#i couldnt make it a simple headcanon and just have them meet regularly??
foryoumyheroes · 5 years
Their S/O lives with Saitama and Genos
Midoriya + Bakugou + Todoroki 
I’m enjoying OPM season 2 so far!! 
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On one of your scheduled dates with your boyfriend, you realized that you left your phone at home. As you two walk back to your apartment you ask him one thing. 
“But...keep an open mind about my living situation, okay?” 
Midoriya Izuku: 
Immediately this sets off warning bells inside his head and he starts to worry. 
Are you being abused? Are you living inconveniently? Maybe you are struggling financially? How did he not notice this from his own significant other? 
You two walk to the bad side of town and immediately Izuku starts to fret about your home life and your safety. 
Your apartment building is ratty and trashed, and he’s full-on mumbling now. The two of you go up several staircases, and by the time you’re at your door, he’s ready to announce that if you needed it, he can help you if you’re struggling financially. 
“My roommates should be home,” you cut him off before he could say anything. “But just so you know...they can be a bit...weird.” 
Before he can, “Eh?” in response, you knock and the door slams open.
Midoriya barely has time to cry out in shock when a glowing, warm metal hand is pointed right at his face, ready to blast him to the next life. 
[“Stand back, [Name]. An unidentified male is standing behind you. One-hundred and sixty-six centimeters, blood type O—” 
“Calm down! That’s just my boyfriend!”]
Just as quick as it came, the hot light winds down and your roommate drops his hands with an, “Oh. Please come in then.” 
Midoriya is ready to cry and drop into his knees shaking. Did he just have a near death experience? 
You have to physically grip Izuku by the shoulders and lead him into your room while he leans as far away from Genos as physically possible. 
You step into the apartment and a bald head pops out. 
“Huh? Did I hear that [Name] has a boyfriend?” he asks. Saitama looks at Izuku and even though Saitama is so horribly plain looking, he wonders if Saitama is out to kill him too. “Oi! Genos! He looks like he just saw a ghost! What did you do?!” 
You seat a dazed Izuku at the table and you leave him for a bit to look for your phone. In that time Genos managed to serve Izuku tea and apologize, and after Midoriya managed to calm his heartbeat, he notices just who your roommate is. 
[“N-No way! Y-You’re Demonic Cyborg! You just started joining the Pro-Hero ranks several months ago, yet you’re already No. 17! You’ve managed to become the sixth most popular Hero in the forums since your debut! C-Can I have your autograph?” 
“Oh...sure, since you are [Name]’s boyfriend.”] 
Izuku forgets all about his fear and continues to talk to Genos; and if there’s one thing that Genos loves, it’s talking. They somehow get to pulling out their notebooks and diaries and they get on like a house on fire. 
You find your phone, tucked as a bookmark for one of Saitama’s manga, but end up sitting at home for the rest of the day anyway. 
His S/O doesn’t live with not one Pro, but two. It’s Christmas. 
Saitama, Caped Baldy, is near the end of the ranks but Izuku still knows who he is. 
Genos constantly refers to Saitama as an inspiration and a mentor, but unlike Genos, Saitama doesn’t have very (positive) videos showcasing his skill. But two weeks later, when the streets are ravaged by villains and all hope seems lost, Saitama comes in and saves the day with just one punch. 
Caped Baldy has won himself a new number one fan, and when asked what Izuku could do for him to pay him back, Caped Baldy just claps a hand on his back. 
“Take care of [Name] for me, all right?” 
When he learns that Saitama’s Quirkless? Izuku cries buckets. 
Bakugou Katsuki: 
He just does that soft scoff and slams his hand in his pockets. 
“Whatever. Can’t be worse than living with my old hag.” 
He says this, but he can’t stop himself from looking you over once more. You don’t look like you might have financial issues (but he knows better to take this at face value), you don’t have any bruises on your body, you do all of your homework on time, you look like you get enough sleep, and you have a packed lunch every day. But you never mention your parents, and you’re always chasing sales like a penny-pincher. 
While people say that he’s a horrible friend and partner, you’re one of the few things that he actually adores in this world. Bakugou is no idiot either. If something was wrong with your living situation, he would know. 
Then you two get to a deserted, trashed part of town and he’s on edge. You get to your apartment and he’s like, “Shit, you fucking live in this dump?” 
You just mumbled out a “Rent’s cheap—and my roommate’s the one that picked it.” Before you knock on your door, your feet shift ever so slightly, like you’re shielding Bakugou, and you have one hand out. 
[“What the fuck are you—” 
 “An unknown male has entered my proximity alarm with surprising rates of anger and aggression—” 
“What the fuck—?!” 
You forcefully wedge yourself between the two before one sets off his palms or cannons. “No explosions! No incineration! Genos, he’s just my boyfriend!”] 
Genos straightens up as if nothing was wrong and lets you in, but Bakugou doesn’t back down so easily. He’s shouting and cursing, and in no time at all your other roommate pops his head out of the room. 
[“Huh? Genos, what’s wrong?” 
“Fuck off, Baldy! This is none of your damned business!” 
“Master is very sensitive about his lack of hair! Apologize immediately!] 
You walk out of the room with your phone, ready to resume your date, but Bakugou just yells at you. 
“What the hell?! You live with older men and you never told me?! You know how suspicious that sounds?!” 
You’re already used to this, so you just calmly respond to Katsuki. You wanted to be a stronger Hero, and you had nowhere else to go. As simple as that. 
Katsuki isn’t satisfied though, and they still have a cursing, angry boy screaming at them, so Saitama just goes, “Oi, Genos, do something.” 
“You wanna fight?! Let’s go fucking fight!” 
You tell Bakugou it’s a bad idea to fight against Genos. 
No one listens to you and they fight anyway. 
Bakugou’s strong, but it isn’t surprising when Genos ruthlessly beats him. You end up dropping Katsuki off at his house, but you already know that this isn’t over yet. 
Bakugou ends up going to your house almost every week to demand a rematch. Saitama would tell him to leave, but Bakugou brings groceries as a bribery every time. 
When he manages to finally beat Genos in one fight, he has to go up against Saitama next. 
Bakugou might as well move in with you too. 
Todoroki Shouto: 
Todoroki believes that even without you telling him to keep an “open mind,” he wouldn’t say anything. He’s not the judging type and he’s not in the place to judge with how his own living situation is anyway. 
“Are you...hurt...or struggling at home?” is the only thing he asks when the two of you start walking. 
“Huh? Oh, no, don’t worry, but my home life isn’t the most normal....” 
Low key a Crazy Rich Asian, so it baffles him when he sees the state of the apartment you live in?? 
“Where’s the rest of it?” 
“[Name], I will steal that man’s credit card and we can move in together.” 
The door slams open and you barely have time to think before you’re thrown behind Todoroki and ice and fire collide on your front door. 
It takes a while for the steam to clear and for the situation to de-escalate because your genkan is near irreparable. 
[“[Name]...I didn’t know you were Caped Baldy and Demonic Cyborg’s love child.” 
“O-Oi! We’re just roommates! I’m not with Genos like that! And don’t call me Caped Baldy! It’s Saitama!”] 
Todoroki barely knows of Genos, but he knows of Saitama well, because Endeavor complains about Caped Baldy all the time when that man is home. 
[“You’ve caused my father a lot of irritation.” 
“Huh? Your pops? Who’s that?” Saitama squints at Todoroki to get a better look. He snaps his fingers after a couple of seconds with a look of Eureka on his face. “You’re Jack o’ Lantern Panic--no...Speed Of Sound Sonic’s kid!” 
“No. I don’t even know who that is.”  “Saitama that’s not even remotely right.”
“H-Huh? But...don’t they kinda sound alike?”] 
Endeavor doesn’t like Saitama because he thinks that Saitama is a showoff and he doesn’t like the look on Saitama’s face. 
Whenever Endeavor and Saitama end up defeating the same villain No. 2 goes home and complains. 
[“Oh! Endeavor! The guy with the fire beard, right? I almost punched him once on accident...I think....”
“Do you think you can punch my father again, but this time on purpose.”] 
You’re able to resume your date, but when Todoroki needs training he goes to your apartment and asks to fight one of them. 
It’s a good thing that Todoroki is mostly flame resistant because Genos doesn’t hold back. 
Todoroki desperately wants to know the secret to Saitama’s power, but you never let Saitama finish his sentence. Todoroki can’t go bald. 
Todoroki pisses his dad off by inviting the three of you to his house for hot pot. Endeavor just comes home one day and a baldie, a cyborg, and his son are just slurping noodles while looking at him straight in the eye. 
He could piss his dad off even more by moving in with y’all but Saitama likes his leg space. 
[“I have rent money.”  “Oh. Did you bring your own futon?”]
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