#i did get a spoiler from a thumbnail of Frank stuck in the playground equipment before I saw that ep
daisychain-unchained · 6 months
At my last job, I had two other coworkers who were as into Always Sunny as I was, and it was great. One of them had a personal goal to work as many references into conversations with customers as possible. There was one particularly nasty interaction I had with a lady only known as Umbrella Lady who told me that my “smug aura was mocking her,” and my coworker was the first to pick up that that was Frank’s line about the German Shepherd painting lmao. We’ll never know if she was quoting the show or if it was a total coincidence (she didn’t seem like the type to watch it), but it became a running joke between my other coworker and his wife after that, he told me they say it to each other all the time now. 😂
This is my first time watching the show, I’m on the last episode of season 9 and I’ve loved it! My best friend tried watching the show well before me but always told me she couldn’t really get into it. Now that I’m watching it for myself, I’m like ?? What? You didn’t think it was funny?? (But she also doesn’t like Seinfeld, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised lol).
Every now and then I’ll find Dayman getting stuck in my head, and I’m hoping that one day I’ll come across someone who also shares the knowledge of Fat Mac
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