#i did go for a nice long walk in the sun this week tho and ive been having a really rough time lately so i was proud of myself
lesbeet · 8 months
sometimes you can't go for a walk but at least there's open window...my beloved
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
A Nice Girl - Zuko
Pairing - Zuko x f!reader
Warnings - none!!
Word Count - 3,211
Notes - I have been pumping out these really long fics lately lmaoooo. i dont mean to i just simply get carried away. i need to stop before i get a block tho lmao. AND IM ALMOST AT 400 FOLLOWERS OMG!!! im like so excited about it tbh. maybe ill open my request when we get there. thank you all and i hope you're all well. stay hydrated!!
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You yawned and stretched, the silk from your nightgown tickling you. That had to have been the best sleep you have gotten these past couple of weeks. As the oldest in the “gaang” at 17 years old, you had to act as the mother of the group and felt this awful need to protect everyone all the time, thus granting you several sleepless nights.
Sure, Ba Sing Se didn't feel like home and it didn't feel 100% safe either, but you got to sleep in a comfy bed and wear some really nice clothes. You had to admit that it was nice to be working with the Avatar sometimes.
You pushed your tangled hair out of your face and looked into the full length mirror next to your bed. Yeah, you definitely slept well, that was no question. You could tell by the rat’s nest created on your head and the sleep lines across your arms and face. You definitely needed to wash up before you started your day.
You got out of bed, stretching as the sun kissed your warm cheeks. You were going to make the best out of today. Lots of planning, but lots of downtime too, so that was nice.
As you finally walked out of your room, you were welcomed to cackling laughter from Sokka, his finger pointed at you.
“Ha, ha,” you said sarcastically, Katara handing you a brush. “Very funny, Sokka.”
“Not just funny,” he said through laughter. “It’s hilarious, y/n! You look so stupid!!!”
You rolled your eyes, hiding a smile, and tamed the rat’s nest on your head, looking a little more yourself.
Aang walked in the house holding a bowl of snacks with a smile on his face. “Oh, good morning, y/n! You sure slept in this morning!”
“Slept in?” You tilted your head. “What time is it?”
Katara took the brush from you and set it down on a nearby drawer. “Almost 10 am.”
“What?!” You were shocked. You were usually the first one up always and if not, you never slept past 8.
Katara giggled. “Listen, y/n. I think it's great that you finally got some sleep. We never really see you rest well, so none of us had the heart to wake you up.”
You beamed. “You guys are the best. Well,” you stretched. “I'm gonna get washed up so I don't look like a sleepy monster all day.” Something about Ba Sing Se gave you the creeps, but at the same time, it was nice to be back in a place where you could bathe in warm water and not fear Zuko coming after you. It's not like you had anything against the Fire Nation prince… it's more like… he was an inconvenience to you and the rest of the gaang. Since you and Zuko were about the same age, you understood him. Well, kinda. You escaped the Fire Nation when you were younger, disagreeing with all of their ideals and overall how they treated the world. You did see the prince as Fire Nation scum, but at the same time, you saw him as a kid, just like you. He was banished for god knows what and he just wanted to go home. You didn't hate Zuko. Not one bit. You understood that he may just be in some sort of hidden pain. But you had to admit that it was kinda nice to not have him around to bother you.
You got out of the shower refreshed and ready for the day. It was nice to have a day off, so you were probably going to get some tea and write in your journal about how the past couple of weeks have been. You figured it would be nice to log everything that has ever happened on this little journey just in case you all wanted a refresher in the next twenty years or so. You slipped on some Earth Nation attire and smiled at yourself in the mirror as you braided your hair. Today is going to be a good day, you thought. Nothing better than tea and some late breakfast.
“I'm going out for the day,” you said, placing your bag on your shoulder. “Stay out of trouble today, got it?”
You looked at Aang and he laughed. “I will, I will! Have a nice day, okay, y/n? You deserve it.”
“You’re all too kind to me. Thank you.”
“And let me know if you find Appa!”
“I will, don't worry.”
You smiled and walked out of the house, smelling the fresh Earth Nation air. Luckily, the walls didn't cover the fresh air, so you could still get the almost afternoon breath.
You spent the beginning of the day walking around shops, buying some supplies and new clothes for yourself and the others. The markets were busy, but it was nice to get some of the things you needed without Aang begging for some stupid trinket that you always ended up buying him because you thought it was cool too. That was always your impulse, stupid things that Aang showed you. Those could be the death of you.
As you finally finished your browsing journey, you overheard a conversation while looking over a map.
“I swear their tea has gotten better.”
“Really? I dunno.”
“I'm serious. It has to be the best tea shop in Ba Sing Se.”
“Fine, we can go try it later.”
You turned to the two men a little embarrassed that you were eavesdropping. “S-Sorry, but I was kinda listening to your conversation… uh… where’s that tea shop you were talking about? I've been trying to find a nice place to get some tea all morning.”
The man hyping up the shop smiled at you. “Don't worry about eavesdropping, kiddo. It's right here.” He pointed to the map you were looking at and you were satisfied that it wasn't too far from where you currently were.
You thanked the man and began your journey to the shop. It was a little closer to afternoon and you could feel your stomach rumbling, so you just decided to skip right to lunch.
You walked into the tea shop and saw people smiling and laughing together, the heavenly scent of tea filling your senses. You were quickly seated at a lone booth and given a menu. Everything looked so good, you could swear that you were about to drool just thinking about food.
You decided to order something that the waitress recommended and as she walked away, you flipped through your journal, going over everything that you and the gaang had been through. You quietly laughed to yourself as you passed a page that said: note to self - slap Zuko’s bald head at least once. Imagine the sound that would make.
It’s definitely been a long trip of both laughter and struggle, and honestly, you were really happy. You don't remember the last time you had laughed so hard before you met Aang and the others. It was nice. Really nice.
“Here’s your tea. Is there anything else you need?” Your tea was set in front of you along with your lunch and you tilted your head at the familiar voice that wasn't your waitress from earlier. It was on the tip of your tongue.
“I think I'm alright, thank-” You looked up and the smile you had suddenly dropped. No way. “Zu-”
Before you could say his full name, Zuko covered your mouth and quickly let go, hoping no one saw or heard any of that. “P-Please don't.”
“But you’re-”
“I know,” Zuko’s voice was low. “Just… can we talk… in the back?”
You looked around the restaurant at all of the other people and back at Zuko. He looked so different. Barely recognizable. His face didn't look so pissed off and he had a short head of hair now that looked healthy. The only reason you recognized him was the scar, but honestly, if he covered it up somehow, you wouldn't have a clue that he was the prince of the Fire Nation.
You nodded and stood up, collecting your things. You followed Zuko to the back, almost a little scared. You had no means of defending yourself. You were a non bender, so if he wanted to pick a fight, you were screwed. You didn't even have a simple weapon on you. Maybe you were getting too cozy.
Zuko brushed off a small table and pulled out a chair for you, which you sat in with slight hesitation.
“How did you get into Ba Sing Se?” You didn't mean to sound so defensive. Well, you did, but you weren't expecting to. Especially not on such a good day like this.
“It's… a long story.”
“Why are you here?”
“Listen… It’s not for the Avatar.”
“Huh? Is that so?” You crossed your arms and looked him dead in the eye. “Then explain to me how you always end up where we just so happen to be. That’s suspicious, isn't it?”
“If you hurt Aang, I swear to-”
“I don't care about Aang right now!”
The whole room went quiet. You had never heard Zuko say Aang’s name before, let alone not care about what the Avatar is doing.
“Then why…”
“I have my own stuff to deal with. It's none of your business, okay? I do have a life outside of the Avatar, you know.”
You nodded and looked down at your tea. “I'm… assuming your uncle made this?” You giggled softly.
“Yeah. He did.” Zuko’s voice was small and way less frustrated.
“So that’s why this tea shop has hype all of a sudden.” You wondered aloud, your eyes wandering to the ceiling.
Zuko cleared his throat and shuffled in his spot. “So… uh… what now?”
“Promise not to hurt Aang and I won't say a word about you being here. I believe that you have your own stuff to deal with, so prove it to me.”
“I promise.”
Your eyes locked with his and you smiled, shocking Zuko a bit. You smiled at him, the guy that’s been trying to hurt you and your friends this whole time. The guy who would’ve done anything for the Avatar to be in his hands.
“You probably hate me, don't you?” Zuko spat out, rubbing the back of his neck.
You tilted your head. “Hate’s a strong word, don't you think?”
Zuko looked at you, appalled. “I mean, I would understand if you did.”
“It's been a long road for you, hasn't it, Zuko?”
He nodded at you and you pointed to the other side of the table, just realizing that he was standing that entire time. “Let’s share some tea.”
“I-I don't know if that’s a good idea.” Zuko took a step back.
“Ah, I see,” you stood up, scooting your chair back in. “You’re a busy man with a job now.”
He just nodded at you.
“Well, I'll let you get to it then, but I expect to see you at 6 tonight ready to hang out, okay?”
“Wh-What?! Won't your friends notice that you’re gone?”
You just smiled, collecting your things. “Zuko, I do have a life outside of the Avatar, you know.”
Zuko’s face went bright red as you walked out of the room with a smirk on your face. It was actually kinda cute to see Zuko not being some evil kid with his heart set on hurting anyone.
“You’re leaving?” Sokka whined, watching you grab your bag.
“Yes Sokka,” you said for what seemed like the hundredth time. “I'm leaving. I just want to go get dinner out by myself tonight. Maybe go for a nice walk.”
“Aww man,” Sokka pouted, crossing his arms. “Who’s gonna make dinner now?”
You rolled your eyes, trying to hide the smile creeping on your lips. “Sokka, I left some money on the table. You guys should go out and get something to eat tonight.”
“Why aren't you coming with us?” Sokka tilted his head, counting the money on the table.
“I just want to go out by myself tonight, that’s all.”
“So you’re just gonna have a lonely dinner all by yourself?” Sokka questioned, looking skeptical.
“She’s lying.” Everyone turned to Toph and your face went bright red. You forgot she could tell if you were lying or not, and it definitely didn't help that you were outside on the concrete so Toph could really feel right through you.
Sokka turned back to you quickly. “You’re going to dinner with someone?”
“Fine, yes, I am, so what?”
“Who is it?”
You rolled your eyes, already late. “Just somebody.”
“Is it a boy?” Sokka gave you a mocking look and you pushed his face away.
“Fine, whatever! It's a boy! So what?! Now let me leave before I'm late. Have a nice dinner everyone.” You waved at the group and ran to the tea shop, hoping that Zuko didn't leave yet.
The bell rang as you opened the shop door. “Sorry, we’re not serving tea anymore, we’re closing at the moment,” a familiar voice said. Iroh peeked his head out, surprised to see you. “y/n?”
You smiled, “hi Iroh.”
“How are you?” Iroh set down the broom he was holding and pulled you into a soft embrace. You never told the others, but you spent quite a bit of time talking to Zuko’s uncle when you got the chance. He was a wise man and kind as well. Maybe that's why you understood Zuko so well, you had someone to give you some insight on the boy.
“I'm good, Iroh. How are you?”
“Oh I'm fine,” he beamed at you, pulling away from the hug. “I'm getting to live my lifelong dream of making tea for the people of Ba Sing Se, so that feels pretty nice.”
“Well, you are the best at making tea, Iroh.”
“Oh, stop. You’re so full of flattery, y/n.” Iroh blushed with a smile. “Is there a reason you’re here?”
“Is your nephew here?”
“You’re looking for Zuko?” Iroh cocked an eyebrow at you and you chuckled, surprised that you were even here.
“I am.”
Iroh gave you a skeptical look, but honestly didn't care much. He thought it was nice that someone wanted to visit Zuko. “He is here. Let me go grab him. Would you like some tea in the meantime?”
“Tea sounds great,” you admitted, sitting at a table.
As you got comfortable, Zuko ran into the room, completely surprised. “You’re here?”
You laughed. “Of course I am! I said I’d be here at 6 didn't I?”
“I thought you were bluffing.”
“Well now you know I'm serious. Wanna hang out?”
Zuko gave you a side eye and thought for a moment. “I think I know what you’re trying to do.”
“And what might that be?” Iroh entered the room, placing two teacups and a kettle on your table. You thanked Iroh as he left with a smile.
“You’re trying to get info out of me. About the Fire Nation… aren't you?”
You shook your head. “You’re so defensive all the time, Zuko.”
“Can you blame me?” Zuko shut all of the blinds in the shop and sat across from you, taking a sip of tea.
“I guess not.”
“I'm surprised you’re not a little more on edge.”
“Why’s that?” You took a sip of tea as well, humming at how delightful it tasted.
“I'm a firebender. You don't bend right? I could literally take you down at any moment. And it doesn't seem like you have any weapons either.”
“I trust that you won't do anything. Your uncle would probably be pissed about the mess to be honest.”
For the first time in all of your time knowing Zuko, you heard him laugh. He laughed so hard that he snorted a bit, which made him laugh harder. Because of all of his laughter, he made you laugh too, sending you both into a laughing fit. It felt good. You haven't laughed this hard since you first met Sokka, all covered in Appa’s snot.
Zuko literally had tears in his eyes by the time he stopped laughing. Seeing him happy made you feel… good. Really good. It was almost a relief. It made Zuko more human. You didn't know if you could even remotely call him your enemy anymore.
You two ended up talking all night, Iroh occasionally bringing more tea or just little treats every now and then. You literally couldn't stop talking to Zuko. To hear about what it was like to grow up in the Fire Nation as a prince was interesting. To hear what Ozai was really like in person sent chills down your spine. To hear where that scar on his face came from almost brought you to tears. Zuko didn't even know why he told you all of this, but he could say one thing. It felt nice. It felt this giant weight on his chest had been lifted.
After a few hours, you looked at the clock in the shop and frowned. “Bad news, Zuko. I gotta go.”
“Already?” He turned to face the clock and pouted his bottom lip. “Alright then.”
You stood up and collected your things. “Thanks for the tea, Iroh!” You shouted, which was responded with a big smile and a thumbs up from Iroh.
“Thanks for stopping by.”
“Anytime,” you said, opening the door of the shop. “I'll be back.”
“You will?” You turned to Zuko, who almost looked excited that you said that.
“Of course I will. Goodnight guys.”
“Wait,” Zuko ran up to you, holding the door open. “Let me walk you home, it’s late.”
“Zuko, I don't know if that’s a good idea.”
Zuko frowned, but you were probably right. If Aang spotted him for even a second, both of you would be done for. “R-Right. Well… thanks.”
“For what?”
“Hanging out. That was fun.”
You smiled. “That was fun. Thank you for not killing me, Zuko.”
“Anytime.” He giggled, immediately taken aback when you pulled him in for a hug after dropping everything.
He was so… warm. I mean, duh. He was a firebender. But even so, his hug felt so genuine, so nice, and you didn't want to leave. “Goodnight, Zuko,” you said as you pulled away from the hug.
“Goodnight, y/n.” This time, he shocked you by pulling you in for another hug and pulling away only to pull you in again, but this time, your lips were inches apart.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice was in a whisper, his warm breath dusting over your lips.
You just nodded and closed your eyes as his soft lips brushed against yours. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck pulling him closer. He smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist.
When you pulled away from the kiss, both of you said a quick goodbye, your cheeks dusted pink.
Zuko quickly walked back into the tea shop to help Iroh close and put his back on the door.
“I'm glad you found a nice girl, Zuko.” Zuko jumped hearing his uncle’s voice, his face turning a dark shade of crimson.
Though if he was being honest, he was glad he found a nice girl too.
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fannyspammy · 1 year
Hiii, I love your firsts series with Adam warlock and wanted to ask if you could do something like that with Minho? Because I saw you write for him too so I wabre to ask but if not that’s totally okey too! I don’t want to pressure you! Have a nice day!
Minho x Reader
Summary: the first time Minho admits he’s attracted to y/n
Warnings: nothing! You do get sassy asshole Minho & protective Minho (and a hint of soft Minho, if you squint) in one fic tho hehe.
A/N: A little break from the Adam fics with some Minho content! Shoutout to @theblaxkbird for requesting :) wasn’t sure if you wanted it sweet or a little spicier, so I kept it light! It is kind of long [& by kind of I mean very] tho oops sorry. If anyone wants more Minho content feel free to send in requests! Enjoy :)
[not my gif]
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The first time y/n met Minho he was… well, insufferable. She arrived in the glade a month after he and the first group of gladers did, & was the first and only woman there. The other boys were either kind to her or afraid of her— either way, they looked out for her and catered to her needs. But Minho? Was an ass.
While the other boys helped pull her out of the box & introduced themselves with a smile, clearly excited to see a girl join the group, Minho led with his famous eye roll & a turn of his heel, walking away in a huff.
Newt apologized on behalf of his friend, explaining to y/n that he wasn’t normally like that, although they had been through a lot in the last month.
As the weeks went by, Minho made it a point to pick on her & tease her, every chance he got, and when he wasn’t doing that, he was simply pretending she didn’t exist.
“Ow! Um, excuse you,” y/n called after Minho when he aggressively bumped her shoulder, cutting her in line. Minho picked up a plate silently, unphased by the irritated girl standing behind him.
Newt rolled his eyes from a few places back. “C’mon Minho, you’re gonna cut in front of the lady?”
“Uh, no, I’m not gonna, ‘cause I already did,” Minho said, looking at his friend from over his shoulder.
Y/n rolled her eyes & swatted the air in dismissal. “It’s fine, Newt.”
After getting her food, y/n plopped down on the soft field a few metres from the Homestead, taking in the warmth of the high noon sun. She ate in comfortable silence, grateful to have a moment to herself in her day surrounded by rowdy boys.
Her comfortable silence was quickly broken by an uproar from the homestead. A chorus of voices erupted, indecipherable. She squinted through the sun, trying to see if she could spot the reason for the ruckus. It died down momentarily, and y/n got up to begin making her way over.
As she approached, Alby stomped out the door with incoherent shouts spilling from his lips, dragging Minho by the arm. Gally followed closely behind, Newt holding him back. It looked like there was a gash across his cheek.
Y/n rolled her eyes.
Why am I not surprised?
She turned around & returned to her spot, watching Alby scold Minho from a distance before leaving him sitting on the grass, ripping it from its roots like a child on time-out. She chuckled to herself, thinking how he was finally getting what he deserved. Then, from her peripherals, y/n saw Minho stand up & make his way over.
“Whatcha doing out here?” he asked, hands in his pockets, a large bruise visible on his cheek now that he was closer. His tone didn’t seem hostile for once, but y/n wasn’t going to give him the opportunity to get there.
“What are you doing out here? Tired of getting your ass kicked in there?”
Minho rolled his eyes & plopped down beside her. “You still mad I cut you in line?” He rested his forearms on his knees, his toned muscles peeking out from under his rolled up sleeves.
Oh, god, there is no way this shuckface is gonna disrespect me, act like all he’s done is cut me in line, & then come flaunting his stupid muscles under his tight shirt.
Y/n stood up with a scoff, walking back to the Homestead. The last thing she had was energy to deal with Minho today.
“What’s wrong, luv?” Newt said as he approached y/n. “What’s gotcha sittin’ in a bloody corner all by yourself?”
Y/n crossed her arms. “Take a bloody guess.”
The Brit sat down across her. “Y’know, he’s not so bad.”
“All he’s done since I got here is bug me!”
Newt shrugged. “So he likes to tease. He also just took a punch for you.”
Y/n sat up. “He what?”
Newt raised an eyebrow. “He didn’t tell you? I saw him walk over to you outside to I assumed he came over to brag about it. The bugger almost got thrown in the slammer for ya”
“Newt, tell me what happened.”
Newt explained how as she walked outside, Gally made an inappropriate comment about her ass. To everyone’s surprise, Minho warned Gally not to talk about y/n like that again, but instead of apologizing, Gally commented something even more crude (something along the lines of “I’d like to stick it up there”, complete with gestures according to Newt). That’s when Minho really surprised them, lunging at Gally & tackling him to the ground. Gally got in one good punch before Alby finally lifted Minho off of him.
“Don’t worry, Minho definitely got more hits in than Gally did,” Newt informed. “But he was bloody riled up. Ya might wanna talk to him.”
When y/n found Minho he was laying in his hammock facing away from her, tossing a rock up & down. He paused for a moment, holding the rock still between his index finger and his thumb, as if sensing her presence, & then resumed just as quickly, as if dismissing it.
“Whaddaya want, shuckface?”
Y/n rolled her eyes at the nickname & trudged over to stand in front of him.
“I brought you an ice pack,” she said, holding it out for him to take. Minho eyed the ice pack, then her, then the ice pack again, before returning his attention to the rock in his hand.
Y/n rolled her eyes for the second time in 2 minutes. When he didn’t take the ice pack, she walked over to the other side of the hammock & placed it on his cheek herself.
As soon as the cold touched his skin, Minho glanced at her without turning his head, an eyebrow raised in question.
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing?”
“Oh, so you do know my name. I was beginning to think you actually thought my name was shuckface.”
“Damn, shuckface,” Minho emphasized the word & smirked at the eye roll it triggered. “Why you so sensitive today?”
Y/n laughed. “Me? Slim it Minho, I’m not the one who got into a fight over a comment. Hell, if I was as sensitive as your shuck ass we’d be in a fist fight every day.”
Minho groaned in frustration and mumbled to himself. “Of course Newt had to tell you…” Sitting up, he snatched the ice pack from her and began to play with it in place of his rock. “Well, I wasn’t gonna let him talk about you like that.”
“Why not? You talk about me like that all the time.”
Minho wrinkled his nose in distaste for her words. “You think I talk about you like that? I like to tease you, shuckface, not talk about you like some easy skank.” He tilted his head to look at her & shrugged. “And you know I don’t actually mean the klunk I say. I just like when you react, ya shank.”
When her brows furrowed with confusion, he realized she did not, in fact, know that.
“Wait, did you think I was serious? When I’d tease you?”
Y/n threw her hands up in exasperation. “Well, I don’t know, Minho! How was I supposed to know you didn’t actually hate me when the second I stepped foot in the Glade you just rolled your eyes & turned around? You didn’t even bother introducing yourself! I had to get your name from Newt as he apologized for you!”
Minho smirked playfully. “Aw, was the little greenie upset I didn’t give her attention?”
“Slim it, Minho.” Y/n began to walk away. “I dunno why I wasted my time coming here.”
Minho grabbed her wrist. His hand was cold from the ice pack he’d been holding. “Y/n, wait.”
The boy sighed as he pulled her forward to face him again. His head was tilted down but his eyes looked up at her, as if he was embarrassed.
“Look, I’m sorry for ignoring you when you first arrived.” Y/n’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief.
Did he just apologize?
Minho continued. “You’re the only girl in a field of dudes. And let’s be real, you’re attractive. Clearly whoever sent us here knows my type. And when you arrived, ya know, we’d only been here a month, we were just getting things into routine, getting a structure kicked in— things were just starting to get… normal.”
He laid back down in his hammock again, hands behind his head as he regained his confident composure, attempting to mask the substance of his words with nonchalance.
“Not to brag, but I’d already started to build a reputation as a strong leader, & I knew a lotta those shanks out there looked up to me. So when you showed up, I just didn’t wanna get… distracted. But I should’ve been more welcoming. I’m sorry. And if you were actually upset about me teasing you this whole time you shoulda said somethin’, shuckface, ‘cause I just didn’t know.”
“Now wait just a damn second,” y/n said, putting her hands on her hips. “Are you telling me the whole reason you’ve been acting like an ass is because you’re attracted to me?”
“No, I’m telling you I didn’t want to be distracted by you.” He began tossing the rock again.
“Because you’re attracted me.”
“Am not.”
“You literally just said I’m your type.”
“Mm, is that what I said, though?”
“Minho!” Y/n punched him playfully and he reacted in mock hurt.
“Ouch! A girl who packs a punch? Maybe you are my type after all,” he teased.
Y/n looked him up & down, as if measuring what she was working with, then replied with a smirk. “Good.”
With that, she walked away, Minho’s eyes trailing behind her. Before she was out of sight he called after her.
“Thanks for the ice pack!”
Without looking back she shouted her reply, amusement playing on her lips.
“You’re welcome, shuckface.”
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thistransient · 2 months
Halfway through July, and I have neglected to write my yearly birthday introspection, although it did occur to me that between my birthday and the new year I was in fact doing two introspections a year anyways.
For certain reasons I've been waffling about it, but it's also quite nice to be able to look back and compare with the previous year, to see what's changed (sometimes unexpectedly) and what's still the same. Last year I mentioned I "made a close friend [...] and disentangled myself from a draining relationship", but in the end I had been drawn to said friend because he was the polar opposite of the person I was disentangling myself from, and while a different extreme might have been refreshing in the moment, that too was unsustainable in the long run. I think what finally dragged me out of the cycle of too-clingy/too-distant nebulous just-friends-but-what-if sort of relationships was twofold: I started going to counselling with a goal (not the usual "I feel like I'm having a breakdown so I'll see a therapist for 3-6 months before ditching"), and also got into a communal hobby such that I was able to make casual friends and attend regular and diverse events with a time limit (rather than laser focusing on one person and relying on them for all my socialising).
A year ago I said I was feeling adrift, goal-less, and filled with the sort of summer malaise inspired by the scorching Taipei weather this time of year. Unfortunately we are still rather scorched. The temperature and UV levels somewhat put a damper on my usual practice of walking around outside looking at things. On the positive side, I did struggle through the adrift-ness and applied for one (1) grad school program over the winter, which I didn't get into but I did learn that I feel better when I'm working on something, and I was also motivated to finally take Taiwan's Chinese proficiency exam to open up my options for the sort of programs I could try for in the future (I passed a level higher than I expected to, and it was great to feel acknowledgment of my competence at something I'd really put long-term effort into). After the grad school rejection I started planning the trip to Ladakh, which allllmost felt like it involved a similar level of paperwork and fuss- and actually pulling that off in the end (ok, even tho this was after my birthday) despite all my fears and anxiety (particularly around travelling post-transition) was also a great confidence boost. (For a week after I also had this frantic urge to drastically change my life, and I can't tell if it wore off with time or if the heat simply drained out all ambition beyond staying out of the sun and sitting in front of the fan eating cold dragonfruits.)
I have at least two proper goals now, and although one may require starting over entirely from an educational standpoint, as they say, "the time will pass anyways". On my bike rides at night I do tend to start pondering what shall become of me, creeping along in the years but being no closer to permanent or even temporary residency status than any other time I write about it either wistfully or with well-intentioned but otherwise ultimately futile determination, nor feeling like I am useful for any sort of capitalist pursuits. (I suppose this is the part of reflection wherein things have stayed the same, and we must stay tuned for next year.) But I also believe I have made some progress in deflating a little the omnipresent catholic guilt at simply existing, not to mention the adjacent notion that enjoying life a bit and not being maximally miserable at all times is a SIN. By this I mean I have gone twice now to a nice hair salon to let a beautiful woman shampoo, condition, and also give me a haircut that doesn't bear a strong resemblance to a bichon-frise immediately after.
All in all, I would say the verdict is incremental improvement. (Okay maybe I'm also racking up incremental nerve damage from all the shibari but you win some you lose some.) My housing/employment/visa-running status hasn't changed dramatically but I feel more hopeful and kinder with myself. I think my Chinese reading speed has kicked up a notch. I've managed to keep the instant noodle consumption under control. I've sent a lot of postcards on my quarterly trips, which are generally well-received. I have taken great delight in growing many plants in the window cage (whether they survive is another thing, RIP to the tomato plants while I was away, bravo to the basil that miraculously rehydrated from what seemed to be a completely unsalvageable state, sorry to the lemon tree sprout that was apparently doing fine on its own before I came back and over-watered it to death). Things feel kinda okay, and I used to be quite suspicious of this because surely they were only going to get worse again, but these days I figure hey, even so, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
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ziteyra · 1 year
A fish out of water
A two part Oneshot
Part 1
Aounung X female! Metkayina
🌪️themes: veeeery slowburn, fluff, love, foreign environments, dates, fighting
🌪️ Warnings : none :)
🌪️ Characters: Aounung, little bit of Loak, female Metkayina Tribe Navi
🌪️ Summary: Anoung takes Loak up on a rekless bet on how long he would survive in the jungle. This is where he meets a mysterious forest Navi and slowly (or not) falls for her
🌪️ Wordcount (🥹) : ~ 4k
🐟 Notes: I am so sorry. I went incredibly overboard with this. Like jesususuususus. Don't know if even Eywa can forgive me for this half-finished monstrosity. Anyway, enjoy. Take your time. Have a nice week. Love ya
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It all started with a stupid bet. Aou'nung felt remorse even thinking about it.
While beating Loak in of their thousand diving contests he went a bit too far with their banter.
As he usually did he called Loak all kinds of names. Both slow as a stone and as good of a fiber as his I ran. But Instead of playingly fighting the accusations as he always did he proposed something.
"Sure, I might not be fast in the water yet or the best at riding my Ilu but I bet you wouldn't even make it to the forest brother."
Aonung as stubborn as he was took him up on the offer. He fell right into the obvious trap. Telling their parents they wanted to have a tour of the coral reefs both Loak and Aou'nung snuck out without much hustle.
Thinking back at it Aou'nung had to congratulate himself both for his stupidity and bravery.
Loak landed the two of them on the outskirts of the forest just by the edge of the great cliffs that border the Metkayina territories.
"Well then, go on Aou'nung. I'll meet you back right here in three days. And if you swim back or leave in any way I'll tell everyone what a wuss U were." Loak grinned as he took off high above him on his Ikran. Aou'nung never really liked that animal, but now with him standing so close to the edge of the cliff and the forest right in front of him, he had to admit how useful one of them could be.
The first few hours were strange but easy for him. He felt the unknown terrain between his feet and saw many strange but beautiful animals he had only heard his father talk about.
As soon as the night set tho, both his mood and the forest changed completely. He couldn't just walk in a straight line through the forest anymore as he did the hours before neither could he trace back his steps. As beautiful as the big leaves and trees were in the day, they now just blocked every passage and every small ray of light trying to find its way to the ground. Even the calls of the once beautiful birds just echoed from tree to tree as Aoung had never heard it before.
He wasn't ready to admit defeat yet but he also knew that there wasn't much of a different choice for him but to keep going.
Right when the sun was completely gone from the sky and some tiny specs of moonlight could be seen he found a more or less safe and comfortable place to rest.
He had only taken a small woven blanket with him which he laid on the ground and moss beneath him.
Sitting down he realized how unwelcoming the forest truly felt to him. Even the shades of blue both of the sky he had seen during the day and of the flowers and trees seemed to be different from his skin. It seemed way more fitting to the patterns and tones on Kiri's and Loak's bodies now that he could take a closer look.
Although his blue skin seemed unnatural to him, there was still a soft glow coming from the familiar patterns on his body. In a way, he had rarely seen it. While the water usually reflected these lights and made them glow much brighter, here in the forest it seemed much more like small far away stars.
As much as he was fascinated by that it also startled him that there was a comparable glow coming from around him.
As he rubbed his eyes, trying to get them used to the odd lighting, he noticed that all the plants around him and even the tree bark emitted a glow much the same to his skin. Like the plants and corrals of the ocean, there was a glittering coming from almost every corner of the forest. A bit colder, he thought, than under the sea but maybe also not that different.
"Eywa lives and breathes in everything. Both nature and Navi, even if they are as strange as you" Aou'nung heard a voice coming from right above him. He tried his best not to jump to his feet immediately to not show any fear, but instead just turned his head in every possible direction.
"What are you, pale boy ?" the voice asked again, this time with a more fierce tone.
"Why would you care ?" Aou'nung replied. "And if you need to know, I'm the son of OLO'EYKTAN. I'm one of the most feared warriors of our clan and I am here to prove that a forest like yours is no match for me. They are nothing more than our island jungles."
"I see." The voice softened as without a sound a tall and majestic body Fell from the trees above him.
Before Aou'nung a tall Navi spanned her ornated bow a focused on him sharply with both of her yellow eyes. She was much taller than him and had skin as dark as the night sky with a pattern of glowing dots that seemed to hypnotize him the longer he looked at them.
Still, without fear in his voice, he answered: "I'd be grateful if you could help me navigate this forest of yours just for the next two days. I'm here more or less on a bet. With a friend of mine who looks just like you, he was a born Omatecicaya just like you, I suppose."
Her face remained unchanged but her head and long braids tilted a bit to the right. "Of whom do you speak? You surely are no son of our olo'eyktan. And you do not fit in here. You stink of fish."
Again Aou'nung shivered a bit under the harshness of her words, he could feel her judging gaze all over him.
" I come from the Metkayina. We belong to the sea like you to your strange forest. Now would you *please* take down your bow."
She didn't seem to move not even blink as Aou'nung slowly raised his hands and tried to carefully aim the bow away from him. "I am not your enemy, do you hear me?"
"You truly are no threat, fish men." His opponent answered. As quickly as she pulled to bow it disappeared behind her back. "But we can't leave you unsupervised."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Aou'nung asked kind of relieved that the bow was gone but still concerned with her ominous answers.
"You will do whatever you need to do and I will keep an eye out for you. Now go!" The Navi snarred and as silent as a bird she disappeared into the tree branches above him.
"I don't even know your name," Aou'nung called out into the leaves above his head, now feeling kind of harmless being dismissed that easily. He at least wanted to make a lasting impression on that woman. And if she was anything like Loak that shouldn't be hard.
"Hey, did you hear me? What's your name? I'm Aou'nung, you know. The fastest diver of my village." He yelled into the night sky. But no one seemed to answer, only rustling leaves
and a little orange-eyed monkey screamed at his question.
Aou'nung squinted his eyes and looked closer at the animal. There seemed to be two or three just sitting in a smaller tree next to him.
An excellent choice to prove himself he thought, and even to gather something to eat.
Quickly brushing away all the smaller and bigger leaves in his path he made his way just under the tree. Securing his dagger on his bag he tried to grab a strong-looking liana and started to mount the tree, pulling himself upward.
It took him longer than expected and the moment he got close to the first real branch he realized that he was almost out of breath. He had no idea how to find a hold on the strong tree bark and even less how to coordinate his feet around the slimly Liana.
As he sat down on the shaky tree branch he couldn't see even a hint of the monkeys. Only the rustling leaves but this time coming from quite a distance beneath him.
A bit concerned with the height and not trusting the branch under him he pulled the remaining Liana up and wound it around his hips. Securing him like they used to secure small children, back in his village, to their parents when they go out onto the greater ocean for their first real swim.
While finishing his last knot, he felt something small pulling on his locks.
"I knew you'd come back eventually. And even if it was only to congratulate me on my climbing skills." he cheekily smiled. However, as an answer, he only got to hear a deafening scream of many small voices. Harshly turning around he found out where those screams were coming from.
He hadn't found the monkeys but much rather had the monkeys found him. More than 20 of them were gathered behind him hanging from branches and grinning their long sharp teeth at him. One of them had mustered up enough strength to sneak up behind him and was now holding multiple curls of his hair.
He only had enough time to pull back his hair as the monkeys unitedly started to jump towards him bringing the all tree branches to a concerning shake.
Even his half-hearted attempt at escape was quickly stopped by his own professionally bound knots which stopped him from even standing up and the monkeys started to gather around and on top of him only preventing him from completely falling off the tree.
It took more than an hour and in Aou'nungs mind more than days when the monkeys finally lost interest in him. He was lucky that he only had a few bite marks on his arms and upper body. The played with his hair tail and even his dagger with him unable to stop the rampaging hoard.
As he hung from his branch and the first small rays of sunlight reached his eyes a familiar face appeared before him.
"I am impressed Aou'nung, son of the olo'eyktan. I have never seen a fish be defeated by Syaksyuk so easily. They normally don't even hunt." She landed smoothly on his branch not even making it swing. Still, this time she got closer to him and inspected his bruises and spots. Aou'nung realized she smelled like the forest around him with a sweet aroma of earth and flowers all mixed like the green nature around him. She reminded him nothing of Kiri or Loak and if at all much more like their mother. As she carefully caressed his wounds he finally found his voice again.
"Couldn't have left me hanging a bit longer could you ?"
She smiled and Aou'nung thought to himself that maybe just for that, hanging around on an old tree branch for hours was worth it.
"You did not attack them, that was very good of you. Eywa says do not attack what you do not need or what doesn't hunt you. One day we all go back to her." she still smiled and her voice sounded like a song Aou'nung hadn't heard since his childhood.
"Again, I still don't know your name. How can I even thank you for your rescue if I don't know it."
"You do not need to, I did not rescue you, Aou'nung," she whispered, continuing to smile.
While Aou'nung tried to process those words she again disappeared into the woods but this time looking back at him with a grin on her face.
Aou'nung knew he shouldn't have been surprised but still, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. Now, a little less hopeless and still with her faint smell in his memory he started to loosen the knot binding him to the tree. He almost forgot about his bet with Loak, now focused on a new mission. To find his secret follower again and at least find out her name.
Still shaking in his legs he managed to balance himself on the branch and look around to fully take in his surroundings. Sadly, he couldn't quite remember which direction she climbed off to but he was sure it couldn't have been far.
Though his eyes weren't even yet comfortable with the night he could already feel the sun rising again under the thick roof of leaves the forest made up above him.
Not risking to climb any higher he decided to make his way downwards again in the hopes of many being able to find some kind of footprint to follow. Although he didn't expect much he still felt disappointed reached the ground. His feet and hand bruised by the climbing, he lay close to the ground like he once saw Loak do it when. Back then he remembered, Loak tried to teach him and his sister about their technics of hunting and gathering by reading the footprints and clues the animals of the forest left behind. And even though he could make out some kind of marks on the ground he could neither identify which animal they belonged to nor which way they were heading.
Laying on the ground, his tail twitching restlessly, he felt like an idiot. A fish out of water he thought. How Loak would laugh at him for being even worse at this than he was at diving. Even while Loak wasn't that bad at it as Aou'nung had to admit to himself.
Words of his father came to his mind back when he thought about talked the always present Way of the water.
Like a river, Aou'nung, finding his way through a mountain, must be ever-changing. Never resting until we can be one with Eywa. All our senses must help us to be like the water.
Aou'nungs stomach clenched together as thought about his father. He had never been this far away from home and the only thing keeping his mind straight was the memory of a Omatecicaya he might never see again.
"All our senses," Aou'nung spoke to himself and closed his eyes. He knew he would never be able to find anything familiar on those strange forest grounds but there was one thing he could recognise again. Both her smell and her step were something he would surely never forget again.
And he knew that she had to be somewhere around him. Watching and waiting for him to perhaps embarrass himself again. He smiled thinking of her many even being truly impressed by his skill and immediately concentrated himself.
Underwater, the smell was not as important but one thing he learned was to recognize even the small ripples and waves animals and Navi made while navigating through it.
Just like that, he spend the next hours rigorously hunting an illusive smell and the image of a Navi that just wouldn't leave his mind. Only did he stop when reaching a great clearing between all the trees and bushes. He didn't know how long he had been walking but he saw the sun standing bright above his head. When he looked around he felt a sense of accomplishment as his search brought him to an arrow garnished with the same ornaments he had seen on her bow a while back.
Pulling out the arrow from the thick tree he saw something behind it that he never expected to see at such an unfamiliar place. A great and running river broad and lively almost like the ones he knew from home.
Walking along the river he recognized a familiar voice, but not in the lovely tones he remembered, much rather screaming and cursing in ways he had rarely heard before. Gripping the arrow tight Aou'nung immediately started sprinting towards the noise.
Arriving at another clearing where his Navi, he had searched for so long was fighting intensity with a big menacingly looking fish.
Not a second went by and Aou'nung immediately jumped here to help. He knew that fish although he had rarely seen it out in the open ocean. It has scales as thick as a stone and if you didn't know where to hurt it you were better of leaving it in peace. But Aou'nung knew exactly where his weakness was, using the arrow he still held in his hands, he rammed it right under the giant fin of the fish hitting it right in the heart. Just in a few seconds The big twitching body Lost all its strength and fell onto the two jamming them together.
"Little fish! What are you doing here, is supposed to be the one guarding you." She gasped out in surprise but quite possibly also because of the fish pressing heavily on her chest.
"Well you kind of neglected your supervision duty and at last, didn't even tell me your name. I had to come and find you."
And there it was again that beautiful smile Aou'nung had hoped to see. "Well then, you did. Aou'nung defeater of the great Syaksyuk's would you know to help me get rid of this big fish?"
Now it was Aou'nung's time to smile as he pushed away the fish from both of the back into the water. "I know these fish," he says, still gasping for air a bit. " But I never expected them to be here, they belong on the islands of my home not in these sweet rivers."
"It's the RDA, they are disturbing Eywas's peace. Fish are where they're not supposed to be and people are fleeing their homes." now stopping to smile and looking at Aou'nung.
"I never thought of that." He replied, now feeling almost nervous, seeing her again all tall and mighty standing before him.
"You said, you are here because of a bet? Well then it is a dangerous bet, these days it is not safe in the forest for fish like you. Please, go home you see what can happen" Even the last bit of Aou'nungs confidence faded as he heard that but he wasn't about to leave. Not until he proved himself, that was his goal.
"Well then, you think a little fish like me can't prove himself worthy of knowing the name of a Syaksyuk like you? Then let me show you." even before she could react to being called a Syaksyuk Aou'nung pulled her close to him and threw himself into the running river. He knew he did more than just surprise her when he saw the astonished look on her face.
Again he couldn't help but smile.
The waters they were in now, although of an unfamiliar river, felt like a piece of the home had found him between all these strange plants and animals. Aou'nung was with that, more than ready to show her a part of his world.
"Aou'nung what are you trying to do ?? Do you want to drown me ?" She screamed at him as they both resurfaced, her gasping for air.
"Well, you never wanted to tell me your name. So, since a little fish out of water isn't probably worthy of hearing it, I wanted to show you what a fish in water can do. Even if it's not the ocean."
To his surprise, he heard her laugh out loud for the first time. "No my little fish. That is now what I meant. But go on." she grinned "Show me what makes you so special, son of the great olo'eyktan."
With the hand of her sentence, she quickly put her hand on his head and pushed him beneath the water's surface.
Satisfied with her approval, Aou'nung wasn't going to come up again that quickly.
He dove around her once or twice as he watched her head over the water follow him.
A bit along the river bed he spotted something. While there weren't any Ilus or coral reefs for him to show of to her he had discovered a little swarm of glowing fish in the distance.
Completely in his element again he gestured her to follow him but waited unsuccessfully for a response.
He reemerged from the water just to have a clear look at her happy but slightly confused face. "You are very quick underwater, that I must admit. But what was it that you wanted to show me Aou'nung? I couldn't hear a thing."
" This is the language of the Metkayina." he moaned. More annoyed by himself than her. How could he have forgotten the countless days he spent teaching Loak and Kiri just the simplest of things? But he knew it wasn't in vain. And it did also make quite an impression.
"I can teach you a few phrases if you like. But first follow me, as quietly as possible. Or just hang onto me if that's easier. " he exclaimed all proudly feeling a bit like his father once teaching him.
"Sure you can little fish, but I want to grab onto your tail no matter how nice you ask" she boldly countered his daydreams and brought him back to the river.
Sighing he dove back under the water with her right at his tail and although she was by far not as good or quiet of a swimmer as him, they did manage to reach the small swarm.
Aou'nung smiled at her astonished face underwater and signed just the word for fish to her.
Slowly and again and again he repeated it until she picked on and started to do it herself.
Looking incredibly proud of herself, Aou'nung pulled her back above the water worried she might forget to breathe as focused as she seemed.
"Look little fish !!! I can understand you." This time not talking to him but the swarm right in front of them. " You couldn't have been a better teacher Aou'nung. But what are those called? I've rarely seen them before."
"They are similar to your Sloapek," Aou'nung responded knowing that he at least managed to show off a bit. " Or pincer fish as the sky people call them. Small and harmless to us, but for little prey it can be quite deadly." Saying that he pinched his fingers together like two big claws and started wandering towards her.
"Although they look quite pretty, especially at night, just one bite and they got their prey caught forever." He says as he now furiously started to tickle her, water splashing all around them and both of them laughing.
Her laugh sounded beautiful to Aou'nung, like the sounds of those many colorful birds he saw on his first morning in the forest.
He couldn't remember if he ever heard anything more calming to him.
Hours passed for what felt like minutes to Aou'nung as they playfully swam and splashed through the river. Only when the sun started to set did they both realize how much time had passed.
"Well, I suppose you did you did keep your promise and continued watching over me. You even continued to hide your name from me."
" That is true little Aou'nung. But I realized I want more than that. Maybe I should have shown you our world from the beginning. Come on, now you can follow me.”
he didn't need to hear that twice. Without a word more spoken the two of them left the water.
Her wet hair gracefully wound along her shoulders and swung in the tact of her steps.
Over and over he was fascinated by this mysterious creature, like fire and rain her mood changed and he was willing to change with it just to be hers.
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aramastus · 1 year
Frozen vore prompt
@luckyshotwrites thank for helping me pick the prompt and the oc to use!
Aatos Stands up from his office chair and stretches. "I should get something to eat and drink I've been at this for 4hrs now" Their Stomach agrees with him as it growls very loudly. He has a bad habit of not eating breakfast and going straight to his office to start work. He manages accounts for a few large companies so he has shorter deadlines than most. Walking out of Office blinded by the bright sun shining in tho the pulled-back red curtains. His office is always darker than the rest of the house. Eun always loves to have the house bright and sunny he will never understand it. Making way down the stairs tho the living to the kitchen the house layout it is a bit weird but that farmhouses for you. Eun is probably out in on the farm she spends most days out there. His stomach growls again. " alright alright I get it I'm hungry" Making a sandwich of ham and cheese he always eats something quick so he can get back to work. even tho he is tired of sandwiches he just deals with it Eun tells him he is such a workaholic and he needs to find a way to not be one. He just is this way and he will always be. " hm I wonder if Eun took food with her. Searching his pockets to find his phone starts to call her. goes straight to voice mail "Huh maybe she let it die again…she bad at that" Shaking his head opening up the Freezer grabs a tray of ice and sighs "How did you even. you know what you can tell me later" Dropping 3 ice cubes into his mug. staring at on specially… Eun was frozen inside the ice cubes. he could still hear her heart beat so she was still alive. Taking his mug of tea and Sandwich back up to his office. Lifting the mug to his mouth his snake-like tongue dips in the cold liquid warping around the ice cube with a small blacked hair woman inside it. Pulling it into his mouth and tossing it from side to side as it slowly starts to melt. Hmm, Eun did add a nice honey flavor to the ice. pushing it to the back of his throat he prepares to shallow the cube whole. Closes his eye and gulps down at the cube it is very cold which make his body shiver. Tracing the lump until it disappears past his chest. Sure he could have just unfroze her but what's fun in that? She got herself into the mess so she should be punished in some way. He goes about eating his lunch until he hears a small gasp come from his middle section. "So do you plan to tell me how you ended up in the ice tray?" He asked. Eun shivered a bit as stomach acid start to warm up her body like a hot bath. "eh….." is all he gets back. Raising brow " Eun I asked you a question" he states. Eun growls " You ate me! you could have used magic to unfreeze me!" Aatos laughs " I could have yes, but you got yourself into some kind of mess so, I thought I should punish you in some way, plus it has been a while sent I've had you inside me" Eun frowns swimming over to fleshy wall kicking it "You're such a snake!" Aatos " was that mean to insult me love? or just stating facts?" Eun " UGH you know what I mean….so how long am stuck here?" He hmmm "Don't know yet depends on what you did to get into that mess" Eun " Oh great…" worried she going be stuck her forever when he finds out what happened. Eun lets herself just float about in the acid sighing" So…. uh" she begins to tell him what happened.
Eun was out doing her normal rounds in the fields. On her way to feed the griffins humming to her. Stops looking around hearing a small roar. " did one of babies to get out of the den?" watches as a small griffin baby shape slides under the fences " shit no baby don't go in there!" damn did Aatos forget to reinforce the barrier this week. Leaping over the fence after the baby she slip and fell on her ass. " ow…."
Eun was pulled from her story "Hey what the hell??" she was almost drowned in tea as it poured in on top of her causing her to sink into acid. well, not drowned but she felt it. Aatos's voice echos in the confines of his belly "Continue" Eun grumbles and jerks as she goes back to her story.
Eun got off her butt rushing into the dark dead-like forest. " Baby come back! it's not safe in there" The gray dry grass crunches under her feet as she runs for over an hour behind the baby shadow. Finally stopping she is panting "shit I lost it.." sighed thankfully there are small glowing shrooms other wise she is not able to see anything. Not that she can see much. A small roar gets her attention she rushes down a path of black trees that looks like they are bleeding. "Baby please it's not safe here!" Chancing it for another hour before she stop "Oh shit… im lost…" Eun rubs her chin "Hmmm I think it went this way" taking a path to the left ending up right back at one of the lightish colored pounds " shit…" flopping down on a rock near by the pound looking at small neon green fish in the pound. Eun complains " Aatos is going be so pissed if i can't get home and he has come to find me" "Hello young lady~" Eun jumps up looking to the other side of the pond. a woman in a blackish cloak only showing her mouth spoke again. " did you need help?" Eun, I should not trust her don't trust her! " ye ya" Eun you idiot she thinks. " your lost right deary?" asked the woman. Eun just nods trying to see the woman's face but can not see under the hood no matter how she moves.
Woman "I'll make a deal with you give me 10 years off your life and I will send you home" Eun 10 years? if she was fully human that would be an issue but 10 is much for her "Uh sure"
Aatos sighs cutting Eun off as he can guess the rest "Get cormable in there" Taking another drink of tea then pats his stomach. Eun " Uh..fuck.."
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zimablue2 · 2 years
Good job on going gym! Gains are coming. 
Hmm yeah Surry hills is quite an interesting area. A lot of old factory warehouse style buildings. Wonder if there are any churches around.. oh yeah I forgot to carry on our conversation about how I used to live in Surry hills when I first moved to Sydney so I know it quite well. Fitzy and Rogan used to live there with a few girls in this terrace house on South Dowling street just off Oxford street and I crashed there for a couple months while trying to find a place to rent coz one of their flat mates were in Europe. Lots of good memories in that house. Oh, how different my perspective and understanding of Sydney was back then. Just a small town kid in the big smoke with blissful ignorance and unwavering confidence. They used to always throw huge parties (usually dress up). A lot of the nz boys would come to them when we were all tighter. So many random people, always a dj and smoke machine, laser lights.. Like project x vibes. That’s actually when we first became friends wit Henry (well fitzy did, the friendly cunt. I always thought he was an pompous fuckwit until later lol).
my days been all good. I’ve got the same client from Melbourne the whole week so just working on this Jap leg sleeve. Went gym this morning even tho I was sleepy coz I woke up at 5am from a really nice dream. And couldn’t get back to sleep for an hour. You know how I said I’ve been having really vivid, long dreams where like every moment and conversations play out in real time? Yeah well I was at uni in the morning tryna shoot some hoops before my classes but then realised my ankle was fucked so I just stood around judging the other players haha. Then u appeared from the gym. We were supposed to go to class but I said fuck school, we’re too smart anyway, it’s a marvellous day. You said yeah let’s go to the beach. So we caught this shuttle bus to the beach. We were having great and funny conversations as per usual. I remember us talking about twins. How there’s always one normal, better looking one and one weirder less attractive one and how everyone always likes the better looking one at first but then realise the weird socially awkward one is always cooler hahaha. Anyway, we get to this beach - I’ve never seen it before. It was like in this cove. Surrounded by tropical trees. Not very big, with a long wooden wharf. It was quite busy but the sun started setting so people started leaving and was quiet. Both our phones ran out of battery. We walk into the water. Me behind you holding your hips. Your wearing that new bikini you bought. I can’t remember what I was saying in your ear (probably something cheeky and perverted lol) but my head was over your shoulder and I could feel ur hair on my face and the setting sun on my skin. I tell you to lay back so your floating and I’m by your side holding you up. And we were just there, present, still, calm, everything ahead of us.. we talked about how we were gonna move to Paris next year and live a exhilarating vagabond life across Europe chasing the sun. All the good food and wine we would have. 
I hope you have a good catch up with Gael. Say hi to her from me 😂. I hope she’s alright. U know me and Rogan were speaking about what a weird stage of life this is. Overwhelming at times. Everything is changing. But in the grand scheme of things it’s only the beginning.. c'est la vie and all that shit. I hope you have a beautiful night and don’t get blown away in the wind u crane hahaha 😘
0 notes
envy-of-the-apple · 2 years
All for One who falls for an older darling that he takes for his own and then gives a long life quirk or puts in statis until can be woken up? I think he'd be really cheeky about being "younger" even tho the biggest issue is his villainy
lowkey tho 'puppy love gone wrong' is my favorite trope??? Maybe you babysat him when you were both younger and he was being really wierd but you indulged him anyway because he was a cute kid and now when he's all grown up he's a monster. Absolutely amazing.
bro at first i thought you were talking about all might. i keep forgetting that all for one is like mha's main villain lfjkljdsklfjdskljsklf
im praying they didn't give him a backstory, i haven't caught up to the manga yet whoopssss
(Yandere, implied kidnapping, possessiveness)
You were nice to him when he was a kid.
Nice may not have been the best term. Friendly? Amicable? You greeted him whenever he passed by, which was more to say for any of the other people that lounged around that shitty neighborhood. You weren't really sure if you could count it as bullying, but you felt bad for him. Pitied him.
It's been a long time since you've seen that neighborhood. Years? Decades?
Were they even alive anymore?
"Yet again, I see you've barely eaten."
You don't scowl. It's useless to convey your anger, wasted on someone so nonchalant. Instead you resort to stretching, ignoring him.
You can hear him smile.
"Do I have to spoon feed you?" He speaks again, "I don't mind."
"You don't but I do," You speak, your voice sharp, "I just like taking my time."
He hums, sitting down next to you, you can feel his gaze on you as you keep your eyes focused on the window. Currently you watch the birds play in the birdbath you set up last week. It was tiring, you worked all day on that. Looking back, you should have been sunburned. The sun was always so high in the sky. It felt like summer. Yet, you didn't feel anything but a pleasant warmth.
It shouldn't surprise you, it wasn't like anything in this world was real.
The only thing here that existed was you.
He made sure of it.
"Finally got a break from terrorizing people?" You asked, "Bored? Is that why you came to bother me?"
He laughs. It used to terrify you. Now you just sigh.
"I always have time for you," He says pleasantly.
"Were you frustrated? Is that why you're acting up?"
You glance away from the birdbath. You still don't look at him, deciding that the interior of the house was much more interesting. Your dream home, you had remembered telling him in some magazine all those years ago. Back when he was still shorter than you, back when he was cuter, smaller. Nothing but a small inconvenience.
You can barely remember that magazine now. You bet it wasn't even being produced anymore.
"I'm not frustrated." You sigh.
"So, are you here for a reason?"
"I wanted to see you," He coos, allowing an arm to rest on your shoulder, "Aren't you happy to see me? It's been so long."
Barely a week. You honestly wished he'd stay away longer.
"Also, I wanted to ask you what you wanted for your birthday."
Your birthday...? Was it that time of the year again? You couldn't tell. It was always summer here. The sun always shined.
How old even were you?
You weren't able to hide your shock that well. He was laughing, leaning closer.
"Did you forget?"
You don't answer. You can feel his fingers trail over your neck. You look at your own fingers. You're sure nearly a century has passed by now, maybe even more, yet you still remained the same. As young as you were the day he trapped your here.
You couldn't say the same for him.
"Do you have anything planned?" You ask.
"Not really," He hums into your hair, "I'll leave that up to you."
It's not the first time he's asked you this. You've never had an answer, always too angry, too frustrated.
Today, your mind is clear enough to speak.
"I'd like to go outside?"
"That's it?" He muses, "We could go for a walk, right now? It's always so pretty-"
"You know what I mean."
He gently urges you into his neck. You follow, allowing yourself rest your head against his chest.
"It's dangerous, my love," It's funny, even when you're the older one, he always finds a way to chastise you.
"You'll be there, won't you?" You respond, "What, an entourage of quirks and you can't protect me from slipping on a banana peel?"
It's phrased as a joke. You don't laugh. He doesn't either.
You think you've finally mastered the art of patience, but the silence last for what feels like years. You almost can't take it.
"A day," He finally says, "Just one day."
You don't respond, not at first. You're pushing away the hope, because it's useless. It's useless to hope.
"When?" You ask.
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Tell me about Reader who’s only dated assholes (arrogant tech bros, flaky politicians, unfaithful artists, ghosting athletes, etc…) from different walks of life until she meets Frankie 👀 maybe pure FILTH ensues after a while, maybe… 👀 like. Pure fucking nasty filth. Also, beaches. 😊 maybe not at the same time tho sounds painful tbh
Ok this may have ended up softer than "filthy" but not by much!! Hope you enjoy Frankie and his magic hands, dude. Those Hands
Word count: 1200+
Rating: explicit, 18+ only
Outline: Frankie Morales x “You” (cis/het female reader, “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: coffee shop meet-cute; beach vacation; oral sex/F receiving; vaginal fingering; P/V sex; shower scene; mentions of food and alcohol
It was the hands you noticed first. Work-worn and calloused, but somehow also soft-looking. Big hands, nice hands, they held the door of the coffee shop open for you to enter as he left, and you almost tripped over the threshold with how distracted you were. You didn’t know you could be attracted to hands until you saw his, but somehow they were different from the soft, manicured hands of all the men you had dated before. Guys who only worked at keyboards in nice offices, who played golf or maybe drew sketches for upscale galleries, guys who didn’t mow their own lawns. Guys who got bored and left you after five days or seven weeks or four months. You hoped you would see him again.
And a week later you did, and then a few days after that, and then again the next day. And then one day you timed it just right, or he did, and you actually ended up in line together. And when you both picked up your orders, you ended up sort of fighting to give the other person the last open seats, a little two-top table, until you both just laughed and decided to sit with a stranger. Well, a nice stranger anyway. And there’s no way to sit at a tiny 2-person table like that without talking, and so it was very nice to find out that the pair of nice hands belonged to a nice man who finally gave you his name, and by the end of the conversation, his number. And so that’s how you ended up with ‘Frankie Morales’ listed in your phone and a date for the following Saturday.
And oh, wow, what those hands could do. Over the next few weeks you found out how warm they felt holding your hand, how well they fit around the side of your hip as you walked, how good they felt cupping your jaw for a kiss, and how thick they were when he slid them inside of you while he worked magic with his talented tongue.
Weeks turned into months turned into a year, and then suddenly there was an anniversary weekend to plan and a beach vacation to arrange, and you found yourself laying on a white sand beach holding one of those big hands in yours as you napped under an umbrella. You were just drifting off when Frankie’s big hand gave yours a squeeze. You cracked your eyes to watch him walk away, because you never got tired of that particular view, the broad shoulders and the golden skin and the easy confidence he carried himself with. Your Frankie.
And then he came back and offered you a cold drink and you sat up and brushed his fingers with yours as you took the cup and smiled at him over your sunglasses. And when he smiled back little stars burst behind your navel, better than butterflies because the starbursts were backed up by 365 days of knowing what those hands and lips and body could do, to you and with you and for you.
And the afternoon passed in lazy naps on the beach blanket interspersed with squealing moments in the water, Frankie splashing you or carrying you piggyback into the waves. And one big wave knocking your sunglasses loose into the water, lost forever until Frankie gives you his to wear, and tells you how cute you look with his big aviators on. And then the sun sets and it’s time to go wash up, have a romantic dinner, take a bottle of wine back to your beach view room. And when it’s dark you turn off all the lights and let the moon stream in through your open balcony door.
Frankie takes his time with you that first night, working you open with his lovely soft lips and tongue, licking and swirling you up into knots of desire until his fingers push you over the edge and you burst into pieces, moaning wordless sounds into the salt-scented night air that’s rolling through the room. And then he does it again, one more time just to feel you squeeze his fingers hard before he strokes himself and slides into you with hardly any friction at all. You cling to him with your arms and legs wrapped as tight as you can until he chases his own high and pins it down inside of you, thrusting into you and releasing his own deep groans, then making you sigh with contentment as he tucks you under his big arm to sleep.
The second day passes in a blur of laughter and a boat trip, sightseeing and catching a few precious glimpses of dolphins, and then more beach time and dinner. And another long night of lovemaking in your room, but this time with Frankie taking you on your hands and knees, feeling him pound deep inside of you, hitting that ticklish spot over and over as you gaze out the balcony door over the moonlit ocean. And then again at 1:00 a.m. when you wake up and feel Frankie’s cock hard against you as you snuggle, and you shift your hips back into him, and bump him playfully until he wakes up. And then you straddle him and he cups your breasts with those big hands as you grind against him and make him moan in the near dark.
And you wake up the next morning and he’s absent from the bed, but you hear him in the shower and you sneak in to join him. And Frankie puts those hands to good use one more time, scrubbing your back and rubbing suds all over you, tip to toe, and then rinsing you off before he makes you come on his fingers. He wraps you tight with your back to his broad chest, one big hand under your ribs and the other rubbing tight circles into your clit and dipping up inside of you by turns until you collapse and shatter for him and then come back to yourself. And then you kiss him and tell him you love him and he says it back, and you know he means it.
And you wonder how you did this before, without Frankie. How you put up with the arrogance and the dullness of the disinterested men that you dated. How you ever believed that they were worth your time. Because now you see it, the way that Frankie uses his hands and his whole heart to love you. How he listens to you and sees you, how you won’t ever be alone as long as he’s there.
And you dress and go down to breakfast and intertwine your fingers with his beside your orange juice, and you lift his hand to yours and kiss his magic fingers one by one. And he just looks at you, glowing at you like you’re the sweetest thing he’ll ever see. And then he tells you how soft your lips are, and how much he’s looking forward to tonight. And you tuck into your breakfast and you swear nothing has ever tasted this good in your life, because you’re finally with the right person, and that makes all the difference in the world.
--- Frankie "Catfish" Morales character masterlist Just-here-for-the-moment’s main masterlist
The only tag list I have for fics: @quica-quica-quica @anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001 @deadhumourist @mandoalorian @javierpinme @eri16 @mandocrasis @pilothusband @bastillealmighty @eri16 @jitterbugs927 @babiiface95 because Frankie!!
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hwanami · 2 years
Tumblr media
pairing: jeong yunho x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 2524 words
summary: one day yunho decided to wander around place he has never been before. he didn’t know it would change his life for a long time
a/n: TESTING MY TUMBLR ;_____; so *sigh* i think my account got shadowbanned for quite some times. i am used to not getting many notes, but for the past last posts, it’s like no one even find my post tho i put tags there. getting less notes and getting only 2 notes is a noticeable different and the most noticeable one is that i always tag my network on tags and they always repost it after a few days. but the last several post, they didn’t until months and there’s no way it was intentional and only possible if they don’t find my post on the network tags. at first, just shadowban and then they remove my dm feature and i still think maybe “it’s a new update + i’m getting shadowband” but then one night my account randomly got terminated. i filled their contact support form, tag tumblr on my other social media and after a few days, they finally responded and give me back my account. so with this post, i want to share a new fic plus testing if my account is still shaowbanned :” sorry for the long note... NOW ONTO THE FIC
warning: mention of bleeding
Yunho opens both of his eyes. The sun rays from the window waking him up from his slumber. He sits down and sighs. It’s been a week since he walks away from his home. Leaving behind his childhood, his family. Why did he do that again? Ah, right. Because he doesn’t want to own his father’s business. Because he’s tired being treated nice just because he comes from a wealthy family. Because he just wants to be himself and not tied to his family’s status for once in his life.
He looks at himself in the mirror once he finished taking a shower. His fingers tried to do his tie (which he fails) before he decided to ditch that thing from his look. If he didn’t runaway, he would be eating breakfast with his mom while getting ready to go his dad’s office. The skyscraper building that he always finds intimidating since he was a child. But here he is, in a small room, a random landlord thankfully willing to give to him. And thankfully enough, the landlord is a kind old lady who gives him some foods she cooks too.
“Good morning, Mrs. Choi,” Yunho greets as he bows to his landlord.
“Oh, Yunho! Come, sit here. I cook chicken soup today.”
“Ah, thank you so much, Mrs. Choi. I will pay these foods back, I promise.”
“What are you saying? You don’t have to pay for them!”
A thin smile forms on his face, “I have to. Once I get a job, I’ll make sure to pay it back for you.”
“Right, how’s your job seeking?”
Yunho hummed, the smile turns into a tired one, “it’s kind of hard getting a job since there isn’t much vacancy around.”
Mrs. Choi nods her head, “even in a big city, it is hard to find a job these days. Moreover,” she looks at the young adult eating in front of her, “you move into a much smaller cities than your hometown. It is way harder to get a job here.”
“Right,” Yunho chuckles, “but I’ll get a job soon. I will try my best to get one.”
“If you want to, you can try going to the West part of the city.”
Yunho furrows his eyebrows. Considering he lives in the East, it would be hard to get to the West. Other than the distance, he still not quite knows the route in the East. Wouldn’t he get lost in the West?
Mrs. Choi smiles as she shakes her head seeing the pout in Yunho’s lips, “young man, if you really want to get a job, couldn’t you at least do that much? Going a little mile to get one.”
“Of course, I can,” Yunho sighs, “I was just… scared of getting lost there.”
“Not all who wanders are lost,” Mrs. Choi smiled at him, “who knows you can find a job when you’re getting lost.”
Hearing that, Yunho laughs. “You’re right, Mrs. Choi. I think I will try to go there today.”
“If you want to go to the West, I suggest you to take the subway instead of the bus. The bus might be faster, but they only come once per hour. While the subway come several times in an hour.”
“Oh, thank you so much for all your help, Mrs. Choi!”
“I hope you’re getting what you need!” said Mrs. Choi as Yunho hurries to walk out from her house.
“I hope so!” Yunho shouts as he walks away.
Once the door closed, Mrs. Choi smiles, “I hope he finds whatever he needs to find.”
Yunho rushes to the station. Thanks to his long legs, he can run fast and reach the station fast. He got in the subway just in time and he heaves a sigh when he gets in. Looking around, he looks at the route and counting how many stations he needs to passed through.
“5 stations…” he mumbles.
Now, here is another flaw about Jeong Yunho. He spaces out even after he passed his destinated station. After realizing it, he quickly gets out and look around for information. He looks at the route board and realizes he missed 2 stations. Yunho sighs but instead of going back, he walks out from the station and looks around. He doesn’t know why his feet decided to do that either.
He wanders around the city his feet never landed on before. His mind wanders even further as he walks. It feels like he’s in a whole another world from the world he grows up at. The buildings aren’t as high as the skyscraper where his father works. The road filled with greener leaves than the ones he walked through when he went home from school. And the air feels lighter to breathe.
For a moment, Yunho stops his step, close his eyes, and breathe in the air as much as he can. He just heaves a long sigh when suddenly someone bumps him hard from the back, making him stumbled and fell to the ground.
“Oh my god!” you gasp as you scrunch down to look at the stranger in pain you just bump, “a-are you okay?”
“No,” Yunho mumbles before screeching in pain.
You look at his hand and see the fresh red liquid coming out from his skin, “oh no, you’re bleeding.”
“Yeah, that’s why I said I’m not okay.”
“I’m so sorry, I was running a-and–”
“Are you late for something?” Yunho asks as he finally looks at you.
No wonder it hurts, you just bump into a beautiful statue, you thought to yourself momentarily. Yunho looks at you, confused as to why are you spacing out seeing him.
“Yes?” you blink your eyes. Yunho chuckles, “are you late for something? It’s because you were running so I assume you’re late.”
“Right,” you heaved an annoyed sigh, “I was late but look,” you pointed at the book store just a few steps away from where you two are, “I work there. That’s why I ran faster since I’m getting close to where I work. I didn’t see you stood there. I’m so sorry.”
You peeked at his hands, “are you going somewhere? If not, you can come to the bookstore and wash your scar.”
“Yeah, good idea,” you help him standing up and dusting his clothes.
The two of you walk in and you were met by your co-worker glare, “did you miss your alarm again?”
You opened your mouth to answer but the tall stranger beats you to it, “oh, no. She didn’t. I just happened to get into accident and she helped me since I’m not coming from here so I don’t know where to go.”
Your co-worker blinked and notice the fresh untreated scars on the man’s hand, “good lord. Sir, you’re bleeding!”
Yunho chuckles, “yeah, that’s why she took me here. She said I can use the sink to wash my scar.”
“Of course, you can! The toilet is that way,” your co-worker points at the direction and Yunho nods at her before going to the toilet.
“What are you doing?” your co-worker asks you.
You look at her, then to the book shelf, then to her again, “doing my job?”
“Go get first aid kit! That man needs to be treated. Didn’t you see his scars?”
“Ah, yeah,” you nod your head, “may I do that?”
“Why are you even asking? Of course, you may! He’s hurt for god’s sake!”
“Well, I was late. So I thought I should do my task as soon as I–”
“Enough talking. Help that man first. He will scare our customer with his scars.”
“Alright, alright,” you sigh before leaving your co-worker and take the first aid kit. The stranger walks out from the toilet just right at the time you get the first aid kit box.
“Thank you for letting me use the sink,” he says with a smile. You look at his hand and how he covers it with tissues. Looks like he (you) scratched both of his hands with the fall. His clothes also got stained by the blood and you sigh at the sight of that. How could you cause that much damage on a much bigger man than you when you just bumped into him?
“Follow me. We need to treat your scars first.”
“Oh, there’s no need for–”
“Come on. You can get infections if we don’t treat them now.”
Yunho closes his mouth then follows you to the staff room. You pull a chair and ask him to sit, which he complies. Slowly, you take off the tissues and took an alcohol swab.
“It will stink a little,” you warn before gently wiping his scar.
Yunho gritted his teeth while holding the pain. You peek at him before focusing on the scars again, “I’m sorry for causing you… this.”
He smiles, “apology accepted.”
You chuckled as your hands took a betadine from the first aid kit box, “this one will hurt more. So, please bear with it for a little more.”
“You know, I– ACK,” Yunho hisses after that, making you stop moving your hand and look at him worriedly. Yunho chuckles, “I was about to say I know it will hurt so you don’t have to remind me all the time.”
“Well,” you chuckle, “I was just telling you so you’d get ready for the pain.”
“Okay, now the last step,” you mumble as you put the betadine back and take a gauze bandage to cover his scars. Suddenly, a thought crosses your mind, “why were you just standing there in the middle of the sidewalk? You know, it’s quite busy hour. Many people walk by. You can get into this kind of accident even if it wasn’t with me.”
Yunho hums, “I was getting some fresh air.”
You snorted, “you sound like someone who comes from a crowd city and not here.”
He looks at you in silence hearing it. Making you look at him since he’s not answering. Finally noticing he’s looking at you all along, you darted your eyes on his scars again and hoping he doesn’t see your cheeks turn red, “w-well, the air here has always been like this.”
“Lucky,” he mumbles, “the air is heavy where I come from.”
“So you’re not coming from here…”
“Mhm,” Yunho nodded his head.
“So, where do you come from?”
“I’d rather not say…” he answers with a heavy tone. It makes him uncomfortable talking about where he comes from. But at the same time, he feels rude for not answering your question.
“Okay,” you reply with a light tone, “I won’t force you to tell me if you don’t want to.”
He smiles before looking down to the scars that has been treated. The fact that you didn’t push him further to talk makes him feel relieved.
“Mind to tell me why are you here if you’re not from here?”
“I’m looking for a job. I’ve been seeking for a week in this city but,” he sighs, “I haven’t gotten any.”
“You’re looking for a job?” you look at him after you finish wrapping the scars on his other hand.
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “my landlord told me to try looking for one around here. Well, not really ‘here’ here – I actually missed the station and got lost here. But she said the West probably has more offer than jobs at the East.”
You hum, “what a coincidence,” you mumble. Making the man blink his eyes.
“Just two blocks from here, my acquaintance just opened a café. He still needs some help and he’s been asking me if I have friends who’s seeking for a job. But all of my friends who are still talking with me are employed in a bigger and better place already.”
“A café?” he’s making sure, to which you affirm it with a nod.
“If you want, we can go there during lunch. I will introduce you to him. But are you okay staying here for a while? Or would you rather walk around here? Who knows you’ll see another offer.”
“I think, I’ll stay here. There’s not much I can do either with this,” he shows both of his hands that are covered with bandage.
“Right,” you nod your head, feeling guilty for it, “well, then you can look around. Seeing the books here.”
“Okay. And you should get going to work too.”
“Right,” you chuckle.
“Oh, by the way,” the stranger says right before you walk out from the staff room. You look at him, raising one of your eyebrows.
“My name is Yunho,” he says with a bright smile.
You chuckle before telling him your name, “nice to meet you, Yunho.”
Yunho smiles watching you walks out from his sight, “nice to meet you too.”
The universe really works its wonder in its own way. The two strangers being met with an unfortunate event. But the domino effect of the fall somehow leads to better things. When you introduce Yunho to Wooyoung, the two of them clicked just like that. The next thing you know Wooyoung scolding you for giving scars to his new co-worker, Yunho. Yunho insisted to start to work right away with the easy task even when Wooyoung tells him to start 2 days later. And still feeling guilty, you promise him to go to the café after your working hour.
You ended up spending the time there until the café closed and you walk side by side with your new tall friend. You tell him the good place he needs to see, the tasty restaurant around he needs to try, and the way to the station and the fastest route.
“Can you believe we were a total stranger just 10 hours ago?” you giggle.
“Right?” Yunho laughs with you.
“Here,” you point the route map on your hand to him, “don’t space out this time! You need to get out in this station,” your finger moves to point the destined station, “then you can take the bus; you should be able to catch it soon after you’re getting out from the station if we’re seeing the time now. It’s faster that way.”
“Thank you,” Yunho smiles at you, “for everything today.”
“I don’t think you should thank someone who injured you.”
Both of you laugh before he smiles fondly at you, “is it okay for me to call you tomorrow? I’m afraid I’d still get lost.”
“Of course! You have my number already. Just call me if you need anything.”
The subway comes after you’re saying that, “you should get going.”
Yunho nods his head, “careful on your way home.”
“You too, Yunho.”
He runs to the subway and you shouted your last message for him for today, “don’t get lost again!”
Yunho laughs and giving you a thumb up before waving at you until the door closed. Once you’re out of his sight, he looks at his hands and smile. His landlord was right, not all who wanders are lost. He gets what he needs; a job, and someone who he thinks would be someone special in his life.
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Just like you
Paring:2BDamned x employer!reader
Warning:so much adorable shit, subtle swearing tho
Notes:the employer reader is from @rotshop and this was inspired by a photo they made of the employer reader,2BDamned, and a little baby grunt. Adorable shit. Would have made this a while back but i was frankly to lazy lol.
So ya employer reader and doc being parents to a baby grunt. Enjoy :3
How long has it been now? Weeks? Months? A year? Time can be a bit of a blur after the suns disappearance, you can lose track of how many days it has been as the sky always remained that dark red hue. Even if a long time as passed you can still recall the same events that happened some time ago.
You had joined hank,sanford, and deimos on a raid, no reason in particular you just wanted to come along. A tingling feeling that something will happen, uncertain if it was the feeling of impending doom looming over your head, or something far different. Whatever it was you wanted to be present for it, a change you wouldn't want to miss after endless raiding and passing out from the random drops in temperatures as of late. Damn your cold bloodedness...
The building you all came across was empty, almost barren much to hanks dismay. Dust and cobwebs littered about with some knocked over desks,chairs, and broken lab equipment. Deimos and sanford wandered to the next room to find supplies on the right and hank went up ahead to a room across the entrance,normally you would follow hank or the duo but decided to go on your own for a change of pace and go to the room on the left.
The lights in the room flickers, barely holding onto the ceiling from their age but they still did their purpose. Despite the flickering you can still see everything fine, you didnt see nothing special at 1st just knocked over tables and a dry blood covered vending machine until in your peripheral vision you saw something move.
You was not alarmed or afraid, the thing looked small, almost the size of a mouse compared to you it couldn't possibly be anything harmful. Yet something told you to check what it was, silently you wandered over to where it moved, behind a bar that was in the room with broken glass all around. When you peeked over to see what it was you saw a grunt, it was smaller then a average, one less then half of the size of one. A small child...
"Hello" you said as calmly as you can muster, a jump and a small squeal was the childs response before it cowers and starts to cry "go away! Go away scary monster!!" It cried, you did not take offense. A faceless being made of shadow and as tall as you are can scare anyone, even to a poor defenseless child "its ok little one i wont hurt you..." You attempted the calm voice again, you receive no response as the child continued to cry in fear. You wouldn't want to leave it alone, so you waited for the others to find you and stayed out of the childs line of sight so you dont scare it more then you are.
Once the others came you asked sanford or deimos to carry the child to the van, hank scared the child too so you did not bother to ask him. After several minutes deimos managed to pick up the child and you all went on your way back to the HQ...
It did not take a lot to convince 2B to let the child stay, it only took you a simple phrase "i am adopting them, dont stop me" with determination in your tone. He only sighed, frankly a little tired from all the shit the group has gone through and mumbles a "ok" leaving it at that. The child had no name, so you named them with a name that even a employer like yourself would be jealous of but you sometimes still call them little one,because they are.
The child trusted 2b right away, clinging onto him like they saw a monster under the bed...only the monster was you. Whenever you get close to them both the child hugs him and cries, begging him to make the monster go away. 2b tries his best to claim you are not a monster and your not there to hurt them but he's not the very best at consoling people. It does hurt a little to see the child be so afraid but you can understand why too, being new to this parenting life it is difficult to know what to do in these situations...at least 2b had your back in this.
Eventually the child called 2b their "dada" and it just stuck, seeing him as their father. You always grin at this with your human like teeth with sharp canines at how adorable it is, whenever the child sees your teeth they always freeze in place and just stares. At this point no longer crying from fear but still freezes up and stares at you like a deer in headlights, you could not tell if they are getting used to your presence or if they had ran out of tears to cry... Either way you assumed it was progress. Seeing the interactions between 2b and the child warmed your heart, they always eager to help 2b with his work or help put bandaids on hank when he gets mildly injured. They even see sanford,deimos, and hank as their uncles now, such as deimos giving them piggy back rides, sanford drawing with them, hell even hank, the most well known killer in nevada, even had a soft spot for the child, letting them climb on him like a tree.
It was all so incredibly sweet and you was fine with it, even if you are just the big monster under the bed to them you are glad they are happy with a nice family.
Now its the present day, with you, doc, and the little one only present at the HQ. Looming over your loves shoulder to see him work on the tablet in his hands and the child is drawing with warn out crayons and ripped paper just a few feet away, the child had gotten more comfortable around you but not by much. They never got startled by you anymore but still stares at you like a deer in headlights when you speak to them, they do talk to you though and still address you as "monster" not as (mother or father or other) and you was alright with it. As long as they are getting better.....
"You are lost in your thoughts again" 2b spoke in the comfortable silence "sorry...just wondering some things" you replied with a sigh, standing up straight no longer looming over his shoulder "ill let you get back to work dear" you said before slowly approaching the child "little one?" You spoke in the same calm tone as before,they looked up at you with the same look as before "are you hungry? Do you need anything...?" You asked kindly, they nod their head looked away for a sec before looking back at your featureless face "noodles?" They asked "sure. Ill get you some" you unintentionally grinned with your spooky like teeth and walked out of the room.
As you was getting the food ready for your child the trio had returned from their raid, hank covered in blood with a large machine gun strapped to his back stomped past you and sanford stuck around with you, deimos is nowhere to be found "where is deimos?" You asked sanford "he picked something up for the kid, so he's looking for them" sanford replied, taking a seat on the kitchen table "good to know" you left the conversation at that taking the ramen noodles and walked back to 2bs office, stopping to see deimos walk out. He waves at you "oh hey s/o" he greets "kid wants to talk to you" he continued before walking past "alright?" Confused you walked inside.
2b is still sitting in his chair with his tablet in hand, nothing seemed to change on his part but the little one seemed very excited and happy. You walked over to the child and crouched down to give them their meal, they took the food and set it down and looked up at you happy. No longer full of fear or that wide eyes look they give "look monster look!" They exclaimed, voice sounding a little muffled showing fake vampire teeth in their mouth "i got sharp teeth like you!" They continued, the words almost hit your heart by how cute it is.
You let out a fake gasp, playing along with them "oh! So scary!" You pretend to be afraid, receiving a little giggle from them "rawr!" They screamed with their hands in front of them like they would attack you "oh no! If only someone came to help!" You continued to pretend and glance at 2b, who looks at you with a unamused look in his eyes "raaawwrrr" the child continued to play "aaahh! Doc! Please help!" You pleaded trying your best to hold back a laugh, with that 2b gets up and walks over and picks up the child "gotcha" 2b announced with a subtle grin under his mask "noooo! I wanna scare monster!" The little one laughed, followed by your chuckling. "Rawr!" The child attempted to scare his father "oh no! They got me!" 2b played along too, still holding the child in his arms. It was so uncharacteristic but so adorable from him, you laughed and grabbed them both in a hug "now i caught both of you" you grinned "aaah! Monster got us!!" The child laughed "whatever shall we do?" 2b chuckled.
The little one looked up at you and patted your empty face with their tiny hands "boo!" They yelled and you faked a yell, let them go, fell backwards, and pretended to be dead on the floor. The child laughed "i defeated the monster!" They praised themselves as 2b set them down with a grin, the child wandered over to you and pat your featureless face again "im big and scary just like monster" they smiled before you reached over to pat their head.
"You sure are little one..."
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drakenology · 3 years
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: smut, slight obsession, stalking?, yandere!reader, bakugo’s a fuck boy, kirishima’s his himbo roommate, mentions of drugs and alcohol use, & obsessive acts. reader is creepy and insane.
𝐀/𝐍: welcome to my first chaptered series! I really hope you guys enjoy this, seriously I have so many plans for this series. you guys may think this is pretty mild rn but remember... this is only the first chapter. feedback is welcome! please don’t be shy! 
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @quaranweeb​ & @vilbabywritess​ (wanna be tagged? reply to this post!) 
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“Officials are looking for a woman who goes by the name of Y/N L/N as they are a prime suspect of the murder of-“
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When you moved to Japan you never expected to fall for someone. No, not this hard. You remember the day you saw him last summer when you arrived, working with a tall red-head on a car in front of his house. They were on break it seemed as they passed each other a blunt to share, the blonde one leaning back against the hood as he took a drag. You saw him tilt his head up to greet a girl as she walked by, a smirk written across his lips as he waved to her.
The red-head waved to her in comradery, his smile warm and inviting. He was handsome, sure. But he couldn’t possibly compare to the blonde one. You watched from the window of your bedroom as they put out the blunt and continued their work, observing the way the blonde stranger held his wrench. His tanned skin glows under the heated sun, moaning at the sight of his sweat glistening off his building muscles. His blonde hair seemed to shine just like the sun that reflected upon it, noticing the way your heart slammed against your chest the longer you stared at him. He was beautiful. Like a breath of fresh air. Like as if just watching him through your window gave your body a pick me up. You had to know him. Had to smell him. Had to have him. You grab your keys and lock up your home, acting as if you’re just in the neighborhood and not a person who lives two doors from him that was watching him from her window. You pull down your tank top, pushing up your breasts to ensure you nab his attention as you walk by. You almost trip on your shoe laces when you hear his gruff voice up close, a feeling in your core set ablaze when you hear him call you over.
“Oi. Where you headed, sexy?” He asked, nudging his redhead buddy as if to tell him to watch and learn. You bite your lip before turning to him, putting up a front like he doesn’t make you nervous.
“Just passing by. I like walking in this weather.” You lie, feeling your forehead perspire as he turns around to grab his phone from his tool box. He strolls over to you with swagger in his steps, taking your breath away a second time as you realize he’s about to be up close and personal. Your eyes sprout visible hearts in your irises, looking up at him with a love sick gaze that causes him to smirk.
“Name’s Katsuki. What’s yours?” He asked, reaching his big hand out for you to shake. Katsuki. It was like a song when you said it aloud.
“Y/N… it’s nice to meet you.” You say, flustered; nearly dropping to the ground when he lifts your hand to kiss it. This feeling. It had to be what it felt like to be electrocuted -- like someone just took a defibrillator to your chest and made you feel alive. He hands you his phone with a smirk.
“Maybe we could get to know each other better? ‘M havin’ a party at my place. My roommate Kirishima’s still in college and he’s inviting his frat losers over for beers. It’d be nice to have a pretty girl like you to show off.” He says smoothly, the sound of his voice like a hymn to your ears.
“I’d like that..” You say, nodding, taking his phone to put in your phone number. You save your contact under your name, adding a few cute emojis before you hand him his phone.
“Oi, shitty hair! I’ve got a date to the party tonight. Catch up loser.” He says, turning to Kirishima to flip him the bird; Kirishima flipping him off back. “See you tonight? You’d better be there.” He winks, walking back over to the curb to finish fixing his car with his roommate. The redhead smiles at you and waves goodbye.
“Nice to meet you! Hope you come out tonight. Bakugo’s been slackin’ with the ladies.” He teased, Bakugo shooting him a glare as he threw a towel at his chest. You giggle, walking away with a shy wave. Looping back around the block, you arrive home; holding the hand he kissed against your face with a sigh. You didn’t wash that hand all day. It was like you could still feel his plush lips on your skin even hours after he kissed it. It was like a drug and you needed another fix.
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You hear crickets chirping from the grass as you knock on his door, standing with a hot container of nachos for the party to make a good impression. The door swings open, your heart dropping when you only see Kirishima.
“Y/N! You made it! Come on in.” He chimes, taking the nachos from you and leading you inside. He leads you to Bakugo who’s playing beer pong with a few friends, not even noticing that you’re standing across the room.
“Yo, Bakugo! Our new neighbor’s here.” Kirishima beckoned, his mouth full of nachos as he turned to go to the other room with his other friends. After hearing his loud outburst and completely missing his shot because of it, he groaned and walked over to you.
“Glad you showed up. You would’ve made me look like a loser if you didn’t show up.” He teased, wrapping his arm around your waist to lead you over to the couch. The night started smoothly, drinking flowing and laughs shared as you both got to know each other.
“So you moved here a week ago. What brings you here?” He asked, sipping his beer. He doesn’t need to know the exact reason as to why you wandered here. Truth is, you’ve done some dark things in your past; things you don’t exactly regret no matter how gruesome.
“I just… love Japan.” You lie, your mind flashing to blood on your hands -- a blade clutched within your fingertips. You blink a few times when Bakugo turns away to greet a friend, trying to shake your flashback. Bakugo turns over to you, his eyes locked on your cleavage as he leans in close to you.
“Wanna go upstairs?” He asks randomly, tilting your chin up to his face and kissing your lips just about as randomly as that question. It didn’t make any sense how much control this man has over your thoughts -- over your body. Before you knew it you were upstairs in his room parting your thighs for him, feeling him deep inside your soaked cunt. It felt as if every thrust of his hips tugged at your heart strings, falling deeper in love -- yes in love.
Bakugo may just be using you for a quick fuck, but fine by you. As long as you can smell him, feel him, taste him; it didn’t matter. Or maybe it did. Maybe the sight of Bakugo with another woman would drive you mad. Maybe he was meant to be yours and he just didn’t know how much he loves you yet. You’ll show him, but for now you just claw at his back as his hips snap in harsh thrusts.
“Like that? Huh, slut?” He slurred in your ear, taking your breasts into his hands and squeezing tightly. You moan out in response, feeling your soul combine with his with every glide of his cock against your slick walls. His mean words sound like a love poem to you, relishing in his demeaning tone as he fucked your thoughts right out of your head. At this point you’re soaking, hearing your own wetness squelch when you cream around him. A knot forms in your stomach, whining when you feel him hitting your spongy spot with sloppy slaps of skin to skin.
“U-Uuhh, fuck, Y/N.” He moaned when he felt you get tighter, moving faster to get you both to the finish line of pleasure. The sound only drove you into euphoria, wanting to hear him moan your name for the rest of your life.
“‘M yours, Katsu. Anything you want. I’ll do anything to make you feel good. Anythin’ for you.” You plea, Bakugo groaning in response. It almost sounded endearing but being as you had only just met today and you’re this devoted to pleasing him is a little weird. Still, the thought of someone as hot as you at his every beck and call whenever he felt an ache in his cock sounded amazing.
“Dirty little slut. So desperate for my cock, aren’t you?” He grunts. His lips latch onto your swollen nipples, running his tongue over it to cause chills to run up and down your spine.
The knot in your stomach snaps as your mind blurs, only feeling an intense sensation of pleasure when you feel him cum in thick ropes inside you. Bakugo’s head hangs back as his hips ride out your highs, groaning as he looks at your fucked out state.
“Good, huh? Shiit.” He groaned, pulling his softening cock out of your used pussy. You whine at the loss, feeling like he just pulled out a piece of your heart with his dick. The careless and sloppy act of him wiping his cum from your thighs was the most romantic act of kindness you’d ever received, looking at him like a love sick puppy as he tossed the soiled towel into his hamper. After flopping into bed next to you, he was out like a light as he lay on his stomach. He let you stay there that night. In his room. The place he lives most of his day. A sudden rush of adrenaline surges through your body as you carefully climb out of bed, creeping around his room to look at all his stuff. You find his closet and steal a hoodie or two, moaning softly when you catch his scent still engraved in the fabric.
You fall to the floor as you inhale the faint scent of his cologne, nearly orgasming a second time that night as you writhe on the floor. Staring at the ceiling, you ponder about your potential life with Katsuki; even though you haven't even known him for 24 hours yet. What if you get pregnant from having sex with him tonight? Wouldn’t that just be wonderful? He’d be yours forever. No one could ever come between you.
You loved Katsuki, loved him. He doesn’t know he loves you yet, you thought. Having sex with him seemed to link you to him forever. This drunken hook up was destiny -- hell it was fate. You can’t wait to move in here and carry his child. You can’t wait to share the rest of your lives together raising a family once that red headed idiot moved out. What was his name again? He’s a little too close to Katsuki. Way too close. Was he trying to steal him? Trying to keep you away from him? You’ll put a stop to that. By any means necessary. Katsuki doesn’t have a choice. 
“Y/N? Why are you on the floor?”
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shanitani · 3 years
Hi! May I ask Todoroki accidentally forgetting his S/O's birthday, angst time until his S/O accept his apologies and he decided to spoil them (even tho their S/O does not want him to spend so much money on them... He still don't care lol) thanks! ♥️
contains : shoto x fem reader
includes: angst -> fluff
a: hi babe, ngl this made me get a bit sad bc I feel like he would Lowkey forget ur birthday but not to this extent yk like probably for the first hour of the day- anyways I’m rambling .. here you go <3 
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Feeling the crisp morning air hit your face, you smiled before even opening your eyes. Snuggled in what felt like your boyfriend, was in actuality just your throw blanket. You looked around for a sudden moment, stuck in the back of your mind that maybe, just maybe he forgot your birthday. 
‘Maybe he’s just cooking breakfast’ You shook away your thoughts stretching out of bed to smell nothing. To see nothing but a flimsy note on the kitchen counter in scribbled drawn out writing “Had something come up at the agency, be back later - shoto”
You couldn’t say that you weren’t mad or that you didn’t feel a slight pull at your heartstrings, but Shoto was like this - he doesn’t show emotions well with language, more so physical touch. And, you knew what you were getting yourself into dating a pro hero. He let you know before hand how much he had to be gone no matter the instance, and you still stuck with him because he was one of a kind that you couldn’t just let pass up - that’s what made Shoto instantly fall in love with you.
So, you stuck to your promise of unconditional love no matter if he was wrapped in your arms, or messily throwing things in a suitcase to fly out for a emergency mission. You just wished the universe had been a little nice to you today, or at the least gotten an happy birthday at the end of the note.
Despite not being with your boyfriend, Mina had instantly hit you up asking to hang out at the bar later. So instead of sulking, you spent your afternoon with Mina - waiting patiently for your boyfriend to come home.
The afternoon passed, and he still wasn’t home. dropping you a quick message saying, “taking longer than expected, be home later tonight - don’t wait up.” don’t wait up.. was he forreal? or was this just he serious? you thought over and over again taking off the heels you were supposed to wear with Shoto to your birthday dinner.
You wanted to cry, but you didn’t. “Not on your birthday Y/N” you spoke out loud trying to surpass the tears fighting to come out. Instead, jumping in the shower to clear your mind from it all and sitting down on the couch and watch movies to pass the time. 
Hours clicked by, 10pm it stated on the clock. Your birthday was over, and your boyfriend was nowhere to be found, tears fought angrily to come out - and you couldn’t do anything but let them force their way out. You choked out a sob on the couch, feeling hopeless and letting your mind get the best of you.
Was he seeing another woman? did he forget? does he even love me anymore? I wouldn’t blame him... Am I not good enough?
“Yeah thanks for helping me with the Mission today, I know it was last minute.” Midoriya nervously smiled rubbing the back of his neck before the bi colored boy shrugged picking up the last of his belongings. “Sorry again, I really do owe you.” the two boys walked out of the agency about to part ways as Todoroki stood confused at why Midoriya felt so sorry this week - this was usual for him to have to leave last minute.
“What for? this is what I signed up for.” Todoroki began to open his car door, shuffling his hair back into place, “Well I tried Bakugo and Kirishima but they had their own mission to fufill, and Denki wasn’t suited right for this job. Didn’t want to call you on your girlfriends birthday y’know? seemed rude.” Todoroki stopped in his tracks, trying to calculate what day it was. He fumbled with his phone trying to see the date, It can’t be today... its not, Midoriya’s just tired.. right? he silently prayed Midoriya was wrong - until he wasn’t.
“Yeah, it’s fine. I’ve gotta go Midoriya okay?” The boy didn’t wait for response from the green haired boy, rushing home. ‘How can I be so fucking stupid’ he banged on the steering wheel, pushing on the gas pedal harder as he finally got to the shared apartment.
He opened the door, cringing at the bright heels he’s never seen before laying nicely by the door. Shoto rubbed his eyes with his hands - looking at the phone one more time. 11pm. the apartment was pitch black, slightly smelling like food you had previously cooked for you and your husband - that’s when guilt finally started to rush through his body, but he needed to see you - he couldn’t just not say anything.
He walked slowly through the living room door, hesitant on opening it and seeing a furious you. In the back of his mind he hoped you wouldn’t be so mad at him for this happening, but he knew the chances were slim. He opened the door only seeing more pitch black and static on the TV screen, his eyes softened to see you tugged closely onto the couch pillow. 
He inched closer to you finally taking in your looks, you had a black silk dress that slightly rose up from you sleeping, you hair was a mess - frizzy at the top. And he could tell you’ve been crying, seeing your puffed out cheeks and calmer state. He felt terrible, trying to find out how to face you. All you’ve ever done for him was be supportive, and he couldn’t even take a day off from his hectic life to spend time with the person he loves the most. 
Without thinking, he woke you up, inching you awake slowly to see you wake up in discomfort before looking at him. He smiled at you, teary eyed - but you couldn’t quite figure out why until it hit you that it was still the same day. “Hi baby, wake up we’re going somewhere.” “huh” you rubbed your eyes, feeling Shoto tug your arm up and into his arms
He leaned to your ear, whispering a small ‘i’m sorry, let me make it up to you.’ and before you could answer he opened the door, motioning you to come outside. You complied; seeing his emotional face look at you made your heart melt. He pulled you into the car, putting his hand on your thigh and starting the car. putting the radio on for background music there was a comfortable silence in the air. 
You finally pulled into a driveway, the highest level that looked over the Japan city that you liked so much. He pulled you out urging you to come to the edge and breathe. He knew that after small breakdowns you would usually come out here to get your mind off things, so he thought this was the perfect place to bring you - at least just for tonight.
His head hung low trying to figure out the words to say to you, he didn’t know how to apologize, and he wouldn’t be surprised nor mad if you wouldn’t accept it. “I’m sorry. I’m a bad boyfriend.” he croaked out, with damp cheeks attempting to look into your eyes, he grabbed your hands subcontiously to stop his rapid heartbeat. You smiled at him, taking his head and putting it into your chest like he always liked. 
“It’s alright baby, you’re an amazing boyfriend. always will be my hero.” you hummed stroking his hair softly. you didn’t care about the date or the gifts, you cared about his presence, and it was before 12am. So technically, you got what you’ve wanted.
“It’s not, and i’ll try harder to be with you more.” he looked into your eyes finally, cupping your cheek. You smiled, “best birthday ever.” you smiled, kissing his lips that you’ve longed for all day. He was scared to at first, but soon drowned into your mouth - comfortable with your taste. You pulled back, fully relaxed and content, “baby?” he hummed in response. “You still didn’t say happy birthday to me.” you teased grinning as he playfully pushed you away from him only to bring you back into his chest closer, “happy birthday sweetheart.”
You awoken to the smell of pancakes and bacon, the sun shining warmly on your face making you sit up. You were awoken to food, presents, and a beautiful card placed on the left of your bed. Standing over you was your boyfriend, with messy hair and sweatpants that sat nicely in the middle of his V line making your cheeks heat - he never failed to look so adorable. 
“Good morning beautiful” he kissed your cheek, sitting on the edge of the bed near you, “Close your eyes.” you complied, feeling a small thin cold object grave over your neck, “Open.” you opened your eyes to see his phone handed to you to look at the object, it was a small gold necklace engraved to say “Todoroki” you smiled finding his eyes at yours, leaning in to kiss the boy.
“You’re already gonna have my last name, so for now this will do until I put a ring on that finger.” your cheeks grew incredibly hotter, “Thank you so much baby, it’s adorable.” you grinned placing down his phone and suffocating him once more in an endless amount of kisses to his face.
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abandoned-ax · 3 years
Im on the team pt - 4
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Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
Haikyuu x ftm reader
Summery: 1st day of the training camp
When we came back for the longer training camp I was much more relaxed. Last time it was only one night but just a few weeks later and were back. Everyone’s been starting to try new things, I think last training camp had everyone realizing we don’t match up at all. Iv been working with Noya a bit more on receiving and everything a libero does as well as working with Tanaka on spiking. But the most interesting thing Iv been doing is helping Kagayama out, he’s working on a new kind of set and asked me if I would throw for him one day after practice, I was hanging back a bit myself just not wanting to leave the gym and so I decided to help him out. I’m seeing a new side to him I didn’t know, I’m used to seeing him as the perfect setter like he could do anything, but seeing him struggling and frustrated is new. The day before we left for training camp we were practicing his set and he got angrier then I had ever seen him, he threw the ball and shouted.
“Ahhhhhh! Why can’t I get it!”
I’m immediately on the ground trying to figure out what to do to help calm him down, but the only thing I can think of that he likes is volleyball. Sooo
“Kageyama!” He pauses to look at me, “umm I was wondering if you wanted to take a break from your set and maybe help me with mine instead.” I guess that got him to pause since he was now just looking at me, “is just Iv been wanting to work on it for a while now but it’s just, your so good at it and I just wanted to ask for some pointers, and it just seems like you could use a break so.” His breathing has started to even out a bit more, he looks a bit caught off guard.
“Ughh yeah I can do that.” So for the next half hour we worked ok my set, I made sure to praise and complement him on his set to make sure he knew how talented he was, I’m sure working so hard on a set and not being able to get it is really frustrating. After a while we were both tired so we moved to sit down drinking our water in silence.
“Thank you for helping me out, and you know for calming me down.” His voice got quieter as the sentence went on but I understood what he was getting at.
“It’s all good kageyama. I bet it’s frustrating.” He looks over at me and we make eye contact, it’s nice.
“Iv always been able to get it, and I just haven’t had to do something new like that in a while.”
“I know it’s frustrating, and I know I don’t know a lot about volleyball but even I know your one of the most talented players, you’ll get it, it’s just going to take a bit of time.”
“Thanks (Y/N)”
I smile over at him happy I could help in anyway, he pulls out his phone to check the time, “holy shit it’s late.” I look over at his phone and realize it’s 12:30 already!
“Oh wow.” Kagayama looks over at me and we start laughing, both realizing how wild it is that we stayed here for that long, “oh my god our buss to head to training camp is going to be here is like 4 hours!” Kagayama starts laughing louder.
“Holy shut we should head home huh?!” Both of us calm down our giggles before moving to walk home, we walk mostly together till we half to part ways, “well I’ll see you in a few hours Kags.”
He smiles at me a little “yeah I’ll see you in a few hours.” And with that we split ways.
It’s before the sun comes up that we have to be at the busses so naturally everyone is very tired. I meet Tsuki and Yams there but once Kagayama shows up I move over to him, he’s looking through his bag and so I ask “making sure you packed everything?” He look up startled but his gaze softens when he sees it’s me, “yeah after how late we got home last night I didn’t really have time to pack properly.” I giggle at him, “lucky I pack like a week in advance.” He chuckles “maybe I should start doing that to huh.” Coach gives a little speech and tells us all to get on the bus, I was originally planning on sitting wish Tsuki and Yams but they ended up sitting together and Kags asked if I wanted to sit with him so that’s what I did. Not long into the drive I ended up falling asleep with my head on Kagayamas shoulder, and he fell asleep with his on my head. But we were rudely awoken by Daichi “come on idiots were here.” I know I have a massive blush in my face so I get up and move to get off the bus quickly, I hear Daichi chuckle at us but ignore it and move quickly, one off the bus I move to find Tsuki and Yams, “so I see you’ve become friends with the king?” Tsuki says skeptically, “oh shut it Tsuki.” Yams laughs at us as we see Nekoma come out to greet us.
I walk over to where Kenma is talking to Hinata excited to see him again since we talked a bit at the last training camp and he seems super cool, “hey Kenma!” He looks away from Hinata and smiles at me “hey (Y/N), I was just talking to Hinata about the camp.”
“Oh yeah! It’s in a different place, do you know why?” Kenma chuckles at that question “yeah it’s a bigger space and a bit cooler here, but there’s a lot of bugs.”
“Fuck I should have brought bug spray.”
“It’s ok you can use mine if you wanna,” he says smiling a bit.
“Are you sure that would be ok?”
“Yeah I don’t mind!”
“Thanks Kennma.” I smile at him but the moment is cut short by a super tall guy yelling over at Hinata “hey did you grow taller yet?!” The two start bickering and I give Kenma a surprised look,
“that’s Lev, he’s the new kid for us.”
I giggle at the distressed look he gets looking over at the tall kid.
“I’m guessing he’s...a lot.”
“How’d you know?”
“I mean he did interrupt our conversation by yelling at Hinata about his height.” Kenma laughs at that.
“So (Y/N) you play any video games?” Me and Kenma talked the entire walk to Karasanos room, finding we have quite a bit in common, from our love of the same video games to our inability to sleep most nights. He’s nice to talk to, his calm and quiet tone is relaxing to listen to and his more subtle demeanor is cute.
We all put our bags in the room and got ready for our first game today. I didn’t play in the first few, but after a couple they switched me into the libero spot for a while and then I played middle blocker. We aren’t doing too good tho, haven’t won a single game, and after the 8th time doing the run for the loosing team I think I’m gunna die. When the end of the day came around we all collapsed after our last run.
“Ughhh I don’t think I can breath” I hear tanaka yell.
“We lost every game, how’d we lose every game.” Suga asked
We looked into the gym to watch the one game that’s still going, we are nowhere near that level. Daichi sits up and says he’s going to work on the synchronized attack, so everyone started to scatter.
I look over and see Tsuki walking away from the gym most of our team was using and Yams yells over at him “you aren’t going to practice Tsuki?” Tsuki turns around “no, we practice enough already.” And starts walking away, I knew Yams was probably itching to go practice his serve so I tell him, “go, I’ll follow the giraffe.” He smiles gratefully at me and I starts chasing after the blond boy.
“Tsuki wait up!” He doesn’t turn around so I start running faster till I catch up with him. “ughhh why are your legs so long!”
“There not that long yours are just short.”
We pause for a moment, it’s awkward. Me and Tsuki have never had an awkward moment, I don’t like it.
“Aren’t you going to practice?”
“No, we do that enough, everyday for hours we practice, I’m done for the night.”
I’m so lost on what to do at this point, I want him to come practice but I can’t force him too,
“Hey glasses kid,” I hear a voice say and turn around Tsuki stopping in his place, “oh and (Y/N)” it’s Kuroo from Nekoma.
“You guys wanna come practice with us? We could use another blocker!” I look over to Tsuki hopefully, maybe this will be the opportunity to get him motivated. Tsuki looks up and with the fakest smile on his face he says “sorry, I’m all done for the night.”
Kuroo and one of the other guys I think from Fukurodani are both appalled by his response,
“You know he may not look it but he’s one of the top 5 aces is Japan.”
The owl looking guy stands up taller and puffs out his chest looking proud. It’s cute!
“Yeah I think he’s still upset he’s not in the top 3 anymore.” I chuckle, there fun, you can tell they all joke around a lot.
“Well I’m in.” I say walking up to the gym and yelling back at Tsuki “don’t make me do this alone.” The three others stay in the door continuing to try and convince Tsuki to join.
I’m walking through but jump when I her “oh hi” from the floor, looking down it’s the tall kid who was talking to Hinata earlier. He looks like a baby dear before it can walk!
“What happened to you?”
“Kuroo did.” I laugh back at him. He sits up more going over to sit agains the wall and I move to sit next you him.
“Your a first year right? How long have you been playing?” A guy like him is clearly a powerhouse, I assume he’s been playing for years.
“Oh I just started!” He says with a goofy grin on his face,
“You just started!!”
“Hey! How long have you been playing!” He says in an amusing accusatory tone
“Well, I kinda just started too!”
“Haha were tied.” I smile over at him, he looks kinda intimidating but he certainly doesn’t act it as he giggles at our interaction. I think back to when I first saw him earlier he was with Kennma, I wonder where he is?
“Hey your on the team with Kennma right, I just talked to him earlier today and haven’t seen him around much since?”
“Oh Kennma?” I hear Kuroo yell jogging over to us “he went to go play some video games, he’s not really the type that needs to practice, nor do I think we could get him too!” He chuckles.
“Oh that reminds me! Did you get Tsuki to join?”
Kuroo gets a cocky smile on his face looking over his shoulder to see Tsuki looking angry. I get up but before I Kuroo I say “great, you made our tall guy with glasses angry.” I laugh at him sarcastically, he laughs back loudly and we go to start our first practice game of many.
An: hey guys sorry it’s been too long, I’m currently thinking I’ll make this a Kenma x Reader X Kuroo or maybe a Tsuki X reader not sure yet!! Let me know what you think!!!
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strawberrypaul · 3 years
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request: "if you're still in the mood to write.... maybe something cute about going to miami with john and the boys in '64? 💗" okay i'm so sorry if this didn't turn out the way you imagined. i just started writing and got carried away and it might not be super "cute", it has some angst but also fluff. if this is nothing like what you asked for, please let me know and i will do my best to write something else <3
word count: 3.3k oops
pairing: john lennon x f!reader
warnings: accidentaly angsty, mild verbal abuse (?) not really tho, arguments, achohol, annoying men at the pub and probably bad grammar and typos.
summary: john comes home from the studio and can't wait to tell y/n some great news; they're going to miami! but y/n is unsure and that causes some conflicts.
7 p.m. Since it’s August, and the end of summer has begun, when you lifted your head from your book and turned to look out the window - you could see the sun already setting. The entire sky was a perfect blend of warm oranges, purples and blues. The sunrays’ vibrance and warm colors seemed to find their way straight to your heart and a smile slowly showed up on your face.
It was hard not to fall in love with evenings like these. The living room was dark, only the light from a floor lamp in the corner of the room and a couple of candles lit up the room. But it was nice, cozy even. Right next to the couch’s arm rest stood a little wooden side table with a record player on top of it, softly playing “Love me Tender” by Elvis Presley - a classic choice. Everything was at peace and you were content, the only thing missing was John. Sure, you supposed you enjoyed a bit of you-time every now and then but you would be lying if you said you didn’t prefer to be alone with John. He was your partner, and your safe spot. As an all-the-time-busy woman you didn’t get the perks those other housewives got; You didn’t get to spend all day at home and you didn’t get to make dinner for your husband when he got home from work. But the thing was, that’s not what you wanted anyways. You enjoyed working, you enjoyed running errands all day, and most of all you enjoyed getting home after a long day at the office and cook dinner together with John.
With all these beautiful thoughts passing your head you found yourself missing John a lot more than just minutes before. When was he going to come back from the studio? He left at seven this morning, he’s been away for over twelve hours now. But right as you turned your head away from the clock on the wall, to dive back down in your book, the front door flew open. And with it, John came storming in. Hastily he tried to rip off his coat, throw off his shoes and started to unbuckle his belt. You simply stared at him in disbelief. Maybe you took back what you had said earlier about not enjoying time alone in complete silence. What the hell was the hurry about? Now John had rushed to your shared bedroom and you could hear him rummaging through the drawers. You shook your head and put down your book to stand up and walk over to the bedroom door frame. Crossing your arms over your chest you continued watching him throw out clothes from different drawers, waiting for him to even notice you.
“Care to say ‘Hello’?” you spoke up with a slight annoyance. His head shot up to look at you with wide open eyes, it was like he froze for a second. He let go of whatever he had in his hands to walk over to where you stood, opened his arms to embrace you. With a kiss on your head he let go of you.
“Of course, of course. Hello, dear. I’m sorry.” he hastily said. Just as you were about to ask him what on earth he was doing, making the bedroom a complete mess, he opened his mouth to speak again.
“We got great- no, fantastic, news today! You won’t be able to believe it, we’re going to Miami!” he said with excitement, face lit up with joy. “They’ve already got it all figured out with flights and hotel. And the best part; you’re coming with us!” John almost burst with excitement at this point. He waited for you to jump in his arms cheering. But you didn’t. And in no time John’s facial expression completely changed. He now had a confused look on his face. His brows were furrowed and his eyes filled with questions. He took a step back from you in an attempt to understand why you weren’t just as frantic as he was.
“Love, what’s wrong? We’re going to Miami!” he asked. You sighed, letting go of a heavy breath you didn’t know you had been holding. Your shoulders fell as you looked down on your feet. Fiddling with your fingers, you were unsure of what to tell him.
“I- uh… John, I can’t go to Miami” you started, eyes still on the floor.
“What do you mean you can’t go? You always talk about how you want to go on vacation to all these different places” he said in confusion. “Besides, it’s only two weeks” he stated. You didn’t know what to tell him. Two weeks. That’s a long time, you thought for yourself. You thought about your parents, and your job. You visited your parents about every other day, they lived nearby and since they were getting old you felt a responsibility over them. You have helped them get groceries and run errands for a large number of years now, you couldn’t just leave. What if something should happen to them, like an accident and one of them needs to get rushed to the hospital? Anxiety rose inside you as horrible thoughts crossed your mind. And work, you couldn’t just leave work behind you for two weeks. Not even for two days. Working in an office meant piles and piles of paperwork every day. You couldn’t imagine what your desk would look like when you got back from Miami, if you went. No, you simply could not go with them. You walked over to the bed and sat down. You sighed once more before you started to explain to him.
“I can’t leave my parents here, or work. You know that.” you said looking up at him with doe eyes. “What if something happens when I’m not here? No one will be there to help. And work, I will have sky high piles of paperwork on my desk when I return” you continued.
John let out a loud sigh, he sounded almost frustrated? He started walking back and forth in front of you and you stood up. Placing a hand on his shoulder you started saying “John, I’m sorry but I just-” but you got interrupted immediately.
“No. Stop. I don’t want to hear your excuses. You’re just being ungrateful. I arranged a vacation for you, to bloody Miami, and you say you can’t go because you won’t be able to take care of your adult parents for two weeks?” he snapped unexpectedly.
Your jaw dropped. Did he just say that? No, unacceptable. You would not let anyone talk down on things you held close to heart, and especially not your parents. You felt your face heat up with anger and your body fill up with adrenaline. This was not gonna be pretty.
“You did not just say that…” you started, still in disbelief. “How dare you say that?!” you spat, raising your voice at him. “Don’t you dare talk down on my parents! You know damn well how special they are to me. They have helped me so much in my life, they gave me the childhood every child deserves. The very least I can do to return the favor is to take care of them” you were almost shouting at this point, tears had begun streaming down your face. “But I guess you don’t understand that, you don’t have your parents” you muttered and you regretted every word of that sentence the second they were said.
“What did you just say?” John began quietly. You frantically shook your head. “No… no, I’m so sorry John. I didn’t mean to say that” you tried but it was too late. “Did I hear that right?” he raised his voice. “You’re standing there, shouting at me for ‘talking down on your parents’ and then you proceed to add that you assume I don’t understand because I don’t HAVE any parents?” he, too, was shouting now. “Do you hear yourself right now?” he asked angrily. You didn’t answer, you were in chock. You had to admit you were a little scared even. “I said, do you hear what you are saying right now?” he repeated with a military-like voice. You couldn’t handle this, you had to get away from this situation. You quickly grabbed your purse and wallet, put on your shoes and grabbed a coat, stormed out the front door and one second later you were gone. You didn’t know where you were going though. You couldn’t go to your parents house, you didn’t want to bother them having to explain what had just gone down. Your only, and best, friend was away on vacation, so you couldn’t escape to her house either. Ha, ironic, you thought to yourself.
You were just walking with no destination. You passed a pub, stopped, took a few steps back and decided to have a look. You entered the bar and was greeted by the smile of a middle aged man standing behind the bar. He was holding several bottles at once, making drinks for the people sat on the bar stools in front of him. You simply smiled back to him and took a seat on a free bar stool.
“What can I get for a lady like you?” the man asked politely. You gave him a fake smile. What was ‘a lady like you’ supposed to mean?
“I want a glass of whatever the strongest alcohol you have in store” you answered while straightening your back. The man looked surprised but then nodded, immediately getting started on your drink. One moment later the drink was put on the table in front of you. “That’ll be £4 then” the bartender said, still with that ridiculous smile on his face. You started digging in your wallet for some money as a male voice was heard behind you. “I’ll pay for that” the man said. You turned around to see who this man was and when you looked up you saw a tall man with slicked back hair, wearing an expensive-looking suit. He looked like the typical red-flag-guy. You’ve met a lot of those in your life, so you knew one when you saw one. You shook your head telling him you had money of your own, but thanking him for his kindness. “No, no, I’ll pay. A lady like you shouldn’t have to pay for her drinks” the man insisted, a distasteful grin showing up on his face. What’s it with all these creepy men and saying ‘a lady like you’, you thought. At this point you had almost finished your drink, but that man was not going to give up on you any time soon. You were getting tired of his ‘but you’re such a pretty lady’ and ‘I bet you I could treat you better than your man at home, I mean, why are you at a pub alone anyway?’ bullshit. You took a last sip of your drink and slammed it down on the table, catching the people around you's attention. “Fine, you can pay for my drink” you said monotonically. “But don’t you ever call me a ‘pretty lady’ again”.
Grabbing your purse you stood up and walked out the door. You had had enough. With a fast pace you instinctually started walking back home. After a few minutes of walking you felt a wave of fear wash over you. The anxiety kicked in and suddenly you were crying. You were not far away from home when you started running for your life. And as if things couldn’t get any worse, rain started pouring down. What was wrong with these men?! Can’t they leave a woman alone? The adrenaline made you run faster than you thought was possible but you suddenly stopped when you realized you had reached your front door. Your first instinct was to just open the door but you soon got reminded of what had happened before you left. So instead you took a few deep breaths and gently knocked on the door while trying to pull yourself together. But as the door opened and a man you deep down loved so dearly stood in the doorway with a tired smile, you lost it. You ran into his arms and to your relief he put his arms around you and held you close to his chest. Hearing his heartbeat immediately calmed you down and you closed the door behind the two of you. John helped you out of your clothes and into new warm ones. He made you a cup of tea and sat down beside you on the couch. He did keep a small distance though.
“I’m so sorry, John, I really am. It was a horrible thing for me to say” you shuddered, still cold from the rain. You could hear a quiet sigh come from John.
“It was, yes. But I forgive you, y/n” he said calmly, nothing like how he had shouted at you only hours ago. “Besides, the things I said - that was not okay. You’re never ungrateful, and I know how much your parents mean to you. I’m sorry, really sorry” he said and looked down to his feet. You could tell he was ashamed of earlier. But you were too, and you were going to forgive him. You stroked his cheek with your cold hand and made him look at you. “I forgive you, John. And I know, I shouldn’t worry so much about my parents. They’re adults and can take care of themselves just fine. I just feel guilt over not giving them the love they deserved when they gave me everything as a child. I guess this is my way of saying ‘thank you’ to them”. John took your hand from his cheek and held it in his. “You don’t need to explain, love. You’re too good for this world, and what you’re doing is more than enough” he told you. John’s words hit you like an arrow in your heart. It was like his words were the only piece missing in the puzzle that was your life.
Squeezing his hands you looked up into his beautiful hazel eyes, and you breathed out. “I want to go with you to Miami” you said. John’s eyes shot open and a smile appeared on his face. “What?” he said, surprised. “I said, I want to go with you to Miami” you laughed, knowing damn well he heard you the first time. John jumped up from the couch, his hands still in yours as he pulled you up with him. He grabbed you by your waist and spun you around. When he put you down, you were laughing so much your stomach hurt. John placed his index finger under your chin to make you look at him, and when you did, he pulled your face closer to his and kissed you right on your lips. It was a kiss of pure happiness and you couldn’t help but smile like a child on christmas. This was love, if anything.
John broke away from the kiss and inspected your face for a moment before speaking. “Well, we better get to packing then. The plane is at nine tomorrow morning”. You let out a giggle before giving him a peck on the lips, typical John.
The next morning you were woken up by a loud knocking on the door. You rubbed your eyes trying to see anything in the bright bedroom. You were looking for the clock on the bedside table and after trying to see what time it was you successfully read 8 a.m. You put the clock back on the bedside table and as you were about to lay back down you were hit with realization. 8 a.m?! The plane to Miami was leaving in an hour! Oh no… this was not good. You turned your head to look at John, who was of course still fast asleep. You shook his shoulders and gently patted his cheeks a couple times. He let out groans and mutters, letting you know he was at least half awake.
“John, wake up! It’s 8 a.m, if you don’t get out of bed in ten seconds we’re going to miss the flight” you informed him while getting up to open to see who was knocking on the door. Looking through the peephole on the door you saw three men with matching outfits and similar haircuts. Knowing exactly who these three men were, you opened the front door, preparing yourself for the worst. Through the door stormed George, Paul and Ringo. They immediately rushed into the bedroom to find John sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his tired eyes.
“Why’s it always you John?” Ringo asked irritably.
“Go on, out of bed you go” said George while pulling on John’s arms to help him.
Paul simply stood in the doorway with crossed arms and a smile of disbelief on his face. “What were you two up to last night? This room’s a bloody mess” he laughed. John didn’t. “Shut up” he simply replied.
You were in the hallway packing the last few things for your trip. The only thing everyone waited on now was for John to get dressed so you could leave for the airport. You had called your parents the night before, telling them about your trip. You were nervous but struck by relief when your mom basically begged for you to go. She explained how they could take care of themselves, besides, you were not going to leave them forever. It was only two weeks after all. “I’ll come over and water your plants every few days, alright?” she had said over the phone. A smile had made its way to your face and you answered with an “Alright, mom”. It had been quiet for a while as your mom spoke again “Just don’t miss us too much, okay, honey?” she sounded almost concerned. And as a wave of sadness washed over you, you said “Can’t promise you that, mom”. You said your goodbyes and hung up.
As you came back to reality after reliving the memories of your conversation with your mother from last night, John, Paul, George and Ringo stood in front of you in the hallway with sweet smiles. You smiled and nodded before opening the door. You let the four boys out of the house and before closing the door you took a last peek inside. Why was it so hard to leave home? you sighed for yourself. Maybe it was the separation from what you loved most that gave you this extreme anxiety? You didn’t come up with an answer and your thoughts got interrupted by a car honking at you. You quickly turned around to see Paul’s hand waving at you, signaling for you to get in the car. You mouthed a “I’m coming” and turned to the front door again. Crouching down you lifted up the doormat and stuck a key under it, in case your mom should stop by.
Exhaling deeply you got up and started walking away from the house. You stepped into the car and sat down next to John. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly, giving you comfort. “It’ll be alright, darling. It’s only two weeks, remember?” he whispered so only you would hear him. You didn’t look at him, afraid you would break down again, but you smiled and stroked your thumb over the back of his hand. You were so grateful to have a man like John in your life, and not one of those obnoxious men at the pub. He knew how to treat you the way a woman deserves, and for that you loved him more than words can explain.
The car started rolling and you looked over to John to meet his eyes. He smiled and quietly said “Let’s go to Miami”. A broad smile soon appeared on your face as genuine happiness filled your body. “Yeah, let’s go to Miami” you replied, putting your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes. Yeah... maybe it wouldn’t be so bad?
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Hi there! Can I request a reader x wrecker oneshot where reader has a crush on wrecker, but he thinks that reader likes someone else, prompting reader to reply “He is very dreamy, but he is not the sun. You are.” And it leads to a confession? I’m a new fan but I really like your writing!
Brighter Than the Sun - Wrecker x reader.
Hi! This is such a cute request I had so much fun writing it! (Sorry it took so long, it was my last week of school this week and I had a bunch of stuff to get done and I was sick for most of the week) and I LOVE WRECKER SO MUCH HE’S MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT HIMBO
Words: dunno, it’s SUPER short tho.
Warnings: sad wrecker, that’s pretty much it. (If Wrecker’s sad I’m sad so-) (and cursing is now a warning for every fic btw because I like curse words 🙃)
Masterlist and Taglist are both pinned, requests are open!
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“I can’t stand it Tech, they likes some one else and it just- urgh,” Wrecker said, seeing you talking and laughing with that other guy, it didn’t exactly hurt him, but yeah, it hurt him.
“How do you know if they like them, what if they like you?” Tech responds. Wrecker just rolls his eyes.
“Can’t you see how happy they are with him?”
“How do you know they like him instead of you if you don’t ask.” Tech says as he stands up to go, leaving Wrecker with his thoughts. But they wouldn’t escape, he could still hear your laughter.
You walk back to the Marauder after saying goodbye to your friend. It was nice to catch up with them. You board the ship seeing Tech, Echo, Hunter and Omega all in the front of the ship, but Wrecker’s not with them.
“Where’s Wrecker?” You ask.
“In his quarters. Dunno why though, you can go check on him if you want.” Hunter says. You nod and make your way to the back of the ship. You knock on his door hearing a “come in” in response. You open the door and go next to Wrecker. You blush a bit, still liking him and all, but thankfully the dark room hid your flustered face.
“Hey. Why aren’t you outside with the rest of ‘em?” You ask in a soft tone.
“Dunno, I just don’t feel like it I guess.” He responds. You scoff.
“Cut the bantha shit, that’s nothing like you.” He sighs.
“I was trying to avoid you.” He says softly. You frown.
“Me? If you don’t mind me asking, why?”
“Cause you like that other guy. And I know I’m not him so I thought maybe avoiding you was the best option.” He says. You snort, making him give you a look of confusion in response. And then you start laughing.
“Why would you think I like him? I was just laughing with him over the stupid shit we did as children. He’s my friend I swear. He is very dreamy and all but-”
“Shockingly, this isn’t helping.” Wrecker says. You put a finger to his mouth to shush him.
“I’m not done. Yes, he is very dreamy, but he’s not the sun, you are.” You say with a smile. Wrecker looks at you with wide eyes and starts to smile too.
“Yeah Wrecker, I like you. A lot actually.” You chuckle as you fidget with your hands, trying to avoid eye contact with him. He puts his hand on yours and tilts your chin up to his face giving you a small kiss on the lips. You close your eyes, giving in to the kiss.
Taglist: @hockeyjedi13 @eyecandyeoz @dwarfplanet69
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