#i carceri
cosmoglass · 11 months
My observations playing 'The Last Guardian' for the first time
The stained glass eyes make The Nest like a surveillance prison. Big Brother is watching you. Inspirations for The Nest – I Carceri by Piranesi, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Kung Fu Panda, Avatar.
I showed footage of the game to an art historian and he said the architecture looked like it was inspired by Indian temples, Angkor Wat and Palenque. Piranesi was supposedly inspired by Roman ruins with vines and trees growing over them.
There's a noise the boy makes when he’s climbing that sounds exactly like Link when he lands from too great a height in Ocarina of Time.
Movies Fumito Ueda might have been inspired by -
The Jungle Book – Mowgli is raised by wolves and needs to get back to the man-village, King Louie's lair is an Indian temple ruin. The Neverending Story - Falkor The Rescuers Down Under – the runway scene Kung Fu Panda – the prison Avatar - outdoor areas of The Nest make me think of Pandora, Toruk (the flying creature).
Movies inspired by The Last Guardian -
Jumanji: The Next Level – the apparatus in the scene with the apes. The Last Guardian is also referenced in the first movie when the poster for the game is shown on someone’s wall.
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dragonwysper · 10 months
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Small art dump of my babygirl Velkurpení. She's an eldritch god and is also very silly, and she has become a bit of a comfort character for me (despite the fact she's technically my own OC).
Also have a playlist I made for her because I'm proud of it.
To give a quick summary of the playlist, essentially she's just kindof out floating in the void, until she starts wondering about what other life exists. She finds Sornieth and reaches out to a few select dragons, who after a collective existential crisis, have an Arcane dragon send out a response. She comes in, and this little group becomes a bit of a cult devoted to worshiping her in return for her knowledge and experience existing since the dawn of time.
Velkurpení, as they've dubbed her, watches generation after generation of her little cult come and go, pondering how their lives go so fast, it's like they never existed at all. With each new generation though, they become less receptive to her. Less respectful. Finally, some of them insult her in a massive way, and Velkurpení is furious. In a fit of rage, she smites them all.
She realizes what she's done later, and she mourns.
At the end of it all, she's kindof faced her own sort of Lovecraftian horror. Her eyes have been opened to the tiny intricacies of the things that have happened around her, and she can't remove her knowledge and understanding of it, meaning she can't go back to the long chain of great existence she's used to. She is forever Changed and she must deal with that.
^ The girl <3
I've gotten a bit of art commissioned of her and I'm 🥺 I love it so much. I love seeing her in other people's styles and interpretations.
Also getting a lore commission from Disillusionist to better word all of her lore! I plan to create a nice formatted bio for her afterwards 😤
But ye !!!! She is my stupidly expensive little eldritch horror and I love her <3
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omarfor-orchestra · 11 months
Are people justifying a young rapper shooting someone now
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stillness-in-green · 11 months
Fanfiction Writer Bingo (+a silly poll)
Got tagged by @scumtrout, whose example I'm following in explicating a few squares, albeit with more shilling.
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Talking Points:
Smut Content: For the most part, I virtually never get even as far as sexual content that would meet the bar for mature—two fics that depict sex acts without explicit details/body part terms. The only explicit sex scene I've ever written is still less than a third of the length of the fic as a whole, which I guess makes it only debatably smut. Is there a percentage you can exceed at which point the sex becomes part of the story rather than the story itself, or does any sufficiently explicit sex scene make the whole of the work smutty? Well, in any case, my writing is usually gen enough that the one story with the explicit sex scene the whole story is leading towards feels smutty by my standards.
Unbeta-d Fic Posting Crimes: I get extra pairs of eyes when I’m writing specifically gift fics, but otherwise I basically do all my own beta, which does mean I sometimes miss things.  That happens less if I take the time to paste a work into a different format or look at it on a different device—it’s true and good advice that doing that freshens up text to your brain!—but I’m just not hugely stressed about pruning out every single orphaned word or stray comma in writing I do for fun.
So Self-Indulgent: This will be more prominent if I ever do more with the ShigRD mermaid AU (which is, my god, so self-indulgent—mind control powers? 100% The Author’s Fetish), but the Gundam IBO Wedding Fic is pretty much twenty-two thousand words of me rolling around in post-series character dynamics and throwing worldbuilding absolutely everywhere I think it will stick.  I’ll also throw in a shout-out to the extreme silliness that was See the Blazing Sky Before Us, a Yuletide treat I wrote involving Doctor Doom, Gwen Stacy (Sorceress Supreme version), and Santa Claus, with the aim of replicating in prose the effect of reading one of those really over-the-top Jack Kirby comics from the 1970s.
Multi-Fandom Drifting: I have a very established pattern of fandom migration, so most of my fic writing is done in multi-year spans of same-fandom-ness.  That said, I certainly have written for more than one fandom in my life, particularly during the years I was doing Yuletide.
Research Before Riting: I often just bracket things off when I’m writing first drafts and do the deep research on the second pass, but there are also cases where the whole fic rests too much on research I need to do for me to even start drafting before I do the deep dive.  In either case, have a silly poll about it!
Deserves More Attention: I fear Moon Shot Aim is too spliced in with Overhaul/Nemoto to appeal to people who want more fic on Lady Nagant, and too Lady N-centric (as well as being a bit esoteric with its soulmate mechanic) for the people who want Overhaul/Nemoto, but I’m really quite happy with both ‘sides’ of the story, and wish it could get a bit more love.  Likewise, I wonder if all the OCs in the first chapter of The Way You Survive Is… scare people off of a story that is, in all of its subsequent chapters, much more focused on the canon characters.  Alas that my dedication to exploring the MLA as a group means I’m willing to make up a thousand MLA OCs before shoehorning in a canon character where I don’t think they fit!
Finally, have a few brief notes on two boxes I didn’t check—
1: Formatting my meta for posting is absolutely hellish, but I don’t typically do very complicated things with my fanfic.
2: While I did once want to be a professional writer, I fear it’s one of those ambitions that’s somewhat fallen by the wayside as I’ve gotten older.  Some of that is a matter of not having the energy/freedom to really focus on it in my financial situation, but it’s also the case that my two major original projects suffered from opposing problems—one was a story with a vastly underdeveloped world, and one was a rather nicely developing world with no specific story to happen in it!  But who knows; I do have periods of going back to dabbling with original projects, often in between my intense fandom periods, so maybe I’ll get something off the ground yet.
(Thank you for reading this silliness. Come back next week to finally talk BNHA's hospital attack.)
Tagging @codenamesazanka, @robotlesbianjavert, @leftofrevolution. @evilasiangenius and @megkips, if they would like to play. Here's the template!
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felidaefatigue · 6 months
belatedly considering the fact this woman probably grew up in the smack ur hands with a ruler beat ur ass with a spoon days and was lowkey feeling unsatisfied without some form of physical punishment so... yea kinda the crying.
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sauolasa · 1 year
I detenuti europei nelle carceri dell'Iran: violenze, torture e condanne a morte
I familiari dei cittadini europei detenuti in Iran hanno accettato di raccontare le loro storie: violenze fisiche e mentali, torture e condanne a morte. "Mia mamma è sempre bendata nella sua minuscola cella"... In pochi vengono liberati: ce l'hanno fatto due cittadini francesi, il 12 maggio
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roach-works · 5 months
ok im waffling on about fallout instead of having breakfast but i saw a criticism of how the prisoners were treated that's stuck with me.
so i think the criticism wasn't incorrect, per se: it condemned the way the show portrayed the vault dweller's naive intention to rehabilitate their murderous captives. it found fault with a common, and horrible, message that tv shows like to say, which is that carcerial violence and even the death penalty is the only effective way to deal with criminals, who are a fundamentally Bad category of human. im sick of that message too! but i think that wasn't what was going on here, actually.
so like, the vault dwellers had only ever experienced violent loss the once, and didn't really know how to cope other than denial and repression of the ordeal. but they were all hopeful and enthusiastic that their prisoners, the invaders that came to kill them all and take their stuff, could be eventually welcomed into the community as their comrades. the champions of this cause were nebbishy dorks and painfully out of touch academics. this is pretty normal for how prison reformers are portrayed, if extremely fucking annoying for those of us who ARE in favor of prison reform.
but so of course when the son of the former overseer, Norm, speaks up and suggests killing the prisoners, because why should they share resources with invaders who explicitly wanted to keep hurting them? why should they show mercy to their attackers? everyone is appalled by this suggestion. because they had to reinvent the whole concept of vengeance right then and there, because grudges and cycles of violence are anathema to a bottle society like theirs. they have been raised all their lives to forgive and forget and now, put to the test, they're recommitting to this ethos: get along, let the past go, look towards the future, believe the best of everyone.
but the prisoners die, anyway. the prisoners are killed with rat poison. and the thing is that Norm who suggested it didn't do it himself. and the prison guard who's blamed for it, even though she privately agreed with Norm that the prisoners are dangerous and unforgiveable, she didn't do it either. it's not a moment of triumphant, cathartic vengeance and it doesn't prove that there's no way to negotiate with terrorists and invaders but kill them like vermin because that's not what the message is meant to be.
the message is that norm stands there in the middle of these inconvenient prisoners, these corpses dressed in his own people's uniforms, and he looks at the new overseer. and he knows that she killed them, and she knows that he knows. she wanted him to know. this is her message and he's reading her loud and clear. and he doesn't look like a guy who's just been backed up by authority, who's just been validated in his desire for the ultimate control over those who have wronged him.
he's scared and pale and the music is ominous as fuck. and he's inside the cell, he's directly in the middle of it.
because what just happened is that he realized his entire society is being held prisoner, and the overseer is the one with the rat poison. and that he doesn't know, anymore, what freedom and safety and justice actually mean, just that he doesn't have them and he doesn't know where to find them.
that's what that scene meant. not that rehabilitative justice is a pathetic delusion of people who have no idea how to make hard choices.
but that before you advocate for killing prisoners, you might want to see how big that prison is, first.
and which side of the bars you're standing on.
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 years
Tourist Destinations Of The Outer Planes
Mechanus: How dare you suggest there would be anything novel or unique in Mechanus?! To cog jail with you!
Arcadia: Like those normal towns with "world best fish and chips" except they're scrupulously fact checked. "Home of Arcadia's 3826th best B&B according to multiple double-blind studies (citations available on request)"
Mount Celestia: Pure and ineffable spiritual bliss in the face of the divine and, after that, a pretty decent pizza shop where you can get a t-shirt with your face when you learnt the true name of God.
Bytopia: Bytopia is the embodiment of the concept of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and also the domain of the gnome deities, so if you've ever wanted to see the Great Wheel's only 24/7 prank youtuber live show where all the pranks revolve around how millennials need to spend less on avocado toast, you're in luck! If not, may I recommend the abyssal layer where snakes drink your eyes as a pleasant reprieve?
Elysium: Just a rabbit sat on a rock but because you're in Elysuim it's the best thing you've ever seen. You autodelete all memories of your wedding and children's birth and suchlike for being shit in comparison.
The Beastlands: Who's the best dog in the world? Who is it? This isn't a rhetorical question, there's an objective answer. You can see him for the low price of four acorns and a fancy rock.
Arborea: Don't be fooled by the signs! The natives of Arborea spend their time playing and dancing so they have things like open plan offices and tax return help-desks as vacation spots. Instead ask where the boring parts of Arborea are to be given directions to the firework waterslide music concert video game dance party.
Ysgard: Monuments to epic deeds literally everywhere. So many monuments they start sounding sarcastic. If you successfully get to your hotel room they erect a 15ft statue commemorating it.
Limbo: "Look, you had to be there. Literally, what I saw existed beyond the capacity of human words to describe and I weep tadpoles when I try to recall it in any detail"
Pandemonium: Great acoustic guitar scene. Well, we assume they're good. If nothing else, you have to admire their perseverance.
The Abyss: Go on Demogorgan's tour of all infinity layers! The most fucked up shit you've ever seen or your spinal column back guaranteed!
Carceri: Be in the audience at History's Greatest Monster, where the most evil people in history compete for the crown! If you're lucky, you might get an autograph before they're hurled back into their eternal prisons once more!
Hades: Fuck you.
Gehenna: Tourist traps, in the sense of big holes you fall in and have to give a deamon all your money before it will let you out.
The Nine Hells: The Nine Hells are a wonderful place to visit, with a wide varieties of eateries, vistas and attractions that you should visit before you die! I am not writing this under duress and you should not send help to
Acheron: One extremely dangerous theme park. It's cheap and there are few queues but be aware that sometimes the god of orcs will show up and use whatever ride you're on as a bludgeoning weapon. Overall nice atmosphere, 4 stars.
The Outlands: Alas, I'm pretty sure there's absolutely nowhere worth visiting in the outlands. Sorry guys.
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abr · 3 months
I sinistrati se la prendono col "decreto sicurezza" in esame alle Camere, perché introduce nuovi odiosi (per loro) reati tipo blocco stradale o vandalismo su opere e monumenti, ma come si fa, non si interrompe così una emozione, e poi riempirà le carceri già piene ... oh yeah ...
... in contemporanea i Fratojanni & co. propongono di istituire il reato di "ecoicidio " (sic) da remunerare con 20 anni di galera, ohhh yeahhhh ...
Falsi o cretini? I dilemma non si pone, so' tutt'e due.
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ilpianistasultetto · 5 months
Per essere preso a merda in faccia devi essere povero. Piu' sei povero e piu' sterco raccogli. Al povero non serve nemmeno l'avvocato, e' colpevole a prescindere. Piu' sei povero, piu' la gente punta il dito e da` sentenze. Immigrato irregolare? " In galera!".. Hai rubato un'autoradio? "Ergastolo!" Ti sei fatto di cocaina? Chi sei? Il figlio del notaio? Ah, tu no! E tu, di chi sei figlio? Del meccanico? Allora tu si, in galera. Si dice che le carceri "scoppiano" , ma scoppiano di chi? Di colletti bianchi? Di politici? Di tutti i loro figli? Macche'! Per questi il popolo ha solo indulgenza, forse invidia. Per un po' di gogna devi avere le tasche vuote, nemmeno un nichelino. Basta far caso a come la gente giudica un povero ladruncolo che ha appena rubato due pneumatici d'auto da 50 euro o un bancarottiere che ha truffato per milioni di euro. Gli stessi sguardi di 2mila anni fa riservati a Barabba e Gesu'. Un brigante col portafogli gonfio e un poveraccio vestito di stracci..
Niente, non cambia mai niente.
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vintagebiker43 · 2 months
Vogliamo fare la sceneggiatura? 1- Angela Carini si allena spesso nella stessa palestra con Imane Khelif 2 - Angela Carini si rende conto che, in un eventuale incontro, l'algerina vincerebbe perchè è più forte. 3 - quando il sorteggio la pone di fronte alla sicura sconfitta, la Carini vorrebbe rinunciare ma .... 4 - visto che fa parte del gruppo sportivo della polizia, qualcuno ....... vede un'opportunità politica da prendere al volo: la Carini va sul ring e si butta in ginocchio al primo pugno preso in faccia e tutti i media manager della destra scatenano la bagarre contro la pugile algerina. 5 - in questa settimana di polemiche, gli italiani, distratti dall'ondata mediatica imbastita dalla destra di governo su "maschio sì, maschio no", non si accorgono delle porcate che la maggioranza sta approvando in parlamento a proposito di carceri, soppressione del dissenso, regali a balneari e banchieri e via andare. E poi le ferie d'agosto incombono. Vorrai mica stare a protestare?
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anim-ttrpgs · 10 days
Songs for Eureka Sessions: Investigation Scenes (low-stakes) or Meal Scenes
Masterpost of Eureka song lists & how to choose good music for any TTRPG session.
Douglas' Blues - Parasite Eve II
Out of Phase - Parasite Eve
Alone in Town - Silent Hill 2
Reasoning - Death Note
Something Stirring - Scooby-doo
Snooping Around - Scooby-doo
Another Mystery - Scooby-doo
Pandering - Scooby-doo
Arriving at the Scene - Scooby-doo
Grounds of Mystery - Scooby-doo
Puzzle 1 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 2 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 3 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 4 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 5 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 8 - Puzzle Agent
Puzzle 11 - Puzzle Agent
Freshly Squeezed - Twin Peaks
The Zombie - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Legacy of Terror - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Mr. R I N G - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Chopper - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Deep Cover - Hotline Miami
A Stray Child - Silent Hill 3
Whirling-In-Rags - Disco Elysium
The Stalkers - Dredge
Little Dark Age (instrumental) - Mgmt
Kitty Horrorshow - Tenement
The Process - The Big O
Nevermore - autoisolation
Into the Mist - autoisolation
Clues 08 - L.A. Noire
Clues 04 – L.A. Noire
Safe Room - Signalis
Ritual – Signalis
Intro – Death Note
Max: Panama – Max Payne 3
E5M3 – Sigil
Max Payne Theme – Max Payne
Cannot Hear – Monster
Dogtective - Louie Zong
Clues 01 – L.A. Noire
Clues 02 – L.A. Noire
Floor 6, Please – Atrium Carceri
Norwegian Horror Saga – Manet
End of Small Sanctuary – Silent Hill 3
Fear of the Dark – Silent Hill
Tears of – Silent Hill
Otherside – Silent Hill
Delirious and Devoured – Manet
Aucun Cave
The Obsession Begins Tomorrow - Shadowdream
Der Angler – Bohren & Der Club of Gore
The First Pain – Heroin and Your Veins
Secret – Somewhere off Jazz Street
Ulterior Motives – autoisolation
Lights Out – Cities Last Broadcast
Street Tattoo – Bohren & Der Club of Gore
Constant Fear – Bohren & Der Club of Gore
Nighthawks – Lowering
Vendredi Noir – Manet
Radio Silence – Joal Fausto & Illusion Orchestra
Sand in Lungs – Heroin and Your Veins
Intoxication – Heroin and Your Veins
Bad Luck – Heroin and Your Veins
Full Moon and Dry Humour – Heroin and Your Veins
Miles to Midnight – Atrium Cerceri, Cities Last Broadcast, and God Body Disconnect
Sorry Sir, You Are in the Wrong Room – Atrium Carceri
Daisuke – Hotline Miami
Hotline – Hotline Miami
Crystals – Hotline Miami
Electric Dreams – Perturbator
It’s Safe Now – Hotline Miami
Interlude – Hotline Miami 2
Rust – El Huervo
Ghost Town – Parasite Eve II
Gentle, Two – Kairo
Untitled 2 – The Green Kingdom
Sigh of Relief – Parasite Eve II
Rain of Brass Petals – Silent Hill 3
Morning Calm – Silent Hill 2
Rusty Lake Theme – Victor Butzelaar
Guided Meditation – Old Future Fox Gang
Sherry’s Theme – Resident Evil 2
A Cold Day in Hell – Max Payne
Ada’s Theme – Resident Evil 2
Tailing a Lead – L.A. Noire
Mona: The Professional – Max Payne 2
Address Unknown – Max Payne 2
Hourglass – The Guest
Omniverse – The Guest
The Marshalling Yard (Latter Half) – Resident Evil 2
Bless This Mess – West of Loathing: Reckonin’ at Gun Manor
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multi-lefaiye · 30 days
HERE WE GOOOOO MAZZY BOY LORE DUMP!!! this isn't all the lore i've come up with for this character and the fictional religion surrounding him, but i figured this is the best general overview i can offer at this time.
CONTENT WARNINGS FOR THE LORE DUMP: child abuse, cannibalism, torture, and murder. all just mentions, but still, tread lightly if any of that bothers you.
art/writing/random lore taglist: @anexor @skitzo-kero @invaderskoodge @vacantgodling @chaieyestea
@albatris @void-botanist @kk7-rbs @moonflowerrss @corvus-rose
@angsty-prompt-hole @astral-runic @paradoxspir1t
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(also, a lot of specific terminology and locations mentioned here are related to locations in d&d, but you don't need to know those to understand this i think)
Names / Titles. Mazzakarr, The Apex Predator, The Lord of Slaughter, The Master of the Hunt, The Father (many variations of these titles are acceptable)
Pronouns. He/Him
Domains. Death, Strength, Bestial, Blood
Home Plane. Mazzakarr is a prisoner in Carceri, specifically in the realm of Cathrys. Once, however, he was a spirit of the Beastlands.
Alignment. Neutral Evil.
Visage. Mazzakarr is a tall, broad being with a strongman’s physique, built of powerful muscle cushioned by body fat. He has burning hot, green-tinted skin and thick patches of dark brown fur on his body, including a mane down his back. Most strikingly, he has the head of a spotted hyena, with four glowing red slits for eyes and a grin full of jagged teeth. He wears no armor and minimal clothing, often just a pair of black trousers and heavy, adamantine-toed boots. As a prisoner in Carceri, Mazzakarr wears an enchanted metal collar around his neck, and a pair of gauntlets disguising the cuffs around his wrists. Though the chains holding him in place are invisible to mortals, he feels their presence weighing him down all the same.
Voice. Mazzakarr’s voice is a deep, booming growl, with a strangely melodic quality despite his animalistic demeanor and appearance. Many of those who hear his voice whispering to them say that it sounds almost like a lullaby, the Apex Predator’s song lulling them to embrace the ways of slaughter. Like the hyenas that share his face, however, Mazzakarr has a very distinct laugh, which echoes around the jungles of Cathrys as he stalks his prey.
Commandments / Tenets.
Fight for survival, and never allow yourself to grow complacent with what you have.
Cull and consume the weak-willed who do not fight for themselves. Only the strong must survive.
Kill or be killed. Adapt or die. Move forward or fall behind.
The First Hunter. Though his name has been lost to history, an important piece of mythos for Mazzakarrans is that of the First Hunter, the first mortal to hear the whispers of Mazzakarr and embrace the spirit of slaughter. He was a mere civilian lost in a hopeless, endless war, who had lost everything he had to an invading army. Before they could kill him, however, he fled from them, and for three days and three nights, they chased him through the wilds.
Then, one night, as the Hunter struggled to stay awake, terrified of being found and killed by those searching for him, he heard the voice of the Apex Predator.
If you want to survive, you must kill them before they kill you, Mazzakarr whispered to him. Devour those who would stand against you. Take what is yours. Fight, and you will escape.
And the First Hunter listened. When daybreak came, his pursuers found him, and he slaughtered them one by one. And then, he devoured them entirely--mind, body, and soul.
After the war finally came to an end, the First Hunter continued to spread the word of Mazzakarr, encouraging others to accept the spirit of slaughter into their hearts. Many modern Mazzakarrans see him as a prophet-like figure, the first follower of their god.
The Blood-Kin. Of Mazzakarr’s most devoted followers, none compare to the blood-kin, those chosen to share his blood and become his prophets.
At a very young age, the prospective blood-kin are selected to be taken and raised by acolytes of Mazzakarr to embrace his ideals. Each child is assigned one dedicated caretaker, who raises them in isolation from each other. It is this caretaker’s responsibility to feed and nurture the blood-kin, all the while training them to fight, to struggle, and to remain loyal to their Father, the lord of slaughter himself.
At some point in the prospective blood-kin’s youth, whenever they are ready to ascend, their caretaker will try to kill them. If they succeed in killing their caretaker to save themself, they earn the right to ascend and become one of Mazzakarr’s chosen. If they fail, they die, and their corpse is discarded to rot.
After proving themself, the prospective blood-kin is taken to the High Temple, where the ritual to bind them to their god is performed. The exact steps are kept a tight-lipped secret, but the blood-kin is to remain conscious and aware as their body is broken and reshaped by the high priests, and as Mazzakarr’s essence enters their blood.
If they survive, from that day on, they are Mazzakarr’s blood-kin. All that’s left is to choose their weapon.
As soon as the blood-kin is able to stand following the ritual, they are led to a secluded chamber, where they are presented with a wide selection of weapons from which to choose. They have only a moment to consider their choices, however, before another Mazzakarran attacks them.
Whatever weapon they instinctively grab for to defend themself is theirs from that day forward.
The Blood-Kin Trials. Once the blood-kin have ascended and claimed their place as one of Mazzakarr’s most faithful, the real trial begins. For the god of strength through hardship would never simply grant someone the title of prophet, regardless of what they suffered to achieve the rank. No, they must fight for his favor.
After their ascension, the blood-kin begin a lifelong manhunt of each other. They are compelled to hunt and kill each other, to cull the unworthy who do not have the strength to carry their Father’s blood. This is their life’s purpose, what every other trial they’ve passed has been building toward.
For the most part, anything goes when it comes to the blood-kin hunting each other. They are permitted to do nearly whatever it takes to hunt and kill their “siblings.”
There are only a few rules they must follow when hunting each other, so as not to draw Mazzakarr’s ire:
A blood-kin can only be killed by another blood-kin--they cannot seek outsiders’ aid in slaughtering each other.
They cannot fight each other in the high temple; only slaughters approved by Mazzakarr himself may take place in this holiest place.
When a blood-kin is killed, their unworthy blood must be spilled, and whatever their killer chooses not to eat must be left to rot.
When there are only two blood-kin left alive, they are compelled by Mazzakarr to return to the High Temple, where they will duel to the death under the watchful gaze of their Father. Whichever one wins will then become his sole prophet, having earned the title through the slaughter of their kin.
Origins and Ascension. All Mazzakarrans are taught the story of Mazzakarr’s rise to godhood. For he did not start his existence as a god.
Many lifetimes ago, he was one of two sons of a nature deity known as Kozmas, the goddess of the hunt and the endless cycle of life and death, of predator and prey. She created her sons to represent two sides of the same coin, two different perspectives on survival in a harsh wild.
One was to represent the lone hunter, the solitary creature relying on only its own strength to survive; the other, meanwhile, was to represent the pack hunter, relying on a community of its kind and working together.
The younger son, the spirit of the lone hunter, would one day become Mazzakarr. And so, for many lifetimes, the brothers shared the wilds, dutifully following their mother’s words and watching over the many beasts of the world.
Even in his early years, the younger son was very clever, and he recognized his own strength compared to that of his brother, who was much more passive and agreeable. The lone hunter thought it redundant to have two sons, when one would have done the job just fine. It was short-sighted of their mother to create them both.
He explained all of this to the pack hunter, and the eldest son understood. Only one of them was needed to watch over the world’s creatures. And so, he gave himself to his brother, and the would-be Mazzakarr devoured him--mind, body, and soul--until there was nothing left.
With this fratricide, two souls became one, and Mazzakarr was born. He ascended to godhood, almost surpassing even his mother. And with this ascension came an all-consuming hunger, a desperate need for bloodshed and death.
Kozmas saw what had become of her sons, and she was left furious and grieving, at least as much as a god is able to feel such emotions. She was unwilling to accept Mazzakarr’s ascension, and she cast him out of the Beastlands. He was no longer her son, but a savage wearing his skin.
For the sin of murdering his brother, Kozmas confined Mazzakarr to Carceri, sentencing him to an eternity of prowling the Scarlet Jungles of Cathrys. If he was so hungry for death, he could sharpen his claws on the mortal sinners condemned to his new realm. But he would never again see the hunting grounds he once called home.
Many, many years passed, and slowly, Mazzakarr grew in power and notoriety. Soon, he came to reign over Cathrys, becoming a king rather than a mere prisoner. And as his power grew, so did his hunger for more and more of it.
And so, Mazzakarr turned his hungry gaze to the material plane.
The Devoured God. Mazzakarr’s brother’s name is lost to history, and in Mazzakarran holy texts he is only referred to as The Devoured God. In much older times, the Devoured God had followers of his own in the material plane, those who revered him and the sense of community he fostered among his disciples.
Following Mazzakarr’s ascension, his followers nearly wiped out those of the Devoured God’s, erasing all records of him and killing those who believed him. To this day, the followers of the Devoured God have yet to return, as far as anyone is aware.
Freedom From Carceri. Mazzakarr’s ultimate goal is to free himself from Carceri and to enter the material plane. Everything he does with the cult of Mazzakarranism brings him one step closer to freedom.
And when he is free, he will drown the material plane in its own blood, and remake it as he sees fit.
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omarfor-orchestra · 9 months
Cazzo mi è venuta in mente una cosa
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southernreaches · 2 months
i will say however. the new tiefling lore is pretty neat
Tieflings are either born in the Lower Planes or have one or more fiendish ancestors who originated there. A tiefling (pronounced TEEFling) is linked by blood to a devil, a demon, a yugoloth, or some other Fiend. This connection to the Lower Planes is, for better or worse, the tiefling’s fiendish legacy, which comes with the promise of power yet has no effect on the tiefling’s moral outlook.
A tiefling chooses whether to embrace or lament their fiendish legacy. The three legacies are as follows:
Abyssal. The heartless entropy of the Abyss, the howling chaos of Pandemonium, and the vast despair of Carceri call to tieflings who have the Abyssal fiendish legacy. Horns, fur, tusks, black blood, and peculiar odors are common physical features of such tieflings, most of whom have the blood of demons coursing through their veins.
Chthonic. Tieflings who have the Chthonic fiendish legacy not only feel the tug of Carceri but also the greed of Gehenna and the underworld gloom of Hades. Some of these tieflings look cadaverous. Others possess the unearthly beauty of an incubus or a succubus, or they have physical features in common with a night hag, a yugoloth, or some other Neutral Evil fiendish ancestor.
Infernal. The Infernal fiendish legacy binds tieflings by blood not only to Gehenna but also the raging battlefields of Acheron and the diabolical Nine Hells. Horns, spines, tails, golden eyes, and a faint odor of sulfur or smoke are common physical features of such tieflings, most of whom trace their ancestry to devils.
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bubblyernie · 1 year
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Hades AU Bastion! Another one of my hades screenshots!! This time it's Bastion, we played a hades-style oneshot, basically a roguelike where we break out of the plane of carceri (tartarus)! 
Lol its a series now i think Here’s the previous drawings (linked here) (and here) (one more)
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