#i cant look else i skewer someone
sheepgirlmaidtummy · 1 year
seeing my wife :3 really really real
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davrosfan23 · 8 months
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I felt they really missed a trick with the final boss in MK1…..so here is my take on how to improve it
The Problem
I found it rather disrespectful that after 30 years Shang Tsung was finally coming back to the series as the sole villain and Final boss. He has always been a prominent bad guy but is usually overshadowed by a bigger villain or has to share the spotlight with someone else . This was his time to shine again as the main antagonist …….and he,s reduced to being a reskinned version of his New era incarnation and has all the same moves despite it not making much sense because they are very different people
He also spent a good chunk of Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath feasting on the souls of others to steal their strength and power…so that should have been implemented……it just comes across as very lazy because they implement boss fights in invasion mode but cant do it for one of the most iconic haracters
In an ideal world we would bring back Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa to reprise the role but if that was not an option I would give him the following look
He is dressed in extravagant crimson and black robes with the crown of kronika upon his head. His skin has become pallid and corpse like with eyes that now glow a sickly green, He now resembles something akin to shinnok than the mortal man we once knew . He has used to his new role as Time Keeper to dabble further into the darkest of magic and it has corrupted his body
Basic attacks
They do more damage than the average fighter with some of his more powerful moves being capable sending his opponent flying . It makes sense he would have enhanced strenth from taking the soul of Shao Kahn
Special moves
· The triple fireball/: is now his only projectile …..it does more damage and is faster than the new era shangs version
· Triple ground fireball same
· Slashing: This shang does not have the claws so he instead summons 2 lightning swords similar to Raiden in MK 11 and slashes with them**. He absorbed Raidens soul in 11 so is exploiting another skill he gained**
· Spikes: Titan shang summons a large clawed hand from the ground to skewer his foes**. As a godlike being he now wields power similar to shinnok and is at the height of his magical prowess**
. Lightning bolt: summons a bolt of red lighting to strike his opponent.
The soul steal: He draws energy from the crown to create a shield around himself that both protects him from damage and restores a portion of his health (requires recharge so he cant spam it ) The idea here is that thanks to the crown …….he now no longer needs to feed directly on his foe and can simply summon souls  from the crown
· Sindels scream: with the same banshee effect from 11
· Time stop: waves his hand and stops time for a few seconds
· Shape shift : he changes into whoever he is fighting and gains access to their move set
· Rather than shape shifting into an old man he instead shifts between his regular form and Damashi
Fatal blow: He shapeshifts into various people he’s absorbed such as night wolf and Shao kahn to deal heavy damage. This would be similar to his MK11 fatal blow where he became the ninjas.
Fatality 1: He summons a tiny wisp of fire from his hand and sends it into his opponent through their mouth It proceeds to expand within them and basically disintegrates them from the inside out. The only thing that is left is the orb now transformed to the size of a small sun ……floating ominously
Fatality 2: He morphs into Damashi and gently places his/her hand upon the head of whoever they are fighting……and they simply age to dust.
All this gives this iconic villain his due as he reclaims his throne as the final boss ….and makes him truly a Titan
this would be the basic inspiration of his robes …
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kuroo-shitsurou · 3 years
Conditioner (Juban)
note: ngl i think i made them a bit ooc here but SDGJAGF pls i just cant they make me so happy
word count: 1.4k
"Yuzo-san was brutal as ever today," Taichi whined as he got out of the bath.
"Good. Somebody needs to remind this troupe to buck-up or else we'll get overshadowed by the others." Sakyo shifted his glasses, eyeing how tired the rest of troupe members seemed to be. His lead role in Ginji wasn't as difficult to play, given that he already had a yakuza background, but he knew how much the others struggled with their roles. Seriously, how the hell are the yakuza related to hotdogs and juicy weenies or whatever the hell Taichi blabbed about earlier?
"It wasn't that hard, really." Banri piped up from the couch.
"Easy for you to fuckin' say." Juza muttered under his breath.
"Try sayin' that to my face, will 'ya?"
"I said-"
"So! Anyone up for some meat skewers tonight? There was a great sale at the market earlier." Omi spoke up to break the tension between the two. It would be a headache dealing with them if they went full-on brawl mode.
"Ooh, that sounds good!" Taichi could already feel his stomach rumbling.
"In that case, I'd better hop in the shower real quick so I can get started on dinner." Omi moved his gaze to where Juza stood, "Come on, Juza."
Juza gave a small grunt of approval, still glaring daggers at Banri.
"Why must you two always act like such children?" Sakyo pinched the bridge of his nose.
"We ain't children. You're just old."
Taichi snickered at this comment from Banri until he saw the menacing aura that Sakyo emitted.
"The hell did you say to me?"
Taichi prayed for Banri's soul.
"What's that, Juza?" Omi eyed the pink bottle Juza was toying with in his hands.
"Muku got this for me earlier today. He said it was conditioner."
"How nice of him. I never really took you for a guy who uses conditioner. No offense."
"Nah, you're right. I normally don't, but it wouldn't hurt to try it once in a while. It'd be a shame if it went to waste anyway."
Omi chuckled as he rinsed the suds out of his hair, "Thoughtful as always."
Juza felt a faint blush form on his cheeks as he massaged the sweet-smelling conditioner through his locks.
"'S whatever."
Juza and Omi finally exited the bathroom to see Banri teaching Taichi how to properly solve a rubiks cube.
"So then you turn it here, then here, then twist this part up, and you got it." Banri's fingers were quick to solve the cube perfectly.
"Banny I asked you to teach me, not solve it for me!" Taichi wept crocodile tears.
"Ah, my bad."
"Omi! Juza! You're finally back! Can't wait to taste those meat skewers." The redhead happily greeted the two who were fresh from the bath.
"I'll get started right away. Come help me out for a bit, Taichi."
"Sir yes sir!" Taichi made a beeline for the kitchen with Omi happily humming behind him.
Banri and Juza felt an awkward pause in the room before Juza moved to sit with Banri on the couch. Not beside him though, he was at the opposite end from where the blond was sitting.
He didn't know why, but Banri shifted in his seat and fidgeted with the rubiks cube in his hands; Messing it up and then reassembling it again.
"'Grats on practice today," Banri was sure that there was still leftover water in his ears.
"I said 'grats on practice, you deaf fuckface." Was that a blush on Juza's face? "Yuzo-san barely gave criticism on your part for the yakuza shtick. That doesn't mean you'll be top dog, though. I'm still gonna beat your ass."
Banri snickered, "As if. I'm gonna steal the show and have you eat my dust." He turned his body just enough for him to be facing his roommate, "Thanks, though. Whatever, I guess."
His nose picked up an unfamiliar scent; It was sweet and light, which was surprising, since Omi said he was going to be cooking something far from sweet tonight. His eyes wandered to Juza, who was drying his hair with a towel.
"What're you lookin' at?" Juza scowled.
"N-Nothing," Banri stuttered, and he mentally cursed himself for doing so.
"D-Did you use something?"
"A new shampoo or something," Banri chose his words carefully to pretend like he didn't give a flying fuck about Juza (which was quite the opposite, actually, but Banri would rather die than admit it).
"Wh-? Yeah. Muku gave me a new conditioner." Juza quickly looked at the pink bottle again, "Bubblegum. Eh."
Banri felt his breath get caught in his throat. How the hell was he so cute and dumb at the same time?!
"I see."
Banri had this incredibly dumb idea. It was going to satisfy the burning desire building in the pit of his stomach, but it was also absolutely dumb. It was going to give him a sense of fulfillment, but it was also unbelievably dumb.
And you know what? Maybe Banri Settsu was dumber than he initially accounted for.
"You're doing it wrong." He spoke up nervously, to which Juza cocked his eyebrow at.
"The hell are you-"
Before Juza could even finish his sentence, Banri was already up and behind the sofa, with Juza sitting directly in front of him. He grabbed the towel from Juza's hand and started to twist his damp locks between the fabric.
"Settsu, what in the actual fuck are you doing?" Although Juza's voice was laced with venom and despise for the blond, he made no move to dissuade the other from stopping his actions.
"You're drying your hair wrong and it's annoying me." Banri's reply was quick and quiet. He focused on getting Juza's hair dry.
Banri's mind went blank. There was just one word running through his brain right now.
Juza's hair was incredibly fucking soft.
This was the first time that Banri had a feel of Juza's hair right after he got out of the shower, and he hated the fact that it was so soft to the touch. You'd think that his hair would be all rough and dry and spiky with the amount of gel he uses. Maybe it was the conditioner? He silently thanked Muku for that.
The soft texture of his luscious purple locks mixed with the intoxicating scent of bubblegum made Banri's head spin. This was bad.
On the receiving end, Juza was confused and... embarrassed. When was the last time he had someone dry his hair for him? Maybe when he was back in grade school? And for his rival to be the one doing so? This was so weird... and yet, so comforting.
Though he wouldn't admit it, Juza liked how Banri's fingers massaged through his scalp. He liked it how Banri would ruffle his hair with the towel. He liked it how Banri gave his full and undivided attention to him, and him alone.
"There," The male's voice called to him, snapping him out of his daze.
"A-Ah, yeah. Th-Thanks, I guess." Juza coughed to hide the blush on his face.
"Do it right next time. It's annoying when you do it like a dumb kid." Truth be told, there was nothing wrong with how Juza was drying his hair. Banri just wanted to touch his hair. As if he'd ever say that aloud.
"...And what if I don't do it right next time?" Juza's quiet voice ripped the smirk off Banri's face for a split second. It was so fast that Juza's brain didn't even register it happening.
"Guess I'll have to show you how to do it until you get it right." For a brief moment, Juza thought that Banri was smiling at him. A soft, calming smile. Nah. This was Banri Settsu; Annoying, loudmouthed, disgusting, cute (?), calming (???) Banri Settsu. He wouldn't smile at him like that... Right?
"Dinner's almost ready!" Omi called from the kitched.
"Hey! Omi told me that we should call for the others!" Taichi came bounding towards the two, oblivious to the tense atmosphere between them.
"Yeah, I'll call the left wing." Juza stood from where he was seated, annoyed at how wobbly his knees felt.
"I'll go right."
"I'll go with you, Banny! Hey, why do your hands smell like bubblegum?"
"Shut up, Taichi!"
Juza snickered lightly to himself as he went to knock on the dorm rooms.
He needed to thank Muku for the conditioner.
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chanaihimaa · 3 years
FFXIV Write #8 - Adroit
Chanai drifted away and parked himself against a wall somewhere tucked away from the crowd, a sense of feeling flighty and cantankerous plucking at his seams like a delicately stringed lyre. The meeting of a man with more weight than the mass he carried on his person was in order this night – someone worth striking a deal with – and, damn it all, now he’d gone and let Jace out of his sight. The cogs of his imagination was unkind, painting visions of someone skewering the man in the back with a knife. There was no dignity about it – none at all. But some would feel Jace didn’t deserve it and now… No. No, no-one was going to stab Jace in the back. Not here. But that didn’t stop Chanai from chewing through his cheek and his attempts to cease the sweat accumulating in his palms. Gods damnit, what had gotten into him? As adroit as he was at working these things before, he knew this game like the back of his hand. So what the Hells was wrong with him?
“Are you Chanai?”
His train of thought abruptly stuttered. Chanai glanced once, gave a double-take, and furrowed his brow under a heavy frown at the woman as if he had been outright insulted, his jaw setting. “Feck off,” he bristled bluntly before a far more articulate thought could come to mind. A suitably mortified gasp fueled the woman’s departure without so much as another word. …That was cruel, he regrettably thought, a momentary twist in the low of his belly quicker than the belated urge to wring his fingers. Surely she didn’t mean any harm by it, did she? That woman didn’t deserve being snapped at, even if she probably was no better than the people she surrounded herself with. These kind of people… They didn’t think they’re selfish, but they are. Some might even convince themselves that they, to a vast degree, were good. They may hold charitable events under questionable circumstances with no show for where exactly the gil went other than plump their already fatten gil purses and feel partly moved to spare their leftovers to those in and outside the walls for the sake of making themselves feel better. Just enough to say they’ve done ‘their part’ to help them sleep at night and carry on with their life. It disgusted him, viscerally. Playing this part, being around them longer than he necessarily had to b– “You wouldn’t mind if I stand here, do you?” Fuck me sideways. Chanai barely acknowledged the older man that approached him. “Ain’t no stoppin’ you,” he muttered distractdely, searching the crowd for Jace’s figure. Jace was tall enough that one really just needed to be on the look-out for someone that fit the ‘silver fox’ description. He spied Dina, caught up in conversation with some other halfwit, but Jace was gone. Godsdamn. Probably schmoozing, but– “Cigarette?” The man attempted to offer him. “Not from you,” Chanai automatically quipped. He had more things on his plate to worry about. “Ahhh~ I get it. Not one for things like this, I take it.” the man mused. It was then Chanai felt obliged to at least spare a look, if only to understand why he hadn’t taken the hint yet. He was probably the same age as Jace; blonde, a little shorter with a forgettable face. The man sniffed on a rather dry curl of a soft smirk as he fiddled to light his own cigarette. “Are you sure? You look like you could use a cigarette,” he tried. Chanai’s eyes subtly narrowed. “I’a don’t do small-talk,” he said, shortly. Jace, he thought, almost a little frantically, as he turned his eyes to scan the crowd once more, why’d you have to fucking bring me here?
“I know,” the man murmured, exhaling a small flume of smoke. “I was watching you. You’re quite unfriendly, you know,” he noted absently, letting cigarette ash drop onto the marble floor at his feet. “I like that.” Oh, Gods, a melter. Not now. Chanai resisted the urge to bolt for the nearest exit. “Sounds like a right problem for you t’work through on your own, aye?” He didn’t mean it to be funny. He never meant for it to sound funny in any way, but the man laughed all the same. “I guess it is,” the man chuckled, taking it as an invitation. “You’re the new addition making a muck of things, aren’t you?  The one who sold information over for…” A twinkle of intrigue illuminated caramel brown eyes. An annoyed click of his tongue. “M’sorry, and you are?” Chanai asked, irritated despite himself. “Arnor,” the man introduced himself without falter as he turned his body slightly to rest his leaning shoulder against the wall, his sandy hair sweeping along his shoulders. Tobacco smoke curled Chanai’s face with a quiet reverence, tainted and sour. “Arnor Coldren, son of the friend of a friend. I’m afraid asking who is out of the question.” A snort. “Will I, yeah?” “The point is, I’m a wealthier lay than you, without a doubt, will ever have,” the stranger’s head canted softly on a smokey exhale. “What do you think?” For the first time that evening, Chanai felt the soothing wave of calm he’s felt all night wash over him as he stared up at Arnor and straight into his eyes. “O’what? A right-bollix with a face that could drive rats from a barn? Come now, lad. If nothin’ else, ‘ve got standards. Don’t insult me.”
@roguestly for the mention of her oc, Jace!
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skinks · 4 years
i cant put it into words but theres just something bouncing around in my head about that post of richie making the bbq joke and eddie getting skewered, and words having power in derry, richie insisting eddies not dead and screaming when they leave him, [screenshot of kissing bridge] i love you i love you i have to say it somewhere, [maggie voice] goodness richard i swear sometimes youre loud enough to wake the dead
Ok, you’re gonna have to bear with me because this whole entire thing is so much!
That post, the one you’re talking about, I know I made it back in October when the concept popped into my head in the shower, but I’m consumed with it. Idk if you saw someone made this kickass gifset about it too!! It’s been bouncing around in my head too. I’ve been thinking about it so much, brainstorming a ton to figure out a plot to go with it. Richie’s Magic Voice, believing makes things real — then it came to me!
There’s a fic I want to write, and ngl it’s the one thing I want to write above anything else, I want to make a really good job of it. Richie’s Voice is his power, it’s everything to him—it gives him the ability to be someone else. A way to hide, a barrier to put up, a noisemaker distraction. It’s his moneymaker! Voice acting, radio gigs, impressions, music, jokes, stand-up, it’s HIM. To him, he’s Richie “The Mouth”, right?
So I thought—turtle magic, obviously. Richie said I nominate Eddie. Richie screamed we can still help him! Maturin can see the humans have beaten IT, so why not a gift? You can still help him, Maturin says. Your magic for his.
So, Richie trades his voice for Eddie’s life! Suddenly it’s a mute!Richie fic! I have... SO MANY IDEAS, so many notes. Ventriloquy, mime, the golden thread of Richie’s livelihood binding up Eddie’s ruined torso.
It’s about the Losers trying to help him. It’s about Eddie knowing Richie did this to save him. It’s about Richie confronting all his fears about being obsolete, silenced and forgotten, how he has to see what his words look like written down first before he ever shows them to someone, it’s about him NO LONGER HAVING HIS TRASHMOUTH BARRIER TO HIDE BEHIND. He has to figure out what’s worth saying, and how to say it.
I’m at that stage where I can see entire scenes of the fic in my head, I just need to figure out how to plan and start it. The idea’s very near and dear to my heart lol 😭
But holy shit. “I swear sometimes you’re loud enough to wake the dead” is fucking genius, you’re lighting my brain up like a pinball machine. Hope you don’t mind if I.... use that....? 👀 Thank you for sending me this, I’m so glad the concept gets you like it gets me
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goldrushzukka · 4 years
1, 2, 7, 8, 9. (Sorry, i know that's like...all of them)
1. what themes would you like to write about that you feel don’t get explored very often?
i love writing coming out storylines. it’s not really that they’re uncommon, i just find a lot of catharsis in them. 
2. what are some common elements of stories you are tired of seeing? what would you avoid writing about?
i tend to avoid writing sibling dynamics bc i’m an only child and therefore not really. qualified. i love reading it though!! 
7. favourite description in your WIP?
it was really hard to pick one so i have a few answers for this bc i love to talk about myself so. (under the cut bc JESUS this got long but spoilers for and i’ll do anything you say (read it here!) ahead!!!)
- from chapter 2:
Sokka looks at him, a fantasy come to life, and takes off his stupid sweatpants.
He throws them at Zuko’s head, and earns himself a short burst of that real laugh, shocked and unguarded.
“You asshole,” Zuko says. He sits up and grabs Sokka’s hand, pulling him down on top of him. Something comes alive under Sokka’s skin where Zuko’s fingers graze his wrist. He calls it lust and ignores the fact that it feels nothing like it.
Zuko kisses him, his mouth still in the shape of laughter, and the alive thing screams for his attention. Sokka buries it and hopes it won’t deafen him before they’re done.
im very fond of this whole chapter (i think it’s probably my favourite? it was definitely the easiest to write) but i really love looking back on this part particularly now that we’re in the angsty part of the story bc this is where it all started. yes technically it started in chapter 1 but this is when sokka starts to fall for zuko. this is the beginning of all those pesky non-casual feelings that he’s going to pretend don’t exist until someone else calls him out on them.
- also from chapter 2:
He’s forty-five minutes late already, and when he knocks, a woman made of pursed lips and sharp angles answers the door. She looks elegant and expensive the same way a skyscraper does. Or a cache of medieval weaponry.
“Oh,” Sokka says, digging into his pocket to find the map on his phone. “I must have the wrong place, sorry -”
She looks him up and down, her eyes narrowed in a way that feels violent and practiced, and her smirk turns distasteful. Sokka risks a glance down at himself, at his torn up jeans - not distressed, just torn - and the Madonna t-shirt he’s pretty sure actually belongs to Katara, and thinks she might have a point. The bag in his hand feels heavier when her eyes land on it.
“Zuzu,” the woman calls into the apartment, “your dinner’s here.”
“I didn’t order -” Zuko appears in the doorway, bitter frustration in his expression as he looks at the woman.
His eyes fall on Sokka, though, and his face clears into a light-pollution smile.
this is technically two so i will start with: i love azula. i haven’t found any room to bring her back yet but believe me i am LOOKING. she’s hot and mean and gay and i LOVE HER. oh also insider scoop but suki’s date from earlier in this chapter.......WAS azula. they probably won’t see each other again because once azula met sokka and connected his face to the Best Friends Forever picture frame on suki’s desk she stopped answering the phone.
pt 2: i’ve had a couple of comments mention the “light-pollution smile” line specifically and i am always so happy to read them bc yeah. YEAH. i’ll admit it. that line HITS. 
- from chapter 4:
He sets his phone down - only, he doesn’t. He misses the table by a mile, and in his scramble to catch his phone before it breaks on the hardwood floor and wakes Momo on the cushion beside him, his hand finds the lip of his cereal bowl, and then that’s falling, too. He manages to catch the phone, but something in his head gets lost in translation on its way down his arms, and he ends up with a boxers-only lap full of soggy Cheerios.
Momo gets a splash of milk on his back and hisses at Zuko for his crimes, and somehow that’s the worst part of it.
haley @fruitysokka said that this passage reads like an action movie and i think about it all the time. (thank u haley i love u)
- lastly this extended metaphor from chapter 6:
The soup is good, once the heat of it clears him up enough to taste it. It’s thick and warm and there’s enough pepper that Sokka gets a kick from it even in his condition. He feels it all the way down his throat and into his stomach, where it mixes with the prickly nervousness he’s feeling from Zuko’s attention.
He sets the bowl down on the table and asks, eyes stuck on his hands in Momo’s fur where he’s climbed into his lap, “How was the date?”
“It was good, actually,” Zuko says. “Jet seems like a nice guy. He’s very - uh - passionate, I guess you could call it? He’s a climate and human rights activist.”
The spines of Sokka’s nervousness turn to daggers.
“I said yes. We’re getting lunch on Sunday.”
The daggers are swords now, and Sokka’s heart sinks down, down, down, right to the hilt.
“I’ll text you when I’m home,” Zuko promises, and Sokka’s heart skewers itself on a second sword.
Zuko’s smile when Sokka says, “Thank you for the soup,” is a third.
The door closing behind him is a fourth.
The silence as Sokka shuffles back to bed is every single one that remains.
something something canon swordsmen something pride comes before the fall something chivalry fell on his sword from eden by hozier. you guys get it i dont have to explain myself
8. favourite dialogue in your WIP?
ok so i cant share my actual favourite dialogue bc it's a spoiler for chapter 8 and i technically haven't written it yet (it's in my brain just.....plaguing me) but it's GOOD i SWEAR so. once again i have more than one answer bc actually? i love this fic and im proud of it. deal with it.
- from chapter 1:
“Hey, stranger,” Sokka says, still watching him in the mirror. The corner of Zuko’s mouth ticks up.
“You’re not following me, are you?” Zuko’s tone is seductive, endlessly so, and Sokka wonders while he dries his hands if he has to put it on or if he just sounds like that.
“You give a guy one compliment and he thinks you’re stalking him,” Sokka mutters, and Zuko laughs, low and enticing. Not the genuine, endearing laugh of this morning, but one with an agenda.
Well. Sokka always likes a plan.
“Are you following me? ” Sokka asks. He spies a miraculous dry patch on the sink bank and tries to be casual about the way he hops up to sit on it.
“I might be,” Zuko says, and at Sokka’s raised eyebrow, he continues, “I saw you at the bar and I wanted to talk to you. Sue me.”
“You wanted to talk.”
“Amongst other things.”
as a chronically awkward person i am INSANELY proud of the flirting in this fic. no idea if it would work in a real life situation. excited to never find out bc im not about to use lines from my fanfiction on real women. 
- from chapter 2
“You must be Suki,” Zuko says. He meets her gaze, and his fingers go still under Momo’s chin.
“And you’re Zuko,” Suki replies, her smile all different shades of intimidating. “I’d shake your hand, but I know where it’s just been.”
i wrote this entire scene just so i could have suki say this. im not even joking. suki is my favourite part of this entire fic and its not even ABOUT her.
- from chapter 3:
When Sokka crosses the room and slips under the covers beside him, Zuko says, “I can leave, if you want. I can go home.”
He asks, still barely hovering over Zuko, “What if I don’t want that?”
Zuko swallows. “I can stay.”
“So stay,” Sokka says, and lays his head down on Zuko’s chest.
i just think it’s sweet. i like it a lot. makes my heart hurt a little when i think about it. 
- from chapter 4:
[Suki // 15:13] there is a LOT of chmpagrjn
[Suki // 15:13] cahpmhagne
[Suki // 15:13] chsanpghn
[Suki // 15:14] alcohol :)
once again: suki is the best part of this whole fic. i love her so much. she is the reason the word bestie exists. im really proud of the texting in this fic bc it’s my first time actually including it in fic and it’s turned out really well!!
- ok last one bc i just realised this is turning into a novel. from chapter 4:
“How’s my baby?”
Zuko glances down at Momo, batting at the untied laces of his shoes with one determined paw. “He’s doing just fine.”
“And how’s Momo?”
“He’s - what?”
are there better written, more narratively important and emotive lines in this fic? yes. is this the best part of the entire thing? also yes. i invented the jin/yue wedding because i needed a reason for zuko to have a key in what became chapter 6, but sometimes i think the entire fic exists just for this exchange. best dialogue i have ever written.
9. what scene was the hardest for you to write and why?
the start of chapter 6 of aidays was difficult. i kept wanting to skip ahead to the meaty parts - i.e, zuko and his soup - but i didn’t want to do sokka a disservice like that. it was also really hard to maintain the balance of accurately describing the delirium of illness while still being coherent for the reader? so that took me a couple of days to get right.
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grapenamjams · 4 years
Summer Festival
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Genre: Fluff of course XD 
Characters: Muriel from the arcana and my apprentice Eliza
A/N:  And this concludes my Arcana writing spurt that I had last month XD .  if you have read my past posts thank you so much and if this is the first post you read of mine thank you! it means so much to me and i hope my story/ stories help you escape for a little while, :) I hope you all have a nice day/night 
a little bit about my MC
Her name is Eliza (she/her. Female.) She is 5′2 has brown wavy hair, brown eyes (with specks of green) she also has adorable freckles across her nose. lastly she has a artic fox, named Nell as a familiar who is enchanted to keep cold during the summer and whenever Nell walks she leaves behind snow prints on the ground (think of what Olaf from frozen has lol) 
The shop was packed as it always was during the summer festival. travelers from all regions coming to celebrate the end of summer in vesuvia made for new eager clients to purchase ingredients, potions and of course getting their readings done. This year Asra let Eliza be in charge of the readings, while he took care of the shop. Asra had said that she was ready to handle the Arcana on her own but as what felt like her 100th customer leave through the curtains. she was beginning to feel the toll of using the cards for so long, she could even feel Nell beginning to tire as the fox laid down underneath her seat. however the cards themselves seemed to be mocking her as they Pulsed with energy at being used so much.
She sighed closing her eyes for a second until she heard footsteps approach, she sat up quickly ready to attend another client But familiar fluffy white curls poked through the curtain, Asra entered the space giving her a warm smile “how are you holding up?” Eliza slouches back into her seat and lets out a breath “I don’t know how you did it all these years, I’m so tired I fear I might fall asleep on the next customer” she looks at Asra and he lets out a soft laugh, crossing his arms over his chest. “Yeah, the cards love attention and can take a toll on the reader, but you are doing well containing them, I’m proud” Eliza can’t help but blush at his compliment. “Thanks” she gives him a small smile as she shuffles the cards in front of her.
“Lets call it a night on the readings hm? Why don’t you go out and enjoy the festival?” Eliza looks at him “and leave you to run the shop by yourself when it’s like this?” Asra shrugs his shoulders “you know I don’t mind, besides you take care of the shop the most through out the year. So let me have tonight as a way to make up for the missed hours.” Eliza thinks for a moment “but still I feel bad leaving you while I go out to the festival. I’ll just go later when we close up shop for the speech” Asra frowns “but the best parts of the festival will be over by then” he looks to the side to where the back room is, then to her quickly. “I insist, go enjoy. Don’t worry about me” living with Asra for years has made Eliza know every facial expression he has and the one he is trying to hide right now tells her he knows something. She raises an eyebrow at him “are you sure? I-“ he cuts her off waving one hand “yup I’m sure! Go right ahead.” He turns around to leave “Before you go however check the back door there’s a package out there for you” before she can protest any further Asra leaves a confused Eliza behind, his voice rings out through the shop as he announces that there will be no more readings for tonight.
After Asra’s adamant requests for her to go she had no choice but to or she felt that he would literally push her out the door. Grabbing her bag she bounded down the steps waving good bye to Asra who was at the counter, he looks at her and smiles. She opens the back door and the enjoyable warmth of the night greets her, sounds of the festival already reaching her ears, although she is happy to go see it Eliza cant help but feel sad, like something is missing. Going alone isn’t the same as having someone else there to enjoy the festivities with. 
Eliza looks down and to the sides of the door steps trying to find the package Asra mentioned but finds nothing. Giving up, she turns to go back inside but stops when she hears something rustle amongst the shrubs at the edge of the forest. Eliza takes a step back cautiously, but then suddenly a huge smile breaks across her face when she sees a large green eyed man come from the trees.
 When his eyes land on hers he gives a small smile “hello Eliza.” And just like that all feelings of tiredness and loneliness that were inside her vanished as she runs towards Muriel giving him a hug around his waist. “Muriel!” The big man Stiffens at her sudden reaction but just as quickly relaxes. he takes a step back steading himself from her crashing into him, he lets out a small “oof” and chuckles at her small frame hugging is large one.
 “What are you doing here?” Eliza asks stepping back a little to look up at him but still holding him. He’s wearing his hair half up with a green ribbon, his usual cloak and his green scarf she got for him. He places a hand on her head moving it down, she leans Into his touch. “Today is the summer festival right?” Eliza eyes widen “yeah it is!” She sees Muriel Avert his eyes “I thought it was something you would like to go to...and” his cheeks grow slightly pink “I want to go see it with you” he looks back at her seeing her face practically glowing from happiness making his ears go red “that is...if you want to go with me...” 
Eliza’s stomach fills with butterflies at Muriel asking her to go with him. she had been so busy with organizing the shop for this day that she had forgotten to tell him about it. Usually Eliza and Asra go to the Closing speech only, staying at the shop the whole night, that’s why it was weird for him to ask her to go out and enjoy the night but know she obviously knows why. Eliza giggles she grabs his hand that was on her head and kisses his knuckle before she places her hand into his.
 “I would love to go with you, thank you for asking me” Muriel sticks his bottom lip out and mumbles “who else would I have asked?” Eliza hums and bumps into his side teasingly “I dunno maybe Asra?” He frowns shaking his head “I want to go with you” he states plainly making Eliza laugh “well then, let’s get going!” She tugs at his arm, before looking back to the doorway to see Faust sitting on top of Nell seeing them off “have fun!” The both say and Eliza smiles.
 they round the shop to get to the street but before they do, under a string of colorful lights that are hanged above them, connecting from the shop to other next door, Muriel stops. Eliza looks up at him “something wrong?” She asks moving in front of him to see his face, slightly worrying that he had changed his mind. 
his eyes are lowered but he’s blushing. “No. I made you something” he lets go of her hand and reaches inside his cloak, his hand comes out holding a flower crown made with different forest flowers all around. their natural colors vibrant. On one side there is a piece of green tulle tied onto it. “I remembered that wearing one is common at the festival... so I made you one” Eliza reaches out and delicately holds it in her hands, admiring it. “Muriel... I.. this is Beautiful thank you!” She goes on her toes and kisses his cheek when she goes back down she holds the shimmery green tulle “I love it! Where did you get this fabric?” Muriel has a small smile on his face happy that she loves it so much. “A few days ago at the market. Traded some protective charms for it”
 Eliza’s heart swells ”Muriel.” He shrugs “it was okay” her cheeks hurt from smiling so much and their night only had just begun. She puts the crown on her head and does a spin “sooo how do I look?” She asks Muriel eyes widen and he reddens even more. She looks at him tilting her head slightly smiling at him. he averts his eyes “pretty.” He says and Eliza’s face warms as her whole body flutters at his compliment. Muriel looks to her taking her in again. He grabs her hand in his and presses his lips to her cheek. “Very pretty” he says trying to hide his face as he leads a flustered Eliza down the street.
They walk towards the city’s market place where the main attractions were. However music played through out all of Vesuvia, kids ran around them laughing one little girl pointed out Eliza’s crown calling it pretty making Muriel blush when Eliza told the little girl he had made it for her. Conversations amongst friends and new acquaintances filled around them as they made there way through.
  When they neared the center the sound of music increased and the aroma of spices, desserts and cooking meats passed underneath their noses as vendors called out trying to get customers to try their new specials. Eliza’s mouth began to water at all the food in front of her, she looked at Muriel and found him staring at a meat stand where they were cooking smoked eel, his favorite. Of course Muriel wouldn’t voice that he wanted some. “Are you hungry?” She asks, Muriel’s eyes leave the stand to focus on her “um. Are you?” Eliza smiles “with all this food? How can I not ?” He laughs softly “then let’s go eat.” she leads him to the meat stand “couldn’t have said it better myself!”
She gets Muriel his eel skewers and she gets her own beef ones. Muriel bites Into his food and his mouth waters with the flavor, he takes small bites enjoying it fully. He looks to Eliza who’s close to finishing her first. He chuckles softly. It might be weird but Muriel likes watching her eat, in fact he likes watching her do anything because that means she is there with him. But when she eats something good she closes her eyes and hums, moving her body side to side clearly enjoying her food. 
Before he meet her before she showed him at the masquerade that food can be something that holds flavor and it can be enjoyed and appreciated. He had looked at food as something his body needed to survive to last another day it didn’t matter if it tasted good or not. But now with Eliza he enjoyed eating, he still became amazed at how many different combinations there are, he liked tasting different flavors. And that they did, after finishing their skewers they went onto different stands tasting a variety of dishes.
* * * 
After participating in some games like archery and cards Muriel and Eliza With their desserts in hand found a table, near the dance square . They ate their desserts together while watching the festivities go on in full swing around them.
 People eating near  stands, others bargaining for the best price at shops and kids running around with sticks that sparkle. Eliza feeds some of her dessert to Muriel which he excepts but quickly lets out a low grumble “too sweet” he states making Eliza laugh knowing he wouldn’t really like it. “You really like sweet stuff” she hums as she takes another bite of her pastry “mmhmm pure sweet goodness is the best” Eliza swallows. Muriel picks up his own pastry out for her to take a bite, Eliza takes a small one and she scrunches her face “and you really like sour stuff” she swallows but taking another bite of her own to cover the taste. 
Muriel let’s out a chuckle “sour goodness is the best” he repeats her words. Eliza grins feeling playful, from the sugar in her. “sweet” she challenges, he pouts “sour” she leans towards him “sweet” Eliza repeats before she kisses him on the lips. She feels the tangy sourness on his lips and he feels the sugary powder on hers and he can’t help but to like the taste of the Flavor more this way. She pulls away from him seeing the tint of pink on his cheeks that matches her own, his eyes are lidded looking down at her lips like he wants more, “sweet” he whispers, making Eliza smirk “I win” his eyes come to focus looking at her. He averts his eyes and frowns “you cheated” the brown haired girl laughs taking in his adorable pout. She loops her arm through his “awww” she leans into him resting her chin on his shoulder “alright both flavors are good in their own way, how about that?” She looks up at muriel, eyes looking out away from her, but she can see a smile “hm, agreed” he mumbles. Eliza grins and kisses his shoulder before resting her head on it.
They stay in this position for a few minutes until Eliza hears the first chord of a new song and knows exactly what is going to happen next. The band starts playing a slow beat letting people who want to join the dance come take a place in the middle of the dance square.
 Eliza heads pokes up seeing men, women and children being lead to the center by the music. Then little by little the tempo picks up, Eliza’s heart quickens excited to see the dance that is was going to take place. She didn’t know that she was sitting all the way up leaning towards the music until she heard Muriel. “You should go dance” she jumps a little not expecting him to say that “w-what? Oh. No. I’m fine, I like watching” she says but she feels her body telling her to go join the forming crowd. “And you like to dance too. Go ahead.” She turns back to him looking at his smile on his face. 
She would ask him to come with but she knows that group dances arnt his thing. “A-are you sure? I don’t want to leave you alone” Muriel gives her hand a squeeze “Don’t worry about me.” She sees him press his lips into a line and shifts his gaze down “I want you to enjoy yourself too, not just be stuck with me” Eliza shifts back in her seat. “I am enjoying myself” she smiles at him “ I like being stuck with you” Muriel lets out a huff and gives her a playful glare. Making Eliza laugh “alright alright I’ll go just for you okay?” She stands up and kisses his cheek before going, Leaving behind a happy blushing Muriel. 
Out of all the many things he liked seeing her do, dancing was one of his favorites. He would catch her humming and dancing around the hut and sometimes she would bring a music box so they both could dance together. He smiles at the memory as he watches her leave to join the crowd, the music picking up starting the dance. He wishes he could join her, he really did. he would love to be able to do everything with her, experience everything that she wanted to do. but he wasn’t there yet, maybe one day he will get there. but he knows for certain that with her light guiding him and being patient with him he knows he could do it.
But for tonight Muriel spots her in the crowd two lines had formed and both moved side to side hopping to the beat. then both lines go towards each other and when they meet, one person holds out their hand and spins the other around then they continue on through changing spots, once they get to the other side they clap and do the whole steps again just changing the person who spins in the middle. The tempo quickens gradually and becomes a dance of who can last to the end of the song. He sees her laugh as she feels the shift in rhythm trying to not trip and a determined look on her face to last the whole song. Occasionally she looks over at him and smiles making his body warm up, even when she’s enjoying herself she looks after him. He loved seeing the way her face lights up, and her skirt flowing around her. she always danced like no one was watching, just enjoying the moment.
 Eliza takes in a big breath and laughs with the rest of the participants that lasted till the end of the song alongside her. hugs were given out and cheers were heard from the others that had stepped out. She catches her breath and looks at Muriel still sitting at the table looking at her with a wide smile, her heart flutters at knowing that he saw her dance. 
She puts her hands to her cheeks knowing how red she must look and can’t help but feel a bit embarrassed but that feeling dosnt last long as another song starts and she’s pulled into another group dance, this one at a medium tempo. Two small circles are created as they skip to the beat going right all around then left, then they all go to the middle clapping twice before going back out again. She feels the music course through her and gets lost in it loving the feeling. The tone of the violin making her movements flow and the beats of the drums making her steps firm against the ground. By the end of the song they had made a big circle trading partners. 
Eliza compliments the little girl she ended up with and goes to the barrel of water that they put out for the dancers at the corner of the raised stage, serving herself. When she throws away the cup a song danced usually by couples starts to play. She looks to the square,  men are taking their partners to dance, she even spots some fathers taking their young daughters making her smile. Eliza makes her way around the crowd towards Muriel whose on the other side, but suddenly feels a sweaty hand clamp over her wrist making her turn around to face the person who’s grabbing her.
 It was a man not much older than her but by his grin and the way he wavered a bit she knew that he was down a few salty bitters. “What is a pretty girl like yourself doing alone during this dance?” The man slurs Eliza tries not to scoff at him as she moves her arm away but he tightness his grip “that’s none of your concern, now please let me go” she steps back but he quickly wraps an arm around her waist pulling her towards him and spinning them around “oh come on sweetheart, a cute thing like you shouldn’t be alone tonight” he grins looking her up and down. Eliza tries to step away pushing at his shoulder but he dosnt budge “you’re mistaken I’m not alone. Let me go” the mans eyebrows shoot up “oh?” He looks around behind her searching, his gaze going back to hers “I don’t see them, maybe they left you for another, what a shame.” The man snickers leaning in closer.
“He didn’t.” A deep serious voice is heard. Eliza’s head looks up to see Muriel towering behind the man with a threatening glare. The man rolls his eyes “then you shouldn’t have left her, sorry finders keepers” the man turns his head still having a grin on his face but it quickly falls as his eyes meet Muriel’s chest, his eyes climb, craning his neck up until he is looking at Muriel death glare. She could hear the man gulp, “she told you she wasn’t alone didn’t she?”
 The man just nodes still looking at Muriel with shock and fear “then let her go.” The mans eyes go wide and he quickly lets go of Eliza, hands up in surrender stammering “S-So sorry. T-this was just a m-misunderstanding! YES! A misunderstanding that’s all Y-You know how it is with a few salty bitters right?” He laughs nervously as he gulps again. Muriel’s glare stays unmoving he steps forward and the man yelps stepping back “leave.” Muriel almost growls out. 
The man  frantically steps back almost tripping “right! Leaving now, right now” and with that he scrambles away from them. Eliza looks at the direction the man left relived that he was finally gone. “Are you alright?” She hears Muriel’s soft voice in front of her ask, making her look up at him, his face expressing worry, his gaze quickly softening as he takes her in his hands grabbing her wrist the man had held looking for any marks, then bringing his hands to cup her face. 
“Did he hurt you?” His gaze starting to harden but she quickly places her own hands on his giving him a smile “I’m fine. he didn’t hurt me” Muriel sighs, relief washing over him. he presses his lips to her forehead “good” she sees his face fall lightly “I’m sorry. I wasn’t with you, if I was this wouldn’t have ha-.” Eliza cuts him off by placing a finger to his lips “I won’t let you say those words” she takes his hands away from her face and holds them “you’re here with me now aren't you?” She smiles up at him “you’re always with me Muriel, always” his green eyes soften, gratefulness filling inside them.
 “Come on let’s go sit down” she says starting to walk towards their table but Muriel doesn't budge. She looks back at him in question, “you like this song.” He states Eliza looks around to the couples dancing. “Yeah, it’s nice” she smiles fondly and starts walking again. “I don’t want the song to be ruined for you” he mumbles. Eliza turns towards him surprised, her body warming up at his words. 
“what do you mean? The song isn’t ruined” Muriel pauses for a second and looks around, they were standing on the the outside of the dance square, most of the people still in the center. Eliza is about to ask him what is wrong when he pulls away his hand from hers, she looks down confused at this action. Eliza hears him take in a deep breath her eyes moving back to his seeing a dust of pink on his cheeks also making an appearance going down his neck.
 He straightens up and puts a hand out towards Eliza and as if he practiced countless times before “can I have this dance?” Eliza’s mind stops working for a second as she looks up at the man before her who just asked her to dance so she would have happy memories, to the man that would only dance with her inside of his own hut, to the man who would do anything to make her smile. 
Eliza’s whole body feels weightless as she takes his rough hand, “you can” she states. Muriel’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise as if he wasn’t expecting her to say yes to him making Eliza let out a small laugh. He becomes red, his hands gently find their places on her body, he bites his lip and looks down to their feet nervous to start leading. Eliza can’t stop her heart from swelling at how adorable he looks, she hears the music and counts for him like she usually does when they dance together.
 “And a one, two. three. And a one.” She feels Muriel step forward and she follows him, she still counts until she knows he feels the music and lets him lead her. She is smiling up at him encouraging him, he looks down at her with a embarrassed smile. Eliza rests her head on his chest and lets the gentle music flow through them.
In that moment Muriel would do anything to make time stop. The feeling of the music mixed with her in his arms giving him full trust to lead her made his whole body warm. She had said that he was always with her but she was just the same, she was always with him. 
she was in his every thought, in every word he said, the feeling of her on his skin was constant, she was what made his heart beat even so frantically like it was now. Her entire self had already made an impact inside him that even if he tried to forget her something would always appear to make him remember. he was and forever will  be surrounded by her. 
For an instant the world around them faded away, they weren’t dancing at the festival anymore they just were, they were just there in that moment in each other’s presence. It wasn’t until the music stopped that pulled both lovers back to reality. Muriel still kept Eliza close as they both looked onto the stage. A person goes on to the side, announcing “presenting the countess Nadia giving the closing speech!” A cheer breaks out as Nadia climbs taking center stage.
 Eliza claps along with the others, smiling up at her friend. Nadia inclines her head to the announcer in thanks and looks out to the crowd “thank you everyone, this years summer festival was a successful one because of all of you and Your hard work. As the people of Vesuvia know and those who have traveled far to come here, This festival is meant to say farewell to the summer season. Farewell to long days and short nights, to hot mornings  which we had a few of, didn’t we?” The crowd laughs and murmurs in agreement remembering the heat wave that passed. 
“But with that we also say farewell to cold desserts, to time at the beach in the warm sand and time to visit friends and family. But although we say farewell to all of these things and many more that come with summer we welcome the new experiences that come our way. Farewells are not always meant to be wrapped in a sense of sadness, some farewells are just endings to certain parts of our lives. where one thing ends something new always begins, I look forward to sharing those new experiences with you all. So for this festival, for this summer let’s close it with a happy ending shall we?” The crowd cheers once again and those cheers turn to gasps and aws as various colors light up the night sky.
 Muriel looks up to the sky taking in the sight of the fireworks , hearing the music start up again. He hears Eliza’s aw’s at the blasts of light over the buildings, she looks up at him, a content expression on her face. He takes her hand and spins her in front of him taking her all in, Eliza laughs and when she stops she rests her hands on his chest. Muriel searches her face, eyes roaming the face he has come to memorize. The colors above bloom across her features highlighting the pink on her cheeks and making her freckles shine like the constellations that were above them. 
She was breathtakingly beautiful to him in every way and in that moment he knew he never wanted to be parted from her ever again, he couldn’t see a life without her. All the endings he would have in his life he wanted to experience them with her at his side. 
Muriel leans his forehead against her own, “here’s to happy endings, Eliza” he says Her eyes flicker with emotion “to happy endings” she repeats and Before he can let his mind stop him Muriel picks her up in his arms and spins them both a laugh coming out of him, he looks up to see her laughing to. She looks down onto him and brings her hands to cup his cheeks. They both gaze into each other’s eyes sharing emotions that they only understand. The two lovers both tilt their heads towards each other and when their lips met it feels like a blast of colorful light shines against the night sky.
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Pyke the Bloodharbor Ripper build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
You look familiar... You. You were on my blog, looking at my builds.
Well here’s yet another League build, and yet another edgelord champion. I don’t know if it’s a problem with me or a problem with League but I seem to be drawn to characters with edgy personas... at least lore-wise. In game I spam Sona and Yuumi like an eGirl thot.
And Kayn. And Warwick. Alright I might just be an edgelord.
Regardless Pyke is always a character I’ve enjoyed more for his lore than his actual gameplay. Back in my DOTA days I used to main Bounty Hunter (and I might branch out to DOTA builds someday; who knows?) and while Pyke captures that gameplay to some extent he’s never really been my cup of tea. Gondar was considerably more light-hearted than Pyke and focused a lot more on information gathering than the raw killing that Pyke does. Even so I think Pyke was a great addition to the lore of Bilgewater with the rest of the region seemingly existing only as an excuse to put pirates into League of Legends. (Ironically enough I actually think the other character that displays Bilgewater’s lore the best is Tahm Kench, and considering that most people see him as a meme that’s really saying something.)
But regardless: you’re here for the build, not to read me ramble about why I made it. I can definitely say that if you genuinely want to play Pyke you’re certainly one for the roleplay, though try not to be overly edgy.
Harpooner - Armed with an iconic Bone Skewer it’ll find its way stabbed into the stomachs or thrown into the backs of many victims.
Until it all sinks... - Pyke swims in the shadows before surfacing to pounce his prey. He did also swim in the water once.
Did I “support” right? - While we won’t have any healing Pyke has plenty of utility in his own right.
Officially Pyke is some sort of drowned revenant, and while I know there is a Revenant race in the Gothic Heroes UA it’s rather unbalanced and unfortunately doesn’t really work for what we’re trying to do here. The Gothic Heroes Revenant has a goal, but Pyke’s mind is warped so he thinks his goal is never done. While the health regen is in character for Pyke’s Gift of the Drowned Ones the other features don’t really help us or retain the aquatic theme of Pyke.
With that in mind I had a few ideas: Water Genasi was my first idea to have a character infused with the strength of the sea but unfortunately it’s focused far too much on magic as well as Constitution, both of which Pyke doesn’t have. My next thought was for a Kalashtar to have the spirit of the drowned one infused into you, but they’re tied deeply into their dream lore and less-so into the two-minds aspect.
But then I realized there’s a race that gets infused with parts from the ocean, and even starts out human just like Pyke! This is going to sound mad but you’re going to want a Simic Hybrid from Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica. While in-lore they receive their gifts from the deep from science we can reflavor it as gifts from the ocean itself. Anyways Simic Hybrids see their Constitution increase by 2 and a stat of their choice increase by 1: choose Dexterity for a better chance fighting the beasts below before your line is cut. You also get Darkvision up to 60 feet and Animal Enhancements. Since Animal Enhancement is tied to level I’ll be addressing it in the build instead of in the race section because this is getting long enough as is. And for your language of choice I’d opt for Elvish, mainly because it’s unlikely you’ll meet any Vedalken this side of the sea.
15; DEXTERITY - Fighting the monsters of Bilgewater in their own territory takes a great degree of nimbleness to avoid getting your line cut.
14; CHARISMA - All sea captains fear the Bloodharbor Ripper, and Charisma is a requirement to multiclass.
13; INTELLIGENCE - You need to be smart to hunt any prey, be it a monstrous fish or... more dangerous game...
12; CONSTITUTION - While not in-character for Pyke to be tanky we sadly can’t convert our health into damage in this build.
10; WISDOM - Even if you have to do it to survive jumping into monster-infested waters is not the best lifestyle choice.
8; STRENGTH - While perhaps in-character to drop Wisdom instead we simply don’t need Strength in this build.
There are several backgrounds for a man lost at sea but Pirate is the best for one who came back with a vengeance. You get the Athletics and Perception skills to scout out your prey and wrestle with it in deep tide, as well as proficiency with Water Vehicles and Navigator’s Tools to command your own ship someday. But the main feature we’re here for is Bad Reputation so everyone knows that you’re the Bloodharbor Ripper. If you’re in a civilized settlement people will be afraid of being put on your list, and will let you get away with minor crimes. Murder isn’t a minor crime though, so pull someone into an alley if they do end up showing up on your list.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Starting off as a Rogue for the extra proficiencies: take Intimidation, Stealth, Investigation, and Acrobatics as your skills of choice. You also get Expertise in two of those skills and you’re going to want Investigation to find your quarry and Stealth to sneak up on them.
But of course the main reason for the expertise in Stealth is so we can Sneak Attack. Once per turn you can do an extra d6 damage with an attack if an enemy is within 5 feet of your ADC or if you have Advantage on the attack by jumping out of water. You must be using a finesse weapon such as your Bone Skewer, which for now would likely just be a Short Sword since you haven’t received your gifts from the deep yet.
But your time in Bilgewater did allow you to learn Thieves’ Cant, a mix of words and phrases that are actually a code among criminals. They may be speaking about the latest big catch but you know what they’re really talking about is cutting your line.
But while you were under the undertow you did receive some Animal Enhancement. As a Simic Hybrid you can choose between three Enhancement options at level 1: Manta Glide lets you fall slowly and glide as you do so, Nimble Climber gives you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, but Underwater Adaptation is the obvious choice for the drowned man. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and can breath underwater. You drowned once but it won’t happen again.
NOTE: If you’re playing outside of an aquatic campaign Nimble Climber would be your next best bet to remaining in character. You can also opt to just play a Variant Human instead of a Simic Hybrid if you don’t mind the lack of swimming speed however, since Simic Hybrid was mainly picked for the aquatic implications.
Second level Rogues get Cunning Action, allowing you to use your quick wit to Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus action. A Bilgewater Harpooner needs to be quick on their feat and always trust their crew. But when that trust is lost...
As you’re lost to The Drowned Ones you receive their blessing to become a Warlock. The Drowned Ones could be seen as The Undying in many senses, as they keep you from death to serve them.
WHY NOT LURKER IN THE DEEP? - Lurker in the deep focuses a lot more on using the strength of those below more directly. Pike meanwhile merely serves them as an assassin. Not only that but Lurker in the Deep has far more of a focus on tentacles than knives, which is more of Illaoi’s thing.
Undying Warlocks are considered Among the Dead. They get the Spare the Dying cantrip and have Advantage against diseases, and undead enemies may not attack you as they see you as one of their own. If an undead attacks you they have to make a Wisdom save against your Warlock spell DC or choose a new target, losing the attack if there is no one else to hit. If you succeed on the save or you hit them they’re immune to this effect for 24 hours, so perhaps don’t pick fights with Sion.
But along with Spare the Dying you also get access to more Spellcasting. You learn 2 cantrips from the Warlock spell list: Lighting Lure will let you throw your Bone Skewer out at an enemy within 15 feet. They must make a Strength saving throw or be pulled 10 feet towards you, taking a d8 of Lightning damage if they’re pulled into melee range. Eldritch Blast lets you throw your Bone Skewer further down range - make a ranged spell attack against a target you can see and on a hit they take a d10 force damage.
You also learn 2 first level spells from the Warlock list: False Life comes from The Undying patron list and lets you “regenerate” some health in the darkness. You gain a d4 + 4 temporary hitpoints when you cast this spell. That temp HP lasts for an hour or until it’s cut off of you.
Illusory Script meanwhile is the perfect spell to write your list. You can cast this spell while writing with lead-based ink worth at least 10 gold to imbue the words with powerful illusion magic for 10 days. Creatures you designate can read the message normally but any other creature won’t be able to read it, or will see a completely different message as long as it’s written in a language you know. If the spell is dispelled the message is dispelled, so no one will know that your list is truly unending... unless they have truesight, as they’ll be able to read it under the light of a pink ward.
2nd level Warlocks get Eldritch Invocations and the only one we really need is Grasp of Hadar. Every time you hit an enemy with your Eldritch Blast you can pull them 10 feet closer, so you can drag ‘em under and get your hands dirty. You other choice of invocation really doesn’t matter: Armor of Shadows can be a good boost to your AC but I personally like Mask of Many Faces to hide behind your facemask before finding your prey.
You also get another spell and Hex will let you mark your prey as a gift to the Drowned Ones. Whenever you hit a target that’s Hexed you do an extra d6 Necrotic damage, and the target has disadvantage on a type of ability check of your choosing. I’d personally choose Strength so that they can’t swim up when you pull them down to drown.
3rd level Rogues get access to their Roguish Archetype and the Soul Knife subclass from the Psionics UA will make sure you always have a Bone Skewer. The Soul Knife gets a Psionic Enhancement: you can either have a 30 foot Telepathy, some extra health and Toughness equal to your Intelligence modifier plus your Rogue level, or 5 feet of extra Walking Speed. These all have their uses but while it’s perhaps not in-flavor Toughness is probably your most consistently useful enhancement.
WHY NOT REVIVED? - Revived focuses far more on the manipulation of death, and has a heavier skill focus than the Soul Knife. But put in simple terms Soul Knife has nearly all the abilities I’d want from Pyke without having to multiclass too much. Undying Warlock is already more than enough undeath for Pyke, and it also helps give him some Deep One patrons.
I should also mention I made this build before the latest Psionics Options Revisited UA. This build uses old features so discuss with your DM if you want to use the newer version.
But of course the main reason to go for the Soul Knife is your Psychic Blade. You can create a bone skewer in your hand, or two bone skewers if you’re feeling particularly vicious. You can’t hold anything in the hand you hold the blade but you can choose to dispel them without using an action.
The blade has the finesse and light properties so you can dual wield them and use your Dexterity as your attack modifier. It deals 1d6 psychic damage on a hit and you can throw it 30 feet normally or 60 feet with disadvantage. Regardless of if you throw your knife or stab with it you can proc your Sneak Attack, which now deals 2d6 damage. If you throw the blade as part of an attack it vanishes immediately after it hits or misses, and the blade(s) disappear the instant it leaves your hand or if you’re incapacitated.
You also get another Animal Enhancement as a Simic Hybrid so you may as well get more AC from the Carapace enhancement, which increases your AC by 1 as long as you’re not wearing Heavy Armor. The only other enhancement I’d maybe suggest is Nimble Climber, which you could’ve taken at level 1. But simply put more AC is more useful, and was limited to us for a reason. You can consider the extra AC as the salt soaked into your skin, and your lust for vengeance allowing you to shrug off attacks.
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(Artwork by FMM CAT)
4th level Rogues get an Ability Score Improvement: increase your Dexterity for deadlier strikes with your Bone Skewer.
At 5th level Rogues get Uncanny Dodge, letting them reduce the damage of an attack by half as a reaction. Is a female bounty hunter shooting you? Dive in the ghostly waters and set yourself up for the kill, especially since your Sneak Attack is also increased to 3d6 at this level.
6th level Rogues get Expertise in two more skills: I’d choose Intimidation and Athletics. A frightened target won’t be able to lie to you, and Athletics Expertise will compensate for your low Strength score.
7th level Rogues get Evasion: if you’re targeted with a Dexterity-based skill shot you can dash out of the way and take no damage on a successful saving throw, or only half damage if you fail. Pyke is far more evasive than the average support, and can get up and personal to do 4d6 with Sneak Attack.
8th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement and we’ll max out our Dexterity for even deadlier strikes with your Bone Skewer.
At 9th level you get the Terrifying Blade Soul Knife feature. When you damage a creature with your Psychic Blade you can force them to make a Wisdom saving throw based on your Intelligence modifier. If they fail the creature is frightened of you until the start of your next turn, but on a successful save they become immune to this feature for 24 hours. Traitors run from their past, or face them head on. Regardless you’ll kill them all, especially with a 5d6 Sneak Attack.
10th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement, and you may have noticed our uneven Intelligence score? The Observant Feat will let us see when traitors talk about their coin. You can increase one of your mental stats by 1 (we’ll improve Intelligence) and you can read a creature’s lips to understand what they’re saying as long as you share a language. Your passive Perception and Investigation also increase by 5, so you can be aware of any backstabbers trying to slip away.
11th level Rogues get Reliable Talent, meaning that any roll below a 10 in a skill you’re proficient in is treated as a 10. This means that your lowest possible roll with the skills your proficient in is:
25 on Stealth
22 on Intimidation or Investigation
20 on Acrobatics
19 on Athletics
15 on Perception
Your Sneak Attack also increases to 6d6.
12th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement and we’ll want more Intelligence to know how to truly terrify our foes.
13th level Soul Knife Rogues can dive into spectral waters with Psychic Veil. As an action you become invisible for 10 minutes. This invisibility ends if you make an attack or if you force a creature to make a saving throw. You can become invisible a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Your Sneak Attack also increases to 7d6 now, and just so you know attacking out of Invisibility counts as a Sneak Attack.
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(Pyke concept art by Riot Games)
14th level Rogues borrow some techniques from the monk in the jungle and get a 10 foot radius Blindsense to chase your prey.
15th level Rogues get Slippery Mind for proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. It’s not much but considering that you have a +0 to Wisdom it certainly helps. Your Sneak Attack also increases to 8d6 now.
16th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement and more Intelligence will lead to more Ghostwater Dives and better Terrifying Blades.
17th level Soul Knife Rogues can Rend Mind for a powerful Phantom Undertow. If you have a Psychic Blade manifested you can force a creature you can see within 30 feet of you to make an Intelligence saving throw. The target takes 12d6 psychic damage and is stunned until the start of your next turn on a failed save, but only takes half as much on a successful save and isn’t stunned. If you are hidden from the target it has disadvantage on the save, and one of your Psychic Blades vanishes after using this feature.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Pro tip: attacks against Stunned enemies automatically have Advantage so you can use your 9d6 Sneak Attack damage.
Our final level is the 18th level in Rogue for Elusive so that no attack can have Advantage against you. "Death keeps spitting me right back out."
I smell panic - Soul Knife on its own is a very powerful subclass. Having an unlimited supply of weapons that are viable at both melee and range, the ability to turn invisible, and tons of crowd control with both fears and stuns makes for an incredible damage dealer who can provide a lot of utility to the party.
Big Beast - It wasn’t my intention when making this build but for a Rogue you’re remarkably tanky. You have an above-average constitution and Psionic Enhancement buffing your health to a respectable level, and the Carapace Animal Enhancement turns what would be a +5 to AC (from your Dexterity) to a +6. This means that you have 17 AC with Leather Armor, 18 with Studded, and a 19 AC with Armor of Shadows! As a Rogue, meaning you have Uncanny Dodge and Evasion to further increase your survivability! Not to mention you have two Warlock slots to cast False Life is the fight starts to go south.
Crews share the wealth - Expertise in Intimidation and Investigation are helpful, and having Spare the Dying means that your Cleric can focus on stronger cantrips instead. But having 10 minutes of invisibility is insanely helpful for infiltration.
Every kill makes the voices louder - The two levels in Warlock are done almost entirely for flavor, and while we do get some useful features it does still mean you lose out on Stroke of Luck. If you have a DM who likes roleplay you can take the Magic Initiate feat for Wizards to get Lightning Lure along with potentially Ray of Frost to simulate a long-ranged “pull” and be a Warlock without actually being a Warlock. But the honest truth is that Soul Knife on its own is strong enough and the ability to pull people closer to you is largely redundant.
My list just got longer - Soul Knife uses their Bonus Action a lot more than other Rogues, meaning that you can’t use your Cunning Action to hide as often. Yes you can make two knives at a time but this still means that you’ll have to spend another bonus action to “reload” after throwing two hooks. And if both your hands are full you can’t hold your list!
Swim or Sink - Unfortunately you don’t get to max out your Intelligence modifier, which is needed for a lot of your class features. However the far bigger issue is your saving throws: proficiency in Wisdom saves help but your Charisma and Constitution are stuck at +2 and your Strength is forever at a pitiful -1. While you can compensate for strength checks with Expertise in Athletics your saving throws are less than desirable.
But problems only come for those without a plan. Make your list, check it twice, find out who’s naughty or nice before gutting them. Make sure your crew’s got your back and that they aren’t going to cut your line too. You’ve died before, but it doesn’t hurt not to do it again.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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mirror-juliet · 5 years
Kagerou Dayz {Yeosang Angst}
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*Song fic* Requested by me
Warnings: Blood Violence Slight mentions of gore Angst
This is a very heavy chapter filled with blood and violence. If you are sensitive to blood and death, please skip this chapter. I don't expect too many people to read this, i am very aware that i right in a morbid way. It doesn't bother me, however i know it bothers others. I've been sent to enough councilors to know. If you are still going to read after this warning i am not responsible for anything that this chapter causes (Mainly to the blood sensitive people) Be safe and have fun reading.
August 14th, 12:30 The sun bears down on the park where (Y/n) and Yeosang sit on the swings.
"It's such a nice day, i love summertime." Yeosang states, kicking lightly on the swings, propelling himself higher
The girl sighs, looking up to the sky in an emotion that resembles anger. "I don't" she says under her breath, though Yeosang catches it. "What?" He slows down, becoming more level with her.
"I just think that the summer gets too much credit." she busies herself by watching her hands pet the black cat sound asleep on her lap. "Spring time is much better in my opinion."
The black cat wakes up and hops off her lap. (Y/n) quickly gets up to chase it, Yeosang following suit, not wanting to give up her presence.
She runs across the street, her heels making a satisfying noise on the road. "(Y/N!) STOP!" The boy shouts as (Y/N) runs through the cross walk.
She stops in her tracks, hearing something rather close to her. (Y/N) stands frozen in her tracks as she watches a delivery truck run a red light right towards her.
The truck driver on his phone, hears a scream too late as he barrels his truck into the side of the girl; shoving her onto the harsh asphalt.
Panicking, The driver speeds off, splattering blood with his wheel. The friendship bracelet she wore now lay broken in a puddle of her own blood, the same blood that covers Yeosang; the result of him standing too close.
He stands frozen still, his hand still covering his agape mouth, slowly snapping back into reality as he rushes towards her. The boy cradles (Y/n) in his arms, trying his best to wake her.
Everything begins to overwhelm him, the noise that grows too loud, the scenery that is drenched in the color red. (Y/n's) shampoo being too much to handle as it invades his sinuses. The noise around him cuts out as he cry's against her.
"She did say the heat bothered her." Yeosang looks up to see a boy identical to him, clad in black; holding the broken bracelet in his hand. He smiles wickedly.
"I though the blood would cool her down a bit. How does she feel?" Yeosang panics as he feels her body grow cold in his arms, She's dying.
"You're lying." He pulls her closer to him, almost as if his warmth would rekindle (Y/n). "This isn't real. Stop it." Yeosang cries out.
"No, what you see is exactly what you have." The boy grins wider as he snaps reality back into motion. With the passing of a stranger, he's gone; leaving Yeosang to hear nothing but crickets. Yeosang becomes top heavy as the world seems to spin into darkness.
August 14th 12:** noon
Yeosang awakes from his sleep with a start, Turning his alarm off. In the quiet, the ticking clock of his dream keeps mocking his head. He takes a moment to catch his breath, recalling the events of his dream. Then it hits him, (Y/N) was hit.
His nimble fingers quickly unlocking his phone. He hits the dial button, praying harder as each ring sounds.
"Yeosang?" He nearly cries as he hears (Y/N's) soft voice on the other line. It was just a dream after all. The dream seemed so real, he has to choke back the tears falling down his cheeks.
"(Y/N) hey, d-do you want to do something today?" The boy mentally curses himself for stuttering. "Sure. Lets meet up at the park!" She hangs up, leaving Yeosang to look out the window, hoping he would find any excuse to meet up somewhere else. However, it was a very nice day out. The sun was shining, no clouds to be found in the sky. The only bad thing about today, were the crickets who were awfully loud.
As Yeosang arrives at the park, he see's (Y/N) sitting on the same exact swing she was on in his dream. The same cat on her lap. The two of them sit and talk, (y/n) seeming to be in a better humor than in his dream, more like herself. Yeosang even pets the kitty in her lap, breaking the string of dread in his head with a lingering thought
"It's weird that you wanted to come to the park today." She cocks her head to the side, making his heart leap. "Why's that?"
"In my dream i had, we sat in the same spot we're in right now." As if on cue, the cat jumps out of her arms again. (Y/n) stands up to run after him, stopped by Yeosang's grip on her arm. He blushes hard, he hadn't realized he did that and now scrambling his head for an excuse
"I think we should head back to my house. My mom is going to be making lunch soon." Yeosang says, hand still grabbing her wrist. She looks back towards the cat, almost like she's trying to side between the two. After a moment, she looks back to Yeosang; a smile played on her face. "Alright lead the way." She intertwines their fingers, making it more comfortable for both.
Yeosang lead them out of the route that they would so often take, taking them through the center of the city where it was most busy. "Don't you think it's the perfect day for ice cream?" He plays off, thinking it's a good enough excuse to venture out of their way.
"Isn't there a convenient store near your house though?" The boy stiffens at her words.
"It's different when it's from an actual parlor though." Yeosang keeps walking at a fast pace, a habit he picked up due to anxiety. The black cat from earlier causes him to trip and tumble to the ground. The cat stares at him, making everything go silent. A woman screaming is what brings him out of his trance.
People along the street and sidewalk stop to stare and point up, construction poles swing from their harness as it nearly snaps from the chain. He see's (Y/N) underneath them, he hurries up and begins to run towards her; determined to pull her away from the scene.
The poles finally snap, Yeosang picks up his pace. Why wasn't (Y/N) moving? Didn't she notice the screaming of people. His fingers graze her arm as a man takes a hold of him and begins to run much faster than he had.
"Are you mental boy?!" The man screams at him, he can't understand why though. Why didn't he grab her too, they were next to her. A strangled scream leaves Yeosang as the poles crash to the ground, the sound resonates off of the tall buildings and back to his ears.
A pole is skewered right in the middle of her chest. She looks down in shock, slowly sliding down the pole. Blood stains the poles and the pavement. Yeosang beats his way out of the man's grip, He has to get to her, she's still breathing!
"(Y/n)!" He cries as he passes a familiar figure. Someone grabs his arm and pushes him to the ground. "what you see is exactly what you're going to get. You cant save her, just look at that sadistic smile. She doesn't want your help. Don't you wish this was all a dream Yeosang?" The black coated Yeosang walks away, once again disappearing behind someone.
His vision becomes blurred as his body becomes heavier on the ground. The black coated Yeosang was right, she was smiling as blood drips from her wound into a crimson puddle on the ground.
August 14th 12:30 noon
"(Y/N)!" Yeosang screams as his body violently wakes up, covered in a thin layer of sweat. He quickly gets dressed as the time reds the same as the previous days, leaving the house in a hurry.
At the park (y/n) sits in the same swing, the only difference is that she looks at Yeosang worried as he runs to her. He grabs her by her arm. "Yeo-" "I can't explain right now, we just gotta go!" Yeosang says. He leads her to the city again, this time on the other side of the street. He see's the same truck speed by, holding onto her tighter.
People scream as pipes fall once again, this time trapping the cat under them. (Y/n) tries to go over to the pile, only to be stopped by Yeosang.
"He's fine! We gotta go!" The both of them continue to run through the crowd that begins to form, shoving and pushing against them. Yeosang keeps looking back to make sure (Y/n) is still there.
Anxiety begins to kick into overdrive, they need to get out of the crowd. He see's a staircase that leads to the train and begins to speed up to it. It'll get them away from people temporarily. There is no way he intends to get on the train though.
"Yeosang stop!" They've reached the top of the stairs, now formed into a bridge that overhangs the train. (Y/n) is out of breath, her dress not made for running. "Where are we going?" She breaths erratically, trying to catch it.
Yeosang stands still, only able to stare at her. He doesn't know, he only though to get you away from the past events locations. "We're going to Yunho's." He quickly thinks, it's built like a doomsday prepping house. It'll keep you safe.
"Why are we in a rush?" she leans against the railing.
"I promise i will explain when we get there, we just need to get there quickly. Come o-" There he is again, also leaning against the railing, right next to her.
"(Y/n) get off the railing." He grabs your arm right as the railing snaps, you fall, Yeosang being dragged by her weight. The black coated Yeosang grabs him and pulls him back, making him let go
(Y/n) lets out a scream as she falls down to the oncoming train, too fast to stop. She falls with a sickening crack onto the tracks. The train tries to slow down in vain. She lets out a scream that will haunt Yeosang till the day he dies. Only the impact hadn't killed her. The train keeps running over her as she screams in agony.
Yeosang stumbles backwards and covers his ears as he cries out. "God please just let her die!" his frame rocks back and forth, trying to drown out (Y/N's) screams.
"No, you don't get to cry. You don't get to look away!" The double Yeosang grabs him by the shirt collar, pulling him to the ledge and making him look down at her mangled corpse. "This is your fault! You did this to her! You just had to get away didn't you. DIDN'T YOU!" He begins to kick Yeosang hard  on the ground, letting tears stream down his face.
"Why do you keep killing her?" Yeosang says in a small voice as he clutches his ribs on the ground. His question stops the double in his tracks.
"What did i tell you yesterday? You. cant. save. her. Do you think i try to kill her in the most gruesome way possible? No, i try to lead her to the route that will kill her the fastest so she wont suffer like she just did now!"
Yeosang sits up, blood trailing from his busted lip. "No, you don't give a damn. If you did, you would just let me save her."
A dark spark is lit in the double. "You really don't understand. I had to do this alone, for five years i tried to save her. Don't you think I've tried every damn way to stop her from dying in my arms."
Yeosang just stares in pain and confusion.
"Don't you get it. I AM YOU! JUST STOP IT! WE CAN'T SAVE HER!" The fake screams, his blood boiling.
"No." It boils higher. "I won't stop. I'll never stop trying to save her. If i have to do this for the rest of my life i will." Yeosang begins to feel the pain of his broken ribs.
"So that's how it's going to be. Fine, we'll continue this bloody cycle until we run out of clocks. And then more clocks will appear." He kicks Yeosang in the face, knocking him out
Yeosang opens his eyes, this time he isn't in his room, he's in a long hallway, lined with clocks. "This is the hall of hell." The double begins to talk.
"Everyday that you don't save her, a clock is broken." He swipes a bloody hand on three of the clocks. "This is when your hell begins. At the end of this hallway is a new day. And for the record, i do hope you find a way to save her, though i'm doubtful." He vanishes, leaving Yeosang alone in the hallway.
How are there so many clocks? he thinks to himself. And how long is the hallway? He walks for what feels like forever, growing more and more tired. Eventually collapsing.
And so the cycle begins again, the same day, the same time. Every path they take to try and avoid a death, they pass every tragedy that happened the previous day. And they are met with a far worse death every time.
The black cat still kept following them, trying to lead her to a better death. And every time she was seconds away from death, the cat turned into the double.
3,650 days, 3,650 broken bloody clocks. Ten years total (y/n) kept dying in front of him, the double of Yeosang was terribly tired and mentally exhausted. How many times was he going to be forced to watch her die. How many more days until Yeosang realized how to break the cycle like the double had years ago. If only he was able to tell him, Yeosang would take over his place as the harbinger of death.
They were both in the hall of hell, eyes puffy with tears and anger. Who was doing this to them and what did they do to deserve this? "You have to do something different today. You have to change the cycle i don't care if you have to die yourself. Just break this heat haze." The double began to break down
"I wish i could tell you how to break it, I've tried. But i'm not allowed to, i am physically unable to. Whoever is doing this to us is controlling me somehow." He punches one of the few clocks they had left, walking towards the exit
"Lets just get this day over with."
The day went on just the same, only Yeosang was far too tired to hurry about his movements. Maybe the way to break the cycle was to play into the hands of the cat-double whatever he was. It would certainly be better than watching (Y/N) die slowly.
Over the ten years she had been dying, it had brought both of them to an understanding that they both cared for her. More than they did their own lives. They were never kind to each other, but after a while they stopped attacking each other.
They're trapped in cycles and the ending is never clear, a story that they are playing into. But a story is a story all the same. And today like any has an ending, so to say. Far away and out beyond that scorching summer day
Crashing in and hitting Yeosang instead of (y/n), he pushes her aside to nearly dodge a truck. The double and her stare in shock as his bracelet hits the ground and cracks. Blood dripping everywhere, (y/n) chokes on the smell of his hair. She breathes in a gulp of air and just cant take it.
(Y/n) falls down to her knees, a hand over her mouth. The double stares, unable to move. He never intended for Yeosang to kill himself. That wasn't how he was supposed to end the cycle.
Are these lies? Yeosang hasn't heard him say "What you see is exactly what you're gonna get." He smiles as he looks to his double, saying those words instead of him. Images flash through his head. making time stop it seems.
Him with a pole through his chest, (y/n) playing with the cat. Blood on a street corner as the double cries in fear. His vision comes back as he lays on the ground. This time, someone stands next to (y/n) who is on the ground, the double who is in tears. It is a girl who is identical to (Y/N), but the black dress is replaced with a white dress.
A grim look is plastered on her face as she lets her tears fall silently unlike the other two. Maybe the summer day has finally gone away, but that's all i'll say so, this is where it ends now.
****** August 14th 12:30 pm
Sitting alone, on a bed I wake up repeating just the same, tears running down my face. Muttering again, "Guess i failed again...." as I sit all alone with a white cat still cradled in my arms. "Lets get this over with." The white double says in a sing song voice, making me get up again.
Btw, this isn't the most morbid thing i've written. This is actually pretty vanilla compared to my personal works. I still thought i would put a warning up top cause i have no idea what will trigger someone and i just wanted everyone to be safe
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two (2) revolutionary girl utena persona aus
thiiiiis ended up way longer than expected and i still cut a fuck ton from the au 
P2 is a little too complicated to explain it to someone whos never played it so im gonna condense the events as well as i can. Jun (the character that looks like yusuke but with black hair) is the rose bride and tatsuya is in the role of utena for this au. When someone wins a duel they get the rose bride obv, but the main draw as to why these people fight for the bride is to get their wishes granted. And Jun has to follow everyone’s wish no matter what it is. Tatsuya defeats the school principal in a duel, gets Jun whos being a little shit because hes being controlled by Joker (no relation to the p5 one) and Tatsuya doesnt wish for anything (he also does not learn that Jun is the rose bride, as “Joker” is wearing a mask and tatsuya doesnt think to ask him to, yknow, take it off.) so Tatsuya doesnt particularly care when Michel beats him in a duel and gets Jun. Michel is then defeated by one of his cronies and then our wonderful protagonists lose track of the rose bride. 
  After a series of strange occurrences going on in the academy Tatsuya reasons that it must be because of the duels and hes gotta get the rose bride back before more people get cursed. He fights the student council president, who had been using Joker’s powers to elevate his status and curse any nay sayers. Then Tatsuya is challenged by “Prince Taurus”, one of the head duelists and a previous owner of the rose bride. Joker explains to Tatsuya what that guy’s wish was and tatsuya finally realizes that oh shit maybe he should not let anyone else use the bride like that. After defeating Taurus, Joker moves in to Tatsuya’s dorm and Tatsuya finally asks Joker to remove his mask so they can meet as people. Oh hey look its your childhood friend Jun who you dont remember due to Reasons. Since you have seen Utena you already know how the rest of this is probably gonna go. Duels happen, Tatsuya and Jun get closer, etc etc. Then Jun introduces Tatsuya to his parents. Long story short with them, Jun’s father (Nyarlathotep, whos basically the Akio of this story) was the one controlling Jun as well as the one who set up the dueling situation in the first place, and isnt too pleased at Jun gaining more freedom. Upset at Tatsuya getting closer and closer to freeing Jun fully from his clutches, he gets Tatsuya and Jun to move in with him. Idk how far you got into Utena since you said you didnt finish it but, Nyarlathotep is abusing Jun physically, emotionally, and sexually. Tatsuya doesnt know this and Jun is too afraid to tell him. 
  More duels happen, eventually Tatsuya remembers who Jun is, remembers that he promised Jun to be his prince, and learns how much Jun is suffering. Tatsuya fights Nyarlathotep, seems to be winning, but Nyarlathotep throws Jun at Tatsuya. Tatsuya instinctively pushes Jun behind him to protect him from Nyarlathotep, and haha oh no Jun just stabbed Tatsuya in the back. (this is literally just the end of utena but with different visuals, im condensing this a LOT sorry)
 Nyarlathotep stabs Jun a bunch of times for Reasons. Nyarlathotep tries (and fails) to open the door to end of the world, gives up and walks away. Tatsuya gets up and hobbles to the door, pries it open with his bare hands and finds Jun inside. He tries (and fails) to pull him out and nearly ends up skewered by all the swords that Jun got stabbed with. Jun is now free from Nyarlathotep’s influence and everyone got their memories wiped except for Tatsuya. 
  So this part of the p2 au is based on adolescence of utena, which is basically the show but faster and they win. Tatsuya goes back to the school, its been a year since the events of the first part, and hes trying to keep a low profile because if anyone remembers the events of part 1 Nyarlathotep will probably kill everyone. Jun is still the rose bride but hes no longer being abused by his parents since they are all free from Nyarlathotep’s influence. Tatsuya gets roped into a duel against his will, considers letting the next duelist (king leo) win, but then quickly decides not to once he realizes what letting King Leo win is gonna mean for Jun. Jun is horny on main for Tatsuya despite not remembering him, Tatsuya is trying (and failing) to not to fall in love again with Jun. more duels happen. Jun finally asks what tatsuya’s wish is because Tatsuya has never made a wish despite winning so many duels. Tatsuya wishes for them to be able to get out of the school for good. Jun says he cant do that but Tatsuya starts to pull him away. 
  Ok stay with me here this actually happened in utena
  Tatsuya gets turned into a car. Jun realizes with Tatsuya in this form he actually has a chance of escaping so he rides tatsuya (lol) in a race to escape purgatory the academy. They manage to escape and get their happy ending yaay.
  There are consequences to the rose bride and the prince leaving that are felt in the P5 au. Now that the rose bride and prince are gone, Philemon gives the powers to 2 new people to replace them. Except with one catch because of Nyarlathotep. The bride and prince dont know they are the bride and prince. So everyone must find them before the real duels can start
  Shido is now the head of the school with Goro standing as “prince”, Goro as the prince is searching for the rose bride because he knows that they must be alone and abandoned and he doesnt want anyone to experience what he had experienced (hes actually searching for them so he can take down shido) (Shido is looking for the rose bride to rule the world). 
Now enter Akira, who just transferred to the school for reasons™️. He accidentally pisses off kamoshida and gets a duelist ring from igor to fight him. Without the rose bride, people have started taking on false brides to give them power (whether they realize it or not) this manifests by a rose literally growing inside of them and blossoming out of their chest, in this case since the rose grows inside of the person, Akira has to bring it out of them, and free whoever/whatever the person has taken on for a rose bride. Kamoshida’s bride is Ann, Madrame’s is Yusuke, etc. Akira p much frees people’s hearts until hes approached by Goro, asking to work together to find the rose bride, and that if they do people will stop having the roses grow inside of them. Akira has been saving people’s hearts, but somebody is killing the people who had roses growing inside of them (wink wink nudge nudge its Goro)
  Shido’s palace/duel happens, Goro is revealed as a traitor (you know the drill) except that when Akira and Goro make it to the final race to escape(Goro gets turned into a car, utena is a weird show) goro reveals that he finally gets it. He wasnt the prince all along, HE was the rose bride all along and never realized it, and Akira was the prince. Akira runs to him but as soon as he reaches him Goro dissolves into a flurry of black rose petals, leaving behind an empty rose bride dress falling limp in Akira’s arms. Without the rose bride by his side akira cant truly escape the world hes in, but he still goes to free shido’s heart even if he has to do it alone. After the battle philemon tells him that Akira can either return to school and live out a fantasy where everyone is happy, or he can take the train to elsewhere in the hopes of one day finding Goro again. Obv akira takes the train, and thats where the au ends for now. I need to play p5r to fully incorporate it into the au but im thinking of there being a red herring with one of the girls as potentially being the rose bride
  Theres a bunch of minor stuff in this au like the one scene from the movie of shido (getting madrame) to paint an unconscious goro, and then “dying” after falling off a balcony once he realizes that goro was awake the whole time. Shido isnt actually dead (?) he fell and became the large rose bush in the school courtyard due to how big his twisted desires had become.
heres a rough sketch of goro’s car form
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blookmallow · 4 years
aaaand goodbye teruteru
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the what now 
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in dr1 they had a similar mechanic where you had to hit the buttons at the right tempo to knock out their statements, which was also confusing but i was starting to get decently good at it by the end of the game, but in this one the timing is TOTALLY OFF and i kept missing every single one and couldn’t figure out why, then realized it worked sometimes if i held down the button instead of just clicking it like you do in dr1 (which they didn’t explain!!! in this one!!!) but eventually figured out if i just like. double clicked on the beat i could break them for some reason. i dont know why. it works and i cannot explain how 
but then at the end when you reach the final strike, you have to put together a phrase out of four words to refute “where could the weapon have been?” and i was CONVINCED it was “On The Meat Bone” (even though technically it was hidden In the bone i guess) and i didnt realize i had the phrase wrong and thought i just wasn’t hitting it correctly for some reason so i failed this like 6 times before i finally realized it was MEAT ON THE BONE 
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i understand owari’s not the type to give a shit probably but do you really wanna eat meat off of the skewer that was very recently repeatedly stabbed into a guy’s abdomen 
even if he cleaned it off before he put it back thats still like, fucked up lmao 
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monokuma took care of it though i guess :’ ) 
kind of alarming that he’s capable of eating now, but 
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I WILL SAY that the final closing sequence is WAY better in sdr2, it’s way way clearer what you’re looking for, the blanks give you hints as to what might go there, the picture options give you descriptions of what you’re looking at (frequently i know exactly what im trying to explain but cant figure out which picture goes where bc they’re just. incomprehensible out of context) and THEY FINALLY FIXED THE SCROLL THING :’) 
i dont know if its just broken as hell with a laptop trackpad and maybe it works with a mouse (or maybe it’s just not designed for pc in the first place, this was originally. ps vita or something i think) but the scroll sensitivity was SO broken in dr1 i spent most of my time just trying desperately to scroll to the thing i needed without scrolling past it 
i still have that problem when im trying to pick which truth bullet to fire but thats not As bad as this part was in dr1 at least
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if he Knew what komaeda was up to (and he did, it’s confirmed right after this) why didn’t he just go tell not-togami right away. even if he thought nobody would believe him, that guy would have taken it very seriously since he already was on his guard and knew there was a threat 
i mean i guess like. he saw an opportunity to kill komaeda, which he could feel justified about bc he knew komaeda was already planning a murder, and if he got away with it he could escape but that still means he was willing to sacrifice everyone else 
like he does give kind of a weak attempt at asking if it counts as an exception because it was sort of self defense (komaeda couldn’t kill him from where he was but he was gonna kill Someone so he was defending. someone) but he still.... knew komaeda was going to kill somebody and made the choice to just kill him himself without warning anyone or saying Anything and then kept that fact to himself too
back in dr1 again we had this similar situation in the first trial where leon actually was acting in self defense (which is Confirmed in the manga, he doesn’t get a chance to explain it in the game) and didn’t tell anyone but like... none of them knew yet if they could get off on a technicality and we don’t know if he might’ve been hoping for that, and he didn’t know sayaka was dangerous, he didn’t make the conscious decision to go kill her without telling anyone. he probably should have asked someone else for help when she lost it but his intention was to get in there to talk it out, so like. he tried to de-escalate the situation and became a killer by accident, teruteru had plenty of time to get help and decided to kill instead. and “hey byakuya i think komaeda is planning something bad” would have been a completely logical thing to do, he would have taken it seriously and teruteru would be innocent in that scenario, vs “guys i think i just killed sayaka but hear me out i didnt mean to” would NOT have gone over well, nobody’s gonna help him or believe him when it’s Sweet Dear Precious Sayaka, naegi could barely believe she attacked him even when they proved it with evidence 
i dont know i feel like teruteru had a lot more intent behind what he did. even if he would have been absolutely fucking justified in killing komaeda and i wish he had done it correctly :’  ) i think the “i dont care about taking everyone else down with him” is way more clear-cut here 
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anyway, goodbye little bastard man 
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i still CANNOT follow komaeda’s logic here 
he’s obsessed with the Ultimates... and believes in them SOOO Much :) he’s desperate to see them overcoming the ultimate despair... so he’s gotta kill somebody... to induce ultimate despair... so they can overcome it... i GUESS???
wouldn’t defeating monokuma and making it out of here on their own strength without resorting to murder at all be the ultimate hope triumph though. what are you DOING, komaeda
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what is W R O N G wiTH YOu
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well there he goes
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i really wish someone would
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its not. clear but im pretty sure she Did punch him
its a crime that we dont get to see this, but 
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i mean. she’s right 
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i B U K I 
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coconutnunnicorn · 5 years
A Thousand Lives Begin with One
As Told by A Monster will be featured in several instalments, please make sure to block IoS and [from my results anyway] it should keep you from ever stumbling across IoS like content which often features the triggers above. It IS capital sensitive.
Bellowing aggressively through the cosmos, her voice rang with absolute finality, “You can pretend all you like, but I’m not delusional.” Quieter now, her ethereal sound whispered into existence a prophecy, “Someday you’re going to have to wake up, and when you do, I will be there. Hear me swear on my mark,” the sacred silver slid through greyish blue flesh, “when the Sky meets the Sea you shall awaken from your sacred seat. With your wake I shall take my place, across the land I will pass my judgment.” Smearing the shimmering ooze over the glass tanks surface. “We will meet again, you cannot hide from me.”
TW: Mentions of death, insanity, carnage, kidnapping.
Imagine if you could, a world where everything was made of light, a plane of existence where everything was in a constant state of peace. Could you picture what that would be like for a girl who absolutely despised a leisurely days stroll? Imagine cracking your own skull to scoop out your aching brain, and multiply it by a thousand. Boredom so deep it could, quite literally, make you cry. Now imagine meeting the most interesting person by absolute chance, an absolute open book of contradictions. A being who was not made of light, but rather a solid mass of dirt, flora, and fauna. Across the surface moved strange patches of white, imagine a creature that constantly made some kind of sound. A woman who smelled of what sunshine should in the mind of someone who dreamed of far off places, places this woman was from. 
Her name had been a sound that could never be put into words, but she said the little people that sometimes popped up inside her head would call her, Earth. The woman was accompanied by a slew of others, an ever exchanging mix, the only constants ever being the ones who called themselves, the Lunar and Solar Stars, or just the Moon and Sun. Earth had explained that she simply couldn’t exist without one or the other, both absolutely essential to her every waking moment. 
Imagine how easy it would be to fall in love.
“I am forever, I am eternity, I am life and death, I am the sky and the sea. I am the very thing that keeps these parasites alive.” a sickening gesture was made toward the odd smoggy coloured masses that had cropped up almost overnight. “I live in all times, at all time, sometimes it’s confusing and people dont always understand.” A pause, a chat over drinks turning serious, the Stars nowhere in sight, but they can still be felt lurking somewhere in the darkness. Low her voice would turn almost sinister, “But they understand power, do you understand power?” 
Imagine being a being of absolute light, and knowing you hold absolute power in this realm. You were literally called forth from the void by the will of the very Stars, Stars they claimed to be. Imagine realizing one day that you have absolutely no idea what is really happening around you, like some kind of awakening, imagine becoming aware that the very ground you live on belongs to something else. Something bigger, so much bigger than yourself that to be meeting another in person was enough to leave you reeling in confusion. 
“Do,” a rather  thoughtful pause, “you want to come with me?”
Imagine being given a day to think about a choice that would forever change your life in a way you had absolutely no control over. Imagine giving yourself completely over to an outside force, trusting it to protect and provide for you. Imagine being warned before you make your decision that things couldn’t ever be undone, you could never return home, you would have to live forever with this being so different from you. “Is that something you think you could live with?” 
They called her a Star snatcher, a World Eater, a conquer of Gods and Titans. Her mood ever-fickle, her loyalty always changing on a whim. It always depended on how she felt at the time, and if she was in the right place to make kind choices. To be merciful. Imagine never believing that.
Seeing first hand the kind of monster the love of your life could be, the bile you had never known before rising from the back of your throat. Think of the way your eyes would burn for the first time as the sick expelled itself before you. “Awe,” a soft tisking tone, “Are you not feeling well, do you want me to take you home?” Imagine the casual tone of a killer as they pull a cloth from thin air to clean your shoes with. The soft kindness in everchanging blue orbs that seemed to only exist for you, Imagine seeing the sharp contrast of red sprayed against pale blues, browns, and greens that made up the ‘flesh’ of your best friend. Over the years and time spent with you, imagine the way she would change to fit your expectations of life.  
A land covered in a vast expanse of wildlife, a world rich with nature and all its ethereal horrors and wonders. A world where trees touched the skies and rivers were so clear you could see the bottom of a bottomless pit. Imagine it being your new home, and knowing you can never go back to a world of light and pain-free bliss. 
Imagine still being in love.
Imagine it taking a catastrophic event for you to learn that you have almost absolute power here in the realm of the solid as well, the power of creation. The Sun had fallen to the Moon in an estranged reality, a deep falling out leading to the undoing of almost an entire eternities worth of existence. Imagine delving your hands into the waters of a dying planet while holding the actual heart of another Star, imagine suffering the searing heat of a dying Sun. The person Earth had turned into as she died was the ugliest you could have ever imagined, think about the moment you felt the free-falling fear of a chair slipping out from under you. Imagine racing through a land you could never hope to know better than your hunter, clutching a dying Star to your chest, throwing yourself to the edges of the pond you did at least know. Imagine doing that while the person you cared for the most hunted you down.
Resurrecting a Star isn’t easy, and it isn’t without its consequences. Everyone paid a price that day. 
Earth was never the same, to start there was now two, each a twisted mirror of one another, looking the same and yet disturbingly different. Neither choosing to actually address or acknowledge the other, they would make wishes or comments and the other would just move into action. It wasn’t always that way though, they regularly acted independently, one would wreak carnage unlike previously seen and the other would simply step in if they thought it was out of control and put an end to it.
Imagine constantly being addressed regularly by two people you dont know, who cant seem to see one another, but are constantly flocking and doting on you as if you’d vanish without their constant watch. Imagine never seeing the Stars or the person you loved the most ever again. Imagine watching one of your, now, precious pair being skewered by a beast you brought in from the outreaches of space. Imagine stumbling across them, “Go, Find Kayton, they will protect you.” Imagine finding that very person who had once coddled you with such absolution, and they simply look away as a figure you never thought you’d ever see again dragged you away to a place you never belonged. 
Imagine dying in a world where you can never really die. 
Imagine living a thousand different lives.
This Story can and will contain triggers such as mentioned below at certain times. 
Mentions of Death,  Death, Graphic Death, Carnage, Torture, Blood, Gore, Mentions of abuse, Abuse of most kinds [Some of this gets dark], Cannibalism, Cults, Deranged views
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 years
I had the following anonymous ask...
new idea that I have just seen floating around: All astrologers are very calm, evolved, enlightened people who follow astrology as a spiritual discipline (like Buddhism) and are therefore more evolved and more spiritual and superior to the rest of us, and if you don't do that you are just 'someone who reads a natal chart'. I've never heard of this view of astrologers before. Thoughts?
...and I promised to address it when I was feeling better.
I had never heard of that, either. After some ponderation I suspect that it’s the latest Tumblr thing. The astrology community here occasionally seems to exist in its own separate universe, with little/nothing to do with either history, or the reality of the rest of the world. The whole idea of “dominants” for example, I see nowhere else but here.
It all sounds like a new way for some people - our theme of the week -  to give themselves airs. “We are the enlightened cognoscenti - you are a mere grovelling worm.” I suppose we should pity their Miss Bingley-like presumption - or maybe their failure to learn that essential schoolyard lesson of, if you have to keep telling people how awesome you are, you really aren’t.
There’s an older book I strongly recommend - Positive Magic: Occult Self-Help, by Marion Weinstein - even though I disagree completely with her astrology chapter. The reason is that the book is so highly ethical. Much of what she wrote has to do with the grave error of ignoring other people’s free will, and manipulating them to do/be what you want them to do. In astrology, this translates into doing third party charts - a variation of which is, “How can I get someone with this placement to like me?” We ourselves never seem to want to change and grow; we want everything else to bend and contort, however.
I haven’t re read PM in a while (hah, one weekend project identified) - I don’t recall if she wrote about the responsibility of studying occult topics. It arises naturally from her stance against manipulation - if you mustn’t manipulate others for your own benefit, it stands to reason that you can’t act as an intermediary between one person wishing to manipulate another person. And, nowhere in any book or magazine I’ve ever read, or with any person I’ve every spoken with, has it ever been stated that “It’s okay to look down on other people.” 
Maybe we should coin a phrase - hipster astrologers - people who investigate the subject primarily as a way to give themselves airs. Dilettantes, posers, frauds, mere dabblers. I suppose this can be construed as me looking down on them, when their only apparent faults are arrogance and vanity. But the damage that arrogance and vanity can do, to themselves as well as to others, makes me angry. I wish I had Oscar Wilde’s talent at skewering fake people.
(This isn’t exactly the Jeremiad I had envisioned, but I did have a slight cooling off period between my initial reaction, and actually getting the laptop out!)
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tumblunni · 6 years
Dawn headcanons!
I dunno why but out of all the protagonists she's the one i associated most with The Inherant Badassness Of A Kid Champion. Just this tiny adorable child with an ABSOLUTE death glare, you have this horrid sense of foreboding even before she casually tosses a pokeball containing The Literal Gods Of Myth. As if it's no big deal. That wasn't difficult so imagine just how easy it'll be to steamroll you into the floor!
But i do kinda headcanon her as someone who's a master trainer but very inexperienced at social interaction? Like, she might look terrifying from the perspective of her enemies but she really is just an awkward kid despite her prodigyness. If anything being a prodigy only contributed to her social anxiety! But it also kinda contributes to her scaryness by accident? Like, she's often completely silent while kicking your ass (its the anxiety), and she's like this force of nature you can't stop whenever she's determined to do something. Whether its saving the world or just 'mom said i cant eat this whole cake'. NOT EVEN GOD CAN STAND BETWEEN ME AND THIS CAKE
So basically she's kinda Cyrus's shadow? They're both very similar quiet stoic kids with 'weird' personalities who find it easier to study stuff than to talk. But Dawn's difference is that she has people there to support her, so she's able to keep going. She was determined to help Cyrus because she saw someone else in the same situation as her who hadn't had all the reasons she had to keep going through the dark times. If their roles were reversed she probably would have ended up the same way.
And i think Cyrus kinda sees her similar to a less evil version of Robin and Slade from Teen Titans? Like, a villainous mentor who wants to turn you into the same as him, but Cyrus's motive is more desperation to prove that his way of seeing the world is correct and that he can actually fix things. Seeing Dawn face the same challenges and win where he'd lost just stabs him in the heart. Like he subconciously opened up a bit and was like 'this person understands' and then couldnt deal with the fact that dawn does understand but she still disagrees with his conclusions. So he tries harder to push her into becoming like him in order to stave off his incoming mental breakdown if his long term beliefs get shattered like that. I dunno, that was just my justification for why the dude monologues his plans at you, gives you a master ball, confesses his true motives to you when he kept them from even his closest allies, etc. And it makes the easter egg at the giratina fight even more emotional! Did you know you get special dialogue if you run away? "You have to fight giratina and prove you're a hypocrite, protagonist!" *does not* "How?! How did you quell its rage by refusing to fight?!" It just skewers his entire philosophy in one moment. It almost feels cruel, like seriously im trying to tell him that kindness is possible and improving the world is possible and not everyone in the world is a horrible person trying to hurt him like his parents did. But his 'the world is broken' philosophy is kinda the only way he was able to cope, so its hard to find a way to convince him without causing a giant cataclysm of all that repressed rage, fear and sadness...
Anyway in my Good End AU they actually do save cyrus and he gets the therapy he needs and starts making steps toward recovery. And he sorta gets put in the witness protection program and given a new name and stuff? Cos the media likes to spin a story and they won't accept 'this man was seriously mentally ill and needs help' when 'big evil megalomaniacal supervillain' makes for better news. He needs to go into hiding during his recovery for the sake of his own safety, and the gym leaders and elite four kinda become his parole officers who make sure he hasnt gone back to crime. And maybe he ends up living in twinleaf town cos its a peaceful place in the middle of nowhere and also cynthia recognises that his friendship with dawn is what brought him back from the brink and itd be good if she could visit him in hospital. And maybe even he gets unofficially adopted into the family as the New Cool Older Bro That I Totally Had Forever, No Relation To That Similar Looking Guy On The News. Imagine Cyrus awkwardly greeting dawn's mum overly formally and just not knowing what to do around that ultimate cryptid, the Non Terrifying Parent! And then she's being all nice and she gives him a homemade scarf and tries teaching him how to make an apple pie and he's just crying so much the pie tastes salty. I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS OKAY
So uhh.. Yeah. Scary Dawn is my headcanon and she is the hugs. The end.
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How did Singlar lose his wife? Did he feel he lost her through his own negligence or ineptitude, or does he blame someone else for her death? Has he ever considered looking for a way to bring her back from the dead? Would he ever consider that?
(Thanks for the ask, @calabren-iarian !)
THIS IS LARGELY MY FAVORITE THING TO TRY AND WRITE??? It came out in an rp AGES ago with Singlar’s mun, and he was like (oocly) “what if you were my wife but I thought I’d lost you?” during a really sad part of an rp. It ripped my heart out and it’s been that way forever.
It’s evolved from something akin to screaming into the void to something else less screamy.
Singlar was pretty young as a dwarf – few decades old, probably 60 or so – and he was out exploring with his older brother, Kóri. They were out, being stupid “young” guys, when they came upon a night elf village. They weren’t used to meeting any of the other races beyond dwarves, gnomes, and humans, and the elves were… gorgeous, to say the least. Kóri would joke at Singlar about “staring too long,” but as a young paladin, the starlight that emanated from their eyes was intoxicating.
Though he and his brother left the village after a particularly bad cold snap (it was only like a few days before the weather opened up), Singlar had developed a major crush on the elf that would become his wife. It took maybe ten years before they actually got married, and they stayed that way for almost 80 years (so he’d be roughly 150-160 when she “died”). They’d made a home in the mountain ranges between Mount Hyjal/Felwood/Winterspring, and they were pretty happy.
Emerald Dream portals would open randomly though, and the village they lived in believed they were well defended, so no one left. Singlar left to go visit his brother in Ironforge (for some business) and left Zaha’a alone at their home. When Singlar returned a few weeks later, it was a gory mess: the village was reduced to smoldering ash, fresh corpses of elves and worgen were everywhere, and Singlar couldn’t find his wife anywhere among the survivors. So, he thought she’d perished.
For another 90+ years, he held a hatred for elves and worgen (and anyone that could turn into one tbh). He blamed himself for staying too long in Ironforge, for not taking the first boat and being delayed by a few extra hours, for not bringing his wife along in the first place.
Since there wasn’t anything left of her – possessions, body, even a photo – Singlar was left with nothing of his wife, but her visage haunted him every day for nearly 50 years. He went and drank himself nearly to death, until the kingdoms of men started asking for the other races to help build up their cities. He spent the next few decades working, drinking, sleeping with everyone, and refusing to allow himself to grieve or let go of his anger. He got sick, and sicker, and sickest of all when the orcs invaded Azeroth. He was one of the first to put his skills into the armies for the Alliance, and used it as an excuse to shed blood.
(Even that left him so very hollow inside, and it did not feel good to watch the blood go down the drain after a battle.)
When his commanders realized what he was doing, he was sent to Silithus to keep the supply chains there flowing for the Alliance and keep them as long as possible from the Horde. It was only when he touched down in Stormwind and was given the orders to go did he see Ahilyah for the first (and only) time fully decked out in her commander’s armor – at the time, he didn’t know she was his commander and was pretty awful to her, but she let it slide – as they were both introduced to the other members of their team.
All seven of them left to go to Silithus. Eventually, after battles and literal years spent in the bug-infested cesspool, everyone but Singlar and Ahilyah died or were transferred. They didn’t get any other teammates, and it was just them holding down an entire outpost.
They grew comfortable, enough to drink and sleep in the same room together (more for camaraderie than anything else), and eventually they started sharing their lives. She told him about her explorations and commander school, he told her how it was to grow up in the heart of a mountain; he explained paladin teachings (that he often scoffed at in the same breath of whispering his prayers to the Light), she explained beautiful and terrifying worlds beyond their touch that only a few could (or would) ever see. They were friends.
Between fighting the Horde and the old god worshippers and the bugs, Ahilyah was often given secret missions that they’d go and usually sabotage Horde encampments (”don’t explain anything to me, and I’ll have no questions to ask,” Singlar would tell her), but one time there was a month of nothing. Singlar asked if the war was over, if they’d be released from this Hell and they’d finally go their separate ways; she explained she’d already been given her orders, and had been given plenty of mail about not completing it yet.
When he asked why they hadn’t gone out to do “another get-this, kill-that” mission, she explained it wasn’t that type of mission anymore. It was supposed to have them go outside of the combat zone and kill any and every Horde village nearby. She had twenty-four hours to respond, or she’d be court marshaled, judged by the king and his peers, and executed. (She still didn’t know which part of the kingdom this order came from, but it had an official seal. She had asked the high command for a repeat of the orders, but she never got one – so, she stayed put, mostly because of her morals and also because she didn’t believe it was a real King Varian-stated order.)
They had a screaming match due to misunderstandings until she screamed something in anger – basically “you’re such a stupid dwarf, I can’t believe I put up with you for so many centuries” – and he was like “????what????”
And then they had a very awkward reveal that she was his wife.
He was angry, hurt, confused, and felt like he wanted to throw up. He ended up camping out in the next outpost over, thinking everything over.
Ahilyah never did the mission. At this point the Alliance basically forgot about Silithus as the Legion expac started, King Wrynn dying, and the other Alliance leaders straining under Anduin’s leadership. He came back after fighting on the Broken Shore for a while (she was in Suramar for a time), but they went back to Silithus when the Broken Isles were secure.
Days before the Sargeras skewering of the world, they started to talk about things. Though Anduin’s reign was much different than his father’s, their relationship would never be able to heal. Silithus was going to be released so the people there could refocus elsewhere in the world, but so far it was just a waiting process.
They were on their way out of the zone (near the northern mountain range) when the sword came down. The group they were traveling with were able to get into a nearby cave, but it turned out to be a straight view of the valley; they’d be burned alive if the shockwave didn’t kill them.
And being stupid, Singlar kind of just stood in front of Ahilyah as they curled up in the corner of the cavern while Silithus erupted in flames. In the last few seconds before the flames hit them, he was like, “I wasted years over you.” And she just had to tell him to choose: the anger, or a clear future.
When the shockwave hit, everything exposed to the flames was horribly burned.  Chunks of Azerite were thrown into bodies of people, killing some instantly due to the intense high while others were in severe agony. The dwarves and gnomes that sat in the cavern came out completely different, half infused with this rock that deformed their bodies but also gave them immense strengths they hadn’t had before.
Ahilyah ends up with horrible burns/scars across the right side of her body (and flecks on her left). The warrior’s right eye glows like the Azurite does, and parts of her scars sometimes glow if she gets too enraged. She goes into blind rages whenever she loses control of herself, going into a frenzy due to the Azerite in her system.
For Singlar, he’s got these giant rocks (kinda like the rock giants in Deepholm?) sticking out of his back, pulsing every time his heart beats. His eyes turn from an ice blue to brilliant gold, and the veins along his body pulse the same color. He’s got burns along the skin that isn’t infused with Azerite, and the back of his head/neck have diamonds/Azerite crystal hybrids growing out of it.
(The other dwarves and gnomes come out looking similar to Singlar, only with their own molecular type – some have sandstone/Azerite, sapphire/Azerite, etc. Each one’s experiences with the Azerite infusion range wildly to “this sucks” to “what could go wrong?”)
((I want to make an entire post about what gnomes, dwarves, goblins, and (maybe) humans taking baths in this stuff would do to them (being descendants of the Titan constructs and all), since the initial “explosion” can’t really be recreated. So it’ll just add to that layer of “well this might actually suck for us” by being so dependent on Azerite.))
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swampgallows · 6 years
most critiques of gifted kids etc mention imposter syndrome, and while a lot of it seemed to resonate with me i could never make a distinct correlation in my life because very little is asked of me, and i have very few accomplishments, so im never really worried about those things or had a reason to doubt my abilities. but i realize more and more that i do, and that i am feeling more and more anxious and overwhelmed by even the smallest tasks. i feel like i am constantly walking on eggshells to do even the smallest things. i only feel safe enough to leave the house to walk the dog, and even then i usually get hounded by my parents or guilted into dropping everything im doing at the moment to go do it. 
xena sometimes lies outside my door at a certain time (she’s used to walks anywhere from 530pm to 7, which will hopefully become earlier as the days get cooler). when i find a natural break in what i’m doing i’ll prepare to take the dog out. so sometimes i’ll be finishing something up and then i hear my mom coo from the other side of the door about how sad and heartbroken the dog looks, and it throws off my whole fucking everything. by the time the walk is over im generally cooled off, but sometimes i straight up yell at my mother, who then responds very defensively about how she “didn’t mean anything by it”. i just cant stand it. i cant stand her calling attention to how the dog “looks like she’s going to cry” or i hear her whine “what’s wrong?” to the dog just because she’s waiting on me to get dressed. it really fucking pisses me off and it makes ME want to cry when my mom calls attention to the dog waiting for me. it really fucking bugs me, like i’m neglecting xena or something. the idea that i would be hurting the feelings of an innocent creature like my dog makes me want to hurt myself.
but then i cant seem to transfer that over to people. obviously i dont want to hurt or offend my friends, so most of the time i just dont do...anything. the last few times i’ve tried to hang ive been incredibly late, struggled getting dressed, had panic attacks, or just overall dreaded their arrival. recently i was so nervous i threw up. these are my friends. they WANT to hang out with me. but i feel like an obligation, and i feel like im waiting for the day when they ditch me for good, and then i can relish the self-deprecation about what a worthless scrape i am and how i deserve to die. or some fucked up shit like that. 
i dont want to be useless or irresponsible or a flake, i dont want to keep running away, yet i am becoming petrified more and more by the smallest things. of course, leaving the house is the hardest part. getting away from the black mold that is my mother changes my mood and outlook completely. but sometimes i get so overwhelmed once im outside that i feel self destructive. 
i feel like i deserve to be hated. sometimes i feel like i’m part of some big con because nobody has given me anon hate yet or been mean to me. like everyone is faking being nice to me in order to manipulate me into doing or thinking something. i know it’s not true, but the absence of targeted hatred toward me makes me paranoid. ive said and done bad things; why isnt anyone trying to skewer me alive? when will the other shoe drop? when will i face my demise? when am i going to get the pain that’s coming to me?
sometimes i think about doing violent things to myself because i deserve it, or i have intrusive thoughts about doing things that would get me sent to prison where i’d get the shit beaten out of me, like i deserve, and waste my meaningless life away without inhibiting society. the urge to self-harm right now is very, very strong. hence me writing this instead.
i partially understand imposter syndrome not just as “you are not/never were capable of this” but also as “you are not supposed to be here”, like i’m taking up space for someone else who was supposed to exist. someone who isn’t me, and someone i could never be. i am afraid to accomplish anything. i am afraid of people perceiving me and thinking i am capable of things. of course that will lead to a very lonely existence, but why should that register as a problem when i barely want to exist anyway?
why dont i have any self-preservation? why dont i want people to care about me? why do i feel so undeserving of life and love? why am i more comfortable deliberately letting people down than taking the chance for them to like me? because they might ask more of me? things i can’t do?
and if i reject them, if i reject the thing they want me to do... i’ll be hurt. or i wont be loved, or both. but isnt that what i feel i deserve anyway???
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