#i did these all within like half an hour btw
itsays · 3 months
so i nearly got locked up in psychward yesterday so that was fun i guess
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ariseri · 1 year
april loop (エイプリループ) - nekobolo
i was counting how many words and meanings contradict each other this time oh, i’m so sorry about that. i was just talking about nonsense, don’t worry, it’s all fine. i was counting how many words and meanings that i’d ended up regretting but this time i’m not sad, it’s because i have all this time to be here wasting.
i look for now, a tomorrow, and even after that but there’s no meaning to be had i think it’s fine to dream of imitating something else if that can keep you living all by itself
but now i’ll leave, i’ll find a place that nobody could ever see to love someone, or be happy, it’s not what i need, it’s not what i need. i’ll go somewhere you’ll never find, and i’ll leave my regrets behind i still have hopes of leaving behind some sort of meaning. so i just talk to myself in my mind
i was counting how many actions and meanings contradict each other this time oh, i’m so sorry about that. i was just trying to be silly, don’t worry, it’s all fine. i was counting how many actions and meanings that i’d ended up regretting but this time i’m not sad, it’s because i’m an idiot and i’m still waiting
did you notice it repeats again and again? it’s because there’s no meaning to be had. i think it’s fine to like things and dislike something else if that can keep you living all by itself
but now i’ll leave, i’ll find a place that nobody could ever see to shed a tear, or be in pain, it’s not what i need, it’s not what i need. i’ll go somewhere you’ll never find, and i’ll leave my regrets behind i still have hopes of leaving behind some sort of meaning.
i had a dream that i designed, i had a dream just yesterday i had a dream that won’t come true, and a past that i want to erase
there are people that i hate, and there are those i admire i just can’t count how many times i’ve wished to die, but after everything, i’m alive.
it’s okay to hate me if it means you won’t forget about me if that’s me being selfish… i’ll swallow it down, you see…
but now i’ll leave, i’ll find a place that nobody could ever see to remember that day, or my feelings, it’s not what i need, it’s not what i need. i’ll go somewhere you’ll never find, and i’ll leave my regrets behind i can’t help but wonder if i ever managed to reach your heart
but i guess that’s just me talking to myself
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lylianrae · 3 months
A list of all the things I have manifested ⋆˚⟡˖ ࣪
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We manifest everything in our lives btw - the good and the bad which is why I will be including both to prove that the law does not discriminate. If you can successfully become poor, you can most definately become rich with the same ease because everything is just a state.
Long hair
AHH this is one of my favourite manifestations. Ever since I was young I had a weird bob with a fringe (often crooked) and I wanted long hair like all the other girls (lmaoo) but my mum was strict so she didn't let me grow it out. Although I didn't know about manifestation back then, every new year and birthday I would wish for long hair and I would pretend I was a princess with butt long hair. Guess what, somewhere along the line, my mum let me grow it out and now I have butt length hair (don't really know what to do with it tho </3).
As all kids do, I went through an emo phase where I chopped off like half of my hair like 4 years ago. I literally grew back 7-8" of hair within a month because my parents got too mad. I knew about manifestation here so I just assumed my hair always grows unaturally fast. Same with when I cut bangs, they grew past my chin within a couple of weeks.
Manifesting my way into a private school
Honestly this just shows that you dont need 2430430 hours of working on your self concept to manifest. Literally so many celebs, including Marylin Monroe (the queen), manifested their fame with awful self concept. Likewise, here I was possibly going through the worst time of my life back then. I would wake up at 8 am and start studying and end at 11 pm despite being only 10 at the time. I was so freaking stressed and envious of all the other children and went into a depressive spiral where my two options were pass or die. I didn't even have enough practice and I cried my self to sleep on most nights. Anyways, when i did the exam I was deathly calm and even after the exam I was apparently so chill so my parents thought I failed.
I literally left 9 questions on one paper but throughout the summer, everytime I found a dandelion I would make a wish and imagine digging a tunnel to the examiners room where I secretly change my answers into the right ones (lmfao my tiny 10 yr old brain - idek how it worked). Anyways my results were sent back to me a month later on a random October evening and I got a really high mark. Even after 7 years of going to this school I havn't met anyone who has gotten a mark higher than mine.
Curly hair / straight hair
Sigh. We always want things we don't have. When I was younger I had really straight hair like 1A asian hair but when I was like 10, I really wanted curly hair and I would try to curl it often. After a few months, I manifested a curling iron and my hair literally became naturally curly like right after a wash it would curly af when before it was dead straight. Naturally I grew bored of it and I wanted my straight hair back and for ages I began overcomplicating the law and struggled to manifest it. It was only recently when I actually let go of the 3D that I manifested the silky, shiny straight hair.
Social life?
This is also a funny one, just shows how easily you can manifest. So back in 2021 after lockdown I felt so lonely and felt so left out of my friendship group so after a few months I began stressing myself out and spiraling for like 30 minutes, sobbing to myself about how I was so lonely and how nobody loved me (💀). Anyways it became reality, I found myself uncomfortable in many social situations and found myself becoming forgotten far more easily. I don't really remember the details but it was so bad that I think I accidently manifested social anxiety (oh well we still up tho).
However I am a loa girly so I found myself listening to popularity subliminals and slowly (but surely) my mindset change from having no friends to being the most popular girl in the year. Like no joke I became friends with like 3 people from different social circles so at lunchtime we had to join up like 3 different tables so we can all sit together. Overall I got myself 20+ close friends and even my ex friends began to admire me although it had ended badly. Even now, when someone says something thats untrue - for example saying that they are dumb when they are not, they would be like "ahaha so its like when Rae (me) says she has no friends, the whole school knows who Rae is".
Clear skin
This was sort of in the beginning of my loa (law of attraction back then) journey, I just randomly found out what subliminals were and was still quite new to everything. Now I don't even understand how it happened but I had busted some capillaries under my skin and it looked like small red viens under my skin and bro I was freaking out at the time. One night I was like just, I had enough, I'm going to get myself better skin and so I listened to a sub once for 3-4 days and on like the 4th day, my cheeks began to heat up which was odd and the next day it was 90% gone. Just like magikkkk.
Desired university?
Guys. Feeling is the secret. Don't you ever forgot that - not feeling as in emotions but rather the feeling of knowing. I had 2 entrance exams to do to apply for my universities and it was a stressful time where I wasn't getting enough sleep and wasn't eating enough simply because I didn't have the time. Like I come home from school and would have 3-4 hours of homework, then I need to revise for tests and then the remaining time would be spent on the entrance exams. Each past paper took 2 hours and I have around 13s per questions and I was already struggling on time. Anyways, I began to hate them and I would often complain to my mum saying things like "My score got even lower!!" or "I hate it so much" or "My head hurts / eyes hurt".
Guess what? Not only did I see my score decrease over time but I also made such a silly mistake on the most important entrance exam which I needed for 4/5 of my universities. I left a question and completely forgot to mark on the answer so when I finished the section I realised I had one more space on the sheet with like 10s to spare. I didn't have enough time to go back and fix it and lemme say that I did so badly in the test. Even while waiting for results I was just like "ah it would be a miracle if I scored above this bla bla".
I got the score back and it was so freaking bad like I did not stand a chance at my university at all. However, I started to affirm for a place and to my utter shock and surprise my desired university reached out and offered me an interview. I knew people who had like scores which were 50% better than mine and they still got rejected pre-interview. Anyways I began stressing about the interview and the results of the whole thing and boom. I got rejected 3 days after my birthday lmaoo. But its okay because I'm reapplying and I learnt so much more. I'm redoing the entrance exam and my score is a loooot better than it ever was last year.
A key take away would be thoughts are the result of the state you are in. Your dwelling state manifests and I was focusing on the unrealness and the difficultly of getting into this uni and thats what manifested. At the time I was heartbroken and literally went through the 7 stages of grief and spent so many months trying to revise it only for me to focus on the 3D. Just know that everything is done in imagination and it appears in the 3D as a result.
Photographic memory
So this is also something I had manifested before I actually knew about loa but the takeaway here is that manifestation is always instant. I was around 11 reading a random book on my tiny kindle and the book was on how to develop a good memory and I was like ah that'll be useful. Anyways later in the car, I asked my dad about photographic memory and he sort of explained it to me. I just assumed that I have that and I told him I do. He just laughed at me and said thats something that you have to train for and I was not impressed lmao. Inside my tiny brain, I was just like nope, I already have photographic memory and I dropped that thought. Let me tell you, my memory is actually photographic and has helped me out on so many occasions like my brain just takes pictures of things.
Learning fast
This is also something I did before I knew loa, I was just always wondering why the other kids couldn't grasp concepts as easily as I did. Literally in every lesson I would be like ah I learn so fast and now I am actually blessed with the ability to grasp complex subjects so fast. A favourite example of mine would be when I was obsessed with music but to take it to a higher level you need to be able to play an instrument. I couldn't at the time and my teacher told me the requirements a week before the actual deadline. I have never actually played piano with both hands but one day I sat down and worked through the entire song (fur elise by Beethoven) which is a grade 5 (I think) and it normally takes people months / weeks to learn. I learnt the whole thing in 3 days and from then on, I could play piano like I had been doing for ages. Again the memory thing was so helpful because I never actually used any sheet music, I learnt it off a youtube video and I remembered every single note I needed to play.
Hourglass body + 22" waist
This was a couple of years ago when I actually didn't understand loa. Anyways long story short, I would do a 3 minute workout and then flex infront of the mirror all day (💀) and be like omg I have abs. Overtime, I actually got so skinny everyone around me kept pointing it out to me and my mum got so concerned that she took me to the doctor like 4 times. It was so funny, I would loose like 2-3kg overnight and my parents would have to buy better fitting uniform.
Bigger boobs
This was also back in the day (2021?) when I didn't understand how to manifest things easily af. I had an A cup but I wanted better boobies and I listened to like 2 subs for a week and I went to a B cup. But I just assumed I have a bigger cup size recently and I just skipped C and went to D+ (haven't measured in a long time).
I'm not done but I'm tired now bye bye
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banquetwriter · 5 months
can u write a smut of an insecure plus sized goth reader x johnnie please? she's a virgin and after being together for a few months she asks him could they do it, and he eats her out n fucks her n stuff 🙏🙏 make it really soft pls and thank u i love ur work btw 🖤🖤
୨୧ Batty love ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ goth!fem!Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 smut, losing virginity, getting eaten out, general shenanigans
summary: ʚ johnnie isn’t gonna let you being inexperienced stop him from devouring you ɞ
Words: 2234
An: i know this isn't the best but I'm legitimately do sick rn 😞
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You haven't stopped looking at your phone for at least two days. Johnnie, your boyfriend, had just hard-launched your relationship for the first time on Instagram. And to your shock, 95% of the comments were so positive. Everyone complimented your goth appearance.
This much praise was addicting. Being plus size meant a lot of insecurities made by the pathetic losers of society. There were of course a few nice comments… those weren't the ones you kept staring at. Criticizing your looks or body.
Johnnie had warned you about this happening, and you promised him the world knowing about you two was worth it, and it was, but god did it hurt. Johnnie Was out streaming with Jake today so that left you alone for a good few hours.
It was useless trying to wait around crying over some loser online who couldn't handle the fact their celebrity crush didn't pick them. You sat up rubbing your face carefully not trying to hit your piercings at all. You scrolled around on your phone’s playlist before connecting to a speaker.
You started to shift through your closet to come up with an outfit. Maybe you and Johnnie could go out tonight? It was hard to get dressed in full goth normally, especially when you weren't feeling good about yourself.
You settled on a long black skirt with silver shiny bats that were sporadically speckled on it and paired it with an ‘i ❤️ emo boys’ t-shirt with a corset. You put your outfit on by pairing your black stockings and fishnet top for your arms.
You sat down at your desk singing along to your beloved playlist. You turned your light on your mirror searching for your hair clips. You managed to locate them by clipping your hair out of your face. Your music was briefly interrupted by a text notification.
You pick up your phone and it is from Johnnie, ‘should be done soon. Just filmed for Jake's, we're gonna do mine now. Probably just dick around Walmart or something. See you soon love 🖤’ you smiled at his text.
You responded back within seconds ‘Have fun filming (but not too much fun without me lol) 🖤🖤’
You sat your phone down, adjusting your shirt, and you started on your makeup. You put on primer, then foundation, the concealer, and to finish your base off you pack on some powder letting it sit on your face. You pulled out your phone and snapped a selfie of your half-done make-up.
You stuck your tongue off a little for the picture. You posted it on your main Instagram story with a goth song of course. Your Instagram gained quite a few followers from Johnnie’s post. It was exciting and also very scary.
You decided the powder baking on your face was about done so you brushed it off. You grabbed your contour brush and packed some onto it. You started to carve your face onto the white base using the black powder.
Now it was time for your eye makeup. It was the hardest part. You spent a good while meticulously adding your eyeliner and eyeshadow. Once you were done, sufficiently looking like a bat, you finished it off with black lipstick and some setting spray.
You put on accessories and teased your hair to high heaven. And you were all ready. You sprayed some perfume on and looked in the mirror. Fuck did you look good. You posed a little admiring yourself, you took your phone out again and decided to take a few pictures.
This time you posted them as posts and not a story so anyone could say anything. It scared you but you couldn't hide forever. You were dating Johnnie and no one could change that.
It took only a few minutes before the comments came rolling in. All of which were positive, it made your heart soar with all the compliments. You were smiling until you read one: ‘Johnnie eating good tonight’ . It was a nice comment and funny naturally.
There was just one issue. You and Johnnie haven't had sex yet, and furthermore, you have never had sex. Ever. Sure you used a few toys here and there but never has another person shared such an intimate moment with you. You had already worried yourself sick about this. Johnnie Was sexually active and therefore, inevitably he would want to have sex with you.
You were ready… you think at least. You wanted to, of course you did, have you seen your boyfriend? He was such a fucking hottie. You had plenty of dreams of ripping his clothes off and going under the covers. You were just nervous.
You did actually weigh a lot more than your boyfriend and no offense to him he wasn't exactly built to handle all you could offer. The nerves rattled through your body. But you were a full-grown woman and there wasn't anything wrong with taking your time to have sex.
If Johnnie didn't understand that (which you're sure he would) then this wasn't the relationship for you. You shook your thoughts of breaking up with Johnnie away. This wasn't a time to worry.
It was only a few more minutes before Johnnie came home. He stepped into your apartment, and he stopped when looking at you. His jaw faltered open. “Wow, how are you mine?” he asked, closing the door, his hands wrapping around your waist.
“From your strapping good looks and charm of course.” you purred, moving a strand of his hair from his face. You planted a small kiss on his now-exposed skin. “Yeah sure,” he murmured against your hair, planting a small kiss on the top of your head.
You smiled at him, your eyes holding each other. His eyes seem to almost darken looking at you. You pull him into a kiss, one he gladly returns. His hands are holding onto your corseted waist. Even through the thick fabric, you can feel him clutching your body.
Your kisses got more heated as he started to move his hands down your body. You had done this with him before. It didn't scare you much anymore. Of course it was nerve-racking, but not scary. His touch felt so nice even if it was through your clothes.
He slowly moaned into your mouth as you gently tugged his hair. “Fuck,” he muttered slowly pulling away from you. He wrapped his hands into your pulling you towards your couch. Your nerves jumped into your throat knowing what was coming.
And yes you wanted to so fucking bad, you needed your hot boyfriend inside you. He gently pushed you onto the couch, you fell back ruining your cute decorative pillows. He positions himself between your legs, his mouth hungry to devour all of you.
You wanted to enjoy him you really did but your heart was pounding out of your chest with nerves. “Johnnie-” you asked quietly against his lips. He pulled back sensing your worry. “We haven't done anything yet-” you started, unsure how to keep going you stayed silent.
“It's fine if you don't wanna, you know, tonight.” he spoke softly, “No trust me I want to. It's just that I've never done that before. I've never had sex before.” you confessed. You could see his eyes widen. You felt like you were holding his breath.
“Woah, really?” he asked, leaning towards you, a small cheeky smile plastered on his lips. “Yeah, not that I’m waiting for marriage or something but I don't know I just haven't yet,” you said shrugging. “That's ok, are you still down to or?” he asks, staring at you sheepishly.
“Of course I am, I just need you to be slow I guess,” you whispered to him. He glances at your lips for a minute, “I can do that.” he says before your lips crash onto one another.
His hand crept down to your ankle and slowly started to run his hand up your legs, he reached the end of your stocking. He hooked his fingers over the clothing and pulled them off your body repeating it for your other leg.
He looked into your eyes as he slipped his hands back under your skirt, hooking delicate fingers over your panties and slowly pulling them off your body. The feeling of his hands on your thighs was sending waves of pleasure to your core.
You've been horny before but nothing compared to the feelings you felt as your boyfriend slowly lowered to his knees. Kissing up and down your legs. “Are you doing ok?” he asks between kisses up your thighs.
“Y-yeah I'm good,” you said quietly, eyes watching Johnnie like a hawk. He smirks against your skin. He slowly pushes your skirt up your body revealing your bare legs. He placed a tender kiss on the top of your cunt.
You swore you could see stars with the amount of pleasure That coursed through you. The end of your fingers and toes felt tingly and cold. Johnnie moved up to face again, he slowly started to kiss you again. “M’gonna move my hand now. Like my fingers ok?” he said against your lips.
“Ok,” you whispered back, and you spread your legs widely for him. He slowly dipped his finger into your sopping cunt. You let out a gasp at the sensation. He slowly pumped his finger in and out of you. It felt good but it wasn't enough for you.
As if Johnnie could read your mind, he pumped out of you once again. When he entered back in he had two fingers this time. It stung for a second or two then pleasure returned to your body as he started to curve his finger into you.
“Oh fuck.” you moaned out, you can guess how people get addicted to this feeling. You felt like a little pervy teenager with raging hormones. The feeling of Johnnie hitting your G-spot repeatedly was sending you over the edge.
“Johnnie.” you mewled out, to nothing in particular. “I need more please,” you begged, having a sense of missing something. “If you insist on it my love.” he pulled out of you, his fingers dripping wet. You watched as he crouched down further.
He kissed slowly on your thighs before reaching your clit. He pressed a soft kiss right on your spot. You felt yourself clench over nothing and it drove you wild. He continued kissing down until he reached your hole. He slowly prodded his tongue into you.
Very gently at first to help you get used to the feeling. You felt the pleasure tenfold as soon as he began to rub your clit, fully pumping his tongue in and out of you. “Oh fuck hold on,” you murmured to him.
He stopped cocking his head slightly. You quickly snap off your corset, immediately releasing tension in your gut. You quickly pulled your shirt off, your bra going with it.
You were now naked minus the skirt bunched up around your waist. “M’fuck.” he whispered looking at your tits. He had what looked like a painful erection at this point. His skinny jeans looked like they were gonna burst open.
“You ready?” you asked him, gesturing to his painfully hard erection. “Fuck yeah,” he whined undoing his studded belt, he started to further undress himself. You followed suit pushing your skirt down.
Once he was completely naked, he leaned down and started to kiss you again. He wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped a few times attempting to get ready for your body. After about a minute he lined up his leaking cock to your entrance.
He slowly pushed into you. You let out a wanton gasp as he bottomed out. “Fuck.” he growled into your ear. He fumbled around trying to find your hand and brought it down to your clit. You started to rub to your pleasure.
At the same time, he started to push into you slowly at first then after a minute he began to push into you at a quicker pace. “Fuck your so tight. So glad I get this pussy all to myself,” he whined into your ear. You couldn't hold yourself anymore. The coil in your stomach was going to snap.
You felt The familiar feeling bubbling in your stomach and your limbs. “Im gonna fucking cum.” you whined out, grabbing at his torso and leaving a long scratch. Johnnie held your eye contact nodding at you.
The coil finally snapped, your walls clenching around him. “Johnnie-” you whined, your back arching. Your body shaking from your orgasm, sent him completely over the edge.
Hit ropes of cum splattered inside you as he fucked you through his own orgasm. Your breath slowly returned back to your body as you saw Johnnie cleaning your body up with a damp towel.
“Are you ok?” he asked quietly, tossing the rag into the laundry basket. He misses but he just took his girlfriend's virginity so he isn't particularly worried about where it landed. “Yeah I'm fucking great right now actually,” you murmured.
He giggles pulling his clothes back on. You did the same, pulling out your phone to see your makeup completely fucked. Your eyeliner and mascara dripped down, the sweat sucking your makeup into your skin, your lipstick beyond fucked.
You pulled out your phone and snapped one last photo for your Instagram
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urf1lterr · 2 years
lovesick | pedro pascal [1]
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"and on this night and in this light i think im falling, im falling for you."
next chapter: [2] series masterlist
summary: in which a 1975-obsessed film student accidentally falls in love with an older man she can't have.
pairing: actor!pedro x intern!reader
genre: acting world!au, big age-gap!, strangers to friends- maybe lovers?? au | angst, mature, awkward, love- eventually
word count: 7.4k
status: in progress
author's note: this was supposed to only be an introduction but i ended up with a chapter lol. im sorry if its lame, i wrote this half asleep and for fun. not edited btw
"So like...are we gonna keep staring at the door or do you mind if I open it and walk inside?"
Swiftly turning your neck, you glared at your friend who was patiently waiting for your reply- probably begging on the inside to go in by how badly cold it was outside on this tuesday, new york morning.
"Just go inside by yourself!" you rolled your eyes as she shook her head.
"Uh no, for one- I can't let you be out here alone, some man could just push you in a van and sell you to the black market," Jules declared. "then I would lose one birthday gift from you-"
"I will push you in the van myself if you keep talking," you groaned, her constant rambling within the hours making your nerves worsen.
Today was the day Jules, your best friend, and you began your internship on a film set. Actually, it was yesterday, but nobody really counts the short orientation and hours of reading rules and responsibilities a real productive work day, right?
If having the worst anxiety wasn't enough, you were blessed to have been given an amazing coping mechanism of meditation- in which would've been fine with if you didn't look like a complete idiot standing up with your eyes wide open breathing slowly.
But to be fair, this really was your first day on the job. You didn't know what to expect and your friend wasn't exactly a helping hand in these situations. As she was more confident and outgoing, there you were being an introverted, awkward female with amazing music taste- that is you ever felt comfortable to let people hear your music outside of your headphones.
"I don't get just why you have to pray while staring at the door as if you wanna stare into its soul, you look weird," Jules whined, placing her hand over her eyes. "We have to be at Finn's office in 10 minutes or else we're dead."
"Fine," you huff, grabbing your bag you had placed on the floor beforehand onto your shoulder. "Let's go."
Excitedly clapping her hands together, she swung the door open before dragging you down the hall of the room towards the elevators. The two of you had to meet at a studio on the other side of the city for this internship in which wouldn't be a problem if you enjoyed traffic and the crowds of people on the street- but you didn't.
Not only did you have to take the subway and a cab one hour before your schedule 8am start, you had to deal with the troubles of waking up your night owl roommate, Jules again, without slapping her silly by how strong her eyes stay shut.
After getting off the elevators and walking closer to his office, you recognized a couple of the other interns standing around his door looking either extremely nervous, tired- or both.
Suddenly, the door opened and Finn, the man who hired you, jumped out with a bright smile.
It's way too early to be this energetic.
"How is everyone doing on this lovely, working morning?" Finn smiled, making sure to make eye-contact with every single person in the hall before continuing on with his dialogue. "I'll take this silence as a way you all express your gratitude to be able to work on a live set."
With the ongoing silence still occurring, Finn continued with, "please follow me to the room next door, that's where we'll discuss minor details before heading towards the stages."
The minor details were simple, don't screw up.
There was also little insights on what we should be prepared for- taking care of the cast and errands as the day went on.
I suppose experience is what is needed for your future so it shouldn't be a surprise that you wouldn't be around a camera for too long. But it was mentioned that overtime you would accelerate your learning to harder tasks such as on-hands work, which you were terrified over but within time you would get over it.
You had to, this was a part of your dream job after all.
The group was informed more about the project we had to assist, some new show coming out called 'The Last of Us.' To be honest, you weren't familiar with it. Some of the guys in the group threw in their input that they played the game, but you didn't know it was also a combined franchise.
You weren't exactly a gamer or horror film person.
It hadn't even come to your mind that you would be interacting with real-life celebrities until you made near a stage and felt Jules grip your wrist hard and start tugging on it to get your attention as she tried to quiet her fan girl squeals.
Looking up, you saw a group of people walking through a set with papers in their hand, laughing and chatting with one another. Truth be told, you didn't recognize any of them. Maybe you should have done more research regarding this show you know nothing about- but you heard some successful directors had openings for extra help and immediately called your friend to join with.
"Is it bad that I don't recognize any of these people?" you whisper to Jules as she screeches in low volume, shocked that you would dare say that.
"You're joking right?!" she whispers with a high-pitched voice. "Everybody knows them! They are-"
"Is that him?" you heard a girl whisper from your group, Jules stopping her almost-started rant from it. "He really is daddy."
"What the fuck?" you heard one of the guy interns whisper in confusion, looking at her as if she was delusional as she waved her hand to him to not distract her from her view.
You weren't sure who she was talking about and you really didn't want to know. She probably had some silly crush on one of the actors which would just distract her from her job, it isn't worth it.
"Yo man, why is there a line of people looking like they are held at gunpoint?" one person laughed, pointing at your group as you tried to hold back your laughter.
You were assuming the people around you guys were majority of the cast as nobody else but the camera and makeup crew were present in the room. Surprisingly enough, even after seeing them closer you still couldn't figure out who any of these actors were.
Were you really that outdated in the films you watched?
"Way to introduce yourself, Gabriel," Finn replied, giving a pat on his back before turning back to the group. "These are the new interns because you know, you guys made the last ones quit."
"Uh no I didn't, that was all Nick!" you heard a small child gasp, pointing at an older looking man. He looked a little familiar but you couldn't wrap your head around it. "He made them pick up his food orders all the way across town everyday!"
The familiar-looking man had longer hair than most of the men around. "I would've done delivery if that was an option!" The man complained, making the girl scoff in return.
Hold on, you knew that voice. You grew up with that voice.
"Wait, I do know somebody, that's Ron Swanson" you gasped, completely forgetting how loud and clear you were in your surroundings by how fazed out you were to be a few feet away from a comedic legend.
You didn't know all eyes were on you until you felt Jules heavy weight of her shoulders hit yours as she hid her face in embarrassment from your last statement causing you to look up. Everybody tried holding back their giggles as Nick just smiled proudly.
Great, you just exposed how you didn't know them in front of them. Not mortifying at all.
"Funny and smart for knowing me, I like her already," you heard Nick proudly declare, turning to Finn with a firm nod. "You better not fire her."
Feeling your face getting hotter by the second, you wished you could just hide under a blanket and stay in there forever if it meant you never had to embarrass yourself like that again. This probably looked so disreputable on your part.
"And what might this oblivious, tomato be named?" you heard a man curiously question, getting your attention by his big framed glasses on his face.
Did he just call you a fruit?
"Be nice, you're intimidating them. It's like a new fish in a big pond," an older woman responded after, trying to bring some extra comfort into the room but it was too late- you were traumatized.
"Okay, okay," the man held up his hand in defense before turning to look at you straight in the eye. "What might this unaware, cherry tomato be named? That sounds cuter."
"Uh, y/n," you awkwardly stated, holding your hands together while terribly trying to defend yourself. "And it's totally not like I didn't recognize the rest of you!" you lie, pointing at a random person next to him before speaking up again, "you're in that one brilliant movie that was so good!"
The man sheepishly smiled at you before saying, "I am just one of the cameramen, but thank you. I do get told quite a bit that I look like Brad Pitt." And that was the moment you wanted to die inside.
That's it, you're never coming back here again. You've made a fool out of yourself.
"Stop talking," you heard your friend hiss before taking a step forward to help lessen the attention on you. "I am Jules. Not fashionable like the one from Euphoria, but still very friendly and fun."
The cast all waved at her from her radiating charm that could make anyone adore her. "Thank you, Jules who isn't from Euphoria, why don't everyone else introduce themselves."
After everyone had their time to shine, you were excused for a small break as rehearsal had yet to start. You weren't complaining, you would rather be out getting coffee on the other side of town if that meant you could avoid the actors and directors at all times.
Sitting on one of the break room's couches, you felt Jules jump next to you before hitting your shoulder rapidly. "I think that one girl intern hates you!"
Trying hard to remove her fast hands off you, you gave her a confused look. "Uh why? Was it because I embarrassed us?"
There couldn't be any other reason why she might dislike you, it's not like you knew her personally or had ever met her before the last few days.
"I mean Pedro did call you cute minutes after she called him 'daddy', what do you expect?" She giggled as you gave her a disgusted glance at the last term she used. Why would she call him that and feel comfortable saying it so freely? "She's in loveeee with him."
Pedro? So that was his name.
"First of all, he doesn't think I'm cute. The name 'cherry tomato' was cute rather than a hillbilly tomato," you defended, making her scrunch her face in confusion by your nonsense. "Second, there's no way a normal woman would be that upset over one small indirect comment not made in that way."
Jules rolled her eyes by how understanding you weren't being, it annoyed her even more how oblivious- like the man had said, you were being. "He called you a cherry tomato because it has an adorable ring to it for a cute person! Therefore, he finds you pretty- end of story."
"I am beginning to think you really are delusional."
"All I am saying is be careful," she whispers seriously. "She's young and I know a lot of people who obsess over him for his looks."
"Why? He's like in his 40s-"
"Daddy issues? Gray facial hair? I have no clue what people enjoy on their free time," Jules cut you off, shrugging while you snickered. Like you never heard that excuse before.
"Can we check out the set though? I'm feeling better and want to be out there to prove how unaffected I am from earlier- but I will be hiding behind your back."
"As always," she sang, following you out the door back to the main room.
Walking out, you were determined to stay focused and think before you said something silly- which was hard. Your whole life you've always been a little dumb when reading the environment, that's not gonna change within a few minutes.
Looking through the racks of costumes, tables filled with devices you had never seen before, and cameras that were bigger than yourself, one of the interns, Joon, came up to Jules and you to inform that it was time to actually 'work.'
"Damn, I kinda liked just walking around and doing nothing but stare at the lights. Now we have to get our hands dirty for minimum wage," Jules sighed as the two of you walked in front of one of the stages.
The stage was practically empty, only a few white walls installed and chairs scattered around.
After a few minutes of hearing one of the lead director's assistant discuss the plan of going over a few scenes, it came to your realization that this was only a rehearsal.
It made sense, this building wasn't necessarily a 'survival mode" vibe. Maybe a few indoor scenes would do the job, but it wouldn't be enough for the series.
"I want you to run along with Kendall to grab some snacks, go around the room and see what we're missing and restock!" Finn brightly smiled to Jules before turning to you. "Now, what should I do with you?"
Man, you wished you could replace Kendall right now because now you were alone
"She can help me with the makeup," a lady spoke up from a few feet away. She was a very tall, black-haired woman with a few facial piercings who looked like she was in her middle 20s. "We still need to practice to see how it'll look on the screen this week"
Finn looked at you and back at her before shrugging and nodding. "Works for me." He was already walking away before he turned back around, "but don't let her apply too much, I don't want them looking caked up in front of the camera." Lightly scoffing, you made your way to the girl as he walked away.
Standing there in discomfort, you waited for her to lead you in any type of direction to make this task go by quicker. Makeup was not your thing, or at least when it came to doing someone else's.
"I'm Violet, by the way," the girl smiled kindly at you as she handed you a black apron. "You must be y/n."
Taking the apron, you opened it to find in white writing 'TLOU Crew.' "How'd you know? Did me not knowing the cast spread that fast "
Giggling, she shook her head. "Yes and no," she grabbed one of her many make up bags and began looking through it. "Your name tag."
Looking down, you forgot they had written your name on the sticker during the short-lived meeting with Finn. Redness filled your face as you averted your eyes somewhere else, too embarrassed to make eye-contact.
"Anywho," Violet chuckled while putting one hand on her hip. "I thought maybe I could do my normal routine while you can just do the small stuff like brush their eyebrows or hair."
Squinting your eyes, you just gave her a confused look. "Brush their eyebrows? Work with their hair? Isn't the eyebrows fairly too easy for you to need the help and don't you guys have certified hairstylists?"
"Would you rather do more complicated things like taking their never-ending customized coffee orders?" She replied, making you immediately reject the idea. "I volunteered you to help me because I feel like working on harder tasks your first day would only be stressful."
How thoughtful of her.
"Plus, today's not a complicated schedule-," she added as she began lining her brushes around her small table. "-think of it as a practice run over a few lines, but for multiple scenes. We probably have like max 5 people I need to work on so no need for many artists."
There was another older lady in the other side of the table on her phone, probably another experienced makeup artist who knew the drill.
"Got it, today is a light day," you responded back, causing her to smile and hand you a hairbrush.
"See, you have the right mindset," she declared, nudging her head to the side. "And you better keep it because you have your first clients coming in."
Eyes widening, you swiftly twisted your body to see two young girls and Nick come in. Three people, that shouldn't be hard.
"You better make me look adorable," Nick pointed a finger at you as he sat down on a chair near you, causing you to let out a shy laugh as Violet motioned you to come closer.
"I'm going to prep his skin, go to Bella and Nico and ask them to do the same," she advised. "They usually do it themselves on these days to make the process faster."
Nodding you walked to the two young girls, not knowing which was who. The girls were chatting with each other before one with big curls noticed your presence before smiling brightly. "Skin routine, huh? Don't worry, we were about to begin."
Immediately, you noticed her beautiful accent that caused you to stare at her in shock.
"Looks like you frightened her," the other girl laughed, making you glance at her right after. They both had the strong accent.
"Sorry!" you blush, trying to avert your eyes away from them. "I just never heard a British accent- or at least one in person before."
The first girl giggled, waving her hand as a way to prove she didn't mind. "We get that all the time when we visit, it's okay- I never really hear your accent unless I am working on a new project."
"I don't have an accent- you have one," you declare, causing them to laugh harder.
"You seem really amazed by it, is it because you fantasize over Harry Potter or something?" the second girl jokingly questioned, making you chuckle.
"I wish, but I only watched one of his movies and never read the books," you sigh before continuing. "But one of my favorite bands are British so I just get a little loss for words whenever I hear one. It's such a beautiful tone- not to be weird or anything!"
"I agree, New Yorker's just sound so...angry," the first girl shivered. "Which band are you into? Maybe we know them"
"The 1975-"
"Aww, did you do your research on me to make up for earlier," you heard a voice boost through the area. Turning around, you noticed it was the man who called you a tomato, Pedro.
He gave you a cheeky smirk with a look in his eyes as if he knew torturing you will never get old- unless of course you started crying.
"No, you idiot-," the second girl rolled her eyes as he sent her a playful glare for the insult. "-she's talking about the band."
"Wait, you were born in 1975?" you lightly asked, your mind all scrambled in your heard trying to figure out how old he would be now. "that m-
"Yes, I am old!" Pedro fake cried, holding his heart with his hand. "You don't need to remind me that these wrinkles will never go away."
"Well if you had a prepped your skin throughout the years your skin would have been as smooth as a baby's butt like mine," you heard Nick comment from his chair, eyes closed as Violet just laughed in agreement while applying sunscreen on his face.
Pedro just rolled his eyes as the first girl began talking again. "By the way, I love the 1975! Never seen them live though, but they are definitely on my playlists."
You smiled, already feeling comfortable within the environment. Maybe being alone wasn't going to be that terrible.
"I heard he makes out with fans during his concerts," the second girl scrunched her nose in disgust. "Isn't he worried he would end up catching something."
"He probably gets check ups all the time, Bella," the first girl commented, or you suppose Nico since you now know which one was Bella.
"I would catch any disease if it meant I got to kiss Matty Healy for five seconds," you replied, causing the girls to stare at you in astonishment that you just said that so freely.
Maybe talking about your favorite band is slowly making you more confident?
You heard Violet let out a loud laugh as Nick disagreed, saying something about how young girls are too adventurous nowadays but it was true. Matt Healy was a very attractive man whose kiss could probably heal heartaches.
"Isn't he like in his 30s? Aren't you a little too young to be kissing an older man like him?" Violet questioned, making you shrug.
"Maybe I have a thing for older men."
"Wouldn't call a guy who constantly makes out with fans a man," Pedro snorted. "That's a boy."
Nick hummed in agreement as you suppressed a laugh. "How old are you anyway?"
Standing up straight you stared at him and he did the same back. "Guess."
"That never ends up good," Violet chuckled before examining you up and down. "But 18."
Shaking your head, you were young but not that young. At least your skin still made you look like a teenager, god bless.
"25," Bella answered in which you denied that as well.
"29" Nico tried but was wrong.
Nick sat up from his seat to really figure out your age before easily answering "32" and becoming shocked when you denied it. "Woah, are we at least going in the right direction?"
"Violet was headed there."
Pedro sat up in shock at your response. "You're a teenager?!"
"Would it be so wrong if I was?" you questioned. "I would love to live longer."
"She's 21," the other makeup artist who was long forgotten during this conversation casually spoke up, eyes lifting from her phone. The rest of us just stared at her as she did the same back, confused. "What? She fantasizes over an older man but is doing an internship- sounds like what every 21 year-old does."
Gasping, you held a hand over your mouth as everyone laughed at how accurate she was. She was indeed right, but you wouldn't necessarily call your crush on Matty Healy a fantasy- just a strong imagination of being his lifelong lover that would probably never happen because he doesn't know you exist.
"She's right, huh" Nico spoke up as she noticed you didn't fight back.
After that whole fiasco trying to find out your real age, Violet began working on Pedro after she finished with Nick. Nico and Bella were almost done with their makeup with the other artist when Violet called you over.
Walking towards the chair, you noticed that she had already finished his base with an extremely natural look, not wanting to add too much or it wouldn't look realistic.
"Can you brush his brows and apply some powder on places that need it? I need to finish Bella off with a few final touches," Violet asked, in which you nodded as she pointed to the products needed to do so. "Don't worry if you mess up, it doesn't need to be perfect."
That didn't make you feel any better.
Standing awkwardly as she walks off, you searched around her overload of makeup table to grab the items she just pointed at.
You decided to do his eyebrows first which would be extremely weird because you've never done this before- or at least to a man.
Surprisingly, Pedro hadn't teased you at all since you arrived by his side to help. He actually just laid there silent and watched Violet direct you through her moves before she left.
Maybe he was cutting you a break for once.
You were proven wrong when you leaned forward and aimed your hand towards his face before he quickly tried biting your hand, causing you to squeal and drop the brush on his face, jumping back.
"Very unprofessional," he declared, picking up the brush that had fallen down from his face to his neck up before looking up at you. "Do you hit all of your clients?'
"You did that on purpose!" you glared, smacking his arm as he sent you a playful wink.
"And what are you gonna do about it? Tell on me?" he teased until you grabbed the brush from his hands and swiped it across his brows hard, causing him to hiss in pain. "God damn, woman!"
Laughing as he gripped his forehead area, he gave you a dirty look as you begin the process of patting his face, even hitting his face a little harder than usual in some spots to make sure you got your revenge.
Once done, you examined his face to make sure you were pleased with the results- in which you were.
"All done?' Violet asked, walking up beside you, checking out your work. "Nicely done, but why does he look grumpy?" she added, as he huffed. "and why is he holding his face?"
"Who knows?" you shrug as Pedro scoffs, watching you walk away as Violet calls out afterwards that you were free to go.
As you were walking back to find where the rest of the interns were, you turned your head to find Pedro's eyes still on yours. You gave him an evil smirk as he pointed his finger at you before swiping his thumb across his neck.
You giggled, about to respond back but you were interrupted when a hand tapped your shoulder. Turning around, you find that it was two of the interns, Joon and the girl who was supposedly in love with Pedro, her name tag claiming she was Kendall.
Was this the girl that Jules went did her errands with? Most likely.
"Are you done with the makeup? We need help arranging the equipment for what's gonna be used today," Joon softly smiled as Kendall just stared at you with no emotion.
Nodding, you followed after them as they walked towards the other side of the set. Soon, you had forgotten about the actor and your little battle as endless wires and heavy weights distracted you.
It wasn't till you physically couldn't bare holding the strong stands that the three of you were told you could take a lunch break. Pulling out your phone, you hadn't realized half the day had went by with all the work you were too engaged in.
"You wanna grab lunch with us? We were thinking about going to this small cafe down the street, the reviews look great," Joon asked as Kendall just sent you a small nod in agreement.
The three of you got along pretty well during the hours you spent together. You feel closer to Joon as he did talk the most, but Kendall did try to start little talks so it wouldn't be weird.
I mean we all kind had to get along in order for this job to work.
"I would but I should look for my friend-"
"I think she had her lunch already, I saw her walking by earlier eating a burrito," Kendall replied. Of course she ate already.
Going over the idea in your head a few times, you nodded. You were starving and you suppose its better to not be a loner right now. "Why not?"
As the three of you walked through the set, you didn't miss some of the glances you guys received as your footsteps were pretty loud. It looked like they were wrapping up on one of the scenes as the director was in deep focus on whatever he was lecturing to them on.
"I hope you guys like walking because I took a cab here," Joon chuckled, causing you to laugh.
"Don't worry, I did the same."
Putting on your big coat, you waited until Kendall was done tying the scarf around her neck before walking towards the exit. Close to the door, you halted when you heard someone call your name.
"Y/n!" you saw Bella jogging towards you making Joon and Kendall freeze their movements.
Shifting slowly, you gave her a curious look. "Yes?"
"We wanted to know if you wanted to have lunch with us?" she smiled before looking behind you to find the two others. "You guys can come too!"
Swinging your arms in front of you, you reject her offer as fast as she asked you. "Oh no, no- I'm all good," you decline, not wanting to feel like a bother. "You guys enjoy your own thing-"
"C'mon, how else are we gonna tease Pedro if you aren't there to get him riled up first?" she chuckled as you felt your face on fire.
"Maybe next time?" you kindly suggest, watching as she pouts but nods.
Lifting her right hand up, she sways it around. "Alright, but don't be surprised if Pedro haunts you because of this."
"Why would he?" you heard Kendall quickly question, making Bella tilt her head at her fast counter.
"Because he's the one who asked me to invite her-." Bella casually states before turning to you. "-which you declined so I hope he teases you all week for leaving Nico and I hanging."
Ignoring the first part of her last statement, you playfully nudge her before waving your goodbyes as she skips back to the rest of the cast. Beginning your walk to the cafe, the three of you had little talk about where you grew up, which schools you attended, and why you wanted to work for the film industry.
If it weren't for the freezing temperatures you would say you really enjoyed the walk, too bad you couldn't.
It wasn't until you were seated that Kendall decided to speak her mind on what she was really curious about:
"So, I wonder why Pedro specifically asked you to join him for lunch and not the rest of us?" she randomly revealed as you were taking a sip of your coffee, almost choking on it once you heard her clearly. "Do I sense favoritism?"
Joon stifled a laugh, shaking his head at her last comment. "Doubt it, but I did wonder the same thing until I realized she did help with their makeup. That's intimate enough to make her at some level close to them."
You don't really know Kendall but she's been decent enough to be around until the cast comes to mind. Maybe she wants to be close to them? You're not sure, maybe Jules was right about her all along- who knows.
What you did know though was she was very quick to question and jump to conclusions.
"What did you even talk to them about?" Kendall eyed you, making you tense up a bit. She is very intimidating when she's curious.
"Nothing much-,' you shrug, messing with the napkin in front of you. "Mainly about the 1975 since the girls are British."
"You like the 1975?" Joon asked and you nodded. "I love them!"
Ears perking up after hearing this, you smiled hard. This new information just made Joon 10x better.
"I don't know who they are," Kendall intervened, trying to find some voice in the topic.
The rest of the hour was filled with Joon and you playing the 1975's albums to Kendall as she tried her best to hide her annoyance by shoving her food in her face.
She was definitely not a fan of talent.
Going back to work was a bit easier than before after finding comfort with a lot of the people around you. The three of you were still stuck doing the same job as you heard some of the other interns were either picking up props needed for a scene or being a personal assistant to Finn.
In fact, you hadn't seen many people as rehearsal was moved to another building on the lot. Another hour or two went by before Finn went up to Joon and you to cut you for the day.
"At least we don't have to stay late," Joon beamed, taking off the gloves he was wearing before folding them back into his little backpack. "I heard he's making some people stay till 6 for some heavy-lifting duties- thank god I wasn't chosen."
"Why? Because you aren't strong enough?" you laughed as he let out a small gasp in offense.
"To think we were becoming best friends," he pouted. "But I had a back injury over a year ago so they can't really make me lift anything more than 30 pounds."
Feeling bad for teasing him, you immediately tried taking back your horrible joke. "I didn't mean t-"
"It's cool, no need to beg for forgiveness," he smiled. "Just a little something I don't tell many people, it isn't a big deal majority of the time."
Throwing a weak- but sincere smile, you nod along. Sure it wasn't a big deal right now, but later it could get worse. You didn't want him to know you felt bad but you assumed he knew by the pity upon your face.
Waving your goodbyes, you texted Jules to figure out where she was. It was a strange feeling not seeing each other all day despite working in the same building, but you did live together so it wasn't like you were missing much.
Finding her fake laughing at some guy's joke, her eyes met yours once you appeared by the door of the break room. Immediately, she patted the young boy who didn't look a day over 18 on the back before skipping happily towards you.
"I take it you had a fun day?"
"The best," she grinned, flipping a piece of hair behind her back. "I finally know what an affogato is- it really isn't that amazing as it sounds though. Just a shot of espresso poured on top of a drink."
Laughing, both of you continued down the hall in hopes of quickly finding a cab to take you to the subway. With the timing of your release, you were sure there was going to be so much traffic out these doors that you weren't ready to deal with.
Swinging the exit door open, you didn't expect to find Joon waiting outside with his hands in his pockets, looking down the street praying for an available cab to drive by.
"That hard to catch a ride, huh" Jules sighed, pulling out her phone as Joon slumped, bummed out. "Uber it is."
Seconds later you felt the doors behind you open again but didn't bother to turn, Joon and you too focused on peeking at Jules' phone as she complained about why an app that was supposed to be used when in need always took forever to arrive.
Two people walked a few feet to the side of you three and that's when you could see from the corner of your eye their figures stopping. Moving your head, you caught a view of a man scanning his phone and another glancing at you. It was Pedro.
"And what are you doing out here in the cold, you look like a chihuahua shivering to death," he chuckled, taking steps towards you.
"Is that a compliment?" you questioned, tilting your head as he gave you a smug look, making you guess for yourself.
"Pretty sure he's means you look like a rodent," Jules dryly commented, swiping through her phone before groaning loudly. "Goddammit! The nearest driver is 25 minutes away, I don't want to be waiting that long for a ride that's probably gonna be my whole day's pay."
Realizing the situation you and your friends were in, Pedro lifts a hand trying to get attention. "You guys need a ride? I drove here and-"
"No thank-," you intervene.
"-yes, please," Jules cuts you off, sending you a small glare as you gave one back.
You were not going to ask someone you met just this morning for a ride home. It's too much.
Pedro laughed at the sight of you two yelling at each other through your minds. Telepathy really works when it comes to your friends. Joon just stood there, not really caring what decision we came to terms with. He figured since Jules and you stayed with him long enough he could join along with whatever you two did, so it was up to you guys to make the final move.
"Okay, don't kill each other," Pedro joked, making you move your eyes away from Jules back to him. "How about I drive you three home and you can help me with my makeup this week- so you won't feel like you're taking too much from me."
Squinting, you made a face. "But I already have to do that- it's part of my job."
"She agreed! Let's go," Pedro exclaimed, waving his right arm to you guys to follow him, ignoring you as you tried to debate as to why doing your job wasn't helpful enough.
As Jules kept trying to shut your mouth by placing her palms on it during the walk inside the parking garage, Joon kept looking back confused. "Wait, what about the man? Was he leaving with you?"
Taking a quick glance towards the direction Joon was looking at, Pedro shrugged before pulling out his car keys. "His wife is picking him up."
Joon slowly nodded, not completely convinced that was the case but he'd let it go this time.
Hearing a car beep, you saw a very nice black car's light flash quickly. Walking up closer, Pedro went to the passenger side and opened it while staring at you. "Get in, loser."
Awkwardly standing there, you shook your head and look towards the backseat. "Uh, no- I'm fine with sitting in the back. Maybe Joon can have it since he is the tallest one here."
Joon shook his head. "I'm happy with sitting in the back, ladies first."
Pedro agreed with his last comment, lifting his head to get in the car as you continued to reject his kindness. He already offered you a ride home, you weren't able to take the front seat.
You both continued to fight about the seat before Jules flapped her arms and jumped inside instead. "We are not going to argue for hours over a seat, I'll take it."
Lowering your shoulders, you smiled as Pedro sent you a displeased look. Heading towards the door, Joon opened the door for you, kindly sending you a warm smile. You returned one back and moved to the seat behind the drivers.
Joon followed after you and sat behind Jules as you could see Pedro speed walk around the car, quickly jumping in. He turned towards the back, glancing at the two of you. "Where to?"
"Jules," you called out. She pulled out her phone and showed it to him before saying, "this is it."
"City girls," he blurted out. "The rats on the streets must be a sight to see."
"Let me see?" Joon asked before her phone was shoved to his face. "Hey, I live three streets away from here. Nice."
"We're basically neighbors," you nudged him, making him do the same as Pedro and Jules just stared at the both of you.
"Anyway," Pedro let out a small laugh, "let's go before I change my mind."
Putting the car in reverse, drive, and zooming off, we were on our way. The ride was filled with Jules playing with the radio, Pedro nicely trying to get her fingers off his screen, and Joon calling out the different trees he'd seen out the window the entire time.
At one point Joon even handed you his phone and asked for your number in case either of you needed help with the internship or the cheesy joke of one of you needing sugar in the middle of night.
Once he was dropped off, it took less than ten minutes to arrive to your apartment building.
"You can just pull in right there," Jules declared, pointing at an open spot in front of our lobby doors.
Taking a quit scan, you objected. "No, that's for emergencies only. Just go around the block, we can walk."
Jules protested, pleading Pedro to not give in to your nonsense. "This is an emergency- I want to go home already!"
"It's a red line; therefore, no parking."
Pedro laughed as you raised your voice, determined to not let him get away with this. You were not about to pay for a ticket just because she couldn't walk a few feet...and then a few more to get home.
"Is she always this stubborn?" Pedro jested, earning a hard raise of the eyebrows from Jules.
"You should see her when we study. If you aren't there on time you're kicked out of the discord." Smacking her arm, she huffs and smacks you back.
"I need to be apart of this discord," Pedro stated, making you roll your eyes.
"It's for students only, grandpa," you replied, causing him to gasp.
"That's not how you should treat someone who gave you a ride across town, intern," he retorted and pulled up along the red crub, making Jules laugh as you sent him a dirty look.
So he's pulling that card.
Jules opened her side of the door, stepping out before grabbing her bag and leaning down against the window. "Welp, I am going inside before he personally fires me for befriending you. See you inside and thanks Mr. man who can still get me fired even though he's not my boss!"
Next thing you knew, she was opening the entrance doors and sliding right inside them. It was time for you to go as well.
You could see him grab his phone, unlocking it, and then placing it right in front of your face. "Give me your number."
Scoffing, you pushed his hand away. "Not even going to ask?"
"We both know you're too difficult to easily agree to a question like that," he countered, pushing it back towards you, not leaving until you accepted it.
Was it unprofessional to be giving the main lead of a new television series your personal number? Maybe a lot of people do it, you mean there are plenty of workers who end up friends with cast members all the time on sets.
You're sure these workers have given their numbers away on multiple occasions.
Handing him back his phone, he grinned. "Great, now I can directly reach you whenever I need coffee."
"Only during work hours," you replied, shaking your pointer finger at him. "I don't get paid overtime unless I am on the clock."
He chuckled, twisting his body to get a better view of you. "Yeah, yeah. We'll see about that."
With that, he jumped out of the car and opened your car door, allowing you to step outside and be met with the freezing temperatures once again.
How much you hate the cold when its windy.
"See you tomorrow, kid," he scanned over, waiting for you to comeback with some snarky remark for his pet name.
Stepping away from his car and meeting the sidewalk, you turned around towards him to find him leaning against his door now, watching you to make sure you make it inside safely.
"Same with you- thanks for the ride, grandpa," you smirked, making him suppress a laugh as you turned your back to him again, making your way to the entrance doors.
Two feet away, you stopped when you heard him chant out your name. Seeing him inside his car with his passenger window rolled down, he tried his hardest to move his head against it to see you. "By the way," he started, "you don't look like a rodent."
Feeling flustered by the random yet sweet compliment, you tried hiding your big smile by waving him off, trying to hide your face with your hands and sped walked inside.
You hoped he didn't see the tint on your cheeks.
Unfortunately, your hopes never come true.
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dufrau · 1 year
just had a post pop up recommended with tags like "this is not anti nancy but she should be held accountable for her selfishness more" and im like... what selfishness exactly? like, sincerely, within the canon, what has she done that was selfish?
the only thing i can think of is that once when she was like 15 she invited her friend to a party and then decided to get laid and her friend was then eaten by a monster she had absolutely less than zero reason to believe existed in their town that was so safe Hopper says nobody has even gone missing there since 1923.
she broke up with steve? breaking up with somebody isnt selfish! if you arent happy in a relationship breaking up with somebody is good, actually!
she stood up for herself at her job instead of just dealing with it which is a problem because jonathan also works there and he's poor so she should... what exactly? like please explain what you think she should have done in this situation. there's a whole new mall at this point, also, btw. so there are probably actually plenty of jobs available for high school kids even if they do get fired from the paper. and anyway jonathan DOES call her out for this (despite the fact that he went along with her of his own volition), so if somehow you really do think she did something wrong here she was "held accountable" for it. (he also called her out in season one for the sin of wanting to date a cute boy, so in addition to her friend DYING as a result of that grave selfishness she also was directly called out for it!)
and robin is supposed to hate her and think she's selfish because she "broke steve's heart" even though like a half hour after hearing that she personally witnesses nancy putting herself bodily in the way of a speeding car to try to protect a bunch of kids and then they all take part in the same battle against this giant flesh monster during which they all risk their lives over and over and over. but robin is supposed to perceive her as "selfish" because steve, who does not hold a grudge against her himself even! said she broke his heart.
i just truly do not understand some people's readings of this character. i dare you to look at nancy wheeler for who she actually is and what she wants and not just through the lens of "she made a boy sad though".
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kabuki-draws · 10 months
I watched Ridley Scott's NAPOLEON yesterday and it was a complete Waterloo.
Yes, I am a big history nerd with a giant heart for movie adaptation of historical topics. But when I watched NAPOLEON I sat there... and tried not to laugh. It was not only so historical inaccurate, that I wanted to cry, at the same time it was filled with cringe dialogues, red flags and terrible color grading. This whole movie made me so sad yet so angry, that I HAVE to write this review:
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(Disclaimer: This review is based on my own opinion. If you enjoyed the movie, it's completely fine. Btw. in that case or if you agree with me, feel free to tell me your opinion. I would love to know!)
First of all: Don't get me wrong, the medium film has its own rules and you can't put as much historical accuracy into a big scale movie as you would into a documentary - sometimes the story needs to be altered to be a good movie. And that is fine. Even if Gladiator is a complete fictional story set in the Roman Empire, I can still enjoy this movie for what it is: A good-written story with great characters, a beautiful score and iconic scenes. With Kingdom of Heaven it's kind of the same - and while the movie cut was very inconsistent, I still kind of liked it. But then the Directors Cut made it a a masterpiece for me.
Funny enough, both of these movies are made by the same person: Ridley Scott. So naturally I thought: Well, Napoleon won't be a historical accurate film, but I surely will enjoy it anyways. Well, ...no. It is not only historical incorrect, it's also a bad movie overall.
To start it short: NAPOLEON clearly lost itself in all the various topics it wanted to tell within a runtime of two and a half hours. It made the whole storytelling very weird and inconsistent, causing the problem, that the audience even loses itself in the questions of when and where. Where is that scene located? When did that happen? And then comes the question: Why is this even happening?
Ridley Scott wants to depict Napoleon as a lover, a military genius, a big political figure, a revolutionary and more. But in the end he tells all of this in the most shallow way possible, which waters down Napoleons personality traits and achievements to a series of small scenes. You never get a glimpse of the "true" Napoleon, who was described as a highly intelligent and charismatic man. In fact, you never really feel ANYTHING about him except that he was a cringe red flag in front of his wife. He just stands there, stares and has very limited dialogue scenes to get a picture of that man. What are his overall motivations? Only Josephine? If so, why is this motivation only vaguely explored?
The whole love story between him and Josephine feels so unnatural and got to the brink of being disgusting. This is particularly sad because I deeply respect Vanessa Kirby and Joaquin Phoenix, they're both stunning actors. I don't know if they just couldn't fit the role or if it was rather a problem of the script (the last one is my guess). Yet whenever I saw Josephine and Napoleon on screen, I felt like acted very stiff and forced. Napoleon seemed more obsessed with her than actual love and that can be a character trait, but there wasn't a chance to explore that deeper. Before the movie entered the cinema, the lovestory between these two was marketed as intense, obsessive, deeper than you could imagine. What the audience got was a few scenes without real conversation, much staring and a bunch of cringeworthy s-scenes. And seriously, these "sexy" scene were the worst. I was so disgusted by them because they were SO DAMN WEIRD. There are no scenes that undermine ANY deep love between Josephine and Napoleon. It felt therefore so off, when they still longed for each other after their divorce.
And let's not start to ramble about the fact that they depicted Josephine ONLY in a somehow sexual way. Yeah, there is that scene where she says to Napoleon, that he is nothing without her. BUT SHOW, DON´T TELL! You never see her doing something instead of sitting there, talking with others or when the plot needs her to have sexy time with someone (not only Napoleon). As a woman myself this makes me so freaking furious, you have no idea. I don't need a marvel-coded super-strong woman with unlimited talents - I just need a female character that is written GOOD and plausible! Make me CARE for her plot and for the plot of Napoleon! Both of them don't even feel like normal human beings because they're like blank pieces of paper with their names written on it!
And don´t make me start to talk about the historical inaccuracies. At first I didn't want to draw that card. Actually, I don't need a historical movie to present 100% facts. If the movie is still enjoyable, it's okey. But even if many people say that the war scenes were awesome, I can only partly agree. Yeah, we have that cool ice-lake Austerlitz battle, but it took me a couple of minutes and a better look on the uniforms to know that Napoleon is now at war with Austria! You get nearly ZERO context to Napoleons battles. Yeah, nice, the scenes look cool - but there is nothing more to it? Is that all you need to show for the audience to care? For me at least, I just didn't care at all and I was very happy when I got out of the cinema. Overall this movie is full of messy non-sense choices that don't contribute to the story. Many moments just confused me and it left me with the question why Scott couldn't simply hire some historians to put together a consistent story. Everyone who read about Napoleons life knows that there are so much cinema worthy moments in his career that would've been so much better than what we now got.
I could ramble about that movie for hours if I´m honest, but I hope this little TED talk was enough to make my statement clear.
In the end, it just makes me sad. I wanted to like this movie, I wanted it to be good. For months I hyped myself up to this, read books about Napoleon, watched the trailer all over and over and talked with friends about how great this movie will be. Now I am just disappointed and frustrated. Oppenheimer was such a great biopic of a historical person that became a great success at the box office - even without great battle scenes. I hoped that Napoleon would push a cinema revolution, that shows people want big scaled films about historical personalities and history topics. But now I just want to forget this Napoleon movie to be honest.
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
We meet again, darling pt.13 (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
SMUT and violence, brief mention of SA like once btw. Sorry if this is batshit crazy!
You're woken by the throbbing in your face, as you groan you feel Abby's weight shift next to you and she suddenly pops into your eyeline as she leans over you.
"Good, you're up. How are you feeling?" You wince as you start talking.
"I'm fine, thank you for saving my ass yesterday. I thought she was the food so when she rushed me I was so shocked, I'm getting sloppy."
"Because of me?"
You hold the side of her face and smile. "No, I've got cocky, I needed to be humbled." You laughed at yourself and Abby laughed too as she started getting out of bed. "I'm going to leave when you leave because I've got to get ready for my day with Ellie." She scowls in your direction. "It's business, don't give me that look."
"What are you going to make her do?"
"Nothing for you to be concerned with."
"I do this to protect myself but I keep the things I have on people a secret. I'll keep what you did a secret."
"How do you manage to make it sound like everything you do is reasonable?"
"That's not me that's doing that." She watches you smile as her stomach drops. She forces out an awkward laugh.
"Whatever, I gotta shower will you be here when I get out?"
"Yes, darling." You wink and she shakes her head while chuckling as she walks away. You message Jeremy and get up to get some more ice for your face. Then you go to your bag and grab 500 dollars and leave it on Abby's dining table to pay for the damages. You amble back to her bed and lay down while you wait for Abby to be done in the shower.
You're sending messages and emails when Abby walks out in her towel. "Take it off1 Take it off!"
"I am already late. Don't start."
"You're no fun."
"How about I come to yours tonight?"
"Yeah I'll call when I'm home."
You both said your goodbyes and within half an hour you were back in your penthouse. You sat for a while just processing everything that happened last night and then you had a shower. You felt a lot better for it and you managed to do a good job covering the worst of the bruises with makeup so you felt okay. You had to admit your little standoff with Ellie made you only more excited for what you had planned.
Ellie stayed glued to her phone all day just waiting for you to ring but the call didn't come until nine pm.
"I'm outside, black jag, come out quickly." You hang up before she can say anything else and within minutes she's climbing into your car. Just as you did with Abby, you simply survey her appearance, her freckle-stained cheeks, the auburn hair and its shaggy cut. You notice the brightness of her eyes and then you notice the bags under them. "How are you feeling Ellie? Not too sore?"
"Are you seriously asking me that? My head hurts, thanks for that."
"Well who's fault is that?"
"If you're suggesting its mine I'll-"
"You'll do what?" You narrow your eyes at her as a warning which you were pleased to see she took.
"Where are we going?"
"If I tell you that it ruins the surprise. Be patient my love, all in good time." Ellie feels how clammy her hands have gotten as she pulls at her fingers in anticipation. You sit in the car silently until you arrive at your destination 45 minutes later. You're so excited you don't even wait for Jeremy to open the door, you just hop out. You rush round to Ellie's side and stand face to face with her as she gets out. You smile at her and she remains completely emotionless. You shrug as you begin walking to the warehouse. "Follow me!" You wait until Ellie catches up to you and you fling the door open with an enthusiastic "Surprise!"
Ellie looked up at your words and felt a chill run down her back that made her skin feel like ice. The warehouse was empty except for a chair that a man was tied to and a table next to it all on top of a plastic tarp. Ellie felt sick. The kind of sick that made her want to run and hide and never move from her bed again, but she couldn't run because you kept walking closer and she could only follow you. As you reach the tarp where the man sits unconscious Ellie takes in the scene in front of her with a hand over her mouth. On the table was a knife and gun and the man was bloody and bruised. He looked almost dead already and she noticed the large pool of blood under him, she followed the blood to find that it started from his crotch. She felt a small sickening grin on her face when she noticed his jeans were unzipped and yanked down.
"Did you-?" She gestures to the origin of the blood while looking at your smug face.
"Yeah I cut it off." Ellie scoffs. "That's why he's here. He was a runner for me, I caught wind of his indiscretions and I have no tolerance for it. I've done most of the work for you, you just need to finish him off."
"You want me to kill him? No way. You're fucking deranged."
"Look he's going to die anyway." You walk over and bend to put your ear to his slumped over head. "Sounds like he's got an hour or two left. If you don't do this you're only prolonging the inevitable. In a way you're doing him a kindness, putting him out of the misery I've caused him. Just shoot him Ellie. One clean shot to the head, that's it."
"How do you rationalise your actions?"
"I don't, you do." You were still kneeled down listening to the man's wheezy shallow breaths, that mischievous grin never once leaving your face. "One shot Ellie, one shot and you feel how Anderson feels, you have what she has. Do you know why I am the way I am?"
"You're immoral."
"I'm powerful. What we're doing here, we're playing God. That power, all you have to do to feel that, is kill him." You stand and walk over to the table holding the weapons to draw her attention to them. You relish in the way she follows you with those dazzling eyes of hers as you feel like you're under a spotlight. "One shot Ellie, that's all it takes."
Without another word Ellie marches to the table and snatches the gun, aiming it for the man. She breathes in and before she even has a chance to second guess herself she shoots the man. "Oh my god." Her ears start ringing as she feels her heart beat all throughout her body. The throbbing in her head reduces her vision to a blur and her mouth suddenly feels dry. As her arm is about to drop from the weight of the gun antagonising the shaking of her limbs she feels your hand enclose around her wrist as the other takes the gun from her.
"Thank you Ellie. That was beautiful. How did it make you feel?" Your voice is soft as you hand her a crisp white handkerchief.
"Exactly Ellie. I knew you'd understand. Come on, I'll take you home." You both start walking away from the corpse and Ellie finds herself sneaking glances back at the slumped man. As she watches you climb into the drivers side of your car for once she looks around for any sign of the driver. She shrugs her shoulders and gets in beside you. "If you're worried about anyone finding him there are people clearing up as we speak."
"I'm not worried."
"Hm okay good." You continue driving in silence until you reach Ellie's apartment. "You did good tonight Ellie, I'm impressed."
"Thanks. I'll see you soon?" As she questions you she smirks and you notice the change in her eyes: they're brighter and they have that sparkle when they look at you. The same sparkle Abby has.
"You'll be seeing me very soon." You lean in and whisper in her ear. "You're mine now." You pull away and smile angelically, she chuckles back at you before getting out of the car and walking to her home.
"I'm outside, hurry up." It felt like hours before Abby appeared at the car with a puzzled expression as she looks at you in the driver's seat.
"Hey, what's up?"
"That's what you call hurrying up? Put your seatbelt on." The second you hear her seatbelt click into place you take off for yours.
"Fucking hell, do you want to drive any faster?" When you don't reply Abby studies your face only to notice the small blood splatters spotting your appearance. She can't see much as your eyes are planted firmly on the road but she knows something is different. You pull up to your penthouse and practically throw the keys at the valet before dragging Abby through the entrance. Everything was setting your body on fire, you forgot this feeling and how inpatient it made you. The second the doors of the elevator shut you pushed Abby up against the wall, grabbing her by her hoodie and pulling her into an all-consuming kiss. As the doors 'ding' and open you grab her pulling her into the penthouse before locking the doors of the elevator.
Abby looks you up and down taking in your appearance. Your half-lidded eyes with the eyelashes that you bat at her tellingly. The smirk that you get when you know you're winning, it was the same smirk that was plastered on your face the night you and Abby spoke on the balcony. Your clothes, all black but smeared with a shiny substance, the same substance dotted your face giving you dark-red freckles. She realised you were covered in blood the second she noticed the knife in your hand that was surprisingly clean. "I cleaned it off already don't worry. Are you precious about the clothes you're wearing?"
"What?" Abby scoffs and laughs, half in disbelief, half slightly panicked at your off putting behaviour.
"Are you precious about the clothes you're wearing?" You saunter over to her, eyeing her like you're going to devour her.
"No, I guess not."
"Good." You smile menacingly and Abby gasps as she hears the ripping of her hoodie. She winces as the tip of the knife scratches a line up her stomach and past her chest so hard small bubbles of red begin to appear in its trail. You reach the neck of the hoodie and she feels the knife press against her throat as she backs away, she shuts her eyes as she tries to get as far away from the knife as possible although her eyes dart open again as she feels the knife being removed from its place against her neck and sees you are entranced by the cut going up her sternum. You make eye contact as you dart forward and lick away the blood on her skin all the way from the elastic of her sweatpants to her collarbones. "God you taste good."
Abby gasps into your mouth when you catch her lips in a rushed kiss and she tastes her blood on your tongue. You grab her nipples and twist as you smile into the kiss.
"Ow! You're a sadist."
"That makes you a masochist. Get on your knees." She sighs and chuckles as she gets on her knees in front of you.
"Only for you, darling."
"Oh right answer! You are doing things to me." You drag what remains of her hoodie over her head and thread your fingers through her braid until its loosened enough for you to grab a handful of. "I need a favour, love."
She kisses your thigh and feels the sticky sheen of blood coating her lips and chin. "Anything."
"I need you to eat me out so bad. Can you do that?" She doesn't even respond she just starts yanking your bottoms down with your underwear. You kick them off as you ditch your coat too, feeling like your skin is burning to the touch. You immediately feel her lips attach to your throbbing clit and you look down to meet her piercing gaze as your left hand grabs a fistful of her hair pulling her impossibly closer as she lifts your right thigh to wrap around her bare back before dragging her hand back up your leg and squeezing your ass cheek harshly. "Oh fuck, yeah just keep doing that."
Abby continues like this was the first time she had eaten in a week and before long you were groaning as you came so hard your head spun. "Thanks babe, that was amazing. Now go sit on the couch and wait for me. Please." You had your knife at her neck and it moves with her as she nods and rises. You both lock eyes when you hear the pops of her knees as she stands and you giggle as she immediately shakes her head. "Damn you're getting old."
"Shut up, sorry you're a demon that doesn't age."
"I'm gonna let you off for comparing me to a vampire tonight. Don't take my kindness for weakness."
"I love your kindness."
"Shut up, go sit down." You're smiling at her despite the annoyance in your tone and she starts walking backwards looking you up and down as you ogle her muscular chest. You felt like you had won the lottery when you realised she hadn't worn a bra under her sweatshirt and you're still entranced as you watch her walk to your couch. You discard of the rest of your clothes and inspect the red lining of Abby's blood on the point of the knife. You pop the knife into your mouth as you follow Abby and savour the taste of her, you feel invincible, like a god even when the knife nicks your tongue and you taste the iron filling your mouth and when you meet Abby's needy gaze the feeling only intensifies.
You kiss her like you'll die if you don't and as you pull away you stick your thumb in her mouth collecting some of her spit and smearing it across her lips and chin. You hum in satisfaction when you see the pinkey hue of the spit from your blood as you push her down to lay horizontally on the couch.
"Are you wet darling?" You purr at Abby.
"What do you think?"
"Keep giving me that attitude and you get nothing else from me tonight."
"Oh come on, you know you're turning me on so bad, so come here and do something about it."
"Oh that was smooth."
"I know." You laugh as you pull her sweatpants and underwear down so you're both naked and climb on top of her slotting your hips to hers. You throw the knife down on the floor without looking to see where it landed as you place a hand over each of her boobs that pushed back at your touch as her back arches when you roll your hips into hers over and over again. She pulls you down so you're pinned against her chest as you both continue rocking against each other and moans into a passionate, open-mouthed kiss that she caught your lips in. You both finish with screams and grunts and she scratches your trembling back.
"Follow me, I have a surprise for you."
"Jesus your stamina is ridiculous."
"Don't worry you old lady I'll do the work for now and let you catch your breath."
"Well alright then." She jumps up and follows you savouring the curve of your ass and the sway of your hips as you ascend the stairs to your bedroom. She feels like she���s entranced as she follows you, her cheeks heating up when you cast glances over your shoulder at her. As she walks into your room she's reminded of the last time she was here and her pussy throbs. Her attention falls on the box on your bed and she snaps back to reality to immediately inspect what's inside.
"I figured it would make sense for us to have one here as well. Want to put it on?" She nods her head as she rips the box containing the new strap on to shreds. You giggle as she looks like a child on Christmas ripping open the box but you go quiet again as she fits the harness round her hips and meets your eyes. "Go sit down, get comfy." You nod at the bed as you bite your lip.
"You're so hot."
"I know." You straddle her thighs and sink down on the strap, wincing at the size but persevering until you feel her hips under your legs. You grab her by the back of the neck and pull her forward so your bodies are pressed together. She bucks up into you and you pinch her cheek. "Bad girl."
"Who's fault is that?" You gasp as she chuckles and you push her down by her chest and start grinding down onto her. She tries to grab at your hips to guide you but you pin her wrists down.
"No touching." She whines and you smile as you continue moving on top of her. You speed up and only when your thighs feel like they're on fire do you feel her grinding up into you. You gasp and lean down wrapping your arms around her neck allowing her to encase you in her strong arms.
"What happened to know touching huh?"
"Shut up, I changed my mind."
"Thank god." She flips you both over and presses your thighs to her hips and she drags the dick in and out of you slow and deep. As she speeds up she leans down and spits into your mouth that had fallen open. "Swallow." You swallow her spit and groan as you feel your legs begin to shake. Abby looks down and takes in the sight of the strap gliding in and out of you so easily as it gets shinier with each thrust. You dig your nails into her back and she hisses as she slams into you harder as a response and before you can get a word out your orgasm washes over you and you see white as you whole body tenses. You hear Abby groan and feel her weight collapse on top of you as your muscles slowly relax.
"Good day babe?" She laughs as she looks up at you resting her chin on your chest while massaging your side.
"Good doesn't begin to describe it. Ellie was very obedient, I was impressed."
"You have a way of making people bend to your will."
"Yeah I know that's why you're my bitch."
"You are so unpleasant sometimes."
You both laid together for some time catching your breathe until you dragged her to the shower to get clean. You both argued about the temperature until you settled on a warm shower that she jumped out of much quicker. "Do you want me to change the sheets while you finish up in here?"
"Yes that would be amazing thank you. There's fresh sheets in the closet to the left of my room." She kisses you and leaves you to your shower as you turn the heat dial to as hot as it will go. You feel the water washing away all the dirt from today and as you savour the warmth of the shower you notice your skin feeling as though it is buzzing with the indestructible surge of power you haven't been able to shake since Ellie pulled the trigger.
psa: sorry this took a couple days, life got busy and then i got so high last night i slept for 13 hours so there was not much time to write. Hope this lives up to expecations and if it makes no sense im sorry im still super baked rn <33
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hi hi!! could i get cricket crew (those a-okay with xreaders) with a reader who’s like a pro gamer, maybe reader is also a streamer? somethin along the lines of that pretty please 🦕
ahhh yes of course!! I recognize you mwahahha, lmk if you'd like to be addressed as 🦕 anon btw bc I can't tell if you used it in a silly way like how I use 🛒🛒🛒 somwtimes or as a way to address yourself LMAO no worries tho 🫶🫶🫶
HANDSOME BROS ; pro gamer era
includes ; ranboo, tommyinnit, & badlinu
warnings ; language, mention of Dream
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he's been your biggest fan since day one, literally
he just so happened to be one of the first couple viewers you pulled while you began speedrunning minecraft
eventually you guys became friends and stuff
he literally watched your speedruns go from an hour and a half to half an hour so quickly
and over that time he's been boosting your stuff and everything
you ofc make other content and collab w other streamers, mostly Tommy and his friends
one time, you get a speedrun down to 25:03, your best so far and he's in a vc w you with your stream pulled up
literally screams when he sees the ender dragon explode into xp
you sit there like "omg I just did that that's my best record ever"
afterwards you play roblox for a bit with him (meep city) and throw a party to celebrate
you meet a bunch of viewers/chatters/fans as well bc you publicized yours and Tommy's usernames so they could join your server
"You're a pro now, y/n! even better than Dream!"
if he was right next to you rn, he'd be giving you the biggest kiss in the whole world
you'd been spending so, so long to get below a half hour or so and even just 5 minutes below that made you so ecstatic, same with him lmao
he literally makes 40 tweets about it and posts about it on his Instagram story
he also doordashes you some fast food + like three large waters
he's literally your biggest fan ❤️❤️❤️
when I tell you he's so fucking sweet to you
he's fully aware you're very serious with your video games and you try to be the best you possibly can
like he'll come over while you're training for a valorant competition with foolish & punz and just hang out behind you and watch
he'll go to snapchat and snap aimsey a pic of u grinding on valorant with the caption "look who's grinding valorant again"
star will respond with a "Jesus Christ how many hours do they have on there??"
he'll reply with a video of him asking
"how many hours do you have on valorant? like, all time"
you didnt even hesitate or think before you replied with "253"
"amount of hours doesn't equal skill, tommy"
good god they're actually worried something is wrong with you
no way super Mario odyssey can be so fun to you
speedruns went from maybe 2 hours down to 58ish mins or so in just a couple months
you were friends prior, but you got back into smo and got addicted with trying glitches and bugs you knew about
once you reached like 58:05, (about 13th on the leaderboard) you quit
good lord there was no getting better lmao
then came the challenge to get all the moons and speedrunning the dark side & darker side of the moon
they got on a vc with you while you were collecting moons so you could deal w a lot of distraction, and asked you to check the hours time
the way this shit said 834 hours.
the amount of joke-yelling and "I'm not mad just disappointed" convo came out of that
"It's not my fault the game is fun!"
"that's more than a year! that's nearly two straight years!"
"I've been playing it since release in my defense. I probably grinded up half of that within the past year or two though to be honest"
never the less, they always cheer you on and always have to boost your content
for the leaderboards, you're around 70th place on the dark side, about two hours, and for the darker side, around 80th, so about 3 and a half hours
they literallt watched you do 10+ hour streams and got on vc to voice concerns of burnout or scoliosis
"I'm fine! shit! damnit!"
"Chat please tell them to go sleep, this is wild. go play Mario kart with Bill at least"
"Yeah, come play Mario Kart with me!"
"where the fuck did you come from, I didn't even hear you join???"
"I've been here for half an hour!?"
you're freakishly amazing at building in the Sims 4
like dude you're an idol in the Sims community it's so weird
you build like those humongous mansions and find new furniture glitches and new designs and share them and stuff
dude don't even get me started on your sims
most the time you make your friends but they're never inaccurate
you can dedicate a five hour stream just making the fucking characters dude
he'll sit next to you so you can properly make his face and he'll get all tingly in his head as he watches
when you're making a giant new build he'll tweet about it like 4 times and leave a link to your stream LMAO
"guys go watch y/ns stream they have polls set so you guys can actually decide on design choices"
he's actually your biggest fan omg
he'll be in your chat like "omg hi y/n"
"Hey Freddie!"
joins a vc with you and starts absolutely bombarding you with compliments
dude can't go one stream without taking 372882 screenshots of you
"Dude how do you have motivation for this?"
"It's fun! if I can't be a designer in real life then I'll be one in the digital world motherfucker"
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pipipyuni · 2 years
Hiii💗 are you able to write a oneshot/scenario of human!Jake x FEM! Scientist! reader?( Their already dating btw) you can ignore this if you'd like,there's just barley any human Jake on here😭 Thank you!
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All Mine, Forever and Always
wc: 830
gender: fem
cw(s): decent amount of cursing, mentions of (unintentionally) not eating
pairing: human!jake sully x human!reader
an: i hope you enjoy this short little thing! i definitely had fun writing it, that's for sure!!
content can be read below the cut!
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There’s an evident pout on your lips as you slump against the lab table. “I just don’t get it!” You sigh dramatically, picking your head up when Norm scolds you for nearly knocking down some test tubes containing some local fauna.
You hold up three fingers to his face, “Three years! It took me three years in college to learn a language! And it only took you, what, a month?!”
Jake snorts, rolling over to your side of the table to place a kiss on your temple while his hand rubs soothing circles into your back, “Two months, actually.” You let out a groan at his obvious displays of faux sympathy.
“Don’t pity me, Sully!” You scowl at him, but lay your head on his shoulder regardless. He’s gotten thinner, you note offhandedly, gaze drifting to his unshaven jaw. His cheeks are sunken and his eyebags have grown darker since you’d last checked.
Before you can comment on his appearance, he barks out a laugh, “Guess I’m just better at learning languages than you.” Now it’s your turn to laugh, playfully shoving at his shoulder as you stand to stretch your tight muscles.
“Nah, maybe you’re just a shit teacher. If I had a teacher like Neytiri, I’m sure I’d learn Na’vi twice as fast as you.” 
“I’m pretty sure you’d just complain to me about her like you did back in college.”
“No, I wouldn’t–”
“It would go something like: ‘How was I supposed to know that door and shit had the same spelling?!’” He flailed his hands dramatically, unironically imitating the exact reaction you had just a few years prior.
“...Do they though?”
He gives you an odd look in response.
Sticking your tongue out at him, you make your way over to the fridge. It’s painfully empty and the only thing worthwhile is a half-eaten tube of food with Norm’s name scrawled messily on a crumpled yellow sticky note on top.
“Hey Norm,” you call out, eyes never leaving the tube in search of any signs of mold or decay. The man in question hums in response. “It alright if I take this?” He looks up with a raised brow, lips parted in silent protest when he sees the food held haphazardly in your palm. He can only sigh once he sees your worried gaze focused on none other than Jake.
He swallows the complaints bubbling within his throat, “Yeah, it’s fine.” He could survive a day or two without food. 
Would it be painful?
Yes, absolutely, but he can’t bear to see you hunched over Jake’s link pod, checking his breathing, his vitals–everything, really, when he goes for hours on end in his avatar body, only to return for a brief moment before being off again.
He can’t help but watch the two of you fondly, though his nose wrinkles when you place an audible kiss on Jake’s forehead. 
Jake merely rolls his eyes at Norm’s aversion to your affection, turning his gaze back to you in a silent plea. You comply happily with a chaste kiss to his admittedly chapped lips. Their still his though, and that’s all that matters.
You find it funny that his nose still crinkles when he takes a bite from the tube. He nearly spits it out, but one stern glare from you has him reluctantly swallowing the tasteless substance.
“The hell is this anyway?” He mumbles when the tube is finally empty after what feels like an eternity (it had really only been about two minutes). You offer a shrug, managing to snag the packaging back from his clenched fist.
“Says it's…Peach flavor?” You lick your lips as your brows furrow in a mix of amusement and confusion, “Didn’t know these things came with flavors.”
“No wonder it tastes like ass.” You stare at him for a moment. He stares back knowingly. Small giggles fall past your lips at first, followed swiftly by peels of hearty laughter.
As you laugh at his elementary-level remark, Jake takes a moment to admire your features. He watches your shoulders shake, and how the curve of your smile is so wide he’s almost worried it’ll split your face in two. He watches the way your chest heaves for gasps of air, even though he knows his joke wasn’t funny enough to warrant this kind of reaction. But, most of all, he watches as the hand-crafted ring glints beneath the early Pandoran sun when you lift your hand up to quell your fit of laughter.
How could someone like him ever manage to land someone as brilliant and beautiful as you?
“Maybe Neytiri is right, you really are a skxawng, you know that?” 
Jake rolls his eyes playfully, smiling proudly at your pronunciation before pulling you by the shoulder into his side and mumbling lowly into the crown of your head, “But I’m you’re skxawng, right?”
Nuzzled comfortably against him, you can’t help the small, breathless laugh that falls from your lips, “Mhm…All mine.”
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©pyuni 2022 — do not copy, steal, repost, or translate any of my works on tumblr or any other site
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rendy-a · 1 year
Congratulations on 500 followers 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉 hope you get more btw 🤗
Anyways so far the event reads are super entertaining and great so if its alr can i get yandere idia after the dance?? Ignore if you wish 👍
Funny thing about writing fics, sometimes you think your fic is a mess but when you reread over the draft, its not half bad.  I remember starting this out and thinking, if its after the dance, then surely, they have to meet in an unusual way because Idia won’t be coming to that dance by free will…
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There were so many things to remember from this night; the dance, your outfit, and hanging out with both new and old friends.  As the lights flickered off in the gardens, you sadly realized the magical night was over.  Only, you knew you’d never be able to sleep after this much excitement.  Maybe that was why you’d agreed to stay behind and help pick up trash from the tables in the cafeteria.  Plus, you weren’t completely alone.  “Thanks for keeping me company, Ortho,” you say as you give the AI boy a smile.  “It was my pleasure, Prefect!” he cheerfully replies. 
You look around at the dim cafeteria and realize, “Gosh, it is so quiet in here with nobody around.”  Ortho takes on a look of calculation before replying, “You are correct, no other lifeforms are detected in over 100 meters from this position.”  You laugh at how he took your innocent comment and turned it into such a scientific response, “Good to know.  Now no one will hear me scream.  Just like a B Horror movie.”  Ortho looks very amused by this, “Are you a fan of B Horror movies, Prefect?  My brother loves those!  You should come over to Ignihyde sometime and watch one with us!”  Watch movies with Idia?  You didn’t want to say anything to Ortho about his brother but, honestly, you weren’t sure he even knew who you were.  Really, if it hadn’t been for the whole ‘kidnapped by a ghost’ thing, you wouldn’t know him either. 
“Oh yeah?  That sounds like, um, great fun.  We should totally hang out some time,” you end politely.  “Ah! I’m so happy you feel that way, Prefect!  I’d love for Brother to spend more time with you!” Ortho says happily with a hand to his mouth like he couldn’t contain his smile behind that metal cover.  “Yeah, why not.  You can let him know to come see me…just whenever it is convenient for you,” you say offhandedly.  “Transmission complete.” You look over, “Hmm?”  Oh, the table Ortho was working on was now clean and…you look down at your own area, so was yours.  In fact, you’d hardly noticed but you and Ortho had finished collecting all the trash in the room.  “I guess it is complete,” you say looking back at Ortho with a smile, “Do you need me to walk you home?” 
Ortho gets a mischievous look in his eye, “No, Prefect, I’ll be fine.  My brother equipped me with everything I needed for nighttime navigation.  He would do anything to make me happy and I’m sure he’d do the same for you too.”  You didn’t really know what to say so you stammered a reply, “I..I’m sure he would.”  This was apparently the correct answer as a very cheerful Ortho waved enthusiastically as he floated off.  You watch him go before turning to begin your own trek home. 
Good thing you weren’t afraid of the dark.  Otherwise, this campus could be a frightening place.  The gothic architecture reminded you of a vampire’s castle and the bats circling the towers did nothing do dispel that mood.  The eerie blue glow dancing across the pavers made the whole place seem like a path to an undead underworld.  Wait.  There shouldn’t be a blue glow on this path.  After all your earlier bluster, you were now generally freaked out.  You looked back, considering taking the back way home but that convoluted path would take you at least half an hour to walk.  No, you lived with ghosts, you could deal with whatever supernatural entity this was.  You’d just be careful.
You crept carefully down the path until you came to a glowing blue hedge.  You could see the eerie flames came from deeper within.  You gathered your courage and rushed forward, parting the hedge and shouting mightily, “Arrgghhhh!”  You had no plan but, luckily for you, you didn’t need one.  The frightened occupant of the hedge screamed louder than you did and fell back on his bottom, “AAAHHHH!”  You meet eyes and continue screaming for a solid twenty seconds until the flickering blue flames finally illuminated enough of his face for you to recognize your supernatural stalker was only Idia. 
“What are you doing here?” you hiss out quietly at the cowering dorm leader.  “You…you invited me, so I came!  B.but, I got nervous about random encounters and decided to take a pit stop to wait for my stamina to recharge,” he stuttered out.  You give him a puzzled look, “I…invited you?”  He flushes deeply and his hair gets a pink tinge to the ends, “Ortho, he passed on your message.  That, that you wanted to see me…to hang out…” Then he looks away, tapping his index fingers together like a schoolgirl.  Wait, what exactly had you said to Ortho?  “I thought I said he shouldn’t mention it until he saw you next.  I didn’t mean to drag you out of bed or anything.” 
Idia gets a rare sharp-toothed grin when explaining, “Ortho is set up with Wi-Fi, local transmission, and the ability to connect to outdated landline technology.  We are always in touch.”  Then he seems to feel overwhelmed about having said so much, “P.plus, I’m never asleep this early s.so, you shouldn’t worry about me.”  You still felt guilty, you had inadvertently dragged an introvert out into the wild with no real reason.  The guilt prompted you to come up with an impromptu excursion to drag your new acquaintance on.  “So, want to walk around the main street?  I guess you don’t really get to see the busy areas of the school much, huh?”  He blinks at you owlishly before giving you a shy grin and a nod. 
“Here are the Great Seven statues,” you remark in a very tour-guide tone.  You nod your head toward the stature of the Queen of Hearts, “Grim and I sort of burnt that one down once.”  Idia looks at you, “Oh yeah?” he drawls with a knowing grin.  “I…I mean we were MINORLY involved.  It was really Ace’s fault mostly!  I’m not some hoodlum or anything!” you hurriedly backtrack on that comment.  He pulls his hands into his body in surprise at your sudden outburst and stammers, “I…I know…I believe you.” 
You cringe at what a weirdo you sound like.  Not that you are the only one who had some weird moments this night.  Earlier, you’d randomly pointed out a bench you like to sit on, and Idia had taken a picture of it with his phone.  How much of a shut-in do you have to be before someone’s favorite bench seems picture worthy?  “Maybe next time we will sit on it together,” you’d joked only to have Idia flush instead of laugh.  Maybe he isn’t ready for jokes today.
Time for a topic change, “Which of the statues is your favorite?” you ask suddenly.  “Me?  You want to know my favorite? I never thought you’d want to know about me…” Idia trails off in a mumble before responding, “Ah!  I like the King of the Underworld.  A.and not just because I’m from Ignihyde!  He is just so cool.  He devotes himself to his work but still had time to find someone to make his bride.  I..I try to imitate his work ethic…and other things…”
The silence lingers after Idia finishes until he asks quietly, “Which one is your favorite?”    It was an interesting question as you had no dorm affiliation to influence your choice.  You don’t really want to think too hard about things in the middle of the night, so you shrug and point to one.  “Th.the King of Beasts?” Idia asks in surprise.  “Hmm,” you hum in agreement, “It’s a cat.”  Then you meet his eyes and burst out into laughter.  He surprises you by letting out a small chuckle too; I guess he is ready for some jokes after all.  “I didn’t know we had so much in common.  I also like kitties.” he says quietly before you nod toward the path and continue your way onwards toward Ramshackle. 
You reach the fence bounding the hill on which Ramshackle lies and lean onto it, weaving your arms between the spiked bars that top it.  “Home sweet home.  It doesn’t look like much now, but you should have seen it when it was all decorated up by Diasomnia during Halloween.”  He gives you a small smile and remarks, “I saw it.  I had Ortho fly over and take video for me.”  You bump him with your elbow, “Keeping an eye on me, eh?”  He does not take that as the joke you meant it to be and goes into a panicked fluster, “N.No!  Not..not at all!  It…It was for research purposes.  RESEARCH ONLY!”  You laugh, “Relax, I’m only teasing you.”  He was fun to tease, you decide.
“I thought it looked great.  I was sort of jealous of the costumes.  I think it would have been fun to dress up in one,” you muse, allowing the subject to change.  “Do..do you like to cosplay?” Idia asks carefully.  “Hmm, I don’t know if like is really the word.  Maybe say I’m interested in it,” you say as you think it over, “Like when you see a really great costume online and it makes you feel excited to try it out.  You know?”  You push back from the wall and give Idia a nice smile as you seek out his acknowledgment.  He returns your smile, “Yeah, like sometimes you see something really cute and think ‘I wonder what they’d look like in this.’” 
“They?” you tease, “Who is they?  Do you have a special someone Idia?”  If you thought you’d flustered him before, that was nothing to the reaction you got now.  The tips of his hair turned so crimson that, for a moment, the blaze was red-hot enough to warm you.  “NO!  I DON’T HAVE ANYONE IN MIND!  But I mean if I did, I wouldn’t brag about it to everyone, I’d keep them safe and secret.  It would be great to have a person to do this sort of thing with.  Maybe someday…”  From there, you aren’t sure if his mumbles get too quiet or if you are laughing too loudly to hear them. 
Then you reached your door and stopped at the entry to say goodnight to your companion.  “That was a fun time.  You should get out more often.”  He looks at the ground mostly, but you catch him gazing at you through his lashes as he says, “If you invite me, I’ll come again.”  You smile, “Sure.  I don’t mind, its not like you kept me waiting or anything.”  Idia’s expression becomes deathly pale, and his mouth works without producing any sound.  “Oh, don’t worry.  I’m not mad.  Even though you took that rest in a bush, you still showed up surprisingly fast.  I’m surprised you managed to get there that fast from Ignihyde and all.  What, did you actually jog all that way?  I think there must be a surprising amount I don’t know about you, Idia Shroud.”  Then, with a wave of your hand, you slipped inside and left the shocked Idia standing at your doorway.  He really was easy to tease. 
As you climb the stairs to your room you are stuck with your parting statement.  You hadn’t consciously thought about it, but Idia HAD appeared in that bush far faster than he’d have been able to if he came from Ignihyde.  Had he been on campus doing something?  Idia the famous introvert?  Now, when it was too late to ask, you wonder what he might have been doing prior to meeting up with you.  Perhaps, if you ever met up again, you’d remember to ask him what had interested him enough to tear him out of his room while everyone else was dancing. 
The whole ‘hang out’ had taken a surprisingly short amount of time, only around half an hour.  But after the long dance and clean-up were added in, it was enough to make you ready to turn in for the night.  So, you shucked off your formal wear and put on a comfy outfit and headed to bed.  You grab the top layer of bedding and fold it over giving yourself a way to slide into bed.  Before you can though, you puzzledly examine your pillow.  A single strand of writhing blue hair lays upon it.  You twirl it around in your fingers, ‘I guess it must have transferred to me from earlier and fallen off,’ you think.  How odd but…not odd enough to keep you up longer.  You flick your fingers, sending the wayward strand floating off to the floor to be swept up some other day. 
Then you slip inside your comfy bed and let your mind wander as it does before sleep claims you.  I wonder if Idia gets hot when he is in bed?  That flame hair must heat things up pretty fast.  Funny to think about because tonight, you feel like your own bed is somehow still warm as though remembering the heat of a recent occupant.  But that just must be your imagination.  A bed can’t stay warm all day like that. 
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roalinda · 1 year
if we're talking book prongsfoot material, i have a fond spot for their first meeting in Hogwarts Express. James liking Sirius' ironic wit, the way Sirius backed James up against Snape (and Lily btw). James being childish, open and bold, and Sirius taken by it so naturally. And like, we almost get to see the moment Sirius' life turned, 'breaking family tradition' said as a joke yet, as 'maybe', but we know few more hours with James and it's Gryffindor, baby XD
The train scene is so unique and has such a great impact that can be easily acknowledged as the start of their - quite the double act - which later they became infamous for, even between the teachers. They did it unknowingly yet so in sync despite their young age and their different backgrounds. They simply matched and clicked, like two pieces of a puzzle, soul mates. ♡ 
Sirius' sorting in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin is a complicated thing. He has that quick wit and sarcasm of the Slytherin House members, proven by his quick sarcastic and harsh come back to Snape in the train when he called Gryffindors - brawny than brainy - , telling him that he has none. He didn't say it in a way an eleven years old Gryffindor boy would bluntly say, he said it in a witty stinging way, the Slytherin way. 
BUT, here is the difference, he did it to back up Gryffindor, despite the Black family being Slytherins for generations. He didn't care about the views of his family, their pureblood culture or Snape's comment, he did what he wanted to do and what he felt was right, he did what naturally came to him.
I think James' presence indeed influenced in Sirius' sorting in Gryffindor but I also think that the sorting hat didn't do it just for that. Sirius was a pureblood from an ancient family with probably a vast magical knowledge for his age when he came to Hogwarts, so there is no way he didn't know about the history of the four Houses and their values and motto. (Unlike Harry who didn't know anything and based on what he had heard, asked the hat not to put him in Slytherin.) 
To me, the fact he says that he may break the family tradition half-jokingly, shows his Gryffindor side. Slytherins don't kid about their sorting like that. They have the aura of I-am-better-than-you, be it about their roots or magic and wit. Sirius is indeed haughty and arrogant, but not in the Slythrin way. He is arrogant in the Gryffindor way which is scarier. I believe that the sorting hat saw more Gryffindor traits in him than Slytherin. Sirius is brave, protective, rash, a massive rule-breaker and some one who hurries to help his friends in cases of emergency, without thinking or coming up with a plan beforehand, which is very Gryffindor of him and certainty not Slytherin. 
I think that is what makes Sirius Black a horrific force of nature, someone whose friends have his complete loyalty and foes his stormy wrath, because he is a Gryffindor who has heavy Slytherin traits sleeping deep within him. It is a monstrous power and in all honesty I think the books did Sirius dirty for not showing his full potential when the reader can easily assess that by putting two and two together.
But let us not forget that in sorting there is always a choice, - it is the choices that shows one what truly is, not their abilities - as Dumbledore puts it about sorting, and I think HERE is James' role. Sirius' heart chose James, and that means Gryffindor. But here is the thing, James' heart chose Sirius as well, so personally I think he would have ended up anywhere Sirius was too. 
If there is a love at the first sight notion in the HP series, it exclusively belongs to James and Sirius. The deep platonic love is canon and the romance is very close to canon, easily to be seen between the lines and if you ask for my humble opinion, I daresay that prongsfoot makes sense more than most HP pairings. It is a tragic tale of love and loss, something so grand that cannot be put into words. 
Thank you for the ask ♡ talking about prongsfoot always makes my day brighter ♡
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centi-pedve · 6 months
been scouring the regretevator wiki cause i was curious (terrible wiki btw i am so sorry. one page has a citation that just links to some discord bullshit which people who are not in the server obviously cant see) anyways i am getting a terrible impression of the creator(?) and i would be interested in your thoughts on this business if youd be willing to share :3
oh goodness gracious... well we do have Some thoughts and we dunno if they match your own concerns since, we purposefully don't go out looking for whatever the creator has said but yeah even from a distance it's. Not looking good. (Already mentioned some of these before but for the sake of putting it in one place we'll be redundant)
definitely has his own takes on certain characters, headcanons, and the like. it was silly at first but as time went on and the more effort he put into pushing negativity over certain things the less fun it became. we think, if you want people to dislike a character, you try and make them dislikeable within the context of the story and then let people form those opinions. rather than being weird about the fact that there are still people who do like the character and punishing them by denying them the most basic things or even involving them in the story at all because Doesn't Deserve It. yes this is primarily about unple/asant
related but... too much of a reliance on telling stories with twitter or other unofficial platforms. did we learn nothing from the dumbledore is gay tweet. like a huge amount of information on the wiki that is very important to understanding the characters are just is NOT in the game, like if you played the game fully you'd still need to rely on the wiki to be able to participate in fandom. honestly a large part of that is why we're so biased towards certain characters! unple/asant and infe/cted are the only characters with lore and trivia and such that we've bothered to go on the wiki for and memorize. we've played the game for hours and hours but that doesnt mean much lol. once again, unple/asant especially, it literally DOESN'T TALK or participate in ANY of the active dynamic story because Doesn't Deserve It but there's still things to know about unple/asant and people who like the game just want something!! like dunno the overuse of social media in storytelling just makes it so much more unfun, we don't like how information is released and the fact that we need to rely on external material that... is sometimes taken back because the creator has gone on record Just Saying Shit. favorite example vv
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Which is really funny considering it has 1 piece of dialogue on the game. So it can physically speak, and is also not "mewing 24/7" by result of having that dialogue (pretty sure the creator was just encouraged to say that without giving a fuck but, whatever). but the things that happen in game are second to the creator's twitter feed AMIRIGHTFELLAS
3. the,. the ableism. we've heard people tried to bring it up with the creator in the past and they were ignored so we feel comfortable mentioning it lol. bi/ve is a stereotype of someone who suffers from paranoia really, we mean we love her but... lol... and we will say it again pe/st should not canonically have npd or aspd. like omggg the evil character that robs people has two pds negatively stereotyped as belonging to evil people we're sure there was no bias in this decision. maybe we'd be less bothered if people didn't treat it as so serious and pretend to be cluster b allies like "you have to give him some understanding cuz he has aspd and npd 🥺" like no because he's evil, also maybe it wouldn't hurt to care about real people with those pds instead of a caricature. also the half-hearted throwing around of the word "mute" for unple/asant has been pointed out as ableist by a lot of people.
tldr uhhh wuhgghh NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK nobody get us (: nobody talk us...
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mdhwrites · 8 months
So, what do you think would have happened to Amphibia if its third season got shortened down to three hour long specials like Owl House did?
So A: this question is flawed. The shortening wasn't told to TOH's crew post S2. They were told WELL in advance. Dana is on record (source) for having said as much. The news came down on episode 7 of S2. Reasonably, this probably meant not a lot of S2A could have been changed due to deadlines but I don't know how all this works that well. For the sake of this, I'm going to mostly assume that something could have started changing starting episode eight and more drastic changes could be done after the mid season hiatus.
B: TOH needed S2B to mostly look identical to setup for going into the human realm, for having the Day of Unity as the finale and for the Collector to be set up as a villain by then. There are maybe two episodes you could change but nothing that is emblematic of the problems of S2B as a whole. Here's an entire blog about that. Btw, I published that blog before the finale came out and my opinion is mostly that that blog is kinder than it should have been.
C: I am not going to say this is a better version of Amphibia. Some might though. A lot of people think S2B and S3 of Amphibia is loaded with what they see as filler. Even I agree that you could probably cut a fair amount and not lose the core of the show. I'm about to demonstrate that. Also, just inherently because of a faster pace, the show would have to be more about the trio, or feel that way at least (again, I'll get into it), which the majority of the Amphibia fandom argues is what the show should have done anyways. So yeah, it's kind of an interesting conundrum.
D: I'll mostly talk about the weaknesses of this rewrite once I'm done. For anyone who needs a refresher though: S2, Episode 7 of Amphibia, the last one before this change, is one after Marcy at the Gates and has the segments "Scavenger Hunt" and "The Plantars Check In." Oh and before I get to the three specials, I'll mostly just be trying to slot in episode segments because that feels the most fair to actually capture a reasonable timeline for the show. Like I'm not coming up with cheats to handwave issues that this change would cause. As such, I'm not going to do something like cut The First Temple in half just for the sake of claiming more time. Once we get to the specials, that will change because those episodes' structures would have inherently changed, kind of like how The Hardest Thing has a different structure due to its extended run time. Until then though? I'll mostly be trying to effectively Mad Libs this off of what we already have despite the fact that the creators would have, at least if they're responsible, made changes to work within their new time frame. I'm going to give myself one unreasonable shift in return for this handicap effectively of not being able to change the core structure of the show or its plot points.
ANYWAYS. With that out of the way:
For the sake of pacing, you probably do Lost in Newtopia and then the Sleepover to End All Sleepovers as episode 8 because we can't literally go straight into leaving Newtopia and one could argue that the sleepover is important foreshadowing. However, the next episode is then a double whammy of A Day at the Aquarium to say farewell to Newtopia and still have that touching confirmation of the found family before then skipping Night Drivers and going straight to Return to Wartwood for the second segment, bringing us up to nine.
Then I would actually move Toad to Redemption into the first slot for episode ten because it is thematically important and a good rallying moment for Wartwood. You could also replace with Ivy on the Run for the sake of Sprivy and just make episode 13 into episode 10 by making After the Rain be the mid season finale. It's dramatic enough to do so and lets:
The First Temple opens S2B and episode 15 of the normal show, New Wartwood and Friend or Frobo stays too in order to help setup Wartwood's relationship with humans besides Anne and to get Frobo in. That brings the count to 12.
Then you do episode 17 as episode 13, Barrel's Warhammer and The Second Temple, because we do still need a bit more time with Sasha to prep for True Colors and The Second Temple is obvious. However, I'd probably swap their positions because then episode 14 is The Third Temple (so you don't have two temples literally back to back, even if the two are different episodes like in the actual show) and The Dinner... With Battle of the Bands being cut. It's Sasha's weakest episode, is just kind of reinforcement of a few elements and some expansion on the three's relationship, though mostly Anne and Sasha. The Dinner is needed though to get Sasha with the other two and heading to Newtopia because...
There is a quarter season finale now with True Colors. It is ABSOLUTELY the most radical choice in this rewrite and you could arguably say that it's not fair because Disney wouldn't have allowed them to have that episode as anything but a season finale. This is the only 'cheat' I'll give myself since I'm not altering episodes drastically or the like to fit in with the new time frame. Plus side: They'd have the compelling pitch that in five episodes, they CAN get back to Amphibia to make that the season finale. Otherwise there isn't really much to change before S3 because so much has to wait on the major turn of Andrias becoming the main villain. That version of this outline though, that S2 doesn't change at ALL, is... A genuine nightmare on a lot of fronts and honestly less reasonable than thinking this would be allowed and I'll get to why after the outline. Oh, there is one change that needs to happen unfortunately: Frobo probably doesn't make it in this version after this. Polly and him unfortunately just aren't important enough to really get the wrap up they do in S3. It does mean that mechanic Polly during the ending probably has an RC robo or the like with her to help explain where her being a mechanic came from.
Anywhos: Episode 16 is The New Normal... Mixed with Anne-sterminator. Anne is honest about the danger they're in from go and instead of the quarantine montage, we get her actually beating the Cloak Bot first try to show how far she's come to her parents and to show off the new powers alongside their cost.
Then you do Fight at the Museum followed by Turning Point for episode 17 to start the ball rolling on getting back as well as get Sasha into place and finish up her arc.
Episode 18 has Temple Frogs because the Plantars DO need to still connect with Earth and Temple Frogs is EASILY the best episode of that as it explores how different Anne is from the start of the show and how that isn't entirely a good thing because of the things she's now ignoring, fits thematically with the show as a whole and is just a lot of fun. The other side meanwhile is Olivia and Yunan. I would almost not advocate for keeping this episode for a lot of reasons but it's kind of necessary in order to set up for:
The Core and the King is in episode 19 because Andrias' backstory is REALLY important to how he is beat and to also understand what the Core is and what the kingdom of Amphibia can do. What the stakes are to all of this. It is also the one segment in the actual show itself that explores the villain so you can't really cut it. The other half of the episode though is If You Give a Frog a Cookie because we need Terry.
Especially because you might have noticed that I didn't include Mr. X. There just isn't room for them for the most part which luckily... Is okay. He's fun but his parts can be mostly replaced either with faceless people or Terry. You can also just go with his first appearance actually being him taking the Plantars in this episode. Maybe there's been foreshadowing at the end of Earth segments of someone watching. Something that only takes a few seconds but builds up to honestly having Escape to Amphibia be mostly the same as it was but with a reduced cast and less familiarity with Mr. X as a villain.
So that covers S2. Now there are 3 45 minute specials on average to cover all of S3B. Or more so there's two specials to cover the seven episodes between Escape to Amphibia and The Hardest Thing because Amphibia's finale already had an extended time slot. As 45 minutes is effectively two episodes each, you need to save on three episodes. Six segments.
That's... easier said than done because the segments are actually incredibly important to Amphibia's storytelling and these specials could technically be split into four segments each but more likely they actually have to tell a through line story per special. You can't jump AS MUCH as you could before.
So Special 1 starts with effectively Commander. The reintroduction to Wartwood and the finalizing of Sasha's new self after her character arc is not something you can really leave out. Plus side is that Commander Anne is a really efficient eleven minutes to introduce what Amphibia is like now and you probably don't do the pampered brat routine with the Plantars which is not a real loss. The theme of this special though is allies so the target of Sasha's mission when Anne gets back changes.
The goal is now to free Mother Olm. This way you can skip the Olms themselves and still get the prophecy and foresight from Mother Olm that sets up the finale. It also allows a smooth transition into meeting with Mother Olm in general. She warns them they'll need allies once they're done and we get a montage of the a lot of what people consider filler in S3 with getting allies, though mostly the Toads, Newts and the Killerpillars probably. You could also do this with people splitting up so that each one gets a truncated version of the full segment to get them. Then the final portion of the special is Sasha and Anne hoping their efforts paid off before Sprig shows Lief's hidden room to get Lief's letter.
Then Special 2 is effectively episodes 16 and 17 of S3. Just consolidating the army, heading out, then protecting Earth after midway through the special everything goes wrong. Not really anything even has to be changed here really except just smoothing out the transitions between segments. Admittedly, the Plantars probably rely more on Domino 2 to replace the loss of Frobo and unfortunately Polly just doesn't have a lot to do in All In.
Then Special 3 is literally just The Hardest Thing. Pretty much no changes I think because the elements for it have still been covered.
And that's it. It's not by any means perfect of course. Elements are rushed and some elements probably feel neglected or abandoned entirely. I already mentioned Polly but this version also means Sprivy is ignored post S1 effectively and just has a nice come back at the end of the finale (which is a good argument for Ivy on the Run over Toad of Redemption for the filler segment in episode 10 of the rewrite). Worse yet... Sprig is kind of ignored and Anne and his friendship is mostly left fallow. I admittedly don't think the show does the best job keeping it burning post S1 but S1 sells it HARD already as part of the stable base of the show so it's not a big problem. It also harms the connection to Amphibia itself so a line like "They aren't Amphibia's greatest treasure" doesn't hit as hard.
It would almost certainly feel actually rushed... Which is a fuckton better than what happened with TOH because TOH doesn't feel rushed. Its three specials are incredibly bloated with plotlines THEY introduce, or S2B introduced, that go nowhere. Or hell, resolutions that mean nothing, like how Luz finishes her character arc THREE. FUCKING. TIMES. Even people who love TOH still will admit the majority of For the Future is filler. That it does nothing to actually move anything forward, wrap much of anything up that couldn't have been left alone (besides Stringbean but that moment is cut off at the knees immediately by the finale's dream sequence) and those are people who won't bring up how Willow had her power problems resolved literally two seasons ago. S3 is so bankrupt on what to do to fill the time that they bring it back anyways, alongside Kikimora who has NO REASON to still be a villain we're dealing with.
That is the HUGE difference here. TOH doesn't actually feel like we're missing out on anything with its S3 besides fluff and maybe a bit of exploration on the whole Grimmwalker thing. The specials just don't feel like they actually know what to do in the first place though. It makes it feel like we're mostly missing out on filler but there's already so much of that in these episodes. Even the elements that could have been expanded, like Belos backstory, the human realm shenanigans and the Collector's redemption are rough because none of these are from before the shortening. Only Hunter's arc is really something stared BEFORE THE SHORTENING. Belos' backstory and the contradictory nature of The Collector, like how he absolutely knows what death is during Hollow Mind and is a complete evil fucker there... Are written in S2B. They were included and written as part of the shortening. Hell, the human realm and the Collector as a whole weren't even planned for S3 supposedly. They were things they wanted to do but didn't have a place for them and so just jammed in these MASSIVE new elements that needed more time than was available with no care for the fact that they had NO TIME. (I don't have a source for this unfortunately.)
Admit you didn't have a plan for your show without admitting you didn't have a plan.
That also brings up an element that I brought up at the top: How much the story might have actually changed. I'm having to work off of the main outline provided by the show but it's entirely possible that The Core might not have been included. That Earth might not have. Changes would have happened to the overall story and it's kind of impossible to reasonably guess how. After all, I wouldn't have guessed that an all powerful child and a trip to the human realm would have been responses to a shortening for The Owl House.
So I did my best and I still stand by that this would still be a fine to good version of the show. That it wouldn't have been impossible to tell a full narrative with the time given. One that is still thematically coherent, has a strong finale that doesn't contradict itself and still has plenty of fun in it to counterbalance the higher focus on the more dramatic elements.
That's still a LOT better than can be said for TOH's finale, let alone its three specials.
I ended up just rewriting the outline as a way to give it more thought instead of copy and pasting the first one I wrote. *whimpers*
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aknosde · 1 year
time and chance
// Jaime Reyes & Brenda Del Vecchio // Grief/Mourning (though no one’s dead) // Emotional Hurt/Comfort // me looking at jaime: fuck up his back!! // capital P Platonic btw // 1.4k
“Okay, what’s up?” Brenda asks, Jaime twisting in his seat yet again, getting ready to crack his back for the approximate thousandth time since they got to the library.
She supposes it might be a little hypocritical of her to be so annoyed at him for it when she was the one to teach him how to pop all his joints in the first place. It had been like their secret handshake when they were in middle school, sitting on the curb of the strip mall after her Aikido lessons, waiting for their parents to pick them up; an overlong process beginning with their knuckles then wrists, wrists to elbows and shoulders, down to hips and toes and then up again for backs and necks. Five-year-old Milagro had a song she sang along with it when they were on the Reyes’ living room floor, syncing up the pops so the sounds would echo around Paco and make his features scrunch up, but it had been forgotten while Jaime was missing.
“Nothing,” Jaime grunts, frustrated. “It’s just”—he twists further to his right—“I can’t”—he tries his left—“crack my back.”
Brenda raises a brow, unimpressed. “And of course the fact that you’ve done it a dozen times in the past hour shouldn’t prevent it now,” she says.
“It never worked,” he complains, flexing out his shoulders. Brenda weighs the effort of arguing with him versus actually doing something about it—both will disrupt her US Hist essay, which (to be honest) flew out the window half an hour ago—and stands up.
“Fine,” she says, wringing her hands out. “I’ll do it.”
You can only manage your own back so well, in reality, and she has to admit Jaime does a lot of heavy lifting. At the very least he was the only guy who never shied away from cracking her back for her after she grew boobs. One could say she owes him, not that she’d tell him that.
“Lie down.”
Typically Brenda uses the hug method to crack people’s backs—Tía Amparo says that’s what makes her hugs so good—but (if she owes Jaime) she’s gonna do his whole back; he has to be on his stomach so she can work her way down. He does as she asks, despite the disgusting low pile carpet of the library, and rests his arms at his sides. Brenda positions her hands between his shoulder blades.
“Breathe in,” she tells him. “Breathe out.”
She presses down. Nothing happens. Jaime’s back is smooth and solid beneath her palms, no ridge to be felt. She frowns and moves her hands lower, trying to recall last semester’s Anatomy.
Something hard like bone rises to meet her hand as she depresses, but nothing shifts or pops as she applies pressure. It’s not shaped like a normal vertebra she realizes, moving her palms in a slow circle in an effort to get something to crack. Under her hands it feels like a four-point star, reaching out to meld into Jaime’s rib cage. Did a rib heal wrong? She knows he’s cracked plenty, but typically he’s back in commission within a day or so.
She sits back on her heels, inspecting the curve of Jaime’s back though his shirt, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, when he shifts. The hem of his shirt rides up and reveals: no trail of vertebrae that disappears under the waist of his jeans; a small but intricate mass of black and blue metal attached to his spine like a tick. She reaches out to it, but before she can make contact—
“Don’t–!” Jaime snaps, and Brenda jerks back, her fingers glancing off the side of it—body-warm metal and the impression of engravings tattooed on the pads of her fingers.
“Jaime,” she breathes. He’s veered away from her too, and they’re left sprawled on the ground, the blast radius of an invisible bomb.
Somehow, Brenda never understood what “fused to my spine” meant.
Jaime slumps back against the floor, his head grazing one of the table legs.
“Shut the fuck up,” he says, and it takes her a full five seconds to realize he was speaking to the scarab—tone pitched low, eyes cast to his shoulder—and not her. He looks pissed and panicked leaning against the library table, an arm curled over his stomach, and Brenda finds herself thrumming with anxiety and concern in equal measure across from him.
Brenda is no stranger to scars, but there is something to say about the clean lines of split skin and broken glass as opposed to the mottling of a burn, the valley the scarab has carved down Jaime’s back. The skin around the implants has been corroded, warped and eaten away to make room for alien constructions.
“Jaime,” she starts again, but he holds a hand up, rubs his brow before sagging into his palm. She scoots towards him, close enough to tentatively touch his shoulder. When he doesn’t shift away she leans into his side, and sure enough he lets his weight fall into hers. If there is one thing Brenda has grown to realize since he returned, it’s that they are still kids that chat through movies and wipe out playing tag in the Walmart parking lot. But that’s not to say the grief disappears. They are also kids that cry on their beds and cling to each other when faced with the unknown.
It occurs to her that with the scarab, she won’t be able to crack Jaime’s back ever again. She wracks her brain for the last time she did, but in the terrible year he was missing—between police interviews and hospital visits, struggling to start her junior year and moving in with Tía Amparo—she can’t find it. The last crushing hug she gave Jaime is lost just like Milagro’s song. She begins to cry.
“B?” He brushes a piece of her hair behind her ear.
“Sorry,” she says, rubbing her eyes. Though far too familiar with the concept herself, Brenda cannot imagine Jaime’s pain—something she has spent the last two months diligently not thinking about. What is it like to come home and find that your family, your friends, have lived without you? That there are milestones and moments you will never recover? And all that loss you were subjected to, the suffering of your family, it was at the hands of an alien entity embedded into you, taking over your body, impossible to remove. She thinks of Jaime’s scars and she is horrified by the magnitude of his hurt. It was something she always wanted her friends to be spared from. “It’s really stupid.”
“You? Never.” There is no crinkle around his eyes as he says it yet she knows his pressed smile is real, if sad. He means it.
“Just–” Brenda waves a hand through the air sharply; frustration and anger are much easier emotions than bereavement and sorrow. Her voice falls. “I’ll never be able to crack your back again.”
Jaime is quiet for a moment. He drops his gaze and tucks a loose curl behind his ear, his shoulder still pressed into her own, and then he reaches around and pulls her into a strong hug. One he doesn’t let up. They’re clinging to each other on the library floor, two sailors adrift at sea. After a moment he shakes against her, silently sobbing, and she begins to cry again.
She thinks she has seen Jaime cry more in the past two months than possibly her entire life before, and that fury comes alight in her chest again—toward the Justice League, for leaving him behind; toward those who created the scarab, for its existence; toward Jaime’s God, for allowing it all to happen. Brenda has always known the universe to be an unfair place, but she never stops being outraged about it.
“I love you,” he whispers. It’s apology and gratitude, a good-bye for something long gone pressed into the junction between her neck and clavicle, a joint she will never be able to pop. It’s everything she’s needed from him this past year, everything she had but didn’t have a place for. Brenda owes Jaime nothing for their childhood, she owes him for this: her life full to the brim, Tía Amparo, the Reyes’, Paco, Jaime, all together.
“I love you, too,” she tells him.
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jinanreona · 2 months
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@trestole sent:
When he walks into his room he would be greeted by a microwave placed right on his bed, wrapped into a yellow bow with a note attached on it's window that reads as follows " You're welcome bday brat uwu, i bought it with your money btw " that she stole while she snuck into his room again " Now you can stop being more pathetic and embarrassing than you already are and practice using it" tho it would not be hard to see that behind the said microwave gift was another box wrapped into the same bow.
One could not miss it because it was really long actually. Should he open it, he'll find inside a billiard pool stick made of quite high-quality wood and having a custom pattern carved and painted on the base, one that would match the patterns on his tamashi-mina outfit, the mask he was wearing being the central point of the design. She was obviously not gonna buy him a whole ass pool table however she did notice he was fond of the game back in PlayfulLand. //learn to fucking use the microwave yo useless ass
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It's hard to miss the long box and microwave when he returns to his room, any thought of relaxing leaving his mind now that the obstacles kept him from just jumping onto his bed. Settling on the edge of the bed, he plucks up the little note, instantly recognizing the cat burglar's handwriting. Oh so she'd remembered his birthday. Cute~
He makes a confused face at the note when she mentions stealing money from him, not having noticed anything missing. Then again, he rarely counted out the bills he had stored away in there...
Regardless, her wish would have to wait for now. After all, this 'pathetic and embarrassing' lion had better things to do. "As if," he mutters with a slight roll of his eyes, making a note to make Jack take the microwave downstairs into the Savanaclaw kitchen later. After all, he was an oh so generous housewarden that loved sharing with his students. Surely they'd enjoy using this microwave (and preparing some food for him while they're at it). At least Dana didn't have to worry about her gift going unused~
The long box caught his attention next, Leona half-expecting Dana to have gotten him an arsenal of kitchen utensils so he could learn to cook. Putting the note on his bedside table, he leans the rest of the way over to pop the box open, blinking at its content.
To his surprise, a cue stick was resting within the box, the decorative design instantly recognized as those that adorned his robes back home. Lifting it up, he rotates it between his fingers, taking in the detailed carvings and surprised Dana had found someone to make this for him. Or rather, he was surprised she'd gone to the trouble to do this for him. Who knew she cared?
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His expression is neutral for a moment, seemingly lost in thought before a subtle, genuine smile teases at the corner of his lips. "..." Just as quickly as it appears, the smile is replaced with his usual smirk as he gets up from his bed and heads for the door. Time for a visit to Ramshackle.
Why wait to play (and win) when Dana was likely still awake at this hour?
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