#i didn't put her plot bunnies on here bc it got hella long but she has loads so just come hit me up ahdhdh
ofaurcra · 5 years
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hello all, admin c with you again to introduce you to my first and foremost og muse here at daegu and my sweet but equally spicy dork yoo aurora, better known as rory, your local florist and aspiring business owner hbic !! below the cut you can find out a few basics about her and her background, just hit the like on this and i will eventually i promise get round to messaging you for plotting as well !! let’s get it chief :  
aurora comes from a very well off and established family, her father is the owner of a big business trading company in japan and america, as well as some other locations overseas. her mother on the other hand, had dreams of becoming an architect that were assured to crumble after falling for aurora’s father, she was forced to throw those away in order to be his chairwoman and do her bit in further heightening his career. 
the family history is tormented for sure but rory was always taught to believe that it’s just the typical rich people chaos and way of life so she shouldn’t complain or behave in a hard done by manner. 
when she turned seventeen, the big family secret came out that her father had an affair with one of her fellow students who she considered a close friend, the girl was around twenty four. but her mother and father decided to keep the secret buried in the agreement that it would be best for and protect the family, or more so their reputation, the most. 
they stayed married despite the scandal, in a bid mostly to keep the news from going big in the media and ruining everything rory’s father had built for himself and established. 
aurora was taught to be quiet and obedient, she was not meant to have big dreams of her own and was expected to wait patiently to have a part in the family business after her brother ( @hirofm​ ) became successor given training from her father. romance was off the table and so was being a reckless teenager, she would consider potential suitors only that her father introduced her to from big name families with lots of money and investment in his company. 
this didn’t sit well with her, especially since she felt she was being forced to mirror her mothers misfortunes. the family dynamic became tense, aurora not being able to simply move on and forgive her father like her mother had done and give in to his every demand or instruction. she moved out rather young and began to live alone, making the journey from their life of luxury in america to a life on the streets in korea. 
her father was enraged and cut off her access to the family fortune, her mother offered no help to rory after her depature as it soon was followed by suffering the loss of her late mother whom she had felt was the only one who could keep her surviving rory’s fathers cold and calculated world. 
it didn’t help that hiro eventually followed in her footsteps not wanting to inherit his father’s lifestyle and fleeing. finding a love for art instead and being inspired by his sisters bold move, he set out to look for her and pursue his goals elsewhere, undisturbed by his fathers control. 
aurora works three jobs, her main one being in a flower shop that she set up herself with help from two close friends, though she often is working there herself and accomplishing every task,  her position is manager. she also works the night shift at a bistro and when she can will man the information desk at the local art museum. she also works in her spare time for a little extra income when the opportunity arises in the local library, which she considers her safe haven. 
the main reason aurora is such a workaholic is due to her fierce independence and need to show she is a capable woman but also because since being disowned from her family, she struggles to get by day by day on a good income to keep herself living comfortably. after experiencing poverty on the streets for a good portion of her teenage life she is still in the mindset of never resting to ensure she has a comfortable living. much of her nature is still a survival of the fittest in a man eat man world mindset. 
she’s opening up her own fashion boutique soon as her next big project as owner and manager once again, after studying hard online and in the occasional night class for a few years to get a degree in fashion design. something she’s always been very interested in. now hiro has located her, she’s also hoping to buy out a nice space for him to have as a studio which he can use for leisure but also make profit out of. 
she’s become very business savvy, it’s always been instinctual to her and in her blood, think fallon carrington in dynasty ( the cw reboot ) as a major source of her inspiration as a character and lucy liu’s character in the film set it up. 
some people believe her to be vain and materialistic because rory can appear quite the bitch due to the fact she’s so stubborn minded and arrogant about the independence she fought hard to establish. despite her harsh circumstances she never let it stop her from appearing to be the boss bitch she is on the inside or the outside either and so a lot of her habits from her old and more well off lifestyle lingered in terms of self confidence and appearing quite the babydoll aesthete. 
she really isn’t a bitch in the slightest, she does have a firm and strict outlook and a get shit done attitude and approach to most things in life but if you get close to her then she will consider you found family and savagely go to no ends to protect you and offer you the best she can do.
despite her busy lifestyle aurora is a nurturing friend who often makes time to socialize and be there in times of need. her favorite hangout spots for some downtime tend to be fancy cafes, botanical gardens and art exhibitions. she’s also one for chilling at home with wine and a cheeseboard, literally her kryptonite. this girl is also loyal to a fault, like she will stand by you no matter what, even if she got pissed and distanced herself a little. she’d still come running any time you called her in a crisis. 
if you can’t find her, chances are she’s in the local library or a music studio room somewhere practicing piano to calm herself, these particular places she’s especially prone to when she has high anxiety. she’s a very talented pianist as well, it was something, one thing, her dad actually longed for her to pursue a career in part time. 
has a roommate in her apartment since she thought it important especially due to the fact she gets less social time due to all her working, this is a potential plot connection so do feel free to snatch it up. she’s rather close with them and quite the mom friend over them. 
she owns a tonkinese cat and a singapura kitten named kimura and romi respectively and they are the lights of her life, she’s a very loving cat mom and the two animals are adopted from a shelter, having been nursed back to interactive and excitable cats from less fortunate and painful upbringings so she is a rather proud cat lady indeed. 
since growing steadily but surely with her stakes in the business world and owning more of her own companies, she hopes to buy out her father and take over from him someday to watch his oh so precious material world burn down around him and leave him with nothing, the same way he did to her and hiro. but she also hopes to do this so that when she takes over she can run the company better and treat the employees with the respect they deserve after her fathers cruel treatment. 
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