#i could go into like. roppi and tsukishima and what could cause THEIR rivalry
out of all the izaya alternates, i think my favorite and the most interesting one (tho i Am biased) is hachimenroppi
and like, its just interesting to think how you could take this theoretical character- and what if roppi was the same as izaya on the surface, but also not?
he does the same things but with different motives behind it- rather than izaya, who worries about nonexistence, roppi worries most about legacy and importance, hence he does want to cause the three way gang war and die in it, but as a way to ensure that he's going to be remembered for a long, long time. and unlike izaya, roppi DOES call this act a suicide- he doesnt shy away from the concrpt of death. he finds humans stupid, annoying, and beneath him- which is why he toys with them! he likes to see the silly, irrational ways humans deal with stimuli, as opposed to himself, whos totallly logical and rational all the time. toooooootally.
izaya, i think, embodies anxiety- his whole arc, at its core, stems from thanatophobia. when someone pokes a hole in his armor, he tries to either forget about or rationalize it. his leitmotif is LITERALLY called "he's such a coward that he can laugh." roppi is commonly portrayed as misanthropic and suicidal- so he clearly embodies depression as a contrast to izaya. but that doesnt mean they DONT have traits of the other! izaya is well aware of his own anxiety, but denies his own lonliness and possible suicidality. it would be very interesting if roppi was well aware of his depression, but denied his anxiois traits.
and then itd be super cool if they met somehow- perhaps a suicide pact? who knows!!! idk lmao just some thoughts
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