#i care somuch about this game
felworthless · 2 years
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i need to post something and of course its going to be more of my bullshit
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zenosanalytic · 2 years
Paintbrush, PlasGlue, and Holy Clippers: Sparse Marns: Part VII: Basing
The End!SO CLOSE to The End!! All that's left is to do SOMETHING with their bases and then varnish the minis to protect the paintjob!
Ok so TECHNICALLY, you really don't have to do anything to the base.
I mean I've never really been in the gaming part of the fandom as I said at the start, I only ever played by myself or with my sibs, so maybe some ppl would hassle you for leaving them with just your basic black+primer bases, but really: Who Cares? So What! If you didn't want to do anything with the bases you could just leave them as is, and if you wanted to do SOMETHING but not anything crazy, you could just paint them a uniform color: black, or grey, or a nice terrainy green or brown. Allot of folks do basically this:, painting the sides of the base brown and the tops green. Most mini-hobby companies also make "basing pastes" and terrain-paints meant to simulate particular terrain environments which you can apply with a brush and maybe schnazz up with a few licks of paint once they dry.
BUT! The point of all this was for me to practice skills, old and new, so I decided to do some flocking. "Flocking" just means "gluing terrain-like Stuff to your mini bases". SO! I went to the gamestore and bought some Army Painter flocking materials
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Lots of folks call Basing Glue "PVA Glue", which is basic wood glue or Elmers to most USians, so Im assuming that's what that is: it certainly looks, smells, feels, and behaves like it. I used the lid from one of my water jars to hold the glue, and This Brush
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to apply it.
The flock itself is some Paver's fill I had lying around, plus Army Painter's Brown Battlefield(a sort of gritty rubble-sand), Green Field, and Battlefield Rocks, which I found those tweezers I didn't like much from assembly to be PERFECT for manipulating, placing, and holding secure. The shrubbery is Army Painter's Highland Tufts which I LOVE! I LOVE THEIR TUFTS SOMUCH!! Seriously after I got done with the basing I immediately went out and bought, like, 3 more packs of different varieties. The Flocks cost ~$15 total and the glue was, I think, another 5 or so, so it was about 20 bucks. The Paver fill didn't really do a super great job which was unfortunate, but now I know sand isn't a great flocking material(at least: not how I used it. I'll get to that later).
Working one base at a time, I brushed the glue on, held it at a tilt, then sprinkled the gravel and sand down it, adjusting and turning to til I was satisfied with the coverage. Then I let it sit for 30 minutes to dry, held it vertical and gently tapped to knock loose any excess, and did that again with the grass, only applying it in patches where I thought grass would Look Neat, letting it dry for another 30 minutes. Here's how that looked
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Then I applied glue to the bottom of the rocks and stuck those wherever I thought a rock should live on the bases, letting dry for another 30 minutes, then did the same with the BEAUTIFUL Tufts My Beloveds uwu Here's how they looked after all that!
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I love how this looks!
Unfortunately, the brown battlefield and green field flocking doesn't stay on so well X| This may be my fault: I might have not used enough glue. But, I decided to go looking for a way to lock it down and found some videos about "sealing" your flock to keep it from doing that, and decided to try covering the flock with a layer of VERY watered-down glue, to hold it in place, then decided to paint the wee skull on Sarge's helmet white, to stand out more. Here's how that looks
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Oh: and once the flocking was dry, I painted the rim of each base in Mournfang Brown with a #2 brush, taking the time to fill in any empty spaces on the edge. I think it's fine, but it's definitely less charismatic than with the grass standing up all willy-nilly. When I went to get the tufts last time, I saw they also sold spray cans of "Terrain Sealer". Now, I KNOW this is for actual terrain pieces you build and paint, and for sealing gameboards you might create, but I figure that, with sufficient distance, it'd probably work well at sealing base-flock, too.
In general I think the flock-experiment went well, but I think I probably made a few mistakes in it. Next time I'll fully paint the bases in a ground-color before applying any flock, and I'll use a thicker layer of glue and see if that changes the stickability. Another option is to use the flock purely for texture and paint over it once it's dry. It's allot more work, and it requires prepping the basing substrate before you attach the minis and some VERY careful painting of said substrate at the finish, but most of the painting tutorials I've been watching lately do something like this, often using cheaply or freely available materials like sand, pebbles, and chopped up Ephemera instead of branded flocks. I could also use branded basing-pastes which, again, allot of video I watched prepping for this used. I'd like to give all those options a go sometime in the future just to see how it works out, though I worry about weight; one benefit of the Army Painter flocking is that it's pretty light and doesn't really impact the handling of the mini.
All that's left now is applying the varnish, going over my thoughts on the project, what I think I need to work on, and discussing my next one! Seeya then ^v^ ^v^
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spindash · 1 year
sorry i complain about the sims somuch especially considering how much i play it but it drives me so CRAZY like they dont even care if their game is good. because people will buy it no matter what
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icharchivist · 1 year
I feel you.
On one hand I am a Belial simp, I'm open about that and he's also a villain I want, well, not redeemed necessarily, but playable and on my team and in my bed? but I do have a soft spot for Percy. Definitely up there. And Gbf has no shortage of hot guys.
He's attractive and nice and his stoicism is really funny because it's obvious how he Cares a lot and the game kind of acts like there's a thing between him and the player, so if we ignore the fact that he's 27 and the captain is eternally 15 and squint a little, that's fun.
I joked with friends that I'm adopting Percy as my backup husband for Relink since we're not likely to be getting Belial in that game.
The same could be said for Sandalphon, I love his tsundere tendencies, but since Versus is already the unofficial sequel to the WMTSB saga, I'm not banking on any of the big players from that showing up in Relink. Besides, he's more of a little brother in my mind and he has a whole Thing with Lucifer that I'd hate to intrude on.
So from the current roster it's definitely gonna be Percy for me.
You definitely have good taste.
So what I'm saying is, scooch over and let's share a husband <3
🤝🤝 glad our feelings are similar.
yeah when it comes to the flirting it's really the moment i decide to take the devs' words to the letter when they say MC is "15yo when it's plot relevant, any age the player wants to self insert as otherwise". Like. 15yo when you talk about how our father left us (since it's too character centric) VS "any vday/wday lines makes MC the age i want."
So that's where i stand with the fact that the MC x Percival tension is mostly done for fans to self insert into it so it's free real estate, my city now. Would marry in a heartbeat.
Consdering Belial is the character i go unwise on, i feel like indeed we are two sides of the same coin here. The "I would take [Person A] as my husband, but [Person B] is my backup", but the opposite for you and i.
Totally understand for Sandalphon tho, I sometimes wonder how i would feel about him would it not be for his relationship with Lucifer being so dazzling i can only brother-zone him. Especially since i have a lot, lot, LOT of favs who have a lot of things in common with Sandalphon, and Sandy is one of the only one from that gang i don't feel like smooshing. yaknow.
But yeah, feel you, so somuch 🤝 great taste
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rennyji · 7 months
Pro Nikki Haley Tweets and Some Perspectives
pro niki haley tweets
Nikki Haley: the sharper candidate with heart...
Trump: strategist:usesCases 2NotCampaign/resultsIn nonContentiousView/stirs w/1liners.HasDaughterInLaw inRNC. MakesAppearances @ CPAC, butNotDebates.HasFriendPutin preferBiden4Pres.(1 2control). PlaysOnImage ofWealth/whoHasnt govmtScrewed.ScaresParty w/fireOfFollowers2submission.
In conjunction 2 previousTweet on how Trump: Mechanical strategist: Playing a chess game. Nikki Haley? A human reaching out 2 people inHeartFilledWay: Shaking hands, talking 2 people, inspiring little girls,faithfully wearing Taylor Swift bead bracelets given 2 her by children.
W/o 1 liners, is Trump sayingAnything 2 helpAmerica? C clip: 1“WeHave crookedJudge”2“A rigged courtCase”3“I willGet DonaldTrump!”4She doesnt knowAnything fromMe 5Were winningThisCase soMuch 6Shes aRadicalLunatic-people applaud 7Somehow… itsGonna workOut 
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Apparently Trump kids say pledge of allegiance b4 bed along w/prayers. Is it good etiquette or humility 2 brag about prayer? & pledgeOfAllegiance @ night? Ur sleepy, ur a kid, & ur saying pledge? 1 thing 2say itInMorning. Just baiting people w/emotion not patriotism.
Trump blasts Haley 4Spouse deployed¬ @ rally.ThenSays loveFact MelaniaNotOutThere.U know aLot of1st ladyWillGoOut.They want 2B everywhere.TheyGetAngry @ husband for NotIntroducingThem. “If I didntIntroduceHer shed B Happy.ShesJust differentPerson lovingCountry OfCourse SheIs.
AmericanDream is money/power/respect. Donald Trump ridesMoney. Putin abusesPower. Nikki Haley, by goingOutThereDaily, earnsRespect &showsHowMuch sheWants anOffice 2serve.Regarding strongerMilitary/foodPrices/education,uNeedCaring militarySpouse/mom wholl select bestAdvisors4Help.
Nikki Haley ( #Nikki #Haley #NikkiHaley ), Is Sharpest candidate. #SaturdayMorning #SaturdayKitchen TragediesLike Laken Riley (#LakenRiley), happen from Biden immigration &failed Trump wall. 
W/polls on whod winOverall election w/particular matchUp, Nikki Haley (#Haley #NikkiHaley) wins against Biden (#Biden) . She cleans his clock. #Trump maySeem he’ll beat Biden on small state polls like Michigan w/1-2topics w/2-3point: conundrumOf statistics
WhoTurns worldAround-w/world on fire-4 America &elsewhere? U need #Nikki Haley, some1 serving w/ United Nations &knowsHow 2deal w/abroad, 2MakeLifeBetter @ home, inAmerica. Evangelicals? U think #Trump responsible4 Roe v. Wade turnover?JustLucky 2B there.
#Evangelical . #Christian .Think #Trump ‘s Church man & humble? TheyHaveEyes&doNotSee, ears&do notHear-doesHeTalkAs discipleOrDeceiver? Think hisFirey words, spirit? Look @ rhetoric &multiple infidelities &those he steals from, byNot paying. Vote #Haley .
WhoActually “does care” aboutAllPeople, empathizing w/complexities of pro anti abortion ers &peopleOf color , difficult gender/feminist issues , raised by Journalists as Taylor Lorenz (#TaylorLorenz)? WhoFeels 4 (#Nex) Nex & their family? #Nikki Haley.
Is Donald Trump (#DonaldTrump)Giving whatsWanted?U think hes likeUs/likingUs?Think he, socialite/real estate mogul,hasViewOn Roe v Wade, Supreme Court justices?Hes rep. of Republicans ,&theirValues-lucky 2B thereAs thingsHappen.ItsAbout timing not #Trump
Think #Trump hasMagicConnect w/people? #HarryPotter magic? Think grabbingBodyParts/stealing/infidelity=charisma?TrumpsAnger mismatched W/Follower’sFrustration overLifeIssues. SeenBelowFrom
@jimmykimmel is biasOfTrumpFollowers. Also C link In PrevTweet. Vote #Nikki#Haley 4truth.
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Democrats & Independents as well, w/ Republicans can stillVote 4 #Nikki #Haley , as sheHoldsInterestUnlike #Biden&isnt w/zingers as Donald Trump, thinking hes Navalny (more LA ballerina circumstance)&now Says/Thinks discriminated as Blacks cuzOf mug shot
Think, govmt. hasn’t screwed me? Think #Trump W/fish n chips from Scotland hasItBad? PeopleFeeling government screwed them, didNothing. Trump causesProblems& playsVictim. RealMan?Prev. tweet shows: he spewsNonsense.ScriptedOrNot, #Nikki #Haley makes sense.
When #Trump lostLastElection 2 #Biden , evenNow only32% ofPeople believe #JoeBiden legitimateWinner. 68% believeOtherwise. People say “wantEnd2Chaos.” #Nikki #Haley wins by 18 pointsAgainstBiden in overallElection polls. Then Y risk anotherTrump Jan6 riot?
Really look @ #Donald #Trump& #Nikki #Haley. DoU reallyThinkTrumpcaresOn Alabama (#Alabama) typeIssues as abortion? Trump is teasedByRussia for 4 hookers,2Marriages w/2Set ofKids, anIllegitimateChild,& $130,000affair.WouldntHaleyCareMore about family&kids?
So,unlikeTrump,#NikkiHaley Been w/SameHusband By17. SoundsLike highSchoolCrush ofSmallTown South Carolina girl.Couples originalSurName isHaley.Would uBelievePeopleElectOthers Based onHer bias4WhatsPossibly WilliamMichaelHaley’s middleName? YeahTrump “greatThingsHappening.” Indeed
The smallTownGirl from South Carolina (#SouthCarolina), #Nikki #Haley (#NikkiHaley) pushesForward, 4respect ofAmericanDream.If shes persisting thruDominationOf #Trump, shes not lettingSpirit getCrushed,&really,really wants OfficeOfPresident 2serve.
I wish #Haley would take nonMaga & conservative Democrats/Independents 2 a new world, where people make informed decisions and not just base their votes on rage, hate, fury, or 1 off rallying cries like pro life pro choice or go home immigrants.
On Blessed Sunday (, Good Sunday #sundayvibes), 40% of Republicans wereFoundIn Carolina 2supportSubstantiveTalk 2 solutions2issues worthyOf discussion.-NotJust tantalizingMeaningless #Trump 1 liners. #Nikki #Haley supportIs Not Disney movie.ItsReal.
If we were 2parallel our world w/ #HarryPotter , #Trump & #Maga R Slytherin, using darkness; Democrats R Hufflepuff, just all over the flowery place; & #Nikki #Haley is Gryffindor House, noble & courageous, enlightening w/strengthOfSword. #VideoIdea
Oct2023 On,Congress failed2do anyWork,w/vacation/pay riskingArmysPay,2suchDegree,govmt shutsDown 4x.TakePageIn Nayib Bukeles book; dictator cuttingPoliticalBull/bickering&Did whatNeeded 2B done4 ElSalvador peace.Cant B biased2word:democracy vs fruitsOfDemocracy byDifferentRoute
#Biden reports ceasefire w/in a week between Israel & Palestine, day b4 MichiganPrimary, where aLot of Arabs. Thing w/politicians like Gavin Newsom waiting b4 a ChinesePres. arrives, 2Clean San Francisco, orBiden suggesting an executive order on 212F, just seemsTooLittle2Late.
inMyNakedSituation, watDoIDo? take pessimisticRoute2 fruitsOfOptimism ie assumeWorst 2getPeaceFromDealing w/unknown.While #Trump misuses king/dictator ideas,w/lazyCongress, w/Biden sayingGiveMe inherentPower 2elicitChange,needFruitsOfDemocracy ThanDemocracy @ leastInUrgentTimes.
Republican primary = Back to the Future II. South Carolina #Nikki #Haley =Marty inAlternate1985=2024 2realizeMustLearn past, Biffs=#Trump #Biden distort,2shape betterFuture shell meet the press ,campaign,pullLateNight,speakW/Meaning #sundayvibes #videoidea
#Haley South Carolina (#SouthCarolina) #Nikki is Indiana Jones (#IndianaJones) takingOnNazis orThose ofRhetoric “poisoning the blood of our country” , who steal Ark of the Covenant, aSymbolOfHeavenOnEarth. LetsGetOurUSA homeInOrder #videoidea #SundayFunday
Trump:“success is our revenge.” Plays w/FollowersFire.FireRageUnreliable.Like Star Wars. #Trump = Sith =Hate #Nikki#Haley =Jedi =will/compassion ofForce 2connect w/allLife. Sith power=strongButDelusion/unstable Jedi power=strongThruPeace&Focus #VideoIdea
REworded #Idea . #Nikki #Haley #Trump #Biden shouldDo recorded/live zoom meetings “whereEvery1 canJoinMeeting,” if loadCanBeTaken. ActOfJoining=peopleFeelingInvolved. They canDoIt onOwnTime &give reasoning 4 whatThey want2do/haveDone,unhindered. Might B asEffectiveAsCamaignTrail.
InQuietOfHome,fromYrsOf CatholicSchool/Church,readingsEcho. Irealize uCanStateUrCase2Some/talk2others,neverGetAnywhere Some=shortFuse.SomePoorInsight. Some=noEars.Can onlyBpatient&Forgive70x7times. RemindedOfImageOfCaretaker asking4 1MoreYr.NoSenseInViolence/hateW/people/Nations
Religions R puzzle pieces 2 1 truth. 1 piece hints @ picture behind another piece. WhatsSaidIs:Wat isnt from God, dies&todaysReligions lastedSeveral100 or1000sOfYrs.Heard from Jake Tapper & Kayleigh McEnany &bookInterviewees,dominantRevelation, of 1Who believesInU,evenwhen uDont.
-lifes complicated&weNeed 2B acceptingOfPeople&theirViews. In Shrek,we R remindedPeople like onions:weHaveLayers. Onion is a conscious mind,&layers of onion R wat compose it.Something from my situation isNotionOfConsciousnessPruning.U can pruneOff aLayerLike preferences/dislikes.
-Thing w/Alabama&frozen embryos Equivalent 2Living/breathing baby-just not well thought out-its saidB4 people die, theres surgeOfEnergy & brainWaves inHead. It’s like soul leaving body.PeopleInVegetativeStateSaid2B brainDead. Wouldn’t life begin when there R brainWaves-6 weeks
As collegeGrad inYonkers, NY, outOf Washington/Iowa/South Carolina/ Michigan ,I feelNothingFrom #Biden .My studentLoansWerentForgiven. Bidenomics didn’t give me a job. #Trump ? Coal jobs/Roe v Wade no effect4me. Not Arab/Israeli. W/#Nikki #Haley I feelPartOf USA decisionMaking.
if I wanted an apartment w/o utilities/furniture?place of my own-separate/alone fromFamily? Rent @ least $2000 in my area. 1/2 payCheckOfSome. What if I want2send futurePotentialKids2Private School orPay4theirCollege,w/cost of living for self is so much. C image.HelpsIfCanMarry.
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Lets say I want 2 go 2 movies.1 theater w/All movies×InMyArea?W/in aMall. I have 2 pay $17 4 justMyTicket. Thats w/o a girl friend/family.Then $4 4 3HrParking. 4 that price,I can ownMovie from Apple/Google.EvenThen,$19ToRent$24ToOwn. Y notStream4$24. C4ImagesIn2Slots
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Let’s say u want a USED 2019Toyota. U want something that’s 4 wheel drive for snow. W/o special preferences, a USED 2019Toyota SUV is $7000 less than a USED 2021Newer BMW X3. Toyota? $26,000. 2021BMW? $33,000. Does that make sense? I blame Toyota/Honda/Kia for pricing their cars at the level of luxury cars. I dont know how 1 would go about fixing prices
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2things: interpret/extrapolate. 2ndly, in older days, prophetsWere those sent2Streets sayingRepent orSomethingLike endIsNear. Im no1, butMyMessage: “wake up” U haveShootings/inVitroSiblings unknowinglyGet Intimate/spaceNukes/wars/people smashingSkullsOfWoman. MakeChangeActively.
I sympathize w/Israel 4 what happened in Kibbutz Bei Rei & @ music festival.W/these 2events, Ibelieve under a1000 were abused/raped/ killed/tormented/kidnapped. It’s brutal-Should be able2liveInPeace. But conversely:30,000 Palestinians have died.Gaza,north2south isDecimated.
Russia has surplus ofManpower& weapons/tanks againstUkraine. They haveDiversity&someForm ofOpportunity as America. How R 500 Biden sanctions going 2 pressure such a power 2 our ways? BushGotHussain, ObamaGotGaddafi, need 2 remove Putin who makes people disappear “coincidentally.”
InAddition 2 Congress deals notPassing b/c ofUnrelatedContentiousElements, weeks spent oustingSpeakers/SecurityChiefs, electingSpeakers, vacations, 3CRs w/pay asArmy losesPay fromShutdown. they manually count (yays)&(nays) 4 vote, for 400+ people 2x, 3x. PromotingLethargy.AJoke.
I’m not particular about organic specific items, but I notice the organic milk tastes better. For one cardboard carton, it’s $7. For one plastic carton, it’s $13
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Congress passes 4-5 stop gap bills from failing 2do jobs,risking govmt. shutdowns.4-5 times in a row since October while having grade school style Christmas/Summer vacations &recesses.Kids have2remote learn onSnowDays. Healthcare workers/analysts? Overworked. Nothing2lookForward2
House of reps have summer &Christmas vacation/periods of 2 week recesses…can see Y it attracts Santos’s looking 4 a job 2 cruise by w/…how many continuing resolutions on priority matters were passed while recesses taken & days spent ousting speakers & homeland security chiefs?
Congress needs 2 stop these sneaky ways of partisan politics, by combining unrelated issues, in a what is then called a bipartisan package, 4 whatsAdvertised asAn immigration bill. When an issue is critical, don't mix it w/other things 2 get those passed under a state of urgency.
I do not mean 2 put pressure on any 1 candidate, but we need some1 sharp, & able 2 finish sentences/perspectives, w/o making up words like “big-ly” (English language is deteriorating). Sharp individual is Nikki Haley, or some1 equally good, measuring 2 bar of hard work she set.
And Putins lost it, now with Texas literally on fire, the world figuratively on fire, Putin makes vague threats towards nuclear war. Why is decimating a country even an option? Why do U need nukes? Look at the damage tanks & weapons do in Gaza . This is how most of it looks.
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A clip from 2023 Hulu movie, “Assassin.” Gets into perils of brain mapping: that is, This is someone brain mapping their mind to, perhaps, yours, and as a result, control you, with or without a lapse in your memory.-could’ve already happened. #mindcontrol #mind #Awareness
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I think I bought some standard items from ShopRite-how much? $159. That’s just my personal food items…See prices of things…a gallon of milk? $13. A container of 4 cups of orange juice? $4.79. So a little more than a $1 per cup. 6 Coca Colas expiring in April2024(next month)? $8
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On box of cornflakes I said costs $6.99 @ HMart? Its actuallySalePrice ifU zoomIn closely @ big price tag inPic, posted onBoxes.Regular price of 1 Corn Flakes: $9.99.So $10+ w/tax 4 1 boxOfCereal.Trucks hangingOnBridges, space nukes, mind control/reading-clealryAparallelUniverse
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Trump:”all illegalImmigrants comingFrom insaneAsylums/jails.”DoesntHelp w/migrantsShooting TimesSquare or disfiguringNursingStudentsHeads. OnNews,heard migrant-like asking Christ 2letHimIn2Heaven,”please, brother, letMe in”2USA.ButSome1Has2 makeDecision2DrawLineW/finiteResources.
NYcongestionPricing buildsOnTaxes taking$30,000fromAverage$100,000 salary/PriceOf(groceries-have2buyBag/Rent&cars).-adds2Burden.DrivingIn ownNYstatehasCost &its2pay4upgradingTrainSystem.All whileSpending$2.3Billion 4 illegalMigrants.MisuseOfFunds citizens pay4/yetDontBenefitFrom
NYC - illegalImmigrants can vote-when interviewed @ border-until recently-they said they're coming4work-now?some1 prob alerted them2say: here4asylum.MoreThanOnce, theySay"Thank U Joe Biden" probably out of naivety-was this partOf thingsGoneOutOfControl 2gainMoreVoters 4 1 party?
is the immigration asylum crisis because no one is matching the definition of a word with asking someone “what is the circumstance behind ur asylum request?”:elaborate! & verifying/matching with current events in a country?
Wat resources ,as highLevelWord (asBidenSaysGiveMePower-212F?!), doesBiden need2SecureBorder.Kamala says borderSecure, w/migrantSurge (potential4violence.) Who pays 4 planeTickets/gas4 buses/drivers. Y use removableWoodenPillarWall instead of stone(jobs/&visibleTouristAttraction)
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military deportation of illegals seems 2 be Trump's ploy of targeting rage/hatred part of admirable fire of his followers. U'll get cheers & approvals, but America being America needs 2 walk hard path of compassion & work arounds like a stone border wall. Defense, not offense.
Biden energy policy,risk 3000+ jobs. coat/non-renewableEnergySources notSustainable I.e. causesDamage 2PlanetUr children/grandchildren live. Now energyPolicies shouldCome inStages: 1.alertPublic onPolicy 2.slowlyPhase outJobs, whileProvidingTraining 4greenerJobs.-
When Biden's energy policies take away jobs, it becomes chess piece the opposing party will try 2 move 2 win an election. They'll say we're bringing back jobs. If they win, next administration just undoes what previous administration did-this political back & forth b/w them.
insteadOf military massDeportation of illegals In USA, Y notUse army @ border 4 increasedManPower? #StopProblemAtSource & stop future illegals. Venezuela? UseArmy 2Help w/political unrest. Syria/Turkey? Work w/Mexico 2 stopAirTravel, otherwise now their population.Use #Diplomacy.
It’s not surprising morePeople in credit card debt & relyingOn debt relief companies like Freedom Debt Relief 2 later negotiate debt 4less or under doableMonthlyInstallment. When alone & w/family, job or no job, 4 something like groceries, people charge card/make minimum payment.
-on clean energy,it IS vital.Not C-ing necessity4children&grandchildren mayB Neanderthal.ButForcing people2buy electric cars,greenInspired dryers/washers=expensive.Ur not makingCheaperOrGiving govmt. SponsoredExchangeProgram.OnMeat? Learn2cloneBeef,thenLimitEating StagesNotAbrupt
Average salary 4 American w/college degree is $50,000/$100,000 4 others. Trumps $355 million loss/Guliani’s $148 million is revenge money not justice. America isMore justice, Id expect. Sounds like something Russia does w/LA American ballerina, w/life imprisonment 4 $51 donation.
Democrats & Independents as well, w/ Republicans can stillVote 4 #Nikki #Haley , as sheHoldsInterestUnlike #Biden &isnt w/zingers as Donald Trump, thinking hes Navalny (more LA ballerina circumstance)&now Says/Thinks discriminated as Blacks cuzOf mug shot
What’s another big topic?! Banning certain books in schools. Movies are rated PG-13 and rated R for ages 17 and above. So why shouldn’t certain books on sensitive topics of gender/love preferences be age restricted?!-
-inRegards2PrevTweet,Im a1stGenAmerican.I recallHearingIn kindergarten,kidsSayTheyre50%Irish/25%Italian/25%Spanish.I thought:Im “only”100%Indian.I thought Id setOutOn SimilarButDifferentBackground.Should kidsQuestionGender/Sexuality/ifBestFriendSomethingMoreIn pre-K InsteadOfFun?
when all this talk of fentanyl occurs, what R people using it 4.Cocaine stimulates/“weed” relaxes. Understanding is: its used asFiller4 concentrated effects,where other drugIngredients used sparingly. ItsPainkiller4CuttingCosts. When some1 doesn’t care 4U, u shouldCare4UrSelf.-
-W/youthBuyingPercocet4some reason, that2FromSocialMedia, riskingFentanylLacing, OrTakingCocaine4Jolt2work/“weed”2B calm/rest TheresNeed4moodEnhancer,focus enhancersBeyond crashingCoffee&SleepAid.Need accessibleHealthcare/investment4BetterMentalHealthMeds. EndDrugsByRemovingNeed
Our souls(minds) R a chariotDriver, driving Horses that R our emotions/feelings/commitments, inFormOf thought/speech/action. On #SaturdayMorning , as #SaturdayVibes , #SaturdayMotivation , & #SaturdayThought, I extend perspective in Tumblr blog post below:
1 things for sure, whether its The Supreme Court, Congress, office of the President, or just us-as Americans-system is rigged ( #riggedsystem #ThursdayThought #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMotivation #thursdayvibes ). I elaborate in Tumblr blog post below:
The judicial and legislative branch are always trying to find the meaning intended by the writers of something as far back as the Constitution. What does it matter, when you can interpret and adapt laws/amendments/words in general with changing times?
There’s 2 Commandments secular sounding/somewhat obvious. Don’t murder/Don’t steal. What did God intend? Does He need to make a word salad by saying stealing's ok if it's a muffin 2satiate hunger 4 self survival/survival of ur child?**Shouldn’t we interpret law w/changing times?
Retweet from Nikki Haley:Copy/paste, or clink link below ("x" in link is Twitter's new name) for associated pic:https://x.com/NikkiHaley/status/1763418994717933711?s=20
- love it whenPoliticians showHumanSide.Probably Y, as theyWereSaying Dwayne The Rock Johnson might B running for president, seemed incredible.People like The Rock or Arnold Schwarzenegger, have incredibleStories, fromBeingFitnessChamps 2 movies/businesses-cant helpButBhappy4them
AmericanDream is money/power/respect. Donald Trump ridesMoney. Putin abusesPower. Nikki Haley, by goingOutThereDaily, earnsRespect &showsHowMuch sheWants anOffice 2serve.Regarding strongerMilitary/foodPrices/education,uNeedCaring militarySpouse/mom wholl select bestAdvisors4Help.
Interpret law vs. waiting 4 literalWording #JustAnnounced President (s) ( #Presidents )/regular people, need 2see laws asGuidelines 2extrapolate them in2 eachModernDay. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #tuesdayvibe #SCOTUSExtended thought onItIn Tumblr post below:
3 branches of govmt are officers of United States. They R civil servants 2 accept humility of office & serve people. If yrs long borderCrisis isUnresolved, Congress should “interpret” rightTime 4 privilege of recess & pull an all nighter 2 resolve or solve 50 yr! abortion debate.
0 notes
euclydya · 1 year
ok first is Pain Threshold:
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again trying to keep to My thouhts on canon characters not oue sysmates but soemtimes. the System Bias™ is difficult to . ignore FHDJSKDKFFJ ESPECIALLY W PT! FJDJSKFJF
so like. I! Love Her. So Much. I care abt her somuch she's so niceys here and we'd be in hell without her around but also. I would run up behind her and slap her in the baxk of the head and run away I would beat the shit out of her I would kill her if givent je chance I would activate PvP SOOOO HARDDDD ON HER. but that's bc we're in the same group [Physique] so it's liek sibling violence hereGJDKDKFKGJG
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[also ft. composure whom is also not normal btw! 👍]
She's just sooooo. Idk. I care abt her both source & in-sys. she's Importance. I'm normal. I would not hesitate to kill her and she would not hesitate to kill me WE'RE BESTIES <3 FHDJSJFKFKFFK
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ok so source Concept like. I do not enjoy him much. Like. Like. Xe gives off Pretentious Artist Vibes. aHfjFjdjdjsjwjd which I guess tracks!!!!! from its in-game description: "Conceptualization has a special role it wants you to play in this world – not the role of cop, but of Art Cop." THAT'S SO SILLY!!!!! ZE'S silley. Like I cannot take their ass seriously I'm sorryFJCKSKFKFJD
But besides that she's not A Major Asshole just. Ju.gh.ead levels of Weird Pretentiousness source-wise! BFNXNXCNGJ
system-wise tho it's like. Well I *have* to respect you or you'll erase me! [HYPERBOLE] FJJDFKDKDKF
also has one of our fave lines in the game:
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like what fhe fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! one of the dialogues ever tjanks!!
in conclusion I'm rotating hym in my brain thankyou 4 coming 2 my ted talk
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ok sO!!!! this fuckigm. THING. this goddamn CREATURE of a skill. ok. ok! ok!!!!!!!!!! sys bias is Extremely hard 2 ignore w it! because we saw it and were immediately like THAT THANG IS A WHOLEASS KID and thhe fandom barely agrees???!!!!!! UNDERSTANDABLE PEOPLE CAN HAVE DIFFERENT INTERPRETATIONS BUTEVERYONE IS WRONG ABY THIS ONE THIS TIME SORRY! [JOKE!!!!! DO NOT KILL ME] so that's my unpopular opinion there!
ok where do i Start. uhhhh. this kid. thIS KID!!!!!! OH MY GOD the embodiment of fight or flight and trauma responses. ok. OK!!!!! SOMEONE GIVE THIS LIL GUY LOVE AND ATTENTION STAT WHAT THE FUCK! EHAT THE FUCK DUDE!!! it's incredibly violent and SCARED and waht the fuck who hurt youuu!!!!!!!!! oh my god dude!!!!!!
has done nothing wrong ever. "It actively encourages Harry to kill" ok and! maybe it's right. <3. have u ever thought of That. like. Half Light is Harry's inner child and Half Light most certainly deserves a gun!!!!!! LET THAT KID KILL thank u HFJFKDSKDKDJCJCJD
As much as I love and care for this bastard however I would not like to meet canon half light irl. Because. It would take one look at me and very very much attempt to actually kill me. and I would not like to die anytime soon! JFKCKCCKFKFKFK
and ik I crossed off "I like the fanon better for this one" but when we say that Assume we mean "I like whatever version of them exists in our system better than rhe canon version" it is especially true for half light LMAO
SO! i support children's rights AND wrongs [read: Half Light should be allowed to kill WHENEVER it wants. for whatever reason.] However I am not exempt from the Cain Instinct I'd absolutely defenestrate it if given the chance JFNDMDNFNFFNSJRJ
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fiction-in-my-blood · 4 years
Obey Me! Brothers W/ Mentally Slow MC HC
~Longer than necessary A/N ahead so, if you don’t care, you don’t need to read it, just sharing stuff about myself to random strangers on the internet lol.~
So... I’m slow. Like, my brain just does not computer things quick enough a majority of the time? I’m not a great conversationalist because of it, I have a pretty bad stammer, I mix up names even though they don’t sound at all the same, and I get too excited when I do know something that when I try to say it its just a jumble of words that don’t make sense and I tell my friends to just forget about it because I know I won’t be able to say the right words lol. Luckily I have great friends and they give me the time to rethink my sentence so I can say what I want to say. Oh, and I daydream to the point I never dream in my sleep haha. So, this is basically an HC for me lol. That being said, I’m pulling from mostly my own experiences here, so I’m sorry if they sound a lil depressy haha. 
And I would like to say, if anyone can relate, there’s literally nothing wrong with you!!! (Cannot stress this enough). We just have our fun lil quirks.
~Also, I’m so sorry for missing out on Belphie. I love him somuch but I could not think of a scenario for him. If I do in the future I’ll edit or reupload idk.~
~Oh, and @theshove , I finally posted again ;), although I’m sure it’s not gonna be as spicy as you’d like.~
Warnings: Descriptive explanation of a panic attack in Mammon’s HC, reference to bullying in Satan’s
At first, he was secretly pretty frustrated.
He thought it was a confidence issue, he heard that was a common thing in human youth, to not believe in yourself and have anxiety about the way you looked, spoke, sounded. 
You would often be having conversations with his brothers, debating a subject that Lucifer took no interest in, and you would be about to put in your input when a stream of nonsense passed your lips.
“Y’know what, nevermind.” Was a frequent phrase that left your lips when you did slip up, sighing to yourself as you thought about how ridiculous you just sounded. 
Lucifer would ensure none of the brothers, or Solomon, ever teased you about your mistakes.
Although, it was mortifying everytime you accidentally called him Levi, and vice versa. 
It was hard enough when you were still getting to know the brothers, but even on a date with the eldest, Levi just seemed like an easier word to say in the moment. It led to a few upsetting misunderstandings and some pretty severe punches to Lucifer’s pride.
Once you two got closer, you explained you mixed up your words because you used to be practically mute.
You weren’t a particularly extroverted child, nor were you interested in much, so you hardly spoke at all. You never got the practice you needed to familiarise yourself with words. It was Devildom that really brought them out of you.
After you did share that with him, he thrived off hearing your voice, even when it took a solid ten seconds to contemplate what you needed to say, even stretching your mouth muscles before you started just in case you stumbled again.
Of course, you made your mistakes now and again, got stuck on a word, laughing at how ridiculous you sounded saying ‘in’ several times in a row when you were trying to argue over tonight’s dinner, but Lucifer never cracked a joke like you did about yourself. 
He smiled, happy that you didn’t let this impact your personality and recovered quickly and, gradually, at snail's pace it felt like at the time, you could hold a conversation, a bright smile on your face when you were able to pull it off.
“Lucifer, I didn’t stutter this time!”
“Well done, MC, shall I give you a reward?”
“Useless human, can’t even talk, huh?” 
Trying to act like the big tough guy he played himself out to be didn’t fare well when you first arrived in Devildom, his brothers practically beat him up every other day for it.
The first time you laid your eyes upon a demon and they explained you would be a transfer student, it took you a few minutes of silence to understand what was actually going on.
It wasn’t because this wasn’t an extraordinary situation, you were an avid reader of fantasy novels and had waited for the day to be transported away from your boring, mundane life, but you just couldn’t compute verbal speech.
In potion class, you had to ask the teacher to write down the ingredients and the quantities because you couldn’t picture the words themselves, so you couldn’t understand what the potion was actually meant to do.
“What’re you writing it all down for?”
“It’s easier for me to listen when I can read what they’re saying. I guess it’s because my hearing’s crap?” 
But your hearing wasn’t all that bad, it was just easier to explain it that way than explaining how transcriptions help you listen.
Sometimes, in the hallways of RAD, the bustling students and whispering gossiping of you, a human, making a pact with Mammon? Apparently it was hilarious to everyone else.
But it wasn’t what the demons were saying, it was how loud they were saying it. 
It was just too many noises at once, you couldn’t decipher the surround-sound mumbling and it stressed you out, made you uncomfortable, and gave you that all too familiar feeling of a panic attack due to the sensory overload. 
Mammon realised your discomfort as tears grew in your eyes and your breathing quickened and, for a moment, he was moving to beat up every single devil that ever even mentioned the word ‘human’.
“Ma-Mammon!” Your frail voice and a tug on his sleeve pulled him back to Devildom and he turned back around to you, watching as you clenched your eyes shut, trying to ignore the buzzing that continued to rattle your brain. 
“Can you take me some place quiet?”
From then on, you would often spend your lunch breaks in a quiet classroom away from the majority of students. It was a good place for you to wind down, especially, when you two were close enough, Mammon would hug you closely, helping the panic in your heart when you did have a panic attack due to all the noises.
You didn’t have them as much now, the noise cancelling headphones he had bought you brought solace as you walked from classroom to classroom.
In class, he would try his best to act as scribe when you were running behind, but he did a terrible job. His handwriting was abysmal, only now did he appreciate how quickly you had to write to keep up with the lessons. 
You appreciate the sentiment all the same, placing a quick kiss on his cheek- you were dating at this point- and explained that he didn’t have to do that for you, you could just get a copy of the teacher’s notes after class.
Now he could never feel more guilty about picking on you when you first got to Devildom.
“Hey, Mamo?”
“Yeah, MC?”
“Thanks for not getting angry at me.”
You were pretty silent, never really talking unless you were spoken to directly.
Yet, you still had that dumb, normie trap of cute smile on your face when you listened to everyone ranting and raving. 
When you did speak, it was quiet, almost a whisper.
Thank Diavolo for the demon’s enhanced hearing because, if they didn’t, they would be constantly asking you to speak up.
It wasn’t because you didn’t like your voice or you thought you were too loud otherwise, it was just because you couldn’t really be bothered to be louder.
You were content with just listening, watching everyone have a vivid conversation about the latest trouble Mammon had gotten into or Satan raving about the last Detective show you needed to watch. 
You never had any questions to ask in class, and the ones you did have would usually be asked by another student before you got the chance to even raise your hand. You weren’t a genius, just a good listener.
Levi understood, somewhat. Why would you want to talk to his normie brothers? They had nothing interesting to say.
Most of the time he suspected you just weren’t listening to them. 
But, it’s when you were alone together in his room as he told you about the latest anime he was enjoying, he got annoyed.
“Are you even listening to me? I don’t even know why I try. You don’t deserve Henry!”
“I was listening. You were explaining how you think the next season of TSL is going to go. I’ll admit, the Lord of Shadow saving that servant from the Lord of Corruption seems a little far fetched, but it’d be interesting to watch.” 
That had possibly been the longest group of sentences he had ever heard you string together at once. And they were so soft, no hint of trepidation from his accusation.
Eyes wide in embarrassment for misreading the situation, and getting so aggressive about it, Leviathan looked away.
“I’m sorry, I know I seem really dismissive all the time. I just enjoy listening to you talk about your passions.”
The bright smile on your face calmed him down, as it usually did, and, every so often, you would make your comments about the shows you know only because of him. He was very good at explaining plot lines. Even when you had never seen the show, you felt like you had.
You would mainly just talk to Levi from then on, getting to the point where you could express your own hobbies without him judging you as a normie and more as a friend.
Well, not a friend, more than that, much more, but a friend would have to do for now.
The first time you strike up a conversation with him, calling his name from down the hallway of the house you’re staying in as he walks with Asmodeus, Mammon and Beelzebub is possibly the greatest day of Levi’s life.
“Lefty.” You accidentally pronounce his name wrong, like you sometimes do with “Bell” and “Ashmo”.
You didn’t have any problems with saying their names normally, but when you were tired, all hopes of communicating like a normal human being went out the window.
Your words were a low mumble, but they were something Levi had learnt to understand fluently from your late night gaming sessions that would usually end in ruin when your tired brain drastically slowed your reflexes.
“I heard it was your 200,000th bicentennial birthday coming up, so I asked one of my friends to commission this for you.”
Only Diavolo knows how you managed to pronounce centennial at this time of night, but you did it, handing him a paper-wrapped, flat square, a light blush dusting both your cheeks. 
Asmo made a flirty, teasing comment about how close you two seemed and how, now, Levi was the lucky one.
Mammon got jealous, demanding that he wanted a birthday present, even though his milestone couple centuries had literally been a couple centuries ago.
Beel’s stomach grumbled, but he was a little curious about what you could have possibly gifted Levi, and how many words you just said as loud as they would usually be, which was wildly out of character for you.
“It’s the Lord of Shadow and the servant.” Levi gasped upon seeing the magnificent drawing your friend had made for you, which you insisted on paying for, and never had Levi been so jealous to have a friend like that. A friend with such talent. 
“You were right, he did save her.” You smiled, eyes twinkling at the positive reaction Levithan had made. 
You had seen the similarities in the characters with you and the demon. The servant was said to have had their voice stolen as a child, long before they and the Lord of Shadow had met. And it was obvious to you the similarities the anime brothers had with the demon brothers, but you wouldn’t dare tell Levi that. You were worried he’d get shy and call you a normie again.
So that statement you made was a form of confession to Levi. Something you hoped he would understand.
“You watched the season without me?! How did you even get the DVD? It’s not even out yet!”
Yeah, no such luck there.
“Levi, you know what isn’t fair?”
“What could possibly be unfair for you in this situation?”
“That you aren’t as good a listener as I am.”
You were an avid texter, just like Satan. 
Your fingers moved so quickly against the screen of your D.D.D or the keyboard of a computer, it was amazing someone could see them. 
And you were smart. On electronics, you could keep up conversations on the latest book you were reading and discuss the detective shows you and he liked to watch together.
It was only when you spoke in person did your conversations so down.
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” You cried out after a particularly long and troublesome stutter, mainly annoyed because it was an easy word but all the b’s tied your tongue like a tongue twister. Ironically, you felt like you were blubbering like an idiot.
Your stammer used to be worse, far worse. So bad you couldn’t even tell your parents anything without getting angry at yourself, but you got the speech therapy and learnt to just take it slow when you got eager. 
Everytime you see Satan, you want to be able to match his intellect and speed. You felt almost competitive. 
But it would hardly ever work out in your favour, your ‘S’s coming out like you were trying to start an old engine and ‘B’s and ‘D’s being switched in for each other like you were a toddler.
You spoke before you thought of what you were going to say, hoping the words would just float out of my mouth like everyone else’s did.
But no. Not for you. 
You had to carefully plan each sentence, thinking about every conversation you had so you could make a pre-made answer just so you wouldn’t look like a fool taking so long to speak.
You were ashamed most of the time, bullied for your impediment as a child and even in your teen years by people you told yourself were your friends but really weren’t when they called you teasing nicknames instead of your given one after you had asked them several times to use it. 
They were the main reason you still didn’t have the confidence to speak well now.
“Hey, take it easy. We’re not in a rush.” 
Satan would always be nice, politely giving you the time you needed to take a breather, calm down, and start over again, still blushing from your last stuttering episode.
“Why don’t you call me an idiot?”
A lot of questions similar to these, the only difference- the name you would be called, passed your lips sometimes, when there was a lull in your time together. 
You were used to people making fun, telling you to just shut up already so they didn’t have to hear your stupidity anymore.
“You’re not stupid. I care about what you have to say.”
Satan was always so serious everytime he answered a variation of your question, showing you he really cared. 
You blushed, your mind blank and it would take a couple minutes after that initial compliment for you to reboot.
It was true, though. 
Satan enjoyed watching your lips move and the sound of your voice as you two discussed who the killer in his detective show could be.
You both always came to the same conclusion before the episode ended.
Because most of your conversations happened through text, he found he missed your tone and expressive face when you got really into a subject.
He didn’t care if you stuttered, it was far better than just watching words flash across a screen, as most of your conversations went, on his D.D.D
Although, he did care that you got so angry with yourself. 
Being the Avatar of Wrath, he understood how easy it was to give into frustration and just want to hit something every time you made a mistake, he had done that many times in his younger years, and it wasn’t healthy.
It wasn’t healthy to be ashamed of a mere stumble or get mad at yourself for it, you never learnt that way.
One night, laying in his bed, platonically, you shared your reasoning behind getting so mad everytime you stuttered. 
You had seen Satan’s demon-form once before, but never had you seen it arise so quickly and so fiercely. 
You had been down all day and he had brought you to his room so you could feel comfortable enough to talk to him, but this fearful man, no, creature before you only put you more on edge.
But he continued to hold you.
He continued to wrap his arms around you from behind, spooning your body, trying his best not to fly out of hell right now and hunt down those who had picked on and teased you for all those years for something you couldn’t even help.
To think the reason you hated something he found so endearing was because some mere humans had made you think your excitement to communicate with people was something wrong?
“I don’t think this exchange program is going to work out.”
“Wh...Why?” You tried your hardest now to sound strong, sighing to yourself when you repeated the letters.
“Because I won’t be able to hold back if I have free access to the human world. What kind of assholes do that?”
“Teenage assholes.”
What a cute little airhead.
From the moment he first met you, Asmo loved the clueless looks on your face as you sifted through the information you were being given, seconds behind the punch everyone else could get to. 
You were slow, but you were meticulous, combing through every piece of information you could to give the correct response.
You were actually pretty smart because of that fact, studying so hard on everything you did so you weren’t embarrassed by being wrong.
And you weren’t too big with the whole ‘social cues’ thing either, mistaking Satan’s sarcasm for truth and Leviathan’s anger for genuine, relationship-ruining upset, desperately trying to fix the situation so that no one would get hurt.
You were selfless in the strangest of ways, too, opting to go without something you actually, really needed before asking someone for help. 
Once, you had tried ordering shower gel off of Akuzon, but, instead, ordered Shaitan Gell, a special ingredient often used by witches to summon demons. 
You had wondered why it was so expensive, but thought that maybe the Devildom economy wasn’t doing so well right now.
(It wasn’t your money you were using, so what the hell?)
It was even more confusing when it smelled a little off, but demons had strange tastes. Beelzebub literally ate brains and bat wings on the daily.
When Diavolo showed up in your shower the first time you used the oddly thick, black liquid, you just cocked your head, too weird to be embarrassed. Thinking this was a regular occurance in Devildom, you gave the prince a hearty hello and asked him, if he needed anything, could he please wait outside so you could get dressed first.
The news spread like wildfire, especially when Diavolo randomly vanished from a meeting with Lucifer. 
When everyone did find out, as Lucifer was reprimanding you for using such a relic in that way, they teased you endlessly, some offering you their own makes of the potion so you might accidentally summon them in the same way.
Every flirty or sexual remark Asmo made went right over your head, thinking that with every personal question he asked was just asked to make conversation and not genuine interest on his part.
“Do you have a partner?”
“Well, no, I don’t really compete in dance competitions or anything.”
“What positions do you usually go for?”
“I don’t play many sports, but if I had to pick, I’d say a pitcher in baseball. I have a pretty mean throw!”
It actually became a little bewildering how oblivious you were to all of his advances, thinking every time he draped himself over you he was cold and you offered him your jumper.
He took them everytime, so you were starting to run low. He tended to hoard them in his room, savouring the sweet scent of the body wash he had bought for you after the Shaitan incident.
“Asmo, can I get my hoodie back?”
You called through his closed door at some point after returning from school in the dead of winter, shivering in the sweat pants and long sleeved top you already had on.
You were generous, you didn’t think you personally were, but all the brothers knew you would give anyone anything if they asked for it. 
That’s why it wasn’t that ridiculous when Asmo had all of your jackets. Hoodies from years ago, sweaters you bought just to treat yourself because they were so soft, and even this jumper you got from your ex-boyfriend in high school, something you meant to give back but never managed to. You forgot every time you went to meet him with that exact intent the reason for seeing him.
It didn’t remind you of him, he barely wore it before you practically stole it, but it did make Asmo’s heart skip a beat at the ‘sweater-paws’ you got from the much-too-long sleeves. 
Following a clattering from what sounded like trash cans, followed by a comical shriek of a cat, the door flew open to a slightly disheveled Asmodeus, fabric clutched in his hand as he stood topless before you.
“Oh, sorry, Asmo. I didn’t mean to disturb you. I’m just so cold.”
You laughed to show you weren’t upset with him as you rubbed your arms, bouncing on the balls of your feets to get your blood moving enough to create some heat. 
How could all these devils, avatars of the seven deadly sins, not have heating?
“Let me warm you up, MC!”
Without even stopping to hear your answer, but he knew you’d say yes, no matter what, Asmo pulled you in by the wrist, immediately wrapping his bare arms around you the moment the door was closed.
He was warm and you were comfortable with him, he showed you curiosity and care, so you eased into that embrace, thinking it a friendly gesture as a thank you for using your clothes all the time.
When you felt a slight nibble on your ear, you started to freak out a little.
You stuttered out an inquiry as to what he was doing, shyly pushing away as he drew back with his flirtatious smirk.
“I’ve made it so obvious for so long, MC. I really like you.”
Asmo cooed back, prodding your puffed out cheek with the tip of his tongue as you tilted your head to the side the same way you did every time someone told you something new. 
Knowing you would be taking a moment to compute the information, Asmo used this chance to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
“I really like you too, Asmo.” 
The realisation came pretty suddenly. 
You had never put much thought into it.
Sure, he was the Avatar of Lust, he could just be saying this so he could express his temporary desires, but that was how you felt. You weren’t one for holding back, you were always scared of forgetting the topics of your thoughts if you didn’t say them aloud, so you just went for it.
Does this person even have bones?!
Like, seriously, your tripping over your feet like they’re not even attached to your body.
Rolling your ankle, walking off in directions that definitely don’t lead to where you intend on going, skipping right passed the class you’re meant to be attending.
The amount of times you’ve gotten lost in both the House of Lamentation and RAD is honestly worrying. 
Your sense of direction? What even is a map because it seems like you’ve never even heard of the concept of signs or specific routes you need to take to get to your bedroom.
To help with your impossibly slow way of getting a lay of the land in your new dorm, you would often take midnight strolls.
Often getting lost, which is how you found Belphegor up in the attic, even when you had stayed on the same floor.
That’s how you and Beel got so close. 
Because of the delectable scents coming from the kitchen, you would often find him having his late night snacks. 
He would invite you to stay, at first only because Lucifer had instructed him to walk you back to your room every time he found you aimlessly wandering the house late at night. 
“Is your ankle okay?” He would ask through a mouthful of food, but somehow you were still able to understand him.
Blushing, you looked down as your injury that was caused earlier in the day. You had stepped weird on the side of your foot- something that would usually happen and something you would usually be able to walk away from- but this time it was on the tall spiral stairs of the school you were still getting to know, sending you tumbling down flights and flights of steps. 
It was a wonder you were human, because even Solomon was shocked you survived that. 
“Y-Yeah, just a little red,” was an understatement.
You’re ankle killed. It was only a little swollen thanks to the spell your sorcerer friend used on you, but that didn’t help the sprain of your tendons. It was slightly bruised, covered by your loosest, most comfortable socks.
“Are you embarrassed?” Beel pointed out your bashful blush and you looked back up. He had seen your obvious hobble as you made your way to his side, but didn’t want to mention it in case you were feeling fragile about the subject.
“It just gives me flashbacks, is all.”
Memories from MC’s past?
Yes, Beel would very much like to hear about that. 
Not to tease or bribe you with, he was genuinely curious about your little human life. Not that you could tell, but he had never been so curious about another being like that. 
“Oh, god, well, I guess I trust you.” You joked, blushing harder as you laughed about the memory that plagues your thoughts. 
One time, in high school, you were walking out of the cantine when you tripped over literally nothing, throwing your bottle of water across the school yard like you needed to save it from your fall. It landed in the middle of a group of older students. 
The amount of laughs you got from that. The teacher that came up to you to ask if you were okay. The cut that occured on your knee. 
(Yes, this is a personal story. Yes, I have ptsd every time I pick up a plastic bottle of water)
Oh, it was like you were reliving the horror right there and then.
“It was mortifying! My friends still bring it up. To. this. day.” You sulk, resting your forehead on the table to hide the deep red on your face. 
“Did it hurt?” The blunt question came as a shock, that’s for sure, and you no longer felt unbearably hot when you looked up to see him. There was little look of amusement except for a kind-hearted smile. 
“W-Well, not as much as this other time...” 
You found yourself telling him all of your most embarrassing tales, seeking for that one story that would make him laugh the way everyone else would laugh at you. 
He didn’t. At all. It was actually a little worrying that he found none of your stories funny. 
Truthfully, he did find the want to chuckle at a few of them, but he didn’t want to betray your trust by laughing at such ‘precious’ memories for you. 
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angelkurenai · 5 years
One moment - Loki x Reader
Avengers: Endgame SPOILERS BELOW read at your own risk
Title: One moment
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Avengers: Endgame spoilers
Summary: You have found a way to undo the damage Thanos did and bring everyone you lost back, all of your loved ones or at least most of them. As you travel back in 2012, however, you run into someone who is far too familiar. Unable to let go, even after all these years, of the death of the man - or basically god - you loved so much you forget all about the mision and decide to have one more moment with the one who sacrificed his life to save yours out of love.
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“Is anyone on their position or am I the only one doing their fucking job right, here?” you asked the boys, checking around at the agents which had been unfortunate enough to come your way “And yeah, I know, language.”
“You're never really going to let go of that, are you?” you heard Steve's voice say followed by a heavy sigh that made you giggle in the end.
“I could make an exception if you'd ask. For you my Captain, anything you want.” you said with a small smirk, already able to hear Tony sighing in exasperation and you could definitely picture him rolling his eyes.
“Well-” you could literally hear and defintiely imagine the smile and maybe a blush on his face “I'll definitely have that in mind.”
“Can we please cut the flirting for just one minute and focus? I think we have more pressing matters at the moment.” you heard Tony's annoyed voice and chuckled a bit anyway.
“Yeah, like the fact that you're failing so bad to get one damn cube. Bruce and I already have the time stone and are waiting for you. Maybe if I didn't have all this free time waiting for you to get your pretty asses to work then-”
“Alright, alright we get it. You got the stone faster. Yay. Good job. I was going to say- As in the fact that Scott what the hell is taking you so long?” Tony hissed, his voice a bit hushed and you could understand very well why.
“Uh just a minute, just a minute. I'm getting there!” you heard Scott struggling a bit.
“Hard to find the way to Tony's heart? Don't worry, tell him he's smart, he'll believe it and that's it.”
“Hey, how about instead of commenting on everything and trying to bed Rogers, you do something more useful and get your pretty ass here in case we need backup?”
“What's the matter, Stark? You jealous I didn't try to bed you?” you asked with a small laugh “And you don't ave to ask, I'm already on my way. It's like cleaning up your messes is my main job here.”
“Oh not jealous at all, sweets. You've got a thing for them with blue eyes, I know, I get it.” he teased although this time you didn't smile as before. You were teasing Steve, you were best friends and after trying for so long to get him in the game with some girl – well, at least before everything that happened with the Accords and Thanos – you had come to the point where this was normal for you two. But Tony bringing up the blue eyes and clearly hinting towards somebody else, despite how much he meant it playfully, didn't keep the smile on your lips and you couldn't blame him. He didn't know the whole truth, none of them knew. None exccept Thor knew, and therefore couldn't know your pain at the moment.
“I'm just wondering what would your boyfriend really say if he heard you right now. And oh he's by the way standing just a few feet away from me right now.”
As if fate was playing some cruel joke on you, the moment you rounded a corner, Tony's words were heard and your eyes found him. Him. Standing there, handcuffed and with a muzzle over his mouth. Surrounded by all those guards and treated like a criminal, like some low-life criminal that didn't deserve to say a single thing in his defence. A criminal and a villain was probably all they saw and after everything that had happened you could't blame them. You had fought by their side during the battle in New York, a battle that had started after he appeared but not because he appeared; there was a difference there. Granted, you were probably the only one who knew it and believed it, probably Thor too, and that was why you weren't fighting against him unlike the rest of your now-family. A criminal, treated even worse perhaps, and a mere look at how he was chained now and all-but-dragged around, you felt your heart breaking into a milion pieces. All it had taken was a small talk with him and you knew it, you saw it. He was only another victim in all of this and he was probably already suffering the worst, even worse than you and the rest of the Avengers. From that first moment, you couldn't see the villain others did. Sure, at the time you had no tried to let your emotions get the best of you, you stood by your friends' side and fought against his army as you should to protect humanity, but that didn't mean you could blame him for that. You knew very well and were proven right after all these years that the only one responsible was the mad titan who had ended up taking everything from you.
It was sad that Loki himself could hardly believe it wasn't his fault, either. Following him and Thor to Asgard, you managed to spend more time with him. And despite how closed-off he was, despite how set he was on his opinion that he was no more than the criminal you had met, you did get to realize one thing you had been right from the beginning. His suffering showed through just as did his need for love and you were probably a fool, or so he had once called you when you told him the truth, but you had fallen hopelessly in love with him after all that time. Not that you had had the opportunity to act on that love anyway.
A criminal was something you had actually never seen him as, especially when you looked into his eyes. All you you saw was the pain he had to endure and all the pain he was still suffering. All the pain you had been unable to take off his chest, or so you thought at least, and didn't have the time to try harder to fight off because the mad titan had taken him, without a single care, from you far too soon.
The man- well, technically, the god who had been blamed for so much, had had to endure finding out his life was a lie, be manipulated and tortured for so long and had to hear everyone believe he had no heart, proved to you he had the biggest one. He sacrificed his life for yours, yours and his brother's. He was no criminal, he was the one who saved your life in more ways than he could even know and he was inevitably the love of your life.
But the love of your life was gone. So who was this then?
“S-Stark...” your voice trembled as your body froze at the sight before your eyes. The moment you looked at him you felt everything you always did and somuch more; pain, anger, fear and everything else you went through when you saw Thanos kill him.
You wanted to say so much but you couldn't find the words. No sound could come out of your lips. Only then you heard Tony's words, playful as ever but oh if only he could know the whole, painful truth “Charming as ever isn't he? Especially with that muzzle on, I could say almost bearable.”
“T-Tony-” you started, trying to warn him, to say something, but you were already pulled into this mess that you couldn't just forget the fact that Loki was only a couple feet away from you.
“Don't worry, we've got this under absolute control. Scott? Are you-”
But Tony's words were completely drowned out by the sound of your heart beating madly in your chest or the blood rushing so fast. The lump in your throat felt painful, your eyes were burning with unshed tears and everything that happened around you was a mere blur. But it wasn't entirely because of the tears but mostly because of him. His eyes were moving around the place until he spoted you and soon an expression took over that you couldn't identify. Or maybe didn't have the mind to think about.
Mind and time. It all happened so fast. Past Tony having a heart attack, Thor trying to help him, Scott sliding the tesseract to your Tony and him effectively managing to walk away without being noticed, not even by Loki who was really not that occupied. But technically he was, because he was too busy looking at you. Not that the moment lasted long enough. Hulk burst through the door Tony was going for and managed to knock him down, allowing the tesseract to slide towards Loki's feet.
“Shit.” Tony said out of breath “The tesseract. (Y/n), quick! Take the cube, it's there! It's right there!”
But his words seemed to have no effect on you as your entire body was frozen. You stood in your place for a few more seconds until Tony's voice yelling managed to snap you back to reality. Jumping into action you ran as fast as you could to take hold of the cube and you could almost hear the sighs of relief from your teammates. However the second you took hold of it and dared stand straight, your eyes met his and it felt like the entire rest of the world faded away. He cocked an eyebrow and you could almost picture his smirk that would always make your knees weak but this time, after having seen him die and knowing that in your time he was really dead, only managed to bring more tears to your eyes. Without being able to stop yourself, you reached out for him and before anybody else around you could comprehend, you used the tesseract to be transported into another place.
Loki blinked in surprise and looked around, realizing you weren't very far away from the Stark tower, but most importanly you were alone just the two of you. Tilting his head to the side, in a rather adorable way, at you, he gave you a small frown as if to ask what you were doing. Taking in a shaky breath, you placed the tesseract a bit furhter away, safely, before reaching out to him and taking his muzzle off.
He let a small breath, as if more relaxed, before his eyes fell back on you, his lips parted and he said “Well, hello there, darling. How's it going? I must say, you surprised me there. Not that I am the one to complain. I adore our alone time, love, certainly much more than being stuck with those two but may I ask, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
Your own lips parted but no sound came out. You couldn't even describe how it felt to hear his voice “I-”
“Have you maybe finally decided to say yes to my offer? I can assure you, I can make a date quiet unforgetable if you only ask for it.” the grin on his lips would have made you smile if you weren't already far too broken, able to picture his final moments so vividly in your head despite how much time had passed. You could hear the voices of your teammates, Tony and Steve being rather frantic and even worried, but you decided to take off the earpiece just for a few seconds. You needed some time alone with him even if it was only for closure.
“A woman such as yourself deserves only the best of time and I am most certainly the only one capable of offering it to you.” he kept going and there was that smile that made you weak on the knees. The usual flirtying, the glint in his eyes that had started it all before the feelings got so much deeper and you both found yourselves hopelessly in love with each other to the point were you were both ready to sacrifice your lives for each other. “Contrary to what my brother may have warned you of, I'm rather-”
“I know. I know everything you are... and everything you can be. And it's all so wonderful.” you whispered, voice cracking as a tear rolled down your cheek; making his smile immediately vanish “Proof is that... I'm standing right here, in front of you and you have not once glanced at the tesseract or tried to take it an run away.”
“Well, I must have to admit the idea of taking it and even more so you and running away is the most tempting thought at the moment but...” he paused for a second, his eyes full of concern that would have surprised the past you but not the present you that knew what he had felt for you from the moment you met and you showed him true kindness “I am more... curious, for lack of better words, as to what is happening right now and right here. You-” he got a step closer and looked at you carefully “Are different. Something about you is different. From the (Y/n) I know at least.”
“Why? Because I'd slap you if you even so tried to get any closer than this?” the corners of your lips lifted into a small albeit sad smile mostly at the memory, but the god himself didn't smile. He narrowed his eyes at you, as if trying to read you but it wasn't anywhere near unpleasant, not after everything you'd been through.
“Oh I don't fear that you would, dearest. But rather... that you have.” he admited before letting out a soft breath and taking a step back “You're not from around here, are you? Not the same woman I've met. Or not entirely at least. Am I right?”
Your smile flattered as your eyes casted down “I'm from 2023.” you whispered and his eyebrows raised in interest “And I... came here to take the tesseract as a means to undo... Thanos killing 50% of all life.”
Whatever hint of a smirk, even if it was interest, vanished as pure horror and sadness overtook his features. His body straightened but his eyes showed such understanding and compassion when your watery ones looked up again to meet his “So he succeeds. I see.” he whispered, nodding his head with a bitter look on his face. He had suffered at the hands of the titan, there was no way he'd wish he won.
“Th-this was just a mission but when I saw you I just remembered that-” you choked on your words, stopping before shaking your head “I couldn't stop myself. I- I'm sorry.” you didn't realize this was the first time you had whispered the word to him, or that anyone had said such words to him “I just needed this... moment with you. But thinking about it again feels probably really stupid and I-”
“How?” he cut you off gently although a bit more seriously and you frowned at him “How did I die?” he was never a fool, maybe far too smart for your own good sometimes, and certainly very good at reading you because you couldn't keep secrets from him even if you tried.
You smiled sadly even if another tear rolled down your cheek “You... far too early I'm afraid. It was because of him a-and-” you paused, arms wrapping around your own form “Somehow ir was the exact way I imagined and feared at the same time.” you choked out and he frowned a bit as you let out a shaky breath “Y-You died protecting Thor a-and me.” you smiled through your tears “Using even your last words a-about me, trying to comfort me and tell me it would be ok. It- it was just as selfless as I've always known you to be.”
“Some people would beg to differ.” he mumbled with what was supposed to be a smirk but you could see right through it that it was just a facade and as expected it soon dropped before he said in a small whisper “I didn't know you had so much faith in me. Selfless is something I've never been called before.”
“Well, you have now.” you shrugged your shoulders again, another tear escaping.
Without even hesitating, he reached out for you and wiped it so tenderly it made a sob break free from your lips that just made a pain expression cross his face before he dared ask “Just... one question. I am not surprised I did something like that for you, love, but... I only wonder, you and I- How close are we or at least were we in the future?”
“That's a pretty long story. Lots of things happen from the moment we meet till you-” you couldn't say it.
“Till the moment we meet each other again, correct?” he pointed out with a barely visible smile and you nodded your head slowly, deciding to take that approach “Well, I would suppose we have some time until 2023, don't we?”
“It's not like we really do b-but... yes, I was hoping I could get one moment... One moment with you.”
“And who knows, maybe it will be more than one.” he breathed out “At least I can hope.”
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Happy New Year
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As we move into 2020 I like to reflect back over the year and this blog.
This year has been super weird.  From finding out I had cancer to getting it removed and being declared cancer-free.  Rebuilding my blog after I was terminated with no cause only to get my old blog back a year later.  End Game.  My state literally catching fire.  Tumblr slowly dying.  It’s been quite up and down.  I’ll be glad to put an end to it.
Here are some of my Tumblr highlights.
Here are my top ten fics of the year:
Generations - Bucky Barnes/OFC, A woman with a cloudy past…and a baby comes into Bucky’s life, things get complicated. @thelookingglassalice 
Anything in general from @winterhawkkisses.  They’re like 75% of why I got into winterhawk as hard as I did.  Nny writes so evocatively and with such care for the characters.  Try these ones:
Santa Tell Me (If You’re Really There) - Brunnhilde/reader What do you tell your daughter when she asks if Santa Claus is real? @daenyara 
Untitled Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, a gorgeous little snippet of the love between Clint and Nat.  @ellewritesfiction 
Want - Sam Wilson/Reader Sometimes love just looks a little different from the outside @avengersandlovers
The Fall - Bucky Barnes/unnamed ofc (so can kind of be read as a reader), Bucky meets a woman who is struggling with her own trauma, together they work out a way to move forward.  @marvel-lucy
Out of the Shadows - Clint Barton/Reader, Clint is sent to arrest a cat burglar and makes a different choice.  @until-theend-oftheline
Runaway - Sam  Wilson/Reader A chance encounter in a toy aisle leaves Sam smiling.  @blacktithe7
I want to hold your hand - Sam Wilson/Reader, A first date with Sam Wilson. @captainrogerss 
Misdirected Competition - Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton “Take me laser tagging and then push me into a corner and kiss me. Shoot me, then walk away.” @fanficwriter013 
Five fics I wrote this year that I’m proud of:
Undercover - Series You go on an undercover mission with your boyfriend Bucky and Clint Barton.  When you and Clint have to pretend you’re in a relationship feelings become confused.*  Clint Barton x Bucky Barnes x Reader
Bartoned - Series Clint’s name has become synonymous with fucking things up.  When you have a one night stand with him, your whole life gets Bartoned. Clint Barton x Reader
The Unicorn – Series  A story about love coming from unlikely places, polyamory and starting a family.* Pepper Potts x Tony Stark x Reader
Blank Space - Series Wanda has become used to the thoughts of others pressing down on her constantly until one day she meets you. A complete blank space in the world.*  Wanda Maximoff x Reader
THE TOWER: THE QUEEN OF ASGARD  The twins are now three and while the Avengers know that Clint and Thor are the biological father’s none of them know or care which blond, blue-eyed baby is related to which man.  When Riley gets the power to control wind and it becomes evident that she is the heir to the Asgardian throne, Elly, Steve, Thor, and Tony take the twins to Asgard to train her.  Not every Asgardian is happy with their king’s choice of consort, nor the impurity of the heir’s blood.  While others expect Thor to make things more official.  What’s clear is, the role of Queen of Asgard is not easily filled.  Avengers x OFC
The people who brighten up my dashboard in various ways:
@amazon-x, @anavengerstale, @arrow-guy, @ask-the-hawk-archer, @avengersandlovers, @bloggingfromherbed, @buckyfvckmebarnes, @bucky-is-my-precious, @callamint, @capcevans81, @capsgrantrogers, @captainmarvehl, @captainrogerss, @chirsevans, @clintfbarton, @clint-you-dummy, @crispsevans​, @deannamb​, @evansrogerskitten​, @fanficwriter013​, @feelmyroarrrr​, @foxprints​, @gingerrootknits​, @hello-shellhead​, @hugsforsteve​, @imhereforbucky​, @imagine-assembling-the-avengers​, @jennylovelyheart​, @jeremyleerennerdotcom​, @katemcgraw​, @lillianfromaccounting​, @lady-thor-foster​, @lokilockedcougar​, @marvel-lucy​, @mewsiex​, @mintmintdoodles​, @mizzzpink​, @moonbeambucky​, @mumbles411​, @musicalninja​, @nochillsteve​, @peraltastark​, @peterman-parker​, @promarvelfangirl​, @rennered4real​, @samtwilson​, @sgtbucharest​, @softlybarnes​, @starked​, @thelookingglassalice​, @tiredsciencebro​, @tomhiddleston-loki​, @tone-stark​, @until-theend-oftheline​, @vibranium-arm​, @whatmakesmebeme-tblr​, @winterhawkkisses​, @winters-buck​
Also thank you to:
@audasia25​, @bluearchersstuff​, @buckystolemyheart​, @capslut2014​, @clintbartonswifee​, @emilyshurley​, @erosbellarke​, @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​, @hellaqueerangelofthelord​, @honey-bee-holly​, @ilovethings-somuch​, @jewels2876​, @justreadingfics​, @kingcarterprince​, @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​, @lesbian-x-blackwidow​, @moonbeambucky​, @myinconnelly1​, @pegasusdragontiger​, @samstuffandworld, @sorenmarie87​, @spyderqueer​, @the-real-kellymonster​, @queenoftheunderdark​, @until-theend-oftheline​, @welldonebeca​, @winters-buck​, @xxloki81xx​
You make actually posting fics worth it.  You’re the reason I’m as prolific as I am.  And you’re the reason why I haven’t ever just abandoned a fic before.  This site needs way more people like you. 
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astheskycries · 5 years
Undercover- 6 (Final)
When Ethan pairs Anne David with Ari Levinson, all she can imagine is the worst- especially when he’s failed her before. When they’re sent to Italy to take down a mob boss hiding sex trafficking, they have to get very personal and risk it all to save the women being hurt
Warnings for mentions of sex trafficking and drug dealings, however for myself and others these will not be detailed aside from general mentions.
1 2 3 4 5
This is it! The end of the original story, spare an epilogue, and it’s bittersweet. I had a really hard time finishing this mini series, but I’m overall proud of how it turned out. I hope you all enjoyed this ride with me and after the epilogue, I’m open to doing more with them in the future.
“I don’t care what it takes!” Ari snaps, pacing the office angrily. “Find her!”
“Ari,” Ethan steps forward, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You have to consider the possibility-”
“I don’t have to consider shit,” He knocks Ethan’s hand off of him, continuing to pace his office. “I’m going to find her and get her back.”
Ethan sighs, watching him. “You always were stubborn, Ari…”
He ignores him, pacing the office and snatching the phone the second it rings. “Where is she?”
“So demanding, DiAngelo,” Dinozzo taunts on the other end. “I always thought it was strange you cared that much.”
“Dinozzo,” Ari growls, fingers tightening around the phone. “Where is Francesca?”
“I believe you mean Anne,” Dinozzo chuckles. “I admit, you two put on a great show, but you forgot a few details. You showed affection, but your ‘workers’ came out of nowhere.”
“Tell me where the fuck she is,” Ari snaps, ignoring Ethan’s hand on his shoulder.
“Tell you what. You call off the rest of your little agents, and in twenty-four hours the girl is yours again.”
Ari growls. “This isn’t a fucking game. I will rip you apart if I have to.”
“Oh, I’d love to see you try,” Dinozzo smirks. “You have twenty-four hours.” The line clicks, and Ari slams it back onto the desk.
“Ari, I need you to reason.” Ethan grabs his shoulder again. “We have to assume he will ship her anyway. We need to find where they’re going and stop them there.”
“No,” Ari moves away. “We can’t assume anything. He’s a lunatic. I’m going after her and bringing both her and the other women back. I don’t care what the risk is.”
“You’re not thinking this through.” Ethan argues, moving in front of him. “We can’t risk anyone else getting caught.”
“I broke a promise to her,” Ari says coldly, glaring at Ethan. “And until I get her back, I’m going to do whatever it takes to make it right. No matter what it takes.” He moves around his boss, grabbing his gun and moving for his truck.
I sit in the cold truck, shivering but trying to stay strong. Everything is fuzzy, how I got here or what was done to me. I know there are other girls around me, shivering and crying and unable to see anything, but I have to be strong. I have to believe that Ari will find us and save us before we get shipped off, but it’s hard when you hear the whispers of girls’ prayers around you.
“Come on, Ari,” I whisper softly, squeezing my legs against my chest. “I need you.”
Suddenly there’s a gunshot, and girls scream as I try to hear what’s going on. I can make out something about a tire, but then-
The doors are thrown open, agents helping them all escape as Ari appears, looking almost frantic until his eyes land on me. He rushes over and kneels in front of me, hands searching for any injuries. I shakily cup his face in my hands, fighting tears. “You’re late.”
He chuckles, holding me close to his chest and a few tears escaping. “I broke my promise to you. I am so sorry, Anne.”
I sniffle. “But you came. I knew you would,”
Ari cups my cheek, teary eyes searching mine. “I’ll always come for you.” He moves, pressing his lips to mine, and I cling to him as the sound of sirens grows closer.
Tags @ariallane​ @avengerscompound​ @jennylovelyheart​ @mewsiex @chrisevans-imagines​ @imagine-assembling-the-avengers​ @whostheblondegirl​​ @mylittlefandomfanfictions​​ @hannshasallthecheese​​ @sian22redux​​ @mycapt-ohcapt​​ @jayded-dreams​ @4theluvofall​​ @smoothdogsgirl​​ @soulmates8​​ @katiew1973​​ @hista-girl​​ @fay-1994​ @pegasusdragontiger​​ @domcaaa996​​ @dragonflare18​​ @mizzzpink​​  @iamwarrenspeace​​ @pinkleopardss​​ @stevergxrs​ @ilovethings-somuch​​ @be-amaziing​​ @patzammit​​ @corie-the-writer​​​ @hellohollands​​ @ajestice​​ @brb-theres-cookies​ @liza-ouat​​ @shut-it-tinman​​ @chameerah​​ @giftofdreams​​ @geeksareunique​​ @pheonix16 @my-emotional-self​​ @yourstateofdreaming​​ @esoltis280​​ @janeyboo​​ @ladygrey03​​ @see-you-again-my-sun-and-stars​​ @marvelfan18buckybear​​ @nerdgirljen​​ @password123d​ @marvelouslyme96​ @jadepc​ @starbuckycofee​ @sophster1881​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @gazebozo-the-clown​ @snowflakesandkisses​ @shakyskit @gigiljoshler​ @promarvelfangirl​ @kimmiestrawberrykiwi​ @averyrogers83​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @anaussiesblog @idontbelieveinperfect​ @disney-fire-fox​ @leanachansworld @palaiasaurus64​ @whyugottabsorude @captainrogerrsbeard @guera31​ @marvelismylifffe​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @mrs-captain-evans​ @kirstie-evans-writes​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety If you would like on or off the tag list please let me know
@ifuseekamyevans​ @southerngracela
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yourfriendsimf-o · 4 years
👉👈 Looking for a matchup please. So, I'd describe myself as pretty bubbly, but I'm also chill sometimes. I'd also say I care somuch about the people in my life, and I tend to be hella patient with everyone. I usually hand out gifts and hugs to friends and partners alike like it's nothing. I like to crochet and draw a bit, but I also play some video games. For my sign, standard zodiac is Aries, but extended is Arcer.
your sign is ARCER - you are rust-blooded; you are a prospit/blood player
as a rust-blood, you are extremely adventurous and aren’t afraid to stir the pot a bit if you are needing some excitement. you are rather energetic and crave new experiences. as a prospit-player, you carry yourself in an optimistic light. you tend to live in the present and are rather intuitive. your thought processes are everchanging and fluid. as a blood-player, you gain your strength from the bonds you have with your friends. you thrive in settings with mutual trust and commitment to a shared vision or idea.
with this, the information you have provided, and what i know about you personally, i match you with TEGIRI KALBUR 
like you, tegiri craves nothing more than someone to love, a suitable companion. your outlook on life can teach him a lot and if anything, it’s refreshing to be around such a calm optimism. nothing too strong, nothing too eccentric. he is also quite patient and it’ll take the both of you time to warm up to one another. when he does, he’s loyal and dedicated all the way. together, you both can work together to combat and recognize insecurities you both share. he also loves latching onto fictional characters and creating content for them, as well as going into long-winded discussions regarding headcanons. he also seems like the type to find and gift you trinkets that remind him of you. 
he’ll be there to remind you that you are deserving of companionship and a partner. while your loneliness might seem like it’s all that exists, you are still so loved and so cared for, even if you can’t see it. the world is grueling and difficult, it’s nice to have a consistent person. 
0 notes
dangerousvikings · 7 years
Christmas special prompts
❄️ It's the most wonderful time of the year ❄️
Hello, Dolls and Little Doves! Inspired by this magical season, @dani-si  and I thought about this prompts so we can enlight our holidays and be, in a certain way, all together. It’s very simple: everyone can join. You don’t have to be a reputed writer to do it, this is for fun.
Anything goes (Fluff, Angst, Smut… ) It has to be new content written by you. Let’s make it 200-2000 words, not too short or too long. Send us an ask with the prompt number and the character and we put you on the list. Please put warnings for content such as NSFW, excessive violence, or other triggering materials.
You can choose any character from Vikings (and cast), Sebastian Stan and his characters, Alex Høgh Andersen, Marco Ilsø, Marvel and DC universe.
Others TV shows and movies that could be included: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Punisher, Teen Wolf, The Flash, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Stranger Things (DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT WRITING SMUT FOR KIDS AND TEENAGERS).
You don’t have to be following me or @dani-si​, everyone can participate.
Tag me and @dani-si​ and use the hashtag #daniandmiaholidays. If we don't respond. don’t hesitate to contact us.
Deadline 31.12.2017
Use your imagination :)
You couldn't reach the Christmas decoration on the top of the shelf,  and character name  look tall : „ Please can you help me?“ @fuckyeahalexhoghandersen w /Alex
Playing in the snow and one of you gets snow down your shirt @kawennote09 w/ Marco 
Christmas Party where you and character name  sneak out @fl0wsb0thways w/ Ivar
Hot chocolate + cuddling in front of the fire @marvelfanuniverse w/ Barry Allen , @kolvanismirk with Ragnar 
You were putting up Christmas lights, and literally fell into character name arms @fayebay w/ Stefan Salvatore 
You and character name broke up, but now both of you meet at a Christmas party. @float-autumn-leave w/ Marco 
"Ho-ho-holy shit it's almost Christmas." @rekdreams247 w/ Alex 
"How come you're not on top of that tree, angel?" @vbiggs03 w/ Ivar
„Don't touch the cookies they are not ready yet!“ @september-stardust w/ Steve Rogers 
“It’s Christmas, and I’m after someone on my naughty list.” @doloreschanal w/Alex 
„ Why is there a mistletoe in every hallway? I cant escape it!“ @siren-kitten-his w/ Sebastian Stan  ; by  @bang-kim-bap with Bjorn 
„ If you try stealing the whipped cream of my hot chocolate again , I swear I will stab you with a candy cane“  @float-autumn-leave w/Hvitserk 
You and character name were playing in the snow and he suddenly tackled you to the ground, and now... both of you  are staring at each other. @lostinthoughtsandfeelings /w Ivar 
Character name pulling you in for a kiss with a scarf @papermoon2719 w/ Sebastian ;                                           @srgntbarnes w/ Bucky 
Ice skating with character name
Decorating home with character name @sanjariti  w/ Bucky 
Getting drunk at  Christmas party and being taken care of by character name @lxdyred  w/ Clint
„You got me a present?? But we hate each other“  @angryschnauzer w/ Ivar ; @lxdyred w/ Clint
Character name  was trying to peek at what your presents but you caught him  @jinchanyeolstolemysoul w/Bucky 
You and character name , sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas party. @lupy22  w/ Ragnar
Spending Christmas morning together
You own the best bakery in town and character name need an insane amount of cookies for his party
You and character name are at a Christmas party and his and yours friends got drunk and started going on about how cute you two  would be together
Character name  asked you what you want for Christmas, and you  was feeling really sarcastic and said „ A unicorn“ , and character name actually went out and got you a stuffed unicorn .  @siren-kitten-his w/ Chris Evans
"Let's drink our sorrows out with the elves and some eggnog." @lxdyred w/ Clint
You took the last bag of cotton candy and character name  said : „Either you going to share it with me or I’m going to fight you for it“ @alex-ivar-minx w/Alex 
Your car got stuck in snow and character name saved you @ivartheheathen w / Bucky  ; @angryschnauzer w/ Sebastian
„ You gave me the wrong present“ “You gave me the wrong present” by @sebashtiansatan  with Chris Beck .
You were having a snowball fight outside and character name  casually walking by : „Oh my God I'm so sorry I accidentally nailed you in the face“ @jinchanyeolstolemysoul  w/Bucky 
“Thanks for sharing the holiday spirit, psycho.” @wanderlustingandwandering w/ Ivar
Cooking a meal for Christmas together @ceridwenofwales w/ Ivar
Pretend boyfriend/girlfriend for family Christmas party
Introducing character name /reader to family over holidays  by @jinchanyeolstolemysoul with Jack Kline
Character name and reader are co-workers, but they barely know each other. They both have to work together through the holidays
First Christmas after moving together @ceridwenofwales w/ Ivar  ; @ilovethings-somuch  w/ Chris Evans
Character name /reader work at a store and the other keep coming in but never buy anything by @collecting-stories with Ivar
Character name is a Scrooge and you are a Grinch, both of you hate Christmas and decide to skip it together  @siren-kitten-his  w/Alex 
Exchanging Christmas gifts @alex-ivar-minx w/ Ivar
Character name  and you are estranged childhood best friends and meet again at a Christmas party
Character name and you compete in Christmas house decoration
Character name and you are stuck in a storm and both of you are forced to have a makeshift Christmas  by @dani-si with Bucky 
Character/reader vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time. Reader/character is that stranger
Your's/character's name best friend cheats the Secret Santa because he/she knows both of you  have a crush on each other
Character name dressed as Santa. ''You haven't been a good girl. I think you need some punishment“ @jinchanyeolstolemysoul w/Bucky 
Under the mistletoe @sconniebelle  w/ Halfdan 
Snowball fight
''Can I take a picture of you, so I can show Santa exactly what I want for Christmas?'' @b-j-d w/ Ubbe
''Are you Christmas? I want to Merry you''  @stuckyfox w/ Bucky 
“I didn’t think I was a snowman, but you just made my heart melt.” by @bang-kim-bap with Ivar 
“Oh darling, I take romance to a new level—I don’t cuddle, I hibernate.” by @guardianofthestars25  with Ivar 
                        ❄️❄️❄️❄️ ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
 @inthenameofodin    @nothingbuthappydays    @rachiieee    @synnersaint   @siren-kitten-his   @persephone-is-here-omg   @noaor   @ivartrash   @ivars-heathen   @ivarslittlelamb   @ivarbarnes  @lordavanti @sliceofparadise   @sweetvengeancee   @kitkat1690   @sugakookiexx  @dani-si    @ididntasktogetmadedidi   @theheathenqueendickubus   @arkrimwitchout   @tiyetiye    @fangirl-006   @kudosia   @ursulaismymiddlename   @fayebay    @zombie-zayde  @spookyfoxx1980    @radi0active-thoughts   @imaginesparadise     @cruelle-despairing-fish    @wanderlustingandwandering  @doloreschanal  @jinchanyeolstolemysoul @som3thingcr3ative  @anasoluchiha @minelskede @fl0wsb0thways @mrstheorossix3  @rekdreams247   @brightlycoloredteacups @titty-teetee​  @tinymoonshine  @ceridwenofwales @sconniebelle @pawallday  @hoeghfabulous @readsalot73 @alyhavoc @rubysglowingeyes @sebashtiansatan @sebatrash @angryschnauzer  @lupy22 @alex-ivar-minx @fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @kirah32  @rekdreams247  @float-autumn-leave @weareabunchofheathens @ivartheboneme @sanjariti  @lovelynemesis @bonniebird  @hornyorca @cherrytrinkets  @more-thaan-words @lostinthoughtsandfeelings  @sparklemichele @guardianofthestars25 @ivarthefuckboy @mcuimxgine @oddsnendsfanfics 
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kinnie-quarium · 4 years
i would love to hear you talk abt takeda :0 u deserve to talk abt things that make u happy
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anon.....i care you thank u....... i just love him so much.....
he’s so sweet & cares somuch about Karasuno and he goes so far out of his way to set up practice/normal games for them even if tehy are demeaning to his own pride, but like?? I feel like that when he sees the team happy and succeeding and just growing in general it makes him so happy & makes it worth it. Takeda just like,, he doesn’t know a lot about volleyball but he wants to learn the best he can to support them and coach them [not as much since Ukai joined] he’s just,, doin’ his best to help them from the side lines because he can’t do much inside the court. and he’s cares so /much/ about them!! i just! ugh! hes so skittish & gets so excited so easily it’s so adorable?? like that scene when he got so excited he tripped and gave himself a bloody nose,, he’s just so adorable i want to,, hug him,,, he deserves all the hugs and apperciation,, hes so underrated it’s unfair!
I would ramble more but I’m half awake my brains mush sfhuei
-Mod Koi [Multi-shift]
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zora-moyashi · 4 years
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she hops up the building and stands next to her. "hi i'm back"
“I see that, though you have been a brat
"maybe so, maybe so but you shouldn't deny that you started all that." she looks back at the kids for a second who were almost caught up.
Shade climbed up faster than Shine. “Kits you bring oh what a treat, oh yes a treat Horror loves to eat.”
"funny you mention that. she's actually following us. to my knowledge you're not a star eater?"
“I lack the teeth to do such a thing, like a bird lacking a Wing.”
"that's cause you're a human, am i wrong? do you wanna eat stars? cause that's kinda disgusting."
“I eat what I want. Even with taunts.”
"except stars. oh yeah by the way sorry about going into your town again, i know i said i wouldn't but this is an exception." she takes the kids and putshes them to LJ a little.
Shine seemed super nervous about LJ, hiding behind Chara
"LJ meet shine and shade, come to think of it you may already know them, seeing how close you are to night."
“Know then I did not, but one of them; the real me they spot.”
she pauses thinking about that."that's a little to cryptic for me haha. what do you mean?"
Shade noticed Shines nervousness, before looking back at LJ, seemingly catching on.
noticing shade she comes to the conclusion. "I'm completely left in the dark, someone care to explain?" she says irritated. 
“She’s really really bad.” Shine whimpered.
"how so hon?"
“Shadow.......” shine mumbled. LJ put a finger over her lips before laughing
chara is just baffled at how she doesn't understand a word of this. "what the f*ck are you talking about" she waves her hands around. "this meas nothing to me!"
Shine grabbed Chaya’s arm as her eyes glowed letting Chara see what she saw. There was a shadow looming over LJ, with long fingers resting on her shoulders. Two beady red eyes was the only features on its face
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(like that?)
(Fran bow?)
(Then yes, exactly like that)
chara goes up while holding shine's hand and tries to touch the shadow.
Shine planted her feet in the ground, not wanting to go any closer.
chara tries to drag her over
Shine whimpers which was enough for Shade to get involved, freeing his sister from Chara’s grasp
she sighs angrily "shine i won't let it hurt you i just wanna take a better look!"
Shine went fully behind Chara, touching her back so she could see the shadow.
she cocks her head and talks to LJ "so what is it exactly?"
The shadow spoke. “See me, see me, yes you can. Looks to me like you’re part of a plan.”
"sounds to me like you're speaking nonsense, i've heard about these gods some of you talk about but they don't care about us, certainly not enough to have an actual plain made for us."
“God She is not, but close enough to be given thought.”
"mmhm, and this plan is??/"
“A game she makes, to see if you have what it takes.” Horror caught up, “you talking about the squid? Her games are so boring.”
"ah, ink? yeah she seems pretty boring to me too" she nods to horror
LJ shrugged. “Boring it may seem, that is until you reach the final scene.”
"but how do you know this stuff? and what's gonna happen? what about ink is she like really bad i get the creeps from her, why are you attached to LJ why does shine hate it somuch?" she keeps rattling off questions. "if i know how it ends i can make it end my way instead."
The shadow looked to the forest. “Said to much I have, but your actions are worth some laughs.”
LJ hopped down the tower, going her own way
chara follows, not letting her get off this easy. "hey, the kits are still going to help you weather you like it or not"
“Help I need none, without help is much more fun.”
"i get that, but you need help."
"you don't have a choice."
"we should get night to join"
LJ looked at Chara with a glare as Shine ran past, Horror chasing her and Shade chasing Horror
chara's sure they'll be fine and doesn't pay any mind. "it'll be fun!"
LJ shook her head.”
"don't be a stick in the mud, i thought you were the fun one"
“It is not wise to go against the squid. Even if you’re just a kid.”
"if we die we die, no need to prolong the enviable, live a little. isn't it depressing being in this town that's just as broken as you?" she looks over to the kids
“No.” Shade hit Horror who slashed at him
"no it's not depressing or no you won't come?" she yells over "yo horror! stop harassing the kits!"
“Both.” LJ said. Horror looked over. “What? I’m hungry.”
"we went over this," she pouts to horror than asks, "yo do you know how to teleport?"
“No I don’t.” She said, grabbing Shade
chara shoots a yellow bullet through horror's arm shattering the bone and letting shade free. "a shame. it's going to be a lot harder to get her to cooperate without that..." she thinks and slides her view to LJ. "guess if you're gonna be like that, we'll just have to fight until night gets over her to save you."
“Nightmare has to rest, starving herself again unlike the rest.”
"than it'd be a shame to wake her~"
“She would eat you, but then again you have no clue.”
"she got beat by that error gal, i'm not as scared as i was before."
LJ rolled her eyes.
"sassy today hm?" "tell you what, we go talk to night, see what she says about your mental state and we'll go from there. if she says you're fine then i'll leave ya alone" (doesn't mean i'll let the kids leave her alone)
(XD Shine does not wanna stay with LJ)
(too bad haha >:P )
she turns away from her "okay y'all new game, get LJ to nightmare. shine can ride on my back if she's to chicken to be around LJ."
Shine nodded, going to Chara
chara picks her up and they all make there way to the forest? i guess? "horror, you know where exadctly she is?"
“Night? Yeah I do.” Horror said, leading the way
"sweet" when they get around the area chara scouts out to find her first even though shine's getting a bit heavy.
She spots Nightmare resting in a tree. Shine got nervous
"hey nighttt~ member me?" she hops over disregarding shine's hesitance.
Nightmare was fast asleep, her tentacles were wrapped around the branches to keep her from falling, one was buried slightly under the ground.
"okay well don't acknowledge me than! we're here to help out LJ, we were wondering if you approve or if you would like to help?"
When Chara stepped where to tentacle was, it shot up and snapped her neck immediately, waking Nightmare up to eat, not caring who or what she killed
chara wakes up at her save shaking her head and rubbing her neck. "that was fun..." she gets up and goes back to where the others are.
(Yeah, Nightmare is an ambush hunter, using as little energy as she can, she honestly hates having to kill others to eat, but has too, so she’ll starve herself to the point where she can’t do too much. So she hunts once a week or so) She was back at the castle when she reloaded. Shine had hidden as Nightmare ate, ripping off limbs to swallow the larger pieces whole.
(confusing lol, okay so in this world chara regenerates a whole body, got ya) she goes up to night again crouching by her, "enjoying your meal?" she says flatly. she also looks around for shade
Shade was with Shine. Nightmare finished eating before answering. “No, never do.”
"well you're depressing haha!"
"did you hear what i said before or did you push that all out of your mind?"
“What else is new? And no Iwas asleep.”
"great well, we want to help LJ." she waves a hand "and by 'we' i mean the kits"
“What ki-“ Nightmare looked over and saw the two. Shade immediately arching his back slightly to make himself look tougher.
"your niece and nephew"
Nightmare looked at Chara, “I don’t have any living relatives.” She said
"umm,?" she's just confused. "you know, like dream? her kits?"
“Dream has been dead for five years now.” Nightmare glared slightly
"either i'm way behind on resent events or your confused. i met dream just about a week ago. she attacked me with her arrows and she was corrupted so ?"
“That is Shattered, she’s from a different timeline.” Nightmare sighed
chara sighs with her. "you guys and your 'she's from a different dimensions/timelines so i don't care about her' like damn. i'm ninety percent sure any asreil i come across i would still care for like a brother. but whatev. i'm not here to talk about ethics."
“But they wouldn’t be the same, they wouldn’t be the person you knew.” Nightmare said
"you're right, but you have to appreciate the ones that are here, make new memories. they're not your version of your family but it's still them. ah and shattered's dead too btws. " she holds a laugh under her breath.
“See, I shouldn’t try that because they get killed too.”
"think what you want, i still want to help your little LJ and i'd love your assistance in doing so, so is it a deal or nah?"
“LJ normally doesn’t need help, she does fine with her own, though sometimes if she’s too unstable I have to use some shadows.” Nightmare replied
"oh sh*t! you gave her that creepy thing?!"
“Yeah, you saw it?”
"only because of shine"
“Am I to assume that is one of the kits?”
"yes you are, it's that one" she points her out as shine hides more from being pointed out.
“She’s awfully shy for a genocide star.”
"well that's news to me, i haven't seen them eat i suppose..." she squints. "are you sure about that?"
“Her mother is Shattered, do you know the father?”
"nope, i'm clueless."
“So either Neutral or Genocide?”
"i guess? i don't know how star genes work" she shrugs
"hey shine, come over here will you?" she calls
Shine slowly can over.
"hey kid, did you know who your dad was at all?"
 Shine shook her head
"helpful as always shine," "know what, how about you go fight horror for a while, see how many times you two can kill her, cause it's free exp." she turns to night "so you really don't want us to help LJ?"
“She doesn’t need help”
Chara shakes her head not pleased. "Fine. Fine." She walks away with shine over to horror and shade. "That went well." She sighs. "Suppose we'll have to move on to killer."
Shade didn’t say anything. “It’s actually harder to find her sometimes than it is to find the squid.”
"she was just here like an hour ago, why is she so hard to find??"
“Because She has places she goes to.”
"hmmmm? well you're her friend, where are these places?"
“That’s the thing, she doesn’t tell anyone.”
"alright but doesn't night keep tabs on her?"
“Can’t.” Nightmare yawned. “I can only do that if I have made eye contact with them, but Killer tore out her eyes.”
"that's weird." chara folds her arms thinking of what to do next. she goes up to shade and kinda just looks at him
Shade growls and sticks his tongue out
she snickers. "i haven't even been that mean to you kid, what's your deal?"
“‘Haven’t been that mean?’ You killed me!!” He growled crossing his arms. Horror chuckled. “You act a lot like Night.”
"*snort* yep i've killed most of my friends. don't worry about it. you're alive so stop being a baby about it."
Shade growled at her answer. Meanwhile Killer made sure no one was following her as she passed an abandoned house, the siding falling off as vines climbed up the sides. She went to the backyard, where two makeshift graves were. “Hey Jazz, Mom.... I know I’m late but.... happy birthday little brother.” She said with a sad smile
"you're going to stay salty about this aren't you? what do you expect me to do to fix it?"
“Stop being a bully.” Shade said.
Killer sat on the ground, telling her deceased sibling and mother about events that had pasted
"pfff" she shakes her head "that's vague. i just wantta keep you two safe, you have a problem with that?"
Shade pointed to Horror. “I don’t think that is safe.” Horror chuckled. “Man you really are a little punk, huh?”
"he sure is." she looks to shade "you're missing the point. i want to keep you safe in the long term. you need to be strong to be able to survive."
Shade crossed his arms and looked away from Chara. Shine was still behind Chara
chara grabs shine's hand and pulls her a bit forward. "now that i think you understand are you going to stop moping or are we going to have to butt-heads more shade? sense LJ isn't willing to be helped it's time to find killer again. i'd expect shatter to know where she might be." she walks back to the rift expecting shade to fallow.
Shade’s glare softened slightly when he saw his sister. He sighed and followed Chara and Shine. Shatter had reformed, and was talking to Tonic. “You know, today is a special day.”
chara's happy at shade's obedience. tonic's tail wags. "yes? how so?" she asks shatter.
“Well, remember how I told you I had a little brother?” Shatter said.
Tonic nods solemnly
“It’s his birthday today.” Shatter said with a sad smile
"do you plan on visiting his grave?" she asks
(So my version of Ink can actually hear us, like when we talk in () )
(got ya, that's kinda creepy haha)
“I don’t think he would’ve wanted me to, he always wanted us to keep moving on,” Shatter replied, looking over at Tonic. “But you already know that I suck at that.”
tonic looks down unsurely. "that's alright. i haven't been able to move on quickly as well. either way i'm sure your brother would want you to feel better. however you spend the day i'm sure he wouldn't mind." chara, shine and shade get back to where tonic and shatter are.
Shatter smiled at pat Tonic’s head. “You would have gotten along with him.” She then looked over at Chara. “Now, the only reason I can come up with as to why you would come to me is that you either need me to babysit, or you need help.”
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"well gee, nice welcome shatter. is it so wrong to want to see my friend." she snickers. "but yeah, you are right. i want to know if you'd know where killer is.
(Ink can not touch water, or hydrogen in general, it ‘burns’ her) “Killer? Oh you mean Yuma....” Shatter stood up. “Well I have a pretty good idea.”
tonic watches shatter and chara asks "yeah? were's that? she seemed mad at me for saying that horror and i are her friends. she all blew up on us so...? " she shrugs.
(i'm unsure why people do the water hurts ink or nightmare thing. i don't know where that came from.)
(as for with my Ink it is science, see hydrogen cuts through carbon bonds, and my Ink is made of pure carbon, so hydrogen harms her.) “Well, I honestly don’t blame her, but come on.” Shatter said, making a portal
(ah, makes sense! ) tonic follows and chara looks at shatter questioningly before joining.
The portal went to an old house, the siding was falling off as vines climbed up
 chara went up to look around and finds yuma on the ground in the backyard
Killer turned to Chara. “What are you doing here?”
"mmmm, mostly saying 'hi'" she looks at the graves "your brother?" she tilts her head?
“None of your business.” Killer glared, as she spoke with a hiss. 
"i mean maybe not, but you know me. i like to be in everyone's business." she goes up closer slowly.
Shatter stayed still, floating slightly above the ground, meaning Killer couldn’t sense her. “Yeah and it’s bloody annoying.” Killer hissed.
 chara just laughs. "come on, you know you love me." she goes to sit by yuma 
“I tolerate you, maybe not even that.” Killer hissed.
chara shrugs sitting cross legged after a second she asks "is there a reason you're here today?"
Killer picked Chara up by the back of her sweater. “It’s none of your concern.” She hissed, going over to where Tonic and the kits were. (Fun fact: Nightmare’s coating is poisonous)
(ooo) chara hangs from killer's grip lazily. tonic perks up at the sight of yuma, sitting up a bit straighter.
Killer dropped Chara. Before ‘looking’ at Tonic. “And who are you supposed to be?” She hissed
"oh, I'm just. I'm just a friend of chara's." chara swipes the dirt off of her sweater. "that's putting it generously..." with a scowl.
Killer turned to Chara. “So you don’t like them?”
"no, not at all."
“See how you feel about them, I feel for you.” Killer said harshly, as she started to walk away
"pffff!" she hops up and stands in front of killer, blocking her way. "damn, you don't have to be so mean! we're just here to help ya know? the kits wanta help you out of this little pit you've dug for yourself. dont tell me you're pleased with were your life is right now cause i know you'd be lying.
“My life is none of your concern. And I don’t need any of your help.” Killer said. ‘Hey, you might wanna use act and check.....’ Shatter told Chara via telepathy
chara with a shrug does as she's told and checks killer.
Killer lv 57 hp 122/730 ‘something seems very wrong with this star’s soul’
chara pauses and looks at tonic who stares back at her blankly. "tonic heal up killer, she's hurt." she orders. tonic looks to killer unsurely. chara brings up her act menu and sees what's available.
Killer turned back to Chara. “I’m fine.” She growled. -insult -ask -challenge
"sure you are" she says condescendingly. and chooses the ask option.
-you ask Killer why she is hiding- Killer didn’t respond, but still wouldn’t let Tonic close
chara asks what's wrong with killer's soul
“Look, I don’t pester you about your past, don’t pester me on mine.” Killer said, her tone more calm than before
"friends pester each other, just shows we care. if you're so fine and won't even let yourself be healed how about we fight and when i knock you out i'll get my answers the hard way."
“Fine, you wanna fight? Then let’s fight.” Killer replied, grabbing her knife from her pocket
chara makes a slingshot. tonic panics a little. "do y-you really need to fight? i don't mean to be rude but you simply don't seem well..." they shuffles their feet
“I told you already, I’m fine.” Killer responded as she started to circle
tonic looks up at shatter worried while chara shoots a few yellow bullets at killer's legs and goes in with her knife at her torso.
Killer teleported behind Chara slashing at her back
chara swerves around slashing behind her as quickly as she can hoping to hit her before she moves again.
She cut Killer’s hoody
chara goes up to tackle killer after giving a glance to the kits clearly ordering them to help her take down killer.
Shine threw a explosive, making Killer jump out of the way, where Shade tripped her
after shade trips her chara goes up to cut killer's neck. 
Killer teleported out of the way
chara turns to killer as fast as she could but gets hit in the back of the head, stumbling forward.
Killer then pinned Chara to the ground
chara squirms to get her hand free
Killer kept her pinned, “Just give up.”
"Not happening! Do ya even know me?" She kicks at her, not getting much of anywhere. "Kittttts come on!"
Shade tried to slash only to get slashed at
while killer was distracted chara managed to roll away and get a small hit to killers back.
Killer took 2 damage. She turned quickly to counter before her health cut by 50, forcing her to wince and teleport back to get some distance
chara checks her again and sees how much damage she did. and whistles to herself. "wow, you're worse off than i thought." she sets up a checkpoint and circles around killer as quickly she could and sets a few more. trying to put her in a cage of checkpoints.
Killer hp 25 / 730 Her soul seems unstable. Killer glared as she watched Chara do this, as if planning something.
chara laughs. "you just going to let this happen?" with a shrugs she lets off a couple of rounds checkpoint shooting to another checkpoint and leaving a blue bar behind. one checkpoint lazer thing goes straight for killer to the checkpoint on the other side of her.
Killer teleported multiple times in a row, getting the lazer to bend in a grid like pattern.
"well isn't that just pretty~ you making us some art killz?" she can't keep up with her teleportion so she tries to find a pattern in her movements instead
Killer did have a pattern, it was as if she was trying to do something with the lazer, 2 feet left, 4 feet up, 2 side, 4 down.
she followed the pattern going about 2 steps ahead and set a purple web on the ground where she should land while readying her knife as well.
Killer teleported once before breaking her pattern as a wormhole appeared in the grid
"ooo~" chara takes a step back observing but getting ready to get out of there with the kits. "this reminds me of digimon haha, do you have dementional powers? i don't know why but i wouldn't peg you as that."
“No, just escape.” She said hopping through before the wormhole closed
".... pff. didn't take you for a coward either." she calls back the checkpoints and replenishes her magic. "shaaaater, whereee'd she go?" she goes up to where she was.
“Probably skakarr....” Shatter answered. “Since she needed to heal, but there is no way I am going back there.”
chara makes a sad face. "hmph..." she turns to tonic knowing their the only hope she seems to have to get there. "take us there." she orders and tonic glances around surprised "uhhh" they say
“Look, skakarr is not a place to just ‘go and visit’ ok? It’s more like an active war zone 24/7.”
"i can take care of myself." she shrugs and she goes closer to tonic. "so like how does this work? you know how to teleport right? not much of a health aid if you can't get there in time hmm?"
"well... umm. i'd need some blue magic." tonic says quietly.
“Not there you can’t, ok? Whatever kind of place you think it is, I can assure you it is much much worse.” Shatter said
she looks back at shatter. "... well fine but killer's there. and at 25 hp. it feels like an obligation for me to help or at least see what's wrong so i can prevent it happening to the kits or somthin" "besides. war is war and i can always reset. it ain't no thing." she thinks for a second where she'd get blue magic cause she'd assume her replicate blue magic wouldn't work.
Shatter sighed, “Killer is like me, remember? We’ve been there, and one tends to know where to hide there after 7 years.”
"well gee shatter! you know i'm gonna go anyway! should probably stop trying to talk me out of it hmmm? it'll be fun! you're strong! if you wanna keep us safe you can always tag along~" she goes a little closer to the kits. "you have purple magic right? can you like. cry blue magic or something cool like that? if stars even cry i guess haha."
Shatter sighed.”If I take you, it should just be us two, and you need to listen to me.” She said.
"eeyyy!" she goes up and hugs shatter quickly. "thank you!" she has the biggest grin on.
0 notes
Proximity (06)-Oblivion
Prompt: Sebastian meets his newest neighbor and immediately finds her to be an interesting and genuine person. Before he knows it, he’s developing feelings for his much younger friend that he tries not to act on because of their age difference, only the proximity of their lives has other things in store for the couple.
Warnings: mild language, you may be a little angry with me after this chapter
Tags: @yourgayonlinemom, @broken-pieces, @bubblyanarocks3, @yessy2012, @sebstanwassup, @starkxpotts, @kyleannsmut, @joshuad-n, @bucky-bear-barnes, @metal-arm-red-star, @dammnnbucky, @crystallimythium, @harleenquinzzel, @camillechan, @marvelouslyloki, @msdrmarvel, @jesuistresjolie, @castielkitten, @ilovethings-somuch, @boyzines, @thelamegatsby, @huntressxtimelady, @left-boob-chris, @champssole-blog, @ruefulposts, @licoricelace, @pleasantbucky, @jjlevin, @anniemadeofclay, @-tulipsunflower-, @shakzer00, @kitty11223, @one-of-the-boys, @come-and-figure-me-out, @miraisnotavailable, @ladymelissastark, @msharleyquinn, @seargantbcky, @ballerinafairyprincess, @aliciajodiefoster, @mydragulesebastian
Previous Installments:
My Place at Six 
 Just My Neighbor 
Forty Percent 
Writing My Goodbyes 
If You Want  
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(Y/N) paced anxiously outside the elevator doors as she waited for them to open so she could find a way to the seventh floor. Usually the stairs weren’t a burden on her, however the events that had transpired twenty minutes ago had her heart racing and she refused to allow the possibility of passing out in the stairwell to arise. Once inside the elevator, (Y/N) jammed her thumb into the ‘7′ button and then turned her phone’s  Airplane Mode feature on. She didn’t need to be any more distracted than she was and the lingering spark of Sebastian’s lips against her cheek only caused her mind to go further and further into the oblivion she desperately wanted to get lost in.
Upon reaching the seventh floor Isabel impatiently pulled (Y/N) from the elevator and hurriedly dragged her toward the English department offices. (Y/N) was given a small corner room she was convinced had once been a rather large closet that someone put a window in and was since the designated student-teacher office. She tried decorating but the extent of the room’s decor consisted of posters she had collected from Comic Cons or her artistic friends had drawn. The array of posters crossed through various universes including MCU, Harry Potter, Supernatural, with a splatter of Sherlock and a dash of Doctor Who. The poorly decorated office space often decreased the anxieties of the students who were having to meet with her privately, but she could never keep from laughing at the fact that these people were only four or so years younger than her and panicking about having to talk to her about their lessons.
“What have you not been telling me?” Isabel asked as soon as the two women entered the room.
“It’s nothing,” (Y/N) tried to say without blushing. She turned her face and locked the door, giving herself enough time to allow the blood rush to drain from her cheeks. “That picture doesn’t have me in it at all, does it?” she quickly asked with a rather panicked tone.
“No, there weren’t any pictures I could find of the two of you together,” Isabel said while dropping herself in the rather uncomfortable, overly cushioned chair opposite of (Y/N)’s desk.
“Good,” she muttered and quickly turned on her desktop computer and dropped her phone and house keys on the desk.
“What do you mean ‘good?’” Izzy gasped while trying to gain her friend’s full attention. 
“I mean nothing is going on between me and Sebastian and if the news tries to blow that out of proportion, whatever we do have will be compromised,” (Y/N) tried to convince herself rather than her friend. 
“I know what you’re trying to say, but your home screen says otherwise,” she teased while holding (Y/N)’s unlocked phone up mockingly, revealing the rather rustic/hipster photo of a barefoot Sebastian sitting on the porch of a lake house he rented for Labor Day weekend a few months earlier. 
“Give that back!” (Y/N) demanded while lunging toward the device, the memory of Sebastian inviting her to his weekend party lingering in her head as well as the moment she snapped the photo that was now her screen saver.
“Only if you start talking,” she protested. (Y/N) pursed her lips and turned back to face the computer as it loaded the university’s grading database. “Fine, I guess I’m forced to scroll through your phone and make you uncomfortable until you cave,” she teased. Upon realizing (Y/N) wasn’t paying any attention to Isabel’s blackmail, she began to open various apps. “Nothing on Snapchat,” she announced. “Facebook is a dead end too,” she continued.
“Izzy, stop,” (Y/N) grumbled.
“Instagram, here we go!”
“Iz!” (Y/N) demanded.
“Someone recently became friends with a certain Elizabeth Olsen and Tom Holland,” she teased. “Oh, and you have a DM from mister Holland: hi, (Y/N)! Nice meeting you today. Would love to grab a drink or lunch sometime,” Isabel read. “Damn, girl, you’re making all these Marvel men swoon!”
“He did not send that,” (Y/N) laughed as she read over the red ink on the stack of essays sitting beside her only to have Isabel turn the phone around and show (Y/N) the message.
“And Sebastian doesn’t think you’re more than a friend,” she replied cockily. “Spill! Tell me about this whole roommate thing you have going on with him, how the hell do you know Tom, and why do you have a new contact saved as Lizzie O. in your phone?” (Y/N) bit her lip as she contemplated telling Isabel anything but she knew she needed another opinion. Lizzie’s advice was great and made (Y/N) feel hopeful that she had a chance with Sebastian, but Izzy was different. She was blunt and straightforward and would spare her friends no shit. 
(Y/N) caved. She told Isabel the full story of how they met rather than the abridged version she opted for when she first decided to tell her friend about her misadventure. She tried not to go into too much detail about how sweet Sebastian had been and how concerned he was about potentially losing a genuine friendship on the account of her not being willing to deal with his stardom or her only wanting to be in the friendship because of his stardom. (Y/N) continued to divulge into the time she spent with Sebastian and the domesticity of their friendship: the morning coffee trips, daily messages telling the other to turn down their volume or to get their toilet to stop running because the pipes were louder in the other’s apartment, and she talked about the occasional movie nights at the other’s place.
Izzy smiled at her best friend’s glee as she spoke of the man living above her. She had lived with (Y/N) for the past three years and hated to lose her as a roommate, but she couldn’t stay in NYC and (Y/N) couldn’t go to Jersey. She’d missed their boy conversations but listening to what (Y/N) had to say about Sebastian, she feared for her friend’s emotional wellbeing. (Y/N) was two years younger than Izzy and she never wanted to see her hurt. Thankfully, (Y/N)’s dedication to graduate early kept her from divulging in the college-slut phase, but now Izzy worried she had pushed (Y/N) toward something she wasn’t quite ready for.
“It sounds like Tom likes you,” Izzy tried to distract her friend as the phone buzzed in her hand again.
“Tom only met me a few hours ago,” (Y/N) protested.
“Still,” Izzy said with a shrug of her shoulders. “You seem so happy talking about Sebastian,” she continued, “but I don’t know if you two are on the same page, you know?” (Y/N’s eyes furrowed at Isabel’s statement but she tried to play it off as a confusion with the grade displayed on the screen. “You’re only twenty-one,” Isabel sighed. “You have plenty of time to figure the whole dating thing out. Just go out and have fun. Try not to get tied down into anything,” Isabel said lightly while sliding (Y/N)’s phone back to her across the desk. She glanced down at the bright screen to see Tom’s messages shining up at her. Her heart started pounding with excitement and guilt as she read the words written and took them into consideration.
Hi, (Y/N)! Nice meeting you today. Would love to grab a drink or lunch sometime
A couple of friends invited me out to a club tonight. You’re welcome to come if you don’t have any plans!
(Y/N) looked back at Isabel who smiled lightly at her. “I’m not telling you Sebastian is bad news or anything like that--I’m sure he’d be great for you--I just don’t want you getting involved in something you’re not ready for yet.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” (Y/N) asked with a lump in her throat.
“Well,” Isabel said softly and readjusted her position in the chair, “he’s much older than you, meaning he’s at a different stage in life than you, he’s had more experience in the life that he lives than you have, he has more experience in the world than you have. He may be ready for settling down when, realistically, you’re just getting into the game.”
“So, what are you saying? Are you saying to go on a stupid meaningless dating spree to have a few more guys under my belt before getting involved with someone I care about?” (Y/N) couldn’t help the sense of betrayal in her voice, but she knew that she was expecting something from Izzy that Lizzie wouldn’t have given--stark honesty in presenting (Y/N) with her fear in relationships. 
“I’m not saying that, I’m just saying that whatever you do, make sure you’re careful. Keep in mind that he may be wanting more than just a dating relationship, but also you need to figure out what it is that you want out of a relationship right now.”
“I don’t know what I want in a relationship, but I know that I’m happy when Sebastian is around and you know that ‘happy’ doesn’t come easily for me.” Her heart was swirling with the realization that Sebastian could be more than she was looking for and that their age difference would be more of an issue than she had previously expected.
“Hang out with Tom and his friends and just get your mind off of everything for a night,” Isabel said with a smile and lightly put her hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder.
“Can I not hang out with you?” (Y/N) asked with a slight chuckle.
“You know you’ll just be talking about Sebastian the whole time which is the opposite of getting him off your mind,” Isabel laughed.
“Fine, you’re right,” (Y/N) sighed and opened her phone to reply to Tom’s messages.
Sounds like a good time. Mind picking me up from Baruch College? 7th floor. Let me know when you’re coming.
Continued Installments:
Last Night 
Boo at the Zoo Part 1 
Boo at the Zoo Part 2 
Needed You 
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soldierwinterthe · 7 years
Alphabet Tag Game
I was tagged by @ilovethings-somuch Thank You Honey!
A - age: 20 B - birthplace: a small town near Naples (Italy) C - current time: 19.41 p.m. D - drink you had last: water E - easiest person to talk to: my friend Alessia (and some friends on Tumblr) F - favorite song: Should I Stay or Should I Go, by The Clash G - grossest memory: mmh.. really, I don’t know. Maybe, a dream. A dream that seemed really very, very real. It was someone who kissed me (in the dream), and when I woke up, I was convinced that someone really kissed me. H - horror yes or no: Yes, yes, YES. I LOVE HORROR MOVIE, and all that deals with paranormal and mysterious and horror things. I - in love?: Chris Evans counts? lol Anyway, no. I'm not a person who falls in love easily. J - jealous of people?: For nothing. Actually, I don’t care much about other people, I'm not jealous of what they do or what they have. K - killed someone?: Nope.. I think L - love at first sight or should I walk past again?: I have to know a person to fall in love with him; as I said, I'm a person who hardly falls in love. M - middle name: Nope N - number of siblings: One brother and one sister (they’re younger than me) O - one wish: I want to travel P - person i called last: my friend Q - question you’re always asked: Why do you always watch TV series? Why do you always watch horror movies? Why don’t you ever make up? Why don’t you ever go to the disco? R - reason to smile: My little sister, music, my beloved dog, and movies (sometimes).. Oh, and Johnny Depp and Chris Evans, obviously. S - song you last sang: Bon Appetit, by Katy Perry T - time you woke up: 12:30 pm lol U - underwear color: black slip, no bra lol V - vacation: I would like to spend the holidays at the lake, or maybe in the mountains, in a beautiful cabin, watching the stars all night W - worst habit: Pull the cuticles close to my nails Y - your favorite food: PIZZAAA Z - zodiac: Capricorn
Tags: @giftofdreams; @cirunia; @yourenotrogers; @chaos-and-the-calm67; @supernatural-jackles; @christopher-dorito-evans 
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