#i did ask him how crayons are supposed to be done then and he was like 'i dont know! but not in an oven where FOOD goes'
kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
#can not stop thinking about yesterday when nick learned the crayons his sister has been talking about making for a week#were going to be made/melted in the oven and he got so PISSED at this news#saying the only things supposed to be in ovens is food and he doesnt want crayons in the oven#and they dont belong in there anyways#that they dont sell ovens in a craft store for a reason#i can not believe he has never made or seen made like homemade crayons or whatever before#its also baffling to me that he knew his sisters intentions but never questioned how she was melting them#i did ask him how crayons are supposed to be done then and he was like 'i dont know! but not in an oven where FOOD goes'#he googled the definition of oven in the car and/to emphasize the point theyre for food#he then googled it while we werebout eating and i dont know what all he googled but he was quiet for a bit and then doubled down sort of#by nentioning that if they get too hot theres toxic fumes and our oven doesnt cook right#but i then texted his sister that i could bring them to my parents house sometime qhile she was at work#and she said nick told her she could use our oven#and then was like 'arent you sitting across from him' and i was like yeah but hes annoyed i didnt agree with him and i was taking your side#and he was also probably annoyed that he googled it and everything said it was fine#dont mind me#tag rambles#he kept saying they were going to bubble and pop and pieces were going to get stuck to the roof of the oven#and then fall into food later on when we have food in there#when i told him i was offering to take it to my parents house before the google he kept going off about how i shouldnt do that to them
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runnning-outof-time · 8 months
Hi K, I hope you’re doing well!🤍
I just wanted to make another request, if that’s alright with you. “I’ll break before I bend.” with Tommy?
Loving your blurbs by the way!
Thanks for sending this in, Reb @peakyswritings ! I’m sorry it took me a bit to write it — I hope you like what I did with it! I decided to use my family from my Girl Dad series because it’s been too long since I’ve written for them (a thank you goes out to the anon who messed me a little while ago asking about them). Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
Just Some Puppy Love
Tommy Shelby x Reader (family from the Girl Dad series)
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Warnings: none - just Tommy being overprotective of his daughter
Word Count: 922
Summary: Tommy’s unhappy about the fact that his eight year old daughter, Thea, has caught the interest of a boy in her class. (Y/N) tries to tell him that he’s overreacting.
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“How was school today, darling?” (Y/N) asked her daughter as the she entered the home.
“It was great, mum!” Thea answered, a beaming smile on her face. “I even got to see Evie’s class during lunch!” she added, turning to look at her younger sister, who was nodding profusely.
“That sounds lovely,” (Y/N) smiled, thanking the family’s driver, who tipped his cap at her before returning to the vehicle. “Did anything else exciting happen?” she asked no girl in particular as the three went into the front room.
“Billy was being very nice to me! We played together at recess, and he even shared his purple crayon because mine was too little to use,” Thea was the first to speak up.
“Uncle Arthur’s Billy?” (Y/N) asked out of curiosity. She didn’t think that the cousins were in the same class, but she could have seen him during some other point in the day.
“No, Billy from my class,” Thea chirped while collecting her papers from her bookbag, “he’s always very nice to me. Sometimes we even hold hands and walk around the playground.”
“Oh,” (Y/N) drew out the word, nodding her head slowly. Thea said this in such a nonchalant way; like her mum was supposed to know about this beforehand.
“I scored the highest on my maths test today, mummy!” Evie jumped into the conversation, a beaming smile now present on her face.
“That’s lovely to hear, Evie,” (Y/N) smiled at the little girl while looking at Thea - who had now started on her homework - through the corner of her eye.
Boy, oh boy did she have something to tell Tommy this evening.
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“The girls are all down?” Tommy asked as his wife entered his office later that night.
“Juniper fused a little, but they’re all asleep now,” she answered him with a smile as she made her way over to her usual spot on the chaise lounge. She couldn’t help but purse her lips to hide her smile as she finally made eye contact with him.
“What?” Tommy asked, catching onto her expression rather quickly.
“Nothin’,” she brushed him off, glancing down at her fingernails as she picked them.
“You can’t just send that expression my way and then say that it’s nothing,” he commented.
“Well I’ve just done that,” she countered.
“Tell me, (Y/N),” he demanded, his voice dropping to a low level.
“It’s nothing…” she started looking to him again, watching as his mouth opened to argue with the words she said. She continued before he could, “but you’re going to make a big deal over it.”
“Over what?” he asked with furrowed brows.
“Thea might have a boy in her class that fancies her.”
“No,” Tommy shot the idea down within seconds, “impossible.”
“Quite possible considering she told me all about it when she came home this afternoon,” (Y/N) commented. “It’s not a big deal,” she brushed the matter off then.
“Oh but it is. She’s only eight. The boys in school don’t need to be fancying her,” he insisted.
“She is eight, Tommy. There’s no harm in a little puppy love,” she flipped the narrative. Tommy didn’t seem to be buying it. “Besides, they’re not even…”
“Oi, I’m being serious here,” he cut into her defense, his eyes wide, “I’ll break before I bend on this one, (Y/N). No boys. Not for a long time.”
(Y/N) looked at her husband with pursed lips. The intense expression that he was wearing surely worked on his adversaries, but it did nothing to her. “You’re being dramatic about this,” she stated after a few moments had passed.
“I’m not,” he shook his head.
“You are,” she doubled down with a nod. “There’s no reason for a response like that. It’s not like she’s going to go and marry this boy tomorrow. They’re just holding hands on the playground and sharing crayons in class,” she explained the reality of the situation. One look in his direction told her that he wasn’t quite convinced. With a sigh, she stood from her chair. “I know…” she started, moving around his desk so that she could rest her hands on his shoulders, “she’s your first born…your little girl.”
“She is,” Tommy answered in a huff, pressing the pads of his fingers into his eyes.
(Y/N) paused for a few beats, leaning down to rest her chin on top of his head as she looked at the photograph of their three girls that sat on his desk. “You don’t need to be worrying about this stuff right now,” she said in a soft voice as she clasped her hands together over his chest. She heard him sigh as he rested his head against her arm. A smile graced her lips as she thought of something to add, “you have another ten years, at least.”
“(Y/N). Don’t,” his voice was low, the two words coming out in a warning. She couldn’t stop herself from giggling anyway.
“I’m teasing you, Tommy,” she told him, pressing her lips to his hair.
“I know. But I still don’t appreciate it,” he answered her, his voice soft now as he turned his head and pressed a similar kiss to the skin of her arm.
(Y/N) smiled at the gesture. This wouldn’t be the last conversation about boys fancying their daughters that they would have. But she knew that Tommy would do whatever it took to make sure that his girls were safe and got the best.
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*tags in reblogs so that they hopefully get sent out
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sourlove · 5 months
Kingpin ~ Part III of 'Street Rat' YANDERE BAKUGO KATSUKI
(Female reader) (Mild NSFW)
Bakugo Katsuki was a force of nature. When Eijiro met him, Katsuki was an angry scrap of a boy who everyone thought was going to get himself killed with his attitude. But he didn't.
Despite having a rough start in life, he managed to join a small time gang on the outskirts of the city and fought his way, literally and figuratively, to the top. Eijiro was proud to stand next to Katsuki as his best friend and right hand man. He thought he knew everything about the man, from what made him angry (everything) to how he liked his coffee (black, boiling hot). Eijiro did know everything about Katsuki.
Everything, except you.
You were a wildcard nobody expected. When Katsuki ordered an attack on a wedding of all things, nobody questioned him. When he forcefully silenced all the guests in attendance with blackmail, everyone dismissed it as standard procedure. But when he brutally slaughtered the groom and showed up with the bride in his arms, it definitely raised some eyebrows.
From the moment you woke up at their base, you had done nothing but cause trouble. You would throw tantrums, destroy furniture and torment everybody who was unfortunate enough to approach. You were beautiful, sure, but clearly batshit insane and everybody tried to steer clear of you as much as they possibly could.
That's why it was so It was off-putting how nice Katsuki was to you. Eijiro had watched his boss rip out a man's tongue and feed it to his dogs because the man had called him called him weak. Now, you could hurl every insult under the sun at him and Katsuki would pat your head with an indulgent smile. You spoke like everyone was beneath you, sometimes barking out orders to the men who would stop and stare in confusion. Until Katsuki showed up.
"The fuck are you dipshits looking at? Did she fucking stutter?"
It was pretty clear that Katsuki worshipped the ground you walked on. And Eijiro supported that, he really did! Being so unashamedly in love, especially in their line of business, was pretty manly. He only had a real problem with how you treated Katsuki like trash. Even as a rookie on the streets, he was never one to take orders from anyone. But he jumped through flaming hoops to spoil you, just for his gifts to be thrown back in his face.
Literally. That was your favorite form of attack and your favorite victim seemed to be the man who would kill someone for you. Sure there was that little issue of Katsuki actually killing your very new husband, but couldn't you see that he was doing his best to make up for it?
Now, Eijiro wasn't the brightest crayon in the box but even he knew that the relationship between the two of you might not be the healthiest. So as the best bro he had to ask Katsuki, preferably when you weren't there. Though that proved to be very difficult (why did you go everywhere with the man if you couldn't stand him?!), Eijiro managed to slip into Katsuki's office when you went to bed and Katsuki wanted to get some work done.
"Hey Boss! Long time, no see, huh?"
The ashy blonde eyed him suspiciously. "I saw you an hour ago, Shitty Hair. You on drugs?" He turned back to his paperwork with a huff.
Eijiro laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I mean, sure I always see you, but...you're always with her."
It was only years of being in close proximity with the Kingpin himself, that alerted Eijiro to the fact that he had just acquired a shovel and was about to start digging his own grave. Katsuki calmly dropped his pen and steepled his fingers over the papers he was working on. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"
The redhead gulped. "Nothing! There's absolutely nothing wrong with your relationship. Okay, good talk! Bye!" He stood up to escape.
"Sit down."
Eijiro sat down. Katsuki sighed and rubbed his face tiredly. "You know, she's the only reason I'm where I am today."
"Look, Y/N, she-she was the prettiest girl I ever set my eyes on." He reclined into his seat, looking off thoughtfully into the distance. "Everyone wanted her but no one deserved her, not even me." Katsuki chuckled ruefully. "I always thought I had no chance, until she gave me one. And I'm obviously not a fucking idiot so I took it."
Eijiro frowned. "What do you mean by that?"
"Look around, Shitty Hair," he gestured to his office. "Do you think I give a fuck about all this fancy shit? It's all for her. Everything I have, everything I am, is all for Y/N."
"Bro, that's like, romantic but also a bit concerning. Everything you have? That's like...everything!"
Katsuki scowled at him. "Yeah no shit, dumbass. I'm gonna marry that girl."
"Woah, bro," Eijiro sniffled. "You're so manly! I totally respect your decision now, even though everyone said you were as crazy as her!"
"What the fuck did you just say?! Oi, Shitty Hair! Get back here, fucking coward!"
Katsuki growled as the annoying idiot who called himself a friend scurried away. He glanced outside and noted the dark sky, before packing up his remaining paperwork and hurrying out of his office. The few goons that saw Katsuki only received a grunt in return of their greetings before the boss flew off, leaving them wondering where he was rushing to.
Or who he was rushing to. When Katsuki carefully opened the door, you were stretched across the bed, fast asleep. He smiled and quickly took of his clothes, before slipping into bed next to you. While Katsuki enjoyed Y/N at any time, he especially enjoyed you when you was sleeping. Then, he could admire as much as he wanted without any disturbance.
He stroked a finger down your cheek and bit his lip. Once a distant dream, you were so soft and warm laying beside him. Now, he could also touch you as much as he wanted. And this time, you let him.
You woke up to the feeling of Katsuki's stubble scratching you as he mouthed hungrily at your neck. Rough, calloused hands tugged at your nightgown and squeezed your soft flesh.
"Noo, get off" you whined, half-asleep. "Still sore..."
He chuckled lowly. "My bad, baby. I'll be gentle this time."
You pouted as he nipped at your collarbone. "Liar. You're always so mean-ah!" His hands ripped your nightgown down the middle, finally growing impatient, and Katsuki grinned wickedly.
"Hmm, you say that now," he cooed. "But you love it, don'tcha? So be a good girl and spread your legs for me, sweets~"
A/N: This has been requested a lot and shown so much love! Its insane how I only started posting a couple of days ago and I already have so much support. Leave an ask if you want to see some side stories or headcanons!
Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed. Go ahead and give yourself a kiss on the cheek for being so amazing xxx
@darious @ssplague @justabratsworld @pinkrose1422 @slayfics
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nonclassyparty · 7 months
tins without labels - chapter 1 (j.wy)
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summary: Jung Wooyoung's life was always somehow intertwined with your own. from living in the same neighbourhood as kids to attending the same college; fights, bickering, bruises, teasing comments and tears. Wooyoung and you were never complete strangers but never friends either. Always somewhere in between, growing up with each other but never actually knowing one another. The relationship takes a confusing turn in your third year of college after an injury that places your football career on hold. Lonely, lost and confused, you find yourself at your first college party in the presence of none other than Jung Wooyoung asking him to show you what exactly have you been missing out on. playlist // my main masterlist // moodboard (tba)//click to donate to Palestine
pairing: jung wooyoung x reader warnings: drinking, little bit of kissing, descriptions of erm...male genitalia? cursing, cringe fest you've been warned. !word count: 9.3k taglist: @maru-matt @yawnzshit @mcsalterego @ddaeing @downbadreading @btshook (sorry if i forgot anyone but pls reply if u want to be added!)
previous chapter
(chapter 1; when we feel each other up)
Got different people inside my head, I wonder which one that they like best, I'm done with tryna have it all, and ending up with not much at all
present time (21 and 23 years old);
There was a really ugly drawing framed and hanging on the wall at the doctor's office.
It was a house tilting to one side with three stick figurines whose shoes were far too big next to it with strokes of green thrown everywhere which you presume is supposed to be grass. It was drawn by crayons.
You presume it's an art piece made by the doctor's kid but you hope she realizes early on that her daughter or son doesn't really have a proclivity for the arts.
But then again, maybe they will later on. Maybe they'll stand out amongst their peers and be further encouraged by their parents. Maybe they'll even take private lessons to get better. Maybe they'll get into art school and have the professor praise them up on how their talent is extremely rare. Maybe they'll even win some awards.
And then, maybe someone will break their hand so badly that they never get to hold a brush again.
Alright, now you were just projecting.
But what else is there to do as you sit in the almost sterile office with your dad by your side as the doctor keeps going on and on with a somber expression on her face. You're sure Doctor Son is a nice lady, if you were paying attention you'd maybe notice that she tries to break the news extra gently but you're barely listening.
There's been a lot of "it was more serious than we first thought", "rehabilitation will be a long and steady process", "a new excellent physical therapist works at the sports center on campus so she'll be able to visit him a couple times a week, we've already made sure that he gives all of his attention to her" and the most gruesome one, "another even minor injury and there's a risk of her not being able to walk again."
You don't really have to be paying too much attention to know what the underlined thought is.
No more football.
The persistent ache in your left knee serves a constant reminder of what happened almost four months ago, it was the last game of the season. Little did you know it might be the last game of your measly career.
You refuse to look at your dad, feeling the sadness radiate off of him like it does every time he speaks to any of the doctors you've visited in the past four months.
And it's been a lot of doctors.
The fact that you spent the whole summer at home for the first time since you finished high school didn't help. All he did was coddle you and stare in pity and disappointment. Or try to be overly positive and enthusiastic about your recovery.
You didn't know which was worse.
After the final doctor's appointment before the start of the new semester which you leave with barely saying a word during the almost half an hour you're there, you and your dad get lunch at a dinner just off campus.
The thick holder containing scans, blood tests, surgery papers and whatnot, lies on the table between the two of you and you feel like nothing could cut through the thick silence.
Your dad, of course, tries.
"You can still have an amazing career in education, you know? Your mother was a teacher and she loved her job."
It's just sometimes, your father really doesn't know how to beat around the bush and in this moment, you wish he did.
"Right." Is all you say.
Neither one of you comments on what you both know. Which is that you didn't give a fuck about your major in education. Sure, you had passing grades but that is because you needed to study something to stay on the team and not because you were actually interested.
Football was always the bigger picture, the real goal.
"You can always switch majors?" He offers and you nod again, thanking the waiter when he brings two bowls of noodles to your table. 
You don't want to say that switching majors in your third year of college seems like a complete waste, of both money and time.
He sighs and you know he's frustrated with you, you understand it as well but you can't control it. Talking about your career, now that your dream career is over and done with, is an extremely sore subject.
"You know what, you've been working so hard since before you even started college, you deserve to rest."
"I've been resting since May." You respond and he winces at the mention of May. When it all fell apart.
"That wasn't rest. It was recovery." You give him a bland look and he sighs again, "I'm just saying! Maybe you'll discover something else you like to do this semester."
"Doubtful." You murmur, the reality finally sinking in at least a little.
"It's not doubtful at all." Your dad scoffs, taking a slurp of his noodles. "You're twenty-one, your life just begun, I'm sure there are other things to do and new people to meet. You wouldn't know if you never even tried."
"Get yourself a boyfriend. Go to parties. Find yourself some friends who aren't talking behind your back in the locker room-"
"They weren't my friends-"
"Live your life. Is my point. Don't be cooped up in your bedroom, refusing to see anyone like you were doing the whole summer. Just...try, at least." He is silently begging now and now, it's your time to sigh.
"Who knows...you might discover that football isn't all there is to life."
You go silent at that, embarrassed of your own thoughts on the matter so you just keep them to yourself.
You flip through the pages of the magazine that you've read front to back at least four times by now before throwing it on your bed.
Your dad left earlier this afternoon after you've settled into your dorm and since then you've just been lounging on your bed, trying to busy yourself with knick-knacks that you have lying around so the time could pass faster.
You adjust the ice pack on your knee a bit better and with a soft sigh, your eyes fall on your roommate.
Yunjin was sitting behind her desk that was pushed up right next to your identical one and was busy doing her makeup. Carefully applying a pretty shade to her eyelids as she moves her desk mirror to her liking.
She was getting ready to go to a party no doubt. It was the last Friday before the new semester after all and Yunjin was a frequent party goer from what you could tell in these years living together.
Yunjin and you have been roommates since freshman year and yet, you've barely spoken to each other. Always sticking to your sides of the generously sized dorm room, you guess it's because you don't have much in common with each other that you never tried to be friends.
You didn't know much about her if you were honest, just that she majored in political science, often dyed her hair and had a lot of friends. You were sort of the complete opposites from what you could tell.
But since she kept renewing her contract for the room with you every year, you think it's safe to assume that she at least doesn't mind you all too much.
Just...try, at least.
You clear your throat. Here you go...
"You, uh, you do your makeup really prettily." It's out of your mouth before you know it, you already feel awkward as it is but when your red haired roommate turns to you in surprise that maybe you even spoke in the first place - the awkwardness triples.
"Oh." Yunjin utters with raised brows before a tiny, careful smile settles on her face. "Thank you."
So...now what?
You both stare at each other for a long hard second and you hesitate, thinking it's best to leave it at that. Keeping up a conversation was never your strongest suit either. Now that you think of it, apart from football, you don't have any strong suits at all.
"I, uh, I had a lot of practice." She offers awkwardly, motioning to her face with the eyeshadow brush wedged gently between her fingers.
"Right, yeah, I can totally see that." You nod, surprised that she responded back with something that almost sounds like she wants the conversation to keep going. You clear your throat, "The eyeliner and stuff, seems tricky."
It seems like that was all it took for the ice to disapparate for Yunjin because next thing you know, she's rambling without a plan to stop;
"Oh, that's just at the beginning, the first couple of tries I mean and that goes for everything makeup related or, hm, maybe everything life related as well, wow." Yunjin shakes her head as if life philosophies were certainly not more important than a perfect winged eyeliner, "But anyways, I was looking like a panda for the majority of my junior year in high school." She chuckles at that, not looking embarrassed at all, "Had those thick eyebrows as well, it was a complete disaster. But the longer I wore makeup, the better I got at it and the more I learned what suited my face."
You clutch the pillow in your lap as you diligently listen to her, feeling like a younger sibling watching her older sister get ready for a party. 
"People say eyeliner isn't in fashion anymore, like it's an old makeup trend or whatever," Yunjin rolls her eyes at you and you chuckle lightly, shyly because you had no idea what was in trend, "Such bullshit, I'll never stop wearing it. It looks so good on me."
She observes the perfect thin wings decorating her eyelids and almost sighs a little in admiration.
You nod in agreement, not being able to stop yourself, "You have big eyes so the eyeliner frames them perfectly. It suits you."
Yunjin smiles happily, "Right? I totally look like Jihyo from TWICE, right?"
You hesitate, having no idea what Jihyo from TWICE looked like but you don't have the heart to sway her happiness so you just give her a small nod.
You continue to chat, mostly Yunjin talks, and by the amount she seems to have to say to you, you start to think that maybe all this time it wasn't that Yunjin avoided getting to know you because she wasn't interested in knowing her roommate. It seems like she had the idea that you had no interest into getting to know her, so she never bothered.
Once she's done with her makeup and she looks over herself in her precious small round mirror standing on her desk in satisfaction, she turns to you with a glare.
It's not a glare as if you've wronged her somehow but a glare of curiosity and seemingly not taking 'no' for an answer. You raise your brows.
Her glare deepens, one inquisitive but perfectly plucked eyebrow raised, "Do you want me to do your makeup?"
"Oh," You huff out, for some reason embarrassed that she's aware you're a complete klutz in that department, "I don't know."
"Hm, why not? You might like it. Makeup is fun!" 
"No, I know I'll like it." Your cheeks flush, embarrassment growing at the thought of her thinking that you're one of those girls who thinks she's better for not being interested in makeup. It wouldn't be the first time it happened. "I just...won't I look stupid?"
"Stupid?" Yunjin frowns as if the idea is ridiculous and maybe it was a little. "Why would you look stupid? I'm basically a pro at this, I wouldn't let you look stupid."
"Oh, I didn't mean anything about your...y'know, skills." You grimace when she continues to stare at you, not really in the mood to disclose that ever since a stupid teenage boy named Son Eunwoo laughed at you at prom for trying to look pretty that you've given up on it as it obviously didn't suit you all that much. "Just, y'know, people will think I look silly if I wear it. It's not my thing...y'know?"
There's a faint moment of silence and you cast your eyes somewhere else as you feel awkward all over again for ruining the relaxed mood. Finally, Yunjin speaks,
"Y/N," She calls quietly, face set in a serious expression when you bring your eyes up to her again, "Do you want me to do your makeup?"
You blink at her a couple of times, mouth parted as she sits in her chair, perfectly curled hair and perfectly applied makeup, and waits for your response.
"I'll go wash my face."
"Yes, you go do that and don't forget to moisturize."
It doesn't take more than twenty minutes for Yunjin to do your makeup. Before she starts, you carefully tell her you don't want too much and she says she'll ask before everything she applies if you want it or not.
And she really does.
She places a little bit of foundation just to cover the natural redness of your cheeks and the couple of small pimples that appeared on your chin. She foregoes contouring because you tell her you don't want that, not sure what's the purpose of it. 
She goes a little bit crazy with the eyeshadows though, maybe she notices that you have the most interest in them. Glitter especially. It makes your eyes look glossy, almost wet but you're sure you're not describing that properly.
She even does some thin eyeliner on you, some mascara, brushes out your eyebrows but doesn't fill them out because you tell her you don't like them looking sharp. Some blush, a pretty light orange color that decorates your cheeks in a way that it surprises you by how good it looks on your face. And at the end, some lip gloss to finish everything off.
All through out, you two talk. About school, about your hometowns, about your parents.
It's bonding, you realize. 
You never bonded with anyone through makeup before, it was usually over football with Ryujin or gossiping over the people you knew from school because that's what you had in common with her. But football is gone now, so is high school and for years now, so was Ryujin.
It was hard to keep up with a friendship that was out of necessity in the first place, even harder when there's an entire ocean separating you now.
But with Yunjin, although you seemingly have nothing much in common, the conversation just flows with each soft stroke of a brush or pat on the cheek.
"See!" She hands you her round mirror to look at yourself, "You look so good!"
"Oh," You muse out, staring at the reflection, admiring the glitter and shimmer and all the colors you're not used to having on your face, "I like it."
"Now, don't get me wrong!" She warns quickly with her hands up, painted nails glistening under the shitty dorm lights, "You look good without makeup too. Well," She rolls her eyes at herself, "You obviously know that since you don't wear it at all as it is but like, if you sometimes want to wear it, you'll know now that it won't look stupid on you."
You chuckle shyly at her short rant, placing the mirror back on her desk. 
You wished Yunjin's words of affirmation would be enough to rid you of all your insecurities regarding makeup or...anything 'girly', they don't but you don't have the heart to tell her that. "Thanks."
She nods in response before checking her phone for the time apparently. She throws it on her bed before clapping her hands, "Well, since you already have your makeup done, you might as well go to this party with me."
That leaves you stumped. You turn to look at her from the chair in front of her desk. Party? "Wait, what?"
Yunjin doesn't even grace you with a look, standing in front of her closet which was flung open as she sorts through different materials and patterned clothes.
"Come on L/N, brush your hair out and get into a pair of jeans that make your ass look great." Her head peaks out from behind the door of her closet, she winks at you, "I'll worry about your top."
You really don't know how this happened. You don't know how you ended up here, in the jeans that hugged your hips and thighs the tightest and in the most preposterously skimpy top you have ever worn with your brushed out long hair falling over your back and your lips tinted a deep glossy red. You were a willing participant in it but you really have no idea how this happened.
"I don't think this is an appropriate outfit." You tell Yunjin as you look over yourself in the tall mirror which you both share. "I don't think this shirt is supposed to be worn like this."
"Actually," Yunjin said as she fixed her skirt in the mirror behind you and paid no mind to your ongoing breakdown, "For the last three months I thought I got scammed by the online shop I ordered that top from because it looked nothing like the photos on me but now looking at you, I'm starting to realize that the online shop is legit and that I simply didn't have the tits to fill it out."
You spluttered about at her commentary as you stared at the outfit, wondering if it would be rude to chicken out on her now.
Your light blue denim flare jeans and white sneakers looked totally acceptable. They were yours after all. 
The shirt, the offending bright red sleeveless low cut crop top that almost had your boobs out completely for the whole entire world to see, on the other hand, was certainly not.
You don't think you've ever worn something so short, so tight, so...revealing. In your life.
It's not even that you felt uncomfortable in it, really, you thought you looked hot but it just....wasn't You.
And at that point, you had to remind your self very strongly that you had no idea what You actually was. Football was no more (at least for the near future but you have an inkling it's for forever) and maybe the you that was tied to it and that the rest of your small world knew should rest for a little bit while you explore what other you's are there.
Beats moping around and feeling sorry for yourself, at least.
Yes. You will try your hardest not to care what anyone else might think tonight. You looked good. Sexy as fuck, as Yunjin said.
It wasn't all she said. Yunjin, as you begin to find out in the last hour you've actually spoken to her, is the best when it comes to making a girl feel good about herself.
"God, Y/N, your body is crazy." You hear her say as she pulls your hand away from your stomach that was bare since the skimpy shirt or jeans didn't cover it. She stares at your abs. "Do you still workout?"
Still. Meaning she also knows you're a retired athlete at only twenty-one years of age. Once again, you have to try your best to not let that reminder dampen your mood.
"Thanks." You respond clearing your throat, giving her a weak smile. "Yeah, I workout five times a week."
You don't mention the physical therapy you're about to start next week or the fact that all your workouts are under strict supervision ever since the injury happened. That, starting from next week, two other people will be responsible of you staying in shape.
It's so pitiful, you're so used to doing everything on your own.
"Five?!" Yunjin's jaw drops before she scoffs, looking at her body in the mirror with overly critical eyes.
Yunjin seemed to be naturally on the skinnier side, she didn't have any muscle built up. Not like you, years of doing football made your physique change, your body looked amazing - you were aware of that. Personal trainers, coaches both male and female told you so at least....'Defined thighs, defined stomach, toned arms...'. You heard enough about your body to know that it looked good.
It took years of sweat and regular gym hours to make it that way though and you feel bad that Yunjin seems to be comparing it to her own.
"When I was in my best shape, I had a whole team of people working with me from diet to workouts, that includes my coach as well." You chuckle lightly, as she turns her eyes from her stomach to you, "Everyone was expecting me to go pro so...The university invested a lot in me."
You force out another laugh, not trying to turn an attempt to stop the comparisons into a pity party. "Even now when I won't be playing, I'll have two people working with me."
When all you get in return is a dumbfounded stare, you groan feeling like you read the situation incorrectly. Your social cues still need some catching up to do.
So, there's nothing left to do when you feel so uncomfortable but ramble and it's what you do best, you will be quick to learn.
"This is stupid, I don't know if that's what you were doing and I'll feel like shit if I say it but ended up assuming it wrong but I'll say it anyway just in case; if you were comparing yourself to me, don't, I had professionals working with me for the past three years. Professionals that are extremely expensive and finished schools and shit to learn how to make people look hot and fit, so...." You trail off, avoiding her eyes at all cost and scratching behind your neck awkwardly.
The silence is so long that it almost wills you to run out of the room and maybe ask for a permanent roommate change, just to beat Yunjin to the punch. Instead, you hear a stifled giggle.
You glance at her just to see your roommate bite back a grin.
You huff, cheeks turning red from the embarrassment because you barely speak but when you do, it's really almost always complete and utter shit, as you try to hide your own smile.
"You're a nice girl, Y/N."
"Yeah, yeah." You huff, always terrible at taking compliments, "So are you, I guess."
She snorts at your awkwardness but doesn't further comment on it as she rummages through her jewelry box and pokes big hoop earrings on.
"And you can keep that shirt if you want...God, I hate you big boobed bitches." You let out a surprised laugh at that as she rummages some more through her jewelry box. "Do you have any earrings for yourself? I'd offer you a necklace but I think it's hotter if your neck is bare honestly."
"Um," You approach your desk and pull out your mom's jewelry box with a humble amount of items in it. You show her your tiny golden hoops, "What about these?"
"Yeah, those are great. Put those on and let's get ready to go, Chaewon might be dancing on tables by now."
As you lock the door to your dorm and turn to leave, Yunjin intertwines your arms as you both walk down the hall crowded by college students either going in or going out.
New girl friend, not so bad, you think to yourself.
Chaewon is not dancing on tables when you get there. You don't exactly know who Chaewon is but there's nobody dancing on tables in the crowded frat house you've walked into. You don't know anyone there, you thought you might see some girls from your team at least despite not getting along with them the best but you don't.
Yunjin, on the other hand, seems to know everyone.
She greets every living soul in the dusty, stuffy living room and every living soul greets her back. You guess it's safe to say that your roommate slash new girl friend is very popular with the party crowd at your campus.
As it's your first ever college party, you just follow her around like a lost puppy but she never makes you feel like a lost puppy, instead, she introduces you to every person that comes to chat with her even though you can hardly remember their names. You appreciate that more than you'd like to admit.
You end up in the kitchen which is less crowded but still has a handful of people in it where Yunjin shoves the classic red party cup in your hand and clinks it with her matching one, telling you to drink up.
At least you're not a complete virgin in this area. You drank before, you weren't an expert or anything because alcohol is limited for athletes but still, it's one of the first 'not first's of the night.
You meet Chaewon who is bubbly and cute with her bob and sparkly eyes. She's not nearly as drunk as Yunjin led you to believe she would be. When you comment on it, Chaewon smacks Yunjin's arm jokingly.
"You've made the girl think I'm an alcoholic or something." She scolds your roommate with a smirk before turning to you, smile back to complete innocence, "I don't even drink that much, Y/N. Honest."
Yunjin comes closer to mutter in your ear, "She's a liar, it's just that she's trying to be sober to see if the guy she's into comes alone tonight."
"Oh!" You nod and give Chaewon a reassuring smile as she goes beet red in the face and glares at Yunjin who continues to tease her.
You were about to tell Yunjin that you much prefer the crowd in the kitchen than the living room area and that you'd hope to stay here a bit more but you don't get a chance to.
 Loud hoots echo through the kitchen and you turn your head to see what the ruckus is all about only to see the bane of your very existence walk in with a wide smile along with a group of other guys, greeting everyone like he's the king of the world and with the way everyone in the room treats him - he might as well be.
Of course. Of fucking course, Jung Wooyoung would be considered the life of the party.
He can be! You don't give a fuck! But why did it have to be the first party that you are attending.
You try to hide your scowl by taking another sip of your drink, trying your hardest not to let your eyes trace his movements from the other side of the kitchen island but one second your eyes are coasting over his ridiculous outfit (which he looks damn near scrumptious in but that's besides the point and something you will never admit that you ever thought about for even a second) and the next thing you know - his eyes are meeting yours.
You quickly whip your head to stare into the living room, feeling the edge of the counter dig into your back.
Yunjin and Chaewon are talking about something, laughing loudly through the noisy room and you're trying to hard to keep up with their conversation but that turns out to be impossible now that you're aware of a certain menace lurking about.
And lo and behold, quickly enough he skulks away from his group of friends and sneaks up to your side in three long strides.
"Well, well, well, do my eyes deceive me or is this Y/N Y/L/N at a frat house party?"
You stand rigid as his clothed elbow brushes your bare one but otherwise don't give him any further acknowledgement. Yunjin, from your freshly learned discovery is ever the social butterfly, grins with an eyeroll.
"Don't be a dick, Wooyoung."
Oh. Oh.
Yunjin knows Wooyoung. Well, that makes just about everything a thousand times worse.
"What? I didn't say anything." Jung Wooyoung defends with a smug smile from next to you before giving Chaewon a charming (or at least what might be charming by some people's standards, definitely not yours or anything) smile. "Chaewon, hello."
She stifles a laugh, "Hi, Wooyoung."
You're irritated to the highest degree for some reason.
Why were you never on the receiving end of his charming smiles? Again, charming by some people's standards. Let it be known, it's not by yours. Not that you want to be on the receiving end of any kind of Jung Wooyoung smile but just...why aren't you ever?
"Can't believe you two managed to get babyface over here out of her room for once." He comments and for a second you have no idea who he's referring to. Until Chaewon laughs lightly again before motioning towards Yunjin.
"That's all Yunjin. I just met Y/N, actually."
"Lucky you." Wooyoung adds and only after his second mischievous glance do you realize they're talking about you.
"Babyface?" You turn to him, growing outraged as his lips stretch into a wide grin. What is it with him and these weird nicknames which all contain the word 'baby' in them. What happened to calling you a troll like he did in middle school and moving about his night?
He shrugs, "I reckon it's better than crybaby."
"You reckon?" You scoff, not being able to stop yourself. Not even a full minute with him and you're already showcasing the gnarly childish side of yourself to girls you were hoping would become your friends. "Wow, how many years of college and you're finally using big words, Jung."
Wooyoung, for reasons you could never wrap your head around, looks positively delighted at your quip. "If you think 'reckon' is a big word then I have no further comments, Y/L/N."
You flush a deep red at that as a glare fully sets down on your face, aimed entirely towards him now. He bites his lip to stop himself from laughing which only makes you grow redder.
"So, you two know each other?" You forgot for a split second that the two of you were in the presence of your new friends. Yunjin stares at you with brows raised.
With a solemn sigh, you respond, "We were neighbours."
"We still are." Wooyoung adds, cozying up to you further. You watch in contempt the way his shoulder brushes yours and his arm lays on the kitchen island behind you, one wrong move and his arm would be around your waist. Seriously, why is he so damn close?
To your own embarrassment, you find yourself not moving away, liking his warmth and whatnot. Maybe, he smells nice as well. Just a little bit. Something citrusy and delicious. Whatever.
"Oh?" Yunjin asks, looking awfully too interested in your relationship with Wooyoung. Not that there is a relationship. Your brows furrow as you observe the way she silently communicates with Chaewon.
"What?" You ask, lost entirely. 
Chaewon gives you the same, overly enthusiastic smile, "Oh, nothing."
Wooyoung's chest shakes against you from silent laughter about something you must've missed and you turn to glare at him. He didn't do anything, you just felt like it.
A couple of minutes of conversation pass and you find yourself even enjoying it, despite the little nuisance stuck to your side. It's been awhile since you hung out with anybody, you never thought you even needed it but you think you understand now the hype around these college weekend hangouts.
Until it somehow dips to Yunjin and Chaewon ditching you.
"Y/N, remember that guy Yunjin was talking to you about? The one I have a crush on?" You nod as Chaewon talks against your ear, "Well, he just got here and Yunjin and I will go say hi to him."
"Oh, I'll come with!" You say pathetically before Yunjin loudly exclaims "NO!"
"No, Y/N, you stay right here with Wooyoung, okay?" She motions to the guy next to you, "You two seem to have so much in common!"
She's giving you a weird smile, overly wide, overly excited and you have trouble reading what she's trying to tell you, not knowing her nearly enough to be able to read girl code already.
You can barely get a word in and they're already gone, whisked by the living room crowd and you're stuck with Jung Wooyoung of all people by your side, feeling completely and utterly stupid. 
They...ditched you? Did Yunjin regret inviting you? Did she find you embarrassing? Maybe you should just go home.
A deep sigh is heard by your side and you're once again reminded with who they left you with.
"Y/L/N, they didn't ditch you. They don't hate you or whatever it is that you scrambled up in that big head of yours, they're trying to set you up with me." Wooyoung lazily explains from your right and you turn to look at him like he's crazy. What surprises you more than his statement is the fact that he's actually sticking by your side.
"What? Set you up with me?" You scoff, crossing your bare arms over your chest, "Don't be ridiculous."
He snorts, "You'd rather think they ditched you than trying to get you laid?"
You go silent at that. Laid. How preposterous. How insane and how ridiculous.
It's another thing that you're a complete virgin to. Literally and figuratively. You've never went with a boy past a clumsy make out session. Get laid, you scoff inwardly, how silly.
Suddenly, you're aware of a pair of eyes on the side of your face and you're not surprised to find Jung Wooyoung staring at you in amusement. With all your defenses up, you ask, "What?"
His eyes twinkle with mirth. "I didn't say anything."
Another moment of silence between the two of you passes. Some guy comes to greet Wooyoung, he gives you a small nod in greeting which you return and after some small talk between the two of them he walks away, leaving you two alone once again in the middle of the semi-crowded kitchen.
Wooyoung inches closer to you again, mirroring your stance now by leaning against the island with his back. "Is being alone with me that scary that you refuse to talk?"
"Scary?" You scoff again, it's all you seem to do in his presence, without even looking at him. "Don't flatter yourself too much, Jung, you're not nearly as intimidating as you like to think you are."
"Who said I thought I was intimidating?" He asks calmly, enjoying the way you're riled up for no apparent reason.
You don't answer his question, aware that you're being a bitch for no reason. But it's his fault if anything, years of juvenile fights made Jung Wooyoung bring out the worst in you.
"These parties don't seem like they're all that." You comment, more to yourself than anything but he's obviously listening so you decide to include him in the conversation. "Don't you get bored of them?"
Wooyoung hums from next to you, lightly swaying to the music from the living room as he hands you a cold cup of...something and takes one for himself as well. It feels weird that he actually is sort of attentive by getting you a drink when he noticed your empty cup on the island. You decide not to dwell on it too much.
"Bored? Not really, they get repetitive but there's always something fun to do." He responds, mouth quirking up as he looks down at you. Your eyes flicker down to his lips just in time for his tongue to swipe across his bottom lip. You look away quickly.
Clearing your throat, for the life of you, you have no idea why you nod to a couple in the corner right next to the kitchen almost having intercourse against a wall. "Like that?"
Wooyoung snickers and you feel yourself flush slightly but you blame it on the drink which is...much better than whatever Yunjin handed to you at the beginning of the night. "Don't blame people for having fun, Y/L/N."
You turn to him with your nose crinkled, "That's your idea of fun?"
Wooyoung seems a bit surprised and yet strangely intrigued by the course of the conversation. Maybe you are too but in this moment, it feels all too exhilarating with him being so close and you being a complete and utter virgin and all. God, if Chaewon and Yunjin left you here in hopes of getting you laid, maybe they were right.
There's no reason to be acting like this around Jung Wooyoung.
Honestly, what is wrong with you Y/N? Maybe you really should fuck someone. You'd stop thinking about Jung Wooyoung this way and lose your virginity at last.
Two birds with one stone.
"I know lots of ideas of fun." Wooyoung starts before he gives you that devastating grin of his that you despised even as a lovesick teenage girl as he subtly nods to the couple, still at it in the corner, "That is one of them. Although I'd at least take it up to one of the bedrooms upstairs."
Your nose crinkles in disgust again at the thought of the state of the beds in these dirty testosterone filled frat houses. "Gross, they probably don't even change the sheets."
"My apartment is two blocks away." Wooyoung adds, a little too quickly in your, once again completely virgin, opinion. "I always have that option as well, y'know?"
You blink a couple of times, staring at the kitchen tiles as you start thinking that you're not talking about his ideas of fun only anymore.
Was he-? Is he trying to-? No. No way. Do not.
"Right." You say quietly, taking a tiny sip of your drink before smacking your lips.
There is no way that in any shape or form Jung Wooyoung is attempting to flirt with you. 
He's quiet for only a couple of seconds before two other guys approach him, doing those weird half hugs half handshakes that assholes like Jung Wooyoung use to greet their friends. Which he seems to have a bunch of. Mr. Popular he is.
While they converse, your eyes are still stuck on the couple making out in the corner of the room and to not seem like a complete and utter creep, you draw your eyes away from them into the living room where...all you seem to see are couples.
Flirting. Kissing. Grinding on each other (Gross). Humping on the couch (Double Gross, you're sure people use that to sit on ordinary days). Clumsily walking up the stairs with their hands already on each other's clothes (Triple Gross). They're all going to have sex!
Meanwhile, you're a virgin. Not by choice either, if it were up to you you'd grab the first guy you see right this second and let him fuck you just to get it over with. It's not like you're saving yourself for someone special or anything. Too bad that they all seem to be taken one way or another and the only guy you've spent the whole night talking to is-
You turn to observe Jung Wooyoung by your side, who is still talking to his two buddies. None of them paying you any mind.
As you mentioned before, there was a general consensus going around that Jung Wooyoung was good looking. You've seen him only a handful times since that night he dropped you off home after prom even if you're both on the same campus but you can admit (although you'll outwardly deny it if anybody asks) that he has gotten even hotter.
His face lost all of his baby fat with years that went by, his jawline got sharper and lips plusher. His eyes were expressive and the mole under one of them was cute. His hair was still long, you don't know if he cut it after prom night and just let it grow out again or if this was simply the length her preferred, now all black but it suited him immensely.
He had nice hands as well. Veiny hands, long fingers with nice and tidy nails. And you might've called his outfit ridiculous but you only did it to fulfill your role as his self-appointed enemy, it wasn't that ridiculous. Just a pair of baggy jeans and a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up. You guess he knows that he has sexy hands. The first three buttons of his shirt were undone, making sure to showcase the naturally tanned smooth skin underneath and a necklace decorating his collarbones.
A man that plays up his good physical attributes this well could be nothing else but a man that gets around a lot.
When you notice that you've spent a good two minutes doing nothing but checking Jung Wooyoung out, you notice that his two friends have left already and he's holding his red cup while staring at you with an amused smirk on his face.
"What now?" He asks and you part your lips before licking them, almost shivering when you catch Wooyoung following the action closely.
Well, your dad did say that should live your life and try at least. His words, not yours!
Although when he said them, you are most definitely sure your dad didn't think you'd ever be applying them when asking Jung Wooyoung to take your virginity but what he doesn't know won't put him in an early grave.
You are twenty-one years old and among a lot of other things, you are horny. It's time to get a move on.
"I'm going to ask you something now and for once," You let out a soft sigh, eyes fluttering shut as you can't believe you're about to do this before opening them to level Jung Wooyoung with an open stare as you inch closer to him to make sure he can hear every word, "Just this once, I ask of you, nicely, to not be a dick about it. If you're not up for it, just...just let me down gently. Don't laugh at me, please, just tell me no and we'll forget it ever happened."
All traces of amusement leave Wooyoung's eyes after your all-too-honest speech and he turns to rest his hip against the kitchen island to be face to face with you. He looks serious and asks quietly, "What do you wanna ask me, Y/L/N?"
You take a deep breath, feeling undeniably nervous under his heavy gaze. "Those ideas of fun you mentioned before, the ones involving your apartment...."
Wooyoung presses the rim of the cup against his lower lip, teeth gently grazing it before he takes a sip. He nods, looking a little confused as he swallows, teeth coming back to bite on the cup.
"Mind showing me?"
It takes him a second to catch on but when he does, it only takes another second for the mischief in his eyes to triple and lips placed against the rim of his red cup to stretch into a wide breathtaking smile.
Wooyoung had an inkling of an idea where the course of the night would take him when he first left his apartment. Have a drink or two, mess about with the guys for a few hours and maybe if he was up to it, find someone to take home.
 But this... if someone told him this would happen, he'd burst out laughing and call that person crazy. Insane. Deranged. A lunatic. 
Really, he had no idea how the hell this happened. 
This being two handfuls of your jean-covered ass in his hands, tongue shoved deep into your mouth as he pushes you against his hallway wall and swallows every tiny sound you make while your hands tug and rake through his hair.
He's pretty sure your dark red lip gloss is all over his cheeks from how messy and rushed the kissing is. Everything tastes like artificial cherries, a taste too sweet for Wooyoung's liking accompanied by a tinge of vodka and lemonade that you've both been drinking.
Your hands are soft when they run over his jaw and latch onto his shoulders, he swallows another surprisingly sweet whine of yours and slips a leg between your thighs. Embarrassingly enough, Wooyoung is already hard and once his hands slip from your ass to your hips just to feel the way you move them as you grind against his thigh - he fears he might finish in his pants.
Yeah, if at the start of the night someone told him that Y/L/N Y/N would be dry humping him in the hallway of his small studio apartment after he went out of his way to keep her company at a party, he surely would've dialed the nearest psychiatric institution to take that person in for much needed treatment.
When you reward him with a whimper that goes straight to his dick for placing a kiss underneath your ear, Wooyoung starts coating your neck in slow hot kisses and bites that leave you trembling in his arms. 
He's been (as subtly as he could) staring at the naked skin that your shirt revealed for the majority of the night anyway so, truly, this isn't much of a chore for him.
When his teeth gently graze your clavicle, he pulls away for just a moment and realizes he's finally gotten a front seat view of your tits.
Jesus Christ.
When the fuck did you become hot?
Wooyoung always found you cute at most. And fine, he thought you were pretty too that night he drove you home from your prom night. But that's where it all ended. He didn't think about you all too much in any other way given your history and barely saw you as it is.
Looking at you now...your hooded eyes that glittered around the corners. Flushed cheeks and heavy breaths that made his head spin. Disheveled long hair that fell down your back and that he wanted to tangle his fingers in (which he quickly did as soon as that thought appeared, no time like the present!). And those fucking tits covered with nothing but a sorry excuse for a shirt that clung to your torso.
It really must be true when they say that distance makes the heart grow fonder. 
Although there's little heart involved in this situation and a whole lot of thinking with his dick.
He pulls the thick strap of your top a little and watches at it smacks against your skin gently. You keep quiet, breaths still heavy as you watch him.
"This shirt is fucking ridiculous, Y/L/N."
No time left for talking, his fingers curl around your waist again as he bends down to place kisses against your chest. You both probably smell like smoke, sweat and booze but there's a soft layer of vanilla mixed into it the closer he gets to you and Wooyoung finds himself not minding the combination.
"I-It looks bad?"
It's the first words you've spoken since you stumbled into his apartment and Wooyoung has to pause, almost in disbelief. His first reaction is annoyance, not pegging you as the type of girl to fish for compliments by acting insecure even though she knows very well she looks delectable.
But then, the more he stares, the more he notices the way you twitch in his hold, shifting your gaze around his face in order to avoid his eyes, his annoyance disappears. You are insecure about the shirt. You are genuinely wondering whether or not it looks good on you.
And Wooyoung is nothing, if not ready to please at all times.
"I wanna drag it off of you with my teeth." He says the honest truth, hating the way his voice is low and husky. What the fuck is he doing. Why is he breathing so heavily?
The blush that overtakes you doesn't stop at your face but slowly curls around your neck and appears at the top of your chest. He hums, satisfied with the reaction he got before going back to business.
The business being your marvelous tits.
With his hand still curled around your waist as he lowers down so his forehead is basically resting on your bare chest, he groans once he thumbs over your left breast and feels a hard nipple under the material.
"Are you not wearing anything under this?" He murmurs against your skin, groaning again once he feels your fingers intertwine with his hair. Wooyoung doesn't wait for a response but roughly pulls one of the thick straps down your arm and places a hand over your naked breast feeling its weight in his hand.
Jesus fucking Christ.
He thumbs at your nipple, liking the soft moan that escapes you at the action as you continue to grind against his clothed thigh.
"Y-Yunjin said it didn't need a-a bra." You stutter out through a whisper and he places a soft kiss to the middle of your chest as if to soothe you before returning his attention to what's really important.
God bless Yunjin then. Wooyoung should remind himself to buy her that chicken sandwich she likes so much tomorrow morning.
His thumb rubs over the hard pink nipple one last time before its enveloped by his lips, tongue twirling around it and arm tightening around your waist as your breath hitches and you twitch even more in his hold.
When you let out a high pitched moan once his teeth gently graze the soft bud, Wooyoung thinks he'll send Yunjin a whole damn buffet to her dorm.
Wooyoung releases your nipple with a 'pop' that makes you groan lewdly and he scrambles to stand up to his full height to get the offending red shirt off your body.
"Off." He mutters and you quickly grab the ends of the shirt to pull it off, needing Wooyoung's help since it was genuinely so tight on your torso.
With your hair disheveled even more now and bare chest on full display, Wooyoung almost kneels down in front of you.
His dick ached.
"Oh my fucking God." He mutters, burying his face into your chest as he licked and kissed and sucked and...
"Bed." You whisper through a moan, tugging at his hair. You grit out almost bossily, "B-Bed!"
"Bed?" Wooyoung looks down on you in confirmation, body now completely pressed against yours and when he sees your wide, desperate but sure eyes, he quickly nods. "Bed."
His lips are back on yours again, hand grasping at your jaw as he pulls you from the wall and leads you further into his studio apartment. The bed was only a couple of feet away anyways.
You grunt against his lips as you trip over something and he pushes it away with his foot (it was a sneaker that fell out of place as he was getting ready in a hurry), continuing to lead the way to his bed.
"You take off your shirt too." You whisper, almost shyly which causes something warm to swirl in his stomach. He obeys quickly, dropping his shirt to your feet before pulling you in with a hand at the back of your neck, biting at your lower lip and letting out a small laugh as you gasp.
"Pants too." You add innocently and he huffs, growing amused at your bossy nature even in the bedroom.
So, of course, he'll be a little shit about it.
Wooyoung drops himself on the bed, thanking God he changed his sheets this morning, and obnoxiously spreads out his legs. He observes you with a tilted head and a grin on his face, "Why don't you take them off?"
You lick your lips at the request, feeling like it's awfully hot in the room despite the fact that you're not wearing a shirt. You without a shirt in front of Jung Wooyoung with your tits on full display was another thing that you weren't ready to unpack just yet.
He's beautiful.
Wooyoung's skin is a pretty color of fresh honey and you carefully step closer, between his legs, to place a hand on his firm chest and feel his velvety skin. He watches your every move with hooded eyes, holding himself up with his arms placed behind him on the bed.
There's a tattoo on the side of his ribs, one that you would never know about unless you see him like this, so you run a thumb over it in admiration. Still, you don't want to take too long at the risk of coming off as weird, so with all the bravery you can muster - your hand drops to the button of his jeans and you gently (because of your fucking knee) lower yourself down to sit between his legs.
You thumb it open and pull the zipper down, shivering at the way Wooyoung's lips part and he softly exhales in what seems to be anticipation. You further flush when you finally get to see the outline of his....well, his dick.
You felt it against your hip, when you were kissing by the entrance door but you didn't have the guts to ever look down.
When Wooyoung lifts his hips up to help you get his pants off, you realize you're about to see it now anyway.
Clearing your throat, you curl your fingers around the waistband of his jeans and underwear all at once and pull it down. If Wooyoung notices how clumsy you are with it, he decides not to comment at least.
And there it is. His dick. A dick, first of all. The first dick you've ever seen in your life that wasn't through the screen while watching a bad porn video.
You don't stop pulling on his pants until they're pooling at his ankles without breaking stare with his...penis. 
You don't really know what you expected if you're being honest. You never thought a dick would be pretty and...it's not exactly ugly either. Just, odd looking you suppose.
You can't tell if it's either big or small as you have nothing to compare it to. Maybe average? What is considered small? You're scared what a big dick looks like if this is a small one. Or even average one. It's kind of thick though which is worrying, you don't even notice the way your lips part as you imagine how exactly is this...thing supposed to fit anywhere inside of you.
There's neatly trimmed hair at the base of it and the tip is flushed, a thick vein running at the underside of it and two-
"Uh," It's like a sound of a scratched record as you freeze, "Your first time seeing a dick or something, Y/L/N?"
Your head slowly lifts from his lap and up to his face where a Jung Wooyoung awaits with raised brows.
It's only then that you realize you've been examining this guy's dick like he was at a doctor's appointment instead of trying to get him off.
You're at a little loss of words to be honest and for a split second you're worried that Jung Wooyoung will take your stutters of "I, uh" and "Um"'s and "Uh, hm"'s the wrong way and think you're impressed by him or something. You're not, once again, you have nothing to compare it to. You barely know what you're looking at right now.
His facial expressions go a little like this in the next twenty seconds: Cockiness (that quickly fades though), Confusion and last but not least Realization.
"Oh my God, it is?!" He laughs in disbelief before his eyes grow even wider and mouth continues to hang open. He quickly places a pillow laying on his bed over his lap, to shield his manhood from the big bad scary virgin apparently, "You're a virgin?!"
It feels like a punch to the gut and you flush a deep red, already scrambling up to your feet and shielding your bare chest. While you try to find that damned crop top, Wooyoung is still rambling in the background.
"There's no way! Wow, seriously you've never had sex before?! Never?! Wow, there's no way! Wait, why are you putting your shoes on-"
You refuse to turn towards him, pathetic tears of embarrassment already welled up in your eyes and bottom lip wobbling, "Uh, I'm gonna go."
"Wait, what? Why?" You hear shuffling behind you and you assume he's trying to get back into his jeans.
You quickly slide your second sneaker on and are flinging the door open, not looking back. "I have to go. I'm sorry, bye."
"Sorry? What are you- Will you just wait a fucking second for me to put my clothes back-" The door falls shut and you're stalking down the hallway of the apartment building, trying to get as far away from his door as you can.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
What were you thinking? Kissing Jung Wooyoung, going home with Jung Wooyoung, doing anything with Jung Wooyoung. What were you thinking?
You cry only a little when you get back to your dorm. Really, it's only a little, just a couple of flimsy tears. 
Then you scrub the makeup from your face and change into your pajamas. Yunjin still isn't back and you're angry at her too, for bringing you to that party in the first place. For leaving you with Jung Wooyoung as well.
You're angry and embarrassed. And on top of that, you're horny too.
Why did Jung Wooyoung have to be such a good kisser? Why did his hands have to feel so nice? Why was he so beautiful?
You huff, buried deep in your sheets and all ready to go to bed but sleep just isn't coming. You're too busy thinking about the guy you've sworn not to think about at all anymore.
It was going so well these last two years.
With another huff, you cover your face with your pillow and scream at the top of your lungs.
He tasted like lemonade.
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indigo-o · 10 months
Nikolai Gogol x teenage! reader (Platonic)
TW: ANGST, depression, death, dissociation, manipulation, possession, blame, really sad shit, neglect, Nikolai.
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Pt 1
No longer the pet clown
"Next quizz!!!!" The pet clown yelled happily. He had thought teaching me to spell was a good idea, so here we were.
"How do you spell cat!?" He giggled
"C-a-t," I stumbled quietly, feeling I had messed up.
"CORRECT DOVE!!" He smiled happily.
He taught me more and more.
"Here, let's read a book!-" as he said that the door opened.
"Nikolai, we must go now," fyodor said with a cold tone and scary face.
"Oh dos-kun, you interrupted out learning!" Nikolai pouted.
"Now." He said coldly
"Well then. My dove, you be a good girl and color in your book! Work on your grip with those crayons!" The door closed. I was alone again.
But that was forever ago. They left me.
I began to color, wanting to impress Nikolai if he came back to me. Soon, I got to a page where a key was. I looked at it and walked to my door, attempting to unlock it. And it worked. I ran to the kitchen where there was food and ate happily.
That was 7 months ago, and they've yet to return.
I sit in my room as I finished my coloring book months ago, and I have taught myself to read using a dictionary. Now I'm reading a book called 'the book thief'. That's when the door to my room opened.
Nikolai looked to be reck. His emotions out of it. I looked at him. Something happened. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "You still love me? But you left. "
"I'll always love you dove." he seemed oddly calm as he hugged me back.
Something was horribly wrong. This wasn't Nikolai.
"What happened to you. This isn't you."
"It's ok, love, I'm perfectly fine. I swear "
"you've never said that in your life, though."
He looked at me. He looked as if he wanted to cry to give up on everything in his life. But that was never what he did he was happy and joyful enough to sing and dance for me. He loved to teach me. But this wasn't him. This wasn't Nikolai. I stared at him for a little bit. Not knowing what to say. Then it hit me.
"Where's fyodor?" I asked an all seriousness. I wanted to know where he was.
He stayed quiet. He didn't want me to know something, but that was okay for now, I guess. He looked like he was about to cry. I could see the tears walling up in his eyes. But I knew this wasn't normal for him. So I knew I had to listen. I've never had to show empathy your sympathy for anybody.
"So tell me what's wrong. Why were you gone so long?"
He hugged me back and was really, really tight. But I couldn't say that. I wanted him to be happy and feel comfortable as he had done for me. But he had done so much more for me. So this was all I could do.
I showed him my coloring book. I just showed him my skills. How I learned to use the crayons and pencils correctly. I then showed him my book that I was reading and you looked happy again but that wasn't good enough. I wanted to know what happened to him. But he wouldn't tell me he had done something.
"Let's go to the park." I smiled, knowing that that was one of his favorite things to do with me. Get ice cream and go to the park so we did. He giggled as he used his Cape and threw me in, and I woke up and there. It was in the park. He smiled , and it was nice to see him smile.
"Let's go, Dove. Let's go. I can't wait to go. Have fun and go. Have ice cream, and I can get you flowers. And we can all do all the fun things we do. Let's go, dove, let's go!"
I laid on the floor of the ground feeling the grass like I had not long ago.
But all of that wasn't real.
As Nikolai entered my room. I saw his dark expression. He had seen some shit more like he had done it. He knew what he did. It was just supposed to be a game. It wasn't supposed to end like this, but that's what he wanted, right? He wanted him dead. Good enough for him then cause there he was now dead. But that meant I was free, right?
"Why would you do it not like I'm complaining? But why would you kill someone that you loved so much? Do you not realize he cared for you too, but you were scared, aren't you?"
"You were scared. He would leave you. You were scared how much that would hurt, so you needed to get rid of him. But you didn't think it would actually work."
I stayed sitting on my bed. I didn't know what to say after that I told him my thoughts and well. I didn't care for the things that i'd been through. I did truly care for Nikolai. He was genuinely upset about the things he had done. But life happens.
This was on him, but I didn't want to blame him. He was truly scared of what was capable when it came to love.
But he felt as if he didn't feel the same. That he was nothing but a pet clown in his eyes. To be used and toyed with, so he needed to get rid of these feelings. He needed to get rid of what his thoughts said to him, and his only answer was to get rid of the one causing such thoughts. Nikolai Taylor sat next to me. He looked at my coloring book, and he saw the key that he had placed in it. He knew that I was gonna be stuck there for a long time. And that if I didn't have food, I would die. That's why he placed it in there. He left a dictionary as well. So I can learn how to read more and crayons and pencils. So I could learn how to write you a smart and it was nice. Very, very nice of him. And I could not think him enough for that. But I didn't know how to thank him at this point. His eyes were just empty, and then he smiled.
"You did a good job you figured out my quiz"
The quiz to living nice smile back. Thanks for leaving out of there weren't for you. I'd be dead by now. He giggled out what I had said and looked back at me, and he said. No, you're mine, and now I will protect you. I'm no longer a pet clown. I'm free like a dove in the wind. And now you are the pet, the clowns pet.
Blood all over
Tears on the floor
Nothing to do but to sit and morn
So sit there shame
But wasn't your fault
And yet you blame yourself
And I can't stop you
So I sit there and love you
Well... that was depressing. Yeah, so this was after fyodor died (HE IS ALIVE). And now Nikolai has to figure out what to do. Also, my brain is reading or writing correctly, and I have to go to the doctor, so please be nice to my spelling cause I used voice to text for most of this lmao.
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rxmqnova · 10 months
For your Wanda’s daughter series, can you write like a flashback of Wanda finding out she’s pregnant? And like what she did and thought that day before deciding to become a mother? <33
The best decision
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Y/N: 11 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "And then Peter landed on our window and everyone started running there. Our english teacher was so mad. It was so funny" Y/N giggles, happily telling Natasha what happened at school today while holding her hand and walking around the compound as the redhead only just picked her up from school.
"How could be a mad english teacher funny?" Natasha chuckles, squeezing Y/N's hand a little bit.
"He always does a funny face when he's mad. Like this" The little brunette pouts her lips and scrunches her face, showing Natasha the face of her angry english teacher on which Natasha can't help but let out a laugh.
"Let's find your mom, cheeky. I bet she'll want to hear your story too" The redhead smiles, leading Y/N to the kitchen where will they most definitely find Wanda.
As expected Wanda is in the kitchen and baking cookies which makes Y/N squeal happily immediately because her mom makes the best cookies ever.
"Mama, can I help?!" Y/N rushes to Wanda, wrapping her arms around her and looking up at her with the sweetest smile and puppy eyes.
"Hello to you too, baby" Wanda chuckles, bending down and pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead.
"Hi, mommy. Can I help? Please, please" Y/N tries again.
"I'm almost done, but of course you can, honey. Go wash your hands and then you can help me" Wanda watches her daughter with a smile as her mini me runs away to the bathroom.
It takes only a few minutes until the girl is back, ready to help her mom with the cookies. And so she does, helping Wanda with the last round of cookies while telling her the story that happened at school today.
"And done" Wanda announces, closing the owen to let the cookies bake. "Homework time" She announces which doesn't go without a whine from her daughter.
"But my homework is stupid. I'm supposed to do a family tree, but I only have you" Y/N mumbles, a pout on her face as she crosses her arms and sits down on a chair.
"Well, what about uncle Pietro? Or your grandparents? I'm sure we'll think of something. I'll bring some photos, hm?" Wanda smiles warmly, kissing the top of her daughter's head.
While Wanda is in her room, looking for the photos. Y/N's in hers for a paper and crayons, so she could make the best family tree.
They meet in the kitchen again and sit down at the table. Wanda takes some photos out of the box she keeps them while Y/N's just watching her curiously.
"Look. Here's uncle Pietro and me" Wanda smiles at the memory, showing her daughter the photo.
"What happened there?" The little monkey asks curiously.
"We took the picture on the day I found out that I'd be having a baby"
—————————— 12 years ago…
Wanda walks out of the bathroom, her eyes puffy from crying. She's only 17, how can she take care of a baby?
"Wanda, what's wrong?" Pietro rushes to his sister, wrapping his arms around her when Wanda bursts into tears again.
Not being able to say a single word, Wanda just hands his brother the positive pregnancy test she's been holding.
"I'm gonna kill him" Pietro's jaw clenches from how mad he is, anger building up in him on the thought of his sister's ex-boyfriend, so he turns around, ready to leave and find that guy.
"No, no, please don't" Wanda catches his arm in the last second. "Wanda, he hurt you. He won't get away with nothing" Pietro sighs.
He's always hated that man, especially after he cheated on his sister. But Wanda's still heartbroken from what he did to her. She doesn't want to see him again, she can't see him again.
"No, please, no. I don't want to see him again" Wanda cries out, holding her brother for her dear life.
Pietro wraps his arms around his sister protectively, allowing her to cry into his shoulder while he's thinking about what will be the best for his sister.
"I'm scared" Wanda whispers after a while, her voice breaking. "How will I take care of a baby?" Another few tears escape the young girl's eyes as she's looking at her brother and hoping he'll come up with something.
"You have me, Wanda, and I'll always be here to help you" Pietro says softly, pulling his sister in for another hug. "We'll get through it together, yeah? You have nothing to worry about. I'm here with you" He tells his sister, keeping his arms wrapped around the scared girl and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Look, let's take a picture and one day we'll be happily looking at it with the tiny one"
Pietro takes the polaroid camera the twins own, holding it as far as he can, so both of them would be in the photo. He counts to three, both smiling as he presses the camera.
"… What if I won't be a good mom?" Wanda suddenly sighs concerned, sitting down on a couch and burying her head into her hands.
Pietro immediately sits down next to his sister, rubbing her back. "You're the most caring person I know, Wanda. You'll be the best mom ever. He's so lucky to have you as a mom"
"He?" Wanda questions, looking at her brother and raising an eyebrow. "What if it's a girl?" She asks teasingly on which Pietro rolls his eyes playfully.
"Either way, I can't wait to cause troubles with him… or her" Pietro says, finally making Wanda let out a small chuckle and making her think that maybe it won't be that bad.
She'll have her tiny human who will love her… another little member to her small family. Her brother's excitement is definitely helping her to decide what to do… because in that moment Wanda knew that keeping the baby will be the best decision she can make.
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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camels-pen · 5 months
a gift (not a burden)
Usopp knows who his soulmate is, but he doesn't want to follow some bullshit rules of fate etched into his skin.
Meanwhile, Sanji's a hopeless romantic.
second gift exchange fic! this is also for @redriotinggg & i've got some extra notes about their soulmarks i'm probably gonna share at some point
warning: internalized homophobia
Ao3 Link | Chapter 2
Chapter 1: I love you, my friend
“Soulmarks: a way of finding your perfect romantic match. Depending on where it’s placed, the meaning changes—”
“So?” Usopp said, colouring the mane of his fish-lion drawing.
“So,”—Ms. Okra ripped the paper away and he made a noise of protest—“yours is very important, Usopp.”
Usopp sighed, slumping forward on the table. Ms. Okra kept talking about more dumb soulmate facts while Usopp tried to remember her real name. She always bragged that she got the nickname ‘Ms. Okra’ because she sold the best okra in the village, but Usopp’s heard the other adults make fun of her hairdo plenty of times to know the truth.
“Are you even listening?!”
Usopp groaned. “Who cares about soulmates?”
“This is serious, Usopp,” she said, wagging a finger at him. “You have to make sure to find yours soon—”
“Because you don’t wanna come up the hill anymore?”
Ms. Okra stuttered, “Well—I—”
“I didn’t ask you to babysit me,” he grumbled, rolling his broken crayon across the table. “I was doing just fine before the mayor made you guys check up on me. I’m 7 and a half; I’m basically an adult!”
Ms. Okra rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying, you could stand to make a few friends. There are some nice boys and girls who visit on passing ships sometimes—”
Usopp blew raspberries. “You just wanna get rid o’ me. Prolly to steal all the legendary gold I’ve got hidden away.” He grinned. “Did I ever tell you? I went to a famous island made of cheese and—”
“Son of a pirate, indeed,” she whispered, rubbing the bridge of her nose. It sounded like any other curse she’d yelled at him from her shop window.
Usopp gripped his crayon tightly. “He’s gonna come back.” He glared at her. “And he’s not gonna be happy when I tell him what you said.”
“Oh please, if that coward was going to come back, he would’ve done it before Banchina—”
Usopp snatched his drawing and ran out the door. 
“Usopp! Usopp, get back here; we haven’t finished the lesson!” Ms. Okra shouted. “What would your mother say?!”
His mom would be proud of him for sticking up for himself and his dad. And she wouldn’t be so pushy about soulmates. Her mark was in the same spot as Usopp’s, after all, and look what happened.
Usopp spent the night holed up in a cave by the beach, his fish-lion crushed to his chest. The breeze whistled a lonely tune through the stone and sand. He buried his face in his knees and tried to ignore it.
Vinsmokes aren’t supposed to get soulmarks, his father sneered.
It’s like an ugly tattoo, his brothers jeered.
Make sure no one sees it, Reiju warned.
“Sanji,” his mother said, a warm look in her eyes, “it’s beautiful.”
“Really?” he asked, curled up next to her in bed. “Everyone else hates it.”
“Really, baby.” She tucked a stray hair behind his ear. “Don’t worry about everyone else; how does it make you feel?”
“Hmm.” Sanji traced each line of his mark with his finger. He smiled. “It makes me feel really warm and good! Like when I eat soup!”
His mom pressed a kiss to his temple and he giggled. “Then, mon chouchou, that’s all that matters.”
“But—But what if they don’t like me, maman?” He sniffled, tears welling up in his eyes. “I’m really bad at everything and I’m whiny and—”
His mom shushed him and pulled him closer. “Don’t listen to Judge and your brothers, okay? You are perfect just as you are. Your soulmate is going to love you.”
“Can you come with me when I meet them?” Sanji hastily added, “W-When you get better, I mean! And—And when I’m older and not as much of a baby!”
His mom took a sharp breath. She buried her face in his hair, the sheets rustling as she tugged him to her chest. “Of course, mon coeur,” she said, her voice sounding odd and muffled. “I’d love to be with you when you meet them.”
Usopp’s soulmark was a tiny little thing. Blue waves and a chef’s hat with a spiral pattern all inside a glass bottle. It was barely the size of his fingernail.
Mrs. Barb’s soulmark stretched across her whole back. A big green boar with curly white tusks and yellow flowers for eyes. Mrs. Barb’s tanktop couldn’t even cover it all.
“Rue!” Ms. Okra yelled, her voice easily louder than the sound of Mrs. Barb’s hammering. “You better not be fixing the display stand when I told you to rest!”
“Nope! No fixing here!” Ms. Okra stomped down the street as Mrs. Barb hastily put away her tools and kicked the box under the porch. She and Mrs. Barb whispered something to each other. Mrs. Barb said something that made Ms. Okra burst into laughter and smack her shoulder. Mrs. Barb put an arm around her waist and leaned in to kiss her cheek.
“Don’t get too close, Captain, or they might spot you.” Pepper pulled on the back of  Usopp’s shirt. “C’mon, let’s find Onion and Carrot, they’re still hiding!”
“R-Right! I was just trying to test my limits today.” He grinned. “Gotta practice my famous stealth techniques or I might get rusty!” 
“But I found you first…?” Pepper said, confused.
Usopp turned Pepper around and ushered him further down the alley towards the mouth of the forest. “Of course, of course, but that’s just because I was going easy on you, just wait until next time when I—”
“I almost had it!”
“Sure you did, kid!” Patty laughed around the cigarette in his mouth. “Maybe next time you’ll hit the target!” He laughed again, slapping the railing.
Sanji whirled on him. “Fuck off!”
“Hey! Watch your fucking language!”
“You need to bend your knees more,” Zeff called from the kitchen, his voice drifting out from the open door.
“You didn’t even see it!” Sanji yelled back.
“Didn’t have to. I could hear your dainty little steps from here.”
“They aren’t dainty.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
Sanji scoffed. “Whatever.” He swiped Patty’s cigarette and ran back inside, giggling while the man chased after him.
“Give that back you brat!” Patty knocked into a rolling cart piled with dirty plates. Carne scrambled to catch them with a curse. 
“Patty!” Zeff shouted. “Quit fucking around and harassing the Eggplant. Either finish your shitty break or get to work!”
“Ugh, dad to the rescue.”
Sanji flushed. “He’s—I mean—he’s okay, but he’s still just a shitty geezer.” There was a smarting pain to his head and Sanji squatted down with a hiss. “What’d you kick me for?!”
“I may be a geezer, but I ain’t shitty.” There was another thud, followed by a deeper hiss. Louder, Zeff said, “And I ain’t your dad, Patty, so get to fucking work.”
“Aye aye, Owner Zeff,” he grumbled.
With the sound of running water, Sanji looked up. Patty was at the sink, washing dishes and sporting a lump on top of his head. He snickered quietly to himself and took a celebratory drag of his stolen prize.
“You gotta stop picking fights like that,” Carne said, frowning down at Sanji. “Also, quit smoking. It’s bad for you.”
“Everybody else does it!”
Carne took the cigarette from Sanji and held it out of reach. “Well, you’re not everybody else, are you?”
“Sanji, let it go.”
“But Pére!” Sanji whined.
Carne had a hand over his mouth. Patty’s shoulders were shaking.
“What?” Sanji said, shoulders rising. “Don’t laugh! You guys said it earlier!”
Before he realized, Zeff leaned down and scooped him into a hug. Sanji stiffened. “W-What the hell are you doing, shitty geezer?”
“Nothing special.” He paused a moment. Sanji grew more tense with each passing second. “Thank you, mon fils.”
Sanji gasped. “You—what—when—?!”
“I wanted to read books from the North, so I learned,” he said. It sounded like that time he told Sanji he’d grow watermelons in his stomach if he ate the seeds. Zeff gave him a hard pat on the back and went back to cooking like nothing had happened.
“When you meet your soulmate, you better bring her ‘round to meet all of us, okay?” Carne said, wiping his eyes. Patty was trying and failing to subtly wipe his nose on his sleeve. “You can’t just run off without telling us!”
“As if I could ever run off.” Sanji leaned back against the counter, trying for smug, but ending up with a wobbly smile. “You guys would never survive without me.”
“Alright Zoro, hit me!”
Zoro wound up and punched Luffy in the face. Luffy bounced all across the deck, knocking over anything that wasn’t tied down until he ended up tangled in the railing. 
“Wow, seven bounces; that’s a new record!” Usopp said. “I need to step up my game.” 
“Hey bastards, you’re disturbing Nami!” Sanji shouted, bursting out of the galley.
“Sanji! When’s lunch?” 
“We just had breakfast.”
“And if I let you eat whenever you wanted you’d clear out every speck of food we have!”
Luffy whined. “But lunch is so far away. A little snack wouldn’t hurt.”
“Listen here you shitty rubberman—” Sanji picked Luffy up by the front of his vest. Anything else he said after that was completely lost to Usopp as he got a good look at his wrist.
Now, Sanji had been sailing with them for a couple weeks at this point, and he didn’t particularly put any effort in hiding the obvious mark stretching along the width of his wrist. Usopp could’ve probably named the basic colours and shapes of it based on the glimpses he’d seen. So really, it was no surprise that there was a yellow-orange target with a brown eye in the centre, framed by a green slingshot. 
What surprised him was the fact that it was only now, after seeing the whole picture at once, did he recognize that slingshot.
Holy fuck, Sanji was his soulmate!
Holy fuck, Sanji was his soulmate.
Mr. if-I-don’t-flirt-with-every-woman-around-I’ll-die was Usopp’s soulmate. Dear god.
What was he supposed to do with that? It was proper etiquette to make the soulmate bond known once one person had figured it out, but…
“Radiant Nami, would you like a refill of your tea?” 
“I picked some flowers just for you, my love!” 
“You’re the only girl for me, Nami baby!”
Well, what did Ms. Okra know anyway? She was wrong about a lot of things and all that soulmark junk was stupid anyway. Usopp’s curiousity had been sated, Sanji could keep flirting with girls guilt-free—it was a win-win!
And besides, compared to Sanji’s, Usopp’s soulmark was—fuck, he felt like crying.
“At least have the decency to wait a couple hours before asking for a snack!” Sanji growled, shaking Luffy and unintentionally bringing Usopp out of his head. Luffy simply laughed.
Usopp took a breath. He clenched his fists tight before letting them fall limp. “Hey, Sanji, you mind letting us have Luffy back? We were kinda in the middle of something.” He carefully kept his gaze away from Sanji’s wrist.
“Sure just give me a second, I need to beat some sense into this shitty captain of ours.”
“Give it up,” Zoro said. “That’s impossible with your puny kicks.”
“Puny?!” Sanji let go of Luffy and jumped the railing, butting heads with Zoro. “I’ll show you puny you third-rate swordsman!”
The force of Sanji letting go sent Luffy snapping back through the railing and around the deck before eventually flying through the galley door. There was a crashing noise and Nami screeched, followed closely by Luffy’s apologies between laughter.
“Eight bounces,” Usopp mumbled to himself.
Zoro and Sanji were fighting, Sanji’s sleeves riding up as he twisted around. 
Usopp quietly made his way below deck to the boys’ dorm, wedged himself in one of the corners, and buried his head in his knees with a groan.
“How come you’re so…” Nami waved a hand.
“You just gestured to all of me, my dear.”
“I mean, you flirt with pretty much any lady you meet.”
Sanji nodded frantically. “Of course! I can’t just let a lady go about her day without complimenting her!”
“Right.” Nami tapped the edge of her teacup. “Now, I don’t want to be rude, Sanji, but it really seems like you don’t care much about soulmates.”
“Ah, so that’s what this is about.” He smiled. “It’s the opposite, actually. And a little silly, I suppose, but when I was a kid, I didn’t want to miss the chance that one of the customers might be my soulmate. Some only visited the restaurant a few times a year and others only came once while passing through on their travels.”
“So you… decided to flirt with every woman who visited?”
Sanji’s cheeks warmed. “Well, yes, in a sense.” 
Nami raised an eyebrow. “What’s there to be embarrassed about? You certainly don’t have any shame about it now.”
He coughed into his hand. “I… started doing it rather young. And I hadn’t really been able to discern which customers were with their soulmates or otherwise in relationships already.”
Nami laughed. “Aww, Sanji, that’s so cute. I wish I could’ve seen that.”
“Trust me you really, really don’t,” he said, refilling her tea.
She took a sip and let out a satisfied sigh. The galley was silent for a long moment.
“If…” Nami paused. “If you’re waiting for your soulmate, then does that mean you know who they are?”
Sanji shook his head. “Nope, I’m just as much in the dark about her as you are with yours.”
Nami touched a finger to the spot just under her ear, a light blue heart outlining a well-loved crown atop a sandcastle, a single peacock’s feather sticking out of it. Sanji had never seen that style of crown before—none of them had—but then, that wasn’t uncommon when it came to soulmates from different places.
“Sanji,” Nami said softly, her eyes drawn to the table. “You really don’t recognize it?”
Sanji tilted his head. “No, not at all.”
Nami sighed again, this one more tired than satisfied. “Maybe we should get your eyes checked before we cross the Red Line.”
Sanji made a noise of confusion, but Nami refused to elaborate. When she asked about lunch plans, it didn’t take long for him to forget all about it.
Bath times were… harrowing to say the least. The guys didn’t have to wash up at the same time, but Luffy—and now Chopper, too—needed a buddy so he didn’t slip under the water and drown. Zoro needed a little persuading sometimes, which was always easiest with company around, and Nami forbade Usopp and Luffy from taking baths on their own, on account of wasting all the hot water messing around. Ever at Nami’s beck and call, Sanji would join bath time to keep order, followed by Chopper who came more for the comradery than anything.  
It wasn’t too hard for Usopp to hide his mark before. It was far smaller than his hand so he could easily cover it with a well placed towel or carrying Luffy to the tub in a particular way. Before, it was out of embarrassment of the size, but ever since recognizing his own mark on Sanji’s wrist, things had become a lot more stressful.
“Alright you idiots,”—Sanji clapped his hands and everyone turned to him—“Nami dearest is still recovering so we’re gonna get this done in no time and leave her, and our precious Vivi, plenty of hot water to soak in.”
Usopp kept one hand on his towel, saluting Sanji with the other. “Aye aye, bath captain!” Chopper and Carue rushed to mimic him, determined looks on their faces.
“But guys, I’m the captain…” Luffy said, pouting.
“Yes, but Sanji’s the bath captain. That means he’s no fun—”
“Watch it, Longnose.”
“Don’t forget afraid of a little dirt,” Zoro piped up from across the room, already having washed himself off and sitting in the back of the tub.
“Wow, I’m impressed,” Sanji said, brow raised. “You actually used your brain for once and insulted me when I won’t fight back. Maybe your head isn’t full of algae.” He smirked. “Though I guess it’s expected that you’re afraid of retaliation.”
“Who’s afraid?!” Zoro yelled, jumping to his feet. “You wanna go, Curly?”
Sanji wagged a finger. “Ah ah ah, what’s the rule?” 
He turned to Usopp and Luffy who both said, in a bored tone, “No fighting in the bath.”
“That’s right.” He started to unbutton his shirt as he added, “So finish up first and I’ll kick your ass later.”
Zoro sat himself back down, mumbling, “I’ll kick your ass later.”
If Sanji heard him, he didn’t show it, and man was Usopp glad for it. The days Sanji wasn’t just tearing out of his clothes as fast as possible to try and splash Zoro were always a treasure. Watching him leisurely expose the skin of his belly, a fine black happy trail dragging Usopp’s eyes down down down, just as he started to unbutton his pants—
“Usopp, hurry up!” He startled at Luffy’s voice, only just realizing he was still wearing his boxers. He quickly shoved them off and grabbed another towel for his waist before dumping a basin of water over Luffy’s head, clearing the suds all over him. Luffy gave a cheer and jumped into the bath, soaking Zoro completely. 
Ugh, what was Usopp doing? He couldn’t just check out Sanji like that! They were friends, crewmates! And Sanji didn’t even like guys, so it wasn’t like there was any chance. Besides, soulmarks didn’t really mean anything: you could be smitten lovers or barely acquaintences just like a relationship with any other person.
Yeah. Yeah! Usopp was probably just… going sea crazy. That’s a thing, right? Where being at sea so long makes you… fall in love with your best friend. Ugh.
“Sorry—I said I’m sorry, Zoro!” Luffy said as Zoro shook him back and forth. “I won’t do it again!”
“Won’t do it again my ass,” Regardless, Zoro let him slip from his grip and flop against the edge of the tub. 
“Usopp! Me too, me too!” Chopper said, covered in soap and holding out the basin. 
“Of course! The great Captain Usopp would never leave you hanging!” Usopp shifted in his stool. “Close your eyes and hold your breath.” Chopper did as instructed and Usopp poured the basin over him, slower than he did for Luffy. 
Chopper shook from head to toe, sending water flying everywhere. Usopp made a noise of surprise as he was soaked right back. “Thanks Usopp!” Chopper said, running for the bath. 
“Geez, give me a warning next time!” Usopp sighed, twirling some of his wet locks around his finger. “Man, I wasn’t even planning on washing my hair today.”
“No use complaining about it now.” Sanji said, pulling up a stool next to him. He held up Usopp’s shampoo bottle and shook it a little. “Want some help with it?”
Sanji laughed, the sound followed by a loud squirt of shampoo in his hand and a faint floral smell. Usopp turned his back to him and sighed happily at the first touch. They sat in relative silence—
“Chopper, do not turn into Walk Point—”
“Zoro, you don’t have to be jealous, we can take turns! You take the duck and—”
“I’m not gonna ride either of them!”
—as Sanji scrubbed shampoo into Usopp’s scalp. Usopp leaned back at bit more, his head tilting up. Like a cat wanting to be pet, Sanji thought fondly.
He took his time lathering up the suds and rubbing thoroughly at differents bits of sea salt and grit; he did the same for his own hair and he’d be damned if he didn’t do the same for his friend.
He combed his fingers through Usopp’s hair, taking his time to start from the ends and work his way up to the root, like Usopp taught him. Eventually, he ran his nails from the top of his scalp to the back of his nape in one smooth motion. Usopp had a full body tremble and sighed contentedly, the sound deep and satisfied. Something warm pooled in Sanji’s gut and he suddenly wanted to do anything to hear it again.
He repeated the motion, but Sanji only saw the curve of Usopp’s smile. A sight he held close to his heart, but not what he was hoping for. He ran his nails along the sides of his hair, scratching good and hard. Usopp huffed through his nose. Following the thread, Sanji put his fingers behind Usopp’s ear and scratched again; this time he had to rush to catch Usopp before he hit Sanji’s chest.
“Falling asleep?” Sanji asked with a laugh.
“Mmmno,” Usopp said, voice slow and drawn out. He tilted his ear towards Sanji and Sanji could see both his eyes were closed. “Keep going?”
Ah, maybe a dog would’ve been a better comparison. Sanji could almost imagine a little tail wagging against the floor. “‘Course. Can’t leave a job half done.” He grabbed a little more shampoo and got back to it, being sure to keep one hand right where Usopp wanted it.
To Sanji’s delight, Usopp sighed far deeper than before and pratically melted into his lap with hardly a thought; his arms lay limp over Sanji’s thighs and the back of his head pressed into Sanji’s stomach. The poor guy must’ve been tired from doing repairs on Merry earlier if all it took was a little head scratch or two to have him fighting sleep like that. Maybe Sanji should rinse off the shampoo and usher him off to bed—
Usopp sighed again, the sound closer to a pleased moan.
Well, this was benefitting both of them, really, so Sanji couldn’t just stop out of the blue. He had to be thorough in helping Usopp—he offered, afterall, and it’d be rude not to see it through. 
Usopp slid down a bit more, head turning to rest on Sanji’s thigh as Sanji scratched behind the other ear. His movement jostled the towel over his shoulder and it slipped to the ground.
Sanji noted it, absentmindedly, and glanced at the newly exposed part of Usopp’s chest without a second thought.
His hands stilled.
“Mmm? Why’d you stop?” Usopp asked. Sanji hardly heard him over the roaring in his ears. “Sanji?”
Blue waves. A chef’s hat. A distinct pattern of spirals. All encased in a small glass bottle.
There was a sharp inhale and suddenly the warmth across his thighs and stomach were gone.
Usopp stuttered some excuse as he left. Sanji was frozen, his eyes glued to the spot where his matching soulmark stared back at him.
His matching soulmark.
His matching soulmark.
And Usopp hadn’t said a word.
He sat there, covered in shampoo suds and wondering where he went wrong.
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
(one of these days I'll actually post chapters and other works and not just these train of thought mini fics. I'm almost done with Impel Down and will go into Marineford. I... Needed some angst. Just a little, maybe a sprinkle. There will be a part two.)
pt 2
Sunny and the kids aren't on the ship when Buggy comes home.
Mohji tells him that after he was arrested, she took the kids and left. She needed to think some things over so she returned to the village where they met. Miss Pins has retired but Benji took over the shop. Having Sunny back makes his job so much easier.
Buggy pretends like it doesn't bother him but orders the crew to take him to her. When he's in the privacy of his room he falls to pieces. He had hoped she would have stayed on the ship to welcome him home, but could he blame her? How many years of marriage did they have? How many times has she put up with him? Was she finally through with him?
They arrive a week later. He bursts into the shop, dressed in his best to ask her to return home. Gold is sitting at the table with crayons and paper while Silver is in Sunny's arms as she stands at the front counter, looking over the books. She glances up when she sees him and there's no smile on her face. The kids, however, are thrilled to see their daddy. Sunny passes Silver to him while Gold rushes him, wrapping his tiny arms around one of Buggy's legs, chattering nonstop about the stuff they'd been up to, drawings that he did, and the books mommy read to them.
With both kids in his arms, happy to see their daddy, Buggy turns his attention to his wife with a grin on his face. "So, where's my welcome home kiss?"
"Do you want one?" Sunny asks, arms crossed as she stares back at him. He wonders how angry she really is over this. She had told him to be careful looking for that treasure, to not just go head first into those places, but he didn't listen and managed to come face to face with the damn Marines. When she learned of what happened to her husband she left. No reason to be on the ship without him.
"Of course I do!" Buggy insists. "Why wouldn't I?! I missed you just like you missed me!"
She doesn't humor him with a response and closes the book she has been looking at. "Maybe you should have thought about it before getting yourself arrested."
The calmness in her voice unnerves Buggy. He tightens his hold on the kids, hoping they could do something cute to distract their mom from getting angry at Buggy. He hates it when his wife is angry at him and it doesn't happen often, but when it does he has to pay for it. So he gives her a big grin, shrugging as he holds Silver in his arms.
"Sunny babe, I was doing it for us." He insists. "And maybe there was a hiccup or two in the plan but everything's gonna change! It's gonna be better!"
"Is it?" She asks. "Or are you just going to get arrested again?"
The calmness still bothers him. He tries to think of a response but has none. She's just staring at him, no smile or frown on her face, just a calm, neutral expression that absolutely terrifies him. He shoots a glance at her hands, relieved to see her still wearing her wedding ring, but for how much longer?
"I need a day, Buggy."
"A day? For what?!"
"To think this through."
"Think what through?!" He demands. "What are you talking about?!"
"We can talk later." She sighs. "I'm just tired and I can't do this in front of the kids." She rubs her face and looks him over. "Leave your coat with me so I can fix it."
"Where am I supposed to go?!" Is he being sent away after just reuniting with them? Is this it, the end to almost 15 years of marriage? He got arrested once and she was done?!
"Your ship?"
That was a knife to the heart. His ship. Not theirs. She specifically said his ship. This was it. This has to be the end. He couldn't believe it. He was so distraught, his mind racing, that he didn't hear what she was saying at first. She finally snapped her fingers in front of him after repeating his name multiple times, catching his attention.
"There's room upstairs still." She told him. "Benji doesn't live in the building, he's off with his husband nearby, so I've had the entire top floor for me and the kids. You can stay with us for the night, and if I'm ready to talk we're going to talk, understand?"
He did understand he just didn't want to.
"I'm going to close up shop. Take your coat off and hang it up, Buggy. I'll work on it after dinner."
"So should I come back tomorrow?"
"If you want, but you can stay with us if you want as well." She said, shoulders dropping as she let out a sigh. "We just need to talk."
He really didn't want to but he was nodding. "S-Sure."
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theoceantot · 6 months
Chapter 1
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Thats how this small room always was. He didn't seem to care though he never cared how rancid the room smelled the bastard just took one smell in disgust and slammed the door behind him getting one of his employees to deep clean it so he could go in to torture the poor girl some more. 5 years ago Perse thought life was as worse as it could get. Being a runaway orphan from an abusive orphanage who constantly abused and ridiculed her for having autism. It wasn't even just the other kids that bullied her it was the staff too. Even going as far as too purposely slam doors and make her eat foods that made her sick. Especially Tomatoes. Perse couldn't stand them the texture the flavor EVERYTHING. Living on the streets seemed better. At least she stood a chance getting away from the abuse of she had places to run and wouldn't have to eat tomatoes and get constantly sick all the time. Things would be better. Thats what she thought anyway.
3 months after her escape she got really sick with the flu where she couldn't even move from the dirty alleyway she lived in. When Perse thought all hope was lost a tall man in a lab coat approached her offering her food and shelter a place she could recover from her illness. Nobody has ever been this kind to her in her life she had no idea of the sick and twisted intentions he had for her. At first he was kind. Of course thats how it almost always is with most abusers. Staying up late with her while she recovered and making her soup. Things were going well. Perse finally thought someone cared and loved about her. But it all changed when she fully recovered. She could remember laying on the floor coloring in a color book. Never being able to color growing up since the other kids would steal the crayons and rip up her colorings before she hardly even started.
The page she was coloring was almost done finally she'd have the satisfication and happiness of finally being able to finish a coloring even if it was done sloppily out of the lines. The sharp pain in her neck made the pink crayon drop from her hand. Looking up in horror she saw the man who saved her from the streets holding the needle in her neck. His eyes no longer held the care and compassion they did when he took care of her they now were stone cold like he wouldn't even care if he sliced her neck open. Perse awoke in a dirty room in what she guessed was the basement of his house. There was a dirty mattress in the left corner of the room and a foul smelling toilet on the right side.
"I almost forgot how foul it smelled in here"
He unlocked the door to her cell and roughly pulled her out and strapped her down to a table. Perse watched as he pulled out his phone and started talking to a man on the phone.
"Iv'e got the perfect test subject ready be here as soon as possible"
Perse couldn't help but start crying loudly. Which was met with a hard slap to the face.
"Lets make this clear. While you're here you shut your damn mouth. Don't scream, don't cry, don't make a damn sound or it will be so much more worse than you. Do you understand?" Perse nods while trying not to cry anymore.
She was 13 when this all started. Now she was 18 and has lost all hope. They injected her with so many different things shes lost count some made her have seizures while others caused her body to be in excruciating pain. Today she had enough of staying quiet she had to ask what shes been wondering all this time. Perse layed in the bed in her cell while the mad man was cleaning up his station mostly consisting of syringes and cleaning up the blood on the table you were always strapped too.
"W-why are you doing this to me" Perse said while shaking.
"Didn't I tell you never to say a word? But i suppose I can tell you since you've been such a good girl all these years"
He kneeled down in front of the cell.
"Im sure you know who batman is. Everyone whose anyone knows who that bastard is. The problem is that nobody has been able to take him down. But YOU my dear will. We're gonna give you so much power that you'll be able to walk the streets in his blood and Gotham will be ours for the taking! And if you even try to disobey we'll let the other villians have their fun with you"
So thats why they were doing this? Making her a weapon. It all made sense now. All the things they were injecting her with were supposed to make her stronger but it was just destroying her slowly.
"Get some rest darling you have a busy day tomorrow"
How right he was
The next day she was strapped down. The mad man and another scientist were in the room. He held a blue liquid in a syringe and injected it into her arm. Perse could'nt hold back her scream. Her eyes turned a light blue.
A cup full of water on the table levitated and shot through one of the assistants in the throat. Clutching his throat before he fell to the floor dead slipping on his own blood falling onto the mad man.
Water covered his head starting to drown him. He tried tearing the water bubble off but it was no use. He suffocated to death. Perse pulled on the metal cuffs with all of her strength and managed to pull them off. She quickly ran to the exit of the basement running into the door and breaking it. Whatever they injected her with caused her to have super strength and the ability to control water. She didn't believe this was enough to take down batman not in the slightest.
But now she didn't have to try to kill him. Perse was free and the only thing she can think to do is run. But in arkham city nowhere is safe. Right when she got out in the open streets Jokers gang surrounded her.
"Look what we have here. A cute little thing. Must be our lucky day"
"Wait why are her eyes turning blue? OH SHIT RUN!"
The men ran away as the water started surrounding her. She sent out water strikes to the men knocking the men into buildings. Some weren't as lucky and were sliced in half by how sharp the water was. Their guts scattered the streets leaving a horrified Perse.
Before she could run again someone kicked her in the back sending her flying. Perse let out a painful cry and looked up to see him. The Batman. As he held out a batarang getting closer to Perse her mind regressed. Really young. Confused of everything that was happening. Her mind, situation, and batman approaching her she did something she hasn't done in years. Cry.
A female voice then yelled at Batman telling him to stop. It was Oracle.
"Batman don't hurt her shes not in the right state of mind"
"What do you mean Oracle?"
"Shes a little Bruce. It means shes in a younger headspace. By the way shes talking i'd say shes about two right now. I know she killed those people but I don't think she had any evil intent. Please trust me"
Batman had his doubts but he trusted in Barbra. He took off his belt and slowly walked towards her. Perse knew his belt had all of his weapons from what she saw on tv and how he took out the batarang from his belt.
"You're safe now im not gonna hurt you" Batman calmly said and kneeled down next to her. Perse didn't know why but he trusted him. All she wanted was protection someone who would love her unconditionally. And she felt that in him. She wasn't scared anymore but she still cried as she hugged him tight. Batman embraced her trying not to hug her too tight in case of frightening her.
Perse started shivering in his hold. It made sense how she was so cold. it was almost winter and she was wearing this ripped up nightgown.
Batman took off his cape and wrapped her in it.
"Is that better?"
Perse nodded and hugged the cape tighter.
She was finally safe
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || Holy, Jesus
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A month had passed since the quarry incident, it had taken them two days to gather all the bodies and remove them from Alexandria, it was actually Rick who had found Evie searching all the bodies, looking at their faces before moving on.
When he asked what she was doing, taking her back to Carol, she was supposed to be at the school, but considering a lot less students would be there, Natalia had decided she could do school work whilst Carol watched her, considering she didn't like the school/ garage anyway. Evie had told him that she was looking for her dad, she wanted to see if he had ended up there, he then proceeded to help the girl find the body, so that they could bury him, let the girl have a place to visit when she needed her father, who was no longer there.
It was a long and exhausting challenge to get Alexandria back together, never really a moment of peace.
When the wall was the only thing being built back up, Natalia had decided to move into Evie's home, deciding it best that she was somewhere she had spent most of her time in Alexandria, all her things were here, her dad used to live here with her, besides, the house was too crowded.
Most of the group had spread out, moving into their own homes, except for the first house on the street; which consisted of Rick, Carl, Judith, Michonne, Daryl, Carol and used to be Natalia, and temporarily, Evie.
Daryl and Natalia were still as close as ever, they never mentioned the incident at the quarry again, but something had definitely shifted in their relationship, and it kept Natalia up a lot as she thought about the man.
it was like neither of them wanted to make the first move, and she was starting to get frustrated with him for it, but also with herself.
He had spent a lot of time at Evie's and now Natalia's home, helping when something needed fixing, giving Natalia other company than just a six year old, they ate a lot of their meals together as well, Carol had been teaching her how to cook, considering she had a kid to feed, she never had to do it much before, mushy food that she could buy, or frozen food she could throw in the oven, had always done the job.
Often, she felt very domesticated with the pair, sometimes it scared her, not wanting to get too attached to something that could be taken from her, but other times, when she managed to shut the stupid voice up, Natalia enjoyed it, liking having the weird family dynamic, even if it was with Daryl and Evie.
"Anything else?" Daryl had asked as the two girls ate their breakfast, he was going on a supply run with Rick, today.
Sully was happily eating out of his dog bowl, sporting a bejewelled collar that Evie had made him.
"Shampoo" Natalia snapped her fingers. "I've been trading my toothpaste with Michonne for hers, but she's ran out of that as well."
"Crayons." Evie burst out, seeming to remind herself.
"Eves, it's more like things we really need." Natalia told her, biting her spoon of baked oats..
"But mine are running out" She pouted, "And I need them to draw and take notes from work."
"Or your school work, that you've been lacking on, we had a deal, Evelyn." She pointed at the girl.
"Please, Daryl." She tried the man, which normally worked, he was the softer one.
"I'll put it on the list." He did as he said, writing it under shampoo. "Alright, I gotta go, you sure you don't wanna come with?"
"No, it's okay, be safe. Come home." Natalia stood up, rounding the table, placing her hand on his shoulder, kissing his cheek as he scrunched his face up.
"I always do." He told her.
"You better." She kissed his cheek again. "I need to wash my hair."
"Yuck." Evie gagged, dropping her spoon into her bowl, the pair looked down at her who was grimacing at them.
"Yuck? What are you saying Yuck at." Natalia asked, attacking the girl in a bear hug, as she kissed her cheek, exaggerating the mwah sound.
Evie giggled loudly as she pushed her away.
"Alright, I gotta go, I'll come round when I get back." He told Natalia, though it sounded more like a question, patting her back as she stood back up.
"Yeah, I'll save you a plate." She held his side, as he was stood behind her. "If the doors locked, you still got the key?"
"Yeah, 'Course."
"Okay, good." She smiled at him as he started to leave. "Go get dressed, missy, I gotta get you over to Denise so I can get to work."
"Okay, Mom." Evie jumped from the table, running out the room, up the stairs, Sully following her excitedly.
Natalia froze from gathering up the dishes on the table.
"You heard that too, right?" She looked at Daryl, who was stood by the wall, leaning against it as he was looking at her.
"Mhm." He nodded.
"She... She called me... Go, you gotta go with Rick." She ushered him out of the house.
"He can wait, you gonna freak out?" He asked her.
"No, it's fine, she probably didn't mean to" She shook her head. "Go get what we need, so you can come home."
He did as told, leaving the house.
Natalia let out a deep breath, pushing her hair out of her face.
She gathered herself quickly, going back to gathering up the dishes so that they could be washed, her mother had forced it into her from a young age about keeping a house clean, make a mess, you clean the mess before it can expand.
"Evie, hurry up!" She called up the stairs once the kitchen was put back together.
"I am." She huffed, stomping down the stairs, Sully's tail wagged as he walked towards his owner.
"Alright, alright. Do you need a jacket?"
"No, I'm okay."
"Okay" She held Evie's hand, as they left the house, Sully walked beside them.
It was late when Daryl had come through the door, looking exhausted, or it could even be the morning.
"Hey, you're home." Natalia smiled at him when he walked into the kitchen.
She was sat at the table, Evie was asleep beside her, her head rested on her crossed arms as the woman brushed her fingers through her blonde hair.
Sully was already in his bed, in his own room, Natalia was those kind of people.
"What's she doing up?" He asked.
"Wanted to wait for you, didn't quite manage it, though."
"I got it." He said, walking towards them, lifting the sleeping girl into his arms so that he could take her to her bed.
Evie stirred before snuggling into the crook of his neck, mumbling in her sleep.
"Are you sure?" Natalia asked him.
"Yeah, S'alright."
"Okay, I'll heat your dinner up." She stood up from the chair, kissing Evie's head, then patted his shoulder as he walked out the room, towards the girls bedroom.
Natalia took the plate of food out of the oven, putting it in the microwave to warm it up.
It was sat on the table, waiting for him, when he came back downstairs, she was hanging up the picture Evie was drawing, as she was waiting for Daryl, up on the fridge, using magnets to keep it there.
"Did you get the stuff?" She asked him once he thanked her, sitting down at the table.
"About that." He mumbled, biting into lasagne. "Found some guy."
"You found a guy?" Natalia repeated, sitting down at the table opposite him.
"Yeah, a real prick." Daryl explained. "We found this truck full of shit, but it drove into a lake, 'cause of him."
"Fuck" Natalia dropped her head onto the table. "Where is he?"
"In the cell, knocked out cold, fucker got whacked with the truck door as it rolled back. Worst part is that he calls himself Jesus."
"Freak." Natalia grumbled.
"How was today?" He asked her, cutting the slice of lasagne up.
"Okay, the guys almost have the wall done, me and Aaron were actually planning a trip, though, been missing it, not going out there."
Since Evie had come into Natalia's care, she rarely left Alexandria, having to be there for the girl all of the time, a need to be the one constant in her life, as expected, from the loss of her parents, Evie had developed some attachment issues towards the woman.
"Really?" Daryl looked up at her.
"Yeah, go out a bit far, look out to recruit people, again, it was our job before... y'know, the very first mission. Carol already offered to take care of Evie if I was staying out at any point."
"It ain't safe out there." He shook his head, finishing off his food.
"It never has been, not much was gonna change in a month." She told him. "You know I can handle myself, I haven't forgotten that quick, or are you forgetting how many times I've saved your ass?" She smirked, standing up to pick up his plate, so that she could wash it up, he was bad enough at practising his own personal hygiene, without reminders, let alone keeping her dishes clean.
"Not nearly as much as I've saved yours."
"Alright, keep telling yourself that." She laughed, bending down to kiss his cheek, knowing it got on his nerves when she was overly affectionate, though he had never told her to stop, what she didn't know, was that he didn't mind it at all.
She pulled away only a millimetre, a warm fluttery feeling overcoming her at how close she was to him, he had seemed to feel it too, when he turned his head, his eyes levelled with her lips, they slowly trailed up her face, meeting her gaze, until hers shifted down to his own lips.
She took the leap, finally fed up with the "Will he, won't he" Bullshit, taking matters into her own hands.
Natalia leaned forward slowly, her hand coming up to cup his cheek, giving him plenty of time to pull away or tell her to stop, but he never did.
She softly grazed her lips against his, like at the quarry, but this time, she had meant to.
She did it once again, before kissing him properly, his lips were rough against her soft ones.
When he didn't kiss her back, she pulled away, standing up straight, Daryl followed, standing up so abruptly, that his chair almost fell back.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." She stammered, her cheeks reddening at the embarrassment and rejection. "I just-"
"No, not that." He shook his head.
She looked up at him, her brows furrowing.
He scratched the back of his head as he tried to get his sentence right.
"Wasn't expecting it, S'all, You don't want a-"
"A what?" She challenged. "Did you want me to kiss you?" She asked him.
He looked around the room, clearing his throat.
He shrugged.
"I ain't good at this kinda shit, told ya before."
"Just tell me, yes or no."
He hesitated, before nodding, only slightly that she probably would have missed it if she wasn't watching him so carefully, he stared at his boots, not looking at her, though.
Natalia took a step forward, cupping his cheek again, lifting his head so that he would look at her.
"Can I kiss you, again?" She looked down at his lips, before looking into his eyes again, trying to read him.
He looked down at her own lips, chewing his, his head bent slightly.
Natalia pushed his bottom lip free from his teeth, with her thumb, standing up on her tip toes, slowly reducing the space between them, she then placed her soft plump lips on his, once again, it took him a moment to kiss her back, making sure this was actually happening, and not another one of his fantasies.
She grabbed his hand, leading it to her back, pressing it against her, before pushing it down, so that he was cupping her ass over her jeans.
She then grabbed his other hand, leading it towards her cheek, he understood what she was doing, she was guiding him through what to do, what she liked.
She had understood from their conversation on the porch all those weeks ago that he didn't have much experience, she doubted he was a virgin, but that was probably just a job to do, he hadn't a clue what he was doing in an intimate situation.
He tangled his fingers in her hair as he held her face.
Natalia appreciated the slowness of it, but eventually she licked the seal of his lips, making it known to open them.
She then placed her hands on both his shoulders, pushing him to sit down on the chair, which he did.
"Is this okay?" She asked as she moved to sit on his lap, straddling him.
He didn't say anything, only staring at her wide eyed, but he nodded.
"Yes or no, you can say no." She told him.
"Mhm, yeah." He rasped.
She kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck after leading both his hands back to hold her, one on her waist and the other on her lower back. she played with his hair as the kiss heated up, he seemed to get more familiar with her as he pressed his lips against hers, more greedily.
She pulled away, grabbing the hem of her top in the criss cross motion, pulling it up and over her head, only sitting in her bra and jeans on top of him.
Natalia smirked as she watched his eyes trail down before back up at her face.
"You can touch them, if you want." She said.
He was hesitant.
She grabbed his hand, opening up his palm, placing it on her boob, closing his hand around it, before showing him to squeeze it.
"Like that." She told him, as she did the same to his other hand.
She adjusted herself on top of him, her arms going back around his neck.
"Are you sure you wanna..." He looked back up at her face after staring at her chest, fascinated by them, the red colour of the bra complimenting them massively.
"Yes." Natalia nodded. "I have for a while, actually." She smiled, giggling at the expression on his face. "You were taking too long, so I decided I had to make the first move."
She kissed him as he continued to play with her breasts.
"Take it off." She whispered in his ear.
"Sure?" He asked, clearing his throat again, he was nervous.
"Yes." She nodded in the crook of his neck, grabbing his wrist, moving it towards her back, to her bra strap.
When he managed to unclip it with only two fingers, pinching it together, she looked at him as the red straps fell down her arms.
"You done that before?" She looked at him suspiciously.
"Nah, just good with my hands."
"Lucky me." She let her bra fall to the ground.
His jaw had slightly dropped at her bare skin.
"Here." Natalia stood off him, moving backwards to sit on the table, hooking her foot under the chair, and pulling it forward so he was sat right in front of her.
Daryl placed his arms on either side of her body, trapping her in as he leaned towards her chest, she could feel his breath on her skin, causing goose bumps.
She shuddered waiting for him to do what she wanted.
When he had taken too long, she placed her hand on the back of his head, gently pushing it towards her breast, he took the hint, kissing her skin.
She moaned at the feeling as he licked at her nipple, biting it, causing her to jolt in his mouth.
She leaned her head back, enjoying the sensation, his thumb rubbed circles on her hip on the opposite side of the boob he was paying attention to. Her fingers were entwined in his hair, pulling at the roots as she continued to quietly voice her approval at his actions.
"Yeah, like that, keep going." She encouraged, her voice was coming out breathlessly. "So, so good."
Just then, the front door burst open, Glenn ran into the room, causing the pair to jump at his appearance as they all stared at each other in horror, Daryl hadn't even pulled away, just looking over his shoulder, he couldn't move at being caught like this, with Natalia.
"Glenn! What are you doing?" Natalia hissed at him, jumping off the table and grabbing her clothes.
"What are you doing?" He squeaked, pointing at them, his eyes were wide and his brows were furrowed.
"What are you doing, here?" Daryl growled.
Glenn seemed to come to his sense, the reason why he barged into the home.
"That guy, he got out, he's in your house." He said to Daryl as Natalia was throwing her top back on, her back to them.
"What?" Natalia burst out, grabbing her gun from the side, running past Glenn, him and Daryl following behind her.
Abraham was already there when she reached the house, the four of them ran up the stairs, aiming their guns at the man with long hair and a hat, who was sat on the stairs, Carl was stood behind him, his gun also aimed at the man's head.
Michonne and Rick walked out into the stairway, Michonne was fixing her top as Rick was doing up his jeans, shirtless.
Natalia took her eyes off the man, looking at her friends as her jaw dropped, Michonne glanced at her, before at everyone else, putting her hands up to the guns.
"It's... it's okay." She said.
"You said we should talk." Rick said, as the group of people looked at the pair, putting two and two together. "So lets talk."
"What the hell is going on, today." Glenn muttered.
They left the stairway, making their way to the dining room, to sit at the table.
"You and me have a lot to talk about after this." Natalia hissed at her friend.
"About what?" Michonne faked innocence.
"You know exactly what, did you and Rick..."
"That's not relevant right now."
"So, how'd you get out?" Rick asked Jesus as they sat around the table, so they could interrogate the man.
"One guard can't cover two exists or third floor windows. Knots untie and locks get picked. Entropy comes from order, right?" Jesus said.
"Right." Daryl grunted.
"I checked out your arsenal. I haven't seen anything like that in a long time. You're well- equipped, but your provisions are low. Very low for the amount of people you have. 54?"
"More than that." Maggie told him.
He stared at her, before looking down.
"Well, I appreciate the cookie. My complements to the chef."
"Yeah, she ain't here." Daryl told him.
Carol had gone to go get Evie up, with Judith, considering Natalia was with the group.
"Look, we got off to a bad start. But we're on the same side... The living side."
"That don't mean shit." Natalia told him. "We may still be breathing, doesn't mean we have the same motifs."
He glanced at her, nodding, before looking back at Daryl.
"You and Rick had every reason to leave me out there, btu you didn't. I'm from a place that's a lot like this one. Part of my job is searching out other settlements to trade with. I took your truck because my community needs things, and both of you looked like trouble. I was wrong. You're good people. And this is a good place. I think our communities may be in a position to help each other."
"Do you have food?" Glenn asked him.
"We've started to raise livestock. We scavenge, we grow. Everything from tomatoes to sorghum." Jesus explained.
"Tell us why we should believe you." Rick said.
"I'll show you." He perked up. "If we take a car, I can take you back home in a day, and you can all see for yourselves who we are and what we have to offer."
"Wait, you're looking for more settlements." Maggie pointed out. "You mean you're already trading with other groups?"
"Who?" Natalia asked.
"Your worlds about to get a whole lot bigger." He grinned at the people.
Daryl was fixing up the RV, whilst Natalia was saying bye to Evie, Rick had asked her to come to Jesus's community with them.
"You be good, okay?" Natalia told her, brushing her hair out of her face.
"I will, I aways am." Evie told her, brushing the woman's hair back, copying her.
"Fibber." She commented. "I love you." She told her.
"I love you, too. Natty" She hugged her.
"Are you sure it's okay if I go, I can tell Rick I'll stay here with you."
"No, it's okay, you need to make sure there's no bad guys."
"That's right, I'm the bad guy spotter." She laughed. "Be good for Carol, and Denise, and do your school work, I've made sure Carol is gonna make you do it."
"Awrh." Evie groaned.
"Awrh, all you want, you're doing it. I'll get you something as a treat when I come back, deal?" She offered her hand to the girl, who shook her hand excitedly.
"Alright, you got it."
"Let's chew up some asphalt." Abraham called from the RV door as everyone packed in to it.
"Gotta go, be safe, be good, be here when I come back." She told the girl, kissing her hair goodbye.
"Please come home." Evie told her, hugging her tightly.
"I will, I always do." She reluctantly let go of the girl, standing up.
"She's gonna be safe, alright, I'll make sure of it." Daryl joined them, placing his hand on top of the girl's head.
"You better make sure Natty comes home." She told him, her voice was demanding.
"I'll bet my life on it." He promised.
Evie grabbed his arm, tugging him down towards her, which he did, getting on his knee as he crouched down beside her.
"Make sure you come home too, Daryl." She told him, wrapping her small arms around him as she kissed his cheek.
"I will." He hugged her back.
Natalia took a step back, as Daryl stood up, they both didn't know how to react around each other, and they felt awkward, but glad that all eyes were on Rick and Michonne, no one had suspected that anything had happened between them, but it was common knowledge that Glenn was a bad liar and couldn't keep secrets.
Michonne and Rick were sat at the front, which irritated Natalia as she was hoping to sit with her friend.
Instead, she was sat next to Abraham, Glenn and Maggie were opposite them.
Maggie was asleep as Glenn had his hand over her stomach, where their baby was.
With the news of Maggie's pregnancy, Natalia didn't feel too happy for the couple, they knew the risks of having one in a world like this, even the dangers of going through the pregnancy, Natalia had decided from her miscarriage that she'd never put herself through that, and that she was lucky how early on it was, she debated on telling them this, but instead bit her tongue, there was no point, now.
She could feel Glenn's stare on her from time to time, when she looked at him, he looked away, then looked at Daryl, who was sat on the counter, above her and Abraham, then would look back at her.
She rolled her eyes, looking away as she picked at her nails awkwardly, it didn't slip her mind that Glenn had got a good eyeful at her boobs, and had seen what had happened on top of that table.
"Hey." Abraham said, trying to catch Glenn's attention. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure." Glenn nodded.
Abraham sat forward, Glenn copied, making a little huddle, though Natalia could hear both of them very distinctively.
"When you were, uh, pouring the Bisquick, were you trying to make pancakes?"
Natalia's jaw dropped at his analogy.
Glenn didn't seem to get what he meant though.
"Uh... yes?" It then hit him.
Natalia hid her face as she shook her head.
"Oh, okay, um... it's something that we talked about, yeah."
"Yeah." Abraham nodded.
"Why?" Glenn asked him.
"No, I just... well given the precarious state of affairs on any given Sunday, I am damn near floored that you or anyone else would have the cojones to make a call like that."
"I mean, well..." Glenn looked down at his sleeping wife. "We're trying to build something, me and her. All of us."
"For the record, I see rain coming, I'm wearing galoshes." Natalia looked at the red head, appalled at what he was saying, she had no idea what it meant. "I double up."
"Do you ever try to speak normal, ever?" Natalia asked him.
"What, that made sense." He looked down at her.
"In what world?"
"Alright, what about you?" He asked.
"What about me??"
"Y'know" he nodded at Glenn and Maggie. "You ever thought about raising a kid?"
"I am raising a kid, and a dog." She reminded.
"No, I mean like popping out a pup, raising it from there."
"Uhm..." Natalia chewed on her lip as she wrapped her head around what he just asked her. "No. I haven't exactly got the time for that, sorta busy with... other stuff."
"Seemed like you had the time." Glenn grumbled, shuddering.
Daryl and Natalia looked at the man, both of their cheeks heating up at the incident.
Natalia kicked him in the leg.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She said through clenched teeth.
Abraham looked at the interaction, his eyes trailing up to the rednecks tense body language before back down at the woman.
"Wahey, well how 'bout that." He laughed. "I called it, back at that barn we were holed up in during the tornado." He nodded at Glenn, "Time for you to pay up."
"Nothing happened." Natalia pressed, "You bet on us?" She stood up. Natalia slapped Glenns forehead. "You're husbands an idiot." She told Maggie, who had woken up, then proceeded to walk towards Rick and Michonne leaning against Michonne's chair. "I can't believe them pervs" She grumbled.
"What?" Michonne asked, looking up at her from the seat, Ricks hand was holding hers on top of her knee.
"Nothing." She muttered.
Natalia looked ahead, tyre tracks burned the road, swerving to the grass where an overturned vehicle was.
Rick slowed down as they approached.
"Yo, Rick. What's going on?" Daryl asked from his spot at the back, he had previously been evil eying the two men.
"We got a crash ahead." He replied. "Looks like it just happened."
He drove past the corner, everyone got a clear view of the burnt and bloody bodies that were trapped underneath, reaching out for anything.
Jesus stood up, looking out the window.
"That's one of ours." He said.
Natalia unsheathed her knife as they left the RV, taking a look at what had happened.
Blood stained the area, a lot of it.
The people who were caught in the crash, already turned, it must've been a painful death as well, by the way they were caught, cut and ripped up.
Rick aimed his gun at Jesus's head.
"If this is a trick, it won't end well for you." He told him.
"My people are in trouble. They don't... we don't have a lot of fighters." He shared. "I know how it looks, but I'll play it out. Can I borrow a gun?"
"No." Daryl told him. "We got tracks right here."
Daryl led the group to a house, where they assumed the survivors were hiding out.
Rick banged on the door, but no one answered.
"They gotta be in there." Jesus said.
"I think aiming a gun as soon as they open the door, when they're injured and scared, isn't the best idea anyway." Natalia told Rick.
Rick lowered it, turning around.
"We moving in or what?" Abraham asked.
"How do we know this ain't firecrackers in a trash can?" Daryl asked, walking towards Rick.
"You don't." Jesus exasperated.
"We'll get your people. You're staying here with one of us." Rick told him.
Jesus turned around, trying to reason with either Michonne or Natalia.
"That's the deal." Michonne told him.
"Will you stay?" Glenn asked Maggie.
"Yeah." She answered. "Y'all go. Just be careful."
"Yeah." Rick agreed, handcuffing the man. "We're gonna be careful."
"Just hurry." Jesus told him.
"You hear me whistle, shoot him."
"I will." Maggie agreed.
Daryl opened the door, and they headed in.
Natalia took her gun off safety as she entered.
The sound of walkers snarling echoed around the building as they made their way through.
They had split into teams of two.
Natalia ended up with Glenn.
"For the record, I didn't mean to look." Glenn whispered to her as they walked through the dark hallways.
"'Preciate that." She replied, her knife in hand as she listened for the sound of walkers. "If you can just forget it completely, that'd be great."
"How long have you guys been together?"
"We're not, it just kinda happened." She shrugged, wishing he would focus.
"But seriously, on the tab-"
He was cut off as a walker barged out of one of the rooms, heading for Natalia, who was ahead, she plunged her knife into its head as another came out, going for Glenn, he dealt with it.
They looked around, for any signs of living or death.
A clatter sounded from one room, the pair glanced at each other before heading for it.
A man was hiding behind a filing cabinet.
"We're friends of Jesus." Natalia told him, when he put his hands up in surrender.
"Come on. Let's go." Glenn ordered.
"I can't go with you. I'm looking for my friend." The man told them. "He's close, and he's hurt from the crash."
"Our friends have probably already found him." Natalia told him. "If they haven't already, we'll help you find him, you're not gonna achieve much hiding behind that." She pointed at his spot.
He followed them and they headed out the room, walking down the hallway.
Abraham had a man pinned to the wall, Daryl was behind him, knife in hand as he looked around.
Rick and Michonne had caught up with them.
"Come on, man." Daryl told him as they ran down the hallway. "Let's go. Come on."
They left the building with Jesus's injured friends.
The guy Glenn and Natalia had found was their doctor.
Maggie and Glenn were quick to become friends with him.
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boombrothersasks · 8 months
Hey Shadow and Eclipse!
Have you ever listened to misheard lyrics? If you have one that you heard, please tell me!
Also, if you sprouted wings to fly with, what would you want them to look like?
Also, can I hug you two cuties? As a friend because you two are amazing!!! <3
Finally, has either of you had to rescue the other before? If so, what happened?
The two looked up in a bit of confusion.
"About that...you see, they're little kids right now! Somehow...I just got here," Amy, now dressed in winter clothing, interrupted. "What I'm gathering is that, things happened, and now Shadow is a baby, and Eclipse is a toddler. Also, Rouge and Tails are bean-sized, and OMEGA STOLE MY TROPICAL VACATION WINTER GETAWAY!! If you're new to the island, let me be the first to tell you, this is just the norm by this point."
"Maybe they could...draw pictures!" Tails suggested. "That way they can have something to do while you focus on getting those parts back, and it'll be easier for them to communicate!"
"Not a bad idea..." Rouge agreed. "But where are we supposed to get that stuff?"
"It'll spawn near them if we wait juuuuuuust a second."
"That doesn't make any sense-"
But the brothers were already drawing. Even Shadow! Very advanced baby. Rouge only stared.
"Ah...right. Okay. Sure."
"So, you guys, do you know what 'misheard lyrics' are?" Tails started to ask the brothers.
They both looked up, with only Eclipse shaking his head no.
"Makes sense...you two just live in a cave. Hmm...draw some wings you like!"
Eclipse immediately got to work, while Shadow simply sat there for a second before looking over at his brother, who seemed very confident in his own drawing. He wanted to do that too!
The hoglet looked back again and again at his older brother's drawing, trying to replicate it in some way. It only turned out as squiggly lines on the paper (he wasn't very good at using crayons yet, but that was okay.)
When Eclipse was finished, he showed off his paper, looking very proud of it. Shadow copied quickly after. As it turns out, both really did end up just being randomly placed lines on the paper. But, the two liked it regardless.
"Cool! Do you guys like hugs?" Tails continued keeping them busy.
Baby Shadow clung onto his darkling brother, who didn't seem to have any problem with this. "MINE!"
"Proooooobably not a good idea right now, then," The tiny fox stated. "Even if he's just a baby, Rouge told me his powers are crazy! But one more question for you two, did one of you ever have to rescue the other?"
Eclipse nodded, pointing at Shadow. He then started drawing again while his baby brother watched. This drawing was done a bit slower, but when he showed it off, both Tails and Rouge narrowed their eyes to try and interpret it.
"Is that...what, a palm tree?" Rouge questioned, very much confused. "and a pine tree in a cage?"
"I think that's Sticks and Eclipse," Tails replied. "Must be the time back then when he just got to the island. He and Sticks only met and became friends because Sticks decided to capture him and collect information on his alien secrets. Shadow had to rescue him and even came to us about it, and by the time we found them, they were having tea together. Neither of them was actually drinking it, though."
"That's not how you form a friendship with someone...?!?!" Rouge exclaimed incredulously.
"Worked for them."
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dayjobjotter · 3 months
Unnamed (A Short Story)
One of her favourite memories as a child was hung upon her bedroom wall in a chipped golden frame. It was an unnamed oil painting of the seaside town that they used to live in. During their first month there, a wicked storm had battered it and her father was determined to memorialise it with thick oil paint. Each stroke, splatter and spot perfectly placed. Everything he did had to be just so.
 On the right was a line of shops facing the sea, all a dim pastel rainbow against the dismal sky. She had a lot of fond memories of that street: the chippie where they’d eaten on their first night in town when they realised they had no food at home; an ice cream parlour she begged him to take her to on her birthday (since they had the strangest flavours) and one of those pound shops that sold cheap plastic tat for tourists to play with on the beach, but had some real artistic gems hidden in the back. Seagulls circled above the empty town as simple grey ‘v’s in the sky and she swore she could hear their squawking again whenever she looked at it. There was no beach to speak of as the sea had engulfed the sand, crashing against the towering cobblestone wall that protected the tiny town. He’d layered the deep blue swirls settled at the bottom of the canvas. The edges of the waves were blotted white and jutted out; the pale froth a ghostly breath floating to the top. The sea must have been out for blood that day. It sadly meant that there were no boats for him to paint, but her child self had imagined some clunky ones to be stuck on top, their little stickman sailors peeling away at the edges.
It felt sacreligious looking at it now. Her father had spent so long refining the painting, making it the perfect recreation of that night and her grubby little hands had ruined it. None of the boats or sailors were the same size or shape because of the curse of her infant hands. But he had loved them.
She was there the night he finished it. Perched next to him on the dock, scribbling away in her first sketchbook. The storm raged outside their tent and it wasn’t much shelter from the weather, but that wasn’t what bothered her father. What did was that it was nothing like the scene on the canvas - less violent and more miserable - but he still continued to paint. Easily recalling an image of yesterday, so long ago to her childish memory. Never would she understand how he made it look real. Real enough that if the pressed your finger into the paint, you may fall thro-
“No touching, Pumpkin.” He smiled down at her, gently pulling her wrist away from where she was about to smudge it and returning it to her own work. It was nothing in comparison to his.
But the two of them weren’t alike in the slightest. People questioned it whenever they went somewhere since she took more after her mother. She had straight black hair and a slight tan from the summer sunshine they had enjoyed but a few days before; whereas he was dirty blonde and concerningly pale. His hands were slim and crooked, notches carved into his flesh where he held his paintbrush and light wrinkles as he began to age. Underneath his eyes, the skin had darkened and started to sag downwards but it didn’t impede on the rosiness of his full cheeks. It was where his life resided: in his eyes and in his smiles. Even when his eyes were red-rimmed and his smiles bittersweet. 
“Why?” She asked.
“Because it’s not done yet.”His voice was still rough and gravelly. “It needs time to harden so that it won’t get disturbed and ruin the picture.”
She nodded in agreement. “Like one of mum’s cakes.”
He froze mid-stroke and lowered his head. Opening his mouth without sound, he looked like a distressed fish out of water. 
Finally, he settled on “I suppose.”
In silence, she returned to colouring in her picture, holding the large crayon in her fist and clumsily rubbing it against the page. The majority of it went beyond the lines she’d established. Her father breathed heavily next to her and his hands shook violently when he raised them, flicking small globs of paint onto his work.
With his voice quivering, he asked her something that she’d stay loyal to for the rest of her life. “Your mother.. I- Pumpkin… I don’t think she’ll come back. So I think that we should add that to our silence game. And not mention her again.”
“But, when she comes back…”
“If she comes back, then the game is off.” He reached out to pet her on the head, running his fingers through her hair. “But just in case. It’ll be easy, okay?”
She lowered her head back to her drawings and he followed her gaze. When he saw what she’d drawn, he grinned. “Are those boats? Shall we add them to my sea?”
It was gloomy outside their little bubble of warmth. The same as many days before and many days afterwards. She was beyond glad when they moved a few months later. For years it was just her and her father, travelling the country, visiting the art museums and painting whatever sparked their interest. Trying to upkeep their crumbling bubble of warmth. Until they couldn’t.
Her favourite memory had found a new home. It’s chipped golden frame laying against the hospital wall. They said it would help - to have something to remind him of home - that it would do his brain good during his extended stay. But his brain wasn’t the only part suffering. 
His face was near skeletal now from years of neglecting to care for himself. What was once a pink, round and full of life had become pallid and sickly. Bandages wrapped around his wrists from when he… she didn’t even want to think about it. The signs had been obvious for so long, since they had lost her mother but he had refused help. He had opted to quietly ‘deal’ by himself. The previous day she got the call from the hospital explaining what his newest strategy of ‘dealing’ was.
He couldn’t even look her in the face. His eyes were blank and his smile non-existent.
“Addilyn, I’m sorry…” he whispered.
“I think we should talk about her.”
Word count: 1,089
Author's note:
Thanks for reading, this is the first short story I've put out online and would appreciate any feedback to help improve my work or general comments. I will do my best to respond to all. This was a lot of fun to do and I have ideas for more little stories that I am excited to share :)
Also I am so new to this website, what am I supposed to do with tags???
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aces-and-kings · 1 year
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them? (All, because this seems like a fun thought exercise. :P)
[Brutal. Bru. tal. But indeed, fun. Let's do it! Under the cut due to length.]
. Thor: He is not the only man you're ever going to love. I know it hurts. I know you feel like you're not worth loving, that every time you try and do the right thing, that things start looking up for you, something goes wrong. You've taken more than any of my other oc and you're tired. Believe me, I get it, but it will get better. You will meet someone again someday and things will work out like they're supposed to. Hang in there buddy. And maaaybe if you want or something idk, cut back on the smoking. Just a suggestion.
. Seven: You can keep running. You can keep fucking up knowing that you're destroying everything good in your life every time it appears. You can keep feeling like a monster if that's what you like. Who am I to stop you, right? But, here's something to consider. You could... do some good with your abilities? Atone for the wrong you've done. I get that you feel beyond saving but you're not. Telling you to just stop doing bad won't help though, so just food for thought. One day someone is going to wake you up and I'd hate to be the skeletons in your closet the day you open that door, but you'll be alright.
. Alex: Welcome to the life of 90% of role-players cupcake. We read the grand adventures, we don't often go on them. Certainly not like in your world. Listen though, your bookshop is really important. You give people a place to rest, a place free of the outside world's chaos and for those, like you, like me, who can't go on some dragon slaying, saving, what have you grand journey, you provide the doorway to such experiences through books. So keep smiling, ay? You never know who's looking and just might find it captivating.
. Nikolai: I don't even know where to start with you buttercup. That's a dangerous game you're playing, putting all your eggs into someone else's basket. I mean I won't judge, because I get it. People can grow attached to pets, friends, partners etc. but if you don't find something of yourself to love and enjoy apart from your obsession with Sindri, a lot of shit out of your control is going to affect you negatively. Also you need to let that guy you're not into go. It's not right to string someone along just cause you'd rather avoid hurting their feelings. In doing that you're still hurting someone, it'll just be Sindri instead.
. Ravka: It's okay to just be yourself. For all the tranquility and self-discipline, for all the kindness and courageousness that makes up who you are, you are awfully ashamed of being Hrothgar. Yes, it does make you vastly different, and you probably feel caught between the world of beast and man. I can imagine how that leaves you feeling alone, and I'm sorry for that. At the end of the day though, you are who you are buddy. And that's going to be enough for the right people, or it isn't and they aren't.
. Grey: Hi, big fan. You amuse me a lot more than I let on to people. Unsolicited advice though? Stop hiding. You're Garlean, so what? A lot of people are. Your family had a history of raining horror down upon other nations, but you never willingly walked that path. You did what you felt you had to. That's called surviving my dude and you're forgiven for it. Perhaps not by all, but by me if no one else. You do not have to flash gil and lavish luxuries on people to be appreciated. And Seven is a horrible option for additional help but good job asking for some! I apologize Thor is being such a... Thor right now. Good luck and p.s. maybe grow the hair back out. I know you're digging this whole Red vibe atm, you want to honor him, I get it. Do you. Just a suggestion.
Thanks @hydaelyns-bitch, this was... cathartic and odd but indeed fun. lol
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Look for the Helpers
First posted: November 13, 2018
Focuses on: BatKids (Dick POV, Jason focused)
Favorite bookmark: "I am bawling."
Tier: Decidedly mid.
This is my "behind the scenes" series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
I'd been chewing for awhile on the idea of Mr. Rogers and how much he meant to people. The Won't You Be My Neighbor documentary had released in January of this same year, and I'd sat in a theater and quietly bawled with a dark room full of strangers. Because his show was on PBS and geared, like Sesame Street, toward low income kids, making him have an outsized impact on Jason made the most sense.
Dick wondered if he would ever be used to the feeling of disconnect that came after a disaster. It felt like… He stabbed at a macaroni noodle and considered the radiant numbness spreading out from his chest.
This first bit, Dick mulling on the weirdness after a disaster that you manage to survive, was pulled from personal experience, but with the last half decade being what it's been, I can't even tell you which one I was pulling from. Hurricane wakes, most likely, though who really knows.
The never-ending white noise of sirens rushing to and fro weren’t real. The loss. The devastation. The chaos. 
That said, wow, what a weirdly prescient thing to read back through on this side of 2020.
“I don’t think human eyes are supposed to be that big,” he remarked solemnly, which prompted a snort of laughter from the others and placid disregard from Tim. “It’s anime, Dickie, don’t be so uncool.” Jason’s faux-whine made it clear that he was not, in fact, defending Tim’s artwork. “It’s a legitimate art form, and you both are snobs,” Tim said, his tone unruffled as he reached for his sandwich with his right hand, his left never slowing as he traced the warrior girl’s floating hair in purple crayon. “It is,” Damian agreed, which surprised Dick until he added, “when done correctly.” “Oh, bite me,” Tim retorted, but without any heat.
Of course Tim is a weeb. Tim and Damian.
“Is that Steph?” Jason asked, head now tilted to get a better look at Tim’s drawing. Intrigued, Dick craned his neck as well. “What? No!” Now Tim’s head snapped up, and he glared at Jason as one arm curled protectively around the crayon drawing. Dick would have been inclined to argue that the drawing could have been of anyone, as Tim wasn’t quite good enough to render a clear likeness. But the tips of Tim’s ears were pink.
Nowadays I'm awfully ambivalent on Tim/Steph and trend toward apathetic neutral. CECverse is an exception.
“Jason, if you lean over any farther, you’re going to knock over your soup,” Dick pointed out instead. Jason scowled, but settled back in his chair. “I’d make a joke, but one, we don’t make gags about Nazis anymore, and two, that show is old as dirt.”
I could not have predicted the Seinfeld renaissance among the youth.
Beneath the table, Dick tapped his fingertips together, one after the other. The numbness was still there, but if he didn’t think about it, it receded from the foreground. Not lessened or disappeared, just backed away to hover like a thin blanket over everything except what he was focusing on, which in turn made what he was focusing on seem harshly bright and loud. That was okay, though, if what he was focusing on was his brothers. Dick popped another forkful of cheesy noodles into his mouth and studied them, careful to keep a slight smile on his face as he did.
Oh. I remember what I was pulling from now. Not the numbness but the way you can chat and laugh and joke and seem normal when the world is upended and nothing is normal at all. Loss is weird.
They all tended to huddle a little closer together when Bruce was away.
I like this, the idea of them all gravitating, deliberately or subconsciously, so they're a team huddled, facing outward, without Bruce to hold their center.
Only Cass had been allowed to stay at the Manor. She and Alfred were planning a Masterpiece Theater Poirot mystery binge, with some Miss Marple and Jeeves and Wooster thrown in for flavoring. Dick wasn’t sure how much of the dialogue Cass could follow, but she seemed to find it a fun challenge to identify the murderer by body language alone. And anyone could enjoy the comedy of old J&W.
This took me a second to figure out, what Alfred and Cass might bond over and why, especially since Alfred is verbally cerebral and Cass finds words less useful. I think I made it work.
Jason was picking at Tim, who pretended to be grumpy and ignored his aggravating older brother in favor of tackling his roast beef sandwich with both hands.
Why roast beef, I don't know.
Dick took a few texts himself, mostly to coordinate the efforts and to relay the continued lack of news. Jason received none, though Dick caught him peeking at the screen once or twice.
I had a whole secondary storyline worked out with Bizarro that wasn't necessary or important at all but that would include a line about Jason taking care of Biz's plant. Something about it was supposed to be absolutely gutting, but I couldn't fit it in and now I don't remember what I had in mind.
Dick ducked his head as a familiar face filled the screen—Superman, a lone curl tumbling charmingly down his forehead, his chin turned to stare bravely into the distance. It was a stupid photo, boldly heroic in none of the ways that made Clark truly brave. That was the point, he knew, of a secret identity—no strong points of connection—but it rankled him to see the man portrayed as a stoic bastion of strength instead of the smiling, gentle man who used to pick Dick up by his ankles and swing him upside down.
Dick's point of view was a deliberate pick, as the eldest brother minding the wellbeing of the youngers, but also for how this specific worry would pick at him. Clark is a bigger part of his life than for the others.
But that was how these things went. Those that left were free to be reshaped into whatever was needed by those who were left behind. A beloved friend. A solemn warrior. A good soldier.
Yes, that was a jab.
The other members of the superhero community did their best to fill the power void, especially in Metropolis, which had been hardest hit and was now missing its white knight, though the Kent boys and Kara did their best.
I think this is the only time I ever acknowledge Kara in my fics. I don't know her. She will not appear.
Dick clamped a firm hand onto Damian’s shoulder and shoved the boy back into his seat before he could crawl over the table to stab Tim with his fork.
I make too many Damian stabbing jokes in these early fics. Or rather, I the writer mean them as funny moments but in-world they wouldn't be funny or in character, really. He's got a temper but he's not an impetuous hothead. I think I've gotten better (I hope) about, when I do joke, they're in-world jokes as well.
The diner was nestled between a rising skyscraper and a small neighborhood park, the kind community developers liked to slot into any little niche so that they could advertise nearby green space to prospective renters. It was no more than a small patch of green ringed with trees, bisected by a path with a small, two-tiered fountain in the middle. This neighborhood had been untouched by the extraterrestrial destruction, and the paths were at a midday lull, soft greys and greens and whites unbroken except for a jogger here, a mother and child there, a dogwalker off in the distance.
I plucked this park from real life. I don't remember where I was now, maybe Maryland, visiting friends? But I can still see the real-world park in my head, and how I altered it to make it into a place I could use in Gotham.
From what Dick could remember, even before, Jason had hated to show weakness. Though more expressive than Bruce by far, he hid his fears and sorrows beneath anger and rage. He had, in many ways, been more vulnerable with Bruce than Dick had been, willing to confront and challenge the older man when upset, but he had hated being coddled. The safest thing to do when Jason was in turmoil was to give him space and return when the dust had settled. 
“Maybe.” Dick tried to remember everything he had seen Bruce do right and everything he had seen Bruce do wrong. “But it’s still important to you, so it’s important to me. Tell me.”
I firmly love best a Bruce who doesn't always get it right but also doesn't always get it wrong. He's just a guy doing his best.
“I thought…” Jason slumped to the side until his shoulder rested against the tree. “I thought it’d taken everything it could. I lost a year of my life, my family, my home, my sanity.” He barked out a laugh, raspy and rough and dark with bitterness. “What else could I lose, right?”
I also love Jason getting to grieve his missing years, not just raging against Bruce and Gotham. I should do more with that.
“It wasn’t exciting or really funny. It was just this… this old guy. He’d come in to this clean house and hang up his jacket and take off his shoes and sing. He’d tell stories with these stupid puppets, and he never yelled or got mad. And he’d talk right to me. Every time, it was like he was talking right to me.” Jason swiped at his eyes again, fast, hard. “I guess it was because it was public access and they didn’t have a lot of other programming, but it felt like every time I needed him, he was on. Even when I got older, I’d turn him on sometimes, because no matter how scared or angry or sad I was, I knew he’d fix it. He’d tell me he was proud of me, that I was special, that I was okay just the way I was.”
I always hated the puppets, so that bit was more me than Jason. Jason was too young to get the show on first-run, so it makes sense that the reruns would be frequent and seemingly available whenever he needed them to be on. And it makes sense that a calm, gentle, supportive show would be a lifeline to him, a world where big, scary things don't appear or are talked through when they do.
Instead, he had ended up a murder victim and a killer. Dick wanted to pull Jason into a hug and let him know that he could still make a difference, that he had made a difference in Crime Alley, even if they still butted heads over methodology sometimes. He didn’t need to be ashamed of who he was. But then Jason whispered, “I didn’t know he’d died.”
Dick: Oh he's having a crisis about his behavior, oh no.
Jason: actually having an entirely different crisis
Like, imagine if you blipped out of existence for a few years and when you came back, you found out about Robin Williams or Steve Irwin retroactively.
They had never done anything like this, even before. Dick had been too busy being Nightwing to be a big brother, and Jason had had no reason to trust him. But that didn’t mean Dick couldn’t be here now, to make up for all his failures before. He pressed his lips to Jason’s scalp, then rested his cheek atop the man’s head and waited.
I still haven't fully settled in my own head exactly what the Nightwing-Robin transition was like for the three of them. When I started, I leaned on the fanon interpretation of Bruce and Dick fighting a lot and Dick and Jason as emotionally distant strangers. Now I think I've relegated a lot of that to individual interpretation (Dick feeling a lot of guilt that doesn't wholly match reality, for example), but it's still pretty fluid.
Dick could feel a tear or two wash down his own face as he tightened his hold on his brother’s shoulders. “He would be proud of you, you know. He wasn’t the kind of guy to ask for perfection, right? Just that you try. He’d be so proud, Jay.” “Why, because you are?” Jason had tried for sardonic, but the wry jab came out waterlogged and muffled between sniffles. “Yeah. Yeah, I am,” Dick murmured.
Choked myself up a little there.
“Mine was Bob Ross,” Tim offered suddenly. He had sat on the end, furthest from Jason but still close enough to be heard even in a low voice as he hugged his knees. “Not his death so much. He died before I knew who he was. But I liked to watch him paint. He made beautiful things from his mistakes. His happy accidents. It was good to hear, sometimes.” Dick and Jason took that in silently, digesting everything Tim had said and everything he hadn’t.
I knew each kid would have their own person to name, because that's how these conversations go. Mention Steve Irwin and someone else will mention Robin Williams or Chadwick Boseman or Amy Winehouse or whoever. Everyone has a death of a stranger that meant an awful lot to them. Figuring out who to pair to whom was an interesting puzzle, and I think the pairings I picked made sense. (Am realizing now how many shocking celebrity deaths are men.)
One quirk of timing with this fic was I wrote it and happened to post, completely by accident, the day that Stan Lee died. Folks were really feeling it in my comments section.
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cuzisaidso · 2 years
The heated disagreement pt.1
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Sun/ FEM! Reader!
Warning: little bit of swearing and sun being heavily distressed.
light blue- moon
red- y/n
pink- me(A/n)
Summary: sun and y/n gets into a disagreement which leds into sun becoming upset.Y/n does something that not only spirals certain emotions for sun and moon but emotions for herself as well.
After sun let the last of the kids go with their parents, he slumped heavily in exhaustion.
“Oh moon, they were a lot of kids today so many new faces, new profiles, new…..parents…”
sun starts to walk around picking up broken crayons and discarded drawings.
“imma keep those” sun mutters to himself.
“Don’t be to hard on yourself sun, things happen especially since the holidays are coming up. Parents work harder to get the things the brats want. Which means they get loaded here.” Sun frowns or mimics frowning before exhaling deeply.
“If you say so moon….anyway isn’t y/n supposed to be coming back soon? After the accident with little Timmy she left suddenly”
moon inwardly rolls his eyes at the mention of y/n. Moon never can grasp how sun can like the small human. Not very strong nor reliable for the job they have. He is surprised they even got hired for the position she asked for. But seeing how sun likes y/n and her being his *new friend* and judging how today went. He decided to comfort sun, “y/n will come back soon sun, it will just take her a little longer”
Sun glares at the wall “now now moon don’t be mean, y/n just have shorter legs than we do” moon chuckles but doesn’t respond.
The door opens as y/n walks in carrying a bag. Y/n smiles at sun before walking to the security desk and setting the bag down. Sun gets done picking up the rest of the trash before throwing it out. Y/n digs around in her bag and peeks up looking at sun before going back to digging. Sun tilts his head.
“y/n” y/n looks up and smiles “yes sun?” “Why did you leave so suddenly earlier” y/n smile fades a little “I had to report what had happened ”
sun blinks slowly before walking closer to y/n. “Report?” Y/n sighs softly as she straighten up. “Yes sun, a report. What that boy did was inappropriate, not only that but he damaged fazebear entertainment property, do you know how serious this is?”
Y/n put her hands on her hips. “His parents were charged with destruction of company property along with a year band.” Sun eyes widen “oh no! No no no! Timmy is good boy, today was just not a good day for him. Timmy didn’t mean to I swear!”
Sun starts to panic as he covers his face “oh how much he is going to hate me now! And we just became such good friends! Oh little Timmy I’m so sorry!” Sun grasp y/n and shakes her a little “please please please! Remove the band and the chargers! He is just a child!”
Y/n shakes her head as her frown deepens. “I’m sorry sun” Sun lets out a high pitch cry as he covers his face with his hands. “Sorry?! How can you be sorry for putting a band on a child!” Sun sobs. Y/n frowns “sun your being over dramatic, just look at you, your a mess, shit even one of your rays are about to come out” Sun gasp “naughty word!”
Y/n rolls her eyes and gently rubs his back. “let’s get you cleaned up” Sun looks up at y/n and pulls away from her “no not until we get the band and charges removed”y/n glares
“sun I’m not going to argue with you over this, the charges are set and the band is in place.”
“he is going to hate me!”wails sun as he grabs his rays and pulls as he stands up and backs away. “Do you know how long it took for me to befriend him?! How long it took for his parents to not give me nasty look whenever I give him to them before he leaves?!” “It’s okay-“IT IS NOT!”Sun yells.
“It is not okay y/n…it’s not easy for me to befriend the children of parents who is disgusted by the mere fact I am not human”sun looks at y/n with such a heartbreaking look y/n heart pangs.
“I want to be left alone….please…” y/n frowns and walks over “sun”
“just please! Leave me al-y/n grasp sun face gently pulling it down to look at her face.
“Sun! Just listen! Please…” sun eyes widen as he looks down at y/n “I know how much the children happiness means to you I truly do, but your happiness comes first. Everyday I see how the parents treat you and I understand the hard work you put into making their kids feel comfortable around you. But you can’t make everyone happy. There are going to be people and kids who will test your limits to see how far they can go. And today was that day, I can’t stand to see you or moon hurt in anyway. So yes I made the decision to report the little boy, but I didn’t report him I reported his parents, a child copies what they see that is done at home, so whatever he does is his parent’s responsibility” y/n caresses sun face gently.
“your a wonderful person sun no matter if your a human or not and excuse me for my language but fuck the parents they just have a stick so far shoved up their ass that they can’t see how beautiful and wonderful a being you are and I say that’s a lost for them” y/n surprises herself by kissing sun cheek gently.
“your my sun and my sun doesn’t let this stop him from being the best he can be, now let’s get you cleaned up”y/n gently takes sun hand. She grabs her bag and walks to the employee showers. Sun following behind her, his face a deep blush as his fans whirls fast. “What the fuck…..” mutters moon as he is stund from the sudden affection. “naughty word” grumbles sun.
A/n-this is my first fanfic of sun and a little bit of moon, I don’t expect this to be the best that’s out there but I do want to make the second part of this fic. If y’all want me to…it’s really up to y’all if y’all will like what I write even one person is enough. I’ll write for you if you want me to :) also I’m kinda new to tumblr so….yeah anyway I hope you guys like the fanfic Also the picture above isn’t my art I gotten it off Pinterest.
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universalfanfic · 1 year
@inkoutsidethelines Here is Mary and Owen's convo about his job as a superhero. I feel like I could've filled out the discussion more... but I want to post it now so.
(Mary belongs to Ink)
Mary snapped back into the present when she realized how quiet it was. She’d been folding some laundry in a daze, but with a three year old and two under two, quiet was never a good sign. 
She dropped the towel back in the basket and turned to where the boys had been. Theodore and Bradley had already learned how to help each other out of their playpen, and she was seriously considering adding a screen on top to lock them in. 
“Yeah, mommy!” 
Mary marched down the hall and found all three boys huddled around a few scraps of paper, a leather bound journal, and a scattering of crayons. She rushed forward as Bradley stopped drawing on the paper and looked over at the wall speculatively.
Mary snatched Bradley up and held him on one hip as she put her hand on the other. Bradley laughed at the quick movement and threw his crayon.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
Mikey looked down at his crayon and back up at her. 
“Coloring.” He held up the paper he scribbled on to show her. “See! I’m showing T-eeo and B-ladley how to draw.” 
Mary bit her tongue and fought to keep her stern expression. 
“You need to ask first,” she said. “You know Theodore and Bradley aren’t supposed to be out by themselves.” 
“Don’t worry, I’m watching them!” 
“Mommy or daddy needs to be with them,” she clarified. 
With a sigh, she knelt down to start cleaning up the papers. The journal looked like one of Owen’s sketchbooks and she groaned that they’d clearly torn out a few pages. Mikey pointed as she took the paper he’d colored on. 
“I made it better,” he said. “I didn’t like that one; it was too scary.” 
Mary frowned at that. Owen didn’t draw scary things. Landscapes, portraits, some still life if he was trying to figure out lighting, but nothing a child should find scary. 
She looked past the rainbow scribbles to the original sketch. It was done in a heavy, dark ink. Not Owen’s usual style. 
The silhouette of a man seemed to be falling down a hole, many grasping hands reached up towards him from the bottom. 
It hit her that Mikey had somehow pulled out one of Owen’s private art journals. The ones he didn’t even share with her, though she didn’t know how Mikey found it. Owen was usually careful with where he placed those ones. 
Mary stared at the picture another moment then folded it up and shoved it in her pocket. 
“You made it very colorful, but we don’t color in daddy’s books, remember? Now let’s clean this up before he gets home.” 
Mary kept the picture in her pocket after Owen got home from work, all through dinner, until after they put the kids to bed. They settled on the couch and Mary finally brought it up. 
“So,” she said, “the kids got into one of your sketchbooks today.” 
Owen let out a half-amused groan as he threw his arm over her shoulder on the back of the couch. 
“How much damage did they do?” 
Mary licked her lips. “I don’t know. I didn’t look through the rest.”
Owen cracked one eye open to give her a questioning look and Mary reached into her pocket. He accepted the folded paper and his demeanor shifted as he opened it up and saw what was inside. 
“I didn’t think you’d appreciate me looking through that one.” 
“Right.” Owen’s jaw ticked and he looked away, shoving the paper into his own pocket. “Thank you.” 
Mary pressed her lips together and tamped down on her impulsive reaction to his dismissal. 
“Is that it?” 
“I’ll make sure I put it where they can’t reach it from now on.” 
Her frustration spiked and she leaned away from him. 
“So am I just supposed to pretend I didn’t see it? Is that what you want me to do? Is that whole sketchbook filled with drawings like that?” 
Owen’s eyes sharpened and he pulled his arm back. 
“We’re both allowed to have our privacy, Mary.” 
“That’s not what that was, and you know it,” she snapped. “That wasn’t just some frustration you were working out on your own. That- that looked like despair.” 
Owen blinked rapidly and leaned forward to rub at his forehead.
“It’s nothing. You don’t need to worry about it.” 
Mary pressed her lips together again and her tone shifted to something softer.
“That isn’t fair.” Owen didn’t move. “Whenever I was going through- when I was struggling with my Daredevil stuff, you always said you wanted me to open up to you. You wanted to be there for me. And when it was beyond your scope you encouraged me to find someone who would know how to help.” 
Owen worked his jaw and ran his hand through his hair in growing agitation.  He wouldn’t look directly at her. 
“This isn’t the same.” He insisted. 
“Something is clearly bothering you, Owen.” 
“It’s not the same. You- you went through traumatic events. You held yourself together through things no human should have to go through.” 
“It’s not a competition.” 
“I have nothing to compete with!” He shot back. “I have loving parents, a family, a good support network, and powers most people wish for. So if I have a bad day, I’m not going to complain about it, okay?” 
Mary sat back and rolled her tongue in her mouth. He was deflecting too hard for it to be something as fleeting as a bad day. She ought to know, she’d done it enough to her family, to him, before working through her trauma. He was just as stubborn as she was, whether he wanted to admit it or not. 
She let the silence sit long enough for him to calm down, for his words to settle. 
“Do you know what one of the first things Brenda taught me was?” She asked. 
Owen closed his eyes momentarily and let out a tense breath. He finally made himself look at her. 
“She taught me when I was upset, but kept it to myself, I’d inevitably end up creating distance between us. You’d feel that distance but wouldn’t know what was causing it. You might assume it was your fault, that you were failing as a husband. She taught me that ultimately it was unkind of me to hide what was bothering me, and unkind not to tell you what I needed.” 
He didn’t move as he worked through her words. Despite his tense posture she could see his eyes softening. Mary fought to keep her voice steady. 
“Please be kind enough to tell me what you need.” 
It was her plea that broke through. Owen dropped his head in his hands to hide his face, and while he didn’t audibly cry, his breathing was elevated. Mary moved up against his side and wrapped her arm around his back. 
“I never wanted to be part of the Avengers program.” His voice was so quiet it sounded fragile. “Maddie tried to get enrolled early, but I- I only followed after her because I knew she’d get herself killed if I wasn’t there. And we’re Rogers’, right? It’s what we’re supposed to do.”
Mary’s heart fractured a little and she ran her hand up and down his spine. 
“Owen, you aren’t obligated to follow in your parent’s footsteps.” 
He let out a short, bitter laugh. 
“Aren’t I? I have these powers, I can help people. What does it say about me that I don’t want to.” He winced at his own words and corrected himself. “No, that’s not- I don’t like hurting people. Even if they deserve it. Every day, every moment, I have to be conscientious of what I do, how much force I use. I go out every night knowing that if I’m not careful I could kill someone that doesn’t have to die. Even then, I have to hurt people, and I hate it.” 
“Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this?” 
Owen looked away again, his eyes going red, his brows furrowed as if he were angry.
“Because people go to work hating their jobs everyday. I’m not special for that. I have a responsibility to you and our kids, and to the commitments I knowingly made. I can’t just stop for something as trivial as me not liking it.” 
“Yes,” Mary said, “you can. Do you hear yourself? We are not our powers, we’re people. You’re a person. You just happen to be able to do something most can’t. I know it’s so hard to separate ourselves from that, but Owen, you can’t keep doing this. You wouldn't let me, and I love you enough not to let you either.”
She tugged on his arm and he let her pull him closer. They folded into each other on the couch and let the conversation breathe as Mary ran her fingers through Owen’s curls. 
“I can’t,” Owen finally said. “Maddie-”
“Maddie is a grown woman who can make her own decisions. She knows her own limitations and the risks she takes.”
The silence settled again and Mary waited. 
“I’m supposed to lead this family,” Owen confessed. “How can I expect you all to trust me when something this- this small gets under my skin?” 
That felt much closer to the truth than his excuse about Maddie. 
“You are not less of a man because you don’t like hitting people and it upsets you.” She cupped his jaw and prompted him to look at her, the short hairs of his beard tickling her palm. He obliged, though he didn’t otherwise move; his arms stayed wrapped around her waist. 
“I love you because you are gentle, because you choose to be. Because you are kind and generous and you love with all that you are. What will hurt our family more is if we spend years watching you suffer when you don’t need to. You have a choice, Owen.” 
He pulled her closer and pressed his forehead against her shoulder. Mary kissed the top of his head and he let out a sound between a cry and a laugh. She felt his lips move as he murmured against her skin. 
“I love you. So much.” 
“I love you too. How about we relax the rest of the evening, and tomorrow we can work on your resignation?”
Owen pulled back far enough to kiss her on the lips. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I think that might be a good idea.”
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