#i cba tagging more just imagine the rest
charlie-boyfriend · 8 months
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Aone developing a crush on Hinata’s older sister (part 2)
watch me make a series out of this
so many of you guys wanted a part two of these headcanons where Aone starts crushing on Hinata’s sister so I shall deliver! This is more where you start crushing on Aone too. This is so long omg 💞💞
OK so I accidentally posted this so I guess you guys can have it now lol I cba to take it down and re post it another day
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The two of spoke together occasionally for the rest of Date Tech’s time at Karasuno; small exchanges like “are you enjoying the food?” and “who do you think is the best player at Karasuno?”. You learned that he didn’t speak much, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t expressive. He would nod with vigor at things that excited him, his face would scrunch up in deep thought at your questions almost as if he were in pain or how his eyebrows would raise as his eyes opened wider when Hinata talked about various other intimidating players. It was interesting to see the contrast between someone as loud and bubbly as your brother, to someone so quiet and intimidating - although he wasn’t as intimidating as he looked. 
Their coach called all the Date Tech students to get ready to leave, starting an onslaught of whines and goodbyes from both teams. Aone approached you after saying goodbye to Hinata, 
“Have a safe journey back Aone, hopefully you guys will come back again soon,” you smiled up at him with a parting wave.
“It’s been a pleasure to be here, goodbye Y/N,” his deep voice rumbled in his chest as he bowed towards you, before speeding off towards the team bus.
A couple of weeks later you were out travelling to a cafe in a town nearby, apparently they had the cutest animal theme that you had been seeing all over the internet. The original plan was to go with your brother, but he decided to ditch you last minute to practice extra spikes with Kageyama, and your little sister, Natsu, was out with your mother for the day. You didn’t want to miss out though, so you went alone.
The train station was busy for a sunday, but the weather was a perfect temperature so you imagined everyone was out to enjoy the sun. The train pulled up and you hopped in, looking around for a seat. Your carriage was packed with people, particularly little children, so you walked into the next connecting carriage in the hopes of finding at least some space to stand. You saw a large group of girls around your age standing near to the carriage entrance which didn’t fill you with hope. ‘Just one seat, please just one seat’ you chanted in your head as if it would make a difference. To your surprise, there was actually 2 seats free further down the carriage, one either side of a man that occupied the middle seat with his head hung low.
You hastily sat down next to him at the train jolted and continued to its destination. You noticed some shifting next to you, as the man sitting down moved his legs away from you slightly. He seemed to be tucking himself in, as if to make him seem smaller, although even after the brief look at him, you could tell he was a larger than average man. Looking over you got to see a glimpse of the man’s face for the first time.
His face shot upwards, his eyes wide with surprise, he hadn’t noticed it was you. He gave you a hesitant nod before adjusting his eyes to look in front of him.
“um...how are you?” he seemed a little nervous so you did your best to break the ice a little. He took a few seconds to reply,
“I’m well, how are you?” 
“I’m good thank you! I’m glad I found a seat though, it’s way too hot to stand in a crowd of people today,” fanning yourself with your statement, you laughed, “I’m actually on my way to check out that new animal cafe that opened up, what are you doing out?” His eyes seemed to light up slightly when you mentioned the cafe,
“I was heading there as well.”
“Really? I was actually supposed to come with Shouyou today but he dumped me for volleyball,” you crossed your arms as you grumbled about your brother, Aone nodding along. “Well since Shou isn’t coming, maybe you can come with me instead?” you offered.
Aone’s cheeks turned pink, he had no idea what to do. You wanted to go to a cafe, with him? the first girl that ever sat next to him on a train wanted to go to a cafe with him, and she was a cute one at that. His brain was going a million miles an hour.
“Aone?” he snapped out of his glazed thoughts and gave a firm nod.
When the two of you reached the cafe, all that came out of your mouth was a mess of squeals and ‘aww’s as you scanned over the pastel interior. The cafe had some animals that guests could interact with, such as cats that roamed freely, as well as turtles towards the back in their terrariums and birds hung from the ceiling in large cages. You two were sat towards the back near the reptile section, however there were still a couple cats that perched in the area. As soon as Aone sat down, a pure white cat sitting opposite caught his attention. It seemed to give him a death stare, eyes fixated on him, its mouth turning up to show his sharp teeth and its back arched ready to fight or run. You noticed Aone’s attention was drawn to something and, by tense look on his face, you half expected there to be a criminal standing behind you. Turning around, you were greeted by the sight of the white cat that held its staring competition. You looked back and forth between the two of them before you realised the issue. Giggling, you held your hand out to the cat, who gave it a couple sniffs before nuzzling its head into it.
“He’s just like you Aone,” his head tilted in confusion as you continued to chuckle, “he looks so mean and scary at first but he’s really just a cutie, plus the white hair” you picked up the cat and popped him in your lap, running your hands through his fur. Aone was shocked, did you just call him...cute? He has never, ever once been described as cute. He watched as you carefully handled the animal, ruffling its fur and giggling as it purred loudly at your touch. Aone wanted to touch the cat too, but he held back, partly because he was scared the cat was going to try and intimidate him again, but partly because he didn’t want to take his eyes of the sight in front of him. You looked adorable, no, beautiful with the afternoon sun shining behind you and the permanent smile etched on your face. The two of you locked eyes when you looked up, Aone instantly looking away in embarrassment of being caught.
You got up from your seat, holding the white cat in your arms and took a seat next to Aone on the beach he was using. Settling the cat back into your lap, you grabbed hold of Aone’s hand and held it up towards its nose.
“Let him sniff you and get used to you a little first, when he knows you’re not a danger he’ll let you stroke him too,” you instructed in a calm tone. Your fingers were so warm against the back of his hand, so soft compared to his from years the last few years of volleyball. He could feel his hand shaking slightly as the cat surveyed him, but his nervousness certainly wasn’t directed at the feline.
“It’s ok, he won’t hurt you, I think he’s starting to like you,” ah, so you had noticed his uneasiness. You, then, guided his hand over the cat’s back, holding it firmly while brushing both of your fingers through it’s fur. The cat purred even louder than before, rested its head on Aone’s lap and closed its eyes. You both continued to stroke the cat through its slumber and enjoyed the tranquility of the moment. With your hand still on his, you realised how much bigger his were than yours - your fingers barely expanded over the back of his hand. There were a couple bruises are callouses, you guessed from training, and subconsciously brushed your thumb across them. 
“Seems we make quite the good team.”
Tagging those who requested a part 2: @kara-grayson04 @youstydiaa @donica95 @unpostofelice @polarbearaone @galagcica @sunaswife
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nineteenninety-six · 5 years
Cheater Cheater
So, @stassiebabyy​ asked for angst but this was pretty much the best I could do BUT I was thinking about writing a 2nd part where she goes to London and meets Alfie and gets married and stuff and then she meets Tommy again with Alfie. Opinions?
This thing is only appearing in one tag and I really cba to continue on deleting and reposting but we’ll see in the morning 
Also thanks for 400 followers and I also reached 400 notes on my first imagine I posted on here so thank you soooo much <3
This is probably the only imagine I’m posting this week since I’m filming for the rest of the week so I’ll be too tired to do anything but requests are still open so request away :)
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Something was wrong but (Y/N) couldn’t put her finger on it. Tommy was acting odd but she didn’t know what was considered normal for him after he returned from the war but even so she knew the way that Tommy was acting recently was off even for him. She knew he was still struggling to adapt after the war and with the introduction of Campbell in their lives, he became even more stressed out and short-tempered but to her, it seemed like Tommy was hiding something from her.
He barely interacted with her, no kisses hello or goodbye and they haven’t even slept in the same bed in a couple of weeks. Tommy rarely slept but he once told her that he found peace when he laid next to her whilst she slept but he hadn’t even been doing that. Plus the odd disappearing acts, (Y/N) didn’t know what to make of it.
The first thought that came to her was that he was cheating but she quickly dismissed that thought out of her mind, thinking he would never do that. He had told her of the number of times he had either saw or found out about his father cheating on his mouth and vowed he would never do the same to her.
They had started dating just before the war had started but they powered through the 4 years of hell and adjusted to the time after that but (Y/N) was determined to save their relationship, she was in love with Tommy and she didn’t want to leave him.
(Y/N) was on her way to Watery Lane to have lunch with Polly. The woman was like an aunt to her as well and she had been confessing her doubts to the woman who had reassured her.
(Y/N) stepped into the house before shrugging off her coat and taking a seat opposite the woman who had just placed a fresh hot cup of tea on the table for her, “Thanks, Pol. How you doing?”
“I’m fine, those blasted nephews of mine are giving me a headache but what else is new.” The older woman grouched causing (Y/N) to laugh.
“Nothing new then?” (Y/N) laughed causing Polly to smile.
“How’re your ribs doing?”
(Y/N) had been jumped a few weeks ago and was beaten pretty much black and blue, she thought she recognised a few of the attackers as members of the police force but she couldn’t be certain for sure. Tommy, Arthur and John had gone around causing havoc looking for the people who had done this but they couldn’t find them.
“They’re good now, it no longer hurts and the bruises are fading.” (Y/N) gently ran a hand over her side, remembering how she couldn’t breathe without pain and was on bedrest not so long ago.
(Y/N) spent the rest of the day with Polly, enjoying her time with the woman before she retreated to an empty home. Tommy hadn’t been home recently so (Y/N) was left alone.
A couple of months later, (Y/N) was back in the living room of the house in Watery Lane but this time she was with Ada and baby Karl. They had been in hiding since Freddie had gotten arrested but she and Polly had convinced her to come out to get some proper food.
(Y/N) was cooing over Karl who was in her arms and was chatting with Ada when Polly and Tommy suddenly stormed in, arguing in hushed voices before they stopped when they spotted her.
“You tell her Thomas or I will.” Polly threatened.
(Y/N) passed Ada her son and stood up, walking over to Polly and Tommy.
“What are you two talking about?”
“Thomas, tell her.” Polly bit out
“Polly stop.” Tommy growled
“What are you not telling me?” (Y/N) asked, frowning.
Tommy and Polly shared a look before Polly suddenly turned to her,
“Tommy cheated on you!”
(Y/N) gaped at her before turning to Tommy,
“W-what? Is that true?”
Tommy sighed and clenched his jaw before speaking,
(Y/N) let out a cry, “With who?”
“Grace. The barmaid.”
“You bastard!” (Y/N) stormed over to him and slapped him across his face, “I’ve been sitting at home staying at home all night waiting for you to get home and you were just out there cheating on me with the fucking barmaid.”
Tommy took her hand into his and held on hard so that she couldn’t rip her hand away, “I’m sorry, it was a lapse in judgement and I’ll never do it again.”
“You’re sorry? Oh, I guess that makes everything better then! You’re ridiculous!”
“Please, (Y/N). We can forget about this and move away and move on.”
“Thomas, tell her everything.” Polly cut in, her eyes burning.
“What else have you done Tommy?”
Tommy paused and bit his lip and Polly took advantage it,
“Grace, the barmaid has been spying on Tommy and the business for Campbell and she told him that you had valuable documents so he sent the men that ambushed you.”
(Y/N) stared at Polly in shock, unable to believe what she was hearing.
“(Y/N)..” Tommy reached over and tried to take her hand into his.
“Fuck off! I never want to see you again, you bastard!” (Y/N) pushed him away and he tried to reason with her, she slammed her fists against his chest several times.
“Thomas, leave. You’ve caused enough problems.” Ada spoke up then.
Tommy listened and left. (Y/N) collapsed to the floor as soon as the door closed, Polly instantly comforting her.
“Oh Polly, I can’t stay here anymore. I need to leave.” (Y/N) sobbed.
Polly looked pained but she nodded, “Of course. I’ll help you pack.”
Polly helped her up and led her home after a brief goodbye to Ada. After she packed up everything that was important to her, she and Polly walked to the station and she bought herself a ticket to London. Everything had changed only an hour ago and now she was leaving a place she called home to a new city and now she was on a train to somewhere new.
“Good luck darling. I’m sorry this happened to you.” Polly hugged her.
(Y/N) sniffled into her shoulder,
“I’ll miss you, Polly. Ada too.I’ll write to you when I settled.”
The train pulled into the platform causing them to pull apart. With one more hug and goodbye, (Y/N) stepped on to the train and found a seat, as the train slowly left the platform, (Y/N) and Polly exchanged waves.
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outerbankslut · 4 years
Sorry... Pope Heyward
Summary • After a fight between the Kooks and the Pogues you go to your friends to apologise but Pope’s not having it.
Warnings • Swearing? Maybe but I can’t remember and I cba to go back through. Mentions of violence (in the fight). If there’s anything else let me know :) JJ smoking as usual.
Word Count • 1.7k (Imagine)
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(GIF isn’t mine, let me know if it’s yours)
    THE NOISES OF the cars engine knocked you out of your daze as you drove down the paved, sweltering streets of outer banks. The houses you passed a second ago were filled with perfectly trimmed bushes, the building decked in marble and stone with backyards for miles and a pool to finish it off. Whereas the houses you passed now were smaller and wooden, looking fragile almost. Lots of the yards were messier and lazier but they didn't have personal gardeners or the time nor money to do it themselves generally. It made your heart clench as you thought about how just a mile back you were living luxuriously while people over here slaved away to earn everything they owned. They weren't handed it like you were.
You were on your way to the cut to see your friends. But not for a casual hangout. You needed to see if they were okay. After the events of the night before you couldn't be sure what happened after you left.
Rafe has been involved in a fight between all the Pogues including you. No surprise there. He’d been the instigator of it all. It had broken out just you were all planning to leave and then the Cameron boy and the rest of his country club friends came over and joined in somehow finding fun in hitting and punching people due to the entitlement blinding their eyes from the truth that they were the same. Well maybe not personality wise in any way at all. But you were all human beings and yet you were pitted against each other from the day you were born. Only some succumbed to the amounting pressure of their kook or pogue parents to stay away from the other side others realised how petty and stupid it was.
It was always like a scene from west side story when the two groups were mixed and it never ended well. It usually left you to pick up the pieces of their messes. Or any mess of your brothers really. It had always been you. You taking responsibility for anything he did. Whilst he would go disappear and sniff a few lines before making his triumphant return you would be mending what he broke or taking the blame. Being younger than him didn't help with him manipulating you as a child. Rafe broke a vase and suddenly you broke the vase. Rafe stole money from dad since he blew his allowance on coke and alcohol and instead you stole the money. It had always been that way and by now you were used to being left in the wake of your brothers tyranny.
You always felt responsible no matter what happened. The events of last night where stuck in your mind like super glue and the guilt was filling up your lungs. It wasn't your fault. But at the same time it was. You didn't stop your brother, you let your friends get hurt by him. And they must hate you. Probably wish you'd never been let into their group.
The tires of your car screeched to a halt beside the Twinkie which occupied the space outside of the chateau. It was eerily quiet until you stepped out onto the grassy and muddy ground and heard muffled laughter from inside the wooden walls of the small fish shack. You could smell the after effects of a joint wafting through the air. No doubt it was JJ.
Once you entered the chateau the small creak of the screen door was enough to gain the attention of all the Pogues who glanced up at your presence. Only then did you see what was leftover from the fight last night. Kie looked at you with a small smile but you could see the light grazing on her cheeks and her hands that held the wooden neck of a ukulele. But yet she still seemed happy to see you. And then JJ who sent you a lazy smile as he inhaled more of the joint between his bruised knuckled fingers and the smoke covered his purple and yellow and green painted face but only for a second. Then John B who held a beer in his hands but you could see the blood surrounding his split lip and small cut above his black eye.
None noticed your small frown or look of quilt swarming you except from Pope who stared intensely and lingered on the downturning of your lips as you turned and caught his gaze. You could see the small cut beneath his chin and no doubt just like the John B and JJ he accumulated bruises on his stomach or arms. But he was wearing his shirt buttoned up whereas JJ laid shirtless and John B stood with his shirt open.
It hurt you the most seeing Pope. The multiple bruises and cuts adorning his normally smooth and unharmed skin. They were because of you. When Pope moved in front of you stopping you from receiving the backhand Rafe sent your way as you berated him to stop. He was the reason you weren't hurt. And you were the reason he was hurt.
Pope looked at you oddly as you just stood there letting out a sigh.
"Y/N?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in question. When you didn't answer again he stood up and walked over to you where you stood with your hands threaded together and rubbing in anticipation. "What's wrong?"
"I-I wanted to apologise to you last night."
The rest of the Pogues had turned their attention to you, JJ even stopped smoking for a second to listen. Your eyes were down trained on the wooden flooring as you spoke. Popes furrowed brows deepened as he looked at you slightly bewildered that you thought you needed to apologise.
"I'm sorry he hurt you guys. It was all my fault and I should have stopped him but I didn't." You let out a dry chuckle. "All of you got hurt and yet I'm perfectly fine." You shook you head and sighed. "But I'm really sorry."
Despite the nice welcoming from your friends you still had the deep rooted fear they would hate you after last night but the looks on their faces held sadness or confusion rather than anger or disdain.
Pope had seen you do this before with the group. Whether it be a Pogue and Kook fight or just a small thing when he'd been around your house, like accepting responsibility when Rafe forgot to pick Wheezie up from her ballet class or the time when you'd apologised profusely for Rafes mistreatment of JJ at his job at the country club. But most of those times he'd believed it to be a small courtesy of just being related to the problem or saying it like when you say you're sorry for someone's loss but it wasn’t like that with you. At least not this time.
You were apprehensive to look up to meet his but when you did you saw the boy let out a small scoff and you were ready for him to yell at you to leave and never come back.
"God! Stop apologising for other people! You're not the shitty one!" The Heyward boy exclaimed blowing a fuse which surprised everyone when Pope was normally the calm and collected one. Not all the time. But most.
And he wasn’t angry towards you but toward Rafe and even the smallest notion that what he did laid on your shoulders. You simply blinked in his direction not sure what to say at his outburst.
"Pope—" You started saying before you were cut off by the boy throwing his hands in the air.
"No I can't take it any longer. I can't watch you blame yourself and apologise for the punches Rafe throws or the shitty things he does. He's a bad person and you are not him. I don't give a damn if he's your brother, okay? Y/N you've never done anything wrong in your life and yet you keep apologising for everything he does. It's not your fault. I'll tell you a million—scratch that a billion times if I have to."
And once again you blinked but this time blinking away the glossy liquid in your eyes hoping to clear your vision. It was a different feeling having someone tell you it wasn't your fault for once. Popes eyes stared passionately towards you as you held his stare. You felt comforted just the the deep ebony colours of his eyes that focused on you.
"I still left you guys though after. I didn't stay and help." You told them and Kiara stood quickly, abandoning the instrument on the couch and placing a hand on your arm. You felt yourself sniffling. Pope moved his hand as well but lightly placed it in your own moving his fingers over your palm in circles soothingly. Letting you know he was there. Pope and you had definitely always been the closest in the group. If you ever needed someone Pope was always there. Whether it was someone to cry on or rant to, he was always there. And he definitely cared a lot about you as you did him.
"Hey, Y/N. You still tried to help us. That’s what counts. And we get it was overwhelming. We don't have to deal with psycho brothers. No offence." Kie spoke softly and you chuckled lightly at her comment through small tears that you were quick to wipe away.
"Yeah, Rafe is his own person and technically an adult he can take responsibility for his own shit." JJ spoke as he stood from his space on the couch joined by John B behind him.
"I still don't understand how the two of you are even related."
You shrugged a small smile growing on your lips that Pope noticed. "Me and Sarah both wonder that. A lot."
They all let out small laughs before Pope pulled you in for a hug and you nestled your head into his shoulder at his warm and enticing hold. He smelt of musk with small hints of aftershave and salt water. But most of all he smelt of home. Somewhere that would always be inviting and your one true solace from the world.
Note • Got my writing mojo back, kinda. And I used a prompt for this which helped a lot as well maybe too much. But uh so funny story I said it could make a cute blurb and one thing leads to another and I’ve written 1.7k words oopsies. I rambled too much and it’s trash and it’s also 2am so forgive me. But I need help I write too much unnecessary details in my fics and it makes it so long and probably boring. Anyway it’s✨trash✨but I hope maybe you enjoyed.
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canumoveurseatup-no · 6 years
Coloring Book Adventures pt.2
Summary: Though Bucky has finished the garden, he still visits you during the day to help you color more pretty pictures. He takes you on adventures outside of your garden and you experience so much more of life and feelings you don’t know how to act upon.
Pairing: Bucky x Black!Reader
WC: 6.9K
Warnings: 18+!!! major Daddy kink, smut of course, tiny bit of anal play, masturbation, crude language, outdoor sex/ car sex, mentions of religion.
A/N: so happy so many of y’all liked CBA and asked for a part 2. It has to be my favorite smut thus far. If you enjoy please leave feedback and reblog- ESPECIALLY IF YOU ASKED TO BE TAGGED/ ASKED FOR A PART 2!
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You spent a lot of time in your garden after Bucky was finished. He was gone for a few days after he finished and you became saddened.
You parents were so in love with their garden they hadn’t even paid attention to your attitude change. You sulked around more and were profusely coloring the hell out of your coloring books.
“Thought you didn’t need them anymore?,” you mother questions.
“They’re not for urges. I’m just bored now,” and they remind me of Bucky, you thought. She just nods and hums while moving around the kitchen to get the last remains of her stuff for work. Your father always leaves before her as he has to get there early and put in more hours. Your mother just liked to take her time.
“It’s the busy season so we might be back a little late, left some money under the coffee pot for you to order something,” she kisses your cheek and grabs her purse heading out the front door.
“Be safe,” you tell her, she turns over he shoulder and smiles, “Keep everything locked up. Don’t answer the door for anyone,” 
“Yes, I know,” you nod and she shuts the door and you hear the garage door open, you wait for it to close and her to drive away before you run upstairs to your room.
You grab your hair brush and run to the bathroom to clean the handle before rushing back to your room and plopping yourself on the bed and removing your night pants. Ever since Bucky taught you this secret, you haven’t been able to keep your mind off it and let your urges build up until you couldn’t take it anymore. 
You spread your legs and find yourself slippery again. You rub your clit like he taught you and your mouth falls open in pleasure. You bite your lip and moan as your circle your hard bud,
“Oh goodness,” you sigh. You recline yourself more in bed and rub a little faster, your heels digging into the mattress, “So good,” you gasp to yourself. You take the hair brush and line it up with yourself and slowly push it in, imagining it was Bucky, though it didn’t come close. 
“O-oh!,” you curl your toes and move your hand back and forth, moaning louder when you pick up the pace and it hits deeper, “Oh yes, please!,” your eyes are screwed shut and your lip becomes tender from how hard you’re biting it.
“I-it’s so good. Feels so good!,” you start to feel that same feeling build up and you’re not sure you can bring yourself to that point. Only Bucky can and that’s because he pinned you down and made you and it felt so good. But he’s not here to do that so you start to give up.
“Keep going, baby girl,” 
Your eyes flash open and you throw the hair brush across the room with a scream. Bucky stood in the doorway with his arms crossed and a smirk. You catch your breath before your brain processes that he’s actually here! In your house!
“Bucky!!,” you jump out of bed and trip over your pants that were still around your ankles. You pick yourself up and he steps into your room to pick you up. The pants fall to the floor and you wrap your legs around his waist.
“How did you get in?,” you gasp.
“I worked here for a good while to know where you guys keep the spare key,” he smiled at you and you subconsciously started to move your hips against his clean jeans. You’ve never seen him in clean clothes, they’ve always been dirty from gardening.
“You cut your hair! I miss the scruffy Daddy,”
He chuckled at you and kissed your cheek, “Just needed a change. It will grow back,” You move your hips harder and Bucky looks down and smiles
“Guess you didn’t finish huh?,” he sat on your bed and leaned back on his arms, “Get off on Daddy, baby. Keep moving those hips like you just were,” he places his hands on your hips and moves you back and forth until you create your own rhythm. You close your eyes to focus on pleasing yourself, the rough jean material creating the perfect amount of friction on your clit. 
“I see you’ve been missing me,”
“Yes,” you whisper, grinding your hips harder. Bucky lays back and watches you get yourself off, biting his lip and smiling up at you.
“Can’t believe I caught you in the act, baby. You might want to be more careful,” his tone was teasing.
“I haven’t seen in forever,” you whine as you grab his shirt and clench it in your fist, “I missed you and so has my p- p-,”
“Pussy.. you can say it baby, you won’t get in trouble,” 
“My pussy has missed you, Daddy,” you groan as you pick up the pace, feeling that strong sensation in your lower stomach.
“Oh I’m sure it has. Daddy has missed you too. He just got busy,” He tightens his grip on your hips and moves against you when he notices you starting to slow down because you can never push yourself over the edge, “Bet you’re glad Daddy is here to help you feel better. To help you get there since you’re too helpless to do it yourself,”
You mewl at his words and gasp when he bucks up into you, “It’s happening,” you clench your jaw and your thighs shake as you finally cum again. You would never get sick of that feeling. It feels so good, you can barely describe it.
“Thank you!,” you yell as you fall against his chest. Bucky kisses your head and pulls you up to look at your pussy. Strings of your slick cum dripping from your lips onto his pants.
“Guess we gotta clean that up, don’t we?,” he flips you over and spreads your legs wide. He wastes no time attaching his lips to your pussy and moaning at your taste.
“You’re gonna make it happen again!,” you warn him. Not sure if you could even make that feeling happen again, “I dunno if I can make it happen again!,”
“I can,” he smiled and swirled his tongue around your clit, flicking faster than your mind can comprehend.He pushes two fingers in you and you spread your legs wider for him.
“I love your fingers so much!,” there’s just something about the way he moves them inside of you that has you reeling. You hold your legs and move up against his mouth. You get the instinct you hold the back of his head and push it further into your pussy so that’s exactly what you do and Bucky can’t help but be turned on by it.
You lace your fingers in his hair and tug at the roots, pushing his face deeper into your pussy and you’re have a field day. Bucky loves the fact that you’re harnessing your sexual desires and doing something about them, something that actually works.
You hear the high pitched sucking and the obscene slurping, it has your cheeks heating up in bashfulness. You got yourself so slippery, the noises are sounding all around the room.
“Oh my goodness, Daddy!,” You grab his head with your other hand and hold him still, grinding your pussy against his tongue and fingers, “Yeeesss!,” your legs are in the air, shaking and your toes are curled, eyes in the back of your head, your chest was rising and falling rapidly as Bucky made that feeling happen again, much faster than before. Your body fell limp on the bed as he licked the rest of your cum away.
He stood over you and smile, your glaze covering his lips and he licks it away with that tongue of his.
“That...,” you giggle in embarrassment, “Was amazing. Sorry I grabbed your head like that,”
“I loved it when you did that. We just made a pretty picture to add to our collection,”
You and Bucky spent all together and you were sad to watch him go before your parents got home, he paid for dinner and told you to keep the money your parents gave you, so you took it upstairs and hid it under your stack of coloring books.
“I’ll be back tomorrow and maybe we can create a different kinda picture. I’m thinking of adding more... blue,” he squinted his eyes in thought and nodded his head.
“Blue?,” you tilted your head in question.
“Don’t worry, you’ll see,” he kissed your lips and patted your on the butt, telling you to shower and get ready for bed.
“I’ll miss you,” you coo and he rubbed your cheek, “I’ll miss you too, now go before your parent’s get back,”
You stand up on your tip toes and kiss him once more before he jogs to his red pick up truck. You watch him pull out of the driveway before you shut and lock the door. 
You clean up any traces that another person was here. You put away the extra food and leave a note for your parents to tell them it was in the fridge on the bottom shelf in case they get back and hadn’t eaten yet. You leave the stove light on and run upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. 
Once you’re out the shower, face clean, teeth brushed, skin moisturized, you kneel at the end of your bed to pray before laying to rest for the night.
“Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for waking me and my loved ones up this morning and blessing us with a good day. I pray that you wash us clean of any sins we have committed and forgive us as we repent. I pray you protect us from any and all forms of evil and keep us safe in your hands. In Jesus name... amen,”
“Y/N!,” you hear your mother from downstairs and you realize you didn’t wake up on time to fix her tea and breakfast to go. You rush downstairs and see her standing there tapping her foot.
“I’m so sor-,”
“How did you not wake up? You never sleep in this late. Now I have to stop to the gas station and you know how much I hate gas station food!,” she fumed. It wasn’t even that late, it was 7:45 in the morning.
“I spent all day in the garden, running around and enjoying the sun. I guess I got heat exhausted,” it wasn’t a lie. You and Bucky had played in the garden all day and the sun was beating down on you both.
You mother seethes and tries to calm herself down by breathing slowly through her nose, “Don’t let it happen again,” she points her finger at you and snatches her purse off the counter before storming out of the door. It’s the same as always, you hear her open the garage door and speed out of the driveway and the garage door closes and you’re left alone for the day. 
Well.. not anymore, now that God has blessed you with Bucky. 
You fix yourself up for the day and wait for him. He said he wanted more blue in this picture... so maybe he meant that you should wear more blue?
You wear a blue pleated skirt and sheer tights, yellow ruffle socks and your white keds along with a yellow top that you tucked into your skirt. You sit in the mirror, and pull your hair up into one big puff and add a big blue bow. You smile at yourself in the mirror and think you look pretty cute for today’s adventures.
“Look at you,” 
You squeal again and clench your chest, “You have got to stop scaring me like thaaaat,” you whine
“Sorry, it’s cute to see you all riled up,” 
You stand up and straighten your skirt then walk over to him to greet him with a kiss.
“Our adventures tired me out so much I didn’t wake up on time to make my mother her breakfast so she’s not very happy with me right now,” you pouted and Bucky ran his thumb over your lip, pushing it back so you weren’t pouting anymore.
“You know who is very happy with you right now?,” he smiled down at you and you scrunched your face up with the biggest smile ever.
“Yooouuuu?,” eyes wide with expectancy and then confirmation when he nods his head, “Let’s go, we’re gonna go for a different kind of adventure today. The one with more blue,”
You were scared to ride in the car with someone who wasn’t your parents but you trusted Bucky and he was a safe driver so you were really worried for nothing.
He pulls up to a nice house a little bit into town and in a spread out neighborhood. He pressed a button and the garage door opens, he pulls in and shuts the door before getting out and coming to your side to help you out.
“Is this your home?,” you question as he leads you inside.
“Sure is,” he shuts the back door behind you and leads you down a long hall and he opens these double doors and you see a big pool and hot tub. 
“This is the blue,” you realized,
“You’re a smart cookie,” he boops your nose and leads you inside to the pool. He starts to undress and you look at him quizzically. He’s stark naked when he jumps into the pool and you step back squealing at the splash.
He comes up for air and smiles at you, “Come on, baby girl,” he flips his hair back, “Get in with, Daddy. I think you’ll like making this picture very much,” 
You smiled sweetly at him and start to strip. Once your shirt drops to the floor and you’re completely bare, you cover yourself up the best you can.
“Don’t hide from me, baby. I’ve already seen you. Just jump in,” he held his arms out for you. You bounce on the balls of your feet and jump into his arms, creating a big splash.
“I love swimming,” you rest your head on his shoulder and he moves backwards to sit on the in-pool bench, “My parents don’t let me swim that much though because of germs,”
“Well I can assure you I am the only one that uses this pool and I clean it frequently,” 
“Wanna race?,” 
“You’re on,”
“Told you I’d win!,” you stick your tongue out at him and he swims towards you, wrapping his lips around it, sucking it into his mouth, then putting his tongue in your mouth which then turned into you two kissing heatedly it the water.
“Ready to make another pretty picture?,” he mumbles against your lips.
He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you the side of the pool. He turns you around so that your back is against his chest and you’re facing the wall of the pool.
“You trust me, right?,” he pushes you closer to the wall and you feel a powerful stream of water hit your lower stomach.
“Yes I do,” you turn your head and look at him in his eyes while nodding.
“Great,” he swipes his arms under your legs and raises you up, spreading your legs and pushing you closer to the water jet. He puts you at an angle that hits perfectly on your clit.
“Woah!,” you shriek, legs shaking immediately, “Th-that’s really strong!,” you moan.
“But it feels good doesn’t it?,” his voice had dropped again and you love it when it does.
“Uh huh! A-almost too good. It’s strong and and... oh goodness,” your head falls back against his shoulder and you could hear him laughing in your ear. You obviously had never felt this before, Bucky’s mouth and fingers were already a lot for you to handle, now this? you were ready to explode.
“Just relax and let that feeling come to you, baby. Look at all this pretty blue for the picture,” he kisses and nips along your neck and shoulder, giving you a different kind of pleasurable feeling.
Your feet were angled on the wall and when that feeling came to you, you tried to push away but Bucky was not having it, “One of these days you’re gonna have to stop fighting the feeling, babe. I know it’s a lot since a new world has been shown to your little inexperienced pussy, but look at the way you react when you start to cum. Feel the way your little clit throbs and your walls pulse around nothing until Daddy is in you. Let that feeling take over,” 
His words had distracted you from trying to push away from the stream and you found yourself releasing again.
“Oooh my goodneeeess!,” you call out, bucking up at the water, your breath shaky and uneven, “Oh God,” your legs are shaking in his grasp and he’s just smiling at your state. He couldn’t wait to fuck you again, getting deep in it again, making you cum when you’re crying that you can’t take it.
“Lord please forgive me for using your name in vain,”
Now that makes him laugh. Out of all the things to ask forgiveness for, it’s that. Once you calm down, Bucky sets you down on the edge of the pool and rests his hands on your knees.
“All of this is making my legs sore. I believe my parents are becoming concerned with how I’ve been walking. I’ve just been telling them I hurt myself in the garden,”
“You’ll get used to it, baby,” he kissed your palms and held your hands.
“Daddy will give you a break for a few days,”
“But will I still get to see you?,” your eyes show worry and he can’t help but “awh” at your expression
“Of course, baby,”
You make sure to wake up on time to get your mother’s stuff ready for work. When you rush downstairs you see your parents speaking with Bucky. 
“Daddy?,” you ask, looking confused. Luckily your father didn’t miss a beat and answered, which made Bucky silently sigh in relief because he had to control himself from answering.
“Yes, sweetheart?,” you father answered. Your eyes get big when you realize you slipped up, but not too bad, right? 
“I-is Mr. Bucky here to do more work?,” you ask as you filled you mother’s kettle to prepare her tea and put a croissant in the toaster oven. She’s usually not up this early but here she was.
“Just here to check up on the garden and he said something about soil samples to see which ones might work better for your mother’s flowers. Nothing too big but he might be here for a couple hours. So stay out of his way, okay?,”
“Yes, sir,” you nodded and he kissed your cheek goodbye, heading out to work.
Your mother continued to talk to Bucky about how she just loves looking at the garden every morning before work and watering the flowers to watch them flourish in the morning sun.
The kettle starts to whistle and the toaster oven dings to let you know it’s done.
You fix your mother’s tea in her to-go mug and put some almond butter on her croissant, “Early morning, so thank you for waking up on time. Stay out of Mr. Bucky’s way like your father said,”
“Yes ma’am,” she kisses your cheek and rushes out as well, just leaving you and Bucky.
“Quite the slip up you had there, baby doll,” he tsks. 
“I apologize. I-I just didn’t expect to see you here. I got worried,” 
He boops your nose and smiles, “It’s okay. Just don’t let it happen again okay?,”
You tiredly nod and Bucky notices, “You still sleepy, baby?,”
“Mhm,” you hum, “Kept thinking about you and couldn’t sleep. Then when I did, it was time to get up and get mother’s breakfast ready,”
Bucky took your hand and led you to your room, he kicked off his shoes and laid down in the bed, pulling you on top of him, “Get some sleep,” he whispers.
Your head rested on his chest and his thumb rubbed up and down your cheek, he hums you a tune as he gets you both under the covers to keep you warm, “I’ll wake you in a few hours,”
“Okay. Thank you,” you yawn and your eyes flutter close.
Bucky takes in the scent of your bed and wonders how he never noticed the smell before.
It smelled like almonds, fresh air and essential oils. It was a soft scent that overtook his sense of smell and he loved it. It was a smell he could lie in forever.
“Daddy,” you mumbled. When he asked you what was up and you didn’t reply, he figured you were sleep talking.
“Thank you so... much for wanting me...,” you whisper but Bucky can hear it, 
“A-and being patient with... me and t-teaching me,” you were having a whole conversation in your sleep and didn’t know it.
“And liking me enough to color pretty pictures with me,”
“Wake up, baby doll,” he shakes you awake and you sit up off his chest to see a big wet spot and you wipe your mouth in embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry,” you slur sleepily,
“It’s alright, baby. I didn’t want you to sleep for too long or else you would be up all night again,” he sits up with you and kisses your forehead.
“Lets get you cleaned up and you can sit with me in the garden, how’s that sound?,”
You wake up fully at the mention of the garden. You loved that garden. It meant so much to you and to spend time with him in the garden? Even better!
You rushed out of bed and washed your face, brushed your teeth and got dressed in something simple to just lounge in the garden in.
Bucky went to his truck to get the different types of soil for your mother’s flowers and you sat and watched him, coloring in a coloring book. Not for its original reason, but just because now. 
Bucky worked for a good two hours before coming up to you to see what you were coloring. You were coloring a pretty cabin surrounded by trees and green leaves.
“You know,” Bucky takes off his gloves and wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans.
“I want our next picture to have more nature-y and mute colors. What do you think?,”
You smile up at him and nod with a big smile on your face, “I think that’s a good idea,”
You hadn’t seen Bucky for a few more days because he was out on a job and you understood, but you missed him. It was easy to miss him. You missed him beyond your coloring book adventures. You missed the way he would talk to you and laugh with you. You missed the way he taught you about the outside world and how things work. How he helped you up your vocabulary. His presence was a blessing and you missed him. You couldn’t wait to see him again.
Bucky missed you just as much if not more. He missed you beyond the coloring book adventures. He missed your smile and your innocent giggle when you didn’t get one of his jokes and he had to explain it to you. He missed that confused frown you made when you tilted your head as he taught you something new. He missed the way your lips moved when you tried to say a new word he taught you and messed up the pronunciation. You were a blessing to him and he missed you so much. He couldn’t wait to see you again.
He did his best to make this job go by fast but the customers kept changing their minds before they were a thousand percent sure about their selection. 
He wished he could talk to you throughout the day. He’d have to work on getting you a phone or something because Jesus... it was 2019, how do you not have a phone?
After days of busting his ass, he was finished and they were beyond happy with his work, paying him more than the set price. Bucky had a gift. He knew how to work with his mind and his hands. He truly was blessed with a green thumb, a love for design and great working hands and here he is, making a career out of it, that was flexible. 
Bucky went home that night, took a hot shower and all, yet he couldn’t think of anything but you. He couldn’t wait until you could officially be his because now, this was more than just sex to him. At first it was a game to see if he could get you, with your parents being bible thumpers and all. Now he wants to actually keep you for reasons beyond sex. You two created a bond and it was one he didn’t want to break.
You sat on your bed, coloring yet again, now you simply did it when you missed Bucky which was pretty much every second of the day so you stayed couped up in your room all day, just coloring. You couldn’t wait until he was done with this recent project so you can see your favorite person again.
Another day of you handing your mother her stupid tea and croissant, she plants that silly kiss on your head and rushes out that dumb door. Another day of not knowing if you’d see Bucky which made you sad.
You fixed yourself breakfast and sat at the island, eating and coloring. You focus on coloring the thin line pink when you heard the front door open, you lift your head and see Bucky come in, you can’t even contain your excitement which causes you to fall out of the chair on your butt, but you were too happy to care.
“Bucky!,” you scream and run to him
“Baby doll!,” he held his arms open and you jump into them, he spins you around and kisses all over your face, making you shy away from him. You attack his face with kisses just like he did yours and you two just stand there in comfortable silence.
“I missed you so much,” now he pouts and it’s a cute sight to see because Bucky never pouts. 
“I missed you more,”
“Impossible,” he counters and you two go back and forth about who missed who more. He sets you down and kisses you properly on your lips. He kisses you so powerfully, it takes your breath away and makes you dizzy.
“O-okay maybe you did miss me more,” 
He takes your hand and swings it back and forth, “Get ready. Wear something pretty and green,” 
You rush upstairs and get ready for the day in a hurry. You were so happy to have him back and couldn’t wait for the day ahead of you.
When you were finished showering, you moisturized your body up and picked something pretty and green like he asked. You wore a pretty green surplice wrap dress with a pair of white converse and green butterfly clips in your hair. 
You ran down the steps and he was standing at the sliding glass door, looking out into the garden, admiring his work.
“I’m ready!,” you jump up and down and he tries his best to keep his eyes from staring at your chest but he can’t help it. 
He plays with his keys in his hands and walks to stand over you, “I think of all the pictures we’ve made, you’re gonna like this one the most,”
You weren’t quite sure where you were going but you decided not to ask questions. It was supposed to me a surprise after all.
You bopped your head to the music that played in his truck as he drove you deep into a forest with a big lake. He backed into place where you two had a perfect view at the sun shining over the lake, but only if you looked over your shoulder.
He got out and came over to your side to help you out and around the back of his truck. He opened the hood to the bed of his truck and there was a pretty floral comforter with a big woven basket. He came behind you and lifted you up into the bed as you squealed in surprise. He climbed in after you and opened the basket, revealing food and drinks.
“A picnic!,” you gasp happily, “I’ve never been on a picnic!,” you excitedly clap your hands and Bucky just smiles at you.
“Me neither. But I figured a special girl like you deserves a special day, especially after I’ve been missing because of work,” he pours you a drink in a cup and you eye it suspiciously
“I’m not of age to drink yet. One more year,” 
Bucky laughs at you and shakes his head, “It’s sparkling cider, no alcohol or anything,” he assures you and you slowly bring the cup to your mouth and hum at the taste.
He pulls out your favorite lunch food and desert, “How’d you know?,” 
“You talk a lot in your sleep, baby doll,” 
Your face heats up in embarrassment and though he can’t see it, he knows, “It’s actually quite cute, nothing to be embarrassed about,”
He hands you a Tupperware container of food and you say grace over the food and thank God and Bucky as well for putting something together specifically for you.
Bucky just watches as you close your eyes to pray and watches the way your lips move in a whisper as you thank the highest heavens for blessing you with someone like Bucky and he blushes himself.
“Amen,” you mumble and inhale happily, ready to dig in. Bucky prays himself, which he rarely ever does but you had that effect on him and he just had to thank God for you.
You two eat in comfortable silence as you stare out at the lake, watching the geese swim and the birds fly into the trees, you blow three kisses when you see a red bird and Bucky raises a brow in question.
“My mother told me whenever you see a red bird you should blow a kiss to it because it means your sweetheart will appear in your life soon... I’m sure I found him already. But when you blow three while it’s flying, it will grant you a wish, and my wish is to keep you,” you turn your head to look at him and find him smiling really big.
“I’m here to stay, whether you blow three kisses to a cardinal or not, baby doll,” he leans over to kiss you on your cheek and you shy away from him. You feel butterflies in your stomach and you can’t tell if it’s because you’re full or because of Bucky’s words.
You two finish eating and he gives you another container with desert.
“How do your parents feel about dating?,”
“Mm, I don’t really know. I don’t even go out much for me to have found anyone,” you shrug, “But they say ‘when the time is right, God will bring you the right man’ and I think they’re right,” you take another sip of your drink as you eat slowly.
“You think they’ll be okay if we tell them we like each other? but leave the whole premarital sex out of it?,” Bucky leans on his side as he eats his desert.
“They might be overprotective. But they already like you so I don’t see why not,” you set your container to the side and take his from him
“Hey, I wasn’t done,” he chuckles as you climb on him to straddle his waist.
“But I was and I think making the picture right now is a little more enticing than finishing our food,” 
He raises his brows at you, surprised you’re taking the reins on this one, “O-okay,” he nods and you lean down to kiss him, softly.
His hands trail up and down your thighs as your tongue pushes into his mouth to move against his. He plays with the hem of your panties and you raise up to remove them yourself. You untie the bow on your dress and your bare chest is on display, causing Bucky to curse under his breath.
“You’re so beautiful, baby doll,” he moves you forward so that your pussy is right above his face.
“I don’t want to crush you,” you hesitate
“I’m a big man. I got this, now sit that pretty little pussy in Daddy’s mouth,” his tone was stern which made you comply. He holds your ass cheeks as he buries his tongue in your pussy, making you thread your fingers through his hair.
“Y-yes,” you whisper, you start to move a bit and Bucky encourages it. You start to ride his face and his lips encircle your clit, sucking on it like a straw in a thick milkshake and your head falls backwards.
“Yes, Daddy!,” 
His tongue moves faster and he sucks harder, slurping louder and you feel yourself coming to the edge. He moans and shakes his head side to side as he eats you out more intensely, your thighs beginning to feel like jelly.
“O-oh God!,” you stare down at him to find him staring back up at you, eyes boring into your soul and you’re easily captivated.
“It’s happening,” your face scrunched up in pleasure and you grind down on his face, chasing the feeling until you catch it and it takes over your body. Shaking above him and whining as you come down. 
“You’re so adorable when you cum,” he smiles back at you. You smirk and move yourself in between his legs. 
“My turn,” you unbuckle his belt and find him hard and ready for you. As you pull him out of his boxers, you see his tip red and dripping. You wrap your lips around him and hear him hissing in pleasure. You swirl your tongue around the head and work your way down, bobbing your head just like the first time.
“Just like that, baby. You’re doing so good,” his jaw is clenched and he raises his head to look down at you. Your eyes closed as you put your all into pleasing him just as much as he’s pleased you. His mouth is in an “o” shape as he moved his hips up.
“God, Y/N” he grunted, “So fucking hot with my cock in your mouth, taking me so well,” 
His words pushed you to go faster and take him deeper, you feel him tense under you as you start to slurp around his girth. The sounds take over the silence in the quiet forest and Bucky feels himself about to bust until he removes you from him. He’s panting and smiling at your improvement. 
Bucky pulls you on top and lines himself up with your soaking heat, pushing in slowly, knowing you still need to get used to him. Once you’ve completely sunk down on him, you both throw your heads backs at the feeling of each other, just like the first time. Your walls hug him in so perfectly it’s as if he never fucked you to begin with. 
With you on top it feels like he’s in your stomach so you take a minute to adjust. 
“Take your time, baby,” he rubs your clit to soothe you and you start rocking your hips, making him groan under his breath at your actions
“You feel so much deeper his way,” you tell him, looking down at him with wide eyes.
“I know, baby. Just go slow until you’re ready,” his voice is strained as you clench around him. He helps you move up and down and you finally get the hang of it yourself, slowing moving your ass up and down on him.
“B-Bucky... Daddy,” you whimper as he hits your special spot. You feel so full and you love it. You start to move faster when you adjust and Bucky is hypnotized by your bouncing breasts and your moans. He wraps his hand around your throat and brings you down to him, kissing the life out of you.
“You’re riding Daddy’s cock so good, Y/N. Fuck,” he cursed against your lips, taking one of your nipples in his mouth.
“Yes!,” your voice echoes into the forest and you move faster. Bucky takes your ass in his hands and fucks up into you, the momentum of you both moving made it feel like he was getting deeper each time. Your mouth hung open and your eyes rolled in the back of your head.
“Oh God, yes!,” Bucky becomes more vocal when he feels your juices running down his balls and onto his thighs, “Such a messy girl,” he takes a deep breath and pulls you off of him and flips your over onto your hand and knees.
“Arch that back, baby,” he pushes down on your back a bit before re entering you and just when you thought he’d been deep enough, you feel like he’s gone even deeper.
“Oh my..,” you stare out into the lake and watch the beautiful scene shine back at you. He was right, you liked this picture a lot more than the others. In fact, you loved it.
He hisses as he thrusts deep, feeling your walls tighten around him. He watches your pussy take him from the back and watches how you make a lovely mess on his dick when he gets an idea. He notices your lonely puckered hole and how it’s not receiving any attention. He sucks on his thumb and collects some saliva before spreading it all over your little hole. You whimper at the feeling and a deep groan resonates within you as you feel him push is thumb in. 
“Daddy!,” you’re surprised by the intrusion but the way he moved his finger had you moaning even louder.
You used to play with it yourself a little, thinking you would remain holy if you did but your parents told you it was dirty and bad either way. Now Bucky was pretty much saying it was dirty and good.
“Look at you all full. Such a dirty girl,” he pounds into you from behind and you grip the comforter under you and watch as the water shines back up at you. You feel the truck rock back and forth under you and try to brace yourself to no avail.
“Such a pretty sight while Daddy is deep inside you isn’t it?,” 
“Y-yes!,” you drop your head on the blanket and curl your toes as he starts stroking slow, antagonizing you, “N-no no, faster please. I need it!,” 
Bucky pulled out once again and flipped you on your back, entering and you take hold of his shirt. You loved this position because you felt so much closer to him, you could look into his eyes and see how he wanted this just as much as you. You loved the blissed out look on his face as he felt pleasure as well. You loved looking down and seeing him move in and out of you.
“Mmm, I can feel it!,” 
Knowing what you were talking about, he went harder and his head fell in the crook of our neck, trying so hard not to leave marks because he doesn’t want you to get in trouble with your parents.
“Cum around me, baby. Cum for your Daddy,” his voice was gruff and strangled in your ear but it was gasoline to your flame, “You can be as loud as you want, it’s just us,”
“BUCKY!,” you scream and wrap your legs around his waist tightly as you finally release around him, “Oh my.. God!,” you exasperate. You’re panting and whining under him as he keeps going, chasing his own high.
“Fuck, baby doll,” he pulls out and thrusts into his hand, cumming on your pubic mound and you admire the way his white cum adorns your brown skin.
He wipes the sweat off his forehead and leans above you, kissing you slowly as you catch your breaths.
“Thank you so much. For everything,” you run your hands against the scruff on his cheeks and kiss him once more. 
“I should be the one thanking you,”
After a day of admiring and fornicating in nature, Bucky returns you home but this time he stays with you because you both agreed on telling your parents how you’ve been seeing him and damn them if they have a problem. 
You two clean yourselves up and wait on the couch for them to walk in the house. You hear the garage door open and you tightly grip his hand in nervousness. 
“It’s okay. I’m here for you, if they have a problem, you can always runaway and stay with me,” 
And while anyone might be against the idea of ‘running away’ it sounded appealing to you.
Your parents walk into the house and see you and Bucky holding hands. They frown, confusion written all over their faces. 
“What is going on here?,” your father questions.
Bucky turns to look at you before taking a deep breath and standing up, wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans. Bucky was never good with parents, that’s why he rarely dated. But you were different. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N... Y/N and I would like to tell you something,”
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Part two was in high demand, which is why I pushed it forward. Please leave feedback and reblog!
Tags- @babybubastis @mbaku-babygirl @chonisberonica @majikmelanin @blackreaders-assemble @mirajanestrauss1999 @vozit @blowmymbackout @spideys-wife @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @curlyhairclub @mokacoconut @yournonlocalpoc @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @fromlia-withlove @crawlingnightmares @sideeffectsofyou @misstoryunfolded @scarletlingeries @whothehellisbinky @dirtytomatoed @therosesanctuary @lokislilslut @twisted-melody11 @jordyns-library @kamaroon @dylan5573 
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aliens-and-plumbobs · 6 years
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I thought it’d be cool to share the list of questions I work from when I’m developing characters for my screenplays irl. I adapted the questions for sims and I hope someone finds them useful. also u can tag ur friends to do this if u want but I cba.
SIM OC QUESTIONS (50) by: cassgoths
sim’s name: Nora Penelope Martons
how old is your sim? Young adult but I’d say she’s around 38.
when is your sim’s birthday? She was born in the fall.
what is your sim’s zodiac sign? I imagine she’d be a Virgo.
what is your sim’s ethnicity? Her grandfather was half black and half white, Her grandmother was a super light-skinned red-headed girl, So she’s about 10% Black and the rest is a mix of whatever her other grandparents were lol.
does your sim have any nicknames? Her mom called her Nory when she was little.
do they have a job? if so what is it? Scientist of course, specifically Pioneer of New Technologies. She dreams of becoming the Extraterrestrial Explorer. She’s getting close lol
where does your sim live? Willow Creek! Her mom used to live in Brindleton Bay when she was younger but she wanted a place completely new. The family has just loved it and never had a desire to move.
who does your sim live with? Her mother, Destiney Martons and Gen 1 Heir. Her husband, Devon Martons Her eldest child, Diana Martons, named after her grandmother. Her twin boys Dekker and Deion And the youngest Dorian. And of course we can’t forget their adorable French Bulldog Bean. ♥
what environment did your sims grow up in? (i.e strict, loving, cold etc.) She grew up in a very loving environment. Her parents were a little more traditional but they tried to let their kids thrive as much as possible.
what are your sim’s favourite foods? Veggies, fruit, and TOFU. She is strictly vegetarian and won’t let you forget it. For moral reasons of course, but she can not forget what she learned about meat from science class.
what is your sim’s favourite drink? She’s not a huge drinker but give her a Juice on the Rocks and she’ll be happy.
if they have one what is your sim’s favourite colour? Lighter blue and yellow, ALWAYS. You can’t escape them.
does your sim believe in any cliches? (i.e love at first sight) No, she’s very much a woman of science. She’d love to believe in those things but she just has too much of a logical brain. She does love her husband and family very much.
what is your sim’s sexuality? She is straight, although she had a small crush on her best friend Scarlet that lasted like 3 minutes when they were teens. Scarlet’s very charming though haha.
what is your sim’s gender identity? She identifies as a cis woman. But she’s supportive of all people. She actually helped her sister Sebrina come out to their mom that she was transgender. She has always been this way. ♥
is your sim type a or type b? Definitely A, shes ALWAYS working (and she loves it)
is your sim introverted or extroverted? Shes more of an Ambivert. She likes being social but she definitely enjoys her alone time too.
is your sim neurotypical or neurodivergent? Neurotypical
is your sim a pet person? if so what is their favourite animal? She definitely is a pet person, just more of a single pet person than multiple like her mom. She also likes fish, bugs, and frogs but those are mostly for science lol
does your sim have a best friend? Yes her name is Scarlet Goth, daughter of Cassandra Goth (who happens to be her mom’s best friend)
what is (/was) your sim’s favourite school subject? Obviously science. Couldn’t keep her away if they wanted to
is/was your sim a high, mid or low achiever in school? High achiever, 1000% She had the best grades throughout all of her school days.
are they planning to go or have they already been to college? if so, what would be or what was their major? They haven’t been to college but if there was any near them she totally would have. Being the heir of a legacy has certain restrictions and responsibilities she couldn’t keep from.
what are your sims political beliefs? (if they have them) She’d definitely be a libral. Equality is very important to her.
what is one thing your sims wants to do before they die? Visit an alien planet. She has been abducted 3 times now and only has very vague memories of each time but one day she wants to go to their planet.
does your sim have a favourite tv show (cable) and/or movie? She’s not much of a TV viewer actually. She’d rather collect things.
is your sim a netflix viewer? if so what are their top 3 shows. IF she was she’d be watching documentaries or shows like Ancient Aliens or something like that. Haha
does your sim like books? if so what’s their favourite one? Sciene Science Science. She also read a lot of her grandmother’s books.
does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favourite one and do they play on pc or console? YES she has been obsessed with video games since she could play them. But honestly she plays them all.
what is your sim’s personal style? Mom???
does your sim have a lucky charm? She carries crystals in her pockets because she believes in their mystical properties. (And that they are absolutely backed up by science not magic) lol
is your sim religious? She believe’s there’s a Watcher of some sort. If Aliens can exist, why can’t that? But I wouldnt call her religious.
what kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favourite artist? She sort of listens to anything, no preferences really. Shes usually too busy working to care.
is your sim a festive person? if so what’s their favourite holiday? Spooky day is her favorite but she feels a bit of responsibility to make sure her home is always open to partying with the whole family on holidays.
what is your sim’s favourite type of weather? RAIN
does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them? She prefers to avoid them completely, or stop them if its her kids fighting lol
does your sim have a dream job? Extraterrestrial Explorer, as stated before. :D
does your sim have any siblings? She’s the oldest Then Sebrina was born Then Harlow And finally the youngest and only brother, Vander.
does your sim get along with their family? She’s had it rough with Diana being rebellious but mostly yes.
what is your sims favourite hobby? Collecting everything Bugs, Rocks, Fossils, Elements, MySims, Crystals, Snow globes. You name it, she has it
what does your sim look for in a romantic partner? Someone who doesnt mind she’s a workaholic, and also someone who was willing to wait for her to get married because she didnt want to right away.
what is a secret about your sim? She wants one more baby, but she doesnt know if she should have one so late in life.
what is a wish your sim has? She wants another daughter
what is a flaw your sim has? I personally think shes too hard on Diana, she has high expectations and focuses on that instead of letting her be a kid while she still can.
how do others generally perceive your sim? They would never think of her as a family person judging by her line of work but she really is.
Does your sim have a greatest achievement? If so what is it? Being abducted by aliens probably.
If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? Not getting her dad to Selvadorada before he passed away. She really wanted him to see it one last time.
does your sim have a favourite emoji? 👾🤓
does your sim use simstagram? if so what’s their @? @Martons_Legacy Her mom used to run it but she’s taking over. (Soon)
what is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text)?
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