#i cant wait to see the finished product after this!
ccasey0 · 5 months
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Here is my bunny oc
if you wanna give me some tips :3
ooo okay so there are a lot of ways to make an anthro rabbit look more Rabbit-Like.
starting with the feet! first of all, rabbits hve claws that arent retractable, so include those :) next, see the way you have made your feet they are flat on the soles and really short and simple:
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however, rabbit feet are much longer for more propulsion when leaping. there are two way to show this: stanign on the toes or standing on the soles. typically, rabbits will be on their toes when they are walking, standing, running, ect. but when they are resting/sitting they will be on their soles. as shown here:
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see how the feet positions change depending on what the rabbit is doing? try to show this when you are drawing the character, kinda like this:
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Hands! i got nothing to say except for add pads on the palms and beans on the fingers. also claws. example here:
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Now, ears!! the way you drew the ears they kinda looked like they were in a ponytail maybe? as if they were a substitute for hair. shown here:
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There are plenty of other ways to show the ears that will translate as more like Rabbit ears rather than just like hair. examples shown here:
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Tail! you didnt show the tail in your drawing since it was a front-on image, so imma just show different kinds of tails you can give her. first: realistic. a little scruffier and pointed upwards, like an actual rabbit's tail. fur will be the same color as the rest of the fur on the body on top and white on the bottom. example here:
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next: round/cartoon. totally white, fluffy little cottonball on the butt. the way pretty much every cartoon depicts it. this isnt realistic but a cute design attribute nonetheless. example here:
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last: hare. hares have slightly longer tails than rabbits. this isnt quite realistic most of the time when depicted in art, but it looks interesting enough. fur would be the same color as the rest of the body all over the tail, no white underside. example here:
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Eyes! Rabbits are prey, so they have to be able to watch out for predators on all sides. that's why they have eyes on either side of their head. try making the eyes on your character more wide set(kinda like those from asian have). y'know how people are always criticizing Usagi for having eyes too far apart. yeah, there's a reason for that design choice lol. anyways example here:
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Nose! just a little button nose. tiny upside down triangle on the face. simple as that :D example shown in the previous image
Body shape! yeah, i really dont have much advice for this one. if you want it to be realistic have thinner, bonier arms and legs with the same body shape you already have for her. here is your Og with the advice next to it:
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hair! yeah, this one is really just ideas. i sa you added fluff to the top of your character's head, but it look really choppy and more like a weird hat tbh(not trying to hate just stating my observations). try making more fluid and going on one general direction rather than all different directions. want some different options i thought up? first, fluffy: more rounded and floofy looking. i dunno how to explain it so example here lol:
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Next, scruffy: uhhh....i dunno how to explain this one very well either. curved points that go in mostly the same direction with a few outliers. example here:
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last, Human-like: this one is kinda self explanatory. give her human hair lol.
Clothes! okay, this is that last tip i promise. listen, i love the skirt. it's cute, it's personalized, its stylish......But give her shorts or pants. she is a rabbit, which means she will be super athletic and will definitely be jumping/leaping and all-in-all moving around a lot. so yeah, unless you want people looking up her skirt all the time you might wanna give her different bottom apparel. of course, feel free to give her a skirt or dress if you wanna! now, for a top i really like the one you already gave her. it's sleek and looks cool! however, might i suggest a slightly baggier shirt? simply because tight tops like that would be restricting for movement and definitely uncomfortable since she has fur. a baggy shirt would allow for looser movements and wouldnt compact her fur and make it uncomfortable. belt could go either way. keep it or dont, its your choice. it might hurt a bit when she wants to bend over or something(i know from experience lol) but it also wouldnt hinder her like, at all. good for carrying pouches and stuff, holding weapons in shethes, ect. i personally think it looks great. i have a few outfit suggestions that you might like, feel free to use/mix and match any of them. they are yours now :DD
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well, that's about all ive got for you. you dont have to use any of this if you dont want to. these are all just suggestions! anyways, have a good day! imma go hide in my cave now :)
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lotus-pear · 9 months
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YAAAAAYYYY ITS FINALLY HERE!!! ty guys sm again for 5k i rly appreciate it <3
rules and guidelines under the cut!
rules and due date (i've never done this before so bear w me ok!!):
-due date will be march 1st! i will accept entries a few days late dw i'm nor ur professor or smth BUT I WOULD RLY PREFER IF U GET IT DONE BY THEN (just dm me if u need more time)
-pls tag ur finished piece under #lotuspear5kdtiys and dont forget to mention my user @lotus-pear! if i neglect to reblog ur piece then pls lmk even though that probably won't happen bc i'll be checking that tag every day for new entries👹
-pls don't trace the art.. i'll be really sad if u do that :(((( if u need help at all w the posing or hands then shoot me an ask or weed ur way into my dms bc ik this is kind of a complicated piece
-anyone can participate!! u don't have to be following me or anything and it's fine if we've never interacted before
-colors and expression are completely flexible and i'd even encourage playing around w it since the final product isn't meant to mimic my style. if u can then pls try to keep the pose relatively similar although i don't mind if it's changed a little bit. whatever is most comfortable to u as the artist.
-if u guys want to see the piece without any shading or rendering then pls dm me, ik it might be easier for some ppl to just see the bare sketch or the lineart w base colors
prizes🤩 (ik this is what u guys are rly after /j):
-alr so ik everybody's all like "well what's in this for me🤨" oh my god if u would just let me explain 😐 i'll be choosing three winners and two honorable mentions amongst all the contestants
-the top three winners get a follow (yea ok kinda sucky but wtv) AND they get to commission a fully rendered piece from me of a single character of their choice for free >:) (i'll discuss the details w the winners in two months)
-the two runner ups will also get a follow from me AND they get to commission a sketch of a single character from me (again, i'll discuss what this entails in further detail when the honorable mentions are selected in two months)
ermmm yea i think thats it for now i'll come back and edit the post if i feel the need to add anything.. HAVE FUN GUYS I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT U GUYS DO🫶🏼🫶🏼
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starieq · 5 months
You make a present plan 2.0!
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day 4 of an explosive birthday celebration! You were looking through some old boxes you had in your parent’s garage for whatever reason, probably to bring back some awesome childhood memories, until you stumble across some old trading cards you found in a very decorated box. You decided to open one for fun until you get an All Might one! You first thought about how katsuki has one displayed on a shelf in his room from when he got one. But you wanted to make his 18th birthday present 2.0 as great as the recipe book! 
You remembered, wait, you know All Might, Katsuki knows All Might, and Izuku knows All Might. Why don’t you get it signed? It’ll be a special All Might card cause it came from you. But it’s always special cause it came to you. 
You grab your phone from your back pocket to call Izuku.
ring ring ring
“Hi y/n! What’s up? Something wrong? No, you would have called Kacchan because he’s your boyfriend, or he didn’t answer,-“ there he goes again. You honesty think it’s a little funny.
You giggle, “no izuku, I’m fine. Thanks though.  I just need favor to ask!”
Izuku sighs into the phone, “okay good, but what’s the favor?” 
The next day, you walk to All Mights office at UA and knock on the door.
“Who is it??” He says slumped back in his chair.
“Y/n! I have a favor to ask!” 
“Oh, young y/n! Come in!” 
You open the door the door and walk over the All Might.
“Hey All Might, I know your days of signing things as a pro is over, but can you pretty pretty please sign this card for Katsuki since it’s his birthday on Saturday and I want him to have a card signed from me so he can always remember me?” 
“Oh! Of course!” He says, Turing into his All Might form. “I would love to sign young Bakugos present! Gimme the card!” 
After he signs the card, you go to the store to get a case for it. You keep it inside your phone case so nobody steals it. You go inside the store to see what case fits the card and find the perfect one. 
When you’re walking back to the entrance, you get a call. 
Caller ID; Katsuki🧡💥
“Why the hell are you at the store again?” God he’s so nosy. 
“I was uhm, getting some new socks! Cause the needed some more! Hah..!” 
Wow, that sounded believable. “And why are you still looking at my location, freak!” You giggle a bit.
“Shut it brat! Just come back soon. Don’t want ya getting kidnapped or some shit.” 
You can’t help but giggle at that. 
“Yea, yea. I’ll be fine Kats! See you in a bit!” You hang up the phone and go right into your dorm room to hide the card and the case under your bed. 
:a/n; hihi! I had really fun writing this! Thanks for letting me be apart of this! I put a little of everyone’s so far into this, so, sorry if it’s offensive. I cant wait for the finish product, and when everyone’s is done! Love ya! ❤️
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- @gina239
- @mystic60
- @meowze4r
- @icedemon1314
- @bigsimpo343
- @ah-mya
- @whezdostuff
- @berry-vioo
- @seonne
- @slayfics
- @food8me
- @katsuisbaby
- @azzo0
- @kieran-rhoades
- @xnorthstar3x
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ᴅᴀʏ ᴏɴᴇ: Coming April 14th - @zanarkandskylines
ᴅᴀʏ ᴛᴡᴏ: Coming April 15th - @xbabyd0lli3x
ᴅᴀʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: Coming April 16th - @angels-fantasy
ᴅᴀʏ ꜰᴏᴜʀ: Coming April 17th - @starieq
ᴅᴀʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ: Coming April 18th - @lowkeyremi
ᴅᴀʏ ꜱɪx: Coming April 19th - @queenpiranhadon
ᴅᴀʏ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ: Coming April 20th - @cashmoneyyysstuff
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l3oppard · 27 days
𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 ! — shower sex with bsf!chris.
i discard my clothes, leaving them laying on the floor. chris was staying over at my house, and i had asked him if it was alright if i take a quick shower, which he replied with “of course. take your time”.
i got everything ready. all the after products that i needed placed on the counter and products i was going to use in the shower on the little tray on the wall. i told chris to keep him busy while i did my thing. him immediately putting on netflix to search for a show to watch, i heard him start a new series as i started my shower, the tv obnoxiously loud.
i get in the shower, the hot water running down my body making me relax immediately. i let out a sigh of contentment as i stand under the warm stream pf water for a few minutes to let my body calm down.
a soft, quiet thud is heard from behind the marble shower wall that protects the water from running all over the bathroom floor outside the shower.
“chris…??” i call out for the brunette long haired boy. receiving a shy “yeahhh….?” as i hear him open and close a cabinet. “do you need something…?” i stop rubbing my vanilla scented shampoo in to my hair.
a sudden movement of pants dropping on the floor fills the room. “do you… uh..” he replied nervously. “can i join..??” i heard him shuffle around in the room, confusing me.
“chris…” i turn down the water pressure so i could hear him better. “please, baby…?” i pause for a moment, not sure where this was coming from. “okay… come..” i hear him walk towards the shower slowly, taking his time before peaking behind the corner that was hiding me.
he joins me finally. my back pressed against him from how close our bodies are. he gently grabs the shampoo from my hands, squeezing a little out of the bottle before continuing to rub the soap into my hair, massaging my head gently.
i drop my head back against his chest, closing my eyes. as he finishes shampooing my hair i quickly rinse it and get some for chris. “turn around.” i hold his shoulder. he turns around and i look him up and down, catching a glimpse of his boner, and smile to myself.
i soap his hair, doing the same he did for me, gently massaging his scalp. “god, y/n” he groaned as he turned back around, the water immediately rinsing his hair since he stood right under the warm stream of water. he pulls me closer by my waist, holding me tight.
“i need you.. chris.” he pushes me against the wall, making me gasp. i put one leg up, wrapped around around his waist. “are you sure..?” his hands caress my cheek. the water continues running down his face and back, and he has goosebumps all over his body.
i nod. “yes, please.” i pull him closer and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. chris’ hands traveled from my stomach, to my thighs. He caressed them in a soothing motion before pulling away, looking into your eyes.
“fuck, i want you so bad, baby.” he leaned down, gently pressing a kiss to each one of my tits. you let out a soft moan of pleasure as his one of his hands moved down to your aching clit, he slowly circled it with his thumb.
"i can't wait to be inside of you" chris says trailing kisses down my neck. "I'm gonna make you feel so good baby" he says continuing to rub my sensitive bud as he continues kissing down my neck, earning breathily moans from me.
“fuck, don’t have a condom with me.” he mutters against my neck. “sfine…” i continue. “i’ve been on the pill for a few months..” i watch his face return back to his normal lustful gaze as he smashes his lips back on to mine.
"I cant wait to slide right in and see how good you really feel" chris whimpers. i feel his hands travel down between my legs. "are you ready sweetheart" chris asks as he rubs his tip between my wet folds. "yes, chris… please" i moan. he slowly slides into me all the way and begins to slowly thrust.
I bite my tongue and throw my head back, closing my eyes. I dig my nails into his shoulders. Chris takes advantage and slides his mouth along my neck while he grabs me by the ass to start to fuck me against the wall.
he thrust into me slowly, letting me get used to the deep thrusts and then he gets impatient and starts thrusting into me quickly, gradually increasing the force he was exerting. “fuck, baby, wrap around me so well.”
He lowers one of his hands and begins to move his fingers over my clitoris, causing the knot in my stomach to snap. i gasp, “chris!” my legs wrapped around his waist shakes. i collapse onto him, my face in the crook of his neck.
“it’s okay ma, i got you.” he holds me up, preventing me from falling. my sensitivity killing me. “did so good f’me, ma.” he pulls me towards him for a kiss. I go around his neck and take the opportunity to take a few steps back so that the shower can wet us both well.
i finish showering and rinsing the vanilla cinnamon body wash off of us, giving a small back massage as we get out of the shower and dry ourselves.
i rub the towel on his hair, drying it. i shake his head around jokingly. i watch him giggle to himself as i take the towel of his head to watch him.
we stand still for a few minutes admiring each other. half of his head covered with the towel and my hands cover his face. he places tender kisses on my collarbone and cheek. i close my eyes softly, taking in the moment.
“we can’t just be friends after this… right?” little drops of water fall off his face slowly. i trace the droplet sliding down his nose with my finger.
“i never wanted to be just friends.”
© 𝔩3𝔬𝔭𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔡
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bubbleebubz · 3 months
I can't handle change pt 1.5
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I'm awoken to a cold sensation between my legs, a cold water bottle slide off the blanket and between my thighs, its condensation giving me chills, making my nipples harden from the cold abrupt feeling, and a thing of strawberry yogurt. I look around, finding Spencer still next to me, where he was when I fell asleep, but now he too was in a light slumber, his head resting on the window next to him. I smile and see the damp sticky note on the yogurt. "Eat this, we don't need your lack of energy to ruin the case", it read. I roll my eyes. I stare at the strawberry yogurt in front of me for a minute, pushing my lack of appetite and craving for coffee aside and gobble the yogurt down and chug the water. "Good girl" I feel a breath in my ear causing me to jump, I whip my head over to look at him, just to see him with a shit eating grin but still 'sleeping'. I groan in irritation after feeling another weird sensation between my legs, clenching them together to relive the unknown tension.
"Spencer I know your awake, it wasn't a ghost." I whisper, looking around to see if anyone was still awake. But nope, they were all out like a light.
"We will be landing in 15 minutes" Spencer whispers again but this time does not attempt to fake sleep. I slap him out of fear. "Stop doing that" I whisper yell at him. He puts his hands up "it's not MY fault your so jumpy" He exclaims with a grin.
We get off the jet, in the middle of no where Texas.
"Ok team, because this town is so old and small, there is only one motel, meaning we will need to share rooms. So, Emily and JJ, Morgan and Garcia, Me and Rossi, leaving Y/N and Reid. " Hotch says, looking down at the notes he has taken. "What, Hotch you can't make me bunk with her" Spencer says, annoyance clear in his voice. "Yes I can, Reid, this is the pairing its always been, but Y/N is new, so you cant be in your own room any longer." Hotch says, brows furrowed. Spencer scoffs in annoyance grabbing the room key, before walking off and past me. "I get the bed closest to the door" He mumbles before I follow behind him. "Okie dokie, but I get the shower first" I say, not all to happy on the situation either.
We get to the room that thankfully has 2 beds, I set my go-bag down on the chair before grabbing my pajama's and bathroom products and entering the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.
"Locks broken, just my luck" I mumble before undressing and turning the shower on and turning the temperature up to the hottest setting due to the old pipes and the slow heating.
I wait impatiently for the water to heat up before getting in, letting the steaming water cascade down my body. A shudder leaves my body making me let out a sigh. My thoughts start racing to earlier. The strange sensation between my thighs returning. "Good girl" My brain plays in memory. I slip a hand between my thighs, exploring my parts. A moan leaving my lips at the new sensation. I rip my hand away in fear before finishing my shower in a rush and running out of the bathroom in my pajamas. "Hey, you ok? You were making some strange noises in there" Spencer asks, now in a pair of grey sweats and a black t shirt, he was laying on his bed reading a book. An un-noticeable bulge in his pants, but it was noticeable to her, everything was noticeable to her right now. Her eyes were glued as he stared at her, waiting an answer. He smirks, confused by how on edge she was.
"Y/N" He says, catching her attention. "yeah? hmm?" She asks, gazing back up to his eyes. "Are you okay? You were making noises in the shower" he says, still smirking.
"Oh yeah no, I mean ya, I'm good, just some new things, I don't know, s'all" She says, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.
He just nods, letting her off the hook.
She lays down on her bed. "I'm going to bed now, goodnight Spencer" She says quickly.
She falls asleep, the wetness between her legs still evident.
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satoruhour · 1 year
not to be the bitch that makes everything abt me but i will. sometimes when we're at home and my bfs bored he'll just look at me and go "u want head ?" and i feel like gojo would do that, our little munch. dont even have to say yes cause he already knows u do lol
(also this is just a thought not an ask (im not sure if they're open so i wanted to clarify that :p ))
LMFAOOOO HE WOULD 😭😭😭😭 hes very impromptu like that and it varies from person to person but id def be a liiittle annoyed if i had plans bc i cant just cancel but also im pretty sure gojo gives heavenly head that i cant reject him.....
youd be lazing at home, a one day break from missions and youre so used to being busy that it feels odd to laze around. you can hear gojo’s whines from the living room just cause u decided to spend ur off day in a more productive way but by waking up early (and leaving him in the bed, hence the whines) but youre starting to regret it bc u can feel ur eyes drooping and staring blankly at the tv is NOT helping and gojo is just stumbling outside scratching his body under his shirt and woo wee he always look so good in the morning you have to change ur position to clench your thighs tgt
“morning baby” its cute and all but by your second movie gojo keeps yawning and hes tucked under your arm its adorbs. is terrible at timing bc he asks u when theres a main character death on the screen and youre like in a "no wait i liked that character" state. youre not ENTIRELY sad sbout it but the fact gojo asks ..... when said character on screen got shot .. LMFAOOOO???
“you want head?”
you groan, “NOW? i wanna know what happens to xyz character”
“stop lying you watched this movie before! i remembering coming home to the credits after i finished a mission.”
“man stfu”
you never can win against gojo though bc he traps u in his charm easy enough, interrupting your focus by kissing you and teasing you with words. he has no decorum 😭😭😭 soon enough hes easing you to lay back against the couch and peeling away your pants.
“youre such a bad liar baby! youre wet already”
“yeah from KISSING . not seeing han die in tokyo drift!”
“let that man GO his car isnt even all that anyway”
“you take that back right now!” it’s all banter LOL its usually like that with gojo but he cuts you off soon enough when he kitten licks your clit and you moan and youre already sighing in the middle when gojo emerges again.
“to be fair, he is pretty cute.”
“gay ass.”
gojo tsks and pouts, only laying on your thigh with a big frown.
“you wound me”
“shut up and eat my pussy.”
“okay damn!”
hello hello!
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horny-p0et · 8 days
dating incelbur
while i'm working on the last parts of the incelbur series (one middle part, then a good and bad ending) enjoy some headcanons about the character at the request of the lovely 🦭 anon :) please feel free to send in asks or requests about any bursona, even the ones i haven't written for and i will do my best to deliver some content.
sfw with nsfw under the cut. mentions of masturbation, nudes, sexting and sex.
-- sfw --
he would rather spend time at your house since his room is always a mess, napping in your bed while you study or playing on his switch with you cuddled up under his arm playing on your ds.
covers his face every time you try and take a photo of him, complaining about how bad he looks on camera.
hates showering but gets into the habit when you join him, leaning down so you can shampoo his curls. didn't believe there was anything wrong with his 10 in one soap until he felt how soft his hair was after trying your products. after using half a bottle of some expensive shampoo, you buy him his own box of bathroom supplies.
you have to remind him to brush his teeth when he tries to kiss you, playfully covering his mouth with your palm as he whines desperately for just one kiss.
doesn't want to meet your friends, putting it off for weeks until you finally convince him to come to a party. he just knows they will think he's weird and gross, he doesn't want you to look bad for dating a loser like him. he's mostly silent, holding onto you hand or hip the entire time to keep himself calm.
takes you on dates to conventions and the arcade, buying you plushies of your favourite characters, smiling to himself when he sees them in your bed.
tries to get dressed up for you but he cant tie a tie, so he sticks to graphic t shirts and skinny jeans. you tell him you like the way he dresses but he should stop wearing clothes with stains and holes in them.
buys you matching skins in the games you play together, it makes him feel connected to you, a silent way to tell everyone in the lobby you guys are an item. he shyly asks if you'll have matching profile pics too.
refuses to introduce you to his friends. they are all pretty misogynistic and he's terrified of losing you. after one too many comments about you being a bimbo he cuts most of them off, they just don't understand how special you are in his eyes.
whines when you wake up for work or school in the morning, his fingers digging into your hips as he begs for just another minute.
stocks your favourite energy drink in his apartment alongside his own so you stop stealing his.
-- nsfw --
you convince him to shower with you since he doesn't take care of his own hygiene. he's got a boner the entire time and barely notices the fact you're washing his body with your free hand as you jerk him off.
reward him for doing basic tasks with sexual favours. blowjobs for taking out the garbage, riding him when he finishes an assignment and marking his skin with bites after a job interview.
he is incredibly possessive, always sulking when you go out and hang out with other men even in a public, casual setting. demands you text him while you're out and tell him what you're doing. sometimes he cums inside you, pulling up your panties and forcing you out the door so you take part of him with you.
sends you dick pics a hundred times a day. even if you're at work or in class, he will send you videos and photos. the angles are awkward but the desperate sound of him whining your name as he makes a mess of his bedsheets make you punish him when you get home.
teasing. always teasing him. he tells you he hates it, how it drives him crazy to see you dressed in skimpy clothes around the house but refuse to let him bend you over and fuck you silly. you wait until he's desperate and begging, red in the face as he grips the bedsheets when you finally sink onto his dick.
comments lewd things under your posts, knowing that you'll blush with embarrassment when your friends see his crude words. maybe he wants you to punish him, or he just likes showing his ownership publicly.
asks you to dress up as his favourite characters during sex, mostly from anime. his favourite is the cliche japanese school uniform, flipping the skirt up around your waist as he fucks you into his sweat stained bed sheets. sometimes they are more extreme, characters with intricate outfits that he happily spends his money on even if he knows he's gonna be ripping half of the clothing items off you.
didn't think he'd like eating you out, it sounded gross to get his head down there but one day you punish him by sitting on his face and his eyes roll back while he groans is approval. he starts begging you to do it again, whimpering pathetically when you grip his curls and lock him between your legs with your thighs. he ruts against the mattress, spilling into his boxers because of your taste and moans.
sends you porn videos he wants to recreate, including the cheesy story and plot lines. he's a terrible actor but you're convinced to stick your head into the drum of the dryer so he can 'accidently' find you stuck down there. he barely lasts two minutes in that scenario.
saves every nude video and photo you've sent him to jerk off too when you guys can't be together. he always texts you when he's horny, which is a lot, but when he is desperate enough the sound of your moans and his right hand get the job done.
taglist: @Multifandomhallucinations @Xxvalentinezxx @Lillyspeakz (ask to be put on tag list c:)
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bbrissonn · 1 year
𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐮 - 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐳𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬 (𝟏)
╰┈➤kinda nervous lol, making this on sept 22 at 11:51 pm. i came up with this idea for an au after seeing this post from @edwardslvrr like 2 hours ago
╰┈➤ october 8th bri bri here, decided to post this cause why not, it's all i've been thinking about since i started this au in my draft and i really want to make it public so yeah :))) hope you enjoy !!
╰┈➤ pairing: trevor zegras x ex!singer!reader
╰┈➤ masterlist
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: ̗̀➛ alannaoregon has posted on instagram for the first time in a while
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liked by jamie.drysdale and 1.8M others
alannaoregon so excited to announce that my sophomore album Tired of U comes out on October 13th !! this has been a work for almost 6 months and i cant wait for all of you to hear it. starting off with “i regret you everyday” coming out September 22th
much love, lana 🩵
view all 5,042 comments
becky.rivera GO BEST FRIEND
alannaoregon @/becky.rivera I LOVE YOU BEST FRIEND
jamie.drysdale so proud
alannaoregon @/jamie.drysdale love you little one
user920 soooo we all agree on who all of these are gonna be about right…?
user726 trevor went from having 12 love songs written about him, to 14 breakup song 🫢
user02 @/user726 from obsessed with you to tired of u..
sabrinacarpenter so happy to be by ur side and see u grow, cant wait for everyone these masterpieces 🩷
alannaoregon @/sabrinacarpenter love you so much 🩷
user53 the way lana always uses a blue or white heart, but always a pink one for sabrina 🥹
user836 @/user53 glad im not the only one who noticed
load more…
: ̗̀➛ alanna oregon posted a new youtube video
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“Becky bring your butt over here.” Alanna called out, placing her camera on the counter of her bathroom. Her skincare products in front of her as Becca made her way into the room, waving at the camera once she was in frame.
"I'm here, I'm here." The Rivera girl said as Alanna grabbed her first product and started applying it to her face.
"Hi cuties, it's me, Lana." The singer said in a weird voice, one she used in every intro. Becca snorted a bit, making her best friend giggle a bit. "I am back with my girl Becky."
"That's me."
"And today, we're gonna take for a lake day with us. And through out the day, I am gonna explaining every single song from my next album, Tired of u, that comes out on October 14th." Alanna explained as she moved onto her second product. Next to her, Becca was nodding along to what she way saying, a proud smile on her face.
"Go pre-save it, guys!"
"And we're gonna be starting with a single, I regret you everyday, coming out on September 20th."
"Not gonna lie, I think that's one of my fav." Becky said as Alanna moved onto her third product. The singer had already made her best friend listen to the whole album, but the girl was there for the writing and producing process so she already had a good idea of what the song were like.
"So, I regret you everyday is a pretty self explanatory title for the song. It's pretty much about regretting ever getting into a relationship with someone, let alone even meeting them even if it's something you can't control." The girl started as she applied her sunscreen gently to her skin. "I think it was the second song I finished writing, maybe like a week after my break-up."
"Wasn't it two weeks?"
"I dunno know, doesn't matter. I was just crying on Becky's couch one day and just came up with it, she helped me write some of the lines."
"You can call me Shakespeare now." The Rivera girl joked, causing her best friend to giggle once again.
"Any who, I picked that song to be a single because I think it really gives off the vibe of what the album is gonna be. Also, because Becky said she'd hit me if I didn't put-"
"If I didn't put out as a single. So, yeah, now you know!" Alanna continued, ignoring the look her best friend was giving her. She quickly cut the camera after that, laughing at Becca's expression that still hadn't changed.
The next clip was of the two girls in the kitchen, preparing their breakfast for the day.
"I don't know if we said it before, but we're at Becky's family cottage for the weekend, so we're gonna go swimming this afternoon." Was the first thing said in the clip, Becky in the frame as she broke the eggs. Alanna was in the back, doors of the fridge opened as the looked for the milk.
"Then I am taking her out a date to the porch for dinner with the sunset."
"Fun fact for y'all, the photo on the back of the album was taken by the neighbors of me and Becky. So, thanks to them for their contribution to the album."
"And to my dock for being the front of it." Becca added as she now left the frame and Alanna was now the main focus.
"The next song we're gonna talk about is sunset chasing. Now that song was... very emotional to make, because as some of you might know, I am a whore for sunsets, and sunset chasing was something I did a lot with my ex." The girl started explaining.
"Big big whore for them!"
"In the song, the sunset represents like my relationship with said ex, and how I was like chasing after him and his attention even though we were together for years already. And I guess you could say there's like a double meaning I think, like how sunset chasing turned into me chasing him." She added, smiling slightly had Becca's words.
"I was once again present for the writing of this song and contributed." Becca said, walking back into the frame for a slight second, a proud smile on her face.
"The birds are trying to eat my food!" Becca yelled out, a loud laughing coming from Alanna as she filmed her best friend shoo away the birds. The two girls were now outside, their breakfast in front of them as they sat on the porch, from which they had a nice view of the lake.
"Becca, don't hurt them!" Alanna said from being the camera, making the girl in question look at her like she was crazy.
"They're going for my food, Lana." There was a cut after that, and then the two girls were sitting around a round table as they slowly ate their food.
"Can I introduce this song?"
"Even if I say no, you'll do it anyways, Becky."
"Damn right I will. Anyways, guys, the next song is called 11 feet behind!" Becca announced to the camera giggling a bit after saying the title of the song. "What's that song about, Lana?" She asked with wiggling eyebrows.
"That song is about always feeling like you're always behind in your relationship. Like people know more what's going on in your relationship than you do, which, fucked up for one, and two really sucks, because it makes you feel like you mean nothing to your partner."
"Guys, let me tell, my girl did not hold back with this one." Becca giggled while talking to the camera. When Alanna had told her best friend she'd be using Trevor's number in one of her song titles, the girl gasped, calling her crazy because of it.
"I am speaking the truth."
"I'm so proud of you, lanny." Becca said randomly, looking over at her best friend. Alanna laughed a bit before giving the girl a big hug, laughing a little.
"We're getting Starbucks!" Becca yelled out as the next clip started, Alanna's laugh being heard once again. The two of them were now in the car, Becca driving as the other girl sat in the passenger seat, holding the camera so they were both in frame.
"Which is like totally crazy 'cause the next song was written in a Starbucks."
"What a coincidence."
"Right!" The two girl joked, their chuckles echoing in the car before Alanna focused back on the task at hand. "Anyways, it's called Friend Stealer. Long story short, it's about getting dumped by a guy so he can go date one of your friend, that he met through you."
"Snakes." Becky could be heard whispering in the back.
"And the reason why it was written in a Starbucks is because I just wanted to leave my house, get some caffein, and as I was just sitting there thinking about the whole thing, the lyrics just came to me. So, I wrote them down in my notes, typing like a crazy lady on my phone."
"She was gone for like three hours, I was so worried!" Becca said, making Alanna roll her eyes slightly.
"Okay, that's a bit dramatic, I was gone for like, forty-five minutes maybe."
"Still scared me."
"Moving on, that song was probably what helped me really get over my break-up, well more like started the whole moving on process. I was really just writing what I was feeling and yeah, that song was born. It was the first one that I found the melody for, but I think it was like, the forth I wrote, and that's when I decided I was making an album." The singer explained with a shy smile, recalling the happiness she had felt after finally writing out all her anger.
"We're back in the car! Becky, what'd you get, girl?"
"I got a grande iced coffee with a splash of cream, two pumps of vanilla and two pumps of hazelnut." The girl explained her order, shaking her drinks around. "How about you, m'lady?"
"I got the same as always, my sir. A venti brown sugar oatmilk shaken expresso, only three pumps of brown sugar, three pumps of white mocha and no cinnamon."
"For all of you who didn't know, Lana's my sugar mommy, and she paid for my drink." Becca spoke, grabbing the camera for it was focusing on her. Her best friend scoffed a bit before bringing back to camera on her as Becky started to drive.
"Killing us softly is the name of the next song we're gonna be talking about. The title pretty much says it all, it just talks about how someone in a relationship just doesn't care enough and it's slowly killing their relationship." The clip cut right after the girl was done talking, and the next clip was of her sitting in her bed, filming on her phone with her headphones on.
"Guys, my camera died, oops. And at first Becky and I were gonna go to Target, well we still did, and film the next song in the car. Obviously, we couldn't do that, and my dumb ass forgot to like, go to the song we were gonna do in the car. So, here it is!
It's called mascara stained cheeks, once again, title says it all. But, it goes more into details about how toxic my relationship with my ex got, and how much he made me cry. Small reminder, that crying often in a relationship because of your partner, is not a healthy relationship, never has been and never will be. With that being said, next clip! Wait no, disclaimer, I got a little lazy with these, oops again, so the clips are pretty short. Okay, now, next clip!"
The two girls were now laying on their chests on sun bathing chairs. The camera was set up on a small table in front of them as they both pushed themselves up on their chairs.
"30 seconds. Wanna do the honor's of explaining this one, Becky?"
"Yes please. This song is about how much of an asshole mister tiny dick was."
"What? He was. Mister tiny dick broke up with my goddess of a best friend over a phone call, that lasted a solid 30 seconds." The Rivera girl explained, as Alanna gave her stern look.
"Becky, I'm gonna get demonetized because of you."
"Not my fault he had a tiny dick."
"Guys, it's editing Lana here again." The girl said, once again sitting in her bed. " So, apparently, none of my footage for the next three songs saved, yay. So, I am gonna have to do this little explanation segment again.
Okay, crushed mind. My baby, the second song I wrote, uhm, I pretty much got emotionally cheated on, so, my mind crushed. Oh my, God, I suck at explaining when I am alone. I feel so awkward just talking to my phone. Ugh, anyways, yeah, I don't know what else to say for that one.
Moving on, i miss u, this one I'm gonna explain so good, just watch, well listen... and watch. It's about missing the person your partner used to be, feeling like they've just become this whole new different person than the one you feel in love with. Which hurts, a lot. But, you know, people change, you can't get mad at people because of that... but you can write songs about it." The girl said, giggling slightly at the end.
"Last song that vanished, spinning circle, talks about conversations with my ex, would just be a spinning circle, I know the saying is like cycle or whatever, but the circle part is explained in the song. I can't tell you right now though, 'cause then I'm... I'm spoiling the like plot twist in the lyrics. Anyways, my camera figured itself out after that clip, so yeah. Back to Lanny and Becky from a week ago."
The two young adults were sitting on the paddle board, which was tied to the dock so they didn't float away. The sun was beaming on them as their wet skin reflected the light slightly.
"I felt a fish touch me!" Becca gasped just as Alanna was about to speak.
"It's a fish, it's not gonna kill you."
"No, but you know what will, forgiving." Becca said, winking at the girl, clearly proud of herself for the word play. "Get it? 'Cause the next song is... forgive."
"Go you, girly. Forgive, is about forgiving myself for the pain I caused myself during the end of my relationship. Like, I knew it wasn't healthy and all, I knew I should've broken up with him, but I didn't. And it ended up hurting me a lot, and I wrote that song last, kinda like a letter to my past self, forgiving her for making me hurt."
"If any of you though it was about her forgiving mister tiny dick, you weren't alone. I though so too, and I almost wacked her when she told me." Becca said, using the nickname she had for Trevor once again. "Don't look at me like that, you're not gonna get demonetized!"
"Okay, friends, it's now bedtime for us. We decided not to film after dinner, because we ended having a little heart to heart in the car after, and we just didn't really feel like it. So, we're gonna speed run the last three."
"Heist!" Becca called out. The two best friends were once again in the bathroom, now doing their nightly skincare.
"Going on a heist to get the smallest bit of attention from your partner." Alanna answered.
"heart n soul."
"How hurt my heart and soul were after my break up."
"Last one, tired of u!"
"Tired of... them. Yeah! No, uhm, I am gonna take a little more time on this one since it's also the name of the album. Tired of u, is just about how tired I was of how my old boyfriend was treating me and acting around me. And the reason I picked that name for the album, is because it really describes how I feel towards him still, and our relationship, even now. Overall, just tired of everything related to my old relationship, the media, the comments, just all of it."
"I got tired of him, too, Lanny." Becky said right before the clip cut, making the singer chuckle slightly.
"Okay friends, we're now in our matching pjs, and we're gonna go to sleep now. So, thanks for hanging with us today."
"Don't forget to go pre-save the album!"
"And yeah, I'll see you guys soon. Bye bye!" Alanna said before leaning in and pressing a kiss to the lens, which Becca than repeated.
: ̗̀➛ comments
user80 the way every time she vlogs she always struggles with the camera- she's so me
user001 so excited to hear these songs, all of them sound so interesting !!!
user719 guys i think she's gonna release sunset chasing as a single before the album drops cause she did the whole album in order, expect for i regret you everyday and sunset chasing
user412 @/user719 OMG YOU'RE SO SMART alannaoregon @/user719 shhh bestie you're gonna ruin the surprise user719 @/alannaoregon OH MY GOD OH MY GOD HIIIII
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chrispleasure · 23 days
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summary!: you and chris get into a heated argument which lasts a while, without a doubt ends with you having a breakdown and receiving comfort.
not proof read! first time publishing on here!
“seriously— you never fucking do anything but sit on your round ass all day!” he complains, slamming his fist against the table.
the two of you have been firing insults at eachother all day, trying to break eachother. “your a little slut wearing that top with no bra.” he raises his voice.
it hurt you seeing him pick away at your appearance, which was once his favourite part of you. “oh my god, please be quiet for once so i can finish working.” she snaps, standing up and going to his desk which is places across the room from hers.
he looks up at her with an expression on his face, a look expressing ‘get the fuck out of my face before i slap you’, but you didn’t understand.
you wanted to scream at him, tell him to keep those hurtful thoughts to himself but you knew he wouldnt listen. “look at those thunder thighs, ma. i thought you were workin’ out.” he points out, leaning back in his chair.
he crosses his arms, a sly smirk on his lips. every word he said made you want to cry, but that wouldnt help. it would make it laugh at you, again, not taking you seriously.
‘deep breaths’ you thought to yourself, stepping back. “how about you do something productive instead of watching porn?” you go and sit down at your desk, but he grips your wrist.
“wha’d you say, slut?” he mutters the last part of his sentence. “i said you should do something productive instead of watching porn!” you raised your voice, wanting to finish your work.
he didnt watch porn, he only wanted to watch her. it hurt him to hear that you thought that. he lets out a short breath. “go.”chris points to the door, licking his lips. “you obviously need a little break from me. when you get back ill be better, i promise.” he mutters, moving his chair back.
part of you wanted to protest, say no. but you couldnt deny you wanted him to treat you better, stop with this SHITTY attitude he was giving you.
back when the two of you first started dating he was sweet, offering hugs and sweet gestures every moment he got.
now they always argued over the smallest things, who could shower first, who does the most work.. mostly competive shit.
you step out of the door, closing it behind you like he asked. you forgot your card and keys so you had no money or car. so you decided to sit on the front porch until you thought he would be ready to apologise.
after a few hours, you gave up waiting. standing up and turning the door knob. “m’ back, you little goof ball.” you tease a little, expecting him to latch onto you, but no. he must still be in his room.
you want to try be a good girlfriend so he’s happy, so you decide to make some coffee. as you pour his steaming hot coffee into his favourite mug, arms snake around your waist from behind. “being helpful i see?” he smiles tiredly, has he finally given up?
a small nod and a chuckle escapes your body, making him go upstairs to wait for you. you carry his coffee upstairs, placing it on his desk beside his computer.
“smells shit.” he mumbles, playing whatever game he found entertaining in that moment. you sighed, watching as he took a sip. he immediately acted repulsed, placing the cup down.
he shakes his head. “never again.” he complains, you wanted to be upset, but thats too dramatic. this waa your last straw before breaking down. you decide to go change and try get ready and go out, your last hope. as you turn around, your arm accidentally hits his cup of coffee, pouring it all over his jeans.
“ow- fuck!” he screams, his impulsive response is to slap your arm, which he did way to hard. “hot, hot!” he hisses, standing up quickly, looking down at the mess.
“look at the fucking mess you made-” he complains, unbuttoning his jeans. you were disappointed, today was going so bad for you. why cant things go differently?
you walk to the dresser, grab some clothes and hurry to the bathroom to change. giving today ONE more chance.
as you shimmy out of your shorts, your met with the sight of some red marks chris made today. you stare down at yourself, tears filling your eyes.
you take your top off, your hot pink bra showing off your breasts. you put each leg into your low rise jeans, pulling them up over your thighs.
they didnt fit. they fit well last week. your mind goes back to when chris said you have thunder sighs. am i really that big for these jeans?
your mind fills with worry and terrible thoughts, desperately trying to pull the jeans over your thighs. nothing worked.
this was your very last straw, tears erupted. loud sobs bursting out of your throat. you immediately cover your face, your hands on your face as you sobbed into yourself.
your stomach puffed in and out, getting more and more involved as you cried. before anything else, you here loud footsteps near the door.
the door swings open, revealing chris in some comfy sweats and headphones around his neck. he wasnt wearing a shirt since he used it to clean coffee from in between his keyboard keys.
“hey, hey.. ma.” he immediately goes to your side, grabbing your shoulders softly. “m-m..” you whimper, moving away.
you were obviously scared of him, of what he might do. his expression softened. “you think i would?” he spoke softly, removing his hand.
now he’s upset, but he pushes his feelings away for you. “you want a hug? please say yes, i need my girl in my arms.” he pleads, holding out your arms.
scared, you shuffle your way between his arms which instantly wrap around you. his chin rests on your shoulders. “now what happened, beautiful? what set off the tearworks?” he asks calmly, rubbing your bare shoulders, fiddling with your bra strap.
you think about what to say, this is pathetic. crying over pants not fitting. crying because he hurt you, made fun of you.
“we have been fighting a-all day.. you called- called me fat n’ said i have thunder thighs. now i cant fit in my favourite jeans..” you started, sobbing as you explained your situation.
“and the coffee- i accidentally spilled it on you. im so- so fucking sorry. i didnt mean to and you slapped my arm- and it hurt.” you work yourself up, your cries getting louder.
he cut you off, stroking your shoulder softly with one hand and pressing soft, sloppy kisses against the other. “ma, i didnt mean to call ya’ fat. you understand how grumpy i get..” he starts, pressing kisses around your shoulder and neck.
chris couldn’t bare with the thought of you crying, and you were, BECAUSE of him.
“you are a beautiful girl, my beautiful girl. m’ so happy and lucky to have you as my love. my one and only sweetheart.” he rubs the corner of your shoulder.
he pulled away to look at your puffy face, wiping your tears with a soft smile. “show me that smile, ma.” he wipes his thumb over her bottom lip, causing her to smile.
her cries stopped, replaced by listening to his soothing words.
authours note ྀིྀི
hii guys, this is my first little thing posted on hereee! i need some more friends but all my followers i do see and read your content. some i saw on c.ai and others on tumblr.. please interact with this post by reblogging❤️
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
and what is tf without its duplicitous little guys...
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[ID: Starscream framed in the doors of the decepticon base, others looking on. Caption boxes: As Starscream departs, his fellow decepticons look on many thoughts pass through their minds… Thoughts that go unsaid for now, thoughts that will smoulder, thoughts that say Starscream was right... Treacherous thoughts! And Starscream smiles! END]
its tfuk storyline THE ENEMY WITHIN, which spans from no 13 to 17! dang. spring 1985. this posts a bit beefy but also deeply silly :D 👍
Script: Simon Furman art: John Ridgeway (13) Mike Collins (14-17) Colours: Gina Hart Letters: Richard Starkings Editor: Sheila Cranna Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee
Well. its time i enter the den of that snake who haunts my tf experience, simon furman. and as i still dont have digital remastering to complain about. may i just say. i cannot stand getting so much preamble about how great these comics are, how legendary this writer, how influential this run is, etc etc before youve even let me see a single line he wrote. and i find this a perfectly tf fan style behaviour... that and gushing rapid fire and at length about future plot points, that i, as first time reader. HAVE NO FUCKING CONTEXT FOR. keep it real tf fandom.
context, production and continuity notes only please, if there was any interesting quotes from creatives, process notes, art details and lore fuckery to be explained, might i suggest. AFTER THE FUCKING COMIC.
[i walk off stage grumbling] turtles wouldnt treat me like this-- ALRIGHT START THE SLIDE SHOW
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[ID: Megatron and Starscream yelling at each other. Megatron: My orders will be obeyed without question, Starscream. I will not tolerate these attempts to usurp my authority… Starscream: Ha! There comes a time when even the mightiest rulers must be challenged. Megatron. Your plan to wait and observe is both weak and stupid… We must strike now and destroy utterly our enemies, the Autobots! END]
calibration check: COMPLETE
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[ID: Ravage skidding to a stop, outside the Decepticon base. Its a graceless and very cat like pose. He's thinking "...Outside! A barren, featureless desert and I'm being chased by someone who can become a fighter jet! This may call for a major reassessment of my loyalties!" END]
god SOMETIMES hes a funny cat....
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[ID: Action panel, Starscream streaking low. Trailing end of his sentence "...Gone?" Ravage is popping out from ground calls out "Surprise, SUCKER!" END]
and hes got JOKES?
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[ID: Starscream standing on a rocky cliff, facing away, musing to himself "Hmm, a pity. Ravage would have made an excellent ally. Still, I must thank him for one thing..." END]
this is just here cause...damn if i cant hear that in perfect screamer voice. 👍
anyway brawns been in a workplace accident
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[ID: Pov shot, in a wobbly line style, as if the viewer, Brawn's, vision is swimming. Prowl, Windcharger and Bee are standing over him. Bee: Brawn..? Brawn? Look! He's opening his eyes. He's all right. Soon have him back to work! END]
shaking my head. someone get the union rep. also i just realised that isnt prowls torso. thats windcharger??? whys he uncoloured lol.
and he nearly kills a coworker and gets outta dodge
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[ID: A hole in a metal wall, warped and torn. Brawn silhouette seen walking out of it, to the wilderness outside. His unusual and blocky toy model shape adds to this tableau. END]
this image. is so beautiful. your laughing, he almost killed someone and your laughing? i am... im imagining the little asscheeks, u know like the meme?
end disc 1. (no 14)
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[ID: Large dramatic illustration of Ravage, crawling through the desert, one injured leg leaving a trail behind him. He yells "STARSCREAM! I'll see you destroyed for this! I'll make you suffer for daring to attack me and for not making sure that you'd finished me off!" END]
HOT CAT. special delivery did anyone order the image of the hot cat.
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[ID: Megatron appearing before Ravage, wreathed in a beam of light. Ravage looks up and is stunned in the corner. "M-Megatron?" Megatron: We have returned just in time-quickly, Ravage, which Autobot did this to you? Ravage: N-not… Autobot… was… END]
i love this panel. its like hes the patron saint of furries. mother megsy comes to me. WHO DID THIS TO U. booktok ass.
anyway we got two bots on a rampage
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[ID: Caption box: The traffic cop fled, but already Brawn had turned his attention to the car. Brawn speaks to the car "Well? You're free! Off you go, then…" A beat panel, as the car obviously does nothing. A close on Brawn's clenched fist, which is very simple/abstract. He rages "You ungrateful imbecile! If you won't take that brand of freedom…" Driving his fist down into the car, crumpling it. "TAKE THIS!" END]
damn king. okay. i love his little fist. i love they drew the fuck outta this fucking THING
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[ID: A stylish illustrated panel on a human fighter pilot, completely obscured by the large visor and oxygen mask on their helmet. Outside the cockpit glass, and reflected in their visor Starscream is flying pass, seeking missiles trailing him. The pilot screams "NOOO!" END]
GOD DAMN. also. [pattern recognition activates] fdghjd the way only three fingers are visible on that hand, and how thick they are. turtle hand.
(no 15) oh rampage over. bummer!
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[ID: Caption box: …Plunging the unprepared Starscream into a wild tail spin! Over the desert, he's spiraling downwards, tail wings on fire, streaking smoke behind him. He yells "Screee! S-sensory overload! C-can't handle it!" END]
cheers mate.
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[ID: A sleek silver robot, the ancient Cybertronian "Tornado". The design has a mix of boxy transformer legs, hips and chest, but shapely arms, waist and calfs. He's on the ground, propped up on his arms, twisted at the waist, and legs stretched across the page, very vintage scifi cover style. END]
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[ID: Megatron on the video screen at the Autobot base. Megatron: So you see, it seems we have a mutual problem… Do you not agree with the simplicity and neatness of my solution? Optimus: Perhaps, but it remains to be seen if Brawn is willing to participate in such a trial… END]
what the fuck is wrong with you two... skype ur enemies!!! i do like that toy model oppie looks like hes permanently squinting in suspicion
theyre pitting their loose canons against each other... (hmm. phrasing.) anyway brawn is healed of his work place accident rage imbalance but they dont. trust him now? and megs just wants screamer dead lol. this optimus is a lot more... cryptic, or. not harsh persay. just cuts the bullshit. interrupts people. gives orders. the fact that he becomes less friendly and chatty when not usamerican... IS. pretty funny.
(no 16) normal duel to the death things
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[ID: Brawn taking cover in the desert, as Starscream flies above. Brawn thinks "What does it take? I'm running out of ideas and stamina - If i don't finish this soon, he'll nail me for sure!" END]
mm hmm. have you tried switching positions
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[ID: Brawn collapsed on his front, propped up on his arms, at the mouth of a cave. Starscream flying above calls out "And now I have the pleasure of finishing you off!" END]
oh! okay looked like it worked
(no 17) happy endings for everyone (?)
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[ID: Caption box: But no hint of emotion is shown by Optimus Prime - His expression is unfathomable. Dark and moody close-up on Optimus, who, naturally, doesn't have much of a face to emote with anyway. END]
i mean... i should think so. ive always said that about him
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[ID: 1. Starscream goes down in fire and smoke, Ravage, in the small bottom corner, thinks "HA! 'Highflier!'" 2. Megatron laughing heartily, eyes closed and grinning widely, "Hahaha's" written behind him. He says "Forgive my exuberance, Ravage but this little episode has resolved itself so neatly. We have destroyed an Autobot; taught Starscream the error of his ways, and given you your revenge on him." END]
and hes STILL got jokes. you know what. this is a beautiful friendship they crafted. the ruler and his loyal spy. a spy who tells shitty jokes and the jovial plotter. okay. cute. fun. extremely funny that sounders isnt relevant to it in the slightest, also.
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[ID: 1. Mirage and Brawn propped in a doorway, at the Autobot base. Mirage holds up Brawn by an arms and around the back, Brawn leaning on the doorway. Two Autobots in the fore are in shock, one asks "B-but Brawn? We saw..?" Mirage replies "You lot going to stand there stammering, or are you going to give us a hand?" 2. Brawn now seated, leaning back, Mirage leaning forward, a hands tenderly resting on Brawn, as they look at each other. Various Autobots looking on. END
gee mirage how come u get all the minibot baddies... why the fuck is this so tender......
anyway this is a little. meandering. and strange. probably not as. completely off the wall out of no where evocative moody dream like emotional drama. as man of iron. but still leagues better than 1-4. lol. and they gave me a lot of vectors for robot yaoi. apparently.
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twistedwonderworm · 1 year
Hello, anon here. Could I request headcanons of diasomnia with reader who enjoys drawing , giving the boys a portrait of them that they painted themselves? And when I say portrait, I mean a life-sized portrait. ( if you cant do the full dorm u can just do lilia, leona, vil, and cater. Ty! Also, ur writing is amazing!! Keep up with ur good work, and have a good day ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ )
Of course you can!!!
Headcanons: Diasomnia with an artist!reader
Pairing: Diasomnia x GN!reader
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 720
Mal is pretty used to people painting portraits of him so this is pretty normal. What is not as normal is that his precious child of man is the one painting this newest portrait. Of course, he would rather you not put yourself through this kind of strain, but he wants you to be happy so he won't argue with you.
He's absolutely shocked when you present the portrait to him. A life-sized portrait of him, painted by dear human is the greatest present he could ever ask for. It also doesn't hurt that the quality of it is a much higher calibur than he thought aby human capable of. It is an absolutely beautiful piece and he's over the moon that you painted it just got him.
He has no problem praising you and work as highly as he can, nearly to an embarrassing degree. He can't help it though. To anyone else's eyes, it's just another portrait for Briar Valleys heir apparent, but to him it's so much more. He's just so flattered that you did so much work for him because you wanted to and not because his family paid you to do it. This makes this particular portrait his favorite out of all of them.
Also not a stranger to portraits being painted of him, but like Malleus, he won't argue with you about you painting one of him. He has seen the other drawings that you've done, and the quality of your work has this fae very excited. He couldn't wait to see how this portrait came out.
When you finally hand him the finished product, the old fae is pleasantly surprised. Sure all of your works are beautiful and well done, but this portrait is absolutely breathtaking. Few artists he knew could make such a quality,life sized portrait.
After thanking you, Lilia tells you that he's going to treasure it. That's the truth. It's a heartfelt, amazing gift from one of his most favorite humans. He'd be an absolute fool if he didn't treasure it.
He's really surprised when you want to paint a portrait of him. Sure, you two are very close but he doesn't believe he's beautiful enough to be immortalized in paint like that. Though if you insist, he'll let you paint. As long as you're happy, he's happy. If you need him for your model though, fair warning, he's going to fall asleep not too long into the session.
When you gift him the portrait, he is so amazed at the level of skill. Like in his eyes, it's the most beautiful portrait in the world and he will absolutely say so. He'll stop susing it if it's embarrassing to you, but you can't stop him from thinking it.
He'll happy put it some place where he can look at it every, still in shock that would make such an amazing piece of art for him. He decides to get you something in return as a thank you, hoping that the gift would mean as much to you as yours does to him.
"You want to paint a portrait of me, little human? Of course, you do. Who wouldn't want to a paint a magnificent fae?" Outwardly, he's cocky and cool headed about you wanting to paint a portrait of him. Inwardly however, he was freaking out. He was already confused by his feelings for you, but you doing something like that for him just complicated things for him.
When the portrait is finished and you hand it to him, he almost gives up his true feelings. He just stares at it for a long time before turning to you, using the time he was looking away to get control of his feelings. "This is a great piece of art, for a human." You ignore his words, smiling at the small thank you you heard him mutter before he quickly walked off.
He hurried back to his room so that he could admire the painting more and find the perfect place to put it. Despite being a full-sized portrait, it soon finds a place on the wall next to the portrait of Malleus. It's perfect. A portrait of his prince next to a portrait of himself painted by his most precious human.
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princeanxious · 1 year
are you out of the TSS fandom for good, do you think? just burned out on lack of updates?
I mean, it's complicated.
Edit: pressed answer instead of save to drafts while trying to back out, tumblr what the fuck
Anyway, it's complicated. I've become burnt out creatively lately, and I've been part of the sanders sides Fandom since 2018, it's been a big portion of my life, I'm not letting it go that easily.
However, this is my main blog, and I cant really shift everything to a new side blog, so I do feel bad for those who followed me exclusively for sanders sides are now seeing a v distinct lack of it.
But for the most part, yeah, I'm burned out on a lack of updates, I was a fander creator doing as much as I could to create content to entertain myself just as much as for others in-between the hiatus-gaps while awaiting updates. I love these characters with all my heart, but every gap in between has gotten longer and longer, I can't keep waiting for a year at a time for one single update even if the finished product is grand and *absolutely worth* the time it took to make. I was scrambling, bc I no longer have the time I used to to create my own fanart and fanfiction and animatics for this fandom, and I can only reread the library of my favorite saved works over so many times before I feel hollow and under-stimulated.
It'd be one thing if the rest of the fandom was as active as it used to be, I bounce off others creative energy far easier than single handedly manifesting my own inspirations all the time. But it's not, and interaction with my own content slowed way down. (Not to say that I'm leaving just bc of this or anything, but its become a struggle to feel motivated to keep going when there's literally nothing new from Canon to keep riffing from.)
I have the want to finish my remaining fics, specifically The Lost Guardian in particular at the very least, but I just can't solely be a sanders sides blog like I used to be.
I'll be here when that season finale comes out, but at this rate of progression, I think Thomas has overestimated the fact that this could very well be a series finale, not season finale. And I've come to peace with that, if only Thomas would be more transparent abt it.
Sure, Thomas has other content, but funfact, I've had very relatively low interest in getting super into it, there isn't the same level of comfort in shipping characters of a single person with the versions themselves when other characters played by other people are involved, especially when u know that they are alot of his v close friends. I don't ship real world actors together, especially if they play a character very close to representing themselves. The characters they play, maybe, but that's why I'm far more entertained and comfortable with animated media.
In short, I'm tired and burnt out and for now-for *whatever* reason- the silly lanky clown jesters from fnaf have more of a grasp on my brain than sanders sides does. I'm following the serotonin.
I may still create sanders sides content in the future, but getting maybe 100-500 notes on a piece when u have a fandom following of roughly 11.5k followers from over the years has spoken volumes on how active the community is rn. I'm not leaving, but I can't be stagnant and hyperfixate on this anymore after doing so for almost 6 years straight. Yknow?
And for those who have always left a comment, shared my work, interacted with me in any capacity over the years in this fandom, and have made my time in this fandom worth while, thank you. I love you. U have made every second worth it💜
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hopelesswrites · 2 years
Midnight - Joseph Quinn pt. 3
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Joe makes promises to you to make things right. 
18+ MDNI, smut!!!!
(I really wanted to give you a happy ending but their relationship is still a little rocky, so I give more Joe being a dickhead. Can they fix things now? idk lmao.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
The next couple days were spent laying in bed curing your hangover. To be fair, the first day was because of your hangover, but the other two days of sulking were purely because of Joe. All you wanted was a call, a text, a knock at your door but as the days go on your confidence in that diminishes. He’s gone, swooped up by Hollywood and pretty models and out of your life.
Come Thursday you decide you can’t keep brooding away, you have to shake it off and go to work. So for the rest of the week you busy yourself with work, staying back and doing overtime just so you don’t have to think about Joe. Your boss also said you had a lot to catch up on, so that kept you occupied.
Friday evening came by quickly and you were finishing up your extended day at work, ready to head home. You were scared to go home, knowing the weekend would bring two more days of staying in bed feeling sad and sorry for yourself. Part of you was ready to welcome those feelings back, the more productive part desperately wanted it to be over, that you’d wake up tomorrow morning feeling great, maybe go for a run, visit the local bakery for a proper substantial breakfast for once this week, no thought of Joe crossing your mind.
As you made your way home you kept your mind on that bakery. How good it would feel to get out of the house. How much you need to go for that run, let the cold morning air hit your face, maybe knock some damn sense into you. Joe was in the deep depths of your mind now, no longer causing a tight feeling in your chest like he had for the first half of the week.
Your flatmate was at the front door when you arrived home, she looked anxious as she paced back and forth across the small front patio.
“Thank god you’re here” She sighed once you came into view.
“I tried to tell him to fuck off but he was so persistent, barged his way in”
Your stomach sank, you didn’t need any more information, it was him. You really didn’t want to face him, the reality of it hitting you finally. He was going to end all communication, completely reject you and leave you alone forever. You didn’t want that.
Walking through the hall and to your bedroom, you see him sitting on your bed through the crack in the door. His head snaps up at the sound of your door opening, a stunned look plastered on his face.
“Hi” He said quietly, watching as you dropped your bag down and stood by the door, keeping your distance.
“I didn’t know your work schedule so I waited” He tried again, but you didn’t know what to say. Part of you didn’t want to start talking at all, getting closer to the end tugged at your heart.
“I want to apologise” He sighed, getting up and slowly inching closer, he had a way of manipulating you so subtly, getting what he wanted without you noticing until its too late. It infuriated you, made you hate him so much, hate how much you loved him regardless.
“Go on then” You answered, eyes trained to the floor, Joes eye contact was too strong.
“I shouldn’t have acted the way I did the other night, I care about you and was so worried, I didn’t think about how cruel I had been”.
You watched Joes feet shuffle, his ugly shoes making you frown, you distinctly remember telling him not to buy them.
“I also want to apologise for the way I’ve treated you over the past year, it’s not been fair on you and I cant keep stringing you along”
‘Here we go’ you think.
“Things are different in my life, and I don’t want to lose you, I want you in my life, but that means things have to change a bit”.
You looked up after hearing his last line, falling into the depths of his sad sorrowful eyes. He had you, you were trapped, it made you feel sick.
Joe reached out and grasped your hand in his, tugging you closer forcing you to look up at him.
“Let me do things right, let me take you out, I’ve got a premiere to go to tomorrow night, I want you with me.”
You didn’t give it a second thought, head nodding viscously, agreeing to whatever Joe wanted from you. The spell he had cast on you was in no time lifting, you could feel that.
The next evening you were dressing up in your best dress, most uncomfortable heels, hair and face all done up. You were simply excited, happy to finally feel like you were a part of Joes new life. There was no time to feel silly, or manipulated, what could go wrong?
Joe arrived to pick you up, dressed in all black. Not too dissimilar to the getup he had on a few months ago when he came to visit you. He was hot, you thought, there was no way you’d be getting through the night with him looking like that. He took your hand, gave it a reassuring squeeze before guiding you down to the car waiting, he had a god damn private driver. You ignored the feeling that gave you, the feeling of not belonging, because you were with Joe, you belonged with him.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Joe whispered in your ear as you got out of the car, arriving at the venue.
“A few times. Can’t go wrong with a couple more though” You replied, eyeing off the crowd in front of you. People were arriving in all sorts of fancy cars, dressed in stunning gowns and suits. Security guided guests around, into the building, off to the side where you noticed a red carpet, this was an official thing, still that feeling of not belonging got pushed to the side, Joe had you close, you belonged.
His arm snaked around your waist firmly, another reassuring squeeze as you were both guided off to the side, the red carpet.
“I’m going to take a few photos, bosses orders, why don’t you wait for me down the end?” Joe said, removing his grip on you and motioning down behind the carpet, out of camera view. You agreed, making your way down the path where you noticed a group huddled by the door at the other end, you concluded this was where managers and escorts waited, unfamous guests.
You struggled to ignore the anxiety you began to feel without Joe by your side, you didn’t belong here anymore, this wasn’t your crowd and you just needed him back beside you, holding you tight to get you through this whole night.
It wasn’t long before you saw the man make his way off the carpet and back to you, he offered you a small smile, and took your hand in his again. You tried to ignore the lack of a squeeze this time, but it ate at the insecurity you felt inside.
Inside the building people chatted and drank, waiting for the theatre to open up. Joe was quick to grab two drinks for the both of you and manoeuvre his way through the crowd until he was stopped. A tall woman tapped his shoulder, greeting him like old friends. You watched as they laughed and chatted, you beside Joe, your hand he once held forgotten. More people approached him, more greetings, not one towards you. You did not belong here.
When the theatre doors opened Joes hand lay flat on the small of your back guiding you in, no longer wrapped around you like before. His dismissal of you hurt, it felt worse than any ignoring he had been doing previously, you were finally in his world and you were still invisible.
The screening was painful to sit through. Joes fingers fiddled with the fabric of your dress cascading over your thigh until the end credits played. Before anyone got up Joe was whisking you away and out of the theatre into the lobby, his hand now grasping your wrist rather than your hand.
“What’s wrong?” You asked watching as he looked around, he looked frantic.
“Here” He replied pulling you towards a bathroom, locking the door after you had entered.
Without explanation you were slammed against the door, Joes mouth falling to your neck in quick harsh sucks and bites, he was ravenous.
“Joe what is-“
His lips came up quick, swallowing your sentence in a kiss, his teeth scrapping over your lip as he pulled away and resumed his assault to your throat.
“Been dying to have you all night Baby” Joe mumbled against your skin, his hands roaming over your backside, bunching the dress up and slotting a clothed leg between yours.
The pressure elicited a content sigh from you, Joes grip now firmly on your hips, guiding you to grind on his leg. The pleasure forced all rationality out of your brain as you submitted to the man you loved.
“You’ll have to be quiet for me, okay?” Joe groaned as he twisted you around so your chest was against the tile, ass out.
You listened for the sound of his belt buckle, but it never came. Instead, you got a harsh slap to the ass followed by Joes quick fingers rubbing you through your panties. You fought off a loud moan as electricity shot through your body. Joe pressed up against you, his lips finding purchase on the sensitive skin behind your ear, his hot breathe creating goosebumps over your skin. His fingers stopped their movement to pull his own pants down, the feeling of his skin against yours almost sending you over the edge. It felt pathetic, to be so affected by him, to need him as much as you did.
Joe rubbed himself against your entrance testing the waters by pushing in a little and pulled out. You eagerly waited for what you were craving so much, to feel him completely, but it never came.
“Lets get these off yeah?” Joe mumbled, tapping your foot with his own before leaning down and gentle pulling your heels off your feet. The relief was almost as good as the sex itself, but with your height difference from the lack of shoes Joe was quick to resume his movements, slipping in effortlessly, his hand snaking around your face, covering your mouth before he began thrusting. The pleasure was overbearing, Joes small grunts in your ear sending shockwaves through your body. You couldn’t see him but you knew the blissed out look on his face, could picture it, and it got you through to your own orgasm, legs quivering as the coil snapped and you let yourself go all too quickly.
Joes movements became sloppy and you knew he was close.
“Let me” You whispered, turning around and dropping to your knees, swatting his hand away pumping him a couple times, tongue out ready to catch his load.
“Fuckfuckfuck” A string of curses left his swollen lips as he released above you. You took everything he gave you, quite happily as embarrassing as it was, and watched him come back to above you. His chest rising and falling, a small trickle of sweat sliding down his temple, his eyes screwed shut still. You wanted him to look down at you, smile at you, give you anything but he stood back, tucking himself back into his pants, head thrown back as he let out a shaky sigh.
Your heart sank, even in such an intimate moment he was ignoring you.
“That’s it huh?” You frowned, gaining his attention again.
Joe looked at you confused, “Didn’t you come? I thought-“
You cut him off with a laugh, “You just don’t get it!” You raised your voice as you stood up, slipping your shoes back on. “Or you do get it and just don’t care” That was what worried you the most, being nothing to Joe and him being actively aware of it. Actively making you aware of it.
“I come out here with you, surround myself in an environment I’m not comfortable in to make YOU happy, and you blow a load in the bathroom like we’re goddamn teenagers.”
Joe stuttered out useless apologies, but you couldn’t care to listen to them.
“I’m going to go now, don’t follow me, I’m serious” You spoke sternly, watching him carefully, worried he might reach out, touch you and break you down again. “And don’t contact me, I think we’re done”.
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mydarlingdahlia · 1 year
*bangs fist on desk*
Just thought I’d give a little shoutout to some of my mooties/some of my fav people ☺️
@meowzfordayz is literally an angel omg when I sent her an emergency request it went way above my expectations. (The OP writing skills? HELLO???) Also she’s so friendly omg like high key- MARRY ME 😩 /p
@xxsabitoxx is fucking hilarious. Her writing makes me giggle and twirl my hair and (sometimes) throw my phone across the room like I’m reading 2018 omega wattpad smut. Also she’s a bad bitch 😤 (love the thigh tat btw) and I would fight anyone on sight for her
@muzanswaifu literally makes me leap to my phone/laptop when I get a notification. Also watching you and May interact is fucking hilarious. AND YOU PROTECTED ME FROM AN ANON THAT WAS HARASSING ME??? Adopt me please
@bunny-n3zuk0 is one of the sweetest people I’ve met. Makes me physically and mentally smile whenever you interact with me. Like- how do I put it- (MARRY ME JULIET YOULL NEVER HAVE TO BE ALONE🎶)
@tomiokas-lunchbox is literally on my top ten kin list. I’m dead serious. (GIYUU STANS WHERR YALL AT??) also like everyone else needs to convert to Sanegiyuuism or else I’ll sacrifice you to my closet that needs cleaning
@renhoeku is…how do I put it? Amazing? Absolutely lovely? A fellow rengoku stan whom I want to marry who I want to be besties with? We can like simp for Rengoku together and like have tea and just read smut abt him like I’m down if you are
@akaza-dono-the-basketball is one of my lovely moots, who I adore interacting with. I mean just scrolling through your page at least once a day makes the sun shine a tad brighter. I literally have no words to explain my appreciation- so- 💖❣️💞💘💝💗❣️🩷
@pammyjammy117 was probably the reason I got the courage to make my own Demon Slayer OC. (ALL HAIL ENŪMA🛐) I love going on their live streams on TikTok, and I am absolutely in love with your OC. (I’m working on the Enūma and Monsterverse Kyo smut I promise 😔)
@thatonegenshinsimp is one of my lovely Genshin moots. ☺️ Got me going feral over Itto I swear to mf Jehovah himself after reading your writing I wish I could go back to like those old Gacha days and like be in one of those “whatever you say comes to life” vids so I could bring my bbg to life (and proceed to turn into the loud house)
@sweet-honey-fruit is one of my favorite writers for Genshin Impact characters! Omg that m’fing poll…I’m still going feral over it oml. 😭 Cant wait to see the finished product!! I’ll try to be like somewhat patient 🤷‍♀️
@moraxsthrone is literally so fucking talented. The way you write Zhongli makes me quiver in my boots (and makes something else quiver) Got me up at 2am in an iPad kid position with my horrid posture just scrolling through your page
@yeahitzally is also a literal angel. WHY ARE YOU SO NICE TO ME 😩. Lemme just- 🌹🌸💐💐🌺🌷🌻🪷🪻 Flowers for you my darling. :) I’m grateful to have you as a lovely moot. ^^ MWAH 😘
@peachdues is so talented that I almost didn’t believe it at first. Like okay Shakespeare you ate that! 💅 No but being fr your writing is so good like I’m jealous at this point. 🥲 (also a fellow Sanemi simp I SEE YOU 😏) Oh and if I’m bothering you too much just tell me 🫠
@knyesplease is one of my many lovely KNY mutuals. (Also shoutout to them go support their works!!) I love love love interacting with them, and I can’t wait to get to know them more! Also, thanks for being willing to help me out on my big KNY project. :)
Please DM me please and very much thank you if you want to be featured in this appreciation post. :) Always willing to add someone I may have missed. (But, keep in mind, if we’ve only interacted a handful of times like maybe once or twice, I might not add you.) Also this post was inspired by Meowz!
That’s all! Charlotte out.
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the-sun-princess · 1 month
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 10
ok time to finish off the clautaba stageplay bit and we'll see if i'm insane enough for mahiru to start that route or wait til tomorrow after work
uh....cw?: for my brain finally catching onto lines in the play that straight up tell u whats going on but it didnt click til mahiru said the lines
oh right forgot to know who junna n nana are. sounds like junna's luigi so my guesses have been on the mark this time
oh interesting. miguel and carmencita are here at the grave
ajsfdf mahiru cavallero is just Immediately Shady As Hell thats very funny. tbf it Does help jam in that cavallero is not offering to take salvatore in outta charity
oo now the ring swap. that fits in better. also god i have to turn the bgm even further down so i can actually hear the voicelines
futaba praise :)
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d'awwwww hikari talked a lot about futaba
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yknow cavallero does say salvatore has a lusty toned technique is he like. sexually abusing him? not an interpretation i got outta the others but 3rd time reading and mahiru voicing it makes it sound that way
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i mean he has to be abusing his sailors in SOME way for them to hate them- it just didnt rlly click that rape was a possible option til now.
ble ble ble columbus
ohohohoho? isabel asking to come along this time. this was the only time til now i actually got that salvatore was the one grabbing isabel n kissing her junna salvatore there was 0 impression for me to Not think it was isabel doing it before running off
kaoruko salvatore at least had lines in the intermission that made it seem so
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YEAH I RLLY SHOULDA PUT TOGETHER IT WAS SPOSED TO BE RAPE BEFORE NOW- this isnt even subtext why did my brain just assume it was vague physical violence when its just.....obv sexual assault. tsk tsk at the other cavalleros u didnt say ur lines like a predator enough
sometimes i get overly concious of my art mistakes and then starlight goes and puts out an official product i had to pay for with art like this and i'm like 'i'm fine'
i dont even have a team of editors or ppl meant to be checking this stuff. or speak japanese well but i can still tell when they fucked up a line's translation (sometimes)
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i think its funny that in the intermissions the gfs of everyone come up to give them water
EXCEPT for nana to junna. futaba gave junna water bc nana was off crying in a corner about her kissing mahiru
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well now im just thinking about arisa freaking out at kasumi in bandori s2 skjhf
kiss again. do it you two. kiss again
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kaoruko what does THAT even mean
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oh my GOD kaoruko i s2g
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make allll that fuss about being embarrassed and then have to save face by calling the kiss futaba's "audition" i'm going to bang my head through a wall
yeah yeah obv futaba n claudines performances were inspired by the others
back to da play. carmencita still does Nothing
oh interesting, actual scenes of alejandro catching up to salvatore. .....ALEJANDRO WHY U HIRE THE BULLIES FROM THE FIRST ACT
ISABEL AS A STOWAWAY????????/ oh boy with all the upheaval to the status quo on this one i cannot WAIT for mahiru route
also i fuckin hate this line ksjfh (not literally but)
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all i can think of is
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oh i guess you can sail to granada from wherever they started-
it still makes 0 sense to me on how alejandro caught up to salvatore
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isabel using alejandro just to get to salvatore oohh man just rub it in
yeah sorry bud
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i like how the eyebrow is hidden by the eyepatch but not the hair
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i was wondering what isabel was doin all this time. just watchin i guess. she screams after salvatore jumps ship
rip isabel....still stuck in a destiny thats not of ur choosing
gah i want to mahiru route now. but i know i'll want to play it thru straight. and i have work tomorrow so i cant do that bc gotta get to bed at a semi-reasonable hour. esp if it'll be longer than the other routes like it prob will be
i wonder how tragic it will end...and also presumably where hikari pops in. like i know she's in here SOMEWHERE ksjfdh
<<part 9 part 11>>
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aviangrian · 7 months
ahhh i just wanted to say i love starboy SOOO much!!!! i did not/still dont know anything about f1 but the way you write it is so easy to follow along with and read!!! i love how you write the characters, especially scar/grian/joel/lizzie, you write them so so sooo flawlessly... i love how it seems like were there with scar in the moment of everything going on and how you describe everything from his perspective. i also LOVE how you write scar and grian especially because they both seem just so *real* and *raw* and i usually never see that from fics. the way you write is just so in detail that it really allows the reader to imagine everything thats happening and i LOVEEE that!!! i also love how you write grian and mumbos friendship, like they obviously care about each other so muchhh and i love how the readers able to see that even through scars perspective!!!!! esp the scene after grian fell asleep watching topgun and mumbo helping him lay down into a more comfortable position,,, and how they hugged when grian finally got p1 😭😭❤️ NOT TO MENTION THE LATEST CHAPTERRRR AND SCAR AND GRIANS FIRST KISS????? THAT WHOLE CHAPTER WAS GOLDDDD i loved that chapter so much,,, so much happened between grian and scar???? that scene of them in the club??? scar (and us) finally getting some insight to what happened in grians past from grian himself??? grian being comfortable enough with scar to actually open up to him??? AND THEM CONFESSINGGG??? ☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️❤️ might be my fav chapter if im being honest
i also just wanted to ask a few questions while i was here though;
first, do you have a set upload schedule? or is it like a whenever you have time to work on it thing?
second, do you think youll be posting more content abt this au after starboy is finished? like a grians pov or something? ive become so interested in this au because i can tell so much work has been put into it and id love to see more it!!
lastly, is this going to be an eventual mumscarian fic??? i think its obvious Somethings going on/has happened between grian and mumbo but i just dont know What... like that one scene with them all at the dinner??? or the car scene with grian standing up through the sunroof???
i cant wait to read more chapters!!! but im also scared As Hell because SO much has happened already and its only been 6 chapters. we still have 5 more longgg chapters left and im so scared but also excited for how things are going to go... i hope youre having a good day, i cant wait to see what you have in store for this story!!! 🫶🫶 sawrry that this was a lot of rambling though,,, 😭😭❤️
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anon i’m crying?? 😭 thank you so much.
the goal of the fic is real and raw! it’s an unusual setting (maybe not for me considering this is my second racing centric fic) but everything that happens is a product of the environment! the wins from his own team left scar feeling bitter at times, but watching grian win had him so proud he knew he’d get in trouble w his own team if he showed it lol. it’s all about where they are and it makes me sooo happy (like you would not believe) when people who aren’t f1/sports fan still enjoy the fic!
last ch was a lot and contained a lot of really vital stuff that i couldn’t wait to see the reactions of. grian finally opening up is so important to me and scar letting it happen in its own time is a huge part of why grian begins letting him in, which is evidently not something he’s used to at all. mans has been through it in this universe
as for the questions: i don’t have an upload schedule but i try to churn out the chs when i have time. it fits that valentine’s was right before midterms season for me so i got to get something out before i get swamped by all that 🥲 i don’t like to let a full month go by without posting but we’ll see how my semester keeps going lol
and i’ve been thinking of content once i’ve finished starboy. i’ve had ideas of grian’s pov hitting all the major plot points or even a jimmy spin-off one shot but nothing is planned for now. definitely floating around in my mind
mumscarian is not the endgame but the mystery behind grian and mumbo will be revealed! grian is mysterious and mumbo being mumbo goes along w it, but it does come full circle eventually!
i didn’t even realize there’s already only 5 chs left! that’s crazy, considering how much of the story i have left!
thank you again anon, this is all very much appreciated. i love your rambling because it allowed me to ramble too haha
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