#i did manage to break the ''news'' to my mother because i thought Maybe she could give me some advice on how to proceed but i don't even
mandoriana · 18 hours
Merlin broke her leg after a hunt and Arthur decided to visit her friend.
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: Hey, sir, came to visit me? *winks provocatively*
Arthur rolls his eyes.
Arthur: Just curious to know when you'll get better and return to your duties.
Arthur sits at the edge of the bed, and Merlin places his feet on the king's lap.
Arthur: Hey! *complains but doesn't remove Merlin's feet from his lap*
Merlin: Be quiet and listen, I have some gossip updates.
*Arthur pulls his feet up onto the bed, sitting cross-legged and being careful not to hurt Merlin's broken leg*
Arthur: I'm listening.
Merlin: Remember Lady Silvana?
Arthur: Lord Edward's lady?
Merlin nods.
Merlin: So, I was minding my own business when I heard a "Shut up, Diego." I thought it was a lady in danger and rushed to my window...
Arthur: Merlin, you have a broken leg! What did you expect to do to help?
Merlin: I thought she was in danger! And besides, I had a brilliant plan.
Arthur: Oh yeah? And what was it?
Merlin: Shout "stop!" really loud from the window. *smiles mischievously*
Arthur: *rolling his eyes* You're impossible.
Merlin: And you love me that way.
Merlin winked and crossed his arms.
Merlin: Do you want to hear the rest of the gossip or not!?
Arthur: Continue. *rolls his eyes and lets his hands massage Merlin's toes gently*
Merlin: Thank you. Anyway, I went to the window and saw Lady Silvana with old Diego...
Arthur: The cook?! *widens his eyes*
Merlin: Yes. Well, I don't know if you heard, but *whispers* recently Lady Silvana and Lord Edward separated.
Arthur: And is she okay?
Merlin: Oh, she's great. I'm the one who's not okay; their fights were my entertainment at the balls.
Arthur: Merlin. *reprimands, but his eyes are soft as he tries to look serious*
Merlin *smiles blushing*: Anyway, they divided the mansion. She got the inside, and he got the outside. *Arthur laughed* But the good news is that Lady Silvana already found a new suitor, and he's a thousand times worse than Lord Edward! Now the arguments are on another level!
Without realizing it, Arthur extended the foot massage to Merlin's leg.
Merlin: Just in the first argument, I already knew everything about cook Diego! I knew which Lord he worked for because she criticized his work; I knew who his friends were because she criticized his friends; I knew which horse he had because she criticized his horse; I even knew who Tiana, Diego's mother, was because Silvana criticized Tiana.
Arthur laughed, his hands massaging his friend's thin calf.
Merlin: The argument started early but went on until late at night. It was 7 hours of pure entertainment without a break. Lady Silvana didn't stop even when Sir Elyan got involved to calm the argument.
Arthur: Wait, wait, you mean you stood at the window for 7 hours!? *Merlin looks away innocently* Merlin, you have a broken leg! Do you know how much that can affect your healing!?
Merlin: But what could I do!? I mean, their fight was so loud I had no choice but to listen!
Arthur: Merlin!
Merlin: Do you want to know the end or not!?
Arthur huffed and rolled his eyes, his hands moving up and down in a gentle massage. He knew how much the leg tingled when you couldn't move it.
Arthur: Finish the story.
Merlin: Sir Elyan managed to stop Lady Silvana, but old Diego ended the courtship. It seems she managed to irritate the cook a lot!
Arthur *rolls his eyes*: I can't blame the poor man; Lady Silvana can be really annoying sometimes.
Merlin nodded wisely.
Arthur: And then, what happened?
Merlin: Well, then she showed up crying to Gaius and asked if there was any way to make people love her...
Arthur *widens his eyes*: She wanted a love potion!?
Merlin: Maybe, but she whined so much about men not loving her that even I missed Lord Edward.
Arthur: Missed? 🤨 *jealous*
Merlin: Just a manner of speaking, sir. *jokes, poking Arthur's belly with his good foot*
Arthur: Hmm 😒.
Merlin winks and blows a kiss to his king.
Arthur: Shut up, Merlin. *looks away, feeling shy*
Merlin: But I didn't say anything 🥰
Arthur: Merlin, you're impossible. *smiles, shaking his head*
Merlin: I'm adorable, sir.
Arthur: So, what did Gaius say to her?
Merlin: Oh, he tried to explain that love can't be forced, but you know Gaius, he ended up giving her a potion to "improve her mood."
Arthur: *laughing* And did it work?
Merlin: Well, she stopped crying, but now she's convinced that all the men in the kingdom are in love with her.
Arthur: *laughing even more* This will be interesting to see at the next balls.
Merlin: For sure. *smiles mischievously* And you, sir, have any gossip to share?
Arthur: *thoughtful* Well, I heard that Lancelot is planning a big surprise for Guinevere.
Merlin: Oh, this will be good. *leans forward, interested* What is it?
Arthur: I can't say, it's a secret. *smiles mysteriously*
Merlin: Oh, come on, Arthur, I've been following the couple's courtship for years, I need to know if they're going to get together or not! Come on, tell me he's going to propose to her!
Arthur: *laughing* My lips are sealed, I won't say anything.
Merlin *rolls his eyes and huffs*: You're not funny, sir.
Arthur: I'm just keeping the suspense.
Merlin: Well, I'll find out anyway. *smiles confidently*
Arthur: I'm sure you will. *pats Merlin's good leg* Now, get some rest. I need you back in action soon.
Merlin: Yes, sir. *smiles, closing his eyes*
Arthur: *gets up and adjusts Merlin's blanket* See you later, Merlin.
Merlin: See you later, Arthur. *smiles as Arthur leaves the room*
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
I can't believe I can't find any information on how to do this thing that not many people need to do. smh
#mytext#said after having had a crying fit over it. whatever#i need to stop ignoring the Horrors (excruciating periods random pans of intense pain etc) and go to a damn gynecologist#VS the other Horror (congenital anomaly that needs to be dealt with first for doing tests to be possible)#how am i even supposed to book a visit when i realistically cannot get anything done. like. ''hello secretary.#i need an appointment only i can't do any tests the doctor can just look at me externally. sorry'' ???#maybe it's also because of The Brain State but while snooping for information (that i didn't find) today even just looking at the tools#that they would use is what automatically made me burst into tears. and it's so frustrating because on paper it's such a stupid minor thing#but alas. and. ok it's a rare thing but not That rare and the fact that it's never talked about despite being relevant to both#sex ed and even just. awareness of what bodies can be like in general. and that i had to find out that Oh Most People Aren't Like This#on my own kinda does contribute to the. uneasiness? uncomfortableness? that i feel#(--_--)#i did manage to break the ''news'' to my mother because i thought Maybe she could give me some advice on how to proceed but i don't even#know what i was expecting considering that all this time she's just told me to deal with the actually Concerning Horrors (ie the pain etc)#she barely even acknowledged it and didn't even ask me how this thing made me feel so. lol. lmao even.#sorry cringe tmi time today was the first time i ever mentioned this to someone irl and it went badly so i don't have anyone to vent to#lol
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ronwestbreeze · 11 months
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you're gonna go far | 6
pairing: jake sully x neytiri x tsu'tey x fem!human! reader summary: a scientist arrives on pandora (unwillingly) a year after the exile of the rda. now she must deal with the likes of a clan leader, a great warrior, and a thanator rider. . . word count: 8.5k
read on AO3
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It was a little difficult to get out of bed that morning.
One of those days.
Long and exhausting. It was challenging to get stuff done. You knew things like this wouldn’t just go away instantly. But you hoped that maybe…
It wasn’t too bad like before. You were able to think about the chores that had to be done later in the day and pushed yourself out of the bedroom.
So you went through most of the day barely existing. Norm was the first to notice your slight change in behavior because he began trying to joke more with you—no matter how bad they ended up being—and tried getting you out of your head. And you were thankful for that. At least that’s what was different this time around. You weren’t entirely alone nor held up in your room.
That was progress, right? You honestly couldn’t tell. Sometimes you felt like you were still stuck, that you weren’t moving forward. Or getting better. At least back to what you used to be.
Yet, you’ve been this way—asleep—for so long that you have forgotten what you used to be like. You forgot when the last time you smiled. You forgot when you felt the most happy or any other emotion besides anger and grief.
You wondered where that part of you went. Some days you went searching. Other days you somberly accepted that it was a part of you, that you were never going to get back.
At some point, you figured it died along with your mother.
“You want me to check on the baby today?” Norm asked you as you were getting ready for your link for the day.
You shook your head as you sat on the link bed, “No, I’ll be fine. Just one of those days, you know? We all have em’.”
He frowned when you shrugged it off or appeared a little too nonchalant about it, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Thanks for offering though.”
“Anytime, Doc.” He gave you a pat on the shoulder, while watching you particularly closely, “Just tell me you need a break. Don’t push yourself, okay?”
He was nice. You needed something like that.
Neytiri noticed it too.
While the two of you were in the garden that day, Neytiri had been saying words in Na’vi for you to repeat. And you did it, not perfectly of course, but you managed. It was just that you didn’t take in any information. Not in the way she knew you to.
You had a certain look that told Neytiri you were hanging onto her every word, whenever you were learning something new from her. Eyes slightly vibrant with curiosity.
That look wasn’t there today. Instead, in its place was a dullness and lifeless sort of unfocused gaze.
Your ears were low again.
Neytiri didn’t know when she became so attentive to your moods or facial expressions. So much so that she could tell when you were somewhat happy and really, painfully sad—
You were just easy to read in this form.
Yes, that was it.
“What is wrong, tanhi?” Neytiri eventually asked because she didn’t completely despise you so much to ignore your change in mood.
There was a twitch in your ears when you heard your name being called. You looked up from the newly planted mushroom seeds you had been mentally counting at Neytiri to find her staring at you expectantly. “Huh?”
She rolled her eyes, “You are not listening. I know you are distracted. What is wrong with you?”
You cringed at yourself for allowing yourself to get so distracted by your swimming thoughts. Drowning in them as usual. “It’s nothing. Just have a lot on my mind.”
But the answer did not satisfy her. Neytiri shook her head, “Sky People are always hiding their feelings. You are doing that. It is okay to be sad. It is natural.”
“I’m not hiding it—” You sighed, turning your gaze back to the mushroom seeds. “It’s just one of those days. Maybe—Maybe today I am sad. I could barely get out of bed and tomorrow it might be worse—what are you doing?”
You watched as Neytiri got up and moved behind you. A second later, you feel a brief tugging at your hair until it became loose from your short braid. “If you want to learn our ways, then you must take care of your hair. I look at it and it is a mess.”
“It was in a braid before…”
“I did not like it.”
With that, she got up again and trekked back into the forest. You watched her go in bewilderment at the sudden change of conversation and attitude from the Na’vi woman. You had no idea what had come over the woman or what made her suddenly leave, but you didn’t focus on it for too long. The confusion and startlement you had was enough energy to continue planting the rest of the mushrooms. You didn’t bother putting your hair back into a braid, not wanting to spend time threading through the thick strands until your fingers were too sore to complete your job. And the last thing you needed was something stopping you from finishing this one simple task—
A splash of cold water was suddenly dumped onto your head, leaving you soaking wet.
And terribly pissed.
You snapped your head behind you to find Neytiri placing the leaf down next to her—which was glistening with water. The same water that was now spilled all over you.
“Hold still.” Neytiri hissed at you as she ran her long fingers through your hair.
You grumbled but reluctantly listened, still confused and a bit pissed at what was going on. And for a while, the two of you remained there. You, sitting on the ground still counting the seeds quietly to yourself while Neytiri stayed behind you. Braiding a few strands of hair.
It was then you realized just how different your hair was from the way it was in your human body. The hair length was very similar to how you used to wear it when you were a teenager. You wondered then just how old this avatar body was.
Once she was finally finished, she crouched down in front of you to get a better look. Her yellow irises scanning your face and her work. Tucking rebellious strands behind your ear, patting down some of the fuzziness, and making sure the braid was visible around your face.
You watched her quietly. And soon, when she was done obsessing over your hair, she watched you too.
It wasn’t the way you and Jake watched each other. This—this had something different about it.
Time was an illusion here. Trapped in her yellow gaze. You hadn’t realized you had been staring for so long—nor did you realize you had briefly glanced at her lips—until a sudden sound from the forest pulled the both of you out of this strange trance.
And once you snapped to your senses, your body quickly reacted. You shot to your feet and cleared your throat, “I gotta check on the avatar now.” You didn’t meet her gaze. “I’ll see you.”
Before she could stop you, you already scurried off. Stopping once you were far enough away out of her sight.
Stopping when you felt a new pair of eyes watching you rather closely.
You glanced around the forest surroundings as you approached the longhouse with a frown until your eyes locked on another pair of yellow eyes. Severe ones.
Tsu’tey was in the trees further away but enough for you to see him watching you, even when you caught him doing so. He did not look away from you. Narrowed eyes and that scowl resting on his angular face.
For a moment you wondered what the look was for. You wondered what he could yell at you about this time, even though you listened to his demands and had stayed away from the Omatikaya territory.
A scared part of you wondered if he had seen you and Neytiri just now.
Nothing happened. But still, it would give enough ammunition for him to verbally attack you. Hate you even more possibly.
Except there would be no battle today. As Tsu’tey disappeared within the trees without a word.
You were confused but relieved at the same time.
Dealing with an angry clan leader was not on your to-do list. Nor were you properly prepared for it.
After watching the trees in silence, you eventually went inside.
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Neytiri watched your retreating figure with a frown, her heart…shifting—only a little bit as you disappeared. Her gaze then moved toward the trees, the area where the sound had come from before. And with an irritated frown, she got up and stalked toward the area.
They were still there. She could feel their eyes on her as she went further into the forest. With a hiss, she glared at the trees, “Come out. Enough hiding!”
Just a little bit above her, a few feet away a familiar warrior snaked out of the bushes and seated himself on the large branch with his usual expression he wore whenever he was away from their shared hut.
Neytiri frowned up at Tsu’tey, “You are watching me.”
“I am watching her.”
After a beat and a quiet sigh, Neytiri climbed up the tree and joined him. Despite his very sour mood, he tugged her close to his side as they sat together. On the branch, they had a good view of the Avatar Compound. A few dreamwalkers were running about but none of them seemed to bother Tsu’tey as much as you did. Neytiri could easily tell with how he kept glaring at the longhouse, the same place she always watched you disappear in whenever you left your false body.
“You have been spending time with her,” Tsu’tey stated more so than asking. There wasn’t much to hide, they both knew Neytiri spent some of her free time visiting you. Only when Tsu’tey or Jake are busy with their duties and she’s finished with hers before the both of them. “I do not like it.”
“She has done nothing.” Neytiri reasoned.
“And what did I say if she does? I would kill her myself.”
As she said this, Neytiri felt a certain wavering in her heavy words. Like a part of her didn’t believe it anymore.
She rested her head on his shoulder, hugging his arm with a content sigh, “But I cannot ignore what the Great Mother has shown me. She has stopped my bow before and now she’s done it a second time. Do you not think it means something, yawne?”
In the corner of her, she watched as his jaw tightened, his features becoming particularly focused. “I do not trust this.”
“You do not trust the Great Mother?”
“That is not what I mean.” He corrected her calmly. Neytiri knew that Tsu’tey, like any other child of Eywa respected her and trusted in her signs. Always had. That was how he was raised. And she knew he wasn’t about to abandon that because of one demon.
But his words were still reluctant, “I do not know where our Great Mother is leading us. I do not know why she wants that demon spared—when she is just like the rest of them.”
Neytiri considered his words, “Perhaps she is like Jake—”
“There is only one Jake. And she is nothing like him.”
She made a sound of disagreement but didn’t push further on the subject. She noticed how tense he was, how tense he had been for the past week. She wondered then if he was truly upset by this or if there was something more to this quiet anger he so carefully restrained. Of course, his hatred for the Sky People was no question.
But Neytiri knew Tsu’tey.
Skin and bone. Heart and soul.
She knew her mate. Not only as a mate but as a friend. They had grown up together. Along with her sister, Sylwanin. There was nothing he could hide from her even if he tried.
“She may not be like Jake. But clearly, the Great Mother has chosen her for a reason. My mother even allows her to stay—I believe it is time you seek the answers.”
Tsu’tey scoffed but didn’t brush her off. Instead, he leaned in closer, allowing his hand to rest on her growing stomach. “You will be a great Tsahik.”
“Not as great as my mother. Nor my sister.”
Tsu’tey shook his head and cupped her cheek, “You will be great, my beautiful heart.”
A soft smile tugged at her lips only to falter when she noticed how exhausted he truly looked. How close he looked to breaking but hiding it. He could never hide it well from her. Nor Jake.
She then took his face in her hands and whispered soothingly, “What is it, my love?”
Knowing that there was no point in denying a response—knowing that Neytiri would not stop until she got what she wanted—Tsu’tey turned away from her to stare back at the compound.
“The Tipani clan are becoming reckless. They already do not like the Sky People that have stayed—but now that the demon has come, I worry they will begin to take matters into their own hands. I worry…that our clans will begin to clash.”
Neytiri took his hand in hers and pressed a gentle kiss onto his knuckles, “If it comes to it, I will stand by you. Jake will too. But I also will ask you to speak to our Great Mother about your troubles.” She caressed his exhausted lines with a small frown, “I worry for you, Tsu’tey. I do not want you to take on this task by yourself. You have Jake and I to be with you. That is why Eywa brought us together.”
Right then, he seemed to consider her words. His gaze was still unfocused while staring at the longhouse. A silence settled between them.
“Eywa has created this new path for us.” Tsu’tey mused. “Somedays I wonder if it will lead to something good in the end.”
“Do you think it won’t?”
He was silent. And Neytiri didn’t push.
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When Tsu’tey went to the Vitraya Ramunong, the night had already settled around him. When he went to kneel at the tree, connecting his queue to one of the links, his prayers were silent. But his questions were clear. His intention was pure to the Great Mother.
What does it all mean? Guide me, All Mother.
So when a single atokirina flew away from the tree, Tsu’tey took to following it both out of curiosity and apprehension. The Great Mother’s answers weren’t always clear. If anything, her signs only led to more questions.
So, Tsu’tey wondered. He wondered if this would lead to any more answers.
Or just more unwanted questions.
Tsu’tey rushed through the forest, never losing sight of the spirit. He kept going and going until he was nearing the Sky People’s base. Until the trees suddenly became familiar. Until the grounds he had seen many times before unwillingly began to appear around him.
But his body never stopped moving. He never stopped following it. Too desperate for answers. Too desperate, too yearning.
Oh Eywa, he was yearning.
And then, and then, and then.
And then he was staring down at your still false body.
It was strange. Seeing no life in your face. Tsu’tey had only seen your false body from far away, but now seeing you up close. You looked so different yet the same as your human form.
Why was he here? Why did the spirit bring him to…
His vision rippled. Your body morphed from your human form to your false body—impossible.
And then he woke up.
Tsu’tey finally realized where he was. Instead of standing in the middle of the forest chasing an atokirina, instead of standing over your false body, he was back in his hut. With his mates sleeping next to him. With his son cuddled between both Jake and him. With Neytiri hugging his waist from behind.
A dream. It was only a dream.
But why you? Why you?
“Yawne?” Tsu’tey breathed out a sigh and looked over his shoulder to find Jake shifting out of his sleep, looking at him through heavy eyelids. He sat up a bit, careful not to disturb Neteyam’s sleep as he did, “Another nightmare?”
Tsu’tey hesitated—considered the question. The dream he just had. Was it a nightmare?
“No. I am fine. Go back to sleep, my love.”
Jake didn’t look entirely convinced but eventually lied back down. Usually, it took a while for Jake to fall asleep, so Tsu’tey lay back down, adjusting Neytiri’s arm around his waist and squeezing his other hand on Jake’s shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jake asked, his voice deep and sluggish.
Tsu’tey nodded, and tucked his nose into Neteyam’s cheek as gently as he could, “I am now.”
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It took you a little longer to get out of bed the following week. But you managed. You watched a few more of your mother’s logs and even some of the other ones still in the system.
Dr. Augustine. Norm. Some guy named Quaritch. And then there was Jake Sully.
As a human.
You paused the video to examine his face. You suppose the traits matched his now blue form. The only difference was that instead of his longish dreads, he had a buzz cut in the video. And a tattoo poking out of his short sleeve shirt.
Eventually, you moved on, willing yourself to forget his face for the time being.
You also tried not to think about the fact that Neytiri hadn’t been back for about a week now. Which was normal. You didn’t overthink it. Especially not after that moment—
Eventually, you moved on, willing yourself to forget your thoughts about her.
Then you remembered Tsu’tey. Him watching you so closely. You hoped he didn’t see you and Neytiri. Frankly, you weren’t sure what would happen if he did know.
He’d kill you. That’s for sure.
Eventually, you moved on, willing yourself to forget all three of them.
When you finally got out of bed, you continued with your regular schedule and tried to think of literally anything else. You tended to your garden by yourself and continued checking the baby.
There was a bit of determination for yourself, to keep moving. To not stay in one place any longer or else you’d be stuck.
And you weren’t sure if you’d make it out if you did.
Jake continued visiting the tank room whenever he could.
Today was one of them. Only this time you made it before he did.
“How’s the baby?”
You glanced up briefly from your notes, “Healthy. It might be because Na’vi babies might grow faster in pregnancy—judging by that we might have a couple more months before it’s born.”
Jake nodded, his face serious, “Anything else?”
For a brief second you didn’t respond, too caught up in your thoughts until you realized he had asked you a question. Jake tilted his head, brows furrowed at you.
You shook your head eventually, “No, everything’s all normal.”
He stared at the belly for a moment longer before he left. You were somewhat surprised at his quick retreat but didn’t think much about it. He was some type of great warrior, he was probably busy with something else in his clan. If it meant that the two of you didn’t have to interact much with him anymore or probably a lot shorter than before, then you were okay with it.
It seemed he finally took the hint.
All you could do was keep moving.
Jake came again the next day.
This time around you brought out the ultrasound.
He watched you and the machine intensely. You noticed and gave a sound close to a huff or a snort, “Nothing’s wrong with it. I’m just doing a thorough check-up today.”
A quick look of relief crossed his otherwise exhausted features, “Right, right, of course.”
Once you got the ultrasound running and connected to the avatar, you immediately found the heartbeat with the blurry image of the fetus appearing on the screen. It had grown considerably since the first time you saw it.
“There she is.” You mumbled mostly to yourself. The heartbeat was calming in a way, easing your usual tense muscles.
Jake perked up instantly, staring at you in disbelief, “She? It’s a girl?”
You glanced up at him briefly to find a soft expression on his face upon looking at the fetus. Neteyam—who you just noticed attached to his chest—sleepily snuggled closer to his father’s chest. When his head moved out of the sling, Jake held the back of his head, giving it support.
“Yes.” You gave a short nod.
Another look of relief flashed across his face, this time he didn’t try to hide it like before. A small smile tugged at his lips, “That’s—That’s nice. Amazing.”
In the corner of your eye, you watched him. That easy fatherly expression fell upon his face. How soft his smile was, for something that wasn’t even his. You weren’t sure what to think of it—no, you expected it. It was foreign. A father loving his child. To you at least.
You didn’t know your father. Nor did you have a father figure in your life. That type of love was unfamiliar to you.
Love itself was a foreign concept that you could not yet grasp. The only time you could truly say you experienced something close—similar to love—was with your mother.
And if love was like this—heavy. Leaving you…like this.
You weren’t sure you would want to experience any type of love ever again.
“You sure you’re ready to take on another?” You raised your brows, not looking up from the belly.
Jake looked at you, “Do you care for my answer?”
“I am watching over her. I suppose I should make sure she is left with somewhat tolerable parents—that is, if there aren’t any problems with her when she’s born.” You hummed, rolling your eyes at the sudden look of worry on his face. “Relax, that’s the standard check-up of any baby—well, I don’t know how different it will be compared to human ones.”
A beat went by before he finally answered, “I wouldn’t be honest if I said I wasn’t nervous. What new parent isn’t?”
The rest of the session was just the two of you, sitting in a somewhat comfortable silence. Comfortable for you because you were able to ignore him without any problems. And Jake wasn’t being too talkative or apologetic, which was a plus. But he was noticeably less hostile toward you as the time went by. Showing that he was taking the truce quite seriously and keeping his end of the bargain.
In other words, the truce was possibly the best option for you both. You could work in peace without being hammered or interrogated. And Jake would continue his visits without any problems.
You still didn’t like him. And you were sure the feelings were mutual.
But things were becoming easier.
And sometimes you like easy. Just as much as a challenge.
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There was a part of him that was curious. Jake didn’t understand it. He didn’t understand Neytiri’s easy trust in you but it only made him more curious as he kept coming to see the baby.
Of course, you were guarded and curt around him. And he was quite the same but that didn’t mean he wasn’t at least a little bit interested in why you were so important to their deity.
So many questions.
A part of him wanted to ask Eywa himself—he wasn’t much used to praying to her but he would now and then out of respect for the People. If he asked, he would possibly gain an answer—which was incredibly rare—or he would gain more questions, which was the more common response.
So, Jake took to finding things out for himself. Even if it meant doing it the hard way. Even if it meant getting his head out of his ass and finally putting things into perspective.
Jake Sully was willing to at least keep this tolerable relationship with you going. Keeping this stable cord steady. You weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. It was time he had to get used to it. It was time for him to get over himself.
And he was willing to show that he did want something different. That he was ready to change, to finally understand you in a way.
But you still didn’t like him. Which was fine.
He didn’t like himself all that much either.
Another week went by and Neytiri still hadn’t come back. Surprisingly, you found yourself missing her. And when you began missing others, you got angry.
Since you didn’t feel like going through that process again, you resolved yourself to thinking that she must’ve gotten busy with her clan. Or grown tired of watching over you and your depressing personality once she realized that you weren’t a threat to her clan.
That must’ve been it. That’s what you chose to believe at that moment.
One day at a time.
You moved forward. Because you had to.
Throughout the week you focused on your work tending to the garden, checking on the baby, and even taking on more responsibilities around Hell’s Gate.
Sometimes you’d help Dr. Patel in the bio labs, other times you went with the other avatars to train your body. There were also days you would help Norm pack different human items he’d usually bring for the Na’vi children of the Omatikaya Clan. You, of course, never ventured too close to their territory whenever you went with him to drop off the items. You’d either stay in the ship you flew in or stay at the base as he left on his own.
Jake still kept coming around but his time there became shorter and shorter with each visit. Again, you didn’t bat an eye. You welcomed it and continued with your work.
Toward the end of your busy and long week, you woke up with a start when a blaring sound struck your room. It had to have been the middle of the night as you looked around frantically, only to realize the sound was coming from your tablet.
Quickly, you grabbed it to find the alarm was the system alerting you something was wrong.
And the problem was coming from the tank room.
You stumbled out of your bedroom and dashed through the long halls until you finally ended up in the tank room. Not caring that you were probably making a bunch of noise in the process.
When you got to Augustine’s tank, your heart sank when you found Grace’s avatar was violently twitching with the lights inside of the tank blaring a red.
“Fuck!” You hissed as you immediately checked for the problem.
The first thing you checked was the avatar itself. Her heart and the baby’s were fine but the avatar’s was slightly elevated, probably in response to whatever was happening to the machine which was the next thing you began to check.
There you discovered that something in it was malfunctioning. Throwing the liquid temperature off, the placentiums weren’t giving any more nutrients like they were supposed to. Whatever was going on, you didn’t have time to fix it or the machine.
If you wasted time like that more damage could be done and you weren’t going to risk that. Especially when the baby was in there. Especially when the baby could receive the worst of your mistake. Of this malfunction.
So, you worked fast.
You searched the room for an empty tank—which you were able to find and rolled it over next to the one Dr. Augustine’s avatar was in. You pulled the empty tank open just as Norm and a few other scientists entered.
“What happened?!” Norm questioned hastily.
Quickly, you jumped down from the empty tank and rushed toward Grace’s, “It’s malfunctioning. I don’t know why but we have to move her.”
Thankfully, Norm didn’t ask any more questions. He ordered the other scientists to help you.
You worked quickly. Draining the rest of the liquid from the tank, carefully moving the avatar—this required multiple hands—until you placed it in the new tank.
“Track her heart rate.” You ordered one of them.
A second later, a woman responded, “Stable but its body temperature’s dropping fast.”
By the time she said that you closed the tank. “Norm, fill it up.”
You jumped down, grabbed the heart monitor from the female scientist, and watched the lines closely. The tank was nearly filled up as Norm came up beside you.
Along with the heart monitor, your heart pounded through your ears as the tank finally filled up. You gave the monitor to Norm and went to adjust the temperature back to the usual settings.
When the blue lights came on it felt as if the room breathed a huge sigh of relief. You took the monitor back as Norm hummed, “Lucky you were the one to get here first. And quick thinking too—do you know what went wrong with the other one?”
The rest of the scientists poured out of the room as you slowly shook your head. “I don’t know. I couldn’t waste time, Spellman. Not when it could’ve risked the baby.”
Norm nodded and patted your shoulder, “You’re right. Good work, Doc.” He moved to the other side of the tank with a thoughtful expression. “You want me to stay and help with anything else?”
The lines on the monitor were stable, which brought you some sense of comfort. And yet the slight panic remained. “No, no. I’m good here. You can go back to bed. I’ll finish up here soon.”
“Okay.” Norm eventually moved toward the exit. “Get some sleep, Reeds. I’m serious.”
You nodded without looking at him. “Yeah, sure. Goodnight.”
“Good morning.” Norm corrected with a tired grin.
With that, Norm left. You breathed in a steady breath before grabbing a chair from the corner of the lab and sinking onto it. The monitor was kept nearby, the heart rate melodic in your ears as you set your tablet down on your lap.
For a while, you studied how far along the avatar was. It had been a good couple of months since you first discovered the child—which left her at about twenty-four to twenty-seven weeks at least. That’s not even counting when she first got pregnant. But compared to a human, the Na’vi pregnancy went by a lot faster, which also confirmed your theory.
Or maybe your perception of time was fucked up with how distracted and busy you had been.
Was that why the malfunction happened? Were you too distracted to notice any faults in the system during your usual sessions? What did happen?
You contemplated this for a while. Until your mind became hazy and your eyes droopy. At some point, you fell asleep next to the tank because there was no way you would leave the fetus’ side at that point. Not after all of that.
It felt as if your eyes had been closed for only a couple of seconds before you were suddenly jolted awake to find Norm standing over you.
“What happened? Is it the tank again?” You instantly asked, turning to check on the tank.
“No, no, no—the—she’s fine!” Norm quickly assured while easing you back into your chair. “I thought I told you to get some sleep.”
You stared at him for a beat, both a tired and an annoyed expression easily falling upon your face. “Well, I assure you I certainly wasn’t sitting with my eyes closed just then.”
Norm winced, “Sorry. I thought you’d want to get in your own bed before Jake gets here.” He rubbed the back of his neck as you got up from the chair. “I had to tell him what happened—he’s flying over now.”
“That’s fine.” You grumbled. “I can stand just one day in the same room with him. Besides, I should probably figure out what went wrong with that tank.”
Norm nodded, “Okay—uh, should I be a mediator for the both of you or..?”
“Oh, please.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s not like I’m meeting their clan leader.”
“You really need to try and get along with him.” Norm chuckled with a shake of his head.
You scowled, “Are you going to keep yapping in my ear about it or be useful?”
“Alright, alright, don’t an ass.” He strolled toward the doorway. “Jake’ll be here in fifteen.”
Once he left, you got to work again. You weren’t an official engineer but you knew a good amount of information from your training back on Earth. You hoisted yourself up and into the tank before you began taking it apart. You stood in it, trying to find out what exactly had gone wrong—while glancing at the heart monitor now and then.
Your brain was moving quickly yet hazily from the sleep. Eyes honed in on the mess of wires in front of you. So distracted by your silent questions and theories that you didn’t hear the incoming footsteps. Only the voice that followed after.
“What happened? Is she okay?”
“Yes, she’s fine.” You replied immediately, watching in the corner of your eye as he approached the new tank. His hair was tied back and across his chest was a leather strap that carried what looked like a machete. “It was just a malfunction with the tank. We were able to get her out before any real damage could be done.”
Jake frowned, “Malfunction? How the hell did you let that happen?!”
“Look, I don’t know.” You replied calmly, ignoring the twitch in your jaw. “I’m still trying to figure all that out. But she’s out of it and fine. Norm helped if that makes you feel better—”
“I thought you had things handled? What happened to that?” Jake scowled, his tone vicious.
“I do.”
“Then what the hell happened—”
“I already said I don’t know!” You seethed, glaring down at the group of wires now hanging from your hands. Somewhere in the back of your brain, you realized that Norm really did have to stand between the two of you. That this truce wasn’t stable enough. That the two of them were just too explosive. “The hell do you think I’m trying to do? Kill the baby?!”
You missed the way Jake’s face faltered slightly, catching himself. “No…No, that’s not what I—”
“Then get off my fucking dick!” You snapped, throwing a piece of the tank to the floor with a clatter.
All sound was gone from the room then.
This was the last thing you wanted to deal with. Being scolded like some child—like you already weren’t beating yourself up over this mess.
You sunk onto the floor of the tank and continued working. Because that’s what you were best at. Not conversations. Not people. Not love.
Work. It was everything to you.
Already you were mentally drowning Jake out, ignoring the fact that there was another person in the room with you. But eventually, you realized that there was nothing wrong with the wires. It must’ve been something else. Another theory down the drain.
Jake uttered your name at one point. And you ignored him.
There was a sigh followed by a short pause before he spoke, “I’m sorry.” You continued ignoring him. There was something about his apologies. You were just tired of them. “That wasn’t fair, you’re right. I shouldn’t have come at you like that—”
“Augustine’s avatar is over there.” You mumbled. “You can check on her yourself.”
There was another silence but you were too focused on what was in front of you to notice or care. You were so determined to ignore him and the sting in the corners of your eyes.
You didn’t like to cry. Especially in front of others.
Thankfully, you ignored him long enough until you realized you were finally alone.
After a while, you breathed out a tired sigh.
Fortunately, as the days went by there were no other problems with the new tank or baby, but it didn’t stop you from always double-checking everything after that close call. So much so that you didn’t realize how much sleep you were missing until Norm pulled you away from your work and forced you back into your room. Locked the door and everything just to make his point.
With the promise of Norm taking care of your work, you eventually allowed yourself to sleep for practically the entire day. Not without the tablet on the dresser next to your bed of course.
Even after catching up on some semblance of sleep, Norm still didn’t let you get back to your schedule right away. Which irritated you of course.
“I don’t want you in my garden, Spellman.”
He rolled his eyes, “And I don’t want you stressing yourself out. As your friend and colleague who happens to care about your well-being, I demand you stay away from the garden until you’re completely rested.”
You frowned at him, “We’re friends?”
“Shut up and accept my love.”
And he kept true to his word. Norm kept you away from the gardens, even the tank room. And made sure that the scientists knew how to keep you away as well. He covered all of his bases.
Damn him.
You couldn’t sit around and do nothing though. So, at some point you were so desperate you resorted to practically begging Norm to just give you something to do that would distract you throughout the whole day. You nagged and nagged and nagged until Norm finally gave in.
“There’s an old link shack north of Hell’s Gate. We’ve been thinking about restoring all of them around the area. But that particular shack’s connection is a little wonky. Maybe you could head over and restock the supplies with your avatar. Maybe even fix the connection while you’re at it.”
You nodded quickly, “Yeah, sure thing. I’ll get on that—”
“And don’t try to sneak your way to the gardens!” Norm added sternly, sending you a look over his shoulder while clicking away at his computer. “Plus, you won’t need the Samson ships. The shack’s not too far from here.”
With that, you went to grab supplies, such as med kits, weapons—one gun and a few stacks of ammo—blankets, Na’vi weapons, a hunting knife, and a bow with a few arrows. You kept the hunting knife to yourself just in case.
After getting all of this, you placed the bag of supplies in the compound longhouse where your avatar always slept when you weren’t linked. Once you got to your link bed and linked up with your avatar, you grabbed the hunting knife and the bag of supplies before taking off north from Hell’s Gate.
The sky was grey today with a few darker clouds on the horizon instead of the shimmering blue you were used to. A storm might’ve been coming.
Which meant you had to make this trip quick. There was no telling how bad these storms could get on this planet.
Similar to how you traveled through the forest with Neytiri, you took to the trees so that you’d have less of a chance of running into or disturbing any of Pandora’s finest. Hopefully, you had learned to be quiet enough to not draw any attention your way as well.
As time went by, the sky got darker. You followed the coordinates Norm gave you while slipping through the trees like the true shadow you were. Traveling and climbing through the trees got easier as you went. You had done it enough times with Neytiri that you knew what to do and how to do it. Albeit not perfectly, but enough to get by. Blending into the environment as best as you could.
You enjoyed it, the vibrant life and colors of the forest once again. Every time felt like you were taking in Pandora for the very first time. Every time felt like a huge breath of the freshest air. Here, you were weightless. You weren’t a scientist. You weren’t human. You weren’t an avatar. You were just were.
You existed here. You were real.
Truly this place was everything you dreamed of when you were younger.
Rain began to pour by the time you spotted the shack. It was propped up and well hidden in a large tree, with moss growing out of the sides, the entire thing looking like it hadn’t been used in a long time.
You slid down from a branch as quietly as you could and landed in front of the metal entrance. By the time you got the door open and crouched inside, you were soaking wet from the rain.
The shack itself wasn’t too small, which surprised you. It must’ve been made to allow avatars to be able to roam freely through here without too much trouble.
Once the door was closed, you sunk onto the empty cot in the corner of the shack and began unpacking the supplies. The med kit went into the cabinets above a wooden table attached to the wall. The blankets went on the cot. The gun and ammo went under the cot in a long black case filled with old and rusted weapons you had to throw out into the rain. You kept the hunting knife tucked in your shorts.
The rain kept going. It was relaxing. Stopping for a moment to listen. Smelling it through the cracked window next to the cot you sat on.
It was nice. You could stay here if you wanted. This could’ve been your new home if you didn’t have responsibilities at Hell’s Gate.
Lastly, you worked on the radio that sat on the wooden table—which you assumed was connected to the main base. So, for the next few minutes, you took your time messing with the radio. Listening to either ongoing static or barely audible voices going in and out. At some point, you messed with the wires a few times before Norm’s voice finally came through.
“Tomato. Tomato. Tomato.”
You pressed one of the buttons, “Hey, Norm.”
“Oh, Jesus! Reeds!” Norm startled. “Warn a guy next time!”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, “I just wanted to test if it worked. Clearly, I fixed it.”
A snap of thunder drew you away from the radio. Seemed like it was getting worse out there. You hadn’t realized how long you’d been out there until now.
Norm seemed to realize this too, “You gonna stay there and unlink?”
“Mmm.” You paused. “I’m gonna try bringing the avatar back.”
He sighed, “Alright, good luck.”
“Don’t need it.” You said as you got up. “I’m too awesome.”
“Whatever, Reeds.”
Another clap of thunder filled the air as you stepped out of the shack. Immediately you were soaked by how heavy the rain was.
Thunder continued to boom, making your skin jump every now and then. It was just terribly cold, making you start to run so that you could get out of it faster.
You ran and ran, and ran, and ran, and ran, only to realize just how much noise you were making and that the area was too unfamiliar to you. It wasn’t long until you realized how lost you were. It was just too dark to navigate your way back or recognize any familiar spots guiding your way.
With that in mind, you went toward the nearest tree and began to climb.
But your body was yanked away from the tree bark almost instantly as you were tackled down to the ground by a large weight. Your left shoulder exploded with vicious pain as if a bunch of sharp knives buried itself into your skin and continued to tear through it.
A strangled scream left your lips as the thunder clapped in the sky once more. You could barely see the creature but it was a dark, large beast. Digging further into your shoulder.
You hadn’t even seen it coming. You hadn’t been paying attention.
Now you might die because of it.
You tried shoving at it, managing to get most of its weight off of you. But the teeth were still in your shoulder. There was still pain. There was still warm liquid dripping down your arm.
When you moved your leg, you remembered the hunting knife in your shorts. Immediately, you dug into your pocket and found the handle instantly.
After that, you didn’t waste any time stabbing at it blindly and desperately. You did this, you kept going until more warm liquid covered your knife-wielding arm. You did this until the animal was limp against your body. Until you were able to push it off and scramble to your feet and run.
The pain was awful but bearable enough for you to run back to the shack at least. Mud was all over your clothes—some of it in your mouth. If anything, you probably looked insane right now.
You ran. Ran. Ran. Ran. Ran. Way too clumsy to be quiet. What’s worse was you had no clue where you were. And there was more shuffling coming from the bushes and trees surrounding you. If anything, you were probably throwing yourself further into the lion’s den.
It wasn’t long until a black creature suddenly came out of the bushes in front of you, causing you to stumble to a stop as it made its way toward you. Sleek and dangerous. Eyes locked on you.
Thunder boomed again. An identical creature came out from your right. Another on your left. Another. And another. And another.
Until you were surrounded. Until you knew there was no way you were going to make it out of this.
You kept your knife in front of you, trying to ignore the pain in your shoulder, the warm liquid running down your arm, the shakiness in your legs. You began to wonder how much blood you were losing with your energy slowly dwindling as time went by—no, it didn’t matter.
Damn it, you weren’t going to die here! Not like this.
“Come on!” You hissed as you pointed the knife at them. “Come on!”
They growled at you, closing in. Finally, one of them pounced toward you. With the knife, you slashed at it. At that, the creature cringed away and missed you entirely but that didn’t mean the others were going to try their luck.
Out of instinct, you stumbled back as two more tried coming for you. Your back hit a tree as you yelled and swung your knife wildly at them.
Only neither the creature nor your blow landed.
The two creatures were thrown to the side as another clap of thunder struck your ears.
Another figure emerged from the trees and rushed toward you.
Instantly, you swung the knife, only for it to be caught in an iron grip.
You screamed.
“Hey, hey, easy!”
It took you only a couple of moments for you to register the words and that they were coming from a familiar avatar. The last person you ever expected to be here.
Jake lowered your arm with a hiss. You blinked as another round of thunder rattled your ears.
The creatures were closing in again. Jake turned his back to you, hissing at them. His larger arm stretched in front of you protectively when one of them got a little too close for his liking. The creature hissed back
You watched warily behind him, still clutching the dirtied knife. Both of you exhausted and animalistic. Yellow eyes glimmering. One with warning and the other with desperation.
Jake looked terrifying in this light. Just as murderous and dangerous as the animals that surrounded you.
You remained behind him, trembling but glaring. Gripping that knife like your life depended on it.
There was suddenly more shuffling, more thunder, and the creatures then scattered.
You, dumbfounded by this, spoke shakily, “Why did they—”
Jake grabbed your wrist holding the knife.
“We need to move.” He said, dragging you forward.
The two of you ran in the opposite direction of the creatures. He hauled you up a tree before climbing up himself. “Is there a link shack nearby?”
For a moment, you wondered how he knew about the link shacks. You leaned on a branch both to catch your breath and because the quick movements left you a bit dizzy. When you couldn’t come up with plausible answers to your silent question you instead said, “I just came back from one. North from here—I don’t know how far it is.”
Your body leaned a little too far. Jake was quick to grab you in his stronger, more stable arms as he pulled you away from falling off the edge, “Hey, hey, Reeds, I need you here with me, okay? Just stay awake long enough until we get to the shack and we’ll clean you up.”
“I’ve...I’m losing a lot of…” Blood. Blood was what you wanted to say. But the adrenalin was wearing out. Your shoulder throbbed horribly. Exhaustion weighed you down and placed inconvenient black spots in your vision.
“I know.” He draped your good arm over his shoulder and kept you upright. “I know, we’ll get there. I promise.”
There was no arguing with him. You were soaked to the bone and in a hell of a lot of pain. Going back to the shack was your best bet in this horrid weather.
Jake continued to support your weight as the two of you followed the same coordinates leading back to the shack—or rather you haze inaudible directions of what you could remember from the information Norm had given you while Jake haphazardly followed.
Thankfully, the rest of the way wasn’t a long journey. Or maybe you just kept blacking in and out along the way, you didn’t know.
Jake and you stumbled through the door of the shack. He closed the door while you made your way to the radio with whatever strength you had left.
“Norm.” You tapped the radio while wincing. The pain in your shoulder was getting worse. Before now you had been tolerating it. “Norm, can you hear me?”
The static went on.
“Storm must be messing with the signal,” Jake said from behind you as he rummaged through the shack. “We should stay here until the storm settles—”
You rested your head against the small table, the rest of his words becoming nothing but muffled noise to your ears. God, you’ve lost so much blood. And you were so tired.
For a moment, just for a few seconds, you wanted to sleep. Only for a moment.
A larger hand rested on the back of your neck, bringing you slightly out of your unconsciousness.
Jake kept calling your name. “Hey, where’s the med kits at? We need to work on your arm, okay? And I need you to stay awake. Can’t have you unlinking in this condition.”
Sluggishly, you nodded, “They’re in the cabinets.”
More thunder rolled by. Jake left your side briefly to search through the cabinets above you. You leaned back in your seat, staring bleakly up at the ceiling.
“How long do these storms last?” You asked.
The thunder responded with a clap.
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sorry for the long wait! hopefully it was all worth the wait. another 8k chapter, yay, that wasn't difficult to write at all lol! but now jake and reeds are alone in a shack. anything could happen....
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(i'm not adding anymore people anymore!)
taglist: @doggyteam2028 @bigbootahjudy @innercreationflower @n7cje @celi-xxmoon @readerofallthingss @sillyblues @squirtlebob @saturnhas82moons @1mawh0re @aprosiacperson @loserwithnofriends @garfieldsladybird @slutforsmut4ever @lik0
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640 notes · View notes
imagines--galore · 7 months
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Eleven
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten,
A/N: Omg I had such a HUGE influx of readers for this story, and I am grateful to each and every one of you for reading my story! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and all the others I will be writing in the future.
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Working at the tea shop was Orora's first time at a job. She was just as green to it as Zuko was. However, she did not voice her disgust at the notion every few seconds. She was eager to learn, and ready to earn her living. As much as she appreciated the money Iroh had given her, she wanted to contribute to their financial situation as well.
The first day had been busy. There had been the different types of teas she had to learn to brew, other then the ones she already knew thanks to her Master. Then there were dishes to wash almost constantly. Not a lot of customers had come in that day, Pao having closed the shop early to allow his new employees to get to know their work place, so it hadn't been as tiring as she had thought it would be.
What Orora found she liked to do, was wash the dishes. She got to play with water and bubbles, and it helped calm her. Strange, she knew, but after so many days of being on the run, doing something as simple as washing dishes was oddly calming. Not to mention the job allowed her mind to roam and ponder over things she had not allowed herself to for quite some time now.
As she set aside one of the more expensive looking cups, the young waterbender sighed softly through her nose.
So far the truce she had offered Zuko seemed to be working. Though it had only been a few hours since it had been put into effect. And they'd only managed to snap at each other twice. True after the second time Iroh had seen the wisdom in separating them by giving them jobs to do at different ends of the shop. Zuko worked the front, taking orders and such, while Orora washed the dishes in the back.
Picking up a plate and dunking it in the soapy water, Orora continued to let her thoughts wander and ask the questions she wished she could say out loud.
Such as why were Zuko and Iroh fugitives of the Fire Nation? They were royalty, surely the Fire Lord would want his brother and son back. And did Zuko's sister truly want to kill her own Uncle? That thought sent a shiver down her spine. But what about their mother? Didn't she have a say in all of this? Was she treated just like Orora's mother was treated?
She had so many questions, and more, and all she wanted to do was march right up to Zuko and demand that he answer them.
But something held her back.
Maybe because she was a polite person who didn't go about poking her nose in other people's business.
Or perhaps, more likely, she had no desire to cause Zuko any pain by talking about his past. It was surely a sore subject, from the bits and pieces of information she had collected over the months. Besides, he already had his hands full trying to adjust to living in Ba Sing Se. Orora just wished he would figure himself out faster so she could ask all her questions.
Oh, she could ask Iroh if she wanted to, and her would probably answer, but for some insane reason, she wanted the answers to come from Zuko himself.
Spirit help her but she felt it was the right thing since it was his story.
Memories of every encounter she had ever had with the young prince rose unbidden, yet not unwelcome in her mind, as she started to play with the water not having any more dishes to wash.
It was strange, how someone she had not even known a few months ago was now at the very center of her life. He wasn't all that she thought about, really this was the first time she was allowing herself to think of him to such an extent. Usually she had other things to think about. Such as surviving, learning from her Master, perfecting her water bending techniques, inventing new ways to incorporate ice into her fighting, improving on her combat skills, restocking her medicinal herbs, making sure she didn't loose touch with her healing side, because as much as she liked to put her waterbending skills to use by fighting, she knew healing was a major part of who she was.
All those thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind, as she focused on a pair of golden eyes that seemed to watch her wherever she went, watching her every step. At first she had thought, it was perhaps because he didn't trust her. But slowly, that mistrust in his eyes had faded. Now, when she would catch him looking at her, he would look away.
Then again, who was she to complain. She looked at him and had been caught looking at him by him on multiple occasion.
Her fingers continued to twirl, her gaze listless as she created pretty patterns in the water.
She thought of the night when they had first met, officially at least. When he had tried to rob her. She could still recall every detail with a clarity that surprised even her.
She contemplated on their little sparring session and the conversation after it, how she had encouraged him to find something to live for, to fight for.
She recalled how shocked she had been when she realized his true identity. A prince. An honest to goodness prince. One who couldn't stand her, and who she couldn't stand either.
At least, she thought that was the case.
Her mind conjured the moment where she had first touched his scar. How vulnerable he had looked, and yet he had trusted her enough to not push her away. The way he had protected her when they were at the Oasis. The conversation they had shared while bathing. That one brought a fierce blush to her cheeks. And despite her best effort to move on to the next one, she found the blush only intensifying as she remembered the moment they had shared on the mountain.
Where they had acknowledged that they were soulmates. Where he had gripped her wrist, so desperately and yet so soft. Where she had wandered how his lips would feel against her own. And she was sure he had been thinking the same.
After all, hadn't he leaned forward slightly before the elements of nature had tread on their moment?
So lost in her thoughts, that she didn't even sense as someone else entered her work area and stood next to her. Watching her.
"Uncle says its time to go now."
The voice jolted her out of her thoughts, scaring her so much that she jumped where she stood. Her bending reacted out of instinct, mirroring her startled emotion as her hand shot a splash of water on the figure standing next to her.
"Spirits! You startled me!" She panted, resting a hand above her heart. Zuko glowered at her in return, water dripping from his hair and onto his shoulders. The girl winced, pursing her lips to hide a smile, though it still escaped. She couldn't help it, he just looked utterly ridiculous.
At his warning growl, she couldn't help but giggle. A strange sound since it hardly ever came from her. "Sorry, here." Quickly bending the water, she threw it back into the sink and gave him an apologetic smile. His glare did not let up.
"We're done here for the day. Lets go." He grumbled, before making for the door. She rolled her eyes. Clearly he wasn't too pleased with her little reaction. As he stomped off, she called after him, removing her apron as she went. "I said I was sorry!"
Their new home was a small apartment, just big enough for the three of them. As soon as they returned, Orora quickly settled in the middle of the room, wanting to get in an hour of meditation before bed. She crossed her legs, closed her eyes, folded her hands in her lap and evened out her breathing.
Which left Iroh to brew some more tea for them, and for Zuko to lay on the sofa, hands tucked behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling, his mind going over the day's event.
A job. For once in his life, he was actually working for a living. The notion had seemed strange at first, not to mention he had felt that it was beneath him, but what Orora had said was true. They did need jobs if they were to survive in this city.
Reluctantly, his gaze flickered to the water tribe girl as she sat meditating peacefully, oblivious to the effect she had had on him.
Him. Prince of the Fire Nation. Being effected by the words of a commoner.
Or rather, he was being effected by the words of a girl who was his soulmate.
Letting out a silent groan, his hand came up to press the back of his hand against his eyes, as if to physically stop him from staring too long at her. It was starting to get pathetic, just how much he would want her opinion on things.
He wouldn't go so far as to say he wanted her to approve of him, but it was pleasant to have someone else beside his Uncle give him a little wisdom. He spoke of life in riddles and words that were heavy with emotion.
She would give it straight to his face. No regard of his feelings, his stand on whatever topic it was. She would just come out and say it.
And he appreciated her for that.
True he never always liked what she said, but sometimes they were the exact words he needed to hear.
Like the talk they had had after their impromptu battle near that lake. He still hadn't found something to live for, or to fight for, but at least he knew that he was looking for something.
Not to mention the fact that he would be ever grateful to her for saving Uncle's life. He would never say it outright, but in that moment he had been so so scared and she had stepped up and healed Iroh. Even after getting to know who they were and the lies she had been led to believe for so long.
And how she had probably saved him that stormy night on the mountain. A moment of weakness on his part, letting his emotions get the best of him, but she'd been there. She'd been where he needed her to be, and had not held back when telling him off for being so reckless.
He had to stop his thoughts there, not wanting to dwell too much on what would've happened if that moment in the rain had gone on any longer.
And then there was the truce. To live together somewhat harmoniously.
Lifting his hand, he looked at her again, watching her face. She looked so calm in that moment, as opposed to the plethora of emotions that always played about her features. Zuko found he was beginning to think of it as a game. A game where he would try to guess what she would feel next, and whether it would effect him in some way.
So far, almost every emotion she felt was directed at him, and though he would never ever admit it out loud, he kind of liked having her attention be on him rather then anything else.
Huffing to himself, as if disgusted with his own thoughts, he rose to his feet, moving to the pantry to see what he could have for dinner.
"Orora, my dear." Glancing up from where she had been counting the money of the customer who had just paid, the young waterbender gave Iroh a nod. "Yes Master?"
"We seem to have run out of Jasmine. I have asked Pao and he says to take some money from the till and buy some Jasmine tea from the shop just down the street."
Taking the money, Orora quickly nodded, before rushing to the back of the shop where Zuko was on dish washing duty. Seeing her taking off her apron, he frowned. "Where're you going?"
Straightening her clothes, the girl replied. "Ran out of Jasmine, just going to buy some." She had barely made it to the door when Zuko called out. "Wait, I'm supposed to go with you when you go out into the city."
Orora glanced over her shoulder, rolling her eyes slightly. "Relax Your Highness. Its only a five minute walk, nothing is going to happen to me." She opened the door, moving to step outside, but then she paused.
"Although, it is sweet of you to worry about me." She glanced over at him, a smile on her lips as she caught sight of the obvious flush on his cheeks as he looked at anything but her. "I'll be back soon." She said as a way of promise, before she was out of the tea shop.
It was a five minute walk, and once the goods were secured, the girl began to make her way back to the shop, her heart still warm at the prospect of Zuko actually worrying about her.
Her happy thoughts, however, were interrupted rather rudely when a hard hand grabbed her shoulder, yanking her into a dark alley, covering her mouth with a rough hand.
The instant she felt the unfamiliar hands, she began to struggle and push with all her strength, trying to get away.
"Stop moving!" A voice hissed, a very familiar voice.
Her eyes focused in the dark, and she was able to make out the face of the boy they had met on the way to Ba Sing Se.
The Freedom Fighter, Jet.
Her pale blue eyes narrowed, and a look akin to a cold anger burned in the gaze she fixed him with. "Look I just want to talk, that's all." He said, still not letting up from where he had his hand on her mouth.
She continued to glare at him, even after he had removed his hand, though his other kept an almost painful grip on her wrist. "I'm trying to help you. You're a waterbender, there's no way you would be with those firebenders of your own free will, so they must be keeping you prisoner somehow."
He knows, a voice hissed in her mind, prompting her heart to beat faster in her chest, and an ugly feeling of fear to coil in her stomach. But she didn't let it show.
Instead, she remained the epitome of disgust and anger. "What in the world are you talking about?"
There seemed to be an almost manic look in his eyes, accompanied by impatience, as he dropped her hand, and grabbed her shoulders. "You don't have to lie for them. I'm trying to help you. I just need evidence and then we can end those two firebenders."
End?! Spirits! He wanted to kill Iroh and Zuko.
Shrugging out of his grasp, Orora stepped away, fingers pulling the cork of her water satchel in case she needed to defend herself. "You're out of your mind." She growled at him. Despite the terror she felt at hearing his statement, her instinct to protect her two companions was far potent, which was the reason she was even able to face the boy with murder in his eyes.
"Just admit the truth! They're firebenders! And they deserve to die." He was starting to get frustrated with her. "I don't care what you say, I will find some way to expose them, and when I do, I'll have the pleasure of executing them."
Hearing those words, hearing the tone in his voice, the sheer hatred and anger in his eyes. Something in her snapped.
With a fierce cry she threw her arm out, the movement elegant yet deadly, given that Jet found himself staring at the very sharp ends of multiple icicles that she pointed in his direction.
"This is your first and last warning." She hissed, her voice full of warning. "If you come near them, if you so much as harm a single hair on their head, I will personally see to it that you pay for it." She fixed him with a cold stare. "In blood."
So saying, she turned her back to him, leaving him trapped behind her icicles. They would melt soon enough, though the words Jet called after her as she walked away, echoed in her ears all the way back to the tea shop.
"You would threaten someone who's on your side. You're willing to protect the enemy?! You're a traitor to your own people. A disgrace! You're just like them! A killer!"
As soon as she reached the back door of the tea shop, Orora leaned up against the wooden door. Her heart was beating so fast, she was afraid it would somehow burst out of her chest. A stinging sensation behind her eyes told her she was close to tears. Lifting a trembling hand, she pressed it to face, willing herself to calm down.
She had to warn Zuko and Iroh, make sure they were on guard. She couldn't let anything happen to them. They were her friends. She cared about them. Both of them.
Somehow, she managed to calm herself down, slightly, and entered the shop. It had taken her a good fifteen minute to calm down. Grabbing her apron, she tied it behind her in a haphazard manner before rushing out to the front of the shop.
There was Iroh, pouring tea for a customer, with Zuko picking up cups left behind by a previous customer. She all but stumbled forward, catching Zuko's hand, prompting him to look at her, confused and slightly alarmed at her obvious panicked state.
"Orora? Wha-"
But she didn't let him finish. "He knows." She whispered, aware of the other customers around her. "Jet knows." The words were spoken so softly that no one else could ever hear them, and yet Zuko did. Loud and clear.
However, before either of them could talk further on what she had revealed, the door of the shop slammed open and Jet himself walked in. A strangled gasp left her lips, as she caught sight of that murderous look in his eyes once more.
"I'm tired of waiting!" He pointed an accusing finger at both Iroh and Zuko. "These two men are firebenders! And that girl is helping them. She's a traitor!"
Immediately, Zuko pushed Orora behind him, gripping one of her hands to make sure she stayed there. Uncle and nephew exchanged a look which seemed to mirror what the other was thinking.
Play dumb.
"I know they're firebenders, I saw the old man heating his tea!" Jet continued, advancing towards the trio with his hooked swords out of their sheaths. "He works in a tea shop." A nearby customer stated in a rather confused voice, but Jet wasn't having it. "He's a firebender! I'm telling you!"
The same customer stood. "Drop your swords, boy. Nice and easy." Jet ignored him, his gaze never leaving Zuko's as he began to advance towards him and Orora. "You'll have to defend yourself. Then everyone will know. Go ahead, show them what you can do." His gaze flickered to Orora who, previous fear forgotten to be replaced by a burning anger, glared back at him. "Or would you rather have your girlfriend get hurt defending you."
She felt his grip on her hand tighten to an almost painful level. "Zuko, no! He's goading you!" She whispered, even as the previous customer moved to step forward, ready to unsheathe his sword. Zuko simply glanced at her. Her heart dropped to her stomach. She knew exactly what he was about to do.
And sure enough he stepped forward and grabbed the swords the customer had been about to withdraw. "You want a show?" He growled. "I'll give you a show!'
He pulled a table in front of him with his foot and kicked it at Jet, who was quick to slice the table with his swords and jumped over it. As he landed, he swung both hook swords at the Fire Nation prince, who deflected the attack and jumped backward onto another table. Which was again sliced in half by Jet, with a mighty swing of one sword through the middle of the table.
Somehow Zuko managed to balance on one half of the table, on one foot! Jet was unrelenting as he continued his frenzied attack by cutting the legs off the table. Zuko was quick on his feet as he jumped up. As he landed, he swung both broadswords at Jet's feet, but he somersaulted away and landed in a crouching position before charging forward. Zuko swung both of his swords at Jet.
Both weapons clashed as both fighters tried to best the other, glaring at each other as they did.
Orora's scream cut through the air as she used her waterbending to push the two fighters apart. She moved to stand in front of Zuko, multiple ice knives nestled between her fingers as she stared down Jet. "We are not your enemies! Stop acting like a complete lunatic!" Zuko growled behind her. "Orora, stay out of this!" Jet's grip on his swords only tightened. "I will not listen to anyone who betrays their own people to help firebenders."
He took a running start, prompting Orora to drop in her stance to defend herself, however her plan of action went out the window when Zuko pushed her to the side. So forcefully that she fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Jet threw his leg out, catching Zuko in the chest and watching as he went flying through the air, smashing through the doors of the tea shop and out into the street. As the rest of the patrons rushed out to see what would happen next, Iroh quickly helped Orora to stand up.
"Are you alright my dear?" He asked, checking her over for injuries. She gave a quick nod, before stumbling to the door of the shop, Iroh following behind.
Outside the battle continued to rage between the two teenagers.
"Please, son, you're confused! You don't know what you're doing!" Even he was getting worried that Zuko would snap and use his firebending. Orora began to pray silently to the Moon Spirit, hoping her pleas would be heard and that Zuko wouldn't get hurt or reveal his true identity. The people would surely kill Zuko and Iroh, if they knew who they really were.
"Bet you wish he'd help you out with a little fire blast right now." As Jet swung at Zuko's feet, Zuko stabbed one of his broadswords through the hilt of his sword, pinning it to the ground. Jet looked annoyed at loosing his weapon, before focusing back on Zuko. "You're the one who needs help." Zuko responded. Leaving the sword embedded in the floor, they shifted to combating with a single sword each. Jet turned in a circle, trying to swipe at Zuko once again, but Zuko quickly advanced and swung his sword at Jet.
The Freedom Fighter quickly bent backward to avoid the blade, though it did manage to cut the straw sticking out of his mouth in half. Regaining his balance, Jet jumped backward onto the edge of a well. "You see that‌?!" He called out to the gathered crowd. "The Fire Nation is trying to silence me. It'll never happen." He attacked once more, hooking his sword to the top of the well and sending a flying kick towards Zuko.
Zuko growled as he dodged the kick and swung his sword at Jet once again. He moved to the side, and suddenly they were back-to-back, trying to land a hit, but neither could get past the other's defense.
Just then two newcomers entered the crowd. And from their uniforms, they looked to be of an official status. "Drop your weapons." One of them commanded. The two fighters stepped away and faced each other. Though Zuko lowered his sword, Jet pointed his weapon at Zuko, Iroh and Orora.
"Arrest them! They're firebenders!" Iroh stepped forward, throwing his arms out. "This poor boy is confused. We're just simple refugees." Pao, wanting to defend his employees joined in as he pointed to Jet. "This young man wrecked my tea shop, and assaulted my employees!" The customer from whom Zuko had borrowed the swords stepped forward. "It's true, sir. We saw the whole thing. This crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker in the city." Iroh blushed at the compliment. "Oh, ho, ho. That's very sweet."
Knowing it would be like adding wood to the fire, Orora stepped forward. "And he attacked me and threatened to hurt my Master and his nephew." She walked towards the two men, hand exposed to the wrist where he had grabbed her earlier. Sure enough the bruise from his grip was already beginning to change the color of her skin. The sight of it had Zuko nearly swinging his sword once again, but Iroh placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
It would seem the two had heard enough. As Jet continued his tirade of firebenders and Fire Nation, he was escorted to a cart where he was put in the metal cell and taken away.
Orora watched him go, unaware of the crowd as it dispersed around them.
"Orora?" At Iroh's voice, she turned around, still a little spooked with what had just happened. Or rather what could've happened. "Why don't you and Li go home. I'll help Pao clean up and meet you there."
As if she had no control over her actions, Orora took off her apron and handed it to Iroh, who gave her a sympathetic smile. "Do see that my nephew wasn't too hurt from the kick, my dear." The concern was evident in his gaze, as was the guilt in her own as she glanced at Zuko who was returning the sword to it's rightful owner.
Giving him a small nod, she waited for Zuko to walk past her, before following after him towards their shared home.
Tag List - @wavesofchaos​ @violet-potter​ @rennysketch​ @emma-andrea1 @lovesammikinzz @fuzzyfestcat @msrawog @notsaelty @lust-for-pan @aces-tattooartist
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generalluxun · 1 month
Half-Baked, An ML fanfiction.
So this comes out of my 'Chloe goes back in time' AU. set after she's stolen the black cat Miraculous, but before the repercussions of that have really gone full swing.
This AU came about mostly from asks, so the tag can be searched on my blog for getting up to date on our collective ramblings for it.
Super short Summary: Post S5 Chloe goes back in time into her Origins-timeframe body. She is angry at everyone and everything. She gets herself akumatized early on and steals the Cat Miraculous from Cat Noir(who wasn't taking things seriously, it's S1) Seeing it's Adrien she freaks, breaks akumatization and runs off before Ladybug arrives. Adrien is keeping who stole it a secret(though he tells LB he lost it) hoping he can get it back himself to make up for losing it.
Fic is under the cut because it is 4172 words. I'll also be posting it on AO3 tomorrow.
With the smell of fresh baked goodies taunting her nostrils, Marinette dodged between racks laden with hot trays and mixing bowls of fresh dough. She was already late for school, but seeing her parents frantically running around made her pause.
Tom flashed her a big smile but immediately turned and fled into the back. Her mother turned from where she was scooping still-warm pastries off cooling trays and into boxes too soon. “Honey, your father and I are very busy today. A large catering order came in unexpectedly. It was extremely short notice, but you know your father.”
Marinette couldn’t help but puff up a little, “It’s the Egyptian opening at the Lourve, right?”
Sabine paused. “Why, yes honey. How did you-”
Marinette gushed, “I knew dad was bummed about missing out on it, so yesterday I took a few freshly baked pastries over to the museum before school. I managed to find a way back to the curator’s offices and wouldn’t leave until he tried one. You should have seen the look on his face! ‘Young lady I think that is the best confection I have ever tasted.’ It looks like it was worth being an hour late.”
Marinette froze mid-pantomime. Her story had run away with her again, perhaps to a few places her mother didn’t exactly need to know.
Whatever Sabine’s thoughts, she kept a gently serene face. “That’s… very clever dear. Only… perhaps you could ask before helping next time? This really is such short notice.”
Marinette winced. “Is it really? I could help! I can just call in sick, then I would be able to-”
Rushing back towards the kitchen, Marinette snagged her foot on one of the giant mixing bowls. She tripped and collapsed into it as it spun, coming to rest blinking up into her mother’s even more concerned looking face. Sabine reached down and helped Marinette extract herself, brushing some wayward flour dust off her backside.
“No, no, that’s quite alright, dear. Your father and I will handle it. It’s not as if sleep is necessary every night. On your way now. You don’t want to be late, again.”
That last word carried the only hint of maternal reprimand, but it was enough. Marinette let herself be ushered out the door. On the way to school she managed to convince herself everything would be okay. It would be fine. It wasn’t the end of the-
The Agreste Limo pulled up in front of the steps to the school, and ‘end of the world' took on new meaning. Adrien got out, but his walk up the steps had none of its usual spring. Even knowing the truth, it was hard for Marinette to overlap the image of him with Cat Noir. Hard, and maybe a moot point.
Marinette shook herself. No. Not a moot point. We will get the ring back. I will get it back. Anyone can make a mistake. She hop-stepped to catch up with Adrien and gave him her biggest smile, “Morning, Adrien!”
He might not know it, but he’d helped her become Ladybug. Now it was up to her to return the favor.
Time was not on Marinette’s side though. Not even half the day had gone by when the school shook as if in an earthquake. Sirens sounded in the distance. Alya had her phone open to a news cast before anyone else even had theirs out.
“-eaking News. A giant man…monster…thing… has once again been sighted in downtown Paris. Police are on their way, but as we approach the presumed akuma I have to wonder, what can they hope to do? Will Ladybug and Cat Noir show up once again to save our fair city?”
Nadja’s voice rose clearly from the tiny screen. Marinette couldn’t make out the akuma clearly as the helicopter circled though. All at once the helicopter lurched.
Nadja turned to ask someone off screen, “What’s that smell?”
The camera jostled, the helicopter lurched again, and the image went dark.
Marinette jumped up, “We have to do something!”
“Do something?” Kim blurted out from the back before anyone else. “Ivan got turned into a giant monster and almost turned half the class into crepes! What are you gonna do? …No offense big guy.”
Marinette heard Ivan mumble something even as she watched Adrien’s shoulders slump in front of her. She had to think fast. “What am I gonna do? I’m gonna go to the bathroom! Can’t think on a full bladder, right? Haha. Ms. Bustier can I go please?”
Another rumble shook the entire classroom.
Nino scrambled to his feet, “It sounds like there won’t be a bathroom to go to pretty soon.”
Ms Bustier raised her voice clearly but gently, “Alright class, everyone out. We rendezvous at the park. Stay with your seatmates.”
Sorry Alya. Marinette bolted for the door.
It wasn’t until she set eyes on the akuma that Ladybug’s forebrain took control back from her reflexes. Fear grabbed ahold of her and queasiness dropped her on unsteady legs on the nearest rooftop. The akuma was huge, topping even stoneheart. It was visible head and shoulders above the rowhouses. The only saving grace was a strange familiarity. It was dressed like a baker, complete with toque on its head and giant wooden peel in its hands.
The combination of silliness and fear forced a nervous giggle from her lips. The giggle reminded her that she was alone this time, her partner couldn’t help her. That sealed her lips once more with fear. It’s all up to me, alone.
Doomsday scenarios pressed into her thoughts even as the akuma strode on in the distance. What’s its power? Why is it here? What is the item? Where is it go-
Ladybug’s brain did the math and drew the line from the akuma right through the school towards… Our bakery!
She was in motion instantly, vaulting two streets closer. She was crouched for another leap when her senses shoved another fact through her emotions. Screams.
Screams weren’t surprising, but the tone was wrong. The akuma swung its peel and something scattered below it. If only for a cat’s sight. Screams of fear turned to joy then fell silent.
Ladybug balked again. She had to think. Emotion wanted her to act, but she couldn’t afford to be wrong. How close could she get? The akuma moved on and she followed from a distance, trying to pick up any clues she could. How close is too close? The akuma plowed through a building in its way. More screams of fear, a swing of its peel and fear turned to joy then silence again.
She needed to get closer. But-
Ladybug was stuck.
“Go away!” Chloé stalked across the square, away from the class.
Sabrina trotted after her. “But, Chloé… we’re seatmates! We’re supposed to stick together.”
Chloé spun around and screamed, “Stick together? Is that what you call it? You sure didn’t stick with me when I needed it! Save me the trouble and go play with your new friends right now. Go!”
She jabbed a finger over Sabrina’s shoulder, but didn’t wait to see the results of her outburst. Her stomach felt hollow and sick. Her fingers tingled and her eyes itched. She wanted to scream until she ran out of air, but that hadn’t done any good before.  So instead she was getting away from the others as fast as she could. Chloé jogged across the street from the park and was around a corner in seconds. Sabrina didn’t call after her again.
For some stupid reason that made the sickness in her stomach worse.
Chloé stalked blindly, immune to the cracking of masonry and the heavy tread that threatened to knock her off her feet. Out of her tunnel vision a single figure resolved in the distance. Red, spotted, standing still on a rooftop. Ladybug.
She was just…standing there. The crunch of another building rang out but the hero didn’t move. “DO SOMETHING!” Chloé howled at her, unheard.
She hated Ladybug. Ladybug was lame. Ladybug was a loser. Ladybug was a failure. Ladybug was a traitor. Ladybug… was a hero. Ladybug was supposed to be saving the day. The thoughts rattled around and fought until Chloé squeezed her eyes shut and dug her nails into her hair in frustration.
With a sudden clarity Chloé’s eyes snapped open again. She whipped a hand around in front of her. “You! Come out now!”
The black cat kwami sparked into existence, anger evident on his tiny features.
“Tell me how to transform!” she demanded.
He crossed his arms smugly and replied, “hmmm Mm mffm Hmm.”
Chloé growled, “Talk! You can talk! Tell me!”
The Kwami gasped but still grinned, “That’s the one thing you can’t order me to do, Miraculous or no.”
“Rrraaaaaggh!” Chloé pointed at the distant Ladybug, “She’s not doing anything. Tell me the password or we’re doomed!”
Plagg crossed his little arms, “Give me back to my rightful holder, and she’ll have a partner again.”
Chloé stomped her foot, “No! I can do this! I know what to do better than any of them do right now! I’m the hero!”
Pagg seemed unimpressed. He rolled his eyes,”You? Nobody would make you a hero. What would you even do with a miraculous?”
Chloé's world narrowed again,to a haze of red with a floating black blob in the center. She advanced on him, “I’ll cataclysm the stupid  akuma. I’ll cataclysm stupid Hawkmoth. I’ll cataclysm everyone and everything that gets in my way. No one will take you away and nothing will stop me this time.”
She was seething. Memories of disappointment, failure, and humiliation broke down into the core emotions and blended into a hateful spiral. She waited for the next barb to come, but instead Plagg’s green eyes turned towards her with a spark of devilish curiosity in them.
“Really?” he drew the word out, “That just might be interesting to see.” One fingerless hand thrust at her face. “Don’t think I’m out of tricks though. You just watch yourself.  It’s ‘Plagg, Claws out.’”
Emotion spoke before thought could form, “Plagg, Claws out!”
The akuma waded through the remains of the school and Ladybug knew she had to act. The bakery was at hand, and though she couldn’t see from back here, she could just imagine her father standing out front with a rolling pin. She still didn’t have a plan. She hadn’t risked getting close enough to get a good look. It had seemed prudent, but a nagging voice whispered she might just be too scared on her own. Had Cat No- Adrien been brave enough for both of them?
She tensed for a leap, but a sound like a thunderbolt stopped her. A black blur streaked at the akuma. It struck clean, staggering the giant, and clung before scuttling across the akuma’s bulk.
Ladybug was airborne before she had time to doubt. The blur had resolved into a person, a cat person. Her foolish heart leapt for a moment at the impossible idea her partner might have returned. No- it wasn't him. This person darted and leapt from point to point, tearing at the akuma. Buttons, hat, pockets were all ripped and torn. The akuma reeled and swatted at the attacker. One meaty hand connected and sent the black-clad fighter into the pavement in an impressive crater. Ladybug didn’t even have time to gasp before the fighter leapt from the cracked road and was back in the fight.
Ladybug landed, still one block away. In part she was still gathering information, in part she wasn’t sure how to engage with that black buzzsaw in motion. She had time now, her partn-
The other fighter was buying her time.
Ladybug was still trying to understand the ferocity of the assault. The -Ladybug mentally decided on cat hero just to organize her thoughts- was fended off time and again, taking blows that had to hurt. They were -she was- was relentless though, rebounding from being knocked clean through nearby buildings.The akuma’s apron fluttered to the ground like a torn parachute.
It clicked, akumatized object!, just as the akuma found space to swing its bakery peel. This time Ladybug could discern pastries showering down from the end of it. The cat hero was crouched for another leap but instead raised her head and sniffed the air. She reoriented herself and pounced… the confections.
Ladybug had her info. She raised her yo-yo, “Lucky Charm!”
The smell was irresistible. Chloé dove at the showering pastries, and she wasn’t the only one. Civilians swarmed out from everywhere, her classmates among them. Each and every one scrambled for the treats. There was no stopping it. Chloé bit down on a tart even as she scooped up half a dozen croissants. That she was aware of the compulsion made it worse. She growled around oozing jam and ground her teeth on buttery crust.
The too familiar feeling of helplessness was poison in her veins. Control, she needed to have some kind of control. She couldn’t stop so she pushed in the other direction. She crammed her mouth full until her jaw ached and she could barely breathe. It worked! She had a muffin in each hand but she could move freely again.
She launched herself at the akuma again.
A patch, no. A giant thermometer, no. She broke and broke. The muffins were goo, smashed against her palms. She couldn’t breathe but she wouldn’t stop.
Wouldn’t. Did. She bent double while crouching for another jump. Trying to inhale had dragged a chunk of her food-muzzle into her throat. She choked, coughed, heaved, choked again, and gasped for air. Her stomach twisted around the magical treats she’d already swallowed and dropped her to her knees.
Ziiiiip *thwip*
She was wrapped in a too-familiar away, airborne, grabbed, thumped on the back. She was spun again, free, something was shoved up her nose. Her overstimulated senses finally managed to focus. Her vision focused. Ladybug stood before her, with a tissue box in hand and polkadot tissues up each nostril.
Chloé hissed, “What do you think you're doing?”
“Saving you!” Ladybug grabbed her arm, “What do you think you are doing?”
Chloé pulled free and snarled, “He’s got an akumatized item on him somewhere, I’ll find it.”
Ladybug reached for her, “Do you have any idea what it is?”
Chloé recoiled and scanned. The akuma had turned away from them. It looked over the Dupain-Cheng bakery of all things. A petty part of her wanted to let it smash the place. That part of her became one more thing to be angry at.
She bared her teeth over her shoulder. “No, but I’m not the kind of hero who stands around doing nothing.”
She vaulted away with a protest lost in her wake. She landed and jumped again, elation mixing with rage. Her claws scored the doughy skin on the back of the akuma’s neck, checking the downward bakery-dooming swing of his peel. He swung it at her instead, showering her with sugary bait that no longer had any power over her. Her mouth was open, panting as a part of her breathing. What next? She picked a target and broke it. Then another, and another.
“The peel! Destroy the peel!” Ladybug’s voice rang in her ears.
Ladybug was a loser and probably wrong, but that wooden peel sure was big and this sure would be fun… “Cataclysm!”
She met the akuma’s swing with an outstretched hand. A grove’s worth of wood turned to powder at her touch. The butterfly flew free.
*Thwip* -snap- Ladybug caught and purified it. The akuma shrank to a befuddled looking baker. Chloé stood victorious in the center of a wasteland of violence and destruction.
Elation beat out anger, for just a moment. She threw her head back, spread her arms and, “Raaaaaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhh!”
The primal scream from right beside her made Ladybug cringe and fumble the lucky charm she had been about to toss into the air. Once she recovered herself the fact that the crisis had passed gave her a moment to actually evaluate her erstwhile companion. Evaluate, and remember that she was not a partner, she was a thief.
A ragged looking thief. Her blonde hair -did the cat miraculous make the user blonde?- was a voluminous mane down her back, bedecked with black metal hooks and barbs throughout. She turned post scream to give Ladybug a maniacal grin, revealing her needle-like fangs in place of incisors. Her heterochromatic eyes, one blue and one green, were feline as Cat Noir's had been, and her pupils were currently giant black moons swimming in color. 
“What are you looking at, Ladybum?” The thief drawled, raising the hand still dusted with cataclysm remains and flexing her fingers slowly.
Her gloved fingers ended in wicked looking black ‘claws’. She wore black leather, that much remained consistent too, but her V-neck collar was torn, not tailored.  Lastly, in place of Chat’s amusing belt-tail she had a razor thin wire wrapped around her waist with a heavy cat's paw pendant hanging from the end.
Ladybug narrowed her eyes, “You stole Cat Noir’s miraculous.”
The thief turned her hand, revealing the paw print ring with three toes left. “Finders keepers.”
Ladybug swapped hands and spun her yo-yo up, “Give it back.”
“No!” The thief lunged, catching Ladybug’s yo-yo mid-spin.
Ladybug countered, wrapping her line around the other girl’s arm ensnaring her. The thief’s other hand went for Ladybug’s neck. Ladybug blocked the lunge with the remaining length of her string, but the other girl’s palm pressed within scant centimeters. They were locked taut. Whoever gave ground would lose.
Those wild eyes were narrowed to slits. No akuma had ever scared Ladybug this badly. The anger melted from those features but the fingers still stretched for Ladybug’s throat. Ladybug felt a prick against her skin. “It has to be a pun, doesn’t it? Of course it does. Call me… Purrge. I’m going to turn Hawkmoth to dust, and anyone in my way.”
Ladybug strained. Her own anger fueled a push that took Purrge’s claws from her skin. “You’re crazy! I’m taking that ring back. You don’t deser-”
*Chirp* *chirp*
The overlapping sounds cut across the tension. Purrge’s eyes darted to Ladybug’s earrings. Ladybug’s were drawn to Purrge’s ring. Her mind raced. Has it been three or four?
Purrge’s lips curled into a sharp fanged grin, “You used yours first. You think you can take me down in time?”
Ladybug wanted to, oh she ached to, but there was more riding on this than personal satisfaction, but how to- A very slight easing of the pressure against her line; was it a ceasefire? Ladybug took a chance.
She pulled back, letting the line go slack. No claws cut off her breath. She didn’t wait. She scooped up the lucky charm and turned, “This isn’t over!  Miraculous Ladybugs!”
Ladybug tossed the charm even as she began her swing. Triumphant cackling bubbled up behind her. She didn’t look back. Paris rebuilt itself as Ladybug swung further away, seeking out a quiet spot and settling for behind a dumpster.
Marinette burst from the shadow of the dumpster at a run. If she got back quick enough maybe she could catch a glimpse. Maybe there would be a clue. Maybe she could get her partner back.
There wasn’t, and she couldn’t. Not yet at least. All that awaited her was the rest of the class. Alya almost knocked her over, grousing and shaking her by the shoulders while delivering a friendly but stern dressing down. At least she wasn’t the only one gone. Chloé had unsurprisingly run off and still wasn’t back. It took some of the heat off at least.
A few of the class, plus her parents, were gathered around a baker who sat head in hands on the curb. Marinette recognized him immediately, from even before the akuma. She scooted into the semi-circle.
“Mssr. Levure?”
He looked up in confusion.
Marinette gave him a guilty smile, “I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
She saw surprise, anger, then guilt pass over his features.
She continued, “I’m sorry. I think I’m at least partly responsible for all this. I convinced the curator to switch bakeries. I just wanted to help my family… but I didn’t stop to think about how doing it this way would impact them, or you. I know my dad and he’ll run himself into the ground to do all this work. Not only that but our bakery will probably be closed so he can do it. All our other customers will suffer.”
Marinette looked at her parents, who watched her with proud curiosity. She looked back to Mssr. Levure.
“Maybe… both bakeries can share the catering? I’ll make signs. We can promote both and have an even better, more varied selection for our guests. Would that be okay?”
Marinette held her breath. Mssr. Levure, her dad, and her mom held one of those ‘glance and head tilt’ conversations adults so often did. Then he stood and brushed his hands off before holding one out to Tom. “A temporary partnership?”
Tom shook hands, smiling. “Done.”
A small cheer erupted from the half dozen onlookers, and Marinette had the satisfaction of righting at least one wrong today. Still, there was one other… She looked around and spotted Adrien sitting by himself.
“What a day huh?” She announced her presence.
She might be right next to him, but he was still sitting far apart. “Did you see? Ladybug’s got a new partner.”
“Partner?! Oh no no, that’s not what it looked like to me at all. More like a new enemy, or a stray cat, or an enemy cat, or a stray enemy. There’s no way Ladybug would just replace her partner.”
Adrien turned to face her for the first time. The hope on his face was heartbreaking. “You really think so?”
Marinette fidgeted. Instinct said he needed a hug, but, but… he was… and she was…  Nervous laughter bubbled up without warning, “Ha! Sure sure No way! Oh look! It’s Alya! No one knows Ladybug like her. She runs the Ladyblog! Why don’t we go ask her together? I’m sure she’ll know! Come on!”
She waved her arms frantically to signal Alya, kicking herself internally the entire time.
On a rooftop balcony nearby Purrge landed hard. What should have been a hero landing turned into a stumble, a stagger, and a few lurching steps. A flash of green enveloped her, then Chloé collapsed face first onto the pavement.
Plagg zipped in a wide loop through the air, “What a debut! I think you broke three whole blocks before Ladybug put it all back together. Crack! Boom! That was fun, and you still beat the akuma, so Master Fu can’t yell at me!”
Chloé’s persistently prone repose caught his attention.
“Kid? Kid?”
He floated over, sitting atop her head, no response.  He turned an ear down against her skull, then floated to her back to do the same.
“Tsk, You gotta let the timer run out when it wants to, kid. You’re still pretty small.”
This got a response. The fingers of one of Chloé’s hands curled into a white knuckled fist for the space of a breath before uncurling again.
Plagg hmphed.
A CCTV camera, set up for security footage but never watched, recorded something odd that day.  The blanket from Chloe’s bed lifted itself by a single point and dragged itself out to the balcony(after one of the balcony doors mysteriously rotted off its hinges) The blanket was spread haphazardly over the recumbent heiress.
A little later the trashcan in the suite tipped itself over, and trash began emptying itself onto the floor.
“Master Please! Calm, Master! Here, your beads.” Wayzz hovered nervously with the prayer bracelet in his hands.
“Calm? Calm!” Master Fu paced between the gramophone that hid the miracle box and the small TV in his room. He would stare at the TV, then go reach for the gramophone, then pace back to the TV.
When he turned to Wayzz his face looked pained and afraid, not angry. He pointed at the TV, “How can I be calm when… that?!”
Frozen on the TV was a still frame of Ladybug and a Black Cat wielder who was obviously not Cat Noir, locked in a struggle.
“The Cat Miraculous is out there in an unknown holder’s hands. It could be in danger. The Ladybug could be in danger. If Hawkmoth were to get his hands on the Ladybug…”
He went back to the gramophone again and laid his hands atop it,
“We must get it back. We must be careful, but we cannot delay. Ladybug will need help in the meantime, someone she can rely on, a power that can aid her when there are so many variables in play.”
“Master, do you mean…?”
Fu keyed in the secret combination to open the antique player, and reached for the Miracle Box hidden within. “Yes Wayzz, him.”
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hellfirenacht · 11 months
Wing Man Part 4
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: Well, the arcade was a bust, but maybe going to a local dive bar and listening to music will yield better results.
4k words
a/n: This chapter is shorter than usual because my brain fried when writing it at work lol But we finally get to talk to Eddie without Steve cockblocking (too much)
Proof read? You have no proof I can read.
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It wasn’t until Monday after school that Dustin was able to make his way back to Family Video. After the night at the arcade, he’d been caught up with sneaking chats with Suzie and spending time with his mother. Not to mention the dentist appointment that caused him to miss a good chunk of Monday morning. If anything, dating and matchmaking be damned, Dustin had earned the treat of renting a movie and shoving candy into his newly cleaned teeth. 
The freshman walked in, said hi to you and walked shamelessly into the back while you called after him half-heartedly that he wasn’t supposed to go back there before turning back to your conversation with Robin. 
“Jesus, Henderson you can’t just barge into the back of any job I get!” Steve said as he sat in the break room. “I’m going to have to say no to you at some point.”
“Yeah, yeah, we’ve talked about this.” Dustin said, sitting next to him in the small room, grabbing some of Steve’s chips. “Anyway, has she said anything about Saturday night?”
Steve watched in annoyance as his friend helped himself to his lunch. “No, she hasn’t said anything about what happened. When I clocked in she said she didn’t want to talk about it.” 
“Probably because we might have... totally ditched her.” Dustin admitted. “On accident! It wasn’t my idea!” He added quickly as Steve gaped at him. 
“What?!” Steve was surprised. “Wait, what happened?”
“Well when the two of you left, Eddie decided that we were done and we all went to get pizza instead.” Dustin said. “I saw her when we were leaving.”
“Shit. So he saw her leave with me, which probably didn’t help.” Steve groaned. “Did Eddie say anything about her?”
“Yeah he... said he wasn’t interested.” 
“Really? Shit. I knew he was a freak, but I didn’t think he had bad taste.”
“Why aren’t you dating her?” Dustin asked. “You won’t date Robin and now you won’t date her? Are you allergic to dating cool girls or something?”
“Robin and I are just friends.” Steve said firmly. “And who said I didn’t try to date her? I tried to ask her out once but she turned me down. She said I was ‘too normal’.”
There were tears streaming down Dustin’s face two minutes later from how hard he was laughing at that. Steve Harrington could get any girl in town, and got shot down by the wierdo. 
“Yeah, yeah, get it out of your system, Henderson.” Steve groaned. 
“She’s too good for you, Steve.” Dustin finally managed to say, calming himself down. 
“So Eddie was a bust so I guess I’m back to square one.” Steve sighed. “I guess I could take her out to a bar and help her get numbers. If she can keep herself from saying something too weird for at least ten minutes it’d be easy.”
But it didn’t feel right. You already knew what you wanted, and any bar in town would just be filled with the same normal, boring people that you’d never had an interest in. 
“You know... Eddie’s band plays at the Hideout.” Dustin said suddenly. 
“Yeah, I thought we just established that wasn’t an option.” Steve frowned. 
“Okay but hear me out, she liked Eddie, right?” 
“Yeah, so?” 
“So? So if she liked Eddie then she’d probably like someone who also likes Eddie. He told me that people come to watch his band play specifically.” Dustin was grinning wide. 
“Henderson, you might be onto something.” Steve was starting to follow his friend’s logic. “If his fans like him, then she’d probably like his fans.”
“Precisely, Steve!” 
The two of them grinned at each other as if they’d just cracked the code to helping you out. However, Steve was only aware of half the plan. That night at the arcade hadn’t been sitting right with Dustin since Eddie tore out of there like a bat out of hell with the rest of the club in tow. He’d seen the way Eddie had stolen glances at you when he thought no one was looking, and only Eddie could miss the way you had been staring at him as the two of you talked. 
Dustin wasn’t sure what the hell Eddie’s problem was saying he wasn’t interested, but if Steve was giving him a chance to be nosy and meddle he was going to take it. You had been nice to Dustin this summer, and after starting the new hell that was high school he wanted to help you out. Eddie had been the only person who had been nice to him and Mike in school, and you had been nice out of it. 
If this didn’t work he’d leave Steve to his own problem, but Dustin had this one last trick up his sleeve. 
“So Eddie’s never talked about having an interest in anyone before?” Steve asked as he tossed his trash and handed over the remaining chips to Dustin. 
“Not really. Jeff mentioned that he used to have a thing for some girl named Ronnie, and they all act really cagey about someone else named Paige.” Dustin said with a shrug. 
“I have no idea who those people are.” 
“I don’t either, they don’t talk about it much.” 
“Alright, well I guess we’re gonna go to the Hideout.” Steve decided. “Wait, isn’t his band him and a bunch of high schoolers? How are they even allowed to play in a bar?”
“It’s a bar, not a club, Steve. They can be there, they just can’t drink. Legally.” Dustin decided not to share that Eddie had one or two fake IDs that the barkeeps were happy to overlook for Eddie at least. 
“What do you know about clubs?” Steve was surprised. “The only club you should know about is your weird fantasy club.”
“I watch MTV, I know how some things work!” 
The banter between the two continued until you showed up in the break room. 
“Steve, your break ended fifteen minutes ago. If you get your butt to the front I’ll fudge the time sheet and say you just forgot to clock back in.” you said. “And Dustin, honey, I love you. You aren’t supposed to be back here. Actually, I don’t care because you’re a good kid. Just ask before you barge in, okay? If Keith’s here I’ll actually have to enforce that.” 
“Yes, Ma’am!” Dustin gave you a salute as the two of them made their way back to the front. When Steve took his place behind the counter, Dustin took a piece of paper out of his bag and handed it over. 
“What’s this?” Steve took the paper, looking at the list of movie titles. 
“My payment. I want these movies for my services. We had an agreement.” 
“Jesus, Henderson you’re gonna give yourself nightmares with these.” 
“Nothing’s been scarier than what we’ve been through.”
“Fair enough.” 
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You looked to be as thrilled to be at the Hideout on a Tuesday night as you would be at the DMV. You didn’t have anything against the place, but you didn’t have anything for it either. You’d been to bars a few times with friends with varying degrees of enjoyment. Hell, this wasn’t even the first time you’d been to this bar. Hawkin’s didn’t exactly have the biggest variety of places to drink in town, and this place was the town’s “old reliable”. Cheap enough for the blue collar workers to enjoy a cold beer after work, but with enough variety to have the young adults of the town fill up the booths on the weekends. 
It was not the weekend though, it was a Tuesday night. A weird night for Steve to drag you out to a bar to help you get a date. As you swung your body on the barstool waiting on your drink you glanced around. There was a small, cramped stage set up in the back and a few older men were hanging around. 
“So... Steve not to be terribly picky and not to sound ungrateful, but I’m not so sure about this.” You said, scanning the bar for anyone who didn’t look old enough to be your dad or grandpa. 
“There’s a band that’s supposed to play tonight.” Steve said, pointing over to the stage. “I heard they’re about our age so I thought it’d be worth a shot.”
“A band?” You considered it. “What type of music are they supposed to play?”
“I think it’s a metal band.”
You snorted into your soda. “A metal band? In Hawkins? Oh, this I have to see.” You hopped off the stool to make your way over to the cork board that was covered in advertisements for the town. You scanned it until you found a flier that had been covered partially by an advertisement for lawn care. 
That must have been it. It didn’t give you any information about the band, other than the name and when they played. The logo was hastily drawn on in black and red markers as if putting this up was a last minute idea. You pulled the paper off the board and repositioned it so that it was front and center instead. There, that was your good deed for the day; giving a small band an additional 8.5 by 11 inches of visibility. 
“As usual, I have learned nothing.” You declared, taking your seat again. “I have a name and that’s it.”
“What’s the band called?” Steve asked. 
“Corroded Coffin.” you replied. “Shouldn’t you know? This was your idea!”
“I was just told there was a metal band that played, I wasn’t given a name.” Steve had been given the name and immediately forgot in the near endless ramblings that Dustin had gone on about. 
“You’re gonna think I’m crazy-”
“I already do.” 
You laughed and continued. “You’re gonna think I’m crazy but the name sounds familiar.” Your legs were swinging off the stool, leaning back against the bar with your elbows. “How can you forget a name like that?” 
Easily. Thought Steve. 
A few more people were starting to show up now, though it was still pretty dead and slow. Even as people shuffled in and out of the small bar, there was no sign of anyone who you’d deem “age appropriate” for you. 
“So you tried to set me up with a high schooler and now it looks like you’re trying to hook me up with someone twice my age.” You joked. 
“Yeah, I was hoping there’d be more people here to choose from.” Steve looked around the room. Dustin had said that this band was supposed to have a crowd but he wasn’t seeing evidence of that anywhere. 
“Ah well, even if tonight is another bust we can still have fun.” you gave him a playful punch. “If the band is bad we can bond over that, and if they’re good you probably won’t appreciate it and I’ll subject you to my every thought about it.”
“You do that anyway.” Steve breathed out a small laugh.
“I’ll be worse, cross my heart.” 
It wasn’t long until the doors to the Hideout opened again, with two highschoolers struggling to fit a drum set through the doors. You snickered as they twisted the parts trying to adjust the bulky equipment. That’s right, the circular drum goes through the square hole. 
“Steve, high schoolers.” you whispered. “Again?!” 
But then you realized that the two teenagers looked familiar. Familiar in a fresh way. Familiar in a ‘Hey, didn’t I just see you the other day?’ way. Your stomach twisted as they finally managed to get through the door and make their way to the stage for set up. 
“Hey, Steve, these kids look- shit.” 
Your heart leapt in a way you didn’t expect when the man you’d poorly attempted to get to know just a few days ago walked through the door with a guitar case strapped to his back. He was laughing with another member of the band as they carried in an amp. Eddie didn’t even look your way as they made their way to set up on stage. 
He played guitar. Of course he played guitar in a metal band. Jesus Christ, you were actually going to murder Steve and Dustin if this whole situation wasn’t going to kill you first. Eddie dropped his leather jacket on the side of the stage, leaving him in a band shirt that you couldn’t make out the name of in the dim lights. He had really nice arms (how had you missed the tattoos last week??), and the way he was smiling so genuinely and joking around with his friends made you feel fuzzy on the inside. He hadn’t looked like that when you two were talking-
“You’re drooling again.” Steve said. 
You shook your head and quickly turned around, putting your back to the stage. 
“Steve... what the fuck.” You hissed, glaring at him. “I know I didn’t exactly share what happened on Saturday, but I thought it was pretty clear that it didn’t go well.” 
“Listen, I had no- I” Steve couldn’t lie to you. “Henderson said he’d be playing tonight, but I swear I’m not trying to hook you two up again. I really thought that when he said there’d be a crowd there’d be more freaks here!” 
You smacked your head on the bar a few times with a groan. “It was so awkward. I told him I’d be right back but then when I went back in everyone was gone. He wasn’t interested in me.” 
“His loss.” Steve said. “Listen, we’ll stick around for a few songs and if no one else shows up then we can leave, deal?” 
You tried to ignore the pounding in your heart as you pointedly refused to turn around. You didn’t even know why you cared so much that Eddie was there again. You had only talked for a half hour before he left, but the man had stuck in your mind since that night. 
You had been attracted to guys before, but Eddie was on some other level. 
“So, are you stalking me now, Harrington?”
“Nah man, just in the mood to do something different tonight.” Steve said, trying his hardest to play nice. He had to remember that this was for you, even though he was starting to like Eddie less after his disinterest in you. 
“I didn’t take you as a man with music taste.” Eddie said. You hated that this man seemed to always sneak up on you. You finished off your drink and turned around to join the conversation before Steve made things worse. 
Fuck it. It’s not like this could be any more awkward than how things were left off. You might as well have some fun. 
“Actually this was my idea.” You said, lying through your teeth with a grin. “Steve here knows nothing about good music, so I thought I’d show him a little culture.”
Steve was now looking at you with his jaw dropped, wondering where the hell that came from. He looked offended, and Eddie? Eddie’s eyebrows shot up as recognition crossed his features as he looked at you. 
“So you like metal?” Eddie said, his gaze now locked on yours. You felt an odd pounding in your heart as you looked up into those amazingly round brown eyes. “What’s your favorite band?”
It wasn’t a challenge. There was nothing in his tone to indicate that he was about to turn into a total dick about music, and that both put you at ease and made your attraction to him far worse. 
“Well, Black Sabbath is always good.” you thought. “But I’m gonna have to go with WASP. I’d rate them a 69 out of 10 for being so damn horny in their songs.” 
Eddie’s eyes lit up and he smiled wide, the same kind of smile he’d just given his band mates a few minutes ago. You licked your lips and felt Steve kick your foot, probably signaling you to stop drooling. 
“So someone in this town does have good taste!“ Eddie was moving around more now, taking a few paces back and then back towards you clapping his hands. 
“I don’t like to limit myself.” You said. “I’m always looking for new sounds and music. It’s like I feel like I’m suffocating if it gets too quiet.”
You winced internally at the statement, knowing that it was probably off putting but to your surprise Eddie only got more excited. 
“Exactly!” He practically yelled.
How was it so easy to talk to him, and so hard at the same time? Why was it that every conversation so far had ended so awkwardly when moments like this felt easy? 
“So how long have you been playing?” you asked, looking over at the stage where he’d set his case down. 
“The band’s been playing together since we were in middle school, I started playing guitar around fifth grade. We’ve had a rotating cast of members, so I started it, and Jeff’s been there the longest after me.” he pointed to a member fiddling with his bass. “Zack and Gareth joined in high school.” 
“And was Chris Morrison ever part of this band?” you teased. 
“Fuck no!.” Eddie laughed. “My uncle would say that Chris couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on. He tried to play manager. Tried. After seeing how he ran his campaigns, I wasn’t interested.”
“Didn’t he also run for student council once?” 
“You remember those posters?!” there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Oh, he never ran. The rest of us were so done with how he was running Hellfire we put those up detailing why he was shit at leadership.”
“You’re kidding!” you gaped. “Jesus, you guys are weird.”
Eddie bent down in a joking bow. “I got a week’s detention for that stunt. I wasn’t the one who made most of them, but Higgin’s always had it out for me. Still does.” He mumbled that last part mostly to himself.
“Why do you two keep talking about Chris Morrison?” Steve asked, and you suddenly remembered that he was there too. Whoops.
“Common thread, apparently.” you shrugged. “It’s too easy to rag on the guy.”
“You had to be there.” Eddie said, as if you and Eddie were sharing connected memories that you were both part of rather than piecing together fragments of a puzzle where you were both corner pieces. The same picture, but never touching. 
At least, as far as you were aware. 
Steve was looking at you as if you were both insane. He was probably right. 
“Okay, okay Steve’s right. I don’t want to talk about Chris fucking Morrison anymore.” you said. “How long have you been playing here, at the Hideout?”
“Every Tuesday for about 2 years, give or take.” Eddie said. “We started monthly, but we get a crowd now so they asked us to play weekly.”
“A crowd.” You nodded, looking around the dead bar. “Damn, I must be pretty lucky to have the front man talking to me when you have all these people here to see you.” Behind the joke, the tone you used was sincere and playful all at once. You sat up a little straighter, leaning towards him on your barstool. 
That was a flirt. You just flirted. There was no taking that back. You were gonna have to commit now. 
There was something boyish about the smile he returned, calm and relaxed. “Oh yeah, you should feel special. As you can see we have a crowd of about-” he turned to the rest of the bar, counting the patrons. “-Right, about four drunks. I guess Tim’s out today.” 
“Well, make that four and a half drunks and also Steve is here.” you shook Steve’s shoulder playfully. 
“Half?” Steve looked at you, pushing your hand off. 
“I drove here, I can’t get wasted. But I can have one or two drinks and be fine.”
“Well, if you happen to bite off more than you can chew, I have room in my van for you.” Eddie said. “I could give you a ride.” 
Well, that wasn’t what you had expected. Your stomach was flipping like an acrobat at the suggestion. He was offering you a ride home if you wanted to drink? After he’d disappeared on you? Just what was this guy's deal? 
“If I’m biting my drinks that’s cause for concern. I���m pretty sure you’re not supposed to bite a drink.” Smooth, so fucking smooth. You might as well call yourself Skippy because you were as smooth as chunky peanut butter.
But Eddie just laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, you’re right. But the offer’s on the table. Or the bar, since you want to be literal.”
“I’ll think about it.” you said. “I don’t normally go home with men I just met at bars but if your band is any good I’ll consider it.”
His grin widened at that “Then I’ll be sure to tell the guys to pick up the slack tonight.” 
That was a flirt, right? Eddie just flirted back with you. That had to be right? You almost wanted him to go away so that you could confirm with Steve that your suspicions about that line were correct. 
“Eddie! Get over here and help with the amp, it’s doing the thing again!” One of the teens from the stage called out. 
Eddie sighed and looked over at his band that was messing with the amp they had brought in. “Again? Alright, I have some tape in my toolbox.” he called back to them before turning to you. HIs eyes flicked over to Steve for just a split second before meeting your eyes again. “Talk to you after the set?” 
“Yeah, I’d like that.” you said, “After all you might be my ride home.” 
And with that, Eddie turned and left.
“What was that?” Steve said immediately looking at you. “Where did that come from? Your idea? Going home with him?!”
“What?” you asked, taken aback. “You told me I should actually flirt, so I flirted!” 
“Where was all that on Saturday?! Hell, where was that for the past two months we’ve had this deal going?” Your friend was looking at you like he hardly recognized you. 
“Great question Steve, and it deserves a great answer.” you nodded. “I have no fucking clue. Maybe I’m exclusively attracted to guys that I don’t think I have a chance with?”
“He offered to drive you home.” His eyes darted over to the stage where Eddie had reappeared with a toolbox, messing with the amp. “I don’t know how you missed it but he was flirting with you.”
“Oh, good, I thought I was losing it.” you laughed. “Glad we got that established. Cool. Loving that. Now, on one hand he’s offering me a ride home. On the other hand, to get this supposed ride home I will have to intoxicate myself. Which sounds fun in theory but he’s also a guy I barely know.”
It should have been sketchy, it really really should have been. The only man you would trust to get your drunk ass home without worry right now would be Steve. 
“Hey, can I get another one of these, please?” you asked the bartender, holding up your glass. 
Once your refill came, you grabbed the drink and stood up. The band was finishing up the sound check and it looked like they were about to start. 
“Come on, I want to sit closer. I’m feeling reckless tonight.” You grabbed Steve’s arm and dragged him to a table closer to the stage. Eddie made his way to the mic and smiled at you and your raised your glass to him with a smile. 
“Thanks for coming out tonight, we’re Corroded Coffin and we’re here to make you feel like you’re fighting demons in hell!”
It was in that horrible, terrifying moment when the lights dimmed and the sound of an electric guitar ripped through the air,  that you realized something; you were going to end the night with the biggest, stupidest, useless crush on Eddie Munson and there was nothing you could do about it. 
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Part 5
Dividers by @strangergraphics
I would also like to note that this is a work of fiction. You're allowed to make questionable decisions when playing with fake scenarios. Just roll with it.
Tag List: @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n @mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea @vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirly93 @perpetualmess @thebook-hobbit @mistonk @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh
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pretty-blkgirl · 17 days
Soul’s Desire [Ch. 11]
- Masterlist -
You paced around the rather small dance studio for a good 20 minutes, having to stop every once in a while because you were dizzy.
Your schedule ended earlier than expected, so you decided to head up to the dance studio to get yourself together before you met some more of your soulmates.
Your mood was still a little down today, mostly because of the phone call with your mother. She called because she wanted to tell you about her latest accomplishment: getting 2nd place at a local talent show.
You halfheartedly praised her achievements so she’d eventually let you off the phone, but after ten minutes, you knew you had to hang up and go practice.
She was not happy when you called her back later, and you listened with teary eyes while she tore you a new one.
As you thought about that call, you found yourself getting more and more upset and even contemplated canceling on the members again, until they walked through the door.
They were shocked to see you, as they were early as well, but the shock was replaced by happy expressions.
“Hi y/n” The freckled-faced Felix chirped. He was so much prettier in real life (which you didn’t even know was possible).
Lee Know followed closely behind him. He did resemble a cat, and that thought made you chuckle a little. Besides that, you really couldn’t understand how a person could look so perfect.
Hyunjin was last in line, looking stunning, his naturally seductive eyes staring at you.
You bow once they get close enough to you, and Hyunjin bursts out in a fit of laughter at your formalities.
“Hello, nice to meet you,” You say, “I’m Y/n”
“You don’t say” Minho teases, “Could have sworn you were pd-nim”
The shock is evident on your face as you playfully smack the man’s arm
“Pd-nim??? You could have said anyone else but HIM” You hounded, making all three men laugh.
Your feelings toward your mother subside as the four of you head over to the couches against the wall. There, Felix leads the conversation and you can’t help but giggle at how similar he and Chan are.
“How were your schedules?” Felix asked, pulling out a snack from his (Louis Vuitton) backpack.
“They were okay, we had back-to-back interviews, and then we shot for our YouTube channel.”
Hyunjin nods, “We just had to record today. Tomorrow we gotta rehearse for our concerts this weekend”
“Are you coming to the concerts y/nnie?” Minho questions with a look nothing short of mischievous. He was so silly.
“Unfortunately not, too busy preparing for debut”
“Booooooo” Hyunjin nags, “Not supporting your soulmates? Bad start”
“Hush” You chuckle, “I’ll be at plenty of Stray Kids concerts in the future”
“That’s right, we’ll even make sure you get a discount on tickets” Minho jokes, earning him another playful smack from you
“I better get free tickets AND backstage passes”
“We can probably make that happen” Felix smirks, “Do we get free tickets to see LUCKY in concert?”
“Of course, I’ll even throw in some merch”
“I guess we can give you a few shirts and hats too”
“Nuh uh, I want one of everything. I better get every variation of skzoo, shirts, pants, hats, bags, everything” You declared
“Hannie told us you’re a stay, you probably have a good amount of our merch anyways,” Hyunjin remarked
“I do, but now I won’t have to break my pockets!”
The guys laugh again, and you’re glad to know the meeting is going well.
Speaking of meetings, you guys got maybe 15 more minutes together before Lee Know got a call from one of their managers.
You knew they had to leave when he gave you a sympathetic look. He got off the phone and quickly confirmed your assumption, revealing they were being called in for a last-minute meeting.
Before he could even apologize, you waved your hand
“You guys have to go, I get it, don’t feel bad”
Hyunjin crossed his arms defiantly, “We’re supposed to be off, I don’t know why we suddenly have a fucking meeting to go to”
“Yeah I don’t understand it either” Felix sighs
You just shrug, standing and urging the boys to do the same.
“Y’all need to go before you get in trouble. Seriously, don’t feel bad. You know I’m an idol too, I understand”
The three are grateful for your words and decide to give you their (along with Vocalracha’s) numbers before rushing out the door.
You weren’t super upset you didn’t have much time with them, you knew you had the rest of your life with them, so you grabbed your bag and decided to head home.
Taglist: @chuuyaobsessed @h0rnyp0t @prttyxbby @yukichan67 @hanniemylovelyquokka @xxeiraxx @loveforlee444 @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor
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k-howlett · 23 days
H(ear)tline Prologue | Bruce Wayne [Batman] xF!Angel:reader
TW: Possible religious insensitivity, Fallen Angel, Canon-breaking OOC, eventual smut(not in this specific installment)
Rating: Gender Specific (Female Reader), Eventual Smut (Teen+/mature), SFW (Prologue), eventual fluff
Thank you so much for your continued patience! I am unfortunately knee deep in moving. Breaking and Entering is on Hiatus at the moment because of my inability to appeal a report (I've been too busy to check my email and missed the 24 hour deadline. Thank you so much(/s) to whoever FALSELY reported my artistry and now cost me hours of setbacks. I don't know if I can repost and change the tag but I did file a complaint with tumblr admin and am awaiting a resolution), in the mean time, please enjoy this concept I came up with half-awake whilst packing boxes!
With love and healing,
𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢
Bruce Wayne was not one for religion. If there was a God, the creator must’ve had a particular disdain for Gotham City and everything in it. The place was a living hell, overrun with the likes of Scarecrow, Bane, Joker, Penguin—an endless parade of villains. It felt as though God had abandoned him, leaving the city to rot.
When a group of young people stopped him on the street, offering free Bibles, Bruce briefly considered lashing out, tearing into their beliefs with the cynicism that years in Gotham had sharpened. But he held back. Despite his doubts, he couldn’t deny the comfort religion provided to those who believed. He recalled attending Sunday school as a child, his mother’s gentle voice praising the beauty of the world around them, her unshakeable faith even in the face of Gotham’s darkness. In her final moments, she had reached out to God. Who was he to strip these kids of that same hope?
Wordlessly, he accepted the leather-bound Bible. It was crafted with care, though the materials were clearly cheap—the gold lettering was already flaking. He considered tossing it when he got home, or maybe donating it to a shelter. He might not believe in God, but he knew that his own moral compass had been shaped by something greater than himself. Not everyone had that foundation; maybe some people really did need saving.
He sighed as he carried the Bible to his office. The last thing he needed was for anyone to think he’d found religion. He had a carefully curated, morally ambiguous playboy persona to maintain. What if the media thought he was turning over a new leaf? What if they took it as a sign he was ready to settle down? The thought of more women throwing themselves at him—especially devout ones—made him shudder.
He tucked the Bible under his arm, the gold lettering pressed tightly against his side. Maybe someone would mistake it for a journal. A glance at his watch made him scowl—somehow, the walk from the coffee shop to the office had eaten up more time than expected. Lucius would undoubtedly have something to say about it later; they had a meeting, and now he was going to be late—again.
Dragging a hand down his face, Bruce felt the exhaustion deep in his bones. The late nights and early mornings were catching up with him, eroding his focus, fraying the edges of his mind. For a moment, bitterness welled up—a rare flicker of resignation. Did it even make a difference? Gotham’s streets were never truly free of crime. Petty theft, gang violence, the constant churn of the underworld—it never stopped. And the ones he managed to lock up? They always found a way out. Arkham was a revolving door, a sick joke of a prison.
For a fleeting second, he entertained the idea of quitting. The notion of a full night’s sleep was almost unimaginable, but his body ached for it. Was there really no reprieve? After all these years, the despair felt like it was swallowing him whole. Gotham was a sinkhole, and he was drowning in it.
But he shook off the thought, setting his jaw with grim resolve. He would not break, and he would not allow himself the luxury of weakness. He’d let his body rot from the inside out if that’s what it took to see his mission through. It wasn’t just an obligation; it was a promise. And though no one would blame him if he walked away, though they might even understand, he wouldn’t bow down and admit defeat. He’d fought for fifteen years—he could fight for fifteen more.
𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢
Bruce tossed the Bible onto his desk and sank into his leather chair, his eyes heavy as they flicked to the desktop screen. Logging in, he was greeted by a flood of emails—requests for meetings from the legal branch, shareholders bickering over stock distributions, and the usual complaints from board members about his lack of attention to this year’s Gala preparations.
His assistant had already informed him of the missed meeting, explaining that Lucius had been pulled into another matter. The issues were piling up, and for a brief moment, his hand trembled as he reached for the mouse. Wayne Enterprises was his father’s legacy, and Batman was his—but right now, the mission would have to wait. He needed to get this under control, and fast.
Four hours of back-to-back phone calls and troubleshooting. Bruce was now lying under his desk, trying to replace a faulty cable. The entire office was down, and with IT swamped, he had no choice but to handle it himself. He needed to review the quarterly reports before the bonuses were announced, and he knew the company had been slacking—summer interns flooding in and Tim away at college had left him without the structure he relied on.
When he finally sat up from the floor, his head collided with the corner of the desk, sending a sharp pain through his skull. The Bible tumbled from the desk, hitting him squarely on the head before flopping open on the ground, a business card slipping out.
Bruce picked it up, squinting at the bold print: "1-800-ANGEL." He frowned. What kind of absurd, erotic phone service was this? The card was nearly blank, save for a single line:
"May you find your faith."
Real funny, he thought, for a number probably meant to fleece desperate souls. They probably charged by the minute. Bruce rolled his eyes, dismissing it as yet another scam targeting the gullible.
Bruce thumbed the card, skepticism tightening his grip. Surely, no one was desperate enough to actually call. He wondered about the legitimacy of the number, and after settling back into his chair, he opened a new tab. Thankfully, the replacement cable had done its job, and his screen blinked to life. He typed in the number, but nothing came up—not even a link to some sketchy website. He tried the motto next, but all he found were articles on religion and local church recommendations. He raised an eyebrow. For a scam, they were doing a remarkably poor job of marketing it.
Picking up the Bible again, he considered the possibility that the kids handing them out might have been given faulty copies. But as he inspected it, the Bible seemed legitimate enough. He cross-referenced it with an online version to be sure, but everything checked out. The only oddity was the card. Flipping through the pages, he eventually found a strange marking on the back cover, stamped with the words "ales et lux."
"Wings and light?" he muttered, dropping the Bible back onto the desk.
Curiosity gnawed at him. Without hesitation, he dialed the number. Whatever this was, he intended to get to the bottom of it. Maybe he’d caught it early enough—he could pull a few strings with the FBI and shut it down before it preyed on anyone vulnerable. But as the line connected, the voice on the other end made him stop cold.
“So you’ve received the calling card of heaven. We’re so glad you have found your faith. Please note this card is for one-time use. For inquiries about time of death, press 1. For prayers and answers, press 2. For information on Christian denominations and healing, press 3. For nondenominational options, press 4. For Native, Inuit, Norse, and Pagan beliefs, press 5. Unsure what category your beliefs fall under? Press star for a list. For all other healing-related questions, press 6.”
Bruce’s scowl deepened as he listened to the automated menu. The damn phone hadn’t even rung—this had to be some kind of twisted scam. He was about to hang up when the final option made his breath catch.
“And finally, to speak to your angel, press 0.”
His angel? A guardian angel? He doubted he had one. If he did, they’d done a piss-poor job watching over him. The loss of his parents, Jason Todd, and Alfred—the man who had been the closest thing to a father he had left—proved that. Anger flickered in his chest. He wanted to speak to this so-called angel, to confront them, to demand answers for the pain he’d endured. What kind of angel lets their charge suffer like this?
He pressed zero, the cold, rational part of him momentarily overridden by the seething anger and hurt simmering beneath the surface—the hurt little boy he’d buried deep inside threatening to unleash all that unprocessed trauma.
He wasn’t expecting such a soft voice to greet him, nor the surprising calm that washed over his mind as it did.
“Bruce? You really called.” The voice on the other end was feminine, light, almost breathless, as if she had been waiting for this moment.
“...Who the hell are you?” His voice was sharp, defensive.
“Well, my official title doesn’t really have an accurate translation in mortal language, but I’m more or less your protector.”
“Protector?!” He growled, the word scraping out like a curse. “You couldn’t even protect me from a goddamn paper cut, let alone a laundry list of loss. You didn’t protect anything—I protect this city, I protect people. You’re not even real! You’re probably just some credit card scammer, phishing for my personal data. That’s what this is, isn’t it? Data mining. Your entire operation is fraudulent at best, and—”
He cut himself off, his voice shaking with anger. It wasn’t just fury at this supposed "protector"—it was fury at the years of pain, at the endless nights spent fighting a war that never seemed to end, at the world for daring to keep spinning while he bled in the dark. How dare anyone call themselves his protector when every person he’d ever loved had been torn away from him? How dare they try to soothe him with some ethereal nonsense when he was the one in the trenches, the one facing down Gotham’s nightmares every single night?
The silence on the other end of the line was almost unbearable, but he wouldn’t back down. He’d heard enough lies in his lifetime to know when someone was trying to sell him false hope.
“…It doesn’t work like that,” the voice finally replied, a hint of sadness woven into its softness. “I can’t interfere with your life in the way you think. Those losses… they were unfortunate, and I know they fuel the anguish that haunts your mind, but my role isn’t to shield you from pain. My job is to keep you alive. Every close call, every moment when death was just a breath away—that was my divine interference. I won’t let you die, Bruce. Not until the time is right and your body is ready to rest.”
Bruce clenched his jaw, anger and disbelief warring within him. He wanted to tear into her, to lash out at the absurdity of it all. This so-called protector, claiming to watch over him, to keep him alive—where was she when his parents were murdered in front of him? Where was she when Jason died, or when he stood over Alfred’s grave, feeling the weight of yet another life lost because of him?
“Don’t patronize me,” he spat, his voice low and dangerous. “You think I need your protection? You think those near-deaths were some divine favor? I’ve survived because I’ve fought, because I’ve clawed my way out of every hellhole Gotham’s thrown me into. You had nothing to do with it.”
He could almost hear her smile through the phone, a soft, resigned sound that seemed to fill the silence between them.
“You’ve fought harder than anyone should ever have to, Bruce. You’re the purest soul I’ve ever had the privilege of encountering. No matter how much you try to front or deflect, it’s clear you care. You care more than anyone else. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have taken in those kids, or dressed up like a bat to fight crime night after night. You’re like Sisyphus, eternally pushing a boulder uphill. And while you may not want praise or acknowledgment, you need to know—despite everything, you are a good person. You’re a good man. And in many ways, you’re the closest thing to God’s image I’ve ever seen.”
Bruce’s breath caught, anger and disbelief momentarily overshadowed by the weight of her words. How could she claim to know him so well, to understand his pain and sacrifice? Yet, the very notion of being compared to something divine—despite how hollow it felt—struck a chord deep within him.
“Spare me the sermon,” he growled, trying to regain his composure. “You think you can soothe me with this celestial rhetoric? I don’t need your validation. I need results. I need to keep this city safe, and I need to know that those I care about are protected. Save your platitudes for someone who believes in them.”
There was a pause on the other end, as if she was choosing her words carefully. “I’m not here to validate you, Bruce. I’m here to remind you that even in the darkest moments, you have a purpose. And while you may see yourself as a flawed instrument of justice, remember that even in your struggle, there’s a reflection of something greater—a beacon of hope for others, whether you realize it or not.”
Bruce didn’t respond, his mind a storm of conflicting emotions. The rational part of him dismissed her words as manipulative flattery, but a flicker of vulnerability, long suppressed, threatened to break through. He forced himself to focus, pushing those thoughts aside.
“Enough of this,” he said, his voice cold and final. “If you’re really here to help, then stay out of my way. I’ll handle things my way.”
He hung up the phone, the echo of her voice lingering in his mind. As he turned his attention back to the stack of paperwork and problems awaiting him, he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that perhaps, in some twisted way, she had touched a part of him he had long buried.
𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢
Bruce landed another punch on the goon, watching as they crumpled to the ground. Fighting at the docks was his least favorite—slippery surfaces and treacherous footing made it harder to maintain his balance. He glanced at the wall, the dim streetlight casting an eerie glow on the dilapidated brick.
In the periphery of his vision, he thought he saw the shadow of wings, a fleeting, phantom-like presence. When he snapped around, though, all he saw were the goons he had already beaten. They lay scattered and unconscious, bloodied and bruised. A quick scan of the area revealed the familiar wreckage of a confrontation: discarded weapons and broken crates.
On the ground, a few feet away from a goon he didn’t remember hitting, lay a gun glinting in the faint light. Next to it was a single white feather. The goon in question had no visible injuries, no sign of the kind of violence Bruce had just inflicted on the others. There were no swollen bruises, no blood—nothing to suggest that they had been involved in the scuffle.
Bruce frowned, his mind racing. He hadn't hit this one, nor had he seen anything out of the ordinary during the fight. The feather seemed out of place, its presence unsettling. It wasn’t like anything he had come across before—an odd detail in an otherwise straightforward altercation.
His instincts, honed by years of vigilant observation, told him this was no mere coincidence. There was something strange here, something beyond the usual street brawls and petty crime. The feather could mean something, or someone, had intervened. And if that was the case, Bruce needed to understand why.
He crouched down to examine the feather and the gun more closely. His eyes narrowed, scanning for any other anomalies or signs that could explain the goon’s sudden unconsciousness. Whatever the cause, Bruce knew he couldn’t ignore it. Not with the pattern of oddities and divine encounters that had begun to surface recently.
He straightened up, the feather clenched in his hand, his mind already shifting gears. There was more at play here than just a fight—something, or someone, was influencing events from the shadows. And as always, it was up to him to uncover the truth.
˚₊‧𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢 𓏲𝄢‧₊˚
Approx. Word Count: ~2,746
pt I: Coming Soon(?)
This is a soft-launch of this series, if you guys would like more parts, please let me know in the comments <3 It helps motivate me to write!
//Series Tag List: Available Upon Request!
Status Page 2024: Here
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magicalqueennightmare · 8 months
Little Witch (Pt 3/5)
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
When you get your memories back you're determined to face this enemy alone. The Mikaelsons however refuse to accept that and set out to prove your innocence to Klaus
After you'd left the Mikaelson compound you'd ended up wandering to one of the many cemeteries around New Orleans. You'd never had any business in this certain cemetery but it had drawn you there, your magic bubbling under the surface of your skin as if it was trying to lead you in the direction you needed to go in. 
The barrier in your head was still very much a tangible thing and it made you question everything about yourself. You were a strong witch, you'd taken the brunt of a spell meant to rip Hope out of Hayley's womb and hadn't let a sob escape your lips regardless of the pain. You'd gone toe to toe with ancient witches and managed to still be standing yet someone was tearing your mind to shreds from the inside out.
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When Hayley called and asked to meet you'd gladly agreed. She hadn't spoken to you in days and you wanted her to get whatever she needed off her chest. You hoped maybe Elijah and Rebekah got her to see logic but there was only one way to find out. 
You walked into Marcel's bar and Hayley sat at the bar alone. You both shared a favorite drink and two sat in front of her. When you took up a barstool leaving one between you she slid a drink down. “I believe you and Elijah” she spoke quietly. 
You turned to look at her and she was facing you, the emotions in her eyes matched the ones you felt “You do?” You asked in disbelief and she nodded “I was just so hurt when we found you two. Not only because I love Elijah but because you're my best friend. It just didn't make sense no matter how much I thought it over. You've gone to literal war for my daughter. You love her the same as if she was yours. Hell you came here when I was pregnant just from me calling and asking for help. You're not the type of person to hurt someone you care about”
You blinked a few times to not let your emotions overwhelm you “Thank you. I'm still not sure what happened. Davina and Kol are on their way back and Freya is coming back too. I'm hoping with the three of us we can crack the barrier in my memories. If we can safely then that means we can get Elijah's memories back too and we'll know who did this”
She nodded slowly “What are you gonna do about Klaus?” You shrugged “You know him as well as I do. He's hurt and angry. He thinks two of the most important people in his life chose each other over him. I don't know how to make him see the truth without having my memories back, without having whoever did this on their knees begging for their lives as proof”
She reached for your arm and pulled you onto the stool next to her and wrapped an arm around your shoulders “Know that as far as you and I go? We're good. I love you, Hope loves you” 
You reached into your pocket and held out the necklace you'd been carrying for days “This is for Hope. It was my grandmother's. I got the antique store to chase it down. She originally wanted my dad to give it to me one day but my mother killed him when I was so young he never got the chance. It got lost for fifty or so years. I'll never have children of my own but like you said i love her just the same. Maybe if something happens to me this will help her know just how special she is to all of us”
Hayley turned the small pendant over in her hand then looked back at you “Promise me one thing?” You nodded “Of course” she half smiled “You'll survive this to give it to her yourself” you laughed lightly and held out a hand “Deal” she shook it then said “I'm holding you to it”
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“I have to do what?” You asked Freya hoping you'd misheard her. “You have to lay back and let us in your mind. Davina and I will astral project in and then we break down that barrier from the inside”
You knew your eyes were probably comically large. While you trusted the two women in front of you, the idea of them being in your head, your memories freaked you out a bit. “What will you two see exactly?” 
A smirk that favored Klaus slipped onto Freya's face “Don't worry darling, I'll make sure to steer clear of anything x-rated between you and Nik” Davina nodded in agreement “Our goal will be the barrier so that's where we'll land for lack of better phrasing”
Your eyes darted towards Rebekah who stood off to the side and she gave you a nod “I'll be here to watch over your bodies and wake you should it seem like things are going bad” you took a deep breath then nodded “Let's do it”
You laid down on the couch as Freya said and closed your eyes. The weight of the barrier was making your head throb but she had told you to concentrate on nothing but that blank space in your memory.
You could hear her voice, the spell falling from her lips. You had the sudden feeling of falling, your vision bursting with white light despite your eyes being closed tightly. About the time it registered that you couldn't hear the spell anymore you felt a hand on your arm “Wake up” 
You slowly opened your eyes or so you thought. Instead of the room you'd been in the walls were a pale blue, a long hall stretching in both directions. You slowly got to your feet facing Freya and Davina who both gave you a smile “concentrate. Which way do we need to go?”
You forced yourself to try to remember what had happened then a pain shot through the right side of your body. You motioned right before walking in that direction.
“How do we know we found it?” You asked after you'd passed probably two dozen white doors. Some held whispers of long ago, your grandmother's voice drifting through.
The farther you got down the hall different voices began to drift through the doors. You could hear Rebekah's voice the first time you'd met her long ago. Then Hayley's laughter, the shrill sound of Hope's cries when she was a newborn. Memories of the family you'd been born with and the one you chose fought for your attention. 
“I think we did” Davina whispered and you looked up to see the end of the hall. The bright blue and white were replaced by a dark shadow. It seemed as if it was simply a ledge falling off into an abyss should you not turn around now.
There was something familiar about the magic behind it. You took a step forward and the moment your fingertips hit the shadow a burst went through you. Voices, leading you to the cemetery. Elijah, refusing to let you go alone.
You stumbled back and Freya caught you before you hit the floor “What was it?” You were breathless as you said “My magic did this. Someone siphoned me to use it against me, against Elijah”
She looked from you to the shadow, a dark cloud passing through her eyes “Let's rip it down and find out who” 
Freya had already explained that once the barrier fell it would knock her and Davina out of your head and could possibly throw your body from the shock but it was worth it.
You took a step forward and felt each of them place a hand on your shoulder before you touched the barrier again. This time their power helped to focus yours. Slowly the shadow began to crack, small blossoms of light bleeding through then it was like an atomic burst. Your vision went white as you were tossed backwards.
You gasped, sitting up where you were now on the floor. Davina, Freya and Rebekah were all standing around you with concern written on their faces “Did it work?”
Memories were blaring into your mind. The voices that led you to the cemetery, how Elijah had refused to let you go alone even when you'd promised to catch up should he want to go home to Hayley. The siphoner that was in the cemetery flashed through your head,the way she begged your forgiveness citing she had no choice then the person behind it all “I thought that bitch was long dead. Explains how someone could use my magic against me”
You hadn't realized you'd been rambling until Rebekah questioned who. You pushed yourself to your feet, meeting their eyes one by one “My mother”
Rebekah's eyes were wide, “What now?” You wiped your hands down your jeans feeling the dirt there from your memories, how you'd fought against the siphoner and how you'd tried to shield Elijah from the magic. 
You faced Rebekah and gave her a small smile “I'm going to go give Elijah his memories back then I'm going to go find my bitch of a mother and turn her inside out. Good news is this is no threat against your family or Hope. That bitch just wants me dead, she has for about two hundred years give or take”
“If it's a threat against you it is against family” Rebekah argued but you shook your head, already determined to do this alone. “I can do this alone” “But you don't have to” Freya pushed and you shook your head again “I need to go see Elijah. The faster he has his memories back the better”
You started to walk out then stopped to face the three women “Thank you for helping me” then looked at the two blondes “Klaus doesn't need to know what I'm doing or who I'm against. Not until either I kill her or we kill each other” “So lie to him?” Rebekah asked and you shrugged “Not lying if he doesn't care to ask” and with that you walked out. You knew who you were up against now, you could make a plan and even better you now knew how to free Elijah's memories as well. 
You were going to enjoy seeing her on her knees begging for mercy that would never come. She'd tried to destroy you. She almost cost your friendship with Hayley and Elijah and ripped the man you loved away from you. She'd pay for it all and you'd make sure she wouldn't be capable of being a threat ever again.
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“What does he need to do?” Hayley asked after you'd explained how you could get Elijah his memories back. You motioned to the couch “Preferably lay down and I'll sit on the floor in front of the couch because if what happened with me is any indication I ended up on the floor”
She glanced towards the stairs and you knew it was because Hope was asleep having just laid down for a nap about ten minutes before you called. “It shouldn't be loud enough to wake her but with her witch side that alone may stir her”
She shared a look with Elijah and he nodded before walking over to lay down on the couch. You gave her a slight smile then walked over to the couch and kneeled down next to it facing Elijah. “Close your eyes and just trust me ok?” “Of course” was the reply he gave before he closed his eyes. You glanced back at Hayley “Just stand back in case it tosses me” she nodded, taking another step backwards.
You reached up to place the first two fingers of each hand on Elijah's temples then closed your eyes as well. Now that you knew what you were looking for, that it was your magic, this process should be easier on him than it was on you.
You didn't even have to fall into his mind. You could feel the barrier the moment you concentrated and focused on it. A slight burst happened as you fell backwards and Elijah sat up straight. 
He took a deep breath, staring at you with wide eyes. “Do you remember everything now?” He nodded and you smiled “Good” 
You got to your feet and nodded to Hayley “We both remember now” she started to take a step towards you but Hope's voice cut through calling for her mom. You looked at the stairs and Hayley smiled “You should go up. She misses you” you shook your head despite your heart aching to see the child that you'd fought for. “If something happens to me her last memory is the day I took her to the park, we made Klaus go on the slide with her and then we got her ice cream. I don't want her last memory of me being a quick hello then me leaving”
“What do you mean?” Hayley asked but Elijah answered for you “Her mother has been hunting her for years. She killed her father when she was young and means to kill her but not before stealing her magic for herself” you tilted your head towards him before saying “And if she wants it then I plan to make her come and get it herself. No siphoner and no one else being pulled into the crosshairs this is me and her”
“You can't mean to face her alone! She got inside your head and Elijah's! She's strong” Hayley argued but before you could respond Hope called out again. You looked towards the stairs then back at Hayley “Go to Hope. I promise you i will do everything I can to make it back”
You watched Hayley walk to the stairs and started to walk out the house when Elijah called your name. You stood with your hand on the doorknob and looked back at him “You're not telling Niklaus and plan to ward it where Freya and Davina can't get into the cemetery to assist you” it wasn't a question but a statement. You hadn't realized he'd seen that while your mind was connected to him. 
“I can't let anyone else I care about be hurt by her. She almost destroyed your relationship with Hayley, my friendship with Hayley and she may have ruined my relationship with Klaus. Please Elijah, let me do this my way”
He shook his head  “You are a part of this family. None of us want to lose you. We simply need to make Niklaus see the truth” 
You glanced towards the stairs knowing if you saw Hope you'd lose any resolve you were holding onto to face this alone “Please Elijah. I've got to go” he let out a breath that was more of a sigh “When you find her you let us help you” you knew he could very well stop you from leaving if he wanted so you nodded “Deal”
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Elijah knew you well enough to know when you were lying. He was on his feet by the time Hayley made it downstairs with Hope on her hip. “Where did she go?” She asked and he held her gaze, knowing she could see the answer in his eyes “I'm going to find Freya and Rebekah. I'll let you know how it goes” he kissed her on the lips, the first one they'd shared in days then left a kiss on Hope's forehead.
Klaus was in his art studio, a half drank bottle of top shelf bourbon sat in front of him as he stared at the canvas you and Hope had painted so long ago. Flowers and butterflies decorated the pink background. It stood out amongst his work, brightness in all the darkness. 
His heart ached to see you, transgressions he could forgive. Had it been anyone other than his brother he would've simply killed them and that would've been that. 
He leaned his head back against the couch about the time he heard the front door slam open followed by all four of his siblings screaming variations of his name.  He downed the rest of the bourbon that was in his glass before standing. If Rebekah and Elijah had summoned Kol and Freya back to New Orleans this must be their stand against him. 
Elijah stood at the base of the stairs with Kol standing next to him and both men were flanked by Rebekah and Freya. “Dear brother, come to relish in your conquest of stealing my little witch?”
Before Elijah could open his mouth Kol shook his head “Come off it Nik. That girl loves you. She's went to hell and back for this family, for your daughter” Klaus spun to meet Kol “Don't tell me you plan to have her next”
Rebekah looked at Freya “Just show him! It's the only way to shut him up and prove to him that he's in the wrong” 
Klaus narrowed his eyes at his older sister “Come to play have we?” She shook her head “No. I came home to help her. She figured out who's after her but you're not going to believe words. You'll believe seeing the memories yourself” before he could ask she touched two fingers to his temple and two to Elijah's.
His vision went white then Klaus was on the sidewalk, seeing you and Elijah walk out of the antique shop. You tucked a small velvet bag into your purse then slipped your arm back through Elijah's before he nodded at your purse  “That's going to mean a lot to Hayley and Niklaus both” you smiled “I hope they like it. It's taken me about seventy years to chase it down”
The two of you walked past him and he cursed Freya for trapping him in this vision but then you doubled over in pain. He moved on instinct alone to grab you but of course he couldn't. Elijah helped to steady you and Klaus could see the worry on his brother's face “Perhaps you and Hayley should go out on a different night?” 
You straightened up and he knew instantly something was wrong. Your eyes weren't focused on Elijah or the people milling around the two of you “Go home Elijah, I'll catch up” you muttered pulling away from Elijah as you turned and started walking towards one of the many cemeteries around New Orleans. 
“Where are you going?” Elijah questioned falling in step behind you. Klaus followed the two of you into the gates of the cemetery and felt something was off right before you hit your knees again. Elijah yelled your name but when you looked up at him your eyes weren't their usual hue but a milky white “Elijah, it hurts” the broken sound of your voice twisted his heart then he heard another voice.
A woman walked into his view, she had a scar across her face and nothing but hate in her eyes as she looked at you. He saw pain ripple through Elijah holding him in place as the woman walked over to where you were on your knees and grabbed your hair roughly “My dear daughter. It's taken me so long to track you down and away from your hybrid too. Now how should I ensure your hybrid removes his protection from you? ”
You whimpered slightly both from pain and being helpless. He could feel his anger boiling inside of him watching you be abused. You were his strong little witch, able to withstand so much yet this woman had you immobile on your knees. Elijah managed to choke out your name and to ask who the woman was. “My mother” your voice was barely a whisper. 
The vision shifted again and this time you and Elijah were walking into the compound but neither of you were speaking and your movements were robotic almost. He watched the two of you walk up the stairs and didn't need to follow to know the truth. Your mother had done this, the milky white of your eyes meant she'd had a siphoner. The way you and Elijah were acting as if you were simply puppets. He'd let someone hurt his little witch and his brother and allowed his own insecurities and pride to come before two of the most important people to him.
Klaus stumbled back from Freya feeling tears stinging his eyes and an anger boiling deep inside of him. “Where is she?” He asked, looking between his siblings. He needed to see you, beg forgiveness and hope you have it in your heart to give it to him. All this time he'd thought you'd betrayed him while he was in fact the one that betrayed you. 
“She's gone off to find her mother and face her alone. She feels she isn't part of this family and therefore not worth us fighting for” Freya answered and he shook his head “Spread out and find her. Her mother doesn't make it out of New Orleans”
@snowtargaryen @benbarnesprettygurl @svtbpbts @secretdreamlandmentality
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psychictheater · 1 month
Relationship Weight (Punkflower)
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(Hobie starts to gain some relationship weight. Not just because of Miles. But because of Miles and his mother.)
(No Powers AU)
(Hobie is 21, Miles is 19-20)
(Was gonna be part of the Moving Out series but my old account was terminated by Tumblr)
Hobie stared at the now too small skinny jeans that wouldn’t move past his upper thighs.
“Miles ?”
“Yeah ?”
“You did the laundry last time, yeah ?”
“It was my turn, so yes.”
“I think you shrunk my jeans, love.”
Miles looked up from his phone to see that Hobie was indeed struggling with his skinny jeans. They seemed to be too small for him.
“I don’t think it’s the laundry, babe.” Miles replied.
“That’s the only explanation.” Hobie rolled his eyes.
“It is not.” Miles challenged. “Because if it is, how come the only clothes that have seemed to mysteriously ‘shrink’ are yours when mine are perfectly fine ?”
Hobie had to admit, Miles did have a point. He sighed.
“Then why are my jeans so small ? What else could it be ?”
Miles stared at Hobie.
“Hobie, the jeans aren’t the problem, I just don’t think that you can fit them anymore.”
Hobie stared back.
“Fuck you mean ? I’ve had these jeans since I was sixteen, there’s no way that they just suddenly don’t fit anymore.”
Miles sighed and decided to be blunt.
“You’ve gained weight.” He said, standing up and walking over to Hobie, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Hobie rolled his eyes and let out a ‘Psh’
“That’s impossible, I’ve been the same size since I was seventeen, ain’t no way.” Hobie said.
“And you didn’t have consistent meals until I moved in.” Miles challenged. “Think about it, you used to eat once, maybe twice a day and they weren’t even meals, sometimes you’d just eat an apple and go on about your day but now I cook you breakfast, I make you lunch, I make you dinner and every Sunday we eat at big dinner at my parents house and end up taking home leftovers.” He said “Not to mention the times Mom ‘coincidentally’ makes too much food and brings it over or when she comes over to cook to ‘give us a break’ you’re eating more than you’re used to and you haven’t even noticed.”
Hobie thought about it and what Miles said was true. When he was younger and living on the streets, he survived off of dumpster scraps and some leftovers some people were willing to give up to him. Then when he managed to get a place with Karl, they were both too busy to cook and too broke to afford take out so they mostly just ate peanut butter sandwiches or a bag of crisps.
And then Karl moved out to live with his boyfriend and Miles moved in and everything changed. Suddenly, the fridge was always full and he had actual meals to come home to and was eating more frequently if not constantly. And his body was changing because of it.
“I don’t like this.” Hobie said, crossing his arms. He didn’t like sudden changes in his body, the body he’s been used to for so many years and he didn’t have time or money to put aside for a new pair of jeans.
“You look great.” Miles assured, wrapping his arms around Hobie’s shoulders. “It’s not that big of a deal and it’s about time that you stopped being so stick thin all the time, it wasn’t healthy that you could slip into the same pair of jeans you’ve had since you were a teenager.” he smiled at Hobie “You look healthy babe”
“I get what you’re saying but these jeans have been with me for a long time, I can’t just get rid of em.” Hobie said with a bit of a whine
“We can try to stretch them out if you want or repurpose them, turn them into a jacket or a vest or something.” Miles said, knowing how Hobie never wanted to throw away things when he felt like there could still be a use for them. “That way you can embrace the change and still keep them around, just as something else, you’re not the only one who’s gained a little relationship weight, I have too, it’s a sign of happiness.”
“I guess you’re right.” Hobie said with a chuckle, placing a kiss on Miles’ forehead. “You’re so smart lovey.”
“Yeah I know.” Miles said, leaning into Hobie. Hobie wrapped his arms around Miles and held him close. They remained like that in silence until both their stomachs growled.
“Hey… we still have any of that cake your mom dropped off ?” Hobie asked.
“We should.” Miles said, looking up at Hobie. “You thinking what I’m thinking ?”
“Why don’t you go grab us some while I finish changing into some pants that fit ?” Hobie asked, smirking.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Miles said, letting go of Hobie and running off to the kitchen.
Hobie sighed with a smile of admiration. Maybe gaining a bit of relationship weight wasn’t so bad as long as it was happening with Miles.
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littleandless · 3 months
thoughts on season 2 episode 3:
“nonbinary bracken” has been occupying my thoughts for at least 2 days so it was delightful to see them in action
poor rhaena! she’s obviously very resentful of her current role, but it is important so idk :/ the feeling of being a dragonless targaryen is probably so strange, especially in a time where mature dragons are required if you want to be of any real importance. and corlys obviously does NOT want her to be his heir, despite rhaenys’ support of it. truly sad stuff.
i know the dragonseeds are an important part of the dance, but it feels strange when they cut to scenes about seemingly random characters. if not for closed captions i probably wouldn’t have realized that was ulf!
i’m honestly surprised that aegon expected his new bros kingsguard members to uphold their vows of chastity. it seems strange and naïve for such a bawdy character.
it was so sad watching aegon laugh at aemond, especially since we just saw him tell sylvi “they used to tease me.” well apparently they still do :( poor meow meow. but he managed to walk away with his head held high and his shaft bare for all to see. good for him!
the “capture” of harrenhal felt very lame. daemon ~his grace~ felt more like a kicked dog nursing his wounds than a badass soldier acquiring support for his cause.
anyway they seem to be embracing the supernatural elements of harrenhal so YAY hallucinations etc etc.
am i crazy or did that “you will die here” sound very american? i had to replay it because it just sounded so out of place but maybe it’s just me.
MILLY ALCOCK RETURNS? don’t tease me, showrunners.
alicent being disregarded at the small council meeting…again.
helaena said “i forgive you.” but for what? is she trying to help alleviate her mother’s religious guilt, because she believes it was a punishment for her sins? i’m genuinely a bit confused about the significance of this. but it clearly meant a lot to alicent so +1 mother-daughter point.
criston has a very jarring haircut between scenes.
i forgot alicent even had a brother. the microaggressions are not cool gwayne! dornish people are cool, you just happened to meet one who isn’t.
i thought alicent giving cole her favor would be more of a romantic moment, but at this point i think his sheen has worn off in her eyes.
rhaenyra sneaking into the sept was insane. truly not a good plan, but man was it the juiciest thing ever. i loved it. alicent giving major side-eye to this random septa who chose to sit right next to her even though there’s a ton of empty space elsewhere…the shaky knife placement. lots of scoffing and blustering. “i’ve begun badly” LOL.
i was wondering when the song of ice and fire would be brought up again. once rhaenyra explained a bit about it, i think alicent realized that she fucked up, despite believing (mayhaps a bit delusionally) that viserys actually changed his mind. but she’s right. it’s too late!!!!!!! womp womp.
also why is alicent wearing a glossy lip? it feels so out of place in this universe.
she looks pretty, but very different from her adult presentation in season 1. she seemed more like a dowager then than she does now. she was basically covered from wrist to ankle but now she’s got looser hair, lower necklines, noticeable makeup, and even her seven-pointed star necklace has decreased in size. maybe it’s her way of breaking free from the queenly image and reclaiming her lost youth.
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
opal angel
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jacaerys velaryon x reader
summary; the crown prince Jacaerys finds himself falling for his mother's new queensguard.
note: this one's just a cute short idea I had<3 if you guys want this to be a series, comment!
She was a witch. She had to be.
It wasn't even the fact that he had managed to break laws and tradition thousand years old to train as a knight and consider herself an option as one of the queensguard, It was definitely not the fact that though she fights with the will of a dragon and and strength of ten men, she carries a face so saintly contrasting her rough playing personality.
It was the fact that with all his better judgement and logical thinking, His breath still quickens and his fingers tremble when he enters a room and she's there, as his eyes will always look for her when she's not.
He wondered what it was like in her head, she was always respectful, stoic, but he'd never consider her boring, he was too enthralled with her to consider her anything like that. He wanted to know her deeper than she presents herself, to hold her heart with his own hand and know every beating second and veins of it with his own.
Seven hells, he was in love with her.
And he can't fucking have her.
"I think [name] would be the perfect addition to your queensguard to be honest, I mean, it's about time we make sure the whole system is- uh- fair? and, I mean, just because women are traditionally known for house work doesn't mean they can't fight-" he was rambling.
And his mother sees right through him.
"Since when were you such an enthusiast for women's rights?" Alright then, when she puts it like that ..
He gapes at her baffled and he could see she's trying her best to fight a laugh.
"Wh- I'm just saying, you, were chosen as heir againts years of tradition also, I'm simply respecting the bravery of the revolutionary women of the kingdom-"
"Alright, alright. You can relax, I'm simply teasing you my boy. I absolutely agree she would be a solid addition to our protection, and a bold statement for the improving and modernizing of our generation. Thank you, for your suggestion." She gives him a knowing look and smiles at the hilariousness of the conversation as he tries to play it cool and leaves his mother's room.
You couldn't believe the news you were receiving from See Harrold, you can't decide if you were happy or disappointed either.
The honor that came with being a queensguard was immense, but the reminder that the only reason you were there was because the crown prince favoured you was constant in your head and in the eyes of every other guard.
She's a woman, the only reason she made it was because of some stupid crush the prince holds for her. That's what they were all saying.
It's as if they can't accept that you simply outshined them all in the eyes of the royal family for reasons that aren't regarding your gender.
You appreciated the gesture of the prince, and you can't exactly be upset with him as the rumours of him being in love with you were all just rumours, and you've always held yourself above such nonsense. Also maybe, you too have been taking a liking to him yourself.
An impossible dynamic to happen, but you can't exactly choose who you gain feelings for.
You knew as much as you hated how everyone judged you, it was not his fault, people were bound to talk either way for your boldness of going againts traditional ways of women. All he did was make them angrier for giving you what you earned.
And for that, you thought, he deserves your gratitude and thanks. So that is why you're stalking him walking back from the training grounds after a session with his brother trying to build up the courage to engage in a conversation first.
You speak immediately before he opens the door to his chambers to enter.
"My prince-" He flinches in suprise at your voice turning back to you.
"-[Name]- were you following me?" He asks cautiously, though you caught the glimpse of amusement in his eye.
You fight a stutter trying to appear confident. "Of course not my prince, I simply saw you just now." You casually lie.
He grins at you knowingly and you find yourself reciprocating it.
Realization of why you were actually hits you and you shook yourself out of the daydream his beautiful brown eyes has trapped you in.
"I- I'm actually here, to personally give you my thanks. Ser Harrold told me that it was by your gracious recommendation that I have been chosen by the Queen herself. I owe you my gratitude, my prince, I will forever be indebted to you for such honor." You speak truthfully.
His eyes soften at your statement and he shocks you as his hands reaches out to hold yours in them. "You are never, and will never owe me anything, [name]. It is us that would be honored to have such a loyal and fierce warrior of a woman for our protection." He smiles gently at you and you blush as his continues kindness towards you.
You've just sworn your oaths and yet in this moment, the idea of breaking it doesn't sound so bad, not when he's looking at you like you've hung the moon.
You squeeze his fingers and slowly let go of them. You almost regret it, immediately missing the warmth of his gentle hands.
You nod at his reply to your thank, not knowing how to reply to such statement.
"Regardless, of your kind words, I myself will forever hold this act of kindness close to my heart and memory, I won't let you or the queen down, on that, you have my word." You swore to him promisingly.
His smiles widens at your oath. "I know you won't. I put my trust in you." He whispers.
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kasagia · 2 years
Our little game pt. 5
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x witch! reader Summary: Klaus is making a major, huge mistake of his life, for which you are paying the price. Will you be able to forgive him? Or maybe it's too late for everything. Warning(s): angst, talk about death, Klaus fights and suffers because of Mikael, family drama, blood, violence, curses, I used some famous lines from TVD and TO Word count: 6,9k
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Third person's POV | 2 hours earlier
The original hybrid left the party in a hurry, loosening his tie as he practically ran towards the parking lot. His younger brother was right behind him, barely catching up with him.
"Nik! Wait a minute!" Kol screamed, grabbing his brother's elbow and stopping him halfway. He completely ignored his hostile, stern look and continued. "We need to think it over."
"All we need to do is get rid of him from our lives once and for all!"
"We can't do it alone. We need Freya…"
"Freya will never stand against him! We're on our own unless you're a coward." the man cut him off, yanking his arm out of his grip.
"Well, let's at least take Elijah…"
"I'm not going to ruin our brother's wedding day! I already killed him once; I can do it again. We have to hurry before he calls for backup. Will you help me, or should I rely on myself?" Kol sighed as he studied his brother's determined face. If they had attacked out of the blue, they might have been able to defeat him together while he was still weakened.
"All right. But we're keeping Davina out of it."
"As well as Y/N." they nodded to each other and walked hand in hand towards the parking lot.
Klaus had to do it quietly. His little witch needed a break, and a fight with the Mikaelsons' psychopathic father wouldn't help her at all (or convince the woman to stay in New Orleans much longer than she planned). Elijah deserved a respite from his problems, and so did Rebekah. Nor could he rely on Freya's strength and power forever. After all, she wasn't immortal like them; she had her limits like any witch. Kol and he had to deal with it on their own. For everyone's sake.
"Do you even know how he managed to get back to the surface of the earth? I thought you killed him for good last time."
"Believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are."
"You think it's the mother's work? She has regained her powers and is resurrecting all our enemies from the other side?"
"You tell me. You spent a few months there before we finally begged your witch to help us bring you back. What were our parents' moods?"
"You know, I tried not to get too close to them. But I met your father; he's actually a nice guy."
"What did you say?" he asked in shock, staring at his brother in pure surprise.
"Yeah, I was surprised too when he saved me from Mikael and introduced himself as your dad. We had a bit of a fight at first, but he turned out to be a good guy."
"You met… my father."
"Maybe it's not a good time, but I think you should know that. If he somehow magically appears here, and I'm pretty sure he'll do it; he's said many times that he'll get the fuck out of here as soon as he gets a chance, you shouldn't hurt him. Hope deserves at least one normal grandpa. Ansel would be a good fit for this; he was babbling about her all the time, and my head was bursting as he raved about her. You know I love her, but how much can you talk about a baby? Hey? Nik?" he shook his brother's shoulder as he sat silently in the driver's seat, not bothering to start the car.
"How did he know about Hope?"
"He's been keeping an eye on you since… you know. He probably knows everything about you, which is actually as scary as it is cute."
Klaus continued to listen to Kol's story in silence. As he drove the car, he pondered the new message. His father watched over him.
His real father.
The one who supposedly abandoned him and didn't care for him...
Could that be true?
Could he believe it?
Allowing himself to live a boyish fantasy of having a father who truly cares for him? He could believe that Esther would be able to lie to him about his real father's feelings toward him, and it was hardly possible that Kol could be so cruel. So, could Klaus have been so lucky after all?
Could he have had the love of his true father, the beloved daughter who was the light in his dark life, and the love and devotion of a woman he wanted more than anything in this world?
Could Klaus, after so many years of pain, sorrow, and fury, be given such enormous blessings?
He found out a few hours later.
He found out a few hours later, when he and Kol were returning as fast as they could to their family after Mikael nearly killed them two. However, it wasn't just the two of them in the car on their way back...
"Father! Come, come wherever you are!"
It was supposed to go fast and smoothly. Klaus was supposed to act as bait (after arguing with Kol for several hours, they played paper, rock, scissors, and he lost… 10 times), and Kol was meant to heroically step in with a white oak stake and try to kill their father.
Piece of cake. Nothing possible could go wrong.
But it did. Very, very quickly.
They underestimated Mikael's ability to win people over. While Klaus was able to single-handedly take down his father's band of minions and come out of the fight uninjured, the fight against Mikael proved to be more of a challenge. Especially since he had a bit of an advantage over them...
"You're alone, boy? Did your siblings finally abandon you?"
"Don't worry about them. I don't need anyone else to help me send you back to hell."
"Very courage from your side to assume you can kill me all alone. Or stupid. I think the second one suits you much better. You didn't change at all, Niklaus. Thousand years, and you're still a quick-tempered, impulsive boy seeking the approval of others. I guess you've never learned from your mistakes. But it's even better for me. It'll be so easy to finally end your miserable life."
"Thousand years of trying, and you were never close enough. What makes you sure this time will be different?"
"This time, I know your weakness." Klaus' heart stopped for a moment in fear. He couldn't talk about Hope. His daughter was safe with Hayley, the pack, surrounded by Freya and Y/N with all sorts of protective spells.
"I don't have any."
"Don't you?" he looked at him carefully with a sinister smirk on his lips. "Then let me remind you. The blonde one, powerful witch you've met not so long ago. Y/N, right? Her blood must taste ambrosial with such magic running through her veins. She would make such a beautiful corpse, don't you think? "Klaus' composure dropped to zero, and his and Kol's plan went to hell. No one will threaten his witch, especially Mikael.
Without thinking, he lunged at the man, trying to punch him in the face. Mikael braced for his outburst, grabbed his fist, and twisted his arm. Klaus shouted, twisting his hand out of his grip, and pushing him to the boxes behind him. Mikael staggered, trying to regain his balance. The hybrid took advantage of this by throwing a metal rod at him and speeding towards him with the intention of snapping his neck. The older man grabbed the object flying towards him, pierced Klaus' side, and pushed, sending him crashing to the floor.
Klaus pulled the metal out of his body, but the wound on his side wouldn't heal. Suddenly he felt as if his whole body was on fire; every nerve in his body shot through with unimaginable pain. He felt as if his mother had put a curse on him, cutting him off from his werewolf side.
Suddenly, a circle of fire formed around him, and none other than the mother of the originals emerged from the shadows, muttering a familiar spell that began the 1,000-year search for the doppelgänger and the moonstone. Panic rose in him, along with the pain he felt.
NO! He couldn't go through it again!
"Who'll fight for you now, boy?!" Mikael shouted, walking slowly over to him and pulling a white oak stake from his coat pocket, patiently waiting for his wife to finish her spell and get rid of her unwanted son from their lives once and for all.
"I will." Kol stepped out of the shadows, pushing his father away from the circle where his older brother was trapped. Mikael laughed, looking at his son with contempt.
"I was wondering which of you would come to rescue this abomination. I never expected you'd be the first one to protect him. Wasn't he the one who locked you in a coffin for centuries? Will you defend him after what he did to you? You know best of all what he's capable of. Don't you want revenge? To see him suffer for all his sins against you? Join us, my son. Let's do justice to him together."
"Forgive me, father. I'm not on the retirement team." Mikael's smirk fell, and an ominous, dark look returned in its place.
"So you will watch your failure."
Mikael threw himself at his son in an instant, overpowering him. He turned his back to him and clamped his hand around his neck, forcing him to watch as his brother writhed on the floor in pain, occasionally getting close enough to the fire to sear him. Kol shuddered.
"In a moment, your mother will finish reciting the spell, and your treacherous brother will become nothing but a vampire again, and then... I will pierce him through before your eyes, son, so that you will remember once and for all how those who oppose me end up. Maybe then you'll join us."
"I'd rather die." Kol growled, trying to wriggle out of his father's grip.
"So you will."
And then, when everything seemed over for the two siblings and all hope of survival was lost, the appearance of one person changed the fate of the originals.
Suddenly, a wooden bolt shot out of the darkness of the building and pierced Esther's stomach, causing her to break her spell. The woman fell to the floor, screaming. Another wooden stake flew towards Mikael, who was forced to let go of Kol and catch the flying piece of wood before it hit him.
Klaus stopped shaking in pain, taking quick, heavy breaths. He used his remaining strength to look at his savior.
It couldn't be true…
"Get away from my son!"
Ansel jumped off the container, falling right in front of Klaus and shielding him with his own body. He held his crossbow high, aiming it at an angry Mikael. Kol stood beside him, handing him a white oak stake, which Mikael dropped and took out their weapons himself.
"I've already killed you once!"
"And I can already tell you that this time the ending will be different. Now, get out of here, or I will skin you for what you have done to MY SON."
"What can you do to me?! I'm a vampire, the original! Some weak werewolf can't kill me!"
"Be careful. That weak werewolf has many friends, and some of them..." Mikael and Esther cried out in pain as they fell to their knees on the floor. "Are very powerful witches. Touch my son again, and I'll kill you right away, without a blink. But for all of this, you've already done to him..." more bolts fired from his crossbow, wounding the parents of the originals. Most of them were aimed at the seething with anger Mikael.
"Kol. Take your brother out. I'll join you in a second."
"Are you sure, old man?"
"Yes. Just give me a few seconds." Kol nodded uncertainly to him, not wanting to leave Ansel alone with his parents at all. But the younger original carefully took his exhausted brother into his arms and carried him outside at vampire speed.
The werewolf took a few steps towards the kneeling two, firing the few bolts he had left at the man. Esther screamed shrilly beside them as the witches continued to torture her with their magic.
"I'll make sure you suffer in ways even your cruel, psychopathic mind can't imagine and believe me... a thousand years on the other side teaches great creativity and patience, Mikael." Ansel drove one of the stakes through Esther's heart and watched with satisfaction as the woman who had kept his only son away from him fell to the floor dead. "He'll suffer one more time because of you, and I'll make sure you don't get any peace even on the other side. I hope you understand."
"This whore of his will die before he gets to her! You won't protect him from that."
"We'll see. Again, please!" Mikael howled louder in pain as the witches strengthened their attack. Ansel smiled slightly.
Ansel left the warehouse, leaving the vampire writhing in pain behind him. He had more important things on his mind than torturing him. His son needed him, and he wasn't going to spend a single minute doing anything other than helping him.
After all, family was the most important thing. For always and forever.
Kol drove the car, watching the two men in the back seat in the mirror. Ansel told him to get back to their siblings as soon as possible, especially Y/N.
The original had already learned on the other side that it was better to follow his orders. Ansel usually knew what he was doing, and after saving Kol countless times, he had the younger vampire's full trust.
Klaus could be a little more like him.
"What are you laughing at there, jester?" Ansel asked, looking up from his sleeping son and noticing the smirk on Mikaelson's face.
"Don't get offended, but he is nothing like you."
"I know, and I'm proud of him. He's his own person."
"Elijah will be delighted when you tell him that. Another believer in Nik's redemption."
"He is my son. Of course I believe in him and want the best for him." Kol's face morosed as he remembered how, just an hour ago, his father had tried to kill him and nearly ended his brother's life. "Don't make such a face. He is not your father. No father would make his child suffer. He doesn't deserve your attention, thoughts, or anything."
"But he's right about one thing. We are monsters."
"No. You're all lost. You may be a thousand years old, but really you are like children who have not been taught how to be adults. You know no other way to deal with your emotions than to succumb to this bloodlust. The worst of all is that you've allowed yourselves to be told that you are monsters when everything you do is out of your will to survive or strong feelings."
"A living ticking time bomb, eh?"
"If that's what you want to call it." Ansel murmured, shifting his gaze to his only son. Kol glanced at the two men in a car mirror.
Klaus will be damn surprised to see such a caring and tender look in his biological father's eyes. But he deserved it. After everything Miakel and Esther had put him through—what they all went through because of their parents—they deserved a normal, healthy relationship.
Kol would give anything to have someone like a werewolf for a dad.
"He needs you. Don't fuck it up." instead of admitting this childish desire to himself, he decided to warn Klaus' father. 
"I'm not going to waste my chance, Kol. This is rarely: to come back from the other side."
"I'm still going to keep my eye on you. Especially around Hope."
"I would expect nothing less from you."
"Good. Wake up our princess. We're almost there."
They expected it to be hard. Some hidden group of vampires and witches ready to attack at any moment, maybe a few deadly traps await them.
They wouldn't have expected the house to go up in flames. Vampires didn't usually die from fire... but humans did.
Klaus got out of the car the moment he saw the burning building. He didn't care that Kol hadn't stopped the car yet or that his newly found father was sitting right next to him.
All the original hybrid had on his mind was getting to Y/N as fast as he could.
He screamed her name and ran like a madman through the collapsing house. She had to be around here somewhere, unless she evacuated. The man did not allow even the slightest thought that his beloved could be trapped in the building, dead from the fire. He had to find her, lock her in a safe place, defeat Mikael, and return to his love, only to finally reveal his feelings to her and keep her with him where she belonged. There was no other way out of this situation.
However, Klaus, despite his best efforts, found someone completely different.
Katherine Pierce-Mikaelson lay unconscious among the collapsing ruins of the hall. Klaus stopped. Dark thoughts flooded his mind. How easy it would be to leave her here once and for all and let some stray plank fall and pierce her stoned heart. He shook his head.
Whether he wanted it or not, she was part of the family now. And he never left them behind. (Also, Y/N wouldn't approve of him leaving her friend to die. Elijah wouldn't be too pleased either.)
He took her in his arms and carried her out of the building. He laid her down on the grass, checking to see if she was injured.
"NIKLAUS! KATERINA!" Klaus raised his head, turning his gaze to his brother, who was running towards them. "Is she okay?! Where is Kol?! KOL?!" the elder brother rushed home after making sure his wife and Klaus were okay.
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The hybrid caught up with him and grabbed his jacket, stopping him from entering the building.
"He is fine. Have you seen Y/N?" Elijah fell silent, looking away from his younger brother. Klaus grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him to look into his eyes. "WHERE IS Y/N?!" he shouted, shaking him.
"Niklaus..." the hybrid didn't even bother to listen to him.
He let go of the lapels of his jacket and ran towards the collapsing building, but before he could get close to the fire, his brother caught him. Klaus tried to break free from his grip. They both fell to the ground, fighting until the younger original snapped the older's neck.
"NIK!" his sister's scream stopped him from going home again, he ran towards her. Rage and fear shone in his eyes.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" he shouted at the jittery blonde. He had to get to Y/N, and his sister's tearful, devastated face didn't show she was safe. His anxiety and panic only increased as he searched Rebekah's eyes for any answer.
"She... she is in our house." Klaus had never felt such need and blissful relief flood him so quickly. Unfortunately, it left him as fast as it came. "She is in transition."
The original froze. He felt as if the whole world stopped around him for a moment. The one thing Klaus wasn't sure how Y/N would take in their (then very likely) future relationship was her possible transformation into a vampire. Now that it was actually happening, Klaus worried what his beloved's reaction would be.
"What? But... how?"
"Our father's minions attacked the building. Elijah and I managed to escape in time and evacuate Freya. Katherine was supposed to join us with Y/N, ​​but they never showed up. We went back into the building and found her with a metal rod in her chest. We thought she was dead, but Freya did some weird tricks on her, and it turned out she had vampire blood in her system. Your blood, Nik. I'm so sorry."
"They attacked Katerina. They snapped her neck when she tried to help Y/N. We need to find them and Mikael. They will die for what they did." he growled, preparing a very savage plan of attack in his head.
He would destroy those who hurt his love. They will be begging him to send them to hell quickly.
"Klaus! You knew that, right? That our father returned. Is that why you disappeared with Kol? You went to kill him on your own and you lost. You provoked him, so now it's our fault that Y/N is dead."
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MY PLANS WERE!" he shouted furiously. Rebekah had no right to say that when all he was doing was trying to protect Y/N and his family.
"THAT'S THE PROBLEM, NIK, IT'S ALWAYS YOUR PLANS AND NEVER OURS! And now Y/N is dead and it's all your fault!"
Her sudden statement restored complete silence, broken only by the sound of the burning house. Klaus quickly came to the conclusion that the sound of the fire burning in the fireplace, instead of bringing him relief and peace as before, would become the cause of his anxiety, a memory of the fear and horror he felt today. Another trauma for the collection.
"She won't be one of us. She will die, Nik, and you will have the blood on your hands of the only person who has ever truly loved you."
"YOU'RE LIAR! SHE WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME!" he shouted, feeling the tears start to gather dangerously in his eyes.
"Are you sure?"
Klaus screamed, rushing furiously at his sister, but a strong hand on his shoulder stopped him.
"Be calm, son. Don't do something you'll regret. We'll go in turn. We'll kill Miakel first and then deal with Y/N, right?"
"And who the bloody hell are you?" Rebekah asked, eyeing the newcomer suspiciously. Especially when her brother hadn't ripped his arm off or maimed him after he touched him.
"Rebekah, this is my father... Rebekah!" Klaus screamed as the blonde vampire walked over to the older man and slapped him across the face.
"It's okay, Niklaus. I think I deserved it." Ansel groaned in pain, clutching his sore cheek.
"What do you want from him?" she growled, shielding her brother from him with her body. The Mikaelsons' experience had taught them to be careful in their dealings with their parents. They didn't have a very good experience. Klaus, on the other hand, rolled his eyes at his sister's protectiveness. If Ansel wanted to hurt him, he would have done so long ago; he certainly wouldn't have saved him from the clutches of death. Which didn't mean he trusted his father. He would have to deserve it and prove his good intentions to the sibling.
"I want to protect him. He's my son."
Klaus' heart beat faster. His son. It had been a long time since anyone had said that about him (he doubted he'd ever heard those words spoken with such pride and feeling). After all, Klaus wasn't made of stone. He could pretend his father's attitude didn't bother him, but he guessed they all knew how it affected the cruel hybrid. But before their big family meeting about Ansel could take place, they had to defeat their parents. And nothing unites and strengthens family bonds like hunting down their enemies.
"I threw the newlyweds in the car! If you've finished this dramatic scene, get your ass to the car before we all burn up from this fire, behind you, idiots!"
Maybe Klaus would have taken his father into the family after all. He would make a great replacement for his annoying little brother...
I groaned as I slowly began to regain consciousness.
My head was bursting like hell, my throat felt like a desert, and the lights of the New Orelan lanterns that flooded into the room blinded me, causing me additional pain.
I felt like I had a huge, unforgettable hangover.
However, I don't remember much from last night. I guess I got drunk at the wedding faster than I thought and ended up in Klaus' bedroom again. At least he cleaned up after our recent… activities.
I slowly got out of bed. The world seemed to spin in my head. I closed my eyes, trying to compose myself. Suddenly, I heard an awfully loud jazz band playing in the streets of New Orleans. I swallowed, wondering who normal plays at night under other people's windows.
Someone entered the house with a bang, slamming the door mercilessly behind them. I hissed, clutching my throbbing head in pain. I've never had such a big hangover in my life.
Klaus came in covered in blood. Instantly, I felt the excitement flooding into my body, and my tongue moved to wet my chapped lips. I felt hotter in the room. My god, I fucked him only 24 hours ago, I couldn't be such a whore to him.
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"Y/N." he sighed, standing stunned in the doorway. Well, he probably wasn't expecting me in his bedroom again.
"After all the noise outside, I can tell you didn't get rid of those musicians after all. Who did you fight? And please don't tell me it was Elijah." I asked, trying to control my sudden and unexpected turning on by the hybrid in the blood. Fucking hormones before a period.
"Do not change the subject. With your super-hearing, there's no way you can't hear it." the man gave me a concerned look as he approached me. "Okay, I'm starting to worry. What happened to you?"
"Y/N..." he whispered, reaching for me, but I took a step away from him and wrinkled my nose.
"There's no way I'm letting you hug me or even touch me when you're covered in blood. Know my good heart, I'll clean you." I made a familiar flick of my wrist, but to my surprise, nothing happened… my magic didn't even move in my veins. I tried again, but nothing happened. I transferred my annoyed, hostile gaze to the original. What right did he have to lock me up in his house and block access to my magic?! "What the hell have you done to my magic?! Why did you keep it from me?! What kind of game are you playing right now?!"
"Y/N, I need you to calm down..."
"DON'T TOUCH ME! What did you do to me?! Why can't I feel my power?!"
"I'm so sorry, love."
"No… you can't just imply that… No." I shook my head in disbelief, unable to accept what he was trying to tell me. He must have been making cruel fun of me. But his painful, worried expression indicated otherwise.
"You're in a transition, Y/N."
"No, no, no. I can't! I didn't even drink a vampire's blood or die!"
"You drank from me last night, and today at the wedding, my father's minions disrupted the party. They started a fire and…"
"NO! You're lying! I can't be a vampire!"
"Y/N, please just listen to me..." he took a step towards me, but I backed away from him in panic, afraid to be so close to the man covered in blood... I could smell the wonderful, intoxicating smell of the red liquid on him.
"DON'T come closer. It is impossible. Are you playing some sick game, or is that some fucking plan of yours? A way to get me stuck here?"
"You think I'd stoop so low that I could do something like that to you? One of the few people I care about more than myself?!"
"You tell me. I don't know you."
"Do you really want to argue the same thing over and over again? When do we both know the truth?"
"I'm in transition, I'm scared, I'm angry, and I feel like my whole body is on fire with pain, and you're still able to bring everything back to our fucked-up relationship? You are an unbelievable narcistic psycho."
"Well, I know a very simple solution to your problems." he walked over to his desk and opened a drawer, leaving a bloodstain on the wood. He turned back to me, tossing me a bag of blood. "Drink."
"Are you crazy?! I'm not going to turn into that bloodthirsty thing that you are!"
"I've never heard such a beautiful compliment, love. Now. Drink. Before I pour it down your throat."
"You can't fucking make me!" I screamed, throwing a bag against the wall, which wasn't a good idea at all as its contents started to run down the wall, creating a small puddle on the floor. My gums involuntarily itched. My stomach rumbled as the delicious smell of fresh blood hit my nostrils.
I closed my eyes, sighing as I tried to control the overwhelming hunger. Klaus took advantage of my moment of weakness, coming over to me and enclosing me in a tight, strong hug. The smell of blood that covered him attacked my senses.
It was funny how his arms were both the only place that could bring me peace and make me fearful of the inner need caused by the vampire blood in my system.
"I can see how you are struggling and how persistently you are trying to overcome it. But why fight it? Why when you can get so much? Have you ever thought about the benefits of being a vampire? Your lovely, pretty face will never age a day, being able to dazzle others with its unimaginable beauty forever. All human diseases and ailments will disappear. You will be able to enjoy eternal life, discovering the mysteries and wonders of this world, even if not with me by your side, then with someone who will worship you until the end of this world. All you have to do is drink some blood and let us take care of you until you learn to control yourself. Is that such a big price to pay for eternal life?" he let me pull away from him a little so I could look into his eyes as he held me tight, desperately trying to convince me to stay alive.
"Who said it would be a happy life? That I'll learn to control myself and not go crazy or become a ripper? That I won't come back covered in the innocent blood of humans every night like you?"
"I must admit I'm a little offended, but I won't blame you for making such vicious accusations against me." he said it in such a tone that I laughed involuntarily, bringing a tender smile to his face. He could always make me laugh, even in the darkest of times. "It's the blood of Mikael and his minions; they definitely weren't innocent, love. Besides, I know you. You will not attack an ordinary man for your own pleasure. And even if you want to, I'll make sure you don't do anything stupid."
I got out of his grip, walking away from him to a safe distance. I might have been in transition, but of the two of us, the man was still the more impetuous. His reaction to my final decision may vary, and I prefer not to risk an untimely death by suffocation.
Besides, Klaus would never forgive himself for that.
"I can't, Nik. I won't feed." his calm facade dropped, and the desperation in his eyes and fear became more evident.
"Y/N just listen to me..."
"It seems like the only fair way out, you know? I helped you plan that stupid wedding; now, at least, you can return the favor by giving me a big, epic funeral."
"Don't even joke like that."
"You know, when Bonnie became sort of an anchor for dead supernaturals to find their way to peace or whatever it is, I couldn't believe at first that the dead actually went somewhere. It seems logical that after you've lived so many years with all these super powers, you just… die. No special effects, no second life, or another reality where there are other dead people. Now, I wish I believed in an afterlife, but I just don't buy this peace story."
"Vampirism is by definition an afterlife."
"I'd rather go into the unknown than live in pain." as if on cue, a sudden, painful spasm seized the left half of my body, causing me to double up... I thought I was beginning to decay from the inside out.
Klaus was near me in no time, holding me up. Fear and despair were painted on his face so clearly that I had to look away from him to chase away the remorse.
"The longer you wait, the more you'll suffer."
"Yeah. I think it's better this way. I mean, look at me. I'm gonna make a super-hot corpse. Perfect for an open casket..."
"I want a huge party. Everyone has to drink themselves into oblivion and reminisce about all the happy times, funny jokes, or God knows what else. And don't let Kol officiate my funeral, because he'll definitely bring up that stupid story about drunk me flirting with you in a wedding dress or that you were my last fu..."
"STOP IT!" he shouted, interrupting me."I'll not entertain this kind of talk any longer. You must feed. I need you." he growled, glaring at me madly as if that had ever impressed me or worked on me.
He wanted a furious lovers quarrel? Here we go, I'll give him a fucking, last argument.
"This is not about you, this is about me! I liked who I was! I've spent my entire life being that exact version of myself! Years of hard practice and experimentation with my magic went for nothing. I'm nothing! I will never be who I used to be. It is better if I die as someone I'm proud of than live as someone I despise!"
"NO! It is better to live a flawed life than to waste it rotting in clay!"
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"But that's not your decision to make." I whispered with tears in my eyes.
He thought I wanted to die? Leaving the love of my life when our story was just beginning? That I didn't want that fucking fairytale ending where the princess got her prince charming?
But I was never a Cinderella, and Klaus was no cut-off to be a prince on a white horse. And we had to accept this.
"I HAVE NOTHING, KLAUS! Without my magic, I am a meaningless shell of my former self. I will always be just a shadow of the person I used to be, unable to cast even the simplest spell or feel the fucking energy of plants! My immortal life will be one big void that nothing can fill!" I walked over to him, taking his hands. I didn't want him to leave. Since I was about to die, I didn't want to do it alone. But I knew full well that he wouldn't stay with me to watch me die, because if I were in his place, I wouldn't be able to watch him go away forever either. "I don't want to live like this, Nik. I can't stand such a pain, and certainly nothing is worth it."
"If you want to go back to the arms of death so badly, I won't stop you. I only hope the bugs will eat your rotten body soon, love." he growled, pulling his hand out of my grip, and he stormed out of the room.
"Klaus! Wait!" I shouted after him, trying to take a step towards the door, but I was too weak to move. I slumped to the ground, letting all my heightened emotions come to light and burst into tears as I listened as the hybrid left the house, slamming the door angrily.
This wasn't how it was all supposed to be.
Everything was meant to fall into place after the wedding, but my life was coming to an inexorable end, and my epic true love left me alone and ran away, hurt by my refusal to accept eternal life by his side.
Suddenly, I felt arms pull me into a comforting, firm embrace as someone began to stroke my hair reassuringly. I looked up. It was Klaus' father.
Klaus told me about it several times and even showed me one of the most traumatic memories for him—finding his biological father, pierced through and through by Mikael's sword. I spent half the night with him then, trying to distract his mind from his memories about his true origin.
Apparently, Ansel must have returned with the parents of the originals. He must have trusted him to let him into his mansion.
"All right. He will calm down a bit and come back to you, darling. He will not waste the last hours with his beloved on pointless wandering in anger around the city."
"I... don't want to hurt him. I just can't... I... was never supposed to become... It's all so fucked up." I sobbed, letting Ansel move me to Klaus' bed, so we were sitting next to each other.
"Try to understand him. The love of his life is dying, and while he could shove blood down your throat and save you, he can't do anything without your permission. He's powerless, and that's one of the few feelings my son doesn't take well."
"I don't think I can do it, Ansel. I don't want to be a vampire, but… I want him to be okay. He finally has some happiness and peace in his life, and I'm taking that away from him, making him unhappy again. If only I could turn back time and…"
"And do what? Never met him?"
"That would be best for him and his family."
"I think my son knows what's best for him. And I think..." he got out of bed, rolled up the carpet to get to the floorboards, and pulled out one board. He put his hand into the hole and pulled out a huge bundle of papers. He put everything back in its place and came over to me, handing me the package. "He discovered it himself a long time ago."
"What is it?" I asked, wiping tears from my cheeks, and (after wiping my hands on my dress) I took it from him.
"Something for you. Ah, these postmen! They always lose something or don't deliver it on time, don't they? I'll leave you with that for a while. I'll make sure you have some privacy." Klaus' father went out of the room, closing a door behind him.
A werewolf left me with the strange envelopes alone.
I looked at them distrustfully, not certain if I really wanted to open them. But my innate curiosity made me ask myself one important question all the time.
What was in them?
With trembling hands, I opened the first sealed envelope.
I'd recognize Klaus' practiced, beautiful handwriting anywhere. It's been haunting me since he sent me an invitation to Mikaelson's ball. After every little note he gave me, I could tell I was an expert at his refined handwriting. Thanks to this little obsession, after the first glance at the letter, I knew it was written by him.
Y/N, I have to admit, I'm a little offended that you're not answering my calls. Are you so busy with Mystic Falls stuff that you don't have time for old friends? It'd be nice to know you're alive, Klaus
My malicious witch, my nuisance, It's really awful of you to torment my poor soul. What have I done to deserve such a cold shoulder? Have your little friends turned you against me? If Rebekah and Katherine deserve weekly video calls, what do I have to do to have the honor of hearing your irritating voice? Stop with that attitude, or I'll show up in this musty hole myself, Klaus
A thorn in my side, a waking nightmare, I see you're ignoring me on purpose. I have to admit, I didn't expect such a game from you, but here you go. Want to play games? Expect me to be a willing participant. Let the best win, Klaus
My stupid little witch, Heretics will no longer bother you. Do not thank me. Put your life in danger for these morons one more time, and you will know my wrath, Klaus
My little tormentor, Have you cast a spell on me to think about you every night? Does this possession make me see you everywhere I go, only to be disappointed when I reach a person who is not you? Is this another one of your new tricks? Making me miss you awake and asleep? I swear I'll draw you into your own trap, Klaus
My lovely witch and the sweet bane of my existence, You win. I love you. Truly, madly, deeply. I dare you to come to me and get your price. Yours, Klaus
If it was possible, I cried more than before. Why now? Why didn't I find all these letters sooner? If only I had known about the letters sooner, now at least I would have had something to remember on the other side.
But the most important question was, did I really want to go to the other side, now?
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just finished season 6!!! idk how i managed to do that in such a short period of time but yay
once again here are my thoughts:
i liked season 5 way more sorry not sorry. there are some storylines this season that i really enjoyed but personally i loved season 5 and the insight it gave us into these characters and their traumas
the blimp emergency was really boring and stupid. were they even trying???
last season i was missing the med school storyline for hen. well this season i got it back! i dont really know how to feel, obviously im glad that hen isnt becoming a doctor and leaving the 118 but she worked so hard on it, it makes me sad. on the other hand she was and will in the future once again be a fantastic captain and i loved how both her and karen gave up some of their old dreams so they could fulfill their new ones.
i absolutely loved the episode with the explosion at karen's work place, i loved getting the insight into how they met and got together and eventually took in denny. i love these two and i love chim for being an awesome friend and wingman for introducing these two. once again, chim being a wonderful friend
the storyline about the little girl that went missing in athena's hometown??? oh my god, i love that they resolved that, giving her closure for that part of her life as well. i knew about a third of the way into the episode who was at fault, but it was still very interesting to watch and i loved seeing it get resolved.
can they please stop giving maddie the domestic abuse calls? that poor woman.
eddie struggling with chris growing up and leaning on buck for advice. maybe ill just die????
the episode of that famous actress just being involved in accidents again and again was hilarious, honestly her and eddie should remain friends. i wish we saw more of the 118 having friends outside of the team ngl
MAY GRANT THE ICON THAT YOU ARE!!! she is so effortlessly cool, i just cant describe how much i love her. she remained so calm and focused on the phone with that incel, i love her so much, i hope they keep bringing her back every once in a while
THE WENDALL STORYLINE??? that shit killed me... bobby cares so deeply about the people he loves, the people that have helped him. i loved this storyline so much, it was so beautiful and tragic i can't describe it. and athena just sticking by him even when no one really believed it could be anything BUT an OD??? i love them, i wish they were able to catch a break
denny?? i dont love that storyline, mainly because to me its clear that he should've just ASKED about his biological father. they clearly gave him the info about his biological mother, what was the problem with the other parent? very confused by it. also the biological father keeping this from hen and karen is so fucked up. i would've forbidden them from seeing each other at least for a while because that was fucked up from both of them. why did denny seemingly not get punished for lying and sneaking behind his mothers' back?? i truly dont get it, like yeah he wanted to know his father but the problem is sneaking around and lying because its DANGEROUS.
ngl the lightning scene always looked more dramatic in the edits, but holy shit the coma dream was wild. buck leaving it because he knew, no matter what, he couldn't bring back bobby. he might be able to fix the rest, but not bobby. and him not telling the real bobby in the end what had happened to his coma dream counterpart? i am about to start crying again. i loved seeing that his parents apparently are capable of caring about him. hopefully the show actually shows the parents apologising and growing and learning.....
chim and maddie buying the murder house is kind of insane. i mean it looks super cute but its insane. what the fuck??? also love the spontaneous family reunion....albert has a point but also what the fuck???? i love chim, he deserved better. if this show insists on trying to fix the character's relationships with their parents they better remain consistent with it and not forgive and forget after one episode.....
buck suddenly being a math genius after the coma is hilarious. doesnt make up for the lack of clipboard buck this season though
chim going back to the academy and getting ravi.... god i missed ravi so much, i want him as a main character or at least to show up MORE OFTEN than he is now. i love chim, i love seeing him work through his trauma of kevin dying, even just in the smallest way. and would love to see that one recruit that quit the academy actually work at dispatch.
so um.... eddie is going back to dating because his aunt wants him to? because his family wants him to? because that's what everyone is expecting of him? because that's what he learns he's supposed to do? because everyone is telling him to?... right. going to the golf club to find women to date....funny. i love marisol!!! she is so cute. what a shame that eddie is gonna traumatise her :((
oh my god almost forgot about the sperm donor storyline. honestly what a mess. i dont like it. clearly buck was the wrong person to do it, because the look on his face when he saw the baby that was biologically his??? i wanted to d!e.... what the fuck. why would they do that to him..... thats so fucked up. also having him help the mother of the child for... weeks???? and then also assisting in the birth of said child???? JAIL. what the fuck. what the fuck.
natalia apparently "really sees him" after she asked him about dying??????????????????? im so confused about why he felt so strongly right away, he needs some therapy. like she is super pretty and super cool, dont get me wrong!! but it was one date... dude, get up.
the proposal storyline... not my fav but i loved maddie being the one to propose to chim!! that was adorable, i love the two of them together sososososo much..... and i love jee! she is adorable, especially when she drove buck crazy when he was babysitting her.
the catastrophe at the end of the season couldve maybe gotten dragged out more, with more stations assisting and without having chim, an experienced paramedic, moving around and removing an object that pierced him from his body, the one thing he always tells victims NOT to do. it could've be done a lot better i think, even if buck was really cool during it.
lucyyyyyyy i miss youuuuu and also lena bosko still!!!
i get what people meant when talking about the couch theory now. i get it. yessss couch theory!!!!!!
fun. idk how ill watch all of season 7 before s8 starts but yay!!!
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callsigndragon · 2 years
The Christmas Date | Chapter 10: Santa's coming for us
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Fem!Kerner!Reader
(Ron Kerner is Slider, Iceman’s backseater)
Wordcount: 2.3k
Summary: Y/n “Athena” Kerner and Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw hate each other. Everybody knows. What happens when they have to fake date for a whole week to avoid Iceman and Slider’s matchmaking plans?
(there won’t be smut in this series)
Warnings: this one is a bit angsty, y'all. FLASHBACK CHAPTER. mentions of comma, death, wanting to give up, mention of carole's death, funeral, Rooster trying to pull Thena's papers. fluff at the end.
A/N: i managed to finish this chapter and here it is, for all of you to enjoy (been working on it for more than a week, don't think i forced my self 🤍). Italics are all events from the past.
Taglist:@ducks118 @milestellerwife @craftymoonchaos @littlebadariell  @xoxabs88xox @alexxavicry  @tayrae515  @shrimping-for-all  @mak-32  @my-soulmate-is-mycroft  @harper1666  @purplevortexx  @abaker74  @ssprayberrythings  @melllinaa  @loveless-simp  @k-k0129  @mygyn  @castle-bookworms-world  @chaoticversion  @one-sweet-gubler  @loveforaugust
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Years ago
It took three days for Bradley to wake up. He could hear everyone. When the nurses came in to check his constants. Whenever one of his "uncles" stood beside the bed, praying for him to not give up. 
The young Bradshaw—the only Bradshaw left—was left without any reason to live. He didn't remember his father, being too young to have any clear memory left. He had lost his mother; she was like the sun, with a beautiful smile always shining until the very end. What did he have left? His father's friends, who had always looked at him with pity in their eyes? His friend, if he could still consider her so, was now lying in bed on the other side of the room. She would soon realize that he had destroyed her life, and she wouldn't want to breathe the same air as him. 
He didn’t have anything to live for anymore. 
And then, just as he was about to slip into the darkness that surrounded him, he heard a voice. Not any voice. The voice that cheered for him louder than the rest in the football matches. The sweet voice that wished him good luck before taking the last of his exams at high school. A voice he could replay in his mind at any time because it was the only sound he would have wanted to hear for the rest of his life if given the opportunity. 
Her voice. 
At first, he thought she was only trying to give him strength to wake up, even though the first thing he would have to face once he walked out of the hospital was a funeral. When he heard your sweet, heartfelt confession, he could almost feel your insides breaking at the thought of you losing someone you love. He knew how you felt, and if he could, he would do anything to spare you the agony. He had felt that for two years before his mom's body stopped fighting for her. The pain became like a friend, always there to greet him when he came back home from class, wishing him good night when the nightmares invaded his sleep; it was always there. And he didn't want you to feel like that. 
Rooster had lost that fear, only to find another one. What if he decided to fight and live just for you to hate him in the future? Would he be able to overcome that? No, he couldn't just make you his only reason to live. That wouldn't be fair for any of you. You were his reason to fight—to survive in a world that had nothing left for him. He would need to find new reasons to live. 
For hours, he considered all the possible options for his future. He should finish college first. That’s what his mother would have wanted. Maybe he could become an aviator like his dad. It was the dream that he had to leave aside to spend time with Carole. Now that she was gone, he could do it. He could become an aviator like his father and his uncles. And you would be at his side. 
Yes, that looked like a good future. 
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For reasons that not even Bradley understood, when he woke up the next morning, he acted like nothing happened. Like Y/n didn’t confess her feelings. A part of him was afraid that she only confessed out of fear, that perhaps she wasn’t prepared yet. He could wait. 
Y/n was beside him at Carole’s funeral. She couldn’t walk properly yet; she was in a wheelchair. But her hand was wrapped around his all the time. It was all the strength he needed. 
Her hand on his. 
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“I am waiting to hear back from the Naval Academy” 
That’s not the answer Bradley expected to hear when Maverick asked you what your plans were after high school. Not even a breath could be heard when you dropped that information. 
“When did you apply?” Slider asked, leaving the fork on his plate. 
“In May,” you said under your breath, shy due to all the sudden attention. 
“Were you ever gonna tell us?” your mom questioned while getting up from her chair and walking towards you with long steps. Rooster thought for a second, judging from her body language, that she was going to slap her daughter. "What were you waiting for, Y/n? How could you decide that without me and your father?" 
"My life isn't for you to decide, mom. Not anymore" 
"Terry, she's right," Slider sighed, kissing your forehead and whispering, "Have you thought carefully about it?" 
"Yes, dad. I want to be like you," you confessed, shiny eyes filled with emotion.
"Honey, I know that you are able to do anything you set your mind to, but…"
Rooster knew that the words following that weren't the ones you wanted to hear. 
"Maybe that's not a place for a girl," Slider stated, grabbing your hand between his. Your eyes quickly lose the emotion Bradley had previously noticed in them, as if it had never existed. 
"You don't think I can make it?" 
"I didn't say that" 
Whatever explanation Slider planned to give died on his lips when you ran away from the house. 
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Bradley found himself feeling the fear that tightened around his heart. He never thought you were incapable of being an aviator. In fact, he knew that you would be an amazing one. If anything, he thought that you would be very limited in the back seat position. You were made to be in control, to be in the front seat, and to feel the adrenaline while twirling around in the sky. He could imagine your smile while doing it; you had it in your blood. 
However, the fear of you having an accident just like his father and losing you forever—that was a feeling he couldn't shake off. Fear makes us do a lot of things that we shouldn't. And walking into Iceman's office to beg him to pull your papers was one of the things he shouldn’t have done.
"You want me to do what?" He repeated, wanting to make sure that he had heard Bradley asking him to betray his goddaughter. 
"I can't risk losing her, Tom." Bradley begged, tears in his eyes, "it's the only thing I have left. She can’t be a backseater." 
Iceman sighed, knowing that whatever his decision, he would lose one of his kids. "Bradley, I know you think you don't have anyone left but you have to look around and see all the people who love you and care fo-" 
"She's like the stars." Bradley breathed, not wanting to go as far as having to confess his feelings. “Dad was the moon, and Mom was the sun. Y/n is like the stars, Tom. She lights up the dark night I’ve been living since my mom died, and I can’t lose that light. She’s always guiding me to follow the right path. Just like Polaris, always pointing to the north. She’s my Polaris.” 
“Pull her papers, and you will extinguish her light, son.” 
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
“You love her” concluded Iceman, eyes staring into Bradlye’s ones, reading his soul like an open book.  
“I love her. And I’m so scared to lose someone else I love, Ice,” he choked up, all his feelings coming to the surface as he allowed himself to be vulnerable for the first time in months. He tried to be brave for months, hiding his emotions and not wanting to be a burden for anyone. 
Ice walked around the table to give Bradley a hug. The mask that the young man had been wearing since the funeral had fallen at last. He was just a boy who had been raised by the most loving woman he had ever met and was now learning to navigate in this world without her. 
“Let me give you some advice, Bradley. If you love someone, you have to trust that they make the right choices and support them” 
“Even this one?” Bradley mumbled while looking at the floor. He was too embarrassed to look at Iceman with his tear-stained face. 
“Especially this one, son,” the older man claimed, patting the younger man’s shoulder. “Now, go out there and forget about pulling Y/n’s papers. If she gets accepted or no, only time will tell” 
“You wanted to pull my papers?” 
The voice that once brought him back to life, so filled with pain and love at the thought of losing him, was then quiet, cold, and numb. She begged him to stay with him for months only for him to betray her in this way. How could he? What made him believe that he had anything to say in the matter? 
“Y/n, listen, it’s not what you think...” Bradley muttered, afraid he had lost her in the effort to hold onto the last remaining source of light in his life. 
“Not what I think? There’s no other possible explanation, Bradshaw” 
Bradshaw. Not Bradley. Bradshaw. His long name had never felt like an insult, but right now it felt like a bullet straight through his heart. Did she just hear the last part of the conversation? 
“Y/n, please, listen to me” 
"Don't ever talk to me again.” 
And then she turned around and left, while Bradley fell to his knees. Iceman stood there, knowing that it didn’t matter if he tried to explain what happened in that room—Bradley really tried to pull Y/n’s papers. He thought about it, and he wanted to do it. The damage was done the second he asked for it. Only time could make you forgive him, if you ever decided to. If not, well, there wasn’t anything he could do. 
Only time could tell. 
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“You only heard part of the conversation, Thena,” Bradley says, sitting down next to you. His hands are itching to touch you, but he knows he can’t. 
“I heard Iceman saying that you needed to forget about pulling my papers, Roos” 
“But you never heard why I asked him to do it” he insists. He wants you to know. If you are about to start a serious relationship, he wants all the secrets out in the open. 
You move your body, facing him, your eyes hinting at both fear and curiosity at the same time. “Tell me” 
“I was afraid of losing you in an accident, just like I lost my father. You wanted to be a backseater like your dad. When you’re in the back, you can’t control the aircraft; you are at someone else’s mercy. You not being in control of your own aircraft scared the shit out of me, grouchy. You were the only thing I had left,” he finally confesses, his lips pressed in a thin line, worried that his answer will make you more angry. 
“I understand that you were scared, but it wasn’t your decision,” you say, sighing and moving your hand slightly in his direction. 
“Iceman made me realize that. He made it clear that I could only support your decision to join the Navy.  
“So you… you didn’t want to pull my papers anymore?” 
"Not after hearing Ice say that. He had convinced me that when we love someone, we have to trust that they make the best decisions” 
You whisper, "You never tried to explain yourself, nugget," as your hand, which had been painfully edging toward Rooster's during the conversation, now tentatively touches his. 
“How could I? Was there any possible way that you would have forgiven me for what I tried to do?” he whispers back, as if this conversation was supposed to be kept a secret from the rest of the world. Nobody knows what Rooster did, everyone thinks that you two just fell apart, no longer being the two kids that gravitated towards each other. 
“No, not really”
“But I was there with you, every step of the way, after I got out of college. And then we met again at Top Gun”
"And we bickered like children," you laugh, your hand now completely encircling his. 
"It's what we've always done, fly girl." 
You nod, slowly closing that chapter of your life. You know that deep down, a part of you will always remember that he tried to put an end to your career before it had even begun. There’s no possible way that you can forget that. You forgave him years ago, but you will never forget. It doesn’t matter that his choices were based on fear. The damage was done, and the scar was there, invisible to the human eye, but marked in your soul. 
Rooster lifts your hand to his lips, softly kissing your knuckles. “Will you be able to forgive me?” 
“I already did, Roos. I love you too much to stay mad at you” 
“Did you say you love me?” Rooster asks, his face heating up and reddening like Rudolph’s nose. 
“... I thought it was obvious” 
“I m-mean it was 15 years ago, but I didn’t know you loved me now,” he stutters, suddenly feeling like a teenager in front of his crush. 
“Oh, nugget, don’t go shy on me now,” you joke, poking his cheek.
“Don’t tease me!” he whines, making you laugh. “I love you too, dumbass”
You can’t understand how you’re able to laugh after Solo and his obsessive behavior, but it feels good to shake that feeling away. Tomorrow you will go to the police station and report him, putting an end to his crazy activities. 
Tonight, however, you are spending quality time with the man you love. 
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 months
Glowing around you - Sasuhina Month Day 22
So I got the idea from seeing the prompt. Oddly, despite this show being one of my absolute favourites, it never accured to me to do a CCS SasuHina AU. I thought about it when I first started watching it, but not much ever came of it. But here we are. To make the ages a bit more clear, Sasuke, Hinata, Ino, Temari, Gaara and Naruto (last 3 are in here for like 1/4 of the story) are in middle school, specifically their last year. Kakashi and Iruka are in their first year of college. There is still age difference but a lot less weird if they were their standard ages. Kakashi's father adopted Hinata when she was a child, which is kinda mentioned but not fully dived into. Who knows, maybe I'll do another fic for this au. Enjoy. Neat & Messy | Ordenado y Desordenado
Capture & Release | Capturar y Liberar
The sounds of a sword cutting through the air was mainly heard when you walked through the door of the Uchiha apartment. Sasuke was sure anyone else would be very concerned at the sight of him practising with his sword in the middle of the living room but thankfully Itachi was more than used to it. his brother dropped the bags he held onto the kitchen island before grabbing the water pitcher from the fridge. Sasuke let the sword switch back into its sealed form when his brother handed him a glass of water.
“I’m telling you now, I’m not cooking.” Itachi said after his own sip. “It’s too hot to do anything.”
Summer was almost near an end and the second semester would start soon for the middle school students, including Sasuke. Not that he felt like he got that much of a break. Summer homework took what felt like ages to finish, not to mention all the Namikaze Cards.
Months ago, Sasuke moved from his home in Shanghai to Konoha, Japan for one reason. Powerful cards, filled with personalized magic created by the most powerful wizard of all time had been scattered all over Konoha by a seemingly normal girl. One who had no magic but managed to unlock the book keeping the cards contained and summon a card with no issue whatsoever. Sasuke was here to try and get the rest of the cards that were created by Namikaze Minato and become the new master. But he had competition, the seemingly normal girl. Hyuuga Hinata.
Sasuke didn’t care for the story of how the book came to be in her family’s possession, just that she got the affection of the guardian of the cards Kurama – the same one who fell asleep on the job which caused Hinata to accidently scatter them – who gave her the means to capture the cards. She could do what he couldn’t, return the card’s physical form back into a card and she was proving to be just as stubborn as he was in being the one the card choose to follow. But even competing against each other, Hinata went out of her way to be nice to him and as much as he wanted to ignore it, she was making increasingly hard. Most of the time he was helping her rather than trying to get ahead of her.
“Mm, before I forget,” Itachi said, putting his glass down and flopping on the couch, “there was a flyer for a festival at the Tsukimine Shrine. You should go. Also, put the groceries away.” He ordered.
Rolling his eyes, Sasuke did as he was ordered while complaining. “Why would I go to a festival?”
“Because you rarely ever do anything? If it’s not school or involving the Namikaze Cards, you’re at home training, studying or reading. Just, be a normal 15-year-old for once and go have fun. Who knows, maybe the delightful Hinata will be there.”
After an incident involving the Move Card, Hinata came to his house to get dry clothes and met his brother, who was completely taken with her. He thought her delightful and a breath of fresh air. Sasuke was sure his eyes had never rolled so much in one afternoon. Not to mention, Itachi kept trying to poke at him, telling him to be nicer and how good it was that he wasn’t being such a bully to her anymore and oh, how their mother would love her. Not to mention asking about certain things, like what Sasuke thought of Hinata, did she suit whatever costume she was given by her friend and partner in crime Ino gave her, how was she? He had zero clue what his brother was trying to pull, though, that feeling was most of the time.
“If you don’t go,” Itachi warned when Sasuke still scoffed at the idea, “I’m going to tell mom.”
Their mother might be the one related to Namikaze and the reason her children knew magic but she was also the one who wanted them to have a normal childhood.
So, he went. he was only planning on it for an hour to make his brother happy enough for him to not call their mother but he got sucked into a shooting game and was winning, a lot, when Hinata found him.
“Uchiha-kun!” Hinata waved at him from where she was with her friends and their classmates, including Ino with her ever-present camera. Her yukata was lavender with pink and yellow flowers on it, a wicker purse hanging off her wrist. “You’re here too?”
“Woah, nice haul.” Temari noted, looking at all the prizes he’d won, mainly food and a few small plushes. Her younger brother Gaara wouldn’t take his eyes off the raccoon plushes he managed to get.
“That’s very impressive.” Sasuke felt everything still at that voice. Turning, he spotted Iruka smiling down at him. Sasuke didn’t even think, he just grabbed some of the food he managed to win and handed it over. “Is it ok if I have it?” Sasuke didn’t speak, so much as nod in answer. “Thank you very much. You’re pretty amazing Uchiha.”
When Itachi came out as gay, in childlike curiosity, Sasuke thought he might be too but quickly dismissed it. he thought his mother was the most perfect woman in the world and wanted to marry her when he got older. After he was usually too focused on studying and practising magic to focus on girls, but he was still pretty sure of his sexuality, at least until he came to Konoha. His first meeting with Hinata had involved his attempt at stealing the cards back only for Hinata’s brother to spot him. He was ready to fight a college student when Iruka found his best friend and hopped the fence. He hadn’t read the room, gushing about the amount of steamed buns he’d gotten. Sasuke took one look and he was pretty sure he was bi. No one had ever flustered him that much, to the point of running away.
Hinata and Sasuke weren’t only fighting for the Cards, they were fighting for Iruka’s attention. If Hinata having a guardian and the ability to seal the cards didn’t frustrate him, it was her luck that Iruka’s best friend was her older brother Kakashi. It felt even worse when she wouldn’t lord these achievements over his head. oddly enough, even though Sasuke had mentioned Iruka to his brother constantly, he was always more interested in Hinata and what she would do whenever they’d compete for attention.
“Oh, Hinata, look!” Ino said, distracting them from Hinata trying to wave away her water yoyo Iruka won for her. The blonde photographer pointed at a bunny plush wearing overalls. “Isn’t he cute? You like bunnies right?”
Hinata’s face lit up. “Yeah. He’s adorable!”
“He looks very soft. That fox plush you have, maybe he wants a friend?” Iruka said, opening one of the food packages and tilting it towards Kakashi.
He hadn’t been focusing on Kurama, just that Iruka noticed something about it. he had to get it for him. He wasn’t sure why Kakashi followed him but they glared at each other as they slammed their money down for the ring toss. By the time the stall attendant took pity on them and gave them both a plush, Ino was standing there by herself filming them. Temari and Gaara were also still there, the younger boy stealing the raccoon items he’d won.
“Where’s Hinata?” Kakashi asked.
“She and Iruka went to go explore.” Ino explained.
Sasuke took off at that, Kakashi after him. They found the two near the back of the shrine, far away from the festival. While Kakashi embarrassingly handed his plush to his sister, Sasuke silently handed the one he got to Iruka.
“I can have this too?” Sasuke nodded. “Thank you.”
“We were gonna grab snow cones. Did you wanna come with or are we splitting up again?” Temari asked.
“Do you want one?” how was Sasuke supposed to answer? He nodded regardless but was stopped when Hinata grabbed his arm. “Are you guys coming?”
“We’ll be right there.” Hinata promised, letting the others walk ahead.
Ino turned to them, eyebrow raised. “Ok, what’s going on?”
Sasuke asked the same as he pulled his arm away. When Hinata shushed him, he was ready to snap when glowing green orbs started to fall out of a tree. Sasuke looked up, taking in the lights as they floated down like snowflakes.
“I can’t even sense it.” Sasuke noted.
“I can’t either, but I had a dream about this. Kurama scolded me for not remembering it but when it started falling, that’s when I knew.”
Hinata was staring at the lights as well as Sasuke stared at her. She was constantly surprising him, reminding him how strong she actually was, even with no training. Cards were constantly coming to her because they knew about her and most had decided they liked her. It was easy to compete with her for Cards and Iruka’s attention, to be slightly jealous how easy this seemed to be for her, but it was hard to ignore how kind and friendly she was. It didn’t matter they were opponents, to her, he was a friend and someone she could trust. It was starting to be hard to see her as just an opponent.
“Release!” Hinata called, unlocking her Sealing Staff from its key form. “Return to the guise you once held, Namikaze Card!” the glowing lights all converged to her staff until it took the shape of a card and it floated into Hinata’s hand. “GLOW. That’s what it’s called. I wonder if Minato created it like he did FLOWER, just wanting to bring a smile to people’s face.”
The bright one on her face made the answer very clear. It was no surprise the Cards liked her.
Hinata felt her body wake up as she opened her eyes and stared at the dim sunlight shinning in through the window. She could hear Kurama snoring on the pillow behind her and when she got up, he was hiding behind his tails, all curled up. She started to flatten her hair, the curls that came from sleeping getting a mind of its own when she looked at the handkerchief sitting on her desk.
Had that only been a week ago?
Hinata thought her life was crazy, being an adopted girl of a single father and his son and having magic, enough to unlock a book of powerful cards and use them. she thought that’s all it was, just her hiding what she could do, even when Ino found her out after a day and when Sasuke came into her life. Except her brother had powers, his ability to see ghosts and maybe more – she knew MIRROR definitely knew something was up with her brother. These powers he’d recently handed over to his best friend, Hinata’s crush for the longest time and the hidden vessel of the other Guardian of the Cards, Toneri. The name Hinata knew him by, Umino Iruka. Iruka’s whole disguise had been supported by Namikaze Minato’s magic, mainly from the cards under Toneri’s rule. Hinata had enough magic to support Kurama’s hidden vessel but not enough for both. Iruka was going to fade away and depending on how bad it got, Toneri would have disappeared as well. So Kakashi gave his magic to him, had been trying since Hinata started changing the Cards into Hinata Cards. Hinata felt guilty that she wasn’t strong enough, that her brother had to put himself in harm’s way to save her, again. Like she said, MIRROR definitely knew her brother beyond keeping him busy.
After she found out her brother knew, about Iruka and no doubt about her, and she realized how close she’d been to losing Iruka, she knew she had to tell him how she felt. She did, still feeling guilty for almost losing him. She knew, she wasn’t stupid, that her feelings wouldn’t be returned. But as foolishly as she used to hope that her birth father would come back for her, she hoped he’d say yes to the little middle school girl who’d loved him since the first day she met him. He let her down so gently and it clicked for her when he told her he had feelings for someone else. It was Kakashi, Kakashi was the one Iruka loved. She was happy for them, really, but she felt her heart breaking that someone wanted her sibling more than her. She had it happen with her birth family, having it happen with the family who took her in and loved and cared for her made her heart break more.
Sasuke was walking her home when she burst into tears. She talked about how her birth father blamed her for her mother’s death and gave her away, how she thought she wasn’t worth his love no matter how much she begged and how even though Iruka knew she’d find love someday, she was sure it would never happen.
“It will.” Sasuke said, handing her the same handkerchief she held now. “Iruka does love you, not in the way you wanted, but he does. So does your brother and your dad, not to mention Ino. Your birth father didn’t know the type of person he was turning his back on but not once have you let that stop how much love you give. The person who earns your heart, they’re going to be incredibly lucky.”
Sasuke was awkward with words, normally scolding her for not thinking things through but he was so soft and kind, she felt safe and comforted. He was right, her feelings might not have been returned but she still had so much in return. Letting go of her feelings for Iruka was, easy, once she remembered she wouldn’t lose him and that he wouldn’t stop caring for her. He’d been someone other than her family who liked her and she was sure it was possible that she’d latched onto that tighter than necessary. Sasuke’s words helped bring her back to earth and ground her, much like he helped do so many times in her quest to change the Namikaze Cards and figure out what was causing the odd situations where she’d sense his magic. She wanted to do something to thank him.
She got the idea when she left for school. There was a flyer for the winter festival at Tsukimine Shrine. Sasuke seemed to enjoy the other festivals they’d done, clearing out the game stalls like it was no big deal. But she knew from when they got the FREEZE Card, he wasn’t a fan of the cold. And that’s when it hit her. She started planning as she rushed to school and found Sasuke in the classroom doing morning chores.
Wrapping the old flowers in tissue paper, Sasuke looked up, his cheeks dusting red. It was slightly cold in the classroom. “Morning.”
“What are you doing this Sunday?”
Looking confused, Sasuke answered, “Nothing? Unless Itachi decides I’m slacking on magic studies and demands I study more.”
They both knew his brother insisted he get out of the house more, away from studying.
“There’s a festival at the shrine. Come with me.” She stilled for a moment, noting how rude it sounded to demand he go with her but he nodded regardless.
“Sure. what time?”
“6 pm. We’ll meet at the shrine?” when Sasuke agreed, she felt her smile get larger. her plan might actually work. “Here, I’ll go throw the flowers out. you can hand me the vase too.”
Sasuke slid the closed package of dying flowers to Hinata and turned to take the vase off where they kept their winter jackets. “Hinata? I’m glad you’re smiling again.”
Hinata felt herself get slightly red. “I’m fine, really. But thank you. I’ll be right back.”
She greeted Naruto as she passed him out the door, thinking of how to ask Ino to help. It was a slightly ambitious plan, but she wanted to do it, wanted it to be perfect as her way of saying thank you. the relationship she had with Sasuke could have easily never changed from rivals or he could have headed back to Shanghai after she became the new master. She couldn’t be more grateful he was still here. She just hoped he understood that with her gift.
Her father was a godsend, giving her an easy pattern to follow and Ino was able to answer questions she had. Poor Sasuke though, he sat behind her and he worried over her looking more and more tired as Sunday got closer. It was on Saturday, on their half day, that he finally snapped.
“What is going on? you told me you don’t even feel tired anymore whenever you change cards so unless you’re changing them in massive batches again, you shouldn’t look so exhausted.” He demanded to know when they were finally let go. Hinata was still trying to wake up as Sasuke stood over her, begging for an answer.
“It’s fine.”
“Stop saying that!” it had been her answer whenever people mentioned she seemed happier.
“but I am. really.”
“Sorry,” Ino interrupted, “but I’m stealing her. We’re supposed to go shopping. I’ll see you tomorrow Uchiha.”
“6 pm, don’t forget.” Hinata reminded as Ino collected both their jackets and led them to the door. Once they were a good deal away and Sasuke didn’t seem to be following, Hinata let out a sigh. “Thank you Ino.”
“Of course.” Ino said nonchalantly. “do you think you’ll finish in time? He wasn’t wrong, you’ve stayed up so much trying to finish it.”
“I think if I stay up tonight I can get it done. Kakashi caught up with all the chores since dad has been calling him out of school to recover from transferring her powers, so I’ll also be free before 6 pm. Do you think he’ll like it?”
Ino gave him this smile, one that said she knew more than Hinata did. “Trust me, he’ll love it.”
She held onto that, using it to help her finish. Flopping back and listening to Kurama talk about how happy it was over, Hinata took a deep breath and slipped her thumbs into the holes on her turtle necked shirt. She checked the time; glad she was still set for time when the doorbell rang. Assuming it might have been Ino decided to be nice, she was surprised to see Sasuke on the other side of the door.
“What are you doing here?”
Sasuke looked embarrassed, digging his hands deeper into the bomber jacket he wore. “You were so exhausted yesterday that…”
“You came to check on me?” Hinata asked, smiling softly when Sasuke nodded. “Thank you. we can walk over to the shrine together, let me just go get my things.”
She locked the door behind her and followed him as they started walking to the shrine that had so many ties to the Cards and Minato.
“Kurama isn’t coming?” Sasuke asked.
“No, he’s been staying up with me. I’ve been instructed to bring back modern-yaki, rice crackers and at least one sweet item. Itachi ask you to bring anything back?”
“A smile.” Sasuke answered seriously. He kept glancing at the bag she brought, more of a gift bag than any of her standard ones.
“I have something for you.” she said when she clipped the top button on her jacket together. she moved to stand in front of him and pulled out the muffler she’d been working on plus the handkerchief she’d washed. “It’s a thank you, for listening to me that day. And for what you said.” Sasuke stared at it before looking at her and she started to feel self-conscious. “Unless you don’t want it?”
“No!” he yelled, swiping the items from her hand, wrapping the scarf around his neck before turning to her, this incredibly soft smile on his face. It wasn’t the same one he’d given her at the park, but it was close. “Thank you.”
“I should be thanking you, but I know if I start, we’ll go in a circle over and over.” she wasn’t wrong. “Ino said she’d meet us at the shrine,” she said instead, continuing to walk to the shrine. “I also invited Kakashi and Iruka, but I haven’t seen Iruka since that day so who knows if he’ll be there.”
“Don’t you think it’s possible he’s avoided meeting you because he’s scared of how you’ll feel. You feel bad for not noticing his power was vanishing and he feels bad for rejecting you for your brother.”
“But I’m not mad at him! Really I’m not.”
“Hinata, I don’t know if you realise just how much people don’t want to hurt you, even if it’s just a little.”
Sasuke sounded so sure of the fact that Hinata didn’t know how to respond. Iruka did arrive with her brother, looking awkward and out of place and she grabbed his hand to drag him with her. Normally she would have waited for him to do that to her but she realised it was better to treat him like she did Kakashi. Obviously she was nicer to him and made her actual brother pay for everything. She realised when she wasn’t pressured to try and impress him or stare at him through love hazed glasses, it was easy to hang out with him.
She sent Kakashi off to get them juice, Iruka following to help him carry everything and what was supposed to be a quiet break where she showed Ino and Sasuke the Moon Mirror Pond, turned into another fight with a creature reeking of Minato’s magical signature. Thanks to Sasuke’s attempt at stopping it, she got the idea to use the Pond and the THUNDER Card to fully electrocute the creature. It worked, but with a downside. Electrical wires had been pulled off during the fight, leaving the whole Shrine in darkness.
“They might have to cancel the whole thing.” Iruka said out loud when he and Kakashi rushed over to see if they were ok. “It’s not like they have a way to light the place up again.”
She and Sasuke shared a look. The Shrine staff didn’t, but she did.
“I’ll be right back!” she said, grabbing Sasuke’s arm and dragging him with her, Ino following.
“Where are you guys going?” Kakashi yelled after them.
With her Star Wand out again, Hinata pulled the GLOW Card from one of the pockets inside her jacket, tossing it out in front of her. “Shed your old form and become anew, under our contract, I beseech you. GLOW!”
the yellow and blue Card turned into the pale lavender of the Hinata Cards as GLOW was released and the little fairy flew up into the sky and released the lights. Just like when she caught the card, the sky was full of the glowing lights gently falling like snow. Hinata held her hands out to catch the lights, her Staff tucked into her arm. She gently blew the lights out of her hands, giggling as they swirled in circles before floated down. she noticed Sasuke was staring at her, his own small handful of lights in hand. She barely noticed Ino taking pictures of them both.
“Nothing. I’m…I’m just really glad you’re happy again.”
Ino texted her pictures later that night. they were of them all at the festival, including the action pictures from during the fight of Sasuke using his thunder and wind talismans, jumping on the tree, defending Hinata while she changed the WOOD and THUNDER Cards and when they were within GLOW’s lights. There was also another picture within the batch, an older one. It was one where she’d caught GLOW originally, but it was just before then, when she’d been staring up at the falling lights. The picture was of behind them, Sasuke staring at her as she stared at the lights. There was a similar picture from today, plus one of the two of them looking at each other.
It's crazy how things can change and yet be so similar. Sometimes, things are feeling the same, but a person just doesn’t know it yet.
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