#i cant do my little routine rituals in the house when i never know if if ill have to clear out on the weekend
not to be low vibrational but i can't help to think what would allow me the consistency to fix my life is if my brother and his girlfriend would break up already
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tr4shmouth-tozi3r · 5 years
‘I love you, did you know that?’ - richie tozier x reader
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requested: yes & im gonna die bc y’all keep requesting the cutest shit and I actually wanna stab myself in the face as I write this shit cause its just so damn cute🥺
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summary: Richie constantly found himself not wanting to go home and sometimes his friends had no time for him, but you? You always had time for him. He found himself making routine trips to your house after so long, throwing rocks at your window till you’d open up and let him in. Let the cuddles ensue.
pairing: richie tozier x reader
warning: fluff, swearing.
Summer 89’
“y/n!” Richie cupped his hands against his mouth as he whisper-shouted up at your window. You had your window slightly open and he prayed you would hear him, that you weren’t asleep. He needed someone and all his other friends were asleep. He had a feeling you’d be up for some reason. He was right.
He grinned when he saw your shadow bounce off of the wall in view of the window and your head popped out of the window, “Rich? What are you doing here? It’s like midnight.”
“What, I can’t stop by a friend’s house for a visit?”
“Well... you can, but usually it wouldn’t be at midnight.” You giggled at him and rolled your eyes.
“I mean, who cares, you’re up aren’t you?”
You let your eyes study him for a moment and you frowned. He had a scratch on his right cheek and his eyes looked red and puffy, like he’d been crying for hours on end and had just stopped not long before arriving to your house.
“Is it your mom again?” You spoke softly and he tore his eyes from you, letting them dart around and land anywhere but on you.
“Yeah... but who cares? I don’t wanna talk about her. Let me in?” He raised an eyebrow and pushed his thick rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose. You smiled warmly and nodded at him. He climbed his way up, which surprised you. The side of your house where your window was always was a pain in the ass to climb, but Richie was stronger than anyone could have pegged him to be. Physically and emotionally.
That was the first of many nights to come over the course of your teenage years. You had grown closer and closer and before you knew it, Richie’s visits became a nightly ritual. And Richie went from the Trashmouth to your Trashmouth.
July 9th, 1992—
You jumped at the sudden crack against your window. You barely made it to the window before you saw Richie’s head pop up from the other side and him furiously tapping the glass.
You laughed as you realized he was struggling and you hurriedly opened the window and the screen, letting him fall forward and through the window, “Ouch!” He stood up quickly and shook his disheveled hair back into place and placed his glasses back over his face.
“Next time wait until I come to the window before you start climbing. You know how much of a pain in the ass that shit is to climb.” You smirked at your boyfriend’s eagerness to see you, but it also left you unsettled. It must have been a real bad one tonight...
“I just missed my babydoll too much to wait.” He grinned at you, wrapping you up in his arms and squeezing you so tight you thought you might burst. You laughed and melted into his embrace. He smelled like a menthol camel and your favorite cologne that he wore. He pressed a kiss to your lips eagerly and you tasted the cherry slushee on his tongue. You hummed into his mouth, darting your tongue out and slithering passed his lips. He tangled his tongue with yours, smiling into the kiss.
“You taste good, should have brought me one.” You pouted as you pulled away from his lips and he laughed at you.
“Sorry, babes. Next time, I promise.” He kissed your forehead and found his way over to the bed, gesturing for you to follow. Your nightly visits with Richie became known to your parents. They had caught on after some time and you explained Richie’s situation to them and how he hated being home for a good reason. They understood and left it at that. Soon, once you became a couple the visits turned into sleepovers and your parents still hadn’t protested. Maybe, it was because they hadn’t necessarily caught onto the fact that you and Richie were together now. It was probably better that way for a while, or else you didn’t think there would be anymore sleepovers if they knew.
You followed him to the bed and he pulled you down onto the bed with him, his arms snaking around you and his head resting ontop of yours as you snuggled up to him, “You know, I totally wanna tell my parents we’re together, but then we can’t have sleepovers anymore.” You pouted up at him and he laughed at you, throwing his head back.
“y/n, we’re 16 and we spend almost all of our time together and they totally know I’m obsessed with you. I think they know.” He wiggled his eyebrows in amusement as he finished speaking and you giggled.
“Okay, maybe you’re right. I haven’t confirmed nor denied it, though. Let’s just go with that, assuming they know.” You pursed your lips and shrugged, letting yourself be content with that.
He squeezed you tightly again and let out a sigh, “God, I’m so glad I’m here with you and I don’t have to spend another damn minute in that fucking house.” He mumbled quietly and you frowned into his chest. His mom was a severe alcoholic and took it out on him and his dad? Well, why do you think his mom was an alcoholic? They were the perfect toxic to ruin a beautiful soul like Richie, but he would never let them and that’s what you loved most about your boyfriend. Sure, he masked the pain and bottled things up sometimes, but he never lost sight of who he was and who he wanted to be. He never gave up on being happy and you were certain that was because of you and all of your friends.
“Was it a real bad one tonight?” You asked softly as you eyes searched his for answers. He shrugged and before he gave a verbal answer, your eyes landed on his neck. He had bruises on his neck in the shape of a handprint and saw that you had noticed, so he didn’t speak. He didn’t need to. You already knew the answer.
You cuddled up closer to him and he squeezed you a little tighter. You leaned up and placed small and soft, lingering kisses to the bruises on his neck. He smiled into your hair, “God, you’re so fucking perfect, you know? I can’t believe you’re really mine.” He shifted his weight and faced you as you laid down next to each other, faces inches apart.
“Rich, I’m nothing special, no need to butter me up.”
He rolled his eyes at you and huffed, “No, I’m serious. Don’t say that. You’re amazing. If I didn’t have you, what would I have beside the rest of the gang? A shitty home life? Some corny sex jokes? Fuck, I’d have nothing else. And with just you, comes so much. Look, I’m not much of a sap, but you get me all worked up and I malfunction around you all the time and I act funny. I guess it does that to you, huh? Love and all.” He was rambling sweetly and you both froze up when the four letter word fell from his lips. You searched his eyes, waiting for something else to come, but he was nervous and anticipating your response.
He totally didn’t mean to say that. You guys had been dating for a bit, but hadn’t said the L word yet and he said it and you felt like squealing like a little girl and crying happy tears and just having a complete overload of emotions, but you didn’t. Instead, you blinked fast and hard and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Holy shit, you said that.” You smiled after a moment and he relaxed, his face flushed and he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
“Holy shit, yeah I did.” He laughed in embarrassment and then studied your face, “I mean, it’s true. I love you, did you know that?”
“I love you too, Rich.”
He smiled down at you, “Wait until I tell the guys I accidently did it. Eddie’s gonna hate me, he had a whole little plan set up for me to tell you. He said it had to be super romantic and shit.”
Your heart fluttered and you stared at him in awe, “How long have you felt this way?”
“Sweetheart, I’ve loved you since the first night you let me climb through your window back in 89’. Shit, I just... didn’t wanna scare you away. You were there when I needed someone most and I’m so glad it was you. You showed me what it felt like to really care for someone.”
“Richie Tozier, I am so in love with you.” You beamed and your heart soared as you replayed his words over and over again in your head, “You really are a sap for me, huh loverboy?” You teased him and his face turned beet red instantly.
“Hey, shut it toots, now gimme a kiss, damn it.” He put his hand up to your face, running his thumb over your cheek and you leaned forward, kissing him slowly and softly, taking your time. Smiles shown through during the moment as you pulled away from each other. His big brown eyes magnified by his glasses were filled with so much love and you felt truly and utterly happy.
The rest of the night was filled with endless words about anything and everything and the constant exchange of ‘i love yous’ because damn, you just couldn’t get enough of hearing him tell you that.
Richie Tozier found a home in the most unexpected arms. You were the only thing he needed. Nothing else mattered on these nights you spent with Richie. It was just you and him and the rest of your lives together. He loved you all along, and now you knew that.
Woah that was so fucking fluffy and oozing w cheese I cant bro
The end was legit so corny but I loveeee itttttt😭 Hope you all liked this one❤️
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venusmages · 4 years
otp tag.
tagged by @solasan​, thank u!!!!!   tagging: @ritualism​ and @editoress​ i think all my other Wayhaven ppl have been @’d already
who is more likely to raise their voice?
i neither! penny if i had to choose, but shes usually p good at keeping cool. and felix doesn’t seem like a shouty person anyways.
who threatens to leave but never actually does?
who actually keeps their word and leaves?
who trashes the house?
do either of them get physical?
how often do they argue/disagree?
i think their first disagreement is in book 2 when Felix got hurt during Sanja’s rescue. Penny feels super guilty about it and is worried Felix is brushing it off when he has a right to be upset. She’s kinda haunted by that whole situation and the choice she had to make. Other than that, they definitely never really argue. At most in the beginning Penny was just kind of oblivious/flippant because she’s socially awkward lol
who is the first to apologize?
both lmao
who is on top? who is on bottom?
Felix is a little top  you cant convince me otherwise
any kinks?
not really
who has the strangest desires?
i think they’re mostly just cute in bed without anythnig crazy going on
who’s dominant in bed?
  FELIX!! in the cute ‘i got this’ kind of way. Penny’s shy so definitely not her.
is head ever in the equation?
if so, who is better at performing it?
felix has the charisma but i think penny has the technique
ever had sex in public?
 they did almost fuck in nate’s library 
who moans the most?
Penny!  Felix thinks its cute
who leaves the most marks?
FELIX LOVES HICKIES. hes sad that they don’t last super long on him, but she tries anyway.
who is the more experienced of the two?
I think they’re pretty even actually
do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
how long do they usually last?
im sure it varies
rough or soft?
is protection used?
YES. penny is ON that shit. Though she wouldn’t be against having kids one day.
does it ever get boring?
nah they’re too cute and in gross cuddly love. Does felix look like he’d EVER get bored of the detective
where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
it didnt  happen but again, nates library. Penny was secretly kinda into it 
do they plan on having children / do they have children?
 I don’t think either are seriously considering it for a while but Penny is a good 50/50 on it!
if so, how many children do they want/have?
just one, maybe two.
who likes to cuddle?
Felix! Penny’s a little more standoffish in general with physical affection, but she does love cuddling Felix. If he wants to cuddle she’s p much always down for it.
who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Felix. Have you heard what that boy says
who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
Felix! Though only in private. He know’s Penny’s shy and its cute to do it when shes working or something. He likes playfully distracting her.
how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Probably for a good while, though Penny has a tendency to get antsy. Usually it just means her getting up and him happily following after her though
what is their favourite non-sexual activity?
video games! She showed him Animal Crossing and it was over
where is their favourite place to cuddle?
on the couch!
who snores?
if both do, who snores the loudest?
Not loudly , but again penny.
do they share a bed or sleep separately?
they share a bed!
if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
what do they wear to bed?
Penny wears pj shorts and a cotton shirt, pretty simple. Felix is probs similar
are either of them insomniacs?
Penny DEFINITELY is. Thankfully Felix doesn’t sleep a lot so she’s rarely disturbing him!
can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
YEP. Especially after book 1, she started having nightmares.
do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Felix is a koala.
who wakes up with bed hair?
Penny. Felix somehow always looks fucking perfect and she’d be jealous if she didn’t think it was so charming.
who wakes up first?
Penny. Even if Felix is just lazing about, she’s one of those responsible people or something.
who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Felix tried. keyword being tried. 
what is their favourite sleeping position?
Penny sleeps on her side and Felix clambers around either with one leg over her or spooning her usually.
do they set an alarm each night?
Penny does!
who has nightmares?
Both :(. Hard to tell with Felix how often for him
can a television be found in their bedroom?
Penny doesn’t have a TV
who has ridiculous dreams?
Felix for sure. Sometimes involving stuff pertaining to the Echo World and Penny is like ??? and he doesn’t know how to explain it.
who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
who makes the bed?
Felix, because he insists. Penny goes back and straightens it out
what time is bed time?
 bed by 1
any routines/rituals before bed?
felix insists on brushing their teeth together bc he thinks its cute (penny does too). its how she first actually got a glimpse of his fangs
who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
neither! though felix DOES complain.
who is the busiest?
penny. felix is  busy keeping himself from dying of boredom
who rakes in the highest income?
are any of them unemployed?
who takes the most sick days?
Penny, though very rarely. She usually saves them for days where she wants to work from home because the office got too overwhelming.
what are their jobs?
Vampire Agent vs Police Detective
who sucks up to their boss?
 Felix tries to charm Rebecca. Rebecca just sighs.
who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Felix. Got distracted
who stresses the most?
PENNY. though she usually takes things in stride, she’s a little up tight.
do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
Penny is fine with being a detective and doubly fine with being an agent.
are they financially stable?
who does the washing?
Penny. We know what Felix’s stance is on laundry considering he hides his socks in Mason’s hamper.
who takes out the trash?
Felix , and he acts like a hero
who does the ironing?
Penny! She wears nice clothes that definitely would require ironing. 
who does the cooking?
Penny is a serviceable cook, though she tends to cook the same things. And sometimes still eats like a (healthier) college student because she doesn’t have the energy. Felix LOVES using it as an excuse to order food.
who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
who is messier?
Felix. More just disorganized
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Felix. Again, boy clearly hates laundry
who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Neither. Unless Felix yoinked the keys - then they could be anywhere.
who answers the telephone?
FELIX. First ring, always. 
who mows the lawn?
city slickers for life so neither
who does the vacuuming?
both. felix likes doing it and danciing
who does the groceries?
Penny because felix will bring back a bunch of things they didnt need
who takes the longest to shower?
Penny. She uses so much water
who spends the most time in the bathroom?
is money a problem?
nah theyre secret agents
how many cars do they own?
just penny’s little clunker
what’s their song?
waterfalls coming out your mouth // violet hour (especially this one) // sugar
do they live in the city or in the country?
small town
do they own their home or do they rent?
penny’s renting but wouldn’t be against owning a little flat somewhere
do they enjoy their surroundings?
wayhaven is home and comfortable for penny! she was actually falling out of love for it before she got promoted, now she feels protective over it and the supernaturals shes now aware live there.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?
felix goes insane waiting until they can meet up again. penny is often thinking abt him but is eager to get work done so she can do it even sooner
where did they first meet?
abandoned warehouse in book one - though the first meeting SHE remembers is him kissing her on the hand... romance...
who spends the most money when out shopping?
i feel they both are pretty similar! Theyre Fashionable, though Pennys really good at budgeting.
who’s more likely to flash their assets?
listen it doesnt happen in canon but if you do the combat training route with felix he fucking puts your hands up his shirt
any mental issues?
penny has anxiety and has been diagnosed as autistic since she was, like, 12. felix clearly has some shit he’s not letting himself fully mourn but OKAY BUDDY
who finds it amusing when the other trips over? 
penny laughs when felix trips just because he’s like a beautiful ragdoll and always ‘saves’ himself in really funny ways. felix is such a prince charming i think he’d see her tripping more as an excuse to be dashing and handsome at her and save her from face planting than laugh. 
who’s terrified of bugs?
penny definitely isn’t. could see felix losing his shit over a spider.
who kills the spiders around the house?
PENNY. doesn’t kill them though.
do they have any fears for their future?
Penny’s worried that loved ones might get put into danger due to ... everything. Verda found out about vampires and wasn’t hyped, so she’s worried about their friendship and his saftey most of all. She’s also worried about making ‘tough’ choices like the one at the end of book 2. It’s not a pleasant dilemma.
their favourite place?
Penny’s apartment!
who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
felix FOR SURE
who pays the bills?
both, but penny set it all up on autopay bc felix would forget.
who’s the tallest?
Felix! He’s like what, 5′7-5′9? penny’s 5′3.
who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Both! Penny’s shy when doing it but she loves felix’s reaction because he’s always super excited.
who wanders around in their underwear?
who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
felix. duh
what do they tease each other about?
everything! penny teases felix over how energetic and goofy and ~suave~ he is. He teases penny over being bashful - but she actually teases him more! He teases her over ROMANTIC stuff.
who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Penny. The waistcoat, Felix. Why. No
who crushed first?
FELIX DIDDDDDDD. Penny got flustered but is very :/ at relationships bc she struggles socially and the only serious relationship she had prior was fucking BOBBY. So she straight up doesn’t trust that felix is being genuine at first. Also she’s a lil bit oblivious.
any alcohol or substance related problems?
who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
who swears the most?
probably felix, though I don’t think he swears a lot either?
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syfynjvall · 4 years
OTP ASK GAME - farah & juliette
tagged by @havennly thank u!! i’m gonna tag @agentnatesewell @bryceslahela @agentfreckles @serafinedupont @agentnats if youve done it already i apologize ksks
(long post warning)
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
juliette, but it’s honestly never anything serious. more often than not its just bc she gets very competitive during game nights
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
neither, even kidding about it kinda hurts each others souls
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Who trashes the house?
i cant see either of them doing it
Do either of them get physical?
never in a million years
How often do they argue/disagree?
not often, and when they do its mostly about petty things like leaving empty containers in the fridge
Who is the first to apologize?
both are good about it
who is on top? Who is on bottom?
hmmm they switch
any kinks?
welllll jules put on her old cheerleading uniform from college as a joke once and farah was into it. theyre both into roleplay
who has the strangest desires?
who’s dominant in bed?
it’s a pretty even split
is head ever in the equation?
if so, who is better at performing it?
probably farah
ever had sex in public?
once. under the bleachers at the football field. pretty cliché
who moans the most?
uhh both
who leaves the most marks?
who is the more experienced of the two?
definitely jules. she had a LOT of fun in college
do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
make love. it’s very special for both of them bc they know they’re gonna last
how long do they usually last?
it depends but both of them can usually go pretty long
rough or soft?
typically soft, but rough if theyre in the mood
is protection used?
does it ever get boring?
where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
dont know? maybe in an empty room in the agency? idk lol
do they plan on having children/or have children?
oh yeah definitely
if so, how many children do they want/have?
juliette loved the look on farahs face the first time they talked about it and she said she wanted ten kids. it was a joke obv but they probably end up having three or four. jules always wanted siblings growing up and she was sad she never got that wish so she doesnt want her own kids to be lonely like she was
who likes to cuddle?
both of them are huge cuddle bugs and they get cozy almost everywhere
who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
who struggles to keep their hands to themselves?
how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
their cuddles can last a while but farah probably wiggles away first
what is their favourite non-sexual activity?
they love girls night out and its even more fun when tina joins them. put the three of them together and its basically nonstop chaos, but so fun
where is their favourite place to cuddle?
predictable, but the bed. jules is one of those extravagant mattress people so her bed is basically a giant pillow and its very comfortable
who snores?
if both do, who snores the loudest?
jules, and you better believe farah teases her relentlessly
do they share a bed or sleep separately?
jules WAS a very picky sleeper until she got together with farah, now she gets pouty if they dont share a bed
if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
they cozy up, but juliette is a blanket hog so she usually ends up with most of the covers
what do they wear to bed?
jules usually just wears a top, farah wears pajama sets
are either of them insomniacs?
can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
not before everything that went down in book one, but since murphy, yeah. jules has a hard time falling asleep now
do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
definitely cuddly sleepers
who wakes up with bed hair?
who wakes up first?
farah. she’s usually the one to rouse juliette when she’s about to be late
who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
neither of them can cook so... neither lol
what is their favourite sleeping position?
farah loves being the little spoon and jules loves making her feel safe so
do they set an alarm each night?
jules does but she hits snooze at least six times a morning
who has nightmares?
juliette, and farah has no problem soothing her back to sleep when she wakes up
can a television be found in their bedroom?
yes. they’re both obsessed with trashy shows
who has ridiculous dreams?
who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
again, juliette is an unfortunate bed hog
who makes the bed?
farah. juliette is cute but she’s not always that tidy
what time is bed time?
whenever jules feels like it, and farah will follow her lead
any routines/rituals before bed?
other than the typical going to bed things, no
who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
farah probably
who is the busiest?
both are pretty busy but since juliette has two jobs i guess she is a little bit more
who rakes in the highest income?
juliette probably?
are any of them unemployed?
UB gets paid right? so neither then? lol
who takes the most sick days?
juliette. her “bend the rules” stat is at 88%
what are their jobs?
detective and agent
who sucks up to their boss?
definitely not jules. farah might a LITTLE bit since rebecca is juliette’s mom but i think we know how that turns out lmao
who is more likely to turn up late to work?
despite juliette’s aversion for rule following she’s usually pretty puntcual at least, so im gonna say farah
who stresses the most?
im gonna say neither
do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
farah loves hers for the most part, jules feels like hers is more of a chore but she does love interacting with people.
are they financially stable?
who does the washing?
farah. once again juliette isnt super messy per se, but she is a bit cluttered
who takes out the trash?
who does the ironing?
jules is pretty good about that
who does the cooking?
neither. they both try but they’re both disasters so they order out mostly (more than they should)
who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
it’s about equal because again, they’re disasters
who is messier?
who leaves the toilet roll empty?
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
[redacted] you are not going to miss this question.
who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
who answers the telephone?
who mows the lawn?
they dont have a lawn
who does the vacuuming?
probably jules
who does the groceries?
when they remember to do it, they like to go together
who takes the longest to shower?
[redacted] you are not going to miss this question.
is money a problem?
no but farah does love buying stuff
how many cars do they own?
just one
what’s their song?
it changes but rn lucky by jason mraz fits them so well
do they live in the city or in the country?
juliette LOVES city life and farah thinks it would be fun too so they plan to move to the city one day
do they own their home or do they rent?
rented for now, for juliette anyway
do they enjoy their surroundings?
jules has a nostalgic fondness for wayhaven but again, really she’s itching to live in the city. farah likes it too but it’s a little too mellow for her liking sometimes
what do they do when they’re away from each other?
oh my god, theyre both clingy babies so they’ll be pouty and sad and constantly just text each other
where did they first meet?
juliette’s office
who spends the most money when out shopping?
probably farah
who’s more likely to flash their assets?
jules, but farah will too
any mental issues?
juliette definitely has ptsd after book one, and then its worsened after the trappers (she saved farah so she had to see sanja die)
who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
they both do lol
who’s terrified of bugs?
im thinking farah
who kills the spiders around the house?
do they have any fears for their future?
they’re both afraid of losing each other, mostly. juliette also worries a bit that maybe farah will get sick of her because she’s a “lot,” she was always told by past bfs/gfs that she was a handful or too wild or whatever so she worries she might scare farah off but when she voices that thought farah is very quick to very seriously assure her thats not going to happen
their favourite place?
the bar, also the forest to stargaze or picnic
who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
jules, but it’s definitely at a restaurant lol
who pays the bills?
definitely juliette
who’s the tallest?
jules is 5’9, farah is 5′4
who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
who wanders around in their underwear?
who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
both!! theyre both so goofy about it
what do they tease each other about?
pretty much everything, they’re bantering almost constantly
who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
neither of them are exactly fashion experts, so
who crushed first?
any alcohol or substance related problems?
no, jules enjoys drinking but she knows her limits
who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
who swears the most?
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thedankfaerie · 4 years
i am posting this here because i am tired of burdening my boyfriend with my feelings. this is a little nsfw. and this is my call for help. i dont know who to talk to anymore about this.
i need someone to hear what i feel
or at least, a free space to say what i feel 
im in a low place. i feel so awful about myself and my body and i hate this feeling. i hate that this time last year, i was so happy about the way i looked. i was working this awful job that had me so overworked and overtired and poorly treated that i skipped meals and slept through meals regularly... i lost so much weight from stress in just a year and was the skinniest i had ever been. mentally, i was not in a good place being exploited by my managers... but my self esteem re: my body was at a new level i never knew could exist for me.
last year, i felt powerful and confident about my body, and i expressed that through sexuality. i was fucking my ex that i still liked (i grew out of wanting him back, but he never did, and it was nice to have the upper hand). i was also fucking an old fwb that i stayed friends with, that was also recently single, so we reunited again at the perfect time. i was also seeing this one guy (now my boyfriend) so if ever i got tired of the sex i at least was able to calm down and settle down with someone who genuinely wanted to know me. of course, i ended up catching feelings for this guy, and cut off the other two to pursue something more serious (we are now dating and are moving in together next month!) anyways, it was so nice to be wanted. to feel... i guess sexy? sex is empowering. and it shouldn’t be taboo to say that as a woman, or anyone really. i dont want to give off the message that a woman’s validation is fueled by men’s desire - but hey, don’t you feel flattered when someone thinks you’re attractive? desire and lust aren’t everything... but they matter. and they have an impact on how you feel about yourself, whether or not you believe me when i say that is up to you. 
 and i hate that i would gladly put myself through the stress that i did just to feel happy about my body. before the summer ended, i finally had enough and i quit my shitty job. i was jobless for a month, but was able to enjoy the rest of the summer with my new ‘skinny’ body - last year i took my first bikini picture ... a 2 piece! i have never done that. i still think about how happy i was that summer to look and feel good about myself. 
i have struggled with self esteem issues since highschool. i always felt like i was too big. i used to follow all these blogs of pretty people and try to copy their poses to feel pretty and i used to spend hours after school trying on short dresses and clothes to stare at my body in the mirror. i used to starve myself to the point of literally wanting to faint on the daily, until finally i admitted it to one of my teachers. she respectfully asked if i wanted to speak with the school guidance counsellor, and i declined. but she encouraged me to speak up to at least a friend, so i did, and it helped, and for a long time, i was okay. after i graduated that teacher still checked up on me for a few years every now and again.
4th year university was when i realized how much i had let myself go. i was the heaviest i had ever been, it was my graduating year, i was looking for a job and was always worried about my grades. every time i was stressed or every time i needed to study i bought pad thai and bubble tea. a ritual. i didnt realize how much that had caught up to me until i saw old pictures of myself. at this point, i started my (shitty) job, straight out of graduation.
i actively avoided scales, i didn’t like looking at the number because it just made me upset. and i already felt upset looking in the mirror, i didn’t need something else to make me upset. but i did. and i was 20 pounds heavier than i was in highschool - the heaviest i had ever been.
i cried.
i didnt do much about it. i was too busy. my first job out of uni was a brand new daycare and i was head teacher of a toddler class - also i was the only staff on floor since there were not as many kids. there was nobody to train me, at all. i had to teach myself everything. i had no time. 
a little while before starting the job, i met this guy. he was so hot, but such a dick - we had a “thing” but it was so toxic. he started off interested in me, but i turned him down. his attitude changed and he started being a douche, but we became friends because we were seeing each other so often. i didn’t have a car yet. he was driving me everywhere. he lived 5 minutes away. he was the type of friend that would text me “im outside, lets go out”. we hung out as friends at first, we would have “study dates”, until we started hooking up. we acted like a thing but he denied we were ever one - but got mad at me whenever i tried to look elsewhere. but i guess in that time, it was nice to be wanted, especially by someone so attractive. 
but again, a year in that shithole job went by fast. i would stay late after work. i would come in on weekends. i was expected to not only help new kids transition, but train new partners. and given that my supers refused to support me, i watched a lot of people quit due to pressure. i had to keep retraining. and kids kept coming. that never stopped. i can honestly say my class wasn’t settled until december, and i started in september. everyday it was ‘its fine, it will get better’. 
a year in that shithole, with 0 support, and i lost all the weight i gained - and more. i was the skinniest i had ever been. even in highschool. i looked at old pictures of myself from when i started the job at my heaviest. i couldnt believe that was me. and i was so happy looking at myself in the mirror. for once! 
after i quit that job, i started another job that i hoped would be a happy ending.
and it wasn’t. it stressed me out just as much. i also moved out by this point, a month after i started this job. my hours are whack. 7-9, 11:30-6. i woke up early and got home late. i never had free time. my last shift at my old job was 7-3:30 and i had the whole day to myself. im someone that needs social interaction and alone time, and by the time i got home i was so tired, i would just cook, clean, shower, and go to bed. and that was my life. sometimes i would get so tired that i couldn’t cook, i just went and ate out. i tried to make personal time with my friends after work but by the time i reached their house, it was late, and places were closed. and id have to leave early anyways because i had work early the next day... so fast food was the only way to make this work. on top of this, this was the most difficult class that i had ever had. the kids behaviours’ were so difficult and i couldn’t handle it. i would cry in my car 3x a week. i would cry 4 minutes before my shift starts in the washroom and walk out and pretend i was okay. i would have my boyfriend come over as much as i could just so i could cry in his arms. i couldnt leave this job because i had just moved out and having a consistent rent payment was a huge responsibility for me. as well, if you know anything about ECEs in canada, just know we make shit pay. but this job pays me better than most ECE jobs... by a landslide. AND gives me benefits, which is so hard to find. i am still at this job - i was at my breaking point at the time covid started, so i was rejoicing when we closed for covid. i havent worked since march, but i needed that time off so desperately. 
with that being said, i gained the weight back.
not everything, but i definitely could tell i was packing on some pounds.
cue covid.
i havent worked since march. i fell back into a lazy routine of ordering fast food. lying in bed. resting. just enjoying NOT dealing with my difficult class. 
but i gained it all back. and i think im back at my heaviest weight. i picked up all my summer clothes from last year from my moms... half of them dont fit me. my favourite pair of shorts won’t close. i just sat and cried in a mess of clothes on my floor in front of the mirror. this was last week.
im trying to tell myself, ‘you’re in the middle of a global pandemic, go easy on yourself’... but do you know what it’s like to finally get what you’re chasing, and have it be taken away from you? i finally had a taste of what it was like to look AND feel good about myself. something ive wanted since i was a teenager...and it’s gone. it’s my fault and i accept that, so please don’t tell me i did this to myself. i know i did. but i can still be upset about it. i look in the mirror and i try to suck my stomach in and pretend nothing changed but its not the same. i see old pictures of myself, especially that bikini pic. ironically, i captioned it “i will never have the confidence to take a bikini pic again”... and here we are. i look at the clothes i wore last year and remember how fucking good i felt wearing them. i try putting them back on and seeing my stomach bulging and my arms looking fat and my love handles, something i didn’t see last year. and i just take them off and opt to wear something frumpier that doesnt hug my figure.
i try to tell people about how i feel but i cant take those ‘love yourself and all your flaws’ campaigns seriously. i dont think i can listen to another ‘you have to just keep faking it until you make it and if u just tell urself ur beautiful u will feel beautiful!’
because if you’re me, you know you cant kid yourself. if you’re me you can’t ‘love every flaw’. you fixate on them. and you let them define you. and if youre me, flaws are all you see.
i hate myself for getting back to this point. 
i have a very supportive boyfriend that knows about all this, who is trying to actively get me to go on runs with him. we are trying to go for walks more and be out and about. he reminds me of little things, like if we are getting bubbletea he will suggest i go with less sugar. he is trying, we are trying. and i appreciate him so much.
today i complained in my car about this to my boyfriend, again. for the millionth time. and he still was supportive. but i just feel like i cant keep doing this to him. he said something today, which i think was him trying to give me a reality check to show me that i cant just wish i could starve myself and overwork myself to lose weight and call it a day... but it stung. he said “i don’t want to be with someone that’s not healthy. i have standards too” and i realized then he deserves so much better than to fucking babysit my complaining ass. i am 24. and i shouldnt be putting this on him. he is an adult with problems just as real as mine and i shouldnt be burdening him with this anymore. 
im scared to talk to him about how that comment made me feel, because he’s so right, and he has every right to leave me. i would honestly. the amount that i worry and fixate on all my flaws and complain and have crying breakdowns about this is not fucking normal. and it shouldnt be his problem. i just want him to be with someone that doesnt give him this baggage. he met me in my ‘prime’ days when i just started getting my skinny body last year. when we finally started dating, we were super sexually active. and i mean, having sex like 15 times a week. im not kidding. now we havent had sex in almost an entire month. i dont feel sexy anymore and its impacting my sex drive.. he tries to start it with me and i just can’t because i feel like he is probably repulsed by my body. this is a huge huge huge problem, seeing as sex was a huge part of our relationship (we are very emotionally in tune with one another, but sex was a great addon because we both love it so much). i hate the way i look without clothes on. i cant bring myself to do it because it makes me feel like shit about myself.
but we are moving in together next month. and that is a huge step. and i am worried that i will never change, and he’s going to feel like he’s stuck with me because he’s moving 40 minutes away from his hometown to live with me. i almost want us to break up so he can be with someone with less baggage but i also love him and i want to be better for him and for us. 
someone please help me. 
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haespoir · 6 years
witch / cafe owner ! doyoung
genre: tooth rotting fluff
pairing: doyoung x reader  
warnings: cringe? ? ? 
word count: 1.4k 
a/n: i needed witch doyoung but this turned more into cafe owner,,, so i might do a more witch related one?? ? hehehe idk i just word vomited so i hope you enjoy :-)
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ok so you cant tell me that doyoung is not a musical witch 
like say whatever you want 
but he’s got music flowing through his veins
this means he works with music, musical chimes, or rhythm during his spells and rituals !!! 
like imagine him humming and singing during a ritual aaa a. a a
or even playing instruments like the triangle or something 
omg that would be so PRECIOUS 
contrary to popular belief his house is not loud or noisy 
he has little music boxes that he’s charmed to play in harmony with each other ( think merry go round of life from howl’s moving castle ) 
it’s so calming and just ugh. 
it literally calms your soul 
which is a good thing !! ! ! 
bc he runs a small little cafe in town hehehe with the same charmed music boxes 
it’s a small little two story cafe that sits snug between a hair shop and a bookstore
which means he gets a lot of business 
usually he’s able to handle it all
with his little charmed whisks and ovens working hard in the back, he’s never really needed much help around his little cafe 
it’s not until idols start going to the hair shop next door and that means a huge influx of customers bc everyone wants to get their hair done at the same shop as their idol 
spoiler doyoung thinks it’s dumb and the excited shrieks of the fans piss him off 
like when he glares at his fansites,,, that’s exactly how he glares at the fans that come and disrupt his peace
i mean he’s so used to the calm bustle of his normal customers 
the wild crowds that come and go drive him crazy 
and he no longer wants to work the counter anymore 
so a help wanted sign goes up 
and that’s where you come in ! 
you’re actually not bending over backwards broke because of college 
but you’re tired of asking your parents for money and you just want to get your own job so you buy them gifts with your own money 
( aaawww how cute what a good soul ) 
now you’ve always been a regular at doyoung’s little cafe 
every time you walk in your eyes are literally shining because it is so FASCINATING 
you’ve never been to a cafe as cozy as his 
you’re not sure if it’s the twinkling music that dances in the air or if it’s the warm tones of the brick wall
or maybe it’s the foliage that occupies the corners where the ceiling and wall meet that wrap the cafe in this type of comforting vibe 
you often do your homework there,,,, and perhaps take too many naps but it’s kind of inevitable because wow that place is just so calming and cozy 
as soon as the sign goes up, you’re the first one to apply and doyoung is like ? ?  i didn’t even have the sign up for two days 
but he knows you’re a regular and he kind of trusts you? ? ? 
which is how you get the job in less than a week 
soon you’re donning a loose fitting white blouse with a black ribbon tie and a warm brown apron, working comfortably besides doyoung hehee
it doesn’t take long for you to really grasp how everything works and you absolutely love working there? ? ? 
i mean given doyoung is usually the one making the drinks and giving out orders while you take care of the cash register 
you two fall into a routine and it’s quite comforting 
lets say about two months pass by and while you love your job and doyoung is one of the best bosses you’ve ever had, you don’t know much about him?? 
you know that, while he’s an amazing baker, he prefers to let his enchanted utensils do the work. you know that he prefers white chocolate over any other ( which is gross doyoung you’re nasty i still love you but white chocolate is NASTY ) and he always is drinking a mango white tea  
but it’s not enough ? ?
so one day you gather the courage to ask him to hang out 
like outside of work 
and good lord did you need a lot of courage 
imagine doyoung, cherry bomb!era purple hair, a dark navy beret sitting snug upon his head as he looks at you, his eyebrow raised slightly in curiosity; a loose white blouse resting on his broad shoulders and it’s unbuttoned enough for you to see the thin silver chain that rests on his neck 
i think i would faint oh my 
but you’re able to mutter the words out “can we hang out, like outside of work? i mean i just want to get to know my boss !!! ” 
and gosh doyoung is so precious he just says of course with the gummiest smile and you feel your heart jump out of you chest 
like the uwu jumped out 
i mean 
perhaps you did have a teensy crush on him 
like you’ve never heard him really sing, but gosh he’s always humming and with the most endearing closed lip smile too 
it reduces your heart into a pile of goo in your chest 
and even when he asks questions like if any goods need to be replaced,, your heart is ZOOMING 
it makes sense that he’s a witch with an affinity for music 
his voice is literally music to your ears and does things to your heart that you can’t explain
so maybe it’s more than a teensy little crush 
a big Crush with a capital C and emphasis on big 
but anyways the big day rolls around and you’re so NERVOUS ! !! !
you guys meet outside of the cafe and soon you’re off down the street 
and your thoughts are just running wild 
does he feel the attraction between you two? 
is it just all in your head? ? ? 
but you’re too shy to ask and soon enough you guys are off to visit a museum,,, about witches hehehe 
i mean people know about witches and in this perfect world that i’ve crafted, there are no stereotypes that hurt them 
so doyoung takes you through the museum and you can literally feel the excitement oozing off of him 
he’s animatedly talking about everything and holding your hand without even realizing it ( or so you think ) 
you’re being dragged around by him, but not in a bad way 
it’s so nice to see him passionately telling you about things that you’ve never really went out of your way to learn about  
and doyoung’s heart is soaring 
bc like you’re so interested in his history, in learning about where he comes from and it just makes him infinitely happy !! 
Big Spoiler: he most definitely has a crush on you and has had one since you’ve stepped foot into his cafe 
but the day is spent so nicely with him ? ? it’s like you guys were made for each other ( going✈soulmate!au ) and you’re so upset that you’ve wasted so much time bc you were too shy 
anyways you guys are walking back to your place bc he refuses to let you walk home alone ( A WWW W ) your fingers are intertwined and they’re swinging with every step 
your heart at this point has fallen out of your ass and you’re going ✈ DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH KIM DONGYOUNG !!! 
all you can think about is how perfect the day was and you honestly wouldn’t mind doing it again 
like everyday LMAOFNS
but you’re in your own world until his voice breaks your little trance 
“you know i’m mad that it took this long” 
and you’re like bro wtf u mean ? ? 
“i’ve liked you since you’ve set foot into my cafe.” 
BOOM ! your heart? ? ? gONE 
you’ve got your phone out, calling a lawyer bc you want to sue him for making your heart explode 
like you literally can’t bite back the smile that itches to break out across the span of your lips and you’re just ?? speechless ?? 
he lets out the most melodic chuckle you’ve ever heard in your life and you’re still searching for words and it’s like he’s stolen them 
he ruffles your hair, with the most affectionate and endearing smile on his lips. you can see the smile lines forming above his cheeks 
and you swear there’s no one else in the world but you two and wow he’s just perfect 
“let’s do this again, soon. and not as an employee wanting to get to know their boss, but as your first date, with your boyfriend.” 
and of course you say yes heheheheh 
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casperwrites · 7 years
majo n alena for the send me a ship thingmajing :////
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
alena but she hates yelling so she’d probably catch herself
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
i personally don’t think either o them would really leave?? maybe walk out?? but they’d come back??
Who trashes the house?
alena lmao
Do either of them get physical?
hell to the no no to the no no no
How often do they argue/disagree?
not to often
Who is the first to apologise?
depends on who starts it i guess, probably alena though bc majo is the one person she doesn’t want to be mad
Who is on top?
alena, most of the time, maybe… depends on her mood
Who is on the bottom?
majo usually
Who has the strangest desires?
alena probably??
Any kinks?
costumes, dirty talk, pda, scratching, leaving marks, hair pulling, maybe sex toys??
Who’s dominant in bed?
alena?? maybe??
Is head ever in the equation?
If so, who is better at performing it?
alena but majo is learning
Ever had sex in public?
most likely
Who moans the most?
Who leaves the most marks?
Who screams the loudest?
Who is the more experienced of the two?
alena lmao
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
lowkey making love
Rough or soft?
tbh alena usually likes it kinda rough and fast but she’ll go as slow & soft as majo wants to
How long do they usually last?
till majo can’t feel her legs :)
Is protection used?
Does it ever get boring?
lmao nah
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
the closet at majos house during the holidays :)
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?
If so, how many children do your muses want/have?
Who is the favorite parent?
Who is the authoritative parent?
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?
alena lmao
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?
both but majo probably tells her she’s going
Who goes to parent teacher interviews?
once again, majo but she drags alena with her
Who changes the diapers?
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?
both, mostly majo though
Who spends the most time with the children?
i feel like it’s a happy medium with both?? but if majos a nurse?? probably alena
Who packs their lunch boxes?
majo lmao
Who gives their children ‘the talk’?
alena. it’ll probably be real vague or like an old buzzfeed article like ‘read this, come to me if you have any questions’. 
Who cleans up after the kids?
Who worries the most?
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
alena lmao
Who likes to cuddle?
Who is the little spoon?
majo usually but tbh… someone hold alena she just needs a fuckin hug
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
reposition bitches, yall gonna cuddle all the time 
Who gives the most kisses?
majo but alena always gives them back
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
alena doing majos makeup
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
i feel like they cuddle on the couch a lot
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? 
alena, shes always touching this girl i s2g
How often do they get time to themselves?
they live alone…together… so a lot
Who snores?
If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
start out separately but end up together
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
cozy up
Who talks in their sleep?
What do they wear to bed?
majo wears one of alenas shirts and alena wears a sports bra (sometimes) and underwear?? 
Are either of your muses insomniacs?
alena is 
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
limbs for sure
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Who wakes up first?
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
majo, alena tries but… ya know
What is their favourite sleeping position?
face to face with their legs tangled together or just really close and holding hands or some gay shit like that
Who hogs the sheets?
alena lmao
Do they set an alarm each night?
majo does, alena… she wings it
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
Who has nightmares?
alena does
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? 
Who makes the bed? 
What time is bed time? 
eleven or twelve but they probably dont sleep till later. just lay there and talk
Any routines/rituals before bed?
i feel like majo washes her face?? she seems like that kind of person but alena likes night showers so!! 
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Who is the busiest?
right now, majo
later… both busy but prob still majo
Who rakes in the highest income?
a nurse and a producer… hmm… i don’t know?? majo would probably have a more stable one?? but rn they’re both kinda well… broke lmao
Are any of your muses unemployed?
Who takes the most sick days?
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Who sucks up to their boss?
What are their jobs?
a nurse and a producer!! (( like later!! future!! when they’re married and have kids and a dog ))
Who stresses the most?
alena stresses a lot when a deadline is coming but majo?? maybe??
Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
they’re both happy ish?? later in life at least??
Are your muses financially stable?
stable enough rn but later, yes
Who does the washing?
Who takes out the trash?
Who does the ironing?
Who does the cooking?
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? 
Who is messier? 
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
Who is the prankster around the house?
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Who mows the lawn?
Who answers the telephone?
Who does the vacuuming?
Who does the groceries?
both ( majo drags alena, she doesn’t help but... she comes )
Who takes the longest to shower?
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Is money a problem?
they’re in college wut do u think
How many cars do they own?
now, one each. later... five.
Do they own their home or do they rent?
rent atm
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?
Do they live in the city or in the country? 
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
What’s their song?
be my baby by ariana grande
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
alena is probably wasting money on makeup, making a bad decision, or smoking... majo is probably being a good person and feeding the poor and doing her homework... fuckin nerd
Where did they first meet?
How did they first meet?
alena tried to hit on her 
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
alena lmao
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Any mental issues?
alena has bipolar disorder and insomnia !! idk about majo.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Who kills the spiders around the house?
lol majo
Their favourite place?
as long as their together, it’s a good place to be
Who pays the bills?
both but majo handles them
Do they have any fears for their future?
alenas scared majos gonna find someone better :))
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Who uses up all of the hot water? 
Who’s the tallest?
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
What do they tease each other about?
alena teases her about still using emails & her height
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
alena @ majo, prob the scrubs like ‘cant u wear that little uniform u wore last night’ but also... dont bc we wouldn’t want alena to go to jail
Do they have mutual friends?
Who crushed first? 
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
not... really
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
alena !!
Who swears the most?
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13flowersandfoxes · 8 years
all the backyard flower garden AND sweet n soft questions
sweet- what’s your favorite type of candyGhirardellis dark chocolate and sea salt and caramel

smooth- do you like classical musicSometimes. I especially like film scores for my fave movies.

baby- do you want to be a parent Maybe

courage- are you a strong athlete Used to be. Not really now.

lovely- what’s the adjective you use when people ask “how are you”Good
cutie- what’s your favorite orange thing? I don’t love orange. Maybe some flowers.

skin- do you want any tattoosI’ve considered getting a Jasmine flower as a memoriam for my old dog Jasmine.

pictures- is art important to you in any wayI love the history and looking at it wanted it around me but I’m no good at it or anything.

stars- use one word to describe space Big

religion- do you practice religion - what religion if soMormon

one- are you a competitive personVery
makeup- what is your most heavily used makeup product Lipstick or eyeliner

sheets- how many blankets do you sleep with 1 big one

chalk- what subject are you best at in schoolHistory

blush- are you easily embarrassed Typically

water- when was the last time you cried Not sure

karma- do you believe in luckNot particularly?

lips- what is your favorite thing to taste I dunno. Spicy or chocolate generally.

cupcake- cookies, pie, ice cream or cakeBrownies. Or brownies in ice cream.

music- list your 3 favorite bands or artists ParamoreKate NashFall out boy

night- how many hours of sleep do you get10-12. I need lots to function.

smile- how was your day todayDull but okay.
Ageratum: Are you friendly or wary of strangers?Friendly but I’m careful.
American Marigold: Is there anything you will not/cannot eat?Cucumbers and bacon.
Black-Eyed Susan: Have you ever given/received a black eye? Why?Nope.
Bleeding-heart: Do you open up freely with their emotions, or do you bottle it up until you burst? If you do hold it in, what is usually your breaking point?It depends. But most people I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve at least lately.
Butterfly-Weed: What is one thing that always makes you stop and admire, no matter what you were doing prior?Animals, certain flowers. But always animals.
Common Yarrow: Do you easily blend in with the crowd, or do you wear/act so that you are noticeable and stand out?Lol I tend to stand out with my clothes and make up.
Cornflower: Is there a color you don’t particularly care to wear? Is it because it clashes with your style, appearance, or any other reason outside of simple dislike for said color?I don’t love wearing red most of the time just cause it doesn’t look good on me. I generally don’t wear yellow or orange cause I don’t like them. I don’t like pink much either but it tends to be on purple stuff so I go with it.
Creeping Zinnia: Do you listen into other people’s conversations, either idly or purposely? Has there been anything you learned from it? Have you gotten into trouble?Sometimes my parents. But I’m a bit of a people watcher in public. Not to be a snoop, just to observe. I love seeing what a variety of people there are in the world yet how we experience similar things.
Daylily: Do you have any daily routines/habits? Are they ingrained into you as a child or have they been recent additions?I have more recent ones like soaking my ears daily for my piercings. I try to be regular with makeup and things and I’ve been starting a new journal idea I thought of.
Field Pansy: Have you ever gone and flown a kite before? Do you wish to do so if you haven’t?Yeah
Flowering Cabbage: Name one thing you keep, despite it being pointless or purposeless other than sentimental value or you simply cannot throw it away, and state the reason why you hang onto it.I probably have a few but I’m not at my parents house yet so I can’t think of anything off hand.
Garden Impatiens: What causes you to lose patience? How do you react when you lose it? People who just wanna complain all the time, I tend to try to get them to see why they shouldn’t but they normally just argue with me so I end up more frustrated idk
Gooseneck Loosestrife: Is there anything strange or unusual you can do, or have noticed happening around you without an identifiable cause?I’m double jointed that’s like one of the only weird things I can do.
Hosta: Do you enjoy the time out in the sun, or do you relax in the shade whenever you get the chance to do so?Depends. I prefer if it’s windy and cooler aired when it’s sunny. Otherwise I’ll be in the shade. (Not to mention my light sensitivity.)
Ivy Geranium: Do you have any pets? If so, how are they doing?I have a cat and a dog. My dog is fine as far as I know. My cat is a little upset cause he misses me but I’m gonna be home hopefully before noon on Tuesday
Japanese Bloodgrass: When was the last time you drew blood, either from yourself or from another? What was the reason?They did general blood tests on me in the hospital in January
Lady’s Mantle: What is one outfit you remember your mother/guardian wearing when you were a child?Mom jeans and high school marching band t shirts
Lambs Ears: Do you remember how old you were when the last time someone tried to sensor their speech around you?When I first got here to my aunts she kept apologizing to me every time she said fuck and i don’t think she has for a while now
Lavender: Is there a particular scent you are fond of? Do you smell this scent often or rarely? Books, not as often as I should. Also my cats fur.
Million Gold: How much money do you make, if any? How much money do you have currently? None right now cause I’ve been unemployed by choice. Hoping I can get a job soon. And I have less money than I’d prefer lol.
Moss Phlox: Have there been any new friends you have made? What do you want to know about them the most?I’ve made a couple. And no not really?
Nasturium: Have you ever been the one to be told a secret? Did you keep it or did you share it with someone else? Was the secret worth being kept?Yes I’ve been told lots. Some I’ve kept and some I haven’t TBH. It’s life, sue me.
Ornamental Purslane: Do you wear any jewelry? Which ones are your favorites? Do you favor certain metals/gems/styles?I always wear a yin yang ring (I accidentally left it at my parents house though :( ) and then there’s my daith rings. I love purple and amethyst jewelry. I like bracelets and necklaces but I don’t have any I wear all the time. There have been a few I wanted though. Like bpd awareness necklaces or something idk.
Rose Campion: If you had to fight, which one person would you chose to fight at your side? Would you pick them based on skill, on trust, or both?I’m struggling to think of any martial artists i know lol
Salvia-May-Night: What your habits/rituals you do when preparing for bed? How long do you usually sleep for?General bathroom stuff, meds, journal, bible and prayer if I remember.
Snapdragon: What sort of things would you hoard, if given the chance? Would you? Makeup and clothes. And probably cats and shoes. This is me dude 😂
Snow-In-Summer: Would you rather have winter or summer? What are the benefits or reason to your preferred season over the other?Winter. I just really REALLY hate being hot.
Sunflower: Name one thing that will always make you smile.My cat
Thread-leaf Tickseed: Are you an insect-magnet when you go outside, or do you insects generally leave you alone? Insects have never really bothered me. It actually shocked me the first time a mosquito ever bit me while I was awake.
Variegated Solomon’s Seal: What is one thing you wished you could seal away and never see/feel/use/etc again? Why?Being sexually assaulted. It was relatively minor, like when I told my friends about it it was like yeah there’s literally no police case. But it was someone I considered a friend and it was just.. shitty.
Wheat Cockscomb: Name one thing you could do that you wished you could do, but cant?Instantaneously have a healthy functioning body without the excess weight
Yellow Cosmos: What is your favorite constellation? Why?Orion. Just cause it reminds me of when I would stargaze with my dad on our front lawn every night and our house faced east so we had a perfect view of Orion. (I actually struggle more with finding the dippers cause the trees in our neighborhood blocked those haha)
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