#i could have a lot of fun with this prompt if only i had timeee ugh
softarcana · 6 years
How would all Six react and what would they do if MC tried to make them hate her so they can break up with them because someone is threatening her and she wants to protect them. Your choice if they found out early or too late
he’d catch on right away
he knows you too well to know when something’s wrong
your words don’t match the look in your eye
“cut the crap, MC. tell me what’s really going on.”
and you better believe he takes out whoever is threatening you himself
at first he’s heartbroken
you’ve been acting so mean and angry
he’d think you hated him
until he’d catch you crying one day and pry the truth out of you
would either take them out himself or get some goons on the case
she doubts your offensive words and tells Portia to follow you around
Portia reports back and Nadia is furious
“MC,” she’d call, “care to tell me why you’ve been hiding such an important thing from me?”
she’d dismiss your concerns (lovingly) 
and would reassure you that no one would bother you anymore
she’d know before you even decided to make her hate you
the second you’d start, she’d call you out on it
she’d devise a plan to set you free
and it would work (thanks to Nadia’s many helpful hands)
you can’t keep a single secret from this girl
he’d consider leaving before you could leave him
until he talked to Asra
Asra would manage to talk some sense into him and Muriel would start digging around
he’d find out who did it and clear the danger
his curse is convenient, really
he’d tell you you didn’t need to be afraid anymore
there’d be lots of spats of yelling before he realized something didn’t add up
he’d get someone to follow you around to confirm his suspicions 
he’d make a public spectacle of it
“How dare anyone threaten my count/ess. Look! Look and see what fate will befall you should you even think of plotting against us.”
you tell him he sounds a little overpowering, this is, after all, supposed to be a new system of ruling
he waves your comment away, “anything to protect you, my dove.”
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monsterlovinghours · 5 years
If you’re still doing these prompts I was hoping you could do “how long have you been like this?” “Look at me” “You can rest in my arms” and “Rest as long as you need” with Dewey please 🥺🥺💕. Only if you feel like it babes! I love you and your writing so much!! Love you BIG TIMEEE 💕💕🥺🥴
You honestly weren’t sure how much more you could take. Everything seemed to be going wrong right now. You’d hit a glass ceiling at your job you just couldn’t seem to break, your car was making a worrying clunking sound when you turned the wheel too far over, every spare second of your day seemed to be filled with running errands or meeting someone for something, and to add to the stress, you were in the process of moving. Most of your clothes were packed up, your books, your electronics. Even most of your furniture was covered in bubble wrap and waiting for the movers to come that weekend, including your bed. You’d been making do with an air mattress on your bedroom floor, but it could only give you perhaps three or four fitful hours of sleep a night.
The only thing that seemed to be a bright point in your days was Dewey. You two hadn’t been dating terribly long, and were still in that awkward phase where you weren’t sure how much physical affection he was willing to give or receive, and he hadn’t initiated much affection in fear of overstepping and scaring you off. Still, he was fun to be around, and phone calls with him could put you at ease even at the height of your frantic pace. Unfortunately, that’s all you could do for now was phone calls; there simply wasn’t time to visit. 
Then, one night as you were walking to your car after work, you saw him leaning against it, a wide grin on his face, and you returned his smile with your own. “Hey, Dew,” you greeted, kissing him on the cheek. “I wasn’t expecting to see you!”
“Took a bus over. I missed you, babe, I haven’t seen you in a week.” He seemed genuinely sad, and you almost lifted a hand to stroke his cheek. Almost.
“I know, I’m sorry.” And you were. You wanted to spend time with him; honestly, nothing you had to do sounded better than spending a night in with him. But when would you have the time?
“So, you busy tonight?”
You sighed. “Yeah. I’ve got choir practice, and then my friend wanted to meet me downtown to ask my advice on bridesmaid dresses.”
“Skip it.”
You blinked. “What?”
“Skip it.” He shrugged, then his hands were in your waist, pulling you closer as they slid to your back. “You know the songs already. You practice them every time I call you. And your friend can send you the pictures, you don’t need to meet face to face. C’mon, honey, give yourself a break. Come spend the night with me.”
This would be a first. You’d been there late, yes, but you’d never spent the night there. Your stomach did an odd little flip, and you knew you should stick to your guns and be responsible, but...
“Okay. Yeah. You’re right.”
An hour or so later, after a stop for snacks and booze, the two of you arrived at his place. It wasn’t big, and it wasn’t fancy, but it was distinctly Dewey. There were posters all over the walls for 80′s rock bands, posters for local bands you had never heard of, a bookshelf that instead of books was packed with CD’s and crates of old vinyls. It even smelled like him, and that alone made you relax the moment you walked through the door. Dewey took the bags you were carrying and pushed you toward the couch, his hand lingering on your back. “Go ahead and take a seat, I’ll be with you in a sec.”
You did, kicking off your shoes and curling up, your gaze drifting to the doorway of his kitchen, where you could see him putting things away. After a couple of minutes, he returned, a drink in each hand and a grin on his face. “There you go, babe, drink up.” He sat beside you on the couch, his side pressed against yours, and you couldn’t keep yourself from leaning against him, your head falling back against his arm as he draped it over the back of the couch.
“Thanks for riding this out with me,” you said after taking a sip of the admittedly strong drink he’d given you. 
“Babe, I’ll ride anything you want me to.” You giggled, and he grinned, his hand stroking through your hair. “But seriously, how long have you been like this? Y’know, running around all day.”
“It gets like this every time of year, it’s just that this year is particularly bad. Especially with moving. I can’t even go home and rest at the end of the day because all my furniture is wrapped.”
“You can rest in my arms.”
Your head turned, turned to see his face so close to yours, and he kissed you so gently, his lips warm and soft. When he broke it, his forehead leaning against yours, he whispered, “That was a cheesy line, thank you for not laughing.”
“I like cheesy,” you breathed, and then his arms were around you, pulling you into his lap and settling you against his chest. Oh, why hadn’t you thought of this before? This was wonderful. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, arms wrapped around his torso as he began petting your hair, his fingers rubbing along your scalp. 
“That’s it baby, you rest as long as you need. I’ve got you.” Your arms tightened around him, and you felt a bloom of warmth in your chest, your heart pressing against your ribs as if it wanted to break through. Was this what falling in love felt like, because right here, right now, you could love him so easily. You could feel the stress of your days melting away in his embrace, and you pressed a soft kiss to his neck, murmuring in his ear. 
“Thank you.”
“Hey,” he whispered in response, “look at me.” His fingers took your chin as you lifted your head, and his brown eyes, so soft and warm, seemed to see all of you at once. “I care about you a lot, babe. I know we’re new, and we haven’t done a lot of couple things yet, but I want you to know you can always come to me if you’re stressed and need a second to breathe, okay?”
You smiled, your heart giving another lunge against your ribs, and kissed him. “Okay.”
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