to pay 250 a month
Can auto insurance carrier deny claim due to their insured simply ignoring request for signed affidavit ?
Hi Have a question. My rear bumper was lightly tapped by 17 year old new driver. Damage is minor and cosmetic at $425. My car is only three years old and in perfect condition. The insured provided me all his insurance information and said to file a claim through his dad's insurance carrier. I called local police department 911 line to report minor collision. Officer responded and insured admitted to police officer that he tapped rear bumper. Police officer looked at my rear bumper and refused to make a police report as he said cannot issue a report unless damage is over $1500. I begged the officer repeatedly to please provide me even an incident report or something official like an affidavit as the teenager admitted to officer that he hit my rear bumper. Police Officer simply drove off and left me on the side of the road with a stranger. Of course now four weeks later, the insured and his father have simply ignored phone calls, emails and registered mail attempts by his insurance carrier to verify version. (not sure what version would be needed as my black paint is on his front bumper) I called the insured and his dad hung up on me twice. The insurance carrier told me they are denying and closing out the claim due to insured not responding. They said this is totally legal under Illinois State laws. (basically too bad, so sad) By the way this insurance company has unacceptable rating with state insurance board and BBB. I paid a body shop $425 in cash to fix car yesterday. Do I have recourse as I see my options would be to file a complaint with Illinois Banking and Insurance or file a small claims lawsuit against insured and insurance carrier (but that is an additional $119 court filing fee) Any ideas would be appreciated.""
Need insurance quote for 73 Mustang Mach 1?
I would just like to get an idea from a person who knows a lot about insurance at what I would be looking to pay. It's the long weekend here in Canada and no insurance companies are open, and I cannot get a quote online because of the year of the vehicle. What I am looking to buy is a 73 Mustang Mach 1. I am 21 years old. The car value is 15,000 It will be driven less then 1000KM a year No substantial modifications. I haven't had any speeding (or otherwise) tickets I will be the primary driver. Vehicle is in good shape Um any other details I am missing? let me know.""
Adding teenager to car insurance?
I'm turning 16 in a few months and my parents said if i paid for the extra cost they would put me on their policy and i was wondering how much money it would be. We have Geico
Do i need to list the second driver on my insurance policy?
If they aren't registerd to the vehicle but drive it often do they need to be on the policy at all? Im paying way too much with two currently...
I was in a car accident and didnt have car insurance..?
the other car is totaled... what do i do ?? can i get insuranse somewhere now who will cover a past wreck???
I am about to turn 16 and was wondering what kind of insurance I need?
how much it would cost thanks!
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost. I cant call the insurance company unforunately. Do you think I would have to pay all of it? I had full coverage.""
Moped/ motorcycle insurance in washington?
how much is insurance for it? i already have a car and car insurance. my car doesnt get great mileage. about 15-17 on the highway.12-15 city. i use to not travel a distance too much but i moved farther away from my college so i gas up once a week or every week and a half depending on if im just going to school or if im also going out. I want a scooter or motorcyle just because there fun and better on gas. im not reckless. ill be safe and drive them to minimize the risk as much as possible. MY STATE DOES NOT REQUIRE MOPED OR MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY LAW. Im just curious to be safe. and for me, my faith in god keeps me safe.""
""On average, how much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old male?""
Dear reader I am a 17 year old male. I am searching for car insurance once I get my driver's license I will be required to pay for my own car insurance. I want to get an average cost (monthly) for someone my age- regardless of the company I am not sure what factors play into a policy's amount- however, if it does matter, I am a straight A student with a 4.2 GPA (scale of 4.0)- I have never been convicted, nor prosecuted for a felony or anything of that sort. To sum up, I am quite responsible for a male my age. Please do not be rude in your responses I appreciate your help PS. the car that I would be driving is a Toyota Camry 2005 (all paid for). I also live in the state of MD""
What is the best insurance to buy for maternity care?
My husband and I had tricare but he is out of the military now, so we are looking for good insurance as we are currently ttc. Thanks!""
How do i look for cheapest car insurance?
i am 18 years old girl. I am thinking to buy a car for myself but i want the cheapest car insurance as possible. how do i look for cars that cost cheap insurance. any ideas.
Health insurance rates. Switch or stay?
In the past 2 years my family's health care plan (which is offered through my husband's work) has gone from great to way too expensive. We pay 250 a month as a premium, then we have a 1,000 each deductible, then our copays kick in 25 for office visit, 35 for specialty, 100 emergency room visit (must be okayed by dr. first, or they don't pay anything), 100 each day in the hospital. Perscription copays are 25/30/50, and not all things are covered. Two years ago we paid 275/a month and had 20 copays for everything (except hospital stays were always 100 and perscriptions they were 5/10/20). They do not pay for any vision, dental, or contraceptive. Certain (most) perscriptions are not covered. Is this similar to what everyone is paying, or should we start looking outside of his work for insurance?""
How Much Is Car Insurance? Please Help?
Ok See im 16 and i have a 1990 Pontiac Firebird and I have a Junior License Year: 1990 Make: Pontiac Model: Firebird Trim: Engine: 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black Interior: Grey Miles: 170000
Would using a motorbike for a year make insuring a car cheaper?
i'm at college and i am looking at learning to drive a car and i was wondering that if i used a motorbike or moped for a year without claiming on insurance would it decrease the cost of car insurance? because that is what my friends have been saying
Would OSAP provide money for car insurance?
I'm going to buy a car for college to get from point A to point B and I was just wondering if OSAP would be able to provide me for car insurance and gas money. Thanks.
My auto insurance raised twice as much for not being insured for more then 30-days?
I had auto insurance with state farm and my policy was $180 (just liablilty)per month for 12 months. I ran into some issues with money and could not pay so I cancelled the policy and avoided driving for a little over a month. I recently went to another agency to find a cheaper insurance and they said since i had a registered vehicle that was uninsured for more than 30 days, there is a penalty. Now I pay $340 for 8 months (just liablilty). 3 agency's told me the same thing. My question is will this ever change? How long will I have this penalty ? I have a clean driving record besides this and feel this is unfair and cannot afford it. Is there anything I can do to go back to paying $180p month? When did insurance companies start doing this? I have not found anything similiar through my research. Thanks""
What type of car insurance coverage is the cheapest?
I'm not talking about companies like State Farm, All State, Geico. I'm talking about the coverages like Collision, Comprehensive, No-Fault, Liability. Which of those coverages is cheapest in order. Also I live in Michigan so insurance is a big deal.""
Which is a better career..A realtor or A insurance agent ??
what the average income of a insurance agent?? who makes more money??
""Pregnant, no insurance and make too much money for medicaid. Advice?""
I am an independent contractor and have no insurance. I am now pregnant before having a chance to get health insurance. Health insurance once pregnant is way too expensive. I make too much money for government assistance, but not enough to afford private insurance. I'm in a tough spot, and I wonder if anyone has any advice to help me finance my pregnancy.""
Car insurance vs the law?
If I was driving at 100 mph in my car and a police officer caught me on radar and i started to pull over and then lost control and flipped and totaled the car would my insurance still cover it? I have the fullest of full coverage also, if I was still making payments and the car got impounded would the car be repossessed FROM the cops? thanks""
Roughly how much will my insurance cost for a new mid-level sports car?
In California. Clean driving record. Car would be financed in the $30k - $40k range. I imagine I would want full coverage. Would it be substantially less if the car were a year or two old rather than new? Thanks! I have always had used cars in the past with just liability insurance.
Why is car insurance for girls cheaper than for guys??
funny.. Each time i notice a careless/reckless driver, its a female.""
Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
Most individual plans (87%) do not offer maternity coverage. I was fortunate enough to still be covered under an old employer by paying COBRA, and a majority of my expenses were covered. I had twins and had to have a C-Section. So now that I know I'm most likely to have a C-Section again, and who knows, another set of twins! (complete surprise) and am still of child bearing age. I am now under an individual plan, that does not offer maternity coverage. I was reading under the 'Inpatient' services and it listed this:    Unlimited coverage is provided for medically necessary physician and surgeon services
How much would car insurance be for a 16-year-old in California?
If I got a car, it's like from the 90's, what's the approximate value car insurance would be? I know it depends on the insurance company, but I'm looking for insurance so what do you think is a good value? I'm 16 and a half and I could get the good student discount.""
Do you pay insurance on a lease car in the UK?
im 18 and looking to get my first car would a lease car be a cheaper option for me as i have been told in unsureness that its all included in the price but would i still have to pay separate insurance on the car? if so what would be the cheapest option? a lease car or buying a cheap car? thanks
Why does car insurance go up if you have a 4-wheel drive?
I am thinking about getting a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4. My car recently broke down and it was a 2000 Chevy Suburban. My parents don't really want to get me the Jeep with 4x4 because they said the price of insurance would go way up. I want to know why is this and about how much would it go up?
A question about car insurance?
We own three cars and have insurance on all three. If my daughter moves to another city and takes one of the cars, will the insurance still cover her? Typically the rates are based on where you live. Thanks for any advice!""
What is the best and most cost efficient way to move?
We are moving from Atlanta, Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. I was researching possibly renting a moving truck, but I'm having difficulty finding the best option. I was considering U-haul, but from other message boards, I got the impression that as the costs add up with insurance and mileage and whatnot, it appeared to not be the best option out there (or maybe it is in comparison to other companies, I am not sure). Does anyone have any suggestions or past experience with a good moving company? We are looking for the best price option, and possibly a company where we could pick up the truck in Georgia and drop it off somewhere in Mass. **the trip is roughly 950 miles""
Insurance help please?
When buying car insurance, I'm looking at fully comprehensive what is volentary and compulary excess? Hwta do these amounts mean. Also, my car got broken into twice this year and my partner was in an accident so we have a LOT of claims... Any tips for keeping my insurance down? Im trying all of the search engines, but this is busting my brain!!""
Where can I get private health insurance?
I need health insurance, like I know many people do. I have cancer, but I guess that's not considered a disabilty because I was turned down. My job does not pay for medical. I know several married couples where they have two different insurance policies through each of their employers, and they get to pick and choose which one to use. I don't have a spouse. I know several people who are alcoholics who have an HMO through their retirement and they are in the hospital every other month, simply because they have over drank. They run to the doctor every two months for very trivial things/ I know of several who abuse the veterans hospital from runny noses to a simple headache, plus they are paid monthly for a disabilty they don't have. They just don't want to work. I think married couples should only be able to use one insurance policy, and these others should be only allowed to go to the doctor a few times a year. If they are an alcoholic send them to AA.""
Mini Coopers? Cheap? Insurance? Safe? First car!?
i'm 17 and was wondering if a mini cooper would be a good first car. i never really wanted one, my one of my friends is like obsessed with them and since then i've been looking into it. i know they have 5 star safety rating so they're very safe and easy to control and can fit into small parking spaces because, well, they're small =) But how about insurance? Is that cheap? I mean if i'm getting a used one? Not a sporty model or anything. And what about maintenance? And is it fuel-friendly? Or would it be like driving a hummer? Considering what I've seen and read about it, it can either be really expensive if you buy the wrong model and the new car, OR it can be very effecient and affordable if you buy a used one and the right model. Can you help me out here? Thanks =)""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old young man?
I'm 17 and passed my test a couple of months ago. i've checked websites like go compare and the cheapest car insurance i can get is around 2000 pounds. this is way too high. whats the cheapest i can get? i understand if i go on my mums insurance i could probably get it cheaper. whats can i do to make it cheapest? for example go on my grandma's with 3 other people insured on it or something ? i havent got a car so if anyone could tell me the cheapest car to insure? i understand clios are quite cheap? thankyou
Where to buy individual health insurance?
I am looking to buy an individual health plan. I have just quited my job and have opened a small automobile repair shop. What are the options?
Canceling car insurance?
im with hastings direct car insurance and my 1st payment i due on the 20th and i was wondering if i was to phone up and cancel my insurance will i still have to pay it all or will i just have to pay a small fee?
Need info about health insurance?
My dad is 61, mom 57. Dad has RA and a case of carple tunnel (spelling?) That went undiagnosed until it was too late. He is an over the road freight hauler and will soon lose his job along with their insurance because of it. They are too young for medicare and disability is going to take a while. We live in Minnesota. Anybody have any advise about health insurance or anything that will financially help???? Desperate here!!!""
Can someone explain heath insurance language to me?
Im trying to find heath insurance for my fiance and myself, but I do not understand insurance. Can someone explain it?""
Average monthly Life Insurance Bill?
doing a project in Personal finance...could someone help me out?
What Auto Insurance Company do you use and would recommend?
And have you ever heard of western general insurance company / Insure Express? They have a pretty good rate, but I've never heard of them before.""
Do you need to be enrolled in school to stay covered under your parents health insurance? Affordable Care Act?
So here's the question in case you don't want to read my wall of text below (but it would be appreciated if you did to further understand my question). I was covered under my moms health insurance while in college and I was told I needed to be enrolled in school to stay covered, I dropped out a while ago and was wondering if I am still covered by law under the Affordable Care Act since I am only 19. I was covered under my mothers health insurance, she works for a private company and she said that I needed to be enrolled in school in order to stay covered by the insurance. But this was close to a year ago if I'm remembering correctly. The reason I'm worried is because I'm taking a break from college, and have had multiple doctor appointments/tests done after I left, but I never had a problem with the insurance going through. I've made myself paranoid into thinking that the company may just not know, and is assuming I'm still in school and will randomly hit me with the costs of the testings and doctor visits if they saw I was not in school, or god forbid somewhere down the road my mother or I are in a serious accident and are dropped because of this. I know this happens all the time, the insurance agencies have people hired to find abnormalities in your history in an attempt to drop you and not have to pay the bills. So would I still be covered under my mothers health insurance even though I'm not currently enrolled in school under the Affordable Care Act? Once again I am 19 also. Thank you""
Does anyone know an insurance company that offers cheap/free SR-22's for license ?
need it to keep my lic. valid. ASAP... help please!
Does anyone have knowledge of supplemental insurance that helps pay for Maternity cost?
My daughter is pregnant and needs a supplemental insurance policy. I know of Affordable HealthCare Options (AHCO) but don't know anyone that has used them. She lives in Norman, OK. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You""
How much is insurance on a 125cc?
WhAts a average insurance price for a geared 125
""Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?""
I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill!!!???? What can I do?""
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
Where can I get cheap health insurance?
Where can one get cheap health insurance?
How do I get a cheaper car insurance?
I m with Tesco insurance atm. any chance to get better insurance?
How is charging insurance based on age and gender NOT discrimination?
Car insurance and health insurance always use your age and gender for a basis on how much your charged along with other factors. How is this not discrimination?
What would it cost to add someone who has a drink drive conviction to my car insurance for a couple of weeks?
It would be third party fire & theft; the same as me.
Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
Most individual plans (87%) do not offer maternity coverage. I was fortunate enough to still be covered under an old employer by paying COBRA, and a majority of my expenses were covered. I had twins and had to have a C-Section. So now that I know I'm most likely to have a C-Section again, and who knows, another set of twins! (complete surprise) and am still of child bearing age. I am now under an individual plan, that does not offer maternity coverage. I was reading under the 'Inpatient' services and it listed this:    Unlimited coverage is provided for medically necessary physician and surgeon services
Insurace for a 2001 mustang?
My girlfriend who is 17 is wanting to get her own car. Her parents won't let her put a car on their insurance plan so she wants to get her own. She is looking at a 2001 mustang v6 automatic and wants to know, roughly, how much the insurance would cost her on her own. (she plans on getting esurance).""
My car insurance and my driver license will be suspended?
Here is my story . Don't be harsh to me because I know my driving is bad I have been driving with this car for 7 months. I paid premium coverage. I did hit a divider myself and then I claimed my insurance in order to get my car repaired ( this time cost like $3000) After that 3 months, I hit a car in a parking lot. Another driver claimed my insurance and the insurance company paid them $600 to fix their car. After that 2 months, I again hit another car in the parking lot. I renewed my insurance in Jan. Before I paid $800 for 6 months, this time I paid $1900 for 1 year policy. Yesterday , I really hit another car on the road. I claimed my insurance again because the other driver's car really bad and I don't think I can pay off. My questions are : Should I pay deductible in order to get my car repaired because my car bad too and the body shop said It would cost 1k to 1.5k( because of the old damage) Will my license get suspended? Im living in CA and never get any tickets and this accident is the only one has police report? How will my insurance increase? Right now Im so stressed and confused about what Im going to ? Please help.""
Will my auto insurance rates go up if I get a red light camera ticket?
This is my first red light camera ticket but my second ticket this year. The first one was a speeding ticket. Will my auto insurance rates go up for a red light ticket?
How much is auto insurance for teenagers?
I'm 16 and I want to know how much does auto insurance cost for an age like mine..
What are some jobs/companies that offer insurance for part time employees?
I have a part time morning job working as a teacher's aide 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. that I love and don't want to give up but I will never have more hours or insurance. I need to get an afternoon job with insurance because my health insurance jumps to $600.00 per month in July!!! The copay is $45.00 and the deductable is $2000.00 which means it never pays for anything and I cannot even afford to go to the doctor! Do you work at a place with ins. for part time employees? Can you select a PPO? How long do you have to work there to get on the insurance? I live in Southern California.
Does this letter help explain why insurance is expensive?
This is a letter from Anthem to Sec. Sebelius back on February 11th, almost a month ago. It explains why insurance in California is high and what factors have led to the increase. It seems pretty clear to me and yet the President claims that he has asked for and has yet to receive a cogent response from the insurance company for this increase. Seems pretty cogent to me. Maybe the President is just a slow learner or the fact that he doesn't have any education or experience in business or economics make the concepts difficult for him to grasp. http://www.wellpoint.com/pdf/SebeliusLetter02112010.pdf Notice that they mention that their rates are less than the 'not for profits' and that much of their increase is the result of Medicare patients needing supplementary insurance because Medicare won't cover them. Notice, too, that the cost of insurance is directly associated with the cost of health care. You can't reduce the cost of insurance without reducing the cost of health care. Obama's initiative does nothing to reduce the cost of CARE. Wonder why that is. Could there be an ulterior motive? So what do you think? Do you have any questions? And please don't waste our time. Read the thing before you respond.""
Car insurance and tickets!! Help?
I live in Houston and I'm 18, I don't have a license. I was driving my dads car and got 3 tickets. One for driving 25 on a 20 mile school zone, one for no license and the other one for my name not being on the insurance. I'm working on getting my license Will my parents insurance go way way up if they add me to their insurance because of the tickets.""
How long have i had car insurance?
Can someone please tell me where I stand on the following: I have held a provisional UK license since 4/4/06 after a few months of driving lessons I took out insurance on my vehicle with Virgin so that I could drive accompanied by my parents. This policy was taken out on 31/7/06. On 9/11/06 I past my driving test. On 31/07/07 I renewed my car insurance with virgin and with the 31/07/08 soon approaching I must again renew my car insurance. The problem is I will in fact have had two year no claims on 31/07/08 which Virgin recognises, however when I go on their and any other online car insurers websites it says that my no claims (2 years) cannot exceed my full license period (1 year 9 months) So the question is, will my car insurance be recognised by other insurers as been held for two years?""
Why is health insurance cost rising?
Why is health insurance cost rising?
Are we going to have to have a secondary health insurance to insure against the newly sky-high deductibles?
Are we going to have to have a secondary health insurance to insure against the newly sky-high deductibles?
How would a company issue a W-2 to an employee for short term disability?
Is there a 1099 form that we can fill out for taxed disability? The insurance company will not issue the employee a W-2 because we are a small business. Thank you for any help!
Allied car insurance coverage?
my 17 year old daughter wants to drive my car but i keep telling her that i have to add her to my insurance so if she did get into an accident the car would be covered. I went online looking for the policys that Allied car insurance had and i couldnt find the answer i was looking for... but i did some searching online and some other companies allow a person that lives within the household they would be covered, or i seen that some companies would provide coverage for new drivers and my daughter got her license about 3 months ago soo i suppose she is a new driver. The other thing i saw was that some companies put coverage only on the car but not the driver. So if anyone knows what Allied car insurance policy is, go ahead and post an answer for me, also please don't just post a link to their site and say well take a look for your self, I will be picking best answer. -Thanks""
Kit car insurance at 17?
Watching an old top gear episode where they showed an mr2 (love em) converted into a ferrari, something like a 430, they said that his premium decreased. I called up an insurance company today, im 17, looking to buy a toyota starlet and transfer all the panels from a glanza v onto the starlet but nothing from the engine bay, so it would be classified as a kit car? but no where near as high risk as not having better performance parts or the turbo added. The end result was me spending ages on the phone and them saying they wouldnt insure me, even though it is a kit car and no performance parts, please please please... can someone with better knowledge clarify why they would decline me when it should make it cheaper!! Ty Jordan""
Car Insurance Question- My daughter ........?
My daughter allowed a non licenced driver to move my car and got into a big accident. Am I still covered. Is my daughter in trouble? This is a New Jersey car, situation etc.""
California car insurance - any tips on what online carrier gives the best rates?
Ive been looking for ages for someone in my state to give me a good rate on a policy. Im not a high risk candidate and im in my forties.
Getting new car insurance quotes and don't know if it is my claim or not.?
I was in an accident about 4 years ago. I rear-ended someone and wrote the van off, however my parents didn't use insurance to get a new car and the SUV I hit had no damage. I did report it and their insurance is aware of it. I also was not charged with anything although the police did show up because it was on a busy street. It was a 4 car pile up I happened to be at the back of. My question is that the accident was under my parents insurance and I am now looking for car insurance quotes and am unsure if this claim is considered mine or my parents. Any help would be appreciated""
Insurance for couples therapy ?
Does anyone know how to get insurance to help pay for relationship counseling?
""Question for the car dealer...getting used cars for resale rock bottom..Manheim, Insurance Auto or co-part?""
ok.. I want to try my hand ( and if it works .. I will apply to be a dealer or some sorts myself ) at getting cars low price and selling them quick of like 10-20% profit. I 'd like to know what's the best place to buy cars CHEAP ( even if they are sightly damaged ) .....and resell them....Manheim ( I know thats a dealer-to-dealer auction . So I'd expect stuff to be very well marked on the price tag)... copart or Insurance Auto ( iaai as its called ) which one sells cars that are otherwise roadworthy , but very well discounted ( though some might need a cosmetic facelift )""
Looking for Best Term Insurance provider online...?
Hello Every1, I am looking for a Term Insurance online provider, I have few in my mind but i would like to see your feedback for any specific Insurance Company online in USA, if you have ever tried. Thanks in Advance.""
How can i make my car insurance quote cheaper?
When i get quotes online they are really expensive, what could i change to make it cheaper?""
Van insurance for 17 year old?
hey guys! im 17 and cannow drive, i want a volkswagen transporter van, any idea of the cost to insure it?""
Are there any affordable health care plans?
I'm a 21 year old female who lives in NJ. I do not have any children. I was going to apply for NJ Family Care, but you apparently need to be a parent/guardian. I cant get medical ...show more""
How can i get someones car insurance info if they wont give it to me? They wouldnt give it to the cops either.
The cops wouldnt let me speak with the other driver and he would not show them proof of insurance. His guardian said he had insurance but she would not give it to me. She wouldnt even give me her name. I have the license plate number but I cant find out who they are insured under. The police report stated that the other driver was at fault for the accident but the police say that they can't make them give upt hat information. I know that by law they have to give me that info. please help i have no idea how to get this information
How much is insurance for a 17 year old in NY???
I'm thinking on getting a honda prelude 98-2001.
Approximate insurance costs on cars?
I'm 16 and get a's and B's in school. I'm looking for approximates on the following models. they're all auto transmissions as well. Thanks! 2003 hundai Santa fe 2000 BMW 328i 2004 Mazda 6 2004 Honda civic 2003 vw jetta 2001 Mercedes c240 2002 vw passat
Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
Most individual plans (87%) do not offer maternity coverage. I was fortunate enough to still be covered under an old employer by paying COBRA, and a majority of my expenses were covered. I had twins and had to have a C-Section. So now that I know I'm most likely to have a C-Section again, and who knows, another set of twins! (complete surprise) and am still of child bearing age. I am now under an individual plan, that does not offer maternity coverage. I was reading under the 'Inpatient' services and it listed this:    Unlimited coverage is provided for medically necessary physician and surgeon services
How much homeowner's insurance do I need?
I am purchasing a peice of property and a modular home that is not new, it is maybe 10 years old. I am doing the whole owner finance/contract for deed deal so I am having to pay 120,000 for the place. I think it is worth less. But hey, that is what bad credit gets you. Anyway he said I would have to buy homeowners insurance and I asked how much and he said 120,000. This home itself without the land especially is not where near worth 120,000!!!! Why would I need that much? And if something happened to home would it be right for insurance company to pay 120,000 for a 10 year old modular home. May be even a little older for all I know but it is not 120,000!!!! What is the minumum that I should get? I don't have much money and never had homeowner's insurance.""
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help""
When is the best time to talk to an insurance adjuster?
Someone hit my car and admitted fault while I was looking for a parking spot. The damage to my car was $1500. My gf was injured and goes to the chiropractor 3 times a week. The first day to the chiroprator cost like 400 dollars, and everyday after for treatment cost about 125. They want to treatment for atleast 1 month. The doctor told my gf that she was going to miss 2 weeks off work. The adjust wants to talk to us in one week after the accident. Should I contact a lawyer or no? They want to do a settlement. How much should I expect? They are already paying for the car repair, and car rental (6 days) But my insurance is paying for the doctor visits and stuff. I never been in an accident before that was caused by someone, so I'm not really sure how to deal with an adjuster. As soon as possible or wait till all treatments are done?""
""When getting a car insurance quote, do I disclose a speeding ticket, if I already took traffic school for it?""
I had a speeding ticket, but the judge lowered my citation to 99mph so I could take traffic school. I am getting an insurance quote from progressive.com and they want me to provide information on tickets I've received in the last 3 years. Do I tell them about my speeding ticket, since traffic school is supposed to prevent a point from being added to my driving record? I've already finished my traffic school and I live in California.""
How much more would insurance cost if I bought a coupe car instead of a sedan?
I'm 17 years old, had my license for 9 months. I want to buy a coupe car but my mom said the insurance will be really high. Around how much higher would it be if i bought a car like a honda civic 2001-2004 coupe then a honda civic 2001-2004 sedan?""
How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance on a 19 year old male driving a 1999 Ford Mustang V6?
I buying a 1999 Ford Mustang Base Automatic V6 as soon as I get my tax refund in this year. I live in Texas and have insurance on my current car which is a 1997 Ford Ranger XLT Automatic 4 Cylinder. I have been driving for 2 years and have had over 8 months ago. How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance and who would you suggest I get my insurance service from?
Car Insurance and Credit Cards?
In less than a year I'll be getting my own credit card and I'll have to have car insurance. I am trying to find the best credit card and car insurance for me so that I won't have to spend money and time later to change it. I am unsure what kind of credit card is best. I am going to try and will most likely succeed in having the best credit. What credit card do you suggest to a high school student who will go to college and to the armed forces. Also I want to know which car insurance offers the cheapest car insurance, I want one that offers rewards for students, safe driving, clean driving records. Any help will be much appreciated.""
How much for car insurance?
My mom drives a Mercedes B 150 (about 5 year old car), she's Middle Aged and had a good driving record so her insurance is around 200-300pa. I'm nearly 18, and a new driver (passed yesterday), was wondering how much insurance would be for me if I was added onto her insurance. (just an estimation would be great!) Thanks in advance!""
I was in an auto accident without insurance. What am I facing?
I was in a car accident yesterday. I live in California. I had no insurance at the time, although I was unaware that my girlfriend had not sent in my quarterly paryment and was actually driving without insurance for almost 3 months. The day after the accident I went in to the Highway Patrol's office and spoke to the officer who took the report and informed him I discovered I had no insurance. He didnt seem all that concerned and thanked me for going in. As for the accidnet itself, I belief I will be found at fault as I did not brake in time and rear end a small car who in turn hit the car infront of her. I was traveling at about 30 mph when I started to brake and I heard the firefighter at the seen tell the chp he thought it was 25-30 mph. If anyone could tell me what I am facing legally and finacially. I read online I will automatically have a one year driver's license suspension. Is this accurate and is this all? WIll I ge a ticked or fine? I would also like for someone to rule out jail time. The driver immediately infront of me had good damage to the back of her car and was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Her daughter called me the day after the accident and told me she was at her house but wanted her car fixed soon because she wanted to return home in another state. I suggested she call her own insurance and let them know I was inot insured. THe other driver in front and her passenger were also taken to the hospital with minor injuries and their car had minor damage when I looked at it at the time of the accident. I have not heard from them. Financially can anyone tell me what I am facing? I understand I will be responsible, but I also understand that the other parties' insurances will have to cover their own drivers. If so will I simply be responsible for their deductable. I am more concerned with the legal aspects than the financial. I am an single father of three and need to be there for my kids. Thank you to whoever can help!""
How much would insurance cost?
I'm 19 and just passed got my driving license. I live in Yorkshire (I think that me living in Yorkshire reduces the cost of insurance a bit). How much would annual insurance cost for something like a Mazda Rx-8 (2000-2006). Also if possible how much would it cost for a Volkswagen Golf GTi or a BMW E series. I know I havent given much information about which cars but let's just say a car priced between 2000-4000. Also if I do the Pass Plus course how much would that reduce it by? I just need an estimate by the way to get an idea of the prices. By the way I am a first time drive and male. Thankyou
Driving with an expired insurance in kentucky?
I got pulled over by police for speeding but my insurance were expired that time. What should I do? I just renewed my insurance after that. The police said that I need to go to court. Do I need to contact traffic attorney? and What about my license problem?
Motorcycle insurance in ontario?
How much would Motorcycle insurance be for 16 year old male liveing in Ontario? I was thinking of getting an older ninja between the years of 1987 - 96. Just wondering how much it would be around . I tried an insurance quote online, but it didnt really turn out right. Thanks""
How much will Insurance Be ????;?
Ok I'm 22 and I'm looking for a car, It's between a: 2009 BMW X5 2009 BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi A4 2008 Toyota Tundra 2007 ...show more""
Are there any affordable health care plans?
I'm a 21 year old female who lives in NJ. I do not have any children. I was going to apply for NJ Family Care, but you apparently need to be a parent/guardian. I cant get medical ...show more""
Renting a car for prom insurance question?
Ok so im 18 and i currently don't have a license but prom is in like 3 weeks and i will have my license by then. The problem is that i want to rent a car but i dont have auto insurance and i wont have it when i get my license neither because my mom doesnt want her insurance to go up... Is it possible for me to be added as an additional driver to any rental car companies if i dont have any auto insurance and the fact that i just got my license(wen i get it). My Dad is willing to pay everything for the rental car(i dont live with him though) btw i have already found a place where i can get a rental at the age 18(Ez rent a car dot com) but i just want to know can i rent without insurance, like by using there insurance if they have any I refuse to get dropped off to prom by a parent Lol""
I opened my car door and hit another car. I left a note and the person wants to claim insurance. Will my rate?
for car insurance go up? It was very little damage. I don't think the person wants to settle privately
Insure the box car insurance? miles question?
hi ive recently done a quote with insure the box and i got my insurance to 1600 on 2006 corsa 998c engine fully comp, i understand they give you 6000 miles standard my question is if i go over 6000 miles i need to top up how much does that cost? 250miles ? 500miles? 1000 miles ? and so on ? anyone know thanks""
Car lease insurance question?
I am leasing a car from Honda and wanted to know if there is insurance you can take out to cover any damage to the car that will repair scratches and minor dents, things that I will be hit for when I return the car when the lease ends? I was wondering what that kind of insurance is? Thanks""
Help i need affordable health insurance for my college student daughter in texas?
Help i need affordable health insurance for my college student daughter in texas?
Will my insurance go up due to points on my license?
I am a 22 year old male. Was cited for going 25.5 miles over the speed limit on a freeway. Plead guilty. And 4 points were assessed on my license. This is the first time any points have been on my license. My question is will my insurance go up do to this and if so how much could I expect? Thanks Also, if anyone knows of anything I can do to keep my insurance from going up, please let me know.""
How much to insure 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi?
I am 18 years old and unable to get a quote for some reason. I was wondering on average how much woul it be to get insurance on a 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, on my parents name?? Does anybody know if it would be more than 2000??""
Where can i find cheap home insurance in Oklahoma?
I am looking for a good price on home insurance but also a good quality policy in the great state of Oklahoma. Where can i go online and get a quote directly from a real insurance agency in my state?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
Im 15 about to be 16, and im getting a 2000-2005 jeep grand Cherokee Laredo. But I don't know how much the car insurance will be for me. I live in Florida U.S.A. Please help !""
Car insurance - car pay out?
Recently my friend had an accident. His car is an import and the insurance company want to write it off and as they cannot get hold of replacement parts. Does he have the right to refuse their offer for pay out as the car is worth more than they are giving him. As its an import, and a sports car, he knows he can get more for it on auto trader and eBay. Or can he settle the claim with them by asking them to pay for the repair if he can sort out a garage who is willing to fix his car for less than the insurance company had suggested.""
How Much Do You Pay For Car Insurance?
And Whats On Your Driving Record?
Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
Most individual plans (87%) do not offer maternity coverage. I was fortunate enough to still be covered under an old employer by paying COBRA, and a majority of my expenses were covered. I had twins and had to have a C-Section. So now that I know I'm most likely to have a C-Section again, and who knows, another set of twins! (complete surprise) and am still of child bearing age. I am now under an individual plan, that does not offer maternity coverage. I was reading under the 'Inpatient' services and it listed this:    Unlimited coverage is provided for medically necessary physician and surgeon services
0 notes
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
"Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
Good health insurance quotes websites?
Whats a good and reliable website where I can look up health insurance packages and quotes
How much is car insurance?
I am a first time driver, a girl, and I have discounted insurance because I took driver's Ed. How much would it be and how often do you may? (monthly?)""
""Average monthly cost of renter's insurance for an apartment in Galveston, TX?
I need to see if I can work it onto my budget
Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?
Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?
A question about state farm auto insurance?
If I plan on buying a car with two seats, I'm male and get ok grades, what would be the difference in insurance costs if I got a car with 4 seats?""
Is it true when purchaseing a vehicle if the cost is under 7000 you dont have to have full coverage insurance?
i am in texas if any one can help let me know
How much would insurance cost for a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 17 and a new driver but I was going to buy a 1990 firebird and I was wondering what the average price I would have to pay for this car
Cheap car insurance in PA?
I'm 17 and am looking to buy a 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am wondering what the cheapest insurance would be?
How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?
Cheap Auto Insurance in FL?
I'm 19 years old and I got my license in Sept of 06 (almost a year) My insurance is REALLY HIGH! By myself I am looking at around 700 a month (my car is Fianced, 04 Mitsu lancer ES) so I am put under my 22 year old boyfriend insurance. With his 02 Audi A6 and my car, we are paying 495 a month. (South Florida) (Esurance is who we have) We have called Geico and Progressive adn State Farm and nothing is giving us a smaller quote. Does anyone know a good insurance company that is cheaper with students, new drivers, etc..? We also do not live in the same household, and some insurance agencys will not cover us for nothing living together. But anyways, just let me know if you know of a cheaper insurance agency. Thanks.""
""Why are necessities, such as food, clothing and shelter mostly affordable, but not health insuarnce?""
Can't figure it out. Here in Tempe if a man were to work 80 hours a week and earn minimum wage with no benefits (remember, we have nine-percent unemployment now, higher than Belgium, Australia and Norway, mind you), he could bring in about $2,000 per month before taxes. He can get a studio for under $500 or a rented room for a little less; one month's worth of groceries, if purchased at the 99 Cent Store or Food City, could run him $250 per month, and a week of clothing purchased at Goodwill might run him about $100. All affordable, many options for the low-wage earner. Now, this guy actually works for a living maximum hours, so he doesn't qualify for state aid (I've looked into it, that salary is too high), and many jobs don't offer benefits, particularly low-skilled ones, so what's he to do? Let's say he has a pre-existing condition, therefore, he is either denied insurance outright or charged well over $1,000 per month (look at Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Golden Rule, Aetna, Cigna and United). So, he works for a living, doesn't smoke, no woman will have sex with him, he has no children, he doesn't do drugs, he has no gadges (iPod, computer, stereo), no car (he takes the bus), even after all that, he's still screwed. He needs preventative care, not emergency ward treatment as that's not financially viable for America long term, so what does he do: job offers no benefits, is denied or overcharged for health insurance, can't find a job with benefits, state won't provide the working man with state insurance...shouldn't he just quit working and become the welfare leach that conservatives revile because hard work is getting him nowhere?""
Auto insurance question- got a speeding ticket but got off with driving school?
I just recently got new insurance, I didn't know whether or not I should put my speeding ticket on the quote since it was my first one and the cop just told me to just come to court and that they would give me driving school. So I decided to put it on the quote because I don't wanna get pinned for insurance fraud or something, I'm new to this whole insurance thing (just got off my parents) so I played it safe. Now that I have been to court and gotten driving school should I call up the insurance company and let them know what happened? Would it lower my rates if I did that? Or does it even matter? If I can save a few bucks I'll do it, but I don't want to waste my time and theirs. tl;dr----- got a speeding ticket, put it on my insurance quote- got off with driving school- how should I proceed? Does it really even matter since I received the ticket before I was on this current insurance?""
""I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am quitting my job in a couple of weeks to start my own business. I am shopping around for individual health insurance plans and have found a couple that will suit my needs. The problem is that the plans are both Anthem (Blue Cross California) and that is the same insurance that my employer carries. I'm worried that contacting Anthem to start the process of getting coverage will alert my employer that I am leaving. Should I be concerned?
""Insurance whilst working In italy for 7 months for an aussie company, anyone got any good recommendations?
My job is travelling around I already have basic Travel Insurance
Can i get car insurance if i dont have my licence?
So basically I didn't have a car to take my dl test in ( my mom has a stick, and I cant drive it, i tried and failed), so i saved up and just bought a little 2000 saab turbo. Only now i have called Allstate, Geico, and AAA and they all say that 1) I cannot insure my car because I do not have a licence 2) My mom cannot add my car to her insuranve because her name is not on the pink slip, mine is SO is there any car insurance company that will cover my car for like 3 months till I take my test? Like, of course Id have a licenced driver with me in the car so I can legally drive it (im 18).""
Why did my car insurance go down?
My car insurance premium went down by $10/ mo. I have no idea why. My credit score just went from 631 to 747 in just a couple of months because I fixed some errors, and I am also turning 24. Could either of these be the reason that my premium went down? Or is my car just worth less b/c all the new models are comming out? I drive a 2002 Honda Civic.""
Can you drive a parent's car without insurance in NYC?
My dad has a car with insurance on it, but my name is not on it. Is it legal for me to drive the car? I live in New York City, and I'm not worried about the risk of insurance not covering damages because my name is not on the insurance. I'm responsible 18 year-old and my parents suggest that I just drive the car since putting my name with the insurance would cost a fortune extra. I just need to know if it is legal. Thanks!""
Car insurance in household with 3 licensed drivers and 3 cars?
I just purchased a 2000 Honda Prelude Type SH, and while I am prepared to pay the cost of a full insurance premium, I am wondering if there is any way around insuring myself as the primary driver of this vehicle, when in reality the driving will be split between my mother and myself. We have two 2001 Grand Prix's, both insured under RBC in my father's name, with my mother and myself on the policy as occasional drivers. So I suppose my question would be whether or not my father or mother can insure my vehicle and add me to the policy the same way I am on it for the other two cars?""
Which company Car Insurance?
Hi, I am planing to buy new car in bangalore. Please let me know which company car insurance i have to take. Which insurance company is having good service.? Thanks""
How much would a 2002 impreza wrx cost to insure?
Im 17( i know im about to get a bunch of your going to kill yourself! AHHHH!!!! i regularly drive my dads 05 mustang gt, i know how to responsibly control power) and me and my parents have found a great deal on a 2002 impreza sedan, it has 125k miles on it, and the last thing deciding factor before buying this vehicle is the insurance. We already have a mustang gt on the family plan, i live in VA, make all A's(supposed to give me a 30% discount), im male, the color is blue, with only a greddy bov aftermaket part installed. The car itself is blue, it is the turbod WRX version(not the sti), and has never been wrecked. We have state farm, im not sure as to what other information anyone would need to know, but im jusst looking for a rough estimate, thanks for any input.""
Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers?
Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers?
""No car, but required car insurance?""
I drive a company vehicle for my job. Due to recent accidents (I was not involved) with the company vehicle, my job had all drivers sign a paper stating that we have personal insurance, valid drivers license, I do not have a working car atm, so I do not have personal insurance. They have pulled me off my driving job and if I dont figure anything out I will lose 16 hours of work a week, is this legal? And does anybody have any suggestions for me?""
What insurance policies are available for an online real estate business?
How does insurance helps to secure any online business ? What are the prime areas of concern that need to be addressed?
How can you get medical insurance in the State of Va.?
I have been turned down by medicare because My daughter makes to much money. Turned down by private insurances because of preexisting illness.
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
How do I find an affordable individual health insurance plan that includes maternity coverage?
I'm going to pull my hair out! Maybe I should perch atop a clock-tower until someone provides me coverage? Seriously, I have spoken to half a dozen insurance people and the best ...show more""
Will my homeowners insurance drop me if my dog bit someone?
So last week the side gate to my house was left open and my dog got out. She bit one of my neighbors down the street, I'm guessing out of fear (she is a rescue dog). The bite wasn't too serious, but it did break the skin so my neighbor went to urgent care to get bandaged up. We apologized and offered to pay any medical costs upfront, but my neighbor preferred to let our insurance companies handle the claim. My dog hasn't bit anyone in the past, and isn't considered a dangerous breed (labrador, border collie mix). We've let her off leash at the dog beach and dog parks with plenty of other dogs and people running around, and she hasn't shown any type of aggression. What I'm worried about is my insurance company dropping us from their coverage, and us subsequently having trouble finding homeowners insurance in the future. We tried convincing our neighbor to let us settle without getting the insurance companies involved, and explained the situation, but with no luck. Does anyone have any answers or advice about the whole situation? Should I make a claim first and let our insurance company know, or should I just sit and wait for the whole situation to play out? BTW I live in California and my homeowners insurance is Wawanesa""
Who offers the best and most affordable medical insurance?
i am a 19 year old female from southern california. I work full time and not currently going to school. my job does not offer medical benefits i would like coverage asap. please help me out!
I have 10 years old car and 1200cc and international driving licence. how much insurance to pay in london?
I have 10 years old car and 1200cc and international driving licence. how much insurance to pay in london?
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
What are some affordable health insurance in the NJ area?
I am 25 years old and currently unemployed. I will be a student in the health care field and I'm required to purchase health insurance. I also have to get a physical exam along with vaccinations. I looked online for some insurance and I have to pay at least $250 a month which is too much for me. Are there any affordable health insurance?
Which car insurance? (10 pts)?
I am a 19 yr old female, first time driver and am planning to buy a used 2003 honda accord ex. i wonder which insurance is cheapest for me. i live in san diego, ca and am wondering how much geico, progressive, etc would charge under these circumstances. please dont tell me to check online quotes. i will do it later. im just wondering how much you are paying as a comparison and what you think i should go with. thanks""
Cheapest way to buy new glasses without insurance?
I recently broke my glasses that ive had for two years. I am currently in a predicament that does not permit me to spend alot of money on a new pair and to make matters more complicated, i do not have any insurance. I cannot apply for medicaid so that is not an option either. I need a fast alternative or some ideas as to how I could go about buying a new pair preferably under $100. I constructed a plan of buying my own frames and having the lenses filled but all the optical offices i called do not allow that method, they prefer you to buy their glasses. Thanks (:""
How much would car insurance cost on a 2011 Eclipse GS Coupe if im 18 with better than a 3.0GPA in college?
I want to know how much would it cost me for car insurance on a 2011 Eclipse GS Coupe if i'm 18 with better than a 3.0 GPA in college and if it would cost me more just because its a Coupe?
How much will my insurance go up for a leaving the scene ticket?
How much will my insurance go up for an 18 year old male, with a leaving the scene ticket and driving with an expired license ticket go up? I was at college yesterday, I hit a car. I didnt leave a note, i was not thinking straight from pulling an all nighter for an exam. And I did not call the police because no one hurt, in fact, the other person was not even in his car. And i did not want to miss my exam.. I know, i could of wrote a note, but im an idiot... i feel like ****. i feel bad for my father, his car and stuff.. Im going to get a job to pay for it.. i cant let him pay for my shitty mistakes.. so i was wondering, how much will my insurance go up.. :(""
Car insurance for an 18 year old?!?
Hi all, my cousin's 18th birthday is coming up and i've been charged with finding out what car insurance is like for 18 year olds. would it be cheaper to put her on her mother's car insurance (white BMW, automatic, about 2 and a bit years old, not sure of exact model) or to get her a second hand smaller car with a smaller engine? I have no idea! Her parents aren't willing really to pay ridiculous amounts which insurance for 18 year olds can get to! please help! thanks""
Insurance required for a self-employed cleaner?
My girlfriend is thinking about starting cleaning peoples house's. Does anybody know what kind of insurance would be required for this!
How much do driving lessons reduce my car insurance?
I haven't seen a question like this before on Yahoo answers, but is the 350$ lessons (6 hours) really worth it? (Driving isn't hard, I know, but I want the lessons solely to reduce insurance rates)""
I just found out i'm pregnant with no insurance?
I just found out I'm pregnant and don't have insurance. I live in California near the Los Angeles/ Orange County line. I am trying to find out if there are any free/low cost clinics I can go to to get checked out? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Who s liable for car insurance in the state of MN?
Here's the deal...My bf took my car for the weekend out of town. While he was gone, someone hit my car in a parking lot and drove off....smashed my driver's side door in. It's a new car so I want it fixed ASAP. My thought is that his insurance should be covering it because he was in posession of my car...even if the person hit it and left. He is saying that my insurance should cover it....who is right? And why?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old?
Im planning on moving out soon and want to get started, the kind of car im going to get is either a ford mustang or a dodge charger 05' and i was wonderin if anyone knew the cheapest insurance there is. Thanks much!""
What cool yet cheap car is suitable for a 17 year old boy?
I was thinking a classic mini cooper maybe? they got really cheap insurance but tbh I shudder probs look at life insurance not car insurance. I saw the MG ZR and that's cheap and looks good and with airbags... what do u reckon?
Car insurance and the state you live in and registration?
I just moved from Richmond VA to Greensboro NC. My car insurance is in Richmond VA and and my car is registered up there. I'm only going to stay in North Carolina for about 8 months. I want to know if I can switch my car insurance to North Carolina with out having to register my car and switching my license plates over to North Carolina. Car insurance is a hell of alot high up in Richmond than here and I want to save some much needed money. Anyone know if I can make the insurance switch with out having to register my car and switching my tags over to North Carolina? Please respond with only legit answers.
""In NYS can I make auto payments on a car in my name, and have the insurance in my boyfriends name?""
Will the car dealer have a problem with the insurance being in his name because I am only 20 and been driving for a year so my insurance rate is alot higher than his but the car is for him, so its not like I am going to be driving it I am just putting the loan in my name to build my credit. Is that against the law??""
I have my driving test soon need insurance help im 17 could go on mums insurance but lowest quote is 1500?
and thats with a box in the car but lowest quote without box in lowest quote 3500 and lowest quote on my own insurance 4000 her car is a 1.4 54 plate fiesta on my own it would be a banger old car
What is cheaper in car insurance...?
An old fiat punto or a new fiat punto
Buying a car in NJ from a Private seller but want Georgia Insurance?
I have a Georgia License and am currently away at College in New Jersey (My family has a house here and in Georgia). I want to buy my first car, but insurance in NJ is extremely expensive. How do I get Georgia insurance, Registration, and my Georgia address to show on the vehicle Title? When I purchase the car from the private seller, how will I be able to get my car home with no plates?? Is there a way to get temporary plates in New Jersey and Temporary Registration? Will I need to get a New Jersey License? HELP !!! Can someone give me a step by step walkthrough of what I have to do to get the Georgia Insurance? Thank you !""
Would this be legal ? start own car insurance company and insure self.?
We were talking about the price of car insurance at work today about how the cost is becoming ridiculous. I came up with this idea its entirely hypothetical but it got me wondering if it was possible. Just say i started and registered a insurance business. I offered 3rd party only insurance to my close friends and family people that i know personally are careful drivers.Say 50 people get a years cover for just 100 and i insure my self for free. Now i know what you might be thinking what happens if some one has a bump? Well i have 5000 in the business account so it should cover minor repairs however and hear comes the is it legal part if someone puts in a large claim that i cannot cover.Say my grandma writes off some rich mans Bentley. I just declare the company bankrupt ! Thinking about it its not to different to what the bankers have been doing .
What affordable health insurance would you recommend for my uninsured 21 year old daughter?
She works full time but her employer charges an outrageous amount of money for health insurance. I know there are many many young people who don't have health insurance, mostly because of the cost of high insurance premiums. But my daughter really needs it cause she has some health issues that will stay with her for a lifetime.""
Where can I get non-owners insurance in New Jersey?
I dont own a car, but I rent about once a week, and would rather not have to take out liability insurance each time.""
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
Car insurance for 18 year old female with '97 Dodge Dakota?
I turn 18 in August and plan on getting my license right after my birthday, but my grandmother has offered to buy me a 1997 Dodge Dakota before I even get my license. Questions I want to ask are: How much is insurance on one of those vehicles? What will be the insurance once I get my license in August? I'm just looking for an estimate so I can figure out how much of my paycheck would be going towards it or even if I could possibly afford the thing. Thanks in advance! =) P.S. I'm an A+, homeschooled, female student if that makes any difference.""
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old ?
H there, once again i ask for thy help!!!>.. < ... so here i just bought a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 SXI BLACK, 1000 pounds, 90k Miles, im on a provisional license, hoping to pass by january. I will do aorund 6k a year miles. car will be used to get to uni, work and commute for shoping. thanks""
How much would insurance go up for a newer used car?
I drive a 1988 Lincoln Mark VII. I wanted to know how much more my insurance would go up if I got a 1996 Buick Regal?
What is a cheap car insurance company?
I am currently 18 years old. I am getting my licence on June 16th 2010. My car is under my dads name and currently it is uninsured, he wants me to insure the car under MY name because he will not be driving it anymore. What is the CHEAPEST insurance company for someone like me? I have to get the car insured before June 16th so that i can take my licence test. Thanks in advance.""
PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!! discounts on insurance?
SO IM 18 YEARS OLD, I HAVE MY LICENSE... AND I WANT TO GET A CAR SOON. PREFERBALY AN 2006 ACURA RSX COUPE (i know coupes are alot more expensive...) but i was wondering if i can get ...show more""
Using Canadian insurance in California?
I am currently living in Ontario and i plan on going to Los angeles, CA to visit a friend by myself. I plan on renting a car (There are car companies that allow 18 year old driver). My parents put me in the car insurance so I am basically covered. I think. I know that its the law to get liability insurance. Would the insurance here count as a liability insurance?""
Can I get one day car insurance?
Hello, I have a car that has a problem and need to take it to my mechanic but I got a new car so have no insurance on it anymore. I have State Farm and was wondering if I can get a one day insurance to drive it to the mechanic and about how much that would be, it's an oldie '91 but I will not risk driving it without insurance....thank you.....""
I'm looking for affordable health insurance.?
I'm 31 and I have a pre-existing condition (open heart surgery 2004). I take coumadin daily and get my blood checked every month at Jacksonville Heart Center. I'm looking to take another job with much better pay. The only problem is they don't offer health insurance yet. I've been quoted at $180-$190 a month that do accept pre-existing conditions. Is there anyone cheaper that is not just some fly by night company?
Is ICBC Prejudiced against young drivers a 120$ a month insurance rate cars?
I am a young drivers just starting out and I drive just like anyone else, I don't consider my actions dangerous why is it though I must pay premium prices if I drive well. These rates only adjust after driving for a longer time. it can be that of statistics ? I know that amount a month for insurance alone is exorbitant and when I ask older drivers some say they pay around 50$ a month. Are there other licensures in BC for licensing for driving a car, perhaps much cheaper than ICBC ?""
Democrats: So will there be fine for not having health insurance or not?
When I asked this question just yesterday, Democrats assured me there wouldn't be ANY fine for not having health insurance - it was an OPTION.""
Will my insurance go up if i get my first speeding ticket?
I live in Louisiana and have farm bureau. I dont pay for my insurance so i was wondering if i should tell my mom since she will see if it went up. Please Help!!!
Motorcycle insurance?
Anyone know where I can get cheap bike Insurance I'm looking for basic coverage on a 650cc Yamaha Maixm I just got my licence in May. I live in Ontario Canada.
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
""Car accident, not at fault, but no insurance, other driver has no license. what to do?""
my parents got into a car accident with another driver. however, it wasn't their fault. in addition, my parents don't have insurance for that car because they just go it about 2 months ago (used.) but we have 2 other vehicles that are insured. does that mean that our car is technically under the policy? The other driver, who was at fault, HAS NO LICENSE but has an identification card, and has insurance. (her license is probably suspended) what are my parent's options?""
Insurance Coverage?
HI I was in accident about 5 Month ago..I was seen by a doctors but I stopped going becuase I didn't have that much pain. Now I started having all this pain on my legs..so My question is, if I go see a doctor now, does my insurance covers it. Thank you for your advice..""
MotorBike Insurance For CBT...?
i was just wondering if i bought a Honda CBR 125r and i got a provisional license ad done the CBT would i need insurance to ride on the roads for 2 years or would i not need insurance until i could save up money for lessons, theory and practical test....???""
Are dual sport bikes cheaper on insurance?
Well me being only 17 and only having a minumum wage job. I heard it was cheaper to own a bike. Don't get the wrong impression, I can afford a car and insurance. It's it cost too much money. I have less thsn 100$ every MONTH to myself. I should habe over 650. So anyways. I want to get a bike. Since i'll only be commuting. Social,work,school. Is it worth it. And if so what kind of bike shoukd I get. I'm 6.3 and big. Woukd a 250cc be a good start?""
Proof of insurance for a road test?
i have a road test and the dmv requires a proof of insurance i don't have insurance so does the person im supposed to go with, only my dad has an insurance on the car but he will be away on that day. Can i just go to the dmv and show them my dad's insurance without him being there?""
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
I figure that if I finance a new motorcycle, I will have to get collision. So I go and get a quote from Progressive on an Aprilia SL 750. Just liability = ~70$ a month. Liability Comprehensive Collision = ~$650 a month. $650 a month = the cost of the bike in one year. 18 year old male with one prior minor moving violation""
Got a question about changing my car color and insurance...?
So this past summer I was so close into painting my car into White! But my mom was hating on it, and she told me that if i had changed the color of my car we would had to contact the insurance people... Telling them that the car is getting a color Changed Them having to change some info on the car And the worst part... The insurances goes up? (btw... my car's color is black) So you guys out there... Please help answering my question! would my insurance go up if I change my car's color? I haven't paint the car yet.. maybe till' the spring time since its almost winter time!!! Thanks!""
""Car insurance strange quotes, why?""
Back in August, I got a quote on a car, it worked out as 900 for the year.(I'm only 17), and since then I've been getting regular quotes, and can't help but notice how much it's gone up. In only 2 months, it's gone up from 900 to 1900. I haven't changed a thing, and if you've used confused.com you'll know that you can just re-quote, which is what I've been doing. Anybody know why it's gone up so much. By the way it goes up about 40 a day at the moment. Could it be because it's the end of the month, or the end of the year? Thanks to any answers in advance.""
HELP! best auto insurance for new driver?
Hi, i am a new driver. got my licens in 2011 but due to college i wasnt able to drive around much. after graduation i decided to buy a car and look for insurance. and after reading insurance company reviews ... its kinda scaring the crap out of me. it seems that they are all interested in you buying their service but once you get into an accident you are on your own. i know internet reviews can be bias, so I kinda want to know which auto insurance company would you recommend. here is my basic info: am 23 years old, college graduate, live in a relatively decent neighborhood in southern California, had my license since 2011, and the car am looking into buying is either a new 2013 Toyota corolla or a Nissan sentra. oh and i have never had auto insurance, am not sure if i was covered in my mom's previous insurance but chances are nope. one more thing what kind of coverage would you recommend? and deductible? oh lol and which car would you recommend Nissan sentra or Toyota corolla? and any buying car tips ? thanks you so much for your help, I will defintly be choosing a best answer :)""
""I'm 21 with the Gerber Life Insurance policy plan, should I continue?""
I got a mail indicating that I am not the owner of this policy (my parents started this for me when I was young). So I have a few questions, now that I am 21, do I have 10,000$ worth of life insurance for the rest of my life (without having to continue paying?) Why would I want to continue paying if this is just here as insurance in case for my burial costs.. isn't 10k enough for that? If I stop paying will I still have this 10,000 dollars in life insurance, or am I being forced to pay in order to keep it?""
What is a cheap car insurance for me...i am 16 years old?
need the cheapest one
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
How to win the claim case from the other car insurance company?
ok. So few days ago, I got into a car accident. I was driving down the highway simply just going straight. All of a sudden, this SUV crashed into me from my left lane and knocked off my side-view mirror & left some marks on my left front door. At that time of the being, I was so shocked because all I did was just go straight & I guess the car next to mine was trying to make a lane change but he wasn't fast enough to advance me. so instead, he bumped into me and realized what he's done then went back to his lane. after the accident, we both exited out from the highway & parked our cars on the side road because that's where the other car led me. I was driving alone at that time & I was so scared because it was my first time getting into this kind of an accident. I quickly tried calling 911 & told the 911 lady to send me a police. But she just asked if there was any injury & I said no then she just told me to exchange the insurance. How rude of her. Not to be mean, but I was little scared of the mexicans b/c the area I was in at the moment was really ghetto. so then I took some photos of the damages and exchanged the insurance company. The guy kept telling me in bad English that he was ahead of me so it's my fault. and I told him that I didn't even move & he was the one changed the lane without even checking to see if it was clear. but he couldn't really speak english well or he didn't even want to listen to me. so I left like that with my sideview mirror dangling next to me. *sigh* this isn't the end of the story yet. I claimed his insurance company which ive never heard of. They said that he's telling them I was the one who hit their car. which made NO SENSE. I even have a picture of their car bumper's mark on my side of the car door which proves that there's no way I hit their car and left a mark on mine and broke my own side view mirror and left THEM no damages. His car was clear with one inch scratch on the side which was made when he hit my car after bumping into me with his bumper and quickly turning back into his own lane. I can't even believe how he can lie about this kind of stuff. I feel so mad that there're ppl like him existing!!! It's so frustrating to see the liar defending himself. His Insurance company didn't even try to look at my car & told me that they are sorry & they can not help me b/c their customer said he didn't do it. What should I do in this situation? I have no witness, there wasn't any police there at the time because they wouldn't send me any which is SO WRONG of them to do. I want to sue 911 people. grr. How can I possibly prove them that I have no faults and they should repair my damn side view mirror?!?!?! What can I do?""
""Car insurance,if im fully?""
If im fully comp on my own insurance, could i buy another car and not pay any more premiums.""
I desperately need auto insurance. i got my license like 6 months ago and i need cheap insurance?
as u guys probably kno, insurance for teens is ridiculously high!!.. the cheapest i got it was liek 215 a month.. but thats like.. no coverage. do any of u kno a good company or a good alternative way to legally have insurance which is not necessarily a monthly payment? (my friend told me about insuring mye license but im not too clear on how that works)""
Car insurance cheaper at 17 or mid 20's?
im 17 in January and getting my driving lessons for my birthday - when and if I pass I'm not getting a car till I'm in my 20's. will the insurance be cheaper when I'm mid 20's than it would be at 17?
What wold be the cheapest and best insurance?
I'm 19 and a full time college student and I live in Wisconsin. I have a work study job at school as well as a full time job in the summer. I live with my grandma because I was technically abandoned by my mom while in high school and she is unemployed so I don't think she has insurance. I wrestle in college and earlier this year I sustained a concussion and a few days afterward I got rear ended which made the symptoms a lot worse. Theyre insurance is paying for some of the bills but not all. So what insurance should I try to pursue.
I need to get rid of my car because the payments are way to high and insurance sucks?
I bought a 2003 Toyota Avalon a little more than a year ago from a dealer. I put 7000 dollars as a down payment and now am paying 240 a month for 60 months. Its getting kind of hard to pay off the car now with all of the costs going up. The total price of the car was 15000 and I got a bumper to bumper warranty for 5 years/100,000 miles when I bought it at 35,000 miles. The car now has 54.000 miles. How do I trade it in for a car that would cost me less than 200 a month Thanks""
Car insurance total loss?
I own a 1997 dodge intrepid std 4 dr sedan 6cyl gasoline 3.3 liter 4 speed in fair conditions cd player no rust with 197,242 miles. My car was was in a hail and tornado damage where the hood has a dent and the driver and passanger side have dent and the trunk. I have full coverage insurance and they telling me that my car was total last i love my car and i spent alot of money fixing it and it drives great no problem. So I was trying to get some help from some one that could tell me how much is my car worth so they wont give me less money and if they offer me less what could I do. I am not trying to bew greedy but i do love my car and spent alot of money on it. I would rather get it fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME""
Cheapest place to insure a peugeot 106 1.1 or a peugeot 106 quiksilver?
Im getting pissed off with the prices of inurance for my car the cheapest i can get it is 3200 fully comp (third party is more money for some reason?!?) and ive tryed all these compare websites and they are utter bollocks i might aswell not have passed my bastard driving test with these prices, i may have to wait another year for my insurance to go down. Btw im 19 year old and have been passed 4 month, can anyone help me im sick of ******* looking at insurance websites, thanks""
Car insurance question! CRAP...?
i got my first speeding ticket today. i was going 41 in a 30 and a conniving cop was at the bottom of this hill i was driving on and pulled me over right as i was slowing down for a stop sign. will this first ticket effect my car insurance rate? i have had my license for 2 years and have had a perfect record so far.
Car insurance not at fault?
I recieved a letter from my auto insurance who finished their investigation regarding my claim (minor accident @parking lot of a store with another vehicle) and according to them I am 0% at fault. The other party's auto insurance is still conducting their investigation. If the other party finds me at fault then what happens next? The reason why I ask is I got laid off my job in February & I do not have the funds to pay and it's been hard to find a job that pays a decent rate to help me live here in northern California. Your assistance greatly appreciated. Thank you.
""How much would a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy cost?
I'm planning events at several different venues and this is required. Each event is 4 hours.
""Would any car insurance(allstate,geico) insure an international student who doesn't have a PA licence?
I have my country licence and an international driving permit. I would like to buy a car in Pennsylvania as I am staying for about a year in this country. I would like to know will car insurance companies insure me?
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
Auto Insurance when buying New Vehicle?
What is procedure on obtaining Auto Insurance when you buy a new vehicle and have no present insurance account setup? Does dealer offer temporary insurance until you can get quotes from a few companies?
What is the best website to compare car insurance rates?
I've been searching for the past few days and can't seem to find anything that actually compares quotes even though a lot of websites say they do. Anyone know of a great website that can help?
Why want the Republicans work with the Democrats to get a good health care system in the U.S.?
Is it because the Republicans are behind big business?
What is the definition of basic legal cover for car insurance?
Like if my car insurance company tells me that when driving other peoples cars, I have basic legal cover Is this any different than third party cover? Like say I'm driving someone elses car how much am I covered With my insurance it doesnt need to be an emergency for me to be covered driving someone elses car, just wondering how much I'm covered Because I was told that that level of cover is less than third party cover Thanks""
How much is your car insurance?
Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)""
Is it true that if you buy a brand new car the car insurance will be much more than a second hand car?
Why?? I'm going to buy the very first car for me (a mazda 3 hatchpack 2006 or 2008..) and I want it to be new cause I can afford any price. But my dad keeps telling me not to buy a new car cause i won't be having good bennefits from it..such as the car insurance. It will be higher than a second hand car's...around 1000 euros every year. Also the car insurance must be full if it's a new car and I should have it on 1/3 cause its cheaper. So if it's a new car I can't have it on 1/3. What do you think I should do? I really want that car and that's why I want it to be new..cause it's the one I've always wanted!
Does filing a claim raise auto insurance rate?
My car was vandalized while I slept. Luckily my car shut itself off when it did not recognize the key. I filed a claim with the insurance. I had comprehensive coverage. When it was time to renew, my rates increased. What is the point of having insurance if you are discouraged from filing a claim? I thought if it was not my fault, my rates do not increase?""
Why are insurance companies getting blamed for dropping coverage?
when it was because of the regulations in the patient protection and affordable care act that ended these plans?
I'm about to be 19. Where should I look for health insurance?
in California I work 2 part time jobs, neither give health insurance and my parents don't get health insurance from their jobs. It's currently Summer break but I will be going to school in the Fall. I asked for help from my bank (Wells Fargo) but my mom said I could find much better prices. Any advice would be appreciated, I need it by tomorrow.""
How can i make my car insurance cheaper?
im finding it more expensive this year than in 2010 to buy my car insurance and yet that was closer to the claims i've had to include (one in july for an sp30 speeding and the other for a none fault accident in my unoccupied vehicle in october). i dont understand this at all and its really bugging me as im finding it hard to get a decent quote. my car also has a rear spoiler which was there when i bought it which is also causing me hassle. is there anything i can do to get the best quote for my car, i'm going insane lol. im in the uk also""
Did you agree over a decade ago when California made police asking for auto insurance illegal?
For a few years, police were not allowed to ask for auto insurance from motorists. Much of the argument in favor of that law was that it discriminated against poor Mexicans. It was overturned eventually as auto insurance violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. How does this relate to the current law in Arizona? How does it relate to the mandatory health insurance law?""
""Insurance company refuse insure my house, what can I do?""
Hi I bought a house at a auction for 30000 last week. The house is empty (vacated). But the house is locked up and no internal view before the auction, I cannot access this house before the contract is done, it may take 20 days or more. So by law this property is mine, I need building insure for it. When I try to apply for insure after the auction, the insurance company refuse to insure this house. They said: I understand the property is vacant at present.Insurance is difficult whilst vacant . 1. First, is it ture, vacated house cannot be insured? 2. what can I now? Thanks in front""
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
Fort Branch Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47648
0 notes
Oh crap, what am I going to do? Car insurance?
"Oh crap, what am I going to do? Car insurance?
This might be long but PLEASE READ EVERYTHING. When I was 15 my grandfather (Legally my father, always lived with him) had always promised me he would get me driver's ed but he never did. A few months before I was 18 I moved out and in an apartment with my fiance. My fiance went to college 5 hours away the day after my 18th. After I turned 18 (July 25) I wanted to get my license, and I know how to do it. My fiance came back from college last weekend and took me to buy a used car for 400. Its a beater, but it drives. It has no insurance and no license plates. Im caught in a super circle. I cant get to SOS or DMV to even apply for my permit without 1) a ride and 2) insurance. I cant get plates to even drive it illegally without a license. I cant get insurance because, from what Im figuring out, just about no body will insure someone without a license. My grandfather will -not- put me on his insurance to save our lives and I need a car to get back and forth to work. (Walking 5 miles? Nah...) What am I supposed to do???? I cant pay a whole lot for insurance as Im now living alone in an apartment on a crappy salary. I had a decent salary until my work decided to super hire and how we are severely over staffed... What to do!?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will my car insurance be?
I live in Dallas Texas, I'm 18 years old, I've had defensive driving school, which I've been told gives you at the most 10% off your rate...i own a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, in REALLY good condition, car alarm...all the gadgets...but since I'm 18 who would be the best to go with...also I'm seeking FULL Coverage for the first 6 months of driving in Dallas, because people do not know how to drive and I want to make sure I'm covered...any help or advice??? THANX""
Going on my grandmothers car mobility insurance?
Hello, I'm 17 soon, male and living in the United Kingdom. If I was to buy a car and take out insurance, the prices would go through the roof and we don't have that much of a budget to spend. However, my grandmother is disabled and her husband drives a car. So, we concluded that it would be best for me to go on my grandfathers insurance to keep the insurance bill down? Is this a good idea? What are the downsides of this? However, my mother was talking to her friends in work and they said if my grandmothers cars is a Mobility Car I can go on their insurance for free? Is this correct? What is my best option here? My mother nor my father drive and the only person in my family can drive is my grandfather and he hasn't claimed on his insurance for over 20 years. How much would it cost me if I was to go on my grandfathers insurance (Say if he never had a mobility car) and would it be free if he did? Thanks in advance.""
What car in your opinion would cost the least on insurance?
A acura rsx, Lexus is300, scion tc""
Why would an insurance company deny me coverage for not having central air and heating?
We wanted to switch from the local company we had been insuring our house with because their correspondance has always been very rude and they are very difficult to deal with to USAA who we do all of our banking, brokerage, car & boat insurance through and are very courteous and extremely easy to deal with. We were denied coverage because our home does not have central air or heating. We live in South Central Florida so a heating system would be an absolute waste of money (the wall unit in the Great Room and a space heater in the bedroom are more than sufficient to make the house hospitable in the few welcome days of winter cold enough to warrant their use). My wife and I both cannot stand Air Conditioning and would never use Central A/C other than the one or two times a year we would normally turn on our wall unit when it is too hot to bear and the windows and doors cannot be left open. Houses have existed for Milleniums prior to the invention of Central Climate Control and I am sure home insurance existed atleast a few decades before the invention of air conditioning. Why would not having central climate control be a disqualifying factor in getting home insurance coverage? I highly doubt that not having A/C or heat is going to make our house any more likely to be damaged or destroyed in a hurricane, robbed or flooded. Opening the windows and doors instead of having a HVAC system consistantly running in our house makes us less suseptable to fire.""
Car insurance question?
It it legal to drive my mother's car if I have my license and the car itself has insurance but it is under her name, not mine? I'm in Illinois and 18 if that makes any difference.""
Can someone help me with me Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old that has just passed her driving test, I have my heart set on a Honda civic and was wondering how much insurance group 4 costs roughly??""
How much will my motorcycle insurance be??
I'm 19 years old in Arkansas. I'm planning to buy a 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R soon. I'm currently under my parents coverage policy with Shelter Insurance. I have good driving records so far...and I just want basic coverage. Oh, and Im also planning to make payments on the bike, so does that mean I have to get full coverage? Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
Can a lender file a claim against your insurance company after repossession?
My car was repossessed on 9/11. I attempted to get my car back..but Wells Fargo played games..such as saying the car is on its way to the auction...no, its still there and we can't place a hold on it..it leaves for the auction in a couple of days. So, I went and got me another car. Now, today..I find out that they are filing a claim for the very day that they took the car. The claim was filed at 1:06 today. However, the car was not insured on that very date. Also, I had to sign some papers to reinstate the policy to the effect that no claims would be filed because NO accident occurred. Will the lender be able to file against my insurance policy under these circumstances?""
Best Averaged sized car for a teenager?
So I'm going for my license soon and we're starting to look at cars to get me around. I want something that's pretty easy on gas, reliable, easy on car insurance cost, doesn't cost an arm and a leg but ALSO isn't a tiny car like the Chevy Aveo because most of the people in my family are pretty tall for instance my mom is 5'9 I'm 5'7 /5'8 and my other sisters are also about the same height. I've been thinking about the Prius because I hear it's got some leg room and is easy on gas, but people say that batteries are more harmful than regular ones and all this jazz. Then I thought about the Honda Insight but I heard that the headroom in the back is not comfortable. I was thinking the Hyundai Sonata, but the only model I really like is the 2011 and I don't think the insurance company takes kindly to teenagers driving new cars. I would prefer not too big or long a car like the Toyota Avalon, but it's manageable. Any suggestions?""
Buying a new/used car & insurance?
Okay, if you are buying a new/used car will they refuse to sell it to you if you have a warrant? How about insurance will the insurance company refuse to insure you & your vehicle if you have a warrant?""
Why do men have higher insurance rates than women?
Why do men have higher insurance rates than women?
Cheap 17 Year old car insurance?
I have just passed my driving test and can't find affordable car insurance. I would not be the main driver of the car as I would use it less than my parents, yet I cannot find a quote cheaper than 3000 on my 2004 Fiat Punto 1.2L Petrol.""
What is the cheapest car to insure for 17/18 yr olds?
Really want to get a small car with low insurance
Question about suing car insurance company after auto accident.?
My mother was the passenger in a vehicle that was rear ended on the interstate a few weeks ago. The driver is a co worker of hers. They were both injured but not rushed to hospital. My mother suffered a fractured disc in her back and whiplash. The driver suffered from whiplash and torn ligaments in her neck. They are both still seeing a doctor. They asked me to handle this for them. I am not an attorney, but have sued the insurance company of the driver at fault before (state farm). It was all going ok, i had all paperwork needed and was asking for $9500 each including medical. The claim has been turned over to an impossible woman. She refuses to deal with me and wants to deal directly with mother and coworker. Should I hire an attorney now, and how much should we ask for/get? p.s. both are told by doctor that they will have long term therapy.""
Will it cost more on car insurance to tow a trailer tent?
Will it cost more on car insurance to tow a trailer tent?
I need cheapest auto insurance?
I am 17 years old, and i need an auto insurance that costs around $100-150 per month. i cannot afford higher than that.""
Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance for an 18 year old?
Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance for an 18 year old?
How much is insurance for a mazda rx8 if....?
my dad is going to buy me a used 2005 mazda rx8 for my 16th birthday, since i'm going to be a new driver and it's considered a sports car, is the insurance going to be super expensive?""
Will my insurance cover the wreck & my car?
My boyfriend was driving my car and he's not under my insurance plan only me and my mom are and someone thought we were riding their *** so they slammed on the breaks and we slid right into their car and he rolled down his window and laughed and cussed us out then drove away. and my car is totaled. will i have to pay all repairs? or will the insurance cover it even though someone else was driving my car? (i know if the insurance pays i will have to still pay a deductible)
Can i get insurance at 17 in my name?
Can i get insurance at 17 in my name?
How will the insurances work out with 95 car accidents at one scene?
Just wonder because of news yesterday at California highway. I don't know about law in that state but what if it's like this in new york where I live. Ya know whoever fault will pay by their own insurance for repairs and injury for victims and a vehciles. Same for most state. How would 95 different insurance handle it? It might will have several lawsuits. With 95 cars, hard to say who started the accident and whatever if it's one person cause 95 altogther or all 95 is fault on it own. Some may not even have insurance. There would be 95 different drivers so it will be 95 different verison or story of what happening. The court with lawyers and several case line up, it can last 100 years before it all done.""
Is car insurance fair?
Let's say you're financially stable, and a very safe driver. Is it fair to make EVERYONE pay for car insurance? Wouldn't it be more fair to have car insurance companies hold your money in case of an accident, then you get your money back if you don't get in an accident by the time you switch companies or are too old to drive? It seems like good drivers are paying for the damage done by bad drivers.""
Any one know anything about the new medical insurances?
Please tell me that my co-payments will be less! I pay $15 for my primary care physician, $25 to see a specialist, that my primary care physician sends me to, from time to time, and $25 for lab blood tests. Most of my medicine co-payments are reasonable. Except two: $60 each every 30 days. Ouch. I am 60 and working full-time.""
What does car insurance cost?
I'm 16 almost 17 about to get my license in a small town in Indiana. I get all As except for maybe one B a semester. I went to drivers ed. I will get a 2001 silver volkswagon ...show more
Car Insurance HELP ?!?!?
A couple weeks ago I was involved in an accident which was not my fault. The claim adjuster figured that it would cost 10k to fix my 03' VW Passat. The insurance ended up totaling the car because it cost more to fix it then it was worth. I was not finish making payments on the car. I was wondering if it's true that the insurance company will give me money to purcahse a new car even the last car was not finished in payments.
Oh crap, what am I going to do? Car insurance?
This might be long but PLEASE READ EVERYTHING. When I was 15 my grandfather (Legally my father, always lived with him) had always promised me he would get me driver's ed but he never did. A few months before I was 18 I moved out and in an apartment with my fiance. My fiance went to college 5 hours away the day after my 18th. After I turned 18 (July 25) I wanted to get my license, and I know how to do it. My fiance came back from college last weekend and took me to buy a used car for 400. Its a beater, but it drives. It has no insurance and no license plates. Im caught in a super circle. I cant get to SOS or DMV to even apply for my permit without 1) a ride and 2) insurance. I cant get plates to even drive it illegally without a license. I cant get insurance because, from what Im figuring out, just about no body will insure someone without a license. My grandfather will -not- put me on his insurance to save our lives and I need a car to get back and forth to work. (Walking 5 miles? Nah...) What am I supposed to do???? I cant pay a whole lot for insurance as Im now living alone in an apartment on a crappy salary. I had a decent salary until my work decided to super hire and how we are severely over staffed... What to do!?
Car Insurance Question?
I recently bought new insurance from Nationwide. They want me to send in proof of prior insurance along with other documents. My last insurance was under our family business so the insurance card doesnt say my name, rather it says the business's name. will this be a problem?""
Where can I get the most affordable/cheapest sr-22 insurance at?
I got a dui last year, live in CA, I'm 21, and about to be elgigible to get my license back in 2 weeks. Where can I get the most affordable sr-22 insurance? Also, I know I need sr-22, pay a fee, and proof of AA classes completion. Is there anything else I need to show the DMV when I go get my license back?""
Insurance fronting ( making car insurance cheaper )?
If i'm not the owner of the vehicle ( my mum is ), yet im still insured on the policy as a named driver but im the main driver am i commiting insurance fronting. insurance fronting states that if you are the owner of the vehicle but only a named driver this is called insurance fronting, but im not the owner but a named driver does the same rules apply""
Does Florida auto insurance work in Virginia?
What if you have Florida auto insurance coverage but you move to Virginia? Are you still insured?
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
I would like to get a moped when i am 16 and was wondering how much around the insurance would cost a year?
I live in england and will be 16 soon and am wanting to get a derbi gpr 50. I am male and will be a student in 6th form possibly working part time. can't think or anything else i just wanna know an average like will it be more for the insurance because derbi gpr 50 is a geared bike etc.
Will car insurance effects right away when you call them?
I just bought a car, well imma get it tomorrow I have Infinity Insurance (not the car brand) I will get my car tomorrow, I was wondering If I call them tomorrow when I get car, to add my new car to the insurance car list will the insurance effects right away or later, because I'm going to call them not talk to them in person thank you""
""Coverage characteristics of usaa auto insurance, allstate home insurance, tricare health insurance, aflac disa?""
need to find coverage characteristics on coverage characteristics of usaa auto insurance, allstate home insurance, tricare health insurance, aflac disability insurance, prudential life insurance......need help quick , coverage characteristics on all the above ASAP""
Health Insurance and Auto Insurance.?
Just wondering how this works. Let's say this happens one day.... I cause an auto accident and I'm injured. My insurance will cover up to $5,000 for my medical bills. I have a heath insurance policy that has a 3,000 deductible and once that limit is reached, the health insurance company will cover everything else. (0% coinsurance on my behalf). Will the auto insurance be used towards my health insurance deductible if the above said scenario should happen?""
How much is insurance for a mustang in florida?
I'm a new driver but my insurance is going in my brother's name who is an experiance driver, how much would insurance cost""
""Why can't we have Geiko,State Farm, or Progressive auto insurance in the state of Ma?.?""
I always see t.v. commercials for them but at the bottom of the screen it says not available in Ma. and a few other states that I can't remember. If I could save money buy switching to one of those companies I would but I can't , so I have to pick from Commerce or Metropolitan. My car insurance is really expensive (I pay over $300 a month) I have only had my license for a couple years so I under stand the whole new driver thing and my car was new when I bought it so I have full coverage but the car is only a Kia Rio, far from a sports car or luxury car. I pay more for my insurance than for the car payments.""
What to do when someone has an accident in your car...no insurance?
A friend took my car without exactly having my permission (had permission to drive, but not where the accident took place). We are in WI where insurance is not required so our lapsed (bad move on our part, but we are past that now). The friend was at fault in the accident and our car is badly damaged although the other car was not...what do we do now?""
How much will it cost me to be insured on a 1.6 litre for an 17 year old?
im a female, I just passed my test and i have 5000 pounds to spend on a car. I want to buy a convertible ford street ka. How much would that be on insurance roughly? thanks""
Advise please for a cheapest and reliable car insurance here in orange county CA?
For a 2012 honda civic LX thank you
18 year old car insurance help!!!!!?
I am 18 years old, past my test back in april (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :( Even with my parents as main drivers the cheapest im getting is around 7000... its ridiculous Has anyone found any cheap car insurance companies or ways of reducing premiums significantly?""
How much would basic car insurance cost for me?
Ok so im 18 and i was just wondering exactly how much car insurance would be if i paid it by my self with out going threw my parents plan?
Can you give me examples of how Obama care will drive up the cost of health insurance for employers.?
Im not totaly clear how and why exactly obama care is going to hike the cost of insuring employees. And are employers the only ones being effected by this new law mandating them buy health insurance for the federal goverment?
How can I get car insurance without a guardian?
I live with away from my parents, Im almost 18 but not there yet. How can i get car insurance without having a guardian?""
With millions of people losing their jobs and health insurance every month....?
can you see why we need affordable health coverage for all Americans? When I left my job, my option to keep my Insurance for a year would cost $1,300 a month for me and my family. As we see more and more Americans lose their jobs and unable to afford health insurance, the crisis only grows. If you don't believe we should have a government health care program that covers all Americans, what is your solution?""
Will my car insurance rates go up if i crashed a car as a valet?
backed into another car as a valet. My company has insurance. The insurance exchanged was my bosses, and the other 2 parties involved (car I was in and the car that was hit). My license number was taken down and I received a traffic ticket. Oh well. My real concern is does MY insurance ever find out about this? Or is it all on the company's insurance?""
If the car tag is in my dads name does his name have to be on the insurance?
I need to get car insurance but the tag that i have is in my dads name if the tag is in his name do i have to put him on the insurance because its more expensive if i do
Classic Car Insurance for a 17 year old?
im wanting to buy a classic mini (1989) its a 1l what is the best way to go about insuring it..? i've seen adrian flux do cover you if you ring up but its limited mileage, how does that work :) Thankyou very much!""
Help with car insurance.?
I'm 18 and I've had my licence for less than a week and I'm trying to get insurance on my car but I can't find a company that will even quote me. My car is a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. Does anyone know of any company that will insure me? I live in the UK. Thanks in advance.
Will Insurance ding me for this?
I had 8 hour traffic school which cleared a previous ticket. I went to court last week and asked for 12hr traffic school for another and was told that this will clear the point but the ticket will be visible. I have AAA insurance and was wondering if this will affect my rates. Thanks.
Business insurance for cleaning business?
me and my friend want to start our own small cleaning business as a contractor and agencies who gonna get us work asking for insurance can anyone tell how much will it cost me and what do i need to get insured as we have general cleaning equipments, car and steam clean machine only. earning very less initially so cant afford much. please guide us. thanks""
Oh crap, what am I going to do? Car insurance?
This might be long but PLEASE READ EVERYTHING. When I was 15 my grandfather (Legally my father, always lived with him) had always promised me he would get me driver's ed but he never did. A few months before I was 18 I moved out and in an apartment with my fiance. My fiance went to college 5 hours away the day after my 18th. After I turned 18 (July 25) I wanted to get my license, and I know how to do it. My fiance came back from college last weekend and took me to buy a used car for 400. Its a beater, but it drives. It has no insurance and no license plates. Im caught in a super circle. I cant get to SOS or DMV to even apply for my permit without 1) a ride and 2) insurance. I cant get plates to even drive it illegally without a license. I cant get insurance because, from what Im figuring out, just about no body will insure someone without a license. My grandfather will -not- put me on his insurance to save our lives and I need a car to get back and forth to work. (Walking 5 miles? Nah...) What am I supposed to do???? I cant pay a whole lot for insurance as Im now living alone in an apartment on a crappy salary. I had a decent salary until my work decided to super hire and how we are severely over staffed... What to do!?
What would my car insurance cost if..?(IMPORTANT)?
I'm a teen driver, and ill be 16 years old when i get my license. i'm a 3.0 + gpa or higher student and have had no issues with the law.i drive a 1997 mazda protege with a clean title (idk if that helps)""
Car insurance question ...?
Who is your car insurance company? How old are you? How much is your monthly installment? What kind of car do you drive? I am trying to determine weather my insurance is right for my age. I have Allstate, I'm 21 and I pay $143 a month for full coverage on a 2005 Honda Civic.""
About how much would insurance cost for a 2012 chevy volt for one year?
I need to know about how much it would cost for one year of insurance for a 2012 Chevy volt. This is for my drivers ed class, and if you could tell me what insurance company you are getting your answer from.""
How much should I expect for car insurance in New York City?
I'm 20 a full time student and I was looking to buy a used car. I was looking for a Honda Prelude 1996-99 and I just got my license this month. Around how much would I be likely to pay for it per month? I tried getting a quote online but they haven't been able to make one for me. I'll probably get a car around September and was just wondering how much I would be paying for the insurance. Thanks!
""What is the average cost of home owner insurance in Houston, Texas?
I know this varies and are based on different factors. I am just seeking an average - thanks!
How much is my motorcycle insurance going to be in Alberta Canada(rough estimate) please help!?
Hi I live in Alberta Canada and i im 15 and have my learners, when I am 16 I am planing on getting my motorcycle license i have nothing on my driving record (crashes, speeding tickets, ect). The bike I am planing on getting is a 2010 Kawasaki ninja 250R and Im looking for a rough guess on how much it would cost to insure for a year. Thanks""
GAP insurance with no Regular insurance?
I was in a wreck it want my fault,,the other party was sighted at the seen for making an unsafe left turn..I lapsed on my insurance for a week! His insurance is only going to pay ,5,000 for property damage..and I owe 22,000 on it,,,will the Gap Insurance I purchased thru the car company kick in at all?""
Why such a difference between insurance quotes on a 2011 Challenger?
I got quotes from Geico, Nationwide, and Progressive I chose full coverage 500 dollar deductible on a 2000 Silverado 1500 4X4 3DR and a 2011 Dodge Challenger SE 2Dr Coupe This is for a 20 year old guy with clean driving record. Why are they so different? These are the prices I got Nationwide - $603 a month Progreeive - $450 a month Geico - $187 a month If Geico didn't offer it for $187 I would not be able to buy the 2011 Challenger. Does anyone know if Geico will go up to $400 or $600 a month after my first 6 month's I really need to know cause this is my last deciding factor before buying the Challenger?""
Will State Farm full coverage insurance pay for my car since it was total loss and i still owe the bank?
the guy had full coverage was his fault and im up side down with my bank car loan?
Insurance wants to total my car?
So recently an 18 wheeler ran into the back of my car damaging the whole trunk and the force of the truck pushed my car into a post scraping the side of my car. The insurance guy came and just got a call back saying that they want to total my car and pay for it. The car is a black 2002 jetta 1.8 turbo from a small local dealer and has 140,000 miles. Im currently still paying it off and the car cost me $6000. Here is my concern, they haven't told me how much they plan to give me for my jetta but i went on craigslist and the average cost for a 2002 jetta 1.8t is around what i paid from $5000-$6000, will the insurance give me that amount because bluebook says my car is worth at most around $3400 in excelent condition and at retail value according to bluebook is around $4500. All I'm concern with is either my car is restore to the point before the accident or if they get me enough money to buy a new jetta of equal or greater quality. Restoring my car car i guess is not and option which I'm ok with but what if the amount they give me is not enough to go buy a new jetta from a small local dealer will they give me more money or how does this whole process work because I've never been in this situation.""
Question about health insurance!!?
Can a health insurance company cut your coverage while being treated for depression?
Health Insurance?
Mistake on insurance- value of car?
recently i was involved in a car accident where another driver drove into the back of my car and since then it has been written off. the problem is i undervalued the car on my insurance by accident (as it was a present and was unsure of the true value) can i explain this to the insurance company and get the money paid for the car? or will i just get how much i said the car was worth? thanks
What's the difference between disability insurance and disability benefits?
What's the difference between disability insurance and disability benefits?
Does it cost to switch car insurances?
I need to switch my car insurance to get a lower rate per month. How much would I generally pay to switch or get new insurance?
How to get a job as a finance & insurance manager?
I am currently a Finance Student, and new car salesman... It seems you never see F&I jobs advertized and when you do they always want people with experience in F&I... How does one get a start in F&I other than being promoted from sales, which wouldn't happen until a vacancy arises?""
I want to start baby sitting do i need insurance?
im going to take a baby sitting course and use it to make a little extra money, i plan to go to the child's home to look after them in the evenings and i was wondering if i needed to get any sort of insurance. i like in the uk if that makes any difference.""
Individual dental insurance for braces?
What is a good individual dental insurance if I were to get braces? I have done some research and nailed it down to DeltaCare and Pacificare. So which dental insurance is better, or any other suggestions? Pacificare cost slightly less than DeltaCare as far as co-payments go. Both are HMO plans, all the PPO plans covers little to nothing for braces, so HMO seems to be the only way to go for an individual plan. DeltaCare seems to be more reliable since it's associated with Delta Dental, a little more costly also. I'm more concerned about the quality of the services as far as making claims and such. So DeltaCare, Pacificare, or ay other dental insurance/plans? Any personal experience with either of these companies? I am in San Francisco, California.""
How good is Delta Dental Insurance and is it worth it?
My mom is out of work and needs to have some dental work done. I was thinking to get her a Delta Dental Insurance in the hopes that it will help her. If you currently have this insurance or had it in the past, could you please tell me if it's worth it. Thanks.""
I need cheap car insurance!!?
i am 18, i have a 1990 accord worth about 1700, and ive been driving for 4 months now, no tickets or problems, i need some cheap car insurance since my dad wont insure me with his company.... i just need some cheap *** company, i dont really care if they dont really cover well. i live in California, in the southbay. is there any cheap insurance such as those little cheap looking stores you would see around your city?? the ones that have banners that say they offer insurance as low as 22 a month??....have in mind that i just need something so i can drive since i need it by law.""
How on earth do i as a 17 year old find car insurance under 3000?
I've tried everything I can find on the internet.. and nowhere can I find any insurance under 3000 as a 17 year old male.. even as third party fire and theft, and I've been using the cheapest, oldest, least powerful group one cars I can find...and I've tried with pass plus etc.. I know people ask this all the time, but I really need a car as I live out in the country and have to commute to the city for school every day, and my mum can't do lifts.. Any help would be appreciated greatly!""
How much should car insurance cost me?
im 16 and ive been saving some money for a while and i bought a 1998 honda civic, im currently paying $265/month for insurance is that too much, because im not sure im going to make the insurance this month because my hours were cut""
If i put a big engine in my small car will my insurance still be low?
i have a ford fiesta zetec 1.25, if i put a rs cosworth engine in it will it how much will it affect the insurance? i've been on gocompare.com and it give an option standard engine replacement . i have ticked it and the price has gone up from 682 to 1049. does this mean i can put any engine in my car and the insurance will be 1049?""
Cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin?
I'm 19 and am looking to buy a 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am wondering what the cheapest insurance would be? Personal experience?
Who regulates auto insurance in CA?
Oh crap, what am I going to do? Car insurance?
This might be long but PLEASE READ EVERYTHING. When I was 15 my grandfather (Legally my father, always lived with him) had always promised me he would get me driver's ed but he never did. A few months before I was 18 I moved out and in an apartment with my fiance. My fiance went to college 5 hours away the day after my 18th. After I turned 18 (July 25) I wanted to get my license, and I know how to do it. My fiance came back from college last weekend and took me to buy a used car for 400. Its a beater, but it drives. It has no insurance and no license plates. Im caught in a super circle. I cant get to SOS or DMV to even apply for my permit without 1) a ride and 2) insurance. I cant get plates to even drive it illegally without a license. I cant get insurance because, from what Im figuring out, just about no body will insure someone without a license. My grandfather will -not- put me on his insurance to save our lives and I need a car to get back and forth to work. (Walking 5 miles? Nah...) What am I supposed to do???? I cant pay a whole lot for insurance as Im now living alone in an apartment on a crappy salary. I had a decent salary until my work decided to super hire and how we are severely over staffed... What to do!?
Personal Medical Insurance?
Why is medical insurance is a dream of riches or expensive commodity in U.S.A ? For example, Denmark, Canada, and other countries it is affordable and free to the people who contribute to the development of the country? (In Denmark for example if you can speak Danish, and work, you get free Insurance, like such in another countries). Why can't we make it affordable to everyone? What pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions you have for in this regard? Thank you.""
Insurance for moped 16 year old ?
live in cork Ireland,im 15 now 16 in the summer im wondering how much a 50cc moped insurance would be roughly or how much insurance would be on a Yamaha tzr 50 ? Thanks""
Would it be cheaper to get car insurance if I'm working or unemployed?
Would it be cheaper to get car insurance if I'm working or unemployed?
Is it legal for our group insurance company to mandate life insurance?
Our group health insurance provider is now saying we have to buy life insurance through one of its wholly owned subsidiaries. Is this legal in the State of Ohio?
16 yo male car insurance cost?
I will be driving my moms 2011 ford fiesta i have taken drivers ed i live in Ohio and the good student offer wont use how much does drivers ed take off
Car insurance adjustments
If my car insurance rate has been raised and it is due to the insurance company deciding I am at fault for an accident at which I was not at fault, cann my adjuster decrease the amount if I show I was not at falut?""
Life Insurance Policy?
What will happen if you have a Life Insurance and decide to stop to pay it? Will you lose all the money that you already paid? Or they will give it back to you?
Do i need insurance to buy a car?
I have been put in a crisis and am being forced to buy my first car tommorrow. My dad has bought cars for me, but I've never owned one. I am buying my friends truck, which is past due on registration. Basically, I pay the late fees and the truck is mine. I however do not have insurance right now. I will get it ASAP but don't as of right now. I've been reading online and they all say, No dealer will let you drive off the lot without insurance. But none of them say if you're buying the car from a person, not a dealer. What do i do??""
California DUI under 18 years old?
I am 17 and I got a California DUI about 2 months ago and I blew a .17%. I havent gone to court yet, but I my licence has been revoked for a year. I was wondering what the fines might be, if i will have to do community service or attend any alcohol related programs? Thanks""
Would I need auto insurance if Im driving a motorcycle/scooter with a Motorcycle Instruction Permit in AZ?
I am thinking about purchasing a Yamaha Vino (2004-08 model) and also I will be obtaining my Motorcycle Instruction Permit. I would like to know if I would need any form of auto/motorcycle insurance while practicing with my permit. If so, how much would it cost me per month (rough estimate)? I am 16 years old btw.""
Whos the cheapest u found car insurance thru?
ive checked all state geico progressive state farm aig 21 century liberty mutual and esurance. r there any out there that ive missed? im a student and on a very strict budget so i need the best deal possible. thanks!
Why is insurance cheaper on american cars than asian cars?
I have a friend who was in accident a while back and the end result is his insurance doubled, and he can only afford to buy an american car rather than asian or german. Why is that in canada insurance cheaper on the american cars? Thank you""
How much for car rental insurance?
hi i will be renting a car for 2 weeks and i need to know whether it is necessary to take car insurance and how much would it cost? also will it vary if I am less than 24yrs of age? i do not own a car and so dont have any auto insurance. i just need to know an approx figure... :)
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male?
I passed my driving test last month and did my pass plus last saturday. I'm now stunned to find that the lowest i've seemed to get my car insurance is 5000, I'm a full time 6th form student so how am I meant to pay that? Is there ANYWHERE where I can get cheap insurance for my car? (except gps box insurance with restrictions such as fines for going out past 11pm) any previous experiences? or recommendations? I understand that 17 year old males are higher risk to road users than others, especially newly qualified, but there must be some loopholes in the system which will enable me to get a cheap quote? Many thanks.""
Are car insurance quotes free?
i just want to know
How much will my insurance increase after two at fault accidents?
I was in an accident at the beginning of the year and six months later I was involved in the same kind of accident. I was at fault for both accident. I was wondering how much would my insurance would increase. Thanks!
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
I am self employed and need dental work.
Affordable insurance w/ NO deductible and low premium?
I need you to tell me names of insurance not quote sites cuz they don't help. i need one for 2 ppl a mom and daughter. it shouldnt have a deductable or be more that 200 monthly.
Question about car insurance?
What is the average price difference between full coverage and the lowest coverage? What exactly do they cover? And are there options in between? I know it differs from company to company, but I would like to know what the average difference is. I have enough money for a car, but as soon as I find a job, Im going to buy one, but I need to know what im going to be paying for insurance, and what is right for me. Im going to be spending between $1500-$2000 for the car if it makes a difference, thank you.""
Car insurance?
suppose someone is paying $700 a year for liability car insurance and gets a speeding ticket. how much higher can this persons insurance go up?
How much do these bikes cost plus insurance?
i was wondering how much on average these following bikes cost and im looking for a used one as its my first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , Honda Rebel 125cc , Yamaha Virago 250 125cc , Suzuki GZ 250 125cc , i also would like to know if anyone knew how much the insurance is for these , i know they depend on factors but anyone from experience , many thanks :)""
How much do insurance agents make per hour? California?
I went to an interview and was ask what yearly salary I was looking for. I wasn't sure what to answer. I live in California. The position is going to required me to travel to two different offices. The company is called Fiesta Insurance. Thank you
Teens: Do you pay for your own car insurance?
If so, how do you pay for it? How long do you work for and how much do you have to pay for your insurance? Just wondering :) and if you want what type of car do you have?""
What does an approved provider mean to health insurance company?
I want to list myself as an approved provider for speech therapy but I am not a proferred provider for any health insurance plan.
Can anyone recommend a cheap company for temporary car insurance (UK)?
only need it insured for a few days to get it MOT'd?
Oh crap, what am I going to do? Car insurance?
This might be long but PLEASE READ EVERYTHING. When I was 15 my grandfather (Legally my father, always lived with him) had always promised me he would get me driver's ed but he never did. A few months before I was 18 I moved out and in an apartment with my fiance. My fiance went to college 5 hours away the day after my 18th. After I turned 18 (July 25) I wanted to get my license, and I know how to do it. My fiance came back from college last weekend and took me to buy a used car for 400. Its a beater, but it drives. It has no insurance and no license plates. Im caught in a super circle. I cant get to SOS or DMV to even apply for my permit without 1) a ride and 2) insurance. I cant get plates to even drive it illegally without a license. I cant get insurance because, from what Im figuring out, just about no body will insure someone without a license. My grandfather will -not- put me on his insurance to save our lives and I need a car to get back and forth to work. (Walking 5 miles? Nah...) What am I supposed to do???? I cant pay a whole lot for insurance as Im now living alone in an apartment on a crappy salary. I had a decent salary until my work decided to super hire and how we are severely over staffed... What to do!?
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