#i desperately want to remake so i can have a nice neat blog
blccmngs · 5 months
trying to create my muse list for when I remake this blogs & a good 50% of my muses are just
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mellz117 · 3 years
E3 thoughts. Looking at highlights because I'm not watching live yet.
I'm only talking about Forza here because I know the name lmao. The Forza stuff I'm not too interested in. I mean, how else can they make a hyper-realistic racing sim look interesting? They're like Madden and other sports games released yearly. IN MY OPINION, don't attack me but they're boring. I guess for people who like that stuff, that's for you?? I personally like shooting monsters, getting scared by mutant totally-not-zombies and tall, incredibly attractive vampire ladies, and solving puzzles.  Pass.
I talked about my thoughts on Halo infinite on my Zelda blog a bit and you can check that out [ here ] if you haven't. To add to my previous thoughts though, I'm not too interested in the multiplayer team stuff, mainly because I'm not very good at it and don't like to drag my team down. I have fun but I don't like seeing my username in the bottom four lmao. Are there playable Elites though? Come ON 343! Everybody wants them back! RvB might get good again with more options! I like the customization so far, it seems a lot less messy and pointless than Halo 5, where they just wanted to pad out your options as much as possible to get you to buy more req packs BUT MOVING ONNNNN! I want to play this one.
Ubisoft... They're making a fucking Avatar game. Let the next movie come out before you release a game lmao. Maybe they're making a game to hype up the next movie in................... 2045? idk. Is anyone interested in Avatar? I liked the first movie just fine but it's been... a while since I've watched it. The visuals are nice but it's another IP I'm not interested in. Pass!
Redfall! Co-op shooter. Looks cool. Like stylized realism, I appreciate games that look like that but ultimately not too interested. Pass.
Age of Empires is getting a new game after a long time. So that's cool for those who liked that. It's always a good thing when a seemingly abandoned IP makes a comeback. I hope it's good. Now, where's that F-Zero revival, Nintendo? Can't keep putting Captain Falcon in Smash and ignoring his actual game. Pass.
Sea of Thieves is still a thing? And Disney let them put Jack Sparrow in it? And the expansion is FREE?? Neat, neat. But I wasn't interested then, I'm still not now. Pass.
Phychoaughts 2 has been made known for a while. I really dig the style -I love stylized stuff- but never played the first game. May be a thing I pick up some time, I like platformers well enough (it IS a platformer right? lmao). It's another IP that's been dead for a while so I'm glad to see it returning. I want to try this.
Bethesda still trying to desperately keep Fallout 76 relevant. I've heard nothing but negativity about that game but you gotta give them props for making the attempt. Has it gotten better since release? I was looking forward to the next Elder Scrolls game. Pass.
I want that XBOX mini fridge. I want that. 
A new Mario+Rabbids game was seen the other day, not a huge reveal for me but I'm glad the first one was received well enough to warrant a sequel. Nice to see Nintendo being more and more open to crossovers! Glad to see it, but again I'm not interested in playing right now. Might want to try this for the lulz.
It's cool to see remasters/remakes of pixel based games while KEEPING the pixel style. Something I think Link's Re:Awakening could have had, but I still liked it as we got it. Pass.
Is this Guardians of the Galaxy interesting? It looks nice, the jokes made me giggle, Drax's deadpan delivery is always a treat. But uh... What's with the sentient Jell-O monsters? I wanna slurp it up. Seems that this isn't based on the Avengers continuity but more its own thing so the devs can have a little more fun with it. It's like an AU. Pass though.
Oh my god Life is Strange is getting a... REMASTER of the first two games? It's not even that old! Bro. And another game is coming to the series. I don't like this series. I hated -HATED- the characters. I liked Kate. Kate who? Exactly. But the rest? Nah. Of the few SE published IP's I'm familiar with, LiS is one of the weakest. Hard pass.
Stranger of Paradise, the new Final Fantasy? looks pretty, but yet another hyper realistic game to add to the pot. The character designs don't really do much for me. Feels too Western? Am I right in saying that? Idk. Creature design is better I guess but the humans? Nah. Not a series I was ever really interested in in general. Pass.
All in all, I'm not super interested in what's on offer so far aside from Halo, MarioRabbids, and Psychonauts. That's it from me for now. This is getting lengthy.
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