#i could go into more detail but I won’t bc I’m on mobile and idk how to do the read more option
angelshadowsinger · 7 months
Hi, Angel!💗 I was wondering if you could please share where you learned how to create your masterlist, and profile layout, and how did you upload your dividers without it looking weird? I’m newish to Tumblr and I’m getting a little frustrated because I’m having trouble figuring it out.💗
hii sweetest! yes, of course I can give you some pointers. first of all, welcome to tumblr authorhood!! may you receive many comments and find infinite motivation~
for me, I suppose I’m “self-taught”? but isn’t everyone on this app? lol. actually, I’ve been sharing fic on tumblr for… idk, 8 years on and off ?? omg that’s wild. but yeah, I’ve definitely learned some stuff along the way., here are my key takeaways:
(general) promote interaction:
there’s a couple things I do to try to improve the number of notes I receive on my posts, but there’s also a few things I try my best to do in order to improve my readers’ experience. first, I use tags on every post I publish. I have a tag for asks, for my fics, for my fic recs, etc. This makes it easier for a potential follower to go through with following you even if they don’t like 100% of your content, bc they can always blacklist the tag and they won’t have to see any of those posts. second, use links so that your readers can easily look through your stuff. a masterlist is KEY here as it’s the gateway for all your fics, but also, general navigation, or even linking your masterlist at the end of your fics can be beneficial too. I find it’s also really important to have links in your bio. this makes it way more approachable for any followers and it’s honestly nice to have for your own purposes as well. the only thing about that is, you have to make the links for your bio on the computer version of tumblr when you’re editing your blog. it cannot be mobile, something about it just won’t work. i can go into further detail on how to get those bio links but tbh i just looked it up on google 5yrs ago and it’s stayed the same since then lol~
obviously my blog doesnt have a “theme” theme when you visit it on computer, but i mean theme as in, all your navigation/general/fic posts are cohesive and they look like they belong on the same blog. you can achieve this by using the same fonts, text symbols (or emojis…. i guess. personally, side eye…), or dividers.
so beyond the 3 fonts tumblr has in its posting formatting, i personally like to use copy paste fonts. they still work with embedding links and stuff as well. i like to use a font generator, where you type in whatever you’d like and it converts it for you. then you can just copy & paste.
text symbols:
these are a good for borders and dividers, or just generally spicing up your bio/navigation. i usually google “text symbols copy paste”, and browse through the results.
when you’d like to use a photo divider on your blog, make sure it is a very skinny PNG file. PNG means it has a transparent background, so it will be more cohesive for your readers on regular white posts and also dark mode posts. I actually designed my own PNG divider (Azriel’s siphon of course hehe) on my iPad on ProCreate, but I know there’s a lot of blogs that make them and share them, which you can use so long as you give proper credits. that’s another thing that’s important— always make sure to credit others if you’re using work that isn’t yours!
most importantly, I recommend always TESTING these methods!! make sure to double check that all your links work, that the symbol you choose doesn’t become an emoji when you paste, that the font is all set. there’s a lot of trial and error involved in making your blog just right :) hope this helps & good luck anon!!
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vespiiqueen · 3 years
Reasons why I think Genshin Impact is the next Homestuck, a number eval ‘essay’ from someone in both fandoms:
1. It’s going to be a very long wait for the final product. Homestuck was released in 2009 and continued until 2016/17, and still has a sequel in the works. Genshin will also take years to finish all the way like the devs are hoping to achieve with the entire Teyvat map (and then some) being coded into the game.
2. Multi-universal. Homestuck has ties with Problem Sleuth, ICP, Guy Feriariaririririe, and Betty Crocker (maybe more I don’t remember). Genshin has ties to the Honkai Impact games/universe, including many similarities in names and symbols (ie, there is a Raiden Shogun in both universes that strangely look very alike).
3. Overarching plots that can be summarized with a very easy sentence, but has so much shit happening between point A and point B, that the one sentence summary simply will not explain the plot. For example, Homestuck is about a gang of kids who play a video game that destroys the world and has to make a new one. Genshin is about the chosen Traveler going to find their sibling. These sound like very easy explanations— but it’s not. There is so much more inbetween those points, and I could go into more detail but but I won’t. I must stop myself :”)
4. Zodiacs. Every character is linked to a constellation/zodiac in many ways. HS: zodiacs can determine the alien species’s (trolls) blood color, lunar sway, aspect type, what symbol they have for themself, or even how they act. Trolls also have a whole hemospectrum based hierarchy, also centered around their zodiac/extended zodiac. GI: the characters are all represented by a zodiac within the genshin universe, unlike how trolls are based on our zodiacs. I don’t think this ties with much besides simply what the character symbolizes lol.
6. They’re very fucking long and take forever to complete. Homestuck can take probably a whole ass month to read all the way, IF you’re a fast reader and IF you don’t read all the dialogue. It can probably take a lot longer for people who don’t read as fast OR for people who actually take time to indulge in the details. Genshin can, obviously, take forever to get to the current endgame until the next update for a new area/quests. It’s not even all the way done yet. For example, a normal main questline in Skyrim would take at least 2/3 hours to complete all in one sitting, and if you don’t cheat your way through (like with console commands or simple walk through walls [tower of mzart]). Genshin takes literally a few irl days to complete a single questline, or more than the two hours by far. For some, the constant grind (if you’re a new player) to have to complete the questlines can get super boring. It was/is for me.
7. Some strange ass obsession with the Fergilicious song.
8. Cosplayers can and will go straight into public and not have a care in the world. I wish I had the confidence to go into a random Walmart in cosplay around a bunch of old people who have zero idea on cosplay or LARPing.
9. Twitter hates them both. Understandably.
10. Both fandoms can be toxic as hell. No, really. I’m not kidding. They can both very toxic, racist, ableist, sexist, or even lgbtq+—phobic (used as a broad term for transphobic, homophobic, acephobic, etc). That isn’t to say I haven’t met some rly nice people in both fandoms that I’m still friends with!! But the toxic part is the majority, where they think their singular opinion is the only one (HS fandom vs Vriska; GI fandom vs Childe or even Honkai itself lol), and it will be what kills Genshin (and has unpopularized Homestuck to the point of being considered dead).
11. Hot women that’s actually evil ( la signora, )-(IC )
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Miracles -- Part 3
07/04/2021: Here it is!! The one, the only, the... 6.1k words of purely self indulgent protective!Jacob (lowkey been doing it for everyone and their mother except for when with the reader and idk why bc i dig that shit too)
I really hope you guys enjoy this, because I loved writing it!! There's a chance I could sneak in a last chapter if people wanted that? Feedback would be greatly appreciated!! This is super long, so sit down and get comfy :)
Pry these commas from my cold, dead hands tho. Also, I HC Jacob to be predominantly left-handed, but that's just me aha.
Warnings: Bit of violence, swearing, corporal punishment, arson (without giving too much away)
Tagging: @marshmallow--3 // @missingfrye // @ct-5445 // @iceboundstar // @rahdaleigh // @pink-polarfox // @b3k1720 // @itseivwhore // @sofiewithat // @missbenzayb
Assassin's Creed Mobile Masterlist
Red Dead Redemption 2 Mobile Masterlist
Part 1 HERE, Part 2 HERE
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The night was cold.
You retreated further under the blankets, turning to rest your head on your beloved’s chest. You wore an oversized shirt, and he wore a loose pair of breeches. His arm pulled you closer, fingers stroking your bicep. In turn, you traced the Rook painted on his chest. “Jacob?”
He turned to gaze down at you, lips inches from your forehead. “Yes, my love?”
“My family have written to me; they would like me to visit them in Warwick.”
“Your family lives quite far,” Jacob remarked, smiling adoringly at you. “Will you and Lily be alright travelling by yourselves?”
You sighed. “That’s the problem.” Sitting up, you gently grasped Jacob’s hand, playing with his fingers. “They don’t know that Lily exists, and I have no chance of telling them that I have a child without the status of ‘wife’.”
“I see…” Jacob watched you trace the lines on his hand. “Is there anything I can do?”
Propose, you idiot.
“Could you look after Lily while I’m away?”
“On my own?” His fingers tightened around yours.
“I trust you with her, Jacob. You’re the only one I can trust her with.”
He sucked in a breath. “Are you sure?”
“Stop doubting yourself.” You kissed his temple. “Besides, she adores you; she’ll listen to you.”
“Alright then. It’s decided.”
“Thank you, my love. However can I make it up to you?”
Sensing the humour in your tone, Jacob winked. “I can think of a few things.”
You laughed to yourself as you blew out your candle, the darkness enveloping the room as you pulled yourself closer to Jacob, the security of his arms lulling you to sleep.
Before you knew it, you were packing a carriage with your luggage, setting off for the journey ahead. Jacob was standing in the doorway of your house, Lily resting on his hip. “Mama, do you have to go?”
“Sweetheart, if I don’t, then horrible Aunt Susan will come marching all the way down here herself, and we don’t want that, do we?” Lily shook her head, giggling.
“She’s not the only one who’s going to miss you.” Jacob wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. Smiling, he dipped his head to lock his lips with yours.
The both of you pulled apart, chuckling.
“Well, I best be going. Don’t get into any trouble; I know what you both are like unsupervised.”
Sharing mischievous looks, they began to wave as you got into the carriage.
“Bye, Mama!”
“Safe travels, my love!”
You watched as they recede from view, the picture of your perfect family playing in your mind as hooves against cobblestone played in your ears.
As soon as the carriage turned the corner, Jacob turned to Lily. “What do you fancy doing?”
Lily giggled. “I have school!”
Jacob mockingly rolled his eyes. “That is the worst answer I’ve ever heard.”
“Are you saying I can skip?”
As much as he’d want to say yes, you would have punted him six ways from Sunday. “‘fraid not, love.” He took her inside. “But I can promise that afterwards, I’ll take you to get iced cream.” Lily cheered in victory before she hopped down, scurrying to collect her things for the day ahead.
Jacob walked Lily to school that morning, keeping her on his left and away from the curb. He grasped her hand firmly, lest she get lost in the rushing crowd. When he approached the building, he saw various parents saying goodbye to their children, as well as some children arriving on their own.
He knelt down to her height, tidying her windswept appearance with a reassuring grin. “You have a good day, alright?”
Smiling widely, she nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Papa.”
Wait, what?
Jacob’s breath caught in his throat. Lost for words, he kissed her head and returned the hug tenfold. “I love you, angel.”
“Love you too!”
The bell rang moments after, causing Lily to pull away. “Don’t be late!” Waving, she ran to catch up with her friends and disappeared into the building. Standing up, Jacob cleared his throat and tugged on his waistcoat to compose himself, though he could barely stifle his grin. The warmth in his heart engulfed his chest. He walked past the rest of the parents as if he were walking on clouds, his happiness fixed for the day.
“What’s got you in such a good mood today?” Evie asked her brother, watching incredulously as she found him tidying his train carriage.
“Oh, nothing.” Although his tone was dismissive, his face told a completely different story.
“Did you… have a good night?”
“Oh, no.” Chuckling, he sifted through the papers on his desk. “Y/N’s headed to Warwick.”
Puzzled, Evie tilted her head. “Free beer?”
“Nope.” He popped the ‘P’.
“Come on, then; what is it? You can’t expect me to keep guessing forever.”
Restraining himself from jumping for joy, he turned to his sister. “Lily called me ‘Papa’.”
Evie’s face lit up. “Oh, Jacob, that’s lovely! Does this mean you’ll…” She mimicked opening a ring box.
Blushing, he nodded, a toothy grin plastered on his face. “I’m excited, Evie. I… I need to sit down.”
He leaned back on the sofa, tossing his hat beside him. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed. “Are you alright?” Evie took a chair to sit opposite him.
“I… I’ve never felt this much joy in my life.”
“Jacob Frye, you’re practically speechless.”
“Don’t get used to it.”
“You have to buy the rings before Y/N comes back.”
“I will. Maybe Lily will want to come with me. Not yet, though; I don’t want to spring the news on her immediately.”
Evie began to talk about the type of engagement ring you would find the most appealing, but Jacob had all but zoned out. He was fidgeting with the iron band on his right index finger, engraved on the inside with the Assassin’s Insignia. Barely thinking, he removed it and switched hands, sliding it on his ring finger.
He was going to get married. You were going to be his wife.
“What if she doesn’t say ‘yes’?” A sudden anxiety clutched his heart as he looked up in worry.
Evie was stunned into silence. “What are you talking about?! Of course she’s going to say yes!”
“She has a child to think about; what if she doesn’t want to get married at all?”
“Jacob,” she sighed. “She knows you’d do anything for Lily. You’ve done it right from the beginning.” He shifted in his seat as a phantom pain clutched his side, remembering his tussle with Thomas Lynch. “She would be insane not to want someone like you as a husband, and as a father to her child.”
“When did you learn to talk like that?” Jacob smirked.
“When you’re the eldest, you learn a thing or two.”
“Bullshit.” He scoffed, but wordlessly thanked her for the reassurance.
“Knock knock.” Eyes fixed on the doorway as Henry peered around the corner. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I need some papers from Jacob.”
“Right; which ones?” He stood up and closed the two meter gap to the pile of half sorted paperwork.
“The ones on James Brudenell.”
“Who?” He frowned.
“Lord Cardigan.”
“Oh, that prick…” He thumbed through the various files, quickly getting to the end with no sign of the desired intel. “I must’ve left it at the house. I’ll head off there now and bring them to you tomorrow.”
“Can you not come back straight away?”
“I need to get to the school; there won’t be enough time. I’m taking Lily out for that new iced cream.” Evie quirked her lips into a knowing smile. “What?”
“Oh, nothing,” she shrugged.
Shaking his head, Jacob grabbed his hat and opened the door, watching the train slow into the station. “See you tomorrow.”
“Don’t forget the--”
“The papers, yes, I’ll get them!” By then, he had already jumped onto the platform, disappearing into the crowd.
On the stroll back to the house, Jacob checked his pocket watch, planning his time accordingly. He’ll find the papers, finish the paperwork that should’ve been completed two weeks ago, and head to the school.
The street seemed unusually quiet at this time in the afternoon, but Jacob only grew concerned when he noticed a lack of Rooks. Usually, there would be more and more scattered around the closer he grew to the house, but so far he could count them all on one hand. A scuffling from behind him pricked at his ears. He spun, brows furrowed, but the road was empty, save for a carriage calmly trotting past. He used it as a reassurance that he was probably acting paranoid, and continued where he was heading, albeit at a faster pace.
The secure feeling he felt upon approaching the house eased the weight on his chest. Pulling out his key, he wasted no time in disappearing inside. It was quiet without you, and there was the familiar longing he felt in his heart. Sighing, he mentally crossed off another minute until he could hold you in his arms again.
He moved upstairs and into his study. At the prospect of spending more time with him, you jumped at the chance to make a spare empty room a working office. He hung his jacket and hat on a coat rack, taking a seat at the desk. The natural light coming through the window landed perfectly on the wood, illuminating the workspace without the need for candles. Jacob searched his drawers, finding the file with relative ease. He grabbed a dip pen, opened an ink pot, and quickly began scrawling details down.
He was lost in thought at the memory of his encounter with Lord Cardigan when a crude knocking hit the door downstairs. Jacob froze, focusing on the noise outside. All business was kept around the train; he sternly told Evie and Henry not to give out the address to anyone. The only other people who would have had an idea where he was were the Rooks stationed around the street, but they were loyal -- were they not as trustworthy as he thought? Who was at the door?
Harsher thuds against the door made his heart leap. He moved slowly; inch by inch, he stood and crept towards the door, pulling out the cane from his coat as quietly as he could. His boots barely made a sound as he headed down the stairs, hand calmly turning the knob to open the door.
On the other side stood two gentlemen, waiting almost expectantly. “Can I help you?” Jacob asked, tone laced with suspicion.
The two exchanged looks before one started to speak. “Pardon me, sir, but would you be interested in purchasing some humbugs? We’re opening a new shop not too far from here. We thought we could go from door to door to begin our business endeavours.”
Eyes flitting between the two, unease began to set in. “No, thank you.”
“Understood. Have a nice day.” The other tipped his hat and turned to leave as Jacob slowly shut the door again.
“What…?” He’s had bankers act more persuasive than these men. They did not seem that interested in sales. His eyes scanned the room, as if that would give him answers to a most peculiar interaction. In a second, his heart jumped as they landed on the clock. If he didn’t leave now, he’d be late to pick up Lily. He grabbed his coat and hat from upstairs and burst out of the door, rushing in the direction of the school.
He made the journey by the skin of his teeth, jogging almost the entire way. As soon as he approached, the bell rang, and children began to flood out of the doors. He stood by a tree and scanned the children as they continued to rush out. A few moments later, Lily emerged, nervously clutching her hands together as she scanned the adults around her. Jacob frowned and walked towards her, concern growing. He could see the upset growing as she at first couldn’t see him. “Lily!”
As soon as she heard her name, her gaze immediately landed on the source and took off running towards him. He knelt just in time for her to jump into his arms, face hiding in his neck. “Hey, are you--” He was cut off by the sound of sobs. “Okay, alright, it’s alright, angel.” Confused, he picked her up and went to sit on a bench overlooking the playground, shushing her gently.
Cradled in one arm, Jacob used his free arm to reach into his pocket, bringing out his flask. “Take a drink, sweetheart.” She gingerly took the container, taking a few gulps of the fresh water inside. “Now, tell me what happened.” He tried to speak softly, to not provoke more tears.
“I didn’t do it! They think I did, but I didn’t!”
“What didn’t you do?”
“Throw a rock.”
“Even if you did do that, it’s only a rock.”
“It hit the teacher!”
Jacob was silent for a minute. If they thought she pelted a rock at the teacher, there would have been harsh punishments…
“Please believe me; I promise I didn’t do it!”
Shocked, Jacob pulled her closer. “Of course I believe you! Why wouldn’t I?” His eyes landed on her fists, which have barely opened since he saw her, save for the flask. “Can I see your hands?”
She nodded, and Jacob shifted her against his shoulder so he could use both hands as he slowly uncurled her fingers. Her palms were a stark red, the clear markings of a cane riddled her skin almost completely; and they looked like the instrument hit hard. He quietly asked for the other one, inspecting them with the care one would give to a newborn, brows furrowing at the sight. Lily watched his eyes moving constantly across her hands. The thought of letting her father down ushered tears to the surface. Jacob’s eyes caught hers watering. “Did I hurt you?”
She shook her head. “I’m sorry…”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, love. Do you know who really did it?”
Nodding slowly, she pointed to the playground to a boy who was laughing by a group of children who were playing with marbles. “Oliver.”
“Okay.” The two of them stayed there for a while as Lily continued to calm down.
Just as Lily began to smile at Jacob’s conversation, a shadow overcame the both of them. Jacob felt her recoiling into his side. He looked up to see a weathered looking man with a styled moustache and a stiff looking suit, a hand against the back of his head. “So, she’s yours.” The slight tone of disapproval channeled an urge of protectiveness inside him. He sat Lily behind him on the bench as he stood toe to toe with the teacher.
“Is there a problem?” Jacob’s eyes assessed the man from head to toe, noting the thin cane that he leaned on.
“You should be ashamed of your daughter’s behaviour.”
“Why? She did nothing wrong.”
“On the contrary…” Turning around, he removed the cloth on his head, revealing a jagged cut along the back of his head.
“It wasn’t me, sir! It really wasn’t!” Lily was begging for her teacher to believe her.
“Then who was it?”
Lily stood up on the bench still hiding behind Jacob’s shoulder but managing to equal his height. “Him.”
Her finger showed Oliver laughing at someone who had tripped over a skipping rope.
“Do you really think that she would do something like this?” Jacob raised an eyebrow.
Neither agreeing or disagreeing, he instead gestured with his cane. “I’m watching you, Y/L/N.” Jacob narrowed his eyes. “I would be mindful of your attitude towards my daughter.”
Grumbling, the teacher turned and walked away. “Oliver!”
“Th-Thank you.” A sniffling from behind him softed his face and melted his heart.
“Let’s go, angel. There’s some iced cream with our name on it.”` He hoisted Lily on his hip and headed in the direction of home, hoping that the anger would dissipate with each passing step.
The house came into view shortly after Jacob left the sweet shop, two cardboard pots of the cold dessert in their hands. “This is delicious!” Lily was almost her normal self again over the journey home, relinquishing details of the day as they closed the short distance to the house. Placing Lily on the floor, he took out his key and pushed it into the lock, turning the knob. Without turning the key, the door opened. He must’ve forgotten to lock it when he left the house earlier. Brushing it off, he opened the door the rest of the way and stepped aside for Lily to enter first. He checked the rest of the street one more time for anything out of the ordinary before shutting and locking the door behind him, acting safe rather than sorry.
A slight smell filled his nose as he walked into the room. It was barely there, but he could smell something. Unfocusing his eyes, he watched as colours flooded his vision. Looking around, he couldn’t spot anything strange right away, but the smell was in the air and it set him on edge. Shaking his head, he rubbed his eyes. He had felt more emotion in one day than he had for a long time, and his body had worn him out. “Are you hungry, Lily?”
She sat at the kitchen table. “A little bit.”
“Anything you particularly fancy tonight?”
“Hmm… Sausages and potatoes!”
Jacob chuckled at her excitement. “Consider it done, my lady.”
Dinner was over and done with by the time the sun set below the skyline. Jacob helped Lily get ready for bed before tucking her in. “When’s Mama coming home?” she asked, playing with Jacob’s hair.
“Hopefully in a few days; Warwick is surprisingly far, even by carriage.”
“Thank you. For believing me.”
Jacob smiled sombrely. “I will always believe you. That also reminds me…” He reached into the bedside drawer and pulled out a small pot of salve. “May I?” Lily offered her hands, and Jacob gently rubbed the ointment over her raw skin.
“It’s cold.”
“It’s supposed to get rid of the pain. How do they feel?”
She nodded. “Good.”
As he returned the salve to the table, he took a breath, steeling himself to give either the best news or the worst news.
“How would you feel… if I asked your mother--”
“To marry you?!” Her eyes widened, her smile reaching her ears. “Yes!”
She jumped out of the covers to hug Jacob tightly. He reciprocated, closing his eyes to savour the moment. “Please ask her,” she whispered.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Giggles filled the air as he pulled the covers over her again.
“Thank you, for letting me in.”
“You make Mama happy. That’s all I want.”
Jacob sighed, a small smile playing on his lips. “You’re wise beyond your years.” He leant down to kiss her forehead. “Goodnight, angel.” He stood up and blew out the candle.
“Goodnight, Papa.” Lily didn’t miss the way Jacob’s eyes crinkled as he smiled, shutting the door quietly.
He poked his head into his study, sighing when he saw his half-finished paperwork that needed to be handed to Greenie the next morning. Every fibre in his being resisted, but he knew his procrastination would catch up to him eventually. So he sat down, lit a candle, and tried to wrap everything up in as little time as possible.
About half an hour went by before Jacob finished the long overdue paperwork. Struggling to keep his eyes open, he went downstairs to the spare room he kept his bedclothes in. He fell backwards onto the bed. “Just five minutes…” he bartered with himself, resting his eyes.
A scream made his blood run cold.
Bolting upright, Jacob immediately noticed plumes of smoke coming in from underneath the door, the burning smell inviting a cough from his lungs.
The house was on fire.
He lunged for the doorknob, the metal quickly searing his skin. His fingers clenched around the knob reflexively. “Ah, fuck!” He shook out his hand, watching as the flesh blistered in front of his eyes. Turning around, he dug around in the chest of drawers for extra clothes to wrap around the knob, turning and pulling swiftly before the heat travelled through the fabric. The door burst open. Jacob ducked as the flames whipped around the open space, newly fed by the released oxygen. Fresh smoke engulfed the room; Jacob inhaled a lungful as it blew towards him. He cleared his chest as he fanned the smoke away. Wrapping the clothes around his arm as a guard, he braced himself and ran upstairs, only one thing on his mind.
“Lily?!” The flames had almost completely engulfed the lower floor; he was surprised and relieved that he had managed to dodge any falling debris. “Lily!” He covered the metal with the clothes as he reached her door, slowly peeling the door away and slipping through as small a gap as he could, avoiding the mistake he made earlier. He closed the door behind him, the air luckily cleaner in her bedroom. “Lily, where are you?!”
He checked under the bed, and began to grow panicked when he couldn’t find her. He heard the scream, but nothing else. What if…
He swallowed, trying to ease the tight band in his chest.
Opening the wardrobe, he practically collapsed in relief when he saw Lily cowering in the corner. “Come to me, angel.” She dived into his arms, quivering in fear. “It’s alright, we’ll get out. I need you to be brave for me, okay?”
“Okay.” Her voice was shaking.
He looked around for a quick exit, eyes landing on a window. He led Lily over and unlatched it, pushing it with his uninjured hand, albeit with difficulty. Leaning out, the air cleansed his lungs. He hoisted Lily onto the windowsill to give her fresher air, holding her to make sure she doesn’t fall out. She clutched onto him tightly. He noted how it opened into an alleyway. He heard the bells of police and fire engines around the front of the house.
“HEY! OVER HERE!” A man peered around the corner. “HEY! HELP!”
“We can’t fit the ladder through here! You have to go around the front!”
Jacob blinked. “Have you gone mad?!”
“There’s a small window around the front, looks like the landing. You better make a move before it’s no longer an option!”
“Can’t you just climb down?” Lily mumbled, mind in shock.
Jacob inspected his blistering palm; it felt as if he was still holding the doorknob. Slowly, he put pressure on his hand against the windowsill. The pain immediately bubbled up his arm. Biting his lip, he tried to pull himself onto the windowsill. With his weight, it was maybe possible, since he could drop higher than normal and roll once he hit the floor. With Lily, that wasn’t an option.
“I can’t risk it.”
“Well?!” The man was still there, watching him.
“Be ready!” Jacob pulled Lily into him. “I need you to breathe into this, alright, angel?” She nodded slowly. He gave her one of the shirts wrapped around his arm. “Close your eyes.”
“Should I count to ten?”
“It shouldn’t take any longer, love.”
Taking a second to compose himself, he wrapped his hand up and opened the door, squeezing through as little as he could before shutting the door again. He made a beeline for the end of the hall, dodging the flames as they grew nearer, licking the edge of the wooden floor. Reaching the window was the easy part. The hard part was opening the damn thing. It felt heavier than it usually did, and he strained his free hand to push it to the top. Outside, firemen were already level with the window, waiting for the two of them to emerge.
“One of you at a time.” Without hesitating, Jacob leaned out of the window, one arm reaching Lily out of the window, while the other stopped him from falling out himself.
Just as the firemen approached, Jacob heard a crack above him. “Take her. Take her now!” The urgency in his voice paid off, as he jumped out of the way of a falling support beam, blocking his way out. He hit the floor, covering his face as embers flew around him
Lily crying out caused his heart to flip, but he managed to catch a glimpse of her safely in the arms of the firemen. “No! PAPA!” His anxiety eased slightly, but only just. He scrambled to his feet just as the beam crumbled completely, blocking the window from view.
“Shit!” Coughing, Jacob looked around for another exit. His mind thought back to Lily’s bedroom; he could probably climb down carefully one-handed if he was quick enough. His study also seemed to be the furthest from the rest of the flames.
However, he was on borrowed time.
Downstairs was fully demolished; there was no way out there. Upstairs was closing in on him fast, the heat beginning to singe the hair on his arms and sear his skin. He ran for his study, narrowly avoiding falling debris. As he slammed the door shut, he was relieved at the sight of the room being unscathed. For now. He looked over the papers; they were definitely worth taking.
He emptied his desk of the files and stuffed them in a satchel that hid under his desk. He worked tenderly with his burned hand, careful not to aggravate the wound more than he already had. He coughed some more as he slid the satchel over his head, tightening the strap so it would lay fast against his back. As the cold leather touched his skin, he hissed. The flames must have licked him on the way in. He turned to check how much time he had left.
The fire had crept inside the doorframe, taunting him in a turbulent tango.
Jacob hurried for the window, looking for the latch. His fingers felt around the edge, but he couldn’t feel anything. He tried pushing, with no luck. Does this window not even open?!
Frantic, his non-dominant and uninjured hand went for the first thing that he could always rely on.
Two wide shots rang out, cracking the glass in a spider-web mosaic. He moved to shatter the glazing, but the world began to spin. Knees wobbling, he fell against his desk, hitting the floor. Coughing hurt, breathing hurt, thinking hurt.
But he was so close.
He blinked away the world that spun around him, shakily getting to his feet. He threw the force of his whole arm into the window, the gun providing the force to break the shards completely. Clearing the way for his hands, Jacob holstered the gun and slowly began the climb onto the roof.
He wasn’t dying. Not today.
Wincing every other second, he pulled himself half-heartedly onto the tiles. Jacob took a second to try and stabilise his vision, securing extra fabric around his hand. He manWeuvered his way around the burning holes, hoping instead to find a way down that doesn’t involve jumping or falling.
Unfortunately for him, that choice was made for him.
A tile came loose under his foot. He slipped, the edge of the roof coming almost too soon for him to react. His fingers grasped the gutter, which did nothing but snap under his weight. Upon hitting the ground, Jacob managed to roll, but instead of ending on his feet, he slumped across the floor. Groaning, he lay still as he recollected himself. To anyone else, he looked dead.
A pained cry set his heart pumping again, yet he didn’t realise at first that the cry was because of him, not for him. Light footsteps rushed over to him. “Pa? Papa?” He felt fingertips dance across his cheek. “Please wake up!”
He reached for the source of the voice. “I’m okay. Are you alright?” He managed to open his eyes to check over Lily’s state. Her eyes were bloodshot, her skin was dirtied in soot, and one of her hands was bleeding. “Has anyone said they would help you with this?”
She shook her head, the worry not leaving her face. “I’m scared.”
“Don’t be; it’s over now.” He began the arduous process of standing up; from his stomach to his hands to his knees to his feet. Offering his hand to her, Jacob led the two of them out into the street. When everyone gathered in the street saw them, they cheered. Rooks quickly came to assist Jacob and pick up Lily, but he waved them away. He limped his way to the ambulance wagon waiting in front of them. Lily was hoisted onto the end while Jacob leaned heavily against the side. Lily faced him for reassurance.
“Mr Frye, sir!” He tilted his head as little as he could to get a view of who was calling his name. “Are you alright?”
“I’ll be fine; just a bit singed.” He tried to joke, but the pain in his face betrayed his laidback attitude. He grasped his ribs, as if it would ease the burn on the inside. “Where’s Evie?”
“As soon as we heard what happened, we sent for her. She should be here any minute now.”
“Lily goes with Evie. As soon as she shows up, take her to the train. She’ll be safe there.” Another hard cough shook his chest.
“With all due respect, are you sure you’re well?”
“I’m… I…” The floor was ripped from under him. Jacob’s knees buckled as his vision went black. After a few seconds, he came to. The Rooks had caught him on the way down. Disorientated, he blinked, trying to process what was going on around him.
He heard a familiar voice. “Where are they?” Rooks wrapped Jacob’s arms around their necks, pulling him to the edge of the wagon. He barely registered arms pulling him from behind to lie down. He noted how he was staring up at the stars.
“Evie!” A young, panicked yell drove Jacob to sit up, but hands pushed him back down against the wood.
“You don’t want to make things any worse, Mr Frye.”
His body jolted between consciousness and unconsciousness as Evie came into view. She also looked worried. “Jacob? I’ve got Lily; she’ll be safe. I’ll come to the hospital as soon as I can.” Lily was snuggled against Evie, a bandage wrapped around her hand.
“Let’s hope I don’t fall off.” It was weak and hoarse, but there was humour in his tone.
“You better not.”
“Take the bag.” He gestured to the leather satchel underneath him. Slowly, she undid the strap and pulled it out from under him, barely able to avoid causing a wince. She looked inside to find the papers in impressive condition. “It’s the paperwork Greenie asked for.”
Jacob’s smile was weak as the wagon began to drive away. The rocking of the cobblestones was rough, and although jarring, also brought comfort. He fell in company with the stars as his consciousness left him yet again.
The next time he became lucid, he immediately noticed that he could breathe better; oxygen was easier to take in than before, and although not perfect, kept the lightheadedness away. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking to adjust to the light. The feeling of rough gauze was not unfamiliar to him, so he assessed the wounds on his back based on how rough it felt to lean on.
He brought his burned hand up to see that it had also been wrapped neatly. Although that was the majority of his wounds, his entire body ached. He leaned back into his pillow and closed his eyes, assessing the situation. Approaching footsteps made him roll his head to the side, and a doctor appeared with a clipboard. “How are you feeling, my boy?” He asked with a pencil in his mouth, flipping through the various pages.
“Like I’ve been run over by a carriage. Multiple times.”
“I’m not surprised; you inhaled half a factory.”
Jacob prepared himself for the question he knew he had to ask but would hate the answer to. “How long has it been?”
“Oh, a few days, give or take.”
“How many days are we giving or taking?”
Just then, a door opened on the far end of the ward, a few people rapidly approaching. As they turned the corner, Jacob’s heart sank a bit. You were hurrying towards him with the look of a mortified wife, but he dreaded what you thought would be more mortifying: your house burning down, putting your only daughter’s life in danger…
“Thank God!” You swerved around the bed and kissed him, one which conveyed a hundred different emotions, the most evident being relief. After the initial shock, Jacob’s fingers came to your jaw, lightly directing as he kissed you deeper.
He slowly pulled away, worried eyes scanning your face. “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I haven’t the foggiest what happened--”
“You’re both safe; that’s all that matters.”
“But the house…”
“I’ve been prepared for disasters like this for a while. Everything I couldn’t stand to lose went in a fireproof box. There’s nothing gone that I can’t replace.”
“Papa!” Your eyes widened as you exchanged an impressed look with Jacob. Lily had crawled onto the bed and nestled her way into Jacob’s arms.
“Are you alright?” Without speaking, she nodded, deciding to play with his hand, fidgeting with his fingers and tracing the lines. Jacob looked to Evie, who followed her in.
Shepulled a concerned face, coming up to her and putting her hands over Lily’s ears. “She’s been crying herself to sleep, sometimes waking up in the middle of the night calling for one of you, sometimes both. She’ll heal, I’m sure, but for now I think time needs to pass. I investigated what could have happened that night; it wasn’t you.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they were Templars; pisses me off though.” He turned to you. “If you hadn’t visited your family…”
“Don’t ponder the ‘if’s, Jacob. It leads to all sorts of grief.” You threaded your hands through his hair.
Evie nodded. “All I know is what happened, not necessarily who did it.”
“Go on.”
“The house was rigged to burn down. Someone must’ve broken in, set down some oil or gas, and set it alight. It all happened very quickly -- it’s a miracle you got out when you did.”
At the explanation, Jacob ran a hand down his face. “The fun never stops.” He shifted to stand up.
“What are you doing?” You put your hand on his shoulder.
“I’m going to find whoever did this, and I have a feeling I know exactly where to start.”
“Not in this state you’re not.”
He stood up, much to your protests. “Honestly, Y/N, I’m…” His vision went black immediately, blood rushing to his head.
You quickly caught him. “‘Fine?” Sitting him down again, you brushed his hair out of his face. “Just take it easy.”
“I have errands to run.”
Evie whispered something to Lily, who gave the couple a mischievous grin. “We can do it!”
Jacob smiled, catching on. He leaned down to Lily’s ear. “Pick something Y/F/C,” he whispered. She nodded, grabbing Evie’s hand and running away.
The both of you laughed as Evie was dragged out of the ward. “What was that about?” You raised an eyebrow at the secrecy.
“It’s a surprise.”
Rolling your eyes, you joined him on the bed. “Don’t keep me waiting for too long.”
Jacob smiled to himself, the familiar excitement climbing. “I won’t.”
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excorcismic · 4 years
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YES i caved n’ decided to pick up my boy and YES i’m trying ,,, to right a quick rundown and plotting post while yearning for the sweet release of sleep bc orientation sapped me of all my energy BUT !! i’m , , ,  so excited . to pick up leon . so excited . i love this man more than anything and i’m OVER THE MOON to pick him up so let’s get on with it before i repeat myself one more time !!
IN A CANON NUTSHELL : so leon is a character originating from resident evil 2 ; he’s considered one of the chief protagonists of the series , but not the first . in his first appearance he’s a rookie cop and his first day on the job , raccoon city is overrun by zombies ( infected humans rather than the undead , though ) and after that day . . . leon can’t do it & because of his heroism for dealing with the raccoon city debacle , he’s made into a government agent instead . in resident evil 4 , he’s tasked with rescuing ashley - the president’s daughter - and ends up uncovering & battling a cult known as the los illuminados as they have their own zombie virus known as the plaga . then . . . in resident evil 6 dude ends up actually . killing the president because of the president getting infected with a zombie virus . long story short , leon’s been through a shit ton of zombie apocalypses ( and other monsters the virus creates ) and he’s exhausted . he tries to go on a vacation and then chris redfield busts in like that dancing paul rudd gif so even THEN homie can’t catch a break . but he’s a very good dude & perhaps one of the most good-hearted , selfless people on the planet - it’s just sad because he started out with so much hope and after witnessing so much horror that hope fades and is replaced with exhaustion & even a bit of cynicism . but not enough as to where he turns into a person that won’t give you the shirt off his back because oh yeah , he is . he’s just maybe a bit more distant and doesn’t smile as much as he used to . 
IN AN ALUCARD NUTSHELL : so leon is a former paramedic ( that sometimes still is called to do things ) turned hospital nurse - he was known for being the hero of the story multiple times in horrifying cases , and he’s overall gotten a pretty good reputation as a medic . however , the reason why he moved onto nursing was because the stress got too much for him for those dire situations after his divorce from his wife - miss cordelia chase . and now he’s just kind of trying to get through things but . things aren’t the best on his end even though he’ll try his best to power on through . he’s pretty okay but not great you know ?? 
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just to start off by saying idk if this list will be as long as misa’s bc it’s currently shortly after midnight and i’m getting more and more tired & incoherent as the clock just ticks away -
BUT ANYWAY . ppl who routinely come into the office / hospital he works at would be p cool and know him pretty well as a nurse from that . he doesn’t work in the ER most of the time ; though sometimes . he mainly is in the office doing stuff for checkups and all , clinical things . honestly tho it would be a bit of an interesting connection if sb went to the ER for embarrassing / stupid reasons ( party gone embarrassingly wrong , for example ) and leon’s the guy that has to help with it . just a Thought .
also coworkers !! idk if we have anyone from the medical field yet but there’s also that .
again he was married to cordelia so if ppl who know cordelia know him as cordelia’s ex-husband we can run w/ that and make smth out of that as well .
leon is also . kinda . lonely . like misa . can y’all see I Have A Type when it comes to muses AHHH - but anyways he spends a lot of his nights at bars and stuff so maybe some drinking/bar buddies he sticks with or the like . maybe waiters/bartenders who know him pretty well just from the fact he’s a regular , kinda know what’s going on with the dude .
like misa , neighbors . he’s not a spunk twenty-four year-old emo-fashioned mr. rogers like misa is but he’s a caring dude who looks out for them .
speaking of caring - maybe some ppl leon’s saved as a paramedic or in general just patients he treated for a while ?? i just . rly like the thought of leon caring for people on the job and then he finds them outside of it and he subtly cares for them off the job too . maybe even if it’s doing as much as sitting with them or comforting them when a loved one’s in the hospital or something . idk i just . like how much leon cares abt people .
okay so people from high school bc i lowkey headcanon leon wasn’t a troublemaker but he was more of a bad boy/rebel type just for the fact he had a tendency to do things that weren’t . by the rules . by the book . never mean or anything just maybe sometimes would hang out at abandoned buildings or late at night and now he’s significantly mellowed out and maybe that rebel is still somewhere inside of him but ur gonna have to dig it out a bit . and this could rly be anything too like friends , enemies , exes ( leon is bi u can pry that from my cold dead hands ) , etc . prom / homecoming dates , people who only knew him as a kid that got busted once for drinking alcohol in the back of somebody’s truck , etc . let’s have Fun with this .
also in general , just some good friends he’s always had ?? people who’ve known him for a long while and have still stuck with him .
exes !! whether it be pre-marriage or post-divorce . post-divorce i don’t think leon would rly stick in the relationship for long given he more than likely was not prepared at the time ( probably didn’t go past a few months , def some were just one-shot dates ) . again , he’s bi & capcom cannot take that away from me .
maybe a found family of sorts - leon . . . would be a great dad so maybe some younger folks he kinda dads over without meaning to .
AND AGAIN RLY . . . anything i’m sorry if this isn’t as detailed as misa’s bt IF I GET MORE IDEAS I SHALL ADD !!
this is long again i’m so sorry bt again react or like if ur interested in any of these connections !! imma retire 2 mobile n try to get some shut-eye .
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astheravensighs · 4 years
omg hi!! i read your tags >< it’s not that i’m uncomfy, just really shy LOL but i really appreciate that you’re so careful about others!! either way, i’m interested in hearing about 7, 14, 19 and 25 😌
heck yes i am SO excited to talk abt this stuff tbh lol... #chronicoversharer
anyway! anyone that is uncomfy with spicy/sexy stuff or uneccesarily detailed depictions of my sex life, pls scroll away from this now lol...
other possible tws just in case! slight dom/sub, restraints, general kinkiness and roughness, my absolute lack of shame when it comes to talking abt this stuff, etc lol
I’m on mobile as well and stuff is disappearing as i type ??? so if the formatting is weird or anything is typed twice or not at all i apologize djsksh and let me know if this shows up and you don’t want it to so i can tag it for you!!!!
7. Any favorite positions?
gosh honestly i like just about anything but having two boys to deal with leaves some room for creativity for sure lol,,,, I’m a fan of spitroasting personally bc they still just suck at sharing lol so inevitably whoever’s in my mouth gets jealous of the one behind me and they end up getting super riled up and competitive and it’s just 😍 when it’s just one of them at a time i reaaally like anything from behind or anything a toy can be used at the same time (Dazai is more of fan of toys than Chuuya tho, Chu manages to get jealous of a vibrator more often than not lol)
14: what’s something that usually gets your f/o in the mood?
they’re basically a constant source of horny tbh so it’s not entirely difficult,,
Dazai is super weak to anything new and different, like a cute new outfit (even if it’s totally normal and modest) or a new position to try. the one way to guarantee Dazai getting riled up is when i get shy or flustered by something, like he says something that can obviously be taken as an innuendo and i blush, he’s just like *target acquired* and doubles down till he’s just straight up dirty talking me in the middle of the ADA office lol... Kunikida puts up with too much. I’m so sry pal. remind me to send him a gift basket or smth he deserves it
Chuuya is weak to challenging his dominance for SURE... like
‘hey babe can you hand me that’
‘hmm... nope’
‘...so you wanna play it that way, huh?’
also biting Chu is instant dom activation,, just straight up crunch on his arm and hes like. ah. you’ve chosen death. (death by dick, RIP me) and i have a habit of just. mindlessly chomping on anything that gets close to my mouth?? idk why the fuck i do that djsksh but seein his eyes go from ‘wtf are you doing’ to ‘oh, I’m going to ruin you’ is just... chefs kiss 👌
(personally watching them train or fight in battle is like. welp. after yall are done killing all those people would u pls fuckin ravage me, thx)
19: does your f/o tease you, or you tease them? How you do/they handle it?
Dazai is a whole bastard when it comes to teasing,,, this asshole will tease for so long and then all the sudden an orgasm hits and i don’t even realize till it’s over?? like?? how ??? he will 100% use shibari or restraints, and hes known to do nothing but dirty talk (which he is so good at it should be illegal) and never even touch anything till the whole next day 😤 idk how the hell he does it but it’s definitely worth waiting for bc he makes me go full on feral and just sits there and laughs @ how much i need it fhdkshsksh
when i tease him, well... it doesn’t last long, lol. sometimes if i ask reaaally nice he’ll be the sub for a night but somehow he still seems to be the damn top by how much he makes me fight for every reaction. i could be doin my damnedest and he’d just be sittin there handcuffed to the bed with an eyebrow raised like “that’s all you got?” he won’t even make a damn noise until i give him what he wants,,, Chuuya has never once successfully teased him he just ends up choking him out (jokes on him, hes super into that)
Chuuya... he tries to tease, he rly does..... but he is just not able to control himself like dazai can lol. he can tease for maybe an hour max?? no matter what he WILL need his dick in me at some point so i don’t have to worry abt being totally denied,,, hes just impatient as hell but he has stamina for DAYS so it’s not like it’s over quickly anyway thank god
Chuuya CAN sub and will for Dazai more often than the reverse, so teasing him IS possible... but only if Dazai is also present. after like 5 minutes of teasing he would want to just break out of whatever is holding him down and take what he wants, so Dazai has to keep a hand on him to cancel his ability or he’ll break ANOTHER pair of cuffs and they are expensive goddamnit
25: do you and your f/o hold hands while making love? How tightly do they hold you?
depends on the mood rly!! if it’s sweet n loving n intimate, absolutely. Dazai is more of a hands holding my face kind of guy but it’s basically very much the same,, Chuuya almost always will in these situations, he likes that my hands are teeny and his are huge so he lets me hold his hands for balance too.
when it’s not gentle and sweet it’ll happen in one of my favorite ways tho- usually Dazai’s behind me being super rough n degrading and dominant and I’ll have my head on Chuuya’s lap and he holds my hand and pets my hair and praises me 🤤 i can’t get enough of that dynamic i stg dhskshskshdkd
anyway !!! thank u for asking and i apologize for the insane amount of horny on main lately y’all dhdjdj my hormones are off the charts,,, i hope i didn’t make anyone too uncomfy but that’s what my blacklist tags are there for lol pls feel free to block #spicy bc boy it WILL get spicy :V either way!! thank u for asking !! i didn’t think id get to ramble abt this stuff n i very much like to so hfkhsjdk thank u!!! ❤️
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lecliss · 4 years
OwO For that ask game - F (What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?), I (Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?), O (Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?), T (Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? ), Y (What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with)), and I'll stop here before I ask you the whole alphabet bc I'm curious ashdkaldhsjdh
Lmao thank you buddy for adding the questions so I wouldnt have to go back and forth cuz I use mobile 😔
F - The fandom for that would be Naruto. If I remember correctly the first fanfic I read was for Naruto and that was probably when I was like, 10 or 11 I think. Couldve been younger tho?? It's always hard to remember specific things that far back, lol. And I'm still in it now as you can tell, so that's likely around 11 years and still going. I'm not leaving and no one can make me leave!! 😂
I - Does stop liking imply having liked it all??? Idk, if it doesn't then who cares. This is probably the closest I've got that I can think of anyway. So, you know how some media attracts the same group of people so you've got some fandoms being filled with the same people that almost all like the same two or three or so pieces of media? The Servamp fandom is very chummy with and shares many people with both the Haikyuu and Bungou no Stray Dogs fandoms. I don't care for Haikyuu at all and I'm kinda interested in BSD, but not enough to bother getting into it. So so, back before Tumblr mobile could let you filter tags like it can now, since I followed a lot of Servamp blogs, I had to see a lot of Haikyuu. And except for a few small exceptions, I generally hate sports animes. A new season either started or was ending and I was forced to see so much fucking Haikyuu. Oh my god, so much Haikyuu. And I hated it. Ya know like the more you see something you don't care for the more annoying it slowly becomes? Well, for some people. So I just loathe seeing anything even remotely Haikyuu related now. No offensive to the show, but there's just an association there in my head now cuz I didn't wanna unfollow my Servamp mutuals for it, but I couldn't stop seeing it then either. So in a way, both the Haikyuu and Servamp fandom on Tumblr ruined Haikyuu for me before it even had a chance. Now thankfully I can have it filtered, and the reason I mentioned BSD at all is cuz the same thing almost started happening with that too, but then I could also filter that so now it won't get ruined for me in case I ever do decide to check it out.
O - Maybe not random cuz I've been looking for a chance to bring it up forever now, but Drive By(too lazy to look up by who) has always and will always remind me of Flint x Volkner(also too lazy to look up the ship name lol) cuz I used to be addicted to that song and was really into that ship at the time so that's all I thought about while listening to it. I don't even remember what specifically I would think about with them, but knowing me probably an AU scenario that I've long since forgotten, lol.
T - FUCKING THANK YOU LUA! People can pry 1/4th Australian Aboriginal Jim from my cold dead hands, holy FUCK!!! I don't care if I'm seeing things that aren't there, Jim is part Aboriginal to me and I will die on this fucking hill. I will!!! Also, homeschooled O'Brien. I've got some old discord convos about it with a friend that I'd have to go searching for to remember the exact details of the proof, but I swear it makes so much sense!!!! That is also a hill I will just die on and no one will be able to remove my corpse from it. These are my hills, these are where I live and die.
Y - Uuuuhhh, not sure how much counts as what, lol. Mmmm, perhaps cuz of the Servamp fandom I know a few things about BSD despite, as mentioned, me never actually partaking in it myself. Oh, oh, oh and also She-Ra. Definitely seen enough of that all over Tumblr to have some small opinions and know the overall plot and enjoy some fanart despite never watching it either. And before I started watching it myself, Atla also qualified, altho I watched most of Korra, but I don't see that nearly as much as the original series. And if series within series count then Yugioh Zexal as well, since I've never watched more than the first episode in English and the first manga volume, but I know plenty of the plot(even if the more I find out the more confused it makes me, lol).
Thank you again buddy! I wouldn't mind you sending the whole alphabet either, lol. They're all good questions. I'll send you some too after my guild battle in like an hour, I gotta go prepare.
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sunsetsover · 5 years
Hey! Im very excited about Bens new storyline. I know a little bit about the deaf community but not nearly enough and I would love to learn more through this storyline. Im just worried that in my excitement I might say something stupid or disrespectful due to my lack of knowlegde. Ive seen you post about that so I was wondering if you could tell me what to look out for and especially some tips on how to learn and understand more. Thank you in advance!❤ I really hope they do the storyline justice
hey!! first of all let me say that i realize that maybe i was a bit TOO defensive the other day so i don’t want you (or anybody else) to think that if anybody fucks up and says something a little off i’m going to completely bite their heads off lmao (although that said i do still stand by everything i’ve said)
also i’ve gotta be honest idk much abt the deaf/hoh community either! i’ve got to learn too!! so if you’re looking for information in that sense i’m unfortunately not the person to come too :-(
however i DO know what it’s like to be disabled and specifically what it’s like to have a disability that affects amd changes your whole life and limits what you can do both now and in the future. i won’t go into details but my disability affects my left leg, which ofc affects my mobility. thankfully i can still walk, but there is no cure or treatment for what i have. there was also nothing that triggered it - no accident or person to blame, it just Happened - and so it was a case of my life seeming normal and then one day it hits you that your life is completely different from everyone else’s and that it’s never gonna be the same, which i imagine may be similar to what ben is going to be going through (whether it’s temporary or not, if he doesn’t KNOW it’s temporary something like that is completely life shattering).
anyways now i’ve realized you Did Not Ask let me get actually answer your questions
literally the most important thing u can do is just listen to disabled people and don’t talk over them!!! this is the case with literally any kind of thing you don’t know abt/experience urself, u know? the way you would listen to and learn from a poc talking abt their unique experiences as a poc, or a muslim talking abt their unique experiences as a muslim etc etc, listen to and learn from disabled (specifically deaf/hoh people, in terms of ben’s sl at least) when they speak!! if they tell u something u said is wrong or a little off, don’t get defensive. just do ur best to listen and learn!!
don’t feel too bad if u do fuck up lmao we all fuck up we’re all learning we’re all trying to be better you can’t possibly know everything, u know?
specifically in terms of ben’s sl, just don’t reduce it down to ‘omg think of the ballum content’. like it’s ok to enjoy the sweet moments this sl might give us obviously lmao but don’t forget that it’s bigger than that, both to ben as a character and in terms of deaf representation !! like !!! a disabled lgbt character!!! that’s a big deal!!!
basically just don’t reduce ben’s suffering to angst porn, u know? bc what u gotta remember is that yeah ok ben isn’t real but he IS a representation of what people have been through and are going through. i’m not deaf or hoh so i won’t be able to relate to that part of it either, but i do know what it’s like to have your life drastically altered bc of a disability and how hard it is to cope with that and accept the way that your life has changed like it’s hard and u get angry and upset and push people away and go into denial and breakdown and think you’re dealing with it only to breakdown again and if ee DO do a good job of it (which judging from last night’s ep i’m hopeful abt!) then they’ll show at least some of that, so just try not to reduce that very real pain and struggle that people experience to ‘omg but callum’s gonna look after him tho’ you know what i mean??
this might be one that’s just a personal opinion tbh but like... just try not to enjoy ben’s suffering too much??? like i know some ppl really revel in angst n i get that but at the end of the day this is a bit TOO real to be like ‘omg i love it when breaks down’ ygm?? like ofc i’m not saying don’t enjoy the storyline for what it is but i know as someone who has been thru very similar suffering i KNOW it’s gonna rub me up the wrong way if i see people ENJOYING seeing ben upset or suffering. idk i feel like im not articulating this very well but i think it goes back into the whole angst porn thing like it’s one thing to like and enjoy the storyline and another to enjoy seeing ben suffering, does that make sense??? like just don’t let what ben will be going thru become angst porn basically
remember that all disabled ppl are different and things that upset/offend me might not upset/offend other ppl and vice versa
also i’m not deaf or hoh so they might have a different opinion on stuff and if so you should always listen to what they say over what i say bc obviously they’ll always know better
try not to worry too much, i’d say that as long as you’re not viewing this sl solely through the lens of ballum or being outright offensive or derogatory towards the sl or ben’s disability bc it’s not what you want or it might affect ben/callum’s relationship then u should be alright?? but the fact that you even took the time to send me this message and ask what to look out for tells me that you’re clearly a conscientious person who’s heart is in the right place which is the most important part so!!! i wouldn’t be too worried if i was u!!
plus my ask is always open if u have any questions!! obviously i can’t answer anything in terms of deafness specifically, but if u have any questions abt disability in a broader sense i’d be happy to answer them for you 💖💖💖
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6ad6ro · 5 years
​rating the metal gear solid games:
1. metal gear solid - best mix of gameplay, direction, storytelling, and characters. iconic. perfect. this game changed how games were made. even minor characters were compelling. every solid game has more or less copied this game’s formula again and again to overwhelming success. but here? it was fresh and new. HIDEO hideo. 2. metal gear solid 3 snake eater - might have been even better than mgs1 (it’s so hard to decide), but i felt it copied too many character ideas from mgs1 & 2. it’s so good though? the top down version was amazing, but somehow the later fully 3d one was even better. it did almost everything right, and it makes sense that this is the fan favorite even if i personally like mgs1 better. 3. metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty - i love the plot but it’s also silly? i actually liked the focus on raiden and enjoyed the red herring of pliskin at the start. used to be my fav bc it was so weird. but it def has it’s lil issues. i mean it’s a mess but a loveable enjoyable mess. GREAT bosses imo. a+++ weirdness. i won’t lie i forgot almost every detail about this game’s story bc it’s so bizarre. but in my memories it’s nothing but love so… 4. metal gear solid 4 guns of the patriots - it felt like there was very little gameplay and it was mostly all story. the story was pretty good but also REALLY bad sometimes. i do like it a lot, but i wish hal wouldn’t have cried through 90% of the cut scenes. i think them breaking up the map made things worse too. mighta had the best gameplay of any mgs if it wasn’t so… well the maps just sucked? and that awful spy part omg… srry it’s still a good mgs game, but worse than the above in almost every area. oh and the rehash of mgs3 bosses was a really stupid lazy idea. I DO STILL LIKE THIS I PROMISE lol just the flaws are glaring. 5. metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain - let’s be honest, this is barely mgs. SUPER fun gameplay, like if portable ops was polished like crazy and given a huge budget. but it’s a straight action game. and had like only 1% of the story of any normal mgs. the story it DID have was GREAT though. but it was rushed/unfinished and you could TELL. it’s so sad because this had the potential to be soooo much better than it was. oh and that $30 demo really pissed me off like i’ll never feel bad for pirating anything from konami ever again… the only good news is i feel like we’ll see what this game was always intended to be when we play death stranding. 6. metal gear solid portable ops (&po+) - before we had mgs5, we had this. and it was neat, simple, and portable. the story was kinda okay too? idk for a side thing it was cool, but obviously worse than any mainline mgs. i actually enjoyed riding around grabbing wifi signals to collect new dudes. it was full of bizarre fresh ideas and i loved that. i don’t normally care about online modes but i played this one bc it was such a focus? and it was kinda fun! tho po+, even though it brought in all these cool additions, it also absolutely destroyed the balance of the online. 7. metal gear solid peacewalker - along with the $30 ground zeroes scam, konami also urged you to go back and play this. don’t. never play this trash. this should have been the polished portable ops with a real mgs story. that’s certainly what it advertised itself as. but no. story so awful it’s almost comical (but not awful enough to be enjoyable). it’s hard to explain but… the story was written so it made sense if you were playing as snake? but also made sense if you were playing as ANY OTHER CHARACTER. meaning central focus of the story didn’t actually exist. that alone ruined everything. the only good part were the tapes, but they were boring tapes that went on forever. the maps felt somehow smaller than portable ops. the bosses were THE WORST like longggg wars of attrition? you were expected to grind and grind and grind and grind. it was like playing a free to play mobile game but refusing to pay money? except this was a standard release. it sucked too because some of the characters were great? too bad it’s never worth it. like even watching a playthrough of this is a waste of time. it actually makes mgs worse by existing. i’m sorry i spent 2 long paragraphs on this, but i genuinely hate this game. if you like this for anything besides the co-op, you’re probably a little bit stupid. metal gear survive is a better metal gear.
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brujaja420 · 5 years
[ Jst venting srry there’s no read more on mobile ]
I don’t rlly know what I feel rn except an overall feeling of unwell, I might just be getting sick or allergies or bc I’ve been drinking more regularly but I can’t shake this feeling of sad blankness ? Idk just more of the same thing. I’ve been trying to stay present and grounded but my go to move is to just blank out, like even in the middle of conversations so having normal fulfilling conversations is really hard. I can feel how heavy and boring I make it, and I can feel the other person trying to keep it going but I just feel like an interviewer almost? Just asking who what where when why questions in response to anything tells me. And I think that’s what’s contributing to my overall feeling sad and lonely even though I’m not alone. Like I just don’t even joy being in the conversation without being consumed by the worry of what to say next, and I know the most important thing to do is just to listen but I feel that if I do just that, then I won’t have anything to respond and people will just feel like they’re talking to a brick wall. And I can’t start one organically by myself or led by me. It’s been a really up and down feeling lately but I don’t really know who to talk to about this when it’s bad without making the other person feel guilted into trying to continue conversations with me that offer them no enjoyment. It could be possible that it’s just a cognitive distortion but I don’t think so bc there are a few times when I can talk to people and I can tell it’s natural and fulfilling on both ends. Idk. I wish I could just go off the grid for a little bit until this feeling goes away bc I know nothing lasts forever but also being alone makes it worse. I feel like a broken record and maybe it’s just anxiety but it keeps swirling around in my Head all day every day and being around people is harder than being alone. I start conversations waiting to end them on a good note, like waiting to get this “yes I made it, they think I’m okay” feeling after it which i know people probably pick up on and just think I’m trying to be a people pleasy annoying bitch. I just don’t feel in my body, like I’m not me I’m just an audience and I’m looking for the appropriate response to something always. And I’m so worried about the appropriate response that I take everything super literal and I have no common sense so other people think I’m dumb and I also myself feel dumb and feel the need to constantly correct myself even more. I feel like I have no sense of self and me trying to be myself is dumb bc why do I have to try to be myself, shouldn’t I just be myself ? Idk what this is a symptom of or if it’s just me but analyzing everything is exhausting me but I don’t know any other way without just being a zombie basically. I’m technically in a relationship now but honestly it happened really fast and he doesn’t know everything bc I haven’t told him and don’t want him to think I’m crazy or something which was probably a mistake bc he’s probably gonna find out sooner or later and I’m sure he only really likes me bc he finds me attractive bc even in conversation I can’t remember most details he mentions to me so I’m trying to enjoy it while I can bc I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of time. And my dreams have been super weird lately. I keep having this half sleep where I know I’m sleeping but I also know I’m awake. Some night I have hypnagogic hallucinations and once I literally felt like I was going to almost fling myself off of my bed in my sleep, I woke up with my arm jerking and my heart pounding which is like kinda scary? And my dreams are just about negative thoughts that pass through my head subconsciously that I don’t hold on to and cognitively analayse so I can’t even really rest. Or idk if I am dreaming properly and I just can’t discern it from reality bc I’m telling myself I’m having half sleeps. But idk I guess I’m just gonna stop drinking for a while and take some supplements and see if that helps any. Tagging this just in case anyone feels the same way or knows wtf this is bc my brain doesn’t seem to function correctly lol.
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saidbyes-blog · 7 years
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( nina nesbitt. demigirl. she/her. ) // did you see who walked past just then ? couldn’t really tell from the distance but i think it’s ( ebony harrison ) actually ! the ( twenty-four ) year old is a little ( unreliable ) if you ask me but they’re also ( kind-hearted ). i heard that when they opened the capsule, they took out the ( watch ) that they’d left seventeen years ago. i wonder what that even means to them especially now that they’re a ( bartender ) ?
in the wise words of trixie mattel: aaaahhhh ! i’m so excited ijshjhnshns, but anyway -- hi ! i’m pace ( she / her ) and this little pain in my entire ass is ebony. i’ll try and keep this on the shorter side ( as i always make these things WAY too long ) both for your sake in terms of reading, and because eb’s story is a little on the sadder side at times, and tbh i don’t wanna dwell on it bc she’s not like ?? a gloomy character or anything ?? but ya i’ll try and keep it brief !
trigger warnings for death !
----- ❀ fun fact: i intended for ebony to be an adjusted version of a character i already had, and planned to mould her around the skeleton and the setting and whatnot, but....... that just didn’t happen ??? ebony came to me very quickly & i wasn’t even expecting her lmao ? so a couple of details are based on That Other Character, but the rest just kind of happened ?? me, playing a brand new character in a rp ???? sounds fake ??? what can i say my dudes the skeleton got me good 
----- ❀ her label is the libertine, meaning her item she put n the time capsule was the watch ! long story short, it was her dad’s, who died unexpectedly very close to the time of the carnival. he claimed the watch to be a family heirloom, but they found out after he died that that was bullshit, and it was worth nothing, and since he lied about it, the sentimental value was gone, too. not to be emo but the watch broke as he fell, so the hands are stuck at the time he died ( well, he didn’t die instantly, but it sure as hell wasn’t long after ) so that’s.............fun. fixing it would cost more than the watch was worth, so they didn’t bother. ebony’s parents had fought just before he died, and he’d been kicked out their home, so his parents blamed ebony’s mum, and ebony’s mum blamed herself, too, but she was so angry about the watch that ebony didn’t let it out of her sight ?? just in case her mum smashed it or threw it away. so when they went to the carnival, eb just kind of ???? had in on her ??? and she didn’t intend to put it in the time capsule it just sort of.................happened ?? but even though she was only seven at the time, she hasn’t regretted it ? like looking back on it now as a messy as fuck adult, it was the right thing to do ? he never took it off, so having it in the house would just be a constant reminder of ‘hey, your dad’s dead ! and he was a liar, too !’ so allowing her seventeen years to mourn his death and come to terms with it, and then getting her hands back on the watch, was smart ? obviously she didn’t think that far ahead at the time, but. 
----- ❀ she’s actually back in town because of the time capsule. ebony is always full of surprises, and anybody who knew about the watch, whether they put something in the time capsule too, or she just told them about it on her travels, might be surprised she’d go back to lorfield for a broken watch ? she,,,, cannot commit to anything ?? let along a tatty old watch ?? and when things get too real, or too tough, she just.........ditches. she just can’t deal with stuff, it makes her feel trapped and claustrophobic, and she just cannot deal with it ?? sometimes she just ditches hangouts and friend circles, and sometimes she’ll skip town entirely, it really depends. but anyway, the watch had lost some of it’s detail in her memory in seventeen years, and that alone is enough to give her a reality check, like how long it’s actually been, how important things can be, how she’s actually quite glad to  have the watch back ? she always thought it’d be bigger, too. like it’s a little bulkier than what she’d choose if she was just.............buying a watch, because she’s got thin wrists, but because she was only seven, she just ??? always thought the watch was bigger ???
----- ❀ anyway, her label. the libertine is defined as ‘a person who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters.’ on the main, and ‘a person, especially a man, who freely indulges in sensual pleasures without regard to moral principles.’ on the ol’ google. for ebony, it expands from just sexual immorality, into immoral everything, but including sex. she drops everything at any given moment, and does so with ease; she has no responsibilities and will own up to none of them even when they do become present. and morally she’s just.......... wrong ? she knows what is morally right and what isn’t, she just can’t allow that to influence how she does things ? she doesn’t  think before she does anything, which means that half the shit she does is on impulse, and is then regretted. she doesn’t think ‘the libertine’ is a very flattering label, tbh ? not because of the sexual attachments to it, or because of the flakiness, but mostly just because it’s true. 
----- ❀ personality wise,,,,,,,, she a mess. like i said, morals ? she doesn’t know her !!! she’s hard to be understood, doesn’t like anybody trying to understand her, but wants somebody in her life who does understand her. the problem is, she doesn’t even understand herself.  she really doesn’t mean to be selfish, she genuinely doesn’t, but she is ? but on the other hand, she’s kind ? pretty gentle ? very forgiving ? expels all kinds of confidence that she just does. not. have ? but she’s selfish and flaky and craves things she doesn’t let people get close enough to have ?
----- ❀ she changes her appearance quite a lot tbh. might take a hot minute for some people to recognise her at times, depending on what she looked like when she knew them ? 
----- ❀ tbh i can see a lot of the people she knows / used to know being all kinds of annoyed with her ? like it’s very much a case of, you think everything is fine, you’re getting on great, but then the real shit happens and oh look ebony’s gone. she just can’t ???? deal with anything ???? so she doesn’t ??? it’s infuriating, especially as a person who she may have ditched at some point ? and it’s so clear WHY she disappears. she thinks her problems will be left behind, but they just catch up to her eventually and she just won’t admit that maybe that means she’s the problem, and that she can’t just abandon everything all the time and expect that to fix things. there are so many things in life she can’t control, and it’s just so overwhelming to her, so when she can control things, like where she stays and who she’s with and who she wakes up to in the morning, she does ? and when she is called out on her bullshit, she’s so casual about it that it’s believable ?? and she knows she can’t be like this forever but owning up to it and putting a stop to it means having to admit it, and some things are buried so deep that it’ll take work to put them right or to deal with them, and it’s just so much easier for her to ignore it. 
----- ❀ i’m working on a full bio for her, but it may take a while since the last bio i wrote was about six thousand words ( yikes ! ) but for now, she has stats !
----- ❀ gender is messy and ebony’s just accepted that tbh. her pronouns are she / her, but she does appreciate it when people use they / them if she hasn’t, like, explicitly said what her pronouns are ? idk, she just doesn’t want people to forget that she’s not A Girl™ ? bc like just bc she presents femininely and mostly identifies as the gender she was assigned at birth, doesn’t make her any less nb ??? u know ??? like even pals she’s said this too, and they could even be nb themselves, she’s still convinced they’ll ? not see her as nb and just ?? forget she’s not a woman ? on that note, though, she doesn’t mind being referred to as a girl on ????? her own terms ??? like her mobile header literally says ‘sad girls club’ but ? on her own terms, y’know ?? anyway, if we could refrain from referring to her as like ‘the girl’ or ‘the woman’ in replies, that’d be great ! 
----- ❀ tldr: ebony is everybody’s least favourite messy, woke, flaky, but soft, angel forward slash demon, who has mastered the ‘art’ of a) never dealing with anything ever b) crying then acting like she’s never cried in her life and she’s fine five minutes later and c) subtly leaning over the bar at work, claiming it to be because she can’t hear her customer, but it’s actually so her shirt gets caught and gets pulled down a little. bc tips. plus fun. plus it makes her feel smug. i hate her. 
okay so..........keeping it short went well then. but i’m honestly so tired rn so this may not even make sense, and i may have to go to sleep and get stuck into replies and starters and whatnot in the morning, but i’m v excited to be here and plot with your kiddos !! i kind of lowkey suck at plotting, and messaging makes me anxious, but i shall try my damn hardest, and  H O N E S T L Y everybody’s characters look so fecking good i’m cryin
edit: i threw together a connections page, that i will update and do properly when i’m more awake !
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franeridart · 7 years
This might be too much to ask but I broke my laptop and only have access to mobile and I'm dying to know what I'm actually missing but I can't check would you be able to describe it? Sorry I know this is annoying ignore it if it's too much trouble
It’s not annoying so don’t worry about it, but my posts should all be visible, now? At least my app doesn’t give me the option to request a review anymore… if you can’t see them still they’re all (aside from the one I posted earlier) backed up on my wordpress blog! You can see them from there without me needing to describe them~
Anon said:Franeri-san what dimensions do you usually use for your canvas? When I draw I end up making the canvas too small, so when i zoom in to make details it becomes pixelated. But I also don’t need my canvas too big because I won’t be able to proportion it;; it’s a visual thing… Ah I’m rambling sorry
I use a 6000pxx5000px with a 4px brush, usually, but I really rarely use it all, mostly it’s just like, corners of the whole thing. I tend to draw a lot of things on the same canvas before switching to a new one - that said, personally I can’t draw properly if I don’t zoom in above 100% (usually I work at 150% or 200%, more for details) so I’m really not the right person to ask this haha
Anon said:I saw that profanity is now being blocked more heavily by safe search so our good, good but foul mouthed Baku may be the reason your stuff is hidden. You’ve probably already heard this but I thought I’d let you know~
Rip so I heard orz though let’s not give our Baku all the fault here, I swear a lot by myself too haha I’m my own ruin, seems like - thank you for taking your time to share the info, anyway!!
Anon said:I’m really happy about your blog not being censored seriously. CAUSE YOU MAKE WONDERFUL DRAWINGS THAT FILL MY HEART AND I WAS STARTING TO PANICK. Keep up the good work~. 🖤
And I’m really happy you can properly see my blog, you sweet sweet cute and adorable anon!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Hello! First, I love your art and your headcanons and stories! I am in love with bakushima half because of you, you beautiful tart. Second, about Bakugo’s laugh, holy crikey, of course he’s loud and explosive. The boy is a ball of stress and anger and when he laughs for real, it’s rare and takes effort. But like, can you just imagine when his explodo-kill mask cracks his face turns red because he doesn’t want to laugh. But THEN he barks out a laugh and everybody’s stunned and then he just SNORTS
YES!!!!!!! Oh my god yes that’s an hc I have he definitely, definitely snorts when he tries to hold back his laughter it’s so effin adorable I die every day a lot bless that kid
Anon said:Who tops of in your opinion in Bakushima?👀
Maybe either, maybe neither, depends on many things but mostly on how I don’t ever ask myself this question for any of my ships so I got no answer for it at all ever - instead we should ask ourselves the important questions, like who opens the water bottles between them (Kirishima when Bakugou’s palms get too sweaty and Bakugou’s forever resentful about it), who kicks when they sleep and who always ends up sleeping on the floor because of it (Bakugou’s the restless sleeper, poor Kirishima), who takes way too damn long in the bathroom goddamnit Kirishima get out of there already I swear to go——-
Anon said:your blog makes me really happy just keep doing you you’re like the best thing
Thank you so much holy smokes!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:wait wait wait wait! is Bakugou the one teaching Shark Kirishima sign language?? then does that mean Kirishima learned to sign ‘I love you’ from Bakugou!? (Q/)////(\Q)
They’re learning together!! They have an online dictionary and follow online courses, so Kirishima kind of looked it up for himself at first - he was signing it as love instead of really like thoug, which made Bakugou indecently flustered so in the end, yes, he was the one to teach him how to properly sign it :D
Anon said:Will you still be updating this blog?
Sure will! The wordpress one is just a backup thing!
Anon said:wait so question: in the mer au, does kiri know jsl from before? because the way he reacted to bakugou first attempting to sign at him looked like he recognized it but you said they both had to learn? does he react like that because he recognizes it as bakugou actively trying to communicate? (btw this au is So Good i love how kaminari is just “why are you like this” at kiri but his Gay Ass cant be swayed)
I’m glad you like it!!!!! And nope Kiri didn’t know jsl from before, but mers do have something similar to a sign language (there’s deaf and mute merpeople too, after all) so he recognized it as Bakugou going “I want to talk to you and this is the best way to” - also, he’d never seen a tablet before and Bakugou was showing him an explosion on it to make him understand and instead he went “what is this SORCERY” and got excited about a gif. Good, pure kid. I had no clue how to add that in the comic in a fast way tho so let’s leave it at him being happy they found a possible way to communicate haha
Anon said:Hi Fran!!! Hace you reas the theoriws aboyo kiri o kaminari Boeing traitors? Si you know where they came up? I’m lil bit lost even tho I’m up with the man lmao ALSO pls more maki-chan
So pretty much at some point in the middle of a meeting Present Mic mentioned how there probably was a traitor between them that kept on feeding the villains infos about UA, and the fandom of course got interested in that!! Who could it be? They started thinking it through and for some reason the theories that ended up being more popular are about it being either Kaminari, Kirishima or Hagakure - I don’t think any of these are true, but if you google search “kaminari traitor theory” or the same with the other two names you should easily find the posts explaining the theories and where they come from, if you’re interested!
Anon said:omg fran i haven’t watched/read bnha but still solely bc of your art i am IN LOVE with kirishima. he’s such a pure being I feel like crying every time i see him??? like i just watched the first opening of the anime and you bet i watched the 5 seconds kirishima gets over and over. like all the bnha kids seem great. i am somehow extremely motivated to read bnha now thanks to your art. BUT OH MY GOD KIRISHIMA I LOVE HIM SO MUCH WHAT EVEN
You picked the best fave you could ever pick, anon!!! Kirishima is the BESTEST boy, purest and brightest and energetic and actual sunshine and also super strong and resilient and kind of an ass now and again but in a good way he’s GREAT I’m IN LOVE with him good job your intuition is perfect
Anon said:I love all your art, but especially all your self indulgent stuff bc first off HELLS YEAH DO THE STUFF THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY and another is it feels like self indulgent stuff for me but I’m not the one making the thing… So like… It’s Good™ BUT YEAH ANYWAYS I LOVE YOUR ART AND YOU AND YOUR ART MAKES ME HAPPY TBH I HOPE YOU’RE HAVING A LOVELY DAY
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH also this is super nice to know because sometimes being self-indulgent is all I can manage to do haha r i p but at least now I’ll know you, for one, will like it!!! That’s nice!!!!!!
Anon said:If you were ever bored and wanted to do more of your mershark au thing I wouldn’t be mad at all ! 😝 your art is so cute and easily recognizable and I really enjoy it! Stay beautiful lovely Fran!
!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I really, really think I will!!!!!!!! :D
Anon said:I bet if denki tried to do the “if i jump at ______ they will most certainly catch me” with bakugou, bakugou would just let him fall
Oh my god no Bakugou’s reflexes and instincts are too fast and automatic the actual reaction at seeing someone run and jump at him would be without thinking trying to explodo-kill them don’t jump at him Kaminariiiii
Anon said: What to you think of a school dance bnha concept thing???
I read a bakushima about it once and I DIED so actually A++++ great perfect amazing concept I love it
Anon said:I gotta know,what do you think of the “Dabi is Todoroki Shouto’s brother” theory? i personally feel like that 1’s the most likely theory to become a legit thing but im curious
I talked about this on my main just the other day!! And added something about it earlier through another ask! But generally I think it’s believable, and I wouldn’t mind it being true :D
Anon said:But, what are your feelings about this chapters? And Kirishima? God, I love him even more and want him to be happy, but Im also dying to know what happened to him in his past!!
I CRIED I love that boy so much I swear it’s getting ridiculous I’m so so proud of him and how far he’s come and I just want him to be happy??? I do want to know his past tho!!! I’ve just been asking for this for, like, eight months!! I hope next one will be the one I’ll finally learn about my child tbh ;–;
Anon said:Fran you should totally do bnha and haikyuu calendars
………………..boi that sounds like a lot of work, anon. Like, it’s an interesting idea, but also my lazy ass is telling me no way no what the heck go to sleep instead r i p
Anon said:Have you ever thought of an eraser mic fusion?
I’ve drawn it already!!
Anon said:fran i?? i love the way you draw smiles?? idk i was just going through your art and i realized that holy SHIT i really love the way you draw smiles. like each smile is different and has its own specialty. esp bakugo’s smile I LOVE HOW YOU DRAW HIS SMILE!! like usually it’s not really noticeable but then there’s that slight quirk of his mouth (see what i did there?) and it’s so perfect. idk dude i just REALLY LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW SMILES
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE ASK I DON’T KNOW HOW TO ANSWER HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you????? so much??????? I’m glad you like them cause honestly I love drawing people smiling and laughing, it makes my heart smile too~
Anon said:Theres a bnhaStuck blog in the works ;)
That’s? Nice! I guess!! I hope whoever’s working on it will have fun with it!!
Anon said:Fran this last BNHA chapter hurt so bad. And then I saw your mer-Kiri and it cheered me up!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad I could cheer you up cause honestly I felt that pain a whole damn lot too ;A; let’s hope Kiri won’t have to suffer much more in this arc #sob
Anon said:im crying fran, my hard bby kiri in the latest chap,,, my baby boi, i know that i wanted to know more abt him but,, keep my baby safe pls oh goodness gracious… (and as usual ur bootiful art keeps me alive)
I mean nearly all the character arcs we got are damn sad so it was obvious Kiri’s was going to be too, but still ;A; don’t make him suffer too bad Hori I beg u ;A;
THANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:!!!!!!FRAN!!!!!! YOUR MER!KIRI AU!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I’m glad you enjoy it!!!!!! 
Anon said:I love your work 😍. You are the only one who makes comics About my favourite ships. I check your web everyday If you post something new. My fav ships are I.waoi, bok.uroo and bak.ushima. Love your work 🙂
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!! holy smokes!!!!!
Anon said:Do you have an OC for Boku no Hero Academy?
The closest things to bnha ocs I have are the fusions, right now, but there’s a couple of asks in my inbox about a bkkr kid… soon……..
Anon said:Quick question, I want to read haikyuu, I’ve watched the anime already and I was wondering how close the anime follows the manga, like how bnha is basically identical, is it the same? Or is there a bit of difference *^*
I’m SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO ANSWER - I bet you already found your answer elsewhere, but anyway the anime is pretty much exactly the same as the manga!!
Anon said:Back on the topic of hq!!! I find it funny how people ask about bok.uroo so much as if you dont like them anymore when they’re literally still your header, like if you didn’t care for them they’d think you’d change it to bakushima or something
I’ve literally thought about changing my header so often but then I look at it and I’m like….. my kids………… I can’t do this………………. not yet…………………. same for my icon tbh haha I love them too much rip
Anon said:Okay but what if Kirishima makes a really stupid pun and Bakugou just turns away with a curse and he’s just covering his mouth and quietly giggling into his hand because even he can’t believe he found that funny, and that is SHAMEFUL. And Sero in the distance is just looking at him, all disappointed. Quietly judging the fact that Kirishima and Bakugou are practically meant for one another.
You wanna know the best thing the absolute best thing? My very first bnha comic was something eerily similar to the first part of this ask! Only Bakugou was the one to accidentally make a pun - I’d link it but honestly my style was ridiculous back then so not happening, just know that I’m 100% sure that post is the reason why I keep on drawing bnha comics about puns, my very first post set the path for all the others to come hah a curse I don’t actually mind
Anon said:are you planning on starting another series? like the bokuroteru tattoo shop au you did (it was real dandy and rad) it was what made me find your blog, so i was wondering if you have any future plans for anything similar. i really like your blog lots, i hope you have a nice day!
Right now I don’t actually have any idea orderly enought to make a proper series out of it, rip - maybe in the future, tho! That one comic was fun to make, after all!! And thank you!!!!!!!!
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zaxal · 7 years
3, 5, 10, 12, 13, 23, 33, 50 (sry I got carried away they are good questions feel free to skip some if u don't feel like talking that much)
under a cut, sorry if that doesn’t work on mobile ;u;
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic?
ash and blood which i link every time i talk about it bc i spent three fuckin years working on it. it’s the first time i’ve really felt that my plot, worldbuilding, and characters were all cohesive, and there’s not much fat i would trim off or things i would heavily edit at this point. the stuff i’ve written since then has been good (imo) but it doesn’t fill me with the same sense of accomplishment.
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
almost all of my psychtober fics, undertow, ash and blood, we could be reborn. i’m a huge fan of my own work bc i tend to work with tropes i either like or want to unravel in a specific way. i cater to my own tastes lmao.
10. Have you ever written for a fandom without reading other fanfic for it?
sort of. back when i was a teenager and an asshole, i looked down on fanfiction despite writing some myself (i told myself it was different. it wasn’t.) but since i’ve like... participated in fandom, no. bc usually the first thing i do when i get through a piece of media i want to write for, i head out to read.
12. Have you ever written a fic and decided never to publish it? Why?
yeah bc it was bbclock and doctor who and those fandoms specifically were like... i liked them at the time, but i think i wanted to be involved in a big fandom and carve out my own space. my heart wasn’t in it the same way it was with psych which is when i like. really started writing. there’s some of that old stuff i like rereading, but i still don’t care for the source material the same way i do my true obsessions.
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
i’m not afraid to say dick, cock, cunt, pussy, etc. like maybe that’s not that big of a thing to other people but i Could Not do it when i first started writing bc i was a delicate flower. i got over that. like writing porn isn’t everything but it helps if you can use like actual words for fucking.
non-smut related, i think i’m leagues better when it comes to keeping the pace moving forward. idk if it shows in my oldest published shit (there’s a certain point i won’t go back and read bc i will be Compelled to update the fic to something better and i don’t have time to do that) but my momentum used to stall out a lot because i’d either get stuck in a scene i didn’t care about writing or i’d be too into something and get obsessed with what i was writing instead of thinking about the story from any outsider standpoint re: whether it was actually readable.
23. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten?
honestly, any comment i’ve gotten that’s like, gone into detail about how i made someone feel a thing is in the ‘best’ tier, i can’t narrow it down further than that. anyone who has made me feel like my writing touched them, that they got into it -- that’s my reason for living.
33. Is there any particular character whose scenes always wind up being longer/more frequent than you expected? Does the quality hold up?
mmmm probably carlton j. lassiter. i’m compelled by him. i ID with him in a lot of ways, and i feel like i understand what he thinks, feels, what motivates him the most. that understanding ironically gives me more flexibility bc once you have a solid foundation, you know when you’re doing something wildly out of character. you can trust your gut a lot more.
so scenes with him usually end up running long especially if i have a character to play him off of that’s fun to write. i think it’s easy to get stuck in a banter loop especially when it’s him and shawn, and while it can be fun to write, you gotta know when to stop and get back to what the story’s about. that’s where the quality would lag behind.
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive?
it’s had a huge impact on my life. i went to college for writing, and while i got advice that helped me from that, fanfiction is where i can explore, tweak, see what works and what doesn’t in an environment that’s solely for fun and for free. i’ve been telling stories my entire life, but fanfiction is where i honed it into something usable. thanks to fanfiction, i’ve completed my first project that took years of on/off working to do, i’ve been able to learn how to maintain a tone and a style for a work for the years it’s taken to complete (s/o to my WIPs, i know they’re out there and need tending to). i’ve learned how to introduce side characters and how much the audience needs to know them w/o my obsession with them overtaking the main story.
there’s a lot i’ve learned that had to come through practice, and fanfiction is a great field to use.
i wouldn’t say it’s been entirely positive, if only because i’m super anxious about making the leap from fic to original work. because i’ve gotten comfortable using other people’s characters and interpreting events through their eyes, i worry that my own OCs won’t hold up or that i’ll fail at worldbuilding because i’m used to playing in sandboxes where so much is already built for me.
but that’s just a bump in the road i have to get over.
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oracles · 6 years
All of the emojis for the sweet and pure asks
DSJFHFDJKHKFJFFF honestly you’re probably like the only person who cares about what i say on here … thank u .. my savior 💖
(obviously imma put this under a cut .. if it doesn’t work on mobile, i apologize in advance aadhjfdkff since when things are under a cut i tend to write long ass rambling answers)
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
as an utterly hopeless romantic, i certainly want to. i think because of like … insecurities, self hate and stuff (not to get too deep), it’s a comforting idea to me to like Know that there’s someone out there who doesn’t see me the way i do … but realistically? no. i think you gotta realize that relationships are hard and something you have to work to keep healthy and happy and not as magically problem-solving as soulmate tropes make it out to be. so short answer: realistically no, ideally yes. 
💌- diary or journal?
the one i write in is honestly a mix of both, but i think it’s more of a diary. it’s cathartic to write things out when you don’t wanna talk to someone else about it (or in addition to venting to another person) and for the journal aspect of it, i really like looking back on things i did back in the day. i’ve had a diary/journal hybrid since like 2008-ish? so i love that !
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
ooh good question …. there’s a lot! i think i see bits of myself in a lot of characters so there isn’t any One (1) person i relate to the most. shaw from person of interest keeps coming to mind but maybe i’ve just absorbed parts of her, rather than actually being like her so who knows . jessica jones is another one, in some aspects. i think just from those two you can tell the Type of character i not only gravitate towards, but relate to too
💕- are you crushing on someone?
irl? no, i’m not. i have plenty of celebrity crushes though so i can’t even begin to start listing those. honestly most of the celebs i talk about / reblog on here are most likely a crush . to paraphrase an iconic pisces, yeah i’m a love whore and what about it ??? dfjkdhkjff
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
both !!!!! but kissing in the dark may be more ideal so i can hide how flustered i probably would be
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
💌💣🌙🥀🖤  less of an aesthetic and more so just emojis i like, i feel like
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
oof … this is a really hard question. honestly, i don’t know. there’s a lot of memorable things. i feel like it’s mainly just the lil things – moments that i look back on that don’t seem like much but are really warm and comforting to reminiscence about (sorry, this isn’t really an answer)
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
a more recent fav but i’ve been really interested in diphylleia grayi / skeleton flowers lately. part of me doesn’t even know if they’re like real, but i’ve written a lot about them lately (and ofc listened to the jonghyun song about it) so i’ve had a sort of attachment to them lately. aside from that, i don’t really have a favorite? i think they’re all pretty
💖- have you ever been in love?
a lot dkjfhkjff probably more of a crush / infatuation than anything else in actuality, i suppose, though. platonically in love, however? absolutely
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
vanilla, hands down
🍯- describe your favorite smell
ironically, vanilla is a big favorite smell of mine. i think i have a pretty sensitive sense of smell so there’s a lot of different things. i also like tea / coffee smells? idk, just stuff like that. which is part of why i enjoy baking, i think
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
1) for more wishes … bc im a gremlin
beyond that, i never know what to say for these questions beyond things i obviously want like world peace, ending world hunger, etc etc. like for personal things maybe … like being happy with myself? bc i think my self-image issues hinder me a LOT.
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
both!!!! i eat the left over cookie dough when i bake but the final product is always really good too. (cookies, if i had to pick one though)
☕- coffee or tea?
tea !!!! don’t really feel like the coffee type of person (aside from enjoying the smell of it)
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
a forest with fairies, that sounds absolutely lovely
🍂- what’s your middle name?
it’s my dad’s first name
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
gemini sun, pisces moon and leo rising
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
stay inside in bed with chai. basically just having a lazy day – reading, watching something, etc etc
🍭- how tall are you?
5′7″, though a part of me likes to hypothesize that if my posture wasn’t absolute SHIT my actual height would be 5′8″ (wishful thinking probably, but my posture is bad though)
💒- which show would you want to live in?
the good place was the first one to come to mind but idk about that … they go through a lot of shit and i for sure would just be in the bad place, without a chance of redemption. to appeal my Babey side ……… can i say winnie the pooh or smth (also, im just blanking out on any decent tv show where the universe isn’t one where i will probably instantly DIE in bc of how inept i am)
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
i often say christmas for this one actually. not because we really celebrate it or anything, i just like the atmosphere around this time of year usually. mostly bc of childhood memories and how fun it was for me then
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
i don’t use any, but probably something vanilla-y so im sure there’s holiday candles that fit my taste
🎶- favorite song right now?
not necessarily a favorite (bc i have a LOT), but im listening to pirate king by ateez right now (thanks winnie)
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
idk !!!!!!! have a good/similar sense of humor to me, listen to what i have to say (and like ….. don’t make me feel like shit or annoying for bringing up my interests or showing you things i think you’ll like), and uhhhhhh maybe like do cute lil romantic things for me ??? im a sucker for that. esp when people remember lil details about me based off what i’ve just casually said, idk .. it’s bare minimum time i guess. i just can’t fathom anyone Wanting to win my heart in the first place so it’s really easy bc im touch and romance starved
🍩- current mood?
okay ? just kinda here – not really happy but not sad either. neutral. procrastinating
❄️- what is your favorite season?
spring because of my birthday and the weather is decent, i guess. though i’ll also nominate winter
💍- your current relationship status?
what you think? .. DJKHFKF SINGLE of course . when have i ever been anything else
📷- a photo of yourself
absolutely not. though i have posted some before (you can click my name in my description to see this ugly minion mug of mine)
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
it’s weird because as a concept, yes i absolutely do but in reality, i will feel guilty and bad if anyone spends money on me at all because i don’t think i’m worth that so in practice, i guess i have to abandon my sugar baby dreams
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
1) keysmashing ? dhfkjffjkf like it’s genuinely so instinctual to me that i have to stop and make myself stop before i type it to locals i know or in emails to my teachers. in a similar realm, is my lowercase aesthetic . if only i could type my essays like this
2) saying and typing ‘like’ a lot. i guess i really AM the valley girl that envi says i sound like ………. tis a sad day. i never really noticed how much i do it till i reread old messages
3) not sitting properly. at school i do it obviously, but at home i most often sit cross legged on chairs or with one leg up or something. gay culture, babey ! the amount of times i’ve been told off for sitting “improperly” or “like a man” .. amazing
and bonus 4) being a dumbass. i just felt the urge to say that. don’t expect me to think or say anything intelligent ever. especially if we’re talking irl because my brain will exit immediately and i won’t be able to put a single coherent sentence together. i sound better online than offline, trust me.
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
i don’t wanna turn this into oversharing emo o’clock but i’ll summarize it in one word … BAD. gremlin and scum are also fitting words. perhaps i have made points sometimes but that’s just after i go to rent-a-brain-cell ‘ r us . otherwise? complete fool . a clown, if you will . don’t get me started on my looks
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
this is what i REALLY want to know. i have an irrationally strong desire to just know what people think of me. it’s what gives me a self-identity and a better sense of who i am bc idk !!!!!! is my quietness making me look mean ??? who knows ! just how ugly am i actually ???? someone tell me
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
there’s a lot of things and i’m also feeling lazy to list things. but pretty smiles have always been a huge weakness of mine. and perhaps i have an arm kink ….. like not super muscley arms (i.e: body builder types) but kinda toned/defined ones? NUT . (not a necessity ofc, just a bonus)
🍓- one secret about yourself
well it’s not a secret online, but my sexuality i guess? offline, aside from kendra, no one else knows. beyond that, i wish i had something scandalous i could reveal but im genuinely a boring person
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
inside im a mess. usually i just like looking at them and going into my Daydream World (patent pending) to fulfill my romantic desires there. outwardly, i don’t do like anything. idk how obvious i am honestly. i don’t interact with them at all, aside from sneaking glances, bc i am scum !!! and also i lack any confidence whatsoever 
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
never had one, so this is non-applicable :/
💬- what your last text message says?
to summarize, it was just me in the gc talking about a song i listened to a lot that i saw in my spotify top 100 list thing and about how i recently realized the singer/rapper was malaysian
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
currently, im not really marathoning anything exactly ? i guess the closest would be blackish, but i haven’t watched that in a hot minute. i’m trying to catch up on it though. 
⛅- what is your morning routine?
usually it’s just get up, brush teeth / wash face, and then change into my clothes for the day and then have breakfast 
💗- who do you miss?
who i used to be ……. :( IM KIDDING . ummm idk, no one really? i guess i miss the people i don’t talk to as much anymore, though it’s really my own fault most of the time since im a horrible communicator 
🥀- last time you cried?
oof i don’t really remember …… like i get emo a lot but i don’t exactly full on cry a lot? one semi-recent time i remember crying was when envi sent us this one song in the gc and it was just really pure and romantic and i got in my feelings about it. funny how my crying works ……. i don’t cry a lot but it can be brought on by the weirdest, most random things
🎁- when is your birthday?
may 29th !!!!!
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
not really either (since im not scared of ghosts, though i do kinda believe in them. like i don’t NOT believe in them, but im also not gonna fight someone who doesn’t, y’know?) but long story short – i got smacked in the back of the head (like it felt like a hard slap) once and no one was there/did it. must’ve been the ghost in our apartment. i joke a lot about there being one in our place but i wouldn’t be surprised if there was, with the random stuff that happens sometimes (mostly things just falling). again im no huge believer in ghosts, it’s just whatever to me but getting hit in the back of the head like that was definitely WEIRD. bc it honestly felt like how my little brother hits me but it wasn’t him so …….. hm.
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
same age or older (not by a lot), probably. being with someone younger makes me feel weird (weirdly, usually with men. like i’ll be more comfortable dating a girl a year younger than me than a guy for example.. for maturity reasons i GUESS). but it depends. if i like someone within a reasonable age range, then i like them. 
🎀- any question you want
you didn’t ask one so n/a (and neither did i in the ask i sent you so rip)
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moosebeans · 7 years
All of the TØP asks!
Answered. After six months. Answered.
It took me ages so better appreciate it 😂I had to do it on mobile bc my laptop’s not working :D 
*SELF TITLED*IMPLICIT DEMAND FOR PROOF: what’s your biggest fear?I mean, like except for death, probably not being enough (what a greeeaaat start)FALL AWAY: what was the last lie you told to yourself?‘That’s not wrong’THE PANTALOON: have you ever been deeply affected by a death?I don’t think so, because the last time someone from my closest family died was when my great-grandmother died and I was 6 then so I don’t even remember her that much.ADDICT WITH A PEN: have you ever felt that what you want the most is out of your reach?Hahahaha I’m feeling this almost everyday, next question pleaseFRIEND, PLEASE: have you ever had to talk someone out of making a big mistake?Yes. I won’t tell the details bc you know, privacy, but I’m incredibly happy I managed to do so.MARCH TO THE SEA: do you conform or go against the standards?I’m not a rebel but definitely I’m more of going against the rules, but only if they are wrong.JOHNY BOY: who in your life is sort of unsung hero?Let’s just take a moment to appreciate @has-a-crisisOH MS BELIEVER: someone whom you wish were more confident of themselves?@has-a-crisis and @itsskylerblue and @justanotherduke you guys are wonderful and I don’t understand why you can’t believe that 💛💜AIR CATCHER: have you ever been afraid to tell someone you love them?Not really. Maybe bc I’ve never been in love lmao but if you mean platonic love, I don’t really like telling that bc I’m always scared that that person will let me down eventually and I’ll be sad that they’ve meant that much to me and they knew that.TRAPDOOR: is there something you hide from everyone, even the people close to you?I tend to hide my feelings and my mental state bc I don’t want to overwhelm anyone with mine problems as they already have theirs :’)A CAR, A TORCH, A DEATH: do you love somebody do much you are willing to die for them?Definitely yes, buuttt I’d rather Live for them (what a Ride reference)TAXI CAB: what do you believe will happen to you after you die?Ok, so I’m trying to believe there is some afterlife, and if there is I hope I can get to heaven (or just the good option in general if it’s not heaven), but for now I can’t say I’m sure it will happen so like. idk manBEFORE YOU START YOUR DAY: what is the song that make you feel confident?You mean one? Here’s a whole list: fairly local, lane boy, famous last words, my songs know what you did in the dark, misery (by blink-182) and if I had more time I’d list much moreISLE OF FLIGHTLESS BIRDS: what holds you back from reaching your whole potential?My lovely insecurities, thanks for asking. Seriously, there isn’t any specific one.
*REGIONAL AT BEST*GUNS FOR HANDS: how do you redirect negative thoughts?I don’t really redirect them, I basically just try to forget them by listening to loud music lmao :’)HOLDING ON TO YOU: who do you come to when you need help?@has-a-crisis, @justanotherduke and, thanks to the time zones, (the only good thing about them) when it’s too late there’s always @itsskylerblue awake(the whole thing will just be about them I guess)ODE TO SLEEP: are you a night owl or an early riser?Definitely the night owl. Although I prefer to be called a bat.SLOWTOWN: a day you’d relive over and over again if you could?3/11/2016 my tøp concertCAR RADIO: do you prefer to listen to radio or your own music in the car?Lemmie tell you. The songs on the radio are NOT as okay as that one song suggests. But if it’s an actual long journey then crappy pop is a part of the aesthetic.FOREST: something that didn’t go how you had planned?Like my teenage years for example??GLOWING EYES: what are your dreams like?Well sometimes they are amazing and I wish I didn’t wake up. Sometimes they are messy and cause headaches. Sometimes I have nightmares. And they are absolutely the worst.KITCHEN SINK: have you created something that only you understand?I guess yes? Like, the art I draw is pretty easy to understand but still they surely are some aspects of it only I know?ANATHEMA: what bothers you the most?I’m just never enough. But I don’t have energy to do anything about that.LOVELY: best compliment you’ve ever received?“FUCK that’s good” about my art or “you’re literally alien goddess or what” :) RUBY: have you ever been unexpectedly inspired or affected by someone?Yes. No, you won’t hear details.TREES: someone you wish you could speak to?I’d say… to my mom. I wish I could tell her everything. But it’s not that easy.BE CONCERNED: have you ever questioned something everyone around you firmly believed?Like… does life even have sense?CLEAR: are you an introvert or an extrovert?You see. I’m an extrovert to people I like. But if I’m faced with people I don’t like I’m a total introvert.HOUSE OF GOLD: have you promised something you can’t fulfill until you get older?So many things, honestly, I don’t have time to list them.
*VESSEL*ODE TO SLEEP: have you ever asked someone for forgiveness multiple times?Yes.HOLDING ON TO YOU: do you write in cursive or print?Somewhere between (WHAT A REBEL I AM)MIGRAINE: favourite and least favourite days of the week? Why?Fave- Wednesdays bc I have easy school and I’m still not too tired with the whole weekLeast fave- Sundays and I won’t quote Migraine but more less that’s whyHOUSE OF GOLD: what kind of house do you want to have when you get older?Small but cozy and full of love :’)CAR RADIO: have you ever had anything stolen from you?That one bitch in kindergarten stole my my little ponies once. She got caught and she was defending herself by saying she had to take them on a walk because I kept them inside for too long. Other than that I don’t think so, except someone might have stolen my converse at school but they also might have been thrown away bc I forgot to take them home for winter break as I should SEMI-AUTOMATIC: something you wish you could change from your personality?Idk I could stop being such a salty bitch lmao SCREEN: have you ever pretended to be someone you’re not to impress somebody?I’ve lost count, but I actually don’t do it anymore bc, you know, I stopped giving any effs about whether people like me or not THE RUN AND GO: the last person at whose house you stayed? the last person that stayed at your house?My godparents and for the second one my cousinsFAKE YOU OUT: thing you seem to care about more than most people?I’m really insecure so basically everything that is about me that I don’t like and can’t really change GUNS FOR HANDS: the last lie you told to your parents?“Yeah, I’ll try to go to sleep earlier” or “no, I’m not sad”TREES: someone you wish you could see?(strictly see, no dialogue)I don’t know really? Because just seeing someone is so… not enough if you can’t talk TRUCE: what inspires you to stay alive?My true friends @has-a-crisis, @itsskylerblue and @justanotherduke, a.k.a. the ones I can always count on. Also that small amount of hope that it eventually gets better KITCHEN SINK: have you ever told anyone to go away even though you didn’t want to be alone?Many, many times
*BLURRYFACE*HEAVYDIRTYSOUL: have you ever had to put your dream on hold?Yeah, multi times.STRESSED OUT: whose opinion do you value the most?Probably my friends’ because I know they really care about meRIDE: a fantasy you would never act on?I’d never actually kill the people I sometimes want to.FAIRLY LOCAL: are you typically hot or cold?You mean as a person or do I feel cold or hot? Both answers are cold TEAR IN MY HEART: have you found the tear in my heart?I don’t think so.LANE BOY: have you ever stood up for what you believed in?Yes, multiple times actuallyTHE JUDGE: what’s scarier, the fear or what causes the fear?As a very anxious person I know it’s usually the fear.DOUBT: a doubt that you have that you wish you could shake?If I’m really good at anything or are people just nice to me.POLARIZE: where do you hide your problems?In my diary or in my head.WE DONT BELIEVE WHATS ON TV: do you more value material objects or the intangible?The intangible. I’m actually quite minimalistic so I don’t care about things that much anyway.MESSAGE MAN: when things get hard do you sleep or stay awake?I’m staying AWAKEHOMETOWN: where is your hometown?Warsaw, Poland. Unless you mean something metaphorical then idkNOT TODAY: do you let people get to you?It takes time. A long time.GONER: what is your blurryface like?My blurryface is a mess. Always in the back of my head. When it comes out, everything begins to be too much and everything loses its sense.
Well that was a ride. Congratulations if you actually read it all. Also sorry I’m answering this after literal six months.
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kaedekayano · 7 years
okay! finally, my last live blog post of the night. It is 2.16am right now, so forgive me if my thoughts are a bit incoherent. Also on mobile, so no readmore
[edit the morning after] readmored bc i love yall nd im on my laptop now
a couple comments on the fandom ao3 - the proportion of dazai/chuuya fics is honestly astonishing. I’m sure they have more interaction than this in the manga, but karmagisa has roughly the same, if not lesser (I think? Been some time since I checked the AC AO3 relationship rankings, because all it does is make me sad over the lack of f/f, but that’s smth I’m working on fixing personally) proportions. And Karma and Nagisa get way more screen time together and much more detail on their relationship. idk man, whatever floats your boat and if it’s popular, it’s popular. I’m really into it too
I mean, I also like dazai/kunikida a lot too and it was my first ship for this show, but kunikida hasn’t had as much time to shine this season - many of the characters haven’t, but dazai, ever the eternal puppet master and one of the central focuses, usually gets a lot. I certainly don’t mind, he is the favorite son.
still don’t understand why akutagawa/Atsushi is such a thing, but ofc the end of s2 is hinting at redemption of a sorts for akutagawa and he’s getting better, and I’m sure that’s shown even more in the manga. tbh akutagawa is such an incredibly self-destructive, volatile, poor-tempered guy that while that’s a ship I could get behind, it would require a ton of work, and that’s work I’d prefer the show to be doing instead me headcanoning my way into things making sense (looks at the rarepairs I have cobbled together out of headcanon and far-reaching analysis. it’s work, yall). Development. It would be good. for now, I definitely love lucy/Atsushi - I think they’d be good for each other, and she’s got a skewed moral compass too, but she seems a little more amenable to changing that.
okay! fandom comments over.
Steinbeck/lovecraft is a cute friendship, even if I can’t stop thinking the phrase “tentacle porn,” over and over, in my head. I hate it a whole lot. I’m so done with myself tbh, too many tentacle jokes in AC fandom RIP. Lovecraft is really cool, he’s such a mystery but I think that’s a good narrative choice that the writers made, and I love that monster aesthetic even though I have never once in my life read any of Lovecraft’s works.
Ranpo is really fascinating as always. I’m not entirely sure of his thought processes, but I understand where he’s going with the, “but then I’d be normal.” (Paraphrasing because I don’t remember the exact words.) because - and I suspected this was the reason from the start - if he isn’t gifted, then his abilities are only human, can make mistakes and be fallible and he’d be held responsible for it. I get that. It’s hard. I sympathise with him. And I continue to love his closed-eyes smiling expression and his spiky hair, the hair is just cool. Also, poe/ranpo seems cute.
I was going to say I have no words for how much i adored the double black episode, but I’m writing a whole lot of words now, so I guess that’s a lie. I really adored it. I love ships that are all rivalry and hatred and an unwilling magnetism that attracts them to each other (okay yall could already tell but shush). I will probably rewatch the episode soon. And probably write a couple snippets of fic, but won’t really do anything until later because I have a lot of other writing to attend to ah the moment. But oh my God, Dark Era Dazai (still can’t believe Chuuya was his partner and didn’t appear even once in the Dark Era episodes!) and his partner fucking shit up and insulting each other and terrifying all their enemies and making fun of each other all the time, barely able to tolerate each other but inexplicably tied together. I love it, okay. I want to write so much about it.
Francis was never a character I liked, but he at least amused me sometimes, so props to anything that can make me laugh or smile.
Akutagawa is a mess.
I wanted to write more, but it’s now 2:31 and I desperately need to sleep. So a few quicker points than what I’ve been typing up until now -
Atsushi playing big brother / mentor to Kyouka gives me life
I am a fucking baby I felt so many overwhelming emotions when Dazai walked over to Akutagawa and said, “you’ve become strong.” (Not paraphrased!) I’m so - oh my god.
Akutagawa try to gain some semblance of mental stability. Maybe read a self help book, take an anger management class. thx, love u bb
Kyouka is so precious and important to me
Steinbeck is terrible but he has the Affably Evil trope and I’m a sucker for the affably evil trope. I’m a sucker for the affably even-normally-not-associated-with-affability trope
“I haven’t left my house in four years. I want to sleep.” Same, Lovecraft, same
Where did Q go. Is he okay. He’s a nasty piece of work but I still feel concerned for him
The five executives give me life. Technically I know three rn, but yeah. (Did anyone ever replace Dazai and who were they?)
I continue to love Chuuya’s hair. And his hat. And his terrible temper
Also, Chuuya and Dazai were partners but did anyone else have a partner? Was it because of Chuuya’s Corruption ability and Dazai being able to neutralize it was the reason they were paired?
Atsushi is precious. Deserves good things.
Omg the Poe episode I forgot how much I loved the unreliable narrator trope in fiction. Mainly because the reasons for the narrator being unreliable turned out to be shitty and cliche most of the time but I still love it.
The detectives are precious and adorable. All of them. The party at the end was so great my heart was like!!!!! :D
Good night everyone
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sugabeans · 8 years
i wanted to do the aesthetic themed ask list cause i’m bored waiting for my hair to dry (i just showered) and school-related work doesn’t appeal to me rn
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
today i think. i like to sing to the music i’m listening to when no one’s around i was singing haikyuu songs lol 
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
at first i was thinking something about my future like do i get a job that i like, do i live in a comfortable place, am i successful.. 
but tbh i wanna know how i’ll die lol 
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
n/a beb 
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
i kinda skimmed over the “first” and just read the “recent” and immediately i thought of when kevin liked my random tweet a few weeks ago. that made me super dee duper happy 
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
tbh i’d probably spend all my education money on a trip to japan 
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
i don’t but i really want to own a brown poodle and name it tako 
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
pass lol i don’t feel like going into details. but i’d talk about my sister 
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
yes, a very happy one. probably happier than i deserved 
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
i really can’t remember but i was probably crying to my sister about some anime or manga i recently watched / read 
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
my sister cause we do everything together 
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
nope lol i don’t open up to anyone except the internet 
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
lmfao who has conversations at 3am man i’m sleeping 
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
probably to my mom and something like “thank you for loving me” or smth 
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
they’re pretty cause i have them 
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
the .. you always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take quote  to me it means man karina you’ve missed out on a lot of things cause you’re too scared to take the chance 
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
“idk what i’m doing”
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
go to japan. probably buy a place to live in japan too and then visit korea lol 
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
i think i am..? but i’m also a grudge holder. i won’t be mean about my grudges, but i’ll internalize them and associate negative thoughts towards the person i’m holding a grudge over..
so technically it looks like i forgive them - 
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
i know that you always tell yourself to stop comparing yourself to others. and i know it’s hard not to (your 20 year old self can’t seem to stop it either) but just accept yourself for who you are and don’t care about what other people think 
stop crying yourself to sleep thinking you’re not good enough or that you’re never going to amount to anything in life too. 
ALSO. LEARN HOW TO EYELINER PLEASE. don’t put liquid eyeliner on your waterline 
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
pastel bitches 
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
i want a tattoo of a bean sprout on my wrist and i have 3 ear piercings so 
i like them and i think people who have them are cool dudes 
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
i only wear eyeliner, occasionally mascara and i recently started putting bb cream over my acne scars (it doesn’t cover it much though)
and reason why i don’t wear more is cause idk what to start with. i have combination skin where i have insanely dry patches and super oily patches so i would probably need to use 2 types of foundation ?? idk i’m also just lazy and makeup is expensive so i only use the bare minimum 
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
ukiss has made me a happier person. they give me a reason to smile
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
beep boop 
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
ukiss: the happiest i’ve felt probably 
eric nam: i love eric so much he is so pure 
teen top, nu’est: yay 
bts: you’re an idiot for ruining this for yourself *insert regret*
troye sivan: the most i’ve scream-sang probably 
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
a letter from kevin saying thanks for the support would be hella awesome 
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
it’s very messy bc i am a lazy asshole 
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
shower, remove makeup in the shower, cleanse face in shower, brush teeth, play a random mobile otome game in bed, perhaps read some manga, fall asleep reading manga 
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
that in high school this guy confessed to me 
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
honestly i just want it to be a little lighter brown? like redish brown balayage? cause my virgin hair is boring and with lighter hair my brows would look better with taupe 
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
just need my sister and we would go around japan doing lord knows what 
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
that my sister discovers her passion in life, and gets a job she’s happy about 
that i get a job i’m passionate about 
or actually.. i wish i could win the lottery lmfao 
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
n/a cause i’ve never been drunk or high 
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
murder my family (or anyone for that matter) 
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
listen to one song cause only seeing one person would get boring fast. also, seeing one person would limit me to literally everything. i wouldn’t be able to go out cause then i’d see other people?? 
but if you listen to one song, like a classical music piece or something, you can drown it out with other thoughts and daily activities 
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
lol what is love 
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
no cause my scalp is hideous and my face is round so without my hair it’ll look rounder 
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
i don’t go to starbucks. never ordered from them ever
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
my sister probably 
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