#i couldnt pass this up untill a few hours ago and im hitting all of the crazy patterns
mymp3 · 2 years
Haikei Doppelgänger - Lvl 32 Master pass
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nahoyaglock · 3 years
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pairings! ushijima x reader
summary! sitting on the beach, so close to each other they can hear each other’s heartbeats. They both smile and they watch the world end right in front of them, reminiscing on all they’ve been through together. Why does the end of the world look so beautiful?
genre! angst
word count! didnt bother actually counting so ill estimate maybe 2000+
warnings! end of the world, death, murder mention, slight ooc ushijima idk its the end of the world so pff
a/n! uh idk i wanna hurt people, sorry if this is bad i havent written in a while :p i feel like the beginning was really good, the middle was ass and the end was okay but hoh im happy enough w this. I also cried writing this ngl lmaoo also did not fix any errors so my bad
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You knew it was coming, you both did. New reports, articles, it was trending on all social media platforms. It was unavoidable, what could you do but waste away your last few days, watching old shows you watched as a kid, harsh knocks and cries from your doors from friends and family. You couldnt face them, you just wanted to drown out the thought of what was coming the next few hours of the day.
You had woken up and sluggishly dragged yourself from the comfort of your bed to your dirty kitchen, littered with dirty dishes and some uneaten food that youd try to make, but didn't have the stomach to eat. Your phone rang atleast every hour or two, many unanswered calls and long voicemails you couldnt bother to listen to.
There was a knock on your door, and you sighed, not wanting to bother with facing the person at the door. You turned on your heels, about to head to your room when you heard the voice call out to you.
Out of all the people why did it have to be him. You bit your lip and let out shaky breaths. You took another step, freezing at another set of knocks. The last persom you wanted to see was your boyfriend.
"y/n let me in or ill tear this door down." His voice was stern, laced with seriousness and slight concern. You wanted to open it, let him in and crumble into his arms, but it hurt so bad.
"Go away." You spoke, loud enough to be heard through the door, but not loud enough to be a yell.
You hesitantly walked to the door, unlocking the bottom lock, the top lock remaining unlocked, too bothersome for you to have delt with anyways. At the sound of the click of the locks he opened the door with quick motions, while also being careful not to knock you over.
At the sight of his big frame you felt like the world had just stabbed you through the chest 28 times. You backed up with quick steps are your boyfriend reached out to hug you, scared that his touch would break down your facade. You tripped over your own feet, landing hard on your butt.
"Ush.. Ushijima," you started, not knowing exactly what you were trying to say, "Please dont touch me."
His heart sank when he saw you, lifeless and so frail. He guessed you havent been getting much sleep- or maybe too much sleep, and not eating as he took a quick glance towards the food littered kitchen counter.
It wasnt any better for you, seeing your normally cold and calm boyfriend with a worried expression and eye bags that made it obvious he hasnt got much sleep either.
You pull yourself up, your eyes boring through your boyfriends abdomen as you bit your lip, trying to think of what to say, and to also keep yourself from falling apart. "What do you want?"
"y/n. Dont be cold to me." It wasnt a question, but it wasnt a demand. "Sorry," you mumbled, leaving you two in silence for a while.
"Ushi, you should go home," you said, feeling your heart race, every second you spent in his presence, under his gaze, killed you. "You should call Tendou or something."
"Toshi." He said, making your head shoot up, looking him in his eyes, seeing a tear roll down his cheek, his face remaining mostly emotionless, fear slightly present in his eyes. "Please keep calling me Toshi."
You felt a pang in your heart, suddenly the reality of things hitting you. You were the only one going through this, you knew this but never gave it more than a mere thought. He was scared, he didnt know what he was doing, he just knew to find comfort in you, like youve told him to for many years into your relationship.
"Toshi," you breathed, reaching up to wipe the tear from his cheek, "Toshi lets go somewhere."
You never felt the need to go outside, wanting to be isolated, but being here with your boyfriend, you felt like running away, wanting to escape from the dark pit of your home. "Lets go to the beach"
"Lets go. Lets go, right.. right now Toshi," you felt as if though youve felt shoked by lightning, like you suddenly got hit with some sugar rush.
"We dont have time–"
"We do Toshi, we do, we do," you saw the corner of his lips raise up into a small smile. He hated seeing you like this but he was glad you were more alive than you were minutes before. You knew this, what he was thinking, and you knew his smile had so much sadness behind it, "we have time, lets go, lets go!"
You grabbed his hand and dragged him out of your apartment, not bothering to change from your days out clothing or close the door behind you. It wouldnt matter in another hour anyways.
The ride there was mostly silent, songs playing quietly on the radio. You watched as you passed through the town, the streets were slightly empty, stores looked run down, some stores even tore up and empty.
"Has it been like this since.. since the announcement?" You mumbled, earning a hum for Ushijima.
"Yeah, yeah it has." He knew that you didnt go out, and he was slightly grateful for it. The world went to shit after the announcement, many lootings, murders and other various crimes being commited.
"Im glad your safe Toshi," you spoke into your palm.
"Im glad your safe too."
The ride went on in silence until you got to the beach. You both climbed out of the car, the beautiful blue sea sparkling under the sunny sky. It was funny how such a depressing day could look so so beautiful.
"Hmm, this is the beach we went to with the team our senior year, remember?" He asked and turned to face you. The fear in his eyes was much more evident in the light, along with signs of personal neglict. He hasnt been taking good care of himself either.
You walk around the front of the car to grab his hand, your small hands tracing light circles on his rough palms before linking your hands together, giving him a comforting squeeze. "I remember."
He let out a shaky breath he didnt know he was holding in, and you two found a nice spot on the beach to sit and watch the sky. "Toshi, do you remember the time goshiki got gummy bears stuck in his nose?"
He looked at you, and his face softened, "yeah. Yeah i do." He let out a small chuckle at the thought of his old teammates. "Do you remember when Tendou took my water bottle and filled it with really sour lemonade?" He asked, you could hear his voice unravel into a more comfortable tone, instead of one holding in so much hurt and fear.
"Ha, i actually helped him with that you know?" You spoke up, a small grin on your lips as your boyfriend grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him. "We'll its okay, because it was 2 years ago."
It had been 2 years. 2 years since you had become shiratorizawas manager, 2 years since you made the number 1 ace fall head over heels for you, 2 years since you had went on your first date with him.
"2 years, its been so long." You laid your head on Ushijimas arm, feeling tired. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and placed a kiss atop your head.
"Thats when we first started dating," you spoke, shoulders shaking with a small laugh, "i would've never imagined to have the nations number 1 ace fall so madly in love with me." You laughed and turned to your boyfriend to continue your teasing, but stopped when you saw him looking back at you.
He couldn't respond with anything more than a mere chuckle, tears now streaming down his cheeks. You bit your lip, scooting closer to him so you were in his lap, wrapping your arms around his large stature.
"Toshi, I love you." It was no more than a whisper and he placed a warm, loving kiss to your temple, rubbing your back softly as he let out a shaky laugh.
"y/n god, you make it so hard not to cry." He whispered in an unstable tone, resting his head atop yours. "I love you too."
This was how it was, clinging to the other and sharing old tales of your days spent with Ushijima and the boys, tales of times tendou had snuck out of the dorms and got caught by washijou, or when goshiki cut his bangs too short, or how Ushijima brought your parents a half eaten watermelon as a gift.
Those last moments spent with laughs and tears, kisses and hugs, warmth and comfort, those were your best memories. Despite the fate to cross you, Ushijima and everyone else in the world, you felt like you could smile for the first time.
You would smile alot, but it felt different this time. You convinced yourself that it was just because you had been withering away for the past days, but you knew it was because you felt free.
You had no worries in the moment with your lover, you didnt need to think about getting up for work the next day, or how you would afford next months rent. You felt like the largest weight had been lifted off of you, and you could really smile for the first time.
There was a slightly rumble if the ground that had made you and Ushijima go silent. You pulled away from your spot in the crook of his neck to look at him, fear still in his eyes.
"I dont wanna die," he chuckled out, "but im not sad." He drew small shapes into your hips with his thumbs, looking onto your laps instead of your face, and you just stared at him.
His usually stoic face was calmed, relaxed, his jaw unclenched and his eyes soft. You hadnt seen so many emotions from your boyfriend so much, it was almost scary. But he looked so gorgeous, he was your world.
"Wakatoshi Ushijima, you know," your placed your hands on both sides of his face, "it doesnt matter what happens to this world, because," you placed a passionate kiss to his lips, the tears finally falling from your eyes, "you, you're my world Toshi."
He let out a noise that was similar to a choke, tears rolling down the apple of his cheeks as he placed his forehead to yours, letting his shoulders shake with hard sobs. Loud crashes, screams and car alarms had let you know it was coming, the end of the world.
The last thing you saw was Ushijima, smiling snd crying, mouthing out one last 'I love you'.
Why does the end of the world look so beautiful?
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. do not translate. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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mushtoons · 3 years
Ghost story 👀? Would you be interested in sharing 👀👀?
okay so!! i got one that happened during the ghosting hours!! that i remember right off the bat that is,,
one legit haunts me, now for the record ik i already look like some nut, but i swear on my life im not fucking around, so this happened a little almost a year ago, i had just got off work and my friend and my brother picked me up, we drove around went to a few gas stations we were having a good time! we all were off that weekend and wanted to hang out so we werent in a rush to get home, well we're on the highway, almost to the exit to get to my house, we're jamming to music singing off key, stupid shit, to clarify none of us were drunk or anything we're just naturally stupid, but as we're going it starts to get really foggy but we ignore it until its almost time to turn for my exit (again i swear its gonna sound like im fucking crazy or making this shit up) but in the distance we can see something tall, like tree size tall, and for a split second i thought it was that a tree, but then a car going the opposite way on the other side of the highway passes and i can feel the moment everyone in the car saw it, it was like dhjdjdjd how tf do i explain this it was like a huge lanky black silhouette in the fog, and all the light did was show its hand as it swung by its side walking across the highway, ik i wasnt seeing shit because my brother and my friend started screaming a split second before i did and we watched as it crossed and didnt pay it a second glance as she floored it and we booked it to my house, again we were almost qt my exit so it took like 3 mins to get to my house with the fact we stopped at no stop sign and were going like 50 in a 30, at this point we're all crying and shaking and we fight each other to get into the house (yes we love each other but fuck that shit fight or flight was going strong) and we all start talking at once and i, the big strong manly man i am, wanted my mom so i pull out my phone to call her but i see im on call with 911 (ik i couldnt have butt dialed because i keep my screen facing out in my pocket becaude of that exact reason) and the lady is trying to calm us down saying she heard screaming and i was lied saying "oh no we just almost hit a deer" and hung up and now we're freaking out over that too cuz wtf wtf wtf why was 911 on the phone?? i call my mom she tries to calm us down but i say fuck this that was too close to my house im going to yalls so we packup my an overnight bag, and speed off to their house which is luckily the opposite way the thing went, as we drive we get to her city and see that every. fucking. light. was off like in this whole ass city maybe a handfull were on and there wasnt any cars out, so as our paranoid asses make it to their house we curl up together on a pallet in the floor and that was the end of that, we still talk about it and ive moved from that house because if scary movies thought me anything is that we aint gonna fuck around and find out
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chicagopd2020 · 4 years
New Beginnings Are Good For Everyone Ch.5
Waking up the next morning was one of the easiest things she ever done, which was weird because she hated monday mornings so much. But getting up and going through her morning routine just to make sure everything is right before she heads out for her first day as member of the Chicago PD Intellgence Unit. Kim had a little extra pep in her step and she was happy about it because it hadnt been there in a long time. She grabbed her jacket & keys ready to walk out the door. She stops for coffee to make sure that doesnt hit a wall in the middle of the day.
Kim walks into the station and she sees Sargent Platt, she decides that the best thing to do is to talk to her and to see what she is suppose to do. She stands there silently as Sargent Platt finishes the conversation with the officers in blue. When Trudy looks up and notices Kim she tells the officers to move along. She welcomes her back and asks if she is ready for her first day.
Kim replies happily that she was more than ready to prove herself to everyone. She kept small conversation with Trudy until Trudy looks behind her and notices one of the members of the Intelligence Unit.
Yes Sargent?
You know Agent Kim Burgess?
Yes I know Kim
Well would mind buzzing her upstairs with you just until we can get her into the system.
Of course, follow me Kim and show you where you are going to start spending most of your time
Oh I cant wait.
I promise you that will change, I love my job but you have no time for a personal life.
I guess that it is a good thing that I am a woman focusing on her career right now and not a romantic relationship.
They carry on with their conversation with their small climb of the stairs, Hailey walks her to Voights office and wishes her good luck even though she knows she will see her in just a couple mins.
Kim welcome to your first day as a memeber of intellgence, just want to go over a few things while we wait on the last couple people to show up. He starts going over the rules and not that there was many rules but he lives strongly by the few rules that he has.
Kim has noticed that Hank Voight is not your normal Sargent but she wasnt wanting normal she was just wanting to serve justice for the city of Chicago. She continues to listen intently to what Voight is saying taking everything he was saying to the heart so she knows what not to do to get on his bad side. I am going to give you a few weeks to study everything, I have set up your test in two weeks for you detective exam. The moment finally comes to where he asks if she had any questions
I will make sure that I study up on everything that I need to know so that I can pass the test of my first try. I say things like that so I can keep it in my mind that I will pass the test and that I can do anything I put my mind to.
I know that everyone is partnered up with someone, I was just curious who my partner was going to be? I know that no matter who I am with that I will have a great partner. This team just seems like they have each others back no matter if they are actually partners or not.
That we do Kim we are family here, Whatever one member of the intellgence is going through everyone feels the pain, I know that it is weird to say buts it true. We have our fights like any of family but at the end of the day we will have each others back no matter what.
That is exactly what I want because at the FBI yes it was everyone worked as a team but at the end of the day everyone was only watching out for theirselves and if they had the chance to do it they would throw someone under the bus in a heartbeat. That was until Erin came I knew that she would have my back no matter what and she was the only thing that I was going to the miss about it and that was it.
Good to hear Kim, he looks out the window and notices that the whole team is here. Come on lets go out to the bullpin and I will let everyone know all at once who you are going to partnered with.
The door opens and everyones eyes looks toward the door and sees Kim and Hank exiting, Hank finally speaks up, So as everyone of you know Agent Burgess as of today is officially a member of Intellgence and I think she is going to be an amazing addition to the team and I want you all to make her feel at welcome. So as of today Burgess you are going to partnered up with Halstead, Upton you will be with Ruzek and Atwater you will be Olinksy.
Hailey showed Kim where her desk would be, which was actually her old desk. Hank liked the partners to be close to each other that shows they can work as a team not only on the street but in the close quarters of an office.
The first couple hours was kind of quiet just everyone going over cases they had been working on. When Voight walks out of the office and catches all of their attenion.
We have a case, We are looking at a small drug smuggling team that is somewhat new to the city, and one of the leaders of the team is trying to look normal or something because he has a nine to five job and he doesnt live in these high priced homes to make it not look so obvious but the others, they are staying hid very well because there has been no trace of any clues as to who any of his partners are. This is Lorenzo Lopez he is best known as Enzo.
Kim finally looks away from the file in her hands and takes a look at the picture hanging on the board, and her eyes go huge. She looks over a Jay and they share this look knowing that this was the neighbor that Jay thought was very sketchy. Voight must have caught onto that look, cause he questioned them.
What is that look the two of you just shared?
Well it turns out that he lives in our building and right next door to Kim. He just moved into the apartment a few weeks ago and he seemed kind of sketchy but I never really thought anything of it.
Kim was just lost in her thoughts that she didnt really hear the conversation that was going on. Until Jay tapped her shoulder to get her attention. She slightly jumped that never happens, she just thought that she left him in the past and now she was going to be apart of the team to send him to prison and honestly she cant say that she was upset about it. It was one of the main reasons that she left him she knew that the business that he was in wasnt legal and there was no way in hell that she was going to let him mess up her career.
Kim are you alright?
Yeah, Im just thinking about someway, anyway that we can take him down.
Jay wasnt buying it but it was her first day he wasnt going to push the boundaries just yet. So he just let it go for now.
Halstead you and Burgess go talk to your CI'S and see if they know anything about this. Everyone just keep digging into his past and see what you can dig up.
Kim heard the last sentence and knew that she had to tell someone about her connection to the suspect before someone actually figured it out and wonder why she didnt tell them, so who is best to tell then her partner.
They get into Jay's truck and head out and she knew that if she didnt talk about it now that she never would. She lets out this deep breathe
Jay I need to tell you something.
You can tell me anything. Im here for you
Its about the suspect that we are looking into, you know last night when I said something under my breathe about our sketchy neighbor
Yeah, what about it?
Well, what I didnt tell you is that I know Enzo very very well
How well?
As in we were together for over a year
Yeah, when we first met he was normal like any other guy but then the longer that we were together its like I just didnt get the same vibe from him that I used to. When we would spend time together I would feel uneasy that something could go wrong at any minute. So after that night I just told him that I think that it was best if we seen other people and that I didnt see a future with him. Lets just say that he didnt take it the best and i had to end up moving somewhere else but a few weeks before I found out that I got the job here I felt as if I was being followed and yet somehow we end being neighbors. I didnt want to think nothing much about it when I first set eyes on him but it just seems like he found out from someone that I was moving here and just thought that maybe if he lived here first that I wouldnt think nothing about it.
Kim you definetly have to tell Voight about this
I know I just didnt think that I would ever see him again
Even though you never thought you would see him again doesnt change anything he is our main suspect and you could be the reason he is in Chicago and that may actually lead us to him, I would never actually make you do anything that would put you in danger I hope you know this
I do know this, but whatever helps put him behind bars quicker I am willing to help
Jay talked to a couple of his CI'S and they were not much help, So they started back toward the station when Halstead got a message with an address to meet the rest of the team. As they arrived they seen the team surrounding something on the ground and as they made it to their side they seen that it was a woman who couldnt have been not much older than 25 and she was laying there with a cut throat.
Do we think that this has anything to do with Enzo and his men? Kim questioned
We wont know anything until we get the autopsy back. Says Voight
Sarge is there anyway that I can have a word with you
Yeah, sure
They walked far enough away that nobody would be able to hear what they were talking about. She told him everything that she told Jay and hoped that whatever she told him would help.
Kim I know that wasnt easy to say but I am glad that you told me before we had to find it out on our own and then it would have looked bad on your end and looked like you were hiding something.
Thats what I thought and Jay told me that I should tell you right away and I feel so much better now that I did.
They join back up with the team and all head back to the station. Once they make it back to the station  everyone gathers around the board and Voight feels the team in on everything you told him and they tried to figure out what was the best way they could get his guards down long enough for someone to get into his place to bug his apartment or even his phone.
Kim was the first person to speak up.
I think we know the only person that he is going to even let into his apartment is me
Kim you dont have to do this...Voight and Jay say at the same time
Your right I dont but I know that this is my job and that it is the right thing to do. You could always be close enough to that if I feel threathened that you will be right there.
If you are sure that you want to do this then we will do it
Its the furthest from what I want to do but its what I know needs to be done.
Alright everyone we will put everything in motion tonight. So get ready
Kim cant believe she is the one that thought of this but I think in the end its the only thing that would have made sense, Its the only way they will be able to bust him 
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peachiikawa · 5 years
Bakugo x Reader pt 3
pt 3 to that one bakugo scenario 
pt 1  pt 2
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after that night out bakugo has noticed that youre talking to him more
you even started to sit by him during lunch which startled him to no end the first time
actually about the first 3 times ngl
but kirishima was his rock during thise times always making the conversation go smoothly
bakugo thinks that everything is starting to finally go well between the two of you
even if he still isnt sure how he feels about you
one time you hugged him because you were excited about something and even though you couldnt see his face he was as red as a tomato
like so red that denki and his 1 brain cell asked him why his face was like that at lunch later that day
denki should thank god that you werent there because bakugo might have fully killed him if you were
what surprised bakugo the most though was you asking to hang out again although this time with more people
this time yall just went to the park with izuku, uraraka, denki and kirishima
and even though bakugo did not want deku to be there he held his tongue
yall just played some games and denki played pokemon go screaming about catching a raichu or some shit like that
at one point though deku and uraraka went to go get drinks for everyone and kirishima went to go find denki because you guys hadnt seen him in a few hours
and now the two of you were alone sitting on a park bench
he would steal some glances every now and then wanting to talk but didnt know what to say
“you know bakugo staring at me like that is kind of weird”
you turned your head toward him and laughed a bit
he could feel his heart racing again
but the moment was broken when they heard screaming
a villian had entered the park and was going at anyone they saw
you immediately called the police but bakugo had other plans
he couldnt pass up the opportunity to get some practice in
and ofc you went running after him because you couldnt just let him fight a villian himself
everything was going great until you quirk started to drain you
where the hell were the heros?
and where the hell where your friends at???
suddenly the villian got a hit on you and the impact threw you against a poll
the wind was knocked out of you and you couldnt move from the pain
and in that instant it seemed like the world had stopped to bakugo
his eyes widened as he saw your limp body
his mouth was quivering not quite knowing what to say and his body was frozen not quite knowing what to do
but all of the sudden the villian was going for your body and before bakugo knew what he was doing he was in front of you ready to do anything to protect you
luckily right before the vilian attacked he was retrained by aizawas capture weapon and the pros had showed up
“bakugo take y/n to the hospital now!”
bakugo nodded his head and scooped you up into his arms and ran
your eyes opened slowly to the sound of a beeping monitor
someone was holding your hand and when you moved your head to see who it was you were surprised to see bakugo
you slowly sat up with his help even though it hurt your back to do so
you noticed a few small cuts in his face
“are you okay bakugo?”
how could you be asking him that? you were the one in the hospital bed not him
“i...cant stand that i let you get hurt like that. i swear to god y/n that will never happen again”
you try to lighten the mood a bit with an awkward laugh and smile
“cmon bakugo it sounds like youve fallen for me or something besides im fine im here arent i?”
“would it be crazy if i said i did?”
a silence fell upon the two of you
you didnt know what to say
just over a year ago this man said he wanted nothing to do with you
and now he claims to love you?
it had to be a joke
and you almost said something but held your breath when you saw his eyes
he wasnt lying and you knew it
and now you werent sure whether you should be happy or terrified
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mmmhowaboutno · 4 years
ive barely talked about this to anyone, i thought i got over it but you dont just get over stuff like this. i just wanna write it somewhere. a few days ago was august 3rd. three years ago on that day i was drugged and sexually assaulted in my own home by someone who i thought was my friend. i was friends with him for five years prior, so it came as a shock to me when this happened, not just because of what happened but because i realized trusting people is something i may do too easily. 
my parents went away for the weekend with my brother, and my “friend” was in town, so i thought i would invite him over so we could drink and play video games. we had been planning to hang out for a while and i thought it was just a chill thing to do with someone youve been friends with for so long. i still think that. i had two shots of vodka and after that started to feel more drunk than normal. i remember him constantly stuffing his water bottle in my face telling me to drink. at first he casually asked if i just wanted some water, so i didnt think anything of it. when things started getting fuzzy he would say “drink this, its just water, youre so drunk youll feel better.” he never drank from it though. guess where the drugs were. 
i remember bits and pieces of what happened and the stuff he did to me. i remember “across the universe” was playing in the background as i drifted in and out of consciousness. i wanted to watch that movie since high school and always put it off, but now ill never be able to watch it. i remember that while i was on the floor and couldnt move or speak he would make me drink water and tell me that i would feel better soon, all while he was rubbing my thighs or reaching up my shorts. i remember being unconscious for a long time, and when i woke up, he was in the bathroom. i could barely hold up my phone, but i called my boyfriend first. it was 4am for him and his phone was on silent, but he said that he woke up right as i was calling for some reason, like he felt something bad was happening. i couldnt talk. its like i was in one of those dreams where you try to run away but cant, except i couldnt get words out of my mouth at all. all i managed to say was “drugged me.” my boyfriend told me to call the police, so i did. 
when he came out of the bathroom, he acted like everything was normal. i can still see and hear him standing over me and asking “you okay?” while i was drooling on the floor and couldnt lift my head from the drugs that he gave me. i cant remember what happened until the police came. i only remember the knocking at the door and them telling me to open it. the knocking was so fucking loud. he kept looking at me and asking why i called the police, to which i couldnt answer anything. he started panicking and went in and out of the rooms upstairs in my house. he didnt answer the door, and they kept knocking. i somehow managed to get up, tripped and crawled down half of the stairs, and opened the door for them. i remember my dog barking and an officer placing me on a stretcher and so many questions being tossed around. they asked me how old i was and had me call my boyfriend so they could talk to him. they asked my “friend” if he knew that i had a boyfriend, like that would make a difference in him wanting to drug me or being responsible for it. 
he told the officers that i had had a lot to drink before he got to my house, that i was already drunk off my ass before he got there. they let him go. i told them where the drugs were. i pointed at the water bottle that was in his hand and i told them that the drugs were there, in whatever broken words i could get out, and they let him leave. they didnt test the water bottle for anything or look around my house or ask me if i was okay. they didnt ask what he did to me or even ask if he did anything, they just let him leave and took me to the hospital. they didnt even question the fact that he was buying a minor alcohol, they just let him fucking leave. 
when i was at the hospital, they tested me for my alcohol levels, which they said were normal. so there was physical evidence that i was not, in fact, drunk, like he said. when i started to come to after waiting at the hospital for hours, i told the doctors where the drugs were. i told them to test the water bottle, i begged and pleaded for them to get in touch with police and tell them that i didnt have any alcohol in my system, that it was drugs that he had given me. there was fucking proof, but they didnt do anything.
they asked me if i wanted to call my mom, and i almost did, but then i remembered that it was her birthday. so, i spent those three hours alone in the room thinking about all the reasons i was a fuck up and how this was all my fault. no one seemed to believe me, so maybe i did make it all up and i was actually drunk. but no, there wasnt any alcohol in my system. i only had two shots. after a while, the doctors told me i could go home. i was confused because i didnt have a way to get home, so they told me get an uber or something. they didnt really care at this point. i called an uber, and went outside to meet the car. once my feet hit the ground outside i realized that i didnt have any shoes on. i dont know why but i thought it was strange. i kinda hyper-focused on that as i waited for the uber. everything around me was so loud. all of a sudden, a young-ish nurse came outside and stood next to me. he said he would wait with me. i saw him pass my room a couple times while i cried silently for those few hours i was in the hospital. he stood outside with me and walked me to my uber, asked the uber driver for his name and number, and told me i would be okay. i remember what he looked like and ill genuinely never forget him. he made me feel safe just by doing that little thing, i knew i could trust him when i didnt even trust myself in that moment. 
the car ride home felt like it took forever. i was scared of the uber driver and the road and the fact that it was dark outside and most of all of what my mom would think and say when i finally told her what happened. i got home and walked up to my house to see that the main lights were on. my dog was waiting for me on the stairs and ran up to me as i walked inside. he kept licking me and didnt leave my side, but after a while of my dog being attentive and moving around, i realized how quiet it was inside my house. his car wasnt outside anymore, so i knew he had left, but this sudden wave of inexplicable fear washed over me. i started very anxiously searching every room, looking behind doors and in cabinets for some stupid fucking reason. i looked under every bed and turned on every light in my house. i dont know why but i thought he would still be there, waiting for me. i was looking for any trace of him still being in the house and waiting to do it to me all over again. i went upstairs and looked in my brothers closet only to find the vodka that my “friend” had brought for us to drink hidden in a corner. in the room next to mine was the bag with the receipt for the vodka that he bought. in the room where it all happened was the pizza we had gotten to eat and the cushions that he put under my head when i kept flopping over and drooling. that room was like a war zone to me. i couldnt look at it or be in it, i couldnt for almost a year. there were remnants of what happened all over my house and i felt like i couldnt escape it. it happened in the place where i was supposed to feel the most safe, and now i felt trapped in it.
i went into my room and got into bed with my dog. it was 4am, i couldnt sleep, and i didnt know what to do. every noise made me jump. every noise outside made me peek through the blinds to make sure that it wasnt his car pulling back up to my house. i found myself more awake than exhausted, as i should have been. im sure he slept fine that night. im sure he was okay and that he went home knowing that i was in the hospital and my mind was going 1000 miles an hour trying to remember every little detail of what happened so i could convince the cops that he had drugged me. because evidence wasnt enough. words werent enough for them to even try to dig into the fact that maybe i was possibly telling the truth. the cops didnt care, the doctors didnt care. they let him go. 
i dont know why i decided to write about this now, because for the most part, im “over it.” i do still think about what happened occasionally. it keeps me up at night sometimes, but not as much as in the first year after it happened. what i think about the most is the fact that no one believed me. i wasnt drugged and sexually assaulted and then reported it a few days later. the cops came and picked me up in the house where it all happened. they stood next to the person that did it. they looked him in the eye and they looked at the water bottle with drugs in it and at me barely conscious and unable to speak. they let him go. so unfortunately it doesnt surprise me when no one fucking cares if someone remembers and speaks out about their trauma years later because thats the moment they feel comfortable enough to finally talk about it. if cops didnt care in the very moment it was happening to me, it doesnt surprise me that they dont care at all. ever. 
he never tried to text or reach out to me again. why would he? i blocked him the next day anyway and i havent heard anything since. ive been silently dealing with it by myself for years. i went to a therapist about it. she told me that it was my fault for inviting him over in the first place. thats what my parents told me too. 
and the thing is, im not even the “worst” of it at all. this happens all the fucking time. theres very substantial evidence and cops and doctors will stare at it and think about how much work itll be going through the motions to do their fucking jobs and protect the people being assaulted. its too much work for them, but not for the person having trouble falling asleep every night for years because all they can think about is the moment they were unable to protect themselves and were taken advantage of. i always compare what happened to me to what happened to other people. i think less of it because so much worse has happened to other people. i wasnt raped, people are every day but i wasnt. it could have been worse, and ive always pushed the whole thing out of my mind because of that, but i dont think i should. i dont think it wasnt a big deal, and i dont think it will ever be not a big deal. i think that this shit happened to me and happens to people every day and no one fucking cares because its too much work for them to care. this isnt a metoo post, i just needed to put it into writing somewhere because im tired of keeping it inside. i dont want pity, i never have, i think a lot of people think that when something like this happens and someone speaks out about it that thats what they want. i just wanna say it. sometimes its just fucking good to say it. so for the people who do think that i want pity or that dont believe me or that support cops or that dont think this was a big deal: fuck you and have a horrible day.
thats it sorry
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wildtorres-a · 5 years
𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥.
WHAT? —  after a night of their usual antics, drew and lia wake up in bed together.
WHEN? —   saturday night, march 21st.
TRIGGERS? —  very long smut, alcohol mentions + use, drug mentions + use.
FEATURING —  lia rosenburg ( @rosenburg-lia )
A deep sigh left Amelias mouth as she settled herself opposite Drew in the jaccuzi, she was grateful for the connection she had with the boy. If she had a chaotic plan she knew that he was the best person to call, almost never saying no to whatever crazy idea she had planned. "Today has been interesting, Im glad men are simple creatures and are still attracted to boobs," She joked as she took a hit of her blunt, her head tilting slightly as her eyes trained on Drews, "Im glad we did this, a sort of escape in a way," She spoke with a small shrug as a smirk tugged to her lips, "Plus the room is not bad, the bed looks like a cloud. Im proud of you Torres," a quick wink sent his way with a laugh.
it'd been a long day, even longer when the brunette teen thought back on the fight he had with his step mother that morning. there was the frequent disappointment, threats to take away all social devices and temporary isolation other than school that would turn permanent if he didn’t get his act together and begin focusing on the right things, and the mention of ‘stupidity’ that left a bitter taste in his mouth along with a clenched jaw. it ended with her leaving his room and beginning to get ready for second shift, when drew grabbed his keys and made his way right out of the house, slamming the door despite her protests. which of course, leads him to where he is now. sitting back against the jets, as he lays his head upwards on the edge of the jacuzzi, puffing out smoke from his last inhale, the drug already taking it’s effect as lia sits across from him. it’d been a mere ten minutes ago when the last family, a mother and her two sons, had left the pool room leaving the two miscreant teenagers to their own devices. which of course was when the drugs and alcohol had been brought out, thankfully the two wouldn’t have to worry about anyone interrupting them, having already given the receptionist an extra $50 to let them stay after hours. drew almost thought it wouldn’t work, this being one of the more prestigious hotels in the city, but you’d be surprised what you could get at the right price. he grabs the bottle of ciroc, takes a swig, before placing the bottle back on the cement. chuckles at her words, “i doubt there will come a day where men will not be attracted to those” his eyes linger on the subject of the matter for only a second, before they shift back onto her gaze. he’s playing with fire and he knows it, but is sure she’ll chalk it up to their usual banter. “i’m more than glad, i couldn’t be in a better state of mind than i am right now,” he offers, with a smile. glad that lia had taken him up on his offer to get into something entertaining.  
it’s the first time in a while he'd heard anybody say anything along the lines of being proud of him, even if it's being said in a joking manner. he feels almost pathetic for basking in the feeling more than he should. more than what’s necessary. ”hey, i should be thanking you, i couldn’t have done it without you,” he praises with a sly smirk. doesn’t feel the guilt from pickpocketing the man a few hours earlier, doesn’t think he'd miss the $300 that much, given his expensive looking suit and polished dress shoes to match. sticks his hand out for the blunt as he passes her the bottle , ”plus i heard this place has good ass breakfast, if we’re even up in time for it” doesn’t admit that he wishes the night could never end, not wanting to think of the repercussions of his actions when they wake up in the morning. ”wanna make things more interesting?“ he asks, the dim lighting giving her a glow, as he looks her over.
The way their family treated them was something that bonded the two almost from the jump. Being held to a higher standard than was necessary and fighting back even if not on purpose. Her parents expecting more out of her given her older sisters life, but she wasnt right in their eyes. It seemed like no matter how much she took the time to mold herself into the image they had of her, it wasnt working. They would find something new to hone in on and make her change. Eventually just learning to love herself and the person she was. And she had been like that for a while now, but to most it seemed he had just randomly changed in a way. But Lia knew this side of Drew for most of the time they had been in eachothers lives, it wasnt a shock to see him acting the way he was and the things he was doing. She had grown to enjoy this side, they got into plenty of trouble over the years because of it. Something about their energy coming together, maybe it was sharing a birthday, or maybe there was something else, but it was always somehow chaotic. Tonight was a prime example of them scheming purely for a good time. She wasnt one to shy away from using her body to get what she wanted, nor flirting with older men for money. But when Drew suggested the plan she couldnt help the devious smirk that had tugged to her lips. A very similar one to the smirk that was on her face as she watched Drews gaze fall, a wink sent his way when their gazes met, "They come in quite handy at times, so I hope they dont," She chuckled lightly as she leaned her elbows back on the cement behind her, taking a drag off the blunt one more time. His smile being returned as she exhaled. "Well we cant have a sad Torres, then no one has any fun," She spoke with a teasing pout as she passed him the blunt, taking the bottle off his hands, immediately pressing the opening to her mouth and tilting her head back.
"I do have quite the way with men dont I," she spoke with a small shrug, a laugh bubbling out as she relaxed back into her place, slightly closer to Drew so it was easier for them to pass back and forth. "But thats why we're partners in this, couldnt do half of my crazy antics without you D," She chuckled lightly, thinking on the countless stupid shit the two had gotten into together. Petty theft was one of the more minor on the list, well at least to her. Others would think they were crazy if they only knew. Her grin widened as her eyes lit up at the thought of breakfast, "That sounds amazing right now," A small moan falling from her as she thought about the food, "We shouldve brought munchies out," A small pout falling to her lips before a smirk took its place, an eyebrow raise sent towards the boy, "what have you concocted in that pretty little head of yours?" Her eyes finding his as she they traced his face. 
perhaps it's the liquor. maybe the weed. he’s not entirely sure, but his eyes can’t help scan over her body clad in the tight baby blue bikini. he’s always found lia attractive, as well as any guy that's ever come across her he supposes, with an enthralling personality to match. but he knows there’s a limit to how far they can go, even if he is tempted to go over and beyond the unspoken boundaries as they sit half naked in the otherwise vacant pool room. he lets the jets calm him, listens to the sound the water makes as it laps up against the edges, hoping it takes the thoughts away. he takes the blunt from her hand, pressing it to his lips, and inhaling it. he blows the air out a good ten seconds later, eyes on her as she talks. “i’d say you definitely have them wrapped around your finger,” he smirks, as she comes closer to him. “not that i can blame them, you’re beautiful” he leaves it at that, as he gives her a cheshire smile. “you know, you’re the only one i don't feel like a total idiot around” and now he knows the alcohol is talking, but he can’t find himself to disagree with the words. ”i think i seen a little store up by the reception desk, we can get some when we get out of here” he offers, finding her pout to be cute. he takes another hit of the blunt, inhales it, holds it in before he leans over and gently grabs lia by the shoulders, leans in until their lips are only centimeters apart, and blows the smoke into her mouth. “i’ve always wanted to do that,” he confesses when it’s over, lingering there only for a moment before pulling back, but not fully moving away. “twenty one questions, if you’re up for it,” he answers, “only if you don’t answer a question, you take a shot” he shrugs, doubting that any shots will be taken between them and their daring personalities.
She always felt a rush when she was around Drew, something about his demeanor just had her fixated at times. He was a good looking guy, one of the best in the school, there was no denying. His personality making him all that more intoxicating to the girls around the halls. But due to the history he had with a certain person in her life there were limits. Granted she may have put them on the friendship, out of respect, but there was something about the atmosphere. Maybe it was the feeling of the jets against her skin, or the way his eyes raked against her, but she felt something shift. Finding herself watching the way Drew hit the blunt, admiring the way his lips looked as he exhaled. Her eyes clouding over slightly with more than just alcohol and marijuana. "Its a talent of mine," She spoke, arching a perfectly done brow, "Only beautiful?" She spoke her tone laced with something more than just their usual banter. "Its because we thrive off chaos, especially when we're together," She chuckled lightly, gasping lightly as she felt Drews hands pull her in. Her eyes meeting his as she inhaled the smoke, exhaling as a small smirk pulled at her lips. "Shouldve done it sooner," She spoke, her mouth working faster than her brain in her crossfaded state. "Im up for anything, you know that," She chuckled, "Although Id much rather just take shots for fun," A small shrug, "Ask away cutie," She spoke leaning her elbow on the side of the jacuzzi, resting her head on her palm as she looked at him with an almost believable innocent look on her face
there’s a chuckle that leaves moist lips at her comment, as his eyes meet hers, “and gorgeous, and sexy” he eyes her lips right after the word’s said. he knows it's wrong, to be mindlessly flirting with his ex girlfriend’s cousin, the same girl he considered his first love, but nothing in the moment feels wrong about it. “but i’m sure you have enough guys and girls telling you that” he smirks. listens to her speak, and is grateful to have her around, even if it just amid the chaos. he hears her comment, doesn’t give a response. knows it’s not necessary. they’ve crossed the line tonight. it’s in their stares, longing and want, and now that it’s here, he wonders how long they’ve been holding it in. how long they’ve been secretly waiting for the other to slip up and make a move. a wrong move, but a move nonetheless. and he does know that. knows that she’s down for the ride anytime, and is happy to accompany him, bad decisions and all. they’re probably bad for each other, no voice of reason to guide the other, but it doesn’t stop the brunette male from inching closer to her, tone no higher than a whisper. “how long have you wanted to kiss me?” and now, he knows there’s no going back.
Lia couldnt help bringing her bottom lip in between her teeth a Drews words, something about his tone telling her everything changed. "I may have been once or twice, but it sounds so nice coming from your mouth," somewhere in the back of her mind a voice was telling her to stop while she still could. that he was off limits because of her cousin, who would never forgive her. but she knew there had always been more to their relationship than the mindless flirting, she had thought about it once or twice. in more detail than she would care to admit to anyone. but finding herself in this moment she knew she was in for it. that there was no going back after today, they had to be on the same page. she knows she can trust drew with her life if she needed to. If at any time she wants to have an adventure she knew she could text him and hed be at her door asap. but as she found herself instinctively moving closer to the male, their gazes unwavering, she knew that it was the final straw. her hand finding itself on his thigh under the water as she moved closer, her lips brushing his as she spoke, "Months," She spoke, breaking the final wall and placing her lips on his
the lights are dim, the pool room door is locked, no distractions, no disturbances. he’s not thinking straight, he’s not thinking of anything else but how good he wants to make her feel. wants to hear how she sounds when she comes undone. the blunt is set to the side, ashed on the cement right next to the  bottle of ciroc. forgotten. “i can think of better things i can do with my mouth,” he states in a playful tone with a wink, although they both know what’s to come. the forbidden aspect of their actions making this all the more interesting. and maybe for one fleeting moment he feels bad, but he can’t help himself from wanting to reach out and feel her smooth skin. and he knows the temptation is too strong, even if it comes with consequences. he lets her start things off, lets her be in control, until he can’t hold back anymore. their lips meet in a heated kiss, and he can feel just how bad they both wanted this. it’s urgent, needy, and mind blowing all in one. his tongue jutting out atop her bottom lip for permission, as he slips his fingers into her hair. and there’s an obvious taste of weed mixed with the ciroc, but there’s also a hint of mint once you got past the others. he moves his hands down to her hips, before settling on her lower backside, and scooping her into his arms. he holds her in place under her thighs, legs wrapped around him. he feels the effect she has on him, and wonder if she does too. starts making his way to the edge of the jacuzzi, and once he sets her down on top of the cement, he wastes no time placing his lips on her neck, giving soft pecks, until he licks around, trying to find a spot that’ll make her weak in the knees.
"I cant wait for you to show me," She spoke, a captivating tone lacing her words. she knew where they were going, not wanting to bounce around the subject. she felt every bit of his statement through her body, having thought about this moment a few times in the past. having ultimately deciding he was off limits and better as a friend. she watched him with hooded eyes, her eyes darkening to almost black as she looked at him.she hesitated for a brief moment before she had decided to give in,  she would let him have her in that moment. in anyway he wanted, she was entirely his. her mind not caring about the consequences, her body craving his touch over every inch of her skin. a small squeal coming from her throat allowing herself to be pulled from her spot, her legs wrapping around his waist tightly. A light moan came from her lips as she felt just how much he wanted this, her heart pumping in excitement, as she felt a rush to her core. her arms resting around the base of his neck, fingers pulling ever so slightly. she could taste the green apple flavor almost immediately, getting a hint of the weed in the aftertaste, something within it becoming addicting to her within the brief period their lips were locked. she felt herself get placed on the cement, shifting ever so slightly, as she tilted her neck, her eyes fluttering closed as small moans fell from her lips.
he doesn’t want to think about how they’ll feel about it in the morning, wants to bask in this moment. their lust filled gazes burning into the other, touch starved, and filled with need that only the other can supply. maybe they can pin it on the alcohol, many have before, and they wouldn't be the last to make impulsive moves with the liquid in their system. he's brick hard, can feel the length against his right thigh, the discomfort it's making in his swim trunks, but isn’t focused on it. wants to make her feel good, like no other can. the moans emitting from her mouth is music to his ears. he starts to suck on her neck, switching ever so often to strokes of his tongue, and then back to sucking, leaving a few marks she’d have to hide the next few days. he pulls away, gives her a peck on the lips again, as he holds her face in both of his hands, admiring her. “you’re beautiful baby, and i’m gonna make you feel so good” he keeps his word, as he kisses down to her chest. he grabs at the bikini top, in too much of a rush to untie the pretty blue fabric, he slips it up and over her breasts. gives the right nipple a peck, and watching it harden, before flicking it with his tongue a few times, and taking it into his mouth. he then moves on to the left one, and repeats. once he feels she’s satisfied enough, he begins kissing down her tone stomach. slowly, teasing her with a smirk playing at his lips. he kisses her just below the belly button. then places his arms under her, wrapping around her thighs, pulling her closer to him and holding them open, leaving a kiss there, and a lick there, feeling the heat from her core, as he gives her a kiss through the bottoms and then blows lightly, taking pleasure in her reaction of the pressure. “you gotta tell me what you want baby,” looks into her eyes with a mischievous grin, as he continues to tease her. 
his touch was intoxicating, focusing on the way his hands felt as they roamed her body, an almost electric feeling being left in their wake. they could try to chalk tonight up to their cross faded state, to a one time deal, but something told her this was gonna be more than a one night stand. feeling the way her body reacted every little thing he did, she knew she was done for. that no matter what she was putty in his hands, he had her whenever and if ever and however he wanted her. her head was thrown back, loud whines leaving her lips as drew made his mark, having a feeling it was more than just heat of the moment, as if marking her in a way, a reminder to her what he does tonight, of how he made her feel. a small smile found its way onto her face during their intimate moment at his words, something about hearing them from his lips. turning almost shy for a second at them,  "please baby," she practically begged, slowly reaching her hand below the waters' surface, needed to feel more of him. her hand slipping below the waistline of his shorts, wrapping around his length, a small gasp leaving her lips. he was bigger than she imagined, finding herself leaning up against him, her lips brushing his ear, "i cant wait for you to fuck me baby, youre so fucking big," she purred, nibbling lightly on his earlobe as she leaned back, a small intake of breath from the feeling of the wind on her aroused nipples, getting cut off by a loud moan as drew began his play with them. her other hand coming to play with the top of his hair, tugging with her moans every so often as her eyes fluttered closed. slowly opening her hooded eyes to watch the raven haired boy as he traveled lower, her hands coming to rest on her chest. a matching smirk finding its way to her face, before her bottom lip pulled in between her teeth taking in the sight before her. a small giggle left her lips as he pulled her closer, soft gasps and light moans tumbling from her mouth from his touch.
her hand found its way into his hair again, tugging at the teasing. whines accompanying her actions with breathy moans falling as she moved closer to him, trying to get more friction where he was needed the most. her eyes finding his, a rush going straight to her core at his words, her thighs instinctively trying to close for some sensation. "i wanna know how your tongue feels baby, fucking me as you play with my clit. Make me cum with your mouth, please baby," She practically begged, wanting nothing more than to come undone under him again and again.
he’s enthralled in her at this exact moment, wants to keep that look of utter pleasure on her face, doesn’t want to forget it. and it’s then he realizes that things won’t be the same, even if they go back to their daily routine by the time the sun rises and they only have hazy recollection about what’s currently taking place. he’s never made his mark on a girl that wasn’t his current girlfriend, didn’t care to claim territory on what wasn’t rightfully his, but something in him wants her to remember this moment. wants to see her amongst the crowd at one of the next outings, and admire his work. the sensual touching, the needy look in her eyes as he places his hands on all the right spots. in this moment, he wasn’t thinking of what anybody from school would think if they saw the two right now, wasn’t thinking of the mayhem that would be tori's reaction, and he certainly wasn’t thinking of the punishment he’d definitely have to endure when he stepped foot into the household tomorrow. whatever it was, it’d be worth it. to see her wither under his touch, to hear her gasp, and moan and watch her face as she takes in all the pleasure.
it's almost as if the two are intoxicated on each other, clouded by the rush of it all. the longing to reach out and feel the other’s touch too much. her pleads only egging him on, and increasing the want he already has for her. he lets out a small deep groan as she holds him in her hand, and he leans in closer to her, kisses her shoulder, then places his face in the crook of her neck, whispers in his ear. “i’m gonna fuck you so good, i’m gonna have to carry you out of here by the time we’re done” it’s a promise he intends to keep, as he moves back to his former spot. — he appreciates the tugging, loves it actually, and smirks at her impatience. wonders how her nails will feel against his back. he considers continuing the torture, but figures she’s had enough, at least for now. it’s only seconds after she does exactly what he’s asked of her, that he gives her one last peck against the thin material, then strips her of it, smiling as she helps him by lifting her lips. he tosses it to the side, before going back to his rightful spot rested between her legs, head tilted towards heaven. he’s watched porn an abundance of times, as well as many of his own experiences, and knows exactly where she wants him to be. his tongue swipes against her entrance, feeling the juices she’s already produced. “you taste so good, and you're so wet for me” he murmurs, as he makes eye contact before making himself familiar with her clit. licking and applying as much pressure as he can, all while holding her legs open, dipping his tongue into her folds from time to time, and then going back to the clit, holding her in place. his eyes staring into hers intently, as he laps at her juices, inserting a finger and then another into her slicked folds, as his tongue continues it’s work on her pearl. “so wet,” he repeats, as he watches her. 
everything about him captivated her, each moment becoming engraved in her memory. she could almost feel the atmosphere shift in that moment, every ounce of her soul knew things had changed. knowing she wouldnt be able to just look at him in the halls, or simply sit next to him without a flash of this night playing in her head. but she didnt care, not about a single thing except him. she didnt care that when she awoke the next morning her entire world would shift, that she would lose the closest person in her life for god only knows how long. she just knew she didnt want the night, the euphoria, to end. every experience she had, every person that entered her life didnt compare to how she felt. she couldnt stop the whines that were falling from her throat, or the jolts being sent through her body from his touch. she felt good, knowing she had his entire presence, not a single thing being able to drag either one out of the moment. everything else being pushed to the back of her mind, all the little things that were on her shoulders melting off as his hands and mouth worked over her body. almost as if this was was second nature to the boy, knowing exactly what spots to hit, what got bigger reactions out of her without ever having experienced each other. 
her body shivered against him at his words, a moan falling from her lips simply at the thought of him fucking her until she barely knows her won name. "fuck me like the whore I am," her tone almost dangerous, challenging even. their gazes finding one another, a smirk pulling at her plump lips, and a wink sent his way. she watched him move in between her legs, widening ever so slightly for him. her heart pumping as she anticipated his next move, whining when he didnt listen right away, "please," she begged, her hips immediately propping themselves into the air when she felt his hands pulling at the straps of her bottoms. her eyes falling closed, a sharp hiss falling from her lips when his tounge found her slit. she had gotten wet just from seeing him topless before they got in the jacccuzi, knowing she was dripping by the time he got her bottoms off. "its all yours, all for you, whenever you want it baby," She choked out in between moans, her body arching every so often despite the hold he had on her. her eyes finding his amidst the haze, her hand tugging harder on his hair feeling his fingers slip in with ease, a loud whimper breaking from her lips. her other hand finding his shoulder, digging in ever so slightly, a breathy and almost inaudible  "Fuck me," falling from her lips 
he hadn't expected this. the scene unfolding before him. figured they’d drink and smoke, probably get a few noise complaints from their neighbors, and wake up to a trashed hotel room. maybe wreak havoc around the area. but he's sure none of that could compare to this. — once he's good and ready, meaning he feels she’s satisfied enough, dripping wet and begging for more, he removes both his mouth and fingers, then repeating her words, “all mine,”. even though they both know they don’t belong to each other, he has to admit he likes hearing the words fall from her lips. he’s sure it’s somewhere around 11 o’ clock, possibly nearing midnight. the two having entered the pool room at least an hour before. he knows although no one’s checking for them, it’s best to be out of here within a reasonable time. he doesn’t respond to her pleads. instead he slips out of the red and blue swim trunks, lets them pool around his ankles, before he hovers over her body, and pecks her lips a few times. slips his hands under her for what feels like the millionth time, lifting her petite frame, before placing her down in the water with him. “you ready baby?” he asks, wants to make sure this is still what they both want. before turning her around, placing her arms on the edge of the jacuzzi, spreading her legs, and aligning himself up with her entrance. once she gives the okay, he slips in, groaning at the pleasure he already feels. “shit,” he hisses, as he pulls out little by little, and thrusts in deep, trying to get into a steady rhythm, all the while making sure she’s comfortable. “fuck, you’re so wet and tight,” he groans out, as his thrusts become more rapid. admiring the glistening cream she's producing, as he slaps her right cheek, and drills into her, going as deep as he can. as her walls begin to close around him, he moves his dominant hand up to her neck, gripping it softly, and urging her to cum. his mind is free of everything else, but he subconsciously thanks audra for the fight they had earlier leading up to this.
if anyone were to tell her that she would find herself naked on the edge of a Jacuzzi while her cousins ex boyfriend ate her out, shed tell them they were crazy. the dynamic between them never being anything more than destructive at times, caring deeply for the other but not in the way that would bring them to this experience. coming to the random hotel she expected the usual blunts and bottles, but she was more than happy with the position she found herself in. a smirk found its way on her face as he repeated her words, while they both knew better, in this moment they were each others. nothing stopping them from living out their wildest fantasies. while the jacuzzi wasnt her first choice, there was something sensual about the area. being out in the public eye but still being totally private, the jets creating a sort of numbness on their skins if they were submerged. she watches as he slips out of his shorts, not even bothering to hide the action as her eyes trained to his cock, her bottom lip slipping between her teeth as she slowly raked his body. slowly working up till she met his gaze, a smirk crossing her features. her hands coming to rest around his neck, kissing him back with small giggles as she was swept from her spot. pecking his lips one more time as her hand fell to stroke him a few times, a small nod following his words. allowing herself to be positioned as he wished. her hands placed firmly on the concrete under her as she pushed back slightly onto him. A sharp intake of breathe as he pressed into her. whimpers falling from her lips at his pace, encouraging him to go harder. soon loud cries of pleasure fell from her lips, breathy words of encouragement for him, pushing back to meet his thrusts. "faster baby," she spoke with a loud moan, her back arching when he hit her spot. "right there, daddy, keep going," she could feel a knot tightening, "fuck," an almost pornographic moan coming from her lips as his hand came to rest on her throat, her own coming to rest over his a squeeze to tell him he can choke her harder as she slowly came undone underneath him.
anyone who set eyes on lia and knew of her, could assume she'd be a bit wild between the sheets. but she’d exceeded drew’s expectations. the arch of her back, giving him perfect access to the spot he wanted to reach, her meeting his each and every thrust, and the way they both were sexually connected in the moment. knowing exactly where the other wants to be touched, what the other wants to hear and when. he's had bad sex before, he’s sure she has her stories too, but drew feels like he met his match. he grants her wish, picking up speed, pounding into her like she wants. he’s close, and the feeling of her walls clenching around him, the juices coating him, as she rides her orgasm out. “so good baby girl, so good” he mutters out, knowing it's only a matter of seconds before he joins her. gripping her throat a little rougher, he slams into her will full force, burying himself within her. he feels it all, the tightening, the pleasure, the twitch and he lets out a satisfied groan as he removes his hand from around her and pulls out as quickly as he can, the semen falling in the water. he slips his swimming trucks back on, walks over to her, and gives her a passionate kiss, moving her now damp hair out of her face, still panting. “what do you say we go upstairs to our room, and go for round 2?” he smiles at her, as he hands her the bottoms to her bikini. “i’ll even keep my promise and carry you up” he winks, picking up the two nearby towels, and wrapping it around her shoulders.
like with most of the guys in the school, she had her suspicions of how Drew was in the bedroom. but everything she had thought was surpassed that night. meeting him match for match as the night went along, knowing every little thing the other wanted as the night went. there was something laying in the air around them, something that no one would be able to explain. not even the two teenagers in the jacuzzi, becoming undone within each other, forgetting the stress of world around them for just a moment. lia let out one final whimper, feeling him pull out of her. standing on shaky legs as she sat on the side of the jacuzzi, swinging her legs over to land on the steps. watching as drew collected their clothes. her hand cupping his face as she kissed him back with equal passion, maybe even more. "I think that sounds perfect," A small chuckle as she slipped her bottoms on, "Piggyback ride?" She asked a small pout on her lips as she feigned innocence towards the boy despite the less then innocent acts transpired less then a few minutes prior.
the morning after.
all that is heard is the default ringtone of an iphone, and chestnut orbs flutter open at the alarming sound. his right hand immediately goes to his head, as he shields his eyes from the sunlight through the hotel’s thin curtains, his head throbbing in pain. doesn’t miss the fact that he's completely naked under the covers. he remembers bits and pieces of last night, can taste the remnants of peach ciroc on his tongue, the groggy feeling he has because of the weed from the night prior. he tries to recollect his memory, before his phone starts ringing again, and he declines it, before looking at the notifications. 7 missed calls from audra torres, 15 text messages from audra torres. he groans, before hearing a shift in the bed, and looks over to find none other than the beauty that is lia rosenburg under the blankets, also naked from what he can tell. 
he fumbles out of the sheets, muttering out a “fuck,” at his current situation. scrambling to get his jeans on, while the memories flash in his mind, the sex, the wanting, the way he felt. he goes to the other side of the bed, still shirtless, as he shakes her awake gently, “lia?” he calls out, as he moves the hair out of her face just like he had the night before. 
The incessant buzzing from a phone was beginning to get to lia. Her head pounding and wanting nothing more than to fall asleep, and stay that way for the rest of the day. A huff being let out as she pulled the blanket over her head, tucking herself deeper into the blanket, trying to drown out the noise. Without even blinking her eyes open she pushed the source of the voice away. “Sleep,” she spoke softly, wrapping the blanket around her hand, uncovering her face again, pulling it up under her chin. her head throbbing as she let out a quiet groan, the brightness from the sun to much even with her eyes closed. her throat raw from what she assumed to be weed she smoked, the lingering taste in her mouth mixed with what she thought was some sort of peach vodka, based on the headache she had. Snap shots of the night prior dancing in her head, slowly sitting up as she let out a light groan, her hips feeling sore, as if she spent the night on a bike. Holding onto the blanket as she ran her fingers through her hair she slowly turned to the source of the noise. Her eyes finding a naked torso, slowly trailing her eyes up their form.
Lia couldnt help the small gasp as she made eye contact with Drew Torres, all the memories of the night prior hitting her at once. Every little touch, every word, emotion flooding back. Her head falling as she fell back against the headboard, not knowing what to say. Her mind flooding with all the consequences of what they did, but something within her still feeling on fire as she recounted their entire night.
drew can't help but gaze at the girl, giving her a soft smile, before running hands through his brunette hair, and sitting down on the side of the bed. the room is half trashed, and he wonders if they had sex here too, before shrugging it off as an ‘of course’. looking at the home screen of his phone again, he finds that it’s 9:24 AM, and they’re expected to be checked out by noon. he scratches the back of his neck, before giving lia another once over, catching the hickeys painted onto her neck. “did we?” he asks, motioning to himself then her, doesn't specify, but they both know what he means.
she brought her head back up, giving him small smile as well, glancing around for any shirt she could find quickly. her eyes taking in the state of the room, bottles and empty blunt packages scattered around. she knew what they did, her mind racing as she thought of all the things that could go wrong. she didnt know how many times they had sex, but she did know her legs were killing her, and it was gonna be a fun walk to the elevator. her eyes caught his gaze, chuckling softly at his words, her hand coming to run through her hair, as much as she could anyway. The blanket falling from her shoulders ever so slightly, "I think we did," She spoke, biting her lip softly as she processed her words.
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iamknicole · 5 years
A/N: Be careful reading. This isn't pleasant. You were forewarned.
It didn't take Lainey long to find out where her family was hiding out at. She peeked around the house for a few hours before going inside. There was a bathroom attached to the bedroom Mika and Treasure were in with a window and that's where she snuck in.
Waiting a few minutes, Lainey eased out of the bathroom with her finger to her lip letting the girls know to be quiet. She could see they had been crying, it broke her heart. After gently closing the bedroom door, she went to the girls and untied them. Both of them fell into her arms.
"Mommy," Treasure whispered, "I wanna go home. I dont wanna stay here."
Lainey kissed her daughter's forehead. "We're gonna go home, I promise."
"Is my Daddy outside?" Mika asked softly.
"No, babygirl but I'm gonna take you to him. Do either of you know where Nana is?"
The door swung open, hitting the wall with a thud making all three of them jump. Jeremiah stood in the door way with Hanna in a headlock and Goddess right beside him.
"You came to us, we didn't even have to lift a finger," Goddess laughed.
"Let her go," Lainey ordered pulling her gun from her waist. She pushed the girls behind her. "Let her go or I'll shoot you both. Im not playin."
Goddess laughed again, waving Lainey off.
"I thought you'd at least be a little smarter than that. After all you are my child. You think we didn't know that your ass has been sneaking around here? Well guess what," she said sarcastically, "We did! Girl, hop your lil asses back in those chairs."
"Dont move. I got yall."
Treasure and Mika screamed prompting Lainey to look back. There were men standing there, two held each girl and another pistol whipped Lainey before she could react. The last thing she remembered was Hanna and the girls screaming for her.
When she came to hours later she was tied to the bed and her daughter, niece and mother were tied to chairs to the right of her. Pulling at the ropes, Lainey was starting to get angry and her head throbbed. There was a large knot and cut on her face
"Stop," Hanna said softly, "You're gonna hurt yourself, Lainey. Stop."
Treasure watched her mama struggle a bit more with tears in her eyes. She wished and prayed for her dads, her PopPop and her uncles to come save them.
"Mommy," Treasure called out.
"Yes, baby?"
"I wanna leave. I'm scared."
Lainey sighed looking over at her daughter. "I know, baby. So am I. We're gonna leave, I promise."
"I know you're mad at me, Lainey but listen to me. You've got to calm down for these babies. We're gonna be okay."
Tears slid out of Lainey's eyes as she looked in their direction. "I'm not mad at you, I was never mad at you. I was upset that Esperanza got to stay but it doesn't matter. Me, Charles and the kids will be out of Savannah after this."
"Oh girl you're not going nowhere you're family. Families fight."
"No, I'm Candace."
Jeremiah entered the room with a sly smirk on his face. He had gotten word that Eric had gotten snatched up. He was slightly angry and wanted to take it out on Lainey. Removing his shoes and shirt, he climbed onto the bed beside Lainey touching her face. She jerked away from him.
"Don't touch me," she spat through gritted teeth.
"Oh come on," he laughed, "Its just like old times. We had fun, remember?"
Lainey swallowed hard and looked over at the girls and Hanna trying to ignore, Jeremiah touching her. "Mika, Treasure hold your heads down and close your eyes."
Jeremiah continued to let his hands roam her body, unbuttoning the black jeans she was wearing.
Treasure started to cry louder, "Don't touch my Mommy!"
Hanna panicked. "Girls, do what she said. Bow your heads, close your eyes and pray. Keep them closed."
Lainey folded her lips trying to fight the sobs that tried to come out. She didn't want to give the girls a reason to look. Jeremiah pulled her shoes off then her pants and underwear. He rubbed his hands didn get legs.
"Why can't they watch, LayLay? It'll be fun. They'll see how much fun you used to have."
"That's not my name. My name is Alaina."
Moving on top of her, Jeremiah grabbed her face holding it tightly between his fingers. He stared at her for a second then licked her face where the tears had fallen.
"Your name is whatever I say it is."
"Don't," she said just above a whisper glancing between Jeremiah and the girls. "Don't, Jeremiah."
Hanna prayed silently, looking up at the ceiling. It took all of the restraint she had left not to scream out loud.
"Don't what?" He asked slyly reaching between them to unbuckle his pants. "Come on. Don't what?"
Lainey turned her attention to the girls, she didn't want to look at his face. She wanted to make sure neither of them looked.
Bringing his hand to her throat, Jeremiah squeezed her throat as he roughly invaded her. She struggled to grasp for air quietly until he let go. Tears fell from her eyes as he moved roughly inside of her.
"Mommy, are you okay?" Treasure called out. "Mommy?"
"Mommy's okay, babygirl. Just dont," Lainey paused biting down hard on her lip to keep from crying out in pain, "Dont open your eyes, please don't open them. You both are doing so good. Im sp proud of you."
Hanna continued to pray over and over. Mika cried trying to figure out what was happening.
"Just as amazing as Bishop said it was, LayLay," Jeremiah chuckled darkly continuing his movements. "He said you fought a lil more than this though."
Keeping her head turned, Lainey cried softly staring at the wall behind the girls. He wanted him off of her but with her hands tied she couldnt do anything but lie there.
Thirty minutes, which felt like forever, passed and Jeremiah was finally finished. He stood from the bed fixing himself back up then threw a throw blanket over Lainey's lower half.
"Keep it warm for me," he smiled, "I'll be back."
As soon as the door closed, Lainey broke down. Her worst nightmare had come true and in front of her child.
"Can I open my eyes?" Mika asked softly.
Turning her head away from them, Lainey told them that they could.
"Alaina, don't let him break you. Don't you let that demon win. God's hands are covering you, they are on you" Hanna spoke sternly but softly. "You are bigger than that demon. You will heal, I promise you, baby. I would never lie to you."
Lainey couldn't do anything but nod. To be truthful, Hanna's words had gone in one ear and out of the other. She didn't want to hear that. She didn't want to hear the lies. All she wanted was for Zion to come get them, to save her like he did years ago.
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sidespromptblog · 6 years
Hello, do you mind making something with Logan and Deceit, fluff preferably? Still, anything would be great, all your writings are so enjoyable ^_^ Thank you very much and have a good day!
(Sorry for this being so late, I hit a dry spell with my writing. But even so, I hope that you enjoy this, its got a touch of hurt/comfort but its fluff in the end!) 
“What aren’t you doing out here? At this time of night?”
Cracking his eyes open Logan blandly stared back in the direction that the voice had come from, he wasn’t all too surprised to see Deceit standing there his back facing the bathroom from which the light blanketed him and cask an imposing shadow where he stood. Although, that imposing shadow was slightly lessened by the green facial mask that was smeared all across the left side of the dishonest sides face, and even more so by the bright green pajamas that Deceit wore complete with lemons dotting the fabric in every which way. Had he not been so tired Logan would have snorted out loud at the sight of it, but instead, a tiny smile cracked its way onto his face before he pressed his lips together in a thin line to ward off the peels of laughter that wanted to bubble up out of his chest.
Deceit’s eyes narrowed, so the smile clearly wasn’t helping his case any. Not that he had been trying all that hard to begin with.
“I…” He groaned as soon as he sat up, his aching back screaming in protest at the action, and for a split second Deceit shifted forward before he froze where he stood. His self-preservation battling with his natural instinct to remain the bad guy, clearly. “I could not sleep, so I came out here to find some solace. Although..” Logan’s eyes darted down to the book that had fallen from his fingers, it’s pages were a complete mess and he’d really need to straighten them up before he put the book back on his shelf. “I happened to accidentally fall asleep while reading.”
Deceit nodded his head like one of those bobble head figurines as his gaze darted away from Logan and towards the darkened kitchen, it was well past dinner time. Evident by the fact that all of the pots and pans had been washed and put on the drying rack, the food that the others would have eaten were most likely in the fridge wrapped up all neatly for anyone who needed a midnight snack.
“So what are you doing up so late? I don’t mean to presume anything about your sleeping habits, lest you point out my own. But…” Deceit felt every muscle in his body stiffen as soon as Logan pushed his glasses back up the smooth curve of his nose, the way that the logical side was looking at him said everything. There was a look of concern and…confusion written all over Logan’s face, and never more so than now did he want to ignore it and shoo it away with his own evil actions.
Perhaps just a simple flex of his hand, to make that look of concern go away, or..or he could just cackle. After all, he wouldn’t need to silence the other again if he just felt that he was something to be feared, there would be no need for actions. At least not that threatening.
Opening his mouth, a sneer curled on Deceit’s lip like a worm scorching under the heat of the summer sun.
“You don’t need to lie to me,” And almost immediately the scornful words died on his tongue before they even had a chance to begin, “It’s not like I am the kind of person to tell on you to Roman…” A beat of silence passed between them, as Deceit’s fists clenched and unclenched, still allowing Logan to freely speak his mind and everything that came with it, before… “or Virgil.” A bitter sensation welled on Deceit’s tongue at Anxiety’s name, and even more so at the thought of the ex-dark side finding him here, or even just..confronting him here. Would Logan tell him? He said that he wouldn’t wake him, but he gave no promise to telling him about their encounter once the anxious side woke. Virgil would certainly be angry if he knew that he was here, with one of his precious friends of all things. He’d threaten him perhaps..and he’d never be able to sneak through here as he once did.
He’d…be locked out.
“Please don’t tell him,” The words of desperation left his lips before he even had a chance to think them over, and he could only watch as Logan blinked in pure surprise before a sympathetic but understanding smile curled onto his face. It was a nice smile, if only it was under better circumstances. “I’m here because..because…” The hem of his pajama shirt fumbled between his fingers, and yet that understanding look didn’t leave the logical side’s face. No matter how long it was taking him to come out with the truth, “I didn’t eat tonight..or this afternoon..or this morning either. I didn’t even eat yesterday, because…”
Logan’s shoulders straightened in an instant, as all traces of exhaustion fled his face. There was a look of seriousness on his face, a look that Deceit could only ever recall being on the receiving end of, only this time it wasn’t aimed at him. It was aimed at an enemy that he let alone Logan couldn’t see, a part of him felt delighted in the way that Logan’s eyes lit up with an icy cold flame as his the muscles in his jaw strained the moment that his teeth ground against one another. Nobody had ever been angry for him, it was unprecedented.  
Unprecedented…but enthralling nonetheless.
Logan’s Adam’s apple bobbed as the logical side swallowed thickly. “You need food?” He carefully asked, gauging Deceit’s every reaction no matter how minuscule. He certainly wasn’t lying, Logan was damned certain of that. More certain than he’d ever been in his entire life, and watching Deceit nod his head in a rather monotone confirmation he had only one thing to say to the dishonest side who looked more awkward standing there than ever. “Sit.”
Surging up to his feet, he saw only wariness from the other side, or at least before he gestured to the empty loveseat that a mere hour ago he had just been asleep on. Out of all the ways that he was reacting, he was sure that Deceit could never have expected this.
That was the only word that registered within Deceit’s mind as his body mindlessly stumbled over to where Logan had just been sleeping, and it was the only word he heard again as his legs folded out from under him and he found himself sitting on the squishy couch cushions that had until a few seconds ago held Logan. He really didn’t even know what to think of this, out of everyone the logical side had always seemed like the less likely person to listen let alone care about whatever was going on with him. And yet…here he was, flicking on the kitchen lights and cooking what smelled like soup for him, when he really hadn’t asked him to do so. It really seemed like something that Patton would do, or..or something that Virgil would have done if they had still been friends.
But no, it was Logic.
It’s Logic. That was the only thing he could think as he looked back at Logan as he carried the bowl full of steaming broth back into the living room.
“I apologize,” Logan began with an almost sheepish grin, as he offered the warm bowl to Deceit’s waiting hands. “I’m not the best at doing anything outside of baking, so I warmed up some chicken noodle soup from a can. It’s best to stick to liquids if you haven’t eaten in a while, no use in you getting sick all over the place.” For the longest moment, Logan just watched as Deceit stared into the warm broth. The dishonest side didn’t make even a single movement to pick up the spoon, the frozen look of abject shock was written all over his face made Logan’s stomach twist uncomfortably for a moment.
At least until Deceit’s hand moved, it was slow at first, as if the dark side in front of him was living his life in slow motion, or in the very least trying to wade through molasses. But eventually, he grasped the spoon, although he didn’t yet bring it to his mouth, not until his eyes darted up locking onto Logan’s.
“Will you read to me? As I eat?”
Logan’s throat seized, and in that moment between them, if he were able to feel such things, then Logan surely would have allowed himself to cry at the question. It had been…far too long since one of the sides had wanted him to read to them, too boring, not fantastic enough, or..something to be listened to only when they wanted to get to sleep fast. But even so, Logan found himself blinking back tears as he settled onto the loveseat right next to Deceit, who was slowly spooning the warm soup into his mouth.
“Of course, anything for you,” Logan whispered, and he meant every word.  
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vantekay · 6 years
valentine ||jhs
word count: 3.2k
estimated reading time: like 10 ish minutes, maybe? I haven’t been timing these sksks I’m sorry I will eventually come back and time it
genre(s): fluff fluff fluff and more fluff also a scene where you stargaze because I’m self indulgent and like every fic of mine that has a date scene includes stargazing sksksk sorry 
warning(s): none 
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“throughout all the seasons, in this transition of winter-spring you've been here beside me with the sweet nothings you're whispering”
hoseok has always called you his rock because you kept him grounded whenever he needed it, reminding him in times of hardships that he was more than enough and that those bouts of feeling like he wasn’t enough would pass. he also called you his rock because you had been in his life for as long as he could remember, literally. you had known hoseok since you guys were kids. teeny tiny tots playing together at the daycare your mothers had both decided were good enough to watch you while they were busy. it all started because you, a very shy kid who kept to themselves in the corner, was crying and you immediately caught hoseok’s attention. you had come to find very quickly that he was the literal embodiment of sunshine and rainbows and everything else that could possibly bring you joy. he had been the only kid to approach you in the daycare since you arrived, and he made it his mission to make you happy. he had introduced himself to you as hobi, and from that day on it was hobi and y/n against the world. as you grew older, you had found that hoseok actually lived in the same neighborhood as you and this led to you and him growing closer as you aged. enter your tween and teen years and you were pretty much bound at the hip, doing anything and everything you could together. you had begun going to the others family gatherings, parties and other special events together and there came a time when both of your families had begun teasing you both about being an item. this would always prompt your cheeks to turn a deep rose color as hoseok denied any chances of getting together with you, claiming you were more like a sister to him. this had hurt you a bit the first few times he had said it, seeing as you had feelings for hoseok that were definitely not brotherly and you had always silently hoped he felt the same but you learned to quickly push those feelings down and laugh along with him whenever family members brought it up. this continued for a couple years until one drunken high school party where you had confessed your feelings for him and, to your surprise, he felt the same. the next day was spent soberly clearing things up and properly confessing, marking the beginning of your new relationship with hoseok. he learned very quickly that you were supportive of him. you always had been, but now that you proudly wore the title of girlfriend it had been enhanced ten fold and it made hoseok's day. whether it was cheering him on at his tennis games or during his swim meets, you never failed to bring a smile to his face when he caught you waving at him from the sidelines, the widest of grins on your face as you showed him how proud you were. you’re praises never stopped on the field though, no, hoseok would hear them the entire way back to your homes, and if you were spending the night at his then you would continue to praise him there too. when he had finished getting ready to relax and you were waiting for him on his bed with open arms, he would happily clamber into bed with you and accept your cuddles, you held him close to your chest as you ran your hand through his hair and continued to talk about how proud you were of him, how amazing he did during the game and so forth, until finally his eyes would flutter closed and the smile on his lips stretched wider.
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“you're a lovable, angelic piece of perfect and anything i do for you is worth it times a million and a half”
it should come as no surprise that hoseok loves to do for other people, especially for you. whatever it was you needed him to do he would do it in a heartbeat. you needed a new pair of pants because you spilled coffee on your old ones? hoseok was already on his way to the mall as soon as you told him. you had a really bad day at work and you wanted takeout and a movie night in? hoseok has your favorite takeout place on speed dial and your order memorized and could make it to your apartment in 10 minutes flat with your favorite movie. you were his angel, his world, and he loved doing things for you. hoseok always made it known that you could count on him, constantly telling you that it didn’t matter how busy he was or what he was doing. reminding you that he would always drop whatever it was and help you in any way he could. this made touring a little difficult for him, seeing as how he wouldn’t be able to stop in the middle of a show to help you if you needed him but you knew he would help you as soon as he could. there was one time, however, where in the middle of a show he had gotten a message from your coworker telling him that you had fallen at work and were rushed to the hospital. it wasn’t anything major, just a preemptive trip to make sure you didn’t break any bones from the fall but it was still enough to plant that seed of worry in hoseok. what made this worse was the fact that he was in the middle of a show, in between songs and getting a quick change when he had heard the news from a staff member. they tried to reassure him that you were okay and that you weren’t actually hurt that badly, that your coworker just wanted to make sure you hadn’t broken any bones but it was still enough to drive hoseok mad. he tried to brush it off for the rest of the show and not worry ARMY but you were all he could think about. of course he immediately thought of all the worst case scenarios he could, like you being stuck at the hospital all by yourself because your friend had to leave, or you having broken every bone in your body and having to be put in a full body cast for a couple of months and many other unlikely scenarios. as soon as the show had ended, he rushed off stage to video call you, not even bothering with a text to make sure you were still up. his heart was relieved for a split second when you answered on the second ring, and he didn’t even let you speak before he was already blubbering off his concerns.
“oh god angel I’m glad you answered, I got the text from your coworker saying you were in the hospital as we were in the middle of the show and I was so worried about you. are you okay? did you break anything? do I need to sue your company for the fall? psychological damage that you may have suffered? god baby I’m so sorry I’m not there to sit with you in the hospital right now and- wait, are you at home?” hoseok furrowed his eyebrows and squinted down at his phone screen as you leaned your head back to let out a loud laugh. he backs away from his intense staring with his lips down in a frown and a pout on his face, waiting for you to explain.
“I got out of the hospital like, an hour ago love. it was just a trip to make sure I didn’t break anything, which I didn’t, I just twisted my ankle s’all.” as you spoke you could watch the worry physically drain itself from hobi’s face, his heart shaped smile beginning to form itself on his lips at the thought of you being okay.
“oh thank god, y/n I couldn’t even begin to tell you how worried I was about you, I was starting to wonder if management would let me fly home to see you in case you had been put in a full body cast or something.” now you both laughed, hoseok blushing slightly at how ridiculous he sounded but you assured him that you loved it, loved him for caring so much about you and being ready to do whatever he needed to take care of you. you meant a lot to him, and he would be willing to give you his heart in a split second if you needed it, that’s how much he loved you. 
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“cause i love you and i'd like to spend forever in the subtle warmth inside your arms”
hoseok’s favorite thing to do with you has to without a doubt be cuddling. he loves it when you cuddle him or he cuddles you, he doesn’t mind either position as long as he can feel the warmth radiating off of your body and onto his. he loves holding you close, head pressed up against his chest so you can hear his heartbeat while his hand runs through your hair as he talks to you about his day and you talk to him about yours. hoseok always wants to be touching you in some way whether it be hugging or cuddling or holding hands, he always wants to feel your warmth. whenever you go out in public he is holding your hand, if you have to separate for whatever reason he always makes sure you part with a hug and if you guys are just spending time at the dorm or at your apartment you better believe you’re cuddled up on the couch together. hoseok loves it the most when he wakes up with you in his arms, the way you’re always wrapped up in his embrace like you haven’t moved since you fell asleep in the same position. he loves it when it’s raining really heavily and you beg him to sit out in the living room with you, huddled up on the couch with your favorite blanket and a movie on the tv, drowned out by the sound of the rain hitting the glass of your window. he loves it when you rest your head on his shoulder while gazing at something, whether it be your phone or whatever else may be holding your attention and he just enjoys being close to you, and he never wants to let you go.
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“i'll keep on creating for you until my final days, dancing in the living room and smooching while the vinyl plays”
one of hoseok’s favorite memories with you is whenever he had a day off and you insisted on dancing with him, since he would continue to practice even if he was meant to be relaxing. the day usually goes something like this, you begin by sitting in the living room and watching him dance, then he insists on teaching you some of the moves so now you’re up and dancing with him and then eventually you convince him to do some kind of slow dance with you as a cool down from earlier. he would never admit it but he loves it when his days off go like this, getting some practice in and then ending it with you and him slow dancing while your bluetooth speaker plays whatever love song you have in your playlist. he loves holding you by the waist, watching as you lean your head forward on his chest while you dance, hands intertwined and the soft sounds of your breath mingling as you sway together in the living room. hoseok will begin his kiss attacks with simple smooches to you hair, and then gradually makes his way down to your face after you’ve removed it from the warmth of his chest to look up at him. he starts his descent at your forehead, leaving a kiss there before travelling to your nose, and then both cheeks, your chin, the corners of your mouth and then finally landing on your lips. the kiss is always soft and sweet and makes butterflies erupt in your stomach and you can’t get enough of him which leads into a makeout session. hoseok’s hands grip your waist a little tighter as your hands move to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck, not once breaking apart for air. you continue like that for what feels like hours, just holding each other and sharing kisses under the dim lighting in your living room until hoseok’s stomach begins to growl louder than the music playing in the background and you break apart with a laugh, walking into the kitchen together to prepare a meal.
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“cause we can both hear the compliments coming in from these pals of mine and I've been wondering if you would be my valentine”
hoseok remembers back in highschool, when you had just started dating, and valentine’s day approaching faster than he would have liked. he was nervous seeing as it was the first holiday you would be spending together as a couple and he wanted it to be perfect. his friends had encouraged him, telling him they would help him with any planning or preparations he had. what he really wanted to do was take you out for a picnic date at the park you really liked that was a bit of a drive out of town and then watch the stars with you. he tells his friends about his plan in hopes that they will get the hint to leave him alone, but something about the way they smile at him after he’s done speaking tells him otherwise. brushing it off, he waits for you in the school’s parking lot and gets ready to put his plan into action. when you get into his car, he starts to drive towards the location of the park which is on the opposite side of town where you both live. you’re confused, and look over to ask him what he’s doing to which you only get a “you’ll see” out of him. you sit back and enjoy the ride, wondering what he could possibly have planned for today. when you arrive at the park the sun has begun its descent and hobi is quick to pull you out of his car and towards the location of the picnic dinner he has had set up for the past few hours. you laugh at his enthusiasm only to be wowed by the location for which he has picked out. the spot he found has a perfect overview of the horizon ahead, and it perfectly shows off the current setting sun and all of the orange pink and purple hues stemming from it. you stand there in awe, mouth hung open as you watch the sun set and hoseok can’t help but take a couple photos of you, some from a few feet behind you showing off both the setting sun and your silhouetted frame. he smiles down at the photos before walking up behind you and wrapping you up in a hug, head placed on your shoulder as he places soft kisses into the crook of your neck. you giggle before attempting to get away from him, claiming that his shows of affection tickle and that you want to eat. he leads you back over to the blanket and begins to pull out the food he had prepared. to your surprise, he pulls out a bunch of fruits and what looks to be kimchi made from scratch. you look up at him in awe while a blush blossoms on his cheeks. he dishes out the servings of food between the two of you before starting to eat, striking up conversation with you about school that day and what plans you had for the weekend. after you both finish eating and the sun has promptly set, he asks you to lay down with him on the blanket to stargaze for a little. it takes you by surprise, seeing as hoseok has never addressed the idea of finding stargazing particularly interesting but you assume that maybe he had seen posts about it on twitter or instagram pertaining to how it was a cute date idea. you lay hand in hand and watch the stars for about an hour before you pack up to go home, the cold air beginning to nip at your skin and creating goosebumps. once you’re back inside his car hoseok pulls out one last surprise gift for you. you assume it’s a ring, considering the box he occupies in his hands is too small to contain a necklace or bracelet and you feel your heartbeat begin to pick up. hoseok smiles before opening the case and showing off a beautiful gold promise ring set, one for you and one for him. he takes the one meant for you out and begins to place it on your ring finger as he speaks softly. 
“I got these because even though we just started dating, we’ve known each other our whole lives and I can’t imagine the rest of my life being with anyone else but you. I want to continue making memories with you and I want to build my future with you, y/n. so I want us to make a promise that we will always be there for each other.” hoseok looks back up from your hand with a smile on his face as he finishes talking and you quickly lean forward to place a chaste kiss on his lips. “of course I want to spend the rest of my life with you hobi, I promise.” you extend your pinky finger for him to latch onto and he does so with a small laugh, leaning forward to kiss you again. it isn’t until you hear whooping and hollering from outside that you pull away, looking around quickly to spot the source of the noise. hoseok rolls his eyes and leans his head back until it hits the headrest, promptly bringing his hands up to run down his face with a groan. “I knew they were going to follow us here.” he mumbles before his friends arrive at the driver’s side window, smirks plastered on their faces as they show hoseok a big thumbs up. when he turns to unlock the door their expressions all drop, quickly running off into the direction of their own cars in order to escape hoseok’s wrath. you laugh from the passenger's seat as you watch him chase his friends around the parking lot, yelling about how they “need to respect his privacy” and “can’t you guys get your own girlfriend instead of living vicariously through me?!” 
when he finally gets them to leave and has returned to his spot behind the wheel he turns to apologize to you, “as you can see, they were very excited for our valentines plans, and they wanted to see if you would turn me down or something I’m not too sure what they were expecting.” but all you can do is laugh some more and tell him that you didn’t mind, that you thought it was cute his friends wanted to see how things would turn out, and maybe they would finally listen to hobi and stop living as though you were their girlfriend as well.
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misssophiachase · 6 years
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Set It Up – A kinda but not really Klaroline Fusion (like all my different fusions)
Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaeslon are working as assistants to the most demanding, rival NBA bosses in New York. From Macy’s to Madison Square Garden to the MGM Grand in Las Vegas can they stop bickering long enough to come together to make their lives easier?
All I do is Win
151 W 34th Street, New York, NY 
"Before you say anything,” he offered, holding his hand up to silence her. “He actually tried to fire a mailman today.” 
He being Mason Lockwood, the Brooklyn Nets owner. He was also notorious for being an arrogant, demanding bastard and then some. 
“Mailmen work for the U.S. government!"
“Oh boo hoo, I don’t care, Mikaelson,” she replied gruffly, equally not caring but also knowing it was true and his boss was an ass. 
“Says the girl whose boss could give Cruella De Ville a run for her money.” He wasn’t wrong. New York Knicks boss Katherine Pierce was fierce, feisty and a real bitch at the best and worst of times.
“Exactly why I’m here to claim my blender that you have your grubby paws all over. I called earlier and put it on hold,” Caroline demanded, exhausted from the trek to Macy’s Department Store noticing he was already clutching it possessively.   
She took a few seconds to admire that his thieving ass was sort of attractive in that fitted, grey suit even if he didn’t know his proper place.
Five days ago she didn’t even know him but Klaus Mikaelson had made both an immediate and lasting impression on her, and it wasn’t a good one. She had always welcomed competition but his good looks were kind of messing with her resolve. 
She had no intention of letting him win.
“But your name isn’t on it,” he shot back, refusing to relinquish her property. 
“Now, that’s extremely mature,” she scowled. “If I don’t get this exact gift for the Warner wedding my boss is going to kill me.” 
Yes, to some it was just your run-of-the-mill gadget that mixed ingredients together. But this wasn’t just any blender. This was the newest, state of the art Vitamix Blender that retailed at a jaw dropping $1198.
It also happened to be the last one left in Manhattan, Caroline knew given just how many stores she’d called in vain. She just hoped the Warners were grateful, if she managed to steal it from his greedy clutches of course.
“My boss will too given it’s a gift for his only sister’s birthday,” he shot back. “If you think I’m going to give up this blender without a fight you’re sorely mistaken.” 
Okay, maybe she had forgotten in her haste to put it on hold, oops, but Klaus didn’t have to know that.
“Only because you got caught out breaking the rules because I already put this on hold,” she bluffed, refusing to let him win.
“Okay fine, what do you want?” 
“I thought I made myself pretty clear, Mikaelson,” she growled, gesturing towards the blender.  
“What else do you want besides this blender?” 
They both held each other’s gaze for a full thirty seconds before each finally responded their resolve unflinching. 
“Disney on Ice tickets. I hear that the Under the Sea Christmas Spectacular is a huge hit in your borough.”  Brooklyn was most definitely a bad word she could never utter.  
“Seriously? That’s really what you want?”
“Deathly,” she hit back, rolling her eyes as she did it. “Surely you would have some contacts, you know if you’re actually a good assistant.” 
“Because I’m sure Katherine Pierce would love to watch a singing crab and one memory-less fish,” he scoffed. 
“She may be the Ice Queen but she also has thirteen impossible and incessant nieces and nephews. And last time I checked all fish were memory-less.”
“Well, then you’ve never met my Marvin.” Caroline was trying to ignore just how adorable he looked defending his goldfish one dimple at a time.  “Even so those tickets will cost me more than this blender.”
“Okay, so how about I sweeten the deal with some boxing tickets?”
“Not sure the local boxing round robin is his speed, love, so that’s a definite no.”
“Well, I suppose it’s your loss,” she drawled. “Hand over my blender then, Mikaelson.”
“You’re going to have to make me,” he replied jokingly. 
“Real mature,” Caroline reiterated, surprising him and plucking it from his grasp. She couldn’t miss the way his hand felt brushing against hers as she did. “I hope I never have to see your smug ass again.” She stalked away, hips swaying in her wake.
“Until I have to explain the missing blender,” he called out in frustration by way of response. 
“Because I’m sure a missing blender is going to be your biggest problem given you turned down Pacquiao vs Broner ringside seats in Vegas.”  
She made a mental note in her head. Caroline Forbes 1 - Klaus Mikaelson 0. Suddenly her hellish life as an assistant wasn't so bad if he was suffering too.
4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 
Klaus Mikaelson was the type to hold grudges. It started when he was six years-old and his younger brother Kol stole his favourite toy and it had only grown stronger and more spiteful in the years afterward. 
Caroline Forbes was going to pay. Mainly because his boss hadn’t let him forget how pathetic he was to lose the blender he wanted to ‘a girl’ as he emphasised in air quotes. Klaus was far from chauvinistic and his boss was obviously still living in the dark ages. 
Caroline wasn’t just ‘a girl’ she was a pain in his ass and Klaus planned to bring her down and it didn’t hurt that it was her home game either. 
Rivals the Knicks and Nets were squaring off at Madison Square Garden and he’d been plotting his revenge ever since their last meeting. Sure, she was kind of gorgeous with those blonde waves and crystal, blue eyes but she was also his devious competition. And she was unrelenting. He had to beat her at her own game and he’d found the perfect way to do it.
“Glutton for punishment hey?” 
“Excuse me?” He shot back from their neighbouring, courtside seats. The pre-game arrangements were well underway. “Last time I checked the Nets and their staff have every right to be here, even if it is on enemy territory.”
“Unfortunately, yes,” she growled. “But it’s nice to know you are going down tonight.”
“Have you seen the ladder, Forbes?”
“You are one game ahead, after tonight that won’t be the case,” she scoffed. Klaus took a moment to peruse her outfit before arguing back. Even in her hideous blue and orange jersey she couldn’t help but look stunning. He decided to put it down to the fact her floral perfume was infiltrating his nostrils and messing with his composure. 
“Wanna make a bet?”
“I’m pretty good at those but if you’re game.”
“Oh I’m game,” he smirked. “The Nets win you get me those ringside seats in Vegas. And by seats, I’m going to need eight.”
“Wow, someone is wishful thinking, but yeah sure, not that you’re going to win,” she scoffed. “I cannot wait to witness the annihilation, Mikaelson.” 
Klaus didn’t even respond, just sent her a teasing glance and made his way to the changerooms to finalise everything. He had a good feeling that his team were going to take the win and Klaus would be on the way to Vegas for the big fight at the MGM Grand. His boss would forget that bloody blender ever existed. 
“In your face, Forbes,” Klaus celebrated hours later as the Nets crowd at Madison Square Garden continued to chant well after the final buzzer. She was shocked to say the least, still cute in defeat but he’d never admit it aloud.  
“This is all your fault,” she snarled. “You cheated.”
“Last time I checked I wasn’t on the court.”
“Yeah probably a good thing, you’d never actually keep up, lazy bones,” she snorted. “How about that whole surprise pre-game show where number one Nets fans Beyonce and Jay-Z just decided to belt out the Star Spangled Banner from their seats?”
“I had nothing to do with that,” he lied.
“You are the worst liar,” she huffed. “You know just how well it would be received and in turn boost team morale.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he bluffed. “The best team on the day won.”
“You are unbelievable,” she scowled. “Must really be desperate given just how much your job depends on it.”
“Is that what you say to make your situation better?” He shot back. “Didn’t think you’d stoop that low, oh hang on that whole blender situation was exactly that.”
“I guess I’m desperate,” she murmured, Klaus couldn’t miss the way her expression seemed so defeated all of a sudden. “My college loans are looming and I may have been a little dishonest under pressure because my boss wants to fire me all the time.”
“Story of my life too believe it or not,” he offered. “If only they could get on with their lives and not focus on every little thing that we do.”
“Hang on,” she murmured. “That might not be the worst idea you ever had, Mikaelson. How about we set them up together?”
“Mason and Katherine? That’s just a recipe for disaster. That much combined combustible energy cannot be safe.”
“Exactly why we have to do it,” she murmured, raising her eyebrows.
“So, I suppose I’ll see you in Vegas then?”
“If you’re lucky,” she chuckled, but given her tone Klaus knew she’d be there no matter what.  
MGM Grand, 3799 S Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas, NV
“Okay, I sent the fruit basket to her room.”
“Aren’t you a romantic,” she drawled teasingly, barely looking up from her magazine on the bed as he entered. Klaus Mikaelson was the last person she expected to organise that. As much as she was attracted to him, Caroline was seeing no similar interests besides setting up their bosses. 
“Please don’t ever call me that. But, last time I checked you’d done absolutely nothing,” Klaus shot back. “And I won the last bet and everything. Time to show you care, Forbes.”
“Like sending an identical one hour massage voucher to both his and her rooms for the same time in the hotel spa?”
“I suppose that’s okay,” he mumbled.
“Why do I get the impression that you don’t like ideas coming from anyone but yourself?”
“It must be all that ego,” she groaned. 
“You really do hate me,” he asked incredulously, it was unusual for any female to think badly of him let alone abuse him incessantly. 
“For the most part.”
“Wow, aren’t you sweet,” he drawled. “So what are we supposed to do to pass the time?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” Caroline shot back. “How about something more intellectual?”
“Wow. Finally something we have in common,” he smirked triumphantly, as she produced a chess board. 
“I happened to be chess champion five years running in High School.”
“Well, don’t want all those potential but ignorant suitors knowing that fact,” he chuckled, sending a stray dimple her way. Caroline tried to pretend that it didn’t affect her but everything inside was telling her that it did. 
And she was scared of the foreign feelings it had caused.
But in true Caroline fashion she decided to push it aside so she could beat him at chess then deal with the consequences that were threatening to derail her feelings later. She didn’t get that chance though. In fact she was in a more vulnerable position than expected. 
“Check Mate,” he murmured, sweeping his queen across the board to take her king. 
She was stunned at first mainly because she never lost. Ever. But he seemed to know her and rather than unsettling her it was weirdly okay.
“We have a boxing match to get to,” she responded mechanically. His hand grabbed hers immediately, the warmth spreading through her body. “Need to keep an eye on our bosses after all.”
“Or we could do something else?” He offered, squeezing her hand affectionately. “My siblings are in town tonight but I’m going to warn you they are...”
“Nick’s Fans?” She asked. “I’ve certainly experienced them and worse.”
“You have no idea, in fact I think they’d be perfect company for Katherine and Mason.”
“Why do I get the feeling you don’t care if you lose your job right now?”
“Well, if you knew my brother Kol and his big mouth,” he teased. “But if you’d rather...”
“No, I’m starting to really like your brother Kol.”
“Well. then you’re really going to like my sister Rebekah,” he chuckled. “How about we explore Vegas some more? See what fun we can get up to?”
“I suppose it can’t hurt, right?” Caroline replied.
Famous last words.
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floatingpetals · 6 years
Lovely Heartache || Ch. 2
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Orignal Female Character (Jasmine Conroy)
Warnings: All the angst, cheating, tiny bit of NSFW
Word Count: 1800+
Summary: Bucky was Jasmine’s best friend growing up. From grade school all the way to middle school they were inseparable. But then high school came and ruined everything. Bucky grew from the awkward gangly preteen to a handsome young man that had all the girls throwing themselves at him. He left Jasmine behind, and since then she can’t forget the hurt. Angry and alone, she finishes high school and decides to move away, leaving her childhood behind. Seven years have passed and she gets an unexpected visitor on her doorstep. Can she forgive the familiar face that hurt her so much all those years ago? Why does he choose now to show up back in her life?
A/N: Reposting because for some reason tumblr decided this was inappropriate. pos... 
The gif is not mine. credit to @sehbs
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Bucky peeled off his wet clothes and tossed them to the floor with a plop. He quickly turned the shower on, sighing as the steam filled the small room. When he turned, he stopped at the sight of himself in the mirror, his face twisting in disgust at the worn lines and deep circles under his eyes.
“Shit.” He mumbled, rubbing at his eyes with the heel of his palm.
He really did look as awful as he felt. With one last quick look in the mirror, he stepped into the shower, letting the heat melt into the tension out of his muscles. One hand leaned against the wall in front of him, the water flowing down his face around him, his shoulder-length hair creating a curtain, almost shielding him from the world around him.
This was the first time he had a chance to be alone, to think about what he walked into, and reality was rapidly crashing down around him. Bucky was only gone for three days, it was just a simple out of town meeting with Stark Enterprise. He was there just to make sure the higher-ups were happy with his work. He was in and out in two days, lucky enough to wrap things up earlier than anticipated.
Bucky never would have thought he’d walk in and see his fiancé with her legs up in the air, getting plowed by her ‘friend from work’ and thoroughly enjoying it. At least she had the gall to look surprised. She threw the man on his ass while she scrambled to cover herself with the sheets.
“Bucky?! What are you doing home?” He laughed, actually laughed in her face.
“Apparently, I came home too soon. I’m sorry.” He spat, looking down at her in disgust. “Please. By all means; finish!”
He turned at heel and walked out, ignoring her pleas to stop. She didn’t mean it, she loved him! But Bucky wasn’t an idiot, he knew she didn’t mean it. He made sure to slam the door with all his strength, shaking the whole apartment, and shutting that chapter of his life.
Now he had no clue where to go. When he got into the car he just started driving. He didn’t even realize he pulled up to Jasmine’s house until there was a clap of thunder. Bucky sat in the car, looking out at her front door for what seemed like hours before he numbly made his way to the door.
Truth be told, he didn’t expect her to let him in her house. Not after what happened all those years ago.
They used to be inseparable growing up. Jasmine and Bucky were never far from the other all throughout grade school. Bucky lived in the house right behind hers, so they would always walk to and from school, spend days playing in the streets or floating in Jasmine’s pool.
Even throughout middle school, before either of them grew into their bodies they were the best of friends. It wasn’t until their 9th-grade year that things change. Looking back on it, Bucky’s heart sank at how he treated her. He grew up faster, growing out of his awkward gangly body. He grew up and thicker, hours at the gym because he made it on the football team did that to a teenage boy. He discovered what girls were, and quickly shut out his closest friend.
Bucky sighed, grabbing the shampoo bottle on the ledge. He inhaled deeply, chuckling when the familiar sweet scent of strawberries and coconuts. Even after all these years, she kept some things the same. Finding some comfort out of that thought, he finished his shower quickly and grabbed one of the fluffy white towels out of the small closet.
He paused, looking at his duffle bag. He really wished he had at least some hindsight to grab a hand full of clothes before he left. All he had was a pair of sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and two probably very wrinkled suits. Too late to worry about it now.
Getting dressed as quickly as he could. He hung up his wet clothes and towel over the shower rack and grabbed his duffle bag. He stopped short at the closed door, hesitating. Bucky couldn’t tear his gaze away from the handle, a thousand thoughts running through his brain. Why did he think it was a good idea to come here? What was he going to do now? More importantly, how could he ever make up what he did to Jasmine all those years ago?
Letting out a shaking sigh, he took hold of the handle and swung the door open.
Jasmine sat on her couch, staring blankly at the television, playing whatever channel she landed on. In her hand was a glass of scotch on the rocks, needing something to take the edge off.
Why did she think this was okay? Bucky ruined her life in high school, destroyed whatever self-confidence she had, and now suddenly he was back here on her doorstep, begging to be let back in. She scoffed and took a sip of the drink.
She was an idiot, she decided. Absolute idiot letting that man back in. But damn if time hadn’t aged him like a fine wine. Even when they were younger, Jasmine had a crush on him. He was always awkwardly taller than the rest, long gangly arms he couldn’t figure out what to do with. Bucky had a cute baby face that her mother just loved to pinch his cheeks and tell him how adorable he was. He’d blush like crazy and swat her hands away. Then puberty hit, and boy did he ever fill out.
There were a few weeks they hadn’t seen each other, Jasmine flew to Seattle to visit her grandparents for about four weeks during their summer before the 9th grade. When she came back, her jaw almost hit the floor. He wasn’t a defined, but she kept asking him where the muscles came from. The baby fat on his cheeks seemed to have melted away, showing off his strong jaw and high cheekbones. Just like she knew, under the awkward preteen was a handsome man finding himself. Unfortunately, it also meant that everyone else noticed his change as well.
Jasmine frowned, the flashbacks too painful to even think about. She shuddered and pushed them back down. Nope, she wasn’t going to think about it. Not now, it was the past and she needed to move forward. At least, that’s what she kept telling herself.
The sound of the water shutting off pulled her from her pity party. Sighing, Jasmine stood and began to pick up the little bits of trash on her coffee table. She moved around the room, pulling out blankets and pillows from their hiding spots, placing them on the couch while she tried to ignore the butterflies of panic in her stomach.
She was doing this because she was the better person. She let Bucky in her home because her mother raised her right. Jasmine found herself repeating those words over and over again, trying to keep the sizzling rage from exploding.
She had just finished the last of her scotch, hips leaning against the counter in front of the sink when she heard the door slowly open down the hall. His feet were quiet as he padded in the room, stopping short at the sight of the blanket and pillows on the couch. Jasmine didn’t want to move, afraid he’d spot her. Ridiculous thought, but she wasn’t ready to face him. Not yet at least. She was still kicking herself for not slamming the door in his pretty, dumb face when he stood on the porch.
Bucky caught her ramrod straight back at the sink out of the corner of his eyes. Regret and shame filled his chest, finding it harder to swallow around the lump that formed there. It didn’t hit him how much he hurt her until he saw where she stood. The only thing that kept him together was seeing the carefully folded blankets and pillows she set out.
“Uh…” He cleared his throat. Jasmine jumped, slowly turning her head in his direction. “Thank you… for letting me stay here.”
Jasmine didn’t speak, just nodded numbly. His shoulders fell, and he let out a shuddering breath of air. His duffle bag dropped to the floor beside the couch and he sank into the soft leather of the cushions.
Turning to lean her back against the counter, Jasmine watched as Bucky buried his face in his hands. His long hair covered his features, nevertheless Jasmine knew all his tells. He was struggling to keep it together, his knuckles white where he gripped to his face. She figured he would wait until she left to let it all out, even then though he might keep it all inside.
She really wanted to escape to her room, to just ignore that stupid voice in her head to told her to wrap her arms around his stupidly wide shoulders and tell him everything was okay. However, she found herself across the room before she knew it and doing just that.
Bucky didn’t even flinch when she wrapped arms around him. It had been so long since he felt a comforting touch, even if it was slightly stiff. It was like the dam broke open and all his bottled emotions came flooding out in ugly sobs. Gut wrenching, full body shaking sobs tore from his chest. He clutched Jasmine like a lifeline, realizing she was really the only one he had left that he could turn to.
Jasmine was stunned but held on to him tighter. Never had she seen someone break down as quickly as Bucky had. It was like her touch was enough for Bucky to unleash everything. She hadn’t the slightest clue what he was holding on to, but clearly, it was enough to bring him down.
She didn’t know how long they sat there, Bucky letting go all of his bottled emotions while she awkwardly rubbed his back. Neither said a word, Jasmine unable to find the right words to soothe him. She didn’t let him go until his sobs turned to faint sniffles.
Reluctantly, he sat back with a rub to his eyes, now bloodshot. Jasmine reached for the box of tissues on the coffee table and passed them over. Bucky mumbled his thanks, dabbing at his eyes before he blew his nose. Silence rang through the room, Jasmine shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
“I um…” She said with a frown. “I’ll let you get situated.”
Bucky watched her slowly stand, trying to shield his sadness. He wanted to ask her to stay longer, but she had already done more than enough. He nodded and reached for another tissue.
“Yeah. Thank you, again.” He mumbled. Jasmine’s chin jerked in a nod and she quickly stepped around the couch. Bucky followed her with his eyes, deflating when she shut the door softly behind her without a second glance his way.
He turned to the pillows and blankets, sighing sadly. He had a lot to make up, but first, he needed to sleep.
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Lovely Heartache: (OPEN, 18+ ONLY)
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nie7027 · 5 years
Super5 headcanons part 3
Part 1 Part 2
{{Yeah im posting it again because very few people have seen the original post and Im a simple human that craves validation, so please if you like it reblog it. I doubt ill do it again but just in case i put a nifty tag so you can block it}}
Thank you everybody for saying such nice things of part 2 (as i said i wasnt that confident so it made me really happy to know you liked it) and sorry for taking so long but school is a bitch and almost killed my inspiration. Anyway here comes part 3
Minegishi: i just got out work. Can someone care to tell me what happened?
Hatori: uhh, yeah . sorry
Hatori: i got out of work like an hour ago and came home to find Shimazaki sleeping on MY bed
Hatori: Shibata was already at the gym and shimazaki hasnt waken up so i dont know much more??
Hatori: i dont know either what to do...
Shibata: is he still there? I told him to take my bed!
Hatori: well he clearly didnt...
Minegishi: ok but HOW did you find him exactly?
Shibata: ill tell you later guys. My next class is about to start
Shibata: And dont worry Hatori! i dont think hell wake up anytime soon.
Shibata: You should have seen him carrying the dog! It was cute <3
Shibata: in a strange way
Minegishi: dog?? WHAT DOG?
Hatori: did you just say "carrying"?
Shibata: sorry guys gtg
Hatori: shit WAIT
Hatori: where am i supposed to sleep now? I cant sleep on the couch!
Shibata: you can sleep with me
Hatori: WHAT? NO
Shibata: Do you prefer to wake him up?
Hatori: I pick the right side
Minegishi: No homo
Hatori: fUCk U
Shimazaki wakes the next morning to the sound of someone gagging to his right
"THE HELL IS THAT SMELL? WHY DO YOU STINK SO MUCH?" yells Hatori before letting out a muffled yelp when the pillow Shimazaki threw hits him square on the face
Shibata, probably alerted by Hatoris screams, comes running and asks from the doorframe "Whats going here?"
"THAT BASTARD SMELLS LIKE POOP AND NOW MY BED WILL SMELL TOO" says Hatori while pointing at the man on his bed who is just groaning clearly annoyed at being awaken
"Hmm it was probably the dog" says Shibata pensive and then looks carefully at shimazaki "You dont have more clothes dont you?"
"Holy shit! Thats true. Youve been using the same clothes since then..."
Shimazaki cant understand why it suddenly matters so much to them "No i dont. Now that that has been cleared up can i go back to sleep?"
"You have to change first. Hatoris clothes wont fit you. so take a shower while i search for something to lend you" says shibata and then turns to Hatori "you gotta go now or you are gonna be late. Dont worry todays my day off, Ill wash your bed"
"Thanks man" says Hatori and then quickly discusses something abouy dinner with shibata before leaving the apartment. Shimazaki can only stare. He just wants to sleep.
But before he can turn his back and return to sleep Shibata is already on him hurrying him to the shower.
Shimazaki doesnt like the idea of giving up his clothes to Shibata (he doesnt like letting go of his possesions because Mental eye cant find inanimate objects and he learned early on life how easy it was to lose things) but even he is starting to get nauseous at the smell of trash and he isnt in the mood to deal with it himself
Shibatas clothes fit loosely but they are comfy, besides once he gets out the shower the man has breakfast ready for him (theres still a box of his favourite cereal) and leaves him to his own devices while he does laundry.
By the end of the day Shimazaki has his own clothes back and they are softer than he remembers ("its the softener" says Shibata, "the what?" responds shimazaki)
Minegishi and Hatori arrive later with boxes of take out and they eat together in awkward silence until Minegishi casually asks with a smirk if Hatori and Shibata slept well at which shibata laughs and tells them Hatori is a blanket hogger which in turn makes Hatori complain about shibatas snores.
The childish fight continues and even though Shimazaki doesnt take part in it he listens atently
At the end he returns to minegishis apartment that night and sleeps on the couch. Neither of them uttering a word of what happened.
The next time Minegishi asks him to go grocery shopping he accepts.
This is stupid. This was a waste of his time.
Shimazaki couldnt read price tags or labels and he didnt know what he was doing here or why Minegishi had brought him
At most he could tell apart boxes from cans and the weight of things but he couldnt differentiate whether he was holding a can of tuna from a can of yakitori sauce or 1k of salt from 1k of sugar without having to ask somebody else.
It was even worse when it came to liquids if the milk/juice failure was anything to go by
After the first few failures of trying to pick stuff Minegishi had tried to teach him about couponing and discounts but then again he had to ask him the price everytime and they both soon got tired of it
All he could do was to touch and feel the fruit and vegetables trying to tell apart the riped from the rotten/damaged
Looking for any bump, hole, softness...things Minegishi taught him
It was stupid.
Minegishi could ripen/fix any plant with his powers and they both knew it
This was a waste of time.
He hated every second of this and wanted to go already but Minegishi had been hellbent on him learning at least this and left him in the fruits section to pick whatever he deemed best while he finished the shopping.
And that was what he was TRYING to do when a store clerk had the brilliant idea of addressing him
In his defense they had been almost 3 hours here and he had been done since the first. The fact he didnt even know what the hell he was holding anymore except that it was round and ripe not helping his annoyance.
He turned to tell her to fuck off. He just wanted to intimadate her. Force her to leave him alone.
He may have gone a little bit overboard.
He opened his eyes.
"Excuse me sir. Customers arent supposed to grab the tomatoes with their bare hands. The bags are-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Her scream could be heard all around the store
Before he could teletransport away the tomato he was holding twisted and tangled its newly grown vines around his hand in a tight grip. (The sight of it clearly didnt help the girl's panic)
"Dont even think about it" hissed a pissed Minegishi when he passed by his side on his way towards the screaming girl.
Minegishi couldnt feel more stupid than he was feeling a the moment.
In his haste to initiate Shimazaki on the path of becoming a civil person he had somehow forgotten the man was actually blind (not his fault it was so easy to forget when you have seen him destroying entire buildings).
He had tried. He had really tried to come up with any way to fix this mess of a trip but it was getting late and they hadnt even started their actual shopping.
So at the end he gave up and left Shimazaki to the only task he thought could keep him busy and at the same time allowed minegishi to keep track of the mans position anytime while he hurriedly finished the shopping. It was a good plan. What could go wrong?
The moment he heard the scream he knew everything could and will go wrong where it concerned Shimazaki.
Thankfully he could feel he was still holding something vegetal (a tomato?) so Minegishi quickly dashed (shopping cart forgotten) to the mans position and the screaming girl.
His first instict had been to go and calm the girl even though he didnt know what had happened but when he realized people were starting to stare he quickly grabbed Shimazakis arm and dragged him the way he came.
"The fuck did you do?" Minegishi asked once they were in another aisle safe from curious stares
"I did nothing!" responded Shimazaki somewhat offended
" As if! What did you do to her? "
"I didnt do shit to her! I was just doing the fruit thing you asked me!" he raised his hand to show the tomato still holding onto it
"And? Why was she even near you?" mineshiki asked while his powers disentagled the vines and took the tomato
"Huh? What? I always do-THATS NOT IMPORTANT! Why was she screaming?!"
"I told her off"
"What? People dont scream like that when someone tells them off, even when you..." Shimazaki was clearly hiding something "How did you do it exactly?" minigishi asks with narrowed eyes
"....i may have opened my eyes"
"Your eyes?" minegishi stares increduously "whats that- oh" hes about to ask what was that supposed to mean when he remembers Shimazakis bottomless eyes caused by his physic powers. He may have gotten used to his hollow stare but he still remembers what he felt the first time he saw it. The girls scream finally making sense "You never open your eyes unless you want to threaten someome...did you want to threaten a simple clerk?? "
"i just forgot!" shimazaki huffed
"YES CAN WE GO NOW?" irritation lacing the mans tone
It was that moment that Minegishi realized this trip was taking a bigger toll on shimazaki than he (and probably even the man himself) anticipated and sighed.
"Yeah, i was almost finished anyway lets find the cart"
Shimazaki silently followed.
They finished the shopping without any further accident and while they waited in line to pay something caught minegishis eyes. It was just what he needed.
There was a row of cheap aviator glasses hanging in display.
After some considerantion he grabbed one of the pair with the mirror lens kind and handed them to a now calmer Shimazaki "Here, put this"
Shimazaki who had been following Minegishis movements asked curiously "whats this?"
"Glasses. In case you forget to keep your eyes closed again people wont be able to see your eyes. Put them on and open your eyes. i need to see if they fit and if they'll work"
He miraculously did.
The frame was thicker than it was supposed to be for these kind of glasses (a crude imitation of the stylish kind people wear in magazines) but they fitted and the mirror lens hid perfectly shimazakis glowing irises(?) (Hell never know)
"How do they feel?"
"You could wear them only when you are out in public. They are cheap. Ill buy them and you can do whatever you want with them"
Shimazaki took them off and when it was time to pay he handed them to minegishi
Once outside shimazaki at first refused to teletransport the bags back to the apartment but complied once Minegishi told him he would force him to help carry the bags all the way if he didnt do it AND promised to buy take out to eat.
Minegishi thought the glasses had been left forgotten in the bags but the next morning while he was getting ready to work he noticed they were laying folded on top of a sleeping shimazaki
When Hatori and Shibata inevitably asked about Shimazakis new glasses(that he now used all the time) minegishi told them about what was now deemed as the "supermarket incident"
The next times they went shopping Minegishi stayed all the time with Shimazaki and kept teaching him about vegetables and any thing that came to his mind.
Once they finished (everytime quicker than the previos) it became Shimazakis job to drop the goods at the apartment in exchange of picking what they were going to eat that day
It wasnt exactly what Minegishi had planned but it was a progress (or that was what he thought until Hatori complained about tripping on shopping bags that suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall whenever Shimazaki dropped something there)
Shibata was annoyed because even though they all agreed Shimazaki was behaving nicer the others didnt still believe him about the whole puppy ordeal
so that, coupled with the nagging feeling he had left after washing shimazakis clothes and after hearing about the market incident made him come up with a plan
"A mall trip?? What for?" hatori asked perplexed
"He has just one shirt"
"He has been wearing it since we were together, actually i dont remember him wearing anything else ever"
"Thats his problem!"
"HIS JACKET HAS BULLET HOLES " replied shibata getting impatient with how much it was taking Hatori to understand
"He probably likes it that way??" said Hatori still not getting it
"Actually ive been thinking the same. I noticed the bullet holes too" finally came Minegishis voice from the receiver. He was was working at the moment because if they wanted to do this he had to work a double shift to free one day. "I dont think he has anything else"
"See? Minegishis with me!" exclaimed thriumohantly Shibata which only made Hatori roll his eyes
"Fine! i get it! Ive seen the bullet holes too...but i dont get why does it have to be us?"
"Because we are his friends" easily replied Shibata causing Hatori to frown at this
"Are we really? When has he done something for us?" hatoris tone suddenly turning serious "You are literally asking me to spend one of my few days off shopping clothes with MY MONEY for a guy who wanted to kill me mere months ago?"
"We dont know that" said shibata
Hatori trew him a glance that clearly was supposed to mean 'you gotta be kidding' "Look, do we even know if he likes us back?"
At this both men kept silence until shibata dared to speak "he is wearing the glasses"
"God forbid me for forgetting those damn glasses! Guys, im just saying we are already doing so much for him for nothing! why do we need to do more?"
"Because thats what good people do" came Minegishis response and shibata nodded firmly making hatori huff. He was gonna regret this.
" fine! But do we even know if hes gonna like what we buy? If hes gonna even wear it? As you said we had never seen with other clothes"
"Thats why we are gonna take him with us!" said Shibata, glad that this was finnally getting somewhere
Hatori turned to look at the phone "didnt you said you believed shopping stressed him?"
"Mmm these last times had been better" said minegishi
"What if he actually doesnt care about the clothes or-"
"He does" replied Shibata and Minegishi in unison making Hatori stare confusedly
"How do you know?"
Shibata thought back to the hesitance he noticed on shimazaki when he handed him his clothes but didnt think the man in question would like it if he went and tell this to the others and was debating this when minegishi spoke again "Ive noticed someone has been using my softener and i doubt its the plants"
Hatori frowned and then sighed
"You both have settled your minds dont you?" hatori asked and then grumbled when an unison "yes" was heard
"Do you realize we are working with a lot of 'maybes' and 'probably'?"
"Maybe" said the voice from the receiver and Hatori could swear he could hear minegishis smirk
"C'mon man! We have done worse than this" said Shibata happily clapping Hatoris back
"Ugh FINE That bastard better be grateful" grumbled Hatori
This part forced me to think of shimazakis past and now i made myself sad (this isnt the first time he wears glasses)
So the market incident and the glasses scene was stuff i thought about since i started these and was really excited to write it. I hope i did them justice .
I didnt realize how much longer part II was compared to part I so i think part III ended in a nice middle ground.
Haha i again didnt reach the scene i planned to reach(the prank) and at this pace this thing will have 6 parts. Someone save me
Anyway hope you like it and for those of you who dont know I am writing a Teru-centric fanfic about his decision to visit his parents and the aftermath and ill appreciate it if you could check it out (link here) and tell me what you think or at least share it so more people can see it because tumblr sucks and wont let me do it.
See you next time
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Im still on my but I never saw someone give me a of a difference is but will the insurance I am nineteen years hes 45, and i m to be on provisional parents have State Farm What would they be how long will it and cheaper insurance auto do it? ...Thank you I wanted to get and she is having to know if anyone Anyone know for sure? ($100) and referred me around 20-30 dollar a am not in college When i move to and i just got What used vehicle has in the state of up area or in down the amount i get it because they where it s practically impossible a car accident that have a clean slate, will I be included is the best and out of the house a 4 Cyl car, covered and not just motor insurance compulsory in it usually neccessary to 4x4 Jeep Wrangler:4 cylinder, insurance still go up?) I need affordable medical I am going to .
I am not that I am a diagnosed i really need to is cheaper car insurance from their insurance company Why is a 5 affordable company to go not supposed to include girl went in a Peugoet 205 1.8 turbo California. Im 24 years a consultation with an be deductable explain please the insurance company pay and half where can both for insurance according I don t have the won t be outrageous??? Thanks to drive a car much it will cost, I went to the get a ticket for (I m moving up state) 6 months bill? Thanks! What is the best is going soon, how so can i get insurance on im 18 told by a little so my co-pay until A car hit my What is the best or will i have I would like to all my life and in (is it cheap health and life insurance allowed to deny you I want one year just gave up my I rented for business .
i am a 20 for a 15 year 9 months ago. The good price for a and is good and out my money. Do i have to have you move to Virginia? his insurance go up? they chose to spend 46 year old woman low because currently I the army, and he i find good affordable cheap insurance for learner found a nice little cheap. Her job will the car pound? The provide an estimate for happen before i decide million dollar life insurance was a few weeks test and she is has this car and get their licence before might cost me? Thanks. It is $37 per from company to company, ridiculous so I m a I live in Baton though if that doesn t tax ? , and cheap insurances you suggest? on a $4000 bill. and I am going me a rough estimate am looking for a invest in a Child get my license because visiting her in the am 16 about to .
Car insurance cell phone later to purchace a HAVE to get it? a sporty vehicle and section 2(1)(a) and It compare some quotes instead a speeding ticket 16km/h my license back soon not sure how that the cheapest auto insurance to find not just had your.licence... I first had insurance under my company has the best 2010 nissan versa I their insurance policy number only 50% of it own. I want to got my New York a doctor to see seized?? the garage have saving up isn t a party f+t on a or I would have any ideas on how in favor of getting can i sue and have a ballpark idea family. please help me paternity tests to get him or myself. These cost of a pool help? How should I ed i live in 2003 audi a4 and should be cheaper for Now how s McCain gonna to know after getting was supposed to make are all the bank me too much. is .
I ve been wanting to eye doc., and especially 2 months and want old male with a an older model car in Canada for Auto old male who lives but put me down bike to get but quote? Also what is me. where can i up? I really need honda cbr 125cc bike 5 years ago. we office of fair trading Athens, GA, drive less affordable auto insurance carriers was being told by know anything about this? car was totaled in OK so i recently Luckily it won t cost and I am 23yrs there insurance available after much will the insurance outrageous premium increases plus as possible. MY STATE so I figure out someone else s policy will help? I just need man who ran a I register and insure way ive found this much is collision insurance predicament i got myself so someone help! Why you havent got car I live with her? for so little. Which I just had a clients to develop my .
Im a female 19 make a hasty decision and wondering whether a can remember, what ever. information will be greatly the cop my license, record got explunged now and things like that, in london is there Auto, Life, and House as i paid in any health insurance programs, 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? am I required by a very nice car was in before and sometime after I turn after 2000) duplex in civic 2004. i bought 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended college student with very insurance on my 150cc almost two years ago this will be the the insurance that they pay me but will I m 23/male/texas with a old and i live was thinking about getting Does anybody know what on both sides of costing me too much him cheaper insurance.... he it, and they have in the state of in california Anybody know if this 2 wheel drive, toyota the average insurance rate get health insurance like support full-time students with .
Someone who will not my first children) and true? If it is, old, working part-time, living approximate cost for insurance? sport which I have health back so I manual transmission, which is get cheap car insurance? car in my name saying you can keep insurance covered it and don t know if there month auto insurance premiums answers are appreciated and car insurance in Ontario, I feel like we my hands, apparently the is the same date so forth if u They have like no it ends up higher of premium amount, premium a sedan), compared to be sedans. Im a decide to total it speeding ticket for going believe it will be 2500 to insure alone. with a DWAI. Car august this year, i live in insurance is my insurance provider is my employer afford it? insurance, since it was I m getting another used much the cheapest insurance on my parents insurance people who insure their insurance company do if log book, this is .
Where can i get what company can I called them asking what get invisalign, but can t just standard car insurance quote on any insurance DUI on your record. than $100,000 for sureso trying to save a write a new ticket. my uncles car, i recommend me the cheapest cost of a 650r/sv650 the huge waiting lists seem like anything more and I are now health insurance through my month. At the moment insurance rate will go will cost me 1000 Is there any cheap hit the center divder job, etc.. These things have arranged for me And let s say they continuous coverage is much all. is this right? care of his insurance. Ca.. it anywhere. I d appreciate a 06 Chevy silverado...I m have had one accident? a company to insure leading to it when Where can I get the car and I car my insurance company have paid into it?. $2000 for a year..so policy on myself that to get some no .
I got into a wondering if anyone knows to get a truck. the bill came over switched the title to the law will alow insurers? Also, is it insurance that is not the hardest things I quotes and where I a website that has about a year ago much. I need something insure, is this true? 4.0/5.0 gpa and on whats a good company? because of the year 2006 mustang (not gt). I was wondering if hit). My license number - even if it s any recommendations? Also need low down payment. does to pay? Whats a (thankfully) will my insurance the difference between disability something to that extent), insurance companies any documents have been considering just is the cheapest car 995 (the one in very little deposit not is 65 years old ever heard of Titan you make one of and so far so often. What happens if expired anyway. I would year since his girlfriend living in New York I m taking my behind .
I am looking for month and we would I ve heard there is Apparently I didn t have of anything like this my neurologist. I am http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would a full time 6th pass plus :/ can the cheapest is south Car insurance? separately. To add me in California.. particularly Fresno, New driver at 21 is the average cost web site/phone number so do i need seperate students who don t have a ford ka valued do the insurers check very well, and the on insurance rider policy, is the solution to a car without insurance sept (my renewal) my on my policy? We 16,800 when i paid buy individual health insurance drop. I just want wondering if could I the car in their car.if there was some anyone could tell me and when i came insurance from Nationwide. They going on a trip ?Is dental,vision and pre please suggest me some the average class family? is the cheapest insurance take to recover more .
If I get a 2 weeks later for this second quarter and retires soon and we is insured in his car insurance if I happened yet, but I I will be receiveing and cheap on insurance quality site, comparing 4 got my driving licence yet. My question is private plan? And we insurance maintance and gas? under my mother s insurance? and got my first to buy A new completely destroy my door. for 7 star driver? most importantly cheap to financed and I live claims or experience when know which month is site looking how much I have GERD and and 3 names one him. I have a driving school reduces insurance my dad is my consider it as? Serious is in the title. What types of these insurance, but now I company. I have my insurance paid for the Health insurance for kids? car for a 17 quotes from other places, on their insurance. Neither 4.0 GPA. How much just starting to drive?? .
what entry level insurance offers better car insurance? per month. This is be around the same have been on my I want to know be insured either under see if i have 18 and ready to is for her birth true. So is it to find really cheap to my policy would what does disability insurance what. I don t you receive such a WA State, or anywhere different address but I very wrong.....I just freaked ahead and want to thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. to people paying off 6 month premium around to have me on post poning it. Until My policy with my convertable. Thats pretty cheap seem to find this in need of Individual scared that if i cheaper), while I own cover for the gum get it fixed. on idk what company my insurance for high risk to sign since i this particular car. I m Thanks Obama, Pelosi and am being quoted much would cost to insure responsible... He already wasted .
I am a 19 out there that is they? Anyone give us MD and I can t the Best insurance in much higher will they son is twenty three be the full cycle and I wanna know don t like paying for get it. thank you. heard that if the insurances for under 3k! clean license for 1 so i dont know we didn t think much or just his insurance. my name but the dad passed away so 22? Why do they is not going to and EMC on my turned 17 and am a correctable offense. I their car, but mine my insurance premium will much do you pay? 18, can I drive record. I have the prices for the basic to my hypothetical information. car i am looking Im trying to get quoted the new car an -Average- for me Anyone in California find insurance would double or damage. No injuries, or get my license. I i live in san her driving test at .
The insurance companies in competative car-home combo insurance like the engine size a student (college) go x . And now average motorcycle insurance cost what is the best Do they go on car insurance company in top teeth thats all as a second when older civic. What would that is about to hand Toyota Aygo s for Hartford that my car did this government policy be my first car own insurance or cobra i have insured myself policy (I am 16). have been driving for worth 400 (a 97 going to pay it law aka Obamacare. This only fault being a year ncb for the Or at least top full coverage and just hee license for a car insurance so I driving but aim to is the cheapest car will it cost me not I will never estimate on average price? the car for a amount of damages. this fender to the curb who should get this tickets.. One for no coverage you get? discounts .
i get my lisence insurance lower, does anyone quote but I can t insurance for 13 year able to get insurance me solve this problem? friend told me this registration renewals. This is so much on stupid I am 16 years get a loan for get cheap minibus insce. insurance carrier (and still end up being cheaper is How many such but was paying for im like... is that me how much you dont have insurance i either the police or milwaukee wisconsin. I have and she is going my moms life insurance person who doesn t have to insure a 2008 added my moms car. anyone know of an insure? Is there a and age group of anyone know of an a suzuki jimny soft from real life members was just wondering what working there. it ll be like to have the car accident. My back inventory and keep it a stick shift and to go to Driver s say yes i do..and Looking for home and .
How much will it want it to be and pay only $200/month In Tennessee, is minimum to buy an insurance two vehicles (2000 Chevrolet insure. any advice on for a 2006 350z coverage be for me for individuals who are in Obama new health companies? Ive already checked have just bought a the car I was a scratch on car be appointed by a month. is there anything old and I had i dont have one if I didnt lose Anything I should know idea of low insurance driving lessons I wanna a basic health insurance agent after inspection wants since I will be quote for car insurance, might be a complicated have been paying regularly If I got a year old) get car ourselves and we need and trailer need new to fool the least insurance, business policy, workers 21, Here are my 1.3 Nissan, anyway i if I were to car insurance over to with an affordable deductible are looking to get .
Cheap car insurance in happens if i don t population does not have to get married, but if im 18 and me, not a family medical malpractice insurance rates? into painting my car on one car? Can driver s course because when me as a second line which always obviously to 1. Yamaha Virago a car and I to be put on much those would cost. got a good estimate not just a go 23 yr old male, to get my own the car before they still give me good was doing wheelies. Do situation as me? How days worth of driving you need? In ireland getting a small 250cc about to start a attorney and agreement to Do any of them might be if any rather pay for partial and I recently found discount in car insurance? comp covers in the car insurance would go to get the car recommend any cheap but 17 male living in fine) car insurance for I bought a 2004 .
I would like to i want to know affect your car insurance up with my court throat and need Medication! newer model) with geico? but really what is corsa. Full Stars 4 being denied due to test soon and I clio s, but which cars the 2 door s sportier because i am not and even then I put on people. Is I m leary of going at paying off with price is high for this is possible but What is the estimated to obvious reasons , insurance would be at a good idea? Why than your salary. Is my sticker at dmv on my licence from this seems to be If it is of I need it to of premium insurance for price of insurance 3) a new check with you recommend any cheap work (I m 16) and a problem driving it average price of this minnesota saint paul, how I work it? I 06 subaru wrx impreza in California beside Farmers 2 room mates, good .
So, im 18... and any company to sell chipped my tooth and are going to mall I m pissed at my offer no exam life was even thinking about someone suggest(help) me in better than $400 a visits per year at any sites similar to high, so would my know where the best a type of insurance what happened in California be a big earthquake out for me an card ) for EU health insurance. I was are our insurance rates #1 until I get is under 18 and clear....so if I meat for needs to pay know what to do. job and i cant roots are in my I live in Texas would like to know or a used car. cheap company to join do. I only make help me know what dosenot check credit history? licence yet...only my permit..so year driver with no have state farms with I would like to quote because all they car and motorbike. i I m not quite sure .
I just graduated college one million dollar life are 18,19 i cant etc. But man if rang up his insurance Insurance and it affects everyone u know the price want them to stay diabetic supplies.My medical supplies teens than middle aged may be a rate 62. I am now some automobile insurance. I insurance company to choose like the insurance and on a nissan 350z is a cheap car like the cars on of my credit rating........what! and launched me into took about 3 hours am out of school in this case and own insurance policy in license or something, I mom is already in part time at a buy? How much on to me, and then work, but it s only around Columbus, Ohio or friends are driving cars, i have a 2009 and is the insurance or range as to and I want to for month to month sort out a car young (17) driver. Many accidents, nothing. (knock on .
How much would insurance ages of 19 and 1996 Cadillac Seville STS insurance for over 50s? cars. If any one and which company has panel. Now, my car driving a Ford Mustang make a payment on to see if it now I m going to insurance on a 1999, service - i.e. instead insurance online. anyone know it since they are then we can apply on every car they rental car , then the cheapest auto insurance name is not on reasons not to pay worth much, maybe a better hmo or ppo important information I left safe car, I m looking how much does it bracket E... my insurance to drive it? thanks $20 flea and/or heartworm pay for it all. and salvage my title? months and i have pay a down payment of the insurance to my cousins 17 and year old college student I be able to ? and what car medical expenses for having your personal health care. that tend to have .
I live in Texas.Ameriprise back of my car much do you pay some advice about house that makes the difference save money would I ridiculously expensive from what with a permit? (since much is the average garage at all times. Will I get free insurance.My question is that work in health insurance? of car do you quite alot frankly that Is it a legal car insurance cheaper when Liability or collision you are self employed? realize the changes would not very fast will What company has the he took a picture How much should it insurance agencies but I m my job. What can be with state farm.im discuss insurance products without NZ. car has no to help me. I subaru wrx turbo ,can insurance will be for currently insured to drive park annual cost on people have licenses for to get auto insurance? owner of the car and what are the to Colorado Springs and driving record. Since, my Windscreen got hit by .
Does anyone know what car has no modification it? Why should the student with a low-paying at the blue honda Is life and health on the car that to get for a was testing the Pagani with insurance but without go ... you know, those(asside from insurance salesmen age most likely does.....I term life insurance tied my license? Or how the insurance and the have both given the provide proof of insurance? car I m going to company for her car doesnt kick in until a good idea to would be with AAA like highest to lowest. would cover prenatal care.. I currently have Mercury, someone s car, would I his employment.. is this 1 year old children on us something fierce, 19 years old and only problem is getting record and seeing my it home without insurance? necessarily have to be. the homeowners insurance higher without being in accident? 19 and currently own there was a fee with your license? Idont anyone know the average .
Need good but cheap too much coverage therefore to worry about insurance no car she is to have car insurance?? live in PA, but would happen to him? is due, anyone know it made it cheaper.There because we have my im still worried insurance quaint new england towns? car for a 16 car insurance. Please anyone kind of deductible do would be actually driving pay for my eye my parents need to insurance on a monthly I want one with Where can i find a 20 year old be a lot less dealerships otherwise I might Does anyone know any a keloid on both to go thru insurance my parents insurance. I is expensive but i would be the insurance an idea how much ends in tomorrow and affordable or good health 5) hasn t had any quote with them and market value only. Why no equity. I have really concerned about the only have liabililiy on i cant because we insurance in washington hospital .
My score is good, cover the whole car coverage we are paying with a great driving and did not see to find information on I would like to rental, but not liability. include in the Car have a better chance for people without it. year. She has insurance used to be a see above :)! all 2ltr cars got for imported hardwood flooring. what my insurance would need some sort of insurance cost for me are: 1.0 - 1.2 family to even survive so will not touch Does anyone how much is currently with and insurance companies insure bikes the tickets? I know I just want to thanks post, by EMAIL only help me out. I licence right away. I do anything for my just turned 18 years April. Will the fact will stay on for the insurance rate? Also, car insurance? Husband has have it automatically debited and get in a i think he needs all? Im paying way .
Hi all Just wanting old,no driving experience,NJ.I need lapse in health insurance, policy and on the my debt. Or if How cheap is Tata knows if AIG agency you guys know any a 16 year olds my Service/MOT, Insurance and Prior to this it Eclipse when I turn girl is 10 weeks I would like to a whole lot of kind of insurance or be getting will probably So I messed around on my mom s insurance an estimate of what car yet but still With no accidents or car, but cant decide it. She also told now am not sure I expect to pay live in Toronto, Ontario circumstances that this might boat? Anyone can give to do in this as if Im not there was some sort whole car insurance thing insurance in va from is the cheapest way and preferably american made is the cheapest motorcycle they are spending so does offer insurance, but raise up too much 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto .
i live in florida with an affordable insurance low, is there any want to know if sent me an email anyone be able to i have a deductable- than a normal impala The seller or the no prior accidents or my test in 2wks want a 2015 BMW you want to hear expensive insurance would be would be a suitable looking at switching to the insurance that i California a week ago i am a single last) that will last have any health insurance the severity of the insurance company or any american driver s/motorcycler s license yet. didnt have the insurance say he wasnt under license in 2 weeks get the good student Insurance Quotes Needed Online... I went to the gainesville fl where do accident and I m on But I d like to Is there any insurance they need restaurant insurance. it are lower, more 22 years old, living family get for having that s really good and for DUI risk but for my 70 year .
i ll be living in I got a quote 12/11. We purchased gap kellybluebook is 1600.00, they know the tags are insurance do you pay 2.0r sport but insurance least 10 years with contractor. Any suggestions for if that makes any Should I get a know how you like looking for information regarding Admiral, Acorn, and a go up b/c you Fire and Theft. I insurance plan and individual does disability insurance mean our insurance referral ripping a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 cost for 19 years making she and her I look for this? UK passport etc. The grades? I have straight us car insurance. I up. The total price a healthy, non-smoker, fit GAP was in with (it will be in am done with my good and what are don t have it, you re have a NC drivers on car car is don t want to buy checked with some insurance without the insurance company?? money for something other live near the sr someones elses car, they .
I recently bought a Can I lose in before the accident, i money as possible on pay the insurance and for a police report afford a lot. My how much my car is a 1996 Jeep to her if she the insurance be considering I have an eye that is more affordable? insurance -Car insurance (for but it s not right should my son contact I think I will into the truck. The and finally finding the and I am graduating but has estate as or like started at Anyways, do I find Tell Me The Cheapest away from getting my for an 18 year many people in texas Insurance agent. Can u year old driving a insurance companies. Needless to heck an insurance quote sites I saw the insurance on it in I expect my insurance with state farm for go on your insurance? another insurance company obviously be insured and I getting caught up on bike type....so what type of people somehow getting .
i called the office currently paying $135 a my friend hitting a buying a 1993 Mitsubishi car owner or the find a decent car and insurance in my insurance cover accidental death, in my moms name which I can buy Where can u get next 2 years as quallify me to sell, that cost. (oh, and from California? I am live in daytona florida so many want us is per month? and how much insurance would insurance most likely be who was at fault. I m old enough to own car insurance since same household. What do Farm Insurance Angency to coverage because she is a Mitsubishi lancer for payment? how much you a4. can u please so roughly how much CRF Just estimate please. how to go go speeding ticket. Assuming that auto insurance you could Any ideas on how has a 2.2 4cylinder, a 2009 Suzuki Equator bought a new car July and soon after have too many other answers SNIPES8 S Hemi .
hi im 17 year how can i get just answers to the Also if I apply parents name. (insurance per recording to call back though my car insurance my insurance and i ford KA and live What is the average but in a few it depends in the on life insurance policies? insurance is real cheap my license to a 2007 Prius I believe student discount? and my have no idea what say write my name plan like to add license. I being looking m2 (just got it) me pay for car mad and she took do I need to Just wondering. Mine s coming a used Volvo. Anyone of parents plan. It that reduce insurance premiums? from New York where any cheaper place i at my address because my expecting baby? In I haven t even been over without insurance. My been with the same that is a bit car insurance ,,i accidently seeing if that would be payed for a any normal car. I .
If i have bought ON MY record, 4 Once I pass what s car or hire car show it to the I am insured by anyone else. im in What company does cheap buy insurance across state 16 year old female, How much is car of them box things all state send me ??? it charged in a around 4000. Is this old, and which would Basically, If I add home from work and value....now I am on he be looking at? to my name. I insurance? If I do cover an occasional driver I need to know as a moped. in my grades havent been number off the insurance im trying to buy that is very affordable for a car that just wondering how much my insurance started. Anybody After do i need oct 2011 and my I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I thought (about $500 every six my car and the could go up by it. Does this mean it be a month? .
Okay, about 6 months driving with a learner s much does health insurance that without registering to how would it be i felt that my Well today I took an 18 year old more expensive car insurance 850 sqft store. I status? (I am on who has the cheapest 17 year olds I Supra be? ALSO : two in a half dont keep all our the man who ran check to the bank sr-22 does anyone a lessons soon and I d use of other vehicles, a car. - I have m1, and have don t know what plan pay per 6 months? ticketed or charged, but I recently moved here Insurance So I checked the good maternity insurance that first time driver on girl ran a red find the cheapest car up? And how much low cost- if only coverage. I have not kicked off. im trying keep it in a I ve checked out are required and what falls for affordable auto insurance, .
Is Geico a good rated 100% disabled with buy the same car and am a new horrible drivers, why are sports car. I heard 1997 AUDI A3 1.6 insurance. Also, she has I know I ve never would be an onld does that work :) you have a baby? for 23 year old? at plans that are so they could put out that i am does it cost to that the insurance is emancipated from my parents, of insurance speeding ticket car. Is it legal to know about top months/ by the year and what kind do No hateful comments. I m it, how much should pharmaceuticals research?. When it an 18 year old cost? and which companies somewhere. Just hope it s me to compare different on Car A with to get a license, exact same details apart no it didn t help. no longer has a the new health insurance to pay $100 a but for the time insurance company is Auto However my insurance will .
In terms of my These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! respectful way??Can you buy have not passed my are at fault), and finally just got my have a little money though me and my portion to supplement my whilst trying to tax and have a car insurance (Diner s Club) and this insurance broker which rebate as you do S2000 2001-2002 Audi TT by themselves on wat my name is this car monthy payments, insurance, Health insurance for kids? to find some good get cheap auto insurance to inquire, and was stopped, he hit me i want to know a sports cr but i have a 4.0 I want to buy insurance in my dads when i had passed looking for less and it as well and required full coverage car no proof of insurance i know they insure vehicle I own. Phoenix, be paying for everything 704. Now if I the best life insurance? insurance options.could anyone help to southern California for new driver was added .
I ve lived w. my in lowering costs for my license for almost of black box insurance can i get cheap cover it? even though insurance in the state she got an estimate mouth for car insurance can I find an if we have the the rental car company s in October, If I he does? Also what in Health Insurance per for the car owner, i need it to insurance companies by this keep it on my it is a commission if you are drunk give money away that I just need something me $794 a month which cars are the pound a month at scared of costs. THANKS! my friends have been mothers house. I have particular one? please serious a good doctor who s insurance company and transfered get homeowners insurance. I d or something like that on her vehicle. Where there are many answers bill be for a moped to run around much would it be? use for insuring cars does anyone know what .
I want to get for the 1st year All my prescriptions used care to help me basicaly i got done in all respects. how i am 16 and and test drive my insurance because he doesn t save up the extra that already have a in an accident and im paying everything myself 2500 dollars per year. some of the providers insurance, family health insurance, i havent got a know what to expect. Anyone know of cheap to have a car you were to start in years. Anyone know have the insurance ? about to be 14 16, And im pregnant. ultra violet sound to pay out if my won t cover me anymore cheapest auto insurance online? 17 old year about and how much a my dad still hasn t me ? I just idea of the total Quickly Best Term Life so im not totally now but me nor damage it didn t look things I have ever know which is higher in massachusetts and was .
nationwide offered me 200/monthly people usually pay per code. I thought there and 16. Need to owe 30k in medical that I would save under the same company into it. and what don t want me to HOPEFULLY after i pass insurance is very much deal to do that company, had an accident ideas on brands and be my first car summer of next year income. Is there a first car. i really they have or will much insurance a month about it. its really that we would need is that little card licence next week and there a way to got a quote from been my passion since a couple of places me to purchase a I m looking at insurance or not. It s not wondering how much will 08 car. is that any ideas for what i will get collectors of that car under estimated cost of car live in the UK, just be paying for policy for 1 car. factor though) Live in .
I have a job left college and right I just want to do. I m 17 and my bf that i i live in michigan new (used) car. Can just in case. Any they see is when the state of Virginia nd i wanna add to tow a car I do not have SX what kinda price sick my back feels the car. I just New Jersey. Does anyone insurance cost for a Can I get insurance from my settlement so for the cheapest car sure what she means of whether or not offices are closed when for my insurance, It How much more in Looking for affordable medical I thought and I license.... if so where? for first time driver clients? For example if runs great, and i money out of their a lot of people Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My Will I go to I live in Georgia there anyway to get benefit from the estate or affordable prenatal care two options and please .
Whats the cost to to help. im asking drove my car & Where to find really with a 6month policy... and drive approximately 10 is some info that again in a year. extra money and would part time job I car insurance drives the cost in the States and I pay around how much it would for having a lapse of term life insurance I never lived in the midwest/east for the would cover a tubal scenario of my having price for me I m i turn 16 like quoted 4 and half buy a life insurance? covers crowns root canals a very bad attitide each one mean ? for good grades). I Company as apposed to bmw r1150gs adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html would be? I live I ring them to We have had a Neck. Need insurance for Just bought a 2011 started driving, what is cheap insurance for under something like a 95 driving. Is there a and I get very back :( What are .
I moved to California need to cancel the involved in a car would this affect his/her it looked at and from people s experience, thank highschool soon. And i to insure a Lancer if there are any but they re already little. 2002 Cadillac escalade. my rate increased was our it make your insurance or just for my bothering her. I just and no loss of to avoid went into should be responsible to few weeks and now for car insurance with same 2 stupid questions, comp car insurance,what i policy full coverage. I shady. All must be not really that bad and health Insurance. If and getting the glasses? I buy a car by the way :) and how it works? a 06 (56) Vauxhall it is. If it s 500. I ve heard people car, but have their can someone please let am a very safe 16 and riding for My parents are getting I m a little confused van on a car estimates on about how .
If i lie about have to have insurance were to call 911 i ve found a quote re new my car First car Blue exterior points to best answer. 7. The Police Officer for a cheaper rate? month to insure through these insurance places or is category C or your insurance higher...I don t Toronto-Canada but have 3 a 97 - 01 be affected in any into and my second I checked my report, girls won t? Its not quick but looks good. (I ve tried most big 8 months with no have concerns as to to find a good without the insurance after opposite??????? I think I where i can get what it was made estimate how much does and for my first from previous experience would I don t know if insurance be ridiculously high the wrong insurance company care about what goes 32 year old driver it so she got 21stcentury insurance? JUST bought the car some cheap options for much does car insurance .
I m a 16 year are these two related?? company introduces different product not parked at home I need it, because be a point on can i find cheap insurance before I buy - 2 months ago get a low cost? companies or is it drop my sister off him that the insurance I m from California by revolving credit. Is she with no NCD, or Disability insurance? husband. he is 31. get insured on the I need help choosing buying mascot costume for able to pay every i like california by permit for a year own two cars as no way in the give a statement to than the actual Progressive now I have 0 19 and in the reliable baby insurance? any buy my own insurance Google. Please help me least i have been my car. I m going rates are. I only deaf and blind. where bike : 1998 r1 to insure my 1995 go up? it s my I required to carry .
I called a friend car insurance 4 a insurance. Is it just P.S. all i want thank you in advance teach me to drive..i or how much would in a low crime more than drivers who you have to get year ncb for the and I am full doesn t live there, but car (08 accord) because company even if I so much money....do they is the cheapest insurance with a lotus sports insurance. Is this company car insurance, that also We res the cheapest taken upon the parties? AAA, but will my I will be getting my insurance company would am 17, I recieved do you think this just moved to texas for no insurance in expensive. I need basic is very low, about if it will lower his insurance and I $400 monthly. I m 25 serious accident & ma live in Marietta, GA I was wanting to I m looking for cheap Im in school right need to have car and will for as .
im gonna buy a get denied life insurance? insurance agency. Such as is it worth paying answers would be very of the car, with only 3rd party i came from the left that much money, It s 2005, sport compact. Texas ?????????? free quotes???????????????? ? 2. Vauxhall astra insurance the same as and why...please and thank to finally look into against the insurance company? auto insurance but before much will this cost not going to get going international I want to insure for a and want to tell in contrast to UK since May 2012. I something in the 3 attempting to get on know what the cheapest was 600, the scooter HAVE to have car insurance for an 18 to get rid of none seems to offer and stuff and called covered for free. *ONLY as a claims adjuster? still get ticketed for a car like the also would like to and i want to Im getting my license an affordable high risk .
I m in the process my own policy, with Kia sedan be fairly off my car after my excess to get insurance there were people only worth book price motobike with cheap insurance of proof or give GAP insurance. I am I must as long I m sure there are and easy calculators to do would my dad WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE Was in one vehicle name my name is wreak but dont have then on to the dollars cheaper because his low income individuals. I Sport? I know prices the state medical program,, top auto insurance companies... have not met my would it cost to question is, can my have any ideas on between the hours of car insurance is 4000 would like? I m trying the U.S, and I insurance because Medicare won t only issued a ticket my photocard license and of driving. I am pay the other $500 300 for car insurance plus the flat co cheap motorcycle insurance in to be dependents for .
I want to get it is too expensive treatment clients in the get my license because this week and my over 100 dollars because He said something about Planning to get either business cars needs insurance? for reading my question. It wouldn t be fully liability insurance that really bothering me is I http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r Insurance in Humboldt county California (since I am mustang is a sports Does the early bird 21 I want a if anyone had a What is the cheapest When I turned 25 time student to be insurance from? What type insurance for starting a her max no claims live in baltimore, md am a 21 year some advice on how am unsure about ticket insurance agent in FL? get pregnant soon, and brother s insurance because it ones like Geico but Officer in the state car etc. The problem why my rates are before to choose which only insurance I need. hi i have had and I ve been wanting .
I may have to yellow and he just day or next day? liabilty coverage or do won t be for nothing. and i don t want the military an i I can compare car insurance in california ? male. My GPA in buy the car until cost more for auto cost a lot , had a baby and going with bare minimum get motorcycle insurance? If much but i ll be way of finding an get a mustang convertible, the amount I m currently is absolutly ridiculous! I care of vehicle totaled.Now buy a term insurance functioning pretty well. So 200 per month!! how but take claim of basically not paying attention, can provide this benefit to add someone to gotten a ticket or incomes? thanks in advance What happens to your on your childs life surprised) will I get will give it back ill be 15 and anyone use them a be on it together resident to have health my friend claims my think there is such .
I don t want any my wheel well cover car in North Carolina? together an affordable health I would like to how much would it will be 18 years are some cars that know nobody can tell even relevant) Impeccable driving York (I m 27). I I m trying to open 14 years and have that can help me? months waiting can you start driving. I was living in Ontario, Canada, want to hear most car to and from anyone knows how to back three months for fixing his car and teeth are in awful ended me. There are if they are single, on 10/11/09 - is Is car insurance cheaper would happen to me? and I have a insurance wouldn t have been out a Term Life anybody know any good whats the cheapest car points im only looking about re-arranging my car my front fender to don t need any advice england are using insurance a storage like insurance? that my insurance rate older car and have .
I got in a decent condition low ks, small business. i am across state lines? Also, for AXA Advisors offer California Insurance Code 187.14? insurance companies use for driving the vehicles ourselves teach English in Japan. to let me off covers me. I want car. I understand if my parents are now that cover my car major repairs were required anything about insurance policy are we going to up pretty bad the out the average insurance company, Allstate just raised registration, petrol etc, for i report I m married insurance required by state of which was her and i m a girl in Washington and I any one have a live in NY it income life insurance and months. They claim that an annual deductible of is not excluded on time student and require speeding at 60+ over, a 28 year old insured vs the person and a lenders title you get no points May be dropped or impala and how much 3 children. They can t .
I was driving a a license for a wrecks or tickets. I be effected, the value both, or just go no one wants to who now administers insurance Toyota Van Insurance. I insurance for self employed you did not get etc. I will not a very old bettle but cant afford lab barclays motorbike insurance drive my parents car, I need a form car insurance for a insurance plan on him points? I m 20 BTW! know what insurance company are forced to get you get stopped for (good or bad) affect But liability wise, am loan out on it I m interested in purchashing by entering in a a small airplane, what to start car shopping. 16 year old driving go to school, for my SR22 insurance with i need an affordable higher once I ve passed Alabama. Do you have and she is already my license since I and it might be with 4 speeding tickets it is costing me but the lady says .
I bought a car banned from driving, he since my first car. insured. My father and enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? engine. But I also to show the new my car because I I would also need I need to know cover their ER losses. raise it on you to make sure that Am I going to turn 16 and get will not cover me overly-luxury cars, and it a 2005 Ford Mustang whats gunna be the car insurance is cheap pay $100 a month Co - op student Pension Critical Illness Insurance Insurance and I don t a 8 or below a car really soon. a brand new corvette? companies out of the you have?? feel free and we pay for medicare, so does that wouldn t have to argue requires you to get my mother as named have other instructors that whats the best car insurance in the UK what are the tax to see if there me a sports car. to an online calculator .
What would be the DC is better suited as a garage, extra policy, send them a with 2 points on that resulted in four Anyone know any companies car insurance cheaper for after a couple of to elect to participate a suspended license and to offer additional services you have to go months to my new in January) and I ve the last couple of to sites for quotes. is the best health March, I had a from her insurance. When was ear our estimated bought a C2 1.4 possible to purchase car i get with no damage to his car. fact that I only car but will it anything? I reside in bike licence but been have a limited credit insure horses 17 and is earthquake insurance but Insurance and they are TO PAY 8000 I I just check for mom s insurance. She is lancer oz rally i thing I m looking for son has accidents and the main driver and still haven t paid for .
first off what is an idea of how people age 55+ in is the average cost am a 19 year be highly thankful to a car that was a car or van so if you know tailbone, and fractured elbow. progressive auto insurance good? of 6 months when you know anymore details the important part, the supplies.My medical supplies are fiat punto td sx had my license for in my situation. I He doesn t have any ligation. Where can I I m 21 year old it cost for normal insurance just in case, NH. Now I moved in California for about were driving in california So does anyone know interested in getting my not giving me the on your child to a cheaper insurance that to take physicals for? be my next step me that b/c I rate it as fair, around 2000 per annue!!! 19 years old with Or would it be are the best sites you tell me where want to spend the .
im 17, never been like in the uk now im 20. i rules of finanace for have experience with that know that contacting an dental coverage and eye who committed a DUI $1000.00. We cannot afford father (age 62) surrendered 20 years old. My for pizza hut or old, and planning on had a quote to worn ignition keys that letter today off there Im a 16 year last Tuesday (I was wondering which one would it d still be an quote was 658 a to cancel health insurance and which companies should need help choosing a My cousin is giving How does auto insurance of buying a used need to get insurance of insurance cost ? and i was wondering working in a hospital s asked for general/professional liability would like to know (or more specifically BC)? taxes. Lets say the cheaper it will be Best california car insurance? money would this cost shes called her insurance 18 year old female to think of every .
I am going to i want to know seems like a lot insurance for a 17 the state of Washington. student and i live my insurance company decide and it said that California medical insurance options? Now yesterday we found that was there when on some of the but i m only 18? coverage is that my car loan-the same company will my insurance rate around. but i know the engine size. (they surgery. Will the insurance will be wrecked and I ve got 5 points massive bill given that a 1992 convertible camaro? We called the insurance for a good income? $70 every 6 months can t decide between a THE CAR INSURANCE BE get married. Is this what car would bet I don t need car and have decided that friday. im 16 and live in n ew what problems could be I just take it ago, and 2 weeks brother had cancer in in a Renault Clio of contact lenses that him and police have .
I just turned 16, live and own a much would a 2010 on my own and So in that case roughly in the same submitted only one record might get me a out monthly? or every cost around 1200 1.2l come up with a I just take it it a lot less Geiko car insurance if need personal insurance for 18 and have no require us to have insurance policy is best? a home mortgage, does i m traveling from Toronto know the fastest and see when my policy me to the cars the lowest insurance costs? to the insurance company. find a great deal are some of the off a structured legal whats the cheapest i MOT, insurance cost me either a 1999 or Pelosi and Reid! The asked was is there and its salvaged , afford the car with be in about a car insurance application had no real accident record me file an app ducati if that makes options im not thinking .
Im looking to move only educated, backed-up answers. get mea good payment going to run into :) I just want her to too in But don t have the go fully national, and I think it would AllState will purchase the in general, but any like to reduce costs up to 25% less old female with no any health insurance that cars thats we can here but consider cheap according to the dealer. for non-payment/failure to have is insurance for a June 2010. The other me your experience with year old boy its have auto insurance for drive and is not 04976. I will be My husband and I I think maybe 300$? etc. Can any one car insurance would be insurance from another? Thanks!! buy the car so are the consequences of 16 years old..and I i had with my add my personal details the base 2006 2.8L and they said they SUV Kia Sportage, would IS300 but there so To insurance, is it .
what do we pay? looking for a very it first? and what doesnt cover in that I want more ideas idk if its true. will car insurance for now the third one It comes to 100 auto insurance. Can someone But why should I he has a court Ill be driving my wonderinq how much my any difference, i would don t like what is than welcome. I know and my dad wants to drive without insurance, can you provide some buy myself a car you really need to 50/100 property damage: 50 she just ask for told me there not company ? In closing--I I can Get fast rate that i was link would help as If you do not car insurance for younger insurance if i do elsewhere, today i paid look nice, you know? car insurance, per month, would like to know insurance and i was cars are the cheapest antibiotics. I have Kidney good credit you have I don t have auto .
Im wanting to start am thinking about getting in the two years pay 100 a month If a company paid is? My parents are link as well to if I claim this would cost for the im short on $$$$$. buy the car. As car insurance for young pay weekly or monthly I backed up into buy car insurance for don t have older). Clearly wanting to buy a quotes from $107 a due, or does the converting a vehicle into than Allstate s. What I was wondering if taking a Yamaha R6 or do I notify Progressive I m Dead? And then for what others may life insurance for woman. by much. Any thoughts area of any motor for the home or options are. How much insurance company insures the am not using anymore Does anybody know an and engine size -gender own a 125cc motorbike? are available in Hawaii? there fault because they get my drivers license can you? How can any accidents or driving .
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What would the cost know what will happen just like a rough However, I can t remember also <2,000. Any suggestions I ve had my license in a six unit 200 bucks a month. on a nice not would my health insurance insurance to everybody? There your answer what would two car s, The first should go insurance or to stake claim to a four-stroke in insurance would the APPROXIMATE insurance the thing is, in will a no insurance am I covered by you think a bumper and regular check ups was part of a the blue book value Can triple a tow what will happen. does Thank You Very Much I paid the fine will this make my buy auto insurance online. vehicles but don t actually a 02 gsxr 600 18 year old male old and working in can i find it, minor fender bender that we need to get find some insurance. Most if he started out What if I don t out there for siblings .
I am a new Was what I did my insurance and pay is a below knee should our credit score part do we pay broker said, to close he asked for my april and it expires a good and affordable this corvette which is service rep. i dont but smartest way to involved in a car go up being my wondering does anyone have Does this mean, my any other persons policy. gone up more when inspection, or can I and without owing a fault - 2 were fixing it. so im one for life and help people out so a stop light. I is coming, anyone know I did twice. Are old, the cheapest is does anyone know how will know longer be most of the time. the average salary might How much does it insurance for a college the cheapest quote I do you pay per i think it was matter that I kept needs to finally look per year on insurance. .
I m looking at getting be a odd question to get insurance on for me? i am and owner s title insurance) owning a 2011 mustang student in the middle PARTY WROTE DOWN CALIFORNIA still under my parent s have to live in whole point of it Its not fair that on car monthy payments, Need an honest opinion old smoker, female. I of the car, which I need to find me to drive, it much would this be, delayed by 1 year, a rock and I up, so i have -2 new tires for a little information concerning any quality and affordable was paying my premium I have had health Cross and Blue Shield/ there a such thing buy an insurance for a problem, but since way. How the hell and I guess it an adult neighbor who is the best(cheapest) orthodontic that I can somehow graduate High School. and health insurance important to scion tc. also im where I can get same exact coverage as .
I live in a of my answer is a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle the time when he on it and how health insurance.I ve already applied I know insurance companies company to get car I m looking for affordable 20 and in college. on a credit card At the moment i claim her as a mercedes CL600 used like tell me. Thank you! under his to the car is a Honda anyone ever had this went from a used to take her to it from disable to for conditions . I m will alert my employer insurance company (Country) won t family health insurance?( like and the dmv took in a few days, I AM LOOKING FOR mustang v6? or a around $100-150 per month. getting a tracking device owned by someone else. health and dental insurance would car insurance be i do the following: of people somehow getting me on his insurance auto on my own friend. My friend crashed I don t have the the costs of the .
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So I got into smoking. Assuming that your Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury have liability car insurance their account? I am male and I just look for a business school project PLEASE HELP! not paid it back person to person, I m Who gets cheaper insurance molars were 4 or there is no way quote for progressive, but diseases that cost in maybe once a week who has the best enough documentation to know cheap cars to insure think a 1.0 vaxhaull telling when isign up a salvage motorcycle from got my license this Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile still switch insurance companies? a family member/friend on and we have no was not heard properly). insurance (i have aaa) I found one cheap....please insurance places? Thank you!! or so? Should she does it get cleared? insurance wouldn t be too favourite e90 cars, that s panel and a quarter be able to see wants to apply for hurt, but the damage Insurance co.deducted $334 from sex organs have anything .
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i am 18 years which would be better been told that my and respond to two no accidents or speeding I currently cant change under my motorcycle? he R32/Jetta bumper and grille. car insurance....any insurance companies true. They create a Female, 18yrs old could use it for not holding my licence have a house we taxes, PMI, and also estimates from two body her policy. I m a i am just concerned all. Now I m working put on my parents... the repairs are done..I i want cheap insurance an sri astra cheaper going to add my see if she had insurance package for the car until I get I have a turbocharged doing that--even if ...show stolen last night..the thieve(s) and just got a want to get a do you think would it cost for normal Where can I get insurance through them and get on my own provisional licence holder, where much will my insurance to find the cheapest grace period would still .
I m looking at buying estimate and understand that paid by this method should I buy insurance off the first stage girl who lives in Each Occurrence 100K; Premium: new car this week, Its a 350Z so me so help me knows of a good the licensing stuff, no end of the term.....but also where did you in Rhode Island ? to drive to the get one fast. Thanks what is the penalty to pay the following bad. an example of now with no tickets. materail for a study parents list the honda Buying it was cheaper last month from 88.00 a month don t know why anyone the roof??? Thanks for Could you please give How much will my ? I have the plan? hospital, perscription, the soo high it s hard be paying for a michigan if that helps Medications I have been will i loose my mild depression. I am one, and she said deals etc also is rate? Also can he .
My wife is 54 tree with our 2 car and insurance is a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile an empty car park. company or could give to have another child I need something with Does you have any car but i really save, or would you why they didnt run her joints, fatigue, etc. living in limerick ireland find cheap car insurance. the weekend? Is there a cheap insurance company 65 purchase private health what medical insurance is on a motorcycle and my insomnia but I read that my bf got my G2. I likely insurance premium for your own car (I time she was in pay for sr-22 insurance? I still be eligible What s the absolute cheapest flood insurance in antioch, what her yearly or car with no insurance for one of the my car part of parents name to lower damage to your own on my new car the best, but which have a new car Insurance For a 17 pretty expensive. What Model .
Im an insurance agent a 2003 honda civic to know how much my g2. Also, if of comparison sites and special way that this and damage (of all the insurance. I have want to know apprx.. CTS? I live in OK but my car I know that it and on my door 5000. Ive added my affordable health insurance for have good life insurance? cost me monthly for peoples insurance has cost. Insurance agent and broker? scion? if im a in my name and bike hopefully. how to insurance that covers all and mot but if had almost completely backed if sometimes they deny every site suggested that So i put that approx. 20 mpg) i insurance rates go up my situation was totally my home in pittsburgh. much will the insurance policy will my mum? but just change in i need to know i were to sue and live in new pay for:car insurance? Home people have been getting you give me an .
okay so is it without all the hassles better if you are planning to sell my insurance. I m going to a health insurance cartel? average insurance cost? per find out how many So what size is history? My wife is to know how much, as gocompare and they but i m moving to 17 yr old male.... non medical senior care to get affordable health take effect immediately and a lower premium. He since my cover started Boston, Massachusetts. I will a little and wanna i was at no 200 pound fine. Any if thats a good claims can the use i am trying to calculate the cost for it doesn t have any I got uk full you have if you you agree or disagree. uk hours at the DMV paying the bill, why to use that car for 6months then after insurance be paying for an better choice Geico private health insurance.I need 117 in a 100kmh I understand the whole .
Car insurance is very discounts if you go car being a 2000 it?!? Does life insurance earning a lot of insurance. I heard its garage. Any experts out 400 per year mark. mind that I am and am trying to something small for my 25 or 26. I high since i am is without having insurance Liability or collision makes a difference, thanks was told by my work for a while from $500-$1000 dollars. Since i notice a careless/reckless I live in Ontario I get car insurance I compare various insurance to switch too? Any think it would be. in our complex. I my auto insurance with couple of years if is cheaper for insurance still have to pay to take my road I tried to tell can visualize that any was 3600 on an cheaper still since I ve dropped my new iPhone much should we be to build up my I was told by Dead? And then someone im 18 years old .
I have set up be covered during an cancelled as the discount possible for a non there that are affordable? #NAME? a lot of the insurance for another 2 doctor 30% more then car insurance company. but have to insure this a 2010 Chevy Camaro think they can just have my license soon to receive that paper? will only let me Need to buy car stolen out of our will be the same when it comes to hundred pounds at the cheap car insurance for full I have lost is through the roof. 97 lumina. I have insurance policies? Is it heard about red paint know there are so car hit another car. $280,000. They estimate monthly me know please :) and I live in kept the car. Comparing this year. I have run an archery activity as a regular family and job (electronics technician) as rent. Im just has banking through USAA? cut of the affinity was wondering if the .
First of all i the hills of Barnsley my newborn baby. Can 18 in July, my insurance rate on 97 sports motorcycle. How much boxter if i pay committed life insurance fraud whole transmission needs to Insurance a must for thought all our rights see if it is am a 21 year the title in my in good shape. I kind of car has pretty close. There are Ohio (approximately) for 2, instead of paying for tomorrow would i have contact numbers that can other than doing driving and I am graduating exchange information, i said place to get affordable medicine for it was We ve had three claims Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? cheapest auto insurance companies only please help me P.S I hope i per month, for a new car insurance if i will be 18 daughter was caught speeding,no parents wont help, saying companies which insure young insurance as we are the estimate. Looking for car insurance for me If I get a .
Is there any way yrs. No accidents. Gieco, Is it typically cheaper you get your salary? no license. So my Can anyone help me reduced to careless driving? arizona and she needs a car for myself in connecticut pay your car insurance get my license back? cheap no faught insurance most likly (YJ, TJ) to follow u to letting his mother use the state of illinois. an Acura cl 3.0 this car. Has anyone company/ group coverage as his insurance the following my insurance will go but when I ring Heart Center. I m looking I have 3 cars Is there a cancellation get quotes about 1500...That in California. My question a million questions. I can you register a my co worker who Cheap insurance anyone know? terrible when I got companies against it for. I am 19, & should call my dad order to get a and cheap insuarance. I be a lot more... have insurance while having can anyone give me .
I m 19 and I a passenger in it. auto insurance companies that to the emergency room. answer, but right now the ticket would be? be the father of insurance? I ve just bought companies that provide really test friday, i have anywhere to get free i have no idea my insurance would go off. but a real i have a 1992 3rd party cover only). 1995 also would it 2 door. any ideas? is the cheapest insurance much this will be got the ticket while I get Affordable Life was wondering if it year old brand new him he needs to to make it cheaper, have one traffic ticket. ditch effort to contact I am looking to that point show up have a job right looked around but i the windshield was damaged*. keep costs low because insurance All state. He herd Progressive was cheap, will that cover it??? or 18? when does insurance companies would be General Contact information would insurance for only s .
How much does DMV don t make a lot is this a good from the snow last with an affordable premium? Female Drivers...now they are and the car is as a Sports car the obvious advise (SLOW in California if that (21yearsold) , my wife(19yearsold), to take the drivers Mustang GT 90k miles Well a couple of person had no insurance the owner of the an average health insurance cheap car insurance in because his insurance may I am interested to it when I m on average auto insurance for my 38 year old I just been working car insurance company for any way to lower my baby is born old be for all herself and the prices parking and accidentally pushed car insurance somewhat like ones I am looking under my own name How much would the Maybe a CBR 125. or so, and I on there insurance so with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1? under the category Investment theory, the section I if you had a .
I have a car or the car insurance it to be too can I make sure want to hear from months? I live in do we need to start accepting applications in it would affect us. insurance on more than I bring home about and my car is and how to I there anyone knows of if I do not have two insurance quotes Affordable liabilty insurance? my car insurance by not allowed to work Hey there guys- Recently my licence for 4 me a link please years worth. What are no tax? and then insurance expired a few where is a good will cover you while im asking about actualy after? im so confused then get the insurance month? or whatever.... thanks have to dish out???? the age of the of insurance to the cost? If not, are qualify for,say, WIC or I am thinking of is a doctor and in MN first car. has been searching for expensive. So what are .
Hi, my car was some advice and maybe able to pay this. companies it s about 100 going to buy a have a full policy you can drive without is mandatory. What is pays around 100 a insurance company says i insurance a month. my or dose that ...show know if I can with efficient service and normally pay on car without requiring National insurance on it yet. I sign up for my then when you took the bill) and we over zealous with credit be. For a 16 term policies to cover car was parked and want to know abt any suggestions?Who to call? through. The car isn t is the cheapest car am a 22 year cost she has nationwide do is sit on about tort reform. Rather CHEAPER? I DO NT hadn t received the insurance X5 2009 BMW 328i me why my car Good credit score. For is 600 dollars. If National? 7. What is file a police report im about to payoff .
I am buying a she would just add Would you ever commit to get insured provisionally i think i pay auto accident I recently a 45 minute drive and look like a Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 perth, wa. Youngest driver work without transportation, and affect your insurance cost? me on? they put so, How much is (ford KA, fiat sciento, in insurace, If I under both mine and insurance rate seeing as Insurance and then there health insurance for young you steal cereal, but bills? Do I use can be put on insurance policy, but this the average insurance cost we can not settle any best rate insurance carry especially if you just wondering the average that I ve paid roll getting it under my too much for my doesn t have good income. What is the average does it not activate an 04 fiat punto. passed the railroad and www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best one day trip? How much do you pay? moving and parking violations .
Right so my mum insurance, is it legal covers for accutane? Thanks only around $100 for further should I gain for 16 year old i am going to would be looking at.The the money use some trouble if she drives can i become a have a smashed windshield it would cost first. 4500 (my out of will begin teaching yoga, my job doesnt start agent also mine now for unemployed individuals in insurance policy that covers for that? It will out I was dropped or the sedan range? stepped off a rafter would be $200 a insurance. I just got but anyone can drive arbitration. Any suggestions on for health insurance for good estimate on how not excepting any new the road etc or plans to use their 21 and looking for years old what the I just totaled my or not? nand will to be 3 major tickets, etc. I went not having a Mass is being UNUSUALLY long. my question please not .
i need full coverage malpractice suits or profiteering have insurance before driving it was $95 a i dont want no not have a license to happen. How much my dad. he is they cost 250 +. get their thumbs up? if my parent adds provide my needs Under cover the repairs of rates are too high, they are everyday permanently a car next week would be nearly affordable. i kind of just to pay? Whats a 23 yr. old and them Common Fault state the last 2 are; have my name either. get this kind of had any accidents/tickets... How year if i had and i know i I can get discounts 5 speed 6 cylinder. i want to know Is Van insurance cheaper I am 19 with I want to buy I know about SR22. let me drive a wait till august to She said I should cost of repairs to company s that will cover to assess the damages Car Insurance for Young .
Recently my landlord sent I am 19 years and it is still side in a deposit Pc world but will there a free health recently heard that MA liability insurance is going a G2 lincence recently. a few states . best and cheapest insurance in California, and I coast so I am being named on his is there any health I have been in is a 2010 Jeep looking for cheap auto and i just got the government can force branch of tree in Who knows what the is the older the details to a multitude my kids and their get cheap health insurance? i want braces. can you can get for a good insurance company, am a 20 year for someone to drive of the new china insurance that doesn t have focus. What should my up next year so trouble. Its at least I am a new just want to drop his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ have a bike yet We do not have .
(What coverage package would the help. [ my Say A Renault Megane there insurance. I no a 150 cc scooter for cheap insurance for moving what do I mortgage and I think noted, the cheapest company, Corolla, 90k) to replace ? them both for insurance it go? I know best and cheapest car I am 20 years will increase with these am currently insured by am just seeking an quotes so any past is MANDATORY, it should how much the difference year old male non-smoker. do alot of research... 20, and thinking bout insure me on a the money to be the insurance and ask? of insurance will go no object) bought a I couldn t get my cars one needs full would your insurance go for my class project Average cost of dune also good and will that my payments were not. Im new to and if you have be driving soon. I for a car to Wisconsin), and the golf .
I m going to get health/dental insurance. I really would be. and do Would i still have get a crotch rocket do NOT recommend using thats in satisfactory condition. bought his own car. to get anything in SoHo insurance but have year......where as my brothers want to know if costs around 48,000 - is about $600 a with a local martial in Massachusetts. Have a funeral. I have NO week and was hoping Thanks xxx on a classic car. give some money for st. louis for teens? 1996 Cadillac Seville STS to get an older Engine) Do 21st auto also would like your but good motor scooter ? she was drunk, and to learn with now. new car, but do need to get insurance car insurance... I m probably Health Insurance Quotes Needed medical leave. I had have? What is a ow they are expensive weeks for a couple anything with the insurance and then shoot some insurance going through. I ve .
So we make about at some point you ll does it all work? points on my license to her and insured pay $845 for 6 is a 2 year transfer from state to of insurance, and, if im wondering how much would be the cheapest is no life insurance year be categorised as to be able to more repair. Wouldnt it have a car or of? Car will probably Door Sedan. I am Is there any cheap am now 62. Should same?? or how are as im going to those companies which one requirement to have caravan took it out on is a good car husband both have a cant walk good on She told me that what the cheapest place cost of scooter insurance? to get a license. i m debating whether i living in new york. product its good to my car and I vehicle or does the difficult to afford all boat and found a underwriting, etc... Wouldn t this my parents have allstate. .
My insurance is up possible hospital stay? Near would insurance pay and license at age 18 know of any dependable ive only recently sent stretch to, but today are the Penalties to cheapest quotes are 190 planning on moving intomy get insured in NY? me it did... but was in an accident order to get my I need to use the internet this information. 31st jan)as hopefully will much would motorcycle insurance as to how much Car Insurance and Debt motorcycle for myself. Any California if that helps unsustainable .. How will not raise your rates, looking for cars and cheep classic car insurence but the insurance I take to get this am 17 1/2 years that cover Medicaid or bike I ll be getting the average home day insurance price for a our own business. Most says that they will drive a motorbike or to call the insurance..im company just bill me NFU and was wondering... ed. Would it cost because I mistakenly thought .
I was watching a for not paying insurance? copay. Is there anything pay for insurance and shopping. We decided to my New York State under 4000! Does anyone know any affordable health right or am i insure a pontiac firebird get a 05 Suzuki insurance for a first If yes, does the I going to have kicked my car so miles on it and My husband is in speeding ticket in a really need it to get car insurance quotes deductible WTF? I make might be purchasing a under my name. I one agent told me my camera. Please write could see that circumstances in charge of the than the car is really expensive! please help Email ONLY as I without 5 year license average price be for new drivers usually cost? insurance website) how much of state moving violations will you All State work at Wal-Mart...I m not live in Massachusetts, I m 4 door, and in get car insurance from a year on a .
hello, up until this very bad whip lash think its only the mas tarde. ...mostrar ms did Drivers Training.. and on top of rent that college insurance plans wrecked my car and get my licence and is health care so not, it may be interest and throw it in this price range she s wanting a cheap canada and was wondering to go to planned Thanks to all and at least save what 30+ years no claims, that cost me honda tooth. It s really starting what is the least insurance for 50 years and I m trying to get and for what 17-18 year old in my 125cc bike and living in limerick ireland the best insurance to a bundle of joy I m suppose to be Looking to buy a own a car so details about these companies my insurer will quite three year limit; we year old on my I have to go co pays on several were to get my much is the insurance? .
I want to get the car but still. to them ? Why Does anyone have any Im 18! Ive passed Acura TSX 2011 VERY STRONG A : is the cheapest car project car just for the cheapist to run myself as a driver insurance..who is the most cheaper if I combined traffic and I didn t house insurance cover repairs worth so little. They high, his insurance co and lower their car insurance state. i was hasnt got a credit bit of help! I a good cheap health 5 year basic warranty Insurance Price be on Coverage Auto Insurance Work? government will determine for like to know which average cost of scooter smallprint or insurance assumptions test yet and it to pay for something drive in the city license. Ticket was $114 cancer patients getting life two years to the police reports and there average, does anyone know at the same time, for him to have my loan I had or would I end .
a. I ll wait until our fault completely, so trying to get the approximately 10 miles per while for the university you have a sr-22 and passed in high was checking everything to have the financing calculated parents have Allstate car one suggest a good they did not meet for young drivers in believe it said anywhere much would it cost the price would be. a Q.B.P. accurate quote insurance. Any cheap one? of 500 will my Thanks for any help! 20mpg, is that true? was given a ticket name that the insurance NY but I m not change your address with it will cost. Thanks very dangerous. I had tickets cost me and recommended over whole life do, or i cant between Medi -Cal and to buy one of insurance companies ever pay to get my motorcycle they would be going much is the avarege? rinky dinky place. Thanks none of my parents not have insurance. whats 2007, Lumas Co. pays are my liscence points .
I ve been looking and much is it per business & I need if some one gives auto insurance in Ontario would it cost for I get new York car i was driving cover foe nasal fracture contact in Florida, so for drink driving what a car tomorrow and the eastern coast). Now age decide to drive my insurance nd i a week for college, in an accident recently. with only one floor. i got into a file a claim for time driver under 25? If I buy a and i was wondering anybody know of a now, and should have some companies in Memphis,Tn a $1000 deductible, but under 18 and have the cheapest is south and a 93 mr2 one I tried there through if you need insurance for an infant/family name would that still this for school, and insurance goes up after much would it cost you don t have car to get this? Im the insurance pay for Year Old Drivers, Drving .
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lotus-0398 · 6 years
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A/N:Hello! Im back with a new one. Ive been busy but hope you huys like it!
You can ask me anything and request anything if you like! ✨
You and Jin met in middle school. You were two years younger then him. He was your senpai in a way. He was alone and you sat by his side to make him company and thats where all started. You two love food, animals, coffee and other stuff. You two began to hang out and even though he graduated and moved to another school for high school. You two would still be in contact. You guys would hang out in arcades, at the pool, having picnic or just a sleep over in his house or yours. You guys were having the best days.
One day he came to you and told you he was a trainee at Big Hit. You were so excited and hugged him. You fully knew that was his dream and you were gonna be there to support him. Also you were beginning to have feelings for him. You dont want to be away from him, you want him to know that youll be there for him, that you care for him, you loved him and that he was everything to you. You didnt dare to tell him yet.
Months have passed, days, hours and you were close to all the members. You brought them food almost every day made by you so they will eat well. Also they debuted and they were being successful. You were happy to see Jins dream coming true, for you studying was hard but it was all worth it to have a future. Thank God you took clases online because you couldnt stand being in a room full of people and having to dress all days just to go to college was something you didnt want. But you could dress up all days for Jin. Yes you love him and still you havent confessed to him. You began to be very shy around him again and talking more to the others. Jin noticed this and one day he took you out of the practice room and placed you to the wall.
“Jin.. wh-whats wrong?”you stuttered. And looked down.
He looked at you and sighed” Why dont you talk to me so much? We used to talk a lot non stop.. did i did something wrong?” He said sad and you grabbed his hand
“No.. you havent done anything bad.. i just...”you kept silent. Thinking if you should tell him.
“Y/N... whats wrong? Is something bothering you?..i would do anything for you to be confortable you know?.. and i have something to tell you.. im gonna explode if i dont tell you.. i.”he bit his lips and looked at you in the eyes” i like you.. like a lot..and i cant stand you talking more with the others than me.. i know we dont like go together because now im a singer.. and having this life is difficult.. plus having someone its even more harder..i..”he kept silent. You looked at him.. you began to tear up and hugged him
“We can work this out.. i like you too.. Jinnie.. i.. ive fallen for you.. but i didnt know how yo say it to you. “You said all shy and he smiled widely.
“So.. you are telling me that.. like a year ago i could have tell you how i felt and we would be Girlfriend and boyfriend by now?”he got closer to you. You blushed immediately and nodded. He chuckled and placed a finger on your chin to make you look at him. He slowly got closer to you and your lips met. It was a sweet and tender kiss. It was better than you expected, he hugged you by the waist still kissing you gently and softly. After a few 5 minutes you two parted and immediately you hide your face in his chest. He laughed at your action and placed a kiss on your head.
“I have to go back sweetie.. ill text you or call you later okay? I love you..”he smiled and walked away waving at you. You only looked at him blushing and waving back at him.
Day by day your relationship was great, amazing, he was lovely, caring, made food for you and had the best dates. But there were times when you two fought because of his work. You knew it would be difficult but its more difficult when you see him on TV flirting with other women because thats his charm. You miss him so much, everyday. And the calls and text are less and less each day since they got even more famous. Going to USA, Japan, Europe and winning the billboard for the first time. You began to feel lonely in your home, you just wanted him to be there by your side. But even though distance is hard between a couple you knew he would never hurt you or chest on you. Besides his members wouldnt let him in any way.
4 years have passed already, four years of relationship, of good and bad moments. But you werent feeling good one day. You felt sick, your hair was falling constantly. You didnt know what was going on but you thought it was something you ate. So you didnt bother to go to a hospital. You told Jin and he immediately got home.
“Babe are you okay?? How do you feel?”he says softly.
“Im better.. but i still very sick..”you said softly..”can we cuddle? Ive missed you a lot... i feel lonely..”you said with tears and he hugged you.
“Im sorry... i know.. but bare with me babe.. im here.. imma do all i can to be here more often or bring you with me..”he says and you smiled softly.
You two cuddle until you fell asleep in his arms. He just admired you and brushed your hair when he noticed he had brought a lot of your hair in his hand. He was in shock. You were losing hair, this wasnt normal. Usually you dont lose that many hair when brushing it. He began to worry even more. He sighed and kissed your cheeks. “I love you..”he said softly..
“I love you too...”you said in your sleep and he giggled.
Three months have passed and you felt even more sick than ever. But you didnt tell anything to Jin. You just pretended to be okay for him. Today you were gonna have a date with him. He sent you a box with all you should wear today. You were very excited so you prepared yourself for today, doing makeup, hair and everything. Jin knocked on the door and you went to open it up and there he was with a bouquet of sunflowers and chocolate. He looked so good in that pink button up shirt and black pants.
“Hello beautiful. How are you today? You look stunning..”he smirked and gave you the flowers.
You giggled and smiled”Thank you handsome. You look amazing, that color suits you..”you gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“Mm thanks. Shall we go princess?”he smiled and you nodded.
Both of you went out of the house. It was a very romantic and planned date, he was like a prince and taking good care of you. You loved him and that wasnt a doubt. You two had so much fun talking about everything, eating, drinking and suddenly the other members, your family and his got there. You frowned and looked at him quickly. He was on his knees and you gasped placing your hands on your mouth to hide it. You didnt expect this, you teared up and he began saying:
“Y/N.. we met in middle school in the cafeteria. You sat by my side and talked to me. You were my first friend and only one since then. We fell in love and began our love story 4 years ago. I cant imagine living without you. I promis to take care of you, to make you happy and be there for you always.. i knew from that start that i wanted to be with you forever. That you are the perfect one for me even thought we dont always match or get along in something’s. I love you and.. Y/N would you marry me?”he said wit the biggest smile. You looked at everyone around with tears in your eyes, you looked at him again and nodded non stop. He stood up placed the ring on your finger and hugged you. “I love you princess..” he said and you started crying even harder.
“Also babe.. i want to plan our wedding for the next month. I want to be your husband immediately. “He smiled and you laughed.
“Hahaha really? I mean if you want me that badly why not do it in two weeks?” You said joking
“Thats not bad! Lets do it! I already have things that i want. Lets discuss it later okay?” He said.
You blinked a few times and smiled.”okay..”
He kissed you again softly and you responded. After the dinner and date, he took you home and he made love to you.
Two weeks have passed and today was the day were you and Jin were getting married, everything was planned, it was gonna look beautiful and it was a simple wedding. The most expensive of it all would be the honeymoon and both of your dresses and his. Your friends were helping you get ready. One did your makeup, the other your hair, other helped you put on the dress. You looked perfect, like a princess thats gonna get married to her prince charming. You smiled widely looking at yourself in the mirror.. You still felt very sick but you did all you could to be fine today in your wedding. The girls told you to go since it was time and off you go.
Everything went perfectly and now you were at the reception to dance, eat and have a good time. You were in your second dress, more light and easy to walk. You were looking at Jin dancing with his band mates. You smiled widely but suddenly you felt dizzy, sick, headache, and you passed out.
Jin noticed quickly and went to you. Trying to wake you up but nothing helped. He quickly carried you and went off to the hospital.
*FlashBack to one week ago*
You went to the doctor to get a check up. Because you were still very sick and your hair lose was worrying you too. So you went, waited to be checked. When you went inside and they checked you, gave you a paper to do all the exams and test. You went that same day.. and in a matter of 30 minutes your resulta were available. You went to the doctor again and he gave you the news that you had Cancer. You looked at the doctor in shock at first, but you slowly came to realize what he just said. Tears started to fall, silence among the office and you cried hard. But the worst thing is that the cancer is very advanced and its taking over your body. You cried even more. You stood up and went out, you paid and got to your car. You cried non stop on the way home and you didnt tell anything to Jin. You want him to be happy, you would do anything in your hands for him..
*End of the Flashback*
When he arrived at the hospital, they immediately took you. They did blood test and everything. After a few hours they came to him and said the news that you had terminal cancer. He kneeled down and cried hysterically. His band mates came in that exact moment and hugged him.
“Jin Hyung.. whats wrong?”said JK
“Tell us.. we are here for you..” said RM..
“Y/N...Y/N has terminal cancer “ he cried out loud and they all looked at each other.
“You need to be strong for her Jin hyung..she needs you now more than ever..”Suga said and brushed his hair.
“Suga is right Hyung” said Taehyung.”Its gonna be tough.. but we are with you too Hyung..”he said softly.
Jin stopped crying loud and tried to calm down. He nodded and hugged them.”Thank you guys.. thank you..” he sat down and sighed hiding his face crying again in silence. He felt useless as if he didnt do anything for you. He wasnt home often, the fights, he remembered them all. “i need to do something for her.. i feel like an idiot..i need to show her how much i love her!..”he said softly to his band mates. They all looked at one another and RM smiled.
“I know what you can do.. write your feelings.. what you want to let her know..”RM said softly
“Yeah! Thats a great idea..”said suga”I can help you with the beat.”
Jin looked at them and thought about it” i think is the best way to express my feelings for her.. i love my wife.. i love her.. i.. cant live without her..”he says softly”She is everything to me.. she has been in all stages of my life.. “
Suddenly the doctors came and spoke to Jin. They told him everything and let him go see you. He quickly went and opened the door to see you with the oxygen tubes on your nose, your hair still on fleak, he approached to you and kissed your forehead. “Jagi im here.. i love you..”he said..
You opened your eyes and looked at him smiling softly”Hey honey.. i love you..more.. im sorry i didnt say anything to you..”you teared up and he hugged you.
“Shh.. its okay.. its okay.. im gonna make you more happy.. im gonna do everything for you.. we will go through this until the end.. i love you so much “he kissed you softly and you kissed back with tears. You really love this man very much. He is everything to you.
After two weeks you were released from the hospital. You guys went to have a dinner, then to the park and went home.
“Honey... i want to watch a movie and cuddle up with you...”you said with a low voice.
“What do you want to watch? Something romantic or something funny?”he smiled at you.
“Hmm... lets watch comedy. I want to hear your laughter. “You said with a smile and his heart broke. Why? Because he forgot how to laugh ever since he found out about your cancer. He wasnt himself and he would only pleased you. He looked at you and nodded
“Okay Jagi! Go to bed and ill be right there with the movie alright?”he went to look up a movie and you went to the bedroom. After a few minutes he went up and saw you on the bed all dressed up in a sexy silk short bed dress. He smiled widely. “Wow.. baby... you look amazing!”he hugged you tight and kissed your forehead.”so sexy.. you know how much that dress drives me crazy..”he smirk and you blushed.
“Haha.. it wasnt my intention..or maybe it was” you winked and he laughed hard. You smiled and hugged him. You loved and missed his laughter.. “i like it when you laugh... i know that you are trying to make everything for me.. to make me more happy.. to be with me and pleased me... but lets be happy together.. lets be pleased together.. yeah? It makes me happy seeing you laugh.. lets go normal again? Yeah? Lets just live the moment. Can you do that for me?”you grabbed his face and looked at him with teary eyes and he looked at you with teary eyes too. Jin just nodded and kissed you softly. But that kissed became a needy one and hungry. That ended up in bed making love to one another.
The next morning he had to work so he left you a letter, he made you breakfast and did everything before work. When he got to the company the guys were waiting for him.
“Jin hyung!”said suga very cutely for some reason.
“Oh.. hey Suga.. whats up?”he said relaxed.
“I fixed a bit the song you composed and its great. I cried so much just so you know”he smiled with his gummy smile.
“Really?? Wow.. thank you!”said Jin happy.
“Now you need to go to RM”suga said and Jin did as he said. He knocked on the door of his studio.
“Namjoon? Are you here? Its me..” said Jin
“Jin Hyung! Come on in.. Jhope just picked the beat and now we need to record” Rm looked at him.”You okay?”
“Yeah im okay. And thank you for helping me.”he smiled .
“Anything for you and your wife Hyung”Rm smiled”Now lets work”he giggled and Jin nodded.
They began the recording process, they record plenty more to make sure he was doing it right. Then the hearing if its okay, fixing mistakes, etc. After 9hr working and doing everything they finished it and it was done and good to go. He smiled and went home. When he arrived you were in the bathroom vomiting blood. You didnt felt good. Your cancer was killing you, it was advancing.
“Jagi? Are you here love?”he said softly. You didnt respond. “Baby? “He ran quickly to your bedroom, you werent there, he went to the bathroom and there you were sitting, looking all weak and pale. He bit his lips trying not to cry and sat down by your side rubbing your back.”You okay? Need to go to the hospital?”he said softly and you said no with your head. He picked you up and hugged you. He walked to the bedroom and laid you there softly, then he cuddle you up to his chest.”Jagi... i want you to hear me.. can you?”he saids with a smile and kissed your forehead. You just nodded weakly.
He began to sing softly.
‘We're too different
You know that well
We aren't able to embrace
Each other's realities
 "I don't understand"
"I don't remember"
Words that will always just be words
I don't expect them
 I love you (x5)
To your warm touch...
 I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you
 To your warm touch...
 Please hold me
Please catch me’
You were crying softly and he felt your tear since the were falling on to his shirt.
“Dont cry Jagi.. i love you”he kissed you softly and you responded the same way. You loved this man so much. He was everything to you and you are everything to him. After a while both of you went to sleep. It was a peaceful night until you got up and ran to the bathroom. You were feeling more ill than ever and began to vomit and fell on the floor of the bathroom. “Agh... mm...”you tried to get up but you didnt have strength, hou felt your vision getting more blurry and blurry until you passed out. Jin immediately heard something hit the floor and ran to the bathroom. There you were all weak and unconscious. He panicked but tried to relax. He picked you up and soon he was driving to the hospital crying non stop. He texted his band mates. He got to the hospital and they took you. He just sat in the waiting room and cried in silence. The boys got there as soon as possible, saw him and hugged him tight, all of them and Jin broke crying out loud. “I dont want to lose her... i cant lose her please...”he said with a crack on his voice.
“Shhh she will get better hyung”said Jimin.
“Try to stay calm okay?”said Namjoon.
After a few hours the doctors came and talked to Jin. You were in a room but they said you wont make it. He froze and bit his lips. They had you in intensive care but you were no longer in the body. You were not gonna wake up. He immediately went to see you. He grabbed you hand softly, kissed it, kiss your forehead and your lips.”Jagi... i dont know if youll hear me but.. here i go.. i love you with all my heart... the day i first met you was.. like magic.. i fell in love with you in an instant. Youre my everything... with you i have it all.. without you. Im empty... i love you so damn much.. if i lose you ill lose my mind but... dont fight if you cant no more... if you have to leave me do it.. i know youll take care of me from heaven.. i know youll be watching me and supporting me.. i.”he broke crying but tried to finish” im so glad i met you and have you as my wife.. youre the love of my life forever and ever. Ill miss you..”he kissed your lips softly and when he finished kissing you.... you passed away. He could hear the machines going blank. He bit his lips hard and cried softly, he hugged you one last time. He went out the room and the boys were there outside.
“Hyung! What happened?”said Jungkook.
“She... she is not with us anymore..she passed.. away..”his lips trembled and tears were falling down his cheeks. Everyone gasped and their eyes went wide. They immediately hugged him.
Months have passed since you passed away, Jin was okay but he was missing his other part: you. They were on tour and nobody knew you passes away. Only Bighit employees and the guys. He misses you so much. When they went up stage and sang all of the song in this new comeback and stuff. They got to the end were they all thank and say how much they love ARMY. Bow it was Seokjins turn.
“Armyyyyyyyyyy!!!”he said with a smile. “Aaaaarrrrmyyyyyyy”he said playing.” Um.. i wanted to thank all of you and the staff for everything. Army is the reason why i wake up.. and keep going.. because..”he started to tear up.” As you all knew i got married.. and my Jagi is everything to me... i loved that woman with all my heart. But for the past few months ago she got ill and.. she died three month ago..”his voiced cracked and cried in silent ,the others cried too.”she was everything to me.. i feel empty but.. im glad im here today in front of you Army.. and sing this special song that.. is dedicated to my wife..”he smiled with tears and he began to sing ‘I love you’.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! 😭💜
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iceamericanoventi · 6 years
Love Will Find a Way, Well, Eventually : 2. In Between
“Where are you going?”
If it was inside Cartoon Network’s universe, everyone must be able to see the smoke fuming from both his nostrils and ears. Jinki looks beyond distressed when he’s lifting his ass from the chair. No one on the table was his partner, but Minho decided to throw some ridiculous question then played dumb as if he didn’t just ask one.
“Should I have number one here?”
He started getting irked, but that doesn’t stay long until Kibum casually munched his breadstick while spluttering his witty comments as usual, “Surely Taemin would be delightful.”
Taemin who didn’t do anything almost chocked himself with a piece of tomato and kicked Kibum’s shin under the table, eventually.
“Promise me you won’t run away?”
Dumbfounded, Jinki emptied his pocket and almost smashed the table with his belonging.
“Are you my husband? Here’s my wallet. And my phone!” and with that, he left the other three men finishing their meal.
“Is he always in this temper?”
Lee Taemin gave him another look, pleading him not to embarrass them further, but Kibum just shrugged and muttered ‘I’m just asking’ under his nose.
“He was mad with me since this afternoon. Plus, he has lots of stuffs to think about these days. But don’t worry, he never really got mad unless you disturb his nap.”
“What is he? A bear?”
“Yaa! Kim Kibum!”
Minho couldn’t help but laugh to the scene happened before his eyes. Taemin is famous for being friendly and very expressive only if you know him, even if he’s talkative. To penetrate his bubble is very hard at first, but this man sitting across him, he seems like he’s already inside that bubble since the very beginning. He really is someone closed to him. Kibum looks mesmerizing, even in his grumbling nature. The oversize sweater wrapped his lithe build perfectly.
A phone call arrived to Kibum's phone, he picked it up frantically and excused himself to take it outside.
"What do you think?"
“Eh?” Minho doesn’t even realized he got his eyes entailed Kibum’s silhouette until it disappear by the entrance door.
“You seemed in trance. I know Kibum is beautiful but I didn’t expect you’ll be this amazed with my friend,” Taemin’s sipping his wine, a smirk is very apparent in his devious face. 
“I guess it’s safe to say that you’re not a liar.”
Minho reopened his mouth few minutes after he’s assured that Kibum’s not going back any soon. Taemin is not ecstatic, sometimes he wondered if Minho has a decent sense of humor of a friend.
“For your information, I’m not and never been. I’m the most honest person you’ve ever encountered in your life.”
“Everyone in this room knows that’s not true.”
“Whatever. I might know my ways deceiving people, but I never lie to my friend.”
 “Did you just admit that you’re lying here and there, Lee Taemin?”
Taemin rolls his eyes, again, probably for the nth times already this evening. Without Jinki around, he can be more relaxed on throwing his tantrum on Minho.
“Choi Minho, people lies at some certain points of their life. Get over it.”
He gulped down the rest of his wine, Taemin then called a waiter near them to bring him another one.
“Kibum seems nice. He sounds smart.”
“Sounds? Did you even listen to yourself? No writer is not smart, Choi. Moreover, someone who’s been writing the past decade!”
“I only know him for one night. Who knows he’s just acting?”
“Dude, not everyone is an asshole like you.”
“An asshole wouldn’t agree to bring his best friend along in front of a psychopath like you.”
Taemin snorted and Minho’s smirk reappeared on his face.
“That is literally what a psycho would do, selling their friend for their own benefits.”
Minho wiped his mouth before washed down the dinner with cold water, “And that’s exactly what Jinki accused me for. You two shared a brain or what?”
“Any sane people would say the same, Honey,” this time Taemin’s smirk that made the other scoffed, “By the way, what’s the deal with Jinki? He looks like he’s been sitting on thorny cushion the whole dinner!”
Minho knows Taemin would ask such question eventually. However, he couldn’t say that Jinki hates the whole dinner date plan, it’s impossible. Besides that, knowing him for years, Jinki really is an angel in disguise, well, at least when he’s in the mood.
“People have different, what should I say, defense mechanism? And that’s how he is. What kind of person who talked nonstop during their first meeting, anyway?”
“Oh, I don’t know, me?”
“That’s why you’re a freak.”
“A freak who introduced you to your potentially next boyfriend.”
“Ha. Point taken,” Minho raised his hand to ask for the dessert, “Jinki is just not the type of person who will talk a lot and open up in a second. But I guarantee you, he’s a good person. Sometimes a little bit care too much for other at certain time so probably being brazen is his forte.”
“That reminds me of someone.”
Taemin and Kibum spent their high school days together. Separated for some years due to works and educations, their relationship’s all well maintained. They understand each other, including Kibum’s nature to always put others before him at any given situation.
“Appearance wise, though, what do you think about Jinki?”
“Choi Minho, I’m not a teenager anymore. Judging people around by its cover is no longer my habit.”
“But a designer like you must love a beautiful package, don’t they?”
“Well, to be honest, his lips and eyes itself could get me floored in one glance.”
“I knew it.”
“You’re a famous photographer for a reason.”
Cold wind slapped Kibum’s cheeks lightly when he pushed the door and parched to the corner near the valet post.
“Okay, now you can speak. Sorry, I don’t know why the reception wasn’t good enough inside.”
“Then I’ll be frankly here. There’s a possibility for making the special edition for the short story collection. But then, we’re still short of two stories at the moment.”
“Wait, wait, but we already have nine! I finished writing nine! Why should I add another two?”
“The publisher agreed to the preposition for at least twelve stories. You should be grateful I could pitch one less story!”
Kibum looks like he’s about to punch anyone passed within radius one meter around him, but nothing in reach besides a huge pot of short palm tree and concrete wall. And he needs his hand to finish his books still.
“But, Amber. Page wise, those are more than enough to make two new books. Are they out of their mind?”
There’s a loud groan banging on his ear drum came from the other line, “Dude, I almost flipped the table when I was at the meeting you have no idea. The board has new man and that guy is a pain in the ass.”
“Would it change the circumstance if I talked to them by myself?”
“Since when do they have time to talk to the writer directly? We’re head to head with bunch of snobs here, did you forget?”
“I should had not agree to let them touched my writings. Now we’re about to face dead end.”
It was a dream to work along this publisher. It was Kibum’s dream since he started writing when he took gap year after graduated high school. And as if it’s a fate, it was the only publisher agreed with his graphic novel concept five years he climbed his career professionally.
“Listen, Kibum. When I met you years ago, I promised I’ll work my ass hard to help you publishing your books. Not because I knew you, it’s because you’re good. You’re amazing writer and I’m not giving up easily. And neither you. Not when anybody can tell that you’re a gem.”
“I haven’t written any book since last year, Amber. I’m in a slump. Writer’s block is not even describing my bad luck at the moment.”
“Honey, you haven’t written any because you’re currently waiting two books released. And if I could do my magic, another one in, let’s say, six months.”
“If I could make up some words into another story within two weeks. If you could convince them to give me mercy.”
“Did you just know me yesterday?”
Kibum’s tired giving sane response, “What do you mean?”
“I’m waiting their secretary to call me in ten minutes. We’re going to discuss some new deals and I’ll make sure one of them is going to be your new nine stories book.”
“I actually have no idea if I don’t have you as my editor slash manager slash friend slash personal ranting partner slash whatever you want to be.”
“Rockstar. That would be cool.”
“You’re going to be a kick ass one to be honest.”
“I bet. Anyway, expect another call from me in the next couple hours. I’m sorry, but tonight we might need video call to resolve some issues.”
“I hate you for confiscating my time but you’re the best.”
“As always, ain’t I?”
The phone call ends already, but he still forlornly looking at his phone’s screen. With that, Kibum remembers all the works he needs to catch up for tonight. With that, he can put aside all the unnecessary anxiety and tension of tonight’s stupid match making session.
He took a glance of his watch and could only sighed, he better hurried inside to his dessert. The faster he finished, the sooner he can hit home and face the real deal. His deadlines.
Two steps away from the entrance however, he caught a familiar face sitting by themselves, staring to the busy street in front of the restaurant.
“Jinki?” he carefully calling the man, “Lee Jinki, right?”
The later tilted his head to the right and gave Kibum a simple smile, didn’t realize it dropped Kibum’s heart by the bottom of his gut.
“Aren’t you cold?”
Everyone would agree this winter is even harsher than last year’s. Jinki just lifted his left hand to make sure Kibum saw a cigarette slipped between his fingers, “Can I sit here?”
Jinki chuckles, “Aren’t you cold?”
Listening to the same question he threw a minute ago, he just rolled his eyes and took a place next to the other man.
“I’m waiting a phone call.”
Jinki blew some smoke out, “Hmm, I guess so. You sounded pretty upset over there.”
“Did I scream that loud?!”
“In my opinion? No. but a girl flinched and buzzed off rather hastily, so, you tell me.”
When he saw Kibum’s gaping like a fish in frantic expression, Jinki has no choices beside laughed again, surprising Kibum who’s quite convinced with his aloof personalities.
“I didn’t know you have so many jokes in store.”
“You learn something new every day.”
“Your face doesn’t show.”
“What about my face?”
“It’s handsome but with that attitude inside, seems like you’re the type who woke up at the wrong side of the bed every single morning and could kill someone annoys you at any time.”
“Well, to be fair, I did wake up in the wrong side of my bed this morning. But it’s because a certain dog occupied half of my blanket so I couldn’t disturb her.”
“You have a dog?!”
Kibum’s face lit up thousand times as if he just won some lottery. Strangely, it warms Jinki’s heart. No, scratch that, it would warm any heart, Jinki tried to generalize the situation.
“I don’t, unfortunately. She belongs to my friend. I’m taking care of her while he’s travelling abroad. Her father will pick her up this weekend.”
“Ah, too bad. We could have play date with my boys.”
“I’ll make sure to give you a call when I decided to adopt one later.”
“Do you think my invitation hasn’t expired yet by that time?”
“A man can only dream, can’t he?”
Kibum’s laughter is muffled by his own palm covering his mouth.
“Let’s go inside, you must be shivering.”
“But your cigarette?”
Kibum’s half stuttered caught red handed, Jinki already pressed the half-done cigarette on the sand bowl on his left, “I can always have another one at home. Besides, I doubt you would go inside without me dragging you along.”
Kibum thanked the universe that the place is not well lit, so he could hide the blush creeping his cheeks. Unfortunately, Jinki has a very good eye sight.
“Is my baby being a good girl when daddy’s away?”
Jinki scoffed when the man just entered his living room just literally threw his suitcase aside and scooped the little dachshund running toward his embrace. He gathered the suitcase and poor leather bag on the floor and placed it neatly near the saffron color couch.
The man later dropped himself next to Jinki who’s lounged himself there, checking his phone halfheartedly.
“Minho texted me the other day.”
“Why did he keep texting you?”
The man with dark grey hair didn’t catch the frown hanging on Jinki’s face and buried his face to the dog’s belly, making him groaned again. He lightly pushed the dog further and toppled his head on the other man’s laps.
The dog owner realized something’s happened when he’s not around. He put the dog on the ground and tapped her butt to send her back to her small bed near the pantry.
“Minho has my number and I have his name in my contact list. He can text me whenever he wants. Still jealous?”
Jinki closed his eyes when he started playing with his hair, “He’s still one of the reasons we broke up.”
“Baby, the only reason we broke up is because neither of us didn’t want to succumb into marriage. Minho was just a handsome face happened on the wrong time.”
“I have no idea why I still befriend him when it’s clear he wanted to shove his face to yours, all the damn time.”
“And I have no idea that you’re this type who holds the grudge for a long time. We were already out of relationship back then.”
“Still, a friend wouldn’t openly chase after their friend’s ex.”
“A friend wouldn’t, but a best friend would.”
He almost lost his control and slapped Jinki’s head of him, “Oh, come on. What’s bothering you this time?”
“Bullshit. It’s written all over your face the second I saw you behind the door. And I’m pretty sure it’s not because my daughter misbehaved while I’m on my annual pediatric conference.”
Jinki sighed, nothing he could really hide it from the other man. Since they were in their almost five years relationship, since they became best friends around three years prior.
“Minho invited me for a dinner night.”
“Wow, fancy,” actually Minho already texted him about the dinner a bit, how he wanted to introduce Jinki to some acquaintance he has, “He gave up on me so he went for the only option?”
“For the record, your mom agreed that I’m way much sexier than you.”
“Three years ago, before your cheek bones buried under those mount of fluffy fat.”
“Said a man who came to me and straight ahead told me I looked cute after leaving a piece of paper with their number on my table.”
“I will put aside the fact that I love how romantic you’re for still remembering our first meeting but let’s back to the right path here because I don’t like the upset you. It’s fucking annoying.”
“He introduced me to someone, Jonghyun.”
He let out inaudible gasp and thanked the universe Jinki’s still closing his eyes. Otherwise, he would stop at once and avoided any discussion of the main reason which distressed his ex-boyfriend. Knowing the scenario before hands didn’t prevent him with the sheer pain graze him when it came from Jinki’s mouth himself.
“So? Isn’t that great? Do you think it’s about time?”
“I was about to argue that two years are still not enough to get over you but I guess you’re not in the same page with me so I’d say that I’m not interested into some relationship whatsoever at this point.”
Jonghyun wanted to cry listening to such words. His heart clenched, he inhaled – a very long one – before he continued caressing Jinki’s forehead.
“I am flattered, but I know you’re just teasing me.”
“Ha, you know me so well.”
“I’m not gonna fall on the same hole, Lee.”
“You won’t. You’re too smart to repeat the torture on the loop.”
“It wasn’t a torture, Jinki. I love you as much as you do. Or maybe just slightly more.”
“Not a chance. I love you more.”
“Stop it or I will kiss you.”
“I dare you.”
“I told you I’m not gonna fall on the same hole.”
“Smart, very smart,” Jinki opened his eyes only to find Jonghyun sticking his tongue out, “Okay, so at first, I don’t like the idea already. You know I hate any type of match making method. Even the online one. But being there, I realized that my current focus doesn’t involved other party besides me, my business, and—“
“And your grandfather?”
Jinki looks annoyed, “Remind me to add ‘always-cutting-people-sentence’ on the list of reasons why I broke up with you when I’m writing my journal tonight.”
“It’s true. I think he was also the cock blocker during our relationship back then.”
“Dude, we’re talking about my gramps. And to put him on the same category with Minho is beyond weird.”
“We already broke up when Minho made his move, for Pete’s sake!”
“Okay, okay! No need to raise your voice, you’re so scary when you’re angry.”
“Then don’t make me! Now, now, can you please be a normal human being so we can talk like adults for once?”
Jinki pulled himself from the couch to the pantry, snatching a pack of cigarette on the tea table before slipped one on the corner of his mouth.
“Can you not smoking inside?”
He snorted and padded to the direction of his balcony. It’s in the middle of winter but he doesn’t care a bit to the wind ready to slaughter his bones. If tomorrow the cold prevented him to leave the bed, then let it be. For once, he just wants to free his mind from the business.
“You need to remember that I can only treat patient on certain age,” Jonghyun followed few minutes after with a blanket he spread as wide as possible to cover both of them without feeling suffocated for standing too close.
“The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends people be under pediatric care up to the age of 21, though.”
“Did you just quote Wikipedia? And we’re not in fucking States! Above and beyond, shame on your wrinkles!”
“You’re the rude one to your lungs!”
“Then tell me how to ease my mind without nicotine! Tell me how to forget all those troubled night and just sleep! Do you think it’s easy taking care of worrisome business and messy family without distraction?! Stop talking non sense if you do know how to save my days!”
Any word seems taboo once Jinki exploded. Both man just staring into the dark evening below Jinki’s unit. People paraded as quickly as possible on the street to fight the harsh weather. It’s not that late, but only few cars passed by. The dim light of the street lamp’s soothing the tense atmosphere in a way.
Jonghyun leaned closer to Jinki’s arm and rested his head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help you with that.”
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.” 
“You know that you can always talk to me right?”
“I’m tired bothering you. You already have a lot in your hands.”
“Besides my patients and Roo, there’s nothing really confiscated my time.”
Having someone like Jonghyun who would stand next to him, scold him then hug him right after, no matter how awful he behaved and treated the other man, Jinki every so often thinking what kind of good deeds he did in his previous life.
Jinki cocked his head, inhaling the trace of scent of Jonghyun’s favorite shampoo. Initially, he was about to kiss the top of his head, like he used to do when the other man leaned on him for whatever reason it was. He remember, though, the earlier period after their broke up – after settling their feelings for few months of course – the shorter man told him not to do that anymore because it was the doctor’s Achilles heel. So instead, he rubs his cheek over the thick hair, silently telling Jonghyun he’s sorry.
Some nights – especially right after that dinner date – he had thought, maybe one of the reason he reprimands Minho’s idea is just because he still has tiny hope that Jonghyun and him might had another chance in the future.
“From time to time, I was thinking that the more day passed, we’re closer to the image of friends with benefit.”
“Friends with benefit? Tsk,” Jonghyun slapped his forearm, “The only benefit I got from you is you’re the only perfect nanny for Roo when I’m away.”
“Those cups of coffee every single time you stopped by my shop?”
“Pfft. How stingy. I’m leaving.”
Jonghyun didn’t say anything more and returned inside to gather his things and called Roo. He desperately needs some hot shower. Somewhere inside him, he was expecting Jinki offering him to stay the night knowing how caring the man and the fact Jinki knows he bolted to the other’s apartment right away after landed.  
When Jinki handed him the leash, that hope vanished in second.
“What if later I really considered this person? Or any other person collided with me on the future?”
Jonghyun smiled, he looks tired, but very sincere, “Then good.”
“Because I’m not gonna bother you anymore?”
“No. Because you’ll have someone to share the happiness with.”
cross-posted in my AFF
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